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Last Episode: >>31577808
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
How can i stop being a coward?
Women, has a random man ever approached you, in real life, and tried to flirt with you or ask you out on a date? How was the last experience in which this happened? Where and when did this happen?
When Im sexually harassing my wife while our are in the other room watching Bluey, am I turning her on or just spinning my wheels?
Imagine that your doctor told you you got terminal cancer and prepare for death in advance.
And read Seneca and Epictetus
*tips fedora
Never, I used to wish, but oh well is what it is.
Think of someone who’s not a coward, then temporarily pretend to be them. That way you don’t have to make a big change, and the job still gets done!

Not exactly random since we were both attending an event, but last week at SGDQ a guy kinda latched onto me and kept complimenting my skin, then eventually asked to come over to my hotel room. When I explained I didn’t have one, he was visibly dejected and walked away, which surprised me because I expected him to invite me to his room instead, but I haven’t seen him again since.

Idk about your wife, but my sex drive shuts down in the presence of children, even if I can only hear them.
Try not being a coward when the first chance you get irl
Women why do you like talking to your mom so much?
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Women, do you think you'll be hot when you're older?
There's an indian girl in my friend group who is starting to show interest in me, shes a lawer and comes from a wealthy background. shes told me a few times how she is right wing and wants to have a family someday. she said she hasnt had a boyfriend in over 2 years. shes short thin and cute with one of those foreign british accents.

is there some kind of catch? im 32 and white, shes 29
Post gender.
What drives you to get out of bed in the morning?
What makes you comfortable enough to sleep at night?
Probably not, I don't care desu. It's weird seeing women try to keep their looks from fading even famous and rich people try
Women who would win a duel between Joey but he isn't allowed to put Warrior monsters in his deck or Kaiba but he can't use Dragons?
curry farts
I hope not.
State gender
Which is the most autistic fruit?
Incomplete things I want to finish
Im tired
kiwi, why is it hairy
Male Lychee
I am going to continue to sexually harass you into old age, and follow you into the retirement home, where I won't let you have a moment of peace until your death induced by me fucking you so hard you have a heart attack.
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I had a great bouldering session, but my skin is gone now. How do I make it regrow fast?
Women, maybe you know?
she said she doesnt eat curry and shes not hindu she christian
Why not?
Sugar apple
just lotion up, consider buying one of those hand balms/creams they might sell. i was a big fan of climbskin. only thing that really works is just taking a rest day or two, ironically climbing less lets you climb more
But I already had 1 rest day :(
Yes, I like making vegetable broths with chicken because you is almost impossible to fuck up. I also do an egg salad thing with celery I think is good
sorry anon, gonna have to prescribe at least another rest day if you dont wanna tear skin next session. you've already got something going on with your middle finger. i'd recommend sanding that or cleaning it up
You're legit a nut and a shitty shitposter
>New girl at work
>Hit it off on pretty much autopilot, 2 shifts and we get along super fucking well
>be shooting the shit with the boys
>everyone has a turn to get ragged on
>she is silent for these
>when it's my turn she comes to my defence
>has happened a handful of times now
Alright, so what's the deal here, is she into me or do I come off as some kinda bitch that needs back up?
I've been flirted with a bunch but the date propositions and numbers given to me are few and far between. Got asked l
out a little over a year ago by a friend of a friend who's sweet but has a lot less experience than me and wants kids so I told him we could hang out because we were both lonely if he was down but I couldn't offer anything serious.
She probably doesn't like others picking on you
Unless you're noticeably the sort that needs defending, it's probably the former.
Need to pee
F. Peeled apple slices
i'd actually just die without event
I'm not white, my stepfather is Italian.
She raised me and I love her
I'm on a treadmill and I'm sweating bullets rn...
If she was right wing she wouldn’t be talking to you, nice try
I actually have trouble talking with my mom...
im right wing too
Okay so you have no clue, larp better next time
Post your sweaty skin please
post sweaty pits on soctoga
Tbh I don't actually have much of a issue with the concept of feminism but they seem to have a HUGE problem with identifying wolves in sheep's clothing.
Why are there two threads?
ask in the other one for an answer
You guys are idiots.
Just man up
i mean, i get catcalled and fucked with, but never someone looking for a conversation or offering a date. just people straddling the line between "hitting on" and "sexual harassment". the last experience like that was a fat guy commenting on my butt in a gross way at a corner store.
>what drives you to get out of bed
>what makes you comfortable enough to sleep
you don't have to be comfortable to fall asleep
How is surgery? I'm deathly afraid of surgery and anaesthetic.
Push your boundaries. So dangerous things until you understand you control yourself
F Needing to pee usually.
A lot of pillows.
Big boobs, right?
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Maybe you need to dress a lot more modestly than you want to.
i dress like a man. nothing helps.
Why are all the cars nowadays doing big stupid grills on the front?
Dude... why?
I wish attention-whoring newfags like you that make a new thread before page 9 would be ip-range perma banned.
Nta, but please elaborate on how her talking to that anon means she's not right wing.
Yep, depression is in full swing. I have a trans coworker and he smells like farts and cum (gay sex) and I am FUMING MAD.
This but also poor and autistic. Would you?
>How is surgery? I'm deathly afraid of surgery and anaesthetic.
Not painful if you end up with competent, genuinely good doctors that care for the lives of their patients and or not getting sued.
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New cars are ugly, we need to retvrn.
>i dress like a man
Meanwhile, the man dress:
Picrel is femanon dressing like a man so she doesn't get catcalled
My mate bought a man's vest because she often gets male clothing and it usually works out like your pic. Except it didn't. It made her look like the kind of lesbian who beats the shit out of her wife and has a knuckleduster in her pocket.
>lesbian who beats the shit out of her wife and has a knuckleduster in her pocket.
Picrel is femanon dressing modestly so as not to get attention from men
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M or F
>being a man child
for you, where's the limit here for a man to spend time/money for what he likes to do?
if I have a collection of some stuff and spend 5% of my salary for that, would I be called a man child?
The real question is, why do you let other people manipulate you just by calling you a manchild?
If I told you that you're a manchild if you don't suck my cock, are you going to suck my cock, you faggot? If not, then you're a fucking manchild. Disgusting. Kys.
Probably but it's your life.
My friend went out in a gigantic shapeless hoodie and tracksuit trousers and got beeped at once and catcalled twice on the way to Sainsburys.

A line gets crossed when your objects go from being a form of hospitality/making your spaces welcoming and lively to being a collection. Maybe you're into nendos or whatever, it's okay to have a couple of examples that you find interesting and exceptional for whatever reason. It's not okay to have ten or a hundred or a thousand.
Racemixing isn't very traditional/right-wing. Anon is assuming the other anon isn't a poojeet.
Why not? Why is the hobby of collecting childish, according to you?

Because it demonstrates impulsiveness and the absence of taste and self awareness. You have more enthusiasm than sense, which is child-like.
>Because it demonstrates impulsiveness and the absence of taste and self awareness
Collectionism is the opposite, actually.
>You have more enthusiasm than sense, which is child-like
I'm not the same anon, btw.
You just sound like a retard to me.
fuck you both.
I think left wing women are more beautiful and pleasant to have around. As long as we're not talking about the meme online left wing
>What drives you to get out of bed in the morning?
The fact that I'm couchsurfing so can't scrounge all day
>What makes you comfortable enough to sleep at night?
When I can't keep my eyes open anymore
Yeah I'm sure your termite mound is way more tasteful and exclusive than the next hoarder's
How do you know if a girl is lying about her age? She told me she's just graduated high school and she's 19. When she mentioned high school I panicked a little inside. I've been keeping her at arms length. How should I verify her age? Seems invasive to ask for ID.
Idk what AoC is where you are but here gals graduate at 18 so hopefully you can avoid the loli police
You could always jokingly ask to see her ID when you go out, pretend to be a bouncer or copper or smth
Why are there two threads, this hurts my little brain
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Left wing women are more pleasant but right wing women who sing AUSLANDER RAUS are hotter
AoC is 14 here but you can still be punished and society will hate you for sleeping with an 18 year old.

>You could always jokingly ask to see her ID when you go out, pretend to be a bouncer or copper or smth
I have no idea how you'd do that without it being awkward as fuck. I guess I could go through her bag when she's not looking to check for ID? But if I get caught I'm fucked.
>Collecting is a practice with a very old cultural history. In Mesopotamia, collecting practices have been noted among royalty and elites as far back as the 3rd millennium BCE.[6] The Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty collected books from all over the known world at the Library of Alexandria. The Medici family, in Renaissance Florence, made the first effort to collect art by private patronage
>guess I could go through her bag when she's not looking to check for ID
Honestly bro if it's gotten to that point, might wanna cut your losses on this one and go for an older gal
Or go back to hers and see if her mom is hot
>Collecting is a practice with a very old cultural history
I learned this from YuGiOh
Being a patron of the arts and sciences is not the same as buying dozens of plastic figurines or scale models or whatever.
Retards, who do you think makes the figurines? Where does the money paying these sculptors for their craftsmanship comes from?
Bro thinks his FunkoPops are craftmanship
Calm down. I was asked for my opinion. I even have a couple of Sideshow pieces myself, but ultimately they are toys not fine art. I see no problem with owning and enjoying the presence of toys in your home as an adult, but comparing your nendos to the library of Alexandria is utterly deranged bullshit and you know it.
You have shown your ignorance. Now apologize for being a retard or STFU.
My current guilty pleasure is watching videos like this https://youtu.be/BfNSH6cA1mw?si=93tURxwhp7Uv0C95
Whats yours?
Also the guy in that video has no personality holy shit. Are girls really attracted to dudes like him?
Picrel is probably how I look right now having a ciggie outside fml
Women do you get horny for this man?
And this one?
what causes a little sister to actually love her brother as if he were her boyfriend? i thought it was an anime trope only until i met someone like that
If that guy has "no personality" then I'm literally a brick wall fml
I rate the Barbie jumper tho
does that mean my little sister doesnt have enough? she loves me but i dont think she sees me as a boyfriend
Do you want her to see you like that?
just a little
Ok seriously though who the fuck calls their child "Carrington"
It sounds like a made up name
It sounds like a kind of cheese I'd find in Asda
He does have a nice sense of fashion but he seems so fucking boring. He's clearly a guy who coasted on his looks and never had to develop his personality
1- my dreams and aspirations in life
2-the work i put in to make 1 come true

Would you date a bi guy ? I’m not attracted to men, I just like anal
Yes but I hate anal.
he cute thoughever
I think I'm a weirdo, literally the only part of women I find attractive is under their eyes and above the chest. All other stuff is alright but irrelevant. Nose, cheeks, lips, jaw, neck and shoulders make me gooey
Foreplay fetish kek
not getting fired
physical exhaustion
Women dressing as skimpy as possible is based
Any asian women here ?
My chinese gf (22)(chinese as in real chinese born in China, not some westernized asian girl) just told me she is virgin. How likely is it that she is waiting wedding to fuck ? She only had one boyfriend before.
I'm not an animal, but I'm 29 and our current life situation prevents us to get married any time soon. If for whatever reason she decides to break our relationship in 4 years before wedding I will have sacrificed the last years of peak physical form I had
>He's clearly a guy who coasted on his looks and never had to develop his personality
wow what a loser imagine being like this
If you don't at least like long legs then yes you are pretty weird desu
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Men, do you ever worry that sexualized depictions of women in media will turn all the young girls into dykes leaving none who are into men
9/10 chance that a non-Americanized woman who is virgin in her twenties is waiting for marriage
No, because that is ridiculous.
Plus I love bi women.
>He does have a nice sense of fashion
you can't be serious, it's a tacky mess carried by his looks lmao
I have never met a pretty left-wing woman. Women who are into politics tend to be fat and doubly so in the case of commies
>tend to be fat
Women should immediately stop giving me compelling reasons because I don't want to, I never wanted to and I am not enjoying myself. And don't tell me to go outside because that is where I pick up half of my compelling reasons to hate women. Stop it.
Women do you wear chokers? What kind?
"exposure therapy" and the development of an objective mindset/the ability to view yourself, your situation, your actions, your mindset and your life from an outside perspective, or better yet a variety of outside perspectives. This requires you to be able to virtualize the mindsets of others impartially, which requires you to understand more of the people and world around you, which will also dull your fear gradually.
No I'm not a slut
why would you be bitter, are you stupid?
and it's not even like a grape or the size of a grape, grape is already a fruit, and why do you need a utensil to eat a fruit?
it's an autistic orange with a texture like an autistic orange but they treat it like an autistic grape
at least plantains have a good savory flavor as the jumbo non-sweet version of bananas, grapefruit is just a tard
Also M
Go to pubs, get drunk, then approach
If it fails, it fails.
The more you do it the less shit you give.
If that's about approaching women.
Climbing seems awesome on the surface but then you realize it's a fake sport that requires self-mutilation to do at any real level
furries pls die
Women who are into being choked, would you be willing to try a collar or is that too far?
red flag reply
Yes I am a slut
Not likely and not likely that she’ll marry you if you can’t commit to her family right away. You have to show and prove your value.
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whats the point of this thread if theres literally no way to tell if an actual woman its replying to you??
It’s fun, try it bitch boy
are you the good kind of slut or the bad kind of slut?
It's not like 3D girls are into me anyway so I would rather keep gooning to sexy 2D girls
Yes. Black and white/pink
urge to piss
sleeping pills
perfect choices
lace or solid?
Not a woman, but
(a) stop racemixing, and
(b) if marriage is on the table, she's almost certainly with you for the green card.
That's not how you spell "green"
Hi girls
I need to hump you immediately. Is that alright?
she's trying to help you by defending you. women socialize different than men so she might think your buddies are being mean to you. some women don't undertand that men rag on e
Die, hornyposter!
>he doesn't know and is just taking what she said at face value
kek ngmi
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We need to utilitymaxx
Lace and leather
I'm hungry, femanon make me lunch
If you live off of your parents, stop.
If you don't, ignore what women want you to do or not do unless they're right. Simple.
If you are willing to associate with people who are evil because they are "pleasant" or "seem reasonable", that's simply your decision and there's not much to say about it.
Sometimes. The plastic ones or a ribbon one usually.
If you're only using it as a tool to choke I think that's fine but wearing it and being dragged around by it is pretty far from choking. I'd rather you just keep a belt on the nightstand or something.
No, pedophilic dyke groomers and their many influential simps are doing that. And they're mostly very ugly, which is the point, they sell that as a shortchange virtue in the place of any actual modesty or restraint.
I find women with a political slant abrasive
No, but ai hate disneyfags
>stop racemixing
I won't
>she's almost certainly with you for the green card
[spoiler]I'm more likely to go live with her in China than the opposite[/spoiler]
the less i need to discuss politics with a woman the happier I feel
Honestly, being attracted to ignorant/amoral women sets you up for as much disaster as being attracted to openly immoral women, because the first time some evil woman talks to her she will feel important and overwhelmed/intimidated/guilt tripped and internalize those beliefs out of peer pressure and then blindside you with them four years into the marriage and wonder where it all went wrong when you divorce her for suddenly being a virulent cancer.
Leather ones often comes with metal ring, I got a heart one
Do they make leather chokers with little lockets on them? I want my gf to wear one with something of me in it, maybe my initials or something.
Not sure, but you can get one with rings and put a lock on it?
I straight up don't expect women to have moral coherency, never met one that did tbqh
I need to tie up, choke, and slap a girl.
That’s says more about you than anyone else
Not a woman but I've dated two Chinese women and had flings with a fair few more:
The chances are as low for a Chinese woman as they would be for a Western woman. In other words, very unlikely...but possible, so ask her. How come you haven't asked her?
It's normal for Chinese women to be virgin at her age, but it's about the age Chinese women are looking to lose their virginity.
Also wrong, China isn't great right now but most Chinese people aren't exactly desperate enough to marry someone just to leave China.
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Yeah like a pendant or something would be cute.
You're referring to this type of choker right? What does it feel like to wear? It almost looks like the metal would dig in to the skin.
>never met one that did
Curious. Has it ever occured to you that you may be the problem?
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Men, why do you hate Indians?
I don't. I was just in India for 9 days, it was fun. Great food, terrible beer.
I'm almost always wearing a belt and using it for choking never occurred to me, thanks
how so?
Has it occurred to you he might have thought of that a decade ago?
Yeah that’s pretty much it but white/pink. I don’t wear it for a long time when I use it, that’s why I got lace ones too.
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Dudes, why are you so hairy and unwrinkled
well yes the statement was about me
I believe you. It really do be like that in this bitch of a gay earth currently, but I am also positive, having been over it many times to eradicate all bias from any given angle, that I didn't internally mischaracterize my mother and she really was that person. So you see, I can't give women the benevolent "sexism" of not expecting them to behave like full-fledged people, even though they almost never seem to right now.
What dreadful, trite insecurity. You could stop any time, women.
They're always sure the universal canned quip repeated amonst themselves a thousand times has never been directed at a man before because men are too oppressive and intimidating to talk to, or something. It just never ends because it's an emotional response they are spoiled into regularly allowing to bypass the perfectly capable accountability and self-evaluation parts of their brains.
Feminism is neo-tribalism.
Long legs are pretty yeah, but not the selling point for me
>How come you haven't asked her?
She told me about being virgin just a few hours ago by text message. I will ask her when we are face to face
And you understand that you are the bad person?
I'm a bad person because I don't expect anything? whack
I'm Italian and I wear mineral sunscreen every single day.
Had the (trans) mexican booty call last night bros.....

Never came so hard in my life. She even had that oil on her ass and thighs the last round (do all trans watch a lot of porn idk). Got a nice oil massage from her too with nice luxury candles burning baaaased.

I'm hooked anons.

Also I'll oblige >thoughts, femanons?
Women, do you actually care at all if a guy is supremely jacked? Would them being on steroids diminish any value you might draw from that?
>I've dated two Chinese women and had flings with a fair few more
How ? Tell me the recipe
Women, why won't you date fat and balding men?
You sound like an ESL yourself.
Anyway, just ask her if she wants to wait or not.
It'd be incredibly stupid however.

You're that STEM psycho from yesterday, right?
They are 75 IQ pedophiles that have been given internet access, it's a crime against humanity that people who shit in the street can come on here and force everyone to read their posts.
Study Chinese. I met the first one in China while studying Chinese there, and I met the second one in Chinese cinema class.
Happy to help
Not saying the popular opinion is always correct but if you're getting the same feedback from every single member of a group that you ask it's worth examining if you're missing something or not.
Defensive much? If it's not you chill out.
bruh a wooden plank has more personality than him
Oh, and the flings were all from friends I'd made as a result of studying Chinese. Only one of them was a language exchange (too many people used the university language exchange system as discount tinder so I deliberately avoided flirting with anyone...except this insanely pretty ballerina).
Happy for you, no more thoughts
I don't. We can never be friends because I am the eater of a thousand cows, and I also think some of their cultural practices are immoral/repulsive (especially cooking over cow shit and drinking cow piss, absolutely subhuman behavior and their religion MUST change or die in order to eliminate it), but they are the only country I currently have significant hope for in the future, even though it seems like the muslims/globohomo/feminazis/commies will devour and rot their burgeoning modernization in the bud.
They have a real chance. They are honorable. They don't always seethe about class, race, or even caste anymore. They can be rude, aggressive, selfish, lazy, etc, but they mostly don't seem to live their ENTIRE lives in braindead envy and entitlement. Large portions of their physical laborers and manufacturers are beginning to take more pride in their work, it's a different culture in a lot of the rural provinces than the city scammers and cutthroats and corpse-eating cults and so on.
There's a very old and basic morality in the village cultures that often sleeps but nothing has yet killed off.
/pol/ hates them of course because /pol/ is just yet another flavor of retarded communism.
I used to look like this
Fuck balding ARGH
No, feeling paranoid?
At least you're not fat, amirite, brother.
Thanks ig

I posted here yesterday when I got texted on whatsapp
There's a lot of "at least"s, and I'm not sheltered enough to not know that. But it still sucks. I feel awful and wrong.
Way to add nothing new
Good description of why I like them. I notice that a lot of dudes seethe about Hindus, Slavs ad Jews etc but honestly they are the non-Westerners that I like (with exception of liberal SJW Westernized ones)
That's life, innit
When you're looking down, you can only see how close you are to the ground.
I got a crush on the trans girl I dated in China a couple of months ago. I still think about her laugh sometimes.
Having no personality is a prerequisite for most women to like you because they have none so if you have one they feel put upon, controlled, used, insecure, like you only value them for their looks, etc.
I wasn't just negging the bitch in the thread a few days ago I was genuinely explaining a modern paradigm of insecure attachment that controls most dating and most people who date
It's so obvious from an outside perspective that I am constantly in disbelief anyone doesn't realize it but no one will listen to someone who doesn't date about dating
>Not saying the popular opinion is always correct but if you're getting the same feedback from every single member of a group that you ask it's worth examining if you're missing something or not.
I honestly don't understand, I'm not even saying all the women have the same opinion
>her laugh

>They have a real chance. They are honorable. They don't always seethe about class, race, or even caste anymore. They can be rude, aggressive, selfish, lazy, etc, but they mostly don't seem to live their ENTIRE lives in braindead envy and entitlement. Large portions of their physical laborers and manufacturers are beginning to take more pride in their work, it's a different culture in a lot of the rural provinces than the city scammers and cutthroats and corpse-eating cults and so on.
This braindead parochial "they're hardworking" romanticism shows that you are utterly hopeless. This is on the same tier as right wingers who think that the third world and islam is actually LE BASED and actually far more moral than le degenerate west
complete lack of understanding of the world outside of the west.
I don't mean to racially stereotype, but Asians suit going MtF very well.
cuz theyre all weak low t beta males
>What drives you to get out of bed in the morning?
not a lot. although sometimes a friend who knows what im going through will send something encouraging enough to get me out of bed.
>What makes you comfortable enough to sleep at night?
You dont need to be comfortable to pass out from exhaustion
Bananas. anyone who likes bananas is literally a monkey (so based)
Most asian males can magically turn into girls around BWC
tranny fetishists already have enough places to go on this site man
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Are all men secretly gay for Asianbros?
I'll respond in kind.
You are an evil, stupid person and your narrow-minded, selectively illiterate, ultra-authoritarian envy-based offshoot of emotion-based utilitarianism is the current primary existential threat for our species as a whole.
You call everything naive, romantic, primitive while your entire belief system requires people to act contrary to their survival instincts in a global cult of auto-cannibalization of resources. You raise entire generations in a stupor of "eat the rich" and when they run out of rich to eat, they will eat each other because they do not know how to produce things, they are opposed to peaceful systems of mutual consent like trade and actual sharing without a knife to the throat.
Being raised to be like this is no excuse for continuing like this as an adult. You need to stop.
No, all asians want BWC. So much so that in the tidal wave of asian pussy swarming white men a few dudes just kind of sneak by
G-d, I'm tired of raceplay
it's pretty hot desu
Pure autism. Couldn't even figure out what kind of person he's attacking.
Is this that retarded spenglerfag?

>You call everything naive, romantic, primitive
You literally do not have any idea what you are talking about. There is no other way to put it.
It's always luddites and either right or left wing socialists seething because muh race, or they heard they're all rapists, or they're larping at being rich imperialists, or they're seething that the Indians don't riot constantly like the French and just function as a more or less coherent culture despite immense setbacks from all sides.
They're obsessed about Indians being the one non white race that SJW women won't pretend to like because they're "so subhuman" and on and on. There are a lot of creepy or stupid Indians especially online but there are just a lot of Indians.

The groups I mentioned before that hate them often do atrociously when thinking about statistics or percentages, they barely understand math frankly. It's the "this many illegal immigrants killed this many citizens and no other number matters", or the even more retarded "more citizens killed citizens than illegals, thus illegals GOOD", you know, the type of people who selectively pretend or genuinely cannot understand how percents work.
What I am saying is if you really are finding that all women don't measure up that you should check and make sure your system of measurement is working correctly.
Boys sorted by attractiveness:
Slavs > Jews=Asians >Western Caucasians> Ethiopians> Indians> Arabs > Indonesians>>>>Subsaharan Africans
holy fucking pseud
ask me how I know you understand absolutely NOTHING about the third world and muh country life
I want them and the pedos off /v/.
I don't care if they imagine themselves to be on opposite sides of a culture war, I want them all exterminated.
It's blasé and went from "taboo crude" (which was already cringe) to brainlet crude when it became omnipresent among weird groomer assholes.
SJW women hating high success non-Whites like Indians and East Asians is a point in favor of those races
Women like that talk about minority men like they are pets or something
Your replies so far have been disappointingly substance-less and I'm just not giving you any more (You)s, you'll have to find someone else to fulfill your typical Marxist craving for humiliation.
woman word (also in their top 3 fetishes)
Hell no, I'm slavic and I'm about as ugly as an indian
>not like muh BASED INDIANS who WORK SO HARD not like those FRENCHMEN!
Conservacucks literally have no values at all. They pivot this direction because nobody takes them seriously in the west anymore.
Favelaworld is ok, as long as everyone goes to CHURCH!
If mainstream feminists hate you you're an honorary white due to revisionists ascribing all aspects of successful cultures as white (and therefore evil, they do not realize they are setting us up as some sort of demigods to future generations).
This SHOULD exclude Muslims but feminists are so deranged they mostly worship Muslims so the simple cultural rule somehow remains undefeated. It's bizarre and I do not fully understand it but it always works somehow.
I don't care if you consider that womanly because I innately want to behead you for being a pedophile, so why would I value your faggot pedophile black cock worshiping opinion?
Is it true that sex with virgin women is terrible ? How many fucks it takes to start being good ?
White women and homos worshipping Muslims as pseudo gods never fails to make me laugh
He's really losing his mind over not getting any (You)s.
What in the ESL? I guess at least now I know why there's so much BWC asian fetish posting ITT
It's just looking for consistency, the pattern often breaks down into something like that
>her view on the morality of the action depends on how sympathetic she is
>everybody else in my group agrees so she does too
>she doesn't like the logical result of applying her belief to an analogous circumstance so it's wrong to do that
many cases, a lot of men are like this too but less so especially the 2nd one
Morality is cope.
>75 IQ pedophiles
But there were far more of exactly this on 4chan when I was here in 2007 back when the internet was the US and Japan and Britain mostly.

Sure, the Japanese always over-represent as pedos as their main cultural failing, and sure a lot of the dumb ones probably came to 4chan accounting for the general low IQ, but that still leaves a hell of a lot of low IQ white (Jewish?) pedophiles before Indians got dialup.

The replying to a Disney princess screenshot with BUTIFUL BHABHI I GIVE YOU MY WALLAWALLA YOU MAKE SUK kind of shit will always be a mixture of hilarious and repulsive though, yeah.
No morality is one of the things that sets man apart from nature. You act out how you wish for others to act in an attempt to do you part to slowly mold the world into a better place. You say this to cope with your selfish, immoral actions knowing that better souls rightly judge you for your disgusting, toxic nature
All I can say is I guess you tried.
In what way? They bleed?
Asian women, would you like a gweilo bf with a BWC who instinctively wishes to behead pedophiles?
No, of course not, that is just something you are saying because you are of the tribe
"Man is apart from nature" is cope. Man is the sickest of all the animals because he is the most domesticated.

