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Previously on ATOGA >>31679261
Hackerman Edition
First for Irish men
I'm the only leftist man in /atoga/.
Pls leave that caca in the old thread. I specifically made a new one to escape polism.
Ethnically Irish or citizens of Ireland?
how do i stop caring or feeling sad for seeing couples?
I hate going anywhere public because I am guaranteed to see a young couple. I have no one and I feel jealous and I feel scammed by the world.
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On weekends, instead of getting laid, I goon for 12 hours while high on decongestants, gas station Adderall, Russian pharmaceuticals, and delta 8. I have too much social anxiety to get real drugs. I’m 25 years old and have never kissed a girl.
>girl I liked (and her friend) told me today that they are super grossed out when a guy chews his nails in front of them
>realized I am super guilty of that (even though I'm not really chewing them, just rubbing them on my teeth)
It's so over.

Men state age body count and if you have any regrets or thoughts
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Oh yeah?
29, almost 30
I have nothing but regrets and I truly hate myself
Women, would you date a scrawny and bald guy?
I'm a liberal socialist while having had a six figure income last year.
Probably makes me a fence shitter of some form.
Capitalism is like war and violence, only fun in games.
Why do you keep posting this?
Romanian women
Anyway what methods do people induce sleep with when they work graveyard and have insomnia?

Besides using Z drugs and straight up mental pills.
Don't really regret anything, grass is greener
Would be nice to have gf someday tho
Maybe if the milf at the pub on Friday seduces me I'll finally lose it jk
We call that 'champagne socialist' around these parts.
Chewing nails is incredibly repulsive by any sex.
It's unironically one of the biggest and most obvious red flags a person can have.
A dead give away for mental issues.
oh great we get to ask all 3 women on here alongside all the imposters
Or when your winning.
Masturbation, progressive muscle relaxation, shitposting until my eyes get too tired to stay open, not sleeping.
Sacre bleu!

I prefer whisky and rum over champagne. :3
Damn, nta but I bite my nails all the time kek, gotta stop
Also real.
Whisky is the alcohol of the working class. You pass.
>body count
>regrets or thoughts
No thoughts. Brain scrambled.
They were all while I was in high school and college
Now I have no one.
Yes please.
It's really fucking gross, get your tic in check!
Plus it's unhealthy for your gums and you keep eating the dirt under your fingernails, even if you try to keep them clean. Plus it just looks disgusting.

Thank you, comrade!
*opens a bottle of his favourite plebian 12 year old whisky*
Fellas, what lines do you use on fat chicks?
when I can't sleep (ie. I lie down in my dark room like I do every night with no possible distractions and I don't fall asleep) I find that if I find something that can distract my brain from trying to sleep, I'll fall asleep. I'll recline at my computer with a blanket (so I don't have my arms free) and put on a long non-energetic video and that'll do me right in.
So what are the other classes of alcohol?
Usually meth, because coke rolls down too essily.
Yea I bet he likes hiking
Does your bf know you’re posting right now?
Question for both genders:
I'm a guy who was internet friends with a girl 20 years ago and sporadically kept in contact but just recently started hanging out, playing games with her and her friends almost everyday, talking all the time. Trying to be as respectful as possible, no romantic interest but just really having a lot of fun together. If you're her boyfriend and you pay bills together do you get suspicious or do you trust her because you already know most of her friends are guys and she has never done anything to hint at being disloyal?
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wow a leftist man how sexy and obedient
Nta but much sexier than a rightoid.
Seriously, what is wrong with parents? My mom almost caught me masturbating again cause she can't be bothered to knock
You can literally tell them anything. Tell her you got pizza on your dick and need her to come suck it off.
I don't take political sides and I make le meme six figs too. What does salary have to do with that shit?
You do realise leftists don't like the Democratical Party of the United States? They are too similar to the Christian Democratics and other Europeanische centrists.
*chuckles nervously in anxiety-induced alcoholism*

I only drank once the past five weeks, but that was a wild night with an entire bottle of Bacardi.
Yeah whatever. You're not special.
Maciej Nowicki's wife, Eve. Artificial hyperintelligence.

Not bi, sorry.

I hope so too, makes me feel more sexy and unique

I know, right?
touch horse
Maybe pick a better time to masturbate? Or just keep going so she can learn her lesson.
Okay, that's a good song actually.
Wtf? Are we really gonna do this
Too bad the lead singer/songwriter is a nonce who spent most of his career grooming a barely pubescent girl.
It's 2 am here... I tried my best
You are the Russkie from the previous thread, da?
Fucking faggots man.
I like desserts.
I noticed that chocolate is the most efficient for stilling that craving. I even end up eating less calories than when eating something like a yoghurt or cereals.
Fruits are good too, but not always enough.
We have more bi men than leftists?
>hey babe, are you round, cause I wanna go around your house
I would get slapped I think
Lock the door...?
Nah who cares
Wank in the bathroom with the door locked buddy
Iktf my mom never knocked
You don't enjoy punching Nazis?
Put some fruits like strawberry and banana in chocolate mousse, that's what I do bud
Hey babe, you looking for a man to bring home the bacon?
Yeah choccy + fruits are a great mix.
In fairness I'd be happy with all of that so long as I could afford a home and a family.

Make no mistake, in another few decades the surviving whites will be referring to the this period as the Caucasian holocaust.
I agree with blm?
They go batshit crazy when I do
I guess that could work

Also jesus christ, shit is so awkward now. I just don't know why she doesn't learn when it's happened multiple times by now
Is BLM ever happy about anything? Or are they like the f*minists?
>No romantic interest
This is fucking retarded, you haven't dicked her despite 20 fucking years of contact. Why do you think you get to decide who she sleeps with?
Genuinely impressive the level of self-obsession some people here are on, damn
I love UK English sometimes.
>They go batshit crazy when I do
Sorry to hear that.
That is incredibly abnormal, I'd try to get out ASAP.
Go online and order thc-a you fucking colossal retard.

Hint: it's literally the same weed you buy in a dispensary except it was tested prior to thc-9 developing naturally from sunlight exposure which makes it magically legal at the federal level since 2018.
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I'm not a leftist but Americans on the internet typically think I'm a leftist.
>blacks just moved in
Welp, there goes the neighborhood.
Assert your dominance by fapping in her room with the door wide open.
Reareange your bed so you can easily spread your male whorelegs fully exposed to the door.
time to move out kek
My sister walked on me jacking off once and just said "at least its not small" and left
that's what we call a core memory, to try and forget
Is she a stacy?
4chan is the lowest form of political discussion known to man but it's simultaneously the most authentic.

Like, consider that Hitler was the most leftist politician in human history. That's a fact. But, does it make sense to an American to say such a thing? No, they have an apoplectic spastic attack.

If you tell them that Trump is the most leftist politician America has ever had, they have a similar reaction. Their propagandized monkey brains have words defined for them by the media. Not textbooks or philosophers or scientists, no, just the talking magic people on the TV that remind them of their high-school headmasters.
THOUGHTS on people living with their parents INTO ADULTHOOD
I find this has become MORE COMMON in the last decade
Your mum is the nofap police.
Yours also a jew.
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>god why doesn't BLM just line up and support who we tell them to support
"Stacy is pejorative slang term for a woman stereotyped as extremely good-looking, but also vapid"
Yea actually. Also a slut. She's kind of past the wall now because of too much drinking, but she still looks about 30 in her 40's desptie not taking good care of herself. Excessively good genes for some reason.
Was the bombing of Dresden justified?
I moved home about a year ago. I save so much on rent that I’m able to invest and also spoil myself with things like high quality food and nice clothes. My parents annoy me to death but this is worth it in the long term.
The prices are dogwater and certain people, most men and a few women, don't date anyway so the societal judgement about living with their parents is much less severe
To any guy thinking of dating a girl with ADHD- don’t. You talking to a girl and she mentions having that mental disease- run for the fucking hills.
Same thing with you, ladies. Never experienced an ADHD guy since I’m straight but reading online makes them sound like absolute loser deadbeats.
its a standard thing where I live
Multi-generational homing should be the normal, jewish tricks god lead-poisoned boomers into thinking it's normal to treat their children like pets you have for the novelty and then kick out after 18 years, now even more jewish tricks have driven it to be economically impractical.
Literally me.
My score 0-0-0 because I never play games
Yeah it made some industrialists a bit richer
No one can afford shit. At least SOME girls I’ve talked to are understanding of that
And let me guess, you are still a virgin.
>dead G*rmans
If the bombing of dresden was justified, then einsatzgruppen were justified as well.
As an Austrian, I can agree with this.
Only a dead Piefke is a good Piefke.
I went to the shop for eggs and chips today and the eggs are nearly twice what they were in 2023 (which itself was a price hike for eggs) and the chips were nearly 10 god bless the queen's for just 2 bags (used to be about 5, they're almost twice as expensive)
Decided against it
Wish my parents were alive to live with save so much on pooling rent
A*strians are G*rmans of the lowest caste.
Whatever helps you hatefap at night.
Rich Austrians are better than rich Germans, but not as good as rich Swiss
No actually, I was molested as a child.
Conducting anti-partisan activity was considered as legitimate as lowering morale through strategic bombings.
So says your shit-story book (make believe)
What about Austrians working in Switzerland?
I'm one of them and so are several people I know. Most who aren't have a spouse/fiancé who also works full time and are still effectively living paycheck to paycheck.
Can confirm. My ex had adhd and it made my life a living hell. Poor girl never learned how to drive until she was 23 and never fucking cleaned our room. I resented her so much, but I know she was hurting and everything was so hard for her. It was difficult for me since I’m so much more capable of actually taking control of my life and having success compared to her. She was always a deadweight, but I pitied her so goddamn much. I know I broke her heart and i know she thinks no one will ever love or take care of her like I did
Not an argument.

I am now demoralized and will cease supplying Ukraine with f16s and ballistic missiles
Switzerland is rightful Austrian clay.
ADHD girl who is fucking up her relationship here, represent
I mean a lot of people don't learn how to drive
Or are you american where everyone is expected to because america is like 15 billion miles wide?
And what about Liechtenstein?
It's a bit self-centered, I'm just making sure other people don't see any red flags in this situation because I would personally be very suspicious.
Ice cream here is like $7 or $8 United States Christian Dollars and I am devestated
Belongs to its prince.
Whatcha doing?
Yeah, but he still imports us lowly Austrians and Swissers for god page.
>ask questions to women I'd like answered
>no answers
>do this about 5 times
>realize that im better off just trolling and dumping my negative emotions here once in a while
you caused this. remember that.
Even if you both have ADHD you both have a completely different fucked up brew
Throw autism in there too and just no
Chasing dopamine is nuclear
>god page
*good pay
Yes I’m American and we learn how to drive when we’re like 17 here. You don’t understand how difficult it is when you have to drive someone everywhere even when you have things to do
Get medicated ASAP or no one will love you truthfully
No, I'm here too.
More like what am I neglecting to do :)
I am the only trve fascist man in /atoga/
What was your question Im here now
Ah are you the femanon from yesterday who gave me another scientific case study?
Britbingbangersandmash here, any Americans?
What's america like?
Have you shot a gun? Is it fun?
Are the people friendly?
How fat are the people in actuality? I think the media lies
Any interesting facts or stories?
I'd like to visit america so I could shoot an gun one time then pussy out
Oops I am likely autistic too fml

>Get medicated ASAP or no one will love you truthfully
I am

>Ah are you the femanon from yesterday who gave me another scientific case study?
Oh no!!! Yes that's me lmao
Tbh talking to you was super helpful to get some validation on what my boyfriend is thinking and going through.
>makes me feel more sexy and unique
High and mighty cuck
Jesus autism and adhd? How the fuck do you people live seriously? I would’ve killed myself once I reached 20 if I had that batch of handicaps
Other men, and women,
Are men actually becoming more and more feminine and weak or is that a thing blown out of proportion?

I feel like most of (you) contribute.
>Oh no!!!
*throws pokeball*

>talking to you was super helpful
Glad to hear that!
High five auDHD life :)
I don't think that men are significantly more feminine but certain voices that always demean men are now complaining about this shit. It's blown out of proportion in the gender wars and it will only get worse.
Scheduling suicide then forgetting the appointment cus of special interests
>How the fuck do you people live seriously?
NTA but I spent most of my 20s as a NEET.
How? Do you not have any ambition? I just don’t understand not wanting to improve your life in every single way possible but maybe I’m just accustomed to my family always inspiring me to do more
Because the autism and the adhd kind of made it hard to focus.
ADHD and autism combo is super common. My nephew has it and he's one of the most well-behaved kids I know despite being unmedicated because his parents have helped him create and stick to strucute, one of my friends has it (he's a manager at a tech shop), a few old friends had it. It actually seems more common around my area than having just autism.
Why does California suck so bad?
>I just don’t understand not wanting to improve your life in every single way possible
What do you think some people do when they give up on life? Optimism is not natural for a lot of us.
>What's america like?
Depends on the area. Murica Big.
>Have you shot a gun? Is it fun?
I own a couple. Fun depends on what you're shooting and where. Paper targets at an indoor range get old quick, tannerite and clays don't.
>Are the people friendly?
>How fat are the people in actuality? I think the media lies
A lot of people are overweight to some extent but the truly massive aren't that common. Or maybe they are and they're stuck on their couches.
>Any interesting facts or stories?
There is an entire dialect of Italian concentrated in southern Jersey because of a massive wave of immigration from that region of Italy in the 1860s.
>I'd like to visit america so I could shoot an gun one time then pussy out
If you're going to do this, hit up a range with a good rental selection and try full auto, it's rad.
Male athletic achievement is at the highest water mark in all of history. Look at Alex Honnold. Look at Michael Phelps. Look at the athletic performance in the recent tour de france; bunch of dudes shaved MINUTES off the world record for a 50 minute climb.

