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Last Episode: >>31534867
That's me on the left!
Both genders,
What’s a celebrity you think you’d be great dating if they weren’t famous?

M, I think I’d be a good match for Amy Winehouse
He doesn't love me?
I honestly don't know any celebrities and I honestly would want to date any of them anyway. A lot of them are insufferable for one reason or another.
Women, Would you date a fat and balding guy?
Would you date a man if he looked like a girl?
Nicki Minaj. Because she's hot and aggressive and I'm submissive and want to worship her.
nta, but probably.
Men, if a woman has traveled to Dubai, what's your initial thought?
jessica biel ca. 2006
Cleveland steamer.
Then you have yoru answer.
she's going to pound town
No i don't
Unless it was for work or a family trip, probably not someone I want to be with. Good chance she's an influencer, a party girl, a gold digger, or something of that sort.
She is trans or she has fucked dogs or she is trans and has fucked dogs. Any jetsetting women I meet that wants to date me I filter.
Yes you do, its right there.
I want this image but the genders flipped
why don't women like aggressively making out with men?
seriously one of my favorite pics ive seen itt. thats exactly how i feel about big kisses...
That is way too much saliva for me
Just downloaded Tinder, what should I expect?
but sloppy blowjobs are my fetish
They don’t want to date you, that filter does nothing
That's MY saliva that's fine. His is the problem.
i love sloppy kissing so much its silly
How would you know? Jetsettin women = educated = average statistical rate of divorce being 35%, if you were to canvas a women most likely to get divorced they would have those characteristics, they aren't wife material.
why? you have male saliva?
depends. if you’re a guy not much going to happen. if you’re a woman you will match with most people
Both genders
Do you think unique/uncommon first names are interesting, a turn off, or seriously not phased by them? Would you prefer a partner with a “normal” first name over something very uncommon?
My GF and I (27 and 29) are both virgins. We do get intimate to some extend though. Handjobs fingering, etc but no oral. I can make her cum easily but she can’t make me cum.

Today she said that I might have ED. I can keep an erection the whole time, so I explained to her that she is wrong and what ED means.

Anyways, her words hurt my feelings for some reason, no man wants to hear that I guess even if they don’t have it.
Should I bring this up with her, I don’t know what it will accomplish; it is eating me alive though.
If I look like her how do I find a guy like him
They're whatever as long as they aren't too flower child. My ex had a common name but spelled really stupidly, which I didn't care about except that she lied about her name. For some reason this is a common occurrence with women I date.
I always love the shocked pikachu face when women find out that living like a man, being educated, and having money isn't attractive to men. The happiest men I know married women who never went to college but were nice and easy to get along with.
I hate large quantities of saliva that is not my own, especially if it's cold.
Besides the weird veiny nose, she just looks average?
you are no longer virgins
Education people don’t act against their own self interest and the well being of others. Guess you went a different direction
Maybe moist critical, mr beast, or dicaprio. Clean shaven only. So cute.
But they probably all hate me due to celeb status, especially dicaprio because I'm old.
You're putting too much pressure on yourself + she might just be a lousy lay.
>Education people
Educated people*
A non-educated women wouldn't make that mistake and you proved my point.
Live on the East Coast and hit on men with partial Jewish ancestry
MAYBE if it was a family trip i wouldn't mind but if she went for literally any other reason I just know she was flown there to get fucked
I like doing that but men usually have facial hair that is icky and hurts my face so I don't.
>Education people don’t act against their own self interest and the well being of others.
>Getting married and being a homemaker and a mother is now "against their own self interest".
This is why men are fleeing the country to marry non-western women. They actually have their heads on straight and their goals align with the men that want to marry them.
They would, happens all the time while typing in a phone. Good job, dummy
i'm always clean shaven so I guess I'll keep doing that
They do, I had a girl be like that, you get used to all the saliva while it's happening, but you really feel like whipping that shit off as soon as you stop making out kek
What’d she lie about? How it was spelled? Like spelling it more normal or more uncommonly? Example, was her name something like Ashley but she was spelling it as Asheleigh or the other way around? Or just going by a completely different name all together?
>Should I bring this up with her
No. She didn't say it to hurt you she said it because she doesn't understand. You're feeling insecure.

What exactly would be the point of bringing it up? Do you want her to apologize?
Feminism really did free us from them and they can't stand it lol.
It was never about making women happy it was about making men miserable, a lot of the foundational feminist writers said that women need to become unhappy because being free and miserable was a better outcome than being a wife and happy. It lied to women and said it would give them everything while delivering nothing.
It’s so funny reading those stories about guys traveling for wife realizing they aren’t much different there
She lied about her last name, for starters. And her name is easily doxxable because I've never seen her first name spelled that way before by anyone. It was essentially swapping a vowel and consonant that sound the same, kinda.
>you get used to all the saliva
NTA. To each their own. I don't think I'll ever get used to it. Just stop for a second and swallow instead of drooling on my face I don't get it.
Yeah that is because they to go areas that are exposed to a lot of western tourists and become westernized. There are 100 million chinese women who are unmarried, you really think anyone is going to have trouble dating any of them?
just a couple of guys being triggered by women again, what happened this time did someone ask about cold approaching?
>you really think anyone is going to have trouble dating any of them?
Chinese men apparently lol
China's simp economy collapsed and a lot of chinese women are becoming prostitutes of living on the streets, its sad but even chinese men are refusing to marry chinese women because of the exact same problem. If its from influence from the west or just female nature, who knows. Either way the population is doing to nose dive for at least 3 generations at this point. Maybe things will become affordable again and labor jobs will actually start to demand a decent wage.
Yes, happens all the time.
Ahh gotcha. Lying about her last name definitely seems suspicious if she was in a relationship with you. I wouldn’t ever lie about my first name which I definitely find uncommon (never met anyone that has the same name), but I still feel people think it’s dumb or judge me for it sometimes
>but she can’t make me cum.
No, she is right. Death grip is part of ED.
You will take years to fix yourself back to being able to cum with sex.
It's weird because I've had 4 gfs and she's the second one to lie to me about her name. No idea why. Maybe I have a type or maybe I'm too intense. It's weird because I only found out after she moved in with me and confessed at the airport.
Because they are chinese lol.
As someone who had dated multiple asian women the pool there is way less polluted than the western pool. Sure you get the golddiggers and women who ask like western women but they are very easy to pick out because unlike the west, asian women are way more blunt about their demands.
Non of this is correct, where did you get that idea?
guess it depends on the girl, that one gf used to lick my face and neck a lot, like non-stop for like 10 minutes, we all have our own little things we like to do to show affection, i suppose...
You've been out of the loop, China has been doing some crazy prostitution ring busting 100k women arrested in a month.
I'm not talking about licking I'm talking about when they're kissing you and saliva leaks out of their mouth onto your face.
Let me make out with your necks plz
Woah nice, link?
I know for a fact that there are tons of homeless people in China now because my brother married a Chinese girl and her family said that theres a lot more homeless people around than normal. I mean there's a lot more homeless women in the US as well, but the videos I've seen its way worse where they live.
Both genders,
What are attractive features that aren’t sexy?

It’s an attractive quality to me when a woman is good with handling money
Chinese middle class was devestated by a lot of countries switching their manufacturing from China to India because of Covid, even america has the majority of their manufacturing in India now.
I feel doomed. How am I supossed to find a man to marry here
>What are attractive features that aren’t sexy?
She's not annoying
Are you fucking crazy?
When he is clean and knows how to clean
Sweeney. we can wrench shitboxes together
Foxcomm left last week and there are videos on the internet of employees begging the CEO, literally hands on knees kowtowing for them to stay.
Okay cool, but the link?
I meant in the country I live in right now
Starting to think this didn’t happen you guys are very reluctant to share information
I volunteer
Oops. You don't have to be confined to that, though. Lotta opportunity online.
hit me up
Okay pinkie.
I know nothing about celebrity personalities but Im going to say Anya Taylor Joy, Jenna Ortega, or Zendaya cause they are cute
Oh. This isn’t saying much. Good luck finding easy wife in China
I find the idea of spitting in each other's mouths really hot, do women like this?
I know what kind of relationship I want, but I dunno how to find the right person and I am afraid of being judged
You are actually fucking crazy.
Sis don't do that. Don't give these useless men hope.njsk8
To have better success on hinge
Call me
No spit
Only suck and lick for clean
It is attractive when she can communicate clearly
Do you know how phone numbers work anon there's no area code
Is it just standard practice for girls to put a guy on when he talks to them in public randomly? Like you go along with him asking you out and say you're interested in dating just so he can leave?
Last 10 girls literally have done this to me. Should I give up? I thought girls wanted to be talked to. They even complinent me but I feel delusional like that special kid you ask to prom just because you feel bad for him. It's a horrible feeling
>That isn't saying much
THis is how I know you haven't watched the video.
Then why the fuck would they post them?
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>I know what kind of relationship I want, but I dunno how to find the right person and I am afraid of being judged
555 is the area code but it isn't used by the telephone network. you're probably too your to remember 7 digit phone numbers
i only plan on marrying a clingy woman sorry
Having clear goals in life.
Its basically the same thing
hit me up babe (404)-850-6089
The first one is a silent hill reference and the second is a song reference
Youre a male and you want a woman to have clear goals in life? Are you a faggot?
Youre supposed to go on /soc/ read all the profile advertisements, and choose one guy to exchange discord info, then you go on from there. You aint getting real info on here
Bold strategy
No thank you. Also not a woman.
Racism is on the rise in China too, state funded and a bunch of stabbings have been carried out on foreigners. It got so bad that a lot of foreign investors pulled their money from China.
my period is a week late, pregnancy test is showing negative tho. This has happened before but what are the odds that I'm pregnant? My bf always wears a condom and I put it on for him to make sure that it's safe and secure
Please don't tell me you're 29 years old...
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>told a girl i work with that she looks nice when she smiles and she should smile
Girls: Just how bad did I fuck up here? I've recently heard this is the worst thing you can say to a woman.
Also I could definitely dial just the 7 digit number as a kid my mom didn't teach me the other digits.
Idk, I like what I like
Not her, but I'm gonna call it
I'm 20 actually
thats just my cousins number
Wow, you're a faggot.
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he looks like this guy
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I feel really guilty that I blew off a girl who threw herself at me when she recognized me while I was out with a couple friends last weekend, I did it because we were on a study abroad trip two years ago and she was a massive BDP whore that tried to sleep with my buddy who she knew had a wife and kid. She was also just really bitchy behind our backs. But I feel shitty because, as a man, I should be sexually active. Is this unusual? I'm also a massive erotophobe but I still probably would've leapt at the opportunity for *some* kind of female companionship if it wasn't her of all people.
dude its 1:30 your going to wake some poor old boomer up or something
They seemed pissed I called so late, so I said someone on 4chan posted it and he said "I can guess who" and hung up.
>My bf always wears a condom
Holy shit imagine being this cucked
Your bf bf is whipped
No odds hun. You're just panicking. It's ok. We all do it.
gone through any stress lately? any major changes in diet?
I know people say "dont stick your dick in crazy" but what if she's really hot?
Yeah girls love being cruel to retards
Lmao. Good thing I didn't.
I sure hope that anon gets the shit slapped out of him.
that boomer might be your dad and hes coming to beat you for my shitposts
I hope this is true, do it again but make a voca this time
Sorry I don't speak red coat language.
Most BDP crazies aren't as hot as you think they are. Typically their personalities are enough of a turnoff I don't bother anyway.
I'm always stressed about something. I've been trying to eat less so I can lose weight
then its fine
Holy shit hes coming back?
My personal rules
>never let her know your address (always fuck at her place)
>never leave her alone with your wallet
>fake last name
>never give phone number, only a throwaway socials account
>looks nice when she smiles
>should smile

No hostility here this is just the easiest way to explain why we hate being told to smile.
Why? Why should she smile? Because you like looking at it? Why don't you do something to make her smile instead of asking her to potentially fake an emotion for your entertainment? What does "you should smile/you should smile more" even mean? Do you think she looks sullen and depressed? If you do then telling her to smile is an even shittier thing to say. There's never good reason to tell someone to smile unless you're a photographer or cheerleading/dance/gymnastics coach.
women, would you date a sleepy man?
Does he work a job or have hobbies?
I'd like a sleepycell.
you're struggling with your weight because you're stressed
>There's never good reason to tell someone to smile unless you're a photographer
Phew, maybe I can be okay then. We were discussing photos (as we work at a camera place) and she was saying she hates being in photos.
That she's very materialistic
Women, what does boysmell smell like? How does it make you feel?
to be honest guys i just posted a random georgia phone number, and now some confused anon is probably getting yelled at right now lol
She got shit on for money.
>week late
That's nothing. Don't even bother worrying until 2 weeks late if you can help it. I have been stressed I might be pregnant only to get my period 1-2-3 days after testing like 5 times. And the more stressed you are the more you're fucking with your cycle.
>Does he work a job or have hobbies?
Boy smell is gross, stinky.
Man smell clean, like nice bergamont and sandalwood, or b&bw ocean.
>feel bad because you didn't fuck a nasty whore
What does it mean if a woman has irregular periods?
>>never give phone number, only a throwaway socials account
Not currently investable into a relationship. Maybe after. No eepy uni bf. Only eepy working man.
You feel that? It's hopelessness. It's fear and panic and terror.
Better idea: outsmart her by making her think she doesn't want to be with you
Means that if you also eat a shit diet and have bad health, you will make god angry if you try to have kids.
Low metabolism, low progesterone.
It depends on how it happened but that could save you. It's the difference between telling someone "you have amazing curves you could model" and "you should wear shorter skirts to work because I want to see your ass" if it came out more like the former you'll be alright.
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>No eepy uni bf. Only eepy working man.
Black magic night
I've never met an intelligent, logical, or moral woman. Can a woman here explain to me why?
Skill issue
I'm not a woman but it's simply because they don't need to be unless their ugly. Women derive value from their significant other and feeling of appearance.
i haven't been friends with a woman since middle school. should i be worried. now that i think about i havent been friends with a man since middle school either
I'm an eepy working man that also goes to college.
I just love random out of context anime quotes. It's even better because I'm quoting super popular shonens that no one would know.
i love intelligent and sexy women
I think more like the former, it's hard to remember the exact conversation. I at least didn't make it sound like it was for me but as more of a fun thing, because of the irony of where we work and not wanting to be in photos.
I’m drunk rn, I just want you all to know that I love you and you deserve the best :)
women whats the most difficult you've ever done?
Because you're not actually attracted to intelligent, logical, or moral women. You're attracted to women that you can manipulate easily, that are all stupid, hyper-emotional, babies.
All of my friends have gfs, even the women do.
It's so over for me.
If we ever stop talking and you don't know how to come back, send me a song
I don't know? I guess I don't really do things unless I'm reasonably confident I can.
My strength slips away
Soon I must fall
Victim of fortune
My sources grow small
Life slips away
smart people are surrounded by smart people. So... :/
That would be nice. But you probably only get one day of the week to spend with me to nap and lounge nude in bed.
I'm pretty sure my singing is garbage since I've been so mute.
I could do 2 days
>tfw no gf who loves sniffing my balls, dick and armpits
is there a way I could "tame" a BPD girl, so to speak? Like just make her less crazy towards me.
Good idea
I like smiling, seems fine to me. Idk what other people's problem is.
Is this one of those colonialism or something? Being happy after a moid wants you to be happy is fascism or some bs
Sure, but you're missing the point entirely.
You have to get her to low health then you can throw a pokeball at her, inflicting her with a status effect will improve your chances too.
Having your armpits sniffed is feminine behavior, sniffing armpits is where its at
Are you open for a part time boyfriend position?
It's been almost a year since the last time I saw him and I still think about him every single day. Fuck
This is what happens after
>Being happy after a moid wants you to be happy
Isn't it presumptuous to tell someone else what to do with those face?
I wonder if anyone will think of me like this.
Trick question because I know she does.
I find myself messaging girls on dating apps only to lose interest in them once they respond.
The aces I always keep up my sleeve ae defender's advantage so to speak, the fact that women are always so sure they know how to manipulate men, making them ironically very vulnerable to "counterattacks", and being able to outlast them in bed. Actually, just don't cum when you have sex with them like 4 times in a row and they'll freakout and think something's wrong with them
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Who's she?
I can't believe this is a real person.
My ex girlfriend.
As long as I'm the only man in your life then yes, not into open relationships.
>saying someone looks nice when they smile is evil now
have women just run out of real problems now?
How do you know she thinks of you?
Aubrey Plaza I thought she was really great when I was younger
I'm thankful I'm forgetting his name because he's a piece of shit.
She said as much before she blocked me, amongst other reasons.
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>be me at festival
>went out with friends who brought over girls
>watching the performance, feel the girls squeezing in my arms telling me that they were looking at my muscles
>tell them to continue looking as I turn my back to continue watching the performance
>none of the women speak to me for the remainder of the festival
Don't ask me why I am so cold with women, it's depressing.
Sorry this is not a negotiable, I have needs outside of a two day span.
I had an ex text 14 months after we stopped seeing each other out of nowhere it was trippy thinking I probably lived rent free in her head after she gave the bare minimum when we were together
I wish i was real
>You look nice when you smile!
>You SHOULD smile
Isn't that splitting hairs?
shes got great genetics, still looks good
>No one announced in the last thread a new one started.
>Everyone abandoned me there for the past hour
For this I will pour all my hate and misery into the thread now.
Women thoughts on the fact that when men create artificial wombs you'll be the ones in a loneliness crisis?
Men would you want your child to take a paternity test?
Teach women not to wear explicit clothes or teach men not to rape?
Would you rather meet a bear in the woods, or a random man?
What race are the group of men responsible for 50% of 90% of all crimes men commit and what population are they total compared to the other 50%?
Women would you date a fat balding man?
No. One is telling someone they look nice when they do something, the other is telling them to do something.
>Why should she smile?
Correlated with happiness and wishing happiness upon others is generally considered positive.
>Why don't you do something to make her smile
Such as having her smile and be happy.
>What does "you should smile/you should smile more" even mean?
You are currently not experiencing enough happiness for my preference. Please fix that by being more happy.
>Do you think she looks sullen and depressed? If you do then telling her to smile is an even shittier thing to say.
Happiness can help reduce depression.
I get that you're determined to be asshurt but wishing well feelings on the depressed is a moral act and you're a cunt for opposing it.
sniffing is animalistic, and I am civilized
it's hot when she's the animal with no self control
nta but theres a difference
No shit it is 2 am in Atlanta right now. How did you fall for it?
I'm your only friend I'm not your only friend but I'm a little glowing friend but really I'm not actually your friend but I am..
domesticated weakling, you are not surviving the upcoming famine
Intelligent, logical: because you haven't met me.
Moral: idk
Smiling doesn't make you happy. Telling someone to smile to help with their depression is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've heard today.