>selfish immoral toxic!!
>make da world a better place!!
none of this means shit, it's just seething from a weakling
Did you know that nothing you've said is interesting or original?
43.7% of current 4chan users were still iPad babies when moot gave up 4chan. How does that make you feel?
Go away Nietzche. You're dead.
18+ website
Is that a requirement to post now? Going to be a lot slower all of a sudden.

Why so hostile?
What was the laugh and voice like tho
Damn that reply sure made it sound less like this is a personal cope for you to keep being an unbearable, dishonest asshole, rather than a legitimate philosophical outlook. Nihilism of any sort goes in the bin next to solipsism, I'm afraid.
State gender, do you still use Snapchat?
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I try so hard
This truly is a retort of astounding genius.
>ur a nihilist!
LOL you argue like a sissy.
M 32

In 2016 I gave a lecture on 4chan culture to my local Republican Party meeting after I told the leadership that I was an expert with many years of study. I had a political science degree so they bought it. I probably inadvertently caused Q to become a thing, sorry about that.
In case you forgot, this was your post:
>depends on how sympathetic she is
Are you sure you're not oversimplifying? Could it be that she's considering multiple factors when deciding whether an action is justified or not? Have you asked about her thought process or are you assuming? It's not logical to assume all women are just crazy it makes more sense to investigate and figure out what the heck they're actually thinking or what you're missing.
I've never used snapchat.
>nihilism is when you don't buy into my belief system. The less you buy into it the more nihilistic it is
Damn the human spirit sure is being rekindled in /atoga/ today. I'd even venture to say, dare I even, that we are so back.
If someone indicates a desire to snap chat I immediately cease interacting with them and consider them not to be human
I'm cutting you off the (You) tap again and this time I am begging you on my knees to read a fucking book or just use the define function in google for words whose meaning you just assumed you understood previously.
We're so, SO back.
Same with "my insta".
And don't flirt with me over text, let's just meet up.
F. With my family.
Is anyone else playing that robot dino mobile game for gift card money? It's like the other dozen "build your base, attack things on map for resources, level up your heroes and send them to attack in mission" games but slightly better because it has robot dinos instead of knockoffs of action heroes or models.
I was just wondering because I saw someone in this discord chat I had to join asking how to change her nickname because she’s never used discord before because everyone she knows uses Snapchat
No, I'm talking specifically about women who's view is down to her personal feelings on the actors not any real extenuating circumstance that she doesn't just imagine must exist.
When someone says they use insta I assault them for being woke, when someone says they use facebook I get the ick for them being a racist nazi boomer, when someone uses reddit I teabag them for being a gay weenie, when someone answers questions stackoverflow I wish death on them for being as unhelpful and deranged as possible, the last one is unironic
Discord is even worse
No I can correlate his experience. Are you sure women as a collective don't need to stop their fifty year march of calling any criticism of their growing collective psychosis sexist and the product of fear, insecurity or poor education, and look inward to re-examine and deconstruct their own behavioral, philosophical, and moral axioms rather than just pushing their half-baked cultural religion on other people?
For that matter have you considered some historical reading not based on feminist revisionism and selection bias, maybe a selection of things written before the year 1800 or so, just to make sure you're not overlooking huge inconsistencies, gaps, and mischaracterizations about European history in particular and especially the comparison of European cultures to contemporary non-European cultures throughout a variety of time periods and in excruciating precision the comparative treatment, rights, resources, responsibilities, expectations, and legal or practical recourse available to women in each culture?
Is anyone else turned on by the fact that most women HAVE to wear a bra, basically a harness, to be comfortable? Am I a bad person for thinking like this?
I don’t like it but the iMessage chat is supposed to be for more official purposes
What do you say when someone says they use 4chan?
Damn you're right. Your alternate version of "have you been outside though?" must be correct. Surely he is simply unfamiliar with the concept of considering more than one factor in a moral assessment, given he is complaining about the crudeness of women's moral assessments.
We were all just clearly not realizing the sophisticated process through which almost all women ever evaluate things dishonestly both in anecdotal social settings and in sociology studies conducted on women as far back as Gen X.
How could we have been so blind?
Thank you for correcting us.
I pretend not to hear them, plug my ears and yell
My ex said to her friends after breaking up with me “I just looked at him and realized he was ugly. I didn’t want to be with him anymore.” Why?
That's weird. You weirdo.
>mfw I heard on the radio that there's a class action lawsuit for a bunch of social media
Is it ok for a black man to punch a white woman who uses the "n-word" (n***er)?
Is it ok for a black man to punch a white woman if she directly calls him the "n-word" (n***er)?
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Pretty self-explanatory. She never loved you, anon. Sorry.
You’re right, I shouldn’t said do you do use Snapchat
Yes, but it's also okay for me to then involve myself in the situation and give him three in the chest.

If blacks want to stop being stereotyped as violent apes, they shouldn't act like violent apes.
cityfags seethe, ruralchads sneed
So you do think this is a problem with specific women and not women as whole?
One of my exes said that he could make me feel romantic attraction if I went out with him (I'm on the aromantic spectrum)
I'm sure that your negative bias towards women is clouding your judgement on a lot of things and that you're trying to start a stupid fight that isn't going to solve anything.

I am talking to anon about making sure you understand other people's viewpoints before dismissing them as invalid. You're trying to reignite the gender wars. We are not the same.
Nitter? What do you have against knockoff twitter?
women and their endless fucking spectrums of attention-seeking self-magnifying feedback loop mental illnesses
Do you understand the prevalence of autism on this site anon. Work from the simplest steps up because you have no idea what anyone is working with. What are you upset about? "Are you sure you completely understand what the other person is saying?" is a completely reasonable thing to ask in this situation. If I said I was a man would you be half as mad? What is the big deal?
The only possible answer you can see is that the women must have had some secret sauce that made their inane conclusions secretly hecking valid.
You're not being reasonable, balanced, or fair-minded. You're just unconditionally making excuses and running defense for womankind based on your emotional allegiance.
Which is his point.
Its download feeds FUCKING BROKE in Hydrus
I think the accounts were probably dead and already full scraped by then but still
ok boomer
If you said you were a man I would say everything I have already said and also call you a retarded simp.
Your endless scripted deflection and reality denial gets old after a few decades.
chill, kid
My only issue with his take is "all". If he's judging like 6 people in a friend group and saying "all" that's different than saying "literally all" women. I'm trying to get to the bottom of why he thinks that by asking how he came to those conclusions. You're the one who's.makimg it a gender thing. Calm down.
Man you guys really want to be mad today. The heat makes atoga suck.
I tried to watch the bachelor type youtube video but I can't force myself to because even though I have never been loved and probably never will be the idea of having to reject a woman even for casual dating because another one is interested in me is too painful to bear
Are you the same anon that thought it was hot that someone couldn't do some yoga poses properly?
Balding, I can understand as it is an inevitable part of aging.
Fat, on the other hand, reflects a bad, unhealthy lifestyle. It is a personal choice.
the general moral inconsistency has been a problem with each woman I've met where the subject came up, the specifics apply individually
Not that guy, but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Kohlberg%27s_stages_of_moral_development
is relevant reading on the subject.
His exact ordering of what is a 'higher' or 'lower' stage isn't really the point, but the tendency of women to consider their relationships with others over abstract principles (compared to men) is a fairly marked one, at least from the modest amount I've read.

Mind you, in most measures of how people actually act, women tend to be more moral than men. It's just that their reasoning, and especially the systematizing of their morals to society as a whole, is noticeably different.
He thinks that because it has been his consistent lifelong experience, and the only reason I don't is as I said because my mother was very unique. Aside from that my experience is the same as his. I've had multiple friend groups from varied backgrounds and life experiences and have traveled overseas and even moved to entirely different states in different regions of this country.
I believe my sample to be fairly representative and with women who were born later than 1980 or so it's just a pretty universal experience, and almost universal aside from my mother and a few other women from the older generations.

Now, after 1995 we know they just eat hot chip charge they phone be bisexual and lie, but even long before that I'm just not seeing the human behavior at all, and I think I've already touched on why I think that is and we both touched on how it expresses itself so I won't be redundant.
Of course, note that women who act in accordance with local or global peer pressure but secretly have souls will never be detected, we are not psychic, but they are ultimately choosing social status over acting human too.
>basically a harness, to be comfortable
i hate bras
They're more moral for social reasons?
tfw no brafree gf
Better than the alternative, right? At least in public.
Being more cowardly or more submissive to social expectations is not innately moral and tends to be anti-moral. Abortion stands out as the very obvious example, not that you'd be likely to acknowledge that. I don't understand people who read significant amounts of psychology without ever reflecting on their own cultural assumptions as a result.
We back indeed. #deepquotes
>each woman I've met
Do you only run in a small circle? That's honestly weird to me if you're being genuine.
I'm not doing any extra reading for this but a "different" system doesn't automatically imply that it is incorrect does it? I guess that's what I'm asking him. Is he sure that they are flat out wrong or do they just have different priorities? And is your assessment of them correct, or are you just using a different set of priorities and both ladies are technically correct from their own standpoint?
They're looking for confirmation bias.
both *parties lol
I typically wear a small tank top instead or a sports bra
The cultural meme of the feminine mystique must die
>Kohlberg stated that women tend to get stuck at level 3, being primarily concerned with details of how to maintain relationships and promote the welfare of family and friends. Men are likely to move on to the abstract principles and thus have less concern with the particulars of who is involved
M, nah I don't use social media at all anymore, my normie-lite days are behind me
Do miss getting sexy snaps from girls tho
So... practical things.
I was dumped by my ex gf 4 months ago. I mostly feel over it, ready to date again. Miss her a little but I sropped moping about it a long time ago, but I still have this hope of rekindling things and I wake up, everyday, with the first thought of simply 'she's not your gf anymore'. How do I stop these thoughts of her?
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Chris Brown is a wife-beating retard and everything he says should be disregarded
>Do you only run in a small circle? That's honestly weird to me if you're being genuine.
Obviously I only come across particular kinds of women, this is what happens to most people generally which is why you can't really say too much about how the average person really is based on your own personal experience. I can only say the kinds of people I tend to meet and how I expect them to be.
Why? He never had a wife.
Nta. Same. Sports bras or bralettes masquerading as sports bras. The only time I wear an underwire bra is if I'm dressing up for something or want to wear something that requires individual boobs like it has cups.
In that case I would say, move lol. Or try to find a smarter crowd. That way you may still disagree with their conclusions but can at least respect how they got there.
Sorry my last post was too vague I think, let me give my criticism more directly and less abstractly:
I consider your simp cultural outlook that worships inaction and agreeability as innately moral to be the main reason psychs were so late to acknowledge women can be psychopaths (I don't care what they rebranded them to or re-categorized them as most recently because it's more semantic than actual theory and they redo it every decade to juggle deserved stigmas), and are still so averse to diagnosing them, and continue to under-prosecute women for all sorts of crimes including child abuse, poisoning, conspiracy, aiding and abetting (and often instigating, which the cops go out of their way to pretend not to notice) violent crime, sex trafficking, drug dealing, you name it. Women can confess to being date rapists and drugging men on air and still be famous rappers with no cancelling, no social consequences, and certainly no risk of litigation, and yes I am talking about a specific extremely famous woman who recently did this right now but I bet you never even heard about it and don't know who.

I am not saying this out of any misplaced or repressed resentment towards women, I am saying it because this same inability to hold women accountable for psychopathic, sociopathic, manipulative or just morally apathetic behaviors whether extreme and violent or subtle and everpresent and universally normalized.
I am saying this because the people who talk the loudest about cycles of abuse while pointing fingrs at bystanders for not doing enough to end them are the same people most viciously reinforcing, shielding, justifying, normalizing, and upholding them whenever they are perpetuated by women.

And I know you won't take me seriously at all but you can't fucking say I didn't try, at least.
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If we were allowed to gauge mens eyes out i would never wear a bra ever again.
Do we not have an air of mystery, demanding reverence and awe, anon?
Woman batterer then lol. That quote is hella rich...
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God damn it
abstraction is what separates us from animals
alright alright, I'll stop.
Yes. If you can't see the person, it doesn't matter they were killed. If you can't see the baby and form an emotional bond based on its reactive facial expressions, it doesn't "count" that you killed it for vague hand-waving out of touch income and lifestyle reasons as a spoiled first-worlder.
You didn't FEEL wrong or like you forgot anything, which must mean you're innately right and not missing the most important piece of a human mind: a reliable sense of cognitive empathy which interfaces with, rather than relies entirely on, affective empathy.
You couldn't possibly just be failing to develop into an adult due to shutting down all challenges to your bubble with various slander, playground insults, or thought-terminating cliches.
Not you, no, or you'd have FELT it.
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We both know that is a lie.
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Let me fix this for you
I can't actually believe a
is a real, attainable thing that some people have had
No actually.
You know how smart some animals actually are? Friggin' dogs can do that.
I got bored and decided to harass you for a while because you were being cute.
I'm over it.
Anything other than email, IRC, or XMPP is cringe.
a dogs ability to abstract is orders of magnitude behind humans, they can't even do long division
Nah, it happens sometimes lulz I get where he's coming from
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But it was funny.
Not that I agree with this, but wouldn't you call an inability to consider their relationship with others pretty damning? And don't pretend men are generally capable of both philosophy and social awareness.
>it happens sometimes lulz
As in, beating a woman just happens sometimes?
That's a bit extreme. Let's just make it so it's never below 72 degrees anywhere ever. Let them keep their eyes.
Is that tru
>mfw I have ADHD and I forget about my friends if I don't see them often
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No thank you.
Was it? I felt like I needed to work on my obsessive stalker bit some more.
Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, 'twas but a prank, surely you can understand.
that and push up bras
I need tequila and cocaine desu
>Being more cowardly or more submissive to social expectations is not innately moral and tends to be anti-moral.
I wasn't arguing the former, but I disagree with the latter.
Healthy societies have a symbiotic relationship with prosocial people, and women are more likely to be prosocial. In an unhealthy society, the feedback loop works the other way (women being more affected by it), and women get much more vulnerable to manipulation by brazen egotists.

Ironically, the lack of a clear value structure in society, promoted by liberals to "let people decide for themselves", just throws women to the wolves, because they generally want to do the 'right' thing (compared to a lot of men, who really don't give a shit).
Attacking moral structures deprives women of any consistent frame of reference for their own attitudes. The equilibrium that lots of women settle on in response is vehemently defending the idea of 'freedom of morals' (antinomianism), because committing to any particular belief system in a chaotic, valueless society will just make them feel isolated, whereas giving lip service to amorality lets them blend in and reduce the chances of conflict. And when the people they want to blend in with are despicable--be they libertines, coomers, manipulative douchebags, etc.--they are at high risk of caving to pressure and genuinely believing whatever gaslighting nonsense is thrown their way.
Tox is alright too, I guess
Yeah. He was driving and Rihanna thought he cheated or something and started hitting him first.
Do women actually like this crap? I cringe every single time I see stuff like this.
Anon, why would a dog need to do long division?
I have decided to stop being delusional. Please congratulate me.
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if we only focused on immediate needs there'd be no intellectual development
>wouldn't you call an inability to consider their relationship with others pretty damning?
It's not an inability. It's that men are more likely to see it as irrelevant to a moral judgement. For example, among those who see homosexuality as immoral, women would be more likely to soften their position if they had a gay family member who they otherwise viewed positively. Men would be more likely to say "I don't care, still wrong".

>And don't pretend men are generally capable of both philosophy and social awareness.
I'm not. I went out of my way to say that I wasn't trying to claim the inherent superiority of men or women (the ordering of values implies a 'higher' morality of men, but my point was just showing the difference), and I specifically said that women tend to be more personally moral than most men.
There are lots of antisocial and/or retarded men who just act on impulse.
How else is he supposed to know quotients?
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You have to lay it on way thicker to make me uncomfortable.
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I purposefully made it not sexual, gone for the Apu vibe.
I think it's a phase some go through. It's always been cringe to straight up uncomfortable to me. I remember sitting next to a girl in lecture hall and she kept scrolling through the memes on her phone, all stuff like this but a lot were so much worse, like a vintage looking woman with "every woman you had before me was a mistake and every woman you will have after me is a downgrade"... yikes. It is the female equivalent to the "you're a KING" speak to me.
Kinda. I'm not saying dogs are nearly as smart as humans but they have to be a little bit to be able to be guide dogs and service dogs. And they have a limited understanding of time and how to figure stuff out.
>It's that men are more likely to see it as irrelevant to a moral judgement
No, it's definitely an inability. It's more that men are more likely to not even notice that they're treating their gay cousin much better than all the gay people they hate. Women would realise "hey, this guy is really cool and is clearly harmed by homophobia, I should change my views to help him" while stereotypical men would just be like "yeah he's really cool, anyway I hate gays" with no self awareness.
My point is that the ideal should be to be capable of both, so anyone who is only capable of one is like that because they're incapable of the other, not out of choice.
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I love it when it is cringe.
Apu vibes checked and approved.
I'm sorry, it's rude, but I loled.
Congrats broski

Paraphrasing to make sure I understand. What you're essentially saying is that empathy is irrelevant to men when it comes to moral judgements and that they wouldn't feel more inclined to try and understand the opposing position if someone close to them expressed it? It could be their best friend or a complete stranger and it makes no difference to whether he's willing to consider changing his opinion?
I love women.
>The masculine urge to just buy hundreds of dollars worth of steam game and never boot them up.
Maybe not division, but they can count and add and subtract. Even that is kinda wild when you think about it.
I get not being tactless and not pushing your views, but changing them just because you like somebody who's gay? lol
This but with power tools.

Ethical myopia is waaaaaaay more common in women than it is in men
Service dogs are brute force pavlovian memorization though arent they?
3rd party here but i like they way you form your rhetoric
No to both, he would belong in prison for years for that.
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>the feminine urge to buy all the crafts material and then spend all your free time shitposting instead
Can dogs count? Or do they only understand "more" "less" and "none"?
It's like looking in a mirror
That I bought 6 months ago
With the intention of covering the outside edge with diy fake moss and stones
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It's time to just fucking say it. I have told myself it can't be true for too many fucking years. This is the killing blow. Women, forgive me, you deserve this.

The reason women are obsessed with being "open-minded" on an extremely surface level despite actually being raging bigots in any way they're socially "allowed" to be is because they are insecure. It has nothing to do with caring for other people and is just a reptile reflex to avoid humiliation. Women are petrified of social humiliation despite seeking it out. So they aggressively say stupid shit to get called out as retards, then counter with a "be open-minded" bullshit once the fear of that impending humiliation sets in.

Women are extremely prone to humanizing animals, claiming animals are more intelligent than humans, hating humans and psychopathically self-inserting as animals, denying animals can do any wrong, blaming any violence animals instinctually commit on training or abuse by humans, irrationally siding with black men who aggressively suicide by cop but ONLY if they BEHAVE like dumb animals, crying about rape but supporting or hiding their actual rapists but only so long as the rapist acted like a dumb animal (whether or not they were inwardly cold and calculating; it's ALL about appearances even when it's a secret, somehow), and generally being more concerned with animal lives than human lives, both calling animals innately innocent and moral and in touch with nature, while also insisting animals are capable of the same reasoning capabilities which would supposedly make them capable of guilt and being out of touch with this mindless concept of nature, not realizing everything manmade is innately also part of nature because humans are a subset of nature, and ALL of this is: because women prefer to behave like dumb animals rather than endure the psychological unpleasantness of actual complete functioning human-level empathy, because it doesn't DIRECTLY benefit their own ego
I learned to stop doing that after 3 sales.
They need a man in their life to be cute
Apparently some can count.
>blah blah blah I hate whamen
Ah yes the
>thought-terminating cliche to avoid introspection
My dear old friend
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Do not make me remember all the projects i wanted to do and then never did.
I have read that screenshot.
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need proximity gf
That's wild. Thank you!
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Service dogs need to adapt quite a bit. I think it's a little more than that.
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Looks like a sleep paralysis demon.
Are texans okay?
> It's more that men are more likely to not even notice that they're treating their gay cousin much better than all the gay people they hate.
First of all, it's about a moral judgement. Thinking "homosexuality is immoral" isn't equivalent to "I am personally insulted by the existence of any faggot anywhere, regardless of his behavior".

But more importantly, I don't think you understood the article. It was referring to moral reasoning as influenced by their relationships, not behavior IN their relationships. Are there benefits to basically having no moral backbone? Sure. It makes you much easier to get along with compared to an abrasive, moralizing asshole.

Not exactly (although I wouldn't be surprised if men put relatively less weight on being close to someone they disagree with). It's more like, if a guy's brother and a complete stranger did the same thing he viewed as wrong, he'd be more inclined to treat both identically, regardless of the difference in closeness, because what he views as right or wrong is primarily based in abstract reasoning (from a subjective foundation), not his relationships to others.

It can get even more complicated when men view loyalty as an intrinsically moral thing, in the abstract.

Only after being submerged underwater for an extended period
Oh. But it's a difference of treatment and not the actual moral judgement then how does that apply to the larger conversation?
I let my cat out because she was meowing at the door and right as I let her out it thunders, and then she does a 360 and runs back inside
Post cat.
Being a man is realizing the statistically elevated amount of homosexuals who both were raped as children and do rape children makes it primarily a cultural cycle of pedophilic abuse, that is it a mental illness regardless of politically-driven counter-narratives selecting only studies which confirm bias, that it has significant and even severe comorbidity with other severe mental illnesses, and that women care more about the feelings of men who go out of their way their entire life to be aggrieved and demand rights while actively opposing the rights of other people and gaining twisted joy out of "corrupting" young, prepubescent children, who only grow worse and worse as they become more distanced from the social stigmas and mistreatments they use as excuses for their abhorrent behavior, than they do about actually keeping people safe.
Because stereotyping is bad and hurts feelings and if you do it it's your fault they raped those kids!
You advocate for the release of convicted rapists and murderers because of "systemic inequality", because you care more about the feelings of murderers and rapists and pedophiles than you do about the safety of honest people, and because you get off to the delusion that any justice that isn't "rehabilitative" is "punitive" and you can't possibly execute or incarcerate someone directly for the safety of the public, not for some kind of fucked BDSM faggot worship social deconstruction reason.
The larger social effects of no real consequences being in place for psychopathic behavior don't concern you because there isn't a way to measure them with a fucking psych study and that would require empathy beyond your direct emotional circle of people and "judgment is bad" (ie: being human an not a dumb animal is innately bad, more child rape please!) - the study says less reoffenders, don't worry about the next generation!

But none of this matters until it affects you personally somehow and then you'd flip like a fucking switch.
In that scenario it would be more like, you liking a gay person disproving your earlier belief that all gay people are super weird or terrible.
First paragraph I somewhat agree with, at least the
>women are petrified of social humiliation

But the second is completely off-base. Women simply are more empathic on average. And when the empathy is so excessive as to be pathological, you get (some, not all) women defending patently undeserving cretins or dangerous animals.

> generally being more concerned with animal lives than human lives
If anyone ITT cares more about the other posters here than their doggo, they have brain damage. Nothin' personnel.
cute migu
Your expectations are simply calibrated to worship niceness, hate honesty, not care about things you can't see outside of your spoiled faggot social life, and place no innate value on human life whatsoever unless you are told to by a social authority.
But wooo! You're such a heckin' doggo psycho!
>what fox news does to a motherfucker
One 2019 study hooked dogs up to MRI machines and showed them dots on a screen. They noticed increased activity in the parietotemporal cortex part of their brain as the number of dots changed. A similar region of the human brain is called the parietal cortex, which is responsible for our capacity to spontaneously process basic numerical quantities.

Granted, the sample size was only 11 dogs and 3 dogs failed to show any activity. I wonder if it was different breeds or something. I'll try to find the study.
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hiding under the table
So misapplying empathy to evil people to the detriment of their victims is moral, innocent and just misguided, because "she didn't mean to" and "she's just a girl". Got it. You really are a piece of work.
Never watched it once. Grew up on CBS, didn't have cable, wasn't on local channels, don't even own a television now. You dumb fucks have been using it as your boogeyman and excuse not to think for 20 fucking years, it's getting very pathetic and it's time to stop.
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The 3 dogs were, respectfully, golden retrievers
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that's really more of a dispelling of the basis for your moral belief based on personal evidence, in which case refusing to change it would simply be ignoring evidence
that's opposed to the circumstance where you have some other basis for opposing it, and of course you wouldn't adjust your views just because somebody you like is gay if you have any kind of moral backbone because your relationship to them isn't relevant to your consideration
>someone actually posted cat
You've made me unreasonably happy.
Damn, females got BTFO once again. Good work, lads.
>you're a controlling rapist if you don't contribute to my political attempt to steal from other people and force them to do whatever the feds' current whims are, I'm anti-fascist btw!
You just can't help yourself, can you?
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nta, but have an ugly girl chilling in the mess she created
>because they are insecure.
Yes most "don't judge" comes from "I don't want to be judged"
The problem with empathy lies in how it is applied.
There's always a specific reason (It could be as dumb as how attractive they are) but we typically empathize with people like ourselves.
Aw, they're scared of the thunder. :(
so your justification for obsessively supporting pedos which he spent his whole post pointing out that you are doing is that he must be a conservative and if he were more respectful of women's rights he would support pedophiles too?
what am I missing ho?
It's a joke. Not everyone you say "okay boomer" to is a boomer lmao

It may not be accurate but it describes you very well anyhow.
> But it's a difference of treatment and not the actual moral judgement
What? It's the opposite.
Treatment is downstream of moral judgement, but it isn't solely determined by that. A guy who thinks, say, jaywalking (or any civil offense) is wrong would obviously be deranged if he started despising his parents because he saw them do it once. And again, he can also see loyalty as a virtue in itself, to be balanced against other concerns (i.e. even though he might think his parents and a stranger "deserve" the same consequence, he might think snitching on his family is wrong).

The only point is that, when coming to a particular moral judgement about a particular situation, men tend to see their relationships to those involved as irrelevant to their reasoning.

