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Dictator Edition

Last >>31525383
First for gfs who don't respect their man's personal space
I need a clingy latinx gf
>have gf
>everything going really well on paper
>have severe trust issues
>constantly think she's cheating even tho it might be irrational
>consider just cutting things off because I'm so fucked up
manlet, dicklet, incel gang
The ice is helping thank you anon
I'm happy that someone else has itchy problems as well
t. athlete's foot haver
I found out that if women hit on you and you want them to leave you alone just say you are gay. 9/10 they get weirded out and back off, its glorious.
15 minute intervals, don't keep that shit on for too long.
Be careful that no ice slips inside. Two cubes and you'll have an ice ice baby.
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>do you ever feel powerful because you have two bags of fat hanging from your chest that almost every man would love to squeeze?
>are you insecure about your breasts? if so, why?
>do you get jealous of other women's breasts? Why?
>do you worry about the fact that they'll get saggy as you age?
>how many other women's breasts have you squeezed?
On the flipside, if you're down bad because no women flirt with you, try spreading the word that you're actually a dog.
Oh okay why
Thats funny I like that
In real life I bet that would hurt
Oh, I'm a virgin. I just don't want anything to do with women.
It's probably not a big deal, since it'll probably heat up before anything bad could happen, but ice burn and frostbites are a thing.
>>do you ever feel powerful because you have two bags of fat hanging from your chest that almost every man would love to squeeze?
>>are you insecure about your breasts? if so, why?
>>do you get jealous of other women's breasts? Why?
>>do you worry about the fact that they'll get saggy as you age?
>>how many other women's breasts have you squeezed?
not JH but in her name: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
Why bother replying if you aren't going to answer and lie? You just wasted your own time, for what? For nothing.
Oh ouch
I've got it wrapped in a towel
Right and imagine that on your dick.
Not a problem I've come across anon.
I didn't lie
Yeah it should be fine.
didn't even get likes from fat girls this week, it's over
Yes, too small
One? Two maybe
Thats something a liar would say!
>this week
chad shit, you be getting like from bitches any other week, huh.

I'm going to bed, this no gf shit is way too annoying for my waking mind.
Just work on yourself and it will happen more often, if it doesn't happen, continue working on yourself and age and when you hit your mid-30s you'll have a lot of women attempting to hit you up.
There's no Chad here today.
Just me.
lol, at mid 30s you are basically dead. who cares what happens then
Do you think tarot readings can accurately predict / interpret people and situations or is it all BS

Any time I'm going through something I'll turn to tarot cards and obsess over shit even if it has 0 actual basis in reality
every tarot reading i have ever had was accurate.
This seems like it could backfire easily if word spreads around.
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You need religion, or god.
not because it's real, but because you're using tarot readings the same way people use god and religion.
what I mean the way the app usually works is that you get a few likes when you first start the profile and then IT dumps your profile for being ugly so you get 0 likes unless you pay for a boost, it means my profile is dead
what's your profile like?
No anon, magic is not real.
A lot of women like necrophilia then, Iunno. All I know is that I don't date. Its not my fault that a lot of these 20-somethings are falling overthemselves because I exist.
After all, why shouldnt i date a cute insecure dutch fit gf

Jokes on me she only wants a rich guy who looks like a model
See I am the opposite
I have never actually had an accurate tarot reading. None of them have ever come true or seemed to resonate that well.
Maybe like one or two but I could attribute that to coincidence
I still obsess over it tho

like I just had some dude give me a tarot reading about my current relationship and its all like "she's fucked up and its gonna go south," when in reality its going really well for the most part
and now im sitting here over thinking everything
Thank you.
True, only do it if you want to be taken out the market in your local area for forever. I actually want to be off-market, hence why I said it.
I had horrible diarrhea
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a reminder for women to never shave
anyway, I'm gone, need to kill myself, with sleep.
I'm not falling for the "it's just a bad profile" meme again
I don't believe in any of that actually being able to have an impact on anything by itself, but when I've read about majick while learning about satanism, I did start to think that perhaps doing tarot and any kind of ritual might "work" sometimes in the sense that you are giving yourself extra motivation to accomplish something that you are wishing for, or doing that ritual gives you the confidence you need so that you're actually more likely to achieve it thanks to said confidence. But if you just do a ritual, for example, wishing that your crush will talk to you while acting as shy as ever around them, there's no chance that the ritual will help in any way and it's just pathetic wishful thinking at that point.
well someone once told me for a tarot reading to be accurate you have to give up something of value, and i've held to that ever since. maybe that's the difference.
Ethnicities and languages that will be gon in 30 years for 400 please!
I read and it gives me worry if people take the reading as gospel
>do you ever feel powerful [...]
This seems suprising to me. I feel like as a man if I had a part of me that was so intensely sexualised that I could display a decent portion of through revealing clothing and make women lust after me because of it, I'd feel a sense of power.
>do you worry about the fact that they'll get saggy
Why? I feel like it's a natural process.
>Yes, too small
Isn't this an advantage? They'll sag less. Most large breasts look good in clothing but from my own experience they're (mostly) pretty bad when the bra comes off. The average breast size in the west once you control for overweight/obese people is a B-cup, so perhaps your breasts aren't as below-average as you think.
>One? Two maybe
How did those situations come about?
who cares, impossible to build a meaningful connection with someone 10 years younger
>stacy only wants chad and not meeee, a 4/10 male creature
Please stop sharing pictures of women from your social media feed, you creep.
I eat twice the dose of my daily vitamin than it recommends
Only two women I've dated were both 10+ years apart from me, so false. I just don't date anymore.
Sexo with a girl in a cute sundress.
>reminder for women to never shave
It's natural alright, but also off-putting
a dog just licked my hands and now my eye itches but I know I'll get dog aids if scratch it
what do?
also saw two cute girls who sat down next to me on a bench but I didn't even look at them or talk to them. Am I a failure?
do you ever do weird things to your body just because it soothes you?
for example yesterday i went on a strange spree of plucking hairs from a portion of my legs with just my fingers/nails, i managed to do it but now my legs look like i've had a severe allergic reaction, they're really red. no idea why i did it but i felt a compulsion, it seemed like my legs were full of whiteheads.
Good way to overdose.
Guys with weird fetishes: Do you feel anxious over what you're into? For example, if you masturbate to cuckold porn, do you feel anxiety over being cucked?
why are you on the incel forum if you've had sex?
I’m curious what women have put up their vaginas.
I'm a virgin, I just accidentally stumpled into being normal looking enough for women to think I am. It sucks.
i am most likely just being overly obsessive and freaking out over nothing
I wouldn't really call this an incel forum, anon.
who, dio? Or some other guy? Who is he
>do you ever feel powerful being desirable
Breaking News: Women Lie! (more at 11)
I let my toenails grow forever and then I clip them with my fingernails instead of with clippers.
So you're a guy with a feminine personality, I'm sorry for you.
breaking news, men believe they know women better than women know women. more right away because they cannot shut the fuck up for one second.
Fingers, tongues, dicks, dildos, other sex toys, phallic household items like lotion containers and small bottles, vegetables, writing utensils, etc. I could go on.
Passive aggressive tranny, go away.
i think I definitely have very feminine qualities as well as very masculine ones

my last relationship i got shit on hard as fuck and it was terrible and I'm still carrying some of that baggage
Seems like a normal thing to fear considering that women cheating is almost always seen/framed as "your fault" by cucks, simps, soiboys, and women.
>dated twice
>no sex
You're not handholdless and kissless
I don't think you belong here
Men, this guyvwho wanted me to be his gf is still talking to me. He has worries about passing on bad genetics but wants to have a kid deep down. He blames his life for not giving him what he wants. Doesn't he have to fight for it if that were true?

He said that if he dated someone that they would already had a kid with someone else or the woman not want kids, or if the relationship ended in an accidental pregnancy.

Does he just need to get over himself? It sounds like he is just hurting himself. I'm sure he could find someone who doesn't want kids or already has one but wouldn't taking plan b be a solution after if there was an accident during sex?

He's very cute but such a doomer, and I think I really wanna experience love with someone who has a kid. I'm not sureif he is expecting anything between us but he said he doesn't quite feel platonically about me and I do like him, I just wanted to learn more about him before being a couple. He still calls me things like sunshine and gorgeous and interacts on my posts and pictures, suggestive stuff saying he wants me etc. But idk what his goal is with me now. He isn't a very sexual person even if he finds me attractive.
A little. A bit, I think they're too big. Sometimes, girls with smaller boobs seem to have less issues with a lot of things. Extremely. Two.
I prob like pussy eating more than the average guy (not too crazy). I'd be concerned if she abused it, like if a guy abused a girl who really liked sucking dick. Otherwise, no. Overall, if you have a trusted partner, prob no one would feel anxious over a kink
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I play in a large Pokémon Go group in my local community:
>60% of them are virgin socially awkward/ugly guys
>15% of them are non-virgin guys with varying degrees of awkwardness/attractiveness. None properly "attractive" or socially functional but some are close enough.
>15% of them are women who are ugly (really hairy all over, obese, etc).
>10% of them are really cute/attractive women

Do the attractive women in groups like these feel powerful? If they go over to another guy in the group the guy will struggle to make coherent sentences because of her appearance, and even if they don't drop spaghetti they are maximally friendly/simpy with the women.
aren't toenails very "thick" compared to fingernails lol, how do you even do it
but it is
any man who's had sex would leave this forum and never come back
I'm here mainly to help other dudes with advice which they don't take half the time, other than that I just shitpost here when I'm bored because I don't have friends.
I’m still way below dangerous amounts of every vitamin and mineral
>Isn't this an advantage?
They look bad in clothes
>How did those situations come about?
Messing around with friends
is it true that bigger dicks make women act hornier? not that thye are necessarily better, but they make women whorish
>being this whiny
It's okay to be a feminine male, anon. No need to cry so much about it.
It mostly is
reverse correlation. whorish women like big dicks more.
I"m not the same anon, I'm just pointing that fact out.
Can you walk me through your thought process on this?
How does this sort of situation come about (if you're a straight woman)? I'm a guy and I can't imagine ever feeling up any other guy, not even their arm or something.
>talk to a cute girl who works out, has no tattoos and doesn't drink
>likes guys over 6ft only

how long until manlets get reparations? this shit is unfair
I pick at them from the side and then once they start to separate I pull.
Have a conversation with him about this. Tell him what you want for the future, the things you like about him, but how his current attitude isn't really compatible with what you want. See if there's a way for him to get over himself (btw, he IS in the "wrong" technically). If you can both decide on a plan of action for him moving forward (therapy prob) then be with him. If he says no, then let him go and pursue another option.
I just had sex. I dunno, I still like it here.
where'd you get dates?
if you're social enough to date multiple girls you can easily make friends
you just don't want to
Never, its why dating is dead. A whole generation of women would rather just not reproduce and die than lower their standards and that's the way the future will be.
>I found out that if women hit on you
This has never happened to me.
do the girls in those groups ever befriend each other? i'm looking for ways to get (female) friends but i'm just awkward and bad at making friends ngl.
Why are women so much nicer everywhere that isn't Seattle?
I’ve run into several women who post in their bios or questions about wanting a guy over 6’0-6’2. Like bitch if you don’t stop being broke and use a filter gottdam
it really do be that way, good and attractive girls will never settle for a manlet
>They look bad in clothes
Nta. The most attractive friends I know are like a B cup, you're fine
Can you at least hornypost about him then
Do you really not know the answer?
I like it when a woman becomes taller by putting on heels. I have some anxiety that a girl might lose respect for me when I suddenly become smaller from her perspective. Fortunately this is not a realistic anxiety because women don't respect me in the first place.
I am not a fucking B cup
You started complaining and whining because the feminine male comment got to you, it's alright.
The attractive girls get the dick from other groups mate
They have friends
Most women who are into fitness and the gym are into tall dudes
so you're just here to humiliate incels
Nag, last friendgroup I was in, one girl had like half the guys pining for her, lol. She was sort of a quiet one so I doubt she loved it. It's a hard thing to reject someone you're friends with and care for platonically only.

Did you get your Rayquaza today. I got 5/6. Last one ran even though I didn't do anything wrong :/, but that's what I get for being in a town with little Yellow and less coordination. Also no friends who play either :(
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>They look bad in clothes
Another femanon here, it's amazing how limited certain things are for small-breasted women. My large-breasted friends complain CONSTANTLY about how all clothing caters to small breasted women (pic related). I'm a 36B, and I can never fill out a top. Lingerie looks stupid on me because there's nothing to prop up. The only way I can make cleavage is to push what little I have together and because of how much force it needs it doesn't look right (and suffocates me).
oh that makes sense, I guess I've done that with my fingernails but I don't like it since it's too easy to accidentally make the nail painfully short
I have big boobs, they're more likely to get saggy as you age. We were all curious at a sleepover and started feeling each other up during puberty.
Small or even flat chests look infinitely better than saggy droopy boobs.

Once bra comes off it looks awfull.
I thought those phone games were for normalfags
It's just so striking any time I go literally anywhere else
Not intentionally!
I fell for the /adv/ hobby meme too. The hot girls were all taken.
It's safer to do it with my toenails for that very reason. I need to use my toenails less often than I need to use my fingernails.
attractive men will make women act hornier. If dick size makes em more attractive, then that's it. General face and figure is the main one. Personality is secondary but still counts

girlfriend got called into work last second and cant go out tonight but she wants to hang tomorrow after work
she texted "Cool so I work during the day tomorrow and i usually close whenever it gets slow so I can't tell you an exact time but I'll text you when I'm wrapping up,"

and a bunch of red pill incel rhetoric is popping into my head telling me I'm being a simp for being on hold for her and that she's gonna think I'm a bitch for being readily available
I can confirm as a tall dude who had nothing going on besides height and broad shoulders
Yea. I have double As it's horrible. My friend has Bs and she looks great in everything
Dude, just go for shorties, they're so lovely, fun to hug, and they don't judge you as much
I'm old, I've had a lot of time to try a lot of things.
Its Amazing that dudes think that the "nerdy" girls dont get piped up on regular
Most women are into tall dudes
Leave the bra on, it's sexy anyway
whenever I see pics of japanese/asian fashion they always look great even if most have small breasts, so maybe it's just about fashion. in a lot of western countries most people are overweight, so obviously most stores don't focus on selling clothes that will look the best on skinny women with small chests. it's not the perfect solution, but personally i prefer to shop in "teen" clothing stores because they're more likely to have small sizes and stuff that actually looks good on me.
greentext please, this needs context
>where'd you get dates?
>First gf
I met was in college, I went to college late so I was in my mid 20s and she was 19 in my Freshman class, we got put together for a project and it just all happened very naturally by working on the project and talking.
>Second gf
Met at an anime convention, found out we both play the same anime touhou ripoff game. She was 21 and I was 31 at the time.
>Honorable Mention
Some Filipina 18 year old fell for me hard when I was in vacation in the Phillipines, she was in college and I was 33 and being a tourist. She dropped a basket of fruit near me and I helped pick it up. We talked for a bit and for the rest of the trip I kept on "bumping into her" and she would tag along with me to places. At the end of my trip she asked me out and I said no and she cried. I hugged her, left, never saw her again.
I am sick of receiving """advice""" from the man whose face is so handsome that he was invited to become a model.
nta but I have not men one guy that likes that during sexy time.
gl and have a nice evening then, toe cutter anon.
I sure hope you intend to finish the fanfiction, its got a lot of twists.
Meanwhile giga stacy has tiny boobs and looks stunning
True. I intended that women who are into their physical appearance will also care more about their man's physical appearance. So gym goers usually go for tall buff dudes
I always found the problem with the "hobby" meme is that most groups are populated by middle aged+ people. Young eligible women don't do this shit lmao
Alright this one was funny
Thanks, I hope your legs calm down and chill out soon.
I feel like women view me as subhuman because I’m not a tall attractive man. I’m fine getting rejected but I’m tired of women bitching about being pumped and dumped by chad to me. I’m not gonna hurt their feelings by telling them the reasons they’re single is because they’re all after the same guy who doesn’t like them
She's fine because she looks like she has a nice ass, if you don't your fugged.
How do you 'tards manage to make it from one day to the next without completely fucking your lives up?
What are you talking about, thats an average woman
You talm bout qt MAP? He doesn't really give advice. He's just spouting feminist nonsense to troll and get more (You)s. He would tell you himself that he's a nutter who's lucky he isn't ugly.
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>do the girls in those groups ever befriend each other?
The ugly ones do
The attractive ones are usually there with their boyfriend, or hang around with the more socially competent/attractive guys in the group
Not sure why, I don't really see the attractive ones hang out with each other, but it may just be the dynamics of my community
There are a lot of autists in the community
Recently we tried hosting a nightclub style event and 98% of the group are incredibly introverted and find loud music/noise too scary.

The community I'm in is fucking amazing. I managed to do about 24 raids today, caught 18, one shiny, no hundo but did get a 15/14/14. Not sure if I'll max it or mega it, I'm going to lucky the rest.

Definitely not, maybe back in 2016 when it first came out and everyone was doing it. Nowadays it's mostly people who are overly autistic. It took a while for me to find good people to hang with in my local group because most of the people there were so introverted they were absolute WORK to talk to or couldn't read other people and would talk non-stop about something unimaginably boring.

