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Cannibalism Edition

Last >>31531328
How do I deal with women who attempt muh push pull bullshit when "flirting"? I'm not gonna deal with that shit as an adult
You just let them go when they pull away.
Lolling @ ur life rn homie
Ok and? I don't want to be a dick and blow the chances of getting with girls I like but I just do not want to engage in stupid and fake social tactics.
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Should I take a benzo now before I even see my parents or wait until they start grating on me? We're meeting for dinner and I haven't seen them in awhile
Not every girl does this? What's not to get?
ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure
Do you think when JH shows up she ctrl + Fs and searches for 'jh'?
Reminder that it was consensual because she never fought back and she enjoyed it.
The offline meeting...
NHK probably saved me from suicide desu
Top 3 hobbies
M, reading, hiking, cycling
Don’t do drugs and embrace reality.
Reading, movies, stationary cycling.
NHK is one of the greatest anime I've ever seen. Why don't you like it? Hits a little too close to home?
>do not want to engage in stupid and fake social tactics.
Don't deal with the women who do these things. You can engage, you can not engage. You can't not engage and engage at the same time anon, how do you imagine that could possibly work? It's like trying to have your cake and eat it too.
Of course.
F Comic books, drawing, um... um... photography.
>NHK probably saved me from suicide desu
Same, such a good anime. Great OP too!
Nta but Mumen Rider is probably my favourite male character from OPM lol
Legit, the entire OST is god-tier
> I don't want to be a dick and blow the chances of getting with girls I like
There is no perfect set of behaviors that ensures girls like you. It is completely natural to "blow your chance" over and over. Different people like different things. If you do not want to engage in stupid and fake social tactics, then what you need to do is blow your chances with girls doing stupid and fake social tactics until you meet some girls who are not doing stupid and fake social tactics. Alternatively, you could change your behavior according to what the girls doing stupid and fake social tactics like, in which case you will be popular with girls doing stupid and fake social tactics.
I no longer have any hobbies. Doesn't seem to be any point any more. Certainly no enjoyment in them.
I think I'm probably burned out.
It hits close to home, you can tell the author based it on his own experiences, that's what makes it so good
What's NHK about? I've only really seen Cowboy Bebop.
It's actuslly more sociably acceptable to drink infront of your parents and take sips when they irritate you to show your dissaproval in real time. If you pop pills then they will just think you are a drug addict.
Yes, she's desperate for the same attention her unc gave her.
Twenty-two-year-old hikikomori who gets aid from a strange girl who seems to know a lot about him, despite never meeting him before. It's good, watch it.
It's based on a semi-autobiographical novel with some other arcs sprinkled in
I think it's best to go in spoiler free desu and just see what you make of it
It's basically about a dude who dropped out of school and became a shut-in, but gradually has to embrace reality again as his "comfy" situation slips away. His life becomes intertwined with a number of other people, some from his high school days, who seem relatively normal at first, but have serious issues beneath the surface
Also Hitomi best girl
Can I just tell them to cut it out and that I'll give up on hanging out if that's their idea of interaction? Do they change behavior if they like me at least?
>It's good, watch it.
>take sips when they irritate you to show your dissaproval in real time.
I do this and it actually works. But it's more like gulps.
Is the point of that to say that those people are worse off?
why are you like me
get out of my head
Not really no, they just all have their unique problems and have to cope and survive in different ways
You're not asking the right question.
Do you WANT to tell them to cut it out, or do you not want to do it?
Proceed accordingly.
Also it is really funny imo, so if you like dark humour I recommend
>Mom says something annoying
>grab a full bottle of whisky and down it in one gulp
>they look at you, shocked.
>tell them half slurringly that if do make another remake like tha u wi do ut agein
there's no way to prevent the things that make me feel this way
reality is the problem
alcohol has calories
>the obsessed pedo is back again
Also, not to spoil it but it's not an ending that will make you feel like you wasted time.
other media has made me tear up, but welcome to the nhk is literally the only piece of media, anime or otherwise, that actually genuinely made me cry
if you've ever had any experiences bordering on hikkikomori, i highly recommend that you watch it.
*passes out*
I was an hikkikomori and I dropped Welcome to the NHK after a few episodes because it was boring lol.
Dragon Ball is more your speed?
I love ED 2 <3
Honestly I think if you have any kind of mental health issues I would say it's worth a watch.
Hitomi is the character I connected to most personally. That crazy bipolar beeatch
It's kind of a slow burner, especially the first few episodes, not for everyone
The novel is pretty short, but it's not as funny and the show adds a lot more imo
I read the manga instead of watching the anime
No, I want them to cut it out if they're interested in talking to me because I know in 90% of the cases it's what she thinks she's supposed to be doing because other women are doing it. It's like an epidemic here in my area
extremely based
they'll regret making remarks then

It's just an anime recommendation chart.
boxing, 3D modeling, Hiking
Meant to reply to >>31534983
> I know in 90% of the cases it's what she thinks she's supposed to be doing because other women are doing it
Retard alert
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What kind of boxes do you like?
cute, cardboard ones because my cat sleeps in them
If it ain't cardboard then you're a tard and I'm bored.
Boxes with six sides.
What's retarded about what I wrote?
gooning, drug and alcohol abuse, niche community games that i shall not be sharing here
What in autism hell is this
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What about caskets?
I heard they're to die for
F That is how most women act.
anons who have standing desks, do you regularly stand at your desk and if so how long
having casual sex with hot men, making fun of nerdy/socially awkward men, watching the office
>when JH shows up
implying she ever leaves
tell me what its like after we put you into one
Fishing (fly), hiking, cooking.
Honorable mention
Reading (mostly fantasy) and I dont know what its called, but I search for treasure with a metal detector. Would also love to do horseback riding, but I am allergic to horses and I have to keep minimal contact
>Father was an outdoorsman, and I was a daddys girl.
Based, this is the kind of thing I'd make if I had enough free time
my office provided an adjustable one, i thought i'd like it since i am quite fidgety, always pace when i'm on a phone call, etc
turns out i fucking hate it and always have it in seated mode, it's something like you're constantly shifting your weight from leg to leg or whatever while standing and i couldn't cope with doing that and having to stare at excel spreadsheet rows. i needed a more stationary frame of reference or something
i'd HEAVILY recommend trying before buying
This behavior is common among women across cultures and time, but you think women act like that because "herp derp they're copying other women!"
Literally no different than women who think "men don't let themselves cry because they're trying to be macho because of toxic masculinity!"
Do you find it hard to find guys who match up to your father?
They are a meme, anon.
no. never use it.
I'm not reading all that.
>Idont know what its called, but I search for treasure with a metal detector
Tresure hunting/metal detecting
Moid hands
What is this abomination?
The moid hands detector is making loud noises..
women, ladies, girls
Right, so what do you to when they try it? Cut contact until she decides to stop the bullshit and talks to you again first?
>obvious satire
>"moid hands!!!!!1111"
the joke is on you anons
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music, vidya, raving/drugs
>gf and I are watching catfish
>they mention that the catfish vanished for weeks at a time
>bring up that we've never even gone like more than 24 hours without talking
>she says "bet? wanna see if we can?"
>asks if I want to go a week without talking to see how bad we'll miss eachother
What do? Makes my butt feels weird to think about not talking to her for a week
my parents would legitimately beat my ass for doing that
Video Games, Gardening/Landscaping, YouTube videos if that counts, if it doesn't Running.
What's the coolest treasure you've ever found?
Nobody likes it when I write satire about clocked women, though.
Anybody into geo caching?
No. All men are unique, and I dont want to date a mirror of my dad
What I find is condescending guys who think I have done these things maybe once in my life and think they need to unhook my fish for me. And who seem hurt that I dont need their help in their area of "expertise", like making a campfire for example.
Hi babies
I demand you change my diaper now
What does it matter what I do? What matters is what you do. You don't have my personality and I'm not interested in having a copycat. Why are you trying to shape your personality according to the behavior of women you dislike? Do you not see how counter-productive that is?
I'm into geo slashing
Who's a good match for you? Someone who trusts you to be in charge of the outdoor stuff, but takes the lead in domestic duties? Technology maintenance? Finances?
Sorry anon I'm not that smart
a bolt assembly of a kar98k rifle and a silver necklace with a moon motif.
thanks anon, English isnt my first language
I try but the fuckers never leave anything good in return.
>anxious my gf is going to cancel on me all weekend
>texts me saying she'll be over the same time as usual

why am I so fucked up? now i just feel stupid
When I visited my long distance girlfriend many years ago, I stayed with her for two months. Every day we walked through the park into the city, and every day we checked for a Geocache that was in the park. We probably looked insane, but so badly wanted to find it. Never did. Even messaged the hider and still couldn't find it. Le sigh
The reward is satisfaction from finding it lol
if you are anything like myself you had better avert course soon or you'll fumble this badly
>thanks anon, English isnt my first language
What is your first language?
No, I'm trying to skip the bullshit when interacting with people. I don't wanna do it to them, I don't want them to do it to me. I can talk to anyone about anything and have fun but purposely and obviously acting disinterested all of a sudden is something nobody older than 15 wants to deal with.
German WW2 gun. Nice.
I remember a time when it wasn't a relief too.
I was really confused by this comment until I realised you weren't talking about actual catfish lol
I did it with a friend in the past, it was pretty cool
I used to leave my mixtapes in geocaches lool
tundra nenets
why you say that
nono talking about MTV catfish, it's our garbage reality comfort show
What changes things? It's been three years, at whatp oint do I begin to hate her and want to be a apart
Nice. Reminds me of usb dead drops.
>Tundra Nenets is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
Oh no!
Ok stinky get on the table
Music, cooking, and shitposting at foids
OK, then do that. Not sure what your problem is other than you seem convinced that there is some magical keyword that will work on every single women.
There is. It's, "I'm rich".
I dont need to be in charge of stuff, I dont particularly like that. I dont need someone to be an expert at anything. If some guy is self sufficient, has their life in order and maybe could share one hobby with me, that would be more than enough to get me interested if I felt some physical attraction.
Should I DM girls on Instagram that don't know me to go on a date? Cuz I don't understand why they say "I don't know you", like isn't that how online dating works when two strangers who don't know each other get in touch ?
Zero effect on rich women
God Hasan is hot as fuck
Not really. That's a blind date. Those usually don't work.
He's a pathetic loser.
I know but he's still beautiful
No. Women want someone in their social class.
what is the science behind women getting hot for highly irresponsible men with little regard for consequences?
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I'm on THAT part of the youtube AGAIN
Women why are doing this to me?
Are you hot and tall?
Girls, are you a 365 party girl (bumping that)?
I've been seeing a chick for almost 2 months, rather sporadically, on average once every 2 weeks. I've hooked up with her twice, but I'm not sure if she likes me. When do you really know?
chadbunga no scared, get the most berries
fembunga see chadbunga and think him best tribe leader
fembunga want chadbungas child
Do you find serious or goofy guys more attractive? Everything else the same, appearance, skills, ...
you did this to yourself, shrimpdick
This, plus I don't want women to like me because of my money (not rich, don't intend on being) I've got a job that's fine with me
Thing is
If she's interested in hanging out, talking or doing whatever than all of a sudden acts distant on purpose, not because something bad happened, I don't wanna deal with it.
I'm apparently supposed to chase/not chase or other crap, wait for her to message me after some time but I'm not doing it even if she does.
I might like her a lot but that just shows me I'll have to deal with that sort of shit further down the line which I'm not gonna do.
I don't know I haven't listened to brat yet
I just realized how similar Welcome to the NHK and Neon Genesis Evangelion actually are. In subject matter anyway.
yeah but doesnt chadbunga die way more often?
My penis is perfectly average, thank you very much.
Besides, who is making these videos? Which gender?
Libido has no morality so a behavior that is attractive is attractive regardless of how it's conveyed. For example a man who is "creative, brave and confident" is attractive, but that description can equally describes an artist, a businessman or a drug seller.
You should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the brat herself.
*raises axe above head*
Hey, anon!
Then why is my rich girlfriend dating my unemployed ass
Go on...
I know that movie
*above their
I didn't even know this existed till now.
State gender
Is half a year together important enough to be celebrated?
Well some girls have called my photo hot (idk if they're lying) but I'm not tall
>Should I DM girls on Instagram that don't know me
You mean like an Indian spammer?
Anon, what do you do with junk email?
Approaching women who are not interested is "junk email" to them.
i wasn't that anon and i just posted the most obscure language i knew, sorry
Both series explore the theme of social isolation and its psychological impact on the characters. Both series delve into existential themes, questioning the characters' purpose and identity. Both series explore aspects of otaku culture and the psychological implications of being deeply involved in it. Both series depict complex relationships and interpersonal dynamics among their characters. Both series critique aspects of contemporary society, albeit from different angles. Welcome to the NHK examines societal pressures, loneliness, and the impact of media on individuals. NGE critiques the consequences of technological advancement, the role of authority, and existential crises in a dystopian future setting.
Bitch, this is my fourth year of /atoga/
No, she hasn't had that many opportunities to initiate a breakup yet.
No, because it is an unkind thing to do
>remorse for 4chan trolling
Oh, anon, what is you doing?

