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lonely together edition

Last thread: >>31513849
On average, how much a day do you usually dedicate to chores?
I wish I knew what women wanted from me.
i don't really know. i don't think of stuff as "chores" and "not chores", i just live and do things i need to do. is cooking a chore? is laundry? is sweeping? is gardening? is showering? i just do my day.
F. Most days barely any time at all but once every 3 weeks I'll spend like 10 hours cleaning.
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What do you think about this?
Half warrior half jester, peacocked and athletic but like a track athlete not a bodybuilder
State gender and, What is the hottest thing your partner could say right as you're about to orgasm?
If your man sings all the time but he’s not very good is that a turn off?
I dedicate maybe 5 hours a week to chores
on average around 2 to 3 hours a day
I love you
Very few, but that's because I pay for a cleaning service so my chores are mostly just laundry and dishes.
>get me pregnant
or something along those lines

M, "Don't cum inside me!"
F maybe half hour or so. I find a little each day helps it not pile up.
Yes. I'm sorry but I HATE that.
Nothing, don't distract me.
i don't know. i think half of what would make it hot is it being unexpected
no, i don't mind. i hum all the time but my voice is bad and can't hold a note good so it would be nice if we could sing badly together.
>so buck broken by the zog machine that you see chores as normal
damn, grim.

0 hours, my mom does all the cleaning and stuff for me
Women, Would you rather date a fat and balding guy or die alone?
This kind of thinking is wise and makes life more bearable I think
"Fill my ass"
"Are you going to cum baby?"
"Give me your cum"
Why do you keep asking this?
Why do we ask anything?
State Gender
Do you like dirty talk? What are the hottest things your partner can say to you during sex?
yes i love dirty talk
"I'm HIV positive, you're gonna die"
You seem to want to keep confirming that women wouldn't date fat balding men to continue wallowing in your own pity, since you've already asked this multiple times.
That is one possible interpretation.
F. Not particularly. It's usually awkward like we're running lines for a scene but we're bad actors.
He does it because he thinks it's funny. You don't get it because you're not fat and balding.
"Hold my hands"
i wish cigarettes were good for you and not stinky. they look so cool.
Don't do it. My nicotine fingers stained my phone case. I smoke out of a bowl and it's broken rn so I look like a crackhead not cool.
What are your thoughts about long makeout sessions?
How recently did he shave?
It matters.
3 minutes ago
I find it super hot when a woman is possessive over a man's dick/balls/cum, like
>"Jerk off MY cock"
>"give me MY cock"
>"These are MY balls"
>"Don't waste a drop of that cum, it belongs to me"
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Is this true?

M, I really like it. It doesn't take anything special, something as simple as "Your cock feels so good!" satisfies me.
I feel pretty good about it then
Honestly just hearing a woman say "cock" and "penis" and "balls" is hot as fuck
Both genders
Do you think trans-attracted men are
i am not going to. the nicotine doesn't appeal to me at all i just think it looks cool. aesthetically.
>tfw no masochist small vagina gf who’ll let me slam into her walls and cervix like a retarded beast.
I probably look more like the kind of prostitute the main protagonist would see.

You could always get some of those chewing gum cigarettes lol. My brother would blow the cornstarch out the end and pretend he was smoking when he was little.
No. They are supergay
>and cervix like a retarded beast
being attracted to the same sex is homosexuality by definition
F. It's hard to answer this question as a bi person because I don't know what being completely straight feels like. I wonder if it's not a spectrum just like most preferences. Like there are the straights who only like pussy and then there are the "straights" who are attracted to femininity but aren't that fussed about the genitals in particular as long as there's a hole.
>I probably look more like the kind of prostitute the main protagonist would see.
What kind of prostitute would he see?
You never felt attracted to a transwoman?
would you date a trans man that passed well and has had top surgery?
A cheap one
F. I think they are gayer than regular gays. Mentally ill too
Yeah, it's straight, they're dating women.
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Women, please take your foot off the gas. We're sorry, okay? We're sorry.
I have only met two and they were plainly male looking
yeah, but then i'm a bisexual femcel
I'd try it. I've seen a lot of trans men with really attractive faces. Not sure if it would work out in the long run though. I am bisexual but for long term I need real dick.
I’ll never understand how some women are into being tied down and fucked like a whore.
Women would you date a guy after hearing he's been titty fucking single mothers weekly for several months
Same reason people like being drunk. Letting go of control is a little exhilarating.
anon, youre a fat tard, and thats ok. doesnt mean you have to bring it up all the time
It is gross I to taste the girls emotions through her pussy and the piss sweat and filth get in the way
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Would you date this guy?
Of course not. If you knowingly have sexual attraction to someone who's the same sex as you are, you're not heterosexual. End of story.

Now, if you're dumb enough/blind enough/deaf enough that a male tranny actually manages to deceive you into thinking that he's a woman, you're still heterosexual if you're attracted to him, at least until you figure out that he's a man. It's kind of like, if someone disguises a rock as an apple and you try to take a bite out of it, that doesn't mean you like to eat rocks, it just means you thought it was an apple.
Mmm you're attracted to the passing ones huh?
Would you ever role play a kidnapping bondage scenario?
10 dollars a trans woman made this comic
What if you like chicks with dicks and to dominate effeminate, weak males?
>titty fucking single mothers weekly
Where do you find them?
lol, don't be so hard on yourself anon

why is there this idea that someone being trans is trying to deceive others?
Hi /atoga/! It's me: The anon who met his gf at church. She met my parents last night. I took them all to dinner. It was wonderful. Afterwards she and I went to her favorite scenic overlook together and cuddled while the sun went down. We briefly looked at engagement rings on her phone. I'd hidden a present in the glove compartment of my car and, when we headed back, asked her to check if it was unlocked. Lol. It wasn't anything expensive, just a book and some chocolate, but it was wrapped and had a bow. We're both in our 30s (me, late 30s; her mid-30s) and neither has dated much in the last decade. The current plan is to meet her parents next week and to go ring shopping sometime soon.

I guess the point of my post is to say, it's possible to find someone IRL even when you've been out of grad school nearly a decade. I'm hopeful we get engaged by the end of summer, and if possible, by the end of July. At least informally anyway; we both want to have a betrothal ceremony at church.
depends how lonely i am
Can I be the kidnapper?
What's the internal mental state of a person that exudes charisma and sexual magnetism?
>We briefly looked at engagement rings on her phone
How long have you known this girl? When did you become gf/bf?
Because they are literally men who try to pass as women. This is deceiving. They then try to have sex with lesbians and straight men
Is this a joke?
Probably not anon, there are very few trans and if any "pass" it would have to be at a glance/with little focus on them because masculine features and body language would become apparent. The whole thing would rely on me literally not noticing them enough to notice they were male.
Have you ever orgasmed on a big dick?
No substantial thoughts or feelings whatsoever
The CHAD retard will inherit the earth
very strange thing to say

Typically a trans person will not hide that they're trans from you if you're wanting to engage in sex or in a romantic relationship.
Please don't notice I'm really faking this.
Picrel girl has a cock. Suppose she looks as feminine in person as she does in the pic. Would you smash?
it roots from the fact anon doesn't see their expressed gender as valid (therefore a trick) as well as the fact anon is likely assuming the trans individual has an ulterior motive or is just using the other person to validate their own (what anon sees as a) mental illness
life is miserable when the female/male ratio on atoga is so low
Pffft.... hahahahaha.
>Suppose she looks as feminine in person as she does in the pic
NTA, but...

sane response
I first saw her 9 weeks ago this Sunday.
We'll have been official 3 weeks ago this Sunday.
I recognize that's very fast. But we both know what we want, what we like in each other, and our values line up perfectly.
Of course, we're going to go on more involved dates before I pull the trigger. I think we're going to do day trips to our alma maters sometime soon. I want to take her on a trip to meet my business partner and his wife soon too.
Does girls prefer big dicks ???
No, because she looks super slutty. That's not a girl's idea of an attractive girl, that's a man's. Because she's a man.
Lol. I know I look like white trash I can own it! One thing I will never do is go to the grocery store in my pajamas though.
Good for you anon. I always figured I could find "someone" technically, it's just that in my 30s it feels pointless because I wanted to have kids and there simply isn't enough time for that with women my age.
State gender
Thoughts on Germany's new football jersey?
So your mental state at that point is "I want something and I will get it"? What is it that you want?

Interesting, thank you. Abundance in all forms or in a specific way?

You sound like you resent charismatic people for whatever reason. Why do you stereotype them as having empty internal lives?

What is it that you're faking specifically?
Trans males try to pass for women. They try to acquire all the looks and mannerisms of women. How is that not trying to trick others? If you didn't want to trick people you wouldn't try to look female and pass. Meaning of passing as something = to succesfully deceive others around you. Lol
> Suppose she looks as feminine in person

the mental gymnastics troonlovers have to go through

"pretend this obvious male with is a female ,THEN would you be attracted?"
You'd be surprised by the amount of men who wack it to trans porn. In fact, it's truer that there's more men willing to see "trannies" as fuckthings than there are men willing to see them as people they'd be willing to date.
I'm not really shaming anyone's sexuality or attraction, it's just what the numbers show.
Confidence and charisma.
She's about 6 years younger than me. There's still time if you move quickly. You won't have 14 kids, but if she's down you can definitely have 3-5. The longer you wait the harder it's going to be.
Ah yes. Bisexual representation.
>Abundance in all forms or in a specific way?
A general abundance mindset, but also an abundance of "energy" in general. Not the kind of "energy" we have when we're agitated and stressed, but real energy.
M or F

Are people getting uglier on average?
>didn't answer the question
would you smash?
I don't think so at all. But I'm not in america
is making out in a mmf better than in a mfm?
>Suppose she looks as feminine in person as she does in the pic.
Pretty strong assumption considering pics are meant to disguise as much as possible. Anyway even under that circumstance, no I wouldn't because "she" looks fucking weird. In a real life situation a cock is literally out of the question as well, having the correct sexual organs is pretty central to sex lol
I don't see it, but I wouldn't be surprised.
for the last time. it's a mouth noise. like mmph.
most people are getting sicker than average which makes them uglier
Depends on their anatomy. The clitoris is actually a large structure shaped like a "wishbone" that extends into the body. If the internal arms are positioned close to the vaginal walls she probably feels more sensation during piv and will appreciate a big dick more than a woman who's internal arms aren't as close so external clitoral stimulation is the only way she can orgasm.
There's a lot more homeless drug addicts with shriveled faces, I guess
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God, sometimes I forget what the average dude looks like nowadays.

I often wonder why women are willing to tolerate my awful personality.
>So you want men to view you
I'm a cis woman. Born as a woman, am a woman, have a vagina, XX chromosomes. Just because I don't have a rage boner against trans people doesn't mean I'm a trans person myself.

Either way, I'm just saying how it is. A lot of men are specifically attracted to trans women. I'm not saying it's bad or good.
do birthed women not also extenuate their femininity in order to seem more attractive? and, for example, do birthed men not also take creatine and other powders in order to become more muscular and therefor more masculine and appealing? no matter who you are, if you are looking for a relationship, you will likely follow the social queues and mannerisms of the gender you are presenting as in order to attract more people
You would feel attracted to her though even though she has a cock. If I posted her nudes with her cock showing you would have an erection
Don't let men know that sometimes the ends of the wishbone can extend as far as her butthole
Maybe an hour +- 30 mins
- Cooking ~30 mins
- Un/loading the dishwasher ~10 mins
- Un/loading the washer/dryer ~10 mins
- misc other (usually cleaning) ~30 mins
Doesn't include kid time.
How are you faking confidence and charisma?

Could you give me any advice in harnessing such energy? I used to have it but 2 years of bad sleep put a dent in my energy levels. I'm finally getting better.

Confirmed for LARPing since you're being mean. I know for a fact that charismatic people are almost universally kind to others.
i'm around but where are the questions i'm gonna answer??

i answered:

i'm not going to answer:
>>31517051 (spam)
>>31517062 (already asked itt)
>>31517097 (spam)
>>31517108 (fag)
>>31517135 (fag)
>>31517155 (spam)
>>31517169 (spam)
>>31517182 (spam)
>>31517196 (i don't know)
>>31517203 (spam)
>>31517223 (spam)
>>31517230 (i don't care)
>>31517245 (unanswerable)

i answer almost every question worth answering in these threads man but it's mostly "why do women (fallacy)?" and "i want women to talk about my fetish" and "trans trans gay sex trans" and "*throws up Recent Thing like a thoughtless automaton*"
obviously not. his face is very masculine and and he looks like a concrete block with two birthday balloons drilled on
>she looks weird
It's a her problem then? What if I posted another passing transwoman? Maybe a petite one?
Say your gender
What are your kinks that you'd want to explore with your partner? What are things that are absolute no go's?
You can only be male or female and you cannot change this.
F. I like it. The pink shirt and green grass are opposites on the color wheel so they make each other stand out. But I'm glad they fade to purple because all pink would be garish.
>>>31517051(You) (spam)
no, cope lol
That seems like a strawman. There's no deceit there.
Whats something you wish the opposite gender was better at?
The streets desu
I figure it's safer to do a nice oily titty fuck than actually proper
Women are women
Men are men
If you are man trying to pass for a woman you're trying to trick others
>(already asked itt)
I asked because one was specifically about when you're going to orgasm
communicating openly instead of keeping all their thoughts and feelings under covers
Is THAT why?!??! If you're not joshing I'm learning things about myself.
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You're confusing amplification for compensation.

When either sex enhances or draws attention to their respective sex characteristics, they're accentuating an otherwise perfectly natural feature of their biology. When a man dresses in women's clothing, he's compensating for his lack of natural opposite sex characteristics.

The argument that it's unnatural isn't a good one, I'll grant you, but the argument that it's counter-productive in the utmost extreme should be self evident.
Does being attracted to a model on a TV commercial mean you're attracted to TV screens? If a pig was magically transformed into an attractive model, are you attracted to pigs?

This is the 4chan version of the ship of theseus
my answer is the same. i don't know, most of why it would be hot is that it would be unexpected. i don't think there's any difference between mid sex or mid climax really, saying arousing things is the same all round.
not deferring to the opinion of an exterior social group when arguing about something
M, when I was living at home prolly averaged 1-2hrs a day
>they look so cool.
Do they?
Idk I just smoke cause I enjoy it and relaxing
I do have a thing for smoker girls lol
Take a shower brah
>even when you've been out of grad school nearly a decade
Bro some of us never went to school lol
Happy to hear of your good times tho <3
I have to fucking stop and see who I'm replying to, of course it's the fucking namefag.

>What are your kinks that you'd want to explore with your partner?
incest roleplay, we've done that.
I wouldn't mind voyeurism. Maybe even record a video but I'm not sure I want to cross that line.

>What are things that are absolute no go's?
Anal, choking, cumming in my mouth.
>do they?
i mean, not the cigs themselves, people smoking them look cool.
M. I like it.
Most of the guys who watch the porn are probably straight and if they met a transgender in real life would not find it hot.
Kawaii desu :3
M, yes, at least in terms of lifestyle
You can also hit the Posterior Fornix easier that way, so it might not be a single explanation.

I've always been fascinated by orgasm denial and ruined orgasms. Unfortunately it requires a really talented pair of well manicured hands and those are difficult to find.
>How are you faking confidence and charisma?
My body language, standing tall, eye contact, making gestures, speaking clearly, trying not to do stuff like um and uh, dressing nicely, smiling and humor, listening, and just talking to women.





How about this one: I sort of like one of my female friends and I would like to take her out on a date to see whether I actually like her, whether I'm just horny, or I like her but we're not compatible that way. Can you give me any advice on how to proceed in a way that would result in a continued friendship if she is not interested?
If you're male and into either of those things, then you're not straight.

Because they are. A male is not a woman, and claiming to be one, attempting to disguise as one, is deceptive. It's lying. You can be as feminine as you want as a man. Wear dresses, take your "titty skittles", put on wigs, chop your balls off, whatever. Go be happy, and I mean that genuinely. However, none of those things, not the way you view yourself, not the way you behave, not the way you want to be treated, not the way you look, not the hormones you've taken, not the operations you've had, and so on make you a woman. Womanhood is not some costume that a man can wear, no matter how serious he is about wearing it.

To be "trans" is to be a liar.
Color coordinating their outfits. I guess that's something I wish they cared about not something I wish they were better at though I'll pick something else.

Expressing anger and frustration in a constructive and non destructive manner.
Asking me out
>people smoking them look cool
TIL I look cool
M not being controlled by emotions. Also sorry.
Lol no. As bent as a coat hanger.
Thank you! It sounds like a good chunk of appearing confident is displaying affect, body language, and being well-groomed.

No because I only buy my cars new B-)
Anyways, your example for charisma is the most famous example of lowlife swindler? Your mental model is somehow worse than mine, that's impressive
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Should I go along to the pub today or stay home and work?
I like beer but I don't like people
This all seems very obsessive about male/female.
Maybe this is weird to me because I'm attracted to men, women, and androgyny so I'm not insecure about the fact someone may have a surprise pp or coochie.
For real kek. They be like
*Literal penis inbetween girl's legs*
>Look at her hands/shoulders/feet! Doesn't pass I wouldn't!
It wouldn't matter
I’m pretty open, as long as she doesn’t want me to beat her I’d explore anything within reason. Never been a submissive guy but I’d even try that too if she wanted. Pegging is a no-go. I’d love to explore some exhibitionism. Anytime a woman I’ve dated has told me she has something she wants to try it’s never something overly kinky. But they’re always so shy and nervous to say it. Mind you, this has only happened to me three times.
1 hour on average. Just cleaning dishes, laundry, and my room. Sundays tend to be more in depth cleaning.
Male. Yeah, overall people are getting fatter. I find all young women all have the same look to them too. Don’t know what it is.
Did you know that when you display your bare feet, including when you wear sandals, it makes me compulsively masturbate?
>What are your kinks that you'd want to explore with your partner?
Anal, rimming (her), facials, cumming in her mouth and on her body, sloppy blowjobs, ballplay, exhibitionism (her), hard to pull off sexual positions.
> What are things that are absolute no go's?
Anything feminizing or emasculating. Anything involving a man other than me.
Bio women, trans women, and male gays or bi, please state which you group yourself with:
Please rate on a scale of 0-10 how much you like/want dick, with 0 being hate it. Very curious to know.
>I come here just to bully incels you legitimately come here to socialize
Nta but bro you're literally here all day
NTA but can I ask you something? If you believe gender is the same as sex, do you believe in gender at all? Or do you use use the word interchangeably with sex because they mean the same thing to you? Is there a reason you're saying male and woman instead of male and female or man and woman?
I kind of don't mind the company of TERFs
I am going to fist your ass as though you were my puppet. I will ventriloquize you to say what I want as I have my hand deep up your rectum.
Bi F
take my advice with like a lot of salt because i do not have any male friends and ive never been in that situation, but i think that would be a real mess. whether or not its how YOU are, if you ask her out, she might worry you were just playing a long con and don't see her as a friend, just a potential date; then, worse, if she can reframe you and go on a date and then you're like "sorry, this isn't doing it for me", it'll be a big ego blow for her, and it will be work to re-frame you back into a friend position. i think a lot of women wouldn't find it worth the mental energy and just like, bail.

basically, if you are going to ask out a girl, make certain you are SURE you are into her romantically. i think friendships can survive with one sided attraction as long as it's not made awkward or the yearning one isn't constantly pushing for it, but a swap to that and then back is especially rough.

can't you just jerk off and see if you still like her after you get that whole after-sex clarity thing you guys talk about
actually, men can answer too for >>31517336. Just mention ur m.
not him but I did already specify having a cock as a central problem
for other anons I assume this goes without saying, he's just also saying the tranny looks like a clown
I think you come on here to compulsively brag about your life because you actually feel empty and inadequate. The one eyed man is king in the land of the blind.
Hetero M
The only dick I want to see is my own.
Sisters, don't date ass men/men who like anal
They are all gay and like transsexuals
Half the team aren't German. Might as well be a pride colour.
>They are all gay and like transsexuals
sounds based
The pub if for people, drink alone at home if you want beer
f, dick in total isolation, maybe a six, five. a man who has a dick, ten.
as in like, you're the mother or the sister or daughter? How do yall go about that? Like, what sort of stuff do you do to "promote" the incest environment? Or is it just like normal fucking but you keep saying, "fuck me harder daddy"
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Hey, metsphysics specialist here.