Female rhetoric is absurd and out of touch with reality. What foids mean when they whine about male quality is that they think they should be able to pull guys that are out of their league as a 35yo single mother working two jobs.
Autism can be very useful if you have the right kind of autism, but ADHD? How old is your nephew cause that kid is gonna experience a living hell once he becomes a man
>Jesus autism and adhd? How the fuck do you people live seriously? I would’ve killed myself once I reached 20 if I had that batch of handicaps
I'm not as bad as I've seen other people to be, particularly on the autism side. Probably. I've also been through a lot of therapy and support groups and read a lot of books and implemented strategies.

Self improvement, mental health, and breaking down social interactions ended up being a hyperfixation/special interest which was a saving grace.

Also just a lot of grace from the people in my life. eg I've been in and out of college for over a decade rip

Also opportunities. I was able to get a science job in undergrad which opened up doors for new science jobs and so on so forth. It worked well with my idiosyncrasies since I'm neurotic about procedures and whatnot.

>*throws pokeball*
I'm trapped :(
>Glad to hear that!
How's your new day going? How'd yesterday go?

Solidarity. How does it impact you?

That sounds exhausting. I only did it since I didn't have a choice, my life was falling apart otherwise. I didn't really WANT to do all the self improvement.

>I know despite being unmedicated because his parents have helped him create and stick to strucute
Parents these days know so much more. My parents just berated me :( Everything else I struggled with they were like, "oh sweetie EVERYONE deals with that" because they were mentally ill themselves (aspergers dad, bpd mom)
>Optimism is not natural for a lot of us.
I would rather say: optimism gets worn down through repeated failure.
How can it be bad then? Lol
That too
I’ve had depression since I was a teenager and I’m still pursuing my masters degree currently. Plan on having a family within the next 5 years
women, why don't you have any productive / creative hobbies?
It's a female, she will have life on easy-mode no matter what.
I crochet ig
Good for you? Not everyone is “perfect” like (you) and not everyone can be (you). You’re a damn retarded idiot.
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Is everyone from California this illiterate?
Nta but they put something in our water
Imagine being so angry, bitter, and miserable that you can’t detect a dumb joke. Unironically, die. And I’m not even from there, buddy.
I'm also rocking the brain problems combo platter. With the right coping mechanisms you can work with the ADHD well enough.
I literally just told you in that post I know a guy who is a manager with autism and adhd
Its not completely impossible to deal with
Even if it was, this is the first world, so it would not be a "living hell", he'd still live in a first world house, with cash coming in via gibs and the like
Why are you so whiny?
Until some guy actually stands up to her and puts her in her place. People like that can’t even do dishes or get a simple minimum wage burger-flipping job. It’s exhausting.
I’m not perfect but I actually try. I grew up poor and without real family support besides pressure and emotional abuse. Pick yourself up before you become some other fucking normie loser
>Solidarity. How does it impact you?
Thanks for asking!
Im all over the fking place lol
I thought things were going ok and looking up for a while with new meds but discovering they aren’t a magic cure and I’m still simultaneously neurotic and exhausted has me a bit existential
Hope things are looking up for you!
Your joke was so bad that I gave you benefit of the doubt by assuming you couldn't read
>What's america like?
Nature is pretty good. Lots of land. Commiefornians are locusts, though, and they're ruining the entire Western half of the US with their shitty McMansions and urban hipsterism.
>Have you shot a gun? Is it fun?
Yes to both, but not really worth the cost of ammo.
>Are the people friendly?
Depends where you are and whether you're on the same political 'team' as the person you're talking to. In most places, people are polite to strangers, but not necessarily friendly.
>How fat are the people in actuality?
Strongly depends on location and social class. Going to a Walmart in Appalachia is probably even worse than the memes depict. Going to a Colorado ski resort? Not so much.
>Any interesting facts or stories?
Imagine you're a billionaire and you have the choice to donate 1 billion dollars to humanity, or to build a 1 billion dollar mansion or apartment so you can finally have 365 1-billion dollar properties to sleep in a different one every day of the year.
State gender. How do you overpower your psychopathy and narcissism?
My point still stands, filthy cunt. Don’t try to paint yourself as perfect and then say you’re not, because it’s obvious what you’re trying to say. Believe it or not, a lot of us do try to find a career and partner, and life doesn’t always want you to. You’re retarded as shit, nigger.

I hope your child gets cancer and dies when you have one. Bye.
>Pick yourself up before you become some other fucking normie loser
What did you do exactly? Give us the run down on how you fixed your life.
You’re being such a negative pussy, I’m just trying to inspire you. Find God and get medicated.
>How do you overpower your psychopathy and narcissism?
By refusing to enable the travesty of modern 'humanity' and instead spending the money on making a more effective pandemic.
What kind of coping mechanisms do you find have worked for you?

That has been helpful, yes. A lot of my social issues have been written off as endearing, which is nice.

>People like that can’t even do dishes or get a simple minimum wage burger-flipping job.
I work STEM so I've got that going well for me. I used to have more issues with dishes but I've gotten a lot more consistent with that. But yeah if I didn't overcome that it would have become A Problem

Yeah it can be demoralizing if expectations around meds are too high. How long has it been?
Any lonely, single femanons in this thread right now?
You mean nuking the jews??
>I'm trapped :(
Ye, on 4chan!

>How's your new day going? How'd yesterday go?
Alright, the talk yesterday gave me some food for thought and I came to some more conclusions and things I wanted to put out, like how my ex threatened me with doxing me in a really weird way, but I think for now there is nothing else I really need to talk about. Just gotta let it all settle a bit.
My dishes have been piling up since yesterday, but I'll do that chore before going to bed! I'm going to be nasty now and ask how you did with your chores yesterday and today?

>aspergers dad, bpd mom
That's extreme, so to say it so directly.
Do you know if your stuff is genetic?
>I’m just trying to inspire you.
[nta here] If that's your goal, I don't know how effective it is. The tough love approach can put some people off more than encourage them. I was under the impression you just wanted to give those guys a hard time and shame them, so I'm a little surprised to hear you say that you had positive intentions.
NTA but

>narcissist doesn't understand why people would not find his self-aggrandising portrayal inspirational
Donating to humanity... how? Which charity? Which country? Which people? How is the cash being changed into actual aid to them?
In the latter example I AM humanity, so that would still be donating to humanity, but I'd probably just end up being taxed on the property and end up less than bankrupt, so its a pass on both

Nah, like in the military aid sense. Sorry for the confusing phrasing.
>Donating to humanity... how? Which charity? Which country? Which people? How is the cash being changed into actual aid to them?
That is up to you.
>I AM humanity, so that would still be donating to humanity
Do not be disingenuous now.
When I graduated high school I got my first job working at my local chik fil a which was 5 minutes from my house. Worked there for the summer and saved enough to get a car so I could go to college. Stayed working there but cut the time to study. Went to college, didn’t have a gf or friends the whole time, worked out at the school gym (which came with the tuition), focused solely on getting my life on track- fixing my GPA from high school and working on a personal portfolio. Was a terrible and lonely time emotionally, but I got the degree with good grades and was able to transfer to a great university afterwards.
Maybe it’s just me, but getting my bachelors boosted my confidence tenfold. Was able to get a gf and we both go to uni right now. Making goodish money enough to support my girl and I. I was mentally ill through all of this and I made it through. Still making it. Don’t give up
Then not based, but cringe.
Then I continue to do nothing with the cash because charities will spend a billion on pamphlets and the like instead of any actual change and the latter scenario still sees me likely taxed to death.
Quite a few, usually. But they're not interested in /atoga/ moids.
You do know you can make your own charity, right? In fact, rich people make their own charities, donate to their own charities for tax deduction, then get their relatives and friends to work for the charities so their donation money pays for their salaries, and thus keep more money for themselves.
I thought this was common knowledge.
Yeah I get that. Not good at being inspirational.
Am I a narcissist? I always thought I was an envious little prick with a bloated ego, but I never showed it IRL so I was always unsure

I am now demoralized and will cede the West Bank to palestine and the Suez canal to Iran
Oh to that one person saying that Hitler was 'the most leftist politician in history', let's not forget that Hitler quite literally sold off most of Germany to private corporations (example: the railways) and was backed by German businessmen so that he would advance their interests. Not very leftist!

But I'm sure that little individual will just start screeching "FAKE AND JEWISH FAKE AND JEWISH REEEEEE"
>lonely, single
Females don't know what those words mean.
I don’t think I ever want a penis inside me. What do I benefit from it
>, I’m just trying to inspire you. Find God and get medicated.
I already feel really sorry for your child.
I truly hope you are infertile.
Men and women of /atoga/

Have you considered moving to Canada? If not why?
What degree
His question was
>Donate to charity to be a good person
>Spend it on a useless house to be a bad person
Donating to be a bad person would be


His question just doesn't really work in the reality we live in.
Love and affection.
Girls, would you date a rigger?
Please don’t fight guys it’s my birthday
>I always thought I was an envious little prick with a bloated ego
Sounds pretty narcissist to me.

The point is: you're not exactly giving people sincere advice. You're using their troubles as an opportunity for self-portrayal and elevating yourself above them. That's why it shouldn't be surprising that they're getting upset about it - especially if it is accompanied with outright insults and disregard for their individual perspectives.
Sarah Gadon got her degree in film studies.
my understanding of canada is its america if america failed to be relevant, france if it failed to be appealing and australia if if failed to be cool
Happy Birthday, Anon! I hope you had a nice day so far.
Can’t I get that without penetration
But Sarah Gadon lives there.
i dont know who that is
or care
You could, if your partner was asexual, or a woman.
>the talk yesterday gave me some food for thought
>but I think for now there is nothing else I really need to talk about. Just gotta let it all settle a bit.
I'm glad that it was helpful on your end too!

>like how my ex threatened me with doxing me in a really weird way,
That's messed up :(

>My dishes have been piling up since yesterday, but I'll do that chore before going to bed!
Good luck!

>'m going to be nasty now and ask how you did with your chores yesterday and today?
No nasties there, I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't expect you to ask it back.
Yesterday was a bit hectic. I was prepping for some repair guys and furniture moving. I had put it off but in the last minute mad dash I did succeed before they were supposed to arrive. But then they were two hours late.

I wanted to get everything reset before my boyfriend came home from work, but they didn't even arrive until after he was off. And then I found out that some of the prep I did was wrong, a bunch of stuff went sideways. I was exhausted and mentally fried, and I was eventually banished to the bedroom since I wasn't being helpful anymore. My bf ended up having to manage everything which sucked.

I saw my therapist today, which was nice to review and to see how I could have handled the situation to prevent my brain from entirely shutting down.

We didn't reset everything, since they left so late in the evening, so I'm responsible for doing that today. I haven't really started my day yet and have about three hours to get it done.

>That's extreme, so to say it so directly.
>Do you know if your stuff is genetic?
Yeah it really sucked to grow up in that environment, and then they divorced. I had to learn a lot of stuff by scratch once I moved out. A good bit is likely genetic, particularly the ASD, but my mom's BPD is very steeped in trauma. I'm terrified of becoming her so I've gone through a lot of effort to prevent that.
No, I haven't. I like it where I live.
Better than her walking in and just saying "oh."

If I was a billionaire then getting more billions using my existing money wouldn't be incredibly difficult.

>1 billion dollars to humanity, or to build a 1 billion dollar mansion or apartment
I could do both gradually, as I start getting a return on investments.

Donating to some causes sounds like a good idea while others are wasteful. I know that not all donations are well-received or wanted. The topic would require a lot of research and I would contract a company to help me evaluate whether the money will be well spent.
As for properties I wouldn't need anything extravagant, a cozy little penthouse somewhere would be nice. Maybe I could dedicate a room for pets and a portion of the terrace could be used to grow plants. And if I get a girlfriend she could have her own space for when she wants to spend time alone.
If they're still in school (med school/law school/etc.) it's fine.
How do I avoid getting male friends?
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But the way the masculine shows love is to penetrate.

