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Alternative Romance Edition

Previous >>31577808
State gender
Are bitches more likely to snitch than men?
Simultaneously black and white pilling, this thread be.
The mix of people. Some are saints, who are wonderful and reach out and create meaningful connections and conversations. Some are just terrible people who want to stew in vile hatred and spray their anger indiscriminately. I am one sensitive little boy and it’s pain and pleasure.
>create meaningful connections and conversations
You're taking 4channel way too seriously if you come here to do that. But being positive when you're living in shit is called delusion. I like to point out how everything is fucked. My posts will seep into the subconscious of the virtue signalling simps and hags and I know I ruined their day when I get an angry reply because they know I'm right.
Usually those are one and the same person.
> You're taking 4channel way too seriously if you come here to do that.
I’ve been accused of this a lot. But meaningful doesn't mean protracted or anything, it meant something to me and surely others in the moment. Also I met a lot of friends and even girlfriends off of 4chan so, take that as you will. I take it seriously because I take life seriously, definitely too seriously sometimes lol.
Maybe. Doesn’t seem that way all the time.
men do u cook
Yeah, usually pretty simple stuff. Pasta sauces, soups, I know the basics and know how to improvise.
Yeah. Are there adults that don't?
I cock
Yes drawanon, cooking is one of my hobbies.
nta but you'd be surprised
Yes, but exclusively
Yes, several times a week usually.
I live with my parents so no
Dancing with femanon in our underwear in the bedroom, just for fun
i vagina
does your husband know that you're out here replying to men who are fervently masturbating their hairy cocks while you tease them?
i did not need to know you had a hairy cock
Men snitch to get ahead
Women snitch to get out of trouble
women also snitch to get ahead, arguably more so than men
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Both genders with musical background, should I sign up for piano lessons? I've owned several synthesizer keyboards for years, and enjoy arbitrarily playing little hunt n peck diddies from time to time, but I desire to learn how to actually play professionally. However, I've avoided lessons for years due to bad social anxiety, and I don't know how the whole procedure goes down. Like, will my teacher just start me from the beginning, having me play major scales, or will they evaluate my skills and go from there?
Sure why not, it’s a formula to follow. I just free wheeled all my instrumental learning but a teacher expedites the process.
What is up with men and liking tube tits and BBLs?
Sounds like something a snitch would, you’re a bitch
what are tube tits, i like tube tops?
No, like the tits that are thin and not round. Shaped like tubes, if you will.
Exaggerated sexual dimorphism
I only took one piano course in college, but I'd suggest it.
If you're noticeably really good, they'll probably jump you ahead, but no matter what you should be fine enough.
t. Never really learned piano, but the course theoretically set me up enough to continue learning from there, I'm just a failure
I need a picture for reference, arent all boobs round?
I can’t post pictures from my phone, but someone like Violet Myers is who I’m thinking of. It seems to be more about bust size than anything, with smaller busts but bigger cups = tube tits.
I only like the really expensive ones that queen Kim Kardashian has with the fat transfer. I hate the cheap silicon shit that escorts get.
If you want whores to have nicer fake boobs, pay them more
But.. they are round. You just mean big?
ah i see, i dunno they look nice. on her at least. the illusion of them being bigger i guess. there are probably other examples that would help me form a more complete response.

would >>31580338 count also?
No, idk how to explain it. It just seems like there’s a trend of thinner, longer, instead of rounder and bigger like that. My ex has perfect tits for example, very round and also big.
Yeah that’s what I’m talking about, that more tube-like shape. I’m not saying they’re totally unattractive I just don’t understand the hype.
I googled that name it doesn’t show what you’re talking about
I think it does. Her tits are big, yes, but it’s a question of shape.
Nah, I avoid escorts with fake boobs.
>But being positive when you're living in shit is called delusion
Actually it's called positive thinking and having hope, which are scientifically proven to improve your wellbeing and outcomes.

Metaphysically, people attract what they are attracted to. If you dwell on negative thoughts and put out negativity into the world, it will come back on you. If you think positively, put others before yourself and do good deeds instead of being selfish, your happiness will follow.
Like it looks like it’s sagging a little in some photos?
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She just has big tits.
I hate how the women of /atoga/, particularly the chestlets, do the same shit all the dicklets do and claim that anything big is weird.
It's not weird, you're just inferior.
Nta, My horny ass could never have a discussion about the occult with you.
Sag is fine. It’s a shape thing, they seem kinda narrow as opposed to a more full breast.
I am a man. I love big tits. My ex was 34DDD/E.
I didn't know there was hype for this tube tits but like I said, probably the illusion of them being bigger
That makes sense. Especially for a pornstar.
Congratulations on your sample size of one.
There's nothing abnormal about her tits.
Unironically, it's just what big, saggy, natural tits look like. I used to shower with female family members.
They're just (usually) natural rather than looking like they're silicone circles plastered onto the girl's chest (which fake tits are).
Idk anon I don’t see it
> Congratulations on your sample size of one.
I know right, lucky me.
> Unironically, it's just what big, saggy, natural tits look like. I used to shower with female family members.
Lol. Again, lucky me.
Idk, someone like Brandy Talore is the type of boob I’m talking about that was round. As opposed to someone like Siri.
Fair enough. Check out the names above if you’re curious for more examples.
>someone like Brandy Talore is the type of boob I’m talking about that was round.
Push up bras and implants anon
Ah. Definitely push up bras, idk if she has implants, my coomer days are long gone. I am one lucky duck!
I only see the one name you gave earlier
Above in the same post I made, brandy talore and Siri.
You sure, it doesn’t sound like it.
How so? Did I strike a nerve with you?
First is round though, what makes it a tube? The bra?
And you know I can’t google Siri and get a person lol
Good morning.
How did everybody sleep?

Yeah I posted a pic of my croque monsieur two threads ago.

NEETs tend not to.
Simp energy.
No. Obviously I did with you, deflecting real hard here buddy
Good, making coffee for extra boost
No, first one is an example of round. That’s what I’m saying is good, and also lacking. Is it just rare?
?? Not at all. You passive aggressively tried to infer I was a woman with small tits who was hating women with big tits, when I said no you just started saying “lol u mad”.
The other woman looked like that too in many of her photos. You need to show pictures, this isn’t working for you.
I’m afraid I cannot right now. Not for the next 3 hours too. I kinda got an answer anyway so it’s all good.
You got any plans for today?
Sorry wrong anon, I hopped in because you sound fucking weird. As other anons are starting to notice. Tone it down
Fellow men, what do women do that gives you the ick?

I'll go first
Having a really wimpy sneeze
That sounds fake
Bit of a tone police officer, eh? I wish I could be a simp like you.
NTA, now you're just randomly throwing words around.
Not really. The guys who see a question about women’s bodies and go “ewww icky so weird!” are the Nice Guys.
Struck a nerve
Aaw haha that is so dumb. Are you incel trying to describe what a boob is?
“No u” posting is pretty cringe but I did resurrect the thread with my question, so have fun with that. You know repeating my words back at me gives me a nice ego boost as well.
No, you should probably read the thread lil bro. The part where I said my ex has perfect tits, maybe.
Is there a chance ill find a gf after university as a virgin or am I fucked
It was going as normal, your little tantrum didn’t so much, enjoy coping
XD, okay.
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women how true is this
>tfw no slim virgin princess gf with natural blonde hair and blue eyes
The NPC male.
That's the ideal man who should find a gf easily, according to /atoga/ foids.
He’s literally (You)!
>“ewww icky so weird!”
That wasn't why I called you weird, but because you had such a hard time explaining what "tube tits" are, an arbitrary definition you just made up.
This is /atoga/, people discuss tits, cunts and cocks all the time, they're usually just not as awkward about it as you.
What a Nice explanation, thank you Guy.
Yeah that's the point women lie everything because they don't know what they want so it's important to always ignore what women say and only smart men know this.
>Inb4 why are you here
Simple rule of thumb is to ask women what they want and do the opposite, no means yes, yes means no, etc.
Yeah, I was confused too. She's just stupid.
And he will. Once he is 28 and all the girls are ready to settle down.
If I have music playing in my head constantly, is it ADHD?
How come when I hear people not doing it talk about OnlyFans all I ever hear is how basically nobody makes any money, but every time I end up finding a girl who does it, they all make like near, or into the six figures doing it? I get the feeling that a lot of the "no, it's not worth it!" sentiment is just cope.
Would you date a cornpilled maizemaxxer?
Sure, why not. What is his favorite way to gnaw on the cob?
Because the ones with the most recognition are the only ones you see. You are not a goonGOD, you are a chronic masturbator.
4chan might not be your thing if you are this easily triggered.
Is women fainting after orgasm a real thing? Is it something that can be caused intentionally?
Can you stop crying already?
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the long way
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Yes, I made an apple and blackberry pie a few days ago
A but gay ngl
What about a breadpilled wheatmaxxer gf?
It's one of the few things I actually enjoy. My mum worked as a chef so she taught me young, and I did 5 years of classes in school on it. I like cooking for my family and i'd say i'm pretty good at it.
>fainting after orgasm a real thing
Maybe if she has some kind of blood related issue, like low blood pressure. Or that thing that is called something similar to "anemonia".
Why would I cook that's a woman's job
If a woman can't cook and fuck well what is her purpose?
I'm Greek, it's normal for men here to do a lot of the cooking. This is also why Greek food is so good.
We'd be too different, sorry
My parents would never agree to it
Oh well
if she cant cook she gotta know how to give good head
I'd prefer that over cooking.
Why are you Greek?
Oh my god anon, you can‘t just ask people why they are greek.
Head before every meal does sound crazy
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has /atoga/ considered clowngirls?
I could use some clussy
Post gender
Would you date someone that is actively self harming but not at risk of suicide, the self harm being an outlet to avoid offing themselves
The comments say she has an OF, so that might not be that far off with how she makes money.

Honkerina only.
Depends on how the self harm comes out.
No, i really don‘t need this level of chaos and destruction in my life.
I have a soft spot for girls like that, but in my experience they also tend to lash out at me. I'll pass.
>has /atoga/ considered clowngirls?
We already have JH
Cutting, but exclusively on places that are hidden.
>How did everybody sleep
Like dogshit, but I did dream that a random girl kissed me so maybe it was that femanon from last night...
Terribly. I have not slept well for a month or so.
I appreciate your question nonetheless.
M, it'd make me sad but sure
She's the entire circus
Yeah I’d date her then. I feel I could help her in some way to release that tension. Hell we could do cutting in the bedroom or what have you. I’ve never been afraid of dating and bonding with people who are suffering.
Dating me is already a form of self-harm, so sure
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How are you /coping/ with the crippling despair today anons?
Gonna replay Morrowind for the 5000th time, this time with the Tamriel Rebuilt mods
No, I hate scars and bruises. I want her skin to be pure and clean.
Severe SH indicates some very deep issues, which means they'd most likely not be able to have a healthy relationship.
I'd pass, I've already had a crush on somebody who did drugs and SH before. Being a friend can be ok, but not a relationship.

Sorry to hear that, why's that?
I have something important coming up tomorrow, so I had a hard time falling asleep the past few days.
everyday bro
NTA, TR slaps. You gonna use the beta that includes the western lands or just the Telvanni and Old Ebonheart area? Be sure to visit Necrom, it’s gorgeous.
I am at the beach rn
I an currently looking after five kids, two of which have a fever and are throwing up and one is a baby ready for a nap. No time for despair.
I have a coworker I kind of like. We've been talking about work and other stuff during office hours for the last six months. Last Friday, I decided to message her privately for the first time outside of work hours. She didn't reply until Sunday. I texted her back, but she ignored my message again. When we saw each other in the office on Monday, she didn't mention my message at all. Does this mean she's not interested in me and that I've already lost my chance?
Are you in a relationship?
No, I'm currently not exactly ready for one.
Why not?
Just the finished areas, from what I understand the western area has no NPCs or anything.
I plan on starting in the northeast Telvanni area and just going clockwise around the province. It looks like they have most of the mainland done at this point,
There never was a chance but now she feels weird about you.
Yeah the western area is all setpieces so far, very gorgeous nonetheless. I don’t think the Dres lands are done either but they might’ve been, been years since I played. You’re gonna love the Telvanni lands. Some of the set pieces are gorgeous. I remember this one area with a broken aqueduct surrounded by mountains, also the ruins of Kemel-Ze off the coast of Azura’s Shrine is amazing too.
You're probably right.
What did you text her and what did she respond? Maybe she was just busy on the weekend. Time will tell.
Oof, hope u a okay
Okay nice nice lol what you up to there?
I was ready for one earlier this year, but I had a run-in with my ex recently that had me emotionally screwed up to a degree. I'd rather wait that fully out and not drag somebody in preemptively. Plus, I have some other things I want to focus on first. But I think by the end of the year I should be in a more comfortable place again.
Sun bathing, swimming
Everything under control. Sick kids are in bed with throwing up bowls, cold packs and tea and the baby is asleep now.
Sounds lush haha have fun
Crisis averted
U gonna rest now too
Sounds like you got a mature outlook on this. May I ask why you two split up?
Gonna make some apple slices and crackers for the other two. They are playing minecraft. And then do the dishes and eat something myself.
Thx anon

> Verification not required
>apple slices and crackers
Now this is a peng snack
Yeah get some food in ya too
And how‘s your day going?
I appreciate the compliment, but I'm not always level-headed.
Our story is quite long and complicated, it spans several years, mental issues, feelings of guilt, a terrible family, avoidant behaviour and many more things. I'm sorry, but it'd be too much and too personal to go into detail here. As much as it pains me to say, I think it's better to just let it rest.

You haven't told me yet why you've been unable to sleep well, if that was you.
Ah that’s fair. No, actually, I’m not the anon you were talking to. I’m the guy you called weird, much earlier. Hope it goes better for you man, I know that feeling of the turbulent relationship that can really fuck you up. Good on you for recognizing that you need time for yourself.
>Good on you for recognizing that you need time for yourself.
I have some goals I want to achieve first before I go back to trying to date.
But I think mentally I am in the best spot I have been in years.
Eh yeah sorry bud doesn't sound like she's keen
Oh that is horrible. I had days where i woke up like that too. I hope it passes again soon. Maybe you had a bad dream you can‘t remember.
Kinda unrelated but there are women here so..
I want to give a gift to our faculty secretary in uni. She's been a great help throughout my degree so that's my way of saying thanks. Flowers are overdone and usually are a burden, and idk if she'll like chocolate. What's a good gift here?

And no, I'm not hitting on her, she's twice my age and married.
Thanks anon. Hope you and the kids are chillin btw.
Yeah funnily the only dreams I actually remember were quite positive. Maybe I was haunted by an evil spirit or something haha. I hope you have a great week though
doesn't want to talk to you outside work, many people are like this
Weirdly same. I started therapy after my ex left 2 months ago, this is the best I’ve felt my whole life about myself. Still got struggle days, but that’s how it be. I even quit doing drugs. What kinda goals you set for yourself?
>hate scars and bruises. I want her skin to be pure and clean
Bro is out here treating girls like porcelain dolls
I should say no, but that'd be a lie
I'd try to help her as best as I could and probably get hurt in the process
I’m gonna…SPEEEEED!!
Some songs just trigger it, I found myself accidentally speeding earlier on my lunch break because the song drop.
As the other anon said, work is work.
We don't know what the messages were and what her life is like.
Fuck bro just be careful out there lol, don't want to get ticketed on your lunch break, or worse have an accident
Iktf... music is like a dark energy field from which we can manifest chaos and greatness...
I haven’t pooped with the door closed in like 3 years since I moved into my house.
All I've ever wanted is to love and be loved by a woman, but it seems that's not in the cards for me.
Them's fighting words.
I wish I was a girl... Don't want to be a tranny, I want to be an actual girl and finally enjoy life without problems.
Male. Probably not, unless she was willing to let me help her so she can eventually stop doing that. Even then, I know you usually can't "fix" people.
Bro I'm pretty sure being a girl would just introduce a whole new set of problems
State gender.
How often do you remember your dreams? Are they usually mundane situations or do you have crazy dreams? And how would you react if your bf/gf told you they never remember their dreams, if they even have any?
Why do you feel that way anon?
I feel this in my soul but we must combat it with logic and reason
I don't let anyone pay for my food (or anything for that matter) on principle and I don't want men to go "BUT I PAID YOU DINNER SO IT'S UNFAIR IF YOU DON'T SUCK ME OFF"
I'm in my 30s. I've never had a gf, never even been close. The closest I've gotten is a second date, and I know that she had already decided before going on the date that it would be our last.
I don't even know where to meet women, and if I did I'd have no idea how to ask one out on a date in person, I've only ever done that successfully on dating apps. But dating apps are useless and I've stopped using them mostly.
And even if I could get a date, it wouldn't go anywhere. I don't know how to go from a first date to a relationship. It's like I'm just not made for this, even though it's what I want the most.
Yeah, I can lucid dream at will, so I create wacky situations. Sometimes they’re mundane. The last dream I had I was back at my dad’s farm trying to drive a truck out of snow to get to school except I was an adult. My ex always said they didn’t mean anything and not to overthink it, but I like my crazy dreams.
I remember them pretty much every day.
>Are they usually mundane situations or do you have crazy dreams?
Because I know what dreams are (just a compilation of your experiences and thoughts), I just tend to use them as insight.
The narratives dreams play are telling of how you think about things. They're not 1:1 on symbolism but they're a great insight tool.

i.e. I feel like the only competent person in my family and I don't feel heard, and I dream a lot about tsunamis coming, me warning my family to get out of danger, and I have to end up running alone and watching them die.
So all that means is that I feel like they wouldn't listen to me in a situation of danger.
Conclusion: be aware that I feel this way.
Why do women lie and play so many fucking games
I usually remember them quite vividly, and they're very strange and elaborate.
The last one I had, I was kidnapped by a cabal of genies along with a bunch of other people with superpowers. I didn't have any powers, I just had a gun. There was a shapeshifting dog that was chasing me around, and I kept throwing furniture at him to try and get him to fuck off, but eventually I found a rotisserie chicken to give him and I managed to recruit him for the final battle. Everyone used their powers to subdue the genies while I blew their fucking brains out.
I wouldn't feel much if a girl said she didn't remember or have any dreams, I think that's more normal if anything.
Hello Cassandra.
I used to do that when I was a teenager, then I grew up.
Sounds like you just need to talk to more mature women.
>Why do women lie and play so many fucking games
Women do this because men can fight with their fists but we can only fight with manipulation.
Sounds like you're just socially isolated like many of us
I don't really know what to suggest other than changing your lifestyle but I hope you have some luck down the line
The last dream that I can recall was at least 20 years ago, and all I remember is that I was in some kind of medieval castle or something and there was a lava moat, nothing more. I was probably 7-8 at the time.
Wouldn't phase me if a gf told me she didn't remember her dreams.
>gets blackpilled on women only wanting rich men
>accepts this and consequently only looks for women who want tall, handsome, rich men
>pays expensive dinners on multiple first dates
>is sad because feels women only see him as a piggybank
Anons, stop playing into that shit. It's also on you to choose women who don't see you as a piggybank. I've done most my dating without spending more than 10 bucks on dates.
I don't know about the lying part, but somebody gotta play all those f2p gatcha games and there are MANY.

I only rarely remember my dreams, occasionally some stuck with me for more than a few minutes after waking up, but that is not often the case.
I've had all kinds of dreams, good and bad ones, but no real pattern I can discern in recent years.