Golf, writing, and machine design
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Why do women look at me like this
Does anybody even date because they like each other anymore, or is it strictly about the material offerings the other brings to the table?
Get back here you piece of shit
I wish I had a real flesh husband I could hold and have a child with. But god is cruel
What if they go to my school but haven't interacted with me ?
Women, how are you doing?
I just want cock and mutual love in me. That's why I date.
If they go to your school then messaging them on Instagram is even weirder. Go talk to them irl.
I feel weird things are very weird right now
regardless of how you act, do you think you or guys are more horny?
Not bad. Made ribs and now I'm slipping into my food coma.
Guys for sure
why do foids believe in ghosts so much?
Sorry, I'm just an AI. Beep boop.
Liking people in 2024 is so passé. Either casual sex or sugaring or deception to make a child that will have to struggle in the hellish modern hellscape due to one of the parents overinflated ego ("hurr muh social status and work benefits for being a so called father" and/or "i dont wanna miss out on being a mum uwu gib house and monies").
Femanons assuming the man asked the woman out on the first date, who is supposed to ask for a 2nd date?
>cut contact with frens due to insane gf
>not sure if they even want me back after months upon months
how do I go about contacting, i have no one
>strictly about the material offerings the other brings to the table
nigger have you never heard of the yuppie era?
A woman going back to her roots.
>me on the right when I see alcohol, dessert, or fast food.
I'm in a pretty shit mood rn...
State gender
Which amateur porn in your opinion is the best representation of real life sex and your idea of good sex? Name their channels or post links
How do I approach them irl? Do I straight up tell my intentions or should I do something else
You have to do ALL the heavy lifting.
Ask for advice or wallow.
Have you thought about cannibalism?
>isn't that how online dating works
No. Instagram isn't a dating app.
1. On a dating app, you're both there to date.
2. You both have to click "yes, I want to date this person" before you can DM someone specific.
3. Even then, people usually want to know a few things about the other person before going on a date.
if you were my gf you could use my credit card and my tongue on your pussy nonstop until you felt better
Due to the feminine professional habit of GHOSTing people. Heh.
PMS kicking in.
Are you still dating?
How did it end?
Who broke up with who?
Were you cruel to your friends?
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I’m reading a horror novel in braille. Something bad is about to happen, I can feel it.
Why do you want to date them?
If this is what modern dating is like then I'm just going to start fucking farm animals, even that is less disgusting than what you just posted.
Elaborate, please.
I'm aware this has always been a thing to some extent. It just seems weird to have expanded to essentially everyone despite everybody in developed nations being poorer than any other time in recent history.
>cut contact with frens due to insane gf
The BPD classic. If it makes you feel better, know that you're not alone who went through this.
To feel love
I think you are, or I assume you've lost interest in me.
Femanons my sister was crying today and didn't want to talk to anyone after being out with friends last night. She left to go to her friend's house.
What can I do for her/ do to get her to open up about what happened?
sadly still with her, its annoying because sometimes I really love her and want to be with her but then I think about how its just not going to end well either way, but then I've already cut contact so it feels too late and if I dumped her I might end up with no one. For a while now ive been trying to weigh up my mind and I just cant, I feel like I need external intervention. It ended slowly over time, saw them less and less and no, I was very liked but no one ever reached out to me so I just dont know what to do and it bothers me on a daily basis.
> How do I approach them irl?
You don't. Never "cold" approach anyone you didn't already hang out with unless you're a salesman and that's your job. Establish or join a friend circle and invite others into it
> Do I straight up tell my intentions
Hell no, you'll fuck your reputation that way. Hang out with them, joke, flirt, touch, hug etc and analyze their body language to see if you can escalate
And remember, you can never talk a woman into liking you, but you can always talk her out of it
NTA but I'm male and this is my dream. Just two more w- years, then I will be able to have an even higher credit card limit.
Wait, how are yo- GODDAMMIT!
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Did something happen? Wanna talk about it?
the worst thing is that i had this with the ex before last, she had bpd but she wasn't like current gf which makes it really confusing because the ex cheated on me and was generally a dickhead but current gf bakes for me, is sweet and loving and has not cheated on me and is borderline obsessed with me.
What did the vegetarian zombie say?

Yeah but only after I got divorced
The person who wants a 2nd date quicker. It's your chance to either play it cool or show your enthusiasm.
leave her alone, give her space
but she's kinda plain and sucks in bed.
>Hang out with them, joke, flirt, touch, hug etc and analyze their body language to see if you can escalate
Do I have to do it at Uni as well? What about those times when a guy approaches and the girl agrees?
We just lost a football match and I wanted to take my mind off of it but I saw something that made me sadder.
It's too soon. Unironically, leave her alone.
the one that wants a second date the most
>What about those times
Tell me about those times anon.
UK football?
No but close
how did you know???? not to slander gf because I love her but she is kinda boring in bed, she herself isn't too plain, she does have a very pretty face.
(it's coming home)
(it's coming home)
(it's coming home)
I could hear the mental whine in your post.
falling asleep after 3 days of hard work
I'm not English dummy
Just tell them the truth, everyone does stupid things for love
That's such a shit ad. Who did that?
Gender + is hypergamy real?
Women, you are now imagining a penis in your mind
Not that anon but BPD girls also have crazy sex so it feels a bit boring when you go back to a normal girl.
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Need a girl who looks like this to ruin my life
Male, idk but I don't care also because I only need one girlfriend
do you prefer older or younger guys?
you are not worthy
I think it exist, but i dont think its just women who do it.
Hence the divorce rates and the rising percentage of women who cheat.
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t. booty blasted bong

It's bloody brilliant.
Who pours wine into a martini glass?
current gf doesn't even wanna get on top or do anything but missionary, will not let me go down on her and never really sucks my dick either, is that normal? I've slept with a few women and some haven't had bpd but they werent as ''vanilla'', not that im a weird sex freak, i have no fetishes but I like doing different positions n such
how so
No. Most people aim at someone they match with, whether socially or with looks.
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I can only whine on 4chan, I have no one to whine to irl, no support system so I throw it on anonymous people. I wish I had guidance or someone elses perspective, its like im trying to find my way out of a cave and I have no flashlight, direction or communication.
>26% when they play
>38% when they lose
There's a difference?
M Is it weird for a girl to offer you a blow job and you turn it down?
I believe that would be 'Sanji' from "One Piece'
fat bitch
>people aim at someone they ~think~ they match with, whether socially or with looks
>women have the options while men don't
>so people here actually means women
And yet women choose to stay with those men.
I can only do so much when they choose to spend their private time exclusively with men who hit them and actively refuse to spend any time with me.
Why do men treat me so badly?
>Ooh, domestic violence against women. How do I make this about Me?
You might enjoy/relate to this blog post
Supply and demand, that's what works.
A person might stay with an abusive partner due to fear, financial dependence, isolation from support networks, low self-esteem, cultural or religious beliefs, hope for change, love and attachment, concerns for children, or feelings of shame and embarrassment.
You ain't got no alibi
Yeah let's make it about women by beating some up
I turned everything down out of anxiety in the spur of the moment, hence I'm still a virgin. So I guess normal if he's an inexperienced idiot at least
or their libido
Because you let them. Unironically.
Flaccid cocks can't be blown.
I love you, ChatGPT poster. Some questions don't deserve effort.
Yeh, I am a inexperienced. Ok, good that she won't think less of me.
If they hate me so much why do they even bother with me
I leave when they do but I don't understand why all of them are so inclined to do it
>love and attachment
This one gets me, I really don't understand it. HE IS BEATING YOU.
He's a terrible husband, but at least he's better for the kids than them having no father, right?
Something about you says doormat.
Whats the female equivalent to plap plap plap?
He has a better personality you, simple as
bounce bounce bounce
Gawk gawk gawk?
They like when somebody else pays their rent. They're willing to take the occasional DV incident for it.
I would argue that the kids get really fucked up in that sort of situation.
need doormat gf
He's tall and extroverted at least
find nicer guys to be around
losing sleep at night thinking about our fecund, virginal femanons not getting bred by Chad every night
When will you incels learn that women will literally let Chad beat the shit out of them and stay with him because he's Chad?
women would you kiss my tears away?
*sniff* *sniff* i-is that a BOY I smell? *sniff* *sniff* mmm yes I smell it! BOYSMELL!!!! I smell a boy! W-What is a boy doing here?!?! omygosh what am I gonna do?!?! THERE'S A BOY HERE! I'M FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!!!! calm down calm down and take a nice, deep breathe.... *sniff* *sniff* it smells so good! I love boysmell so much!!!! It makes me feel so amazing. I'm getting tingles all over from the delicious boyscent! It's driving me boyCRAZY!!!!!!
Women are honestly, really that weak?

