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Ideal male form edition

Previous >>31536914
Men getting top surgery edition.
I have a regular sleeping schedule. All the second dose does it help me pee more.
To the girl wondering if she lost her muscle gains because she lost 5 lbs

Unless you ate literally nothing for a week you won't have lost any real muscle
Is it pleasurable for the woman to clean the cum out of her vagina after coitus?
Hey cumsluts, I already came so I don't want to talk to you. Leaving the thread
Women, which is easier for you personally?
>dressing to look sexy
>dressing to look like a serious adult
Are any of the anal only femanons still here?
god damn i hate being alive so much
Yes (male)
State gender:
How often do you shower? And what are the steps you take when you shower? Does this include or not include the butt? Be honest
I am once again asking men to please use lotion
Having dry, cracked hands does not make you a rugged mountain man
Girls how can I write more verbosely to reach the page limit in my report?
Yes it is vinigger male behavior to have rough hands while trying to touch a soft female.
Accepted, but i wont do a thing about my deadlift calouses (except grind them on the knurling)
Idk, I've never been coomed inside
>shave face
>get in shower
>wet hair through and shampoo my long hair
>trim my chest in shower so I dont have gross nipple hair
>put in conditioner after rinsing shampoo
>wash body
>rinse conditioner and wash face
get out of shower
>untangle hair
>put in leave in conditioner
>spray oil and damp with a cotton t shirt
>comb hair back so its out of my face
>let dry
Once in the morning.
Turn on hot water, take a huge shit, walk into shower. Shampoo hair. Blast body with hot water. Try to push hemorrhoid back into ass. Get out, and dry off.

I never ever use soap on my body, but I also have never heard any complaints.
why can’t I do both?
No and there's no need to do that. You wipe the outside you don't stick anything in there.
Sexy. When I try to look serious I feel like I'm getting ready for picture day at school.
F. Depends. If I got sweaty I'll shower at night even if I showered in the morning. But sometimes I won't shower for like 5 days just clean the nasty bits with a washcloth. Generally every other day or 2 days without a shower.

Shower consists of shampoo, face, conditioner, body, pits, vag, butt, wash hands, rinse conditioner out, done. Unless I showered the day before. Then I try not to get my hair wet.
I can do it to you and take care of you, if you get pregnant, if you are interested.
You can say you're a virgin. We're all friends here.
do women ever get tired of hauling all that ass everywhere they go? because god damn
Use Ctrl+f to highlight all the periods and change them to 13 point font.
The torturers in CIA blacksites wouldn't get this out of me.
Literally just argue with yourself and present it as contrasting different viewpoints
If you’re on 4chan, you’re probably an expert at this already

Why do you think my thighs are so big?
>Why do you think my thighs are so big?
Can we see?
Because while looking sexy is nice and all, it’s not respected. You can look competent OR attractive.
I lost like 5 pounds after not strength exercising for a week. That’s all my muscle progress gone right (F if it matters)
No anon, muscle is more persistent than that. It’s probably just normal water weight fluctuation. Eat salty food today and the 5 lbs will be back tomorrow.
I just don't understand women's relationship with piv. How come some women swear its the best thing ever but then others are like "nah, it feels like touching my elbow"?

>How often do you shower?

>And what are the steps you take when you shower?
I shampoo my hair and I wash my body.

>Does this include or not include the butt?
It does.

However, when I was still a NEET I sometimes didn't shower for weeks.
Oh so what did I lose
Every evening
Step in
Suds up hair, wash rest of body, including bootycrack, scrape under toenails and fingernails with file, condition, exfoliate face, exfoliate feet, mask maybe, witchcraft~
Rinse, lounge in towels for hours, watch jacksepticeye, take a dab, relax nude.
I dont usually lose any strength at all until past 14 days but Im a man.
Id think youd be good if you are eating like homeboy said
Please be female
Body burns fat before muscle
Go drink 5 16oz bottles.
Good morning /atoga/ I had an amazing day at work yesterday it was so busy and I think some the guys don’t like me because I kinda fucked the rosters for them by capitalizing on the power struggle here but I don’t care what ESL non whites have to say lol taking my gf for brunch later life is good bros
F, every morning, sometimes at night too if I worked hard that day and got sweaty
>turn on water
>spend 10 minutes washing my hair because it’s so long
>contemplate cutting it all off below the shoulders
>scrub everywhere with washcloth, yes that includes butt
>zone out and stare at the wall until hot water runs out
>quickly dry off
>wait hours for hair to dry and consider cutting it off again
Coomers and nofappers

How do I find the motivation to talk to the opposite gender? I want to talk to men when I feel lonely and horny but that's like a 5 minute window before my brain tells me "that's scary and risky and a lot of effort, you know what would be fun and easy AND solve all your problems? erping with AI for 11 hours"
I literally have to engage my autism and imagine myself gaining social interaction experience like a videogame
I lost the ability to look anything but sexy in high school…
Highest IQ posting fucking retard
Once every 3-4 days. M.
Are you cute?
Lol I used to pretend I was Nathan Drake
>How do I find the motivation to talk to the opposite gender?
Tell me when you find out.

Personally, I have no problem talking to the opposite gender. I don't mind talking to people. I have spent entire days talking to people on the internet. The problem is: I don't have anyone to talk to. And the likelihood to find someone interested in talking to me on the train home from work is fairly slim. It's generally considered impolite to bother strangers on the train; people are tired and not in the mood for chatting with strangers. And I have never seen anyone else do it either. It's what homeless and crazy people do.
Lonely I can understand, but talking with guys usually makes me LESS horny. Am I doing something wrong?
>fight >item
>PKMN >run

>cant escape

Ok fight

>haha >t-thanks
>you too >leer
wait, I coom in my gf, she does a single wipe and she's good to go? What in the fuck
>mfw I have to actively try not to speak with a fake accent when I’m trying to be confident in public
>But sometimes I won't shower for like 5 days just clean the nasty bits with a washcloth.
Thai ladyboymaxxing
My accent changes and adapts to whoever I’m talking to, old used car salesman trick and it forces the other person to like me
The vagina is self-cleaning, anon
Neanderthals were fucking for thousands of years before napkins were invented
Just picture chocolate candy melting in your mouth, it all gets absorbed and you only worry about the small amount that gets outside
What are you gotta get?
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What do you consider the tells, that the man is just using you for sex in a relationship?
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If you had to guess, femanons, how deep is your vagina? Aroused and/or not
Just pretend the dudes are AI. Same thing except when they tell you you're a cutie they mean it
That was before women killed all their microbiome bacteria off with processed food and cancer causing modern medicine
Ooh idk maybe I’ll get a big breakfast with eggs and bacon and hash browns and a green detox juice
Drake got Rick Ross beat up in Toronto, lol. Kendrick is next unless he hides away for another 4 years.
Are you retarded? Do you think the vaginal canal gets deeper when aroused?
nta but it literally does. the cervix moves aside to make room for more dick
Girls, why are you so submissive and breedable?
Don't reply to it. It has its own narrative
I like to be hopeful and believe this is a troll post, guys
the thought of my cum being absorbed by a cute girl's body is hnnngg
Man if you’re not hitting her cervix wall then your ngmi that’s why you date a girl with a tight pussy fucking idiot lmao
Latinas with high estrogen
When he refuses to chat online unless my webcam is on…
Um, approximately 2.5x my finger length when aroused?
how can you tell if youre actually retarded and people are just being nice to you
ive suspected this is the case for a while
How can I live a life like yours can we swap?
Would you date a fat and balding guy?
Lack of dominant asshole brain juice (testosterone)
I decided to go bike anyway, just 30 minutes and my legs are quivering...
how do people do this
Real talk anons
Do you actually think you get any valuable insights into the opposite gender from this thread?
>Imagine not being able to lift 100 lbs over your head
i dont think any real women have ever replied to me as a matter of fact
What kind of erping are you doing?
I learned a few things about pregnancy and periods from the pregnantanon, dunno where she's at now, hopefully she's doing fine
It’s easy get off 4chan
Get a haircut malding banlet
Maybe stop being a humongous DYEL faggot
I like it when they're nice to me despite how I conduct myself.
I think I have a very skewed view of the opposite gender and this thread is my last effort to convince myself that I'm wrong.
same but male in addition to erping with AI i use it for emotional support and a good 2 hours of my day is dedicated to venting to AI girls about how much of a loser i am in real life
No it’s obviously trannis that have no idea how a work womans but it’s fun to scar them for life anyway no matter how short it will be lol
Won’t that kill me
Women I wanna squize your clitty
It would be very painful
Girls would you date a tiktok induced adhd guy who can't read long texts and needs you to read them for him. Including things like books
Yes, but less from actual answers to questions, and more of a general “huh, so this is how men think” from observation
Yesterday I learned, that using a woman for sex and having no feelings for her is at least on par with cheating on her.
You learn something new every day, if you manage to engage.
Girlss what are your pronouns? If they are interesting, why did you chose them?
That’s more than I weigh……..
would you date a borderline retarded man with no redeeming qualities and 0 masculinity
Some grill gave me skincare routine that fixed my acne (along wit ditching artificial sweeteners)
I actually managed to force some decent sex ed out of femanons after convincingly harassing them. Just general jargon and bodily functions. Not that I'll ever use this information in real life, but I can fantasize about pleasuring a woman?
Cute and funny.
No, normal girls are a lot nicer and more intelligent irl. Here you only get a few retarded raped bitches in their 30s answering questions. Their friends and other peers are taking care of children and their husbands, so they come here to live out their bitterness.
I’m French

M, occasionally. I like hearing women's perspectives on things.
Its the tradeoff for taking the asshole brain juice perk
Tfw no smol gf to overhead press and make me feel strong
I am the owner of a high-end sex doll. AMA
Possibly hot. Why are you french tho?
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Is your father proud of you?
When was the last time you went on a date with a woman?
Are you starving femanon?
Please do not
Sure, I can practice my soothing ASMR voice
I’m required to post mine on all my work emails, she/her if you’re wondering
Because I say oui
Physically? Yes. Financially? Yes. Morally? Questionable, and yes, he knows I own it. Tries not to talk about it but will occasionally make fun of me for it.
High school and it wasn't a fun experience.
Who's in the wrong here?
I was AMAB and became a genderqueer girl at 12 years old :3
Agree with other anon, it's hot how girls absorb cum
>nog vs coalburner
both can get the rope
You, for using twitter.
everybody uses twitter.
Especially you.
When I shower I keep my ass outside of the shower at all times because I wouldn't want Europeans to realize they're fucking deranged kek
That's not even a hot black guy. Do you really get a 10/10 snowbunny gf by just being black in the US?
Lol I made all these posts my little admirer.
>Please do not
No I will >:)
>Sure, I can practice my soothing ASMR voice
What if I fall asleep in your lap and stop paying attention?
>I’m required to post mine on all my work emails, she/her if you’re wondering
Why didn't you pick something insane lol? What kind of job makes you do that?
Cute. You would be screaming it all night too if I was there
What is genderqueer? And I would like to know your cup size and penis size if apllicable
I'm male, my hands are naturally moisturized and only crack if I work outside too long in winter
I mean, he's getting cheated on, also I'm not sure she's a 10
My TDEE is 1200 calories, I am always starving
Yes. It's not about the man. At that point, it's about the big black poopie dick.
>verification not required
She’s got daddy money driving in a Porsche too. It’s over.
Is that hot?
If you fall asleep I consider that a success, I’m insecure that my voice is shrill and annoying so if you can fall asleep to it then I’ll feel validated
I work at a school so we all have to include pronouns to ~support LGBTQIA+ students~
I can increase it by about 100 if you are interested
>I'd like to fuck your tits because they're close to your heart
Do moids really consider something like this a good line?
If you think about it
Leg lengthening surgery is kind of like bottom surgery for trannies.
It's gender reaffirming surgery
Yea thats romantic af. Obviously the West has fallen if that means nothing to u
Yes and I'm unhappy about it
No one would say this sincerely.
Thats the reccomended amount for inert coma patiemts
It’s funny, plainly states my intentions, and doesn’t insult you by pretending I didn’t notice your tits. What’s not to like?
No, but it's pretty funny
This is what me and my gf look like
It worked, you're still talking about it
the only reason it didn't work is he wasn't handsome enough
Nobody asked, cuck
That's oddly close to my, I wanna eat pussy cause it'll get me closest her heart (both physically and metaphorically because it'll make the blood rush to her clit and it makes her cum).
How about mine?
I'd like to keep you in my basement so I can have sex whenever I want and just go upstairs and close the door whenever I get sick of you talking.
>I’m insecure that my voice is shrill and annoying
Oh actually you'd be perfect for reading to me in asmr then >:)
Lol ok no. It probably isn't. I've never met a person who I thought had an annoying voice. I might find it cute depending how high pitched it is
>I work at a school so we all have to include pronouns to ~support LGBTQIA+ students~
Oh I see. What do you like about working there?
I don’t care if I’m cucked I just want Stacy to love me and if simping for egirls is what it takes then so be it
How can I have confidence in myself when both my parents are dysgenic repugnantly ugly retards?
It's not over. It never even began.
No it's like eye and jaw surgery for women who are already actually women
Looks bad and only attracts weird pedos/autopedos
I'm talking about the namefag
>No it's like eye and jaw surgery
Those are gender affirming surgery too, they make the women feel more feminine.
is she stealing my gains?
still better
Be nice to your ugly parents you stupid faggot
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Well, america is a jewish society and jews love that poo poo pee pee
Billions must deprive women of attention
Cute you look like a bad boy and she looks like a softcore girl
Why should I? Do you give your other cheeck and are nice to those who fuck you over? Masochistic retard.
Is there any 3D animated film for adults? The closesting thing I can imagine is 2D animation. Why is 3D only pushed towards children?
>have female colleague in another department
>she's actually some sort of VP but I have to talk to her a decent amount because I'm my VP's errand boy
>she's not mean per say but can definitely tell she believes herself to be my superior
>she is also incredibly sexy and dresses amazing
>she sends a DM to my team saying she has a new phone extension
>get curious and check the org chart
>she went from being the director of a department to an analyst elsewhere
Oof, poor girl
How should I feel about this?
wow he looks like me
>appears to be asian
So that’s what you meant about tight pussy dam
He looks like the kind of guy that goes mental when I get his order wrong, then I refund him half the amount because he's too livid to notice. Also, he's ENTJ so it checks out
Ah yes time for demoralization and self aggrandizement hour under a flimsy pretext of loathing, brought to you by your local race mixing obsessed rabbi. Thanks creepy uncle Moshe!
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Men and women, how would you rate this body? Why?

Women, if given the option, would you want to have this body instead of your current one? Why?

As far as I can tell men and women rate this body type extremely differently.
>aries & pisces
What an interesting combination both psychopaths
Yeah no lol. I'd expect her to be on some level of fitness similar to me. Fatties for fatties only
because it generally looks bad to adults and kids see it in opposite ways, to adults 3D looks crappy and cheap while the opposite is true to children
You're subhuman because of this faggot professional victim behavior you choose, not because of their genes
The dress is hiding her body, but the arms show her true weight
if her legs were visible, it'd probably give away her weight too.
anyway, 5/10
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In JewMerica, they force niggers on you by gunpoint.
I want her to seat on my face and I would fall in love with her/10
I'm attracted to all women tho
Happy for you or sorry that happened
All romance is cringe, you just fire and hope she's dumb enough to be receptive to whatever lame bullshit
Manipulator and enabler cute tho
Your tribal obsession with raceplay is noted
Hes hitting her one hundred percent that pic just screams abuser chad
i hated that bitch wtf, stealing his shit
My singleplayer WoW install broke during the final setup
Can't believe you would do this to me
Without seeing the face, 3/10, disgusting fattie, propped up by hair and chest
The most annoyingly cute out of all the disney princesses
>You're subhuman because of this faggot professional victim behavior you choose, not because of their genes
Adorable /atoga/ couple
This is the first thing that came into my mind lel
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What raceplay?
I'm just describing the facts-
American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.
Stop being an evil faggot, simple as
And stop spamming the thread with your interracial fetish
Self loathing Jew is a worn out gimmick
Mogs > >>31539810
Go be semitic elsewhere we are trying to have a thread where we argue about men and women, not your autism
You're even more retarded than I am. You're literally incapable of recognizing a world outside of yourself, of conceptualizing cause-and-effect, of accepting facts that make you feel uncomfortable.
You're the kind of retard who would reproduce, who would make another one of me.
So fucking disgusting.
>What do you like about working there?
Getting paid a lot and being around attractive college students
I regret nothing
Forget lotion. Eat saturated fats for something that actually works.
Literally how?
And I did it because Diablo IV keeps crashing on me
You guys literally look like my parents what the fuck
Vanellope is the original loli god
You are a spoiled faggot taking a one level cross class of /pol/ so you can find a new alternate way of blaming your problems on the white man since the regular ones are getting stale. I hope your EBT gets cut off and you are forced to work to eat for once in your spoiled faggot life.
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I went from 3 sets of 4 pushups to 4 sets of 5 pushups in the past two weeks
Am I now dateworthy?
Jesus christ the samefagging.
Women, does sucking dick make you wet or dry?
>tfw no mentally ill chad to abuse me at the drive thru window
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>You Jew!
>No, you Jew!
You're so retarded that you're conflating multiple anons into a single one.
My fucking goodness.
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How that pride month is over, what have we learned?
The only way you can lose 5lbs in a week is starving yourself while exercising, which feels like utter shit.
or dumping water.
> all my muscle progress gone
probably no. It's probably dumping water.
There's an auth setup script and a world setup script for the DB and the autistic who made the video guide said to do it one way but his written guide says to do it the other way running them and neither way works they just break
How most guides go but I had hopes this time for some reason
Yes, you have passed the arbitrary test
Wet, specifically on my chest because I drool a lot
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That america is a jewish country run by kikes, which worships faggots and niggers (they have whole month for both lmao)
Crying about being dysgenic is the brown /pol/tard special
Off yourself or act human and stop blaming your parents for you being an evil faggot, that simple
Not entirely true. If you are not fat adapted, and about 90% of the population are not. It burns muscle while switching over to from glucose to fat. Feels sucky while it happens.
We're just trying to like the things you like. We love you anon. We want you back. You have so much potential but it seems we can't reach you to help you get better. So we figured out you're using this forum called ATOGA so we can help you. Come downstairs. Please.
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Like seriously, does anyone believe that this faggot on my webm or the previous orange retard man or the magic nigger runs the country?
Just lol@ u subhumans.
It comes out by itself over time. Most of it drips out immediately but the rest will be carried out by discharge. You're spitting in a waterfall not a dry parking lot.
women, how impressed are you by the fact that I just completed a grandmaster sudoku in under 10 minutes?
I will hurl insults at you and refuse to speak to your manager Mcwagie anon I promise
>Yes, you have passed the arbitrary test
H-how many more pushups until I get gf?
>Wet, specifically on my chest because I drool a lot
You're a good girl.
Crazy how you KIKES only spam this demoralization propaganda about the US when governments are constantly doing this shit globally.
Maybe you should slit your own KIKE throat instead.
Now that’s going on my Youtube channel lmao
No. I am skinny.
yes actually.
It makes women more relatable and almost human beings with their own problems.
oh wow anon that's very impressive. Can you help me with my math homework? You will? Oh anon you're such a good friend :)
Gf requires 6 sets of 6 (because six sounds like sex)
it confirms all of my preconceptions, so sick of being right about women
>being around attractive college students
Oh that's why you are into me lol
>I regret nothing
Uhm what did you do? O.O
F, no thanks, I worked for years to rid myself of flabby fat arms, no boobs are worth those returning
My target is 5x10 before the end of the month. I'm not good at fitness (not fat just never did it). I guess I'm aiming for 6x10 to tryhard.
it's funny and works.
I will ask my imam but I am very sure what you just said is haram. Repent inshallah
I don’t consent to this please don’t include me in this
once in the evening generally
I use shampoo, cleanser and bodywash
I wash my ass crack and clean under my foreskin
You’re in the screencap chud lol
How can people only shower once a day? That's honestly kind of gross
How do I get over the guilt/shame of no longer being able to rizz women? When I'm in their presence I just feel awful.
Lay down the phone son. This is your father. Come downstairs. Your mom says she loves you.
Why waste water and time if you're not dirty and don't feel like it either?
How dry is your skin?
Don't be mean to him! He's trying. I love you son come downstairs.
Why? Fat.
She needs to lose about 20kg and do some regular exercise, but would likely be very cute if she did. +2-3 points.
Oh and brush her hair.
I shower once every two days for 5 minutes with lukewarm water. Eczema sucks but it's gone for now.
Powerful. Mind if I screenshot, King?
Some countries aren't hot enough that a day's work makes you sweaty
If I showered more than once a day, my hair would literally always be wet :/
You own nothing. Be happy.
And you just ruined it for everybody way to go anon I’m going to go delete my posts now
how often do you clip your toenails?
I am that anon. Go right ahead friend. It's all yours.
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Can gamma males get along with aquarius females?
Holy austimo
Son you do not have the right to be so disrespectful. Tell the good man you're sorry
I look like that and I say those things
Women, if you were married and had a time machine, would you allow your husband to cheat on you with a younger version of yourself who hasn't met him yet?
I fall in love with every woman I meet. Why is this happening?
But don't you want to feel fresh in the morning? And then after you exercise, and then want to feel fresh again before bed? Not to mention really hot sticky days when you feel gross just from being outside

