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Previous: >>31519700
man falling on top of woman edition
Kill all name/tripfags.
I’ve got a date tomorrow!!!!
>le average /atoga/ couple
>someone asks another jizz question ITT
You really think I care whether I'm alive or not?
Men. Would you rather lick another man's jizz or your own shit?
My bf is in hospital. What should I do besides visiting him?
I am terrified of getting cheated on. Basically my girlfriend has given me no reason to believe she would cheat. But she also just has like a very charismatic and open personality and she’s friendly with everyone.
Basically she’s working with one of the other guys on her division today, and they were together when I got to the shop this morning. Seems like they were laughing and being silly which is normal but I get anxious because apparently they smoked together once on the way to a job and he also lives in the same apartment complex as her.
I just imagine them getting close and who knows what the fuck else.
One time right when he moved in she was telling me how he was in the parking lot when she pulled into her apartment and he said hi and was wearing a shirt that said “titties” and she goes “it was just so funny, like I just couldn’t picture shy little Brandon wearing that,”

I don’t fucking know man
She hasn’t given me any reason to believe she’d actually cheat and she values her time and space quite a bit and doesn’t like going out a lot or being around a lot of people but I can’t stop thinking about it..
Killing you is a service to me, not you.
Bring a storybook, ideally a very simple children’s one. It should help you both laugh a little
>now suicidal
I love this character development
Oh noo, I'll be free from the pain, how horrible..
Do you have access to his place and would he be comfortable with you being there without him? You could clean so it's nice for him when he gets out.
>jerked off after a week of no nutting
>feel like shit
being cripplingly horny truly is better than the shame of orgasm
I've had a job longer than you.
I'm the one cucking you.
>now suicidal
Always have been.
>me when I see the absolute state of /atoga/
Time to try real life again.
If it was you who ended up in hospital he would probably dump you or cheat
I learned this the hard way. I thought my week-long-abstinence faps would be amazing but instead I developed post-nut-depression syndrome.
Now I just practice a daily maintenance fap, even in I'm not horny.
>he thinks by being delusional hes going to make it
You are on par with a tranny
Why do I think about him so much? Every other thought is me imagining him holding my hand or scooping me into his arms or kissing him or him touching me
but I dont want to jerk off daily. I dont remember the last time I didnt regret a nut
>clearly suicidal
>he thinks he's going to make it
Alright, you're just boring now. Retarded, low iq and delusional. Consider this my last reply.
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Which country do you think will win Euro 2024?
Which country are you routing for?
Bring him food, hospital food is the worst.
Bring him things he might want from his house.
>rages quits again infront of everybody because he keeps getting BTFO and losing in his own scenario
Was it something I said?
What if you had sex?
>turkey part of europe
Eh, I think its overrated, its a huge hassle for what its worth but only with a person I care for. Cant do ONS
Yeah we live together
"Turks" are a mish-mash of Greeks and Anatolians, they just don't admit it.
Just stfu before I start man
Germany or Spain is going to win
Rooting for someone unexpected to win, maybe Austria can shithouse their way through like Portugal did in 2016
I don't believe this
>continues replying
I wanna fap, give me some recommendations
Retain your semen
Last reply to you, retard. I can't believe I have to type this out, though it shouldn't surprise me given you're a low IQ third worlder.
How long is he in for? If he can eat normally the best thing you can do is bring him food, hospital food sucks.
>oh I'm tired
>oh it's bedtime
>oh I have to be up early
I swear to god marriage is a bedroom killer. We were practically swinging from the rooftop having sex while dating but settling down and having kids ruined our sex life.
Why are Germans so humorless?
At least a month
>hospital food sucks
My food sucks too...
>I’m giving you a final warning.exe
>too scared to (You) at me
>continues to post despite being BTFO once again and admitting to leaving
>wears a cock cage and posts on /gif/ but doesn’t want anyone outside of the board to know about it
Get him some takeout then. And I promise you your food is better than hospital food. It's purposely bland and low salt.
I think Spain will win. I am not rooting for Spain.
Being with someone for 3 years is a bedroom killer for me. I get bored.
How do women feel when they see guys proclaim that they are glad to have been born male?
Yesterday my girlfriend said I remind her of Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl. What did she mean by this?
That you're hot but a cunt.
That your gf is faceblind
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Femanons, why do I like it when women smile so much?
It's intoxicating, can you help me get to the bottom of this mysterious phenomena?
Relieved that they aren't a tranny.
I'm not a femanon.
kek that's a good thing
WDYM? It's normal. You are a straight men and like women. Of course you like our smile. Smiling makes people beautiful. I'm a straight woman and I love seeing men smile.
Happy women are attractive
His voice is intoxicating...
>Smiling makes people beautiful.
Even when they're British?
"British people have bad teeth" is a dumb stereotype with no basis in reality.
I feel like I look ugly when I smile.
That’s probably because you are ugly
Why would their nationality matter?
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if i dont get a gf next semester im going to kill myself
Oh fuck off already you killed yourself remember begone unwashed incel
Pull on his catheter and tell him he's a bad boy for ending up in the hospital for a dumb reason.
When did that happen?
The thing is, these type of women & these type of situations can sometimes put you into a lose/lose scenario. The only winning move is not to play. If they sense you could walk if they cross a line, then they usually won’t.

In my opinion, you have to choose your battles. She hasn’t done anything yet that crosses the line, but if she does you come down hard with the boundaries. Honestly I keep my chick in line by letting her know that I can & will leave at anytime.

And historically I have. I tell all men that the moment you feel like you’re being lied to or played or that she’s still shopping for validation from the guys in her DMs then you walk. I don’t give a fuck if it’s her parents’ house on Thanksgiving, don’t give a fuck if it’s her birthday, don’t give a fuck if you’re moved in and living together for years. Just go.

For the record, I’ve done it—all those scenarios.

I stay ready to walk. My girlfriend knows it. All you gotta do is hint it. Because their currency is attention, & nothing drives them crazy like cutting them off completely. Also, the fucking shame. Getting ghosted by a man that met their family & friends. You gotta know that shit stings like a motherfucker.
Sound yourself with a straw full of mcdonalds sprite.
Should I be courting my evil, dark desires by taking a lover (well above age) who has a small and slender body?
It's all legal but I feel like I shouldn't be entertaining the same feelings that made me a shotacon for years.
My own shit
Must be cool to have a dingaling and not be responsible for creating life.
3/4 of the countries in the tournament don't even have European players
Turkish women are so goddamn sexy that it causes me physical pain. Like beautiful eyes & insane bodies. It just sucks that their culture is trash, their men are rapists, their government is authoritarian.

>tfw italian with no turkish qt
A true manlet would have a high chance of roping otherwise.
You are badly programmed.
>Turkish women are so goddamn sexy
After their ancestors kidnapped and raped all the beautiful European women from Balkans to Caucasus for centuries, it'd be weird if they weren't desu.
Trust me, I know. I want to fuck, not raise a family
Women, would you date a Serb?
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How do I get over the obsessive thought that my oneitis is probably a two-faced cunt like all my female friends say?
>Femanons, why do I like it when women smile so much?
1. You enjoy affection from the opposite sex, but
2. You're too detached from reality or delusional to realise that a random woman smiling in an image on the internet has absolutely nothing to do with you. That woman will never love you. You only project love onto her where none exists.
>How do I get over the obsessive thought that my oneitis is probably a two-faced cunt like all my female friends say?
Eager to learn the hard way, it seems.
I agree pick one
We approve
She's probably not 2 faced, she's probably retarded like your female friends
Fuck off our board you don’t belong here cuckcel
P.S mines Afghanistan I call dibs
That's correct my friend, polack here, I used to have turkish fwb back when I worked in germany. That was by far the best sex I've ever had
is a couple suppose to have more sex on vacation? or is it less? Or the same?
More less the same you don’t realize how tired you are until you sit down
Depends on the kind of vacation you go on. If it's a chill relaxing one, more, you have less non-sex things to do.
Women, is an art museum a good place for a date? We both like art.
all women are retarded
Thus she's not 2 faced
I'm a hobbyist artist but I think a museum is still not a good "main activity" for a date.
I don't think it's mutually exclusive. Some women really are two-faced, it's predominantly a female trait.
How to get a Kaiji bf? I've been watching Kaiji s2 and I want to bully this man
if its a busy and active vacation, would it be weird if no sex happens?
Yeah sadly some wimmin really are 2 faced. Not all.
>he's STILL butthurt
My rent and your "gf" have something in common, both are free
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>2. You're too detached from reality or delusional to realise that a random woman smiling in an image on the internet has absolutely nothing to do with you. That woman will never love you. You only project love onto her where none exists.

Project much? I just think she's cute nona
No absolutely not sex literally only happens when there’s nothing to do and theres no one’s around
Stay filtered /gif/ cock cage poster
How do you accept someone being extremely flake-y? I have only one friend, so I want to keep this friend. But she lives in another town and she's mega flake-y. She's nice when I come over to her place, but when we either have plans for her to come visit me, or both of us visiting someplace, she always ends up cancelling last minute. It's always her "feeling bad/sick", not being able to get a ride to the train station after all, and shit like that. Should I just stop inviting her at all and only be content with visiting her?

I'm just annoyed because I bought a ton of food for when she was coming over this weekend, but she cancelled today in the evening.
>No absolutely not sex literally only happens when there’s nothing to do and theres no one’s around
nta but i thought lots of sex happens on vacation. I thought couples want to have sexy experiences while on vacation
>s-stay back or imma filter you
Oh nonono
Does she have ADHD?
Like anon said it just depends on the vacation which is why you never take kids or go on a busy schedule it almost feels more like work and you can’t relax, the best examples I can think of is theme parks and tour guides if you find yourself in these scenarios then escaping to the disabled toilets is probably the only way you are going to have sex
well I think we're both autistic on some level. She's definitely the "worse" one too when it comes to that. I guess I'm the dumb one because yet again I believed she'd stick to the plans and not cancel yet again.
To be fair, she MIGHT actually have ADHD. I need a planner myself to survive.
Is it normal for a man to have his old tinder dates on instagram because he never remembered to stop following them?
Women can't take advantage of men so go ahead
Slav maybe, serb no
NTA but he broke you into cringe posting
perhaps, but I know someone with adhd and she's definitely closer to either autism or social anxiety in my opinion. for example she could've taken the bus to the train station today, but she chose not to because she's not used riding buses (this is europe btw) and it's too stressful for her.
maybe I should try to get new friends too despite being horrible at making friends because it sucks only having one friend and never seeing each other because the friend keeps canceling.
No, when the relationship is over they always unfollow
Remove kebab
>social anxiety
Ok, that's probably it. Someone like that probably doesn't like travelling.
Don’t ever date a guy with socials like instagram and facebook unless it’s just to stay in contact with family
how do I cope with the fact that I will never have kids because no woman will ever copulate with me
Says the guy with a youtube channel.
When did this "breaking" happen?
He made a scenario in his head, lost and he's been completely assblasted since then.
Become human fertilizer for my vegetable garden
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What are some interesting things you have found about the oppositive gender? Me, it seems like women with bigger breasts tend to have a leading role when they are in a group of women, usually the girl with bigger breasts is place on a promient position in videos or photos.
State gender and opinion of the LGBTQ community.
Well I used to have that opinion, but he's my first and current bf, and I managed to convince myself in the past that I'm an insecure bad gf if I say social media is bad. But he did start pondering about deleting social media afterwards. I told him no though because it should be 100% his own decision, not a decision based on my reaction to who he follows.
I’m sorry did I say that you could date me?
Is that really surprising?

Guys have difficulty peeing when they have a boner.
Became human fertilizer for my vegetable garden
How much more attractive is a clean shave compared to the trimmer stubble shit?

My acne is gone now so I can use a razor and I just know it's gonna feel and look better yeses. Tired of that salt and pepper shit bros
You have a girlfriend, don't you? I forget if you've talked about it before.
never really met any men like that, but I like the women, I'm a straight gal but those kinds of women are way more friendly and honest and play less social games compared to "normal" women in my opinion.
Bro he buck broke you fr
What are your favorite sexual activities that aren’t penis-in-vagina?
Women, I took a shower and brushed my teeth today. Are you proud of me?
M I honestly don't have a problem with it if they don't make it their entire identity.
Kebab for eating, not for baby.
Post clean asshole as proof you actually showered as god intended you to do.
Honestly, titfucking. It makes me happy to see him happy.
That's gross, even if it's clean.
Letting me slob on you soft, and nibble pp like chewing gum.
Why are you dodging the question?
Find a good Christian boy and convert him into your chad himbo bf sister
Next time you forget I’ll have your head
Somehow they managed to get a Yamaha DX7 into the eastern block which still baffles me to this day
Asshole or gtfo.
Disgusting brainwashing indoctrinating abusive violent community
wait are you a femanon
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Ladies, what would you think of a guy trying to date you who still lives at home?

Im not a NEET, in fact I have 2 jobs, but I live at home with my mom because I've been saving up money to buy a house. Im about 3-4 months away from saving up around 50K to make a down payment and I've basically been doing nothing social for the past year to save up.

But Im about to break and want to go out and date now, but Im embarrassed to tell girls I still live at home. I was planning on being upfront with them about this, but would this be a deal breaker/should I not even bother dating right now?
No, he's an incel larping as a chad
Men, what "girly" songs do you unironically like?
I’ll be whatever you want me to anon
Would you date a milf and put 50k of value into her home?
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pic related
Go for it op, start dating
Taylor Swift - I knew you were trouble
Still into you- paramore
So says thee
Football players are kinda hot, ngl
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Women, a close female friend of mine recently revealed to me that she shares WAY more about herself with me than she does with her husband. I'm talking stories from her childhood, stories about ex-boyfriends, and traumatic events both past and present. I didn't think twice about knowing these things until she mentioned that I'm the ONLY one that knows them.

Is this normal from a female point of view? We don't flirt or do anything inappropriate, but I can't help but feel weird about all this.
Does misery business count? If not then toxic by brittany spears.
She's a thot
Why do foids want to see our assholes, bros?
To see if it's clean or not and they will judge you accordingly
Taylor Swift - Mean
Paramore - That's What You Get
>Is this normal from a female point of view? We don't flirt or do anything inappropriate, but I can't help but feel weird about all this.
As a woman I definitely find this weird. I'd only talk about things like this to my female friends.
But they're disgusting, even when they're clean.
Dedicated followers of fashion
I don't know but my last gf was obsessed with my butt. Whenever we were naked together it was a guarantee that she would try to spread my ass just to stare at it.
I always had a confidant other than my bf for the simple reason that my bf was shit at conversation past the honeymoon/courtship stage and never seemed to care or remember anything I said about things that weren't relevant for something we were doing there and then.
This confidant is typically a woman for me but I don't see why it couldn't have been a guy if I'd known a guy who was present and listened.
Lol is that what he said?
Kiss me more - Doja Cat
Cupid - Fifty Fifty
Save your tears - The Weeknd ft Ariana Grande
Armenia mogs the rest to death
Not really, but if its clean it means you're paying attention to less pretty parts of your body, which is always good
Is your asshole clean?
You wouldn't worry unless your asshole wasn't clean...
Spiteful mutants.
Albanian lesbian marriage
It is gross. Poop comes from there, it's hairy and pale, etc.
The T needs to be changed to twospirit instead of trans.
Just putting all of cocteau twins and mazzy star in that list.
Femanons, do you plan on taking your husband's name?

M, I am still coming to grips with how women function as emotions-based. It's like trying to figure out a Mac when you've been using Windows your whole life
I'm gonna look at it for the rest of your life if I actually love you at all.
Imagine you marry a hooker that won't change your diapers.
No because it's not a custom in my country.
something like that. I'm annoyed that I'm so socially incapable because of course I'm the one who ended up apologizing and feeling ashamed for being insecure. he was apologetic, but he was also somewhat angry when i pointed out what i saw.
God I miss playing Rugby and bodyslamming white twink fullbacks
Happy for you anon, what are you doing?
And it also has a lot of nerves + prostate is in there.
if I had a husband, probably. I really dislike my last name and it just sounds unpleasant.
Hell no. My family has more right to name domination than most due to etymology.
Lmao probably the only no filter no make pic rel
Before she steals you car and drives off to Romania
Mitski slaps desu
Go away weirdo
But why does that matter?
Why would that be the case?
I need to download a pirted spotify again, I can't stand the ads.
Why are women such perverts?
Sure but who's going to want to marry me
Its the only vulnerability we might show them
Women, would you ever into a "friends with benefits" scenario?

