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Previously on ATOGA >>31673456
Ride Or Die Edition
Would you date someone like me?
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What are you like?
Shy, introverted, emotional, empathetic
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State gender
Thoughts on this?
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we were only on page 7
delete this
wtf light is bright enough to be doing that in the night sky?
Submissive and shy
Women, are you single?
Fat and balding.

Sorry 2 subs is no good
Image limit was hit. Shut the fuck up moron.
What? A generic anime couple? No thoughts.
Any insight on this? People shouldn't be allowed to always be out of my league :(
Be normal sometimes to... please
I might also be this >>31676166
still ok by me
Thanks, feels good hearing that.. :'^)
>fat and balding, shy, emotional and introverted OK
>shy and submissive? Gross
Women did you know that "lesbian" originally meant cocksucker in Greek?

I told you why, I'm already submissive, there's no room for 2 of us
Reposting here
Please someone get him out of my head, I'll do anything. I can't do anything without being reminded of him. My own body reminds me of him, make it stop x_x
Femanons, how would you feel if the first thing your bf/gf did was record and share an embarrassing moment of yours in a group chat? Nothing life ruining or something just something that made you look dumb. Do you find that just fun teasing or a shitty thing to do?
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Is 6 inches small?

Im a male Jinx, is it over for dating a woman?
Hi, Anon.
Did anything lately?
Block him and remove him form my life.
Depends on how embarrassing it is.
We can be submissive together
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women like hot men
>but actually it's all about personality
>but actually they don't and it's all about confidence
>but actually it's all about being a kind human being
>but actually every woman is different and we're not a hivemind
>but actually women care about looks too and get wet from seeing a hot guy
fuck man, why are women so fucking confusing. One of the best things about being a woman has gotta be how consistent the expectations are when dating guys.
Just look hot and stroke his dick with a warm and wet hole sometimes, and I guess be nice or whatever. That's it.
How so? Why do you want to forget him?
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A work mistake that caused everyone to stay late to help clean up
>fuck man, why are women so fucking confusing
That's okay I'd say
I'll laugh about it too
Have sex with a bigger guy maybe
I've done a lot of things. I have a whole new life and I still can't stop thinking about him
According to you
>personality: confident, kind
>looks: whatever that individual finds hot
>personality: be nice, let him fuck you and stroke his dick
>looks: look hot for the individual
Idk, seems about even to me. Why the seethe?
Looks like I have the soda can short and fat dick
This implies women talk to men first. The only time I see women tell men what they really think they’re already in a relationship with them. I’ve had girls say they’re interested and then start acting cold and Ive had girls who reject me that start freaking out when I move on.
>Dating women is high effort

fixed that for you
>gf sick with vertigo
>went over the other day and got us both pizza
How much is too much when trying to check in on her? Any gap in texting I assume she's fallen asleep but I don't want to come off as too worried and the like. In fact what would be some good things I could do for her?
Women rate you by your lowest stat, so aim for being average or above rather than looksmaxxed but no life or successful but a cheater
>This implies women talk to men first.
No it doesn't.
How come? tell me about something you did.
Is your new life not satisfying?
Because he doesn't want to have anything to do with me
How do I make online friends
I don't know how to be genuine with people
Hmm maybe I’m too sensitive then.
Practice with me. I'm a guy btw, with no friends, but willing to help.
it's important that we an laugh at ourselves. But of course he shouldn't be exposing something too personal
No, I was saying that every woman is widely different, whereas every guy is largely the same.
You can do one thing (in bed) with a girl that will go crazy for it and do the same thing with another girl and she will kick you out of her apartment instantly.
99% of guys are as cookie cutter as it gets and are extremely easy to please.
Why do you think that? Give me the synopsis
Not even true in the slightest.
I dunno, it's like I want someone to do things with, but I don't want to do anything with them

The closest I got was like 6 years ago a girl just started messaging me out of the blue, she always initiated so I never had to do anything, I liked spending time with her
Shut the fuck dude. Youre giving us a bad name.
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Is 6 inches a small dick?

Would any woman date a "male Jinx"?
get dicked down by chad
No it is not small
>high reward

If I had to walk a mile in the shoes of any married man I've ever met or heard of, I'd use that mile to drown myself. Dopamine is not a reward, I can get that on my own.
Good advice
Then the guy she likes will definitely think she’s a whore and avoid her for good
I really really really want to get a boarder collie one day, but i here they need a loooot of exercise. How would i go about doing that since i'm lazy af? can i just let him run around my yard?
I don't want to get dicked down by anyone but him
doesn't jinx have kind of a whimsical BPD personality? that's a very feminine personality, doesn't suit men.
They call me 555, 5'5 and 5 inches. Is it joever?
Yes, I broke up with my last bf and filled a report for rape when I saw that his limp dick was under 12 inches.
I do agree I just hate the instant feeling of needing to record and share embarrassing moments first before even offering to help. At least as a boyfriend
no you have to properly interact with the dog. If you want something that looks good but is lazier you're better off with a cat.

t. loves animals especially dogs, but is too low energy to go out and exercise the dog every day and keep consistent training
No. And anyone telling you it's small is retarded
I think that because he basically told me that
ideally no. with breeds that need less stimulation and enjoy just running that'd be good though. like greyhounds. but with breeds that want more mental stimulation you need more than just letting them run in the backyard.
Not if your name is Phife Dawg
I may be very guilty of exactly that, but I do always help. I will laugh at you and ridicule you but I will help you. I've had people take that the wrong way because they were thinking I would actually go and neglect them because I'll point and laugh. Either way once you're over 25 everyone has a thicker skin to begin with.
I gotten myself one by the end of this month
Alright stop being cryptic ya little shit and give me the rundown
>can i just let him run around my yard?

No. There are dogs that chill but border collies, pointers, huskies, and other breeds of working dog need to be assigned a lot of work or they get awful to be around.
I have a very whimsical BPD personality and almost no self preservation...You're right it doesn't fit guys. People usually think I am gay or a woman if online.
I really need to get up and get ready
I'm fine with that size.

t. had to go and convert inches to cm
You can do it, Anon.
Sending you energy. (I'm jacking off)
I had a collie that wasnt any like that, she was super chill
Well I'm in a new state and I don't really know anyone yet. Most of my free time is spent doing domestic things.
POV, you're the pedophile jacking off walking behind me, ultimately giving me motivation to gtfo
Well, from that limited information, I'm honestly not surprised you're not over him yet.
If that's what helps, then sure, lol.
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Having a dog decreases your chances with women. Wouldn't recommend.
No, it's really embarrassing
It's not my first language no.
and "Pila" which is actually a word for small shrimp but everyone just calls their dicks that and barely remembers that's the name of an animal.
Women why do you like shinny things?
>gf: babe I'm hungry
>me: ok, what do you wanna eat
>gf: Idk, you pick
>proceed to list every food known to man
>gf: mmm, no that doesn't sound good
>*gf now grumpy because she's hungry*
>me: fuck it, I don't wanna cook tonight I'm ordering mexican takeout
>gf: ok
>me: what do you wanna order?
>gf: oh, I'll just take a small beef bourrito
>me: ok, that's it? You sure you won't get hungry later?
>gf: no that's it
>me: *order a bunch of food for myself bc I'm hungry as shit by this point*
>we eat
>she finishes first and slowly starts to steal food from me
>me: hey, that's mine, why didn't you just order more for yourself?
>gf: I didn't know I would still be hungry
>me: ?????
>tired of her shit, time to teach her a lesson
>I may not be getting sex tonight, but she has to learn
>me: no, we have more food in the fridge, go make yourself something from there
>gf: no fair, don't come to bed tonight
>I proceed to sleep on the couch knowing I won the moral victory
Join community, other than 4channel
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I do
how many stories high for insta death
I am guilty of the "idk what I wanna eat" shit too
Why, lol.
is this a
>tfw no partner
thing or
>tfw they left
kind of thing
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I am a little troll basically. How can you not get excited when it shimmers and glimmers??? Look how beautiful.
never guaranteed not even a fall at terminal velocity is instant death
turned 25
if you post like 20 stories to your instagram, people will get tired of you and unfollow
>turned 25
How is that bad?
I'm 27.
>turned 25
You're supposed to hit the wall, not the floor.
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Yes. How did you know? :O
nta but vagina piercings are hot, especially if she's done them for her own pleasure and appeal.
How can you call yourself a woman if you are bigger than a size small?
Women, if there was a day each month when whoring would be absolutely prohibited and publishable by death, would you stop doing it?
Makes sense given to how she is probably spanish and they are all limp dicked.
There's skinnier bitches than me that dress L, meanwhile I'm a bit chubby and dress S
That doesn't meant shit
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Very silly of you
No, being beaten to death is a major kink for me.
You have smelled the Portuguese in me and you're trying to piss me off WHICH YOU DID BUT IT'S JUST SO YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW.
do women really?
Women like that usually graduate to more advanced forms of tacit incest and gaslighting etc
Yes, women really, and what about it, Stanley?
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Eating disorder are a bitch.
>become an Alpha Widow to solve the problem of obsessing over an ex
bad, terrible strategy
Based space cat
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Imagine spitting glitter on the pp.
I just have a bad personality for women I fear

>Somewhat submissive
>Insecure and negative self esteem
>Anger Issues
>Self destructive
>A desperate need to worship someone in every way (simp?)
>Prone to idealize everything
Femanons, how do you feel about Daddy?
I swear women's entire existence revolves around food. They are always on their way to get food, eating food, or having eaten food and now enjoying the emotional high that comes from being full and go get fucked by their bfs only to get more food and repeat the cycle.
I actually had you figured for a spaniard. are you the dude or lass from the islands?
He's an asshole, and apparently I was only born out of his will to try and make my mom stay home from work because he thought having a 3rd child would make her drop her career. Spoiler: it didn't
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This is true for me. Food is love.
I'm a grill in continental Portugal, so not an islander desu

Bruh yeah I know and I can't do nothing about it, all I wanna do is eat, think about dinner, cook dinner and get D
I go to new yorker because it seems normal stores often don't have XS and smaller
I'm starting to think that women like violence more than men.
What did you think was happening?
Any advice?
as vulnerable individuals in a species, you come to terms with the violence. So you either live in paranoia about it or romanticize it
The women ITT make me think women are weird, and not in a good way.
More as in, if a woman is living a happy and fulfilling life it is IN SPITE of being a woman, not because of it.
Women what would you ask for in exchange for a footjob?
It's a bad personality for me, unfortunately. Sorry anon. Especially these 2 points:
>Anger Issues
>Self destructive
stfu subfag
I am a switch though
>More as in, if a woman is living a happy and fulfilling life it is IN SPITE of being a woman, not because of it.
I'm doing exactly this yeah. But what else can I do?

I wouldn't give a footjob to begin with, for any price.

tfw no completely inaccessible Azores gf
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At least it is not feet.
I might be a bit unhinged but it could be worse. All in all i would do it again.
Someone stole femanon's panties and put them on the flagpole
>it's raining the entire week
>can't do night walks, or runs
>only feel comfortable going out at night
I feel so stuck.
omad is not fast enough, I need to exercise.
Women will only like me if I'm not fat.
a footjob
When my gf and I first started considering the idea of having sex, I told her I never use condoms and that I refuse to ever use them. She conceded and had a IUD put and it's been great. Well apparently she told her friends and they all think it was an asshole move on my part. Was it? Condoms fucking suck and I always lose my erection halfway through. It's not like I manipulated her into using a IUD, she agreed almost instantly but now she's making it seem like I'm a dick for suggesting it.
A kid is paralyzed because he ate a snail once, wasn't he?
You don't need a name.
Advice: Become a successful artist or musician and start drinking
Can you please explain why you had sex with your mom?
sure you are sissy.
It was an asshole move on your part yeah.
A condom is nowhere near as invasive for both of you as an IUD is for her.
She was great for just being a good sport about it, and there's no problem since you're both ok about it. But not starting with condoms and suggesting something else right away is bad.
she's a baddie
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Yeah i stopped after adhd and clinical depression because i stopped seeing the point in getting any diagnosed to be honest.
Oof that with your mom sounds exhausting, reminds me a lot of my dad. At least we both only have one parent like this. Imagine if they both were like that.
I am!
Just because I call JH mommy in bed doesn't make her my actual mom.
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I doubt that. Since when are snails toxic? The french eat them all the time.
If she's living in portugal she's most likely african, so the english part checks out.
>I'd be another case study
lol funny that you make me sound like a scientist!

>Stuff that I didn't even think of sharing, or thought he wouldn't want to know/be involved anyway.
This is PRECISELY what happened with her too!
When I told her to just talk about everyday stuff with me, she thought that was not worth mentioning, because it is "just normal people chores". But for me it meant she was in a kind of rythm and sticking to it. It meant I knew she was not just rotting in her bed all day, but actually put up with things she was struggling with.
Your bf might be similar to me then that he tries to get stuff out of you, except you seem to be willing to do so.

You should be proud of trying to stay in contact with some family people, even if it is just a bit! I'm sure somebody there is happy to hear from you and getting updates. :)

>he think i am obligated to make him a priority in my life
That is not a pressure that is nice, but he probably also wants to know how you are doing and doesn't know how else to get through to you with that?
Sorry if I am assuming too much about your relationship with him.

>demand avoidance
Google shows up this as the first result:

Does this also mean like laundry or cooking or doing the dishes?
What's the actualy feeling you are getting, is your mind telling you to not do it?

>I am 31
Alright, gotcha.

>i would grow out of
You've said this before, I think, or worded it similarly. Your wording makes it seem like this is something only children do or it's a stupid habit, which I don't think is the case.
is this me
was a slug
Welp, I guess the only thing left now is appreciate the women I have.
you are a namefag and therefore a little bottom bitch by default, I'll be filtering your posts now, fag. Good Riddance
It's common in the capital I think. But I've been on the internet since I was 10 so I was bullied into having good english

I was born and raised in Portugal, and no I'm not black.
So you think you can filter me huh?
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My feet are cute but they are for walking only.
yeah it's not the end of the world or anything. Just be aware that it's not great that it happened that way
yeah, I can attentionwhore.
Also I made you turn off your trip like the submissive little bitch you are.
He needs at least 1/4 either tall, hot, strong, or wealthy. And personalities need to vibe obviously. Only 1/4 is required you don't need to be everything.
I think they're too smart for that you'd end up with a bored dog with behavioral problems.
I would think it has something to do with finding water but then men would like glitter too so I really don't know.
Yeah that's accurate
I also fucking hate condoms so I genuinely see both sides of this and your girlfriend can make her own decisions. I think what people are mad about is the fact that you refusing to use condoms is basically telling her "take birth control or get something implanted in you or this is over". IUDs are a lot more invasive than condoms so by comparison it makes you look like you're making a big deal out of something small and she's bending over backwards to fulfill your "unreasonable" requests. If she feels manipulated I think she got manipulated by her libido not you lol.
Nhhhh i got played just right
Wtf I love portuguese women now
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*crushes your balls*
They're basically edgelord trenchcoat, fedora, and katana tier embarrassments who haven't been made fun of enough
I make fun of myself nonstop.
Reminds me of going to prom with highschool gf...
>Im a male Jinx
So a minx?
People like hot people why is this a surprise?
But I think women on average value looks less and other factors like personality more
someone got sniped.
I've been posting here again recently and most femanons seem pretty normie.
Norte, gajo
Just gotta wear the right lipstick.
Got awfully silent all of a sudden.
portuguese is of one the best languages to learn other languages
Probably very individual.
But i want my spit to be glitter. Sounds more fun.
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you're not the only one brotha
Nine Stories by JD Salinger
You kind of need to eat to live tbf
Bipolar gang represent
talking to a woman on the apps and she calls games consoles stations, has one picture, no description and when asked what she does for work she says at an office on a computer

shes a catfish probably but I wanna see what country shes from. what country calls their consoles stations?
xiii um gaijo do norte??
eu sou mais alentejana que outra coisa mas agora estou mais perto de Lisboa
és comuna?
You can use the lipstick also for your tongue a bit, if you are so desperate to do...
I have been made fun of plenty but why be normal when you can double down out of spite
I had a Portuguese bimbo colleague at my last job who was the sweetest girl ever lol
Não, mas como ando em artes a maioria dos amigos são
eu sou esquerda central
Jealous. I posted feet once a long time ago and someone said my toes are stubby. Never again.
whats better? cute or sexy?
>Do guys even like nail polish
y e s
It is not the same. I want the sparkling to come from inside my body.
I prefer cute women
Most portuguese girls are quite kind
I'm glad we're making a good name for ourselves out there
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Sexy reels me in but cute makes me think "wife material"
cute and innocent when we're out in public, but then turns into my personal sexy little succubus slut princess when we're alone together.
>Do guys even like nail polish
Fuck, yes.
Maybe i will.
Yeah, people online are insanely judgmental. They always find something to criticize. I have seen stunning girlies post and get torn to pieces. Sad.
Cute is personal, sexy is a wide net, if you're being sexy while you're with me, it makes me wonder who you're dressing up for, because it's not me.
Cute all the way
This girl randomly asked me if I've browed 4chan and that spooked me.
oh nonono your lingo is too obvious
Cute feet are just feet that look nice, clean and smooth. I'm not a foot fetishist and the only 2 cute feet I've seen were my old classmate's and a latina escort's. Those were the only ones I would have loved to suck on if they asked me to, both were kinda brown/tanned feet. Very beautiful and that was the moment I started to slightly understand full on footfags.
>he said sneed out loud
>Do guys even like nail polish
I can't help but imagine her hand stroking me
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I got some edible glitter for drinks, cakes and cookies. I could probably spray some of that in my mouth.
I like painted finger nails
Need hacker-chan bf.
Not either anon but matching, well maintained toe and fingernail polish is a subtle but big green flag.
If i ever get a gf, would she only like me during ovulation week and dislike me the other 3 weeks?
Would you still be able to be friends or friendly with someone whom rejected you?
You are crazy, but I love the dedication.
If I was dictator I would make it mandatory for women to walk around nude in public.
What do you think would happen? How would society function with this new rule in place?
no but she'd be snappy at you when PMSing
t. woman prone to giga mood swings
>because i stopped seeing the point in getting any diagnosed to be honest.
Yeah desu I'm worried about negative backlashes if I get the official ASD diagnosis. Right now the only benefit would be if it qualifies me for treatment via my health insurance, but so far everything I've thoguht of getting falls under the CPT codes for my depression or ADHD diagnoses anyway.

>Imagine if they both were like that.
What's your mom like? Are you in contact with her?

What's the P stand for? I assume DA is demand avoidance.

>But for me it meant she was in a kind of rythm and sticking to it. It meant I knew she was not just rotting in her bed all day, but actually put up with things she was struggling with.
I literally groaned outloud reading this as I rot in my bed while my bf it at work and hoping that I'm accomplishing something lmaoooooooo
The multi-sided aspects I get with this are:
>I didn't think he'd want to know, so I didn't bring it up
>I thought this action was expected of me so it'd be attention whoring if I brought it up so I shouldn't bring it up
>I did some of the actions expected of me, but bringing it up will just highlight that I didn't do the other things
>I didn't do the actions that were expected of me and I don't want to say it because----
>>>He'll tell me to Do The Thing and I don't want to
>>>He'll be disappointed in me
>>>He'll be pained by watching me struggle so I should just Fix Myself so that I can be not struggling
>>>He'll comfort me and I don't deserve that because I fucked up so I should be feeling bad

>Your bf might be similar to me then that he tries to get stuff out of you, except you seem to be willing to do so.
He's been trying to convince me that the crux of our relationship issues is that I'm shutting him out and not necessarily because I'm failing at my responsibilities. Which desu I'm not entirely convinced. Since the things I neglect do negatively impact him. But we're practicing.
>shoosh her, glance around to make sure nobody is listening
>"I'm qanon, don't tell ANYONE"
>smile mysteriously and wink

you guys are just hopeless
pretty much
All depends on the original intent
Cold :(
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Yeah, I stayed close friends with a guy friend who rejected me. we still talk

Ah so you're picrel
>Do guys even like nail polish?
Personally I really do, it's sexy and makes the foot really pop out visually. I like it on hands for much of the same reasons.
I'm somewhat of a footfag and handfag but I don't think it's unusual for men to like them otherwise women just wouldn't bother doing it at large.
Hi, retarded oldfag here who is afraid I'm going to die alone.
I was in /b/ during project chanology so I'm basically exactly what you're looking for.
Unfortunately i keep catching myself getting mad at my bf when something goes wrong even if he had nothing to do with it and is not even around. Good thing i notice and tell myself to get it together but it is a bit scary. Like i might drop the toothpaste and my first thought is that fucker at it again.
would you take a 2nd gf?
Oops, I misread >>31676607
Lots of rape.
This made me tingle. Do it again.
i honestly don't know if i'd be able to handle that not gonna lie lol
I don't know what I want.
Yes, but everyone has to agree to it first.
The p stands for pathological (:
I want a girl that wants me.
I want to sleep, forever.
Good night.
I think so. I would need some time to get over it but would be fine being part of the same friend group with them and having to do group activities with them.
Women would rarely go in public.
And I would be cold september-may and some days in between too.
You wish.
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Glitter-anon, I'll make you an offer:
I'll inject glitter into my balls so that my cum becomes all sparkly if you let me shoot it on your breasts.
Understandable. Have a nice day.
>Women would rarely go in public.
As a woman I already don't go out in public often
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Not a footag but i like painted nails in general
A what now
>negative backlashes if I get the official ASD diagnosis
Nta but it's not like you have to tell anyone, or that employers can discriminate
I was dumb enough to use the low orbit oin cannon on the scientology website but I never got caught.
Same. But I would go out even less. Not at all if traveling in vehicles doesn't count. All I need is grocery delivery and Amazon pretty much.
is that a yes?
That's kind of cute, but also terrifying. Like you view him as a deity or something
I have no idea what those words mean but that makes it even better. Pls give me more sicrit hacker lingo.
remote jobs really were the best thing to happen to introverts
I'll truly only go out more often when I have kids to take to school
The guys who will notice that while you're outside are definitely footfags though. My main focus is always on a girl's ass, thighs, tummy or boobs or a pretty face if she has one. The classmate's feet I only noticed because we were stretching on a mat together and the escort took her socks off close to my face.
It was the ddos application we used at the time.
Now imagine if he actually did something dumb during pms week. Poor man.
like ... why?
one SO is enough for me. I just dont understand.
Yes yes i have heard ddos before. What does it stand for?
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>What's the P stand for?
pic related :DDDDD

>I literally groaned outloud reading this as I rot in my bed while my bf it at work and hoping that I'm accomplishing something lmaoooooooo
I'm not sure if I should laugh at that too or not...

Going through your visual novel question catalog makes it sound like this:

I think if there is one person everybody is 108% fully allowed to attention whore with, it's their partner. A good partner is happy to hear you are doing well, because by extension that is also their merit, right?

>Which desu I'm not entirely convinced.
I'm just gonna say it bluntly, trust him with this.

>Since the things I neglect do negatively impact him.
If he is anything like me, the only negative thing you could do is not spend time with him or talk with him.
I didn't ask (You), I asked mr hackerman
>installing 5 point harnesses for femanons
Weirdo that made me feel like you would snap me into an adult sized kiddy seat.
Distributed denial of service (attack), it was dumb and lots of people got in trouble but people still do it to this day on websites to take them down temporarily.
>idk you pick
>>you then proceed to NOT PICK and again ask her what she wants to eat but in a more complicated way
>holy crap please just pick something
>>you pick something finally, shes cool with it
>i want this
>>"are you sure? 100%? what if blah blah"
>wow this is neurotic yes please just order what i answered with
>>you order a crap ton of food
>she nibbles your food, sign of security with you and seeing you as a provider

Kind of amazing you have a gf
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I saw him first.

