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Previously on ATOGA >>31670331
Bedtime Story Edition
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
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How fat is the wallet?
>going on a date with a woman
>her dating profile says she wears an M cup
What am in for?
the wallet is anorexic
I am way too horny for my own good.
A fat bitch.
A series of unfortunate events.
Rome or Germania?
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>dating and save your virginity for someone special. Sex isn't that important.
Thanks anon this honestly really reassured me buddy
"The wide-ranging report by the NPCC and College of Policing published on Tuesday said violence against women and girls had reached "epidemic" levels.

The report estimated that one in 20 adults - or 2.3 million people - were perpetrators of violence against women and girls every year."

Tell me why I should feel safe to leave my house as a girl in the UK without being fearful every second. I'm so close to going full neet. But I'd hate that and get depressed too
Lol, she actually looks healthy in her pictures
I’ll protect you govnah.
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Damn she is good.
Why did you let so many Muslims in?
>In theory
Holy shit...
tfw you are /fit/ and make a lot of money. But can't get a girlfriend because you don't have the personality for it
are you short?
You voted for this by letting in non whites into the UK, sorry soon they will break into your home and no one will stop them.
Do you live in a relatively safe area? Do you have friends/family you can go out with? I think so long as you go out in the daytime and stick to populated areas the probability of getting randomly attacked is relatively slim. Worst case scenario if you get mugged just hand over your stuff, not worth getting into an altercation (most muggers these days will not keep your phone anyway). I presume that most of those statistics are abuse on partners/relatives, sadly
Do you have a job or go to school?
You can always do food shop online or I'll walk with you to Sainsbury's lass
>that kiss at the end of yesterday's episode
i'm average height for a man. Not short or tall. Women will smile at me and talk to me on their own. But I can't get a gf because I don't have the personality for it
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Auslander raus, auslander raus...
Tfw you're unfit, poor, and also have a shit personality
Ikr so romantic.
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Then get it.
you mean you're shy/anxious? kinda makes sense since those are feminine traits.
I like the brown girl's accent too
life doesn't work like that
How do you find an extremely passionate gf that will slash your tires or throw stones at your windows 2am? It sounds wholesome and romantic
I just want one thattl initiate occasionally :\
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The loony bin.
Some women are incredible in theory.
Tht succcs
>refuses to say his height
short confirmed
>somewhere in the world, a woman is masturbating rn
I am very aware.
You are a loser!
Where's this "loony bin" anonette?
Neuro? She's in Canada
My bedroom.
Do you ever flirt and banter? Do you ever ask them out?
A lot of girls will just assume you're not interested if you don't reciprocate their advances and escalate a bit
>Do you live in a relatively safe area?
I literally just finished uni and am trying to look for a job but it's tough. Spending most of my days applying for jobs and then the remainder just playing games or watching anime. Not really the life I want and it's already starting to feel a bit depressing but I'll get out of this rut.
>Do you live in a relatively safe area? Do you have friends/family you can go out with?
I'm back at home ATM and not really. I have no choice but to apply for jobs in big cities also since that's where most of the jobs are for my field. Just another consequence of this cursed country. Also yeah when I go places I usually try and go with people, but I have no reason to really leave the house ATM so I just haven't really left the house for like 2 months other than for walks to stay sane. Cause I'm at home ATM my mum takes care of the shopping so I don't need to
5ft 11
yeah. i have the ability to talk to girls, but i know I could not hold a gf. It would fail. I just don't have the personality that girls would want as a boyfriend. I also don't think I could handle having a girl all of a sudden involved in my life everyday.
Why should they not?
Some women are even exceptional at making themselves look incredible in theory.
Like they have this persona that they know attracts, while being very anxious and avoidant as soon as you show genuine interest.
I'm not sure exactly how to describe it, but maybe you get the gist of it.
King of manlets
What show?
My countryman :,)
>bf that leaves me alone
Sounds like low confidence, they think their real self is boring/too much/bad, so they avoid showing their real self.
>Do you ever flirt and banter?
sometimes, to a degree. I work with A LOT of different women every single day. Most of the time it's new women i've never even met before. Sometimes i'll work with ones who i have worked with before, and its not uncommon they will act excited to see me.
>Do you ever ask them out?
no, never
braindead normie women hours, peace
but you're also not a normal girl. You're on 4channel. So something is clearly wrong with you. That is the difference.
That is part of it, yes.
I think more precisely it is women who only have confidence in negativity. Like they have confidence in pretending to be confident and being edgy, or downtalking others online.
But when you get to know them on a personal level, they are fragile and insecure. It's a front they put up.
This nofap shit is getting to me.
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Hehe yeah could not be me hehe
Are the lesbo twins here? Have you ever been close to getting caught?
>2 months in
Blue balls like you wouldn't believe
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Highschool Of The Dead has been finished forever
yep. for me personally it's kind of different. i have this "cool" and aloof persona that i try to have because truthfully i'm insecure about my real personality, being easily excitable and having kinda bad social skills. trying to be le cool and mysterious is a cope for that.
I’m on day 3 and I literally want to fuck every woman I see.
Keep up the fight, anon. It's worth it
I am also on 4channel. Which is why I do not have the personality to be a boyfriend. Girls may show interest in me, but they don't really know me.
>literally just finished uni and am trying to look for a job but it's tough
Oh yeah it js that time of year
Congrats on finishing uni! What was your course?
Dw that depressed feeling when you finish something big/long term and are suddenly in limbo is actually very normal. But be patient and I'm sure you'll find something
>big cities also since that's where most of the jobs are for my field
Yeah that's annoying but there are plenty of people on the commute so if something does happen then hopefully somebody can step in
See it, say it, sorted innit
Also once you get going in a job you may be able to find colleagues who take a similar route to work, or work at least partly remote
>haven't really left the house for like 2 months other than for walks to stay sane. Cause I'm at home ATM my mum takes care of the shopping so I don't need to
Sounds comfy desu
I also never leave the house on my own except to go shops/walks desu. I think if you go in daytime and stay in populated areas you should be alright. You can always carry a rape alarm, there are some tips here for other self-defence items you can legally carry lol https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide/comments/125w1oz/legal_self_defense_items_uk/?rdt=53316
Tfw no sexually frustrated /atoga/ bf
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Maybe they'd like that.
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Are you guys impatiens glandulifera?
Because a gist of wind could make you burst.
Bin that knoif
You mean why do girls sometimes assume you're not interested?
Because most guys are horny bastards so by comparison you look uninterested/gay if you don't make the effort to flirt
Idk this is what I'm told by female friends at least
State gender
Thoughts on Lavrentiy Beria?
Please, I’m on the verge of tears.
I hate when people are like this, just be sincere. Who cares if people judge you! I can't imagine not being real. Maybe it's because I was bullied a little for being myself when I was 12-15, I just got used to being authentic being my only choice. It scares people when you are real. But it only scares off the fake people. People who love authenticity will love you and you'll inspire them
I'm coitus nonexistentcus
My bf is really into him and sometimes uses him as profile picture
>to a degree
>no, never
That is probably your main "issue" then. Chances are some of those women would be up for a date/Netflix and chill
I was like you but eventually I tried to get over my fears a bit and ask some girls for their numbers/out and was like what the hell some girls actually say yes
This is getting closer to sexual rage than frustration
>Bin that knoif
Man can't be caught lacking
What is bro wearing
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Bolshevik af.
No it’s frustration. I’m doing it for myself not because I can’t get pussy.
yeah I guess it's just me genuinely believing that some kinds of personalities are objectively worse than others, and finding my natural personality to belong to that group. I wish I naturally had a very chill kind of personality. not anxious and easily excitable. I know I can't change it of course though.
This reminds me of Historical Art Memes lol
>Chances are some of those women would be up for a date/Netflix and chill
that is retarded. I'm not doing that. How does that improve my life at all?
No, why should they not assume you are not interested if you act disinterested.
even better
Nta empty balls?
Because you get to FUCK you mook!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro you were lamenting not being able to get a girlfriend because of your personality. But now you're asking how going on a date would improve your life? Are we having the same convo?
I'm talking from experience with my ex, I'm sorry if it's a sore spot for you.
Feel free to ignore me, if it hits too close to home.

I think it's kinda ok to want to have this persona. Basically thinking this is some kind of "Ultimate Me", what you think a strong women would be even maybe. Sorry if it sounds too clichée...
The problem seems to emerge whenever you get too close and the girl needs to communicate with somebody in a real way. That works out fine as long as you are on the same wavelength, but when there is potential for conflict, she doesn't know how to handle that in an intimate way, so she becomes avoidant. She doesn't know how to clearly communicate issues with somebody who she has been vulnerable with. At the same time, she doesn't want to be that cool/edgy persona to this person she actually cares about, because she thinks that would just hurt him. She never learned how to be that real herself, so she just runs and ends up hurting the other person in that way.
don't tease me.
Hot, pls say that to me face irl

No but seriously
>why should they not assume you are not interested if you act disinterested
Fuck I'm too much of a himbo for all these double negatives
The point is anon should make a bit more effort to show his interest, even if he is a bit shy or whatever. I made the same mistake with some girls eventually being like "I just assumed you were uninterested even tho I was". Signals can be hard to understand so best is just to make a move
Why does people talking to themselves quietly give me ASMR?
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Which is exactly why i avoid forming any close bonds with people. Thank me later.
I can fap easier than that tho.
casual sex and a relationship are not the same thing
sounds like you both had a tough time, sorry anon. and I don't think it's quite that serious for me, it's more of a thing I do when I'm in public, or around new people. but when I know someone well I don't try to hide. it might sound bad that I think my kind of personality is "bad", but I accept that not everyone can have a naturally desirable kind of personality.
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You were a nun in a previous life.
>he likes teasing
When done right
>casual sex and a relationship are not the same thing
Well don't Netflix and chill then, just date
Idk if you are op
i'm a virgin
i am the OP. Why date when I know that I can't hold a gf? The point of dating is to find a gf.
what kind, like a woman acting clueless about what she's doing?
Girls, do you know what happened when the sons of God procreated with the daughters of Man?
Big up the drawing game and puzzle crew from last nite who played for hours, it was bants (even if I am shattered from staying up til 6am)
Has this happened to you in the past or are you afraid of it going to happen if it ever comes this far?

>Thank me later.
Obviously I can't say that you are the same way or not, but yeah, as asshole-ish as it sounds, my ex told me that she's the worst thing that has ever happened to me, which I laughed off at stupid at the times. But after what she ended up doing, I agree with it now.
That does not mean you have to be the same though. Everybody's an individual and got their own actions and choices.

>sounds like you both had a tough time
Several years of a tough time even. lol
Some of the things were out of our control though.

>I accept that not everyone can have a naturally desirable kind of personality.
If you have friends, that means other people DO appreciate things about you though, right?
I think being easily excitable is not bad at all, as long as you can still keep a cool head when necessary e.g. at work.
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Yes, as long as he was open to losing weight and embraced his baldness.

A hunchback because this witch has 40 lbs of tit meat hanging from her front.

Fr fr

Much more advanced and the culture was more iconic

I hate to break it to you, but most of that is repeat offenders. The number is much smaller. And I can guarantee minority groups are severely overrepresented. So just stay away from brown people and you should be a lot safer.

Same. I was lucky enough to get a gf that has the patience to deal with me. I can't imagine what it's like for socially awkward moids. My heart goes out to you.

What episode?

More than one. Tens of thousand, in unison, are maturating right now. That is probably in the millions for men.

Good luck dying from prostate cancer. I'm sure Peter won't clown on you too hard when you get to heaven.

Cheating witch. Luck her. Saeko gang round these parts.

Not a fate bad enough for him.

Sounds like CNC with more steps

That's like half of all asmr, they're just doing it in a microphone so you can listen to it at your own leisure.
Sorry I’m succumbing to my semen poisoning, what are you talking about? Just get a gf dumby.
Dang I'm sorry I missed it and checked out after one round of the drawing game!
You have successfully become victim to a troll
>Why date when I know that I can't hold a gf?
Why do you know that you can't hold a gf if you've never even had one? Methinks insecurity is getting the better of you. You say you're /fit/ and make good money, so presumably you have your life reasonably together. Lots of unemployed dumbfucks still manage to hold gfs
>Good luck dying from prostate cancer. I'm sure Peter won't clown on you too hard when you get to heaven.
Shut up JH you should be cheering me on because I’m not making cum.
Forgive the typos. Got a new phone yesterday and it's censoring my swear words
Naw thanks for joining for a bit!!
Inferior to my preferred game of having a woman try to crush my head between her thighs as I lick her in an attempt to get her to loosen her grip
>That's like half of all asmr, they're just doing it in a microphone so you can listen to it at your own leisure.
Nah it's too intentional. Talking to the camera in a pretend conversation isn't the same.
I wish for more ASMR videos where it's just a woman quietly mumbling to herself while she types away at work or something.
I like a bit of brattiness
It’s not actually no fap I’m just edging myself. What I’m actually doing is no porn.
Then go away.
You are refusing all advice because you magically know you can't "hold" a GF, whatever tf that is supposed to mean.
Since you claim you are incapable and respond to all advice with 'no', kindly STFU
Not forgiven
That's not a legit part of the Bible
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>magically know you can't "hold" a GF
It's /wallowing/ hours frfr
>prostate cancer
Eh, last I checked causality hadn't been established.
Isn't that 24/7 here?
Bro's radar is way off
nta but sometimes its horny hours, I think we still have a week before that though
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If you can get a gf you can hold a gf
Seriously 40lbs? o_o
Semen poisoning is a bitch. I can barely form coherent sentences. Tell JH I love her…
I can't get a gf
>What episode?
The small folk
>Why do you know that you can't hold a gf if you've never even had one? Methinks insecurity is getting the better of you. You say you're /fit/ and make good money, so presumably you have your life reasonably together. Lots of unemployed dumbfucks still manage to hold gfs
i don't have the personality for a gf as I said. I also don't think I could handle having a woman involved in my life every day.
My villain origin story
I hate neurotic women with a passion. Awful, selfish people.
>Yes, as long as he was open to losing weight and embraced his baldness.
He's certainly trying.
Not sure what embracing the baldness means, but he's not hiding it.
If you can stick your penis in a woman there is a high chance you can make her fall in love with you? State Gender Thoughts?
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No i mean it. Trust people if they tell you to stay away. They are speaking from experience.
>violence against women is getting worse
>women are selfish!
Troon opinion
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I have two moods
>crippling depression
No girl wants a boyfriend who spends all his freetime either at the gym or on 4channel. That is all I do on my days off. I am not changing that either. I've been living exactly like this my entire adult life.
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F. Lol no.
This was not the case for me kek
>don't have the personality for a gf
What personality do you think you need? You realise every woman is different?>don't think I could handle having a woman involved in my life every day
Not everyone is so demanding of your attention/time
>yet ANOTHER dykeposter
They usually give decent advice 2bh
I must humbly extricate myself, as my semen poisoning is becoming contagious and I am morphing into a cum demon. Farewell.
M no
look up "Leanne Crow" (not at work)
Most depressing posts itt, I always catch feelings for my one night stands and try to be gentle as possible but I'm just another dick
Would you rather have access to the game of the century, objectively considered the BEST GAME EVER, or instantly meet the person who you'd eventually marry and enter a relationship with them now.
Sadly not ):
Bro I know girls with guys who spend all their free time playing video games and drinking beer. Gym is at least good for your health and 4chan can be somewhat educational...
>What personality do you think you need?
outgoing. Interested in her interests even if her interested are retarded. Being able to listen to her bullshit. Have to deal with being judged by her friends. Have to meet her family and be judged by them. Have to give her attention even when I want to be alone and spend my entire day on my computer in silence.
I care about my ons partners but the way you would care about a friend not romantically.
I can already play Morrowind, so give me the girl
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.
Bro, you're gonna lose if you edge
>too trapped in her own neurosis to develop some self awareness
>starts crying about trannies for no reason
Both the tranny epidemic, and the fact that your country (lmaoing @ the UK) is a dangerous shithole, are both a result of women's political choices.
Well yeah, having sex repeatedly will up the chances to catch feelings. Just saying you can not rape a girl into loving you.
lol, nope
Give me the game.
Honestly that shit is so good, I can probably marry an AI wife in it.
>Bro I know girls with guys who spend all their free time playing video games and drinking beer
but they do all of her shit too
>4chan can be somewhat educational...
I spent 90% of my time on 4channel on /int/ shitposting. Also, there is no way I would ever tell a girl about 4chan. I would have to hide it. Which would be impossible.
nta but holy moly
I know. Just warning you for next time, which is futile since you already learned your lesson.
Which is more based
Latina women, or Slavic women?
Whoa. I really hope I don't screw this up.
>I’m young and hopefully going to get even hotter, so it feels like a waste meeting the perfect partner right now
bad mindset desu
if the guy is my oneitis/crush, then i pick the guy. if not, i pick the game. hopefully it's kenshi 2.
Relationship, I'm not a gamer so all I'd do with it is sell it.
I’m not trying to increase my test or whatever I’m just doing no porn.
Please help
no guarantee, it's who you'll eventually marry
Date an outgoing girl, she will drag you to things whether you like it or not
>Interested in her interests even if her interested are retarded
You don't have to be super interested, but at least respectful and somewhat willing to learn
>Being able to listen to her bullshit
Well in return she can listen to some of your bullshit too
>Have to deal with being judged by her friends. Have to meet her family and be judged by them
Who cares kek haters gonna hate
>Have to give her attention even when I want to be alone and spend my entire day on my computer in silence
If she's not clingy you can take time to yourself to recharge/do your hobbies
This is another advantage of dating an outgoing girl, sometimes you can stay in while she goes out
Fuck I can't choose
I mean if you're too autistic to show *any* interest in her hobbies then idk what to tell ya
But some of these guys I know don't really. They both just have their own hobbies
Also maybe having a gf would be a good way to shitpost here less...
>feels like a waste meeting the perfect partner right now
You've gotta explore your options, find out who/what you like, find yourself, etc.
Umm, krill yourself, shrimp

There are some like this. I personally like listening to people read, but not in an audio book way.

No, probably 10 - 15 lbs, but she's also gotta be obese.

Shave his head and be confident about it. Be the Mr. Clean you were always meant to be.

Women. Men just taste like skin until they nut.

Highly disagree. You underestimate the depravity of some of these whores.

Hmu when you become an incubus.

Latina, not biased at all
Suppressing your sexual energy is slave behavior. Unleashing it on the world is what gives you power. Just do not waste it for fleeting pleasure, use it with intention.
Tbf Labour did just win the general election, who have tighter immigration policies than Reform even (and a lot of women voted for Reform, more than the Tories)
Latinas are Catholic, so slav
Relax. I have dated a lot of busty girls and my wife is stacked - talk to them like anyone else and don't stare at their tits and you're out in front of 95% of the men who talk to tiddymonsters
My ex did not say that beforehand, unfortunately. But I don't fault her for that.
I have definitely learned my lessons so I know better what to watch out for, but I still kinda refuse to give up on people easily, at least most days. lol
a tough choice then
shame the tories didn't reach #Zeroseats
>Shave his head
He's not there yet. It's just the top of his head is like, if you saw it, you'd go "yep, he's balding"
Go back to sleep, don’t look at me, I’m disfigured.
You find out a lot more about what you don't like than what you do like. Exploring your options is just fomo.
Doesn't matter as long as they are either very pale, dark haired and skinny, or beautifully brown and voluptuous.
...who are Catholic or Orthodox...
>most based femanon
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You do not have to give up on them. Just know they are fighting demons and do not want spectators in the arena is all. Do not take it personal and you should be fine.
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I already have Space Channel 5: Part 2 so just need a Pine intergalactic policewoman gf to arrest me
I'm bummed Reform didn't get a lot more
>just need a Pine intergalactic policewoman gf to arrest me
What if you get that in the BEST GAME EVER
Can I eat your ass?
Maybe that is what makes you beautiful.
They did pretty fucking well for a party that's considered very right-wing
Men, have you ever met a girl that you just immediately became obsessed with in a dangerous way?
For example, most women I end up liking goes about in a slow burn e.g. I think she's cute but only get attached once I get to know her.
Then there was one woman I met that I just immediately went stalker-tier over, constantly having fantasies, sometimes even violent ones.
What the hell causes this? Did I just discover my "type"?
>Encouraging sexual assualt..
Sis, please
Not in a dangerous way, no, never actually.
I don't have the drive to simp that hard.
No, get help.
You mean she'll arrest me and drag me into the game universe to dance with her? Then hell yes
>think she's cute but only get attached once I get to know her
This is always the case for me
>Date an outgoing girl, she will drag you to things whether you like it or not
I don't want that.. I'm not outgoing.
>You don't have to be super interested, but at least respectful and somewhat willing to learn
I truly don't give a fuck about most of the things girls are interested in tho.
>Well in return she can listen to some of your bullshit too
but why? That is a waste of energy. It is far more efficient for me to put my bullshit into an anonymous image board than put stress on a girlfriend.
>If she's not clingy you can take time to yourself to recharge/do your hobbies
"hi babe, please don't contact me for the next 3 days" you think that would go over well? Also that makes me think. There is no way I could live in the same apartment with a woman. I don't think that would be manageable.
>This is another advantage of dating an outgoing girl, sometimes you can stay in while she goes out
so she can go to the club?
>Also maybe having a gf would be a good way to shitpost here less...
I like shitposting on 4chan tho. I've been doing this everyday for the past 16 years. It is my comfort space.
NTA are you the same anon who likes NiGHTS?
>blaming individual women for the actions of all women
tbf moids have to put up with this all the time. But if you're beyond that, good.
Back to the actual point, neurotic women are selfish like how a drowning person inadvertently drags down the one who comes to rescue them.
not a man but possibly. obsessively thinking about a person to that degree shows that you have extremely high attraction towards them. so yeah you maybe found your type.
Leave my heart alone, he’s comfy and asleep, plus you’re the beautiful one.
You just found your kryptonite.
>Do not take it personal
That's the tough part on my end, because I have somewhat of a helper complex and think I can help everybody. Which I realize is arrogant of course.

I'm not talking about randoms I barely know or just normal acquaintances, but people I (used to) truly love, just to be clear.
Honk schooo mi mi mi
one of my friends who is an autist follows along with all his gfs hobbies. He goes to concerts with her and dresses up in costumes. They went to Burning Man together and Taylor Swift concerts. He looks so out of place. I know he doesn't want to do that shit either. I know that all he actually wants to do is sit at his PC and play DCS for days straight. But he's addicted to the pussy so he goes along with bs that hes not actually interested in
>but she's also gotta be obese.
NTA but >>31673665
How can you help? Usually people that are like that have tried to accept help many times before only to find out it was a burden in the end. At least that is how it was for me.
Me very soon. I’m so tired. Shower then sleepo
NAM. She was just that hot. Idk about "dangerous" but there have been 2 guys that I became obsessed with immediately vs the usual "let's see where this goes".
Yes, NiGHTS is my other favorite game kek
>don't want that.. I'm not outgoing
Well most people are fairly in the middle tbf
>truly don't give a fuck about most of the things girls are interested in
You say this like all girls have the same interests
>It is far more efficient for me to put my bullshit into an anonymous image board than put stress on a girlfriend
Then do that lol
>please don't contact me for the next 3 days
Or you could just say you need a little me-time to unwind
>no way I could live in the same apartment with a woman
A lot of people I know who live together mostly keep to themselves
>so she can go to the club
If that's one of her hobbies, sure
>everyday for the past 16 years. It is my comfort space
Sounds like you are deep in the comfort zone
Iktf being defeatist and being afraid to change your lifestyle, but sounds like you are making a lot of negative assumptions. Methinks you are afraid of change. If NiGHTS into Dreams taught me one thing it's that fighting your fears and chasing new experiences is always worth it
Pussy eating for one
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>Asks boring questions
>Gets boring answers
NTA but you sound sweet and cute..wish there were more people like you in the world. I'm the type that needs and appreciates all the help she can get..
>Men, have you ever met a girl that you just immediately became obsessed with in a dangerous way?
Yes, I will not elaborate further
Cutie patootie
it's a meme of course but those are some very dry answers, I think people mostly answer in that way if they just have zero interest (or attraction) towards the other person.
goodnight femanons
Oh good I've been wanting to show this to you. Have you ever seen this??
I thought it was going to be about video games and now I’m disappointed
it's 3pm
Tbf this is the average conversation with me IRL
No u, bully
a girl sat next to me on the bus today
i was so scared
what if she catches the ick
what if the bus hits another bus and momentum lands my hand on her leg and i get arrested for molestation by accident
It's all downhill from here. Accept it and shave it.


No, I'm taken and monogamous

Sleep tight, don‘t let the bed bugs bite
Now you are going to upset the incels again
the earth is round, anon.
Yes it is
No molestation/rape report is ever caused by a silly little accident
It's 7am here
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I dindu nuffin
>You say this like all girls have the same interests
they definitely don't share my interests.
>Then do that lol
then she gets mad because I don't tell her things
>Or you could just say you need a little me-time to unwind
then her friends tell her I must be cheating
>A lot of people I know who live together mostly keep to themselves
it would interfere with my life too much. I can't shit post with a girl over my shoulder. 4chan is not her business and I wouldn't even want her to know about it.
>if its one of her hobbies sure
clubs are degen
>Sounds like you are deep in the comfort zone
of course. I'm a 33 year old man. I've been living this way for nearly my entire adult life. It is what I've become adapted to. It is completely normal for me. To bring a woman in a woman would wreck my already normal way of life. Do you not understand that?

