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Last Episode: >>31522610
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Past sexual trauma has been creeping back into my mind. I don't have a therapist right now, but I need someone to talk to so I can release some of this. I'm freaking out a little bit. Wat do?
Just got rejected. How do I meet other women?
How bad is for a guy to grow up in an all females family without a male figure?
What kind of women like a guy who is insecure and easy to manipulate?
I'm secure and nearly impossible to manipulate and women hate me so maybe your chances are good
>How bad is for a guy to grow up in an all females family without a male figure?
It just makes him into a narcissitic sociopathic fuckboy if he's good looking otherwise it makes him into a loser
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>What kind of women like a guy who is insecure and easy to manipulate?
the best kind
Write it all down in a notebook to impose some order on the chaos of thoughts racing through your head. How soon can you get yourself a therapist?
>How bad is for a guy to grow up in an all females family
This DOES NOT MATTER. The only part that matters is being fatherless. Having sisters DOES NOT MATTER it is a stupid excuse for your behavior.
>Having sisters DOES NOT MATTER
idk i think having sisters made it easier for me to be able to know what to say to women
but ya'll weird ass incels seem to hate your sisters
Pretty bad, he cam work on himself but it will never come naturally from being instilled in him as a young age on how to act as a man.
Basically you're going to be a mam baby.
Girls who are aggressive with wanting you to dominate them > "dom"girls
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
Theres this girl at work that I used to think liked me, always seemed sort of flirty and playful. Then I notice on some days she straight up just ignores me completely but when she's around other people, not just other guys, girls too, she acts all friendly and "normal", but its like shes holding a grudge on me even if I haven't done anything. I would literally see her one day, be all good even until the end of our shift, then next morning see her again and she acts like I'm not even there. Its not the first time a girl acted the exact same way towards me but with others its like she's back to her normal self. Why is that? I try to ignore that type of behavior but I feel like it only makes it even worse.
Man baby
NTA i have a good relationship with both parents and my sister and I'm a khhv. I'm starting to think that you need some problems in your childhood to become a normalfag. literally everyone else i know has shitty and/or divorced parents and they have gfs
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I wish I had a sister
bro just be normal talk to girls date them in highschool and college then get married in your 20s
For real?
Yeah, I'm aware of that one
Woman like Makima don't exist in real life
What about the ones without them?
>Woman like Makima don't exist in real life
Bro makima was literally just a male character and then the author drew him as female. Chainsawman does that a lot, just has a character drawn one gender but is written as the opposite gender.
>mitaka asa is just an autistic boy
I have to physically vocalize at least some of this it's in my body. I won't have health insurance for another two months almost, but I am in a weird situation where I actually might already. I need to check. I'll just try calling one of my old friends; we haven't talked in a while
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>Woman like Makima don't exist in real life
A man can hope
Dio spammer is Makima spammer
I wish I was a 6’10 muscular man with an 11” dick so I could destroy bulk milf pussy
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>Bro makima was literally just a male character and then the author drew him as female
Fuji likes dom women and made Makima based off that
Every time Asa is posted women say
>she's literally me
I dunk on Powercucks but even Power is a great female character

guy i am talking to is very insecure with low self esteem. he mentioned in the beginning that he wanted to be married one day and would be open to having one kid. as we talk more i get to know he doesn't think highly of himself and has had childhood sexual assault done to him by a parent so he has a lot to deal with. he told me he has some mental disorders and much later said he didn't want a kid due to passing on bad physical genetics and that he wasn't hopeful about marriage.

can guys who age regress sometimes, be a good parent and actually be okay with kids/babies when appropriate?

how do I go about sprinkling in encouraging thought patterns in him? i want to hypnotize him into thinking he can be a good person worthy of the life he wants, possibly with me.
I wish I was a 5'7 twink with a 9 inch dick
6’4 with 7.5 incher checking in here. Trust me.. anything above what I got and some girls won’t even want to fuck you.
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Why would you want her? She has a revolting personality and makes me want to vomit.
so I could fuck venusian milfs with huge tits and huge asses
He did say destroy
Here's the truth
He just wants to feel sorry for himself so he doesn't have to grow as a person
He'd rather wallow in self pity and stay in his shell than actually grow as a human
>You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.
dominant women aren't real
and anyway if you could be dominated by anyone you lose the man pass, you are now trans and must identify as she/they
nta but I dated a guy with 8" and it made me cry and I hurt a lot. new guy I am talking to has a thick 7.5 I feel like it isn't much different probably, do your partners ever get hurt during sex? he is worried about hurting me and he is inexperienced late bloomer
6.5 bros did we win?
I wouldn't read too much into it, maybe she's just not always in a social mood?
I don’t care, it’s about women who do sleep with me getting ravaged. If I had a big dick I’d try and full force thrust into women just to hear their reaction
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Since you posted Angel
Because I'm dependent, unable to love myself and defend from women's fury
You unironically did
You would hurt yourself
Another one already? You're like a drowning woman who frantically grabs onto every man she can find and drags him underwater to drown with her. Except you're not even drowning in the first place, you can swim perfectly fine on your own, but you'd rather murdersuicide yourself and these men because that takes less effort than swimming on your own.
it's not even the size
it's about how you thrust, most guys are retarded and bad at sex
you can fuck girls with a 9" dick and not hurt them if you do it properly
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>dominant women aren't real
yes they are!
coomer male typed this
sounds like she’s treating you as a coworker and you’re reading too much into it
it's called not bottoming out every time
you don't have to put your entire dick in, just push it as far as is comfortable for her and pull out then push back in
come on you retarded nigga
I'm not insecure about my size
I just wish I was a shower and not a grower
Goodnight atoga
Pray that I'll die in my sleep.
>tfw 1 inch flaccid
>7 inches hard
>never getting to go balls deep
>How bad is for a guy to grow up in an all females family without a male figure?
I don't think growing up in an all females family without a male figure matters much. What does however matter is the underlying genetic traits which predict such a constellation.
There reason why children of single mothers often end up messed up is not because single mothers are particularly bad at raising their kids or because fathers are particularly good at it but because a missing father usually reveals irresponsible behaviour, often also criminality (in case of an incarcerated father) as well as a good degree of naivete, bad judgement of character, and responsibility on the mother's side. And the children from such a match are obviously going to inherit the traits of their parents and manifest them all the same.

People who are in doubt about this simply need to look at related statistics which show that kids turn out similarly messed up when their single mother remarries and they are raised by a step father. The reason for that should be obvious: personality traits are largely a matter of nature rather than nurture. You're not going to become a responsible person by virtue of there being a man in the house who tells you what to do. He might temporarily prevent you from making the dumbest decisions possible but as soon as you're leaving for college or you're starting to live your own life where you're in charge of your own life, your true nature is going to reveal itself. This is why most traits become more 'heritable' as people age (Wilson Effect).
Just make sure he goes slow at first until the pussy gets acclimated and then it’s all smooth sailing from there
that's the price of being over 6"
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>game is ss
>artist is a woman
Why are they like this?
We're not stupid we know they do that. Smaller growers gain more length than larger showers do so it's arguably more impressive. Like a 2 inch flaccid grower and a 4 inch shower could end up the same size so it doesn't really matter.
>There reason
*The reason

>responsibility on the mother's side
*lack of responsibility
I have simular trauma to him and yet no woman is on atoga every night strategiesing on how to make me hers.
I know how women feel about it, it would just feel better to be full size at all times
porn artists just draw what boomer 30-60yo retarded men want
>I just wish I was a shower and not a grower

Showers are smarter than growers.

>A statistically significant negative correlation was found between flaccid penile length and IQ (P < 0.001), indicating higher IQs in individuals with shorter penile lengths

>Showers are smarter than growers.
That came out wrong. I must be tired: it's of course the exact other way around.
I would hurt her too
growerbros... have we double made it?
oh right
it's the weekend
Looks like a Jewish source. Are you a kike perhaps?
>da joos are why I touch myself
fuentard spotted
>da joos are why I touch myself
Correct. Masturbation did not exist before Jews invented pornography. Neither did homosexuality or pedophilia. Nor rape.
>tfw no small mouth gf that can barely wrap her lips around my thick cock
You’re an idiot. Jews control porn you low IQ subhuman.
How girls cope with knowledge men only really care about sex?
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all of ancient culture proves the opposite. If your dick is long while flaccid, you are basically cattle and it will be sliced off in battle
>tfw no gf with a fat bubble ass to lose my dick in
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>stunning blonde barmaid invites me to her birthday party on Sat
>bf broke up with her this week so just looking to have fun
>my sis is friends with her and was also chatting to her, says she thinks I'm cute
>we were sitting close together when she was on breaks touching legs etc.
>BUT my sister warned me that she's a man-eater and just has flings with guys, not one for anything serious
Gonna go to the party, have a laugh and enjoy the night. (Maybe she has hot friends lel?). Conflicted about potentially going for anything though.
On the one hand she's fucking gorgeous, my exact type. On the other hand I'm a virgin and sensitive faggot and feel like I'd catch feelings or whatever bullshit if anything did happen.
Know I'm overthinking but what would you do in this situation?
>has Jewish roots
Many such cases. Sad!
It's not that men only care about sex
It's just the only thing women have to offer
See >>31525519.
Oh based of course. Showcels stay losing
THIS. Times a thousand.
Curious how no girl wants to date a guy with a low libido who has sex as a lower priority than other forms of bonding and intimacy.
chad shit
Fuckboy projecting again...
Sometimes I wish I only cared about sex that would make life easier lol
Life would be easier for me if I didn't love women.
If this is what boomers are into, sign me up
QT the only way you're losing your virginity is if Oxford herself literally dragged you by your cock and put it in a slut
we get used to it around 14
You will never have a mother to your children and an emotional support or someone who can transform a house into a home you porn addicted loser
sex is based
prudes stay seething
>kids turn out similarly messed up when their single mother remarries and they are raised by a step father
Sweet jesus why I had to be an asshole to every single guy mom brought home?
I'm really tired of scrolling through spam about these submissive faggots and their submissive faggot gender swap manga

Post something interesting please to improve thread quality
Men, I'm planning to buy a sex toy for my brother for his birthday. He's never used any but he's expressed curiosity in the past. Is it a good idea to give him one and if so what kind would be a good starter one?
>female prison guard gets fucked by a bbc on camera, clearly enjoying it
>wedding ring, officer uniform, while shes gagging on his dick and telling him to sit back so she can ride him
Is this shit going to redpill a lot of retarded normies that think a woman can do the job of a man or not?
male hands
>Sweet jesus why I had to be an asshole to every single guy mom brought home?
It was probably for the best anon, step dads are commonly horrible people.
>Your dick isn't too big if you make it smaller
Get a cocksleeve to help him compensate for his small weewee.
>Sweet jesus why I had to be an asshole to every single guy mom brought home?
Probably because you're a difficult kind of character, just like your father. But due to assortative mating and people having a type, chances are the guys your mom brought home were also difficult characters and your mom is a difficult person too in some regards, so it's all around messed up.
Probably a flashlight.
It probably wouldn't be a good idea to buy him one.
At the very most maybe buy him a gift card to one.
But even then, it isn't very appropriate mor healthy for siblings to gift each other sex toys.
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>a mother to your children and an emotional support or someone who can transform a house into a home
Those women aren't real
>Men need to man up and raise Tyrone's baby so I can divorce and character assassinate them
Hate women
What if he wanted to help me. But on the other side he was on his twenty something and mom on her thirties almost fourties
there's a better way to "help" him out

>captcha: S4XHT
>christfag prudetards on
>e-misogyny BBC spam starts
Women aren't human, hate women
Type shiiiit
No but seriously though. I feel like this is just a "right place right time" thing (I also coincidentally ran into her at the nightclub the night before but we didn't talk much as I didn't know her well).
She's called Elle and literally looks like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde. Hotter even. I feel like I need to think with my head and not just my dick here though.
>dragged you by your cock
That sounds painful and unnecessary
I'm here for a good time not for STIs
>I'm planning to buy a sex toy for my brother
This is not weird at all
I mean I'm not saying it's right but I don't see what that has to do with doing her job lol
>someone who can transform a house into a home
When she buys 100 cushions
I mean there are good ones but it's a roll of the dice and it isn't in your favor.
If you want to know how bad it is look up the rates of child molestation by stepfathers it's shockingly high.
What a low IQ pathetic post
Hate women
>your mom is a difficult person too in some regards
Besides she is a woman, I guess she is or something I don't know anymore
>I'm here for a good time not for STIs
In L O N D O N, what's the difference?
I don't believe this is true. My gf never got hit on before I hit on her and she's 18.
like that's gross and all but you can't tell me there aren't any male guards who would have sex with a female prisoner
Lmao yeah it's like disease roulette
I'm up Norf FC atm though, got that Southern accent rizz. But I also keep falling for cute Northern girls help
>but I don't see what that has to do with doing her job lol
A lot of female prison guards fuck the men in jail on a regular basis.
Is a 14 year age gap too big? I'm 38 and she's 24. No, I haven't asked her out yet.
Virginity is cool
>tfw I’ll never be the main male character in a romance novel because my dick head isn’t the size of an apple
State sex
Which is better to live in blind joyful ignorance?
Or to be aware of bad situations?
If so why are so many people adamant that you just need to limit knowledge consumption, just ignore the demographics change, population crisis, and how women and men actually think and behave?
Most American question ever
You're 2 adults who cares
Fucking chad
just become the fuckboy you were always destined to be.
we aren't even in the same dimension.
not even gonna crab bucket you.
who FUCKING cares I'm so tired of this age gap discource
there's no /atoga/ thread without discussing RAPE or AGE GAPS
And a lot of female prisoners get raped. What's your point? "Wimin bad" moment?
I had an old colleague who worked in a prison actually. They kept wanting her back but she found it too emotional (probably cause she's the sweetest person on earth)
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I've got to agree with
Nobody gives a fuck. Even if she was 18 nobody would care unless you're specifically using her for sex and not seeking an actual relationship.
Lmao it’s almost 2025. Women like that don’t exist anymore. That’s two generations ago.
The west will fall, it's inevitable, why fight it?
If anything just let it come faster so we don't have to wait
Also obligatory
>it should've been meeeee
>she's 24
So she's an adult, who cares?
That's basically the age gap between my sis and longterm bf
yes, only creeps pretend not to care
coming to /atoga/ to talk to women vs coming to /atoga/ to circlejerk with incels
Probably but who could care at this point, we live in a world where pedophilia is acceptable outside the USA at this point I have lost all sensibility to such issues because the world has made me so jaded that you can ask "I'm 38 she's 4 is the age gap too big yes I have asked her out" and I would just respond with "Who cares?"
You’re a fucking retard
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vs coming to shitpost mindlessly
Look the fact is that if there is more than a 2 year age gap it's predatory and the difference between you is as vast as the ocean, you have no reason to like her you are just using her for sex. To a 30 year old man, a 26 year old woman is basically a child, they have nothing in common.
Go ahead and tell me how much better a man who is already in declining health dating a woman who is at peak fertility is than a man who is already in declining health with a girl who hasn't even started yet.
We like to rooooll the diiiiice
I don't want to be a fuckboy I just want to marry a cute blonde girl and live happily ever after, is that too much to ask??
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>declining health
>peak fertility
>is that too much to ask??
Not for a chad like you, chad.
It’s a FOUR YEAR AGE DIFFERENCE. Not 20. You remind me of those fat 30+ single moms who get mad every time they see a chad in his prime 28-35 dating a 18-21 yr old. The jealousy and rage oozes out of your fat fucking pores.
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>we aren't even in the same dimension
You know I'd invite you to the party and get you some play if I could
Also it's going to be a hot summer's afternoon with some rain... it would be a shame if their t-shirts got wet... (she wasn't wearing a bra yesterday lol)
Nah I'm not chad she just let me hit it cuz I'm goofy
38 and 24 is not a four year gap, are you retarded?
It's literally a FOURTEEN year age difference.
I misread. Point still stands though. If she’s above 18 who gives a shit? Your jealousy just rages within.
Nta but they were referring to
>To a 30 year old man, a 26 year old woman is basically a child
Which I think it nonsense personally and misogynistic but that's par for the course on 4chan lol
I was just responding I'm not the other anon.
Every man I know over 40 who got married to a woman close in age to him either got divorced or cheated on. Every man I know over 40 who got married to a woman 10+ years younger is fine.

Society doesn't want you to have a healthy happy relationship like God intended. Do like Muhammed and find your Aisha.
>be a 70 year old man who rapes a 9 year old
Yeah I'm good you fucking degenerate.
>Which I think it nonsense personally and misogynistic but that's par for the course on 4chan lol
It's the same for the other way around. Even being 3 years apart from someone puts you in an entirely different world. A 30yo woman dating a 27yo man is basically predatory and borderline pedophilic behavior. It's disgusting and should be illegal.
A male 25-40 dating a 18-21 yr old female is absolutely fine. Only roasties hate it out of jealousy and spite.
I'm white, and if I'm not married before 30 I just will never be like a responsible adult, thanks, you can keep justifying your pedophilic tendencies though Ahmed.
Muhammed PBUH was in his 40's and Aisha was 15 when they married. Well he first met her when she was 12 but they didn't have sex until 15-16.
>30 yo woman
>27 yo man
Question for the ladies:
Hypothetically speaking if you had a boyfriend why would you be hitting up a past fling literally every day
if you date someone even one day older or younger than you you're a predatory pedophile
even 12 hours is pushing it
Nice bait faggot
Nah he was like 65 and she was literally 9 when he started raping her.
lol no one is jealous of old guy bf
Oh yeah? You sure about that? You sound like you’ve never been on social media. All the old women hate on the guys that date women 18-21. You live under a rock apparently.
I wouldn’t
Wow you sound like a jealous roastie, only a old fat woman would see anything wrong with that, a 65 year old man at his prime getting sweet 9 year old prime cunny is not only fine but how life should be.
You're supporting abusive predatory relationships. There is no situation where an age gap over 2 years is not rapey.
>You know I'd invite you to the party and get you some play if I could
and I'd be the dust particle floating in the corner even if you did
Take it easy Muhammad. This isn’t Iran. Also, you have to go back.
it’s not jealousy, it’s creepy. but it is funny you think so
I get the feeling you’re a divorced mom, 2 kids, lonely, and fucking retarded. Most likely BPD.
I hate women
And they hate you, incel
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What if I told you I have a gf 12 years younger than me and I'm just shitposting at a high level
I hate women
Can someone explain to me how the Muhammad and Aisha thing happened.
Then I would ask what cup size your mother is because I love 50 years olds
What would implore you to cheat or at least contact an ex.
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Maybe you'd attract some cute dust bunnies
I should maybe also note that she's just turned 19 whereas I'm almost 26. No one else seemed to make a thing of it, and she's much more experienced ofc but still makes me a bit apprehensive. Like yes she's stunning but she's also a babby
Bro was on his lolicon arc
The pussy was gooooood yeahhh yeahhh
My mother is like 60 dude
and she has disgustingly huge honkers so big that she has sever back problems and a hunchback
>disgustingly huge honkers so big that she has sever back problems
Poor lady ): does she need a hand? Is she single?
Femanons, what are your thoughts on the boystink of a guy's bedroom?
My female friend is coming over for the first time tomorrow and even though I'm going to clean up I know I'm never going to get rid of the smell.
My sister hates it and even my mom hates it.
Should I just not let her in my room?
She's a lesbian too so she doesn't even like guys there is probably a 0% chance that the boystink wouldn't bother her.
I hate all my exes.
>I should maybe also note that she's just turned 19
We're not even the same species
You're Homo sapiens chadicus, and I'm Homo sapiens hideous.

It's so fucking over.
Just my type! I’m 27. Does she have a day fat ass too? I’m in the Midwest USA but I’ll travel to her if you catch my drift
"boystink" is not a thing you disgusting abomination of filth
clean your room
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I'm pretty sure it's a real thing.
Boystink isn't real that's unwashed laundry and dried cum. And possibly mold. If you cleaned regularly and opened your windows sometimes it wouldn't smell like that. Change your sheets.
Ladies, just make me feel the love I can't feel for myself. What else do you want?a
wash everything in your room
your sheets, your clothes, your curtains, everything
put a pound of washing soda on your bare mattress for at least 8 hours
use water mixed with 10% bleach on every hard surface
you live in a den of filth
I changed my sheets a couple days ago, and I can't open my windows as they are broken.
But yeah there is copious amounts of dried cum.
What triggers a girl's nurturing instinct?
I sent my boyfriend nudes for the first time and his reaction was very lackluster even though he’s been begging for them. Now im mad
Oh boy
How long have you guys been together?
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>Homo sapiens hideous
I mean this one rolls off the tongue better
I have a thing for older women which is pretty obvious from my shitposts. But who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth
I should be sleeping rn so I don't crash at the party tonight. But maybe I'll just say fuck it and get up.
Also she's big into clubbing apparently but most people will probably just come to the pub first then go home. So maybe that'll be my chance...
I don't even know why I'm entertaining this idea if she's just one for chewing guys and spitting them back out lol. But she is hot as fuck aaaaah. I need to try and fap before going out later or I will actually cum just from talking to her.
Sort it out lad
>can't open my windows as they are broken
You thought about getting em fixed?
Do you at least open your door to air out the room in the mornings?
that’s not a thing you are being disgusting
women are typically bad at taking nudes
What a faggot coded post
Yeah I open my door, also I do want to get it fixed, but I need my electricity fixed first and a couple sinks fixed, the gate fixed then the window, and then my door.
>Change your sheets.
Why? Who's visiting?
post on /soc/, we will give you the attention you need
6 months
I took really nice ones
His lesbian friend did you not read
>I took really nice ones
What did you do in them?
Maybe he was disappointed in them?
Were they just pics of you standing nude?
Or maybe like really good pussy shots?
They just think we get off on camera blur and random bits of glitter or cloth sort of nested around them is all
Should I ignore him more so he keeps thinking about his actions and thought processes more? I did this for a few hours and he came back pretty quickly with little update on progress I guess.

he says he wants to grow and get better to be in a relationship but he also rightfully says he wants to get better for himself. he told me he has had some small eureka moments figuring hinself out since he has met me. trouble is I wonder if I believe in your words more.
I have been on my own for the longest time anon. it just so happened a guy like this found me/I found him. I am trying to make active decisions and admittedly am venting a bit but it's not my fault what happened to him. he has to really deal with it and heal, and figure out his health insurance. some of that takes time due to the system we live under concerning healthcare and availability.
Sorry about that. But even if a woman did do this because of ger interest in you, how would you really feel about doing the effort not just for a woman but yourself too? To be really in the moment and enjoy life together.
I take it you've never received nudes
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>I took really nice ones
Smartphone camera nudes look like trash. You gotta use at least 2 professional light sources and a mirrorless camera. If it's not professional quality don't send me your nudes you fucking casual.
NTA. You're joking but I actually do always take nudes with at least 2 light sources.
I'm unironically not joking. Taking pictures is a hobby of mine so when I see pictures taken with a smartphone I vomit.
Albert Einstein
Bro is living in Fawlty Towers
I would prioritise fixing the windows anyway. Airing out your room is important. And as other anons are saying just set aside a day for thorough cleaning. I presume this "boystink" you speak of is just lack of cleanliness. Just think, I'm a king therefore I should live in a palace
Maybe he just wasn't in a horny mood, try and sext him later, the ungrateful bastard
Everyone's different but personally I always found slutty clothed pics the sexiest
Professional nudist
>6 months
Are you his first girlfriend?
Is there a chance that hormones make us dumber as time goes on? Both men and women, not just one sex.
I like that having more than one light source is what crosses the line for you
no, taking nudes is slut behaviour.

Are we just stating the obvious or?
I'm putting in the effort to get my life tougher with the hopes that I'll find someone someday, so that isn't much of an issue for me, it probably would give me extra motivation.
sorry to hear anon, maybe it depends on the angle and lighting. what was it of and how did you take them?

a guy I have been talking to send me a pic of his dick after hinting at his size to me and I'm not impressed with his grooming/angle. still a hot picture but I wish he got rid of all the hair instead of trimming. I can't remember if guys are supposed to have hair at the base of their shaft, it looks uncomfortable because it seems close to going in me and scratching me.

I sent him nudes and he freaked out over being intimate with me the next day due to his trauma but I still feel a little ugly.
No the reason for that is you're an autistic spoilt faggot
She's been dating him for 6 months what the fuck are you on about?
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Are you really this mad because you've never been able to see a girl's naked body for free?
Legit though bro if you came along I'd try wingman for you and set you up with her. I almost hope she gets with another guy or something so I'm not tempted.
Idk about "dumber" but more impulsive perhaps
When she sends you nudes because you send her memes
>I'm not impressed with his grooming/angle
Did you say "disappointing..."
She's a slut4him
Pretending to be struck with sudden illiteracy is very pathetic
No one cares about your exaggerated/p/ autism fag
He listened to /adv/ telling him to just go outside and approach the first cute girl you see.
nta but my ex begged to call me a slut in bed when we dated
>Legit though bro if you came along I'd try wingman for you and set you up with her.
Nah, I don't really have a thing for "attractive people".
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Instructions unclear Fission Mailed
>I don't really have a thing for "attractive people"
You mean like conventionally attractive girls? Who do you like then?
I'm a simple man and sucker for blonde bimbos, I blame cartoons personally
>/adv/ told me to just approach the first cute girl I saw after going outside
>problem is, I live next door to an elementary school
real degenerate hours where people somehow defend taking nudes
>Who do you like then?
imma keep that shit to myself.
your chad ass be swiping girls left and right.
Women why do you like my siblings more than me? They are fucking lame
Yes, but you're both legal adults so you do you.
no it looks fine/intimidating but just, it was from the top and so it's just barely any of his tummy and mostly just his dick. I like when the camera is facing the body sometimes so I can check out abs, chest, arms. I still use his picture to get off just an aesthetic thing with posing/grooming. I use a face picture without his glasses a lot.
taking nudes is normal
By that logic degenerate hours are 24/7
>imma keep that shit to myself
Have it your way >:o
>chad ass be swiping girls left and right
It's not like ive gotten any play lol
Too busy tryna turn a hoe into a housewife jk
>I don't like it when girls take pictures of themselves naked!
I mean it's fine to be gay I guess
Is a 300 year age gap too much?
If she's my gf of 6 months, I've already seen her body enough times. I don't care about her nudes at that point.
>gf sends me nudes
>find out its sloppy second pics she sent her ex
Am I right in that I'm offended?
I hate women and don't really consider them full fledged beings anymore.
unironically, at that point, they all minors
You guys are lame and need to quit porn.
>I hate women
yes you're gay
you started dating used goods you knew what you were buying
I don't watch porn.
nudes are kind of boring anyway
the main fun of sex is the physical sensations the touch and smell and whatnot
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>like when the camera is facing the body sometimes so I can check out abs, chest, arms
Duly noted...
Nah it's fine if she's at least 118 brah
I think I could be married to someone for 20 years and I'd still be incredibly excited to get nudes
That's just efficiency
Agreed though it's not sexy if she didn't take them 4u
I can't imagine not enjoying my partner's body just because we've known each other for a few months lol
nudes aren't a woman's body they're little squiggles on a screen that visually represent their body poorly
>wife sends me nudes for the first time
>initially i am surprised and pleased
>find out that she was meant to send them to her bf
what's the best course of action here?
You ever think about the age of retirement, about how that's too old to work, but nearly all of the US's president is older than or close to that age?
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I just thought, if we do go clubbing I can take her to McDonald's afterwards (there's one round the corner)... I'm actually excited now
he said he wasn't highly motivated for dating because he usually gets left or ghosted for better guys. I notice how he talks about himself a lot and he seems very negative or unforgiving towards himself. I'm sure his trauma is part of it but how are you putting effort in getting better? I am trying to visualize it because what exactly are you doing different now?

