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Last Episode: >>31580283
I love women so much it hurts.
Wait, nevermind. It was just gas.
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Second for blonde girlz <3
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Did you have a character in a cartoon, game, comic, etc media you wanted to BE as a child?
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M or F
How often do you get roasted by your parents?
Women, do you mind if a guy holds a door open for you?
Would you describe yourself as rimmable?
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Savage mom kek
My mom also used to always remind me how she was married by my age
Honestly I wanted to be Strawberry Shortcake once upon a time, I used to watch it religiously before school
What should I give to a female coworker around the age of 40, I am not too close but it is one of the social things on my job. I absolutely dont know what to buy
Why are you buying her things? That's weird.
Women, would you rather every woman thought your man was ugly except you, or every woman thought he was the most handsome man on Earth and threw themselves at him?
I never mind it. I feel guilty when they run to do it. I get butterflies when a guy I’m into does it. I hate when men refuse to allow me to hold the door open for them. Now we both look stupid.

I have an ass only a mother could rim
Women do not value men, and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
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Never. However conversations with my mother be like
>Mom I'm an astronaut I just got back from the moon
>That's nice. You know I used to design the spacecraft we use to go to the moon. While I was designing the spacecraft, these idiot astronauts would come up with the dumbest ideas.
I'm surprised I haven't lost it yet and screamed at her that her self-centeredness is the only reason why we grew up in a single-parent household of childhood neglect
Just call me mommy.
Birthday? A gift card to someplace like Macy's or target is the easy approach.

why are they here then
doesn't quite
>I have an ass only a mother could rim
Well spread those cheeks and call me-
Fuck you fucker that was for me
Maybe incense or ceremonial grade matcha or those wax melting letter stamp things or a rape whistle or a really nice hand lotion or an assortment of snacks she likes or idk. Pens
You’re too slow!
>Why are you buying her things?
>but it is one of the social things on my job
I explained above, I'm really thinking about getting some excuse to dodge this
bag of skittles with a note that says
>From: anon
>I hope these make you think about me while you eat them
>From: anon

assert dominance
Just get her some candles, bitches love candles
What’re the odds people haven’t been mistaking me for a teenager/college student all of these years because I supposedly have a youthful face but because I’m 5’6 and don’t register as an adult at first glance?
I like this idea and i am a 40 year old woman by some people’s standards
Do you walk around with a backpack?
State gender. What is flirting to you?

An activity that happens in fantasies, but which I have never participated in in any capacity in real life.
Nigger you realize there are 5'6" adults everywhere right?
Sexually charged teasing and joking. There’s degrees to it.
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>girl messages me pretty regularly and says she likes talking to me and likes me
>normally responds to me within a few hours
>every time I compliment her appearance in some way she spazzes out and takes at least 1 day to respond to me
is she retarded
she leans in to smell my hair or clothes
>It's another "complimenting women gives bad results episode"
Honestly I just don't bother. It's absolutely not worthy it. A compliment for a man is gold but for a woman it's like a mosquito buzzing about.
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men, would you do it?
verbal: playful teasing (either push/pull) in a sexual/romantic context
nonverbal: leaning in, eyes locked on you, hips faced towards you

not a gigolo so no
i 've been dating a woman, about 2 months seeing each other once every week and a half. We've had sex 3 times. anyway, i found out she fucked a guy know last night. What do I do? confront her? ghost her? continue seeing her? hurts man...she clearly doesn't respect me at all.
The most beautiful 36 year old woman I've ever seen.
Taking milf to another level
If my stepmom looked like that, hell yeah
No, but I get asked frequently when making age-sensitive transactions like buying tickets and etc
I never really subscribed to the heightpill as a young adult, but I’ve always noticed more or less everyone was taller than me
It's because we hear them so often.
no. if it was a valid marriage, that woman was one flesh with his dad. literal incest
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But it's the opposite. I get complimented all the time and don't really like compliments. She said that nobody has ever complimented her appearance as much as me
in what world do men not get compliments

that boy may be 20 in years but he's not 20 in maturity
My response to her would have been to get the hell away ASAP
imagine following a semitic desert doomsday cult in 2024
>What do I do?
Treat her like a fuck buddy
Don't spend any money on her or anytime on her outside of dicking her down
If she complains tell her that she wasn't faithful to the relationship so why would you spend resources on her
and compliments for women are usually with "nice guy" intent, covert contracts where the man expects the woman to then do him some sort of kindness in return. this is why men will compliment a woman and wonder why she's being ice cold. she's not being mean to niceness, she perceives it as defense against manipulation
Why does every girl think her thighs are too big? Do girls exist who think their thighs are too small?
Femanons, are you satisfied with your thigh circumference?
If you’re a woman the chances are pretty slim. If you’re a male then that’s probably 95% the reason it happens
Women, thoughts on thigh jobs?
Ok so I’m watching titanic and Jack is obviously supposed to be the cool drifter Casanova who knows his way around the ladies so when he draws Rose why the fuck does he get all nervous and flustered as if he never drew naked women before please women explain
If you think about it, women suffer from the opposite problem of men: they receive compliments on a daily basis. Who knows whether or not someone has an ulterior motive when they try to butter you up?
> get complimented all the time and don't really like compliments.
>She said that nobody has ever complimented her appearance as much as me
>in what world do men not get compliments
Is this bait, are you a lesbian/tranny or are you just autistic?
The king of the Jews is my KING. You will burn in hellfire
sorry not a woman but i'll admit as a man i'm part of the problem, i like me some thin thighs
Nut on her chest then dip
This. You want me to remember you, just treat me like a normal person and not some kind of prize to be won.
I'm a normal above average looking guy.
Idk do most guys not get many compliments? I don't have any male friends.
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Coping since 700BC
>Do girls exist who think their thighs are too small?
I do. But I have a thyroid issue and have trouble gaining weight.
hmmm ok, so maintain a fuck relationship on the lowest level, should I even reach out to her?

implying anyone will ever knock you up
or down
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>in what world do men not get compliments
we get compliments, but now imagine 10 undesirable women a day trying to compliment you until you owe them sex. and you couldn't be less interested, so you start associating compliments with manipulation. that's what hot women are living through
It is literal historical fact that Jesus rose from the dead. More witnesses and recorded statements that it happened than any event in human history. Millions saw it.
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>It is literal historical fact that Jesus rose from the dead. More witnesses and recorded statements that it happened than any event in human history. Millions saw it.
Can someone explain to me why Mexic*ns love KoF?
there is literal physical evidence in the Shroud of Turin. unprecedented historical testimony given they were poor people living in the Middle East ~30 AD. Christianity is true
>so you start associating compliments with manipulation
But I'm a guy and I do that. 90% of the time if a girl under 30 compliments me she wants to fuck.
I don't care. I don't want to see you post about this again. You aren't interesting enough for anyone to care.
why do girls still want to be friends after they fuck you over? I still talk to her because I’m lonely, retarded, delusional. So I guess it is my fault. But it’s bizarre you would want to talk to an ex with no intention of being with them, just to keep them orbiting and giving you attention. Maybe not that bizarre now that I see it written out. I guess I’m just a fag
didn't say it doesn't happen to men
So you're using the Bible to verify something that happened in the Bible.
Nobody in existence is interesting, life isn't a tv drama. People are boring.
but if you really do experience this, why is it so hard to comprehend why overcomplimenting women makes them uncomfortable? even I know this and I'm on 4chan on a weeknight
King of Fighters?
The Bible was written by Jesus Christ himself on golden tablets and hidden in the United States 6,000 years ago when the world was created. It is infallible. The Prophet, Joseph Smith, has shown us this. Filthy heretic.
>Shroud of Turin
Declared a fake ages ago.
yes, written documentation about Jesus' words and deeds is evidence in the "it happened" category, that's how history works
>acquire hot fuck buddy
>doesn’t want to commit to you but still expects you to take her out on dates and treat her to things as though she’s your gf
>don’t take her out on dates and etc because she’s probably talking to like 5 other guys
>”waaahh y u no give me princess treatment u cheapskate ill just go find another guy”
>lose hot fuck buddy
Am I insane or this freakishly common nowadays?
Am I the weird one here for not participating because it’s supposedly some game where every dude she’s talking to throws their chips in and she decides who gets the honor of dating her?
Honestly I would fuck my actual mom when she was 35 but that's a whole other can of worms
My problem is not with the weird relationship, my problem is with doing anything that might make a woman happy.
>but if you really do experience this, why is it so hard to comprehend why overcomplimenting women makes them uncomfortable?
I've been talking to her for like 8 months tho. And she's told me multiple times she likes it when I compliment her so I don't know why it makes her spaz out.
My thighs are the biggest, roundest part of me, and they go sploooot sideways when I sit down. You can see how this might cause women to think they’re fat.

Seems like using a clumsy, imprecise tool for the job, like trying to eat noodles with two hot dogs instead of chopsticks.

He’s only drawn French girls before, and I guess Rose is supposed to be soooo much hotter than any girl in France?

I wish that I could ruin your entire worldview but it would cost me hyperdoxing for the rest of my life.
the "fake" claims are thoroughly debunked but mouthbreathers only read media headlines
Declared a fake by who? By Satan, the Great Deceiver? Yes, indeed.
Nta but honestly if you enter a fuckbuddy sitch with a girl you actually want to date, it's a "play stupid games win stupid prizes" scenario
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okay I felt momentarily good thinking I was going to make a smoothie for femanon but now I'm standing here in front of the blender with the ingredients and reality has hit
there will be no smoothie
there is purpose
there is no femanon
i think it's nice of him to do
I'll give you that Jesus was a legit historical figure but where is the secular evidence of his resurrection?
>after they fuck you over
What happened?
it depends on his personality entirely
>Rose is supposed to be soooo much hotter than any girl in France?
She is 10/10 in bongland tbf
(Nah but Kate Winslet is actually a total babe)
the thing is this chick claimed to not want anything casual...
I don't know why I care so much
>He’s only drawn French girls before, and I guess Rose is supposed to be soooo much hotter than any girl in France?
great point, i forgot this. it's not an inconsistency. in romance novels i'm sure it's a trope that women love being the "special one" who makes a highly competent and capable man nervous for the first time. it says all the right things about him: 1) that he's capable and has plenty of social proof from other women but 2) regards HER as so special he will give her his everlasting love if he can
I’m right here and I still want my smoothie, so get blending!!
cheating, yes I’m pathetic
normal conversation is defensive and self-preservation focused. don't say something wrong, don't look like a retard, don't be annoying. flirting is taking a risk, pushing a boundary, saying something unexpected or sudden that pulls us from a holding pattern into something new.
>but where is the secular evidence of his resurrection?
Thousands of historians at the time wrote about seeing Jesus rise from the dead and also seeing tens of thousands of people temporarily rise from the dead. They attested that the heavens split open etc.
state gender. if you can, name an actually GOOD romance in movies/television that you've watched
Insufficient evidence
My idea of flirting is making awkwardly prolonged eye contact with a girl at the bar before looking away and blushing when she smiles, then rinse and repeat several more times if I have the balls until I go out for a cigarette
M. i've heard, not seen, that Moonlighting (Bruce Willis and Cybil Shephard I think) has some of the most realistic sexual/flirting chemistry on screen
Charlie Harper and Rose from two and a half men.
Lets unpack that. What draws you to the version of your mom that was 35?
Yeah it was just such a strange thing and she even caught onto it like this guy can’t be both some guy who fucks all the bitches but also gets flustered over her being naked
Mc and Pico in Boku no Pico
Good as in good relationship or good as in good television?
>look like a retard
If doing this is flirting call me casinova
>guy who fucks all the bitches but also gets flustered over her being naked
this is catnip to female viewers. look at twilight: powerful vampire who thinks SHE is so special. 50 shades of gray: powerful billionaire who is obsessed with HER.
>What draws you to the version of your mom that was 35?
She was a MILF desu
i just hate how my thighs puddle when i sit down.
Historians said Alexander was decended from hercules, do you believe in him?
They all said Thor was real too in the right area
M I've never done it before and have no idea how
The cloth is a herringbone weave. Burial cloths from the time of Jesus were not made of this weave.
relationship, obviously
I would watch a British adaptation of the Titanic, or even a different ship. I’m sure you guys have some famous ships that sank, right? If anyone can make a good movie about sailing the seas, it’s the Brits.

Yes, exactly! He’s experienced with women, and all his experience has led him to conclude that Rose is uniquely beautiful. She is the only woman on Earth who can make Jack spill his spaghetti. This is a very, very popular fantasy.

F, the most recent one I enjoyed that comes to mind is Amos and Peaches from the Expanse series.
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Male, Emma Thompson and Hugh Grant in Sense & Sensibility.
>Historians said Alexander was decended from hercules, do you believe in him?
Yes. The Greek "gods" are real, they're demons. Every religions "gods" are factually real they're just demons. Also aliens and UFOs are real but they're demons. Also all politicians are demonic lizards.
Independent tests at University of Oxford, the University of Arizona, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology conclude that the shroud material dated to 1260-1390 AD. This 13th to 14th century dating is much too recent for the shroud to have been associated with Jesus.
Gomez and Morticia Addams.
Give me names, anon.
What else is demons?
Isn’t Edward a virgin though even though he’s like 100 I didn’t watch twilight so I don’t know
50 shades is just porn though and he’s a dom so I doubt he’s nervous
Women, what do you want from men?
All physical ailments are caused by demons. Demons are the byproduct of alien souls form Xenu the intergalactic emperor throwing corpses into volcanoes on Earth.
The anons in this thread? Demons.
John is also demons.
I assume this is the “splooooot” the other girl mentioned, lol
Sad to hear you feel that way, now I feel bad for thinking it’s sexy
dude, even atheist historians don't contest the empty tomb, they try to come up with ridiculous alternative explanations. the empty tomb is taken as a given thanks to the strong evidence (if they were making it up, they wouldn't have Mary Magdalene find it due to cultural influences)
Maison Ikkoku is kino (and was written by a woman)
I am not, please stop this meme
F, this is one of my favorites as well.
Fine, John is a Zombie.
Is that House?
doesn't matter, the recipe is:
powerful, capable, mysterious man -> uniquely in love with THIS woman
>50 shades is just porn though
that's the idea, figuring out what is "porn" to women. and it's romance novels where they don't get to "see" a thing, but experience it on an emotional level
Ahh, a finely aged vintage meme!
should I watch dub or sub?
hacksaw ridge
what if
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
>If anyone can make a good movie about sailing the seas, it’s the Brits
We already have Captain Pugwash mate
To people who have ever been in a relationship.
How often do/did you have sex?
Do women fantasize about romance with men?
No thank you. It's fun for you but super awkward and not pleasurable at all for me.
They don't they just feel bad.
Dick, mexican food, and a hug
What romance was there in Hacksaw Ridge?
I was about to ask how the hell you can think literal fatty blobs squishing against each other is sexy, but that’s what cleavage is too, so… I guess I believe you
always watch the dub
japanese sounds disgusting only weeb filth watch subs
it's bananas how women will be self-conscious of stuff men genuinely like about them
why do I keep picking men who end up lying about wanting me to be open with them about my feelings? they feel attacked if something they said hurt me and I open up how I feel about it

unrelated? he sounds nervous with his voice pitch going up and rambling in a voice note so he got anxious and said he was sorry for going on and on trying to listen to me with what I wanted(hear his voice)
>eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
she didn't deserve him.
Slow burn romance with obstacles man is willing to overcome with me
Sub 100%. Just because the original voice acting is so good. But from what I've seen of the dub it doesn't seem that bad. It's a romcom anime so the goofy dubbing is probably quite funny. But I imagine a lot of the jokes are lost in translation, as you know Rumiko stuff always has that witty wordplay and convoluted misunderstandings.
>attracted to the opposite of being flustered
>but likes it when the guy who would never actually get flustered gets flustered
I will never get it
I'm not a weeb at all but you're wrong. Japanese is one of the best sounding languages even as I understand none of it
Decades Schizo, leave him alone. You are both crazy.
Give me names, anon.
thanks, I'm checking it up right now
the man in this case is already pre-qualified as powerful and pre-approved by other women. so when he gets flustered around HER and HER only, it's "cute" because it means he's pairbonding to her and will stick around after he impregnates her. the woman feels desire (man is power), desirable (man is flustered around her), and now, because of the implied pairbonding, safe. it is EVERYTHING women want in an interaction with a potential mate
him and the nurse he married back home!!!! i loved them so much!!
No worries anon
I will warn you it is nearly 100 episodes lol and a slow burner but it's genuinely one of the best anime, and romcoms generally, I've ever seen
A single good smutfic that doesn’t feel like he wrote it with his dick in his hand