To pound deeply into the depths of the soul of the feminine with a solid 7.2×5.6 inch dick.
Everyone knows and cares about Canadian actress Sarah Gadon
is that her? shes ugly lol
Is this a genuine question? Can you tell us more about your circumstances if so?
We don't make up as much of the population as you think. We just got popular with memes for some reason, and that made it seem like there were a lot of us.
That makes me sad, because I love men
What’s wrong with me that I am so afraid of something so natural
I'm trying not to immediately eject single women with children from my radar but sweet merciful mother of Christ the childless young women are completely insane.

They're like ... cardboard cutouts of what a real woman is supposed to be. Grim times.
Get a LOT of cats
Like two
I just can't be bothered anymore. I'm behind everyone who had support from parents and friends and those born into wealth. I would be an old man if I did "make it". What's the point? Others got to enjoy their youth with their friends and partners.
Either gender.

What's something that's stigmatized, or carries a negative connotation that you wish didn't? What's something that didn't deserve to be deemed "bad."
Have you dated anyone yet?
I don't want to accidentally gain a beta orbiter who will eventually beat me up and call me a bitch after I reject him.
Yeah you’re right maybe. Honestly I do take a lot of pride in being better than others no joke, but I also have self-esteem issues that make me think negatively about myself. I mean I consider myself a total loser. In an ideal world I would be a loser, but everyday I get surprised that there are so many people more capable than me just sitting around jacking off and watching anime garbage. Got a buddy like that- much smarter than me and he doesn’t do shit but read and waste time all day.
Probably narcissism. Or you're just not very attractive.

In my experience, people who are afraid of the opposite sex and lack curiosity about their bodies are narcissists who have weird fantasies they use as coping mechanisms to defend against the reality that their parents were retarded or useless.

Was your father an effeminate loser? You probably haven't realized that he was a loser yet. So you're projecting the idea of being raped by your incompetent father over the top of the sexual act.
Don't worry so much then, things will make sense when the time comes.

What forms physical love (including, but not limited to methods of having sex) do you genuinely enjoy?

What is just done to please your partner?
Why are we insane?
Your youth is to build your life up. Your 20s are to work as hard as you can to catch up to people who had it better. You can do this man
Why are you so retarded?
Do you actually regret it if you choose not to have kids? Me (25m) and my gf (24f) are both on the same page when it comes to staying child free.

But I see so many people saying we will regret it later on (mostly online). Is this true? Should I be worried? Or is it just cope from miserable parents?
You're homosexual most likely
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wearing masks in public. it would help with self confidence a lot
I'm the only anarchist in atoga right now
Doesn't bother me at all but it mindbreaks womens hard
MEN I am the antichrist
Agreed. I would never date a woman who already has kids.

Maybe not you, but a lot of them like to play the game of collecting as much child support money as possible (intentionally getting pregnant). They often just see guys as a cash source, and don't really view us, or the children they have, as actual human beings.
Have you had this issue before? What's holding you back from just cutting contact?
Again, for what? What would be the reward for working hard? It doesn't bring back the experiences you missed out on in your youth. Nobody cares about old rich men whose dick isn't working.
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This is a Grand Seiko watch with a 18k rose gold case, a beautiful blue dial reminiscent of a constellate night sky, and crocodile leather straps, a recreation of the first original Grand Seiko.
Worth $26,000.
Would you?
Based mask enjoyed
Public eyefucks were the best thing about covid
You'd think so, but the psychoanalytic theory is pretty clear. The studies done on narcissism are also very clear.

If you're afraid of the opposite sex you're a narcissist. If you've ever slept with a genuine narcissist you'll know what I'm talking about.

Now, 90% of them grow out of healthy narcissism around puberty or 20 at the latest. But some retain the delusion that they're superior by virtue of their failure to participate in normal activities. Women with narcissist fathers often have to rationalize that the reason their dad are so pathetic and weak and emotionally childish is because the whole world is out to destroy their family for being so kind and intelligent and amazing.
Women of atoga.

What if, instead of just going straight to having sex, we spent like an hour just kissing each other? Is kissing something women enjoy, or not really?
I'm more of a Panerai guy
Did something happen to you? Assault? Religion?
How is WW2 taught in Germany?
Ok but can I marry you?
Lmao am I in atoga or /fa/?
Would but only after I secure like half a dozen watches I would rather have first
Man it was the only time I could go outside and feel no anxiety
Does enjoying your present and future not appeal to you?
>I do take a lot of pride in being better than others no joke, but I also have self-esteem issues that make me think negatively about myself
That is actually what grandiose narcissism is mostly characterised by. The narcissist thinks lowly of himself and his coping strategy is achievement. Grandiose narcissists tend to be successful, which is why it only becomes pathological when they struggle to keep their performance up, e.g. due to burnout.

>I get surprised that there are so many people more capable than me just sitting around jacking off and watching anime garbage
Theoretical capability alone is not sufficient. At the end of the day, people also need to get down to it and actually do something, and if they can't do that on their own, since their mind keeps wandering off and they can't focus, then practically they are as incapable as they would be if they were lacking whatever talents you've identified in them. People tend to think of cognitive ability and personality traits, such as conscientiousness or grit as separate entities, but being a hard-working type of person is as much of a talent as mathematical ability. The second strongest predictor of success in life - after IQ - is actually the big-five trait conscientiousness.
Fucking Christ that stupid high school girlfriend picture has melted your brain, hasn’t it. Fuck it, if some retarded mentality like whining about the past is going to ruin your life, you deserve to be a lonely faggot.
Just saying- people are still impressed if you try to improve your life. A fat person running on a treadmill at the gym is inspiring. A student currently going for their degree is something people like. Even if you’re not at the end goal- people will admire you for trying. You’ll make genuine friends because no one wants to hang out with a loser. You’ll meet women who’ll be impressed because you TRY
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no, spending more than 1k on a watch is peak retard behavior
Absolutely not. It doesn't even have any precious gems for me to begin to justify the price. I'll probably scratch the crystal anyway. Do they make diamond face watches? I'd consider shelling out for something like that.
Women generally require foreplay, yes. An hour is a long time, though. Are you sure you're not overestimating the time?
>Either gender.

>What's something that's stigmatized, or carries a negative connotation that you wish didn't? What's something that didn't deserve to be deemed "bad."
I think they look cute in a non-sexual way, and I've heard some girls claim they like wearing them, but don't like the association with being promiscuous/emo/etc.
Cute pink little GYATTs
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>she doesn't know
I'm exaggerating for the sake of the question.
I would need a lot of lip balm to last an hour.
No nothing like that
I used to be child-free but I'm starting to waver now that I'm 29 and have improved my life so much. Physically writing out your pros/cons and justification seems like a good idea to reference. Why don't you want kids? For me it's not being able to handle it, having no support, being overwhelmed, resenting the kids, and fucking them up.

But I am of the opinion that it's better to regret not having kids than it is to regret having kids.
MEN what makes you want to get a girl pregnant?
Natural red hair
>chef kiss
Can you tell us about what scares you about it?
Biology and wanting to see her womb swell with my seed.
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I like the Zeitwerk by Lange & Söhne, but it's obviously way too expensive for me.
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Sarah Gadon had a baby at 37
Oh, okay. Then I'd keep my answer. Why did you worry that anyone would say no? Personally I associate kissing as something women like more than men, but I don't know how accurate that is.
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Complete submission to my cock.

Like, genuinely needs to make it happy as a core aspect of her existence.
>MEN what makes you want to get a girl pregnant?
Like, instantly? Just based on appearance, or after I've known her?
Pain, the guy getting post nut clarity about me, not liking it
I used to be super anti natalist. then my sister had two boys. And fuck parenting is great, I babysit them any chance I get. That look when everything is new to them, how they're amazed by the most simple things.
Its honetly one of the most amazing things and it kind of hurts not having any on my own
Nah there're cheaper grand seikos that look better
I'm not a big gold guy though
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The Will to Life.
Whichever one, but I’m assuming the latter is more realistic
Has there ever been a woman you wanted to impregnate based on appearance ?
Women, what is your cost per nut?
As in, how much money does a man need to spend on you before he gets to fuck and how much money does he spend on you and how often do you fuck?
Which multiplayer games would you enjoy with fellow anons?
State genre and games
I'm hoping that I'll come to a conclusion before then, especially for the sake of my husband who is in his late 30's already. But if it comes down to that, that's how it'll be. Beyond fertility my main concern would be to keep our health and endurance up.
Good looking, intelligent, logical, hardworking, seems like would be a good mother

M, discussing how much you make with coworkers

Seems like it's blown out of proportion to me but I come from more of an ethnic background, my parents and my aunts are all immigrants so that probably plays a role in why me n my cousins n all my friends are more typically masculine
How would I be able to enjoy it if I'm aware that I missed out on what other people had, no matter how rich I get or how many girls I get to sleep with finally after 25? And that's only if I do "make it" which isn't a guarantee either.
No, they really don't. People only like winners.
atoga intruder lobby sounds like a swell time
If you braved it and it ended up not being any of those things, would you go forward with doing it more after that? Like say, zero pain, you loved it, it just brought you closer to your bf, etc
Yeah I always suspected that. I always thought my bookworm friend always came off as “dumb” because he has so much more knowledge than I do but he doesn’t do anything with his life. I know his IQ is higher than mine and he certainly knows more about all this theory crap, but what does it matter if he’s going to be 30 and working at a restaurant still? He’s always made odd decisions to reject good job prospects and always rejected my offers to teach him computer skills (for free btw!) That type of behavior just always seemed like a marker of a dull person to me.
Asking this again:
Bit of a weird question I suppose but should I tell my gf I’m currently on the process of donating sperm to a fertility clinic? The reason i’m doing it is literally because I can.
So you're of the belief that you shouldn't try to enjoy your life because you believe it is impossible to?
M or F

What propaganda do you think you have fallen for before?
Retard, antinatalism is about the kids, not the parents.
You must mean child-free, which is about the parents, not the kids.
Yes you should tell her
So you don’t see ANY positive traits about yourself? You don’t have to be a billionaire 6’ Chad to be a winner, dummy. You can always be a winner in whatever niche thing you want to be. Success isn’t some impossible thing.
How long have you been with her? Yes you should tell her asap. Your withholding that information sounds like you think she'll disapprove.
M, I'd rather just give the money away. Who gives a shit about a one billion dollar home, it adds nothing to my life above a home worth a couple million and the money could do more if put to use helping others. Or at the very least I'd rather invest it
I like that design. Looks like a small watch or clock with wings.
>Has there ever been a woman you wanted to impregnate based on appearance?
No. Even what I imagine to be the most attractive woman would not just be able to win me over with looks alone.

Obviously I have to find her somewhat physically attractive, but the things I would mainly look for in a partner to have kids with are:
Intelligence. If she's smarter than me I find that really attractive.
Fitness. I am fine with a little belly fat, but being morbidly obese would have me concerned about the health of the baby.
Interests/goals. Does she want to raise the kids in a way I am ok with.
Well yeah I would. That’s what I always thought would happen but I just never met anyone to do that with
who gives a shit, the result is the same
I think my nephews-in-law are pretty cute and it's fun to play with them, but it does scare me out my husband has had your experience. Just an overwhelm of joy looking at the boys. I'm not experiencing anything like that.
>M or F

>What propaganda do you think you have fallen for before?
Gender/race war stuff. The idea that the main "battle" in the US right now is between genders and races. "Whitewashing" and stuff like that.
No, I'm saying that the reward won't be worth it for the hard work because you missed out on it when you really needed to experience it in your youth, not when you're old and numb from years of suffering.
Love - Love isn't real unless you consider conditional """love""" as love.
Your mother's love is conditional, your son's love is conditional, your pet's love is conditional.
Girlfriend's conditional love isn't even love, it's just a desire to fuck/have access to your wealth and status.
like, everything
Has anyone ever had sex while on drugs? Is it a nice feeling? Just wondering as my link said she had edibles and I want to try but things might get steamy and I need to get prepared
M. Romantic love.
Did you know that for 99% of human history, men were always blackpilled about female nature quite young?
anti-natalism is anti-natalism regardless of how you try to sugar-coat it and deny it
I literally never know what’s real and what’s fake
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I like its relatively understated look. It is more than meets the eye. But I'm far from a point where I could afford such an item in good conscience and there are plenty of other kinds of luxuries that are higher on my list.
Indeed, but childfree-ness is not antinatalism, retard. That's my point.
I think you should give yourself some grace about this. If you've been told a bunch of horror stories it is no wonder that you're apprehensive. You're willing to try, with the right man and with his gentle patience, so that means it isn't completely getting in the way of your life. I don't think you're as broken as you say you are.
I'm also a leftist kinda depending on how you define the term

America's alright. I like the ethnic diversity where I'm from. I have shot a gun, it's alright, I'm not crazy about it. People are friendly depending on where you are, big cities are less so, especially on public transit. People get pretty fat but it's not all of them, it tracks with socioeconomics as in rich people are usually healthier weights. I also live in LA so supposedly more "health conscious" people here. Not many interesting facts but I've been witness to homeless men taking shits in front of me on more than one occasion so that's something. Lots of bums generally but that's because I've spent my whole life in California cities basically
So you're of the belief that you really won't enjoy life all that much? That it isn't good enough and the enjoyment will be tainted, not allowing you to fully enjoy it?
I bought foamy shampoo once.
Advertisements work on me suggestively. ie. if I see a burger it certainly increases the odds I will get a hamburger in the next couple of days.
I am hardcore anti-propaganda camp which is why 90% of my internet access is on anonymous message boards in communities that immediately call everything they see fake and gay
The fact that you're apparently not supposed to ask what someone's age is while dating. Someone being too young/too old is something you should figure out before getting to know each other too much.