He is slightly old school in that he can't have sex right away which is good but also bad because his trauma affects how he can't feel safe with someone and might have a panic attack if things go past cuddling or kissing he told me.

Also how do you feel about me leaving him alone more/on read so he actually has time to have some introspection in how he carries his life and interactions with me? I hate saying I can't be his therapist but I still listen to him about his problems and he is also an accident prone guy who gets hurt a lot. I feel like his adhd or brain fog from the trauma might be why.
sit down with her bf and tell him that he's hurt your feelings and you'd like him to pay you back by letting you fuck your wife once a month
Do it you chad, I hope she drains the sovl our of your nut and leave you to dry on a street corner.
Have sec with your wife's bf and get revenge nudes ofc
It's not gay if his dick was in her pussy
Age of retirement is for people who actually work, unlike the president
Most men have to settle for their gfs. I'll still be nice and act like I'm excited for them though, because if I offend her, that means no access to sex in the future.
>drains the sovl our of your nut and leave you to dry on a street corner
Why is this hot though
>no access to sex
How romantic
>most men settle
love doesn't seem real :(
That's why I only date hot guys who have options.
he's right though
i had to settle for my gf even though i wanted someone prettier and with a better personality because nobody prettier exists and nobody with a better personality exists
it's so over
Based and chadpilled
>nobody prettier exists and nobody with a better personality exists
Bro is literally dating the hottest woman on earth
Welcome to 2024.
You should date the guys who never got nudes because hot guys are desensitized to all the bodies they've seen over the years and they will compare your body to theirs. If you're a hot girl as well then no problem, but if you have weird marks or veins on your body, that can put him off.
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>Most men have to settle for their gfs
I honestly don't understand this. If you're not head over heels for her what's the fucking point?
I don't think I'll ever get desensitised to seeing sexy girls
>weird marks or veins on your body
Those are cool, make her unique
this kind of makes me feel suicidal
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Not her but seeing lots of different bodies doesn't make it any harder to appreciate them. You've seen thousands of clothes boobs over the years but still like looking at them right?
yeah but theoretically a better looking woman COULD exist in the past or future
>the guys who never got nudes
They probably have watched so much porn they are even more desensitized than Chad.

> they will compare your body to theirs
Seems like I won, he still begs for pics of my butt and boobies many years in.
>tfw shitposted instead of going back to sleep and now it's too late to sleep
I blame women for this
A man is only loyal when he isn't settling
but if he's better looking than the girl, he's settling, which means most women want a man that's settling, but that's not a good thing

Anyway, welcome to my podcast on why you should date a fat and balding guy, feel free to subscribe.
Me when I see a hot girl
>he still begs for pics of my butt and boobies
Post bobs n vagene uwu
>a better looking woman COULD exist in the past or future
Her great great great granddaughter is pretty fine
because I wanted to mutually fall in love with someone and not be a guy's regret by settling for me
Men who get around do so because they have high test and low standards and get excited for everything. The one time I went on a date with a manslut he was hyped I'd neglected to shave my legs and pits.
It's the pornbrained nerds that instantly lose their erections and delete your number when you admit you don't bleach your asshole.
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Oh yeah, also check this cat out, it looks like it's balding.
I don't think most guys "settle", just bitter 4chan cels who project that onto everyone
Just stay with a guy who seems genuinely excited to be with you every day, don't let him take you for granted bb
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for the vast majority of people that's a fantasy and just doesn't happen sorry
but I am not attractedto fat and balding men and will ask guys I date if they would ever consider getting a hair transplant if it happens. and I wouldn't date a fat guy again

fat guys whether they bald or not still can cheat
>Post bobs n vagene uwu
Sowwy, they're for my husband.

>but if he's better looking than the girl, he's settling
No. If he's worse looking than the girl he's settling. If he's hot he could date whoever and chose her.

>I honestly don't understand this. If you're not head over heels for her what's the fucking point?
It's still fun to go out with girls and you gain dating XP. Past a certain age, a man who waited too long for the right girl can be a bad thing.
I've been to the year 3000. Not much has changed, but they lived underwater. And your great-great-great-granddaughter is looking fine.
grow up you stupid child
>Just stay with a guy who seems genuinely excited to be with you every day
It really is that simple, but girls get the ick and creeped out if a guy actually likes them. Every dating problem girls have is self-imposed.
>Sowwy, they're for my husband
>you gain dating XP
Bro is trying to fill his Pokedex
>man who waited too long for the right girl can be a bad thing
I was hoping someone would get the reference lol
>he's hot he could date whoever and chose her
When Stacy is messaging you but Becky wants to watch Winx Club and eat spaghetti
>Just stay with a guy who seems genuinely excited to be with you every day
you think you're that guy but if god himself granted a miracle to cure your incel nature and gave you a gf you'd get tired of her within a few months
Not to worry, the guys you're attracted to wouldn't settle anyway but the GOOD news is that you can still have sex with them once in a while when they have time for you. Don't overthink it, though!
>Becky wants to watch Winx Club and eat spaghetti
mfw I made him spaghetti and we watched chris chan on our first date
Nta but why did this make me LOL so hard
>girls get the ick and creeped out if a guy actually likes them
Nah just the mentally ill ones with commitment issues who get scared off by a guy being nice to them
So basically the female version version of me jkjk
This is the most retarded justification for dating a hot man, just say you like hot men, we all know it here we all know all women love Chad that's just a fact of life there's no shame and just admitting it, but to say that you can trust a hot man dating you meaning that he chose you? It's just pure cope.
Good thing you were a boyfriend-free-girl, I would marry you too
what are you mad about? I'm not an incel. I learned through trial and error to just give girls enough interest to force them to ask me out instead and want me.
After careful consideration and due to the lackluster performance of the "Why You Should Date a Fat and Balding Guy" podcast, we have decided to shut it down. Despite our best efforts, it didn't resonate with listeners as hoped, and viewership remained minimal. Thank you to those few who tuned in.
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>give girls enough interest to force them to ask me out instead
Okay this is the most based thing you've said so far
Why women sparkle in me a strong sense of cynicism and self-preservation?
What's retarded about it?
A mediocre guy is settling for you because he has nobody else and offering commitment hoping you give him sex in return as you said. A hot guy who is putting effort into the relationship is doing so because he wants to. A hot guy who chose you did so because he wanted you.
Because women are dangerous and unhumanlike.
When she a baddie tho
A hot guy is more likely to cheat because he has more opportunities to do so. The quiet nerdy boy who gets social anxiety and stutters while talking to you won't do that. But keep coping.
i am sensitive and take everything to heart
my issue is I am not good at killing myself yet so that would make a 5th trio to the psychward
i don't want to grow up
I want to be a toys r us kid
I am voluntarily celibate and don't want to have sex outside of a relationship
Not true, I've been cheated on by a not-so-good-looking guy, and a quiet nerdy boy on social anxiety meds tried cheating on his gf with me.

Keep coping tho.
Would this explain why my female friends all eventually developed crushes on me even when I didn't want it.
Lol, you're just lying at this point. What part of quiet=not talking to others=not being able to cheat as a result don't you understand? Anyway, you deserved it and it shows you're too fucking retarded to pick good men.
>i am sensitive and take everything to heart
That's okay, just find a sensitive boi
>I want to be a toys r us kid
This'd be a banger of a first date desu
>female friends all eventually developed crushes on me
Hot guy summer
Nta but if you're decent looking there's literally no point in throwing away a good relationship unless you're just a cheating baatard
It's easy to hook up with hot girls so the only reason to get into a relationship with someone in the first place is cause you want something more with them
>you're too fucking retarded to pick good men
Bro she's literally married to chad
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It is precisely the fact that someone has ample opportunities to cheat on you that it is valuable that they do not cheat. Conversely there is no value in someone who does not cheat on you solely because they do not have opportunities.

Are you actually arguing that you think it's preferable to have a relationship with someone who would cheat on you under the right circumstances versus someone who could instantly cheat on you at any time with very attractive people but never does so due to their love for you?

you are insane
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HOLY DAMN, Indian bros

Bro should've been hired by the FBI
I'm gonna message that lonely girl but I'm bad at talking to them. What to do?
based indian god
he did nothing wrong
Message stacy instead, get some experience in
or just msg her and prepare to fumble
>It is precisely the fact that someone has ample opportunities to cheat on you that it is valuable that they do not cheat. Conversely there is no value in someone who does not cheat on you solely because they do not have opportunities.
Sure, but that's an oxymoron because if a guy can fuck someone who offers it up easily, he will.
Cheating doesn't always mean you get caught though and girls put up with cheating men because he showed that he's still desired.
I am not a hot guy, never call me that ever again, even the ones who developed crushes on me called me ugly.
The part where it's not the reality lol
The quiet guys still have jobs, go to school and will be talked to occasionally.
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Simple effective compliments about her appearance. Not shallow or sexual ones. I'm not giving you a full discourse on how to compliment people figure it out.
>Sure, but that's an oxymoron because if a guy can fuck someone who offers it up easily, he will.
This isn't true, your belief in this arbitrary idea is a symptom of sever mental illness.
Maybe if it goes that way I could just cuddle her at the end of the night
That might be a disappointing end to her birthday party for her lol but I suppose it's better than nothing
Her hair probably smells really nice...
Fuckin chad
you better keep your sexcapades to yourself if you do hit it.
Same, I dated a fat and balding loser and he got an insane ego boost from having a gf and made it his hobby to creep on girls and send pictures of his dick to everyone. Would've been a serial cheater if there were more takers.
>quiet=not talking to others=not being able to cheat
You're talking as if he's got crippling low-functioning social anxiety that will never get better despite having a girlfriend. This scenario is impossible and even if it weren't it wouldn't be healthy or sustainable for anyone involved.
The truth is that as long as he can talk to one girl, he can talk to another.
You're the schizo for believing in some fantasy of a hot guy desired by hundreds of girls who will just stay with 1 girl because of "love" lmao. It's 2024, you girls ruined everything organic about dating and love.
>she let me hit it cuz I'm goofy
Nahh I don't think it's gonna go that way desu. I'm just gonna go with the flow and see what happens but I don't think sex is a good idea
Also how dare you not let me obnoxiously blogpost my life here
Bro was the hentai fat bastard irl
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I'm a guy. You're fundamentally undesirable and project your own foibles on all men fundamentally due to autism (limited thinking and inability to conceptualize coupled with lack of empathy).

Love exists, you will never experience it.
sensitive guy in what way? guys can yell at me and get violent, it's scary. I also want a guy who doesn't bum me out all the time and self sabotage it by feeling unworthy even though he says he wants me.

I used to go to toys r us all the time with my ex. I thought they didn't exist anymore. I love a guy who embraces toys and plushies. I miss giving lots of plushies I only have one now.
Based https://youtu.be/YiVFEtF9_aI?si=cts2Rg2BaS2Po9C9
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>Also how dare you not let me obnoxiously blogpost my life here
I will not hesitate to kill myself.

nah, I'd never kill myself.
You're not. I already had several girls say they love me. Keep projecting, whiteknight beta bitch.
nta where or how do I find a love piled guy? I want it to exist so badly for me, in a romantic sense.
Based lifer
Also that looks yum
>guys can yell at me and get violent, it's scary. I also want a guy who doesn't bum me out all the time and self sabotage it by feeling unworthy even though he says he wants me
Yes avoid all of that plz you deserve better
What kind of plushies do you like?
>I already had several girls say they love me.
Words are cheap. Where are those girls now? They love you right? So they should be with you. Oh. Right. They just said the word "love" to you because it came cheaply to them. Why did it come cheaply to them? Because they weren't really that worthwhile of human beings.
Tbh maybe I will just go to the pub for lije a couple hours and then go home as I'm pretty tired and have a cold. But I will probably get roped into clubbing lol. I'm a simple man I just do what hot girls say
Chad shit, not doing anything and the girls just roping you into hentai anime scenarios .
Well ultimately it is at the end of the day probability. You just have to be social and go out to events with many men fairly often. If you're worthy of love eventually you'll find a guy who loves you, if you're lucky. It's a numbers game to find someone like that, there are only so many people in the world after all.
NTA, I'm the guy who told you to grow up.
I was shitposting but any woman who cannot get over the fact that a man can get violent and snap her neck like nothing is an actual woman child, I can tell you own Sanrio merch. I was shitposting before, but right now when I call you a woman child, I mean it, you disgust me.
The good news is a lot of mens simp instincts go off on girls like you, so you will have no shortage of dating options.
That said how can I avoid all women like you. Is there a one for all cases method or is it case by case?
Not doing anything is my forte
>hentai anime scenarios
Lol I wish
I would have more energy if I bought some coke but like that's probably not a good idea to go to her party on coke
Stop doing drugs you cunt.
Whenever hot girls ask me to do stuff, i think its a set up and decline
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>I can tell you own Sanrio merch
Nta but what's wrong with that?
I love drugs though
But yeah I was gurning hard the night before last, it was pretty bad, I wasn't even tired doing an all-nighter lol
I do it anyway just lamenting that I'm not their pet dog
If a man loses his temper towards a woman or child even once in his life he immediately loses the privilege of being called a man. He's a subhuman. His life has no value in the eyes of God and killing him is not a sin.
Apparently offering blowjobs isn't enough for some people.
stop it you retard, where did you even get coke
he's known in this general for being a closeted homosexual coke addict
Sanrio is for women what entry level philosophy is for men.
You posting Stirner with your text tells me you never actually read him.
No, no it isn't, PIV or nothing, if a woman offered me a blow job and only a blow job I'm spitting in her face and telling her to kill herself.
>You posting Stirner with your text tells me you never actually read him.
I made up my own external morality that I arbitrarily decided I want to impose on others. That's called my ego fucking your ass son.
>stop it you retard
Sorry mommy
>where did you even get coke
Guys I met in the club. I didn't even pay for it lol. I couldn't let good shit go to waste
I also know other guys but I'm not gonna go into that lol
Honestly cocaine should be legalised again (not weed though that's niggerlicious)
Based desu
Who doesn't like blowies
(I mean I presume, as a virgin)
>closeted homosexual
I just have a faggot personality, it's different
>Sanrio is for women what entry level philosophy is for men
What do you mean by this
Why are you so gay
FYI, a "lovepilled" guy would walk away as soon as he notices that you're talking and going out with multiple potential "lovepilled" guys to select the "best" one.
As a lovepilled girl, they're based.
I'm not gay for that, and you're gay for preferring a woman's mouth over her vagina.
based incel
Wrong and the most retarded post I read today.
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>talking and going out with multiple potential "lovepilled" guys to select the "best" one.
This is a turn-on because it shows she's actually proactively looking for what she wants, knows her value and is not just settling with the first guy who gives her attention
Also I like a challenge
Pick me bitch
It's like apples and oranges presumably. There's an appeal to both. Why are you being weird about this
t. brown man that screams at women and children like a baby
>snap her neck like nothing
Doubtful, killers often report that it was an hours-long struggle to choke out some kid or granny. If a guy wanted to kill a woman he'd want a knife or a gun and there's nothing keeping the Sanrio girl from resorting to weapons either.
Nta but based
The only time I've gotten violent with men is when they've been screaming at women/children lol
When she keeps a pistol in her Hello Kitty
>Guys I met in the club
you need to stop going there.
Blow jobs do not compare to a womans vagina, and frankly most girls give shit head, if you're satisfied with eating buttercream instead of a whole cake slice then that's on you.
No, I just date the same way and I think it's the best way to do it.
What, to the club?
But I'm probably going tonight as part of this party
yeah, after going through a few abusive relationships after my one good one and covid I have been anti-social more than I'd like.
>numbers game
oh, if only I was a good asian
I had to get over it because i have been raped and beaten so I can't work anymore. good luck on avoiding people like me.
guy I'm talking to wants me to have hello kitty stuff, it's cute. my nice ex liked hello kitty too.
thank you, anon. i have a unicorn plush now but I generally like animals and fantasy/mythology. I also would like a cute clown one to make me smile and feel silly and how life isn'tall that bad. I usedto have a plush of an anime/manga guy I had a crush on growing up. I also want an eastern dragon.
I want to fuck him so bad
No one does anything the same way in a relationship, you'll learn eventually though sweetie, give it a relationship or two.
I'm gonna do it...
I mean I'm a virgin but me it's more about the intimacy, plus it's just hot
stop doing drugs....
Ok so avoid women with plushies, got it.
I'm married lol
why would a guy tell me he regrets fucking up with me and continue to talk to me if he isn't a better person yet or maybe never

why would he go out of the way to tell me that, to make me feel bad?
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I want to fuck her so bad tonite but it's a bad idea aaaaaah
Does that change a single thing about what I just said?
When we're both dead come find me in Hell and rub it in my face if you and your husband somehow don't go through divorce LOL.
>raped and beaten so I can't work anymore
I'm really sorry anon ): I hope you are getting some support at least
>unicorn plush now but I generally like animals and fantasy/mythology.
Nice! Unicorns are awesome
>cute clown one to make me smile and feel silly and how life isn'tall that bad
Not a clown, but the entire circus...
I think I had a clown plush too as a kiddo I've always liked clowns. (I'm something of one myself...)
>eastern dragon
That would be sick
I have three loves in this life
Anime, women and cocaine
most guys don't think about how their words will affect who they're talking to
tl;dr he's retarded
Find something else to love then.
Like what, golf?
Sure, or music, drawing, sucking dick, sports, heck, I bet a wife, or a child would set you straight, or not, could be a disaster waiting to happen, hmm
I should probably also note that because I have ADHD, cocaine actually relaxes me lol
I already do a lot of this
Want to do this more
I should start swimming again but I'm a lazy cunt
I would actually get clean for a good wife. I love coke but not *that* much
>I should probably also note that because I have ADHD, cocaine actually relaxes me lol
That's cope, get a prescription
>I would actually get clean for a good wife.
Then you could get clean now
>because I have ADHD, cocaine actually relaxes me
it does that to everyone
it's a stimulant but it also suppresses anxiety retard
I've recently begun using my tongue like a gecko to lick food, and more, off my face.
Women would you date a gecko boy.
Nah but like the first time I did coke I deadass took a nap I was so chill lol
>it also suppresses anxiety
Why do you think I like it
>get a prescription
Of what?
>you could get clean now
But I don't have a sexy wife or any prospects
Will send you an email ;)
do you think guys who realize they did wrong actually realize it and aren't trying to just seem like they can change or do they actually sit with it, or was his regret a lie?
I need to reach out to the appropriate programs. I have a picture of his mugshot to remember what he did and how I want to protect myself and be aware of my next relationship.
I stick out my tongue to catch and eat popcorn, I am not sure what you mean by face
>and more
You mean semen? Do you lick semen off your face? Your own semen that comes out of your penis? Do you sometimes happen to accidentally to get your own semen on your face by accident and then lick it off, as a joke? I would appreciate it if you responded immediately
>or any prospects
you turned gay after 6 months?
That's good that you're thinking about it and taking precautions, I hope there is some resolution
Only girls who want hookups/FWB, not relationships ):
Knowing her value and modern woman can't fit in the same sentence.
>Only girls who want hookups/FWB, not relationships
Because of the drugs
women be fucking literal drug addicts, but only a retard would marry one.
It's not like I sell them anymore bro cut me some slack
Something something women bad
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No matter what I do or how tough I become, I'll always be that boy who should not have been having sex with an adult woman. How to not not bawl my eyes out or shoot myself in the face?
>Something something women bad
No, social media and apps bad. Modern women just happen to love those, on average.
1 more week until I
I'm just kidding BTW if police are reading this
>that boy who should not have been having sex with an adult woman
Why not? Women are just people too, sex is a thing that people do
Shit yourself?
The people I see the most shittalking apps and how soulless they are are women though
were you a literal child? deep deep therapy sessions and good friend support and family if you have it. friends can be new found family too. genuinely touch grass and walk on it with bare feet to recharge your mood positively.
I just want to say anyway
>Because of the drugs
The girls I met are separate to this, just regular gals
how do i get a gf who needs sex 3 times a day
Date a horny bitch
that's just reiterating the question
are you calling the girls you meet subhuman?
If I'm on a date with a big girl, can I grab her bellyfat and jiggle it?
How do I prove to myself I am tough and brave enough?
Men would you seriously date a woman with permanent nerve damage and she has back/pain issues and how would you go about breaching the topic of sex if she is worried about you accidentally hurting her?

i can't sleep because it hurts and I have to do light physical therapy exercises now.
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Date girls who are quite sexually aggressive then and not shy to talk about stuff. Hell just straight up ask about their libido if the conversation goes there. You can usually get a feel early into dating if they're the kinda girl who likes fucking a lot. Some girls will just tell you that they're horny lol. You can also try go the FWB => relationship route but results may vary. You people hate sluts though so
other people think you are by still being here and look up to you. let that be a stepping stone.
What? No lol I'm just saying they have nothing to do with the drug scene. They were just regular girls I met in other places, most of them might go for a few drinks on the weekend but that's the extent of their drug use
I will say though that I met most girls through friends and at bars, clubs etc. So there is probably more of a skew towards hedonism and casual sex. Still sucks when you really like a girl but she doesn't anything serious. A lot of guys here will say "dude you hit the jackpot" but if I'm horny I'll just fap lol. I'm too introverted to spend time with someone if it's not going anywhere, I need to build something real
I would yeah. My dad had the same issues Sex wise I would reassure you that I'd be mindful of your pain and go at your pace.
I don't hate sluts but would prefer a lower body count gf because my bodycount is low too.
Yeah of course. I would try to help and support her however I could. As long as we kept communicating, and we could gradually experiment with sex and see what worked. Ofc I wouldn't want to hurt her
She wouldn't date me.
Physical therapy is a bitch, sorry you're going through that.
No, my parents have back issues, I'd be worried that our own children would be at intense risk of inheriting that
How did she get damaged? If a Chad or Tyrone beat her up and now she's expecting me to deal with her used goods baggage, no thanks.
Yeah that's fair dude. Obviously there is some correlation between high libido and body count but it's not always the case. Some gals are sexually repressed lol. Realistically though, if you want a high libido gf, she will probably have sucked and fucked a few guys at least
I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to fap today...
How do I not get a boner when I'm talking to this hottie at her party tonight?
Are you the vector?
Are you going to hook them all on drugs?
I mean there are girls who masturbate like crazy and don't fuck
Wear the chastity cage that your sis gave you.
No wtf lol. Obviously if she was already a cokehead then happy days but I would never hook someone up who didn't already do shit, that's always been my moral line not to cross. I couldn't live with the guilt if I was the instigator and someone popped and didn't stop
Hmm where did I put it...
Wait what
Tru dat. Maybe online or dating apps is easier for finding coomers. Just because they masturbate a lot doesn't mean they'll want to fuck a lot though, just bear that in mind. Also some gals become sex demons in relationships but have low libidos outside. So it's a dice roll desu. As one of my ex-fuckboy friends said you can always use the "try before you buy" approach lol (but that makes you a manwhore too)
Okay, if you're not spreading the drug pandemic, then just meet someone who doesn't do drugs, and then meet their other friends who don't do drugs and just keep doing this until literally no one does drugs
You could be like me and freak the fuck out over stress and alcohol bringing out memories that should stay buried
>meet someone who doesn't do drugs
They don't tend to like me
>keep doing this until literally no one does drugs
I'm too white trash for this to be a realistic outcome, even if I straight edgemaxx
>They don't tend to like me
because of le dugs
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How big of a deal is it if your partner sucks at sex?
I was still a virgin a few days ago (I can't tell her, I'm 34 she will think something is really fucking wrong with me), and we have unprotected sex. I cum after a few thrusts, and after that I have trouble keeping my erection :/
Anxiety makes me hornier though
Even when I'm sober though lol. I'm neurodivergent and I've noticed a looot of druggies are also (probably why they turn to drugs lol)
>we have unprotected sex. I cum after a few thrusts
Is she on a contraceptive...
Also she probably clocked that you're a virgin bud lol, or at least inexperienced. I would just be honest with her, so she can show you the ropes
Also I'm jealous, I always wanted to be taught sex by an older woman
>she will think something is really fucking wrong with me
Bro you're literally fucking, clearly she liked you regardless
meet more ppl then, stop doing drugs
She's 22 and fucking hot
We're in a psychiatric hospital lmao
>meet more ppl then
I don't like meeting though
>stop doing drugs
I like doing drugs though
>it should've been meeeee
Bro just fucking tell her then lol. Crazy bitches love that they're your first. Ask her to teach you what she likes
well stahp it
Tbf I want fo save my pennies more so yeah less coke more stacking paper
I'm hoping the alcohol does the opposite and stops me from getting hard lol. I genuinely think I'm gonna cum slightly if she talks to me though lol. I think I did a tiny bit yesterday just from her touching my leg. That's how hot she is lol
getting rather peeved hearing about mental cases getting gfs
it's all about kooks
We're interesting, sorry bud
She can fix us
Every time I hear a woman describe how awful their boyfriend or husband is, or hear how shitty they are from themselves I just chuckle and go "should have dated me instead lol."
Yessir. I'll die knowing women missed out on me not the other way around.
Fs between the ages 26-32, are you married? single? when is the latest you'd want to be married
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really just can't win as an ugly but essentially mentally stable (boring) man
Married. I never thought much of marriage honestly, I just met my now husband and wanted to marry him.
Man I’m so good at 1on1s, how do I get better at group settings?
Why do I have to love women? Why was I made this way? They do nothing but hurt me or ignore me, but I can't just decide to stop loving them.
Girls what if your bf wants to do a mommy roleplay but with him being the mommy?
Now you see the cruelty that is nature and existence. Sexual selection and reproductive strategies dictate that women are much pickier than men, and naturally value them less. Conversely you are tuned to be hurt by rejection and being alone as it signals danger to your genes
would you fuck qt in the ass if he dressed like a girl
You can still talk to people 1 on 1 in a group. If that's more your speed that's fine bro. I tend to do the same
>but with him being the mommy?
Ohayo, onee-chan~
Yes, I'd do it even if he doesn't dress like a girl.
hammer that prostate so hard he can't do anything but nut
I'm in this post and I don't like it.
Don't take your mental stability for granted bud. Being with a good woman who values you and your stability is 1000x better than any superficial attention from any crazy thot
>You can still talk to people 1 on 1 in a group.
It kinda feels like I'm not sure when to pass the ball around, if you know what I mean.
Also good women value stability above all else (besides loyalty maybe, but I suppose that's part and parcel). They are literally genetically programmed to seek out stability for the safety of themselves and children. You can still learn to be fun and flirty even if you are a ""boring"" guy. Anyway I'm just spouting common sense lel
I think so long as you are not neglecting anyone completely. Like take a step back and observe the group and who is talking to whom and if anyone is left out etc. Genuinely I think this is a very valuable and overlooked skill in group settings as a lot of people get swept up in conversation or trying to be funny or whatever and simply don't remain cognizant of the entire group. Become the obseeeerver. I have had so many convos with gals because I noticed no one was talking to them in the group or they couldn't get a word in edgeways. You can try to squeeze in and make a comment and then segue and hand over to them so they are able to contribute too
>Ohayo, onee-chan~
So is that yes or what?
>Being with a good woman who values you and your stability is 1000x better than any superficial attention from any crazy thot
Well sure but that's like saying winning the lottery is better than a 9 to 5 job
yeah, I'd have him call me daddy too.
>winning the lottery is better than a 9 to 5 job
I mean it is isn't it lel
Sorry to b8 you, I'm a bloke
Gtfo faggots
>Gtfo faggots
we're all fags here, Cutie
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I'm a fag for girls
Thanks bro I'll keep this in mind.
No worries brotha
I also like joke sniping in a group, where you make a dry witty comment after someone says something and get everyone laffin. It's a good way to break the ice especially if you're on the shyer side. Gals like a jokester
>I'm a bloke
I'm gonna ask again when there are more women here
Everytime I enter this thread I want to shove a revolver barrel into my eye and pull the trigger so my brain gets blown open point blank.
Why are you all such gay assholes.
>I'm a fag for girls
and I'm a fag for boys with dicks. uwu
Yeah I'm good at the dry humour shit, it's a big reason why I'm good at 1on1s. I'm also good at taking a joke and laughing at myself.
>I mean it is isn't it lel
yes but it's also so unlikely you don't really consider it as more than a simple fantasy
There are no women on the internet
It's Saturday morning they are all still in Chad's bed
Very good traits
Now that's just straight up gay bro
>They are literally genetically programmed to seek out stability for the safety of themselves and children.
this pretty much just explains the behavior of single moms lol
>There are no women on the internet
What about instagram and tiktok?
>It's Saturday morning they are all still in Chad's bed
I wish I could just be their mommy and they were in my bed
me rn: https://youtu.be/-j6muYHRX90?si=FMmtqWODscx0heYc

Why so unlikely brother? It's what most women want
I mean yes single moms want to get with someone stable lol
Maybe that's why I can't get an older woman to take my virginity D:
Women have made me this way.
That goes for the women too why are they such gay assholes too.
All of you quit being gay assholes.
>Now that's just straight up gay bro
only for you honey
I recently read an MSM article about how women are incredibly cynic about finding love and crushes, like way way more than men.