It sounds dangerous for someone to change their entire life for a woman. Doesn't it? I'm not bitching and moaning that I am bored and hate my lifestlyle. my lifestyle is easy. On my days off, I spent time at the gym, go back to my apartment, cook a meal, eat, shower, and then spend the rest of the day on 4chan and playing video games. Its simple and easy. I could not live that way with a gf. Which is why I said that I don't have the personality for a gf.
Yeah I have done lol, it's a cool easter egg
Check out DigiValentine on YouTube if you're interested, he's made some deep-dive videos on NiGHTS data-mining
I mean yes, unintentionally screwing someone else over because you're stuck in your lizard brain and only concerned with your own survival isn't selfless.
its 4am here

it's 8 am
>Ngl Would
Tessa Fowler may be of interest
>Accept it and shave it.
I'll shave when I get that girlfriend, I guess.
>No, I'm taken and monogamous
Does he/she eat your ass?
It's so creepy and weird lol
I have seen his channel, its great
Bro it sounds like you're making a lot of assumptions that all girls are going to be super demanding of your time and get mad / assume you're cheating/ whatever
Also if 4chan is really such a big part of your life why not try to meet someone from this site lol
Most people if they're out of the house are out for a fucking reason. To go to work, to buy X, to see Y, etc. Not to entertaining your curiosity. Most people, regardless of gender, will give such simple, curt answers to such basic questions.
Even if they wanted to say more, most people are going to simply assume you're just being polite and don't actually care how they are; very few people are so socially inept they'll trauma dump on random people or brag to a guy who just asked "how r u"
If you want more specific, meaningful answers, you need to ask more specific, meaningful questions. Read anything good lately? Did you catch "sports", etc. Which requires actually knowing wha tthey're into. So if you can't ask a meaningful question, it means you don't really know them. So why would they care about your stupid basic-ass questions?
How are you going to get a girlfriend with a monk haircut
Look at this round earth anon, what a fool
This image is hot, I want to be big stoic tough guy to everyone but her
with the power of love and a little luck
I don't think it's really creepy lol but yeah it is pretty bizarre (NiGHTS is a very weird game tbf...)
I reckon the devs were just having a laugh
My heart…you are tugging him
Nta but we in coomer hours now?
>Has he actually said he dislikes doing these things with his gf?
he would never admit it. But I've known him for 18 years now. I know that he doesn't like it. It is very out of place for him. He does it because he loves the pussy. He's talked a lot about how amazing the pussy is. He only goes follows her hobbies because he likes her and her pussy. Not because he likes her hobbies.
Maybe it's just me but I try to answer with at least like 1-2 sentences when someone asks me how I am lol.
That's kind of on him for agreeing to go to all these things with her desu
I'm 33. I have learned from others experiences. Everything I've said has happened to people I know.
>Why not try to meet someone from 4chan
Fucking retarded idea on so many levels. Women don't even belong here to begin with.
What is the last book you read!
Would you recomend it!
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NTA but I played NiGHTS a lot in my childhood! Christmas nights too
What type of moid do tomboys often like?
>I have learned from others experiences
Instead of from your own?
>Women don't even belong here
>in an "ask the opposite gender anything" thread
Bro what the hell lol
Femanons will be bagged and tagged accordingly.
I didn't say it wasn't. My point is he doesn't actually want to do all her bs. He's not interested in her interests.
>I'm 33. I have learned from others experiences. Everything I've said has happened to people I know.
NTA but you sound like my 40 year old brother who's never let any woman touch him because "other people make the mistakes for me", and he's the most naïve bastard around, can't do anything for himself, never even paid his own bills.
Your future isn't looking bright.
Damn, I need this
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I don't think I'm a tomboy anymore since I look pretty feminine now, but when I was 19 with short hair, didn't wear makeup, main hobby was video games and biking, I got a crush on my current bf, he's a metalhead
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All these are applicable to me
>then yes I suppose it’s not selfless, but it’s not selfish either. There’s no moral component to an automatic process.
It is you who has assumed this is a moral issue. I'm not worried about the morality of being selfish, I find it an unattractive and annoying quality in a woman.
A book my mom found at one of those bring one take one book share spots about the small pleasures of life, like forgetting things, sitting on the toilet or being melancholic. Meh, it was funny but also a bit cringe.
Bagged means killed right?
Do you know how to tell the difference between a selfish hospital patient and a not selfish one? The selfish ones are ringing their call bells every 5 minutes and demanding attention.

I'll tell you right now that anxiety can make me selfish. After the fact I realize what a dick I must have seemed like to the other people around me but at the time it really was that important that they set the grill to exactly the right temperature and not argue with me. No caring about other people's feelings is selfish regardless of what's causing you to act that way.
I sleep. Have good day <3
>Instead of from your own?
Are you trying to say that you can't learn from others? I don't need to have to a girlfriend to learn about relationships and how they work.
>bro what the hell lol
this thread is the thread for things that don't deserve their own thread.
>tfw too self-aware to get a gf
I think we might've spoken before!
I love Xmas NiGHTS, wish it was longer...
Then either he is being a fool and going along when he doesn't have to, or he chose to have a gf who wants him to come along to everything with her
metalheads, other nerds like me, artists,,,
Someone with my interests basically
yes i am a woman. i'm not often asked how i am since i don't have friends. but i'm aware enough to not info or trauma dump, i just try to give good answers
I feel so seen <3
Don‘t we all?
>who's never let any woman touch him because "other people make the mistakes for me"
its a sign of intelligence to learn from others mistakes
>can't do anything for himself, never even paid his own bills.
he's a lazy piece of shit. Completely irrelevant to my topic
Does he dress in the metal aesthetic?
>I think we might've spoken before!
We probably have, I'm around here often :P

I need to replay NiGHTS in general because I was an incompetent toddler when I first played it. I got it on Steam, so might try tonight
There are also people who didn't get any or no substantial amount of help before.
Maybe it wasn't the right type of help, maybe I am the one who has better ideas or options to help. I'm being very vague, because help and the need for help come in so many different ways and I'm still just basing this off of my personal experiences and not yours.
And as I said, it's also a form of arrogance that I think I am somebody who can help. When I CAN'T help, I'm feeling rather worthless and helpless myself, at least in the situation with somebody who is clearly in need of it.
But I can say that I don't bother with people anymore who refuse help.

Thank you for the nice words, but being this way also comes with its own issues. Mainly when I feel I don't get heard and am being dismissed. It's especially bad when somebody ignores my advice and then comes back from making the errors I was afraid were going to be made. And the worst is when I'm being lied to. When I feel this way, I try to look at issues from a neutral standpoint, but I'm sure I've come across as judgy in the past. That is not productive when somebody is already down, so I try not to be that way and talk about it with them in a neutral way. But me just being neutral compared to positive and uplifting is already a noticable difference. This shift down in gears is apparent to others, thus interpreted as me actually being negative towards them.
It's a very complicated issue and I may made it sound simpler initially than it is.
I like a guy and want to give him a stiffy, what do I do?
i guess so, he doesn't own anything but band shirts/hoodies. but he dresses pretty casually still.
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>Talking to girl at work
>She does gymnastics
>Insists I look at her gymnastics
>Insists she's the best at gymnastic
>"Look, I can get my leg over my head", look, she insists
>Imma zoom in, look properly, she insists
>I can do a lot more, she says, smugly, discretely insisting I praise her
How do I tell her gymnastics is gay without hurting her feelings?
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It happens to the best.
>or he chose to have a gf who wants him to come along to everything with her
It is this. But he doesn't have a choice because he's strange dude and he probably wouldn't be able to get another gf if they break up
I gotta do some work now so gotta dip, but you are letting a few isolated experiences dictate how you think all relationships must play out
I think you're perhaps just afraid of change and insecure that she'll get bored of you or whatever, so making excuses not to date
Iktf I'm also defeatist but don't let it govern your entire future
State gender
What are you doing for your next meal?
I'm making sushi rolls with my gf for lunch

You may want to do it first, that way you get a woman that actually likes bald guys.

Yes, most nights, in fact

The Chile Project by Sebastián Edwards
I would recommend it if your into history, biographical accounts, and loose discussion of economics, but I understand that it might be boring for most people.

Ones that don't expect them to act like a lady but still treat them like one.

Gonna need two of the tops two.
she is so hot
>its a sign of intelligence to learn from others mistakes
you sound like him 1:1.
Not living your life in fear of getting hurt or making mistakes is not smart, it's just a poorly crafted mask to obscure the basic fear everyone has of being emotionally hurt.

Normal people avoid drugs and overdrinking, smoking, etc. You're not just avoiding these things, you're avoiding normal life experiences.

Tell me, intelligent man, when do you want to start living your life properly, if ever?
Yesss, play it <3
It's the kind of game that takes a few playthroughs to really get the hang of but is really fun when you do
Also just for the art and music alone it's worth a playthrough
Sit on his lap
Just give me all of them.
I probably no longer qualify due to age and my summer wardrobe but I never seemed to have a specific type of guy he just has to enjoy being outdoors or I can't date him.
Nta. I would argue that most 4chan women are autistic and that a higher percentage of autistic women are tomboys lol.
more like undersocialized so i get a bit excited when talking to anyone irl haha. but thanks anon.
This story is fake and if it wasn't, I'd strangle you for fumbling this fucking hard
You want a bpd/mentally unstable insane gf, nigga wtf
I don't know. I'm trying to put on weight but I grew up without having much food and never really got into the habit of eating.
I need something that's good at adding mass but also easy to eat and prepare
State gender
Is it weird to like boobs as a straight woman?
I can't handle this picture on nofap
I am not afraid to admit I have lost litres of cum to that character
>Yes, most nights, in fact
No, I feel that love of boobs is universal, I've heard gay guys even say they love boobs
I have never once had a guy fail to recognize this signal I don't believe you
I suppose so, I just don't like the idea of calling myself a tomboy at least currently ngl.
Mate, she wants to hold her legs over her head while you drill her deep and hard. Are you a faggot or something?
Ngl a little bit
To be clear I get the intent. But she's asian and I'm simply not attracted to asians. She is a friend, nothing more.
I belong to black queens
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I think my main issue with accepting help is that i feel like nobody could understand what i need help with and what could help because it too complex to explain and i am too exhausted to try. So i would need someone to come in, look around and instantly fully grasp the vastness of the situation without me even having to utter a single word. But that is delusional. So i guess the second best option is to try and do it myself since i already know all the details of the complete lore. It is not going very well.
You might be doing good to avoid people like that.
Nta, maybe I'm just dumb but I honestly don't see the "signal" here
>What was your course?
My course is psychology.
>Also once you get going in a job you may be able to find colleagues who take a similar route to work, or work at least partly remote
Yeah not looking forward to commuting or flat sharing AT ALL.
>Sounds comfy desu
I thought it would be since when I was at school and I got to stay home I always wished I could do it forever. But when you actually do it you realize it's not as special anymore.
>What are you doing for your next meal?
Depends on if my gf wakes up early enough :)
I never ask questions because I forget the other people are people too when I talk to them
I instead just wait for them to ask me something and dump the biggest load of words I can conceive into their sorry ear pussies
>You may want to do it first, that way you get a woman that actually likes bald guys.
idk, I feel like not shaving it off ensures that I get a girl that doesn't mind the fact I'm balding.
>Tell me, intelligent man, when do you want to start living your life properly, if ever?
I've been doing this since my teenage years and I'm a 25 year old virgin. But it's not a matter of "learning from other's mistakes", it's a feeling of inner perfectionism. I'm not good enough yet to enjoy sex, love, romance, or much in my life.
I've only realized in the last few years that this is a health problem and not a mental one. I feel anhedonic and like all pleasure in life needs to be 'saved' for later, and I wouldn't be relationship material until I'm fixed. (Soon TM)!
Just let her have your cock, retard. It's not like you're getting married.
Nice, fix me pls jk
> not looking forward to commuting or flat sharing AT ALL.
It sucks at first but you get into a rhythm with it
>when you actually do it you realize it's not as special anymore
Fr the novelty does wear off
Kek based
Not at all. Hell, girl-on-girl porn is the most popular category of porn with straight women
>What are you doing for your next meal?
Gonna make a new pot of soup to save for during the week, and then reheating leftover chicken and eat it with mashed potatoes and spinach. Today my fiancé isn't around so it's just me and the leftovers
I felt this in my soul.
>Being a whore
>Ruining freindship for no real reason
>Not having standards
I forget some people here are so unnatractive they'd take any hint of pussy regardless of circumstance
Nah, that's based. Everyone loves boobs.
Straight women who like girl-on-girl porn are my type.
Women how much sex can you take in a day ?

I just saw my gf after some time and we plapped 5 times in 24h. Is it normal to be that voracious when you've missed your man for some time ? I legit can barely keep up
Real. I feel very male brained.
>you're avoiding normal life experiences.
not everyone has the same life experiences. Outside of paying taxes, there is not a MUST do list for life. Just like how you can learn from other peoples mistakes to not make financial mistakes, you can also learn from others on avoiding relationship mistakes. You don't have to overspend on a credit card to learn how to avoid debt. Just like you don't have to get a gf to learn what a bad relationship is.
>when do you want to start living your life properly?
what does that even mean, "properly"? Define properly. I already stated in my OP that I have good quality of life. good career, good pay, healthy. That is already better than a majority of my peers. A lot of my peers are unhealthy and have financial hardships.
This is a fair response actually. I wish you well, anon. I'm sure you'll feel healed eventually. Just don't forget nobody is every fully healthy when they're in relationships, everyone is working through something. Be good to yourself
that is not me, this is me>>31673903
If you live in London, get out of there ASAP.
>monster milkers
Most kino combination
I can have sex all day desu. The most I've had in a day was 7 times. Involved a lot of being horny, staying in bed all day with breaks to eat meals.
Bf gives in after 3 no matter what so I don't know my own limit lol.
I wish I could enjoy eating, and enjoy it with someone who loves cooking. For me, eating exists to remove the pain of hunger.
how old are you? I'm asking because every girl i've dated/fwb with who were under the age of 25 were like this. Could have sex all day. Women who i've dated who were in their 30s could not and did not want this. They would only want sex a few times a week.
No. Boobs are divine.
>Gonna need two of the tops two
Are you a domme?
for you too>>31673917
I fall into the former category

damn and they say men are the sexual gender. she fucks the life force out of me. I'm at work in a happy daze barely in this world

this could be it. she's 20. I might be getting too old for shit srs
i'm 24. bf is 30 so perhaps that's the reason.
Funnily enough, I used to be the same. Eating was just something I felt I had to do. Like, if I didn't think about it, I wouldn't do it. I had to put on about 20 lbs for the Army, and I learned a bunch of neat tricks about eating, gaining mass, and getting fit. For me, a big thing was peanut butter. Fats have 9 calories per gram, whereas carbs and protein only have 4. So fat-rich and calorie-dense foods are going to be your best friend for putting on weight. PB is high in fat and has protein too while not being high in carbs (if it's not loaded with sugar). Meal replacement shakes are also good if you want a lot of calories without having to chew a ton and are high in protein, which will support muscle growth.

All my straight friends like playing with their own and other people's.

Just cum, loser


What kind of black, tho?

This is why I don't really date men. That can't relate to me on an emotional and experience level.

Also, it's harder for women to see the top of your head.

Are they homemade mashed taters?

Quite a bit. Not to toot my own horn, but I've got endurance in and out of the bedroom in spades. My ex had ADHD and it would take him a long time to cum because of it. We had a few sessions in one day and I think it accumulated to over 7 hours, with over 4 of those being PIV sex.

Truly based

No, not at all. I'm sexually akin to a doormat. I can take charge, but I feel much more natural in a submissive role.
I'm not telling you to ruin your life. Leaving your parents' house when you shouldn't to go and hang with friends at times you shouldn't is living a little, and having harmless normal experiences. As I've said, you don't need to get into drugs, and alcohol, or ruin your savings to properly live.

>what does that even mean, "properly"? Define properly.
Means you're don't see a consequence like someone rejecting you and compare it to losing your entire savings. Means you can have small give and takes. You can disagree with friends, even have fights sometimes. And then apologize and talk things out, then be good again. It's to let yourself be vulnerable knowing there's a possibility that people will hurt you, but still give them a chance. And then acting accordingly with the responses you get.
Living forever in a cocoon far away from every potential small little hurt is not living. I'd rather die than live like that.

t. someone who lived in fear for a long time.
>Also, it's harder for women to see the top of your head.
I'll be sure to mention the fact that I'm balding, and fat.
I love gingers
I'm 29, I could have sex all day. It's usually my husband who can't keep up after a few times.
I hope the best that you deserve in the future anon
i feel a bit frustrated i guess, but at that point i often don't realize yet how sore i actually feel, so perhaps it's for the better. but generally if i just go do something else for 5 minutes, my horniness goes away no frustration anymore.
And is dating woman any different?
>Are they homemade mashed taters?
do women find it cute if they have to pry to get to a man's inner emotions
>You want a bpd/mentally unstable insane gf, nigga wtf
Yes, is it that weird? I want a rollercoaster of feelings
>Just cum, loser
Who is this character? I'll look her up once I set a new personal best.
that makes sense then. Like i said, every woman I dated/fucked under age 25 was just like you. Constantly wanted sex. When I date women who are in their 30s, they care much less about it. I have not dated a 30+ year old who wanted sex everyday. Usually they would only want once or twice a week. One girl who 31 year old who i was FwB even talked about that. I told her my experience and asked her about it. She said when she was younger, she wanted sex all the time. But its just not on her mind much anymore. Sex once a week was enough now.
>tfw /atoga/ is full of older men who can't keep up and a bunch of early 20's girls who are sexual succubuses
Yes, if i have extra emotional capacity. Which is rare.
What do you call those particular ear piercings? love them.
it's endearing, but more because it's a confirmation of "ok you're human after all". I personally like when men aren't that tsundere about their feelings. Being confident about "man I feel really sad about X or Y" is infinitely more preferable.

it's abnormal in normies
more normal in abuse survivors and people with various types of trauma. you should change your mind and get therapy, the rollercoaster WILL kill you.
>So fat-rich and calorie-dense foods are going to be your best friend for putting on weigh
This is actually completely wrong btw. The keto diet is one of the most effective around and its specifically a high-fat diet. Because fat is extremely filling. If you eat fat heavy food, your body actually knows it has a lot of fat, so you don't eat much. Unlike sugar where your body can eat mountains of it and not register its fat until its turned into it.
The main way to intentionally gain weight is to either dirty bulk (high sugar, bad) or just eat healthy foods in much higher quanitity, which is very hard to do if you're going for high-fat diets
t. bodybuilder
Can't see the PAPIs because your approach angle is off, I get it.
If she shows you something she can do that looks like a sex position there's a good chance she is intending for you to think about that and wants you to act in it.
I think people in pain are often selfish. I'm not saying they're bad people for acting that way under duress, just saying they should apologize for their actions when they are lucid and able instead of just excusing their shitty behavior as being "fine" because they "didn't mean it".
I am certainly less anxious now than I was 10 years ago but still would not be capable of having roommates lol.
>5 times
That's a lot but not outside of normal
Nta. I've cooled off some but in a new relationship if the sex is good I still want a lot of it.
well I mean I'm the 24 femanon and I don't really want sex everyday. but when I am horny I often want it more than once you know
i need a BUNNY GF
>It is not going very well.
I'm sorry to hear that, I know it's tough finding a way out of your own mind.
The way you describe it makes it sound very complex and reminds me of CPTSD.

>You might be doing good to avoid people like that.
I know it's a meme saying as old as the Roman aqueducts, but you can't help somebody who doesn't want help. Or can't accept or ask for help.
I've learned that I need to do this for my own mental health too, because there are people out there who want advice and help. Those are the ones I focus on, this also goes for /atoga/ to some degree.

>But that is delusional
What you describe reminds me of my ex. Sorry for keep blabbering on about her. lol But hey, this is some kind of therapeutic for me too! So thanks for listening.
Anyway, she was afraid of failure, or maybe at least people failing her. So she was expecting not just others to be perfect, but also unwilling to talk with others who she had a high opinion on about what she actually wants from them. Instead of openly talking about it and accept differences, she would close herself off. Attempts at clear communication were made, but thrown over the board just a few days after. I'm pretty sure this is how she drove all her friends away too.
She thought others somehow just must know what she wants or doesn't want from them. It's a thought that is utterly unrealistic.
This "if it's not perfect, I won't try it" thing extended to a lot of things, even every day stuff. She was even aware of it and called it stupid herself, but she couldn't bring herself to just give things a try.
I think a lot of this has to do with her being insecure and at the same time neurotic. She was afraid of things, people or herself not being perfect, she expected them going to utter shit. But barely anything ever is perfect, so she indecisively waiting for shit to hit the fan until she was absolutely forced to do something... which usually ends up being one of the worst possible options. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

am the 29 anon, and I can have sex every day and still feel the need to masturbate. It's a lot about people's libidos.
But I've always had a really high libido, it's part of me at this point.
I'm only 25 >:|
>Leaving your parents' house when you shouldn't to go and hang with friends at times you shouldn't is living a little,
but it also doesn't harm you to NOT go out past curfew either. It doesnt affect you either way.
You wouldn't get a loan and buy a house if you knew that it wouldn't work out for you, would you? I know that getting into a relationship wouldn't work out for me. So why would I even go down that road.
They like it as a sort of "conquest" where they feel like they're inside the walls of a fortress or something. You basically have to cultivate a second mask so you can let a woman in on some stuff that is either not real or that doesn't really bother you as much as you're pretending so that she feels she has you. Think of it like two layers of stoicism, the one for the world at large, then a courtyard that your woman gets to frolic around in and think it's as deep as stuff goes, then a keep where you keep your real thoughts.
NTA, but I've seen girls play with each other's tits at bars multiple times. They like boobs almost as much as we do
>I know that getting into a relationship wouldn't work out for me. So why would I even go down that road.
Being an emo boy is out of fashion, friend.
There's someone for everyone. With 8 billion people in the world, you can't possible think you're that special that there's nobody for you.
>had to put on about 20 lbs
How tall are you, femanon?
I don't mind if he isn't very chatty about his feelings but if he's upset with something I have the power to do something about and refuses to open up about it that's not cute.
Nta. Those are helix piercings.
lets say, haha, hypothetically, hypothetically, a woman had shown me pics of herself in various fairly skimpy outfits, haha, and sensual poses in her yoga class and hypothetically (hypothetically) I didn't register why she'd do this AND hypothetically I just said "that's nice" and she got mad and I didn't get why
what was I supposed to do?
Thanks. I appreciate it.
>you should change your mind and get therapy, the rollercoaster WILL kill you
Kinda rude to assume that a passionate and somewhat unhealthy relationship would KILLLL someone anon
that will dwindle with age. Its natural. Don't be surprised when you're in your 30s too and sex just doesn't matter much to you anymore. Its completely normal.
you're still in your 20s. Maybe you'll sustain a higher sex drive a little bit later than others. You're probably an outlier. Maybe you'll see a decrease in sexual interest in your late 30s instead of early 30s. But for majority of women, a big decrease in sexual interest occurs in the early 30s
>Yes, is it that weird? I want a rollercoaster of feelings
Normalfags like that anon that @you probably don't like it and neither do nonnormalfags. It causes stress, it drains you physically and emotionally.
Whoa, I need a gf like this
yeah I think I never had the highest libido, so I can forget that I was horny pretty easily lmao. but this isn't necessarily better, i like feeling genuinely horny but it's actually somewhat rare for me.
You were supposed to make a sexual advance
She was trying to get you hard(your penis) and she was being a sexual pervert. Many such cases.
It is wise to not try to help those that do not want or can not accept help, so good for you.
I do not mind you talking about her a lot because i do feel like she and me have a lot in common.
You could have written all of this about me really. I am also aware of how i am self sabotaging and paralyzing myself with my perfectionism, but i simply can not stop.
How would you have tried to help her if she could have let you? I tried to accept imperfection but it makes me go insane. I’d much rather use escapism to avoid being confronted with it at all.
>you're still in your 20s. Maybe you'll sustain a higher sex drive a little bit later than others. You're probably an outlier. Maybe you'll see a decrease in sexual interest in your late 30s instead of early 30s. But for majority of women, a big decrease in sexual interest occurs in the early 30s
I agree. Most women do calm down at that point.
I do really think it's never going away for me, I've been masturbating almost daily since I was 6 and it never stopped. In class I'd be thinking of sex, at work I think of sex, it's just idly in my mind all the time. Ironically I'm pretty vanilla in my tastes, I'm just very sexual I guess.
I'm not afraid of showing my emotions because people will think I'm unmanly or anything, but because I hate causing any kind of emotional 'disturbance' or scene that disrupts the calm. Like I'm afraid of pushing others away or making them feel uncomfortable because of my feelings.
What causes this?
>Being an emo boy is out of fashion, friend.
thats gay shit
>There's someone for everyone. With 8 billion people in the world
that is the dumbest saying. Half of the worlds population is women. So 4 billion. Out of that 4 billion, a huge % are not even adults. And of those who are, many are married. Even then, that remaining population is spread out over the entire earth.

The real reality is that a huge percentage of people who marry don't marry the love of their life. They marry someone who they think works for their situation. Especially as people become older and start to become desperate. Which in most of those situations, they end up getting divorced 10-20 years down the line.
>too harsh a word
Selfish can describe both actions and character. Someone in pain can act selfishly without being a selfish person, but a narcissist will do both.

Some people apologize and some people never even say than you to their adult children who sacrificed a lot to take care of them.
nta but if I'm not wearing a bra I'll often just grope them and play around with them like play doh or something. It's not sexual, just boredom. They're really warm too so that's cool.
I don‘t think anyone should just unleash their emotions on everyone, it should be something very special and intimate on the level of having sex. There is a reason why trauma dumping and oversharing are not positive things. It is like forcing your sexuality on people you are not close enough that you should do that.
>Like I'm afraid of pushing others away or making them feel uncomfortable because of my feelings.
Relatable, I'm with you there.

>What causes this?
Low self-esteem. It's like you're telling yourself you don't have a right to exist in that space but in a way that would require making anyone uncomfortable.
I suggest you adopt my worldview as someone with this issue as well: The world made me this way, I've survived this long, and now the world gets to put up with me.
>If she shows you something she can do that looks like a sex position
I mean I never had sex so I wouldn't pick up on this
there's always an excuse with you, isn't there?
It's like you're trying to be a prosecutor against your own right to live.
Do women think 5'10 is a good height in a man
Do you struggle speaking up in a group about something that isn't related to your feelings?
Nta but i tried this mindset and approach for a while but it just does not work since the world does not in fact put up with you being that way, it just rejects you and you become so dysfunctional your life falls apart. In the end you hurt nobody more than yourself. Unfortunately. I wish i could just force the world to have to deal with me.
Sure! I'm ok with shorter too. Hell I'll be easily attracted to anyone taller than me. And even then I've also been wildly attracted to men shorter than me.
I inadvertently get ignored a lot and have to but in multiple times to get heard. Maybe my timing is off or a speak too quiet.
5'10 is good until a 6'2 guy comes along
im 6'3
im good until 6'4 comes along
in the case of my former Fwb. We would fuck once a week. She was extremely productive, she was a corporate lawyer and made a lot of money. Very successful. She said the same thing when i asked her. I asked her if she misses when she was really sexually active and her response was "not really" and that although those days were fun, it was far less productive. She said sex once a week now at age 31 was more efficient
maybe, but odds are it will drop off one day. You could be an outleir tho, they do exist. That makes you a minority
This sounds bad but it's the bare minimum for a lot of women.
Hmmm none of that involved me being dysfunctional though. it's just a matter of people asking me "oh, how are you" and I bluntly respond "I'm extremely depressed by hanging on" without regard if it's in convenient.
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this could be you but you're playing femanon
I don't suffer from those inclinations anymore, this was like when I first met her over a year ago
funnily enough I ended up becoming her puppy simp
last time I talked to her (Friday) she kept calling me "so sweet" and asking about me about what foods and restaurants I liked going out to
>It's like you're trying to be a prosecutor against your own right to live.
you're acting like dating is the only way to live. If that is true, what about people who physically can't date because of defects? They can't live their live because they will die virgins?
You're telling me she could show you this, and you'd think nothing of it.
She's pretty
How do bi people deal with "cravings" when they are in a committed relationship?
male hands
Who puts that on the internet publically?
Good for you but maybe then your dysfunctionality does not reach the depths mine does.
when this woman in a group was like "I last dated a guy 20 years younger than me" and then looked over at me (she was sitting opposite), was that just coincidence or flirting
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>you're acting like dating is the only way to live.
Not at all. You just seem to be acting like you're incapable of dating because you're unlovable somehow.
>what about people who physically can't date because of defects?
I used to have low self-esteem but not now
they cheat. It is extremely common. I know a girl who is bi and she has sex with a female friend sometimes while she has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend has no idea that she does that. he thinks they are just hanging out when her and her friend go out together.
Women have literally no sense of shame or privacy nowadays.
My gf has a sidechick she hangs out with a couple times a month
Not really I would just be impressed desu
But also who does that at work
Use them for the greater good
I was with her until she SQUEZED IT
Yes, they're much more empathetic and I don't just hear, 'That sucks," or, "Damn, that's crazy," when I share bad experiences.

