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Last Episode: >>31517011
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What do we think about this?
Girls if a tree falls in the forest and nobody notices, will you have sex with me?
>loving, cute sex
>rough violent sex
which one?
the second one
Where’s the dox? Not sure what I’m looking at. If you mean “post reply” then idk.
I love starting my day with my 4 egg cheese and ham omelette. Tfw no gf
Cumming inside a horny atoga femcel.
Omelet gang represent.
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God I want a femcel to make me cum
Not possible by definition.
Girls, do you like full beards and mustaches?
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>tfw no femanon gf
Why even live?
No lusting after fem”cels” until women start lusting after incels
Which is weird you think women would fetishize the idea of an incel because it’s a sexually frustrated misogynist (who’s still somehow conventionally attractive in their idealized vision) but my theory is it’s because they’re socially awkward and emotional, women don’t like them but they don’t want that to be the reason so they say it’s misogyny
>No lusting after fem”cels”
Ain't happening, sorry. I need that battery acid pussy
>battery acid pussy
Oddly hot.
I hope you burn your dick ion the acid
I think i could pull some atoga femanon easily if we randomly met irl, and she didnt know me from here beforehand.

Not that its saying muhc
what in a tinder profile makes you take interest in the guy?
Yeah that's easy mode. We're playing European Extreme.
>Being hot
>Not being ugly
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i could break you
That's the idea
i thought women actually enjoy ugly men
>battery acid pussy
Tangy, refreshing, and no need for contraceptives!
If I actually got a yeast infection from the beach I am killing myself
Is denji supposed to be a "He's literally me" type character?
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>No lusting after fem”cels” until women start lusting after incels
>Which is weird you think women would fetishize the idea of an incel because it’s a sexually frustrated misogynist
A sexually frustrated woman would use my cock to release stress
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I'mma preface this question by saying that I'm aware that women aren't a hivemind; everyone's different, especially when it comes to sexuality.

One of my fujo friends often likes to vent her disgust towards the notion of sex and how much she despises it. We recently watched Everything, Everywhere, All at Once and she brought up that one millisecond frame of Evelyn getting piped in bed and I thought "Man, is it really that big of a deal though?" She describes sex as just laying there while the guy groans and grunts until he's finished while she just lays there like a dead fish.

Femanons, what's your take on her point of view? Some context, I rejected her back in high school but stayed friends with her, if that changes anything. I'm genuinely just curious if she's gone full asexual or she's on some sort of copium. Is vaginal sex really that bad for you females? Like, I get the clitoris is where it matters, but...
lmao, make some cider
I activate Super Polymerization!
Are you watching the debate?
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in this panel? yeah
She’d use chad but if you wanna be delusional
Where do I meet a clingy girl to make into my gf
If you find out, let me know
Big words for a small girl
Why would I? It'll go exactly as everyone can probably guess
What do you look like? Would u even bother w an ugly girl?
how ugly are you
do you ever forgive anything?
Took me a long long time, but yeah. I learned to let go of my grudges and hate.
Yes, that's what Christ teaches us to do
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>be golfin
>this shows up
6'2 tall
White, pale, brown hair and eyed
Face like human form shrek sort of
Broad shoulders, narrow waist

I have liked some girls that other guys considered not attractive just because they had other qualities before yes

It would be bigger dealbreaker if someone was reaaally fat (chubby is okay) or a smoker / drug user

I don't hold grudges.
Drive balls at her.
Avoid eye contact and pretend she doesn't exist. Women scare me.
Women. How much does the height of a man matter to you when looking for a partner?
>t. 6'4" manon from last thread
Take her for a ride in my moped and fuck her on backseat

>Asian girls resisting bwc, mode impossible
Under what context?
Shoot a hole in 1
ladies, do you ever forgive anything?
What an absolute unit.
>Face like human form shrek sort of
Holy based.
Women, what should I do if I hate myself for lack of sexual experience?
maybe i am smaller than you, but your little guy is smaller than me. its the circle of life pal
>know this girl due to common hobby
>Chatted with her multiple times, even on ig dms
>She generally greeted me with hi and a smile
>Recently avoids eye contact and doesnt say hi, treats me like air

Dont even know what i have done, maybe she saw me being racist on internet
m, yeah
Unless you have a vice grip, i think im safe to do anything i want.
A small girl wont dominate me easily
I'm glad you're watching this. I want you to see the pain, the pain that you gave me.
It'd be weird, I'd be cautious of wtf she's doing there. Would just play it cool and try to talk to her. At best we meet again later, at worst she's some psycho on the run that I got to not kill me.
I would insert my penis into her vagina and ejaculate after three thrusts.
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>Unless you have a vice grip
you've done this so many times now it doesn't justify anything you freak.
would you date a guy?
Chill it was just an anime quote. I didn't mean anything by it.
I despise you.
Why? Do you even know who I am?
She has been practicing for this...
State gender:
What sort of stuff do you look for on dating apps? What type of people do you swipe right on, and what type do you swipe left on? This includes what type of pics too
Man to women: Is it better to be a stronger man or to have a better career?
I'm a social worker but I feel like this job is wearing me down.
I'm not sure I"ll make it to one year.
I know Social work has a VERY high burnout rate, but I feel like I'm going to burn out before one year.
just got diagnosed with asperger at 24
Would you rather
Sorry to hear, but also good to have some context.
i know a party trick or two
Im having a gym date with my female friend tomorrow apparently...

She lost a lot of weight and wants to firm her body up and asked if i want to be her coach since im the gymcel in the friend group.

I have slight suspicion she might have bad relationship with food now, so its gonna be hard to establish that

Any advice
Asperger's the version of Autism where you aren't completely useless,; right?
women, how many of you are there actually?
nobody does.
>A gym date
What the fuck?
That's awesome, bro.

Who cares if she's in a relationship, I'd love to have a gym friendship with someone I can't fuck (a guy).
Oh so its you. Having a bad day? You know that our last encounter actually did affect me, I'm not trying to subtly bait you. I actually like you, you goober.
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why wouldn't i know how to program? that's retarded... i mean ladies you know how to program right?
Do tell.
Does it involve opening a beer bottle?

I have tricks up my sleeve too but they arent party friendly
I'm surrounded by cowards and corpses.
nta, agreed, platonic gym dates are so fun. Exercise is great with another person.
that's why i have a secret weapon, my gigantic cawk
good call changing the quote from dead men, since i'd have been able to "erm actually" that one
would it be cringe if i buy flowers to my crush?
I domt think shes in relationship, she just admitted to being bi, i think she had some bad breakup before losing weight
you're getting to me i'm starting to (((believe)))
swipe left on makeup, no-bio, typical body showing that makes it clear she just wants an ONS and children
swipe right on signs of intelligence and alternative thinking
Sorry to hear, but also congrats - having the diagnosis may help you make your life suck less. Just understanding what's up with yourself is good to begin with though. Welcome aboard SS Assburger.
No, just imagine her coming back home, making pic of the flowers, sending it to her group chat wuth caption "this loser bought my flowers lmao" and 2 hours later some bloke cumming in her butthole
Oops. Well it has been a while, hasn't it? First time was what, basically 2 months ago. And I'm mentally ill so the whole "taste of my own medicine" thing was actually very sweet. Maybe I'll get that connection after all, eh?
How much does it kill the mood if a guy is being rough and asks you if you're okay when you moan?
I can be rough but I'm afraid of hurting my girl unintentionally...
fucking rizz
Depends on the situation. My friend lost his then-new gf cause he sperged out. Dont go too big like a crazy bouquet, but keep doing nice things for her.
what's the number of your birthday?
am guy, don't do this lol. If she's hurt she isn't gonna moan @_@
08/11. You did very good when you said Scorpio Moon.
You don't have to let one burnout be the end of you. You can take your degree and move into healthcare so you can burnout there too. And maybe someday you transition into education and have another burnout there as well. The possibilities for burnout are endless.
scorpio bitch
Dead men is one extra syllable. Sonnets taught me to be conservative.
i'm going to lock it and upload for an unspecified period once i'm sure
Other way around. August. Hey you’re the one that said not to read into anons and identityfag. You must really like me.
I don't have a lot of experience, loud moans seem like a product of pain sometimes.
is that august or november
Americans and their fucked up dates
August. I can’t wait for my atoga birthday present.
leo is even worse
State gender. What makes you happy? What makes you sad?
Been playing with this vintage anime filter all day and ngl it makes my gf look waifu tier
No thats my gf
Says you. Maybe we match up well, who knows?
if you make her comfortable, then she's going to be comfortable to tell you when you hurt her
Your birthday is actually pretty close to mine.
Too bad I don't celebrate bdays
if i get into a relationship for the first time, what is the appropriate way to deal with the fact that i have sexual trauma but no consensual experience? i imagine like, before we do it for the first time, but how do i bring that up? what level of detail is needed? i don't think i can get him to understand what i need without being honest but that feels like it would kill the mood in a nuclear way, even if it wasn't *right* in the moment.
Why not? Getting too old for it?
it's too late for that.
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>lack of/poor father figure leads to incessant need for validation from the opposite sex
what is your take on this
Aw, but we could have a super special awesome double birthday!
In your dreams baka
Nah, just never really celebrated it in the first place.
Also friendless, and broken family.
Terrifying thought.
oh that's right. you're all just fucked up.
Leos are bad?
I don't think you really need to get into specifics but if you just say something like "be gentle", is that ok?
It gave me far, far worse issues than that
Terrifying? I need to pamper you! With your favourite cake and whatever you want to do.
If you feel your trauma is going to get in the way when you have sex, do it beforehand. Assuming this is true to your case, you don't give him too many details and overload him or yourself. Even if he asks for more details, just go as much as you are comfortable. If he's a decent enough guy, he will respond correctly and attempt to console you and during sex he'll go slowly and both of you will be vocal. If he thinks it's a mood killer, he aint the guy
Please don't, I don't want to start hating my own birthday, lmao.
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Women, do your boobs look like this?
Bahahahahahahahahahahaha. Old anon is that you?
>women dont want the horn dog guy
>But if you dont show her you want to have sex she will lose interest

How does one win
We're living in a rats' nest of luxury hotels and China is beating us in trade...
Do not tell him right in the moment. Prep him beforehand.
The later
I dont seek validation from the opp sex (im on here for more avoidant reasons). I do enjoy talking to girls, but like all guys do. My lack of a good father figure more just guides me to try and avoid his failures
specifically the left one, yeah, kinda. i've always been jealous of women with breasts that are full on top and make them look like they are wearing a push up bra 24/7, mine have the flat on top, full on bottom effect.
Made for fondling in the morning as she stands by kitchen oven making pancakes
Actually, kinda with no bra, yeah.
do you envy other girls who are better looking than you and get more attention from men than you?
Why would people choose anonymous interaction if they could be talking to friends instead?
Thats just how natural (huge) boob looks like no?
The round at the top pushup effect is just result of fake boob isnt it...

At least thats what my moid brain think so
Then you must be very lucky if they really are like that

The pic is goals
Nah not as much anymore.
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Upbringing generally does not matter as much as people think it does. A missing father figure is often a sign of bad character in both the father and the mother who got herself involved with such a person and whatever children are born from this dysgenic match are going to inherit those detrimental traits and manifest them all the same. What people generally identify as a lack of proper nurture is usually just another facet of nature revealing itself on the parent generation.
fuuuck, need a gf like this
You can drop warnings that you have some heavy stuff to talk about before you actually become ready to talk about it. You can tell him that you had a bad past but you're not ready to share it yet. That can help prepare him.

When will you be ready? There will never be a time when it completely feels "right" and "safe" to finally share your trauma. You will have to make an educated guess on when it's the "least wrong" time. One day after you've started to get emotionally serious, and when you're opening up to each other about your past history, you'll just have to pick a time to start sharing as calmly as you can even though every alarm in your brain is telling you to panic and flee. But it should definitely be when you're just talking, not when you're trying to get in the mood for something physical.
I don't want to assume but most of the women I meet who identify with father issues claim to be the victims of some sort of trauma, is that correct?
So you're avoidant because you don't want to embody your fathers worst traits?
>Single father better parenting results
Oh no no strong independent womyn we got too cocky
Those ones look fake desu.
no, some women are full on top and on bottom, or full on top but not on bottom.
That bad, huh?
no im avoiding separate non-related irl problems. Same as like watching TV, binging a show, or playing vid games. Nothing to do with father
I'm currently doing both.
That's some chad shit.
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Im not a boob guy, more of a butt guy.
But always good to learn more.
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Should I go to the Phillipines and impregnate a bunch of random women in their late teens and early 20s?

A relationship with a white woman who's above 5/10 clearly isn't happening, due to their insane standards. Maybe at least I can have a bit of fun impregnating a bunch of fertile women and then disappearing after. I know this can be easily done because I set my Badoo to international and literally asked these women if I can impregnate them over a 2 week period and they agreed.

Are there any downsides to this?
That is actually the same shape. Just smaller.
The other day when I was out on a walk, I saw this girl with like no tits, like actually flat, she wore a t-shirt and it was completely adhered to her flat chest, and I just thought "Wow, she's flat, that's hot."
i'm not sure if be gentle is enough, or even the right guideline if i could only give one. the emotional tone of what we do is more of the thing, i guess, i don't know.

i definitely would say beforehand, not in the moment, i was just saying i feel like that might kill the mood even if its weeks later. thank you all for the advice, i will try to remember that. hopefully i am over-worrying and he would take it well, whoever he ends up being.
Poor girl
I’m very sick of mourning and grieving my dead relationship!
Are you Asian?
Small boobs
Fit butt

And you deserve a chad bf
after all of the abusive shit my father and opposite sex of done to me that actually makes a lot of sense i'd seek validation from both of them
that's actually a smaller version of the original
also, pretty cute btw
It's chill.
That sounds like a round about way to cope about having any choice in the matter, the graph literally says otherwise
>vice grip femanon was edging so hard she stopped replying

Blackpilled again
do you use x in 2024?
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I'm using it right now.
You’re tough as nails.
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>got blueballed so hard I thought I'd throw up
why are women so mean
It's an essential letter in my keyboard.
We all are, everyone that's alive right now is a trooper, and a real one.
I never used twitter to begin with.
She figured out you're the creep posting creepshit.
are you retarded?
Its over
Quads of hope and bloom, huh. Sure is beautiful in here today.
M If the guy is decent, that's not gonna kill the mood or repulse him or anything like that. Really. If anything, it'll make him more concerned than you probably want, be prepared for that too.
nag, but imo it's like dating apps; girls will get bored and leave if you say boring stuff. I searched for 'vice' and it didn't seem to interesting. On the other man, maybe she just left, idk. Doesn't matter too much
I need some success stories.

Anyone "making it" here? M or F
huh, look at that
need virtual pet gf
I clawed my way from NEET to middle class.
Oh, uh, romantic success? Nah, sorry...
Guilty as charged.
I'm not "making it," but that's purely by my own volition. I could be a normalfag if I really wanted to (and I probably will once the loneliness gets too hard to bear)
F I talked to a cashier today. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
almost. i'm right there. all i have to do is cross this line in front of me. i feel really terrible though
What are your thoughts on this? What are your personal ratings for this? Like, what percentage do you think you'd swipe?
Fellow white guys, why do black chicks hate us so much? I just want to settle down with a nice ebony girl
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>post race bait bullshit
>get b&
>more concerned than you probably want
uh, what does that mean?
Trying to scare me again?
>quickly going to store today
>Grab bottle of coke
>Cute cashier says hi, giggles a bit as i hold eye contact strongly
>Says bye in cute way

What did she mean by this
Don't fall for it anon.
M I approached a girl in a bookstore and we hit it off and have gone on a few dates now.
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So why do girls do it again?
There's a study that shows that what people consider to be the most attractive person is actually regional and closer to what the average person looks like.
So, in other words, if you took every single men in the US, and merged it into a single person, the closer you are to this person, the more likely women will find you attractive.

So, in other words, that poll was taken in 2014 for the US, and the average guy at that time is a white dude.
do you literally just bring things up to troll??
I bring up things to ogre... because it is...
Nice, talk as in conversation or just typical cashier interactions.
>do you literally just bring things up to troll??
ah man haha she's funny
nta, idk man, jannies have banned me for things I didn't understand either. Honestly, it aint worth it to think about it too much.
Do you think less of a man who has dated or had sexual intercourse with mentally ill women (ADHD, down syndrome, depression, etc)?
Actual conversation! He liked my hat.
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How? What's life like now?

Like you chatted him up?


Congrats man, what's she like?
I love her!
haha i'm a dragon. i'm going to burn you
Did you initiate, or did he compliment your hat first?
Um... he might try to treat it as if it just happened yesterday, not however long ago
Kids of single moms are more likely to graduate college though. But at the end of the day: it doesn't really matter all that much. Kids whose parents failed at a relationship often end up messed up - even if their single parents remarry and they have a father figure in the house. The reason for that is: the traits which made their parents fail in their relationship are heritable and the kids are going to inherit them and manifest them, just like their parents. When you father is a deadbeat or a criminal and your mother is an irresponsible narcissist, what is going to come out of that match up? The apple does not fall far from the tree.

This is a truth that upsets both leftoids and rightoids - because they are ultimately also liberals who believe in hogwash such as men being created equal.