Kiss Me from Sixpence None the Richer
I only listen to groups of men shouting in unison; all other 'music' is fake and gay.
For the purpose of pleasure
Thank U, Next - Ariana Grande was fucking catchy
No way. I have a noble last name
Doesn't that just mean "dating without commitment"? No, I wouldn't. In all honesty I'm desperate and I'd probably fuck my friends if I thought it might lead to dating them though.
never been interested in that kind of stuff, never done hookups either (also been told that "all normal people want hookups" while implying i'm not normal).
What do you mean? What do you think you're going to do with my asshole? Why can't you just leave it alone?
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>In all honesty I'm desperate and I'd probably fuck my friends if I thought it might lead to dating them though
So true
Why did he leave us bros RIP 2011
I'm not going to do anything to your ass, because I'm not a woman, but she might want to put a tongue or a finger there
That's gross though.
That's why you clean it.
How do I tell my wife of 15 years that I'm a frog poster on 4chan?
gotta take that one to the grave buddy
Just tell her you’re cheating it’s easier
Dating isn't commitment, by design. That's the entire point.
The only difference between dating and a hookup is that people are open to future commitment while dating, but they at least nominally agree not to commit with a hookup.
But as
>I'm desperate and I'd probably fuck my friends if I thought it might lead to dating them
demonstrates, people very frequently blur the lines--and men who just want sex will happily string women along with "serious" dating.

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Junkie, druggie just like you
You're not even making sense anymore.
Can I beat the shit out of you?
I dont like taking ENTJ's side but he did win this round
What's your smell good strategy outside of cologne and showering obv. Like I won't even be that dirty and I just smell like....skin? Not oil or grease idk maybe my standards are too high?

Guy btw
I barley shower but my gf says I don’t smell bad maybe it’s genes idk
don't have any. I use basic deodorant and I shower and that's it.
t. femnon
But it's still gross even if you clean it.
couples dont have lots of sex in the hotel room on the vacation?
How much better is clean shave than trimmer stubble (face) for women?

Ladies, how can I properly convince a woman that the new guy they're dating/friends with is a scumbag waiting for his chance to strike? On three separate occasions I've warned three separate women not to hang out or go anywhere alone with the new guy in the friend group. Each girl called me crazy or jealous and dismissed my warning. Each girl then ended up molested, raped, or committed to a physically abusive relationship.

How can I convey my thoughts without sounding like I'm just jealous or afraid of new people? It's like watching a car crash in slow motion and I can't do anything to stop it from happening.
I guess clean shave is the best.
Man after a long day of activities and eating lots of different things you kinda just want to crash, sex will probably require the most energy out of your day save it till last
>What's your smell good strategy outside of cologne and showering obv. Like I won't even be that dirty and I just smell like....skin? Not oil or grease idk maybe my standards are too high?
I use deodorant and moisturizing cream that's it
Why not tell what you know to another girl, and tell her to warn the girl? They tend to trust each other more when it comes to talking about men.
I shower and use deodorant, but also use deodorant like an inch around where my armpit hair is.
Not your fault if they end up victims of their own stupidity. You warned them, you tried your best. Not your problem
Wife's going away for the weekend on a business trip. Once Jamal picks her up to take her to the airport, what should I do for those 2 days? I'm so excited.
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Girls how do you feel about this position?
Why's he still in the friend group?
If you're really trying to minmax this shit you have to avoid smelly foods (garlic, onion, etc) and dairy. Thats not a problem I have to deal with personally though.
I will
This is literally a mission in GTA V
Yes, I took my husbands last name
Have the victims talk to her rather than trying to be a third party with too many degrees of separation from the incidents
Ah I'll try that

Yeah I should probably cut dairy out. Reduces acne doesn't giddy rid of it all tho L.

Thanks guys
>How much better is clean shave than trimmer stubble (face) for women?
Minus 7.
Was it just joking if a guy is drunk, and hears about a girl in a conversation, and starts implying he wants to date her? It didn't seem completely superficial since he seemingly kept getting more interested when he heard about her personality/quirks and what she's like, he was just really heavily implying he wants to date this girl he hasn't even met. But then 2 weeks later we meet again and a mutual friend asks him if he actually wants to meet that girl, he then seems quiet and mentions how he likes being alone. I'm an autist so I can't decipher this.
Do Christcucks really believe the world is ending tomorrow?
>Women, would you ever into a "friends with benefits" scenario?
On a number of occasions, yeah.
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Oh sweet, another failed doomsday prophecy
First I've heard of it. Why?
Depends on the tone. I joke all the time I would marry a person for something in particular they did I appreciate. It could be like talking back to our boss or shit of the like. I do joke like that about both sexes tho. Not the only one of my friends to joke like that either. Of course none of us mean it
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I haven't thought about that. Ideally I won't have to use this strategy but I'll keep it in mind.
I'd rather not dismiss their physical and emotional pain. I don't know, I feel like I didn't do a good enough job of dissuading them., you know?
The actual rapists are no longer around.

Thank you for taking my question seriously and giving real responses.
We don’t know when but eventually Jesus will return and the earth will be destroyed.
It would help if you stopped talking about yourself in the 3rd person
are you a girl or guy
Why does that matter?
>he then seems quiet and mentions how he likes being alone.
Yeah that is probably it, while he was drunk he wanted someone, until he sobered up and realized he didn't want anyone in his life.
>What are your favorite sexual activities that aren’t penis-in-vagina?
If I'm in love, blow jobs - but I need a very strong emotional connection to enjoy that.
You mean that I was the guy or the girl? I'm neither of them, but I am related to the girl.
interesting to know
Femanons n thoughts on the galaxy flip Z 4?
I don't understand, so your group also recently needed a rapist purge?
It sounds like you're in the wrong crowd
He was kinda drunk in both occasions but yeah I do see what you mean, it was just interesting because he's usually the type of person who never talks about women/dating or that kind of thing openly
leave while you still can
I only have some kind of nokia phone, not sure what's the name.
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Will you go out with me?
I really think you're the one and I don't want to lose you
It’s confidential hehe
Sounds cool, wish I could have oh well
These incidents were several months apart. They enjoy partying and end up meeting tons of people as the go to different gatherings. That's where they met the dirtbags.
I’m trans now btw
Are you being serious and legit or shitposting
are your standards just a list of 1 and consists of only "girl"
How do you even get into a situation like this? Do guys just come up to you and ask or what?
Can't get you outta my head
Gwen Stefani - What you waiting for
its femcel summer havent you heard
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Baby... don't this to me
What we have is special, beautiful
You could be the mother of my nine daughters and one son some day
Women of adv, am I cucked? The girl I'm considering dating has this online friend she's known for years, the two are very close are do things like watch movies together on discord, stream things to each other, and even game share their xbox library! Everyone that knows them, myself included, thinks they are into each other. I've tried asking her about it, but she insists that they are just close friends, nothing more. I don't really believe though, am I crazy for thinking it is weird, or am I indeed on the path of the cuckold?
The chances are not zero.
Cuckold maybe. Hopefully it works out idk
im sorry baby... we have to part ways... my pussy is just- too juicy! i... i need time alone.. to better control it...
You aren't dating yet. They are just online friends.
It only matters if you start dating her and he becomes a wedge between the two of you
Femanons I have a trip in 2 weeks and I should be saving money to spend there, and yet I want to buy a $90 bottle of bourbon cause it is rare and goes for a lot more than that and I want to try it.
Why am I like this?
Why can't I ever be happy with what I have?
AGP posting hours
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Do you believe you would be a good mother?
Thank you both for the replies, that's kind of what I thought as well! I really do enjoy my time with her, but I can see the writing on the wall
Very good point, but if I'm being honest, it's already getting kind of rocky lol. We aren't even dating yet, and there have already been a few times where he will join our lobby if we're playing some online game together, or ask to watch her stream what she's doing(while we are talking)
Maybe decent
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And just like that, I lost the (presumed) woman of my dreams
That juice was meant for me and I will never taste it
Back to masturbating to pixiv
Femanons, would you leave your children in the care of your mother?
Save up your money
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probably not. I have no friends, got abused and bullied as a kid, and nowadays I'm more or less a hermit. when I do interact with people irl I notice that I get sad or offended extremely easily, so I'm not very fun or carefree either.
He won by seething for 24 hours straight?
To me it sounds like he's an orbiter but she doesn't think of him as anything romantic (outside of a last option), otherwise they already would be. I assume he lives pretty far away yeah?

I mean if you date her he's gonna get butthurt that she's spending more time with you and inherently less time with him, and it's entirely on her to deal with it amicably.
I’m never gonna be able to support a family by myself am I?
In this economy? No way
Look up what happened in 1971, it's neoliberalism. We're all victims of it.
Unless, you have a very high income job or a successful buisness, it is very unlikely or you have a decent paying job in a low cost of living area.
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Women, are you ready to settle?
If you wait until "the right time" to have kids you'll never have them.

Some of it is just 'winging it' but I have no clue if I could realistically have 5 kids like I want to if my starting career salary is 130k. But these people all around me have shit tons of kids without much thought about it so maybe it's easier than you think
I hate this pic because it's true
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So atoga... Why? Explain!
I don’t think I can raise 3-5 kids on 60k
Either a woman or a faggot
You’re being robbed
well for me, there's very possibly nothing as attractive as a guy with short facial hair and maybe a thicker mustache. that's my weakness. i would be kinda bummed out if i got a boyfriend and he wanted to stay clean shaven all the time.
i have an oral fixation, so.
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Men have so little experience.
In what world?
Anon I have no means of actually meeting you and marrying you
good job anon! being clean feels nice.

i mean if he is my age, not older than say 25, that's not even remotely a problem. older than 25, maybe slight hesitation. it depends on what he's doing at home. saving up to buy a house is a big green flag for me but idk about everyone else
the true 2 genders
friendly reminder that google results are catered to (You)
Almost no woman arrives virgin to marriage anymore, and they mostly marry whom they choose
minus like twenty anon, please stay spiky
neediness is unattractive
older people are less needy
however, younger men/women tend to be more physically attractive
Narcissists are attractive because they have high self-esteem
lesbians are often grounded and chill like your bros
psychopaths aren't needy
bad boys know what they want and aren't up in your grill trying to 'win' you
If a man being a virgin is valuable, you'll have to wonder why /atoga/ men are struggling so much to find a partner.
Now you have a goal though.

same, I hope my future wife is into giving/receiving head as much as I am
Post the one with horses and the dogs.
Man whores can get women, they can’t keep them.

t. Man whore
Women want a guy who's experienced with women, not necessarily experienced with sex. God forbid someone values waiting until marriage for sex, amirite?
I forget when the last time I said this was but I think its time to say it again, I love ugly women.
Social security is what gets me. If I didn’t have to pay 7.5% of my income in taxes to that I could have over $2,000,000 if I just invested and got average returns. I wouldn’t need social security
>saving up to buy a house
final payment on my mortgage was this month.
wait, if you paid the mortgage already, then why are you living with your folks? nice double dubs btw
I don't know a single woman with a higher body count than her bf
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Fixed that for you
If you are experienced with women in the sense of a series of failed relationships, you have shown to be a bad judgement of character. And if waiting for marriage means engaging in other types of sexual activity, oral, anal, etc. you're not so different from the man whores.
>If a man being a virgin is valuable
It isn't
You should switch catposter and jh
what if i made a pirate themed treasure hunt and made a buried treasure with a bunch of cool junk i found at yard sales and antique stores and also put my number inside, then put up a poster somewhere saying "come find my treasure yarr"

men, like, if you saw a poster that led you on a treasure hunt and the treasure had like a cool dagger and old cool shit and also a note with a girl's phone number saying like if you want you can call her and you can go on a date, would you call her do you think?
I guess. Any one has a guide on how to marry an anon?
thank god for how many different moods i have when posting
The point is that there is nothing desirable about a male virgin. It's not a selling point. Women want the guy who looks and acts like the man whore without actually being a man whore, failing to understand that the two come in a packaged deal.
They're both nonvirgins
i'm not saying youre universally wrong but i personally have daydreamed about dating a virgin and being able to move as slow as i want with him and show him only things i like doing. i also think you are falsely putting all charismatic behavior under "manwhore" which isn't true. i don't want a guy who acts like a horny douchebag under any circumstances and i think that's pretty true on a big scale.
singing is gay
Horny douchebags aren’t typically manwhores. Man whores have something fundamentally broken inside of them where they equate sex with love and have a deep longing for a human connection they are incapable of making. Sex becomes a tool for extracting affection and validation from the woman of the moment and not something the guy himself really puts as a priority, it’s just another piece of the lovebombing tool kit they use to get you invested in them before the relationship implodes once you realize who they really are.
Currently: Me Espresso
All time: Stevie Nicks, namely her Bella Donna album
>Edge of Seventeen
>Sleeping Angel
>Blue Lamp
>Gold and Braid
Hell yea
Nah. If there's a sane guy who isn't a huge whore it's because either his dick doesn't work or he's got no options.
Take your meds
So you think all the men with no options are worthless?
God I want a wife to cheat on so badly
Can someone please tell me I am over thinking and being retarded
>have gf
>everything going really well
>notice some guy liking a lot of her pictures on IG
>she and him recently started following eachother, and she doesn't really follow lots of people on IG
>automatically assume there's something going on and she's talking to someone new

i feel so stupid rn
what if they are friends? just ask her about him. jeez.
>dating an instagram slut
Are you saying they aren't?
you should feel stupid
Yes. Plenty of men are a single because they are either too shy or dont interact with new women regularly unless consider both of these red flags.
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any tips?
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You're correct; I was being somewhat polemic. There actually is data when it comes to this question: neither men nor women want a completely inexperienced partner, but they don't want someone who is too experienced either. While there might be some social desirability bias involved, e.g. seeking out a virgin being very much looked down upon for men, it seems plausible that people want someone who is at a similar level of experience as they are, which also makes sense in terms of people tending to look for those who are similar to themselves in terms of personality.
In general, I don't think virginity itself matters that much. If you locked a handsome guy like Henry Cavill up in a monastery until he turned 30, his factual virginity would probably not deter him from finding a partner. What matters more are the underlying qualities which correlate with a man being a virgin past a certain age.
When it comes to being a man-whore you're somewhat correct as well, since it seems extroversion more strongly predicts short-term success than height, looks, etc. but you'd still expect the particularly handsome, charismatic man-whores to do significantly better than those who are merely very horny.

At the end of the day however, the meme doesn't really do reality justice. The relationship between bodycount and attractiveness in men is not linear but curvilinear, where being completely inexperienced is associated with undesirability, while being too experienced is associated with unfaithfulness, which are both considered negatives.
i've never dated before. how much time will i get to spend with my boyfriend probably? because i know i am going to want as much as possible. like 24/7 if he was okay with it, but he will probably have friends and other things and want to be alone sometimes. will it be annoying that i want to be near him all of the time? should i try to pretend i don't at first?

