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Most girls I come across always got a group of guy friends that are not actually friends, more like potential options that are orbiting around the girl. And most of the time, girls actually enjoy that.

There are rare occasions, very rare, where I find a girl who only focuses on one guy at a time, and has none of those guy friends hanging about. Why are these so rare and how to find more of them in society?
They literally don't exist
I though my ex was like this. Not the prettiest girl in the world, maybe 5/10 but a virgin and intelligent with a good job. Didn't have any social media presence, no instagram or snapchat, barely used facebook and deleted hers when I deleted mine back in 2020. Didn't really go out at all except for maybe one or two work events a year. Spent 99% of her free time with me. Dressed like a frumpy lesbian when going to work, long flannel shirts covering her ass and boobs, etc. I thought she only had eyes for me and any other male was just a background NPC.

After we broke up she still managed to instantly jump into a rebound with a coworker that had asked her out when we were still together. She revealed to me that over the years multiple men at work had asked her out, in spite of her looks being meh and her personality.

Now, I'm not blaming her or any other woman necessarily. This is the result of thirsty men swarming around pretty much any woman who isn't an actual 1/10 deformed monstrosity, even if she isn't actively seeking their attention.

Asking for a woman who doesn't have guys hanging around her is like asking for a pile of shit that doesn't attract flies. Maybe if you completely isolated the shit pile in a vacuum chamber. But you're not going to find it in the real world. Wherever a woman goes, work, school, church, gym, shopping, etc, there is going to be at least one man who is not you she'll interact with that will want to get into her pants, and some part of her brain is going to register it.
Rare is one thing. Then you gotta get her socially engaged too and best of luck with that.
Holy shit lmao this is fucking depressing. I had a similar experience with this 34 old at my office. I figured, she'd old now, only the most desperate beta would go for her. Nope, several fit, good looking chads at my office started chatting her up literally weeks after she broke up with her boyfriend. Good looking guys too, not fat sweaty nerds.

It's so weird seeing other guys have much, much lower standards than me.
they're not rare, they're just fat and ugly and mentally ill
Getting asked out it one thing, but actively keeping a bunch of 'guy friends' around is another.
>It's so weird seeing other guys have much, much lower standards than me.
Pussy is pussy, they're getting laid and you're not.
"High standards" is usually a cope, the 8/10 you're holding out for won't bang you anyway
This and my ex was also harassed online by guys sending dick pics but she never blocked them for some reason so that just made my paranoia worse.
Well girls that don't actively maintain a herd of orbiters do exist, but I guess the point I was making is that it doesn't matter. Orbiters will come regardless of whether the girl is cultivating them or not. Your job is still to be the best potential option she could ever find, there is no "easy" mode for this.
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Wow, amazing how posting an insulting wojak has made your dick wet with pussy juice
Meanwhile I found a real-life picture of (You)
loner women do exist, per the numbers they have grown over the past few years at the same proportions as the rate of loner men, although women are still half as likely as men to be loners. the issue is that like loner men, loner women are loners for a reason.

think of the most disgusting and unhygienic goblin of a man you've ever met, now imagine a woman who lives like that, or worse. they exist, but you don't want them, and they won't want anyone else if it means having to change their goblin ways.
They aren’t that rare anon the real question is are you willing to lower your standards significantly and settle for a neurodivergent land whale
You remind me of a bro I had who always bragged about getting pussy, but when no one was looking all he smashed was fat ugly chicks because deep down he was insecure as hell.

Sorry kid, you're an Omega Male. I get pussy because I like having sex, and the girls I pursue like me. You fuck anything that will spread its legs for you and then brag about all the disgusting sex with subhumans you've had.

We are not the same
You're a fucking virgin, dude
My ex was a loner and introvert, and the only reason I found her was through my friend group. My friend's girlfriend dragged her with her to the party they hosted and we met there, connected over League of Legends because that was all she did 24/7. So the answer is get friends, because otherwise as you can probably guess with shy and introverted loners.. they don't go out much. Or I guess you can play with random people, and as soon as you see a somewhat girly name, you can pray it's actually a girl and ask her to group up
You'll only ever find these women outside with their mom's lol.
Which is funny cause I am also frequently with my mom even though I'm 27.
"Loner" girls will still have like 30 female friends and 10 close male friends. That being said they tend to ghost everyone when they need to chill at home.
Lol this is why you'll die alone under a 600lb prostitute
women don't really enter loner mode until they reach 40 while still being unmarried and childless
I actually haven't had sex in nearly seven months, precisely because I do have standards, and standards means having long-ass dry spells
I'm just not a delusional ass virgin acting like I'm not getting laid because I'm so Chad I'll only fuck 8+/10s that are dropping their panties for me, because that totally happens all the time
In fact dude I think one of your friends is telling a story about you in another thread >>31523938
"Pussy is pussy and you should be stacking numbers, but I have standards and only fuck 8/10 or higher and haven't fucked in 7 months"

Ok kid. pick your story and stick to it next time instead of contradicting yourself when you try to lie on the internet. Sure is summer in here.
Plain looking woman you've never heard speak until now and you think might be nonverbal autistic:
>i spent the long weekend at my boyfriend's and got a little drunk teehee *opens tiktok*
There's a lot of lonely women out there. Don't listen to these morons who don't understand women besides what they see on YouTube. Obviously you aren't going to find lonely girls in social places. That's why they seem rare, because you never get to meet them when you go places. But they're out there, on the Internet cooped up in their room.
Lol you're such a fucking retard you don't seem to understand what I'm saying
I have standards and acknowledge this is why I don't get laid
You use standards as an excuse for why you don't get laid
We are not the same
Also I'd bet money I'm older than you, zoomerfag
It’s crazy how many girls say they’re like this then you find out they are going out to parties every weekend, texting multiple guy “friends” constantly
All women are normies. Every last goddamn one.
One that's not super fat and ugly? Practically non-existent. Any normal weight woman without some deformity is constantly chased by men throughout her entire life, so it's basically impossible for them to be a "loner" in any real sense.
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Struck a nerve, did I?
What's funny too is almost every one of those same beta orbiters thinks to himself
>look, I deserve better, but I'll be the bigger man and throw this slampig a bone, she'll be thankful for me to be into her
Is this a US thing with the fatness? I'm a shutin and eat mostly junk food and other unhealthy shit and I'm underweight. I look like any other skinny guy, if I took care of myself I could be above average. I do not understand how one even gets fat, do you eat 24/7 nonstop and never get up from your chair or what, I think they really put something in the food in the US, their obesity rates are not normal.
Its almost rare to see fat young people outside here, tho I guess that also leads to more of them being shutin, I know for sure I'd be way more miserable if I was fat and would avoid going out even more than I already do.
it's the corn syrup in everything
in the US all food is engineered to be as addictive as possible

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