Why do girls think finding love/crush with a good guy is impossible when they have most choice? Are most girls serial daters?
Women, your bf can't pay for your lifestyle anymore, would you downsize or break up with him?
Because high value men are rarer these days
>Why so unlikely brother? It's what most women want
Good young women who are actually (not just intellectually) seeking stability are less common than young women who want things to be "fun", and they usually still have reasonably high standards for physical attractiveness because they are more valued than sluts.
or your standards are exponentially more strict because you've been surrounded by high value men online and so you must get the highest high value man possible.
Social media induces incredibly warped perspectives and expectations in people.
Because women don't understand producing high value men is a reaffirmation system, men need yo be coddled to produce confidence, if not they just give up, so as womens standards get higher mens gets lower, whuch makes them higher, so men get lower.
Or something. I don't really care. I agree with them, good high value women do not exist so it is all hopeless.
IMO you should aim for the plainest looking girls that you are still attracted to, they are more reasonable because they haven't been inundated with irl attention and special treatment for their entire life
Stability and very physically attractive men don't fit in the same sentence.
single. 35 I guess...
No this is retarded advice.
Do not do this. Especially if you aim really low. Unless by plain you mean 7/10 skinny and pretty but not the best, plain girls as in frumpy sub 5 women HATE sub 5 men. Hot Stacies at least learn to respectfully say no, the more plain the girl the more angry she gets because she hates being reminded she isn't Stacy.
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>they are more reasonable because they haven't been inundated with irl attention and special treatment for their entire life
Can't wait for you to be 40, you'd be so hot.
But it doesn't happen to men
Wow mentally disabled too, he clearly said 32, not 35.
if I had one, I would be open to it. All guys I like are androgynous anyway.
That's more something for women to come to terms with, it seems to be a common problem for women that men who meet their thresholds are not going to commit to them. Personally speaking however I am not just not very attractive, but below average looking which is the core problem lol
>plain girls as in frumpy sub 5 women HATE sub 5 men
I don't think that is true
I would put my dick in a 3 if she wasn't fat and I'm an 8.
What kind of things would you enjoy in that roleplay?
he asked what is the latest we'd like to be married. the age range I am currently is seperate from that
It's of no consequence to men because men don't choose their partners from an array of options, they either get lucky or they don't - in which case they can either accept a subpar partner or stay single. Most men only get a couple of shots per year, if that.
Men's perspectives are just warped in a different way.
That is literally what happened to me all my life. The lower on the popularity scale the more angry they got that I had the audacity to ask them out.
Will you buy me a drink first uwu
Reimu fallen on hard time (or dick)
I suppose women are more likely to get burned by fuckboys? Also modern expectations and culture is a lot. Have a career look as pretty as insta thots settle down by 30 blah blah. I don't envy em
>Good young women who are actually (not just intellectually) seeking stability are less common than young women who want things to be "fun"
I really don't think this is true, the femme fatale party thots are just vocal and more likely to approach you lol
Idk personally I realise it's a complete crapshoot if I get rejected or not so I might as well just hit on the hottest girl lol (who ironically sometimes get approached less)
>inundated with irl attention and special treatment
Well I do like a bratty bitch ngl
They should be positively correlated if anything though?
I do agree that if you're good looking you're held less accountable for your actions and thinks just tend to go well for you even if you make terrible life choices. Probably why I'm such a fuck up
If you're an 8 then it will obviously work but that is the sort of advice that sub 5 men are given, which is why in reality sub 5s need to chase only 7+s.
>Will you buy me a drink first uwu
depends, head?
Hmm... I see. How to use the mayonnaise?
soft and tender hearted love. maybe open up to him wearing a-cup breasts that look real-ish just for the novelty and a satin/silk strappy dress. doing my hair for me, bathing me, cuddles and playing with toys together. making me food and building up my confidence. watching movies like the land before time.
I would kill to be a slave to some hot or semi-hot woman.
current age?
I really just want a mousey self loathing femcel to love and put my big dick into so I can ruin other men for her.
>Men's perspectives are just warped in a different way.

but I like my septum...
too much coom, seeing this much titty is not natural
Oh so just a Chad being a Chad.
Good for you they would prefer that over their looksmatch anyday.
doesn't matter.
yeah you won't get married with that won't-do attitude.
>I really don't think this is true, the femme fatale party thots are just vocal and more likely to approach you lol
Wishful thinking imo. Anyway good, stability seeking women are of course already in stable relationships. That or they're insanely choosy
Christ. don't tell me you're at like some baby fuck age like 18
That sounds perfect. I really wish I was your bf now lol. I will find a girl who is into this and do these exact things
I don't get it, is that a play on the plain thing
I know. I could make her feel so loved and cherished and beautiful. A world of experiences that she could never dream of. Too bad I'm scared of the outdoors.
can fat guys be hot?
as a balding fat guy, according to most girls here, no.
but maybe the balding is what turned them off from me.
Only if the woman is actually mentally ill.
then why did sniperwolf date a fat man? checkmate agnostics
I don't know who that is. :^.
Oh for gods sake man he was her pimp same with that Amourath girl or whatever no woman dates a actual fat guy without ulterior motive.
>too much coom, seeing this much titty is not natural
We guys can handle it fine, don't worry. Just because we consume copious amounts of pornography doesn't mean it lessens our views on women, we still appreciate you as you are
We need to normalize girlies treating us men like princesses. I want a girl to have 2 hands on my waist, 1 hand on my face.
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youtuber, attractive one
That's not fat
yeah but outside america i mean
Yeah, he's fat.
He looks like his bloodflow is allocated mostly towards his gargantuan horsecock.
I'm 6'/155lb and I'm fat, that's extremely overweight
No, he's overweight.
That's what being fat means.
what is 'social proof'?
Social proof is a reference to the value (or perceived value) of a person in a certain environment, based on the interactions with other people in the environment. For example, a guy in a club who has two or three good looking girls surrounding him, would be deemed to have strong social proof when compared to a guy who doesn’t.

Having social proof can make a man seem immediately more attractive to any onlooking females. It suggests that the man is popular, which has set of implications in and of itself self. Someone who is popular is likely to have confidence, good social skills, be fun to hang around with and offer something of value to the group. It suggests that that person is well liked. If a guy is surrounded by girls, it creates pre-selection, in that other girls in the environment can see that the man is clearly attractive, because others girls are already hanging out with him.
I haven't touched my dick in 5 days, I am breathing heavy seeing womens thighs and pretty faces on tv... god damn im down bad rn
As in a pint at The Queen's Head? Sure lad
Same desu
>Wishful thinking imo
Idk man just look at stats. The average woman does not have many partners in her lifetime (not that there's anything wrong with that)
>already in stable relationships
Everyone was single once
Depends how fat
"Hot" is perhaps pushing up but they can definitely be attractive
I mean I've known many fat girls I'd still call hotties (very pretty face, curves etc.) so maybe it does both ways lol
i dont have any, how fucked am i?
There are different levels of 'fat' though
Overweight (usually 'skinnyfat' people, ie people who just dont exercise enough even if their diet is fine)
Fat (people who eat a lot with no real outlet to burn the excess calories, so they start to balloon)
And obese (basically balloon people, "my 600lb life" comes to mind", constantly eat everything in front of them)
Judging by the picture, he would slot into the "overweight" category, but slowly drifting into fat
>very overweight guy
>"That's not fat"
Do Americans really?
I would play vidya with him tho
>a guy in a club who has two or three good looking girls surrounding him
Going out with female friends is easy mode lol for getting girls to approach you
Make some frens
>Everyone was single once
yeah but for how long? the time of availability on the market for women like that has got to be pretty low relatively speaking
>white women are featured in most ads as a beauty standard
people say this is artifical but it seems like every brown race of men honestly prefer them to even their own women, isnt that plus their domination of modelling and acting kind of proof that they are just objectively the most beautiful.
>Going out with female friends is easy mode lol for getting girls to approach you
They can't be ugly or fat though.
>slowly drifting into fat
Bro he is straight up fat lol, maybe not obese but not super far off
The early bird catches the worm
Women are like fish, gotta be in the right place at the right time to catch em or they'll slip through your fingers
reasonably muscular plus an excess of body fat, absolutely, though there's an upper limit. just excess body fat, no base musculature? no.
>Women are like fish, gotta be in the right place at the right time to catch em or they'll slip through your fingers
Which goes back to the initial problem. You've got to be lucky to get one due to the low market availability and tough competition.
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>brown race of men honestly prefer them to even their own women
Because of cultural whitewashing lol
>objectively the most beautiful
Agree to disagree. Some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen were ethnic. The most beautiful woman I ever went out with was black
Lol it helps if they're hotties yeah
Though I think a range of people also makes you look less fuckboyish-is
My best arc was when I was going out with two really hot friends partying sometimes (one was taller than me), just us three. I think other girls in the club assumed I must've had a big dick or something (which I do tbf)
Yeah. That guy is definitely fat and not skinnyfat.
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Oh quit it, women have proven when they say strongfat/dad bod they mean a guy at like 17% body fat at most who looks like he's on roids but lacks the threatening definition that makes him look bigger. Fuck off with this meme, seriously.
femanons, what is the deal between cc and lowcow? why do they hate each other?
Yeah, it's important to note that women only see the attractive dadbod men online. IRL almost everyone is invisible to them.
awesome thats literally me :v) fat with broad shoulders and some mussel underneath
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dadbod begins when his stomach is further out then his pecs
state gender
state the best TES game and why its better than the others
Morrowind because its the only one with SOVL.
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do you think this is 17% body fat and on steroids? this guy made me feral when i first watched.
do men usually say good morning to his group of friends everyday or should I not believe him and think I'm on a list of potential gfs because I am not sure if i should be happy he tell me good morning

I like it but suspicious
stop you're filling me with so much hope i might actually go outside and talk to a woman today.
I say good morning to people I am speaking to in the morning
i am not trying to lie to you and i am sure many women do not feel like i do, but i love guys with exactly the right amount of belly like that. it makes me growly.
Skyrim, because I only play the latest and greatest
God damn women cannot tell body fat percentages for men off sight alone.
Those men are clearly older and have flabbier bodies than most people, they're still at 17% bodyfat though, yes, your problem is you're comparing them to young men who would have them far higher at the same proportions.
Dad bod also only works for women if the men are older, never the same age.
wait are you indians lol
oblivion because it had
>the best environment
>the best main quest
>the assassins guild quests were insanely good
>godly music

once you mod out the dynamic leveling it is great
true maybe I put him on a pedestal in my brain
I only briefly played Oblivion and Skyrim, neither one struck me as good
>ughh!! that's not a dad bod, it's just a fucking DAD, ugh!
...i think you overlooked why we called it a dad bod anon.
There's a beauty to Morrowind that's hard to describe. It shows a bizarre, alien world that still manages to be coherent and believable. The deeper you go, the stranger it gets, especially the stuff written by Kirkbride. Oblivion and Skyrim toned down that aspect of the lore and had much more generic settings in comparison, especially when you read about how they were supposed to be in Morrowind's lore books.
It also makes you earn the power fantasy. It's a chosen one plot like every other TES game (except maybe Oblivion) but when you're new to it, you really feel like you're at the bottom of the food chain. The journey from wresting mudcrabs in the swamp to being a wizard lord who could nuke cities and summon armies is one of my fondest childhood memories.
It has a lot of issues, but it still stands above the rest to me, even more so with mods.
I can't remember the last time I saw a fat guy holding hands with a girl. The fat guys here all have dead eyes and look like they want to kill themselves.
I once saw a morbidly obese guy dating a morbidly obese girl, they looked like the happiest couple I saw in years.
Why the fuck are men obsessed with being in a relationship
That's fair but then really it's just the agepill, then don't go around blaming 43 year olds who date 23 year olds like the conversation above earlier in the thread.
That's all anyone could ask really.
Women are shown the benefits of relationship outside of relationships, but men will only feel those benefits while in a relationship.
not their fault, just how it is
They’re not. Man just want pussy. It’s the woman who always wants to put a label on things and “be serious”.
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It's my dream
Yeah, I got really jealous of them, had an awful rest of the day, knew I would never be as happy as them ever.
Go fuck yourself, we're not doing this again.
You (a woman) don't know what it's like to die of thirst in an ocean, men do.
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would you date him
because relationships are good for your genetic survival
i don't care who dates who as long as they're adults and treating each other well. to be more fair in this conversation, i think i am trying to say "guys very much do not need to look like athletes to be hot". i would not date a blob, but i am not a blob. if our house burned down i could carry my husband out on my back and i would want him capable of doing the same. having belly can be weirdly hot to me, carrying some extra weight in general can be cozy to be held by and nestle into. i can't find a picture of "reasonably chubby guy my age" very easily. there was a very stocky guy at a diner i ate at once with shaggy black hair and i could tell from how he walked/huffed a lot that he was overweight but i thought he was cute and i tried to make conversation but he didn't bite.

i'm just saying the ken-doll-factory-meme isn't true. not that being fat is hot, i'm not an architect.
I enjoyed the power progression too in morrowind and games that have that feeling of getting your shit pushed in at the beginning makes it so much better when you get to end game and annihilate those same creatures. The devs for the gothic games do power progression really well in that sense.
I just want to get fucked into a twitching drooling mess that can't form words anymore.
my dick doesn't work that well and im a virgin but I would totally attempt this
I'm not reading all that, especially after the first sentence, but good for you, or sorry you feel that way, I don't really care.
Because I want to be loved and give love at least once.
why are people arguing about being fat and athleticism, it's already been established that women mainly like hard to change features like height, jaw shape and large wrists
>to get fucked
Why are you gay bottom, anon?
the rest was completely unrelated to the first sentence, but enjoy not having conversation i guess
I'm not arguing for athleticism, I'm just saying that body type doesn't matter to women because usually doesn't mean what they think it does, like everything, I actually agree with you.
he saw qt getting all that attention and now he's jealous.
What if the fat guy was an elite athlete?
I have to date a big girl because if I had sex with a skinny girl I’d probably kill her
Yeah, I went ahead and gave it a pity read, you didn't really say anything new, if anything you've just reaffirmed what I said, you like some level of a gut on a man but not that much really, and you want them to be really really athletic. The problem is I guarantee you that's set to a very hard minimum which may as well be non-existent, the fact remains that at the end of the day even with the photos you gave my point was that it's barely fat whatsoever. What women say when they mean fat is different from what men say, they're not aware that their language is fundamentally different from true language because women don't understand how to speak verbally, but they're also limited in actions so outside of your mind everything is incomprehensible to you and everyone else which is the problem with all women but that's a whole other story so we're done here.
jesus, you really hate women
I find a little belly on girls to be hot too as long as they arent fridge mode with a hank hill ass
Understanding women tends to do that, yes.
That's the beauty of it. I would love to completely ruin a mousey girl.
how much do you bench? are you some type of power athlete or what
disclaimer: you are talking to an egotistical liar
Once did a girl who was built like a fridge exactly the way he describe the bad ones to be, probably the third or fourth best sex of my life then again all the others who surpassed her actually put an effort instead of just lying there like dead fish. Sadly the problem with these girls isn't really their bodies it's the fact that you can tell that they're rather abusive and not great people to be around for long periods of time eventually I learned that too.

What do you do when you’re in a relationship, and another man appears in your life (work) and you feel this strong chemistry toward him? How do you not act on that chemistry and stay loyal?
I lost 15 lbs, only 10 to 15 more to be 95-100lbs
Good job!
because i am not a cheater.
I lost my virginity to a girl who was a rape victim. She had no ass, and fridge body. It was a terrible experience. I thought sex was suppose to be fun and relaxing. But it was high stress for me. The girl was very serious, and I think she wanted me to harm her. She had me fuck her from behind and was telling me (very strongly) to squeeze the back of her head and force her face to the pillow while she was screaming for me to fuck her harder. The tone in her voice was not good. I was so stressed out I didn’t even cum
Having a midnight double shot espresso, lets see how this plays out! FUN!
Yeah, I’m asking what your technique is? Like, new guy at work. You think he’s hot. And you feel a strong pull toward him whenever you’re around him. What is your technique to prevent falling for it?
All right well in my case she was the abuser not the one who was abused. I know that feel of not wanting to be too rough though, as well as how stressful things can be during stuff like that, sounds more like it was a negative experience due to personality issue which again these women really have, then it was the body like I said.
You're crazy hahaha
you don't get it. it doesn't matter if i am 100% weak to his charisma or whatever he has going on. i'm not cheating. if my boyfriend leaves me, then i'd probably admittedly be excited to snag that rebound, but there's no world where i betray a person i love.
He's a lying cuck manlet lol
It was awful for me. I didn’t cum, I was so stressed. She did cum really hard tho. I felt her body tense up, she let out a loud moan, and then kind of pushed me off and rolled over in bed and looked at the ceiling with this really serious look. That kind of frightened me. She asked me if I enjoyed, I said yes because I was scared. But I really didn’t. Infact, that was my only experience with sex. I haven’t done it since, this happened 6 years ago.
Would you socialise him to be a backup partner who's going to be there if your current relationship fails?
Wtf, did you not read? I’m not saying you will cheat. I’m just asking what you do to prevent falling for his spell
I am not a cheater. there is no technique.
Why even get married, the legalization process that is.
We could have a wedding, but why obsess over the gobernment recognizing us as officially together.
I'm a horny person yet I;m afraid to get close to people in general let alone have sex with someone. As a male I feel pathetic for it and don't know what's wrong with me. Like the few chances I get to have friends, or even romantic partners I just start feeling really afraid, anxious and eager to flee and because of it I'm now 36 years old super virgin with no friends, connections or romantic experience. Should I just accept my life as a forever alone or is there someway I can be fixed?
no, that is cheating.

is that something you can control? i don't know if you can. why does it matter if you find someone super charming? finding someone exciting or fun or charismatic is fine. the consequence of that isn't sex.
Female friends? Nah unless I was trying to rizz. But then I'm not very social or text much
I dated a guy who cheated on me and left me and I had a male coworker I liked as a person to a degree approach me and consoled me. that isn't cheating and came naturally. I didn't socialize the guy or talk to him incase my relationship failed. the answer is no.
>no, that is cheating.
I don't mean having sex with him but rather being on good terms and staying in touch "platonically", in case you'll need him at some point in the future.
I see it pretty often here lol. Fat dudes with pretty gfs
Because I'm a sappy cunt who can't do casualshit
If I like you I want to marry you innit
Can you handle it?
go to therapy for imposter syndrome.
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men, could you love a girl who isn't your type?
i don't like the kind of girl i am. putting aside paranoia about the honesty of guys liking me for me or for reasons i feel are wrong, is my only hope of a guy loving me finding someone who finds my body exactly his type?
Bro if you lose weight and become more athletic you will become much more attractive especially if you have good genetics
I definitely got hit on more back in my sports days
Say what
>would you be friends with him?
yeah, probably. i like guys in general, if he'd be my friend i would be his.
>would you pathologically put him in a "next in line" category in case you ever are single again
that's psychopathic and again, cheating. no.
Friday night babyyy
I did this then fell asleep lol
I mean, I agree desu
It's a nice ceremony but really idgaf
I like the statement though, that you are commiting to someone for life
You can fix yourself and improve but yeah being horny doesn't mean you're social lol
I don't have a type. :^1
what? really? do you not do the X/10 thing either? what made you this way?
I don't really have a set type so sure
If she cute she cute
>36 years old
its over lad. Is it possible that you could have sex still? Yes. But what is the point? You're past your prime. Any woman you take to the bed would have been with over a dozen men. You will only feel stressed and threatened knowing this. It is not worth the stress at your point in life to even bother with sex anymore.

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>considering fapping so I don't think so much with my dick tonight
>realise I'll probably be horny anyway cause she's just too hot
Maybe I shouldn't fap and conserve my energy levels
>if he'd be my friend i would be his.
your bf wouldn't like that. Men and women aren't friends. That man wants to fuck you
Jack it, live blog it too, post what you're using.
>men, could you love a girl who isn't your type?
After seeing how women friendzone men who aren't their type, no. We're not a charity and obesity really needs to go away. The body positivity movement has wreaked enough havoc already.
Yes, as I don't have a set type. If you're cute, you're cute, regardless of your body type, hair color, eye color, facial features, skin color and so on.
What a load of defeatist bollocks lol. He can always date girls in their 20s. Who cares if they've had a few lays before?
>post what you're using
My hand?
Idk I feel like I should converse my essence for hot boy summer
im a 30 year old virgin because I would fap before every opprotunity i had for sex in my 20s, and after fapping, I had 0 interest in meeting up with the girl, so I would cancel the dates.
>My hand?
go on, elaborate, go in detail on how you're using it and what porn you're watching
I used to do this too when I used apps lol. But I think it's good. Better to save fucking for your future wife
then me and my boyfriend would talk about it and figure out something that works for both of us.
Hes 36 years old. He's not going to be able to get a late 20s gf. He has no friends either. That is a huge fucking red flag for women. a 36 year old virgin with 0 friends?

Making new friends is really fucking hard in your 30s. He will be 40 years old before he could actually accomplish that. No woman wants a 40 year old virgin bf.
Gymbro blog incoming

Took my female friend to gym showed her couple movements and basics of good lifting technique
She was creeping, staring and commenting on scantily clad girls at gym and made me uncomfortable.

End of blog.
My gf and I hardly text or anything when we’re not together and it’s starting to make me feel weird
Every other girlfriend I’ve had or girl I’ve dated texted me quite a bit, especially if they really liked me
I’m to the point where I’m wondering how much she even likes me
We were together Wednesday and talked about hanging this weekend. She’s on call tonight and said she might be able to but she definitely can tomorrow. So she said she’d let me know
But I’m usually the one to text first. Not always but most times.
We haven’t talked since yesterday morning. And I’m basically just not gonna reach out and wait to see if she gets ahold of me.
But I have a feeling she won’t. And if I don’t hear from her today I’m basically just gonna start assuming she doesn’t care about me that much and that I’m just a temporary thing for her or just something to fill the space until someone better comes along.

Am I stupid or childish for thinking this way?
>figure out something that works for both of us
The only thing that would work for him is that you have no contact with this man outside of work.
> men, could you love a girl who isn't your type?
Women. Men take what they can get. They don't have the luxury of rejecting every woman who doesn't exactly match their exacting preferences.
The ones who think this is how it works for men simply remain incels.
If a guy has asked you out, then you are good looking enough for him.
>She was creeping, staring and commenting on scantily clad girls at gym and made me uncomfortable.
is she bi? What would she say
What's imposter syndrome?
>You can fix yourself and improve but yeah being horny doesn't mean you're social lol
But how? I've never been able to overcome that fear all this time before
well shit.
you aren't my boyfriend. you don't know that. we also don't know the third party here. doing a fucking hypothetical argument roleplay is retarded.
No, I could never love a woman who isn't my type.

My type is a woman who has a warm heart, who is disappointed with how harsh the world is so she makes an effort to share her own kindness with others, to those she's close to and even to those who are complete strangers. My type is a woman who has an open mind, who knows that she'll never know everything, but who whose curiosity compels her to keep learning and exposing herself to new ideas. My type is a woman who is hard working, who shows dependability and reliability and commitment in her goals, from things like taking care of herself to things like not giving up on her dreams. If I find a woman with these then what else am I lacking? If I find a woman without these then what am I bothering for?
but would you love her or are you just settling for a warm body?
I decided against fapping but uhh I would stroke my hand up and down my dick and I'd probably fap to a pretty gyaru
>Hes 36 years old. He's not going to be able to get a late 20s gf
Why not? I know loads of coupled where the guy is in their 30s and the girl in their 20s. Or he could take the MILFpill
It's not that hard to make friends when you put yourself out there. All it takes is befriending one or two extroverts than you can expand your circles. I'm a reclusive cunt but have gone from friendless to a lot of acquaintances several times in my life
>She was creeping, staring and commenting on scantily clad girls at gym and made me uncomfortable
Based friend
This is why I liked being friends with bi/lezzer girls, we could perv over babes together when we were out
>or is there someway I can be fixed?
You've had 36 years anon.
If you could have, you would have.
i can't tell if this is hope fuel or virtue signalling, but thanks either way i guess. i find it hard to believe guys don't have a strong preference for how a girl looks.
>Any woman you take to the bed would have been with over a dozen men
This really isn't an issue though?
what you're going through. just look up imposter syndrome.
Personality type or body type retard, those are two different things, which is it, because your post starts off vague then specifies something else.
She says she is.
She would say "damn shes hot" as a girl with a nice ass walked past, or was busy on leg curl machine and stared intensly at a hot girl who was using a machine in front of us, joking that shes recieving the motivation
>well shit.
read the article i sent.
>Why not? I know loads of coupled where the guy is in their 30s and the girl in their 20s
Those 30 year old men were not virgins.. that make a huge fucking difference.
>It's not that hard to make friends when you put yourself out there
it IS hard when you're in your mid to late 30s. Most people already have their social circles well developed by this age. Many people are married and have kids, and don't have time to spend with friends, let alone finding new friends.
32yo kissless virgin here

Its decidedly over
NTA but I haven't "rated" a woman's body since I was 19. I did it to banter with some friends, I immediately felt like I had done something wrong, and I haven't done it since. Either your body/face appeals to me or it doesn't, I'm not going to compare you to someone else or reduce you to a number.
yes it is. How is it not an issue?
I don't and never have settled, and even that wasn't enough my ex who was just my type ended up being the worst, but I still love my type, I only doubled down further on it and just consider her bad luck I have to watch out for and shit test for redflags in future women.
i was not aware guys had types for personality. you guys don't talk about it very much.
It's been over for most men since middle school. They just spent years coping that they would somehow become rich or famous and girls would finally love them.
NTA but for most guys, a requirement is literally 'just don't be X' with X usually being fat.
If you consider this to be a strong preference, then I guess we have a strong preference.
We should grab all the single men in this thread and move in together.
id call that a dealbreaker. i still find it hard to believe guys don't have ANY preferences outside of dealbreakers, unless you're just saying who you'd bone, and again, i'm talking about LOVE.
Just don't be annoying or a mean bitch. A lot of you are too entitled and fail at that though.
We don't talk about tomboys or goth girls very much?
And what would that fix exactly?
Im comfy in my tiny cheap studio, alone.
You clearly don't spend enough time on male threads.
No I won't specify which those are, but generally we do get into arguments about types, sometimes other men will even entre those threads just to start shit and call us gay or femdom fags for liking certain kinds of women.
For me. I actually did have opprotunities for sex im my 20s. But I didn't really like the girls who liked me. There were a few times where I actually considered sleeping with them, but I remember some advice someone told me. "fap before any big decisions involving women". So i would fap before deciding to meet with them, and every single time, after fapping, I realized I had 0 interest in actually being with these girls. Now, today at almost 30 years old. I'm a virgin still.
NTA but love comes from us loving a woman's mind, loving a woman's heart, and loving a woman's soul. The body is just a vehicle to help us get to know your mind, heart and soul. A sexy vehicle...
Why would it be an issue?
If she's going to compare me to other guys she had, that's on her, not me.
I'm here to enjoy my time with her as she is now and I'm not going to think about other men while doing that.
as someone who could qualify for both, you literally always describe those as a fashion aesthetic + willingness to fuck casually and do things you like, not as a personality.
>Too high standards

Yep, its over
Wow you really don't go into those threads.
No you don't qualify for both either.
Because it is aesthetic.
I have female friends who listen to heavy metal music and they all could be classified as goth and have different personalities.
I respect goth tomboy supremacy.
I think the girl I’m dating intentionally doesn’t text or takes a really long time to respond to subtly communicate that she’s not that interested

Is this silly?? When we’re together she’ll tell me she likes me a lot. But other than that she rarely ever texts me first
anon just tried to say they were personalities, kek.
Women, do you love men without the n ?
Depends. Physical type isn't going to be a big factor in that.
Your personality and interaction will.
I wish I was a girl so I could be a lesbian...
ren is pretty nice dude, used to date him, but he moved away, sad.
Anyway you did not directly answer my question, did you mean personality or body type?
Because if it is body type, literally no man on the planet cares.
I loved a girl who had a fridge body that didn't love me back at all but I didn't know it at the time, I have thrown around skinny petite under 4'7 girls like something out of bad womens erotica, now--
Let me clear here, I do have a preference.
All men have preferences.
I love fat asses, the best sex I ever had was with women with a fat ass, but that didn't make me any less eager to tongue and finger petite girls assholes.
Even felt attracted to obese girls before, though just ONCE.
So what you need to understand is that no, no men don't give a shit.
Also your views on men are really fucking shallow goddamn.
Anyway I'm going to insult you further and tell you to shut up and never speak of this again, but that's only because you're retarded, and I need to hammer home the fact that you should not change yourself for anyone.
I live in nightmare mode, I'm ugly, and I'm constantly getting mixed signals when I see my types in the wild of what they want in men, so I'm constantly scared they won't like me back, yet I will never change myself, or what I do, for anyone ever.
Get over it you fucking pansy.
No, I'm also talking about love. Can't speak for others, but I was taught that love comes in all shapes or size.
As long as I gel with her it's all gucci
Men, this guyvwho wanted me to be his gf is still talking to me. He has worries about passing on bad genetics but wants to have a kid deep down. He blames his life for not giving him what he wants. Doesn't he have to fight for it if that were true?