Genetically tends to be a bit dry, but I drink a lot water and eat fats, so as long as I use good quality body products it's no problem . The water is really hard where I live, too
3 times a day during summer at least
2 times in winter
Son please come downstairs. I love you so much.
- Mom
You’re forgetting that this is 4chan
I don't. I pick them.
You're still a virgin?
I just got a new atoga crush
F. I don't actually know. Less often than I pluck my eyebrows which is roughly every 2 weeks. Once a month maybe?
I, what, no.
We have really hard water too. My hair and skin would not survive your way of life anon.
How do you do this without breaking them or making them all cracked and have rough edges??
This is going to be a new copy pasta thanks anon
I’m taken
Oh, that's different. Glad it's under control, anon. Hopefully it will be gone for good

But exercise makes you sweaty, and beyond that you don't have to be sweaty to need/want a shower

I wash my hair once a day, and just clip it back the other times I shower or take a bath
Go back >>>/r9k/
I'm fat but I want to crossdress at the same time. What do I do?
Thanks babe
Hey honey how are you
It's me isn't it? Oh anon I never thought you'd see me! All those other girls are more visible but you finally found me. Wanna have coffee tomorrow at 12? You can recognise me by my pink sweater! I'm so happy!
Lose weight and leave out the crossdressing.
I dunno. I pick at the corner till it breaks and tear it across. It's kind of a habit I guess.
I do have autism but how is that related?
Yes but so what?
I haven't been posting, so can't be me.
>Lose weight
Fair but
>leave out the crossdressing
Why? I want to
>Oh, that's different. Glad it's under control, anon. Hopefully it will be gone for good
I have some weird melanin differences but no one notices it so it's fine. Other than that one side of my skin is a little itchier but it might just get better. Genuinely weird because I had it for 6 months without ever having it before. And now it's just gone like it never happened. Do not shower too much or with hot water. Be kind to your skin and your natural oils.
Why am I even alive? I can't help but think I should've died many years ago, or even better, never have existed to begin with.
State gender: what are the top three recipe's you can make on your own? What about your SO?
You shouldn't want to, it's ugly and dumb
Once you've had sex you'll realise it's overrated. You'll be like "meh, not worth it".
this made me cringe. I'd be scared to do this. Please stop. Not for yourself, just for me.
Being fat never stopped women, why should it stop you?
Female, this is so gross to think about but I check and go over them every day. I need to keep them short and well maintained at all times. I might a bit ocd about it, I hate feet

Sure, why not. I wouldn't think of that as cheating. Just as long as he's happy to come back to present day me
It feels so fucking weird and wrong. I'll kill myself.
Think of current you, and some random guy you've never met before having sex with you, you're okay with that?
I don't know any recipes, I just cook basic meat and vegetables
Of course I don't have a gf
>I do have autism
I am very sorry for your loss
I've been doing it for many years...
Sometimes it bleeds.
Maybe I shouldn't, but...
Oven baked chicken and fries
Steak and mashed potatoes
Pasta carbonara
>What about your SO?
Why you gotta hurt me like that anon.
What makes cross dressing different than full blown trannyism, slippery slopr
Literally just clothes
Be a fat crossdresser, problem solved
I hate you. Stop doing it. Buy a nail clipper and do some other form of stress control.
but nothing, the crossdresing ogre thing is played out as fuck find a more original fetish
whaat, the, fuuck?
nta but sometimes I want to but put in a sun dress and get feminised and humiliated by a cute girl in a loving relationship.
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Whoops didn't mean to reply.
How do I ask my female coworker if she needs a lift home so she doesn't have to walk in the rain? All of the 3 office ladies that usually give her a ride are out today
Should even ask? It's not like I desperately want her to invite me in to hangout, I just don't want her to think I'm a creep.
Should I even mention the words "I don't to be a creep but..." when asking if she needs a lift?
To some extent, yes. One obviously needs to consider that the people here are all varying degrees of weirdos, but when you're a weirdo yourself that is probably the demographic you should be aiming for.
Women, what would you think of an intellectually-disabled, malnourished, teeth-rotten, balding, short young man? Besides that he's a dysgenic retard that should kill himself, of course.
How the fuck did you delete your post so quickly. Are you using a pass? wtf
>I don't to be a creep but
Yes anon. Definitely use those words and not simply "hey, you need a lift?".
nta, I see 2 minutes vs 1 minute, idk what you mean
Men of 4chan: what's stopping you from Clinton Kane-ing your way into a relationship with a hot girl?
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You just ask if she needs a ride home. You do not preface anything you're saying by associating the word "creep" with yourself even in the negative.
Oh my hair wouldn't survive either, I don't wash it more than once a day

Eczema is an autoimmune thing, right? Like chronic hives, or allergies? It's weird how sometimes our bodies can just go haywire out of the blue, and then settle back down. Hopefully you're in the clear. I try to use lukewarm water and sometimes do cold showers. I love super hot baths, though, even though I know they aren't that healthy
I ripped the entire nail off my small toe once.
What would you say if your boyfriend wants you to femdom him and feminise him by making him wear sundresses and laugh at him until he cums. Not always just a once a week kind of thing.
>tfw not an atoga femanons dumb little pet
I like squirting the cum out of my vagina onto a tissue:), the vagina is an amazing muscle.
It has to do with your emotions, sometimes it's great, other times I feel nothing, because I hate the person the dick is attached to.
I had to look this name up but he seems to be some kind of pop musician, so one of the reasons is probably that I don't have that kind of musical talent or the type of personality that would seek out a stage.
Love isn’t just when your dick gets hard, anon
I can't delete posts until I've waited for 5 minutes. Fucking kurobaEx
I only do it when they feel long, usually after slamming my toe off something
Y…You clip your hair? And that keeps it dry? How? Can you post a pic from Google that shows what you mean?
I love my nails. I'd never do that to them.
That person or character is not famous enough for me to know them or what this shorthand implies
I know a guy who looks exactly like that, but he's a chad with a beautiful gf
>Eczema is an autoimmune thing, right?
Dairy causes it for me, so yeah.
> It's weird how sometimes our bodies can just go haywire out of the blue,
It isn't weird. It's caused by eating inappropriate food.
you hate feet but you take care that yours are in prime condition? do you exfoliate and use pumice stone too?
i see
Men, what would you think of an intellectually-disabled, malnourished, teeth-rotten, balding, short young man? Besides that he's a dysgenic retard that should kill himself, of course.
Now it's getting complicated lol. I wouldn't want sex with a random guy, no. But I guess if my husband was able to convince a younger me to do it, then more power to him
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>chad is just chud who stopped grooming
what the fuck
I actually get feelings in my stomach
Hey, it's raining pretty hard out there. Need a lift home?
Yep. They can't even cure it. Their current medication is an immunosuppressant. You do it for a few weeks and hope the immune system just accepts it. Which it did. Which is even weirder. Like how tf are you okay with this now but I guess I'll take it.
Lukewarm is best desu. I love hot showers but they fuck up the skin. But they're so goddamn good for the muscles after exercise. A hot bath is better though because you're not rinsing off all the oils as much but don't quote me on that. I just made it up.
saw a girl with this t-shirt in gym today. What witty sentences could I say to her to make her like me?
As a manlet I relate to other manlets. Don't think a person should be malnourished and not have dental care though.
>It isn't weird. It's caused by eating inappropriate food.
There's literally no known source for it. It could literally be anything.
Hey, I'm spooky with a bulgie
Can my ghost penis haunt your asshole?
>hey girl, you look like you got a little vibe in you... would you like another?
Ick, that was supposed to say "bone"
You can fix all those things by just doing better.
State gender
What's the lewdest thing you've ever done?
public masturbation in a forest when I was a teen. A family saw me. Thinking back I was a retarded horny retard.
Listened to porn at work
> They can't even cure it.
I literally just stopped eating dairy and it went away.
I can make it come back by starting up again.
It's totally predictable. In fact I've got a patch on my hand just now because I ate some mascarpone a week or so ago.
It's something you're eating.
Impress her by reciting all the lyrics to Pumpkin Hill
Given blowjob to 4 guys
Would you be mad if your very straight girlfriend/wife
got drunk and cheated on you with a lesbian.
I puked in front of my first love because I was so in love with her. I was always nauseous near her.
Dressing in my moms lingerie
F, uhh grew boobs I guess, it feels like I’ve been stuck on maximum lewdness since then just by existing
haha, you're right, he's not famous. He's only famous (or rather, infamous) these days because his exes are talking about how he basically lied about everything: his age, his birthplace, his "australian" accent, his mom, dad and brother being dead... just so they would date/have sex with him
>'ve got a patch on my hand just now because I ate some mascarpone a week or so ago.
F7ck that s sad, you can't even eat tiramisu.,...
Wow story?
My man that's how it works for you. When I got it I tried everything. I was going through a change in my life so I made a lot of changes. Diet and lifestyle. Didn't do shit.
No, because drunk people don't think too clearly, but I would wonder if she's down for a threesome and was afraid to ask
I kept masturbating on the couch in the living room when my female cousin walked in. I am female, she said I was gross but I didn't care kek. I was masturbating face down, I don't even think I was thinking about sex, I think I was in late elementary to early high school. I would masturbate a lot to things that weren't sex, not just sex or sexy stuff(I started masturbating as a toddler)
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No, I meant clip it back with a hair clip so it doesn't get wet

Might be foods in some cases, but I'm not sure if that's the case for everyone. It's great if you can pinpoint triggers though

I have a mental block around exfoliating my feet, I spend years needing to toughen them up so it's weird for me. I do keep them very clean, use nail polish, and use body lotion on them, but they aren't pretty
F. Several kinds of cookies, savory and sweet pies, and chili. I also make this one really good salad dressing.
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>Dairy causes it for me, so yeah.
is it Eczema or Psoriasis?
utterly disgusting
Angry and turned on, yes
Mostly angry that she’d get that drunk in the first place
What else did you learn from your Disney movies, little Tim?
I guess I can see why you’d hate feet if they take all that effort just to look average, not even pretty
dude... dressing in a woman's lingerie is already twisted, but your MOM's? how did you muster to look her in the face ever again
I'm not particularly good at lying and would probably feel bad about it. Also it would be quite exhausting to maintain it - not to mention the possibility of it coming to light, which would be incredibly embarrassing.
You and me could work. You'd be my sweet and I'll be your savory. How'd you like some chicken and hand made ovenbaked parmesan fries. I make them crispy with butter and love. Also handmade mayo so you know I can whip it (you)
I have that exact same clip, it’s cute af.
You can kiss random girls in the woods and they'll fall in love with you. Also 12 manlets don't stand a chance against a 6 foot chad
Our bodies can be weird. I had a friend who had a sudden bout of chronic hives, she was miserable for months, tried all regular medical stuff and naturopathic, diet changes, supplements, steroids helped for a bit but then they came back. Then once day they just went away and never came back. I hope you're right about hot baths, it sounds good so I'll take it
I was a dumb teenager in the all boys are awesome phase and my classmate has just gotten a driver licence and took me and 3 other classmates on a ride and we stopped in a forest and I blowed them. It wasn't like in porn, I sucked them off one by one, not all at the same time
If im with a girl I actually care about, it's gonna be really hard for me to be "mad" at her for anything really.
If she does this to me, it's actually gonna be really sad since I actually like FF stuff. Even though I really care about her in a one-on-one way, at some point in the far far future if she actually wanted to push for it, given some rules I might've been okay with it or some 3-some.
Like all cheating, it's more that a boundary and respect was broken that makes it really bad, and in this specific case it's sad because it's a boundary that is a little more lenient for me.
in a row?
Did they all stick around and watch? Or was it more like they took their turn, then left? I thought boys that age were afraid of seeing other dicks lol
how does one meet cool girls like you?
women when did you start hating men?
Not weird. "Do you need a ride today?" It's probably different because I'm female but I would offer rides to a couple of coworkers of either gender because they lived somewhere along my way home.
I'm cool with playing dress up but not the other shit.
I was dubious until the handmade mayo, you've got me intrigued.
>Did they all stick around and watch?
>Or was it more like they took their turn, then left?
You a southern gal? Sounds like southern food
Boys, please touch yourselves tonight for all the femanons who have no bf to touch. Thank you.
>I'm not particularly good at lying
Understandable. The autism makes it hard for me too, anon.
Sex in the woods probably too close to the hiking path? Or the threesome.
Did you tell your boyfriend this story?
I fully intend to.
You all realize that “eat the bugs” is a bait and switch so that lab-grown meat sounds less disgusting by comparison, right?
I would think "isn't it a little cruel that their parents did this to them?"
I would leave her
Sure I can. I just have to accept the consequences for the following month.
No, I intend to save it all for Saturday and leak the brain out
Emphasize that it’s on your way home and you’ll just drop her off, even if it’s not
Uhm sorry I just wanted to be a cute girl
Why not? It just felt like being a young version of her and I liked that
I'm not smart enough to lie, once had a date interrogate me as if I was lying when I was telling the truth (fucking bitch)
>being a young version of her
Same but the opposite
Female skin feels amazing and it’s unfair that women can touch it anytime they want, so girls touch yourselves please, not even lewdly, like rub your arms or legs or something
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Reminder that femanons are someone's daughters
>I was dubious until the handmade mayo, you've got me intrigued.
I knew it would. I've perfected my recipe. It's delicious but too much for me alone. My recipe is perfect for two people, like you and me after a nice walk on the beach.
Neat, I’d be scared if they all ganged up on me, but that sounds enjoyable
Got a blowjob from a girl in a bush infront of me while people walked past 100ft away or so, some made eye contact
I've never met a women with better skin than me, y'all need to take care of yourself better, bum fuck niggas.
I didn't have a boyfriend
>I'm cool with playing dress up but not the other shit.
I just like to be teased. Not in a mean way though. Just lighthearted teasing gets me all sorts of riled up. I think I came across too strongly oopsie. Would that work?
What about later when you did get a boyfriend, did you let him know you did that?
It's no effort, just normal grooming. Feet are just gross, and honestly too soft, unexercised looking feet gross me out the most
>inb4 “you need to tell this to every future boyfriend, or else you’re lying by omission”
Lol what is the issue? I would definitely like to meet her when she was my age. I feel we would be friends
He never asked
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>in the all boys are awesome phase
Why do women have to grow out of this? sigh
Don't you think it's unfair?
Well, it sounds like a lot of effort to a moid who often forgets his feet even exist, so your grooming is appreciated
It's because of you not being awesome
Here we goooooo
>Not in a mean way
Better but it still worries me. I don't mind teasing as part of flirting but I think the crossdressing being sexual rather than you just wanting to wear a dress is what's making it weird for me.
Uh huh and you need to wear her lingerie to think about being "friends" with your mom.
it's not a real thing, they just never recognize unattractive socially isolated males as truly counting haha
Nta but normally they hate it when you tell unsolicited past sexual experience stories
Because we meet too many boys to keep believing it.
Why will a woman wear a t shirt that references her boobs?
is it really such a big ask to disclose this? it's not like you expect to have a ridiculous number of bfs
>Uh huh and you need to wear her lingerie to think about being "friends" with your mom.
No I wore it because I wanted to be a cute girl
nail polish is high effort
Because not all boys are awesome we just had low self esteem and brand new libido
The problem is calling it crossdressing, I’m all for dudes wearing skirts and crop tops or whatever but calling it crossdressing puts you on a path
To reference her boobs
>Then once day they just went away and never came back.
It be like that a lot. It shouldn't but bodies are mad weird. Honestly must've been traumatising. Because I am now extra careful for my face and never scratch it or even lay on that side of my face when I'm sleeping because I'm scared it'll come back. I can't imagine having it for years on end only to just vanish. I'd be scared it'd come back again.
Exhibit A
She's proud of them, probably kind of a show off.
If she’s me, it’s because all her other shirts need to be washed
I suppose it's irrelevant if he never implied that he liked girls that are less promiscuous, like one of those guys who like it when girls are slutty
otherwise it's kind of deceitful to hide the fact from someone when all this time you weren't what he thought you were, and he could've spent all this time with someone he really loves
how do I find girls with low self-esteem to blow me?
Women, rank in order from best to worst how you'd prefer to FALL ASLEEP with your boyfriend (not necessarily all night, he can move after you go to sleep):
>Not touching
>Him spooning you
>You spooning him
>Cuddling (face-to-face hugging or your face in his neck)
>Cuddling w/ your face in his chest
>Cuddling w/ his face in your chest/boobs
>You on top of him
>Him on top of you (you are being squished to your preference)

Also, please give the following a yes or no:
>His dick in you
>Both naked
>He gives you small kisses until you sleep
>He whispers rando stuff until you sleep
>He whispers loving thoughts to you until you sleep

If there's anything you like or dislike, please mention.
Actually, if guys want to answer too, do so (for the gals knowledge). Im just not gonna edit this post
I take this as seriously as “you never told me you liked pineapple on pizza”
Women, have you even unintentionally given someone an eyeful of cleavage?