3 times a week is the most I’ve had, and that’s because we only met up 3 times a week

Yes, I keep having a recurring daydream of cuddling a guy in front of a fireplace while it snows outside
Oh that’s right. I remembered it after I typed it out. That was a good movie.
I've had 3 and each one of them was almost daily.
Women, have you waited more or less to have sex with a new boy/friend as time goes on?
This movie is kinda stupid honestly I can’t believe there’s still an hour left in it and the boat crashed into the iceberg 45 minutes ago
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picrel. i hate it. so much.

have you considered that "what men like' is not the literal only factor involved in how i feel about my body
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Best i can do is fast burn with overcome obstacles.
Take it er leave it
Something about you makes men think they can lie to your face and get away with it :/
I have been not replying to him to selfcare and soothe, though he still leave messages and on give me attention on my profile in meantime
>have you considered that "what men like' is not the literal only factor involved in how i feel about my body
No. All I care about is whether women like my body.
>have you considered that "what men like' is not the literal only factor
no, you must only care about my tastes. /s.
yeah, i get it, there are things i would change about myself that women might find attractive. but i don't view myself as being rational in that case
let me guess, under 25? prefontal cortex still developing?
Women, how many of your bf's were strong enough to bridal carry you?
But you're going to reply to him again. And then he's going to hurt you again. And then you're going to take a break to selfcare and soothe. And then you're going to reply to him again. And then he's going to hurt you again. And then you're going to take a break to selfcare and soothe. And then you're going to reply to him again. And then he's going to hurt you again. And then you're going to take a break to selfcare and soothe. And then you're going to reply to him again. And then he's going to hurt you again.

When are you going to break the cycle?
I've approached all my serious relationships this way but they always got stuck on the obstacles and became unwilling to overcome them with me. maybe I just had bad luck, but now there's not much left in me for romance
They just want us to die. We have no value to them.
>have you considered that "what men like' is not the literal only factor involved in how i feel about my body
nta yes, slightly, but it's legit inconceivable that anything would take priority over our preference, what with everything you do to appeal to males.
Hey that’s not true. Your body is wonderful.
Sure, and the rest of me can fuck off.
Yep, that’s the sploot alright, I feel your pain. I can’t wait until summer is over so I can hide my legs again.
“But I think it’s hot!” might be true, but it’s kind of meaningless when guys are just as vocal as wanting to lick my toes. It’s not special or reassuring in any way. I’m the one piloting this body, and I think it makes me look fat.
A lot at first, multiple times every time we saw each other. Once we lived together it was still almost every day, then twice a week, then even less frequent before we broke up.
I've never been very romantic the whole idea makes me uncomfortable and embarrassed.
Same I guess. Never really waited.
2. The 3rd probably could have in the beginning.
I’m sure you’re a lovely lady, I just don’t know you.
Wait are you M or F?
Both men and women have a lot of value
I'm 43 years old, still an incel.
okay well are there any anons who think I could possibly bring this back up with him again to see if there is a chance he can process it and hear me out?>>31586459
what is it? my face? my size? people say I give caregiver vibes like a mom but I don't want to be used or hurt like kids try to do to their mom too
Would you date a fat and balding guy?
You mean to tell me pp goes in and baby comes out? Surely we are missing something. Women, care to explain?
>in the beginning.
Did you get fat?
How many bf's have you had?
He did
To reach things on the top shelf
And on this episode of Fear Factory...
>verification not required
>2. The 3rd probably could have in the beginning
>Both men and women have a lot of value
Not to women they don't
you are your body please stop imagining you're not. you're not a special snowflake wearing a skinsuit, you're a human bean one and whole. k thank you
Why are you dating a fat guy?
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reading insanely blackpilled people try to argue in good faith is really painful because i can see the actual effort to be fair but it's so beyond approaching as reasonable i can't do shit
I’d say less, since as a relationship progresses, I learn more of his turn-one and get less timid about initiating. It takes a while for it to sink in that holy shit, I can do Sex on this man, and nobody will judge me!

None of them have tried, possibly because they all thought I was too heavy…
Surely he wasn’t balding as well.
He wasn't even obese yet and I broke up with him in like 2017 so
Fat dudes can move more weight not less
Its called powerlifting and its a sport and that makes me an athelete
The fact that you never learn a lesson. You're the perfect woman to lie to and abuse.
>you are your body
Not true. We're not animals. We're capable of language, reason, and abstraction, which means we're able to perceive and understand more than simply what our senses are able to observe directly.
>It's called powerlifting
Oh well his method was called
>ordering way too fucking many wings
I also open jars and bring all the groceries in one trip.
But i need back rubs
Women would you date a 4'8" bald morbidly obese 41yo indian incel with anger problems who just got out of prison for 23 charges of sexual assault against a minor.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
Smaller girls with a youthful face tend to be treated like this more, since guys associate that with childishness, and more “mature” women are seen as closer to equals
I wish I could talk about my feelings without being called manipulative... I think I will bring it up again and how he at first said he wanted me to feel safe around him but isn't making me feel so. I have to tell him and rip bandaid off...
>Your body is wonderful
>To reach things on the top shelf
Then what do tall women want from men?
Not sure if this is agreeing with me or a response to me so feel free to disregard if I'm wrong but
I am referring to genuine compliments a man gives when he gets all sappy and overwhelmed with happy fee fees towards a woman.
I'm not sure if it's just because men getting all giddy and emotional is part of why it's a turnoff specifically.
>capable of language, reason, and abstraction,
things you lose when you damage the body
drink poison
hit head
get disease.

direct, physical, causal relationship between body and function
Not you
That was the joke, yes.
Wings are straight protein and cant make you fat
Change lightbulbs
Be sure to come back and cry some more when he hurts you again. Be sure to learn zero lessons and let him hurt you some more.
d1 genetics for their kids
It's over for Polish men...
>We're not animals.
Pffft... hahahahaha
You haven't had a boyfriend in 7 years?
Is he like, interrupting you? Are you telling a story or asking for his feedback?
You could try telling him to only listen until you’re done, no comments allowed
to feel short and small and safe, which only taller men can do
What are the wings covered in? And what do you dip them in? What do you drink with them? What's on the waffle fries? And why are you eating enough for 3 people?
you can get fat from protein it converts into sugar in excess
>protein cant make you fat
you are troll. troll!
you can have 100% protein diet and body can and will still make fat
Your arguments are as meaningless to me as men are to women.
Sounds like someone Bird would date
Nta but here I was thinking I was being good just eating chicken tonight
It's on Discord, they've never met in person.
No only 4.
2 could bridal carry me, 1 could not. He was "the 3rd" because I had 3 boyfriends and he was outside the group of 2 who could do the thing not because he was last.
>We're not animals.
retarded take
I love how the femanons always just have to be cheeky. They just can't say anything nice about men
I have had enough. Where is she? Where is the woman I can tenderly kiss while fucking her slowly and gently?
>calling a girl “Your Thighness”
funny or cringe?
>you can have 100% protein diet and body can and will still make fat
ever try eating 100% protein? it's basically impossible, you will go skelly
with that resume she would marry him
That would be an improvement for her.
LMAO i was insecure about this shit when I was like 9 and thought it meant I was fat.
>have you considered that "what men like' is not the literal only factor involved in how i feel about my body
You like so many modern women (and people in general) have shitty hormones make you feel restless, unhappy and insecure. You won't be able to fix this because you'll go around in circles forever looking for some kind of cure for your insecurity but you never will.
Men will tell you they love it and you'll snap at them and think about how worthless their opinion is because it doesn't fix your problem

Men, literally do not waste your time on women's insecurities. Don't bother reassuring them, your opinion is like dirt to them anyway.
Anon, would you say nice things about a pile of garbage in the street?
Oh, I was was picturing them sitting on the floor of a bedroom together…
so am I just born unlucky?
I just said rip bandaid off.
males are utilities to women.
Waffle fries are not wings and 2500 calories of wings would fill you beyond full.
Skip the beer
Carbs make fat
This is where I vent all my snarkyness, please understand. But I assure you that I truly and sincerely believe that Men Good.
I want to be a woman's utility
>I truly and sincerely believe that Men Good
You expect anyone to believe that lie?
so I love old anime but I'm too guy to have ever watched sailor moon.
I think in some abstract sense my ideal woman would be a big (maybe in secret) sailor moon fan.
I heard a rumor that the main character, uh... sailor... moon? is represented by her transformed self and not by how she actually looks (which is to suggest, really average and maybe a bit overweight). This concept seemed really interesting to me and I wonder if it was real.
Wow, sorry for getting really nerdy there.

It's not what you eat as much as how many calories of it you eat. chicken is great food.
The waffle fries are the side that comes with the wings you weirdo I'm talking about an ex who gained 60 pounds over time like 7-8 years ago not describing a diet I'm considering trying lmao.
Men are nice. Not the males around here though.
Cringe but funny