How did you mash them? I like to work them through a sieve and then mix with butter.

No, but it is endearing if he only opens up to me. It's a great show of trust.

Micaela by MrPotatoParty

I'm 27

Helix piercings

>Unlike sugar where your body can eat mountains of it and not register its fat until its turned into it.
If you're diabetic.
>which is very hard to do if you're going for high-fat diets
Protein is much more satiating than fat and has fewer calories. High fat is the way to go, but like I said, meal replacement is another option. Effectively, putting on weight is hard regardless because you have to ingest a lot more food than normal. And yes, you can dirty bulk and swap your water with soda, bur when most people say they want to put on weight, they don't mean just fat.

It's not sexual. The same way men always play grabass with one another.

Nope, still processing childhood trauma at the time and there were only a few women in my unit and they were all whores.

5'5 or 5'6

Great height. Tall niggas hurt my neck

I can't tell if she's posting this out of bemusement or for the coomers that are inevitably subscribed to her content.

Because I don't say, " Y'know, I feel like dick today." I love the person I'm with, regardless of what's between their legs, not because of it.
Damn, how'd you find out?
Men stay loyal, girls cheat
I just masturbate. This idea that bi people are all cheaters is honestly getting really tiring.
She wouldn't be doing it at work, she'd be showing you a picture.

Guys. If a woman ever says "look what I can do" and it has anything to do with contortionism or her mouth it's a sex thing.
I do that too. A few days ago i put on a low cut shirt again at hole after only wearing ones that were up to my neck for months and it was quiet the experience to see them on display. Made me feel like maybe hiding away and rotting is a bit of a waste.
That turns me on, I want a shameless nudist gf
>This is always the case for me
Is this as hell for you as it is for me? I always end up falling for my female friends and coworkers and I'm sure it weirds them out when I'm suddenly flirty and desperate around them
I'd think even less of it then desu
Thanks for the tip tho!
She obviously didn't love him and want his cock you moron. It was a different century. Women flocked to men who had status. His status was that of a freak, but he was popular. This would support her as a wife and her children.
>that sucks
>damn that‘s crazy
Really? What do they say then?
No dudes cheat too, 100%
Nutrition Degree from Clown University.
>Trust me bro, filling your bloodstream with loads and loads of triglycerides doesn't make you fat... somehow!
>Micaela by MrPotatoParty
Thank you
Stop making excuses.
>High fat is the way to go
Its factually not
Its literally my job to know what is and is not
You're telling people to go on a diet to gain weight lmao
Do women in relationships with other women use strapons and dildos much?
Do you get to tap the sidechick too?
Because I've known her for a while and her friend too. They are both in my social group. I've seen them making out once before when we all went out for drink. I asked her one time about it and she literally told me that her boyfriend knows shes bi, but she didn't think it was important to tell him about her having sex with her friend because she loves him, hes her boyfriend. Her friend is just her friend so she considered it "just hanging out and having fun"
Yeh. Meanwhile, she's ignoring another kid crawling around in the background. Real mom of the year material.
Seem wicked
I didn't but I was also a teenager at the time I dated a girl
I love being 5'10
I'd be so mad if I gained any more height
Not a myth, it happened to me too. But recording it and posting it online is despicable.
nta but that couple is a fraud for influencer fame. They live with another couple in the exact same situation with an influencer management company
Does a keto diet mess up your gallbladder?
Are you trying to use reverse psychology on manifestation?
>Kinda rude to assume that a passionate and somewhat unhealthy relationship would KILLLL someone anon

I can't show you the statistics right now, gotta get going. Suffice it to say that BPD girls are literally worse than hitler - except that one, she knows who she is.
it's just the first picture I found, but I know plenty of disabled (mentally and physically) people in relationships
Not super often, more occasional
Nah, 100% real here.
nta Proof? I'm not saying you're lying but the guy IS pretty funny. Women like that.
You're close enough to being 6ft that any girl wouldn't be able to tell you were lying.
Now you just have to watch out for any heightcels that might try to put you down, especially if you out-rizz them
Lol poor bastard
I'll find THAT kinda girl too, not those psychos but the one good girl with bpd
yo my stomach is super rumbly this morning like SHUT THE FUCK UP
Do you still wear heels?
>what about people who physically can't date because of defects?
You'd have to be SEVERELY disfigured or in an iron lung or something to not be able to date.
I haven't worn heels before
I'm sorry that it feels like I'm mentally unwinding you, that was not my intention.

>It is wise to not try to help those that do not want or can not accept help, so good for you.
Oh don't worry, I will probably keep doing it anyway! lol
I mean, I gave her two extra chances.

>How would you have tried to help
Man, I'm not sure if I want to bring it all up again.
I'm going to try and explain it from my side, that is easier for me. It all boils down to giving her a save, reassuring environment. I wanted to wake up next to her every morning, make her feel appreciated just for being herself with me. I wanted to cook her nice meals, have her sit next to me in my car while we're driving on a holiday trip. When she was unsure what to do and when she needed motivation, I wanted to be there for her to give her motivation and security.
It all sounds corny, I know.
For a time it worked, but in the end her issues were too much for her and she even thought I was making fun of them, which was absolutely never the case. I think she just told herself that, so she could justify running away again.
Partially she also felt inadequate and not good enough. No matter how often I told her that is not the case and that she was more than good enough for me, I think that never fully went through to her.

>I tried to accept imperfection
I think in her case at least it was her being afraid of things going terribly wrong again. Her family was really shitty and then she had some really bad encounter later on after things ended romantically between the two of us. But I don't want to go into detail about that.
I'm sure you had your own experiences that shaped who you are.

Maybe I should also tell you our current state, I think that would be fair.
I think of her as an evil person now and I hate that she threw me away. Maybe one day I will be indifferent about her, but right now that's all I feel, even if what I described above was very sentimental.
But that was the perfect theory.
Are trash
Except me. :^)
Women should all give me a chance.
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What do you think of Napoleon Bonaparte?
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>eat a single meal
Bunch of frozen veggies, fish sticks and fries. WHAT ARE THEY PUTTING ON OUR MEALS
Too short
is it ok to be in a relationship with a mentally disabled girl of a similar age or is that kind of morally icky?
Would you do anything differently now in hindsight? Do you think you could fix her now? Or would you not even try anymore?
What made you finally think of her as evil?
Was it exhausting that she was so unstable? Was your hope that one day she would be?
Anglo propaganda is this powerful....
napoleon bonaparte is the brainlet humping figure of historical entities, the guy you bring up to seem like you like history but couldnt put in more effort than page 1 of google results for "famous manlets"
I may not be the most attractive guy around,
but I'm definitely one of the nicest ones around. :^)
>kind of
>implying that you have to show cleavage for guys to get turned on
Don't eat frozen shit.
Pre-made food, as well as restaurant food, is made to be Purchased. For this reason, they have to make it appealing and tasty to allure as many customers as possible. That usually means dipping the whole thing in butter.
Also you have to check the portion sizes.
But it's cheaper to buy stuff yourself and it won't make you fat.
if you think the solution to health problems is quantity (muh calories!) and not quality, you deserve to be fat.
I'll just not eat for rest of the day and I'll have to walk 3 hours. Fuck me

You're 100% right, worst mistake ever
Once you declare it, you negate it.
Honestly, true. Even a sweater is more than enough
What ethnicity are you that you seethe about Napoleon this hard? German? Russian? English?
i dont even know who he is lol
>Once you declare it, you negate it.
Nah, I'm the exception, I'm built different.
As long as you're not imagining that you're the woman
My gf is 5'1 and I'm 6'3. Is that a little weird?
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No that sounds normal to me. I also find the idea hot of a man touching himself.
Good luck, anon.
But fuck, 1300 calories is my "maintain weight" calories per day, I'm not sure you'll be able to walk it off and not eat anything more. At least with me, even if I eat a fatty meal, I'm gonna be hungry at the next meal's time anyway...
No, it's hot.
Bonaparte was around 5'6". The average man living in Europe around that time was 5'5". The belief that he was unusually short stemmed from propaganda and caricatures by his opponents.
Only if you make it weird
NTA I dunno, I want to save mine for my husband's eyes..
no, it's cute.

t. girl who is 5'1 with a 5'7 guy
NTA that's kinda fucked bro
Oh... darn it. She's only slightly mentally disabled...
>mmm ashkually he was tall foer the day
who cares lol
i could crush him with 1 foot
>The average man living in Europe around that time was 5'5
No wonder they thought the female orgasm was a myth
>Honestly, true. Even a sweater is more than enough
The tenting effect is kinda hot ngl.
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>Girl I was fucking says she's catching feelings for some other guy
Women please stop doing this.

I no longer trust any of you not to have like 3 guys minimum on simmer. It's why I don't invest in any of you. I don't want to live this way.
Why are women so indignant about being built for sex?
nta but I read this as if picrel was talking
>fucking before commitment
>surprised by lack of commitment
he would easily kill you and everyone you know, your pussy ass couldn't get near him
if women are "built for sex" doesn't that also make men "built for sex"?
Into the trash it goes
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That is what you get for keeping the company of women that grant you access to their body without commitment. You do not get to say you are disillusioned with females if you keep seeking out the worst of them.
I listen to his podcast
You're free to rephrase it if you wish
Yes, we literally have bits that hang 24/7
Christfag "advice" everyone
>gets off the floor
>walks out the door
>oops i crushed an ant

You'd have a better chance of striking gold in a nuclear waste dump but I did meet one.
*head explodes from a musket round*
>Yes, we literally have bits that hang 24/7
I'm ok with this. I've always been very sexual anyway.
I think women only get mad when the implication is that they're only good for sex.
NTA but if you don't have sex on the first date I seriously can't believe your feelings are genuine. Like if you meet someone you like or love you should want to have sex with them immediately

I can't be the only one but I'm a dude
They have actual conversations, listen to me vent, and don't look at me like they'd rather be anywhere else.


Skill issue
If you want to put on lean mass, high fat is the way to go. Plenty of high fat, high protein foods. Just eat at a caloric surplus and you'll gain weight. Lift regularly and it will be muscle.

I've been off and on with my gf for a few years now and only recently ever tried using a strap on and I've never felt so powerful.

High fat diets can cause gall stones and liver issues.

Manlet and French
A terrible duo

It's the fats from oil in fried foods

He was also just a terrible commander. I don't know why he's so revered historically.

In what way? It sounds like you just like confident women.

Washington was 6'2

Why would we be? If it's what we're built for?
>conceeds the manlet needs to carry a weapon to not die instantly to me walking
So how long have you been married?
Yeah, though so.
Girls, how many guys and girls have kissed your feet?
>They have actual conversations, listen to me vent, and don't look at me like they'd rather be anywhere else.
Teach me your way, bitch
figuratively or literally?
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didnt realize that was kora and her gf at firs tand thought it was that one anons art
None and none ever will because that shit is cringe.
can I report my bf for emotional abuse if he doesn't spank my ass when he walks past me?
Thanks for your service.
NTa but choosing to wait for the long-term good of the relationship is a better proof
>>31674160 is right
>Skill issue
>If you want to put on lean mass, high fat is the way to go. Plenty of high fat, high protein foods. Just eat at a caloric surplus and you'll gain weight. Lift regularly and it will be muscle.
I don't know why you think being wrong repeatedly makes you right
You're so small you thought 20plb is a notable number
>Yes, they're much more empathetic and I don't just hear, 'That sucks," or, "Damn, that's crazy," when I share bad experiences.
I'm jealous of women's emotional intelligence.
>He was also just a terrible commander.
Are we serious with this? The guy was one of the most effective generals in history.
>Washington was 6'2
Do you understand what averages are?
Yes, now someone post that one comic
your ass would have been 5'1 if you were born 200 years ago. Cope.
Fuck that's hot
>only recently ever tried using a strap on and I've never felt so powerful.
Hottt, how big is the strapon?
What is the exact name of Korra's hairstyle here? A bob? It's so sexy especially with a collar/choker
Wait, drawanon did my request? based
>Its manlet hours
Fucking finally I can complain about manlets complaining.
>Woe is me every woman is so tall and pretty
Fuck you
I WISH women were tall
I look down on them, literally. Tiny little things. No appeal. NONE. I WISH I could find a woman taller than me, who looked down ON ME
You don't know how FUCKING GOOD you have it
>Wait, drawanon did my request? based
You were being summoned but you never showed up
These shitty snarky retro chick memes are extreme cringe. Stop postingthis garbage, women
See? We'll not just making this stuff up. :)
Can your bf report you for emotional neglect if you don't show him your boobs or your coochie at least once per day?

>captcha NP0RN
>recently ever tried using a strap on and I've never felt so powerful
What size? :3
>Manlet and French A terrible duo
Mega based
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What? really? How long ago?
me on the bottom right.
Small boobs? :/
How are you even supposed to date good looking women?
The one time I went out with a really cute girl, I broke up with her a 2 months later, because I couldn't stand having to walk on eggshells and knowing that she could probably do a lot better than me and leave at the drop of a hat.
if you're this retarded, don't
Used to happen a lot actually yeah 8(
Anon, you pick them up.
Hot girls are not for the insecure.
by doing what you did before and not being a pussy about it
Just great, now we have a new lesbian whore to hog up all the maleanon attention
Me at the top
It is acceptable.
don't do this to me nigga it's like I woke up from a coma and you won't tell me what the date is
Why so jealous?
Women must be put in their place (picked up and plapped down).
I need a woman that'll put on a vr headset and watch lesbian porn while I go down on her
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>How would you feel if a friend of yours just dropped off the map, short of responding to texts or calls
Basically I have realized the social network I've built for myself doesn't really suit or benefit me in any way.

I've deleted all of my social media. Most of my friends have my number but nobody calls or texts at this day and age. I have a feeling nobody will probably notice or care, which is fine. I'm more than happy to disappear at this point in my life. If you were a ''close'' friend, would you take this personally? I really just want to be comfortable and just be a hermit for the rest of my life.
>A woman is never yours, it's just your turn
Enjoy it while it lasts
Online coache or manlet? Or both?
>Doesn't eat ass
>Skips leg day
>No car
All me babey
i saved the image on the 4th so it should be on that day
Your egg is cracking
Just tell the closest one you are taking some tome for yourself then vanish.
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>the 4th
This can't be possible... It can't have been that long!
As if you want my attention, lol.
>Or would you not even try anymore?
If I'm being completely honest, I should have just kept my distance.

>Do you think you could fix her now?
She doesn't want that and I can't do that.
I never thought of it as "fixing her", but giving her a chance.

>What made you finally think of her as evil?
Because even when she was in a better situation, she chose (yes) to be this way and after promising to clear communication, she couldn't keep that up for even a few days.
It made me feel that I was only good enough to be around when she was doing really bad. That hurt me a lot. She robbed me of the chance to understand her behaviour.
It's not good, but I also feel she robbed me of the chance to tell her how much she hurt me. I feel she put me in a position that she is in too. And she hates being in that position herself, even if hers is of the more extreme kind. Sorry for being rather vague here, but simply put, she does to others what was done to her.
She pretends to be somebody she isn't and her hypocrisy makes me want to puke. I'm sure at some point she will convince herself that hurting me was the right thing to do and it was justified, because that's how her mind works.
Right now I feel like I have wasted so many years with her. I have not talked with her since and I don't plan to, because I would only hurt her with what words I have left for her.

>Was it exhausting that she was so unstable?
Exhausting is not the correct word. Her being avoidant and dismissive is what made me frustrated.
The worst you can do to me is to not talk with me and she knew that, yet she kept doing it. It was a fundamental incompatibility that I ignored for too long.

>Was your hope that one day she would be?
My hope was that she would accept the help and circumstances, without making up excuses.

I want to very clearly point that this is NOT you I am talking about. Please do not make yourself feel bad for this. You are not her.
I appreciate the honesty
What are some actions people have done to seem attractive to you, but turned you off?
For me its a girl pulling down her yoga pants a bit to show off a tattoo, in public.
>Having a tattoo
No, if I make her watch watch straight porn I'm basically cucking myself. If its lesbian porn at least its hot.
Doesn‘t eat ass is a green flag because that is disgusting.
What do you mean?
Internet lesbians are insufferable
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>tfw I'm not even in the image
NEETy unistudent have it the worst
how do I not fumble the bag and overcome that mental hurdle though? I would essentially just be swindling her out of being with an actual chad by making her laugh a lot.
I'd go through the entire relationship knowing I'm conning her by being charming. Literally any guy can make jokes here and there and I could be replaced just like that.
Do you just have to accept the fact that you'll be cheating the girl out of a potentially better life and forget about it?
I'm a bi dude and right now you have my attention
This image is hopefuel, also
I eat ass
Beyond based
By definition you are not a neet you stolen valor mother fucker
What are the relationship dynamics like in a lesbian relationship? Who "wears the pants" so to speak?
Yes, thank you
Don't watch porn while you're having sex doofus
Daily reminder that most men have skid marks in their underwear and think it's normal and fine
Women, thoughts on men that eat a lot of seeds?
Me and my multiple personalities so eloquently depicted.
>No car
>Ugly Af
>Skips leg day
f, not sure. perhaps when my male coworker (who later tried to ask me out) was basically bragging about being tall, and bragging about having many female friends. but i actually don't like lanky/really tall men so bragging about being tall is unattractive to me.
I'd think that would be normal. Less blood vessels and stuff.
They get more pussy than (You)
No, he's right.
You are in education
There isn't nearly enough effort put into bullying retards who can't use words right, which is why now literally everything gets called
Because people are legitimately too fucking retarded to use proper words
I may be fat and balding, but my ass and underwear are always clean.
You're just a run of the mill loser, you can't even associate yourself with your weeb subcultur the way you want to without it being disingenuous
a girl jumped into a public fountain, probably to get her t-shirt wet. It icked me out beyond belief.
Despite her retardation she was pretty fucking hot, so we still ended up in bed together.
>Doesn't eat ass
The obvious choice
Anon, how much force are you using?
only knew him from these pictures so I was mad that he was portrayed by some old fat fuck in the death of stalin but then I realized he actually was an old fat fuck during those events so my autism was stasfied again.
>no car
>no job
>don't work out so of course I skip leg day
otherwise I made it
manlets genuinely cannot get a break, poor guys
I mean, that does sound a lot like me but it is nothing i do not already know so it is not blackpilling or tearing me down. In fact it is rather validating to have it confirmed how it is for someone to try and deal with that. Because it always feels like people irl are too considerate to truly tell it how it is.
What do you think why she did not keep her promises to let you in and talk to you?
Pls tell me if you are done talking about this topic because i can imagine it might be quiet annoying.
How and why do you brag about being tall? It should be fairly self-evident
Did he grab the local manlet, pull him close and go
While moving his eyebrows up and down hoping you get the joke?
Just because I'm in university doesn't mean women don't see me as anything else except a poor ass NEET
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Fox Mulder ate a lot of seeds.
Do you want to believe?
Girls, what's worse for a man, being short or poor?
I already said it, you're just a normal loser you japanophile mother fucker
I once dated a guy for a few months that kept trying to convince me how educated and sophisticated he is. It was the most cringe thing i have ever experienced.
I'm a girl bro
They should go do that then
More than zero isn't that far fetched

You're no fun.
nope, he was all of a sudden bringing up how he'd like to travel to japan, and how he'd probably be popular there thanks to his height.
(i wouldn't otherwise necessarily assumed this was bragging but him asking me out later made me realize it was prolly bragging)
Completely irrelevant. Man your prospects at uni aren't looking good if this is your level of think, bro.
Neet has a specific meaning, it doesn't matter if some retard thinks you're a loser. And that's what they'd ACTUALLY think. Most people aren't weabs who know what "neet" means, as evident by even you not knowing, probably some "ironic weab" wannabe
So a neet..............
Poor, for sure.

>By not sabotaging yourself like this
How? It's like being hired as a ceo of a fortune 500 company. You can either take the honorable way out, or you can swindle and lie your way through to serve your own self interest by pretending you know what you're doing until everything comes crashing down. Except in my case you'd be dealing with an actual person that you'd be robbing of their time and energy.
Wow, original. Any more simping you'd like to get out of your system
NEET literally stands for "Not in Employment, Education or Training", women don't think you're a NEET, they probably just think you're creepy or a loser.
>a lot of lesbian bars are starting to offer colored bracelets so you can easily tell who’s interested in which role
That's adorable. Reminds me of grade school.
i don't mind a neet bf since i'm a neet myself. but i wouldn't date a man who is 5'4".
I want to believe!
Agreed, such a glaring flaw in this pic
who are you?
i was assuming that i'd be getting a manlet rage reply, but thanks lol.
What was it like
Like this?
You're actually retarded. You win. Call it what you want.
How short? How poor?
You're welcome
Dope, this is good news for me
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Why can't NEETs be more tolerant towards their fellow losers?

Women who don't like their asses eaten might as well just not exist.
Why do you need to know?
If he's like, destitute, that's a no go.
Being short, no contest. Poor tall guys can pull easily.
State Gender, State Thoughts.

Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss

Mansplain, Manipulate, Malewife
These threads are some of the most demoralizing content on all of 4chan because they give me a deep fear of dating women who behave like the ones on here.
Ironic, years of incel graphs and videos and none of them have turned me off women more than speaking to them actually has.
I don't have a job and can't afford to go to school, you're an incel, we are not the same.
What's there to like SO much about it?
Good talk.
It's funny you say that because I come here to feel nice, and end up feeling nice. It's one of the few places in this site I've connected so much with other people.
what does the free snack bar supposed to represent in that analogy?
Because your opinion isn't warranted unless you're OP
I feel like what matter isn't how poor, but why poor.
Druggy? Gambling addiction? Just born to a crap family, in a crap area? Like is it fixable, is he willing to put in effort? Or is it a result of issues that themselves are bigger redflags than being short or poor?
But if he's short he can't fix it unless he's rich and does the leg breaking thing
What's your advice as a bi man?
That doesn't sound like bragging, retarded foid. He was just making a joke.
I am OP.
tfwno gaslighting girlboss gf
replace Malewife with Bangmaid
did drawnon not finish that picture because I wasn't there?
Lol, we're not all whores
They're just easiest to notice
Are you in need of one? I'm cute, can do chores, own an average cock, and have the stamina of a horse
Anon, you do know that the women on 4chan are the leftovers that no one wants, right? Or... or the garnishes that look nice but most people would never actually eat?
See a psychologist, you might be a sociopath, because I come here to remind myself that this is what is in store for me if I ever start dating and respecting women.
Please provide a list of blackpilling content you have seen itt.
You're reading trollposts
Any unemployed fresh graduates? How are you coping?
nah you are underpowered
>replace Malewife with Bangmaid
Bangmaid implies woman but I do like where your head is at
Their whoredom is the thing that bugs me the least in these threads.
Lol sure whatever helps you sleep at night, that might mean "normal" women are even worse.
Have you fucked her doggystyle yet? The way a girl's butt plaps in that position is so hotttt
I'm seeing a psychologist. I'm not a sociopath/psychopath though, just deeply traumatized.
If i could afford one but unfortunately i also find girlboss cringe.
Real form of manipulation, although the term is overused by zoomers.
Healthy part of any community or fanbase.
I've never heard anyone say this irl
Just a way to invalidate anything a man says
A word
Femdom fantasy
you do realize the same predicaments that cause men to end up here probably also apply to women who come here, right?
Whatever stew of mental illnesses and disorders compells a guy to chat with what could realistically be figments of his schizophrenia induced imagination, is very likely the same driving force that makes women to that shit.
So everything that makes guys on here abrasive, weird, and undateable, is reflected in the women who come here to, maybe not in exactly the same way, but it does.
no, he was being serious lmao. no need to get so offended, men do fail at bragging.
Dont get a big head nigga, she didn't finish it because she was gonna be for personal use and she didn't wanna dox herself
I'm pooping right now
Went out with a hot girl who was very rude to the waitress, turned me right off
Damn why so mad pooplicker?
Not unemployed anymore but I got deeply depressed during that time. It's hard, but you have to keep trying. It's the only way out.
As a man who is 6'4", I can tell you for certain he was bragging. If someone tall EVER brings up their height umprompted they're bragging about it.

There's nothing to teach. Just be emotionally supportive and be a good listener.

Is he on /aco/ and /d/? I think I've seen his stuff.


20% of my body weight, and I had to eat in excess of 4000 calories a day for a year to do it. I also never went over 16% body fat. Keep your half-rep pseudoscience to yourself.

I guess terrible is a stretch, especially during the revolution, but he bit off more than he could chew during the Napoleonic Wars and ended up costing France (and their vassal states) substantially, both in lives lost and economically.

I think the usable length is 6.5 inches, but the whole thing feels bigger.

I guess it's just neck length hair with a left side part?

It's 6.5 usable

I'd date three of these guys

That's why. Learn to value yourself. Women are attracted to confidence. Why do you think you see ugly guys with attractive women?

No, but it's one beefy clit.

Nigga, I've been here.

I do have a story about having to strip down to my underwear when I was in Kuwait. It was like 120 degrees and there was a sandstorm. We had to close the garage doors and the AC was down, so it was really fucking hot.

If you're wearing pants, you're not doing it right.

You can always get richer.

What do you think this is? Amateur hour?
I actually really like being described as a garnish.
Which ones?
>Dont get a big head nigga
Its more about feeling bad
>, she didn't finish it because she was gonna be for personal use and she didn't wanna dox herself
>Because it always feels like people irl are too considerate to truly tell it how it is.
I know, because people only take a surface glance at you and try to judge you or what is good for you, right?