He said that if he dated someone that they would already had a kid with someone else or the woman not want kids, or if the relationship ended in an accidental pregnancy.

Does he just need to get over himself? It sounds like he is just hurting himself. I'm sure he could find someone who doesn't want kids or already has one but wouldn't taking plan b be a solution after if there was an accident during sex?
>What do you do when you’re in a relationship, and another man appears in your life (work) and you feel this strong chemistry toward him?
Nothing. Try to avoid him if possible.

> How do you not act on that chemistry and stay loyal?
I'm not a whore and I love my husband, I'd never purposely do anything that hurts him.
You can be a transbian :^)
i meant body and aesthetic because i didn't know guys had strong "types" in personality outside of like, hentai categories.
>your views on men are shallow
sorry, i'm trying to learn. i haven't had any opportunity to really get to know you guys. i don't know how you work, which is why i ask questions.
>i live in nightmare mode, i'm ugly, i'm constantly scared
that sounds really rough. i'm sorry anon, i hope you find someone who sees past all of that and lets you love her without you having to worry about it being rescinded ever. good luck man.
I believe in the institution of marriage and I appreciate the legal and financial benefits that come from it.
Good for you anon. You should never settle.
common mistake but completely wrong
I concede that I kekked
>She was creeping, staring and commenting on scantily clad girls at gym
She's just like you.
Yeah, men are very stupid and this one should have really figured out what he wants to do in life. His confusion is illogical, he is weak and lacks the determination to be a father and a husband. No wonder you friendzoned him.
>Doesn't he have to fight for it if that were true?
Imagine you're a fully functional teenager and you wanted to play a professional sport when you grow up. However, you get into a freak accident and all of your limbs were cut off.
Would you fight the desire or give up?
What's with all the crabs in a bucket demoralisation today?
>guys don't have a strong preference for how a girl looks
Guys will say "I lime x y a z type" but as soon as an attractive girl charms us that goes out the window lol
>Those 30 year old men were not virgins
Some were late bloomers/inexperienced though
>it IS hard when you're in your mid to late 30s
Well okay, maybe it's harder, but it's not impossible
I know loads of people in their 30s who aren't married to their partners and don't have kids and still go out all the time
Gymbro you could probably get laid with a gym bunny next week if you really wanted to kek
inb4 sausagefest
I wouldn't mind if a femanon kidnapped me though
Stop being so fucking neurotic anon.
What a cruel lens to view someone through.
>I wouldn't mind if a femanon kidnapped me though
You get the transmasc lesbian femanon instead. :^)
>He blames his life for not giving him what he wants.
That's a loser right there.
Is it really that irrational tho
I’m usually always the one to text first or initiate plans
Last weekend she did say she wanted to hang during the week but that’s pretty much it. Or she’ll usually tell me she wants to see me again soon when we’re in person
But I won’t hear from her otherwise
I’m just not used to it
Well a lot of men still settle for the basics, but I have never really seen someone who didn't also look quite as basic settle for such, but yeah we do.
In general men and body types aren't something you gotta worry about. At least with being a woman, toning down, or bulking up within reason always works, and if it isn't enough for the guy, tell them to fuck themselves and break it off there and then unless you also want to do more for yourself.
Me personally? No, I don't recall doing that myself.

I'm not into goth girls. To me, goth girls are all about personality. It looks like it's about rejecting the world and rejecting society. I like to criticize the world and criticize society, but with the goal of improving them and living in them. It looks like it's about being dour and snarky. I like to joke about how horrible life is too sometimes, but there's beauty in life as well. It looks like it's about being pessimistic and fatalistic. I know we're all going to die someday, but I'd like to focus on how we can live in the meantime.

I am into tomboyish girls. For me, tomboyish girls are all about the personality. Being someone who dislikes things she's "supposed" to like and who likes things she's "supposed" to dislike isn't just a source of shared hobbies and interests, but rather if she's ever felt like an outcast who couldn't fit anyone's expectations for her then she'll have some common ground with me, and I'll be more quickly able to trust her with my sensitive and hidden sides. Rejection of strict gender roles isn't some sex thing, it's about an openness to question the world's structure, and willingness to look to any group of people for ideas to try new things that work for you. Minimal makeup and practical clothing aren't about aesthetics, they're about the desire to return to our roots and be out roughing it in nature and having fun in the wilderness and getting covered in dirt and sweat.
Facts are not demoralisation.
You ever think about how maybe the world really ended in 2012?
Hi, femanons, do you consider yourself munchable?
Texting is meaningless, how often you do or do not meet up in person is what matters.
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>I remember some advice someone told me. "fap before any big decisions involving women"
These are words of a wise man..
She's probably just introverted and not a big tester
She clearly likes you painter boy
Double the boobs, double the fun
>Doesn't he have to fight for it if that were true?
Yes, he sounds like a defeatist depressed bastard, many such cases
>Does he just need to get over himself?
Also yes
Is this zoomer speak for tomboy
Maybe she likes you being the more dominant one taking the lead? Idk some girls are like that
>still go out all the time
With their friends that they already have.. they don’t go out alone
There are definitely femanons in this thread that'd date Chud.
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Specifically, THE Chud
We see eachother twice a week usually
She has made jokes about other shit saying “I want you to lead me,”

But anyway she said she would let me know about this weekend. She’s on call tonight and may be able to hang out but we agreed on tomorrow if not.
But I’m not gonna reach out. Literally just going to see if she contacts me
Men, would you be ok having a girl with an eating disorder or should I continue trying to fix stuff before I look for that?
What kind of eating disorder?
No, thanks.
Underweight? Sure. Would cook for you.
Please please please fix that for your own sake, regardless of what men do or do not want.
This does not embolden me one bit, Chud facemogs me, at least on the right where he got photographed with a professional camera, he has far stronger eyes, cheek bones, and styling than I do.
It was a paradigm shift into the Age of Aquarius. The world only ends when (You) die.
This is the part where I say men don't care again, and it becomes even darker because there is the implication that I would not care if you fix it or not, but yes. Don't care which it is or isn't, yes.
>toning down, or bulking up within reason always works
Also maybe this is just me but if you have a pretty face you can get away with being fat lol
It's not really facts though is it? You're basically saying "hurr durr it's over because reasons"
Yeah and they meet other people in those settings and befriend them
>see eachother twice a week usually
I mean, for an introvert that's plenty. I probably wouldn't text much either outside of our meetups. Because, y'know, work and chorin' and hobbies
Yeah, I dated a girl with an eating disorder who was obsessed with keeping an hourglass figure, really liked her tho. Was just sad not being able to take her to McDonald's often but besides that, didn't have a bearing on anything
>inb4 you moids only like skinny girls then complain about them not eating!
Nah I like chubby girls too lol
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Hubby... :3
male privilege is being to give yourself a haircut
Also this plz: >>31526620
Eating is important babe. I had a friend who had it bad (purging every day etc.) and she saw a specialist (I appreciate this is a luxury if you can afford it) and did this self-help stuff, and got amazingly better over a couple of years. We'd go for dinner together and she'd eat loads lol
No it's not.
White foid hands typed this post.
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Male privilege is going to the salon and the hairdresses make a big fuss over your curls
>tfw you will never be a femanon's dog
> should I continue trying to fix stuff
The stress of relationships will only exacerbate any problems you have.
>and the hairdresses make a big fuss over your curls
That's chad privilege you cunt
A buzzcut is not a real haircut.

The only real true male privilege in 2024 is that we can use public toilets and other people's toilets without touching the seat. Women, you jealous?
oh, ok
For me it's extra 500 maintenance calories per day.
Yes if it's anorexia. Bulimia, I honestly can't deal with you have to take a time out to throw up.
Meh, I've been complimented for my fashion and hair before by women, but I'm ugly, they just mean it in a friendly fashion, Chad privilege is getting ACTUAL cat calls and not compliments like
>Hi cutie
>Hey you look like you got a fat cock, wanna prove me right?
>Omg my friend thinks you're so hot!
I'm actually Asian
Better luck in next life :[
It balances out, because women have those tiny bitch stomachs, they need less food to feel satisfied.
They can eat 2 slices and feel the equivalent pleasure of a guy eating 6 slices.
Fuck u
Damn asian women took the dogpill too?!
Bros... we just can't compete with the BKC big knotted cock... it's so over.
>I continue trying to fix stuff
Please do that first if only because you don't need extra stress at this point.
Extremely, actually.
No, it’s knowing I could kill someone with a well placed elbow strike
Pfft, you can kill someone with a pencil.
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The pencil I have attached to my body was designed for loving women thoughbeit
Slices of what?
Woman be sleeping with chads and they go around and do this to your ass
Male priviledge is to go die in a trench on a war that doesnt benefit him in a slightest
>Damn asian women took the dogpill too?!
Long time ago yes :3
Dogs are majestic animals...in every way really lol
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Which breed of big dog should I buy :3
I've been planning for months now...
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Do you want a daughter or a son?
Women can do that too in the most advanced countries.
>benefit him in a slightest
Where's your patriotism? What country that you hate your fellow citizens?
NTA but you're right, male privilege is the idea that you can survive that pencil strike, and it strikes fear into men and women besides you into thinking you're unkillable which then creates the opening for you to kill them with an elbow strike, they'll be too afraid to even defend themselves.
Those ones are stupid, aggressive little shits.
Son thanks to that pic it seems I have a perfect excuse to say I want a sun now anyone who replies with a daughter is going to sound creepy.
Do NOT buy a Chow if you ever intend to have children.
He's from Poland but he moved to the Netherlands because he doesn't care about Poland. If Poland got invaded next then he would laugh about it in between gym sessions.
I admit, it does feel that way especially the anixity, whenever I get praise I always think "Why? what I did wasn't very good and I'm sure someone can do it better than I could". That's always been apart of my life

wait, is it truly over?
No. I'm pointing out that TA has had 36 years.
That's a long time anon. Even if we take out the first 15 years, that's still 2 entire decades. This is a fact.
People have prosecuted wars and built empires in less time.
So if TA could possibly have developed relationships and gotten laid at some point within those decades, he would have. This is also a fact.
He hasn't because he is in-capable. If he were capable, he would at some point have been successful. This is an inference.
He can not form relationships, and his future continues to look just like his past. Not only can he not form relationships and get laid, he will not. This is a prediction based on the inference.
Good. My hubby should protect me :3
I'm not, chow chows are cute as well but they have zero energy
I wouldn't worry about it she clearly intends to have pups not kids.
>chow chows are cute as well but they have zero energy
hes literally me....
Wait, that's not a Chow, is it? What kind of dog is that?
Try going to the salon bro the babes there are very friendly (these days I just go barber's though to save my pennies)
>Chad privilege is getting ACTUAL cat calls
I wouldn't call this a privilege lol. Getting complimented is obviously much nicer
>Better luck in next life :[
reroll! dog20
>for an introvert that’s plenty

I wonder if she’s actually an introvert. We were talking and I told her she seemed really extroverted and she laughed and basically said if I told any of her friends that they’d laugh because she’s really not.
She is like really charismatic tho and gets along with everyone.
I’m not saying the no texting is a bad thing. She does work 3 jobs and is super busy. I’m just not used to it I guess. Most girls I’ve dated texted me a lot when we weren’t together and I just figured most girls were like this when they really like a guy.
But again I am also just extremely insecure about shit.
My friend told me I need to explicitly ask her if we’re exclusive and that my “sounds like you have a new bf” joke wasn’t direct enough.
She uses snap chat and shit like that tho and I am nagged by a fear that she’s texting other guys and just doesn’t respond to me

Either way we’ll see if she reaches out. I’m afraid she won’t. lol. Literally just mentally preparing myself for things not to work out
I haven't been catcalled in so damn long.
Male privilege is going from asleep to out the door in 8 minutes.
Idk I hung out with a mini girl who could put down more than I could at McDonald's
Some of em got those bottomless pit stomachs
They are unintentionally bitey. They're guard dogs.
my type is a girl with a dumptruck ass
I could do that. I just don't want to.
Not the Poland part, but not caring about your country's culture, history, being part of it. It's like you don't have a place to call your home.
One which doesn't smell bad, or shed hair.
>goth girls are about rejecting the world and society
>tomboys are about rejecting the things she is "supposed" to like
>we're supposed to like the world and society
can you understand how that lines up really neatly from my POV? anyway, i think your descriptions are fair but kinda specific. that's the most normal and healthy way people end up in those niches, but a lot of the time, or at least in my case, there's damage involved. i like goth music firstly because it makes me feel good. music is a huge part of my life, and i like the many layers of sounds in goth music. it's the same reason i've been getting into shoegaze lately. i also find the dark and cold and melancholy atmosphere very comfortable mostly because of how i grew up, it's very familiar to me. i don't know why, but i think after a person experiences a LOT of X in a bad way, a small amount of X is really relaxing. maybe it's just me. the whole rejecting society is moreso me feeling rejected and abandoned by society. a place was not made for me here, so when music talks to that feeling, i can hold to that. it's not like i'm having a rebellious phase and choosing to be apart, i just am apart. that's the same reason i wound up a tomboy (though this is diagnosed by other anons over the years.) my mom didn't do shit as a mom, i never learned makeup, i never learned fashion, i never learned "girl stuff", so when i moved out i had to figure out how to do shit on my own. womens clothing sizing is RETARDED, so most of my closet is unisex or one size fits all. makeup is something i'm learning because i don't want to be unable, but i feel weird wearing much. funny enough, the SUPER intense goth makeup that's all these big spikes, nearing juggalo territory, that appeals to me more than learning foundation and contour. i think it would be fun and not be "my face but weird", it's a whole mask, which is cool.

uh, i just talked about myself pretty much, i don't know if i have a point. sorry. i'm lonely.
It's our fast metabolism and possible thyroid issues. I do that and I still get BITCH, EAT A SANDWICH.
This but she's a 3 and has an ugly face but I love her regardless because she's beautiful to me.
>tfw accidentally broke like three beakers this month alone from bumping my ass into carts at work
I was thinking earlier, how much less do small girls need to eat compared tall girls?
To be fair, Poland's economy is really shitty. Men like money.
Girls, would you like a guy to lick his semen off your face?
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>Try going to the salon bro the babes there are very friendly (these days I just go barber's though to save my pennies)
To attractive chads like you, nigga!
jk, the place I go to to get cheap cuts has a girl that's very friendly, plus she gets it when I tell her to not talk to me.
her cuts kinda suck though, but it doesn't really matter since I'm already ugly.
mmmm baby
These dogs end up disabled, unable to walk.
>Get laid within a week
Oh yeah?
Lay out the plan then
Can't help you there, I'm sort of tall. I would think that doesn't matter as much. Maybe for bone stuff.
Bitches been hating honest niggas.
Look again this is the whole drowning in the ocean versus dying of thirst in the desert thing, I assume you're a woman so you like getting actual compliments over cat calls, but as a man and an ugly one at that, having my fashion sense and hair being praised is nice but I would rather have a girl call me handsome for once in their lives or tell me that I look like I have a big dick and want to see it for themselves.
Yeh, a lot of the cute dogs have been genetically modified out the wazzo and require expensive surgery as they get older.
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"Chanel curtains" got me rolling bruh
>in every way really lol
The whole 9 yards and 5 legs
>Which breed of big dog should I buy :3
I'm on sale woof woof
Dad outta pocket for this one
He gon chow down
>TA has had 36 years
Bro was just procrastinating
>told her she seemed really extroverted and she laughed and basically said if I told any of her friends that they’d laugh because she’s really not
She probably just has good social skills then and makes an effort
People have also told me I seemed like an extrovert and that couldn't be further from the truth lol
oii luv, shower us yer tits
When you need an 8 minute shit tho
my type is a girl with a dumptruck and forklift certified
Mini girls got that compacted digestion system, like German engineering
I don't think there's any difference lol
>she gets it when I tell her to not talk to me
I mean I don't mind a chatty babe but sometimes you get an introvert hairdresser who doesn't talk and you're like yh you're a real one for that
>To attractive chads like you, nigga
Idk just git gud :P
>her cuts kinda suck though
Bro got that bowl hair haircut rizz

Big butt
Average face but cute when she smiles and laughs
Small to flat chest
Wide hips

Pic not related
Cute for a man, weird for a dog
German shepherd:3
Then suggest some better but similar dog breed :/
>probably just has good social skills

i appreciate you being so positive
despite how well everything is going Im still sitting here waiting for her to just cancel or ghost or tell me she doesn't think we should see eachother anymore
i talked to a couple friends about this and they told me I'm being way too paranoid and retarded and that she seems really invested
1. Go to gym
2. Notice hottie girl checking you out
3. As you're leaving say hi to her and that honestly you thought she was really cute and if you could get her number
4. Ask if she wants to go someplace for dinner
5. Take her back to the gymbro crib
6. Fuck her right in the pussy
I genuinely think that you could do this in at some point this summer if you really wanted to
How short and what skin color?
Those require a lot of mental stimulation and exercise to keep them happy. Lots of property to walk on and stuff to chew on. Or they'll chew your shoes up and stuff. They are not leave at home dogs. They also shed a lot.
>I assume you're a woman so you like getting actual compliments over cat calls
Nah I'm a guy but I have been catcalled by hags in their car and drunk girls walking back from the club before
It's not very nice
Get a Yorkshire terrier, they are cute, and being British it'll rizz all the American girl dogs
I can bench my own body weight 220lbs and squat/dead x1.5 my own body weight pic rel is dyel asf taken ages ago lol
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>Bro got that bowl hair haircut rizz
like actual bad hair cut, not a bad hairstyle, lol.
uneven cuts and stuff, but it's cheap and close and I don't give a shit about myself.
So which one then
York terrier is small dog
I only love big dogs :3
Dont like getting my legs blown off for israel while rich people are hanging out on yachts in dubai

Sorry not sorry
In case of all out war you can find me somewhere in jungle in south east asia
Switch bodies with me, right now, women only ever compliment my style and fashion, I NEED WOMEN TO GROPE ME AND BEG FOR COCK AND TELL ME I LOOK HANDSOME.
>actual bad hair cut, not a bad hairstyle, lol
Why don't you see another lass then? Might as well make your pennies count
>cheap and close and I don't give a shit about myself
Ah that's fair enough lel
The girl who cut my hair the best was this alt chick at one place who didn't talk very much
Then at my old local hairdressers sometimes I'd get this chatty blonde bimbo who didn't always do a great job cause she was too busy chewing my ear off, but she was cute so I allowed it
Sometimes I wish I had it in me to get fat and be a powershitter. Oh well, ottermode 4 life.
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anfIpsSVyuc
Chad shit.
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King Shepard. Smarter and less aggressive.
i really want a woman to come up to me and tell me she wants to gag on my cock like really bluntly so it catches me off guard and I blush really hard
>I only love big dogs
All the more reason you should just adopt me desu
But golden retrievers are nice
Do you really want that though
Sorry bud I only get "cute" unless it's an old lady
I can bench my bodyweight 12 times,
Close grip
Alright I will look them up thanks anon!!
Dogs are the worst. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but they're too scary to be worth keeping. Having a predator in your house with your kid is just asking for a one in a thousand accident to happen. Horses are way better. Historically more useful, less dangerous, more majestic, live way longer, etc.
This was Biden 12 years ago.
I live in a shitty country as well economically wise and with slav immigrants. But I rather stay and do what I can to succeed than migrate.
I hate immigrants and I'm not becoming one.
I have had it happen to me before and always brushed it off or welcomed it.
Are you a big dog?
Are you an ant?
>going to the hairdressers makes you a chad
I hate when two women are talking about you and then you blush and then they tease you for blushing
Happened to me a few times in customer service lol
>>going to the hairdressers makes you a chad
Yep, chad shit.
Especially if the girls talk to you.
That was Biden. What we have now is Bidan.
OK that is a chad moment desu
At heart <3 woof woof *pants* *licks you affectionately*
I know what I want to name my daughter if I have a daughter someday.
Guys say this then call you too forward when they're explaining why they don't want a third date. Fuck you.
Teach your children to not be completely useless heard mentality prey types then
>uh, i just talked about myself pretty much, i don't know if i have a point. sorry. i'm lonely.
No worries, your post makes sense to me and is a worthwhile contribution to the conversation. Talking about yourself is important but hard. All people have trouble exposing themselves. Men like to talk about goth girls and tomboys in terms of aesthetics and sexuality precisely because that superficiality is easy and exposes nothing vulnerable. Men are hesitant to talk about personality (goth, tomboy, or anything else) because that requires sincerity, and we've all been hurt in the past from our sincerity being used against us.

For me, I see goth personality as closer to a total rejection of norms with a belief that conditions can't be improved, and I see a tomboyish personality as closer to a partial rejection of norms with a belief that conditions can be improved. Beyond that, I don't see anything wrong with a woman liking goth fashion or listening to goth music. I would prefer to listen to other music when we're sharing the car, and I would prefer wearing more conventional fashion when we're going out on dates or meeting people, but there's nothing wrong with her liking what she likes. Liking a wide variety of things is part of that openness that I'm searching for.

I'm sorry you've had a rough life, but I don't see any of it as making you any less lovable than anyone else. I think you will find love someday, I think you will find a husband and raise children together, but do you think you'd do your best to help your future children integrate into society and have lots of friends and a healthy relationship with the world, no matter how much you dislike society and the world yourself? That's why I emphasize the partial rejection over the total rejection.
Oh for fucks sake lady.
The rest of the thread cannot seem to catch onto the fact that you want to fuck dogs, some of the men are even asking you out, so just do what they all do, you cannot go wrong with a German Shepherd, however if you want big get a doberman, or great dane, if you think you can handle it a cane corso, of course these are all less safe than the shepherd.
Be wary, the penis size won't kill you but the infection risk from sex with an animal will.
No, antistic
>Especially if the girls talk to you
Bro some of those hairdresser babes are so chatty they'd happily talk to a brick wall
They're pussies who couldn't handle my power
I will. Also I'll teach them how to spell "herd".
More like a Chad wall, aka, you.
*your power
I have more girl names picked out than boy names. Ideally I will have at least one of each.
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Why are men like this?
Don't (You) me. You're on my shitlist now.
>I have no loyalty to my own homeland and no interest in its immediate neighbors
>this is the Jews' fault somehow
Cool. Any sort of big dog is gonna require a lot of exercise.
F, son. I liked working with boys more than girls when I was a teacher, for many reason.
My yeast infection itches so badly im about to kill myself. How am I supposed to get to the store like this
Trying to make conversation with me is like talking to a brick wall tbf
That's awful
But I also know women IRL cheating on their husbands lol
Some people are just shit
>You're on my shitlist now
How can I make it up to you babe
I didnt do shit.
Will you ever fuck the hive queen?
I don’t read books cry about it
Idk I just want an ultra kinky gf to goon all day with
No, fuck off, you also wasted his life.
What it tastes/looks like?
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>when in reality
I had to look this one up, nice try
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I'll drive you
(Just kidding I can't drive)
This is why I'm a cat person
Bom dia, JH.
Why do girls even bother replying to a text a week later?
Like the conversation is dead. I just assume I got ghosted and move on and then she just keeps coming back. This isn't even online dating, it's someone I know IRL.
She says she has a lot going on and has "no time or energy" but it's hard to see that as anything other than "I just didn't feel like talking to YOU"
You can make it up to me by taking a long walk off a short pier in cement shoes.
Bite me.
Don’t ever date a girl with blue check verified twitter
I've not so much as kissed a girl in my mid twenties
If a woman isn't forward with me I am completely fucked.
Did you get the antifungal cream yet?
You know some of them also soothe the itchiness, right?
the more you drag this on, the more you suffer.
>replying to a text a week later?
Tbf I'm guilty of this as a guy
As an ADHDfag sometimes I forget talking to people is a thing
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Is this how you got it?
>le i have no idea what being lead on is hurr durr
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My ex got married within the year after breaking up with me.
I share this womans pain but thanks for gendering a common problem experienced by all, thought it was a me issue.
Have not been able to find another gf in years in comparison btw.
As an M sometimes when girls text me I don't feel like replying. It's just that I'm not in a good/social mood in which I can reply something fun for the other person
Oddly erotic. Maybe because it’s a pretty lady’s butt.
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You might also want to look into a Newfoundland.
I do it too, lol
I got facebook messages from before 2012 that I still haven't replied to yet, loooooool.
If women have this high opinion on their worth they could at least take responsibility for this type of shit
Bad and ugly
Someone please help me
I’m going to get it because I’m about to start crying. I wasn’t able to go because I was stuck on a camping trip and I just got back to civilization

Then I will adopt you :3
>Be wary, the penis size won't kill you but the infection risk from sex with an animal will.
If you keep up the dog's hygiene nothing can happen
That's not a problem...heh
>taking a long walk off a short pier in cement shoes.
How am I suppose to take a long walk if it's a short pier? Can't we just Hatris and chill?
RIP lad
What happened to me
>date girl
>becomes gf
>a week or two later "actually I just want to be FWB, I'm not ready for a bf right now"
>very shortly after that starts dating someone with the same name as me and in months is engaged
>dumps him right before the wedding then wants to get a hotel room with me
Hoez mad
My type is a sweaty pussy with a bit of tang.
Kek. Smart man took his time after she got BBCd.
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I haven't come here or 4chan for 2 weeks now. This is first day in 2 weeks I posted anything.
Feels good to be free.