You're confusing an icon with an indece. A painting of an apple is simply an iconographic representation of an abstract class of object with a particular species resembling in form that which the apple appears to correspond with, i.e., an apple.

An index is something like the sign that's left behind as a consequence of a direct causal interaction with the essence of the object being referred through the signs qualitative form. So, the taste of a real apple is an indice of the essence of the appleness contained within the sum of your conceptualizations about the particular apple you're eating.

Trannies confuse these two classes of signs a lot because they're stupid. You can fool people into, for a brief moment, at a distance, not immediately thinking you're an indece of 'maleness', but the confusion is short lived.

Quite rapidly we realize we're dealing with conography, like a painting of an apple, and the spell you cast is dissipated in moments ... because the closer we look, and we don't have to look very close, we see that you aren't a real apple.
Ladies help me, I started dating this girl, she knows I’m a chiropractor and keeps making jokes about me having hot female patients. For example she’ll ask if I’ve “aligned any hotties today” and ask if I check out girls asses when they come in. She has even asked if I have gotten a boner at work if a woman with a fat ass came in. She does it in a “I’m making a joke” voice but is this a sign she’s insecure and jealous? I can’t deal with that.
They are getting fatter, so yes.
"My 4chan use is righteous and laudable, your 4chan use is degenerate and pitiful"
Anything as long as there is no:
>violence / pain
>no other men involved
Probably forgot some other stuff, but down to explore lots of things
That makes a lot of sense actually. Idk if it makes a difference for men how the orgasm feels whether you're having piv sex, stimulating mostly the shaft, or stimulating just the head but it feels different depending on how I got there if you know what I mean.
oh. that's great anon
She's literally just teasing. There MAY be a nugget of worry there but it's just that: a nugget.

Tell her the only spine that gives you a boner is the one attached to her.
Why is everybody so rude today?
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This is bad bait but
Part of the appeal is how hot her pussy looks empty while you fuck her
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ding ding ding
youre the millionth guy to ever call me JH congratutations you won a brand new (You)!!!

i guess we're similar. it happens constantly. why are you guys so obsessed with her? and also mean, i keep seeing people say really mean shit about her.
pubs are overpriced shit. It's only good to go to bars and the like for the social aspect where you're more paying for the envirmonment to hang. If you just like drinking, buy em yourself and drink at home, paired with some nice food and a movie/show, or even book
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>unironically thinking that gender is different to sex
Come down the pub with me
Bi F. 10. I enjoy a lot of different things but nothing hits like good dick.
>as in like, you're the mother or the sister or daughter? How do yall go about that?
Sister/brother roleplay.
>Like, what sort of stuff do you do to "promote" the incest environment?
Playing into things like going to reserve a hotel room and he says "for me and my sister. anyway we want a single bed". Outside in random situations he'd bring it up sort of the same way. Obviously never with people we'd think we were gonna see again
Eh I'm going with someone it'll be alright lol
Go back
I'll only get one round then we'll take turns
I'm not there just for the appearance anon. I want the real thing. Even a relatively butch looking tomboy is much preferable.
it's the namefag ruining everyone's buzz
I guess stimulating the shaft is like indirectly stimulating the head which is hot and teasing in its own way, so I have a picture of what you might mean.
ENTJ reduces thread quality about 20%
Alright, I appreciate your input. She’s just reminding me of my ex who was extremely jealous and did some crazy shit, and she made ‘jokes’ like this at the beginning of our relationship.
Not a bait really. I noticed guys who like anal are potentially into tranny shit. They are the weirdest, gayest most disgusting males ever
why am I so jealous of his lesbian friend? we aren't even together-together yet I know how it can go because I have had a gay man tell me that I was the first person to make him feel like he could really be bisexual/straight for me.

they're going to watch a movie on discord tonight maybe and I am very jealous or miffed right now
>boasting about it is good
Is it? Boasting can come across as arrogant or egotistical, dividing rather than making a connection. Constantly boasting may suggest a need for validation or attention and gives the impression that you're give the impression that you're insecure or overly focused on your own image. People might feel resentful or annoyed if they perceive you as constantly trying to one-up them or dominate conversations with your achievements. Listening to other perspectives and experiences allows for learning and growth.
Well usually gay men don't like anal until they're out of the closet ngl. Apparently they like frotting or whatever disgusting sex act they make up
Sex is parts
Gender is presentation
No you're not
Get back to work ya lazy cunt
People like you give healthcarefags a bad name
Both genders,
Favorite board game?
>doubling down on bait while claiming not to be baiting
Stop letting your territorial monkey brain win.
damn that's ballsy
>I'm the last straight man alive
that you? >>31517112
>Maybe this is weird to me because I'm attracted to men, women, and androgyny
This is exactly it. You don't have an exclusive sexuality, so an exclusive sexuality will seem alien to you.

If a guy is straight, like ACTUALLY straight, it's not like a food preference or whatever. It's not just "eh, I don't find penises sexy, so I'm not into them". It's an inherent revulsion. I spent all of college as a lonely virgin, but I was hit on by multiple men. I really, really tried to see if I could picture myself being intimate with a man in any capacity without being grossed out, just to alleviate my loneliness. But I just couldn't do it. The idea of kissing, sensuous cuddling, or any sexual act with a man whatsoever STRONGLY put me off, and so I graduated college without any sexual or intimate experience at all.

So the only way I'd ever sleep with a man is if he somehow tricked me into it. So, the trannies and trans rights activists who say that I'm an evil, vile bigot, an outrageously horrible person, for wanting to have sex with women yet not wanting to have sex with a man who calls himself a woman can all go fuck themselves.
I like ticket to ride and cards against humanity. Also your usual card games.

I mean what were they gonna do lol we're adults
F Twister. No, really.
idk you tell us. What she got that you think you don't?
>pederast accusing me of baiting for speaking the truth
Cope motherfucker. Like anal = gay to me
I wish men were better at saying the dress code for something, whenever I ask a man what to wear to an event or what everyone else is wearing if he is already there before me, they always say it's more casual than it is
Chess, but I also played a LOTR board game like 15 years ago and I thought it was good
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Why did gender relations fall so terribly in the last few years?
Anon calm down. No trans person without a death wish will ever go far into having sex or a relationship with someone without telling the person they're trans. That's what gets trans people murdered.
is frotting the one with the dead body?
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Why is this in my youtube feed?
I'm just sad, because I am a fool being used. Internet is evil and I hate being taken advantage of.
You know you should really take your trip off before you make schizophrenic posts like that, right?
I blame moids
>why are you guys so obsessed with her?
She's brazenly horny and ticks boxes for a lot of people's kinks. She's also extremely easy to bully.
holy fucking insecurity, glad I'm not this deep in the closet
this is wholesome
>f you ask her out, she might worry you were just playing a long con
That's what I'm most worried about. I hadn't thought far enough into her being able to reframe and then I decide I don't want anything. Frankly, I thought if anything she'd be the one to decide she didn't want to date and I'd be the one that would have to deal with that.

>i think friendships can survive with one sided attraction as long as it's not made awkward or the yearning one isn't constantly pushing for it
This is my one saving grace, where I think it would be nice to date her but I am honestly not yearning.
My biggest problem is I'm not sure how to figure out if I am in fact truly romantically interested.

>can't you just jerk off and see if you still like her
No, I gave up jerking off for a while so that I would have more drive to find a girlfriend
Bitter cat ladies who wanted to ruin things for everyone else
>board game
women are so dumb
this is mostly true in the US. it's because feminism throttled on into fighting for retarded shit. American has this culture of "now I need my reparations because I'm of the oppressed group".
No, it's just that Americans are fundamentally unlikeable and people are realizing it now that they have contact with literally anyone else

chess is nice because when you win it really feels like you've earned the victory. it also leads to great conversation because people are usually putting effort forth and are engaged. my favourite boardgame is balderdash though, its really funny(and not crass like Cards Against Humanity) and trying to trick people never gets old
>be woman
>doesn't want to date a pederastic male
>wow you're so insecure and in the closet!
Kek. Cope. You all trick women
The board is the thing you stand on, anon. You are the game piece.
Stfu you freak
A girl who left herself by deceived and had a relationship with the worst kind of men is completely unredeemable?
Even if I didn't like anal, I think I'd avoid women who hate it purely because they act like this. This is just sad.
I’m so excited for tonight.
What are you guys excited about today?
The main problem with that type of woman is when she never brings the next guy the same desire and passion as the shitty kind of guy she dated first.
Men are worthless garbage that can't keep up now
Straight men love women like me. Women don't like pederastic men, I'm not an exception. Cope some more, please
who is JH
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Stop watching videos with women then?
Would you date a guy who dresses like this?(this is a woman btw)
Did ENTJ FINALLY get banned?
I don't care about you. What you consider "straight" does not matter to me. I'll enjoy my sweeties who love butt stuff while living rent free in your head.
no, really, i just hear that word alot and i dont know what it means
Yes. And would also date if she's a woman who dresses like that.
She would never be marriage material
Unredeemable as in would I date them?
because I don't care, lol

The consequences of her actions are hers to bare
huh? please explain
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Women, sadistic choice ahead:
Would you prefer:
Having tits like pic-related (obviously not fake like them, just using them for size and shape comparison)
Be completely flat?
but monkey brain exist
I be knowing things ;__;
she has enough money to cosplay regularly and buy makeup and she is super pretty and SUPER PALE and WHITE like him I feel looksmatch mogged to hell and back by her/him, my skin is more of an olive gold tan. they can relate on liking the same game they hyperfixate on because they can afford it.

he also said he had a relationship dream with her but at the same time I feel hypocritical because I have also had intimate dream with people who are just my friend but I feel like I can't compete I don't even want to compete I wish I was whiter now(again)
Not today, but I'm looking forward to the holiday weekend.
>She would never be marriage material
>I'm getting married soon after being in that situation
Stupid question. Flat of course.
no, they look like a faggot and care way too much about their clothing and appearance to not be a complete douchebag.
>didn't say got out of that situation.
Flat, like I already am.
Flat. That would be terrible for your spine.
What do you want me to explain?
It means she manipulated a guy and a guy manipulated her. It's a win win. They'll both fuck up each other's lives.
who wouldnt choose flat regardless of the option
With the rise of social media and dating apps, Women found they could actually get Chad into their bed, but not much more than that.
Yeah for me it is.
>If you believe gender is the same as sex, do you believe in gender at all?
In a sense. Being masculine or being feminine are not the same as being male or being female. A man can be feminine, and a woman can be masculine. However, no amount of femininity makes a man a woman, and no amount of masculinity makes a woman a man.

Masculinity and femininity are just presentation. Surface-level qualities and behaviors. I'd argue a woman who's into sports, cars, and guns; who hates makeup, feminine clothing, and shaving any body hair at all; who loves working out, working with her hands, and so on; is more masculine than a guy who's into chick flicks, fashion, and decorating; who loves dresses, lace, and being fully smooth-shaven; who loves baking, cleaning, and so on. Like, she'd be WAY more masculine than him, no contest. However, she's still a she, and he's still a he. In other words, certain attitudes and behaviors are commonly associated with specific sexes, but they don't define those sexes. And I firmly believe pronouns, being a man or a woman, are determined by sex.
I don't need to trick anyone into liking me, I'm an open book, anon-kun
Social media, radical propaganda and lack of identity.
You know most women actually don't give a crap about their boobs, right?
Nothing. I unironically hate summer and normalfags aka you guys.
flat since I already kind of am
feels like the superior choice

However, they typically have a type and tend to go for the same types of men over and over. So even if they wanted to date a normal guy, they probably wouldn't feel attracted to them. The problem is more on their side than on the side of regular men being unwilling to give her a chance based on some previous bad decisions they wouldn't even know about.
F here, coconut water tastes like semen. I am wondering if other anons could confirm this
Does this mean I should consume more coconut?
Probably because you watched a video related to the tags in the video
I would love to have big naturals
Natural what?
Things are at least as bad in Europe and even worse in East Asia.
It might be a sign that she's bi or into cucking, try answering back with a "so what" when she teases you like this.
He's humiliated by what you did, or he's a cuck, neither one is great for either of you
>However, no amount of femininity makes a man a woman, and no amount of masculinity makes a woman a man.
NTA but anecdotes in our own species prove this statement to be completely false.
There's women out there who have boobs and are women in every capacity except they're infertile. They have vaginas. It's just that they were born XY and didn't have enough testosterone during their fetal development to develop male genitals. So it defaulted (the default state of human is always female).
They have internal testicles that don't function and vulvas, but no wombs.

>inb4 you say but this is an exception!
Exceptions to the rules are what make us understand how things actually work. Diseases also show how our bodies work.
Feminism is like throwing a grenade in gender relations.
It's whole purpose was to destroy and it did its job perfectly.
When your ideology is that the other gender is the enemy it is bound to test us apart.
State gender
Would you date a coprophile?
You men here say very strange things.
Nta but just want to say I'm female and this is how I see it as well. A female into cars/guns etc still will have a different energy than a man into the same things and vice versa.
Nigga this tranny mindbroke you. You are obsessed. Nigga, just close the laptop!
Has JH discovered new fetish again?
Ah you're a troon, okay tranny
This argument is utterly nonsensical
Trying to "deconstruct" a man as just a "woman" who didn't receive enough testoerone lmao
I wouldn't say completely, but I probably wouldn't date her, especially not if she got pressured into doing anything immoral.
That's cool. I envy the men who have the proportions to pull it off
>imagine I painted a piece of foam to look exactly like an apple, would you still think it's delicious and enjoy eating it?
you fags are so tiresome. just give it up already.
Seeing his lesbian friend makes me want to bleach my skin. They both are so pale maybe he just liked me as a joke.
No, you're not completely unredeemable..

>Hows going outside working out for you?
I go to work (in an office, so technically outside) and I come back home, where I stay until the next day.
This is how my life is going to look like for the next few years until I blow my brains out.
Antonio Rüdiger is more pure-blooded Germanic than you could ever dream of being, chud.
How is that sadistic? Completely flat by far. I already wish mine were smaller and I'm in no way a titcow, probably around average.
Are you a man or a woman?
>asks question aviut politics
>whew didn't know I was on /pol/itics
Enjoy being a retard.
Straight man here.
I agree with you. Anal is degenerate and just a symptom of extreme pornsickness.
You know, the world really would be a better place if all men were fat and balding.
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>"look, a man!"
You are really stupid if you're gonna call these women anything but biological women.
even doctors call them women.
Well, she is a lesbo. And if you're bf assures you he won't go after her or wtv, that's kinda all you got to work with. So yeah, first tell him about your insecurities with her so he tells you straight up. After that's it's pretty much a you think. A psych can't fix a person who is afraid of flying, but they provide help so they can cope with it. After he reassures you, then all you can really do is to try and cope with it.

You can try and get to know her better, try to involve yourself with their game, or try to make your own alone time with him. If over the next couple weeks you become a slob of a person + a bitchy gf, and the lesbo suddenly becomes straight/bi and starts flirting with your bf, you think he's still gonna stay with you? It's how competitive markets work - let her be a reason for you to not be a shitty partner. In the same way, your bf should also strive to not be a shitty partner. Yall should treat each other as if your relationship is on a timer (it technically is since everyone dies).

Btw. olive gold tan skin is hnnnng. You're probably very attractive, don't worry bout her. Also, even if you're the perfect gf, and he still cheats on you or leaves you, understand that it was never your fault or wtv, and he's just an asshole so you're better off without him.
Woman. Not sure what that has to do with the entire argument.
>inb4 he's gonna throw an ad hominem
? Eduarda is a famous transwoman. I got a crush on her
I get called a tranny all the time on here.
Agreed. Gandolfini-maxxing is the final clearpill. All enlightened seekers will eventually reach this conclusion.
There should be a mandatory test for men's attraction to bimbo features, where any subhuman who actually gets off to that should just be taken out and shot.
No. Straight men can't turn gay. Porn doesn't turn men gay
Why do you say that?
It's 4chan, it's normal that they do. But it's not based on science in any capacity. Science doesn't support that.
being a decent human being. resolving conflicts without violence - not committing 95%+ of violent & sexual crimes. being community-minded. active listening.
Monopoly is actually a shit game
and people who enjoy it are genuine psychopaths who want to see the world burn while they watch and laugh from the side.
> pederastic
honey, I'd be careful throwing that accusation around when you have a frigid pancake ass like a boy
women on social media blackpilling men with their behavior, duh
Words are only labels we use to communicate about reality anon.
They do NOT define reality. Reality remains as it is no matter how you try to redefine the words.
All you are doing is fucking around with word definitions. It is juvenile and stupid and only makes communication more difficult.
men can't handle not having women under their control so they lash out like preschool boys.
Oh? a pleasant surprise?
correct because almost all men are bi when it comes down to it
How do men feel about bangs?
I'm not though. These are just infertile women. Socially women, biological women, just infertile.
I thought men were all about le facts and logic. Science supports what I'm saying.
Straight men don't care about butts
I ate 8 peaches today.
:( looks fine to me
Here’s your animu meme, bro
I'm a Celt anon, not a Germanic.
Just answer the question, ma'am.
You're actively making your life and mental and physical health worse by freaking out over shit you have no control over. It'll weigh on your relationship and make things worse.
Stop catastrophizing. Focus on yourself. Not on bleaching your skin but something fun or constructive.
If you can't pull em off, don't do it.
A small amount of women got exactly what they wanted (destruction of the family) while the rest got skyrocketing levels of depression and anti depressant use.
Weird how when women went from mothers to wage slaves they became depressed.
>t. coping pancake ass
You get diarrhea yet?
I hate huge foreheads so I believe bangs are God's gift to humanity.
Thought you were gonna focus on insulting me because I'm a woman or trying to claim I'm trans and focus on that. It's why people usually ask.
>i gave up jerking off to have more drive to have a gf
dude. just do it once, to clear your head. better that than risking a whole friendship on a maybe, right?
Bi. Same answer as >>31517358.
delicious tummy ruined by a stupid meme
I like a big forehead and also like bangs
I will not believe the monopoly enjoyer's psyop
why are you bringing disorders of sexual development into a conversation about people who try to mimic and/or claim to be the other sex?
>Exceptions to the rules are what make us understand how things actually work
Sure but those legitimate disorders have nothing to do with the mentally ill. trannies will never be anything but fakers and degens.
Sure that is them, but YOU will never be anything but mentally ill.
Just. Answer. The. Question. Ma'am. :)
No :)
How the fuck are we gonna win against Spain?
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Personally I'm a big fan.
do you like long nails?
F. If card games count, War. Takes no skill so I actually have a chance of winning.
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We told women that they can lead and have children at the same time and now we're stuck in a situation where only rich or poor people can afford children.

Women cannot lead and belong sitting on a cushion in front of my throne sucking my cock.
1. What do you need to pull off bangs?
2. 90% of men can't pull off short hair but they do it anyway
In my experience, most girls like this are trying very very hard to be "the cool girl" for guys. They think acting like this will result in you thinking she's soooo cool for pandering to your sexuality. "See I'm not some frumpy hysterical girl who will get upset about you glancing at other women, I'm not like the other girls!"
Ultimately it boils down to insecurity.
I'm indifferent, well, maybe slightly negatively towards them.
Those are too "out there" for me fashion wise.
I ate 1/4 of a watermelon
>We told women that they can lead
Did you? Seems like you just said they can follow.
That's bad. Pray you get diarrhea. Drink tons of water.
If the girl likes em, I'll like em
... otherwise, no
That's far better than a woman who death glares her man for looking at another woman (while also letting herself go and being fat)
literally this
Feminism and social atomization, which reinforce each other.