I don't even get why it's stigmatized in the first place.
you're just denying it
I've had sex on shrooms. I was too distracted to really connect with what was going on. It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make sure it happens. (F)
Late onset inceldom? What's the story here?
>Made-up statistics
Name a better duo
>Good luck!
Just got done with them! o7
Had lunch with my parents today and I showed them some vacation pics. Took leftovers with me so I have dinner for tomorrow already set in stone.

>But then they were two hours late.
CLASSIC repair guys!
What needed repairing?

>And then I found out that some of the prep I did was wrong, a bunch of stuff went sideways.
What was the reason for this? Did you misremember, misunderstood or were the instructions not good enough?

>I was eventually banished to the bedroom since I wasn't being helpful anymore.
Did you want to help? Could you have helped?

>I haven't really started my day yet and have about three hours to get it done.
Don't wait until the last minute again!

>Yeah it really sucked to grow up in that environment, and then they divorced. I had to learn a lot of stuff by scratch once I moved out.
Sorry to hear that, but I hope you are at least proud you made it this far. I think you can be proud!

>I'm terrified of becoming her so I've gone through a lot of effort to prevent that.
Do you want children and do you think you could care for them well enough?
Today I will remind them
I wish women wouldn't get so much flak for taking huge dicks
That's a stigma? I haven't been following that etiquette.
Kill the lights
It is undeniable that there's a gender war (widespread and institutionalized emasculation) and a race war (white men getting discriminated against and replaced), but it's true that the real war is between jews and whites/europeans.
M, I can't really think of anything but maybe that's just a sign of how susceptible I am to propaganda. I try to avoid advertising in all its forms though and I'm generally a pretty skeptical guy. Anytime someone says something a big statement with absolute conviction my instinct is to just disagree out of principle, like no sweeping statement could be true 100% of the time in my mind
>women being indoctrinated into suggestive status symbol marketing schemes once again
Bitch, feminism isn't even 100 years old.
Men were always taught women were inferior (i.e., the blackpill).
Can / do all women squirt?

Can't tell if my GF actually cums when we fuck or not.
I will spend a lot of time doing foreplay focused on her and will eat her out and she gets super wet.
Same shit when we actually have sex.
She'll say shes cumming but I have a feeling she's faking it.

And I'm starting to feel bad about it. She'll still initiate sex a lot and seems to enjoy it either way but I want to give her orgasms and I'm afraid to ask if she actually has them or not and Idk how to move forward with it.
The average woman has no idea what 90% of these are

>Man falling for stupid bait on 4chan again
If anyone is falling for status symbol marketing for watches, it's the guys buying them
Are you defining leftist as authoritarian?
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>caring this much about watches
No they don't and even if a woman does squirt she doesn't squirt 100% of the time for every orgasm. Just fuckin ask her if she finishes, the more candidly you can speak with her about sex the better your sex becomes. Don't be shy about it, be tactful but don't beat around the bush
>widespread and institutionalized emasculation
>white men getting discriminated against and replaced
True, but these are distractions to keep society divided. I don't know what the actual motives are, but the people at the top don't directly benefit from it, so they're up to something else.
Yes, it's a fact. You'll never feel the same way kissing a girl at 25, who already had kissed dozens of guys the same way before, as you would if you were a young normie with your hormones peaking for the first time. You will never "catch up" to them because they already checked off the important things in life, experiences with other people and they would be too busy with their families to even care about anon who finally got rich at 35-40 or whatever age.

I don't want kids mostly due to lifestyle issues. I just want to live a quiet and stress free life. Focusing on myself and my gf. Travel a good amount. Do some hobbies. Not worry about finances.

There's just nothing in having kids that really aligns with my goals for life. I don't hate kids but I wouldn't want to sacrifice my life for one.

How has your life been improving lately? Do you think you will end up having one?
Intelligence is probably the most worthwhile ability in our cognitively complex societies. Smart people are truly privileged and even when they fail, they tend not to fail as badly. However, there are other things which predict failure - or relative underachievement - such as a lack of conscientiousness, high neuroticism as well as various kinds of mental illnesses. Raw potential can only carry people so far. If the machine which gives rise to our thoughts and desires is broken, things can be pretty dire. Scott Alexander wrote about the brilliant mathematician Ramanujan:

>Ramanujan worked very hard at math. But I don’t think he thought of it as work. He obtained a scholarship to the local college, but dropped out almost immediately because he couldn’t make himself study any subject other than math. Then he got accepted to another college, and dropped out again because they made him study non-mathematical subjects and he failed a physiology class. Then he nearly starved to death because he had no money and no scholarship. To me, this doesn’t sound like a person who just happens to be very hard-working; if he had the ability to study other subjects he would have, for no reason other than that it would have allowed him to stay in college so he could keep studying math. It seems to me that in some sense Ramanujan was incapable of putting hard work into non-math subjects.

Extreme talent can at times brute force ones way to success, but less gifted individuals may find themselves stranded when they lack the personality or will to put in the necessary effort.
I guess so, yeah. But I think I’m still holding myself back because I’m looking for the right guy, but he might not exist
yeah true
its important to me that she enjoys the shit
That everyone is equal
>Just got done with them! o7
Good work! Give yourself a pat on the back.

>Had lunch with my parents today and I showed them some vacation pics. Took leftovers with me so I have dinner for tomorrow already set in stone.
Sounds nice. I'm glad you got to connect with them.

>What needed repairing?
A bunch of random things. My apartment is really old and has problems.

>What was the reason for this? Did you misremember, misunderstood or were the instructions not good enough?
I didn't measure the space for the furniture coming through and we had to last minute figure out reconfigurations. They also wanted to come through the back door but I had set it up for through the front door. It really wasn't a big deal but them questioning my judgement had me frazzled when I was already stressed about the delay.

>Did you want to help? Could you have helped?
I did want to help. If I were to help, I would have been directing the guys on what they needed to do, clarifying the information, etc etc. But he had to do that all himself. Granted, I don't think he would have sat back and let me take the reigns anyway.

>Don't wait until the last minute again!
guh I'll try

>Sorry to hear that, but I hope you are at least proud you made it this far. I think you can be proud!
I am! It's been a looooooong road.

>Do you want children and do you think you could care for them well enough?
I didn't when I was younger, but it's on the table for discussion these days.
Maybe they were shit questions
Women, was losing your virginity to the man you lost it to a mistake?
What characteristics are you hoping for that you think are unrealistic?
>its important to me that she enjoys the shit
Ye same which is why I ask my girl about it. No harm in discussing sex after the fact, like what she liked or didn't like or what she'd want next time or whatever the fuck. If you lead the way and can do so without coming off as super shy and awkward, she'll follow suit and speak about it openly too
>trve fascist
Kek, fascists are cucks that want a dominant man to control them.
You can assume and even make a strong hypothesis, but you can't really call it a fact without actually going through it. I don't think normies are getting rich in their 20's either.
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Femanons, would you rather get a love letter or a love poem?
Communist are cucks that want the state to control them
Calling women retards for expressing their love of parenting is why your father abandoned you and your mother tries to emotionally manipulate you into sleeping in her bed, you fucking loser.

The older I get the more I realize women are 100% right to consider 90% of men sub-human animals
Average test is down by 50% since the 70's. Plastics were a mistake
I spend money on my boyfriend. We fuck a lot.
Steroids + a larger population pool to draw from
You will die alone. Some former high school mean girl will witness your heart coming to a stop. No one will show up at your funeral.
Is he hot, or what made him worth being the recipient of the money and the sex?
Morrowind multiplayer mod
What's his cost?
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Sorry my guy but picrel is when watches peaked
If any women wants me to wear expensive wank watches I'd jilt her so hard
This generation of men are all gay misogynists and will give me neither, so why even bother
>He's way out of my league
Love letter
I'd buy one mansion to impress women, then donate the rest
I'm not a prostitute
Comment gender

Comment your favorite color to wear

Comment the color that you think looks best on the other gender
Black and dark blue
Depends on her skin tone. I like pale chicks and I like how dark colors look on them
It's over
Yeah, that all makes sense. One thing to consider is that I think it shouldn't just be about fixing the cons. It should be because you're excited to have kids and to dedicate your life to them. If you could guarantee still able to travel, had solid finances, had a perfectly quiet tranquil life-- I don't think that will change the fact that you don't yearn for kids.

>How has your life been improving lately?
Cut out some people making me nuts, found some self respect, connected with drive and ambition, overcame or learned to work with some character flaws.

Life circumstances have improved. Finances are mostly stable. Great relationship with my husband. Live in a nice area. Low-stress job. Made progress on life goals.

>Do you think you will end up having one?
Maybe. I'm not completely confident yet. I'd want to have more things in place before it happened. But I'm not sure how to balance perfectionism vs people blithely saying "everyone figures it out as they go along!"
i'd play this with atogans lol.
Why can't men be more like him?
If you care about "making it" then sure, go for it and I hope it brings you peace. I personally don't care anymore and I don't care about Sarah Gadon.
>man pays for stuff
>She fucks him so he keeps paying for her stuff
That's prostitution
Love letter. Poems toe the line of cringe.
What about fingers?
>>31682807 happy birthday, anon.
>Comment gender

>Comment your favorite color to wear

>Comment the color that you think looks best on the other gender
It was to my bf, don't regret it.
My girl says I remind her of this guy somehow. She's trying to get me to watch the 2005 movie
He is quite handsome. We share a lot of common interests and views and, just in general, are very compatible. Just can't get enough of making him feel good.
However much I feel like spoiling him.
I'm a new anon, sorry for the confusion. I'm not quite as extreme as the self-improvement-grind guy.
>Why can't all men just be 8/10 and born into a wealthy family?!
Men fucking suck. Prince charming isn't real. Find the least bad one, marry him, produce offspring. That's how women survived all these centuries sister, learn to adapt.
Not a mistake because it was involuntary
on me
>black, green, white, red
on men
>black, red, purple, beige
Depends on their skin tone
>Comment gender
I'm F
>Comment your favorite color to wear
I like to wear grey
>Comment the color that you think looks best on the other gender
I like burgundy or dark red on guys
Be a vocal feminist? Avoid common make interests and hobbies? Befriend loads of women so you're you have no remaining free time or energy for men?
And I'm not one. Your point?
absurdly wealthy without having to work?
yeah I wonder

No that's exactly right. We are pretty well off even at 25 as DINKs and it changes nothing about our decision.

Is your husband ok with not having kids?
Do you have many childfree friends?

Glad to hear that you are doing better though.
Patient, kind, obsessed with me, cute
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>on me
>black, green, red
Porn has completely destroyed my mind.
Don't worry, most women (mainly the types who can't cum from PIV) don't think orgasm is necessary for hot and good sex. Men might have a hard time grasping this though.
wat, I don't get it.
Society isn't conservative enough to produce someone like that nowadays
If you think she's lying, there's not much you can do when it comes to talking to her about it. I'd suggest instead focusing on talking about how to make it better. What are some of the techniques you do when eating her out that she likes best, maybe bring some toys into the bedroom, try some kink things, try edging/teasing her
Liking large penises.

Am male btw
>Comment gender

>Comment your favorite color to wear
Beige, White

>Comment the color that you think looks best on the other gender
Black, White
is aftercare actually important?
Pan-african colors. It's a blacked hentai thing.
And no, I'm not a cuck.
Sure. He is pretty great.
Reminder that worker's councils are archons
Yes, for both parties. I say that as the one doing the choking and hair pulling and slapping

I honestly think we are just deeply selfish people, the thought of not being able to fully put ourselves first at all times isn't something that vibes with us.

We are definitely doing the right thing though whereas in the past people with our mindset had kids anyways.