>And how would you react if your bf/gf told you they never remember their dreams, if they even have any?
I don't think this warrants any reaction at all.
It's worse than that. I don't even know how to change my lifestyle in a way that will help me with this problem.
>somebody gotta play all those f2p gatcha games
That's not actually true. They can go unplayed.
>They can go unplayed.
Well apparently not considering how much money they make.
NTA but I think you know. Even if you don't have a car to go places, you can apply to get your driver's license. Even if you don't have money, you can go grind and save to then do all these things.
It may seem out of our control but there's nobody forcing us to live in the same town, keep the same job, keep the same hobbies, be alone, forever.
>don't even know how to change my lifestyle
You and me both buddy
the correct response is no, but I know damn well I'm too soft to reject someone over that.
Nta but it's more about just where to even meet people. I've lived in all kinds of places with various jobs but it doesn't make a difference
I knew a Cassandra once. She was damn hot.
I told her that I was currently job hunting and had a long discussion about it with her last Friday. I messaged her to continue the discussion. She said my message got buried and replied to my questions on Sunday. I continued the conversation, but then I got ignored again.
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I eat blackpills here for breakfast
Seems like a deeper issue. There was an anon here the other day describing himself to be fundamentally different from others, which then caused him to isolate more.
I'm not sure if this applies to you. But the key to any interaction and any friendship is a form of relatability. Being in a line and turning to the person behind you to complain a little about it. Being at the grocery and making a passing comment on something. Going to a bar and commenting your thoughts with someone. It starts with a small reaching out of you relating to someone else.
In a way it's a form of saying "hello, we are the same"
female, and always all the time. they often have a story and i make sure to write them down for future storywriting.i wouldnt be surprised if my bf doesnt remmebr his dreams, maybe its a skill not all possess...
Like the other anon said, the problem is I don't know where/how to meet people. I have a car and a driver's license, and I have money. I've moved something like eight times in the last 6-7 years and two of those moves were more than 1k miles, a change of scenery hasn't helped.
I'm not sure if this can be insightful >>31580789
This is what's worked for me over the years. That and wearing a friendly smile.
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I have had nightmares including ayyys following me in my old house in the countryside
> There was an anon here the other day describing himself to be fundamentally different from others, which then caused him to isolate more.
Hey it’s me.
Who are you talking to?
She might just not be interested in such a conversation or in talking with you outwide of work.
this tard >>31574352
Both genders,
What song makes you want to cry?
heartilation by ajj
Blackbird by The Beatles
Weeb take
Skylar Grey’s cover of Numb.
I lose them after an hour or so of waking up, sometimes they came back to me at the end of the day during silent contemplative moments. I tried to keep a diary of them but I gave up after a while because it wasnt a good use of my time to sit so much and writing and rewriting them and wonder what they mean.
Yet I am here writing this.

That one I don't cry to but vibe to when depressed
I'm a guy and that is indeed a retard.
300 fucking bucks. lmao
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I think they are mundane until a twist shows up before I wake up.
I would tell her it might be fun for her try to write them down seconds after she wakes up, for a couple of days. On her phone or have a notepad on her nightstand.
I think the first time I wrote my dreams it was literally just me working nothing else, but I knew I had more interesting dreams in the past and I felt scammed, but that was fun on its own in a way
I don't know what possesses people to accept this. Do they actually think every female human being is this world will only want you for cash? there's tons of poor women who're more than happy to hang out without going expensive places
It is the poor women that are gold diggers. The rich ones have their own money.
The only time I saw snitching was by a woman, or maybe thats the only one that I care to remember because of some bias. Who knows
Yes, I kinda improvise with vegetables in a pot with meat, you get a sense of what pairs good with what
I get wanting to impress somebody when you've known them for some time.
But 300 euro would be like a spa weekend for you and your gf, not a second date.
I think he just thinks women need to be bought.
You might be right actually. I don't have that many possessions but I have some generational wealth and rely on my own money, bought my own house etc.

But from anecdotal experiences, my poor girl friends just get together with another poor guy and rent a place and live off 80% of their income.
Seems like a one time thing that happened to him. Poor guy. Loneliness can fuck you up and make you accept things you wouldn't normally accept.
blackpilling moment
Sure there are exceptions but poor women have much more reason to be gold diggers if they can get their hands on a man with some money. Ofc there is also gold diggers that already have enough and are just insatiable. But generally speaking.
I dont know if thats true
I finally found a movie i actually felt like watching, started watching, liked watching and watched to the end.
State gender
What was the last movie you watched and really liked?
Mhm. I see this a lot in eastern Europe.
I had some colleagues from my job get laid off and I can see on their instagrams that they just kinda act like escorts since they can't get back into our industry...
I also noticed a trend on poorer women to care much more about nail polish, makeup, etc. I think they're trying to compensate for lack of possessions or capacity to work higher paying jobs with looks?
You are delusional.
He didn't "accept", he set up a laughably stupid expectation.
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Like this?
I watched The Warriors recently! Very good one.
And the other day I watched The Boy and the Heron which was great too. I'm working through losing my mom myself, so I connected to it a lot.
Yeah, absolutely. The more lower ranking you are the more you will try to appear put together by small things you can control without breaking the bank. Like your makeup, your hair, your nails and so on.
State gender.
Are you in the Goldilocks Zone? (4-6 out of 10 attractiveness).
Anything is possible but I guess your chances are exponentially lower the older you are and still a virgin, that doesnt apply to women imo
I can emphasize with him being lonely, but he's also coming from the completely wrong implication that you need to be wealthy and pamper women to find love.
It's one thing to make sure a guy has enough money to pay bills, it's a completely different thing to expect 300€ dates
I'm not sure actually. My bf sees me as attractive, and so do his girlfriends and childhood friends (have told him when we met, etc) but I just see myself as a 5.
Yeah that is basically an escort at this point.
F. Nah. I'm either off-putting or hot as fuck, depending on guys' preferences for my race, I think.
No but I could
Exactly. I think a good rule of thumb is that if women act like you need to play into retarded gender norms just to extract wealth from you, you don't need them in your life to begin with.
I say this as someone who rejects guys who also play into retarded gender norms that make no sense.
Yeah, if she wants to get better and doesnt live in a self pity hole.
Do you agree that the goldilocks zone is worse than being 7+ or >4?
Mom said that my arms look extra thick now :)
Yeah, if i was a guy i would have np with inviting a girl for dinner every now and then but 300 bucks is insane and i would not want anything to do with a girl that expects me to pay.
No, being above or under that seems like a more stressful experience.
I don't know because I don't really understand the retarded 0 to 10 scale to begin with.
As I said, my bf thinks I'm really attractive and I look at myself and see fucking Fiona.

I'm not conventionally attractive if that's what you mean.

And I don't think it's a bad place to be. Very attractive women get used up a lot more than I was. And are constantly 2nd guessing if people just wanna fuck them or actually love them.
I'm content where I am. My self worth doesn't really come from my looks.
Im doing ok, It hasnt been crippling for a few years
> My self worth doesn't really come from my looks.
Teach me your ways, senpai.
I know not everyone feels this way but I love Jesus. I’m drunk rn
I was never the prettiest girl. The way people usually fell in love with me was because of common interests and because I learned that I needed to be likeable beyond looks. I needed to be enjoyable to be around for people to be around me.
I was much more focused on growing smarter and wiser (humor is a lot about being smart and a quick wit) than I was ever trying to compete in looks. I never even wore make up and high heels, never did my eyebrows, and let me tell you, it wasn't my bushy eyebrows that stopped my bf from being with me.
Sometimes I feel like I have no right to be into what I am (anime, league, etc) if I wasn’t hot. Idk, feels like the stuff that makes me “me” isn’t interesting if I wasn’t attractive.
I think so
0: what does you being attractive have to do with what you enjoy though
Idk. I guess I just crave acceptance for being weird and I feel like that’s only possible if I look good.
I don't fully get it.
Both anime and mobas have reached mainstream years ago, they are not weird or special.
There's tons of weirdos like you, you don't have to like use your hots as a justification. If anything I've seen more guys get angry at hot girls for liking things and saying they're only into said things to attract men.
You get to enjoy what you enjoy anon, it's everyone else's problem if they piss their pants about it. There will always be someone who understands you
I’m into specific anime that I go deep into, I don’t really follow anime series. As for league, idk, I’m a solo gamer and I’m not actually good.
Thank you anon. It’s nice to have that reaffirmed. Therapy has helped but sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever actually be able to love myself for who I am.
>I wonder if I’ll ever actually be able to love myself for who I am.
I've been there anon, but I think you can get there.
To me it wasn't so much as loving me for me, but more accepting myself and accepting that I have a right to exist in this world.
I say this a lot in therapy: the world threw a bunch of shit at me, I survived it, and now the world gets to put up with me. too bad, I have a right to occupy space here."
>fundamentally different from others, which then caused him to isolate more
I mean idk if that was me but this is a mood
Idk, I can make superficial friendships and whatever but I feel disconnected from everyone, like a weed in a bed of flowers that shouldn't be there
You know, I kinda feel you on that with the superficial friendships. It's hard for me to actually trust other people enough to be my friends. I've waited like 5 years to consider people friends to begin with.
Evaluate where that comes from. Because to me it's distrust of others, and I'm still working on it. I was never able to have a best friend again (or a deeper friendship on that matter). Despite this, people seek me and like me, because I do tend to immediately reach into a deeper connection but immediately put distance afterwards...
Tfw ghosted everyone and moved halfway across the country for the meme
Whst I mean is the things you like are the things you like. You don't need to justify them by looking good.

Are you into makeup or cosplay?
You do seem like a very understanding and empathetic person so respect
I suppose some of it is lack of trust, but it's more just not liking myself. So I project that onto others and say that I don't like people as a cope
My god i wish to just vanish so badly. I want to go somewhere where nobody knows me and i know nobody and then try my best to keep it that way.
> I say this a lot in therapy: the world threw a bunch of shit at me, I survived it, and now the world gets to put up with me. too bad, I have a right to occupy space here."
I love this, can I steal it?
Yeah but way too nervous for that. I’ve always wanted to do a Vegeta cosplay, or a Diana one from league, but the idea of putting myself out there and the cosplay isn’t amazingly perfect just paralyzes me.
Men, how’s the weight loss going?
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Mood. If only we could transfer our consciousness and escape these flesh prisons...
I'm underweight if anything desu
Imagine eating
I get what you mean, but I also don’t.
That’s another benefit of being less than sexy, people see you and think “ok yeah, no wonder someone like her is a League player” while Stacey might get a kneejerk response of hostility, accusations of just being there to get attention (which never made sense to me), assuming she’s unskilled and just kept around for eye candy, etc.
The Goldilocks zone is a great place to be. Nobody accuses you of being hot on purpose, and men with a brain seek you out.
Why are you focused on looking good, but then not putting it up somewhere? What is your actual concern to look good?
accidentally lost 2kg
Still fat,
lost like 2kg.
Really good! Last time I restricted calories way too much and lost weight at a speed that was bad for my health, but this time I’m only aiming for 1 pound a week. I’m already down 15 :)
7kg in the laat 10 weeks, despite two setbacks.
My problem is that i cant relate to either m or f and all of my friends are friends of friends i cant seem to make friends myself. Over the years it has made me pretty lonely desu
Sounds like it would be a miserable existence.
Whst are you running from?
Idk, i like being left alone.
Humanity and myself.
Yeah I can’t say I enjoyed being treated like a piece of meat after suddenly becoming hot as a teenager. Before that, everyone hated that I played vidya and suddenly after everyone loved it.
> Why are you focused on looking good, but then not putting it up somewhere? What is your actual concern to look good?
I don’t know. When I was growing up everyone made fun of my appearance and the stuff I liked and now that I’m hot it feels like I need to be hot to feel valid in liking the stuff I like.
>get new bf
>he loses his job
>financially support him, enter an agreement where I will do this indefinitely because it's my fantasy
>he's so reliant on me
>relationship is questionably healthy but finally start being happy and comfortable
>his family finds out
>they begin to support him instead
So he'll leave me, right? Should I fucking kms? Or abandon him first? Slowly cut him off forever or sever ties quickly as I always do?
Nothing ever ever ever goes my way.
Er why doesn't your bf get another bloody job lol?
Forgive my cynicism, but if you got a bf despite not having a pretty face, then I assume you must have big boobs or some other body advantage, am I right? Feel free to tell me to fuck off if this is too rude, but I feel like we can discuss this honestly on 4chan.
so you became hot while having a bf? how does he feel about that? sometimes that can reveal a jealous side in a guy who now feels threatened that you could “do better” than him
No, I'm a generous 2
Well, has his attitude towards you changed? I get the insecurity, but there’s no reason to panic so soon. At least you’re saving money.
She has an attractive face. "Multiple" people have fallen for her.
>nooooooo but the bushy eyebrows!!!!!
Yeah, but in a strange way. If I'm someone's type they'll love me but otherwise I struggle with dating if relying solely on looks. I'm not average across the board, just polarizing.
No one I've dated has been completely into my appearance but I make up for it with my other values. Loving intensely is my talent.
awh nta but this is really nice to see im proud of u anon for taking the healthier path
Not going at all, I'm not doing anything that will preserve my life
> so you became hot while having a bf?
No, I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 24. I was very disillusioned and misanthropic for a long time.
I have wider hips and I'm short, and I have A cups, so not big boobs or anything.
But to be fair, when he started dating he didn't know about my butt since I mostly worse baggy clothes, he only saw my body shape as it is the first time we fucked. He assumed I was just a no boobs, no ass grill.
How are you surviving currently?
I think going hermit would things just more difficult.

I'm sorry to hear you had such an experience. Are you afraid if you were ugly, you'd be ignored or seen as worthless again?

She didn't mention her bf?
could you possibly ask this any more simpishly? she won’t fuck you, bro
I mean I'm flattered I guess
I don't see it, personally. I look pretty normal. My chin and nose are pretty big lulz.
>enter an agreement where I will do this indefinitely because it's my fantasy
What really? Why? Is this a dommy thing?
> Are you afraid if you were ugly, you'd be ignored or seen as worthless again?
Yeah. I (sometimes, all the time before therapy) feel unlovable for anything except my body.
>more difficult
How? All my issues in life come from having to deal with other people and their crap. If there was no other people there would be no problems.
Badly. By isolating and unhealthy coping mechanisms. It is not going very well.
Yeah she posts about this a lot. It is a very cringe ((relationship)).
are you angry at this girl for not being hot? I don't get you
Have any of you guys ever made any online friends before?
A lot, yeah. I still talk to some of them, it’s been a decade plus.
Tons actually.
You'd be only dependable on yourself, no safety net. I take it you have no friends or family or one of you fucked it up at some point?
Isolation takes a very strong will and I'd also say physical health. What's your issue with it not going well?

Does this also translate to relationships? Do you feel a partner would only love you for your looks?
Eyebrows are important. And lips.

Hmm, ok, I think we’re pretty similar, but you have more confidence. I’m just shocked that a guy would date a girl of unknown hotness, like buying the cow without tasting the milk, you could say. Very whitepilling. Maybe I don’t have to be perfect before I’m good enough to date :’)

I'm a woman.
Can you guys do something for me?
Scroll up to your first interaction with them
I want to see how you guys get things going.
Ah yes, the hot girl’s burden… the curse shared by former fat chicks… left unchecked, it could become a twisted anger that men are shallow for liking you. Impostor syndrome will haunt you forever, so get used to it!
> Does this also translate to relationships? Do you feel a partner would only love you for your looks?
Yeah. My ex spent a lot of time reassuring me otherwise but it never felt like I could accept it. Then again I didn’t start therapy until after we fell apart, so it might be different now. I haven’t dated anyone since and it was my first relationship.
>tfw my mom asking me to Photoshop photos of her again where she looks "fat"
is this normal or is my mom just mental
> Scroll up to your first interaction with them
Literally impossible because the site I met them on doesn’t exist anymore and it was in 2014.
Safety net for what? Other people are nothing but a burden. All they want is for me to be their safety net constantly but if i need any help suddenly nobody can help.
I have family and friends but they require a lot more strong will than if i just had to look after myself and not them too.
Post her pics bro
Yeah, of varying closeness, I’ve even met a few of them!

Oh jeez, that was years and years ago, and Discord doesn’t keep logs that old. We met on a gaming server, but I remember making an effort to talk about personal things beyond just our shared interest in gaming. Once you’ve been around a while and know some inside jokes, you become more than just a random user.
> Impostor syndrome will haunt you forever
Doesn’t feel that way, or at least I can reduce it to a small voice in my mind instead of the big one.
Not really i suck making friends online/real life
>Son, could you make my ass look juicier in this pic?
Uh no that’s very weird lmao
It sounds like you weren't ready for a relationship. Insecurities are a bitch.
Have you talked about this with your therapist?
It seems to me that if somebody can't trust their own value, a good first step would be to trust the value others see in me. Would you agree with that?
Yes, it’s good that you’ve learned to manage it, but that voice will always be lurking. It’s a daily battle to keep it contained, sometimes it can get louder very suddenly.
He struggles socially and struggles to maintain a job. And clearly it would be unnecessary.
If he hadn't told them, things would have been fine.
Not yet, I think. The idea is making me spiral.
I'm a moderately successful young woman but I'm feeling particularly unstable about this. If I tell my therapist she'll really suspect I have BPD.
Also yes.
Genuine friends online are pretty much impossible to come by for me. I have one person from these threads I'd say is a close online friend. We've been talking for years now.
>no tits, meh face, hiding her greatest asset
were you really good at shoulder massages or something? guys don’t give girls like this a chance.
> It sounds like you weren't ready for a relationship.
I thought I was at 21.
> Have you talked about this with your therapist?
Not really. Most of it has been dissecting my dad’s trauma on me and my mom’s violent tendencies that cause me anger issues and a desire to dominate everything around me. Haven’t really touched on the “I need validation from my looks or I hate myself” stuff.
> It seems to me that if somebody can't trust their own value, a good first step would be to trust the value others see in me. Would you agree with that?
Logically yeah. But it’s hard not to feel that they’re just biased because of my looks and they’re only saying that because I’m hot. I am getting better with that though.
That’s how it be on this bitch of an astral plane I guess.
This is why former fat chicks are the best, they have amazing bodies but still have the mind of a 4/10, so they’re not arrogant about it. I hope they feel anxious like this forever.
I had some online friends about 15 years ago
Real struggle. If I want to be leaner I'll have to start sacrificing strength, which is a tough pill to swallow
>woman who thinks of herself as a cow
you need to leave 4chan
Nta but you grossly underestimate the levels men are willing to go to for pussy access and a warm body to sleep next to them.
If they aren't supporting him enough to pay his own rent somewhere else, he is still dependent on you.
Just out of interest, what is your occupation and are you college educated?
>If he hadn't told them, things would have been fine.
Are you mad at him? Why did he have to go and do that when his loving girlfriend was taking care of it already?
simultaneously hope and despair inducing…
Any sane man would feel guilty over making his gf/wife do all the work.
he must be tall and good looking
Besides, you do not know what kind of no life bum femanons bf is.
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>woman who thinks of herself as a cow
No no, she's perfect
Found the manlet.
Men, how is the career coming along?
just tryna recover from illness induced NEETdom first
my job is good but there is no immediate opportunity for advancement, I need to look for new opportunities but at the same time don't want to leave because most jobs tend to be more demanding
>men are nice to me
>get passive-aggressive because they’re not attracted to the ~real me~
What illness?
If it pays good and is comfy, why change it? Don‘t fix what is not broken.
I never made 4channel friends and I've been 4channeling for over a decade. I did try it on /soc/ once and the 1 cunt who added me just ghosted me a few days later and posted about me in the thread. I haven't tried it since. 4channel girls seem to have the same BPD personalities.
>and good looking
Why is this phrased as some kind of gotcha against women? Everyone likes good looking people.
but you seem like such a great guy!
Kek, what did they post about you?
because women don't have to be good looking duh
It's summer, let me enjoy things I have to worry about everything else later.
No, how dare these vain entitled bitches.
>If it pays good and is comfy, why change it? Don‘t fix what is not broken.
stagnation and not really a location I want to live long term
Sounds dangerous.
Wtf the sun is pink and looks like some hotline Miami shit.
About to go pick blueberries
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Pic or didn’t happen
Nothing too bad. She just went into full detail in a new thread about what type of guy she's looking for and what she doesn't want, which had some details about me.
I tried but I can’t get a good picture. :(
Going to play the WoW beta and eat nothing but cheese crackers today, thanks for asking
Naaah it's not like that lmfao
Begone coomer
I'm taking some time off for traveling and relaxing in general.
I was the last remaining senior dev at my old company so I had a very good income. But seeing as the company got sold and terms would have gotten worse, I said bye bye. Plus I have more than enough savings to just not work. Potentially for years, but I'm going to look for jobs again come October.
>anon’s final message before the wildfires engulf his house
In the past yeah, but i ghosted them all
>struggles socially and struggles to maintain a job
I don't mean to be a cunt but what do you see in this guy if he can't even hold down a job and has basic social skills? Caregiver complex much?
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I just hop from job to job cause I can't commit to anything
Currently have a pretty sweet gig but the thirst for adventure is bubbling up
Like what?
You gonna just eat em or use them in a dish?
WoW beta + cheese crackers sounds like living the dream desu lol
I haven't eaten today either
I think they'd send him enough for whatever he wanted to do, it sounds like they're ashamed a woman is supporting him.
I'm an accountant and university educated.
Happy he took the risk of telling them about me at all, given his cultural background they could have disowned him.
Unhappy it has turned out this way. They're trying the complete opposite.
He's 5'3"
He is adorable, but I also love his personality. He's odd and entertaining and I've never been so honest with someone in my entire life.
>Caregiver complex much?
God takes care of the drunks and the fools.
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Jealous af
Pls go visit the abandoned shymkent palace of culture for me and post pics.
Why does it matter? She had fat thighs. I'll leave it at that.
so his family thinks they’re rescuing their sweet boy from the shame and humiliation of being in your care? ooooof, I hope that idea doesn’t rub off on him
>I think they'd send him enough for whatever he wanted to do
Perhaps try to tell yourself he lets you to take care of him consensually. You could also urge him into training for something (a long and nearly hopeless career like music if you were feeling mischievous) so it looks a little better to his family. Or just talk to him about it and ask him if he feels pressured by them
>>In the past yeah, but i ghosted them all
Add me on discord, bitch
We'll send each other memes and play steam games.
That's a random place, but coincidentally I flew over Tashkent to the south of that place earlier this year.