I know you're trolling and your other points aren't worth engaging with so I hope you can work with that.
I'm aware, just asked the question for other people.
>artificial wombs
I hope its big enough to crawl into, it sounds like it would be very comfy.
Whats the answer to the trolley problem?
Yeah I'm good, I deserve better than that.
How do I make my long-time BF happier? We are extremely loyal to one another and we are both each other's inexperienced first love, we live together now although we're not really a conventional couple (none of the typical romantic dates, sex, other couples activities) etc. because we're just not into any of that stuff. We just love each other a lot. Lately he's been feeling a bit down and I want to cheer him up.
Yeah no they're still going to want to fuck us even if they don't need us to reproduce.
>women whats the most difficult you've ever done?
Pantheon of Hallownest
Fuck you Failed Champion
Fuck you Zote
Fuck you Grimm
Fuck you PV
And FUCK. YOU. Abs rad.
No one here has had a relationship longer than a few months.
Hmm, not very moral! What's your logic for that decision?
I'm in an online relationship and it's so depressing that I have to turn down women irl because I don't want to give up on her, even though she has bpd
Fun things are fun
Make him something, a nice meal or a picture or something.
1. don't care, i'll be married soon.
2. both, don't dress like a slut because holy shit i dont want to see everything and also just don't be a disgusting human being
3. random man, we will trade survival tips and i will make a friend.
4. if they're trying to lose weight and care for themselves, sure.
I am Apollonian
she is Dionysian
simple as.
And you think killing is...fun?
The only thing i know about hollow knight is that silksong hasn't come out yet
Give him another girl to bang
Not true I made it like 2 years, twice.
How do you know if you got abused (sexually) as a very young kid?
Fuck yeah it is
>Whats the answer to the trolley problem?
Avoid lever to not be liable for the 1 guy's death
Push the fat man off the bridge 'cause he's fat.
You don't?
You have memories of it or someone else does.
I'll try cook something nice I guess. Thanks anon

Guess I'm lucky to have been in one for years then.
If not for non sex work, family trip, or moved their with family when young, the she's a hoe.
You uh, ever actually killed something?
I never said that, but for the purposes of the authorities, I have no idea!
If there's recorded evidence, you use that.
Otherwise you got no idea.
What if you can't quite remember?
>You uh, ever actually killed something?
I plead the 5th
He's not even interested in that stuff. We've been together for years and he never even asked about maybe having our first time. We're too loyal to one another anyways.
Hypothetically speaking...that sweet, sickening rush you feel? Not a bad feeling! In minecraft!
Do you often have nightmares or sleep paralysis? Is sex very difficult for you and/or are you excessively sexual? Do you have freakouts or bursts of intense emotions for seemingly no reason?
Nta but yes
I guess it depends on what you do remember.
Do you remember things being done that were inappropriate?
>Do you have freakouts or bursts of intense emotions for seemingly no reason?
That's just being a woman.
How do I tell what's a nightmare, I have always had surreal dreams full of demons but I think only 2, maybe 4 max have ever scared me fully.
Because they've all picked intelligent, logical, and moral men. Their intelligence teaches them to avoid us anons.
Do your parents like each other?
That sounds like nightmares
This guy keeps being hot/cold with me. He has issues but says he has a good feeling about me, then says there isn't a spark because of his mental health/personal life shit hit fan situation, then says he wants to take it slow so he can change and get better to think he can deserve love and give it back properly. Before he said he wanted to take I slow I was like "glad you told me it's over" and then he said he didn't know if it will ever be over

I find him really attractive and he initiates conversation every day but I feel drained because I don't know if he will get better.

I wish more attractive(to me) men existed with a healthy mindset that wants to romance and marry me and have at least one baby and ve happy forever
I don't like bringing up sex in certain environments and around certain people. I like it and i have some fetishes, but it's hard for me to get close to women. I feel very vulnerable. It's hard for me to make friends as well, so i don't know if that has anything to do with it. I don't have nightmares or sleep paralysis. I had many as a kid. I can induce sleep paralysis now. I rarely have nightmares. When i was a little kid i remember humping stuff and people, but i don't think that's not normal. From what i've heard it's pretty common. I can't say i'm overly sexual. Not any more than the average person. I do wonder where some of my fetishes come from.
Maybe your type is emotionally needy guys who have mommy issues.
>I wish more attractive(to me) men existed with a healthy mindset that wants to romance and marry me and have at least one baby and ve happy forever
Is this what women want?
Why dont dogs have to wipe their ass. Can someone explain that?
Scooty scoot scoot
No cheeks
>I wish more attractive(to me) men existed with a healthy mindset that wants to romance and marry me and have
elemao, can't make this stuff up.
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What are your true thoughts 'Elliot Page'
No, i don't think so. I remember doing things (when i was very young) that later i thought may not have been normal and i wondered if they were or not. I never brought it up to anyone. I'm afraid to bring stuff like that up. It's embarrassing.
If a guy was going to make you a wheel of cheese, what cheese would you want?
Women, how do you end up finding men attractive? What's the TikTok reel or Instagram chain of pics that shapes your preferences in men?
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why arent you like her
Looks like a malnourished special needs kid that escaped from a Siberian Gulag.
Minus the attractive part (I don't give a FUCK) yes that's what I personally want. Generally women wasnt this aren't obsessed with physical looks either. Sums up my relationship well too.
I thought they only do that for worms.
This kinda makes sense. Hypothetically couldn't you just spread your cheeks to achieve the same effect though.
I don't like Asian women very much. I'm just not interested.
What are they? Did you wet the bed often? How intense is your sexual inhibition? Give an example if you can

goddamn i love alfredo.
>Minus the attractive part (I don't give a FUCK)
lies lies lies lies
even on an anonymous forum women can't stop themselves from lying
Women, would you make food for your bf after his jaw and leg lengthening surgeries?
>Do your parents like each other?
They were never very affectionate.
I find it funny that I saw myself in Ellen and ended up non-binary and He did that.
Am I being turned into cheese or presented with a gift it's unclear.
I'd look terrible blonde and have saggy tits
I don't think you can spread em as flat as a dogs ass but theoretically I guess so.
We have an actual cheesemonger in the thread?
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>I find it funny that I saw myself in Ellen and ended up non-binary and He did that.
Oh no
If a guy made you a 10lb wheel of Parmesan, would you like him?
You’re getting a wheel of cheese as a gift
>feel like im gonna bust a nut in my pants when i look in the mirror before work because i look so good
>get to work and look in the mirror
>literally the most disgustingly ugly creature i have ever seen. all my pores are open, bad acne, deep facial wrinkles
>feel like a lollipop covered in hair but in human form
which view of myself is more accurate? i think it's soft vs hard lighting
I’ve thought about making my own
Oh no I'm less attractive to an Internet stranger with a fetish that annoys me whatever shall I do
It's possible something happened. DO NOT GO DIGGING FOR MEMORIES UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. THIS WILL WEAKEN YOUR GRIP ON REALITY AND CAUSE YOU TO CREATE FALSE MEMORIES. If you think you have issues, go ahead and talk to someone about it.
I’m so fucking drunk, I love you all
I still have 42k out of 60k images left to evaluate for this category and I'm losing ambition
Every drawing of a woman I observe is starting to look the same to me and it's taking longer and longer to evaluate if I want to pass or delete each one
My ability to quickly scan thumbnails to delete trash images before each batch is tanking too
Overall I have 406k files left to look through before I can go outside and talk to women, or buy a bedframe
Send me your energy
Should I have a beer?
I'm a married woman, I don't care that my husband isn't the "chad" you retarded looksmaxxers blame for your lack of romantic success. I don't even mind being a few inches taller than him.

Keep lying to yourself that an extra foot of height and 10 inches of cock and a sharper jawline will get you into a loving relationship, and keep blaming everyone around you when you don't get what you want.
Where are you sourcing the milk?
We love you too anon
Your mental illness is even more annoying than his btw
>my husband is a 7/10 not an 8/10!
>he's not some Chad!
Parmesan is notoriously difficult to make and takes a lot of effort. Fuck yeah if he can put that much effort into making me some cheese!!!
I hope you're mentally ill enough to kill yourself before you hit 30.
Can I have brie?
If he were hotter maybe she wouldn't be emotionally cheating on him ITT
Only maybe though
>I am currently making decisions and experiencing consequences
>Guys wtf
I wet the bed until i was about 12-13. I think it slowly started happening less and less until i was 12-13. I don't think i have anything extremely weird, i just have a fixation with oral stuff. Something about the throat. I have anxiety and i wondered if there was some throat chakra stuff going on lol. I don't know. I've had it for a while. I think it may have been less intense before i discovered porn. Throats, swallowing, gagging, the noises, the sensation. I don't like talking about it because it's probably tame, but i feel like a weirdo. It's embarrassing for me to talk about. Obviously i like PIV sex, but that's not a fetish.
>I'm annoying to people I don't like
Sorry babe I'm 32. It's pretty snowflakey of you to be so upset over some clothing choices and not feeling a need to advertise to strangers that I have a vagina. If I don't want to fuck you you have to guess.
I remember my parents fighting and i later found out they almost got divorced.
You can use pasteurized milk if you want but I’d probably get my cow milk from my neighbors. I’m a country fucker so my family also raises goats for their milk.
Good to hear, parm just requires you to remember it
Absolutely, you’re worth it
Women care a lot about looks and what your job is. It's really striking how different women treat you based on your respective heights, physical fitness, your hair, and what you do for a living
I love Indian mysticism but people who bring up their unironic beliefs in things like this is my biggest "raped or just retarded" flag
Hahaha I made way too much pasta ahahaha~ O_O
I'm not reading that, I don't care how old you are, the only part of my post you need to focus on is the part where I told you, you should kill yourself.
That's all.
Focus on it, memorize it, let it continue to alert your mind until you go through with it and hang yourself like all mentally ill queer freaks do.
Kill yourself.
Yeah, if you want one, don’t feel pressured
You guys are so great, I hope you get exactly what you want out of life
To the average girl he's just an average 5. I love him cause he's an intelligent and upstanding guy with great morals and great personality.
I'm not going to apologize for exploring religion and spirituality and wondering if there's something more going on.
Why can't trannies and fags just act vaguely human or just not specifically go into threads explicitly not for them
Opposite gender innately implies a gender binary you stupid piece of shit
You can just say
>I don't have a good response to your post
It's okay
Those aren't real women, those are whores. Don't pander to them, they don't love you. They love your money, status, or whatever, but not you.
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nta but are you one of those non-binary women that dresses like adam sandler
I'm not going to apologize for noticing you're a competitive league idiot
>No one announced in the last thread a new one started.
>I wish there were more emotionally available male models but since I can't have them I'll still take this emotionally unavailable one
>the problem isn't that I have overinflated standards, the problem is... hmm, lemme think, very perplexing... the problem is THAT THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH ATTRACTIVE MEN!
I wish home distilling wasn’t illegal where I lived, I’d love to make my own whiskey
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All women are whores.
Really set me up for that one.
True, although it also requires forgetting about it for a year while it ages lol. Holy fuck I want cheese now
Post pics
You deserve that too anon, I pray that your crops give you more yield than you expected
>I wet the bed until i was about 12-13
That's actually pretty unusual
This is possibly a body memory, but refer to my other post about digging up memories. Not knowing you any better all I can really say is to sit with the sensations, think about what they feel like, and maybe talk to someone if you're uncomfortable with your sexuality or feel aspects of your sexuality or emotional problems might be causing issues for you
Calling it atosa would be more accurate because a lot of the questions are about bodies. Untwist your panties.
I'm not saying i believe that, it's just something i explored. I'm not a close minded, "i'm 100% logical" autist.

Women, how do you feel about first responders as potential dating partners? How would you feel about a first responder that made $90k and didn't have any bills to pay?
Its fucked up that I cant think about chakra without thinking about rasengan
I don't care.
Go to the nearest train station and jump in front of it.
Touch a powerline.
Stick your head in a gas home cooking oven.
Buy a shotgun and blast your skull open.
Grab a knife and fall into it if you're too weak to slit your throat manually.
I don't care, just kill yourself.
Back to /lgbt/ attention whoring subhuman faqtranny
Ew no I think that's some Gen Z shit. My cis little sister dresses like that a lot though.
Thanks for the advice.
What’s a year when you’re rewarded so heavily with delicious cheese?
No man wants to hear about your gaping pus filled wound disgusting freak.
Go back >>>/lgbt/
Wow you're so fun and cool for having no defined beliefs and avoiding being anything but a stupid animal
The only response I can think of is: Is this a joke?
I love my new promotion I’ve already issued over $1000 worth parking infringements get fucked part time studyfags haha
I hope I get a lovely woman who appreciates my effort. Women like that deserve all I have to give
Then how exactly are your clothing choices non binary?
You do realize how ironic it is that you're this triggered over me mentioning being non-binary?
Wow you are REALLY confused lmao.
Mad respect to first responders, would 100% date one if I wasn't already dating someone. Doing that kind of job usually means they're a decent person.
Do women become real women after the college experience?
I do have a pattern of attract guys with mommy kinks/issues and notice a pattern of me being similar to them whether it be personality, looks and/or accent

the guy I'm talking to says I can come to him for anything to talk about but at the same time I feel frustrated and want to stop responding for awhile while he wants to talk to me once every hour and he admitted he sounds clingy

I feel like since he is going through his own shit I just don't want to make worse and trauma bond and I even told him that. he tried sending me a voice note since I wanted to hear his voice more but honestly videochat would have been nice too it's been almost a month since we did and idk what his goal is with me I told him we can top talking but he said he likes me around
Is she single?
Since when are basketball shorts and baggy t shirts the only options in the "men's" section of stores?
>You can use pasteurized milk if you want but I’d probably get my cow milk from my neighbors. I’m a country fucker so my family also raises goats for their milk.
NTA, but the real parmigiano reggiano requires the cow growing in a certain place in Italy. Cheese quality is heavily influenced by the bacterial flora in the cows stomachs which is influenced by where they live
No problem. I suggest going through the list of symptoms of PTSD and seeing how many apply to you
worse than a meter maid
Why are you so mad? I never said i was cool. You seem insecure that i dared to look into those things.
Who knows?