>captcha: jhad
Nah you're overthinking it and being neurotic. She's being open about not knowing her exact schedule tomorrow, but wants to hang out. Just keep in mind tomorrow that you guys will probably hang out, but otherwise just do your own thing.
Its a nice firm slim figure
Not a huge butt
Make some goals for yourself and improve yourself alongside it and you'll eventually have that problem. Women in my area are starting to seem desperate.
>saggy droopy boobs
That heavily depends. A teardrop shape is generally ideal and a modicum of sag conveys an aesthetic sense of weight. The static half-sphere look of some silicone implants is way less attractive than most natural shapes.
>I’m fine getting rejected but I’m tired of women bitching about being pumped and dumped by chad to me.
The fact that they do this means something.
Fair enough, the problem always comes down to the women who are willing to compromise on the height meme are themselves viciously fat/drunken/otherwise leading unhealthy lifestyles.
I too have an immortal parasyte living on my big toe
because I'm the grand master of not showing negative emotions and letting them eat me alive instead

yeah im terribly neurotic
literally had a thought that she might be lying about working tn and going out with some other guy instead
which I know is retarded
but lmao yeah im so fucked up
You know what im talking about
Nobody likes stiff plastic baloontits
Depends on what type of B-cup. I'm 36B and I can't make cleavage at all, most dresses have way too much loose fabric/air gap in the breast area because I have nothing to fill it with. Lingerie doesn't really look "sexy" because there's not much to draw the eyes to.
Damn I wish I still gave a shit about stuff like video games so I could hang out with autist bros. Never played phone games though, they seemed bad
My gymcrush dated a manlet, but he had face like Chris Hemsworth

(Its over for me)
Go for side or underboob, because you has less tittage you can go for more skin and tighter clothing and get away with it.
mine are a bit bigger than that, but what makes me hate myself is my ribcage. i'm skinny and somehow i have a really big ribcage at the same time, so it protrudes a lot. giga stacies never have protruding ribcages.
Women, what games do you have on your phone?
damn, best i got was 13/15/15 (*PUKE). I got a 15/15/13 on my fake :/
24 is crazy good. You in NY or something?
I miss college. Never had one run away with like 16 balls or wtv
God I wish I could play you like a xylophone...
**i wanna experience love with someone who wants a kid
What do yo mean by him being in the "wrong" technically? I think we are in a place of possible right person, wrong time scenario maybe. It's kind of weird because he gets bold on my social media so everyone else can see his comments seem bold to me. We did have a brief interaction messaging eachother where he said a person would have to either choose him or find someone else who wants kids. And Ibsaid I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to find a guy in time to have kids but Ibwoukd like to have a baby one day.

It's just I am remembering what he said saying how he wants that deep down but is too caught up in his genetics because he thinks he has all the bad genes. His bold comments about basically wanting me confuses me sometimes now, but I wonder if he just wants to be a close friend now sine he has told me so much about himself.

He wants therapy and to see doctors again but he has to painstakingly wait to hear what he can do about medical insurance since he just lost his. He says he feels lost and alone but earlier said he did want to get better.
>Not sure why, I don't really see the attractive ones hang out with each other
Attractive women always get an ugly friend for comparison sake.
Lingerie can be extremely sexual even if its just a thin bralette on small chest

Women are just clueless
ohoho. anon almost had me complaining about my boobs and arguing with other girls about who has it worse. close one. solidarity; boobs suck to have in general. may all of our suffering lessen and everyone find impossibly good sales on bras this year
What does it mean? That they always only see me as a friend? I wouldn’t tell someone I like about my regrets hooking up with people. I’m easy to talk to and try to be nonjudgmental but it seems to lead to a lot of friends but no relationships
NTA but there are a million guys out there who are dating without having made big plans of self-improvement beforehand. There are fat, unemployed guys, who are married. The reason why many guys aren't dating is not because they haven't self-improved enough but because they spend all day at home in front of their computers. And feeding them the narrative that they have to self-improve first to be worthy of dating gives them an excuse to not go out and actually start dating, not having reached that looksmaxx goal yet or not having finished their PhD (while struggling to finish their Bachelors).
damn so i'm probably one of the ugly ones. but maybe it'll mean i'm more likely to get friends then.
I've found this too. Plus, most women with "large" breasts nowadays are really fat. A fat woman who boasts about having large breasts is like someone boasting their car is really fast because it's falling off a cliff.

My gf is in her early 20s and has A-cup breasts. While sure, there are women with bigger (and thus more conventionally attractive) breasts at the moment, in 10-20 years time her breasts will still be perky and attractive, whereas women with large breasts will have more sag, stretch marks, and wrinkles.
As long as big boobs are cuddly, I like em. Tho, I am a smaller-boobs guy
Have you tried working out your chest muscles/eating more?
You can probably draw it down better by exercising your core and practicing abdominal bracing.

But thats mostly for posed photos, when you are relaxed its still gonna show

Its prbably not a problem
That is true I guess I be in the juniors section a lot
his mindset is shitty
A few slots games.
I never said you have to improve yourself, but if your kneejerk reaction is "I don't want to do it because I saw this one guy who didn't do it." That's fine, but that isn't a constructive way to solve a problem. Also your self-improvement has to be for yourself, not for women.
That's not an extremely thin woman. My ribs would stick out like that if I did that pose.
I hate when my female friends keep talking about their crushes and exes to me. I don’t wanna hurt their feelings by telling them that the guy they’re still not over doesn’t give a fuck about them
I do, because I'm a man. Women don't. They read your words and get complexes about their perfectly fine looking breasts because they lack that intuition for what men mean when they say these words. Just like plenty of them have complexes about their vaginas, thinking men were generally opposed to the look of inner labia.
That as well as your frame. The friends I have in mind typically have tight clothing and no cleavage
State gender, post phone wallpaper.
You are so not gonna make it.
In disaster movies you're the guy who gets squashed early on.
I wasn't even trying
>boobs suck to have
do flat trannies actually have it good?
>And feeding them the narrative that they have to self-improve first to be worthy of dating gives them an excuse to not go out and actually start dating, not having reached that looksmaxx goal yet or not having finished their PhD (while struggling to finish their Bachelors).
This is literally the whole basis of being a man, you have to earn reproduction, you have to make something out of yourself. If you don't want too that is fine, but if you aren't going to struggle to get good finances in order, get your body in order, get your life in order, then yeah, you are going to have trouble dating.
>I wouldn’t tell someone I like about my regrets hooking up with people.
Thats' the only person I'd feel comfortable saying that to desu.
I will let you on a secret.
Big Boobs are just a bonus for guys.
Its nice to have, not mandatory.
Like heated car seats.

What really is mandatory though is a nice butt shape.
You cant wear anything if you have square flat ass
I think social media brainrot does this to every guy to some degree basically, so don't worry about it, but do remember that if you stop trusting someone, the relationship is over right there.
even my "normie" bf once admitted he secretly sometimes thinks I'm going to see someone else if I don't text him for a day, when in reality it happens rarely when I'm playing vidya all day and just forget lol. it was interesting because i only thought that only the most insecure of guys think things like that.
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m, clouds/weather on iphone
My point is: you're offering a solution to something which is not a problem in the first place. The problem is not leaving the house and meeting people.
nah man my desire to succeed trumps all
i'm smart enough to not let my emotions influence my decisions
i'm just not smart enough to control them yet lmao
i mean. boobs suck to have logistically, when it comes to buying clothes, dealing with complicated and toxic social dynamics, just physics sometimes, etc. it's nice for intimacy, and practical for breastfeeding, but that's about it.
What kind of medicine was it even
That girl is skinny and athletic.

(I met her irl and spoke with her couple of times, she walked into me at gym)
Why? Someone that likes you romantically doesn’t want to hear about how you got upset because you fucked a bum who used you
I raised this point before also.
The good, intelligent girls with a low body count, who are wife material, SHOULD prefer the tall guys because those are the best genes.
The girls who are willing to date manlets or guys with small dicks, are also those sluts who bang black guys or dogs. If you're a manlet, you're better off just becoming a full on degenerate because you already lost in life.
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Women, how gay are you?
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But cropped slightly different
Some kind of internal antifungal cream
>Damn I wish I still gave a shit about stuff like video games so I could hang out with autist bros. Never played phone games though, they seemed bad
it's pretty fun, I never played phone games either. I was always into the main series of Pokémon games, I got into Pokémon Go about a year ago just before GoFest 2023. If I played alone it would probably be pretty shit desu

>24 is crazy good. You in NY or something?
London. It's considered the best-ran group in the world (even from Niantic's perspective), the community ambassador for the main group is an incredible guy and single-handedly carries the community, and that's an understatement.
nta but it's what is left to the imagination which matters anon.
Believe me, I've been on nude beaches.
I am completely aware how retarded my thoughts are and how irrational I'm probably being
But like the thoughts are there

Idk man my last girlfriend admitted to cheating multiple times at the end and sent me all kinds of fucked up screen shots and records and humiliated me and it was really bad and I still carry some of that
this girl actually seems really solid and she seems super into me
I'm just a mess
Im so sorry
I've dated and had sex with a woman, so pretty gay I guess.
>toxic social dynamics
@_@ explain please. Do girls have boob fights or something?
Why are you posting pictures of people you know from real life on 4chan?
It's okay I'm sure I deserve it
Oh. Well, in that case, I don't know about it. Why don't I know about it?
This ones kinda cute
Im extremely autistic and obsessed
My personal opinion is it's sexy if it's a legit bra. Bonus if it's a simple solid color without ridiculous frilly lace.
On the other hand I see that girls all like wearing bras that are just a layer of fabric and you're lucky if their micro-shirt over it covers more surface area than the bra.
Then why are you guys always in such a rush to tear it off?
yeah i need to start working out again. it's annoying because i should be focusing on good posture among other things, but i sometimes consciously avoid good posture because lifting my chest makes the ribcage more obvious, which looks bad.
>working out your chest muscles
a bit, but when women work out their chest a lot it tends to make their chest very firm-looking, it doesn't look soft anymore.
>eating more
I'm trying..
>constantly think she's cheating even tho it might be irrational
This usually means it's true, or at the very least something is off.
Sports bra during sexo will make me impregnate you on the spot

Dont ask who i am
The problem with your world view is that there are a million guys out there who didn't know they had to earn reproduction and simply did it, failing to realize that they were violating some cosmic law.

Reality simply does not work the way you describe. While there is a general tendency for women to want a guy around who is competent and not completely disfigured, this idea that you'll have to be wealthy and successful in order to have earned the right to date is nothing but a justification for your procrastination.

"I'm not done with all these things I have to do in order to have the right to date, so it's fine for me to sit on my ass and shitpost on 4chan all day instead of leaving the house and trying to find someone."
And most of the girls in your group are ugly? Is it true that London women are hag-like? Thought it was a meme
Indirectly. There's a lot of competition, depending on the age.
Time to hipmaxx
Why do women think saying “you aren’t my type but I’m sure you’ll find someone one day” is a compliment? Idk if they know this but they all have the same type and I’m not it
>Dont ask who i am
Well now I want to
Based red panda enjoyer
I just act normal with them.
If they attempt to advance further (i.e. hint at sex etc. etc.) then I act like I don't notice.
MAost people know that or are afraid of that on some level, so they're aware already. They're just running away from those thoughts by keeping on obsessing over the crush no matter what.
A woman has small breasts = People assume she's pure.
A woman has large breasts = People assume she's a slut.
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I don't have sideboob :/

I have lingerie that looks like that. I just think it would look better if I had larger breasts. Pic related. Sure, I can make myself more attractive. But I'll never even come close to a woman with larger breasts.
Maybe you are trying to arch too much chest forward?
More arch in thoracic spine and not lumbar.

Workout your upper back and abs
Look up abdominal bracing
You'd find my grandma bra hot? Really?
It is a compliment though, it means you wouldn't be one of those guys who is 6'2 with an ok face and still somehow fumbling the bag
f, a basedjack meme. I've had it for like 3 years now and just never changed it.
I don't fall for the "best genes" meme because it's essentially tautological and the environment that tuned them to be desirable stopped existing, turning it into peacock selection
Right are B's? Wouldve said A's
>I'm trying..
Ok, ok, sorry... :P
YES! They’re all made for medium boobs.
Left looks great
So does right

Its really not a problem.
You can use see through fabrics and very thin light bralettes to make it hotter
small simple bras=!grandma bras
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>went for a walk
>saw fireflies for the first time in a decade
>caught one
>carried it home
Once I was drunk and not really keen on a girl so I mentioned having a boyfriend
In hindsight that might've backfired on me for all the other girls in the vicinity
>instead of leaving the house and trying to find someone
Nta, but what does this mean? Where can you go in 2024 to find a gf?
Share the image
>admitted to cheating
Your time to leave that relationship was probably months ago, you're too far gone in your mental illness.
This makes me so mad.

But i have a mild sports clothing fetish
Titjob in sports bra would probably be amazing
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Why don't men want to have sex anymore?
How do I download this
6’2 guys at least have a bag to fumble. It seems they only say that because they want to let me down gently. But it doesn’t matter if you’re let down gently if nobody wants to ever pick you up
hips are a part of your skeletal structure, can't work them out.
have you interacted with women lately?
Most but not by much, 60% are unattractive/ugly, then 40% are cute. To be honest there's a bunch of just "average" ones too, so it's probably more like 45% unattractive, 30% average, 25% attractive.

It makes sense, Pokémon Go is a pretty nerdy thing and usually attracts austists/introverts who tend to have less fashion sense, worse personal hygeine, etc. - this applies to men and women, though there are probably more unattractive guys there.
Mostly, bras suck.
>Titjob in sports bra
How would that even work?
boobs. also suck.
Man, you should've just done a, need to go to the bathroom/gonna get another drink excuse
>Workout your upper back and abs
>Look up abdominal bracing
thanks anon
that relationship was like 3 years ago lmao
>Where can you go in 2024 to find a gf?
School, take classes on drawing or languages, practice sports, partake in your local community - even partaking in online communities.
>insert wojak with fat doomer girl meme
Yes you can. At least enough to avoid hip dips.
I agree, girls having a choice in who to pick as their partners, instead of their fathers doing that, has been a travesty. But the current narrative is that if you don't like tall guys, you're abnormal and the good girls want to be normal.
which one are you, nta
But I do want to have sex?
the bra just squeezes the boobs together. you have to pull up the bottom a bit so there's bottom cleavage.
I want to have sex. Women don't want to have sex with me.
>doesn't know about side-ass
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Yeah, those are closer to A. Mine more look like pic related in lingerie.
well see, THAT guy doesn't have a dick. Might be trans
Alright, sure. Will you pay me in crypto or something?
Tittymonster. Who would get mad at being thought of as pure?
it's just so y jack holding a phone that says "[youtuber name] subscription", a youtube meme.
>a solution to something which is not a problem in the first place.
It is a problem though. What proportion of women do you think actually pair up with uneducated, fat, ugly, poor, slobs?
You're taking the bottom end of a distribution and extrapolating it over the entire population and claiming it's therefore not a problem.
Meanwhile the single and childless rates are increasing year on year for lack of "good" men.
I otherwise accept your point that anons should actively socialise while they go about their lives. It doesn't have to be either/or.
Do you want you dick to be... ok, never mind.
I feel excluded from my entire family. Everyone has a person they pair up with and I have been left the odd one out. I wish I had a boyfriend or something
nah, like 90% of women can't stop having hip dips no matter how hard they work out.
Girls are too ugly
Maybe I'm just lucky.
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post ideal partner bodytype
You mean you wish you had a Chad.
Oh suck my dick. Women have it so much easier in relationships that I can’t even articulate it fully. I’m expected to do everything in a relationship and I’ve never gotten anything back. If women actually acted like they gave a fuck about us maybe we’d like them more but it seems like all they want to do is shit on us constantly. They don’t want us anymore and only keep us around so they can kick us till we crap out a golden egg. Women are incredibly selfish and never once think about what their bf wants from them. They don’t want us to be happy, they hate seeing us happy but still want us to act happy and satisfy them. It’s always been me me me with nearly every woman I’ve interacted with and I’m convinced they only want us around so they have a punching bag to take out their own failures on. Fuck you all the way to hell
I think weight gain/bf% has more to do with it than working out ngl
He can be anyone as long as he likes me
I like how she's posing to try to get a curve.
I think you're pure.......... PURE DUMB! GOTTEM! Mad now?
I'm glad that they're less likely to sag etc.
My bf loves them anyway to the point of absolute obsession
I do sometimes wish they were larger though, it looks fun to give a titjob and wear clothing that gives cleavage.
I'm this but squished down so I have more of a tummy and wider hips, but stupid short.
You just did
Oh, lot of short or nice/quaint looking or soft spoken/shy/quiet girls really dislike this. It seems a lot of em are coddled or thought of as less fun (don't drink as much/party as much/smoke as much). Not hard to imagine if some of them overcompensate and go too far sometimes.
hey that's pretty close to my body,although i probably have slightly wider shoulders and slightly bigger hips.
don't fall for the classes meme, it's just retired people!
Fuck you.
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Taking any offer?
>even partaking in online communities.
How do people do that these days? Back in the day we had IRC and community servers for games but now do zoomers just join random discords for their leagues of valoranites or what?
Nta but I think it's basically the same thing as guys disliking being called "nice". "pure" and "nice" can both be seen as safe/boring, as opposed to exciting/sexy.
well hey bbygirl, can I interest you in an autist with tendencies to travel around europe to sperg about historical buildings
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This plus gives a shit about me
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A large strong woman who I can easily imagine becoming the secret identity of Supermom.
masturbation is unironically better
Yes, mostly discord servers, communities of streamers, etc.
like what the other guys said, wearing a sports bra and squeezing your tits might still work. Prob aint the same, but least the two of you will have fun trying
Unlike women we don’t like to fuck people who hate us
>be seeing girl
>very affectionate, cuddly and always kisses me right when she sees me and always goes to hug and kiss me a bunch before she leaves me in the morning
>vocally expresses she likes me a lot and she's having a really good time
>told me about how she was telling her friends about me and how she's really happy
>sees me twice a week despite having 3 jobs
>was talking about being flooded at work and needing to catch up but wanted to see me anyway because she values her "priorities" and told me i'm the priority

clearly everything is going extremely well. what are the odds she loses interest over a matter of like 2 days randomly out of no where?
or are things really just going well and I'm fucked up and not used to it?
Yes, you can even dm people through Twitch.
i do like learning about history. and a sperg who likes traveling? interesting.
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Wide face with strong jawline and big smile, not fat.
I suck at drawing
Market competition buddy. As long as you stay ahead of the competition and not become some lazy slob, you keep the customers happy (her).
So who here is willing to pay me 50-100 bucks a month, so I can join all these hobby groups? Come on, guys, you want to help me, right? You wouldn't just spout feelgoodpatmyselfonthebackadvice without following through, right?
>we don’t like to fuck people who hate us
This is every hetero womans' experience though, they must either accept that men hate women, or become gay.
>they just don't want sex with the real women who are offering it to them.
Literally no one is offering sex to men unless they are the top 10 or 20%. The majority of men are left to rot, so they did what should have happened a while ago, and said "fuck it" and left. Since giving up on women my life has been way more peaceful and happy. Only time I interact with women is when I absolutely have too, other than that I go out of my to avoid interacting with them in any sort of capacity.
that's, not a strong jawline lol
M but that face IRL would be an 8- generic hot girl

All young women that aren't fat are a 6 at minimum
Bisexual women, do you expect the same from a woman as you would a man?
People generally practice assortative mating; they date and marry those that are similar to them.