>given his cultural background they could have disowned him.
Damn, hope that shit won't flare up.
I hate shit like that and stay away whenever possible.
Yeah, a couple of old MMO guildmates I've talked to since 2008. And a guy I dated for a decade, we moved in together and all.
And a bunch of people who came and went, maybe I should have made more of an effort or maybe we just didn't hit it off that well. I'd like to make more but the zoomer era internet just seems full of high school cliques who avoid interacting with new people unless it's for culture wars.
>And a guy I dated for a decade, we moved in together and all.
Why are you trying to boost my ego???
Because I want to have sloppy SEGS with you, duh
is that how it came off?
ive come to the realization im too normie to fuck nerdy chicks but too nerdy to fuck normie girls
shit is horrible
You keep insisting that I have to be pretty to have a bf, how else am I supposed to take it
Pekora is about to do a steam sale stream!!
>gf has a health scare, her mom had a similar thing etc
What am I supposed to be offering in terms of support? I've offered to go with her to the specialist appointment but I don't know if she's just looking for an "you're going to be okay" kind of thing.
None of that would matter if you had Chad looks.
it was meant to sarcastically imply that men are shallow, but I guess that makes sense
“he must have liked SOMEthing about you” is a pretty weak compliment though, haha
Be with her.
That's all she needs. And don't pretend it didn't happen.
>You're the bravest person I know, we'll figure things out when we get there, and I'll be by your side the entire way.
Type of moody shit
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Do sluts deserve love? Is toying with their hearts immoral?
I did say in previous posts that he finds me pretty, I just don't see it myself as I'm not conventionally attractive or anything
It would be weird if he was with me and wasn't attracted to me
>Do sluts deserve love?
If their only crime was being a slut, then yes.
>Is toying with their hearts immoral?
nta but the last time you got an ego boost, you revealed you had a nice butt, and the world was better for it
>Do sluts deserve love?
>Is toying with their hearts immoral?
No. They gave up all self-respect when their body count went above 1.
hm true, maybe I got the wrong impression from your posts, you sounded pretty down about your looks, yet somehow attracted a bf
I hope you can believe his compliments at least, he’s the only man in the world who has no reason to lie to you :p
Lol, so you were fat shaming her? Good riddance.
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Should have stopped to go take a look.
I wasn't. I'm saying it wasn't a big loss because she was a fatty.
Goat? Looks more like a rabbit to me :^)
I knew that name sounded familiar, I’m not sure how I feel about knowing so many vtubers…
So you refuse to say what she did not like about you? Are you racist? A pedo?
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I just know where I stand! I'm not anything special but that doesn't mean I hate myself. I just plain accept how I am
I really, really, really like this image. May I save it?
>Trying to make friends, a guy adds me
>I'm super awkward and a dry talker
>think about just cutting him off and moving on
>The conversation comes up enters *that* territory, and he mentions that he has a girlfriend and hopes I don't get the wrong idea
>suddenly feel this weight lifted, become more of myself and willing to be open
>three months later he confesses his feelings for me
why are men like this.
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No it is privately owned but you can have this one.
Thanks bro but I'm good
>Do sluts deserve love?
>Is toying with their hearts immoral?
What did you expect from some coomer that talks to random girls online whilst having a gf?
It’s a lot easier to accept yourself with a man by your side…….
I hope you can spare a thought for all those girls who haven’t yet escaped the sisterzone. Never forget where you came from!
I'm right there with you.
I now make a point of only making friends in long relationships or that have kids, but apparently even that doesn't fully prevent people from catching feefees
I see how it is, you manslut!
you only add women, don't you!
How come? If they're sluts they must like heartbroke
Lmao damn, this was an uplifting story until the ending
Maybe he broke up with his gf?? That’s the only possible way to rescue this from being Men Bad
He wants to make ((friends)), which is why he knows and cares about the size of their thighs. That is just what ((friends)) do.
That's a weird assumption to make.
Someone having lots of casual sex doesn't mean they enjoy heartbreak.
Thanks, Anon.
Nothing wrong with slutting it up tho
No I don't add anyone
You know what they say, when you treat them like a best friend that's when they fall for you
>No I don't add anyone
No and no. Wtf is wrong with you? Girls ghost guys all the time for no reason.
nta, but if it’s wrong to prefer female friends with juicy thighs, then I don’t want to be right
That’s just part of what women bring to a friendship, I won’t lie and say looks don’t matter
>reading this while drinking on the public bench at 1pm
God if you're reading this give me a kick up the ass so I fix my gay life
There is always a reason. If you refuse to say what it was you either are too dumb to read the room or too ashamed of the truth. Given the fact you earlier said she posted about looking specifically for someone that is not like you puts you in the second category.
based homewrecker anon
And that is why i would never have male friends.
>Trying to make friends, a guy adds me
>I'm super awkward and a dry talker
>think about just cutting him off and moving on
why would anybody who isn't looking to get into your pants keep talking to you at that point? literally autofiltering anybody who isn't looking to coom by being so hard to talk to
>It’s a lot easier to accept yourself with a man by your side…….
It is, but it's also a matter of having good friends around you, who love you and support you! I only accept myself this much because my bf is my best friend. If I was with a guy where I had a more transactional relationship, it would likely not make me feel good about myself
Sorry about your chicken legs
My thighs are very nice, which is why i do not trust male friendship.
The reason was that she had different preferences. I said it was nothing bad. It doesn't matter anyway, move on.
So are you a manlet? Dicklet? Black?
Move on, anon.
Fat and balding?
Why should i? I have nothing better to do.
Like we’re supposed to believe you don’t prefer attractive friends too? You’re no better than us, sis.
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
Ooh I see, you’re one of many women suffering from the curse of cuteness, forever doubting if men actually like you, or they just want to lick your thighs. Well, join the club, it’s a popular one.
I prefer no friends at all. All they do is want me to pick up the phone, write back and make plans. Too exhausting.
Stop being so inspiring, I’m trying to give up on finding a bf ;_;
Holy shit literally just as I posted this a dude with a hot girl asked if I had a cigarette and then sat on the next bench so I left because awkward
Maybe this is a sign from God I need to sort my life out and go back to the house and do some work lol
I hate being in public there's too many normies about
Could you elaborate?
>join the club
Thanks but no thanks.
Why are you so triggered?
No giving up allowed!
>Why are you so triggered?
I just want a friend...
Why are there 2 threads?
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This is me and my fit bf. He mogs you.
True, he does mog me.
I hope you have a happy life with him.
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Thanks. I hope you have a happy life with a girl with a fat and bald fetish too.
>I hope you have a happy life with a girl with a fat and bald fetish too.
I doubt those girl exist, I'm making peace with my fate.
I love how old this image is. Anime doesn't even look like that anymore
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Morons doing moronic things again.
dude, go back and see if she’s still there, and if she’s not, you should sniff the bench where she was sitting
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>no thanks
I was only asking to be polite… you’ve already got a lifetime membership! Mwahahaha!
It's just life, innit.
We can't all be winners.
>forced to be a social animal once again
Why must i suffer so.
Why are all 4chan girls getting molested, like how am I even supposed to react to that information.
F but you call having a girlfriend winning?
You... don't need to?
Isn't that what we all want? To have someone that loves us and understands us?
>You... don't need to?
She told me that information, I HAVE to react, I can't just go cool, I like icecream.
Why do so many attractive women in tights need to go to a chiropractor?
I have never gotten molested. Can‘t rape the willing. Only advantage of being a slut.
Your 4chan girl is also your irl girl?
That seems like some form of advanced coping mechanism, but I'm not a therapist so I'll just say, Nice.
Really makes you think.
We can be frens for today. Tomorrow i will be someone else.
Ok, sure, but I don't think you realize how many problems a relationship also causes.
Why can't we be frens everyday?
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Hey, if it works, it works.
want a friend?
Because the majority of women are sexually assaulted, and that includes 4chan girls?
I'm confused. You said 4chan girls.
Because i am unstable af. When i said i like you i did not mean every day. That seems a bit excessive.
You people will give me social burnout again.
How am I supposed to molest them without any guilt now
For most men, those problems are far, far outweighed by the ability to touch his girlfriend’s boobies.
friend every day?
Hugs and mutual greetings?
please? please? please? please? please? please? please? please? please? please?
>me and femanon
That’s the thing, you don’t even have to be social! If you’ve appeared in public even once, that’s enough for men to become obsessed with you, idealizing an imaginary version of you in their heads more and more each day. You’re probably the subject of some weird fantasies from men you know irl, right this second!
i don't even know how to react to it myself and it's my life
So I'm supposed to just be totally ok with your affection some of the time?
I'm going to hug the trauma out of you.
from the back, since you probably think I'm only going it for the boobies.
There's another thread? Fuck that noise lol
Do it if you want coomer
Because of horny shallow m*ids. I like to watch limpia videos since I'm touch-starved and they almost always feature sexy women so that men will click on the thumbnail and sit through the whole 20 minutes of the girl being fondled.
I think you need a hug, anon.
>5 whole minutes and nobody has said the majority of women are lying
I’m impressed, /atoga/.
I don’t like this thread today :|
We need to leave this world behind goddamn
Why not, we're friends, aren't we?
a hug from the front seems more normal. a hug from the back makes me feel a lot more tense. a guy pressing into my chest is part of what makes a hug feel nice, anyway. i think. theoretically.
Go hug your sister, bro.
and give her a kiss for me.
>There's another thread? Fuck that noise lol
Everyone is just ignoring my surgery question.
>Shadow the Hedgehog will never assist you with suicide
Thats it, i am going to take a nap.
I feel like hugs with dudes feel a lot better
the boobs get in the way, I like how a chest feels on my chest, it's nice, and the warmth emanating from them is just a bonus
Virgin anons, have you ever seen a member of the opposite sex naked? How?
Kids and your family don't count.
I'll be visiting you in your dreams...
we'll be friends there too....
To be fair, though, when do you ever?
Shhhhh you’re not supposed to admit that we like squishing our chests into guys too!!
wtf what did i say wrong? i just want femanon to carry me
i haven't hugged enough to form big opinions, i just want someone who will make me warm with their body so i can feel like i am not so empty
Femanons when you hug other women do your bobs clash?
Why do you go against God's will everyday by not getting plapped and having babies?
God, I want to hug the fuck out of you.
oh sorry i was on my gloomy shit i forgot about uh whatever fucking girl code that nobody will explain to me
M Yes, but I'm an art student. I don't think that counts.
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Pls respect my personal space.
My bad. Here is a pic of my dream wedding night as an apology.
>boobs get in the way
This hurts to read as a man, but I get what you mean, I think.
I've seen all my friends and most of my colleagues naked in the sauna
How do you mean? Like the anime beam fights?
I am a guy, Anon.
Hell yeah, new corner of the female psyche unlocked
Today i saw the pp of an old man in a movie. It was a bit of a jump scare.
>Pls respect my personal space.
no... I can't we have to be friends....
I'll be who ever you want me to be in your dreams...
Have fun, I’ll just assume you’re one of those girls who sleeps topless~
I pray that i will dream a dream that has nobody in them.
I am going to put on pants now to spite you. Good night.
No, we both kind of do a half step to the side so our boobs alternate instead of lining up, but it’s still awkward.
Yeah you understand exactly what I mean. Either you ladies are pressing into each other until one has to submit or they are effectively acting as force fields/barriers that prevent you from getting too close.
Because you're supposed to wear work out clothes when you go to the chiropractor
>I pray that i will dream a dream that has nobody in them.
Then I will become the air you breathe... the ground you walk on, the cold breeze blowing past you...
Delete this post please.
State gender

Is a man still straight if he has been attracted to a trap?
So... your boobs scissor?
Woman moment. Old men force their penises upon us males every time we enter the male locker room. Check your privilege.
You ever think about cranking it to one of your own drawings?
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That sounds slightly obsessive.
I’m possessing a pair of your pants right now, but I won’t tell you which one. Whatever it feels, I feel too. Do you feel lucky?
Friends are forever....
Do scandinavians really?
I brought this on to myself by watching some french indie film. I should have expected it. >>31581368
Like when I lace my fingers together?
One is usually a bit taller than the other or the bigger one mogs the other.
I don't actually do that. But I do draw sexy stuff, yes.
Which is why i can not risk having them. My demand avoidance is kicking in hard.
That sounds like sexual harassment.
Traps are not gay, and liking anthro does not make me a furry
Not 100% straight, no.

…You could see it that way, I GUESS.

Yes, or like a zipper.
>liking anthro does not make me a furry
Girls like Rolexes?
women when did you last tell your father you loved him?
being attracted to a hyper feminine man isn't gay, but fucking one is.
>demand avoidance
There'd be no expectations...
just existing is enough, frieeeeennndddsss
Now I have the desire to see one woman rest her breasts on another woman’s like a shelf
the last time he forced me to say it. years ago.
When I hug another girl who’s smaller than me (and she usually is) I purposely don’t do the half step so my boobs basically smother hers. Is that bad?
cute but someone has to take care of that rug
No, I’m the size of a gnome so I usually get boobs in my face, and I’m not even gay enough to enjoy it
I can't just jump out of a plane mid flight!
>(and she usually is)
Was that necessary? Honestly?
feet as so ugly how do people get off on this shit
if you hugged me, you'd get a face full of man tits instead
it is polite for the bigger girl to bend down a bit so the smaller girl’s boobs are on top. it’s a social ritual similar to deer clashing their antlers.
Anime traps or real life traps?
Our brains are wired to find it sexy if it has feminine traits, if you see a tree that’s a little too curvy your brain betrays you and makes you think it’s hot. Just because mermaids are hot does not mean I want to fuck a fish.
Nah, that's cool. I'm straight and I weirdly like that.
Last night when I spoke to him on the phone
i actually don't know if i have ever hugged another girl in my entire life. i think i haven't. definitely not since i grew boobs.
Yes, I added it to emphasize that it’s not some rare occurrence, I am a serial titmogger.

Whew, that’s good to hear.
No you should do it more and find more ways to titmog her
Honestly the first time I've heard of this social ritual. :/
Because nice feet exist too?
Well if you have to bend down, it means the other girl is shorter than you, so you probably already bend down during a hug without thinking so your shoulders line up better.
What's your bra size?
And their tits are probably bigger too
what heterosexual reason could there possibly be to enjoy that…?
>the moids are larping and applying their dick size fascination to tits again
Believe it or not, some women are proud of their bodies.
Also being on 4chan for years has caused them to weirdly sexualize themselves.
Depends if you mean anime or real life ones. With anime ones, the artist usually pretty much just drew a girl and said "that's a boy", so unless you're fapping to pictures where they obviously look male, not gay. If it's a real life one, then it's absolutely gay. If he has a dick, and so do you, it's 100% gay. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
self-sexualizing women are so hot
Yeah, there's one guy in particular who posts about breasts and sex in the most autistic way imaginable, like he's never actually had any physical contact with another human being let alone a woman. Yet he pretends he's a woman
>Which is why i can not risk having them. My demand avoidance is kicking in hard.
Sounds grating.
Right now I’m rocking a 32J.

I think I know the guy you mean, lol.
*Depends on
Which thread do I use...?
>right now
>implying they are still growing
What the hell do you women mean when you say "after this fling is over I don't want us to be friends or stay in contact"?

I have multiple times now hooked up with women who have told me, explicitly, that they have no intention of being friends with me after our fling ends/being friends with me if the fling doesn't work out. Each one of them has given me examples of how a guy wanted to be friends with them after the fling ended and they said "no, I have enough friends, I don't need you" and blocked them.

And each one of them has said "actually, I think we can be friends after this". We still message each other now and then. What tf gives? What am I doing that those guys weren't?
What's your BMI?
Suit yourself, more free boners for me
I honestly have no idea! They're like two big, warm squishy pillows.
Someone prove this anon wrong, start posting nice feet
Yep, you're intimately acquainted with him
Milk trucc arrive
Not her, but it’s just comforting in a way that hugging a man isn’t.
Man hugs are exciting, woman hugs are comfy, there’s nothing lez about that.
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
There's an indian girl in my friend group who is starting to show interest in me, shes a lawer and comes from a wealthy background. shes told me a few times how she is right wing and wants to have a family someday. she said she hasnt had a boyfriend in over 2 years. shes short thin and cute with one of those foreign british accents.

is there some kind of catch? im 32 and white, shes 29
nta but what's wrong with sexualizing yourself? :/
>Right now I’m rocking a 32J.
You tell us anon, are you sure you don’t do anything special? Maybe you’re a generous lover, or give good aftercare?
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I just finished showering!
>going to nap
>Killer boner
>Wank and go to sleep
>Wake up after nap
>Killer boner

Women have no idea what us boys have to go through
Nta but I’m pretty sure it’s like holding a squishmallow
hehe, good shit bro.
don't with indian chicks
it's not worth it
Curry farts
>be 34H
>is there some kind of catch?
Most likely her family.
Ask her a lot about her family, especially if they have some religious background. Does she have a brother is also important, is she the only female child.
>theres h and j cup TITCOWS that need to be milked with us in thread rn

Lactose alert
I wish I had a woman to take care of my boners whenever they pop up
Do you have spine issues?
We could feed them cum for every breakfast.
I drink 2L of milk daily so I will do the honours
Is Taylor Swift a manic pixie dream girl?
I was gonna tell you to buy an ad, but this is actually really good.
>stupid tittymonster hours
Fuck this, I can feel the average IQ of the thread decreasing.
>I drink 2L of milk daily
Raw or pasteurized?
Do you think he wants to kill himself in such an awful way?
Haha, you've been dethroned.
I'm going to wax my own bikini line pray for me
Post your small chest in a bra in the /soc/ thread.
Praying for you femanon, you got this
No, it’s just that they fluctuate a bit during my cycle, and anon happened to ask at my biggest.

If I calculated it right, it’s 20.8.


That’s the ideal size, I think. Call it the grass is greener effect, but I miss those days.

Not that I know of? My family has a history of good spines.

What do you intend to do with this skill? Play on the sidewalk or in malls for tictoks?
They're all fatties though.
Because that's what I have.
They like it when hips go smash down around their cock and they get slapped with tits when I ride.
whether the milk is grassfed or grainfed is more important than raw vs pasteurized
raw milk is not available in my country
>If I calculated it right, it’s 20.8.
Sounds hot.
You wanna post them on the /soc/ thread, make some guys happy?
No, she has mood disorders and will probably end up divorcing Travis and or end the engagement before they get married
Do you have pointy nipples
Can I kiss it better afterwards?
nta but you were a 34 bandsize at one point? Cause that would involve losing weight overall but getting bigger boobs and that seems odd to me.
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Women, how is your ass?
would it be rude to ask if your hypothetical boyfriend cumming on your breasts would be enjoyable to you?
Now repeat it with a tail buttplug.
I'm just me. My current theory is that either literally every other guy they've had flings with was a bit of a cunt, or else they expect "let's stay friends" to mean "let's keep having noncommittal sex whenever I'm back in town". I was wondering if those theories were right (but I didn't want to nudge people that direction by mentioning them).
Any advice
No I don't want to get an infection
It's insane to me that twenty years ago this exact challenge would have inversed the ticks and crosses. Fucked up how much we pressure people to change their bodies given the whole beauty standard is so baseless and subject to change.
Not really.