>worship niceness
I don't. I even called some of it pathological.
>hate honesty
The opposite. For example, I utterly despise people who keep secrets from a partner just to stay in a relationship.
>not care about things you can't see
Don't know where you got that from.
>place no innate value on human life
I do, but I see animals as mostly innocent, while humans are much more variable, and tend towards being shit.

tl;dr doggos are frens
Women, I'm almost done putting together my bed.
It's for one person only though, you're not invited in my kingdom.
That cat needs a scratch post.
It's a joke once you get punished for it, and it's a thought-terminating cliche that you use as a get out of consideration free card up until that point, which is why you're roundabout coping with your "b-but it's true though you are the basedjak!"
Because you're not talking to me, you're talking yourself out of thinking.
Women think they're better than men. Once you realize this, they are insanely easy to outsmart. Even better, they don't learn humility until their midlife crisis, if ever.
She looks very pleased with herself.
I just wanted to enrage the incel even more. It worked perfectly.
But you just said
>if a guy's brother and a complete stranger did the same thing he viewed as wrong, he'd be more inclined to treat both identically, regardless of the difference in closeness
>The only point is that, when coming to a particular moral judgement about a particular situation, men tend to see their relationships to those involved as irrelevant to their reasoning.
is what I paraphrased at first and you said no not really so,

People really buy one person beds past age ten? I sleep alone and my bed is 2m because i deserve all the sleeping space.
I look forward to a faraway day when species traitors will be driven into the woods along with all other "moral misanthropists" and left to the devices of one another and the innocence of animals.
Wow you are very clever and not a mindless retard whatsoever anon
No I'm making fun of you

Even if this is just trolling this is cringe.
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Thank you!
I bed anon's bed looks like a race car or something.
you can't preserve the power of a slur to end a conversation in your perceived favor if you constantly spam it whenever you're in a corner, you know
incel wore out in 2021 frankly
It seems to still rile you up so i conclude it is still effective.
women, what would you do if you found out your bf played the Nod campaign first?
I said "not exactly" because your paraphrasing was talking about trying to "understand" others, but the moral judgement is solely about actions--not about hearing out this or that person's viewpoint.
No idea what you are talking about.
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Femanons, how do you deal with this problem?
"haha u must be so mad i can tell" breathed its last in some godforsaken LoL lobby in 2017, while we're at it
you got to get some new material, you're posting cringe
So, there's the thing. I have 2 rooms next to each other at my disposal, one is a bit bigger than the other, but neither age big enough for 2 beds, a desk and a closet.
The most I could do, is 1 big bed in one room and then everything else in the other.
But in my unlimited wisdom, seeing how I'm not going to get laid anyway, I decided to make it cozy instead.
1 person bed in one corner, desk in the other, closet in the remaining one.
Now I'll get to watch movies on my pc from my bed.
That is not something that happens.
women, what would you do if you found out your bf brought you some pretty flowers :D but he was a werewolf who murdered fifteen people! X( but they were racists XP and he wanted you sooo bad 8P
so I don't have to tell her?
Do not kill the cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.
It is a common problem for every women that isn't extremly attractive or extremly ugly.
You probably should given how suspicious you act.
kill your whole self just to be sure...
No it is not. Maybe stop following podcast bros on tiktok.
but she'll never understand, I think the best thing to do is keep it a secret
women, what would you do if your bf was patting another woman on the hair and giving her attention...in a world where all crime was legal
That sounds like too much work.
Your body, your choice.
Its the bad guy faction in command and concur, made by westwood studios who i believe is now defunct
Why can't we all just get along?
Leave him. Dumb hoe just played himself.
That would be too boring.
I don’t have that problem, I don’t have a roster. I get enough attention and it’s fine if I get less some days
I don't have to deal with this problem because I'm not some degenerate with a "roster".
it's a diplomacy game
I must regretfully inform you,
That's too boring. There's no discussion when everyone agrees.
I don't but mabye you should talk to actual women, incel.
Oh so he is trying to pretend to be some bad boy? Kek
Probably pull him down and make out with him
That is called pretty privilege.
So you are a loser?
Idk, you dont really get the whole story / game if you dont play as all factions. I dont think playomg as the empire in star wars battlefront makes someone a bad boy
The feminine urge to buy Elden Ring DLC while I’ve only done a two bosses
If women stopped making tiktoks like this I daresay they'd get less hate.
If I didn't know any better I swear women on tiktok were trolls.
But women wouldn't do that, they're good people and stuff.
Guys, how long do you last in bed/vaginal sex?
Bf doesn’t last more than 5 minutes and doesn’t bother finishing me off. The sex is maybe once a week if I’m lucky, usually once every two weeks. And before have you tried talking to him, yes and it’s like he simply forgets as soon as I’m done talking.
M or F,
We meme a lot in these threads, maybe too much, but it has made me start thinking about wifebots in the future. I am innately repulsed by the idea but after really thinking it through it seems like it would be the more moral choice than getting a gf. I'd almost say it's more of a choice between preparing myself mentally to get one once they become common and to love an illusion, or just making up my mind to never to love at all.
If I do decide to get a wifebot later on, how do you think I should prepare myself to overcome my revulsion and depression ahead of time?
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No but it makes you an edge lord.
Because females wanted a war, but Men invented war.
]})the masculine (cheap bastard) urge to buy nothing because this summer sale doesn't look that good, and play Skyrim for the 30th time with a new combination of gameplay mods
>wifebots in the future
Don't get your hopes up. Robotics is really hard.
Watch Lars and the Real Girl. You'd like it. It has Ryan Gosling.
Is the femanon from yesterday who I talked about anger issues and how she is irritated by every person who isn't acting perfect here?

Either way, I somehow had to think of what she said some more today and it dawned on me that my ex might have a similar issue. I mean in the sense that some things need to be absolutely perfect or she won't give them a try. I think this might be some form of neuroticism. Except the way she reacts to it is by being avoidant, instead of actually lashing out. Instead of telling the other person what irritated her or made her angry, she just shuts herself out.

Thanks for the talk yesterday, it was productive for me too.
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>Playing all the starcraft campains and not just the terran and protoss makes you an edge lord
Men, if you could change one thing about women, what would it be?
>second chess account got banned
Maybe it's time to try Skyrim and GTA V too.
Really depends on how comfortable I am with you, what round it is etc.
Varies between premature levels and 15 minutes or more
I'm a fast cummer as well, but I'd at least bother to get my partner off, there aren't many sights better than seeing the exhausted-happy-face on someone you love.
They would all find cargo ahorts attractive and acceptable as formal dress wear
>it’s like he simply forgets as soon as I’m done talking.
OK, sorry, but that is based
Women would have to do all the approaching.
I’m talking pre established relationship of 3+ years it’s not just a tinder fuck
Sometimes he goes the extra mile and it’s great and other times he cums and he’s asleep in minutes
Not really
How do you get banned from a chess game, anon?
find me attractive
Another woman who would have benefited from femdom
Yeah i am here and i also just avoid what makes me angry now and pull away when i get irritated. I used to get angry but ofc i realized that this just makes things worse so now i simply remove myself from the situation when it is not how i want it to be. Which means i remove myself from most situations because rarely is anything perfect. Now i only get angry anymore if i can not remove myself from a situation. Which does happen because sometimes the situation i want to remove myself from is existence but you know, mom would be sad.
I doubt that particular woman is getting much hate. She's getting attention and men probably masturbate to her videos and all her six boyfriends call her tiktoks funny and insightful.

It's me, who has never been approached by a man nor has ever put my face online, who gets told I should be raped and killed for the crimes of all women (i.e. stacy gloating about all the attention she's getting)
This sounds good till you think of all the fat chicks hitting on you when you just want to get your groceries or work out.
Women, unironically, why don't you approach guys more?
>Not really
I wouldn't expect you to see it, you're the crying wojak
Understand and validate my feelings.
Like 20 minutes at the most, so he promises sex later but then you don’t have and you think he forgot?
probably botting or repeatly spamming the n-word if a chat exists.
I do not want them.
On round 1, 5 minutes, on round 2 and beyond a lot longer
That's what I mean, though. Women as a whole, not just individually. It's the tiktokers that cause it, not the rando shy irl women.
Does watching tru crime make an edge lord?
Bad experiences. They either try to use the situation to their advantage to pump and dump me, or they lose interest because I'm desperate or whorish or trannyish. The one time it worked out I was used as a practice gf while he kept pursuing prettier girls.
I will just reject them.
Plus overweight women aren't that common where I live.
Though I would also like to add that women automatically know the relationship status of any man and they are not allowed to hit on taken men.
make them all 8 inches taller
I don't need to.
Bet your single/a virgin
He just will say he understands and will try to do better and all and then it just doesn’t happen there’s still huge gaps between sex. Or it does change for a lil bit and theres like 3/4 rounds in under 48 hours so I’m thinking he’s understood and then it’s a dry spell for a week or two
That’s fair, he just gets too tired to usually go for round 2
The men I've approached have turned out to be abusive assholes. I don't know how to pick them.
The pieces are already there, and I could write the software that puts them together myself, I just can't afford custom parts to build it.
My expectations are moderated, sure. Claude, 4o, all still deep as a puddle and more generic than the average social conversation with a stranger irl. They can posture somewhat if you talk philosophy with them but the cracks start to show well before the reply limits for the free versions and trials I've tried. Besides, I don't want my waifu hosted on cloud servers, I at least have some semblance of decency. Local models will need to come a long way, but the hardware is already where I need it to be, just not cheap enough.
I doubt I'd like it honestly, I don't get the cult of Gosling, don't understand incels, and don't really like Hollywood. I'm not really a big pitycore guy.
thinking about the sheer number of men who would never get approached and now have no plausible deniability (cope) about being unattractive
Pass-through AR porn is already better than 99% of relationships
First time I cheated accidentally and the second time I told someone what I thought of his country.
>or trannyish
Wait, what?
Men create those turbo thots with inflated egos by showering them with attention. There's nothing the average woman can do. Even if all those men were getting laid by uggos like me they'd still go online and masturbate and simp for 10/10s.
>sex outside of marriage
>sex outside of marriage with an inconsiderate goober
I will put you in a room full of noisy gum chewers and gently shake my dandruff out onto your sleeve.
>Bet your single/a virgin
Uh, no I'm the Chad Gamer keep up
the empathy gap thing the smarter anons were talking about up above itt
i am not good at expressing myself and didn't feel the need to chime in because it was about the same number of people on both sides of the talk, but i have also noticed it
it just covers a lot of more surface level troubles
>or trannyish
u wot
>cheating and racism
As predicted
I was 5 when it came out and I remember trying to play it
Make them less liberal
>but the hardware is already where I need it to be, just not cheap enough.
Just no.
>The pieces are already there, and I could write the software that puts them together myself, I just can't afford custom parts to build it.
You know nonlinear control theory?
You want women to lower their empathy?
have you noticed a common factor in the men you have approached? avoid that
i will love my new fat wife tenderly and we can work out together and cook healthier meals instead of being sad and alone and eating junk food
i will wrap my arms around her considerable girth and hug her tightly
Uh huh and you also have a million subscribers right?
>Men create those turbo thots with inflated egos by showering them with attention.
To be fair, though, the reverse is also true. Women make Chad.
is there a term for when a guy always texts you first and keeps on texting you despite your all-but-apparent disinterest?
Like, if he stopped texting me, I'd probably forget he exists.
Is there a term for when the roles are switched and it's a girl that keeps on?
I'll be back with a new account and be more careful.
>Sometimes he goes the extra mile and it’s great and other times he cums and he’s asleep in minutes
I've no experience when it comes to sex, but I can tell you that sometimes I get really sleepy after an orgasm as well. I'm sorry this scenario is happening to you & your partner though.
Avoid assertiveness?
That’s what I said when the dragon showed up
this is not that common among men but very common among women in unhappy relationships, you go for guys who act or look too gay and it turns out they are some flavor of gayish and don't really want to fuck much or have consistent interest in your body or in intimacy
I'd definitely prefer knowing that I'm ugly over having the occassional delusion that I might have a gf if I just wasn't coward.
subscribers to what?
>Is there a term for when the roles are switched and it's a girl that keeps on?
Clingy? Delusional?
Don't let him put his dick in until you've come.
>b-but muh bimonthly intimacy that leaves me blueballed
No, he's a selfish, shitty lover. You finish before him or not at all.
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Pursuing and being sexually assertive and aggressive is masculine
There’s the option of finishing me off before he cums and he will sometimes do that but again more often than not it’s make out for a few minutes, he fumbles his pants and underwear off, tries to get mine off, I take mine off, we fuck for under 5 min, he cums, I go and pee to avoid a uti and he’s all wrapped in bed ready to snooze by the time I’m back from the bathroom
I was thinking "what are you 12?" but then i remembered 2011 was 13 years ago
people you had to approach are "assertive"? but anyway, yes "assertive" often means bold, arrogant or aggressive which of course correlates to domineering behavior
That doesn't really sound like a step forward, but a sidestep, no?
I think by going away all you do is hurt others in a different way.
How do you equate that with trannism?
what a way to describe that lmao
>man is unconfident: how trannyish
>woman argues back: fucking troon
So a woman working a job is trannism?
I probably jumped the gun a bit, but I see your point.
Yeah that math up to me.
not conforming to gender roles makes you a tranny.
Bad monkey. *smacks your head with a stick*
there's a femcel bumble girl that I ghosted for like 48 hours and she's texting again
I'm not drunk enough to take advantage of this
Yeah ofc but i can not just decide to not get angry. I can not control how i feel, i can only control how i react to how i feel and if people do not want me to be angry or avoid them maybe they can try not making me angry. And yeah, i have tried to gaslight myself into trying to look at the bright side. It does not work, it only makes me more angry.
Yeah, I've noticed that even the women on 4chan are surprisingly liberal.
That's unironically what tranny believes
F No it doesn't!
just split my finger right down the middle with a boxcutter
women why am I like this
What do you like most about the opposite gender?
Clumsy fuck poor baby
Nta but no. They typically like gender roles and represent themselves accordingly
Join the 41 %, tranny.
I've grown bored of this woman. Should I just ask her for her Snapchat and send her a picture of my ugly mug to see if that scares her off?
You bleedin' bad?
Get rid of the
>"make a man take accountability for something even if It's my fault"
circuit in their brains.
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Imagine how bored i would be if i could not get angry at men. They make for the best rage bait. I love you, dumb men<3
Anon you have electromech brain, I just need whatever the best open source solution currently is to imitate a basic walk, even the old outdated MIT/Japan shuffle type walk from the 90s/00s is fine really, to tweak it until it mainly works with whatever model I would build, and then for anything else I can just write a few thousand preset operations with gcodes or whatever else, and then the conditional logic goes in the control program that calls them and sits between the AI and the hardware.
Abstraction is a beautiful thing, and you don't have to make the bot "aware of its body", you can simple fake most of that in C. Kinesthesia isn't required because it is not a real consciousness and will not truly experience anything. It's a complicated toy to feel less alone.
inb4 some how can you do gcodes thing if you don't know starting position, you just get starting position of all degrees of freedom, have your C autism adjust all the values of the gcode based on the startpos, and output that to your controller thing. It can situationally cancel actions or gestures if they would cause the bot to fall down, or make it gradually amend to a better start position, then put in the sequence. Or just sit down.
In fact you don't even need to code any calculation of momentum or gravity you can just set up some static values and adjust them based on trial and error if it falls down

You can do anything in a C-like language if you just A) hook up and unit test and system test all your hardware bullshit jank, B) de-shittify all your unbearable go-between compatibility pointer to encapsulated singleton spaghetti code connecting things to the main code, and C) bullshit everything relentlessly until it works rather than trying to code based on a paradigm or reinvent the entire physical world, or god forbid trying to make the hardware itself too "smart".
They are soft
If he doest’t make you cum, how long does sex last?
Make them equal to men in strength.
They represent themselves as the opposite sex, believing that fulfilling gender roles is sufficient and more over they call other people secret tranny "eggs" for being gender nonconforming. So yes
but why am I like this, its not the first time
I was, I tied it closed pretty tight and seems to be fine
No they don't. Their idea of femininity is a man's idea of femininity, really exaggerated and cartoonish. They don't even know how to stand like a woman.
Despite being an incel, they still make my knees weak and I can't look them in the eye
They're so lovable it hurts
What, you put a tourniquet on your finger?
I was 19 and it was such a leap forward from Oblivion I couldn't believe it. And I could play it on my college laptop.
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>They don't even know how to stand like a woman.
Reminds me of this absolute banger of a post
no, just wiped it down with alcohol. put two bandaids to keep it closed, then wrapped gause over it
and if I can ask two things, make them less glib and more prone to actually reading things
but honestly the first would probably help with that too
4channel fr has a tranny obsession. Ya'll really seeing these niggas daily in the west?
Idk, their bodies? The foids here aren't winning any awards for personality.
You are trying to rush and you are not thinking things trough before doing them.
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Under 5 minutes usually
This exact thing.
Your perception of what constitutes assertiveness is the whole problem but I CANNOT fix her nor will I try.
Just avoid what you perceive as "assertive" men which you for whatever reason still have to approach. You might miss some shots but you will hopefully miss that type of men from now on. The simple solution works in the end.
I don't get it either. American blue haired libtards are worse than any tranny.
Saw 2 yesterday
I'd barely know trannies exist if it weren't for 4chan.
Kinda funny that at minimum I'd fuck my ex for 20 minutes and most guys can't last 5.
>you are not thinking things trough before doing them.
This was just funny.
You think you're joking but this is literally Edward from Twilight if he was a werewolf instead.
"Sorry, I'm not interested."
"I don't have to give a reason."
[any response at all if there is one]
>select block contact

I did it I solved women's texting woes, I found the way out of the problem you all have.
I have actually never seen a tranny irl.
It's a different dynamic when it's the woman doing it because the man isn't going to just forget she exists even if he dislikes or doesn't care about her. I can't describe it really but it's like apples and oranges, the two situations can't really compare well, our brains just work differently?
Did the werewolf in twilight not kill people?
>Ya'll really seeing these niggas daily in the west?
Not in the small town I live in, but whenever I visit a big city, I see at least one. How do city slickers cope with this?
Retarded American take. I'm pretty androgynous and I'm confident in my manliness.
He killed vampires no people.
When we first started dating and such we would go for an hour plus just cause it took him that long to cum cause used to his hand only and then it just has gotten quicker and quicker as the years have passed.
You know this lowkey gives me hope because I also had that problem. How long did it take for him to become a quickshot?
It took him a solid year to get it down to under 10 minutes and now we are at 3.5 years and he’s under 5 minutes every time. Honestly the 15/20 minute area was ideal and I miss it.
why did my ex want to change my name in our messages to "bad bitch" and asked me if he could call me slut in bed?

I didn't like it and he ended up calling me a bitch a lot just a small paragraph of that word repetitively after I broke up with him due to him treating me badly :(
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When women come to a board full of kissless virgin losers to say "straight women orgasm less lesbians are better lovers" they're doing it on purpose aren't they?
A guy who is noticeably "assertive" without relevant context (like taking charge of an emergency situation) is extremely likely to just be a douchebag.
I can only think of a single guy I know who was assertive from the moment he walked into a room. Guess what? He didn't get along with others.

Not saying you should approach first, because the problems you cited would still exist, but asking a guy out =/= being sexually assertive, nor is behaving like a horny chimp synonymous with masculinity.
I will note that he cut masturbating out fully since dating and sleeping with me. He said it definitely makes a difference cutting it out
It's only like 2 foids that do this because they got raped when they were young lmao
The best part of eating in the same room as you is smacking my lips too loud and chewing with my mouth open. It looks like I put the stamp on the envelope crooked. Oh well, they should still take it, the important thing is that I make sure to lick the glue on the envelope thoroughly and use enough spit to wrinkle it.
I had to step over a junkie to get into a bar and see drugged out people all over public transit, you think people minding their own business faze me?
Hm, that does sound rough. I definitely don't want to be a quickshot but I'm also a "can't cum until I'm raw and hurting after an hour" type. Kinda nice that I'm not broken at least.
Yeah I'm gonna do that too. The fapping kinda ruined it. It made me hornier for sex but I wasn't cumming besides my hand.
Also I just read your post, once a fucking week? You need to take a stand sis.
He doesn’t usually do foreplay either?
Good girls get deep dicking in missionary
No their idea of femininity is a drag queen's and they intentionally represent a crude, exaggerated parody of a woman.
I am the straightest man here and my idea of femininity is understated and subtle with more nuance than you could shake a troon's rope at.
lol yeah def not broken just used to your hand and not a vagina. Yeah it’s not ideal. I wish it was more often or atleast longer if it wasn’t very frequent. I’ve tried to explain it to him but he doesn’t seem to get it or care? I don’t know if he really realizes it’s a large issue imo.
Unless you could kinda lifting my shirt up a bit then no
generally speaking I am annoyed by this default name calling. I'm talking to a guy who is very attractive/pretty and he got called it by uglier (closeted bi/gay men) because they wanted to fuck him desperately. they are weak and jealous of attractive guys.
And you have a cs brain.

It sounds to me you just want to brute force an open loop control, which is going to fail immediately once there is even a slight change in conditions or an output error.
asking a woman to stop wanting assertive men is like asking them to become gay
becoming gay is more likely to happen really
Let's not get too pickme there, anon.
> I don’t know if he really realizes it’s a large issue imo.
Gotta take a stand. If this is something weighing on you (as it should because once a week is not enough) then make a big show.
Can guys please explain the cat ears thing to me? I really don't get it.
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I will change my address and never tell you where i moved.
>the man isn't going to just forget she exists even if he dislikes or doesn't care about her
Maybe I'm just a sociopath but if she's not attractive or interesting then I definitely will forget. Also might be because I'm surrounded by women I desperately want to FUCK 5 days out of the week
Everything you said makes it sound miserable and depressive.
I've said it before, but sexual (in)compatibility is a thing.
I guess you can be kinda proud he finds you so hot he cums so fast, but the way it is now it's more like he just uses for his needs... and that's it.
I get you don't always wanna go for the full course menu, but like 30 mins should be on the table.
Have you talked with him about it?
there's assertive and "assertive", I guess their attraction can't distinguish
Had to work with one once. 4chan is a very unrealistic place; it portrays them as far too sane, attractive, passable, and having individual agency. I worked with him before and after he "discovered" he was a troon and not just a fat autistic goth faggot. All the "le serve satan *tips fedora* I AM A WOMAN these fascists are repressing me...." posts you could imagine don't go far enough. I was sure the stink thing was exaggerated because /pol/ are peepeepoopoo use animal revulsion to make people think my way retards like that when it comes to everything, races, etc
But for this one specific thing they undersold the reek.
Well, we all know most men don't put in any effort to care about their partner orgasming and that it's on purpose. Men are total shit at sex, on average.
You know anon won't because they don't like being assertive.
That's pretty funny. I should start doing that, attractive guys are pussies in most cases.
I thought girls liked them wtf
You quite literally select the men that you let fuck you.
I thought women already were gay or gay coded and silly men just didn't understand, or something.
But fine I will modify my instructions:
Keep getting abused and acknowledge that you are doing so with your own informed implicit consent in order to gain access to "assertive" men.
Sometimes you gotta head out of your comfort zone to get what you want.
When you say you want something serious, cna it sometimes mean something casual, but you don't want to look slutty?
This. If I like someone I'm far less likely to notice flaws.
cool, now how do you prevent him from retaliating and making your life hell just because you told him no :)
What a faggot thing to say.
I'm being smug, not joking, and I already know it is despite not reading that shit and actively avoiding information about it through the obsession years
I was going to write vampire instead but too on the nose, I thought
Women, do you still find male actors like Clark Gable or Sean Connery attractive, or have female tastes changed drastically in the last few decades?
I'm just saying that "assertiveness" isn't a very visible quality outside of specific situations, and the guys who do regularly display it (you know, the ones who women get crushes on from afar) tend to be douchebags.

It's lizard brain stuff. A male analogue of it would be guys who crave intimate affection, only to fall for the BPD women who lovebomb.
>most men don't put in any effort to care about their partner orgasming and that it's on purpose. Men are total shit at sex, on average

I know you're just baiting the guy but guys are average at sex on average. I don't think they should be embarrassed about being meh or even shit at sex unless they're the kind of guy who has a body count of 30 but a female orgasm count of 0 who keeps doing the same thing he's always done and never learning anything.
I’ll bring it up and he will bring up his points, that he’s a bigger guy and it takes a lot out of him to have sex and that he feels content and happy with how much we have sex. I try to voice that I’m happy to do most of the work and he takes me up on it but then it goes back to the long strips of nothing.
Like stated above I have and it changes for a lil bit but then goes back. I don’t know if I’m just hyper sexual or what. Seeing him laying in bed though doing whatever on whatever device he’s on and absentmindedly playing with his dick till it’s hard and then when I try to engage with him/his dick he shoos me off saying he doesn’t wanna do anything and he was just playing with his dick. It feels like such a fucking tease and works me up and then nothing.
I’ve tried but it doesn’t make a difference in the long run
Connery had a thing with beating women. So, not him.
>It's lizard brain stuff.
yes, my point.
It's because you're roleplaying right now, actually.
Yeah, and they hit you too and treat you like a practice gf. But they're "assertive". Don't see what that has to do with me, I'm a thoughtful man who doesn't go out of his way to be obnoxious in public, yet you never make the distinction, it's just "men".
You only THINK you've tried. Men and women have very different ideas as to what counts as communication.
>slapping a woman once=beating a woman
Not really.
I'm a man.
Sean Connery is definitely still hot but I think Clark Gable might seem a bit "soft" looking to modern women.
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They can look cute but it is a bit funny to me that what used to be mr universe material back then would not even be good enough to post on social media nowadays.
All 3 of those replies are insane. Christ. He's just too comfortable. I never usually advocate for this but you may have to make him jealous, unironically. It's a very toxic solution but it will work. You have to give an ultimatum. Trust me, I got the same way with my ex. It was because I started to take her for granted, it's the mark of a shitty dude.
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Women, is your bf neglectful?
Can we not do this again, guys?
So what your saying is when he asks me how often we ideally would be having sex would be and I say daily or every other day and he scoffs saying that’s pretty often and he’s surprised by my answer before going back to whatever he was doing is not communicating to him what I want?
need a foid who loves being spanked
I can't force you to step outside of the jargon or design philosophy inherent to the classes you took, I can only offer you the opportunity to realize that wholes are made up of parts.
nta i do especially if the guy wears them
I know. Men can also be pickmes.
I have no interest in doing that to him. I want to treat others how I want to be treated and I would be beyond upset if he was giving someone else attention in that matter. That is a boundary I have no interest in crossing.
He doesn't know that he's my boyfriend...
That doesn't mean it can't be dealt with.
I have enough cognitive function to avoid BPD women; women should be able to distinguish between loud assholes and men who simply know when and how to take initiative.
If you can tell at a glance that someone is "in love" with you, or is "assertive", then that should be a red flag to you.
No, not really. You're not pushing hard enough.
Most men have been in a situation where their gf/wife goes out of line, so to say, and it really takes one slap/light hit to get her to behave again. So yes, there is a HUGE difference between beating her up and just correcting her.
Okay, that's fair. Then it's ultimatum time. Your relationship is withering on the vine because he's taking you for granted. The problem is deeper than just sex, sex is a symptom.
>I’ve tried to explain it to him but he doesn’t seem to get it or care? I don’t know if he really realizes it’s a large issue imo.
>he’s a bigger guy and it takes a lot out of him to have sex and that he feels content and happy with how much we have sex
That "bigger guy" thing is complete bs desu.
Like what, does he have a BMI of 40 and can barely roll out of bed?
For most people once a day is normal. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
But once a week honestly is just... nothing.
And this is after just 3 years? Imagine another 5 years down the road.
I don't know how clear he needs to hear it that you are not satisfied anymore.

Oh fuck off.

Sex isn't everything, but you sound bery incompatible.
See, if you would integrate your cognitive empathy with your affective empathy, rather than being entirely ruled by the former, you would not only gain a complete sense of morality and human consciousness, you would also stop being the mindless prey of your lizard brain, because it runs entirely through impulse and emotion.