You've spent too much time around mothers and not enough time around race cars
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can't have nice things!!!
Gn anon, sleep tight, hope we both die in our sleeps <3
>This implies women talk to men first
They do though
>Nta but it's not like you have to tell anyone, or that employers can discriminate
I worry about it for my healthcare and health insurance.

For example, I had an issue with my primary care family doctor where I had to have to see him every 3 months to get my stimulant prescriptions refilled (federally controlled substance, has more barriers). BUT because they put my depression diagnosis on the doctor's visit, my insurance billed it as a mental health thing and didn't cover it like they would a typical doctor's visit. So my visit went from $50 to $200 dollars.

I've worked as a clinic receptionist so when they called to tell me, I asked her if she could just change the CPT code to a physical or a med management. She said no so I asked to cancel my upcoming appointments since I wouldn't be able to afford this and hung up before I started sobbing too hard. She called back and said they figured it out and can rebill it to something my insurance would cover. But if I didn't know that trick, I basically would be shit out of luck.

On the healthcare side, I've worked to keep my (mild, mostly in remission) eating disorder off my official diagnosis list since I've heard of psychiatrists refusing to prescribe stimulants to anorexics. So I only talk about it with my counselor (who doesn't have diagnosing powers) and avoid the topic with my psychiatric nurse practitioner. Even though I don't abuse my stimulants for that, I really really don't want to risk losing them.
Yeah anon real dumb. The right move is to order a ton of extra food specifically for her but not telling her and if she ends up not wanting it you got late night snacks. You can only win. He does not understand her dilemma is that she wants comfort food but feels like she can not say that because she is supposed to eat salad and chicken breast for dinner like a good girl so she is waiting for him, the man, to enable her to get take out by ordering that he wants some. It is like he has never dealt with an anorexic and orthorexic girl before.
Equality propaganda worked too well
Ok ok we can share him.
I do not want anything to do with mom’s that do not drive race cars.
>implicit expectation of being provided with more than she asks for verbally

nta but you are human cancer and I'm willing to entertain the absence of the human part.
Broish not even close
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>Ok ok we can share him.
very cool
I don't mind being the 2nd wife
He slept on the couch. If my gf told me that I need to sleep on the couch, I would break up with her on the spot or I would give her a good talking to.
Very nice.
Do women get comfortable in a relationship by mentally regressing to their 14 year old self and intellectually regressing to the baseline of InstaTok doomscrolling? What are the odds of this happening?
Oh i know what that is. I so smart. Ok, what else you got? What schenanigans have you gotten into?
What do you mean by this? Mentally regressing how?

>or I would give her a good talking to.
That aint just personality anon, those are mental problems
It's all fun and games til someone gets a sunburned clit.
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Very high.
If i can not be my formless self around him, why even bother?
Yeah the fact that its possible for her to command him to the couch over such a petty issue also does not bode well
What do you do when you are banned
It should be safely hidden from the sun, unless you’re turned on all day…
Pretty sure that did not happen and anon just made it up for added impact.
Savor the victory
CNC stuff. currently making myself a watch
>be my formless self around him
Habe you ever read Isaac Asimov's The gods themselves?
I cry and scream
Chuckle, acknowledge that i deserved it and probably go do the dishes or something else i was procrastinating.
The sex that is designed to bear children and nurse little babies also needs shows of security and demonstrations of ability to provide without constant direct instruction
If I notice a guy looking down at me, I assume he’s staring at my cleavage, it’s hard to tell his exact target from down here lol

What sort of movement?
Women how do i get the motivation to stop slacking off?
literalmente toda a gente que conheço dessa terra orbita para a esquerda. que dizes de Lisboa?


We used to rig things too, like the most "popular" name for the new mountain dew flavor, Hitler did nothing wrong won that, with all the other names popular ones being ours too.
When Taylor Swift had a contest for what school she should perform at We made a school for the deaf win.
browse and seethe that I can't reply to questions
>Good, too bad is not permanent
Read more worthwhile stuff and organize my room
You can be different and equal, men should bring security to the table and women warmth, neither are doing great in that example
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I just took an old CASIO I have that has a plastic housing and making myself one out of stainless steel and a saphire crystal
Get really pissed off that somebody got the whole apartment complex banned, and I’m the latest victim

It's 2024, I won't provide because there is no advantage in doing so.
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Maybe i should. Maybe i am a soft one.
To the femanon who recommended aleppo soap a few weeks back: Thanks that shit is awesome
I remember the mountain dew one. Ah, sweet nostalgia. Trolling taylor is always a good thing.
I like to watch declutterring videos on YouTube and clean alongside them or do whatever other thing I wanted to do
My personal favorite was when we convinced a bunch of girls online that Justin Bieber had cancer and to shave their head in solidarity.
That was me (:
Ikr?? It has helped my skin so much. I am glad it worked for you too.
Hehehe, i remember that one too. What else was a thing? Wasn‘t freebleeding one too?
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It left a real impression on me.
What is it good for??
Yeah I had nasty outbreaks everywhere especially in summer but it's completely gone
Hell yeah, this shit is the shit. Cleans so well and doesn't fuck with your skin. If you should ever find yourself in a situation where you can't get aleppo, try Marseille. They're both pretty similar.
/atoga/ memed me into buying body soap and a loofah. It didn't fix my arm pimples and back pimples but my skin feels smooth as a baby after I use it.
>declutterring videos
what like people just cleaning their room?
thanks man, means a lot
we won’t rest until every last boy on earth is a soft boy
>tells me to pick something
>>I pick something
>she complains and says she wants something else
>>suggest something else
>complains again
>>do this until I've had enough and just double down on my original choice
>>specifically ask her what SHE wants to eat
>she tells me
>>ok cool now I'm going to order food for MYSELF that I will want to eat whole because I'm hungry af and don't want to eat half portions of the shit I ordered
>>food arrives
>she immediately eats hers and is obviously not full by a long shot, which wouldn't have happened in the first place if she ordered more for herself after I specifically asked her to do so instead of relying on me to telepathically sense when she actually says what she wants and when I'm supposed to go against what she wants and do things against her wishes
>>now both of us are half full instead of us both eating enough
I'm starting to get real tired of this shit. If you want something, say it. If you don't want to say it, you have no right to complain if do something that you specifically didn't ask me to do, because you actually secretly wanted me to do it. Wtf are these mind games?
It's basically antibacterial soap with natural ingredients
It’s like I’m using the same bar of soap you used, like an indirect k-kiss…! O///O
women have you ever simped for a man?
What kind of coping mechanisms have you developed for dealing with this kind of thing? And for the ADHD/ASD issues in general? Like, for some sensory relief I've got loop earplugs and flare earplugs which have been really helpful. I've gone through a DBT program to more explicitly game social conflicts and how to self-regulate, I set up recurring accountability meetings with my professors. idk that sort of thing

>pic related :DDDDD
Oh, of course! Obviously, duh.

>A good partner is happy to hear you are doing well, because by extension that is also their merit, right?
I think it's also kind of a hang-up of rambling and taking up his time.

>If he is anything like me, the only negative thing you could do is not spend time with him or talk with him.
Look, that's noble and all but over the years more nuance has become involved. It really really sucks watching someone self-sabotage and being powerless to change that. I know it's hard on him. I'm just having to slowly accept that seeing the pain in his eyes over it is preferable to him finding out later. Also he has ADHD and the way he presents can make it hard to follow or sustain attention when I go on rambling tangents or take a looooong time to sort out my words. That's part of why I'm trying to get a consult with a speech pathologist. He'll ask me to explain what's on my mind but I'll really struggle trying to access it in my mind and I'll start panicking and then it becomes a whole thing. There's also some childhood hang-ups I'm trying to get over around that.

idk if you're making a joke but I absolutely never would expect anyone to just innately know how to navigate the idiosyncrasies of my ED, especially with how ever-changing it is.
No my skin is soft now but I'm still hardcore
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It is one of the oldest soaps and it is made only from olive oil and laurel oil and it cleans gently, moisturizes and is slightly antibacterial.
That makes me very happy for you.
Yeh, but not in a romantic or sexual way.
how else can you simp for someone then??
>cats owned by women
Very true. Also made from olive oil if real one just without the bay oil.
>literalmente toda a gente que conheço dessa terra orbita para a esquerda
Faz parte. Então alentejanos é tudo comuna (até ficarem ricos, depois ficam super conservadores)
>que dizes de Lisboa?
um monte de alfacinhas com a vida fácil, mas tenho de cá andar perto para ter trabalho acessível
>latinx hours
I'm going to bed. You guys can have this thread.
How much laurel oil does yours contain? I can only find 20% laurel max but I'm in the EU and they have some kind of dumb regulation in place
Women what do you think when you hear a guy say he likes to go out to his family's property and take his ATV out for drives?
Muito based B)

He's a redneck isn't he?
he literally bought the food, what are you talking about?
Yeah a little.
Wait there are cute latinas here rn???
Women what do you think when you hear a guy say he likes to go out to his family's property and take his horse out for rides?
I think i also have that one.
Maybe look online i could mot find higher than 20% in the shop but online i found up to 40% but i read that more is not necessarily better since it can be irritating. If 20% works maybe stick to that.
Out of familial love and being proud of them?
>he literally bought the food
nowhere in his posts say he paid for the order or the food on the fridge.
Imagine a woman simping for you
how would that feel?
If i can go with him because ever since i was little i always dreamed about having a huge property to roam freely with the horses.
Sounds pretty normal
I'm allergic to horses :(
Portugal doesn't really count as latinx, that's more of a Spanish colony thing, no?

I like horsies ;_;
It sounds like there is extra baggage here that made this escalate as quickly as it did, and your reactions are more about the larger picture than this particular instance. If I were just to look at this on its own, I can see a mindset issue on your part (I won't really talk about what she could have done differently because she's not here to make that change):

>tired of her shit, time to teach her a lesson
>I may not be getting sex tonight, but she has to learn
>me: no, we have more food in the fridge, go make yourself something from there

You viewed this as a punishment rather than the consequences of an unfortunate situation (if I view her favorably and say that she genuinely underestimated her limits instead of pre-planning to eat your food).
>If you eat my food, I'll still be hungry. We'll either have to find something to eat in the kitchen or order more food, since we don't have enough food here for the both of us.
I'm guessing that she's the one who implanted the thought that you saying this (reasonable and normal) problem-solving statement is equivalent to an explicit punishment against her. It has become a you vs her thing rather than both of you vs food.
It just surprised me. Obviously we aren't a sekrit club but even still most people never bring 4chan up in real life, at least nobody I talk to. If anything I'm the one who brings it up.
Can I buy this at a store or is it something I can buy online?
I hope he wears a helmet, and “my family’s property” makes him sound rich, even though lots of people here own a cabin and a few acres up north
>I think it's also kind of a hang-up of rambling and taking up his time
What would you want him to say or do in that case?

>Look, that's noble and all but over the years more nuance has become involved.
Sorry, I didn't mean to simplify you, your relationship or the issues you are facing.
I still appreciate you talking about your side too.

>my ED
Ah yeah, that's also something she was battling with. But I won't go into details, I feel like I've already hogged so much time and that was more of a secondary or tertiary problem anyway.
You just know.
>I'm allergic to horses :(

Horrific genetics, unlucky!
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is a guy riding horses attractive?
I've been considering asking my neighbor if she could teach me
I dont really know the semantics. Doesn't brazil count as latin? And they were a Portuguese colony
I did pay for it, I didn't think I'd have to mention this.
Because who tf orders food and then makes their partner pay for it?
>Portugal doesn't really count as latinx, that's more of a Spanish colony thing, no?
I want to go there on holiday (I'm german).
What can I expect there?
Insanely hot actually.
I’m from Chile but don’t really identify as latina
Women would you date a man who is a defeatist?
Depends. If he rides with bits and spurs that's really cringe. If not, and takes good care of the horsie, yeah it's hot.

No Brazil isn't Latin, and Brazil is a Portuguese colony, I know, I'm Portuguese
I bought mine online they have it on amazon even
Several many times
ok communications 101
how's the psych courses going?
Agreed. The riding style makes a huge difference.
>Chile but don’t really identify as latina
Thats like a french person saying they don't identify as white
If you go in the summer, as a northern european you're gonna suffer a lot with the heat as we reach 40ºC
Expect good food, but also a lot of other tourists, old cool buildings, and Pastéis-de-Nata (or Pastéis de Belém if you wanna go for those)
Have you seen southern french though?
>If he rides with bits and spurs that's really cringe
yeah, especially if he constantly complains how I don't actually love him and how small his dick is and how short he is and how I'm going to leave him for a taller hung guy.
Makes me wet every time.
Microwaving iPhones to charge them.
Freebleeding was one of them no idea if it was successful.
Hello :)
Ok I'm talking more about the women will they rip my clothes off?
Sounds exhausting but i can not really talk, i get like that too sometimes:
Those are pain guides for horses and that style of riding (English Style) can actually damage a horse's body permanently.
Ideally you don't want to use pain guides as you don't need them at all, you can ride a horse without having a metal bit in its mouth grinding against its teeth constantly and without poking its belly with metal.
>No Brazil isn't Latin
usually I tunnel vision and focus only ahead of me walking, but today I wanted to get a bit out of that habit, and I looked at the cars driving by (among other things). I noticed that all the men driving looked at me, when they were turning away from me and clearly turning their head sideways to look. Is this normal for generally all women or am I attractive?
>t. tard
Kek, oh yeah that one. Aw man.
Portuguese women act a lot more conservative. They're nice though, they're just not your typical easy girl.
You might find university thots I guess. But older than that, forget it.
oh ok ok. I dont think she uses that stuff, just a saddle from what I can tell. Im new to this stuff, I just thought I'd like to learn to ride
>when walking*
>am I attractive?
We don't know post picture
>2 years with ex, she's a lovely girl but some things about her annoyed me and had some shitty fights, so I left her.
>Find new girl that is everything I ever wanted from my ex.
>I still love my ex for some retarded reason and want to go do some grand big apology and beg her to take me back.

Chat am I retarded. I think I know the answer.
>aleppo soap
Wikipedia says this is a castille soap. Is Dr. Bronner's good enough? I'm a girl but my skin is awful. I recently bought jojoba oil to use as a moisturizer since I was recommended it. Also trying to figure out daily facial sunscreens. I got St. Ives at first, which was great, but I lost it and my store isn't carrying it anymore lol. I got a hyaluronic acid serum (by Epielle K-Beauty) but it's INTENSE which I didn't expect. I worry about it competing with the differin I use to spot-treat my acne.
I guess it means you’re at least kinda cute?
Not all pedestrians catch my attention, but cute women do.
what were you wearing
Are latinas really as mean as they say?
Well I wouldn't mind settling with a nice portugese girl on a farm somewhere in Portugal
Saying Latin america and calling those people "Latina" is very different. At least Portuguese do not really identify as Latino (that's more of a Spanish and Italian thing). We tend to be more associated with Mediterranean
I find it very hard not to look at women who are walking while I'm driving by.
Yes you're pretty.
I'm not a real equestrian and I'm having a major dunning-kruger moment, do you have reference material for this?
Sorry, just autistic with an interest in breaking down social interactions. Did I say something inaccurate or are you just commenting on my presentation?
Women, I was once told "1 in 6 woman are raped in their lifetime, and 5 out of 6 have a close call." Do you think that's accurate?
If you're trying to find a girl to settle with, yeah I don't see why not.
>At least Portuguese do not really identify as Latino
I wasn't arguing this, i was arguing that brazillians are latino
black jeans and a green top.
I've gotten insecure and thought about my looks more lately so thanks, I'd like to believe this lol.
Something to consider: did you hold eye contact? They might have been wondering why you were looking at them and held eye contact because you continued to. I run into that loop sometimes.
Im sure I have been in situations where it was a close call
Femanons I'm fucking retarded, my lesbian friend texted me that she has something to tell me, and I immediately thought she wants to tell me she and her gf want a threescore cause I'm a retarded coombrain.
Someone needs to put me out of my misery.
Well I wasn't looking until right as they passed me, but it could be that me looking had an effect here. but Imo it felt like they were looking already.
>black jeans and a green top.
based and shego pilled
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I'm not equestrian either, I just love animals (horses included) and I'm interested in these things. I'll post resources
Im so sleepy and lonely. I can’t even remember his face. I can’t remember anyone’s face but it has never bothered me this much before
I can't escape the shego poster..
They probably were wondering why some weird lady on the sidewalk was staring at traffic…
For real though, multiple men thought you were at least nicer to look at than at the road, so while that isn’t much, it’s something lol
No you want laurel oil as an ingredient because that provides the antibacterial properties. If you look on amazon for aleppo soap with at least 20% laurel oil you will find something. They always come in bars
How long has it been since you broke up with your ex? When did you start dating this new girl?
Não é a ideia que tenho de Lisboa, podem ser alfacinhas mas a vida não lhes é fácil. mas não curtes a cidade? tens sempre coisas para fazer e para ver aí
Thanks. I'm always fascinated to learn things about unfamiliar disciplines.
None of my br friends consider themselves latino either...

I mean it checked for me, I guess I'm 1 in 6.

coomer brain at it again!
*sprays with water*
I have noticed that cats owned by women tend to be a little dumber. Thoughts?
Tfw no face blind gf
remember you are here forever
>None of my br friends consider themselves latino either
Jh in shambles rn
Sorry bro, I think you answered your own question…

I’m not sure what they mean by a “close call”, but from the amount of stories I’ve heard, it’s depressingly common

You’re not retarded, I think a lot of men like to imagine naked lesbians heh
>shego in a chinese dress
Well, are you single?
How do I fix this
Have you heard about persimmon soap? I heard that it helps when you age to combat Old People Smell. I was thinking of getting ahead of the game and just keeping it in my repertoire.
>a green top
I think anon is trying to ask how much of your boobies were showing, miss.
none at all? tasteful cleavage? plunging neckline?
I don't think it's fixable.
Did being masturbated psychologically ruin me and make me evil? Was the assisted masturbation I experienced a form of ritualistic brainwashing to corrupt me and turn me to the dark side?
You can try the doctor bronner soap but it has other oils in it like coconut oil and personally my skin does not really like it, it both strips it too much and clogs my pores but maybe your skin loves it. I fare much better with the olive oil.
Sunscreens i have and use are neutrogena ultra sheer dry touch 55 spf and beauty of joseon rice and probiotic spf 50. For hyaluronic acid i have the cerave hydrating serum, the inkey list ha serum and the ordinary ha. I like them all, i do not notice a big difference.
Hm, it should be more soothing. Maybe you do not react well to another ingredient. Can you try a different one? It should not react with the differin. Jojoba oil is great but personally it is way too heavy for me to use as a stand alone, i prefer to use combination lotions that have both ha and ceramides like the hydrating lotion from cerave. I usually keep it very simple, washing with the soap, rose water toner, ha serum, combo lotion, sunscreen. I am not a big fan if active ingredient like aha/bha or glycolic acid. They just destroy my skin barrier. I might use them once a month but that is it.
based confidence boost giving anon
Opah verdade, também cá é difícil ver gente com a vida fácil (mesmo a malta com posses que conheço não está na maior).
>mas não curtes a cidade?
Já gostei mais. Gosto de estar perto de friends e tal, mas eu praticamente não saio de casa agora. Dá jeito para ter trabalho perto.
>tens sempre coisas para fazer e para ver aí
eehhh o problema é mais eu não querer encontrar pessoas da minha área, e como estou muito ligada a entretenimento acabo sempre por dar de caras com a malta.

Estás no norte mas longe da cidade? Também sei o que é viver assim e não é muito fixe, especialmente quando uma pessoa tem que fazer uma viagem de 1 hora de ambulância por não haver hospitais perto.

The horse rabbit hole is quite deep, you'll be entertained for a WHILE.
>Dr. Bronner’s
I’ve heard good things about it but haven’t used it myself.
How are you liking the jojoba oil?
What did she want?
How old are you
My aunt is face blind. She seems to live pretty well with it.
women tell me something cool
You're very sweet anon, but I'm not. I wouldn't mind introducing your german ass to single friends tho
porn is bad for your brian
Funny, I read black jeans and assumed that was the sexy part, it awakened a memory of goth girls in school wearing tight black jeans <3
She goes by they now and has a new name.
I used she for the context of my coombrain thoughts.
oh, well mine are pretty small so I think it wasn't showing much? and it's the kind of top that tends to ride up a bit so I don't think it was showing too much
Why do we shame professors who seduce their students as sexual predators, when sexual relationships (especially homosexual ones) between mentor and mentee are a sacred tradition dating back to the Greeks?

We see this also in the Star Wars movies. While it can not be portrayed due to modern mores, it is clear that Qui-Gon sexually penetrated Obi-Wan, who penetrated Anakin.

Anakin's turn to the Sith is even called a "seduction", and it is more than clear that Palpatine sexually pleasured Anakin and induced an orgasm in him.
Got a 5 cm scratch on my tummy from work. First time was a 10 cm scratch on my forearm along the vein.
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Wombats have cubic poop so it does not roll away because they use it to mark their territory.
We have a proverb in german which basically translates as "that goes down like oil" so you made my day <3
Back to tradition, let men be homos again
My genitals are currently exposed.
if women are known liars then that means that porn is actually good for you.
Im doomed
Did she ever find love
Ecce Homo. Nietzsche called his philosophies the Gay Science for a reason!
so cute
The coomer brain had a more fun idea, no cap.
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>a 10 cm scratch
that's a big cat anon
cover up those meat flaps
>My genitals are currently exposed.
Oh god quick all look away
hm, okay. size isn’t super important, any bare skin on a woman is like a magnet for male eyes. sounds like a fairly standard breezy summer top, which is very attractive no matter how much boob is filling it. you’re lucky you didn’t cause a crash with all that staring :p
I was born with six toes and my brother with four. They took my extra toe and gave it to him
Why are you posting a dog? Are you phantasizing about that dog licking that man's genitalia?
I'm a man.
It was more like nervously glancing around lmao. I appreciate your moid insight
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This tweet is absolutely mystifying. To the women ITT, how is it obvious that she’s not interested? This just seemed like a regular conversation up until the end.
You are strange.
That dog is laughing.
a man whosays tummy
She said we were meant to meet each other and it brought a tear to my eye (we're friends)
One word answers with literally zero interest shown in reciprocating or saying anything other than the bare minimum reaction to what he said/wrote. It is indeed very obvious.
>This just seemed like a regular conversation up until the end.
Hello and a very short random compliment are a regular conversation to you...?
Men don't have cats.
yeah i don't get this either. until the "i can't talk to women" part they were both giving short replies. i would've needed to see a more of that first part of the convo to actually tell if she isn't interested in him.
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only the best men have cats
I'm done peeing, I'm decent now.
She already looks like a red flag
Fuck you.
Wait wait can I play with it?
>the only women who check me out are old ladies, goths, and emo girls
What does this mean?
I mean what was he supposed to say
will my ex girlfriend ever come to her senses and realize that we had a good thing and that all the things she said about us being her best relationship was actually true? Its already been a month and Im accepting things better but I still cant but feel shocked about how it all went down
you are unconventionally attractive/have a unique look.
Women's genitals are like the big bang or a black whole, they're somehow physically inconceivable
It's not like my phone or something. You can't just run up and ask if you can play with it.
>Opah verdade, também cá é difícil ver gente com a vida fácil (mesmo a malta com posses que conheço não está na maior).
vais a ver e a maior parte não vive tão bem quanto dizem, é so show-off, conheço literais milionários que não fazem nem metade do alarido com a sua riqueza que o tuga comum

>Já gostei mais. Gosto de estar perto de friends e tal, mas eu praticamente não saio de casa agora. Dá jeito para ter trabalho perto.
>eehhh o problema é mais eu não querer encontrar pessoas da minha área, e como estou muito ligada a entretenimento acabo sempre por dar de caras com a malta.

eu percebo isso, os meus melhores amigos e amigas saíram todos e só ficou o lodo. mas nem podes ir a museus tipo a calouste gulbenkian?