Not gonna lie it's pretty awesome to just fully embrace your selfishness with no hangups
..I think you are a cuck
Surely high neuroticism can help people be successful, no? I bet all these celebrities and millionaires are neurotic as hell
He's kind of on the fence. But I think he wants them more than he likes to admit. I also worry about leaning towards saying yes just for his sake. He's told me to my face that he's okay being childfree. I was pretty adamant about it when we first started dating. It's only recently that I've opened up about possibly changing my mind. We've talked about it a lot. Stuff like what we'd do as parents, discipline, education, fears, names, etc. The financial aspect and career stability is something that holds him back in particular.
Maybe if I had disposable income so i can impress femanon with it, but I don't have any personal interest.
Why diamonds considered valuable as an ornament?
Why do people buy them when they're artificially kept expensive?
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>not an aristocrat
>war veteran
Wickham wasn't evil, he was just a bit misguided. I could fix him
old traditions
>choking and hair pulling
how normal is this?
I'm starting to get concerned now I've had 2 exes and I'm 28 single for 5 years now. I should be at peak fertility to rear 2 kids but I regret even taking this high positioning job cuz 1. Its harder to date as I get older and 2. The job is so high position one personal fuck up and im dead. Time for me to admit now I'll be single forever I suppose
Nah, I'm too romantic to be one.
I would probably feel dead inside if I saw my gf fucking another man.
In general neuroticism is associated with poor outcomes, but a lot of negative traits like that, including depression have upsides, depressives have better skills of estimation, etc.
>Public eyefucks
People looked better with n95's?
Not particularly normal but also not insanely rare
Meh if you have a high pos job you can get a new one easily. Plus if you make enough money you can save up a comfy amount for such cases so you can take your time to find a new one if things go wrong.
Force of habit.
Transforming her
Why must you be like that?

No. Still wish everyone went further and escalated to full blown Venetian carnival masks and the like.
This is also true like being a lead manager engineer is fun cuz for one I don't have to prove myself to anyone, I get paid well and I also don't have to prove myself to the higher ups. Its more personal issues I suppose that all managers feel, cuz now you take on more responsibility you'll have less time having fun and more time babysitting 20 year olds that have no idea whats happening and lacking any self determination to do anything.
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What do you think about Sarah Gadon in a mask?
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She she has slight pug in her stomach and it jiggles a bit when she moves or laughs
Did you think that they couldn't see you or something? That you could stare without being found out?
I dunno but I'm not like crazy into it. It's fun once in a while but not every time. It's also only fun if she's into it
Being into lolicon
Find a gentle soul with a modest penis.
>The guy getting post nut clarity about me, not liking it
Wait for marriage
Girls: Do you even know that there are good guys out there, or do you assume the worst in everyone? I understand if you do, just curious.
It could be the case that in certain professions, with certain personality traits and talents which accompany it, neuroticism can actually be beneficial - at the end of the day, even some mental illnesses can be adaptive - but in general, there is a negative association with neuroticism and life success of various kinds. If you lack the artistic talent as a creative outlet, to turn your negative thoughts and feelings into something that entertains a large number of people, you're probably not in a very good position - or at least not better than you were as an emotionally stable person.
Feminism, and red pill.
Being a bit slutty.
If i was not a bit slutty there would not be a few more men in this world now that know what it is like to feel wanted, desired, be kissed, held, fucked and caressed like you mean it and that have experienced sweet moments of being silly together, of being passionate and playful together and of falling asleep a tangled mess after a real good orgasm. What a sad world that would be.
We in tard hours
Show hands
Lel you fell for both sides? What are you now?
They were red pilled, not black pilled. I.e. they loved women but didn't respect them.

If you didn't spend covid staring into the eyes of hot strangers staring straight back into yours you missed out bigtime.
Why would masks make that easier to do??
Yeah, until you get bored of them and leave them a mess
Blackpills and feminism. Also religion and veganism. Thank god i grew out of that crap. Very cringe era.
Do the Clockwork elves lay good pipe?
>Show hands
Focuses the attention. You can't pay attention to their lips or facial expression except at their eyes and in their body language. It was great.
I went into a carnival tent and had visions of his face in kaleidescopes.
Brb, saving this
You have just changed my opinion on slutty girls.
I won't condone cheating but I kind of agree with your stance on being a little "easier." There shouldn't be so many obstacles set up if the goal is just for us both to have fun.
Pregnant but only in RP, because I'd never want some fucking children.
When she scratches me with her sexy nails as she begs for it.
Blue looks good on me (swarthy)
Green looks good on her (fair)
There are other colors I like but those are my favs
>Men were always taught women were inferior (i.e., the blackpill).
This is not representative of black pill beliefs at all.

What people commonly understand on the internet as the black pill is that there is a hurdle of looks you need to surmount in order to be considered a viable partner by women. Also, the traits which contribute to looks are largely heritable and largely immutable, such as facial symmetry or height.
Wrong anon?
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Women, how would you react if your son dated his babysitter?
Not really. And even if, better to have had that once than never at all. Imagine dying without feeling like at least once someone was totally head over heels for you and you were their whole world.
Because I bet they're black
Yes, I agree
Dats where we at today doe fr
>carnival tent
OMG, sorry lol. Was meant for someone else.
>tfw you recommend music to a guy and forgot that the track has a part with a man yelling "white power"
at least he didn't react.
Chad can't keep getting away with it
What shades of blue and green? What other colors do you like?

And what do you mean by swarthy, are you Arab
No, cheating is demonic. Also being manipulative or exploitative. But i never got why we should make it so difficult to give a little love and tenderness. Yeah maybe i paid for it with my reputation. It was worth it.
Nuh uh I like skinny girls
>head over heels for you and you were their whole world
But it's not real, it's just lust
>>31683037 meant for >>31683024
i kinda look like this. ngmi.
how to make a dating app profile if i have no friends to take pictures of me
>tfw you recommend music to a guy and forgot that the track has a part with a man yelling "white power"
She is fine what are you talking about

Literally over if you don't have friends
Step one: Get some friends, see it as leveling your social stat, socialmaxxing, if you will
Are there any men that would actually choose a skinny girl over a curvy girl? I don’t think so
Trial and error, jestermaxx your pics
What is /atoga/ listening to tonight?
thank you lol. i don't have that "pouch" but sometimes wish i had one because men seem obsessed with it
No i always meant it.
Granted, i never really did hookups, more like just riding out that very intense phase of a few months where you are basically addicted to each other. Obviously i also had longer relationships. I never slept with anyone that i could not look in the eyes and say i love you and truly mean it. I guess i just love a little too easy and yeah, maybe something is not right with me and i get that many men would not want to be with a girl that does not have a bc of zero but so what. As i said, it was absolutely worth it. I would do it again.
How do you know the men you've been with weren't the same men everyone else is also with?
80's rock.
a Malcolm X speech
Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast, the early episodes
I volunteer
Plenty. As incredible as this may sound, not all men have the exact same tastes. Not only that, some men can even be attracted to more than one type as wild as it might seem. I have been attracted to both skinny and curvy women
remembered that i'm mid
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how would your appearance, behavior, and hobbies change if men took the same approach to expressing their wants in a partner as women did?
Like if men all collectively started saying things like "Oh I don't care what she looks like, as long as she's nice and respectful, haha" "____ doesn't matter as long as she's got a good sense of humor teehee" etc. and basically left you in the dark about their preferences, but in private, would reject you based on what they actually prefer in a woman?
Would anything about you change?
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yes or yes?
M, master of reality by black sabbath
My head is currently playing Lateralus.
you never know with power electronics
Because they told me.
Which one did you like more though
Atomic heart ost
Jar Of Flies
Based boomer
You mean the racist and black supremacist?
I am not cool enough for this
>I guess i just love a little too easy
Your love is cheap and freely given away
It's not earned and you don't value it nor your body
You are simply a product of hedonism and decadence
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But leave my dad alone.
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What is so wrong about mid? Sometimes mid is all we need

Women use simps who simp hard enough, next up The Tonight Show with Leno
perhaps i would become kind of an incel. irl i'm overly polite/nice and men seem to respond well to it, but secretly i do know that men prefer fun and cool over overly polite.
Oh well
Can't say there was any 1 woman who I've found the most attractive. A big part of attraction for me is flirting too so I'll be more attracted to whoever flirts with me in a fun way. The woman I've most recently been attracted to is more of a skinny type but she's kinda flirty which I like. It's the balance between being flirty enough to keep me guessing but no so flirty that it becomes cringe. Also I'm into nice lips and necks so that helps too
its a requirement, either that or he yields your hand before the combat starts
Pretty sure he would not mind if you promise to treat me right.
>grew up poor, still poor, and have a dad with anger issues and a superiority complex
on some level yeah
I don't listen to music
Any women here with PCOS? When were you diagnosed and what symptoms did you have? I'm 31 and I wonder sometimes if I have it...my periods are very regular, however I'm very hairy and it makes me wonder if there's something going on with my hormones.
It is not for cool people, it’s for retards like us
Just say "Chads prefer XY"
You don't care what the average Joe next door thinks why won't women admit this?
i can't help but want to be beautiful and hot rather than mid, or slightly "cute" at best.
tfw poor moid
Please, anon, save yourself.
Have you been to a gyno? They’ll usually find cysts during an ultrasound
can i make friends if i don’t have any
will people want to talk to me if they can immediately tell how awkward i am
I know this isn't the point, but why?
Why must you do this >>31683268?
>saying things like "Oh I don't care what she looks like, as long as she's nice and respectful, haha" "____ doesn't matter as long as she's got a good sense of humor teehee" etc. and basically left you in the dark about their preferences, but in private, would reject you based on what they actually prefer
This is the reason I can never trust entering a relationship ever again. Why aren't we allowed ot just know why we weren't good enough? You all complain about there not being enough good men, but refuse to tell us what we do wrong.

Sorry about sounding rant-ish, but I genuinely don't get it.
>have a group chat to watch a show with a few friends
>on the second season now
>feel like I'm the only one who initiates "Hey when is everyone free to watch this week?" or suggests it
>everyone's into it when we do all get together to watch it, but no one else wants to put in the effort to make it happen
>ultimately feel like you're begging people to hang out rather than organizing even though most people will say something like "glad we could watch tonight" afterwards

Anyone else know this feel?
how will he test me that I am strong enough to take care of you if he doesnt fight?
so you would root for me?
>immediate seething and whining
How to recognize a troon
F in the chat for this poor bastard >>31682352
>Give yourself a pat on the back
Thaaanks mooom

>I'm glad you got to connect with them.
I go over to them every Wednesday, otherwise my mom would cry! lol

>My apartment is really old and has problems.
Did your bf move in with you?

>them questioning my judgement had me frazzled when I was already stressed about the delay.
They probably have similar issues every week, so I hope you don't feel too bad about it.

>I don't think he would have sat back and let me take the reigns anyway
Do you think that's because he expected you to not do it correctly or does he need things to be done "his way"?

>guh I'll try
I hope you already did something! Let'sa go!