As girls we're used to doing lots more daily grooming, so it's just normal from our perspective
>I don't mind teasing as part of flirting but I think the crossdressing being sexual rather than you just wanting to wear a dress is what's making it weird for me.
damn fair. I like the teasing more than the crossdressing which is just a fantasy. Never tried it and feels kind of scary to do. I might not even be into it lmao. I was already surprised you were more okay with the crossdressing than the femdom aspect.
Also playing dress up would be cute in a non fetish way. I'd play along with that. And if that ends in sex then it doesn't really becomes fetishised because the clothes will just come off. Wanna play house? I'll be the mom and you can be the dad.
I just squeezed my fat fucking thighs for you, you’re welcome
>Why not? It just felt like being a young version of her
>the only way i can connect with my mom is by imagining myself as my mother wearing lingerie, feeling herself or about to get fucked

i'm no therapist, but you clearly have sexual feelings towards your mother. then you went on and used her clothes for sexual gratification behind her back which is ofc also disrespectful to her. and you think this is okay because of your coomer brain.
Not really comparable, but the truth will come out eventually.
If you feel like he'd react negatively to this information then this relationship isn't meant to be.
Would you rather he know about this now, or decades down the line one anniversary night where you got a little too drunk and let it slip.
well that’s an opposite gender tip for you, your normal routine is the work of a goddess to us lol
I hear that. I once was invited to a pool party but only my cow print bikini was clean. >_<
hey I'm also working out and look pretty manly. I'd probably never look cute in a sundress but I guess I gotta deal with being strong and tough. I could beat your ass and take your bussy though. Bet you'd like that.
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cryinbg myself to sleep againg ood night
I sleep
I caressed right my boob just for you, anon.
ewww, that message was meant only for cute girls
You’re gonna need to unpack that on your own time, I’m not doing this for free
That's mortifying.
I’m plenty cute, I’ve just got giga thighs
*my right
I guess so, but what should I call it then? Experimenting with clothes of the opposite sex?
Women, what do you think about when you touch yourself? A hot guy dicking you? Him kissing you? Him eating you out? Him sucking your tits? Him groping you? (where)? Just him standing naked? Two guys going at it?
I would rather just buy a new swimsuit tbqh. And is the cow print ironic, or do you have the body to match? Lol
Why did you even have a cow print bikini?
Are they toned thighs or are they cottage cheese thighs?
Where can I get a girl?
I do, but it was a gag gift, honest.
>imagining myself as my mother wearing lingerie, feeling herself or about to get fucked
Why do you have to make it sound so hot?
>you clearly have sexual feelings towards your mother
How? I don't. I just look a lot like her and I'm basically a younger male version of her except I'm a manwhore. I don't know her sexual past
>used her clothes for sexual gratification behind her back which is ofc also disrespectful to her
I don't understand how it's disrespectful. I used them for my own purpose as if they were my own clothes and it had nothing to do with disrespecting or humiliating her
The girl store, dummy.
It's really not, at least not on your toes. Very quick and easy to slap on

My friend with the hives is the same, she is very cautious about ever scratching a bug bite or anything itchy on her skin, reluctant to take Tylenol, having really hot or cold water touch her skin, anything that used to trigger it. I'm fortunate to have never experienced a chronic skin issue, especially an itchy one, I can't imagine. Hopefully the anxiety eases up with time, although I'm sure some caution is sensible
Did you swallow?
>mfw my boobs make it more difficult than it needs to be
>once had a date interrogate me as if I was lying when I was telling the truth
also understandable. growing up, my father used to use this tactic of "interrogating" us about anything (he's a smart man, but also a violent one, and we'd hide mundane shit from his so he wouldn't get angry at him) and so a lot of times even when i'm telling the truth i feel like the other person doesn't believe me, or that i'm lying to them
Sorry but I like not touching best, men are like furnaces and I need to be cool at night
Face in boobs is alright though, they don’t affect my core temperature as much
All those things make me too excited to sleep so they’re counterproductive
Nothing that specific, just vague pressure and touches all over my body
Rather than anything visual, I go over recent ERP sessions in my head
UKanons, after living here I understand your woman situation and I am very sorry.
Closer to toned, I guess? They’re smooth and look great, they’re just BIG
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The story about how my grandparents got together is such a blackpill

>my grandfather is 22
>PTSD from Vietnam
>he makes friends with my grandmother
>a week after meeting each other, she accidentally pisses him off over something trivial
>he screams at her for several minutes and threatens to break her neck if she ever "fucks with him again"
>they don't talk for a few days
>when they next speak, he apologizes and confides in her some of his war experiences
>she falls in love with him during their conversation after learning of his wounded soul and asks him out shortly thereafter
I guess the moral of the story is that threatening to murder women is okay if you're hot? Grandpa was a 10 back then.

Women, why? Why do you all like edgy bad boys?
No real need to give it a name, just say you like wearing skirts sometimes or whatever
This is impossible to answer, because how much physical contact I like depends on how I'm feeling at the time. I can say that one of us on top of the other and literal face to face are hard no's for sleeping at any time
Who could give that as a gag gift without being weird? A bf, a sister? Certainly not a male friend…
HNG etc. I just heard "fat" and thought your weren't exaggerating.
Well, that's what I want anyway, to wear a skirt
But I feel like I won't look as good now than when I lose some weight (mostly concerned over belly mass though)
>she doesn’t spend hours painting intricate patterns on her nails
This is why Stacy beats you every time
Was from my sister, yeh.
>If you feel like he'd react negatively to this information then this relationship isn't meant to be.
>Would you rather he know about this now, or decades down the line one anniversary night where you got a little too drunk and let it slip.
people will call you an incel but there is wisdom in these words

if you're hiding something from your partner that you know would cause them to leave you if they ever found out, it's honestly kind of disgusting, and the relationship isn't meant to be
That’s just how I think when I’m feeling down about myself, when you’re squishy all over it’s easy to feel gross
How hard is it to find a man you are content with?
What's usually the problem with men you do find?
nta but I don't want to attract a footfag.
Actually that’s still weird, just two different flavors of weird depending on if your sister is bustier than you or not.
What did the best and worst guys taste like? How fast did they all cum
As a former fat guy I can kinda relate.
A good pair of feet is good with or without polish, so your efforts are in vain. It’s a shame that you’d purposely make the world a little less beautiful just to spite us.
Haha, yeh, a bit. She's smaller. I want to say "obviously" here but not sure how that will come across.
it's a primal thing, females who preferred males who were capable of violence tended to fare better in the gene pool. if she preferred males who were mild mannered there was a higher chance that a violent male would just come along and murder him, her kids, and possibly herself if she didn't submit
Have you lived with a gf? Because you might change your mind on the goddess part, when you get annoyed by all the beauty product clutter in the bathroom and bedroom lol

I guess one of the very few benefits of a small chest is easy toe nail polish application
>moral of the story is that threatening to murder women is okay if you're hot
Yes, it’s always been that way. Why are you surprised? Back in the day they were also sex pests until the woman finally caved in and said yes.
Good girl. Would you do it with a bunch of guys again?
damn if only women pined for limp wristed anime loving femboys
Unless you're from America or North Europe I don't know what you mean by that, and even then barely
You’re allowed to brag anon, chestlets are powerless to stop you
Why do men want to fuck more than women?
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>be me, posting this from a hotel
>go to front desk to ask a question
>see the qt 3.14 dyed hair midwest goth girl who is (supposed to be) at the front desk
>she's turned around so her back is facing me, crouched down, eating french fries on the floor
>silently watch in shock for about 30 seconds until another employee notifies her of my presence
>she quickly turns around and says "OH! S...sorry, how c...can I help you sir?"
>ask my question, conduct my business, then start walking away
>spill my spaghetti and say "enjoy your meal"
I think we're both autistic
>It's really not, at least not on your toes. Very quick and easy to slap on
seems like it should be more tedious on toes but ok
>I guess one of the very few benefits of a small chest is easy toe nail polish application
You joke but I think a lot of women really do take that that for granted.
>I'm basically a younger male version of her
let's agree that you look like her. why would you think of her when you're aroused. why would wer HER lingerie when aroused (you could've bought some online).

> I used them for my own purpose as if they were my own clothes
But they were not. Nor did she grant you permission to go into her room, look into her things, let alone wear something as intimate as her lingerie.
>it had nothing to do with disrespecting or humiliating her
I get that. But when you override someone's permission (which let's be honest, she wouldn't have given you, and most likely would've been disgusted at this being even jokingly suggested) to do something just because YOU want to do it, disregarding the other person's extreme revulsion to what you want to do... That's disrespect. You basically stripped her of consent (and she would've never consented to this).
Has anyone here overcome severe trust issues after being cheated on in past relationships?
My current SO is great and I don’t really have any reason or suspicion to think she’d cheat but I am still so paranoid about it. Like she’s secretly bored of me and looking to get it elsewhere while we’re apart.
That and being able to reach things under your bed, tight spaces in general really. Your body is literally more useful than mine.
Does she hide her past from you?
I mean these women are the worst, why they all have tattoos
Anon, you don't paint intricate patterns on your nails, you stencil them or glue them on
Ugly ass feet detected
It's called "I dated a BPD-having druggie bitch who cheated on me, not a surprise, thankfully normal women aren't like this"
Not a woman but this is actually false, they just hide it better
I envy a man's ability to build a computer with a relative lack of physical awkwardness.
Are you diagnosed antisocial?
Did you at any point get an urge to stab her?
Why not? They’re the easiest guys in the world to satisfy, just pop your shoes off and they leave you alone for a week
No she’s very transparent and open about that sort of thing. Not to say she’ll go into detail about her exes but she’s been open about her past.

Same man but I’m struggling to get over it and my anxiety is pretty bad
>say "enjoy your meal"
lol pretty good
I get patches of fluid filled bumps which itch and turn into dry/thickened skin.
Usually about 3-7 days after eating something which triggers it.
Once triggered it takes several weeks to a month to fully heal. So I think the damage is done fairly quickly, and the healing process is slow.
The intensity and size of the the flare up depends how much I ate. These days usually small / minor; I normally avoid the triggers. It was worse when I was younger and eating crap.
Then you are the problem.
I... I've been doing it wrong. Where do I turn in my woman card?
I’ve lived with women yes, and it just made me more awestruck by everything they do to make themselves even more beautiful, women are so amazing ;_;
Mental image of a goth eating fries crouched down behind a counter is peak visual comedy
So I’m just being overly paranoid?
That’s fine. Not that it’s fine but it’s good to know that I’m probably just over thinking it.
Is this a black or latina thing? I’ve always painted mine straight on
They're also really fucking creepy about their fetish.
Men are just less picky than women. It's because the dynamics of sexual reproduction favor males cumming as much as possible in as many women as possible. For women it favors choosing the best mate possible.
Skill issue
No. Do 45 minutes of dick thrusting prone into a fleshlight with lube.
Do you think women will miss us when we're gone?
There are some really bad ones, yeah. I was thinking of the ones who just want to give foot massages, and still enjoy the other 95% of your body, lol. All things in moderation. I’ve had decent footfag bfs.
Just copped. Thoughts, ladies?
If she ain’t 280 she ain’t a lady
They don't like fat and balding guys, so I doubt it.
You get a gold star on your woman card for not being lazy
My grandmother greatly misses my deceased grandfather (died just over a year ago) even though he was pretty abusive.
No, it's easier because you can use your good hand for both feet, and little imperfections are harder to see. Plus no base or top coat, just slap it on in one go

I guess I really do take it for granted, and being tall helps too when it comes to stuff like that. I think even if my breasts were larger, I'd still have no trouble because my arms are long and I'm pretty flexible

I honestly never thought about it, but I don't think it means your body is less useful. I'd be willing to bet your brain is a million times more useful than mine, at any rate
Was told by a girl I look like Josh Hutchinson.
Is this a good thing or a bad one?
What’s more useful than attracting a man? Painted toes are cute, but huge tiddies are better, sorry.
I don't want a dumb pet. I want a functional slave that will put all of his worth at my feet and in my pocket.
Do you think that guy is handsome?
>few seconds after finishing
>smell the dust that kicked up in the air
is the Swiffer really that much better
It’s good, he cute.
Every woman had a crush on that nigga as a teenager. Plus his rape scene in that one movie was pretty popular
Point taken, but who wants a guy that is just into you because of your tits?
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i mean.. he looks like this....
I wouldn't know how to build a computer if my life depended on it

idk I've never done it and neither do any of my friends. It's not my thing, I just stick with dark solid gloomy colours

That's sweet anon, in my experience men get annoyed by that stuff so I've been well trained to try and keep all my stuff as contained as possible
need a big tiddy gf with long cracked toenails because she can’t even see her feet so she never thinks about them
Sex is has fewer consequences.
We're designed by nature to be able to impregnate many women.
The genetic winner is the one who makes the most babies.
So male genes turn the libido up to 10.
I had a few bevs at the pub and now I'm going clubbiiiing babyyy!!!!!!! who is joining meeee On da fkn sesh????
Holy fuck I love you guys <3 <3 kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss LOVE
one people ..... one planet............
I'm not gay but... no not really, this guys kinda ugly
Which movie?
>be me
>deal with a terrible long term relationship that ended with me being cheated on and humiliated
>spend 3 years healing and think I’m fine
>meet new girl
>dating for a month
>tells me how much she likes me all the time, sees me twice a week despite being incredibly busy and is super affectionate
>agree to be exclusive last night and she wants to make plans immediately after

Everything is so good on paper but I am extremely paranoid about being cheated on again. To the point where like we have a few days apart and I wonder if she’s off with some other guy..
goth mommy?
Chad doing chad shit again.
Once your biological clock has been ticking for a few more years, the answer might surprise you…
The size of the shirt is ironic

Sweeping shouldn't do that, if the dust on the floor is that bad vacuum it first. But swiffers are pretty good
Being annoyed with women honestly makes me feel schizophrenic, like I want to criticize them and worship them at the same time. Thank you for being a neat and tidy goddess lol
It's not chad though brother it's normal ;___; come n join me xx
Ironic how?
Do women really just want to execute all men they don't find attractive?
Hey, at that point my boobs will be pretty sad anyways.
>It's not chad though brother it's normal
Nah, I don't have the face, nor the physique, nor the fashion sense, nor the charm or personality to be honest.
That's your normal, this is my normal.
Is this a madonna/whore thing?
>implying you don’t secretly assume that about guys anyway, no matter how much they compliment other things
The bigger the boobs, the bigger the imposter syndrome
>Plus no base or top coat, just slap it on in one go
lmao pigment stains
>the face, nor the physique, nor the fashion sense, nor the charm or personality to be honest.
What the fuck are you on about mate????
The club is for EVERYONE that's what makes it so beautiful <3 <3
How big are your boobs, anon?
I don’t think so? Just a clash between my thinking brain and my monkey brain. I have every intent to express myself intelligently to women, however this is complicated by the fact that women pretty.
I hate you so much right now. :I
It’s a 3XL
>mfw I honestly like seeing a guy spill his spaghetti and feel bad about it afterwards.
Mmf, golden retriever guy plaping me (hot) while getting plap'd (hot) by also goth twink (hot) like unus anus vibes.
Just a passion sandwich. I'd touch goth twink and fuck back on golden guy so he pushes into goth twink. *hufff*
If it makes you feel better, I’m a woman venting from experience :(

Same. We’re bad people.
Is it really so bad to be wanted for your boobs?
You say that like it's a normal size.
>why would you think of her when you're aroused
I don't think it's the same. Thinking of being her with someone else is not the same as thinking of being sexual with her. And I was just trying to picture what would I be like if I really was a girl. She is the closest to that
>you could've bought some online
I couldn't. A shipment of lingerie just arrives to our house and I'm supposed to say they are mine?
>override someone's permission
Yes, that I did. I am just hypersexual and I also need attention and validation from women. Sorry if this upsets you. I made sure she wouldn't find out because I didn't want to disrespect her in that way
No, maybe in another life I would have been goth but I'm pretty boring and normie looking in this timeline

I am the furthest thing from a goddess, but don't worry it's not schizophrenic. Our brains are complicated

Yes, wanting to execute all men I don't find attractive is exactly what I meant
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what kinos are my /Television & Film/ bros watching tonight?
for me its pic related, I saw it probably a decade ago and only remember the gay jerk off scene and the ending
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The club serves different functions for different people.
Chads go there to find and interact with girls, I go there to waste money and act as a background character so the place doesn't feel too dead.
>Yes, wanting to execute all men I don't find attractive is exactly what I meant
You're tearing me apart, Lisa!
>I’ve been here so long that I’m recognizing femanons by bust size now
You should give 28A-anon a big hug
Testosterone is active all the time, women have a cycle so their need fluctuates
one thing that is less appreciated is that while men are often see as unga bunga base, women are just as primal as men. civilization has acted to counteract some of humanity's worst impulses but you basically see the monkey nature returning in the dating market thanks to loosened restraints on sexual selection, it leads to things being a bit bananas
I may or may not continue the sopranos tonight.
My grandpa was probably the same way. But he was also a 10, rags to riches story. It's just war autism.
No, I guess not, but if that is genuinely the only thing you like about me it's an issue.
based what season are you on? I never quite made it to s3 but not for lack of love
Nonononono my brother....we are all ONE... find me on the floor and we will entrance everyone with our sick moves xxx
"""""UK""""""" is a big place, there is huge variation if you walk in any 50 miles
Everyone's a critic

That's a fairly small size of t-shirt for the average sized person, I'd say?
Yes. These things won’t be perfect and perky forever.
Are you the one from last thread who said she'd been called "tits on a plate"?
it ended up not matter because her apparent boyfriend picked her up
oh well
To be fair, she is kinda... unique.
Unless they kissed, don’t assume he’s her bf
there's more brown people in certain parts but british seem a bit "scummy" in the most part, even the posh ones
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anyway, just go have fun, bro.
No, that would be a new one for me. I feel like that sometimes though.
Too much cushion, not enough crunch for impacting my body upon.
I feel like that's a bad bet. I shouldn't being trying to fuck my coworker anyways, no matter how soft her pale skin looks or how huge her tits are
I don’t miss that 32E anon as much anymore
UK is a giant David Lynch movie.
Please stop me from imagining my crush creampieing me and grabbing me from behind and fucking me aggressively while also passionately proclaiming how much he genuinely loves me. It didn't occur to me that there's a reason you don't imagine things with your crush/friends, please aggressively drill that into me.
Yeah just use paper towels or a steam mop
COME WITH ME BITCH k I can make some cringe vocas if u like lol
Wearing my NiGHTS into Dreams.... shirt again so nornalfags can be reminded of the technical brilliance of the Sega Saturn
Like halfway through 5.
I’m just saying, it might be her brother or something. Don’t cuck yourself based on unverified theories.
Nah, I'm tired, just pulled an all nighter, went out cycling at like 4am and my ass hurts.
I'm going to kill myself by going to bed.