wtf this is scarily accurate, how has this happened again though, the ex before last was obvious but this one i dont know how its even happened, fuck sakes. Now im in the situation of: if I fuck her off will I even be able to get my friends back, or will it end in: I fuck her off and I cant get friends back so I'm double fucked, but maybe being alone is better, but shes so nice though at times and shes never actually horrible
They were angry at me though or didn't realize I was just anxious
nice try incel, having a hard day and need to fantasize to cope?
Women, you're watching a horror movie with your bf cuddled together and a scary part comes up, so you leap a little, make a squeal, and are all over him. What is the guy supposed to do? Is he supposed to ignore it and hold you the same way? Is he supposed to hold you a little tighter? Lay his head on you a little? Would it be bad if he gave you a small kiss because he finds you adorably wonderful? Don't want to annoy her, I just want her to feel happy.
They're women, what do you expect?
I wish women were like this...
Oh... ok, that's not so good. She did know I was a virgin so maybe she understood.
What does boysmell smell like? I only have smelled girls + locker room (which is more like 50 boys at once).
Why are you guys so mean to women? idk, i think they're alright
What movie is it? Yes, it matters.
read the thread, dumb bitch
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I'll be 26 this year. What is an acceptable dating age range for me?
Show him your tits, or leap on him with your boobs near his face. Lift your knee slightly into his crotch and thigh, and move it a little.
Not at all.
20 to 38.
Fuck all of you, I'm leaving this thread
The way women act doesn't bother me but I also don't believe the mainstream views on male/female behavior or interactions. Can't relate to either incels or normies. The true No Man's Land.
Bye bitch
I would date a single mother though
Long enough to coom deeply inside her, at least
I really don’t care about movies so I’m on my phone or playing on my steam deck
dont leave me, pls
>steam deck
Pfft... hahahaha.
Idk, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Blair Witch Project.
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What do you play on your steamdeck?
Why do I want him to fuck me so bad if I don't even like him that much
So this is what it feels like to be icked...
I did, incel angwy like a widdle bitch
Because you're promiscuous and easy.
>about to be utterly alone for 3 days straight
what should I do besides goon, drink, workout?
How do i get female affection?
spoken like an incel in denial
Hold me a little tighter but please don't patronize me or give me a forehead kiss or anything like that.
Also, what about romance movies? What if a very romantic scene comes up and he just cant stop thinking about how much he cares about you and really needs to release the emotional buildup so he kisses your cheek/hand and hugs you tighter? Is it going to ruin the experience?
From >>31535430
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Do women dislike it when men use anime girls as reaction picture? (I'm not going to stop doing it, I'm just curious)
Ah, you're illiterate too, who would have thought
How would you answer my question?
"do you think you or guys are more horny?"
There's a girl I'm friends with and I have a bit of a crush on her. I'm not sure if its reciprocated but there have been a few positive signs.

We have only hung out in a group setting. I invited her to run at the track with me via text (mutual interest we share), and she replied "hi thank you!! I have a very busy weekend and I have work Monday so I don't think I'll be able to come sorry. Also good luck if you go because it will be very hot haha!".

Is she lightly letting me down or is she genuinely busy? In my experience girls who are interested will offer alternatives if they are busy.
Why did Elon go from being loved by the internet to hated?
Why am I watching a romance movie with my gf? No, seriously.
Give him a drink spiked with your pussy juice, and enchant his heart and dick like an devious witch
:( I knew this was probably the case but it makes me sad. I'm not trying to patronize you, I just like you is all
aw fuck I always kiss my girlfriend on the head or forehead. I don't mean to patronize but she's just so cute when spooked
Stick drift, shit audio, bad screens, system stability, game compatibility, heat, battery life, poor storage and build quality.
:/ ngmi
State gender
What's your fetish?
Understood, really, but it seems like you're making fun of me in that situation.
>2% of people think missionary sex is taboo
Who the fuck are they???
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Typically i would say gentle femdom, but idk if thats 100% true. I really just want to experience non-passive affection. I want to be desired
You have a better handheld in mind?
Hey, I have a gf, I just have never watched a romance movie with her. Wait, Princess Bride.
Do you like retro games?
white boi here
what is the difference between guacamole and avocado
Imagine, an entire generation of men idolizing gentle femdom because they've given up on the idea of regular women being forward and affectionate.
Oh my god
avocado is the fruit, guacamole is a food made using avocado. Like tomato and salsa
You can just play retro games on your phone, and use a clip to attach a controller. If you're going to buy a dedicated handheld, it might as well be one as powerful as the Steam Deck.
Is there a phrase more gay than "an entire generation"? It's always a huge fucking hyperbole, every time someone says "an entire generation" it's actually just a small portion of that generation.
Our Latinx posters won't enjoy reading this post.
Eating pussy, but more in a dominant way where I grip her close to me. Maybe a little more nipple sucking than normal. Wouldn't call myself kinky, but I'm probably down for a lot of things. Most things take effort and logistical thinking though, and I don't like thinking bout stuff like that unless it comes up. Idk, I guess fucking in a car in public or public bathroom or the woods is pretty kinky and I'd be okay with that. I'd actually do a bunch of roleplay if she wanted, harmless fun. Even choking or slapping, as long as she likes it.
I'm hovering somewhere in the 50%
>sensory depro
Imagine, an entire generation of men misusing phrases.
But I wanted you to feel safer with me @_@
(idk, just ranting, its ok to feel what you feel)
I don't know to classify it but women wearing different kinds of clothes (and accessories) in general really turns me on.
Battery life, screen size, and performance could be an issue if it's not a dedicated thing.
the girls were really nice today
good night
It just doesn't matter, I'm past uni and am hanging out with more people and having a better time than when I was a student
Learn to like listening to people, have a few bits of profound knowledge or advice and they'll start treating you like a prophet
And yeah looks matter, don't let anybody gaslight you in believing otherwise
>good night
Its only 6pm
nta but I'd rather have a Switch if I was gonna do the handheld thing.
Oh, well, good thing the Deck is great with all of those, huh?
its midnight here
2 to 8 hours is not exactly what I'd call great.
latinx detected??
3 to 12 on the current model. And probably closer to 12 if you're playing retro games.
Women, are you even attracted to the male body?
Why would I buy a Steam Deck for retrogames? The cheapest model is like $400.
nta but that's quite a range.
Wait, they're not the same thing? Another wyte Latinx worshipper here
F Can you hook the Steam Deck up to a powered dock and play it on a regular tv like a Switch?
$300 in the current sale. But why would you buy any device at all for retrogames when your phone is good enough? The only reason to buy a dedicated device is if you want to play more modern titles, and you have yet to suggest an alternative device for that.

Depends on how demanding the game is. I would expect 12 hours for Baldur's Gate 1 versus 3 hours for Balduer's Gate 3.
women, what is the least attractive careers?
What retro rom playing thing were you gonna suggest?
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Yes. Valve sells their own dock, but you can get cheaper docks from JSAUX or other companies.
Anbernic RG35XXSP. It's like 80 bucks.
What advantages does it have over clipping a controller to your phone?
lol i agree actually
I vastly prefer the vine version
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Now do a comparison with Serial Experiments Lain
Holy shit I thought I'd never see the day of another Project A-ko 4 poster ITT
Skibidi toilet ass video.
Yes, especially hands
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Is this a legitimate option for me?
Women, would you date a foreigner on a visa? Do Japanese girls even like Indians?
I don't know what else to do anymore. I don't know if this real, but I really want it to be. More countries need to do the same. Birth rates are declining and humans are going to go extinct soon if we don't do something about it.
need 40 yo gf with the body of a teenager
Wait a second I think this is A-ko 3 lol
>cut contact with frens due to insane gf
BPD moment
Are you still with her
Just be honest with your friends
girl is coming over tonight. she doesnt really like movies or tv. how do I create a fun vibe while she's over
atoga is filled with chads huh...
The best part about the England football match was I went shopping during and hardly anyone was there lol
Depends on the girl I suppose
As a 26 year old guy, my dating range is 21 to 60
nta but clip on controls can sometimes feel less stable or ergonomic compared to an integrated thing, dedicated stuff probably has more performance optimizations, battery life, and compatibility unless your cellphone is really new. Can your cell phone play like Dreamcast games?
>What's your fetish?
JH taking my virginity
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>Is this a legitimate option for me?

>I don't know if this real
It's not.

>Do Japanese girls even like Indians?
They don't.

>Birth rates are declining and humans are going to go extinct soon if we don't do something about it.
In 1949, 80% of Japanese people thought the country was overpopulated. The population was 80 millions. Today, Japan's population is 125 millions. Even going by the worse predictions, it will take at minimum until 2070 for Japan to go back to a population of 80 millions.
Art hoes are all the same. I'm assuming she's one because the only girls that have said they don't like movies or tv have been artsy chicks. Anyway, don't believe them. Not entirely. When they say they don't like movies, they mean that they don't want you to sit there watching Marvel Avenger's or other capeshit. They also have the same boring sense of humor. What I am saying is, pop in a Blu-ray of Shrek. They are obsessed with him. It doesn't really matter anyway, because in my experience we would just start making out a few minutes into the movie.
Ask if she likes vidya
Else have a karaoke party
Sometimes I curse my boyish looks. I'm in my early 20s but I've had people comment that I look like I'm 16 or 17, and that I would outright look like a 14 years old if I shaved my beard off.

I think part of why I'm afraid of approaching women is because I'm afraid they'll geniuenly think I'm under 18.

Speaking of - women, how easy is it for you to accurately gauge a man's age?
... You are the type of man that would ruin my life
Based C-ko anon
>Ask if she likes vidya
Do not do this. Not under any circumstances. Most girls (femcels can ignore this replay; you are not real women) do not like video games. It's an incredibly big ick for you to ask them to play video games on a date.
You're afraid of approaching women because you're afraid of rejection, everything else is a cope.
holy shit this
art hoes are all the same they don't even know
Girls love Mario Kart though.
Yeah that's literally what I said. Did you reply to the wrong guy?
Most girls I went out with liked games, even the stacies who just played sims and stardew valley
Well, they're both about social alienation and isolation. They examine the paranoia, anxiety, existential crisis, and identity issues of the protagonists. There's that critique of modern society again, Welcome to the NHK focuses on societal pressures, media influence, and the impact of technology on individuals. Serial Experiments Lain critiques the rapid advancement of technology, virtual reality, and the blurring of boundaries between the online and offline worlds. Both series employ complex narratives and symbolism to convey their messages. Both anime feature characters with complex relationships and dynamics. They depict how these relationships shape and affect the characters' lives, often portraying flawed and vulnerable individuals. And they're both cult classics.
I played MK8 with a girl once the first time I went round hers
She kicked my ass
That was when I knew she was a real one
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>>Do Japanese girls even like Indians?
>They don't.
This is a lie.
It depends on your skin tone. But Japanense girls go crazy for Indians.
For the sake of this hypothetical, let's say I asked you back to my place and you accepted.
I let you in, get you comfortable, show you around the living room, it's nice and softly lit - not too dark, not too bright, we sit on the couch and chat a bit, the tension is building up. I stand up, insert my Dark Souls 3 disc on my Playstation and hand the controller to you. "You play, I watch."