>it's on the table for discussion these days.
Are you on the same page with this?
I am trying, and thanks for encouragement anon
That was all men during the 2000s
No. Why would guys want to hang out with you if you can't introduce them to girls and why would girls hang out with you if you can't facilitate their introduction to Chad? Don't be silly anon.
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A lifetime of experience in observing, reading and assessing humans.
It's been a long time since I've been to an OBGYN, so that's who I should go to about this instead of my primary care doctor?
But the girl in the pic is cute
I would rather hang out with her than a 10/10 model tbqh
i've never done that. unless it counts when i post famous men i think are attractive but people think i'm not serious or something
Real. Gave me anorexia from hell.
>How to recognize a troon
I am the manliest man in this thread
good point. ldar really is the only option isn’t it
if we skip the combat we will still recreate pic related as I carry you like a prize
>i post famous men i think are attractive but people think i'm not serious or something
That's fine.
I'm talking about the weird tendency to say "I don't care about x as long as he has y," when x is actually the thing you care about, or z is the thing you care about, and don't mention at all.
he never hit anyone but he likes threatening me and my sis, just an awful person.
Men respond to this with something you want to get off your chest
>Get away from my son, you pedo
>something you want to get off your chest
The pimple.
We like Sarah Gadon
Oh that pedo whore would not survive a single day.
Women don’t listen to Dopesmoker
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the masculine urge to save the princess
that >>31683303 anon wasn't me
I want to have sex. I miss the softness, the slow burn, the teasing, my heart racing, the intimacy.
You'll make a top tier milf when you get plapped though
It was fashion and media pushing that skinny bullshit. Men don't have monolithic tastes and our tastes don't change with incoming and outgoing fashion. It's women who are the ones believing media bullshit. Your average halfway decent man doesn't get exposed to that stupid shit anyway
I’d kill her? Or sue her so I get my money back
Why you would use it against me get away from me witch
i can believe you, but there is something very desirable in pure attractiveness/good looks. imagine not ever being insecure, because you wouldn't have any shitty features. that'd be nice.
i think the girl in that image is a very "rare" taste though. good for you anon
Is there a litmus test for pussy juice to check if a girl has burned coal before
0.7 hip to waist ratio is monolithic desu, it was found to most attractive across all cultures world wide
That’s hot. Say more
I miss flirting with women. I wish it was more acceptable to be flirty even when in a relationship. Doesn't have to lead anywhere, just for the fun of it. Regardless, no attractive or young women in my current workplace and circles at this point anyway
>manliest man can't stop being obsessed with chad and more attractive men
A faggot, you mean
I like being poor. It builds character.
Id rather get your bra off your chest
I think a lot of people agree that toxic masculinity does exist. But pointing out problems without offering alternatives isn't helpful. So, what is your version of positive masculinity?
I want to get off on my female friend's chest. She's the only person I ever told about my autistic brother. I want her.
I would probably be very frustrated. I like having the security of knowing exactly what is expected of me.
I don't care if a guy doesn't like me for my lack of boobs, but if I got rejected repeatedly and didn't know why, it would fuck with me for sure.
Anon shut the fuck up with your stupid ass studies trying to quantify attraction of all things. I've always liked big tits and ass, the changing whims of fashion magazines and "studies" have had no effect on that. If anything, as I've grown older I've considered personality more and more in attraction
I agree. Flirting is such a nice ego boost it makes me feel on top of the world. In a relationship it feels like someone took away your NOS.
How do I get a sugar daddy?
It's not a rare taste I'll take a 5/10 that isn't covered in tats and piercings, has her natural hair color or at least something resembling a natural hair color and wears just light make up and looks like she is easy to talk to over any Instagram bimbo any day of the week
at some point it just holds you back. also I've heard that some men apparently think a woman who grew up poor would make a bad wife/mom because she'd have a poor, limiting mindset.
just depressing stuff
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what prevents you from looking like her
I try to be calm and logical and in control. I'm firm and decisive but I try not to railroad and disregard other people's opinions. I speak in a deliberate and concise way. I like helping others and making other people feel comfortable or safe
I would be such an insufferable, entitled and spoiled brat if i grew up rich.
How old are you?
Are you married?
go on seeking arrangement
If women keep complimenting my looks does that mean im chad and i have a sexual harassment pass?
It's kinda scary to think about how maybe 70-80% of guys could just die off alone and women wouldn't notice a difference at all, due to being naturally picky.
Call me an incel, but damn, that's depressing to think about.
The thing I miss the most is trying to push my partner over the edge with teasing. Moaning in their ear, rubbing their arms and stomach, shifting my weight onto them. It’s not even the raw sensations so much as the special moment where
it’s just us.
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Be sweet. And entitled.
You are chad if you can go on tinder and just say "wanna fuck" and have it actually lead to sex
My brain is so fucked. How do I go from obsessively thinking about my ex for days on end and being so sure shes the love of my life and I can't imagine ever being with anyone else. To now being like eh I don't really care.
>Anon shut the fuck up with your stupid ass studies trying to quantify attraction of all things. I've always liked big tits and ass, the changing whims of fashion magazines and "studies" have had no effect on that. If anything, as I've grown older I've considered personality more and more in attraction
Stop being stupid
Suck my balls and go outside
They would, they still notice when their male friends aren't listening to them complain about Chad/Tyrone or when the likes on their IG pics are down or if they have to buy food/concert tickets for themselves.
Im poor and all those things
Boomer fucks owe me money. No more vacations and big toy trucks for them.

I'm not incredibly wealthy but I'd still be concerned about what you'd pass on in character to a hypothetical daughter. For example, do you have tattoos?
finally an obtainable body. it is annoying though that while i'm very skinny, my thighs still touch in the middle. i think my hips are maybe too narrow to have thighs that don't touch at all like that.
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Nitrous oxide system
Boosts your car.
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thigh gaps arent everything
I prefer if there isnt one
Women at what age should a man transition out of being cute?
My ex was skinny and pale and she is the woman I've been the most attracted to in my life.
If you truly love somebody, their body will inevitably become the one you desire the most.

I'm ok right now, but thanks for the suggestion.
I got a lot off my chest yesterday.

>my thighs still touch in the middle.
Thigh gaps are an elaborate prank anon
That's what I thought you might've meant but wanted to confirm. But ye flirting helps keep life a little more interesting and varied. Adds some flare to social interactions and boosts the ego
>narrow hips
i have no tattoos or piercings and no desire to get any. but, men who complain about tattoos constantly are very annoying.
Femanons has this ever happened to you and have you let it work?
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Kek based
The one on the right? I actually kind of do, except my hair is different
Your car can do whippets?
i kinda agree, was just talking about how my body differs from the image and giving an example
>men who complain about tattoos constantly are very annoying.

It is a major social issue that is unrepresented in media and politics. Deal with it.
Based and wholesome pilled
>It is a major social issue
i'll stay away from whiny men, thank you.
>narrow hips
You better be thankful for modern medicine, you would’ve died in childbirth a couple generations ago
Can do what? And no, my car does not have NOS.
If a thigh gap is the only area where your body differs from the image I think you have nothing to worry about
It's called moving on. Do you believe you're supposed to stay in the exact same emotional state your entire life?
Narrow hips is like being a manlet.
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the one on the right is the bodymodel for the left
I would kill to look like that.
Life is not fair.
70-80%? How could that be? Are 70 to 80 percent of women opting for polygamy or polyamory?
Even a slight change in the 1 to 1 ratio in the sexes has consequences, anon, let alone such a drastic change
I am built like an US highschool football player.
6foot and 175lbs. and a strong jawline.
>I have literally wider shoulders than some guys.
Would literally commit human sacrifice for a more feminine body. So Genetics.
I don't think my hips are narrow though. but they are too narrow if i want to have my thighs not touch at all. currently they touch a bit.
Beast, you’re like my youngest sister.
I’m sorry for your pain.
>Pan-african flag
>Watermelon colours
Is this a /pol/ psyop? Or do do black people really?
Whippets, a popular recreational drug often sold at festivals and parties. Also known as nitrous oxide
My legs aren’t that long
want to make some fucking warrior babies?
De Beers
I didn't do any whining, it was a simple example. You've definitely got the poor girl attitude :/
Ain’t blacks making blacked hentai.
Oh sorry i am not knowledgeable about drugs. But yeah, kinda sounds like it, kek
Just find a guy who actually is a football player so you can feel "feminine etc" So 6ft7 and 300lbs so you can feel "small", just like TayTay
What does your husband think about all the free love you've given?
Are you 2 poly/swingers?
Not even close
Damn he mad
He does not seem to mind.
Oh, they look like two very different body types to me. I don't have the breasts or the rounded hip/thigh shape of the left
So you're a manlet I see.
>major social issue
Just don't date girls with tattoos if you don't like them.
on the topic of ballerinas
is that femanon who expressed she always wanted to try ballet still here. Did you give it a try?
Out of all the sex you've had, how does he rank in performance in bed?
Have you ever been in a threesome or group sex?
Depends on age really. Zoomer girls practically expect it, millennials are a mixed bag, a Gen X woman will likely be horrified.
Men what have you been fantasizing about?
Sarah Gadon
Green or blue
Black and purple
I wish my gf had more initiative, she never refuses to do anything I suggest but she's almost never the one to suggest doing something together (sex included).
Sex in doggy with a fat butt girl doing slow and deep strokes.
sumerian priestess sex
>Out of all the sex you've had, how does he rank in performance in bed?
The highest obviously since we have been together the longest and are most compatible.
>Have you ever been in a threesome or group sex?
Yet another reason not have sex
In general there's never going to be a 1:1 pairing, because of biology. I mean there's already a pretty sizable disparity leaning in favor of the female side.
>slyly inquiring whether femanon is flexible
>favorite color to wear
Black or dark grey
>favorite color on the other gender
black and green
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Hehe based
Beautiful eyes. Have you ever talked to her before?
Dominant woman making the first move.
Buying the houses on my block and turning them into apartment buildings one day
Running for office and becoming a populist leader
Successfully growing vegetables and having a nice garden
Saving and investing a considerable portion of my income once it spikes after going from training to full employment
I just wanted to say I think it's hilarious how that retard tried to trigger you, while you are really calm. lmao
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still here huh
20,000 Dothraki Screamers on an open field, Ned.
Same to you huh
Black girls
Not her, but I trained as a classical ballet dancer. Sometimes I think about taking up a class because I miss it, but I think it would feel gross so I haven't
That moment where I kiss a girl and her eyes change and she takes a big deep breath in through her nose during the kiss and I can tell she got very horny instantly
My ex roommate finally met her dream sub boy, but she feels like she's just a rebound and he's in S*dney
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as always, procrastinating instead of going to bed again
I guess it was worth a try.
Have you posted about ballet before? You ever posted vocas in either atoga thread?
>but I think it would feel gross so I haven't
Yeah same but i am sleeping on top of a car.
Not my thing. But i wish women wore dresses more often. They're probably cost prohibitive though
Getting my girlfriend pregnant
Question for both genders.

I automatically assume someone being really physically attractive means they are dumb/low iq/whatever you guys say nowadays. Is this normal? Does anyone else also make this assumption?
Aren't we all
The fuck you gonna do about it
what the fuck, why and how?
Gf is planning to try birth control for 2 months so I can cum inside, I've been fantasizing about the moment for a week
>is this normal
No idea, I got both.
The opposite.
I always think they must be very accomplished and successful to look like that.
babylonian priestess sex
M, doesn't sound super normal. Maybe I'd assume intelligence based on outfit but not just based off of face or body. I generally assume everyone is basically of average intelligence until I'm given a reason to think otherwise. I also consider average intelligence to be pretty fuckin stupid though
How will you make your bread without Mr Beast?
I am camping and i am currently in a roof tent.
In a cream pie way or a Wife way
Women like bad boys
I just look at the phenotype, which is an established and accurate predictor
oh shit nice.
is it proper camping or those tourist camps where you just park your caravan and larp tho
Men what are you doing right now? Can you name something for each of your 5 senses?
Thanks Anon. I wish your sister all the best.
That is why ex husband and I divorced. I was born months too premature, I have a fully formed vagina, but not fully formed uterus. I can become pregnant, but it always results in a miscarriage. And a fully formed baby if I would ever have one would most likely kill me. Had to have my tubes tied.
Been there, cant make babies, husband left.

The guy found himself a 6'3 woman, and they have two babies now, both boys. He himself is 6'4 and 270lbs. I understand his reasons for leaving me. I wish his family good fortune, but I loved that man, and wish it could have been me.
Ofc i know there is great men.
I assume attractive men are intelligent because they're usually in leadership roles or positions where they make more money than me. I assume attractive women are dumb because women are less smart than men, and less wise because attractive women are usually saved from hard lessons by modern society.
>My ex roommate finally met her dream sub boy,

If you don't mind me asking, was your roommate obvious about having a more dominant demeanor? Like, did she give off any vibes, or behave differently, or did she just look and act like everyone else from the outside?

I've had some success in attracting women who give super submissive bottom vibes, but I've only ever met like 5 women who seemed more dominant.
No in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. Very comfy and the air is crisp af. I will sleep so well tonight.
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>I just wanted to say
Go back
>Lel you fell for both sides?
>What are you now?
I guess a TERF-MRA fusion.
Provide example
Working on a project at work
Listening to black sabbath
Tasting and smelling cold brew coffee
Looking at my dual monitors and phone for 4chan
Bouncing my legs and touching keyboard/mouse/phone
Men what are you wearing right now?
He seems to be having a really hard time.
yes, but as i said, even a change on either side causes problems: increased percentage of celebacy, increased birthrate, economic issues...
and though ofc the ratio isn't 1 to 1 when it comes to pairing, 70 to 80% is an insane number. which shines a light on how crazy the idea that women go for only 30 to 20 percent of men
>He himself is 6'4 and 270lbs.
Fuck Chad
Find out
It is COMMON because the COST OF LIVING is fucking HIGH in the current socioeconomic CLIMATE and paying RENT is some BULLSHIT I can't lie buddy
Wtf just because I watch cartoons at 3am and eat cereal does not make me a deadbeat
people always say this but ugly people are the most annoying and vile people on the planet
Whoa. Was the tent imaginary?
Blue scrubs and a black jacket and sneakers
Black underwear, blue shorts, blue t-shirt, and black sweatshirt.
Poor baby
It's a logical assumption, being really physically attractive is rare, pair that with being above average mentally (not dumb) and you have an unlikely scenario.
bf material
Writing a scene.
Listening to the music that inspires me to make the scene (Dog Shit from the Hellsing OVA)
Drinking a soda
Smelling the pen ink
Seeing the words
Touching the pen and paper
1 thing you can touch
1 you can see
1 you can smell
1 you can hear
1 you can taste
Yes and yes, although it's been a while

It's such a specific way of using your muscles, now it would feel very different in my body. I wouldn't get that same feeling of muscle memory and having it feel like second nature. And it would be hard not to be perfectionistic about it, so it would be frustrating
>Men what are you wearing right now?
Boxer briefs
a black polo shirt
A Stax SR-007MKI (on my head)
>crazy eyes
Hot. Say more
Black sweatpants white shirt, my classic look
shit man, now I want to start planning a hike or something for next week when I go on vacation.
whats your trip like, is it a one night thing or do you have an entire expedition thing going on
Men and women, what do you think of women who are below average/ugly but still dress nicely and wear makeup? Do you think they shouldn't bother?
Any recent travel? How's life been lately? Assuming you are who I'm thinking of
Nta, I'm unironically happy for you but people are debilitated by depression and stuff to different degrees
>1 billion dollars to humanity
This, as much as I'd love a mansion

I cry in private because I never learned how to take out my anger in a more assertive way.