Treating men and women as interchangeable, or equality as a good in itself, is delusional and dehumanizing, but the people who subscribe to the idea that equality is the highest good will get increasingly polarized and frustrated when differences remain. Those differences will be interpreted as either wrong in themselves, or evidence of ongoing wrongs/"oppression"--and when the egalitarian 'fixes' don't change reality, these people get increasingly frustrated and radical in their beliefs.
You see the same thing in incels and MRA types, actually. They have the same worldview as feminists, the same paradigm of equality being an absolute good, but they paint women as the villains rather than the victims.

Social atomization (helped along by the internet, but also things like industrialization and the rise of rootless commuter work), meanwhile, makes it so that people have a much easier time sorting themselves into bubbles that reflect their core instincts. In an unrestricted ("feminist"/egalitarian) environment, this means that gender differences get rapidly more pronounced; women, who now disproportionately interact with like-minded women, come to 'female-brained' conclusions about the world and devote their energy to disproportionately female concerns.
Same for men.

And when men and women DO interact, they see the results of this polarization, often get disillusioned by how different the other gender is, and thanks to the framework of equality, they see that as evidence of some kind of ongoing wrong.

tl;dr A cycle of mutual bitterness and isolation caused by a society without physical or moral roots.
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There are two kinds of men in this world
People who'd see this and type wife
I'm not him and I jerk off every day yet I still have a similar dilemma. What now?
Gay is literally just a fetish anon.
Can this loser stop talking about shit?
Hime cut master race
>cares that he looks like a faggot
>but also caring about appearance too much makes you a douchebag
How is it like to have a dick and put it inside a hole? does it feel better to masturbate or put it in a hole?
and you still can't tell if you like her romantically or if you are "just horny"?
Isn't this Sonic's mom?
women, how do you justify long nails?
I'm not sure if this girl was flirting with me a few months ago, but we had a pleasant chat in the mall. I was feeling like asking her out, but she had long nails and her body shape was that of a someone who hasn't climbed up the stairs in years. I immediately saw that as off putting because even though long nails look nice, I immediately knew she wouldn't be able to do activities I enjoy with those nails.
>why are you bringing disorders of sexual development into a conversation about people who try to mimic and/or claim to be the other sex?
Because, if you'd actually read what I say, it helps prove that sex isn't completely binary at all. In fact, chromosomes aren't even the only determining factor of bio sex. They're the main ones that have been used yes, but your body has variations with how it responds to its chromosomes. Look at men with Gynecomastia. Women with Swyer. Even the way your braincells work is usually aligned with specific chromosomes.

You're here trying to say Man is Man, Woman is Woman, but you do realize that even in the wild there's been cases of female lionesses growing manes and acting male. And every female in the pride acts as if they're male. Animals and us act on how others present, not on small details. If someone is presenting female, it's obvious we're gonna assume female. If male, male. If androgynous, we might be curious/confused.

You'll see I'm not the one hung up on definitions. You're the one trying to say that a completely female looking female is male because of some autistic obsession.
Sometimes, it doesn't matter that much though.
Based post.
you might care more if you were a woman locked in a jail cell every night with a delusional male that also gets disciplinary actions for calling a man a man. some women's prisons have started to provide condoms because the situation is so fucking bad now.
Do you rape animals?
>but you do realize that even in the wild there's been cases of female lionesses growing manes and acting male.
That's just a female lioness with hormonal dysfunction. It hasn't suddenly become male.
He's not even technically my bf but we talk close enough to be so probably. He assured me he only sees her as a friend and that he also doesn't still feel for his ex girlfriend either, he has told me dreams about both of them that made him feel weird or hate waking up. It makes me wonder how he feels about me as a girl since I know he finds me attractive and has even mentioned it's different with me since he is platonic with his lesbian friend specified there as a difference between us to him.

We met online so are long distance and so is his lesbian friend but she is probably closer to him even though none of us have met in real life.

I feel really displaced having darker skin than both of them. I have an asian background where it is common to bleach skin. I feel so weird and ugly compared to their pale skin. He also has a lot of mental health issues and will bring up how he doesn't get why either of us like him and he gets very depressed. I feel like I am being compared to her and losing.
Long nails are what finally made me believe that women aren't dressing for men's approval and are just doing their own shit, cause who the fuck thinks that's sexy.
>it helps prove that sex isn't completely binary
It don't think it does. I don't think anyone would choose to be intersex at all.
Hot, even though I probably don't even reach damn good
My general preference is that they not be stupidly long, otherwise I don't really care
>you might care more if you were a woman locked in a jail cell
I omegakeked
You are.
You are trying to use rare exceptions to have a commonly used word redefined.
It is nothing more than a fucking stupid word game. It has no bearing on reality.
>people who actually believe transgenderism is real
>raging misandrists
>mentally ill retards like ENTJ
>a dude who keeps talking about shit
great start to this thread
the head is very sensitive. I'm no expert in anatomy, but when men get aroused, a lot of blood starts going to the dick, therefore it enlarges (for growers, idk how showers work). In fact the head can expand a lot, but then as you touch the head and put it in a pussy, it feels really good as all of the nerve endings get caressed. I would actually compare the feeling with having a good shit - you know when the shit exits your body and for a second it feels good.
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tanned girls > pale girls
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Women, when did you last felt bullied or derogated by other women?
>90% of men can't pull off short hair but they do it anyway
most men are just ugly and look even more goonish with long hair
the advantage of short hair is that it takes less daily maintenance
that said I just let my hair go einstein mode because I have given up
Don't forget furries. Cherry on top of this shit cake.
I like how that one female is dodging the question of why she thinks she's a female.
Some people look good in bangs, some do not. The big forehead person might be a guy/girl who needs em, and bangs makes em look better. For some it makes it look worse. Unless you're good at photoshop or have experience with hair, even with pictures it's impossible to know for sure if it'll look well on you until you try it. Go for it, and if you don't like it, try a different way.

I do both short and medium long hair, and frequently try new things out. For guys who don't do short hair well, it's more likely that they just don't care enough about their hair. No one tells people when they're young to explore their hair/styles and it sucks, but if education were easy, everyone wouldn't vote for stupid people using em for money
Monopoly played by the original rules was a lesson in "the banker always wins in the end".
The past few weeks at work. Maybe I'll get fired. It's not my fault they're gossiping or whatever else. They're not all bad.
What kind of shit is that man? Are you people attracted to animals?
I've always been bullied by guys instead.
Not that anon, but the "science" you're referring to is literally what he said. Just a matter of labels, which are adopted by people like you to browbeat others into accepting a particular agenda.
Whether a virus is alive or not, for example, it will still behave however a virus does. Giving an
>uhm, ackshually
pedantic correction to the label "life" in an argument communicates no new information about the reality of the situation. Same thing with the supposed gender vs. sex distinction.
They look creepy as fuck.
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titmogging is so fucking hot
Both genders. Have you settled down below your standards?
>Treating men and women as interchangeable, or equality as a good in itself, is delusional and dehumanizing
that's nice but that's not what most feminist writings said before it got co-opted by rich fucks trying to destroy it from the inside out. men have the misconception that feminists want women to be treated like men when what we want is to be treated like human beings. we know there are very important differences between us but we shouldn't be treating each other poorly because of that [restricting from education, penalizing and retaliating for needing maternity leave, designing cities to favor drivers (majority male) while completely overlooking the needs of pedestrians (majority female, especially mothers with strollers), neglecting women's healthcare research, rape, etc].
Ok. Then you consider a woman with Swyer a man?
I can't even get a date below my standards these days
fuck off faggot
stop projecting
girls, how do you feel about relatively young men (20s-early 30s) rocking a stache?
What standards?
M Yes. I honestly don't understand why women think this is a bad thing.
Feels better to put it in the pussy but the orgasm is the same.
For women a lot of them look worse due to excess weight and drinking but otherwise no
I've never had a girlfriend.
time to jelq
>XY chromosomes
So, a biological man. If you told me to follow a formal definition of sex, then I would call those people men.
Sure, if I encountered them on the street, I'd assume they're women, and for medical purposes they probably are more typically female in their responses, but I am being completely honest with you that I wouldn't want to marry an XY, no matter what 'she' looked like. Because that's male.
when predatory animals play with each other, they often engage in pseudo-hunts, where one runs and the other chases, then pin each other down and pretend-kill each other. this is how they have fun.

why do people act so weird when humans act exactly the same? almost all sports involve running to escape someone chasing you, or trying to "get" the other person. that's normal. kids play war games and pretend to swordfight. adults do martial arts.

but when it comes to sex, when we engage in the exact same chase-catch-kill imitation, because it stimulates our brains exactly as biology intended, people act like it's weird. or at least guys tend to be like "ohh my god why are women freaks??" or worse "uhh why do they not like actually being raped, they like similar things in the bedroom" not understanding at all the idea of playing versus reality.
>men have the misconception that feminists want women to be treated like men when what we want is to be treated like human beings
Women have this misconception that they were treated "not like human beings" before feminism because they can't understand anything that happened before their own lifetimes.

> [restricting from education]
Do you know most people weren't educated for most of history? Men weren't going to public schools in 1450 while women stayed home all day
> designing cities to favor drivers (majority male)
This has to be trolling if you seriously typed this out
> neglecting women's healthcare research
I know that feel
I dated a girl below my standards and she dumped me
that is 1000% my thing. i don't like all white guys but white guys with a mustache and stubble beards are, unfortunately, my kryptonite
It evidently does get them into increasingly degenerate fetishes, though.
Oral used to be considered sodomy. But it was popular in gay porn, then moved into straight porn, and now it's near-normalized.
We are seeing the same pattern with anal.

Degenerate garbage that leaks into society from porn, spearheaded by gays, the most disgustingly perverted demographic around.
I'm single so no.
And I have tried dating far girls before.
They still don't want guys with autism. >>31517653
sorry juvenile play fighting seems insufficient to explain women wanting to roleplay rape scenarios
Real. I think a lot of women are still pretty these days. It's just hidden behind all that weight. Men can cope better as long as they're not insanely fat, don't ask me how that works.
I'm a flaming faggot that shits up this thread because I live in my mother's basement and have nothing better to do BTW.
Misogynists be like
>I hate women
>No I don't hate women I just think you should be second class citizens
>Women will you date me?
Kek. The moment I know you're against feminism you don't exist to me. Why the FUCK would I date men like that. Fuck you. You will all die alone
I genuinely can't remember. I can't remember if girls or women have ever done that to me. Men have been the terrors in my life and the ones commenting negatively about my body.
No I know I'm not "just horny", but I am also really scared about being seen as playing the long con.
hey beautiful
well his problem is knowing if he wants her or not. yours is just the social minefield. nothing for it. take the risk or not.
If you're man and you're attracted to males trannies or not it was not porn you were just never straight. I will never believe this "porn addiction" shit that's BS
this isn't even funny enough to waste your time typing out
Just realized that as a 26-year-old man, I have never made a comment about a woman's body to her.
>Both genders. Have you settled down below your standards?
I haven't asked out any guy because I was fixated on an ex thinking somehow he'd still want to reconnect. Turns out I was being stupid
it's a two part issue. the biological side means it's hard wired that we enjoy hunting and being hunted, it's stimulating on every level. the psychological side is essentially the same as exposure therapy. facing it on your terms takes away it's power on some small level. having gentle sex, a part of my mind will always be on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop, for a guy to go past my boundaries. if i say to hell with it and go rough, on my terms, and enjoy it, that tension and apprehension dissipates.

it makes no sense, but it's how our brains work.
I always wanted a short shy guy who likes single-player games but settled for a tall extrovert finance bro because the former types ghost and avoid me whereas the latter approaches me everywhere
Not trying to be funny maloid. Cope
doubling down on trolling is still trolling
Biologically, yes.

How is what I said hurtful?
I'm just saying that, while we attach meaning to labels, the labels don't change reality. By the definition of gender/sex (no difference to me) I subscribe to, XY is male, period. And I don't want to be with a male.

Of course, I feel bad for people with actual genetic disorders, those who didn't even know they were genetically male their whole lives. I can't imagine how disorienting it would be to find something like that out, that you're infertile because you're not technically a woman.
I would try to be understanding and accommodating of 'her' (I'm not opposed to calling someone with that disorder her, but the quotes are there because I want to be clear that I don't subscribe to gender ideology). I just don't want to end up with a biological male, that's all.
Cope some moar
This is my coming out moment anons. Yes, I'm a tranny. I know I'll never be a real woman, but I still wear wigs and dresses and make up. I can no longer deny or hide this part of myself. I hope you accept me, anons...
Men and Women
Would you rather be a guy sending a girl nudes or a girl sending a guy nudes.
Crazy how accurate the first part is. I wonder why they are like that?
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Tall women or short women?
I love a stubble and tolerate a stache if it's accompanied by a beard, but the only people who wear a stache with a bald chin are:
- pedophiles
- Hitler
- my dad
and none of those types turn me on
The one that'd date me.
Does your case confirm the study? Do you think it has something to do with intrasexual competition?

>Maybe I'll get fired.
That would suck I guess. On the other hand, if you don't get along with the people at work it might not be worth it, depending on your financial situation.
I'm cooking up.
reads like a cooked-up ad-hoc explanation. nobody enjoys getting hunted, play fighting is basically just dynamic exercise with a social element
Just found out there was a guy named Casanova in the 18th century who was the same type of amoral coomer I am. He even wrote a full history of his life and the women he fucked (including his daughter apparently). I'm gonna read that to get his experience on the subject
M. I think sending nudes as a guy is cringe, no? Like do women actually wanna see a naked dude with a hard, veiny cock? Ladies what do you think?
Idk, i mean I'm pale and sometimes it'd prob be better if I wasn't as pale. I got pale asian friends who tan like hell over the summer. We aint in Asia though. Mindsets like this, you can never satisfy, just a game you can't win. Being real here, Asian girls look great pale and tan, you dont realize you already won the game.

Is he comparing yall, or just you?

He isnt even your bf?? None of yall have met?? And he's depressed?? Thats a lot of useless rent free worry imo, but you do you. Like, if it works out between you two, great, srsly congrats. If it doesn't, how much did you even lose? You're really getting anxious over nothing, over a guy that doesn't really seem to matter too much imo.

Again, you're prob very pretty. The only things you can affect in this situation is yourself, so just try your best to be a good "gf" ( [-_-] ), and more self loving. Also, I do recommend trying to get to know the gal better. She might be a real chill person that you'll really like
I'm going to kill myself
I like both, but given that I'm short myself, short women are more likely to date me.
>Ladies what do you think?
A few women like that ngl
>no one enjoys being hunted
tell that to billions of people who play videogames, everyone who has ever played tag, hide and seek, people who do martial arts, and of course the billions of people who like that kind of kink.

you don't have to like it in a sexual context, nobody is making you, but being chased and caught is deeply rooted in human psychology.
I would not want to settle cause I wouldn't want anyone to settle for me. Everyone I really liked was justifiably an amazing person
going to liquor store anons, what do you all want?
Choose life.
Girl sending guys nudes
Amen don't even like nudes unless they have a severe poem addiction.
They just like to have it for purposes of blackmail.
Tall but still slightly shorter than me, I think that's the most romantic or something.
I don't hate women, and I don't think they're inferior, either. Ironically, it's only with a doctrine of equality that inferiority becomes possible, because only then can you judge different beings by exactly the same metric of worth. And since feminism demands equality with men--parity with an essentially 'male' role--it sadly relegates women to the position of permanent ersatz men. Women will never be like men as well as men, so a feminist system MAKES women inferior.

I think men and women are different. This doesn't mean any inequality is justified, or that any equality is unjustified, but it does mean that equality isn't necessarily the best or only way to treat the genders.
It cuts both ways, too. In some cases, I think women should have stronger protections/rights compared to men.

I'm not saying porn "turns men gay", I'm saying that it encourages degenerate sexual behavior (you know, aside from porn itself), and many of those degenerate trends were first prevalent among gays.
Women should stop picking tall men cause now men are picking tall women over short women as well
I also have multiple personality disorder. That's why I keep arguing with my own posts. I hope you'll accept this along with my transgender identity, anons...
Gibe shortstack.
They like it when the dick is big, otherwise they're just like ew
a guy however will always be happy to see a pair of tits, no matter the size
Either one is good.
But I have a soft spot for tall girls cause I like the height difference.
I'd want to be fit before I send nudes to an SO
Either is fine, tall women seem to be nicer to me tho
Nudes are irresponsible at best, if between spouses, or just degenerate and unwanted.
bottom shelf vodka, don't spend more then $10

if your long term bf didn’t enjoy sex (but you love it), Would you rather him tell you that or rather he keep it to himself?
I would like to be a girl sending a guy nudes
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i got you anon
all jokes aside, i would unironically buy women's pussy juice
yeah, those are competition, the idea is to be better than your adversaries and losing generally sucks. it really doesn't enlighten much on women wanting to play out a scenario where they get dominated like that
New riff single barrel bourbon, New riff malted rye, wilderness trail 6 year bib and 8 year bib, four roses singke barrel cask strength.
I'm not a girl.
>I'm not saying porn "turns men gay", I'm saying that it encourages degenerate sexual behavior (you know, aside from porn itself), and many of those degenerate trends were first prevalent among gays.
If a man is only turned on by actual women how is that degenerate? You're implying porn can turn a straight man into shemale attracted
look I'm just saying. Most men, especially bisexual men, have no skin in the game. What the fuck are they really going to care if some smelly hairy woman pretending to be a man tries to use their facilities or is locked in a cell with them? They are not a threat to them and they can also usually hold their own against men pretending to be women. the tranny menace is mostly inconsequential to men unless they have family members trooning out. Or if they're trying to pick up easy pussy on Grindr.
Really enjoying this new Charlie xxx album
Short girls like me, a short guy, better. It's also easier to carry them and make them feel cared for/protected. I never cared about height, and when I learned a long time ago that girls like guys taller than them, it was a mindblown of course agggh fuuck mee realization. But I don't judge any of em for having a preference, I'll just play the game the best I can
Aren't there like pussy flavored chips?
Some kind of mental illness
>dream bf complains about no gf and then instantly folds and kills himself when he's pursued
A handle of kettle one
Hey hey, slow down Casanova. Leave some chicks for the rest of us
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Not all women have a preference for tall men, I prefer short guys. Your mindset is amazing for a guy though. You're not entitled like 99% of men
I can't do this anymore.
I generally prefer short women, but I am a manlet
Then why the fuck did you even respond to me. Moronic person
>how is a fetish involving the excretory system, popularized by gays and proscribed as sodomy by the dominant moral system of the West for almost 2000 years, degenerate?
pornsickness detected
It's steam sale, bro.
numb yourself with some mindless consumerism.
are you that chick who wants to pick up short men and peg them
No there are actual ones. Look it up, pussy flavored chips
nice what you getting?
Take some weed buddy. I found my old vape I lost a while ago, I'm very happy
Guys who like anal are bisexual though. They like feminine mames. They were never straight before and after porn
>in b4 "short" is like 5'9
Nothing, sadly.
I'm on deep frugal mode.
I like tall women. One of us has to be to tall and it's not going to be me. Also I wanna be dominated. Also I think it's cute if a woman acts shy around a shorter guy. Honestly, I just like tall women.
Sorry I can't. I literally wanna steal women from their bfs because they are so cute
Boring bait
There is a what lol
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No, you know what, men, myself included, cannot handle being told we have to both be your mother and do all the housework while earning double what you do or you have divine permission to cheat on us.