What does the graph tell us really? Look at what I said above. In fact, both graduating college as well as criminality are strongly predicted by IQ and personality traits, such as conscientiousness, which has a substantial heritable component. For IQ in particular it ranges up to .8. This idea that upbringing would affect this significantly is a pipe dream - especially if we consider that the people raising the kids share the traits of their kids. Nature shapes what nurture looks like.

Are you?
Black women hate basedboys
bruh every woman under 20 has one of those
Oh, no, he started it. I just didn't respond with a one word answer like I usually do.
hey nice digits
you don't have to answer if you don't want to but like, i really do not have a point of reference for whatever you are trying to... imply? you're not saying it out loud. i've yet to have any guy show much concern for me, i don't really know how you act in that situation.
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>putting ADHD and depression in the same category as Down's Syndrome
Anon. Obviously EVERYONE looks down on someone who has ever had sex or dated a downie. They will (correctly) assume you're either at the intellectual level of a downie, or you're a rapist. Which is correct.
Thanks. She's a goth and I was little awkward and intimated at first but we like a lot of the same books and art and video games and stuff like that. I like her.
Give me a (You) if when having to interact with women, you have to force yourself to give eye contact
Does it count if I have to force myself to break eye contact? To the point that most women think I want to fuck them when I talk to them.
Does it have to be specifically with women? I don't usually make eye contact with men either.
Giving eye contact is easy. Maintaining eye contact is hard.
26 year old here
My eyes are never on the woman, they be floating around the room.
well it's like half way done technically, but i'll be releasing it soon regardless. i'm finishing this project that installs a hardened distro with bunch of a tools. it's got this sweet menu system. after that i plan on moving to studyinh llms and working to automate metasploit like software. That and i got back into uni.
Obviously. Maintaining eye contact with anyone is hard, let alone a cute girl
I don't know how to phrase it great but he will be concerned. Do not feel like you're burdening him. You aren't.
but what does "more concerned than you want" mean?? that's so ominous dude
obviously not
I am literally an autist and I have no idea on social etiquette on how to treat women that are into me. Can anyone here give me some tips or teach me how to do so?
How does this work exactly? When I'm talking to someone I always stare directly at their eyes without looking away or blinking at all until I stop talking to them.
M I do. My eyes always drift to her boobs, I don't mean to really. I'm just a nervous idiot.
If it's the first time we're speaking I freeze up like a teenager talking to his crush
I think you are, since you're apparently incapable of mustering any kind of opposition to what I said. Do you have an argument besides your feelings having gotten hurt and being bootybothered about it?
That's like asking someone who's afraid of bugs how that works. I can't explain it, I simply have a natural aversion to looking someone directly in the eyes.
I look like I'm uninterested and distracted. It's mad disrespectful. lol.
So I angle my body towards them even if my eyes are drifting, I think, hope, it makes them feel like I'm focused on them.
hahaha no. lol what. i'm autistic as hell. hahaha
Shit, I didn't mean it to be, really. :) I mean, you've had time to process what happened to you, right? A little bit? He hasn't.
Women have perfected the art of making men want to kill themselves, and that's why I believe without a doubt that they hate men.
okay, i am following you up to "he will be very shocked and concerned", but i am losing you in "this is bad"

i have spent hours in a thread with nobody except me and OP trying to talk depressed guys out of becoming an hero. idk what weird biased reality you come from, but the world isn't as hateful as you might think after seeing the worst of it.
NTA but it means he might move slower than you want. Like if you want him to be ready for sex a week after you tell him, he might be ready a month after. Like if you want him to be rough with you, he might not be ready for a long time to be anything but gentle. Like if you want him to trust that you're safe going down dark streets all alone, he might not be ready for you to be all alone in dangerous places because he's still getting used to the fact that there was a time in your life when you were harmed and nobody protected you from it. It's not ominous, it's hopefully endearing... but perhaps a little disappointing or frustrating, depending on what you want from him.
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I'll give you my expert advice.
>approach them (if online then with a simple message, if in person don't get in their personal space)
>greeting, then proceed to lovebomb
>tell them how beautiful they are, compliment everything about them that seems like they put time or thought into, their hairstyle, their clothes, their makeup style, be sure to make specific and concrete compliments
>start talking to them about whatever, continue lovebombing them
>acquire contact info if in person
>talk to them for a while until you're sure that they see you as a romantic interest, get them to suggest you go on a date or something
>immediately stop responding to them for at least a month
>after a month message them like nothing happened
>when they ask why you ghosted them say that you thought they weren't interested in talking to you and you didn't want to be annoying or whatever
>get her to tell you that she has romantic interest in you
>tell her that you're a little surprised since she's so pretty and has a great personality blah blah blah
after that it's common sense lads
you just gaslight her some and then begin manipulating her until she loves you
personal experience probably
Are you guys watching the downfall of the United States of America?
Did I imply that it would be bad? I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention.

It’s probably chink spyware but w/e, I’m not important enough to spy on anyways and I got a separate phone for personal shit.
Just keeping them alive longer to enjoy the schadenfreude and keep messing with their heads.
I never make eye contact
>she's a goth
holy fuck man, give your secrets, srsly
I naturally have laser like eye contact with women like I’m trying to burn a hole through their skull.
You know you can just wear sunglasses all the time including indoors right?
>but people will think I'm weird
you don't make eye contact so they'll probably think you're less weird actually
>women that are into me
That never happened to me.
Boobs are hard to ignore! Least I'm trying my best to not objectify em
well you said i wouldnt like it...
I have to make eye contact to figure out what they're thinking, I find womens faces very stimulating.
Thanks, that's what I was trying to say. He MIGHT react something like that. Men aren't that great with affection sometimes, it's either 1 or 11.
Here is your (You).

But I have to do the same when interacting with men. It honestly doesn't make a difference to me.
I don't pretend to be a woman, but men continue to mistake me for one.
I'm pretty sure that the problem isn't me, these nigga just horny and fruity as hell.
Yes, but not because of their tits.
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Can mommy issues stem from JUST being attracted to older women or wanting to make a mother out of the woman you love in your life? OR can if mean other things like wanting to breed with women older than you or wanting an older girlfriend/wife because you'll feel like the sex will be better, compatibility-wise or not, or because the feelings between you will be more tense, thus be more loyal to each other, etc.
Idk cause when I was a kid, I thought at a point having an older girlfriend would be cooler because it would've meant more sex than with a woman my age. But at the same time, I also felt like I had this wound from being overly neglected and glossed over by my mother who wound up working herself all too often, so I've felt like nothing but emotionally invalidated and abandoned all throughout my life to the point that I don't even know what to feel anymore from not growing up in a loving home.
On top of that, and to keep it frank as well, I'm also struggling to talk more because usually I'm much more quiet and composed about myself because it hurts when I talk, even through text, so I often more than not keep to myself when talking about things like this. I also tend to self-isolate frequently, including online from my "friends", because I'm afraid of getting hurt.
is that some melodramatic reveal or another anon. that is so gay either way though
It's probably because you complain a lot.
I know, right?! I just forced myself to shoot my shot because I knew I wouldn't get another chance like that.
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guys, when you freak out about liking goth girls, do you mean "she listens to siouxsie and the banshees and is weird" or do you mean "she wears all black and does intense makeup and looks like a cyberpunk hooker" (not to be rude towards girls who dress like that i think you are very pretty it's just too bold for me to be comfy like that and i can't do makeup good)
everyone knows you're a closet homosexual cocaine addict
Back when I was more twink-looking I used to get mistaken for a woman all the time, I'd get catcalled on the street and everything. Other guys just be horny I guess
I am both >>31520116 and >>31520102
Women, when a guy hugs/cuddles with you from behind or when you sit on his lap, do you know how much of an internal conflict it is to not grab your boobs (instead of your waist) or get hard?
Is there ever a time you want them to do it? Like, what percentage of the time? 10%?
I've dated both kinds, they are both awesome. I love goth women!
what are her likings? Give me all the info, how do i get these types of chicks?
"If anything" was a dumb way to put that, right. I apologize.
people say way too much far too often
you wont hear a thing soon anyways
It hurts more to think about the wasted potential
>"she wears all black and does intense makeup and looks like a cyberpunk hooker"
I'm pretty sure men always mean this.
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but you know you can just get any gf and be like, "can you cosplay s a cyberpunk hooker sometimes"
Where is my atoga gf? I miss you honey.
Why doesn't misandrist speech have the same kind of emotional impact on its targets as misogynist speech?
Xe thinks I'm someone else, lol.
These people are so confused.
>Is there ever a time you want them to do it?
Like 2% of the year, yes 7.3 days.
The rest of the time I want to cuddle him instead and or keep him locked in chastity so he can't rub his boner on me.
I have no strong feelings at all about goth girls, neither negative nor positive.

>then i'm not asking you
Too bad, I'm telling you this anyway.
Idk, why do girls like goth/noir/lone wolf types? Basically the same reasons. Both genders aren't that diff
I don't... I wasn't looking for one specifically, I don't know where you find them. Bookstores seem like a good place to find girls anyways.
no what you said was crazy.
>or keep him locked in chastity
I knew there was a catch, you've been far too friendly these last few threads.
I didn't say shit, homie.
Women, I wish you could smell right now. I smell amazing.
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What book are (YOU) reading right now??
Eh I'm in that demographic and only have the sex once in a blue moon. And when I do I'm someone's second or third choice for a rebound hookup.

Anyway, have some The Wake:

Mine likes that band and has introduced me to a bunch of stuff like that.
Nah, tell me about the book you're reading right now instead.
What why? Rubbing boner and light groping makes me want to cuddle and care for her even harder. Not being allowed to express my appreciation of her is like your bf not letting you say "I love you" even when you really want to
Sincerely, M whose second home is a New Wave or Goth night.

what other stuff does she like, and what types of books
Are you confused too, my guy?
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Picrel, it's exactly what it sounds like.
The Internationalists. It's a recent history of foreign policy under the Biden administration and how it's purposefully designed as a contrast from the Trump era.
I'm reading The Bible and I'm almost finished. Wish me luck.
I like the JPS translation. Less of the fluff from that con artist who speciously claimed to be the son of God and ruined civilization for 2000 years in the process. Seriously, fuck Yeshua.
I prefer the Quran
Spoken directly by GOD HIMSELF and recorded by Muhammed PBUH
Weak b8, try harder
Not bait. I really like the Tanakh and Talmudic studies, and really, really fucking hate the Jesus crowd.
Evola's Hermetic Tradition
Unironically how do you like the Tanakh and Talmud but not the Quran. It's just a better version of them.
Proto-Fascist bullshit artist. Fuck Evola.
She likes art and animation/cartoons, old black and white sci-fi/horror movies, gothic literature, Sherlock Holmes. I first found her reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But I'm sure there's some variety with goths.
I have some respect for the Quran in translation as a work of literary poetry, even though I don't believe Jesus/Yeshua or Mohammed are legi prophets.
Jung said it was the best introduction to Hermeticism.
Your left/right brain is a personal cancer.
Really obscure 90s cartoons?
I have some bad news for you, if you believe prophecy is real you have either low IQ or schizophrenia.
Who am I?
only FPP
Synoptic Jesus is great. The perversion of Pauline Jesus is an indictment of Paul, not Jesus.
Rude Dog and the Dweebs? More late '80s, proto-90s. Very Memphis Milano aesthetic, visual prototype for a lot of '90s Nickelodeon content.

Please tell me she's not from New York
man, i think the only gothic thing I've read is As I Lay Dying. Guess I should read older stuff one day
My occult nigga.
Good news! There's a bestselling romance novel by RuNyx called Gothikana. It's about a young woman at a gothic themed university in a castle who has a hot and horny sex affair with her professor who looks like the lead singer from The Damned. It's the perfect book for understanding Goth culture. There's even a playlist of Goth music referenced at the end.
Women, if you were with a guy who, really liked your worn underwear, would you indulge him? Or think less of him?
I don't think so. Batman, Reboot, Gargoyles, stuff I think most people would know.
I would force him to wear them and get fucked by black men and dogs.
Stop watching fucking porn
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Who are you guys rooting for?
Reboot is kinda obscure... wait, you're Canadian?
the destruction of the gay empire
If you want mommy you got mommy issues <3
I only watch porn a moderate amount, I've cut down by a lot. I used to watch 18 hours a day but now I only watch 12 hours a day. And I only have 6 monitors playing porn videos for those 12 hours.
You need to read:
>Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite (who now goes by Billy Martin)
Gothic horror story about gay vampire incest and rock music culture
>Silk by Caitlin R. Kiernan
Supernatural gothic novel about confronting the trauma of childhood sex abuse with supernatural elements. First book in a series of novels about mental health issues and supernatural escapades involving the same set of characters
>The Cipher by Kathe Koja
Edgy story about a '90s hipster couple who rent out a glory hole in their apartment and a bunch of weird, gothic shit happens because of it
>Interview with the Vampire
Classic queer-coded vampire story about gay adoption of a juvenile delinquent
Wait, is there something going on in America today?
>Interview with the Vampire
This one sucked, read The Witching Hour instead.
Very Catholic book. "Does God hate me because I have sinned?" is like every other fucking paragraph.
Heh. Guilty.
Current president of America was just killed via verbal combat by former president.
If she took off her underwear and gagged me with it, I think I'd become her free-use
I'm going for the Living Dead Man over the Manhattan Mussolini
Or, I dunno, Dracula.
If I’m on his lap, 95% of the time. If I’m hugging a guy I really like, 75%. A boyfriend/husband, 99%. If I’m hugging a friend, 1%.
An Education in Malice is decent if you want a vaguely Goth story about two late-teens vampire chicks being lesbianly groomed by their hot English teacher
None, sadly
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Friendzoned bros, we're so back
Is The Picture of Dorian Gray worth reading?
The Tangerine Tyrant
I don't know, is the cheap tattoo on your genitals worth reading?
With her bf getting anally fucked
I thought it was dreadful but a lot of people like it, especially chicks.
Man, I saw like a butt ton of dracula movies a while ago, from Nosferatu to the really good gary oldman one. Bet the book is good
Despite my opinion of Wilde, it's alright
He's a rapist. He's raped many women and possibly a few men. And if you're not careful, he might rape you next. Don't let your genitals be grabbed by Donald.
>especially chicks.
in other words
understanding it will lead you to the path of pussy.
Even in public? (bar/club/party/friends drinking together)?
They ain't gonna rape themselves are they? Somebody's gotta do the raping.
The book is unironically the second worst piece of Dracula-related media. The worst is the BBC series by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat.
That it doesn't matter if you're a massive piece of shit as long as you're attractive?
It's a short read. I liked it. The short read itself really aids in the argument to reading it.
But I'm horribly ugly and women let me do whatever
oh really? I thought the gary oldman one took a lot from it (+ nosferatu). That's sad
>I'm tellin' ya, somebody's doing the raping
You should really read the book. It's told in a neat way.
fat chicks don't count
Women say there's no modest clothes in the stores. How true is that?
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What are your thoughts on the technological advancements within the furry community and furries in general.
skinny good looking women i mean
i'm like a 4/10
There is. They're just retarded.
Not true
>t. works at a clothes store
If you want modest clothes, do your shopping in Saudi Arabia.
i see
BMI 30 is not skinny m80
if you were successful, you wouldn't be in this shithole
my conversation with you is now over
I didn't like it. It's mostly a study in Victorian hand-wringing and pearl-clutching over scaaaary foreigners and the implicit threat of homosexuality.
In public drops/raises things down/up to like 5% for everyone.
I mean it's presented as a bunch of documents, like it actually happened.
where else would i come to shitpost and bully people
/r9k/ losers are too far gone i try to turn you guys into them
you mean an epistolary novel dumbass
I chronically post on /r9k/ and have nevertheless had my penis inside of many women's vaginas, and my tongue stimulating many clits. Much like Jason Mewes, I am a clit commander.
oh that sounds pretty fun
>I chronically post on /r9k/
it's over
I wish I could grow a beard like this
Why the <3
Would you rather acquire prime real estate in some random country, or RENT literally the shittiest shit shack in your current country.
You just want a male beard rubbing up against your genitalia as you are orally pleasured.
you typed this sentence
Because mommy issues are cute. <3.
State gender:
What is your ideal weight for an SO? At what weight would you lose attraction to them, if at all?
My hope is for a villa in East Jerusalem.
Under 100lbs
Over 100lbs and I'd have to start destroying her self esteem to give her anorexia
Weight depends on, among other things, height, so I can't accurately say.
I place my faith in BMI.

>but BMI isn't perfect
It doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be Good Enough.
>trannies love transhumanism
More at 5; water is wet!
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>wall of text
I want to fuck women with mature bodies and know how to work my meat stick
As long as her ass is fat Idc.
BMI is irrelevant since women above 5'2 are basically men and not sexy at all
any good shows/movies you've seen in the past few months
I'm not trans but I do believe there should be irl character customization opportunities like in a video game.
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godzilla minus one is an amazingly good movie. A weaker me (drunk?) would've cried
I just watched Eric on Netflix. Benedict Cumberbatch does a great turn as an alcoholic deadbeat dad from New York.
I just flick it on and off at random when talking to a new person until I determine their level of comfort
I normally avoid eye contact to keep people from noticing how much I hate them if anything
Sorry, honey.
women should be tiny
*returns two weeks later when you are in heat*
You mean like Tinker Bell in Disney's Peter Pan?
Had a coworker I had a crush on who mightve been slightly taller than me (or shorter, idr, we were just near height). Man, it was so much funner with her. Kinda sucks I prob wasn't on her radar cept maybe near the end when she moved away
You could just tell him early on that when you have bad days you really don't want to do anything sexual. For some people, sex is a relief from stress. Just comminucate with him that it aint your thing
Ideally light enough that I can lift them.
Idk about the cutoff
If your wife isn't small enough that people think your daughter is her mother when your daughter is 16 you've lost in life
remember that she be putting that dick back in when it slipped out.
What's her favorite Sherlock Holmes story?
My ex would pull me into her with her hand.
I really liked The Treasure of Sierra Madre.