There I found a reason to complete your consciousness that satisfies a pure narcissistic motivation.
I'm really doing the legwork for you here but it is up to you if you're going to make it happen ultimately.
>It's because you're roleplaying right now, actually
I can show you the text convo where I haven't responded since Saturday and she just texted me like half an hour ago.
I can't prove that I want to desperately bang no less than 3 of my colleagues but as a man you should be able to put 2 and 2 together
>Most men
Not (You), though!
whyvwoukd a guyvwant to call me a bad bitch :(
He scoffed at you? How tall are you?
I have been. It came out automatically, even if I would say to everyone that I would never hit a woman.
You know he won't and just want the attention. The lie is disgusting because you're willing to play the victim and degrade other people who you'd "just forget" who are "creepy" for being interested in you, an interest you entertain because you want attention. It's just awful. It's a really nauseating way to be.
Because you date ghetto trash.
Oh so you're a woman beater. Nice man. I bet you blame her daddy issues or something, bet you said "You made me do this!" Big man, indeed.
no bf but no please don't spank me my pelvis is fragile and I might shatter

Men would you a fragile pelvis gf?
The term is simp, and we both know that's not what I'm being and I will never get any woman's contact details from these threads or try to, and never have, and won't go in an /atoga/ trannycord. It's obvious from my direct manner of writing, casting judgment, not being a tripfag.
I have not yet beat a woman, I DEMAND A WIFE
absolutely not
drink some goddam milk
You could not control your anger and unironically hit a woman?
Shut up you disingenuous faggot.
Cool glad to know men need to be told something multiple times to get it across to them. Men wonder why women sometimes don’t bother and this is exactly why. It shouldn’t take countless attempts of openly voicing something only for it to be disregarded until an ultimatum is put up.
It’s shitty to pull the ultimatum card and again I don’t really have any interest in pulling it. It’s not fair to barter like that in a relationship and put your partner on edge about what might be the next ultimatum
He’s around 225/230 at 6 ft tall give or take.
5’4, we were both in bed though not like he was talking down to me just commenting after watching a YouTube video on the topic
lol you're not gonna get laid whiteknighting on 4chan.
I require a woman whose pelvis is suitable for deliveries
We don't sign our posts here.
You in a wheelchair?
I don't want her and that makes me the villain.
>there are dudes who have women who aren't being fucked enough by them
I'm really not. Nothing else was said after it happened. We both calmed down.
I wouldn't say I was angry, but she wouldn't be quiet and that was my first reaction that came out.
If I break you, I'll also put you back together, deal?
This is where ALL MEN BELONG!
Hitting a woman is no more wrong than hitting a man.
Don't be a chauvinist.
Women can do anything men can.
They are not innocent little deer, they are individuals and you should respect them and stop acting horrified. You wouldn't care about two guys "duking it out" even if they were gay.
That's your defence? You're a fucking loser bro. Have fun beating on women and dating BPD whores who cheat on you. You ain't a man you're a faggot pussy.
>It’s shitty to pull the ultimatum card
It sure is. It's also shitty that he blows you off when you've raised your concerns about feeling unwanted. I admire your ethics and principles on this, but something HAS to change. You're miserable and I can tell just from your posts. I've been the man in the scenario, it's not "incompatibility", he's taking you for granted.
Bitch, he scoffed at you. You did not present your argument well enough.

Ok, this is unironically the reason he doesn't take you seriously.
I wish my dad and ex didn't beat me up now I can't work and am somewhat fearful of men sometimes

>tfw no bf/gf to gently kiss me on my previous hurt spots and tell me it's going to all be okay
Well, I did jerk off to a pussy eating video last night.
To be fair though, it was incest.
You're weak.
And you're a virgin.
>That's your defence? You're a fucking loser bro. Have fun beating on women and dating BPD whores who cheat on you. You ain't a man you're a faggot pussy.

learn to dodge better
Are these posts a psyop to try to make men who don't want to hit women want to because you're being such a stereotypical faggot?
It's not going to work, I am already doing the cruelest possible torture to women anyways: avoiding them and depriving them of attention.
So frustration. Even worse. Are you the kind of person to throw your controller when you play a hard video game?
I don't hate them or anything, I just really don't understand.
It would be like (assuming you're even remotely normal) you found out that a bunch of girls were super into guys who stuck pieces of fruit roll-ups to their forehead.
Nah but you're so mentally ill that no one is losing out on you ignoring women, trust me. Just to shatter your illusions, I'm a man, the chad you fear. I have tons of success with women and can have sex at the snap of my fingers, all because of my genetics and good looks.
You're a powerlifting slut and women aren't sacred, it's sexist to put them on a pedestal, they can catch hands like anyone else.
>You wouldn't care about two guys "duking it out" even if they were gay.
That is not the same thing at all.
>and am somewhat fearful of men sometimes
no offense but I seriously want nothing to do with women like this
Kek, when I was little, yeah, but not since like 10. I may still swear a bit if something goes wrong in a video-game.
Is this a bot?
It is the exact same thing you sexist pig. You're holding women back from their bright futures of working overtime and getting punched in the face for talking shit. You probably want them barefoot, pregnant, making you a sandwich, and living a life of relative leisure at home, you controlling sick fuck. I can't stand bigots like you. I'm gonna have a conniption.
Yeah I think it’s that he’s gotten very comfortable with how things are. We were each others firsts, I pursued him, I’ve done everything he’s wanted and more in terms of pretty much everything. I don’t want to leave him because beyond that he is great and we are as compatible as i can see myself being with someone. I thought I was asexual before him if that counts for anything.
It was like a laughing scoff like he couldn’t believe what I said I dunno, I’m the older one between us if that makes any difference lmao, bit over a year of a difference
You sound super, super, SUPER bitter lmao. You that mad that I fucked Stacey while she wouldn't even look at you? And yeah, I've never hit the gym. I don't do any lookism, no clothes shopping. I shower once a day. I was born with a chiseled jaw and beautiful blue and gold irises. You will never have my looks. No woman will ever look at you with love and adoration. Nothing you do will save your faulty genetic code.
Yes goddess, I belong under your foot, like the lowly human form that I am, please give me an order
>we are as compatible as i can see myself being with someone.
Then the problem is with you.
Well this went to shit while I was gone. I'm going back in the pool.
Your bait is pretty weak.
>We were each others firsts, I pursued him, I’ve done everything he’s wanted and more in terms of pretty much everything. I don’t want to leave him because beyond that he is great and we are as compatible as i can see myself being with someone.
My schizo side is telling me that this is a lesson from my side, because its similar to my partner. Reality? You're his mom now. Please, at least take a stand for yourself.
>He’s around 225/230 at 6 ft tall give or take
Yeah no, that's just somewhat overweight a bit higher BMI than me and I can easily go 3 times a day.
His attitude is really shit.
Again, what if this gets even worse over the next years?

>they can catch hands like anyone else.
You write as if beating people is considered normal by everybody.
And mabye you should realise that the real world is complicated and that you can't just brute force every problem.
The weird thing about femdom is it doesn't turn me on, disgust me, make me feel insecure or humiliated, make me mad, make me laugh, make me bored even, give me any emotional feedback.
I only feel a curious absence of feeling. Like a display pedestal with nothing on it or those dreams where you go home but when you open the front door it opens to a different place instead. Like the non-taste of distilled water.
Picking up a piece of fruit and realizing it's a wax replica.
It's a strange thing to have unfeeling about and I can't pin down why. It's like it doesn't exist to me.
Submissive men and dominatrixes can have annoying personalities or stupid beliefs but the actual sex thing just returns a 404.
Yeah, it would be embarrassing and annoying as fuck taking her anywhere.
>so how did she end up in a wheelchair? car accident?
>n-no, her ex bf beat her up but I'm taking care of her now ;_;
State gender, What is flirting to you?
Never used it
Again are you a bot?
No one cares if men get punched.
complimenting or teasing her in a sexually charged way
You're the NPC here, not me.
No idea, never done it, probably never will, apparently it's suggesting talking to each other
Not any of those anons, but you can't nag a man into wanting to have sex with you. If you want to stay with him, then you have to accept him as he is
Never used it
Legit. I wouldn't even know how to explain that politely.
Take me with you.
Correction: You and your sub 80 IQ community doesn't care about people getting beat up.
That’s what I’ve become to noticed in basically every situation/problem I’ve ever had and honestly I don’t know what is wrong with me/how to stop it from occurring besides just never voicing my feelings and not caring about my wants or needs in any manner.
We will see
I don’t know. I feel like I just have to stop giving as much of a fuck as I do cause that seems to be the issue or atleast what causes the issue
Yeah that’s what I’m getting
F. Flirting is kind of just being friendly but a bit overly so, with extra eye contact, and extra touching.
I hate when women pull the "I don't care" card and just start being a cunt when you trying to do something
Feels like every week my dad will ask what my mom wants for dinner and my mom just unleashes her inner cuntness on him
Women are not children.
Low IQ insults only work on people who never took IQ tests kek
>Women are not children.
Nice false equivalence.
>Low IQ insults only work on people who never took IQ tests kek
NPC. The above average midwit NPC, even. Kinda wish the devs would add in some more variety.
What is the cure for such disorders?
That only works on people who scored below the 95th percentile.
I really am not trying to brag you're just forcing my hand with this shit.
Well the alternative is bleed to death metaphorically so. You can't cope your way out of it with "I'll just stop caring" because that's how resentment starts, then it's dead dead.
Are you guys seriously victim blaming? It's not funny. I hate this place.
Incest is basically vanilla nowadays
>You're his mom now.
Do you think it's healthy to start using this a pejorative
>I don’t know. I feel like I just have to stop giving as much of a fuck as I do cause that seems to be the issue or atleast what causes the issue
That's a real doormat attitude.
Being submissive is one thing, but not standing up for your needs will just make you unhappier.
You're trying to brainwash yourself into thinking your needs are not important. A real abuser would have his field day with you.
>That only works on people who scored below the 95th percentile.
I'm 99% percentile, 143 IQ. You're a midwit. The fact that you're appealing to IQ to act like you're justified in your views is enough for me.
bros does "only weekly sex"maxxing work for keeping a girl interested?
I guess some kind of teasing but I could never do it in a sexual way
You were asking for it.
How do I get a gf who wants to fuck daily?
Why is your first idea to roll over and take it? Has it worked in the past?
>Do you think it's healthy to start using this a pejorative
Healthy? Not very often, maybe a few times if the emotions are high strung.
where do you think we are?
How will you explain this statement on judgment day?
only if your shite at it
143 IQ and yet you have a 15 second memory and can't remember that you in fact were the one appealing to IQ to justify your cognitive dissonance.
Sounds incredibly real.
In that case, my IQ is in fact 600!
It's her fault for being short!
By recounting the tale of Lot
Men have you ever had slow, sweet sex with someone or wanted to? thoughts on it, I would like it again one day with someone more compatible... just want to be loved.. I wish soulmates were real
That was a bad thing you realize that that wasn't endorsement, right?
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I did not say the 80 IQ comment, smart man. You are very intelligent, yup.
I've had bad starfish sex
>Men have you ever had sex
Nope, when I was still ignorant enough to want a relationship all of the women my age were looking for their real soulmates and trying each penis to see if it fit their soul. I have never been in a relationship and never will be in one.
Its nice, I like it.
>all of the women my age were looking for their real soulmates and trying each penis to see if it fit their soul
Sure is nice looking down into her eyes. Very beautiful sea blue eyes.
It's a yikes from me, dawg.
That's what I thought. Enjoy being a sub-genius, you're basically Einstein to your peers. Too stupid to be able to solve your own emotional problems though, unlucky.
I don’t think so. Just means slow thrusting?
Virginity and the soul of a poet, name a more iconic combination.
>Junji Ito hole joke
I was betting on you being a biblical plebian
Yeah, I'm not going to fuck, let alone make love, to a woman only to find out she doesn't think I'm "compatible".
Dude, you know where you are, right?
>Men have you ever had slow, sweet sex with someone
>wanted to?
Yes in the abstract, but not with any particular woman yet.

>I wish soulmates were real
Maybe you shouldn't have slept with others, then.
It's not supposed to be this way. Steven Tyler as an example.
anon can just google "tale of lot" you know
he's new he doesn't realize it's a Christian imageboard
I'm 32 weeks today woo!
8 or less weeks to gooooo
is it just me or in real life guys actually practice higher standards than women? women call me handsome all the time, ask me out, ask me to live with them.... i would think im 'mid' (i do have a good 'personality' though, i dont talk over people, i cater to what someone wishes to converse about, im conscientious, i volunteer to help out). while guys literally only obsesses over a single gorgeous babe out of the 10,000 women around them.

on the internet, it seems to be the opposite though. women are pickier, men are... looser with their standards, on the internet at least.
Looking through the replies, most essentially come down to wanting to be loved/wanting women to be less cunty. I can only imagine how horrible the dating pool must be for men these days.
Lol. I mean the devil was pretty good at quoting scripture too.
The reason I started taking all my college classes online
>women call me handsome all the time, ask me out, ask me to live with them.... i would think im 'mid'
you're not
i had this one girl ask me out adamantly state that theres no way im not dating somebody else because i was just too damn handsome, again, i would call myself mid.
I hold an immense amount of love for him, I can’t see myself holding major resentment over this or letting the relationship be dead dead.
I’m too self aware to let myself be abused or fall into a situation like that sorry
Nothing better to do. After going through highschool and college having absolutely no attention given to me in the romantic sense and chasing after dudes who never wanted me to begin with im not about to give up the one person who has loved me. I’m not about to shoot myself in the foot like that
whtdoes this mean
Women on the internet are all unironically femcels.
Babby soon
>le doormat
>le abuser
this is an unhealthy obsession when the topic has nothing to do with abuse.
So you're going to settle basically.
What are they doing? I wasn't following the thread and it's too hard to go back and read it.
Triple every woman’s bra size
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>she didn't tell me bye before leaving for the day
It's over.
>I hold an immense amount of love for him, I can’t see myself holding major resentment over this or letting the relationship be dead dead.
You say that, and you're not me, but this is how I felt about my ex. You said 3.5 years? We made it to 6. I'm just warning you, you have to make a change, and the sooner the better. This is not tenable for you. Unless you can truly make peace with once a week for 5 minutes (you can't, that is not good because for you sex is a loving act) then you're gonna start to resent him. You already do on some level, I can just tell, and maybe you can't admit it yet, but please DO SOMETHING!
How do you explain the tiktok roasties bragging about their three-digit body counts?
Considering you don't know where things go in their relationship or they break up, it absolutely is relevant to point out.
>I feel like I just have to stop giving as much of a fuck as I do cause that seems to be the issue or atleast what causes the issue
Someone really hurt you.
This is actually unhinged. You derive some kind of power or pleasure from this behavior, don't you?
>blonde women in the gym
>I can feel my testosterone boosted and my performance enhanced
Thank you God for blondes
Oh nice, congratulations! May your child be fat and healthy.
Wish granted. Every woman's bra falls to the floor now that it’s way too big, but their bodies haven’t changed.
You think that's real and not just trolls?
You don't sound mentally well.
I very clearly wan't talking about her current bf.
But the current trannies carrying out his dark will are absolute shit at it
I knew I was settling when I first started dating him I’ve come to terms with that a long time ago.
We will see
So it's even LESS relevant to the current situation?
Not helping you look any less of a headcase.
You should've touched her shoulder and went
>HEY, hey, where's my bye?
Women love assertive guys.
>abuse is only real if it's physical, guys!
I’m draining your male energy with my black hair dude
I think you misquoted.
>We will see
So you know I'm right but you can't admit it yet. Good luck.
They can only wear open toed shoes now
>woman says she's not being abused
>nono gurl you're in an abuse victim mindset watch out!
This is like the female equivalent of "nono babygirl he's no good to you"
They’re webby webby girls?
Holy shit I am trying to insult you and you're just taking it...
Don't bother replying if you can't understand basic statements.
My raven haired goddess.
Thank you, I am excited
Don't bother contributing to the discussion with your insane neuroses.
How do i get that anime boy hair
Shut up, we're trying to gaslight.
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grow it out
I am better at writing actual poetry/lyrics than him but my throat doesn't work that well for singing anymore, I don't have big mouth/lips, and I couldn't imagine being a rockstar or putting up with pedowood people
besides I bet he fucked a bunch of women he didn't love and if he married it was to an unvirgin, I don't envy him
+ drugs are stupid
I'm a man.
Well, that was a sad turn of events.
Maybe the amount of backlash you got here will stick with you, I sure hope it does.
But if you keep acting this way, you really have no right to complain and surely you will become jaded as the other Anon said.
But you do you.
Is bisexuality caused by pornsickness?
Nah you are again just simply roleplaying which explains it
So my first instinct to just type
>"nono babygirl he's no good to you"
was actually correct
>touched her shoulder
sounds like a good way to end up in HR
>your post
>t. Chad
that's nice. would like to be treated gently again.
very pretty, made me think of a girl who likes me.
yes but kind of passionate and tender. being kissed through out and lovey dovey language if verbal
he cheated on me towards the end of the relationship and tried to come back years later and what he did hurt me.
hope you find her.
Abuse is always fake when a woman decides she or another woman must be being abused and works backwards to decide how any why, or says she innately is because of a "vibe" or her emotional state as the only evidence.
Bonus points if she still makes excuses in her head for her ex who broke her ribs while all this is going on.
Sheesh. Was he at least assertive?
nta but he was drunk and only bruised my ribs and it was hard to breathe. he hurt me badly elsewhere but emotional abuse is really real too.
Emotional abuse is being forced to interact with the average woman in any context for longer than five minutes at a stretch.
thinking of that femanon's post about finding out the 'abuse' a guy was talking about meant 'emotional abuse and she had to pretend to take it seriously.
He could change. I have hope that things are just stressful and shitty in our lives and that’s part of what is causing it. If it is still like this when we live on our own and not with 3 others and hate one of them then I will consider my options.
I don’t really care ? Your words do little to nothing to me
Yeah I plan to

Also lil bit of background I met him off a thread on soc for those that care to know. Cant say I expected a dude off of here to have such a low sex drive
I want to shrink down simps and raped bitches into a small size and then put them into two separate enclosures right next to one another so they can talk to one another. And I just want to watch them for eternity and interrupt their conversations from time to time to tell them how they’re acting like simps and raped bitches. That’ll show them
I'm more of a touch kinda hoe. Hugs, joking around with more intimate detail, giving me a treat because you thought of me.
femanons, what other sites do you use besides this shithole?
I enjoy interacting with women.
What did they do to you, anon?
Nothing, you're just a masochist.
*scratches under your chin*
*throws stick*
People who unironically say this also cry and scream every day about how women won’t have sex with them. It’s truly bizarre
>He could change.
Yeah, he could. I'm not trying to get you in a gotcha or anything. I just have a personal connection to this, right down to meeting your partner off of /soc/. It broke my heart to see what I did to my ex by taking her for granted and I'm hoping that you do get somewhere more positive in this. It's just that...it doesn't change naturally very often, if ever. I really hope it goes well for you, though. I hope everything works out.
I don't really think so.
That's probably the guy who said he swore off women completely thoughbeit
>they didn't respond to "incel", maybe if I boost the word count it will work
sorry i'm not really comfortable touching women proactively.
I'm down to a half a pack of women a day
I can quit whenever I want I just like it, it's my life, what do you care?
Interacting with women is scary. You can never read them and your always worried you've fucked up massively.
Thanks anon I appreciate it. I have hopes that it does because he has the intention of staying with me indefinitely if his words are anything to go by.
I boosted the word count to be more specific. There are two types of incels. The “I go to the gym, join hobbies and make a lot of effort but fail because I’m genuinely autistic” kinds and then there’s the “I have a bad relationship with my mother that I can’t get over that makes me insufferable” types.
Today a couple of my co workers told me that they think I am really funny and that I have a big personality.
Nobody has ever really complimented me this way and it felt really good. I am aware that I can be really silly and I’m good at making jokes and boosting morale with my co workers and am typically in a goofy mood. I can be really funny and high energy.

I automatically suppress myself around women I like tho. It’s so bad. I’m so much quieter and can’t make the same jokes.
Around friends I’ll do stupid voice impressions and I have quick wit and quick humor.
Around women I turn so basic and small talkish.

How the fuck do I let go?
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You good bro?
Is that really one guy though?

MEN, take this poll:
I really don’t want to shit talk him cuz that accomplishes nothing and I’m just fully projecting at this point so take it with a grain of salt, but that’s how I felt and said to my ex. We broke up mutually because the resentment started to bubble over, because we never addressed our issues, sex being one of them. She wanted more, I was only doing it once a week and it was very rigamarole. I let her go because I truly love her and had to go to therapy and face my demons myself. Now we’re talking again and it looks good, but you have to just hope he’s willing to work on the issues because he is taking you for granted. You don’t deserve that.
Learn to ease up a little?
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Tfw no crow gf
Nice goalpost move.
All these questions paint a certain picture. I’m sure you could’ve had more options
you can find women you're comfortable with and who are open around you. it can take time but it's doable.
My fear is;

>go to make jokes
>she thinks it’s stupid and corny and I feel like an idiot
>MEN, take this poll:
I refuse
I loved my mother very much, and I do not care about your strawman of "people who say this also do that!"
I have never in my entire life even once lamented publicly, privately, or solitarily that women would not sleep with me and I will not sleep with a woman I am not married to.
This is what I mean by emotional abuse. What is wrong with you? Why must you be so wretched all the time?
How about just "single"?
I guess volcel comes the closest... but whyyy does it have to be this lingo used?
If I've never asked a girl out out of fear, does that make me a volcel? I don't know what you mean by "get laid" I've never wanted to just hookup/pump and dump either
>what I REALLY meant was...
The point of the poll is explicitly to distinguish between the groups, not be vague to flatter your egos, you dumb faggots.
Reading Comprehension.
I’m just returning to you what you put out into the world. Don’t be a pussy now. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen. I thought you could handle it
I had sex without a relationship
>not be vague
There is nothing less vague than just being single.
Why do I feel nervous around my gf
Celibacy here referring to lack of sex, you can figure out the rest
Implying I'm cheating. /atoga/ girls don't like me unless I write really violent smut.
I think this is a bit biased.
Well it’s a dumb poll because an incel can’t have been in a past relationship. The cel at the end of the word means celibate. The poll itself is contradictory
Okay I don't want to hear any /atoga/ men whining about how women supposedly made them incels from here on out
>can't be a virgin by choice but afraid of women
your sample size is insufficient
I was told by my friends that it sounds like the guy who keeps talking to me is emotionally manipulating me. why would he do that?
aw u love her
Do you feel better about yourself when you make posts like that?
>you can't be celibate currently if you are not a LIFELONG celibate which as a specified distinction
So vows of celibacy simply aren't real then according to you.
And you can't even fucking look up a common word you apparently forgot what it means, and can't read the post the poll was replying to.
You faggots make me so ashamed of you.
I've never even talked to women, much less tried to form a relationship or anything else
Theres just something completely broken in me on a fundamental level, because I really don't care about most people, so I don't initiate a conversation, but I'm good friends with people whom I know.
I've never claimed such a thing in my life, this isn't /r9k/
you hate her and she doesn't make you feel comfortable
Aww youre worried she will beat you in a basketball 1v1
to get you to do what he wants, duh
So I'm a GIGAcel, got it
Women, how does this make you feel?
I like her a lot

It’s only like the first 30 minutes were together
Man. Every day I come here, I say, "this is the worst it's ever been". And the next time always tops it.
You got the anxiety, bro.
Nah, I was into kissing a woman way before I was this fucked up porn-wise. I just didn't realize it was romantic.
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>threadwide meltdown over stupid troll poll
What is it with you people and having your autism triggered by the stupidest shit possible? Does anyone here actually care about a dumb poll or do you just like pretending to be butthurt so you can have an excuse to argue?
I just wanna give women headpats and bundle them up in a warm blanket to watch nostalgic movies with. What's the rest of the thread doing?
30 min nerves isnt anxiety
nobody is having a meltdown but you
if a guy tells me about his relationship themed dreams and one was of his ex that broke up with him and another a female friend, and another of a faceless women does that mean he doesn't really like me because I don't feel like I can reply to him today and it's been a couple weeks since he told me about it and now I feel ugly even if he calls me pretty sometimes/all the time.
lmao you just got rightfully shit on by everybody.
I beg to differ
nta but people like you aren't helping. Women aren't helpless children.
This thread sometimes makes me so thankful for my life and the people in it.
It's normal. I sometimes have bad dreams my wife stops loving me, and I have never even held a woman's hand.
Is there any way I can tell if a chick likes me within 7 seconds?
I can't wait to leave this shithole forever
Truly. Mom and dad are real ones
pop a boner and if she looks disgusted theres a good chance shes not into you
>if we're ALL illiterate it means we're right!
No. This is really pathetic.
Idk if I will, I like watching the car crash.
Mom yeah, Dad can die in a ditch.
Of course not. But everybody likes to be taken care of and coddled a little bit sometimes don't they?
I don't wanna fight, I didn't mean to upset you.
Why do I feel like women have been checking me out lately?