Go charm them girls with that retro rizz king.
See, that. I haven't even put up a picture or anything and men are already OOGA BOOBA.
We can fantasize about your ass instead, if that’s better?
All nighter you say... excellent... I hope you have a lovely time and rest up good <3
Nah fuck rizzing my guy x I am just out there to DAZZLE
How old are you?
Face on his chest
Him spooning me
His face in my chest
Me spooning him
No touching
Me on top
Him on top
I like to wear underwear when I sleep rather than being naked but both in undies is best.
We would need to move to no touching before I fell asleep or I'd be up for a while though.
>Also playing dress up would be cute in a non fetish way. I'd play along with that. And if that ends in sex then it doesn't really becomes fetishised because the clothes will just come off. Wanna play house? I'll be the mom and you can be the dad.
Now this I'm down for. I'm all for being silly together. Can I have a mustache?
If I'm thinking of something specific it would probably be some variation of "hot guy dicking you"
Try Target
Might be impossible. There's not a usual problem there's just always something. I'm looking for someone who's presence I enjoy more than being alone.
Not the weirdest meetcute ever lmao
If it's at least 2 sizes too big on you, fantastic choice.
Probably good
How do we, as representatives of the male species, make our local well-endowed ladies feel loved and appreciated for things other than their boobs without having to stop oggling said boobs?
There’s probably at least one woman here getting off to it too, if we’re being realistic lmao
Leave then
grab her by the pussy
why do most women lie and say "dick size doesn't matter"? Im not asking them to say "we only like big dicks", Im just saying its crazy how they gaslight us (inadvertedly or not) about it. Not saying it's malice at all.

But size does matter. Same way a flat chested woman isn't the same as one with juicy tits.
Literally impossible. The impostor syndrome monster can never be defeated.
>I am just out there to DAZZLE
Aight chad, show them peep who's the real king.
It's just an uncommon size, try not to let it bother you. I'm sure some straight women raised an eyebrow at that.
I will but know nicer women await outside the island
>a flat chested woman isn't the same as one with juicy tits.
Speak for yourself, queer.
If your girlfriend asked you if you would love her more if she had bigger tits what would you say?
>"dick size doesn't matter"
I have never said this. Of course it matters somewhat.
I'm already cucked by working in an office with someone I have a romantic attraction to.
I wouldn't say she's my crush or oneitis though.
The more promiscuous a girl is, the more these kind of stuff matters to her.
recognize the signs.
But also recognize that pass a certain threshold, these women gain the ability to camouflage themselves.
Not possible. Just by ogling you confirm our suspicions. Confirmation bias and all that.
My gf knows this and she doesn't give a shit.
Generally speaking women don't communicate "opinions" to give their actual thoughts but to present themselves in a certain, socially acceptable way. This is part of a general communication style of being agreeable and non-confrontational to avoid looking like a bitch.
>Which movie
Burn 2019
You can start by going back in time and stop my dad from divorcing my mom over her breast reduction, that really fucked up my self-image as a girl
His dick's smaller than my toes
I'd rather ride Squidward's nose
That's 2.3 liters.
>Now this I'm down for. I'm all for being silly together. Can I have a mustache?
Yes but only if it looks cool.
How big qt’s dick though
I hate non confrontational people, so generally that means I fucking hate talking to women
are there any women on this site who didn't have meme-tier parents lmao
I-I actually don't cum quickly when having sex but 45 minutes is pretty long. I'm not a machine..
>I hate non confrontational people
Why are you looking to pick fights so often?
Probably has that BBC (british average is 6.1 measured)
>I don't think it's the same. Thinking of being her with someone else is not the same as thinking of being sexual with her.
But I never claimed you're thinking of being sexual with her. What I had been suggesting is you're thinking of her being sexual with someone else, as you have confirmed now, and the thought of you/her being sexual with someone arouses you. Hence, you find her sexually attractive.
>A shipment of lingerie just arrives to our house and I'm supposed to say they are mine?
My guy, you could've said it's anything but lingerie. You could've said it's for your gf. Ffs, even saying you jerk off to them would've been a better justification. I think your parents know you're sexual being too, so even if buying a pair of lingerie is weird, it's not weirder than using your mother's.
> Sorry if this upsets you.
Kek, why are you trying to guilt me? This has nothing to do with me. I'm telling you there's a line between wanting to know what being a woman is like when you're not trans (a bit weird imo, but whatever) and thinking that desire trumps another person's privacy, approval, that person being your mom, and finally, finding your mom hot and thinking of her in that way.
What I'm saying is there are levels to this. But in the throes of sexual gratification, all lines become blurred, everything becomes permissible (and the following makes sense and seems acceptable: i want to feel like a woman ==> i look like my mother ==> why not wear my mother's lingerie ==> i'm aroused, what's the big deal if i jerked off, while looking like her, to the thought of her/me having sex), and i don't think that should be the case.
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The other day my boss was being really bitchy at pretty much everyone and she referred to this woman as our colleague's "little cohort"
it was funny to me because I know the "little cohort" and her and my boss are carbon copies of each other, they even have the same physiognomy and body type.
women are so catty
I'm so fucking horny
7" brotha never gonna use it tho lool
Yeah it's a pain in the ass. Especially when you think there are no problems and then suddenly something has actually been an issue for months but she was too much of a coward to say anything
Just get porn addiction, that boosts stamina so much.
My first gf started crying when we first had sex
Made her think she wasn't attractive cause I just wouldn't buss, not my problem desu.
Damn, he really is chad, isn't he.
Well if I told a boyfriend "yes I would prefer if you had a bigger dick" he would lose his fucking mind.
I'm gonna look like Tom Selleck in the early 80s
Kinda like that 30 year old virgin that didn't like the sex he was getting.
What do women want, lmao
they cry when you cum too fast, and then they cry when you don't cum at all.
I think you guys honestly care about your dicks more than we care about our boobs. I do know it's not really a fair comparison, yes.
Was it my plap posting?
>What do women want
If only there was a thread where we could ask them…
If you cum too fast I don't cum and if you don't cum at all I'm ugly and should kill myself.
Those are not opposite ends of the spectrum at all.
>If I told a boyfriend
I have boobs not a dick
>If you cum too fast I don't cum
That's bullshit and virgin talk, lmao
Sex doesn't end just because a nigga busts
I want to cum a bunch of times and then you cum.
Wait, really? Can't I just go again?
>virgin talk
The vast majority of them are done when they bust. And going to oral after piv is a letdown. Oral THEN piv.
Whoops. You know what I mean. They.
Women have been getting fake tits for decades now.
there's still no dick boosting surgery.

come to think of it, all the things women make fun of men for, most of them are unchangeable, only recently did we start getting height altering surgery and that stuff actually kills your life.
why do femanons do this kinda stuff
but Im not asking my gf about my dick size. Im talking about random women saying that to me on the webs
yeah and bigger dick = better in a sex related way. If its thick and quite long the better.
>there's still no dick boosting surgery.
There is.
>go again
If he can go again in 20 minutes or less it's nbd. If I have to wait an hour I'm gonna be a little put out.
Because it doesn't. I have big dildos and I have small dildos and the bigger ones don't feel any better. The only thing that makes a dick bad is if it's attached to a man, PiV is literally never enjoyable and humping random furniture or a tube of lip balm feels way better
There is. It's called pearling.
It is for rich sadistic fucks.
I hope one day to meet one.
>there's still no dick boosting surgery.
There are several. Every one of them is some Made in Abyss level body horror butchery.
Sexual dysfunction is an ick
I should just handcuff you to a Sybian machine and go out for a drink.
Christ, women are like the prime evil of this world.
Women are generally more insecure while at the same time receiving orders of magnitude more validation than men. Women, why do it be like this?
your experience doesnt correlate with what many women say, though.
>Random women saying that to me on the webs
Stop expecting strangers not to lie to you
Don't like talking about people when they aren't here but it was a thirty year old that was new to sex in a relationship and didn't like the sex but she did and then he had the gall to say that he only did it because she liked it.
>an hour
jesus, how old are the guys you fuck?
I’m hungover, currently crying in the shower.
Yeah, women, amirite.
Why is oral after piv so bad? Easiest way to get a girl off w/o toys.
hearing how much women claim to dislike actual normal sex is a big ick
>Stop expecting strangers not to lie to you
Well im not saying that they told me personally on some forum. Im talking about reading dozens even hundreds of threads and comments about this.
Rare Cancer Seen in 41 Autistics. Are you one of them?
>I'm gonna look like Tom Selleck in the early 80s
oh baby that's a good 'stache. I'll bake the cookies, you look cool and smoke some cigars.
It's not that I dislike it, just that there's other stuff that works better for me.
Why do femanons do what? You’re the one insisting we’re lying. Why do you think that?
And for the millionth time, big and thick = pain and needing to go slowly.
>Are you one of them
God I hope so.
Hey. Does my penis look infected to you?
4chan autistics are their own special kind of cancer
>Well if I told a boyfriend "yes I would prefer if you had a bigger dick" he would lose his fucking mind.
Yeah do not ever admit to it. You'll break a man who just wants to be loved (rather have his dick loved)
>I have decided to continue being sad and calling all women liars
>bigger dick = better in a sex related way
N-not really. You don't have to be huge, just don't be like 3 inches.
I read this in a Nord’s voice from Skyrim
And you couldn’t wait to gossip about it, you could all be a body of bitches, a possy of pussies, a clan of cunts!
Males are the romantic gender
women are the beastial ones. they want tall men with big dick and lots of resources.
>Women have been getting fake tits for decades now.
>there's still no dick boosting surgery.
for real
women get nice big fake tits
we dont get to have surgery for a nice looking fake dick that works.
Women, would you be with a guy who needed to wear a strap on for sex cause you cant feel anything of he goes in alone?
>It's not that I dislike it
>PiV is literally never enjoyable
The straight male idea of "actual normal sex" leaving women with less satisfying sex lives than literal incels is frankly worth quitting dating over, rather than a mere ick
Y’all are some AGPs.
I don't think talking about this stuff here counts as gossip, its not like I went to another coworker and start talking shit
Because external validation doesn't fix insecurity. It's a mental issue.
It's not an age thing it just depends on the guy and how many times we'd already gone that day.
It's "fine". It's a de-escalation though. Piv is more intense for me and the orgasms feel different. If it's just oral or oral first I'm all for it but oral after I've gotten somewhat close to a piv orgasm is frustrating.
We often can't breastfeed properly after a boob job. The one thing that boobs are actually for.
I'm an autistical man who sexually hooked up at one point with my female friend who is also on the autistical spectrum, and I'm honestly envious she has a higher body count than me. She's able to recollect every detail of every sexual partner she's ever had and their encounters, and I've had sex with like maybe all of 3 people, including her.

What is she doing right that I'm doing wrong?
What's so confusing?
I didn't not say that PiV doesn't work. Reading comprehension.
Both are bestial. Modern society just considers more strongly curtailing male sexuality while it no longer does it for women. This is why we get men pining for gfs, while women are fully unshackled making primal-driven choices.
wanna know why I dismiss the "big hurts" ? because Ive seen PLENTY of examples of women who go through the pain to finally get used to it.

Plus, you still would like bigger dicks, its just your body hurts. I like eating chocolate but it hurts my body.

As Ive read in twitter, written by a woman (with thousands of women repeating it): bigger dicks make women act whorish. Its not that they are by themselves better for sex.
>What is she doing right
She has a vagina.
You're bestial
Nah, I just wanna have a bigger dick.

How often? because you still have the chance to do it, and there are probably different grades of boobjobs you can do.

Big dick surgery doesn't exist, period. We have no choice.
Can't spell bestial without best. ;)
what about oral after you cum from piv? He just wants to eat you out and for you to cum again. Does he have to piv again after?
The idea? What the fuck? Penis in vagina is objectively actual normal sex at a basic level, learn to enjoy it more.
So do you. I can smell it through the internet.
>Big dick surgery doesn't exist, period. We have no choice.
That was disproven earlier itt.
wtf are you talking about? you just said it's literally never enjoyable verbatim
Women, how do you feel about tattoos? Do you have any?
They want porn sex
They don’t like social women
They are weirdly conservative
>There are several. Every one of them is some Made in Abyss level body horror butchery.
yeah, sounds like a totally viable surgery.
No normal person would judge a women for using formula.
nta, and not to be that person, but while getting fake tits definitely has it upsides, it also has its downsides: the standards are higher, plus, it promotes body dysmorphia. men too are getting on the body dysmorphia bandwagon with the mewing and the gym addiction and the roided body that threatens to give you a heart attack, etc
I like them, I have some
malding femoid
how will you ever recover
I want sex sex
I like social women
Im weirdly progressive.
I feel like I should make you an apron
I wasn't complaining about women it just was a little out of left field for me
I would want to take a break to come down from the piv and get over the short lived frustration of not orgasming and basically "start over" rather than having him jump right to oral after he gets off.
Have you ever seen the movie Percy, about the world's first penis transplant?

To be fair, breast implant surgery is kinda gnarly as well.
nta but it is if youre not a coward
It is totally viable. You're just constantly semi erect and if anything at all goes wrong you lose your entire dick.
Cool, who are you and stuff?
why would a woman say she hasn't dated in 6 years
>Talking with dude at park about vices
>Porn comes up eventually
>He talks about how he hates how the sites always show wife cheating vids
>Only weird shit I see on homepage is stepfamily stuff

How do I tell him bros
>it just was a little out of left field for me
It's simply the logical conclusion, the only way to treat a woman that's insatiable.
if she wants a man with unlimited stamina and won't accept oral after insertion, then onto the sybian she goes.
That's just surgery in general desu.
Because she haven’t, you okay bud?
Because she spent that time playing the field, having flings, and casually hooking up.
They're neat. I would get one but I can't commit to anything I'm SURE I'm going to want forever.

Barbed wire or tribal tattoos on guys are an ick. Not a deal breaker but it's trashy.
>Because external validation doesn't fix insecurity. It's a mental issue.
And why specifically do you tend to have this mental issue? Validation is in general actually a pretty important part for people feeling confident and it's understandable why somebody who doesn't have it would be insecure. Somebody who gets a lot of it still having the problem is confusing
you'll never be a woman lad
rigby is fucking dead bros
after "you" cum, not "him". Do you still need to come down from the piv?
I don’t get it
I wish transphobia was as bannable as blatant racism.
promiscuity is more likely than chastity here
I'm gonna get shit for this but the media constantly tells you you're not good enough. I'm sure guys get this too.
I’m a woman, why do you want me to be a man?
>do you tend
Couldn't tell you. It hasn't been a problem for me in 10 years.

Your own validation is literally all you need to be confident.
Not for me, no I don't have any and I never will
I watch stuff on incognito, my stuff never saves. Same goes for a lot of other sites too, except Youtube. Lots of the stuff is stepfamily shit, it simply is one of the most popular.
why do men on 4chan demand we justify the words of women on twitter? we don’t like them either
Yeah media makes me disappointed I'm not Batman. /s
>You're just constantly semi erect and if anything at all goes wrong you lose your entire dick.
We're often damaged beyond repair at a young age.
Why are these people breakdancing?
Guys are told we're not good enough if we're not the best in almost every facet of life but generally don't show as much overt and neurotic insecurity as women display
Why do you want to know who I am and stuff? Im just a guy that fulfills what u want in those 3 points
Many are cringe, but some are meaningful and/or artistic
I have the outline of my home country on my arm
Just give it 20 minutes and try again damn, lazy.
Oh my mistake my bad, but yes same thing I need a break.
Men don’t have the capability to think of people as individuals
Stop quoting me without paying. I want my (you)s.
Literally, replace dick with any other body functionality.
because women on twitter are x10000 the amount of femanons on 4chan/adv/atoga
I like it. It filters out worthless people. Fake tit havers, roided men, what happy man could associate with those who destroy their marble selves in hopes of gathering the dust and broken pieces to glue together into a new sculpture. The beauty of the sculpture lies in the process of sculpting those natural imperfections into what the sculptor deems beautiful and good. They have lost their beauty and their good. In the end by making themselves beautiful they've lost themselves. Woe to them and woe to those who befriend them, for broken pieces see a marble statue and their jealousy will move them to throw themselves at it, in order to break off pieces, so that it becomes like them, broken and ugly.
damn I knew women on here were those trashy tattoo girl types
Or, I can leave her on the machine for several hours, come back, then try.
I’m curious. this is atoga right? Isn’t this the only point of the thread
ah you're fat
Because you've been told it's not a good idea, right? So... kinda broken in your own way.
Im sorry, I will be sure to credit you the next time.