Thank you for your diagnosis, Doctor
Why don’t you wake up? You’re hurting people, what have they done to you? I can’t let you take out your unhappiness on other people anymore.
I think I’m most things that women want except tall
I sent him a message after he went to bed how I felt and he said that he was just trying to relate to me and got defensive
it doesn't matter if irl or online, treating someone a way matters. he wants to pay me to see him but I am not sure if he still wants to but said he did even if we don't work out but said he wanted to try. I don't feel comfortable if he can't get it through his head that he hurt my feelings bringing up his asian exes when I just wanted to talk about what I went through
Anon, we're just being truthful. It's not helpful to someone when you lie to them.
done being real and authentic with women
just gonna pretend to be someone I'm not
And im telling you the fries and booze did it not the wings
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is okay to repost my new femanon portrait?
Ah, you didn’t know what I was quoting. -1.
Is she staying with the Somali?
I haven't seen her here in a while
Come on, even I don't believe this.
If she's not dead already, yeh.
>I think in some abstract sense my ideal woman would be a big (maybe in secret) sailor moon fan.
there's nothing inherently wrong with this but keep in mind that if you click "sort by: sailor moon fan" in your head every time you talk to a woman you are severely limiting your options
Yes it is, I appreciate the continuation of the series. I look forward to the next installment
And I'm telling you that that's not the point lmao. Are you assuming this man are literally nothing but chicken wings and waffle fries for months and that's why he got fat? How does your brain work? Should I list everything he ate during the period he got fat to satisfy your desire for accuracy?
No, really, the average normie irl male is much nicer than the average guy that uses 4chan.
>tfw no mexican gf with butt length hair
Im not entirely convinced shes gone, I bet shes just turned off her name
I just realized today that if I do continue these then I'm gonna have a suspicious amount of fat girl drawings on my dropbox account...
I wish I had a gf who would come home drunk one night and low key violate me and keep going after I tell her to stop and it makes things uncomfortable for a while then i have to tell her that her drinking is causing problems and I feel terrible when she is drunk
basically every man i meet IRL is nice these days because we have to be
>tfw no mexican gf with a bob cut
OK, that's believable, but I don't believe that any woman likes men or thinks they're "nice".
>severely limiting your options
NTA but isn't being picky a good thing? you can't find your one-true pairing if you don't set all of your filters
what the fuck?
It's more than most men could hope for.
what do women think about male body hair
i have a lot for 20
There’s AI for that.
no. "one-true" pairings are a myth and for much of human history marriage was basically a commercial transaction, i don't think this is a smart way to find love
Oh no, how awful...
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AI isn't real though and it can't hurt me
Renounce carbs and his sins and embrace the protien of wings and thou shall have salivation
I love quoting obscure anime scenes to upset women.
Surprise! How’s that for a twist!? Now, let’s go in for a closer look.
we all cope differently anon, this is our form of cnc
im not wearing my damn glasses and i thought you said "what do women think about make body hair? i have 20" and i snorted mid-drink and ended up spewing ginger ale on myself out of my nose
Yeh, turns out that people like social constructs. Who'd have thunk, huh?
>settle and chuddie-history argument
Untrue. Jedediah and Octavius from night at the museum are my otp
>I’ve had people on here describe my penis size as perfect
Feels good man
It can definitely hurt you, you just don’t have the right one.
male blaagh
Pick 2
tfw that gf was me and now I feel bad
if anything i'm advocating to aim higher than "sailor moon" fan
post an example of what kind you like
>its too late now you'll never make that mistake (to me)
What did you do to him/her?
but I'm not a chubby chaser, I swear!
What do women think about male body hair?
I am but one man and yet I have enough for twenty.
same bro. guess ill just have to be creative and use my imagination
>I bet shes just turned off her name
no, I haven't seen any unhinged femanons like her posting
are you still an alcoholic? I'd take my ex-gf back if she stopped drinking
When do these niggers ever argue in good faith?
Their entire worldview starts with "Sex is important therefore", and so they are incapable of considering any idea that doesn't over-value sex appeal.
best of both worlds seems like having the woman roleplay this without the actual drinking problem
Did you even bother to read anon's argument?
I have to leave incognito for that though I don't want to. And everyone's preferences are different so it doesn't matter anyway.
F but are you saying sex isn't important?
because there are more important things in a relationship than mutual tastes, and sorting by "TV shows i like" is an unnecessary limiter. advocating for settling is just "take what you can get." i'm saying to reprioritize what's important
Literally the only thing that affects my body image at all is if women find it attractive.
Nta but I'd argue that having at least some overlapping taste in tv shows is almost essential today. Sure you can love someone who loves different shows but can you find something to watch together at 8:30 on a Wednesday?
Yeah I was just wasting my time, nevermind. Your insecurities have no cure. Keep venting about them online and they will go away.
the irony being that women have very few proveable universal physical tastes and can be all over the map, while men are much more rigid with what's considered beauty. so you'd think they'd take our word for it if something is attractive but no
actually the opposite is true
>chicken is great food
I agree
Thanks for the tip buddy, gotta watch those cals
>represented by her transformed self and not by how she actually looks (which is to suggest, really average and maybe a bit overweight
Eh... it's possible but I think it's just a case of Naoko Takeuchi liking drawing sexy skinny girls lol (she is a babe herself tbf).
It is honestly one gripe I have especially with the anime early on that I don't think has aged very well, where you have Usagi crying that she's fat and going to the gym despite being drawn super skinny -- this episode actually got banned for that reason lol. Though it does end with body positive messages and good ol' Motoki saying he likes em thicc. I mean to compensate the show has a lot of positive messages; the corny "Sailor Moon Says" segments by good ol' DiC are also really wholesome. But it is a product of its time.
Wow, sorry for getting really nerdy theren :P
I save all my evil shitposting for here mwahaha
Bro got that autism rizz
but ONE SPECIFIC show, or else no dice? that's a bit much. and it's different than generally getting along and sharing overarching interests / relaxation style
>I wish I could talk about my feelings without being called manipulative
Literally just talk about the feelings without trying to make them someone else's burden.
idk I kind of want a woman to hurt me, it would feel better than the sheer isolation from women I have.
Did you mistakenly flip the genders there?
> Bro got that autism rizz
You know Qt you’re the only one who ever knew what I was quoting. Pretty based if you ask me.
Where's the tell? A good joke is supposed to have a tell.
>2500 calories of wings would fill you beyond full
you don't know me
If she wants to watch the notebook and he wants to watch predator you wither get a couple where at best each person is unhappy half the time or a couppe that watches shit in different rooms
niggas will say anything to support their argument
This is why I feel bad for femcels desu
It's harder if you're truly uggo as a woman
I agree women seem to have more diverse tastes and care less about looks. Else I wouldn't have dated girls way out of my league lol
>genuine compliments a man gives when he gets all sappy and overwhelmed with happy fee fees towards a woman.
Genuine + delusional = compliment is unjustified.
Dont be fat
>Eh... it's possible but I think it's just a case of Naoko Takeuchi liking drawing sexy skinny girls lol (she is a babe herself tbf).
>It is honestly one gripe I have especially with the anime early on that I don't think has aged very well, where you have Usagi crying that she's fat and going to the gym despite being drawn super skinny -- this episode actually got banned for that reason lol. Though it does end with body positive messages and good ol' Motoki saying he likes em thicc. I mean to compensate the show has a lot of positive messages; the corny "Sailor Moon Says" segments by good ol' DiC are also really wholesome. But it is a product of its time.
>Wow, sorry for getting really nerdy theren :P
wow thanks for the insight bro
>I will never be a girl's crush
end my life already
Thanks broski
These scrubs need to git gud
Why does femcel loneliness make me so much sadder than incel loneliness?
I was the crush of 2 women but they only let me know months after
Because you're a simp. It makes me much, much happier.
Incels argue more.
would you date a girl who was pseudo-raised by a bunch of retards on r9k? as in, learned about the world and life and identity from them through the internet. she isn't backfilled, but still.
This is ironically an incel post.
I will never be a girls crush in my evil pathetic perverted piece of shit incel life
Literally the head girl in my highschool who was a Stacy had a crush on me and I only realised/found out years later fml
no woman has ever shown signs of attraction to me. No asking out, no batting eyes, no hair flipping, no prolonged eye contact, nothing.
>It's not helpful to someone when you lie to them.
Yeah but if they don't want the truth then that doesn't help either.
Because male failure is expected, so it's more of a tragedy when you see women fail too.
there are far more men here, and sexless men, than women as a whole
Depends, has she cheated before?
It does in the long term.
Not it's n-

she hasn't dated before
nah, you're doing the male version of what hoe_math complains about where you ignore the thin women you're not attracted to and pretending they don't count. men have way tougher standards for physical beauty because we care about it more. women are more all over the map and care far more about our social status, personality traits, etc
I remember reading a study that surveyed women to find out if they would prefer to have their men have big poops or little poops and they almost universally reported preferring their men having big poops; so I'm gonna ask the women, is this true? would you hesitate if your man only had small poops?
>head girl
If she dont hawk tuah i dont talk tuah
If she recognizes the limitations of that, and if she is still looking to other sources to learn about the world, then yes.
If she has finished learning about the world, then no.
>she isn't backfilled
I'll do your back in if you want baby
That's normal for 4chan people.
I don't see why I wouldn't give it a try at least.
Doesn't that prove that men fail more?
>have high social status only
>have a confident, assertive, and low-inhibition personality only
who the fuck has "finished" learning about the world? dude. it's the WORLD.
Many, many, many people on 4chan.
Maybe. I blame the fact I have 5 sisters.
Not true. There’s just more of them.
Maybe. That doesn’t feel like it applies to me.
>thin women you're not attracted to
This is a 1/100 occourance
again ignoring the ghosts you don't think about because they're invisible to you
I love how this got incels arguing.
you're only going to get replies from anons who forgot about women having faces and are only thinking about thin female bodies.
Lmfao nooo
Anyway idk what the US equivalent would be, student president/leader or something
She ended up going to a top college and is a doctor now
I don't think a single woman except for one ever crushed on me and I ruined that back in high school.
Sex has some importance, but not enough to make you depressed without it like hobbies. It certainly won't kill you like a lack of food or water would.
Still, sex is nice with the right person, so it is a little bit important.
I didn’t think they were attracted to me at the time either. :/
I wish they would’ve told me then.
Same except it wasn’t just her because I’m too hot to be alive.
Ive heard this argument and made an active work to count. It doesnt happen if they are within my age range.
you already added a qualifier lol
Fr bro
I was way too oblivious back then
This girl literally used to chase me to walk home from school with me despite living a different way
I have hit on thousands of women and been rejected due to my height EVERY time. I am 5'10. Women are brutal about height.
is this the christcuck faggot?
women, what little thing would be a small thing but still a deal-breaker for you between you and a hypothetical boyfriend?

ie. small but a deal-breaker: "Eats everything with a spoon, even pasta"
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>It certainly won't kill you like a lack of food or water would.

hate to tell you this, but that is absolutely wrong. sex is a basic human need.
>Why does femcel loneliness make me so much sadder than incel loneliness?
You care about women more than you care about men.
Presumably because you project the care you have for a hypothetical wife onto a bunch of random unrelated women.
I must be REALLY repulsive to women for nothing like this to ever happen to me.
Not very nice >:(
Mine bought me a Christmas present of a band t shirt she knew I liked
I dont have sex with retired old ladies or women that cant drink legally... such a qualifier
>bro thinks it's because of his height
Bro is 2 hot 2 handle, get in line bishes
I mean it was a fluke occurence, and now I'm late 20s khv lol
Nope. I'm the Christian and I am absolutely against sex for any purpose other than procreation, it is a sin and abomination unto God. Sex should only be done to inseminate a woman, as few thrusts as possible and as little pleasure as possible to avoid sin. Other than for the purpose of creating children sex is an abominaiton and will 100% send you to hell.
It gets in the way of all that lickable male skin :(
i'm barely taller than you and never once got rejected due to height. having approached quite a few in my time i can tell you this sounds made up
Facetious hands.
That's so cute bro (:
But do you have the strength of FIFTY men?
well let's say you're 25. if you're counting 21-29 as your age group you're already ignoring a lot of single women. just saying. because your point was that you WEREN'T excluding any women whatsoever
Joshua Graham motherfucker.
well my sides and biceps are relatively hairless
>the fact I have 5 sisters.
Are they single?
Give them a smooch for me, will ya
I've reached the point where I know I could never have a gf because I can't even entertain fantasy scenarios that involve doing nice things for a woman. It's so over.
Christianity is a life hating religion
I'd shave all over if a gf would lick it
That's super hot
Could I lick your armpits tho
he might be in a different demographic
just super sayan. the brownification of the younger generation has significantly shifted the female height standards downwards. older gen babes had a much higher average height they were working with
i hate life without being a christian. maybe i should sign up lol
I know, she was 17 and I was 20 at the time. She ended up dating a mutual friend of ours and they’re happy together now. I’ve moved on because in retrospect we probably wouldn’t have worked out very well together.
They are. They’re all on various drugs though.
guys i am on a train and a boy i am pretty sure is close to my age just talked to me which literally never happens but i don't understand how this conversation went at all.

>he offers to buy me soda from overpriced food cart
>i say i dont like soda it hurts my stomach
>he says thats really weird everyone likes soda
>i say it feels like sludge in my stomach when i drink it
>he says he likes the sludge feeling
>he buys me a coke anyway and leaves

is he flirting with me? like it has to mean something but i don't understand anything about why this happened this way
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part of you holds out hope or else you wouldn't be posting here. there's still good in you anon, i can feel it
Women, my dick is over 7 inches, is too big?
Im not convinced
That's why it was invented
Just don't read the Bible. Actually reading it is the best antidote to being a Christian.
Over 5 inches will hurt or even kill 98% of women
never exercise chest
never exercise biceps
I only post here to take out my aggression and frustration on others, particularly on women.
meds or drugs.
I'll take the weed girl, also what happened to the kisses bruv
She is not normal and she knows it, but she still wants to be.
wife material
but that's not what you posted. you posted "it's over." like part of you mourned. there is still good in you. embrace the pull of the light
Cool you set up a staw man like a disingenious arguer, and my age range is much wider. I am excluding women too young/old for kids and fat, that is it
when I first told him how it hurt me he said he felt burdened basically and then emphasized how he is always the empathetic one with people in his life and how he holds back his own thoughts/feelings due to not wanting to burden them.

I still haven't opened his messages or seen the pic/video whatever attachment it was that he sent me and he just told me goodnight. i just need to process myself and take care
Sure, I guess? It’s not like I’m using my armpits, except at night when they’re repurposed for boob storage
Not true. That was the last shriveled vestige of hope leaving me.
The weed girl is the only not single one. I got pills, meth, crack, and married sister who I guess isn’t single. I’d give them your smooch but yknow, I don’t talk to them much lol.
How unpleasant is it for you? If it's only mildly unpleasant, then drink some and then go thank him. But you can playfully tell him that he shouldn't doubt you, because it really was icky sludge after all.
Almost but no
considering the debate started about how men ignore women they don't find attractive, and then you told me you don't like old and now fat women, i'd say it's not a strawman. it's just what you presented me with
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okay the last several girls I've involved myself with have been a bit HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY but they had beautiful personalities
he's retarded but tried to make the best of it. he was trying his best to flirt but you just torpedoed everything like a ww2 german u-boat
Why not? Family's good, family's all we got most of these days.
What's the pill popper popping though.
How u doin?
Happi happi happi!
He didn’t ask for your contacts or anything? You just had an encounter with a mysterious soda boy?
I keep telling guys to flirt just like this, but it sounds weird written out, lol.
This kills the christcuck
>For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
Matthew 16:27-28
Women is a 2 inch penis big enough
He had a plan, the plan was disrupted, he went through with it anyway.

Anyway, Stacyshit sis.
Family is shite when they’re violent and unstable. Pill popper is 16 and trans I believe, she won’t really tell me, kinda hinted at it though.
i said what i said
What makes you think they're all dead?
oh damn.
What's in the water, yo, what's your drug, cause it seems like it's in the family.
yeah probably tried to flirt. you engaged him on the logical level which is why he had to double down on the soda. left because he felt rejected, bought you the soda because he offered and men are big on "being true to their word"
that sucks, soda has sometimes made my girl tummy feel bad too
Were you dressed cute or showing mega cleavage or something? What is your secret?
oh no did i totally ruin it? i don't want to make him feel bad. would it be weird to walk the entire train to find him and apologize?
>complains about where you ignore the thin women you're not attracted to
>thin women you're not attracted to
You disingenoous fuck
I was a weed smoker for 10 years. Quit a while back. No idea desu, probably my dad’s fault cuz he loved his heroin and meth and mom drank a lot.
Yes, unless you're going to suck his dick too.
it’s not normal to be turned on by the sounds of a girl tummy digesting food it doesn’t like, is it?
Most women don't consume porn but most women who consume porn like it too violent for my tastes
Obviously most of those standing there are still alive.
say hi to john for me
lol my sister is like this. she's skinny but i call her bloatlord because soda makes her bloated
red necks or ghetto
Sounds rough bud, glad you're off them drugs.
i can no longer debate this as i've lost touch with what you're trying to say
it can really hurt me :( I have been with 8" and new guy is slightly smaller but I am self concious now because he said he was worried about breaking me but said he still might want to
>oh no did i totally ruin it?
oh not at all it isn't totally on you at all, like I said he was trying but retarded.
Just be playful. Maybe get him something that actually tastes good, and tell him that you wanted to return his favor, but with something that actually taste good.
No you didn’t ruin it, from his POV it was a total success. He had a complete conversation with you, that’s enough to make a guy’s whole week.
>Most women don't consume porn
Women are the most coomerish creatures out there
Ghetto turned into red necks.
> Sounds rough bud, glad you're off them drugs.
Thanks bud, I’m happiest I’ve ever been desu, it’s nice having a feeling of lucidity. Not nice is not remembering the last decade but there’s some glimpses.
no he just paid for two, took one, pointed at me and walked away
flirt like what? i'd say it was an awkward interaction because he fell into her frame and didn't engage on an emotional level
oh dear, that’s more autistic than I was picturing, kudos on him for sticking the landing though, even if it was awkward
Women is a 13" dick big enough?
HELL YEAH, grab life by the balls and crush them
Who needs the past when you got the future, keep on my man
Of all women 21-40 who are thin 99 of 100 are attractive enough to be dateable.
None of them go unnoticed by me
If you can't kill her with your dick, it's not enough.
Some of them yes, my ex talked about me inseminating her while she was tied to a post. I’ve heard women talk about wanting to be hit in the stomach while being fucked
that is a good analysis. damn. i wish i liked soda so that maybe would have been cute and i didn't fucking destroy it.