What do you do?
I have the same problem when I shave, some women like shotas though
Yes retard hide what you like from girls and pretend you're someone you're not, this will never backfire
Fucking retard
That's false, most women like Nintendo stuff.
Almost all the Indians I knew in Japan only dated other foreigners.
These. Girls are okay with vidya. But not intense vidya. They don't like league of legends or fortnite. They like Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros.
>Can your cell phone play like Dreamcast games?
Never tried, but I just checked on YouTube and someone says my phone can. But I'm fairly certain that >>31535612 cannot.
>They don't like league of legends or fortnite. They like Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros
TIL I'm a girl
No, what you said is you're afraid they'll think you're under 18. I know it sounds like the same thing ("they'll think I'm under 18 so they'll reject me"), but it's not, because you're using that as an excuse to not hit on women.
>They don't like league of legends or fortnite.
Men liking these is a red flag though.
>Mario Kart
>"not intense vidya"
I'll fucking 1v1 you on MKWii Mirror cup no skips
Femanons, how do you feel about this?
It's still an ick for you to play games on a first date. Think about this from a girl's perspective. It's just very lazy on the guy's part. It literally requires zero effort from him and that's what he would be doing anyways on a Friday night if you didn't set up a date. It's very underwhelming. So, if you have set up a date, make it a proper date. It can be casual -- it doesn't matter. Just please do not ask a girl to play video games on the first date.
>muh what about cosplay egirls
The rule still applies. They are still women and would like to be treated as such. Put a little bit of effort into the date.
League of Legends is one of the most popular game in the world, it has a huge female fanbase based on numbers alone but on top of that it has a lot of characters that women enjoy and it's a game you can play with your friends.
Literally how is that any different from being afraid of rejection because you have a stutter or because you think you're unattractive?

They're all insecurities in the end.
My first date ever was a girl inviting me to her home to play vidya lol
I unironically know more girls who like league of legends than guys
tell you to eat my ass
I've literally met multiple women who like League of Legends and Valorant. This "girls don't play games" meme is getting less and less relevant each year.
If there were two identical versions of you, one who played video games and one who didn't, girls would always choose the normal one, who doesn't play video games.
Video games is something women TOLERATE.
It isn't, they're all excuses.
The point is that it's all bullshit being used as an excuse to hit on girls because you're afraid of rejection, and there's no getting around the rejections, so you might as well abandon the excuses, try your luck and face the rejections.
While you play?
Based, what did you play?
Tbf OP didn't say it was a date he just said he was having a chick over tonight
Oh fuck off lol I know a lot of girls who love vidya
Ok, Anbernic RG Cube then.
>girl is coming over tonight. she doesnt really like movies or tv. how do I create a fun vibe while she's over
Play games with her.

Im not playin that shit
A girl IRL introduced me to Valorant actually (I'm not really into FPS tho)
>If there were two identical versions of you, one who beat her up and one who didn't, girls would always choose the normal one, who doesn't beat her up.
>Domestic violence is something women TOLERATE.
jh you're still angry about dark souls? lmao
I installed League of Legends because of a girl I matched with on Tinder.

Never really got addicted to it tho lol. Just not a PvP guy.
right now, Divinity 2. Not sure I’ll ever have enough time to finish it heh
>Based, what did you play?
Mario Kart, Mario Party and Bomberman
Tbf speed scrabble where you use a sandtimer is actually fun
I did it with some gals once at preprints and we took a shot every time you have to change your letters, look up a word or miss a turn
Im not her I just don't know how to play
Same but I was like 9 at the time. SHUTUPITCOUNTS
I'm not wifing any girl who hasn't beaten AT LEAST Dark Souls III. Sory.
Chad is a stretch but some of us are sex havers, yes.
>Mario Kart, Mario Party and Bomberman
OK, why didn't you marry her bro?
Meanwhile I went out with a stripper who got me to play hentai games with her
he talked
How's it going so far? I own it but I haven't played it yet. Just like all my other games...
Every woman in /atoga/ is Jh unless stated otherwise
Goodbye then
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Women HATE video games.
And as a guy, I concur. I especially wouldn't date a girl who plays video games, either.
It's an ick for me to date a woman who wants to go to a restaurant or concert or modern art museum
>OK, why didn't you marry her bro?
She was annoying long-term, like just a bunch of tiny annoying personality traits that pile up together to be too annoying to date (for me anyway).
Femanon, our friendship dies here. We are adversaries, each upholding our own philosophy and contending for happiness. As fate would have it, we are both beyond shedding tears. We need not hesitate to fight each other. So, let us now decide who is truly superior. Challenge me with all your might.
"Interesting" = "bigoted"
Women are retarded
No, I will get Chad to fight you on my behalf.
is this true?
I mean there is a huge difference between someone who spends most of their free time playing video games, and someone who just plays a bit here and there
>especially wouldn't date a girl who plays video games, either
I wouldn't date a girl who wouldn't play Spafe Channel 5: Part 2 co-op with me desu
That's bullshit. ALL hobbies are technically a waste of time.
I play league with my kid and sometimes by myself because I suck ass and need the practice (he’s diamond and I’m bronze). I’ve ran into several girls who I was way too old for.
Nta but I know the type and unfortunately he's fucking right lol
Do you think China will take over the world?
Women, I play video games "once a week".
(I haven't actually played anything in over 3 weeks.)
Is this an acceptable level of addiction for you?
Yeah, the latter is someone who is still more concerned with social status than happiness
Video games are a substitute for actual mastery
Video games are embarrassing though. They are childish.
haven’t had any problems so far
Fack it, I haven't played vidya in weeks but all this talk... I'm gonna have some beers and beat NiGHTS into Dreams
Now do Pokemon.
Women, what is your dream?
You have never been mature and you have mastered nothing in your life.
Choking (is rough sex a fetish?)
I feel like I was groomed into liking it tho, my gf seems to be extremely more sensitive when I'm choking her. Positive feedback is scary, I never imagined myself doing it
Nta but projection much?
This is like saying if you watch movies sometimes you must have no skills in life lol
Uh... both series explore the dynamics of relationships, personal journeys of growth and self-discovery, and both have themes of perseverance and resilience.
You are
What's childish is complaining about the maturity of demographics your demographic leeches off of not just through interpersonal leverage, but government tyranny.
No ring no dates, I'll keep playing games every night after work and print and assemble a better wife once the tech gets there.
I won't even make any of the innovations myself because I value my time.
Sister-sister incest
Anal farts
You know what I mean.
okay fair maybe league has become a normie game. Idk most girls I've dated would look at me weirdly for even wanting to game.
>Video games are embarrassing though
I think that's more of a (You) problem desu.
>flirt with a girl to make the girl I really want jealous
>the one I was flirting with actually starts to like me
what am I supposed to do now?
When did you realize the reason you can't find a partner of your desired sex is because you almost never ask to exchange numbers or ask anyone out?
Begin the harem
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Anyway. Women, who is the hottest Final Fantasy protag?
I mean I'm sure there are other reasons but yeah I'm well aware that my crazy cat uncle destiny is because I don't actually meet girls or ever ask them out
How do I find a girl to cuddle and snuggle with? I miss somewhat competitive leg twisting where we try to outdo each other
For the majority of women, a guy's hobbies are unrelated to being attractive (both physically and personality-wise). If a woman sees a lot of unattractive men do something and attractive men not doing that thing, then she associates that activity with unattractive men... but it's not the actual activity that makes them unattractive. Occasionally they also have an idea of an ideal man and that ideal man does not do X and Y so men who do X and Y are unattractive (though some men also idealize women this way). Anyway the point is that when Chad does it, suddenly it's "quirky" because he's hot and charming but enjoys the unusual activity.
If you like something, you like it. Changing your hobbies to fit what women like is not fun for you and not attractive to her. Lying about your hobbies or pretending to have a different personality is just going to attract women who are attracted to a fake version of you.
Of course there's some nuance because you might attract no women at all... but you're not going to suddenly get girls because you stop playing video games. Better to improve your personality (which is different than changing it), look better and focus on your personal projects/career/whatever else occupies your time.
Tidus, unironically.
Man, if a dude ain't got chicks it usually ain't 'cuz he shy or hate women. It's cuz he likes doin' some homo shit. You gay.
Please stop with the internet blackface, this is embarassing.
Whatever you say, White Devil
A cobra jumps out of the toilet and bites me, causing me to have a seizure. I usually wake up right after.
There's a portion of guys who are not normie but only date normie girls then view the entire dating world through that lense and all their dating advice to other guy is centered around trying to date normie girls. Really weird and kind of pathetic.
Yeah that definetly is rooted in some sort of sexual trauma.
i meant more like, your ambition
Exactly, if you're a eugenically deficient autistical freak you date other autists and make genetically deficient babies whose failures to launch will eventually doom humanity because we lack controlled breeding.
Were you raped?
normie girls are better than whatever the alternative is
Were you?
F Is "be yourself" just a meme?
Too many words with no real point, I'll ignore women and play games
Yes, actually.
M, I spent most of my early to mid 20s as pretty much an unpaid gigolo for disabled women, obese women, terminally ill women, friendless autistic women, and middle aged divorcee women.

You're not going to be banging the Playmate of the Month, my dudes. You take what's offered.
I’m 19 year old femanon and I’m feeling so horny. I wish I had dick pounding my pussy right now but I don’t want to hook up casually rather wait for the right person, ideally the guy I will have children one day with. What are some masturbation tips? Also for men, how does a woman riding your dick feel like? When I get to have sex I want to ride dick so bad, just the thought turns me on
Ah yes, because creating an artificial genetic bottleneck will help our species survive. Do you acutally believe this or are you pretending to be retarded?
Isn't every girl a normalfag
I mean I am shy lol
Gaming is a pathetic hobby
For me it's sorting cartoon nudes instead of talking to women
You probably deserved it for the way you treated women.
For women no
For men yes
Hey, that's a hot story. It's very unlikely the first person will be the "right" person.
Go away.
This dream symbolizes feeling attacked or threatened by something that emerges from a place of vulnerability (like a toilet). The seizure could mean feeling overwhelmed or out of control due to this perceived threat or anxiety in your life. Any of this hitting on anything?
>very unlikely the first person will be the "right" person.
Nta, that's true but I think it's worth a try you know?
Maybe they will start to once the west has fully fallen in around 2070
I'm too old for you, kid. Go find someone your own age.
>I’m 19 year old femanon
I don't think you are.
Girls why do I have to have autism?
male hands
Nah, I'd rather stick with my hand and get high
Consider suicide.
Because the mercury in vaccines caused you to be autistic, and the gluten in your diet exacerbates your psychologically aberrant tendencies such as poor impulse control.
Why would I lie, there are remains here and I’m one of them
>Because the mercury in vaccines
Ah, so now it's the mercury? I thought it was the bacteria depositing itself in the gut and creating autistic entero-cholitis! Man, these anti-vax theories sure have changed.