No, the only time I wore a 34 band size was when I had no idea how to fit myself properly, and that was indeed too big on me, haha.

Not rude at all, in fact I know from experience that it’s a pretty fun time.
Nah, good luck. I’ll offer to rub aloe or whatever afterwards though
Really. I forget, are big boobs in or out nowadays? It keeps changing.
>trying to pit our titcows against each other
You will never win
This meme really, really - really - really sucks
Would you find it hot if your partner reduced you to your tits in a roleplay?
What's up?
did anything fun lately?
Why not just have your boyfriend do it?
her father is an engineer her mother is in finance, she has two younger brothers, one who is i think 26 and one who is 22 and possibly autistic/ocd

her parents are Hindu, but she was raised in a british boarding school in India so she is christian. we've had long talks about how fucked up america is right now and how she doesnt subscibe to the current polticial shit culture. I live in a major US city and she is one of the few non-raging leftist women I have met here.
It was worth a shot.
Guess what I don't have
>Guess what I don't have
The courage to ask him.
With what
If I did that challenge it would just keep rolling all the way to my neck
this sounds hot as the boyfriend do women want to be waxed by their bf?
Kinda misguided imo. Tittymonsters have solidarity. I assume it's the same with chestlets.
Ladies do you get upset when babies don't like you?
Are you really considering having a half pajeet son?
You fucking know what.
Feels like it’s out.

I’m not really sure what that means. Are we roleplaying that the rest of my body doesn’t exist?
I would be really scared you'd fuck it up honestly.
Oh sorry, that was rude of me, I shouldn’t have assumed.
In that case, why don’t you just have your girlfriend do it?
No, die.
It's not just mean, it's also true.
Nah, I don't really mind, mostly because they're probably missing their mom or want their mothers attention
Listen anon this is my first time in this thread in a year. I don't know what kind of multithread retard shitflinging fest you've got going on and no I do not know what the fuck you meant. Am I obsessed with butts (yes)? Am I obsessed with beauty standards? Thick vs. thin? Y2K era fashion trends vs. zoomers reproducing the trends? What
>Feels like it’s out.
DAMMIT. I don't think I can afford to wait much longer.
I'd have the delicacy of a masseur
This has never happened to me
When you put it that way it doesnt sound so appealing
I watched a show yesterday, people were right about the spoilers. I'm starting to dislike a certain character, and feeling bad for another.
>Are we roleplaying that the rest of my body doesn’t exist?
Not exactly, but just focusing on them, like lubing up your udders, cupping them firmly and sucking your nipples. Mixed with some dirty talk, like calling you a breedable titcow.
Ok, to be totally fair, and I'm trying to be nice, really, but there is such a thing as TOO big for some guys.
You guys are really rubbing it in that I'm all alone in this world
oh nice, what show did you watch?
I forgot to ask how about you? Do anything fun?
You have me, don't you. UwU
I may be fat and balding, but I'm always here.
Why are you purposefully not mentioning the show's title?
So weird.
nah, my life is boring, lol, much more interested in just hearing about your life. :^P
It's probably something like The Acolyte...
Now now don't be so tsundere.
You could easily outbalance it with a pic, if you actually wanted it.
,modern western tv is so trash, how do I get a woman who watches something else?
I don’t trust him to stay focused with his fingers near my coochie.

Yes, but I get REALLY upset when cats don’t like me :(

I see. I’d give it a try, and while the dirty talk is kind of cringe, giggling about it would just enhance your experience, wouldn’t it?

Oh believe me, I know. That’s why I feel like slender girls are in, or girls with a much better butt than me. I’m not an hourglass, just top-heavy.
Why would you guess what it might be?
That is so autistic and extremely pointless.
Koreaboo or indian. Your only choices
Move to the East? :/
what do you mean? considering a boob job?
how far east
No male friends or family members?
Have you ever considered a breast reduction?
>giggling about it would just enhance your experience, wouldn’t it?
Oh don't you worry, this is a completely nonsensical sexplay! You are a human after all, but I think it could be like a funny little thing where you'd get treated like a breeding cow. I don't think that could be played serious.
If it entertains you, even better, would only make me hornier.
What if a baby cat didn't like you?
Hm how strange. The show is house of the dragon. I'm waiting on my other shows from other countries to come back from hiatus. I doubt your life is boring.
As far away from me as possible.
Preferable a place without internet.
Not seriously, I don't think. Just natural aging and getting saggy. You know how it goes.
Damn, imagine getting this worked up about TVSlop
i can live with a kdrama kween
You can't FORCE a cat to like you. That's dogs.
NTA, how old are you?
A boob lift would be relatively cheap and might have the effect you want. It can also be done without implants, so there is little chance of complications.
Though generally I'd rather advice against unnecessary operations of course.
she told me she doesnt date indian men, maybe she just wants a nice white boy
Thak you
Why would i ask them to wax my bikini
You don't force dogs to like you. You bribe them with treats.
Indian women who don't want Indian man usually don't want them because of all the cultural and religious shit baggage they come with.
It's not that white or other races are singled out to be the ones she wants, but they normally specifically don't want Indian men.

t. somebody who spent quite a lot of time with an Indian in UK
Not seriously, no. This is just who I am, and it hasn’t caused me a great deal of hardship, so why change?

I laugh when I’m nervous, it relieves stress. If the resulting movement improves the visual appeal for you, then I guess it’s a plus.

I’d still feel bad, but at least it would be easier to cope that it’s just scared of me.

I know, I know… that’s why a cat’s love is worth more. Dog lovers don’t @ me.
t. Brit who spent a bit of time in India. Although in India they are also racist to non-white non-Indians
What did you think about the most recent sex scene? Apparently it’s the most explicit scene HBO has ever aired?
people who won't date their own ethnicity are a big red flag
>house of the dragon
Man, I'm really missing out, huh.
I haven't watched Game of Thrones, and HoD season 1, and now I've got season 2.
oh well, one can never have too many shows in the back log, what other shows are you waiting to come back?
>I doubt your life is boring.
You have no idea. lmao.
The only thing different from day to day would be the meals I've had that day.
>Thak you
>I laugh when I’m nervous, it relieves stress. If the resulting movement improves the visual appeal for you, then I guess it’s a plus.
Sounds like you don't mind pleasing a bit, think you'd fit the role?
Maybe I could even tickle you a bit or give you some slight slaps to make my breeding titcow giggle some more.
22. I'm concerned that that might make me look fake. I know, women be silly, right? Unnecessary surgery just weirds me out in general, yeh.
Feel free to share your experiences, this thread is big enough for every boob.
Are yours dense, or more liquid?
State gender and:

What is something that turns you on but you hate that it turns you on?
>Indian women who don't want Indian man usually don't want them because of all the cultural and religious shit baggage they come with.
and as the white man you're going to have to deal with this same cultural and religious baggage in their family
When will the “saggy” meme end? Literally nobody is perfectly perky, and it’s not unattractive to be affected by gravity. Besides, the lower they hang, the higher they can bounce!
Agreed. People who won't date their own nationality can make sense, though. I get why Chinese women don't want to date Chinese men but are okay with dating people of Chinese descent from Western nations.
>mfw both of the tittymonsters have briefly considered breast reduction
Every woman on /atoga/ makes it sound like I am totally fucked because I have cat allergies
>why would I ask them
the same reason you’d ask them to hold a ladder while you climb it? some things are just easier with a partner
This is not ok. Who keeps putting this idea in their heads?
M. Ageplay.
You'd be an extremely unfortunate case.
Now I'm not trying to deny your feelings, but have you tried working against it with sports?
Even if some say the early 20s are the prime of most people, I think getting surgery at that age wouldn't be a good idea.
Oh and don't compare yourself to the tattas in porn!

Yeah, that's why I mentioned it earlier, to really be very aware of those potential issues. Even Indians who might have grown up in the west and spent decades living here might still have those outdated bs in their mind.
Agreed, but it’s disappointingly rare. What’s the point of having the body of a fertility goddess if you’re not going to enjoy it? Youth is wasted on the young, and boobs are wasted on the busty.
Women peeing, I've had a fetish for it for as long as I can remember, but never acted on it
Tit size literally doesn't matter so if they want to be able to spontaneously go for a jog, whatever
It’s a valid concern. The whole point is looking better, after all!
Implants have come a long way, we’re not gluing silicon beach balls to women anymore. If you do some research about modern results, I think you’ll feel a lot better.
Our culture is inundated by old trying to suck the youth out of the young.
It's often old women barking at young women to cover up or complaining about how outrageous it is that a woman was wearing a thong to the beach
Anon, it's just a what if kinda thing. Have you thought about what things would be like if you killed yourself? Doesn't actually mean you want to kill yourself right?
my woman will NOT DO CARDIO unless it is swimming I'd like her to preserve her youth thanks
Men, by being creeps.
Can I have a couple cup sizes?
I mean thinking "I'm gonna kill myself" typically means you aren't in a good place you know?
Any PAWGs in this thread? No fats, only gyatts.
this man HATES having sex for more than five minutes
How about this instead?
>but have you tried working against it with sports?
>big boobs
Anon, that's cute. :)
Cope/Bait answer
quite the opposite in fact
then your woman WILL do cardio beyond swimming!!
But isn't there like yoga and stuff? Like stretching?
Also, you didn't say they were big, just you felt there was some sag you didn't like. Smaller ones can be saggy/floppy too.
Sorry, I'm just kinda like trying to come up with ideas so you don't feel like you gotta get surgery...
If you’re going to slap my chest, I want to record it. I’m kind of curious what it looks like in slow motion.

Just a passing thought, anon. Don’t we all wonder how our lives could be different?

There’s medication for that, isn’t there? If I were you, I’d do whatever is necessary to be able to cuddle cats.

F. Riding the bus. My city’s roads are very bumpy…
I'd rather she does squats so she can ride me for longer
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Monday morning... humiliation ritual...
be thankful that normal women don’t get pleasure from themselves, otherwise they wouldn’t date men at all
Almost all women are truly awful at riding but they also need basic cardio just for every other movement you subject her to
Monday's over bro, it's going to be Tuesday soon.
I would rather Rouge suffocate me with her tits desu
She's on vacay with her gal pals rn
But I will 4 u thru the ether
I was trying to say thinking more objectively about that sort of thing. D-does it? Well... ok, then. :I
>need basic cardio
>swimming isn't good enough somehow
ask the 32j fatty, she’s got more to spare
If you push both boobs to one side and let them go, how long do they swing back and forth?
It's just silly
M, yeah I have had some sleepovers in the past where the girls got nude cause it was hot in my apartment or smth
I can't have babies cause I'm a bloke
>If you’re going to slap my chest, I want to record it. I’m kind of curious what it looks like in slow motion.
I thought women don't like getting their tits slapped?
I wouldn't wanna outright hurt my titcow.
not really, you just need to move regularly
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M, you can cope all you want but u gay nigga
man was meant to run, not to flop around like a fish
To be fair, I do actually do modified yoga. Oh, you're right, I didn't. You're totally right, there. I do appreciate the concern, really.
Silence, E*ro.
If anything, man was made to walk.
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This is the point where I'm just gonna wish you the best, before things get too awkward and drawn out. Can't talk about anti-floppy-titties measures for too long, ya know.
Bad news the waxing did not go well. Will try again next week
>Can't talk about anti-floppy-titties measures for too long, ya know.
Not very long, since I have fairly high roots.

You can lift and drop them instead, then.
Just let them whiskers hang.
Ideal exercise for women:
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>tfw this girl's phone number is still written on my upper arm from last week
>tfw I am too stupid to read it upside down
life is hard as a himbo
What happened?
Chad shit.
Can you do the downward dog position without giving yourself a faceful of boob? Lol
Isn't that even kinda uncomfortable?
Type shiiiit boys
I just thought, what if I look in the mirror so I can see it
I'm a genius
But then wait it will be backwards
thoughts on paizuri?
>You can lift and drop them instead, then.
How about I just cup them while standing behind you?
See how long you can go without moaning. Of course, since you'd be my titcow, you'd have to go "mooo". hehe
>high roots
Ok, you’re just making shit up now
Yes, but so is having a guy whisper about cows to my boobs. I’m willing to push the limits a little.

Never done it, but I like the idea.

This is getting weird.
I left my bush I just want the stuff thAT peaks out gone
The wax didn't harden properly because it's too hot in that area lol. I will try with the hot wax next even though thats a little messier

M, being called 'Daddy' by an adult woman
all of these but also naked
M, being told 'come to mommy' by an adult woman
>I just want the stuff thAT peaks out gone
Ah, the "roach antennae"
Peeks out of what? Regular panties, or swimsuit?
Anon, are you planning to wear one of this super skimpy string bikinis?
yikers, how did that get in there..
Wait why you did reply to me
imagine not being aroused by pubic hair peek
more like why did you invade my post, dude.
I just want to be a productive member of society, but women keep making it difficult to think
No, a can not. It's not THAT funny. Ok, maybe it is a little. Worst for me is like child's pose and shoulder stands.
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Der Coomer
>anything I don't like is coomer
I remember when this meme meant something
>This is getting weird
kek what made you draw the line?
Was the mooo too much shitposting?
Oh, and plough pose.
That's random
Mommy kink
Is it bad if I find this kinda hot?
Not your struggles, but that you just got like several difficult poses you can immediately name.
>plough pose
Daughter kink
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Why don't more women appreciate their own armpits?
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>a can not
Reading your posts in a Scottish accent now
Why didn’t she just write it on your forearm?
It's a bit weird but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

What about grinding?
What do you mean by this?
Reminder that all the females here despise you for being a non-Chad. You simp faggots are pathetic, these trash raped bitches see you as inferior to them for being on 4channel.
What's random?
she cannae gie it pal cause them massive feartie tits is flichterin' oot the windae, dinnae make a drookit lassie greet lad
no, lots of men get hard when women talk about their breasts inconveniencing them, we’re well aware of our limitations
We are trying to rizz tittymonsters here, anon...
maybe she's the stupid one
Grinding on a dick vs bouncing
yuhhh im just chillin man
I already shave them daily, what more do you want from me?
Don't shave them.
maybe, but not at the exclusion of the other
Would you let a bf lick them? How about just a male friend?
As I said, it's not the inconvenience.
well, that’s the reason we’re able to recall the exercises so quickly, because we can’t do them.
What is it? Knowing immediately what you have difficulty with, like it's not a huge deal?
Have sex. Get pregnant.
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Should I end my email to my female coworker with smiley face?
F, please No.
I have my own mental health problems to deal with. If you don't heal your own, leave me be.
I know I have a hero complex, but it's just never worked out positively. And believe me, I tried plenty of times.
I had to google the positions and imagined her doing them.
no thanks
you can’t spell dick without ICK
Korean shows and some drama shows
Go lesbian and have in vitro.
>imagined her doing them
You imagined a completely made-up person, since you have no details to base your fantasy on except bra size, and I’m willing to bet you pictured the wrong size too
Anyone who uses emojis in official communication should be shot.
Would you recommend any of them?
Up to you dude
I always did lol
>House of the Dragon
How do I avoid women that watch trash like this
Nta but how much detail do you really need to imagine big tiddies doing yoga?
Of course.
We're all just fleeting ideas of each other here.
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Nta but I used to use emojis in my emails to the top manager
A smiley face means a happy day (:
You can't spell life without if.
By shoving the stick even further up your ass!
Price out a family dinner at a nice place and get her a gift certificate. Ask her if she or her family have any food allergies for you to consider locations. Start up a conversation about local places and try to get her input.
Older women with kids definitely need an excuse to get wined and dined.
>I am emailing you to deliver my official notice of resignation :3
what kind of religious baggage are you referring to?
nta but that anon has actually given us a visual aid as to what she looks like iirc.
I wish our girls would start doing that again. The first one I ever saw was one of them posting the size tag on her bra.
I'm not making a list. Apparently I watch trash shows.
Not right now. Maybe in a few weeks.
Nta but I did actually use a sad face in my resignation email ):
Who emails that?
oh come on. :^l
Anyone who can't appreciate your favorite shows clearly doesn't know what they're missing. More fun for us, right?
Stand outside your house and announce “popular things bad” I guess

>she identifies this strongly with a consumer product
hence why I need to avoid you
>y-you hate it because it's popular!
No, I hate it because of the ABSOLUTE STATE of american television.
someone who works remotely?
Same thing I was thinking lmao
I asked my mommy manager for a private meeting when I gave her my resignation.
I honestly regretted that decision for a long ass time afterwards but now I have a new work mommy so whatever
>they feel this way about me [my schizoid brain tells me that ‘raped bitches’ are all out to get me]
>therefore they must hate you too
a kid in a grocery store said i looked scary and i cried so hard i threw up in the bathroom
See your problem here is that you're mistaking making fun of you for being invested in the media in question.

>I hate it because of the ABSOLUTE STATE of american television
It's all terrible. Have a little fun. This one has dragons.
Are you suggesting sending it by physical mail?
Why don't you Brits FINISH your sayings? I've heard sick Brits say they're "feeling poorly". Poorly WHAT?
That's sad but also sweet.
does it even air on TV? it’s one streaming service out of dozens. there has never been more TV shows in active production. this post was dumb 10 years ago, and it’s dumber now.
i watch uncle dane youtube videos and war movies
No they were suggesting submitting it in person.
Now you look even scarier with your makeup running
f. hucow fetish. i hate it so fucking much.
No, but to just have a physical record of it. You wouldn't break up with someone over email, right?
An employee who’s afraid of tense meetings, AKA a woman
>Uncle Dane
He thinks that playing heavy with shotgun is a good strategy. Stupid engineer mains. They don’t get it
You are sick.
i don't wear eye makeup almost ever.
you… you mean when guys fetishize you? reading smut about it? or is this a “no homo” thing?
Im literally just like her https://www.tiktok.com/@tonystatovci/video/7338173202360798494?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7245083697599825454
the first two i guess.
Apparently that’s a smart choice for you heheh
Are you the hucow in this scenario?
This hasn't been a problem yet. I've done things that startled them and made them cry and that feels like shit but that's fixable in 5 seconds.

Like the other anon said if I go somewhere and the cat doesn't like me I start questioning the meaning of life and whether or not I'm a good person lol.
it’s ok anon, most women enjoy being enjoyed by men, even more so if they have specific body parts to fetishize. this is just a reflection of what guys love about you.
you say that but i have rolled an entire team on payload barnblitz playing fat scout. tf2 is great because everyone sucks ass and there is no good strategy because shitposting to victory also works
Why would a physical record be better than an electronic one?
No it doesn’t. You’re an inferior subhuman. YWNBAHM (you will never be a heavy main)
The engineer is stupid and bald but the heavy has a funny gun. Eat shit
You're a fat guy?
I Hate him because of how much influence he has had over destroying TF2

>and war movies

objectification/dehumanization is pretty close to my worst fear. thinking about it makes me like, genuinely full of rage, but it also arouses me. i ignore this as much as possible. i know exactly why my brain is tied in knots like this, it's not just "lol women moment", but i don't want to get into it.
you have no clue how many heavies i have killed with nothing but melee. walk in circles, they lose their minds.
>It's all terrible
I mean it doesn't and it isn't but people pay for shit so why make anything good?
>umm akshually it doesn't air on television anymo-
How pedantic are you people?
Answer the question.
Isn't big boobs a lol woman moment?
>destroys your teleported and dispenser
Nothing personal
Negging works.
>I mean it doesn't and it isn't
What? You wanna try that again while making some sense?