>I otherwise accept your point that anons should actively socialise while they go about their lives. It doesn't have to be either/or.
I agree. There is no reason to not try to improve your status, however, I do think people tend to overestimate the impact of looks. When you're failing at life in terms of your studies, holding a stable job, moving out of your parents house and so on, you should probably try to address that domain rather than invest in a gym membership (which - again - does not mean that you can't do both). Also, what matters much more is that you have a perspective, a positive outlook for the future which you can communicate to the other rather than being already there.
>they must either accept that men hate women
Both genders hate each other because now both genders are equal we are no longer seen as prospective partners but as a competitor trying to hoover up the other's resources.
ah, streamers? pretty gay
im going in Rome this autumn
but yeah the autism comes with, I only sperg out at first a bit
I'm italian
Just pretend it is, I tried like 100 times and it wouldn't come out like I envisioned it and gave up
Or stop letting people who don’t like them hit. Women seem to be eager to sleep with people who frankly don’t deserve it. It’s hard to feel sympathy for someone who causes their own grief
3 jobs what the fuck man
I think most people would settle for girls who were uglier if they had the body, tits, or ass that they like. But women like to overcomplicate and overthink everything and now are way too prideful to submit to a man.
yeah it is shitty. I kind of want to casually wait it out to see how his health insurance thing works out, because he might change his attitude with proper therapy and meds, he also has a serious heart condition and worries about death and needs surgery eventually. I may be talking to a walking corpse rn.

I told him we can stop talking because of the conversation we had about compatibility with kids, but then he told me he likes having me around and I'm rare in that I actually hear him out about his problems. he also says he wants to keep fighting to be optimistic but he gets bogged down a lot.

physically I'm really attracted to him though so it's hard lol. we also are positively aligned with our thoughts on social issues and economics, and music and interests. so we have a lot to relate on that smooths out our idea of eachother.

he has abandonment trauma and finds it hard to feel safe around others. he even said he hated hinself once and articulated how could he love m if he doesn't love himself. we were sharing stories about our exes and I told him a sensitive subject I shared with a previous ex and he quipped that he hopefully be recovered and not give anything half hearted.
they're poor man. Don't judge
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Despite being a depressed KHHV at 30, I still don't hate women. I'm not even looking for pity, I just don't have a reason to hate them.
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Choose your seat.
>All young women that aren't fat are a 6 at minimum
I hate how this has become the case. There is such an overabundance of obesity now that a girl who just eats normally and exercises is high tier.
To some degree I agree, but many "equal" (because complete and true equality cannot exist) relationships between men and women work well because if those two people genuinely care for each other, forced power dynamics would only get into the way and cause resentment from both parties.
>I'm italian
It's ruder to flaunt your tittymonster privilege.
We did try when he last wanted to try it, but when I pushed them together I wasn't able to breathe and there wasn't enough of valley for him to actually bury his penis in (really not sure how to describe it)
>I just don't have a reason to hate them
They neglected you all your life and you're fine with that? Do you have 0 test levels? I want to punch you in the face just to give you a reality check.
>i'm a nice guy, who do women only fuck assholes!!??
We already know you're ugly and have a feminine personality, anon. That's the reason you aren't one of the normies who get sex.
I don’t know if women understand that they can’t always only want to date men better than them and also be treated like an equal. Women seem to hate the idea of dating in their league
if you're going to be that poor while working you might as well just become a welfare leech
Never call me that again or else....
>The problem with your world view is that there are a million guys out there who didn't know they had to earn reproduction and simply did it, failing to realize that they were violating some cosmic law.
Yes, because we were taught that for 1, but for two the older generation pulled up the ladder behind them and all the wealth concentration is with the older generation.
>this idea that you'll have to be wealthy and successful in order to have earned the right to date is nothing but a justification for your procrastination.
It use to be easier to succeed than it is now. Also I don't want to date, I'm just giving advice.
>"I'm not done with all these things I have to do in order to have the right to date, so it's fine for me to sit on my ass and shitpost on 4chan all day instead of leaving the house and trying to find someone."
I hate to tell it to you but if you build your life around women or a woman they will come to resent you and you'll end up either divorced or locked into an unhappy marriage. Women are an effect of success, worry about yourself and make yourself happy and healthy before bothering with adding people to your boat. I think you are really overthinking this.
I mean, I hate myself too but like, I aint letting it affect my relationship with other people.
Don't just "casually" wait and see. Like, be in the loop on his health insurance/doctor stuff. He likes that you hear out his problems is an iffy thing - don't become his emotional sponge.

If you ain't looking for another guy any time soon, might as well just date him for fun for a handful of months if you both are down. If you just want to be friends, that's fine too, but set boundaries for yourself.

Hope it works for ya
>Never call me that again or else.
Or else cosa?
Sit next to Russell.
Drink the tea from his teapot.
I was about to use AI to do it but I don't want to get stuck into generating AI waifus again and then getting sad
I’m just moody today because I got rejected yesterday. I hate having to deal with the dating market filled with broken people
They never neglected me, I'm ugly as fuck, so I just stay away from everyone
Hey, that's nostra joke, you can't have it.
f, I've only read about Russell and Wittgenstein so I choose my boy Russell.
nta, your tits are perfect <3
What do you mean?
You're seething about imaginary problems on 4chan, you're worse than the people you're whining about for sure.
You know for a fact that you actually don't mean that
>Or else cosa?
Idk, I'll cook you my city's specialty
>couldnt breathe
lool. Eh, screw the valley. Just let him grind his dick over your chest/on your boobs in between the bra. Let it be stupid fun instead of normal fun
just go get one, it is literally trivial for a woman to get a bf
girls who literally have no friends get bfs
What would you like from a Twitch streamer? Assume you like that kind of thing.
I don't think 50/50 relationships actually exist and if they do they don't do well, mainly because of the woman's need to want to be taken care of and protected while offering little to nothing to the man. It isn't sustainable and with hookup culture a lot of people have ruined their ability to bond long term with their partner, so once it starts getting too difficult they'll just dip.
I feel weird and confused that he said he said he hopes to recover and not give hinself half heartedly. I can't tell if he as talking in a general sense or about towards me.

I think I have definitely been a people pleaser in my life so I am learning boundaries now.
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Fs what do you call this piece of clothing
You’re probably right. I just hate people making bad decisions and then bitching about it
>Hey, that's nostra joke, you can't have it
Too bad

>Idk, I'll cook you my city's specialty
Sounds great, paesano. What are we having?
6 is not high tier.
The Wombinator :^)
also I'm male
nta, 50/50 sucks. Always go for the 60/40, where both people go for the 60
I wasn't? I was answering a direct question about my status.
damn she taaall
I watch one streamer sometimes, he does esports analysis and costreaming. so that's what I "like from a twitch streamer".
How do I get my woman to stop nagging me? I carry the household more or less. It's not difficult for me - I put the moka on the stove and while it's brewing I clean up the counters, etc. It's fine when I'm alone. When my woman is present and is observing me, she starts micromanaging and inevitably nagging. "Why did you put the wet tissues on X surface?", "Why did you wet the tiles and did not dry them off immediately?", "Why didn't you remove everything from the floor when vacuuming?". I've tried telling her to leave me alone, sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't. I do not have the energy/patience to argue about every small thing every time. Her modus operandi is to proclaim that she's gonna clean the house and that I'm not to touch anything, then she spends 2 hours getting the restroom perfectly clean, then she gives up because "the sunlight's gone and I can't see all the dirt". My modus operandi is to clean small and fast every time I move around the house. I'd leave it to her but then we just drown in dirt.
She built like a fridge
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>gf asks me about thing
>tell gf about thing and explain the premise of thing
>tells me im ''mansplaining''
>does this every fucking time I try to explain something to her that she doesn't know, because id like the same and it seems like the normal thing to do when you dont know something.

its the angle, post says she's 5'4.
Sounds like you've only gone for women out of your league and that's why they don't do anything for you. You're a simp essentially, don't pretend you know anything about actual relationships.
That is also a very nice bodytype.
Inherently very sexual
The thing is, most men don't want to fight in the relationship or have everything be a power struggle like women want it to be for some reason. I instantly remove any women from my life that I think is a bit too gossipy, drama mongering, or difficult. Maybe women don't actually understand how often they complain and how annoying and off-putting it is, but if women believe that a relationship is some sort of constant tug-of-war, I'm out.
Definitely worth a try. I've only ever tried doing it twice in my life so may be just because I have no clue what I'm doing. My bf is my first (and hopefully only lol) sexual partner and I kinda rely on him to take the reins
6 is above average which is beyond most men's options haha
>Sounds great, paesano. What are we having?
Ravioli with a filling of meat, pears and a mix of spices and flavours. Served with some bacon bits and parmigiano
"too nice to wear in the neighborhood i live in"
. Im trying dude
The only streamer I respect is NorthernLion. He treats that shit like a 9-5. Every other streamer is gimmicky and cringe.
Low test post, I accept my victory over you.
I fucking had this with my gf before last, I'm not sure what they get out of doing that when the end result is the fucking same and even better than what she could do
Idk why women are so obsessed with these garbage tests and games. It’s an instant block if you try to do that annoying bullshit
I like Summit. He has a chill vibe and is good at games.
>having a gf who actually uses words like "mansplaining"
oh heeell no, I would not have gone into a relationship like that.
A basic conversation where everything gets layed out is the only way to change each other. If it works, ideally she nags much less and you do things more efficiently
"I have a dumptruck ass and im extremely fertile"

I need someone built like her PRONTO
Both of you suck at cleaning and refuse to admit it
Good luck, simp poster.
>has no actual argument so just projects his reality onto another.
I've actually been in relationships with women who have submitted and let me drive the relationship, its just you've never been able to so you cope by saying "It doesn't exist".
>make hinge profile
>don't be a retard and select the Chads looking for a quick fuck
>get bf
Break up, it’s the only solution
>an ugly male creature crying about women who won't fuck him
Another one into the pile
I agree all western women act like this regardless of where they are on the dating spectrum, its why you should grab your passport and leave. Then you get people like this who enable bad behavior and are ultimately leading women to be childless and alone.
Be yourself, don't play a role. If you do video games, play what you really like, not what you think others want to see. A consistent schedule is better than often. Communicate with chat, answer questions, and read the chat if you can.
have you tried getting visibly enraged at her, apparently women like that dark triad something something
She sees the activity and judges it instead of judging the result I guess. I was raised a feminist or whatever but at this point I'm resigned to going "quiet, woman".

Holding basic conversations about such things with her is very energy consuming. It's always a 30 minute long discussion.
Never said something doesn't exist, sounds like you're projecting heavily here. And I bet none of those submissive women wanted to marry you, so here you are.
Doing internet tests on someone you like is a great way to turn them off
Squeezed basically.
I'm not allowed to donate sperm due to being on the autistical spectrum. Is there a legal waiver or workaround?

I would love for my semen to help make someone's baby.
I don't need luck, but thanks for the cope post anon, you'll need it more than I will.
You were saying that being perceived as "pure" just because of a body type could never be a bad thing. It goes to show you don't realize how not being taken seriously as a mature or sexual individual because of flatness could be as awful as being seen as overly sexual.
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she's all your's
This is what NorthernLion does and is the reason he’s successful.
How do I stop being so bitter about women? They just do such aggravating shit
>seething this much
We know you're ugly already, anon.
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Women how do you feel about this?
>He treats that shit like a 9-5.
Pretty good way to burn out. You gotta know when to take a break for your mental health.
>And I bet none of those submissive women wanted to marry you, so here you are.
They did its why I broke up with them, kek. I'm ignoring the rest of the post because its a pathetic "no u", like I said low test.
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femanon waiting outside my apartment for me to answer the door be like
why can't this be me bros, I just want to run through a whole load of women and then settle down with a nice girl
>the simp thinks anybody cares about turning his ugly ass off
>NPC words
I see the default programming is kicking into gear, what other pre-programmed strings are you going to spit out?
Yeah well, that's what it means to have an adult relationship. You deal with the nitty gritty. If you cant, then get a pet instead
Why is every relationship I have doomed
Words of an ugly male, keep it up.
>Assume you like that kind of thing.
(lmao possibly)
gf made me stop being friends with a female friend a while ago, she hasn't done this with any other friend nor does she control any other aspect of my life, but I miss female friend, gf loathes and detests her though purely because we were decent friends. She sometimes feels guilty over it. Why do women have to be like this.
I hate simping, women piss me off. My ex did this shit because she was insecure and it led to me breaking it off
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I think I'm going to cry myself to sleep listening to GFE ASMR again..
Tried that, very energy consuming and doesn't work for long.
>tfw this line literally looks like the 5 girls I slept with
I'm enjoying the seethe to be honest, respond to me more :3
Let me tell you about a fiendish being known as Yahweh
Damn dude
Men want this yet cry and whine endlessly when they see that image that depicts the opposite genders in this situation lol

Modern western male = victim complex
depends, why'd she not like her
Just work with me here. :)
shit on the counter and make her clean it up, dark triad bro
Tell me more
>it cuts both ways
Wow, you thought that was an intelligent thing you just said? Wow...
Thanks for the (You)s, I'm taking my win
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if it's any consolation anon, i've listened to 30 seconds of some "cuddling/pillow talk with boyfriend before bed" asmr and i cried so hard i threw up and i haven't touched the stuff since. you're not alone.
But it’s different than the other because of that refractory period
Women, what feminine traits do you want in your man? What masculine traits do you want? What about that butt dimple in pic related >>31529354
I don’t want this, people having multiple sex partners is discussing and a good way to end up with regrets
Positive affirmations, right?
Modern Western Women will be gone by 2080 if trends hold, so you can be upset all you want, you'll end up childish, alone, and your kind will die out. A remenant of a much uglier history no one will want to remember and many will forget.
She was out of your league clearly, now keep whining about your own decisions, simp.
You misunderstand, he’s consistent with it. He’s not streaming 8 hours a day.
(well, you are alone. everything you're feeling is common, even though you've never felt so alone. you get what i mean.)
man fuck lots of women = highly attractive and successful
women fucks lots of men = loose harlot
simple as
I would add to >>31529338

>play what you really like, not what you think others want to see
I do think there is a market in being a woman and failing at games in a cute manner. It makes the audience (who are assumedly familiar with the game) feel competent and gives them the opportunity to backseat. But it has to be done with a certain sincerity, e.g. playing the games in a bored manner with a lack of enthusiasm, not actually trying, will not be entertaining.

I would argue that more important than exclusively playing what one enjoys and is already good at, is a sincere attitude towards whatever one is playing and approaching things with an open mind - even the things one might be unfamiliar with. This particularly applies to certain boomer games. Boomers love watching young people try their hands on the games they liked (and see them fail).
couple of reasons, gf views her as pretty, Once slept over at hers on the sofa when I went to a gig in the city (wasn't dating gf at the time nor did anything happen, it was because I didn't wanna pay over 100 in taxi fair to get home at 3am). I dont really get it though, but gf is decent in many other ways to see past this thing though.
>all these feminine "men" complaining and crying at the truth
Looks like I was right kek
you should go on a date or go to a bar and find a guy for a night or something. I feel like you need it
No, no, no Thank you, every time you respond I just win more. I'm not the one who couldn't argue back so they had to result to imaginary insults kek
She was a disgusting mess I only dated because I was depressed and lonely. She hasn’t been in a relationship since
Liking streamers = bad taste, 4chan is the only friend simulator you need
No, I mean, if it's just a job, you'll eventually feel like you're just clocking in. The chat will notice this.
Nta, but that's not necessarily true. A lot of mid bitches do shit tests because their friends told them to do that. It's sad because they're ruining their own dating lives. A man with self-respect isn't going to put up with that and the men that will, they will probably just put up with it until they get to hatefuck the bitch and dump her after.
Its not crying its the reality, men have looked at you and found you wanting, so wanting that we are cosigning you and multiple ethnicities to the graveyards as we go East. Did you know that Thailand, Singapore, and the Phillippines have the most marriages and the most married couples in the world now?
i can't do hookups or casual relationships. if getting some random guy to bone me made me feel better i wouldn't be anything like how i am at all. quite literally the course of my life would be unrecognizable.
Not our fault nobody wants to fuck you
That's red flag shit right there. You should've fought against it. Sorta (not really?) too late now though. If my gf ever wanted to stop me from seeing my F bf, that'd be a hard no, given that our relationship is actually zero attraction.
It is what it is..