You know those old Humphrey Bogart movies like Casablanca where he starts off bitter and jaded and an asshole, but he gradually reveals his warm heart and kind soul? I love this one because it's the opposite.
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This but unironically.
>When you see a slag posting a slutty selfie but she has no OF, no ad, not even a donation link
Yes. Thank you.
That means she's low IQ
if you're gonna be a ho you best not be doing it for free is what my momma always said
I should bring my notebook to work so I can write instead of shitpost.
write down your theoretical shitposts
Quantum theoretical shitposts. A new frontier in temporal physics.
When was the last time you started shit with someone and made a scene in public?
They’ve mostly been melancholic. Not great for a funny anime board.
never, im too agreeable to do that
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Men be like
>I want a goth gf
this is every goth gf
the only non-fat women who do this style are just doing it as cosplay basically
Why is “bad bitch/girl” such a hot tattoo? God damn.
She said the adventure of the copper beeches.
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He’s me if I wasn’t tall, dark, mysterious, handsome, and didn’t wear all black.
>tfw gothick but work in a kasual-yuppie career field
white is the new black
peak male fashion is wearing 3 different button up shirts on top of each other
Linen suits and pastel crewnecks like Don Johnson are back in.
Are the americans alright?
Ditch your job and travel the world with me.
No, Americans in small towns literally worship Trump as the God of their new religious cult.
ive argued with someone while some other people were passing by
Only if we can orally pleasure each other at every hotel, hostel, and bed and breakfast we stay in.
Sure, fellow homosexual
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Women be like
>My standards are pretty low
>My boyfriend is like just some average guy
and then their boyfriend is like
I wish I weren't agreeable. I wish I had an eccentrically dressed gang of street yay-hoo's to cause public disturbances with, and no one bothered to stop us.
Feel free to sit on my face and you have a deal.
american politics are a comedy at best
Most women would think this guy is ugly tho
F that's not nice looking.
You would drop to your knees in public and suck him off if he glanced at you
i hate women so much it's unreal
Nah dude that’s just you.
BMI < 25
simple as
>muh BMI not accurate
it is for women since there are few body builders
Women, in the 69 position do you prefer to top, bottom, or both of you on your sides?
it's any man or woman
he's a chad unlike the chinless losers here
i wish i had a chin
As a chin haver, it doesn’t help. I still feel like a loser who doesn’t fit anywhere, except people just want to use me as some sort of puppet.
you're probably a manlet under 6ft then
women dry up when they see manlets and men see men under 6ft as subhuman children worthy of zero respect
I am not a manlet, no. It’s the same thing you got, self loathing.
you must just not be chad enough
even if you're over 6ft and a 10/10 you still have a 99.99999% chance of dying an incel
less than 1,000 men alive have ever had sex, that's how evil women are
>makes me want to cuddle and care for her even harder.
Fake and gay. Men don't "want" to cuddle and care for women. They want mom's that wash their shitstains from their undies.
this is ironically what women want
Must not be. I mean I’ve had sex, but I just feel like I don’t fit in anywhere. Even on 4chan.
This. Just look at how no men raise children. 99.999999999999% of mothers are single mothers because all men hate responsibility.
Men with good chins that don't shave are hiding for no other reason than laziness.
Men that shave have superior genetics like vikings.
when you wake up next to a spiteful mutant, you just don't feel like carrying responsibilities anymore. weird eh?
I do shave. My beard is straight outta Scotland, all neck. So I stay clean shaven. I actually really like my cheekbones and chin, to be honest. All my self loathing is internal.
Are you going to make your son mew? State gender.
i honestly want to grow a beard to hide my chin that juts out
He won’t need to.
Why would I want sons they'll turn trans or gay from the frog water
It’s important that my child does not become a mouth breather
Yes, much better to have a based daughter.
Men need to be gay with eachother since they think women are "spiteful mutants" and not mirroring your own spiteful mutant ass.
99.999999999999999% of men are gay. Women don't have sex with 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of men so they've turned prison gay from it.
homie spittin facts in the chat poggers
gonna hit the griddy for you dawg
You moist af.
I prefer not to do it at all but gun to my head, top.
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>I can't think of anything more cucked than raising a daughter...
If a woman grabbed my hand and held it I would blush bright red
women is this pathetic?
Be honest. Does telling normies you have autism make them not like you as much?
yes retard
I wish incestfags would stop using the best hobbit
women are fucking terrible immoral people haha prove me wrong
I was at a coffee place with my ex and as we were about to order I asked him to order for me but he just started mocking what I said and then the employees were laughing too so i angrily said i didnt even want the coffee anymore and stormed off.
That’s just not how it works.
that's why i do it. it's actually a test to see whether someone's sentient or not.
it is not an incest thing
it's a son preference thing
Well, it's more like, why are you telling me? Same with like, why is a person telling about their past family issues or rape or wtv. It's all very situation dependent. Is this the first conversation we've ever had? Is this like a 'hey i got autism, sorry if I say the n word a couple of times lool'. Or is this when we're all talking about disabilities, and you say say something like, yeah I got autism, so sometimes i miss certain cues, or wtv
my impression of a woman:
"memememe memememe memememe mememe memememe"
ladies... was this accurate?
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you're completely right
>Living completely on my own around no family
>Holding down a job for over two years
>Home is clean
>Lost weight and look put together
>Found the love of my life with the type of relationship I've always wanted
>got insurance
>soon to start a family
This is after much struggle
Can you have a mommy gf if she is younger than you
i hate women so much they will have sex with literally anyone except me
average tinder ho fucks dozens of men a week but not me why why why why
I could've handled it better but he was being a dick and there are better ways to communicate that and not have it end up in public embarrassment.
oh sweet innocent incel, it's more like thousands
Thousands? Delusional anon. It's more like billions. The entire male population of the world runs a rotation on each woman daily You're the ONLY ONE not participating.
Im at the club rn LOL men why don’t you want me
Which club?
How did you find him?
Men don't hit on attractive women at the club, only older women and fat women (women who seem like they'd fuck that night)
I'm too drunk, I can't find you. stand up and wave plz.
Women are astrally fucked by the entire galaxy's alien population every minute
trillions of invisible dicks pound them every second
Please give me advice I want a boyfriend
Actually fucking bullshit. I’m not an incel but holy fuck some people just get easy mode life where everyone just seeks them out and gives them a connection. Fuck you and fuck your faggot happiness.
I’m dressed conservatively
So I’m hot?
Baby I’m right behind you
her bf probably put zero effort into getting her so how is this not just further proof you are the subhuman and most people can find gf/bf easily
My gf called me a normie today, it's over...
>So I’m hot?
No you're likely average. Unless a guy is super fucking wasted he's not going to bother hitting on average or higher women at a normal club. That shit only works for guys who aren't celebrity tier looks and charisma if it's the kind of club where everyone's zooted on drugs.
I’m not an incel, again. People have just always treated me like a freak no matter what. I’m sick of it. You niggas act like you’re all so fucked in the head but you have each other to be fucked with. Sure, I’m subhuman.
holy shit don't sneak up on me like that, I almost vomited on you babe. wowow your eyes are pretty
play stupid games win stupid prizes if you'd like to continue.
Nah I can just suffer alone. Don’t need some psycho to tell me how I deserve it or whatever.
There are no women here today
I took all your women
they're in my harem now
hahaha seethe incel
Good for you, you won.
I'm here y'all just aren't interesting rn
die roastoid whore
See what I mean? Boring.
i bet you didn't see my questions anyway
you're not being interesting either go party in your club or whatever normalfag ass shit you're up to
you roasties ruined my life
ruined it
No one's asked anything worthwhile in over an hour
Hanging out in mom's basement, just like you.
I told a girl I liked her. She seemed a little shy and quiet about it and didn’t say much. Is it over?
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i tried a reset but i didnt actually reset anything this time and now im sad
men what do i do about this
Try again tomorrow.
She has at least 30000 men telling her that every day
No, this is cute
Is she normally shy and quiet?
Yes but we’ve been friends for a bit
gg, go next
it'll all still be there tomorrow
Maybe, but maybe not the next day.
Are you in middle school? What kind of reaction did you expect? Why didn't you just start flirting with her and ask her out?
Presumably she panicked when you said it. It doesn't look good but I wouldn't say it's completely over.
State gender
Describe how to make the perfect pancake
oil pour batter flip flip flip done
Chocolate chip pancakes
With Peanut butter, chocolate sauce, and syrup
My friends say I'm nuts but they tried it and they fucking loved it
MEN I’m about to fucking kill myself im serious
Noooo you’re so good at posting aha.
She just said she wasn’t expecting it and it was so sudden
Men how am I supposed to think about his actions toward me

>guy with issues likes me
>tells me his dating history
>says he last felt happy with her but doesn't like her anymore
>try to relate and send him pics of old ex and me to talk about stuff
>i take break from replying
>he sends me 23 messages
>including how it might not be over between me he and i(he want to go slow/work on himself)
>he sends me song
>he send selfie
>tells me to have a good day
>he sends me a voice note
>he nervous as hell
>he says he's sorry for rambling but remembered i wanted to hear his voice more

was he trying to just talk about his past dating experiences or make me jealous or what idk
NTA but that's a rejection dude
Yeah, probably. You live and you learn I guess
oh god yes
Women do you like having your butt smacked? why or why not?
No idea, the mentally ill are funny people.
Please don't, you're the light of my life...
he sounds based and extremely mentally ill
Why did God make me this way?
made you what way?
are you fat and balding?
Because he knew you would be his strongest soldier
No, just unlovable on the inside.
Damn, what did you do, bro
Can you speak spanish?
no im not subhuman
No im not
Idk. Always been this way. Just feels like everyone else has something I don’t.
I know I just say that to every woman hoping one day it'll make them have sex with me :3
I'll cry for months if you do it :(

Please do not pretend to be me, thats not nice
Yea no one loves me
No you won't
Correct :3
Months aren’t very much compared to the many years you will live on. You’ll be fine
She just said that she doesn’t know if she likes me and that we should go on a couple dates
Love [X]
Titty fucking addiction []
Yeah. Reminds me he finds me sexually appealing. And it's silly.
I love you, in the grand we're all humans kumbaya kind of way, though.
Um lol. Lol for fucks sake. I just want him so badly I think I might die
It’s raining.
Just go message him bruh.
I don’t need that shit
Still love you though.
Supposed to be a checkmark on the second line
You know what that means
Would it be cringe to tell her how hopelessly addicted I am to fucking her big soft titties
Women why do you hate and fear me just for being born with a penis?
Yes, I will run around in the rain. (Happy)
It’s a reflection of my inner self. (Pain)
So real
no I need help aaaa
lol what does that mean
Because they know what you must do with that penis. Even if you yourself do not
When will women understand that love is irrelevant
Women will you be playing Mario and Luigi: Brothership?
I hate and fear you because idk if that penis will be used on me for good or evil.
I need help too but no one’s coming to save me. Good luck.
What considerations do I need to make if I’m having relations with a 5’5 110lb woman?
But i haven't done anything to warrant such contempt...
you also seem mentally ill
most women would just block a guy after he sends 23 messages
bpd shit
I'm completely indifferent towards you until you either become a threat or a friend
You have a penis. Start doing evil with it to find equilibrium with women's contempt
This post is missing half of the relevant information. Her size and weight mean nothing if they're not in comparison to your own.
i would like to use my penis for good
So what?
>Start doing evil with it to find equilibrium with women's contempt
No i don't to. I prefer when we all like each other and our genitals get along
I've been a horny girl (horny)
I've been a horny girl (horny)
so.. he's trying to get me to block him? idk much about bpd
Love you too
I am in pain.
5’7 and 180lbs
Idk I never got into Mario except Super Mario World
I have an evil dick
Or maybe that's just the Chlamydia
Don't worry about it then.
Not related but the space between my asshole and ballsack has been itching recently
>so.. he's trying to get me to block him?
he simply does not care
Women would you date Johnny Bravo if he was real?
Not related but my boobs have been really itchy lately too
Are you sure? She seems a little frail
Fuck no.
Women are your tits big enough for titty fucking?
>have first meal of the day
>instantly sleepy afterwards
Not related but i have not been itchy lately
I'm 2 inches taller and 5 pound heavier than her. She'll be fine.
Yea but I've never done it
Must have gotten Chlamydia from me titty fucking u
it's all the sweating, keep it dry, Anon.
otherwise nasty shit bout to happen
Ok, good to hear
It's so sexy especially with lotion and when she kisses on the tip
ok thanks
Women would you date a man who had a youtube channel with millions of views, and constantly has people asking where he disappeared to, but he has no time to work on the channel anymore?
Women how's it feel being retarded >>31520846
Men, why do you only come here to cynically give (You)s to Fs?
Women how much do you want a bf that enjoys cunnilingus?
I spread posivibes.
Literally the nicest guy in this entire thread. :^l
Intertrigo girl summer
Sort of. Works better if I hold them and he thrusts. I hate it though.
It's a requirement
Nah, I guarantee if I made a post that said “I feel horribly alone and unloved” but tossed an F at the end it’d get 7 (You)s in an hour.
Not much, it's not my favorite way to cooom.

>Women would you date a man who had a youtube channel
What's weird about that?
We're all men here.
>it's whiny little bitch hours
It’s just depressing. But that’s my own fault for neglecting to create an actual social circle for when I feel this way.
Case in point.
What ever happened to “and that’s a good thing” femanon?
I’ve got a date!!!
>hate it though.
>It's a requirement
>it's not my favorite way to coom.
Duality of woman
She's busy.
Whats wrong about having a youtube channel?
Asmr ruined your brain
It's awkward and very unsexy from my perspective. It's not like a blowjob or handjob where I'm actively participating I might as well be a silicone pair of tits.
Nta but someone needs to make Austin Butler ASMR
And that’s a good thing.
it's been years... please..
Women i have crocked teeth and haven't been able to afford braces. How undesirable are men like this?
As guys watch porn for a turn on do women do the same? I mean does a random adult performer with a hard on turn a women on?
women would you date a man who had over a dozen discord kittens
Nothing wrong with having a yotube channel, but it's just not the type of person I'd be interested in dating. I tend to like people who are private, introverted, reserved and not very attention seeking.
Crooked is NBD. Poorly maintained dirty or rotting teeth are the deal breaker.
What is a discord kitten?
A good thing.
It’s basically an online friends with benefits relationship.
No, ew.
>does a random adult performer with a hard on turn a women on?
Could you explain how bad teeth have to be for them to enter deal breaker territory?
it's when an underage girl simps for you via discord
Wish I had a girl I could just come home and titty fuck her over and over and then take her out to minigolf on the weekends
>Poorly maintained dirty or rotting teeth are the deal breaker.
Okay, my teeth are relatively clean. I have some plaque that i'd like to get rid of, but i haven't had a cavity since i had baby teeth
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When's the last time you had mango?
They're tasty.
Nigga shut up.
he doesn't like me he's just crazy :(
Yes that's every girls dream
This hoe is eating mango ong fr
It's not about the (You)s
It's about getting the word out
Yesterday. Very yummy.
Why not :(
Is it possible to stop being so horny all the time?
You sound like you need some mango in your life.
Nice, they taste so good during the summer.
What word? That you’re desperate?
he's scared of getting hurt :(
I made an apple and blackberry pie today. Filling was very watery but it was very good with some vanilla ice cream
I just want a girl who will go to minigolf with me and suck off strangers while she pretends to go to the restroom there. Minigolf.
I'm a little concerned that you have to ask.
I don't even care about cavities so long as he's kept up with getting them filled and his cleanings.
It's been years. I don't really like them.
Any other girls here just want to punch a manlet whenever you see one in public?
That word has never meant anything to me
It's between me, my dick ,and the titties, nothing else. Once I get my money up there will be no barrier
Uncut bros (or women), what does dick cheese actually smell like?
>I don't really like them.
That's crazy, what don't you like about them?
Did you have like a super bad one once?
>I'm a little concerned that you have to ask
I can’t really read your mind… how would I know?
Bro that's fucked up what caused you to have such ideas?
Has never been a thing for me.
it's probably an exclusively american problem.
I love mango but I’m more in need of a gf. Plus it’s out of season in this hemisphere
>Plus it’s out of season in this hemisphere
oh yeah, I forgot earth was a thing, sucks to be you, lol.
Dang yeah he's a lost cause at that point. Married to the pain ha
Been there , still am I guess
>what don't you like
....the taste? No I've only had a couple ever I don't like most tropical fruits pineapple and papaya are gross to me too.
What makes men exactly attracted to women they’ve never seen/ talked to before.
Guy asked if I was single at work and said I was cute. I’ve never seen this guy at my work and was pretty weirded out. Is this often with a lot of guys?
Women if your bf was a decent artist, how would you feel about him drawing your vagina?
I would do anything for a boyfriend anything anything at all
>I don't like most tropical fruits pineapple and papaya are gross to me too.
Incomprehensible post, how can anybody hate the taste of mango... and Pineapple??
Papaya I can kind of understand, but Pineapple? literally the perfect blend of sweet and sour.
He saw you when he looked at you when he came in. That's all they need to decide whether or not they're interested in fucking you.
Women have you ever dated a guy who was a virgin in his twenties? What did you learn?
You'd even date a fat and balding guy?
Loving, cute sex. I don't like being hurt.