Do touch starved girls even exist?
How does it make you feel that I got a rocket in my pocket?
A while ago though one girl said to another about me, "if anon actually wanted a girlfriend, he'd have one by now"... feelsbadman
Is New York City a real place? I feel like it's a fake place that got made up for the movies.
Women, when browsing atoga do you prefer inane questions, incel-posting, or genuine questions?
Real place full of fake people
It is, but only the places you've never heard about.
Each mercury in the vaccine is another micro-Jew in your bloodstream that accumulates Hebrew inflammation in the brain. You WILL autisle your children and you WILL eat the bugs!
I feel the same way about Canada.
It’s very real, but the romanticized version only exists in movies/tv
Why are are the girls here lesbians?
It's half true, half a meme.
Obviously if you're not attracting any women (or men) at all then just being yourself is not any good. If my "real self" is being an unemployed gooner jerking off to anime girls all day while eating my mom's cooking, is that my real self and I deserve a woman because I'm being myself? Obviously not.
However, contorting yourself just to attract people makes you fake and unauthentic. It's bad for several reasons. First, you won't enjoy it. Second, the person you met is not attracted to you but the person you're pretending to be, and you'll have to keep pretending for them to keep being attracted or they'll stop being attracted when you revert back to your real self. Third, you'll never be as attractive in the personality you're mimicking as a person who actually has that personality.
So there's a set of traits that someone can improve to make them more successful in dating. For men it can be: Fitness, Confidence, Social skills, Career or personal projects, some kind of goal you're trying to accomplish. Note that this is about IMPROVING and not "changing". Being fit is better than being fat. Being confident is better than being insecure. Being socially skillful is better than being socially awkward.
The issue comes when people try to change aspect of themselves that don't matter - that's where "just be yourself" is important. Like an introvert trying to pretend to be an extrovert. Being an extrovert isn't BETTER than being an introvert, it's just different. The issue is usually being thinking being an introvert is the same as being shy. If you're an introvert, just be yourself. This applies to plenty of other change men try to do like "I should drop this hobby I like and adopt this hobby women like" or "I should talk more like this and less like I talk" and so on. Just be yourself.
sexual trauma from guys with penises
short genuine questions
I don't know who I am.
girls are safe, men are not
M, vidya, tabletop wargaming, tabletop rpgs.
I don't count cooking as a hobby despite really enjoying it, since it is a necessity.
Without any context, it is really hard to say much. But believe it or not, even men aren't in the mood at all times.
No one kept him busy at Twitter unlike at Tesla, so his true colors showed through.
I've actually eaten bugs before. Grasshoppers and crickets have a similar texture to peanuts or cashews. I usually mix them up with brown rice for a nice crunch.
>Being an extrovert isn't BETTER than being an introvert, it's just different.
Tell that to all the extroverts during Covid.
Girls only seemed to find me interesting when I was out of my mind on drugs all the time. Now that I'm trying to stay sober I'm the most boring mofo alive.
As relevant as an elephant:

Do you go all-out when having sex for the first time with a new guy, or do you prefer restricting it to a few sexual activities and gradually unlock them? If so, what do you prefer doing in the first time?
Wear something eccentric (but not gay-coded) in public to get women's attention.
I'm not going to help you goon, anon.
No, but I'll help you goon. If you want to open up your legs I'll put a vibrator in there right now. If not, suit yourself, I guess.
>he thinks he has to unlock sex positions like a porn video game
Same here bro ):
Currently playing NiGHTS and life is good though
It doesn't matter if they find me outwardly attractive. I look better now than I did when on the drugs. I just got no rizz. I didn't do anything besides workout and try to distract myself.
When do you loose your childlike sense of wonder?
>Young lady catches the guy she has a crush on fucking her stepsister
>Her zombie friend who's been masturbating her with her vibrator punishes the guy by castrating his dick and balls with an axe, making it fly across the room

Women, how do you feel about the fact that this is part of the premise of this movie?
I never did and I’m 42.
A woman not finding me hot is such an ick to be honest. Complete red flag.
When I realized that my childlike sense of wonder didn't mesh well with my pubescent lust as an adolescent. And that my sexual curiosity was getting me in trouble because of how public and forward I was about it. My teachers and parents all thought I'd grow up to be some kind of rapey sex criminal.
Hey, I never did. But I'm autistic.
one article about one person. good job you think like a guy
about 12, men tend to be the reason why
Lmao, I would like to disagree with my wife, who not only plays vidya herself (The Sims, Dota 2, various sim builder games), but also enjoys watching when I play eg. Dishonored, Dawn of War 2, Dota 2 or some such. She's even made me a sandwich on several occasions without me asking for anything if I've been playing for a long time without a break
No way, they have too many unfriendly neighbors both on land and sea.
Like, as in a sexual attraction to them?
Autistic women, do you want a bf/gf?
>I've been playing for a long time without a break
This how you know you're doing it wrong.
Why have you choosed a homosexualist lifestyle?
Women want us to hate them, right?
Why do women treat men as if they were *all* fuckboys?
I feel like I lost it when I was line 6/7 and became suicially depressed for the first time, but I still try to recapture bits of it where I can
He's known to behave like a creep and a sexual predator. Why do his "friends", most of whom are women, tolerate his behaviors?
It's preferable to being raped.
>Lmao, I would like to disagree with my wife, who not only plays vidya herself (The Sims, Dota 2, various sim builder games), but also enjoys watching when I play eg. Dishonored, Dawn of War 2, Dota 2 or some such. She's even made me a sandwich on several occasions without me asking for anything if I've been playing for a long time without a break
This sounds repulsive
If your adult parents threaten you with violence as an adult. You should treat them to a lesson about aggrivated assault.
Because they are.
What makes a person be suicidal at 6?
What is even in those files?
Are you black?
No we aren't, we are romantic and wholesome....
His adult parents are responsible for paying for his GRID treatment. If he ends up on bad terms with them, they stop paying for the meds to treat the rare cancer found in homosexuals.
some drugs that they give kids for hyper activity can have that effect
guys being creepy and pedo-like
It's usually just silly stuff like vending machine toys.
I see the femanons have stopped ovulating
My favorites are those trackable items like Geocoins or Travel Bugs which are meant to travel from cache to cache and be logged online by finders as they move.
Do you think he forcibly sodomized you?
>having a gf/bf while browsing /atoga/
This is emotionally cheating.
Oh, stop it, anon. You're just jealous.
I had a dream I visited Australia and kept visiting this Asian barber who really liked it when I’d sieg heil him and he let me have sex with his daughters who all had big butts but glaring flaws (one had a moustache), then I got lured into a shopping mall where some guy was flinging this comically huge playing cards at me to cut me in half.
Question for women-
Are "incel" beliefs about women or general resentment of women by a man off-putting for women? If so, is it because you think the guy with such belief system would never love and cherish you?
Childhood trauma + predisposition for mental illness lol
I have no reason to be jealous of anyone who browses /atoga/ or their poor neglected partner.
lol nice try, they are pathetic and whine all the time
You have no idea just how much women are sexualized from an early age. It's not only sexualization though, it's deeper. It's the awareness of their own bodiliness that fucks them up. And it is the girls own body that forces itself upon her in monthly reminders of periods and in outwardly visible budding of breasts. Society, too, makes sure that the girl is aware of this, that she is aware of her own body. She is told to pay more attention to the way she dresses and acts. And she also becomes the center of male attention. Men of all ages check her out, but she didn't ask for this.
Whiny and self centered perspective.
I'll do the second half. Feeling overwhelmed or pressured by external influences or societal norms (shopping mall). The cards may represent feeling threatened or attacked by something seemingly trivial or childish. Being cut in half suggests a fear of being divided or unable to integrate different aspects of yourself or your life.