Maybe. I love regurgitating nonsense.
I do not care, I do not read what you are writing.
I see a (You) to my post and I tell you to kill yourself, it is that simple.
Drive your car into a ditch, leave it on with the engine running and die from the gas, blow it up with yourself in it, it doesn't matter to me.
Kill yourself.
I know, I can make a style of cheese like Parmesan but I can’t make it exactly. Just like how I can make sparkling wine but not champagne
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my ex did training for that now I miss him but he blocked me
Is Hinge actually any better? I have an easy time getting dates but it seems like a lot of the women there are not really ready for dating despite seeking a relationship. Most of them seem to have a giant, standing hateboner for their ex
Bud you clearly care you're putting far too much effort in to this. Calm down. Eat some bread.
I guess I can respect the hussle. Shit morals though.
Imagine on our one year wedding anniversary that I collect a wheel of homemade parmesan and a bottle of homemade wine.
Sorry still not reading. You can tell me you hope I succeed and have a happy life and are no longer non binary, I would just reply with kill yourself like a bot.
Go to the nearest industrial meat mincer you can find and jump in.
>Most of them seem to have a giant, standing hateboner for their ex
Thats just dating apps in general.
>Is Hinge actually any better?
Yes, its insane how much better it is.
Damn dude go fucking cry about it and shut up already
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Okay enjoy my dog chow
That's cool man. Hope you get to serve your lady some of your products
Kill yourself.
The only thing you're succeeding in is getting me to stop putting effort into the replies but all I'll say is kill yourself.
>I guess I can respect the hussle.
Thank you. I shine brightest as a side piece.
>Shit morals though.
It is what it is
Yeah your descriptor didn't do him any favours, sounds like an emotionally underdeveloped and insecure guy.
I hope she likes them. It’d be a shame to end up with vinegar after all the trouble making wine
It’s a shame I get worse at eating pussy when I get drunk because I want to do it so much more
I posted the silly tomboy meme and it devolved very quickly. I am sorry.
So this has devolved into a "last word" thing? I'll be up for a while go for it. Still have no idea what made you so mad. Let's try and slow it down though we're still on page 1.
And the honesty. You're kind of a shit but you're pleasant about it.
No you did nothing wrong at least that wasn't it, you did do something wrong, for future reference don't reply to a mentally ill woman (enbies) with it, they cannot be reasoned with, nor are they tomboys, they're just mentally ill which is why the retarded cunt called it a "Fetish."
Can you illustrate the emotionally under developed parts you pick out? How does a guy become secure to finally accept a potential happiness
Tomboys deserve homemade wine and cheese. I want to make them feminine around me but that requires me being a more masculine man
>have any of you actually met a partner through your friends/social life
I have a mixed group of friends and it's never happened for me. Another common argument I've seen is "make friends who are girls and they'll introduce you to their friends".

Personally, with a couple exceptions, my friends who are women have not helped or made any significant contributions, romantic or otherwise.
Kill yourself.
They were already freaking out before that it started the moment I mentioned it, don't blame yourself for their inability to emotionally regulate.
I refuse to date friends lest it turn into some gross incestual muckpit with annoying social games.
I had a ptsd flashback in the Georgia O'Keef museum. This reinforced the conclusion the person responsible was a female artist who lived in the neighborhood

Does it really matter what you believe is the source of human existence; God, Evolution, Simulation or whatever you believe, if you are an uninspired bot slaving away with no higher purpose other than accommodating others socially. Everyone believes something or lives a way that comforts themselves. But what is the point if the average person won’t even try to live to the height of their imagination?
I agree but that's not what I'm asking, or saying.
>This guy keeps being hot/cold with me.
Its this. He's testing you and trying to make you needy and unsure of yourself. Pretty common PUA tactic is the push and pull, because it makes you feel unstable so you have to give more effort to meet him where he wants you to be. I just framed everything around that and the rest fell into place by itself. Everything he's saying is bullshit, more or less. The whole "I need to feel like I deserve love" is gay as fuck.
>Before he said he wanted to take I slow I was like "glad you told me it's over" and then he said he didn't know if it will ever be over
Like so. Push and pull, but not letting you actually leave. If he didn't know how to receive love he'd just push you away completely, not pull you back.
>How does a guy become secure to finally accept a potential happiness
By not letting his childhood or insecurities run the show. Being a gay bitch about it and playing games is for teenagers. Being upfront and earnest, genuinely a good person, is a sign of a mature guy that is at least secure enough to love you properly.
Women, how do you feel about guys with WEIRD fetishes? For example, if a guy tells you he's into a nutty paraphilia like vacuum sealing, latex, diapers, etc., (whether he's the one wearing it, or he wants you to wear it) do you immediately lose attraction for him? Any stories regarding humoring a fetish for your partner?
Idk all I saw was them saying "Elliot is non-binary and an inspiration" and like 4 anons dogpiled them lmao.
99% of humans naturally appeal to an authority so having a God figure is important, doesn't really matter beyond that.
Humanity is a collective effort, hero Theory is generally just a myth for this reason, and it is only capitalism keeping it alive, additionally if most men will never go anywhere neither will most women especially (You).
Fuck off Tolstoy
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Imagine being mogged by Brad lol
Let’s imagine you are a nihilist type. No belief in god or purpose in life. You are lesser being than even an animal at that point. But the majority of humans aren’t nihilistic. They seek a higher purpose, they look forward to something. But if you compare the life of one to another, on average they end up doing the same wageslave crap. It’s inspiring to me when people do stupid shit that makes history, because at least they broke through the programming.
>hero Theory
>it is only capitalism keeping it alive
there is nothing "heroic" in the values of the bourgeoise. I swear your retarded communists have forgotten what any of these terms even mean anymore.

>Humanity is a collective effort,
where 90% of the effort is fulfilled by obedience from morons.
Fair enough lmao. You must've loved Jackass.
Also I’m not a woman I just started the question like that to bait more replies.
Exactly and exactly that's why it's a myth, Hero Theory only exists to help people contribute to the system, the smart ones know that under capitalism to get to the top you have to act like a villain, Hero Theory exists to give useful idiots and ideal to strive towards, believing that if they just try hard enough and act morally enough they'll get to the top maybe even help society. But it is precisely the failure of Hero Theory that we have to thank for most human development, or lack there of, every once in awhile a real hero will arrive like Tesla, and they won't fund his projects confiscate them and ensure that they never reach the public sector, so humanity is kept down for profit, this is based actually and I will not elaborate why further.
>what you believe is the source of human existence
Difficult questions with no clear answers can be stimulating. Being a deep thinker can indirectly help you in other areas of life. (It can also harm you.)

>But what is the point if the average person won’t even try to live to the height of their imagination?
The average person doesn't have a lot of imagination.

>with no higher purpose other than accommodating others socially
I've never thought about it like that. Frankly, accommodating others socially is low on the list of priorities.
It’s literally a desk job I get paid the same as a six figure HR karen and it’s almost home time already this is epic :D
Is PUA short for pick up artist? Like a player or something? Why is he trying to make me needy and unsure? He already knows I could get other guys and says so himself. I'm really fucking pretty but I'm more than just a face. Like where do you think he wants me to be? Why doesn't he want me to leave?

I even told him even if he does get better he can leave anyway because I'm just some girl on the internet a few hours away from him that he opens up to about his childhood traumas etc.
>I think I'm smarter than I really am: the post
Then her attitude problems will be considerably worse; she has access to tons of easy validation from every other guy alive. Do not get involved with these women because no disengagement strategy works well and you will get burned no matter what

>stay with her
Obvious shit option. She's liable to cheat or be physically abusive to begin with, and if she's really hot the odds of infidelity increase radically (she probably has hangups regarding her looks or something else related to sex, so she will take any of it she can get to "fill the hole" metaphorically and literally). Enjoy the sloppy seconds.
>dump her normally
Crazy girls usually have huge egos or are wildly insecure. Either way, you breaking up with her will be an insult or a statement about her beauty no matter how nice you are. She will become irrationally angry, and that's when the false accusations (about ANYTHING) start flying. Enjoy jail, or at the very least your social status as a cheating abuser and rapist.
>get her to dump you
Better option, but you still will probably be accused of cheating as she loses interest in you. Even if not, she will make hyperbolic statements about how much you suck to preserve her internal and external self image. Enjoy your new micropenis.
>Ghost her
Bad things happen when you do this to normal girls. A lack of input from you will let her imagination run wild. She will most likely begin chasing you to get an answer or soothe the ego bruise you gave her. She MIGHT be dumb enough to not be able to find you. She MIGHT accidentally run into you at a crowded social function with lots of things to say and accuse you of. Flip the coin.

Don't engage in the first place. Don't hang out in a group with them so they don't even get the chance to talk to you.
>I've never thought about it like that. Frankly, accommodating others socially is low on the list of priorities.
Is it? The only motivation I’ve ever had in life was to accommodate others socially. I’ve always thought that I could get by through my own means, but that wouldn’t be socially acceptable in many cases.
Does anon read books?
Yeah its pick up artist. Who knows the why? Only he does. I didn't imply he was necessarily malicious, or I didn't mean to. It's very easily possible that he's just acting out what his parents did, or whatever he took to to learn romance.
>He already knows I could get other guys and says so himself.
This is negging. Straight up. Its the push tactic, to make you feel like that he's not like "other guys".
>Like where do you think he wants me to be? Why doesn't he want me to leave?
He wants you to be weak for him and to feel special. Like you said, you're a beautiful woman. Any man would feel validated having attention from a beautiful woman. The fact of the matter is that he's doing in a negative framing instead of a positive one, hence the whole "Ohh I'm just not worthy of you but please don't leave me haha" bit he's doing. It's essentially negative reinforcement that a lot of mentally ill guys do where they need to self satisfy this voice in their head that tells them they aren't good enough for you, or other women, by trying to make you insecure like him.
Kill yourself.
>no female friends
Not great, not bad. It's best to have lots of female "friends" who are just hanging around your male actual friends to seek potential dates. Avoid making "actual" friends with women (this either means they want to fuck you and will wait to make a move when you're taken, or they think you're a faggot and it will make everyone think less of you)
>no male friends
Awful terrible bad. Having actual same-sex friends is crucial for your entire life, and lacking them is a massive hard filter to dating good women. Fix it now.
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In 2017 I fell in love with an Australian enby with the nicest and fattest ass I've ever seen. I miss you bread, I'll be your big brother now if you come back.
>funny that I was non binary and always liked Ellen and then Elliot came out
>and an inspiration
Man you guys suck at reading
I've never had anything really really weird brought up but it definitely kills attraction if their kink is something I'm not even remotely into.
cop, fire, EMT, search and rescue?

did you ever find out why he blocked you?
Oi I wasn't paying that much attention to be fair. I love the LGBTQ, please be kind.
Kill yourself.
Is that a common opinion among women you know? Do you know any women who have dated one? If so, how did it go? I only ask because I've heard tales of the unknowable female groupchat discussions.
I don't really feel like others have been particularly accommodating to me, apart from my own close family. Attempts to do things in a socially acceptable way have, so far, backfired many times.

>get by through my own means
Found that to be impossible, in my case. My 'means' are dependent upon being employed, health insurance, public services and so on. I try to be socially accommodating insofar as to keep these things within my reach but it isn't a goal in itself and my interactions with other people aren't exactly genuine, they're transactional. The ultimate goal is security, stability and a moderate wellbeing.
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Suggest me library books I should read
Unless she named it after her husbando or something this is grounds for divorce.
do you feel like most of the girls are trying in good faith to find a relationship? I went out with exactly one Hinge broad who was, and she wound up having a huge family history of schizophrenia
>Having actual same-sex friends is crucial for your entire life
NTA but it isn't as crucial as most believe. Not in Finland. Not in any highly developed urban environment. Yes, it's crucial for dating because women perceive you negatively for a lot of things, but for life in general it isn't.
EMT. I assume it was his future girlfriends because we were friends for awhile online and even tried long distance after I had to move. He drunkenly/tipsily told a girl he was drinking with that he missed me and he sent me a message to tell me. It's a sad regret thing I guess. He never told me hinself so he was probably just lonely a few years after our breakup which he chose
NTA but it seems to be a pretty common opinion.
The court won't care, she can still take half.
Truthfully I have very few female friends. I think a lot of women would like to date a healthcare worker though. I'm studying to become a doctor and my husband studies nursing, so I might be biased lole
Kill yourself.
I met a pretty good girl through the nerdy group in my dorm. She was a good partner, but I fucked it up by cheating. She wanted to give me another chance, probably would have married me. You can definitely do it, just don't be an immature faggots like I was. That's generally the way to meet good women, just make sure you're not the DUFF or it won't work for you at all.
Just googled it.
The "ex" boyfriend is black.
I would straight up divorce there and then, and that's that.
>Just googled it.
Whenever I read "unique name" I always assume it's some black name like Sheronda or Tykwon or some other weird shit.
His dad fucking molested him. He doesn't have a long dating history and has only had sex once and he's mid 20s. I'm a bit older than him with a lot more experience in relationships.

Well every guy is unique wherher goo o bad for me.

I don't want to be insecure with a guy I am supposed to be wanting a relationship with, and it sucks is this way. I have been Mullin over going back irl and in dating apps to fin someone else and I go on my apps once in a while but not really. We have talked a shit ton and we know so much about eachother now so it's like the pull tactic in emotional parts I guess. He says he understands if I leave.
What about an EMT/firefighter/cop hybrid? My job's a bit unusual.
>His dad fucking molested him.
That'll do it. There's no moral obligation for you to be with this guy, you know. You're entering into something pretty massive and it's gonna be hard for you, as well as him. Just gotta decide, pretty much. If you guys do click, and you're both willing to do the work, because it will require a lot of it, then I really don't see the issue. Sounds like he's doing a lot of this as a defense mechanism rather than overtly malicious about it. Again, its all up to you. Sounds like the ball is in your court, for good or worse. You can always find another man if you feel as if his issues are too much, literally no shame in that at all.
Girls: Is being into finance and things like that attractive? Some girls I work with at a new job were interested to hear about how I used to work in finance and still do investing on the side as personal hobby.
That sort of work in general is considered very admirable. Men who do those jobs tend to be the kind of men that women are proud to introduce to their parents
Numbers? MATH?

Depends on the girl, plenty of quieter nerdier girls who absolutely love men who are into stuff like that.
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Hey guys I finished a first draft of my thing. Please listen to it.
It sounds messy but it's only software reading my sheet music.
Post sex: What are your opinions? no wrong answers.
Sounds good to me I think. I'm more interested in guys who choose EMT/firefighter because they want to help people vs guys who choose to be cops because I would need to make sure they were doing it because they want to help and it's not some control power trip thing. I'm sure there are cops I'd like it just makes me nervous.
I don't know about attractive but I assume you're intelligent. I grew up somewhat poor so that whole world is a bit of a mystery to me I would probably ask you about it too if I were them.
That gave me a headache. Either you don't know what a scale is or your software doesn't know what a scale is.
>I assume you're intelligent
I consider myself a total retard desu. I always think that if I so much as consider I might be a little smart in anyway, I must actually be a moron.
What the actual fuck is happening here lmao I can't tell if this is bad or you did this on purpose to fuck with people
I relate to that statement so hard.
Kill yourself
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>think gf might be bpd
>try r/bpdlovedones to try to see if she might be
>make a post
>post gets taken down by mods

why is reddit so fucking gay and useless, fine fuckit ill just have my insane possible bpd gf, everything is fine.
Reddit is an absolute shithole.
That's a criticism of NIN, not my work.
Review the original song, it's called Last.
totally fine if you don't like it but it's nothing to do with my work.
whats the problem
i always though my highschool crush's name and my last name sounded cute, i'll try to name my daughter that
>What the actual fuck is happening here lmao
idk some other anon said it went hard. are you familiar with the song by NIN?
>nothing to do with my work
What do you mean "my work" exactly? Taking sheet music and dumping it into some software that plays it isn't "work".
I know, which is why ive stuck to this shithole for 10 years, at least I dont get banned or removed every 2 seconds like with any attempt on reddit, i dont understand how that site is even usable.
>Post sex
>What are your opinions?
I remember this song from Hell. It was playing in the background as Beelzebub tortured us.
Yeah he mentioned a few times he has trouble with trust probably because of his dad and other relationships that didn't work out where he was treated poorly. He needs to feel safe, and said if we ever got intimate like sex he would need to have more emotional connection and that he old like me to pursue him first move.

Yeah, I just don't know whether I should or not. He says he talks to one person at a time when looking to date and since he is so consistent with reaching out every day and making a point to be seen by others on my social by commenting on my posts/pictures...