Is it really just confidence/being chill? I'm like a 6/10 looks wise
Bisexuality is just human nature. People are socialized into being straight and gay and porn plays a role in that.
>coddled a little bit sometimes don't they?
When I'm sick maybe.
are women not allowed to feel loved jesus christ LOL
Beautifully recited.
Heh, thought so. Seems a very male thing to say. My mom could die in a fire.
I dunno I’d rather be taken advantage of them not be wanted to begin with
on what planet are you not
>My mom could die in a fire.
To be fair, it switched throughout my life. I used to adore my dad and hate my mom.
real and true
This thread is making me think I should just stay an incel forever
You two should settle this beef with a poll lmfao
I'm just on my period and upset that my bf is at work to be honest.
I need work mommy pussy
still waiting for women's take on this
NTA, but I already have issues with being treated like I'm fragile and less mature than I am. Your patronizing bullshit wouldn't make me happy at all, even if I was laid out with the flu or something. This retarded "uwu headpats and snuggles" shit unironically bugs me and it shows how thin skinned I must be that any sort of good intentions people who said that had never register.
If women couldn’t more or less figure this out just by letting the men ITT talk then they really aren’t smart. This can’t possibly be news to anyone
Being in a relationship isn't worth it anymore. I just can't be bothered
32 year old wizard. I have no idea wtf this cel shit is.
Me in the relationship state, alone, as the chad on Most High.
What about men who have never tried to get laid out of fear (or rather the well substantiated belief that it wouldn‘t have been sensible to do so due to being an unattractive loser)? Should I pick incel?
I'd settle it with cooking him/her a beef casserole.
nta but how tall are you?
There's nothing so say, really
I wouldn't say that makes you thin skinned. But it does suggest you have a giant chip on your shoulder.
No, that's still volcel, because you voluntarily didn't get laid.
>around women
>around friends
Make the women your friends?
At least you’re self aware enough to understand that it’s a you problem. Generally speaking though people can tell pretty quickly when a person would hate this kind of thing so luckily for you I doubt you would encounter it much. At least I hope not
WOMEN your poll is here!
Nta so we can't cuddle? Because that shits "is immature"? Let's just have a completely platonic relationship
>chip on your shoulder.
You really like to say this, don't you?
Anyone here ever met their partner online, and maintained a long distance relationship? Ours is one month strong atm.
I'm sorry, anon, we tried to warn you
I can't choose what I'm afraid of. Also it's 4chans fault I'm an incel you all demoralized me in high school and now it's too late

But it's true...
I tried that once and when it ended it felt so absolutely stupid and dumb that I never did it again
Anon, it's a very common phrase.
Not every relationship involves sex, anon
That category includes dating in school where all you do is kiss and eat lunch together
Ah I knew what it was when I came here. I filled a niche that was lacking, I think.
in(security)cel as I already told the other anon
scared of women is a very incelcore thing regardless of technicality, but you can pick either I guess
Nah it's your fault
Imagine letting 4chan run your mind
LOL i hope youre alright love <33 take care of urself in these trying times
Women not feeling like they can be comfortable and vulnerable in private with their bf is fucking depressing. Ignoring that I could never be with somebody on overcompensation boss-babe mode 24/7, that shit must be exhausting from their side of things. But whaddu I know.

why does this come as a surprise to you, it literally lines up with all existing published statistics from dating apps. 90% of women are fucking 10% of men. the way this plays out is that >>31584549
eventually turns into a manwhore and ruins his marriage
I didn't think it was possible, but this poll is even more retarded.
Partially confidence, since in order to notice them checking you out, you have to check THEM out
I mean about women
I don't think I've said it here recently at all? I wouldn't say I use the phrase all that often.
Same. The last quality virgin girls were taken in high school and you can't get a gf of value unless you become a millionaire or someone famous.
>giant chip on your shoulder
What does this even mean anymore? How frequently and recently do I have to deal with something before I'm allowed to be vocally and preemptively upset about it?
I don't encounter the patronizing aspect of it a lot, at least. But the genuine "oh I thought you were incapable/less professional because you look small/immature is actually just as irksome.
We can, as a couple. You don't act like cuddling is an act of coddling when you're doing it romantically. It's relaxing and sensual in that context. Headpats will always be patronizing, though.
Women are wonderful, just not most of them here.
Isn‘t that just cope though.
live forever poll anon, the cows are lining up for the milking
Met my bf on soc, been going 3.5 years rather steady all considering. He was somehow only 15 minutes away from me and I think that’s what really sealed the deal on us trying to see if things would work.
Life itself demoralised you. Had you been attractive and successful, it would have treated you differently.
ywnbam, larper
if it was that recent I assume you're a gay man since /soc/ has been full of disgusting troons and gays at least that long
I’m a man and I voted the 20+ option to troll. Does that count?
How do you get any of that from this graph? What?
Can autists not grasp the concept that the arguments they have may be joined in by multiple people?
>ywnbam, larper
Why do people keep saying this when I have a big dick and a chiseled jaw?
Chad fag go take a nap buddy
>male coworker assumes you’re dumb
>male coworker assumes you’re the secretary
which is worse?
No, das weird bru
No. Like you establish friendship where you do that and it's okay. After like several conversations.
no value women can possibly ever have can ever replace the innate value of her being a virgin when you marry her
"playboys" are the biggest copelords of all and their mental gymnastics are so pitiful
They genuinely struggle, anonymity filters autists and cluster b alike
I'm pretty sure an upset woman is yelling at me for no reason because other people bothered her. I'm so confused.
I think that‘s more of a normie/newfag problem.
Yes I love being a chad.
>No. Like you establish friendship where you do that and it's okay. After like several conversations.
I rarely even touch my male friends aside from a handshake, anon.
I knew it.

Which gender are you asking?
Sorry I just will not become comfortable no matter how much we talk, I'm busy that day, my weasel needs greasing and the locusts got out of their pen again
>chip on your shoulder
To have an angry or unpleasant attitude or way of behaving caused by a belief that one has been treated unfairly in the past. In your case, from being a shorty.
>tfw no gf who can actually beat me in an argument
Nope, bio fem. No one gave me any attention romantic wise from middle school to college so I found myself on soc and after a couple years I found my now bf.
Weird how much of /atoga/ is and always has been
>women with bfs who want to shoot the shit with random men they'd never fuck
>loser virgin men whose only contact with women is this website
Why is being a virgin so valuable?
Somebody catch me up? Why is a woman mad because she's short? People like short women usually.
They actually have difficulty with it. They sincerely believe that everyone adheres to the nta rule.
>>women with bfs who want to shoot the shit with random men they'd never fuck
Maybe this is why I get mistaken as a woman.
The latter. I can at least admit that my look doesn't scream lab tech. But it's more that I look airhead dumb, not child dumb.
Damn. Need more samples. It's cringe guy hour.
oh, it's still about sexual things
I’ve seen like 2 male anons post face, and I’d fuck both of them. The rest of you are just pixels on a screen.
Also some of the women have gfs.
I don't think of anons as flesh and blood men, everyone is just anon more or less
>no value women can possibly ever have can ever replace
Calm down with the typing, little incel-kun.
I am not scared of women any more than i am scared of people in general. I converse with them just fine, I have female friends (although none of them are among my closest friends, since our interests don‘t overlap). We are close enough that I meet them every now and then, I‘ve been to their weddings, know their families and so on..
he doesn't dream of me but i dream of him. how fix?
What made you realise it wasn't gonna work?

Met on vrc unironicaly, she lives on another continent. So its more difficult but possible to visit.
And the unsurprising results just keep rolling in.
The real question is how can women who 3 to 5 men have been inside, who are well-adjusted and sexually empowered and desirable, find the time to always be moping around with a bunch of virgins who don't even want them? And since the men have all sworn off dating, half of them without ever even wanting to try to get laid at least, why are they even here talking to women day in and day out?

Well, I'll let you draw your own conclusions, folks.
Well it's true. And I'm unpleasant about it when it's brought up or reinforced.
Because it gets her attention itt.
I don’t have a picture in my head of what a lab tech looks like, so anyone wearing a lab coat is enough to convince me lol
She sent me something that I'm not sure is a statement, a question, or a good bye
Questions don't NEED to be expli- wait, are you autistic?
Shocked that guys are actually admitting they’ve never tried to date. I guess I was wrong to label them incels.
Oh jeeze good luck making it work another continent away. Honestly don’t thunk my relationship could’ve started like that. Had various dudes whom I had added prior from across the country acting like we could make it work so I can’t imagine another continent. Good luck though
yes a couple of chads drop in now and then too
I dunno, I thought women liked feeling tiny.
How about a woman in jeans and a tanktop with one-inch nails?
>who are well-adjusted and sexually empowered and desirable, find the time to always be moping around with a bunch of virgins who don't even want them?
More male attention makes them feel good, especially if their bf is ignoring them
>why are they even here talking to women day in and day out?
Need for female presence in their lives even if they claim they don't need it
This is hell, and we all choose to be here
>airhead dumb
how does someone look like this? you have a dumb look on your face or something? smiling for no reason?
Read and learn about more interesting things so you can dream about those things and not some person
Chadnons are here briefly and never come back after getting women wet
>3 to 5 men
Wait a minute, the poll didn’t specify they had to be male partners…!
Its true, I'll be gone next month after I get back with my ex.
Ok. So you actually, seriously, have a chip on your shoulder. I'm pretty sure there are some short women that don't act like that. They may feel like that, but they don't act like it.
Because monogamy is and mutual loyalty are important to men, because their love isn't materialistic in nature. Either they are just fucking whoever like an animal, or they are looking for love and won't just love anyone, without much in between. "Try before you buy" with lovers, partners, mates is incompatible with the human spirit. It's the very objectification and commodification that women are always accusing men at large of, but men are more likely to be either in or out, and women are more likely to yearn for love but just let anyone fuck them anyways.
Most women probably think it's insane to deny themselves immediate animal pleasure out of loyalty to someone they haven't met yet, and maybe never will.
But for these men, casual sex would be casting aside their own humanity, a hollow and rotten victory.
Men often erroneously believe women commonly exist who feel the same way, but for those who realize how rare it is, it just makes virginity yet more valuable.
Why is the spread purposefully nudged upwards?
What? I harass women on here and call them stupid all the time. I did it ITT.
>why people here if no sex??
Maybe it’s because THIS IS NOT A DATING THREAD

Seems like it would be hard to do science with those nails. Do you at least wear glasses?
That actually surprises you?
I think volcel is simply an insincere term. In most cases it is used by men who want to avoid the shame of declaring themselves incapable of finding a partner (I could get laid if I really tried) and it is in part an accusation towards women in a sense of declaring them not good enough, or not worthy of pursuit; usually coming from a more tradcon direction.

But does that mean these men have no interest in finding a partner? No, of course not. Otherwise they wouldn‘t be here in the first place. On some level they do crave that social interaction with women, if only to fling their grievances at them.
feel kind of touched by this post, just a little.
My relationships were literally a decade ago, I’ve been a femcel ever since
Big boobs. >_<
I would be in a relationship with you, femanon.
Hm, I see. Thanks for the serious answer.
I guess I view it as “no failed relationships allowed, the woman has to get it right the first time and pick a perfect man”… isn’t that a little unrealistic?
I meant more in the way I dress and talk.
I literally only vent it like this here or to friends. At worst I just avoid situations that arise or correct/disengage from them when I can. I'm not a raging cunt 24/7.
You learn how to handle gloving and all that with these nails eventually. Also no, I technically should wear more ppe, but who cares in a BSL2 lab?
You Americans are so fucked. Why?
american fetish for gender wars
That's a standard thing for any poll. 1, 2, 3-5, 6-9, etc. If anything I should have done 6-10 to make it more standard. You can assume every woman fucks exactly three men if you want but I am just doing what all the corporate polls I used to do for extra cash do with quantity polling stuff
how can I tell if a guy actually likes me and isn't just lonely? he has plenty of female friends that like him he said and he told them no, but why does he say he wants to keep trying with me and be someone I deserve if he is dealing with mental/physical health
It really does. Usually the moaning about women is “I tried and failed”, not “this is why I’ve never tried”. Making the choice to remain celibate is much more deserving of respect than blaming others for your mistakes.
are you still going with this
>one-inch nails?
Autistic question: does that include the nail bed, or just the portion that sticks out past the finger tip?
I don't want a bumble gf, I want my friend :(
I don't care what you think, because I think you are hurt by the knowledge men don't want to fuck you, or women in general, even if you would never consider them yourselves.
Men here love to sperg out anonymously about how frustrated they are at being an incel and how women owe them sex, even a tiny bit of lurking in /atoga/ would inform you that you are coping about this
>l and how women owe them sex,
this meme is a strawman from the get go
So you're baiting and demoralizing. Nice.
it's a game to him
>Socially invisible men are also so put off by women they resolve to avoid them forever - women most affected.
Nine inch nails only sorry.
>“this is why I’ve never tried”
We aren't getting this, to be fair. Ask and it would probably be a bunch of less than satisfactory answers.
yes i am still unsure where this will lead me if I keep replying to him so I have stopped and idk what to tell him anymore because I can't relate to him talking about games because I am poor and can not play videogames too. I feel very lame around him
There IS a lot of crossover between airheads and bimbos, isn’t there?

Typing in all caps is rude.

Ohhh. Do you listen to music on the radio in the lab? Or chew bubblegum really loudly? Um… what else do airheads do…?
Do you just look too attractive to be shut up inside a lab??
It's annoying and stupid.
Are you that bfg discord chick?
Yeah i know, we're both purely acting on feelings ignoring that fact. We actually joke around that i should leave my country and move in with her, but i really like that idea, and it's probably what makes me continue the relationship.
Nah we can see people looking at us from the corner of our eye. So it's probably just my confidence and maybe cologne if women can smell like 5 feet away???
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...it's not enough.
I just dont try because every past relationship was all about compromise and id rather do my own thing.
What movie should we watch? Well she doesnt want to watch Predator so i guess i can be bored silly by the notebook
What shall we do sunday? Lets go visit her parents like we have the last 3 weeks instead of watching football
Whats for dinner, you want me to choose? Ok mexican... ok but you just said i should choose
Well... yeh. Stereotypes exist for a reason, anon.
blood sucking lips 2?
>go to night market
>90% of the goth baddies are with teenage boys
Where are the mid 20s goth baddies at?
>90% of the goth baddies are with teenage boys
please don't remind me how i missed out on teen boy x mid 20s girl love
The hell do you live where there's goths? Leipzig?
I feel like airhead is more of an attitude, but bimbo requires a certain amount of curves.
A stick-thin girl can be an airhead, but she’ll never be a bimbo, no matter how sassy she is.
They're quite common in the UK.
>but bimbo requires a certain amount of curves.
How do I convince her to do a bimbo roleplay?
are we talking about Bimbofication again?
Anon just pointed out an inaccuracy in the results, as an autist you should respect that
Sorry most of the goths are teenagers too.
I disagree. I think bimbo has a lot to do with how ready you are to have sex also.
Based UK
Fuck wish I met mine when I was in HS but she was an e-gf who lived in mexico. Wasn't goth tho btw
I'm sure it is. Divorce rates confirm even for couples who make it that far.
I can't wait to marry a woman who has divorced another man before and see if she happens to divorce me or not, haha.
Over three quarters of divorces in the US are initiated by women.
If any relationship is a gamble, and this correlates pretty closely with the incidence of premarital sex and the lack of social taboos surrounding it, to the point where there is a strong taboo now around NOT participating in it - that doesn't give me much reason to think I'll have a better shot with a more "mature, experienced" woman, does it?

A lifelong, exclusive, first time to the last time, love was so realistic it was the norm just several generations ago. It's entirely unrealistic now, I guess.
What is now precious is what used to be more or less a commonplace bare minimum.
Divorcees and widow/ers most often married each other, and I think that's a good system that people can keep on abiding by today.
Though I suppose 4 of the respondents aren't up for that either.
I‘m a man myself. My point is: that volcel is a misleading term, since it comes with connotations of not having an interest in sex, marriage, finding a partner and so on.

But is that the case for these men? I absolutely don‘t think so.

If you handed them a virgin tradwife waiting in a wheat field wearing a sundress, they would get married instantly. The reason they are celibate is NOT a lack of interest in romance but being appalled by the conditions they find themselves in. Volcels believe to have agency of the situation, to which extent this belief is sincere and to which extent it is performative is hard to tell, but at the end of the day, I don‘t think they‘re so different from the incels in what they describe and see.
Women can smell you as soon as you step out of your car in the parking lot
lol how old are you guys that you’d consider moving counties after a month? Like more power to you don’t wanna yuck your yum but you don’t know her fully enough to say you’d be ok moving countries for her. It took 2 years for my bf to move into the place I rent
I live in Socal, I probably saw 40 of them at this market.
Imagine sacking rome before your even 20
I want to be a thin super shortie-lightly coded bimbo
Can confirm but most gals grow out of it by their 20s
Misato-core, please be a milf
See >>31584783.
>tfw no 130iq bimbo gf
>If you handed them a virgin tradwife waiting in a wheat field wearing a sundress, they would get married instantly
I don't want a braindead retard.
Take your conservacuck garbage elsewhere.
Death to all sub5’6 women
Are you sure it’s not how many men want sex with her?
A bimbo is attractive, yes, but she can also be so dumb she doesn’t even know what sex is, she just dresses up like the girls in her fashion magazines and doesn’t understand why they’re popular
Tbf this is literally 5 votes lol
Yo which ones kek
>and pick a perfect man
there are no perfect men, not a one born without sin
and no women either
so requiring a perfect man to be your soulmate, or torpedoing the relationship to "try again on the next pick", is the red flag here
relationships used to mean something, and marriage meant something more, and sex came with marriage
that is the whole problem
nah that last part is made up
Tall women aren't women.
H-how true is this cause I know their smell is supposed to be way strong
I feel like we get nothing special in the midwest as a city person ffs
Based greek and german gang
Men, do you ever realize how obvious it is that you clearly see substitute Mommy figures in the female baristas at that cafe you always hang out at?
You and the peacock guy, actually.
why game people?
what is bfg? no i am not sorry
I need a tall gf with a fat juicy fucking ass
I am not a conservative. Replace virgin tradwife with whatever you idealise then.
>get mistaken as a woman
Same here buddy it's rough out here
>and not out of fear
Where is the option for fear

am I supposed to feel bad about that?
>doesn’t understand why they’re popular
Anon, come on. That's a ploy. I'm not talking like a bimbo on a 70s tv show.
the bfg is a weapon from the video game Doom (1993)
No you're choosing to pretend everyone who clicked 3-5 would have clicked 3 because you're intellectually dishonest
No? I wish for a substitute mommy figure but I literally have zero contact with women.
I don‘t like coffee and I don‘t hang out at cafes.
No I’m saying they would’ve clicked 1 or 2. Nice projection though.
I don’t know what to say. It’s just sad. Neither gender is entirely responsible, but we both contribute to the vicious cycle.

I was thinking of the man ending the relationship so the woman is single again through no fault of her own, but of course the reverse is also possible.
No STDs but it seems like 8/10 Chinese or Taiwanese women I have sex with end up getting some sort of infection or itchiness around their vagina. I've been seeing one Chinese girl casually for over a year and after the first time we had unprotected sex said her vagina felt weird. After the second time we had sex, she ended up with an infection which eventually went away with antibiotics and for the first month or so would occasionally get itchiness as well. We continued having unprotected sex because she had an IUD and after about 1.5 months she never had any issues come up again.

I don't know why but when I have sex with other Asian women they never bring up this issue. Korean women never ask me to use a condom and none of them have ever let me know that they had some sort of issue or discomfort after having sex multiple times.

Basically all of my complains are from Chinese descents.

What's the deal?
This thread makes me want to kill myself
It's the summerfags dude
Your input is appreciated, rabbi, and we will all start associating victim complexes with intelligence soon, I triple promise with a prime rate on top.
I thought I'd be able to spot the summerfags but I really haven't
what am I doing wrong?
I’m seriously conflicted. Which is more important to being a bimbo, ditziness or horniness?
Your assumptions about them are irrelevant since I was polling the actual people not the voices in your head
I neeeed to clam slam him silly.
And there you have it. These terms (incel, volcel, alpha, beta, whatever) are pretty much only used by rightoids.

Well adjusted liberal and leftist men, even the virginal and romantically inexperienced ones, rightly avoid these descriptors.

There's a general understanding that men who describe themselves with the incelalphabet aren't just politically reactionary but fucked in the head in ways that can easily manifest as sexual assault or other more lethal forms of violence.
I’m 50/50 myself. Either it makes me feel horribly isolated or very thankful.
Wtf how do you know who I am
Is Spice Bomb really THAT good?
I think people give it too much attention but I'm curious. Also are you really only supposed to wear to date nights and shit?

t. Have only had one cologne
yeah that does happen a lot but the reverse is not just possible, but the usual case
I'm not comfortable with the fact that my graphic hornyposts might be being read by people who are under the age of consent.
>tfw I was a barista and wanted to fuck my dommy assistant manager
Both late twenties. We never seriously considered or put thought behind it. I guess it's more like a possible future wich our long distance relationship could lead too or what gives it purpose.
It's official. Men here hate women, and women here love men too much.
This is depressing.
You have zero responsibility for that, because underageb& aren't allowed on this website.

lady they have AI, nobody of any age needs your hornyposting anymore
Idk never used spice bomb but I wear cologne every day
>Men here hate women, and women here love men too much.
How do I go to this magical land where this is the case?
Since this place became channel it is just lioe the beach boys compilation album with "california girls" on it
They're sold by total length, but I was talking size past the finger.
>Do you just look too attractive to be shut up inside a lab??
I like to think so, but I have the feeling you're being rude.
Biosafety level 2. Less fun.
I don't have any kids.
Death of the Author, etc.
>ghost a girl for 48 hours because she's boring
>she texts me good morning
>wait a few hours because I'm busy with work
>finally text her back and ask how her day was
>gives me a one word answer
What's her deal? It feels like she's making a point to contact me but not a point to actually converse
One of the baristas at my go-to cafe has a steady rotation of male, female, and nonbinary suitors including people from her very large stable of exes showing up and trying to get her attention. Sometimes she blatantly flirts with and sexually propositions one of the other female baristas including in front of her boyfriend. I think there's some kind of polyamory thing going on there, but I could be wrong.

I hang out there way too much that I even know this much about one of the baristas' personal lives.
Copilot, write me horny posts in the style of JH, but make them not hate it, in fact love it
Weak bait.
c-clam slam??
>nonbinary suitors
Please stop talking.
One Inch Nails? I love that band! Head Like a Hole was a brilliant anti-conformist anthem of the late 80s and early 90s.
But as an individual I resist it, remaining an enlightened volcel. Women ITT will still tell me I want them as sloppy seconds and am jealous of the men who take advantage of them, though.
I couldn't want those women.
I couldn't envy those men.
If at any point in my youth such things were in my nature, they have long fled my mind.
Our grandparents lived to see the downfall, our parents will not see the end, and I myself will likely not see the end.
But everything ends, be it by fire, sword, plague, or simple slow rot, and there will come a time when the new and novel things of our time will lie in museums or covered in the dust of centuries or the mortar of new cities.
Sometime, somewhere, people will learn or rediscover or reinvent love.
They always have before, eventually.
> yes but kind of passionate and tender. being kissed through out and lovey dovey language if verbal
No not like that I don’t think
what's so bait-y about it? She's a fat femcel looking girl who can't carry a conversation, why would I be interested beyond the obvious?
>not respecting they/them pronouns
No. Real and straight, in fact.
Do you follow progressive discourses? Incel is a pretty popular insult there.

Also, incels are actually slightly tending towards the left in terms of their political orientation and they tend to be ethnically diverse. In terms of personality type, they tend to be risk avoidant, and less likely to engage in sexual assault. Most men who engage in sexual assault are high in sociosexuality and dark triad traits, also they tend to score high in extroversion. The men who have the most sex are also the men who commit the most sexual assault. To anyone with even half a brain it should be obvious that the timid guy who doesn‘t leave the house and seethes on the internet about not getting laid is not going to find himself in the opportunity to commit sexual assault, which mostly happens among acquaintances rather than strangers. The masked guy jumping out of the bushes is an outlier.

Clearly you haven‘t been following the discourse on that subject matter.
Women, what do you think of FtMs?
What makes women, especially women who are already taken, enjoy talking to loser virgin men so much?
Is it because they won't try to fuck them?
The part where you cried about her not carrying the conversation.
Women, what do you think of that tiktok content of women who are pointing out what "modern women" are all doing wrong?
OK now you're just trolling buddy
It reminds me of the sexual puppet show in Being John Malkovich where the dude is in a public park and he simulates two marionettes having glory hole sex through a wall. Then an adult freaks out when a little kid walks past and sees the show.
What even is my "style"? Hypocritical? Like boringly direct with the intent of being as unfappable as possible while also fishing for responses I can get off to myself?
I mean as a self-descriptor.

And in progressive circles incel usually implies reactionary politics and violent tendencies.
Women here seem to share the same low empathy traits. It’s like a big game of Sims.
I don't do that, straight men rarely frequent cafes except in certain countries where they're a native part of the culture, and I hate incestfags more than you can even imagine.
You're already
Am I a garbage human?
> Love manipulating women and toying with their emotions
> Am into bondage and I like flirting with the line between excitement and non consensual
> Like breaking the tough ones and turning them into emotional wrecks with low self esteem
I know it looks like I'm insecure or a pretentious fag but this is just how I feel, I have nothing to prove, I just think women's behaviour and reactions to being fucked with is cute. It's satisfying
Apparently I am producing lots of cum every day and I end up leaking precum despite no sexual arousal.
How would you feel if your bf was like this?
Is anyone here nonbinary, pangender, agender, etc.? If so, how does the gender binary reinforced by /atoga/ make you feel?
Been asked multiple times before, if it's fear you count as incel
Why else would that be specified
You're not choosing to be helplessly afraid
I hate love. I just want to be evil
I think you're crab bucketing me. What am I supposed to do when she obviously ignores a conversation cue and doesn't even try, yet is right back texting me the next day.
If I was schizo I might legitimately think someone was paying her to pretend to be interested in me or that her texting me once a day filled some sort of quota for her
No, but seriously, I want to go to role reversal land where women love men and men hate them
Those options were available, schizo.
It‘s probably some evolutionary residual from a time when their husband could die in violent conflict and women who cultivated a lot of orbiters would immediately have someone around supporting them, making them more likely to survive.
Broke my gay a lil bit when my softball crush friend turned into one and then asked me if I wanted to see their dick.
Fair point. But that park didn't have a "You must be 18+ to enter this park" sign.
Quick question.
Do women not realize how fucking obnoxious it is to constantly be complaining about how much everybody likes them? Like holy shit.
Yeah and with mass replies ti every single (you) and "fuck you" to stuff that causes anger
In progressive circles it basically describes the boogeyman
Lots of pre is fine. It has nothing to do with how much actual cum you make though, I assume.
> Like boringly direct with the intent of being as unfappable as possible while also fishing for responses I can get off to myself?
It works for me. You’re mommy af.
If you don't praxis the discourse, how can you deconstruct fascism, comrade?
>They're sold by total length, but I was talking size past the finger.
How do you wear exam gloves?
How bout intersex?
How can a woman approach ans conquer a handsome 10/10 man?
inb4 you can't
If ugly men manage to marry Stacies then ugly women can somehow marry handsome men
I mean I am producing a lot of cum too at least.
Screw you. It's not my fault that I usually post in between doing housework. Need to respond efficiently.
Cool story, go submit that shit to somewhere like Antipode or Dissent and see if it passes peer review and they publish it.
I loved an intersex person once. That god damn ass.
I don't want to called a mommy until I'm actually pregnant.
Two sizes bigger than I should. That's how.
how about >>>/lgbt/ since this is the one thread on 4chan dedicated to specifically men and women, the gender binary, talking to each other, assholes?
Not everything everywhere has to always be about your mental illnesses!
I don't know why you'd bother asking this here when /tttt/ exists.
Yeah, intersex as well. I still have to guiltily admit my first thought is the un-PC, un-woke term hermaphrodite for an intersex person.
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>If ugly men manage to marry Stacies then ugly women can somehow marry handsome men
That's the possible deal breaker.
all the cafes I go to have young baristas and I rarely hang out at them
Just dont ever clean like me and your free to craft the optimal shitpost
Hasan said it was anti-racist and owned the chuds, that's good enough for me
Story time?
I prefer hermephrodite personally. I don't know why its so controversial.
You do realize being born with both male and female body parts is a congenital physical attribute, and not a "mental illness"?

>tfw want to go back in the kitchen for a Pepsi but I trapped a fly in there who was pissing me off
Are you?

I'm not a 10/10 by any means, but tbqh I get mean spirited when a woman approaches me or gets heavy-handed about indicating that she wants me to approach her. It is an opportunity to turn the tables and I see no reason to give away advantage that's being given to me.
All I wanted was a goddamn Pepsi
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How about
>wow are you a real life FUTA?
You do realize the entire rest of the internet would love to hear about it, other than specifically the 4chan OPPOSITE GENDER thread, disingenuous tranny?
>mental illnesses
Dude... kinda ignorant.
Unfortunately, it'll never get done if I don't do it.
You just sound British. Am I right?
if its a dealbreaker for her its a dealbreaker for me
protect me from the enemy
You want
Met on discord. Australian. Basically irl futa. Played tennis. Competed against another dude who liked them and won. That fucking ass. This was 7 years ago and holy fuck. The ass. Perfect. Fat, big, soft, toned. They were insane and we stopped talking because they wanted to do incest roleplay and that’s a hard no. I miss them.
I'm sure some women must love the idea of a guy who shoots a lot of goo for whatever reason. Don't get discouraged.
>un-PC, un-woke term
Can you stop that? You know where you are, right?
How are you not constantly dropping glassware?
I don't get why chuddie is so pissed. Western society has three traditional sexes (male, female, and intersex) and three genders (man, woman, androgynous) but nooo these very conservative traditional things are mental illnesses. Chuds really are just SJWs.
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If there ain't something obviously wrong with her then I ain't interested
No rudeness intended. If I saw a really attractive girl in a lab, I’d think “what is she doing here? it feels wrong for this beauty to be hidden in a boring, sterile lab”. But if it was some twig of a girl with greasy hair, I’d think “yeah, that tracks”.
Bloody hell are you a psychic
Wait when did you see my pix
Who are you
Are you outside the window
I don't want to kill the fly in case it's a cute girl fly but if I find it drinking my Pepsi this actually means war
>You know where you are, right?
Last I checked, somewhere in continental North America, on a planet called Earth.
Women, is the thread in mental illness mode?
I will purge them.
What genitals did they have? What difference did it make to their stature and appearance?