Omelettes are based af.

No. I like pretty faces.
Ohh it’s Australian hours. Explains everything.
he keeps talking to me though and I just think he is lonely, wish the universe where we got together could experience
We love aesthetics, it draws lines of power on the insides of our skulls and shoots out melting rays everywhere
Quite painful if you aren't used to it
Where are you getting sour pineapples? They're sickly sweet and have a horrendous texture.

Tropical fruits taste "wrong" to me I like berries and apples.
>Women have you ever dated a guy who was a virgin in his twenties?

>What did you learn?
We only went out a couple of times, he was a bit of a piece of shit and was going out with me mostly out of desperation to lose his v card than out of true interest in me.
There's nobody here and typically there are zero australian female posters
>They're sickly sweet and have a horrendous texture.
this nigga eating rotten pineapples or has defective tongue
Don't do that.
Wow literally me
Tfw no gf to make my 4 egg omelette
I live in the tropics.
>Tropical fruits taste "wrong" to me I like berries and apples.
We oughta bring racism back.
Usually when I feel like shit and post about it I get some shred of sympathy. Today it was just dickheads and apathy. Rare.
I sort of dated a guy who lost his virginity before meeting me in his 20s, not really what you're asking but

he is pretty insecure and I don't know how to appeal to him more or if he actually likes me
>rotten pineapples
Considering I've only ever had them from US grocery stores...probably.
>I live in the tropics
Your mango tastes nothing like what I get for mangoes. You would cry and spit it in the trash if you tried a mango from my local grocery store.
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Both genders:
Have you ever seen him this mad?
I'm married to the titty fucking
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I had a feeling I'd get a whole bunch of answers like this
He seemed pretty mad during the Alan the Annihilator bit
I’m doing my best okay?
>Tropical fruits taste "wrong" to me I like berries and apples.
Falling in love is so fucking gay, I need to conserve my male power for creativity
Men how would you feel if you were somewhat interested in me and you vented to me about your ex and then I vented about mine to you with pics

is this normal
You should visit the tropics some time, Anon.
If it makes you feel any better the fact that he was a virgin wasn't the problem per se, it was the emotional issues that stemmed from his insecurity about it. He had years to feel like shit about it and develop some sort of complex.
if you are a man you will either win and keep winning or be a loser forever
Women can we please please please build a bunch of hidden rooms and stuff in our house?
Don’t forget the part where no one will ever give you a handout.
>venting about exes
yeah, don't date if you're not over them.
I hate that shit
I'd love to. You wanna pay for my passport and plane ticket?
I don’t have an ex. Getting a gf is hard work. But I’m doing my best!
I'm not in a rush to lose it
it's only recently I've started feeling down about it when I'm already low
I support your vision anon. Have you seen those lesbians who turned their house into a permanent game of "the floor is lava"?
What do men consider the hottest aesthetic
Sorry I don't find poor men attractive.
I probably could, not for an internet stranger. :^)
I doubt it'd be more $500
It's all repetition and nostalgia in the end for grown men
>Have you seen those lesbians who turned their house into a permanent game of "the floor is lava"?
Nope, I have not. How does that work?
I guess not, lol.
I don't understand asking someone out
Women are entirely fake and will try to pretend whatever you want them to be anyway , why even bother talking >>315>>31521002
>Doubt it'd be more than $500
Yeah, them cheapo, reaaaal cheapo flights.
like propeller type shit.
I only did it because it felt awkward and I didn't know what to do when he started doing that. he keeps saying he's over her I don't think I believe him. I'm over mine it just sucks I have gone so low
why do men do this
I wish I was one of those guys that just dated to fuck constantly. I wish I had that kind of power.
I'm like a vampire who needs to be invited inside
Why do women pierce their nips? Looks cheap and disgusting
>I only did it because it felt awkward and I didn't know what to do
What you should've done is leave, Anon, but it's fine, you'll learn next time, or not.
I love pierced nipples
I wanna see a woman with big nipple rings
>propeller type shit
Out of what airport lmao
Step 1) self pity is an ick. You’ll never get anything by being that way, you aren’t a woman.
women do you have to clean out your vagina after periods?
Most of them?
Tired of the whores
Bored with the good girls
Maybe in your country but those flights aren't going to the US.
they want to and don’t think it looks cheap and disgusting. happy to help, retard.
I don't give a shit. Pussy finds it's way to me despite my personality
Lucky you.
I think it’s nice on a woman who doesn’t expect any long term commitment or anything serious. It’s the type of trashy that makes you look like you’d be crazy good in bed which makes it hot.
Women do you really not feel any pleasure from putting tampons in there? like 0%?
Nah, there definitely are still propeller planes, they're usually smaller regional airlines, but they still exist
I bet you could find that flies to like the caribbeans or central america
Supposedly I have a quality
Can’t relate. Again, lucky you.
Why would I? Putting something inside of the vagina doesn't cause pleasure. If you grab your dick to pee do you feel pleasure?
Considering I live a few hours drive from Canada this trip is still costing more than $500 even if that is true.
Are you far from Miami? they probably got cheap flights there.
>If you grab your dick to pee do you feel pleasure?
A tiny bit, yeah. Not a lot, maybe like 5%
oh, you mean like you're closer to Canada
Passport + flight to Miami is already almost 500. Not to mention the flight to the tropics, accomodations, food, and getting home.
So suffice to say; I ain't doing all that for a mango lmao.
Yeah, that's unfortunate, travelling really is expensive like that.
No. It just feels like pressure and friction.
Yeah it's a bummer. I can do road trips if I find free camp sites but that's about all the vacationing I get. Maybe I should start leaving brochures for island resorts on my mom's coffee table lol.
Yes I would. All I want is for someone to really really love me
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I guess I've been spoiled by my cheap trips to japan, several friends moved there so I just book the cheapest flight there and stay with them instead.
That is a cute luo xiaohei
Hm. The closest approximation I can give you is sticking your finger in your mouth. You feel that your finger is in there and it doesn't feel bad, but it doesn't feel good either.

If I'm not aroused a single movement isn't going to do anything for me. If I'm aroused it feels pleasant. Like what's the percentage of pleasure you feel when you touch your dick when it's hard? I bet it's a lot higher than 5%. If I'm aroused and the stimulation is repetitive and fast but not too fast paced that's usually pleasurable.
Women if you're paying attention, this is actually what a madonna/whore complex is.
How do I actually get a gf with nipple piercings? Fuck it's such a turn on
I bet you that's more comparable in price to my camping trips. I probably spend in gas what your flights cost.
Oh we know but thank you for the PSA.
Yep, the cheapest one way flight I had was like $60
How do I find love?
Not much. I do like tall guys, but ultimately it's not high on my priority list. The things I actually care in terms of looks are not being too fat, having a cute enough face and being pale.
The rest is more of a bonus.

Oh dang I might actually spend more than you depending on how long I'm gone.
Nothing beats living close by, but you also gotta consider the fact that I live in a shithole and my salary is like $1300 a month.
is liking hentai a turn off?
It’s easier to get a gf and then ask for it after.
Why don’t you want to be asked out at your job? Don’t give me that “durr I’m a captive audience I’m not allowed to leave and I have to be nice to you because they pay me to be”. Shut the fuck up. As a guy who works retail I can honestly say I’d be ecstatic if an even moderately attractive woman asked for my number or something while I was working. There’s a difference between treating customers with basic respect and courtesy and straight up being flirty with them btw
Also there is no way it’s happening frequently enough by such undesirable guys that it’s a genuine problem for you. You’ve successfully socially conditioned men to not even make the attempt because we aren’t supposed to. So I do not believe that you’re just constantly dealing with this and that’s why you don’t like the idea of it
>Why don’t you want to be asked out at your job?
It puts me in an embarrassing position. I want to be nice to you because you are ultimately the source of my income, but also I have no interest in dating you.
Goofy. Silly, even. I see loads of hot female customers at my job that I have immense interest in dating
Then ask your boss if you can ask them out.
I'm talking to this cute girl on hinge. She's a nerd with a spicy, slightly edgy personality that does social science research and loves knitting and gossiping. What questions should I ask her so I don't fumble this cutie?
>Want to go out on a date
Or something to that effect. Save the interview for in-person discussion
The death of the tomboy is a somber experience.
They're dead?
Goddamn of course, I'm so stupid. I'll try to get a date set up

Forgot how to date. The last few girls I spoke with were the type that wanted to get to know me over a couple weeks before the actual date.
Just one. It’s a sad display. Really highlights the duality of the positivity of self love, and the negativity of self hate.
I'm too zoned out to be comprehending posts like this, man.
>a couple weeks
Good Christ, I try to get a date set up within a few hours of matching
For real, that was my plan as well, nothing beats in person vibes

for whatever reason these girls were rather conservative
A couple of weeks sounds like a really short time. Are you hooking up or approaching your 40s? I chatted with my ex for a year and knew him for another before we started going out and I wonder if at least a couple of months would be unfeasible on dating apps
are a lot of women open to that?
>Friend who's an assistant professor shows me videos/tiktoks his students said they watched in high school regarding self-improvement/grooming/etc aka the "looksmaxxing" stuff that apparently caught onto mainstream culture
>both video commentators and people in the comments are ruthlessly blackpilled
>It's like 4chan levels physionogomy doomposting where guys have a bleak outlook on life if they're not born in the top 0.1% of genetics, talent, and wealth
Am I missing something here? Things were not like this like 5-6 years ago- even in the depths of online microcosms like 4chan.
Do zoomers really act this way and believe stuff like this?
Even back when I was a college student at a liberal arts university in the early-to-mid 2010s, everyone I met was all about "not judging a book by its cover" when it came to meeting and getting to know people before making assumptions.
Eh, I don't think much has changed, emo kids used to kill themselves and cut themselves even back in the 90s
I'm in my 20s and only looking for serious relationships. The way it typically goes is
>I match with a girl
>We exchange a few messages to see if we initially mesh well
>After a few back and forths, if we seem to be clicking I ask her to grab a drink or something along those lines
Sometimes I get ghosted, but sometimes they'll agree and that's that.
Some will be, yeah. But no, not generally. You kinda just gotta drop the Madonna/whore complex if you truly want a gf with nipple piercings.
>your first rejection
I was 4 year olds in kindergarten. I sat next to my crush for lunch and tried to talk to her but she told me to never speak to her again
A couple of weeks is a long time, prepare to get ghosted in favor of someone else who will be just appealing enough to hook up immediately after matching
I never asked a girl out unless I was sure she'd agree. Got 2 gfs and few dates like this. Because I've never gambled I grew up kind of a pussy so don't do this bros...
What rejection?
>look up girls who were cute in high school
>one is fat
>two look old and ugly and like they've done too much drugs
>one looks like a barbie doll
feels good desu I'm still looking pretty young
This is a fucked up story.
Basically since I was the social pariah in my small town, one of the hot and popular girls came up to me, in the middle of class with everyone around and said “Anon, do you want to have sex with me?” While everyone laughed.
don't have one, I want a gf who will be kinky and slutty (with me only)
Yeah that’s fine and dandy.
>tfw those "women" grow up and reproduce with no negative feedback from society
Some of them are even in this thread!
Just kidding, the girls in this thread are the ones who got called “mosquito bites” by the same bitch that embarrassed me. Fuck you Sarah.
Chad shit fr
Never try, never fail
Do you have a strong jawline? Do you like it?
Im really bad with names but I rarely forget names of women im interest in
I guess my memory is just really selective
Do trans women feel jealous of cis women?
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Soon I will be too old to enjoy older female/younger male love
I am not a native english speaker so I can only understand about half of what you are saying because of your accent but sounds cool bro
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Sorry Mate, I'm trying to listen to what you're saying, but the wind and traffic is louder than your voice.
Don't do drugs
drink less beer
will power is depletable, reminds of a study done on this, showed that people who supposedly had "stronger willpowers" actually in reality simply had less temptations.

Life is not a battle we need to fight alone and all that stuff, probably not one we can't fight alone, nobody does, no matter how it appears on the surface, they got past experiences living in their brains and shit, when people show them kindness, that stuff sticks around throughout your life

also, chad shit, ghosting girls, also ghosted my friends too

Again, stop doing fucking drugs.

Don't do drugs.
stop it
Jesus Christ speeding is 10 times more terrifying in the rain.
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>diagnosed with Asperger's at 12
>start growing out my hair around the time
>used to be the bullied and unpopular kid through school until high school
>a cute blonde girl comes to check out my drawings one day in art class during middle school, asking what I was working on (she noticed me because of my long hair)
>artsy weeb, one of the "weird kids" but too confident to be bullied
>am very shy, spaghetti moment
>same girl comes see me at the end of the graduation ceremony of the same year with her friend
>casual friendly interaction, good summer wishes are exchanged, part ways
>go to high school, the cute blonde girl goes to same school with her friends, but we don't really interact due to no shared courses
>had my first real relationship over the summer between the 1st and 2nd year of HS, ended very suddenly a bit before school year starts
>mood absolutely in the dumps
>have shared courses with cute blonde girl
>she proceeds to adopt me into her small circle of friends
>feels wierd at first, since I've never really been around girls before
>she also had very little filter, speaking about dirty and suggestive stuff very openly, and had a blast watching my reactions
>she takes me in on the inside jokes and friendly teasing done in her circle
>starts borrowing my hoodie
>we slowly grow closer as friends, and all this is really helping me cope with my depression
>winter comes, I start developing feelings
>visit her place one time when I'm close by (she lived way off the centrum)
>her mom calls me a "son-in-law candidate" jokingly
>she takes a photo of me after she convinced me to put on a cat-ear headband
cont. from >>31521374 (also, M)
>texting a lot back and forth
>v-day rolls around
>get self made valentine's day chocolates from her
>here the day is more about friendship, and she gave them to her other friends too
>still go spaghetti
>later get her a pack of her favorite sweets
>one day during a free period we're by ourselves in the school break room, drinking tea
>we often took a nap on the sofa side by side
>she sits on my lap and pulls my hands around her
>somehow I end up caressing her chest- no bra (she wore vests)
>she goes along with it
>things continue like nothing happened
>late winter, finally confess my feelings
>get rejected, saying she's not ready for a relationship yet
>disappointed and sad, but we hug it out
>stay as friends, didn't want to make it weird
>keep getting closer as friends
>her friend tells us we're behaving like an old couple
>still have feelings for her
>we both write a love poem in the literature course, inspired by the other
>still teasing to get reactions out of me
>she starts asking me for shoulder massages at school
>occasionally comes visit my place during free periods since I lived super close by
>summer, school year is ending
>she comes to wait for the graduation ceremony at my place, house is empty
>in my room, just lounging on the bed side by side, chatting
>she looks so goddamn adorable
>gather up my courage
>tell her how pretty she is and how tempted I'm to steal her first kiss right there
>I lean in for a kiss, and she kisses me back
>I awkwardly ask if we're a thing now
>she giggles and agrees
>we go to the ceremony as a fresh couple
Had our 13th anniversary recently, 4 years married. Yeah, I think I made it.
Nah, he was already dead before they walked on stage, lmao.
Is it weird to feel uncomfortable when holding eye contact? My friends are all very good with it and the only gf I had was constantly (at the beginning) telling me to look her in the eyes but I find it extremely uncomfortable to do that in general. I find it somewhat hostile
Nice fairytale humblebrag, faggot.
Okay. You're free to be as bitter as you want, it's no skin off my back.
I will be. Why are you even here? At worst you're a weirdo, at best you're just a normie.
State gender
What's your unpopular opinion?
First one.
I don't want to be hurt while doing something so intimate.
Why is anyone here? But I'm a weirdo alright. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here.
You know what? Enjoy your lucky life. Cherish it. Be thankful that someone loves you and that you can be loved.
F. Cum is disgusting.
Middle east is a war-torn shithole because of middle east.
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How attached do men get to their first?

I'm forced to be friends with my husband's first because she is close friends with his sister. So I see her often and have to socialise with her when I'm out with her. She is also the only other women he slept with and they never even dated. From my understanding it was an unrequited situation on his part where he caught feelings for her and she found him cringe for it.

Even my 3 year old son has a strange draw to her. Since he was a baby he always wanted to be held by her and even now always wants to play with her or get her attention and often tries to kiss her which gets everyone laughing. I especially hate it when people take pictures of them together where it feels like he could be mistaken for her child, especially if my husband is in the pic too.