Edit: couldn't edit my past comments, is it a paid service ?

edit 2: I bought 4chan premium but I still can't see the edit button

edit 3: ok the baby was born black but that doesnt mean I cant be a good adoptive father.
Why wouldn't they be?
im sorry but Im paranoid to gvive information to random letters on a screen
Hello girlies
Let's have sex!
Like I said. Yikes. You stay away from me I'll go play dress up with the other guy.
I wish women liked me
have you ever bought fast food then used it supplement your own cooking?
like you made something that would go good with rice so you bought a bowl from Panda Express, ate the meat entree and used the rice for your meal?
Not that either, instead of guessing wrong why don’t you ask instead. Are you having a difficult time coping because I’m a woman?
complete opposite of that guy who gave out his info yesterday, lol
>I feel like I should make you an apron
Flower patterns. I would like that. Now I feel bad for starting this off with a crossdressing fetish question. Thank god its anonymous else I would've ran away in shame. We could bake cookiesn. My last attempt I switched salt and sugar and made cookies with about 2 ounces of salt. I'm not really good at baking.
Well it is a bad idea objectively because you just get shat on if you dot that but it doesn't seem to carry the same level of neurosis either way.
wish harder
Bitch, how easy is it to make rice?
>have you ever bought fast food then used it supplement your own cooking?
No but I've done the opposite.
what did he say?
No, if I'm cooking, I'm not paying extra of pre cooked stuff.
I'm buying ingredients.
sorry you're fat
FBI is not interested in your age and dumb hobby
I’m afraid to mix fast food with my ingredients, like there could be a chemical reaction and it explodes
No, I just get lazy and get Starbucks delivered too often
I still say that girls are allowed to be more neurotic in society than guys. Just blame it on the period or pregnancy brain or whatever.
I have no idea if I've ever done that, it doesn't seem like something I'd remember. Still it seems like a waste to cook and have fast food, do one or the other.
dude just gave out his info, idk. Like, nothings gonna happen to him, but still, was dumb af. People need education on basic online safety. Least he learned his lesson
well a few moments ago you were interested in me and now you're saying my hobbies are dumb

I have a gf
He got triggered because atoga has women in it sometimes, the only way his weak mind can cope is imagine them fat
nta but no duh, since neurotic women complain online, but neurotic men kill people
You mean the guy that gave out his phone number?
You have NOT bought fast food then used it supplement your own cooking?
or you have cooked something to supplement bought fast food?
The second one is actually equivalent to the original btw since they both supplement each other.
t. no source I'm making it up I don't know the definition of supplement
stupid guy, Im sorry for him
A few years ago, someone told me had to fix the air conditioner tho he had no time. i said why not hire a repairman? he said because he didn't trust anyone to do it but himself. he also admitted that he had such a problem that even if he were to hire repairman, he had to be there, because he didn't trust that his wife could oversee the guy repairing the air conditioner and not scaming her. and that this problem extends to all areas in his life. my point is if you don't trust anyone around you, then you wouldn't trust their opinions about anything, yourself included. you hold everyone, especially yourself, to such high standards, that no one can live up to them, and everyone's opinion seems inconsequential to you. but then even yourself you can't trust it because you hold it to the same if not higher impossible standards.
It was a burner number.
Someone did call it, though.
>or you have cooked something to supplement bought fast food?
Technically it was takeout, not fast food. But this.
No, I actually buy the expensive ingredients so my shit is seasoned.
How, you can’t even do small talk
Would you treat a friend the way you treat yourself?
Is this a masturbation joke
Lol wut, I hate myself. I do my best to treat em well.
you realise that means you think women are better than men nowadays. You're just stating you're a cuck and your gf has a small little box where she keeps your castrated balls.
so basically a kind of misanthropy lmao
Well now it is...
Male anons, how well-dressed do you expect women to be at home? Are you ok with her lounging in old, unsexy clothes, or do you wish she’d dress up more?
I dont share information on 4CHAN, thats nothing like REAL LIFE
where I get WOMEN looking at my beautiful 30 yo face (but luckily they cant see IM skinnyfat)(im working on that)(not really but Im gonna but working on it)
>Technically it was takeout, not fast food. But this.
God I love Greek food but it's so expensive
tfw no cute Greek gf who's parents own a restaurant so I can get free gyros.
No, of course n- OH.
fbi already has the ability to track all of us in this thread actually, even without us giving info. Cost of internet without being a aluminum hat snowden type
What? That defeats the entire purpose of cooking at home.
Don't feel bad it's the Internet we're allowed to talk about weird stuff.

And don't feel bad about the salt either I once made cupcakes with no oil/butter they were terrible lmao.
Aight I'm out.
I’d like to be aware of her breasts at all times
They don’t have to be exposed, but if she’s braless under a shirt and I can see them jiggle, that’s acceptable
Bitch, I make my own gyros.
>you realise that means you think women are better than men nowadays. You're just stating you're a cuck and your gf has a small little box where she keeps your castrated balls.
my gf doesn't treat me wrong at all.
I dont think women are better than men, nor the contrary
If she isn't in black high heels and a fitting black gala dress at all times then she is a BAD person.
Point is, they have no reason to. Stop having an inflated sense of self importance.
If we're going out, I'd like her to dress well (as would I to my best ability). At home, some teasy stuff like lingerie or bare undies or a long shirt/no underwear on occasion would be neat. Otherwise, I would love if the vibe between us was comfy love birds-core
Se ya later, anon.
i don't want to say the n-word (n*rcis*ism) but i think that's what it is. particularly the brand where you think you're dogshit, but everyone else is EVEN MORE dogshit, that you're surrounded by incompetent people, and that's why you'll never listen to what anyone of them has to contribute
What kind of question is this? She should wear whatever is comfortable. Women don’t have to be “on” at all times.
how. I don't have a grill. I only have an oven with a hot air set up. I guess I could do porkchops raised on like some sort of rack. Teach me. Please.
You know that if you did that to a woman it would hurt right?
Covert narcissism.
You are difficult to talk to and i don’t think I’m the first to tell you, here and irl. You shouldn’t be here, it’s too much for a fragile person like you
>unsexy clothes
I literally can’t imagine any article of clothing that would make a woman less sexy. There’s plenty of things that make women MORE sexy, sure, but the worst she can be is just neutral, and neutral is attractive, because… women are attractive.
did I just frustrate some darn agent off his work? LMAO I WON
Is it bad to take Gravol or I think it's called Dramamine in the US everyday for approx a week straight? I don't know why I'm nauseous but I'm not pregnant
Get their asses bro don’t let them bully you out.
Ideally she doesn't wear anything at home but comfy clothes are the next best thing.
Fuck they know I like baggy sweaters and skateboards, when will they come for me
not sure if whitepilling or spineless simp
Said the paranoid autistic guy
clothing literally doesn't matter to me, at all. Its just a means to cover oneself, nothing more.
I barely care what she would wear outside the house
If she wants to wear just sweatpants or even just panties I'd be okay
Probably fine but don't do it for months. Have you tried ondansetron (zofran) I find that works better for me but I think you need a prescription.
You're still nauseous? That ain't normal, go to a doctor.
Women, how often is a bf or husband supposed to take you out on dates to prevent you from getting sad and doubting the relationship?
Thanks anons, you made me feel better for wearing baggy shorts and an old shirt with holes in it lmao
Why do I care what she looks like at home?
Once a month, maybe? I think I’m pretty low maintenance.
Aw that's nice. Now I don't feel bad anymore. I wish I had a gf to play dress up with. That'd be pretty cool honestly.
I knew a girl who'd probably like that but we lived too far apart and I was a different person back then. It wouldn't have worked. I still think about her sometimes but she only talks back and doesn't initiate contact.
The salt cookies were bad. I made them during class in high school. I gave one to one of my teachers and watched her take a big bite. Her face after taking a bite made it worth messing up.
How did you forget to put in oil for your cupcakes though. Or was this a low fat attempt which made you realise that it's exactly the fat and sugar make those cakes taste good?
It's not about frequency of dates it's about frequency of being noticed and appreciated. Being happy to see me, bringing little insignificant treats or gifts home because they made you think of me. Cuddling. Bringing me a glass of water when you come back to the couch with your own because you noticed I was out even though I didn't ask.
nta but many men get upset when women dare to look less than beautiful, even when nobody is looking
>I dont think women are better than men, nor the contrary
so you're not a progressive.
I am of the opinion women should be subject to daily neck make outs, ear lobe nibbles, thigh squeezes, and boobie gropes. Do you agree?
This. Stupid shit like flowers once in a while makes a big difference.
nta clothes dont make women beautiful, its the other way around. women are beautiful
So women are basically Tamagotchis that need regular presents and attention or they’ll die
Women, would you ever attention whore for your boyfriend? Like, if he was busy and you wanted his attention, would you actually try and do something or would you just ignore it (or go get attention somewhere else...)?
that just looks like meatloaf though and nothing like the gyros I've had. Maybe I'll give it a try though. Thanks.
I was rushing to get them done bc I had a bunch of people in my garage already, this was when I was a teenager too lol. >>31540887
Literally. They don't have to be big presents you could be giving me fun sized 3 musketeers and remembering to bring tissues with us everywhere because I always forget.
Everyone is like that, anon. If you don't think you are, you're already dead. You just haven't noticed it yet.
>Do you agree?
Yes but only if I am the one administering this treatment.
Reading this was creepy
So you're the fbi cutie assigned to deradicalise me
you better give me sexo or else I'll do something reall bad
I kinda like that tho man. They're so cute when they're happy, and it's so easy to do stupid shit to make em happy.

It's other issues that make the relationship potentially high maintenance
>big dick energy
>small dick energy
>but rest assured, there's no weird way society views dick sizes. Also, ignore all those times women talk about a big cock as a good thing, only listen to those who dont like them because their body refuses to get used to them
If he's not doing anything important I'll get in the way like a cat but if he's actually doing something I will literally raise my hand and ask for a hug if I really need attention right that moment.
>Modern society just considers more strongly curtailing male sexuality
porn/pimping is one of the most lucrative industries on the planet right now and we all know who drives the mass majority of demand for more porn. what a completely nonsense statement
Sure, in an ironic way? I wouldn’t get very far, since it doesn’t take much to get his attention…
It's different because of the corn starch. Changes the texture quite a bit. Also, do that pan thing.
Just until I get see the doctor, so about a week. Have you been getting chemo or radiation therapy, anon? Or do you take the zofran for something else?

Yeah, Gravol seems to help. I'm seeing my doctor next week, I'll try not to whine so much on here in the meantime lol
Don’t worry no one is going to be with someone who say attention whore like that
I was prescribed it when I had a stomach ulcer, thankfully it's resolved.

I hope when you see the doctor it's nothing serious!
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I got rejected for ""flying solo"" like holy fack what kind of gatekeepeing is this
Back when I used 2 throw raves, anyl1 who showed up wuz invited, like that was actually the whole fucking point lmao
Anyway I am going to the gay club in the next city so the tall buff chads will buy me drinks (no homo)
But yeah... fuck this gay town lmao... what a bunch of gaylords........
gyros kinda is meatloaf, no? Just the outside is constantly browned?
this turns me on. I want to treat a woman like a tamagotchi and watch her stats go up. And then one night I'll whisper into her ear: "You're boring". And then I'll just play fortnite or some other game while she dies from lack of attention in the background.
Can it just be grabbing my ass instead?
Eh whine all you like its just a tad worrying. Hope it ain't anything serious.
>why do most women lie and say "dick size doesn't matter"?
because risking harm to a man's ego is not worth the potential violence or retaliation
Does height always correlate with dick size?
There's no set amount, sometime we go out an do something a few times a week, sometimes we just stay in all weekend. We don't live together so staying in still feels fairly special
Or the 3 hour emotional breakdown
uh oh, now you’ve done it
The gyros I have are actual pieces of meat. I think it's porkchops all skewered and then sliced as it roasts.
Thank god my dick is good and nice.
Why no kissing?
Doesn't seem too. Plenty of short dudes are packing 6.5 and the two guys that were 6'5"+ had like a 5.5 and a monster nearly 8 incher.
What two guys?

Correcting myself I just gave myself the ick .
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So you actually prefer bigger dicks, see? You could at least be honest on the internet
>I was rushing to get them done bc I had a bunch of people in my garage already
aw then you gave everyone the bad cupcakes. the reputation hit though. My dad won't even eat my food because he doesn't trust me. I might use a little too much garlic I guess. I've basically been using an entire garlic every time I cook, like 10+ cloves. It's delicious and good for your blood pressure.
I'm not sure what you mean by attention whore? When he's busy I respect that, I don't need attention that badly
Is life as a man worth it?
No most dicks are average regardless
I'm just gonna be straight up with you. Liking physical attributes to the point where it ruins other people who don't have it is very, very male coded. That post is either a man larping or a woman who's mentally ill.
Women, what's the lowest effort present you ever got but still liked?
literally over. No reason to try and get a gf with an average dick.
The two guys who's dicks I've seen who were taller than 6'5" did I make it confusing?
God no I didn't serve them, they weren't like necessary or anything it wasn't a birthday party it was a school thing. I use too much garlic on purpose so I'm with you lol.
This sounds mean but someone drew me once.
yes, but not if you have an obsessive kind of mind in the mental "illness" (not really an illness) way.

Im the "dick size" obsessed guy in this thread

a couple weeks ago I was obsessed about my average height

My therapist keeps telling me that every person has subjective and personal likings but the way women talk about big dicks and how the ones that prefer average or smaller ones do it only because "they dont hurt :)))" doesnt helkp
it's over for average men
Just no breathing down my neck really
Oh i see, it seems both are valid, the more simple cuts of meat obviously coming first. I mean, hell that's easy to make too
Men state height and dick size
Fuck you mean doubt? It's the truth. And I'm a guy who has a fetish for corrupting and ruining women. It's extremely male coded.
it’s so tiresome
Too ticklish?
My ex used to bring me leftover desserts from catered events he had to attend. It was nice after not seeing him all day that when he came over tired at 11 he had pocket brownies and wanted to hang out with me instead of going straight to bed.
that sounds like high effort
other examples

>I am in your same boat. This is my ex fiance. And well. I have sworn off sex until some how he may decide he might want to have me back for doing it purposes. I don't know...

>Lmaoooooo facts !!! I hated my ex so much…we argued all the time, but he had a big and it was just the best I ever had lololol

>This is so valid lmao

>You'll find someone else like that, the bloke sounds like he was just an appendage for a fantastic penis.
6' 7.5.
>I use too much garlic on purpose so I'm with you lol.
based it's the good stuff.
I just read you got destroyed by a guy with an 8" dick. Guess that does it for me. I'm gonna go sleep.
nta, stop nooooo
Why? are you going to make fun of us?
6’5 and big (never measured)
You know whats tiresome? acting like 4channel / adv / atoga women are some alien species that dont have anything to do with hundreds of thousands of women all over the world
No I just don’t like it
You realize there's 8 billion people on this planet right now, yeah? You gave me 5 examples. 5 total. In a thread that's meant to demoralize you for not having a huge dick. Do you think my ex enjoyed when I'd hit her cervix by accident and she'd cry and pant and say she was trying her hardest not to puke?
If it makes you feel better I genuinely think something is wrong with me my skin is way more elastic than normal people.
5'9" (176cm) and 13-14 cm dick size.
Hmm, I mean can you wear biker shorts/ booty shorts?
That's all I really want.
On one hand I enjoy uplifting other guys but on the other this shit made me laugh.
Stomach ulcer doesn't sound very fun, glad it's all better. I hope so too, thanks anon

And thank you too, anon, I'm sure it will be something silly
no it isn't brah I can't roast anything in the oven unless I continously slice it but that's not really workable. I did just get an idea though. I could slice those porkchops beforehand. Put it on a grill rack so the fat can drip onto a plate. Then oven roast it. That could actually work. I'm going to have a think about this. Thank you.
ok, but this twit:

>I was talking to a friend about penises and I told her that I like them small and she told me “but no one likes them big, they like them big because it's morbid to suck and it makes us sluts.”
>How real it is, a big penis is very morbid, it's true

morbid in spanish is something that relates to being horny in this context.

31,000 likes, a thousand reposts with women saying the same shit and agreeing, having more likes, etc.

i know im obsessed rn
Women love big dicks.
Women are no longer fit to mother but still want to breed
The West has fallen, billions must die
*finger gun* That!
>pocket brownies
I'm here bro, I got you while you fall down this spiral of huge cock blackpilling. It ain't true, and the internet is a fantasy that doesn't represent reality.
They say they do until I try to wiggle my worm in and they start crying.
>And I'm a guy who has a fetish for corrupting and ruining women
did this ever happen to you
if yes I gonna add it to my obsessed list
lol not really. I'm off to bed.
I have zero pity because dicks are all private and mostly the same, but the difference in women’s boob sizes is both obvious and extreme
Nta and didn't read anything before this post but big dicks are comparable to huge boobs in this context. Inherently more lewd by no fault of the body part owner.
You're just mad you have no gf to bring fancy brownies to in your suit jacket pockets.
>did this ever happen to you
Don't know.
>I'm here bro, I got you while you fall down this spiral of huge cock blackpilling. It ain't true, and the internet is a fantasy that doesn't represent reality.
ok thank you, but this
>They say they do
makes me think the twit I told you about is real then. They do believe big cocks are great
>They say they do until I try to wiggle my worm in and they start crying.
that doesn't sound as good as you can thought it would
Well I'm sorry I ended your day on a downer garlic anon sleep well
Is belief reality, though? Idk man, more often than that I get the whole sharp exhale into panic.
>that doesn't sound as good as you can thought it would
It wasn't supposed to sound good. It's pretty depressing actually.
Women are not designed to lift anything heavier than a bouquet of flowers.
NTA but this is sweet, my dad used to do this when my sister and I were little
Any cute brown femanons ITT?
what kind of gifts are higher up your standard/preference then? Idc if you say jewelry or stuff, just curious.
boobs aren't the same. If you have small nice boobs you're considered a perfect example of a woman.
If you have smallish dick and balls you're considered literally less of a man, and no woman actually will desire your genitals at all.
Im sure that women actually prefer big dicks, at least get hornier by them.