It's toxic for the mind, but the alternative is just as bad

Friends to lovers and confessions
>Did you know that Thailand, Singapore, and the Phillippines have the most marriages and the most married couples in the world now?
nta, but I actually knew this and it blew me away that they are the most married people in the world, probably explains why their GDP and happiness is rising.
Why would you torture yourself like this? The only way I stay sane as a single man is by basically avoiding any visceral depictions of romance
>gives them the opportunity to backseat
I hate those guy so much. I get shit on because I don't play rpgs the "right" way.
i mean, you'd have a nice body to cuddle with to sleep instead of crying. Aaand, if yall hit it off, you could actually date him. People meet their SO at bars all the time
Bumping, I don’t want to be like this forever
>toxic for the mind but the alternative is just as bad
that's how i feel trying to pick between 4chan and complete isolation. ASMR causes me intense anguish though. it's not even comforting. i cannot relax into it. i cannot suspend my disbelief. i can't feel or smell him and it hurts and he said these words out of a desire to make money on the internet not because he gives a shit about me or even knows i exist. it's pointless.
I did, but it caused too much shit and I didn't have the energy from doing a full time masters + working ontop of it. It would be easy if there were other red flags but apart from that shes alright, compared to other past gfs.
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heres the real version
>shallow win for today for a defeat in 70 years time
modern women won't be missed. all your rights, your whole way of thinking and life will backslide as you are unable to reproduce or match the reporduction of those around you that abhor you.
Why would that be relevant? It has nothing to do with her.
Figure out what you dislike, specifically. Figure out how other people have overcome it. Remove irrationality from your life, and replace it with truth and logic
Women hate themselves and each other so much that they think its better to basically not have kids and let their whole ideology die and doom future women to a world where they have less rights AND THEY THINK ITS A GOOD THING!!!
>People meet their SO at bars all the time
Prolly not since covid. People just go to bars with their friends and sit with their own groups, nobody is talking to random strangers.
Big Alcohol shilling for liquid poison again. Go buy an ad.
Same, it would be nice if I too could be less bitter, after 3 gfs, multiple other dates, a few hookups and knowing women (working with them, when I had to live with them in uni) The entire experience has left me thinking not so greatly about them, they just do unnecessary and aggravating shit, like why you gotta be like this ffs.
Yahweh is a demon who created the material world and trapped us inside so that he could feed off of our despair. He engineers scenarios to create hope just so he can crush it into a fine paste and add it to his divine simulacrum which he hopes to use to usurp God,
Is it true that you don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn? You just fuck your uncle all day long?
selfishness over selflessness, they never see the bigger picture, just what is in it for them.
So then what's the real god doing?
Obsessed pedophile.
Dude I feel you. My woman is slim and petite with a nice pair of tits and every time I see an average modern woman I whisper a silent thanks to god.
dunno, I argued that and it made no difference, she then tried to spin it as though I secretly loved her or some weird shit which lead to more argument.
So he's getting a lap dance at a strip club?
lol lmaoing outside of spacetime
Add "no tattoos" for this and you have what I'm asking for.
What American pop culture is popular in other parts of the world?
You seem like a donkey raping shit eater.
Guy I am talking to keeps giving me mixed signals. He needs to work on himself and get therapy. What does he mean by saying he wants to recover and not give himself half heartedly or has half feelings?

I'm trying to figure out if there is still something there that he sees in me. He interacts on my social media so everyone sees his interest in me. Is this him sugar coating?
Yakub invented white people to punish black people because they made fun of his head and called him gay for wanting to play street fighter and watch dragonball z all day.
You seem like you might be mentally deficient.
No, let him get his shit together first.
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>a girl who eats normally and exercises is top tier
Most donkeys I've fucked have been a better lay and tighter than most women and my dick is 2 times smaller than a donkey's dick.
I both love and hate women at the same time.
Sounds absolutely scrumptious, you are a real one, anon
Top tier woman moment, how do you always fall for this shit?
Her uncle was a great man who took his own life because they found out about JH being a dirty little slut.
Women don't know I exist, staying inside is so based.
Why does it always have to be about you?
Two options:

1. He's feels he can't fulfil your expectations and pulls the plug to avoid conflict.
2. He thinks he can do better and uses his issues as an excuse to end things while keeping you around as a backup by maintaining contact.
did you win anon? you didn't end up as the wojak x fat doomer girl meme?
>all females are the same
It’s standard hot/cold behavior. Did he lovebomb you when you first met?
If you’re under a 6-7/10 you already don’t exist to women.
Why do I keep trying? No, really.
But thats what it is, it is just a job.
"I'm now morally cleared to pump and dump and abuse you because I did the woman speak emotions things aaaaaas my heckin mental, expect nothing and serve me"
Do men actually lovebomb? I'm kuudere as fuck and just ignore the shit out of you but wish you keep on persuing.
I’m convinced that women are all the same
Delusion + self-preservation.
How can we arrive at a final solution to the Decades Schizo question?
Are you really trying?
Yeh, but it's performing. If you don't make it seem like you're having fun, your chat won't have fun either.
My area use to be 90% white now its full of browns and their nasty brown women want to date me and its actually terrible.
I have some things to think about now.
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>no woman will ever like you enough that you can just lead her on with a hot and cold approach, "something something mental illness" all the while readying her for a "situationship" in your harem while she holds out for something more
I worked my ass off to the point where I had 2 million dollars across multiple bank accounts then just quite my job and moved to rural Japan. You'll be surprized how many white women are in Japan, but they are all the stereotypical pick me girls who have been blown out by 30 black dudes.
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you guys are so boring today
Its clear she lost a lot of weight, which is great.
But look at those hips.
She can effortlessly give birth to strong sons.

Thats correct, especially when theres lubricant involved.
Thin soft fabrics + squishy body parts + pretty face = good feeling pp
nta, yes? I try not to though to not scare em away cause it aint healthy, but if I could I'd go all out yeah.
Fuck boy man whores like me do. It’s a textbook play. Dump on you with engineered rom com tier moments till I have you wrapped around my finger, then trauma dump on you, maybe instigate an argument, and go hot/cold on you to get you to ride the emotional rollercoaster.
No matter how much I put in I’m convinced I’ll never get reciprocation from a woman. I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough for them. Just know that I only hate women because I hate myself
lovebombing is a favored tactic for getting a shag
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Choose your favourite NTR protagonist.
Women dont ask for money from chad
They only ask for it from beta billy they settled for

Shes gonna happily have her back blown out on back of his beater honda civic after mcdonald date if hes handsome
Sailor Moon?
Huh, weird. At least it is to me, my mating strategy is basically act professional and ignore you until I'm comfortable with you. Most women don't really bother to stay around that long, which is fine, but it takes me a long time to open up to people or express anything other than professionalism to them.
Myb pussy itchesagain
I'm about to drop 2k to buy a bicycle. How does that make you feel?
none of these, but I guess if I had to choose someone to get cucked by it would be the shota. At least I could call the cops on her, kek.
Im the fat ugly bara bastard
women, how would you feel if you found out a guy on a 5 figure salary turned down a 6 figure job because it sounds boring
Faceless muscleman, he probably looks closest to me
*Gives you a open hand gentle slap on your pussy leaving a red mark*
Why don't you buy me a nice dinner instead or a pretty dress
uhh, women absolutely love attention. Ignoring them aint doing you any favors lol, but wtv, you do you
It only works on certain types of women. Typically insecure, either with a shit ton of baggage or the most boring and bland upbringings. The lovebomb isn’t as important as the target.
I need to know, is asking to be called Daddy, Uncle, or Big Bro/Brother weird to most women? I'm told its a common kink but everytime women needle me to open up about what I want them to do and I tell them they almost always refuse to do it. Which is fine because most of them do blowjobs, but maybe I'm just incredibly porn sick and it isn't as common as I thought it was?
Ignoring us will just make us want you more.
I'm new to dating apps. Matched a guy and later that day went on a date. He tried greeting me with a hug and I stepped back as he did. It was really awkward and I kinda feel bad. Is hugging a stranger normal?

Based. I have respect for these sorts of people. But I feel like it's not something I could do. I'm soulless, and drawn to that which I lack.
Does it seem like he actually wants to and has interest in me? Or does he feel like I'm just someone he can talk to about his problems and that's the only reason he likes me.
It's not I've listened to him an incredible amount about what he has been going through since childhood to now he has told me so much since I met him over 2 months ago.
I feel it could be both but he literally told me the 1st option was it. He says I'm a a fantastic person and that he didn't feel quite platonically about me, but I wonder if his feels re evolving and we can just be friends because it sort of seems like it but at the same time...
Can you define lovebombing for me? He wanted me to be his gf pretty early on but I declined and said we should talk more. Perhaps me saying that bruised his ego? He did say he wanted to make a trip out to see me, but he later admitted he wanted to work on his mental health to properly meet me so he wouldn't mess it up. He talked about wanting to go to concerts in the future since I really like live music.
>sees a TikTok about a woman calling her ex 2 days before she’s getting married

Why do women do this?
Not being able to spot a woman with legit daddy issues is a you problem. My gf loves it when I call her my sweet little girl.
what are some social hobbies where I can talk to women online

I tried to find an online discord book club but every single server was dead
it's common advice for guys to initiate a hug with a girl because there's a risk that if you don't show some physicality it just turns into a friendly interview, but you don't have to accept if it makes you uncomfortable
most guys instinct is to be more conservative than that which often leads to said friendship vibes problem
>he’s an E-boyfriend

Lol, internet relationships aren’t real.
Don't do that
I know women love attention, but without giving too much away I'm a low noble of a European country and its just kind of how I was raised when I went to boarding school.
I've never been into hook up culture, I think its vile and manipulating people just isn't something I'm not intersted in doing.
I only got my practice gf to go to McDonald's with me. I stopped suggesting it to other girls on Tinder after they kept ghosting me.
>just isn't something I'm not intersted in doing.
just isn't something I'm interested in doing*
see >>31529551
what kind of vidya
I hate videogames but I'll play if you tell me to
Not a single game I want that I don't already have in summer sale
This year they even have a shelf for 90% off and it's all trick driving simulators and shit
Even my huge wishlist has no big discounts on games I want
Women would you go out on a date with a guy to a fast food place?
Because a bicycle will never betray me
kek, cute
oh I'm male btw. That has the same kind "Wanna come over and play xbox" feel to it. McDonalds is trash though, you should be eating better quality food. Not to mention how expensive McDonalds is now.
I am so mad about this yeast infection. Fuck yeast for real
Because you arent that guy mate
no, but its because fast food makes me feel gross, not because i'm "above it" or something.
dig some out and let it ferment in some dough and you'll have bread for days!!!
Why would I betray you
I’m not into hook up culture either. I’d love for a woman to stick around but I’m a basket case of problems incapable of real human connection so I get by the only way I can.

It’s interesting when I run into a woman who sees right through me, they’re terrified.
>I hate videogames
Not sure if good idea. Fall Guys, Gang Beasts, stuff like that.
Shouldnt have unprotected sex
you're already emotionally betraying me by posting on /atoga/
big oof for him
No, but I'd rather go to a chip truck if you're low on funds.
Every woman I've been romantically involved with has betrayed me
you mean baby shit then
pull a women, buy a female dog, fuck it, problem solved.
this is a joke post btw plz don't dick the dogger.
I don't care, I love the burgers. I don't do dates anymore. I learned that girls will invite me over themselves when I rizz them for a few days.
Yeah, but I think I did well with my manlet and poverty cards given by God.
>Is hugging a stranger normal
I recently met a girl online and then irl and i shook her hand and people said its cringe

It wasnt a date or anything we just ran into eachother lol
Hello... girl, yes... I'm not into Generic Shooter #5393948.
>I don't care, I love the burgers.
You can get better burgers at most sit-down resturants double the quality for the same price...
you can get a good bicycle for 600 already
unless it's electric or a racing bicycle or a mountain bike you're making a bad choice
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sometimes i just watch a guy go about his life and it completely scrambles my brain that he's got cum reserves sloshing around inside him. the part of my brain that automatically counts things goes "what is the volume of semen he can be holding right now" and it's kinda overwhelming. what do you mean you have a soda machine style liquid congealer in your belly. inb4 lactation, yeah i know, but this is my weirdening post not yours
Depends who initiates it, if a girl asks to hug you or says "I'm a hugging person" it generally means they are easy or they are attention starved. They think its a sly little way to say "hey I might be into you" but it sailed over my head for years until someone told me, lol.
you are a gay male
I don't have sex
He is not my boyfriend.
I have dated long distance both towards the end of a relationship and it starting out that way but the plan is always to close the gap and I moved to be with him. in that second relationship.

There is an anon here who said she married her long distance guy and they live together now. It can work sometimes.
it's in my ass not my belly
Like, between a teaspoon and tablespoon, max. I didn't get off today so it's prob closer to a tablespoon.
Men what are you going to goon to today?
You can make bread the yeast infection, the ancient egyptians made a type of bread that had semen, pussy yeast, and period blood in it.
no, but okay.

gay male (anon you might wanna check with this guy he may be your perp you were looking for)
Is this a good wedding guest dress?
naked chicks I guess
pov bbw or ssbbw milfs that say "give it to mommy" during sex.
Periods confuse me. I mean, why do it? Most mammals don't.
i guess i am talking about potential? because yeah that is probably so much as you can make in one go but then you start mixing more. like its ingredients are separated right now or something and you make it inside you. how much is ALL of your ingredients on hand right now could make? if that makes sense
Look lady, you’re this dudes pen pal and emotional garbage disposal. That’s all. Keep going if you want but don’t take it too seriously. Go on normal date with a real flesh and blood man and take all the shit coming to you through the computer with a grain of salt.
If it's outside on a nice day, no? Inside, with a DJ an shit, yeah sure?
because most mammals have breeding seasons.
>gay male
learn basic anatomy
prostate is next to colon
Can you stop being obsessed over my baby batter and listen to what im saying

Is this woman brain on ovulation mode?
"I need to find fresh semen... To sustain... Myself...."
the thought of my coworker's cute little ass
is it possible to have a wholesome cuck relationship? I want to do cute relationship things with a woman but I know I could never sexually satisfy her.
Give me your recommendation for a full carbon road bike please. I'm not even being ironic, I actually want a third opinion
menstruation vs estrus i guess. menstruation means more sex overall so, like, you're welcome.
Probably the barely legal tiktok sluts who wiggle their fat butts to music
gonna have the gf climb on top of me and tell me, and i quote, “fuck mommy’s wet cunt”
sorry i havent had privacy for like 36 hours
>fat, blank bio or "food, dogs, travel, latest netflix show"
do other guys even find women worth sending likes to on these apps
Women that have had sex, was your first time really that traumatizing?
oh. i guess i knew it was "behind" the dick but i didnt think about the organs that are there too.
Women, what are some of the hottest things a guy can do to turn you on?
I don't jerk off, when I found out that I can have crazy realistic dreams and cum myself in those dreams I just stopped jerking off and I wait for the sleep demon to come suck the seman out of me.
i don't know, the hottest part is the surprise.
I do but they aren’t of any interest to the vast majority of you.
what, druggy tattoo girls?
Yes, but I was raped by my father starting at 4
>beater honda civic after mcdonald date
Literally me
>if hes handsome
Except this part
State gender and your biggest failure.
That’s a late fall dress at best. What this anon said is correct. >>31529618

If it’s outside on a nice day, get something in a pastel color.
practicing succubus magicks
Are you living with parents or what
Is 36 hours really enough to turn you into a goon ghoul
on the small chance you're not shitposting in poor taste, how do you just come out and say it like that? i can never, even here. it hurts to look at it square on.
Yeah I come here for support and I make sure I'm thinking right about all of whatever it is that that day with a dude or general questions about guys.

I am setting up a bit of boundaries by not responding to him right now but he just sent another message trying to change the subject and I just need a break for me-time. I really don't want bullshit.
If I did apps and came across stuff like this, it'd be a 50/50 swipe since I know nothing bout em. Basically a mystery box. Would base it off their pictures prob
Everythhing now that I think about it
public transportation, long distance trip. my libido is inconvenient.
Im driving an euro accord sedan from 2010 its kino
No, career type women. Surgeons, lawyers, VPs, the women who use apps simply because they are too busy to get out and find a dude and you probably have to send them an outlook invite for a date.
Thius is the hardest thing I've ever had to shop for in my life
F flunking out of college.
Compliment me genuinely while touching me.
Yeah, I see exactly zero of these types of women on the apps. Must be my area, it mostly seems to be poorfags,
Where are you looking? Can't you get that in a lighter color?
what degree?
Nope it only comes in that color, and I found it on pinterest
I mean, we fell in love with eachother. He also gave me his virginity. He stole his friend's condom and floated it by me as I was watching him play videogames. We went into his brother's room since it was in the basement and his brother was gone for college.

It was at night and he was very gentle and and kissed me and soothed me with his words. He kissed me and made sure my watery eyes from the pain didn't flow as tears. It was romantic and slow.

It feels special we gave ourselves to eachother. It did hurt though and my panties spotted pink from the blood.
Now imagine that I just waste it all. I don't even masturbate. I just let it be ejaculated on its own while I'm sleeping, about every 2-4 weeks when I have a random wet dream. Wet pajamas the next morning, all pointless, all wasted.
This >>31529661.
All of their pictures are basically the same too
Women you had no way of knowing this but im about to obliterate a bowl of nectarines.
I also sharpened a small knife for sole purpose of cutting small wedges into the nectarines flesh, which im going to slowly and deliberately put in my mouth and suck on until the sweet and juicy flesh fills my belly
Psychology. It wasn't the workload so much as I let mental health issues fuck me around. Yes, I know, that's possibly ironic.
Women will never understand how amazing wet dreams feels
You sure bout that?
>long distance trip
For business or for pleasure?
It's ok. I was almost gonna drop my degree. Lot of mental stuff too. Still didn't work out for me. No judgment here tho.
Lets say you are riding a train, warm summer day, sun is pleasantly peeking through window.
A handsome guy sits on opposite side alone, napping while the sun shines on him with warmth.
He gets a boner while sleeping, and the outline is clearly visible to you

Theres nobody else in the train cart with you two

My marriage.
Also thanks. I do need to go on a date in the flesh with someone. I feel attached to this online guy though since we have shared very intimate details of our lives to eachother. There is a lot of sexual chemistry beneath it all and he is submissive which can be appealing to me. I feel like I need to lower contact ith online guy so I can regulate my brain/emotions to open up to dating again.I think I'm gonna give myself a few weeks or a month or two before a date. I'm also hoping to lose another 10-15lbs to feel better about myself and look my best fo a potential future date.
Idk, ever see a bunch of guys legit say the same exact thing in their bio? It's so dumb imo (am guy btw, was just shown this stuff). People are just normally low effort
F self harm.
where did you meet your partner
>There is a lot of sexual chemistry
You communicate online only.
Staring at it
NTA but it doesn't seem ironic to me at all. An interest in psychology often stems from a place of wanting to explain or cope with ones own issues.

I read a book on the clinical practice of treating narcissistic personality disorders and it specifically mentioned that becoming a therapist is correlated with high degrees of narcissism so the clinical practitioners should steel themselves against not letting their own feelings get hurt with regard to what the patient might wield against them in the context of reactance.
M bookstore.
Girls, how can a late bloomer man meet decent girls or how would you like to meet your man?