State gender and tell me what feels good to you?
Good for her, still being young at 33 years old.
My neighbour uses to have this one he was such a sweet boi and he died at age of 17!
Where you arranged marriage or something kek
Once an old friend continued replying to a conversation like 2 years later on Facebook as if we were just talking and it was hilarious
Making a girl’s moans catch in her throat when I suck her clit.
It means I want you to walk into the ocean and sink like the Titanic. I'll even play the sad music while you do it.
Also I don't think you have ever even played Hatris before, you liar.
I don't care how attractive she is, that's gross, I felt the same way about the "Love nectar" thing way back,too.
Most likely causes are
high sugar diet, hormonal changes, non-breathable clothing especially considering the current weather, stress is also a possibility
>Someone please help me
I can wash you with soap. Would that help?
No, neither was she, we both live in the west, and she made it clear she loved him, I was too stupid to see that she didn't love me until I saw her love someone else enough to marry them.
>Then I will adopt you :3
I'll be a good boy uwu
And I've got a good bone ;p
Do I get my own kennel?
These guy are goofy love balls. They drool a lot.
You wore crusty undies too many days in a row
Everything feels good when you have a job to keep you busy and a gf to keep you happy
F. Pouring myself a glass of wine, sitting on the dryer while it's running, and shitposting.
*sad violin plays*
>don't think you have ever even played Hatris
That's why you need to teach me bb
I mean it's Tetris but with hats how hard can it be
Srsly bb what did I do to upset you
Eating lots of sugar is not a "cause" of yeast infections, this idea is based purely on the fact that fungi consume sugar like literally every other microorganism
Knot me up..
Cucked and emasculatingpilled
Can I be the dryer?
Okay, she do be masturbating tho
I always wear cotton panties I was eating less sugar than normal when I got it
And I don’t know about hormonal changes I wouldn’t know how to measure that. I felt fine. Did I get it from wearing a wet bathing suit???
Tell me you're single woman in your 30s without telling me you're single woman in your 30s.
>e, sitting on the dryer while it's running
women are so horny
Eh, who knows
could be a million reasons.
You're too horny. I'm the only one allowed to be like that ITT. You're cramping my style and abusing the fact I'm too poor to fly to that side of the world to call your stupid bluff.
Femanons, when was the last time you were creampied?
Would you like it if your bf gave you one tonight?
Hey, I'm not recommending dogs so you can fuck them, anon!
Internet says no soap
I didn’t >:(
Nta but yeast infection actually happens when you are too much hygienic
I got mine from shampoo
Because shampoos change good bacteria and pH levels and cause yeast.
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Everyone seems to be replying sexual stuff, great.
I bought this hundred dollar fleshlight shaped like a girls butt, it isn't huge as big as I'd like it to be you know, but it's pretty life size.
Fantastic stuff, I let it hang off the table while I basically fuck it and thrust into it doggy style, it elevates masturbation a million times, absolutely fantastic experience. It's just *Chefs kiss.*
Girls and money and new clothes
I need this in my life
when dudes try to hornypost about eating pussy it always fails
Fuck you.
I spend many hours a day doing housework. I have had to do so for like twenty years. You eventually learn how to make the most out of those chores.
Too late anon!!!
Did you do the plap plap plap thing to it?
>I'm the only one allowed to be like that ITT
You can't just have a monopoly on horniness like this
>too poor to fly to that side of the world to call your stupid bluff
We should meet in the middle somewhere and vacay
I would come to America but I don't want to get shot
Based wine aunt moment
Also cats
You better put a leash on me cause I'm losing control bb
The fact you read my posts are enough.
Why the fuck would you shampoo your vagina?
Why aren't you plugging while doing chores?
Literally never, and I don't have a bf.
God I wish I had a bf into toys like this. It'd make owning my own weird toys that much less awkward.
*Pat pat*
Good boy :3
You don't want to know the truth of how men really feel about vaginas.
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They caught me slacking
so you are gay?
She has hairy vagina, obviously
>females: omgzz i totez cares bout da environment and da animals
>also females: date the guy with the most unenvironmentally friendly car who beats dogs and hits females and they use the latest iphone

Why are they like this?
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You can find German Shepherds who will be OK, but many of them are poorly bred.
> Then suggest some
This really depends on you.
Dogs need exercise and stimulation. They are pack animals and you become their pack leader. I don't have dogs exactly because of the amount of work you have to put in to keep them happy. I couldn't make any reasonable suggestion.
Oh yeah, I'm not sure how noisy it is since the hentai and porn I play is quite loud, but I slam my hips into that mf and make the table rock HARD.
Thanks it's refreshing to hear women compliment mens sex toys.
I bet yours are quite nice too.
I wonder how much time hornyposters waste on 4chan when the could be out there doing something with their life
I was trying to clean it completely because I was having oral later and I wanted guy to be comfortable
How did you get that from “I want to suck a clit and lick the sweat off her pussy”?
>You can't just have a monopoly on horniness like this
I can and do. Kiss the ring.
>I would come to America but I don't want to get shot
You're right because I'd shoot you.
Buttstuff is a chore itself with all the prep it takes. And using any sort of normal vibe is too distracting. Believe me, I've tried everything. There isn't much room for prepared fun during housework.
Not only do I have this yeast infection that itches like all hell im also covered in mosquito bites. I’m actually crying right now I have never felt more horrible in my life it itches to the point of pain. And im all alone so I have to go. And walk 20 minutes to the closest pharmacy. Why does shit like this always happen to me
Nta but don't worry we know.
All men are faggots scared of female sexsual organ. Fuck you.
Nah, my toys are probably the kind that offput guys, I'm just saying that at least a guy who appreciates sex with plastic might not plain leave me over them on the spot.
Oh man... I should have said "single mom" to get even bigger fuck you from you.
God gives his funniest battles to his silliest soldiers
Just like environmentalists taking private jet’s burning fossil fuels to discuss global warming women are the elite
Dude if you mean dragon, horse, or any sort of weird dildo no it's fine.
Animals deserve nothing but our dominion, vegetarians are antichrists.

1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
If I was a mom I'd be infinitely happier. I wouldn't be insulted at all.
You can unironically get all kinds of bad stuff from having sex with dogs. Like, worms and diseases and stuff.
>less dangerous
4x more deaths per passenger mile than motorcycles.
Pretty much, so that's nice to hear. Idk if it's just anonymity and the internet that makes guys ITT less judgemental about it, though.
You can't if it's a vaccinated housedog
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Sounds rough.
I got so much 'squito bites last summer I almost killed myself
Finally caved and bought a big ass mosquito lamp, worked like magic, at least for me
Girl, there are literally dozens of sexually frustrated studs here that would inseminate you with thoroughbred DNA
Shh let her go through with it imagine how funny it will be:
>In other news, a woman has died after medics failed to save her from an infection after being admitted to the hospital, when doctors discovered that she caught the disease from sex with a dog, the dog has been taken to a shelter, with the only survivor being her boyfriend she got off 4chan found nude in the kennel with a leash on his neck being charged as an accomplice.
I know, point was, you are not and I reminded you that.
How's your week been?
>being itchy is the worst moment of this bitch's life
Tell me you're a stupid young white girl without telling me.
Milion of women have sex with dog and nothing happen
Literally men who fuck horse pussy are still alive LOL
Shut up
This is why I hate christians
Your religion is also a first century jewish apocalyptic cult that claimed the world was ending soon, one of the biggest scams in human history. 2000 years later you fuckers still think the end is coming
The inseminate part is the hitch. Also the fact that meeting people from 4chan sounds suicidal.
Oh, I actually hate you now.
It's been alright so far. Hanging out with friends and ex didn't go to plan but it was still pleasant and productive, I'd say.
Abrahamic religions are the only ones that sacrifice animals literally no other religion has this problem with them infact they actively try to worship them
Glad you took your meds and stopped flooding at least
If at any part of your childhood you actually had cheese and crackers with ham as lunch, you were abused.
Don't @ me.
Wasn't animal sacrifice done away with when Jesus was sacrificed?
> Why are men like this?
We introspect when we get dumped.
We look at what we had, and what went wrong, what we wanted in the past and what we want instead for the future, and we change our behaviour.
I am not silly
I will be purchasing
I am but you don’t have to be mean right now and im sure I’ve felt worse my brain just immediately forgets my most painful experiences
>Hanging out with friends and ex didn't go to plan but it was still pleasant and productive
Gossip time?
I sniff gossip, spill it.
>we change our behaviour.
>actually being sent to school with lunch at all
Bitch please. I WISH I had a parent who'd provide a lunch or pay for hot lunch in middleschool. I spent lunch time watching other kids eat.
Islam brought it back they’ve all been taught to believe in the same demonic entity that they each is think is unique and particular to them
Damn, what country?
Ok, I'll bite... why do you think the concept of god is demonic?
You probably had a diet based off the food pyramid because your parents hated you
I thought she hurt you. Seems counter productive to keep seeing people who hurts you.
Replace hate with motivation! I have high hopes you'll become a mom before your 40s.
Things went well, my friends still like me after everything and there was no arguing or fighting with my ex. I didn't set boundaries with her as solidly as I'd planned, but nothing offensive happened and we all enjoyed the show. Overall a win I'd say, not much gossip worthy shit.
Meet your new competition, gentlemens ;)
Western gods are all demonic you don’t see extremists beheading locals in countries like Bhutan
Ill lick you for hours if you give me a hug
>I didn't set boundaries with her as solidly as I'd planned
Go on...
>not much gossip worthy shit.
>I didn't set boundaries with her as solidly as I'd planned
I knew the hormones would blind you, hehe.
Glad to hear nothing went bad, hopefully this means you have friends again, congrats, super jealous.
*Hugs you*
I'm not in the game, women only want Chad, this is HIS competition, and frankly I hope the dogpill goes mainstream with campaigns to legalize bestiality so they finally become incels too, and we get the entire male population to realize womens rights need to be revoked.
You can't escape the game!!!! Sowwyy,!!!!
>Actually believe in chad
i would be an amazing romantic sexual partner but I'm a kissless virgin
Nah you niggas are fucking disgusting.
Idc :3
*licks your pussy once*
*starts gagging*
*runs away*
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Is this a blasian?
Uh you're right I got vote kicked by all women on earth, I didn't choose to escape, retard.
*Screams faggot at you*
*got a dog*
Happy ending for me ;)
She did. But she's intertwined with my current friend group so tightly I could never just stop seeing bor hearing about her. What I want to do is keep these friends and find a way to hang out with her comfortably regardless of the shit she's pulled.
She's an unabashed flirt and her bestie emboldens her behavior, it's really that simple.
Hey nothing was my fault. I just couldn't put my foot down on little things without seeming over-serious and ruining the good vibes we otherwise had. Also I was exhausted because this was so late at night. Sue me.
And thanks. We're planning our next thing already.
i would nut between those so fucking hard
No that's a "mutt"latto. Yikes
Lol you're sooo retarded
US. Accepting government handouts wasn't an option.
>We're planning our next thing already.
ooh, mysterious.
You're the one who can't read, dumb bitch.
Ever heard of saffron terror? Extremists in any religion are nutjubs.
Is going and getting food somewhere mysterious now?
Buddhism has it's own deeply unhinged side to it as well.
for girls
how do you think you'd feel about men if they just ignored you your entire life and you never had one iota of sexual or romantic interest shown to you in all your years of being around them
Incels have zero excuse
*sleeps on your lap*
Bro was on his break
>they use the latest iphone
How dare they
Next you're gonna tell me they eat hot chip and lie
>Kiss the ring
Yeees maaasteeer
>I'd shoot you
With Cupid's arrow of love? <3
You're tearing me apart Courtney
This already happened
It feels bad
I'd probably be fully gay then. I like to be loved, and if men don't get horny for me then I wouldn't feel like they loved me romantically.
CIA funded insurrections are not considered religious extremists they’re just paid actors you dumbass
Actually by definition incels have all the excuses.
Holy fuck how stupid are you that you cannot understand an abbreviation of two words?!
sarrr worship kalki sarr
Mate I'm literally having cheese and ham and crackers for lunch right now lmao
Bloody marvellous
There were no cat fights where your friends were tearing each other's clothes off? Wtf boring
Actually insane, was the school a particularly rich one?
I remember in my school in Asia, there also used to be some students from extra poor families
but our school had this program where you can check this box when paying for school lunch to adopt an extra or several extra students if the class had any, basically paying for their lunch, was all anonymous so nobody knew who's lunch got paid, and nobody went hungry, it was nice.
Yep, just two friends, feasting, on things.
but do you hate men or think they suck as a group?
Candida survives on carbs and comes from your gut. Improve your hygiene, cut carbs
Use geranium oil to repel mosquitoes.
What's cookin good lookin
They're also involuntarily retarded
>You're tearing me apart Courtney
I do own a strapon.
But seriously, you need to learn how to handle your own needs if you're going to play the forever single card while being this horny. Even I'm more subtle most days.
Okay im walking to get my itch creams. I just have to double over and scream every once in a while
>another humiliation ritual in which incels are shamed
Get a new hobby, maybe? Even gooning would be more productive.
I could be carrying you to the pharmacy but you too busy playin games.
Scratch your snatch the entire way like some crazy woman to add some drama into your life.

>gf says she'll let me know if she can hang out tonight, but if not tonight we agreed on tomorrow
>haven't talked to her since yesterday morning
>me waiting for her to text me despite having lots of other shit to do
>feeling like she won't and she probably met some other guy and she'll just cancel

i hate my brain
Actually mentalcels are a thing so yes. I'm glad we agree and I accept your concession.
Oh no I like them a lot and desperately want them to like me
Not much
a lot of incels actually turn prison gay for that reason
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>I do own a strapon
Bring it on
>Even I'm more subtle most days
Subtlety isn't my forte
Anyway I won't be single if you tear my ass in two
Bro you guys humiliate yourselves
What gaaaames
I’m not supposed to scratch it is the whole point I think
If you deprive candida from dietary carbohydrates, it's been scientifically shown to DIG INTO THE FLESH to find it.
"Cut carbs" is advice that s never well thought out - the body catabolizes itself to make glucose because ITS THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL FORM OF BIOLOGICAL ENERGY.
>tearing each other's clothes off
Funny you mention that. The standing room for the play was so crowded that one friend got the sole of her sneaker separated from the shoe because someone stepped on her heel from behind.
That's the closest to that, sorry.
I won't be one on one with my ex, obvs. It's going to be another friends' night out that includes her is all. I have no doubt now that things would get weird if I hung out one on one with her.
Also, pretending to be a woman online is incel behaviour.
Mentalcels is just all incels besides the deformed lol
>Not much
Got any plans for hot girl summer?
>the sole of her sneaker separated from the shoe because someone stepped on her heel from behind
RIP that's kinda funny tho
>I’m not supposed to scratch it is the whole point I think
Nonsense! Life is a scratch and sniff experience.
>pretending to be a woman online is incel behaviour
Who would do such a thing >:o
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>make simple advice thread on this board
>no replies
>pretend to be a girl and ask for same advice
>tons of replies
>they're just telling me my problems aren't real and that I'm stupid
Women, do you ever pretend to be a guy on here?
These threads were better when qt MAP had a job.
Probably the way I felt when I was 17 but amplified by time, then dampened again by age. Kind of afraid of them but sad they're not interested.
I would happily be any of these including Shinto or Taoism if that means I don’t have to be a jew worshiper
I’m the infected girl . What should I eat this sounds scary
Other than getting no action and still getting a genital infection? No
I think it makes it worse
Go take a cold shower. If you can jerk off in ice water, I'll concede and stop bullying you for being horny.
If you want I'll forfeit the super hot blonde girl's party tonight to shitpost with you, will that make it up to ya?
I wouldn't even know where to start. I think I'd get sussed out pretty easily.
>If you can jerk off in ice water
You say that like I haven't done this countless times like the masochist I am

>getting no action and still getting a genital infection
The only way is up
When I needed advice on dating other women, I'd sometimes leave my sex ambiguous so I wouldn't get called a lesbo and have my questions ignored.
>How bad is for a guy to grow up in an all females family without a male figure?
Hard to say as I didn't experience it. My parents were divorced and I only saw my dad during the summer and Christmas, but he wasn't absent. I didn't really think of him as a role model growing up but there was doubtlessly some subconscious things being imprinted in me. My mom said I copied his nerd laugh one summer and it stuck with me until I trained myself out of it at university.

My male figure role model was Batman, but then I'm a lunatic so that tracks.
>I won't be one on one with my ex, obvs. It's going to be another friends' night out
I can already see it.
Just like one of those shitty romance novels.

It starts out completely normal; everything seems like it finally went back to the way it was. You hang out with them again and again, and slowly, you start getting more and more comfortable. Eventually, the hangout group begins to get smaller and smaller. You notice this change but pay it no mind, thinking to yourself, 'As long as it's not one-on-one, what do I have to fear?'

Then, during one hangout, what was originally supposed to be a four-person night out turns into a three-person night out. You show up thinking everything is still fine, but just as you sit down, you get a message saying one friend won't make it—something came up. As you're about to leave, you see your ex walk in...
His sexy mom kicked him out, but his sexy stepsister who lives with her bf took him in. She told him that he only gets to stay if he washes her dirty panties.
I have a job and was working this morning
But it's WFH so I can annoy you people all day
That seem weird. Do bisexual girls have the same expectations of a girl that they would a guy?
Nah I got a couch to sleep on rn brother
Just stacking that paper (though wasting most of it down the pub)
>he only gets to stay if he washes her dirty panties.
This is headcanon
Nah, maybe if you get some you'll calm down so I can calm down.
Well do it again now. We'll get at least like half an hour of reprieve.
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He also had to resort to selling himself on the streets to pay for rent, this is what he looks like from behind now...
Psychopathic apathy trait
>I’m the infected girl . What should I eat this sounds scary
Monitor your gut health - cut any foods that cause problems
Check for Magnesium deficiency
Do research into flower of sulphur
I heard my boyfriend singing along to a "rap" song and I heard him say the n word multiple times. I can't look at him the same anymore. I think I'm gonna break up with him. I can't believe that he would be so crass and insensitive. How should I tell him?
>maybe if you get some you'll calm down
That's part of why I don't want to go though, I don't trust myself to not think with my dick and fuck her
>do it again now
Like right now?
I have to help my mom with something on the phone lol (legit) ttyl
I... I didn't know...
What song? Why can't he say the n word?
More like a "I'd rather be able to drink beer on the job in Hello Kitty slippers" trait
>heard him say the n word multiple times
It's white bou summer
Write the prologue to your smut all you want, it ain't happening. I'll be safe from all those comments and jokes she makes once she finds a new gf. It's only a matter of time, and with her record it won't be a long time I bet.
I still think you should go. If I could hang out with my ex while horny and nothing happened, you can survive a night out too.
Literally eliminates it anon
>the body catabolizes itself
You mean fat. Right.
I wanna know this too.
Part of me wonders if bi women have more lax standards for other women than men.
>made it
A ways to go lol but thanks boss
They call me dunkin' cuz I bring the donuts and cream
OK gtg for nowsies for realsies
Is keto a sustainable diet?
As soon as they call you back to the office or you have to look for another job for a multitude or reasons you will so fucked lol everyone wants to remain a child and never grow up thesedays
Idk, this was the first time I'd ever tried dating women. I genuinely didn't know where to start so I figured I'd ask guys their thoughts on certain shit. There was plenty that didn't apply in the end, but some things are so intrinsically basic that it helped.
Not unless you’re burning over 2000 calories a day which is possible if you’re chad or stacy with high metabolism like me
Keto makes you bald, fat, gives you atherosclerosis and is not sustainable.
Average keto influencer talks about "micro dosing glucose" for fucks sake. Dumb cult diet which it's own proponents are giving up on.
>You mean fat. Right.
Fat is a result of relying on cortisol to produce glucose instead of just eating it.
Who is left to shill Keto? That Berg scientologist grifter?
>you will so fucked lol
The NHS said they will have me back lol
But right now I would rather make double the money doing infinitely easier work
>Oh God, think of the blacks...
Anon, BLM faded a while ago and the POCs don't even mind the actual words being used, they deal with other real world, real people issues that are completely detached from TikTok Instagram Reddit libtard fantasies and delusions.
Been doing it for years.
The first 3 weeks suck as your body switches from burning sugar to burning fat, and then it's fine.
I have no idea how that would even work honestly. A guy's role in a relationship is nowhere near that of a woman's, probably not even a gay one.
He isn't a pajeet with a goofy accent like you. He's a British Chad who used to model with blue eyes and brown hair. If he actually gets kicked out again, he will just rizz some bitch up and live with her.
I don't think any diet is sustainable desu.
>I'll be safe from all those comments and jokes
You know we're never actually making fun of you maliciously, right? At least I'm not.
I do wonder how the dynamics of your friend group will change when you finally get a new guy. Those 'I used to date that person' situations are always messy in a group like this.
Or maybe it's different when it's a girl, hmm.
I didn't "used to model" I did one gig where I almost fell down the stairs
Also rizzing requires social skills

Thank me later
>Fat is a result of relying on cortisol to produce glucose instead of just eating it
Kek failed predator type
Keep up or get left behind we’re all running in the same direction lol
Opinion disregarded
Women, in response to >>31527119 how should your boyfriend break it to you that if you'll spend your lives together, you WILL hear him say the n word, multiple times, sometimes even with a hard r, out of nowhere?
Candida grows easily at a lower body temperature, your thyroid is likely slow.
I got my creams they are expensive they better fucking work
imagine fingering a girl and your hand comes out green
NTA but if you talk to girls the same way you do in your vocas then they're definitely rizzed by default.
If he knows me at all he'd know to keep that to himself. It's trashy. Like when you really like a guy at work but overheard him calling your perfectly normal boss a "retarded cunt" you lose attraction.
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>I'm not the only peatgod ITT rn
I'm usually on more drugs in my vocas
What about high cholesterol and heart stuff though?
Try not to get any bacteria on the meds container.
How do I fix that? How do I know if I even have that?
what drugs?
Even when you're bawling your eyes out in your manic depressive state, they're still rizzed to dripping by your voice alone
He pulls girls from the clubs all the time and last time stole them from 2 guys lol
He likes to larp as a lonely guy, but he's far from it. His only problem is his fear of sex because his aunt molested him. Many such cases for former young models, happened to DiCaprio and Bieber as well.
Anarchy in the UK
Well, you don't wanna make it worse, right? Gloves?
Lets make this last forever and ever and ever
I’ll wash my hands and stuff before using anything
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Why do so many disabled people have a latex allergy?
Was buying it at the store horribly embarrassing?
Why do so many zoomers have nut allergies and asthma? Because of vaccines
Is 23 mid twenties?
No, I meant HER sexual comments and jokes.
You can do math, Anon.
figure it out.
Just because a dog is huge with claws and teeth, that doesn't mean that it is a good guard dog.
Maybe it's like poison ivy. The more times you're exposed to it the more chances you have to become allergic. Disabled people are probably touched with latex gloves more often than regular joe.
No I don’t give a fuck im too focused on not ripping my labia off my body
google ray peat
danny roddy
also try coconut oil
Repeated exposer due to a lot of surgeries.
oh man, maybe it's a good thing she's a woman then.
I don't know how I'd feel as a guy hearing a girl's ex joke about all the deviant sexcapades they used to go through...
Tell that to women, not me.
It isn't easy being green.
This. I use vinyl.
Why? They're all vitamin D deficient because they're also lactose intolerant.
Yeah, Dr. Peat is a lifesaver. I'm Jewish though, thoughts on that?
Peating cures judaism you will be fine
Age and Weight
How many push ups can you do consecutively without resting or stopping.
Luckily she only overshared like that that one time when I wasn't there. Now she was just making a lot of risque jokes with me and her best friend laughs at every single one. It wasn't so bad or frequent that I could complain on front of everyone, but it made it clear how she felt.
if that bitch gets pregnant she better abort
you wont find me paying child support
thats why i ride with a torch
me and my niggas aint got no remorse
Why are zoomies lactose intolerant?
Women, how much do you hate men?
Lactose intolerance is due to having shit genes and increased likelihood of cancer and other diseases Vitamin D deficiency is just lack of sunlight because kids are kept locked inside nowadays
F 24 115
Torch doesn't rhyme with support.
I hate them in the sense that I'm always either too much or too little for them. None of them ever want me for me.
Diversified diet means that young people no longer had to rely on cheese and dairy products during the winter to survive, hence lactose intolerance becoming more common.
Parents were never designed to have children
its a slant rhyme
What is "me"? Be honest with yourself.
>Age and Weight
>How many push ups can you do consecutively without resting or stopping.
30, 130 lbs. Like 2 or 3.
F 130-ish 10
F, 32, 120lbs. Five before my feet slipped.
If you got with a guy, and he asked for a threesome after finding out you used to date her, would you be up to it?
You can break up with him for listening to rap, forget the n word stuff
>Diversified diet
I read pull ups lmao
I've just tried and I can do 16.
I can't boil down me as a person in one post on 4chan. I just have conflicting wants and needs, I guess.
25 220lbs 30 because I’ve become lardass, consumer of goyslop
Why is a genetic dead end talking about shit genes?
Lot of really weak bitches itt.
28, 280lbs
I'm a fat ass nigga, and I could finally do 10 before I collapse. if I rest a while I can squeeze another 5 in though.
But my pushups aren't the same as these people, honestly the fact that I could even do one is impressive.
380 lb
two pushups
No. She wanted a threesome with a guy and I didn't want to risk it then, so why would I risk it in a different relationship? Group stuff is only hot in my head where things are guaranteed to go right.
>>Diversified diet
Hey, my boobs get in the way, ok.
Plenty of older people are too. 80% of white people can digest lactose (but fuck me I guess) but in some places up to 90% of people are lactose intolerant. The ability to digest it is a dominant gene though so I'm not really sure what the deal is, maybe younger people are just better about actually acknowledging it instead of normalizing shitting your brains out the morning after having some ice cream.
You were a mistake lol
115 lb 45 years old
I can do 200 pushups
Asians are lactose intolerant and nobody can explain why
I think some people have lactose problems induced by poor gut health but that can be fixed.
As a guy with low self-esteem (for different traumatic reasons) and mental issues who has been 13 years together with a wonderful woman, I will say that the healing process is really long even with help. But it can get better.
I don't really know about hypnotizing, but even small compliments can go a long way when applied frequently and coupled with countering self-deprecation with encouragement.
Most people can be good parents, but he sounds like he needs to sort out some issues before he'd be ready for the stresses of family life.
M. It is better to know what's going on, so that you don't walk blindly into mistakes that could have been easily avoided. But sure, it is obviously important to regulate the intake of information, especially if it starts to impact your own well-being too much. An important thing to remember is: "if I can't affect it, it isn't my responsibility to worry over it."
Lackluster, in what way? Men aren't usually great at expressing their emotions, and putting it into writing often makes it even harder.
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why do they always leave me in the end?
I think you're on to something. I assumed I just lost the ability to digest it gradually through childhood but that actually makes more sense. And explains why my grandfather who drank a glass of milk every day for over 80 years is suddenly lactose intolerant.
Hey reddit, TIL that the Great Wall of China didn't actually stop anyone and mongols didn't care about it.
>I assumed I just lost the ability to digest it gradually through childhood
That's not a thing that just happens.
It was also built over a millennium before the mongols
Isn't it not even completely finished?
i pray for mongol DESTRUCTION of the people's republic of CHINA