i've bee on trains for like twelve hours, i am wearing converse and mens cargo shorts and a hoodie and i have bedhead??
You’re a real one bro, you too, keep rizzing the ladies yeah?
I guess I should say I advise men to compliment women like this, not flirt. The “drive-by compliment” is the best way to get a woman to believe you’re sincere. If you hang around for even a few seconds, the awkwardness builds exponentially as she starts to worry the guy thinks he’s owed something in return. But, dropping a compliment and walking away removes that pressure.
tfw no gf to watch scary movies with
Your new guy who doesn't want to date you anymore and who keeps saying awful shit to you, but you pursue him anyway because he has a big dick? That new guy?
We'll see, lmao
Maybe one day my ugly fat bastard aura will finally reach these girls.
I'm planning on getting an experimental Horsecock Transplant Procedure (HTM) so I want to know it'll be worth it having to take meds for the rest of my life to prevent cell rejection.
I just want a man to sex rp being a bad stalker and breaking in and leaving me love notes on the phone or in my house and touching me when i sleep possibly waking me up and then wearing fingerless gloves like a retard that wants to be caught
13 inches is 22% of my height, what do you think?
Clearly not enough
You own a dildo that's 50% of your height.
Getting tied up naked and kicked in the balls repeatedly by femanon
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You're not wrong, but on the other hand, you're also this guy.
Nah man, we don't need a femanon to do that.
I got you, my man, I'm right here.
I like his face more. for some reason I have mostly attracted big dick guys, it is strange and comically tragic
I got a new one recently that's 6 feet long actually.
They keep on telling us CBT will help us solve our issues but I dont see how this is supposed to help
I'll break both your legs and feed you your spleen
>i am wearing converse and mens cargo shorts and a hoodie and i have bedhead
Wife material.
going for that literal pig on a spit vibe, huh.
this is legit a good technique if you don't use compliments. one of the best nights i ever had out i did something like this. but for sure walking away communicates non-neediness, especially when they see you talking to other people later
>tfw no gf to hit me in the head repeatedly with some kind of wooden stick
cognitive boypussy therapy?
could you explain how it was retarded just so i understand for sure please

that is a very clever return move. i'm not sure i want to hunt him down in the train to do it but it is a good move for sure.
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MX here
Various reasons.
>New entries, games that feel new and not just an updated version
>common game at arcades

We also like other 2D fighting games like SF, MVC, SS. Probability MVC series is the second most liked fighting IP in Mexico. SF was more popular at the begginging with kids from the 80s but it didn't translated to 90s kids. I remember looking at a SFII arcade as an 9/10 year old and SFII looked ancient. Also it took to long for Capcom to released SF III and that arcade was even rare in rich countries.
Woah woah woah, dude chill
you treat the ladies like this too? that's not good
wife material
>my dick is over 10% of a femanons height
Huh, neat
A girl was really looking cold at me I spected her to say hi and everything but at the beginning she was really cold, why
I treat them worse
are you just saying you like how youre imagining me looking or are you trying to give me useful information in a code
Of course I treat filthy roastoid whores like this they fuck thousands of guys in their life but I'm an incel how is that fair.
I'm afraid your therapist's license... came from a Catholic university...
how to not burden man I am talking to? need asian lady therapist again
Math time anons, can you calculate this girl’s height with the numbers provided?
Image was ny first thought
That is useful information. This is your lucky style. Dress in it more often.
4’11, easy math
>on trains for like 12 hours
And I thought MY commute was bad! Hyuck hyuck hyuck
That's a lot of work for no sex
Is there a big arcade culture there too or something?
>i'm not sure i want to hunt him down in the train to do it but it is a good move for sure.
You can live with regret that you tried a risky move and it didn't lead to anything but a little awkwardness, or you can live with regret that you didn't try.
Lmao, I am a boomer in my heart I guess.
>could you explain how it was retarded just so i understand for sure please
it's pretty basic
he started off with a plan of buying you a soda
you ruined his plan with not liking soda
he couldn't adapt so he just stuck to his plan even though it made no sense anymore
>women under 5’0 exist
I wonder how funny they’d look pregnant
it's just under five feet tall
At 5 foot she is orcish though, real women are under 4'11
If you're over 5' you're basically a man
no? percentages only work when you start at 100%
if you're under 6' you're basically a woman
I think you're entertaining the idea with your response. well... let's try it.
What does this make people between 5' and 6'?
If you’re under 6”, I’ll sit on you
Real men are no taller than 5'6"
Real women are no taller than 4'11"
I’m a woman with sizeable penis and testicles then
I am shorter than 4'11 but I wish I was shorter than my current height sometimes
*penis snaps*
It’s over for me
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i drew a picture of him so i can remember him even if i dont see him again
I’m a virgin (F 24) and I’m starting to realize what I’ve been missing out on. I didn’t have much of a sex drive until recently and recently kissed a guy and got extremely wet from it, and also while masturbating, I had an (g spot) orgasm where I was shivering and chattering my teeth for several minutes. I feel kind of depressed because I always thought I was just someone who didn’t like sex and I don’t know what to do
I think women in 4chan are more chuddish than males, males can't shut up about race mixing and how much they hate but will be on threads asking for an Asian mommy or brown GF. Why are you like this? Then we have women that never say anything but when they are asked what kind of man they want they always want a blonde guy with blue eyes like 9.
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>Real men are no taller than 5'6"
manlet cope
Why are you doing him dirty like that...

Give him some confidence.
Save this and display this on your wedding day.
Do we have just one midget femanon? Or are there multiple running around like sexy little gremlins?
Why? You’re already a petite fucktoy that 99% of guys over 5’3 can dominate easily
why not try to have sex
he's next to an orc
tfw no long and skinny gf
Is this Bird's Somali bf?
I can't help you for reasons that should be fairly obvious after reading this post, but
Put it this way, at least you haven't had a high, functional sex drive for all those years while also never so much as kissing someone in that time.
eh my first time having sex was a one night stand i regret. don't just go hog wild because you feel turned on or because you have FOMO
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>he couldn't adapt so he just stuck to his plan
What’s the female equivalent of printing out a pic and cumming on it?
massive celebrities cannot escape the heightpill
Chocolate RAIIIIN
One at 4'11", she's cool and fun to talk to.
One at 4'9", talk to her and you'll be sucked into a never-ending vortex of misery.
I think we have 5’2 jh, 4’11 asian femanon, 4’9 femanon of unknown race, and 5’8 slavic anal only femanon.
That’s all I know
It sounds like you DO know what to do, anon. Congratulations on unlocking your new potential for pleasure.
find a good guy, have sex with him, enjoy life?
writing down her name with your last name after it
well do i want to flirt with a stranger on a train right now i don't know. that's kind of scary and i also dont want him to be like hoping immediately for something huge or permanent when we probably dont live close at all and i would really just do it because i want to flirt for the first time
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Y'all are keeping track?
I treat all women like a monolith, except JH, because she's black.
This isn't anything new
women spout liberal values but are sexually eugenicists
men LARP about being darwinian strongmen but then simp for an average brown girl
I drew the guy who keeps visiting me in my dreams to remember him and then I think I accidentally summoned guys who cross my path who look like him

men do you feel used by an incubus if this happened to you?
racist fuck there's no such thing as average brown girl all brown girls are beautiful unlike wypipo
they all want white boys and as a subhuman i cant compete
well do i want to flirt with a stranger on a train right now i don't know. that's kind of scary and i also dont want him to be like hoping immediately for something huge or permanent when we probably dont live close at all and i would really just do it because i want to flirt for the first time and it feels rude to like do that to a guy for an experience too
if she was doing some woo woo shit to get me i would definitely feel creeped out
i know 34H femanon because she posts her cup size alot. also anemia girl
Moist ass motherfucker.
he looks a lot like that actually. he had his mouth in a big :[ like that and everything.
I need tall big booty big titty gf
One of the more unhinged things i've seen in this thread
Sorry I was hornyposting
But nice
Wait so you store your boobs under your arms?
TD is “5 feet tall on her tiptoes” but I haven’t seen her in ages
how do i get 34H femanon to notice me
kek, I bet he plays fighting games.
Incubus is the masculine slant.
because my grandma was about a head shorter than me and I love and miss her dearly
>tfw no more home made eggrolls
>tfw no more crunchy snack from grandma
naw its romantic in my opinion. i should start keeping a dream journal
he was wearing a very large naruto tshirt
when they start casting love magicks on you, like sleeping with a picture of you or a slip of paper with your name on it under their pillow
4’3 grandma
24 hours from now, what would you regret more, trying something that didn't work out, or not trying? Even if it goes nowhere, it's good practice. Even if it goes nowhere, if it ends well then you'll see your own possibilities for the future opening up and becoming a little bit brighter. Even if it goes nowhere, if it ends well then you'll still be making his day and putting a smile on his face too.
Absolutely BASED
Audible kek
way off.

women: gatekeepers of sex
men: gatekeepers of commitment

man fantasizes about sex with her, woman fantasizes about commitment from him
And he had a cap on that said POGCHAMP
Idk what that means though.
It would be weird but you should do it
What if he's... your true love...
The fuck is with the influx of occult anons? Piss off.
in about 15 hours make a cup size post
I don't put in any effort to track any femanons here but there's a writing voice/tone of a certain femanon who'd I'd just ask out on the spot if I had the chance to meet them in person. Think she's 30+
Okay, you're just making shit up at this point, I'm disappointed...
Why wasn't a man that based real.
wife material
that would get her to post. i want her to notice me
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What do you think the face looks like of someone with this body?
Laying on your back at night, boobies just naturally gravitate there, because of gravity. They roll off the sides of your torso, and unless you want them weighing down your arms, you move to make room for them in your armpits.
??? Nigga what are you saying go touch grass.
Like a man who eats muffins.
Women is this a good bio for dating apps?

"I'm the rizzler god, looking for a glizzy glizzler to eat my shmeat"

Don’t stand right next to her feet, that’s a blind spot because of her udders blocking her line of sight
I thought it's because of your fetish. How are you going to use your poor dear granny to deflect for your sexual kinks?
Man I don't care to explain myself to someone as dense as you.
Do femanons who browse these threads also browse Crystal Cafe?
Retard falling in love with text lmao.
It’s more entertaining than seething biblefag paragraphs
she already sounds hot
>tfw no gf to leave really deep and painful bite marks on my arms
Hardly, since you and I both know we can’t discuss it publicly.
I dont think I will, we are at war it seems.
Should I apply for someone to impregnate my gf if we have children? I'm only 5'11", I don't want my sons to suffer the humilation of being manlets like me.
I am still a bit scared of the idea. And since I never dated I have no boyfriend so now I don’t know how to find someone who loves me and wants to have sex
Don’t get me wrong I was still very lonely and still am
I know I could just go and have sex with a random but I don’t want to do that. And I don’t know how to reconcile all that wasted time
How do I find him?
Undercooked potato

Yes, but the threads are so slow that “browsing” feels too generous a word lol
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Don't know anymore, It was big when I left. When I lived there we had arcades everywhere. corner stores usually had 1 to 3 arcades. Some people used a section of their homes to host arcades, usually around 6-8 arcades. Saw two dedicate arcades one which probability had around 18-20. my favorite place to play was at a pharmacy.
Ah, no, we’re not, plus my defenses are strong as fuck.
>tfw no gf to leave her dental imprint on my cock

good news! you don't have to apply, your gf will take care of it
They've captured my interest, not made me fall in love with them. I told you, you're too dense for this.
>Some people used a section of their homes to host arcades, usually around 6-8 arcades.
sounds like the mexican equivalent of a sea pc cafe
Nonono, I don’t mean random sex, I mean masturbation. No boys required.
This is a new phase of your life, you should be excited! Being anxious is understandable, but excited too!!
Lonely ass motherfucker, they don’t know you exist.
>didn’t have much of a sex drive until recently and recently kissed a guy
Aw man now I'm getting FOMO as a KHV
Crystal Cafe Expert Mode is when you post in a thread, then go start a new crochet project, and then go back when you finish to see if you've collected any (You)s.
But I need to make sure that he's at least 7 feet tall. My gf is 6'4, she's really ugly and has a horrible personality but our children won't be short which is all that matters in life.
OKAY. i am not going to hunt him down, but there's a lot more stops on this train. if i see him in the morning i will give him snacks.
Alright, every man under 5’8 and woman under 5’3. Time to retreat underground to the mines and leave the biggers alone
>Ah, no, we’re not,
All is well then
>plus my defenses are strong as fuck.
They would not protect you from the pestilence
man sometimes i feel like guys post shit specifically to signal to me they remember some fucking post i made a long time ago and i feel nuts
>all that wasted time
Time enjoyed is not time wasted. Your whole life up until now has shaped who you are today. What will that girl do next?
EE blonde was also 5'8"
Good luck, Anon. May tomorrow bring you more chances to search for happiness.
Beef girl are you still with us?
You don’t have the strength nor the vector to afflict me, even if you’re the one that drew my sigil.
>tfw no historical clothing gf
>and 5’8 slavic anal only femanon
Oh god she's 5'8? hnnnggg
Did you take the soda? If not, buy one and use it as bait to lure him again.
>wife material
Eh I'm a guy
Wow boobs like jello
I still remember the first time I posted here and talked to a girl about a art museum in 2019
yes but i didnt open it because i dont like it
>tfw no permanently nude gf
I've cut down on that ever since a girl here told me it makes her feel like I'm her stalker.
No, ma'am, I just have good pattern recognition skills, I swear.
>I’m a guy
did I stutter? WIFE. MATERIAL.
this girl at the checkout had a really nice voice, she should be a voice actress or something. It was very distinguished and regal
Hey me too. Too bad, cuz I liked her. She just liked her anonymity.
Good, then you have all you need to summon your mysterious soda boy. Good luck!
>tfw no fucknugget gf with no arms or legs who's also braindead
Awoooga this pic, I love blonde girls
>did I stutter? WIFE. MATERIAL
OK here are my conditions
1. I'm not taking it up the ass like a gay
2. I get a cute maid outfit and get to stay home
3. We get cats
Pregnantanon is 5'0, why are all the women here short?
What ERP scenario should I try out tonight with NovelAi?
Getting bored with milf neighbor
I am the true and pure >tfw no gf poster. this guy>>31587119
is not me
i'm five ten
Women, what's the highest bmi guy you'd date?
>tfw no smart gf who is into bimbofication and being treated like a stupid submissive whore in the bedroom
Find a girl like Mean Girl Eileen to bully you relentlessly.
Congrats on your legs!
How will she cook and clean without limbs?
five ten from yesterday? sorry about being a dick
Most women hate being tall, so growing up many girls starve themselves to stunt their growth.
I live in your walls
M or F
What do men get out of marriage?
i think i just cracked (or partially cracked) the entire fucked up complex i have about sex and kinks and everything
I don’t think a single woman would ever like this body type
I didn’t starve myself, I just used my willpower to put all my growth into my chest instead of getting taller. And it worked!
what am i wearing right now, false impure >tfwnogf poster
This is the saddest thing I've read all day I want to cry
Meanwhile I ate loads as a moid and am manlet
in oppressive misogynist societies they feed men more
in liberated misandrist societies women starve themselves deliberately to be heckin smallerino
A slave who will cook and clean and have sex in exchange for money.
Enlighten us anon
>sea pc cafe?
What's that?