Women have it existentially harder than men, sure, but let me tell ya, you fucked with the natural order by taking down the patriarchy. That was a bad long term move, sister.
>I don't hate women
>Proceeds to write a bible about how much he doesn't hate women
Why the fuck are you bothered by feminism then? Women are working, getting their own money and leading their lives normally. The fuck are you triggered by then?
during what hours does said chick frequent this board?
Are you single?
Are you still looking for a short guy or did you give up?
how short is your preference
>You're not entitled like 99% of men
Honestly, who would actually want the approval of this poster?
If I really have to pick, short, easy to playfully bully about the height difference
At bare minimum, feminism pissing off the right people is a positive. I too enjoy trolling people easily trolled if I got the free time.
literally 99% of unironic feminism posts are trolls.
This but I pretend to support the rights of trans women, especially at the expense of feminism
I'm currently dating a 5'1ft guy. All my exes were short
>"prefers short guys"
>puts zero empathy or care into understanding why men are hesitant to believe such a claim
Probably how now it has reached equality and gone past to the point of quotas for jobs that exclude him
It doesn't matter to me. Currently dating a 5'1ft guy but I have dated guys who were a little shorter
Good you esl
Girls, let's play a game. Pick a post from this thread and tag it along with an estimate of how much pussy the poster who made it gets in a reply
Would you date a guy who is short and high functioning autistic?
Well I'm against quotas as well but other than that feminism has zero negative effects in your life if you don't hate women
No I liked a guy's average pp. Maybe you're brainrotted. Cope.
if patriarchy was the natural order you wouldn't have to constantly construct society to try to brainwash women about how they're allegedly naturally inferior and submissive. feminism would have never sprang up across time & cultures and resonated with so many women if patriarchy was "the natural order". piece of shit
probably not cuz they tend to transition after like 20 years of marriage
Women, do you think it's weird if I'm over 30 and have never had 'good sex' in my life?
please don't bother responding to the bait, man
If women are inferior why so many men want to be us? lol
I enjoy seeing easily trolled people get trolled, which is why I respect RFH and her ilk on some level. But very often it comes with a lack of self-awareness, which makes it less appealing.
Oh, thats pretty cool. That is the one area that i beef with.

I'm the anon you responded to. I'm familiar with XY females, and they're indeed female. A person's sex IS more complicated than just XX or XY, as genetic development is weird, but it's still a binary. Last I looked it up, though, while XY females do have anatomy referred as 'gonads' (with some prefix I can't remember off the top of my head), it's just scar tissue and doesn't do anything. They're not really testicles.

Assuming proper health, age, and reproductive function, a person can either become pregnant (female), or impregnate others (males). There are no exceptions. DSDs often result in fertility issues, sure, but I've yet to read about one that genuinely makes it difficult to determine whether someone's anatomy is male or female.
>tfw my face is neither burried between her thighs nor between her boobs
Should I just go gay?
They're perverts and pedophiles.
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Women need to build more muscles.
go trans just to piss more people off, bury your face in balls and stuff your throat with cock and semen. That'll teach em
> You will all die alone
Tfw already have wife & kids.
oh you want to talk about quotas? let's see who universities have been enrolling with lower grades because otherwise university campuses would be overwhelmingly the other sex..
I want to visit a muscle girl bar in Japan.
Okay thanks
Weird, I was just thinking lately about how hot Power Girl is.
What is the optimal gender? (extended genders included)
And here's ur problem: Greed.

As a sex.

You have cock envy. You're attracted to masculine traits like high cognitive performance in quantities analysis situations but you're also now in direct competition with men, as if you were a man.

Men didn't want this. At all. The government did, which gained the power to force you out of the matriarchy, something you have no conception of because you're living in a dystopia, and said "hey, fuck off with all that child rearing and community building and being the heart of the family shit, who cares about keeping family history alive, get into the factories and start churning out random shit we can sell back to you and your fat husbands!"

And now that's the situation. You're men. You're now the ones running the patriarchy. Have fun. Cos I'm sure as shit not interested anymore.

This isn't said in a "haha fuck you" spirit. I'm really sad that the government fucked us all over. I wish my mother wasn't also forced to act like a psychopathic man. I wish my father wasn't completely isolated from culture.
>you will all die alone
sis idk how to break this to you, but this is how the average man is and the average man has a wife and children. the average man loathes his wife but the benefits of keeping her around are too comfortable: getting virtually free childcare, household management, and pussy. how fucking ignorant are you? YES ALL MEN
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>that's nice but that's not what most feminist writings said
That's the dictionary definition of feminism: "a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes."
> when what we want is to be treated like human beings
Which is an implicitly "male" thing to feminists, at least it's very commonly the case. If a woman isn't treated like a man (or even an idealized vision of how a man should be treated), then it is claimed that she isn't being treated like a human.

>we know there are very important differences between us but we shouldn't be treating each other poorly because of that ...
Sure, but all of this isn't feminist per se. Treating women as independent moral agents with equal worth (and thus, meriting equal consideration of concerns) to men is something I'm fully on board with, but that's not feminist, because while women are of equal worth, they aren't equal to men.
Some cases of equality, I do support, not because I think equality is good for its own sake, but because it is the most effective solution to a particular problem. Other situations call for women to have stronger or additional protections, and yes, some may require more concern given to men.

Mind you, I get why many women prefer feminism, especially with the loss of older social norms. It's consistent and at least superficially pro-woman. There are so many ways to be anti-feminist, though, that it can seem pretty risky to entertain. For every guy like me, who has his own idiosyncratic ideas about gender roles, there's a guy who genuinely doesn't respect or even like women.
Idk, I guess I lean easy more into they hate these women.
But I really don't know.
But if I had to guess it would be like 99% chance they hate the woman.
The things they do to these women is evil, so it probably is hate.
I don't care about you or your "sex life"
Do slave owners hate black people? They give them food and housing. Black slaves gave them free labour and money. Hell, I'd bet they'd say they loved black people. Do people involved with 4H hate their animals? They feed them, house them, groom them, play with them. I'd bet they'd say they love their animals.

Does it matter if they love them or hate them? Do feelings at all take any precedence over actions?
Don't know whatcha talking about my dude. My father is pro-feminist man who loves his wife and always tells me to stay away from men like you. He tells me to be independent and that the worst thing I can do is to depend on a man. I too would be frustrated if I held a powerful status and now women were taking over. Sadly, you will have to cope with that
i've been exercising obsessively for months and i'm down to bmi 18.7. i'm never going to have a six pack. it will never happen.
I think people like that are generally just evil and don't even consider people enough to "hate" them
>say nothing at all about a man's penis
>men: ok but here's how it's actually all about my cock
lmao, I do not want to be like you fucks but men are too dull to be able to conceptualize anything else.
Well, at least you're staying healthy
How do women MOG eachother? Do they know they're doing it?
Because you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
And you never took advantage of her build? Shame
>I think rapists get off at hurting women
of course they do. for the few rapists that actually get convicted, they have to be strictly monitored in prison when they request the records for their trial because of how often they've been caught masterbating to the victim's testimony. excusing it away as "just sex" is ridiculously stupid.
Women, how often do you/would you horny text your bf or husband? Is it a once a month thing or weekly or daily?
You're right we should feed the trolls who just want to talk about how much they hate women instead
Bottle of Rum.
There are two, actually. The male and the female are both optimized for their specific purposes.
my cute neighbour just wished me a good day. And I will because she is so nice to me :)
>Why the fuck are you bothered by feminism then?
I think I was very clear about my issue with it.
I do not agree that equality is an intrinsic good, and a moral system built on that premise will sooner or later come to conclusions I find repellent, simply because it has different priorities. For example, the so-called sexual revolution has been an unmitigated disaster, but some people hail it as bringing "equality" of women (with the lowest kinds of men).

>Women are working
Not necessarily a good thing (nor exclusively feminist). It halves the power of any individual worker's wages. I don't think employment should be hard for women, since the alternative would trap some women with the options of abusive relationships or prostitution, but I also don't think equal opportunity is in itself something to strive towards.
>getting their own money
>leading their lives normally
Well, yes, "normal" behavior in the sick society I described here >>31517597 isn't something I view as always being sunshine and rainbows.

No, I'm opposed to the idea of equality being a good in itself.
>feminism has zero negative effects in your life
This is extremely naive. The principles themselves, MAYBE you could argue that they don't inherently do anything negative to me. But building a whole society based off of those principles, with all of its complexity? There are always going to be tradeoffs and feedbacks.
For example, say a woman wants to be a stay-at-home mom. That's her choice, right? And feminism gives her the full freedom of choice? Well, also thanks to feminism doubling the labor supply, it's far more difficult for her to be a stay-at-home mom.

This isn't to browbeat you into changing your values; I'm just making the point that these "negative effects" are everywhere, even to people who don't oppose the premise of a moral system, so it shouldn't be surprising that I could have a problem with feminism without hating women.
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It's truly a mystery
Dude. You should be smart enough to know trying to understand a political movement from a shitty dictionary definition is a fool's errand. What other political movements do you do that with? You know some dictionaries have the tranny definition for woman now and why would you ever believe that?
Feminism is the movement for the *liberation* of women from men. Stop believing the propaganda some rich assholes want you to believe.
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I guess we'll never know the answer
Dude you hate women and want to subjugate us for tour benefit. You fool no one. Only dysgenic men are bothered by woman's rights. You will dir alone and this will make me happy. I would never touch a male who wants to compete with me, faggot
Yes, actually
even that's better than hearing you go "muh dick"
Some serial rapists likely do, but I think they're mostly just impulsive subhumans.
Their motive is mostly academic to me, though. They should all be killed regardless.
I don't like having information like that down electronically. I don't trust the government and other entities to keep it private. Even if you think your husband or boyfriend is a great guy right now, too many women get blackmailed by that shit later or their ex decides to share it anywhere and everywhere he can.
i have a pretty active sex drive but i have no skill in expressing it over words so i dont know. i would probably just bug him about when he would be coming home
>if patriarchy was the natural order you wouldn't have to constantly construct society to try to brainwash women about how they're allegedly naturally inferior and submissive.
Abolish all government and social bonds, and watch what happens. Protip: it won't be recognizably feminist, and smaller, weaker women won't get their way when grug comes by with a big stick.
Not really sure how incorporating different power dynamics in bed would make someone a cuck, but go wild.
I love her
I don't see female hierarchy in terms of "who's the most fuckable here" and even if I do take a moment to examine a group in that manner, it's not a very interesting ranking since most women are simultaneously fuckable and completely uninterested in competing in fucking
I am sexually unfulfilled and depressed over it. Fuck off, I have every right to feel the way that I do over it.
Mogging comes from the classic redpill forums acronym AMOG meaning Alpha Male Of Group. So technically no woman ever mogs.
do guys like open mouth kisses? is it okay if i hold his face still?
> I'm opposed to the idea of equality being a good in itself.
It's worse than not just being good.
Equality is simply not possible and all previous attempts to enforce it (and it does require force) have ended with millions of corpses rotting in shallow ditches.
Why is it when you nut on a womans face she acts like a cat that you put socks on.
Yes and yes
Not really.
Da joooz
>abolish all government and [the key thing that makes us human]
2 more weeks and you'll get your purge fantasy to come true!
Betting against you since you're too scared of her lol
Yeah, it's pretty strange how virtually every single feminist movement leader was jewish.
>You should be smart enough to know trying to understand a political movement from a shitty dictionary definition is a fool's errand
Sure. But I pointed to it because it's common, it fits, and it captures the essence of what I have a problem with. Call it whatever you want. Say that efforts to make men and women equal are about "liberation". The fact is that I don't think equality between men and women is necessarily good.

>>I don't hate women
>Dude you hate women
>want to subjugate us for your benefit
I literally said in that post that I DON'T want to force women into a situation where they have to give up their dignity to survive. My point is that I think their dignity, of not being used or abused, is the moral priority, and at least some form of equality is a reasonable means to achieve it. I don't think equality is the end goal.

>women's rights
Need not be equal to men's in all circumstances, because I don't think equality is an intrinsic good.

>I would never touch a male who wants to compete with me
Isn't that THE essence of equality? A competition of all, against all?
>only pays attention to north america and europe
woah, almost like if I only looked at feminism in china it'd be all chinese women
It is funny how people still say this shit as if a what's app group full of Jewish billionaires didn't get exposed for using their influence to organize attacks on pro Palestinian protests and order police officers to attack and remove every peaceful protest encampment on colleges.
This you? >>31517867
Ah yes, I forgot that jews are the majority of the population in North America and Europe and not a small tiny minority, thank you for reminding me.
You really belive they did that and it wasn't a false flag by pro Israelis that were constantly committing violence?
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>[the key thing that makes us human]
I say that because abolishing a government on paper won't change how people do things right away; the mailman isn't suddenly going to go full chimp mode because he read a newspaper headline of "Academics decide to redefine what it means to be a Real Human; call for new government".
But you were talking about human nature, which is the law of the jungle. Is every man going to be a brutal shitheel? No. But if he's strong enough to back it up, he can get away with it.

>At most 2% of the population in Europe and NA
>same as 90% of the population in China
What are those?
Are all of your clones afraid of their girlfriends?
Like I said, just cause it has a Palestinian flag doesn't mean that it's not the other side.
I can’t believe COVID was already 10 years ago..
damn at first I was going to correct you but it literally has been 10 years omg
>gangnam style is almost 20 years old
holy shit
Wtf happened in here while I was gone?
I miss the old Taylor Swift. This new clone is ugly and talentless and also hates men
Can't believe Jews fell off
Who am I gonna blame my problems on now?!
Me and my girlfriend are both autists and she’s the type that rants a lot and it’s getting incredibly overwhelming. Especially because she does it in the car and the heat is so bad lately and I feel like I’m going crazy.
Incels fell off even harder
Sometimes, I'll come here, and have hour long conversations with the ladies here.
sometimes, they'll just completely ignore me and every single one of my responses.

Such is life.
White men, that's what jews do.
How do I maintain a respectable and somewhat intimidatingly mature standing with a guy I'm dating while also requesting he treat me like shit in bed? Is that too impossible?
Idk why isn't he doing that already? Would it really feel real if you have to ask for it?
I got rougher in bed after being emotionally torchured by numerous chicks
its retribution
F. A couple hours on the days I work from home, 30 minutes on the days I work because I'm too rotten after a 10+ hours shift + 2 hours commute to do anything. My dad/husband cook for me.

F. "I love you"

Big fan.
Femanons, u been a nasty girl?
Women, do you feel more womanly depending on the size of your boobs?
But I like white men
Weekly or so.

My brother (no homo)
Yes. I stink and have to take a shower.
>somewhat intimidatingly mature
>Is that too impossible?
Probably yeah, you're going to b he his baby after that.
you can't, you immediately out yourself as a total meme of a person once you admit to liking bad treatment
Sorry babe, we gotta die in another war to protect Israel's hegemony in the middle east.
I do. I'm sort of a beanpole without any real curves and I struggle with this.
I meant just physically bad. I still want to be respected in bed otherwise. It's hard to articulate.
>Hooters has a kids menu
Girls, do you think it's appropriate to take kids to Hooters?
Does your boyfriend make you feel insecure about your body with his comments?
You're not helping your case
Does having XY chromosomes and internal underdeveloped male genitalia classify you as a guy?
Listen, it's pretty difficult to take somebody seriously if they want to be treated that way.
I have actually never had a boyfriend. Like, at all.
You need to make some alone time. Also have a convo about her ranting
I just want a guy I love and trust to throw all his weight and pent up aggression onto me during sex so we can be all sore and exhausted and mushy afterwards. It makes total sense to me but maybe I'm retarded after all.
What is external?
A pussy?
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>call my supervisor with a problem
>after 10 minutes of listening to her contemplate the issue, she tells me she'll investigate and call me back
>she never calls me back
I hate working with women.
You say shit like you like it when a man is a little controlling in bed or wtv. Point is to make it sexual, don't make it like some weird admission
>the no bean pole gf
It hurts
That's hilarious. I'm struggling to come up with a reason for that. Single dad? On topic, you don't actually need to be stacked to work there.
That's actually becoming exceedingly normal these days. Fret not, Anon.
I guess I just have to keep pretending I don't have any preferences in bed forever.
What else would you be?
You could try to have less ridiculous sexual preferences
sounds good to me
Just actually approach him, Anon.
You can't keep doing this.
should i masturbate in the bathroom of my uni?
Are you making progress anon? You've been doing this for a while now...
Only scientifically. I'm sure you look enough like a woman that most guys wouldn't care about stuff like that.
Go for it!
No, to me womanhood is simply having a womb and/or being perceived as a womb haver.
How is wanting to be roughly fucked ridiculous? I'm tired of always being treated as delicate. I know it's a stupid stereotype but it seriously always seems to happen with guys. They are overcareful about the dumb shit and completely confused by the things they obviously shouldn't do.
I can't
I love him more each day.
im at the library right now
You need to midriffmax.
>I can't
Why not?
Explain how long into a relationship you'd expect to mutually understand that's what you both want. Also how would you prefer it be brought up if it doesn't just sort of happen naturally?
Good, go read something and cool your head, you coomer.
This sounds like bragging but I do. I like being able to fill out a dress or a bikini.
>or being perceived as a womb haver.
Too risky. It's only worth schlicking in public in a car or behind a locked door with no windows.
Yeh, that's tranny talk.
And I've never had a girlfriend, it's more common than you think, to never have a partner
>>31518195 >>31518213
How old are you?
Women, how did you feel when you were having puberty and your boobs were growing?
>tfw I'm not him
Feels good!
You could be
Not exactly? I do wear bras that accentuate them more when I'm wearing feminine clothes or want to feel "sexy" but how they look on a given day doesn't change how womanly I feel.
I'll let you know once they've started growing. I'm in my 30's so it must be any day now.
Literally cannot be, lol.
Not that guy, but you said you wanted to be treated like shit. There's a lot of room between that and "rough" sex, which could literally just mean picking you up or something.

>just attract coomers, trust me bro
Wanting a rough fuck is not the same as being treated like shit. But in general wanting to be treated in a diametrically opposed and incongruent way in bed and not expecting that to inform the perception of you generally is unrealistic.
>They are overcareful about the dumb shit and completely confused by the things they obviously shouldn't do.
You suck at communicating
I have no memory of undergoing puberty. I remember not having boobs and then I remember having boobs, no in between time
That's not really that uncommon and probably not due to your body. Also, thin chicks still look like women. They're more delicate than a guy, I can't really explain it.
>grannies are posting on my board
Did you go to drive-in movie theaters?
My best friends dad would take her to hooters with him all the time when she was in middle school.

I don't think you should, but if you do it's not like it's a strip club they act like regular waitresses just in tiny shorts.
Maybe I suck at describing what I want. The ideal would be sex with a bf who prefers to be rough who just moves me into positions he wants and goes as long as hard as he wants without worrying about my comfort.
I hate coomer men with the force of a thousand suns
Either I have a cold, or I'm having a bad case of allergies.
How are you guys feeling today, staying healthy I hope.