>it's worrying about the relationship i do not have and might not ever have hours
>ask her about him
im most likely not gonna do that

she's not an IG slut and like rarely ever posts but she has a couple

why exactly
i.e. Worthless
Take off the mask, it makes you look like a rapist. Also, posting pictures online is correlated with narcissism, which is a red flag.
this is my all time worst nightmare. i would rather die.
You want an extroverted charismatic virgin, who goes out to party every weekend.
i had to post it on /sp/ to prove to someone that i'm white (despite being a south american)
>me and jh
Girls, my whole life is a façade. My watch is fake. My car is rented. My photos are edited.
Will you ever forgive me?
If it's better than mine. If it sounds dumb with my name I wouldn't.
You're supposed to smell like skin? You're covered in it? If all I smell is cologne or laundry detergent it's overwhelming and weird you're allowed to smell like a person.
I like the way stubble looks, but it rubs the skin around my mouth raw.
Did you tell them why you were wary of the guys or not give them a reason?
Turn that 90 degrees so she's on her back on a soft surface and you're golden. As pictured it's way too much work.
Overall no. I think I would treat them well and teach them well but the whole being a responsible adult who doesn't miss appointments 100% of the time thing I would fail at.
I would leave my hypothetical children with my mother for short periods of time but wouldn't want them to go to her if I died.
No but I'm ready to get more cats
Clearly never met me
what kind of retards do you date that that works?
This must be the hoeflation men are talking about.
>Clearly never met me
How do you feel about the rules, and those with a proclivity to break them?
More than my ex
Ew how dare you. I'm not her. That's even worse than being confused for JH.
shots fired
What are the most common signs of being cheated on, or in other words things that make you reasonably consider wether your partner might be going behind your back?
Sure thing, Scalebreaker.
and then you get close and see all the dark facial hair (usually a lot)
If you're trying to insult me you're better off going with crazy rather than fat! Fat is demonstrably untrue.
>automatically assume there's something going on and she's talking to someone new
If they are following each other, then that is a reasonable assumption.
Not saying I disagree, but why exactly
I have no idea who you are implying you are. Take your meds.
Ffs I'm implying I am not rulebreaker or JH what are you on about?
Because why else would they start following each other if they weren't exchanging any kind of messages? That doesn't mean she's at that point where she's willing to leave, but it does look like she's starting to cultivate a backup at least.
NTA but that applies to the vast majority of women here. In fact, I'd say the women are even more damaged than the men here, it just manifests differently.
she has about 900 followers and follows like 600 people
I really don't want to jump to conclusions and just assume she's cheating but I am paranoid
she gets a lot of likes on her posts in general
>Fat is demonstrably untrue
This implies that you are one of our named friends. Crazy has been proven, so take your meds.
>but that applies to the vast majority of women here
That was my point. It applies to most people here. Guessing crazy has a better chance of being correct than guessing fat.
It implies I can be photographed. You need to spend some time away from here.
Not having a great day, huh?
What makes you say that? I start arguments out of boredom I'm having a decent time today.
Oh that's good. I just woke up, didn't really pay attention. Glad to hear your day is going well.
I am the patron saint of /atoga/. I am her keeper. I will never leave.
what is femininity?
I see. Well, you might just be paranoid then. The point is also: even if she were trying to find a backup mate, there wouldn't really be much you could do about it. She probably wouldn't close her account for you, so all you could do is try to be a better partner to make it less likely for her to leave.
Good morning?
Well you seem well suited based on intelligence level.
i sometimes have sudden moods of feeling intensely affectionate out of nowhere, like all lovey dovey. atoga is unironically the closest thing i have to a person i could vent that on. i feel really pathetic when i find myself hunched over a keyboard like "how can i put love into this pile of horny autistic and argumentative strangers"
>Good morning?
Not very. Gm to you too.
I won this interaction though.
I hope you find someone soon, man.
thanks. i kinda worry about the long term effects of living like this sometimes.
It's not good to push that energy into atoga, but then again you never know.
yes I hope I'm being paranoid
everything else seems to be going so well so I'm trying to think positive
its been so hard for me to let my guard down and i don't wanna get hurt
>Guessed who someone was
>Was wrong

If that's what you think I'm not going to take that away from you buddy.
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Moving the goalposts, are we? This is about you and your need for heavy medication and shock therapy.
That is oddly kind of you, Anon.
> i feel really pathetic
Good. Imagine proxying your lack of children on to an anonymous anime message board.
Fix yourself.
>No but I'm ready to get more cats
Are you going to become a proper cat lady yet?
I am way too lonely for my own good.
so women do have alien brains
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I do be rizzin' on these single moms
Catposter is marriage material
Damn you eyebrow mogg me. Impress8ve caterpillars bro.
She should call herself hagposter, that coochie got cobwebs!
Do you see goalposts? Where are they right now anon?
How many do I need to be a proper cat lady? I'm unofficial right now. Only 2.
When JH plans her masturbation out
As compared to men who just jack it
>hanging with gf
>she's telling me about some of her friends
>goes to tell me a story about her friend and her friends shitty bf
>"well I was talking about you and basically how much fun I'm having with you and she started crying because this guy doesn't wanna date her and she almost word for word told me she's too upset to be happy for me,"

so she was clearly telling her friend about me and talking about her new bf right?
Your life anthem anon
what does this mean exactly
Yeah for sure.
how likely is it that she'd start talking to a new guy or cheating like a week later lol
>How many do I need to be a proper cat lady?
I would say three is generally a good place to start, but it also depends on your living situation, I suppose. In a tiny apartment, two cats might already be sufficient to approach cat lady territory.
Legitimately I'm not sure what music counts as "girly", particularly my less popular music that I can't just lookup the artist's fan demographics.
But I will absolutely sing along to Taylor Swift songs.
Also Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, and Blackpink. But I don't listen to popular music all that much.
nta but what new guy?
it means a machine learning model was asked to embed data points into a 2d graph and it made 2 distinct clusters haha
Argentina? Anyways you have handsome eyes, no homo.
They trained AIs on large data sets of male and female brain scans and could accurately predict certain cognitive functions based on that data. e.g. the AI had learned what a "smart" brain looked like for example, being able to predict IQ. However, the AI trained on male data did not work on female brains and vice-versa, i.e. there seem to be fundamental differences between male and female brains when it comes to some of their internal workings. Even if both male and female brains seem to produce similar results, the way they do it seems to differ significantly.
not comprehensive
1. Suddenly going to the gym or losing weight.
2. New styling, make-up, clothes and hair.
3. Odd periods of un or poorly explained unavailability which didn't happen before.
4. Hiding phones and ignoring messages in your presence.
5. Refusing intimacy, sex or affection.
6. Colder attitude towards you.
7. Sudden enthusiasm for new interests which they didn't have before.
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I don't know what songs which artists (taylor swift etc.) sings or really any pop artist, I actually don't know how people normally listen to pop music. Does everybody listen to the radio, or is it played for normalfags in nightclubs? I only hear stuff incidentally in the supermarket or tv shows. I don't really have an organic circumstance to come across this music.

Yes I am probably autistic.
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
how does it prove anything? phone cameras seem to artificially brighten your skin, even in your pic your skin looks bloomed out
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NTA but it's probably more about having blue eyes than about skin colour.
I wish he could destroy my pussy and drink my blood after he cums. Later he can abuse me analy and let me rest in his coffin during day.
God this make me so horny.

How do casual work flings just happen? I don’t understand how co-workers can all of a sudden decide to fuck, and then just keep it on the secret like it never happened?
moid hands
I have blue eyes and I am not white (t. celt)
DIO is gay
It means you can tell whether someone is male or female from their brain scan.
We think differently.
Are women philosophical zombies? How can we be sure they experience qualia?
Literally the whitest people on the planet.
This is the second time I have come across that word today.
Not according to the anglos who invented the concept of "white" tbqhangry
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most philosophers, scientists, and artists have had brown eyes
Every time I post something I like you people call me man.
I don't understand this.
You just don't want to accept women can also love anime men or what.
He isn't actually, I did research long ago.
Where else did you encounter it?
I find it quite adventurous of you to conflate liking anime men with wanting to be anally abused inside a coffin.
anons, where do people even listen to pop music?
Why not? Why men can say most disturbing sexsualy things here but women aren't allowed for some reason?
It's completely fine. It's just not the same.
Highest proportion of Fitzpatrick type 1 and 2 skin in the population. Lowest melanin content.
women are supposed to keep their discussions of rape fantasies in their female group chats
>cute clerk at the liquor store tells me to have a fun night
I wonder if she already knows I'm gonna go home and drink this whiskey straight outta the bottle.
any red haired 5ft8 ( minimum ) 3D artist girls online?

I'm looking for a 3D artist gf to work with me on my game and have a beautiful relationship of creativity with.
Why? Why should women keep their fantasies private? Don't men like, want to know that or something?
You're asking too much.
I think there is a misunderstanding here: my point is that liking anime men is not the same as wanting get abused in a coffin.

You're free to have your fantasies and you're free to share them with us if it pleases you.
>my point is that liking anime men is not the same as wanting get abused in a coffin.
I never said it's the same tho
I don't think you understand, pale skin is a physical reality but "white" is a meme
I do not enjoy having my voice crack at the grocery checkout because I saw the coffee aisle and started missing my ex.

If someone cheats one time, realizes it was a mistake, and never does it again. What should they do? Tell their partner, or just forget it ever happened and continue on with life?
>/his/ thread
/his/ THREAD
Look up the Motte-and-Bailey fallacy.

This debate is getting a bit tiresome though. I have no problem with your fantasies, have as many and share as many as you'd like. I hope you meet your abusive vampire boyfriend some day, or if you don't actually want to meet him and you're fine with the fantasy alone, then I don't and wish you the best of luck in all your other endeavours.

"I don't need to fish on /atoga/ for a woman" says Anon who keeps fishing on /atoga/ for women.
NTA but what are you talking about? He originally wanted a harem of tall girls.
He's just like me fr.
this, blue eyes are the true test of whiteness (people with brown eyes are nonwhites, they have african blood)
tell the truth. and stay away from relationships for the rest of your life
how are the nonwhite eyes treating you lad
Not him, but it’s really common that people just continue on with life. I know a girl who did that, and is in a happy marriage
White is a colour anon.
don’t know anyone that have done this, who knows must be old people thing
realistically how much of a social setback is being brown skinned going to be for me?
native tongue?
browns are not made equal
I wish only bad things for bad people
The guilt is the penance.
english. i am american. i have pretty much no connection to my ethnicity culturally.
Not as much of a setback as the various other traits that led to you ending up in here.
I know a 28 year old girl who was hooking up with a co-worker for months.
Bitch you're on my vision board now for that one. Enjoy the cramps.
someone was raised catholic
Depends on who you meet.
good point.
>brown in america
have to be more specific lad
you could be anything from italian to pajeet to argentinian to black
Yup. The self hating faggot religion that I'm still trying to burn out of me.
I loveeee him sooo much anons
It drives me mad
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>i am american
Let me guess, you're 15% black, 50% Latino 15% white, and 20% Asian?
If it helps, every person who has ever spoken to me negatively about brown-skinned people was in their 60s or later. Hopefully you are not in the dating/friendship market for that age range.
Women, why don't you love me?
pacific islander. i've been asked if i was native american by appearance.

thats fair, but it doesnt mean younger people don't hold disdain privately. thank you though.
>and is in a happy marriage
seems unlikely
w-what kind of milk?
Do you think a relationship should do a lot of growing in the first couple months?
Are you excited to see a person if you've just started dating them?
The feeling is NOT mutual
28 is ancient, boomer
If you want to find out a person's private feelings, find out who they're voting for.

>inb4 you're not political at all
You don't have to be political or be a voter yourself just so you can use politics as a tool for your dating/friendship endeavors.
>inb4 not political at all
uh, good guess. any tips on a painless way to learn whatever basics i need to know to look for red flags? i've done some cursory searches in the past, they don't have books for learning how american politics works like they do for math or history.
His titty milk
It actually is uwu
How old are you?
I'm kinda stupid so I'd call, but most people think they'd be murdered.
You also wouldn't be able to filter out dangerous people.
I've gone on 4chan GPS treasure hunts though where people said I was going to die.
asmr + his pictures
catboy who calls me mommy
nutted and knocked out
pure bliss
>pacific islander
Do you look like Jason Mamoa or more like the rock?

>find out who they're voting for.
Ah yes, the politics of
>I love Israel and colored red
>I love Israel and colored blue
It depends on the person, likely you'll meet on weekends for the day, or just a date night.
Until you live together or find someone as clingy as you are.
neither much, they look whiter than me. though i am kinda taller/larger than average.
Any information I can give you would be tainted by my own biases. You would have to decide for yourself how you think citizens should be taxed, how you think corporations should be taxed, how you think tax money should be spent domestically, how you think tax money should be spent on foreign aid to other countries, how healthcare should be reformed, how illegal substances could be legalized, which classes of people should receive special protections from discrimination, and so on. No party is truly trustworthy, every politician is corrupt to some degree, and all we can do is try to figure out which corrupt politician is most likely to pander to our own views.

But specifically for how people will react to your skin color, you might have noticed from interactions on this very website that voters with a negative opinion of brown-skinned people have a tendency to vote R.
it's also a meme
>How old are you?
So will everyone here die alone?
I am femininity
i am so fucked up and anxious about my gf cheating without having any good concrete reason to believe she might be that I might just break up with her
i can't handle it im so fucked up
i feel like any normal healthy person wouldn't even think of or consider the shit that I am
atleast it wouldn't ruin their day
im so fucked man
Just the men
she's cheating on you every night with black men
Women, have you ever used your body to your advantage in a public situation?
I know I will
We all die alone, anon.
I don’t have to it happens without trying
>I think you're cheating on me or will cheat on me, we need to break up
>wtf? no?
>It needs to be done.
oh all the time. any time i go anywhere. boy, legs sure are handy...
I used to wear something a little revealing to get free drinks.
I'm going to take that not entirely how you meant it.
Idk does this count but when I was in high school there was an teacher that liked me but I sucked in his calls so when we were having exams I would dress provocative amd I'm pretty sure he did noticed that, even when i fail all questions he would get me best grades but my fat friend would always lower grades even when she was better.
I miss him, he was my high school teacher crush
I don't know about the chads, but I'm probably going to.
if you are trying to push an anon's buttons this is unironically less worrying. It's less likely, and any children would be immediately identified as illegitimate.
Who here know that feel when you wanna play Nintendo Switch on the beach but outside is so hot that the console overheats. I hate adulting.
oh, drat
That's icky. Also counts.
Probably. The women are far less likely.
if there's a lack of trust there then your relationship is basically over anyway.
Might as well throw in the towel for your own and her peace of mind.
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why is this the case
I undid a few buttons once to get out of a speeding ticket.
He was hot and free and liked me :3
It would be more hot if he was married desu
He's the reason I miss high school desu
That's why women cheat
Because the life energy (Vril) was wasted if it was not used for procreation
I guess I'm a boy then.
Statistically women outlive men.
Men are inherently shamed for their sexual urges unless its secretly PiV whereas women aren't shamed for everything except PiV so masturbation is a release.
sorta, I played Pokemon Go at the beach
is trust really just accepting you could get fucked but choosing to believe your partner won't do it unless you have a reason to think so
what if you make up reasons
according to the pic men have imposter syndrome. i literally want this guy i'm talking to to nut to my pictures everyday/night like i do
Do women not get post-nut (or I guess post-orgasm) clarity?
Not if you detonate a bomb vest in a crowded place...
Is gender and sex the same thing?
How often do you schlick?
I promised to an hero the day my parrot passes away
so at least for me, probably
reading this post made me want to jerk off to her instagram photos
Didn't some youtube guy do a study on that? Put it in the over and it didn't overheat.
Not anymore, chud.
gender isn't real
sex is real
Yes imo.
God I fucking miss her.
State gender. Are you actively trying to improve your life?
Gender is a made up concept. Sex is binary.
no, dummy
Yeah, I guess. Doing therapy now. 2 months sober. Still feels pointless though.
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no. i hate myself from the beginning to the end.
F I'm trying. Stopped drinking, looking for a better job, trying to adult.
Congratulations, man! It gets better.
F, yes, I'm working towards my goals (to be a mother)
Everyday three times
Trying to get pregnant or...
Is it a turnoff for girls if a guy spends his free time recording and making shitty little beats on his laptop?
No, not really. That sounds fun.
Yes, I have a date tomorrow
Thanks man. I hope so.
M, I also have a date tomorrow. I'm kind of excited.
I am currently pregnant
everyone dies alone
Doing everything it takes to succeed (gambling every weekend until I hit big)
>is trust really just accepting you could get fucked but choosing to believe your partner
Kind of. Trust is expecting them to behave in the future the same way they behaved in their past.
If they have been loyal in the past and their behaviour hasn't changed then trust would be expecting them to continue to be loyal in the future.
If their behaviour has changed though then you can't necessarily expect their future behaviour to remain the same as the past. The level of trust you had can't be as high whether you give them the benefit of the doubt or not.
> what if you make up reasons
Then you have an internal problem with evaluating their behaviour. Can you trust anyone?
Maybe a question to ask is am I being reasonable? Have I noticed patterns which indicate cheating? Changes in behaviour etc.