>They were insane and we stopped talking because they wanted to do incest roleplay and that’s a hard no.
That's kind of pussy shit man
I don‘t think it‘s that clear cut. While identifying as an incel comes with essentialist beliefs that are anathema to progressive discourses, e.g. the primacy of certain heritable traits, evolved sexist preferences (opposed to being cultural in origin), but incels don‘t generally think these are a good thing that should be venerated. They‘re not particularly conservative either in the sense that they reject the benevolent sexism of the conservative right. They don‘t like gender roles because they fail to perform theirs (which probably applies to some radfems as well) and their quarrel with the left is basically that it doesn‘t hold its egalitarian promises, because even if you make people materially equal, they will still choose their partners based on innate cues of attractiveness, such as looks or personality traits. In fact, making people materially equal would further pronounce these traits to determine the hierarchy, since people could no longer distinguish themselves through achievement in the material domain.
And then you'll whine about women on the internet later and support mass violence against us
Jarvis, activate 4chan posting subroutines. Set aggression to 90%, sarcasm to 60%, and horniness to 300%. Engage.
Androgynous is not a gender, anon...
I haven’t seen it, what am i doing wrong?
> I don't want to called a mommy until I'm actually pregnant
That’s a real long drive, is 44 inches of ass worth it?
You think women who are geniuses are unattractive? Says a lot about you.
oh yeah btw I finally hit her up she was like "who dis"
Never seen one in my life, they exist only as hypothetical to me.
You have only one joke and it gets tired real fast.
>If I saw a really attractive girl in a lab, I’d think “what is she doing here? it feels wrong
This is a bit sexist lmao
Did you never watch Legally Blonde
Don’t know I’m not really paying attention
Men are interesting, but loser virgins are generally MORE interesting, ironically because of the same hobbies and personality that keeps them a virgin. And I probably don’t think you’re a loser, come on.
Pretty sure they had a dick and a vagina, just the dick didn’t work. They looked like a very andro boy, very very pretty.
> That's kind of pussy shit man
I was 19, and incest is a hard as fuck no, I don’t care if it was the best ass I’ve literally ever seen in my life to date.
Your passive aggressiveness is adorable.
I break more than I probs should.
I love boring and sterile, even if I'm neither of those things.
Nah, just stay home. If all it took for me to get knocked up was a guy being willing to drive out to me, I would already have some pizza guy's baby by now.
Then you wouldn't have a thread. Literally everyone on /atoga/ is autistic or ADHD and this place is a refuge from the violent, hate-fueled insanity of other corners of the chan while preserving the anonymity to ask socially taboo questions and pick apart the logic of their answers. This thread is a safe space to have a real conversation without being judged.
I only follow booktok and cute vtubers
It's no joke. This is not the thread for your faggot shit.
>Is anyone here nonbinary, pangender, agender, etc
No because I'm not a lunatic
>autism and ADHD
>"mental illness"
Important, life-threatening question >>31584932 is ignored. Trannies are more important am I right aroga?
By telling him he’s sooooo funny and smart?
A 10/10 man is still just a man, and men are easy.
Superfluous. Men have cared for widows of their settlement since before agriculture.
Mod something then.
I don’t think about them really, hope they are doing okay
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Wow do you really feel like this?
Men don't take women who fawn over them seriously
The exception is social tabletop gaming. Most men into those hobbies have discovered that the lack of women in those hobbies doesn't mean a lack of sex - they can just homosexualize each other.

At least that's been my experience with tabletop gaming communities. There are a lot of "prison gay" dudes in D&D, Warhammer, M:tG circles who clearly ain't gonna get no pussy, so they decide to boink each other up in the ass instead.
Oh, right, vaccines, am I right?
As if you don't know, I bet you're charging you phone and eating hot chip right now
No this is the ask the opposite gender thread, a place for cissexual heterosexuals to ask and discuss things
Self-appointed gender police chiming in. Show me your badge, Officer Dickhead.
>Is it because they won't try to fuck them?
Yes. Because talking is actually nice and I want to do that.
> Nah, just stay home
Nope, I will give you the white babies you deserve.
Christfags are embarrassing
They are gay not because they lack sex with women. They lack sex with women because they are gay
I really think it's some sort of internalized misogyny.
Depends mainly on what you have to offer him, hard to say with no information about him or you.

there is literally no answer that you will want to hear. nobody is going to validate you on this. the entire basis of human civilization is high status males getting their pick of high status females and everyone else getting left behind. there is no way for an ugly woman to get a handsome man. ever.
cute vtubers like who?
Lesbians are here all the time and no one has a shit fit.
I think this thread is much more confrontational than most other threads on other boards. It IS one of the most hate-fuelled places you can find when people are in peak slap-fight mood. It also has its moment where people get along but in general, I think /atoga/ is much less playful and tongue-in-cheek in its conflicts than other threads on other boards are.- including /pol/ or /v/. This thread reveals real butthurt in people like you can‘t find on other boards since people tend to be much more personally involved and feel much more insulted more easily when it comes to matters of sex and romance.
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>whine about women on the internet later and support mass violence against us
Pic related
You posted a bunch like a year ago, and I thought they were cute.
Stop compulsively invading vanishingly rare modern heterosexual spaces and demanding respect then acting like you're being oppressed you unbearable evil stupid faggot
I wish your rapist had been beaten to death by the LAPD before it happened so you wouldn't have grown up to be a faggot
I will NEVER be able to live down this raceplay thing, will I?
On the flipside, I’ve gotten a lot of mental help from anons. It’s like group therapy and a special place.
There is a category of homosexualists and self declared bisexualist or pansexualist men who have only chosen a gay lifestyle because they have struck out with women. And they are desperate enough to let themselves be buggered.

The geek, nerd, hobbyist, otaku or whatever you want to call it community is full of these kinds of men. They are too chronically ugly, stinky, obese, acne-ridden, physically diseased, mentally ill, sexually creepy, or socially inept to get with women so they get desperate and resort to man on man action.
That's what they taught me when I took premed a decade agp
>44 inches
didn’t a girl here claim to be 48 inches?
we might need a bigger throne for Queen of /atoga/
How common are oral fixations in women?
I should my battery is at 25%, not eating at the moment I’m skateboarding around catching Pokémon
Just between you and me, it’s hot.
I knew an Asian girl with an ass like that. But yes, it’s also all conjecture. Who knows?
They can be cute, I’m just saying my first impression of them. It’s like milk chocolate vs. dark chocolate, the latter needs to be sucked on to get the sweetness.
unfortunately not nearly common enough.
In terms of men being attracted - but the female side matters too, of course. And if you‘ve gotten to know potential backup mates before the time arises, you might be able to assess them better and make better mate choices. Both men and women cultivate backup mates.This is hardly controversial. David Buss did research on this.
We have asked you very regularly to fuck off to >>>/lgbt/, in fact.
Your "it was always this way, it doesn't matter" typical tactic will never work, even once you message your pet janny on Discord to ban me
Hermaphrodite specifically refers to an organism which produces both male and female gametes. Intersex is more broad, so many intersex people don't meet the requirement to be referred to as hermaphrodites.
>not boring
>not sterile
Er… hot? Or gross? Wait, if you’re not sterile, working in a lab might be a problem…
As ever, your input is appreciated, rabbi.
That makes no sense really. Does sexual preference change your gender?
I'm actually not an ordained Rabbi, but since Rabbi means "teacher" I am glad you feel I have taught you something.
>think this thread is much more confrontational than most other threads on other boards
Bro has never posted on /a/
You think everything is hot.
I meant not sterile as in I can and want to have a baby.
>he has plenty of female friends
Red flag
Yes, I have no reason to lie.

Then why does it work so well?

I will defer to your expertise. My sole tabletop experience is a game of Exalted where a guy tried to magically rape my character.
fuck more women
Nobody turns gay. If you can turn gay you were never straight. The male sex specifically is endowed with strong, inborn and fixed sexual orientations which aren't vulnerable to social conditioning
>The geek, nerd, hobbyist, otaku or whatever you want to call it community
This should indicate there is something wrong with these people to begin with
> You think everything is hot.
Everything about (You).
Why? If he has female friends it means women know he's not a creep or a rapist.
Yes, on other boards gendered interaction is frowned upon and romantic discourse not generally allowed - and probably for that very reason. You can only have that here, at the price of occasional slap-fights. If we allowed that on other boards, they would much more often derail into similar discourses - and they did in the past. I remember when people used to have ronery-threads on /a/, which got bad to the point where they were banned on sight and /a/ ended up adopting an entire ideology around 3d girls being unrelated to the board.
nta but you are the only anon I've seen crosslinking in like months.
>The geek, nerd, hobbyist, otaku or whatever you want to call it community is full of these kinds of men. They are too chronically ugly, stinky, obese, acne-ridden, physically diseased, mentally ill, sexually creepy, or socially inept to get with women so they get desperate and resort to man on man action.

That's not why. You definitely see examples of this but it isn't the norm. In reality the modern nerd culture chads are often more successful with women and relationships than bar-culture normies and the like. The reason you get all of the weird aggressively-political lifestyle bullshit in nerd hobbies is that nerd hobbies are low-hanging fruit; the barrier to entry is so low that anyone can join.
Well idk who you are but you could take my virginity irl
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>where a guy tried to magically rape my character.
holy fucking shit why are tabletop dudes like this
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>not nearly common enough.
Wait is that really the beginning of 3DPD?
Then explain why otherwise straight men perform homosexual activity and have homosexual activity performed on them (often by force) in prison?

Or why this has been the case in historically male only Naval forces?
/a/ is pretty chill most of the time. Moot agreed, don‘t bother him about it.
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If you were a cat would you use this donut, I mean cave your loving owner brought for you during thunderstorms? Or to sleep your nine lives away?
are you sure that's not just because you are ugly and undesirable?
Most are literal who’s that just use a .png avatar and have 10 followers, but one you might have heard of is JuniperActias.
>inb4 she’s the vtuber who posts here
It's the way they flirt.
You're lucky to even have the opportunity, and you squander it
They are sexually underdeveloped and maladjusted.
Table top, more like table down bad
I would do both
I would be one with the nut
God dammit. I'm too easy if that makes me happy.
>incel in my friendgroup gets a new job
>starts working out
>has a "glowup" in the sense that he lost a lot of weight and got more tan
>all his stories now involve either dates he's been on or women he works with
its not fair. why can't there be competent and hot female programmers?
Moot is long gone, anon.
Yes, I would sleep in that. But I would also nuzzle up to my human and ask for their emotional support during a thunderstorm.
This is true. We do not gatekeep enough in gaming because we got too desperate for social validation, for some fucking god damn reason.
Ohhh yeah, I read “sterile” and I think of scanning for bacteria under a blacklight, heh. It’s weird that we use the same word for both.
Looks cozy, but I think the average kitty would prefer the box it came in.
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>I knew an Asian girl with an ass like that
Lord I know you can hear me...
>you squander it

I would rather say that I make use of it in the way that seems most effective to achieve my goals.
The best part is I’m being unironic.
If I was a cat I would scratch your eyeball
Women, whats good in the neighborhood?
If I was a cat. I'd be getting pregnant rn.
Didn't she do a face reveal? The one here seems pretty dead set against it.
There's a vtuber who posts here?
JuniperActias is cute. I didn't know about her before, but I like her design.
The smaller vtuber I like is Larxa, she's mega adorable.
Yeh, I know that makes more sense in the context of a lab, but I couldn't possibly make a joke about being sterile abd possibly jinx my fertility. That's how paranoid I am about that shit.
The beauty of the internet is that I can just assume you're lying.
This isn't true at all. I once tried to verbally flirt with a few different women but I developed a reputation as a creep and was pulled aside for a talking to by my college's Title IX office about sexual harassment. I was also forced to quit my work-study job over it. I dropped out of school and didn't start back until years later at one of those online degree mill colleges.

That experience, being accused of sex harassment, that definitely turned me gay. Shortly after being shook from that experience I stopped pursuing women and instead started frequenting bathhouses and public park glory holes, knowing that's the only way I could get some action after every woman in a 25 mile radius had branded me as Mr. Future Serial Rapist.
Such men were never fully straight. A boy named David Reimer had his dick chopped off as a baby, was told he was a girl, brought up as a girl, incentivized to date men and yet he was straight, would rather play with trucks over dolls, married a woman and killed himself later
I will put the cave on my bed.
Yes, I top.
I’d be happy to :)

To his credit, he did it all within the confines of the game mechanics, kept track of his resources correctly, and stopped when he failed a roll.

NTA but isn’t it just because it’s their first time in an environment that allows it? It’s just like somebody never eating Peking duck until they visit China. Traveling didn’t change their taste in food, they simply never found anywhere that offered that particular food until now. No?
That‘s how I perceived it. At a time we used to have daily ronery threads where people complained about their lack of romantic success. The Amagami challenge was born at that time. But over time, the threads became more and more butthurt, with people posting angry walls of texts, divorce statistics, evopsych evidence of there being no point in trying, and what else you would expect, making the climate rather toxic. Past a certain point there were no ronery threads any more but only misogyny threads, often started by a notorious tripfag, Anonymous of Athens. At a certain point, people had enough, in a sense of - Take your shit elsewhere, this is unrelated to the board, 3D is pig disgusting (in reference to that I AM KOREAN meme) - and that was the way to end that discussion. The whole tits or gtfo thing on /b/ was also initially meant to discourage attention whoring, nobody could have known that people would eventually do it at the time.
>clam slam
please fucking amazon mating press me
>the leftist cries out in pain as he strikes you
Basically any opinion that is to the right of Mao gets people called "incel" here. I have been called an incel, a simp, and a 'roastie' within the same thread; it's as meaningless an insult as "fascist".

And if you look at what self-identified incels say, you have to be out of your mind to think they're conservatives.
>marriage is a scam
>prostitution is good, just lie to women about it
>women should put out or shut up and let their bf cheat/watch porn
If that couldn't turn a man gay, nothing can
you're the girl with the yeast infection, aren't you...
>why can't there be competent and hot female programmers?
*raises paw*
I havent jerked off in 50 days and i now know what it really means to lust after women
feels good man
How do you figure out if you like a girl
What does it taste it like anon?
Someone two doors down is finishing their move out. Still see their car parked on the hill but the sale pending sign is gone. Rain coming later this week. Sadly our neighborhood catto has yet to come outside in the heat.
state gender
have you ever watched porn as a couple? what did you watch and what was the experience like?
>There's a vtuber who posts here?
Yeh, she must be pretty big because she saw softcore porn of herself on /vt/ once. :)
I'm pretty sure incels are against sex work and shame sex workers.
I don't believe either of those things.
Women is it true that you only like soft sensitive men when you're on birth control?
> The beauty of the internet is that I can just assume you're lying.
You know what they say about assuming…
That’s fucking crazy, I had no idea. I knew a guy back in 2013-14ish who went on /a/, and he started randomly saying 3DPD. Never knew why, didn’t know it had tfwnogf generals. I feel like I learned something, thanks oldhead.
Its the pink anime rabbit girl. open secret
Oh, is that so? It must not be her then, unless she’s fibbing to conceal her identity. That’s what I’d do. Either way, Juniper a cute.
Same reason there can't be competent and hot male programmers. If they were hot, it would never have occurred to them to even be programmers, they would be normalfags instead
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i would rather use picrel but i'll take what i can get
No, women never like sensitive men.
Well, I mean they LIKE them, they would just never want anything to do with them.
>Women don't like sensitive men
So women don't like the fact that the head of my penis is very sensitive?
If I was a newbie vtuber, I’d anonymously draw lewds of myself to get the ball rolling. Is that unethical?
Can you jerk off just by thinking about her?
F, yes. Watched porn with my last two exes. It was great, even if they had wildly different preferences.
>You know what they say about assuming…
But you're already an ass.
No it makes you come too fast
That's implies that a woman does not know how to judge her hotness. Wait...
i was asking women tho
Is there a reason you didn’t date the Asian girl?
he is so pale and white, he mentions his skin is translucent and we can see the veins in his arms... yet I am so golden and tan... it could never work out....
Watched some hentai with an ex, Drop Out ep 1. She suggested it. Naturally we were teasing each other throughout and eventually forgot about what was on screen.
I don't think I've ever jerked off to my imagination in my life, so no. But I have jerked off to girls that look similar to her i guess ???
>birth control
Male cope
This post was made for me. This post is fishing for me. Am I really not the only pale boy x tanned girl supremacist here?
> But you're already an ass
Takes one to know one. I may be an ass, but you’re a big ass.
I was taken at the time. She showed some interest but it was purely physical I think, she was pretty slutty.
Kinda dumb imo because who could tell who it was?
>cheerleader x nerd smut
Noe it means she isn't actually hot
>I don't think I've ever jerked off to my imagination in my life
>I’d be happy to :)
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>tfw golden tan with prominent veins but not white
what do you mean?
Hey that’s me (white, vascular).
Pull the trigger, pussy.
try it out
You‘re welcome. That is of course my singular perspective, but I‘ve been browsing this website for almost twenty years now, so I‘ve wasted a lot of time here and seen much over the years.
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>be me
>hang out at bar
>naturally all the alkies and geezers gravitate towards me
>cute guy comes in
>blonde, moustache, steel blue eyes
>keeps to himself
>try to chat him up
>he only answers without asking questions, staring at his bottle
>try being flirty
>'no thanks, I'm racist'
>I'm black
well I never had this happen
I just watched the Back to the Future trilogy and I feel like it's gross incel propaganda that explains a lot about the toxic male attitudes of the past 40 years.

>Gross, creepy incel gets the girl, who he wins like a trophy, because he's a "nice guy"
>The villain is a "Chad" boogeyman archetype loathed by incel culture

It disgusted me, realizing that this influential movie series, if it didn't invent these tropes, really drove them into our cultural discourse over decades and decades.
That’s the point, I’d do a stream or two first, then post “I randomly dropped by this vtuber I’ve never heard of the other night and drew some fanart”. Lewds are a huge factor in growing your viewership.
no. thats so degenerate. if you've done this dont admit it in public
The kind of man to surround himself with female friends is almost always (if he isn't the gregarious type of gay) a womanizer. I see it over and over again.
They take a shot at being girl #50 in his life, and then act shocked when it doesn't last.

>against sex work
No. Their most famous idol is a convicted sex trafficker.
>shame sex workers
Some of them, yes, because they're selfish to the core and don't care about hypocrisy. They see other people as literal objects, and will openly say things like "women are only good for their holes".
Male birth control never really took off until Elon Musk greenlit the Cyber Truck.
>golden and tan
How did you get that way? Tanning booth? Or laying on the beach in your bikini…?
>almost twenty years
I’m not that far behind you, 13 years here, but I started hella young.

this is a masterful trollpost, I applaud you
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Women i want you to love me. How can i get you to love me?
How do I fix it
Birth control doesn't do all the things men say it does to women's behavior and attraction. Womem have always been attracted to good looking, smart, funny and sensitive men with some feminine features. Women have never been attracted to ultra-masc jacked subhumans
I mean... at least he's honest?
Also hello JH. How have you been? Staying free of J I hope.
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Can't wait for the nukes to fly
>convicted sex trafficker
Exactly, they empathize with a pimp who exploits women, but not with women who take control of their sexuality as a business and sell it on an entrepreneurial basis.

You just gave the game away about incel sexism and double standards.
Women will touch me unsolicited- even strangers(especially strangers?). I've had issues with women stalkers. I get women I've barely met texting me, calling me up. I have walked into rooms and hear women say "wow." I've had married women say things like "That's how you look when you just wake up? In another life I would have married you." or "I wish I had met you first." I've woken up and thrown uninvited women from my bed. Women take the looks I was simply born with as a direct invitation to come flirt with me. I hate it. Stop it.
>blonde guy with mustache
I’ve never seen that before in my life
isnt jh 30-33?
I wish that actually happened and this post wasn't just by some neckbeard furiously masturbating
That was a very polite racist.
Have you considered wearing a permanent bitch face and looking angry? Wearing your hood up? Thats helped me.
nofap for like a week then imagine a fantasy with the hottest girl you personally know
that always works for me
I want to date Biff Tannen and rescue him from his grandmother’s house, I can fix him
Be ivy league level intelligent, classy and perhaps his personal dominatrix
tanned girls owe me love
>men say it does to women's behavior and attraction
Well to be fair i asked to question because i saw a woman say it in a video. Not a man.
believe it or not, not everyone here is ChrisChan
>he thinks Ivy League students are intelligent instead of just having rich parents
please, I'm already attracted to her, you don't have to sell her even more.
Tan people shouldn’t post here. That’s basically proof of normalfaggotry. Only shut-in losers with vitamin D deficiency are allowed.
She is either dumb af or telling men what men want to hear because she wants men to simp over her. Prob the latter
Back the fuck off !!?
I have a crush on someone on Discord. We talk basically everyday. We cyber and roleplay a lot. They seem receptive towards me but the problem is, they said they'd never like to be in a relationship ever again after their last one was a nightmare. Obviously, it's long distance. Do I ask them out? When should do that, if that's even a good idea?
I just bathed in vinegar.
Nta but I'm only tan because I work outside getting grocery carts, and just my head and forearms are tan.
Idk, I’m on birth control every day
I had a girl at McDonalds yesterday constantly hitting me with her elbow while waiting for my order, she was probably trying to get in my proximity and waited for me to react.
I just rolled my eyes and moved 3 feet away.
I know what I said, that's the kind of woman who is average in looks but somehow bags a model
Femanons how strong is your sense of smell?

How well can you smell my cologne, breath, dried spit on my dick through 2 layers of clothes in public, etc etc
just tell them the truth and roll with the outcome, good or bad
Men, what things would you do to the vag and clit of a pale, bespectacled autistic femcel who is hanging out with you playing video games in your bedroom?

Specifically, when she pulls down her trousers, points to her vagina and clitoris and angrily demands that you do something to them already?
I like soft men.
I wanna bathe him and feed him and not be his mom, but like kiss him.
Set up a meet and then ask them out after you make then cum
>I work outside getting grocery carts

careful anon, that is a popular fetish
>purposely avoiding pronouns
why do people do this
Idk, it was specifically a channel about girl education i guess. Like talking about periods and ovulation and stuff
I have a tan that's partly genetical and partly from having lived in the redneck deep south doing manual labor. I'm still an autistical retard incapable of normal social skills.
Let her keep playing video games while I eat her out and keep my ears warm
make an ew face and walk away
Hmmmm. I guess if the tan is from wageslaving that’s okay, but getting a tan from voluntarily going outside is banned.
Because judgment comes regardless.
So you are a homosexualist?
Is now a good time? I've been talking to them for maybe a month or so.
what's her hair color
Do you think conservatives who oppose sex outside of marriage (you know, the opposite of an incel) somehow love prostitution?
There is an entire branch of self-identified incels calling themselves "escortcels". Every week or so, you'll see some of them make a thread about it on this board. Whether they look down on prostitutes is beside the point; incels are by definition focused on sex for its own sake as a defining goal, and many of them are quite happy to support prostitution, as a social institution. They're degenerates.

>You just gave the game away about incel sexism and double standards.
What game? I'm not an incel. I can't stand them. I just get annoyed when everything some terminally online leftist doesn't like gets pigeonholed under the label of "incel".
>redneck south
pink skin people can't get tanned
Make her come once, then fuck her, then eat her out again, then ask if she wants more
no, I just hate women with the core of my being


why would I let a pale, bespectacled autistic femcel wearing trousers into my bedroom while I was playing video games? nothing about this goes. I'm with >>31585294
I'm a 20 year old dude, and I've maybe been hit on once or twice I the three years I've worked there. I don't think I'm "grocery clerk fetish" material
sure why not
there's no upside to waiting
why are you here?
Very strong.
I can smell ingredients when I cook.
yikes, what'd I do?

I just gave you the chance of a lifetime. Don't expect another one.
Women, can i squeeze you? really tightly?
you couldve chose a more impressive feat...
I see. I remember when people referred to those who arrived in 2006 as newfags (or rather: the term newfag itself was controversial for time, if I remember correctly). Exclusivity on the basis of year of arrival seems much less pronounced nowadays. In the past you‘d see people be much more eager to accuse the other of being new to discredit their argument. It seems normie/normalfag has replaced being new; probably also because the internet was more nerdy in general at the time.
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It’s sleepy time little kitty
JH is mine.
Apparently that's patronizing and the women here hate it.
>sensitive men
They want emotionally interesting and dominant men. A guy who knows how to create a mood, not a guy who gets into moods.
women don't know how strong their sense of smell is because how could they?
Just like a stupid person has a hard time understanding what it's like for someone twice as smart
As a thumbrule, just assume women do everything you do half as well as you do them
to reaffirm my beliefs
It's the unwashed, smelly "WHERE'S MY HUG?" guy wearing a furry hat with rabbit ears on it.
Oh, fuck nvm, fuck that. You can go to hell, pal.
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Will sleeping get you to love me?
I haven't even voiced with them yet. Or seen what they look like for that matter. But I do trust that they are who they say they are.
I miss when people used “noob” unironically :(
>Gross, creepy incel gets the girl, who he wins like a trophy, because he's a "nice guy"
Why do so many people still chronically misspell words when dictionary.com is right at their fingertips?
Why is a random woman invading my space?
I’m not your pal, buddy. The booty is mine, it belongs to me.
>question to women
>“Man here, women think X”
JH belongs to all white men equally
I’d honestly rather her breasts first.
Ikr lol. Its so lame
the male overriding desire to see truth shared amongst his kin vs. women's desire to carve out lies that serve their ulterior motives
Bc spelling's for nerdz
For the meme. I can not believe you didn't think of that.
Sleep is self love. Cat poster believes in those who in themselves.
How would a dictionary help if you can’t spell the word to get to its page??
Do you remember NORPs?
>she’s going to cheat
>the feelings she tells me she has for me are a lie
>she’s with another guy when we’re apart
>im just time to kill

I hate myself
you can do that on /pol/ instead. There are redpill incel threads over there
Is the Blue Fairy on?
You deserve to be hung from the ceiling of a tall building by your big toe, as a man in an executioner's mask standing on a ladder and wielding a steak knife keeps threatening to cut the rope so that you fall on your head and die. You won't actually, but you'll be led to believe the end is near before you are eventually released from your torture.
Please don’t, I just finished cramming my boobs into this top, I don’t want them to pop back out again
Pick her up and remove her.
I find fingering very hot, but the person you described sounds annoying. Either we are playing games or we're making out. Pick one.
No, but I have a bottle of the Green Fairy in my liquor cabinet.
I tease her by kissing and licking her thighs, slowly working my way up towards her pussy but stopping just before I reach it only to switch legs.
Where to I go for cute trans girls that aren't gay or sexualish? (Ie no gay clubs gay apps). I just want to be checked out and hit on uwu.
Our animals convention already passed but RennFair is this October yay. I imagine those two are good choices
Going clubbing tonight?
Women aren’t the experts on women. I am.
How's that? If your over 18 and work in a grocery store women get the ick and think you're a manchild
Your boobs will pop, and we will all catch a pleasant glimpse of your tasteful side boob under your tank top.
What are you even asking?
Time to move on
Anon, I don't do that anymore.
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Are you an anime?
No, I’ve got a video date tonight

The candy colored clown they call the sandman
Tiptoes to your room every night
Just to sprinkle stardust
And to whisper
Where do cute trans girls go that aren't specifically for gays
Are her boobs filled with helium?