We click when he isn't feeling like he wants to kill himself. I do share I have felt suicidal in the past and have been through stuff too but say it could be better if he stays. Literally terrible timing because he just lost his insurance and is waiting now to get an email/call back to see if he can get it anywhere else. He wants to see doctors and start therapy again. It's just he doesn't have access and should here back within a week now.

I find him really attractive and good when he is mentally in a better place. I have issue one of his female friends/orbiter took issue with him wanting me, and he felt open enough to tell me about it. I just don't want to be used either.
Because NPCs are real. Unironically.
>it's another 'autists struggle with blue notes' episode
idk why I bother with you guys
>It was playing in the background as Beelzebub tortured us.
that sounds about right, finally some good fucking taste ITT
I understand what you're trying to do it just ain't translating.
What I do is I sometimes create accounts and let them stay dormant for a while, then post and contribute in meme subreddits to get my karma to an acceptable threshold. I also use non-throwaway emails when signing up.
Kill yourself

I just mogged you my man
>I understand what you're trying to do it just ain't translating.
that's fair but it's also just a rough demo from software
with actual musicians it will sound cleaner and there will be a lot more dynamic control, and accuracy

I have my doubts as well but I think with capable players it could come across.
Jesus man..
I kneel.
I think that's the first time a voca has made me laugh
I think it's the horns that are throwing me.
>I think it's the horns that are throwing me.
well yes that's the idea.

honestly it's probably the reverb that's throwing you, it makes everything sound muddled

I have a vision of this being an absolute demonic quartet for a symphonic low brass section. I think it could be very impactful but it would need more dynamic contrast

I just turned off all the reverb and it sounds a lot cleaner.. I would post but niggas here are just overly negative w/ no constructive feedback aside from you
It's beautiful.
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it sounds like a fucked up mount and blade warband track kek
I mean that's worth a shot. It probably would be better irl but they're too...I'm not sure of the words maybe clean or bright. It messes with the vibe.

Is this for school or for fun?
I see, so basically, his normal self is really nice but he's held back by his traumas? What's he like when he's down and depressed? Does he just close up? That can be really hard to manage. This whole situation seems like a play it by ear thing. I don't think you're being used, to be fair. Just kinda gotta give it some time.

You guys know this is supposed to sound evil and nasty right?
it's for fun. It sounds bright as fuck because well, I have a limited selection of MIDI sounds.

This is by no means a finished product, and the file I uploaded is by no means what I intend it to sound like. If any of you guys could read sheet music I'd just upload that, alas..
>if I so much as consider I might be a little smart in anyway, I must actually be a moron.
It sounds like a midi sound track to a video game, it doesn't sound evil and nasty.
Shit, not even NIN sounds evil and nasty, it's horny synth pop where Trent sings about how much he loves fucking, which is fine, but it isn't even that.
>It sounds like a midi sound track to a video game
I am okay with this
the rest is moot to me like yeah dude this is just an instrumental. it's got nasty tonality is what I mean, it's rife with blue notes.

Not trying to be that guy but you all are just failing to see the potential; this is a first draft of an arrangement to be performed live. I don't intend for people to listen to a fucking MIDI file
>For fun
Nice. I assume you play an instrument or three what do you play?
>limited selection
That's fair. I'll happily be proven wrong with the finished product.

I actually can read sheet music but really only effectively enough to play a clarinet so I I think you're right about us being useless there lol.
we aint gettin out of the hood with this one
Blud thought he was cookin a banger with this one fr fr bro only ended up cooking ice on skibidi, lil beta thought he was sneedma on Gigachad, never let chlud musicmaxx ever again.
>Nice. I assume you play an instrument or three what do you play?
I can play all of the included instruments but do not have much experience with bass trombone, I would have to consult with a player to make sure some of the lower parts are doable.

It's not anyone ITTs fault it's just everyone is treating this as a complete project whereas contemporaries of mine would understand it's a rough sketch.
I'm better off asking them but it's late and I do appreciate the comments, ignorant they may be. There is still virtue to them
Of course you're alone. Everyone's alone. There's no such thing as friends. There's just you, and you, and you, forever!
Well that's cool. Are you planning on recording the whole thing yourself? Wait I think I get it now it's "in the hall of the mountain king but it's NIN"
>"in the hall of the mountain king but it's NIN"
you DO know there is a version of mountain king by trent reznor and atticus ross, I hope..

I would maybe play the tuba part with three very capable trombonists if I could. I'd like to put it out there and see if any insane edgelord brass players would be willing to take on the challenge of putting it together. The most prohibiting factor is the extreme dynamic; it's very fucking loud.

There's a lot that can happen when actual humans are reading a part though and not just software interpreting notes.
Idk. Fuck all the haters I'm very much in the wrong place here
I was the anon that said it banged last time you posted it. Keep doing what you're doing, normies aren't gonna know a lick about music, its good shit.
Had a onions latte.
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thanks anon, you're based as fuck.
Nice, how did you turn an onion into a latte? Was it bitter or was it nice?
If you mean so-y as in the milk and got filtered, I will kill you though, just know that.
Your next answer determines the future of humanity.
Say a sibling who went through the same thing had a meltdown and triggered his memory block of the bad stuff, and he pushes me away saying he can't be intimate with me and a relationship won't work out. When he said that last part he latter admitted what was going on in the former of the previous sentence.

He says I'm wasting my time on him and doesn't see why he or his friends like him. I told him we could stop talking and he said he didn't want that. I told him we could stop talking and I wouldn't try to talk flirty/romantic with him and just talk like a friend he said he didn't want to stop talking how he does with me so he currently addresses me with compliments/terms of endearments. He also says he really appreciates me for listening to him and being for him in a really dark struggling time and says I won't be able to comprehend his gratitude for me being there for him.

I also told him to wait for us to be official since i wanted to know him more because he has already asked me to be his girlfriend not long after we met. I'm slightly over 5 years older than him so I wonder if talking to me with my experience he is getting a supportive/mommy feel too.
extract from a soya bean.
Oh yeah, the self loathing comes with the territory. So you're over 30, then. Do you want kids? I can see why this would feel more time prescient for you. I think your conduct is more than acceptable, you're doing everything to be there and be supportive. Can't force a horse to drink or whatever. He's definitely getting a mommy gf vibe, hell I'm getting it and I'm just some random stranger, you have a caretaker vibe. It could work well if that's a relationship you wish to conduct and have. He will most likely never cheat on you, provided his come up is actually good and he doesn't go crazy. Have you told him that you don't want him to push you away because of how you feel about him?
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oh man, this looks really bad on camera.
This is why I told you to go with the onion option.
No humanity will go extinct because of you.
I doubt humanity's future rides on some retard's coffee experimentation, lol.
Why do I hate typing my stories so much? When I write with a pen it's easy and free flowing but something about typing just kills all my motivation.
I will be 31 later this year. Yeah I want to experiece at least having one kid. Early on he told me he was looking for a life partner and to be married and would want a kid too. He mentioned he has hesitation with wanting a child due to his genetics which is a seperate issue entirely. This guy might need surgery one day to save his life, if it's successful. So he feels like he may have limited time on earth.

When he started feeling worse later on due to possible triggers, he said he didn't want to have a kid but I pressed him on his earlier comment and he said life doesn't like him for how he turned out. He said he got all the bad genes. Then he joked about us having dozens of kids(goats) Probably because he felt bad about himself.

In my past I have had exes accidentally call me mom while drunk or to do mom stuff for them like lullabies etc. I've started getting really into the idea of it because of my history, and popl ay I should become a child therapist(even a therapist told me)

I told him I didn't want him o lie about whether or not he is feeling sparks between us. He said after his thing with his sibling happened he wasn't feeling sparks, inasked him if that was true and he said he felt big sparks between us and he wanted to fight for it.

Should I tell him what yu just asked, about not pushing me away?
JH enjoyed and loved every inch of her uncle's cock. That's why she has spent 30 years trying to replicate that experience with horse dildos.
answer me this women. why do you do this?

>match with someone I think is really cute
>quite fun and positive vibes
>seem to have similar values interests and life goals
>chat and get to know each other over a few days
>ask if she wants to chit chat over the phone or irl date
>ghosts me completely
what's the protocol? I normally don't give dating apps much credence but when you hit it off with somebody (has happened maybe 3 or 4 times in my maybe 100 matches over the last few years), it's just confusing and idk how to proceed

Like i don't want to lose a genuine connection if i feel like I can do something about it
>Should I tell him what yu just asked, about not pushing me away?
Yeah you should. Next time he tries to push you away, say something like "Hey, please stop doing that. I want to be with you, including this shitty part. I don't want you to hide it from me, I want to see all of you, flaws and everything." Something like that. You're better at being the mommy gf than I am lol but try for that vibe, make it clear you do want to be there for him. Idk if you and I have spoken before but I've heard very similar stories and issues in this general before, especially the "working with children because I feel motherly" thing. Just remember that, as long as you're feeling fulfilled, you will still need your partner to support you when you're down.
Hey man, can you tell me about yourself? How old are you? Do you have a job?
not a woman but she found someone more attractive, interesting, funny or someone else in her roster made a move first. You said irl or phone, you gave her a choice and she chose none, you have to be more forward and say ''you seem chill, lets grab a coffee on saturday'' or ''lets grab a drink friday after work'' or some shit, you have to guage it to her tho these are examples.

You cant do anything now, she ghosted you and that is an answer in of itself, why bother with a woman who ghosts? I went on 3 dates with one and she ghosted me, I have countless examples but it just is how it is.
Of course there's crickets from the pedophile.
If you ignore it, it'll kill itself pretty quickly.
You say that but he's been going on for a long long time. I just want to know if he's actually exactly as I picture; obese fucking loser in his basement.
Mate, you are literally competing with dozens of men.
>missing my ex
Time to go speeding.
assuming that everyone you hate is ugly will only hurt you, anon
Your point is weird but I get it.
this, its fucking brutal, its not even dozens, its 75% men 25% women on tinder for example
I think we have spoken before, was just starting to wonder you were also a woman lol. But who knows. I'll definitely want to try running that by him again, and really emphasize it. Lol how am I better than you? You're giving me the advice!

Well *I* specifically didn't say I want to work with children, a lot of people just suggest and say I would do well in those fields. I have my own traumas too but I have other passions as well being an artist, and I know art is a form of therapy even for kids.

He was so giddy early on and adamant about loving me and making me smile and saying I was his. Now he is taking my comment about waiting to be together super seriously and I may have dampened his view on us even though he says he ants to get better for him/us. But the way we talk is totally like a couple in my eyes whether together or not so it feels diff.
Probably. But it doesn't matter. Genuinely nobody likes them, so they'll just die alone eventually, so we won't have to care.
1 woman, 9 men actually, one woman managed to convince 2,000 men to come together and compete for her in a park.
Never fucking around with dating apps after that, I just gave up on love, the only thing that still works is speaking to women, the problem is that requires being a good looking Chad because women have tinder mind even in real life now.
or being around a woman for long enough in a work place, people can lower their standards for looks over time with a familiar face, dating apps are fucked even if you play the game right. Ive had many dates off of these apps and they will ghost you at any slight inconvenience, even if you get along and they think youre cute and funny because there is always cuter and funnier, its like coomscrolling on pornhub looking for a very specific thing, peoples brains are cooked. I dont bother with any of it I'm just chillin.
JH sounds to me like a mature, well rounded individual.
Someone post the gay panic voca to prove him wrong.
Buddy I am not risking catching an SA assault for speaking to a woman in a work area, that is generally bad advice for everyone, and that statistic if true is just depressing.
No thanks I'll stick to PH.
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>one of the bros got a gf
>his carefree days are history
>in short our pal is doomed
>guys say this then encourage me to be more direct with guys at work that I like
Idk who to believe anymore.
Did you SPECIFY that it's at work?
Men how would you feel if we were talking and I told you I have limited contact with my childhood bestfriend/ex gf?
Yeh. Not even a coworker, just a guy using my room.
If you're a gay male there are ways to calibrate your gaydar and spot real interest. Men aren't as quick to report each other anyway.
It would be okay I guess. Just be honest about what you are to him right now and keep him away if he gets weird ideas
I'm not, though men not reporting that shit in general doesn't make me feel any better about it. The last thing I want to do is get in trouble and make someone uncomfortable.
Sometimes some guys take “slow down” as “I’m not good enough”, when it’s not true at all. It’s funny how it’s the opposite, it means they’re perfect and you want to savour it, like a good meal. No one eats McDonald’s slowly lol. Yeah it sounds like you guys are basically bf/gf in all but name, which is pretty cute, I’m happy for you both. My catharsis comes from driving my car very fast and blaring manic phonk music personally, art is much safer I think. I think though, as long as you reaffirm that you care, and that he’s enough, he’ll come around.
I bought and started playing Elden Ring, and I didn't expect to like as much. I'm worried that I'm hooked on it. Maybe I wouldn't have this problem if I had a gf
I’m back from my speeding session. Hydroplaning is quite scary. Someone remind me to never speed on wet roads again.
>You said irl or phone, you gave her a choice and she chose none, you have to be more forward and say ''you seem chill, lets grab a coffee on saturday'' or ''lets grab a drink friday after work'' or some shit, you have to guage it to her tho these are examples.
oh yeah that's what I meant. i didn't mean I ask one particular girl this or that. i tailor the place and time to something I know she prefers after getting to know her.

>she ghosted you and that is an answer in of itself, why bother with a woman who ghosts?
yeah that's probably the right way to look at it. why want a girl that doesn't want me.

the dating app game is really fucked for me. i try to ask matches out for irl dates quickly because one im way more charming in person and two it just allows you to know a person better.

i feel like it wasn't this bad pre covid or am I wrong? The ghosting, i mean. I met my first gf (2y) in 2016 on tinder and that was pretty chill. Second gf on hinge in 2019 till we broke up in 2023

If a chick wasn't into me, she'd either not match or tell me straight for which i respect them. Now it's like ghosting is the norm
Worst you get is a slap on the wrist, us on the other hand… you gotta take one for the team
Just smoke a cigarettes like a normal person. Return to tradition, reject modernity
I also do that while speeding. Plus blaring phonk music at full blast. Makes my car vibrate.
Not sure what limited contact means exactly.
>childhood bestfriend/ex gf
are you bi?
Video games are fine as long as they don't distract you from doing the things in your life that need to be done.
>not even NIN sounds evil and nasty
Bro has never listened to the Quake OST
Yeah reddit is fucking shit for that lol. I tried posting in the bipolar subreddit and they were like your account has to be x days old and has this karma and follow da rules yadda yadda. Like wtf why are you making a nutter jump through so many hoops just to make a post
Person is female.
We catch up once in a very very rare blue moon, but will interact on social media say like if we post about a videogame we both loved growing up or interact on our art pieces since we are both creative people. Life makes us busy and we had a rocky thing here and there but we have both admitted we both are still special to eachother.

I am bi but in terms of the spectrum, I definitely lean more towards men. She has been my only gf in my life. She rocks both femme/masc energy depends how she feels and in entertainment so posts saucy pics and touring/band stuff. I like pretty/androgynous men and have dated more men in my life.