I know it's a nothing situation but it feels kind of bothersome and humiliating. Did my husband's old attraction to her get passed down to our son through some sort of generational trauma ?
This larp again. Get new material.
If you're piss out old pasta at least wait until the Americans wake up. Not very TRVD of you.
Not to sound like an incel, because far from it. But my ex was a wreck of a person. No job (rich family), promiscuous (not entirely judging this because I've had my fair share of hookups), commitment issues and general waywardness. So why do I miss her and want her back even though she ended things?
these are supposed to funny you insufferable fucking faggot
Because you're a gigantic fucking faggot that wanted to tell everyone how you hooked up with a spoiled rich girl.
People look better in person compared to how they look in pictures
The good news is I lost control of my car while speeding. The bad news is that I didn't crash or die. Don't speed in the rain, kids.
Sorry, can’t listen to this now :^p
Decided to go to fridays, been ages since I came here
Get therapy, before someone decides to paralyze you with dude goo in public
evidently not, because that must happen basically every day
>eats birth control or puts copper machinery inside her hole
>insists that men take her bareback
>complains about cum when it comes out
Sorry buddy, still out in public
I’m not chad enough to be opening vocaroos in public
why are you literally you
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You could be insulting me right now and I wouldn’t know
I’m going to assume you are, since I’m negative like that.
Vocaroos are kind of fun, I'm glad they seem to be allowed again
talking to this new guy about our exes and traumas really bum me out and I wonder if he got the message yet. I wish i could have a fun phone call or videochat or something again. it was cute when he showed off his plushies and legos to me and sang me a song later.

how do I lighten the mood I just want to leave him alone now and give him space(me space?) after sounding annoyed about it(mostly ex talk because it triggered me)

he said there's a chance we could still work out but I am worried he's too jaded to really trust me and feel safe and happy to really grow something together
young love isn't on the agenda for me this life cycle, I guess
Maybe if you actually explained what your demands or mind games were and how he reacted to them, we could answer accordingly.
I bet you’re talking mad shit right now
I wish pics were allowed. I put my measurements in some body visualizer when it was discussed on atoga and I was spooked by the mediocre ass on the model.
So I took a mirror pic of my backside and put it side by side with the model only to find that I was more or less 1:1 with the model, posture and all. It was actually comical how accurate the hank hill ass was but I can't share that shit anywhere
Just tell him straight. "Hey bro, I like that we can be raw with each other, but all this trauma talk is kind of bumming me out. Can we just have a bit of fun together like that time you (blah blah blah)?"

>he said there's a chance we could still work out but I am worried he's too jaded to really trust me and feel safe and happy to really grow something together
Did he ver batim say "there's a chance"? Because fuck me, aren't we high and mighty, "you've got a shot at the big times, kid, MAYBE." Don't bend over backwards too hard for someone if he's not meeting you there. There's a line between "I've been hurt before and need patience" and straight up "show me what you got" like you're at a fucking audition for "best gf in the world".

Men are big offenders for using dates as therapists, because no one taught them how to talk about their feelings, so there's a balance to be found as far as how much patience to give them.
I think we are both getting tired of talking about our exes hopefully. I'm trying to tell him it affects me and put me in a shitty mood even though I know he was just venting it made me overthink his opinion of me or underthink it of who I am to him
Maybe someday. Nobody is going to do that in public, though.
I don't use any contraceptives besides having a guy wear a condom and pull out when he's close. Stop making shit up.
Redtoga is good in concept but disgusting in practice. I too wish I could flash my amazing jawline, but I do not.
>I'm glad they seem to be allowed again
The guy spamming them is just a ban evader. He airplanemodes his phone whenever he gets banned.
You started the conversation about exes, didn't you? And now you don't know how to end it?
just post it in the /soc/ thread and link back
Please don't say that. The body visualizer makes me look like some kind of hulking monster gorilla and I'd really prefer to continue believing it's not accurate
That’s what everyone thinks.
Do you remember that pajeetthat busted a nut on the poor girl in public?
No and I don't want to hear about it. There are obviously some retarded outliers.
>gee, why do I miss someone I had an intimate relationship with?
bro this is so normal I can't even begin
Someday you will be MY beautiful hulking monster gorilla.
We’re all ugly here, it’s okay.
It’s what’s on the inside that counts. uwu
Uh, no. I'm scared.
I'm on a madness ngl X
Gonna do some work now tho
All-nighter gang (I'm fookin dead rn xP)
>women, the most "social" and "intuitive" ones, ask men how to handle social situations
What could cause this?
Get some sleep man, set a routine
Do men get gayer with age?
Smoking is such a sick fetish.
I mean of course it’s outliers, just like how you’re not going to instantly get into a car crash if you don’t wear a seatbelt, it’s about precautions
>be me
>office worker
>bored at work
>start a prank war with coworker
>put fake spider in her desk drawer
>she screams, good laugh
>next day, my chair covered in sticky notes
>game on
>fill her cubicle with balloons
>she replaces my keyboard with jello mold
>escalate to hiding her car keys
>she puts a "For Sale" sign on my car
>boss finds out, calls us into office
>think we're getting fired
>boss just wants to join in
>now it's a three-way prank war
>boss turns to be a prank mastermind
>my desk is filled with packing peanuts
>try to one-up him by filling his office with plastic balls
>boss retaliates by filling my cubicle with live chickens
>mfw realize I can't win
>call a truce
>boss reveals he's actually a prank-obsessed alien
>teleports me into alien prank headquarters
>get a promotion to be an intergalactic prankster
>it's only Thursday
What do? Take the offer?
I think anybody would freak out if some random stranger sexually assaulted them like that, though. My reaction would not be unique.
Maybe you're autistic, or maybe you're just a little bitch boy who feels constantly threatened and needs to get his shit together
>t. former bitch boy, probably? I don't remember, sorry for calling you bitch boy, I just mean unconfident but said in a zAnY way
Either way, it's not like it's a personal failing, just something to deal with. But yeah, most people might be a little uncomfortable making eye contact with a total stranger by accident, but when it's your trusted friends, family, lovers, if that's uncomfortable too it gets into weird territory. Especially if it's like casual "let me know which one of us you're speaking to" eye contact, not like deep "look into my soul" eye contact.
If you're autistic then it's just like "in the programming" (which ironically is probably a really annoying way to phrase it to an autistic person) but if you're a bitch boy it's probably gonna be a long road of building up you're confidence and realising that most people don't actually look down on you or intend to hurt you.
i did not
see this >>31520727
he said randomly in his flurry of messages said that it's not zero. like he put that in after talking about his stuff after seeing what I sent about my ex relationship and how it was my best experience to go off of. we were talking about how long distance ruined some of our past ones and if we got together it would start out that way and that's when he said that.

this is the kind of guy who actually does need therapy he just has to find the right one. preferably not me lik that all the time I guess sine I actually wanna be happy and fall in love with someone present with me.
It's sooo fucking funny to me that transgender becomes less promiment of a category as each generation becomes less likely to have a big fucking problem with it
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NTA. Obviously this thing is inaccurate. It doesn't account for exercise, toning, or weight distribution at all. Not to mention it is flatly missing some key measurements.
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Almost as if repression really does just make things worse. Who could have seen that coming.
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There is a thing to put in how much you exercise every week, but it still looks so weird. Plus the hunchback posture
The sun rises and sets every single day, dood
Having a routine is a good thing, helps you organize time and thoughts, you’d have more time to make music
I acknowledge I am very lucky in this regard, and it is the best thing that ever happened to me. And you bet I cherish it, and that I'm thankful every single day. I genuinely hope others can find happiness in their lives too.
Thanks. Nothing wrong with love at an older age either.
Other people seemed to think so too. A friend of mine told me several years later that we were very popular among the younger students (he was my underclassman) - we were an obvious couple, often walking hand in hand.
I do. It's okay
Good for you, very easy to be thankful when you've been blessed. Quite sickening.
are all women oblivious to how little men care for disney or is it just japanese ones?
Women, have you ever caught yourself looking at a guy's crotch?
I agree dude I should stick to a more healthy routine. Though more importantly should put the nights out on the back-burner for now lol. Not like I'm in any position to meet a girl anyway, so should just focus my days on stacking paper
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Zoomer girls,

Why is surgery and injections so common for you guys? Youse are literally in your 20s, what's going on?

I see it so often it's actually quite sad
M I don't DISlike Disney, some of it's kinda cool. Also, that seems kinda like asking an Asian what they're favorite anime is, Asian people might just assume that.
The media's pretty rough ngl.
>how little men care for disney
Speak for yourself buddy
I snorted way too much coke and this comedown is brutal lol don't do drugs kids
Picrel is one of the most popular porn stars among men. She has small tits, a natural body and no plastic surgeries

I'm on a limbo. She is one of the most popular porn stars but there are also bimbos with huge implants on the list. I can't tell if men like bimbos or prefer natural
Literally who?
I don't really watch porn and I love bimbo types, but picrel is really pretty imo
No, really not interested in random men's crotches. If anything I feel an embarrassed aversion to them
Why are nose rings so popular with girls nowadays?
Oh, maybe they updated it since I last used it.
idk but they look fugly. i like other piercings. but i automatically assume the girl is trashy if she has any
Not even gay men want "muscular men" as much as women under 30 do.
Asian people, what's your favorite anime?
Also when I was doing coke it hit me like a ton of bricks how disgusting porn is desu. Sex should be about intimacy and passion and love, not the fucking performative exploitative shite that pr0n is
Porn is niggerlicious. Hentai is divine intellect.
Sure, sometimes. But usually for a good reason. Like if he's wearing a crazy belt buckle or he's got a honer in public. Also lots of times in clinic when their dicks were crazy.
Oh my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, just because I have a loving wife. It makes everything else more bearable, including my childhood traumas that I'm still healing from. However, relationships take effort, especially during the not so happy times. Especially when the most wonderful person I have ever met turned out to be asexual, while I'm a straight male. That is her only "flaw" to me, not worth ending things over, but goddamn it tears me apart sometimes.
Sometimes when I'm super nervous and the guy is attractive. I don't mean to.
>they look fugly
I think they're cute personally :3
Your wife is asexual? That's fucking rough dude. Can you at least cum on her?
Women don't like muscular men. That's def gay men
Cowboy Bebop. I really dig the western themes.
Why are you telling me this? I know your life isn't sunshine and rainbows. There's always a price, everyone pays it differently. Is this your way of comforting me in my own pain?
I'm a little man and confirm, women are oblivious to how I care about Disney
>I think they're cute personally :3
I guess if they proportional to the nose. But most girls go for fuck huge ones.
My faves are little rings on the side of the nose like picrel. CUTE I want to kiss it
Men, what would you do if your girlfriend told you she was raped and had issues with intimacy? Does like at all even though she rationally knows it would be coming from a good place.
Every american woman has been raped nowadays
I would be upset she was raped and try to support her however possible I suppose?
You mean groped.
People like you make the world a hell for actual rape victims
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>Women don't like muscular men.
Press X to doubt.
Datepsych had different results. You people are boring af
What the fuck, anon?
Athletic is not Built, anon.
tfw you realise you're going to become a wizard and die alone
I need some better copes
it reminds me of cows
I need intimacy. no exceptions.
TBF, anyone over 55 watching porn has to be ultra fucked in the head.
Men don't have just one type of woman they like.

If you want to look appealing to men the smartest thing to do is to optimise in the direction of what already comes natural to you. This woman has a small frame, a cute face and she's fairly young looking in general, so getting big implants would actually make her less attractive, since it would clash with the teen thing she's going for.
suicide pact with me
Based and true.
Moo moo <3
Ageist much?
Because you're old as fuck and your genitals aren't working properly
Shadow Wizard Money Gang!
What body type, phenotype and traits are the most attractive to the largest pool of men? Like, what's generally most attractive to normal straight men?
So what's the plan?
Legalise nuclear bombs
What women mean by athletic is the Christiano Ronaldo kind of athletic, not the Rich Piana kind of athletic.
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>Athletic is not Built, anon.
Athletic is more muscular than Lean.
Men have far more variance on in what we're physically attracted to. If you have anything you think is some sort of shortcoming, some guy's into that.
Anon, you might be a genius.

I was thinking why themes got progressively more degen and you might have given me answer rn. Most normal elders are not watching as much porn as the degens. Degens may watch porn at rates higher than normal people
go to graveyard
hook up IV
100 mg of lidocaine
cardiac arrest
simple as
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Fridays sucked, my throat hurts.
I think I have a cold, turns out it was both, allergy and cold combo.
Just don't be overweight.
Either gender, could you please post a song you like that would be good for a causal summer party?
This is not true. I am not overweight and yet men listed me as the third ugliest girl in class
I hear this is popular with the kids these days
Hello vro.
I actually prefer lean there. The V is more evident, I couldn't care less for a 6 pack desu.
>shitpost since this morning
>only 1 you
State gender, am I really that boring? :(
Why men watch lesbian porn?
New phone who dis?
I was talking to the cat.
I will only give you a (you) if you're a woman
We aren't roleplayers
Do goth people really hang out in cemeteries?
>Your wife is asexual? That's fucking rough dude.
Yeah. She never let me touch her privates and found sex icky even as a thought - I chalked it up to young age and this being her first relationship. Several years into our relationship she figured it out, which was a pretty big shock to me, since my previous relationship ended with my ex coming out as asexual and aromantic.
>Can you at least cum on her?
Nah. She's never done more to me than making out and erotic teasing(she's really really good at it though), and I have gotten to play with her breasts. She really enjoys our intimate moments, but that's as far as we've ever gone.
I have tried talking about it, but she just locks up, not really knowing what to say. She clearly still cares though, as she has made efforts to be more proactive in giving me attention in our everyday life - and to be honest, that goes a really long way already.
I feel like I've managed to establish a foundation for future discussions about our relationship, but I know this is a really difficult and delicate matter for us both, so it isn't something that can be just slapped in the middle of our everyday life (she's working and I'm a uni student).
>Why are you telling me this?
>very easy to be thankful when you've been blessed
I guess you answered it already yourself - there's always a price. I don't know if it brings you any comfort. I just don't want people to think that finding a partner solves everything.
We like sexy girls
Lesbian porn is just multiple sexy girls
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Have another one then.
t. lives next to cemetery and walks through it late at night to get home
But how do you self-insert?
No, your pain doesn't bring me comfort. But you telling me it does, does that make sense? I appreciate that.
I do. Respectfully of course. It's a good place to feed squirrels.
Not a goth, but I hanged out around a cemetery
But only because it was in the way of me and friends' crazy rollerblade route HELL YEAH
wait does that make me a goth
M. No exact values, but I don't mind some chub having a dadbod myself. As long as she's healthy and happy with herself, but I don't think I would easily feel romantically attracted to a severely overweight person.
The Boy and the Heron was a nice movie to see in the cinema. Gotta appreciate how Miyazaki just doesn't know how to quit.
Haven't noticed it would. And if it does, they're not worth my time and company.
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There's no need to self-insert
I just like sexy girls
Hello vrother.
I don't. Even with straight porn, I'm not really paying attention to the guy.
Nah boomers are just gross
Because we don't want to see dicks
Don't need to self insert
That would legit spook me out. Not even for ghost, just what other crazy people might be hanging out there.
Thank you guys, but I feel like maybe drugs would be necessary to appreciate these?
>There are people who watch porn and do not self-insert
So what's the point of watching porn vs looking at pics?
Not a goth buy I used to live next to a cemetery and go there at night to smoke
you fucking wot m8?
the avalanches are FUCKING BASED
the videos have sound, they move and they feel more real
>Gotta appreciate how Miyazaki just doesn't know how to quit.
Say that when he drops dead from overwork.
I'm the crazy person there I guess
What's the point of looking at a .gif versus a pic?
>maybe drugs would be necessary to appreciate these?
You don't need drugs to enjoy Daft Punk lol
OK maybe some of Daft Punk https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uejC3tt5euQ
What do you think of when you're watching porn? You don't masturbate thinking of yourself having sex with the person on the screen?
I'm looking for boomer-friendly suggestions here, anon
Can you stop being a woman?
Your womanity is hurting my brain
No we don't do that.
... no? That's a girl thing.
most men in porn are actually apes so I don't want to self insert as them
I will save that for fantasizing
if I'm watching women fuck I'm just enjoying the pleasure of two female bodies rubbing against each other in bliss
here's boomer white noise
hence POV ONLY
Oh, I could see myself dancing to that one. Do they ever sing or are they instrumental only?
>mfw I'm a zoomie that likes this song
Don't really care for any other Eagles stuff.
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Nta but no I just like pretty girls and they make me want to cum, it's not that deep anon
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>What body type, phenotype and traits are the most attractive to the largest pool of men?
I think those pools would be largely overlapping. Men tend to appreciate a great number of looks and body types and the types of men who are 'only' interested in very particular features are the outliers.
Unless you are trying to appeal to fetishists, it's not so much about checking a particular kind of box, e.g. breasts of a certain size, but the entire package. And for some, having smaller breasts might not be detrimental, or it might even enhance the overall appeal. You sometimes see porn stars get plastic surgery and their popularity drops, since they lose that particular charm that previously made them stand out.
Which porn genres you watch?
What is classic rock?
Hey, most of us have a good enough imagination that we don't need to self insert into porn either. I only self insert when there's some sort of roleplaying that I'd like to be a part of, and that point I'm self inserting into the role not the sex specifically.
>Do they ever sing
Ye https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FxzBvqY5PP0
I don't get how that makes you cum if you do not fantasize of having sex with the person on the screen
Mostly bondage stuff.
Eagles is unironically white noise
Shittest overrated band
Men def have a favorite body type though. Which one is it?
Maybe a little too far into the boomersphere but thank you anon. And sorry, I don't mean to sound so nitpicky
solo female anal
Stuff like Nirvana and Radiohead nowadays.
“What did women say? Our results” y’all think this isn’t some made up skewed ass shit? Where did you get this off, some fucking fake ass buy a pdf full of exercises and recommended diet ass website? Fuck off and stop trying to convert my twinks
What is even that? How can anal be solo?
Are you guys straight, bi, trans-amorous?
desu I mostly coom to AI these days
>I'm a dark sorcerer and have a new ambitious but naive apprentice
>I harbour an alien girl in my bedroom after her UFO crashes and the government is looking for her
>I'm an incomprehensible beast and a girl wants to look after me
simple as
Women, how would you feel is your bf left you to become king of the pirates?
>What is even that? How can anal be solo?
masturbation, like using dildos
I'm straight. Dunno what trans-amorous means
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Is this really such a far-fetched concept lol
Pretty girl is pretty
Pretty girl makes my dick hard
Pretty girl makes me want to stroke my dick and cum
Yeah I don't get that
Attracted to trans
M. I was 13 or 14 and a girl sitting behind me said out loud that they liked me. When I later asked them if they really meant that, they told me it was just a joke. I was pretty used to bullying, but damn that hit different.
M. More of a theoretical opinion than a real stance, but significant depopulation would do good for the earth, especially in the developing world. Fucking unethical, but pragmatic when looking at humanity's future.
>Yeah I don't get that
You're cute x
I'd feel betrayed and join an undead pirate legion to force him into servitude on our underwater ship forever.
>Attracted to trans
That sounds like a mental illness. Please refrain from saying that again to me
Straight guy that likes the bondage.
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>not making her your swashbuckling pirate queen
Pretty lame desu
1. Lean
2. Skinny
3. Athletic
4. Built