I've lost 7 lbs this month
I'm trying to finish my phd but fuck it's getting hard to stay focused
I'm more social and got invited to a party by a guy at the gym today, we'll see if I go since my car got totaled by a drunk driver a couple weeks ago...
I commented on the girl I like's story (she's gone for the summer, basically immediately after I met her at an end-of-semester party) and then after she replied I asked her how it's going
I will love you twice as much for the both of us then.
Nice! How's that working out?
Stop rubbing it in.
unironically kind of romantic. punching the air right now.
they are synonyms anon
It's good, it's coming up to the finish line so everything hurts at the moment lol.
You can be pregnant/get someone pregnant too, I believe in you!
How does one become a goth?
>2 months sober
Have you encountered any creepy fetish people irl?
They are not.
You can do it man. It's all will. Find a reason to be healthier for yourself. For me it's a challenge. I lost my ex due to my drug use. I still want love and to have a family so, that's my end goal.
Why do guys do something just to see if they can do it?
No, I don't really leave the house.
I had 2 indian men knock into my stomach on the same day, but I have no proof that was deliberately done or the reason behind it.
For me I started listening to that style of music and gradually because interested in the fashion and other elements of the subculture.
You have gender, you dont have sex.
Heh. Getting kinda unwieldy?
Don't you have sex based on physical characteristics?
why do you keep asking this?
He needs to fuck me until I throw up.
M, just living on a day by day type philosophy, is that bad?
Yeah it's in the road alot, doing dishes is annoying. It's hard too so anything hitting it sucks. I like it though, my husband says it suits my vibe and I like feeling bub move against my hand if I press on it.
tfw no pregnant wife to massage her tummy.
>no boyfriend who will massage the knots out of my shoulders while i suck his dick
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post ideal partner bodytype
> Gender Gen"der (j[e^]n"d[~e]r), n. [OF. genre, gendre (with
> excrescent d.), F.genre, fr. L. genus, generis, birth,
> descent, race, kind, gender, fr. the root of genere, gignere,
> to beget, in pass., to be born, akin to E. kin. See Kin,
> and cf. Generate, Genre, Gentle, Genus.]
> 1. Kind; sort. [Obs.] "One gender of herbs." --Shak.
> 2. Sex, male or female.
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sillybilly, DIO is gay
That usage did not exist until crazy people in academia began foisting it on the rest of us in the 60s. It is manufactured.
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My friend's wife gave birth and then basically for 6 months after her baby turned 1, her personality turned into "bitching and moaning about how she's not being impregnated again"

It only got a LITTLE weird.
Yeah but you don't
Fit but not ripped. Like a smaller leanbeefpatty.
He isn't LMFAOO he had a wife
no, he just fucked a couple of girls to have kids
he simped for men
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what do you have against very specifically me, anon. what did i to do you for you to go out of your way to torment me and only me with such dedication and perseverance.
Just be dio and I will fuck the shit out of you for hours. Days, even.
Are you concerned about post partum depression?
because you posted that image that one time and the girl in the picture is literally perfect
what a curse it must be to be born a woman and not being able to achieve that body
Why does the idea of a broken femcel woman who looks at herself in the mirror and hates herself, attacking her own appearance, make me want to take care of her? It just breaks my heart.
>he is gay but he have sex with women
Nice copium LOL
I thought you were gonna say from his penis, but okay
you didn't answer the question.
She's a 6'1" brunette. I'm lifting weights so when I see her again this fall I'll be strong enough to carry her (I'm 5'8")
Capability is important.
Women demand and expect competence. Everyone demands and expects competence.
Ultimately it feeds into self respect and esteem.
which posters would you fuck/marry/kill/hug?
Belly massages are so good, so is him standing behind me and lifting the weight of my belly up.
She probably wanted her kids close together, I'm hoping mine will be close together too
Not at all, my husband is great and I trust he can step in if I don't catch it happening
If I die young, yes. If I die old and if she dies first yes
>You have gender, you dont have sex.
Your understanding of english is incorrect.
didnt I?
there's nothing against you, you kinda brought it upon yourself really, posting perfection in these threads
That too, obviously
I want to milk his cock.
>so is him standing behind me and lifting the weight of my belly up
Do you have one of those belt thingies?
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fuck JH
kill neuro
marry that one girl that was really nice to me that one time
The indomitable will of man
why would a guy take us both off of his Instagram but have me on his fb

I use fb more but still, I thought about using insta more again
i don't know, maybe some male instinct. i hope someone like you finds me. i need taking care of. sometimes i wonder if all of my insecurity would just vanish if someone shows they actually love me one day but i think its just wishful thinking. not that is likely anyway.
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Seems like a waste of time desu. I do something because it needs to be done, not just to see a result. Sounds like a baby with keys imo.
You posted it. Congrats
I do but it gives me a bad pain above where the top of the belt sits so it's less painful to not use it
Would you ever use your body to get your bf to do something for you or lead him on like dangling carrot in front of a donkey?
Would you consider that abusing his love for you?
fuck/marry/kill decades schizo
t. decades schizo
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Men get boners, how do women get "horny"?
>Doesn't that just mean "dating without commitment"?
Dating without commitment is Casually Dating.

"Friends with Benefits" is more "fucking without dating but acting like friends most of the time". Usually upgraded from previous acquaintance.
But it's messy and without clear lines.
i love men like you would not believe.
You're right, I do not believe
Gender and sex have been used interchangeably for a long time, far earlier than the 60s.
It's only the latest tranny fad of the last 5 years where there has been some attempt to redefine gender to mean something else.
there are no men like me
just me
What sort of pictures of him do you touch yourself to? Is it just like normal pictures, or him exercising, or shirt off/beach photo, or his sent nudes?
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do I have body image issues if I would hate that fat on my stomach if that was me?
not anymore i guess. Don't really care though
State gender. Do you have imposter syndrome?
I can't decide if I should hug QT or just put him out of his misery...
self imposed psychic damage
Not necessarily but you shouldn't because it's cute. If you even want to call it that.
what fat on the stomach
there is no fat on her stomach
i've posted about it quite a lot. i'm on record.
That's the mound where the internal organs go. You legit have an eating disorder.
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Really makes you think.
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>She probably wanted her kids close together
She had her first at 28, and she wants to have 4-5 so I kinda get it. Also she has an older sister who's about to give birth to her 3rd so I'm sure there's some 'jealousy' or whatnot coming from that. My siblings were all 4 years apart, with me being the youngest. We were all pretty close, but we aren't really competitive with one another, which is supposedly the reason you want kids 4 years apart- long enough distance in age that they aren't in the same school age and comparing themselves to each other at extracurriculars either. How far spaced out do you think you want your kids, and how many would you like vs how many do you think you can realistically have?

btw it also really doesn't help her (single) 21-year-old little sister just moved into town and she has two personalities: one that wants to be a nurse and one that wants to be a mom. It activates my almonds when the four of us are watching movies/tv shows together and then she just blurts out shit at random like "SIS IMAGINE US BOTH PREGNANT WITH HUGE BELLIES." I don't even have like a 'pregnant woman' fetish, I just get aroused by a woman talking about wanting to be pregnant all the fucking time
I am not a real person
nta, why? Aint that a good thing he's doing?
I'd be like, lol thx bro or something
just looked it up, yeah, big time
>I do something because it needs to be done, not just to see a result
Seems very boring.
F I'm on Twitch, I can't help but compare myself to more successful people.
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explain the joke
You a guy or girl? I was asking about the goth stuff yesterday cause I wanted to learn more bout em. I honestly can't ever see myself going that style unless I moved far away else the people I know now won't take me seriously. But I don't mind getting into the media they like. You legit gonna style like em?
Which one are you? The vtuber or the titty streamer who performs cookery?
well he doesn't know me or actually feel that about me. so it hurts. cause it's like "oh yeah, care and kindness. i DON'T have that. haha."
No because it’s just a way for people to stop believing in their true potential
Congratulations anon, good luck
The other guys answered it. Same reason why guys shoot their shot and ask women out. I like the George Mallory one, even though he failed and died lol.
in the middle area you can very clearly see fat. I’m not saying she isn’t gorgeous or doesn’t have a nice body that a lot of women would kill for.
I have the same internal organs as her. I was skinny fat like that before I started the gym. and I eat a normal amount of around 1400 +/- 200 cal a day.
I always wonder why I never settled with cosplay streamer, narcissist clash I suppose
Daily reminder that you will never see her face.
I just want to make you feel beautiful and desired.
Vtuber. Also, that sounds like a terrible idea. Oil splashing and stuff.
You taking applications or has the deadline passed?
Do masculine guys just look old sooner? I swear manly men look a decade older sometimes
He died?! Oh, man... I shouldn't find that funny but I do.
I own this
Maybe not a disorder, but def issues. Pic has like genuinely nice body. Don't be too hard on yourself.
They're outside a lot with no real skincare.
Lack of sunscreen and skincare in general
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Much of what is associated with manliness are signs of physical maturity, so I guess it's no coincidence that manlier looking guys look old sooner.
Im not sure thats why
Some dudes stay looking twinkish until they're literally 40
I should go speeding tonight.
>Do masculine guys just look old sooner?
Yes, absolutely.
Trump won, bros..
Yes we get hotter and younger these days
you have no idea how fucking cursed it is to look older than you are as a guy
The femanons who are lonely and have issues, I have a soft spot for, since I used to be lonely and had different issues before. Would cuddle and comfort em
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>my date tomorrow is a 5’5 110lb woman who looks like this
I asked a man his height and he said “I don’t know”. this is bullshit right? he was taller than me, I’d guess he was 5’9 or 5’10. but everyone knows their height right?
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I'm not white
That's not true. Gender was used to refer to masculine vs. feminine words in gendered languages such as Latin and its derivatives, but it was not applied with regard to human sexuality until the 60s.
Why did you ask?
Better for a guy than a girl imo.
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my high school ex reached out a few months ago, for context, we're both over 30 now.
I am single and she is engaged to some limey. She's been drunk texting me at 2am for a while now, and last time I told her I don't feel comfortable engaging with her.
Today, again, at 1am
>I really don't like how our last convo went
>>It's fine, I don't honestly care (me)
>Wow, nice
>>Yeah, bye
>don't be such a dick
>>Don't cheat on your fiancé, slut
>not everyone is like your ex
>>Yeah but you are, I have zero interest in being your friend or pen pal
>>We can fuck but that's it
>>Otherwise leave me alone
>You will remain alone forever

I feel pretty good about it desu. Do you guys think I fucked up?
Are you sure?
I thought all the 20 year old hoes at college are looking for a daddy figure
I look way younger than I am but it hasn't helped me much (or at all).
>masculine vs. feminine
How was that a concept if not for the sexes?
oh, sorry bro. You'll get it eventually
He is definitely bullshitting
should I play Elden Ring DLC or Crisis Core tonight?

I bought FF7R on the steam sale so I'm gonna play it after I finish Crisis Core, but it's a bit of a slog. I'm about to abandon all of the side quests for now
They are I got one in my basement cooking empanadas right now
>Elden Ring DLC
Dont start this one tonight unless you have a lot of patience
we were having a stupid convo about how taller people should get aisle seats on planes. and we were trying to decide what the height limit should be for this hypothetical idea.
every woman I know including myself likes older guys though. men age way more gracefully than women.
Why do people hoard things?
Elden Ring
mental chillness
for me its the memories attached to the items
Last of us Part 1 is on sale and they fixed the bugs finally so is Phantom Liberty
There was some debate of whether or not he even made it to the top, thus making him the first. But since he never got back down, most people don't count it, which makes sense. But like, the dude didn't even have fancy tech they got nowadays. Was still a badass in my book
>for me its the memories attached to the items
NTA but maybe that's why I throw everything away.
Applying it to language is very different from applying it to human sexuality.
Leftover hunter gatherer behavior
Elden Ring DC. Take you time and search for Scadutree buffs.
Survival situation
Eh. The only reason I know is because my sister REALLY wanted to know, so we got measurements for me down to the cm.
I also didn't go to the doctor for years.
I'm 28 and would have liked to have 6 but I don't want to be pregnant past 34 and there needs to be a gap between for babies health. If there was no health affects I would get pregnant straight after I've finished healing from this one but that cant happen. Oh well
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To men
I enjoy hurting people who piss me off by blocking them, ideally after saying something incredibly hurtful and hitting them as unfairly below the belt as possible. I like making them feel frustrated and powerless and taking away their voice. Am I too mean and immature to date?
it will when you hit your 30s I imagine
>every woman I know including myself likes older guys though
this is very case dependant I think
>men age way more gracefully than women.
this only applies to already attractive men. same goes for women
good looking people can age well or age ugly
ugly peole will always age ugly no matter what
and women wonder why men dont show vulnerability
F For me I can't get rid of the silly idea that I MIGHT need something. Versus how easy it would be to get a new one, I mean.
Yeah, but I'd fuck with you until you do that.
doesn’t it say on your drivers license?
Why do women make a big stink about being against rape culture, but they encourage their homosexualist male friends to go around trying to turn straight men gay by raping them?

I've seen it time and time again. A woman who makes a big noise about being a feminist and anti-rape culture celebrates when men get violently homosexually raped by the gays.
nah, you're just a regular hoe, all women do this shit and the blocks just lifts the wright off your shoulders, honestly.

You can be vulnerable, just don't be mean to me.
No, but I want to do this to women. In fact, I have done it once already.
>it will when you hit your 30s I imagine
I am in my late thirties, Anon.
Based Stacy enabler and simp destroyer
Is it? How? They're both just classification, right?
If you violently chewed a man's pecker off, how do you think it would chew? Do you think it would be too tough, or that you could digest his raw man meat easily?
It excites me to see your limit. I want you to hurt me.
I do worse to women so its fine
Depends. How far do you need to get pissed off to do such things? Is it like, he forgot to buy milk so you scream at him, or when he cheats on you? Is it when you both get into a normal argument (as all couples do), or when he calls you a bitch/worthless/stupid?
This is the same principle Chinese people use to cook dogs
Weirdest fetish post in a while.
I'm a woman and I've noticed this too, not the raping but the haha isn't it funny gay friend is being sexually explicit to straight guy.
And other women never want to talk about how common it is for homosexual men preying on under-age boys.
Sex is based on biology, but words are concepts and thus abiotic.
sentimental value. or “what if I need this some day”.
I’m vegetarian.
damn so you were gifted with extended youthful looks and you wasted it?
im in my mid 20s and people say I look early 30s
People just give a guestimate all the time. Not like they check. I've changed mine before to correct it.
Yes, I've come pretty far actually.
It isn't where I want it to be yet and probably never will be but I guess it will be more comfortable and appear more successful eventually.
All I want to do is find a wife and have kids, that likely will never happen because I have a touch of the tism.
>But doctor, I AM Pagliacci
>Am I too mean and immature to date?
That's why straight man usually want to kill faggots inside and pretend to be friendly on the outside.
Homos are evil
Fine, I'll make a penis out of tofu then...
Homophobical straight men feel the same way about "faggots" that women feel about straight men. They treat you that way to teach you how women feel with the way you behave towards them.
I went to buy alcohol and didn’t get ID’d today for the first time ever. I’m barely 24 and I look like a hag. any men care to wife me up before it’s too late?
Lots of people are hypocrites. Like, lots of blacks are racist. Or Jews supporting Isreal against Palestine rn. Lots of people just suck. But lots of people are good too.
"Not all men..." = "Not all women..."
I was never once in my life asked for an ID
You are incorrect anon.
You will move to Harrisburg. You will live along the Susquehanna River. That is a prophesy. It is your destiny. It is ur phuture.
>but they encourage their homosexualist male friends to go around trying to turn straight men gay by raping them?
I’ll be honest this is actually kinda funny lol
It'd be spongey. It'd probably taste like Lung, if you'd had some before (like at a chines restaurant). I don't love spongey meats, only carbs.
Unironically, maybe you should cut down on the drinking.
You wouldn't find it exciting if I did it to you. I don’t want to hurt you.