I think you should let go of your expectations for your entertainment to be good.
>builds my sentry on a one pixel wide ledge above your spawn
nuthin personell
>I think you should let go of your expectations for your entertainment to be good.
Mass entertainment was a mistake.
Anon you don't actually use the word "female" to refer to women irl, right? ... Right?
> objectification/dehumanization is pretty close to my worst fear.
I have nothing to say.
> thinking about it makes me like, genuinely full of rage, but it also arouses me.
…nothing at all…
How do I get into board games?
Like online.
>gets Uber charged in spawn and destroys it anyway
U mad?
More reliability and durability, more accessible, more legal validity, more ease of use, more secure and private.
do women play tf2?
Make your own then or at least stop complaining. Nobody even asked your opinion you just had to be the "intellectual" in the room. I'd rather watch cocomellon than hang out with you.
>reliability and durability, more accessible, more legal validity, more ease of use,
All false.
no. that would aggravate the issue. i'm already taking medication to try to stop it entirely.
I don't like shooters like that
Though TF2 is among the better ones
>tfw no big booty gf who loves being sexually objectified
>I don't like shooters like that
What kind of shooters do you like then?
Play cod with me.
No. The only reason I know what it is is because of how old it is.
>heavy can't do shit without medic
many such cases
I'm more a Halo kinda gal.
good bait, made me chuckle
I hate the kinds of shooters where you're just a guy with a gun. I hate FPSs too. I like spaceship shooters, dogfighting and stuff like Panzer Dragoon.
>taking medication to try to stop it entirely
What is the "it" in this sentence?
>i'm already taking medication to try to stop it entirely.
This is puberty blockers level. YOu need to accept your hucow fetish ASAP instead of denying it
I'm so sorry to hear that...
>Panzer Dragoon.
that shit sux
but I get the dogfighting
Ace combat is fun, project wingman too.
What's you favorite Halo weapon?
>engineer can only win through cheesy strategies like spawn camping
Heavy supremacy will forever be enshrined. Rather sad really
Oh no another day where the thread makes me feel horribly alone.
Speaking of
I think I'm going to play project wingman in VR now.
I tried my best lol
Good people will read this as Titanfall 2.
Why, are you fat and balding?
The absolute state of Halo in 2024
The Disruptor.
if it's any comfort, i'm feeling the same. fucking hate this place sometimes.
Oh, I see. Fun.
No, just unlovable.
Oddly, yes it does. Thank you. I thought I was the only one.
Literally nothing has come to replace TF2. So many shit games have come and gone and have not even come close, despite the fact that TF2 has AIDS and Cancer.
>No, just unlovable.
How are you unlovable if you're not fat and balding?
He is fat and balding on the inside
Yeah gaming is in an absolutely sad state right now
I rarely feel lonely, even if I am, because life is still on "pause" for me and has been for the last 8 years. Nothing is real. Being in love and having sex is something that happens in my head.
Oh, please. Splatoon is better than tf2.
I offered to drive my friends somewhere two hours away if they met me at my house so I don't have to go backwards to get there, but now they're asking me to come get them. How do I say no and not result in an awkward car ride. Am I bitch for not wanting to?
>that shit sux
not everyone can have great taste at everything like me
Just say "No, the offer was to drive you from my place, which is already a 2 hour trip"
>unironically relies on attention and validation from anons to feel happy
Holy shit how does a person become this pathetic? This is the saddest thing I’ve read all day
"Guys this wasn't the plan I can't do that."
Then you wait. If you're just a free Uber to them they might get mad but if they actually like you they'll figure it out.
Millennials, what is your day-to-day like as you contribute nothing and only drain on society?
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>randomly taking about socks at work with group
>one young girl says "I have a rule that I NEVER take my shoes off outside of my apartment"
What possible reason could she have for this?
Am I a millennial if I'm from 95?
Anyway, my day-to-day is going pretty great
Millennials are too old to be on 4chan.
If they get upset they are not real friends, sorry
I get it. Danger and arousal are closely linked for women.
You have such an inflated sense of self importance.
Because the outdoors is dirty af? what do you mean?
It could be something her mother taught her that she learned from Grandma. It used to be improper. Like showing your bra straps.

Or her feet STINK
> I know I ruined their day when I get an angry reply because they know I'm right.
He literally admitted he seeks attention from others. It’s right there in the post. He succeeds in life when people on 4chan acknowledge him. I come here to shitpost about tiddies, not farm for (you)s
This is sad on a new level
The only reason I don't want to go is because I'm lazy. it would only add an extra 30 minutes at most
I don't think they'll get upset but they will be late and I will seem like the asshole
Because you dislike one show? What a drama queen lol

Anon pls, save the vagueposting bait for later
Sorry I only got a 4 hour sleep lmao I fucked the pooch there.
Are you even going to this thing with them that's 2 hours away or are you just a ride? Are you getting gas money?
>dont sexualize me
>btw I fantasize about being milked and my boobs can’t stop lactating irl
Reason for what?
To point out what's normal?
I mean unless the "never" also includes other people's homes.
Here is where I call larp on you.
at least put some effort into your bait
You are taking two hours from your day to be their driver, you cant be an asshole here. Are you scare if you dont bend over backwards for them they will stop being your friends?
On the other hand, so are they. You made a generous offer to drive for so long and never mentioned picking them up. If they don't want to accept the offer they can find other means.
Have some backbone about this
Thoughts on women who only know Halo from the TV show?
i really wonder if that's biology or just how common trauma is.
Nta but considering it says "outside of MY apartment" I would assume it includes other people's homes.
Well that'd just be very rude then.
it's trauma, I've met normal women and they don't think like this.
Even more disgusting than the ones that hopped on to it from Infinite.
I hate going outside barefoot too, nature is icky
Are you even old enough to post here?
To get laid? yeah. To have a genuine relationship you're happy in? nah.
Does Minecraft count as a video game?
I am
I usually don't so probably not
I'm just being unreasonable and inconveniencing them
Why would they even ask me :(
It’s depressing that we even need to ask the question

Oh :(
Either I'm making her watch me play all the campaigns or I'm making her play them
I am hoping she didn't watch too much because they ruin the biggest reveal in Combat Evolved so nonchalantly.
>I'm just being unreasonable and inconveniencing them
Holy... are you a woman?
kek, okay? i'm not bullshitting. there's good odds an anon itt is enough of a pattern obsessed autist that he could remember my diagnosis.
>the biggest reveal
The Flood’s existence isn’t that big.
I’m 32, I just grew up in a Nintendo household

I think I watched closely, but the second season was kind of muddled and is fading from my brain already
>it's heckin trauma!
it's really more to do with numbness.
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Nobody sane cares about the story in those generic spaye shooters.
I am
>Sticking to an agreement upon plan
You need to check your definitions anon. You're being a pushover. If you really want to go and go pick them up then just fucking do it and stop sitting here deliberating making yourself feel bad for trying to be a person with normal boundaries. Pick a thing and do it. Stop being such a pussy.
You're saying that because you're a zoomie and it's an old game, no shit it isn't big to you.
really trying to catch something with our bait today aren't we sweetie?
Heretic! Heretic!
Okayt I said no but i still feel like an asshole
Halo has a story?
> You're saying that because you're a zoomie and it's an old game, no shit it isn't big to you.
Exactly retard, that’s like saying Vader being Luke’s dad is a huge reveal. And I’m a massive Halo fan.
caused by trauma? What are you trying to say?
Oh they just said okay... yay

But why would they even put me in that positiooooooonnnnn
Isn't that like on par with Vader being Luke's father though?
nta, seems like she's just trying to normalize it because "I can't possibly be traumatized, it's just that I have these reactions for completely normal reasons"

Either that or it's the same common chud that says "female".
Because they know they can. Unironically.
I dont see how are you being unreasonable
Maybe they will say something like if you werent flexible enough to do small changed Other Anon could have driven instead?
Im getting doormat vibes, I could be wrong, you know the situation better than me. If you didnt drive them but they still invite you?
I've been playing shooters for longer than you've been shitting your parents.
The only people who thought halo was anything special were americlap xbox kids and it was their first gaming system.
It's a subpar nad generic game, accept it.

It even has a 4h long obnoxious emo shitpost called ODST!
Right, everyone knows it because it was a big reveal 20 years ago
Oh nice. The tough love worked. I was just trying to snap you out of your doom spiral.
See! Now everything is fine! Normies think nothing of asking people to do something because they themselves would have no trouble at all saying no if it was an inconvenience to them.
You don't need to be traumatized to be numb these days.
Fail pseud post
Shooters suck.
>reheated /v/ bait
We deserve better
you people are beyond help
>you don't need to be traumatized to be numb
Well somebody's in denial about their trauma. Hope you figure your shit out anon.
Anons do you want to see my most recent shiny hunt? :D
your half assed psychologizing is pathetic
I invented it back on the IGN forums 20 years ago.
I've played through the MCC with a friend a few years ago and remember absolutely NOTHING from story, precisely because it was all utterly forgettable and generic.
it's funny because I wasn't even the only one to say it this time, it was another anon. I don't mean to gaslight but I do kinda feel like you're in denial.
Tabletop Simulator on Steam
It isn't really psychology more basic common sense but you need to get there on your own so you go ahead and have the tantrum.
I don't want to be a doormat anymore but I feel so guilty when I'm not one because I always get hung up about stupid stuff. But i've picked them up when they asked before so that makes sense. But I had to sit in the car waiting for 20 minutes so I don't want to do that again Plus the 20 minute drive to get them
I invited them
>It even has a 4h long obnoxious emo shitpost called ODST!
Thank you <3 that was scary
Oh yeah? I was drawing ASCII dicks on GameFAQs 20 years before that!
This seems like a reflection of you.
Literally the ONLY thing I remember about Halo is the Arbiter.
>full on shameless bait hours
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I got it with just 590 encounters!
For reference, the odds in this game are 1/8000 something
Men, would you fuck Celebi?
Maybe I should go pick them up.... the longer I wait for them the mor traffic there will be
And now I can't tell them to hurry up because I said I'll wait for them. I'm a piece of shit
Anon go lay down and don't think about it
You're not Satan for being assertive.
The smooth, silky tones of Keith David will do that to you.
I used to.
I love doctor and pyro.
Also sexy.
Warning, this video is 9 years old.
I'm gonna make that onion cry.
I don't even feel bad anymore but I've really gotten myself into a pickle here.

They pulled a move so incredible that I was inconvenienced no matter how I asnwered
I also like titanfall 2.
>I love doctor and pyro.
average female tf2 fan
>Also sexy.
Did it take you a while to get accustomed to driving? I know how to drive just fine, and picked my mom's car after not driving for 3 years. My brother said I did pretty good. But I still feel insecure about driving.
Any tips? Do I just force myself to get in the car often (with someone who drives as well next to me just in case)?
I also feel like cars weren't made for my size, the chair is adjusted to my size but I still struggle reaching and looking at the front part of the car.
Just ask "ETA?" It's not directly asking them to hurry up but it shows you're concerned about what time they'll be there.
All I remember is space marine teaming up with an alien and there were some old looking alien.
ODST was horrendous trash.
Reach was the first one that played kinda acceptable.
I should probably leave it alone already but I want to ask
Are you always the one inviting?
The only thing I've ever driven is a dune buggy, and I almost broke it because I kept keeping my foot on the brake when I'm accelerating.
Leave my fairy alone T_T
>I'm a piece of shit
You should post your boobs as penance.
It took me doing it daily for a few months for it to feel natural, most of my nerves in driving comes from feeling like I'm too relaxed and not perceiving enough for the situation
F. Several years. I didn't get my permit and license until I was 20 and it took me ages to be comfortable going anywhere further than work and college which were like 3-5 miles from home.

Just keep doing it.
If you're still struggling to reach the controls are you sure the seat is adjusted correctly for your height? It sounds like you should be closer.
Well yeah, but for not normal reasons. What’s your size that you’re just dying to share? Are you some short stack with big meaty thighs that swallow the car seat and leave a snail trail?
Okayy but isn't that a dick move after saying "no i will not pick you up"
" but also come quickly"
I'm the only one with a car so yes but they'll invite me to their place or bars and stuff we can get to on our own
I feel like that's kinda my case too. I guess I'm just gonna make a point of picking up the car often, even if it's just to do a little lap around the block
They;re ugly you wouldnt want to see them
I would.
Asking a simple question is not a dick move. You really need to get a handle on your self esteem these girls probably aren't terrible people but you're making them seem like the bitchiest cunts in the world with how afraid of them you are.
>If you're still struggling to reach the controls are you sure the seat is adjusted correctly for your height? It sounds like you should be closer.
It's like the maximum it can be adjusted, and my feet do reach. But also when I bring the seat up I feel like it doesn't go up enough, but if I go too high I know I'll be placed kinda incorrectly. Short stack life isn't liking this. My mom was my height too, I don't know how she did this. I guess she just drove without having full vision reach???

I'm 5'1 and I'll say no more >:|
Safe to assume you can't trade for a smaller car?
It was a guy who asked me lol but the girl might've told him to ask I don't know
Okay, just saying, I would've liked them.
You may unironically need a booster seat. >I know I'll be placed kinda incorrectly
In what way? Not able to reach the pedals?
No you wouldn't
I would, but you're not giving me a chance to prove you wrong anyway.
Well, both me and my brothers inherited this car and another. My oldest doesn't drive, so it's up to me and my other brother to use the cars. If we sold it, I could only get 1/3 of its price to get a new one so I kinda don't wanna do that. Also it's an Audi and it drives amazing, my only real issue is the seat and feels like I can't see enough.
Get ready for tittyfall!
I can reach the pedals but I don't feel like I can see enough around me or to the front of the car. Most people see the "nose" of the car right? At least in driver school I did, and this one I kinda can't. Which makes me a little insecure because the front part of this car is a little longer than usual
>It was a guy who asked me lol but the girl might've told him to ask I don't know
Have you seen my point around anywhere? I think you missed it? Lol

Jokes aside it has nothing to do with the gender of the people. What I'm saying is that if your fear matches these people's personalities then you shouldn't be friends with them. If your fear is unfounded and they're actually pretty nice you just feel like a piece of shit for doing normal human things you need to STOP. Have some juice.
Nta but it is actually a known issue for smaller women to be seriously injured by airbags. They have to sit too close to the steering wheel and their center of gravity is too low.
this makes me think about how my mom gets so mad when she sees tiny women in huge cars
Yes he would because the idea of successfully convincing you to do it is hotter and more fulfilling than just typing boobs on a search engine and getting dozens of "perfect" boobs, yours are more "real" and/or "closer"
So then you're not high up enough like I was saying. What I was asking is why do you think you're "placed kinda incorrectly" if you go high up enough to see?

And I see the top of the hood not the nose. You'd have to be on top of the damn thing to see the nose.
>To have a genuine relationship you're happy in?
Lol, how many men have those? Every non-Chad is settling for their gfs. Chads don't even do relationships in 2024 because they have a roster of bitches who think if they fuck him enough, he would finally commit to them.
Aaah okok. Sorry for the dumbass questions, a bitch is struggling here LOL
Hence the booster seat suggestion. Doesn't fix the distance issue though. Hmm.
This is anon https://youtu.be/CNAvM0MGsZM?si=UtH4b5fzOCY5XDba
How do i know if my bf is with me because he settled or because he genuinely wants to?
That'd move her feet away from the pedals.
I think I'm just dumb because the other anon said I wasn't supposed to see the like the front tip of the car, and all this time I thought I was
The struggle is real! My little sister is 5'2" I got you. You'll find the right seat cushion and be zooming in no time lol.
2 hours?? I would tell them to piss off lol
Need a tall woman with big tits
It depends on the car but with many you can't see the entire hood.
brb I got the perfect thing
She needs to see. You can get blocks to modify the pedals so she can reach if necessary. That's the easiest thing to modify. Seat and pedal height.
> I'm 5'1 and I'll say no more >:|
That’s what I thought. If you sat on my lap while driving we could be one mega unit of driving efficiency the world has never seen.
Does it matter?
Why you taking your shoes off outside brother?
Minecraft co-op is comfy af desu
I get your point I'm working on it
I'm just surprised how my mom drove this thing without crashing her car for 10 years???
And she also never changed the tires, I don't fucking know how this woman never had an accident.
I like shooters (hentai games where I shoot a load in her)
would you take a magic potion that will make it so you and your SO can only be attracted to each other?
I don't drive I just get women to give me lifts
I think moms have superpowers regarding driving cars that haven't received service in years and standing too close to cliffs hahaha
I’m so healthy I’m so normal. 4 hours of sleep into an energy drink when I don’t have to work for 10 hours. Someday when my heart explodes I’ll think of the femanons who wished death upon me and smile, knowing I finally made them proud.
How many miles does it have?
It doesn't. He's with you now and is grateful that he finally found a girl who said yes to him if you're not too annoying or fat. The dating market is grim for men. It's not fun to find a new gf if you're a non-Chad.
eheh "give you lifts"

Nah I like to comment on other girls' hotness with him.
This actually makes me sad
Can't we redesign cars or something
Protect the lolis
No, the point is that you chose each other out of all the people in the world.
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Why aren't femanons cuter than this dog?
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Did you get some juice? If you're hungry or low blood sugar it's just gonna make you feel worse. Just breath, have a snack, and chill until they get there.
I actually have no fucking idea. I just know my mom got it in 2003 but she didn't make long trips regularly, just the 15 mins commutes. And back 4 years ago my brother took this car and he did rough it up a little
But he is pretty chad like. Which makes me wonder wtf he wants to do with me.
>eheh "give you lifts"
Is this an innuendo I'm not getting
they're giving lifts to your pp
Yea I got some juice
If you're pleasant to be around, that's already better than 99% of females. A lot of bitches fail at being nice and friendly already then wonder why guys pump and dump them.
The free market can be a real bastard sometimes.
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I would pick up the phone and say "hiiii do you guys need a lift home? then you should have organised one lol" and hang up
(maybe this is why I don't have friends anymore)
If there is a counter potion in the case of divorce, yes
Ok good. I hope you have a good time.
The world is not designed for short people. Everything is too high from kitchen counters to table tops, mirrors in bathrooms, chairs, toilets, shelves and even playing piano is an issue since an octave was designed to be comfortably reachable for man hands, so playing pieces with more than an octave of hand spanning is simply not possible. Which is a lot since most classical pieces have been composed by men.
Luckily I got big hands but yeah fuck high shelves
I have to stand on my tiptoes and sometimes jump to reach things in the supermarket
I would agree but I don't wanna look ridiculous in a small car for a small person :[
bruh this is so true, I bought my apartment recently and I can't even look at myself in the bathroom mirror because they placed it so fucking high
I'm breaking out I think this whole trip was a bad idea
Idk if i would say i am exactly pleasant to be around. Maybe more pleasant than the average girl? Idk. I mean, he thinks i am cute and hot but either he is delusional, lying or has weird taste.
>redesign cars
We make petite and tall pants, why not cars? It might be the kind of thing that costs an extra few thousand but I feel like it could be done. Lotta new testing for that though.
>I bought my apartment recently
Also that's annoying
>don't wanna look ridiculous in a small car for a small person
Nah small cars are based desu
If you're a mini girl get a mini
Get on that Mr. Bean aesthetic
I'm tall.
How do we solve the demographic disaster?
It is maddening. I can almost reach. But not quiet. I hate it. The constant having to get a step stool is so annoying.
I feel you. Luckily i installed a new one in my bathroom at the right height for me.
This is like saying "I'm white so we shouldn't end apartheid"
Thanks anon c:

And minis are pretty cute...... But I can already feel the shame of having to get a smaller car just to reach places normally aaaaaaaaa
That's the anxiety talking. You'll have fun once you get there. The problem has been solved so now you're just waiting and ruminating, psyching yourself out.
There are plenty of compact cars every year.

Don't care.