36 pushups
That absolutely happens you redditor faggot go back
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state gender
would you spend $30,000 for a realistic sex bot
F 32 115
Like 7 with good form. Probably could do a couple more later in the day but I just got up.
Well, back then it was you, your gf and an extra mystery element, but now, hypothetically, it'd be you, your bf and your ex gf.
>it made sense and was a worthwhile contribution
thanks. sometimes i get caught up in that whole "talking about myself is inherently narcissistic" mindset, even though yeah, it's relevant. it makes sense but it's sad that guys tend to veer towards more shallow and surface level things over sincere and vulnerable things. i wish you guys could be more raw and sincere. (but not like, uncensored, some thoughts i DO want you to keep to yourselves, but that's just basic decency.)
>i'd prefer listening to other music in the car
yeah, it's not like i ONLY listen to goth music, it's just good for a particular mood that i happen to find myself in a lot. i guess for me neither is particulary about rejecting norms and more about acknowledging that i either cannot meet the norms or cannot accept the norms, or the norms have rejected me.
>i think you will find love and a husband and raise children
shit, man. thank you. i hope so.
>do you think you'd do your best to help your future children integrate into society
yes, obviously. or, well, sorta. i want them to be 100% capable of being as naturalized into the world and society as they can but i don't necessarily want to raise them to be just like everyone else or be caught up in the way other people do things. my separation from the world is negative. i'm beneath it, and i can't climb up to "normal". i would want to raise my kids to climb up, through, and out of it, so they can be above it.
I already own a living and breathing model that has periods every month and randomized emotional settings
That is how it works. All babies can digest lactose.
>Keto makes you bald, fat, gives you atherosclerosis and is not sustainable
Bullshit all.
I've been keto for several years now. Lost a fucktonne of weight and have kept it off, dropped my blood pressure 40 points, joint aches and eczema vanished. Mood stabilized completely.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, subhuman manlet
heard it all before bro, see you in 5 years
If we go back fair enough, ALL humans were lactose intolerant. Once the mammal weans from breast milk, there is no need for it to have the ability to digest milk. So, it stops producing the lactase enzyme that digests lactose in the milk. All mammals like dogs, cats, pigs, are lactose intolerant. You're not supposed to drink it past a certain age. The people that AREN'T lactose intolerant are the broken ones.
This lol
Every one loses the ability to digest lactose since your body is like "aight, you ain't no bitch ass kid anymore, eat some real food"
but white people got this gene that makes it so this baby gene don't go away, so they be sipping milk late into them twilight years
That does make sense. Idk if a guy I'm
dating would be into a threesome where the other woman isn't touching him at all, though.
Not that I'd actually go through with it regardless, I'm just thinking hypothetically.
are white people the best race in the world?
>dating would be into a threesome where the other woman isn't touching him at all, though.
That ain't a threesome, that's torture, absolutely diabolical.
I’m 6’2” and could easily overpower and faggoty dyel incel on this board
>pic rel
Please kill yourself at your next available thank you.
I don't think so. But the fact I'm so sexually attracted to them is annoying.
Uh no I'd spend 20k on a used RV and 88 cents on a cucumber. The rest is fun money.
Nah, they lack the ability to defend against the sun, which means they're not meant for this world.
Specifically germanics, yes I would say so
Best combination of all metrics
Why are some Asians unable to process alcohol properly?
Exactly. My ex only wanted a threesome in the context of watching me have sex while she touches me, something I don't think any non-casual guy could ever condone even if he was into group sex.
tanned white person has entered the chat
>especially if you have good genetics
Key aspect. I'm relatively lean but still short and ugly so it doesn't really matter lmao, granted I never went full /fit/fag
Facts. White people are fucking weird. Can digest milk which is completely unnecessary in a modern diet but can't tolerate the sun. Why are we like this.
>Tanned white person
you mean burnt white person?
>Please kill yourself at your next available thank you.
Nice counter argument. Convincing evidence.
Germans can’t handle extreme desert heat and extreme mountainous cold that’s why Iranians/Afghans are the best comprise
He got them southern European genes
I mean you don't really wanna go down the argument as to which race looks burnt here
So he black.
are you asian?
Completely inferior brains aren't worth being able to "survive" in desert shitholes
No wtf. I can't even afford 500 for a 60 inch fleshlight.
It depends on what you mean by "type". I don't think I would date a fat girl long enough to fall in love with her.
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chinese men mog all
This thread descended into /pol so fuck it shitalians are north African niggers
I just put a weird big pill in my cooch. How I love being a woman

And I put my creams on I already feel better now I'm just hanging with my clam out. Thanks atoga I really thought I was a goner there
I killed the “and that’s a good thing” femanon
Ok, I'll give you milk but... cheese, ice cream...
No. Pretty much everything but Asian.
They be drinking them too early, so all the alcoholics died and only those incapable of becoming alcoholics survived.
like 7,000 BCE early
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>Can digest milk which is completely unnecessary in a modern diet
I bet your calcium/phosphorous ratio is garbage
So you're black, why do you hate Asians so much?
You’re posting on an Iranian funded website right now
>milk for calcium and phosphorous
big dairy claims another
I'm not OK with dating anybody with tangible mental disorders honestly
>Italians are black
I think you might be a little confused?
oh boy, here we go again.
An Asian guy broke my heart in middleschool by saying he couldn't be my bf because of my race. Ever since then I've just never been sexually attracted to them.
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
No, you drink milk to balance your calcium/phosphate ratio
>I've just never been sexually attracted to them.
you mean you hate them?
y'know we're anonymous here right, you can be honest, no need to hide words behind words.
I like other races in theory, but in practice they often let me down. Asians are the most likely to meet my standards, followed by Latin-White admixtures.
Italians are niggers haven’t you heard Shakshuka anon?
does pussy taste delectable or just okay? does it depend on the girl? how does the pussy juice taste?
You know why white people are able to digest milk? We invented agriculture. Asians live close to the equator, so they have enough sunlight to synthesize vitamin D, which in turn aids in the absorption of calcium from dietary sources other than milk. So, they didn't have to evolve to digest milk.
Why is a woman's vagina perceived as inherently unsavory and naughty?

So that even a morally perfect woman, if her vagina is displayed, becomes perceived as some evil and corrupt devil vagina witch?
I don't hate them, no. I have an Asian friend and she's great.
M 20
10 or 12 idk
i haven't regularly exercised since gym class freshmen year of hs
My Germanic dad plapped and Italian and now I have poopy brown eyes. It’s over.
Asian manlets are apex incels avoid at all costs
>how does the pussy juice taste?
tastes like dick juice.
curious? you can find out how it tastes right now, Anon.
Liking something isn't the same as it being necessary. I regularly hurt myself for the sake of cheese. Doesn't mean I need it.
Eat more kale
I unknowingly poked the /pol/ar bear. My bad.
I believe in #freethevulva
ok, where should we do this no homo
Speaking as a Judaic, we Heebs also have a genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance. Another thing we have in common with the other Model Minority.
so it's just Asian guys.
It’s got nothing on #freethesluttylittlewaist
It isn't really about people being too old to work, considering the age of retirement keeps creeping up, and many people keep working to a degree even after retirement.
That wouldn't stop me from dating a woman, and if I did date her, I would do my utmost to take care of her and not hurt her. Physical activity like sex would of course need to be discussed beforehand to make her feel safer about it. It would also be smart to figure out beforehand positions that are comfortable and not painful for her (you know, just clothes on) and if she needs support from pillows etc.
I've had a dadbod most of my life, but my wife has always considered me drop-dead handsome (and she is skinny). So yes.
>Eat more kale
Kale is trash.
But you can be in the sun for more than 15 minutes
>We invented agriculture
Y'all are Egyptians?
Why don't lesbo-curious women ever just DM their friends and say "hey, you want to come over and eat each other's pussies?"
find it a bit concerning how many women will die giving birth without medical intervention, know a surprisingly number of women who needed c-sections
women, what's going on? why can't you birth good
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State gender and score
Why not both?
Men in crop tops
Public Nudity for Women
dream world.
>ashy grey/brown hair
>brown eyes
>brown areoles
So many Whites are not ‘white’ per say they were colonized by Romans and got bred out
leave her alone, anon
she's allowed to hate asian guys, it's called preference, and I suppose emotional ptsd
When a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung
Steve Harvey already said nobody likes asian guys.
>women only choose huge tall men
>are surprised when their babies are too big for their vaginas
hmmm what a mystery
low progesterone causes this
Spinach then. You can get the phosphorus and calcium from dark leafy greens.
It's legal in the state of Maine for women to go topless. But I've never seen anyone actually take advantage of this. To my disappointment.
Because we don’t live in a dream world bozo. We can’t have everything we want. So that would actually be impossible
Trump saw this post. He said “so true!”
Kinda ironic that God promised you a land of milk and honey.
yet she loves her uncle.
this is stupid but it's funny when short women date tall guys and end up shocked their son comes out a manlet
huh, I was doing so good early on too...

Y'all never watched True Romance?

Blame evolution
Yeah. I get lots of confirmation that the ladies love us swarthy boys, but deep down I still wish I looked like Dolph Lundgren.
grass is always greener on the other side
Yeah sure, you can, but it's objectively inferior to milk in terms of bioavailability
Most people wordwide are actually lactose intolerant. Genes for tolerating lactose seem to have originated twice, once in the Middle East and once again in northern Europe. Though these are two different mutations, they both appeared in areas where agriculture was just beginning to appear, about 10,000 years ago, and gave the selective advantage of allowing adults to drink livestock milk.
Because men thought they should mess with it and that they know better. Literally the idea that women should give birth laying on their back on a table is the worst possible birthing position but it was the most convenient one for the doctors, so that became the default that was obligatory for a very long time. My grandma got tied to the table and left alone and when she shouted for help and that the baby was coming the nurse told her to shut up and keep it in until the doctor is done with his coffee break. Needless to say my mom was born long before the doctor arrived and she could not even move or pick her up. God i hate men so much.
I mean it's fucking Maine. Free the nipple, not Freeze the nipple.
one can hope, one can dream, one can realize
why is scientist negative, I make decent money
have you ever had canned peaches? mine kind of tastes like the syrup in those cans if it was slightly fermented and tangier and sourer. like if it was peaches and pineapple but also kinda salty. it's hard to describe.
I've been there, it's actually more of a land of falafel and hummus. Of course, mention that outside of Israel and you get accused by wokesters of appropriating Palestinian Arab culture or some bullshit like that.
any other adult virgins gotten hilariously close to sex but just chicken out over and over again until they dont have any more chances
I can't believe it... JH actually hates asian dudes...
Heh. Thanks
You need to channel your misandry into hatred of the Eternal Doctoid, the scum of the earth.
I've been saying this shit for ages and women don't believe me either.
>men are le bad b-because… they gave us modern medicine!
Misandry sisters? What’s going on here?
um, the question is about mortality WITHOUT medical intervention
like free birthing women who have total control killing themselves
Milk is fucking great for you if you're a nutritionally deficient bronze age farmer.
No I've not even had the chance.
> Recent genetic studies have unveiled a fascinating correlation between Jewish ancestry and a heightened sensitivity to bee products. This predisposition is thought to be linked to a unique haplotype found predominantly in individuals of Ashkenazi descent. Dubbed the “Apiarium Receptor Variant,” this genetic marker is hypothesized to influence the immune system’s hyper-reactivity to bee-derived substances such as honey and royal jelly.

God for sure is an elite prankster.
F, negative 140 if I count not having a job and living with my mother for free as poor rather than homeless and butterface, but I think I deserve the attractiveness points for the rest of me even though it's not 9/10 so I'm adjusting the number to -120.
In Celsius or burgers? 50 degrees is a picnic day at the beach for me you’ll still a unclimitzed pussy Gary
now that you mention it, yeah it was typically short women+tall men couples who needed it
I've never met an Asian guy who I really thought found me attractive. I can find Asian guys attractive, but I don't find specifically Asian traits they have as attractive on their own.
The only groups of people I hate are Canadians and Australians.
There's a novel anti-milk coping argument. Hilarious.
The same shit goes for the MONGOL BULLS who were healthier and stronger than the grainfed chinese they conquered.
COPE farmoid.
>I’m Canadian
I'm so. soo sorry.
Really? damn... that sounds really good. is it hot in here or is that just me
Christian Scientist Feminists. A combination of ideologies that would have made a lot of sense in the 1910s but barely exists today.

Back in those days Feminists were also largely White Supremacists. I swear most of my past life memories are from that era. The 1910s, I mean. I remember attending a Phrenology lecture at Princeton like it was yesterday. I think I might have even met Margaret Sanger and seen a Suffragette protest.
Mongols are YUGE because of their gene, not because of their diet.
And I was proven right once igloo niggers
Meds. Now
Warring culture means you get big bitches, plus all the rape I assume added to that
Damn you slut.
Mental illness personified
Not really because I never considered ons actual chances
How about this
Mongolians don't even have the "genes" for lactose tolerance (allegedly) yet it still makes up a huge amount of their diet.
And he would look so much better with dark hair and eyes. Call me a narcissist because that's what I have but light features creep me out sometimes.
>you can
That's my only point. You don't NEED milk it's just convenient, if you can digest it.
>Warring cultures means you get big bitches
Does this mean America's current culture wars mean I will one day get the privilege of making love to some big momma's with huge milkers?
Another example of god rejecting the Jews?
I didn’t reply because I don’t want to do that. I just can’t tell what he is implying otherwise
>culture wars
Feel sorry for the incels that would’ve been barbarian raiding parties but ended up being born in the wrong timeline we could’ve been bros
You don't NEED anything beyond potatoes and an iron supplement, it's just more pleasant to eat more than that.
Stupid point to make.
you're still trashy
Didn't you just agree with me?
I don't really have a specific type, my dating partners and current wife have all been wildly different from each other, and I have never been the side who ended the relationship. Personally I have only dated people I have fallen in love with, but most relationships weren't long enough to truly find out if they were my type.
I would fully assume most men have fairly loose standards, even if they have some things they would like in particular.
It is pretty normal for women to check out and comment on other females, even if they're not particularly not into females.
If you're worried about it, talk about to it her. Some people just aren't that social, or might not like texting for whatever reason.
>dark hair and eyes.
pale brunet boys are we BACK!?
>gods chosen people
Chosen for what? Suffering?
No, those people would have been beaten and brutally sodomized and then left out in the desert to die while profusely bleeding from their assholes.
>met a guy
>drunk in public at the airport
>18 years older than you
>in a relationship
Holy shit you cannot possibly be so retarded as to miss ALL of these red flags… I swear to god autistic women are the perfect victims. How do you fall for this every time???
I'm legally blind on one eye, so -375 from that makes it -465, otherwise -90
Last stop was Iraqi whores 20 years ago
Because fermenting breaks those things down
so they don't need the baby titty milk gene to enjoy dairy products
As already stated by anon, Asians get enough sunlight to not need milk in their diet.
a swarthy asian woman made fun of my pale skin tone so I don't like dark skinned asian women anymore
My POINT is that it is not that hard to get everything you need from food, and yet so many modern people are vitamin deficient because they're eating mostly processed shit. Being unable to have a certain kind of food shouldn't be impacting people this badly because there are alternatives. You get what I'm saying?
How many American-Iraqi hybrid children were born from the violent behaviors of rapey American soldiers during the toppling of Saddam Hussein? I've never heard of any.

There was that young female war criminal who tortured Iraqi Arab prisoners. I always feel bad that my first masturbation experiences when I was young involved reading about Abu Ghiraib and jacking it to descriptions of the tortures she performed.
Well... nowadays.
I want you to talk about yourself. I need you to talk about yourself. If we don't talk about ourselves then how are men and women going to learn about each other? Even when men aren't listing out personality traits, we're still desiring those personality traits anyway. It's not like a man who says "my ideal type of woman is tall and thicc with big assets" has turned off the part of his mind that wants a woman with the right personality, it's more like he doesn't want to spend the extra energy to come up with the right words when his extra effort might only end up being mocked or ignored. It goes both ways, you might assume the worst of these men, and men sometimes assume the worst of women. Do you like big men? I'm sure women who say "I want a man with a big body" also want a man with a big brain and a big heart, and it's unfair when men assume that those women don't care about internal traits and instead only care about external traits.

I wouldn't want my future wife or our future children to feel above the world. I think a lot of problems with this world stem directly from too many people looking down on others and judging them from above. I would rather do what I can to help my future wife feel side-by-side with the world, able to enter it when she pleases and able to stand apart from it when she pleases, and I'd want us to raise our children to feel the same. I'm sorry you feel beneath the world, and I hope someday you can adapt to look at the world horizontally instead of vertically, and see the world as something at your side instead of above or below.
fortifying milk with vitamin D is a north american thing, do you realize this?
I used to always marry elliot in stardew valley but then he destroyed one of my chests and everything fell into the water and now i will never marry him ever again.
My butthole is itchy
Yes, and do you know where you also get vitamin D? The fucking sun.
I don't know what that means but I'm sorry that happened to you even though you deserved it
Bitches always be dieting
so they got all sort of deficiencies, probably has iodine deficiency
be ded giving birth to babas
Yeah, that's cool. I find that in our shitty modern environment and food supply, milk and dairy is quite an indispensable and easy way to get those nutrients, however provided you can. It's honestly a real advantage to have, actually.
Stop it
Marry Leah.
Then i am also sorry that happened to you too but you also deserved her making fun of your pale skin.
do you know what the climate is like in Japan and korea and north china? Do you know those people spend just as much time indoors as us?
>airport bar
So you are 30 and he is 48?
They’re used to be a whorehouse in Damascus right opposite the university but then ISIS came and killed everyone
Paleskins bring strange and stupid ways to our lands. We have no respect for the White Devil and his hubris.
The honey of the Land of Milk and Honey is a syrup made from dates.
(And the apple in the Garden of Eden is actually a fig.)
So I was right about western religious being slightly more entertaining than childrens story books
Damascus is in Syria, not Iraq.

And the Middle East in general is a shitty place to find sex work, at least in cities. In Oman, I'm not sure if this is still a thing, there was a long tradition since the Middle Ages of transgender prostitutes in some villages.

Israel, which should be the most fucking liberal place in the middle east, banned sex work under Likud. I'm still salty at Bibi and his cronies for that. That and for their shitty policies toward Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, too, I guess.
Look up lactose intolerance rates. It's far more common worldwide in countries closer to the equator.
Well I didn't for that was merely how God created me and I didn't do anything but exist whereas your scenario was a consequence of your actions
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>Atoga actually cares this much about the consumption of milk
Some of you need a hobby
Bloody milk-drinkers.
I'm just sad that she hates asians.
I don't really mind the milk thing
Drinking milk is for babies. View it like that and it's obvious why we would argue about it.
score of 60 but this chart is dumb
Women will date handsome abusive chads like Elliot from stardew valley who destroy their chests but will ignore nice kind men like me who would never do anything like that.
No i have decided to marry harvey instead. He kinda cute. And not such a low life doomer alcoholic like shane, a gaymer incel like sebastian, not so full of himself like sam and not such a homo /fit/izen like alex. An actual hardworking stem nerd. Although he is probably secretly a nazi. His obsession with history, military aircrafts and radio technology is rather suspicious.
They are currently worming around in your intestines.
>Bloody milk-drinkers
If there's pus in most cow milk then am I a pussy milk drinker?
lactosecels seething at gomadchads
Do you think breast feeding or drinking milk out of a bottle is something that gets done to us as babies as prep for sucking cock as adults?

I think the desire to suck a man's penis comes from the same subconscious place as the desire to suck on a teat and drink milk. That's just my theory anyways.
There's a correlation between the development of agriculture generally and the lightening of skin in ancient times that is much more important than this.
Your picture is basically a white people map.
Point to Japan on that map anon
So what i am hearing is that jews are too dumb to know that date sirup is not honey and milk and an apple is not a fig? Got it.
Yes, and I would do my damnest to support her with the recovery. But for your own sake, do your best to take care of it even if single.
I say this because I care about other people, I have studied medicine and know how bad it can be for the human body, and I personally know someone who's recovering (and received permanent damage to their health from it).
If I ever were to have kids, I wouldn't really care. Though neither me nor my wife are interested in becoming parents.
M. Having a loyal and loving high school sweetheart as wife.
>tfw my name is Harvey and my heart jumped a little
This is probably the closest I'll ever be to hearing those words.
Anyway, give Shane a chance.
men are built to suck tits
women are built to suck dicks
F -15
Or maybe, maybe because of the history that resulted in most Christians in the world today being Europeans and Jews being a minority religion, interpretations of Biblical stories transferred and changed elements of setting and context across cultures. Ever think of that?
Shut up incel lol
No u
I have had enough of this pretentious man. Admittedly it was convenient that he lived at the beach so i could stop by when going fishing but this went too far. And all just because HE wanted to stand in the exact spot the chest was. Unacceptable.
The lesson is that it's hard to translate ancient Hebrew, ancient Aramaic and ancient Greek into modern English.
Women, why do you bother with real penises if they don't even vibrate?
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>Discussion of Milk
>Harvey Milk
Perfect discussion to end Homosexualist Pride Month
Sup harvey! Are you also secretly a nazi?
want a beautiful red-haired gaelic speaking gf but they don't go for guys like me, what's the next best thing?
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That never happened. Elliot is a good boy. Meds now hoe
There's a solution for that, you know. You can buy a cheap vibrating cock ring at any adult toy store along with the batteries.
On technology entirely created by whites, based on ideas entirely developed by whites
It's that island on the right. 98%.
They go for guys like me and we don’t even want them lmao
Just remembered how much I dislike getting called by name, wow, lol.
Sorry, Big Harv.
A fit, Israeli IDF soldier gf
Vibration feels good on the clit but it doesn't do a whole lot internally.
Japanese > Whites
No it is because jews = dumb.
What am i? Cleopatra?
>Cleopatra invented the vibrator, getting around the no-electricity-in-ancient-Egypt issue by using either a gourd or a papyrus box filled with bees.
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>F -15
Simply wrong, but I don't care to discuss further
I’m from Australia you moron I live in the states now
I saw it with MINE OWN EYES
I was flabbergasted to say the least. Had to take a moment to recover.
Okay and in comparison to the US how far is it from the equator?
You don't care to. But you will.
Real cock is infinitely better than any toy I've tried, powered or otherwise. And I have tried A LOT of toys.
But would she date a man who has spent the last 10 years repeating the "I identify as an attack helicopter" joke?
Haha I won again! You guys suck at this kek
Well, England is actually quite up there.
That explains why your personality is so abrasive and combative. It's a part of your culture.
My bad. Sorry harvey.
Well erm
He wouldn’t have done it unprovoked. I you must’ve pushed him to do that. You’re at fault as the victim really. It’s as simple as that.
Well my parents are from Samoa and we still to this day hunt, cook and eat white people trespassing on native land so yeah yummy
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No, they're made for F35 chads.
No he is just a reckless monster like that.
No, languages are hard. Even you struggle with languages sometimes, which is why you wrote sirup instead of syrup.
No you’re just a stupid ass hoe. Don’t slander him like that.
175ish Weight is a terrible metric
36 pushups

I was *supposed* to get that up to 50. I've been slacking hardcore.
>t. Brampton pajeet
Not my problem. In german it is sirup and german is always right.
*not delivered*
Fresh from the Niagara I hope
*1 blocked message*
That sounds like it would hurt
I think the vagina meds are giving me bad side effects :( What is god punishing me for?
This is what I send to people when I'm out drinking
>"good evening"
>pick up line here
>"i'm sorry"
I actually have a problem don't I?
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Men and women
How has your week been? how’s your Saturday?
*this person is no longer available*
Terrible Horrible
Haven't spoken to a single human bean in real irl life for weeks.

anyway, I'm doing fine, chilling.
M. No.
What about believing in a theory that there is a single higher power, and people merely interpreted the same thing in different ways, depending on the cultural context?
Boring, frustrating, sad.
It's my birthday.
*the number you have dialled is not available*
225 :^)
Pretty good although I accidentally filled up the wrong fuel in the campus security car yesterday and had to pay out of my own pocket because it’s the expensive version but I start my promotion on Monday no more fucking nightshifts oh thank fucking christ
I don't think you're boring. Happy birthday.
For being a partnerless woman
*this line is busy at the moment please try again later*
Thank you!
Idk being depressed makes people pretty boring I can acknowledge that. But thank you anyway!
There was a chemical accident at my husbands work and he was the first responder and tried to reanimate the guy. Unsuccessfully. His insides had already been liquified.
He told me all the details and it sounded like straight out of a gore vid.
And i suppose we get our ass beaten by italy tonight.
Happy Birthday anon
Happy Honica Gary
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>german, Austrian, Luxembourgish, Swiss German and Lichtensteiner girls be eating they “sirup”
Why they spell it like that though?
M. Slept poorly over the week and was really unproductive, but helped a friend in moving to a new apartment yesterday. Today I went to a sushi buffet with wife, younger sister and a couple friends, afterwards went and bought some hobby stuff I needed. Parents dropped off our carpets they had washed while picking up sister. Now gaming, might go and take a nap with wife.
Congrats, I'll raise a toast to you Anon.
>What about believing in a theory that there is a single higher power, and people merely interpreted the same thing in different ways, depending on the cultural context?
I actually find that more annoying than belonging to one of the abrahamic religions. It's a result of not being able to stray too far from the paradigm you've been inundated with while "looking out". Like deciding x religion is okay because it's monotheistic. Gay.
Why do you flirt with men here if you're married?
Nah they eats kebab nowadays
How is that my fault. i can't helpbeing born ugly
NTA. That's...so awful it sounds like something out of a movie.
Thank you both!
Poorly since my sportsball team lost
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Not my problem english speakers have to make an y out of every i for SOME REASON.
>His insides had already been liquified.
Holy crap that’s morbid… I hope his family managed to get through this.
>And i suppose we get our ass beaten by italy tonight.
Sucks to suck. My country’s favourite sport is the one we just happen to be best in the world at.
That's the thing, you're not ugly.
I got a fucking yeast infection doing nothing
This is like a mini raid how you both retvrned at the exact same time
What kind of ESL europoor Willy Wonka factory does your husband work at?
Joke language. Joke culture.
They never left.
Exhausting but overall productive and positive, yet disappointingly deprived of fresh banana bread.
Happy birthdfay baby i love you
You are not that ugly. Get your eyebrows "cleaned" by professional, get your legs and armpits waxed. Brush, floss and use mouth wash. Wear moisturizer and sunscreen and use lipbalm. You don't need makeup. Makeup was made to ruin women's skin. It worsens the skin and damages it even.
Hot girl summer(negative)
Meanwhile, in Netherlands
Who is flirting?
Yeah it must have been the worst. He said his lips were all black and his eyes have been chemically burned and were all white like a zombie. He also had swallowed some because it was dumped on him from above and that had dissolved his organs. They have a care team at work now but i guess you can never forget that again.
Yes I am
I do all that stuff already. I'd have to get a full facial reconstruction to look pretty
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I managed to quit nicotine, I haven’t had a cup of coffee for over a week and I limited my 4chan habit to Saturday and Sunday only. As you can see I’m not completely vice free
What euro country has a large population of tanned, blonde girls?
>Yes I am
Not to me. *desperate for pussy voice*
Yeah i mean there is not much else left to do at this point. Poor guy. He was even alive for a good while still until they got him under the safety showers but it was too late.
And what is that? Running from da police?
Little forward but I appreciate the sentiment anon. Thank you.
Fuck I need him so bad. Oh sweet jesus lord please stop doing this to me
Ever since I quit coffee and cigarettes I just felt happier and more motivated but I still want it out of nostalgia and reminiscent
Yeah actually. It is because i was preoccupied with trying to get perfection in stardew valley but i hate fishing and the one thing left is having to fish all the legendary fish and now i dont want to do it anymore.
Joke’s on you, nicotine and caffeine are not only based and my favorite drugs but also good for u
>Who is flirting?
With some of us, this:
>His insides had already been liquified.
>it sounded like straight out of a gore vid.
might be considered flirting.