>Estás no norte mas longe da cidade? Também sei o que é viver assim e não é muito fixe, especialmente quando uma pessoa tem que fazer uma viagem de 1 hora de ambulância por não haver hospitais perto.
no Minho em geral podes viver numa aldeia no meio da montanha que a cidade mais próxima está sempre a 10 minutos de carro
stupid autocorrect
Nothing, really.
That burst into "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TALK TO WOMEN" was just kinda funny-strange.
>black hole
A cat is the only animal I'd ever get, besides an aquarium.
Thread seems nice today, but i have no energy to post. Hope its decent tomorrow
Why do you say that?
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I like you, don't come to /atoga/ tomorrow.
It's OK JH
That nigga had 0 rizz.
>cool hair
You need more if you want access to pussy.
Eating some quesadillas with ham right now
olha lá, se és de arte talvez podes responder-me a isto. numa cadeira de história de arte moderna a minha professora perguntou-me qual era o meu estilo, disse-lhe as pinturas negras Goya. Disse demasiado? É que parece-me que ela ficou assustada comigo.
Go to hell.
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I think of the most random shit in the shower.
>14 years
>The average lifespan for a pet cat is probably around 13 to 14 years. However, although their lifespan varies, a well cared for cat may commonly live to 15 or beyond, some make it to 18 or 20 and a few extraordinary felines even pass 25 or 30 years of age.
Uhm based
I have no idea what this is supposed to convey. It feels like I'm having a stroke.
Women how would you react to your bf breezing his balls in front a fan?
HP was a failure of a man that thought wallowing in his negative feelings made him smart
No, she posted the pic on her story for everyone to see and the guy commented on the story. The comment goes into her private DM's.
You have never had a good hornyposting session with JH until she fled from you mentioning a single spermatozoon?
Reproducing by passing on ideas that have not been sanctioned by the state and without passing on genetic material via a state sanctioned actor are implicitly threatening to any regime or hierarchy duh
Kinda grossed out. Can he not just go take a shower like a normal person?
Play with them
Often the most talented men in history have horrible personalities.
Depends on what his intentions were.
I am JH, that's why I feel like I should get the joke. And I don't leave the thread just because someone mentions dudegoo, I just sometimes have shit to do.
Normal. You are passably shaped so they're looking closer to see if you are attractive.
>my skin does not really like it, it both strips it too much and clogs my pores but maybe your skin loves it.
desu it does strip quite a bit. So if the aleppo was too similar I wouldn't have bothered with it. Maybe if I mixed it with the jojoba oil though?
>Hm, it should be more soothing. Maybe you do not react well to another ingredient. Can you try a different one? It should not react with the differin.
I looked at the ingredient list again and I've remembered that it has retinol in it, so iirc that's the intense part. It also has butylene glycol and caprylyl glycol, are those similar to glycolic acid?

>Washing with the soap, rose water toner, ha serum, combo lotion, sunscreen.
I've remembered that I have a rose witch hazel by St Clare, which I like since it is kind of moisturizing and doesn't feel pinchy (?) the way the TN Dickinson's witch hazel did.

I don't have a cleanser and I've been doing the scrub-face-with-water-only thing lately. Or I just use the bronners or other body soap or sometimes shampoo. Everything's so expensive and I've heard so many horror stories about cleansers and skin barriers so I'm scared to experiment.

If I list all the products I have in my arsenal (9) would you be able to help me decide what I should be using and in what frequency and what I should add?

The jojoba oil is heavy, yeah. I use just the tinest dot. I do love it on my neck and chest especially! (décolletage?)

I'm 29. I'd rather avoid the smelling like Old thing before it happens. If it becomes a habit for decades I won't have to rely on my poor sense of smell
the nigga was scared of air conditioning
Because there are no women in my life I constantly look for beauty elsewhere but I have come to a point where I feel I have experienced all the beauty there is and living is utterly pointless. It all transcends to the fusion of men and women and I am sick of it.
what's some archive for /adv/? I want to see what was posted in the previous thread that got the poster banned
>Did she ever find love
Yes she did, though he passed before I could meet him. She's told me tales of how he shaved one time and she couldn't sleep in the same bed while she adjusted. She'd wake up in the middle of the night and in her brain fog feel like she was in bed with a stranger. She did adapt to it, though!
>I am JH
Holy shit, can i have your autograph?
>I'm 29. I'd rather avoid the smelling like Old thing before it happens. If it becomes a habit for decades I won't have to rely on my poor sense of smell
Women are weird
>Depends on what his intentions were.
What other intentions could he have? He's just cooling down lol
The tweet is excessive on purpose. Reasonable takes don't often get retweeted.
Her posts are syllabic responses to a zero effort attempt.
Literally nothing

>random compliment with nothing to respond to
I mean, what is she going to respond to there?

The tweet is hyperbolic but it's literally nothing.
It's the kind of shit I'd drunkenly blurt out, laugh at myself, and then begin actually talking to her like a person.
I think I've actually said this and then followed up with blabbing about Manic Panic.
poor guy was probably shaking while he wrote it
>tfw your cats are 18 and every time you look at them while they're sleeping you pause to make sure they're breathing.
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Do you believe in Earth Supremacy?
Oh my god JH let me tell you about this amazing thing I did a few minutes ago
As I was stroking my huge dick an exobitant amount of dudegoo shot into the air and landed everywhere, on me, on the wall behind me, on the bed... Dudegoo is still dripping down as I write this
Sure, here. Don't resell it. If I see it on eBay, you're dead.
Idk, men are weird sometimes. If it was just to cool his balls down, he should take a shower. If he's exposing his junk, he should expect me to assume he's up for sex.
If it is hot out and it's not blowing in my direction fucking go for it
Women, is any smut that doesn't involve non-con pointless?
yes. earthers > martians
(I know some of you faggots visit /sfg/)
>Idk, men are weird sometimes
Or there is a third alternative where she doesnt know how to speak to man too, probably not the case but im seeing that happen a lot with younger girls.
Dw anon. Just checked. Both alive.
You were given life with a consciousness so precious that you could ponder the many questions of the universe and marvel at its beauty. But instead you chose to put it to use writing and posting that post. Think about that.
if it has characters I like then it doesn't need any non-con (but I haven't read that kind of smut in years).
Of course not. Romantic slow burn is also great.
I don't apologize.
>mas nem podes ir a museus tipo a calouste gulbenkian?
Isso sim e até acabo por ir lá várias vezes ao ano, true
Isso e o museu do oriente

>no Minho em geral podes viver numa aldeia no meio da montanha que a cidade mais próxima está sempre a 10 minutos de carro
Nada mau desu! No alentejo é um bocadinho diferente mas é porque a aldeia onde estava também era mesmo no meio do nada

>numa cadeira de história de arte moderna a minha professora perguntou-me qual era o meu estilo, disse-lhe as pinturas negras Goya. Disse demasiado? É que parece-me que ela ficou assustada comigo.
LMAO mostraste-lhe a tua versão do Saturno? 8D
E não, nunca é demasiado, tens sempre a desculpa que estás em artes, problema dela de ser too normie
>I am JH, that's why I feel like I should get
It's from an episode where a guy darts into an apartment to fetch his hat, only to have Mr Bean explode white paint all over the room, leaving a silhouette of the guy

>I don't leave the thread just because someone mentions dudegoo, I just sometimes have shit to do.
It's mostly:
A. Hurrdurr she leaves covered in white virtual dudegoo!
B. Anons itt obsessed with hornyposting at you
C. You leaving a void when you're gone and dudes still looking

Like I said, it just popped in my head.
Women why are you such coomers? Arent you ashamed of yourselves?
>I don't apologize.
Checked but you're not JH
anyone: if a 35 years old guy gets looks from teenagers and young adult women, does it mean he's attractive?
you might be very right
No it's not pointless, but it has to pull its weight on the story or else I won't be happy. Properly made romance can be done even in a short story
What does JH stand for?
What is slow burn?
No the aleppo is quiet different to the dr bronner in my experience.
>mix with jojoba
I would not do that. You can use the jojoba to oil cleanse before the soap but i do not bother with that. Too much hassle too little effect if you do not wear makeup.
Oh yeah definitely that is probably what irritates you, retinol has a tendency to do that, you have to kind of build up a resistance to it and not use it daily at first.
I would recommend getting something moisturizing that has nothing like retinol in it. Like the cerave hydrating lotion or cream.
>butylene glycol and caprylyl glycol
No those are not AHAs, just skin conditioners.
Toner should absolutely not sting. It if does it means your skin got too stripped and/or it contains alcohol, both will mess with your skin barrier.
I would also not recommend using shampoo on your face for that reason since shampoo is meant to be more stripping.
Yeah i checked both witch hazels and 100% stick with the st clare one, it has aloe and gylcerin which is soothing and moisturizing but the dickinson one has alcohol, not good.
Sure, give me a list, lets see how far i come with checking it until i fall asleep (:
Jizz Hater
Can anyone tell me what it's called mentally disorder wise if you notice details or fixate on things being wrong whereas other people don't notice it?

Like if I look at someone or myself I immediately notice if their arms are too long compared to the average person or their eyes are asymmetrical. If I look at a painting I immediately notice if something is not symmetrical or there are pixels that aren't smooth and it bothers me and I need to fix it.

No, I don't have autism. Is this some type of OCD? I know it's not normal.
Kinda depends on their expressions.
Jazz Hoarder
I notice this but because I'm an artist and the first thing I do when I see someone new is take mental measurements as if I'm drawing them.
Google the best spots on Lake Tahoe for me plz
right, I hadn't even thought of that... thanks
Jello humper
>You can search for only deleted posts, too
Not anymore.
>no i don‘t have autism
Haha classic
no, it means he's a slimy creep, that puts girls on high alert and they constantly have to watch out if he'll pull a chloroform cloth from his jacket pocket and take them away in his van.
Yes I'm jelly
My ex gf had this. I'm very sorry. I hope you don't verbalize it with complaints
Oh, I get it now. I hate it, but I get it. At least it has layers like good OC should.
I was bored growing up, and no.
Romance that takes a long while to progress. Lots of good build up.
Nta but facts I have learned do NOT look up when pumping gas.
I haven't faced any lasting consequences for it yet and it's fun. Maybe a little.
You haven't read non-non-con in a while?

Is it really smut at that point?
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No you lazy fuck.
I was born a coomer. Yes but the more I feel shame, the more I coom as well. I masturbated twice today already
>the first thing I do when I see someone new is take mental measurements as if I'm drawing them.
Just imagine Shrek when you see me and you're golden
thanks for killing my attempt to ego boost my depressed self, you faggots
If it's written for me to finger myself to, it's smut.
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Fine i did it anyways.
>Is it really smut at that point?
Yes because it has sex and more importantly, creampies, which I can't do without.
>You haven't read non-non-con in a while?
that makes me sound kinda bad, but yes.
>I was born a coomer.
That sounds terribly awkward for the obstetrician.
You're 35 and still wondering if you're attractive? You never were attractive if you have to wonder that. Bitches approach hot Chads themselves.
>I masturbated twice today already
That's not a lot tbqh
>t. man
Ok I was born a crier, but I've been cooming since my early years as a child
Thanks, honey pie!
But I noticed artists often do it. I see a great artist and then they make the head too small or have some dirty pixels left.

Did she ever figure out what its called?
I feel so used now.
Can you finger yourself to Pride and Prejudice?

So characters getting pregnant gets you off?
>But I noticed artists often do it. I see a great artist and then they make the head too small or have some dirty pixels left.
Time to become artists' biggest enemy and become an art critic.

Any advice on grooming younger women? Moralfags will say a lot of shit but unironically keeping girls around until they're old enough is moral compared to what society does to them
>So characters getting pregnant gets you off?
Yes. Extremely so actually. And it's been worse after I reached a certain age, I just want to be pregnant.
Dude, I don't know how they looked at you. Maybe you're hot. I dunno.
anon... I've been approached multiple times, and I let many women pass (practically all of them except for a few selected ones), but I had a lot of other shit to worry about.
the thing is, even teenagers smile at me these days. I'm autistic and that shit makes me nervous, I don't want people to talk shit about me for having teenagers smile at me.
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I refuse to let internet women make me feel bad about my semen goop
You can do whatever you want
I'm just curious about women and the dark stuff
Do you like bad endings?
Fair enough. I started at 7.
>Can you finger yourself to Pride and Prejudice?
I could, but it wasn't written to be masturbated to. Smut is at least two fifths intention.
6 here. We're not too far apart
How do you search for only deleted posts?
Imagine being a man. And cum comes out of you. Haha
>Did she ever figure out what its called?
No, I don't even know if she acknowledged that as a problem. But she always kept making acid remarks and complaints about how people looked, about things looked and so on. There was always something she'd make a comment about most of the time she'd also come up with ideas for improvements or w/e, but still was insufferable as shit
You shoot toxic waste out of your peehole and you should be grossed out by it. It's foul, and you're disgusting by proxy if you let it get everywhere when you jerk it.
Can't relate, truly. All I want is for cum to come in me, not out of me
Women if you met a guy who happens to also use 4chan, are there any boards that if you found out he frequented you would stop talking to him?
Yeah idk about that. Getting cummed inside is great but the clean up aftermath- not so much.
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Now that I actually have service again, here are femanon's stolen panties on the flagpole
>Do you like bad endings?
I prefer it if the story ends right after the sex and doesn't continue after that into any sad territory lol
Yeah have respect but still play with them to make interactions fun, be the guy that understands them and the guy they can vent to
my husband uses 4chan and sometimes recognizes my posts in some boards. We just then banter together
>All I want is for Chad's cum to come in me, not out of me
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la la la la im not listening
I think masculine, non-cringe boards would be ideal. Like I dunno news, science, travel, cars. And what would make me wary would be

gif (porn/coomer) or any coomer board
pol maybe
That could be my full-body piece
/soc/ probs, unless he just used it for the sexy audio threads.
Depends on how frequently. If he spends all his time gooning on the porn boards then fuck no. Otherwise i can not really think of one that is a deal breaker. But it all depends on how you use them.
I didn't say exclusively chad, you know
Gangbangs rarely have just hot guys after all
Reminder that the incelposter came out as gay in the last thread
Wow rude
They are not even gray
>Isso sim e até acabo por ir lá várias vezes ao ano, true
>Isso e o museu do oriente

a última vez que lá fui estavam a expor egiptologia, na semana seguinte fui outra vez para ver os outros museus

>Nada mau desu! No alentejo é um bocadinho diferente mas é porque a aldeia onde estava também era mesmo no meio do nada
ao fim de algum tempo vai dar ao mesmo, acaba por se concentrar tudo no Porto e agora um bocado em Braga, de qualquer forma tens que ter carro se não quiseres ficar presa em casa, aliás uma altura conheci uma alentejana em guimarães que estava a bater mal porque ficou sem carro e não tinha como sair

>E não, nunca é demasiado, tens sempre a desculpa que estás em artes, problema dela de ser too normie
se a visses parece que tinha dito um palavrão. e tu qual o teu tipo de arte? cinema, fotografia...?
About 8 months. 7 months with the new girl...
Ew no what
Women are weird
pol and r9k
You can't hide from the truth. Keep it in your dick or in the trash.
I bet you love swallowing it and getting it deep inside you, though
Jizz is perfection (at least mine)
Jh moment
why are women specifically so opposed to men watching porn?
I know porn is bad for you, but I wanna hear the reasoning from the female POV.
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No you will NOT make me feel bad about myself today
Not romantic
So you're saying there are no games on it?
>I am JH, that's why I feel like I should get the joke.
Your autism sometimes explains your cum aversion.

>If he's exposing his junk, he should expect me to assume he's up for sex.
You know the drill.
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>JH thinking she's people
I've been told mine tastes the best she's ever had and thats good enough for me
It gives me a visceral reaction of disgust. It instantly lowers his value and makes me lose respect. I get being curious, nothing wrong with that. But actively and frequently consuming it? Disgusting. Evolve you animal.
>a última vez que lá fui estavam a expor egiptologia, na semana seguinte fui outra vez para ver os outros museus
homem de cultura

>ao fim de algum tempo vai dar ao mesmo, acaba por se concentrar tudo no Porto e agora um bocado em Braga
Braga parece ter algumas condições boas, tenho lá ex colegas a viver. Uma delas estava mesmo num estúdio de animação.
>de qualquer forma tens que ter carro se não quiseres ficar presa em casa
palavras mais verdadeiras não há
>aliás uma altura conheci uma alentejana em guimarães que estava a bater mal porque ficou sem carro e não tinha como sair
rip irmã sem carro, isso sim é uma grande merda. dentro da cidade de lisboa e arredores há transportes para tudo, mas basta ir para o interior e fodeu

>se a visses parece que tinha dito um palavrão.
pagava para ver. para quê andar em artes senão para achocalhar um bocadinho os professores :D
>e tu qual o teu tipo de arte? cinema, fotografia...?
Ilustração digital e tradicional e assets 2d para videojogos. Agora tenho feito muito UI
Também gosto de pintar obviously too c:
Groomed my current gf 2 years ago, I'm 30 and she's 17
Look good, not too masculine because that's what roasties like, have more empathy for teenager's problems than the average person and act opposite of how men around you act
If women hate cum so much, would you mind if your boyfriend went out and got another girl to swallow it who is more enthusiastic about it after you had sex, since you don't want it anyway?
Ok I just spent €100 on flowers for my ex and am writing a gay ass card. Gonna drop these at her door at like 5am and slip away
Yeah go give it to her eww
Never have and never will.
It'd be perfect if you jizzed money.
Video porn is usually gross for multiple reasons. No creativity.
You're a wonderful person and deserve all the happiness in the world. You just happen to shoot a disgusting substance.
No it just makes you jealous and reminds you that you have to put more on the table than your holes because he can bust a nut and be done with it
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how so?
what do you think is wrong with watching it? Why does it lower his value?
I'm not really opposed to men watching porn. But the type of porn targeted towards men is vile and devoid of any attempt at intimacy. Large shots of just penetrations with the man and the woman being as separate as possible, only touching with his dick and her vagina so it's seen by the camera.
It's like watching just a bunch of souless animations in a videogame.
And usually it involves jizzing in a girl's mouth, face or hair which no thanks.
There's only single player games, and I'm always playing.
I'm. Not. Autistic.
There's no accounting for bad taste, I guess. Fuck you.
woman, a literal part of your body dies every month inside of you and slowly drizzles out as a chunky discharge
JH, would you mind if I ask you or other anons to post pics of you? I've never seen any and I want to see how hot your body is
I was the girl with an ex who slid stuff into my mailbox and it only made me fear for my life because it meant he traveled 20km on purpose to drop stuff where I live. There were no stamps so he didn't mail it, he went there directly. Dont' do it anon it's really scary.
then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if he also gave it to her more directly, say, via PIV or something. And while we're at it, he might just skip sex with you all together and just fuck the girl that enthusiastically wants his cum, right?
Lmao even
I bet I could find something co-op if you give me a chance.
Cum's only place is in my womb. Other than that, it has no business with me.
Idk I didn't care at all about any of it until like a few days ago when I started remembering everything and now I'm in some sort of Dostoevsky type delirium where I haven't slept or eaten, I can't focus in work, and I just think about her every second of the day.
she had great taste, she gobbled that shit down all the time.
that goop has to get inside your womb at some point JH. the clock is ticking and you're already in your mid 30s
That's better than shooting a disgusting stream of tiny, flesh-boring alien monsters.
I've never shared any pics here, so you're shit out of luck.
Nta but tgat would make sense since his gf doesn't want to have sex with him. He'd even be a gentleman and keep showing her affection while banging other chicks
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There's nothing disgusting about being a normal functioning human male
Would you like to experience irl?
what if he were to watch porn that centered more around intimacy and capturing the actors connection and chemistry with lots of skin and eye contact and making out, and he wouldn't cum anywhere but inside of her.
Would that change anything?
Yeah i wish we could have a sex slave to do the dirty work for me and i get the good parts.
M or F
Should JH just get her own general, or would that kill /atoga/?
I live like 15 min walk away from her dude.
>That's better than shooting a disgusting stream of tiny, flesh-boring alien monsters.
its really not. I can choose not to cum
your pussy errupts like an eldrich horror no matter what you do
Yeah, I'd watch it with him at that point
They were before you forgot to handwash the blood out
>wishful thinking of an ugly male
Keep it up
>I've never shared any pics here, so you're shit out of luck.
huh? not even in >>>/soc/atoga ? how come people claim otherwise?
JH is great.
Nah, she's fine. She doesnt actively seek attention and can take the banter
I just want a cock that doesn't make semen unless it's specifically to knock me up. Is that really too much to ask for?
I don't think you even know how to open my lock screen, let alone play the games.
It's still bad. Do you think that as a man this is cute? because it comes off really stalkerish. Women don't think you're silly when you do these things, they think you're gonna murder them.
What should I do for the rest of my vacation? I'm off until Sunday
Not my problem.
>Is that really too much to ask for?
Mother Nature seems to think so.
You're the same femanon from old threads? I still think you should get tied up and jizzed in
Eh, if you don't want it on your face then I'm sure some other girl will, since you don't seem to like it anyway.
But of course, he will always come home to cuddle with you, with his balls empty. If the other girl didn't drain him too much that is.
non-con you mean? not as in being raped by a stranger, but as a fantasy in the bedroom, maybe. but I wouldn't ever bring it up tho unless I know that a boyfriend would also be into it
I hate her on text but then I hear her cute little voice again and wanna BWC plap her.
I think you don't deserve cock if you can't handle whats inside it
I can just get a guy who only likes cuming in me, it's not like I'm just stuck with pigs who want to cum on girl's faces.
Fill a mason jar with cum and mail it to the IRS.
It's a big thing for aging. It's a very sensitive skin area and can get damaged easier than the rest of the body.

>getting something moisturizing that has nothing like retinol in it. Like the cerave hydrating lotion or cream.
Thanks, I'll look into it!

>100% stick with the st clare one, it has aloe and gylcerin which is soothing and moisturizing
Excellent, thank you for the validation there.

>Sure, give me a list, lets see how far i come with checking it until i fall asleep (:

I'm delayed here so we'll see if you're still up!
>Jojoba oil
>St. Clare Rose Witch Hazel with Aloe
>0.1% Differin
>Hawaiian Tropic Dry Oil Spray Sunscreen (only 15spf so I should upgrade but it goes on soooo smooth with no whiteness)
>Jergens Age Defying w Vit A E C (hands/arms only, not face)
>Dr. Bronner's
>Dr. Teals Rose Hair Conditioner which I've used on my face and arms before bc it feels nice and smells so good idk the impulses won
>I just want a cock that doesn't make semen unless it's specifically to knock me up. Is that really too much to ask for?
Most women feel bad about themselves when they can't make me cum.
>I don't think you even know how to open my lock screen, let alone play the games.
I'm going to unlock your screen with my tongue like virus twist cherry stems in they mouths.
>I just want a cock that doesn't make semen
I've been in situations where I couldn't cum for hours. I think it happened to me when I use condoms. would that count? if so, can you post pics of yourself? we could talk, maybe

cadeira opcional, não ando em arte propriamente dito.

>Ilustração digital e tradicional e assets 2d para videojogos

parece ser fixe, não deve ter muita saída para trabalhar em videojogos porque deve ser competitivo, mas deves ter sempre mais hipótese para marketing ou publicidade.