Fuck you. And yes.
Hey, I'm just saying that a skinny has assets as well.
>bf who prefers to be rough who just moves me into positions he wants and goes as long as hard as he wants without worrying about my comfort.
Isn't that just normal sex?
>without worrying about my comfort
women coffee
I feel like if someone actually took me to hooters regularly and made me talk to the waiters
I wouldn't be where I am today...
That's weird honestly. It goes like that for guys.
Not with most of my exes.
Femanons, should manlets only date femlets?
I am getting kinda depressed trying to find a gf taller than me.
Good lord, just say that, then. Otherwise, not only will he not respect you, but you'll expose yourself to psychos who would choke you or just beat you.
There was one lunatic on this board a couple years ago who did something similar. His gf told him that she wanted to be "submissive" and said that he should try whatever he wants on her during sex, so you know what he did? He tied her up and put needles in her nipples.
This is not typical at all but I was really excited. I'd measure myself often and stuff like that.
Uncomfortable being perceived.
femlets are for tall men
Anime or just autism?
NTA but that's actually not a terrible idea for a 16 year old who can't talk to girls for shit.
I'm so horny and I have no one to dick me down. I'm going to kms
Tall man here. No thanks.
high risk high reward
Why did you delete your posts, coward?
It's only marginally less degenerate than the notion of young men being introduced to sex through prostitutes.
Girls, I spent $387 on comics this month
What do you think of that?
I feel like there's some room there for her to have said she isn't into that before the needles were in.
He's not asking them out. We're talking like Raj from the big bang theory can't make eye contact, can't speak properly issues.
Instead these people grow up to be 30+ year olds who cant talk to girls for shit.
How is this any better?
After you have sex a couple of times, you can tell him since you've already been doing nasty shit. Also, at that point, you should probably have a gauge on what he vibes with. Some people are real fun and adventurous, some people are lame and boring. If he seems chill, tell him.
5'11 isn't tall
Three sisters. Competition. So I guess that's basically anime. :)
What they're wearing isn't really any more revealing than a cheerleader outfit.
Marry me
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nta but damn
That's fine. I spent half a grand on a sex toy.
It's just teaching them how to not lose their spaghetti when talking to a woman with distracting cleavage.
What the HEEEEEEEELL, is it at least good?
She may have been gagged, too (or just froze up in shock). It was a long time ago, so I don't remember the details, but my point is that it's not smart to tell guys to treat you like shit, especially not when you're not into what that could end up meaning.
Are you fat and balding?
Skill issue. Or they never had that problem in the first place and the real issue is that they allowed themselves to dwell on perverse thoughts and it made them creepy.
Idk, don't have it yet. I'll give a review eventually. I've posted a pic of it a couple times now, finally saved up enough to check it out of my cart.
Either gender, rate me and my gf as an anime couple
Sadly no, can you forgive me?
The bear with the penis?
Which is also degenerate. Same demographic of balding, middle-aged men going out of their way to ogle scantily-clad women.
>If it doesnt happen naturally
Uh, maybe something like, Hey, so is there anything you like/preferences in bed? Or start talking about sexual history, tell each other what stuff you've done before, tell him that you liked it before when a guy _____. Do it maybe post sex, maybe during dinner together while you flirt. It aint a daytime conversation
I got the fox model, but yeh.
Phew ok let's get married and have sex immediately I will be a great wife
6’5. You may remember me from my “sub5’6 women should be culled from society” meme
But it was a skill issue that could've been fixed when they were 16, but when they're 30, it's still a skill issue, except exponentially worse
That's why they gotta learn young
Lighten up. Nothing wrong with a bit of cheesecake. Not like waitresses don’t dress provocatively on their own to get better tips.
Did you win?
Link ? How u make dis
Deal, I think I'd be a great husband.
If definitely try my hardest every single day to be.
I don't believe you
Yeh, it's not like these women don't know what they signed up for.
>Lighten up.
How much life energy do women get when a guy jerks off to her in secret
You absolute mad coomer, lmao.

I've always found the first nut after a big purchase on a sex toy to be depressingly hollow...
I did.
Leave me out of your flirting, why am I catching strays for no reason. :^(
Every man ITT should jerk off to me rn so we can test it
Learn to say NTA when you are NTA
No, lol.
I believe the context clues alone is enough for anyone to figure out who' who.
Not me. It's like falling in love for the first time all over again. Assuming it's not a disappointment of course.
Like there's a rush of "omg I can try this and this and that with it, let's try all the settings, etc".
Where's the fun in that?
Ok sex when
Don't be retarded, the energy comes out of the cock and has to be ingested orally for her to receive the energy
Fat and baldingbros, assemble!
How about every man jerks off to me instead, then you can be what they nut on? Win-win.
AI Mirror
It's not fucking fair man, fucking bullshit.
Women always be getting better orgasms than men.
If I had a wish, I'd make it so all women can only have men orgasms from now on.
Are you autistic? Wouldn't you be able to gather that from context?
Nta, I havent even responded to the post train, just started reading. You're in the wrong, it's pretty clear. Like wtf, why are you complaining? Just stay out of the convo if you're gonna complain
When the plane lands
No I called dibs and I'm hotter than you, sorry
Okay, can you give me some details? Or some materials to know what to imagine?
Why not fucking wish you had equally good orgasms instead? Fucking spiteful. I'd say I'll get you back for that, but I'll be too busy getting thrusting and heated dick for once.
Why make female orgasms worse when you could make male ones better?
No, lol.
Get in a private conversation if this triggers you.
How many times are you going to reply to my post?
>Get out of the shower again
>My muscular, tall, warrior esque frame dominates the dark silhouette on the misty mirror
>Huge cock hangs low and with the authority of the pussies it's beaten into submission
Women your feelings
?? Guy you're the one who's complaining. What do you not get about stay out of the conversation if you're gonna complain?
They've been having good orgasms for far too long, the force must be balanced.
It's not enough that we improve, they must suffer!
Ok please hurry I miss you
Self awareness?
nta. :)
Huge cocks in smut are so overdone. They end up being focused on at the detriment of fleshing out the guy's actually hot qualities.
Schlicking is the ONE thing I have that keeps me from snapping. You cannot take it away from me.
State gender and a minor pet peeve of yours.
F. Apologizing too much to me.
M. Emojis.
Sneezing into ones hands
I'll be there as soon as I can.
And I'll whisk you away.
F the word "pet peeve".
>Schlicking is the ONE thing I have that keeps me from snapping. You cannot take it away from me.
Damn, making me feel bad.
Alright, you can keep your orgasms, hope life gets better for you. Hmph.
That's two words...
They already know lol

Gay dudes checking me out
That's two words.
Thank you, very thoughtful of you.
M grammar nazis.
Can't help it, I am THE nicest guy in the entire thread after all.
F. Emojis. Also ill fitting pants.
He's going to say "he can do whatever he wants in his free time, as long as the company isnt involved"
I do have shoulder length hair and extremely thick flank muscles.

I would do so well in porn, why do I have to feel shame? Lmao
Jesus why is it always the tards..
Guy, go back and read the comments. I only respond to point out that you're wrong. Me saying you're wrong isn't complaining. If anything, this is all pointing out your own hypocrisy.
Nah, I'm done with you, seethe.
Do you ever actually contribute anything to this board other than making snide comments about what others have said and non sequiturs that no one responds to?
tards gonna tard...
Women, do you hate me because I am unable to get laid and hate myself for it?
Yeah I know. That’s why it’s irritating. I’m straight.
>ill fitting pants
I HATE that.
Yeah, he's going to see the logs and respond with that, it's not his problem and there's nothing that breaks any rules in the contract.
You cannot win in this situation.
I think we're having two separate conversations here...
>What the fuck is a big bang theory
An awful TV show my mother likes but the main takeaway was that there's a character who can't talk to women unless he's shitfaced.
F. "Suppose to"
>F. "Suppose to"
I don't understand, educate me please, Ms. Anon.
I failed school...
Is sex and gender the same thing?
0 indexed arrays.
You lazy bastards.
>and hate myself for it
Learn to write better than a 12 year old girl on quizilla.
F "what can I do ya fer?" It's not as funny as you think it is.
you have gender but you dont have sex
Should you really spend your prime years feeling limerence over some guy?
My husband and I were doing long distance for a long ass time, the first time he visited me I asked him to bring me all his pants so I could hem them and take them in where needed. Just so annoying.
Yeah I'm so shook that even in your imaginary scenario you can't win.
F button down shirts.
what about the old folks that say it genuinely
To be fair, Carlin was there to make people laugh.
It's supposed to be "supposed to". "Suppose" is only present tense. So if you were or are "supposed" to do something in the past or future you add the d.
multi packs of different coloured socks.
Oh, I knew that, Yay!
Thanks for the lesson, Ms. Anon, I would've never failed your class if you were my teacher.
Non standardized plastic kitchenware boxes with lids that only fit that one size
You took all of your husbands pants? Also, are you the white girl in Asia?
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im so fucking horny im going insane
It's over
I guess they get a pass... especially if they have a southern accent.
having my great and righteous posts ignored in favor of bait
Bowls that won't fit neatly in the dish washer.
Cups / mugs that can't be stacked on a shelf.
Why are you pretending like you know my boss better than I do? Or are you assuming that we don't know each other?
He's gonna see the logs, say "nothing that breaks the rules, I don't care" and dismiss your shitty scenario.
Whats the age limit, I say anyone under 35 gets immediate judgement
>especially if they have a southern accent
>the first time he visited me
Why could you move?
I'm serious. It's like those actors that chime in on political stuff. Just stay in your lane.
thats not alex jones
thats christian horner
>You took all of your husbands pants?
I gave them back after I fixed them. He had two pairs that were a couple inches too long so I hemmed them, had two pairs that were too lose on the waist so I took them in, made a pair a little slimmer on the legs. My grandma was a good seamstress and I can fix a pair of pants.

>Also, are you the white girl in Asia?
No. I'm a white girl in Europe.

I don't understand your question.
How do you feel about your boob snow?
F being called an Oriental.
Yeah, it's quite soothing to have a boss that isn't a dumbfuck like you
Boob snow
How about Mellow Yellow?
How about BananaRama?
F people that think vtubing is just voice acting.
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is she right
Maybe now. But that didn't happen until my mid 20s
Meh. I like their size but not their shape. Some days I wish they'd fuck off so I don't have to deal with them but most of the time I just wish they were a little perkier. I'm not bothered when people notice them now because I'm so used to them and see them as a part of myself whereas when they were new I just felt like a freak turning into something else against my will like a werewolf.
This actually stunlocked me ngl. :)
Do people still do that? I thought that went extinct
>I just felt like a freak turning into something else against my will like a werewolf.
Good for you. I’m happy to hear that you successfully grew into your body. It wasn’t quite so awkward for me as a guy. My boner got a bit bigger every year so I would measure it every few months and get all excited when it grew. I’ve never told anyone this before
It's just old grannies where I work but still. And I've noticed it's never the men.
Where are you from? No I mean where are your parents from? Okay and your grandparents?
I don't know what this means.
Puberty really is body horror for women isnt it
Video game reference. Hitting a boss and causing them to freeze so you can hit them for big damage.
I'm sure you're not the only one. I'm glad liberty was exciting for you for me it was very much "Wait! Please I'm not ready to be sexy and bleed!"
Most of the men probably had yellow fever and learned from their mistakes. Old ladies lowkey throw slurs around like candy on halloween.
Both of these aren't legally binding reasons to fire someone. Are you even trying?
nta but between that and the bleeding vagina it really is.
*Puberty lmao
Seriously. Terrifying.

Why can’t girls understand that some people just can’t enjoy sex (not asexual)
I don't have to understand it I just have to respect it.
And I think you forgot what 'law' and 'contract' are.
That says so much more about you than that actual woman whose only crime is being infertile.
Doesn't understanding something make it a lot easier to respect it?
Oh it wasn’t exciting as such. I mean the experience as a whole was kinda shit but I didn’t have much problems physically speaking. The cock situation was as described and my acne was never that bad. In reality I was just a bit awkward and inept, which we all were at that age.
No, freak.
But most girls don’t. Girls like to bully people who don’t have sex
That seems kind of autistic.
>I would try to be understanding and accommodating of 'her' (I'm not opposed to calling someone with that disorder her, but the quotes are there because I want to be clear that I don't subscribe to gender ideology).
Anon you're an incredible retard of astronomical amounts. This has nothing to do with Alphabet People, this is a woman with a disorder that makes her infertile and doesn't make her in any fucking way, even scientific a man.
i just did it
> this is a man with a disorder
>Girls like to bully people who don’t have sex
Why don’t you bully them back? Technically asexuality is part of the LGBT so if they try to bully you just claim that they’re being anti lgbt and watch them fall at your knees to beg for forgiveness kek.
She's male in a way that really doesn't make any difference. If you're going to turn someone like that down, make it because they're infertile or something at least.
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>so uhh yeah you're getting fired despite not breaking anything in your contract
>reason? some schizo on the internet didnt like how you're spending your free time, so he started projecting
LMAO I'm sure this will go over well
Come on ENTJ, you're supposed to be smarter than this
can someone please help me?
I keep gaining weight and can't seem to lose it. I don't eat anything I cannot digest, I never eat over 1000 calories, I am active and don't starve myself, I am in shape with strength and flexibility, and my life has not really changed much in any way. I don't understand what to do here, all I could possibly do is stop eating until my body eats the fat, switch to a diet of water and easential vitamins and minerals needed to survive, workout literally all day long until my body is sore, I just don't get it. I never had this issue before ever. I am not pregnant, not diagnosed with any disease that would cause weight gain, not over eating, not eating unhealthy, and not out of shape. I am about 60kg at 5'6, I hate my body seriously. It's not bad but I miss my waist, I want it back.
F? Have you had your thyroid checked?
>(not asexual)
Wtf are you talking about
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>has a natural uterus
>has natural boobs
>has a natural vagina
>born female
>socialized as female
>is female
>but oh no, this very specific disorder that makes her not have a period or being capable of having kids means that she's a man.
No. I refuse to believe you're this retarded.
Doesn't work because they can tell when they're facing an actual asexual and a coping incel. That's also why pretending to be volcel waiting for marriage doesn't work.
Either body dysmorphia of some kind or as the other anon suggested a metabolism issue most likely linked to your thyroid.
Is 60kg for a 5’6 girl a lot? I’m really clued up on this stuff. It doesn’t seem that bad
If you can't have a period, you probably don't have a uterus.
Ladies and gentlemen, the "facts and logic" people.
Imagine getting blown the fuck out in YOUR OWN FICTIONAL SCENARIO
Yeah no wonder why you're a cuck
You’re so paranoid about trannies that you’ve forgotten that infertility is a genuine problem that some people just have unfortunately
How do I stop reading 4chan all day and actually get work done
Not for long
I mean in this specific situation. Eating disorders and stuff like that are different, I know.
Some 70+% of women don't orgasm from PiV and have to psych themselves up and cope and try to find alternative ways to enjoy sex on an emotional or social level since it doesn't feel good physically. It's a pretty universal experience and most women who have had sex understand several reasons it could be unfulfilling.

Though if someone told me that they had an attractive, attentive and loving partner who made them come every time, and this person still said "but i don't enjoy it doe" then yeah, I'd think that either they're asexual or have some problems that should be addressed.
No, funny enough I was looking at thyroid issues today and neither seem to fully explain my symptoms. I actually have far more symptoms for hyperthyroidism than hypo except the weight gain, like heat sensitivity, tremors, and more but no swollen thyroid. I doubt someone can have both hypo and hyper. I have doubt that it is my issue at all, but it may be hormonal regardless.
Anon, there's tons of women who have uteruses, are XX and can't have periods for extremely varied reasons. It's not just eating disorders that affect it. Have you heard of the fucking menopause?
Go to the doctor dear.
Unironically, you should still get that checked imo.

Nobody answered before. If your long term boyfriend didn’t enjoy sex (you don’t know this, and you think the sex is great), what should he do? Should he tell you? Or should he just keep business as usual?
You're all over the place. I thought we were talking about intersex people.
Will you at least give head?
I'm not a girl.
>responds in 59 seconds
What having a bull does to a relationship
Nah don't deflect. You're here sitting and saying with your whole chest that an infertile woman is a man, despite biologically being all there except for fertility. Just because you think it's gay or something.
He should absolutely tell me. Communication is super important in a relationship.
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Wtf does that have to do with the question? Did you read?
In the sense that it makes it easier to know what is and isn't disrespectful sure. But when it comes to someone's feelings/preferences I don't need to understand to respect it. Do you "not understand" when someone says they don't like blueberries?
I'm nta... are you the one always going on about proper etiquette?
It wouldn’t ruin things if your boyfriend of several years tells you he never enjoyed the sex and that he’s been only doing it because you like it?
Actually, yeh? You don't like blueberries? Wtf is wrong with you, etc.
Ok, it would if he phrases it like that. But he doesn't need to.
But no guy would ever say it like that; they'd soften it and say 'sex is getting worse' or something like that.
It's not bad at all, but it's unusual for me and I was thinner before so it's quite noticeable when even a small amount is gained. I am also noticeablely bloated, most of it is in my gut, then there is some extra fat around my waist, near my armpits in the chest area, my breasts themselves are bigger, and around my thighs and ass area. At this point even my calves look bigger. I couldn't find a good photo comparison online and I don't take photos of myself, but search for a 10-15 pound weight gain in a woman
Do you just not like sex or is it something I'm doing wrong?
Sounds like SIBO honestly.
I will repeat >>31518666
The weight gain is ironically the least unusual of all your symptoms. Women gain and lose weight up and down like a rollercoaster. It’s crazy. But all the other symptoms are concerning.
He should tell me. Obviously.
You’re his first
Do you have large red stretchmarks on your belly?
>he’s been only doing it because you like it?
You don't need to mention that at all, that's just going to make her feel guilty.
>You’re his first


wtf are you talking about. A good sex life is about communication. If you aren't talking about what you do and don't like how the fuck do you think it's ever going to improve? Telling someone that loves you that you don't like a position or their technique isn't going to piss them off, they'll be eager to correct.
So what should be said? Because that really is the truth tho
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When did you accept the only way to reliably get someone to love you and not leave you ever is to manipulate and gaslight them?
speak for yourself
>If you aren't talking about what you do and don't like
Nta. But you’re a stupid fucking retard. Now can he know what he likes if he hasn’t done shit you moron.
I never did accept that fact.
That usually only happens when you're not very likeable.
People would have to be interested in having a conversation with me to be gaslit and manipulated.
What if nothing they have done is enjoyable for him
Well, ok, he doesn't know what he likes, but he knows what he doesn't like. He needs to communicate that.
Which games have you bought and which games are you considering to buy this summer sale on Steam?
have you ever masturbated to any posts here on atoga? if yes be specific which ones.
>I never eat over 1000 calories, I am active and don't starve myself
That is starving yourself.
When you cut calories like that your body lowers your metabolism. It cuts your heart rate and body temperature until it only requires 1000 calories to operate.
>hey I've been a bit shy to say anything about the way we have sex but I don't like it when you do x because y

and then she'll be like

"oh ok bb, should I try it this way?"

I'm sorry if I was vague in my post, what I was trying to say was "If you aren't talking about what your partner does that you like and dislike"

Then spell out what you want to try that you think you might like?
I'm more of a console gal.
You'll get divorced eventually if you don't brainwash your partner. Fact of life.
Oomfies, he sigma rizzed my gyatt..
Yes, constantly. I have a number of them saved. Not sharing specifics, though. If people knew what I got off to, they'd post like that less.
Console these nuts bitch
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I need to plap her
I need to breed her
then after I need to feed her
FUCK my chat does that enough I do NOT need it here.
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Code Vein
Hogwarts Legacy
Witch on the Holy Knight
Bought Cavern of Dreams recently! Liked it a lot.
Other than that I downloaded The Big Catch: Tacklebox demo.
I might get either Grandia (despite not being on sale), Stray or Webbed. Inkulinati is a good contestant as well...
did you find Charlie hot?
when did you realize that the average lifespan is 78 years, and that middle-age is actually 38, not 50?
>Then spell out what you want to try that you think you might like?
This still has no relevance in my post. The guy just don’t enjoy sex. That’s the fact.
How are your kidneys?
world of horror
Yeah I've cranked a few to the mowse vocaroo
You know the one
Play with my station and put it in your Xbox
I hope all answers to this are no.
I think I misunderstood the post. He's not enjoying sex because of the quality, he just isn't interested in sex period? And he has no interest in changing that?
It says it causes weight loss
True so I assumed it was just my diet and getting older means slowing metabolism, but I eat less and am active. I get hand tremors not so often, I am quite intolerant to heat, I have irregular menstrual cycle, I mean like there's so many things I get why even for doctors this is difficult. I think realistically I had more serious issues before that have calmed down or disappeared and the result is weight gain. Well I don't want to waist time at a doctor until I can narrow it down, no health checks, blood checks, anything before even even indicated an issue.
Yes, of course, my 12 year relationship will end so you can prove a point on the internet.
THIS is a well crafted bait
Based off his post; he’s been with his gf for years and doesn’t enjoy the sex at all. So obviously they have had sex in different ways, but he doesn’t like it. Can you not fucking understand? He’s obviously not asking in his post how to make sex “better” because he probably can’t. He’s probably mentally damaged. His question is talking about whether he should tell his gf or not. God damn
A little bit..
And what did you find hot about her?
Sex is not good for me. I have 0 expectation and hope that it will become better. It just sucks. Also, this anon guessed pretty accurately>>31518795

Are you a girl? Because if a man is responding to me, I don’t want to hear it.
I just bought Mount & Blade Bannerlord. and Grounded.
Bannerlord was an impulse buy because I just finished some George R. R. Martins books. For Grounded, I have a group to play with, who invited me to join them.
I quite much ignore sales and go with what I want
Charlie is best girl.
It wouldn’t cause issues? I don’t want to create a problem in the relationship
I agree, would like to have her around
There is already an issue. The problem is already there. Even if you want to pretend it's not there.
pictures or words?
Just masturbate
There's just something about her personality that makes her attractive, but I can't really put it into words.
But aren't you a homo?
I just can't really eat anymore. If I do want a snack it will end up being a low calorie food like fruits, vegetables, or yogurt. I wat these anyway for vitamins, fiber, probiotics. I'll eat pasta, sandwich, or chicken as a meal. I have a coffee everyday with vegan milk, can't have lactose. Sometimes I'll have sweets but not everyday and not more than one person should consume sugar in a day.