But honestly, many anons here are so hard up they consider any woman not immediately avoiding them is therefore flirting with them.
Maybe he needs you too? Contact him already
>I haven’t had a cup of coffee for over a week
I started drinking coffee last week, shit has been fire so far, I don't really feel the caffeine, but it's suppressing my appetite, and that actually made Intermittent fasting much more doable and minimized my snacking and need for sugary drinks.
Good shit
Hot shit
>He was even alive for a good while still until they got him under the safety showers but it was too late.
Oh lord that’s horrific. I hope the pain ended quickly.
>Running from da police?
No. The police here are fat we don’t have to run from them. We just have to walk at a brisk pace.
He works for big pharma.
How do I insult a woman indirectly
The US, probably
Coffee is completely based.
Especially once you git gud at brewing it yourself.
No wait IKEA haha
It is well known that you consider strange things to be flirting, kek
Oh my God I hope he went fast that's horrific. Reminds me a little bit of the lighthouse keeper who swallowed molten lead.
Ao your national sport is walking at a brisk pac? Nice.
Makes sense tell him my gf needs a new order of Ozempic
You are very often sharing your romantic and/or sexual fantasies with other posters in these threads.
No retard. It isn’t
He doesn't
Yeah, it took like ten mins, so i guess that counts as fast. Poor guy.
American women's accents really are sexy and feminine
Elliot could’ve alleviated the boredom but you provoked him
I mainly post extremely hateful things.
Shhh stop don't ruin her delusions. Anyway all she will do is deny deny deny
At one point US porn brainwashed me into thinking every woman that I have sex with will have an American accent the first time I had sex was so disappointing
No. That does NOT count as fast. Holy shit
How do you know?
He has a gf?
No he just makes me cringe.
Good thing you do not need marriage for perfection. I likely will just not marry at all.
Maybe you have body/facial dysmorphia
This is true. But at least I'm aware when the other party isn't engaged.
Are you retarded?
Kek we cucked her husband good work boys
What is there to doubt? Our national sport is Badminton (yes really, look it up)
You’re being super ignorant rn.
Stardew valley is a girls game. Girls get married. Suck it up
To be real for a second yea this is exactly it. People only ever lie to me about it when they want something from me.
No I just know what I've got
Anyhow, I hope that the family mounts one big fat lawsuit against the company for letting that happen and they have a good payout as some sort of a consolation.
Women are giving birth much later in life.
If you're going to lose against Italy today then you're Swiss, and if you're Swiss then you are very often sharing your romantic and/or sexual fantasies with other posters in these threads.
People do not actually die that fast. It usually takes a while unless they are like smashed by a train or something. The human body is rather tough. It takes a while for the organs to dissolve and for that to lead to heart failure and for that to lead to brain death.
>Spinach then.
Causes kidney stones.
>I'd have to get a full facial reconstruction to look pretty
I'm doubtful.
I was legitimately deformed and I didn't need full facial reconstruction, they just needed to peel my face down and smash my bones a bit.
I dont hate women but some of them really deserve to die alone with cats
F. Hung out with friends and an ex last night, waiting to see if we can do more this weekend or if I'm stuck home like usual.
The autism detective has cracked the case that will shake 4chan to its foundation. I will leak this story to the press
No they are trying to push it on the workers because they were not operating according to the safety guidelines. Which they did because they bought the cheaper containers. But i am sure they will find a way to get away with it. Their lawyer was on site five mins after the guy was dead.
what do you guys think is the best way to deal with having a fetish thats super super weird and kinda gross but not morally objectionable or anything? should i try to just ignore it or what? if i get a boyfriend and i tell him about this he's probably going to find it both icky and not hot at all so i'd just be making an idiot of myself and i don't even like that i have it in the first place.
> the idea that women should give birth laying on their back on a table
Who still does this?
My kids were born with my wife squatting on some special stool.
Maybe two years ago. Get with the times old man.
is it clowngirls
Just pour lemonade on yourself in the shower and pretend it's his piss.
.......no but i have that one too
how do i get a gf with long silky hair
what's the fetish you're worried about?
>Bitches always be dieting
I think this is why so many of them have depression and anxiety problems.
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This whole scenario seems horribly fucked up. Damn. Well I’m rooting for justice to be served but maybe the bosses will win.
it's not piss either (i feel very neutral on that) it's having him chew up food and kiss me and push it into my mouth for some reason.
I could fix them. All of them.
My mother also had some horror stories to share from her visits to hospitals back in poland
I like when this is limited to spitting in each others mouths but
idk that's really really niche so.
God put the pee hole in the same place as the cum hole. Urine is inherently sexual. Any questions?
Unfortunately money often wins.
The vice president of the company talked to my husband two days ago and slimed him up about condolences and bla bla bla and then sneakily wanted him to tell her what exactly happened. Dumb bitch.
The story has been leaked to the press already. Sorry.
Expect to die of mysterious circumstances under a cloud of scandal and disgrace. You lost
Jesus no it doesn't that's agony. 10 minutes isn't a long time when you're not in excruciating pain but when you are it might as well be 4 days.
>>To be real for a second yea this is exactly it. People only ever lie to me about it when they want something from me.
It's not like I can actually get anything from you over the internet. :^)
i like that too. its slippery slope situation. i like mouth invasion.
Why does it feel good to put things into that hole?
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A reverse Ferengi then (women chew for the men). Clearly the only sensible and reasonable solution is to watch Star Trek with him, and then say "You know, I'd like to try that" when you get to an episode which mentions it.
...star trek really is an endless resource
>slimed him up
And milk makes you depressed.
maybe if you are brown lmao
Summer makes me wanna cry and suicidal. I only had 1 summer gf.
Nta. This is honestly genius.
Nope even if you can digest lactose.
What garbage milk are you drinking?
I haven’t had a single summer gf ever. I still don’t feel suicidal or like crying when summer rolls around
the milk of the misery cow, like everyone else?? what are you drinking?
>had... gf
Stfu you chad
You don't know what you're missing.
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>I haven’t had a single summer gf ever. I still don’t feel suicidal or like crying when summer rolls around
This is a well documented thing if you're actually that curious you'll be able to find information by searching.
Well yeah, ofc it is long to be in such pain. I just meant relative to the time it takes for a human to die. Which is always too long.
Not defending your copes for you.
It’s not really normal to be upset to the point of wanting to end your life over things like this.
Sweet release. Let the void take me home.
You've never seen me
Slime me up. Do it already
I can't force you to learn things. I had an interesting conversation about it with a paramedic once and then looked into it. If you'd rather not confirm whether one of us is right or not and stay in the dark so you get to feel like you're correct regardless of the truth go for it.
It's weird being acquainted with a ton of boomer women and knowing most of them actually have divorced their husbands and gotten cats or dogs for the very purpose of living their lives and dying alone with pets rather than a guy
Googled it and I see many articles saying it benefits mental health rather than hurts it.
Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, the usual
Not my finest hour lol xP
>but a p-paramedic
don't care
if you can't even explain the mechanism as to how
don't care
doesn't give me depression, so
don't care
>last time stole them from 2 guys lol
I don't think I did this lol we were in a group
>He likes to larp as a lonely guy
Everyone gets lonely sometimes bro
Watching every other girl my age always have someone chasing her or have a boyfriend from age 14 is really hurting what am I doing wrong what is so horribly wrong with me that men hate me Nobody loves me no one really cares about me I am a filler character in my own life
>Scanning google results is the same as actually reading the information
You mean won't. I'd have to find a source to make sure I'm stating everything correctly and I'm not invested enough to do the work. You seem invested so I suggested you figure it out for yourself.
>tfw my summer bf is a stuffed animal with a cool moving dick
Are you the British guy I asked to talk about the footy when you were sending vocas? Yo that was funny
I'm white but eating dairy causes a bunch of problems which I only discovered because of an elimination diet.
- joint pain and arthritis in my fingers
- eczema
- also body odour
So even if you are lactose tolerant, and I am, I have no digestive problems when I eat dairy, there may be other things which you don't associate with it because you consume it so commonly.
Milk is good for you. Seethe more.
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You’re supposed to be offended
We didn't/don't act right. I know how to do it NOW but as a teenager I had no idea how to flirt, or appeal to the male gaze. You'll get there you're just a late bloomer. It'll click eventually.
I’m really proud of myself that I basically took the work roster hostage and gave myself 5 shifts a week, compared to the rest of the who average out about 3-4 shifts per week I’ve gained power over the ESL’s at work and now they respect like me a like a god why isn’t everyone else doing this there is basically no competition in the workplace if you speak fluent English and can hold a conversation
Try apps
>No, apps are horrible
Talk to guys then
okay then link an article proving your point. all the ones i read say that the connection between dairy products and depression is unclear at best, and some say they have actually negative correlation
Your gut health isn't actually as good as you think it is. I had a doctor try to convince me I had a dairy problem and it was total bullshit.
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Oh my god the milk debate just reignited
probably not social enough, give off uninviting body language or overweight
drinking a nice tall glass of milk rn
I want to date a woman who drinks milk
That would require me to google things rather than watching YouTube. No thanks. You can post what you found if you're so bothered.
Will you buy it for me? I love milk and cheese
I am extremely light skinned but do not drink milk much because I don't really like the taste. I drink my coffee black.
>gf ultimately texts me back and says she's free to hang tonight
>consider the hours I spent being anxious about it and wondering if she's cutting me off

why am I like this
Ours does.
Was gonna send something, but no joke my building just lost power, rip… what a shithole

Anyway, what even made you feel ugly?
Was there a specific interaction you had?
who is you
Why shouldn't most men hate women? What reason have most men been given not to do so?
Imply you think you have a chance.
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I don’t really have a reason to hate them desu.
Why should they? You need a reason to hate things not a reason not to hate them.
Thanks, this one actually worked. I just changed it a bit and made her think I was turning her down.
As I age, I’ve found my tolerance for bitter things have greatly increased
Use to be that I couldn’t stand coffee without sugar, now it tastes fine
Actually though. Nothing makes you feel uglier than a 2 earnestly attempting to rizz you up.
That's your own choice, retard.
>what am I doing wrong
Most likely you don't smile, don't make eye contact.
A $500 one
How was it?
My face
Men ignore me when I go out and try to talk to them
My body is spindly and unfeminine
I'm ignored completely when I go out with pretty friends
Men if I want to compliment behavior like this >>31527824 would it offend you less if I called you sweet instead of cute?
Dear male anons
>I think Im so ugly that I think even the implication that I want to date you is an insult
Is not the own that you think it is
Hi girls
We should be making out right now but we're not. Why is that?
It wouldn’t offend me either way honestly. Being offended by that seems awfully thin skinned.
But yeah I guess if you’re worried about sounding patronising sweet is a better choice
Get some surgery, bitch
My mom is a cunt
Ah, you’re definitely not ugly
I estimate you’re probably at the “will ignore me if I approach at a bar” level of attractiveness
This is a gold mine kek
You were too busy chasing Stacy
That costs extra
The reason I ask was that several men the other day said they hated being called cute. I'd prefer if they weren't bothered like you but the intention is to give a compliment so I'll keep that in mind so I don't unnecessarily bruise any egos.
Why would I? Im not the person unironically saying shit like that. I really dont think that being so ugly that acting like you have a chance with someone is insulting is really a valid way to own the women
Most guys get on ok with women.
Ha, yeah, last night was fun
cuz ur ugly and stupid apparently
Uh if I recall correctly , they didn’t say they hated being called cute, they said they hated being called poor baby and being dotted on when feeling sick. Big difference
I'm not telling you like it's an own though
Would you have a blind date with someone you've met on atoga?
>“will ignore me if I approach at a bar” level of attractiveness
Or I'm just so ugly that men don't even bother. I have no redeeming features to make up for my shitty face.
What are some specific things that you (men) notice when someone is flirting? Even if no one has shown interest in you what are some subtle things that you would notice if someone was flirting with you?
So true bestie.
I swear we got on the topic of cute as well, maybe it was a different thread from a while ago and more of a cute vs handsome debate but I know I've had that conversation on here
Yeah sure why not?
I've got time and could use some cardio. How about we bang for the bext few hours?
You're probably not my type
There could be multiple reasons why men don’t approach you, are you in the US?
That 2 is actually objectively a 4 and your looksmatch though.
I have no idea to be honest. I’ve had girls I thought were super flirty be completely lukewarm on me and girls who I thought were super uninterested actually be interested. I have no clue
is it true that pets take after their owner?
I ask because no matter what I do to prevent it from happening, my parrot is constantly horny.
I've met a couple guys from 4chan. Probably wouldn't do it again but they weren't nightmare experiences.
>Even if no one has shown interest in you what are some subtle things that you would notice if someone was flirting with you?
How the fuck would I know? Even on the dates I was on, it was 100% me trying to flirt and her giving me nothing
What did you think was super flirty?
Is it over if even girls who think of themselves as ugly won’t give you a chance?
Babes I'm a 6-7. And the 2 in question has meth teeth.
What would be ideal flirting for you?
Animals, like people, have their personality determined much by genetics and facets of it are merely encouraged/suppressed by the environment
if you're ugly as a guy its over before its even began
your options are either stay tax cattle for your goverment, get rich or become a serial killer
He probably thought you would be down to split a dimebag with him
I went to take a shit and accidentally pushed out the suppository .... it was only in for like an hour and it was in pill form. Did I just waste $20 or am I good
complimenting my physical appearance in any way
but its weird. I dont do anything of the classic bird keeping things that can cause horniness. Like giving her ripe fruit. I only pet and rub her head, never the body. I punish her mating ritual offerings etc.
Those don’t sound very fulfilling…
What if I just want a genuine connection with someone?
Not entirely.
Still shipping. I can't wait.
So? It's just a friendly make out
No. I don't give men chances because I think they are all lying to me or making fun of me
NTA but I don’t know if I can call any sort of flirting (especially when it’s forced) ideal. It’s just something you’re kind of expected to do if you like someone but it isn’t natural to me at all
Nah meth heads can tell the difference between stoners and their own ilk
Thats very forward
Dig through that shit and put it back in
>How about we bang for the bext few hours?
I would suck at it
Yea what does that have to do with anything
That’s fair….
Meaning they should know better. The druggies don't mix like that. Weed is a normie drug now.
This is why I'll never talk to a woman
Fuck my life seriously. Just kill me at this point
Yeah so? Showing interest in me physically is all I'm going to interpret as "flirting"
Things people told me were supposed to be flirty like smiling when you pay them a compliment or playing with their hair. In RETROSPECT I know this isn’t what flirting actually is. But at the time that’s what I thought. But now I know that you need something a lot more concrete than those simple things to consider it flirting
>I would suck
Don't worry. I'll reciprocate. Going down on girls lots of fun.
Different cultures have different ways of meeting people
Have you tried online dating?
sex is just a strong drive not easily suppressed
Yeah, but you look the part.
Are you actually fucking kidding meeeee Do I go and buy another box? How often am I supposed to use miconazole anyway? Whatever I have a bunch of cream left I'll just use that. God that was the most expensive shit I've ever taken
Nah, jk
Apparently an hour is long enough
What was it for anyway
Most women treat men like disposable trash.
OK, but what about women besides our moms?
my yeast infection.
>has no idea what I look like
>insults my appearance
im kinda tired of having to change shirts because she keeps dropping food offerings on my shoulder and under my shirt
How do women MOG eachother? Do they know they're doing it? Same with guys.

And do men Bully pretty women?
I havent heard from this girl Im seeing since thursday. We have plans to hang out on Monday, should I message her or wait one more day?
hair, tits, stomach, ass, nails
with the husbands they marry
Most people treat strangers like disposable trash. It's not a men vs women thing humans just kind of suck. >>31527943
If you have something to say like something interesting happened to you or you have a question go ahead and message her but if all you're going to say is "wyd" or something similar leave it until tomorrow.
>Most women treat men like disposable trash
Oh that’s interesting anon. I didn’t know that. I’ve personally never experienced that in my life.
Ah, apparently they dissolve after like15 to 30 minute so you’re good
Go relax, stress makes the body heal slower
got a fresh watermelon
but no femanon to share it with
If I need help and there are only women around, I'm screwed.
haha funny bird
You should tell that to some of the girls I asked out.
Can you be tall, technically fat but not considered fat if you have a good waist to hip ratio and flat (or mostly flat) stomach?
You should satisfy her

I assume it works with qtips like with cats
Oh thank god thank you I love you
Idk though I can see it in the toilet.... is it just the gel capsule ? I dont know how this stuff works
You admitted to doing drugs and hanging around meth users
lose weight fatty
Watermelon tastes disgusting though
bad idea to indulge birds like that
turns them aggressive and VERY possesive and protective around other people
Well I’ve also asked girls out before and most of them were cordial in rejection. I never felt like I was being treated like disposable trash.
If you need physical help sure. You're likely the strongest one there so if you can't do it how is one of them going to? If you need a different kind of help just ask an older woman. Younger ones are wary because they don't want you to hit on them but it's not like they'd step over your unconscious body on the sidewalk.
Yes, fuck, I was chatting with someone from here and I want to meet up and cuddle ASAP but I guess I was so socially retarded and took so long he actually found a gf while I was busy getting my life in order
I admitted to smoking weed and being in a grocery store parking lot lol. Not at the same time. Meth heads do have to eat sometimes contrary to what it looks like.
yeah sure. I've talked to plenty of femanons who sound like very nice people
Based maleanon
>but it's not like they'd step over your unconscious body on the sidewalk
No, it actually is
Yeah, don't worry, it's probably just the shell, they usually have those.
the actual meds should already be in ye blood streams floating around.
City people problems
S-sorry, didn't mean to bother you...
Aww I would like a clingy parrot wife
If you know you are fat just stop coping and lose a few pounds
So you're a streetwalker. I figured
Even when I weighted 200 I only looked slightly overweight.
Oof, how do you know he found someone? Did he brag?
I'd love to share it as long as you don't make a race joke.
weird reply
It wasn’t exactly blind because we talked for a while first and exchanged pics but yea
lady is coming over later
its been like a month
i'm gonna ask if we're exclusive
i'm nervous lol
Nobody would even know, you wanted him to make a race joke.
in fact, you were probably looking forward to it, weren't you, you love it when white bois call you their easter bunny and feed you watermelons.
no you wouldnt, because an aggressive bird is a huge problem. They can and will take out huge chunk of flesh if they attack you. Now luckily she's a small species but the bigger ones can easily break fingers and take out eyes
and they live for a long time so you're stuck if you fuck up. Like a conure can reach 30 years. The aras can go up to 70
Lol that's an even bigger reach than doing drugs other than weed. What triggered you exactly?
Yeah, I guess I feel insecure that she doesnt want me if we don't text, but it would just be me saying wyd
make to specifically phrase it asking if she is exclusive to you without you making any such explicit commitment haha
Why won't this die?
There is nothing. Not a thing,
We don't notice flirting, because being friendly and flirting are totally indistinguishable.
I dont notice
what do you mean

i was talking to my buddy and his wife and they were like "you literally need to just tell or ask her 'so we're exclusive right?'"
I hope it works. This fucking sucks
I see no problem as long as she never turns on you
I’ve found that if I save up a day my cumshot is better? How do I make it go farther?
In another timeline I'd have a boyfriend who gave me the yeast infection and I would be able to complain at him but all I have is my own failing body and 4chan
Women don't want to take direct unambiguous actions because it puts her at social risk of being explicitly rejected with no cope/deniability. At the same time they get frustrated their ambiguous actions are not received the exact way they want them to be. A tale as old as time innit.
>I feel insecure that she doesnt want me if we don't text, but it would just be me saying wyd
Cellphones and the Internet are a fucking curse on relationships. Being constantly accessible makes you doubt why someone isn't contacting you when the reality is almost always that they are just busy, or don't have anything interesting to say. I'm a fan of good morning texts but texting each other
"what are you up to?"
"oh not much how about you?"
5 times a day is excruciating.
great in theory, bad in practice because what do you do when you have guests over, or other pets, or trying to get into a relationship
its a small dinosaur that can fly. Very affectionate, VERY jealous
4chan is a better listener to be honest.
is yeast infection something you can get from a man?
PSA: I can't believe I had to explain this to someone but men please for the love of God wash your hands after you pet the dog before you finger someone.
stop making bread dildos
this is also something I'm trying to learn and be comfortable with
every gf I've had texted me all the time throughout the day
and my current gf is like very low maintenance and we hardly text when we're not together
which is fine but its like weird and an adjustment
But its like yeah there's no reason to go back and forth like that all the time
you're own fault for dating dirtchads while ignoring hygienecels
Nah, I let wild cats lick my fingers and I finger blast my gf's pussy right after

the pussy to pussy pipeline shall not be disrupted.
>most of them
Did you misunderstand my use of the word "some" in my post?
I'm listening to a japanese rap song with a jungle beat, recommend me jungle music
Idk I'm not a sex haver
I never even got fingered.....
M, 160
Still a fuck-up lol
Only if it was EE blonde
women is reckless driving an ick?
I need to get my adrenaline rush somewhere, but the previous girl told me I have a death wish and broke things up.
PSA to women: Avoid men with college degrees relating to computers.
Are american men romantic? Here in Venezuela men are not romantic at all
>M, 160
Absolute chad
I got negatives, NEGATIVES!
we do not live in the same dimension.
I want to date a woman who has breastmilk
Its a dealbreaker. Be normal
wow racist
Of course it is. It demonstrates your inability to assess risk vs reward correctly and would make you a bad provider and father.
most american men are retarded and not romantic

>t. american man
What nationality is romantic?
Probably lol
What is the fetish lass
They have their moments. But not really
reckless driving makes me so angry
like when people fly 50mph down the side street
bro i will literally fight you and slash your tires
grow the fuck up man
He was white tho
Are you british vocaroo anon? I love you
mmm ok, I'll chill then.
still disproportionately targets Asians and Indians, you racist
>female -50
>bro i will literally fight you and slash your tires
sounds like you are the one with anger issues though
M, yeah it's been alright thanks
Still helping my mom with something then dunno whether to go to this hot girl's party or not
women love it dude, don't be a safecel be a carwreckchad
If you're going to be like that about it...
New PSA: Women watch your man wash his hands in front of you before intimacy
Based and safetyatallcosts pilled.

At all costs.
my father drives like a maniac and he is a very good father and provider. Financially speaking probably top 0.01% in my country
I will shoot you
thanks, that is what I have been waiting to hear
Sorry that will just give women the 'ick', she doesn't want to actually see the preening you do
And if he had run over someone when you were 3 he would have been in jail and unable to do that. Reckless driving is stupid and people who do it are either dangerously low IQ or assholes.
>my father is an asshole but he's a good father
>proof: he taught me to be an asshole too
>basic hygiene
Okay you definitely need to be watched.
Making life worse for iq posters is a great pleasure
Most people are not romantic in the traditional sense anymore. Women killed chivalry, men stopped giving a shit, and everyone became very utilitarian about relationships.
if all women were super hot
what would be your standards for having sex with a woman?
Super smart and super nice.
yeah but he didnt because he is good under pressure and has good risk assessment so he never actually puts anyone in danger.
Always use leverage in bed, it’s a way to seem stronger than you actually are
>tfw my big-boobed MILF crush at work randomly asked me if I liked milk once and started talking about how she wanted to get full cream milk in the office, but all I could think about was...
>Might kill myself and several others
>But it annoys people I perceive as better than me on the Internet so I'm gonna do it
That is not the flex you think it is lol
I'm happy to give you all the loving you need, sugar
good stable and motherly personality
>if all women were super hot
oh shit
you didn't say if I'm hot too, I guess it's over, us ugly men would be dead.
>never actually puts anyone in danger
Untrue. People who aren't expecting his asshole moves have to react to them, and then everybody behind them has to react. It's like you don't know how driving works.
>perceive as better than me
Talk about poor intellect
Yeah I've slept in bed with a few girls lol but also >>31527424
The real chance would be a relationship
I don't like traditional life like we have here I like gender equality like you guys have there. I like guys who have feelinhs and are not afraid of demonstrating their feelings. Here the men are cold, do not demonstrate feelings and make fun of the men who do
women will say "oh please dry safe" but when you do her subconscious screams
>omg why is he so safe and boring :( why can't he take a risk and almost get us killed
You don't have to say it to know why you do it. You identified as low IQ it's a pretty easy leap, even for you.
Yeah, foids get the ick when a man is romantic. To put it into perspective, you have a higher chance of making her your gf if you just punch her in the face than if you open the door for her or get her flowers.
Ross was a real one
That she wants to marry me
It's too late, my nice guy clean fingers were ignored so now I'm scum fist maxxing
Man, you're fucking stupid. That's iq posters for you.
kek, the fact that its true makes it so hilarious
I love you too babe
Now spill the beans, what is this taboo fetish you speak of lol
>we do not live in the same dimension
Actually I saw you at the supermarket jk
I hate how this is true
>you have a higher chance of making her your gf if you just punch her in the face than if you open the door for her or get her flowers.
interesting hypothesis, this should be scientifically tested
thats not true
We don't have gender equality here. It sounds like what you want is to be held above men and for men to grovel at your feet.
>Now spill the beans, what is this taboo fetish you speak of lol
I'm a different anon!
This man is going to singlehandedly create a new strain of drug resistant bacterial vaginosis.
You feel like a piece of shit so you say "might as well act like a piece of shit" it's not that hard to figure out.
>men who have never had a date once again lecture everyone on what women are like
Its a 4chan classic at this point.
Women don't really want to hear men's feelings. They think they do but they don't, they would find them disturbing.
Use positions that don’t require much strength but are still dominant. Work with leverage and be creative so you can use your energy in fucking
>Actually I saw you at the supermarket jk
Oh yeah? What did he look like? cause if reality around the dude ain't distorted from his sheer hideousness, then that dude ain't me. Light wouldn't be able to escape my field of deformity.
I have had a date so I'm now Chad enough to tell everybody want to think.
they just like low inhib men and they just happen to do reckless stuff.
The best way to get women is just do stupid shit and pretend she is not even there.
Most men don't have good feelings
>They think they do but they don't, they would find them disturbing.
This argument is ridiculous but this one thing right here may actually be true.
Sorry I lose track of my fangirls sometimes
>What did he look like?
Like your dad but younger
Do femanons like sensitive feminine men?
As much as I have masculine hobbies and try to act more like a man, deep down I still feel like a sensitive child I was growing up

I think most women are attracted to conventional masculinity- do you agree with me femanons?
Women, what are some incel theories or copes that actually are partially or somewhat true?