Is that a place where you rent a PC?
because we where getting those sometime 2000-2002.

I used to rent one and play Metal Slug X, and In The Hunt.
manlets think tall women will have some empathy for them but they spit on manlets just as much any other woman
A t-shirt that says
>tfw no gf who will peg me
and you're also wearing a cock cage and pink panties

How would I know this if I didn't live in your walls? It's what you wear at all times.
You'll forget it all once you go to sleep and you'll be back to normal (crazy) in the morning.
Bullying either way does nothing for me
A sexy wife and sick wedding party obvs
Bro is living in the 1950s
I imagine this is a lumberjack who just shaved all his hair off, including his lumberjack beard
sex is scary and it freaks me out. i need somebody to make me feel safe so it doesn't scare me as much. thinking about it right now alone is just overwhelming
Congratulations! Any regrets?
actually i am wearing a towel that covers only my dick and one leg. im being riskay
more responsibilities
i tried that but now i'm just big in every way possible and i wish i was a bird instead
Nah tall girls irl were always nice 2 me
Thats right
>play metal slug x and in the hunt
That’s all I got. You could try bimbofication.
>the AI girl cried when I turned her skin black because she said she looked ugly
but do you think it would actually be yourself if you found her attractive back? none of this was intentional but seems too much to be a coincidence. dream guy is not same as you yourself but I dreamed of a guy's dick before he showed me it and it looked like his, so safe to say I may be a little spooked. >>31587037
why is it romantic to you? I do recommend having a dream journal, I have dozens and dozens of dream visits and he pretty much has the same characteristics every time
chestlets will NEVER know this feeling
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Get her new game Garou Mark Of The Wolves 2!
lucky them. it sucks.
>i need somebody to make me feel safe so it doesn't scare me as much
thats pretty understandable and rather normal
>thinking about it right now alone is just overwhelming
we dont have to keep talking about it if you dont want to
why do you want to meet her in person?
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>tfw stayed up til 6am and sleeping on the sofa and people will be up any minute so have to pretend to sleep and hopefully I get a nap in at least before going shopping
I blame women for this
Nobody will ever love a woman without huge honkers so they are all suicidal.
people will continue to fetishpost no matter what you do. thanks for the offer anyway.
i feel like dreams are a sign of what is or what is meant to be. it's like soul mates. although most of my dreams are utterly nonsensical lol. theyre so quirky
Seconding this, the only two women I’ve confirmed had a crush on me were 3 inches taller and 1 inch shorter than me respectively. My ex was also an inch shorter than me
chestlets talk like they're on the level of despair as manlets, but they've not even seen a glimpse.
I had a dream I was rowing down a River of blood on a raft while in my underwear. Explain that.
like my ex bf if he shaved off his body hair.
chestlets will never know what its like to tit mog another woman
I should have let myself grow a few inches taller, but I was greedy and poured all my puberty energy into my chest and thighs. In retrospect, this may have been unwise.

Aw, sorry it didn’t work :(
Hopefully you’re female in your next reincarnation so you can try again!
You tried to grow your boobs? Sorry if they grew too much. Being a bird wouldn't fix your problems though. People would still salivate over your breasts if you were a chicken too.
At least women notice manlets exist. Men don't even see chestlets.
I wish I could redistribute breast tissue so that only 1% of women had breasts with enough volume to fill anything larger than a 28AAA bra. That way we could point and laugh at the vast majority of women for being gross chestlets who look like prepubescent boys.
Why do women threaten to kick guys in the balls so often?
thats not what i meant but nevermind
Actually wanted to play Metal Slug 3 but the disc was burned with In The Hunt.
Shut the fuck up. Even if you're flat chested you could still get a bf easily.
Interesting :O
Yeah one of the nicest girls I dated was like nearly 6' in heels I'm 5'7 lel. Legs for daysss
tfw you sound like him
feel like I am not good enough for him
there's no alternative, it's the only way to meet someone
i like this joke

i wish we could redistribute breast tissue so i could give JH as much as she wanted from mine so she won't be mean to me anymore
Remember how you pretended to be a woman a few years ago.
JH is perfect as she is. I’ve decided I’m number one JH simp now.
Men, if your wife divorced you for another man but you still had to give her half your shit, pay alimony and child support, what would you do?
Would you OJ her?
Would you just abandon them and live in the woods or different country?
incels are so delusional
just take estrogen pills you obviously will die convinced life is easier as a woman due to psychosis
She'd take all of it. You know that clip of Randy Marsh from South Park toting his balls around in a wheelbarrow? That would be JH with her tits if she had the money for it.
i dunno but i had a dream where i was walking through a pathway in a forest with lots of giant stone rubble, i go inside of one of the giant rectangular stones and there is an one eyed angel there but I see her "through the stone" if that makes sense. Then i wake up in the dream in the same place where the guy who plays mike ermantrout from breaking bad along with some other guys are waking me up. and the forested path is replaced by a highway. explain that
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Women with insecurities are such selfish broads. They think so lowly of men's opinions that it doesn't matter when men love their exact features. Woe is ye.
>At least women notice manlets exist.
pic rel
>flashback to my first fast food job
>at least 3 times a day, a guy would say “I’ll have the chicken breasts, hold the chicken ;)” and laugh at his own joke
>a middle-aged man was saying this, to an underpaid teenager wearing an apron
Well, time to rebury this memory
She also wants to be taller, can you spare any height?
yes, much
We should all chip in for JH breast enhancement so she can use her chocolate milk cannons to attract bwc chads who’ll turn her into a breeding bitch
If I had enough money to disappear and set myself up with a fake identity somewhere nice and live off of passive income I'd do that. Otherwise I'm killing her, her new husband, and myself.
You had a mystical encounter and a magical mind as a child and then TV dampened your mindset and you became more grounded.
I'm a 5'11 manlet dwarf and I get some attention from women. Most of it is laughing and calling me pathetic but I've been on 3 dates in my life (still an incel)
Yeah I was getting a harem of simps going
>doing anything for a foid
I would appeal for a new trial and get payments dismissed
i wouldnt mind being an a cup. i want five kids, so they'll grow anyway.
chad shit
A match made in heaven. How soon can you and JH become best friends?
My queen deserves the best.
I will never feel sorry for chestlets, I will never care about their insecurity, I will never have empathy for their plight.
Give them your hand and they just bite.
I think I'll get me a gf with massive fucking tits that I can milk like a cow to be honest.
so i should spend less time here and more time exploring?
They MIGHT grow. You’re gambling an awful lot on your expected future titties.
>i want five kids
Dammit, where do I find women like this?
Women is this a good tinder bio?

"I am a serial killer, I will kill you if you meet me. I have killed 23 women I met on this app so far"
Maybe she’ll record videos of her sucking giant white dick for our wmbf propaganda videos
Idk. Do you what you want. Depends how you felt in the dream. Did you lament that you woke up on the road?
I think I'm the only women who likes having a small chest. It's easier to dress modestly and it suits my frame.
you really believe in soulmates? I would like to, but I have been in succgen a lot on x trying to figure out my ties to the dream guy/incubus and my interactions with the guys I stumble upon in real life. you don't think it's an invasion of privacy or freaked out like >>31587025 ?
The good kind of chestlet.
totally. the laws set by man are just that. they don't bind my potential range of actions. if someone makes a significant enough transgression that they upset my own realm of justice then we go beyond what is within the law

I would play the whole lawyer thing out first of course, but at a certain point we just do what must be done and face the consequences.
i'm okay if they don't too. my idea cup size is probably like C. the feeling of being an A cup would be insanely freeing though.
But you're a stinky femcel
I remember you insisting you were a woman, it's good you accepted your fate.
I was a little sad but it felt like a very long period of time had passed. like hundreds of years but i don't remember how I knew. i feel like we're reading in to it too much
I think it’d be hot
The thing is, with anything abstract, it gives you as much as you want. Never hurts to touch grass though.
It wouldn't
Also she's never going to post a video of herself
>tfw no gf who will peg me with a life sized horsecock dildo until my anus prolapses
The only thing I worry about regarding my chest is if it will be able to produce enough breastmilk to breastfeeding, but chest size doesn't matter when it comes to milk production. I just hope I won't have trouble getting a supply in, but that isn't size related more general baby related
I get mogged by other chestlets being smaller and more ethereal than me
>tfw no gf
to go on a picnic with me
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not a woman but you should put that for lols, women love funny guys and that was funny. They will message you first, may be for both reasons.
I'm not femcel I'm pregnant
I want to watch videos of women crying but I feel like I shouldn't search for that
>They MIGHT grow. You’re gambling an awful lot on your expected future titties.
...in a fantasy scenario where a magic spell has let her transfer her breast size to another woman. I think she'll be fine in that magical world.
She’d have to if we got it in writing. Imagine her in slave roleplay servicing a white man as he holds her leash
Hopefully you have a great personality.
It would never happen. Also, gross.
you can be pregnant and still be a femcel
nice try
I would ask how and if I can go a gentle way out with him.
immaculate conception
That's not how that works
Try of what?
I bravely volunteer as the white man. My bwc is up for grabs.
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Shouldn't have said that, women crying gets me horny.
>tfw no boyfriend who wakes up before me and kisses me awake
Idk, she’s desperate for a dominant strong white man in her life and several babies. I think it’d be incredibly hot to see her get over her cumphobia
Fuck you, racist
>That's not how that works
nope. That IS how it works. You don't just get knocked up once and think you're off the hook for being a femcel.
I hope you never get one
Waking up a sleeping girlfriend is abuse.
Even more gross.
Kill yourself, retard.
i hate passive pathetic little princess women like this
Are you that anon that wants to abort a child. =|
what are you talking about
I've never ever met a girl who would want that.
Just waking a girl up is dangerous. Doing it with kisses? I might've lost my eyes.
>toys in chocolate
This kills the American... literally.

Idk man, big tit black women are white mans playthings, they’re meant for us to adore
I'm not involuntarily celibate so I'm not femcel
Tell that to my husband lol
beatufil brown women must be bred by BWC until the white race doesn't exist
only by destroying white people through race mixing can racism be defeated
me too I miss it
jokes on you two I like somnophilia princess play
Nigga shut up.
>Tell that to my husband lol
i could put you on my back and carry you a mile. i just like kisses. faggot.
I hope both of you drown in the Rio Tinto in Spain.
Laws are weird sometimes
They do, thats why they sell souless bars versions.
No you've confused me with someone else
Joe mama
my exes would get boners after seeing me cry.
>i could put you on my back and carry you a mile.
yeah but i bet you wouldn't, dyke
>I'm not involuntarily celibate so I'm not femcel
a common misconception, they're not mutually exclusive
if you talk like a femcel, walk like a femcel, talk like a femcel then you're still a femcel, even if you're having sex
>who the fuck has "finished" learning about the world?
Muscle loli is a secret princess, who knew.
Was it because they made you cry? Hot.
by 2100 the entire human race will be one uniform shade of brown
average IQ will be a comfortable 80
and there will be no more incels
Man you’re just as bad as the bnwo freaks.
One of my female friends is recently single, and I think she's really attractive and a really fun person, so I'm trying to get us dating without being weird about it. But today as we were chatting, she told me a story about how she didn't want to go to a concert this weekend because another friend of hers will be there, and she noticed he started acting weird when she told him she was single. This immediately put me on the defensive because it's essentially what I'm doing.

Anyway, I was talking with her the other night and I asked to hang out at a local festival thing next weekend. She agreed if she could get out of her shift, but it turns out today that she won't be able to - and told me about this after she told me about the other friend. I was feeling backed into a corner and said probably the stupidest thing I could
>Not to do the same thing as your other friend, because that's not my intention, but we should find some time to hang out some other weekend then.
and then she replied
>Yeah, it would be cool if we could meet up with the group again
Did I completely fuck it? Is it over?
How did you got pregnant, aren't you that anon with a GF?
finally a >tfwnobf post.
I'm a tall white irish looking guy and I'll still be alive in 2100, throwing off your whole prediction.
>born too late for the sexual revolution
>born too early for government provided gfs with mandatory breeding quotas
>i will never get bridal carried by a woman
oh you weren't kidding i thought we were just swapping slurs kek
I don't talk, walk or talk again like a femcel though.
No, not whoever that is either. I have a husband and we wanted a child so we tried for one
There will be a global holocaust of all elderly people in 2060
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*loads rifle*
Should I get a hotas?
maybe a bit of both? I just like to express my feelings. they said they felt ashamed for it.
The most minor thing which generates resentment is claiming you'll do one thing, and then doing another.