My female friend still jokes trying to get me to become poly but I digress.
The guy won't report you, especially if you establish some trust through casual conversation. Metoo was a one-sided movement, women against men. If you are a woman then most of the cautionary tales from then don't apply to you.
The Quake OST is an exception, it is a solo Trent album where he doesn't have vocals or do rock, I said NIN.
I went out with a friend's sister once, that was it
Parking officers are scum of the earth, I unironically think drug dealers do more good for society
When you're the only one who's never had a partner it does make you think wtf is wrong with me lol
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State gender
Who will win the Euros?
>My female friend still jokes trying to get me to become poly but I digress.
This could be a wedge and an issue.
Not Switzerland.
We making it out of the brass section with this one
I honestly think it sounds pretty epic, love the way the trumpet layers build
Are you 6'5 with blue eyes tho
What if I affirm that I'm not going to change? What can I do other than hope a guy trusts me?
Women, do you lot actually fall in love and shit over the internet? That seems like a male only thing
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>dead thread
Post a rap a capella that you like (or do a rap yourself :o) and I'll try make a lofi beat for it
Why is it that when you nut on a woman’s face she acts like a cat you put socks on
Not a lot. If you have contact with someone who is hinting that they still carry a romantic torch for you, even as a "joke", some people will get bothered by that. You basically have to hope you find a man who is very secure.
I'm 45 M and dating a 18-year-old F who seems head over heels in love with me, calls me "perfect" and praises me excessively, talks about getting married and having my kids and raising them, and pursued me instead of the other way around. What exactly am I doing wrong, and why am I a bad human being, /adv/?
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>Are you 6'5 with blue eyes tho
>having my kids and raising them
I wish her luck raising some autistic kids while you're becoming an old man
Ofc she hasn't considered the implications of this because she's young and naive
It's selfish and predatory. Date someone in their 30s at the fucking least pal
Despite what angry bitter foids will say, if you're happy, go for it.
It's a meme you dip
>pursued me instead of the other way around
This doesn't make it any better lol. I felt icky dating an 18yo at 23 and used this excuse in my head but it just shows they're young and dumb and need more lif XP
Hag hands.
>if you're happy, go for it
He's not considering her happiness longterm though. He's nearing 50 so if they want kids they're gonna have to get busy soon and that's a life commitment. Her 20s are gonna be spent raising young kids who may or may not have problems, while OP is getting closer to retirement age and may or may not have other health problems
I'm a guy, just saying it how it is brother
Its a lot funnier to say hag hands and encourage him to boink the teen but yeah lmao, on paper its dumb as hell.
Ok fairs lol
M. Kisses like picrel are the absolute best, though it is me who gets them from my wife.
M. I don't really care for unusual twists on normal names, but it it very unlikely that it would prevent me from forming a meaningful relationship.
>Should I bring this up with her, I don’t know what it will accomplish; it is eating me alive though.
If it is hurting you inside, you should talk about it with her definitely. From experience, it won't get better with time usually. You'll just need to be careful when it comes to sensitive topics like that.
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Why can't I insult women or tease them? It just makes me feel icky I guess
Is this a bad trait to have femanons? Always feels like my mind goes blank when I'm in the flirting stage and I'm supposed to tease someone
>it just shows they're young and dumb and need more lif XP
I've dated older women before. They weren't any less dumb. The idea that women grow wiser as they get older is a meme.
What was the relationship like? Obviously it ended amicably, but how did it end, if you don't mind saying?
Eh if that's not your style you don't have to tease them. Not all girls like that anyway. I would just keep it lighthearted and playful and sprinkle in enough positive comments/compliments also
>The idea that women grow wiser as they get older is a meme
Bit misogynistic but ok
NTA, Same thing applies to men though. The only thing growing older gives you is the chance to become more wise, it's not a guarantee.
Nta but as long as you're enjoying the process and keeping it real you shouldn't get uspet about what others thing of your music. By all means ask for and take constructive criticism where you want to but imo the whole point of art is to express yourself freely
Sure thing, agreed 100%
It was just OP specifying that women specifically do not get wiser that made me raise an eyebrow lol
>It was just OP specifying that women specifically do not get wiser that made me raise an eyebrow lol
Fair enough, I'm like the opposite of a white knight. As a man I must simp for men. Probably why I don't have many male friends...
Tbf I don't know why I'm arguing against misogyny on 4chan of all places lel
Nobody on this board reads books or has an IQ over 100 desperate Neanderthals looking to pass on their shit tier genetics by any means possible shame on all you losers but you probably won’t even feel it
Eh I get it. Sometimes it can feel personal when people are constantly shitting on you for just existing.
Women: what do you want a "dominant" bf to do? My gf has informed me that she is "submissive" and that I need to tie her up and do whatever it is that "dominant" people do. I've started watching youtube tutorials on how to tie shibari, but I have zero experience in this whole field. Every other girl I've dated was just happy with normal sex, and none has ever insisted on being tied up before.
You’re an incel your genetics are literally trying to stop you from embarrassing yourself give them a break
Mr. ENTJ, my IQ was tested at 143 and I've read many occult and theological papers for fun.
Yes I can see that it’s obviously dropped off significantly
>your genetics are literally trying to stop you from embarrassing yourself
Clearly yours aren't doing the trick
True I took this test about 5 years ago, I smoked a lot of weed since then.
M. Clear communication, good with money, has actual hobbies, not superficial / overly focused on looks.
My wife can have a pretty irregular cycle when she is stressed out, like at worst two period weeks back to back after almost two months of nothing.
M, living in a very similar relationship. Have you talked with him what is weighing him down? Maybe try giving him some more attention than usual in the everyday life, hugs and kisses and small compliments. Maybe cook/buy his favorite food/snacks, watch something together etc.
I wish you two all the best, you sound like a wholesome, happy couple, made for each other.
13 yeas and counting here.
Good morning man. How are you?
I’ve been sent to warn of you the impressing cringelord persona you will be going to manifest kinda like Jesus
>I’ve been sent
This isn't narcissistic in the least.
8 months and it still first like we literally just started dating lol incel IQ posting is prohibited
>There's not much of a better feeling than making a cute girl happy. You get to protect her, love her, hug her, make and see her smile, smell her, touch her boobs. She makes cute noises and you get to hear her talk all the time. You get to look into her eyes as much as you want. She's willing to hold your hand. She laughs at your stupid jokes.

Hot guys do that without marrying anyone
Yes I do.
>tries to help
Everytime you guys have some unbreakable childhood trauma conditioning man
Going to? I manifested my cringe persona years ago lol
Isn't this just having female friends lol
Enjoy having no sex I suppose we all have our part to play
They are just trying to be polite
Yes it is quite grim
Theres one of these in every workplace fucking hell
No such thing as too much pasta.
>tfw my wife has tomboy personality, always been "one of the guys", but also likes to dress up feminine and pretty when going out.
I initially befriended my now-wife, and overall think friendship is a very solid basis for a healthy relationship.
My higher purpose is happiness and sharing it with those important to me.
Give me some good advice
>how do i cope with that fact that I’m gay and dating a man with masculine features but I gotta gaslight myself into thinking I’m not gay
When I was getting my PhD, there was a grad student in my department who kept talking about "imposter syndrome" and how he was made to feel like he didn't belong in the program. He eventually failed out and became a realtor, because he didn't really have the skills to handle our field.
Ever since then, I've just assumed that anyone who mentions "imposter syndrome" is in over his head and is in denial of that, which makes him twice as useless.
Good morning, though it is already afternoon for me. Not that I would have been up for a long time. Feeling pretty tired since I've slept poorly the whole past month or so. Otherwise I'm pretty good right now. How about you?
Fuck off incel gross
Well, it's not his fault that he needs money to live
eehh, she was making a joke about a videogame character I like who I can marry in game and said "**our wife, comrade" and said it's 2024 lol. guy I mentioned to is wary of her. but we don't talk much anymore at all.
ummm there really I no start or end, she just used to call me her wife. so it feels like we divorced even tho it's not real. she was very combative and possessive of me towards my exes though and had a hawk's eye. I told her about new guy and she said he hopes he treats me right and I deserve that. we ended the friendship after mental health issues between us and boundaries about other things since we lived together, had disagreement on rent and something she took from me she didn't think I wanted after I moved and found out about it years later. I stopped contact for a year and let her back in but like I said we barely talk but recently said we were still special to another since we met in our formative years etc
He was trying to prevent you from paying off student loans for the rest of your life you probably scrub toilets and uber eats
I’m alright, thinking about asking a girl out at my local grocery store. First time since I split with my ex 2 months ago. I’ve also never actually asked out a girl like this, the old fashioned way. I also did some late night speeding so I feel good. Sorry to hear about your poor sleep, what’s been up with that?
I see that you don't understand how grad school funding works. If the department thinks you have potential, they offer you fellowships, teaching assistantships, or research assistantships. These are tuition waivers and pay a stipend: if you actually belong in grad school, the school pays YOU to attend. If your department doesn't offer you money, they don't think you're capable.
I never paid a dime for my MA or PhD.
>guy I mentioned to is wary of her. but we don't talk much anymore at all.
As long as you prioritize your man and don't let your ex shit test you or him it should be fine.
I play hyper music to get my jitter out too lol. I'll try to reaffirm if he gets in a mood again, which is likely. I just wonder how long it will take for him to come around. he can be very sweet sometimes. wanna be mommy/owner gf so bad
>tell me you don’t have sex without telling me you don’t have sex
Weird larp but okay
Hahaha, I'm sure it'll go well. I wish I could tell you how long it'll take, but only he can really know that. Either way, all the best to you and him, sounds like you guys have a good thing building. Maybe I'll come to the wedding if I'm not wrapped around a tree lol.
I used to read a lot, but I haven't read a physical novel in years now.
M. Would appreciate the honesty, and I think it is pretty normal that people can remain in touch even after a break-up. If we were dating, it would take some reassurances to make me completely at ease though.
>they offer you fellowships
So did you throw the ring in the volcano?
But marrying a girl lets you keep her all to yourself.
>I’m alright, thinking about asking a girl out at my local grocery store.
Best of luck with that.
>I also did some late night speeding so I feel good.
You crazy son of a bitch. If you start dating, you need to stop that shit. Actually, you should stop either way before you ruin your or someone else's life with that.
>Sorry to hear about your poor sleep, what’s been up with that?
I've always been a night owl (I just don't get sleepy in the evening even if I slept fuck-all), but the world doesn't agree with my wants and needs.
>You crazy son of a bitch. If you start dating, you need to stop that shit. Actually, you should stop either way before you ruin your or someone else's life with that.
You know, they say this, but I speed between 2-4am where there are zero other cars on the road. If I die, I die. Then I won't have to feel anxious trying to ask out the qt at the grocery store when I have literally zero frame of reference for how to do it normally.
>I've always been a night owl (I just don't get sleepy in the evening even if I slept fuck-all), but the world doesn't agree with my wants and needs.
Same here bro. I usually just say it fuck it and stay up. Plus I work nights so it's conducive to some real shite sleep.
wouldn't be interested in a bisexual woman
It feels nice when you are in grocery store, go to check out your items, and the cashier is a cute girl who stares in your eyes intensly asking if you want the reciept.
And she smiles nicely saying bye.

I know shes paid to do that, but at least i can pretend in my head she wasnt repulsed by seeing my face
Lets get that grocery girlussy.
I gotta start shaking some magic crystal 8 balls pfff. Funny you mention it, he shared a meme to me about how girls should propose more. He has been proposed to in the past he told me so he said he already had a 1-0 on that front lol. I think I would want something more personal/private as far as wedding goes, and I think he said same idk. that would be cute if you came tho :3 also I ran into traffic once tryna kms wouldn't it be funny if you were driving one of those cars haha
>But marrying a girl lets you keep her all to yourself.
That's not how the modern world really works.
>also I ran into traffic once tryna kms wouldn't it be funny if you were driving one of those cars haha
God I hope you take me with you. I'll be the one in the back smelling like weed.
> Funny you mention it, he shared a meme to me about how girls should propose more. He has been proposed to in the past he told me so he said he already had a 1-0 on that front lol.
You thinking you'll be 2-0 or would you rather be more trad?
this a question towards girls that have anxiety when in public

do you avoid eye contact?
do you look straight ahead?
I know men pull out their phones but what do you do?
what's a clear giveaway you're having anxiety about being in public?
>You know, they say this
You do you, I guess. At least you're somewhat responsible about it.
>Same here bro
Fucking hell. At least you understand what a PITA it can be. I'm mostly struggling with it because it fits really fucking poorly with studying at the uni.
Sounds like someone else's issue than mine. I've been together with my wife for 13 years now with zero loyalty issues on either side.
Why do dating “leagues” seem to only apply to men?
>At least you understand what a PITA it can be.
For sure, yeah. Especially when you're studying? That shit is hard. You studying post grad or just getting the degree now?
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Question for the ladies.
Why would a young woman treat me like trash in public, but be very sweet and kind in private?

Context; this is a co-worker in an office environment. I'm 33, white. She's 25, black.
Behaviour is stuff like cutting me off, being dismissive, ignoring me, etc.
After hours when it's just us two she'll occasionally ask me for advice, wish me a good evening, and otherwise behave normally.
What a great time for a beer.
state gender
should i get an erotic massage?
I was playing Halo Infinite multiplayer with my 8 year old cousin over wireless lan, we have two boxes, and I learned later that his mom thinks it's not appropriate for his age. Can anyone suggest something, preferably free, that might be more his speed? We both have Nintendo Switches also.
Women, what is your bra size?
>I've been together with my wife for 13 years now with zero loyalty issues on either side.
Loyalty isn't necessarily the issue. The divorces are. Happy for you, however.
Rocket League, Fall Guys, Brawlhalla.
You can never be sure, but I think for women it is usually also scrolling on the phone. I notice that sometimes I meet someone's gaze by accident and they instantly get a cramped look and return to their phone, and I'm not even a guy, or intimidating in any way or whatever.

It's different when walking around. A woman who feels nervous about being in public will disconnect from phone/music and look straight ahead. Your mileage will vary when it comes to looking everyone in the face (to show you are not afraid) or avoiding everyone's eye contact ( to not draw attention to yourself). That's a matter of individual preference, like it is also common to cross the street when a guy or group of guys approaches. Whereas if someone gives me the creeps, the last thing I want to do is let it show, if anything I will brush closely past him. That's just personal strategy there.
She wants to uphold that black stereotype.
They don't. I think it is just that women talk about it less overtly because there is more reluctance to come out and admit openly that many people are shallow and your looks matter a lot, all the more for a woman.

But still, women are quite acutely aware of stuff like "would he fuck me y/n... would he want to talk to me AFTER he fucked me y/n... would he be proud to be seen with me in public y/n..."

The main difference is that a man will get turned down by a woman and a woman might still get laid, she has more odds of being "fuckbuddyzoned" than actually friendzoned. Doesn't mean she can date whoever she wants.
I think there's enough women here so
Is it better to give my number to a girl, or ask for hers? I've never asked someone out the old fashioned way like this, kinda out of my element. Please respond.
Generally it is better to ask for hers, simply because even if she had a great feeling face to face with you, a lot of people are pussies and when alone again they start doubting their chances or how much they liked you.

For the record, guys asking your number and then never sending anything also happens.

The only reason in which I'd pick giving her your own number is in a situation where (like she's a cashier you meet at work) you would be putting unfair pressure on her, making a spectacle or whatever else by putting her on the spot right that moment.
>The only reason in which I'd pick giving her your own number is in a situation where
That's the literal situation. She is a cashier at my local grocery store and I think she's cute. Also I tend to be like
>a lot of people are pussies and when alone again they start doubting their chances or how much they liked you.
a lot of the time. But I'd probably get over it if I had hers? Hard to say. But it does seem like if she's the cashier at work and I'm just like "hey I like you, want my number?" Would work?
I much prefer if a guy gives me his. I feel more in control and not obligated to phone him.
>see woman jogging at the park
>she crosses street to avoid me
>try to get her attention but she keeps going
>she dropped her keys and i just wanted to let her know
Different options. Do you remember as a kid you would get along with your sibling until they or you had a friend over? It can be like that. Some people when one on one, they feel that you're what they have to work with, they try hard.
But the moment you are in public or there's an audience, they don't feel as focused on you or as dependent, and then their annoyances about you surface again and it feels good to express those.

It is also possible that she simply does not really know how to carry herself in public with you. Especially if she DOES actually feel very tender about you, she might have an urge to overcompensate and act "too cool to care".

It is also possible that for whatever reason you simply act in a way that is less pleasant to her when out in public and her attitude is in response to that.
>That's the literal situation.
Give her yours. Don't make her stop to write something down and hold up the line.
Sucks to be her, no doubt she stood in front of her door and it suddenly clicked what you wanted...
TYSM gl me
Is it? I think it's a bit meh. But thanks?
>But it does seem like if she's the cashier at work and I'm just like "hey I like you, want my number?" Would work?
Yes, but don't ask. Just have it ready, tell her "I quite like you, here's my number if you feel like getting drinks together", give her a radiant smile and leave. And if you don't hear from her, make sure to come back quickly and act like nothing ever happened to prove you can still act normal.

But yes in this situation giving yours is far better than asking hers. You have no clue what her boss/coworkers are like. She could get teased mercilessly for being hit on, or her boss will accuse her of flirting too much with customers to make this happen sometimes. Or another coworker who never gets attention is salty and starts targeting her. You just don't know so it is best to leave the ball in her court.
Also nice
Okay, that's what my gut was telling me. Thanks a million, even having you gameplan for me helps my nerves. Like I said, I've had sex and girlfriends but I met them all online first before meeting up irl OR they heavily pursued me. Never actually straight up asked someone out, so this is new and scary.
The bear wont help you find your keys
They absolutely do apply to women.
You're welcome! Easier said than done, but the important thing to keep in mind is that if you don't hear from her, you don't know why. For all you know she's super gay or in a very very serious relationship. That you have no control over.