See my first quote.
But I look ugly too
All cars are designed with a 5'6" person in mind doesn't matter if it's a pickup or compact car.
Fucking hell mate I'd be chuffed with a quarter of that
Then again I spend all day shitposting instead of working
Anywah 0.8 kids is basically one kid per couple which is based. There are too many people on this planet anyway. The niggers in Africa just need to stop having a gazillion kids
>I feel you. Luckily i installed a new one in my bathroom at the right height for me.
I'll do that eventually, will need to save up first though
It's crazy to think that the world is just made for the average to be 175cm
>You'll have fun once you get there
This is the biggest lie told by normies
Don't listen to the propaganda
>too many people on this planet anyways
There's no need to depopulate the west
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it's over for 5'1 shortstacks
There is cars that are better suited for short people because of their design to enhance visibility and some even have adjustable pedal height.
It's true 80% of the time if you allow yourself to believe it. If you go somewhere assuming the entire time that you're going to have a bad time, you will have a bad time. Set yourself up for success not failure.
Absolutely nobody is going to think about it like that.

You tell that hugeass SUVs that feel just about right for me.
Compact cars are usually easier for smaller people, I know it from my mom.

Don't demotivate people, you dick.
Don't keep other people down in your emotional hole.
5'6 is the perfect height for a gray alien, wake up to what they don't want you to know
We should depopulate the entire planet and then the cats can take over
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it's ok guys, I'll just ride one of these :(
Women would you rather be reborn chinese or indian?
Robots aren't sexy tho.
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The ford f-150 has adjustable pedals. For example.
As does the GMC Yukon, Chevrolet Tahoe, Lincoln Navigator and Ford Expedition. Lots of big cars to pick from. A smaller car does not necessarily have better seat and pedal adjustability.
That’s the secret technique called Uber no Jutsu, where every choice becomes a bad one
good evening ma'am I give ride very very cheap for you madam show bobs n vagrne
0: That's a BIG american car damn
>better suited
And that's not the same thing as having cars designed specifically for someone who's 5 foot and weighs 100 pounds.

I see what you're saying but what currently exists isn't the same thing I'm saying we should have. And what about the tall people? Do you not care about them? My brother desperately needs a car that fits his weird long body.
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>Robots aren't sexy tho
robots are sexier than humans honestly
Chinese, and that's not a hard question.
>"Women would you rather..."
>"Male here!"
>product is tested to benefit men and nobody else
Many such cases
>usually easier for
That's not the POINT. Scissors that don't have any sort of weird angle in the handle are easier for me to use than scissors designed specifically for a righty. But left handed scissors are better than the universal grip ones because they are designed specifically for my needs.
I'm not saying to go in negative and assume it's bad, ofc that's a self-fulfilling prophecy
I'm just saying social situations aren't fun and I'm tired of normies pretending that they are
I know it is not ideal but the world was designed with the average in mind. You can try and change that but i think the main issue will be money since that requires totally different manufacturing processes to produce non standard sized pieces.
I'm glad you understood that your question was fucking retarded.
Bro you're not worthy.
Women i'm trying to pull an all dayer. Wish me luck, im fighting for my life here
Shortstacks and lankies need to join forces
Short men exist too you know.
I think you’d be pretty shocked if you knew EVERYTHING he wanted to do to you…
>I'm just saying social situations aren't fun and I'm tired of normies pretending that they are
That's just a (You) problem, negativd nancy.
Stay miserable.
You mean like staying awake all day like most people do? Uh, good luck i guess.
We know anon, it's just that on average men are taller, and things are usually designed for men as a default.
Yes? Do you think it was supposed to be some deep thought provoking discussion. Now quit being a faggot and stop replying to questions not directed at you
>Stay miserable
Daily reminder that many common medications are never tested on female patients, and in many cases are actually harmful.
We don't even know where they're going! What if they're going to an aquarium that would at least be kind of fun right?

I am 5'6" I currently have no complaints. But I recognize a need for things to be less universally standardized for the "average" person and provide a couple of options. There is too much human variation to make things "one size fits all". I'm not talking about money either I'm not thinking logistically, only thinking that cars designed specifically for people who are far outside the normal height range should exist. I don't work in manufacturing I have no knowledge or interest in that side of the conversation.
*closes anime door*
True. Did you also know heart attacks look different in women and that's why women usually die in hospitals from heart attacks more often?
It’s so tiresome
> and in many cases are actually harmful.
This applies to lots of medicines on the market because they're more interested in making money off of a new drug rather than using the old drugs that are out of patent.
Yup, until very recently, hospitals knew how to treat male symptoms only.
The simplest solution is to reduce reliance on cars overall.
>you're not worthy
Ik, it eats me alive daily
That's why I spend all day training AI so one day we can have robot girl future where they enslave us
>only thinking that cars designed specifically for people who are far outside the normal height range should exist
>I don't work in manufacturing I have no knowledge or interest in that side of the conversation.
Actually it can work, especially if your company specializes in accommodation for these things. There's more tall and short people in the world than there are disabled people, and there's car with options for disability all the same. So it's 100% doable.
>I made a typo in my resume
Im going fucking insane
my mother unironically told me to act like I have a man’s symptoms so they take me seriously
That is quite an extreme typo!
Why would you say that?
>millennials are failures
More at 1; the sky is blue!
>Strengths: Attention to detali
Well that would be lovely but I live rural it's 3 miles to the town grocery store, 6 to the chain one. That's fine if it's November and I'm not getting anything frozen but on a day like today that's a problem.

Cities need to get their shit together though.
I'm the anon who originally posted about the car thing, and honestly I don't technically need the car often because we have lots of public transportation here. It would be more for a matter of convenience and having more freedom!
European cities do it pretty well. I'm sure I wouldn't have these car fears if it wasn't for all the public transportation options.
>4 hours of sleep
This isn't normal for you guys? I sleep like 2 hours a night
>We know anon
Do you?
Thanks *pray emoji*
Yeah it would almost be funny if it was not so sad that adult women still get diagnosed for neurodivergence like ADHD based on the symptoms present in middle school boys.
Because men have filthy minds, and we hold back our most depraved sexual fantasies to avoid freaking women out

It's crazy because my mom had 3 hearts attacks until she passed away at the 3rd, but people here were thankfully very competent.
She was also the extremely calm type, so I'd expect they wouldn't immediately take her seriously. So glad they did.
I too vote that socializing isn't actually fun, at its best it's kind of boring like doing cardio at the gym.
Yeah sure i will haul the weekly groceries for a whole family 10km back and forth by bicycle.
I live in your walls
And what does that have to do with my bf? Like what fantasies even?
Women, would you rather have heightened hearing or smell?
Your womb with swell with his virile seed.
speak for yourself niga my fantasies aren't that filthy
Hearing. I do not need to smell peoples BO even better.
I think it's more like running outside. It's kind of enjoyable at first at least you enjoy the scenery and the feeling of your circulation increasing, then it gets a little hard, becomes excruciating, you take 3 days to recover, and then do it again for some reason.
Doesn't seem like it. Girls don't notice short men.
I only really like socializing if it's in settings I'm comfortable with. I don't really like going bars
I like socialising with cats I hate socialising with people
I went round a guy's house the other day just to play with his cats then I ditched
Hearing. If I could smell better I'd never eat.

Why what would you pick?
my sense of smell is already very strong. hearing might be nice, but i'd really rather not need glasses anymore.
Why do women have such a powerful sense of smell?
Why did you move out of my walls?
I miss the nightly jumpscares...
huh, I always find the first minutes of running outside the worst
I want to have hearing good enough to have a perfect pitch
>feel the shame
More shame than crashing into a tree because your stubby little legs couldn’t reach the brakes?
Fearful for all girls in lesbian relationships.. a man would never abuse you like that
So we can sniff out wether a man is genetically compatible or not.
Not to mention that seatbelts are NOT made for anyone with boobs…..
>tfw no gf who loves the smell of her own pussy and asshole
Women what have you been angry about lately?
Better for foraging.
This is bullying >:(
I was in a relationship with a girl before and honestly, it was pretty bad, she was insanely controlling. Not helping the statistics.
Dumbest bait i have ever seen.
You're acting like a junkie again
You didn't forget, you're pretending to forget
I don't know but I know at the first encounter if I'm attracted to you or not and it's 100% based on smell.
I've turned down a guy for a relationship once solely because he didn't smell compatible.
Oh god, pls do not remind me.
My boss. She has been so unprofessional lately that it is embarrassing and i am considering quitting.
Well, your bf is a man, so… he likely has a lot of weird fetishes you know nothing about. Maybe even violent ones.
Interesting. Right from the first step? The first bit is exhilarating for me it doesn't get bad until being out of breath catches up with me.
Mostly being angry at AI shills and these people trying to convince me to use AI in my work despite there being 0 use I can give it.
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You're right, I never wanted to take them anyway
I respect that.
How much does natural smell factor in? Colognes and perfumes seem like cheating.
Take them you bitch.
I know of a few ones but ofc i do not know if that is all there is or what he is not telling me.
Buckling up is the lewdest thing I do all day, I swear
We carry the fetus, gotta make sure we don't ingest poison.
No, I just need to work hard and robot girl future will pave a golden path for all of us
Family communication issues and hypocritical behavior.
Was she a tall, busty blonde? Atoga girls love dating them for some reason
Natural smell, to me, needs to be perfect for me to accept anyone. If I don't like your smell, I don't want to be touched by you... Thought I don't mind perfumes at all. But they will not completely eliminate your BO.
i swear atoga is the only place i've ever met other bloodhounds. same.

NTA, 100% of it is natural smell. i despise perfumes. they are too potent and don't even smell good to begin with. the mild odor of soaps or shampoos or hair products is strong enough for me already.
>already deleted
Which site archives /adv/?
They will all say "Chad didn't respond :("
She was a brunette like me, but blue eyes, plump ass, plumb boobs and tan skin.
I guess I shouldn’t assume that you’re an innocent little vanilla princess, so if you have anything you want to try in bed, this is why it’s a good idea for the girl to bring it up. The guy is often scared to let a single sexual desire slip out.
Nta. Colognes and perfumes don't even smell good they smell like alcohol and a cheap candle that's too strong.
i keep losing minesweeper because i am being impatient

It might be a more mental thing for me, I always find the start of a task the hardest and it induces lethargy in me that I have to fight against until it stops screaming at me to stop way before my actual limit. The end where I'm actually out of breath and worn out is the satisfying part.
I really hope I smell good and I really hope I meet someone who smells good.
>I despise perfumes. they are too potent and don't even smell good to begin with.
I actually agree with this because you can smell how artificial they are, and it doesn't help that they do have endocrine disruptors in them that you can breathe in.
Yeah I've felt this. I don't even like scented candles either.
I got used to drive in about a month just get yourself into traffic and youll get used to it
bro wasn't even fast enough to beat the female replies this time
Weird delete.
No i am pretty much vanilla trough and trough. We experimented a little at the beginning of our relationship but that is about it. He seems happy with our sex life. I would assume he would tell me if his needs do not get met. He is an adult after all.
stop being stupid, take the damn meds.
>I really hope I smell good and I really hope I meet someone who smells good.
We all smell good/bad to different people. I actually believe it's 100% about chemical compatibility.
Get the fuck off 4chan if you're going to be a compulsive faggot like that. Why are you here?
This place was never for people like you. You genuinely belong on Twitter.
Oh, hmm. Sounds great, except for the whole controlling thing, I hope you haven’t sworn off women forever…
Cry more, I've been on 4chan longer than you've been alive.
>might be a more mental thing
Maybe. I think we have the exact opposite reaction to running. For you it's a task you don't want to do at all, for me it's something I really want to do, for 2 minutes, then I hate it. The satisfaction at the end still is a thing though that must just be the result of exercising.
I haven't but I've been in a 10 year relationship with my bf so it's not like I'm looking to have a new relationship
Yep, a healthy couple knows they can share anything with each other, so if things seem fine, then they’re probably fine :)
Time will tell.
I think health is a factor. Our smell communicates the status of our hormones for instance.
Oh nice. Glad to hear at least one anon has a decent love life, lol
Very true.
For example my mom smelled a very particular way because of diabetes. You can actually smell the diabetes in people.
Nta but i got a chuckle out of the fact anon replied to like the second post of the thread and you replied immediately. Here all day every day, huh?
I’m on steroids and retinol and finasteride now. Give me the gf i am owed.
Not really, just the timing. I barely slept last night, usually I'd be sleeping right now.
Nta. Pretty sure I can smell my cat's cancer
Yeah :D
I feel like with enough time and experience, most people get there. We can't be involved in petty teenage squabbles till our 60s
There is cats in old people homes that can smell when someone is about to die the next two days.
yeah. it smells like an assault on my nose. like chemicals trying to sterilize my senses via overstimulation. i hate it.

odor is insanely complicated. diet, stress levels, obviously hygiene, climate, hydration, temperature, hormones, etc. it's so complicated you couldn't make a comprehensive measurement, which is why i have to go off of gut instinct with it, but i agree. i think there's inherent compatibilities, but i also think few people like the smell of someone who is poisoning their body.
That sounds horrible. Sounds like your skin is gong to be pink and cracked and you will have water retention and weird hair growth on your back.
I know dogs can detect that, but people?
Anon, are you a dog?
>odor is insanely complicated. diet, stress levels, obviously hygiene, climate, hydration, temperature, hormones, etc. it's so complicated you couldn't make a comprehensive measurement, which is why i have to go off of gut instinct with it, but i agree. i think there's inherent compatibilities, but i also think few people like the smell of someone who is poisoning their body.
Oh absolutely. There's even the whole thing about fear sweat smelling different than just exercise sweat. I know damn well I smell a particular way when I'm afraid, sad, stressed, etc.

On a similar note, my bf has always commented he can smell exactly how I feel at any particular time. It's more obvious when I'm horny (I also feel it with him, especially something in his breath), but there's definitely different smells for each mood.
>atoga girls love dating them
>it’s literally happened once
Incel brains see something one time and immediately add it to their gone rogue pattern recognition system. Which is why they are so bitter, hateful and blackpilled.
I thought “stress sweat” was made up to sell deodorant, heh
insane, and I believe both of you

Try smelling a diabetic person and you'll understand. They smell sweet.
>odor is insanely complicated. diet, stress levels, obviously hygiene, climate, hydration, temperature, hormones,
I basically view it as hormones + gut health
bad gut = permeable gut lining = build up of toxins = slow liver = slow metabolism = poor hormones = bad smelling sweat
When everything runs good, everything falls into place, basically.

But you're completely right to follow instinct and intuition. Our body has more wisdom in it than we can imagine.
It's up!
I'm not really basing it off any study but more of my personal experience. I do have an extremely active scent though. My bf has said that before too. I'm just glad it's not a bad smell for him at least.
>my bf has always commented he can smell exactly how I feel at any particular time
I want to learn this power.>>31582673
I’m also counting our busty blonde anons who date women, my bad for not clarifying
Thoughts on this?

not even sure how I quoted the other guy
retinol is a big meme
Real. I can 100% smell when my hormones change in my cycle. I smell completely different when ovulating than when menstruating. Just my sweat smells different.
completely true. emotions are very very odorous. i might be a little schizo, but i believe i can smell malicious intentions as well. it's also why people who sweat from sitting around on a couch smell like SHIT but people who sweat from exercise smell DIVINE

god i would kill for a boyfriend who knows how i feel from my smell...

i am socially retarded but my animal instincts are really reliable kek. i just wish people had a mental space for that. i feel like a monster trying to blend in with normal people.
>he thinks he even remotely made it
I’m having a very hard time believing that a guy could actually like how I smell, and if he does, it’s a weird fetish or something… someday I hope to meet a man who will sniff me sincerely
Anon please be my friend, let's be scenttards together
I need someone who understands me ffs
>brunette like me, but blue eyes, plump ass, plumb boobs and tan skin.
Super suckable titties.
It is like a girl saying she got on ozempic, got a boob job and hymen restoration surgery. As if it is about the end product and not how someone got there to be a healthy weight, ideally developed and values intimacy enough to not just sleep with anyone.
Isn’t it kinda weird that your male friends can pick up on this too? I feel like it’s weird. A woman’s cycle should be private unless she chooses to share.
Disgusting dirty hoe.
I wonder if it's just the association with very old women from childhood that make me (and other men) dislike such tits
Oh no you don't, she was a horoscope tard and a witchcraft tard in the worst sense of the word. Also kinda schizo, and would "astral project" places and then be upset with me because of whatever spiritual shit she was experiencing
NTA but that's just how it is, scent just gives a lot of information on status.
My bf could tell a woman who wasn't showing yet was pregnant based on scent (and also her skin and hair were quite shiny)
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How do I get a Leah Brahms gf?
ok but I still want a nice girl with plump boobs, plump booty and tanned skin
Anyway, how long into the relationship did you realize she's nuts?
I feel like it brings men and women closer together to know that girls will tolerate all this shit for a nice pair of tits and ass, too. Maybe we aren’t so different :’)
>horoscope tard and a witchcraft tard in the worst sense of the word. Also kinda schizo
I can fix her.
>weight gain
>low testosterone
all problems of a slow metabolism which you are masking. Instead of repairing your natural testosterone levels you're jamming a needle in your ass and instead of restoring proper hair growth you're castrating yourself with tranny drugs
Like 3 years in. But she then got rid of me and cheated on me, so the problem got rid of itself. She started getting jealous of me having a friend I was also close to so they both cheated on me |:

We truly aren't. Plus she was taller and bigger than me, and I enjoyed the mommy vibes.
If she hadn't cheated I'd likely just let myself stay in that bad situation for a lot longer
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> and I enjoyed the mommy vibes.
God you're really making it hard here
mommy vibes transcend time and space and gender, amen
>it's also why people who sweat from sitting around on a couch smell like SHIT but people who sweat from exercise smell DIVINE

I truly mean no offense to the fat anons but a fat guy sweating just from existing in the cold is one of the worst things I have to smell on a regular basis.
It doesn't because lesbians aren't real, they're just dumb bitches who got diddled when young and are now afraid of men. Men are still suffering the most in dating.
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we all just want someone to take care of us, ok
Helldivers using incindeary weapons when playing with others.
I can't actually believe a
>big tity
>big booty
>mommy gf
is a real, attainable thing that some people have had.
NTA but I have to agree so fucking much.
Plus I can't with obese guys and the absolute nuclear bombs they leave in a bathroom??? YOU'RE ROTTING INSIDE, MATE
Initiate shutdown of incelbot.exe
Those are good? Damn, she's got even more areola real estate than me. They look bigger though.
areola insecurity is a meme.
Do you like pink nipples?
Is the same true for women? Guys act like we smell divine no matter what, but I don’t believe it
I don't care
I like those big Asian nipples if you know what I'm talking about.
Hell yeah, even ones the size of salami slices
Not an incel. Enjoy getting beat up by your dyke gf.
Pink nipples are the only nipples that count.
as a woman who notices other women's smells, yeah it's also bad
Chubby women still smell nice, it's like the Stuck-on-the-couch obese women that can smell truly horrid.
Yes please
Yes but I’ve never seen them up close, only brown and reddish ones. They look weirdly plastic and don’t naturally occur in the wild.
I don‘t have male friends and i would assume men other than my bf never come close enough to my body for long enough to pick up on it. Even i myself have to specifically smell under my arms to notice it.
self-esteem restored
As a non-coomer some girls stink in a bad way, forget all this "girls who don't shower hnnnngggg" bullshit
>mfw I’m a couch potato that’s unhealthily thin because of her eating disorder
Phew, close one!
Oh my God I'm so glad my mom got rid of her shithead boyfriend because YES it's horrifying!
In what way? Idk man if only the girls in the weird niche porn or bdsm have nips like mine it's going to make me feel some type of way.
I won't tell you fat women smell like flowers, but the smell I was thinking of there is for whatever reason only a guy thing.
fat people have corpse odor.
A single drop of perfume solves this problem
>only the girls in the weird niche porn or bdsm
The less commercialized something is, the more "real" it is.
so it's not weird to start finding shadows of yourself in those places.
NTA but yeah given how men are a bit more stupid and easy to fool
Couldn't fool me though I'll tell you that much
>corpse odor
I don't think that's the specific one I'm thinking of though. I only smell it when an obese man sweats in freezing/near freezing weather.
sooo yours are NOT pink? very devious, you figured out how to get compliments here
True. I mainly wear perfume like i wear clothes. My natural body odor is too personal and intimate to share with the world. It is reserved for one man that gets to be close to me after i showered and did not put on anything scented.
>bf, but no male friends
How? /atoga/ told me that women just pick a boyfriend from their stable of male orbiters?
>the more "real" it is.
I suppose that's a good way of looking at it. I'm sure you get it though right? Having something that clearly isn't the ideal is "fine" but wouldn't it be kind of cool if you had that other thing that people like better?
man now i feel slutty for not wearing perfume even though it hurts my nose
are they pointy or inverted
Why don't you just eat more?
He is a friend of my female friends brother. But i have nothing to do with her brother, so it was a nice trick.
Yep same, it’s on the same tier as seeing me with bedhead and no makeup
Perfume is another layer between me and the world
men have a terrible sense of smell though
>t. menoid
Definitely don't start wearing it because of that!
>Having something that clearly isn't the ideal
I'm not a woman so I don't really get it, no.
I mean, unless you want to convince me that a bigger dick is always better.
they're flat unless I'm cold or aroused
Marketing complete. Don’t forget to buy Chanel no. 5, the most popular perfume for women!
I love when girls get blatant nipple erections just like that. I want to see them pointy when you are horny.
So did your friend help you two meet up? Or did you literally just see him in passing one day and decided “I want THAT one” on the spot, lol
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Hm, maybe you can find scented lotion that you can tolerate. Or have you tried natural perfumes made from essential oils? The floral ones can be quiet pleasant and subtle. For a while i used coconut oil as my body lotion and i would melt it and add a few drops of jasmine and vanilla essential oil. It smelled divine.
Do NOT shill her perfume. She belongs to the elite of natural smell appreciators.
Well okay Mr.6'4, 12% bodyfat, chiseled jaw, with a full head of hair