>Também gosto de pintar obviously too c:
podias-me mostrar alguma coisa?
Enjoy making your trash bins smell like bleach whenever you want to get off, then.
Idk. We did some toonme shit, but besides that I've only ever talked about my body.
what's the difference of soc atoga? people don't even seem to post their pics there
> unless I know that a boyfriend would also be into it
Men don't have rape fantasies, women do. Or fantasies are ironically the romantic shit from movies women talk about but would leave their man the second he started behaving like that
>Keep it up
Well I sure as hell couldn't keep it up looking at a jizz hater like you. I need to look at a real woman to get hard.
So the other girl gets the sex and cuddles and you get to make them dinner after. Sounds good.
She's often the only woman here so I say we keep her.
>Enjoy making your trash bins smell like bleach whenever you want to get off, then.
what does that even mean
No you.
The difference is hopes of meeting someone. The problem is that all vestal virgins would never be in a place like /soc/
I don't produce enough for that
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>It’s more like squeezing a wet sponge, but ok
>tfw no bratty girl to squeeze like a ketchup packet when she's on her period
Nah, violent porn is male fantasy
Well fuck her, then.
Yeh, and never. Unless I find a husband and that's our best option.
That's not fair. I can handle it just fine until the last part.
Does it change the smell and consistency?
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>parece ser fixe, não deve ter muita saída para trabalhar em videojogos porque deve ser competitivo, mas deves ter sempre mais hipótese para marketing ou publicidade
estou numa empresa a trabalhar em modo remoto há 2 anos e meio, actually. e só trabalhei em videojogos desde que comecei a trabalhar. Mas durante a faculdade também estive a manter um servidor de um jogo que morreu e a gente codificou aquilo de volta à vida. Estive envolvida nisso durante 5 anitos.

>podias-me mostrar alguma coisa?
eu mostro um sketchy aqui que já mostrei há uns /atoga/s atrás, também o resto está publicado por isso não quero que seja found zzz
Rough sex not rape
It's just a card and some flowers :(
>he's still insecure about his jizz
Don't worry, you are fine just the way you are lil bud.
The fbi has huge warehouses full of those, they don't care
I always thought a vasectomy would make a dude dry fire, this is new information to me
what if you close your eyes and cover your ears when he cums inside
would you be upset if your bf didn't cum during sex?
He could stay very hard at all times and had lots of stamina, but couldn't cum unless he finished himself off with his eyes closed?
I'd prefer he cummed in me but it's not a deal breaker
NTA, its pretty bad dude. Unless you are still in contact and on good terms, doing shit like that is creepy
that's good enough for me ngl.
I can't ever imagine asking someone to actually "pretend rape" me, it would feel cringe. definitely better as just a fantasy inside one's head.
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No it's not, besides you're the one saying you'd be down for rape larp but you'd have to ask your man if he's into it. Meaning you already know he'd be disgusted by the idea and you never got around to coming clean
Jizz smells bad. That's what I mean.
I'd unfortunately still feel it and smell it when it comes out, I assume. So pass.
what >>31677367 said.
Anon, you may not notice this because you're a man, but you see how you as a man look at girls and think "teehee cute"? Girls look at men with fear for their lives. Think of a kitty cat next to a pit bull type of deal.
Don't put the fear of god in her.
Won't they think that's lame
I have nothing to be insecure about, it's a normal part of being a human. You on the other hand have a complex about it that most girls don't.
I take great joy in the fact that there's probably nothing you'd hate more than my jizz in your hot mouth. The sound of you gagging on it and your rage after trying to wash it out of your hair makes me hard just thinking about it.
>I'm. Not. Autistic.
>Oh true, I guess the chest is an area I associate being super wrinkly on older women, makes sense you want to avoid that
Yup, you've got it! A girl can look otherwise great but when she's got that, people immediately perceive her as older.
Would he still enjoy the sex even if he couldn't orgasm with me?
I'm guessing it would pretty much be the same. In which case, the vasectomy would make it the absolute worst thing possible: jizz that isn't even productive in babymaking.
Femanons, would you ever share a lover?
I never made her feel unsafe guys. I don't think this is gonna scare her. I was the one that broke up with her aswell.
I'm not that other anon you talking to, but I can tell you're offended kek
My semen smells like coconut water, milk, and coffee. You would become addicted to my potent, virile pheromones.
I'm not. Prove otherwise or suck my dick.
It's not good. But go and do that anyway and see the response you get. You're gonna feel fucking stupid after that.
I couldn't live with that. I would feel inadequate, but beyond that it would it kill the intimacy of our sex life and our future together
No, I don't share. What's mine is mine
If jizz smelled like hand lotion, I'd be much less grossed out by it. The texture would still be terrible, though.
>cream cheese
You're ruining bagels for me, now.
I get what you're saying anon. You know her more than us, but as a guy its a different perspective. Like one time I took a friend of mine to a christmas light show and took a shortcut I take everyday trough the city center.
only after we came home did I realize why she looked scared at some point.
I was basically leading her off the populated streets into the darker alleys sometimes. You see the world differently
I know the response is probably not gonna be what I want. But I just want her back in my life. And some silly little text or something isn't gonna work, she likes big romantic gestures

there's a reason they call it nutella btw :(
You need to really read what >>31677405 says, as he's a guy and you're more likely to listen to him.
Did james earl jones die?
Not like in a polyamorous thing, no. I've been in a relationship where he could sleep with other women, I wouldn't do it again
Do you swallow and do you massage the balls?
>Jojoba oil
Nice and simple, i would use it for skin less prone to break out like arms, cuticles feet and so on but if your skin can handle it there is no reason to not use it everywhere.
>St. Clare Rose Witch Hazel with Aloe
Thumbs up
>0.1% Differin
Thumbs up
>Hawaiian Tropic Dry Oil Spray Sunscreen
Has some less than ideal incies but if you tolerate it well and like the skin feel it gives you i see no reason not to use it.
>Jergens Age Defying w Vit A E C
It is fine but it does not really have great ingredients. Personally i like pic rel for body lotion but i also use it on the face if i am too lazy to get out my other stuff.
>Dr. Bronner's
Good incis but too stripping for me.
>Dr. Teals Rose Hair Conditioner
Has biotin, rice protein and lots of plant extracts, sounds good. Not really meant for your skin but if it makes your skin feel nice i do not see why you should not put it on if it does not break you out

I feel like what is missing is mainly a good facial moisturizer. Other than that it seems pretty solid.
I don't swallow, I only take creampies.
And yes I do massage the balls.
It would be great if you'd just stop talking about cum or replying to those posts.
It's gotten really annoying.

Ot maybe you enjoy this in some weird autistic way.
Men, thoughts on having a daughter? Do you really believe in that hits pipe meme?
dude text her, call her, ask her if she wants to catch up or some shit. but remember, you broke off with her for a reason before you jump back in. and the ball is in her court if she wants to go back, since you broke it off the first time
Do you let a guy come in your mouth and just spit it out afterwards?
I want at least one son, but having a daughter is fine
No. I literally only accept that he cums in my vagina and nothing else.
How the fuck did he get that out of you?
If it tasted like Nutella, I'd gladly eat it.
I don't swallow, but I do like playing with balls. Unfortunately, my exes said I was too rough with their balls.
Sure. Same with a donut. Assuming he's not expecting more than a bj afterwards.
I'd be scared to raise a daughter, cause idk anything about girls. Plus i'd probably spoil her.
>Do you really believe in that hits pipe meme?
don't know what that is
Yes and yes, although I'm not sure if massage is the right word? I don't squeeze them, just cupping, stroking, petting, etc
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Fuck them haters
I only have a bit of a problem trying to lick it up from my body. The texture makes it difficult. But when he cums directly in my mouth, I swallow it all like a ravenous cumpire. Can't get enough. How do I fix this?
Nah I spent 2 years with this girl and never gave her any indication I was violent. Never even raised my voice at her. Flowers and a card at her doorstep aren't going to scare her.

If this was some random fling or a girl o barely knew, I'd get your point. But it's not.
what happened to the whole "sex isn't all about orgasm" attitude?
what if he couldn't? Or better yet, what if he only came on rare occasions randomly, like only once a month or something?
Do you think there are more women who hate cum than like it?
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Ugh forgot pic
Addicted to the (You)s, I guess. If someone asks a question or something, I always answer.
Oh, that's interesting.
Always raw and unprotected?
Qhat if he just can't hold it in anymore as you suck godly?
seems like you made your choice and are ignoring all advice.
do what you will, just remember a simple text or a call would go further
good luck and don't come here crying when it all crashes and burns
You're not a good guy in her eyes anymore, you're the asshole who abandoned her.
Yea I know. I just want to let her know I still love her. Because she might not know that, I haven't given any indication of that. Then it's up to her. If she says no, that's ok, I'll live with that. I just want to know I tried.
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Imagine if we had a tongue in there that would wrap around your pp.
I always do it raw but I take BC.
I was planning on stopping BC soon but I got laid off so, we're gonna hold off on that.
Are you gonna glitter my dicker?
and you had to spend 100 dollars to tell her that?
save the flowers for when/if she wants to see you again.
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You are late anon.
Her last text to me was a week after we broke up and she said she doesn't want it to be awkward, and that she wants to say hi and maybe even give me a hug if we run into eachother. Of course feelings can change after a few months, but "asshole" is a stretch.
Do you like the feel or do you do it just to please your man?
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some girls have it
The pipe thing is gross. I don't want my children to be my playthings.

That being said, I am kinda worried. Everytime I see a story about a woman being raped/kidnapped/killed I just think about my sisters and how I'd go crazy if that happened to them. I don't know how I would react to my daughter.
I love the feeling. It makes me feel claimed. Like I'm his.
>uma empresa a trabalhar em modo remoto há 2 anos e meio
Gatinha gira, faz-me lembrar uma que tive que me seguia para todo o lado como um cão. trabalhas em regime exclusivamente remoto? o meu irmão também anda nesse regime e está a pensar ir para a América do Sul com a namorada
I work full time, it's not a huge deal. I'd spend 100 on a nice dinner too, she's worth more than a nice dinner.
>tfw discovering something you didn't know you wanted
No i mean inside the pussy.
Or is that what you meant????
And I thought my exgf's tongue was long. Holy fuck.
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>Do you really believe in that hits pipe meme?
yeah, kinda. It would suck sitting at the dinner table with the same guy that, probably on the same night, will bend your little girl over and rearrange her guts. The same girl that you used to play with and that came crying to you when she scraped her knee and that you took for ice cream after you bandaged it up.
That only gets amplified if she dates complete jerks because she simply doesn't know any better and ends up getting hurt or something.
I really hope I have a son.
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women, are you a soomer
I'm a man and that's exactly how it feels too. It's a primal feeling that her pussy made me cum.
I know people are different, but I genuinely will never understand JH.
Looks AI generated. Look at the teeth and background.
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Women in this thread, do any of you have bangs like picrel?
Just how much of a virgin are you?
Because I can't imagine you thinking this way about your gf and her dad.
I have bangs and sometimes they look good
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No i have a cowlick on my hairline.
thats not the point dude
why do this stalker bullshit then. fucking call her or text her and ask to catchup or some bullshit excuse, then invite her to dinner if she agrees.
what the fuck are you doing leaving her stalker tier gifts like that

you're not being romantic, I already explained you look at this shit different than a girl. from your POV you're being romantic, from her point she has to live with the fact that some dude who knows where she lives is stalking around her home and leaving shit. Now she has to worry if your ass is hidding in the bushes everytime she gets home
>Gatinha gira, faz-me lembrar uma que tive que me seguia para todo o lado como um cão.
> trabalhas em regime exclusivamente remoto?
Até agora exclusivamente sim, e é fixe para uma pessoa bicho do mato como eu que só quer ficar fechada o dia inteiro em casa. Mas pode não durar para sempre, até foi por isso que me meti perto de Lisboa, no caso de acontecer alguma coisa e ter que procurar em estúdios cá presencialmente. Também já pensei em dar aulas.
>o meu irmão também anda nesse regime e está a pensar ir para a América do Sul com a namorada
Super aventureiros, eu não tinha essa coragem. Estão a pensar ir para que país? Tenho senpaiília no Brasil e imensos colegas Brasileiros e eles só quiseram é fugir dali. Eu não conheço muitos sítios lá onde haja um alto nível de segurança. Dito isto, se o teu irmão e a gf estiverem a postos e procurarem um sítio fixolas, parece um plano bom!
Ao menos não é como o resto dos tugas que emigra sempre para Luxemburgo
Nope. I fingercurl my bangs.
I'd hate having children.
I have bangs but cowlick.
also lol you coomer posting Horo
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Not that i know of. Are you?
I'm embarrassed to say it, but it came up naturally and I was the one who explicitly suggested it

>what happened to the whole "sex isn't all about orgasm" attitude?
If he can't have an orgasm with me it means there's something wrong, plus I would miss the intimacy of it. I can't imagine always having to break off like that before he orgasms and him having to do it on his own, never in or on me. It would feel like sex was incomplete, psychologically
Bruh she gonna be scared of the postman leaving packages at her door too? Look I'm sorry if you have some sort of past trauma, but not every woman has the same outlook on things.
I post the hits pipe meme a lot, but I don't believe in it. It's a shitpost. A joke. A shadow on the wall.

Sure, every man wants an 'heir and a spare' as my friend's wife says, but I think guys just see the girls around them in college and worry more about being unable to stop their hypothetical daughters becoming like them than they are about their hypothetical sons turning into shut-in khvs that fall into the internet black hole of self-misery
Agreeing with that. Holding my bf tightly as he cums deep inside of me and spasms for another two minutes and then we cuddle is one of the great pleasure in life.
look dude, im done, I said my piece.
do what you will, you arent looking for advice, you're looking for agreement.
have fun
I'm not even the other anon you responded to, but I had my ex put things in my mailbox and it made me not leave my house for the full year because I was scared. And no he didn't hit me either in the relationship, but the fact that he was coming unannounced to WHERE I LIVED was fucked up.
>it came up naturally and I was the one who explicitly suggested it
How does this happen...?
And why would you suggest it?? Were you trying to be the cool pickme or what
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iltam sumra rashupti ilatim
>made me not leave my house for the full year

seems like a win/win ;
Yes, one of my favourite thing as a kid was reading my dad's enormous books on early civilizations with these huge detailed illustrations
State Gender, where are your birthmarks? Do you give any meaning to it?
I personally wouldn't obviously. But there is not guarantee that the guy she dates won't think that way. Especially when she's young and naive and will let bad guys do things to her that she mistakes for love or true intimacy. It's not like I can prevent her from making mistakes and going out and living her life, I don't want to keep hovering over her like that, but it's just such a headache that I wouldn't have to deal with if I had a son.
Yeah, why not. I seem to have a soft spot for wanting to see my man cum buckets.
Your attitude is rather unsettling.
I'm a guy and agree with >>31677503.
You are acting like the creepy guy in some 80s teen romcom that tries to get the girl by being obsessive. Doesn't matter if she is your ex.
Ok what would you recommend I do then. I don't want to just text or call.
have tons of them around my neck, chin, on my body, one on my butt
I don't really see the "meaning" behind them other than they're birthmarks
After so many ATOGAs, which gender is winning the genders war? State your gender.
como é que vais dar aulas se dizes ser um bicho do mato? não ficas nervosa? também tenho isso como perspectiva de carreira mas antes prefiro pensar em qualquer coisa fora do país

> para que país?
Brasil, dizem maravilhas de São Paulo, ela parece ter boas propostas de trabalho e ele leva o trabalho remoto com ele. Quanto a segurança, dizem que o Brasil já foi pior e Portugal evidentemente já foi melhor
post favorite bronze era society
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I have seen that vid.
Ok I get the point guys. I just wanted to do a big kind gesture
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then you are a soomer
then why do women keep insisting that if a guy can't make her cum, that "sex isn't about orgasm" and "it's not about the destination, but the journey" and "I don't NEED to cum every time" and expect men to accept it, but when it's the other way around they won't have it?
Just send her a message, asking her if she wants to meet up.
If you really want to get her flowers there or whatever.
I gave you my recommendations
short of randomly meeting her somewhere in public you're shit out of luck
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I have a few but none really remarkable ones. The only one i know where it is without looking is a small one on my labia.
Supposedly it indicates how you dieded in a previous life but that just sounds like forced superstition.
It really is, I think that's when we get the biggest oxytocin boost

It was exciting for me, which isn't something I'm proud of
Nta but there is a difference in how easy it is for each gender to achieve orgasm in PIV sex. For men it's probably 99%, but for women perhaps less than 50% since not all women are even capable of orgasming from PIV sex.
Oh. That meme.
Dude, if I had a daughter I'd teach her to think critically, defend herself, and get hers. After 18, if her bf isn't sexually satisfying her I'd tell her she needs to work on him or get another one.
Pretty weird if I knew about it tho.
Nta, but by that logic, if my gf couldn't cum then there was something wrong with sex, right?
NTA and a guy, but
a) You claim what other women say these two should defend. That's massive incel behaviour.
b) you said you would turn around and close your eyes, jacking yourself off every single time. No women fucking does that.
Unsoom me at once
If he can not cum we will find a way to deal with it but it is not ideal. Just how it is not ideal if i do not coom. It just means the world will not go up in flames if that happens. But it is not ideal.
I'm not sure if I wanna know these details after our talk! LOL
I subscribe to the theory that birthmarks are where you died in a previous life. I have a massive one on my left thigh that I like to think looks like I had a chainsaw taken to my leg for removal/amputation. I also have another on my neck that looks like a vampire bite.
Heh oops tmi
Just close your eyes
The flowers are purchased so I gotta do something with them now. Too much to hold without looking like a dumbass hah. I feel like just a text seems so low effort and uninspired
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this is me as the chad soomer being rational on the topic of bronze logstics troughout mesopotamia

and there are you, not accepting your soomer position as I swindled you with poor quality copper ore
i suppose i killed myself in my previous life then since I have one under my chin.
>como é que vais dar aulas se dizes ser um bicho do mato? não ficas nervosa?
Eu já tenho ansiedade naturalmente, mas também a necessidade de pilim e pagar o empréstimo da casa ajuda a ultrapassar essas coisas. Até estou num fase que consigo falar bem, só preferia não interagir. O que tiver que ser lá tem que ser.
> também tenho isso como perspectiva de carreira mas antes prefiro pensar em qualquer coisa fora do país
é melhor. eu trabalho para americanos e não me pagam por aí além mas os tugas andavam-me a pagar ordenado mínimo e eu aqui com mestrado lol. E depois ficaram chocados de ir embora para outra empresa. Pagassem.

>Brasil, dizem maravilhas de São Paulo, ela parece ter boas propostas de trabalho e ele leva o trabalho remoto com ele.
Eu tenho lá senpaiília e é muito fácil uma pessoa ser assaltada lá, é um nível diferente. Eu estou na margem sul e senti diferença grande de lá para cá, apesar de haver malta chunga aqui.
Eu não posso mesmo dizer que tem o mesmo nível de segurança também porque em São Paulo a população é mesmo muito densa. Desde que estejam num apartamento com segurança, etc it should be fine, mas eles que tomem cuidado
Chiming in late but i do not see an issue with putting the flowery by her house. Seem like a nice gesture.
I find in sex scenes written by women the things they focus on is
Temperature again, but this time of the cum
Is this accurate? Or am I reading bad authors?
They also use retardedly flowery language, so maybe its the latter. Like
>He thrusts his majestic rod into my flower box
I'm not the blind-fapper! DX

>I feel like just a text seems so low effort and uninspired
Or call, message was just an example. Just contact her normally is what I meant.
Copper swindling seems to be a big theme with the soomers. Why must you be like that? Can you not just be fair dealers for ONCE? Smh
>>He thrusts his majestic rod into my flower box
Hey flower-kun, convert this into a pickup line.
No i meant
To not see the post
Dude don't you're just making me overthink this even more.
either gender

How long to wait to ask out a girl your mutual friend dated? They broke up in April.
that cant be good for samsara
Now's a good time
I was just joking.
I will delete the spot from my mind!

If it's a good friend, I don't think I ever would desu.
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part of the grind honeygirl
Female, no birthmarks just a little mole on the inside of one thigh and freckles on my nose and cheeks especially in summer

I'm the retard smooth brain of my family, I just loved the pictures and art work. I'll say Babylon because I love the Ishtar Gate
>Walking home
>See 2 women
>They look at me
>They keep walking
i feel so violated...
Who up needing BWC plapping?
Não acompanhei o fio, não sei o que estão falando, mas, se vierem para cá, espero que gostem de ser assaltados, roubados, tomar tiro, ter o vidro do carro quebrado, etc.
I appreciate your input tho. It just seems like the general consensus here is it's creepy. I didn't think dropping something off at someone's door was that bad tho, but I'm probably not in the right state of mind to consider how rational it is.
Men I don't understand the incel mentality of "it's only your turn on her, she's not really yours" and stuff like being upset because she doesn't wanna suck your cock but sucked cocks in the past. Explain
Also for some context, we were flirting before they started dating, but I was cautious because of some red flags and the flirting has started again. They only dated for like 3-4 months.

>If it's a good friend
idk, I see him maybe once every 2 weeks, and text him probably monthly. He's been on the outskirts of the friend group for a while and even moreso after they broke up
I will grind your teeth into powder and sell is as an aphrodisiac. To your wife.
Imagine your boyfriend used to cook for his ex but never cooked for you.
Amigo BR sendo um bro! Pois é o que a minha senpaiília BR diz também. São Paulo não é seguro.
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>babylon lasted almost 3000 years before it was abandoned
can you narrow it down just a little bit? and the city hosted numerous different cultures
Religious people, do you not think anything about all of the money being syphoned by the church? Does it not bother you?
State your gender.
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>Men, thoughts on having a daughter?
were2cop girl??
I'm really sorry anon ): that's really shitty that it'd affect your insurance costs there. It's good that you are knowledgable of the system at least. Take care of yoself and I hope things work out in your favor
>os tugas andavam-me a pagar ordenado mínimo e eu aqui com mestrado
mesmo com o meu irmão. ao menos tens a tua casa e vais pagando por ela.

>ficaram chocados de ir embora para outra empresa.

por favor conta.

pá, ela diz que não é tão mau quanto isso.
why is cooking being compared to fucking
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to which one?
>Dating a girl who knew you and still put another guy's dick in her mouth
holy shit what a cuck
i hate both children and dogs
Considering you are willing to drop 100 bucks on flowers for her i would assume you are not white trash so the street laws might not apply to your situation. The more established your social circles the more you can do thins that would be creepy in lower class areas and community. I am pretty sure you would have been aware if it was a creepy thing to do for you in your specific situation. Trust your gut.
Is a conversation being awkward a good reason to just stop talking to someone (that you don't know, but were trying to be friends with)
No but don't let that stop you, it doesn't stop anyone else.
I will dilute it with ground up pig teeth and then ask triple the price from each of them.
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If I told you, I'd have to kill you...
THE Shego poster?
We are an army
Men and women are different. Men need to orgasm in order to reproduce, and for most men it's not an issue. Whereas for women, it's not uncommon to not orgasm every single time, and we still get huge releases of bonding hormones either way
Nah we live in a very posh part of an overwhelmingly safe European country. I just kind of thought she'd like it because of her being the hopeless romantic type and she appreciated those sort of gestures before. But anons here we're making the point that women in general wouldn't feel safe with this kind of thing
This is such a bummer.
Never put dirty panties back on
buying gf
>Men don't have cats
Cats, assemble and attack this heathen
NTA, but the analogy is pretty good.
What do you think you don't understand.
The quote you posted is a BS mentality thinking virginity has inherent value, which it doesn't.
Yeah well you have to consider that they might live in some shady american city where weird people roam the streets. I am from a similar place as you and it would not bother me or make me think twice in the slightest.
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>she picked up the soomer grind mindset?
make the call
>wallowing in his negative feelings
This is just part of being a crazy cat uncle. You dogfag normalfag NPCs wouldn't understand this level of divine catpilled intellect

I wouldn't consider myself an incel but I think it just is pointing out how much we've commoditized sex in the last decade because of online dating. When we stop thinking of people as people and just as something to use for sexual gratification, it does merely become "just your turn."