>What do you think why she did not keep her promises to let you in and talk to you?
I think for some stretches I was the only person she really talked to about her issues, especially this year before she broke it off. But the problem is that at some point she flips a switch and it gets too much for her? She is not good at communicating that and I am not good at just letting people alone when they don't want to talk. I worry about her and to a degree I felt responsible for her, even guilty about the past. So when she decides to just not talk about things, I was afraid she was going to do something wrong. She has done "things badly" in the past, but I tried my best to never judge her for it. Her frustration also comes with not getting the help she exactly wanted from the government. But the government is not one person, so it's easy for her to blame them, instead of her own inaction. She can't do that as easily with me, because she knew I'd defend myself, so she runs.
Clear communication is the foundation of every relationship or friendship even.

>it might be quiet annoying.
I appreciate you being considerate, but it feels good and "cleansing" for me too.
I've talked about this with others before and it always helps me understand myself and her a bit better. There is no disadvantage to talking about it for me, I can only gain new knowledge or insight.
I'm very sure she has barely anybody to talk about this anymore, probably for some time now. I know she had a fall out with her best friend (and last remaining friend afaik) last year. So now she's just bottling up these theories inside her, without letting them out.
Just get a job ya lazy twat
>t. applying to jobs rn
>>20% of my body weight, and I had to eat in excess of 4000 calories a day for a year to do it. I also never went over 16% body fat. Keep your half-rep pseudoscience to yourself.
Why don't you, tiny person?
Ex bf, current gf, and my best friend
yep, I think he was a similar height to you and was 100% trying to brag
>Is he on /aco/ and /d/? I think I've seen his stuff.
Negative ghost rider, She is not
Unironically touch grass
Women IRL restore my faith (even if they are hiding their bad side whatever I'll take it lol)
oops, i typed too fast and didnt organize my sentence properly
I need a gf who wants to wear as little clothing as she can get away with at all times
Oversold imo
Annoying asf
Can be hot
I'm sorry for doing this, femanons.
A woman that behaves like some of the shrews on here would not be in the irl dating scene.
NEET's can get pussy, you're just an incel
Quit whining
Yes we know you aren't in the irl dating scene, tranny anon.
>>touching her chest even though Korra can’t even see it
>A man drew this
Beyond retarded nitpick, a man wrote this post.
There's a russian girl at my work I can't understand a fucking thing she says but her accent is so fucking hot

Hottest accent?
Nothing wrong with being an incel, I didn't choose this
>tfw no cute slavic gf
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>Why do you think you see ugly guys with attractive women?
I never fail to see those guys as slimy creeps who prey on the naive girls, with probably low self esteem, that they manipulated to be with them.
The boob anatomy is also kinda shitty. Her boob and ribcage are practically the same line.
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What did he say?
feels racist but I can't understand a thing black people say to me irl. but their accent isn't hot to me either.
hottest accents are probably german or slav accents (on men).
nta but i love hairless cats so much ;-;
Do you use this same line every time a man rustles your jimmies?
retarded virgin
You wouldn't be interested, she's a sexy milf and I know this place only likes young girls
"You have a 0 bodycount? But what about when you were raped?"
Incels are whiny little shits who have disgusting opinions, at least femcels and misandrists actually have a point about men.
Talking about having been manipulated by a thot. All men are into mean girls I think.
I like the 50's noir deep and smokey femme fatale voice women did in movies back then.
The best example of that would be Linda Fiorentino in "The Last Seduction" or Kathie from "Out Of The Past"
He posted tumblr tier memes and larped as female
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Go on
Nah. Are you still whining? You should recognize women usually aren't into men with feminine personalities.
Pretty much the whole right side of body is fucked up.
>think the usable length is 6.5 inches, but the whole thing feels bigger.
>No, but it's one beefy clit
>Short You can always get richer.
>Yes What do you think this is? Amateur hour?
>Disgusting opinions
Name three all incels have
I get the gender flipped version of this a lot here, it's usually when they start talking about men
Thanks sister. It feels like my chances of getting a job are slipping away more and more as time goes on
Anyone else can't believe how brainwashed they were by the media and female teachers growing up? I thought men who beat females, groomed them and cheated on them etc were all awful, but now I realize that they were right to do that.
They both pretend the minority is the majority.
>at least femcels and misandrists actually have a point about men.
No, they don't
She's fairly tall for a woman, has big, veiny tits, a face I haven't looked at enough to remember, a sexy voice and 2 kids who are both adults
That's all I know
>Name three all incels have
Women deserved to be raped, government sponsored girlfriends being a good idea and general belief in manosphere influencers.
>6.5 usable
You're packing more heat than most of the guys here. No wonder they're mad =)
You are so lame
>gender flipped version of this
Got a picture?
>no, you don't get it
>it's literally just biology, I can't help looking at her ass, my brain is hard wired to do that
>anyway, what do you say we get home and you give me a good old fashioned blowjob?
>would that make you feel better?
I hate men sometimes.
NTA, like what??
I'm sorry you were born with a neurotic troon personality, women just aren't into it.
>She's fairly tall for a woman, has big, veiny tits
> a sexy voice
Found the misandrist femcel
Yeah i think anonymity is my own outlet for this too. I do have friends and family and i also went to therapy for god know how many years but it always feels like i can only let people see catefully curated bits and pieces of everything that is going on inside and even if i do it feels absolutely pointless because nothing they could say or do would be anything i have not turned in my mind for many sleepless nights before, so i just have to mod and smile and pretend to be grateful for their input. It just feels like a waste of time to even put int he effort to explain what is going on. Honestly i mainly just do it to make people irl feel included and not like i shut them out or make them too concerned for me. Whenever i do try to tell people how it is actually looking inside of me they panic and then i not only have to deal with feeling that way but also the guilt of having upset them as well as feeling responsible to find a way to make them think everything is fine again so they stop pestering me in unhelpful ways that just burden me even more like showing up unannounced or texting/calling me. One of the main reasons i dropped out of therapy was also that it made me more miserable and did not help in any way because it was just recapping all the shit i had been tossing and turning in my head all week long for one and a half hours straight just for some generic words of encouragement. I always left feeling defeated and worse than ever before for having had to chew trough all of it again when maybe i actually had already moved on from it on monday. I realized the best for me is to go back and forth witj myself and if that is not enough, seek out anonymity because anon is always online even if i really need to let off some steam or get my ass kicked or my feels validated at 3am on another sleepless night. I basically seem to use this place like an interactive diary because i tried writing down notes but it does not do the trick.
You come to 4channel to talk to females you can't even see, touch nor fuck? How sad is your life?
Thanks for proving my point, feminine anon. have a nice day
What nature are those theories of hers?
I also know that switch all too well. The vulnerability hangover. It happens when i realize i upset or concerned someone with what i said or gave them fodder to judge me and it makes me immediately shut down and regret every word i just let out.
I am glad it is cathartic for you too, because it is so tiring trying to explain to someone what i mean but you seem to just know, which is a big relief.
Ladies, would you agree that one of the major problems of our day is that too many of our nation's youth are becoming addicted to marihuana cigarettes? Which, in turn, leaves their minds vulnerable to becoming bewitched by the dark spell of Red Soviet Communism?
I bet women don't even touch themselves when men aren't around.

Unfortunately for you, I am taken.

The artist is a day woman, anon. I followed her on tumblr.

My ex would routinely make homophobic and racist remarks, knowing I'm mixed and bi.

Well she's not normal.
We've had a weird relationship, but we're a package deal. Bestie for 14 years now.

I feel transcendental

No, my best teachers were men. My worst were women. And it's not even a close split. I shit on you moids a lot, but a lot of you are good people.

Custom made leather strap too because the ones you buy in a store chafe.
Nta but you are doing this right now, and you complain about others doing the same. Actual schizo incel.
I've found misandrists to focus more on actual behaviors a majority of men have, most women I've interacted with don't usually fit any of the incel complaints about women, but most men display the behaviors misandrists warn and complain about.
Are you just running down a checklist? Because you could be replaced by one
This is a blue board
no, I'd say it's negroes, for the most part.
do you read many books?
i notice aoe3, booktok, the book part of youtube, etc etc, basically anywhere about books are like 99% women with men only discussing extremely specific series all men seem to likle
So? Does that make her automatically good at drawing women?
>I am a misandrist
>still yapping
A not so nice day apparently kek.
>She did it again with the fucked up boob perspective and leg
Please become a regular poster
I used to read like my life depended on it because in a way it did. I was seeking answers. I have stopped reading once i realized the answers are not found in books.
Fiction never had much of a stronghold on me after age 16, so i can not speak on booktok or series much.
Not really, I just use 4channel to vent because it's the only place where you can't be ostracized for your real thoughts. If you come here to talk to females because you have 0 of them irl, that's pathetic.
>ohh boyy I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and post on 4channel with my favourite females who would never fuck me irl and who are all childless old hag rape victims in their 30s and are bitter about men because of it XD soo fun haha
That's you, buddy. Interactions here don't count as conversations with real females.
>Unfortunately for you, I am taken.
I'm glad you exist at least.
Such as?
I'm an incel and don't believe in any of those, what now?
>My ex would routinely make homophobic and racist remarks, knowing I'm mixed and bi.
Glad he got cucked then
>i use /atoga/ to come talk to men!
Mentally ill troon moment.
Any lonely, single femanon in this thread right now?
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Girls, would you go on a second date with a guy who shows up with anime T-shirt on a first date?
Does it matter how old he is?
I don't see the problem with letting them share our water fountains, so long as they are committed as we are to proper moral values, have faith in God, and are wary of the Red menace. It's the damn Beatniks and their marihuana-fueled bongo drum swinger orgies we'd best be on guard against, if you ask me.
Depends on what you consider books. If you mean just prose, I read fewer of those but I've been reading my own national authors and currently reading Kafka by the Shore. Other than that I tend to read more comics and manga (unsurprising because I'm an artist myself who wants to dabble into comics).
How do the left woman's hips even work? That artist has a real problem showing things not as they would exist but just because it makes it more sexy.
I bet anon failed his no fap challenge
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>lesbian, who isn't bound by mens insecurities gets to choose ideal strap on dick size to fuck her gf with
>chooses well above average
It's been real boys, but I think it's unequivocally, irreversibly, unapologetically over
Women do know women best.
>government sponsored girlfriends
When I was getting social services (in the US) for being autistic because my parents thought I was too fucked up in the head to get a job, my social worker offered to provide a "social skills companion" for me, who I'd publicly pretend to know in some other way than being a state-assigned retard handler. Only now do I see what he was getting at.
Completely depends on the anime
Tfw no misandrist gf
Also right for that matter.
>Women do know women best
Yes, as proven by the popularity of lesbian activity and homosexualist experimentation among the female species, relative to their male counterparts
Nah, I'm monogamous
No, I use it to vent. You can't read? Oh right, females creatures only became literate in the 19th century.
yeah, I'm convinced the "size doesn't matter" bit is a cruel joke at this point as payback for not being able to vote for so long or whatever.
NTA but how inconsiderate
When women can't hold themselves accountable for something and must make make a man/men do it instead.
You won't be for long.
Women would rather date an abusive Chad (gets angry sometimes) than a virgin niceguy (extremely misogynistic)
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He shows up wearing a shirt of kuromi in her bikini
Going on 3 years
Anon... you know what century we're in?
I don't feel bad because that strap-on isn't far off my own dick size
Do women sometimes purposefully shit talk other women in front of their male friends and/or male partners in order to win men's trust?
I think lazy, irresponsible people do that regardless of gender, anon
>I shit on you moids a lot, but a lot of you are good people.
I'll just assume you're having a bad day if it happens because you're chill otherwise.
The year is 1898 and William McKinley is president of the United States. I am writing furious letters to the editor in response to Mark Twain's editorials on the war against Spain in the Philippines.
That most men engage in homosexual or borderline homosexual behaviour, men that watch pornography are sadists and that pornography is inherently sadistic, most men only care about having sex with women rather than having an actually healthy relationship with the and they cheat or think about cheating constantly.
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You jest, but I think so many young people have turned to escapism because there's effectively no way out for most of them. Housing is too expensive, their degrees are useless, and now all they have to fall back on is escapism through nostalgia, drugs, and porn. They also support complete system upheaval as a result. That's why there are so many communists.

No nipples, genitals, or sexual acts in the picture.

I read a lot. I've got a large bookcase at home that makes people think I'm smarter than I actually am. I also read a lot of fanfiction.

No, but you think she's a man because she can't draw elbows.


I am. I just don't post every thread

I'm glad you exist too

Honestly, it depends on the anime

I hope so. Too many men living like chimps when they could be living like bonobos

Average dick size is 6 inches and you don't go all the way to the hilt. You're mostly only using about 5-5.5

No, pick me behavior is cringe. I shit talk anyone I can to anyone that will listen.
You're actually hopelessly retarded. I'm sorry, it's not fixable.
Elaborate anon.
>That most men engage in homosexual or borderline homosexual behaviour,
As a man, this is why I've refused to have male friends since adolescence. Because I knew at least one man would take out his repressed homosexual rage on me and violently rape me up the ass. I've refused to attend male sleepovers or go on camping trips with other men for that reason alone. I would rather other men not forcibly grab and sodomize my butt.
>misandrists and femcels have a point!
>because I'm a misandrist!
LOL can you get any slimier
real dick isn't really like a strap on though. It's also different from eating pussy.
Feeling replaceable by a bit of plastic is a little silly. As if pp is the only thing you have to offer. ... I hope dick is not the only thing you have to offer.

Yellow flag

Yeah, tale as old as time
NTA but don't forget the cuck/BBC stuff
I wish lesbians would stop provoking men with the "You're useless" and "Women know women best" bullshit. I already know I'm useless fuck off and let me live now

My free time is very scarce these days so I listen to audio books instead. It's not as good but it's what I can manage right now.
>mfw 4 inches
fuck it, maybe not everyone gets to find a gf. Thanks for the honesty though.
What's the hottest lesbian porn you've seen?
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>Yellow flag
Fine, what if it's Melody and Kuromi kissing
>Average dick size is 6 inches and you don't go all the way to the hilt
It's so weird that nobody talks about how dick size has exploded in the west. Like your average dick is 1-2 inches bigger than what it was 100 years ago. This can't be explained with nutrition or chemicals either

Small dicks don't breed
This pairing is so fucking hot, is Korra actually worth watching though? I know I won't be watching it for the Yuri but
>messed up boobs again
I actually thought women would be good at drawing those.
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of course the dyke is a chain replier. Why am I not surprised?
I wish some of those lesbians would stop with the "men are bad at sex" to us actual virgins here. It's just cruel.
Angel beats
I've posted T-shirt in question
>tfw no mega insecure bf who gets intimidated by lesbians
>I do have friends and family
I'm not saying you *must* be grateful for it, but in her case, she didn't have those. Not a good family to begin with and the friends she lost along the way.
At least you have that and maybe you can find at least occasionally some solace in the fact you have people sticking around with you.

>I always left feeling defeated and worse than ever before
She saw a psychiatrist and got medication for some of her mental issues (they go beyond depression and she has been officially diagnosed). But that stopped when she moved out of her family home, but I'm not sure if it helped her much anyway.
But I told her if she wants to move in with me, I'd want her to see a therapist here I'd pay for, after some weeks of her settling in.

>like an interactive diary
I used to have my own channel on my private discord server that just I am on where I wrote down all my feelings and thoughts whenever I felt hurt. It helped me organize and judge if what my reaction was was legitimate or not. It also made me go back to previous conversations with her and my thoughts at that time. I tried my best to not misremember anything, as I wanted to be true with her and not just let my memory cloud my thoughts.
Generally I didn't want to shout at her or anything like that, so I chose that way and then brought up points later on that aggravated me.

Harsh question, but do you think you are just unable to have a deep relationship where this all is out in the open?

Korra is shit compared to Avatar. Unironically.
Imagine being so homophobic you become friendless.
I'm very weary of guys I meet and have cute sugoi things on their shirts
Correlation doesn't mean causation and all, but I've seen guys hide in "cute" interests to be usually hiding really dark shit under that mask
No, sorry I don't agree that it's something gender-neutral like you want.
It's hot tbf
>are you winning son?
I never said I was a misandrist anon, I've just been around both incel and misandrist communities, and when going out into the real world I've found more examples of the misandrists points about men than I have incels points about women.

That falls under the homosexual and borderline homosexual behavior, one is getting off specifically to a man who is not you having sex, while the other is an obsession with the penis of a specific race.
yeah that's not a green flag at all for me and I'd be weary
Yeah but avatar doesn't interest me, the protagonist is Bald and not in a cool way
>real dick isn't really like a strap on though
it's supposed to emulate it though, no?
>I hope dick is not the only thing you have to offer.
no, but I have a hard time imagining my gf would be satisfied long term if she didn't feel anything during PIV had to rely on me giving her head to cum.
I just ate 4 kebabs
Anon, you really think the average guy doesn't say that a woman is responsible for and should fix at least one of his problems?
Please my life is miserable enough as is....
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What about higurashi tshirt?
are you anon's gf's side chick by any chance? >>31674533
Yep. You're nothing but a checklist
>I never said I was a misandrist anon
Irrelevant, I don't require you to state outright that you are a misandrist for me to recognize it.
>I've just been around both incel and misandrist communities, and when going out into the real world
If you lack the self-awareness to recognize your most basic biases here, I don't know what to tell you.
You should reply to the other anon, lol
I'm just fucking with you, I don't have anime tshirts.
Don't worry bitch, we hate you back just as much. <3
>hair is so long it's extremely hard to even walk outside without it blocking my vision
>also so long that I'm too embarrassed to visit a barber

Is it possible to cut yourself bald with some cheap tools? This is ridiculous
>What nature are those theories of hers?
The usual stuff, that nobody loves her, that everybody wants to hurt her, that she is right in hurting others and nobody wants to like her anyway.

>vulnerability hangover
I'm the exact complete opposite. When I tell somebody I am unwell, I am glad they are listening. Even better, when they ask about my wellbeing, because they kinda noticed it!
I once explained it to her this way and I like this analogy; When you show me a personal piece of you, one that hurts you and makes you feel bad. That feels like you appreciating me, you give this little package full of bad feelings and trust me with it.

>which is a big relief
I'm glad my pain is a big relief for ya! :(((
Nah, I'm just joking, don't worry. haha
As I said, I'm happy to help.
And maybe, for this conversation, you are a vessel for her, so I am indirectly talking to my image of her through you. Spooky!

I know which poster you are and you are not worth reasoning with. Kindly, fuck off.
>it's supposed to emulate it though, no?
It's not warm. And most strap ons don't include cum, so I can't have creampies.
Plus I like to actually feel the weight of a guy on me in pronebone, the penetration part is a small part of it. A female partner can emulate this but I wouldn't be able to feel a cock twitching as a guy cums in me.

>no, but I have a hard time imagining my gf would be satisfied long term if she didn't feel anything during PIV had to rely on me giving her head to cum.
I sure as fuck wouldn't be satisfied in a relationship without sex, but to me is a lot more about feeling "claimed" than exact pp measurements.
I'm sorry :/
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So if you're ugly that's just it then?
Is there anything worthwhile one can do to fill the void where a relationship would be? Besides hobbies and hanging out with friends that is
Why are you so angry about being feminine ? Accept it. Or keep repeating yourself I suppose.
Still weary. I'd rather a guy wear an EVA shirt or a cowboy bebop one. Hell, a greenflag would be a kochikame shirt.
Yes, no.
I haven't talked about this kind of stuff before itt anon, I'm not whoever you're thinking
>but to me is a lot more about feeling claimed
if you're ugly you date other uglies
glad I could help
No, moron, I know what other posts you are making ITT
Any fat and balding girls wanna date a fat and balding guy?
No one hates ugly men more than ugly women and thus no one hates ugly women more than ugly men.
I don't really know if coming to a conclusion like I did is a bias, considering I took both sides equally seriously and began to observe behaviors of people around me, only to come to the conclusion that one side didn't seem to make any arguments about behaviour based in reality, while the other side talked about easily observable behaviors.
Could always try for an ugly/hideous girl..
Do you like to huff your bf's balls?
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>tfw no mutual hatred gf
>considering I took both sides equally seriously
Are you a woman or a man?
Do you genuinely believe you are a blank slate floating in the aether?
I'm not the lesbian slut..or any of the ones berating men
But you don't have to talk if you don't want to, anon
tf am I supposed to "claim" with 3 inches?
Seriously, if you literally can't feel anything during the actual penetration part, how long could you go in a relationship where a guy was essentially just slamming his pelvis into your hips during the fucking part?
I don't know if passionate kissing and foreplay can make up for the actual lack of meat on the bones, so to speak.
You're not useless. There's plenty of straight women you don't have to worry about switching teams.

Like 30% of men in the world have a 4 inch dick. Most women don't care.

Adriana Chechik eating AJ Applegate's ass with her feet on her head lives rent free in my head.

Maybe, but so has height. And this is all mostly in the last 30 years or so. I blame porn.

You'll hate her for the first two seasons, but yes. The art, villains, worldbuilding, and music are phenomenal.

ily too

Kinda cringe ngl
Get a Black Lagoon shirt

I hope not. Especially since my gf basically lives with me.

Yes, unironically
Anon that is not an ugly woman, hell that guy can pass for not ugly either.
Cute pic
Well i try to be grateful but unfortunately it just feels like more responsibility and demands on my shoulders to keep those relationships going.
I never ask people to stick around, in fact i am one to tell people to not stick around but then they still end up sticking around and idk, i do lot have the heart to send them away and i try to not feel guilty for feeling like a burden to them but i usually fail miserably to do that.
Oh i also have gone trough all the meds and have all the diagnoses and probably could get five more if i felt like it but truly meds and diagnoses never made it any better, it just made it worse since i got my hopes up that maybe this time i found the missing piece that makes me more functional just to realize it is the same as ever before.
Yeah i tried to write down my thoughts too but it feels like talking to the dead and bottomless void and creeps me out to do that. Good if it worked for you, i think that is a very mature way to try and deal with the situation and not do and say things you might regret later.
>do you think you are just unable to have a deep relationship where this all is out in the open?
I try, i really do. But honestly i don‘t think i am as of now. Maybe sometime in the future but maybe that us just wishful thinking. I am capable to keep relationships going but they exhaust me and i mainly keep them up for others and not for me. Sometimes i wish i could just sink into someones arms and trust them fully, be all that i am and not have to waste so much energy trying to not me be. I tried that. It always goes horribly wrong if i do so unfortunately being my authentic self is mot an option unless i want to live in perpetual chaos and cause endless hurt.
You said it disgusted you that your ex did that and i understand. It disgusts me too but the alternative seems even worse.
That guy is better looking than me. :^O
>bound by mens insecurities
Laying it on way too thick
>There's plenty of straight women
Why must you turn my office into a house of lies?
Jarvis pull up the statistic that proves 80% of women are bi.
>Adriana Chechik eating AJ Applegate's ass with her feet on her head lives rent free in my head
That does sound good! Brb
>tf am I supposed to "claim" with 3 inches?
honestly for my own proportions, something like that wouldn't feel as small.
>I don't know if passionate kissing and foreplay can make up for the actual lack of meat on the bones, so to speak.
What works for me is teasing until I can't take it anymore, more than just plain vanilla romantic things.
I'm a man, I don't believe I'm a blank slate but I never said anything about MY behaviors since that would be biased.
>Adriana Chechik eating AJ Applegate's ass with her feet on her head lives rent free in my head.
Lesdom rimming
great taste
This sub is way way too toxic rn
>le both sides
No one buys it
I'm a beam of positivity even in the darkest hours. :^)
I love that study
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>hell that guy can pass for not ugly either.
More like average MethCafe user moment
>nobody loves her, that everybody wants to hurt her, that she is right in hurting others and nobody wants to like her anyway.
Oh damn, that is bad. I used to feel that way too and it made me mega suicidal but i kind of grew out of it. I know there is people that care and that like me for me nut unfortunately i have had to come to the realization that i only truly care about my own validation and that i can not give myself unless i am perfect, which i will never be. It feels like being at war with myself 24/7. and not for lack of trying to make peace. I have managed to do that in parts and for a time but it always comes back.
>you are a vessel for her, so I am indirectly talking to my image of her through you
Could very well be. Do you feel like this feels like you could finally tell her things you wanted to tell her or is this all things you have told her before?
>I'm a man,
I'll entertain the idea that you aren't lying (LOL)
you're one of the religitards/quasi-religitards that shit up the place.
You are trying so hard to find an insecurity
Thanks for posting, it's been fun. Hope you'll do it more often
Foid hands
it's just men screaming about how they're ugly and their pp is small
If you're not there for the churn you don't get the butter :^)
Advancements in stap ons will reach the point of twitching
>Like 30% of men in the world have a 4 inch dick
and? Most of the worlds population also lives in poverty and most men are below 5'10. Doesn't mean that women want to date them.
>Most women don't care.
is that why you chose the big one? I've noticed that a lot say "most don't care, but I do teehee", which makes that statement kinda ironic.
>What do you think this is? Amateur hour?
Have you mating pressed her?
How good do you think your plapping technique is?
yep, that's me. :^D
What do you and your gf look like?
Sometimes I'm a bit jealous of lesbian love, part of me feels like they put up less barriers, and require less standards to love another woman than a man.
It's not the same as knowing I can get pregnant
The fact that you're still seething tells me enough though. Keep complaining, it probably helps you.
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>can't get a girlfriend because you don't have the personality for it
Pity there's nothing to do be done about that.
This chick is the most based of all time
You shouldn't feel safe, your government is importing rapists and killers into your country to destroy Britonic peoples self determination.
NAG but I got a girl's number while wearing a Lain sweater so
It's because women in general have it better together than the majority of men. They're easier to love.

t. bi woman
>What do you think this is? Amateur hour?
Have you fucked her ass yet or is that not her cup of tea?
Once you get penis insecurity nothing will cure it. I visited a party slut once who had a stash full of different sized condoms, all of which were too small, too tight and she even had trouble taking it in. Did it cure my anxiety? Of course not, dicks are still way bigger in porn
and better in bed
Women make it easier for women.
my point still stands though. Given the choice, most women would probably choose bigger if they could. The fact that I have to even "compensate" for it speaks for itself.
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Maybe that's true but I don't think the explanation is the whole picture
NTA, why is your authentic self so hurtful and chaotic?
Sanrio-core BPDemons would probably dig that
>guys hide in "cute" interests to be usually hiding really dark shit
Nta but now I'm curious
>dicks are still way bigger in porn

Don't let talking shit on the internet fool you. These people are never as happy as they pretend
if you're 6"+, it's all in your head lil bro.
>This sub
>women in general have it better together than the majority of men
Brutal but true
I think we as a species simply value men far less than women. I know I feel worse about bad things happening to women than to men.
I had a tiny fun sized bag of cheetos, and now I have the craving for a big, party sized bag

Should I go get one and make myself fat?
I can keep going with black mirror stuff, donated sprem cartridges. Next objection.
>I'll entertain the idea that you aren't lying
I'm not, what reason would I have to lie?
>you're one of the religitards/quasi-religitards that shit up the place.
When in ANY of my posts did I bring up religion? I feel like you're just arguing in bad faith now by projecting things onto me.
>Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Holy based, hope you're enjoying it
I mean sure? But that doesn't mean I'd be willing to leave my partner whom I've loved for 10 years for just a bigger D.
I love my foot rubs, our inside jokes, the hour we spend in the morning together before we go to work, having my legs over him in the sofa as we watch tv, his smell, his hugs, etc.
My fiancé doesn't have the biggest dick known to man, and sure it's not just 3 inches, but it's much more about how he touches me, and the intimacy we've created over the years than your shaft size.
at this point, the only way I can have sex without my ego being shattered is by getting a girl to cheat on her boyfriend with me.
>When in ANY of my posts did I bring up religion?
Second time you've argued that "I didn't specifically say it so it's not true!!"
Are you a retard?
qt, is that you?
add me on steam
Is this a discord raid?
Fuck it YOLO
>add me on steam
No thanks
>I'm not the lesbian slut
Fuck you, in not a slut.