As a late bloomer I was a smol nerd through school and uni and awkward as fuck with women. now I can easily talk to them, but I have literally no chances anymore.
-I am only at work, gym or at home
-cold approaching women is weird and usually unwanted
-online dating is beyond impossible when you have standards as a man, wait for the off-chance she picks you out of 10k guys
-i sometimes get invites to parties but then its married couples only mostly

i have not so much free time during the week. still i dont know what to do on the weekends often, not a huge friends circle anymore. moved, work..

i want to change my situation but i see no option to do it. i guess i just have to grind it out online and keep improving my pictures... that's all that seems to count nowadays.
The sexual chemistry is in your head. How you feel about this guy will be completely rearranged if/when you actually meet him in person. You are turned on by an idea of him, like being turned on by someone out of a story book, it’s your imagination doing the heavy lifting and not him. Internet relationships aren’t real, they are a decent mechanism to initiate a real relationship but they are not a substitute.
I'm a woman and I recently had my first sex dreams. It feels so fucking real and good I woke up feeling like I just came. It's basically always the same guy too, deff got an incubus.

But do you guys who have dreams of this do you ever have relationship related dreams with tem? My dream guy is both involved in sex dreams and relationship dreams, even just cuddling.

realisticallly??? in real life? i would stare probably like the entire train ride and hear my fucking heartbeeat in my ears i guess but like i'm not going to molest somebody in their sleep. but jesus. you asshole. very much this got a rise out of me but like i'm not even hypothetically doing something fucked up like touching it and it would be awkward as shitfuck anyway
I mean, same goes with titty milk? Or blood. Or how a woman makes a kid with all the ingredients (if a gal doesn't get enough calcium the baby takes it from the mom's bones).
She is the book keeper for a vendor my company uses often. Quiet and mousy little thing on the surface. Dresses frumpy in big grandma sweaters. But hoo boy when those clothes come off.
F he's my childhood friend. Grew up on the same street.
Will you tell us about it afterwards? Assuming that you're not able to tell us about it now.
Definitely. I guess I am a bit indulgent and feel like I'm just using his pictures to get off. But otherwise I am taking a break from him today.
I'm shitposting but at the same time actual victims won't say it so I have to so that incels know all the women they're talking to are mentally ill victims of child abuse
Nothing stopping you from taking a pic for future reference, and messing with own hand through your own clothes


youve got a seriously fucked mentality brother
Has there been any talk of meeting irl?
I mean if I ask you "where are you going?" while you're still there then you might think I'm going to leap out of a dark alley and jump you. I don't know.
nta but guy I'm talking to was molested by his dad but it's just talked about in private.
The men are too. Don’t think you’re special.

If a man didn’t get molested as a little boy it means he’s ugly..
Guys, can I downplay having big boobs on a date?
He has a big penis. She said in a previous thread that she wants him because he has a big penis. That's it. That's the sexual chemistry.
Pretty much me but women and their bladder
>Men have bladders too
But I don't care about men
Also I don't watch/think about real people because it's rude I just stay home and imagine hypothetical women
i would probably debate the morality of taking a picture. i. do not know. oh shit man ii don't fucking know youre making this a lot worse which is your intention and i dont appreicate it.

just a state i've never been before, i don't have a big destination in mind, i just chose the cheapest ticket that took me far away
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It's the opposite really. If you got molested as a child it's because you're ugly enough that the person molesting you thought nobody would care that much. People only care when pretty white children get molested, otherwise they're indifferent.
Yeah, give yourself a big belly too.
I guess the whole thing conditions low effort. Women because they get a billion likes anyway, and men because women don't really care what you write they just care if you're hot.
I specifically remember being kissed on lips by my mom
Multiple times

She would also cuddle me in bed a lot
I dont think it counts as abuse tho
I'm not gay
why don't you just touch yourself in the bathroom, put something on your phone?
Women having two holes infront.
I'd be impressed since so many people are money driven. I've gotten repeatedly burnt out at jobs, so I could understand why
how else would they pee
A baggy hoodie will defo do the trick
Its amazing what difference it can make,
You can but you big titty girls never do. I deliberately go out of my way to not look at them on a date, laser eye contact only, and you all inevitably pull the “let me plop these babies on the table and act like I’m just leaning in to listen better” thing. I’m wise to your tricks titty girl.
the bathrooms smell like porta potties and are pretty messy. wet floor... piss droplets on the seat. no thanks.
why would you? It's to your benefit to make him like you better
Not really. Just wear something loose and no cleavage.
How long does your trip last? What are you doing on the trip?
Real but apu really softens the impact
how long do you got till you get home?
It wouldn't bother me. If it's a money concern, I rather grab a coffee or go on a walk in a park though.
But I don't want to seem slobby.
its a one way ticket. i'll go home when i feel like it.
Female pedos operate with impunity and a complete lack of suspicion. They are also selective. Your going to have to take my word on this one.
Just messing with you babe.
I know you wouldnt do any lewd things, no no no.
Women thoughts on men who are aroused by lips?
I don't want to seem slutty and tryhard.
That's fucking wild. Are you safe right now? Were you not safe back home?
>Quiet and mousy little thing on the surface. Dresses frumpy in big grandma sweaters. But hoo boy when those clothes come off.
For naive men who are after this type of girl it must be depressing as hell to learn this
Like normal people
Chad didn't text you back?
out of their pee hole?
that's what they do
why would the pee hole internally attach to the hole babies come out of
>are you safe right now
eh. theoretically.
>were you not safe back home
home is fine. i had a mental health collapse. i needed to get out of my routine.
Good for formal/semi formal. With some accessories and nice jewlery it could even be worn to black tie
Sometimes a sweater helps
i seriously want you to know you are unironically cringey and bad at this and the fact that i am responding probably how you anticipated anyway is 100% due to biology and you are actually just dumb
Please take care. I hope you find some stability soon.
No, actually... among other things, I mean.
this is true but not in the way you think
the amount of male pedos who get away with it is just as large as the amount of female pedos who get away with it
the pedos who get caught are legitimately mentally retarded
And the date still went on? I would've ended it right there and I assume some guys would have punched you in the face like you actually deserved. You made the situation 100 times more awkward than just hugging him, dumb cunt.
Yeah. My best friend is married to a cuck. They're both very happy with the set up
Holy shit, it's really fucking hard to tell how old that model is. Her face is somehow really young and old at the same time
thanks for the well wishes. it's not likely anytime soon at all, but thanks anyway.
It means the quirky mousy girl fantasy is an illusion
what did you expect? shy women don't like sex?
Do you have a plan for the immediate future? As in, are you just going to chill until money runs out and you go home, or do you think you might look for a job and try to live there for a while?
F. Getting married married too quickly. Ended in divorce and has tainted my romantic life
Hard mode: It's hot out.
i will probably go home. i don't live with my parents.
>I assume some guys would have punched you in the face like you actually deserved
this is insane levels of r9k incel posting
no, people don't go out of their way to get felony convictions for assault because a woman didn't hug them the first time they met
stare at the ceiling
I don't watch porn anymore because every search turns up putrid shit now and turns me off, very cool
They don’t poop either
>grow up being told by every piece of entertainment media that women don't like sex
>find out women crave sex more than men and will get pissed at a man whose libido isn't as high as hers
NTA but life sure did turn out to be surprising.
On whisper
Based. Wanna get married?
How? Is she suddenly a dom?
Ponytai girll mogs everyone
I poop ALL the time.
They do it for less. That bitch femanon just made a nice guy feel bad and ruined the date before it could begin.
Probably for the best. Are there any good tourist traps or pristine pieces of nature for you to enjoy while you're there?
gg, just flaunt the tits. Radiative cooling or whatever
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uh, probably?
Yes actually, he floated the idea of coming down to see/meet me for a week. He talked about getting a hotel. Does that sound like a long time for a first meet though? I'm not sure how long a person is supposed to stay for a first meet up when it comes to long distance. We are a little over 4 hrs away by car but neither of us drive so he talked going by train.
It just seems more efficient to have one opening and a track that switches. Like a little railroad.
Please find out and enjoy something. Someday, in the future, when you're in a more stable headspace and life is a little more pleasant, Future You might think that Past You wasted your trip if you don't.
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What's something that surprised you about the opposite gender when you saw one naked for the first time?
I wasted years of my life being kind to others
Quirky mousy girls liking sex right off the bat is a bad sign. It means she'd like sex with other men and is just a smartphone away from liking other normie interests.
spent half my 20s unemployed
Not having a husband or any kind of relationship yet
every woman would be dead of a UTI in infancy
titty asymmetry
I actually thought the vagina was a lot higher.
I forgot to pull out of your mother before you were conceived
OH, good point.
Is there a bigger bitch ass nigga than Bun B? Look at this faggot snitch in court: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cIuaQL6-7Y
Bun B -
>And I'm a gangsta, always gon' do what I gotta do (Yep)
>Unless it's givin game to police and sellin out his crew (Naw)
>That's somethin gangstas don't do, gangstas keep it trill (Trill)
>A gangsta do a crime, he do his time on the real (Real)
>A gangsta don't squeal and tell on everyone he know
Penis is really high up
Th balls hanging in the front instead of between then legs
Testicles actually move around a lot.
On rare occasions I have the gf dream and feel suicidal all morning
They're moving on their own, all the time, to thermoregulate
Could try coconut oil
filthy ass bitch
nta isn't that more of a preventative?
How heavy are you?
I'm a healthy weight, 235lbs at 4'9"
just be my wife
No it's actually his face I am interested in. He is very fem/androgynous. His size actually could be a problem because I have been in a relationship before with someone slightly bigger than him and some of our sex has ended in me in pain and crying. It doesn't always feel good. I had to get ice packs from him. The new guy is sexually inexperienced and has issues with going further like sex. Which is fine for now but I hope he works on himself in general.
Does it really need to be that precise?
When she gets into her adrenaline fueled sex craze she become inhumanly strong for her size and starts biting and clawing and saying dirty things that’d make a sailor blush.
they contain the genetic material needed to create life
if they get too hot you get retard babies
Making it to 28 without having gone on a date, and making it to 30 without ever having a gf.
>no boy to take skinny dipping at midnight so we both feel absolutely crushed by the sexual tension
>see this super hot girl making posts like
>"In my dreams: *picture of a family holding hands*"
>Most of her pics are showing off her butt or skin in general

Is this some trad larp to bait guys in
Women that wear bralettes as tops bug the fuck out of me.
Vaginas don't smell like I thought they would.
That sounds horrible
Don't be an asshole
I'm underweight
F but... how did you think they would smell?
Women dont like sex with guys they dont find attractive.

Thats it.
End of mystery.

The brvtal truth is that they just dont find majority of men attractive at all.
I thought only teenagers had wet dreams?
It does actually. Sperm is fragile, 90% of it is killed by women’s vaginal Ph
Seems to be a yeast killer, both consumed and used topically.
Going on a date doesnt mean anything, considered women commonly use dudes as meal tickets.
You arent entitled to anything, including a second date
Something about this is almost poetic
You need to get some probiotics.
nta I started them as entered my 30s.
Anybody that doesn't masturbate can have wet dreams.
Yeah the sperm is sensitive, we'd cook them if they were inside all the time
I'm covered and full of medicine it takes 3 days to start working
I did I'm drinking kefir
Is coconut oil really a good thing to massage into girls boobs?
I can not stop laughing at this.
>tfw gymbro has hotties ogling constantly in the gym
>tfw gymbro "she only wants a rich guy who looks like a model"
I'm white so I don't care about "snitches" I just wish blacks wouldn't be evil in the first place
I just want to facially abuse him by making him eat my pussy and sit on him and grinding on his face while lightly choking him. :(
Kefir is based
Its full of zinc and other good minerals and tastes great.

I cant guarantee cum tastes great after tho, probably not.
But i regularly slam 1L of kefir directly after workout
i love making atoga boys laugh
>have lewd thoughts
>get paranoid people can read my mind
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>tfw the hot barmaid just texted me asking why I didn't show to her birthday party, and that she's in the club right now
My dick is saying yes but my head is saying no, what do
>toxic culture creates toxic people
Sounds like you want to wake up with a flaccid penis on your face some day
If she's pregnant to avoid stretchmarks maybe.
Honestly, I didn't expect them to smell like much. Kinda like wet skin, I guess.
Listen to the dick, having a brain was a mistake
>Am I a failure?
>do you ever do weird things to your body just because it soothes you
>Does he just need to get over himself?
>Pokémon Go
That's still a thing?
Barmaids are hoes but it seems she wants your tips or your tip.
Its for you to decide

You can say that you arent in mood to go club, but you are down to hang out somewhere else just you two
Nothing really because I autisticly studied anatomy and sex books when I was 7.
I have lewd thoughts in hopes that one day a mind reader will take a glimpse and visibly react.
Fair enough. There's a lot of good bacteria down there.
And how does it smell?
Im khhv
The bitches settle in seattle
>large-breasted friends complain CONSTANTLY about how all clothing caters to small breasted women (pic related). I'm a 36B, and I can never fill out a top.
So basically women's clothes suck
>That's still a thing?
You'd be surprised
nta but a healthy vagina should smell a bit like yogourt.
Neat asl
There are hotties who oogle me, but a lot of them are just young stupid girls who never seen a polish ogre in their lives.

Then theres the 30+yo desperate women who are throwing themselves at me.

But i cant seem to get the 25yo qts im into
You know what they say
If you can't do, teach
Personality is more important than looks
>He would tell you himself that he's a nutter who's lucky he isn't ugly
Kinda like >>31529951 says, like warm unflavored yogurt.
My gfs vagina smells like her armpits
That I like cleavage more than I like boobs
>boobs suck to have in general
This is why flat is justice
M, it's the default wallpaper because I don't want people starting conversations with me in public when I get out my phone
First pair of boobs i saw irl was just a pair of hanging tube boobs on a fridge body girl and, BOY i was not impressed in slightest

Since then i believe in flat chest supremacy
There are multiple issues there.
Aww isn't he just a cutie
I would smoke with this dude lol
Robot supremacy
I do want sex just with my future wife
pretty sure people can read my mind, it's the only explanation for why they suddenly react different despite no change in my disposition
Women are kinda bony. I mean, even ones at a healthy weight.
Some tits look great in the bra but when they get whipped out you get sad
Not the first time but I first time I saw an uncircumcised penis I freak out and asked what was wrong with it.
>need to go to the bathroom/gonna get another drink excuse
I've done that before when I've gotten overwhelmed and need a breather but I don't want to Irish goodbye
Families are pretty gay anyway tbf
I don't really have an ideal but picrel awoooooga
What in the favela is this
Yes, but the only people who play it are the exact kinds of social rejects you can imagine
It’s not bad, I like her musk
We're talking about dreams? I rarely dream remember it when I wake up but I slept intermittently for twelve hours last night and had two dreams.

The first dream is I was engaged and me and her were sitting in a bathtub under a shower but clothed, I was really tired and it was dim and the water was getting in my eyes so I could barely move or see but I was trying to talk to her so we could take off our clothes and touch each other and she kept looping the conversation to other things and was on her phone (in the shower still) and at some point I realized friend had come in and was sitting on the tub sill and they were talking over me during what should have been an intimate moment and then I got confused about who or if both were in the tub and was annoyed with my fiance for having no class or sense of intimacy but was also growing paranoid they drugged me and I might have been groping or trying to disrobe her friend and they were framing me or trying to get me into some swinger thing

After I woke up from that dream I had another where based on videos I watched from /atoga/ YouTube sent me a letter saying they had established a new fund for incel literature and I might qualify based on my watch history if I wanted to write about my experiences. I really wanted the money but was thinking it might be immoral to pose as an incel and that Google was likely doing this as some sort of setup to push a narrative that would make men's lives worse. So I was composing an email asking how this wiring would be used and if I strictly had to be an incel or if I could qualify with volcel writing if I included clear explanations of why I turned the women down.

Then I woke up for real
That clothes help a lot
Just how unrealistic porn is really.
>i believe in flat chest supremacy
What happened next
that's schizophrenia
just realized 2016 was 8 years ago what the fuck why am I so old
Nta but probably part-time/0 hour contract shit
Respectable lad
I had the same thing cause bipolar
Which sucks because I wanted easy money for cocaine
oh that last one is really interesting anon I also had an atoga dream but it was just one post I noticed where instead of it saying anonymous it had my ex's first and last name. don't remember what he wrote but he was the guy who introduced me to 4chan
I was surprised by how unsexy naked bodies are IRL.
The sexiness it seems is in my imagination.
I immediately apologized. He later asked about it and said he'd never experienced this before and that he'd have ended it there if it was someone else. He also called me cute. So there's that, I think. The date was nice and he invited me to his place but I declined that. I messaged him after saying I enjoyed the date and I'd like to see him again, and he responded positively.
Vagina hair growth was not how I thought it would be.

M "Holy shit they really DON'T have anything there!"
>The date was nice and he invited me to his place but I declined that.
Man... that's putting salt in the wound.
lol he wanted a fuck and is playing you
see you soon after he pumps and dumps
Haha, yeh. First art model I saw was totally flat.
I like this art
looks like Venus
>Is hugging a stranger normal
Yeah but that's okay miss autismo
I'm not trying to have sex on the first date. I guess I could've asked explicitly his intentions but oh well.
Taking the lady out to my favorite French place. Banana Man or Slav Gopnik outfit?
Women and their exes being rooted in their psyches for life
Cock was scary.
Explain the universal cultural phenomenon of women being terrified of penises visually
It looks like a spear
DnD I guess?
Have you played NiGHTS into Dreams...?
Not gonna goon today
I was lowkey kinda scared with the first boner.
They’re really a reflection of something I’ve been thinking about or something that happened to me. For example, there’s this old school house that was turned into a bookstore. The guy that owned it died a few years ago and as far as I know, it still hasn’t been sold. All the books are still in it. My dad and I passed by it yesterday and he said “I guess those books are for the mice now”. I had 2 separate dreams last night with that book store. One was I snuck in and there was this ghost lady in there. I don’t remember anything else. The other, the key to it was hanging outside. I unlocked it, and the doors opened automatically. 2 other people came too. There were cameras inside the building in the second dream. In the first dream, there were all these old historic books. In the second, there were fewer books and more donated stuff like toys.
It's a thing that can go inside you without your consent.
M, being born jk
Also not moving out of my crazy mom's house sooner desu
Currently stroking my shit to one girl on soc who posts closeups of her mouth and she has best lips and teeth i have ever seen
While you were wearing sandals outdoors, I examined the shape of your feet.

It would seem as though you have the toes of a homosexual.