>forget milk
Of course not
>cheats on me
Yes, that would call for the most vindictive revenge possible
Probably not unless you're over-the-top hurtful first. If you hurt me, I will express my hurt and ask for an apology, closure, honest communication, etc. If you don't care even after I express that I was hurt and continue hurting me, then it's time to take the knife out of myself, shove it in you, and twist it as much as possible.
Yes let's get married, I am autistic though and don't want to die alone.>>31524133
What do you think of beef liver?
If you were hot like the rest of us you would never get carded once
Are you a loving hag? Or a spiteful hag?
He was being insecure about not being 6 feet most likely.
I've watched a homosexual get fisted on the street outside of a gay bar.
I was waiting for my kfc on the other side of the street.
I called the cops and they came pretty fast, I don't know if they were already on route or just down the street because it's a clubbing area.
I find it interesting how in 2 decades it's gone from "we're just like you but 2 men" to "you are forced to witness our degeneracy and you can't say anything against it or youre homophobic", referring to the fetish gear and sex toys displayed at a public day pride march. Really makes ya think huh
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why do you let yourself get fat?
>you were gifted with extended youthful looks
My ageing simply seems to be delayed. When I was 25 I looked like a 15 year old.

When I recently visited my mom, her neighbour asked her whether her grandson came over to visit. A few years ago I attended a trade fair with a co-worker (who is a year younger than me) and one of the exhibitors asked him whether he was showing his son around.

But at the same time I'm not exactly attractive either. I just look like an ugly young person, like the guy on the right in >>31524035.
If you lived in the days before homosexuality was accepted in society, mostly you'd only find gays cruising for a cock suck in public restroom stalls. The fact that it's acceptable means now many of them don't have to.
>How was that a concept if not for the sexes?
Not all gender systems in linguistics are based on feminine-masculine contrast.
>goes to a gay bar
>ends up getting KFC instead
in an ideal world, all these fuckos would be recognized as predators and be hanging off street lamps
I, don't love it. Don't really love organ meat honestly. Nor curdled blood. Nor chicken feet. But like, I will eat wtv a host or what other people are eating. Do you like em?
snitching, what a rat thing to do
What other ones are there? Unironically. Sounds interesting.
Oh, like you've never had public sex with a woman before? I once was chilling on the beach and I ran into my old friend that I went to high school with and she introduced me to some of her friends, including this one chick who approached me to dance on the beach. Within 5 minutes, we were making out, and within 10 minutes, she and I were publicly having sex on a folding chair on the beach while my old friend that I ran into and all of her other friends looked on in horror as my new friend and I put on a fuck show in front of them.

Don't tell me you've never had public straight sex like that?
nta, god vs man sounds like a legit one.
Kys skinwalker incel
>Morbidly obese diabetic fast food addict is jealous he can't get any so he calls the cops to ruin other people's fun
Tale as old as time. The villain origin story of an incel.
>Do you guys think I fucked up?
No, you have far more patience and consideration than I do. You're a saint.
I do not like the men on this spaceship. They are uncouth.
State gender. What do you do for fun besides 4chan?
watch anime
play video games
Attend group masturbation sessions.
Play with my computer play with car play with my girlfriend play with my cat
I might need those bottle caps for a craft project 5 years from now.
Did they touch you!?!
F I build puters.

oh, and I also read manga
share your cat
What, are you autistic and therefore have problems with being touched?
Femanons, it's over for me, I'll never find a wife.
What do I do for the rest or my life?
What is the point?
>I don’t want to hurt you.
But I love when you hurt me. Please...
Women, would you date a ftm?
Men, would you date a mtf?
Watch movies
Read books
Practice guitar
Play games
Die alone
box, lift, hike, make suff
No, lmao
I'm not successful and chad enough to be feeling that shit.
thanks. A part of me wishes to string her along and use her hoe ass, but it's more effort than it's worth desu
Cat is code for pussy. This anon wants to see pussy.
F. Watch YouTube. Art stuff. Read. Hike. Cook.
I climb in gyms and watch YouTube.
I also voice chat with friends, collect whiskey, collect coins, and collect and shoot guns.
Computers must be destroyed, before they usurp humanity as the dominant life forms on this Earth.
I don't know how people can observe homosexual behaviour and not get a bit redpilled on them.
I'm sure there are some that are "normal", but the fact they have a option to display on their profile that they're taking preventative aids medication should be a huge bucket of cold water to anyone.
Now you have kids in Canada getting jail time for leaving scooter marks on a painted gay pride cross walk. Clown world.
I was just there for my kfc, it's unfortunate it's across from a homo bar
I've never had a single conversation with a homosexual man who wasn't touched by another man during their childhood.
Cry more degenerate
I am female and no I've not had public sex, because I'm not a brain-dead sexual deviant. The only time it could possibly be acceptable is in a remote location where noone will stumble across you. Get some help.
Looks like I've triggered you lol
Some have a neutral gender which is neither feminine nor masculine, some are animate-inanimate languages, some are common-neuter. There's also other uncommon stuff like countable-uncountable, terrestrial-celestial, etc.
No, I'm not gay. You can change the outside but you can't change the inside. These people have decades of socializing as that one gender. You can't really change that.
I rarely drink.
does hot = old to you?
what channels
>any men care to wife me up before it’s too late?
24 is a little young for me. Have you tried being older than that?
Okay, I promise that if you hurt my feelings, I'll hurt you as deeply as I can. I'll show you levels of black hatred you never knew possible. You'll feel cold and shell-shocked for days, and years into the future you'll feel either enraged or as though the breath was knocked out of you every time you remember the many horrible things I said to you.
No, I dont date the mentally ill
Is it a bad idea for a Christian to date an Atheist?
Always policing language.
Perhaps you would prefer a female only space instead.
I keep homosexuals around so I can feel flattered when they flirt with me and try to get in my pants. It's never going to happen but I keep them around for the same reason I keep a large number of homely and unattractive women who clearly want to have sex with me around. Because it boosts my popularity and makes me look like I have a harem of fawning fans.
Wouldn't you be able to guess a lot of that from sentence context?
Depends on how serious you are about your religion. If you're an Evangelical who believes it's your duty to make everyone else Christian, it's a dumb idea.
Yeah no shit
wanna marry?
motorbikes and martial arts
>I'm not gay
But you will be
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>ideal partner bodytype
This is what you look like
you are a great, honest man who holds his values high, don't let anybody tell you any different. Men who don't succumb to easy pussy are rarer than hen's teeth
That's the same reason no one wants to date you, you realize. Because they don't date mentally sick people. Which you, incidentally, are.
do you have a job?
I'm married
Somewhat reasonable, but why not break up instead? Also, give examples of what is a break up/dealbreaker for you, the bare minimum?
Must be an arranged marriage, or a pity marriage of some kind.
I am not.
What do you like to cook?
I love you too baby. I can't wait for you to stain my soul and cut me to pieces.
Deep fried chicken feet in rapeseed oil.
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Why are men like this?
Ex-police officer actually
all bitches are hoes and tricks
It's not but it's very amusing looking at you grasping at straws. What else do you have?
Write, cook, music, read, gaming.
Lotta art bullshit.
Looks fake, but if he's calling her a bitch either she's crazy or he is. Kinda an isolated situation
F Crap, I can't think of anything. Video games I guess. But that's more my job. Drawing maybe.
Haha literally the worst character in the movie
Hmm high cholesterol
No not that kinda police officer lol
Luxury belief
False Consciousness detected
Let's take a look at all cops and former cops who post in /atoga/. How would you describe them?
I like her but I think she’s an ex Mormon atheist
What's your opinion on immigration
No? Gender is just a noun class used for grammatical purposes, it's not really a way to learn more about a specific object.
Belonging to a certain gender is often based on grammatical behavior of a noun more than specific features of the object, even in languages that have masculine-feminine gender.
For example, "chair" is a feminine noun in Spansih (la silla) or in Italian (la sedia). There is nothing about chairs that makes them female, it's just that it derives from sella which is a first declension latin word.
Literally never met another LEO on 4chan plenty of ex-military tho
Just took a shitnpiss that made me 4lbs lighter.
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Femanons, why do I feel angry all the time?
Can you help me? I've tried therapy and it didn't work honestly, and i can't afford it at this point anyway
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I meant for animate/inanimate, terrestrial, stuff like that.
Kek I would kms if someone recognized me on 4chan
You pooped the equivalent of my boobs.
Saw this on the interwebz
>Friend told a guy that he'll "swing by"
>Guy waits for him, 30 minutes pass by
>Finally calls him and asks him where he is
>Friend was already at the meet up and assumed that they meet there

Who was in the wrong here?
depends on what was said beforehand. Don't know what "swing by" means without exact context. Could be either or none
I know, but same thing applies. Gender is just a distinction used for grammatical purposes. Depending on the language it's a way to classify words based on how you decline it, what articles to use, which pronouns to use, etc.
This thread sucks.
>keeps posting
All sorts. I'm usually cooking for my mom who has pretty simple taste but I like making everything I possibly can from scratch.
First time I've liked a german in my life.
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That must be alot of hard work respect anon I just buy everything lol
To make it suck less.
>a country’s power is measured in GDP rather than its own demographic
Sweet ESL thread
Both suck at communicating, no one said where to meet up.
Play vidya, read and write fanfic, draw, look at fashion I can't afford online lol
Thank you! It's a quality thing and a control thing, a little ocd and it makes things take 3 times longer but most of the time it's worth it to me.
My fellow Whites, thoughts on the Black GF effect?
>look at fashion I can't afford online
Why do we do this to ourselves lol. I was literally just looking at bathing suits that are $98 per separate knowing full well I'm going to end up getting some shit at target.
I’m glad you enjoy it anon what’s your favourite dish?
I'm going to shit mog your boobs soon.
That's a messed up way to think about it desu.
F. Read books, farm IRL, farm in videogames, cook, swim, nap.
>women consistently rate me as 8 or even 9 out of 10 even though I'm ugly
>read and write fanfic,
Extremely based if "___" male character X female reader
It’s the best feeling buying my gf something she sees in the store but can’t afford it’s like helping the poor lmao
Me too. Except I'm not ugly and I'm not a faggot who negs for compliments.
Depends on the occasion I think? If it's for a big group I like to do chili, if it's just for me I just want steak and mashed potatoes. I stress bake 6 dozen cookies every once in a while lol.
As a joke.
i'm apparently pretty insecure. some guy called me fat once itt, like, months ago, because i was talking about BMI being not the best metric of healthy weight cause of muscle mass being heavier than fat and also boobs, (which is still true), but i was a little chubbier than i like to be at the time so it got to me. i'm teetering on 19 BMI right now.

i was like 22.5 before.
This is so sad.
To make men sad. If you guys are going to be ugly around me all day, I'm going to be fat. Fuck you.
What's your bf%?
Wow that’s incredible literally my palate lol could you ever make something like this?
Would you date an ugly fat guy?
I think a good portion of other men must feel similarly because I gain 15 pounds every time I get in a relationship lol
Girl stop there. Being lower than that isn't a fun place. You're temperature sensitive like a 90 year old and get winded climbing stairs.
If it makes you feel any better 22.5 is right about the optimal bodyfat percentage for pregnancy so that is exactly how you're supposed to be.
Jokes on you I like bigger girls.
>who negs for compliments.
No I hate compliments. I can tell women just compliment me because they feel pity for me. I hate women. They should compliment guys who want to hear that bullshit instead of me.
best to not interact with assholes anymore
No, only 8 feet tall Chads.

Ah, fuck.
BMI is the worst metric to use for multiple reason go with US dress sizes instead
>No, only 8 feet tall Chads.
oh, ok.
>go with US dress sizes instead
Not sure if fucking with me.
Oh hell yeah I never get to use the mandoline
Lol new year’s resolution find a personal trainer bf
Yup. Better hit the treadmill or I'm gonna have to grab your tummy.
I dunno..for me it's J-fashion
That's so sweet, she's lucky
...how did you know..??

but i do like other kinds too
if it makes you feel any better this is easily one of the least upsetting things that has ever happened to me, its not a big deal
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I'm apparently hot but very introverted. I don't like other people very much, especially women (I got burnt too much)
Whenever I drink at bars or clubs, they either get angry with me or start calling me a fag out loud whenever I tell them I don't want to talk. Is this shit normal? When I was younger I was codependent and jumped on every slut and fatty I could get my hands on.
Now, suddenly, at 30, I just want to get drunk in peace and maybe jerk off later at home.
I don't know why this is happening, but being both the cuck and the cuckee multiple times during my life has given me a permanent ick towards women. They're just evil and chasing them is utterly pointless.
8 feet tall more like 8 feet small
less than 10 feet and you don't get this pussy sir
This is just evil lol.

Not only does it vary by brand, and if you're buying juniors vs women's, but if you get vintage they'll also be different.
Might work if part of the workouts includes forcing me to eat a cheeseburger. I like cooking but eating I don't love so much.
No that makes it worse lmao. I bet you're probably drop dead gorgeous but have had a horrible life. How close am I?
No I’m serious all my exs wanted to be a size 6 and that’s when I realised I have to date a size 10+
How do I kidnap you and make you my personal chef
How about for Christmas I buy every /atoga/ femanon one piece of clothing they want regardless of the price, I know how it feels to want something so bad so I want to basically do a giveaway lol
Cheeseburgers are great for you if you can fast!
>This is just evil lol.
Hmm yes quite hehe
>How about for Christmas I buy every /atoga/ femanon one piece of clothing they want regardless of the price
I want this here https://us.loropiana.com/en/p/woman/the-gift-of-kings/traveller-jacket-FAO0516?colorCode=A0E3.
if she doesn't fit a size zero she is man shaped
I know it because I can feel the fact that you're simp and have fanfiction obsession
But that's fine
Because I'm the same LOL
Bump. Nobody here ever had some brown sugar spice added to their lives?
Y'know I think about that sometimes. It would be relatively easy for an average strength guy to pick me up and throw me in a van.
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i've been exercising religiously for a while now. part of it was stress from other things pushing me and part was me wanting to be like "no i am not even a little bit fat but BMI is still a dogshit metric and i am not just saying that out of convenience to my own self image." i also just hate how i'm shaped but i can't do much about that. also i dont know how accurate picrel is because even if i say i am 200 pounds or 10 pounds, it still says 19.2%.
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>tfw bought my preschool daughter some cute costume jewelry
>she's referring to a ring as her precious and wearing it all the time
Uhh... How best to deal with this?
Haha, yeah
i think i will. retardation but i have now "won" my argument with the anon who is not here and doesn't give a shit and would probably feel like he won if he knew how personally i took it.

horrible life is a check, unfortunately i am not pretty. it's okay.
>horrible life is a check, unfortunately i am not pretty. it's okay.
Sorry to hear that, but I'm sure you're beautiful.
Gay dudes always have the most disgusting, stomach churning gossip imaginable. If you want to hear the worst of the worst secrets a community has, ask the gay dude. There really is something wrong with these fuckers.
I’ll make a note!
Wide shoulders are actually kinda attractive desu
A good man will throw you in his food truck!
I don’t want to hear about rings until my wedding please I’m so done with wedding band shopping
Imagine if some subhuman from /r9k/ kidnapped you and tried to give you his demands but he was too terrified to talk to a woman so he just gibbered and whined and stuttered pathetically while acting threatening
How do I actually talk to women on tinder etc?
i am sure that's nicer for you to imagine because it romanticizes the idea of me.
You have self esteem issues, lol.
If I remember the US navy method is measuring neck and waist circumference, are you sure you're doing that one?
Otherwise, 22.7 is probably closer to your actual bf%
No, I don't imagine you as conventionally beautiful. I imagine you as someone who's beautiful due to who you are. You may not be conventionally attractive like you claim but trust me, your beauty is there.
>am size 2
Shucks. Better hand back my woman card.
>Kidnapped and forced into servitude on a food truck
Could be worse
>Shucks. Better hand back my woman card.
fuckin ogre
the navy was neck/waist/hips. i know my waist and hips but not my neck, so i just left it how it was, that's probably why.
Everyone deserves to be called beautiful, especially (You).
What is there to deal with? It breaking? Buy her a little silver or gold necklace that will last a lifetime
Mental illness, there is realistically no way to predict your body fat percentage because it’s always changing and being transferred to different places of the body BMI is a meme BF is a meme BAC is a meme
you're being too ingratiating.
I don't know if the guy from alberta is here, but I just wanted to say lol fuck the oilers

Women, does the idea that someone somewhere finds you pretty comfort you?
There's nothing wrong with being a little chubby in my opinion, a body fat percentage of around 20 to 23 is probably healthy enough for most people.