Women are like spaghetti. Straight until you get them wet, but not complete without some meaty balls.

Shut up, baby, I know it!

You have to go back

Yet they still reproduce

Yes, we're both very flexible.
I'd say an 8 or 9 out of 10. I need to work on my temp a bit, but I'm not lacking anywhere else.

I'm mixed black and Mexican, she's mixed white and Asian.

It's true

I haven't. She does like anal, but we just haven't gotten around to it.

The guys themselves are smaller in porn. Most are short and they use a fisheye lense to make the dicks look bigger.
Rude, I bet you'd add me if I was a hag
>Why not just tie it back?
Grooming your hair makes you gay or at least that's how I feel about it while my bangs sting my eyes
>simply value men far less than women
I mean tbf for the survival of the species you need more women cuz they gotta spend 9 months preggo whereas Chad can just go around fuckin
>Nta but now I'm curious
Guy I've met that was into cute girl anime later tried to get me into bestiality. Needless to say he was out of my life fast.
Then there's all the other guys into cute anime girls that I've met that shown extreme red flags like meeting me for the first time through a friend group and putting their hands over me, trying to get me to go to their place, etc all with a cute uwu facade.

>I can keep going with black mirror stuff
>tfw people don't say twilight zone stuff anymore and just reference a shit poorly written show that normies think is deep and dark in any way
>Removing more nonwhites from the gene pool
Lesbians are so based for doing this...
Lucky! Hapa girls are my weakness
so, if you had to choose between a him and a carbon copy of him but with a bigger dick, you'd choose bigger?
That's what I mean. It sucks having such an obvious flaw about you that makes for an objectively worse sexual experience every single time, and not being able to do anything about it. Even if you can make do with it.
>Sure, but “does she even like women?” is a hell of a barrier to break first.
Not really, since most women are so defenseless mentally around women.
They have this retarded and naive notion that women can't rape women, or that women won't drug them, or that if they went drinking and got drunk with a lesbian who's clearly interested in them, nothing will happen.
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>I bet you'd add me if I was a hag
Wrong, I'm equally antisocial with everyone
Wtf that's messed up
Someone just stole my KOM reeeeeee

Both genders
Have you ever been 2nd best? How did you feel about it?
Btw 80% of women are bi
>t. MRI scans
Those genetic failures also do a great job of ensuring low quality women don't reproduce
>I'm equally antisocial with everyone
except the sexy stacys you drink and fuck around with
>so, if you had to choose between a him and a carbon copy of him but with a bigger dick, you'd choose bigger?
This doesn't happen, anon. I would not trade my 10 year long happy relationship for "greener grass". You're talking about a hypothetical that is not there.
The "other guy" doesn't have years of intimacy, private jokes and an entire life built with me.
>Sure, but “does she even like women?” is a hell of a barrier to break first.
Let's assume we've already an established relationship.
>I don’t know what this means or why you’d think this.
Women want men that are better than them in some way. Height, income, whatever.
Femanons, how's the bush?
I shaved it recently
I'm not sure why you've worded the explanation for the instinct as some kind of counterpoint.
I'm going to go to a muscle girl hostess club in Tokyo.
Women, would you go with me?
Start a movement to bring back good ol chivalry, violent problems require violent solutions.
>Talking about having been manipulated by a thot. All men are into mean girls I think.
Wtf, do women really despise us for falling for crazy/mean/abusive/obviously manipulative girls? We're the victims here
I only had to say that because you were projecting things onto me and trying to put words in my mouth. I feel like you're more retarded than I am anon.
>Yet they still reproduce
well, historically, women didn't really have much say in it, because other things were more important and they didn't want to be slut shamed, but now that it's more acceptable for women to set high standards for themselves. So maybe they won't reproduce in the future.
Also I think dick size might not even be entirely genetic.
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I do not know exactly. Maybe because i am so antisocial? If i could just do as i please i would probably not talk to anyone irl for a very long time. Maybe years. Which is weird because i do care about my family and friends and i do love them but i kind of have no desire to act on that, which hurts people, so i have learned to do the things people would normally do that show that they care and love people so the people i love feel loved. If i was freed of all shackles of functionality i would probably become like a wild animal again that never showers, throws their phone off a cliff, sleeps in their cave during the day and only comes out at dusk and dawn to roam the wilderness. But alas, that is not an option and people get upset if i do not mow the lawn or go accompany them on their girls movie might. Literally it boils down to mom would be sad. I am aware that i do have the optipn to just say fuck it and ignore any social obligations but i also do not want that. Because it is not that those people are not important to me, i love them and never want to hurt them. It just exhausts me to act on me feelings.
>Women are like spaghetti. Straight until you get them wet, but not complete without some meaty balls.
massive ladynuts?
I haven't been partying in weeks
I treat such people as friends
I ghost everyone
Such is the life of an avoidant nutter
Love u tho <3
What do you even play on Steam bud
>slut shamed
Aren't hostess clubs just borderline stripper/hooters shit? because if so, no
>>tfw people don't say twilight zone stuff anymore and just reference a shit poorly written show that normies think is deep and dark in any way
I'm pointing out what kind of person I assume you are. Watch the 'tism.
Oh I didn't mean to do that
I mean men whine about some women doing the same thing, why am I not allowed to whine about men doing this then. I've never dated a manipulative man nor do I have abusive or asshole exes, so that's why I have no respect for such men.
No, they just sit with you, talk and drink with you, but you have to buy them drinks and tip them.
Because women don't require other women to be stronger or bigger than them.
Would you ever show a guy how to eat his gf's pussy? (If you were single)
t. virgin
Women being chattel is a prerequisite for chivalric society, just saying
What's the point of all this?
You know what he's asking. Are you trying to rile up the incels? If at any point during any of my relationships I had the opportunity to magically add an inch to my existing boyfriend's penis without effecting him any other way I'd have done it. And I suspect most women would if their boyfriend had a 3 inch dick.
Little bit of dry skin down there but we're chilling.
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Incredibly smart with a mega thick dick, but too poor for a long term relationship. Where do I find good hearted women who just want to discretely experience being romanced by wit and split in half maybe just once in one memorable night.
press a button that magically makes it bigger then, whatever, you get the point.
I can compensate with love and affection and all the other stuff, but it doesn't stop it from hurting.
Imagine if your bf secretly wished your pussy was different/ better in some way, but put up with it, because he happens to be in love with you.
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Legit though last time I went out with people on Fri I was having a laugh and chatting to this MILF etc. but then just dissociated for like a solid half an hour and didn't say a word to anyone and went for a walk to try and snap out of it
do you think you'll have sex tonight?
>try to not feel guilty for feeling like a burden to them but i usually fail miserably to do that.
I feel like crying for you.

>the missing piece that makes me more functional
I think for some, therapy can only build a bridge over the hole in your heart, but not actually fill it. Sometimes that bridge is not a sturdy one and gets destroyed even by a breeze.

>not do and say things you might regret later.
Well, you first have to regret dping something, before you realize this is an issue you have and you should tackle it differently...
Luckily I found that out before her, so this "system" was already established.

>I tried that.
I know you did and I'm sure you gave it your best shot.
I think you using the word "exhausting" here again makes it clear your POV is very different.
I could absolutely never feel exhausted by her talking to me. That was simply not possible and I still can not understand how you can love somebody, but not want to spend time with them. There was nothing more precious for me than to spend time with her. I got desperate to strike up conversations and I had to chase after her to get something out of her. I have never felt so miserable in my life.
I later talked with a different woman about it and she said that traumatized me. I didn't realize it before, but she was correct.
That was after the first time I gave her a chance. The 2nd and 3rd time was not in a romantic relationship.
>why am I not allowed to whine about men doing this then.
You literally have the stage, nobody's been shouting you off. Any other website that isn't 4chan will automatically side with you. When men dare speak up about the same thing they're INKWELLS who need to TOUCH GRASS.
Just date girls too young, too old or too fucked up to want to have kids and they will be happy to sit on your pp with no strings attached.
>sit with you, talk and drink with you, but you have to buy them drinks and tip them.
Nta this this sounds exactly like a strip club lol
Wowwwwww, rude. Love is a good reason for anything ms no romance
Sounds like you just have a victim complex.
See you're both missing the point of loving someone and accepting who they are, and growing old with them.
This is not a fucking thought that crosses my mind.
Incredibly shallow takes.
It's something uniquely Japanese that we cash only experience there.
Have you ever helped a guy pick up a girl?
She's a lesbian. Her bedroom is deader than Julius Caesar
How are we defining good hearted I may or may not be helpful here
They have strip clubs in Japan, it isn't the same.
NTA but this genuinely wouldn't bother me. It's just flesh that every woman has, it has no bearing on the emotional, intimate parts of the relationship- the actual important stuff
Why would you do that?
It sounds pretty lively
If you were representative of all women there'd not be so many 4'11 girls who expect a man to be 6+
But I do feel kinda bad paying someone to talk to me at a café
I'm just bored
I want to be a voyeur and just watch you do random stuff.
Get better bait.
Yeah? Like it is about acceptance and not picking out every little "issue" about your partner. Unironically.
What do you think loving someone is???
This thread was better when it was just single women and men.
I got laid when I was unemployed; some guys get more when they don't have job. Don't let it get to your head.
I love tanned skin on a woman so much
I agree
Nah, absolutely correct.
The non single anons commenting seem pretty wholesome so would you rather just have the shit flinging fest?
I like getting advice from lesbians
Hit a sore spot I see, keep crying.
>A bi girl who likes tall guys is probably going to like tall girls, too.
This is not my experience
It's crazy to me how women keep replying to all the self-pitying small dick posters.
I would have stopped taking those fuckers seriously a long time ago and just waved them off every time they tried posting their shit here.
Why do you keep enabling them and feeding them pity points?
I thought the whole point of atoga was to crab bucket sex havers?
Coomers love hearing lesbians talk about sex.
Same thing with bi girls
Heh, don‘t. I ugly cry once a year over all of it and then not anymore for the rest of the time.
>traumatized me
I know. Which is why i am so cautious. I know that me just being me is enough to hurt people deeply and traumatize them even if i try not to. A curse really. I hope you can find healing from that too. I fully understand how that must have been a horrible situation for you that made you feel very alone and powerless, maybe even unloved and undesired. Aw man, if only humans could be simple creatures for ONCE.
Also this
>There’s no double standard here.
This isn't about double standards???
Women are naive and believe these guys can be reasoned with. Part of their mommy instincts
Girl the question isn't "what is love" you're trying to upset them on purpose. If you had a boyfriend you absolutely loved and you enjoyed piv a lot but sex with him was unsatisfying because his dick was too small or even nonexistent if you had a chance to fix that, you would. If your husband's dick got blown off in an accident you would magically replace it for him if given the chance you wouldn't leave him crippled by choice because you "accept" him right?
>>tfw people don't say twilight zone stuff anymore and just reference a shit poorly written show that normies think is deep and dark in any way
As a victim of this I agree, in the future I will use The Scary Door.
Monotheism is weird.
Don't you think it makes more sense for their to be more than one god?
how do I get over my ex gf and what happened at the end of our relationship? it's been months and I'm still think about her and I feel sad for her... but I feel like I can't talk to her to fix things and make her understand WHY I dumped her because I don't want to make her sad. yet that was our fucking problem: we couldn't talk about serious matters. she usually misinterpreted half of what I said and would cry and stuff
her birthday will be in a few days and I'm planning on talking to her and wishing her a good life yadda yadda but I don't know what to tell her and I know I need to stop myself from messing with her emotions, but I'm an undisciplined mess myself and I usually end up fucking things up...
>single women
Sex-havers: do you stay in one position from start to finish or switch it up?
because despite all their self pity, most of them are still more pleasant to talk to than your typical men who keeps puffing up his chest and try to act like he's the man to attract women.
Male bpd moment
I want some of those mommy instincts directed at me but I'm not a self-pitying dicklet
What's a more respectable behavior to attract such attention.
my atlanta, switch it up a lot
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How do I find a girlboss gf that loves me but also manipulates me through sex and my poor self esteem? I want someone who feeds my insecurities through a toxic relationship but most women I meet are too wholesome and therefore boring
case in point
>boohoo I have a small dick
is better than
>why don't leave that loser and come suck MYDICK instead
wise and noble
>If your husband's dick got blown off in an accident you would magically replace it for him if given the chance you wouldn't leave him crippled by choice because you "accept" him right?
There are no magic solutions. You're completely describing magical scenarios. And loving someone is about loving them despite what you'd perceive as a flaw.
If I fall in love with a girl, I'd make do with a strap on. And if my husband's dick was gone tomorrow I'd make due as well in a way that would protect him. Most of all I want to love him, I do not fucking care about changing my life partner like you'd do in a character creation.
I refuse to entertain this shitty retarded made up scenario.
I like to switch once or twice, but also go back to the first position to cum
There is no female equivalent to this, so maybe you just can't relate I guess.
Are you trying to imply that you should be over it after only a few months? That'd be pretty prompt desu.
Don't contact her for her birthday, please. That's selfish. Any delusion you have about doing it for "her sake" is wrong. You'll only hurt her. So if you contact her, it's because you want her to hurt. Wow.
Switch it up but not much. Maybe rotate like five positions that are comfy and nice.
I'm not bpd but I'm in a really bad mental state right now I think, and I know it, but I don't know wtf to do...
I'm a woman. If you accept a thing you consent to receive it. Doesn't matter whether the thing is "less" or "more".
Anyway my point was that accepting isn't the word I would choose if I'm trying to convey enthusiasm.
>I don’t know what this means or why you’d think this.
I'm not trying to get my dick sucked, I just think it's shameful for a man to feel sorry for himself online and shoot down every bit of reassurance that comes his way.
>I want to be a voyeur
My life is not that exciting mate
Rn I'm eating a cheese and ham sandwich outside and petting the neighbour's cat
>Don't contact her for her birthday, please. That's selfish.
she was the one who wanted to keep in contact, and she sent me a message on my birthday so I'm planning on doing the same. what's wrong with that?
The concept of the trinity is a lot more mystical and unknowable than "lol there are just like, 5000 gods."
I'm a woman who has sex with men. There is such a thing as too small. A micro dick doesn't do it the same way 5 inches does.

You're not engaging with the hypothetical in good faith.
>since they’re already the best
sure, and if you happen to fall in love with someone else they would be the best, right?
I've been simgle all this time buddy
I cant think of a question to ask the girls
so girls, just pretend I asked you a very interesting question and give an answer to that
Why are you two still in contact at all?
Leave her the hell alone. Twisting people back and forth like paperclips will break them. That's bpd behavior.
Boring, and annoying
men always thinking that they have to police how others are allowed to live and what they're allowed to think, go marry and have some kids so you can be the dad you're trying to act like.

I'll stick with these losers.
It's also complete woowoo. "ITS MYSTERIOUS... ON PURPOSE OK!!!"
Why would you respond to "wouldn't it make more sense" with "IT'S MORE MYSTICAL AND YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT!!"
Pure pseudery
Wow! That's a great question, anon, you're really smart
Bro, we're always single, it's the ladies that matter.
what kind of attention do you want exactly, what do you mean by mommying/mommy instincts?
see >>31674911

>Why are you two still in contact at all?
I don't know. again, she was the one who wanted to keep in contact....
and then there is this other faggot accusing me of being bpd.
Can you please stop being autistic for one minute and accept the hypothetical right now. The options are magically give him a new dick or don't do that.

Let's pretend it was his leg instead. You seriously wouldn't give him a free brand new normal leg because you "love him as he is"? He would hate you for that.
Get over yourself my man
>She does like anal, but we just haven't gotten around to it.
Well, what are you waiting for?
And? If you keep feeding the beast, they'll just keep coming back.
So what if other men believe it? It wouldn't change anything.
Did lezanon bounce?
We are still going to have biological children.

Lick my six pack. I'm feeling romantic.

Well maintained


Yes, exactly

Yeah, sure

Yes, we have sex around 5 times a week.

Yes, quite a few times

This only happens to middle aged women whose libido tanks.

Because we know what it's like to have body dysmorphia

Switch a lot. Muscles get sore in one position for too long.

I much prefer Michio Kaku's explanation of string theory. That means there's a universe where I have a harem of beautiful alien bitches.
Shouldn't you be saying that to her not me?
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>what kind of attention do you want exactly
I didn't think that far ahead
Dang, that really is a great question, Anon! I'm not sure, there's just so much nuance, I'd need more time to prepare a solid answer. Thanks for bringing the discussion up, I hope someone who has more expertise on the matter comes along, but in the meantime it really makes me think.
>Can you please stop being autistic for one minute
No, what you're asking me to do is to completely disregard my love for my husband in hopes that I give you a response you like, completely reducing him to dick size in the process.
It's like you've never seen a couple growing old together. You think that penis will work forever?
>Wake up
>Clear face
>Gf calls me gay
>She spends 30 mins putting on makeup
i hate doublestandards
favorite doublestandard?
>i only truly care about my own validation
Yeah, she surely is the same in that way.
I think you can not fully accept the validation from others, ubless you are at least ok with yourself. It's like trying to do a kickflip, before you even put any wheels on a skateboard. You will stumble.

>is this all things you have told her before?
I was always very open with my feelings. Positive and negative.
She knows more about my inner workings thn anybody else and vice versa.
That's also why she was so good at hurting me with her avoidancy, because she knew that was the worst she could do to me.
Our last conversation was two months ago and that was after we hadn't talked for a few days. This was only in text form, but it was very definitive and final.
Some of our texts from a few weeks ago were suddenly deleted and I asked what was up. She claimed she felt like she overshared. She randomly deleted many times before, but now I noticed the whole chat history was getting deleted, so something was up.
I told her this was very frustrating and she agreed. She robbed me of the chance to talk about it, by writing just 2 short sentences that she doesn't want to face her own immaturity and she'd feel I was always making fun of her issues. Then I was blocked.
No chance to "defend" myself and that's when I realized just how she actually is. She said that to justify her actions, she threw out that lie, even though she absolutely knew I never made fun of her.

So yeah, she threw me away in what I can only describe feels to me as evil and heinous.

I have to go do something else and I'm not sure if I'll reply to your replies, sorry.
I'm sure what I wrote here now is incomplete and not pretty. Biased even.
I will definitely at least read your replies though.
Thanks for talking with me, maybe we'll meet again.
I really liked your meme pics.
chainsaw man is out! /atoga/ns go read it so we can discuss the new chapter!
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Civilization was a mistake. I can appreciate and be grateful for the comfort, abundance and safety it brought but in the end it just made us spoiled, sick, weak, disconnected and entitled. I wish we could undo it.
My shit is not green all the time
They all suck
Literally a crying baby because men you deem "below" get more attention than you
no more (You)s for you, always the same with you people
There is something deeply wrong with me
Answer the leg question please >>31674929

Do you not understand what the word "if" means anon. Ha e you never answered "if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing what would it be?" It's a thought exercise. Think.
I have a very hard time believing that. Nothing makes a man more punchable than self pity. At least men who put on the macho act mostly do it as a bit, whereas small dick guys genuinely complain about something that doesn't matter like their life depended on it. And they keep repeating the same shit over and over.
How can someone with so little character growth be pleasant to talk to?
Based theater major
we got to beet evil orange super-racist dont' critical think just obey, vote for person we installed with zero grass root support

well ladies, you're going to obey the headlines, right?
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>That means there's a universe where I have a harem of beautiful alien bitches.
what kind of bitches though
name one thing that directly affects the actual feeling of sex that women are insecure about?
The leg question please.
Oh I'm sure some of them aren't lying I'm just sure the one I'm arguing with is because she says she would leave her husband permanently disfigured just because even if she had the power to heal him.
Would you ever consider posting to /soc/, specifically one of the audio threads?
Is there such a thing as too big
>t. 7" virgin
you're wrong anon, grr you make me angry.
like this?
What an ugly ending. So sad because i think you both really tried to make it work but her unhinged ways made it impossible.
Thank you for your time and for listening and take care.
I appreciate you liking my memes, kek
I make this post because I agreed with the take of a specific post, but I do not wish to quote it, as that would include me into the spehre of mean people
But based
I agree, that's a clever way to get rid of both the nitro-glycerin AND the orphanage surplus that we are plagued by. I wouldn't have though of that.
So you're refusing to engage with the question in good faith. We're right back where we started.
I think anything above 8.5 would pop me like a balloon. You would make me throw up if I had eaten too recently but I can take it.
I wish I could take a woman to get a lapdance from another woman and then fuck her afterwards.
femanons, whats your take on guys with tattoos?
Could you describe your go to pussy eating technique?
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It's just the natural order of these threads my guy, the whores bully us virgins, I wouldn't have it any other way desu
Men, pretend i asked the exact question you have been waiting for and answer accordingly.
so then that person isn't really the best. They're just the next best thing that you have right now that can be easily replaced.
nah too mean
I need something more motivated by "awww"
You can, just hire a couple of hookers who might be willing to do that.
so now that I told you SHE was the one that wanted to keep talking and SHE was the one that contacted me on my birthday you don't say a thing...
you people really are shit.
>We've all said the exact opposite though
How is this the opposite
No, I'd rather die alone.
Yes I will marry you bb
What is the "gotcha" for if she says
>Yes I would magically restore his dick and leg.
That she doesn't actually accept him?
They exist
have you had any public or semi-public sex experiences?
Her lips.
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Red skin > Blue skin > Orange skin > Green skin > Yellow skin
>Because we know what it's like to have body dysmorphia
so your solution is to coddle a bunch of whiny insecure incels and argue with them on why their perceived flaw is actually good.
Despite potentially not even personally liking it yourself?
Your parents are dying on your 18th birthday, but due to a new advancement in technology, they can now clone themselves, they would be the same age as you, but they'd have their old memories, and they want to do it, would you accept it?

Would you respect these clones the same way you respected your original parents?
Sure hope you do not mean me because i am not mean.
Which ones...?
depends on the tattoos a lot. i don't have tattoos but my boyfriend does have some, i like them.
Would you still love me if I ate you alive
There is no gotcha I just think it's fucked up that she thinks she's sticking to some moral high ground by not allowing a magical wish granting entity with no ulterior motives to give him his leg back.
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You unfortunately only have my words to go on, but from my POV it was really the must hurtful way she could have gone about it.

Here is a depressing relationship meme as a goodbye. lol
>The leg question please.
Anon, if I had the magical power to turn my husband into anything he liked, and if he wanted to be a dinosaur, sure, I don't fucking know what this proves.
i'm bad at that sort of thing so i'll leave it at that.
Yes, I would eat a dog. I would eat 2 dogs. I would eat all the dogs. I would bite and chew and swallow. I would hear them howl. The fear in their voice. Their vocal inflictions failing as they struggle to comprehend the futility of their existence. That they are not "man's best friend", but merely an animal we favor. A tool. A toy. A distraction. *Crunch*, and a bone breaks. *Whine* and a dog is made manifest into meal.

Why yes, I DO have a background in soft robotics and would like to work with my significant other to develop and market the most sophisticated and fiendish sex machines ever devised and then keep all the really cool and interesting ones to ourselves
I wouldn't accept it.
>Would you respect these clones the same way you respected your original parents?
Absolutely not because they would not be my parents.
my mom died recently btw.
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I would become part of you so yes.
My fault to be honest. Can't just put you on the spot like that you know?
That's the thing, m8
the fun of a voyeur doesn't come from how exciting their life is, it's about the invasion of privacy, the intimacy of the information revealed.
I want to see you scratch your ass and sniff it type vibe
You're supposed to say "I do" at the altar not "kek" wtf
Were you two close
wait, are you serious? You sure you got the ACTUAL launch codes? How did you even get those? Doesn't matter...
I've always wanted to push a big red button like that.
>I just think it's fucked up that she thinks she's sticking to some moral high ground
The moral highground being that I love my husband and I'm loyal and accepting to him |: you're such a fucking retard. Don't you see you're asking me to reduce the person I love to a character creation simulator?
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Awwww noooo D-:
>scratch your ass and sniff it
Wtf I'm not an animal
You would genuinely get bored of watching my life
Right now I'm just smoking a cigarette in the garden
If you want to eat cereal and watch Strawberry Shortcake at 3am be my guest though
Very actually. It's been hard, bros.
ty for answering so many questions
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Oh sorry i forgot the script.
>You would genuinely get bored of watching my life
I really wouldn't, you have no idea how much fun I have just people watching.
It would be weird but they're only about 20 years older than me, my mom less. I'm not in charge of them they're gonna do it whether I accept it or not so I might as well accept it. Hanging out with them would be weird though, now that I'm older I have a kind of friendship with my mom but at that age not so much.
This picture where is it from
Does your gf know you post here about ur sex life
That's some tough shit, I don't even want to think about how I'd cope on my mother's funeral.
You got anybody to talk to?
Did you notice them when you´ve meet eachother for the first time? what did you think back then?
What? No. you said
>Anon, we don’t compulsively look for better people when we love someone, since they’re already the best.
implying that whoever you're with is automatically better than anybody you'll ever meet while dating them and you have no reason to date someone better who you can have a better life with if the opportunity arises.
>tfw no mutual cannibalism gf
>you have no idea how much fun I have just people watching
I would honestly rather watch paint dry
Also I'm closing the curtains
I didn't say I was friendless, did I? Only that I chose not to have male friends because I legitimately fear men's nature as rapists.

Most women are familiar with this realistic fear, but men are sadly naive to it. Which unfortunately is the path to receiving forced, nonconsensual buggery from your male so-called "friends".
That's all I wanted. The thing I was pissed off about was you saying you wouldn't magically heal him if his dick was blown off in an accident. It would be cruel not to.
I hadnt thought of those down below, but they are also nice
Hi Anon. Even if she's been initiating contact, it doesn't sound healthy for you. Can you tell us more about the relationship? How long were you together? How old are you both? How often are you two contacting each other?