You do have control over putting in effort and putting yourself out there to take a chance you would've missed anyway, otherwise. That is the only part you need for yourself in life and you can prove to yourself by asking her out you dare to speak up when you see a chance and not just let it pass. That should be a source of joy regardless of the outcome. You can do it!
lol, watch us blip into another universe on impact. mmm, I feel like it does put pressure on me so that the ball would be in his court if we made it that far. but I have positive feelings towards the idea of proposing, I just dunno if incan be slick enough to look cool while doing it even though so far he thinks I am. also idk where financially I'll be in a few years. I wouldn't mind either way. whoever is bolder. he's already sent me a meme saying no refunds about him lol.
Your back must be in constant pain.
Girls how's life on easymode?
10 to one you split up before 2 years.
Ignorant question here but how come one has a higher number and lower letter. If one goes up doesnt the other?!?
Ya'll are gonna make some cute ass babies, maybe we should hold off on the universe hopping for now lol. I do hope that he does it more trad desu I always prefer when the man proposes.
>also idk where financially I'll be in a few years.
Why is that? If you don't mind sharing.
That's extremely slutty. Just because a girl CAN do that doesn't meant she wants to. I know that's how a guy would do it if he was suddenly a girl though.
365 party girl (bumping that)
Thank you, a lot. It's something I'm learning in therapy that I need to do things because I want to, and other people's reactions aren't necessarily a reflection of me or my fault. Seems like a good exercise desu, and if it works out then I have a qt to cuddle with.
This is a recipe to getting stabbed, btw.
Not at all! The number is the circumference of the torso around the bottom of the bra. The letter is the actual cup size where the boobs go. They sort of scale, a 32D is not as big as a 36D.
DNA test time.
I want born hating women...
>If one goes up doesnt the other?!?
Not necessarily. You can still have a wide torso but small boobs. Then you get into problems like not being able to make cleavage. :(
>I know that's how a guy would do it if he was suddenly a girl though.
Tell me about it. I think a lot of guys view the female experience as what they would do that that situation. That's totally missing the point. With women, there's a big stigma of being a slut. Men are playas if they do that.
My library looks just like that, but I've read them all, and I don't read any more.
I love drinking once every 6 months. I used to down jager bombs for fun and now I get tispy off of a beer and a half. It's great.
Yes, but mostly short stories desu.
oh lordt you have no idea how fine/pretty he is. that would be hella sweet, but like i said he is struggling with the idea of passing on his genes with inheriting health stuff. even if he wants to idk how long it will take him to come around. he got weird and said he would keep an accident baby but he makes so sense since plan b exists.

I had something really bad happen to me so I haven't worked in years
So for example 30D is actually more hourglass shaped than 36D?
Woman then?
Is that you anon? Big torso small tiddies.
**makes no sense
flip that s
Nope, just a massive teetotaller. I used to drink like crazy but I'm real soft now.
>asking out a woman in public is a bad idea
>asking out a woman you know is a bad idea
>asking out a woman you know trough hobbies is a bad idea
>using dating apps as an average guy is a bad idea
so basically, the only way of starting a relationship is if a woman approaches you?
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Young Jennifer Connely
Being in love with her since I saw her riding scene when I was 10
State gender
What country do you want to visit the most and why?
Possibly. The number doesn't really mean anything for the hips or the rest of the body, just the width of the ribcage. Odds are that you wouldn't be an hourglass with a 30 bandsize though. :) Slim girls with naturally big boobs are actually pretty rare.
Italy, I want to walk trough Rome. going there in autumn
>if a woman approaches you
Bad idea
One of them, yes. There must be more than one I mean.
M New Zealand, seems pretty. And not just because of the LotR thing.
France for the drive and the war sites.
So low number good, letter matters not. Got it
What vitamins/meds do you take each day?
Pretty much, yeah. :) 38 is getting kinda chubby.
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If i’m handsome but poor and weird, can I get laid?
Like in an autism way?
>have saggy tits
>have tits
Thats enough for me
Roblox, Minecraft, Terraria
I don't have breast implants.
>You studying post grad or just getting the degree now?
I'm studying Business Information Systems, finished my first year.
Loyalty and divorces definitely have a correlation between them. Even if it obviously isn't everything. Overall I think people get married with too little thought often times.
Eh, I was the one who asked out my now-wife back when we were friends.
Definitely. I'm an unemployed student with autism and I'm married to a gorgeous woman.
You remind me an old friend I had a long time ago. She was also married so that's a good sign for you! Those genes can be harsh but it shouldn't stop you cute rascals from doing the dirty and making some cutie kids that I can be the wine aunt for.
Unironically only with an autistic girl.
This can't be real lmao
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Are these redflags for you?
Yeah, for sure, especially if you can present your weirdness as being unconventional/a free spirit.
Where'd the stereotype come from that autistic girls are cute and weird while autistic boys give you the ick? I do a lot of icky stuff.
out of all of them only antisocial isnt
I had to run to the loo to tactical chunder the other night in the club when I got jagerbombs, just stuck to voddy lemonade the rest of the night
I'm becoming an old man...
Sounds like me in a nutshell so
Does antisocial actually mean "I'll cut you, bitch!"
Is it same as pants sizes? Like i wear 32 waist... so if 32 bra that means her chest is as big as my waist?
F, culturally speaking the US, simply because I consumed so many movies and so much literature from there plus I can speak the language which is a big deal for me. I hate feeling like a kid who has to quietly watch the grownups talk.

In terms of nature/just exploring, I have always most loved images from certain parts of Russia and/or Iceland. Cold, flat spaces where you can see everything and there is a lot of water.
B vitamins
Vit D
Circumference, yes.
>tfw was just watching pr0n that had this really fit girl
>suddenly noticed she had a bunch of geeky tats including a big tattoo of Sailor Mars wielding fire
I nutted instantly ngl
D, B12, cranberry pills.
>asking out a woman in public is a bad idea
Disagree, as long as you are casual about it and ready to bow out quickly.

>asking out a woman you know is a bad idea
Disagree, just be aware that it will be more than her just saying yes or no and either outcome can complicate your relationship.

>asking out a woman you know trough hobbies is a bad idea
Flat out disagree, this is a great idea.

>using dating apps as an average guy is a bad idea
It's harder to impress women on apps than face to face, but you miss all the shots you can't take and online dating is still fine as long as you treat it as low effort low stakes bad odds.

>if a woman approaches you
Also great.
>In terms of nature/just exploring, I have always most loved images from certain parts of Russia and/or Iceland. Cold, flat spaces where you can see everything and there is a lot of water.
The US has that too. Come to MN
Because men have lower standards for women then women have for men espically when it comes to personality
what does it actually feel like when a woman wants you? how can you tell
Stop taking so much, you'll damage your liver.
Hmm so lower band size can usually but not always mean lower weight?
Will keep that in mind, thank you! I am quite shit with telling states apart (in terms of picturing what daily life is like there) and it doesn't help that in movies they often pretend it is one place and you find out later it was another...
I mean sometimes they just tell you
Idk how else to tell desu look for signals
Bags of sand
That's a good indicator, yes.
Different anon but this is true. Ribcage matters a lot and anyone who is taller or has a less light/slender build naturally will have a bigger ribcage. That does not have to mean they look "big", that depends on the overall picture, e.g. a big ribcage with proportional shoulders + hips and narrow waist will look quite good, just more hourglass than pear shape.

So a small girl with a very slight, narrow upper body naturally can be quite pudgy and still have a low band size, whereas a much taller and broader woman who is super slim can have a much higher one.
Ofc it is not real. This conversation is so blatantly forced it is hilarious.
Going to the pub in a group would be so much better if I had a chatty gf who could just do the talking for me s m h
All the couples riff off each other and take turns, I have to be a one man show coming up with jokes and shit
cute! ahh but again, remember he has intimacy issues when it comes to sex specifically because of his childhood trauma. that's why he said he understands if I leave him to find someone else but I've invested so much time in getting to know him, it's tragic. I even told him idc about his health issues I still like him

not a big drinker but plum wine is delicious :3
If I WANT someone, I'm going actually tell him, I won't just do the non-verbal stuff.
Up north near the boundary waters is all water and forest. Maybe be a little cautious if you fly into MSP, we were rated least safe public transit.
meant it more as in how does it feel like. Like knowing someone cares about you, shit like that
>what does it actually feel like when a woman wants you?
Great. I have never personally experienced it but can't really imagine it is a gendered experience to be wanted. You just feel confident, relaxed, happy, sexy.

It is more than just feeling it in the moment. Persistently being validated and praised by someone you find very attractive and sweet yourself, can and often will change your own perception of yourself and increase your overall confidence.

>how can you tell
When they can't keep their hands off you or the second you start touching them, their eyes light up. When they cannot help but smile a little when they look into your face. When you only have to do the smallest thing to make them blush or get bedroom eyes. When they act overjoyed to see you even though you saw each other the day before...

Not each of these is necessary, but you will know from small things like this, you will feel it, you will see it in their eyes. It is comparable to how sure you can be someone likes you (platonically) without them having to spell it out. And in a relationship it is also often ALSO spelled out literally.
Good post. There's no denying that she adored her uncle and only changed her mind when her parents found out. Even qt MAP, her best friend, said that she willingly got jiggy with the unc. There were no threats and she wasn't a victim. I bet she left her door open on purpose and only slightly covered her bits with the blanket when her unc came(no pun intended) to wish her good night.
>sometimes consider just fucking for the sake of it
>think “a future partner would be disappointed” as if anybody cares about a guy’s virginity
Why do I hold on to such worthless concepts
>qt MAP, her best friend, said that she willingly got jiggy with the unc
Wtf when did I say this lol
>So a small girl with a very slight, narrow upper body naturally can be quite pudgy and still have a low band size.
This seems like cope.
>all water and forest.
That sounds lovely. And thank you for the practical warning. The issue is traveling there would be so expensive that it only makes sense if you stay longer and have a real plan for how to make the most of your time, which makes it into much more of a project still. But I sure hope I get the chance some day.
Dont know man, I constantly feel the shame of wasting my first time with a girl who just used me for a one night stand.
if I could go back and become a virgin again and lose all memories of sex I'd take it in an instant
What a mood bro. I want to spite people who assume I'm a fuckboy by holding onto the khv card but I'd better avoid the pub with the blonde barmaid tonight
34A but have some bras in 32B and they fit
It's no cope, it's just logic. Band size is circumference so you can have a lower circumference than someone much taller/bigger even when having more bodyfat.

Switch it to a sweater in your head: a small sweater might fit a pudgy, tiny girl just fine and be too tight on a much taller but slimmer woman.
Yeh, there's that whole sister size thing.
Yeah but would anyone appreciate it though
You’re hot though so some women will overlook virginity at best
eeeey it's 34H
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>work gf is out sick today
probably for the best, I've been having non-work-related feelings towards her that could complicate things
men, how is your work gf? have you complimented her today?
Women ANGER me
I think the bigger question is, why do you let such an important decision as whether or not you want to (try to) start having sex or not, one that is highly personal and potentially has a huge influence on your life and development, depend on the hypothetical future judgment of a yet faceless stranger.

Especially if you hold on to your virginity as a long term investment, you also make yourself super susceptible to feeling slighted if you end up falling in love with a woman who's not a virgin anymore herself, when really that is not fair and will only frustrate and hurt both of you.
You can adjust a bra's bandsize somewhat, right?
Nah I'm mid bro
I've always just felt do what you feel is right, and the right person will value that about you
Or just get cats
Why would you ever think we would want to love secondhand women? Is this the lost /lgbt/ poster again?
That actually amuses me. Seems childish.
For some reason I have some feeling like it would make a bitch jealous cause she could’ve been my only one but yeah I’d be jealous if I wasn’t her only one
And I realize a lot of the time that jealousy means fuck all cause a lot of them like to be jealous essentially
Probably just never going on a date anyways
>Yeah but would anyone appreciate it though
dont know. the type of girl I'd love to marry probably would. But I doubt I fit the standards of a girl I'd like to marry.
>Is this the lost /lgbt/ poster again?
I don't think so.

>secondhand women
You're talking to someone who buys 95% of her clothes used. And that's just clothing. People all get older, all change and all in one way or another get damaged throughout life. If that meant we were then nothing more than used, kind of useless products, we could all just off ourselves at twenty one when we have peak youth and beauty and expectations for the future.

But life is not about that stuff and having someone who is there for the ride with you is a huge deal.
I am a little drunk now! Apologies for the forgetfulness haha. That does sound tragic...liek a beautiful play of some sort. I can do the drinking for all 3 of us :3
Women, how does it feel knowing that, from a biological perspective, you only really excel at being a walking incubator?
Yes if it has 3 sets of clasps that can adjust it by about an inch smaller or larger.
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Nta but I think it's good to have principles. I hate this "have your cake and eat it" mentality. Don't be a fuckin' degen
Yes. Also, tightening the straps gives you more cleavage. But it's not as comfortable.
Nah even those le trad girls still want a guy with some experience
Virgin or slutty woman, the preferences remain the same
>cause she could’ve been my only one
I don't know. Maybe for you it does matter a lot and if so, then that actually IS a worthwhile reason to hold on to your virginity, because you want to be with one person only in life.

I think though that if these situations would play out irl, whether or not she was your first would not matter as much for how special it is as you would hypothetically think.

>a lot of them like to be jealous essentially
You mean women want to be jealous of your past sex life? I wouldn't worry about that. Even if she is your first, stories about men cheating or wanting to break up specifically -because- they don't want to only have experienced one partner in life, are common enough that this can in itself be a source of anxiety if you are prone to worrying and insecure thoughts.
Not so good. I probably won't even do that.
well I still regret it
Anon didn't mention whether or not he valued virginity in partners, though. If that is very important to you then I agree I can respect wanting to hold yourself to the same standards. But that is indeed a principal stance that is very different from simply trying to guess or feel out what would get your most overall approval in the future.
I mean, from a biological perspective only, women are much more valuable than men. 10% of men can repopulate a society again. Lose the women and the species dies out. And again from a biological perspective all that matters is that we survive and how successfully. So if anything I feel like we outperform men there in terms of relevance.
What really bugs me about you guys is how you can lose weight so easily.
>whether or not he valued virginity in partners, though
I kinda feel that's irrelevant desu
Reproduction IS the most important thing in biology.
I guess not for me in that I have no judgment at all about men that feel better preservering their virginity (for a while, until marriage or for life) and it does annoy me when men are adamant about the women remaining virgins as long as possible while wanting a rich sex life themselves.

But I guess even if he does not value virignity in partners for me the same point applies. If remaining a virgin is in whatever way in line with his beliefs and cements his self-respect, good for him. If he is only holding off on having sex in case it makes him more attractive for future partners, he's not living his life for himself and he risks feeling resentful over his own choices down the line if they do not end up "paying off" as expected.
And yet i struggle
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>just never going on a date anyways
Dating is a bit of a headache anyways desu. I don't think I ever really had fun on a date, I was always relieved to get home. It's also why I don't have friends, more hassle than it's worth
How short are you? You sound short.
I suppose so but it could go the other way and he regrets whoring himself out. Best to stick to your principles imo and respect yourself for that
Damn this dilemma is shit
For what reason
The men like that get the virgins tho usually
Social situations are tiring in general
Spain because I love the culture.
wrong drug
Yeah I don't really understand how people enjoy socialising in general desu. I went on Steam yesterday and an old friend hit me up and I ended up agreeing to come see them at some point. Now I wish I hadn't logged in at all lol cause it's just hassle
>Best to stick to your principles imo and respect yourself for that
I don't disagree with this at all, but that's the point. If he whores himself out because he really really wants experiences, then regardless of how much he regrets it, he won't be left asking himself why. If he whores himself out because he thinks he will regret never doing it and then he hates it, he will likely feel shitty and cheated somehow.

Same goes, I think, for holding onto your virginity because it feels best for you vs seeing it as an investment.

Basically if you live life for other people, don't come complaining that you personally don't like the life you ended up with.
I think I have an alien, not a kitty.
Should've just said no.
Also add me on steam, bro
>if you live life for other people, don't come complaining that you personally don't like the life you ended up with
Amen to this desu
An alien kot? :o
I'm too agreeable tho
Also no (I barely use it anyway)
I'm just in an antisocial mood rn lol fuck my gay life and living with extroverts
>The men like that get the virgins tho usually
Most virgins, especially if they lose it at an older age, don't lose their virginity to another virgin. That doesn't mean it is expressly attractive to them for a guy to have these double standards. If anything I feel most virgin women want guys they are very serious with, but do not overvalue their virginity itself. Because being a virgin who's socially competent and considered attractive past a certain age in women is so rare that you can otherwise easily become someone's unicorn where they just go for you because how high are the odds that they will find another virgin they like more?