I have NEVER been friends with another girl who liked big muscular men.
nta but most men watch shemale porn
the crew shares all the booty though
I think anything from Elvis to the early 2000's? Or maybe even 2010's, like Lady Gaga? It feels like there isn't as much fun, boppy, dance-able music being made anymore
Leanchads always winning.
tfw no cute gf to kiss from head to toe and whisper to her how much I love her
>tfw now I get why men like porn but it never did much to me
It doesn't mean they're attracted to trans though?
It's the same retard rethoric of videogames make people violent
Only a retard confuses media with reality
Sometimes I feel I may be too normie or boring for this place
Support and comfort her to my best ability obviously, and try to slowly ease her into safe closeness and intimacy without pushing her boundaries.
That would be very Miyazaki thing to do, to be honest, and probably the way he would want to go - surrounded by his passion until the end.
Muscular men are usually only hot in fiction where they have outfits and context specifically stylized to their build.
if you masturbate to shemales then you're attracted to shemales?
Good cat pics. I’m sorry you’re sick, anon.
Ghost is pretty cool. But a lot of their stuff seems like something that could've come from the 70s. https://youtu.be/VqoyKzgkqR4?si=t5W41o6hz_EV2JJm
Porn is stupid anyways. Just masturbate to your reflection, way better.
>tfw no one comments on my tastes
do I interpret this as being a turbonormie?
this is good for women to do
do you listen to pop music? which artists? do you like lana del rey?
I don't think I follow your logic all the way through, but in the end, I don't need to. If you got any kind of catharsis from what I wrote, that's good enough for me.
>the crew shares all the booty
Walk the plank buddy, she's mine
Sometimes you just want to see a sexy girl getting fucked
I don't really like porn though I much prefer just fapping to pretty girls
The best is when you're dating a girl (or sexting on Tinder or whatever) and she sends you sexy pics
I masturbate to poop. I don't like poop
Yes, I went to Popworld last night lol
Was listening to Kylie earlier
Lanarkshire Del Rey is cool
If men do not self-insert then does it mean they like to be cucked?
>man watches straight porn of man fucking woman
>he doesn't self insert he just likes to see woman getting fucked by another man
It's the idea that I don't want you to suffer, but knowing that you do in spite of having something I crave makes me feel as if I could actually achieve the thing I wish, that is, love.
The only pop I listen to regularly is Michael Jackson
>obligatory Miyazaki pedophile post
I love miss minogue
only POV and lesbian porn is not cucked
There might be a general body type that comes out as the most popular if you overlay the preferences of all men, but that wouldn't give you a very good idea of what men actually like, since they also tend to like the extremes if they are well put together. This explains why men can appreciate women who look like >>31521564 but also women who are bimbos with huge implants at the same time. Also, knowing male preferences doesn't really help you, since whatever comes out as the most appreciated look is not necessarily a kind of look you can pull off. If you have the frame and fat distribution for a bimbo look, go for the bimbo look, but when you look more like >>31521564, it wouldn't make sense squandering your uniqueness and trying to pull off a look that doesn't come natural to you, since you will be more attractive to men by enhancing your natural appeal.
As the incomprehensible beast, are you being looked after because you’re hurt?
Wtf? If you masturbate to X than yes you're attracted to x whether you date x or not irl. Behavior != attraction. Many christian gay men die virgin and yet they are still gay cause they are attracted to men
sometimes :(
other times she takes pity on me because I'm being experimented on
Isn't that something like Aerosmith or AC/DC? The type of music grandpas listen to.
My pussy itches and I need a man. Fuck my life
>pussy itches
it's the sweat
keep that thang dry.
My dick is erect and I need a woman. Life is unfair that we will never meet
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I just like looking at pretty girls anon it's not that deep
Obviously yeah if I'm watching a porno where she's getting fucked I'll imagine it's me so POV is best
Good taste babe
What other artists do you like?
I was dancing with this tall goth girl in Popworld lol good timez
If you're a 22yo actress then I'll scratch your itch if you know what I mean
I'm really horny right now so I'll just say it
I want to fuck you
Those are too harsh for grandpas. 90s kids ARE the dads nowadays.
Nah, I listen to pop songs too.
State gender
Was Michael Jackson a pedo and trans-racial? or was it all a conspiracy to ruin his career?
1989 was 35 years ago.
Honestly if I ever slept with JH I don't think I'd be able to resist the urge to cum all over her brown tummy
Idc if it's good according to anybody, I just enjoy it.
If it was it didn't work.
>35 years passed since NOTHING at all happened in that one specific Square
I find it hard to believe it
I will probably be 26 by the time I get a chance to lose my virginity
it's over
Un-toned, with an outie bellybutton with a boring piercing. Your anime expectations aren't going to be satisfied.
Thanks anon

You're right they sound kind of 70's, I haven't heard of them I'll have to listen to some more

NAG but I love Lana, this was the kind of thing I was thinking of for summery party music
I wish it was that simple
It’s cruel
Why do I have to be an actress?
And then what
Me too probably
I would love an incomprehensible beast, anon. I would even become an apprentice mage to try to help him. Thank you for the material, your mind is hot
>Why do I have to be an actress?
Because my actual hypercrush is
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I think he was inappropriate with kids for sure, but I don't think he was a pedo, just mentally stunted. I feel like if he was actually a pedo, somebody would've won a lawsuit. We'll never know the full story either way
I’m not the og anon but other than Kylie I like Modern Talking and other stuff I can’t remember
It's just porn, I don't think it's that deep
>outie bellybutton
>And then what
We cuddle of course and I kiss you and cook you dinner <3
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Thoughts on this?
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>your mind is hot
I know. It's a shame someone can't appreciate it irl
A man after my own heart. What will you cook me?
>Thanks anon
Really, you like that? Thought that would be too much for boomers... though it was 1975...

weird choice for a fleshlight bro
>What will you cook me?
What are you in the mood for babe?
Good taste! Modern Talking is cool
>other stuff I can’t remember
That's okay haha x
>flirting with two different women in the same post
I don't want a fuckboy.
>bf has a history of being rejected and struggling with women
>still convinced other women are constantly into him/showing interest
Is there anything I should do about this? Or just take it as an endearing quirk? What causes this?
He does have a nice face, but his personality gives him a very, very niche appeal. I nearly rejected him myself.
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It's actually a fursuit
>I don't want a fuckboy
You're breaking my heart baby
Your chadness is catching up to you.
You have all the tummies to nut on you want already. You can spare mine.
I don’t knoooooooow
I was thinking in the right direction at least then, but thanks for the explanation you didn't owe me in any way. Thinking about it a bit, I can see where you're coming from.
>I nearly rejected him myself
Brutal lmao
>What causes this?
Overconfidence I guess
I'm jealous of him lol
Baby I thought we had something special
Also I'm maidenless
What about my dick, freshly served ;P
More like sadness because all the bitchez are rejecting me
What's wrong with sleeping in your sister's bed? uwu
All I’ve ever wanted my entire life was for men or a man to desire me. I know it’s bad for my self worth but it’s all I truly truly want. I want love and affection and I have never had it in my 24 years of life. Should I just kill myself?
>history of rejection
>confident enough to believe women are into him
is it possible to learn this power?
Currently shitting in the dark because I locked up the building after turning the lights off and realizing I have to use the bathroom, how are you spending your TGI Friday anon?
I mean it's hers and her bf's bed
I'd have to ask him (she's a work) but feels a bit weird
My fault I was out all night doing cocaine lol
Have you ever had to sleep with someone of the opposite gender that was close to your age?
same but flip the genders and I'm 25
What is cocaine like?
Thank you for proving my point. Go get your dick stuck in a blender.
*Had* to? No
It's been years since I cuddled a girl though...
And you just got a promotion...
>What causes this?
Narcissism, unironically.

It may not necessarily be pathological though, so no worries.
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What's weird, he's not gonna poke your pooper man.
fr tho, if you have some cash to spare, there are these foldable mattresses from ikea that's actually pretty comfy
Yea and I slept at his feet curled up in fetal position. Humiliating
Meant for >>31521817.
No, I do not interact with women like at all.
Had to bunk with my female cousin once. Wasn't as weird as I thought. She teased me about cuddling, that was a bit.
>What is cocaine like?
That does look comfy
It's a question of where to put it though lol
If I had gone back with a girl last night from the club I could've gotten some sleep. So I blame women for this
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Yeah it’s funny how the real world works huh
She's muttlatto you dumbass.
I’m shitting my fucking pants
>I slept at his feet curled up in fetal position
Tfw no cat gf
That's sad, women are cool
I want to order from a menu that doesn't only like me as a joke.
>That's sad, women are cool
It'd be nice if I could
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Don't know what your layout is like, but it basically folds up into a chair type thing
>gone back with a girl last night from the club
Chad, fucking chad ass nigga
Ew gross see gynecologist. You have crabs
Potato potato, muttlatto muttlatto
I'm a simple man I see brown skin I want to cum on it
>doesn't only like me as a joke
That's not true ;_; Would I bully you for years if I didn't like you?
I think I'm more of a Britney enjoyer but Avril isn't bad

Thank you anon

No, sorry it wasn't really to my taste lol but I wanted to say thanks for replying. I don't know a lot of Portishead but I've heard that song, it's really good
I honestly think that's cute. Was that your decision or his?
>The cluster B is in
Time to get out
>Thank you anon
You're very much welcome.
>Chad, fucking chad ass nigga
The point is I didn't lol, it was a sausagefest with the boiz
>I think I'm more of a Britney enjoyer
It's Britney bitch~
I'll cluster beat you pal
I felt like a dog
Mine because I was too nervous to sleep next to him because I had a huge crush on him. I’m fucking retarded and lowkey so is he for letting me do that
Why would you need to do something about it?

They do, you just don't know it. Maybe you just need to be a little more open to noticing and being receptive to it
>Would I bully you for years if I didn't like you?
The politically correct term is ‘chad’ and that’s also my pronouns please respect it
That's totally understandable. Think how you would have felt if you had woken up snuggled against him.
That's not a mulatto you retard
It's sad knowing that JH is practically already his.
>I felt like a dog
You just needed a collar lol
>Mine because I was too nervous to sleep next to him because I had a huge crush on him
That's actually so cute wtf
You underestimate my laziness then
I reserve my teasing x
any male age regressors here and how likely is it that you would be open to ageplay? guy I'm talking to told me he regresses but I don't wanna ask him about age play because we are prim and proper-ish right now
Chad qt, bagged himself a blackgirl just by being white and bullying her endlessly.
:( he must’ve not liked me very much
How is that cute it is one of the most pathetic things that ever happened to me
>I prefer boys. Italians, actually.
Was alcohol involved? He didn't take advantage of you, so that's good, right?
Italians are obnoxious sissies
No just weed
*steals your wallet*
Come again?
How does this conversation go?
>I do be regressing though. I be acting a fool like a lil jit. I love dem mommy milkers fr!
? How old are you?
>has a job that respects him and relies on him
>has girlfriend that loves him and makes him happy
>supports his family and helps other achieve their best
How does he keep getting away with it?
I'd break your fucking nose, you LARPing pasta faggot
The only thing he will have is my boot up his ass. I won't be negged.
The shoe is going to drop any moment now.
Yeah she is retardo
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I thought she was just black? Though her race isn't really specified (or matters, she'd just a beautiful gal)
Yes to both
>he must’ve not liked me very much
Maybe he did and thought damn I wish she lay next to me...
>How is that cute
How is it not? You were like a little cat at the end of the bed lol
Mamma mia
>bullying her endlessly
See you people could learn a thing or two (jk don't bulli girls)
You forgot
>spends all day shitposting on an anime imageboard
You say that, first you're kicking his ass, and then the next thing you know his peen is deep in Your ass.
>my boot up his ass
You should know by now I'm into that
>I won't be negged
A bit too late don't you think x You love it really
Girls, what if I want pussy for lunch?
>I thought she was just black?
Oops, this part meant for: >>31521889
Why is Elden Ring more popular than Bloodborne?
one is still stuck on a dead ass console
Don't eat cats wtf
Jdk I haven't played either (my sis' bf got the Elden Ring DLC yesterday and has nearly beaten it lol)
That's nasty. Have a sandwich instead or salad
Dude, what does your sister's bf do?
does he just play videogames all day?
is he a chad like you, you should kick him out and become your sister's bf instead.
What about pussy for dessert ;P
Never happened before, no reason to believe it'd ever happen at all.
I love a lot of things when I'm stupid horny. Doesn't reflect my feelings all the time.
>Never happened before, no reason to believe it'd ever happen at all.
No shit, lol.
You never had your pussy ate by a girl until you got your pussy ate by a girl, girl.
Thanks, anon
>(jk don't bulli girls)
Let's be real for a second. Bullying JH is /atoga/'s national sport.
What's wrong with you
>does he just play videogames all day?
At the moment yeah cause he's waiting on a call to start another job
>you should kick him out and become your sister's bf instead
Wtf gay
Can't you play ps4 games on a ps5?
I miss him I want him
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I'm at the bad part of twitter again...
because it's open world for normies
Dark Souls peaked with Ds2
yes. and what do you mean conspiracy it’s well documented he even went to court for pedo stuff and you could use your vision to see his white surgery journey
What a loser. Honestly. That DLC is known for it's crippling difficulty, he must have raged so hard to beat it in a day.
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came across a tiktoker who looks a lot like me. how attractive or unattractive do you think she is? include your gender please.
We're talking about how negging doesn't work on me, not about that. If you just want to talk about me riding girl face to jack off to, at least be honest.
A fat and balding guy, she cute.
nah you’re a guy, nice try
I thought that was those Zelda games.
I know, I’m pretty blessed. I dont know why God favors me so
He does know this, to be fair.
He's extremely full-on and unhinged immediately with everyone, but he's also a cutiepie. The latter outweighs the former enough for the former to be endearing to me.
Honestly it causes him more problems than it would if he were shy.
Cluster B is spot on but it's the one more discussed ITT.
But is this a common bippy thing? I thought self-hate was more common.
Concern for his social wellbeing and mine, maybe minor concern he'll be more likely to cheat because of it.
what are some small and subtle things guys get wrong about women
You call it negging now, but you'll call it flirting when you're horny.
no Bloodborne on PC
Not very nutritious. And it's not eleven time for brunch let alone lunch.
The way he held me the way that he is to me I’m addicted
I am horny right now. I'm debating whether or not to schlick at work as we speak. My statement about negging still stands.
I'd be intimidated by her and attracted to her.
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I’m a woman. I don’t know what a man would get out of posting this?
this is what I feared.

here’s another picture of her.
WOMAN, Control yourself.
Jesus, stop masturbating at work.
That's an even more unflattering angle. Do you not like your race?
Oh come on.
nah nevermind
you guys do it all the time for attention
Every part of twitter is the bad part

Female, she's very striking looking, makes me think of ancient Crete. Beautiful
Yeh, but we don't pretend to be men.
I sent him a new song with his name in it with word play to make him feel better, he was telling me after he was emotionally regressing to an age before the teen years. he didn't talk like that at all in your greentext but does use babytalk like nini/niinii for goodnight sometimes or other cute ways of typing/talking
how might I get him to open up more about it in a possible sexual way? I feel like he would like it a lot when he feels safe enough get to that point with me. can i ask what age you regress to and if it is different for age play? I'm new to this too and also told him I regress.

I want us to have a pile of plushies and play with legos and do cute arts and crafts together and bubble baths and more, I need ideas
It's stress horniness. But you don't care.
>stress horniness
>It's stress horniness. But you don't care.
I care :^P
As much as an anonymous stranger can at least.
You guys don't get stress horny?
real thing
Can't say that I do.
>Our speed-dating lab study of the sexual over-perception bias led to several fascinating findings. We had women and men who had never met interact with each other for five minutes and then evaluate the other on their sexual interest in them and report on the level of their own sexual interest. Then interaction partners rotated, chatted with a new person, and did the ratings again. Each person interacted with a total of five members of the other sex.