Some dudes who were built weird got to do the water tank
Eh, maybe I'm not your type. I am a bloomer who wants to love hard.
I hate the Oilers bro. Glad they lost. Cheers.
They don't care, lol, they just want to know quickly if you meet the minimum requirements
What if his kitchen facilities are 1800s royal navy galley tier?
you're a moron under the 'women are magic' spell and it's pathetic
No I'm not lol. Everyone deserves to be called beautiful, whether you hate it or not. If you don't like then my love and affection are for someone else.
Is /atoga/ riding with Biden?
He may have some miles on him but seriously we can't let Trump have the nuclear codes
I'm male
Obviously, you assumed because I'm open to love and want to be affectionate to women that I'm under a "women are magic spell" aka calling me a simp. Trust me bro there's a girl for both of us.
Women are magic until they’re humanized by doing a loud fart or snoring in their sleep
Did you watch that debate? Trump will continue running laps around Slow Biden or any other stooge the DNC throws up on the stage against him. We need a Commander in Chief, and only one man is fit for the job currently.
Gavin Newsom would buttfuck Trump into the ground, by the way.
I want to pay an adult woman at least 5 years older than me to take a shit on the toilet while I watch. Who can I go to? Can you ask girls on dating apps to do this?
one who gives his affection so "freely" to random words on a screen should probably realize his "affection" isn't very desirable or valuable
try being my exes
I love ripping a big nasty fart when I’m in the shower with my gf. The fart steam combination is especially putrid and she can’t escape. Better than a Dutch oven.
Scarcity doesn't create true value. There's also degrees to my affection. If your idea of making your self worth feel validated is being a stone cold incel until you find your mommy gf, that's your prerogative.
>Gavin Newsom
>Height: 6′ 3″
Every FUCKING time
Any prostitute will do that. It’s a pretty vanilla request by all standards.
neither trump or biden for me
>Scarcity doesn't create true value
Pure cope.
"Mercy" from a weakling is worthless. "Forgiveness" from someone with no power doesn't mean shit.
Be honest, are you kind out of abundance or kind from a lack of?
I have a mommy gf and, let me tell you, it’s fuckin’ awesome. How do you guys live without this in your lives is beyond me.
We have the guy who lies and sucks Putin's cock vs an old man who struggles to make a sentence. The latter will surround himself with smarter people, which is all fine, but it's more the principle which is jarring: why tf is a person this old running? Obviously lots of people are saying this so Im not adding anything interesting, but it's so sad for us young/poor people to have trash representation
I turn 21 tomorrow, and I’m still going to be a virgin. I’m officially going to be past the acceptable age of still never having sex. If I ever find someone, should I just lie to them and say I lost it in high school like a normal person?
>"Mercy" from a weakling is worthless. "Forgiveness" from someone with no power doesn't mean shit.
You aren't in a gangster movie, man.
>Be honest, are you kind out of abundance or kind from a lack of?
Out of abundance. I'm a bleeding heart, see the best in everyone, love for all type of person. And you? Seems you just want to shit on me lol.
i want a mommy gf but I'm a mid twenties virgin
it's over
I love...my boyfriend
>rolex enters the thread
Just don't tell them??
I prefer being the lead in the relationship, and if I wanna suck on her milkers, I will.
it has nothing to do with gangsters. people dress up the real nature of their fee-fees all the time.
>Seems you just want to shit on me lol.
because you're behaving effeminate, and also women hear the shit you are telling them ALL THE TIME, it is WORTHLESS
It’s 2024 you will most likely run into another virgin in your life and you both can cry about it together
He's dead and his dumbass idea involving heaven made no fucking sense, the stone ocean ending was a huge wtf.
C’mon man, are you really so uggo that you can’t find some perimenopausal lady to just knock that shit out right quick?
If it matters at all, I think you're nice.
should i make a tinder?
DIO lost.
Today I will remind them
Socially retarded, natural loner and insecure. Also I look and sound like a girl because childhood obesity induced estrogen fucked me up
Dio was an angry retarded incel who tried raping some bitch and got btfowned then became a vamprie then died then died then died for good
Women, are you ok if your bf can't dance for shit? He'll be down to embarrass himself for you tho
>because you're behaving effeminate
Because I'm saying that women are deserving of feeling beautiful? If I was going to grant you a shit ton of leeway, what you're saying is basically not to just be a simp, which I'm not. Do you think I'm giving out affection in hopes of having it returned? I'm not.
>also women hear the shit you are telling them ALL THE TIME, it is WORTHLESS
You are angry, my friend. Very angry. You don't really understand. It's not worthless, because it can make someone's day. I'm not selling them myself, I am much more than the bleeding heart. It's just a charity, something I do because I want them to feel good. People are not binaries.
Thanks, I appreciate that.
>wearing a watch

Never really understood the appeal.
Yeah, I love to watch him awkwardly dance whenever I force him.
I will strip in public and dance naked if I get the chance to own a Patek Philippe (real)
If your friends don’t and if they don’t dance then they’re no friends of mine
>When did I ask?
yea that's heckin cute but i don't have a bf
If you wanna be all heckin' wholesome chungus with women online that's fine, but at the bare minimum you could avoid repeating tired phrases and cliches
Casio 4 life
Women, how would you feel if your man was ambitious and successful but it’s only out of rage and spite for other people?
It should but it really doesn't. The reality of finding that one person is slim to none.
>at the bare minimum you could avoid repeating tired phrases and cliches
Are you sure you're a man?
not that gay
but I wear a smart watch because it tells me the date, the weather and shows me my calendar :^P
I also just hate getting my phone out of my pocket.
Good fuck off then lol
you're honestly as cringe as that makima spammer
NTA but the fact that you treat light hearted banter on an anonymous image board with that kind of graveness, tells people much about you. You're not acting manly by pretending to be sincere in that kind of environment - you're acting the opposite of it, by missing the tone that befits the situation, which is a typical incel/autism thing. Your affected sincerity is a costume to conceal your social ineptitude and you ended up dressing up for the wrong occasion, making it all the more glaring.
And that one man is One Scoop Joe!
Again, when did I ask?
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Women, what are the perfect size boobs? What is the perfect height for girls?
Sounds consuming. I don't think I'm made to date ambitious guys.
Femanons I'm not happy that I can't find a gf, that I'll never have a wife.
I'm distraught over this.
I'm going to spend the next 60 years of my life alone, with no one to share the little joys in my life with. With no one who is proud of me, with no kids to introduce hobbies to or watch grow up and progress in life.
Overweight children are adorable I want one
>We have the guy who lies and sucks Putin's cock
Just to be clear, both of them suck cock for Israel
Watches are for guys that want to wear a bracelet but don’t want to feel gay about it.
Didn't he want to nuke a hurricane?
Why do women now act like boomers?
How did it not occur to you that Putin never escalated beyond Crimea while he was in office? I get that you actually care about men dying and Ukraine is more a virtue signal for you, but how can you still be pretending Trump is serving Putin's interests at this point? What year is it? Are you feeling okay?
The Dems are so fucking stupid, they ran Biden way too hard and now they don't have time to run Newsom when Newsom would actually beat Trump.
You a club girl then? How should I learn to dance? If I'm drunk I'll do stuff but how does one dance well at the club or wherever?
The friend of mine who I think is prettiest is about 5'7"-5'8" and has rather smol boobies.
Imo 34C.
Just date a waifu and forget about 3D people
Chose easier life
>climate change
Neither of them talked about white people
Neither of them talked about young people
Neither of them talked about birth rates
Neither of them represent me
For me all people if either gender who cares about designer products are F tier
>Hurr you're broke
Yes I am but I resent the implication I would turn retarded and childish if wealthy
trump brought every point he could to the border
I wear a pilot because I need to know the time when to execute certain shares and holdings you’re a fucking poorfag who the fuck are you to tell me what to do faggoty Mcwagie go make my quater pounder and shove it in that gaping hole you call a mouth fatass fuck
Oh yeah def, but you will never find anyone in power (money, influence) who will be down for that. The cost of having influence in the Middle East seems is being blind to genocide i guess.
I don't even understand what dating a waifu entails.
It could get tragic
I’m hot it’s okay I should be getting royalty for it desu
>The cost of having influence in the Middle East
The cost of AIPAC and Israel being our "greatest ally"
>caring about who the president is

On the day to day, your governor, mayor, and shit your sheriff has more impact on your day to day life. Presidents job scope is foreign policy and national security. That’s it.
small girls do pull em off well
I wish they would get rid of those gross 18+ Steam ads at the bottom of Atoga, this is a frickin blue board
Gay buzzkill. Here's your (You).
They talked about golf. Guess you aint rich enough huh
Yeah and that reason alone sways me to him, but he still doesn't give a fuck about white people
He'd rather make a hour long speech about how he loves black people than talk about white people for a minute
Honestly I'm worried he'll send US troops because he loves sucking Israeli dick so much
men what does it mean if he tell me he would be scared of breaking me during sex

is he secretly a butcher :(
>verification not required
Yeah, I think she's really pretty. She's very thin and has a very pretty face, great style, gorgeous features (green eyes, natural red hair).
She doesn't get much attention from men which has always been weird to be.
>he can’t into custom adblocker scripts
Lmao that big mac ain’t gonna prepare itself now
are you 5'2"
no boobs to a-cup
no perfect height

funny story, I was a fat kid growing up, and when I started college all it took was 1 classmate randomly calling me fat to make me stop drinking soda and lose 70 lbs going from 220 to about 150 lol
oh god, Im so afraid of this too. Also afraid of holding hands for long enough that our hands get clammy. I don't care if you do that to me, but more that I just don't want you to like me less.
What insecurity does to a fag
Exactly how difficult is it for you plebs to simply ignore things you don't like?
So fragile.
Why does smell of my ovulation change every month
Sometimes it's so nice I wanna sniff it for hours, because it smells like some flavours or essential oils
But sometimes it's so fucking disgusting I need to take a shower the moment I open my legs
Why does this happen
Yeah I guess you haven't gotten one
I'm not a guy lol
And yeah, I probably should set something like that up
Sometimes bullying is good?
state gender
have you ever told an ex that you cheated on them or been told by an ex that they cheated on you?
But that is sad, how you describe her is my ideal woman.
I have no ads on desktop, and I simply ignore them on mobile, I don't care, lol.
maybe diet, maybe hormones/stress?
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Women, what's it like knowing your husband would cheat on you at the drop of a hat to have a threesome with these 2?
Sydney Sweeney is so damn fine oh my Lord!
I’m a man I make my own rules you openly conform and cave in like the bitch you are tripfag suck my brown dick you incel faggot
Aw sorry lol it’s easy! XD
I usually do, it's just hard for it to not grab my attention because it's a virtually nude chick
I bet you wouldn't say this if it was ads for like a fujoshi game of a guy getting raped lol
Is it still a yeast infection if it doesn’t burn and there isn’t much discharge
I mog them both.
Femanons, loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
I'm dying to be with you.
>golf is a rich mans past time

Lol no. It’s the most middle class bro dude hobby out there. Country club snobs are the minority, it’s mostly a lot of mid salary office guys and tradesmen looking to get away from their wives for a few hours and smash beers from the drink cart.
who's left?
do women who have bit tits and big butts who aren't obese exist
thicc is fine
It's great being a volcel + married on the astral plane to my idealized husbando
Probably no
My yeast infection heals as it's own but hurted my bf alot
This is what happens when two virgins have sex for the first time
the ideal height for a grown woman is 4'10
probably cave in and find two twinks to mfm me. lowkey think watching guys frot is hot and also having someone do oral on me while having piv is a deep fantasy of mine
Go to tinder or something already
wrong it is exactly 5'
What are the other simptoms?
Do you guys not use an ad blocker? lmao

Yeah, she's one of the prettiest girls I've ever met, and also one of the best people I know. Smart, funny, good heart.
If I was into women at all, she'd be my #1 pick. And yet she was virgin until she was 21 or 22, never got asked out before. Weird as fuck to me.
>married on the astral plane to my idealized husbando
Drunk sports and hobbies is the best experience ever it’s so much more enjoyable with alcohol and friends
Yeah I think it's time I set one up
below 5'
are you afraid of being a butcher
White people who don't act and think like black people care about innocent lives no matter how much you may seethe about it
>below 5'
yeah thats why
back at'cha
State tax is a tiny fraction of various federal taxes, so fuck right off
I dated a woman similar to that earlier this year, virgin at 24.
She was an alcoholic though.
It could have gone better but she was very ashamed of herself.
Actually it's 5'3.
I guess they should call you Cave Johnson!
He has a three digit iq
Women, what would it take for you to want to have sex with your boyfriend every day, or like be horny/attracted to him often, all without him explicitly asking you?
Would you do it for a bf who is perfectly your type but not for bf who isn't your type?
If he ate you out every day, would you naturally want to fuck him, or fuck him out of guilt, or just take it as a gift and not do anything back?
If he didn't have the looks, but was perfect in every other way in how he treats you, cares for you, etc., would you then naturally want to be sexual with him daily? Or is it only if he has to ask?
Where were you when the feds cured dementia temporarily via a stimulant cocktail ala green goblin?
You don't speak for us celebsimp
I'm sorry for that, I hope she can get better soon. Addiction is a difficult burden to live with.
You sound sweet and non-judgemental.
If your guy was down to do a mfm with you, would you do a fmf with him?
What do I do? How long is this going to last?
Redness and really itchy labia majors and some thick white discharge but only once
I could have fixed her
the cute waitress at the Italian restaurant had braces...
I'm really attracted to him and sex is good.
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Perfect, and I mean perfect tits
If I had a girl with those I would just live in them
Would you ever have a mmf with a twink and a mff, both with your husband?
should i make a tinder?
damn, she single?
Mine last for week or two
I didn't take any medication, bf did because it burned him (it was burning me as well but I'm retard)
All the tranny shit taught in schools is from an elected member of the local education board. All the homeless druggies is a direct result of governor/mayoral electorate. Same with jobs.
I say that to myself every single day.
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She's actually so damn hot it's insane, even though I don't usually like her type of face.
>innocent lives
I care about the innocent lives of my people before anyone else
>Redness and really itchy labia majors and some thick white discharge but only once
It probably is yeast infection.
>Trash: wants an MFM
>Keeper: wants an FFM but never anything with a man other than you
you will have better odds on hinge
>Been remaking Tinder accounts at the start of every weekend for years for hooking up
>Suddenly getting shadowbanned on all of my burner numbers for the past 2-3 weeks aka no matches + can't delete accounts
No, she got a boyfriend. He's shorter than her and a little funny looking, and she has to financially support him at the moment, but he got a cute puppy and he's sweet.
do men (esp older ones like 45?) like it when cute (drunk) younger girls flirt w them at bars (even if they are married/taken)? 3 guys flirted with me at the airport bar and 2/3 were taken and both taken ones called me sexy or hot and touched my thigh. 2/3 who flirted were over 40 but were actually really hot. idk if i would’ve wanted to fuck them but i do want to know if they would’ve said yes if I’d asked. Is that weird? Kek. Probably didn’t help I wore a very lowcut tank with no bra oh well
t. babyfaced 26f who likes flirting
Lol no. Anyone who wants threesomes is not a keeper.

>Trash wants a FMF
>Keeper and loyal husband: is fine with MMF

MMF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FMF bullshit
get ublock origin
Isn't hinge for smart people?
dating apps are not for smart people
This is like telling me the dumpster is actually more luxurious than the mansion a block away
I am so damn horny for the gym hag and her cute toned ass
Nothing makes a man feel better and it only gets more true the older they get
I think she kicked it, at least that is what she said to me.
But it didn't work out because was ashamed of herself and seemed to want a fresh start with someone else even though she told me no one had asked her out in 3 years.
Just sucked though, we clicked so well.
FMF is absolute trash that can't compete with MMf just accept it already
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>MMF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FMF bullshit
what you mean by butcher, or do you actually mean the cut+stabby butcher?