It can be a common thing for recent exes to send these sort of holiday texts as they figure out what it's like to be broken up. It can be weird to go from talking to each other every day, thinking about each other every day, celebrating every notable day together - - to essentially pretending the other doesn't exist. So people might still send a "happy birthday" or "happy thanksgiving" etc if those happen in the first couple months of a breakup.

It's a good idea to start moving towards letting that inclination go. Staying in a contact with an ex really only works if you two are very neutral with each other and left on mutual good terms. Sounds like you two had a lot of emotional strife, so that doesn't apply here. The goal is to transition to something that is both good for your sanity and also appropriate for when one or both of you gets into a new relationship. For non-neutral exes, "appropriate" is typically no contact at all.
>feels different
yeah, whereas sex with a small dick is always going to feel worse than with an above average/big one.
It's like an ant farm, it's fun.
Watching people doing things.
like, look he scratched his ball and sniffed it, lol. cute.
oh now he's jacking off!
Is it a good idea to try to get online friends if you have zero friends irl and you're very bad at making friends? It's not a good solution I know, but it'd be nice to have internet friends and some social interaction. One issue though is that since I'm so used to image boards, talking to someone one-on-one on discord makes me really anxious, it just feels more relaxing to talk to someone in thread
Or should I avoid discord and try to make friends in online games instead?
> Only that I chose not to have male friends because I legitimately fear men's nature as rapists.
this """guy""" (not) actually expects us to believe them when they start claiming to be impartial
shameless, pathetic larp
I recently switched to a good therapist so I have that thankfully.
Thank you for asking anon, you're kind.

I'll give a word of advice for when (hopefully in the far future) you lose your parents: the funeral is not for you. It's for everyone else that's looking up to you to fill that void.
Cherish your parents while you have them, it's gonna hit really hard when they're gone.
in reality women nowadays are borderline schizo due to their abuse of contraceptives, namely the pill.
>because I already said the opposite
Where. All you'e done until >>31675014 if that's even you is refuse to answer the question?
You are loving and accepting of him but would let him suffer because you think it makes you a good person? Give the man his damn leg!
Whenever did she say that she didn't want him to regain his leg/dick? She's just refusing to play your game, you're the one putting those words in her mouth.
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>look he scratched his ball and sniffed it, lol. cute.
>oh now he's jacking off
What the fuck are you on about lad
This is sounding a bit homo
I'm not god or a magician. It's not like I actually could.
My entire point is that loving someone is not about finding the most looksmaxxed dickmaxxed person you can get.
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I have no idea. It is just a random oic i found in the depths of the internet.
out of 10 how hot is this guy
not sure if I noticed them when we met, probably not. but he did show me his thigh tattoo pretty early on and I loved it. I won't be too specific but it's an image taken from a book cover
I only had bad experiences with girls on discord. They all want to build their simp army and get upset if you don't put up with it.
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How do you feel that AI art struggles to make someone as ugly as you?
Exactly so how is refusing to engage saying the opposite of "I would leave him crippled".
>string theory
Holy cringe
read >>31675076
lol, if you are afraid get a dog or a gun or hit the gym you faggot.
When I was doing data annotation I rated the hot babes higher so
I'm a girl and I'm not interested in simps. I either want girl friends or guy friends who I wouldn't mention my gender to
And my entire point is that IF you had access to God like powers and your husband was an amputee, not fixing him would be fucked up. What is so hard to get here?
I'll show her some string theory if you catch my drift
thoughts on guys who get anxious in hospitals and other medical environments?
Hey baby. Let's get a drink tonight.
If they don't know your gender, they're not your friends. You sound fitting for discord, lmao.
No, your entire point was to try and say WOMEN BAD AND WILL TRADE YOU FOR CHAD B. D. MAXIMUS
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How did you get that from the pic?
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Can we do a freaky friday thing where we post shit as the other gender?
Like post what you'd normally post, but pretend you're the opposite gender

This is the second time you've made no sense
>post what you'd normally post, but pretend you're the opposite gender
I mean people mistake me for a girl here all the time anyway
He's not wrong.
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I'm just desperate lol, I have no social circle or friends at all
Gotta have a Twi'lek and Asari
A Tamaranean, a Kryptonian, and whatever Gamora is. Amazonians don't technically count as aliens, but definitely some Amazonians.

I did and I got made fun of by the moids there

You can. Women get special attention when they go to strip clubs.

It's a case by case basis, but I focus mostly on foreplay and avoid the pussy as long as possible. Kiss and nip everywhere she finds receptive from her head to her toes, grab and rub everywhere (especially near the pubis), then when I finally go for it, I use strong slow licks around the vulva and take my time working towards the clit. From there, it's dealer's (hers) choice on speed and technique.

Yes, we almost got banned from Galleria mall in Dallas.

This is the way, but where do you put purple?

Maybe be supportive instead.pf reinforcing their insecurities, asshole.

Yes, she posts on reddit about it.

I do too. I hate the smell of antiseptic and it's pervasive in hospitals.
I did this in the pokemon census in /vp/ before they started culling those threads.
My guy friend kept saying I only got replies because I was a woman. So I made a guy profile and got tons of replies all the same
good times
Can't imagine the pain you're feeling right now. Losing someone so close is heartbreaking. Take care of yourself, Anon.
I get nervous as well. I would hold his hand and reassure him.
Is feeling jealous over your bf/gf a feeling you should be ashamed of? Do you find jealousy (un)attractive in relationships?
I should rewatch some Pesci.
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But why?
It's people watching.
Go outside, you're a girl and will have friends and bfs in under an hour. Meanwhile men are told to gym for 10 years before they talk to anyone.
When the conversation started my point was "skirting around the question just makes them mad" so I asked a different question, which you then also refused to answer. You specifically are the problem not "women". When you refused to answer my question my point became "why would you not just say you would fix him that's fucked up"
I don't get why, I never actually make any posts claiming to be a woman or reply to posts asking for women or anything like that
I think people here think if you say anything negative about X gender, you must be of the opposite, like its impossible for one guy to find another pathetic
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Oh. so I just don't exist?
This, I feel like girls inevitably try to get money out of you. I'm on a few art discords and girls always get weird even if your conversation starts with something as simple as "how do you do x technique"
Just turn on the telly
>a feeling you should be ashamed of
yes, quite. there is either something wrong with you or with her
I didn't, I got it from your answer
Don't you agree that most "homosexualist" men are just weak, pansy incels who can't get a woman? I swear, a lot of these guys just need a good woman to suck their cocks and straighten them out.
You're going to show her something with no experimental evidence?
Refusing to answer you doesn't mean she's refusing to fix him. You are really autismo fixated on this, girl
Oh I've got the evidence alright
That's not the same, that's made for profit.
This is real entertainment, not made for me, it exists without me, it doesn't need to keep me hooked, it doesn't need to make money, it just IS.
Come on, give me a glimpse.
If it's so dumb then why is it so hard to pick the objectively correct answer?
my cock is pretty curved upwards so i dont know how sucking on it could straighten it
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I just want her to eat me
>did and I got made fun of by the moids there
For shame! I hope you'll consider giving it another try.
>the feeling of sterility
The smell of sterilized equipment. The cold, bright lighting they use. Why can't they pick something warmer?
>made for profit
What about independent and underground films
>Come on, give me a glimpse
How much are you paying
But if a woman sucks your cock, you will stop being a pillow-biting flit. That sexual act alone will heterosexualise you.
I mean I tried to get friends in uni. Maybe I'm just unpleasant but I feel like the girls I talked to and tried to befriend didn't care for me too much. It seemed like they all had enough friends already and I'm the only one among the women at uni with no friends.
But why refuse to answer? Just fix the leg.
I've felt jealous but the way I've dealt with it was just communicating with my husband like "this is silly and all, but I feel jealous abut so and so", and we'd talk about it and he'd reassure me.
It's the same with my husband. When he comes to me about being jealous I reassure him and make sure to include him in the hangout with said person as to make him feel more comfortable and all.
I tend not to really go with people alone that I know would cast that doubt in my husband to begin with.
>I feel like girls inevitably try to get money out of you.
>I'm on a few art discords
Anon you're already in an environment where people are advertising themselves for money, ie art commissions. That is not an accurate comparison for women in general. You shouldn't be surprised if people upsell in an environment where they have something to sell.
>Yes, we almost got banned from Galleria mall in Dallas
I'd love to hear the story if you're open to sharing
>What about independent and underground films
Those are made for themselves, which makes it boring, watching them make it would be fun though.
>How much are you paying
Nothing, just pretend I don't exist.
If I was a ghost, I'd just stalk people and watching them do everything.
>You can. Women get special attention when they go to strip clubs.
How many bi girls would be down for this? I have no knwoledge of going to a strip club otherwise and don't want to feel sleazy
No, men belong to men
Google it, there are actual reasons why they use that kind of lighting
Yeah pretty much. Why would you ever NOT give him a new leg if he lost his? To me it just proved that she just wanted to argue but pretend to be nice while doing it.
why is that?
>When you refused to answer my question my point became "why would you not just say you would fix him that's fucked up"
There is nothing to fucking fix about his dick to begin with, this was all a discussion about a made up scenario to make me look bad and make me sound like I don't actually love him or some shit.
Or do you think this was not exactly what you were doing?
>I was a ghost, I'd just stalk people and watching them do everything
Fair play
If I was a ghost I would prank people and look up women's skirts
Can we have the link to her reddit? :)
so you can actually see shit, duhhh. just wear rose tined sunglasses, bam warm light
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Yeah. I'm somewhat attracted to guys but only out of boredom because I don't have a gf. A lot of ppl insist that yaoi/BL/femboys make you bi/gay/LGBT but that's not the case at all, I'm just bored at conventional porn. If I had a gf I wouldn't be bored at all
you are either a dumb retard for not feeling good for her or she is doing it on purpose to put you down. either case its a toxic enviroment
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Nah nigga u gay
No, you are a retard.
you never know. Maybe you meet someone who you have insanely good chemistry with. Like off the charts good. If love wasn't a factor you'd pick him over your current bf any day, but you operate on the sunken cost fallacy and assume that you can't possibly develop a better relationship with that new guy that you have with your current bf, when in reality there are probably a lot of people more compatible. Except for if your bf dies in a car accident or something and you start dating that other guy and build something far better, after whatever amount of grief you'd have to suffer through. And you could have easily just broken up with your current bf and built a new relationship if it weren't for you being too afraid to potentially lose a 10 year relationship.
I like the non-sexy intimacy of being a voyeur
Do you feel me, how it's not performative, it's just for themselves.

A women changing in her own room, zoned out eyes, thinking about things miles away, while she robotically gets into her work uniform, that's hot
A women stripping for you while acting sexy is just meh.
True and hot
If I was her I'd refuse because you are neurotic and freaking out and I wouldn't want to give you any satisfaction.
It would go
>I don't want to answer this because I don't think it's genuine to be spirit of he conversation
And then once you didn't accept that, I'd continue to refuse because
>I don't want to answer this because you are now shitting on me and you deserve nothing from me. Saying "I'd stop shitting on you if you gave me what I want" will not convince me to give it to you
The priority should be the patience health and wellbeing, no?
Nta but have you tried societies, or going to events/predrinks and stuff in the common areas?
Fair enough, but I've never had another guy or gender unknown person message me with random solicitations for their pages, sfw or nsfw, or just random asking for money in general without even a sale or commission as a pretext. Women are 100% banking on men on the internet being thirsty idiots, it's why a girl will always include a picture of herself next to her pieces, to bait simps.
It is that simple. Unless you're trying to convince me that if you had a choice to build a dream guy, you'd give him a small dick?
Lol no
Women, What do you think is the most important thing that makes you decide whether or not you love someone?

Like take a man, take his appearance and personality, and start stripping things away until you get to something that makes you go, if that's not there, I can't love him anymore.

What is that thing?
>loving someone for 10 years is sunken cost fallacy
You're a shallow bastard and you will die alone.
Yeah I get where you're coming from but pls don't stalk me IRL
>I'm a girl
But anyways, online friends or just talking with people can help with your speech and being comfortable talking. Online friends are friends of convenience, so keep that in mind. For its pitfalls and advantages.
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I bet he has a cute cock
Women wouldn't get it, the appreciation for small, cute cock
Comparing sizing and dominating him, but telling him its okay
Hugging him close, reaching around, helping him grow
It never gets big, but as tell him that's fine, as I bite his ear
Women would never
Is your lovemaking usually spontaneous? Or do you plan things out/set up scenes?

Thanks for the thorough reply on technique btw
>Except for if your bf dies in a car accident or something and you start dating that other guy and build something far better, after whatever amount of grief you'd have to suffer through.
Tfw when my dad died and my mom never loved anyone else in the 20 years after, then she died.
I'm not going to stalk you, stalkers are weird, they want to be known, they want to be seen.
I'd be invisible, people wouldn't know I exist.
The only disturbance I'd cause is the fact that I observed, I wouldn't need to go through your trash, because I'd already seen what you threw in it.
State Gender
How much Sleep did you get the last time you Slept

Men suck dick way better than women
I slept at 4am, and woke up at 8 am.
That's marketing, babey. That says more about the art commission market than women's character. They can succeed in this business more than men do, so they do it.
Did you ever notice how the closer you get to the places where western civilization was founded, the easier it is to find casual sex, dates, and hookups?

The south and midwest of the United States are a sexual wasteland. The Northeast, especially New England, is a beacon of sexual liberation. Western Europe, especially continental Western Europe, is a whole fuckfest.

It's amazing how you have no options for sexual relationships in Arkansas or Alabama, but in Maine and Massachusetts - and even more so Austria and Andorra - opportunities to meet with another human being to get each other's genitals wet are everywhere. And I do mean EVERYWHERE.

Why is this, I wonder?
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How can you possibly get bored of sexy girls?
You are gay bro I'm sorry to break it to you
the world is more complex than your simplistic, quite frankly unexperienced view. you can date people who are others are drawn to. you can't tell them to not approach your gf/bf and you can't tell your gf/bf to change who they are.

then there's the friend who can be so close sometimes. you can't tell them don't have friends but also you can't tell if it's romantic or not, sexual or not... the world doesn't exist in certitude, and a lot of time the answer isn't clearly and beyond a shadow of a doubt this or that
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Pic rel.
You could do both, it's not a requirement to make the patient feel stressed and miserable to have a clean environment
Obviously I couldn't get bored IRL, it's different online thoe. You lack a lot of things like haptic feedback etc etc that keeps things fresh
there are no societies here, but I did join a hobby club for some time. maybe I gave up too fast, but I was there for maybe a month, and after several cringe interactions (me trying to be social and sitting next to another girl and trying to talk, but feeling like my presence was unwanted/she didn't want to talk to me).
I think I managed to make a few acquaintances at events, but they seemed to find their own friend groups really fast and I felt like I was left behind. but yeah maybe I was just demotivated too easily.
we are >30 and lived together for almost 3 years. we found one each other on a dating app and starting living together a month after that...
our relationship was good until ~1 year ago. things got bad during the last 4 months or so. I was going through a lot of stress for multiple reasons, trying to concentrate on one particular personal project. I became lazy and aggressive, and felt like she became a burden rather than help and that she had started to hate me so I dumped her.
the way I dumped her... one night she was crying and complaining about me for "behaving like a child" and telling me how she felt sort of like I used her only for sex. I told her I had plans that would help us improve our lives in a particular way and I guess she was ok with my explanation. but I had been feeling bad, and what she told me made me feel like shit. the next morning I told her I couldn't continue living with her, and told her some other stuff to make her understand that I knew she completely misunderstood me, misinterpreted me and started disrespecting me. she wasn't expecting that... but she agreed that we needed to split and end the relationship. she told me I could stay for a while but I told her that I wanted to leave asap
the next day I took most of my stuff and left. we have kept talking through whatsapp.
a couple of months ago or so I told her I'd stop talking to her for my sanity but couldn't... a month ago I told her I wanted to get back with her but she told me "not yet, not for a while". I know that was a mistake, but I'm a complete mess. my life has always been a complete mess.
I stayed up until 7 am and slept until 10 am. I am so exhausted.
About 4 hours (slept 6-10am)
Just visit Europe and woo the babes with your southern accent
00:30 to 07:50
>hot girl goes buy something at the vending machine
>try not to look
>end up gawking at her

I know for a fact that women do this to me too because frequently catch randoms them staring or even talking about me and i hear what they say. But what triggers this to happen? Is it just looking hot and well grommed?
5 hours at most.
I guess you're the only woman in this thread.
eh, thanks for answering I guess.
>I stayed up until 7 am
y tho
>Maybe be supportive instead.pf reinforcing their insecurities, asshole.
They keep crawling back for a reason. If you really wanted to be supportive you'd face them with the cold hard truth that they either accept the hand they were dealt or get left behind.
What you're doing is reinforcing their bullshit far more than simply putting them down.
You can't logic your way out of a situation you didn't logic your way into. No amount of rationality will get through to these pathetic losers. They will keep refracting your responses and twisting them in a way that fits their retarded world view. Have you noticed how you didn't manage to change a single anons mind?
Which in your case is especially funny, because your words don't line up with your actions since the thing that sparked this whole discussion in the first place was you buying a dildo or something.
Give it some time. It is not that easy of a question to answer.
>haptic feedback
Idk you do you bro, I am not criticising
You are on the bi spectrum at least though
Hi Anon I am a femanon who is insecure about being too loose :) Nice to meet you
are you talking about jealousy over achivements or some dude trying to get close to your girl?
His genuine appreciation.
All roads of porn addiction lead to T porn.

I wish i knew anon. I wish i knew.
The west has fallen etcetera
I bet there's more to sex when it's not in 20 minute clips on your phone
well I had on online friend when I was a teen, she was another girl from basically across the globe. we drew together online and watched anime together, but around the time when I started hs she blocked me because I had forgotten to reply to her for like 2 months (yes it was my fault). I wish I somehow found a friendship like that again and I wouldnt take it for granted as much.

I don't know of any color wristband thing. Maybe it's regional.

We used Bluetooth toys on each other while shopping. Were having sex in various dressing rooms and talking to associates. But we got caught at LoveSac of all places and beat feet. Security came up to us a few minutes later in the food court and said someone had complained about us and told us to stop being freaks.

I think the issue would be more that women don't want their partner indulging in strippers.

No, she posts pictures of herself on there.

Twink > Zelda

We never plan it, but we can't sit for extended periods of time without it devolving into sex.
All records of porn addiction lead to Trump porn? That explains so much about the MAGA movement.
>woman mentions her 10 year long relationship
>but obviously you'd change his dick!!
why do you let yourselves be consumed by bitterness and jealousy?
I didn't answer the question because I'm not sure how to answer or if it'd even be accurate. It's essentially dealbreakers, I guess? But there isn't just one thing. There are multiple things that if he didn't have x then we couldn't be together.
Women, what position do you shlick in?

Men, what position do you jerk off in? On your back? Standing up?
Women, imagine you started talking to some guy online, and then you both just immediately clicked with each other, his personality is your exact type.
But then you later found out that he was fat and balding, would you date him?
As a guy who has experienced that it made me feel like my cock was tiny and thin.
>I think the issue would be more that women don't want their partner indulging in strippers.
Yeah I have zero interest in actually going to a strip club outside of this context
I always lay on my belly. I can't orgasm by masturbating if I'm not laying face down.
>out of both love and fear.
and there it is. It's cool if you settled, but at least admit to it instead of climbing on the soap box and preaching about the power of love.
squatting like a frog
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I think you just answered your own question anon
Hot people are hot, monke brain is inclined to look
Standing or sitting, but I always stand up to nut
4 hours. Got run out of California and slept at a rest stop in Nevada lol
Yup it sucks to see my bf blame himself
I'm not above using sex appeal when I get the chance, I wear spandex to outdoor art shows if I know the crowd will be heavily middle aged women, but in an environment where you're presumably trading knowledge and critique it's kind of annoying to be hit with an ad from some girl who thinks she's hot shit because she's aiming at low hanging fruit.
I had this experience but the problem wasn't that he was fat and balding, it's that in college he interned for a right wing think tank that had Condi Rice on its board of directors. I just couldn't see myself dating a man who palled around with war criminals.
That's just straight up not true, though. It's basically conjecture that "making the patient feel unwelcome in the environment makes the place cleaner"
Usually on my back. Sometimes on my belly because that was how i used to masturbate before i trained myself out of it because i feared it would make me unable to cum from sex to be conditioned that way.
It's about getting down to what you really want from a person, start by thinking about the perfect guy.
Split it into personality and looks, and then slowly, take away things from the list, and see what makes you decide that this man isn't worth it anymore.
Yeah, I don't see why not
Are you one of the femanons whos favorite sex position is pronebone?
I forgot to mention: she was my first gf.
I regret dumping her, I should have told her that I needed some time. but I was going through a really rough time and I was having thoughts of cheating on her and simliar stuff. in some way, she had told me I needed some time but I ignored her... I fucked up for being stubborn.
I keep messing things up and I don't know wtf to do.
I'm in a bad mental state... I have highs and lows all the time. I keep going from "I still love her and I feel really fucking sad and stupid and ashamed" to "it wouldn't have worked. wtf am I thinking? stop thinking of her". I don't know how to control my fucking emotions...
Sitting down usually
Who tf stands
M. Pic related.
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I think today, I'm going to go ride the bike share at 2 am.
you're disgusting. Vile, even.
on my bed and on my back, leaning against a pillow
You won't find it if you don't try for it.
I can understand it being annoying, but unfortunately it works. In my experience of art servers, there has so be specifically moderated against if you're going to achieve purely a "trade knowledge" environment.
>Why, yes. Finally, a woman who knows her role in life is to be fed and bred! Joyous day.
>we can't sit for extended periods of time without it devolving into sex.
Guess you'll need to take a break from atoga soon, huh? :P
Night biking hits different, just use lights and watch out for animals on the road
Interesting contrast in these answers
on my knees, forehead pressed into my mattress. i know its retarded but thats how ive always done it
I don't think I'd be able to answer it myself, honestly, lol.
Take your time.
yeah that's me
Once at the sex club I go to when I'm bored and horny, a transwoman's elderly sugar daddy invited me to bend me over and rail her, and her ass was super tight and difficult to squeeze my cock through. Our encounter didn't last very long and I was kind of frustrated by it.
I just don't know where to look really. I met that friend in a browser game in 2013, but it seems like I've kinda lost my ability to be social and talk in games
I should be excited about seeing articles like this but escorts are so expensive and the concubine economy is clearly fucked up. I can't imagine how expensive it is to actually purchase a woman as your concubine.
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Sometimes I see a girl and I just want to give kisses all over her face and thighs!
Girls, how do I make first move to kiss you? If I made you laugh is it a good sign to go for a kiss?
femanons, has it ever happened to you some guy just doing some random thing and you got aroused from it?
It's usually something athletic like playing intramural soccer or swimming laps.
Are you on your bed pressing your forehead into the mattress with the risk of nutting into your own face or are you on the side of your bed like you were praying
That section of the road always has street lights, and the bike's got one of those self charging headlights, I should be fine.
Nobody drives at night there, just weirdly populated with couples who like to sit at the benches and talk for some reason.

Makes me uncomfortable being fat and trying to lose weight.
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Humans operate on SECONDARY sexual characteristics, hence finding cute guys attractive is normal heterosexual behaviour. It's normal because we've already labeled them cute using heteronormative language and standards

Would you ever cuckold a guy a with a woman?
Tis the age of co-op games. That's a place to look.
Yeah ofc
So that why all the girls refused to do P.E and just sat back staring at us?
can this faggot stop spamming the thread?
thw first one lol. though usually i nut into my hand, i have gotten some splatter on my face before lol
Laying on my left side, sometimes on my back always in my bed.
God that is hot.
Way to tell on yourself. Couldn't be me saying loud and proud I was incapable of love.
that is cope
I don't even care about the dick size shit anymore. You cannot tell me that you'd let rose tinted glasses dictate your life THIS much to the point where you'd dismiss opportunities of living a better life for yourself for the sake of staying with another person out of what? Familiarity? Safety?
I'd kill myself before I grow old with someone.
Public Sexual Abuse?
what was it?
Any suggestions ? I don't really play any co-op games.
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Kek, love you too anon.
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Either standing up or face down. I don't know why, but it's almost impossible for me to cum while on my back.

She's at work rn

Yes, I saw a guy wrestling with his dog in the park and thought, "I'd really like to fuck that dog."
Jk I'm not white

Maybe, but I'm not really into casual sex.

Can you?

Captcha: ASMR
i guess so. when i first started masturbating i would use both hands, one stimulating the tip, other on the shaft, but i would lose my balance a lot. so i just used my head and turned into a 3 legged table basically
You're vile. Do you say the same thing about your cat? "Oh I'm gonna trade the cat I saved from the streets for a BETTER PRETTIER cat"

You've been calling that girl an autist but the only autist I see here is you

When I was a teen I'd jerk off standing up to see how far I could shoot. But now mostly sitting/laying in bed.