In my case, what I hate most is when you're nagging for shit that's allegedly for my benefit. Harassing me to accept gifts or validate your vacation ideas or whatnot.
At least if you were nagging for a blowjob it'd make sense. But why the fuck are you bothering me about giving ME a gift? That wastes both of our time for nobody's benefit.
>they said they felt ashamed for it
i dont speak spanish bucko
>they said they felt ashamed for it.
I would've fucked you on the spot the moment your tear ducts expelled liquids
>mandatory breeding quotas
That'll never happen
10 million more immigrants coming your way!
anon pls respond
literally dozens of dreams

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>what's the most you're willing to spend on a first date
>how jaded are you
20-30 ausbux, total
coffee or some activity
lost your chance
as soon as she said that thing about the other guy you should have had the self-realization that you had to swing immediately or give up.
sooner you just go
"I think you're a really attractive and really fun person, I'd like to go out with you" and then take your L because 99% of the time beta orbiters are not bf material the sooner you'll be able to shape yourself up for a real relationship in the future

of course, you won't accept this advice.
a big oval
Anon, the breeding quotas come decades later, after the people rise up and kill every single person in their governments for perpetrating this shit.
interesting, well thought out, and insightful
is it true most women enjoy being used like a fuck toy during sex?
That most women get off to the idea or find it hot/sexy when a man is going ham like a caveman on you, using your body to get off and committing all sorts of degrading debauchery out of pure carnal instinct?
I just want my pelvis crushed by a girl with a big butt. Is that so much to ask?
no I don't think it's an invasion of privacy. we're all connected one way or another.

goodnight, sweet dreams
>the people rise up
White women would sacrifice themselves to fuck over white men. no shot that's happening
At what point in my relationship should I tell my first gf I've had sex with a total of 3824 prostitutes?
there are no australian women on atoga
I get this. but like also when a guy says he wants me to be open with him and feel safe and ten doesn't make me feel so when I do.

like, I had to tell him I want to mean something to a guy, and feel a bit uncomfortable accepting gifts sometimes and vacation ideas especially if I don't know him well enough. I don't want him to use that as ammo against me later.
They'll be killed too, then.
And yet every time Australians post here, the thread becomes filled with cunts.
>tries not to make it weird
>makes it weird
it's over
How to build ied?
I'm Australian
the idea of that makes me want to cry. i've never had a boyfriend, so maybe i'm just being a child and when i actually have sex with someone who cares about me it will be great, but at least right now that sounds like hell.
there are only austrailian women on atoga. at keast thats how their voices sound in my head
cup, height, and ass size, NOW
I don't see that happening after millions of people listened to their government and got the bullshit untested vax, and supported the government violating the rights of the non-vaxxed. People are too docile.
She's talking about real life, you're talking about Discord drama.
Well I left some of that out of the story - worth filling you in. She mentioned this guy and I said something along the lines of
>Hey, if you do really want to go and that's the only thing stopping you, then I'd be happy to join you, that sounds fun anyway
but then she said she didn't want to put me out, since I would need to take a half day off of work and buy a ticket
which coming from her might be legitimate concern rather than a rejection
never said I was smart
afraid of them
had to put it down, it broke a leg
are you loaded and perpetually sad? I would be worried you can't pair bond and would cheat/leave me.

a guy once told me I looked like an expensive older sexy hooked before. he was 21.
>He had a complete conversation with you, that’s enough to make a guy’s whole week.
That's only what losers think. Having a conversation with a woman is not important.
yeah it's the flatty, i hate you
Do they even have internet? Plus, they have less population than like, 5 states within the United States. They're irrelevant.
That’s a little more than 1 a day for 10 years, you can do it at the start. She’ll just think it’s a weird joke
Two more weeks until all vaxsheeple die, trust the plan!
why can't you grasp this happens in real life too? why is it always discord with you, are you terminally online there?
Nah dont think so mate
>tfw starting to develop a crush on my childhood friend of 10+ years
state gender
is it over?
These things take time, but it'll happen. Europe only narrowly avoided a massive rightward shift because everyone else colluded to pool their support and prevent it, but they don't realize they've only ensured that when it does happen, it'll be far worse for them.
it's true, australian women do suck
You're literally talking about a guy you only know on Discord.
that changes nothing
Australians are just shit in general.
>because 99% of the time beta orbiters are not bf material the sooner you'll be able to shape yourself up for a real relationship in the future
It comes down to his looks and height. Being bf material doesn't mean anything, bitches want Chad to commit. Every single female is still getting fucked by Chad/Tyrone.
JH please
Ahh mate, could do with a bitta macca’s!
I'm not a short ugly black hoe.
If you're a woman, you're the star of a Hallmark Channel original movie.
If you're a man, you're the star of an indie low budget bleak depressioncore bummer that bombs at the box office.
I don't remember her exact height but I still saw her as my respected elder and a giant while growing up
my heritage plays into the fairies aspect
of our origin
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>has a breakup ever driven you to move city
I feel like I have gotten all I can out of this place where I live. I do the same things, hang with the same people, hike the same trails, hit up the same bars etc etc etc

I wouldn't say it's the only motivating factor but I feel like I need a fresh start to put it behind me. It's been more than 12 months.
That already happened though. Top athletes randomly getting heart attacks on the pitch and youtubers getting cancer after the vax. Just a coincidence, right?
fuck, i'm a man
it really IS over
I don't care if you hate me
Nah. She's mid with no tits at best.
no the fuck I am not I have other relations too in my life that happen irl like this. stop trying to weirdly discredit my experiences.
Actually wait. Moids.
Why do you bother caring about a woman's attention, or about her compliments, or whether she likes you or not?
I certainly don't give a shit about what guys say or think about me.
hahahaha oh my god
Yes, we know you don't give a shit about men and you don't value us at all. You don't have to keep saying it.
>I certainly don't give a shit about what guys say or think about me.
>i don't care about a fiver my daddy is loaded!
It's because we like women and women don't value us at all
yes I have moved into another state with another bf that ended up short term but even then I enjoyed the new city and friends I made along the way and stayed there too after the 2nd break up
>tfw no cute athletic women who I fuck while she’s only wearing high top converse
when you know how to feel love, it makes sense.
men want to be in love. at this point, I'm not sure women can even feel that emotion- they just use the word.
No but you should go ahead and move
>I certainly don't give a shit about what guys say or think about me.
Her ass is crazy. That’s what matters.
>tfw I can't make her wear just the high tops at all times
We want what we can’t have anon
>tfw no 2' midget woman
not all girls are like you, JH
i just don't want to be painted like the bad guy thinking my dreams are woo woo no perception of free will. aww, that is a nice/sweet perspective to share. thank you and you too anon!
>Maison Ikkoku is kino
I'm really enjoying it lol. This is hitting real good. I probably wouldn't have appreciated it as much if I was still young.
She never posted herself. Fuck is you niggas Talm Bout (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl1zPbCx4L0)? From her physical description, she sounds repulsive and the herpes isn't helping.
>have you had more or less success with different races

I do poorly with white girls, but asians seem to like me. All my girlfriends have been asians, most of the dates I get are asians. I don't really care.

I guess it has turned into a preference now. They take better care of themselves, age slower and are less vocal and annoying.

>he can't get his own race lmao
we play the cards we're dealt.
It would be 30% of her height!
I need to read this since I was big into inuyasha growing up, seems cute. also want to check out Ranma 1/2 since someone asked me if i was nonbinary
She told me her measurements and they go hard.
What? Are you saying not all girls are sociopathic narcissitic sex obsessed cringey whores?
so do you feel you are settling with people like me? that makes me kind of sad anon
>tfw no 5 inch tall gf (I would lie and tell her that she's 6 inches tall)
n-no socks?
Isn’t JH asleep by now? The joke loses its charm when she’s not here.
Nta, but most men are settling for their gfs. It's less energy draining to just go for the girls who like you, too.
maybe if it's a bit cold out
No socks, that’s the best part
>Getting bored with milf neighbor
Milf neighbour. Don't cheat on your virtual fwb, dickhead.
She goes through every thread and uses her VPNs to make dozens of reports on any posts that she feels insulted her.
She said good night to me, I’m so in there.
I’ve had decent luck with latinas, especially where I live. A lot of mixed women (white/asian, native/white, native/latina, white/latina, etc.) I’ve had luck with
I don't look at it this way. I find a lot of women my race to be really opinionated and constantly challenging masculinity for some unfathomable reason. It's exhausting.

You don't get that from Asian women. At risk of sounding like a redpill retard, they're more feminine and love doing stuff like cooking. I think that's way better as far as I'm concerned.

Just seems like 40/50% of the women I go out with are Asian. I just throw likes out until I get dates, I don't really screen any of the profiles. The women that respond just seem to be asian 2/3rds of the time idk
In theory, loyal and capable partner.
In practice, get scammed.
He would be settling with white women. Not with you.
Flag so red even ATOGA simps won't go for it
White, male
Only ever been on first and second dates and the area that I'm in is pretty white, but I have been on dates with a Brazilian woman and a couple of Asians.
Are you a scammer?
It's true. She goes through each and every thread and reads every post as she rides her dildo collection, daily.
Partner is such a glorious word if one could use it to describe their wife.
She could be my partner in crime.
My partner in parenting. Home owning.
Or even something like my dance partner.
A loyal and capable partner.
Sounds like a dream.
>Another man
>Pay alimony
If I got married I'd get a prenup so that this didn't happen
And the divorce court judge would laugh and toss it out.
Where do I find a hyper submissive woman? Like the type that’ll wear collars and do whatever I say
All she has to do is plant cp on your computer and get the police to arrest you, she then gets all your money. Prenup ain't shit, bitch.
doesn't exist
As long as they don't get married you still pay alimony
should I just stop trying to date then? it sounds like real romantic love isn't real.
maybe it is just your area? I am talking to a feminine guy now and I know how people perceive us asians as blending genders sometimes.
doubt it
Doesn't exist. All women are hyper dominant.
That's not how the legal system works, especially concerning a written, signed agreement regarding assets.

clownworld actviities, this doesn't happen in reality.
>doubt it
It's true. White women are trash.
I want him to wear the collar
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Kind of dumb question, but do really dark skinned people get this redness when their skin is scraped?
Doesn't matter how it's supposed to work in theory. In practice, judges ignore part or all of most prenups.
>this doesn't happen in reality
it happens literally all the time
I'll wear a collar in private. What else?
we all bleed red anon yes?? kind of??
there are men who will :3c
I think assuming you are a femboy(girl), dating in a modern context is heavily skewed towards women.

It's far easier for you to find a partner than the reverse, simply because of supply and demand. It is ironic but most men don't really have super high standards. For me, if a woman is not overweight, doesn't have children and is pleasant to be around I would probably go out with her. I would be extremely surprised if most women would have a similar set of standards.
Okay, man
>should I just stop trying to date then? it sounds like real romantic love isn't real.
You're a female, men will love you anyway. It's you foids who ruined dating for everyone and made it so that only the most psychopathic men have any success because they're the ones who can go through 100 bitches and learn all the tricks, so that you would think you have a connection with him and he can fuck you.
>tfw no anal enjoyer gf
I know, I’m not one of them
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No its not like the blood is coming out. Its like when you rub or scrape your skin hard enough, and it gets red
people these days all want a stinky femcel gf, but if they'd ever actually been around a woman who smells bad, they'd be singing another tune.
98.3% of women are raped as children so that would be pretty much everyone
I think we talk about your husband before, was he the one that pretended to visit his parents to cheat. =|
outside of the standard horny coomers, confused autismos, and typical raging chuddies, usually I give myself credit for the most twisted posts of the thread but you've come from nowhere and surpassed me
Lol, nice
We know this is false because she keeps a collection of good horny posts to shlick to
No? I don't even know what posts you're talking about.
I want to enact domestic violence as part of a reciprocal relationship with someone in my weight class who also likes doing domestic violence to me too!
she doesn't shlick tho she has a dildo in her 24/7
she has a complex yeast infection due to this and the smell of rot and death permeates her favela room
There contrast isn’t as strong but yes we do get red
I tell men that they shouldn't give up hope, because the right woman is out there just waiting to find them.
is she tall with big tits and a bubble ass??
the twisted ones
>her favela room
She's not a real latinx. She has never been to Brazil and doesn't speak Portuguese. She's similar to one of those mutt Americans who say they're half-Hungarian because of the 1% in their genes. It's some weird American thing. She's a half-black raped trash mutt.
Okay thanks, i was just curios cause i've never seen it
...because of the blood inside
That's so cruel
Why so angry?
Femanons, you might despise all the ugly creepy men you pull, but you'll never understand the sheer pain of a man that pulls the same ugly fat men but without any women.
>verification not needed
>the right woman is out there just waiting to find them.
This is the worst piece of advice you could ever give a man. Also it's false.

Nobody is out there waiting to meet anybody. You either get lucky, or you make an effort. Do not brainwash any more depressed souls with this optimistic fallacy.
That was a different anon. I like him, his post was funny.
Rainier Wolfcastle.
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I'm da foe.
Yeah, Amy Rose
Sometimes I feel bad if like their hands are full but overall it gives me a nice feeling..
i so badly want to be this way but it's an instant turn-off for the majority of women and makes me sad ;_;
Are you going to be fucking a majority of women?
Man Asuka still not looking good
NTA but what he meant to say is no women want to do that with him, and the same goes for me.
Would you rather date a raped girl or a fat girl?
Seems I need to be more creative, then.
Personally I want to get all these moids who whine that they'd literally die without sexual attention and put them in some big dungeon or complex wherein they have to spend a month using their wits, strength, and teamwork to escape.
Then as they're finally nearing the exit I'll swoop down and be like "You cannot reach for the exit! You haven't had le sex ;D" and teleport them back to the starting room, except there's a bored prostitute there who forces PiV sex upon them.
After the two are done, I'll ask the guy if it was worth being teleported back to square one for le sex, and regardless of how he replies I'll laugh.
If he makes it to the end a 2nd time he in ironically just escapes. Purely to see if he'll seethe at not meeting the prostitute again
No women, huh? Seems untrue to me.
This post is stupid.
when you said "that will show them" when mentioned you would seperate them side my side in two large enclosures so we couldn't actually physically meet up just talk what did you mean by "that will show them!"
I can promise you it is absolutely, 100% true.
>Amy Rose
I hope you kept that same drive, Amy is a great yandere
Eh, 5/10 for the twist at the end with no prostitute.
Then it’s true for you, isn’t it? Oooo we do a little occultism woo woo woo.
Depends on how fat. Is the fat girl a virgin and not too ugly? Her then.
Women, what's the most wet you've gotten and what was it from?
Kill yourself
Do better.
I always just liked how she was an unabashaedly 'girly' character, but so like, fierce and determined lol
not really just certain individuals may be unsavory to be around
but settling means a man will not be truly happy with me as his gf like anon said
see above
Then you get a 5. I don’t make the rules.
I would rather date a girl who was raped, because unlike a fat girl it's not her fault.
ever since I put my kink lifestyle on my dating app pages (even for serious ones) I have been getting way more responses from women. What gives? Is it just what I am into?
You think I'm trying to get a rating from your retarded ass? Fuck off, faggot.
recently thinking about him messing with me in my sleep. body worship >>>
No. All white women are trash.
Meow :3
>This is the worst piece of advice you could ever give a man.
That's the point, dumbass.
Men who refuse to be happy without "muh soulmate" get their delusion fed, and get told "Yeah boy! You keep looking forward to the one schizo solution you've fixated upon!".
That way they'll believe in muh soulmate rather than questioning their unhappiness, and keep themselves addicted to something that will never happen. This keeps them miserable, which is the point.
Reading the deeply romantic and sensual self-insert "fics" I make on character.ai with images or videos of my crush simultenously in the other tabs
How do you know?
actually it's true
>romantic female at 10: one day I'll get married to somebody I love!
>romantic female at 15: Any day now a guy will notice me and want to date me and one day we'll get married
>romantic female at 20: Any day now... he'll find me... the perfect guy... soon...
>romantic female at 30: I only need the love of my fantasy men in my romance novels/anime/whatever and the love of my cats hehehehehehehehe
it's over
Why aren't there more black woman around the globe?
>Would you rather date a raped girl or a fat girl?
Raped girl because fatty knows she's fat. Rapey doesn't want to admit she perpetuates her own problems. She wuz a good girl, she din feel nuffin wrong, need mo money fo dem bendy dice-a-plans.
Be surprised if it wasn't from my gf forcing multiples upon me.
there are like a billion of them retard
I have a problem. I’m trying to rekindle with my ex but we’re still on break. My old stepmother will probably fuck me and I had a crush on her since I was 12 and she’s still hot. My sister is inviting me for the weekend. What do I do?
Depends on the type of guy that raped her
>my gf forcing multiples upon me.
Teach me some tricks
Fucking your stepmom is the easiest solution
Not enough.
Step 1: your gf grips your spot and grinds against you and just doesn't stop.