Idk maybe I'm just getting older and starved a lot as a young teen and 20s so my body wants to store it. Never had eating disorder just never been a regular eater, picky with textures, too many digestive issues, too stressed to eat. My bowels are regular and fantastic tho
So by me telling her I don’t like it. How could that make the situation any better? I think it will only make it worse
>just masturbate
you do that; and next thing you know you’re a virgin at 30. (Ask me how I know)
This much is pretty much enough, I get it already
The fact you're not telling her is already rotting the relationship inside out. She's gonna be disappointed you didn't tell her sooner, and will be hurt. You probably will break up, and it would be for the best because then you'd be free to be with someone who doesn't need sex from you.
You can bottle this up inside you forever if you feel like the relationship is worth it. If you don't bottle that properly, the relationship will fail. But if you're that committed to the bit, you may live sad for a long time like you want, doing things you're not happy with and keep the relationship until you eventually die, which is when you'll finally be free from that lie.
>Witch on the Holy Knight
It seems quite well received. I haven't really bothered with Type-Moon games much. I've played Tsukihime and it made me sad.

This one looks interesting.

If you like that kind of art you might also give Pentiment a try if you haven't already. It's a very different kind of game though.

>world of horror
I was aware this existed but I forgot about it. Thank you for making me aware again.

>Bannerlord was an impulse buy because I just finished some George R. R. Martins books.
I've played the predecessor quite a bit. Based on what I've seen it's more of the same but better - which is good. I hope you enjoy it.
Mostly words. I only save a schlick to pics of posters who are okay with it, and there have been a few times it's happened.
>because I just finished some George R. R. Martins books

Which ones? My coworker has been begging me to read Fevre Dream and I'm probably gonna read Dunk and Egg soon
Not from here, but surprisingly, /r9k/
Other women are just unfriendly with me in general even though I barely have tits
>You probably will break up
But I don’t want that to happen. Right now, everything is good. She is happy.
I really want Dragon's Dogma 2, surprised to see it on sale so soon. But it would come with an expensive gpu upgrade and I just bought the Elden Ring DLC which should keep me busy for my whole summer break.
Kind of want Klonoa and Pseudoregalia but I know I wouldn't play them.
You're probably otherwise pretty.
The only way to maintain this is to take your unhappiness to the grave. If you think you can keep that big a secret without it making you bitter and resent her, then by all means, anon.
Sorry to hear anon. Should probably consider counseling or some other kind of help if it's all in your head
Im not Im just easy to pick on
>we've done that
why are you even on r9k????
A month or so ago. Not because of my boobs though.
I don't usually play video games beyond free shit on my phone. I like playing with people, but not alone. The horse taming in the new Zelda game was very fun, though. I'd buy that one if I had to buy anything.
I just finished The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight.

So I bought Bannerlord to try to live my own silly fanfic self insert character
Sir, this is /adv/
ITT yesterday. Fuck you, you know who you are.
state gender
Have you ever watched vhs animes? Like Wicked city, Midori etc
It’s probably because you barely have tits
Girl on girl bullying should be encouraged because it turns me on.
sasuga, JH
Man on man bullying should be encouraged because I like to see chad succeed.
I guess I don’t have a choice. I’m in my 30s. I’ve always had underlying depressing factors my whole life, I’ll have to just add this in with that I suppose.
Therapy doesn’t work with this topic. A friend of mine is friends with a sex/relationship therapist, and he had me do a free session with her, and her advice was degenerate and terrible. Never again
Get plapped, get pregnant.
How are your kidneys? Kidney disease cause weight gain in the form of fluid retention and loss of appetite. Is your pee foamy?
No medications? No birth control or antidepressants?
>her advice was degenerate and terrible

lol what'd she want you to do?
Yeah, one of the main point is always that I look like a little boy
He's been griefing for at least half a year. I think it started when some femcels happened to congregate here to screech about sex and dick being inherently unenjoyable for women and then someone started spamming this "what if i am MALE and find sex with my partner mediocre and unfulfilling? what then?" nonstop at first and only occasionally now that it's been months.

Even if his gf is real and he really is bored with cumming in her, he isn't going to take anyone's advice. He's had these conversations dozens upon dozens of times and he's still reposting the same issues and questions and arguing with anyone who attempts to solve his problem.
Smh I like blueberries that's not the point
>I guess I don’t have a choice. I’m in my 30s. I’ve always had underlying depressing factors my whole life, I’ll have to just add this in with that I suppose.
You being in your 30s has nothing to do with that decision, realistically. It's completely arbitrary. The more powerless in your commitment to lie you feel, the more you'll resent her. At some point you need to take responsibility for your actions. Things aren't just happening to you, you know. You can do whatever you want.
If you're actually committed this much to her and are doing it to "make her happy" then you double down as much as you can and you won't resent her because you have an objective. But if you're being a wet towel of a person not taking any sort of charge over your own decision, you will blame her. Because the thought process will be "this fucking bitch made me stay in this situation, and she doesn't even know I don't even like sex", yeah this will totally not make you lash out along the relationship.
You really need to double, triple down in the decision you make. Because this wet towel bullshit of "oohh it's because I'm in my 30s" "oooh It's cuz I wanna see her happy". God, take some fucking control over your own life.
Designed and Crafted. Never forget that.
A girl from my uni social circle went to a club, got drunk, had sex with a guy, didn’t use a condom and she got pregnant. She was going to get an abortion but she became to afraid when she went to the appointment and had an anxiety attack from fear. She put it off for too long to the point where she could not get an abortion. She had the kid, doesn’t know who the dad is. The kid is two years old now, and she’s desperately trying to find a boyfriend (step father)
I kinda want to explore roleplay again.
>A couple of years ago
>Tell BF I wanna try rp, where he is a home intruder that is going to take advantage of me
>We set the scenario and safewords up
>He springs his trap
-for some reason I go into full flee mode
>hide in the bathroom and lock the door
>BF proceeds to come trough the locked bathroom door like it was cardboard
instead of a nice evening of rape roleplay I am absolutely terrified he is strong enough to smash a door. And grow even more terrified when he says that given 15minutes he could go trough our front door unarmed.
>spend a lot of money to buy new sturdier doors

No go
poop/scat stuff
It's just an example, bro. Point is I would get like that.
would you like to watch vhs anime with a girl?
Not foamy but I pee a lot, and a parent had kidney disease and a transplant. It worries me sometimes too.
She basically told me that I’m an abnormally late bloomer. She said the term “late bloomer” is usually referencing men who are virgins at age 24. I was a virgin until 30. So she said that probably harmed my mind because I never experienced the natural progress of dating at such a viral age. That is probably true. But then she said that if I don’t enjoy sex with my gf, I need to dump her and find someone else. She said I should put sex first when it comes to dating so I can explore and learn. That is bad advice.
Your post was not helpful at all
I'm reading this situation and I do wonder if anons who don't want people to get abortions think this is gonna make a happy, healthy child
I generally prefer the company of people who do not watch anime
>So I bought Bannerlord to try to live my own silly fanfic self insert character
I've only played the predecessor (Warband), but it offered quite a bit of freedom in terms of what kind of character you'd like to play. You could play a knight, travelling from tournament to tournament, a waylaying bandit, a warlord with your own retinue of marauders, you could pledge yourself to a feudal lord, fight for his glory and be granted fiefdoms for your successes, or try to take over the world yourself. I think Bannerlord is still similar in that regard.

If you're looking to live out self-insert fantasies you might also look into Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, if you haven't played them already. They're very different games from Bannerlord though, which offers a much more 'immediate' and action-based experience, so you might want to watch some gameplay first to see whether they're your cup of tea. And Baldur's Gate 3 is a good choice too, of course, if you're looking for something fantasy-ish.
>nonstop at first and only occasionally now that it's been months.
OP here. That must be someone else, cause I’m not complaining about the frequency. I haven’t enjoyed it since day 1
>Your post was not helpful at all
I'll summarize it: you have complete control over this situation. Your gf not being upset for some months because of a breakup cannot be worth 50 years of you being miserable.
Peeing a lot may legit be a sign of interstitial nephritis or kidney damage resulting from sickle cell anemia. I would pursue that, especially if you have a family history of kidney stuff.
I great up with VHS tapes, so yes.
Of course.
Not from actual tapes, but those ones which were released on vhs
The plapjack meme has made me so, so grateful my gf is slim. Ever since I saw that meme I’ve been treating her like a queen. Never going back to fat chicks.
>sex therapist friend says "oh you're just not liking sex because you're not compatible with your gf and should break up, maybe have a hoe phase"

Yeah anon that's fucked, I would stop being friends with her if she told me that. I'd look for a second opinion from another therapist though
>yes to incest
>no to anal or choking
Fucking learn who you're spamming about or shut up.
She wanted the abortion, but she had an anxiety attack at the appointment. She completely freaked out. They can’t do the procedure when the patient is in that condition. she was extremely afraid of it. Eventually it kept being delayed to the point it was past the legal date which it could be done
nta but you seem kinda passive aggressive.
Yes I know. I'm just saying that anti-abortion people probably count this as a "huge win" despite her not wanting to be a mother
That"s not very nice of you
F. Buttstuff, roleplaying, public sex obvs within reason where we won't offend anybody, integrating more toys into sex in general, light race stuff, free use, etc.
I definitely don't want to do anything that involves bodily excretions besides spit and sweat.
did she get too scared to put it up for adoption?
JH moment
>Patrice O'Neal learned he was diabetic because his wife was worried about how good his urine tasted
State gender and thoughts on this.
Based wife.
I hate pee/shit stuff but hey, she was worried for that man. And Patrice was a good guy.
Thanks anon. I will look into those games
what is some compliment that you could blindly tell a girl?
How am I a competition. I'm polite and do my job. I was made fun for making this face, mostly my eyes, I have big eyes.. Picrel. It's mostly because my coworkers are all normalfags.
Dumping her isn’t going to make me happier. Wtf
I’m not friends with her. She is friends of a friend. My real friend had me do a free consult with her.
>2nd opinion
No. I’ve googled this topic and most sex therapists say to find someone else. Sex therapists are extremely liberal when it comes to sex. They are all whores
>light race stuff
What race are you?
>compliment that you could blindly tell a girl?
I don't know what you mean by this.
Based big Patty providing the golden showers. All diabetics are fat, so it makes sense.
I'm saying don't see a sex therapist, see someone else
Is it ever ok to tell a woman she smells nice?
Most of them desu.
>passive aggressive
Based on what. Do you know what that means?
The more you post the more I see that you're doing that thing men complain about women doing, which is just venting and wanting support without actually wanting a solution.
There's only 2 solutions here anyway, friend. You either break up and try for something that doesn't make you miserable, or you don't mention it to her and keep it all inside. Seems like because you're a more passive person afraid of any conflict, you'll do exactly nothing about this and keep quiet.
It is if she's yours.
It would feel really good but scary at the same time. Also what you mean, the cologne or her odor?
They are somewhat underrated in terms of steam store reviews since they were a buggy mess when they were released, but they've become quite stable since and are generally well regarded among genre enthusiasts. If you're going to play them start with Kingmaker, since it's the first game in the series and Wrath of the Righteous comes with a lot of quality of life improvements which you are going to miss if you play them in reverse order (which you could do, since they don't depend on each other story wise). The games can be quite difficult if you're new to the genre, so I would recommend starting on a lower difficulty level when you're new to the genre; the character building can also be a little overwhelming. However, there are some good resources on it, or you could also visit related threads on >>>/vrpg/.
Well, she shouldn’t have had sex then, no? She let a random man cum in her pussy. She knew what that can do
Are you kinda conservative in general when it comes to sex?
women, will you buy my game?
Yes, to some pictures posted here.
What is your problem?

I wasn't saying that she in particular is one such person, I'm just saying that I still consider her a biological man, even if I don't have an issue treating her as a woman socially.
>doesn't make her in any fucking way, even scientific a man.
That's quite literally your opinion.

>She's male in a way that really doesn't make any difference.
It makes a difference to me.
> make it because they're infertile or something
But that wouldn't be the truth. I wouldn't have an issue marrying an infertile woman. I would have an issue marrying a biological man.
Massive ass?
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>Well, she shouldn’t have had sex then, no?
For you, that is easy to say
Depends on the proximity. If close enough, you could compliment her perfume, shampoo or nails. From a little bit further away, her dress and hairstyle. The furthest away while in the talking distance, hopefully her body (ie, if she's slim, she's probably working out and "it shows")
The fact that you wouldn't tell your girlfriend you weren't happy and then think to say something like "I just did it for you".
spontaneously yes, otherwise not really. I've cut myself off midsentence to comment on liking a girl's smell and we both know we're just friends, though in this case it was whatever perfume she had used.
>you’re not looking for advice
Well I am. I want to know what a girl would do if her boyfriend told her he didn’t like sex. Nobody has given me an answer on that
>You either break up and try for something that doesn't make you miserable
If we broke up. I would just end up single for the rest of my life. Dating would not be an option anyways.
>you’ll keep quiet
Yes. I’ve been doing this for years.
What does that mean?
>Well I am. I want to know what a girl would do if her boyfriend told her he didn’t like sex. Nobody has given me an answer on that
I'd break up because I like sex and I'd obviously feel awful about my own boyfriend pretending to enjoy sex for this long.
It really do be shitting n farting tho fr
I don't give empty compliments.
Define that. Because nowadays, people who say “conservative sex” really mean that they don’t have drunken hook ups, but they still like to date many people.
But that’s true tho. I only have sex when she wants it. I never ask for it. I never said anywhere in my post that I’m blaming her for anything.
>you don't seem like you'll be happy so I will murder you
It’s always dubious saying this but I’m doing it anyways… hot.
of course. I love receiving this compliment. my perfume is expensive.
There it is, I was waiting for you intellectuals to come out of the woodwork
You’re saying it’s difficult for a woman to decide to not let a club Chad cum raw in her pussy? Cause that’s what happened
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Women, what does the moment of penetrative by a large cock actually feel like?

Do you ever wonder how your pleasure makes smaller men feel?
Sounds very comfy
Solely for the purpose of procreation.
Even if you’ve been very happy in the relationship, and it’s the best relationship you’ve had and you had so many plans for the future that looks very great with him?
It's hard for me not to have sex yes
>Do women think about unattractive men
Do you even need to ask?
Damn girl you piss loud as fuck and I think that’s cool
>Even if you’ve been very happy in the relationship
My happiness would immediately fade now that I knew all the times we had sex my boyfriend was just pretending to have a good time.
A future that's worth living is a future where I don't have to deal with lies.
wtf. Where did that even come from. And even conservatives don’t follow that anymore.
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Let's say you've been dating a guy for 2 years and you're in a stable relationship with him. One day you're looking at his computer and find an encrypted folder. You guess the password and find journals written in text files and tens of thousands of pictures of you dating all the way back to 3 years before your first date with him. He was stalking you for 3 years before you went on a date with him. How do you react?
I think I'm starting to see why you were a virgin at 30.
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>She said the term “late bloomer” is usually referencing men who are virgins at age 24. I was a virgin until 30. So she said that probably harmed my mind because I never experienced the natural progress of dating at such a viral age
I REALLY didnt need to read this today... so it really is too late...
>Do you ever wonder how your pleasure makes smaller men feel?
I don't think usually think of other men when I'm fucking a guy, anon.
so sex is the most important thing to you
Run away and call the cops.
You seem like wet blanket desu.
Mixed latina/black/white.
I'd make an excuse to break up and immediately cut all contact. I'd send male family members to collect my belongings and make sure I'm never seen by this guy again.
Bummer, women really do have no concept of romance aside from vampire rape fantasies
I just did not date at all. I worked 100% of my twenties. I had almost no free time, and 0 social life. Almost 0 female interaction because I worked in a masculine job. Dating was not an option even if I wanted to
Love and family are. But sex is also very important to me actually. If my husband didn't like sex, we wouldn't be married.
I'm not even invested in the abortion debate, I'm just wondering why kind of ass-backward argument you are trying to make. People who oppose abortion think it's fucking murder, no shit they think "it won't be a happy situation" is not a sufficient reason to have one.
What wizard subclass did you go for?
What does that mean
You wake up after breaking up with him. You look around groggily and try to move. But that's when you realize you have no hands. You have no limbs. He has amputated your arms and legs, you are now a nugget. He has you trapped in a featureless room. How do you react?
I don't oppose abortion and also agree that it is murder
Which means sex is THE most important for you. Because you’d throw everything else away just because of that one thing
Hey, don't direct your anger at me, some stranger on the internet. You should be typing that at your gf. Except you're too chicken shit to tell her.
Should a boyfriend have a say in an abortion situation? Say they have opposing views.
I am a horny brown sex monkey, yes. Problem?
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Can anyone here verify this? Why is or isn't this true?
The technomancer, since I've always been attracted to technology like a moth to the flame
Little did I know I became Icarus instead
Momento de JH
If the pov is that it's murder, yes
If the pov is that it's not, no
I'm ADHD and I'm a terrible lay. I'm trying to concentrate on too much stuff.
Nah. But I also don't believe he should be stuck paying rivers of cash for a child he didn't want.
Imo if women can abort your child without your permission you should be able to abort it without her permission. Obviously depends on where you are in the world though
I don't know ;_;
Punch her gut until the baby dies nigga
real nigga moment
curbstomp that womb nigga
lol virgin
>you should be able to abort it without her permission.
LOL yeah okay anon
>even conservatives don’t follow that anymore.
It's a meme that they did to begin with.
Sex within marriage =/= sex only for procreation
You're implying men have less rights when it comes to their own flesh and blood
I'm so glad the femitards won
I cant verify, but I cant imagine it being true, ADHD makes it hard to focus on one thing
It’s an attention to detail thing
I don't have vampire rape fantasies. Being stalked is not romantic.
Absolutely not, there is noone who understands women and their "le gaze" worse than autistics
Nta but https://www.drpsychmom.com/when-you-are-a-late-bloomer-sexually-and-how-this-especially-impacts-men/
I think people should discuss abortion before they have sex, I'd never have sex with someone who has different views from me on abortion.
They can have a say, but ultimately the decision is hers.
Nobody only has sex with the full intention to actually have a kid. If you use BC, IUD, or even just pull out. That is not “for procreation”
From my experience fucking one guy with ADHD, yes.
wow rude
>I don't have vampire rape fantasies
basic bitch moment
so what's the counter argument
Girls, finish the sentence.
>I was built for _____.
Yeah, absolutely. I just want a family with a loving man who adores me.
Um... I did.
Loving and caring for and pounding into a crater on the bed.

M, I think he should have A say in it, but the FINAL say.
sex is literally only hot if there is a reasonable chance of conception
in fact anything but pure procreative sex is basically homosexuality so says the Lord
Based and divinely inspired.
If there was a way to teleport it out of her without causing any negative side effects I would actually agree with this.
I personally believe 2 things. Someone should have a perfect say on if they want to be a parent or not. And someone should have a say if they want to carry a pregnancy or not, since it's nothing close to neutral for a body.
And yes, I have no issues with that including interrupting a pregnancy, if the fetus is not at a stage where they can feel pain. Obviously, at a certain stage it's too late.
I'm not really up to debating on this, it's just what I believe in. There is no world where I'll agree that a woman being forced to be a mother against her will and carry a pregnancy is a good positive thing. That's how you breed psychopaths.
So you only have sex with the full intention to have a kid? You’ve never had sex just because you were horny?
God is dead and I killed her.