FWIW I lost it at 27 and would sometimes actively lie that I'd had sex to make sure a guy wasn't too into that.
>I'm too agreeable tho
>Also no
You just killed me.
Morocco, so I can slonk the finest hashish known to man.
Well... mostly. :)
Sub5’6 women should cease to exist. They should be bred out of society.
Ulcers then.
I was just joking anyway, I'm too shy to add anyone on any social platform.
Take care man.
Women, stop wearing bras.
Mood lol
Take care buddy
I need to fuck and/or date the grocery girl or I will die.
avoidable by dissolving aspirin in warm water + baking soda
Have you seen her again since you last posted?
Nop I have been getting drunk! I think she works evenings!
Maybe go there tonight then lol
Qt when did you realise that cocaine is nig***licious?
Good idea perhaps not drunk as fuck like I am now though!
Make some depressing beats.
Tempting lol but I'm just gonna do some housework rn
If we don't go out tonight then I definitely will though
That's weed
have you tried some vitamin D
Been cloudy outside all day
so stop whining about feeling bad and take vitamin D
I don't have any
so buy it
start paying attention to your body and why you feel like shit
I mean I used to take it every day and it didn't make a difference
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Got damn this entire morning I've been thinking it's August instead of July
Fuck me bros
I'll give him some vitamin D *spurt* uuuooogh
Amen. And tall men need to stop breeding with women that are child sized.
You are a dissapointment to your level.
You wonder why we have so many short men yet you keep making them, stupid.
Oh buddy you have a lot to learn about women.
get a better supplement instead of those crappy vitamin D gummies
You need a minimum amount of vitamin D each day, it's non-negotiable.
Already there.
Men with puffy nipples, I see you.
Who's gonna do that desu?
I deserve a tall blonde gf with big tits
Womens gummy
I deserve a slightly above average height brunette gf with c cups
Yes, ya'll are doing too fucking much in your heads. Especially narcs. Like double fuck you narcs. Don't hide that you are an asshole just to become one later. Fuck all the way off with your bad genetics.
Get a better quality one. The liquid gels get absorbed faster. Or a mouth spray.
Women who try on dick like they try on clothes don't deserve love and aren't capable of it
None. Should I?
Sorry, all I have is ass.
I deserve a slightly above average height brown haired boy with pecs
biotin, cranberry pills.
describe this ass
>Womens gummy
You idiot.
hahahahahaha why
Well it used to be brown but now it's dirty blond from sun light. And I do have good pecs for a dyel. Technically above average height lol
A vitamin D at least if you don't go outside much.
Okay I might try at some point thanks bro
Wtf why I only take it sometimes
And wouldn't that be horrible if someone loved you for not being a dumb fucking animal incapable of sincerity or long term thinking instead of for your appearance or income
What if I take vitamin D and get a few hours of sunlight each day, would that be too much
>men, how is your work gf?
Does breadwinner wife count?
>have you complimented her today?
No, but only because she left for work before I got up from bed.
gummies are a meme and iron supplements aren't that great
No, in fact accordimg to /fit/ taking 50,000% of daily reccomended vit D embigens ur pp
I got prescribed the iron
Even worse! Multivitamins are the "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to vitamins. And gummies have a lot of other shit that you don't need. You're lazy, aren't you? :)
That doesn't change my opinion on iron supplements
No, you don't really get that much from sun, desu.
Can I please choke a slut
This IS what it has come down to anon.
Women view male interest like junk mail. It's unwanted for 99% of them. They just don't want unknown men to talk to them.
> if a woman approaches you?
And of course women have proven to be utterly incapable of approaching men or showing interest in any sane way and eve if they did, it would be aimed at Chad anyway.
Your only remaining option is OLD as shit as that is for non Chads.
F how often do you masturbate or have sex?
Anemia, bro.
Hydroxyzine and Citalopram.
My vitamin collection is as follows, typically a once a week thing because this is trace mineral upkeep.
>grapeseed and hawthorn extract combo pill
>greent tea extract
>glucosamine chondroitin
>para protex
>Good ole vitamin C
>norwegian kelp
>super gotta go fast b vitamin cocktail
>this goes harder than cocaine b vitamin cocktail
Why do most people here pronounce anon as uh-non while I pronounce it like ay-non. I know anonymous but A-non sounds better 2 me
>>Good ole vitamin C
Why can't you just eat an orange or something once in a while?
You have anemia?
That sounds the most plausible.
I don't think she's interested in me romantically, or at all generally. I know she tries to get along with whoever she perceives as being most important in the room at any given time.
I do. I use vitamin C's secondary bodily effect for women. It forces a period at high doses.
You are fucking dumb
What should I take then
I'm bad at swallowing pills I can barely do the iron
k I just cooked a couple demos lel
nta but yes, I do, and I take iron for that. I think you really only have to take supplements if you're deficient in something desu.
What else would it be prescribed for?
Better food. Liver if you aren't a pussy.
>I'm bad at swallowing pills
Tilt your head forward and take it with liquid. It's like a little waterslide.
Not the iron I want my women nutrients
Yea I do that
No different to bloke's nutrients. Liver is great for A and B vitamins
The sound of the summer! I like these a lot
Man, wish I knew how to make it, cool beats
I deserve a blonde gf with a fat ass.
Theres this fake blonde at my gym with tiny boobs and wide hips and fat ass and i absolutely need to talk to her
Ukraine, so I can get some high explosives and automatic weapons to bring home
Yeh, the ONLY time I'd argue you should take supplements for women is if you've have menopause.
No, fuck off
What's in these supplements that isn't apart of anyone else's regular dietary requirements?
I imagine my oneitis to have a cute brown innie pussy.
Men, what do you imagine your oneitis' pussy to look like?
no oneitis
what I hope for most is that pussy smells good
>what do you imagine your oneitis' pussy to look like
Like Luna from Sailor Moon
But what about the rest
>But what about the rest
The rest of your diet should sort that. What do you eat? Do you eat dairy?
I mean don't we all need folate?
Higher D, K, folic acid, B12 because older folks don't absorb it as well, magnesium, zinc because older folks have shitty immune systems and injure themselves more. Older folks often have changed diet and absorption.
By what mechanism exactly? Because i don't think it's anything 'inherent' to being old, you can be young and have absorption issues and so on.
Most people are deficient in something because they aren't eating a good diet I would argue.
Older people have slower metabolism leading to much of those problems.
How do I get rid of black heads around my mouth
Thanks g
<3 <3
Lofi summer
Here's a couple more be4 I have to go do real life things ):
Do you use/have any cleansing products? Do you wash your face regularly with a non-irritating soap?
Yes and I've tried salycilic acid and all that but it hasn't helped much
Tbf I probably feel like shit because I had cigarettes and Irish coffee for breakfast and lunch lol
man eat some goddam food you are miserable because your blood sugar is low
It varies of course but older people generally have decreased stomach acid production, reduced digestive enzymes, slower gastrointestinal tract, other meds that can mess around with that, and more dehydration.
Women, do you like Splatoon?
I believe all of those are a result of decreased metabolism.
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need rocker chick gf
>what I hope for most is that pussy smells good
pic related
Oh, forgot physical changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Hm, that's a shame, maybe see a pharmacist or doc if you can for some more tips?
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Okay I will go make a sandwich
>need rocker chick gf
>pic related
When my cat wants to play lol
what mean...?
The IRS fucked me the fucked me right in the ass
So I was talking my self proclaimed incel bro and he said one of the reasons he refuses to date is because every time he interacts with a woman, he feels like he has to make a positive impression, even if he's known her for awhile. Like he described a situation where he basically ended up creeping a girl out because he would always make a point to greet her and if she didn't warmly greet him back, he would obsess over it.
I guess I can kinda relate but I wanted to ask you guys if there was a certain name for this affliction (aside from autism ofc)
Why are all Western European countries electing female Hitler?
Men do very prominent hipbones look ugly
Why do women hate fat and balding men so much?
I fucking hate Tindering too. I got ghosted on Friday by a cute chubby bitch, I shouldn't have texted her first. Best way to Tinder is to wait for her to text first. I'm pretty sure I got dates and hook-ups with every bitch who texted me first.
No, i think they're cute
Do they? Just have your head
>tfw don't even have my head
it's ogre
I'm a man with shriveled skin at the hips. Is that a problem?
Men, is stretchmarks on boobs icky?
What does mean, bro?
you got like nutsack at the hip like some scrotum cowboy?
Yes. Are you very old?
Why do you care about my opinion, lmao
you should probably ask you boyfriend what he thinks, he's the only one seeing them besides you.
You should love yourself, NOW!
I'm 22.
I have stretchmarks on my armpits and crotch, is this a turnoff?
Not really. That just means they grew really big, really fast. That's hawt.
is it true that women get attached from intimate contact fairly quickly or are most girls just spoiled and cant handle any sort of discomfort or pain

ive seen both ends of the spectrum. boyfriend and girlfriend girl going insane over a split. husband and wife, wife not giving a shit about divorcing a good man that may be a cheater, amongst other scenarios
That is way too early for stretchmarks. Were you fat?
No, my boobs just grew quickly.
Not necessarily. I prefer boobs with them and a little bit of sag
Women don't exist bro
coomer taste
// User post
var userPost = "I have stretch marks on my armpits and crotch, is this a turnoff?";

// Check for user gender parameter
if (userGender == undefined) {
response = "Error: Gender not specified. Unable to determine response tone. Please specify gender.";
} else if (userGender == "male") {
response = "Yes, kys.";
} else if (userGender == "female") {
response = "No worries, girl! Stretch marks are totally normal.";

// Output chatbot response
Thank you, ChatGPT
No not really.
No, it's fine Judy means your boobs grew fast.
fast growing boobs is an ick
Women would you date a guy who cums ten times harder to hairy pussy than bald pussy?
Hell yea
where is the line between having really strange, specific standards in what a guy finds attractive and him just being closeted gay?
Zinc deficiency is an ick.
Because of medical stuff one side has extra fat while the other has less fat which leads to shriveling
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Where do I find autistic girls?
What if it's half shaved?
Are people really starting to wear Covid masks again?
yo mama
Stop eating chapstick so often.
I saw one guy wearing it last week. I wish I had a brick in my hand for sheep like that.
Yeh, there's a new variant. It's not done yet.
Does that mean you only shaved the lips?
I like that. Probably my preference.
Yikes! Good thing I’m quad vaxxed + boosted. :^)
Yeah, whenever I see a person wearing a mask in the current year, I just hope that person kills himself soon. I mean the hatred I have for these creatures is something I didn't know I was capable of.
How exactly? I don't dislike perky tits but ones with a little bit of sag are better imo. I'm not talking about grandma boobs or anything
I felt the same way during covid while my human rights as a non-vaxxed person were violated.
Because those health markers say you are so shit at eating healthily and your sperm tastes like battery acid.
Because they are normal and normal people have sex
100%. I'll never forget what they did, and I will never forgive them.
>Does that mean you only shaved the lips?
the opposite
So girl came over last night. We’ve been seeing eachother for a month and a half or so.
She’s been opening up a lot more and I’ve made jokes about her being my girlfriend but we hadn’t actually talked about being exclusive.
So we’re laying in bed and she starts talking about how she’s getting really comfortable talking about her feelings and shit and remarks that it seems like she’s been a bit more serious than I have about opening up, and she tells me she wants me to be more serious.
So I ask if she wants to be exclusive.
And she makes some weird smile and says yes and makes a joke something like “we’re so official now,”
But she’s smiling like an idiot and starts kissing me a lot and she’s telling me she’s trying to hide herself from smiling so much but says she’s just really happy

For some reason this felt weird to me and like she didn’t take it seriously. But she vocally expressed that she was really happy about it and also wants to hang out Wednesday so we can spend the night together again

Does it sound like she was being genuine?
I googled what this could look like and got no results except this caveman.
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Who was in the wrong here?
that's roughly $385,000
ok i can't visualize this
You don't find me. Shoo.
Calling it now, there will be a flare and lockdowns just in time for early Nov
My sperm tastes fine.
Don't ask me how I know.
>Good thing I’m quad vaxxed
That's unironically the reason we're getting so many variants.
Yeah imagine his skin on the hips
how to get an unvaxxed gf? real question
Why not?
I'm pretty sure that attempting that shit again will at best be met with indifference, if not outright hostility. Midnight mystery ballot madness isn't going to fly again.
I love my work mommy.
And yet they will try.
you're just being funny now aren't you
how would you feel if you found out your bf had a work mommy?
I do feel comfortable this time even though Covid is flaring up again because I don't think there's any way that lockdowns and mask mandates will happen again. I'm actually excited this time. Now it's my turn to treat the maskies like subhuman trash.
I wish I could have a work mommy
No, it's a serious question.
why would you shave the top but leave the lips??????
State gender
Do women also flex about their sexual prowess?
I laser it
I leaked precum when my work mommy told me to move something out of her way.
Dr. Fauci.. give us vaccines
How are you doing? Image replies only.
What made you do this? you did it the wrong way around
>tfw no nurse gf to sedate me with a suppository
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I don't want laser near my lips
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>mask mandates
I don't want that. The herd needs to be thinned.
gender and age, and nationality if u want, NA EU or whatever replies fine
u vaxxed?
Understandable, at that point you might as well keep it bald.
Male 28 USA
I did not get the Covid vaccine and I enjoy laughing at the people who did and all the health problems they're experiencing now
M Canadian, yes.
M19 yeah, it's over for me isn't it. Once the 5g towers activate the mind control bugs will turn me into a normie and I'll finally be able to get a gf
Is this what people mean when they say an outtie?
Don't think I've ever seen one.
M 34 USA