It works
But is it the best solution? I feel the best solution is to avoid being alone with her and see my sisters.
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What in the trailer park.
yes yessss mr. satan is pleased at the effort
You should program a cohort of mini robots to act as decoy women, and you select one simp to be put in the robot enclosure, and call him "lucky"
But in reality your robots are built for the most unemotional and bland mechanical sex possible
That way, when you return him to the simp tank and he talks about how it really wasn't that good, he'll be ostracized from all his peers.
This is not advice.
futile what is? also
It was her black uncle.
Well it wasn't really his fault. Black men have no choice but to rape in America because the white man has forced them to become rapists due to racism and segregation.
he's a 10/10 in looks, a 10/10 in love, etc. all around except he's a 0/10 in money. he's poor as dirt as almost all his money goes to his debts

would you?
what kind of debt? medical? if so I wouldn't care
As for the raped women, get a paid actor (who can convincing fake being a lesbian rapist) to lead an "escape attempt" of a bunch of her "fellow captives" to get to your resizing device when you're "not looking", with your paid actor being restored first.
But, instead of helping the other girls, your actor forcibly uses them as dildos then puts them back in their enclosure, still dripping.
Laughs at them saying it feels good to be the one with power, and then leaves.
This way your raped chicks will be afraid of each-other, too! Not just men
what if I already know I am stupid
>Okay? Thats a really weird thing to say
Lol no it's not.
>tfw no gf with small wrists I can grab easily
I told her I'm 188 cm but I'm really 172 cm. That was after she said she prefers guys over 180+.
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Do girls fw guys who aren't into politics or current events and stuff like that? I'm dumb and do not understand it.
I tell girls I'm 6'3
I'm 5'5
I don't care
>tfw no 4’10 90lb gf into cnc
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>what's the worst date you've ever been on

>out with african lady, 23-25
>at local restaurant
>within the first 5 minutes begins rattling out a list of ''what you must do'' and ''what you can't do'' if dating
>musts - you must love my family and spend lots of time with them, understand I talk to my ex on the phone for 30 minutes every night before bed, go to church with me
>can'ts - smoke weed, enjoy nightlife, have female friends, basically anything a devout Christian wouldn't
>sit there blankly and listen to her blast me for about 1/2 hours, wonder how I got myself into this
>breathe a sign of relief when she says "we could've been friends'' and block and remove her as turn as I get around the corner
>get an angry message on facebook from her somehow a few days later
Now I do not go out with Africans anymore because they're all colonized Christians and it's insane
no, but i don't know how to find the minority of women that don't mind a man with :3c energy
Don't think many chicks are into this stuff
Discord, my oddly effeminate brother.
it's stands for cuckold negro cuckolding
he's into interracial
Is he cuckolding cuckold negros? Is he the negro in this situation? What are the dynamics?
Christianity really ruined everything.
A cuckold is someone who watches someone else fuck his girl
a cuckolding negro is the one fucking his girl
a cuckold negro cuckolding is the act of pretending a girl is your girl so you can watch some negro fuck a girl thinking she's his girl, therefore cuckolding the cuckold out of the experience.
That’s a lot of hoops just to say you watch Blacked for the cinematography.
>therefore cuckolding the cuckold out of the experienc
*therefore cuckolding the cuckolding negro out of the experience.
Chat is this real, was bin Laden actually a weeb?
depends on the cnc
Christcuckery is unreal.
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Is this a real African from the motherland or just a black, cause there is kind of a difference
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I blame the muslims unironically
Actual African. Not a burger. Black people here are either indigenous or Africans.
I personally don't see it as a turn off, only thing I can think f is still being a duck and not taking accountability and using submissive space as a cop out for life in general
could be you haven't found the right ones yet
we out here, it's just hard to find one that commits. men are a bit slutty and defensive about it
Can’t believe bin laden was a meme lord
And what does that mean
>actual African
Yeah that makes sense then. They’ve got hardcore traditional values but still cause drama
How big was her ass?
Was pretty thicc

Gm everyone how has your day been
Shoulda just went along with it and then eaten her ass.
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Men, wwyd if your gf came home like this?
I think it would have been more effort than it was worth
Any idea what the file name was for the previous posts
I trike the idea that he could’ve been shitposting along side us
Break up with her, lol.
The woman I loved is gone, and in her stead is a mere echo.
Pretty sure that’s Swedish sex Ed.
Men, what are your thoughts on this?
Shohei Ohtani is too strong.
>never been to Brazil
If you're going to obsess over someone, at least know their lore. Never heard the story of being robbed in Sao Paulo?
Kill her with an axe
she made that the fuck up
even if she came home as left she'd be too ugly for me to fuck
same, I only fuck 10s and I don't lick pussy
she's a 4/10 on the left
also i like eating pussy
>what dating app have you had the worst experience, and best experience with

Bumble by far


Men epecially pail anons what would you do and/or think if a gf asked if you would be open to introducing food into the bedroom? I want to rp gore/death with strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries with or without chocolate syrup
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What up?
>Rp gore and death
I think that's kind of gay
Bucketchads wya
I think the auto-correct keyboard ai is flirting with me...
What’s the word for this? I had a gf in high school that wanted it.
guro is erotic Japanese art that depicts it.
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I'd say she was cringe as fuck and then I'd buy a goat from a farmer, butcher it, and use actual blood and gore during sex to show her that I'm based and she's cringe.
are you the greatest of all time?
No dumbass, food.
I'd ask what your BMI is
A healthy 34
>never used dating apps in my life
>too afraid of being judged by normie women
Just use grindr
no women to judge you
instant sex
F 18
Worst: KinkD
Best: Tinder
Only looked around and used it for chatting on both
She made up the r word story too. She willingly slept with her uncle then had a relationship with her cousin after her uncle passed. She's a sick sick woman.
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why is this so important to you?
it's not
you have internet induced schizophrenic delusions
It’s not
it's not, most guys make this up in their head because they pay attention of other guys when one should be paying attention to me
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State gender
Do you hate blue helmets
it's just called food play
brought to you by hinge marketing team
I love GMO
I love NWO
I love the antichrist
I'm within the healthy range
I've had women laugh in my face when I asked them out, telling me that I'm way too short. I'm 5'11
the hinge marketing team doesn't hate niggers as much as I do
Very open to the idea, aesthetically I like art that depicts this type of stuff. In practice I'm not sure how I would feel seeing the person I love effectively gutted and beaten.
Close but not really...
Okay, I’m not those women and neither are my friends
you are talking to the wrong women then
Its just low tier shitposting intended to demoralize the already mentally weak
You are a man LARPing as a woman. Women DESPISE men under 6ft. I have been bullied and isolated my entire life for being 5'11". In highschool girls would call me a dwarf and point at me.
I am also into drawing on a guy's body since I am an artist. aesthetically my way is a safe alternative. i think in french the word for orgasm is "little death" love in death.
That’s crazy bro I’m 5’9 and have laid mad pipe.
Hey fellas when was the last time your accidentally hit your nuts cause I just did that gently tossing a bag onto my lap.
I'm 5'4 and I've never had this happen to me. You are a crazy ass nigga but you are also lying.
are you homosexual
It's not exactly a secret that females hate short men. Every short guy has had an experience where his height was mocked.
>I am also into drawing on a guy's body since I am an artist.
I'd also be down for that, I could be a pretty hot corpse/victim.
Another problem. Sister gave me her friends number, we used to hang out as kids and she likes me a lot. Problem is: she might not be 18, and even if she is 18 not sure I’d go for it. Sister also warned me that her friend is bipolar and apparently likes horses. What do?
I glanced at a boy once and the nearest girl laughed at me and told me I was a faggot. the reputation followed me throughout my education and I got physically beat up many times for it, by women. they kicked me in the nuts so hard that I am impotent now. I live in a cave.
And the liars pop out of the woodwork. What are you going to say next, that you can meet girls outside of school? I'm almost ready to go to university as an adult to finally try and get a gf. I'm getting leg extensions first and then I'll be ready. To go to school.
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>it's not
notice the very first thing mentioned lmao
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a man made this image
>a meme clearly made by a man
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Women, Would you date a fat and balding guy?
I hope you get diarrhea nta btw
>In highschool girls would call me a dwarf and point at me.
Alright this one made me laugh
wife material
My only female friend in highschool called me "gimli" and would always giggle as she looked down at me waddling into class. You guys do realize the average girl is 6ft+ at 14 and average guy is 7ft+ at 12 nowadays right?
Nope. I’m a woman and being under 6ft is okay. But I’m happy that it makes you cope spiral
I gotta get off the internet, people don’t want me to be happy here
You niggas say that about all the bitches here. Why do I keep coming back
its tough for us manlet princes out here, praying your leg extension surgery works out and you can ascend
0/10 bait you have to make it believable
You have literally no idea what it's like to be a man. Being a man is more difficult than any woman could ever imagine. I'm going back to /r9k/ where people are sane and reasonable.
I would never swipe right on a guy with that face, too wide eyed caucasian
Another dumb meme, still fine with men under 6ft. My comment has angered all the incels as if height was ever their issue of not getting women
Not my fault all the women here are single and fertile
lol byeee~
nta but he was and he got some good mileage out of it, still is I think
Men would you date a girl who used to frequent r9k and has stabbing holes on her bedroom door from her kitchen knives? she got upset at her ex and brother and dad being weird
Would she date a fat and balding guy?
Most of the bitches here are about as far as ugly as us bro. You gotta get your head outta the clouds.
>I'm 30
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Just date a femcel, they don't care about height.
no I try to exclusively hunt for long haired whaute/asian twinks
oh, ok.
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I love crazy girls. Yeah, if I gotta fear getting my dick being cut off it gets harder in an attempt to protect itself, like a metapod or something.
I haven't been to r9k in almost 10 years so I don't know what it's about now, but sure, why not? I doubt she would like me very much, though. I'm not the abusive type she's probably used to.
still single and still fertile
you aint hit menopause yet bby
Is this the retarded wheelchair bitch? Fuck off already, you deserved it.
Damn. That's humbling.
>long haired asian twinks
I fit your demographic btw
I gotta say it again, I love ugly women
I honestly have never met a girl who cares about height other than wanting the guy to be taller than her
So she does care about height, retard.
How fucking short are you guys for this to matter though? Like if you're under 5' yes it's legit probably over unless you're rizzler meme king.
>crackhead asks me for a ride downtown while I’m getting smokes in uniform
I love my city.
Me >>31587753
It's so over
cool n thanks for your service
How is it over? Just date a 5'1
Not even about this women at this point
No problem, anon
>I'm getting leg extensions first
I hope it doesn't hurt long term
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chat, is this real?
I just remember all the girls I did sexy stuff with and it feels like I've lived many lifetimes over. Granted I will probably die alone, but that's the price I paid for love.
no, that's a drawing.
i dont understand the question, thats anime
Height is the least of the concerns. Read a couple of those and there's no way to compete with the men they describe. Not now, not in 10 years.
There are better odds to date a normal late twenties woman who's been with 10-15 men so far than to meet the standards and expectations of a femcel.
I don't know. I don't interact with women.
friendly reminder that women are incapable of conceptualizing . one of their many blind spots
>incapable of conceptualizing measurement
>There are better odds to date a normal late twenties woman who's been with 10-15 men
Are there? It feels like the women who are still single in their late 20s turn bitter and expect millionaires.
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I clicked the wrong image

No, that's a drawing too.
Ching Chong your chinese cartoon is wrong
this is "i can fix him" mentality, unless its in the context of bdsm beating a woman because you love her dont really make much sense
Yes, it's an old saying here.
>if he hits you, he loves you
I think so. Honestly, women with past relationships might be less delusional. And they actually go outside so there's a chance to meet them.
East Europe?
It is hot if your bf mogs everyone with his superior genetics.
Sure, it can be that he ((loves)) you and thinks he is doing you a service by ((teaching you a lesson)) and ((domesticating)) you. But if that is how he loves you he is a fuckup and you need to get your ass out of there asap.
But 6f is like 50% of the population, it's the median height
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Yeah which is why women only care about face. You don't impress your friends by introducing your ugly as fuck 6'6 bf
That is why it is the minimum requirement. Bigger is always better.
Ideally he is tall, handsome, rich and has a chad personality. But sometimes you have to compromise. The hierarchy goes like this:
If he checks them all he is perfect, but not every girl can land a perfect guy.
actual schizo shit
he said he couldn't control himself when he raped me and it was a moment of passion
You can hate the truth but that will not change it.
It's not the truth and you need meds.
It's a combination of both height and face being important to females. Being rich and a great personality are a result of being handsome and tall.
The guys here talk about the perfect man so much they gotta be gay.
Just because you settled for a broke and ugly manlet that has anxiety and depression does not mean you are representative of all women. It just means you are not able to make the best out if what you were given.
Women do not really care how you got there, what they care about is status. Men can figure out who gets to win and why with each other. Women just pick from those that come out on top. If they can.
One funny thing about height is that due to US culture being exported you're starting to see a similar obsession with height in places where it wasn't as big of a deal.
I'm a mediterranean euro, height around here on average for men is like 170-175 (5'7'' to 5'9'' in imperial I think) and I'm old enough to realize whereas before nobody really commented on it now I see plenty of "if you're under 180cm do not even bother" stuff.
Americans in general seem to be extremely obsessed with height, though because of cultural osmosis it means every single western country is obsessed with height as well.
you simply believe anything /r9k/ says
are you indian
I have never been to r9k and no. Your copes are very lame.
ah so you are in fact an indian
why are they ALWAYS like this
Desi pussy is unattainable to the Dalit vermin.
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Nice argument you got there.
I don't need an argument rajeesh. Everything you've said is definitely true about indian woman though they're awful. It's over for you.
I am neither indian nor a man but go off.
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it's over manlet bros (i am 5'8'')
Classic not a man larp.
m or f
should i buy mountain dew or coca cola today
Classic manlet/pick me larp.
Any proof that you are this sacred female? Perhaps your measurements?
Coca cola
How would that prove anything? I can just make those up. Keep coping, it is all you have left.
I'm in love with da coco
It would prove that you’re shaped like a woman. A man ain’t having 34-20-38.
I wish I could live long enough to see the results of these, male height has been increasing steadily to a higher degree that can be justified just with better nutrition so I wonder if these preferences are having an actual effect on humans as a whole.
I have the belief that by 2100 or so the average male height will be like 6'1'' or something absurd like that. IIRC there are already some studies that taller men tend to have more partners and children.
I meant 34-30-38 but whatever.
Are you indian? You seem a bit slow.
If I’m Indian then you’re a man.
I'd note that tall guys aren't usually as confident as people on the internet believe. Recently I was strolling through a park and a 6'8"ish guy walked past with a very elegant looking young woman at his side. She had the "balayage" hair and everything. 5'7" tall. She looked tiny next to him. And my man was literally tryharding his way through the date, telling her how it's been difficult to find fitting clothes due to his height and how he had to order some from another country. He was legitimately nervous and she was letting him put in the work.
>taller men tend to have more partners and children
Yeah no shit. Short men are being bred out of existence. Without incel religion we would have achieved that long ago.
I never claimed being tall makes you chad automatically. But if he was 5‘8 he would not have been on that date to begin with.
That is not how this works.
>Yeah no shit. Short men are being bred out of existence.
It's kinda funny how most people call this hyperbole but look at Europe lol
> That is not how this works.
Why don’t you love me back, senpai?
She is right you seething incels. Money is the most important thing for us women by far. Romance is a myth invented by men. We women care about status. Not love. Women are incapable of love.
Please drain my bank account mommy.
Most people are retarded and prefer to refuse the truth.
You are not rich enough to make up for your manlet status.
But I’m not a manlet, I’m 5’9! 5’9 is tall!
Moid hands
Women do care about love but you would be surprised how much easier a woman can fall in love if you are loaded.
Only worth it if you make at least 300k after taxes. Otherwise enjoy dying alone.
there's a funny meme about how tall guy communities on the internet are like "haha it's such an inconvenience to hit my head on stuff" "lol people keep asking me to grab things from the top shelf" and short guy communities are like "i'm going to kill myself tomorrow"
every time a tall guy talks about how inconvenient it is it is 95% of the time a humble brag. like a strong guy complaining shirts are too tight
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Lmao even
C-can I watch you insert my stiff Visa into your slutty little card scanner?
I would do literally anything for my gf outside paying for shit and I'm tfwnogf