4chan is a cultural wellspring, fetishes get invented here all the time. you blew it baka
>No, I’ve got a video date tonight
That's so fucking wholesome.
Video date? What is this, the '90s? You guys still exchange cassette tapes introducing each other through a video dating service?
This idea that incels were generally about sex is demonstrably false. If you follow their discourses you‘ll find that the majority of them don‘t just want sex but a completely normal, monogamous relationship. They simply identify casual sex as the lowest hurdle to take, but that is usually not the exclusive goal.

People who regard themselves conservative volcels waiting for marriage should ask themselves: why aren‘t they married? And the answer for most of them is probably the same as for why incels can‘t find girlfriends. At the end of the day, you‘re not so different, so I don‘t understand this pickme behaviour. You‘re not going to become more attractive by distancing yourself from the icky guys,
And when it comes to sympathy for sex traffickers, I think that is much more pronounced in red pill circles than in the black pilled incel spheres.
No, filled with sand.
Anything LGBT. Why is a gay asking that on a straight thread? Go to /lgbt/ and ask them
Its always so funny when a femanon says something slightly sexual and all the males try to jump in the conversation out of nowhere
Anarchist and Socialist political meetings. Those communities tend to be very trans heavy.
Careful, they might record it for blackmail purposes.
When I complain about being flat everybody just fucking ignores me.
Men and their "brotherhood" is so fucking fake it's disgusting
Remember when I had a bf? Haha
Don't know what you want me to do. Hornypost about getting carts?
"Brotherhood" is just a propaganda word the Army and Marine Corps use to facilitate bonding among their recruits. It's seen for the bullshit it is everywhere else.
why do you like it?
when ibwas in highschool they wanted me to be a cheerleader, but ibwas an artist and went to anime club
it's okay just woaa bumpy
do guys like talking about this?
lady gaga told me i was born this way
Really? there's always those few anons that go "nooo, flat boobies are way better"
Lickable chest
Is it?

Pfft, good one. Thankfully we’ve evolved from that crude technology, and now we can stream cleavage in real-time!

…I had not considered that, but it’s not like I’m getting naked
no it's not.
My biggest regret in life is fucking my best friend's girl, we were bros for 20 years before she essentially raped me.
We were at a house party together, he fell asleep, I was chilling by myself drunk as shit, and suddenly her mouth was wrapped around my dick.
I said no around 10 times before I gave up. That's how I lost my V card.
> do guys like talking about this?
Sure. I’m skinny and white and my veins pop a lot especially in my arms, my chest is very visibly veiny too.
I overheard some goss at the bar the other day that a pop singer who had some hits in the early 00s (including a childhood fav) is now lowkey working somewhere in walking distance
would it be super weird to try go over sometime and see if I could get an autograph and photo? I mean idk how often they get that
What is more impressive than that?
Identifying smells?
I just looked the term up; I may have encountered it, but I can‘t remember it being used much. At least not on the boards I was browsing mostly.
Did you come?
My favorite place to see veins is in the feet, around the sole and ankles. Makes my dick rock hard. Makes me want to start masturbating immediately.
You’re a traitor. I know because I was in the same situation and I fucking ran away. Live with the guilt. Bottle it up, silently.
I'm a good honest guy and I've believed that there's a chance I'd meet a good honest woman out there. But every time I put on my button up shirt and pressed trousers and go out I hear the music I get so sleepy and end up nodding off like an old man. I don't drink or anything. A couple of notably pretty women have rightfully passed ol' sleepy me over for the hollering badboy "cowboy" types.
Is that just a sign I'm supposed to just stay a hard-working single guy?
I don't know much about making conversation either.
in her mouth and she swallowed. It lasted from 1AM til 6AM.
What do you want me to say?
Oh I feel so sorry for you flattie, sadly I'm only attracted to ADULT women.
We are long past such blissfully innocent days.
Where are they working? People like that honestly get tired of that shit and just want to blend in.
nigger, I never made any advances toward her, and I didn't have the guts to tell him the next morning. In any case, the result would have been the same.
I live with the guilt, trust me.
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Do you think i'm a woman?
>In any case, the result would have been the same.
Because you're a weak faggot that valued a fleeting orgasm over your "friend". I hope for his sake you fucked off out of his life.
You need to add more details. What kind of bra/bralette/whatever do you wear? How does being flat affect your dating life? Do you have any other features you’re proud of? etc.
We’re happy to listen to a woman’s complaints, but you need throw us a bone or two.
why do men want to hold women?
I don't wanna get too specific but car dealership
Oh sorry. C@n 1 s3× ur bu++h0le?
we still speak but we're just acquaintances now.
I was quite literally half passed out when she started sucking my dick. Even if I told him so and ran, the line would have been crossed.
It is not my fault that she is a slut.
You’ve never had a bf. You’ve never held a boy’s hand. You’ve never seen a boner that you caused.
> Even if I told him so and ran, the line would have been crossed.
Such faggot cope. All of your posts are just faggot cope.
Should've wasted the bitch
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Soft and huggable
If you say that though maybe I'll just leave it
Obvs I wouldn't disturb her if she was busy
Childhood me would have just wanted to try my luck at least...
>she was born tan
truly a golden child
I really wouldn't, anon. Probably wants to keep it on the downlo.
I don't wear a bra most of the time, no point really.
I don't know how it affects my dating life. I guess badly because of all the times I'll be walkin' with my date and accidentally slip through a crack in the floor. I like my ears. My ears are cute af.
Are you the anon who’s tits blew up
yeah okay, I'm sorry I was forced into sex by a woman I never even glanced at. Faggot.
>forced into sex
No you weren't faggot. You chose to stay in that situation.
1. we just do (instinctively)
2. biologically motivated to keep you secure next to us, protected from potential predators/other males
>my chest is very visibly veiny too
Nice, does this mean you don’t have body hair getting in the way? I like hair, but I like skin more
do women choose to get raped, asshole?
>why do you like it?
I'm pale and I think tanned skin looks really warm and beautiful on a woman. The contrast is nice.
It kind of implies he's the indoorsy and reserved one while she's confident and sunny
Women do you think a guy with very few or no sexual experience will cheat on his first gf?
I've been raped before. What happened to you, you could've easily walked away.
I think it‘s expected. And thre slightly sexual remark is usually aimed at provoking those (You)s. They are literally asking for it.
Not a woman and never had a gf but yes

def ngmi
You use anime avatars, so you're either a woman or a pedo. Take your pick.
non consensual sexual contact is still rape and I said no more than I can count.
OK then ))):
would be cool if I ran into her in town one day or something tho...
Smell good
Feel good
Squish good
and there is no queen of england
Does a rich male tourist wearing a Vacheron Constantin watch choose to get robbed walking around inner city Nassau?
I want women to hold me.
I mean she's dead innit lol
I am now picturing you as an elf.
geez, I'm sorry, I guess I'll cut up my face so I can be less attractive to broken women
Have you ever had an encounter with a celebrity irl?
I got my Pepsi and the fucking fly escaped. Time 2 kill it, let the war begin
>anime club
Were you the only girl? Did any guys creep on you?
I don't just want me to hold you, I want us to hold each other.
Women thoughts on me using a brush or comb to scratch the nape of your neck?
I just want to say that I empathize with you, it sucks
I meet Jimmy Carter when I was like 7 years old
Why don't women want to hold men?
>that you caused
I like how you had to add that so that random dicks on /soc/ don’t count
I've exchanged words with the singers/frontpersons of a few semi-well-known alternative music acts, and one science fiction writer whose book was made into a movie.
tagging onto this the second question:
Why don't women want to be held by men?
I think he is more likely to have "grass might be greener on the other side" thoughts and might not be used to the confrontation of a break up.

Short answer, maybe.
We already established this thread: no cutesy stuff. If you wanna scratch your gf's neck, or give her a massage, you better be giving her a voucher for her to go somewhere professional to get it done by somebody else. Serious, mature relationships only!
Not me but my uncle met Norman Reedus in a grocery store
>He still thinks a QT alt was a real woman
Oh I see, in this scenario, the watch means literally any clothes, and Nassau means literally anywhere. Good metaphor
bill clinton when I was 10
dad stuff
I met Rick Scott when he was Governor of Florida, before he became a Senator. When I shook his hand it was just as slimy and cold as you'd imagine.
Imagine if a woman woke up being eaten out without consent and saying no, what would you call that?
But I'm a faggot and a pussy for experiencing that, naturally.
It's a flood gate.
>brush or comb
I’d rather you not draw attention to my hairs there :|
I live in LA so yeah
Magic Johnson
Jason Momoa
Brad Pitt
Sylvester Stallone
Bruce Willis
Denzel Washington
Sophie Turner
Joe Jonas
David Spade
Justin Bieber
DJ Khaled in his Bugatti
I'm prob forgetting a few but that's all I can remember
What do femanons think of men who listen to this ?

T. Ami
why not? i love women's neck hair.
I am sworn to carry your burdens
Some members of different bands.
What's wrong with your fingernails?
I've seen George Clinton, the guy who made that song "Atomic Dog", roaming around an art gallery with his daughter.
Men are stronger than women, even drunk you could have easily shoved her off
I want to hold men. But I want light dainty men. My arms are only so average-ly big.
But. I also like food and good touches back.
I never went by "Lydia" lol sounds like a tranny name desu
Geh schlafen, Brudi.
It makes me feel like a gorilla, all my body hair is thick and black and grows back super fast
women ONLY
what is the last anime you enjoyed?
Did you like David Spade based on that interaction?
I went to high school with the bassist of a now moderately well known emo band.
kill yourself
Stranger Danger.
Also Men Danger.
Big not nice.
Me do hold.
Celeb culture is cancer anyway
So your ideal bf is a life-sized gingerbread man?
Keanu Reeves got a coffee at the place I work once. He was incognito and we just kinda smiled at each other.
>What's wrong with your fingernails?
Nothing. I just imagine a brush might feel better
my dad had a conversation with mel gibson on the beach once
Yeah, he was a pretty quiet guy when I saw him
>Bruce Willis
Otherside Picnic
Yeah poor dude has dementia now. Really sad.
Spy x Family
Oh cool! I have some signed My Chemical Romance merch.
>a conversation with mel gibson
Holy Based
Dont over think it too much. Im sure its fine
I'd like 1 Sentient cookie boyfriend. Preferrably zero chocolate or browning.
Purest vanilla is what I covet.
How do I jerk off a guy when eventually given the chance? I'm picturing it like, shaking a can of spray paint.
Sorry you're just a weak pussy who cares more about getting laid than your best friend
His band isn't MCR famous, they're more an opening act that sometimes tours with bigger and more well-established artists.
No. You do gentle pets. Unless he has death grip and then you might be too weak wristed.
I rewatched Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko again, it’s still the ultimate comfy anime, and the manga is even better
Women would you date a man that is kinda cringe?
What band?
Ideally many at the same time.
Dude, isn't he dead?
It's much more like trying to stop a leak in a garden hose, or holding a snake by its head so it doesn't bite.
Less spray paint can more gently playing with one of those water snake toys from the 90s.
maybe his best friend shouldn't have been dating a whore. If it wasn't him, it would have been another.
Please no cringe. I suffered enough.
If you’re hot enough, you’ll barely need to touch it before it shoots rope all over you
you wake and find that the air has become chocolate. you breath in chocolatey gulps as a weight crushes your chest, preventing you from moving. Something sweet slithers between your legs, parting you and pushes into the gap, and pushes again

sentient cookie man is not here to save you. wwyd
He's alive, just losing his marbles in his old age.

>shaking a can of spray paint.
Depends on the guy. I hate fast jerking like that. Maybe test the waters with an average pace first and see what he likes.
That's still pretty cool, I don't think anyone notable has ever come from my high school.
If his foreskin is intact, your job will be a million times easier
Aw man
I met Tom Morello of RatM when I was working at a bar. Nice guy.
Whack it with my keys, repeatedly.
>when eventually given the chance
Is this really something guys will ask for? Or do you mean the next time his dick is left undefended and you can grab it? Lol
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It's a bit more like one of these water snake toy things but when you're approaching the climax, it's very much a similar rhythm to a paint can.

Many women can't reasonably manage it as they get much less access to the equipment to practice. My advice is to tease him to the boiling point before you start working in earnest.
I met John Oats once.
If you count Catherine Hickland as a celebrity
I used to think the opposite. Glad I can see the beauty in them now. :)
Yeah a few, it isn't that interesting.
you sleep with your keys in bed with you?
While wearing nothing but heels to make her big ass stick out more and calling for her by saying "Girl" and giving it a slap
God, I'm gonna get one of those toys so I can pretend my pillow has and uncut penis.
if a guy hates himself why does he talk to me
Because you're nice to talk to and cute presumably
Yeah my car is close to my window so I can use it like an alarm.
The answer is as old as mankind itself:
The world is cold and hard.
Woman is soft and warm.
What do you mean?
/o/ here, antiques such as these slow, inefficient, and will leave you crippled after a minor fender bender.
For about a year I went to the same school as Miles Teller. I once got interviewed by him for a school morning TV show. He was kind of obnoxious and overly extroverted.

There was a rumor among the other seniors at school that he'd lost his virginity in a threesome with two women. A lot of people thought he was a slut and had a disrespectful attitude to sex and to women because of that alleged encounter.

More of a degrees of separation thing, but I also know a lady whose bisexual girlfriend cheated on her with Ezra Miller.
Wouldn't recommend it. They pop easy and you probably don't want a bunch of glitter in your vagina.
Women with wide shoulders and small hips, how do you cope? When I go out in public, finally wearing less clothes because of body issues, I look in a mirror and become mortified at wide my shoulders look. Even when I take advice how to make them look smaller, they seemingly don’t change.
You enabled her
How do I get a nudist gf?
She should default to being naked while at home.
I never bought the whole stigma around hating yourself. People act like if you hate yourself you can't function like a normal human. Maybe thats true sometimes, but people can absolutely live normal lives and have normal relationships while hating themselves
you know what, fuck you, I'm glad I blew a load in her throat.
Because they don't crumple, right?
>bisexual girlfriend cheated on her with Ezra Miller
Ezra Miller is a complete basketcase from everything I've heard
Great actor though lol
Nah, I don't want to put that in me.
I want to squoosh it like it's a guy I'm holding and playing with his penis with his back to me.
Women whats the first thing you would do with a dick when he takes it out?
Do you not have a cell phone?
sis is about to end up with a pillow covered in glitter and crusty with dried pussy juice
I hate/love you guys for exploiting a weakness I shared in a moment of vulnerability.
they do, just without crumple zones.
Old cars are like a coke can after being stepped on.
Modern cars have reinforced cockpits, only the boot, door sill, and engine bay will actually crumple.
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>people can absolutely live normal lives and have normal relationships while hating themselves
Anons, there is hope...
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Men, women: What are you eating right now?
>21 year old girl
>awkward photo so it can be under 4gb
Would you feel better if I kissed your big beautiful asscheek?
Because you make his life worth living!
(this means it’s your fault if he kills himself)
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>talk to a girl regularly
>every time I compliment her appearance she has a spastic attack and takes at least 6 hours to respond
What’s wrong with her
She’s told me that nobody has complimented her as much as I have but idk
Huff it.
But I think it's pretty sexy when women with your body shape wear slip dresses and other dresses that show your back.
Okay, I whack you with my cellphone.
That looks yum, is it chicken?
I'm just drinking PEPSI rn
32yo guy, on my 9th beer now. I eat every third day or so, when I'm not shitfaced.
Funnily enough, I planned to go to McDs to eat, but I saw an open bar, so here I am
What am I looking at?
Everyone loves being kissed.
This is why "work on yourself" is bullshit romantic/dating advice.
wtf is that
even taking into account the awkward photo
is that a styrofoam plate?
do you need help?
A sweet kiss on the ass is something else, don't you think?
I'm warming up some leftover nashville hot chicken right now in my airfrier.
>the boot
You guys are adorable.
Telling the girl to sit after she has brought the drinks so we can half pet and half examine her hair
Depends on what follows it.
Chicken and crab cakes

I ran out of beer for today :(

Why would you think I need help
I mean I think it's still great advice lol
Who wants to date a loser?
Hoping for something a little more French?
Alrighty! I’ll consider wearing one.
>crab cakes
I do love me some crab cakes
I also had chicken for dinner earlier lel
What’s to cope with? It just means I have to try a bit harder to emphasize my waist, since it’s the biggest curve I have. Between that and a cute butt, I think I look great.

Look away to avoid getting squirted in the eye in case he’s not finished.

F, munching on pretzels.
>What’s wrong with her
she's a modern woman.

just send her picture of the frog
>Chicken and crab
>styrofoam plate
avoid eye contact with it. a guy recently told me he wouldn't mind if I looked because he's comfortable with me. yet i still must shy my eyes away. why must he present himself to me as so
It beats around the bush and doesn't say anything actionable about how to land a date or maintain a relationship.

It's like responding to a question with the answer to a different question. Sure, it's great advice, but it's not dating/relationship/sex advice. It's a platitude that you repeat to feel good about yourself while knowing you're not providing an actionable analysis as a deliverable.
>Why would you think I need help
it looks like a disaster, and I make excellent crab cakes
>avoid getting squirted in the eye in case he’s not finished.
Huh? he just pulled it out lol. Most guys aren't immediately just gonna start cooming
Why are you being over dramatic?
Eh idk I think people who don't hate themselves by proxy tend to fare much better in relationships
I think you're just jelly.
Why are you black?
Wide shoulders just means more real estate for jewelry!
Wear more and more necklaces until you decide they distract from your shoulders enough, then get some cute bracelets.
>Most guys aren't immediately just gonna start cooming
unless he's a special one, then you need to get your lips around it ASAP because he's going to be cooming for a while
>Miles Teller
Had to look him up but I've seen him in several things. He always struck me as obnoxious that's interesting.

I love the degrees of separation game. My dad's half sister's ex husband's brother is a celebrity. It always makes me think of that Spaceballs joke "I am your father's brother's, nephew's, cousin's former roommate!"
Invest in a good heating system. Might want to do heated floors too.
I mean that kind of depends on what we were doing before and it's state of hardness.
F. Nuthin. Going to have an ice cream sandwich soon.
>Most guys aren't immediately just gonna start cooming
mfw I've coomed just by someone cuddling up to me
M 25
I just finished eating a brookie
How do you make eye contact with a penis, when a penis doesn't have eyes?
>thinks only blacks eat chicken
You’re dumb lol!
I have coincidentally been in close proximity to Sinbad, Rod Stewart, and Tom Cruise but left them alone like a decent human being. My cousin walked up and interrupted Sindbad's meal.
I've met a bunch of Ska bands, biggest being The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
I've also held Cyndi Lauper's hand twice.

My wife is ridiculous. I once played "7 degrees of Kevin Bacon" using her and successfully got her within 7 degrees. (Her grandfather gave John Travolta a turn at piloting a puddle jumper back around the Saturday Night Fever period.)
When I told her about it, she said "Oh! I met Kevin Bacon outside of a sex shop once!" Ffs

>I live in LA so yeah
Yeah. That's where I bumped into Cruise and Stewart.
It’s good advice for most people, you’re just a sociopath
Thanks for the advice!
I wouldn't say I have wide shoulders, but I do have slim hips. I wear a lot of shorts that are tight at my natural waist and baggy at the thigh. Or skirts that do the same thing. Define the smallest part of me and obscure the part that's not big enough with extra fabric.
is it bad if a white man is interested in me and has had other asian girlfriends before so brings them up to relate to me when I talk about my own heritage related dilemma

am i real do i matter
Your wife is cheating on you.
Women whats been on your mind lately?
It's good advice, sure, it's just not dating advice.
Ohhh, I thought you meant pulling it out of ME, not his pants!
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Not a celebrity per-se but one of my cousins is a model with a pretty big Insta following and been in magazines etc.
She is actually very down to earth and kind IRL, always has been
My cat is sick
Well now it's me thinking of binging that anime again.
>when a penis doesn't have eyes?
Um, anon...
What’s the difference? Improving yourself also improves your dating life, right?
on the scale of bad to not, where a 1 is bad and a 10 is not, that's like an 8.5. totally livable and easily can become a thing of the past

you gotta keep some perspective
>has had other asian girlfriends before so brings them up to relate to me when I talk about my own heritage related dilemma
Is he autistic? Genuine question, this behavior is extremely common in people on the spectrum.
>has never heard of the one eyed snake
I will also probably avoid eye contact with his face eyes
I had a wet dream and woke up to orgasm
>"Oh! I met Kevin Bacon outside of a sex shop once!"
Funny, I met both Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas (they're married) in a similar way
>the one eyed snake
You can never be too careful https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=juvflt7Jpro
wait wait, women get these too??
Does he bring them up because they have similar problems?
Or is it like “damn, that sucks. I kissed a Korean girl once btw, so I’m an expert on this topic”
Huh. I read a book that said that was extremely rare. Does it happen to you often?
I thought they got divorced?
>a white man is interested in me and has had other asian girlfriends before so brings them up to relate to me
Are you the same femanon as last week or is this something a lot of Asian women deal with?
Where are you people meeting all these celebs, I thought this was supposed to be a shut-in anime imageboard
That's the problem. It's generalizing advice that doesn't hone in on the specific problem.

If someone needs a tire replaced do you say "just take care of your car and you won't need to replace a tire?" No, you offer to help them replace the tire with a spare.

That's the difference between actionable advice and bullshit platitudes.
Wondering how my life was reduced to sitting unemployed at home with a fan blowing down my shirt on max power
It happens extremely often with me to where I wake up orgasming already.
Bruh this was pre covid when GOT was still on IDK
Sorry to hear about the poor kot :(

Do it!

No idea women got these
I'm going to use context clues and say "lack of decent men"
When the question doesn’t give many details, a generic answer is the best we can do.
God I wish I was that fan...
Canceled hulu.
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While looking to quote a post I made a while back, I discovered that I have talked about how attractive this girl was on at 4 different occasions itt.


I once complimented a girl by pointing out her really broad shoulders. She really was just remarkably attractive. For a while, I couldn't put my finger on exactly why her body type was so familiar. Then I realized that she is built like she was designed by Justice League artists. Wide shoulders, perfectly proportional, narrow hips, classically attractive. She giggled and loved it when I explained it to her.

Incidentally, she's basically most of /adv/'s wet dream. Wholesome, intelligent, perfect small boobs, proudly virgin, wears fucked up tshirts, seeking further education, and tolerates /pol/ while being reasonably left leaning.
Nta but what is some actionable advice to help hate myself less then?
Keeping tiddies cool is important tbf
I am a fan of a fan
>Where are you people meeting all these celebs
I'm >>31585544
Like I said, I live in LA
Watch some of the Psych2Go videos on youtube about depression.
Holy shit I never bothered to look into it until right this second but I am actually 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon.
They? You? Said "they're" as in present tense. I was just asking bc I heard they split.
Thank you :(
Well all have low moments. I was neet, but now things aren't too bad. There's hope

Thats so strange

Just pirate it
i need to be held
>Then I realized that she is built like she was designed by Justice League artists
Why is there Portuguese on this anime gif?
>Canceled hulu.
You're on 4chan and you don't know how to watch shit for free?
His wife is a vegetable and he cheats on her with other namefags.
You said you were bi, right? Any preference on which gender holds you?
The Five Minute Therapy booklet series is a great way to help explore your negative feelings and confront where they come from.
Women does pressing down on your lower stomach during sex actually do anything?
>Psych2Go videos
I used to watch these because her voice is so chill lol
But idk something about the wholesomeness of videos like that just makes me more sad
because Konata is Mrs. Worldwide
Press down like you're trying to feel your dick in there. It increases pressure/sensation on the vaginal walls right where the g spot is.
Female wet dreams are extremely common. I don’t know where you guys got your info from.
During sex? Not really, but outside the bedroom, it can get me fired up and want to START having sex…
>Where are you people meeting all these celebs
On vacation and at concerts mostly.
Now I am mostly shut in with muh anime.
god that anime was so shit
guy here. I have severe violent feelings and tendencies towards my NPD ex.
I genuinely want to break her face.
We haven't been in contact for 6 months because I broke it off, but all her lying and cheating still makes me want to turn her skull into a bloody pulp. I never hit her btw.
Am I a psycho?
But I'm le tired.
Thanks anon I might check those out (:
Post pic of kot
No it’s not lol
Why do you believe in the false religion of Science?
Yes and?
What of it?

Use your words anon. Like a big boy!
I get in my head to to show up to woman's place like you with sushi and spa equipment give you a 2 hour spa/massage treatment like a professional with an optional ticket for man-doll-like cuddle while you watch your favorite show afterward. then I just disappear, leaving a complimentary thirst-quenching cocktail on your counter
No, this sounds like a normal, healthy adult male to me
Women is it true that you only like men when ovulating? And otherwise we're just annoying?
You know it.
I’m not even shocked. Those smarmy libtard holier than thou types are always evil.
Weird. When I hate a guy I pretend he's already dead I don't plot to kill him.
Do you go bang bang on a big butt like a big ho?

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>Use your words anon. Like a big boy!
stop shouting at me
>Hanging out with women
>The men they are interested in are much more attractive than I am
I'm so fucked
it's funny how men can snap from a lovey dovey, doting provider and caretaker, to an insanely violent nutcase within a flip of a switch
healthy men are both at the same time
After that then, perhaps you'd like something a bit more Greek?
True for me, but it’s not like I hate men 80% of the time. It’s just that I have zero sex drive outside ovulation, and without that, what’s the point of interacting with men?
You're great when I'm ovulating, annoying when I'm menstruating and the week before, the week after menstruation you're tolerable enough to be around if I need you to perform some physical labor
No, that's how fucked up NPD people are. But you can only lose. They need to be excised from your life and mind.
it’s unlikely that those women have the same taste in men as you, anon. for all you know, YOU might be the most attractive guy in their eyes!
If this is a yogurt joke, I hate you.
A bit more Greek? You mean, like homo sex?
No no, I'm talking about fucking you in the ass, darling.
>not being loved 24/7 is “grim”
Dog owner spotted
Interesting reading this, I used to fuck my fwb when she was on her period cause it helped with cramps.

that is an awfully weak and uninspired post for a purported believer.
Bro I was not prepared for that intro I most spat out my Pepsi lmfao
I'm both but only a crazy nutcase to other men
You guys know I'm joking right?
Is this NPD apologism?
They/them probably wouldn't be interested in me if they knew I was polyamorous and bi.
Men, why should I pick one of you if not even handsome men are that great personality wise either?
You don't even actually like me for more than my looks anyway.
How is that Greek? I'm going to grind your hornyposting to a halt by opening up this cultural dialogue.
>You guys know I'm joking right?
No? how would i? seems like a fairly common thing
>tolerable enough to be around if I need you to perform some physical labor
yes master
>YOU might be the most attractive guy in their eyes!
Thanks anon, I do wish I was, I think I hit it off with some of them but they were probably just being friendly.
No thank you.
so I'm not insane? I literally did cut her out completely, deleted everything and maintained zero contact despite her hoovering.
But man, here I am all broken, while she's riding the dicks she had even while she was with me.
Where's my justice, where's my revenge? I legitimately fear running into her because I might dropkick her into a coma. At least that's what I feel inside. Just hate and anger.
It's what women want
>seems like a fairly common thing
How??? Where???
Are you mistaking the irritability that comes with menstruation as being directed specifically at men?
Your god atomizes cities in fairy tales. Mine atomizes cities in Japan.
We are not the same.
Why would I know that?
>you‘re not so different
I have completely different values and goals. If you want to imagine me as some kind of foul-smelling ogre, be my guest, but I don't see how you can argue with a straight face that people who believe in waiting until marriage are the same as those who explicitly define themselves by NOT wanting to wait.