I got one shot then I never got around to getting any others and just lied on the forms. I guess I'll probably mutate into a miniboss or something when the zombie patch goes live.
>lied on the forms
Don't they do background checks?
This is 2024
Someone halp
Hello I'd like to unsubscribe from this blog.
How about I put your meds in your ass with my strapon?
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There is no audit to confirm
Same for votes
You really need to learn how to greentext.
God I don’t want to type all that out again
Yes she is being genuine. You should marry her imotbqhwyrn
Nope, and it is a memorable body feature.
Completely fine and normal.
Angry cheese.
I never had any issues with it so I guess not lol, I'm not even an anti-vaxxer I just figured that shit didn't work since me and everyone else got covid anyways.
I draw the line at fingers, sorry
No, but it makes me think you have an eating disorder.
How do I get a gf who likes when I play with her butt
Is this some new gimmick or why does this keep happening to you?
Has anyone here actually got covid and any lingering health effects?
Sorry I accidentally deleted the last digit. Idk I guess I'm just a klutz
Couldn't taste food for about a month.
Idk i feel more tired
I did and had a weird nightmare, but no actual long term effects. I just felt like shit for a day, slept for about 28 hours, felt like shit for another day, then I was back to normal.
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No, think more intestine sticking out.
I need to see a woman with an outtie, cause I honestly can't tell if I'd find it weird or not.
My asthma got way worse, but I did have it before to be fair.
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State gender
Do you have a healthy relationship with your mother?
He looks like one of my uncles except my uncle isn’t an outie
Women, would you prefer futas to men?
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>forgot image (-_-)
how would you rate this girl if she wasn't literally showing you her tits?
File deleted.
That's not so weird.
Not him, but smiling makes me happier, and I'm pretty sure that's normally true for humans (not talking about severe depression or anything like that)
With the death of the dating market the best time to have hooks up with women is right now. I'm a fucking 33 year old loser who still lives with his parents and doesn't have a job and I can still get laid by zoomers. How? Why? Because in my own generation, I actually lack social skills, but zoomers lack even more than I do that I come off as normal. I also work out and I'm above average looking. These women are so desperate for any time of love they just see that I'm white, I look and sound normal, and even when I tell them that I'm 100% not interested in anything but long term hookups and that they don't give me what I need I can get it elsewhere they fall in line really quick.
I accidentally grew up in to a Chad, wait not, that's not it. Standards for men have fallen so low and women are so desperate for some sort of validation/love that they'll still sleep with me.
This truely is clown world. There isn't a single day I wake up and can't beleive the world I now live in and how I'm somehow better off than a good amount of people. It's bizzare.
>if she wasn't literally showing you her tits
M25 UK
Yes, had to be when I worked in healthcare with vulnerable peeps
Mamasita... I'd have a "healthy" relationship with her anytime
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She cute.
No. I just want a plain golden retriever twink that shaves his face.
I don't want to fuck trannies.
>I just want a plain golden retriever twink
Where are women like you @
What are those two red marks?
>33 year old loser who still lives with his parents and doesn't have a job and I can still get laid by zoomers
Meanwhile me the 25 year old zoomer with a job who lives away from home and cannae find a gf
From my jeans, I think.
Can anyone tell me how best to search the archive?
I want to find a super old post i made with a vocaroo link
It had the LotR throneroom scene from 2 towers but with /fit/ memes including calling him "Gaindalf the Whey"
cute face cute hair cute skin tone, tanline titties just make it better
Idk but she's very cute, would
*smacks ur tiddy*
M, to actually answer your question no I don't lmao and that's probably why I get crushes on women double my age
Can we see more?
cute boy.
No, that's already way more revealing than I intended.
*bruises your hand with my pecs of steel*
I recognize this tummy
a quick google search would've killed the simps.
Deleting it was a nice touch.
simps would literally rather erp with a man than utilize a single braincell
Ignore women for now and get your finances and body in order, ignore all female advice. I literally wear fucking cargo shorts with nerdy as fuck graphic tees and because I'm not socially retarded and fat, they just kind of gravitate towards me. In my 20s I had women literally ignore me and make fun of me and I somehow turned out okay. You'll make it in time bro, you'll probably be way better off than me when you start to hit your 30s. Women are always secondary to your goals, your gf is always secondary to your goals. If she gets in the way you need to dump her or lay down the law with her. Don't be stingy if she asks you to help her achieve her goals, help her out, but you need to be very aware of how much time she is trying to suck out of you and adjust accordingly or she'll ruin you, fall out of love with you, then leave you.
Hell yeah, I'd milk a dude's prostate as long as he's hairless.
Tells you how bad women have fallen when men would rather date men dressed as women than women. I still can't believe that 30% of straight men have had a relationship or sex with a femboy/trap.
barring trannies, traps and femboys on hormones do women better than women do as long as politics is in no way involved in their identity.
>I still can't believe that 30% of straight men have had a relationship or sex with a femboy/trap.
That's not true lol
Women left that hole, it created a demand in the market/a power vaccum for feminine women and men rushed to fill it.
We're in a femboy/trap dating rennissance right now apparently.
gay niggas
>30% of straight men
>straight men
Oh really?
That's a man, baby
Just eat beef anon.
>SSRI and a ludicrous stack
it's over
No one cares about being called gay or not gay anymore, so I don't know how you think this is an argument when 30% of straight men have dated or had sex with an man dressed as a woman and its growing according to google, porn searches, and such.
Do you take this for sleep or for panic attack suppression?

M, not very healthy. I feel like she is emotionally unavailable, terribly neurotic, and that a careless remark will hurt her feelings and hurting your mom's feelings is the worst thing in the world. She gets upset if you have even the tiniest hint of shortness or annoyance in your responses. She lets the weather and stock market and news dictate her mood. She has high standards and it irritates her that we have lower standards..

I am making a conscious effort to find a romantic partner NOT like her at all.
>No one cares about being called gay or not gay anymore
>we asked coomers what they coom to and you'll NEVER believe the results!
also women don't want to date fags
only 5.5% of America is gay but the search result correlations for femboy pornography, dating apps, and dating advice shows that its not just gay people search things stuff.
I really don't care what women think, most men don't think they should have rights anyway. Why care about what the old model does? We're heading towards a femboy future.
bi dudes wonder why women don't like them but say this shit
say what?
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The biggest actual relationship growth in america are LGBT relationships almost all of them from "man presenting as man" and "man presenting as women", I don't really care if they are actually gay or identify as or w/e. The fact of the matter is men are turning from women to AI, foreign women, and literally other men.
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Need this so I can cheat on her when she's too sad to go out with me.
bifags on suicide watch lmao
they either have to admit that gays represent 10% of the population which wouldn't make sense demographically or that there is a cultrual shift that is compensating for something. but we all know women will never admit fault lol.
Looks like the head of a 13 y/o shooped onto the body of a 40 y/o porn actress, my brain doesn't register that as a real human I could interact with
I've fucked femboys, women call me gay, I always say "men do it better, even taking dick" and they can never process it and get really offended kek. My first filter for women is telling them that I've fucked femboys and I'm straight and if they can't handle it they can leave, its probably one of the best female filters ever.
most of the girlfriends I've had, have only been supportive about it as long as the femboy still isn't around.
>you'll probably be way better off than me when you start to hit your 30s
Press X to doubt but thanks brother
>so I can cheat
>women will never admit fault lol
For not being bigger whores?
Bc cheaters are scum
>rots in bed all day
>somehow looks like a thin, attractive schoolgirl
Every time
>Press X to doubt but thanks brother
I did too, I'm not saying that this will happen to you, but if you do work for it, you will eventually get rewarded. If you value pussy or sex way too much it gets in the way of everything in your life. When I was desperate in my 20s no one wanted anything to do with me, but now I'm use to being alone it comes off completely differently to women now.
of course, she's just rotting, not eating.
Antisocial doesn't mean "haha I'm an introvert >w<" it means "anti society." It includes psychopaths and sociopaths, and it basically means that you are "bad for society." Antisocial personalities are selfish, often manipulative, unkind, and fairly reptilian in how they deal with people. Convicts, CEOs, 23-year-old drug dealers that bang high schoolers for weed, and that dick that worked in middle management at that one job you had tend to have antisocial personalities.

The cute introverts have asocial personalities, the way atheists do not participate in the belief in a god or asexual people do not participate in being sexually attracted to people.
Where do you actually meet the women
I wouldn't say I'm desperate, I'm not fat and my social skills are fine but eh, just never happened
One of my favorite episode the simpsons is the one where Bart romances his teacher, she cute.
All they had to do was not try to be broken men, but they couldn't even do that. No man would fuck a women who looks like Hulk Hogan, but men will fuck men who looks like a hot women. This isn't hard to understand, women put way too much value into their vaginas if you ask me.
Take it from me, starving to death doesn’t give you cute thighs, it gives you hideous skeleton thighs
Got invited to the pub but really not keen desu
Showered just now but currently rocking a Tom & Jerry shirt and sweatpants, rotmaxxing
Should I change into something presentable or just go as is? I feel like I'll be less tempted to stay out late if I don't change
I'll force feed her some caloric dense slop when she gets boney.
Go as is, why not, you chad as fuck
More like sad as fuck
Okay I will go in my hobocore fit
bi gf who hates bi and gay men
I deserve an ethnically ambiguous tan lifter girl with a pixie cut and a height no greater than like 5'2"
Flash them psycho sad puppy eyes at them girls then, chad.
Hey that’s me but I’ve never been at a gym in my entire life
Can men sense virginity in a femcel?
How do I change my body language to be more like someone who’s been there done that so I don’t attract the attention of weird men who try to manipulate me because I might come across as naive?
will eating only 1000 calories a day for a week fuck up my metabolism?
Walmart and the Grocery store, I rarely go off the property unless I need something and I'm almost always get a women trying to talk to me, they are almost always employees because they can then hide thier attraction under the guise of "doing their job". There was another girl who asked me out twice when I was doing a project and both times I said "I'll let you know later" and never did anything, kek. My next door neighbor who is married also play flirts with me, nothing crazy, just "ohh such big muscles" and shit while I'm working.
Its all about just being able to read them and coming up to them in a round about way. If you see a girl you like and you just randomly go up and say "HI YOUR HOT I LIKE YOU!" you'll get a negative reactoin. I never approach women that don't smile or arrange their hair when our eyes meet, if you get the okay to apporach you can talk about what your looking for a product or something like "Is this a good brand of peanut butter?" and go from there.
I can smell it on you. Be afraid because I'm co(o)ming.

Biggest tell of a fem-cel is when she overexplains all of her opinions and behaviors
Unironically try your hardest to orgasm from penetration by dildo, it makes you walk differently
>go to take a piss
>dick is covered in precum
Why would women do this?
hymen status?
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Lmao at faggots coping in the comments
Understandable considering how quickly they are aging, I talked to a girl who I assumed was in her early 40s until she told me she was 23.
No, they just assume any girl who seems smol and innocent is a virgin, whether it’s true or not…
It’s a waste of effort trying to change their thinking imo, since it’ll just look like an act to them
Is this true?
rent free
master your siren gaze and create a sexual aura around yourself
spoken like a true femcel
No, but we can tell women who have orgasmed recently, it's in the way your hips move when you walk.
Am I really supposed to believe that my little sister tore her hymen while playing volleyball?
go become a gymrat right now so you can impress a lonely dude in the sticks. DO IT.
Female virgins are too annoying for me to want to manipulate them.
No, lmao
Being naive and easily manipulated has nothing to do with your sexual inexperience.
Don't be weird or autistic or just talk about your bf.
Thanks, that means a lot to me
Not necessarily. Any short girl knows that. I’ve had sex multiple times and I still get treated like a little sister.
I tore mine using a diva cup and I’m a virgin. My pussy looks so ugly
Why would you freak out, unless your only goal was to stick your dick in her? Wasn’t the chatting fun too?
male hands. the hymen isn’t visible from the outside lmao
I wish this was true
Having male friends is cheating.
Men can sense desperation
Just make sure you're always insistent on waiting for marriage and make sure you have a line that you're not willing to cross
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They should've dated each other
You have
the roast beef?
State M or F

Is getting off talking to an AI cheating?
You don't?
If I catch my gf erping with a robot I'm gone..
No, but it’s still not a good idea
Not me, but several of my friends and relatives had adverse effects for up to several months.
M. Yes. I wish it was better, because I feel somewhat distant from both my parents, but at least it is normal.
M. No, because there is no other person involved, but it certainly would raise questions about the state of the relationship.
Not cheating, but... weird behavior. You shouldn't do it if you are in a relationship.
I just farted
Women, would you consider using your dildo without your bf cheating?
Is it worse than porn or is porn worse?
Porn is worse
which AI is good enough for detailed erp anyway?
Almost all the femanons in this thread have masturbated to this thread >>>/gif/27453287
>gf had a lot of male friends scattered around
>she's largely lazy about making plans or often is too busy to commit most of the time
>one guy she knows from before messaging her on/off, told me years back or something he sent her a video of him jerking off
>still trying to get her out for a drink and posting topless photos of himself after gym
She actively shows me this and mentions him moreso than the others because presumably he is the one known for being a pushy asshat - I trust her ultimately and she really had to work to get my interest and still can't keep her hands off of me as a result. BUT how should I be expressing anything boundary-wise, or am I not being spineless in just continuing as is?
I haven't masturbated to this yet but thanks for linking it
Melody Marks is my wife
It's the same as porn because it's essentially porn for women: Men watch porn, women read erotic fiction.
Find God.
I wish I was interested in using women in the way they fantasize
No more cheating than sticking a vibrator in your twat is.
South American moment
She's a stark reminder that women can be deceiving in their appearance.
Watching her western performance and japanese performance back to back is disgusting
Falcon 180b demo is pretty good, though it may take several attempts to get it to accept sexual topics, and is limited in the length of the chat before it starts to degrade.
Joyland(dot)ai is a decent website, but of course has limited free use.
If you have a decently powerful computer, you could even consider the downloadable, fully free Backyard AI (formerly Faraday AI).
Whats so disgusting about it?
Have sex. Get pregnant.
need Goddess of Sun gf
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Holy whiplash
This came up on my timeline, was curious what kind of girl she was, then BAM, triple moods.
how do you feel about adventure stories where theres a lot romantic/sexual angst among the hero and heroine only for it to turn out that they are long lost brother and sister?
She needs to be attractive enough and have a great personality for a man to bother waiting, but what often happens is that mid bitches think that Chad will commit to them and they give away their virginity, because all females grow up thinking that they're princesses who deserve the best, not being aware of their actual league.
As a guy, I also read porn
I also listen to porn audio
Multiple types of media are more useful for exploring niche fetishes
Not great, I like some sex in my adventure/action stories/movies
>implying that's mutually exclusive
Where do I find a younger woman to knock up?
That's weird AF
make a new thread already
Sorry not sorry there was never sexual tension between Luke and Leia and you should be ashamed of yourself.
it's not that uncommon
bro they literally kissed but I can think of other examples in fiction don't worry
I broke mine with a tampon, and later the rest of the way with a hairbrush handle because it being partially intact was fucking annoying.
That's not the hymen bro. The roast beef part is labia.
No but it is cringe
No that's dumb. You can't cheat with an object.
>they kissed
That don't mean there was tension or that they worked as a couple. Your fetish is bad and you should feel bad about it.
Best I can do is a Tajikistani. Deal?
how old is she?
do women really chill like this on the train?
All the train flags at the end look like tranny flags.
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Need secretary bird gf.
>Music to help you focus
>Can't stop focusing on her ass
is this the bird with the fuck me eyes?

I’d prefer something normal.

Normal can be a lot of things, ranging from traditional names to nature names.

But if you’re named something weird like Krash or Glock, or very obviously named after your parents’ favorite anime, or flat weird shit like Dijon or some rapper nonsense like Lil’bit… then no. Just no.
It's the CBT bird.
No, and if he does, we’re not gonna work out.
Hidden in plain sight
I take it because I am allergic to a lot of things.
JH moment
No they have no idea how many or if any at all. They just kind of assume/hope you're inexperienced if you seem jumpy and wide eyed and then get mad at you when you have a body count near 20 and theirs is 2.
No. I get to have other boyfriends too.
And you better take out the fucking trash.
>I get to have other boyfriends too.
>And you better take out the fucking trash.
Having male friends is a precursor to being gay.
Women, do you ever unintentionally give someone an eyeful of cleavage?
Yes and it sucks
im starting to think that the reason im a khv is because im actually retarded and havent realized it
Men, are you self conscious about your puffy nipples protruding from your shirt?
yes, but im getting manboob removal surgery soon
I think I did that last time I was out drinking with my pals.
Nah. My boobs aren't the right shape for cleavage revealing tops. I have to wear full coverage bras so most of my shirts cover to the top of the cups with maybe a little scoop neck.
It's possible
oh you have no idea lmao, doing 100 push ups daily and hoping they go away
Huh, I never thought of using it that way but it makes sense.
what's your dosage like? Is it an everyday thing?
My tits looks like oranges in tube socks I would rather have the option of exposing them if I wanted to. Buying bathing suits is a fucking nightmare.
I don't wear tight shirts for this reason.
Whaaaaat. Men can get top surgery? And not be trans?
How should I know? I would guess that I do, since I don’t wear tight tops and sometimes things shift so my boobs try to escape my shirt, but I don’t know what other people look at.
Have you looked into getting a lift?
it's like 4 am, should I go outside a ride a bike and maybe run the risk of getting stabbed?
Wanting a normal boyfriend who isn’t insecure about a piece of plastic moment
I don't even have a car right now. It's not an option.
That scares me when I get on a bus or something.
>men are all insecure
>anyways let me go back to detailing how porn addicts have ruined all my relationships and porn is hitler and the jews at the same time
I'm in a wheelchair so probably.
Any good Christian anons and anonettes in this thread? I’m really going through some stuff
it makes sense
nobody else i meet online or irl seems to have the same inability to make friends that i do
but then wtf do i do if im actually retarded
No, it’s intentional every single time. I give you express permission to look down my shirt and jerk off to the memory later. Is that the answer you wanted?
yes, i was a huge fatass as a child
i got thin as a teenager but my manboobs never went away because they can solidify
I dunno about "good" Christian but I am at battle with Satan every day.
25mgs 1-2 times daily. Maximum 4.
Saves me from some stuff that is potentially throat closing. I usually max dose to 2 if I'm having a bad day. Otherwise I do 1 in the morning.
Probably shouldn't be here, anon.
Yes anon, you don’t magically become trans just because a surgeon touches you
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Yfw there are more males with puffy nipples in the thread than women with cleavage.
I wish I could help you but I haven't tried to make a friend in like 10 years.
I’m tiny and have been described as “walking tits on a plate” so I can’t really help it
Got damn how do you stay awake on that shit? That's the same dosage I was given as a replacement for Xanax and the first time I took it fucked me up for like half and hour then knocked my ass out.
Most celebs got it because steroids gave them gyno. The Rock got it too.
I've been on the 'chan since '10 and it's only strengthened my beliefs.
My temptation issues come from... elsewhere...
I lost like 5 pounds after not strength exercising for a week. That’s all my muscle progress gone right (F if it matters)

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