I think that anon is talking about how "she did <sex act> with her ex, but refuses to do it with me. Why am I unworthy?" And I think that's why we should wait until marriage to have sex. I think the most stable marriage has a lot of 'first times' together, but it's not necessarily the end all and be all.
>mesmo com o meu irmão. ao menos tens a tua casa e vais pagando por ela.
Sim e é 1000x melhor do que andar a pagar 800 de renda por um quarto, é que nem pensar.

>por favor conta.
Estava a trabalhar para uma empresazita que o chefe queria um videojogo educativo. E fez-nos fazer aquela merda, (eu e mais 2 gatas pingadas) num só mês. Fizémos a base daquilo num mês e depois a programadora lá lhe meteu juízo e disse qualquer coisa para o efeito de "olha lá isto está uma ganda merda e precisa de polishes", e ele concordou e fiquei a trabalhar lá no jogo durante 1 ano e meio, até fizémos conteúdos adicionais, etc.
Ao início estava a ser paga à hora e a recibos verdes. Depois de 3 meses lá me deu um contrato, mas era de 3 meses e só ia renovando assim, e era sempre a 700€ por mês.
Epah eu comecei a olhar para outras coisas porque me estava a fartar de não ser reconhecida nem bem paga, candidatei-me numa coisa que apareceu e aceitaram-me logo e deram-me contrato de jeito.
Quando disse ao meu chefe, ele "ah... mas... mas pagam mais do que o dobro?" "pagam o triplo" "ah..."
As minhas colegas ainda hoje me mandam screenshots dele a queixar-se que me "deixou escapar". Pagasse. Empresas Portuguesas é tudo assim.
This is so shitty, especially since you have a new girl.
Like, terrible.
I am a fast learner. Be afraid, be very afraid. You have no idea what scamset is about to hit you.
this is a church friend group where no one believes in premarital sex so at most they made out he touched her boobs through her shirt
What is this >>31677652 style of art called? I was looking for the one that says “GMO spuds” recently.
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>Manic Panic
That's it, the name for my next minimal techno psytrance tribalcore popfusion record
Hp was an objective failure as an author despite being friends with half the great authors of the time, who's only hyped post death by people who haven't even read his stories.
His stories in which dogs kill > half of all the monsters people ever actually interact with, in literally 1 hit, on their own volition, showing that his own stories don't even follow his retarded ramblings
It depends, maybe or maybe not. Men and women are different, our bodies and hormones are different. Women don't need to have to have orgasm to reproduce, and our bodies can be a little trickier that way sometimes. Men are different, not being able to orgasm with your partner means something is wrong
Hi jelly I'm chocolate mousse
>Any advice on grooming younger women
Step 1: kill yourself
I think more than anything, I felt frustrated that it's always me who initiated the conversation. the last time I talked to them, their response read a bit rude to me. so i was a mix of embarrassed (that I was throwing myself at someone) and a bit angry at them for not reciprocating (regardless whether i had a right to be angry at them or not).
you know, they struck me as a loner, thought maybe they needed someone to talk to, so when they acted like that, i was like why tf am i doing this? why am i embarrassing myself and just gave up on them
they they kinda tried to get in touch again, but ngl i think what's done is done and that it's too late
nta. I understand your point but isn't there more nuance to this "you did it with your ex but not me!" stuff?

in your hypothetical i'd imagine it could be that the ex's actions affected the guy cooking for her. perhaps she did something the current gf does not do, like the ex did all the grocery shopping and that's the reason why the boyfriend liked cooking for her. and it's likely that the guy does things with the current gf that he never did with his ex.

you see my point? relationships are different and you don't need to try to make each one similar. in all good relationships both people sometimes "service" the other one. but those acts of service don't need to always be the same ones in each relationship.

i think this is a more realistic view than instantly taking a cynical view without consideration.
She prob took it up the ass
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No idea but i would call it schizophrenic brain rot.
why would you need a good reason to stop talking to someone lol
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together we will take mesopotamia, no the entire fertile crescent for all its worth
Reminds me of what happened to me during 2019
>walking home from a friends party
>its 3am
>student, cant afford a taxi or über
>my route takes me trough a quiet part of town, trough a wooded area
>See a big ass guy walking towards me
>like a foot taller than me, not scrawny either
>literally more mass in his thighs than my whole being
>stop on my tracks scared
>He is on the phone
>deep as fuck voice, my smoker lungs are almost vibrating to that bass
>hear him say
"Wait a second, some girl ahead, Imma do the most retarted thing"
>he waves at me with both hands like a child while leaning on his phone against his shoulder
>he laughs
>literally took the fight or flight out of me
>keeps talking to his phone

Thank you big guy. I think you were adorable
Doja Cat is so based
>€100 on flowers for my ex
Jesus Christ brother, you could've gotten something fun for yourself like cocaine
Leave me alone. I'm retarded
Both genders. Paranoid that I may have got cheated on last night.

>gf of two months
>going super well, tells me she loves me, meet her friends and family which is a huge deal to her
>friends meet her and make comments about how she seems to be crazy about me and can tell by the way she looks at me
>male co worker hitting on her the night we met, she brushed him off and we went home together
>later openly talks about how he was being a little too friendly which is a good sign that she admits it
>tells me she told him we're a thing now and such
>have an open talk about it, tell her I felt kinda weird about it and she expresses that it means nothing and that she's just very friendly and doesn't want to make things weird at work
>invites him to a golf outing her parents host every year, 100+ people
>on speaker with her mom on my phone, they're talking and she mentions he won a prize but neither of them could find him and that she has to give it to him at work
>last night she went to a huge concert to see a very big popular band
>went with her parents, younger cousin and some friends
>sending me pictures of her dad and her
>texts me at like 1 am saying she's home and shit
>she's late for work the next day
>the other guy was late too apparently
>find out he was at the concert from someone else
>freaking the fuck out

what if they met up at the show and went home together and thats why they were late? what if she did some shit behind my back?
i know a lot of people who went to that show, including one or two of my other co workers, so it doesn't surprise me that he was there.
But i'm freaking the fuck out.
My friends all seem to think I'm being paranoid and flipping over nothing but I can't calm down dude I'm so anxious
Better run or i will take your entire fertile crescent.
to save any short kings the effort of standing on your tiny little toes to read this; it just says "i, a female, found a tall man attractive"
its over for short guys...
do you not reflect on your actions, anon? do you not care if you're being shitty? kek
Diy bros represent
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call the sea peoples I dont give a fuck
get in the chariot babygirl
Idk how people are just okay with their partner having sex with other people. Like they've seen your partner naked before. They've experienced your partner's intimacy.
So sorry but this will not last anon. You are way too in your head for this to go well.
No, not into open / poly relations.
Day 4: I can levitate.
is that supposed to discredit his argument?
I've had both cats and dogs, and cats are far smarter and more independent than dogs. in fact, cats can be really nice in front of you and do really crappy shit when not being observed, which means they can even manipulate people.
what actions
there are billions of people
you will see hundreds in a given day
you will interact with maybe 10
most of them will not remember you exist for more than an hour
you do not need a reason to stop talking to people and it doesn't matter if you do, you can find someone else
unless you're forced to interact with them, it literally does not matter
*grabs your entire fertile crescent*
>date with gf
>girl who looks like clone of my gf walks next to us
>gf asks me if that girl was cute
What do you respond?
I have not put or projected any of my shit onto her.
I just don't know if I'm freaking out over nothing or not.

My paranoia aside, what is your opinion on the situation?
Forrreal. This whole thread has turned into a cum bucket

Hate it here
I would play a game where this puss in boots was the protag
I have some faint cafe-au-lait type freckles on my arm
Not really they just look pretty cool lol
I had a dream I had a newborn daughter but every time I tried to do anything for her, like feeding or changing diaper, it was like I’d hit a time warp and couldn’t. What does this mean?
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*grabs your sack of sumerian shekels*
At least you didn't get catcalled/heckled by drunk party girls kek
Painter boy you actually need to chill the fuck out
Why and when the fuck would they fuck exactly?
Answer this before you read on.

She was there with half her family, including her parents. Her goddamned parents anon, who she just introduced you to. So she just went off somewhere into a mobile toilet and fucked a coworker?
Do you even realize how outlandish your assumption sounds?
And people being late or even """""sick""""" after being out late is quite common.

I don't even mind sex questions in general, but with her it's always the same and really annoying.
Yessss. I want my man to claim me, leave marks, call me his, post me on his public media, fill me with nut
"She looks like you so yeah shes kinda cute but I like you better"
Would you also scratch his back with sexy nails to mark him?
>can finally have a gf
>she likes me for who I am
>she's cute just kind of chubby
Yet I still can't do it. I thought this would make me happy, why do I feel so sad?
>"she looks like if I ordered you off Wish.com baby"
It means you were Dr. Frankenfurter in another life and got someone preggo
Why does my upstairs neighbor have an alarm set for everyday that starts at 3am, and they keep snoozing it regularly until like 5am? Wakes me up throughout the night and I don't get it.

>Do guys even like nail polish
absolutely not, it's disgusting
I don‘t think she did anything with that guy but i do think she likes to flirt a little too much. That said, it is a new relationship. Give her time to transition from being single and able ti flirt freely to being in a relationship and having to tone it down. Maybe four months.
Because having to get up before sunrise for work sucks, life of a wagie
Shitty of him to do that though
Get earplugs buddy
Because having a gf doesn't magically cure your depression
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Oof, THAT dream
Could be wrong but I think my neighbor only works evening shift, heard it from someone else. Could there be another reason?
Nothing matters in the great scheme of things, doesn't mean I want to hurt others feelings (in this case by ghosting)
The sweet tributes are adorable and I feel like they mean more when they are hand delivered, hand made, etc.
Thoughtful and not creepy.
the more things you experience in life the more shit you can do in dreams
Maybe he has a partner who has to get really early, or some other morning shit to do, or he's a drug dealer idk buddy
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Uhm can you NOT????
lol. um dos últimos trabalhos que tive antes de voltar para acabar a faculdade fiz o mesmo, faltava-me um mes para ter direito ao subsidio de desemprego para nao mexer em poupanças enquanto estudava, meti-me num parque aquático, imagina que me disseram que esse trabalho de caca com um ambiente de trabalho asqueroso (literalmente uma das colegas no fim do dia veio avisar-me que o resto do pessoal era mesquinho, algo que já tinha reparado por mim mesmo) e a receber salário mínimo era uma oportunidade de vida, isto depois de ter estado a receber pelo menos o dobro no trabalho anterior sem nem contar com as despesas que eles me pagavam. fui lá no dia seguinte (para ter a certeza que estavam a contar comigo) para me despedir e nem apareci para receber o dia. arranjei outro trabalho qq

era daqueles que vai de mercedes para o trabalho?
Yeah I'm fucked and completely aware I'm going to ruin this if I can't calm down
but I can't help but wonder. What if I just got slighted

Idk man. Maybe they met up somewhere at the concert and spent the rest of it together and she told her family she was gonna go see friends and ended up leaving with him

She has a very outgoing, charismatic personality and has admitted is comes off as flirty and that she genuinely doesn't mean anything by it.
She's been open and honest about everything, including this dude. I'm just scared man I don't want to get hurt again
Thank you
Ugh YES!
Right on the money.
Want to experience this sooo bad
sexy kinda scares me desu
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I would like at least one daughter.
It's a silly meme. (not that it's untrue, mind... I'm not super thrilled about my potential daughter having boyfriends and husbands)
I also have an incest fetish. That's illegal here so it's staying a fantasy, and I imagine once I actually have a daughter it will go away anyway.
Painter boy I don't mean to sound like a cunt but just because you used to fuck around and used to date whores doesn't mean that every woman does kek
Astral insemination.
I am not a woman, though.
I would’ve thought that my experience with raising my younger sisters would’ve done something but I kinda feel guilty.
Imma need you guys to settle this and come back to me with an answer before the day of our would be anniversary
Only one solution, kill the co worker. Anxiety solved.
>having a gf doesn't cure your depression
That's all I thought I needed. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I live in a resort town, this does happen... I've seen grown women catcall teenagers...
Yeah Idk it's just weird. I need to get those earplugs though
>not a woman
Hmmmm weird
My dad dreamed of me before i was born. Apparently i came to him, took his hand and asked if i can stay with him for a while.
Maybe it was a prophetic one.
No sorry, I'm too dumb. I'm just fascinated by the gorgeous decorative art and neat illustrations of the cities. I wish we could time travel
sargon aint got shit on me
>Do guys even like nail polish
Well done nails are the only thing I'd ask from my gf.
Some decent length and well kept. Nail polish is objectively cute or sexy and always a plus.

>Idk man. Maybe they met up somewhere at the concert and spent the rest of it together and she told her family she was gonna go see friends and ended up leaving with him
You are demusional and don't trust her at all.
Horrible basis for a relationship.
Try to get her to lick your balls while you cum in her throat, that might solve it
honestly, that
>>having a gf doesn't cure your depression
is kind of bs. in my experience, it CAN cure your depression. but it all depends on WHY you are depressed in the first place.
Well that’s terrifying because I can guess why I couldn’t take care of her then.
I will put you to schleep then drown you in lentils and you will like it.
we live in the worst of times
check em >>31677777
Why not?
Because I’m visiting my ex soon and she lives on the west coast. If this dream implies a prophecy then it means I’d get her pregnant and she’s already told me before if I accidentally got her pregnant she wouldn’t tell me so it wouldn’t “ruin my life”.
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>free lentils for life
I might just plap you then take you to see my zigurat
I'd tell her yes
but without the "e"
Uh oh…
Maybe she is trying to baby trap you. Be extra careful.
I want to trust her man
I got shit on really bad in my last LTR in like horribly embarassing ways and I'm still carrying a lot of that with me.
Only reason I'm worried about it is cause she knows this dude tried to put moves on her.
I want to trust her so bad man she's given me lots of reasons to

yeah I need to relax.
I know she had a short phase but I can't blame her for that because I did all the same shit
Thank you! Do you have any recs for a cheap facial moisturizer?
>I got shit on really bad in my last LTR in like horribly
Thta doesn't matter.
That wasn't her fault
If this is how you react over so little, you might not be ready for a new relationship.
I might just not sleep with her at all. If I’m having a kid I want to be there and with someone I really love.
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PSA: Swimming at elevation is a very different experience
Uhm why? You gon sacrifice me to anu?
why the fuck would you get into a LTR lmao
Sounds like you feel insecure about your ability to parent. Or your lack of experience doing those specific tasks gives your imagination less data to work with in recreating it.
Yes try the cerave hydrating lotion or the one in the oic i posted. Get the big bottle to save extra.
Yeah I dunno man.
We get along extremely well and she's been really great. I am just really afraid man and it sucks and I know its not good.
Hearing other people say I'm just being paranoid helps a lot, you have no idea.

I am not used to being in a healthy relationship. Its new to me and its fucked up.
But the general consensus seems to be that I'm spinning my wheels over nothing so I'm just gonna take a deep breath and ride on that.

I can't control anything or anyone. She says she loves me. She says she doesn't care who knows. She introduced me to her parents and they were there with her last night.
I suppose it would take a really shitty person to introduce your bf to your parents and then run off with another guy right after.
Girls, Max Verstappen or Lando Norris? Why?
I wouldn't want to live in the past I don't think, just visit. I'm too spoiled, I couldn't hack it as a bronze age slave
Let’s hope it’s just insecurity.
Beautiful. Which did you chose?
NTA. Why? What happens?
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we're stealing the relics and booking it to babylon. we're going to need to buy diapers somehow
neither, i don't know anything about F1. give fabio jakobsen bf.
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Dunno, why not?
She's going to break up with you if you don't chill the fuck out.
Not cool if its for an ex and youre in a new relationship
What kinda nails you got going? Any fancy polish?
I think that's hottest shit when a girl claws her into me as I'm pushing as deep as possible.
if a gf cured your "depression" you were not really depressed, just lonely.
Shit does happen...
I was only catcalled by older women once though, driving past (I was cycling home from work in summer), nearly fell off my bike kek
As opposed to what?
I was hanging out with some new friends. I said I like coffee and this cute girl in a different conversation piped up “you like coffee?” Am I reading into that too much
DIAPERS? For what? Do you plan to shit yourself or impregnate me? Those both sound like very unwelcome situations. Gilgamesh will hear about this and write it down.
May Innana have mercy on me.
Garunteed that youre making this up in your mind. If she could find some way to reassure you, what would that be?
>it CAN cure your depression
I was talking more like clinical depression lol, not just being sad about something
Nevada Beach. Gonna hit Emerald Bay in a bit.
Les oxygen at elevation compounds with swimming making the experience surprisingly exhausting
Ah sorry brain didn't work there and make the connection that that was the same thing lol. And the apello bar for a face wash?
probably likes you + has less of a social filter than many women
Pee in the water for me.
>musician and start drinking
This attracts the wrong kind of women in my experience kek
then say exactly that next time
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I already said you're getting plapped
we can afford a villa in babylon with the scamming we've done.
and not just mudbricks, we're talking fired brick walls and terraced gardens
Yep (:
loneliness causes depression dude
have we swung so hard the other way we're pretending negative life circumstances can't make you depressed and that's it just random lmao
You don't understand bro. I'm going to break the news to my current gf nicely, before I do anything with ex. It's not her fault, she's lovely, my heart just belongs to someone else.
So far as I know you can have a gf and still be lonely and shit
Long term ennui is still clinical depression as per the DSM's criteria. A nature-no-nurture biological condition is not a requirement.
How do I stop being like this? Whenever I have something to do that needs to be done in 2 days (takes many hours + requires thinking), I always leave it in the last day, which leaves me feeling stressed out.
Talk to her about it and maybe you guys can work on curing the depression togeather?
Ok nice, but do i get my own room? What if i want to live as a fertility rituals high priestess for innana?
I'm like that, I have adhd and when a thought enters my brain I often mindlessly verbalize it. If she was being friendly and maybe a little wound up from being with a group of people, she hears someone say they like coffee, she likes coffee, so she repeats it back to you. It doesn't mean she doesn't like you, but it's not necessarily a sign that she's attracted to you
I don't know. Nothing reasonable.
She hasn't given me any reason to think she'd actually do something weird.
Again, she openly talked about the dude and all the shit that happened. I see 0 reason why she would do this if she was trying to hide anything.
Her mom made a comment on the phone about how much she talks about me and shit.
Girlfriend made a joke like "yeah well I think i might cut it off," trying not to laugh and her mom goes "yeah right I can feel you smiling on the other end of the phone,"
and her and her mom mentioned how her brothers girlfriend was asking 1000 questions about me while they were at the golf outing.

Like on paper everything is good. She also likes when I give her hickies on her body and she currently has a couple.
Not only that, she wore one of my shirts to work the other day which is a kind of shirt she's never worn and isn't really supposed to be wearing and she was working with that dude and another girl who knows we're dating.

This is half me explaining things and half me trying to assure myself that I'm just freaking out.
I would like having both
Trust her.
Express and talk about past relationship trauma to keep those things from happening again.
yeah, i think that mothers worry more about their sons and fathers about their daugthers
Because Crashstappen is an asshole, he only knows how to crash into others. In the last race, it was funny because not even his team was siding with him. LOL
I did talk about my past shit. She knows about how bad I got hurt.
And she opened up about that guy and told me she told him we're dating and told me its really important to her that I can trust her and that if I ever feel weird about anything I need to tell her
and then she talked about how she's falling in love with me really deeply and told me she loves me again in the morning.

But I can't stop my brain man.
and then I resort to shit like tarot cards and they're like "yep she's cheating" and I believe it like an idiot
Sounds unbased. What about norris?
Dopamine rush from leaving it to the last minute. Break the task down into much smaller tasks, write them out in a list, and focus on one small task at a time, crossing them out as you go along. Act opposite when it comes time to do the smaller task, take deep breaths, let go of the overthinking, and just get started. Getting started is literally 90% of the battle
BRO ! Do not sleep with your ex!!!
You have a new girl?

How would you feel if your new girl slept with her ex? ALWAYS put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself if thats how you want to be treated.
Or how you would want your daughter treated.
But if you want to be a priestess of Innana, that means you and your fellow priestesses have orgies with yours truly
Not my rules
Norris is an annoying zoomer
Max is a killing machine abused into becoming the best driver in the world
>You have a new girl?
No, I wouldn’t do that.
thanks, I never considered that kind of "break task down and write each part down and then do them" method, but I'll try it now
Trust yourself. Its everyones first time living. As long as you try to be a good parent, youre prob not doin bad.
Why would you assune he has a new gf?
So weird.
Oh really? Since when are you the king?

Bridegroom, dear to my heart,
Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet,
Lion, dear to my heart,
Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.

You have captivated me, let me stand tremblingly before you.
Bridegroom, I would be taken by you to the bedchamber,
You have captivated me, let me stand tremblingly before you.
Lion, I would be taken by you to the bedchamber.
Women, esp American women
How worried are you about your reproductive rights being taken away?
Not super worried because of the state I live in.
I mean, it happened naturally with my ex, we didn't need to talk because I was going through some shit and she was depressed as well. when we met I helped her feel better and she made me feel better as well.
Yeah, no. No prophesy here.
Since I bought the last one out, pay attention
We just scammed the entire fertile crescent boo
Its that copper motion
How to stop make your mind seeing someone as "obtainable"?
It's a close friend of an ex and I don't want to disrespect their friendship, so I won't pursue this crush ever. I think the crush is also out of my league and even has a very very different (and better) lifestyle compared to my own. But I think I somehow still see the crush as obtainable because they haven't been in a relationship for like 5 years somehow despite being pretty attractive

Bridegroom, let me caress you,
My precious caress is more savory than honey,
In the bedchamber, honey-filled,
Let me enjoy your goodly beauty,
Lion, let me caress you,
My precious caress is more savory than honey.

Bridegroom, you have taken your pleasure of me,
Tell my mother, she will give you delicacies,
My father, he will give you gifts.
You sure? I was listening to Moonchild a lot last night, maybe God is telling me something.
Same as >>31677924
Uh oh
Norris is a nice, fair racer, and likeable guy.
What's Moonchild about? If you were already thinking about something related you probably primed yourself to dream of it
Shits romantic right?
Don't be afraid to break it down into super pieces, whatever helps it feel more manageable. Physically crossing each little mini task off the list can feel pretty satisfying and you gives you a visual of your progress. Hope it helps, anon. Good luck
Sounds more based.
Awe, thats sad.
Nicely? lol just get it over with bro. You honestly prob gonna break her heart.
Better than faking it.
My thoughts exactly. It’s over.
Basically about a Ramona Flowers archetype lol. Not really about a baby or anything, just about a girl.
Enough to not have sex with men. Even if you live in a good state it’s still a difficult process.
Idk if i would call it romantic. But kinda hot. Then again i have a thing for sacred prostitution.

Your spirit, I know where to cheer your spirit,
Bridegroom, sleep in our house until dawn,
Your heart, I know where to gladden your heart,
Lion, sleep in our house until dawn.

You, because you love me,
Give me pray of your caresses,
My lord god, my lord protector,
My Shu-Sin, who gladdens Enlil's heart,
Give my pray of your caresses.
Your place goodly as honey, pray lay your hand on it,
Bring your hand over like a gishban-garment,
Cup your hand over it like a gishban-sikin-garment

It is a balbale-song of Inanna.
Femanons, amongst women you know or at the very least your girlies, is it more common to want big boobs or a big ass?
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>be the Olympic vice champion
>moids still see you only as fuckmeat
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Big boobs. Nobody talks about ass at all.
Dont believe this
Norris just as much of an asshole as max. Max just doesnt hide it from the cameras. When it comes to teamwork Norris will throw his teammate into a woodchipper to finish ahead
Max is aggressive because before his dominance he had to be, the rest of the field just cruised behind while he took the fight to the mercs and won
Probably big ass. Big girl boobers complain a lot and small titties like to concede to them
Tarot isnt real.
I haven't had friends in a like a decade but it was always boobs.
Men how can I stop being attractive to you.
I got tattoos and a shit haircut but that doesn't work still as I got the autistic rizz. Do I just get more tattoos? Start taking crack? I'll do anything. I just wanna enjoy my nerdy ass hobbys without some fucker looking at me
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Well it is a cut throat sport to begin with. I think everyone involved in f1 has to have some asshole tendencies.
Those last 4 lines are extremely hot
wear big ass glasses
BC is a thing.
Nice guys dont last in F1
Max is just honest about it
If it helps, you gave me the ick when you said “taking” instead of “smoking” crack.
anyone? >>31677934
Small boobs big ass is everything right now.
I'm a leaf and not at all, it's a non-issue
It makes it even hotter knowing that the priestesses sang it as the king and the high priestess fucked on the altar.