What is the point of engaging with me if you're going to pretend you think you're perfect and don't understand not thinking every single part of your own body is hot?
>Chanel no. 5
I wore this all through high school before I found out it’s actually for grannies
embarrassed woman fetish is low tier
Same goes for makeup really. It is like a protective shield to being perceived in my raw and authentic state. Which i prefer to reserve for the people closest to me. I like my face best bare but when i have to be in a social setting i am uncomfortable with i always put on some makeup, makes me feel less vulnerable and exposed. Like i am not giving them my real self for free.
No, lol.
The point is I'm not perfect, Anon.
Take some of your own medicine. Unless you really think a bigger dick is always better.
Nah it's top tier
Don’t feel bad, I’m sure you’ll get your own someday.
You don't have orbiters?
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My hot work friend is about to get herself fired :/
also I think the bosses are sussy because she got in trouble then made a bee line to my cubicle to bitch about it and they DEFINITELY noticed
I met him at her birthday celebration where her brother was too and he came with him. He later asked my friend for my number and that was that.
What did she do?
I appreciate natural smell too. But i am not going to wander around letting any dumb coomer smell it. You get the perfumed me. Deal with it.
>But i am not going to wander around letting any dumb coomer smell it.
This is some internet brain rot bullshit.
Yes! It sounds shallow, but it really is a huge confidence booster, like putting on a Stacey mask that I remove at home. Plus it also gives a sense of control, and helps me cope with the male gaze, like… I might not be able to stop being sexualized, but at least I can choose what they see. You know? My real self is a treat held in reserve for someone special. You are so right.
>The point is I'm not perfect
So you have no point you just say shit to say shit. Whatever you're assuming I'm thinking is probably not right because I'm very confused.

Only 1/4 anons said they liked boobs like mine, I reward that behavior with a response. Idk what you're doing.
Nice. Now they will observe you closely too.
Pokies are embarrassing and instantly make me feel like a slut
Exactly. It is like slipping into a second skin that is not truly me because it does look and smell slightly different than i really do. So if they sexualize me it was not the real me that got the brunt of that but some made up persona. I see it as protecting my sexual energy from the vampires.
Stop wearing make-up. You're making your face worse.
These kind of boobs are my favorite because they look so HEAVY, yet they’re delightfully soft to the touch. It’s hard to express.
Aight man, chill
I don't even know why you're so pissed. we don't have to talk about this if this topic angers you this much.
You're allowed to feel however you want about your own body.
it's cool, we don't have to share opinions.
we have those? where?
This just gets cuter the more you talk. I wish I could tease your hard nipples as you blush and squirm.
>anon thinks wearing makeup means wearing foundation
You are a bit dumb ngl. Besides, that used to be the case thirty years ago. Today cosmetics are formulated to improve and protect your skin.
>share opinions
Is THAT what you thought we were doing?
No offense but, autistic?
Aw, cute. This is great motivation to connect with my friends again. It’s all about networking.
>Today cosmetics are formulated to improve and protect your skin.
Kek. I really need to invent something for females only, so dumb bitches like you will buy it.
Anon, why are you so... I don't know.
You're making me sad, I don't like it when people get angry at me. I'm going to leave.
Sorry if I made you feel what ever you felt.
It really is. And luck.
>Well okay Mr.6'4, 12% bodyfat, chiseled jaw, with a full head of hair
Hey it's me.
women encounter coomers long before they’re old enough to post on 4chan, anon
having a shit attitude and being unhelpful, though to be fair they have been way cattier with her than they ever were with me
I don't have the same issues. In fact, the bosses have asked (and one time straight up forced) me to snitch on stuff the other employees do wrong.
Unlike you i am able to read and interpret ingredients lists on products.
I remember when the 'Coomer' meme used to mean something.
Only pink, yes.
That wasn't intended as rudeness I was confused and still am. I don't understand why you're saying anything that you're saying.
>women literally dissociate and create separate personalities when applying makeup
Have you seen the way most girls dress?
Yeah because they know you are involved. Also, what kind if fucked up work environment are you in? This sounds like elementary school.
Bro, this is common. Actors do the same thing. Stop negging.
it doesn't matter, I'm actually tearing up right now.
I don't like this.

I'm going to go.
It's not a separate personality it's a charisma boost.
if anyone has the right to decide how creepy sexual behavior is labeled, it’s women

we are talking about teenagers here
if you disguise your smell with perfume how am I gonna find a compatible partner?
Okay??? Wtf man I'm so lost
That is the whole point of it. We need more layers between us and the world because men rarely get eye fucked in public simply for existing. Trying to steal my vital forces.
I’ve noticed that many autists here seem to think that changing your social habits is “lying” or “covering up your true self”. It’s very weird, like they don’t believe people can change.
holy insecurity
You can't complain about attention if you dress provocatively.
>if anyone has the right to decide how creepy sexual behavior is labeled
This is why we need gatekeeping.
If you wanna talk about creepy weirdos you encounter in public, just call them what they are. Stop using brainrot lingo just because you feel like it.
Pro tip - I really doubt that homeless crackhead who creeps you out at the bus stop is a porn addict.
I would bet that my skin is miles better than yours.
I am not insecure at all. I think i am most beautiful bare faced because that actually looks like me. I am just protective of my raw self.
I like to think Bimbofication is like a more extreme version of this.
can you give a list of your trigger words so I don’t offend you again?
Lmao even.
Wearing my new favorite and sluttiest little shorts to the gym today :)
From the asthmatic community to the world at large

Please don't wear cologne or perfume. Please. And for the love of God I'm begging you not to apply it within 30 feet of me.
Sexual compatibility is something that comes much later in the dating process. You still have a lot of the less fine tuned things you can focus on (like morals, values, goals and priorities) before it gets to that level.
People complain about specific kinds of attention. Like staring, it is natural to get the urge if you see something striking (including someone who looks extremely good or just provocative to you) but staring is universally rude because it feels so intimidating to be on the receiving end of. If you can keep yourself from staring at people for other reasons (like being handicapped or whatever) then you can make yourself look away.

As for casual non-sexual compliments or just looks, I agree that it is expected to be noticed more in something provocative and if you really don't enjoy that at all, you should just reserve it for places where it won't draw attention, like at home for your partner or at a party where other people are dressed similarly.
>like they don’t believe people can change.
This is the bedrock of incel ideology. If people can’t change, then their celibacy is truly “involuntary” and they’re helpless to improve their lives, allowing them to blame women for everything. But if people CAN change, that would mean taking responsibility for their choices, and these fragile men can’t handle that.
Moid hands
Not going to cater to some genetically inferior minority.
I didn't say sexual compatibility.
Cunt. I bet you smell cheap.
Just be less obnoxious, cheers
Japanese people are correct in hating perfume
I thought acne was because of high test?
But that is what smell is indicative of. It shows wether it would be a good idea for you specifically to make a baby with that specific person. There is lots of other things you can check long before it gets to that.
>I am the king of language
>also I made up a scenario where you are silly
Why is this so common? You look so dumb when you post in bad faith like this.
yes, you're protective which is called feeling insecure
If they smell bad, I've just wasted my time.
Absolutely not.
Edgy statement intended to rile up the incels.
You didn't even try with this bait.
Why are women so mean.
Incoherent rage response.
So would you not make your kids put on their seat belts? How confident of you. Bravo!
It's still crazy that thousands of white foids went out to march for a criminal that beats pregnant women.
why did women ruin my life
You can't even talk to them calmly anymore.
Not my problem.
Because you punctuate your sentences improperly.
kek women are a meme
I will just assume you're a whore if you use perfume
Ok. Good riddance.
I always wear perfume in formal settings, what does it have to do with whoredom? >:|
Anon is just trying to get women to not wear perfume so he can get a free sniff of their natural body odor and them jerk off to it. Do not fall for it.
[Semi-effortpost that gets 0 replies]
Ddlg and size difference kinks
>Japanese people are correct in hating perfume
They're so weird about sex shit but I love the dedication to cleanliness and politeness but the politeness thing does go too far.
I have my advair and I'm nowhere near you I'm fine. I just hate you now.
Okay now that doesn't make sense even to me.
I can't jerk off to anything that isn't explicitly sexual
I'll do worse and brap in his general direction
Better stay in your hypoallergenic bedroom forever.
NTA but you really do not want to ask questions like this on here. So many guys here have maybe seen one or two girls naked in real life, if that, other than that it's an endless stream of porn where (especially for pics that focus on the breasts) women are specifically selected for having more aesthetic than average breasts.

Irl it is extremely, extremely common to have breasts that do not look like the "more or less symmetrical, perky, round boobs with small aerolas and pink nipples" that you see literally everywhere online. Those women themselves form the niche, the exception. Some women have had saggy breasts from the moment they grew in. Some women have conical (cone-shaped) breasts that are pointy rather than round(ed). Almost all women who have been pregnant have breasts that are less firm and hang lower (and sometimes have stretch marks) compared to what they used to be like.

Plus please do not forget that it is super, super easy to make breasts look perfect for a picture or whatever. I'm 31 and while my breasts are lower than they used to be, and were naturally low on my chest in terms of where they start/sit, they are still quite round and full on the underside and I have pretty nipples. If I take a picture with my arms up in the air/behind my head or if I cup them in my hands, they can easily look suuuper perky and just what you conventionally want to see. Yet I guarantee you if I posted a shot in natural lighting of my breasts (not cold, just relaxed) from afar with my arms limp, most of the young guys here would go "ewww mommy tits" and I don't even have kids yet.

I strongly recommend for you to visit a nude sauna or nude beach at some point and realize by far most of the women you see have partners or at least have had a full sex life. Men are attracted a lot more to tits that are literally dangling in front of them than when it's a picture or video.
>I’m a retard and will voluntarily remove myself from your life
Thank you?
Moid hands
Body odor is explicitly sexual.
Oh no
>because they know you are involved
It's more apt to say that I'm the one who figured out something was fucky and when I told management about it (because it wasn't something I could fix), I was then told "find out how this happened and who did it"
Basically, I'm good at my job and they know I can't go against them because I'm a goody2shoes who wants that promotion
Also literally every office environment is like this.
Am I wrong in feeling it's very much a show when a woman is very vocal about "my boyfriend only" "other men are total trash"? It just sounds like she's trying to sound loyal and nothing else.
when people yell at me or when I feel cornered/in danger
This all sounds so fucking immature, kek
Thanks for reminding me to never work in an office.
What the fuck anon. You guys have to be messing with me this is a guy.

I respond to ONE post that speaks about breasts like mine in a positive way and everybody jumps down my throat with "stop being insecure, just relax you're fine the way you are uwu" like holy shit you guys is this projection or something? I do not hate my boobs, but as you have seen they are not everyone's favorite so I take a win where I can get one. Please chill out and save the encouragement for the anon I made cry by being confused he clearly needs it more.
Call it what you want, a lot of women feel this way. Even if you think it’s stupid, it’s the key to understanding their actions.
>Body odor is explicitly sexual.
I want you to think of this around the next BO stinking fatso you meet
Girls what do guys do that makes you go "haha, what a cool guy" later on in the day
Yeah that is very cringe and a red flag. Means that if you ever dare to get on her wrong side as her bf, you are done for. She also sounds miserable. I love my bf but he is only human and has flaws and shortcomings too. Like every other man. I just already found the one i like the most.
The underlying arrogance behind this is what really makes it tiresome.
The post helped me so I’m glad she posted it, always remember the lurkers
Keep that to yourself, then. Negativity spreads, and I don't get it. What did you expect to gain from expressing a negative opinion about your own body if you didn't want people to encourage you? Did you want people to join you and criticize your areolas? Did you want other girls with big areolas to feel bad too?

Then you get mad at people for daring to tell you not to feel bad about them. What are you trying to do?
Standing inside a walk-in freezer
Seethe, the one girl I've seen naked and had sex with has the best tits I've ever seen, irl or otherwise.
Which is why it is so disgusting if you have to smell it from someone you do not want to smell it and that smells bad. Kind of like if someone flopped their unwashed and disgusting dick in your face against your will. It is a dick, sure, but it will disgust me, not arouse me. But it is still distinctly sexual. Whereas the dick of the right guy at the right time can be insanely hot. Same with body odor.
i already smell like something a bit. i smell like salt and oranges from my soap and the ocean. it definitely doesn't overpower my normal body smell though. but i mean, i am not going to worry about it too much. people stare at my body, what's one more breach of personal boundaries i can't do shit about right?
>Did you want other girls with big areolas to feel bad too?
It's this one since she's originally shitting on the girl with big areolas.
a fun, laid back personality
it's usually the guy who talks to a lot of people but doesn't really let it get to his head. it's a guy who actively wants to listen to you and lets you speak, then cracks a joke after it.
it's also a guy who usually is taking care of things, and other people, and knows about people's needs.
>seethe, I agree with you
Of me feeling like my authentic self is worth protecting? So be it.
Yup. You are mad but also correct.
This isn't fair
>conflating the "dick of a guy i'm not interested in" with a fat smelly greasy hobo
Holy mental gynmastics.
But nobody likes big areolas. They look creepy.
Both are intimate experiences that are only pleasant if it is with someone you want to be this intimate.
I have a question
don't our areolas get big from having kids and breastfeeding anyway?
Protecting from what? Are others (let's be honest, you mean filthy men) so beneath you that they damage your delicate authentic self just be seeing you?
I like them personally
Kek, to be fair I just came into the thread and did not follow the whole response, but my post was specifically triggered by the one I quoted where you said that 1 in 4 here had a bad reaction and I just wanted to reiterate that most guys posting here have a very specific frame of reference.

I definitely think of the lurkers too, happy to hear it.
No that is not how they work.
NTA but I don't want filthy man to perceive me no. I'm not some sort of charity
How far into it are you? Taboo level?
big areolas are good on big tits.
Spreading the hate.
I can respect that.
Yes. I am not a free prostitute for them to get sexual satisfaction from.
Yep that's how it tends to be, luckily. I rejoice rather than seething.
O: there's hope for me then, based
>anon feels like his body is worthless, therefore even the smallest amount of confidence looks like arrogance
Why do so many men ITT seem to hate themselves? Nearly every time they lash out at women, they’re really expressing their self-hatred. They often just stubbornly insist that men can’t possibly be attractive. It’s hard to read. I wish you’d think more positively.
Makes sense, bullies get annoyed when anyone opposes them
you're sounding too goofy to make me horny, sorry anon-kun
>anon feels like his body is worthless, therefore even the smallest amount of confidence looks like arrogance
Nothing I said indicated this, lmao
No, people responding to you is not "lashing out" at you.

>I wish you’d think more positively.
You are inundated with so much attention you want to swat men away like flies.
Males here can still remember the one time a woman complimented them.
You are not filthy, anon. You have value.
kek, is that why she made the dude cry?
They are scared of women being protective of themselves and their sexuality because so far they have been getting by by the women that were not protective enough of themselves. The ones that dress revealingly, do porn, sleep around and so on. They are the dogs that licked the scraps off the floor under the table and ofc they will get mad if the people dining at the table are realizing that they are feeding the sewer rats for free and it takes away from their own portion.
They can get bigger but that's not necessary. I think most of the time this happens is when they get bigger (and especially if they get bigger and then smaller again) which can happen because of pregnancy but also when gaining and losing weight.

Again though like with other things it will depend on the person.
men get called misogynists for far, far less than this
>le bait XDD
don't care
Men assume the majority of women have perfect bodies, then get angry when we’re insecure about our actual bodies.
Who /nipple hair/ here?
Not my problem.
It's the BPD girl, she's back to ramble for hours and hours.
for what? not wanting ugly women to look at them? This is normal.

I see I see
You are loved.
Yeah pretty much, reminds me of the
>all you need to do to be a 10 as a woman is not be fat
posts that show they don't realize some women just naturally have no waist or hips or whatever, not even going into the face yet...

I try to be without nipple hair but there's always the one that only catches the light when there's no tweezers around it seems.
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Men, is this true?
I have some loose nipple hairs! Not very fun >:(
>running away and changing subject at the slightest disagreement
Atogasisters, we won!
Waiting for a new frontier.
taboo level as in what? dirty talk?
sure but not where polite folks would see/hear
Sure, I'd be dead within a week, but sounds like fun.
Yes, I crave adventure.
not a man but absolutely. fuck yes.
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>you were born too late to see all your male family members head west to strike it rich in the gold rush, only to die of exposure in the mountains, leaving you no choice but to become an independent woman and learn the trades to support yourself
I recognize you, Why aren't we friends.
kek @ the gaul hanging himself
Do not make me take another nap.
I tried to visit you, did you see me?
I'm glad it helped and I'm not mad about the content I'm just so confused as to why it's directed at me
Literally where did I express a negative opinion THIS >>31582764 was my post. Neutral to mild surprise at best. Everybody chill the fuck out.
Oh okay so you were missing context I got you. The 1/4 comment was more directed to that specific anon because he was being all weird about being insecure about my boobs. I'm not insecure I know exactly what my boobs are and am fine with them. You don't have to think something is beautiful to be self assured about it you know what I mean? You can just be.
I wish I could find a woman that treats me well
Men, why do women hate us so much?
Es ist vorbei.
No. But i did have a weird af dream. I just can not remember. Thankfully. What did you do??
I wish I could find a woman that doesn't disgust me by the way she talks about men.
They hate themselves more, and they hate other women the most.
Yeah I think the post was a misfire, but it was a really helpful one. All boobs are beautiful. No homo.
We deserve it desu.
Hatred starts in the soul and escapes outward.
>What did you do??
I don't remember, but I have a headache and am weirdly sentimental. I'm going to assume we had a romantic time together.
Because they know they need us on a spiritual level.
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Wdym? Men can be cute.
Is this really what women fantasize about? All the men dying?
I can't believe she's is a women hating bully...
I feel violated. Another reason to avoid ((friends)).
I dont hate woman i hate myself
>Stendhal: "In France men who have lost their wives are sad, while widows on the contrary are gay and happy. Women have a proverb about the felicity of widowhood. There is therefore no equality in the contract of marriage."
Women will never love men the way men love women.
I'm sure nothing happened, we were just friendly friends doing friend things.
It’s exaggerated, but sometimes I feel like men rush to help me a little too much. The gilded cage is real.
Women thinking their bodies are “just fine” isn’t enough for men who think about them 24/7, so they take it personally when you don’t proclaim yourself a goddess
>tfw apathy towards women works
>THIS >>31582764 was my post. Neutral to mild surprise at best
That's clearly a "*scoff* you like THAT, wooow" post.
It does. I greatly appreciate being treated like a competent adult, not a child. Let me succeed or fail on my own merits.
Too risky.
Women say this but then ignore us when we tell them that we're ok with whichever flaw is being discussed.
Yeah, I was still reading up in reverse order when the 1 in 4 made me not follow it up. I assumed your initial question was about insecurity so that was just misunderstanding.