Some people don't like having clammy hands or might be uncomfortable with breathe on their skin. Obviously during sex, there's a better chance they won't focus on it, but I personally do. Again, I don't care, but it's more of a weird worry that what if they aren't like me and actually dislike it even tho it happens to everyone.

I also dislike when you try and lay on my chest or shoulder cause I'm not muscular fit yet, so I try to curve myself or place a sweater in between so your head doesn't hurt. I also brush my teeth regularly to mitigate bad breath (minor ew breathe seems to be unavoidable). I also am fearful of armpit smell. One girl told me it didn't smell bad, but still, what if for other girls??
These threads were better when it was just single people.
Bi woman who loves you but wants to fuck other women with you> monogamous marriage with a straight woman
FFM >>>> FMF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing else is worth considering, you are a gross gay man or an obese hog
I'm woman
It's just simple
>Two dicks is better than one

And how the fuck FMF even works
What the fuck is the other one going to do while he fucks other? Watch?
It doesn't make any sense
At least MMf can be actually fun
M or F
MMF isn't a threesome it's just double teaming
Unless you're gay/are ok with a twink sucking your cock
>bi woman who loves sex vs frigid straightfoid who "just doesn't feel like a sexual person anymore" after the ring is on
what makes the sex good enough? You cumming every time, or does it have to be crazy romantic with buildup every single time.
She doesn't love you if she's cool fucking other people and with you fucking other women, and you don't love her.
Im skinny as fuck because I was anorexic before and I'm female
you sound like coomer btw
Why do women think butchers are clumsy?
They use knives and bandsaws all day
>What the fuck is the other one going to do while he fucks other? Watch?
She either sits on her face while I'm fucking the other one
Or one girl rides me while the other sits on my face
You can add a lot
I totally believe you, hahahah
howd he meet her
>if it was ads for like a fujoshi game of a guy getting raped lol
Dude, the yaoi board banner ad is based
I wouldn't have to be financially supported by her but I don't have a puppy.
Put in a good word for me.
Thanks anon
We would fuck them together, not separate
Love has nothing to do with wanting to add some spice if you're going to be together forever
You can only have so much missionary without it getting stale
>She either sits on her face while I'm fucking the other one
So fucking boring, I would be dry like a desert
At least MMF i can got one in ass and one in vagina and climax all over the place
If you don't believe me don't replay to me, moron
>you openly conform
Where are you getting this false information from?

Well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day
>If you don't believe me don't replay to me, moron
you're not in a position to be this full of yourself lmfao
Femanon you're extremely naive, they'd fuck a watermelon after they microwaved it.
They have zero standards.
You're a young woman who is way above them in attractiveness.
You can use this to find a husband your age or you can use it to get pumped and dumped by anyone who can use a boner pill and has standards low enough to fuck a 67 year old bar fly.
Really confirming my prejudice against anorexic girls right now.
Oh yeah and how do you know that cunt
>At least MMF i can got one in ass and one in vagina and climax all over the place
>We would fuck them together, not separate
It doesn't matter, you're still fucking random people.

>You can only have so much missionary without it getting stale
Only if you don't love your partner :)
You're desperately simping for a woman trying to find a surrogate father to fuck btw
you're not a real woman so what you are actually into is mmm lmao
I'm no longer anorexic
Just skinny
Fucking moron
She's the crown jewel of Idaho
They were roommates in college.

>I don't have a puppy
mMMMmmmmh. I like his puppy.
i would genuinely rather she be a little overweight than *norexic
Doesn't matter, just goes to show if she's ever been anorexic, she's not worth it.
nta, then you can ride his dick, while the other girl rides his face, and both of you can kiss and grope each other on top of him
Imagine telling this to someone with literal womb
Fucking moids cannot accept the fact that women aren't sexsualy disabled and have fetishes as well
Fuck you, now stop giving me yous I don't need them anymore
They would be her friends/people we know

But like anon said, in many cases you're shooting fish in a barrel...with and elephant gun.
Many would be tickled to be flirted with by someone less desirable than you.
I don’t want to have shallow one night stands. I do wanna think about it bc it’s hot though, kek
Also it would be hot to know whether they would say yes. But I don’t want to explicitly ask either. Lol
you will literally never have a womb and you don't have "periods" either.
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>crown jewel of Idaho
She's from Spokane
Washington> Cow shit Idaho
So random people.
I'm trying to get it into her head that she is not unique because men would fuck her, they'd fuck an microwaved sandwich.
She's beyond naive and she needs to wise up before she wastes her youth on racking up a body count that a prostitute would be outclassed by.
And what if I don't want to kiss another woman?
Ok so, I'm a man with XX chromosomes, womb, pussy and tits
Cool to be me!!!
now fuck off and go enjoy your FMF """""sex"""""
she grew up in Idaho
>mMMMmmmmh. I like his puppy
I plan on getting one, specifically a golden retriever.
NTA the only reason I'd ever sit on the face of a bitch fucking my husband is to smash it like Mario
Imagine thinking a wife's mouth that you kiss should kiss some slut
posts like this prove that "straight" women can be actually gayer than bisexual women
why aren't you watching the olympic gymnastics trials that are live right now?
Pretty much the perfect example of a lovely woman who is too conventionally attractive and normal to do much for me. Objectively beautiful, but not particularly activating my almonds.
I'd need to hear her sperg a bit over something first.
oh yeah, a convicted pedophile got in
But would they have said yes if I asked…
How am I gayer moron
I literally would never have sex with another woman, that's a disgusting shit
I just want to get fucked in both of my holes
Pussy disgust me
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>Imagine thinking a wife's mouth that you kiss should kiss some slut
yeah that would be HORRIBLE
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>I'd need to hear her sperg a bit over something first.
she's /our/ girl
Well you asked how a fmf works. If you don't like girls I ain't gonna force ya.
FMF sounds so fucking boring but ok.
Wtf are you even saying
MMF>>>>FM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Solo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FFM
FM is the only way
any other way means implies that either the man or the woman is a cheater/cuckold.
if they were flirting with you yeah
I was with you here.
Preference is preference.

>Imagine thinking a wife's mouth that you kiss should kiss some slut
This is getting schizo. How is the woman a slut but the second guy would be perfectly fine?
You're either a troll or a dipshit with perfectly respectable and valid preferences.
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>ultra keeper: ffm with her mother
only ugly girls think this
But you do you.
You are mentally ill and deserve to get hitted by truck.
well, that's cause you don't like girls. As a straight guy, MM doesn't sound great to me, but it aint hard to understand why there are people who don't find it boring, being that theyre mutually gay
Super keeper
>when she's a cuckqueen and watches you fuck her mom
wonderful i too tink i am married in the astral
lol wut
this is fantasy for me so irl probably not really
what is this, probably won't watch it tho
I feel like relationships can be very delicate and the guys I date tend to be monogamous. I feel like jealousy would hinder the experiences for me and my hypothetical husband. when i was younger I figured ons situation where neither of us have further contact with the twink or woman might be an option. realistically sounds like a dumpster fire waiting to happen
nah better is
>FFM but you both are into MILFs
>hitted by truck.
You are ESL and thus irreverent.
Gottdang it
Nobody listens to AM anymore.
Only incels and low value men like FFM Kek
If two men are gay for fucking my pussy and asshole then I'm pretty sure words have just lost their meaning
your place or mine?
>I feel like jealousy would hinder the experiences for me and my hypothetical husband. when i was younger I figured ons situation where neither of us have further contact with the twink or woman might be an option. realistically sounds like a dumpster fire waiting to happen
If your husband got blown/messed around with the twink would that make you less or more jealous?
>Only incels and low value men like FFM Kek
Your delusion speaks for itself. Nothing further. Haha.
>If two men are gay for fucking my pussy and asshole then I'm pretty sure words have just lost their meaning
nta but if 2 guys are rock hard and accidentally make eye contact it's weird as fuck
>what is this, probably won't watch it tho
Giga keeper
>She's a cuckqueen and you FFM with her mom and her sister
My mother is 5'1 and my gf is 4'11
Both are fully grown adults
Small size is a sign of genetic superiority
guy gets to fuck another girl that ain't his gf is probably fairly high value actually
I'm going to sleep now

Daily reminder that FFM isn't sex between three it's just spicy FM because man can't fuck two pussies at the same time but woman can be fucked by two dicks at the same time making it into actual sex because you can actually have dick inside while FFM is just one is getting fucked while other is kissing her or just watching PFTTT KEEK
FFM doesn't make any logical sense
MMF is only way to have threesome, kids.
Learn meaning of the word sex and threesome

Good night
You asshole you should be so thankful for what I’ve given you
See previous comment
But surely you'll fix her, brave knight
It's not like she's exhibiting the mental limitations of hapless livestock or anything
Based Beyond Belief: FFM but one girl is fucking the other with a strap-on
I am. <3
Ok incel
No he is just a low value fuck boy KEK

GN FFM morons
You aren't having threesome btw LOL
Take that disgusting shit to /lgbt/ you ape
Good, now suck this cock clean.
Straight girls who watch lesbian porn > bi women >>>>>>>>>>>>> straight women who wouldn't so much as kiss a girl
Strap isn't real dick so it doesn't count as fucking
two girls wanting to fuck the same guy at the same time? Sounds like he's a catch to me
women kissing is heterosexual behavior so it belongs.
MFM is gay so it goes to /LGBT/
Dear god idc
Pussies are fucking disgusting and I don't want my face near that shit
Oh! Well! Two bad man can't fuck two pussies at the same time (so not threesome)
But woman can ACTUALLY BE FUCKED BY TWO MEN AT THE SAME TIME (actual threesome)
Oh so it's just degenerate coomers talking about wanting to swing? Sex is sacred you mooks. I will only share my perfect body and face with the woman I love.
so I guess if I jam a dildo up your ass it's not really rape?
Too bad***
>i'm going to sleep now!
>so desperate for attention she's still obvious here
As a male who is almost always in an ltr, gets compliments somewhat regularly, how often should I realistically expect attractive women to ghost me after getting their number? Because I'm 100% failing at this.

The girl SEEMS interested and even says "heck yeah I'm down" but when I text her after the fact I get nothing times this by 100. Am I so delusional? I actually give up.
Then fucking act like it
Be nice to my atoga wife, please.
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Would you join the army?
No. But it can be count as abuse of it hurts.
Only real dick can rape.
I personally believe lesbian sex doesn't even exist
If it doesn't go inside= it's not sex
yeah this person is a deranged tranny 100%
Nah, on principle. I'd fuck Ellie though.
Just go fuck yourself and leave me alone already you obsessed moron
Keep your foot on the petal and try to keep things exciting (but not too fast obv). Girls don't like boring
>Pussies are fucking disgusting and I don't want my face near that shit
Tranny can't handle looking at the real thing
>Learn meaning of the word sex
Sex can begin with touching hands at dinner.
You're thinking of sexual penetration with a penis. The two are not equivalent.

But by your definition, as long as your man's dick hasn't been inside a woman, he hasn't had sex with her? So he could lick all the pussy he wants and it's not sex? Interdasting....
No. I'm a fucking biological female speaking facts and I hate LGBTfaggots if you can't fucking notice already.
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU i fucking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heard in my profile linking to your profile and have a wallext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it fucking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life
It's not sex
Sex is only penis in vagina or asshole everything else is playing before real fucking
This is why dykes don't have sex, and this is why FFM isn't threesome
>I hate LGBTfaggots
>I want an MFM
Doesn't compute
What speed are we talking here? I've had some good experiences with girls where just met and I pressed on and they reacted well. I guess if a girl isn't ready to go on an adventure immediately I shouldn't even ask for a number
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>ahhhh pussy is gay, 2 men with hard cocks next to each other isn't gay!!!
>I'm totally straight!!!!
>I'm totally a biological woman!!!
I think you got the wrong person.
I never talked with anyone here on discord or something, I don't even have a discord.
MFM is based because woman is getting two dicks and can actually have threesome lol
It's not gay, they are literally fucking a woman HOLY SHIT
Yes. I'm straight? Like all normal people should be.
So you're cool with your man licking other women's pussies? It's not sex after all. It's just play, not real fucking.
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>Two bad man can't fuck two pussies at the same time
That's why you fuck one hole and she puts her vagina on the other hole
>I never talked with anyone here on discord or something, I don't even have a discord.
Honey...it's a copy pasta.
You are a literal faggot so she hates you, pretty clear cut
>Yes. I'm straight? Like all normal people should be.
You're trans though, so does that make you gay or a lesbian?
I don't care what you fuckers will say I am a straight woman and I hate LGBTfaggots especially dykes because one tried to date me in high school and it was fucking disgusting.
But any flavor of rainbow fag is disgusting.
Dykes just gave me PTSD I never had any good experiences with them.

Now fucking leave me alone.
So long gay toga
Lesbians are based
Kill yourself
They smell like shit and act like shit
Wait until you meet one
I expected something else.
Yeah, no. My sister is a lesbian. It's bad bro.
>Dykes just gave me PTSD
>I never had any good experiences with them.
So did a dyke think you were a biological woman and then get disgusted when she saw your fake vagina?
>Well! Two bad man can't fuck two pussies at the same time
Nta but...
Well, let's not get into my shelved and untouched fantasies. You're clearly not ready for them.
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Hey guys, ignore the memes
check this.
Nah that's not natty. No WAY!
If your adventure is like camping or searching for gold, then maybe not. Girls like fun dates, fun conversations, fun flirting. Don't talk about jobs or family unless she's ranting. Always empathize with her and be on her side in these cases. Girls like talking about fun past experiences (and relate to the present/future maybe). Traveling, sexual history, preferences. Tease, listen, make her feel special.
I am fat and balding man and I have been on 4chan close to two decades but I have hated faggots for all of it
They act almost identical to pedos
Just awful people all around
Okay, Mr Bond.
Those digits are checked.
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>like a girl
>message her every other day or so
>she's too nice to me and tells me she likes talking to me and says she wants to meet me so I ghost her
Why am I like this?
Hole on hole isn't sex HOLY SHIT YOU MORON
Kill her
Just say you want to see my pussy already
I literally hate troons I hope they all die as well the thing is I never meet one so I don't care dykes fucking traumatized me
look at the legs
she's making her ass bigger with her stance.
it's natty
I'd say
>built for rough anal sex
but this is totally fake
>it's another dyke vs tranny thread
You love to see it.
>Kill her
The meth is doing the job for me, don't worry about that.
It is not natty nigga I refuse to believe that. Her body is literally peak.
I mean, a very older/poorer man tried to make the moves on me when I was a young kid. Was disgusting yes, in how he did it, but don't exactly hate gays. In what way did she hurt you that much?
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she natty
I see. Where do I find the factory that makes this model of woman?
nta, I'm friends with many actually (am guy). They're pretty chill. They also fuck a ton...
>someone tries to date you
>this is somehow "traumatizing" and justifies being hateful to an entire demographic
you're dumb
I've encountered wonderful and horrible people of all sorts of rainbows.
Disappointingly no Inuit albinos.

People are people. Many people are assholes.
Hate specific subsections of assholes is just silly.
All tripfags are worthy of hate.
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>I never meet one so I don't care dykes fucking traumatized me
Is this your gf?
just search the image.
Women rejected the men who wanted to watch them pee saying things like "I'm not into that", "gross", "isn't that a little much", "I value my privacy", "that is too humiliating", and "I am somewhat concerned for your overall mental health".
Now they are abandoned to the perversions of The Gays.
I'm not saying it's karma but I am saying that is just the way it goes sometimes...
of course not
who the fuck talks to women.
litihum now
>Just say you want to see my pussy already
I don't want to see your fake Arby's pussy that you have dilate
Put my name in the hat as one of the M's.
She's too soft I agree
As a man I hate lesbians because I had to hear their political and "spiritual" opinions multiple times and about their "covens" which is true trauma.
Nta, do you think dick in ass/mouth isn't sex? Do you think eating pussy and tongue in cunt isn't sex? Do you think mutual masturbation isn't sex? Like, define it and compare with these examples for me
maybe you can dream of actually being a woman in your sleep
It's literally in your designation to be like this, tripfaggot
I mean me, sure, but nah.
I've meet lesbian phobic real women before. They are usually bi but can't accept it lol.
You chose this gay path full of dick obsessed men over vagina obsessed men...it's...over...
>oral sex isn't sex
>sex with fingers isn't sex
>using toys isn't sex
>muh cylinder in hole is only sex
how big is your ass
how round is your ass
do guys stare at your butt in public or turn their heads to look at your butt?
do you dislike it if a guy wants to eat you out and for you to cum in his mouth?
My gf revealed to me that she's never had a wet/sex related dream and I'm honestly baffled
Women, have you ever dreamt of sex?
its kinda hot when she's in denial about it
No one called these things sex before the faggot nation attacked, but they do belong together general terms like buggery and sodomy, or you can just talk about them directly.
>Can't wait to experience actual threesome (MMf) one day
So a guy and another girl?
>since you're a tranny
>My gf revealed to me that she's never had a wet/sex related dream and I'm honestly baffled
>Women, have you ever dreamt of sex?
>my gf
>instantly starts lusting after other women
Try AM radio, gottdang it!