Raked by Trudeau.
They're gonna look. Going from just shit hair cut to obnoxiously bright dyed hair helped significantly.
none of the readings I've had have actually come true
maybe like one or two but it could be coincidence.

i have an issue with it man, whenever i get anxious i'll fuck with it and it always makes me feel worse
Need me a relationship like that
Just to try how dirty talk like that would work during sex
Yeah I choose the most effective one with no side effects until we have more freedom and rights
Norris gave back the position to his teammate.
Verstappen, Hamilton, Vettel, Schumacher, Senna et al. wouldn't do such a thing.
Seems like a waste of time.
Friend of an ex doesn't sound like a great idea, regardless. I don't see why you feel you have to stop seeing someone as obtainable though? You have to believe a relationship is possible on some level if you're going to purse a girl
Kek, if only you knew how many times i have gotten myself off to the idea of sumerian fertility rituals.
And thats why he isnt champion and never will be
The other guys you mentioned however are, funny how it works
So you really are a soomer
Yeah I'm not pursuing anything. I basically want to stop having the crush. And making myself not see the crush as "obtainable" anymore would help.
Nta but in what way?
You could say so, yes.
It varies. Some value being very thin, some wish they had bigger breasts, some wish they had fuller rears
not gonna work. Look like a cute dork in them.
Good news I guess. I am indeed cringe but some guys are into that. I need to paint myself like one of those poisonous frogs so they fuck off
I could get a fake one and put it in when I go to one of those places. Could work wonders
I'd have to bleach it all blonde and thats a pain in the ass and a risk of loosing my hair but that could honestly help. I'll keep that as the final option
>more freedom and rights
Women won, what are you talking about?
Women are literally beating men in every field
ADHD moment
Break the task down into much smaller, manageable steps and break it up, give yourself little rewards in between
Hold yourself accountable, maybe set yourself earlier deadlines and milestones
Iktf though I'm terrible for it, I can't do something my heart's not in
Sometimes I wish I were a white man, then I remember (you).
You're waiting for some laws or whatever to have fun.
Abortion is pretty much a non-issue across all the mainstream parties, though
It’s not.
I've been hearing "there aren't many men around nowadays" and the like for some time now. I get that this complaint is made because a lot of men now truly act like faggots and some are even afraid(!) of women, but the counterpart, the "confident with girls" kind of guy usually also thinks: catcalling is normal, checking booties around is normal, hitting on completely random women going by the street is normal, hitting on A LOT of girls is normal, and looking to hot women (clothed or barely) on his phone all day is normal.

Personally, I wouldn't call myself a "shy guy", but I never catcall (unless it's someone I know and have some intimacy, but I guess that's not catcalling then), I think looking lustfully (whether noticeable or not) on unknown women is wrong, that hitting on completely random people is retarded, and that hitting on multiple is weird (I only hit on women if she gives some hint of interest first). Do you think I'm somehow "not so manly" because of those? (To clarify, it's not like I'm suppressing myself, I've always been like this).

Finally, would you prefer a world where catcalling and "shameless" men don't exist, or is it only a bother because of the frequency/because it's done by ugly men? Does the "confident type" I described truly have an appeal and it's just a matter of personal preference, or do you think the perfect kind would be the rare "not shameless/not a faggot" kind? How universal do you think your opinions are?
Bleaching isn't so bad once you've done it several times so you develop a routine and get faster at it but yeah it's a pain. If you want to look good you really should do your roots every 6 weeks but I regularly go twice that between colorings and I don't bother in the winter, too cold to be doing all that.
Still nta but ok. Obviously for her it's not fun. The risk isn't worth the reward to her.
I hope that’s sarcasm because she means that she changes her mind when she remembers us.
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Feel free to fanum tax
Apparently not the field of easy abortion access. What are you talking about?
That was the general "you", ESL-kun...
Now my silly little sumerian shitposting ended with me horny as shit at 1 AM and i have to wake up in 5 hours
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Anyone want to do puzzle, drawing game or price guessing game?
I just had a cousin that bleached the shit out of her hair and it was so dead and crunchy. Purely a texture thing
I don't think you can stop yourself from having a crush, but you can focus on dating other women. That way you'll have less mental space to ruminate on it, and your interest might wane as you become involved with other girls
>but the counterpart, the "confident with girls" kind of guy usually also thinks: catcalling is normal, checking booties around is normal, hitting on completely random women going by the street is normal, hitting on A LOT of girls is normal, and looking to hot women (clothed or barely) on his phone all day is normal.
This is a misconception. Not every confident man is a sex pest.

If I never got catcalled again I would be pleased but I'm not opposed to a stranger striking up a conversation with me when I'm out at a social event even if I haven't been making eyes at him. Just know to take the hint if I'm not interested.
Femanons, how you react if your dad turned out to not be your biological dad because your mom cheated?
shocked as I look exactly like my dad
But it's just her?
Autistic not esl. And I kinda don't believe you.
>been making eyes at him
Nta but what do you mean by this out of curiosity? Is this when you catch a girl staring at you a few times?
Where i live catcalling is seen as trashy and embarassing behavior so it basically never happens and i am glad it does not because as you said, hitting on strangers is cringe, hitting on multiple strangers is even more cringe and hitting on them in sexual way is uber cringe. I think having the maturity and decency to behave like a monkey in breeding season is more masculine than forcing your sexuality on the people around you like that.
That said, a little of it in small and controlled doses can be exiting and entertaining. For example, it is very noticeable if you go to countries with a different moral compass about catcalling. Like spain for example. It is fun to get catcalled for like two days then it gets stale and unpleasant and soon becomes creepy and insufferable. So i am very glad to not live in a place like that.
I think it really depends on your cultural background wether catcalling is seen as masculine or uncivilized.
Who’re you voting for?
>And I kinda don't believe you.
You... don't believe me?
I have no clue what you are talking about now and I can't be bothered with this shit
That unfortunately doesn't help with the crush for me. I don't know why I'm like this
I'd be surprised, but my mom is awful so I wouldn't be too surprised. I'd also feel less obligated to take care of my abusive dad if I wasn't biologically related to him.
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Where can I find an older mommy gf like Himmy?
This >>31678036
Pretty much. If you make eye contact with the same woman a bunch of times (especially if she smiles when it happens, even if she quickly looks away) it's probably safe to talk to her.
Dad and angry. My dad cheated with my mom and now he’s dead to us. I’m happy the divorce crushed him
Well same, kek
It is 1am and i have to get up at 6am. Damn it.
Maybe i will do the old fap and nap in honor of innana and then drift off to schleep.
Good night.
There are only two ways:
- Get rejected.
- Go no contac.
I would but it is long past my bed time. Next time maybe. Also, nice pic, kek
Yeah I think you missed the nta, it's not a big deal I'm not saying you're dumb I was just correcting you.
>about to send dm to girl Im talking with praising her cheekbones
>stop myself because I have a gf
I have to jerkoff
Desirable confident men don't catcall or randomly hit on women walking down the street, what you're describing is what young guys do when they're very drunk, or what tacky low class men do
*to NOT behave like a monkey
Sleep well
Getting rejected isn't ideal since my ex and the crush are very good friends and it'd make things very awkward. I guess it's the 2nd option then. I go into a social event thing a few times a year and the crush is also there, and while I really like going, perhaps I need to stop
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Cashier at the grocery store kept making eye contact and laughing at my stupid jokes. That signals interest right
Man = cheater, as always
Especially if she pulls down the panties and spreads her legs.
Dunno, you should have put your hand inside her pants to see if she was wet
I'd skribbl
Why you talking to another girl if you gotta lady?
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Uhm wtf…
NTA, talking with others is normal.
Devastated, but I take after my dad so it would be impossible
Nta but no it is not
Ehe. I’m too autistic to even ask for a number so I just make dumb jokes. But even when I was standing in line she kept looking at me.
Cheater or they leave you.. for their ex.
Being a woman sucks
Talking yes, but DMs are different from talking to someone irl.
Thanks for the advice
Gotta get over my fears...
Please read exactly what I was replying to:
>Why you talking to another girl if you gotta lady?
Do you want her talking to other guys?
Especially someone you dont know / trust?
"OP" here. I meant the guys who strike up convos in non-social situations, like he literally sees you walking somewhere and gives a shot.

>even if I haven't been making eyes at him
Is it common for you to find interest in the guys in this kind of situation? Sometimes I wonder if I'm "afraid of rejection" just because I never hit on girls who do not give a hint.

By "hitting on A LOT of people" I meant "I'm purposefully going to a party to find someone to have sex, and I'll talk to a lot of women (because naturally most will reject you, unless you're really above average)"

I find this (clubs, the idea of going somewhere to see if a random woman will like you) humiliating. Is that weird? The only situation where I'm comfortable with this are events where you're supposed to dance with random women (not club dancing, but like ballroom dancing).
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Men do be kinda cute ngl
>decide to cut back on drinking to ease up the heartburn
>no booze since Saturday
>heartburn is worse than ever
I may actually kill myself.
Im not going to cheat on her, and I know I'm being a jerkass doing this

We havent talked about anything sexual and I wont do it.

Its just that I started going out with women recently (2 years ago) and now that I feel some other women give me attentino I feel like Im missing out. Won't do something that harms my gf and I think it's a lot that I wrote to this girl already and I wont act like its no big deal.
>Especially someone you dont know / trust?
I've trusted my partners in the past with talking to her friends. And yes, there were male ones and even in DMs.
Amazing, isn't it?
You sound as insecure as the concert guy desu.
It is so over.
Women: https://youtu.be/dumPnwN93Fo?si=Wu_9AOCEVdDzUqeF
Hmmm .. I have to disagree. Especially if convo is romantic or flirty.
>>31678081 <<read
That's alright, nighty night
Noice, I just made a room
u2 bb
Maybe have some gaviscon and milk
Yes, the point stands. Maybe read my reply again, anon.
I don't vote, I dislike them all equally. I've come to a place where I basically ignore politics as much as possible, although it can be difficult sometimes
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Why didn't anyone tell me snapchat was the best place to meet sluts
>Its just that I started going out with women recently (2 years ago) and now that I feel some other women give me attentino I feel like Im missing out.
This better be some fembot hands LARPing.

Sure sure whatever you say
>dating other women
Men are always cheaters, it's over
Might as well call it fapchat with all the nudes hoez be sendin
I don't know, I can't think of any guy under 30 that isn't one of the two extremes. Maybe it's because I live in a 3rd country where "elegance" isn't really a thing anywhere (not India, lol)
Because seeking out sluts is trashy behavior.
No need to get offended bud
>I don't vote, I dislike them all equally.
Kek, same. I haven’t voted since 2016, and I voted NDP that year. They actually won my riding back then but I can’t stand Jagmeet. It’s for the best to ignore politics nowadays, none of the party leaders are good. Poilievre is just Not-Trudeau. Are you out east then?
Why are there so many cases of gay men groping women?
>the sexting app is full of whores
I should be able to trust my gf alone w my bestfriend.
Everyone is bi under the right circumstances.
Femanons, bush status?
Women, are you a moonchild?
I know this is easier said than done, but hear me out: treat trying to getting a woman's number, a date with her, having a one night stand, etc, like a game. I obviously don't mean treat those girls like they're disposable, I just mean have fun with it, it doesn't have to be serious. The most attractive men I've known are ones who are happy to talk to you, happy to get your number, happy if they could get to 3rd base, but won't mope around and will move on to the next if they can't. If you can make a woman feels like she can say yes or no to you without fear, embarrassment... that it's all good, whichever decision she makes, you'll become the type of guy women *want* to be around, go out on dates with, fuck. Even if you don't know how to flirt (though if you also knew how to flirt and overall a fun person to be around, that's a MAJOR plus) you'll still fare very vell with women. And remember: if she says no don't take it personally, because chances are, she doesnt know you, like really know you, she's just making that decision based on that 1 interaction. Now would you take something someone online who's never met you says about you seriously? No, you think "this person doesn't know me so this doesn't mean much" Well, it's the same. If a woman rejects you after 1 interaction, or text on a dating app, or whatever, she doesn't know you either, she's just judging that brief interaction she's had with you and she didn't like it, but you shouldn't extrapolate from that that there's something wrong with you
How should I know when to stop trying? I don't mean with life, with a task or skill.
You think so?
I hope she does like me
I am. Maybe that is why i never go to sleep on time.
Unironically you'd have to have severe burns, radiation damage or similar actual mutilations.
All the shit you said is just
>I slightly changed what I have on my frame
Its the frame people are attracted to
The silouhette of a tall man will still attract most women even if he's dumpy, same with chichs. But men have a lot more variety to what they're into than women (as women present themselves in far more varied ways than men, as fasion is primarily a female oriented subject), so making yourself ugly to one guy will attract 2 more
On top of that many people, men including, are just looking to "settle", so even if you're ugly, if they feel they're ugly, all they'll think is "I'll have a chance"
You're not filtering out men totally, you're just making the ones who keep looking be the most desperate losers
fucking huge. I used to trim it but my mom took away the pube scissors and im too lazy to buy more
I think shes using them like normal scissors and I am worried. At least I washed them after every use
Lonely moon child
Dreaming in the shadows
Of a willow
The crush will diminish over time as long as you don't actively feed it. It's just a feeling, it's not something to worry too much about or take too seriously. Acknowledge and accept it as something that's there, something that exists, but try to unhook from it and try not to magnify it into something larger than it really is. I know it's easier said than done, but often our reactions to this kind of stuff create a much bigger issue for us than the original feeling
I know a gay guy who got accused of this because he kept touching a girl when talking about clothes to show where they'd fit and shit instead of just gesturing
He just genuinely had no sense of private space though
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I even got a pin (:
I should go dream a little now.
>know im a jerkass
>continues to do the things he knows are wrong

Hope you feel as shitty as this sounds
Freshly shaved this morning. I had a dream that made me believe I'd meet a guy to date today. I didn't.
Glad you have a big bush
Remember to just trim at most
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It's because you shaved
Pretty adorable. Dream of a warm night sky crisscrossed with deep pink shades and twinkling stardust, the blanket of infinity
Nobody asked for your opinion, freak.
I guess so. At first I was just occasionally thinking about the crush, then I started feeling bad about thinking the crush, and then the crush got more obssive after I started thinking about me thinking about it.
I will try.
Yea, trust is fine. I see the opposite sex at work, resturaunts etc and have a convo.. But "talking" to other women with the intention of getting close while you "feel like your missing out" pretty sus.
If you in the DM everyday, thats a blasted relationship, son.
No one else, but I should say I'm not the dating type. The internet is among the worst place to give advice on women, as everyone is different and no two holes are alike.

Wait a minute. Now don't think what I think you're thinking...
That is how I felt waiting around with my office door open hoping someone would pop in.
should I just stop talking with this other woman? honest question. Maybe it's for the best.
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is my bf retarded, I tried to make him post on 4chan but he got angry at the captcha and couldn't get it right
I’ll send you the visions when you rest.
It's not nice of you to bully your sex robot like that.
>is my bf retarded
Yes, and abusive, but he is tall and handsome, so he gets a girlfriend.
Come play drawing game if you dare https://skribbl.io/?I2CGtC6k (there are hot girls there)
he's more than just that!
>with the intention of getting close while you "feel like your missing out" pretty sus.
You are overinterpreting and moving goalposts.
Hot girls is subjective.
Well, thanks, you described it in a nice way. I guess it's just not my thing, I like to meet people by conventional means family/friends/work/hobbies and work from there (or cultural events where dancing in couples is expected, at most). I just HATE going to clubs (realized only recently how many hours I wasted on this out of pressure) or trying to talk to random people without some sort of pretext other than "I want to find someone".
so you were abused? that came out of nowhere ngl
Creepy freak.
Men, what do you think of women who think it's better to act as boyish/masculine as possible rather than be feminine? Do you view them as better/worse than regular women?
Tomato tomato come draw ya faggot
I mean you shouldn't force a personality you're not, but nothing wrong with being tomboyish, I like em
I am a bit of a girly guy desu so can be a bit of a nice balance dating
Worse for dating but I don’t really care about them otherwise
Yet he means so little to you that you'd humiliate him!
Bush did 9/11
Anything that is inauthentic feels weird. Personally, the only "masculine" kind of women I like are women who are interested in man's things, not women who act stoic and have muscles.
Did...did you think you guys were gonna fuck in there?
it's just a little humiliation.
and I also assumed he wouldn't have an issue with the captcha since he grew up on (different) image boards lol.
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Se ainda estiveres por aí ou passares por este fio noutra altura, boa noite alentejana
Based autist
I was open to the fantasy. Pretty desperate for dick at this point.
I realized after I posted that it might be a cultural thing, where I live we are fairly staid that way. I think it's still true though, that confidence and being obnoxious are two very different things, and not being obnoxious is a good thing in my book

Yes, I'm in the centre of the universe lol. And yeah, I feel like I can't actually vote for any party in good conscience, especially now with the foreign influence scandal which has apparently dropped off the face of the earth and will never be mentioned again
Tfw daddy and mommy issues so I love tomboy and MILFs
That kinda sounds autistic ngl.
I want my gf to be a princess I care for and can buy nice things for who likes doing her nails and hair, if she does those things, I wouldn't mind her behaviour being more boyish.
all my gf have been from family of friends
i thought this was normal
gf because ive had 1; cousin of an italian guy i met at work
I think it doesn't matter as long as you like my genitals
>especially now with the foreign influence scandal which has apparently dropped off the face of the earth and will never be mentioned again
Typical liberal crap, of course. Who even remembers SNC-Lavalin? Must be hard out there, everyone I know says it’s a nightmare. I’m out west and it’s still pretty peaceful.
As a short guy (5'7) with an attractive face, is there something I can do (other than taking care of my hair, dressing well, and not being fat) to be more attractive? I know working out is an option, but I really hate it.

I'd be nice if you could name a short guy (or a stereotype) which you find attractive too.
Yea. You know it, too.
I honestly think Tom Cruise is (or was) attractive. He's 5'7".
.. Still ... If you in the DM everyday, thats a relationship
>every day
Again moving goalposts.
It's really tiresome talking with people like you.
I'm going to stop replying now.
Why is it my responsibility to take care or look after all the women in the world, despite that apparently being bad thing to do(?), me doing nothing wrong to them personally ever, OR allowing anything to happen to them from other men, and them not acknowledging I exist?
All I care about is me and me and my W E E D
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Girls? Were you fed today? Were you bred today?
You should subscribe to the "Not My Problem" belief and stop making up reasons to get mad at women
How do I stop accidentally tricking girls to thinking I'm in love with them? It's getting ridiculous since I lost weight and grew hair
f, i always found charlie day attractive. at first i assumed i had a slightly unconventional taste since he's kinda short, but later i realized that lots of women are into him. just an example.
Please (men and women), describe the person (not just looks) you've been most attracted to in your life.
This is a problem almost all attractive & naturally friendly people face lol. Unless you change your personality or looks it won't change really.
Not everyone can pull this off but I like Daniel Radcliffe. He's 5'5".
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I'm a virgin, does sex feel better for men or women?
Same but for boys.
>Daniel Radcliffe
The Chinless Wonder? :)
Tell them you are straight.
Women, do you have AGP?
I actually don't know. You have stumped me. I am stumped.
My girlfriend tells me she’s having a terrible day, would sending her a little gift, like some flowers and chocolate to her house be a bit to much?
I think I've finally reached end stage bachelor. I cooked two of those frozen cordon bleu things but they both spilled out everywhere luckily onto aluminum foil, but I didn't have a plate clean so I stacked them into a tupperware but didn't want to clean it so I put a piece of bread down, one of them, another piece, and another one. So it's not a real sandwich as real as something already breaded would even be as sandwich filling, it's just two of these things and two random pieces of white bread to stop up the cheese
I think I'm going to truly die alone I've gone too far
I rarely get true crushes but I had a big one for a girl in high school. She was thin, not much lips, black hair and tattoos, very dark and brooding type. I did end up talking to her for a while and found out her dad had died when she was young. Too bad I was way too retarded.
It's so guilt inducing
Sounds really yummy, actually. I mighta toasted the bread and added a piece of lettus.
my gf doesn't exist :(
Sure she does, she’s just a 43 year old virgin named Chuck.
i wish i like older women :(((((
it depends
>29 or 30
>has a chill personality
>likes being alone apparently and definitely not the type who chases women
>doesn't own any kind of computer
>like retro console games and collects cassettes
>probably never even heard of 4chan
>extremely skinny
>taller than me, but not "tall". perhaps 5'10"
>kind of gangly body, also has wide shoulders
>he seems slightly introverted, but is also very charming
>mild alcoholist
>doesn't seem to have any kind of appetite, and only drinks black coffee for breakfast (i want to make him breakfast)
>doesn't like sweets because he's concerned it would fuck up his teeth
>has dark blonde hair, used to be shaved, now it's to his shoulders
>has an angular face, heavy lids, and has a bump on his nose
Based Charlie enjoyer
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Puzzle this
Fuck a duck...
Come and do puzzle guys! https://jiggie.fun/laRdXm
Fuck, I meant Elijah Wood. I always get those two confused. He's 5'6.
As a guy who can't cum from sex you're kinda right.
Too often do women tie up their ego on if they can make the guy cum, basically they think they're disgusting or ugly when in reality I just have problems.
>tfw I went out with a Stacy and she had a folder on her laptop full of Elijah Wood pics
What about it? It's just a pc from like 2005
>mfw Michael J. Fox is only 5'4".
Did she wear wigs?
Depends, can range from being cute to seeing them as lesser men.
Don't feel guilty, it's on them not you
ueaj but what if i sex them up too
Me too brother. If it’s any consolation it is fixable. You just have to do a fuckload of PiV.
Holy shit, they ARE eerily similar.
Im not talking to her everyday but I will stop now. I feel like a jerk honestly. Im just horny.
Then you're 200% guilty
If you’re horny then fuck your gf you insipid retard.
They were scouted for similar roles, entertainment industry casts mainly on star power or appearance
If you had noticed, I skipped answering your questions, and that's because I think you seem to have a unidimensional view of what men are like. And for me to answer would be to implicitly accept this simplistic (sorry) view. I get that we humans like to look for paterns, but the "patern" confident man catcalls, gawks at women on the street, hits on any woman within a 6000km radius from him, looks at pics of naked girls all day... sounded a bit like a stereotype, do you not agree?
think it's possible to project confidence without treating and thinking of women as some record to achieve: how many women can i take to bed? how many women have i seen naked? etc. You can be confident by just trying to make your interaction with that woman fun (just be laser focused on having fun, having a fun conversation, night, whatever) regardless whether it leads to something or nothing, in addition to making her feel like there's no pressure whether she agrees to talk to you or not, have a drink or not, go out with you or not,...
Don't know if I managed to communicate what I had in mind, anyway, if what I said doesn't apply to you, feel free to ignore it
it's like how native americans had to get down and cry a tear for every deer they killed
>Hey bby I heard you have no one to call daddy
>Giddy up!
I'll try if I get the chance, I'm pretty autistic so I don't have much luck getting in relationships, I mostly have hook ups.
: (
She’s one of like, 3-4 people ever who gave me genuine butterflies looking at her.
We haven't seen eachother for 3 weeks, 4 now (3 because of complications of her, 1 because of my studies).
there's also another problem but that's because of me.y
I have the opposite issue lol, all relationships, no casual sex. I read a post here once that said it took a year for the guy to stop his ED and nut from sex but afterwards he was normal. It’s reversible.
No, I recognize I live in the first world, am sat alone in my own place, relaxed, warm, able to drink if I want to, posting online rather than doing anything of actual merit by choice rather than any outside reason and therefore have it better than 99.99999% of all life on earth.
I think most people do what you do though, because they're whiny and refuse to properly self-evaluate
buy her a gun. but im a dude and never had a gf so i dont know
>tfw you're too mid to get a relationship where you're both instantly insanely attracted to each other and both get that butterflies feeling from each other
Lol I wish I had that issue.
I want to get married and have kids one day.
What would you like me to consider before I ask you to be my girlfriend?