No woman ever got horny because of an average/smaller than average dick, at most they get used to it.
ok, but your big dick size probably always helped you to get women horny for you. No woman will ever feel actually horny for an average dick, unless theyre in love with the guy
NTA but for your own mental health turn off your phone and go outside
Forgot about this. No woman replied to >>31540657 so, rip small guys
Toddlers are pretty heavy, anon
I do that but everytime I return to the pc I come back to these circles unless Im actually focused.
I should have been practicing programming like 3 hours ago but I wasted it with this spiral
This is one of those "damned if you do/damned if you don't things", innit? :/ Cooking me a meal.

I mean, I know that drawing takes a lot of skill, I think it's because I just see the end result and not the process or training involved.
Honestly it depends. Being tall with a big dick can make up for a mid face and not being very fit but being handsome and strong makes up for being short with a less than stellar dick. If it's smaller than 4 and a half yeah I'll be a little disappointed, and I'll be more excited if it's bigger than 6.5 but it's not that big of a deal as long as it gets the job done. If it's a legitimate micro dick or freakishly long like more than 8.5 I'm out though.
Like, I had sex with the partner I had before the one I have now, a few times (didnt feel much because of meds).
She seemed to get off of my average dick, but I never felt she really liked it.
Nothing in this post is true
Why would I see a guy's dick unless I wasn't in love with him?

30 pounds on the regular and 90 in an emergency did you forget children exist.
That is not true. Same way some men like flat chests, some women like smaller cocks. This whole fixation on dick size is a male thing.
I think I’d be with it but my gf does not
Watched The Curse too recently I can't deal with this question rn
I just don't answer questions about penises, sorry
This was just way too funny. Maybe don't tell sweet and nice men that you got blown the fuck out, eh?
No I just want to see if there is some kind of pattern
How big?
why not?
Maybe get over it? I wouldn't be bothered if he mentioned going to prostitutes or something else women would see as as bad as men see this. He's some guy I don't know on the internet.
Around 5"
I paid my taxes and now they want me to pay them again because of a system error. How do I get refunded? I'll pay again but I am not swallowing this cost Im so pissed off right now
Hey I don't care, it's just funny to see the demoralization effort. I'm close enough to 8 inches that I don't care, and I wouldn't anyway. But yeah, you're not wrong. People get too attached too fast over the internet, I was the same way before getting set straight. Missing that anon.
in regards to what?
Dick size and height
If I grew you a flower, would you consider that low effort or high effort?
It's been said before itt. There is none.
Do women like Adam’s apples?
>demoralization effort
Hey I'm cool with being called a slut but don't insinuate that I'm telling the truth with the intention of hurting people. It's not an attack it's simply a lack of taking responsibility for other people's insecurities.
I wouldn't call a fat woman fat to her face but I wouldn't make sure to only wear baggy clothes around her or watch what I eat so I don't hurt her feelings you see what I'm saying?
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>26 years old
I'm gonna be stuck like this for the rest of my life, aren't i?
That's because they didn't know where to look
Depends on the kind honestly. But I mean, I do gardening and cooking so I know that stuff is tricky.
ok, but you're saying this, basically

net positives:
big dick

net negatives:
mid face
not very fit (is this skinnyfat?)
less than stellar cock (is this even average?)

>and I'll be more excited if it's bigger than 6.5
it's over.

because u were having casual sex with him or a fwb deal

from what I gathered on these same threads, women who seek smaller cocks dont get excited by them, they just prefer them in a practical sense. nothing about exciting them

Im sorry for being a retard tonight but Im on a spiral
Does it reach your belly button when hard or something like that
Please tell me about your penis
Idk, never touched one
No anon, one day you will be 27
Yeah that's fair. It is a reflection of them, not you. Good on you for being upfront in who you are, you and I both know that dick size isn't everything and doesn't matter regardless. Like I'm not gonna compare every girl's tits to my ex's tits. Normally I'd be way more inflammatory but I am sad right now.
>from what I gathered on these same threads, women who seek smaller cocks dont get excited by them, they just prefer them in a practical sense. nothing about exciting them
Keep in mind that those are shallow, mentally unwell women. Most women are excited to see whatever you have because its attached to you.
What kind of girl doesn't like neck kisses?
All dicks excite me. I like dicks. They all look equally big to me, because I’m tiny.
I see. What's are your low effort and high effort flowers list then? List as many if you can for me please.
Yeah skinnyfat or actually fat
And short means less than an inch and a half taller than me. I'd like to still be shorter if he's barefoot and I'm in flat shoes, below that I'd say it's a negative. Less than stellar is less than 4.5 like described.
I'm a little insecure about my neck. It is long.
>I’m tiny.
>It is long
All the more to kiss. ;)
>tfw your dick wont make a girl as excited
Guess we gotta win em over in other ways, right guys?
Mine too
Men do you have any objects of your affections, and what is she like?
i meant being a loser, but i understand the mix up
I don’t like the hot air.
One with a hairstyle that covers her neck? I’m not messing up my hair just so you can larp as a vampire
That is not a bad thing!!!@_@!!!
I was just messing with you
You are still young and have time to do what you want in life. I believe in you
>you and I both know that dick size isn't everything and doesn't matter regardless. Like I'm not gonna compare every girl's tits to my ex's tits.
Exactly. The dick I have at the moment is the best dick because it's the one I want. Sorry you're sad anon. Want to talk about it?
Anon, please, I have to go to bed... :)
Hard- Gardenia, Rose, Azalea, Orchid
Easy- Sunflower, Coneflower, Zinnia, Marigold, Morning Glories
I liked my cats but they are dead and this new apartment can't have pets
You could always try to prove me wrong
>The dick I have at the moment is the best dick because it's the one I want.
I'm happy for you haha.
>Sorry you're sad anon. Want to talk about it?
I just miss my ex. I've ranted about it a lot ITT if you've seen it. 6 years gone. I just want it to stop or at least, idk. Not hurt so bad. It's been 2 months.
It's not?! I get called Giraffe neck all the time.
>Like I'm not gonna compare every girl's tits to my ex's tits.
…I don’t believe you. Ok, now I understand how men feel when we say we don’t compare dicks. Lol
ok. thanks. I guess Ill have to be with tiny women
sounds blackpilling tbqh
There's an intern at work who is the spitting image of a girl I knew in college who I wish I had asked out.
That's basically all I know about her.
When I did, I thought she was the world's greatest thing. Very cute, feminine, wonderful smile, smelled amazing, adorable voice, sexy body, was so warm to hug and hold hands with. Fun/wasn't boring. She did judge me a lot, which hurt. Existence until self-improvement takes shape is a bummer. Hold your women, guys.
I mean unless you can compare with two huge pale milky E cups with perfect pink perky nipples that made her cum when I bit and sucked them, you're SOL.
Last question: what flower would you personally love the most? (Sleep tight <3)
Nta but fuck
Fffff... What's her favourite color?
>sounds blackpilling
It's just one person's opinion. If you let every single individual get to you you'll go crazy. Care about the opinions of people you care about and respect and fuck the rest why should you listen to me?
>women get blackpilled the second they're told their smaller tits aren't good enough
now you fucking understand why I was spiralling so much.
I like a girl at my gym who just has a big fat butt with a little bit of cellulite on it.
Small chest and pretty face too.

But im not confident enough to approach her
I can’t compete with white chicks, no
?? You in 5th grade or something? Who tf is still making fun of an adult? Do you work with grade school kids? (Don't tell me you call yourself that...)

You neck is perfect and very lovable, don't think any less.
I got your back bro, I didn't even have to mention her nice ass and adorable face.
It’s just banter anon. And EVERYONE knows your boob size, so I’d argue it’s much worse.
Posts like these make me feel better about the fact that I cannot get a date, knowing women hate all men makes me realize that all relationships are abusive and based on delusion of the false concept of love.
>Do you work with grade school kids?
I do...
Well yeah of course, same as being rejected on a date, or guys working out in gyms. It sucks but obv not everyone gets the perfect hand. Same as it sucks we weren't born under a billionaire type.

But the fact that a girl you might love would love you even more if you had this or that... stings a little, you know?
the way I (very paranoid) see it, it's like seeing a woman with brown hair, a green blouse and white shoes. Is it one woman, with a very specific set of clothes and hair? Yes. But in the millions and millions of women out there, there are gonna be at least hundred thousands of her.
I just feel if I let myself live "calmly" with the idea that MAYBE the ones I come by aren't actually secretly desiring a bigger cock, and they arent, the second we break up, posting on social media/telling their friends in secret/posting some re**it thread about how she realized sex with her ex wasn't fulfilling at all, I will just be living a lie.
>fearing something means you hate it
I'm not blackpilled, the description turned me on
I get it that Im exageratting, but still. Also, as I said before. Boob size isnt comparable with dick size. Dick size has the possibility of making you less of a man.
Except I'm not actually comparing you to my ex lmao. There's more than just tits and looks, hence why we broke up. I wouldn't miss her if I didn't like her besides her body.
Do the kids know that Miss Anon spends her free time on an anime and terrorism imageboard talking about sex?!
Based lesbo.
I'm not a lesbian, I'm straight
>But the fact that a girl you might love would love you even more if you had this or that... stings a little, you know?
That's life. And applies to any attribute not just dick size. He might love me more if I was an inch shorter with a size and a half smaller feet, a smaller nose, less hooded eyes, perkier boobs, bigger boobs, thicker hair, different colored eyes, less ADHD, if I cared about more of his hobbies, got along better with his sister, if I never pierced my ears....it's pointless to think like that.
less boobs is literally less woman
Pansies. G'night, anon.
? Then what about my description of my ex's tits turned you on? Unless you're a man.
Another job that acted like they loved me ghosted me. I am so tired of being a disappointment to my family
>credit card got declined at Taco Bell
I literally just checked my cc website and have $5000 left on my line
Why can't I be turned on by that without being a lesbian?
I don't think that's any of their business, anon. :)
To be fair I'm not the one that called you a lesbo but idk, does that mean you like her tits or me sucking them or what?
Nigger the fuck? Yes?!
Are you retarded?
Why the fuck would anyone put up with literal monsters who can kill them.
Women say stuff like that about men all the time and still want to date them? Why? How can you be so resentful, fearful, and hateful of the opposite sex and still want to date them? Personally that sounds like some Stockholm syndrome shit to me.
This is coming from a man who has experienced much abuse in his life from women, I tell myself that not all women are like that, I just don't have access to the ones who aren't because they only show kindness to non ugly men, but if women speak that way even about "men they like" then why bother?
Again it just sounds like women really hate all men but choose to put up with it over needing dick.
The description was hot and so was the mental image of her cumming from you sucking on them
in a physical sense yeah, Im talking about in a more figurative sense
I don't know that feel. I'm either really good at interviews or have never shot for a job I knew I wasn't qualified for.
Just tell me you don’t browse 4chan at school
I feel like the site’s mere presence would corrupt their young minds
Just slowly chip at them. In your assigned seating, place them away from their friends. Rig stuff in a way that makes them go last to get their lunches. Answer their questions last (close to ignore em). Be stricter when you grade them.
Neat, thanks. She told me that she could feel it in her g-spot when I'd suck them hard. Good times.
Only on my own data plan when I have some downtime.
What industry are you in? How old are you?
>not a les
>gets turned on by boobs and women having orgasms
That doesn't seem possible to me but good for her
Do you cum when a guy sucks on your nipples? Or does it only get you really wet and he should only do it as a warmup?
Good, good. It unnerves me that children are being shaped by 4channers, still.
>That doesn't seem possible to me but good for her
It's pretty unique, idk why she was like that but she definitely wasn't faking. Damn I miss her.
Its decidedly over
Time to really show women our hatred
By depriving them of all attention
>What industry are you in?
I don't want to dox myself but its something that involves reading tax information and approving loans, among other things. My last job was as an unlicensed accountant and before that I was an IT monkey.
>How old are you?
about to be 30
Women enjoy having orgasms, yes
btw Happy Canada Day, fellow leafs. Hope you had a good long weekend. My legs are covered in bug bites
No please give me attention I need it
Happy Canada Day. It was a good time, I'm still hungover.
There have been fireworks for two days...
Femanons how would you feel if your husband experienced sympathetic pregnancy and grew boobs temporarily?
Happy that he could do half the breastfeeding instead of me
I would probably feel bad
I’m very close to the US-Leaf border, and you guys are good neighbors :)
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>I remember the weight on the bed shifting, and realizing that this person behind me wasn't the Chad, but somebody else.
>Oh, my God, it was some incel.
>I had actually lost my virginity to a incel.
>This wouldn't have happened with Chad.
>He would have taken me gently in his big, strong Drama major arms, and undressed me quietly and expertly, taken my bra off with grace and ease.
>And it probably wouldn't have hurt.
I'd feel bad that he's experiencing something unpleasant because of me
Who say it's unpleasant for him?
Well that's a whole other conversation.
Drama major?
I'd want him to get a grip and stop making everything about himself
>expert at undressing women
Red flag
I want him to be paralyzed in confusion and anxiety at the sight of my bra
Based harpy.
what would Chad's major actually be? some sort of accounting? engineering would be too nerdy I feel
Do women really?
Chad majors in finance, hello?
Weirdly enough it's always the nerdier less hot guys who are the bra experts.
On average once per day either in the morning or in the evening, but sometimes every 2-3 days if I'm lazy/busy and haven't been sweaty, or twice a day if I get dirty. I wash my hair about once per week because my hair is darn long, down to my ass.
>Rinse hair
>Shampoo and rinse
>Rinse body
>Soap body (including butt)
>Rinse body
>Rinse conditioner
Sometimes yes, but mostly no. It is just like with any information - you have to sift through all of it to find the actual bits of knowledge.
M. I can cook a lot of things, but here are some.
>pizza with self-made dough
>vegetable puree soup (lots of variety, has made a vegetable avoidant friend want to take seconds)
>ramen with self-made broth
SO usually just helps me with cooking, but can cook herself too, but she tends to cook things simpler than I do. She's more into baking.
>Broccoli puree soup
>Greek style salad with halloumi cheese
>Creamy chicken sauce with rice
Oh no I'm not retarded enough for women to think I'm pure despite being a virgin
What if he panics and lashes out like a cornered deer?
Sports medicine
Nta but this made me laugh
You ever just get the feeling that your life lacks forward momentum? Like everything is moving by so quickly that time just seems to stop?
Hey we have the same shower routine. How about that.
How many two-fours did you drink, anon? Glad you had a good time

We avoided them lol, but it seems like there's always people setting off firecrackers in their yards which I think it illegal

Isn't sympathetic pregnancy more like overeating and gaining weight? That would be okay but otherwise no, ick I'm interested in whatever hentai this is
Finally, thank god
We practice with our sister's.
You guys are good neighbours too <3, even if you spell neighbours wrong
tfw try to have sex with gf but get startled by her tits and accidentally knock her out
>engineering would be too nerdy
Mech engineering is where the dudebros end up. You're right about other disciplines though.
Don’t worry, intelligent men become retarded near half-dressed women
Then I’d have to explain to my mom why I have a hoofprint-shaped bruise
We tend to be quick learners
that's a good one
weirdly enough none of the guys that work in the marketing department of my company are Chads; they're all balding and skinny except for one absolute unit. Also the sexiest woman in the building works there too and I've never been able to speak to her
...on yourself right? Or do you mean by being an annoying little shit and unhooking it while she's doing something lol.
I think there is a point where you are too ugly and short for life to be worth it as a man.
where’s my bf who panics and lashes out like a cornered dear
I did not need to read that.
chat is this real
>How many two-fours did you drink, anon?
I'm a massive lightweight bitch compared to what I used to be. Hell the last time I got blackout I went shot for shot with my little brother and there came a point where I was just butt chugging Pink Whitney and Kraken. Yesterday I only drank 5 beer and was a bit buzzed.
Truly horrendous take, mech or electromech is the only brain requiring girls left
Can tell you from experience software is a bs degree, they avoid teaching you truly useful things
It's assumed you taught yourself in high school and are just getting the piece of paper
>Isn't sympathetic pregnancy more like overeating and gaining weight
It usually presents with some hormonal changes which occasionally result in manboobs.
Im more of a freeze like a deer in headlights type but I think we could get along
The pub.
Chah, chah, nolooklooklooklooklook,nolistenchahnolook,ididnahither
I've got him mounted on my wall
Right here
It's not my fault women want to be hit
Hot if true
Then I switch my tank to the front row
tfw live on deer and bear meat I hunt but women just want to date my prey...
>mech or electromech is the only brain requiring
You clearly don't know many mech engineering students...
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>wait anon, you're an engineering major?
>okay lollllllllllll
Tbf have you seen Louis from Beastars?
its crazy cause i read it in his voice
Annoying little shit.
did you not grow up with a brother? it happens all the time, you’re just minding your own business, then you hear a “snap” and suddenly your titties are dangling unrestrained
Did they bully you for going into English or something?
Lol good on you for killing two birds with one stone
Mine would never. He just put shit in my hair.
Denormalize furries
My mom called me and said its probably too early for me to date again. Thoughts?
ME was my major. That's how I know what they're like.
What kinda shit?
If my gf startled me I would reflexively shibari her
When I was in middle school and high school I used to threaten other guys by telling them I was plotting to violently gay rape them.

Unfortunately a lot of people misunderstood and thought it meant I was romantically attracted to men.

Why didn't they understand I was threatening violent homosexuality as a form of punishment?
Silly putty, jolly rancher, spitballs, mustard, electric hand mixer, you know
Men, state favorite psyop.
Women, state favorite humiliation ritual.
>Can tell you from experience software is a bs degree, they avoid teaching you truly useful things
I want to program so I get jobs :'(
No, they're just into advanced pet play
You know, I did the same thing. Except unironically. To a guy at a party. He didn’t like me much after that.
>Men, state favorite psyop.
"Work on yourself and stop caring about finding someone, and a relationship will happen."
>electric hand mixer,
have fun working with pajeets
Jesus was a false prophet.
He didn't think that one through. Didn't have to cut anything so ultimately no harm done but it hurt like a bitch.
Anything by Israel, somehow it worked so well until the internet that most boomers are still under their thumb.
I rather be around ethnic Indian people than most of the white folk I grew up with.
Someone once put krazy glue in my hair at school. I had to get a bob cut.
The fireworks are scaring the birds!
Absolutely having a giga crush on a girl who is like, objectively a maybe not super pretty, but in person she looks sooooooo cute like ahhhhhhhhh
That's terrible!
>implying any of us are safe from the poo menace
I dont live in the USA so software developers around here are another demographic in general
This comment is proof that Israel is one of the few places it's still safe to be Jewish without getting beat up for being Jewish. And even fuckier and shittier is that 4chan is a hotbed of antisemitic and anti-Israel bullshit.