I feel like I only dribble out no matter how much I work out my kegels, unless I'm super horny and have waited a few days
god I wish I were publicly sexually abused. That someone just started sodomizing me or giving me oral by surprise and it was broadcast live on to every television set on every channel in America.
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havent thought much about purple honestly
im a red skin xeno supremacist desu
My sole motivation to work is so I can to the accounting baddies.
Helping someone, doing yard work, exercising, doing their job, playing with animals/kids, cooking, showering, undressing/dressing, grooming, driving a car/motorcycle, play vidya, laugh, perform. The list goes on.
Yeah but it usually involves close proximity with me, like I can feel his breath on my skin or something
Do you ever send pictures or tease each other while either of you are working?
Maybe so, but at least I'm not a prisoner of my fear and emotions.
>Our short lives just make ____ even more meaningful.
you could literally put anything in that blank space. It's just a thing people say to soothe their fear and make themselves feel better. That kind of thinking makes you be ok with mediocrity.
>playing guitar
>playing the drums
>a guy showing how he has a beer in his fanny pack and me feeling embarrassed when i realize he's pointing to his crotch and i'm staring at it (even though there's that bag in the way)
>reassuring me and telling me not to worry
>Jk I'm not white

Is face sitting enjoyable or a meme?
>Maybe so, but at least I'm not a prisoner of my fear and emotions.
Oh no! You wouldn't love to be a prisoner of having hum... A long happy life with a house you both bought, kids and an active sex life!! The horror!!!
Are you M or F?
What type of games do you play otherwise?
Imagine having this image saved.
Do you think you're better in bed than most guys? :P
The assumption here is that they're actually interested in the question of 'how to improve'
Why do girls hate short men? Curious.
>Security came up to us a few minutes later in the food court and said someone had complained about us and told us to stop being freaks
Do you recognize how this is fucked up how you put those people in this position or do you just think of this as a quirky anecdote that makes you endearing?
I don't hate short men tho
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I just got it so thanks for giving me the opportunity to post it.
>Why do girls hate men?
They're gross
F. I mix it up a lot. Depends on what toys I'm using.
>on my bed on my back
>sitting spread in front of the mirror
>squatting on a toy
>perched on my chair awkwardly
I could fill a whole thread with examples.
>Can you?
This isn't about you. I'm talking about the guy responding to random posts about fucking trannies
i play a few mmo's, but i never see people talking to others. also stuff like ds2 and recently elden ring.
Do you like dating them though?
or would they have to jump through more hoops than someone you already find physically atttractive
I think it's part of evolution
How do I stop stalking him?
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state gender

did you watch/read ASOIAF/GoT/HotD? If yes, who is your favorite character and why?
M, no.
I missed the GoT train, and I couldn't be bothered.
I'm not that anon but it's a cringe pic it's like woman version of Gigachad, 90% of the time the person using it just comes off as an out of touch faggot.
Women how should I refer to female masturbation? Jilling? Masturbating? Shlicking? Perhaps another term I am not considering?
>tfw I'm not him
What a mood, lol.
>shudra can't see anything beyond the physical
Only if its a good looking tummy
Show up at his doorstep and make him your husband.
That's not love, that's grasping at straws and then retroactively justifying to yourself that you made the right choice being with that person.
>My actions are guided by fear
yeah, I'm the depressing one
my cat doesn't have the agency that my girlfriend would have. I don't "own" my gf. I love my cat because it's pure, like a parent would love his child. I would have 0 reason to replace my cat, nor would I want to, because it depends on me.
I dated a shorter guy before, and I liked him a lot
he just didn't like me that much it turns out
Was the only shorter-than-me guy I dated tho. I'm 5'1 so it's not like there's plenty of guys shorter than me to begin with.
I did think I had a preference for wanting a taller person because I do like to be held in someone's arms and feeling completely "covered", but then shorter people awaken a sort of primal revolt in my idiot sub mind like "how dare you be this short I was supposed to be the one" and it makes me horny, so it ends up working out lmao

Fuck off George, if we tell you they'll be dead in the next episode
>>sitting spread in front of the mirror
Good femanon, best answer so far
There's not really a need to talk in most MMOs anymore since matchmaking with randoms became the norm and clans not really needing to exist other than for raids and the like. I think the only slightly good MMO for interaction these days is mabinogi, but I haven't touched an MMO in years. I miss comfy MMOs...
No, and I don't want to date someone who does
Schlicking sounds disgusting
How about just "playing"?
Depends on the context. Professionally, masturbating is obvs best. Same with friends. In a sexual setting, I like to say schlicking. I also say practicing guitar as a joke.
The more you write the more I'm thankful that it's just 1 of (You) in this entire thread. I'm glad other anons aren't this sad
Watched GoT, I liked little finger and ramsay
I don't do it for your approval.
What do you miss about sex with men?
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Jaime. I like his nuance of striving to do the right thing, but still being deeply flawed.

it's never too late. I'm watching it with a friend right now who's going through his first watch.
Playing/masturbating sound the least disgusting. The rest is off putting.
That's something you learn when you interact with more than one women, that they're really all just the same
They all have tests, hoops, checks, whatever, they never turn around and ask themselves "is it my fault that I don't trust him? No! it's his duty to prove to me that he's the one"
my sister made me watch a few episodes of the house of the dragon, it's not particularly good, but still entertaining. I like the main character a lot. I also liked daenerys or whatever her name was in game of thrones even though I only watched a few seasons of that a long time ago. this martin guy can write very likeable female characters.
If you made that choice because you were afraid of living life by yourself and settled for the next best person, then yeah, that sound pretty shitty.
you're being facetious, but what's your point? Let fear control your decisions?
body and mind are deeply connected.
Same energy as "I need to talk to a man about a horse"
Smart and important distinctions
>Practicing guitar
>his martin guy can write very likeable female characters.
He can also write descriptive paragraphs about female character's bowel movements
does it actually make a "schlick shlick shlick" sound like penis masturbating goes " fap fap"?
whatever you say man.
>loving someone and being loyal is "settling"
>seeing being with someone as "settling"
I bet your relationships last long, hu
>Schlicking sounds disgusting
>Playing/masturbating sound the least disgusting

Why does shlicking induce such a visceral reaction from you?
Pretty much always on my back, either on my bed or in the bath tub
It pretty much is for every non-Chad, which is 90% of men.
>Yes, we're both very flexible.
Hot, have you done any other crazy positions?
>I'd say an 8 or 9 out of 10. I need to work on my temp a bit, but I'm not lacking anywhere else.
Has she used it on you yet?
Women, are you here?
Would you mind answering a question for me?
Give me a (You) if you're willing to.
>Yes, I saw a guy wrestling with his dog in the park and thought, "I'd really like to fuck that dog."
My suspicions of you being insufferable are further confirmed
>Why does shlicking induce such a visceral reaction from you?
Because it doesn't describe what actually goes on and doesn't even describe any actual sound that happens as I'm masturbating. And it makes it seem like I'm grabbing my clitoris and flicking it. Which for the record, that's not how I masturbate.
I barely ask questions, I'm mostly answering.
and "asking" rhetorical questions,, aka conversing.
GRRM is such a good writer he was able to write a teenage girl PoV (Sansa) so fucking real that she's the most unlikable character on earth and annoying.

The likable female PoVs are amazing too, but Sansa makes you feel like you're actually in the head of a bratty teenager
If I'm rough enough about it, yeh. The wetter, the louder.
Most common with just my fingers would be sitting on my couch with my hand in my pants touching idly. If we're talking specifically trying to get off, it's sitting in front of the mirror.
>the girlfriend would be objectively correct to dump you for someone better
yes actually. That's exactly what I'm saying. If you have the opportunity to be with someone better, why wouldn't you.
M, I could never get into GoT or anything related to it. I tried to read the books and they were edgy and boring, the show seemed alright but still had that edge I couldn't stand. I can only really enjoy LotR and The Hobbit, reading those at a young age ruined almost all other fantasy literature for me.
Anon just ask your darn question
I was under the impression that a wet enough pussy would make that sound during masturbation. When having sex, good pussy sounds like mac n cheese stirring in a pot so I figured it would be the same when women play solo.
White woman anally dominates latina slut strapon po-
wait this isn't g
You DON'T have to interact with people you don't trust, but women will continue to, especially if you're in the zone below or above the sweet zone, the not good enough, or the too good to be true.
they basically externalize self doubt into something you, the guy, has to solve for her.
>it makes it seem like I'm grabbing my clitoris and flicking it
How the fuck do you masturbate? Schlick is just the sound of wet friction.
Sometimes, but I don't like sending nudes because I'm incredibly paranoid


Both, though I think it's better for the person on the bottom.

Same. Couple goals.


The security or the associates?

Oh, yeah. Fuck him. Or trannies. Not sure which.

Jaime Lannister, because I want to fuck him. Or Littlefinger and Tywin because they're magnificent bastards.

Clam clobbering

Having a partner that was stronger than me.

He's also hot af

Yes and yes


Tysm ily2
never heard of mabinogi before, but it looks comfy. and yeah most mmos don't seem that social these days. in elder scrolls online it seems like all interaction happens through guild discords. even guild chat in-game is dead. I also play oldschool runescape, but it seems like it has way fewer female players, and considering how I want girl friends, befriending a bunch of 30 y/o runescape guys probabaly isn't a good way to achieve that.
I kinda want to just wait if there would be some new good mmo in the future. I wouldn't have to play catch-up when the rest of the game's population has played for 5+ or 10+ years.
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Out of curiosity, how many relationships have you had and how long have they lasted?
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I read the books, one of them i went trough in one night.
>favorite character
Ygritte no competition. Also that cave scene was the only hot one in all of the books.
explain to me how that is not settling? Instead of dating someone more compatible, you choose to stay where you are, thereby "settling" on your choice and committing to it long term.
Be it good or bad, that's objectively what it is.
No, but cool, you really should stop doing that, assuming you're projecting and now just conjuring up fantasies.
I've always heard good things about deep rock galactic
That is why it is so funny.
He just like me fr fr
I do it with my panties on, and through my panties I press my outer lips together while pressing gently into my vagina. This stimulates the clit indirectly and makes me cum really fast.
If I touch my clit directly, it just hurts.
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only watched the first season because they're going by headcanon now and its shit
watched GOT to season 5 then stopped
>favorite character
GOT, Jaime or FAegon
FnB, book Criston
? But I am the most compatible with my husband, out of anyone I ever had.

God-tier taste
Nta but you're delusional. There will always be someone who is more compatible with you than your current partner, so will you just keep switching relationships forever? At some point you have to say that this is compatible enough, and not care even if you happen to meet someone more compatible in the future.
>We are still going to have biological children.
Are you going to do it the good old natural way?
My ex wife accused me of marrying her for a greencard during one of her insecure bpd moments.

To this day I still feel extremely angry about it.
No anon, i am so gone.
If you don't do anything penetrative at all, it makes sense that you don't understand "schlick" as an onomatopoeia.
>finding cute guys attractive is normal heterosexual behaviour
Nah nigga u just gay
So basically women just like it when a man does something physical or in help of others
If you don't count fwb, I've had exactly one and it lasted a year. I broke up with her because I got hospitalized for schizoaffective and could tell it took a toll on her and didn't want to put her through that.
And funnily enough from what I've heard she's doing a lot better, so even from just experience I know I'm right.
I want to date a woman that looks like this. It's over for me isn't it
>no redheaded smelly wildling gf
i was so jealous of jon snow
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>married a woman with BPD
>not Val
Yeah I guess.
I really don't like masturbating with penetration, that to me is something exclusive to sex
How do I get a gf who's into buttstuff?
he needed the green card clearly
because of the fabric of my panties, and because I don't like air circulating around my wet vagina as I masturbate, it doesn't really make that sound at all. If anything just sounds of cloth friction
a child?
I suck at explaining this, but okay, so women are more strict towards people they're attracted to, the more of a future they want with you, the more they'll resist you, and it's just annoying to deal with, maybe that's just the kind of girl I attract, or maybe they're all like that, who knows.
Find gf and turn her into your own gigaslut
>You’re really not missing much, fingers are no replacement for dick, not by a long shot
Oh yeah I know, I fucking hate feeling someone's fingernails inside me, and I don't like the feeling of fingers bending around inside me
No, this goes beyond just dick size. I mean better as in someone you have a better connection with, someone more physically attractive, someone funnier, richer, more successful etc.
Better as in, if love wasn't part of the equation, and you had to start from a blank slate, would you pick x person over y person.
best one so far. I'm assuming that the guy before your husband was also the best one you've ever had?
Maybe. But if I did that, I would still be settling, which anons here keep vehemently denying.

You know, it's hard to tell long distance. It really is.

I hate America so much. I really do.
I want to get mega fingers and stuff it up a girls colon and just curve her like a muppet.
You don't specifically look for one. If I knew a guy was initially only interested in me because I put plastic in my butt, I'd be mortified.
Not because it's hot, I just think it'd be funny.
Thanks (:
Why would you become a US resident? The US taxman will chase you across the world now.
How common is it for gfs in current year to let their bf's cum on them, or more specifically on their face?
Is that a real thing?
>A man’s casual strength is hot, yes
>Also, it´s scary that any random dude can be stronger than me

The duality of women
>I kinda want to just wait if there would be some new good mmo in the future.
There won't be, at least not one like the MMOs from the golden age. They're too expensive to make and host servers for, and are usually unprofitable. I'd recommend trying out mabinogi, book of travels, the secret world (the original, not the gay new one on steam), if you want to specifically find women in MMOs look for something that leans into character customization and cuteness, mabinogi fits the bill pretty well if you can't find any alternatives.
I'd never let a guy do that, at least.
"is ok/interested in" appropriate then?
>tfw no angry volcel to seduce with your unwashed wildness
I was jealous of her.
We're a porn-addled civilization now and the social acceptability of such acts are at an all time high
Because I loved a crazy woman.
Once we're already physical, that's when I want a guy I'm dating to mention he's interested in it. Then I'd feel comfortable mentioning how much I love buttstuff, too.
Tell us some.
>and yes
Is she good?
The only time I masturbate naked I still do it undercovers and it's always using cloth between my fingers and my vulva

>best one so far. I'm assuming that the guy before your husband was also the best one you've ever had?
That's incredibly psychotic. I would not trade my 10 year relationship, my inside jokes, my hour of peace in the morning, his own family and being close to them, our own family dynamic just for a "potentially I can get better haha".
Love is about building a life with someone. It's not about "getting" it pre-made.
I've already said this though, you're just trying really hard to say everyone is a shallow mf.
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Jesus that's cold.
you make me sad man. Did you grow up without loving parents or something?
>turn her into your own gigaslut
Advice on this?
nag but all it takes is some convincing and telling them that its good for their skin
Well I can certainly be that volcel for you.
>are you saying that fanfiction lied to me??
As observed ITT every girl masturbates differently.
I personally don't like fingers inside me.
nta, but each women´s vagina is diferent from the next one
I mean yeah that's a given, but I don't want to spend ages with a woman and find out she absolutely hates it
>unwashed wildness
I don't think you understand how hot that is to me
"Fingering herself" works too.

I don't see it as an onomatopoeia for the penetrative aspect but for the sound of wet rubbing on the exterior. But that still doesn't apply to the femanon here since she's not doing skin-to-skin.

I think it's gross because of the visceral sound to it. It's like "plapping". It sounds wet, like stirring mac and cheese. I think I want my euphemisms to be a bit less gutteral. More neutral, clean. But also it doesn't even seem like it goes into sexy. It sounds like someone saying "lick" who also has a speech impediment. It seems like it's childish while trying to be alluring which is off-putting.
Fair. I personally just hope love is enough and let sexual compatibility be a coin flip. It sucks that I've never dated a guy who wanted to do anal, but at least I can sort of satisfy myself.
arent you "settling" already? in this case settling with being unhappy about your dick size?
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No tempting pls.
Maybe i do. She was quiet a handful.
>I've never dated a guy who wanted to do anal, but at least I can sort of satisfy myself.
That's the problem when you're a giver, you can't really get a solo fix.
You're right on the money.
Shit, Beastars is all about that. There's a line from Haru the bunny girl about "being prey is knowing you can die at any moment"
I think it's any sort of wet friction. If you're wet and are going hard with two fingers, it's going to sound like that.
I can't do this anymore femanons, all this talk about you masturbating and touching your vagina has kept me erect for over an hour while at work.
I need to get up and make phone calls but I can't and it's your fault for getting me so hot and bothered.
Women, would you ever give a fat and balding guy a chance?
Like if you saw one on tinder, or knew before hand that he's currently fat and balding, would you even try to get to know him better, or would you just move on to the next non-fat, non-balding stranger.
i fucking hated game of thrones. would rather have had rome season 3
>oh no... my girlfriend only has C-cup breasts... AHHHH, I'M SETTLING, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!
Maybe I'm just not cut out for love then I guess. Because in my mind, even if I were to like a girl enough to want to stay with her and build something bigger, she would have no reason to do the same. Or rather I can't reasonably expect her to. From experience I've found that people are extremely unreliable and flakey.
Not that it matters though, since I don't have it in me to like a person like that. My dog maybe, but people, no.
need a cutie with c cup titties and a round bubble butt
If she wants you, she will make it easy for you. That's all you need to know.
True. Idk how I'd want to be asked about my thoughts on anal before we're already flirty, though. I don't do apps or anything where sharing sexual preferences is an opener.
I think you're connecting "settling" with "reluctance"
Consider this:
>We looked over these multi million dollar homes and have settled on this particular decision because we like this house more than the other ones

Wanting to "settle down" means growing roots into a community, building a family, committing to a particular place as your home, to say you don't plan on going anywhere else.

You have this negative connotation to the language that 10 year Anon isn't using
the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
To be fair i never saw the series and i only really liked the first three books but those were nice. The series also does not follow the books so that is annoying.
men, how is your penis?
Balls deep in a woman is enough thanks
Can you get a gf if you dont do the libtard rituals of worshipping lgbtbipoc disabled latinxes at every opportunity
NTA, but that's a retarded take, since boobs don't affect anything.
Dirty talk and physical dominance
>can't masturbate at work while hornyposting
I pity you.
Seriously though, a lot of my friends and acquaintances get in and out of relationships all the time so it shouldn't be that hard to find a gf but for some reason I can't find one. I talk to women, use dating apps, and I don't think I'm that ugly(maybe) but I haven't been in a relationship for like 9 years now(I'm 25). What do you guys and gals think? Any tips or ideas?
It's not happy with how hard it is right now.
I was bored so I measured as a guy
three fingers side by side(I,M,R), is 2.25 inches on the dot
and stacked on top of each other, finger tip is 3.5 inches girth, and mid joint is 5 inch girth

doesn't seem that impossible to be honest.
do women like the idea of verbal humiliation/dirty talk while they masturbate
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You got your answer, they moved on to the other strangers
Only if it's not too personally offensive. Any sort of genuine insults would make me cry.
Some women actively dislike the pagentry of that even if they are liberal
It's about the uncertainty to you right?
The way I see it is, we both know what we want (or what each other says we want). I'm perfectly aware that he can leave me at any moment. But I am content in my choice and I have resolve. If he cheated or left me tomorrow, it would not be because I did anything wrong. And if he didn't want to be with me specifically, I wouldn't want him around either. I'm not expecting that he even stays forever. In fact, I'm surprised he's not tired of me yet. But the fact that he has stuck around also proves to me that I can trust him. And that even if he left, I have loved him with my whole being.
He knows too that if we were over tomorrow, we would never be indifferent to each other.
I'm not indifferent to my ex from 11 years ago. I would absolutely not be indifferent to my husband if he left.
Girls, would you caress your husband's scalp?
>while they masturbate
why not while having sex?

flaccid and unresponsive because I'm on painkillers
I'm going to choose to believe that they just didn't see it. :^)
sweaty currently
am gym
I was holding a stick of butter when I looked at your post
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No that is mega cringe.
Women, what's the highest pair of heels you own?
I already do
Recently shaved and veiny
They definitely saw it, they’re just sick of you and your antics, you’re not attractive enough to be annoying, retard
Quick! Should I make a side trip to Virginia City or keep pushing to Tahoe?
stop worrying and hit the gym or do something to take your mind off from it where you both get to be sociable and improve yourself. mostly likely wont get a gf until you stop comparing yourself to others and beating yourself down
voyeurism kink
if she wants it in sex that's fine too
Moist from all the heat today
I don't wear heels
oh. Cool.
Men are you practicing the angion method and working on angiogensis?
Same boat as you are.
Maybe you're autistic, that is what is stopping me.
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is it? A guy can like a girl regardless of whether how big or how small her tits are. A girl can feel the same way about a guy regardless of his dick size.

Try attending conservative churches
>Yes, but thinking this way won’t help you.
what is it, thinking he has to do things for other people?
I'm bad at being mean anyway, it's more about getting her off
Oh really? How bald is he?
Fuck y'all I'm hitting the big ghost town
I plan on giving it a go in the future but can't right now
After some reflecting I think I realize that maybe I myself are scared of standing still and "growing roots" because from experience, I can confidently say that's how bad shit will happen to you. If you keep running and staying one step ahead, you'll always be on top.
Fuck. Now my posts feel cringe. Fuck you.
'sup satan
I'd say familiarity breeds contempt. Not only do I get annoyed with another person quickly, but I am scared shitless of another person figuring me out. Having your guard down can be a fatal mistake if you're not careful, and I don't want to go out or suffer another major setback just because I let myself believe I could be vulnerable. Fuck all that.
not very bald at all yet. But I'll still massage his scalp when he is
now fuck off and go be ugly somewhere else
I have three inch chunkies I got as a joke gift, if that counts.
But you said you already do. So, is he bald or not?
I'm literally peeing (sitting down) as I type this

Got a pair of boots that are about 5 inches tall, although the front platform is also very tall, maybe 3 inches
Then I'd prefer if the guy just told me how hot I was, how much he loved watching me, things he wished he could do to me, etc.
Probably bigger than yours.
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Did you watch the podcast or stumble upon it on your own
what should i hornypost about
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Nta but I score 40 on this, is that why signals go over my head?
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Is that an euphemism for your pp?
I once bought pic rel in a manic episode. No idea how many cm that is.
If it's vulnerability you can't deal with, yeah I think you're right when you said you're not cut out for relationships like these.
I don't like being vulnerable either but there's something freeing about my partner figuring me out and me not having to put up a front. There's parts of me that are deeply hidden and nobody will ever touch though.
Should I put sour cream into my mac and cheese?
I like that very much, too. As long as she's putting on a show for me.
Is some light teasing acceptable? Like "you're such a pervert, you're naughty, you're full of yourself" or something long those lines?
a girl could be entirely flat or have double Gs. It doesn't matter because you don't do anything with them except touch them and suck on them sometimes. Sure they look hot, but that's about it. It's not like them being either size makes sex either not pleasurable at all or straight up painful.
he's balding, but he's not completely bald
Eww no
That last one could hurt my feelings. I already feel very narcissistic for masturbating to my reflection, so calling me out on that would make me feel bad.
>Is that an euphemism for your pp?
No, real butter. I'm making mac and cheese.

Thank you for saving me from a mistake. I think I'm remembering it being mashed potatoes that benefits from sour cream.
Well ask yourself if the relationships those friends are ones you want to emulate? If they're getting in and out of relationships constantly, that implies that they're not in stable ones. Some people just cannot stand being single, and will settle for anyone for the sake of being in a relationship. We aren't all wired like that and some of us take time to get into a relationship. I'd also recommend asking the guys around you that are in healthy relationships that you'd want to emulate for advice over asking for general advice on 4chan or irl. e.g. A guy who has a body count in the hundreds can teach you how to hook up but he's not gonna have any advice on LTRs. And someone who you know irl is a bit more invested in wanting to see you succeed and knows you better than people online do and can give you more nuanced advice. That's why 99% of all online dating advice is generalized and broad. "work on yourself" "just b urself" "be open and honest with your emotions" etc.

First, what's your situation? Do you have women around you that you see as "girlfriend material," but are unable to woo them? Or do you not know any girls you feel like you'd want to date?

stop blaming autism. Even the biggest autist I knew in uni had a gf.
yeah, couldn't be me. I hate when other people know shit about me.
Holy based, I love them, Ulala vibes
Multiple professionals said I wasn't autistic tho
Maybe there's ADHD overlap
That last one might be more context dependent tbf, like I'd be puffing her up and complimenting her first.
Yeah no sour cream in mac and cheese.
But pls tell me the butter was not unwrapped and you were just holding it with your whole fist.
>he's balding
Sorry to hear that.
I've seen a bunch of posts on feministy forums about women becoming scared of their bf's and breaking up because they realized how much stronger than them they really were. Ignoring basic gender realities does a great disservice to women.
Should I really tell you otherwise if it means taking such a lovely image from your mind?
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why do women do things like eat spicy junk food with sriracha between trips to their starbucks desert

I'm convinced 80% of the issues of modern american women is nutritional in origin

women, HONESTLY report what you've been eating
That could work. I also like when he's very viscerally descriptive about what he likes about my body and what I'm doing.
No need for sorries, it happens and I love him anyway
I think he wants to go for a full shave when it gets too apparent
I hate how smug lesbians are
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No, let me have this one.
Women, would you be okay with a sexless relationship?
Mostly scraps of whatever is left after I cook lunch and dinner. Coffee for breakfast.
how do women even tolerate that? I would lose all my attraction for my gf if she suddenly started losing hair and got a receding hairline that reaches to the back of her head.
No, I mean, sorry that you picked guy with poor genes. I understand it's over now. It is what it is. Can't everyone be a winner.
Today i had bread, cheese, kiwi and raisins. Not ideal but in my defense i am going on vacation tomorrow so fridge very empty and need to eat up everything that could spoil.
>but on 4chan, we tend to assume the worst of others.
Autism strikes again I guess. My intent was really to gauge whether she was purposely trying to get a rise out of the original guy i.e see if she was "the worst" but because she assumed I was and came out swinging I assumed right back that she was not answering to be a dick.
No. I need sex. Plain as that.
That's hot, would you like it if he lightly commanded you a bit? Like
>play with your nipple
>show me your ass
>spank yourself
>inb4 they say they do, but in reality we all know they wouldn't be
All good.
Only my morning fap today so far.
Also, he's saying konnichi ha to you.
Yeah, sounds comfy. Can we still cuddle or no?
Yes, but I wouldn't admit that I liked it. I hate seeming too willing to degrade myself.
I have never heard a woman say that
>women, HONESTLY report what you've been eating
a typical day for me is either:
>either cereal with rice milk, granola with yogurt, or a single toast with peanut butter and coffee
>entre of soup and either mushroom rice with falafels, chicken either grilled or in sauces with veggies and pea rice, fishsticks with mashed potatoes or steamed veggies, or salmon and taters in the oven with veggies
a toast or fruit
>any of the above options for lunch typically
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Maybe I should. Thanks bro
I scored 12. But then again I might not just be a good judge of myself
Yeah... you're right. I guess it does kinda scare me a bit too with how easy they get in and out of relationships. I even know a friend group where all of them have dated each other at least once.
>First, what's your situation?
It's kind of a mix of both. All the women I want to date are already in a relationship or are not interested being in one. But then again I'm only talking about like 2-3 women so yeah, I guess I'm also not interested in a lot of the women around me
we're just different ig
>it's over
what's over? I'm here being happy
Women what should I fap to?
>A girl can feel the same way about a guy regardless of his dick size.
can she? I'd be prepared to bet good money on the fact that 99.99% of women would reject a guy with a micro dick.
But flat chested girls sometimes get even more love than titcows, and anything in between is almost negligible because it just falls under "tits=good".
It's really not the same thing. Otherwise there would be the same trope about guys being disappointed with girls small breasts the same way women are with dicks.
Women, how big are your boobs?
The numbers 34-33-44.
>Yes, but I wouldn't admit that I liked it.
That makes it hotter and more fun as the dom
Not very.
Between A and B cups.
Forced multiple orgasms
Small and sad.
Too big.
Yeah, sure you're happy. I mean, you're not in a position where you can still choose. You've already done that. You'll just have to live with the fact that he'll pass his poor genes to your kids.
I've been told that, but it doesn't make me feel any better about it. I want to be respected first and foremost.
breast size doesn't matter, it's all about how you use them. The best sex I've had was with a girl who was flat. Besides the big ones hurt.
>my current gf has double d cups btw
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I want to see if anyone else scores over 40 or if I'm King of the Autists
Unsucked for many years at this point.
nta but as someone who really values regular sex, a micro d would definitely make things worse. If he'd be willing to make up for it other ways in bed, I'd stay though. But if he's just not very good at sex and already has the disadvantage of a micro penis, I'd be kidding myself if I didn't think that would really make me consider the relationship.
Just not naked
Are you implying that there isn't an equivalent number of modern men with a similarly lackluster diet?