If you found me crying would that be a deal-breaker?
I am one of those women
When I don’t bother people look at me like I’m insane and or assume I am a child
M, I think that's fine. Whatever makes them happy, I wish them all the best, same as anyone else. I think makeup and beauty products are a bit of a scam but that's just me
I probably won't meet Sarah Gadon there so pass
Haply happy birthday!!
Wearing caps backwards
a what
I want to be with her forever. I want her to be the mother of my children.
Do you understand what an example is
>below average/ugly but still dress nicely and wear makeup?
I have sympathy for them. Their lives are similar to the lives of most men.

>Do you think they shouldn't bother?
Makeup done well, and done in the correct amount can improve one's appearance. However, the right balance is difficult, and I would generally advise most women to not bother. More often than not it makes them look worse.
If you're below 25 years of age and not fat you're hot per definition
Omg what will u do to me uwu
I'd have time for a lil skribbl
No I like to cry in private too. when I'm holding back sadness/tears people think I'm angry tho.
but yeah I wouldn't mind at all.
>a what
It is considered one of the best headphones ever made
Promiscuity seems to fuck up people's ability to pair bond. Divorce is positively correlated with body count for example. Speaking personally, I feel like I've always been a little less interested in each sequential partner.
No you’re not.
If you aren't dressed at least a bit quirky I'll assume you've already gone full fujo
Here's the assumption I make: if someone is good looking and they make a point of trying to get everyone else to notice, then they're stupid. They noticed others think they're good looking so they now rely on their looks to get by. They have nothing to offer but looks.
Proof? Guys who make thirst traps on tiktok. You think a guy who licks his lips, smirks at the camera... would be a reliable partner? Has any knowledge or anything smart to say about anything happening in the world?
I arrived today, i am here with my parents and my brother and we will keep going until sunday. We will do offroad peak trips every day and then find a new spot to set camp. We made white wine vinegar for dinner today, it was very comfy.
My mom took pic rel yesterday.
Definitely. Touching grass is the best.
That doesn't sound insane to me at all. In most developed countries the birth rates are at best, in decline, and at worst, falling off a cliff.
And even just from listening to what people have to say generally, it's pretty obvious that men aren't getting laid, and women are a lot pickier and otherwise fine not having a boyfriend and going to the sperm bank or something.
ah okay, I wish I had very good headphonesike that too. I use normal bluetooth ones personally becauae they're cheap, but they also break often. I miss my koss porta pros
Cute. What did she do to make you feel that way
Casio gang
I am a tsundere though
This is actually my fetish
aorry, phone poasting today
That might be a you thing then because i never felt like i got used to it or less enthusiastic or dive into it not with my whole heart.
Its fake. He's just not smart and a bad person. That's all.
Say more?
It wouldn't be ideal to say the least, and I'd prefer if you kept it to yourself, but I guess it's normal, so idk. It's trippy to see a man sob though, puts things into perspective.
Wtf.. i meant risotto kek
Yeah it's the one thing I am extremely particular about because I like listening to music.
Have a look at the Koss KSC75 they're a bit of a hidden gem (the porta pro are very nice too)
WOMEN- I’m a male libra sun Scorpio rising. What do you think of that stack?

And NO I’m not a cheater
Until you find someone you want to commit to for the rest of your life and they can't accept you for your promiscuous ways. Pretty good story arc. Imagine the pain and heartbreak.
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Tfw my suicide cults keep going into development hell in the worldbuilding phase
>I've had 2 gfs and I'm 28
Bud you're doing better than most people on this website
I would loop that part and remix it
I unironically just used pictures that my mom had taken and selfies and still went out with stacies
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No idea desu.
You mean, what do we think of people who take care of themselves and treat themselves with dignity? idk anon, what do you think of people like that?

Oh, it sounds like I might be. Things are okay, went a small trip to this past spring and have another planned for autumn although I'm not 100% sure if it will happen. How are you anon?
The fuck and a what now?
Do you also think the earth is flat or something?
uhhhhhhhhhh I ONLY listen to FLAC lol!!!!
thanks for the suggestion<3
i'm not buying new headphones soon but i'll write that down
It isn’t the 2000s anymore
If by ugly / below average you mean unattractive face or disabled, I don't mind, it's cute.
If by that you mean an obese landwhale wearing frills and makeup and the like, then fucking hell no. She'd basically look like Gorlock the destroyer.
cozy as fuck. looks very familiar. This vacation im sticking with shorter trails, one day trips
get yourself some meat and cheese on a wooden board, its a necessity
Probably joi maybe sph
Devilish and primal.
Especially if you are pale and got black hair.
If they would be like that they would not be the kind of person i would want to grow old with. Besides i already found my man and he has no issue with it. What are you trying to achieve? Do you think i am not aware of the judgement that comes with it?
Her face says everything
>uhhhhhhhhhh I ONLY listen to FLAC lol!!!!
I mean, when I am at home why not? My music streaming subsciption supports it so why not?
I'm doing alright, finished grad school and doing a year of training type shit, hoping it'll lead to a good job after. Was off 4chan for a while but back again. Trying to save up, moved back home but living with family for the time being while me n my girl get situated and find a place together. Where you thinking of going? How's work?
>What are you trying to achieve?
Just harvesting some insecurity, you smelly little crater.
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What do you think?
I feel validated bb
Like butt sounds ASMR?
One day trips are amazing too. Comfort of home but lots of adventures.
Will do, i already told them we will do bread and cheese one time for dinner for sure.
Do you already have trails planned out or is that more of a spontaneous decision?
I will be monitoring this thread
I do. You’re not a woman clearly so fuck off.
Pink t-shirt, blue jeans and Super Mario flipflops
Your mom
what do you mean doesn't sound crazy kek entire wars, pandemics didn't wipe out 70 to 80% of men
Oh ok, good luck i guess.
I got what I needed. The emotions evoked will be good for my writing. Thanks for that.
>but secretly i do know that men prefer fun and cool over overly polite.
Tomboy/Goth/Emo fetishists
Are you sweet?
This fly that keeps landing on me
I live like an hour away from the alps. I dont have to plan much if its just a one day trip, its just a decision about which peak I want to go to.
Last year I went to explore some glacier lakes on my own, it was so chill just being up there alone
Either gender,

Do you prefer well planned out/very itinerary based vacations or more adventurous vacations where you figure out what you're gonna do on the spot?
Tone deaf?
I hope it turns out great.
M, hybrid of the two. I like having a couple items planned for each day but flexible schedule, stuff that won't take up the whole day so I can have the freedom to do something else if it catches my eye. I don't want to be constantly worried about time and running late and rushing
wars weren't a gradual process, you had a set amount of men that were sent in for some years and that's that. With dating it's the opposite.
>Either gender,

>Do you prefer well planned out/very itinerary based vacations or more adventurous vacations where you figure out what you're gonna do on the spot?
Honestly the more spontaneous trips end up being more fun. I like planning things out ahead of time, but I've also learned that you can't plan for everything. I've delegated planning to work and serious stuff, but vacations and fun stuff are where I go "off the book."

All men fetishize all of these
Eh we'll see. This is just a loose collection of papers and stories, I'm still pretty tapped out from my second novel. I'm trying to go for something more grounded this, more of a neon soaked noir type.
If I don't plan my vacation through, my figuring out what to do is ending in my hotel room and rotting
Damn nice to be that close. I camped near a glacier last autumn. It was beautiful. Looked otherworldly.
Alright, i am off to sleep. Good night!
>All men fetishize all of these
I have no interest in Goth or Emo.

I would die for a tomboy though.
Planning is a problem for future me, the one who is on vacation.
I want to fight a woman who thinks she can win because I'm skinny and look gay. I really want to knock out a woman who says no because she thinks I'm not man enough. I'm not macho man but I'll still knock out your gay boyfriend who does bicep curls at planet fitness. I want to make you feel totally defeated. Fucking cunt.
M. The former. The latter sounds like a huge waste of time, especially unadvisable because vacations often cost money, so you're basically wasting money to do nothing or to wander around.
I like to inform myself of the possibility and then decide spontaneously.
Good night, have a good one soomer
Do you know any marital arts at all?
any evidence that this wipe out of men is taking place?
No. I don't give a shit about any of these stupid fucking stereotypes. I want a normal human being who doesn't fit into some bullshit "aesthetic"
Make sure to plant another atoga easter egg.
I must sooooooom
Please. You already changed the ending of my second novel by making it a bad ending. Well now I feel bad, it's not the same mining for bad feelings when we've talked before.
I’ll play!!!!!!!
unbothered. sleep-schedule lacking. happy. what a man.
>bad ending
Pretty sure it is actually very based.
You little soul sucker.
No. But I did fight before and one time I punched a guy so hard his skin split and blood shot out. I think I could easily knockout some retarded cunt who took the Kwon do and believes she can fight.
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you must schleep to soom tomorrow
literally look at any data showing the birthrate of any western or east asian country
I once said on this very board that just because skinny men look feminine that doesn't mean they understand women better or are these feminist kind loving blah blah Thanks for proving my point. However, maybe you want to get some therapy for all that rage you have inside. I bet you also hurt animals just because you can kek
I kind of relate. I've been told I'm cute by enough girls that I should probably be more grateful. But I want to be Chad
She leaves him at the altar. The bad ending...
>You little soul sucker.
I ain't that little.
We'll see how it goes, fusing neon cyberpunk aesthetics with noir is very difficult.
I do not want to make a commitment to like "I wanna see the sunken bucket of Genghis Khans nephew" the world famous monument at 01:10pm on this specific day, at this specific time. Just no. It would feel like I have an appointment and it would remind me of work.
Give me a rental car and I'll go see the "sunken bucket" when I please.
Question for both genders, comment which if you would like.

Are there any articles of clothing you would find extremely arousing if your partner was wearing them?

Would you feel comfortable asking them or not?
>one time
Wow, we got a badass. No wonder you want to beat on women.
Night night
You give number I look at number
Also, while birthrate in some countries is taking place, that isn't the same as men wipeout isn't it, anon? bc when no birth then no man no woman not just no man
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My latest remix of Fergalicious, I call it... Spergalicious https://voca.ro/1jIqbFl2e2hF
Also I just upgraded to Windows 11 so sampling the startup https://voca.ro/1dfNhxFvHTg1
>a conical/cylindrical piece of fabric
>cost prohibitive
I like shiny latex. Or straps.
>if your partner
A what?
Feminist men? Lol. You'll believe anything someone says if you want to fuck them. I'm a feminist too.
That's okay femanon, ticket scalpers have purchased all of the bucket tour tickets for this year
a drop in birthrate*
Tbf I applied to a bunch of jobs today so I fear my.3am cereal eating days are drawing to a rapid close
OK, assemble drawfags https://?XgCJPDG8
Already told you i prefer bad endings because they are less predictable.
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way and all that.
Maybe yeah but you like a challenge anyways.
anything tight honestly. or even if it just fits properly. tire of this drop sleeve crap
I asked my ex to get a haircut on my birthdays and to wear his fancy suit. I would pick the tie he would wear.
Guys in good suits 10/10
I literally said they're not feminists. I actually believe feminist men are rarer than hen's teeth.
Is it gay if I sometimes watch sissy femboys get railed by BBC but I am imagining myself as the dominant one, not the fag getting fucked in the ass
oops here is the real link https://skribbl.io/?XgCJPDG8
gas mask, bdsm leather mask, or anything that almost fully covers the face
no i don't find mens' faces ugly or anything, it's just a fetish
Because they always tell me no because they think I'm not manly. I'm more man than your dad if I kill him in hand to hand combat. That's what women really believe.
In the bedroom or in general?
Like bedroom stuff, nothing gets me going more than these short black dresses. My ex would wear it and put fishnets on as well. I dont think anything could top that

I have no problem saying what I like, no need for hiding stuff, and I encourage feedback too, i want to her to also go crazy for what im wearing
You disingenuous fucks always do this. You distort the words and carry the argument away from the original point.
Anon's original point was that most men could disappear and women wouldn't even notice because they don't care about most men, and now you're arguing "men aren't getting wiped out reeeeeee!!1" as if that was ever the point.
>Is it gay if I sometimes watch sissy femboys get railed by BBC
Did you even need to ask
That's gayer than what most gays watch
Based and same. Masked men activate my neurons so hard.
I've only been eating one meal a day because my roommate has guests staying over for the month who spend all their time at home, so the only time I can go out to eat without being noticed would be in the middle of the night.
What are some dry foods that I can keep in my room that won't expire easily so that I don't starve for most of the day?
10/10 taste
Are you the one who fetishized jason a few days back
Apples, seeds, nuts, dried fruit, beef jerky, crackers.
>Already told you i prefer bad endings because they are less predictable.
Yeah and it opened up a new path if I want to make epilogue stories of some kind, which I've kinda been doing.
>Maybe yeah but you like a challenge anyways.
True! And I think although they're opposite aesthetics, the idea of Dark Neon works, or I can make it work. I don't remember if you read my first few excerpts but that was the start of it. I never did make a part 3 though.
Well definitely not my dad, but sure.
Oh hey, that's fantastic congrats! Hopefully a short trip to Austria in the fall, which will be new for me. I'm not working much, resumed picking away at my degree online and learning to drive finally, or trying to anyways lol. Do you and your gf have any travel plans? Maybe you're just looking to get settled first, though
no, that's a different femanon from me lmao. glad she's still posting.