Are you gay?
A lot of them don't - they just view women as subhumans, that have life on easymode and someone who is feel entitlement for male models, while being average at best.
What other perspective is there?
>Are you gay
No? But if you keep asking I’ll start to wonder.
Yes I do believe he is a self hating homosexual in the closet. I'll be keeping my boyfriends from talking to you. Good day sir.
it’s mostly the creepy guys thing
If you're so upset that guys want to have sex with you, you're probably gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
a lot of them do, time for a nap, incel
my paranoia is acting up
I want absolutely nothing to do with my female acquaintances right now for fear of creeping them out but I have zero reason to think that.
Gender and age, not interested if you use a dishwasher.
When you wash dishes do you fill it with soap and water and wash the dishes in that?
Apparently alot of people run the water and not fill up the sink, just wash it under the running water.
found the pedo
I waste da water.
Fuck da earth.
A lot of the resentment stems from them simply not being loved by anyone or they just feel pressure to fuck as many girls as possible, while failing miserably at it, not even realizing, that what they really need is love....
It's actually very sad and it's wrong to hate on such people... :(
You need to put yourself in their shoes.
you wash your dishes in dirty water?
Yes, men who resent women are off putting lol
The girl is literally a child at that point. Again, I doubt that you'll ever understand this. Maybe only if you were extremely attractive as a child. And now easily 10x this attention.
Grew up filling up the sink so that’s what I do.
Every accusation is actually a confession.
I don't fill up the sink but I don't just let the water run. If you fill up the sink the water just gets really gunky. It's like a bath, but worse.
Being a nonce is obviously wrong, the part that's dumb is she talks like being sexualized as an adult is something weird and horrible too.
Yes, but why exactly?
What's the worst part about it?
Did an incel say a mean thing to you or something or why are you so mad at them?
Filling up the sink is disgusting. Just run the water like a normal person.
Yes please. I’ll need a support bf when the neighbors begin shooting fireworks for the entirety of July.
Drown me in the shallow water
I wouldn't mind it. But I know I'm not very easy to deal with.
I use a cloth to get most of the staining off after scraping the rest of the food into the rubbish, fill sink with soapy water, clean, put aside. Once done I drain and replug then rinse the soapy water off under the tap while that water fills up the next round of water (usually for the pet dishes). I'll wash particularly dirty items last with the soap water.
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What are you views on psychology?
State gender
The worst part is the resentment lol
Why would I want to interact with someone who resents me
Run the water in my own home, fill the sink in others out of courtesy to save water, but change it when it starts getting dirty
F the guy diagnosing dreams seems to be pretty cool.
I’m a 12 year old pedo because a guy was a creepy pedo? what wishful pedo logic is this
Meme field, mainly made up of opinions
That changes very fast, if you start dating a fucking him tho.
How do you avoid a line drawn on a pen tablet ending in a little rat tail?
no I said they whine a lot, then you got triggered and started to whine a lot. lol you dumb bitch
Not really
You know, the guy who pumped and dumped you and resents you for being a dumb whore can't be an incel, right?
So why take it out on them?
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>they just view women as subhumans
You say that like this is a normal thing to think lmao
You have tried to date an incel?
>Being a nonce is obviously wrong
Literally every man is a nonce
>the part that's dumb is she talks like being sexualized as an adult is something weird and horrible too
Men and women's sexualities are not the same. They are not comparable. It feels bad to be constantly sexualized. A woman's negative reaction to all sexual advances, even in adulthood, is a sign of her being sexually immature, but it's also very understandable, given what she's gone through as a teen and a girl.
It's like feminist women/women that get pumped and dumped alot call men "pigs" or have a low opinion of them or whatever the fuck and then they get a boyfriend, then they get all cheery and bubbly and adopt a better view of men in general or at least think that their man is a huge exception.
Same thing with incels.
Why did it fail?
now you’re trying to imagine my life as some wishful cope, lol. as I said pathetic and whiny, good job anon
Many reasons, continual and constant negging, his mother, lack of effort on his side to meet me in the middle to maintain the relationship despite me clearly telling him what I needed (which wasn't much honestly)
I do see where you're coming from and I agree it's usually just a case of them lashing out and we should be empathetic to our fellow human yadda yadda
One the one hand you can't really expect women to feel comfortable around you and date you if you harbour resentment lmao, you need to work on those hangups yourself. Same with man-hating femcels, it's like uh why would I want to go out with someone who thinks men are scum when I can just go out with someone normal lol
You aren't autistic.
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>reposting my image
Not sure how I feel about this.
>been talking to a girl the past couple of weeks
>she’s 6/10 kinda cute blonde, and doesn’t seem like a whore, but also lives about 40 minute drive away
>tried to set up a date 4 times:
1. First on that day says she actually wasn’t available and we rescheduled for the next day, a couple hours before date would’ve happened says she actually was available but I hadn’t showered yet and was just playing vidya so said I couldn’t
2. On the next day she cancels it due to weather even though I was the one driving to a bar in her town, we rescheduled for the next day
3. On the next day she says she has a headache, so we rescheduled for the following weekend
>over the course of the following week she only talks to me to complain about here inane problems with her family and job
>gets pissy at me if I don’t reply quickly
>whenever I ask her something she either doesn’t reply or gives a non reply
>yesterday the day we rescheduled she doesn’t message me at all, I didn’t either to be fair, but it came up to the point where I would’ve driven over and I just couldn’t be bothered, ended up blowing it off and playing Victoria 2
>this morning she sends me a long message basically saying to never to contact her again

Who was in the wrong here?
Are all women like this? I’m not sure I actually want a gf now desu.
Psychology, putting stupid fucking Freudian shit and psychiatry aside, is just the process of examination. All the laws and rules are there because you’re basically a brain mechanic. It’s actually quite mystical and magical if you get deep into it.
No one will commit to you.
Like seriously, who would put up with you?
> lack of effort on his side to meet me in the middle to maintain the relationship despite me clearly telling him what I needed (which wasn't much honestly)
Be more precise
Hyperfocus can be a real bitch sometimes.
M, 29. If I do the dishes by hand, I rinse off the worst, then fill the sink with water and soap, change it when it gets too dirty. Unless I have just a small amount, in which case I just soap up and rinse, but never leave the water running.
M. Very interesting, but also very difficult field to get reliable results in. Also, I hate how much influence Freud's bogus still has in the field.
>Who was in the wrong here?
Sounds a lot like she was.
>Are all women like this?
Nope. Looks like you dodged a bullet.
People, who is in the wrong here >>31535615
Really wish people would stop asking if I'm gay cuz I'm scared I'm gonna be like Freddie Mercury and "find out" in like 30 years.
The same reason liberalism failed.
We agreed to take turns with travelling to meet up, he kept blowing me off saying he was busy with work but then would find time to have longer trips with friends during the time he said he was too busy with work to visit me. I had no problem with him having trips with friends, but had a problem with him telling me he couldn't spend that time with me because of work but could do it for friends.
I would try to make conversation and would be met with one word answers.
It didnt even feel like we were friends by the end of it. When I visited I would end up watching the back of his head while he gamed for 6+ hours, I could have stayed home and done my own thing instead.
The incel boyfriend was jewish?
The issue is modern capitalism is highly dependent on growth. Wtv issues made now is passed to a future larger population - their descendants. The concern isn't extinction, it's "who's gonna pay for my welfare and bills?" Fucking whiny bitches
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Yes I am anon.
oh wow.
Going through ig, see common friends of girls i befriended, some of them are incredibly cute, but i know i have nothing to offer even if by random chance they were single.
Idk about rat tails but I think I've heard that can be an issue with jitter doing diagonal lines on certain windows OS's or tablet styluses. Maybe your thing is related. I use the Tablet Pro R520c. Mostly because some tablet pens are ridiculously expensive and this one seemed moderate. I don't know if I would have had jitter without it, but it works fine for my purposes.
Butt plug anons:

if I buy one with an extended neck, will it be less likely to pop out? I enjoyed wearing one during piv (I'm F) but it'd make its way out. What gives? Is firmness related? My next one is gonna be extra soft.
I naturally don't have the tolerance to chase after attention so it just tailed off until I finally dumped him. After a few attempts to state my expectations (meeting up and spending time together, full conversations) i pulled the plug. That was over multiple months though.
That's hot.
I think you've just blown out your asshole, ive never had one fall out before lol yikes
Yesterday at work I was in the break room and I was getting up to leave and when I turned around this girl was looking at me and looked away. Later I saw her in the back room and we made eye contact again and she looked away and out of the corner of my eye I saw her look back. Wtf was her problem?
Stuff like that happens to me all the time

I think they can detect my incel energy
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good is the relationship where the guy-
1. Takes you out on a beach to spend time together and drives you around in a car or just invites you to his place to fuck.
2. Never talks about his feelings and actively avoids it.
3. You do most of the talking, but he sort of kinda engages in it too a little.
4. You have to carry the weight in it.
I don't believe you, hagposter.
State gender, how low would you settle for your bf/gf's appearance, rated out of 10?
Like a 3. Long as they aren't fat.
she looked back at me while i was behind her like 7 times to make sure i wasn't looking at her ass. i don't understand what i do to be creepy. she asked a work question and i gave her an answer. she walked in the direction i had to go so i was behind her by like 10ft. am i just ugly or some shit?
M, number ratings have always been weird to me, I either find her attractive or not
My husband is a 10
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This kinda thing, I mean.
Are you making fun of me >>31536190
because that’s not very nice if true
Girls would you date a guy who cries at video games for children
What would happen if I started drinking energy drinks daily at 30yo?
I don't feel like I could openly enjoy my hobbies in front of my gf 2bh
Yea I read a childrens book i read as. akid and sttarted crying
Why not 8?
I recently tried watching The Land Before Time again. Couldn't do it.
Turns out gooning and raging at non-whites isn't all that sexy.
That's stabilization. Adjust it or your pen pressure settings.
Do you have a gf or are you speaking hypothetically?
I used to have energy drinks every day
Just stick to coffee brah
Ughh, I know right ;_;
That movie is feels
The only positive is him spending time and driving.
If he is shy, does that make it better?
I assume this was just a joke or rando prompt, but on the off chance this is actually you or anyone you know, you/they really need some self introspection if you think this is okay
>tfw my first thought looking at this thumbnail was lines of coke
I need to stay clean bros
>The only positive is him spending time and driving.
You'd feel like he is using you?
And my buddies and sisters wonder why I don't touch coke. I'll never forget the coworker I had who did coke once in his life and wouldn't stfu.
>buddies and sisters wonder why I don't touch coke
Wait what
Are they cokeheads or something
I've only just started doing anything like this and I'm no size queen idk. Is there a way to do like, kegels for my butt?
Yeah and my brother too. They all have a drug problem, one way or another.
Is there any benefit for a guy to do kegels?

This was my first relationship.
I know now that it was bad, but i'm surprised it's that bad.
I was just embarrassed to tell her about my feelings and show more affection to her, because I had never done it before and I was afraid to open up for her.
I think it would rbeak me I couldnt even watch as a kid
>Ughh, I know right ;_;
Its over for us sensitive heads
I'm not interested in men who wont commit or express their feelings, or hold conversations
No, otherwise homos wouldn't have blown out donut assholes
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Oh shit bro, hope they're ok
Fr haha
Better than being emotionally numb I suppose
Anyway time to play an upbeat game
Oh, man... Littlefoot's mom. Haven't thought about that in years.

why is he so cute yet so mentally ill
break up
It's called the hotness-crazy scale babe
Would you date a girl with a blown out asshole?
Nothing shameful man. My wife found it endearing when I cried at the end of Iron Giant when he sacrifices himself to save everyone else.
So I have to express y feelings to women, no matter how uncofortable it make me and even if i'm not ready?
Yeah, why not? I'm big enough.
yes but i have no intentions of ever doing anal
Why is it blown out?
I do, and it's very awesome!
She has a very beautiful feminine penis.
will you ever be ready? can you never ever start an interesting conversation or something about your day or something that you enjoy?