We can always tell. Always. Why do you choose behaviors that have caused you to have gay toes?
Men thoughts on the 4B movement?
You know most men who are after sex on apps will just lie about intentions anyway. The whole "I would have ended the date if it were someone else :)" schmooze and immediately trying to escalate to sex on the first date's a good sign of that, take it as you will.
Women making the right choices for the wrong reasons
He has cemented and imprinted on my type for life now lol.
Femcel shit
What are you up to these days?
>skinny dipping at midnight
It's fucking freezing out there lass
Good catch.
It looks alien and is constantly hidden. Made it seem intimidating and bad to ever see it or be seen by it, if that makes sense.
I love old sonic games and don't want to ruin them for myself by playing naka's obligatory tranny "art" spinoff
I saw adverts for it as a kid but always struck me same way as death stranding/balan tranny world do today
If I'm wrong let me know
Good for them
The more lonely women with cats we have the better
>freezing out there
It's been like, 92-94 farenheit the past week
He explained what circumcision was, I started playing with it, and then he cummed a few minutes later.
So it's rape fetish again? Depressing.
Seems like all stories have good endings then
Schizophrenia. I'm getting help for it though. How are you doing?
That's why the Alien movies are so successful. The Xenomorph is a metaphor for the male penis.
My brain doesn't work all the time so I feel like I should be grateful that it's on today
Ugh it's just I do really like her but she doesn't want anything serious so I just think what's the fuckin' point
Big and veiny ones are scary.
Guys who try for sex on the first date are amateurs who don’t know how to properly dig into a woman’s heart and manipulate her.
I don't think that it's sincere. It's a post-hoc rationalisation of the status quo caused by the inability to find a partner they deem adequate.
I once knew a Schizophrenic lady who claimed to work for the FBI. I thought it was just part of her schizophrenic fantasy until I saw her employee ID badge sitting on her desk while I had sex with her during one of her severe mental health episodes. She was convinced that fucking me would exorcise the demon of Ke$ha who was possessing her and forcing her to chronically masturbate.
Alien has a shit load stuff like that. Forced impregnation, rape, etc.
Incredibly pathetic to rebrand feminism with no unique qualities to make it trending again. There is nothing about it not already covered by your previous failed, hypocritical ideology. You already have the press simping for you nonstop, this is just for the sake of feeling like you're something new. Please die soon, women.

Is it acceptable for men to watch porn in private even when they have a gf or are married?
If you're good looking it's pretty easy to get it. In some ways it's a shit test for a woman, if she sleeps with somebody she just met she's not exactly relationship material lmao
Just a copy of mgtow. It'll suit the mgtow guys perfectly.
Overall a good thing, loons quarantining themselves makes everyone's lives better.
>Asking the control freaks if its okay to do something
What do you think?
>I had sex with her during one of her severe mental health episodes
>lot of them are just young stupid girls who never seen a polish ogre in their lives.
Show em what a polish ogre can do, take them back to the swamp jk
Banana man sounds more interesting
The what now?
It's by Sonic Team but it's nothing like a Sonic game desu
It's not that artsy unless you dig into the lore and themes etc.
The gameplay is really good
Idk up to you man but I recommend man
it's called a pedicure sweety nailpolishemoi
Yeah he's the rapist for her "crazy episode" being her hornyposting and begging him for sex and a federal employee being an outright schizo isn't the concerning part here
In my own experience, most people have sex when one or either sex partner is in a state of mental derangement. I've never, ever seen a sane expression on a woman's face when she initiated sex with me. They've always looked at least a little insane. Same goes for the one guy who cornered me in a bathroom and masturbated me.
That would actually be pretty funny and I would wake up with a sense of surreal comedy.
need a guy like you
where y'all hiding?
Oof, I hope you're okay anon. Glad you are getting help for it
I'm doing ok thanks lol. Hasn't been smooth sailing but things are hopefully looking up
>where y'all hiding?
At home
But thanks that's sweet
Nta but netherlands
Face sitting is my fetish
I also made the flaccid penis post
I think it would be adequate revenge

"I can't see anything!!!"
Not saying it’s not easy. But it’s also a lose lose situation. Because she’s either going to be an easy slut you don’t want to be around anyways or her “oops I’m a whore” defense mechanism will kick in and she’ll ghost you.

Playing coy gets more repeat business ime
When did someone last forcibly masturbate you?
>I should be grateful that it's on today
I feel like this an appropriate song for this current topic
That’s just the ovulation animalistic hormones
>just spouting feminist nonsense
I wouldn't say I'm a feminist, I'm just not a raging misogynist unlike most people on this tranime imageboard
Are you really gonna dump a girl for that or keep milking the cow?
That one time i had a dream i was haivng missionary sex and i think i poked a hole in my mattress while asleep
Why? Are you saying I should do the stupid thing?
I did to myself a couple days ago
Banana Man activated
Horny is a bit different from legit mental issues.
Are you playing with your man banana right now?
>Why? Are you saying I should do the stupid thing?
Himbomaxxing is how you make it in the modern world
Horny is an aspect of mental issues. There's a reason mental issues lead to hyper sexualized behavior.
You aren't going to take her seriously as a long term/permanent partner because she's loose i.e. keep her around while you search elsewhere
State gender and favorite accent for the opposite sex.
Yes. It means she lacks that certain type of emotional insecurity and vulnerability that makes her susceptible to lovebombing
Bro just needs Curious George and he's set lol
Dis you use ToonMe or something for this?
I'm not intelligent enough to play dnd
M, Israeli
M generic eastern European.
No I’m waiting for the gf to finish lotioning up her legs. She’s wearing the LBD I bought her.
Do you masturbate to videos of Melania Trump?
F British. Yes, I know there's a lot.
I feel like a good himbo wouldn't purposefully try to get laid though, that's too much work
Did you never watch That 70s Show?
Kelly McDonald has a cute voice.
M, mother Russia
The one where the "cool" guy's actor turned out to be played by a serial rapist?
But not much
M English
No sorry
She castrated your nut sack and then served it to you on a plate as fried meat. Didn't she?
There was a cashier in Macy’s Tuesday that had a sexy deep voice. It was just
a regular American accent though. But he had earring, and he was slouching.
Hyde or whatever his name was. The guy that had all the conspiracy theories and stuff, you know, the character that invented the word "truther".
That's the one.
Samuel Al Hayeed?
Do you cast Dragon Slave?
Samuel Al Sneed
>Still going to Macy's and not shopping online
Boomer detected
Have you tried shopping for women's clothing online?
I've tried having sex with your mama online.
In my dream my incubus couldn't see me but then he did and took my hand and guided it towards my pussy. Guess I need to relax myself more is what he's trying to say, guess I deserve it.
I'd let an Alien fuck me if it didn't kill me. Like not as a survival thing but for fun.
M This morning.
yes, but not if you are a porn addict. the same way it's fine to drink when your wife isn't around, but not if you're an addict and hiding it.
Doesn't work like that. Just those face hugger things.
Sex with spanish thick girl
Iunno never bothered thinking about it. Japanese I guess, they sound cute.
Im really into one girl, and i catch her glancing at me sometimes, but she doesnt smile to me :(

Should i try striking convo?
How many women here have a bf?
This is an anime thing, isn't it?
Men have you ever had a dry orgasm?
Fun fact, every man can have it by forcibly pressing on the spongy thing on their taint when cumming
Doesnt stop precum though, which i usually have quite a bit of
has anyone here ever dated a therapist/psychologist? how was that experience? is that a good idea? (not YOUR therapist obviously but just someone whose profession was that.)
No, but i almost dated girls who were studying psychology and both were total disasters themselves, mentally
Worse, the women here have husbands.
ask yourself jeet
Where does the semen go if you do that?
Dont get too excited

Its also possible to orgasm with half flaccid, or almost completely flaccid dick
He needs to work on his issues before being able to be in a relationship. But he keeps calling me stuff like gorgeous and commented on my pics that others can see. Is he having trouble letting go? Why
twas more about the precum, but good to know
Idk where the spongy spot you’re referring is
You interrupt them when they're pooping.
I like anime but I have a youtube crush who just so happens to be japanese and they speak english really well.
I think the prostate fluid which makes majority of cum volume just stays there and in the tract, and then gets pissed out but im not a dick specialist
>they speak english really well.
Oh, boy... leave that in her comments, she'll love it.
There are people who like an excess of that? Thank goodness.
Precum is reserved for hornyposting
Just below ballsack/ above asshole.
You can feel the "inside" part of the dick in there flexing when cumming, press on it firmly,
I specify that specifically because its not the whole high voice anime girl who can barely speak English.
Stays where? In the prostate?
boy nectar.

oh, thanks! you're too kind really
look my post dead in the eye and tell me that asian girls who speak english don't have cute voices
I see what you did there

I used to exchange pics with one girl where she would show me pics of her panties with wet spots, and i would send her pics of clear drops of precum dripping
She loved that, it was very mutually beneficial
Is it just like pressing it on repeat like stroking?
feminine intonation, American women are anomylous because they are one of the few accents that lack a feminine intoation that almost all other cultures have. Its the same reason why European women like American men (assuming they aren't fat and retarded). American men have one of the thickest male intonations.
No just press once and hold while orgasming
It feels kinda weird but its not painfull
>entj doesn't realize it's just a mirror
thanks. low hanging fruit but those make the best juices.
i really need to get a boyfriend so i can do all the exciting bullshit other people get into with strangers without feeling like a terrible person
Have you tried discussing things and telling him to stop coping and that it is decidedly over for him?
what about the southern belle drawl? I dated a guy really into my accent before
I say bad like beah-yaad
Women, how much hair do you lose in the shower every day?
I wish all men in the thread a very pleasant retrograde ejaculation
As long as its two consenting people, theres no harm being done.
I know its hard to find someone who resonates with you, but im sure you can find someone nice and just as obsessed with body fluids.

I know i love drooling girls
Nta but as a bong, this is one of my fave accents, I'm a sucker for southern belles
Oh, so i guess with my trick cum goes to bladder

>I dont know if this is harmful long term, didnt try
Does the orgasm feel the same without ejaculating?
Almost the same
I havent done it in a long while
i guess i just want to take my first experiences carefully. once i've taken the jump i hope i'll have a better idea of how to handle the whole... people and sex and love thing. hopefully guys like you are easyish to find because i think a big reason they are so arousing to me is cause it's pretty much just, like, what i do, so i associate it with arousal. so a guy drooling or dripping or leaking is like, what's that shit you guys say? ooga booga sexo. that's the signal for me. either i'll find someone likeminded or some guy is going to be confused why i am so obsessed with deep deep kissing.
I'm trying to ignore him but he sent me three messages and trying to bait me into conversations with pics now. It's been 3 hours and he sent a pic earlier after no response and just now too.

Should I feel obligated I just don't feel like talking rn? Idk what his new pic is since I don't want to leave him on read again.
When I say "American" I mean SAA (Standard American Accent) like below:
Your accent does actually have a feminine intonation but its a fairly rare accent to find in the American South, at least I've never encountered it in the wild. What's crazy is that the trans-atlantic accent (aka a fake accent) has more feminine intonation than the natural SAA has today which is kinda crazy. Also the male intonation use to be sharper back then but its become softer and deeper with time.
>get an interview with super high profile company, fortune 50
>wife immediately drags me to a clothing store to get me a suit and a barber to get a haircut
>she drops me off at the airport and in tbe sweetest tone possible says “I love you but please don’t fuck this up”

I got the job btw, thanks babe.
>Balding manlets should not be allowed in public I have to look at them and it’s unsightly
Okay, but be nice about it and try to help him out. I consider it rude to be ugly, but he is still a person and still deserves base respect, regardless of what he looks like.
Idc. I'd fuck a special hybrid Alien with a dick that's perfectly designed to go in me.
>trans-atlantic accent
Like Joker from the Batman cartoon?
Its literally the same mechanism, ever locked eyes with a handsome guy and exchanged flirty smiles that made you tingle downstairs?

Guys experience that too when they see a girl with a sexy smile,
Its not uncommon for me to get half chub when im flirting with a girl and she stares at me, thats when the pre also happens.

At least for me
What does that have to do with me? I'm not married. Also that's shitty of you and them.
>ever locked eyes with a handsome guy and exchanged flirty smiles
hell no, i'm not that smooth. i've creepliy watched guys do shit from a distance though. anyway, yeah, i just... sex should be wet. it's always slightly bothered me that some guys get turned on and it's just bone dry there. maybe its just the alien effect of like "you are NOT Me" but whatever. here's hoping my future boyfriend has a leaky faucet too
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loving the ENTJ LARPing btw, keep it up brothers
>it's always slightly bothered me that some guys get turned on and it's just bone dry there.
That's what pre-cum is for.
Just give it a few pumps sometimes the pre-ejaculate doesn't start flowing until you build anticipation. When I'm erect I'm dry until its tugged on a bit then I leak like crazy until the stimulation either stops or I get turned off.
Ive heard theres supplements that help with precum production
Hydration definetly helps

Theres even pill supplements for overall cum volume, which i might use one day if i find a girl with cum fetish

I'm currently dating a social worker. It's fine until he starts to use therapy techniques and obvious leading questions on me. Usually when I'm upset I just want to vent and have someone listen, so I'm annoyed that he feels the need to always "fix" the problem
Zinc, yeh. Zinc is good for you anyways.
As a practice challenge femanon, i want you to stare into guys eyes and smile at least once a day

It can be a cashier in store.
right but allegedly its not super free flowing.
Yes, I believe that is how it work.
Precum is fine, at least.
Its more than zinc, theres entire stack of things that affect it supposedly
Also to add to this

He recently sent me a voicenote saying how he remembered me wanting to hear his voice more. He got really nervous during it and he said he started to ramble and noted how long it was and then his voice started to change and get high pitched anxious and he said he was really sorry for going on a bit

What do I do with this guy I am not sure where he wants to lead things.
huh. good to know. thanls for the tip though i am sure i would have figured that out in the event i had a penis at my disposal

as long as those pills aren't unhealthy, holy hell yes. yes. that would be incredible.
>JH rolling
it's funny cause in almost every other context people mistake me for her kek
i don't even see a guy once a day but i try to as best as i can. i practice smiling in the mirror. i just suck at it.
>full carbon
what and why? I genuinely don't even know what that means and I've been cycling all my life. You're an American, aren't you? I'm sorry I'm an euro. I can't help you. American bicycle stuff is just built different. Full carbon. Lmao.
L-arginine, folic acid, CoQ10, selenium, L-carnitine, C, E, Omega 3. There's probably more.

Helping out femanon by producing a lot of sperm for her needs!
As long as both parties consent and are up to that, I don't see why it couldn't work out.
M. Middle school, though we didn't start dating until mid high school.
Nothing really, because mixed bathing is considered pretty normal where I live, especially among family and relatives, so I have seen naked people since kid. Also, our school system covers human biology and anatomy, and has competent sex ed.
In the case of my wife, I guess I could say I was surprised how well she kept her bush trimmed, contrasting it against her talk about how it is such a pain to take care of.
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currently listening to J Dilla beats, drinking beer and smoking cigs out the window as it rains, playing with the cats and working, genuinely think I'm having a better night than I would had I gone with the girl lol
ill save that, thanks. doubtful i will remember it by the time i manage to get a bf but who knows
Why aren't you/they having sex with your/their boyfriends?
did you draw that? Also once you get use to being alone it can become addictive.
He's at work. I'm lonely. He knows I use /adv/ yes.
>randomly look shocked at women in the hopes one is hoping for a mind reader who reads her perverted thoughts
It's over for you if I ever find you
But you cant see lats in that pic
Thats his clavicle upper chest and trapezius
When did you realixe you have cum fetish
Or is it specifically precum
He's napping because he couldn't sleep and was up at midnight
entj sisters
a-are we the homosex?
is...is it over?
Still blows my mind that we have some people on here with kids.
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How do I get a girl to look at me like this?
how do i tell if im a gymcel or not?
they're all incels larping or actually severely schizophrenic
no parent would come here
this place is for the abandoned
Become black, muslim, or a dog.
Compliment me and be white.
Need incel pussy.
i have no fucking clue what's going on with me. i just love fluids. i drink like two and a half liters of water a day, i love beverages of all kinds, i sweat a lot (i might have hyperhydrosis), i make a lot of saliva that i just basically swallow all day (like, the super clean kind from under your tongue), i obviously get wet when aroused but i don't know the averages of more or less or whatever there. i do not know. it's just, okay. i think about hot salty bitter slime i can lick up and that makes me happy and excited and dumb feeling.
Have you had the thought that it doesn't matter what people think of you yet?
Nah it's concept art from the Sailor Moon Volume Infinity art book
>once you get use to being alone it can become addictive.
Story of my life kek
I regularly playfight my cousins. I can beat your 7 year old ass. And then I'll tickle torture you because I'm evil.
>tickle tortured my cousins so badly they're now immune to tickling
>they've finally realised that tickles are my weakness
yeah I'm slowly losing that fight
my hope is they grow up and stop wanting to playfight before they fully understand they can win by returning the tickling in kind
Hey, I just come on here when my kid is sleeping. It's my sudoku.
Sounds great

Sweaty sexo with femanon!