>You don't have to think something is beautiful to be self assured about it you know what I mean? You can just be.
I hear you and fully agree. If anything, feeling pressure to celebrate every individual part of yourself is also at the end of the day just more pressure and expectations still. Our bodies are pretty marvellous already for what they can do.
>I greatly appreciate being treated like a competent adult
I find that refreshing. I hate when women like being treated like little girls. A lot.
I guess we can't be friends...
it's just so dark here... I can't see... and now I'm all alone...
nta but I read it as fairly neutral comparison
Women don’t actually compare areola size… right?
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You had your chance.
I mean I know what my friends’ areolae look like from sleepovers, but never once have I wished they were bigger or smaller, it never occurred to me that men would have a preference there too
To translate
>Those are good?
I think those are ugly.
>she's got even more areola real estate than me.
Her tits are even uglier than mine, due to the big areolas, which I'm insecure about
>They look bigger though.
I'm insecure about my tit size also, which is why I think big boobs is a positive.
I did not consider this angle.
Projection anon. Try saying it with a positive/casual tone. Woah it's fixed!
Not like, with each other lol.
Oh sweet summer child. Men have a preference for every millimeter of your body.
If you have to ask, you aren't there yet
No, but all men are tempted by it.
A chance for a real masculine life and the chance to build something
>I know what my friends’ areolae look like from sleepovers
I beg your pardon?

The one who died in 1842? Back when women had pretty little to say about who they got married to? Back when being a widow probably gave you more freedom of movement than being a housewife? Whereas for a man it meant you had to find someone else to run the household and look after your kids?

Marriage meant a completely different thing back then compared to now. I have never read any work from Stendhal specifically but reading any older writer will get it across...
you make it sound so ominous
I'm less concerned with the moral quandries of my sexual fantasies at this point, its more just I worry guys find it cringe
>Projection anon. Try saying it with a positive/casual tone. Woah it's fixed!
Casual tone, sure, but positive? Not possible.

It would be like an old guy going up to a grown woman and saying, "Awww, you're adorable, aren't you just the cutest little princess." The tone is casual and sounds positive, yet the undertone and intention are condescending and negative.

She's judging her body using the same negative lens she uses to judge her own, which means she also views her negatively.
Ah okay, I suppose insecurity is in the eye of the beholder, I read it the same as someone appraising a house and noticing that the walls have larger trim than average

Yeah, it’s the same reason men here are heartbroken when we say “boobs are nothing special”, it’s like telling a child that Santa isn’t real
No fuck that, being sweaty is gross and I'll ruin my nails
It was me. I know my own tone. Think "conversational" like "oh you like that flavor of chips? I have some of those, smaller bag though". I wanted to engage with a person who said they liked boobs like mine will you PLEASE chill out.
>She's judging her body using the same negative lens she uses to judge her own, which means she also views her negatively.
This is a very important point men need to remember, lol. Never EVER date insecure girls because they will hate you and judge you doubly harsh.
Everyone please migrate to the new thread because the existence of two threads is pissing me off
Summerfags never learn...
>The one who died in 1842? Back when women had pretty little to say
Is this really your line of argumentation? Are you genuinely trying to use "he lived in the 19th century" as a grounds for dismissal?
>I have never read any work from Stendhal specifically
Yeah and you clearly understand fuck all about the past either.
I cannot hear a woman refer to anything before like 1980 without being astounded and extremely disappointed in her.
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>ruin my nails
How metrosexual of you.
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What’s the male version of this?
>I know my own tone.
How you think you've said something isn't how you actually sound.
As If I didn't need more reasons to avoid insecure women.
you will survive the great decline of male population on the frontier, giving you vastly increased choosing power and effectively letting you pick any woman you want
I would probably just end up getting raped by some buff gay chad returning from war desu
Sometimes I wonder if men wouldn't be seen as disposable trash if the sex ratio was skewed more in favor of women
>only my interpretation is correct
>Are you genuinely trying to use "he lived in the 19th century" as a grounds for dismissal?
In this case, yes. If it was about the quality of his art or some philosophical argument, I would agree it is or at least can be irrelevant when he lived. But you are literally using his firsthand observations about people living in his society and time to say something truthful about female nature. In this specific regard, marriage and what that means in a woman's life, the times have changed a lot.
That is what you are implying, yes.
I'm right here to explain what I meant it doesn't matter how it sounded? It wasn't an insult directed at someone who's feelings I hurt I was trying to stay a fucking conversation. What is wrong with you? In what way did I trigger you?
this isn’t how “death of the author” works
The negative lens thing is real
We’ve reached a new level of mansplaining, insisting that he knows better than the woman who wrote the post lmao
You people need a mimosa and a viagra.
Your argument (though it fails to sufficiently take into account how society actually was structured back then) rests on the argument that it's different because women "needed" men, yet women in first world societies perfectly capable of earning their own money still look to men out of need just as much.
>that's just an anecdote!
Is there even any way I can explain how dumb this is of a dismissal? It'd be like trying to teach poetry to an autistic person who plays with rubiks cubes all day.
Don't bite the bait
I’ve accepted that Santa isn’t real, but I will fight to the death for my belief that boobs are amazing.
if men are the competitive ones then how come women are always at odd with one another? Maybe girls wouldn't fight as much if they had external competition like a sport. Have you girls considered picking up pickleball?
And let my enemies see me sweat? Let MEN see me sweat? Tempting, but the cost is too great.
It’s because women fights typically don’t have many consequences. I’ve seen lots of people fight, when women fight there’s usually no knockout or broken ribs
>when women fight there’s usually no knockout or broken ribs
Just eating disorders, and self mutilation, suicides.
Why do women call it settling to date in their league?
We don’t.
They REALLY do

I'll take 3 mimosas and pass on the viagra if you don't mind.
I don't think that would make a difference? Besides the overly nasty fighting is mostly a teenage problem.

When women fight it's because of a social issue most of the time not something concrete that you can just punch someone over and get it over with.
>(though it fails to sufficiently take into account how society actually was structured back then)
True, because I lack the specific knowledge. You can fill me in if you want. But reading Jane Austen, Stefan Zweig or S.Y. Agnon also gives you a good idea, and even still more recent.

Again though if you want to explain that in the late 18th or early 19th century a French woman could easily pick her own marriage partner freely based on her own priorities, or that she could get divorced if she wanted, or that marital rape was acknowledged as a thing that could exist, please do.

Also of course it is not just an anecdote, I am sure it had real sociological and illustrative insight at the time. However again marriage is a very specific social construct that has gotten a very different meaning over time and his remarks specifically consider the happiness of women being married vs being widowed, in comparison to men.

Chill out, I am a big poetry lover, just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm an uncultured retard.
Oh, I thought we were talking about physical fights. Yeah, that’s real. Bulimia isn’t fun from my experience
You think those come from fights? Are you saying I can hit another girl so hard that she becomes anorexic??
Is that JH? I didn’t realize she was a bully
Settling is marrying a man with no penis who is rude to you for no reason
Not a 5/10 with a decent job who lacks visible abs but is a good boyfriend.
JH is so damn hot it hurts.
It's because we have a lot of social pressure to NOT compete. Like teenage guys will "jokingly but seriously" point out each other's flaws. If a girl's friend says "I really wish I had your clear skin" she's definitely not supposed to say "thanks, I'm so happy with it", she has to say "noooo you are perfect I wish I had your figure and my skin is the worst".

Of course, like all people, women still very much compare and it is always the people that are closest to you that you will compare yourself most naturally to, your fellow women in this case. So all the competitive spirit that cannot just exist freely is channeled into passive aggressiveness.

Obviously some grow out of this fine and yes, sports actually can help with becoming better at letting out emotions like competitiveness or anger in a healthy way.
She’s on her period.

And sexually frustrated
no, but she’s openly admitted she used to be one in school
She's an evil bitch, damn, hate bullies.
Should I keep perusing women or just work on myself?
Can men wear tennis bracelets or is that too zesty?
>not just responding to every compliment with “yes, I know”
Are there no alpha females here?
JH knows better than to attempt to bully /atoga/.
>True, because I lack the specific knowledge.

>Again though if you want to explain that in the late 18th or early 19th century a French woman could easily pick her own marriage partner freely based on her own priorities
This is not how people thought and behaved in the 18th and 19th century - life was not a free for all organized around your "own priorities". It might not be relevant to you but this way of thinking is why society is going down the toilet.
The implicit assumption is always that men were enjoying a life of completely freedom, doing whatever they wanted while women were chained to a hearth their whole lives. It's incredibly insulting that so many people just accept this as true for some reason.

>Chill out, I am a big poetry lover, just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm an uncultured retard.
I was neither calling you a retard or claiming you didn't understand poetry with that remark.

Quick question - are you Swiss?
Of course not, She's way too sexy to be acting like that.
Ugh, the only reason I'm attracted to this they-dy is because he's just a minorly chubby white guy and I want peg and get ugly bastarded by him.
Men, have you noticed your type of woman change recently?
>True, because I lack the specific knowledge.
I think what you, and what a significant amount of women lack is any desire, care or interest in the world before your own time. You're not stupid, you just never see it as important and you live in the present.
This has it's merits, but it makes it exceedingly difficult to engage with you in certain types of discussion.
They say thank you.
I suppose? I'm more attracted to tall girls than I was in the past
>The implicit assumption is always that men were enjoying a life of completely freedom, doing whatever they wanted while women were chained to a hearth their whole lives.
I am aware that this is not true and that for by far most men, life was difficult and challenging and married life was not much different.

However, again, when you specifically talk about the institute of marriage, men do typically have more freedom in that they tend to have more to say about their prospective partner, simply because the woman's marriage partner would have a bigger impact on her standard of living which means her aging parents' standard of living which means the parents of the bride have a much bigger motive to put pressure on her if she is reluctant to marry a great party that would provide stability for the family.

Then there is the issue that marital rape, stuff like women being expected to follow their partner in every religious teaching (or "accept them as head of the household in place of God" = never disagree with him) and stuff like hitting a woman if she caused you too much anger/hurt, were not widely seen as problematic, let alone as crimes, the way they are today.

Of course, there were many men who tried to make the most of it and were in their own ways good partners for the circumstances. But that's the last and important point, that if a guy -wanted- to control his partner, society offered every possible tool for it and people would not quickly notice red flags.

That's my bad then, I thought you took the poetry comparison specifically to highlight that you felt I lacked cultural sensitivity.

I'm not Swiss!

I will readily admit that I have never been a history nerd and I don't have the best mind for it, either, chronologies always remained abstract in my head and I don't love historical non-fiction that just lists lots of stats (that, again, don't really speak to me).

Post too long..
what compels people to invent these scenarios? and why post them?
However I do enjoy reading older novels specifically to in my own way get an idea of what it was like to be a human in a completely different time period. I specifically really enjoyed Zweig's The World of Yesterday for that reason, it was full of vivid everyday detail that show both how similar and how dissimilar it was. Or Alice Munro, who is not even long dead but I guess because all her stories focus on countryside life and people with little means, to me those stories from the forties and fifties absolutely show another world too.

My favorite detail I remember is when I was a kid I was always strident about hating money-hungry characters like Ebenezer Scrooge, but then when I read Sense and Sensibility or Wuthering Heights and you realize just how easy it was to die young from the consequences of a bad cold or whatever if you were poor and lived a harsh life, that definitely sheds another light on people that were extremely money-driven and makes you realize how unfair it is to look with modern eyes.

Basically I will never argue I am knowledgeable historically in general but I absolutely have a big interest and do enjoy getting glimpses.
My life and mental state.
Reasonable and historiographypilled.
Not involved in this discussion in the slightest just wanted to shout out the little house on the prairie series.
Stop simping for Swissanon.
>a bigger impact on her standard of living
I'm trying to point to the fact that society back then was organized far more by a rigid class system than today.
You're generalizing about marriage and the workload within marriage like a wealthy woman even did her own housework.

The following paragraphs are far too speculative for me to go through and refute. A lot of the things you are claiming come from you imagining yourself, in a vacuum, teleported 200 years ago. Chances are you would not have been agnostic or an atheist, you would have lived a totally different life to what you have today.

>That's my bad then, I thought you took the poetry comparison specifically to highlight that you felt I lacked cultural sensitivity.
It was a rather crude way of trying to tell you that the main flaw is in HOW you approach this topic and think about it rather than just how much knowledge you've accrued.

You're Lusophone aren't you?
Hopefully people don’t take “women used to be property” literally, since it’s not entirely true, but like >>31583486 says, it’s not entirely false either. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to get people to think further than a catchphrase.
Ooh thanks, I never got into those because they always seemed sentimental to me but now that you mention them, I remember my sister loved them and I do value her taste highly so I will check them out!
Tennis has some of the hottest male athletes, I say go for it
I view all the moids here as hapless simps and all the foids are succubi reigning from their thrones of hell.
which one are you?
They are a bit sentimental I suppose but as little girl I thought they were the most fascinating thing ever. I wanted a dirt house like they made in "on the banks of plum Creek", and I wanted to wear bustle skirts and eat hard candies while my gentleman suitor pulls me in a sleigh lol.
I am a schizophrenic that resides on Most High, protected by the light of the Lord. I look over all of you in compassionate disdain.
Dead monday thread.
ok, just don’t look down my shirt from up there please
>and makes you realize how unfair it is to look with modern eyes.
This is a step in the right approach, yes
It's just silly to look at "wow that would have SUCKED to be a woman in 1802!!" devoid of the context of the average person's life, which was completely different to us.
Few people really understand what it would have been like to live a totally agrarian life, without modern medicine and police, where your family and community is your biggest source of protection, where most crime could never be feasibly punished etc.
Don't worry, I have a special angel made just for me. She is perfect. Continue your feeding.
>You're generalizing about marriage and the workload within marriage like a wealthy woman even did her own housework.
Most people are not wealthy and inventions like the washing machine, dishwasher and more than anything else the easy cooking (even apart from microwave meals or whatever, a lot of the vegetables we eat today were grown for years and years and years to be as edible as possible and used to need to be cooked endlessly to soften or lose their bitterness) etc cut down hugely on the work load that used to exist. It's not for nothing that it was such a cliche for the eldest daughter to look after the household or her brothers and sisters, it was simply because it was too much work for one person or too much work for the mother and some basic aid.

>from you imagining yourself
No, as I said it just comes from reading and the general picture (generalized, yes, because I am no expert so it's generalized or nothing) as I understood it.

That means nothing to me man, no.
>No, as I said it just comes from reading and the general picture (generalized, yes, because I am no expert so it's generalized or nothing) as I understood it.
If you never step outside your own values and feelings, what's the difference?
I can feel my own inner little girl getting activated, really anything that could be described as "poverty" also seemed super cozy to me at the time, like all sitting on the floor together, forever warming your hands etc.
Wife blocked all porn so now I have to masturbate to yoga clothing hauls on YouTube
...I mean, if I can enjoy reading a drawn-out novel specifically about someone with completely different expectations and desires for life than I do, I'm already stepping outside of my own head for a bit right?
>Most people are not wealthy
what time period are you talking about?
>Quick question - are you Swiss?
>You're Lusophone aren't you?
Quit being so fucking creepy for fuck's sake.
holy fuck average married cuck lmao
I'm suspecting them of being two particular anons, based on their posting style.
And I fucking hate the swiss.
Sure, but context can only excuse so much. Saying “if you had grown up back then, you’d think everything was great!” is kind of missing the point. Is that what you’re saying? I may have read it wrong.
While it’s interesting to consider what life would have been like in that era, people tend to focus on the modern end, going for the simple comparison of “wow, I’m glad things are the way they are now!”

Surely you aren’t saying that unless you’re an expert, all your knowledge on a topic might as well be made up?

Oh me too. “The Little Match Girl” is one of my faves, even though it’s depressing.
It really hinders my ability to take them seriously, which may have been a mistake from the start…
Stop simping degenerate. Just fap to her old nudes and move on.
>I'm suspecting them of being two particular anons
I don't care.
What you do is really fucking weird.
If you think I'm attracted to any of these people you are retarded.
>brings up brazilian author
>is this that portuguese anon?
so creepy
Oh ffs so I need to get specific anyway. From the top of my head the authors I remember reading that impacted my understanding of these matters range from Jane Austen (1775-1817) to Alice Munro (1931-2024).

In between are a.o. Nikolaj Gogol, Chekhov, David Vogel, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Emily Brontë, Guy de Maupassant, Emmauel Bove and I'm currently just at the start of my first Dickens. In no novel or story from any of those have I ever come across any other assertion than that naturally life was hard for most people and it was the exception for people to be able to afford luxuries or have serious savings. It was just hard or you were "comfortable" in that you could meet all your obligations, pay your bill, have a little left in case of emergencies. I am sure there was some period between 1775 and 1950 in some place where the brunt of people could live luxuriously, but I have not come across it other than as detailed from a specific (small) upper class scene.
>It really hinders my ability to take them seriously,
Lesson learned, I should have asked you if you were an ESL outright instead.
It's really weird how you just tried to change the statement to "oh haha, I was just asking because of the author haha".
Also shamefully forgot Tove Ditlevsen (born 1917 in Denmark, so not a bad part of the world exactly and relatively recent) who describes having such a small home as a child that there was no place for her parents to send them to if they wanted to have sex, no privacy at all. Hard to say with certainty but the way she wrote it also makes it seem like this might be extreme, but not exactly unheard of for poor kids.
Most of the namefag stalking ITT is motivated by a crush, so it’s not unreasonable to guess that’s your motivation too.
Based on the number of views on breastfeeding videos I would say men are jacking off to those too
For me, it’s videos of petite Asian women swallowing gummy worms without closing their mouths.
Because you're a troll, and I see your deleted troll posts, anything I say will be twisted like that.
If I had a crush on this person, I absolutely wouldn't be having this kind of argument with them.
She made me think of two specific posters I can't personally cannot stand. One is sw*ss, (coincidentally the place with the highest concentration of awful posters), the other speaks portuguese. She's a bit too pleasant to be either of them though.
Yeah keep lying on the basket weaving forum, you have a lot to lose.
Has Australia finally lost the throne of having the worst posters? Wow
JH moment.
Idk bro your posts sound mega corny and simpy.
I feel like this is bad for normal women somehow, but I can’t articulate why :/
Because men being attracted to women is... LE BAD
Every new porn scenario makes it harder for men to function in the real world.

Everything in moderation.
I mean if you really want her bud, you can have her
I need to hold a woman so she can’t move and make out with her
My dreams and irl sex are way better than porn.
Not really into online sluts, thanks.
You’d have to lift me up to get my lips close enough to yours, and that puts my feet in perfect testicle-kicking position.
I remember when the ‘Slut’ meme used to mean something.
You can’t say that girls who indiscriminately show off their tits, online of all places, aren’t sluts.
I’m not gonna do it to a woman that doesn’t like me. Ideally she’s sitting on my lap facing me and I wrap my arms around her
it’s weirdly hilarious that I might be taking an anon seriously, when they’re actually a tiny woman in reality, seeking the respect here that she’s denied in real life
Posting them anonymously isn’t a factor? To me, a slut wants to be publicly known as a slut, so posting anonymous images doesn’t count.
So basically I need to be more rude to women online or I'm a simp?
Ok that does sound comfier. Your balls are safe, for now.

Yes, but don’t do it too much to one particular girl, or else you’re a simp for following her around.
How small are you? I don’t want to have to crane my neck to kiss you
So crazy. I wish short women were real.

I’m 4’11……… if I’m on your lap, can’t you boost me up with your legs?
Not really. Sluts are like mad men, they move in silence. Haven’t had a lot of sluts, huh.
I can boost you a little if you aren’t trying to attack my balls
it used to, but men have broadened it to any woman enjoying sex or her body in any scenario
It’s a deal. I like you in this scenario, so that wouldn’t be happening anyway.
I was thinking I hold your arms behind you with one hand while the other is placed on the back of your head pulling it into my kisses on your lips and neck
I can’t have one hand free to rub your chest or legs? Aww…
No, kisses only. You’re mine to kiss and hold
When you say you want something serious, can it sometimes mean something casual, but you don't want to look slutty?

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