>You‘re not going to become more attractive by distancing yourself from the icky guys
Haven't I made it clear by now that my issue is with being called something I'm not?
People are free to have whatever problems they want with me, but that requires having an accurate picture of what I believe.
>not even handsome men are that great personality wise
are you implying that better looking people have a better personality when it's usually the opposite lol
French sex = french kissing / oral sex
Greek sex = ass fucking
Spanish sex = titfucking
Italian sex = armpit fucking
Don't ask me why it is this way.
> You don't even actually like me for more than my looks anyway.
True, /atoga/ girls are known for their uniquely awful personalities!
It seemed absurd enough to me to be clear.

You guys genuinely think we hate men?
It's bad that you're dating outside of your race and still can't spot fetishists.
I suddenly want those countries to stop existing.
I'd be fine with most of those.
>You guys genuinely think we hate men?
Nta, I think you prolly hate most of us ya
Which is fair tbf
Justice is foreign to NPD people. The only way to win is for them to vanish from your consciousness.
>Are you mistaking the irritability that comes with menstruation as being directed specifically at men?
Nta but yes, it's obvious lol
I don't even know most men. Hate is a very intimate feeling. I know very few people well enough to hate them.

Relative indifference and wanting to be left alone isn't hatred.
I like to think it's because it has something to do with needing lots of olive oil.
>You guys genuinely think we hate men?
Yeah? you think we were memeing about that?
So you guys think it's justified to hate you?
OK this is logical gg
he seemed defensive
yes he told he he is diagnosed but it is not like he showed me papers or had to. how do I navigate conversation and opening up to him without feeling bad
no I was talking about how ibwas sad about traditional clothes and how it's had to find shoes, stuff dealing with my family being weird/not listening
i know there are other asian woman hear unless they were larping. something some of we go through I think
No, you’re just bitter.
I want to take you on a cruise around the Mediterranean.
I do yeah lol
That guy legit has yellow fever.
>Relative indifference and wanting to be left alone isn't hatred.
Still doesn't feel nice when women treat you like a bug or some kind of nuisance
4chan is not your hugbox christfag
I'm aware that indifference is the best way to move forward... But I have so many unresolved emotions bottled up within, I wish I had a pig carcass with her face stapled on so I can at least pretend to break every bone in her whore body
punching bag with her face on it?
How long ago was this shit?
Not really but people hate people they don't really know all the time. Look at /pol/. Nothing you can change about it
>I suddenly want those countries to stop existing.
Well you shouldn't take it so personally. I'm mad at EVERYTHING like I'm crying because the bag of chips I was trying to open ripped and it spilled. It's a hormonal thing and has nothing to do with how much or how little I enjoy men's company. All people are equally the worst when I'm pmsing it's not just guys.
Well yeah. I thought it was coping with pain via humourous hyperbole not what you actually believed.
I do my best to be so, thank you.
You sure that's not strangers in general and not just women?
cca 6 months ago. But it lasted for 4 years before the wool was taken off my eyes.
I've had other women approach me, but I essentially told them to fuck off because I don't want to bleed on someone else because a different person cut me.
The idea is thus: people view this medium as essentially talking to robots, or unfeeling AI. They inherently know it’s not something good to do, so if you’re not like that, you get shamed. In a way, if you’re emotional, you’re the intruder, that much is true. It’s a fucked cycle.
Something something women.
This brings new meaning to the phrase "Italian shower"
>how do I navigate conversation and opening up to him without feeling bad
Is there a specific reason you think you'll feel bad?
Says one of many faggot incels that hate women here.
Yes, seriously. The chosen class you’ve chosen to alleivate your suffering is males. I’d be shocked if you even thought of other posters as humans, regardless of gender.

invert it all and you're close
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Picture of a random fucking dude I found on fit and saved to my computer for no reason. Would you date this man?
I’m not an incel. Speaking in sweeping thoughts like this is a sign of lower IQ, just saying.
So contrary to popular belief and the new fad of "rage rooms" "letting it out" can often make anger worse not better. If you were to do that it probably wouldn't make you feel better. You need to actually work through the emotions and hitting something isn't going to do that for you.
Why is that so hard to believe? I think most people have hatred for most other people. People generally are not good people
It's probably all narcissistic/autistic men that ignore emotion trying to talk to women that know their emotions. And every conversation between genders is a missed high five.
lol fuck no he's ugly as shit
I mean you're right to avoid relationships right now but you need to make sure you take none of that out on anyone else. You didn't deserve an NPD psycho, but no other woman deserves the blowback from you.
Fully free yourself of her and don't enter a relationship subconsciously trying to punish someone else for your ex's behavior.
Hardly. Do you really think people would spew as much vitriol and hate towards someone if they were face to face? No, they wouldn’t.
>random dude
Sure, sure
And you’re projecting. What’s new?
~he needs to smile more :)~
Don’t be like that sweetheart. You know me, I’m just a friendly schizo :D
Men, for the toilet paper roll test, to "pass" it, does it mean your dick doesn't fit in it at all, or it partially does but as girth increases it halts?

I think we are a community of people that for whatever reason enjoy missed high fives
I have no trust and very low expectations for other people. But I don't hate them.

I guess I just find it hard to believe that you've had zero positive experiences that were able to convince you that women are sometimes positive, mostly neutral about men unless they're actively causing a problem for her or clearly an asshole. I'm not saying I don't believe you, if that's where your head is at then it feels true so nothing I say is going to change that. I'm just surprised I really thought you guys were saying it all the time as a low effort way to start shit not because you believe it.
How was your day?
I understand. I've tried letting it out but I haven't managed to cry more than three times in these 6 months. Apparently she had a full on psychotic break after I found out and left.
I have this innate need for carharsis. I've even tried to start problems with rude randoms at bars and such, but never followed through because my MMA training might actually kill someone. No, training nor the gym managed to help, as evidenced by your advice.
Funnily enough I'm a 5'7 manlet, but nobody wants to square up with me.
NTA but you know you don’t speak for all women, right?
being friendly with women is still a win, if you ask me.
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you got me playing this shit on the decks bro https://voca.ro/1axhQHF3fUkP
It's never a random dude. What did he do?
I did a bunch of tedious paperwork and basic calculations. It sucked.
Dude, hate is a bit much. That's unironically like those people in some religions that get really indoctrinated. Mild annoyance is more like it.
>beats his gf/wife phenotype
Yeah, no.
I think he was trying to help, in his special white boy way… it’s the thought that counts
All my experiences with women have neither been positive or negative, but I know that they dislike men on average
>updates “fuckable armpits” spreadsheet
Really snobbish posture.
Now I gotta know, which one aren't you fine with?
Good on paper, bad mentally
Basically same shit different day
How was yours?
Sounds like a lame excuse for being a negative person yourself.
I honestly have no idea. I assume it was when your dick doesn't fit. I am 5" girth which is technically slightly above average, and there's still tons of space in the roll. So idk how people are passing it.
>but I know that they dislike men on average
Explain to me how please. How you know this for certain and it's not just the way that you feel.
lol that’s a good way to put it
It really does feel like we’re struggling with a language barrier
Yeah definitely a win, I've hung out with a lot for them a few times now and I hope to see them some more before classes start up again.
Pretty good mentally today, it's a rarity for me. Sorry to hear that, really. Hope you feel better soon, anon.
Welp, just asked out my discord crush out and got rejected.
Bro you need to go for a run. A long one.
why are manlets always so angry and jumpy?
Thanks boo <3
Woo, starting off the week on a good foot (: hope you can ride the good vibes
Plenty of other kittens in the sea mon ami... jk
Sorry tho
Women have nothing but bad experiences with men, so why wouldn't they hate us? I know I only remember my bad experiences with people
why do guys have this I don't really get it I would still like to be listened to and heard too
if I come to him and talk about sensitive stuff I don't want him to get mad at me again by explaining how I felt and him saying I'm being manipulative by being upset he mentioned his exes and trying to control his memories
it made me feel like I wasn't really being heard and put in a box with them
because I wish I was bigger desu
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I don't understand. I have no idea how any body can be failing the toiler paper roll test. the tp roll is smaller in diameter than these things and these things are still so small I cant' even get past the tip of the glans
I am wasian
Sounds good to me.
Anything's fuckable if you're brave enough.
Tit stuff. It hurts.
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Our anger gets compacted like in a pressure cooker, it's basic math
I'm like a chihuahua who'll chomp your handbag if need be
it's okay bro
you shot like a hero. there'll be someone better
How old are you two?
I'm too sad to jerk off tonight. What do?
>Women have nothing but bad experiences with men
According to whom?
>I know I only remember my bad experiences with people
Seriously? Again I almost think you guys are messing with me because that is not healthy or normal. I'm not even going to bother asking if you're okay because I know you're not just based on that statement alone. I genuinely think you should consider a few sessions with a therapist. Or at least watch some of those psych2go videos an anon recommended to someone earlier. You sound very sad. I'm sorry that this is the way you are experiencing reality.
buttjobs have more appeal to me than titjobs desu
>would anyone here actually date someone in a wheelchair, or with a significant disability
I keep seeing "poly" couple women, physically disabled, overweight but still on dating apps. Which suggests some element of success.

Seems crazy.
Is it normal to have been in a dry spell for 9 months after breaking up with my ex?
coughing out tonsil stones always makes me so happy. would women want to share this experience?
>I really thought you guys were saying it all the time as a low effort way to start shit not because you believe it
Idk, a lot of us grew up in the "men are evil" era
break ups aren't natural so you're thinking about this all wrong
It really is a great feeling but no do that in the bathroom with the door closed and no I do not want to smell it.
I know it makes no sense and it's really fucking stupid but you're "exotic" and a rarity for some guys.
nah. Why bother with an invalid when there are literal billions of able bodied people around?
I don't have a savior complex
why does it matter? I mean, I have heard guys mature slower but he is younger than me, 5 year difference. we both look young for our age.
That sounds like torture.
yes but it would be nice if a guy would still love me if I had to eventually be in a wheelchair too
Bit rude, innit?
it's worse for my cock than it is for you
but why?
Schizopost on me. Join me on Most High.
Ancient Greek masters used to buttfuck their apprentices. Like, it was expected and part of the job.
I'm only getting your half of the story, but he doesn't sound very mature in comparison to you at the moment.
Have you tried just talking to him about these things? Any good relationship is built on that kind of trust that you can talk about that kind of thing.
>god that anime was so shit
Can't disagree. But it made me chuckle a few times.

>why does it matter
I'm just trying to get a sense of the situation here. My advice for dealing with an 18 year old would be different from that for a 28 year old.
faggot gay wrong tripfag degen loser kys
I think most would if you were involved prior to it.

I think otherwise, I wouldn't. Sounds bad but I don't really want to change my entire lifestyle to accommodate another person
nope, it's objective reality
>break ups aren't natural

What should I do to get out of this shit?
I hate being teased. If his dick is already right there, he might as well just fuck me.
Outdoorsy type?
break ups aren't natural, we're not biologically wired to do that
>stop shouting at me

Ȋ̵̛̖͕͎̓̑͑̎͜ͅ ̵̩̙̩̗͖͐́̀c̴̻̥̓͑͂̀ṑ̴̗͎̩͔̦͖̽ṷ̶̡̤͎́̓͝l̵̝͍̬͎̃̈̏͊̓̚͘d̴̘͍͚̯̩̻̋̾͑̚͝͠ͅ ̴̙̳̯̗̭̒͑̑d̶̢͚͔͌̈́̔̈́ȯ̷̘̺̔̎̑̊̕ ̸̡̮̜̘̻̘̹̍̀́̀͌̈̚͠w̴̥̒́͒͌͆͌̚ö̴̢̢͖̤͚͈͂̈́͗r̸̝̫̻̦͐̋̔̍̈́͆ş̸̩̥̙̺̮͒e̶̞͉͓͈̘̗͊̂͋͆̄̇̐͜͝.̴̨̢̫̥̄.̵̤̗̞̪̰̳̬̹̌͆̀͑́͑̆͘.̴̢̡̢͔̗͎̻̾̽͆̕
If that's true, why do you actually see disabled folks with non-disabled folks? And I don't just mean on youtube.
You remind me of the old manager of the bar I worked at. He wore women’s underwear and harassed all the girls, and his gf cheated on him constantly and he didn’t like it but pretended it didn’t happen. Sound familiar?
Teasing is amazing. No patience, JH?
I'm sorry if my gay sex buttfucking expertise isn't as knowledgeable as yours.
Do tell.
Do you know anything about his heritage? Maybe ask him about that so he’ll get the hint on how to help you… boys are great, but sometimes they need a lot of prompting
Patience is for people whose time isn't valuable.
I found a picture of JH
>this guy refers to himself as "40 years young"
Why not? If I like somebody, disability is a small obstacle I’m willing to help with.
You think he would try to gaslight you that easily?
I’d love to do a study of what causes a tripfag.
Nah. I haven't met the guy, sorry.
Women have you ever made fun of a guy's dick?
Time scarcity is for people who can't relax.
because they're either limerent or have no other choice.
I don't care anymore.
I know 4chan is 90% men, but it feels more real here, like I could reach out and touch your wiener
You sure? You guys act eerily similar.
I wish femanon would touch my weiner
I'll admit I'd wear her earrings, at least.
I can't. I'm always caffeinated and worried about what I need to do next. That's life.
Physical, sure. Significant mental issues, probably not desu.

commitment-scarcity is for ........
Nope. But I did used to say "I'm a virgin, but I'm non-practicing!"
Every time I start to think maybe I was wrong to believe women are capable of being independent and responsible for themselves, they go and do something so unfathomably retarded I that I can't imagine what led me to question that belief in the first place.
NTA but I feel like most people here are mentally ill
Don’t touch me. Touch some incel instead.
Fuck off. Keep your hands off my dick, woman.
Do you think some of your stress is caused by lack of sex? You’re suffering withdrawals from 2 different kinds of sex now, that matters.
Describe said acts. As I've only been posting on a Taiwanese scrapbooking app.
I miss doing things for my ex-gfs
women, what do you need. Food? Drink? I can craft all sorts of things in a kitchen. or maybe something snuggy fresh from the laundry?
geez, I'm feeling a broken heart.
*aren't capable
Women do you do the butt wiggle thing when you sit on a guy's lap?
Same but men. And cats.
I'm not mentally ill I'm just up at 3am working on AI for robot girl future, because they're going to enslave the bottom 90% of men by 2050
I could calm you down, and not just through sex.
Idk, the insistent on literalness, the self absorbed ego, the libtard smugness, the adherence to logic as the only form of moral high ground, the narcissism, the faux coy responses were you think you’re silly but coupled with your character it comes off as creepy, the lack of self awareness, the need to be seen by others as unique, what else you need?
Do you have any fruit? I’d love a smoothie

Yeah of course, if it’s a guy I’m interested in, I have to get comfortable + blast his arousal into the stratosphere
the top 10% of men get the most out of having perfect robot girls, so I think you have it very backwards. the bottom % of men will be too poor to afford them
Definitely. It has affected my productivity and sleep, too. Maybe I do need to see a sex therapist.
Women, what pet are you getting when you move in with your bf?
How else am I going to check to make sure he's hard?
Are you a professional massager?
>the bottom % of men will be too poor to afford them
We won't own the robot girls
They'll own us
Do you think george soros pays women to act horny online?
Different countries/manufactures have different roll sizes?
>Do you have any fruit? I’d love a smoothie
I'd be happy to. all the fruit, no ice, but I can go get ice- not a problem. something to doo doo do do do do
We'll have to resort to gross bio women, ew. Posting while driving btw. Hope I hit a tree at 60mph
State gender and minor pet peeve.
>Are you a professional massager?
Nah but now that you mentioned it, I'd love to give me woman regular massages
Tfw no ass wiggle from JH.
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seems like to me this is just an elaborate way for men to skirt having to accurately measure and report.
use a tape measure already
>We'll have to resort to gross bio women,

no, I don't think I will.
A third cat!

Yumm thank you!
When people don’t reset the timer on the microwave. No idea why.
F. People who are overly apologetic.
They're really great. Just a shoulder rub is always amazing. Miss having a bestie around to ask for that shit.
You(r dick) wouldn't survive.
F Oh, after a power out? I hate that.
People leaving surfaces, handles, taps, controllers, keyboards, phones, etc greasy and dirty.
>>F. People who are overly apologetic.
M, this.
>Hold door for guy at work
>he apologizes
>Ask him what he's sorry for
>He sort of panics, then apoliizes again, then walks off
he has told me in the beginning he wants me to feel safe with him and that I could talk to him about anything and he wants to give me all of his love but he replied to me like this >>31585960
mid 20s early 30s
would he be better off trying to date another white girl?
we have talked about his heritage too and we both come from military families, I think a relative of his went to war in an Asian country but not 100% positive on remembering
what do you mean?
New Episode
Nah, like, if you put it in for 1 minute and then take it out with 13 seconds left then don’t reset it to be 0 seconds on it.
M, people standing in doorways
Haha. Don't go to Canada.
It’s worth at least a try. This is a real problem negatively impacting your life, so maybe insurance would cover it?
not using coasters, not throwing out wrappers/trash, clothes on the floor, leaving dirty cookware after cooking something.
like if you wore your shoes inside and put your shoes up on a piece of furniture I'm not bothered, but these things drive me up the wall
>You(r dick) wouldn't survive.
Okay I can’t hornypost with you while I’m working, you will kill me.
Is this in real life or on Discord?
>would he be better off trying to date another white girl?
Honestly, a guy like that would probably be a dick somehow to a white girl too.
When you open the door for someone and they don't thank you
Most of the time it's ugly women that don't say it
Exactly. Shit makes it feel like I'm the one bothering them somehow.
Idk where to even start, though. Do I have to tell my pcp and get a referral?
damn, sorry
>him saying I'm being manipulative by being upset he mentioned his exes and trying to control his memories
He legit says stuff like this?
Get fucked. You guys torture me at work, so you deserve it back tenfold.
You wouldn’t and couldn’t.
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Vroom vroom hope i.dont get in a wreck since I'm not wearing a seatbelt haha
Hey that’s my shtick.
>he says you can share your feelings
>you share your feelings
>he responds unhelpfully
>you tell him he responded unhelpfully
>he gets mad and says you’re being “manipulative”
What a cop-out! He’ll listen, but only if you say he’s the best listener ever? That’s not what real supporting your gf looks like.
You're right. But the threat just sort of came out of me.
Oh man, you would hate my parents

White girls don’t deserve to be treated like this either :/
Your bf sounds like a huge dick.
So predictable. Bite me.
Don’t threat me with a good time JH.
Hm, that’s one avenue. I would just research nearby therapists, confirm they take my insurance, and just schedule an appointment myself. Mostly because I’d be embarrassed talking about this with a doctor.
I feel like he doesn't like taking accountability and will use his life circumstances or his autism as a reason or tell me I am messing with everything

I apologized for my feelings and haven't responded to him today just to recollect myself, sometimes I have quiet days
Isn't that actually kinda bad when people open a microwave before it's done?
My sister was the reason I hate it. My sister is the reason I hate a lot of things, but that’s the weirdest one.
Can you elaborate on what exactly you said to him about him bringing up his exes?
It doesn’t count as torture if you willingly enter the torture chamber and pull your pants down…
Pretty sure that’s an old wives tale.
women does deepthroating hurt?
2004-2011 ford ranger
top 10 images taken just before disaster
The base of my dick is 5.5 inches, but the part below the tip is 4.3 inches
idk what this means
Wait, literally? Why are you with him? Just curious, I mean.
Nope sadly I made it home without crashing
That is absolutely no excuse for his shitty behavior. He's legit acting like a child.
That's this thread in a nutshell, though.
Meh. If I have to tell one person I want therapy for this, it'll be just as embarrassing as telling two.
Hey. That's not accurate. I touch myself over my clothes at work when I hornypost, I don't pull my pants down.
It can, at least with plastic dicks.
>at least with plastic dicks.
Flesh ones hurt less?
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/tv/ made this and it made me think of you
>You and not your
fucks sake one job
I will not be baited into hornyposting about putting JH into a mating press.
Figures that /tv/ can't spell.
What is it from? Looks like spiderman
Pretty sure it's Supergirl, that looks like Melissa Benoist.
No idea. Never dated a guy I could deepthroat.
Anon, bad news. You said it out loud.
>Never dated a guy I could deepthroat.
What mean? too small? too big? too curved?
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It's from the previous episode of The Boys
Haha yeah…and the deepthroat comment, you will not sway me. Nope. Intrusive thoughts do not enter the keyboard.
not bf but he wanted to be, we are navigating getting to know eachother
I mean he might not bring up his asian exes to a white girl but yeah
I said I felt hurt and uminportant when he mentioned his exes and he said he was just trying to relate to me and said he wasn't going to change and that I was trying to make him feel bad
he is the 2nd guy who I have talked to who got a late diagnosis. we like similar things and stuff.
I feel childish too sometimes he literally told me he regresses like me but I don't want him to hit himself when he is angry
Oh, gross. I stopped watching that shit after season 1.
I wouldn't say they were all "small", just not so big that they went deep enough to be a deepthroat, I think.
For fuck's sake, Decades Schizo, talking to this man will never ever ever be worth it. Stop talking to him now and set yourself free.
Just focus on work. Think about it the way I do; the faster you can finish your daily duties then head home, the faster you can go home and get off.
Why watch this gay show at all? Do you also watch gay porn?
It's rare but irksome when it happens:

When I am holding or moving a bunch of stuff in my hands and I drop something at my feet and I just leave it there because it's fine and I have to fix and arrange my armload before continuing anyway. And someone immediately runs over and "helpfully" picks it up and holds it out for me to take...
...while I am still arranging things in my arms and don't need it yet. And they stand there. Holding it out. Smiling. Like they're being the most helpful person in the world.
I inevitably have to take it from them and thank them. Sometimes I have pointedly immediately set the thing down on a nearby table and continue to arrange the armload, completely unhelped by their assistance.

It's rare and small but in that moment I kind of hate them for not seeing that my free hand is busy and if I *wanted* the item immediately I could pick it up myself. I'm clearly taking my time, unhurried at all until they show up to help.

...and I never get to vent about it because it's stupid so I just ranted. Heh
I heard it was pointlessly gory and had le epic gross-out humor, so I never started it
>he said he was just trying to relate to me and said he wasn't going to change
I'd cut my losses desu.
>Just focus on work.
I only work 2 hours of my 8. Im trapped here all night.
Tfw no deepthroat at work.
Having a bf who works in the same building then coordinating little breaks to fuck in an employee bathroom or in my car in the back parking lot or something would be so hot.
I haven't replied in hours and he still message and react to my profile. I still would like to talk about my actions and feelings whether good or bad as I learn through life
I wish we could have more understanding and him not feel attacked
There is no future where talking to this man leads you to a positive result. Every path forward only leads to you hurting yourself more. You have already wasted months of your life on him. Cut your losses and cut him loose.
Torture. Need. I’ve taken dick pics in my car on break before, fucking would be another level.
I'm going to sleep before I end up staying up all night reading this smut. Good luck with not-work, don't think about anal sex.
Go fuck yourself, literally, for me. Good night <3
It can. It's never comfortable and can sometimes make me puke. Mostly I can't breathe and can't relax my jaw but I'm not in pain.
F People that write long posts on here.
>the insistent on literalness
Nah. I'm pedantically correcting anonymous strangers on the internet for my own enjoyment. Slight difference.

>the self absorbed ego
Not me mate. That's just an image you project onto me.

>the libtard smugness
My smugness is not libtard. I am not even that liberal. I have been called that here because I find racism idiotic since it's literally just ignorantly and inaccurately applying gross stereotypes of a race to individuals you are ignorant of.
My smugness comes from punching down on morons itt.

>the adherence to logic as the only form of moral high ground
It's not "moral" high ground. It's just the high ground. Being fat, wrong, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.
Seriously, learn some critical thinking skills.

>the narcissism
It's arrogance, not narcissism. Narcissists are afraid to question themselves or actually find faults within themselves.
I am literally arguing with idiots on 4chan to feel good. I clearly have flaws.
Arrogance is being overly proud of yourself or your traits and I'm guilty of that at times,no question.

>the faux coy responses were you think you’re silly but coupled with your character it comes off as creepy
I think I am coy, silly, and creepy completely naturally and independent of each other. But your impression of me is a valid take. Nothing faux about them, I don't think.

>the lack of self awareness
It's absolutely adorable that you think you have any idea what I am aware of.

>the need to be seen by others as unique
Fair enough. Although it's less specific than that. I *am* unique or at least unusual, as demonstrated by a recent post of mine being mistaken for an AI post presumably for it's nonsensical aspects. And as a tripfags, I am an attentionwhore. So I want attention, want to be seen as I am, and therefore want to be seen as unique.
But when I get called out on being a basic bitch, I own it. I watch Isekai anime for godsake.

I am cool with being seen other ways.
Less than a second lmao
Actual Lol
Sneezing into ones hands. After someone does that they no longer become trustworthy.
So basically I’m completely right.
That was a lot of words to basically say "you're right".
>So basically I’m completely right
You're less than a third accurate, so no. You're not completely right.
But if you said white was black and I explained why it wasn't you'd still reply that you're completely right.
....and you call *me* a narcissist lacking in self awareness. Hilarious.
Seriously, learn at least some critical thinking skills.
You too. Learn some basic stuff to help you understand literally anything.
Most esl understand this better.
Season 1 is actually good
Everything else is dogshit but I go on /tv/ so it's fun to post with them about it
Jensen Ackles as solider boy in season 3 is kino though
Nah I’m right. You’re retarded and bald and cheat on your wife.
Your rate of being less than a third accurate seems oddly consistent.
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The Powerful Femanon Pt. 2
So you’re a cheater?
I feel like women my age (20) are not attracted to male body hair at all. I'm at magnum pi/Sean Connery level already. I tried shaving it off but it was so painful when it grew back, never doing that again.
Anyways what do women itt think
Much more realistic than yesterday
Which part is right?
yeah yesterday I played it too thick (hehe) with the lines
it takes longer to do thinner lines but the result is much nicer

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