>women, HONESTLY report what you've been eating
As we speak, I'm eating mac and cheese.
This morning I had cookies (the kind that's the soft sugar cookie with thick frosting that you get at the grocery store.)
Lately for dinner I've been having salads:
>Shredded chicken breasts that I had baked in the oven
>Mixed greens+spinach
>Flax seed
>Poppy seed
>Honey mustard dressing
When I just need Something to eat, I'm often having rice and lentils.
Weirdest way youve jerked off
My genes are poor too with mental illness and all on my side.
Anyway I'm not into eugenics of my own kids so it's not like I care. Also guys balding isn't really that bad. A clean shaven head looks cool.
It's a delicate balance you have to tread but it's so rewarding to let your partner show you that side of herself.
Like 4 1/2 inches I think but they're platforms so the heel is really only like 3.
I don't think so
Idk like trail mix and yogurt, bread, cheese, too much chocolate. Mostly red meat but not very often. Potatoes. And some fruit.
Nope. Sorry.
Medium well
Some weird movement with my thighs while lying down, I can totally see how some girls orgasm like that
F. With a belt around my neck.
She's literally me
>nta but as someone who really values regular sex, a micro d would definitely make things worse. If he'd be willing to make up for it other ways in bed, I'd stay though. But if he's just not very good at sex and already has the disadvantage of a micro penis, I'd be kidding myself if I didn't think that would really make me consider the relationship.
How is a guy with a small dick supposed to get good sex if every girl leaves him after the first time?
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State gender
Thoughts on this?
Butter right out of the fridge is annoying to spread, and body heat would be an efficient way to soften it without melting.
I scored 44
at the pool you know where
So no physical affection and intimacy at all? Actually not sure if i could deal with that.
Genuinely cringe inducing.
I'd rather just pretend I'm tough and easily angered so nobody ever says mean things about me.
kek, I'd like to see a guy describe small breasts as a "disatvantage".
And by make up for it, you wouldn't happen to mean the involvement of sex toys, would you?
What are the things you're generally cooking before they become leftovers?
>How is a guy with a small dick supposed to get good sex if every girl leaves him after the first time?
Nothing. If she left she left.
Would require someone to give you a chance in the first place.
Boobs do not go inside the other person so it is not comparable.
Is this by chance that femanon that has a crush on Leonard Nimoy
But I'd want to know what makes you cum hardest
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Femanons, what kind of smut do you read?
Good luck with that in 2024 lol
Straddling a fallen tree maybe.
>And by make up for it, you wouldn't happen to mean the involvement of sex toys, would you?
I would yeah. I'm only being honest here, I'm not here to prove a point.
I want to have penetrative sex, and if I can't with a literal micropenis, I'll use a toy.
Which imo is better than downright cheating on you.
5 inches is enough, right?
Me and my sister did it while watching each other do it. Never spoke about it, and never did it again.
Tons of things. Steak, pork, fish, pasta dishes, etc with veggies. Pretty much whatever protein was on sale that week, plus a carb, plus a side dish. When it's the season, I use stuff I grew.
You have to post the story
>my insecurity is valid, but yours isn't
not another one, fuck off already dude
when I was a teen it was mostly yaoi smut, nowadays I read just erotica
I always put it in my bra for that.
shit's not fair, but it was never fait to begin with.
How I feel about my ex
Historical romance manga, often marriage of convenience.
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>it's crumbs for you, or nothing
jesus christ, imagine a guy saying that to a girl with a flat chest
Spill the tea sis
I have never read any smut
She's going to date men who beat the shit out of her and end up miserable, selfishly making another man who could have made her happy ALSO miserable, while giving the abusive men exactly what they want.
if you're fucking a dwarf maybe
Name of author?
Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot that one time me and my sister dry humped each other.
holy shit. i scored 30, does that mean i won?
You sound boring
Stuff with a story around "oh noo now you have to breed because the country/whatever demands!", gangbangs, rape, especially scenarios like being removed from my normal life into a new one where the sole purpose is to be pregnant.
I don't know for a fact that he was gay but there was some questionable behavior while we were dating and he did say he wasn't entirely straight
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Idk, but I watched an interview with a male porn star once where he said that for a while he was only offered roles as a cuckold in porn because of his dick size, I looked it up and it was apparently a little over 5 inches.
So you were testing her in bad faith and she saw that.
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So, I've run my experiment and have discovered that women are incapable of having casual sex.

They catch feels for you or someone else. I don't wanna lie to women that I care about them when I don't, so I'm gonna become a born against virgin.
They do though LOL I also know rejection in my life, but I know realistically I can't say I'll be 100% happy with a guy with a micro D, because I like and value sex.
Probably in the back of my mom's car at trader Joe's when I was like 10.
That's porn, retard.
>not caring about her kids' genes
That's a yikes from mother nature.
>mental illness
No need to downplay your husband's balding genes with something big pharma invented.
You don't have mental illness, it's just your personality. If it was unclear.
I might be an autist, and that explains why I like history so much. Or maybe that test is bullshit and doesnt factor in different personalities?
I did write a smut-like post on here a while ago that every moid itt was drooling over, but who am I to disagree with you
Women, how do you feel about men who look like they could pass for a high school student?
What kind of erotica?
When it happens to a man, that's an expected part of aging. When it happens to a woman, that's indicative of some sort of medical issue.
link it
My type. I like young faces.
Can't speak for other women, but I do have to have a level of emotional proximity to the person I'm having sex with. Be it a friend or whatever.
I've seen girls who seemingly fuck with no strings attached though.
I women won't leave their husbands when they stop being at their peak attractiveness, why don't they date men who aren't that attractive?
Who is the most beautiful female MC in Hoyoverse?
What post was it?
I like older men, I don't think I'd be attracted to someone like this. That said I don't have necessarily anything against them outside of potential romantic scenarios.
femanons, have you ever had such an intense fuck you broke down crying?
definitely Stelle
Idk about the MC, but the overall most beautiful girl is Ganyu.
What is this Hoyoverse you speak of?
What do you mean by that?
A princess getting married off to some other countries peince and then falling in love with him during the wedding?
I just had a girl try out the ole casual sex thing on me.

Ya know, it doesn't feel great to be used for your body.

Ladies take note of my hot pain.
Is that smut?

You just read stories about being pregnant?
If you are going to not have a hot husband forever why not try to at least have one for a while.
>why don't they date men who aren't that attractive?
They do you idiot.
Yeah... when I was 12
non-con, impregnation, sometimes a fantasy setting too
So the women in these threads are just built different?
Do you still keep in touch with your uncle?
>You just read stories about being pregnant?
Yeah, pretty much. if there's no creampie I'll be sad
No but i wish a mf would.
Yes. Not often but I'm pretty sure most women experience this.
F. I like characters like Jaime or The Hound. And Tyrion before he killed Tywin, he's been too much of a dick lately. Definitely not a good guy, but enough "good" there to make them interesting and a bonus reason to sympathize with them. (Burned by brother, dwarf who's daddy hates him, false kingslayer accusations)
Yeh. My last ex could make me tear up pretty consistently.
zzz protagonist
>t. f
the one that shows off her armpits
no, they're equally ugly to the men they date.
I'm guessing it's a biological instinct. She and her progeny benefit if she tries to keep the father of the child around. So if she falls in love with every man in scenarios where she could potentially be impregnated, it'd be evolutionarily wise.
Whereas with men there is the competing evolutionary strategies of quality vs quantity. It could benefit him to fall in love right back and look out for his newborn. But another strategy is to specifically NOT fall in love so he can go knock up the next woman without damaging his conscience.
Femanons are your tummies kissable?
not really "broke down crying", but early on in our relationship i often felt really intense after sex and a few times almost cried/shed some tears (in a good way basically)
I mean most of the women in these threads say they don't date ugly, so what, are they just worst for no reason?
What makes a tummy kissable?
I don't know :(
No. Too big and squishy.
Being flat or mostly flat.
It's crumbs if you still have sex with a woman but she also brings toys into the experience?
Non con and impregnation?

But is there any pregnancy involved in the story or just the creampie?
no it's not. It's funny to oogle at big breasts but everyone knows that they don't affect anything.
You never hear a guy saying: "Sex was alright, I guess, but I couldn't feel anything, because her breasts were too small". Or "Her breasts were too big, it hurt and we had to stop midway through.
It's simply not the same thing.
oh then absolutely not.
Femanons my fantasy is to keep you chained to my throne as you service my heavy cock while I conduct court business.
>But is there any pregnancy involved in the story or just the creampie?
Yeah, of course. Usually the point in the story is that a woman needs to carry so and so's baby, or "we're going to make you pregnant and this is the only purpose you will serve"
>Which imo is better than downright cheating on you.
I'm sorry, how would you feel if your bf told you that in order to enjoy sex he had to pleasure himself with a fleshlight, because your vagina was practically useless for that.
Are you the anon that recommended me the Elsa and Anna BDSM fic
I don't think so, but I've been told it's very fun to kiss.
Why does being ugly suck so much?
I'm not familiar with this series and I'm F, but I like the second to last best. I'm really drawn in by her expression and body language.
Her uncle offed himself after she snitched. She misses him dearly because she started another sexual relationship with her cousin to replace her beloved uncle.
RIP to JH's uncle
I look like I'm in the second trimester
Just find forced impregnation odd
In context?
Just a handsome stranger or some kind of beast?
because the things that make you ugly usually are indicators of bad health.
lol perfect.
Does it do anything for women if youre her rubbing earlobes while starting the process of eating her out?
A chubby belly is definitely just as kissable
My absolute weakness are my ears. I've orgasmed just from having my ears kissed/bitten/breathed on.
No thanks.
I'm born with them.
This sucks, life in general sucks.
from now on all women always have to wear heels that are as big as the biggest dick they've taken
It doesn't have to suck! You can simply withdraw from society and learn how to have fun by yourself. Or accept your fate and become the funny friend? At least you'll have friends?
what I'm saying is, women don't have a reason to be insecure about them
>size queens can no longer walk and have to crawl, presenting themselves to all passing men whether they want to or not
I can get behind that
and chad will still be taller than her
either some kind of rape fantasy or being pressured into the sex, enjoying it, but then the woman doesn't want the man to do it inside and he still does it. it sounds very dark i guess when i describe it like this, but i find the impregnation part hot.
What if the biggest one I've taken was silicone?
I got that mental illness wombo combo.
I've ever actually had friends.
Manlet seethe is neverending kek >>31676008
I will tumble and fall.
I'll be there to catch you. :^)
Flat sole for me then
Thanks bb
I can be your friend. If you'll have me?
Anytime, Honey.
That'll be $5.
>she was a fujo in her teenage years
name a worse boner killer
It's hot how so many women have breeding kinks
>Maybe because i am so antisocial?
That is pretty much the conclusion I have come to too.
I assumed antisocial meant you don't want to talk with strangers or don't go out a lot, but the severe case means you don't even want to interact with somebody you love and loves you.
That's what I meant with fundamentally different. I'm kind of an extrovert, at least in social situations and with strangers.

But it is one of the things I learned to watch out for from now on with a new potential partner.
I'm not sure if you ever feel like it, but you are not an inherently bad person for not being interested in having relationships.

Have you ever made a mold of the penis of an ex?
Literally everything else.
One time and I'll never forget it
>breeding kinks
It's called having a normal sex drive
it's not a "kink" there's nothing weird about it
Thanks, but the mental illness means I don't feel comfortable being close to anyone outside the protective layer of anonymity.
Why must you be like that :,(
as long as you stay pure you could always outrun the savage men!
you are granted the ability to make it so every guy that you want to sleep with has the perfect shaped dick and knows how to fuck exactly to your liking, but at every first encounter with said guy you have to say to him very loudly "I'm a cuck hungry slut, and will do anything for some dick. I want to be fucked hard, pleeeeassseeeee" while wearing nothing but a g string
you proceed life as normal, but every guy you sleep with now has a micro dick and doesn't know how to have sex and doesn't want to improve at it.
Which one do you pick?
I once meet a girl and did that to her and she seemed to have liked it, hence why i asked.

so what does it for you?

him lifting your chin up or playing with your hair?
The former, obvs.
Alright fine, you can pay me with kisses instead.
>but at every first encounter
So ummm... just while walking down the street?
This is an excessively stupid question.
They better be your partner still, or else they be cucking
Yes... but how do I get him to kiss my tummy? I'm too shy to ask
hilarious slip, cuck
I wish
Women have the weirdest kinks
The thing is that i can be pretty extroverted and outgoing in social settings. Literally i can be the life of the party and i have np striking up conversation with strangers and make new friends but i struggle more with maintaining close relationships. As soon as i feel like it is expected of me is when it becomes a chore and starts to drain me.
Yeah you probably would do good to learn how to avoid people like me. We are only fun for a moment.
>bad person
Probably not, but it makes trying to function and be a social animal very exhausting and difficult.
stop being so shy
You better be single
There's a difference between wanting sex, wanting a kid, and getting off to being impregnated
We don't have to know each other to be friends. Just keep me in your thoughts and I'll keep you in mine! Sounds good?
No but i joked about it a few times.
I am, obviously
Cool, lol
Give me a single letter and I'll keep you in my mind.
I'll be H.
imagine riding a dick knowing you're never going to be able to walk again afterwards
I'm M! Nice to meet you, H!
Please stop talking about big dicks you make me horny.
moid hands
Sup M, we'll probably never talk again. This is already too much intimate for me, lol.
Thanks though, I'll get better, I can only count on myself anyway, that hard part is not getting bitter.
what about you my dudes? ever got laid and upon standing up your head felt so light you couldnt feel your legs anymore?
You forgot ass.
I just want to have sweet loving sex while looking my gf in the eyes and telling each other "I love you".
That's all I ask.
Why do women only want to be degraded and fucked like pieces of meat nowadays
Anyone got any objections to a new thread since this one sucks now that image limit had been reached?
4/10 bait
no, because I'm the one doing the fucking.
I've always had a huge thing for my stomach area being touched, but I always felt too embarrassed and ashamed over it. If anyone were to touch me there or accidentally brush against it, I get incredibly flustered. I don't know what caused it.
I feel like going straight for vagina is too fast. Don't you want me to fondle with your boobs first?
I'm still a virgin.
but one time when I almost sliced my wrist open, I decided to go for a sprint instead, I ran for like 2 hours and just collapsed on some wet grass, legs cramped hard, like couldn't even get them straight. they just curled up, and I just cried there for another hour before limping back home. Felt good though.
or we could just do the thing again where we don't quote each others posts and turn this thread into a chatroom
Women: what does it mean when a femoid tells a moid that he reminds her of "Mr. Darcy?"
>I just want to have sweet loving sex while looking my gf in the eyes and telling each other "I love you".
The last girl I was talking to was unironically making fun of a guy she was dating because he didn't want to do doggy because he wanted to see her face, and didn't want to choke her. I can see how that is a little cheesy, but still. Women are now monsterous little goblins. If you want a wholesome sweet woman you lost your chance by a decade or two.
Yeah but it would still be more fun with pics.
Then the moid is doing something really, really right.
It's the greatest compliment a female can bestow upon a male
you can have any other cringe phase and I won't mind.
Any tips on how to not feel inferior and in a rush to improve and impress others all the time to become worthy of the attention of the people you like?
Why must people I admire be so far ahead of me.....................
I fucking love Mr. Darcy
Not the most obvious humblebrag I've seen, kudos
Let me kill your boner.
I have average sized dick. And it's twisted to the left from excess masturbation.
Yeah we'll probably never talk again lol, but I'm still glad to have made a friend here. Do get better though, I'm counting on you. You can do it!
i feel this way too and have no solution currently.
Ok its 6 inches small?
what do women get out of sucking dick?
>inb4 it makes the guy feel gud
no, I mean physically
Have we just psyoped women into enjoying it, or is there anything to be had from it from their POV?
Not far gone enough to know it's band size, waist/hip size like me
Please someone get him out of my head, I'll do anything. I can't do anything without being reminded of him. My own body reminds me of him, make it stop x_x
>and getting off to being impregnated
oh now what? it's morally wrong that I want to be pregnant and get off to it? is it also morally wrong that I want to lactate and have my husband suck on my tits? god you guys are no fun
My gf likes it when I stare into her eyes and say "I love you" while choking her and kissing her and fucking her raw until I dislocate a hip. Bonus points for handcuffs or rope. She doesn't like doggy because she has a major oral fixation and needs do be doing something with her mouth, like kissing or sucking cock.
anything below 8 inches is laughable
It's over I'm afriad. Time to go and homewreck him and get your owner back
>Autist can't understand sex if it isn't explained as a serious of specific nerve spots that need to be rubbed mechanically
Thanks, I'm trying, hope life's treating you well too, bro.
page 7, retard
Marriage of conveniences are often initiated by the people involved. Sometimes only one benefits and is asking the other for a favor (or with blackmail) , other times they both have a reason to get married.

>I have to get married in order to legally access my inheritance, your parents keep harassing you for a bride to handle your estate. Let's get married since it'll be convenient. We can basically be business partners don't worry about it oops we fell in love

>I've lived this timeline before and I know I'll be killed unless I have powerful political connections, can I be your fake wife until that time passes?

>I've lived this timeline before and I know YOU become the big bad evil guy who kills everyone so I'm gonna marry you so that you don't become evil

>I've lived this timeline before and I know that my sister will be arranged to marry you and die in childbirth, so I'm pushing to take her place in the arranged marriage

>In order to break off my engagement with this terrible man, I need to find a new man of a higher noble tier, or else my ex's family will obliterate mine.
No the whole pleasure comes from his pleasure which is why it is most fun to suck off a guy that goes wild for bjs. Part of it is also the idea to have a pp in your mouth and being a cock hungry cum slut so it is all mainly mental arousal.
that's the same thing
Can you laugh at my 5.5" erect dick and spit on it?
>After some reflecting I think I realize that maybe I myself are scared of standing still and "growing roots" because from experience, I can confidently say that's how bad shit will happen to you. If you keep running and staying one step ahead, you'll always be on top.
>Fuck. Now my posts feel cringe. Fuck you
Sorry and also you're welcome. I feel for you, Anon.
That's not what I expected you to say. So it really is the maintaining of contact that you don't like?

If you don't mind saying, do you have a job or are you a NEET?
I see...
Too late i asked if anyone has any objections. Retard.
who is mr Darcy?
Women do you avoid men who say bad words like fag and nigger even though he's not homophobic or racist?
Yes I do if he does that often enough and in public places or in front of my friends and family.
Yeah, i actually think it might be some very pronounced adhd demand avoidance thing. It is not just close relationships, anything that i feel like i have or should do takes insane self discipline for me. Like doing repetitive chores. But if i feel like doing something i can be very diligent and hyper focus for endless hours. It is a curse really. I wish meds would help.
No i have a job but one where i can be very independent and self governing. Otherwise i would go crazy.
What's if it's for stuff like normal fag
or foot fag
The janman might nuke it but you can try.
I didn't say anything about it being wrong
Embrace your kink
I shall
What about a guy who says buckaroo and snickerdoodle?
No lol
It already has over 2k posts. We will see.
>I'm not going to date my dad
Said no daughter with good father daughter relationship.
It used to just be irl lingo...
>work gf sends a dumb question on Slack directed at my area
>respond politely and walk her through why it's a dumb question with screenshots
>she tells me thank you
>then sends a heart emoji
>in the damn office channel where everyone can see
I'm worried this naive girl is going to get herself in trouble and it's partially my fault
Why are zoomers like this
Women are you ever scared of breaking a guy's peen?
Yes, I try to be careful with my movements
Are you dumb? Sending a heart emoji is just saying thanks a lot.
>girl shows affection
>anon thinks she's spreading her legs for him
>tfw no cool as fuck gf with vitiligo
I think I will kill ma seoul
M: holy shit does it hurt when an overweight girl riding you cowgirl comes down at the wrong angle.
No. Slipping out does not happen with big dick unless you do some porn tier dumbfuckery.
I haven't read through all of the reply chain but wanted to throw my hat into the ring that I relate with this a lot. I did end up getting a bf somehow and I've become very attached to him, but I have a terrible time maintaining relationships outside of that. Even then, my bf complains of my having phases of being emotionally distant and not including him on some things. Stuff that I didn't even think of sharing, or thought he wouldn't want to know/be involved anyway. It's been a bit of a struggle.

Feeling drained from obligation has been an issue in my relationships with my family. I've ended up very distant from them over the years. Lately I've been trying out talking to my dad and one of my brothers more. Like text/call every couple of weeks/months. Part of why I've been able to keep up with that is that they're pretty low pressure. I don't feel like they're expecting more from me and I don't feel like I'm getting in their way, so they're the most neutral and don't drain me like the rest of my family.

Maintaining friendships is awful. The most consistent ones have been because my bf is the one initiating contact/hangouts with them.

Sounds like we aren't exactly the same but I thought I'd be another case study if >>31676159 was interested

Ugh chores are a major issue of mine too. Avoidance is a big part of my life. Did you coin 'demand avoidance' or is that a thing?
It hurts to visit atoga as a micro penis haver...
do you think you're cartoons or something
of course you can bend the pp accidentally, even if the dick is big
Everyone sends heart emojis nowadays, brother. Even the accounting baddies do it. It doesn't mean anything.
Slipping out happens if withdrawing the dick too much. Idk what it's like for guys but for me the head insertion feels awesome so I had to learn to tamper my inclination for that since I was withdrawing him too much and missing on the intake
I'm also curious about your age, but that might be too personal.
My ex is in her late 20s and NEET, so she has been dealing with her issues for some time, in case you are curious. I don't know how she's going to make it to 40 alone like this, or even just 30 if I'm being honest.
I am glad you have a job though and can sustain yourself, that's very important. And probably even more important for somebody like you than somebody who doesn't have these issues.
Being a professional online meme poster is a tough one, but somebody gotta do it!
Fuck that is hot
When I cum from sex sometime my dick feels like an indestructible rod of pleasure
Who are these characters?
I want to experience this at least once in my life god
Yeah that sounds very similar indeed. I always try again and hope to train myself but i just end up draining myself. It is especially difficult with my dad because he is pretty lonely and i am the oldest daughter and he flat out told me a few times that he think i am obligated to make him a priority in my life with just made me dread this connection even more. Such a shame.
>demand avoidance
No that is actually a major symptom of ADHD and also autism, in my experience probably one that is the root cause of many of the other issues. I would post a chart but image limit.
I am 31, so i have had some time to try and find copes too.
I always thought i would grow out of it but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case.
That's almost as long as my foot I only get an inch of toe what the fuck
Only when I'm riding. I sometimes forget men are more fragile than silicone cocks, so I tend to go pretty hard.
>Are you dumb?
>Sending a heart emoji is just saying thanks a lot.
>girl shows affection
That makes me weary, doing it in such a public space moreso
For reference, this girl (and myself) have already been warned about spending too much time talking instead of working. And other coworkers give me that side eye when they see us carrying on.
It's a brand new world I guess
>I’m not going to date my dad

>It used to just be irl lingo...
Many such cases.

I just use lingo like "Huzzah!" or "potrezbie" and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes that dog won't hunt and it's all good man.
I wish I could cum inside a woman
>men are more fragile than silicone cocks
No woman has ever broken me.
You can, anon. I've done it, so you can too.
Only in cowgirl/reverse cowgirl because what she said >>31676288
>tfw no indestructible bf to squat on until my legs give out
I need big dick really badly rn.
I wish a girl would show affection for me.
I'm sorry anon. We can still hang out if you're willing to eat pussy.
I wish I could give you mine!
I'm like 6" tops, more like 5.5" and I can bottom out girls and hit the cervix if I'm not careful. What's the matter with everyone today?
Meh, i fixed that by just grabbing his dick and rubbing it on my pussy and let it glide in and out while hovering over it. Works pretty well. But slow shallow teasing strokes are nice too.
Going to reply in the new thread.
>so I tend to go pretty hard.
Fuck I need this
My gf doesn't like being on top, but she does like trying to hurt me. She turns my shoulders black and blue with bites, but she's never broken anything.
No idea but i crave being split in two. Not even ovulating. Send help.
I've been diagnosed ADHD and I've suspected that I'm autistic too. I'm also trying to get in for a consult with a speech pathologist for a potential language processing disorder, but idk that might be wishful thinking that there's another explanation for my social hurdles.

>my dad because he is pretty lonely and i am the oldest daughter and he flat out told me a few times that he think i am obligated to make him a priority
Oof yes that'd absolutely overwhelm me. I had similar issues with my mom, but I also had issues with her much beyond that so it isn't completely 1:1. But she's super lonely and desperate which drove me away. My dad has a pretty strong social net so I don't have that feeling of the stakes being high and him relying on me. He's also autistic, moreso than me, and rather self-involved, so he doesn't really have much expectation around social rules.

>I would post a chart but image limit.
How about a link to the image? Or we could jump to the next thread.

>I am 31, so i have had some time to try and find copes too.
>I always thought i would grow out of it but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case
I'm 29 and was also hoping I'd grow out of it hah.

Gotcha, I'll head over there too.
I think it'd be actually painful of I went as hard as I'd like.
I prefer to be the one with bruises afterwards, personally.
Having to keep my hand there to guide it the whole time means I'm just gonna exhaust myself until I fall over without both arms to support mysf.
So sometimes when I'm licking a girl, and have a good rhythm going, she'll kind of "buck" her hips a bit to where she scoots back a little, and I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be doing when that happens?
Not me but my buddy made a wanking machine out of Lego Mindstorms back in the day
His dad got home while he was testing it in the bathroom and I just heard him shout in pain and his based dad was like "is he having an orgy in there or something" and I was dying of laughter
I put one hand flat on his chest to support myself and reach down with the other or i lean back and grab all the way around from the direction of my ass and then put my other arm on his thigh. It is a good work out for sure but also fun. Whatever works for you.
I kneel, king... (or queen)
Tfw no Thumbelina gf
I'm not huge, but right now I feel like im hard enough that I could chop wood with it.
Nta but pulling away might be a sign that you are overstimulating her. If i want more i press against the mouth not avoid it.
Idk I've had female friends who fucked around and didn't get attached to anyone kek
My sis had like 5 concurrent FWBs at one point and basically had to reject them all
I think it'd be worth it
That makes sense. Ty
I wish I could have casual sex. My ex is literally perfect for me physically and wants to be fwb, but I really can't trust her or myself when it comes to keeping things strictly physical.
link it PLEASE
Pam and Jeremy.
How do I find a gf who will deepthroat me while I'm cumming? This is really all I want out of life, once I get this I can kill myself and you'll all be rid of me.
Once you had that you will want to live forever so you can have it again and again.
someone got banned ITT, it seems. lmao
Couldn’t be me. I just got here.
hey fren, how is it going?
State gender. What's one item of clothing you really like wearing?
Is the Xbox 360 Marketplace really going down in a week?
state gender
what's the most desperate thing you've done for sex?

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