Anti-Israel leftists are fucking hypocrites btw, especially the queer ones. If you've spent most of your life afraid someone is going to beat you up for being queer you should have empathy for the Jewish people and understand why they need a safe space, just like you do from violent homophobes.
To be fair, it's much easier to care for.
>watch movie set in the 90s
>curse myself that I wasn't born a decade earlier so I could have experienced those times
I hate being a late millennial
>state favorite psyop.
Women just want a guy who loves them and is honest with them
That's true but jeez some people were mean to me at school but never THAT mean.
Doctor Poo Poo Hands has been censured by the faculty in his department. But strangely, Doctor Poo Poo Hands is not Black or Indian. He is a white man who teaches his lectures and writes his research articles with poo smeared on his hands.

Unfortunately, students picked up on it and filed a Title IX complaint against him when they noticed the smell! Or it may have been that he once touched a female student's shoulders during office hours with his hands covered in poo.

But boy does someone really have it in for him! Poor Doctor Poo Poo Hands.
The early to mid 90s were truly magical.
>even fuckier and shittier is that 4chan is a hotbed of antisemitic and anti-Israel bullshit.
This is a joke right?
Dont worry about it kitten shes not single

She did steal my heart though
Everyone feels like that. Though I feel you around 2010 was a pretty lame time to become an adult.
No, it is not. And you can go fuck yourself for mocking me.
Women, does dying your hair with Kool Aid actually work?
Wtf, that’s even worse than unhooking your bra, hair is sacred
I like President Joe Biden because he once confronted a chain wielding gang member for putting pomade in his hair.
M. Felt up (with consent) my now-wife in the student break room of our high school before we started dating.
I would definitely feel upset (but it is kinda hot still), and she would have a lot to explain for herself. I could forgive a one-time thing, and it is easier if it was with another woman, but she would really need to make up for it and show that she regrets it.
Not like that, but I often tune up takeaway food I bring home.
Yes, but it's only temporary and works a lot better if you already have light hair.
Oh gross, I meant to say I'm NOT interested

5 beers is much better than blacking out, sometimes being a lightweight is a good thing

I just looked it up and it's only a proposed syndrome. Honestly it sounds like a bunch of redditors taking stomach bugs and stress and turning it into something fetishistic
>5 beers is much better than blacking out
Idk waking up cuddling a bottle of vodka and then immediately puking up a thick yellow liquid was a funny time...
M, shortly after graduating with my Master's degree my (male) friend in my graduating calss and I decided to take a nostalgic tour of campus. We found a sofa near the back of one of the campus libraries and started jacking each other off on it under a blanket.

To this day, that sofa still has each of our cum stains on it.
What are some of the most common shit tests women do when they already like a guy? Like say your girlfriend of a couple of months...
Asking his opinion on social issues to see if he's against civil rights.
What are your toes like?
do you think god has a plan for your life
I'm not reading that jew.
Get out of my country or I am throwing you down a well.
A goddamned mess.
Throw a coin instead!!
>Get out of my country or I am throwing you down a well
Sure you will sweetie.
She can wear what she likes to be honest. My wife wears whatever is comfy for her at the moment at home, which is quite often just her lacy panties (that alone is a huge bonus), and maybe a big t-shirt (also cute).
She can also wear what she likes when we go out, because it isn't my choice anyway.
6'4" tall, 7-8" long.
Present them to me and I will suck and lick the sweat off your toes.
Why are you wearing socks?

State gender. Do you wear socks in the house?
nice, i think
Bro that's a man.
I don't cum from it but it does get me really wet, even just thinking about it
He didn't mean to hurt me or ruin my hair he was just being a dumb 10 year old. And honestly my hair was terrible it just looks ratty once it gets past my collarbones.
>socks in the house
If it's cold or I was wearing sneakers and took them off.
Does it matter? No.
>feet only sweat while wearing socks
Now you're thinking about a guy sucking on your nipples
F I wear socks all the time, even when I sleep. I'm tiny and get cold really easy.
This >>31541349 they're kinda ugly to begin with and two toes only have half a nail bc I keep walking long distances in shitty shoes and don't learn.
F in winter yeah
I think Satan has the wheel for earth right now
When I wear flip flop sandals around the quad, the foot sweat stank on the soles of my flip flops follows me into the classroom.

The foot sweat permeates the air as I stand behind the lectern and lecture my students. There's a reason the students and the professor I TA for both call me Sweet Feet.
Sucks to suck
Thoughts on the lick and blow technique?
No I was never meant to be born
No, I think free will, at least in that way, is a thing.
Currently being used as a chinrest by my cat.
cute, need
It makes me wonder, why has every woman I've ever had sex with insisted on wearing socks during sex?
Sounds like you need a man to come keep you warm and cozy.
F, I used to always, but then at age 28 I discovered how liberating it was to be barefoot
Because we're cold at first
They probably don't like their feets.
>why has every woman I've ever had sex with insisted on wearing socks during sex?
Nag but women orgasm more easily when their feet are warm.
No thanks
I’m not, it’s just hot
You’re right
they are cold and if they are cold its harder for them to orgasm
I really do.
Post cat.
I don’t want to scrape you with my sharp-ass nails
Please show the cat
Why dont women wanna be put on a pedestal? i would love if women put us on one
What if he's into that?
>show the cat
We all know what that's code for

Footfag test. If you object to socks, you’re out.
Anon please, I'm trying to cope with my own nausea here lol. But I hope you're cuddling softer things than bottles these days
Women would you date an ugly guy who is not funny either?
Then I’ll find out later, but I’m not going to assume a guy likes that since I’m not a psychopath
Well if we get that too I wont complain
>This comment is proof that Israel is one of the few places it's still safe to be Jewish without getting beat up for being Jewish
I think october 7th 2023 disproves this tbqh.
Cut your- wait, do you have big boobs?
Because I'm not actually on the pedestal. A false copy of me that has no flaws is.
You’d like it for a day or two, then realise it’s not so great when you can’t get down from the pedestal.
Er… they’re big-ish?
Give 2 days, lets find out

>You wouldnt like a full well, you beed brackish ditchwater
>mfw I was joking but you prove me right.
I guess busty women really don't like cutting their toenails.
How big are your boobs?
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ok the spanish speaking twit I told you all about that talked about how big dicks make women feel whorish and whatever was written by a literal prostitute that posts pics like this.
>somehow the thread has circled back to feet the most gross topic known to man
So it’s even more silly to think all women believe it
American women living in Latin America often sell their sexual services to make money. It's a very profitable industry. Most female ESL teachers in Central and South America use it as a cover job to make money as sugar babies for rich Latino men.
I do cut them, they just have sharp edges since they’re French tips. Same for my fingernails.
My wife, currently the breadwinner in the house
>5'8", 130lbs, hourglass body shape, b-cup
>long naturally blonde hair and green eyes
>still madly in love with me after 13 years of being together
>tomboyish and unruly, low social filters but knows how to behave according to the occasion
>silly and fun-loving, but very level-headed and smart
>often a romance killer, but can and will love bomb me silly unexpectedly
>knows exactly how to wrap me around her little finger with her touch, words, and even just her look
>hobbies include: art, anime and western animations, sewing, gothic lolita fashion, role playing games
It's Summer, so if you live in the Northern Hemisphere or near the equator you'll be seeing a lot of bare feet and open toed shoes everywhere you go.

How does that make you feel?
Why do you have French tip toenails? Is that even a thing?
Is that like that thing Lesbians do where they'll cut two of their fingernails short so they can masturbate their lovers' vaginas without hurting them?

Do people also do that with feet?
We don’t have a mental disorder that forces us to picture dirty body parts.
>Oh, you like tits? I bet you like them covered in dirt! Yuck!!
>French tip toenails? Is that even a thing?
I sure hope so...
Because they look great on me?
idk I picture dirty body parts all the time. Every time a woman walks past me or talks to me part of my brain is trying to picture what her vagina looks and feels like.
They're a pretty good size
I am never going outside ever again.
Unfortunately no, I am alone again, nothing but me and myself.
You realise it’s also smart to cut those nails for masturbating yourself, right?
Do you like having them kneaded?
Yeah. I spent 2019-2022 basically in an unemployment/rehabilitation limbo, trying to figure out where and how I could get the help I needed. Wound up not getting what I needed, but now I'm at least studying IT at uni.
Are you from Russia or what? Sounds a lot like dedovshchina to me
Yeah it feels good
then they’ll just fetishize your pale skin and introversion
you literally cannot stop men from jerking off to you
NTA but this makes me sad, you sound like my ex.
Do Asian school kids really try to poke each other in the anus?
Yes, you should try it some time. Not with kids, obviously.
>Are you from Russia or what?
It's some nigger who has been posting this shit for months.
I just want to have sex and have a loving relationship, is that so much to ask? I'm more cooked than pig
Don't worry, I'm definitely not your ex
And you will be porked like a pig.
I know, she wouldn't come to atoga unless it was to taunt me.
Ever tried clamps?
Apparently it's the hardest thing in the world to achieve
Me too, I can't stop thinking about sex today. I'm double cooked
M. Big, not pretty, and my pinky toe is pressed against my foot almost sideways due to the wierd shape of my foot.
M. Yes, unless it is very hot and I need to cool off.
>than a pig
You're like a greased pig at a county fair. People will pay to try to catch your slippery, greasy, porcine body between their arms.
It's so sexy when girls curse. :3
I must be low libido, i don't fantasize about having sex with random women i see walking around or mentally undressing them.
This is your ex of 6 years? I've never dated anyone that long
Usually not but today I am
I fantasize about having public sex on the beach with multiple women while horrified onlookers are forced to watch.
Honestly it's so gross on the subway this time of year, and walking through a subway station during rush hour when half the people are shuffling around in their stupid flipflops blocking the escalators is my biggest pet peeve

idk, sure I have a slight phobia but I think the ones who fetishize feet might be closer to having an actual mental disorder
Unironically, that behavior is known as "kancho", which is a prank among children in Japan. It's not necessarily the anus, just butt region. It's really just a Japan thing.
well i just fantasize about holding hands with my imaginary gf
Meanwhile I saw a hot guy behind the bakery counter and then fantasized all day about accidentally being locked in a closet with him and accidentally fucking
I wish women weren't so apathetic towards us
>do you like children

No. I can tolerate them but I don't like being around them at all.
I've tried bag clips
Yeah. Just the part of flicking your nipples to get you wet brought back some nice memories, swirling and biting and lifting her tits with just my mouth.
Did you like them?
LIAR! It is the anus. I've seen Naruto.
That sucks, but I'm sure it's a temporary state. And better than a vodka bottle
Naruto was a very homosexualistic series, wasn't it?
Its temporary but the waiting is killing me. At least the vodka bottle can't leave. Just gotta keep trucking on, like yourself with the nausea.
>Where was femanon tonight?
>This attention whore kind of hot. I could have her and feel good about it.
>But I'd rather have Lauren.
>I wonder why.
>It would just ruin my illusion of her innocence, her purity.
>Is that really what I want?
Female, I love kids and get along with them really well
This is a great one because just by using intentionally vague language like this men can immediately know what you mean and avoid you.
I encourage women to keep doing this one for everyone's sake
>I love kids
Gross, it's really disgusting that you want to have sex with minors
>Sasuke and Naruto's relationship
>Kakashi's relationship with his team
It kinda was, now that I think about it.
What does this schizo babble mean?
ss enjoyer spotted
>my interpretation of this vague idea MUST be right
male moment
That's every shonen anime ever.
If God exists he obviously meant for me to be mortal, die, and live among who enthusiastically kill their unborn children and drugs to kids and mutilate their genitals as normal.

So I'm not interested in meeting or knowing such a God. If it's a test it's a very Jewish sort of test indeed and I have no interest in eternal life serving an actual eternal Jew.
Lucky girl
Yeah it hurt in a good way
>If God exists he obviously meant for me
Did he?
>No you must specifically admire me for being terrible or it's not real love
I remember noticing this about women back as a teen before they'd say it openly
>it hurt in a good way
Anything else you would describe this way?
If a guy straight up admitted to you they don't like children at all would that be something that attracted you less.

I have literally never admitted that to any woman I was interested in. Same with dogs.

"Awww they're great" then just make every effort to avoid both. I don't like lying but I also don't like being pigeonholed as a bad person for my preferences.
Im only good with kids between like 1 to 6. When they're a newborn, i feel like there just too fragile to play with. And then when they start becoming like a real conscious human, my tism starts kicking in and im like "wtf do i even talk to you about". But i'm good at hanging out with them when they're in that playful era
>Lucky girl
Thanks, kinda makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I can still hear the "unhh".
Long distance relationship? That can be tough. Glad it's temporary, I'm hoping my nausea is too

Haha, very funny

I don't know what that means, and I'm guessing I don't want to know
>Nothing means anything also my checking intuition and vibes teehee
Delusional tranny moment
How do you get horrible from flawed?
>Long distance relationship?
Ah, no, I'm single. After living with my ex it's been hard to gear down into no intimacy.
By definition of the described monotheistic creator entity, yes. Stop pretending to be retarded.
>Haha, very funny
Your paedophilia isn't funny. You're sick and need mental health help before you hurt somebody.
>I don't know what that means, and I'm guessing I don't want to know
Well too bad you're gonna know now, ss = straight shota
Am I doing enough for this man? Since it's a point of contention on here that women don't do as much in relationships.
We are dating but live separately. It feels like it's never enough and if I'm left I want to know that my bases are covered. I also don't want him to leave, god knows.
>pay his bills
>buy him food, never split the bill
>make him food
>treat him to his vices sometimes, when I judge it's okay
>exercise to stay in shape and get in better shape
>start attending therapy to be stable for him
>research his mental health problems so I can be there for him when he has flare ups
>draw and paint his portrait repeatedly, we're both romantics
>sex life is healthy, though his libido has tapered a bit and mine is the same
And for the future:
>hope to make him my house husband when we live together
>he is also interested in this
Christ, you're going way too overboard, you must be head over heels. Good for you, it's nice to see puppy dog love still exists.
Are you his mom or something?
Sounds like a child, not a partner
>Your paedophilia isn't funny
You're right, it's sexy.
Ha, it worked
How do I react when my crush calls another guy cute in my presence. God damn it makes me want to kill myself.
>his libido has tapered a bit
Even though you live apart? That’s weird, he should be bursting with sex every time he sees you
>it makes me want to kill myself.
That is how you should react.
I really want to have children, so I wouldn't want to get involved with someone who didn't. It's good your not unnecessarily rude or negative about kids in front of other people, but if we were in the flirting stages or on a first or second date, I'd want to know your honest feelings so we wouldn't waste each other's time. I wouldn't think you're a bad person or anything, just incompatible
Look for any features you might share with him
Well, is she right? Is the guy cute?
Just kill yourself on the spot, that'll show her

tbqh Im watching omegle vids where women show tits to big dicked guys

would women do this for random guys with average cocks on omegle?
I know how that feels, it's not easy. Especially if you're the type to have trouble sleeping, which based on the drinking stuff I'm guessing you are. I always found it got easier, but it never really feels good being alone, or sleeping alone. Hope you're taking good care of yourself, anon
>Disillusionment strikes.
>After all my pining for femanon, this-- her roommate.
>The inevitable conclusion.
>It's like bad poetry-- and then what?
>I'm still hard, so I keep on going.
>She's groaning now. Humping up, down, up.
>Is it ever going to end?
>I should never have done this.
>I should have kept it innocent.
I can think of a couple
Are you going to share?
Usually on here I get told I have daddy issues and have been groomed and all that. I guess this means I am truly old now

I had to look it up and now my nausea is back in full force
Thanks, anon. I hope the pain at least slows down a bit, it has to be fair but sometimes it just rears up again. I appreciate the concern, I'm doing my best. Therapy and getting into cooking are very helpful.
I don't want to get myself too riled up
femanon, I only did it with her because I'm in love with you
Some of this sounds good, but some of it is pretty emasculating. He'll resent you on some level eventually, if he doesn't already
>I don't want to get myself too riled up
I do.
Since when does fucking someone else mean I'm not faithful to you?
He's entertaining and cute. I do like him.
It can be a fun dynamic to have. Maybe it turns me on, as fucked as it is.
We do sexual shit almost every time we're together, but he's gone from being insatiable to just sexual when we're alone together.
It does make me insecure despite the relief of it being more manageable. No clue what to do about it. I have no reason to think he's cheating.
Also samefag but does it seem like I do enough that he's lucky to have me and he'd be a fool to leave (so long as I don't abuse him)?
That's my main question.
>so long as I don't abuse him
Honey the person in this relationship who's at risk of abuse is you.
>he's gone from being insatiable to just sexual when we're alone together.
Probably just lost the new car smell.
Some online hispanic atoga whore
I no longer know who I am and feel like the ghost of a total stranger.
>Aujourd’hui, maman est morte.
Where'd everyone go?

"Hmm, I wonder what she says about me when I'm not around."
nightie nite time
Everyone is watching anime nowadays.

I got into Japanese culture (including anime) when I was seven, stopped when I was thirteen, because I wanted to fit in. That was around August 2016, and now it’s 2024 and I can’t get back into anime, just normal, mainstream Japanese culture. Any good, less cringeworthy recommendations?