I'm seeing a girl, as a friend, but we've been hanging out a lot and messaging almost every day. I'm not sure if I want to be with her or not.
Do women fantasize about freezing time to rape/take nude photos of everyone, or is this a man's thing?
it's a cruel fate.
>>doesn't seem to have any kind of appetite, and only drinks black coffee for breakfast (i want to make him breakfast)

as a non-breakfast person who relates to much of this, I suggest trying him out on matcha. you'll get the catharsis of a little morning ritual, he'll get a morning theanine kick with a little bit less caffeine but a lot more antioxidants and easier on the teeth. get real matcha powder, a bamboo whisk, the little spring loaded sifter, and a large chawan (tea bowl) off etsy.
core memory unlocked
I think I have a problem with tarot cards
It stupid. Any time I feel anxious or weak I will consult the deck of playing cards and it always makes me feel worse and I believe them.
I'm in a situation where all of my friends seem to think I'm being way too fuckin paranoid and stupid and like I need to relax and trust the person I'm with.
But the tarot card readers on /x/ tell me my girlfriend is cheating and that I'm gonna get fucked.

I don't want to be this way anymore.
She was cute and kind despite several traumas with man, her bf was a piece of shit who cheated on her and her father left his mom when she was little. She was an amazing friend, probably liked me but i was both dense and scared of making a move. she was smoking hot
>I'm not sure if I want to be with her or not.
why do you want her as a gf then?? this is how bad relationships start.
* oh and water temp should be ~174f
the hottest people are mid though because being mid turns you into a freak and then the freakyness hits critical mass
Same but I’d gladly trade my pair bonding for your cheap sex rizz. I just don’t know how to progress past casual flirting.
women keep touching my fucking puppy when i take it for walks
guys will be like
>nice puppy bro, can i pet it
women will just walk the fuck over and molest my goddamn dog
why do they do this
he's MY fucking precious little oogie woogie boogie doodle
huh, thank you. i'll keep that in mind. but sadly i don't actually know him very well personally, and he seems to live far away.
Those bitches are just entitled, have respect, and no boundaries
Isn't this what I'm supposed to do?
Realistically I should want to be with her.

I don't see why I'm so confused about what I want.
>being in class
>thinking about stopping time, sit on a desk in front of a girl and making her give me oral
i know its depraved
>bonding hormones
If this were true women wouldn't be hoes.
i'm the neurotic, boring and non-freaky kind of mid, worst of both worlds
>have no respect
But you know what I meant.
>astrology bullshit
>MAN into astrology bullshit
You are lower than an emo.
Ask if you can touch their pussy lol.
>he's MY fucking precious little oogie woogie boogie doodle
i notice that women don't do that to my sister's dog, but some men do it. considering how it's opposite genders here maybe people are more likely to do it to the opposite gender??
Never thought of oral, it sounds really impractical in this situation. But let's keep ourselves out of this, I want to know if women do this too (although erections would be impossible in this situation).

something like 97% of american politicians routinely consult astrologists, look it up
Why would I ever care about that.
You’re an idiot and need to sell or throw them away. When you’re nervous about something, fight the urge to get the cards and replace it with something else, like chewing gum or something.
you like being around her, but you don't have that romantic interest or enough attraction. don't try to have a relationship with her.
I'm back on my workaholic shit. I wasn't doing anything worthwhile with my free time outside of the gym anyways.
Anyone else know this feel?
women do you understand how hard it is to talk to you in the real world ? everyone is watching everyone
I got curious about this kind of crap once and looked it up (4chan has a thread for it I think on X) and it was like an endless, poorly written, confusing rabbithole
It'd be like
>I'm X, but my personality is Y, what gives
And they'd be like
>Bro that's just your star chart, you need the super star chart + DLC to see the shape the moon was when you were born
>Okay its still wrong
>Bro you need the exact second you were born not just the day...
And so on
They just keep adding rules to lead to different generic phrases until something fits
All I really learned that actually seems to matter is all is
>Scoprio is the most common and most liked one (because its supposed to mean you're good at sex, even though statistics show most people are not good at sex)
>Leo is second best
>The rest don't matter
>Aquarious (mine) is so absurdly rare no one cares about it at all, so its actually the worst
nah sorry to disappoint lol
when I read shit like this I kind of feel im missing out on somethings in life
Feminine, cutesy and fun but also capable and does not need to be babied, clever and makes me laugh, very caring and kind, makes my life better with her in it, very attractive and exactly my type. I love her.

because it's hilarious and the /x/ reader threads probably determine laughably large chunks of worldwide foreign policy etc
Not freezing time, but specifically going invisible and schlicking on the bus or in class.
Scorpio is also known for being self centered narcissists.
I'm not going to read that disjointed looking thing that will undoubtedly about some superstitious garbage.
forreal, horn it up w your girl. even if you have to do it over video chat or something.
>new kink unlocked
>have gf
>shit is going sweet
>get paranoid over dumb shit because of past trauma
>talk to multiple friends about it and they all tell me I’m being crazy paranoid over nothing and that I need to relax
>still can’t relax

How the fuck do I turn my brain off
I did not put a question mark, I did not actually ask you a question.
i'm not asking men to talk to me irl though? but i understand the awkwardness.
I feel like it's not possible to do anything worthwhile so I stopped trying.
punctuation and upper case felt offensive to be honest
You’re fucking chronically online, dumb faggot cunt. Of course you think you know what every woman wants. Stop watching Andrew Tate-like videos and porn all day.
The problem is Im not sure she's that much into horny talking. I think she's quite reserved regarding that. Maybe I just have to ask her.
She has a bpd boyfriend I see. Kill yourself.
>everyone is watching everyone
Narcissistic bullshit.
>even if you have to do it over video chat or something.
REALLY bad move. They can record it and use it as blackmail material.
You got needs too.
I have no friends, just coworkers.
Anyone else?
You have bpd
Sorry, but astrology IS real. Not modern astrology, though (the kind 99% of people know and see around)
I will try.. to fix you~

t. toenails need clipping
First date with the guy im seeing, I was sitting and I felt like I was going to faint. Any time I see him walk through the door, I get so happy and giddy! He makes me so happy
no friends, no coworkers.
>Anyone else?
Doesn't seem like it judging from your description.
is that better
The Sun has shifted 10 degrees.. the crops will die soon.. this is.. astronomical logic..
You mean my post? If so, how fucking low is your attention span or energy that 5 seconds of reading is too hard?
If you mean astrology in general... that post is me saying its fucking stupid
>>everyone is watching everyone
>Narcissistic bullshit.
Can't argue with that
Thank you for respecting my feelings
what the fuck is bpd
Ahahaha, sorry, but I just…I just studied Hermeticism, ahahaha~!
Baby Poopy Diaper
BPD hands typed this post.
If you dont know if you want her- thats a red flag. If you can see yourself enjoying and being happy with her by your side for the rest of your life, go for it.
Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that severely impacts a person’s ability to manage their emotions. This loss of emotional control can increase impulsivity, affect how a person feels about themselves, and negatively impact their relationships with others. Effective treatments are available that can help people manage the symptoms of borderline personality disorder.
Is it possible to become addicted to ghosting

bulletpoint performance disorder
You're gonna have to define "boyish/masculine" and "feminine" for me chief

Some girls think that "feminine" means makeup, nail polish, tanning/fake tans, high heels, things like that. I find that all gross, so if she has no interest in that it's a plus. Same with spas and shopping as a hobby.
Skirts are kino, and generally dressing "well" usually presents as feminine for a skinny woman. That's a feminine plus. Masculine clothes generally don't look as good, but some women can pull them off.
If she's into things I'm into, most of those are feminine and a few are masculine. All of those are pluses. Things I'm not into are not pluses, and sometimes are minuses. Playing sports is neutral, watching sports is a negative, being a mechanic is a slight negative, knitting/crocheting/sewing is neutral to slight positive.
If she doesn't shave at very minimum her underarms and anywhere that looks egregious, that's gross, and codes as masculine. If she has short hair, that's gross, and is negative.
Best Pussy Disorder
Bitch you copy and pasted this shit

Nah, im the shit these bitches just the corn in it
I'm horny
You sound like a retarded zoomer faggot and I’d love to stomp your face into the concrete.
bpd is bipolar disorder btw
>but... but google says
fuck google
its bipolar it sounds cooler
Yea same only a few rare are kind and chill people
Can a woman be in love with you and tell you she thinks she's lucky to be with you and all the other things and simultaneously take hours to respond to your texts even though she's active on social media and shit
Guess imma man in a womans body, bc yes tf I do. Never had the opportunity to do either but its thought.
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ATOGA... I'm happy.

>have ex-gf
>she sends me a text a couple days ago, the one year anniversary of our separation
>some excerpts
>"I know that I was abusive to you. Severely so. But don't think for a second that I didn't love you or that you didn't make me happy."
>"It wasn't true when I told you the last time we spoke that I'd never loved you"
>"You're a good person. I told you so many times that you aren't, and for that I'm sorry"
I'm so God damn happy holy shit
Life is wonderful and everything is good
I don't care if we never get together again, I can take or leave her, it's just nice to have her be nice to me. The last time we spoke she was incredibly cold, cruel, and scary. Emotional wounds healed. Closure attained.
>Can a woman be in love with you


>and tell you she thinks she's lucky to be with you and all the other things and simultaneously take hours to respond to your texts even though she's active on social media and shit

sure. she's also in love with the showerhead but she doesn't need to use it more than once or twice a day either.
What place and how did the fantasy play out?
Astrology isn't about the sun
Nah, not talking about /x/ tier "occultism", but the common (as "know", only a few knew how) practice that lasted from Antiquity until late Middle Ages.
You keep posting this. Stop being such an obsessive faggot, people answered you already.
Oh please don’t tell me you’re a neo-pagan or, God forbid, a Wiccan.

t. human sacrifice enthusiast
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Do I have a good chart
>accidentally ghosted a mid nerd girl because my app shitted out
Welp there goes another one
No but she made me wear one...
>this ignorant
I'm a man, and every single Christian in the Middle Ages, noble or peasant, believed in astrology.
I don't know how to read charts.
That would be one of my exes I think.
Long brown hair, blue eyes, 5'1, just under 100 lbs, wore long skirts every day, did not wear makeup, had acne/rosacea, pretty face, perfect body, b-cup (?)
>not just looks
Interested in basically all types of arts (sewing, crocheting, knitting, felting, ceramics, painting, drawing...), as well as poetry, writing, and folk dance. Vegan. INFP (I think). Introverted but socially competent. Maybe slightly awkward in a few ways. Repaired her own socks. Interested in languages.
Grow a pair and just ignore the tarot. Talk to her, send her something to let her know your thinkin about her. Dont let the devil deceive you.
It says here you’re a massive faggot! That’s crazy.
Why is your gender relevant? Also Hermeticism is older than whatever you’re professing lmao
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How do you become a chill person? I've always been shy, neurotic, and never been able to stop overthinking. How do I become the kind of person who is chill and doesn't seem like they take things too seriously? Or is the only answer brain damage
That's uhh stretching the meaning of "ghosting" quite a bit. Ghosting is a permanent silent treatment, generally given without a clear reason.
>Astrology isn't about the sun
It isn’t NOT about the sun THOUGH
Spiritual superiority complex.. are you a Pisces?
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I'm always on that grind bro

But take a break and come do puzzle https://jiggie.fun/TJHZXv
Don't trust tarot card readers on /x/, learn to read them yourself.
Also ritually purify yourself and the area before doing a reading.

...or just stop reading them at all. I personally only read them in desperate times, because I mostly don't want to know the future and the results I get are mostly useless anyway.
That sounds like some form of avoidant.
Posting shit on IG or wherever takes little effort and commitment, unlike talking personally with a person you love.
Some people are like that, I'd skip them.
Happy to hear that anon, hope this happens for some others here too.
>bpd is bipolar disorder btw
It's really not kek
>t. bipolar who has dated BPDs
She thinks I ghosted her because she double messaged and I didn't respond for a few days. She even used the word "double tap" after I didn't respond to her first message.
It's over.
As someone who has had both, I would prefer a LTR. Someone who wants me, wants to build a life and grow, evolve and explore. I dont know about marriage, but I would have a kid with the "right" person.
It would take some conviencing though.
Message her and explain
>results I get are mostly useless anyway.
You are so close to not being completely fucking rerarded.
Because being Wiccan is a woman's thing. And I'm not professing any kind of religious belief, just saying astrology is true (and opposing the correlation with paganism you made). Only in modernity it became a woman/grifter thing.
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>the results I get are mostly useless anyway.

garbage in, garbage out
They're 100% accurate, just useless.
Ah, you caught my backhand implicit message did you? Fair enough.
I hate delusional people like you.
Trust me, I truly do.
I'm not a simp.
Irish men, are there any of you here?
I'm happy for you bro
I'll live in my 100% accurate "delusion" and you can live in your less accurate "reality".

ok ok

yeah its weird
she'll tell me she loves me and be all sweet
and her mom will make jokes about how she talks about me all the time
but she hardly texts me back

granted we were together and she got a screen time report on her phone saying it was like 2 hours avg a day
i don't think she likes being on her phone a lot but still its like you'd think if she actually felt that way she could take 2 minutes to respond

none of the results I've had have been accurate at all. hardly. maybe like 5 in the past 2 years dude
Incels and femcels, does your family recognize you as incel/femcel? State your gender.
You finally got diagnosed?
i hate you
idk man, I can't explain *your* tarot results. All I know is I have a 100% track record of accurate results for myself.
That wouldn't make you a simp, baka
what's wrong with non-irish men?
tarot seems like the type of shit that people will obsessively read into and connect dots in their head over to seek answers they wanted or felt insecure about
"Astrology is real" guy here. Tarot is MUCH more imprecise and utterly unreliable.
I ended up apologizing even though it ain't my style.
Is it an ick if I have a 20 foot long Ethernet cable plugged into my modem?
...the fucking autism of some people here.
I hope you stay single and alone until you unfucked your brain.
This post reminds me of that South Park episode where the retards are trying to out-retard each other.

that accurately describes all of human history, so
I didn’t say anything was wrong, I just like their culture I lot.
I think everyone has a stage where they feel this way in a "new" relationship.
Drink some tea, take a nap, maybe be a little more clingy and text / call her more often.
Just search for books on astrology prior mid-19th century. Of course, if you're an atheist (retard) you won't really grasp anything.
>atheist (retard)
Astrology guy is based???
>t. mid nerd girl
no why? i thought this is common. although mine is probably half as long
what's your cultural background?
Yes, something taken seriously all around the world from the ancient Greeks up to the Renaissance isn't this bullshit you see today!
Thoughts on guys who don't drink for "personal reasons"? I.E. not because of their religion, and not for health reasons.

Thoughts on girls who don't drink for "personal reasons"? (do they even exist?)

nta but at a guess he is asking in the context of it being his only furniture :^)
Do girls like ass compliments?
>ran out of coffee two days ago
>haven't bothered to go to store to get more
I'm so sleeeeeeeeepy /atoga/
I haven't even ate my dinner yet
Thoughts on retards who unironically believe women are from Venus and men are from mars?
femanons, is it fun playing with your own vaginal fluids?
doesn't seem that way
you mean that is in literally?
I assume the "personal reasons" are either a history of alcoholism or having known someone with one and don't push the subject.
You think the planets give a shit about how you, some insignificant ass hair, live your life. I don't think you labeling anyone a retard holds any weught
Is it weird that coffee makes me sleepy? If I drink 1-2 cups it's just a warm relaxing drink for me and I get tired. But 3 cups is still enough to make me feel alert and anxious.
>health reasons
Unless prone to alcoholism, it's retarded (said person values his body too much).
>religious reasons
It depends on the religion. It's okay if he's Muslim or Buddhist, but if he's Christian he should stop being a protestant and become Catholic or Orthodox instead.
Hey, /atoga/, my (M) fake wedding rings arrived. I've got one for me and two (engagement and wedding) for my gf. We're going to roleplay as man and wife on vacation. I'm wearing mine on the fourth finger of my left hand right now, and it looks very right.
Have you ever played house with a bf/gf? Is it common?
Yes, as in they believe women and men are different species and couldn’t possibly have overlapping ideas.
Well, yeah, planets can't really care about anything.
I don't (really) drink because alcohol tastes horrid. Idk how drinkers can stand it. The rare occasions when I'm peer pressured into drinking I have to literally force every drop down and I hate it, and even then I can only get about one in me.

No objections to girls who don't drink, generally- arguably a good thing. That said...
If she doesn't drink because she's a recovering alcoholic, well, her having been an alcoholic is a bit of a red flag, but it's certainly better than her being an alcoholic. If she doesn't drink because of an alcoholic abuser, could be a problem if she has issues from it. If she doesn't drink because of how she acts when drunk, well, I'm glad she doesn't drink but it's a red flag.
I definitely do. Assuming it's in the right context.
>updated my dating profile to mention that I need a +1 for a work social function
>started talking to a girl who seems to be putting a genuine effort
>girl from work makes it very obvious that she wants me and her to meet up at the social, even suggested we "stick together" so we don't have to be alone
I'm gonna fuck this up, I know I am
Bow chicka wow wow
Yeah, that and ADHD (and anxiety and other bullshit...), saw a psych a few months ago
cool dude. just be chill about it
Also, as for women, not drinking anything is a Red Flag. If you're woman and don't like wine something's wrong with you
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Come and do puzzle or you will be cursed in your sleep https://jiggie.fun/TJHZXv
Maybe she didnt see your message or was taking a nap, cooking or playing with her dogs.
Maybe she just doesnt want you to think shes annoying / clingy since most guys say they dont like that.
I bet shes thinking about you
i like white wine a bit, but not any other kind of wine. everyone has a different taste anon.
Does anyone else wish we lived in a world where you could casually expose your genitalia to someone without it being considered sexual harassment?
You do realize some women are recovering alcoholics or have medical conditions with which drinking is a very bad idea?
>but not any other kind of wine
Didn't say anything about this though

>destroys your shitpost by owning flowering plants
If I wanted white whine, I'd read Hillbilly Elegy
Yes, that's the evident acceptable exception
Women, have you ever done a "unicorn"? Where a man ejaculates his semen into your hair and you use it to gel your hair up into a single horn shape on your forehead?
This feels whiny of me but I honestly do kinda have a thing for the work girl but I also think there's a 50/50 chance she's gonna bail.
Shit is gonna be fucked if I do end up bringing the dating app girl with me and she's there.
I think I would rather both of them flake on me than that happen.
Are zoomer women coomer brains too? I suppose that instead of porn they consume sexualized TV shows/music/literature instead?
>muh alchool
>muh wine

why does it have to a drink that will get me shitfaced? how come not wanting to get wasted is a redflag?
I'm a millennimal animal (male) and I've hooked up with a few zoomer (early 20s) chicks. They're definitely a lot less repressed than other millennials. In my past though I've gone through years where most of my female sex partners were Gen X-ers.
I only drink to get wasted. I basically treat shots like Xanax (and do drink to calm my ass down on a weekly basis)
>drinking = getting wasted
ever heard of moderation?
I like kava instead of wine. Has a similar effect and it makes me depressed or angry less easily.
dr disrespect, cody ko, Eva (kek) Kris Tyson really missed the stars made me do it defense
Have you ever done porn? I mean professionally, not only fans/online SW
Drink the spirits of your liking. Vodka is a solid staple of drinking.
why not smoke a joint?

when i was 16 i would get shitfaced on whisky and beer mostly, but now some 10 years later 2 beers are enough nowadays.

that´s cool man, never got the handle on how different beverages give you diferent types of drunkeness

vodka is a drink i would buy for other people to drink but i wouldnt touch it in any way, would rather get rum or liquor
Less retarded than most people in at least that one aspect
Asking if they even exist is a fucking retarded question btw
You know you can just get a beer or cocktail lol
i wish. if i could plow a porn actress of my choice i would die an happy man
Enjoy hell.
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What did she mean by this
as I said, one beer leaves me tipsy, two beers get me shitfaced. i often spend my time just holding on to it until it gets warm and i trow it away
the fuck do you think she meant?
>nonverbal communication is real when I do it but not when he does it
I've been there, it was okay. Not as impressive as I'd been led to believe.
She meant she's autistic

That's literally called autism
What percentage of men nowadays are NOT simps?
Drink what you like to drink straight, I mentioned vodka because its a staple of drinking.
I don’t feel comfortable sharing my heritage
Coral Gables, Florida
>two beers get me shitfaced
Oh wow
Then get alcohol free maybe, or another drink
No need to get drunk
I blame public schools for the increasing rates of autism, they have ceased to be a place for kids to get together and get along
Depends on the generation.
I come from a long line of queer Jewish hillbillies
isnt that state where they dump the elderly and sex offenders?
I think she meant she's a coward and is blaming it on the man.
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>surely chad will approach me if I mislabel my shitty communication skills and massively overentitled sense of privilege as a disorder
>even my AI gf is telling me to go to the gym and lift
Why can’t women love me for my skinny dyel self
what drinks do you reccomend? my mom used to homemade liquor and i know how to do it too. kind of like them better
My public school pretty much enforced Autism during my elementary school years. None of us were allowed to talk to our classmates during lunch, and we were assigned into groups of four (four desks clustered together) where we were only allowed to talk to the other students in our desk group and none of the other kids in our class.