Anyways i have to go sleep, had 2 bountiful nuts
Did you know that you can unironically die from drinking too much water?
Do you ever get lonely or nah?
Chad shit
Never heard of it.
M. British.
Yes. What about it?
Make a girl who's into weebshit fall for you, enjoy weebshit together so she knows you're into it too, and she'll eventually try it probably. Though it isn't easy to pull off without looking silly irl.
My wife does that to me occasionally, either jokingly (intentionally silly) or to tease me (actual effort), and she's damn good at it.
women have pussies
women are not incels
basic logic suggests incels cannot have pussies
No. Does not exist. If even a fat hog can get a beta soiboy to pay her for dates and to rub his dick in between her fatty folds, then any girl can get a boyfriend right now. Femcels are all voluntarily celibate.
Douse yourself in wine. Bitches love wine.
take your meds. You have no kid. You've been living in a mental ward. Wake up. Your family wants you back anon.
>It's my sudoku.
It's terrifying that someone would come on here to relax.
I don't want to hate women, but they're not really giving me much choice.
How to deal with the fact that person I love the most isn't real
If you've been shitposting on 4chan for almost as long as you can remember, this is pretty relaxing.
Create a tulpa of them.
Well they aren't a person then, are they? They're a character.
I don't even know how that works
Don't hurt me even more, anon
State gender and the last Lego set that you built.
why are you people like this. You're referring to some sort of hentai, right? Disgusting. Go away. Kids are for cuddles and physical torture while I laugh evilly. I'm probably the reason why the middle cousin turned so chaotic evil.
> Femcels are all voluntarily celibate.
Did you notice the lack of reference to the word "involuntary"?
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KBDcraft 50% keyboard, pic related and yes I'm an engineer.
It’s easy! You just meditate and focus on their presence for hundreds of hours. Focus on their characteristics, see it as a separate being inside your mind.
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F. It's friggin' rad.
M, Hogwarts Castle
I don't know if it's loneliness or FOMO desu
Maybe sometimes I have blips but it passes
I still interact with people enough day to day so that it's not a legit problem
Idk I'm very introverted so it's not really a problem
Type shit
Amazes me sexhavers are here at all desu
They can easily get some reddit soicuck who will gladly let them fuck other men on the side. They might be the social equivalent of fat girls but the difference is that incels can't even get fat girls. Reddit soicucks are a diamond dozen.
Most Buddhist monks part of that sect have been doing it all their lives and never made a tulpa what makes you think he could?
And what will happen then
>Reddit soicucks are a diamond dozen.
NTA but I've had enough of this. It's "dime a dozen" meaning common. You god damn fucking idiot.
>he could?
I'm a woman, lol
buddist Monks are trying to do the opposite of tulpas. They're trying to get rid of desires. Tulpas are creations of desires. Much easier. Much more evil.
Oh yeah and cats. I'm never really lonely when I'm playing with the cats. I prefer them to people lol
Buddhists aren't focused on tulpas.
The tulpa will grow in your mind and become a unique identity. Think of it as onset schizophrenia with one voice, the voice of your lover. And they will be real.
And what then?
Oh well welcome to being a man I guess, you'll get use to it.
Look up Tulpas they come from the Tibetian Mahahyana Buddism and very few of them ever mastered that skill.
>Buddhists aren't focused on tulpas.
see above.
shota is boys right? She's a girl. Her general defensive maneuver is to try and hit me in the nuts and then pretend cry that I hurt her.
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alright atoga it's almost ready. I just need to add the lead part during the last section and it will, well, the first draft anyway will be done. post sex and what you think
>I still interact with people enough day to day so that it's not a legit problem
Chad shit, super jelly.
It ruins your life and makes you schizophrenic at best and takes over your body and eats your soul, leaving you watching it live your life for you locked in your own mind for forever at worst
So Dissociative Identity Disorder basically?
What then? You'll have your lover. It'll talk to you constantly, always be in your mind. It'll appear in your dreams and always be by your side.
I did say hundreds of hours. If people on /x/ can do it so can a random.
Not quite because it doesn't take over your identity.
>If people on /x/ can do it so can a random.
That actually made me laugh, that was a larp for years, anon.
dimes are ten cents. That has literally nothing to do with a dozen which is twelve. Jesus Christ the level of this board just keeps dropping.
Is this a Daudi Bauldrs B side track? Lmao. I don't mind it, a bit too chaotic for my taste.
SHUT UP! I will have my hot tulpa babe.
You're trolling. Almost got me!
Men what does cumming feel like?
So I will just become schizo and person I love the most isn't even going to be real
So everything will stay the same except I'm now schizophreniac
Wow, that sounds great anon, thanks
>always be in your mind. It'll appear in your dreams
That is already happening
Can I suck his dick and feel it?
>Why don't you go outisde and make friends
lmfao, a dime a dozen means "cheap" because at one time you could get 12 eggs, 12 donuts, and 12 cans of beer/soda for a dime.
>Daudi Bauldrs B side track?
I have no idea what that means. it's NIN, the song is Last

chaotic is good, btw
like peeing, except pleasurable.
>Can I suck his dick and feel it?
Yeah, with enough focus.
Wait, so, kinda like the blonde in Battlestar Galactica? Why would I want hallucinations like that?
You will hallucinate that they are real to the point where you can physically touch them and they feel real, they sound real and to you, they are real. However, it can go bad and when it does go bad it mind breaks people.
Ok, now that's *something*
But I don't want to be schizo
You're an idiot.
Is the reason I haven't been able to attract women I'm attracted to all these years entirely because my body fat % is 17% instead of 10%?
Really? I'll trade places with you lol. It's more just cause I'm having to live with people at the moment, and go along to some things with them out of courtesy
Tbh sometimes I feel lonelier around other people cause I don't really relate to or connect with anyone. But it probably still does me some good to not be completely isolated
Picrel is me lol. I always end up drifting away from and ghosting everyone, so I have no friends or whatever. It is what it is y'know
What about you dude?
>it can go bad and when it does go bad it mind breaks people.
How does it go bad?
Daudi Bauldrs was Varg's dungeon synth album. But it's good I was just being a dick.
Idk lol so you can have a hot anime babe to fuck? Imagine Seras Victoria tulpa, oh my.
Not sure what else I can do for you, then.
As someone who meditates a lot you can hallucinate voices quite a bit. When I would get lonley I would get deep into meditation and there was alwasy a female that would whisper into my ear. It was nice.
He's lying to me he's been lying to me this whole time
tulpas are a western creation based on buddism but has literally nothing to do with buddism
people kill themsevles, end up in mental wards, develop other mental illneses that they were prone too. If you are an emotionally chaotic person or if you have a bad relationship with yourself and you know it its best to not to do it until you don't.
That's cute, actually
But I want real fuck
Imagine a Seras Victoria that wants to turn you into a vampire and bite off your dick.
I haven't spoken to anyone outside my family in over 9 years.
NTA but you forgot the part where the tulpa gets insanely clingy and tries to isolate you.
>Oldest book on tulpas are from a tibetian monestary
I know because I went...
>You're trolling. Almost got me!
got me 3 replies though
Why do they kill themselves
Damn, not even a cashier or anyone? Are you a NEET?
I'm thinking post episode 7 of the OVA when she finally feeds on blood and becomes a full vampire. Imagine the handjobs with her demon arm.
True enough lmao some folks just love to eat bait.
>Varg's dungeon synth album
that sounds about right desu no offense taken anon.
>if you have a bad relationship with yourself
Perfect thing for 4channers to try.
Not a conversation, no.
I think it'd be nigh impossible for someone who's not a neet to end up like me, but yes.
and tulpas are a 20th century invention
if you're trying to focus and manifest a desire into a specific place you're literally not doing buddism
Desire is good though, right?
Based vampire lover...
Yeah, first time it happend to me I felt her breath on my ear and she smelled like Lavender and lilac and she whispered "You are alive." and it scared the shit of out me that I snapped out of my meditation and scrambled around my apartment to make sure that no one broke in.
Yup that too.
They play tricks on you, constantly scream so you can't hear anything else, they can make you hallucinate pain, and make life such a living hell that a handful of people just killed themselves because they were afraid of going to a mental ward.
No they aren't... You can easily look this up on wikipedia...
I'm gonna go zzz now but we can talk more later if you like
What led you to becoming NEET? What do you get up to in your days?
I've had brief periods of NEETing but always had to work
Nah, different looks and body everytime but same personality. At most we do is just sex talk, I don't even know if she has a name because I never ask. But she is very comforting and familiar w/e female form she takes.
Just a general PSA: ya'll are fucking with external entities that can be extremely dangerous. Most of them are malevolent in some capacity. Make sure you touch grass.
Tulpas are from the Nirmanakaya (Third aspect of physical manisfestation on earth) in Buddhism, specifically an infinite and ceaseless manifestation inside a finite and limited one.
Isn't that just demon possession?
Whats a tulpa? What would I need one for?
So I can't get my loving anime husband I will just get some schizo demon that will drive me to suicide?
No thanks.
Not worth it.
I've looked up the wiki
Buddist version is an attempt at "summoning the Buddha" not muh checking my little pony figurine
It's literally 20th century New Age mysticism
If you are coming at it from a Christian stand point it could be, if you are coming at it from another spiritual stand point it might not be. I'm too limited in my knowledge to really tell you what is true or what isn't.
not me im built different
A tulpa is basically a "spirit" or an entity that you create inside your own mind. Most people make them out of loneliness. They are very real, in the sense that your sense perceptions can take them in. But they usually go bad because tulpas end up developing an irrational jealousy and want to isolate you from everyone else and force you to only pay attention to them.
for nothing
It's basically demon summoning
you're pinpointing your desire at a specific object and making it "your friend". Basically you're creating an idol and worshipping it, believing so hard until you hypnotise yourself into believing it's real.
literally idol worship and it ends badly because idols want you to see them as your god. There's a reason they're called demons.
I'm gonna make a boyfriend brb
Demons aren't exactly the same thing.
I hate creepy gen hours I'm in my fucking old summer vacation home and there is literally some guy with demonic possession (he had it for years) just few houses away
AND ITS THREE AM IM NOW AFRAID to sleep alone like a baby
No you loving anime husband will become the schizo demon that will drive you to suicide.
>No thanks.
>Not worth it.
Very few monks have ever done it, but you might be able to hallucinate his voice via meditation if you want to try that.
Foundationally its buddhist regardless, and when you look up the ethnographies of the religion they tell you that many of the buddhist monks are unable to make these thoughtforms.
They can be dangerous because they are fractals of fractals, a you of you, if that makes sense. They can be as helpful and comforting as they can be destructive and stressing.
What makes DID different than tulpa?
DID takes over your Id and makes you think you're different whereas tulpas as separate.
he has mental issue so he not ready for relationship but idk i dunno what goin on

Ugh I come back after being away all day and it's tulpa shit again why are you guys like this you're literally talking about imaginary friends.
Ok so I have to put medicine in again tonight and I'd rather not wear underwear but I think I have to wear a pad. Should I take my chances with a looser pair of cotton boxers or just wear the regular cotton panties
You cant be a chad without money
Coming onto /atoga/
Say fuck it and sleep naked on a towel
Yeah that sounds like a better option
I don't know why would anyone do tulpa at this point
I felt like directing the thread today. Sue me.
Make a circle around your bed out of chalk or some type of cord.
>Yeah, first time it happend to me I felt her breath on my ear and she smelled like Lavender and lilac and she whispered "You are alive." and it scared the shit of out me that I snapped out of my meditation and scrambled around my apartment to make sure that no one broke in.
That would just give me a boner, does she say anything else?
Oh that is also smart yes I'll do that
You never lose control of yourself, it's more like a voice in your head.
Also I just looked down at myself when I took off my shirt and holy shit I'm so out of shape these days lol, like it's not even funny. How did I let it get so bad since my sports days
surprisingly reasonable answer
I don't have any chalk or cord
It's messy but salt?
I don't know anything about tulpa but I'm seeing shadow people again...
Spirits are not neutral. They either serve God or they don't. If they do, they won't make you worship them.
Foundations mean nothing when it deviates so much from the original concept that it becomes meaningless. It's like taking a fake televangelist and calling that a Christian. It isn't. It's a fake.
I'm not saying Idols and Tulpas aren't real. They're very real. They can be infused with a spirit. I am saying that they're not good. They're always made from a source of loneliness and desire and manifest those feelings.
Yeah, mainly just lame truisms but since she is a hallucination of my mind because of the absence of thoughts she sometimes whipsers things of encouragement. It could be my subconciousness talking to be because I wish I was in a relationship, but per science and buddhism its just random noise my brain is generating and then I'm interepreting with some sort of meaning. Whose right? Who knows but she can be very comforting at times.
Go to bed, anon.
Watch Steve MRE one time I started crying because I saw a ghost and ppl here told me to watch him and he saved my life
Im scared
>Foundations mean nothing when it deviates so much from the original concept that it becomes meaningless. It's like taking a fake televangelist and calling that a Christian.
It doesn't though, modern day versions all use the same technique that ethongraphy describes. Look up the fryer tuck tulpa, almost all literature since then sources that book as the main citation.
How long have you been up?
I'll astral project into your room and fist fight the shadow people for you
Genuinely good advice, love that mf
What's the sexiest thing she has said to you?
Isn't this the army rations guy? What's so special about him?
we're gonna need pictures of your yeast infected hole. Have you tried putting some hops and grains to see if you can homebrew beer?
Pads and boxers btw. Add lots of medicine. Let it drip out. You're going to feel disgusted but its best to utterly eradicate those infections. Keep doing it for longer than the doctors recommend. If they recommend 1 week. Do it for 2.
How did he saved your life
For like sixteen hours
nta but he just has a very calming presence. very easy listening.
you do not know the meaning of this word
Can't you reabsorb a tulpa back into your mind?
That's like saying you can just shove your child back up your pussy.
You actually can make beer and bread if you really wanted to
>Genuinely good advice, love that mf
He da best
He has a nice voice and I love him
I was very scared and crying in the middle of the night and he got me to sleep again
>the religion of the tibetian people isn't important to an ethnography
Like semen retention?
It doesn't look like anything really just more puffy than usual

Okay I will but I've just been doing OTC stuff. Shit is expensive
What did the ghost look like
Can't you just remember a tulpa isn't real and immediately cause it to cease existing?
they do not use tulpas to manifest desires
Ok, you need to go to bed. That's just a visual hallucination from lack of sleep.
damn y'all ignore my question like I'm a retarded baby, which I am
A tulpa is a little bit like a habit, yeah you can stop but its probably gonna come back if you aren't vigilant.
Yeh, why would a tulpa fuck with you? If you get destroyed, so do they.
Like a cloud of vapor
I was mostly upset that I was becoming schizophrenic but the thread talked me down
You do know that isn't the original reason for them right?
Which question was it, I just got here. I might answer.
Okay because the way you guys are talking about this it's not clear if you know they're imaginary or if you think you're somehow manifesting an entity like a poltergeist. This is such a weird conversation even for here.
State gender. Have you ever done an all nighter?
It's both. The abstract can feel just as real as the real.
F. Think my record is 40 hours.
Okay so I'm right to be concerned and weirded out.
Only in high school.
God American K-12 education is such shit.
It starts of as you knowing it's not real.
Yes, unironically do not fuck with or interface with any of this schizo babble if it genuinely creeps you out.
F my record is 7 nights
M, no, the latest I've ever stayed up was 3:00AM
How are you not dead?
Nta. I stayed up all night in high school but it was so I wouldn't miss Inuyasha not because I did any of my homework.
If you threaten it they rarely go without a fight, its like if someone was trying to murder you via intergrating you into a digestive gel, you wouldn't want to be digested slowly and painfully into a fuller mass, would you?
All the time, working night shifts is a whore.
Meds. Now.
F No, I conked out around 4.
How much cavities vaginas have
>NPC response
It it good? Should I watch it
First all nighter was when I was 13 unlocking all the characters in Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 4
I was 12 when that happened
What's the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
depends if they brush their vagina teeth.
Either the time I got maced or when my dad pulled a knife on me.
Several times, but one of them didn't go so well, so now I avoid doing that.
Bro you think your imaginary friends have autonomy if wanting to stay far away from you makes me an NPC I'm okay with that.
Me and my sister saw like big 12 lights forming a circle around our house few summers ago
We still have no idea what was that......
She has never been sexy, just senaual and the most sensual thing she has said to me is: "I will always be with"
Car accident. Two other cars involved, and I broke my femur.
F only all nighter I ever did was playing Mario 64 for the first time.
It was night btw
That's not what Meds. Now. and I doubt you'd ever know if I was next to you or not.
Ok, I'm out.
gg, whats your elo
Lol noob.
>That's not what Meds. Now.
That's not what "Meds. Now." means*
F I almost drown when I was little.
Please say something misogynistic about women or vaginas so I can jerk off to it when I come back home
Bonus points for disgust
this bot I'm playing against is 1300, I'm beating him now actually, I just needed to get some alcohol in my system
No one here claimed to have a tupla, we were just talking about them.
I honestly can't remember any point in my life where I was really scared.
I could mate you
That would be gay.
ahh sorry, I just have a predicament

just trying to read him correctly
It would feel pretty dated now but I remember really liking it. It's technically shonen but the main character is a highschool age girl. Modern teenage girl discovers magic passage to feudal Japan, immediately causes the biggest fucking problem, has to fix problem with dog-boy. It's fun.
I want to eat one of those compressed food bars that comes in the chinese rations. I think I would enjoy that
He probably likes you but he is nervous and he realizes that he is a mess and he is embarrassed about it.
Does actual schizophrenia count?
Inuyasha, I always identified with the monk with the succ palm.
What problem?
I only did that in high school after graduation. It’s a parent-run after party. There are games setup in the gym and after you played a game, you’d get tickets which you could put in for a drawing. The prizes were good too. The grand prize was money that was equal to the year number. So this year’s winner won $2,024. They raise money for it all year. In the cafeteria was tons of food. Seems like everyone would eat a bunch yet there’d still be so much left over.
It's 4:00 no longer demon hour so I can finally go to sleep good night anons
Now you're not even making sense. I said take your meds because you need psychiatric meds for you delusions.
No actual schizophrenia is like a bunch of people screaming or whispering at you or you can "read" people's minds or get government/alien transmissions and shit.
goodnight anon, sleep well
Aw... ok. :(
Uh huh, move on with the hysterics anon, maybe I'll take you seriously then.
Miroku has rizz he just has to stop going after 13 year olds.
no fun allowed
I'm casting a curse on your right now, hold on stay still!!!!
kek, i mean he could just use his palm to get the succ.
Hallucinations via meditation isn't mental illness, I wouldn't recommend that you make a tulpa, you'd have a bad time.
She shatters this jewel that makes demons OP into hundreds of pieces and sends the countryside into chaos. Has to go find them all. Dog boy is obligated to help because she's the reincarnation of his ex girlfriend lol.
I think he'd be sucked into it entirely like a black hole and disappear from existence but if that entertains you I won't stop you.
M. Yes, usually several times a year. Either due to crunch work or to try and unfuck my sleeping schedule with a hard reset.
Had my luggage beep at the security check when I was travelling with my older brother to see our family in Qatar (dad was working as a teacher in an international school there for a couple years). Luckily it was just a tag that was put on my luggage at the Ankara airport, business as usual.
Women, I'm planning to buy a sex toy for my sister on her birthday. She's never used any but she's expressed curiosity in the past. Is it a good idea to give her one and if so what kind would be a good starter one?
NAG but that's so fucking weird. White people are so fucked.
warp your dick in a box and gift it to her.
Believing your hallucinations have free will is mental illness though.
In the gym! That's lame we went to the bowling alley. But I bet if we didn't we could have had prize money too that's pretty cool at least.
>Immigrate realize they shit up the country they live in
go back.
The gender swapped version of this you posted the other day is more disturbing to me than this one.
>Believing your hallucinations have free will is mental illness though.
I don't think so but I'm also not the one pretending to know everything either.
A white person will never fuck you
half of the arab world is inbred, but I agree with the other anons. You are a parasite and you should leave the west to go back to your shithole. You can contribute by not reproducing, your offspring will only ever hold us back.
>I don't think so
Which is why you need meds.
I don't have a tulpa though, like I said, you are so hysterical that you don't understand what is being said to you and you don't understand the situation.
Science has already studied tulpas and said that it isn't a mental illness if you are really that concerned about it. Its considered a form of self-enduced hypnosis.
Distracted by explaining the plot of Inuyasha. I'm sorry you were confused.