>21 year old lady
How often do you lie about how much you fuck?
M. Never.
Never, on both of those.
ive never had the opportunity to lie
How am I even supposed to tell dick size through somebody’s shitty 240p webcam
Dungeon Meishi is good

I’ll try it
Hmm. Have you sent him a lot of lewd pics/videos for him to enjoy at home? If he can see you 24/7 whenever he wants, perhaps that explains being less excited for meeting you in person.
No reason to lie
Find whichever anime girl is popular this season and cosplay her
I'm gonna fucking block her on everything if she doesn't reply in 30 minutes, i've had enough of this shit
no human girl can match Frieren’s beauty
kek, good luck
Men do you even like women? What is attraction/love like for you guys?
Are you this rude to all of your friends?
Actual slop
Good thing femanons are better than human girls. :3
Yeah, women are great
Warm fuzzy feelings, women are simply nice to be around
Idk lol
>What is attraction/love like for you guys?
Usually painful. Apparently I have a thing for taken women.
t. ADHD zoomer who can’t enjoy anything without a nude scene or epic fight scene every 3 minutes
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I also wanna recommend AnoHana but thats just personal taste.
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>How to help a self destructive partner
My girlfriend is extremely depressed. She drinks to excess, and occasionally acts insane.

I'm trying to help her but I can't keep an eye on her all the time. She continues to buy alcohol despite it being a bad idea, she's agreed to see a psychologist (again) and I'm going to try to get her to exercise more frequently.

It's incredibly difficult to get her to engage in any positive behavior over an extended period of time and she relapses constantly. I don't want to wash my hands of her because I am somewhat responsible for this but I can't be her boyfriend a parent at the same time. Is there anything else I can be doing in this situation to improve it? I want to be supportive but her behaviour is making it very difficult. I'm sick of occasional violent outbursts and self destructive behavior. She is a wonderful person sober, and I have my own problems so it's like the blind leading the blind here
I have no reason to lie
It's like this feeling that you want to be everything you can for them. You think of them, everything is framed through them and how they are. It's like I'm merging with them at a soul level. But I'm also mega clingy and romantic and most women don't want that.
It might be time to rewatch Angel Beats
At first I thought there were things about her that I would never forget, but in the end, all I could think about was
>stopped when I was thirteen, because I wanted to fit in. That was around August 2016
Jesus fucking Christ I graduated in 2015. I'm so OLD WTF
What is that supposed to mean
>I'm so OLD WTF
It's grim, ain't it?
I want that :/
I'll be 27 in a month, not even that old but sometimes when it hits it's fucking brutal.
I graduated in 2016 and sometimes the posts here make me wanna kms
If we were friends,I wouldn’t be rude to you. Think.

I’m taking a shower and going to bed now. Bye.
>If we were friends,I wouldn’t be rude to you. Think.
We could've been the best of frens..
Class of 2010 here, keep it down you whippersnappers
>we talked for 2 months online and didn't even start dating
>i was drunk half the time
>ghosted her because reasons
>she wants "closure" now
This isn't justified right? The fuck is there to give closure about?
Thank you, that made me feel better
It occurred to me a few months ago that I have a coworker who wasn't born yet when 9/11 happened. Felt like I'd been hit with a shovel.
Its better if you dont, that way she'll think of you longer. Then you can come back in full force.
Were you even sentient for 9/11
Nta but same
Lol I've learned from previous experiences not to give in anyway. They always want more.
>most women
But hey if you want to fuse our souls together and become one being, hmu ;)
Sure. It's an early memory, but I remember it.
I'm down so bad
2008 here but I actually dropped out of high school kek
I wasn't born yet
Same bud.
For who?
For each other :)
Just in general desu I'm ovulating
How not born yet were you?
See>>31541788 but without the ovulation.
Who are you?
They have soft, smooth skin.
They're very warm and great to hug.
Their smell and hair smell melts you to a puddle.
Their smile makes you want to make them happy.
Their laugh is the ultimate ego boost.
The nice ones you want to simp for badly.
The caretaker ones you want to take care for badly.
They dress cute and makes you want to look nicer.
The fun ones you want to kiss.
Them being scared or shy makes you want to protect them.

Attraction and love feels like wanting to do everything to make their lives better.
I do miss it.
I am... The One.
Piss off nigger I (you)ed her first.
Its when I like her scent
I thought that was a meme. How are you even smelling her?
I need a bimbo wife.
Men can smell female pheromone.
You ever wish you could make a lonely boy feel special, just for one night?
In person, when I hug her. I'm only half joking. I don't meant her fragrance either, I mean her actual scent.
You know you can typically smell people who are near you and that women are easier to smell than men, right?
Men can you smell my pheromones?
what have you seen?
You're words on a screen. You don't have a smell. :(
I want to smell your farts
I only watch anime as much as I'd watch anything else, which has little meaning, and I don't watch much. It's just another medium.
I started watching in 2016 lol, when I was a teen. I watched One Punch Man first cause it was popular - was very good. I then just looked up all the most highly rated ones because I don't want to waste my time watching something bad. Idk what you consider cringey, but to me it was Sword Art Online (highly rated but it turns out it's highly trash). My Hero Academia is also a little cringey too imo, but everyone seems to like it.

Again, don't watch much, but the only two I'll recommend for any rando to ever watch is Death Note as an entry to anime, and Hunter x Hunter, whose 4th arc is like, damningly close to peak fiction over all mediums, imo.
No, I'm not gay.
I can accurately gauge whether or not you are ovulating by scent alone with 85% accuracy if we have been friends for longer than 3 months
>but doctor... I AM the lonely boy
I guess so. He's a nice guy. He's also about my height. She called him short but still think he's cute so there that at least.
Yeah but I can't seem to find any lonely boys :(
What kinda bullshit is this there's like 40 in here every day.
Genuinely, some girls actually do this because they're trying to make you jealous. On the other hand, other girls will do this because they are passively establishing friend zone. Then, there are girls who innocuously consider you a good friend enough that she can express her feelings, which include which person they think is cute.

Ideally, if you're smart enough, you know which type of girl you're working with. If you don't, maybe figure it out. If you actually are not on her radar, then just move on. Instead of pretending not to care, it's better to just not care anymore. Treat her like another pal. It's, almost freeing
You are either not looking hard enough or are willfully ignoring them
Hey anon, how'd you like to play a game?
Idk if "am I doing enough" is the best mindset to have in your position. How good it is to "be his mom"? But i mean, you do you if you like it.
Is it a fun game or is this another clever ruse to try to rape unsuspecting anons?
Oh boy, I love games. I hope this isn't some fucked up trial that is meant to make me appreciate my life that I've been taking for granted!
It's very fun! No rape involved, as a matter of fact!
Hmm, I don't know it'll increase your appreciation of life, but I love the enthusiasm!

All you have to do is imagine a cube in a desert!
>No rape involved
That's exactly what a raper would say...
I rescue and adopt the tortoise.
I am imagining the cube. Now what.
Ahaha~ That IS what a raper would say!
I'm afraid the tortoise is very hostile!
Tell me what the cube looks like. It's shape, its features, its material, its proximity to you. :)
Men, I'm going to be alone in a big city all day tomorrow. Is it safe to say that if I get no male attention at all I'm hideous?
You are doing enough by far, and then some. Possibly even too much, since it sounds like you're taking responsibility of many aspects of their life on top of your own. If they're going to be a house husband, they'll need to put in some effort too.
Not judging though or anything, you do you. You sound very sweet to be honest, and I just hope you don't burn yourself out taking care of him.
And he would indeed be a fool to leave you or in any way ruin the relationship.
M. Never, no reason to lie about it.
Yes. I am married to a woman and I'm madly in love with her. Hard agree with what >>31541794 says.
which city?
Way to completely miss the point. What they're worshipping is the version of me they made up in their head that always does what they want/wears what they want/says exactly what they want. When the real you deviates from the made up idealized version they get pissy. It's not that I'm terrible it's just that I wanted a different haircut than they envisioned and ruined the fantasy.
A city in America
Running errands, or having a lil vacation.
Also, nah, you just didn't meet the right person.
For me, it's their voices. Also some of them are really kind. One of my best friends was a girl, but I lost contact with her. If I hadn't met her, I'd probably hate all women like most autistic loner guys
You're overestimating how much attention people in big cities pay to each other.
>Running errands, or having a lil vacation.
Both >>31541863
Is it a horny game? I'm so horny
Solid and Smooth, Huge, 3 stories tall I'd say, Dark Gray, some light from the dessert sun is being reflected off of it, It's floating about 1 story above the sand, there are no flaws to the cube and it does not look like something that could be entered.
Steel? Some sort of metal.
>Proximity to you
I did not place myself in this imagining but I did imagine a cactus near it's bottom right corner. I'm looking at it from a 3/4 perspective. If I'm using my camera's viewpoint as a placer for myself then I guess I'd be about half a block away?
stay safe booboo
>he knows it's in a desert
Have you played this game before? How fun! So imagine a ladder. Where is it? How tall? In proximity to the cube? Is it horizontal or vertical or otherwise? Material?
Sure, we can ERP! I'll go first.
*Runs my hands up and down your back* You're a very good boy, you know that?
Both genders
Have you ever had sex on a chair?
>>he knows it's in a desert
>Have you played this game before?
Nigger you said it was in the desert...
I thought that was subconscious
What does she smell like?
I'm not a boy though
>I thought that was subconscious
I'm built different.
I've gotten a bj while sitting in one, does that count?
I apologize! You're right! It's supposed to be in a desert, so you're doing well!
My bad! You're a very good girl. Why do you smell so damn good...
You... you told me it was in the desert?...
I have not played this game before...
>Imagine a ladder
Imagining it now
>Where is it?
Its on the right side of the cube
>How tall
The cube is floating so its just tall enough to lean up against the cube diagonally with a few extra rungs for me to step onto and touch the bottom quarter of the cube
Leaning on it diagonally
Yellow ladder like in those cartoons, material unknown
No that doesn't count.
How do I tell my gf that I have a thing for dirtiness? Like, I really love sweaty socks, dirty clothes, and bad smells in general, like unwashed butt/cooch. Oh and braps.
How likely is it that I have oral thrush after getting vaginal thrush? I've had a sore throat and I'm about to kill myself about this if it's true
Yes I did, haha! I got distracted! Anyways, that is all very good. Now imagine a horse. Where is it? Is it free, or saddled? It's health and age? Colour, luster, etc. Where is it in proximity to the rest of your items? What is it doing? Does it seem satisfied or needy?
I was with you in the first half but you lost me after you said unwashed butt/cooch.
>Why do you smell so damn good...
I washed and conditioned my hair, washed my body, rubbed lotion all over it, put on deodorant, rolled on perfume oil, sprayed fragrance, and used nice smelling hair products
I've always been a dirty little shit. in high school I used to sneak in the girls bathrooms during gym and suck on used tampons. Any kind of bodily function is extremely attractive to me if it comes from a girl
Oh my wow. No wonder you're so soft, too. Now I feel special, I can't wait to eat you...
>Imagine a horse
>Where is it?
Directly under the cube, chilling in its shade, protected from the harsh dessert sun
>Free or Saddled
>Health and age?
Its a healthy horse, I don't know its age but I'd assume its in its maturity and fully grown.
>Color, luster, etc
Its a brown horse with nice shiny hair, looks well groomed
>Where is it in proximity to the rest of your items
The horse is directly underneath the center of the floating cube, I'd say its a few rooms away from the ladder?
>What is it doing
Chilling, he also has a water trough in case he gets thirsty
>Does it seem satisfied or needy?
He's vibing, seems satisfied to me
>What does she smell like?
I will not be explaining further, if anyone else wants to answer for me then they can.
Cool, very good! Now I want you to imagine a storm. Tell me it's intensity, its proximity to you and/or the cube. Is it far off? Close? Is it buffeting you? Is it mild or furious? Any specific characteristics about the storm that stand out?
Why not?
Are you M or F?
Liking sweat is fine, but can you see how calling it “bad smells” might be insulting?
I am an M, ma'am.
>Any specific characteristics about the storm that stand out?
It's raiiiining men! Hallelujah, it's raining men!
>Imagine a storm
Dang, I hope my horse is okay
I'd call it strong but not worryingly so
>Proximity to you and/or the cube
It's above us raining down on us, I wouldn't say we are in the eye of the storm but we are pretty close to it
>Is it buffeting you
I'd use a less intense word but it is definitely affecting me
>Mild or Furious
>Any specific characteristics?
Just very grey, some lightning in the distance too
Prove it
Why did you do all that? Is your goal to drive men insane?
nta but he really means bad smells
I like being and feeling clean
>Is your goal to drive men insane?
Is this not the goal of all foids?
Hmm, okay. Final question is: I want you to imagine flowers. Where are they? Are they interspersed throughout the desert, or centralized around the cube, etc. How many types of flowers are there, if any? Colours? Vibrancy? Do they seem healthy or malnourished or what have you? This is the last question and I'll give you your summation after.
I do not want to think of women
The cleaner you are, the dirtier we can get.
Why won't anon fuck me?
You were clean BEFORE you applied multiple scents… that made you a cloud of sex
Fake, I bet you got your brother to record this for you, there are no boys on 4chan
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard
But it feels good to be a cloud of sex
What further proof do you need? Do I need to post my hand or something?
Yea I'd fuck the shit out of you
Language like that is going to get you spanked young lady.
I got bored, sorry!
>imagine flowers
>Where are they
Haphazardly strewn around the cube, they are poking out from the sand. There are none directly underneath the cube.
>Are they interspersed through the desert or centralized around the cube
They are mostly around the cube, I have not imagined much past the cube and its general area.
>How many types of flowers?
Its just one type but its in many different colors
Pink, Yellow, White, Red. All solid colors none mixed
Varying degrees, some are pastel some or more intense in color.
>Do they seem healthy or malnourished?
Healthy flowers, there is nothing wrong with them aside from the fact that they are growing in a dessert. i.e in an unnatural environment for them
Yes it does, I’m just saying that “I like being clean” and “I like frying male brains with my presence” are very different things
I’m just now reading this. Sorry for being rude. We still can’t be friends though (4channers, especially, are creepy.
I should mention that after imagining the flowers the storm did stop
I'm hardly ever even around men anon
Nah, it's fine, I'm used to girls being mean to me.
It didn't bother me that much, only a little bit hurt.
Oh no haha don't spank me, that would be the worst!
Glitter force
Fruits basket
Plastic memories
Mary and the witch’s flower

Stuff like that
It's not fair that women can be wet for hours when men can't be hard for just as long. What's up with that?
*hits you with belt buckle*
Sorry again then :(
Okay, being real now, it didn't bother me at all, I was still playing it up. :^P
Don't worry.
Okay, very good. So, just to preface: everything here is my translation and opinion, it may not actually apply to you.
The cube is you. The fact it's solid and smooth makes me think you view yourself as very foundationally strong but with no quirks or errors, a very plain but firm person. The hugeness makes me think you either have a large ego, or you see yourself in relation to the world as imposing and larger than life. The dark grey colour, with the fact that its floating and can't be entered, makes me think you're very walled off from the world, and you don't like letting others get close.
The ladder is your goals, or how close/how good you feel about accomplishing them. The fact that the ladder is against the cube and gives you a path to it means that you feel as if your goals are in reach, maybe not in totality as you aren't reaching over the cube or what have you, but you can at least accomplish some of what you want. The material suggests, to me at least, that a lot of your basis for these goals came from your past childhood and you've carried them with you for a long time, the yellowness meaning they've obvious to you, you know what you want.
The horse is your lover. Honestly, your description is very beautiful. You want to nurture your lover, and you're a thoughtful lover, having left it a trough. However, you're also a controlling lover, because A) its saddled. B) its directly underneath you. You see yourself as a protector for your lover as well as a provider. You want/have someone who wants to be under your protection and stewardship.
The storm represents your fears, or more specifically, your fears of not accomplishing what you want in your life. The fact that your first thought was of your lover was very noble and beautiful, it genuinely touched my heart lol. The intensity of it seems to say that you're, subconsciously at least, afraid of how many issues you seem to be facing, even if on your face you're brave and unafraid. 1/2
>Fruits basket
original or remake
Ooh… so just the idea of “I smell great, I bet men would really love me right now”?

Okaaaayyyy :)
The fact that its proximity is on "us" IE you and your lover is touching, because you feel a very close bond to your lover and a willingness to face the storm together, even if its still coming closer to you. The mild nature, though, does suggest that it's not something out of your control that you cannot handle. The greyness could represent an emotional turmoil, like you may feel that deep down, some sort of sadness or anger is stopping you, with the lightning in the distance representing a fear of worse things that could come.
The flowers are your loved ones besides your lover, friends, family, etc. Since they're strewn about the cube, you feel that they are in your life at varying degrees, and you aren't exactly overtly protective of them like your lover. One type but many colours seems to suggest that you view a lot of your family and friends as similar, but they also add many different things to your life via the different colourations, same with the vibrancy. The healthiness of them suggests you have good interpersonal relationships.
Feel free to tell me if I'm right or wrong or anything at all. Thanks, I had a lot of fun! Your loving nature is very beautiful. 2/2
I do it for myself
Hm… I guess I can understand that, even I like having scented candles around for myself as a moid, so making yourself the candle must be nice too :)
New thread when?
It's over.
Women won.
Lonely men lost.
Never. /atoga/ wasn't renewed for another season, this is the last episode.

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>no. you can't give your child a ipad or smartphone
How do I respond. Listen isn't an answer. We all ended up here anyway.
This was a great game, I'm gonna have to keep this one in my back pocket for future use.
>Cube assessment
Overall pretty accurate, I do consider myself a rather plain person and the read on me being a walled off person that doesn't like letting others get close was dead on. I'd argue against the large ego though.
Didn't even consider that the ladder could bring me to the top of the cube.
Material: Another accurate assessment, a lot of my goals are rooted in my childhood and what I want for myself.
Color: Again another good assessment, In my eyes my goals are obvious to me
This was my favorite part to read and imagine. Thank you for the kind words. Being a protector and provider is ultimately what I think I should provide in a relationship.
Intensity: Yeah, I'm definitely afraid of how many issues I'm facing right now but I know that I can solve them in time.
Color and Lightning: Yeah...
Thats right on the money for how I view my loved ones.
>Flower Health
I did have good interpersonal relationships before my spat of depression but as of recent I haven't been talking to anyone but I know I can start back up.

Great game, thanks for being GM
I don't like women at all, some are nice to look at and I love a few of them, not necessarily because they are women.
Being in love makes me feel like an excited puppy, I can't go an hour of my life without thinking about her, I want to make sure she's happy and that she feels safe and protected around me.
M, Tried for a minute, didn't like the rhythm we had on it and tried something else
it's also considered sad/shameful and in many cases illegal

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