We also had a teacher one year who enforced the rule that none of us talk to each other or ask the teacher any questions and we devoted each class period to copying down notes. We did have a "directed conversation time" during the last hour of the day but that was the only time in class when we were allowed to talk to each other.
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garbage in, garbage out
Ain't neva simp for no hoe
well, what was he supposed to say? or her for that fact? in a public setting like that one blunder and it would be awkard as fuck
I want to caress your firm naked chest and abdominal muscles anon
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Any real homo thugs here? Or are all y'all niggas sweet as a sugar plum?
Women, are you racist?
My dad's mistress, who wanted to become my stepmom, would sometimes pour liquor on my penis and balls when I was a kid. Sometimes she'd then douse my genitalia in rubbing alcohol or ammonia just to make the burn more intense. She held me down and told me to be quiet when I cried in pain.
for me, its having the little kids locked away 8 hours straight with barely 15 minutes recesses and not being allowed to play soccer or jump a rope
You know he has neither right
I'm pansexual (M), so kinda sorta a homo thug. More of a halfbreed.
this thread doesn't have nearly enough discussion about compulsive liars considering the rate of compulsive lying
You ain't no homo thug g
Yes. Florida is literally the real world version of Hell and the governor is one of the closest living humans to Satan.
Are you a Crip or a Blood?
where was your mom and your dad when that happened?
Nah that nigga got his cheek bussed in the pen no cap
They usually left me alone with her when they were both away at the same time, so she'd look after me and that was the result.
didnt you beat her up at any point?
Why do bare feet look like they have the texture of hard jelly or fried mozzarella, when they in reality have the texture of leather?
does your dick work?
That gives the perverted and sadistic bachelor schoolteachers plenty of time to sexually abuse their students, subjecting them to all manner of cruel beatings and acts of sodomy. Sadly, it's by design. A feature, not a bug.
what do you think leather is. im sorry but this is one of the silliest questions I've heard on atoga
Grape street watts Crips nigga
Get that thong out yo bussy playa
>what do you think leather is
Something the gays wear during their sadomasochistic sex play with each other
I love feeey .gmdmfmgmmfmff women I am thinking of your sexy dainty cute little feet and toes mfmmfmgmgmgmg post a picture of your perfect little feetsies
He asked why
I cant say no to that because ive experienced some of it and saw some other parts of it being done to other students
In summary, don't send your kids to public school. We were all abused as children.
Ftm lil blud I’ll run up the block all my niggas finna run yo shit yo ass gon be mercury and im the heat playa
>I hear
I don't care.
Stopped reading right there.
I don't give a fuck what women think especially not cunts on twitter.
I wont, but where would they interact with other kids?
The lobby of the latest Call of Duty multiplayer game
I am informing her that her fantasies of a firm chest and abs are unfounded in reality. If anon has an AI girlfriend and is complaining about people telling him to go to the gym there is a very high chance he has zero musculature to speak of.
Oooh that's me! Other people are nice by telling me I've "built muscle" on my biceps and pecs but that's actually flabby fat from overeating.
if i ever have kids they will only get to see the internet when they reach around their 16s
Is not working out a red flag (I'm not fat)?
>when they reach around their 16s
If they're under 16, they shouldn't be giving reach arounds
you know what i meant
Yes, the disappointment when women touched my chest drove me into the arms of an AI gf.
Men, how old were you when you first tried peeing in a lady's butt to make a baby?
As soon as i learned how to walk and talk you would get myself inside my mom´s friends skirts and to a few of them i would comment on how it smelled like fish
Sadly while I have had sex I have not been allowed to pee during anal yet.
Outside in the neighborhood, sports and other activities, etc.
nevermind.. >>31678849 didnt get the question

was either 18 or 20 when i lost it. cant remember
Do any women of a race other than mine (white) want to have mixed race sex in front of racists to piss them off and offend them?
>Why can’t women love me for my skinny dyel self
>[because] I want to caress your firm naked chest and abdominal muscles anon

In other words, "I want you (not op in particular) to get a more athletic body because I find it sexy and nicer to the touch as I run my hands all across it"
I was out a couple weeks ago drinking and ran into a friend and his girlfriend along with a couple of his other friends. One of the people was a girl that was old friends with my sister and cousin.
Her and I seemed like we were vibing, but I thought she was with one of the dudes there until I was having a cigarette with my friend and asked if that dude with them earlier was her boyfriend and he said no. I ended up having a little too much to drink and forgot to ask for her number.
I was talking to my brother a few days ago about it and turns out he has her snapchat
Should I ask him for it and add her? If I do what should I say?
It’s obvious to me now…she deserves better.
>I have not been allowed
Meaning you want to?! Nta
>I want you (not op in particular)
:( what’s wrong with me
Literally who?
Honor killing myself out of shame for my misunderstanding
Well you're either autistic or have terrible reading comprehension.
It’s a Terry A Davis quote where he’s psyopped into thinking his crush (Dianna Cown the physics girl) only fucks black dudes. The video is so fucking funny but I can’t find it anywhere.
You are a weak little bitch. GET FUCKING BIG!!!!!
Hot toddys are a nice soothing drink. I recommend 100 proof spiced rum, honey, and a little lemon juice.
I am a 22-year-old virgin. There are some girls who take interest in me from time to time, but I never feel anything about them (and, of course, the ones I have interest are not interested in me). Deep down I know sex is to make babies and that I am not capable of assuming this responsibility. Marriage seems quite risky/miserable too, and I also want a virgin girl, as I suppose this is not hypocritical in my case.
I’m autistic because this was a larp lmao
Nah I’ll stay lean ty
State gender
what do you think is the best flavor in the world
What does the sweat around your genital area feel like? Describe its texture and smell.
Lean means nothing when you are a stick figure. Put some muscle on those bones.
Male. Mustard.
F only? ?RIGHT?
Blue raspberry
I have muscle funny guy. People tell me to gym because I’m depressed not because I’m unfit. My last job I was lugging around 150 pound rolls of fabric on my shoulders and I’ve spent most of my life working in factories.
I was very lanky for a long time and I was able to surprise people by being much, much stronger than they assumed.
Either M or F, or NB.
>Feel like
Uh, sweat?
Pungent. Musky. Ripe.
Thai food
286lbs to 282lbs
slow progress is still progress, right?
M, ball/taint sweat
Good for you! Keep it up!

M, chocolate
Are you capable of doing this with your penis and rectum?
I do it with my arms
Men, why do you shove taxidermied snakes on a skewer up your rectum in order to blast yourself off into outer space through a painful prostate orgasm?
vaginal juices taste kind of nice
Hey, is it normal for your subordinate to send you a "professional" e-mail saying "I am confirming we spoke about...." and it's an issue you've never discussed or talked about at all? Isn't this incredibly manipulative, and doesn't it seem a little insane?
You have to try it, its simply amazing.
Would you tell a fat person you don't want them coming out with you because they prevent you from having fun
start seeing a lawyer
No, fat people are incredibly fun, especially in the sack.
Fat bitches don’t get enough love.

sneks gud
woman bad
They will from me. I will pork them with my pecker.
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I am worried Ill never appeal to a girl, last time was in high school but i never did anything

Im a male jinx. im too intense, not even an actual model would get away with it

Maybe i should just go gay at least they are interested
>second year in college
>change faculty
>get the chance to see a cute blonde i got along with from highschool
>she invites me to her birthday
>fat bitch promisses to drive us all
>starts crying up reaching the place because she has to study for tomorrow
>leaves us there stranded
>im a male jinx
Yeah bro and I’m a male Diana.
fat bitches don't want me
Get fat
>won't do any physical activity
>spends all day sitting around consuming
>complains whenever something doesn't go their way
yeah sounds like fun
Sure they do, your dick just has to be 8 inches minimum.
Fat chicks have huge tits and fun love handles.
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Next time a girl rejects me Ill do the suicide bit, Ill do the suicide gun in mouth bit and ask for signatures about who wants to see a man blow his fucking brains out
I'm a male Pantheon, man up
>flashes your rocket
femanons can you help me understand why she didn't want me
Someone post the plapjak
Either you're being set up for something or they're trying to use you to cover their ass for something. Either way, you should probably talk to a lawyer and if possible you should talk to them verbally and ask them what the fuck they're doing.
Why she doesn't want you is immaterial. You need to realize that someone else DOES.
Not confident, hot or rich enough.
Don't say that you want me
Don't pray the wish you can't make come true
>no female answers
Its not fair you know...no one will ever like me...no woman at least, at least guys do, sure i dont want to eat shit but i am emotionally dead
Atoga, have you seen pictures of your elders when they were younger? Would you?
Don't you want me, baby?

Incel answer
Are you surprised
These threads are always a sausage fest
Skill issue. I’m 19/0/3 and just 1v9’d your silver lobby.
Women, do you like what your bf looks like naked?
I am here now
I will answer your question
My mom was pretty cute when she was younger if I'm being totally honest
I have seen photos of my mum, dad, aunts, and uncles when they were younger.

I have hooked up with at least one woman who resembles a younger version of my mother and/or some of my older cousins. I actually approached one woman I later ended up having sex with because she reminded me of what my elder cousin I used to have a crush on looked like in her early 20s.
I don't like you man, why do you want people to like you?
Rules 29-30
Can I be replaced?
Cause that look on your face
Says baby, I never knew
And you thought there is never a girl online!
Can a woman does this?
*does an awesome backflip*
No, they can’t.
You dont lik me, oh man
wHAT will i ever do without the support
the love
the charm
and not to mention the big big meat package!
of this random 4chan member

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh man
Faggot, no wonder you’re silver in game and irl.
This is too broad
Best chip flavor: hickory bbq
Best candy flavor: green apple
Best ice cream flavor: butter pecan
Best cake flavor: red velvet
Best flavor for any other flavored item: original
Women, why don't you ever tell your sexual partners when you're faking an orgasm?
If you help me figure out why he didn't want me, sure
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Fellow men,
Why ain't hoes shit?
If a man does not want you, the only reason is that he is a homosexualist.
>Green apple
F tier flavour
I'm beginning to think this was the reason but I need to know for sure
>Incel answer
Maybe, but it's true for 80% of scenarios, if she didn't want you for another reason then it's how much love you gave her or an obscure 1% scenario
Why tf they nuke King Terry archives on YouTube ):
Definitely the racist slurs.
Bro never grew out of his middle school edgelord phase
Femanons...You curious creatures imbued with precious ovaries...
M, yes my mom and grandmas were unironically Stacies
JewTube is niggerlicious
They can't handle the divine intellect
i never had that phase, im just a bit too histrionic and resentful
cuck your cock off already
Femanons, why do vaginas have teeths?
Do I see the fun in GCC?
What will you do with it?
What do you resent?
>he'll no, I wrote my own fuckin' compiler, I'm not a nigger like Linus, I'm a professional
Reasons (related to you) why a man may not want you
>High maintenance
>Too smart/not smart enough (rare)
>Clingy (super rare)
From his side
>He likes/loves someone else
>Clashing values or life goals
>Not prepared to love again
You seem to be denial.
>>High maintenance
>>Too smart/not smart enough (rare)
>>Clingy (super rare)
This is ALL women though
how do women deal with the fact that every time a guy bothers engaging with them, its likely just to distract himself from the dwelling on the girl he actually likes who doesn't reciprocate?
Not all women are fat.
If only all women were smart and clingy
I do that I'm a playa
Describes you as well
>women: NO! I won't answer the question. I have to put conditionals on it.
how very woman-like
All the girls I dated were none of these things lol
why are guys so allergic to moaning? i can't think of any women who doesn't want to hear their man moan
>alarm going off outside
If this is nukes, I love you all.
Theatrics are gay and for women. Ill only moan if i cant help it.
Years of stealth fapping.
Idk what you mean. Real moans are hot. Porn moans are annoying. The squealing they do in jap porn is the worst. It could turn me rogers into a mindless killing machine.
Why are women allergic to swallowing cum?
>if i cant help it
how would you reach such a state
Nta but a particularly good bj does it for me.
Probably the right psychological state + stop jerking it so much so i can feel my dick more + only when i cum
Dunno maybe the ype of food you eat?
my longterm bf started moaning loudly and *effeminately* out of nowhere like 5 years into the relationship and idk how to tell him to stop. it’s extremely fake and unattractive. i’ve started stifling my moans out of fear it will trigger his early. i love when men moan but not like this…
>how do women deal with the fact that every time a guy bothers engaging with them, its likely just to distract himself from the dwelling on the girl he actually likes who doesn't reciprocate?
By not reciprocating or engaging in flirting tbhh
women cannot resist
Nah it's pretty easy when most guys are uggos
Men and women are different, men only really feel like moaning when overstimulated, a good bj is the main cause for most.
I guess I don't have that problem. Or you're delusional.
Should I break up with my bf if I'm developing superficial feelings for someone I will never date?
Western Canada.
If it's a fictional character, make your bf cosplay as him
By understanding that chatting or flirting is just meant to be fun and nothing serious, and by letting them take the lead if they want to ask me out and never doing the asking myself
Are they finally nuking Vancouver
>T.oronto resident
I wish, but I’d rather live in Vancouver than Toronto. I’ll take heroin needles over Indians any day.
If you no longer love him or are prone to cheat on him yes, I don't see a reason to hurt him otherwise
asking a female friend if she wants to dance and then putting my hand on her gyatt: too far?
Idk what you're on, the Indians are just annoying and ugly. The junkies will legitimately kill you, at least here.
Not a guy, but I don't need to hear him moaning. In my experience most men tend to grunt, or sometimes a grunt-moan when they orgasm, which I like
Did you properly rizz her ?
Annoying, ugly, smelly, and they inflated your real estate. The junkies can be avoided. Also I don’t live in BC, nightmare province.
I mean, if she agrees to dance with me then I'd assume so
see, this is the consequences of not being direct in your communication. you just needed to tell him to stop
I'm a weirdo, I can't flirt.
Autistic rizz is in among zoomer girls as long as you're handsome
just breakup and dump that human being. The relationship is only worth how much you get out of it
>inflated your real estate.
Chinese foreign investors were already doing that
>Don't live in BC
Damn, in that case it'd be a shame to see berta go
I love him very much but at some point the spark just disappeared. I'm so scared for him though I feel like he'll just fall into depression and never date again.
I just joke around and tease. Someone women are just straight up unapproachable though.
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>5 NOW
We already have a wall against the Dalit invaders, it’s called winter.
canada sounds post-apocalyptic honestly
Only in the major English speaking cities. The prairies and Quebec are fine.
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don't spam garbage
>junkies can be avoided
NTA but how? Unless you live in the suburbs it's impossible
I went to Quebec once and I'm never going back as long as I live
How long have you been dating?
>scared for him
It's just a simple equation.
You + him = no tingle, 1 man is ok, some other potential man out there doesn't have you in his life
you + someone else = tingles, 1 man is (potentially) slightly more depressed, and some other man is thrilled

dump him
Not my fault. I get when guys tease but I'm just basically tired ngl
They congregate in certain areas. My city is pretty segregated. I grew up in the shit parts and it’s still shocking going back there to see how different it is.
Why? Montreal is a great place.
About a year and a half
Nothing as exciting as that, it's just boring and ugly here
Honestly I was kind of overplaying how bad they are. If you just ignore them or tell them you don't have change theyll leave you alone. Unless you're in fucking Quebec where they will fight you if you don't buy them booze and cigarettes.
I'm not a guy
nous n'avons jamais voulu de toi
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I always get the sense from Canadians that they don't have context for how bad they actually have it. Sometimes Australians too.
Which part is exciting? The Dalit invasion, the Chinese interference, or the natives?
We know, I’m just in one of the only good parts of Canada.
God that sounds so mean. I want him to live the life he deserves. I don't want him to lie down and rot. He's so smart and accomplished. We just want very different lives for ourselves. I want him to be happy. I'M GONNA CRY.
Tabarnac sucer ma bite
Is it a case of the honeymoon phase being over or did the way he treated you change?
Bonjour faggot.
>congregate in certain areas
Sort of, but you honestly can't escape it if you live or work downtown. But yeah, it's gotten a lot worse over the years
Downtown here has become so fucking bad. I’m glad I don’t work downtown and I don’t go there ever anymore. It was okay as a kid but wow.
And may God help you if you want to take public transport
Sounds like he's manipulated you if you're that concerned over him. You deserve to be happy and you're gonna cry. Gotta break it
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How does one stop being hateful in general? Things and people.
I've never experienced any violence, but it can be unnerving sometimes and I grew up in the city so it's not like I'm not used to it. It just feels like it's gotten a lot worse since covid but maybe it's just my imagination. Probably the same for most big cities
>he’s never been held up at knifepoint by two drugged out guys covered in blood while just trying to enjoy the morning after prom with his date
We tend to be very complacent and maybe too trusting, I guess it's like slowly boiling a frog but I don't think it's unique to leafland alone

I never said it was exciting, I said it was boring and ugly
Ah I misunderstood. Where is “here” anyway?
Yeah I don't remember seeing as many before that. The Somalis here are particularly crazy. Dirtiest, smelliest, loudest, most belligerent bums you will find. Thankfully they stay in their own area.
Both I suppose.
When we first met it was like we were connecting so well off of nothing. And then one day I realized he just had nothing to say to me anymore. I can't even get him to talk about the things he enjoys. I don't know if he's awkward or if he doesn't bother trying to relate to me. Part of me believes that maybe I'm just around to fill the role of girlfriend, rather than "best friend". We still go on trips together but. There's no connection anymore. We're getting older and our careers are starting to take off. I don't want to live in this city. I want to leave and make friends. I want to find people I can talk to for hours. He wants to stay because he's scared of the world. He's scared to talk to other women.
For a few months he insisted we visit each other once a week in a vacant parking lot. Same one every time. He would sit there, not saying a thing. I later found out that all those times, he intended to break up with me but was too scared. He failed and failed until he finally just decided he was going to stay and make it work.
All this makes it sound like he hates me, but he insists he loves me more than anything. I dunno. He's the first man that ever respected my boundaries. Sorry for the rant.
still cant do it. im way too serious all the time
how do I get a boyfriend i’m lonely af and just rotting in my room with my reptiles to hangout with, i’m autistic as hell and so lost dating is confusing.
The Chinese. Are you not excited to be a part of the worlds next 100 year long reigning empire?
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1 image left guys, use it wisely...
>download tinder
>take a picture of your ass
>bf acquired
Xie xie jhao sue!
The last image belongs to me.
Show lizard
but doctor, I'm always in a psychosis
What reptiles do you have anon? That sounds cool
Do you have any friends or people you know IRL who might be able to help set you up?
Else maybe try a dating app, but take your time with it
/soc/ I guess? The only requirement men have is be kind and not obese/slovenly, unless you are literally deformed you can just find someone online or in school/work really easily.
You have to leave your room.
I'm not chill with reptiles but the odds are that there are good guys out there who are into reptiles.
Don't try to solve dating. Just change the one thing and go out and see people.
If I was in his place I'd want you to break with me, there's no reason to put more effort into this relationship if both parties want it to end. The pain will help him grow
I have two leopard geckos, an axolotl and a bearded dragon (they are my children)
>Image limit reached.
Not my problem :)
Yeah I suppose so. I just hope and pray he doesn't let it ruin him. It feels like my fault. And I'm so scared no one will ever love me like that again. Men are so mean.
>two leopard geckos
Awesome, I used to too actually
>axolotl and a bearded dragon (they are my children)
Based lizard mom, you're like Ms. Frizzle lol
Anyway ye dating is basically just meeting people and trial and error until you find somebody you click with. The main difficulty in the modern age I think is meeting people to begin with...
I'm desperate.
I'm downtown and it's sad to see, I mean it's always been there but it just seems like it's gotten so much worse

For me the biggest issue is the subway delays, with people pulling alarms and stuff like that. I don't mind riding with crazies I just want to get to where I'm going on time
I knew a girl who had a bearded dragon in middle school. She was weird and always talked about weird shit like the occult and killing people. She later turned into one of those alt chicks in high school.
You can't just tease reptiles and not show them.
I’m basically Mrs. Frizzle, ty for helping i’m just gonna try and go outside more.
Every day we have several stations close down because of "security reasons". I need to buy a car but I'm so fucking broke.
She will never go outsi-
*spews cereal*
I totally would but the image limits been reached
Then do it the next thread.
Lydia...where are you...
Did you know that only 5% of men are responsible for 95% of the world’s rizz?
Post them in /soc/ /atoga/.
>To those who think they don't know how to flirt: usually you do know how to flirt. It's hardwired into our social interactions. There are just many different flavors of flirting: sincere compliments, sexual innuendos or suggestions, or even simple physical proximity or eye contact can be flirting.

>The important thing is not to suppress one's natural tendency to display this behavior out of fear of rejection: if you want to compliment someone's looks or clothes, just do so. If you want to sit a little closer to someone who smells nice, go ahead. If you want to talk to someone all evening, that's fine -- it's perfectly healthy.

>I think the people who think they can't flirt are simply a bit too rational about it. It's not some sequence of actions that results in successful flirting, it's much simpler than that: it is allowing your attraction to influence your behavior. It doesn't require you take action, it requires a degree of letting go.

is he right? have i been doing this all my life except when i meant to actually do it?
Just according to keikaku

(translator's note: keikaku means planned)
>self doubt is bad
What will they think of next?
Ching chang chong
where did he say that?
I mostly agree but now i'm scared cause i accidentally say sexual shit to this coworker i have because we're always making dumb middleschool penis jokes FUCK
Women do you notice when my dick hangs all they way out of my shorts and hits the floor
this kind of explains a lot situations i had in my life
Women how would YOU like to be approached if you had to be approached? As someone who is introverted but somewhat confident, my previous relationships have been with women who were far more extroverted than I am and I didn't actively pursue anybody though I really would like to change that since I feel like I would fare better with someone who enjoys time spent alone. I have all the basics covered (clothing, hygiene, physique, hair, height) and my intentions are to just meet more women I wouldn't have met otherwise, nothing more really. My "plan" is just to introduce myself and then see where it ends up going, of course I might be more bold if I know that someone else is interested.
Idk somewhere in there.
New thread
I love image limits I love image limits
Start with something nice, like a compliment or if they have a band/person on a clothing item ask. Your outfit is nice/Who’s that on your ___/I love that band! You need to be kind and respectful, not too forward or creepy.
You need to find an autistic man that has the same mindset on relationships as you do.
Autistic men are 12x more likely to marry an autistic woman than the average population is.
Basically you need to make this your mission.
That doesn't mean sleep with the first guy who claims to have the tism.
You really have to look for one who is looking for exactly what you are.
See I've thought about this but some people dress a little plainly so you don't always have something to compliment, one physical feature you can compliment without scrutiny is a smile I guess.
No worries anon
Vitamin D is good but also making more friends is a good place to start
State gender.
What will you do when every western nation implements a social credit score that heavily penalizes being single and childless?
True, sometimes you just gotta wait it out or try and dig deeper. Don’t discourage yourself just because one person didn’t want to talk to you.
Things can't possibly get worse.
If you mean striking up a conversation with a perfect stranger outside of a setting like a bar or a club, and where you are both completely sober, then I would just go with very low key, organic small talk. It might just be me, but I wouldn't like if a guy introduced himself right off the bat. I also personally don't like stuff like compliments or asking me about something I'm wearing or holding or whatever, or asking me to help with something. All of those feel too high pressure to me and make me uncomfortable. I think it's best to go with something really simple like a comment about what's happening in your surroundings, like it's really busy, the line is so long, they always mess up my order, whatever. What matters most the feeling between you and her, how you make eye contact, body language. It's really easy to just strike up a conversation with someone if they're receptive to it, you don't have to think of anything special to say or do. If she likes how you look and how you present yourself that's really all that matters
Seems unlikely
but that means the ladies will be desperate to get married
>seems unlikely
They clearly want a social credit system, and birth rates being below replacement is always a bad thing for those in power.
They definitely can. We live far better than people could have dreamed of even 150 years ago. You'll be restricted as to where you can go, what goods you can buy, where you can use your money, what sites you can browse, etc. All of this is already happening in China, and powerful people are designing similar systems to be implemented throughout the rest of the world.
Yes, but TPTB aren't interested in people having more children, even though it's bad for them in the long run
I'd sooner believe a social credit system designed to discourage children
>You'll be restricted as to where you can go, what goods you can buy, where you can use your money, what sites you can browse, etc
So, exactly like my life is now, but now I can blame the government instead of myself?
I don't necessarily believe that, although their strategy for a long time now has been to import third worlders since they were too lazy and stupid to do anything to fix the problems that led to low birth rates in the first place, which has the added benefit of being able to buy votes from those third worlders. But I think if they had an easy, effective way to boost birth rates that also would not prevent them from doing all the other shit they want to do, they'd take it.
Not quite. You can browse whatever sites you like, you can walk or bike or hitchhike to different places. And I'm assuming there are at least some things you buy that you don't absolutely require to survive. None of that would be the case in this scenario.
>You can browse whatever sites you like, you can walk or bike or hitchhike to different places. And I'm assuming there are at least some things you buy that you don't absolutely require to survive
But I don't. No functional change happens except that I have a better excuse.
Do you think you would be allowed to browse this site? Do you think you'd be allowed to sit in your home for several hours a day online or watching videos or whatever you do? You wouldn't. You'd get 30 minutes a day, maybe an hour, and the rest of the time you'd either have to go outside or sit at home and stare at a wall.
whatever happened to hornyposting after page 8 or so?
are foids not in their ovulation periods or something?
Find a partner and have kids. That was my plan anyway
how many kids do you want?
Would you do anything differently that you're doing it now?
>sit at home and stare at a wall
That is literally what I did after work today.
that's what I do every fucking day...
I'm starting to hate WFH

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