>Our first finding confirmed the sexual over-perception bias—men over-inferred a woman’s sexual interest in them compared with women’s reports of their actual interest. Not all men, however, are equally vulnerable to the bias. Some proved to be accurate at inferring women’s interest or lack thereof. Men who scored high on narcissism and who indicated a preference for short-term mating were exceptionally prone to this bias—an inferential error that presumably promotes many sexual advances, even if many of them are not reciprocated. Narcissistic men apparently think they are hot, even when they’re not.

>Not all women were equally likely to be victims of the male bias. Rather, women judged to be physically attractive by the experimenters were especially prone to evoke men’s sexual over-perception. The irony is that attractive women, because they receive a larger volume of male sexual attention, are precisely the women who, on average, are least likely to reciprocate men’s sexual interest.

- When Men Behave Badly: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault, Buss PhD, David
I learned from the best...
>That DLC is known for it's crippling difficulty
Git gud scrub
She's super pretty <3 Looks like my first crush in school lol
I’m hesitant to say I don’t like my race because I love my parents and their cultures. but oftentimes I wish I looked more like a basic white girl. this angle she looks even more like me.
thank you, at least the girlies would find me decent looking.
what does this mean?
>Concern for his social wellbeing and mine, maybe minor concern he'll be more likely to cheat because of it
I think you'll just have to decide if it's something about his personality that you can accept or not. You won't be able to change him. All you can do is be the best gf you can be, be supportive of him, and accept him for who he is. Let go of the idea that there are things you need fix about him. If you can't accept it, that's more than fair but in that case it's better to let him go and move on
NTA but ????? If anything I get the opposite. Stress induced prudishness.
>He's extremely full-on and unhinged immediately with everyone, but he's also a cutiepie
Mood desu
Oooh, how did he hold you?
Firstly, I'm jealous
Secondly, just float the idea when you feel comfortable, see how he responds
>but oftentimes I wish I looked more like a basic white girl
I love women with strong features
>tfw a girl shouts at me and I get a boner
>I am horny right now.
That's like every day in the life of
I'm going to be seeing my friends and ex tonight, so I'm stressed. I'm used to masturbating to relieve stress. See the connection?
That's the last (You) I want from you unless it's an apology and meaningful compliment.
Why are you seeing your ex?
I get horny when I’m stressed as a procrastination method. my adhd is so creative like that. I’ll have a pile of work to do that I’ stressing over starting and my brain thinks “what if you played with yourself instead? you should probably do that first so you aren’t distracted.”.
Part of mt friend group so it's inevitable. Got invited to a play, and I want things between melt friends and I to go back to as normal as possible as soon as possible after what happened the other day.
oh come on... I'm just a little guy that likes his emoticons... why are you bullying me...
Fine, I'm sorry that you're feeling so stressed right now, I didn't mean to add to it, I'm sure things will turn out fine, you're a smart girl.
And you're so sex and stuff.
>tfw the girl working at the bar at the nightclub was so pretty I added a tip when I paid for a drink
Am I a simp?
This is what I get for using autocorrect while on my phone at work. Ignore the shitty typos.
Yes. Yes, you are.
No ragrets
>used an emoticon anyway on purpose to undermine everything positive he said
>I'm caving and responding to point out how frustrated I am despite that obviously not being the correct course of action if I was genuinely upset
I think I'm going to just start hating men as defense mechanism. It's the only way to stay consistent.
>oftentimes I wish I looked more like a basic white girl
This honestly makes me really sad.
Chillax babygirl (((:
I think she's attractive. The defined facial features give her a somewhat aristocratic look; something you might associate with a Mediterranean noblewoman in antiquity.
Alright alright, no more emoticons, you win. :
>just start hating men
God I want to lick those armpits
The only gangbang I'll ever be a part of is an emoticon one. I should just end it all now.
And then there's this fucking guy.
I am in Europe dummy!
Today should be hating women as a defense mechanism, not men, because you are seeing your ex.
Then it's already after lunch. You missed it.
Check it
>That DLC is known for it's crippling difficulty
It's honestly pretty easy if people actually take the time to explore and get the stuff that buffs your character and not just try to steamroll it.
Have you set some boundaries with her yet?
I know you're not meeting one on one, but it might be smart to do so anyway?
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Girls, how would you respond if your bf asked if he could put a finger or two in your mouth during sex? Hot or weird?
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I'll have my bestie and other friends as a buffer. Things should be fine. It's not like she will blatantly hit on me in front of them after all the shit she talked.
No, that's sort of the goal of tonight. Have a normal night out and establish this sort of friendship/acquaintanceship as the standard of how we should interact going forward. Smart, right?
What are your political views?
Yeah he was saying this too
Weird. Why do guys do this?
Weird and hot and dangerous for his fingers.
If it's not too sensitive to ask, why did you break up btw? Did you initiate it?
Cause it's sexy
>No, that's sort of the goal of tonight
you're going to set boundaries... after you meet with her in person?
Are you sure you're not going to just lose your shit, especially since, like you said, you're stressed horny, and y'know...
They don't ask dude they just do it
For who?
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Women, if you need money, here's what you need to do
I eat around 3-4 pm
>dangerous for his fingers
Are you gonna chomp them off D:
If he washes his hands for longer than five seconds and wasn’t the sort to always have some sort of crud under his nails
What is gothic literature?
That's old people dinner time over here.
Mine in his is superior.
I love women born in 2006
She looks like a tranny in that makeup.
She was dealing with a lot of stress for a month and stopped responding for a while, eventually she plainly said she was dumping me. In the moment she said she didn't want to leave me waiting for her to figure her shit out, and later when we FINALLY actually had a good talk about it she said she felt like she couldn't fit into the future I was hoping for and felt that we were much more compatible as lovers than life partners. So pretty much said I'm only worth sex and she didn't actually want kids. I'm reasonably upset still.
You'd be my dinner <3
I don't think that would work for me. My boobs are pretty shitty.
where do I find froggy mode gf
I REALLY wish I could cum on her face, take that as you will.
What if he stuck them up your butt hole first?
You're not getting a senior discount!
Books that have fear, horror, death and gloom, as well as romantic elements and very high emotion.
>My boobs are pretty shitty.
I'll be the judge of that.
I'm bitter but not angry. And we'll be in public. And my friends will be there. And I'm driving myself. And I'm not drinking. Doesn't matter what we establish before rather than during, nothing bad can happen as long as I act like an adult. I'm not going to throw a fit or let her fingerbang me while we watch this stupid play or whatever you're implying.
Do I have low libido if i only masturbate once a week and never hornypost here
I don't need one to make you scream >:)
Well, for me at least but I was hoping a girl would be into it lol
I feel like it's the kind of thing you should ask first
Check and check
Would you enjoy it?
Literature that is gothic?
Lolicon alert
>relegated to FWB
Ouch, been there
Sorry to hear that
You made the right call
In the pond?
Probably lower than average for your age
nta but can't a girl have an opinion of her own boobs?
democrat if I had to say.
is tipping for a drink not normal where you live?
that we want to be compared to each other when you compliment us.
Not on purpose, but probs.
Not if it conflicts with mine.
>I'm not going to throw a fit or let her fingerbang me while we watch this stupid play or whatever you're implying.
Okay, I mean, I wasn't implying that something would happen during the show. That didn't even cross my mind as a possibility, to be honest. Are you sure it's not going to happen? I was only implying that she might talk you into something later, but it seems like you already have some ideas of what might happen.
>is tipping for a drink not normal where you live?
Not in the club, no
They actually make a living wage lol
Though my sis used to be a nightclub bartender and said they made a lot of money from tips
What are you a cat
>Though my sis used to be a nightclub bartender and said they made a lot of money from tips
Chad shit from the sis
It would be weird if he asked, it's hot when he does it
Lol yeah. She said once she flashed her boobs and the guy gave her £20
Does your sis have big boobies?
I bet you'd be able to do it too.
>it's hot when he does it
Has a guy done it to you before, did you like it?
>It would be weird if he asked
I kinda felt that way too but like I wouldn't want to go just sticking my fingers into a girl's mouth if she wasn't into it lol
Ewww. That's not Chad at all.
No thanks.
>I feel like it's the kind of thing you should ask first
Answers will vary but for me personally once we've initiated and it's leading to sex that's implicit consent to do anything "sexy" that's within the parameters of "normal". Which this is.
>No thanks.
I already love them anyway.
Well I don't plan on being talked into anything. My main goal of going is to make sure my relationship with my other friends are still intact. We have talked over the phone and text and whatever, but being in person will help bring things back to normal. The fact my ex will be there should be a nonfactor, I just hope the vibes I'm putting out that everything can and should be normal and respectful will tip her off that we can just move past everything.
Gee Anon says he likes my boobs he's never seen. That's just as good as being featured in playboy and being able to buy a car.
Uhhh yes
Are you implying I need to stop drinking beer and go to the gym
>that's within the parameters of "normal"
I wasn't sure if it was lol
So if a guy did it to you you wouldn't object? Would you enjoy it? What jf he stroked your tongue etc. with his thumb?
Well, I hope things work out for you, even if they don't, I'm sure you'll find a way to navigate through the bullshit.
Does it really not sound like a good plan? I thought I was being pretty smart about this.
nta but I think a lot of women don't get that men like boobs just because they're boobs.
If I had a wish, I'll wish that that's actually my power.
Giving girls confidence and money just by complimenting them over the internet, but alas, I'm just me.
>wouldn't object
>Enjoy it
Not particularly. It's like handjobs I'm doing it because it doesn't bother me and he likes it.
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>processing clerk always fucks up the deposit reports
>this causes double work for my department
>usually I'm the one who has to fix it because my coworkers don't understand the concept of reconciliation
>give this clerk a week's worth of notice that we're expecting a check that needs to not be processed and instead forwarded to a different address
>at 4:59 yesterday she emails "oh noes I forgot to not process this and deposited it anyways, can please request a return of funds? :((("
>this means I have to complete a special form that goes to my boss, her boss, and 3 different other departments to get the funds moved
>realize that the only reason I don't go nuclear on this stupid bitch is because she's really cute and always sends me smiley faces when I help her fix her mistakes
is this what corporate simpdom feels like? I even e-stalked her one time and found out she got married super young
That would make me feel like a horse, ngl.
Did I made it sound like I thought it was a bad idea? I didn't mean to, lol.
I suck at this socializing and relationship stuff, if you think it's a good idea, it'll probably be fine, it's just that these things are always so unpredictable, at least to me.
>It's like handjobs
Do you enjoy giving blowjobs though?
>I'm doing it because it doesn't bother me and he likes it
Would it be cringe if he called you a good girl?
I get that. What I'm saying is my boobs are not good enough to get into a magazine that regularly prints pictures of very sexually attractive women. My boobs are not money makers.

Oh I'm confident I'm just objective about my boobs. They're my worst feature. The size is great but the shape is shit. I don't have to think every part of me is beautiful to be confident.
I thought you were into horses though...
>Are you implying I need to stop drinking beer and go to the gym
I bet if you flashed your flabby man titties for some drunk aunties, you'd get tipped too
Those boobs are unironically the most approachable boobs.
Are you the teardrop girl? That's what big natural boobs do, it's called gravity.
Look up Tanerélle playboy
how do yours compare to hers?
It sounded like you doubted the possible outcomes would be positive.
But thanks, idk if I'll even go at this point. I don't like the idea of driving into the city late at night anyways. I wouldn't go if I wasn't worried that my friends will be more distant if I'm not hanging out with them often.
Yes, quite a lot and it's something I really like. It might be weird if you did it out of the blue, but if there's a certain energy between you and you're touching or holding her face or chin, talking to her in a certain way, it feels pretty intuitive to do it. You can do it slowly/gradually as well
I couldn't explain the difference if I tried, but yes blowjobs are fun.
>good girl
no I like that
Atoga, I need your help
I have lost the ability of telling someones age. Pretty girls look underage and Im afraid of starting conversation anywhere but at the bar because they must be of age to drink.
why are they fun
Americans, how was your presidential debate?
We seriously need to stop rewarding whore behaviour
Yeh, seriously. If it didn't work, we wouldn't do it.
>we have Magic Mike at home-
Based <3
Also based <3
Hit on them at the bar then and always lowball a woman's age (assuming she's late 20s or older)
>It sounded like you doubted the possible outcomes would be positive.
Oh, nah, that's just me naturally being pessimistic and negative about how I see the world.
I honestly think you should go for it, nothing's more annoying than being stuck in relationship limbo.
Either you get over it, or you blow the whole thing up and feel the weight lifted so you can finally move on. I'd say progress is progress, no matter the outcome. :^P
That's fair
Don't think so. They're not big they're mid they're less teardrops more pancakes and they've been this shape since they were a b cup. I'm "Orange in a sock" girl if anything.
Less volume. Her breasts are fuller. It almost looks like she started off with boobs like mine and got implants.
>Less volume. Her breasts are fuller. It almost looks like she started off with boobs like mine and got implants.
Then your boobs are fine, to me at least.
Well we'll see what happens. It should be fine. Get to see my bestie for the first time in a while, too. She's been busy with a lot of stuff apparently so it'll be nice to catch up regardless of the stupid drama shit framing the night.
>to me
But that isn't what we're discussing here lol we're discussing whether or not looking at my boobs is worth money haha
Ex gf aside, you might as well try to have a great time and enjoy spending time with her. GOOD LUCK!
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Girls, where are your favourite places for a guy to finish during sex?
(JH need not answer)
Thanks. I just need to survive work for a couple more hours and I'll be fine.
The trash. Fuck you, you can't control my posts
Fine I'll try. It's part oral fixation, part enjoying being the one in control while still in the submissive role, part enjoying making him feel good. If he feels good because of something I'm doing that's an ego boost, and I don't feel like I'm nearly as good at handjobs as I am at blowjobs.
Trump is winning, right? Bidan was incorrect and barely intelligible last night
In an orifice. Easier cleanup. Preferably not butthole if the walk to the bathroom is more than 7 steps.
Women, do you get anything out of tittyfucking?
Girl, any boob is worth money in this day and age, plus it's more "real"
you'd definitely be able to find a crowd even if you charged people $10 just to be able to DM you and see your tits
Post them here with a method to pay u crypto and find out
JH would end that sentence with a period, you imposter!
I have crazy insane girl diahhrea
I just don't feel like I'm cut out for sex
I already have ED and I'm not very big
You'd do ok on Twitch just because you're a girl.
I could fix you (I wont)
Can you feel it when a guy finishes inside your butt? Like if you just don't think about it, would it be possible to just quickly run to the bathroom and get it out of there without even noticing the stuff?
Do you spit or swallow?
): you taken anything for it?
What's what viagra's for
It's like a weak enema.
Blame my work typos and shakey hands from being so worried/on.
I need a gf to tease and blueball me all day long until I fuck her brains out and shoot a massive load on her tummy
(Sorry I don't have a question I'm just horny)>>31522212
The input or the output?
I have no idea what you are saying anymore, Jack. You sound like Joe Bidan. Cmon, man!
The input I guess. If it's really weak, the output is going to happen a lot sooner.
No I actively dislike it.
I don't doubt that because horny guys on the Internet are ravenous but what I'm saying is not all boobs are worthy of playboy. My boobs are a lemonade stand not the Coca-Cola company.
When life gives ya lemonade...
Can I squeeze em?
>horny guys on the Internet are ravenous
>not all boobs are worthy of playboy
Who do you think is buying playboys?
So you can actually feel it when he does it inside and not just when it's coming out later? Bleh.
>No I actively dislike it.
Aw, man... ok, I'll rethink that in the future.
Esteemed gentlemen, of course.
Regardless, fuck you.
Just being happy that I'm making the guy happy.
I thought you didn't have boobs though JH?
NTA, but not everyone with boobs is the same person you fucking tard.
Ew. You really want to see em go find an /hgt/ thread on /soc/ from 10 years ago.
Again y'all are missing my point >>31522224
No I notice. Just because what's usually in there isn't liquid. And you DEFINITELY notice while getting it out of you lol.
Swallow. Same reason, easier cleanup. I already go through tissues like crazy because of allergies.
Who do you think is deciding which women get featured in Playboy?
long time friend of mine had a kid. He has known for many years that I really dislike children (a lot). He wants me to meet his baby son tomorrow, which I agreed to do out of respect. But he told me he wants me to hold his baby son. THAT I do not feel comfortable with at all. I told him no and he got really upset about it. He said tomorrow he is fully expecting me to hold his son.