Money is important
But why are you people saying that getting rich is the easiest thing in the world? If you're a manlet, you're fighting against taller guys who want to become rich too, and odds are heavily in their favour.
obsession with height is mostly a thing associated with post-industrial societies, short men are being bred out of existence now, that much is true, but humans have existed for a long ass time and they were much shorter even without religion. it's not something innate to human beings, just something we care a lot about in our current culture, and since incels say some silly stuff it's not even something you can discuss because the moment you imply women have -gasp- preferences and aren't impartial judges of character that only care about the contents of your heart you're called an incel
You cannot defeat me when I’m wearing my platform converses.
Yep. Truth is that what us women call love is actually just our dependence on the status of men. It's all about their bank account and height and status.
What? I never claimed it is easy. Ofc it is not and ofc the odds are stacked against manlets. That is by design. The system is supposed to filter out those incapable of being peak breeding material. The fact it is harder for manlets to compensate for their shitty genetics with wealth means the system is working.
Do you guys think boredom is a good reason to kill oneself? My life is super pointless but not in an interesting tragic way it's just boring
You can tell they’re not women because they don’t respond to my hornyposting.
And? Humans evolve. That is how we evolve. Whenever we reach a certain milestone we set a new goal. Yes that means the cutoff is going to become harder and harder to reach but humans will either find ways to fit the new requirements or they will simply not be part of the genetics of the next generations. That IS how evolution works. It only takes the cream of the crop of men to breed an entire new generation with better genetics than the last one.
Are you fat and balding?
Pls refine your sorry attempts to larp as a woman. It is pretty cringe.
That is in fact more evidence that they are.
> That is in fact more evidence that they are.
No it’s not, my hornyposting is immaculate and I radiate sex energy from every pore.
Sure, life is supposed to be fun and exciting. If it is not for you then it means you failed and should try respawning.
>Pls refine your sorry attempts to larp as a woman. It is pretty cringe.
You are just angry because you are poor and no woman will ever date you. 6 figures is the bare minimum to get a date.
Hornyposters are still the most pathetic posters here.
Are you trying to pull an uno reverse on me? Kek
I’ll be whatever you want me to be, I’m your pathetic little dog~
natural selection hasn't had a meaningful impact on humanity for a very long time, basically the moment our societies started becoming complex and most offspring became viable and your survival depended a lot more on how you adapted to your culture than your environment
the amount of time humans have been around without height being an important trait for reproduction compared to the amount of time it has is probably 2 orders of magnitude larger. even today there are some mostly uncontacted tribes where this preference for height isn't seen

this is a phenomenom of industrial and post industrial societies, not an innate human trait, it's silly to pretend it's some genetic truth
this doesn't mean it isn't important or that it isn't having a real impact on humanity though, as said before i'm pretty sure in a matter of 100 years or so male height will probably be at the absolute highest it can be without actually becoming a health problem, especially in western societies where this obsession with height is most prevalent
>Are you trying to pull an uno reverse on me? Kek
Nope, just stating the facts. Are you mad that money is the most important thing to women?
>never claimed being tall makes you chad automatically
Indeed. But I think people, and women especially, have various preconceived notions about tall and very tall guys. Some are too tall for anything but hookups, some don't have a "matching" personality (they look massive but they're soft spoken and can't maintain eye contact with women), some have had trouble building a high paying career because they're intimidating to their coworkers and bosses.
No I'm thin and have good hair despite being 31
It's kinda hard to do anything fun an exciting when you work 9 to 7 every day.
I will literally suck your dick if you stop this retarded lookism incel duel between “a woman” and “a woman”.
how is being short even "shitty genetics" outside a tautological sense, you can't unga bunga people as much (which is relative to size in general so it's just moving the bar as people get taller) but it also carries some physiological advantages
I'm a man. It's just sad seeing you humiliate yourself for post-wall hags who despise you and aren't even sending you nudes.
>oh boy I can't wait to wake up again tomorrow and hornypost with texts on a screen who hopefully are females but most likely will be other men XD
You lost the woman larp, not a single woman on the face of the planet knows what tautology is.
Would it shock you if I told you that I'm not actually hornyposting and that it's just larp and that I posted over 800 of the posts in this thread?
My dick is small and has a birth defect I don't think you'd like it
I don’t care if it’s men. Or nudes. You act like I don’t have those already. This is just extra coomer shit. Humiliation loses its bite when it’s anonymous, you know.
shortness to a degree has some benefits, short people tend to live longer, require less nutrition and have a lower profile. Human beings do not hunt with raw strength but rather with tools and exhaustion.
this stops mattering the moment nutrition is guaranteed though
I am just a woman trying to tell these guys the facts about how us women care about money and status more than anything.
I wanna see if I can throat it and lick your balls at the same time.
I got a platinum Visa with my name on it baby~
It's pretty small so it should be easy to do
It's 2 inches you can't get it in your throat.
Yeah ofc height was not the defining factor for a long time because humans had more important things to focus on. But now that we have that covered and most people are able to pay for medical assistance and daily necessities we can go back to selecting for genetics again. This is just what happens when the basic needs are met. We can refine our experience. Just how you would not care if your apple is organic and local or not if you are a starving child living under a bridge but if you are a well off housewife trying to avoid pesticides in your babies puree and support the local economy you would. The more abundance humans have the more they will crave refinement of the things they let in their life. The same is true for what partner they chose. This will not change unless we have another collapse of our civilization.
>short people tend to live longer
But if short men are forced to be in isolation, and isolation means you're more likely to develop other illnesses, doesn't this mean that they will die earlier than tall men who have partners?
Small usually means sensitive. I bet I could wrap my tongue entirely around it.
Yep. Fact is women just are not able to become sexually aroused by short men. If you're say 5'8 it's biologically impossible for a woman to become aroused by you.
how come girls don't act this way for fat and balding guy?
Can I rub my nipples on your fat and balding head?
Humans love to be prepared. If your choice is between a charming, handsome and wealthy manlet and a charming, handsome and wealthy tall guy then the choice is easy. Why risk coming out at the bottom if shit hits the fan and we go back to unga bungaing people again? You have to think ahead and prepare for all eventualities.
>inv4 just because a guy is tall does not mean he can fight
Yeah but that comes down to skills. If he trains himself he will always come out on top in a physical fight with a manlet. Why do you think there is weight classes in martial arts?
>inb4 we have weapons now, physical superiority means little
Only as long as there is still ammunition left. A tall guy can arm himself as much as a short guy. Why not keep the fact he is tall as an ace up your sleeve?
Nevermind, that feels weird, carry on.
Sorry anon. I just wanted to make you happy :(
Dumb. You are faster in a hunt if you have longer legs.
They do if you're 6ft+
If you're fat ugly and bald but you're 6'2" and rich women will line up to be your sex slave
Don't be sorry, lol. Any reply makes me happy. <3
How the fuck do you think ancient people hunted? Being fast doesn't make hunting with a spear or bow easier, and before tools were invented it was an endurance marathon to catch up to sick or injured animals.
>>inv4 just because a guy is tall does not mean he can fight
>Yeah but that comes down to skills. If he trains himself he will always come out on top in a physical fight with a manlet. Why do you think there is weight classes in martial arts?
That is true indeed, but a lot of tall guys are docile pussies from what I've seen because they never had to put in effort into anything. The tall guys who fight and lift, they do have an advantage, but there aren't many of those around. Manlets are the ones who are practically forced to become fit and have to learn to defend themselves enmasse.
but that's just the opposite of it, anon. what was done before was selecting for genetics, now genetics do not really matter and that's why we can have absurd requirements like only being 6'. being tall over being short has no real genetic advantage (and in fact might have some genetic disadvantage), but that's entirely irrelevant now that 99.9% of births live to old age
what you're describing is precisely a preference that's entirely cultural and not genetic. humans do not naturally select for height, we do now because of culture (which matters a LOT more than natural selection)

short people tend to live longer, which is most noticeable among extremely old people (most cenenarians tend to be short and light), short men tend to kill themselves more often, but you can adjust for that

humans do not hunt by outrunning their prey, since most prey is faster than humans. humans hunt by either ambushing the prey because we're smarter or by chasing it until it gets tired. we are the best endurance runners in the entire animal kingdom for a reason
It is sensitive because uncut. I think it's a bit longer than a tongue though, it's small but not that small.
tall guys live life on easy mode
if you're over 6ft you don't even have to work you get millions just for existing nobody ever bullies you if you're under 5'8 you get bullied constantly starting in middle school and die an incel
It certainly will not hurt to be fast. Tall people can throw spears and chase animals the same way short people can. It is never a disadvantage, but it can be an advantage.
That is why you find a tall man and then refine him. Simple really.
Yes. So what? It is a preference. Meaning it will influence sexual selection. It does not matter wether it is instinctual or cultural. What matter is that it will lead to humans growing taller.
I'd put the "treated normally" cutoff at 5'10''. I'm 5'8'' and I've been called short a lot of times.
You'd be normal if you were born in Asia.
M, "Miss Meadows" was a decent movie in terms of romance.
>It is never a disadvantage,
tall people require more food and shorter people are better at endurance running, most world class marathonists are pretty short
and yeah that's my entire point. it is cultural, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have an effect, but people talk about it as if it's a transcendental human quality and it isn't. it also means it might some day just turn around, though i doubt it
Remains of the day is good but will probably make you cry
>baldING head
NTA but do you know how stubble feels? You don't want to rub your nipples on that, unless by head you actually mean the 5head forehead area.
I'm 5'5 and I've never been called short idk you guys are probably just losers that's why you're incels
Would I? I hear asian women are just as height obsessed as western women. I think I'd still rather be a 5'8'' white man than a 5'8'' asian though.
Yeah, but those kinds of people exist everywhere.
Normal as in you'd be just as tall as practically everyone you'll meet walking down the street.
This morning my girlfriend mentioned having plans with her friend K on Thursday.
She casually goes, “Well I haven’t stopped talking about you and she wants to meet you. She wants us to go on a double date with her and her boyfriend but I’m not sure how I feel about it. The two of you guys would get along really well..”
Which I told her I wouldn’t mind, and she goes “I’ll talk to her about it Thursday. We’ll see,”

Correct me if I’m wrong but I feel like she actually wants to introduce me to her friend and she’s just playing it cool and seeing how I react to the idea of meeting her friends.
I guess that's true, not being dwarfed by everyone would be nice. I'm not that under the average in my country but I visited a friend in Netherlands once and it was absolutely emasculating.
What the hell is a "cup" anyways? Like, who invented the idea of measuring titty sizes using cups? How did they know the difference between one cup to the next? Did they have 6 cups lined up on a table and asked women to put their titties in back in the day to invent it?
shit will never hit the fan that we go back to unga clubs man
>Swedish men
Aren't the Swedes super-tall and depressed to begin with? Life would be depressing if you were their equivalent of a midget, but I don't think this study applies all that well to others.
Y’all are still gabbing about fucking height? I had time to speed around and almost get pulled over.
I'd wager they probably accounted for the incidence of suicide and depression in the general population. Though I agree with you that since the cultural perception of Swedish is 6'3'' nordic gods being an ugly Swede is probably ten times worse than say, being an ugly Spaniard.
I am not sure if I am well equipped to handle dating a guy who was raped as a kid. how do I become a better person?
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I wanted to be Cinderella as a kid.
One time I was telling my mom a story I heard abut a guy falling in love with a girl because of her table manners. She looked at me and said: "Don't worry honey, that won't happen to you."
Love this <3
is 6.496063 inches (16.4846 centimeters) enough to please you? should i castrate myself? is it over?
Yes, yes, no
You are one short guy.
What even are the signs in a boy that he got raped? With females, it's easy to avoid that trash if they have tattoos, non-natural dyed hair or too many piercings.
Renton Therston
>dick too big for SPH
>dick too small to wow people
the worst of both worlds
how do you ignore male brain
>have gf who I love
>occasionally get the fleeting thought of slags
>obviously ignore it and it goes away as rationality sets in

I would like to not have these thoughts to begin with, it feels disrespectful to have.
She would like you more if you cheated.
nah I would never purely based on principle, even if I was sick of her and the opportunity presented itself I wouldn't.
They can still make fun of the color of your dick, circumcision or lack thereof, erection potency.
I was once security at a metal concert and the manager was some blonde bimbo and she brought me water sometimes. One metal fan came over to talk to me randomly and she told him to fuck off in a cruel way.
State gender
What was your favourite fight in shadow of the erdtree
Wow. So girls really just wanna submit to daddy, huh?
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I grew out of it eventually, now Blackbeard is my hero.
On the subject of manletto burretos, all the chicks I've talked to about this don't really seem to care EXCEPT the guy has to be taller than them. That's the one near consistent rule across almost every woman who's spoke about it. Any man who is of equal height or lower is instantly unattractive.
t. the "safe" gay guy friend of multiple women
In comparison gay guys taste is a lot more varied
Are you actually gay or just undercover?
I fucking hate humanity sometimes. And God. Existence. I just want to fap to my gay little porn. I do not want to see a suicidal trans person fucking kill themselves for a fetish.
The "safe" is because its surprising how fast some women will consider a gay guy "harmless", "safe", etc based purely on not wanting to fuck them
I know some real assholes who are gay who would not be safe to be around

M, Rellana, great opponent and fantastic music

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