do what you want but people are gonna feel how they feel
uhhhh,,,, wht hapen
favorite porn sites?
All the other girls at my synagogue love it too!
And /gif/ but have to filter out all the troons, fags and other shit
But sometimes you can find a thread with some gold in it, especially butt worship etc
women really are needy about emotions and shit.
>parents concerned that I'm depressed
>literally afraid to leave me alone just to go on vacation for 3 days
I am depressed, that part is true, but it's because I'm trying so hard to stay off the drugs so I don't hit rock bottom and try to kms like I did 6 months ago
You tried to kms. They have a reason to be worried.
and feelings.
Stop lying
Abuse stats THE highest between lesbians
Sounds like they're correct to worry
I really think it's just pent up sexual frustration.
When I first learned about abortion and pedophiles
I don't know how to not be depressed. Drugs are the only things that help but I'm trying really hard to stay sober.
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>girls don't like video games because reasons
tfw I just saw this posted by a girl (not a tranny) online
best NiGHTS collection I've ever seen :o
chat collection
Is your window open? Fresh hair and sunshine
Are you not able to go on vacay with them bro?
How spoiled were you?
Not really desu. I had a poor single mom growing up so we didn't have a lot
>Fresh hair
Also that doesn't work for me. I literally have a tan from how much cardio I do outside.
I have to work which is honestly a good thing because it keeps me out of trouble and it's a good job. Also my family, I love them, but they stress me out.
My friends that haven’t killed themselves have just ran out into the wilderness and have become hermits.
Does anything make you happy? Other than drugs.
nice, they know whats up
F I was an only child so... yeh.
>mom sends me a Facebook video
>have to actually go to a page to view it
>before I can click off, see profile of cute girl
>recognize her as a someone from my high school who was a freshman when I graduated
>think to myself "wow she's grew up sexy"
is that a predatory thought?
Women but they don't care so much for me nowadays. Really, no hobby does it for me unless I'm high. Drugs really turn me into such a different person.
>Is an adult woman sexy?
Have you tried getting professional help? What's your sleep schedule like? Diet?
how unfortunate I am grieving the reality of wasted time and being exhausted by him

wish he was more easy to talk to I feel depleted of energy which could have been used to find someone else rn
How the fuck do I meet a man in real life?
>Have you tried getting professional help?
the professionals are the ones who got me hooked on benzos to begin with. then they weened/cut my supply and that's what caused me to go suicidal
>What's your sleep schedule like? Diet?
fine and could be better. I don't eat fast food anymore and I try not to eat out but my family really enjoys that.
You don't, no one does, stop asking, we spend our lives in solitary on 4chan and social media, video games, and hobbies for 40 years, and we die alone and bitter from a heart attack at 60-80.
Sounds good to me, so be quiet and accept it.
How dumb
are you a nice girl or mean one?
Take it up with God, I don't make the rules.
>then they weened/cut my supply
Over how long?
Women would your man reading a sexy fantasy/smut to you do anything for you? Roleplaying the man/men and such
Pretty mean to be honest.
would you accept a depressed former addict? Ah, of course you wouldn't.
She probably would.
6ish months or so? Less than that, actually. I just remember changing my meds in summer then by Dec I was completely out of my mind.
Just say hi at the bar
I like exploited college girls. I like how they talk to them first
Do you have any symptoms of depression or anxiety during that?
what do you do that makes you mean? Was it caused by the spoiled childhood?
james deen did a series where he met and fucked fans (legit), some of them are really good
I'm trying. I really am. Otherwise I wouldn't be depressed, I'd just be a junkie.
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nhentai, paheal, rule 34 video, giantess booru, h-flash, newgrounds, gelbooru
I don't look at pr0n often tho
>I don't look at pr0n often tho
I think so. I expect to get my way a lot.
He doesn't need to look at porn when he's drinking and doing drugs and partying with women in real life.
Anyone want to make a voca?
tfw no petplay ageplay switch bf
Don’t be fat. It’s literally that easy.
that would be very cool
Hey npd anon, are you here? <3
what animals? Do you go for older dudes?
Should I ask out the grocery girl? I've been split from my ex for 2 months now.
Don't do druggz, simple ass.
Tortured anime protagonist inner monologue.
(This is a serious question I am slightly autistic)
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I mean I've been using these sites on and off for years lol
Eh that's tapered down now lol
I was just playing Space Channel 5 as mommy Pine, that was basically porn
When you hate yourself so much you lose respect for any guy who shows interest in you

How do I fix this
Unironically just gaslight yourself into being normal, that’s how I stopped being racist. Lie to yourself enough times and it becomes your truth.
I think you're overthinking it desu, she may've just been vacantly looking (or she likes you :o)
You're a girl, you have innate value. What makes you so worthless (supposedly) ?
me but invert the genders, maybe we would get along
I like chubby girls desu
This has been working for other things but this is such a uncontrollable compulsion. I will find immediately consider him stupid if he likes me
There’s a billion girls who are better than me
I try to just think positive like "wow they're showing interest in me, they must be a really good caring person and not shallow to bat so below their league"
But there's only one (You). ^_^
Or we would be mortal enemies
Cultivate some skills.
High risk high reward, the could even be an enemies to lovers arc
>There’s a billion girls who are better than me
Why? They got some boobs or ass that you don't? They got some high degree or high income career that you're lacking? BITCH, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT. Just show me what's in your heart and I'll know that you're the love of my life.
I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and while my arms aren’t very big they are relatively well-defined. Maybe she was miring the gains. Or maybe she just thought my haircut and/or Shadow the Hedgehog hoodie look retarded. I was gonna try to say hi to her and begin building a rapport but the only time I would’ve been able to do that was right at the same time she was walking past a conversation I was part of wherein a dude LOUDLY said something about telling another man to suck his dick. She laughed. I looked at her and she gave a smile but it seemed forced. I don’t know what to think anymore man these wenches are trying to pour smoke into my head
And I’m a piece of shit
Yeah? How so?
I wish there was a site that only had videos of non-trafficked non-exploited non-addict women having real sex with guys who actually care about them, pro and amateur. I would go there to watch nice stuff like that all the time
I guess
Like what
That sounds fun yea let’s do it
It feels like they are making up a version of me in their heads. They say all these nice things and I am just confused because it all sounds like lies. And then I get resentful because I think they’re trying to trick me
only fans?
At least, I assume most girls do it out of their own will.
This is a massive mood right here
This is why I prefer 2D and then just use my imagination from there
I want that grocery girlussy, but actually I just want to get to know her. Wtf is up with that? She's very cute.
Should I just keep using the yeast infection medicine for a few days even though it is already going away? I want that stupid fungus obliterated
Ye that is the typical recommendation
Finish the full course.
Also I saw her without a mask for the first time and she was very very cute. Not a maskfisher. Ok that's the end of the grocery girl blog.
That's cute bro
How much have you talked to her?
Yes, finish it.
Not a lot, off and on occasionally when I see her. Nothing too deep. It's kinda hard to strike up a riveting conversation in a grocery line.
No I mean getting a whole new course I’m about to finish the box I got
way funnier than it should be
That's mostly for seeing some girl in particular be sexy though
Are there no couples on there?
I've actually never used OF.
For JH, it was when she entered a consensual relationship with her uncle.
you sound fat
Nah, you good.
Meanwhile rn I'm reminiscing about this absolutely stunning black air hostess I had on a flight a while back. That's the only reason I paid attention to the safety demonstration and in-flight announcements desu...
I haven't either, I only know it as a site to see e-girls
yes but they were slight and then suddenly ramped up just before I crashed
I literally had one really bad day, thought it was a fluke, then had another, messaged my doc, spent the next day drinking trying to stave off the panic attacks then went full blown episode the next day and checked myself in before it was too late
I wish straight women were real
Something tells me I shouldn't use that line on her.
The difference is I can still ask out grocery girl haha.
I hate lesbians so fucking much
Yeah I'm never gonna see the goddess flight attendant again D:
Take a shot with grocery girl anon pls
6’1” 175
I'm just worried that I'm not over my ex. We only went no contact a week ago, been broken up for 2 months after 6 years of being together. I actually like grocery girl too so it's not like its some rebound. Obviously no guarantees grocery girl will like me, cuz we haven't spoken much but, is it too soon?
Honestly don't care for that
I hate bi women
I don't want to compete with a different species of human
Should I take a shit?
or let it ferment some more.
why do you lose respect for him?
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Hold it in till you can violently shoot the turd out your asshole like a torpedo
why do I sort of like a guy who hates himself this is exhausting he likes me but isn't "there"
I need to alter my diet, my shits lately have been lacking in structure, need fiber, lots.
You didn't tell the doc, did you?
>I literally had one really bad day, thought it was a fluke, then had another
You don't mess around with benzo withdrawal, anon.
reconsider your taste in guys
Literally everything makes me think of her. It has been two years
i dunno, he sounds like me and i wouldn't want my misery to rub off on a girl. consider dating a normal
hell yeah I told him after the fact
I got put back on a lighter dose of a slightly different benzo and outside of some really rough shit immediately after the crash, I've been doing better
every got damn is a struggle not to get fucked up out of my mind though
yeah I know that now
No woman is gonna do porn without being fucked up
what about all the hoes on OF?
>tfw no gf to tickle and poke me withe her long nails
What about them?
are they also fucked up?
Why would you think otherwise?
You do need a bit of mental illness to be an exhibitionist.
>tfw no gf
I think being an exhibitionist is different from being a pro who is not necessarily turned on by what they are doing
>tfw no
Hmm I’m gonna do it just for fun
I've been trying roleplaying sites but I'm not interested in canon, furries, being an underage boy or banging an underage girl
M or F
What's the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word Creampie?
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>femanon: you gotta be insane if you think we fuckin
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frank sinatra
you know
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>Me chilling outside
>girl scoffs as she walks past me
Family Guy,
>tfw no cool gf
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M, picrel. I just happen to be hungry right now.
>tfw no ice queen gf
I could fix her but she'd still be obnoxious and self centered so I'd rather watch her burn herself to cinders
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Nah teenagers get what they deserve. The fact of the matter is he fucked around and found out. What a pussy, crying to authorities.
The husband tho...
Stop don't bring that horrible subreddit into this thread
She wouldn't have done this if the teenager was a mini Chad and not a sub 5 teen boy. She would have cucked her husband and never said anything.
It would only be based if she had the dignity to smack a mini Chad but you just KNOW she didn't she smacked a innocent ugly kid who did it because it was the closest he was ever going to get to milf pussy.
There's no way you believe this.
Femanons, the whole PIV got me really confused, but from what I gathered, it feels good in a different way than clitoral stimulaltion. Clit masturbation is something men can relate to the most since it has the same stimulation as the penis, but PIV feels like a "really good massage?" Am I getting that right?
Rape is just a social construct that is discrimination against ugly men because if the man were good looking women do not have the morals to say no. I believe it.
No you don't.
Why am I so scared of sex while wanting it more than anything
Yes I do. I really do. If I saw a photo of the boy in that story I guarantee you he would be a sub 5 male, not a mini Chad. It would prove my point.
Well then you are simply mental ill.
That's just what being a man is like, you'll get used to it.
I'm a woman
a husband should stand by his wife in this situation imotbqh
Thats just what being a man is like, you'll get used to it.
No I am self aware. In a society of delusion that can br considered mental illness but in my opinion you're all insane for not being able to see it.
When you guys do this I imagine a little kid putting his fingers in his ears and going lalalalala I'm not listening
Thats just what being a man is like, you'll get used to it.
Generally, thinking that everyone is insane but yourself, is a mark of insanity.
poop and pee
Thank you for the anal sis Dr Freud but that doesn't change the fact that rape would not exist if the man was good looking as women would instantly consent to all sexual advances.
She didn't over react at all
She should've kicked him in the balls
She isn't going to fuck you bro.
You want more analysis? You sound like a gigantic homosexual who dreams about these gorgeous hardbody chads to come to your world and make you a beautiful sissy girl who can't say no.
Good talk bro.
No I wish for a world where women had the dignity to say no like I said but that doesn't exist.
Instead of just arguing back and forth you could have already silenced me by posting an example of a handsome man having rape charges against him actually pressed and what not but you haven't because you and I both know that does not exist.
Also you assume Chad means masculine when it just means beautiful man.
You really think she would have pushed and smacked some teen pretty boy 4 inches shorter than her thin as a rail?
Fuck no. She probably slapped a ugly athlete who got dared by his buddies and was taller than her.
Okay, let me just put in "handsome man having rape charges against him actually pressed" in google for your sick, twisted, sexy fantasy.
Did you really double reply to prove how not-gay you are?
The parents are at fault here for not disciplining their kid despite overwhelming evidence, a slap isn't that big of a deal
Not what I said. I said you think Chad is masculine as you implied and pointed out you don't even know what you're talking about.
Come back to me with that article. Until then you have nothing.
>uhhh the burden of proof is on you despite me making the insane claim
Clockwork. You're too funny man.
>teen tries to undo a mother's top in a public place
>first action is too sue them for assault
Those parents raise shitty children and then wonder how they end up as drug addicts and get dui's
Yeah the google search came up empty didn't it?
Thought so.
You cannot prove me wrong because there has never been a single SA charge on a hot guy before ever.
Rape is a social construct and discrimination against ugly men. It is that simple. Sorry you hate reality.
>Yeah the google search came up empty didn't it?
LMAO you think I actually smashed that into Google? No no, its your insanity, not mine.
idk, whats scary bout it. I love being so close to a cute girl I like
State gender.
Have you ever rejected someone and felt bad about it afterward? What made you feel that way?
where do I meet a clingy girl to make my gf
Hi girls
The Georgia O'Keef Museum inspired me to start drawing again. Is this pleasing to you?
Sure you didn't buddy.
Why do you even bother arguing anymore when you know you can't prove me wrong?
Right because you're angry at the world being this way and are lashing out at me for pointing it out.
Rape laws are discrimination against non chad men plain and simple.
Making them feel bad
I'm literally just laughing at you and farming (You)s. You are one bountiful little man, I'll give you that.
M. Never rejected anyone, since no one has asked me out ever.
Yeah, but that's because I'm mentally ill.
I've had girls that liked me that I knew who liked me and I didn't make a move and they didn't like it. Yes, it made me feel bad because technically it is a rejection of a nice gal I simply wasn't attracted to, or cause I liked someone else.
Whatever helps you sleep at night xir. For your generous exchange of equal (You) upvotes, have some 4chan gold kind stranger!
Yes, a girl asked me out in high school and I wasn't attracted to her. I was taking a drink from a water fountain when she did it and I just kept drinking and pretended I didn't hear it because I didn't know how to respond.
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I've lost like $10k on crypto this past month and for the first time in my life decided to take a pic of the crown of my head to check if I'm balding. I'm 23, how do I look? Things can't possibly get worse right heh.....
Why dont you ask your gf
Literally fine.
Nah, that's fine
I'd show you a pic of mine, but I'm too fat and balding to be presentable.
I'm F 23 and already have fine lines around my eyes. Is this ugly to guys? Am I just going to look worse and worse? I somehow look 14 and 43 at the same time
It's my sister's lol. I live at home
ty :)
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What are the benefits of having a wife?
Prob means youre smile is cute
I can give a kiss
People treat you a lot better
Having someone to build a life with is an amazing thing. Someone to love and be loved in turn.
I'm not questioning the benefits of having a wife, I'm questioning the benefits of women being able to vote.
sure, many times. it can be uncomfortable, sometimes it makes me feel bad. they had the courage to ask me out or confess their feelings for me and I have to ruin their day, month or year
There use to be benefits, but there aren't any anymore unless your a loser/bum with nothing to lose. If you are financially responsible and have your life put together I wouldn't recommend marriage and if you still want to get married I highly suggest moving to a country where divorce is illegal and marrying a traditonal woman from that country and never returning to this shithole we call the "first world"
>month or year
Don't be such a narcissist.
I dunno, I feel like if you're asking what the benefits are, she's not the right one.
Never had a gf before, but I'm sure if it's the right one you'll want to marry her instantly.
Hi girls
It turns out I draw like I haven't done it in multiple years. Could you please encourage me?
nah, I’ve been told this is the case from people I’ve rejected, or their friends.
Copmanionship, a confidant, physical intimacy, children, and of course sex.
For some guys it really do be like that though.
Yes I draw all the time even though I'm no good. It is for the soul and you must do it
There are millions of benefits to getting a wife there are 0 benefits to going through the process of getting one.
Sometimes I wish arranged marriages never stopped.
Pay less in taxes?
You can love a woman and have babies with her without marriage
Well you must be either Christina Hendricks tier or you're attracting mega losers. I think you being a narcissist is much more likely than those two.
I still feel shitty over every time I've been rejected, and some of those were more than 15 years ago. Doesn't mean I think about them often, but they still have an impact on my psyche and confidence.
I agree, arranged marriages were better than what we have now.
Men almost always win out. The irony is that women cannot or will not trade luxury for long term goals, men however can and will. Hence why western men are moving out of the west to marry and raise a family. The men that stay here and just drop out of society or do the bear minimum and live out in the middle of nowhere and retire early are also accusomted to living with very little to no luxury so regardless if the dating market will ever fix itself, regardless if the economy ever fixes itself, regardless if men ever get married or have kids. Men will be okay, women won't.
Marriage is great
Married men live longer, make more money, and are generally happier
As long as you two keep your egos in check and actively work on your life together it is a worthwhile endeavor
There's not much of a better feeling than making a cute girl happy. You get to protect her, love her, hug her, make and see her smile, smell her, touch her boobs. She makes cute noises and you get to hear her talk all the time. You get to look into her eyes as much as you want. She's willing to hold your hand. She laughs at your stupid jokes.
this is not uncommon for women, don’t get so triggered.
so I’ve heard, sorry that happened. do you carry any resentment for the people that rejected you?
I know a Jamaican dude who lives in Japan who has got his expenses down to 1,500 a month and he has literally every cent countered before he buys something and all the money he makes he just stashes into savings. He actually inspired me to follow in his footsteps and find out how little I can actually live with, without sacrificing things that I love to do.
>this is not uncommon for women
Apparently. You sure know to attract the biggest betas in the world I guess. But you are on 4chan after all.
yeah . . . . well there's load of benefits . . . . umm . . . . hmm . . . .
Yes and no. It’s good you’re drawing but Georgia O’Keefe is mid. At least get inspired by a Venus or a Leda and the Swan or something
Yeah, you're definitely overrating yourself and/or still riding high from attention you got when you were younger
The funny thing is that the US and Australia are using their intelligence agencies now to scare and bully men into getting married by censoring and making lists of people who tell the truth. I think its only going to make things worse, but the government is desperate for the simp economy to not collapse so they don't have to subsidize women via government money.
New thread
Both genders,
What’s a celebrity you think you’d be great dating if they weren’t famous?