Makeup sex is better than that
What if the guy wants her to keep the baby? Now what?
Good luck tonight, oh honorable Tangerine Tyrant!
He shuts up :)
Of course not.
No... But I haven't had sex very much to be fair.

He's not the one going through pregnancy and birth, so the woman's choice takes priority
He’s longhoused regardless.
I want a baby…
um OK but the post >>31518905 was wondering about what anons opposed to abortions believe not really what you believe hence the reply >>31518986 to which you didn't really offer any counter
Men here have an extremely hard time understanding that pregnancies are highly aggressive on bodies and can, and have left permanent damage on women. Stuff like disability. Blown out anuses. Bones being absorbed when there's lack of calcium.
Creating life inside you comes at the expense of your own body. And if you don't want the child, at the expense of your sanity too.
I was asked directly, anon.
I want her to have my babies

If your bfs precum and cum tasted really foul, even after changing his diet, what would you do?
>mfw when my girl friend's ex bf got a lower paying job so he wouldn't have to pay child support
Nothing different, since I'm not tasting it even if it's normal.
>dating a girl who has a kid with another man
Cuck lmao
You know what also leaves permanent damage on a body? Getting older.
I don't really like having cum in my mouth to begin with so this doesn't affect me.
That's pretty big brain.
But how do you avoid precum?
You know who gets older? Everyone.
You know who gets pregnant? Women who chose to, because thankfully, in my country at least, we don't have to respond to people who have no idea what it's like to be pregnant try and have a say on that.
Anon said girl friend, not girlfriend.
I have PiV sex.
Women, if I'm not allowed to comment in things I'll never experience such and pregnancy then you're not allowed to comment on my rationally derived decisions.
Girls and guys can’t actually be friends. He wants to fuck her
not really, the thread of conversation looks to be
>anon describes a situation
>heh, I wonder what anti-abortion people think of THIS
>obviously they think it's better than being murdered
>oh wow you "intellectuals" blah blah
>what's your counterargument (considering their perspective)
>well I, me me me blah blah (i.e. not a counterargument at all in the context of the anti-abortion perspective but simply ignoring their views and just espousing your own)
Average women will rule the world
You don’t do oral sex?
NTA but I've always noticed how people who are 'anti' something feel this weird need to be above whatever they are anti-ing. Abortion = murder, religion = schizophrenia, etc.
What can I say? I'm not interested in debating.
I can just say "me me me" all I want because guess what, I actually have the right to abort.
>ask girl I'm dating for a month if she wants me to come around and order food for her birthday
>she mentions she was just going to cook something probably beforehand
>say she can do that if she wants but ordering is an option
Why is she now mad I didn't eliminate the option of her cooking and not just force her to order food I'd pay for?
Again, which implies it's not his child
Nta never mind that, just things that are uniquely part of being a male.
if his precum tastes bad, why should I?
I mean yeah, it's pretty clear that I need therapy to deal with all of these feelings, but on the other hand, therapy still won't magically fix me or undo my life, it will only teach me how to be better from this point onward.
There's also the thing of loneliness being a slow killer, in which case, I don't have enough years left for the therapy to even be effective, because I'll be dead sooner than happier.

And yet, billions have humans have been born. Giving birth is mandatory for the continued survival of humans.
Girls, how could a guy "put you in your place" so to speak?
"Hey, I'd love that. What are you cooking?"

"OH, I'm making some x"

"Nice, I really appreciate that, thank you."

There, a nice little non-autistic script you can use next time, you gigantic fucking faggot.
dating for autists really is torture huh
You weren't enthusiastic enough about treating her to dinner so now she feels like you were just doing it because you felt like you should not because you wanted to and it hurt her feelings.
How do you figure?
between the lines you told her that her cooking is shit
Oh yes because human beings are surely in danger of extinction.
Anon, realistically Your genes are in danger of extinction. That's not women's problem.
I don’t know. To make him happy? Do you like your pussy being licked?
Just curious what foreplay do you do?
>Do you like your pussy being licked?
How old are you
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Im insecure about my sex having habilities. Im also not so big and my stamina isnt the best so I cant masturbate and fuck a woman until she goes crazy
(ive made a couple partners cum this way but I cant compare to certain dudes)
wife material
Pre isn't that bad. Unless he's literally pissing it, I'd put up with it being bad tasting.
Pointless to compare yourself. Sex is about you and X.
I thought that is suppose to be the most pleasurable thing for women. Every woman wants her pussy licked
I usually dry hump him, molest his cock and bite his lip/neck. I also like kissing his body, and generally being gropey.
Pussy insecurity spotted
I don't understand the question.
>unless he’s pissing it
Have you been with a guy who’s had a large amount of precum like that?
It's unfortunate but it's not his decision ultimately. She's pregnant, she decides whether to terminate the pregnancy or not.

Views on abortion should be discussed before sex.
it's extremely overwhelming for me, I don't like it. I also like feeling my husband's body close to me, I don't like the idea of just his mouth and my pussy touching. even if he's holding my hips, I'd much rather he puts his whole weight on me.
After watching anime I now realize why people say 2D > 3D. To put it simply real people's behavior is often guided by psychological disorders or vain pursuits. That is, women look for people who can increase their vanity or gain something from but not for people to have a good time with. This is in stark contrast to the made up psychologies of people in anime. There, women are motivated by more complicated wants and needs and are subsequently more interesting and less unpleasant to be around. Real people in general seem robotic compared to anime characters. They basically only care about making money, progressing in society, having children, etc which makes them boring.
I think therefore that people should learn to be more complicated and stop being so dedicated to social success points. Of course this requires that they also be freed from psychological complexes first.
Women, what do you think?
Actual Mental illness
it's not about abortion at this point, it's your totally bizarre posting style
>bring up the anti-abortion shit if you didn't want to talk about it
>fail to even respond coherently and just go off on a tangent about your own perspective that wasn't even the subject
you could replace the subject of abortion with something else, your brain don't work right
>Views on abortion should be discussed before sex.
This is probably the sanest post about abortion here.
And then if there's a disagreement they break up?
I think you have a mental illness.
>your brain don't work right
I get that a lot, and yet I'm succeeding in general. So I must be doing something right
Nta but yeah
Which one?
I'll be 30 later this year
Idk. But your response leads me to believe that your post was bait just to get woman (You)s. 3/10.
I'm not sure what you mean. Generally if you are opposed to something that means you think it is bad
nta but I presume he means how to make you feel submissive and breedable
No, but I know it can happen. Honestly it rides that line between me having experience and knowing that pre is just a bitter water pretty much and the fact it's sort of like cum offputs me. If a guy made a LOT of it, idk how I'd react regardless of its taste. I think I could get over it with enough time and horniness.
NTA but he's saying people who are anti stuff like to paint themselves to be in a moral highground compared to the thing they're against.
I mean that there's a significant element of dehumanization present against people who believe differently than yourself. There's very little grace or empathy afforded to someone who could possibly have a different opinion. It cuts both ways.
>I get that a lot
I can see why
A friend of mine from school fucked up and is now 8 months pregnant with no guy. How much assistance is too much?
I guess my question was actually "is this a sex thing or a misogyny thing"
>How much assistance is too much?
if you actually care to be a good friend, you'll help in what she asks (that doesn't involve money of course).
That's how internet flame wars have always gone. With abortion in particular the crux is people believing it's killing though so the moralfagging only seems natural.
My girlfriend was over last night and she asked what time I had to be up in the morning once it was getting late.
I told her 4 and she’s like “yeah that’s good, if you set your alarm for 4 that way we can get up early enough for me to work on emails,”
And I said “oh you’re spending the night?” trying to mess with her even though I wanted and figured she’d sleep over
And she got super confused and embarrassed for a second and then I laughed and she laughed and it was funny

But yeah it was a really good feeling knowing she just assumes she’s sleeping over lol
I will say, I don't think there's any discrepancy in the way I posted. I mentioned anti-abortion people because I was curious to what they had to say. Because I suspected they'd say that "oh yeah of course we want this woman who is clearly inadequate to be a mother, and all that matters is that that child survives".
I don't see how this is exactly an invitation to "debate". I don't have to debate. I can acknowledge antis exist and be aware of how pearl clutchy you'll be about it.
It's way more than just internet flame wars. It's literally everywhere now.
F This is a tough. No financial stuff but feel free to do stuff for her in other ways. But only if she asks.
because the internet became real
It was an actual serious post containing my actual ideas on people. I addressed women in the end because otherwise it would be ignored. I didn't want to go into specific examples but in a way, real people are bound by Maslow's pyramid which makes them unpleasant while anime characters are not and are free to pursue whatever their heart desires and are often placed in situations where they can freely do just that. Thus a more complex psychology arises, perhaps one of a higher being not bound by mortal restrictions. Real people in comparison could never have as much fun as anime characters because their psychological composure does not allow it
cute wholesomeposting
Well, duh?
I'd find that overconfident desu.
Ain't that the truth man. 2016 was a god damn black hole.
I am slowly starting to lose insecurity and feeling like things might actually work out lol

What u mean
Yeah. It's not something you can really compromise on, at most you can hope it never becomes an issue but that's just not very wise.

Thank you! That's kind.
If you leave a paper trail you will be hit with child support
True. It's why some posters are saying not to help with cash, just with actions
>I am slowly starting to lose insecurity
Heh, forget I said anything.
I want to make a femanon a single mother
All your bluster and evocation of intelligence kinda falls flat when you consider that anime is a fictional medium and everything in it is derived from the 3D world that you are spurning and the characters have zero autonomy. You're just forming parasocial relationships for one reason or another, probably due to a mix of bad experiences and some internalized self loathing.
>but in a way, real people are bound by Maslow's pyramid which makes them unpleasant
How? You're bound the same way. And even then, what? So you have to kiss a woman if she wants love? Hold her when she's sad? You're viewing it all wrong, like it's a transaction. It's not. You should love yourself enough to realize that you can be a gift, a safe space, a love for her too. Not just dancing with the mirror that you painted to have green hair.
I imagine that watching teenagers or early 20s people get so fixated on the "should" be "would" of an issue that's way too complex for them to understand is a lot like what the scholastic era of philosophy must have been like.

>"Reality doesn't conform to my presuppisitions!"
>"Well, my perception of your interpretation of reality hurts my feelings!"
>"OH yeah, well what about if we take your incorrect assumptions and ran them to their logical extremes and treat your entire argument as if it's predicated on axioms that support that absurd conclusion I just created!"
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>minimal makeup (a little eye makeup and a tiny bit of concealer)
>no surgery
>she doesn't even exercise, she just doesn't eat like a pig
This. This is all women need to do in order to be attractive to 90% of men. It's so fucking easy.
Oh yeah it’s over for you. Same for me, it’s over. Welcome to the club fren. You’re now a minority
The best decision I made in my life was to not have children unless the person I'm with is 300% sure about having kids. No way I'll ever accept being a single mom.
I want to make a femanon a mother with a supportive and loving husband.
She's wearing a lot of makeup there, smart guy. Just posting this so femcels don't get upsetti.
without makeup she is a 4
Even if it's not her idea, the government may find you legally responsible, yeh.
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Wait... Do you not like. Talk to people before you put your pp in them?
You will slap a woman's face with your dick and cum on her tits but it's suddenly too much to talk about the consequences of sex?
Now I'm sad
Bro, look, once you hit 30 and have some money you'll start to realize that all those "average" girls who coasted on their looks have existential panic attacks when they realize they're way, way, way, WAY too old for men their own age worth a fuck to give them a split second.

You haven't experienced true emotional misery or desperation until you've had a bpd single mother try to love bomb you.
How do I avoid ontological failure (inability to procreate)?
She's barely wearing any. Seethe harder, foids.
Now this I'm on board with :D
if you wonder out loud about a perspective you are implicitly inviting commentary on it. you then acted sardonic about the response being literally consistent with their POV (predictable=bad?), got asked for a counter-argument, responded with a tangent nobody asked for instead and moaned about engaging on the subject you brought up.
at the very least you should be able to see why you're a bit of a clown here, come on
But I don't want to be a part of this club, whenever I even as much as think about it, the nerves in my arms start shrieking, so it's not just mental, but also a literal physical pain. And it keeps repeating.
M. Probably 30 minutes or so, discounting the days when I cook, when it is closer to 2 hours total.
M. Calling my name, or an endearment like "my love", "darling"
M, yes. It really gets me going when my wife tells me how she's going to "eat me up" and other things emphasizing her being in charge, but I also love it when she whispers sweet nothings to me (holding hands or my face optional bonus).
P sure she's got foundation on and did her brows. And used lip liner.
Based averagewomanposter.
F how do you even get in that situation?
I just want to have a baby and raise them with someone who will love us as much as I love them. I think about how life would never be perfect just because we have each other, but working together every day towards preserving our happiness and being better people would make it a life worth living regardless of the tough things we face.
true. but I have this obsessive fear where women Im with will feel much better sexually with another man
Women, what's one kind of makeup you can't go without?
I'm not anyone involved in the conversation.

Abortion is a secondary issue. The primary problem, like all primary problem causes, is due to a lack of intelligence and empathy.

Neither women nor men are collectively on the average intelligent or empathetic enough to not need abortion as a remedy for their retardation. It's also the case they're too intelligent and free thinking to believe the governments lies about fairies and goblins and dragging them to the naughty room forever if they don't obey the golden laws etched into being by the great googly moogley in the sky.
Hahahaha no now you have to tell me
she's wearing foundation, concealer, lipstick, at the very least
can you not see the area around her eyebrows that shows her normal skin color
>if you wonder out loud about a perspective you are implicitly inviting commentary on it.
Obviously. I wanted to see the pearl clutching. I was calling upon it.
That does not mean I have to engage with you in a charitable way. I am actively pointing and laughing.
I'll repeat it again: I do not have any hope of reasoning with people who think this way, because it's fundamentally a wrong way to think. And I do find it stupid. I am bullying you on the internet, Jeremy.
At a certain point as a man you don't care and start to lower your standards. You start to believe that these single mothers maybe are nice and that might be good enough to have a simple, quiet life. So then you give it a try to date these messes.
That's not how it works. A complete look is the culmination of many products working together, even when it's subtle.
Kek, I'm the opposite, I fuck like I want to ruin them for other men. As long as we avoid each other's circles we should be good, yeah?
Foundation. I don't like looking blotchy.
Shut the fuck up, you dumb cunt. Any woman can look as hot as she is, with minimal effort compared to what a man needs to do.
>Neither women nor men are collectively on the average intelligent or empathetic enough to not need abortion as a remedy for their retardation.
This is accurate. And it's why abortion is needed.
By being ignorant. I thought she wanted to hang out, be friends, get to know each other slowly.

What she really wanted was someone to help her provide for her kid. Don't get me wrong, I'm very attractive, but the sheer rage she felt when I didn't want to marry her after like, a month of hanging out, was something quite spectacular to witness.
Happy to hear you're doing great, Anon! Best wishes to you two.
So I don't wear it much and >>31519334 is right but if I could only pick one thing I guess it would be a brow pencil.
As someone who has had that convo a couple times, it's not much of a philosophical debate about the moral consequences of abortion.

How long have you guys been seeing each other? I guess it's not overconfident if its been a while.
You sound like a bitch. Just transition already.
Abortion is needed for the same reason that toothpaste is needed.

A stupid government that exploits it's dumbest citizens for the personal profit of individuals.
I don't wear anything most days, but I always wear mascara if I wear make up.
... D-do you not brush your teeth anon-kun?
seething troon
Well, I'm a metaphysician (a philosopher of science).

If you nerds wanna rock and roll let's do it.

First question is first: Which is more real, your past or future self? Or do they share an equivalence with respect to their "reality" value?
I eat sugar, ya dingus.
>Kek, I'm the opposite, I fuck like I want to ruin them for other men.

women, does this exist?
My past self is definitely real-er. My future self doesn't exist, it's all wishful thinking. The realist thing is just my current present state.
Well you could tell if she’s wearing makeup or not if the quality wasn’t shitty.
Past self. It directly influences your present self.
Oh good, the guy with nothing of value is here to jerk himself off in front of normies with his slightly above average upward curved penis.
>it doesn't have to be a philosophical debate
>"well if you want to have a philosophical debate..."

I don't. I am just saying that you and your partner can discuss where you stand on abortion and what you think you should do if you got pregnant before you have sex, and it doesn't have to be very deep.
OK, so, what's stopping you from maximizing your pleasure in the present at the expense of your future self?

If your past self is more real than your future "potential" self then you're essentially a decaying entity. You're incapable of creativity.
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Should I go to the Phillipines and impregnate a bunch of random women in their late teens and early 20s?

A relationship with a white woman who's above 5/10 clearly isn't happening, due to their insane standards. Maybe at least I can have a bit of fun impregnating a bunch of fertile women and then disappearing after. I know this can be easily done because I set my Badoo to international and literally asked these women if I can impregnate them over a 2 week period and they agreed.

Are there any downsides to this?
Past self.
the world will have subhuman elliot rodgers running around in it
M. More direct and open communication. As an autistic person, even regular socializing is fucking hard.
Great, even better if blonde, and I'm on board with >>31517604
Not really my thing, but if they make her happy and don't get in the way of things, I don't mind it.
>You're incapable of creativity.
>tfw I'm doing creative work for a living
lol what pseudoretardation is this.

For the record I do maximize my present pleasure just enough so I don't completely screw up my future self.
Self-preservation is also valuing your present self. This has nothing to do with "not being able to wait 10 minutes to eat 10 cookies rather than 1 now".
I thought you were supposed to be good at philosophy.
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>Everyone saying past self is more real
Alright, intuitive answers all round.

Here's the puzzle then ... what's stopping you from treating your past and present as more real than your future self? Because that's not how you behave. You act as if the future is real, more real than the present event. Otherwise, why would you delay gratification in any way shape or form for any reason whatsoever? You wouldn't.