Who is right here
>have really annoying loud mouth hag coworker
>around the holidays and after she has some sort of string of anxiety episodes and misses a lot of work
>hard to feel bad for her because of how got damn obnoxious she is
>work friend convinces me I'm an asshole for feeling this way
>try to be nicer to her
>later on
>accidentally find out the reason why she's going through all this anxiety shit is because her boyfriend broke up with her
>all my good will and leniency towards her disappears
Am I an asshole?
>Who do you think is deciding which women get featured in Playboy?
Probably some marketing team picking the newest trending girl.
Definitely not based on how hot they are, since past a certain point, they all just look the same.
>He said tomorrow he is fully expecting me to hold his son.
That's weird, you don't have to hold the child if you don't want to lol
Good girl...
Big mood, I hate hay-fever
>My boobs are a lemonade stand not the Coca-Cola company.
>homemade lemonade vs industrial slop
I don't know, but you just made it way sexier to be quite honest with you
For some reason I imagined that taking it in the butt would be the least noticable place since gross stuff is already in there so it'd be normal or something. Glad I asked first, thanks.
You type like a man. I call larp.
Yes you're an asshole. Have you thought that maybe the reason she's loud and "annoying" is because she's trying to compensate for her anxiety? And mental health issues + a breakup are shitty for anyone
Freshly squeezed...
i don't even want to see his kid. I really hate children, they make me feel extremely uncomfortable. Only reason im willing to say hello is out of respect, but I definitely was 0 physical contact with that thing. He got extremely offended when I said I don't want to touch the baby
>go find an /hgt/ thread on /soc/ from 10 years ago.
I wish I was this driven..
That's a sexy analogy. I'd be way more comfortable approaching a lemonade stand to get a drink versus a huge factory.
Thats because I am a man, idiot. I didn't say I wasn't
Yet he still manages to pull off the impossible effortlessly and remains undoxxed, hats off.
He is, come on dude. He shouldn't expect you to hold a baby but you not wanting to is only valid if you're afraid you'll hurt him not because you hate kids.
>past a certain point
And I ain't past the point. No bunny money for me.
Okay you have a point there
>gross stuff
That is a completely different texture than what's usually in there. It's least noticable in the vagina because ejaculate is most similar in viscosity/consistency to my own fluids.
Quints of truth I kneel
>And I ain't past the point. No bunny money for me.
You're just not popular enough, gotta do some crazy stunt.
>It's least noticable in the vagina
Not happening unless it's to try for a kid, but I guess I should be glad that it's not as jarring as other places a guy could finish.
Only you and Gollum can simultaniously hate and covet something so much.
My Precious will be the resulting child, not the goo. So your analogy is wrong.
If you had sex then there would be nobody to waste their time cringe/horny posting and seething at normies like me know your place incel we all have our part to play
What do you plan on doing when it comes time to teach them about the birds and the bees, pass your on hatred?
I feel like my body is the kind you see on one of those kink.com bondage videos that always opens with a shot of the San Francisco armory rather than playboy desu.
kek, we definitely watch too much porn.
If you know her cycle and she stays regular then there 2 weeks where it's completely safe to do so but I'm not going to chastise you for using caution.
First you steal my Kitty posting and now my Duncan posting...
I am not going to think about that.
I dislike people who dislike children
So this 21yo libtard started spazzing out on my brother (26) after she found out he is also dating a 19yo. She called him a predator and said that context does not matter and blah blah. Why are they like this?
Why not?
You WILL become a parent, and they WILL ask about it eventually.
you might as well use the time you have now to figure your shit out, because that's an inevitability.
You're not wrong lmao
Maybe it’s meant to be
It's not about safety, it's about necessity. If it's not to get knocked up, I don't want a guy to finish there. Call it retarded or whatever, the idea alone puts me off so I'll only suffer it to start a family.
success breeds jealousy
They're remorseful for being pumped and dumped between 16-19 by older guys that they came on to, themselves.
I learned about jizz in school, not from a parent. That seems more normal, even if I could give the same talk a health teacher or informative video would.
>I learned about jizz in school, not from a parent.
and you ended up hating it, which y'know I don't think is normal, also
>That seems more normal, even if I could give the same talk a health teacher or informative video would.
this is peak american.
Why are German football players dressed like flaming homosexsuals?
Every princess dreams of her own castle.
Your parents didn't sit you down with the "what's happening to my body?"

I have a very sheltered friend who's engaged but still doesn't know what PMS is
Let's play "spot the German"?
Jealously makes a winner
I just don't like jizz. Cut me some fucking slack. I will give a proper talk about reproduction without talking about cum explicitly.
I had the talk. The talk didn't include specific descriptions of how a dude blows a load in a pussy. That's the topic, discussing cum specifically. Which I won't do, obviously.
OverSimplified reference. Nice.
This, a sex open household is incredibly important, you never NEVER want your kid to be ashamed to ask you something about their body, or have you help them with puberty problems
You need them to be educated on their own body and the concept of sex, not only to be safe, but also to prevent them from being taken advantage of by creeps.
Projecting their own mistakes on to other people. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're not. I'm kind of glad I wasn't pretty or popular in high school so no 24 year olds ever took an interest.

It's not even that guys that age are intentionally grooming 17-19 year olds. It's just that a LOT happens in your early 20s so people just out of high school are usually way less mature or knowledgeable about dealing with the world and adult relationships. So these girls accept dates from mid 20s losers who do fucked up shit and they let them because they don't know any better. Then they learn better and try to "save" other girls from doing the same thing.

It's possible that a mid 20s guy and a 19 year old could get along great if they have similar maturity levels, it's just sus without any other information.
If you didn’t peak in high school you lost your opportunity for good

I’m a 29 y.o virgin, but not because I didn’t have opportunities. There were girls who liked me. But I utilized the technique of post nut clarity, and before I would make a decision such as going out with them, I would fap. Then right afterwards I would realize I don’t actually like them. So it saved me the pain of going through with dating girls I don’t truly like. That brings me to now. I am a 29 year old virgin but not an incel
I don't understand. All you have to say is "penis goes in, reproductive fluid comes out of it." I don't see a need to explain what cum looks like nor describe its texture
Unironically proud of you anon. Hook up culture destroys people's bodies and spirits, meaningless sex is overrated. I hope you find a great woman one day to share your life with.
>sex open house
Sounds very pedo. Imagine encouraging your daughter to go have casual sex
I’ve got a date tomorrow, what should we talk about?
Well I have a problem now. Because I’m a 29 year old virgin lol. That’s kind of a big issue
Exactly. That's my point. The original question was if I would end up passing on my disdain for jizz when I explain reproduction to my future kid, and the answer is no because jizz isn't going to be discussed in a context I hate it in. That context being on/in/around me. I can separate my feelings from how I need to act in a professional setting. Ffs I was in patient care for a while.
>Imagine encouraging your daughter to go have casual sex
Why single out daughters? Having a fuckboy son is just as bad.
How often do you guys and gals notice facial asymmetry? Like one eye being bigger etc
Can't take Viagra forever
Yeah but it’s worse for girls, and in current western society, girls are being encouraged to be slutty
When I'm talking to people face to face, never, since I never look people in the eyes.
When I'm just looking at a picture? Instantly.
>Have you thought that maybe the reason she's loud and "annoying" is because she's trying to compensate for her anxiety?
Maybe she needs to find a better coping strategy that's less abrasive? I've got anxiety issues too to the point where I have to take daily meds AND self-medicate with alcohol. But I keep that shit to myself.

Literally me though I have a few regrets at 30. Namely when I was 28 I met a girl who was 27 and we went on a lunch date after vaguely knowing each other for about 2 years. I was hesitant to pursue because she was an atheist, and even though she said that she was open to religion, she was simply raised atheist by her parents despite her grandmother having her baptized. For some reason I didn't really believe her. Now she's back home in France and I'm still here in America.

But pretty much every other girl I've gone out with I've felt was trouble except for maybe 2 I probably wasn't in the right mindset when going out with them. I think it's wrong to say all of my stumbles were because of the girls. It goes both ways. Sometimes she's the problem. Sometimes you're the problem.

I wouldn't consider myself an incel and I'm pretty optimistic overall.
Post nut clarity?
Frankly, I didn't jerk off after talking to the French girl. Maybe I should have.

There was this one Texan chick I went out multiple times with and then I went home and jerked off after, and had this epiphany of "what the fuck am I doing, this bitch is annoying" and stopped talking to her.
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Why can't we all just get a black gf...

If you were a man in your 30s where would you look for a gf?
I'm not a woman.
You're kidding right? Peaking in high school is pathetic you didn't even do anything cool you're just hot.
Glad, actually.
No fucking clue
Women, it's not a good sign if I'm the one who always has to text/message first right?
Sounds like someones jealous they didn’t peak in highschool lmao
Yeah cause it's my dream in life to become a nurse and drive a white car. No thanks.
Anything is better than being an incel
I'm a woman that was never a problem
I think it matters far less than you guys seem to think. A lot of girls just don't love texting first.

Weirdest thing you find disgusting?
For me its money. I wear gloves all the time because you really have no idea how many hands that note has been through and how many just touched their dick
>responds in 30 seconds or less
YWNBAW tranny faggot lol
The girls who liked me when I was in my 20s were girls who I was not attracted to. But I thought about fucking them because they were the only girls who gave me attention. I thought I liked them. But when i fapped. I quickly realized I didn’t like them at all. Which made me a virgin today at 29
Not a good sign, but not necessarily bad. If I really like a guy I agonize over not texting him first if it's "too soon" because I don't want to come off as needy or desperate.
There are more fecal particles on your phone screen right now than a public toilet (true)
Do you not read so fast? You're the last person who has any right to make fun of people for speed and volume of posting lol.
What if she left me on read already.
Low quality: Bar
Runs the spectrum but a bad idea: Work
High quality: Specific meetups for your hobbies you are actually passionate about, which doesn't segregate men and women (ie not martial arts), ie near my place they run a knitting/craft workshop every wednesday which has a few non-gay men who just like doing shit with their hands
Waste of time, they're not here to flirt: Gym
Probably something like that
The hobbies I like don’t have women
That's not weird at all. It's common knowledge that money is fucking disgusting.

I fucking HATE touching stuff that's been spray painted with that sand or frosted glass texture.
Sorry but I actually have a job rather than leaching off my parents who don’t love and then killing myself out of loneliness and depression because no one will accept my delusional state of mental health
what is social proof? im 100% i dont have any. how fucked am i?
I took some pills.
good bye.
Get better hobbies nerd.
Here's a nerdy one for you nerd: DnD.
Tabletop games have a very high female demographic provided you play DnD, World of Darkness (specifically vampirs, the only one people care about) or similar.
If you move over to like Warcraft where there are next to no notable female characters you'll find 99% men
Another one bites the dust
Trump won
What would be an acceptable dollar amount would you charge for one titty fucking session? (hypothetically)
Jaina was pretty... cool
0$, I'd only have sex with someone I love but with them I'll do it for free.
Not good
You realize peaking after high school is an option right? The options aren't "peak in high school" or "become a NEET" there's a lot of options.

free titty fucking??
Depends on how old/ugly the guy is
For my husband, yes :)
/wowcg/ here

it's called an "instaseethe reply." Please keep up with your 4chan shitposting meta
>le just go gym like Jocko and Goggins meme
Kek this board is actually serious
I have my pilots license and I’m in a pilot club. There are only a few girls, and I despise them and wish they’d leave. Thankfully the club is 99% males
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Post Gender
Aegon or Rhaenyra?
>puberty is a social construct
Kill yourself immediately skibiti toilet zoomerfag holy shit
He actually misdiagnosed the issue. It isn't seething it's attention whoring. Can't let any of my precious (you)s go to waste.
>Thinks puberty is synonymous with peaking
Tell me you're a broke loser without telling me you're a broke loser?
I own a house because I actually completed puberty and got high distinction so maybe not
>completed puberty
You say that like it's an accomplishment and not simply a product of not dying before you reach the age of 20.
NAG but I'm glad it's not just me who's like this lmao
>tfw was about to hook up with single mom on Tinder once
>"actually sex is kinda dumb bro"
What the fuck even is that argument are you just saying things because your parents don’t love you lol
Is this what JH looks like at the gym :o zoo wee mama
Duncan x Gwen was a weird arc
I'm 30 and hot
this changes everything
>posing the shite that is DramaRama
also how are you not b& for avifagging
Awake-a-thon pic is me rn after another all-nighter
Literally me and my brown gf shes basically a latina karan and I went to juvie
He's just assblasted from getting blown the fuck out yesterday, give him a break
This could be me and JH baka
None of you are old enough to appreciate TDI you probably started watching after season 2 when they added this fucking bitch
Nobody is a more important protagonist than me
Kek at this dumbass incel getting fired for browsing 4chan on the work computer
Girls get plapped and get pregnant
Me n my trad cath latina gf
i noticed that texting between me and my therapist has gone a bit beyond 'making an appointment' related. should i bring this up next time i see her? like i dont understand why we're talking casually kek.
Just stop texting her if you don’t wanna?
You killed the thread
Isnt it funny how even in your own delusion you can't win?
>what if they showed your 4chan posts to your employer
>your boss totally saw it
>you're totally fired for the posts
It has yet to happen, and just a headsup, it never will. All of this will stay a delusion inside your tiny brain. You don't know my boss. You don't know our relationship. You don't know how he would act upon being presented bullshit.
Meanwhile you're getting cucked by a "gf", because she's manlier than you.
Turns out when you try to titty fuck all of the girls you end up titty fucking none of them
Sorry for following my heart I guess
Maybe you incels are so boring that nobody even wants to talk to you losers lol
Sorry for all the hornyposting
I’ll pay someone twenty bucks to read all that for me anyone?
I love ENTJ I just want to suck his cock so bad but he won’t let me because I’m a little brat who can’t stfu maybe if I’m a good anon he will fuck my tight little introverted asshole desu :3
>None of you are old enough to appreciate TDI
Bro I watched it when it aired lol
Action was good though
Bro thinks he's the main character
Cursed edits
Ask her to fuck jk
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>tfw no girlboss gf that collapses from exhaustion in her work clothes and I can dress her in cute PJs then plapplapplap
>gets so fucking butthurt he starts falseflagging
Lmao easiest win of my life
me irl tonight
Also Lindsay best girl
Hot <3
What do you do for work anon? What do you wear? How will you be relaxing tonight? Are you getting plopped?
Sorry guys i lied I’m such a little bitch I can’t help making flase accusations about him because I’m obsessed with ENTJ he is my daddy I need him in me because my parents don’t love me and I have developed systemic childhood trauma oh daddy please cum in me
*plapped, damn autocorrect D:
He's ENTJ alright
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Why are men like this?
Lock and Key analogy
Why do I have four naked women and a bride in my lounge? I wish m8
Pencil and sharpener analogy
Why are women so fascinated by twins? Guys dgaf but if a girl finds out I have a twin sister they're like, "Ooooh my gosh, you're twins??? I didn't know that!! That's so coooool!!!" It's so weird, women I'm barely acquainted to act like this.
Everyone likes free samples
This board would probably all be Eva mommydom simps
Women don't actually want to get married
Remember, the first time you have sex with someone should be romantic and loving. The second time you should try to kill them with your dick
We all larp as Total Drama characters ITT
i kind of want to continue but i only go once in a couple months
maybe i should
Here’s where you’re wrong
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>tfw MILF in her late 30s who is cheating on her husband with multiple men (would be surprised it he hadn't cottoned on desu) was a bit flirty agai with me yesterday and batting her eyes/twirling her hair etc. when we were in a group
just hypothetically how amoral would it be...
Its just so funny how he conjures up an imaginary scenario and still loses
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Get away from me freak...
I miss him I want him to hold me I want to kiss him and straddle him and and and
Heather is Alpha Stacy
It’s so funny how you got fired for browsing 4chan on the work computer
I work in healthcare, I'm in scrubs rotting on the couch. I will make dinner, take a shower and nap. I am not getting plapped but I see my hubby soon and (finger crossed) he will plap me.
Sir I'm 32.
It's rare so it's neat.
>Posts as Duncan
>Is actually Harold
*tears your thin scrubs off and ravages you*
But I was literally at work today, even had to check in on something from the clients with my boss.
Meanwhile you're working night shifts while strangers are running a train on your "gf"
Yeah but we're fraternal twins so she's basically just a normal sister except she's the same age as me.
Established a connection before you wear it out
Still cool. I knew a set of fraternal boy/girl twins in high school and they looked more alike than "normal" siblings somehow.
That's funny, some people will say we look similar, and others will say we don't look alike at all. I wonder who's lying
Same here. In my case he's most likely found someone else already
What the fuck are doing on 4chan you pedo
Kek I wanted to post Harold and Leshawna /atoga/ couple but image limit reached oh well haha
>loses his job and comes home to his gf getting BTFO by chad and develops a cuckhold obsession
Now it all makes sense lmao
Ironic that this is more accurate
I don't know why women aren't more bothered by it 2bh
I am terrified of getting cheated on. Basically my girlfriend has given me no reason to believe she would cheat. But she also just has like a very charismatic and open personality and she’s friendly with everyone.
Basically she’s working with one of the other guys on her division today, and they were together when I got to the shop this morning. Seems like they were laughing and being silly which is normal but I get anxious because apparently they smoked together once on the way to a job and he also lives in the same apartment complex as her.
I just imagine them getting close and who knows what the fuck else.
One time right when he moved in she was telling me how he was in the parking lot when she pulled into her apartment and he said hi and was wearing a shirt that said “titties” and she goes “it was just so funny, like I just couldn’t picture shy little Brandon wearing that,”

I don’t fucking know man
She hasn’t given me any reason to believe she’d actually cheat and she values her time and space quite a bit and doesn’t like going out a lot or being around a lot of people but I can’t stop thinking about it
>which one is the evil one?
Because you are insecure in your own image.
Stop degrading yourself.

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