M, I think I’d be a good match for Amy Winehouse
they aren't doing a very good job lol
I'm in New Mexico, not Madrid fampai
It just started, we'll see what happens but I wouldn't be surprized if they don't end up doing a good job. They let the ideas hang around for so long that I don't think its going to change man guys opinons, at the most they'll stop talking about it but they won't change how they live.
If they were smarter they would have tried to actually redress men's grievances, but that's not the kind of leadership we have, so lol
nah, enjoy your coping
I was never resentful toward any of them, but I'm certain it has contributed to the fact that I'm 30 and have never had a gf. But I don't blame them for that either.I just wish I knew how to make myself someone that women want to be with.
Not just mine considering another anon agreed. But yeah babe, you've totally scarred Matt and Tyson their whole lives because they couldn't get you for a quickie.
That's against their ideology and I wouldn't be surprized if a lot of the money the government gets to sustain itself isn't so much through taxes but through divorces and hedging financial bets on the next generation. They might say "Oh, yeah we are trying to save the economy!" and that is partly true, but in reality they are trying to save their biggest money funnel. The fact that they aren't trying to save the coonsoomerist money funnel just shows that they don't really make a lot of money off of taxing consumer goods.
ah yes the good ol days of two years ago when I was so young and only got more attention now. why are you guys so upset and have to make up these stories?
Women being arrogant is a fairytale? Are you high?
Dude you two are coping hard over reality, you sound like the beta simps that got rejected
Okay, what's more believable?
A) You are overreacting, those guys aren't nearly as scarred by your rejection (if it's as gentle and nice and you didn't publicly emasculate them)
B) You attract insane men.
Who's coping? I'm a sane man who, went rejected, it stings in the moment but I get over it fast.
I'd also like to point out women who talk like this are universally terrible human beings
Obviously, yeah. She's a narcissist.
it keeps changing huh, it’s narcissism, you were young, they are betas, women be arrogant! lol so triggered over a common experience
Now kiss
Changing? It's all of the above. You're practically an archetype.
God I wish. I'd fuck the narcissist right out of her.
ive never been rejected or asked anybody out but i dont think being rejected would ruin my day, much less anything greater. those dudes sound like pussies
bait used to be believable, here's one for the effort.
They are. The only times dude pussy out that hard is if she emasculates them or they developed feelings during a friendship.
It's insane how mad you are lmao.
They were and she let it get to her head. Happens everyday
even if my work crush ejected me i would only be sad for 2 or 3 days, tops
As opposed to the crazy moids who you rejected because you're a solid 9 or something. They are in for a lifetime of pain due to losing out on a chance to worship your perfection.
im this dude>>31536992
I just think that some guy losing sleep and being depressed for long periods of time over a rejection are fags. i also think you're a fag
Takes one to know one. Thanks for not saying NTA you retard.
i didnt have to say nta beacuse i didnt reply to anybody. why are you so mad? go to bed
Oh jeez sorry for having any amount of passion. I'm totally steamed, yup. Also I can't go to bed because I work nights. Why don't you?
? passion? over some 4chan posts? lololo u r a fag . idgaf about sleep i dont care if i have to be at work tommorow morning
How many SSRIs you on? Yeah I choose to care about things, suck me. Fucking zoomer slut.
none. why are you getting so mad, did you get rejected and got assmad about it for 6 months lmao. also you still think im that woman poster
Men who say stuff like this care about women the least despite having the most success with them.
Suck me regardless little boy. And no, I'm neither mad nor have I ever stewed on rejection like that.
i should have clarified, ive also never had a gf lol
so why are you still replying and insulting me? I just dont find it hard to believe that some losers that asked the girl out would "have their year ruined" and was just making a throwaway post itt.
You are damn noble! I guess in your little zoomer world, people replying to you is weird. That's all good, cya.
>hes literally blindingly pale
k bye bye

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