So, you're all lying or ignorant. Which is it?
Is this supposed to sound intellectual?
It is in the best interest of your present self to delay gratification.
Anon immediately started doing math.
>Otherwise, why would you delay gratification in any way shape or form for any reason whatsoever? You wouldn't.
what makes you think i do
i have zero impulse control
psychopath mode 4 lyfe
I don't care about you or anybody's opinion on abortions, I'm explaining why your posting style makes you come across as genuinely stupid
Your future self will become your past self.
>the characters have zero autonomy.
Even if that were true, they still have a psychology. They don't do things that are out of character for them. Furthermore, they do have some autonomy because they exist in the authors head and the author needs a good reason for their actions and so that fictional psychology can result in behavior within a fictional world
>So you have to kiss a woman if she wants love? Hold her when she's sad?
I meant bound more in terms that people will choose what fulfills their needs for belonging or self-actualization when given a choice. They will shun outsiders to their group, they will choose to be with the person of the highest social standing, they will try to be cool themselves etc. Basically they are the background characters in some anime who end being uninteresting in comparison to main characters.
So I think people can become much better if they re-evaluate themselves and drop their needs from a level upward
>you come across as genuinely stupid
Oh don't worry anon, our sentiment is mutual.
>having different values isn't just wrong but stupid
Unironically stupid take.
I think abortion should generally be legal, mind you, but it's not stupid to take a premise to its logical conclusion.
An abstraction of myself formulated an excellent answer to this question and I do not think I can replicate here physically
>If your past self is more real than your future "potential" self then you're essentially a decaying entity. You're incapable of creativity.
How do you even come to that conclusion? Your future self hasn't even happened yet. Also, humans are decaying, yes, but what does that have to do with creativity?
>Even if that were true, they still have a psychology. They don't do things that are out of character for them. Furthermore, they do have some autonomy because they exist in the authors head and the author needs a good reason for their actions and so that fictional psychology can result in behavior within a fictional world
Dude, I'm an author. I can actually understand and even agree with you, except that you're not the one creating my characters. Like, my character Elysia doesn't hunt down a man and kill him because she herself made that decision, I directly set her on that path, every single decision. If you believe in God, I am her God, to the point of a Calvinistic level of decision making, in which case she would have zero free will. You're also arguing in hypothetical. The operative word is "fictional" aka not real.
>I meant bound more in terms that people will choose what fulfills their needs for belonging or self-actualization when given a choice.
But Maslow's Pyramid of needs has no choice in the design. You have to eat to house to pray to love. You can't not do that.
>So I think people can become much better if they re-evaluate themselves and drop their needs from a level upward
Sure, practicing humility is good. But do you not see that you, yourself, are failing at that by calling most if not all 3D the equivalent of Launch?
I do think being in general against abortion is stupid, because no matter what we think, they will happen with or without medical attention. And when they don't happen, it does not make the life of the people already existing happy.
The pro-lifer argument is about respecting life. But they don't respect the giver/provider of life, who is also a life by herself. It's usually very hypocritical.
I'm not so extremist as to agree to abortions at 6 months. But being against abortion altogether is a braindead as fuck take.
>You act as if the future is real, more real than the present event.
I don't. Only people like philosophers do that.
M. No, because I got picked up by a girl who I thought to be out of my league, and now they're my wife. My brain still goes haywire whenever she tells me about her very high standards for a partner, and how I blew them out of the water. And I just feel like I'm a pretty regular guy.
Tall queens, because I'm 6'4", but that didn't stop me from being happy with an average height gal. Would date a shorty too.
Yes and oh yes.
Helloooo up there haha.
>no u
No but seriously and in the nicest way possible, I do think you have some level of dysfunction going on. You've tried to rationalize it and put forward your perspective but it doesn't really make sense and in some parts it was obvious you just failed to interpret things correctly. I think I will have to leave it there.
Like a month
It was just a joke.
You mean over confident that she assumed she was sleeping over or the joke that I made?
how do I not feel jealous of Jack of Jack & Jill fame videos?
only women responses please
Well hello there. And no, it isn't windy up here - I'd know, having been pretty much the tallest person among my peers all my life.
>I just feel like I'm a pretty regular guy.
> I'm 6'4"
Another one debunked.
My work is done.
You know I boxed a 6’4 fella once? I’m 6’ myself but it was like I was a toddler. Your wingspan must be almost 80”.
Philosopheranon, is philosophy progressive?
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Just gone midnight here and erryone sleeping but should I go clubbing??? Still 3hrs to go if I can get in lel. Do I stay home n slep or just fuck it n have a jig lel?
go clubbing you faggot and get fucked like the gay you are
Hypothetical scenario.
>you wake up one day and there will be a voting on if men should be circumcised obligatorily or not
>women are allowed to vote to and apparently nearly all voted for circumcision
>most men voted against but enough men voted yes for the law to pass
>your obligatory surgery is scheduled for next week
>you have the knowledge that had women not voted, you could have a say in your own penis
Do you think both genders should have a say about a single gender's anatomy? And would you be ok with a system that dictates what you can and can't do with your own anatomy?
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>And I just feel like I'm a pretty regular guy.
>I'm 6'4"
I'm not fucking gay wtf >:[ but imma go Popworld and get trashed on tequila to Spice Girls yaaaas xoxo
Is this a continuum of the abortion thing? Anyways, no, obviously not. I like my foreskin, thanks. Why would the ladies not want me to have foreskin?
>Why would the ladies not want me to have foreskin?
no, of course my cocks not pushing out babies so the anatomical autonomy issue is more clear cut (lol)
I can't wear make up.
Uncircumcised penises make skydaddy cry.
is this going to be a gotcha on abortion? cus if no- wow someone got to it first, anyways the answer is "that's retarded" and men will probably shoot down the streets before that ever happens
>If you believe in God, I am her God, to the point of a Calvinistic level of decision making, in which case she would have zero free will
How do you know you have free will though? Is it somehow impossible that this character is actually an existing demon that decides what you write in her story? Either way your character still has a psychology. On top of that no story would be pleasant if it was about an insecure person trying to convince the reader they are intelligent for example. This is something that happens often enough with real people
>You have to eat to house to pray to love.
Yeah so the later levels, where psychology is activated, are the issue. They make real people robotic. They all want the same thing, riches, status, etc. Instead they could be focusing on their actual desires
>calling most if not all 3D the equivalent of Launch?
What does that mean?
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>Do you think both genders should have a say about a single gender's anatomy? And would you be ok with a system that dictates what you can and can't do with your own anatomy?
You must not be American
Here, brainwashed parents, both mother and father, have their son's circumcised right after they are born, on a table just like this
women be like: why are men so insecure
>refuses to outside without make up
you are the gayest motherfucker i have ever seen
But your pps shoot out babies anon!
>Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good...
I know I'm tall, but I don't consider that to be anything exceptional or special, because I have no control over it. It is also a bitch in combination with joint hypermobility. Besides, being tall wasn't even on my wife's list of requirements.
Is being tall really such a huge deal in the dating market?
Having dabbled in medieval combat sports, I agree arm length can be a crazy advantage.
>Your wingspan must be almost 80”
With a quick self-measure it was 6' and a bit.
women know they're insecure, retard
that's why they don't want an insecure man, nothing worse than being an insecure woman and instead of having your man comfort you he whines about his small penis and tells you how he imagines black men gangbanging you when he jerks off
OK wtf this is mean????
I am going to have fun n u can't stop me mwahahaah xx
I am painfully aware
Couldn't be me. I tried dating a guy who was so insecure it would sometimes prevent him from having sex. It's no fun.
I like being controlled, but no thank you.
>How do you know you have free will though?
You're getting into predetermination vs free will, which is just a matter of opinion. I believe in free will.
>Is it somehow impossible that this character is actually an existing demon that decides what you write in her story?
It's actually not impossible, if you know any occultic principles. But it's as much as you believe it is. But that doesn't substitute for a real connection with a living, breathing human. It just doesn't, and to say otherwise borders on psychosis. She has a psychology that I meticulously crafted over a decade. The saddest part is that a lot of what you're saying, I agree with, but you're approaching it in a very unhealthy way.
>They all want the same thing, riches, status, etc. Instead they could be focusing on their actual desires
Well...no? That could be their actual desires. And not everyone is like that. You think with 8 billion people in the world, every single person aspires for fame and wealth? Absolutely not.
>What does that mean?
Launch is a character from Dragon Ball, extremely background and forgotten.
being insecure is bad in general, insecure women are the worst
Christians in the US argue all the time that you shouldn't masturbate because that's murder too
Lmao what will archeologists think when they find this?
Should I tell men I'm dating about my stalker ex? My ex still sends me letters, tries to contact me from different phone numbers(I keep blocking them ofc), and sometimes I see him at my work and walking around my neighborhood. I've tried to talk to the police about it but they said they can't help me.
I would personally tell a guy I'm dating about it yes.
>With a quick self-measure
I'm flattered lol. But yeah I couldn't even really hit the guy, he massacred me. I ended with some bruises and blood. Good times.
holy shit it's fucking real
the circumstraint,,, 3000,, as in 3000 circumcised babies every month
>Is being tall really such a huge deal in the dating market?
Yes, absolutely and it's only gotten worse in recent years. Height is basically the single most universally attractive feature in a guy and is generally considered a big plus even for girls who don't consider it a "requirement".
That's not insecurity, necessarily.
Shlomo took MY anteater so now everyone gets to suffer
all women are insecure
Girls, what would make you want to call me Daddy?
M, wholesome/10. Nice stache and beard, man.
M. Widely spread common misconceptions about history.
Endearing, a bit annoying, but not hot. Not my type.
If it were me I'd mention it so he doesn't get the wrong idea if he finds any letters or anything or the stalker tries to lie to him about me but downplay it as not that serious or dangerous until I know him better.
that's their prerogative but I don't think non-somatic cells are by themselves considered human life even by most religious standards, but that the act is non-productive/wasteful/insulting to God or some such
>Widely spread common misconceptions about history
If asked to list your top 5 what would they be?
yes, but truth be told I would end it if I found out about that
all women are 8/10+ without makeup while the average man is 3/10 or less no matter what
to be an 8/10 man you have to be at least 6 foot tall
Yes, but like.. honestly dont know what kind of people you date, If you've known them for a while, yes, immediately, if not, its a weird af topic to just suddendly bring up, it might be ideal to time it well. If you just started it might seem like baggage.
If push comes to shove, make it seem like it's no deal and increase it's importance if it ever comes into conversation again.
that's a good idea
I also don't know how my ex would react if he saw me with someone else, so that concerns me. He is a jealous person and can get angry easily. His letters arent violent at least.
I need to cum
I need to cum
I need to cum
I need to cum

I’m going to text her
>approaching it in a very unhealthy way.
I don't see whats unhealthy about it. By wathcing anime I relized part of what makes an other person interesting and fun. Now I can look for people irl who have such qualities or try to develop them in them
>You think with 8 billion people in the world, every single person aspires for fame and wealth?
Yes and everyone who says no is lying and also possibly sour grapes. And also I believe this is a consequence of Maslow's pyramid
nta but bro, I just wanna go rockhounding, carve rocks and make pretty drawings every day with enough income to live a comfy life in some rural town 2 hours away from the big city.. also wife and many children.
Lucky me, I am 6 feet tall!
>Now I can look for people irl who have such qualities or try to develop them in them
Well okay, but I didn't get this impression from you when you said 2D > 3D earlier. It seemed more like you'd given up on any physical connection and consigned yourself to your parasocial relationships.
>Yes and everyone who says no is lying and also possibly sour grapes. And also I believe this is a consequence of Maslow's pyramid
To be completely blunt, this is your projection, however you couch it. But that's okay. It makes me a bit more at ease knowing you're still gonna try for irl relationships.
>The pro-lifer argument is about respecting life. But they don't respect the giver/provider of life, who is also a life by herself. It's usually very hypocritical.
That's not hypocritical. They are very different subjects.
They see abortion as murder, as the ending of a life. That is a totally different thing from supporting a supposed right to a certain standard of living, which, even if they agree that it's a legitimate moral concern, is both less severe and of a different nature than (as an error of omission, rather than commission--or, if you prefer, a distinction between positive rights/entitlements TO something, versus negative rights, or prohibitions AGAINST things being done to you) murder.

The only thing I've seen that is arguably hypocritical is if someone opposed to abortion takes the position so far that they'd prioritize the fetus over the mother (as in, a risk to the mother's life is not a grounds for abortion).

Of course, they could still be hypocrites for other things taken together with their stance on abortion, but the abortion argument, in itself, doesn't strike me as hypocritical the vast majority of the time.
Why would you end it?
I am concerned with it coming off as baggage. It doesn't affect me much anymore, though I do have nightmares of him breaking into my apartment.
Damn that sounds rough, lol. But I can imagine it being like that with just fists, if your opponent is skilled enough.
That's interesting, and I really wonder what it is all about. Admittedly my wife likes it too, but she's not sure whether tall guys were her type to begin with, or if her type has just become more and more just me over the years. Anyway, it sure didn't help make me any more popular when I was younger.
Oh there's a lot, but let me see what I can think off the top of my head. In no particular order...
>Corsets were commonly worn uncomfortably tight, up to the point of fainting (only happened in a very specific time period and social group)
>France sucked in WW2 and mostly just surrendered
>The German National Socialist Party was an actual socialist party
>Medieval knights were weighed down by their armor and unable to move properly
>Medieval people wore dull and drab colors
80 minutes until every thread on every board becomes utterly unusable until tomorrow
The good news is my file sorting is coming along nicely
Raiding again?
Presidential debate.
>if your opponent is skilled enough.
He wasn't particularly skilled but yeah, I prefer to grapple, in a 1v1 striking competition obviously the guy with more reach is gonna dominate me, also it wasn't serious at all so it's not like I was trying to walk into his guard and pound him silly. Lil masochism by yours truly, mostly.
>Do you think both genders should have a say about a single gender's anatomy?
Neither gender should have a say in or right to self-mutilation.
> And would you be ok with a system that dictates what you can and can't do with your own anatomy?
Yes. It's being forced to do a particular thing that I have an issue with, but being prohibited from doing certain things isn't philosophically bothersome to me.
But I don't support democracy or circumcision, specifically.
>Why would you end it?
Because I don't want to deal with that and a woman's previous choices in partners has a non-zero reflection on her anyway
What's a president?
American government leader guy.
I agree with you.
Vanity, maybe (even that, I could argue against), but not insecurity.
>Because I don't want to deal with that
I understand, I don't want to deal with it either. I feel like many guys will find it to be a deal breaker desu.
Alternative to a retirement home
I said that I understood why people say that
>this is your projection
It is a projection but I don't think it's just my projection. People I've met around me think the same. Even rich people. I think that if you don't think like this you can't be successfull (by societies standards). This falls right into the need for self-actualization I think
>That's interesting, and I really wonder what it is all about. Admittedly my wife likes it too, but she's not sure whether tall guys were her type to begin with, or if her type has just become more and more just me over the years. Anyway, it sure didn't help make me any more popular when I was younger.
It's even worse with younger women who have come to see their boyfriend's height as basically a trophy. But yeah in general a husband's height is something women subtly brag about, it's a much bigger factor than people realize to the point that even average height guys are getting a bit of manlet syndrome
>France sucked in WW2 and mostly just surrendered
They kind of did.
They didn't all sit on their hands the whole war, of course, but France punched far below its weight for a great power.
>It doesnt affect me as much anymore
If it doesnt affect you as much now, thats good, just build your relationship with whoever you date and be more open with the topic once you reach better understanding. Everyone suffers from a jealous ex, even men, and they will understand that.
M. Yes, though DVD or online streaming is fine too.
Something about she has done to make herself look prettier, eg. her hair, nails, choice of clothes/accessories. If she happens to smile or laugh, those are good compliments too.
Hearing out the bf/husband is sensible, but the final decision lies on the one whose bodies carries the child. Just like a man should discuss having a vasectomy with their partner, but it is ultimately up to the man.
Having studied medicine, pregnancy is an utter horror show, and could be easily painted as some kind of a horrific parasite inside the mother.
>This falls right into the need for self-actualization I think
For some folks. But I find that those people are generally very shallow and what they're chasing is just another form of communal acceptance. They've just transmuted it into something more negative/grandiose for whatever reason. But definitely, not everyone is beholden to the idea of rich and famous, but everyone is beholden to the idea of stable and loved, you know?
The decision to kill an innocent human being is never another being's decision: you and the system you support are just ontologically evil and extremely prone to collective psychopathic narcissism.
Imagine a man talking about how he had to kill his first wife because they were poor, so he could become a provider for his current affluent family. Imagine him rationalizing it with saying it has been occurring since the stone age, is inevitable, and he had to do it secretly in a dangerous way to his health because his backwards culture didn't support his rights as a husband.
And the divorce process would have taken a year and ruined his career before it ever got started!
That is the level of evil you are.
It's that simple.
why doesn't lifting make me exhausted anymore? I literally did over 100 reps (not in a row, mind you)
do I need to just aim for longer sets? more weight?
Text who?
Anyway I think the problem is when people dedicate themselves to this so much they don't give themselves time to feel, to do something that will not help them towards their vain goals, that will even hinder them but will make them happier than fitting in can
>The only thing I've seen that is arguably hypocritical is if someone opposed to abortion takes the position so far that they'd prioritize the fetus over the mother (as in, a risk to the mother's life is not a grounds for abortion).
This is usually already the case. Don't you think a woman's life is at risk if she was stupid to get pregnant from a repeat criminal, and is made to carry the child against her will, and raise it while inevitably a dangerous father is around?

Or more common scenarios like women becoming homeless because of lack of means to raise the child and keep the pregnancy. Then getting put in jail because homelessness ia a crime in the US and having your child taken?
How do my partnered friends see me? I’m terminally single and I think they suspect I’m a virgin
She texted me heh
Are you a man?
Women literally do this by sexual preference.

The reason I'm an asshole is because women are attracted to bullies who take things from other, weaker bullies. The only male advantage is the integration of the sexual instinct. At which point our superior reasoning abilities allows us to know just how alone we are because women secretly rule everything.
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Sexo with dutch gfs
Relationships are a symbol of status. A source of social credit if you will. They just see you as weaker
what about women who like goofy niggas?
Did it make you cum?
incel take
No im female
I really think they do. Sometimes they talk to me like I’m stupid
Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing. Never done any martial arts or such myself, so this provided me with something new.
>in general a husband's height is something women subtly brag about
Still, I wonder what it is all about. My wife brags about wholly different things when she talks about me eg. to her work colleagues.
>even average height guys are getting a bit of manlet syndrome
A friend of mine who's a short king is father of three kids, so I still think there's hope. Or it is just a more regional thing.
Obviously mistakes were made, especially on the leadership level, but their army was very impressive for the time, including basically the best mass produced tanks at the time; Char B1 and Somua S35. But alas, they were utilized poorly, and suffered from their one-man turrets. Still, I hardly think they deserve the treatment as a laughing stock - the French resistance gets little spotlight for example.
They probably talk about you behind your back. Sorry, not trying to be mean.
nta but I don't think most abortions occur with a woman being at fatal risk lmao, that's quite a reach
she made me horny
and I came
I'll be your loving boyfriend if you want bb
Trying to get back at overbearing parents.
>A friend of mine who's a short king is father of three kids, so I still think there's hope. Or it is just a more regional thing.
Lots of manlets have kids, but it was definitely easier in the past to date as a short man that it is now. There is a degree of standards inflation.
need overbearing parents gf
3rd time I had sex with my gf I was already choking her and bossing her around (she loved it) despite being a virgin before her, it was just a matter of expressing her desire to be treated more roughly.
My respect for women, not for my gf specifically, dropped a little for a few days tho.
>Never done any martial arts or such myself
If you ever felt inclined, you have a great starting point. Mostly for striking though, it can be hard to wrestle as a taller guy. Hit the bag sometime and see if you enjoy it.
What did she do
No man under 6ft has ever had kids you disingenuous snake femoid
referred to me as "little boy"
What do you think they say?
Thank you
If they're normal, decent human beings, they probably think very little about the fact, if at all. Don't stress it.
Here's hoping things get better. From what I've read, the dating scene is a horrendous hellscape in general nowadays, at least for straight people.
Long limbs are a great start, joint hypermobility not so much lol. I remember punching around a bag at the gym some time, and it wasn't half bad.
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What's a "Slam pig"?
Theres this big boob tall and kinda of pretty girl at my gym who keeps staring at me and today she even briefly smiled to me as i was heading to exit

I think shes way out of my league but im pretty sure shes sorta into me

Should i approach her some day, usually shes going with her female friend
Did you just dox yourself you dumbass

And yes thats a one tummy id like to cum on (or in)
Go for it man, just don't make it weird. Gym routine or something related is probably a nice ice breaker topic.
Generally unappealing (usually because fat) woman who can easily be used for sex.
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>Mostly for striking though
There is at least one historical source which agrees also in terms of armed combat. Pic related; The Paradoxes of Defence (1599) by George Silver.
currently trying to goofy-nigga my way into some pussy
if girls find me funny, do I have a shot?
They either question why you haven't been able to get a boyfriend or they know why you haven't been able to and laugh at you for it
>at least one historical source which agrees also in terms of armed combat.
Nta but the advantage of reach in a fight is basically a truism. The only exceptions are grappling and gun fights.
Are you fat/ugly? Be honest
I semi-recently got really drunk and revealed to my female friend that I WASN'T gay (she had assumed so since I never had a gf and always made gay jokes)
anyways she hasn't asked me to hang out in over a month now whereas we used to go drinking every two weeks or so when she was off-call
why would she do this? she has a bf and I've NEVER made a pass at her
Why would you let her think you were gay for so long??
New Thread
I'm chubby and goofy looking but so is she (fatter than me, actually)
You've got a decent chance, then. Good luck
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Holy based. As a bit of a history buff, I can really appreciate posting a historical manuscript like that, even though what >>31519693 said is spot on.
From what I know, women like funny guys. Just don't make a complete ass out of yourself trying too hard.
>Thank you
Y-you too…
basically I intentionally avoided dating for many years because I worked nights and was content getting fucked up out of my mind when I wasn't working 50 hour weeks
then I got a new job closer to home and suddenly had a lot of time on my hands to actually try dating
I'm saying if you knew that she assumed you were gay, why wold you not correct her?
I found it funny and didn't think too much of it

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