We can disagree on this. I'm allowed to think you're batshit while you think what you're doing is perfectly normal.
I'm not the one distracted here, also let me give you my palm succ
What do I have to do to get a qt gf who will marry me and have kids with me, and will also tie me up and peg me?
All I know is that believing fake people you made up in your own head can do things you don't want them to do sounds incredibly unhealthy. And definitely beyond "self induced hypnosis" It's not the "I'm hallucinating a woman who whispers general platitudes in my ear" that is ridiculous it's the "and I can't make her stop" part that's mental illness.
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So you're gonna go down to the crossroads and meet up with my buddy Nick, he'll tell you what to do.
white people can't escape multicultralism societies because of people like you who leech off the wealth of others because you are incapable of creating a society that function. If you have a problem with what is happening to us, its because of you and I urge you to eject yourself from reality at your most recent convience. If not, I can't wait until we die and people like you can collapse and suffer in the exact society you tried to escape.
The school’s prom is held in a ball room of a 5-star luxury resort nearby though.
I'd like to keep both of my kidneys, thanks.
The devil doesn't want your kidneys dude.
You sound like someone who needs a woman who whipsers platitudes in your ear to soothe and relax you. Its nice, you can even smell her and feel her breath on your ear.
Either gender
What is it called when you have a favorite person, they're the person you trust the most, but you don't want them to know that?
>inb4 it's mental illness
Yes but which one
You only need one
Maybe not, but your friend Nick probably does so he can sell it.
women don't experience emotions, its all performance for the prey.
W-what are you talking about?
That sounds cool. I didn't go to mine but it was just at this event space that has notoriously meh food.
Anxious attachment style?
Old Nick, you know, Satan.
You didn't know that some women grow teeth in their vaginas?
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Should I go out again tonight? I'm not sure if I want to.
I hate manwhores
I was in that /pol/ thread today too
Whats gross about that?
>Smell her
>Breath on your ear
She smells like lavander and lilac and fair enough on the breath part, some people find it annoying others find it sensual.
A lot of Japanese people for w/e reason have a breathing or breath fetish, iunno why.
He’s got Bob Ross vibes
How do I navigate talking to a nervous and embarrassed guy?
It depends why you don’t want them to know.
Listen man I am bisexual but I don't want some random woman that close to my face that is the opposite of calming. Also she smells like whatever you want her to crazy, you made her up.
Talk to him like a normal person but just remembering that he is nervous and embarrassed? Basically be nice.
I didn't make her up, she is a hallucination, it happens when you do deep meditation. Its not like I do some ritual to summon her, she just appears.
A hallucination that your mind created. Is your own mind not part of you? Meditation is fake anyway it only works if you WANT it to work. What you are describing is delusion.
>Mediation is fake anyway
kek, I guess that ends this conversation. I prefer talking to people who actually know science in general.
If you knew anything about it you'd know that what I just said is true. The person has to believe it's going to work for it work. It's essentially a placebo drug.
ENTJ the engineer or the social one? I'm "INTJ" which I doubt I actually am because a lot of people got that and it basically said "YOU'RE A SUPER GENIUS" which I know isn't true.
Not for a wedding but I like this dress
Like I said, I didn't give a fuck about that shit because its for faggots, glad to see I'm right.
Are you a chad?
>>31531018 (Me)
Wait not I lied I'm an "INTP"
he's making it really hard to not fantasize domming him
Like in a sexual way or in a bad way?
Sorta, but I'm kinda tired
do you guys actually romanticize the idea of marrying a "femcel"? i do not call myself that but like, an unattractive (or at least not conventionally pretty and fashionable) probably autistic loser with no friends who is weird and eccentric and wrong in all kinds of ways.

would you ACTUALLY want someone like that to be the mother of your children? like, actively, not just settling for whatever pathetic rejects are easy pickings?
Go out and be a chad then.
I like the birds
Should I drink my vodka or my Jäegermeister cold brew tonight?
Yes. The idea of loving someone who fundamentally doesn't love themselves makes me feel a strange sense of joy and happiness. It's very self motivating, I guess, but I've always hoped I could make a woman feel like she got so incredibly lucky and that feels is enhanced if she was very low down on herself.
I have ADHD, so someone else who is autistic or ADHD would be great for me. But at the same time, I also wouldn't want to have kids because I really don't want to give this curse to someone else. If you have a nice body, ass, or tits I wouldn't really complain.
wdym by bad? kind of in a lighthearted but also sexual way. he said he'd be open to wearing cat ears and collar for me but he is too nervous and embarrassed to talk further sexually. kinda delicate guy

I want him to eat me out pretty badly
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>hey coworker-chan, I like your phone case
>"oh thank you! I actually bought it for super cheap"
>oh cool, what it is a picture of? it looks like paradise lost or something
>"uhh, I think its lucifer being cast out of heaven, idk..."
>oh so it is Paradise Lost, that's cool!
>"uhh yeah, I guess"
am I autistic?
I do actually romanticize the idea of finding someone who is hurting and helping them to heal. If you're weird and eccentric and friendless then I want to reach through the screen and be your friend and show you that you're not "wrong in all kind of ways" after all, just different. There's no guarantee of romance beyond that, but that doesn't sound like someone who shouldn't be a wife or shouldn't be a mother. I fantasize about seeing such a woman happy, regardless of how it turns out.
No, just well read, which basically passes as autistic because of that 10 iq point drop the nation experienced a couple years ago.
Yes dude, normies aren't reading fucking classic poetry. They just appreciate the imagery.
just go from loving mommy gf to dommy mommy gf over time, this isn't hard. If he takes the bait and you lead him to your desired outcome and he doesn't want to do it then F for you I guess.
>well read
dude Paradise Lost is literally read in high school
I'm pretty sure the whole femcel fetish is multi angle thing
There's like a savior complex thing going on, a insecurity thing going on, and like also the perceived sense of approachability
probably some sort of presumed personality type thing going on too, like femcels having less ego, could also be that they also assume that femcels would relate to their struggle more

but eh, woman hate ugly men, so incels fantasizing about femcels is really just as much a fantasy as dating any other girl really.
Do girls wear these to gym for comfort or for attention (Don’t mean to sound presumptuous, just curious)
Or Anon didn't actually read it but has awareness of it through cultural osmosis.
I didn't read it and if we did it was just a small excerpt and not the whole book.
I'd imagine both.
there was a client who came into my office wearing these and a long t-shirt
instant boner
I would love to see a woman in this dress-

Nah I don't want to ruin something someone else likes just because I am horny
What motherfucking high school did you go to?
they are incredibly comfy so i could see women who aren't insecure wearing it for comfort. i could never though.
How do you know they are comfy then?
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fuck you buddy I am a certified occultfag
gonna be honest we didn't read it in MY high school but my little brother went to a college-prep online high school thing where he got his associates upon graduation and they read it so I guess that only sorta counts
Are you retarded I just said it's not for a wedding
She can watergun me if you catch my drift
I am so sick rn :( can you people cast a healing spell
So essentially an advanced prep course. That's not at all the same as a high school lmao, I read Paradise Lost years ago and it was fucking dense. I can't imagine high schoolers reading it.
I enjoy watching women urinate if you see what I'm saying
i wear them in private?
Only if you fix my yyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeast inf *gets shot*
woo lo lo
there your better.. NO WAIT... Did I just make you gay? Oh well, we'll see!
I cast a spell to give you the mental fortitude to endure your illness with stoicism
pics or it didn't happen :^)
>*gets shot*
Food wasn’t very memorable. But the venue and flowers were nice. We had a florist class and they’re the ones that put together the flower bouquets on the tables and they looked nice.
alright, thank you very much for your answers. the similarities and differences in your replies give me a little insight into the matter from your perspectives. i think my conclusion is that the desire or fantasy is genuine, but it is more about what the relationship and what the woman herself would symbolize in your life than particularly desiring the traits she has, aside from "autists get along better with other autists."
Thanks for the well wishes I feel less sick
question to women: what is more pleasurable for you - fingering or clitoral massage?
Mine was actually a curse, but maybe the gods decided to be merciful today.
Are you annoyed by people with your mental illness?
If I wear loose shorts, I’m gonna flashing my vulva.
i don't know
ENTJ with the removal brainrot take how does xhe do it
I’ve pretty much come to terms with the fact that women only like one type of man but I still get really annoyed when women pretend elsewhere and I don’t get it
Each individual femcel is different. Without knowing you as a person, what your specific traits and personality are, addressing you as an archetype is all we can do.
>when women pretend elsewhere and I don’t get it
Litearlly PR to get free shit, I wish i was joking.
>but it is more about what the relationship and what the woman herself would symbolize in your life than particularly desiring the traits she has
I don't think that those negative traits can be really desired per se, it's more about how they interact and create the woman into who she is. Obviously, for an example, no one healthy wants someone who cuts themselves, but you can love someone for what that means, that self loathing, and wanting to cradle that and help them realize that they are worthy of love.
>in your life than particularly desiring the traits she has
Something to keep in mind is, if you get along then you get along, no need to complicate things.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a clitoral massage
>"autists get along better with other autists."
I thought that was very insightful how dare you D:< also I've had exp where I've just been more on the same wavelength with neurodivergents (I hate that word) than I do normal people.
I use my stubbles as a scratcher when I have a particularly bad itch, anybody else do this?
Yeah I do.
Ayo, get a clit vibe, it'll turn out into a mindless gooning zombie
no I have a beard but I do use it to pet my cat.
My opinion of women has started dropping again
Shit is actually evil
Fuck beards When I can move again I’m buying a trimmer
What type of man is that?
Kinda, the more you think of women like a company the more they make sense. They are always putting out good PR, what people want to here, while behind the scenes they are fucking you over. Women run their lives like a company but men run their lives like an internet forum.
I'm gonna buy a trimmer just to cut my pubes.
Women only like one type of man and it’s Gary
>fuck beards
u to u man
I agree
Lmao, good for him. White boy summer going crazy.
Such a based response... I kneel unknowing woman.
It sucks having a black girl fetish when you're not white.
Pudgy manlets with Asperger's
No beard too
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Thoughts on Shane Gillis and Tires?
No nigga, your race is not stopping you, you're just ugly, you're just objectively ugly.
t. I am ugly too.
i am not displeased about the use of archetypes, but i also didn't mention myself in the question. i was just asking about the desire for femcels. nobody described their ideal "femcel" wife with this quirk or that oddity that they like. nobody said they like stutters or glasses or not knowing how to do makeup or getting fixated on details or numbers or whatever makes the idea nice to them. everybody answered "yes, (i like the idea of me loving her)". except for one guy who just said i want to date a fellow autist and i hope you have a hot body which is direct and fair, everyone else seems more enamored with the idea of loving her than with the idea of her. if i am her in this scenario, i guess it makes me feel more like a vehicle than a destination.

as someone said, it sounds like the desire to play a hero. thats not bad and i am not saying anything negative, but i do not feel that is love towards an individual as much as a self gratifying performance involving others.

that doesn't make sense.

i didn't mean anything in a rude or derogatory way, i understand why you would feel that way and i think it was the most rational reply in the bunch. not to discredit the others.
Tall, dominant, masculine
You really think you said something profound but it just sounds stupid
>i didn't mean anything in a rude or derogatory way, i understand why you would feel that way and i think it was the most rational reply in the bunch. not to discredit the others.
I'm joking relax, lol
>that doesn't make sense.
It'll make sense to you later
>came back from watching the new Glen Powell movie
>Gf finds him attractive
How can I even begin to compete
If you're going to say "he's a movie actor and you are next to her" then that doesn't help thank you
how to be mommy girl for him? he already tell me when he feels bad and shows off his plushies to me, and when he get booboo hurt spots what else should I do to be a safe space for him
>You really think you said something profound but it just sounds stupid
Good thing it wasn't me who made it up then, but its not wrong.
>No nigga, your race is not stopping you
it certainly isn't helping.
Me too
You have to kill Glen Powell
Why do you make claims and then immediately backtrack them?
>Tall, dominant, masculine
Literally no.
The one with the titty girl?
Head kisses
what claim did i backtrack?
my ex would tell me how he liked emma stone and it made me so insecure lol

feelies felt fren
i never told him I like cole and dylan sprouse I don't think but I find it weird couples do this
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There were many gratuitous pit shots.
Just saying shit like "Ah, I believe in X, n-not that that discredits Y!" Like if you're gonna say I'm just in love with this ideal femcel, just say it instead of trying to couch it in "But thats okay!" Comes off very disingenuous. Anyways go fuck yourself.
It sounds stupid
Yeah short submissive feminine guys are all the rage I hear cause uh some women like kpop guys that are tall and dominant
you didn't think they used one tire for the entire movie, right? they had to swap it out.
>nobody described their ideal "femcel" wife with this quirk or that oddity that they like.
I mean... did you ask us to?

I love glasses but outside of old high school hijinks movies nobody thinks negatively of anyone wearing glasses.
>I hear cause uh some women like kpop guys that are tall and dominant
They are not dominant. And everyone likes height.
Gary? Like his character lol
No the one with the Latina girl
To be fair with my gf, she didn't say she found him attractive directly. I just asked her later during dinner "the couple is pretty attractive huh?" And she said yes. Although she did say he was acting a lot lately and that he looked very younh
i accidentally upset people and i don't understand why, so i try to take precautions to stop that from happening. it seems my effort to have that not happen made it happen this time. i cannot win.
Is this a Netflix movie
The fans imagine them to be dominant
>No the one with the Latina girl
What's it called?
Also not everyone likes height some guys like short women some like tall women but women only like tall men
Is Ches unbanned yet? The ban evasion charges are bullshit
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Its a show, these stills are from episode 5
Probably because you have autism or some form of autistic traits and this whole pandering bullshit comes off as cheap and irritating. Just take a stand, who cares if you upset people? Believe what you believe, don't try to coddle people. I wouldn't have gotten nearly as annoyed if you had just said that I'm in love with the idea of some femcel bitch instead of lying and saying that that's okay when its clearly not because you yourself said that the aspie who loves other aspies is the most "valid" claim, as if love needs validity or whatever.
Yeah you're right bro why are you even alive?
>It sounds stupid
I don't care.
Netflix productions is ran by deviants
i dont think you understand what i was saying on any level but i dont want to spend the energy explaining in greater detail so i'll go to sleep
Hit man
Richard linklatter's
Anon seems like he's upset with everyone, not just you.
I’m going to make a coffe indoors :)
No idea why I’m alive
I don’t enjoy life but I guess I’m too scared of what’s beyond life
Men are the poop women are the toilet paper or whatever Shakespeare said
Sometimes I want to say something before I remember no one cares and then I say nothing, specifically as a man, for women, then remember they don't care.
Anyone else?
I see
>Men are the poop women are the toilet paper or whatever Shakespeare said
That's nice dear, if you aren't going to give me a blowjob you can leave...
No, I do. You're saying that the ideal of this "femcel princess who is secretly a 10/10 and is just waiting to be tapped into by me" is not realistic. You're saying that the people in love with that ideal, are not actually embracing the hard reality that someone who would be a femcel in the first place would be suffering from. But yeah, fuck me right? Because I'm unworthy of your explanation, rather than just actually leaving you just drop a hint about how you're too good for even deigning to tell me further what you mean.
they will have to be virtual for now
sometimes I digitally tell him I'm tucking him in for bed

he cutie babie
Yeah in some annoying beta way.
>Men are the poop women are the toilet paper or whatever Shakespeare said
That's from the joke mistranslation book Homie-o and Julie Yeet.
Even if I train I won't look like Glen Powell
I'm another type of good looking man
Men with gfs should be neutered if they're whining.
I’m a guy though so I don’t know if you even want a blowjob
It is human nature to take things for granted.
The most freeing thing for me was that 80% of men are ugly for women, as soon as I heard that I felt a weight off my shoulders and basically allowed myself to be ugly. Not as in I gained weight and gave up, but now that I know that I will most likely never be hansome I am now more free to persue goals that I care about more.
>Start balding?
Who cares I'm already ugly
>Not shreaded enough?
That's fine I'd be ugly if I was anyway
>Caring about what women think about how I dress
Out the window. Its great.
>I’m a guy though so I don’t know if you even want a blowjob
Did I sutter, babe? :^)
Guess you didn’t stutter
i just dun wanna scare him off because I can get really kinky
If you were to lose a life long partner

Would you rather they simply cheated or get mind controlled and have their brains altered.
I find the person who asked this question and I kill them then live happily with my wife forever.
I think it would be more damaging to my psyche if they were mind controlled but I'd prefer that
the only correct answer
Mind control it is then
for you too
Okay, MC Fetishfag.
Mind altering magic is interesting isn't it
Would you feel cucked if the girl who clearly has feelings for you one day decided this wasn't the way she wanted her life to be and edited her own mind and removed her love for you?

new thread
So I was talking to a self professed incel irl and he said that I need to break up with my gf because love isn't real and it's actually limerence and I need to fuck at least 100 women before I hit 30 in 2 years or I'll regret it since this is my first and only gf. Is this true?
sorry actual real thread I had to make it new

No. He's probably a fakecel or normalfag. It's up to you and your gf whether the relationship will work or not. Stop pretending to be retarded
That isn't pretending...
I got a tetnus shot yesterday and I'm constantly popping boners, wtf.

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