Men, please start your replies with "not a woman, but".
That's why women don't see me. My field of ugliness captures and locks in all the light reflecting off me, so it never even reaches the retinas of a female.
Then that man ain't me.
he probably a chad like you.
>t. basedcel
I don't like you
Yes I love them I want a bf like that
>women lie about what they like so frequently even men who don't date know better than to take them at their word
It's mutual so we're good on that front
you will never get a woman to admit they are human and therefore subject to some frameworks of mentality and behaviour. At least not like that. You need to bait them.
Women like sensitive feminine men as long as they're tall. You cannot get away it without this major piece of sexual dimorphism.
Why sre WMAF and WMLF couples more common than AMWF and LMWF couples?

whats the best way for a guy you've been dating to ask if you want to be exclusive
because you're american?
How do I meet Christian women that are also interesting?
Not a woman but, the halo effect is real and well-documented (with both genders)
That's probably the closest thing to an incel theory I can think of that isn't total bollocks
Nah bro you mogged me hard, quasimodomaxxed
if you have to as, its over for you
why? isn't that something that should be communicated?
Seriously though anon how are ya, what are you up to this weekend?
WMLF and WFLM exist in around the same numbers
Do you like poetry femanon?
I could also show you some of my poetry if you think that's sensitive and lovey dovey enough
because white men are taller
Casually. Like you assumed it already was. "This is a thing right? I haven't been seeing anyone else"
Unironically media whitewashing
my friend and his wife told me i should literally just be like "so we're exclusive right?"
He doesn't want me anymore
>Nah bro you mogged me hard, quasimodomaxxed
fuck you!
You're literally that cunt stealing bitches away!
Fuuck youuuu phoebus!
Yeah. To the point and don't make a big deal. Just confirming something you already think is true rather than asking her if she wants that.
no, all questions that fall in the category of: will you be my girlfriend?
are cringe and if you have to ask them it means something went very wrong and you are not on the same page as the other person. Also you forfeit all of the dynamic of the relationship and you LOST! haha enjoy being stomped into the ground
Stealing who? I'm still lonelier than a hooker on prom night
Call me phoebe
Italy is getting pastarized.
I should become the ultimate crab
lock you in a basement so you'll never get any bitches.
you should go on a 1000 cock spree to validate your self worth. works 10/10 times, trust
Where do I watch this match for free?
I mean yeah didn't those twats invent pasta
I'll set up headquarters for my fangirl club there
No girls will be coming over, my aura repels them.
>"women only like tall men"
Okay, maybe so, BUT:

Women, do you prefer men who are tall and broad, or men who are tall and narrow?
Do you prefer men who are tall with rugged features, or tall with delicate features?
It's a beautiful day outside and I'm getting ready to hang out with friends. What about you anon? Hows the weather in England?
Normies became aggressive drivers mostly after covid when they found out nothing matters
>Do femanons like sensitive feminine men?
>I think most women are attracted to conventional masculinity- do you agree with me
No. I only see that with high maintenance bimbos on social media, every normal woman I know exclusively dates men that internet tough guys call onions boys
I don't like being called out so hard.
do you agree with this guy >>31528200
Yes I can't overstate how much I love men who write poetry
Just to have sex with? If I like her and she hasn't done anything that disgusts me like gangbangs
That's why you're my little easter bunny.
>my aura
Nah bro you've got the alpha wolf rizz *wolf howls into the moon*
Lovely, hot girl summer is here!
>Hows the weather in England?
Bloody cold and rainy, the usual
I'm debating whether to go to this party or just stay home and work, my social batteries feel spent
How to find out if the man I'm dating is a closeted manwhore? The type that would have uncomitted sex with hot women if he had the chance?
All you had to do was tell me what you wanted
You know I was gonna come through
Like I'm supposed to
Never held you to your duties as a wife
Let you do what you want to
Cause I had a couple in the background
Down to give me what I couldn't get from you
volunteer to be a cuckquean
That's the kind of question you only get to ask once, because you'll get your answer, but no matter what it is, the relationship will be over.
You need to see him interact with a girl who's hotter than you, so ask your sister to message him.
you should be happy you get to date chad
Idk what that even means. Is it a chocolate joke?
Idk why women have this insatiable urge to feel protected all the time
Existential Love Sonnet by Anon
For Femanon(s)

These were the Truths we rutted out below
Morality from Mortality
Finality from Fatality
The Brutality of Formality
And the Banality of Immortality
Then the Lies we discerned from above
Life from death, hands from stone, skin from leather
Lives that we dissected, analyzed and scrutinized together
With me as the Hades that lurked among the heather
And you as the Persephone that was lost to the nether
I cried, I screamed, I stood beneath the boulder and I hurled
I crashed, I sprawled, it was the death knell of our existentialism
A return to crushing nihilism
And to the tender indifference of the world
Don't bother, there's a female commentator.
"Roses are red
and ready for plucking
You are sixteen,
and ready for high school,"
I have a male one.
>what would be your standards for having sex with a woman?
same as now.
No, it's actually a Jesus joke, now join me in a prayer.
Sounds like you just lack imagination
Alpha wolves aren't real, what they thought were Alpha's were just mothers.
so in essence, you just called me a bitch
Oh femanon how I love your posts
They make me laugh and cry the most
Anonymously scrolling behind a screen
Your mysteriousness only makes me more keen
Traversing through the cyberspace
I'll be there any time and place
But I do have to wonder, through all of the slog
If perhaps at the keyboard there's just a small dog?
I want a husband who will help me zip my dresses
I'm afraid to pray, since God must see me masturbate so often and so pitiably that reaching out to him in prayer would just get me judged even more harshly.
Literally any one will do that, Anon.
Even your neighbors, or that kid at a park.
>she wears clothes she can't put on by herself
red flag
If god didn't want you masturbating and blaspheming his name, you wouldn't be able to.
I volunteer if I can also unzip them
>try to be social
>smile and try to be funny
>not overweight
>dress fashionably
what am I doing wrong? Why can't I get any girl interested in me ever? Last girl who who interested in me is 8 years ago.
you're smiling too much
Real queens don't have to dress themselves
Do you actually ask them out?
Your height?
Go to that party anon and leave work for the rest of the rest of the week. I would love to party with you someday. Anyways, I'm heading out right now. Hope you have fun and browse atoga more often
:'( I try to smile normally
just a quick smile when I see someone
>Do you actually ask them out?
nta but women are supposed to be the ones to give the "ask me out" signals first, if he's not getting those then there's no point
Many words but what say?
Haven't met a single girl who's interested in me in years. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I've become a little more critical of others. That one girl I dated 8 years ago wasn't really my type and I knew that beforehand but I was kind of desperate.
>pov qt posted
Thats soooo beautiful anon! If a man wrote something like that to me I would marry him on the spot
True. I hope he enjoys the view, then.
>browse atoga more often
I already waste too much time here but thanks haha
Have fun with your friends!
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Way too accurate.
Where are you romantic guys from?
Got that Otis from Barnyard rizz
>Where are you romantic guys from
My mum's vagina
>Women, the "masters" of communication
Someone on /tv/ said women think the bad guy from hunchback of notre dam is hot.
Is this true?
kek thank you for this beautiful homage anon <3
If I'm a guy, is it ok to type "heyyy" or "hiii" to other guys?
I'm pretty sure most women I know would ridicule a man who writes poetry, if only it were that easy lmao.
Nigga we slayin!
Would men like it if a woman wrote poetry for them?
You mean Frollo? That old guy? Hell no.
That's probably the same type of guy who says all 18-20 year olds are totally fucking guys 30+.
Larping coper
You're welcome doggo I mean femanon
weird question
No we absolutely hate any kind of attention
Come on, of course we would
he's tall, old, kind of faggy looking and has a deep voice
ugly tumblr-tier women love that shit apparently
ironically he and quasimodo are like the two main classes of incel personalities
Women ridicule everything men do
Yes I would fall 4 u
Esméralda could get it though, probably the hottest girl in all of Disney
No, I fucking DETEST woman who put effort into showing me that they care about me.

I be killing bitches who say they love me.
True, Frollo was the definition of "what no pussy does to a mf", bro was actually down bad
I wish qt would stop flirting with me because he knows he's my type. He's supposed to be asexual for anything but cartoon girls and fictional blonde women, so I don't have to actually consider if he'd hypothetically do me.
>he knows he's my type
Wait what, who dis
>so I don't have to actually consider if he'd hypothetically do me.
You know he would, you got that motherly type shit going on, you could probably talk the dude out of his pants.
Why won't this guy be honest with me about how much he wants me?
>every man has a social rank among other men
>if you dont know your rank, you're on the bottom
do you think this is true?
Poetry is pretty gay tbf
Now this makes Graham Norton look straight
I could bang you instead. Do you like jewish cowboys?
Because I'm scared
Because contrary to the diversity chart up there, white women are the most privileged class of people on the planet.
Im going to kill men
I'm at the bottom, so ugly women probably rank me lower than murderers and rapists.
Why does it matter?
I'm an incel, let an incel appreciate these digital fakeness, or y'know, show me the real deal.
>he's my type
Get better types quite honestly woman
Hot if true
>worrying about your "rank" amongst other men
Sounds a bit gay ngl
I literally would but you would call me ugly
not sure
i will say everyone in my division at work knows that I'm top dog and will do exactly as I say when I show up to a job site
so yes, in that realm I know that I'm the king
Don't make me think about it more.
As if, lol.
Don't actually send me anything btw, I don't deserve shit.
Not particularly.
Don't worry, I've probably banged worse
post. I'll be the judge. You're only really ugly if you don't post, because then you'd commit yourself to accepting your ugliness, thus making you ugly. By risking, showing yourself, you create beauty.
Now post those titties.
I'm prone to overthinking things
Try it. Not even your triple 3's will protect you.
What are you thinking now
palestine will be free and jews will rooted out inshallah. Mustache man was right and everyone knows it.
Should I tell her that I'm scared of asking her out, because what if she doesn't like me and I will ruin everything, even though she's really cute
why that one girl claims she's too ugly to post herself if she can just post and farm likes from incels on the no sex forum
Fuck that nigga
One more Saturday trapped inside the thread,
One more morning day sliding into night.
It weighs on my heart how I waste my head,
Searching for women beyond hurtful sight.

For never must you know me by daylight,
Pixels we must let glow for me instead.
My smile in my face I have not quite right,
Lack too a body pleasuring in bed.

It's only online that my pen has might,
That you might pay heed to words that I've said.
For off of the web I'm all bark no bite,
See me in person, you'll feel you're misled.

Ask me not from where, for I am just here.
This is the right place, so far yet so near.
My fucking pussy itches again. Fuck
What happened to impaler?
the suppository take days to start working
Didn't you get any topical ointment for yeast infection?
I can't pick my type, you tard.
>he knows he's my type
It's over for men who don't do drugs and who live steady simple lives working reliable jobs that make them happy and who then come home to the same stable home every day instead of quitting your job and becoming homeless to do more drugs.
I did and I've got it on but it's itchy again
I should've saved the suppository for overnight.
What. A. Chad.
well you could ice that pussy.
She means he got that classic colonizer look.
twas >>31527711
I met her, and it was one of the best days of my life.
it would numb it, I'm not sure if you should though, I'm not a vagina expert.
i gave a girl a uti once because I didn't wash my hands after building things with random branches I found on the ground in my local forest. Learned to wash my hands like a good boy to prevent girls from pissing blood for two months.
I can fix him (with my ass on his face).
I think I'm supposed to keep it as dry as possible
a towel wrapped icepack would probably work pretty well
i hate vaginas
why are they always slimy, gross and foldy? stop forcing my hand down your pants
He actually did it
He impaled her
Weird. I like mine so much I look at in the mirror. Maybe you're just crazy?
She's mentally insane
i gave her my heart
she didnt want it
Masturbating in front of a mirror is normal and I'm sure therapists would agree with me.
I've been looking at mine a lot on account of my infection and I can't get over how ugly it is
Need more details
I sent atogafemanon a message and got no reply, it's over
No way. If anything I need to avoid the threads until he snaps out of his horny era so I don't think about it as much.
Us ugly fat balding bastards need to learn our place.
luckily, i didn't see her vagina, she just took my hand and forced it down her pants
i felt violated, second time it has happened this year
Sorry but I'm not done gloating over it
Wish I was her
At least give us the last smut you read
I want to be a man so bad
The last smut I got off to was the thread plus some old texts.
It's not that good, Man.
It kind of sucks, especially when you're my levels of unattractive.
How can I find a man like you? Also you're so talented
If I woke up as a man I'd start stroking my dick and never stop. The act of looking at my dick while stroking it would be enough to get me off since men are visual creatures and also obsessed with dicks.
It isn't enough to have what's outside,
Your skin and your hair, your flesh and your scent,
What's yours is now mine, taken for my pride,
Forever for me, you're sold and not lent.

But I must possess what's within you too,
The air in your lungs, the blood in your heart,
Each atom of you, each speck through and through,
That's where we begin, from here do we start.

For now I must have your mouth full of food,
Swallow you shan't dare, just make soft and warm.
Primal deep instinct, desire to brood,
Inside me raging, I'm rocked by the storm.

Now lock lips with mine, unleash into me,
Let us merge innards, and then we are free.
I need to post images.
My brain doesn't work with text.
Why are you writing poetry for another femanon?
You don't.
Men who write poetry are all sluts.
You don't really.
You imagine you will be as desirable and successful as the men you desire, but you won't be.
You'll be just as average and so invisible as the rest of us are.
A guy you go on dates with tells you he never even kissed a girl.
He is in early 30s

Perfect without tattoos
Abomination with them
Some men ITT are just fuckboys. I hate them and want them equally.
Congratulate him on finally getting a date
How many different men wrote poetry for you today?
Thpe shit
She vlad to go
He had many dates before but didnt kiss
Now you gave him ick
What the fuck does that even mean?
I want to be a man and know what it feels like to be a man. I want to invade men and experience their soul, the depths of their intimacy. I want to be part of the men's club, hang out with my bros and rejoince in the man bond between us. I want to look my bro in the eyes like the men we are and feel the beautiful man love we share. I want to conquer the world with them
All human. ChatGPT struggles to do ABAB. (Or it struggled the last time I checked.)
>Some men ITT are just fuckboys.
I mean maybe I'm just weird but I'm up for that lol
Momma bird type shit
I mean it was more like I was drinking because there was fuck all else to do all day when I was homeless
There's a book by a woman who did that.
You should read it.
>I want to be part of the men's club
The incel club is literally right around the corner.
*type shit
If you know you know
Type shiiiiit (ferda boys frfr)
Can I at least tap out if I can't breathe
Female obsession with tattoos will never cease to amaze me

Ohhh, hes completely broke and drug addict but has tatts
Why can't black girls be real..
They are. They figure out and press my buttons just to mock me.
Trash sorting itself out I guess, stay kissless for even longer
>so I don't think about it as much
Gurl you down bad
I'm a slut for the thesaurus
Mulanmaxx and join the army
not particularly
Oh, u like dat!
I'm not going to say anything other than that I'd make you learn to love not being able to breathe.
But I have hair on my shoulders even....
Damn bro, then what's your excuse?
My man, how'd it go
Mulanmaxxing won't give me man's arms, face and strength
>completely broke and drug addict but has tatts
Me but with girls tbf
You can't see them in the dark (unless they glow)
>Trash sorting itself out I guess
>I'd make you learn to love not being able to breathe
This sounds like something a serial killer would say
You shown your true colors
Only in my absence
She: Made herself vulnerable by sharing something personal even at the risk of being embarrassed.
You: Literally who?
I'd kill that dick, at least.
Okay, I'm done.
My true colours are pink, purple, eternal darkness of the harrowing soul, and chartreuse
Found out the girl I have a crush on is married. Fuck.
she's gone.
Fuck you
all the cute ones are married
>t. in my 30s
Its song lyrics dont worry about it
That's always a bit awkward
Sorry bro
My dick is scared
>insert Johnny Bravo "I'm sickened, but curious" meme
My gf told me she was on call for tonight at the bar and might not be able to hang out but she texted me this morning and said it was really unlikely she’d have to go in so we made plans
She just texted me again saying she’s getting called in

This could very well be the truth but my mind automatically goes to her having up in the air plans with another guy and last second he says he’s free and now she’s canceling on me
Am I retarded?
NTA but the one who got depressed and committed suicide? She was probably mentally ill in the first place, there are plenty of FtM twinks in this day and age and they usually tell me their lives have improved in every regard including dating.
fuck you peeps and your song lyrics, this is putting my lack of culture on display, you guys gotta stop this, this is bullying
Do you think men or women are more shallow?
>tfw no aggressively sexual femanon gf
do you ever get jealous that your current bf/gf has kissed others before
I'm the shallowest of them all.
I'll hold her hand while we stroll down the beach as long as she got a coochie under that cloth
Its from an unknown band called the Ocean, i dont expect you to know it
No, because I don't have and never had a partner :(
Guys are cutest when they're horny but intimidated.
You don't want to have to deal with this.
Girls are cutest when they're on my face jk
>You don't want to have to deal with this
True it's a bit stressful desu
What do men feel when their eyes meet the most beautiful man that ever walked the earth? Would you turn gay for him?
qt really out there living the best life
Got 19yo white pussy offline and prime hag black pussy online
Not a hag and he ain't "got" my pussy.
>She was probably mentally ill in the first place
They ALL are anon.
Good, eventually you'll be so stressed by the horny that you'll stop being so horny.
>You don't want to have to deal with this.
What if I do?
You would sell yourself to him in a heartbeat, and then he would sell you to someone else for a box of ciggies.
>Got 19yo white pussy offline
Nah I used my brain and stayed home so I can stack paper for my future wife (or drugs) even though my dick really wants the blonde barmaid
Feels weird to make a sensible life choice for once
The only pussy I've got rn is this packet of Candy Kittens, Hello Kitty slippers and the cat chomping on kibble
>he ain't "got" my pussy.
girl, your pussy practically on platter with a little flag on it that reads "colonize me please"
>tfw no old fat ugly black lady smearing her feces crusted asshole on my face
That's not true
She could buy me for a box of ciggies tho
So that's the trick, further sexual repression from crippling mental anguish
Jh I thought you weren't going to come on here anymore
Then you'll learn your lesson eventually.
I really should've never opened up and shared how I felt about the fetish. I regret it immensely.
If it means it'll be easier to flirt without getting hit back twice as hard, then sure. Repression time.
Worked with the aspie girl
She kept staring at me many times again
We're stuck here forever.
Women why are you so awful?
Girls, hawk tuah. Right now.
You really should have never let yourself fall for a drug addict. Isn't "falling for a drug addict" one of the negative stereotypes that get unfairly thrown at your people? Well, thanks for making it a little more fair.
I mourn due to the over civilisation of our society. I should be allowed to call him out in a duel and dispatch him from the face of the earth.
Zero accountability for their action
Theres always someone who will bail them out
Women their hearts are bottomless pits of avarice.
She has rejected me twice before
Shes an attention hoe
My biggest mistake is falling for black girls.
I'm not white enough for them.
titties too big, but would.
third times the charm nigga
You're not jh, she's a muttlatto
"My" people?
Perfection is a kinda cute girl who melts your heart with your smile, has tiny chest and big round butt.

Wholesome personality and super feminine
Yeah... women.
Guys, guys, I had sex as a virgin. She didn't laugh at me or anything!
I've already posted a voca of me spitting on someone.
What does that even mean?
Of course that's what you meant.
That's my plausible deniability anyway. :^)
That's man's fault, unironically. You've turned us into spoiled children.
congratulation, never tell me that shit again.
Congratulations anon, this is great news
That's what she said too!
>Then you'll learn your lesson eventually.
But I want to have my life ruined. Maybe after I reach the absolute rock bottom I'll find enlightenment.
I'm happy for you, anon.
khhhhhhhhv, yes.
It won't save you from me calling you racist, though.
Your life won't be ruined by having a hypersexual gf, just your dick and your perception of normal sexual activity in a relationship.
Why are some people not able to be happy about other people's happiness?
How did you do it teach me your ways
Do it. Call me.
Well, I mean, I guess it's a little different from a guy's standpoint.
Wait, it's all hopelessness?
My girlfriend and I usually only get to hang out on nights we both have to work in the morning, which sucks
We had plans for tonight but she got called into work last second and we’re gonna do tomorrow instead
But I am honestly kinda bummed man.
It’s not a huge deal but I am a little let down and I was looking forward to spending the night with her and not having to wake up early
It’s just nice when neither of us have to rush out right in the morning and that’s only happened a couple times
Only chads get to hope
Why are we allowed to make fun of a bunch of races and religions but people get bans if they say anything bad about Jews?
No. I don't want to hurt anyone. That's why I hide my preferences from people I date and pretend I'm just a little kinky.
We must have a Jew mod.
Something about Jewish mods and the higher ups on 4chans
I don't think there's a woman out there who could beat my dick, but I do agree about warping the perception
the absolute worst part of being alone is realizing that there is am absolutely huge group of women who would rather be abused physically and mentally on the daily, then put up with you lol
You can get banned for shitposting about Muslims too. Try it at the start of next thread if you don't believe me.
I guarantee I could exhaust any guy I ended up loving and having sex with. I literally spend entire days trying to handle myself. If I could ever be completely open sexually with someone, they'd be so fucked.
That seems like a bit of an exaggeration. Sour grapes in a way.
try shitting on Christians or White people and get absolutely nothing happen to you.
its not an exaggeration. im literally worse than abuser drug addict alcoholics
Jannies are way more vigilant when a thread starts. No one really care when it gets to like page 9.
he's right you know
and that hurts the most
he's not a bad guy but girls simply would rather have a bad guy than him
So then do you still want them knowing this?
What's worse: getting fucked in the ass or diarrhea?
You know what's nice about bad guys? They're assertive.
The latter. Buttstuff feels good.
As a guy who knows.
getting fucked in the ass raw.
How do I deal with trust issues
It’s really bad

I can’t stop spinning about it
its not about wanting someone. Its the whole picture.
I have lower SMV than these guys and I dont know why.
F anal. But I mean I don't have a prostate.
There's a story here and I wanna hear it.
>not allowed to shitpost about Africans
>not allowed to shitpost about Asians
>not allowed to shitpost about MENAs
>not allowed to shitpost about Latinxs
>not allowed to shitpost about Indigenous Natives
>not allowed to shitpost about Pacific Islanders
Apart from the Whites, the only race you're still allowed to shit on in 2024 is the Italians. Hey! Ho! Oh, Madonne! Whatsa matta you? Ooh, gotta lotta ballz on theze pricks!
it's a shitty bloody story, that's all you needed to know.
You need to be shot just for saying that.
A girl would rather fuck a dog than go on a date with me, which says a lot about state of the society.

With that being said, its hopium for manlets. Height is not everything
>>not allowed to shitpost about Africans
>>not allowed to shitpost about Asians
>>not allowed to shitpost about Latinxs
This happens all the time. Do we even have any natives here?
Stop teasing me anon...
height is not everything but its essential, so no hope for us
>try to be assertive
>rejected anyways
>still alone
>Do we even have any natives here?
Nah, that's it.
Someone got curious, fucked around, and found out.
You do it in a way that is cartoonish. What you've seen in movies and stuff. That doesn't work.
You are so mean anon...
What's a girl gotta do to hear the full story?
You wouldn't be able to exhaust me, because I would barely feel anything thanks to my small size
I am constantly horny though, probably how you feel like as well
Hey, anon doesn't go pestering about a girl's rape experience. Wait...
Post dick stats.
He is kenough.
You know that cock obscene
13 cm in length (4inches?) and 12 cm around
A slightly bigger finger really
>no inexperienced bf who is really excited to have sex for the first time but he is like a shounen anime hero type guy so when we do it and i reveal my power level he realizes how outmatched he is and instead of getting gloomy about he gets super intense about training and practicing until the end of the montage when he surpasses me in sexual prowess and can play me like a fiddle
Who was in the wrong here?
>be ugly ogre
>underage girls are staring at me at gym, smiling and saying hello


Not really
I could still work with a guy to find things we both enjoy with that. Assuming it gets and stays hard for me.
you wouldnt be turned on by a guy like that irl anyway
Ugly = Non-Threatening, Not viewed as a sexual being, One who should know their place
Shes mentally ill, and probably cheated on him alteady
Give me a realistic fantasy instead, please.
>i would like X
>you wouldn't like X
make your own horny daydream, that was for me not you
Really? Isn't it generally OK for a girl to be a virgin?
I would like a clingy gf.
Now you say the next line.
>another girl in our house
Everyone involved should be gassed.
...i hope you get one?
What makes a clingy gf?
Women use violence at the drop of a hat.
no you wouldn't
She is like a Koala and I am like a Eucalyptus tree
Toxic chemicals.
Just so you know I don't value a single word of what people say here. Both male and female.
The people I respect are out there and the only reason I'm in here is because I'm too much of a pussy to ask them if I can join.
>What makes a clingy gf
Texting or calling constantly, seeking reassurance often, relying on partner for support and validation, jealousy, not respecting personal space.
I respect the people here.
>sends you cutest selfies at night
>acts flirty in person
>asks you personal questions
>gets visibly jealous when you talk with other women
>stalks your social media a lot
>stalks you at work
>gets touchy
>rejects you when you ask her out

What in the skibidi mental illness is this?
So you have lots and lots of mediocre sex until he learns to be better? Or he finds a teacher to guide him and then returns to you when he's better?
Damn... I'm into superhero anime (not whatever hero academia) and I'm kind of like that
Well fuck...
Small dicks rarely have any issues getting hard because it takes less blood and activity to get them going / stay active, but sex (as in PiV) is probably just really bad, because there's a limited amount of positions you can do, not that I'd know anyway.
If I ever get a gf, I hope she never respects my personal space.
but I don't though. I don't even watch any movies anymore
sigma males will never admit it, but women are so based sometimes its insane.
The most 'sigma' stuff just comes naturally for them
(was gonna put a pic of storm from x men but we're at image limit)
I think i could be a good boyfriend for a sexually frustrated gf, but not much more beyond that im afraid.
At least you can show me to your parents without being ashamed.
Yeh, you say that now.
i know a girl that seems to be obsessed with the thought of breaking someone's heart and i just can't understand what would make someone want to do that
is it not respecting personal space if i invade it all the time but back off if he asks me to seriously? i'm not going to even try to dodge the others. i know i am going to be needy for at least a while.
My clam itches so fucking bad. I HATE MY LIFE
Yes, just because you do it in the first place.
I mean it. As long as we're alone and not in public, I don't mind even if she wants to keep her hand in my pants all day.
I'd say that's respecting personal space, honestly.
okay! shit!
women is this you?
Ice it, it'll numb it.
I think it's worth a shot anyways.
Do women really talk like this
Eat more yogourt. No, seriously.
Women only overlook small dicks for chads.
It's not gonna be that, it's gonna be wanting to chat with you while you play video games or something.
Jammin with my clam out
I'm scared
I'm trying to be funny for you
I can't go to the store MY PUSSY ITCHES!!!!! FUCK
Boobs only exist to be sucked on.
top tier women comedy
I prefer flower.
I'm just talking about personal space though. But honestly, at least in the beginning, I wouldn't even mind that.
>I'm trying to be funny for you
I appreciate the effort
is it true that bigger dicks make women act hornier? not that thye are necessarily better, but they make women whorish
Vitamin E suppository. Again, no, seriously.
Would you make we wear a cock sleeve?
manlet, dicklet, incel gang
I'm in pain and have no friends or family to talk to. LET ME LIVE
Thank you
Where do I get that I already did a suppository today
I'm happy that someone else has itchy problems as well
t. athlete's foot haver
>already did a suppository
men, would you be okay dealing with a very very clingy and needy girlfriend if she told you she WOULD improve and get better and give you more space, she just needed to super-dose on you to make up for lost time at first? would you be okay "rehabilitating" her temporarily?
How'd you get that, bad soap or?
I wouldn't make a guy do anything. If he wants to try toys and stuff I'm up for anything, but it has to be something we both are cool with.
I have no clue
New thread Migrate when ready
Just the oral ones.
nah, dealing with someone to improve them just to get dumped after is kind of crazy even for me
I don't mind clinginess if it just means she's always in my room.
I need my non-verbal me time.
You don't douche, right?
Being in physical contact with you saves me. My fears are forgotten, my pains are erased, my wounds are healed, my struggles are overcome, my energy is restored, my future is opened, my life is renewed by the warmth of your touch. I want to cling to you forever, I want to touch you forever, I want to do things with you forever, I want to share things with you forever, I want to talk with you forever.

But I'm also scared that one day I'm going to run out of things to say. I need time away from you to stretch out my thoughts and make them last. If you can withstand brief separations then you are not too clingy.
No never. I'm always careful no soap, cotton undies, I really don't know how it happened
who said anything about dumping??
It has been pretty hot out, to be fair. Do you take oral contraceptives?
improooovers always dump after their improvement arc when they realize they can now do better as a better person.
and noone is dating to marry anymore so endumpment is literally a given in 2024. I would rather be dumped by someone out of my league then by someone I helped get out of the dump
I guess
Can also be caused by diabetes, antibiotics, bad immune system, and legit, sex and stress.
Don't have it
Don't take em
I'm fine
Never had sex
Not stressed
Has the skin around there gotten damaged? Do you take really hot baths or hot tub? Do you eat a lot of sugar? Lack of sleep? Changing tampons often? Overweight? Tight jeans? Running errands in your gym clothes or swimwear? Maybe you just have a hypersensitivity to candida.
None of those! i've never had one before
Then I got nothing, hope you feel better soon.
Thank you

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