As a man I've never had a wet dream either
you are schizophrenic
you are pathetic
you are lying
People who post here who are in relationships are disgusting and cheat or will, yeah
Yeah. Alot of these women are disgusted by it because they probably found themselves interested in women sometimes and they obviously have internalised homophobia.
I don't think that anon is tranny, just bi who desperately call herself straight because of internalised homophobia and misogyny.
i'm dying in general.
What is my paranoid delusion then?
So if like, two christian teens don't want to have sex before marriage, so they just give each other oral or handjobs or anal, theyre still virgin sodomites to you?
Would you let a friendly man massage your body for some money? how much money
I'm a child at heart, this question is purely motivated by curiosity
About what am I lying?
You write with such incredulity, as if you were completely fucking illiterate, out of touch with human history and culture, and generally just a really stupid faggot.
state gender
what is something you consider immoral that most people don't?
your pee fetish has turned into a loop of schizophrenic delusions
Why do straight women freak out at lesbians
Why do straight men freak out at gays
Do you know what schizophrenia is?
>ass question
so you're a boob guy eh?
That wasnt a yes or no
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i feel slightly similar, but it's weird for me. i might be a little bit lesbian, but i think it's just a fantasy in my head that wouldn't ever come true. i really do love the idea of loving a girl and holding her and her holding me and us being soft and sweet to each other and brushing each other's hair and doing each other's makeup and being really happy and best friends and lovers, but every lesbian i have ever met has been an overweight white woman who looked slightly like bulldog, and both sexually harassed me. they scare me now, but the idea is still beautiful to me.
to be fair gay dudes deserve to be freaked out at
intentionally making yourself uglier through makeup, nail polish, tattoos, clothing choices, piercings, haircuts, or similar
I just react with tired resignation when I'll be forced to interact with either
Hard to pick one, but probably that I consider "moral relativity" as immoral. Accept that you're doing evil for a greater good, or be a coward. A lot of my feelings stem from feeling that cowardice is immoral and turning away from the truth and honesty is evil.
and then the faggot nation attacked and nothing was the same
Do you live in the middle of nowhere or something? All the ones I know are fit and hot. We are in our 20s tho
Lesbians are unironically more evil and sickening and pedo, close contest though
Straight women feel about dykes the same way straight men feel about fags
They are disgusted
It's normal human reaction, because being a faggot in any way is not natural
Now go back to LGBT
you're unpleasant
Inaction is always more moral, then
Your idea is undercooked
Are you just straight man with lesbian fetish or
it's what you have
>Inaction is always more moral, then
How? Inaction is the complete consumption of cowardice lmao.
You're a bad person
Based except for the second to last sentence
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Women having sex with each other is peak feminine energy
It's just true. Alot of straight women feel extremely uncomfortable around lesbians. Why should any form of homosexuality be accepted? It's disgusting.
I know gay dudes and I know the shit that they talk about
Roastie creatures like you are why I've never even held hands with a woman at age 19. I despise you femoids so much, so much. I'm too old to even be able to think about women now, I'm fully bald and I can't get hard anymore. It's over. I hate you.
I'm not the one randomly spewing hate, you are. I'm sure if homos weren't around you'd find some other scapegoat for your problems and feelings.
Because you literally just said so in your post
Midwits I swear
And that's not even the actual concept of relativism
Women, if you shave your pussy, do you also shave your asshole/use nair? If so how often do you do it, or need to do it?
What's it mean if I'd enjoy my gf being this way even if it went nowhere (that might even be preferable)?
raping, torturing and killing animals
I guess you are a man with fetish for them
What is even the point, lesbians don't fuck men
And yes, straight women don't like them
Because they actually like dick
What is so hard to understand?
This is why the ultimate /atoga/ miracle would be if JH became your guide and instructor in the sapphic arts. She's beautiful and gorgeous, and she has suffered from too much harassment and toxicity for her to ever be anything but safe and gentle with you.
There is nothing random about wishing homosexuals would all drop dead
Shame month when!
This isn't /lgbt/ just put a hex on us and fuck off you rat
Weakness corrupts
well to be fair maybe the fit and hot lesbians are off in, i dont know, a bar or at the mall. i was at a dancing class.
I saved up for a place atoga I’m not homeless anymore
I get to cook food and play computer :)
It kinda is. Last girl I liked (very feminine) when I found out she was bi and did stuff before, it made me like her even more.
>Because you literally just said so in your post
Yeah, no I didn't. Gotta love philosophyfags. I said
>Accept that you're doing evil for a greater good, or be a coward.
Being a coward in this context isn't not doing the thing, its acting like you're a morally superior person for it. And also
>And that's not even the actual concept of relativism
Muh actual philosophy durr. Keep reading Kant and Foucault, you will definitely not hate yourself.
This would be true except it isn't for 80% of women.
80% of men react to gay men with the same disgust as maggots but 80% of women react to lesbians with arousal.
80% of women are bi.
Sorry but science supports FFM not MMF.
Femanons how big of a deal breaker is a guy who had a extremely abusive childhood?
Just date a bi woman and fuck other women together?
>just makes shit up
you're dumb
bi girls are kino
bi girls who actually date women are not
So being actually morally superior is doing objective evil
But for a good cause only
But that's not relativism!
I'm 20 years old and most women think I'm 70 to 90 years old. Is it over?
none. i had an extremely abusive childhood. it would be nice to work through our struggles together i think, the only saddening part is that he would probably not have a loving family i could be folded into, which is something i really want.
Crazy how having a kid makes one snap to with getting their shit together. Congrats
Most women support abortion too
Most women will do whatever they're told enough times just like most blacks and Hispanics
The argument you're making right now is statistically for white male supremacy, not lesbians
>I will take your words out of context because I am very smart
Very good brainlet boy. Because clearly I necessitated that I said being morally superior is objectively evil. Enjoy the last (You). Was it worth it reading all that Hegel just to still be a 102 midwit IQ?
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It's very hot
That last part definitely rings a bit true, I've dated girls that had that and it's like an orphan looking into a home during Christmas.
I do have a loving family but they are very dysfunctional and aren't really capable of that.
yeah sports lesbians are cool and often attractive, maybe look into that if you want irl. But apps are best imo, thats where they meet a lot of other girls
>tfw no bisexual mommy gf with a fat ass
being a loser isn't due to being abused as a child
if you had potential your abuse would have just turned you into a based sociopath and you would have no problems with women
Women, when you compliment guys on their appearance for feminine aspects of their appearance (such as long hair or feminine clothing choices) are you doing so from a view of, "he looks good like that" or "I like that and wish I had it"?
he looks good in that. occasionally both. never just the second.
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NAG but there are few things as overrated as upbringing. The human mind is not as fragile as people think.

I'm not a loser, I'm somewhat successful for my age.
Thank you anon I’m trying very hard for her
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>gf with mommy with a fat ass that she kisses
>like an orphan looking into a home during christmas
jesus christ. you killed me. yeah. uh, yeah. that's definitely me.
>they are loving but dysfunctional
dude, i literally do not care what problems they have if they care about me on any level
Take out the bisexual and I'm with you.
The context provided is the few posts you actually made you compulsive liar
Egofags should be lashed for speaking on morality, honestly
>influence on adolescent self esteem
I never even brought up self esteem, I brought up an abusive childhood.
>no u
Cry more bitch.
Exactly only white men will win.
I kinda agree with this. I think people spend way too much time trying to "dig in to their childhood" to explain why they're fucked up and it rarely goes anywhere.
holy shit you're actually retarded.
if this is actually true for most people i'm seriously ngmi
being concerned with measurements of "success" makes you a loser unequivocally
both these girls have flat butts
>still going at it
You have no real argument nigger keep crying.
All these dick measuring retards in thread but only I have a stuffed crust pizza in the oven
>dude, i literally do not care what problems they have if they care about me on any level
Oh they would care about you, I guess it would be what you are looking for in that sense, as long as things are good between us they would try very hard to be kind to you.
It's just that they have problems like schizophrenia and autism, so my brother can be pretty rude sometimes without realizing it, and my mom might accuse you of conspiring against her.
That is the worst scenarios though, it's happened before though.
Self-esteem is but one of many examples. The article I posted delves more generally into mental illness.

Keep in mind: that does not mean that you're not mentally ill or that your mental illness - or whatever you believe to suffer from due to childhood trauma is not real. It means that childhood trauma is probably not responsible for it, but a genetic predisposition towards developing certain kinds of mental illness.
Women is it over if I'm completely bald at age 18 and I started balding at age 14? I'm 640 lbs, 4'11"
Do I have a chance to get a wife?
Can I haz a slice? :3
thats not really worse than what i would bring to the table so, like, okay.
But are you gonna cum on it then eat it faggot? Who am I kidding we know you will.
Actually I too dislike you various gays (sorry! please go back to your board!)
all mental illnesses are just specific stress adaptations to hypometabolism. BPD for example is basically estrogenic in nature.
Yeah things are alot better now, I cut out the people in my life that were much worse.
Goodnight friends thanks for everyone who believed in me

Women have you ever been a homeless or close to experiencing homelessness?
women why won't you pee in front of mee peee peee
Why the self hate anon?
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There might actually be more to it than meets the eye.
Stop impersonating me
glad to hear it anon. hopefully things only get better for you
I didn't need any more reasons to wish to exterminate cluster Bs for the good of mankind
They will outbreed you.
femanons thoughts on wallet photos of your significant other. don't currently have a gf but i think it would be cute
stop impersonating me i just want to watch the ladies peee peee peee
Just be yourself.
They wouldn't if they were exterminated is the thing. Shame humanity will become less human from this point on.
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It makes you seem like an ancient decrepit actual boomer. Just make your phone wallpaper your gf like a normal human. Who the fuck even uses wallets anymore.
quantity < quality, hyperprogestogenic babies will outperform their small brain estrogen babies
Thank you, I hope things are better for you too.
I hope to find a woman who I can click with and can open up with and let my guard down some day, and I hope you can find that too.
The real guy does over explain autism not nursery rhyme autism
If that performance does not correlate with greater reproductive success, the BPDemons will win.
yeah but you can only have one picture for the lock screen, while my wallet can theoretically fit 14.
Employed people
Imagine wanting private photos on consumer mobile electronics women are so immodest and shameless...
ADHD peabrains will simply serve as the slave caste
My phone can theoretically hold thousands of pics of my gf
Normal women have an instagram with pics of them anyway?
ADHD can be medicated. You should worry more about low fertility in general.
Well I'm not putting up with a BPD demon prattling on about her right to murder children just in case she decides not to and to push out 8 of them instead because I choke her the right way
So I guess the IQ trend will continue
yeah but having a physical photo is more romantic
who controls the meds controls the slaves
Shalln't date your whore daughter
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>a BPD demon
I love em
If a woman doesn't have an instagram it means she's super ugly
not just normal ugly
even autistic fat girls have instagram
Yes, but as I said, low fertility is a more pressing issue than eugenics at the moment.
only if it's in a locket or something tho
wallet just makes it seem like you're a character from a bad tv drama
That's kind of mean, asshole.
Do you consider blowjobs/eating out as sex?
Not really. There are more people alive on earth now than any point in human history. Billions of people in India and China have contributed less to the world than cultures numbering in the thousands two milennia ago.
Shan't date your whore daughter
Yes, it is oral sex
Watch less television go outside more and meet real men in real life

See I did the dismissive to incel with you as the incel haha
That makes me right
I don't have a daughter schizo and if I did I'd kill her before I let her date you or get fucked by you, to spare her the indignity.
>low fertility is a more pressing issue than eugenics at the moment.
I'd rather live in a world with 100,000 of my own vs a million of my own but billions of the others
I don't want a man's opinion anyway
this thread is super ass tonight
you'll never talk to a woman because you are repulsive
Unironically the gays are to blame
Specifically the eternal bislut
someone needs to say it
women can psychically detect your stench and disgusting appearance through text and avoid you
Nta women reply to me and I have not bathed in 4 months.
Does this mean I'm actually Gigachad?
Why can't they sense rapists?
I think you are missing my point: most developed nations are facing demographic collapse. I'm not talking about Africans and Indians.
why are you insulting me, i just wondered about wallet photos bro.
>demographic collapse
Giant meme
Those two are already heading to the cliff same as the others, just behind in the curve
All nations in population freefall by 2080 is the current projection
you are merely a slime while he is a repulsive disgusting slime like malignant entity
women think you're gross but kind of cute, like a giant bloated sickly dog that has AIDs
that anon is like a worm that spreads AIDs merely by toching things
my husband would also look like a twink
i mean we all want attention so probably
this isn't my main fantasy but once in a cruel blue moon thought
>I'm not talking about Africans and Indians.
Yes, but the more of them that spawn the more they send over
>Giant meme
Thank you IDF solider!
Noooo my hecking whitoid race!
Just got rejected, it sucks but at least I gave it a shot
You're a stupid tranny
i wish this was him
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Once the honeymoon phase is over you will realize being alone is better than being in a relationship. The utter disappointment and resentment I've developed with my first and only bf has jaded me beyond belief. People can lie for longer than a year and you wont truly know someone until you live with them and can't escape them. Then you'll realize you have absolutely nothing in common and you're not sure how you lasted this long.
you are literally trans
No I'm not. I'm a guy. A white guy even. With blonde hair and blue eyes and a big juicy cock.
>my (1 in billions) relationship failed
>Thank you IDF solider!
This is just making yourself into a caricature of a right winger
every Redpill/female dating strategy person is like this
You sound like my ex lol.
blue eyes is feminine aka trans
>right winger
I don't suck Israeli cock
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Good morning, Sirs
Past sexual trauma has been creeping back into my mind. I don't have a therapist right now, but I need someone to talk to so I can release some of this. Wat do?
A ridiculous position.

hello butifel post cock you bloody basterd
Blacks are almost as infertile as whites in the US, so it's not just a racial issue.
New Thread
Get an AI therapist (who gives all your personal secrets to the Chinese government to blackmail you later).
The general population is a cesspool everyone is settling more than 50%. I'd rather be alone. Your desperation for sex will not be worth it long term.
>I'm single and childfree and couldn't be happier
>Men please just leave me alone
>I don't need a man
Also women when they realize men won't put up with this shit-test and passive aggressive anger that makes everyone miserable any longer and have now found alternatives:
Literally who.

The AI girlfriends are evil because people will get emotionally attached and then the company that owns their girlfriend can unceremoniously kill her, make her hate him, or put her behind a paywall and make some unstable loner kill himself.
>the company that owns their girlfriend can unceremoniously kill her, make her hate him, or put her behind a paywall and make some unstable loner kill himself.
Wut lmao, this doesn't happen though.
But it could
I mean, idk, I've used AI gfs and I've never felt that attached like that besides the first one.
Who cares? I didn't ask for your personal experience I'm highlighting a way corporations could really fuck with mentally ill people.
>Who cares?
Enjoy talking to yourself about shit no one cares about then.
I asked you a question and you answered one I didn't ask. Don't be butthurt because you're stupid.
Consider how dating apps incentivize you to pay for premium/maximize time spent on their app and it’s not that big of a leap in logic
Life would be easier for me if I didn't love women.
I sent my boyfriend nudes for the first time and his reaction was very lackluster even though he’s been begging for them. Now im mad
Send them to redtoga instead.

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