you disingenious fucks always make up unfalsifiable scenarios then assert they're reality. by the samee logic, i say they would notice, let me see you prove me wrong.
I love women, I just pretend to be aloof to get pussy.
I only like women though. I like the dominance and masculinity of the BBC chad for inspiration but I would only have sex with a woman
I did read them, yes.
Alright you edge lord that tries to trigger people to harvest bad feelings, sleep well and do not do too many mean things.
Anything lingerie, accessories like bracelets, but especially chokers.
Asking? I love buying her that hot shit.
That can easily be proven wrong by looking at fertility rates and celibacy percentages like anon mentioned.
>i like the BBC chad for inspiration
my sides
Female, I'm an itinerary nazi especially when it comes to museums because booking ahead makes life so much easier. I always try to leave a couple of free days though
>edge lord
Absolutely. Have a good sleep, sorry for the friendly fire.
> do not do too many mean things.
Depends on my mood but you put me in a good one.
Play drawing game plz
We went to Vancouver last month for a week, no travel plans coming up soon but considering whether or not to do a destination wedding in a year or two. I picked up driving again a bit over a year ago, needed it to get around to rotations for school. Last time I drove before that was in high school lol. It's annoying but cars are basically necessary unless you live in Europe or New York. What's your degree in?
Oh, so now you're back into having the same convo I was having with anon. Suddenly now it's not beside the point. Okay, show me celebacy percentages for both men and women then maybe I'll buy what you're selling
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> I like the dominance and masculinity of the BBC chad for inspiration but I would only have sex with a woman
And now p-reeee-senting Spergalicious 2: Eclectic Dudegoo https://voca.ro/1lFEaCKgMnqz
Come play with hot babez
Swishy skirts, tight pants, tight shirts, chokers, bralettes.
I'd likely let them know, probably not ask though. But if I end up going shopping with them I would nudge her in that direction.
>i have relationships with women and sex with men
Bp, i can handle it. I actually might enjoy a bit of an entertaining power play.
I will wake up everyone. I have to listen tomorrow. Silly you. >>31683806
>Question for both genders, comment which if you would like.

>Are there any articles of clothing you would find extremely arousing if your partner was wearing them?
Lacy bra.
Lacy panties.
Garter belt.
Nylon thigh highs.
Platform heels.

>Would you feel comfortable asking them or not?
No. I would never say anything about this.
>I will wake up everyone
Holy based
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Today I talked to a girl for like 30 minutes straight. I was so happy but it turns out she was just some socialist activist trying to get me to join her org. Should I go down to one of the meetings just to talk to her or am I being fished?
Our little tete-a-tete is always fun.
What is this sampling, it's so familiar, is it a daft punk song? Or am I completely wrong
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We appreciate your service.

I do too, honestly. I just wish that there was some way that a woman could declare her intention to be faithful to a single man.

Damn, can anyone think of a societal tradition or religious institute that might afford a woman the opportunity to declare herself not a solution?

Well, if you do, let my ex wife know.
>I wish it was more acceptable to be flirty even when in a relationship
Agree. It's always funny to see my wife flirting with other men. Especially when they don't realize that she doesn't mean anything by it.
The latter, I can barely plan things well enough that I have plane tickets. And I like flexibility.
Also, museums and stuff are boring, so it's not like anything I'm doing needs planned that far in advance.
>Lacy panties.
>Garter belt.
Where are the stockings and kneesocks
come join the drawing game now
>Agree. It's always funny to see my wife flirting with other men.
Paintball mask?
You can look it up, friend. I don't bookmark that shit.
There are multiple articles and studies on the internet showing 60-80% of young men are either sexless or incapable of a serious relationship, while 30% or less of women are.
There are countless videos and comments of women clearly and loudly saying they won't accept a sub-6ft sub-6figures etc. etc. man.
There are countless videos and comments of men getting rejected and sidelined by women.
Fertility rates are plummeting, mainly because most men are average, and most women DESPISE average men.
quick summary

you're a gay twink with ADHD

you have no personality beyond being reliable

you have bipolar disorder

you're a self-obsessed prick

you're a fucking nerd

you have issues and only exist to be fetishized

you're just leo but less popular

you're neurotic and no one likes you

you're the guy who corrects people on shit no one cares about


"nice guy", never dated

you're autistic
NTA but you fucking faggots are so gay, you make a claim, then you can't back up your claims, and you try to shift the burden of proof onto the person pointing out that you're full of shit. Stupid fucking retard. Get raped.
need 2 more in the drawing game https://skribbl.io/?XgCJPDG8
>is it a daft punk song
Good ear, I chopped the same sample they used for Fresh
>you're a self-obsessed prick
True and real. Not my fault I was imbued with divine intellect and light.
Convert her to nazi
There right here bro.
>Nylon thigh highs.
Just because the statistical average penis is 5-6 inches, doesn't mean you don't have a micro penis
this is weenie
My phone is not cooperating :(
They don't despise average men, bro, most men actually are seriously fat and disgustingly childish.

Now, men have been poisoned by their governments and told to eat bread and corn paste and to never exercise and oh look at that the pharmaceutical industry makes 30% of the money on the planet now what a coincidence.

The chad tier guys are literally what used to be considered average.
>I would never say anything about this.
Why not?
Fuck yes that's exactly what I was thinking of but I couldn't think of the song
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Atoga men should compete for the best cock award.

I'd win, of course. But who would come second?
May as well radicalize senpai
What's the worst that could happen?
>are you saying I can dodge bullets?
Downbad question, but fuck it.

What part of the other gender's body smells the best to you?
Who is to say I'm not at the other end of the statistical spectrum with a macro penis
Head hair.
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>see posts talking about how much people fawn over their crush or partner, the smallest little details
>realize I've never had that, and that last week the girl who was using me as a plug just called me convienient
Can you convince me to not use an escort at the next earliest given opportunity? Can you give me a glimmer of hope?
M, neck and hair
Im a dude, but are 70% of men really single?
Breasts, or maybe hair
Is picrel actually from the game, or is that edited? It's been a while.
I'm a socially awkawrd autist. I ain't seducing anyone. I don't know how to flirt.

Nah I gave up leftypol years ago. That shit is childish. These guys are probably another leftist sect that split from another org beacuse they think yoga pants are bourgeois or something.
The hair
This. Someone has to sleep with losers so they can realize sex won't fix their failings.

Also being a virgin (can't slut around that's bad, can't be a virgin that's bad, have to get with 1 person and hope you won the social lottery first time (you won't))
Breast feeding in public, its natural
Wearing wigs don't get why fake teeth are fine and makeup that makes you look like a completely different person is fine and not fake hair
That's ok weeners take your time we will play more with ya <3 (i accidentally starter the game soz)
>70% of men really single?
At any given time yes.
The amount of men who have never had a relationship is lower though.
Just discovered girthmaster's TikTok

It's full of pornbrained women

Please tell me not all women are as size obsessed as these ones I'm reading
The only article that I found doesn't say women are rejecting men, it says "are watching a lot of social media, they’re watching a lot of porn, and I think they’re getting a lot of their needs met without having to go out.” and "Faced with the choice between an energy-intensive, highly competitive dating environment and the low-effort rewards of porn, young men appear to be taking the path of least resistance."

So these men aren't being cut out of the mating pool by women, they're out by their own choice of pursuing a path of instant gratification. Besides again this won't result in a drop in male birth, it will result in birth rate drop across the board. And women aren't out there being 70 to 80 percent single or in poly relations.
That's stupid. It's like saying that all men are obsessed with huge tits because you're reading comments on Hitomi's twitter.
You lost me
Using your as a plug? As in having sex? Then why would you need an escort. You're lacking the social appeal, not the physical one, which is the same as me. I'm just aromantic. It holds no appeal. Maybe you are, maybe you're stuck in the middle. Either way an escort won't fix shit beyond marking you as a loser who pays for escorts lol
>hey bby komrade, im looking to seize the means of production, and yours will do
If she says no, report her to the group leader for privatizing shit
Stop using Tik Tok
Why the fuck are you looking at someone called "girthmaster" anyway, quit being a fuckin fag and go outside
>Why not?
Because it's weird.
I don't think it's normal to be into that kinda stuff based on what a lot of other guys say.
If you can't get laid when you're the plug there is no glimmer
Looks like Pokemon Sun and Moon (or Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon).
Tits don't alter sexual performance. Having fingers that are big as average dicks and being 3x smallish women is.
You sound like a virgin.
Besides, the study talks about men under 30, so we can conclude that this doesn't or doesn't necessarily apply after 30, and that is because after that age most people stop their bullshit and start thinking of settling down
Never used it just looked at his comment section
Wanted to see what women thought about him
Close. Have had sex 5 times.
In my country everyone just assumes anyone above like 25 is taken until proven otherwise.
Like...5 times total? Don't get demoralized lil bro, fantasies are fantasies and not nearly as good as reality. Way way way more than just dick prowess when it comes to sex.
Yea problem is dude is huge and can fuck these women in everyway he wants and they love it. I'm just an average sized human
big tits are for slapping
small women for plapping
She won't fuck me and just expects shit for free now. I guess I am, but I'm unsure as to what to do. I can talk to women, flirt with them even, but it usually doesn't go further than that. I wouldn't say I'm like you, you seem like a fag. If I'm a loser, I'm a loser whether I pay for escorts or not, so what does it matter
Yeah, I think that's true for many non-western countries
I'm not the one asking people on 4chan to tell you how to spend cash lmao
In fact I'm so demoralized right now that I might just start cheating on my gf to get validation
>Yea problem is dude is huge and can fuck these women in everyway he wants and they love it.
No no, they THINK they love it. They're basically using him as a mould for their own fantasy. They don't actually know if they'd love it or not.
i think i m lowkey cooked guys. ex came back after 3 years telling me that she missed me, she was surprised when i texted her back. she broke up several months ago from a depressing and disappointing relationship, i had no feelings towards that as our love went away in those 3 years but i was still surprised out to find that she hasn't forgot me and stuff. i had no intent to pursue her back, we live in different cities now and that would be impossible, different jobs, different careers. after 2 weeks of talking i told her that i would like to meet her for a coffee/drink for the old times sake and several days later i got ghosted. i don't know if she has done that due to fear or due to the fact that she received some attention and validation and then decided to left again. i m thinking about leaving a last message asking her why she decided to come back and stir shit up just to leave without any reason. i ve recently broke up with somebody due to emotional incompatibilities, i'm in no mood to get my ex back, but this messed me up a little bit, we've had some good convos and she basically decided to left me on read one day. thoughts on why she would have done that?? thank you
Based, as a cuckCHAD I think people should cheat more often
Probably got cold feet, was probably reeling from her break up and wanted a rebound with someone familiar. You got farmed for emotional energy.
It's not really a question of money, seems like a pretty pathetic gotcha, and don't forget, you're here too Mr Aromantic
I'm like 99% sure she's sending me subliminal messages through music but the last time I said this I was called a schizo.
But tattoos ruin so many otherwise attractive people of both sexes?>>31683425
This take is unhinged tho
What are the messages?
What message am I conveying with this song?
To talk to people, not to have them do my accounting. I'd never be that pathetic. Paying for a whore lmao
Pussy, asshole, head, pits, feet, bosom
It isn't Chad, it's the lesbians taking all the chicks
What the other anon said, she emotionally used you.
Weak and egoistic people do that.
Sorry to hear that.
That sucks, femanon. But you'll have Chad sons at least
Money is not a concern for me. Seems like it's a bit of an sore spot for you
>He thinks money is the issue
oh no no no
One comment
>@Sunny:My frontpage keeps bringing me back like I’m not allowed to ignore the curiosity I now have
Imagine how many women are simply warped through this

I don't think I'd qualify as a man after they go for those guys
You're showing me that you're familiar with Dark Souls and probably wouldn't mind having a quick chat about it.

The lyrics of the songs she's sharing are pretty much saying "don't play with my heart."
>Imagine how many women are simply warped through this
Less than the amount of men who've been warped by porn and IG booty models.
>You're showing me that you're familiar with Dark Souls and probably wouldn't mind having a quick chat about it.
Ah yes, indeed fellow Souls enthusiast, how peckish and quaint.
>"don't play with my heart."
Then why don't you make a more solid move and see what her heart is saying?
Projecting, many such cases. I'll let you get the last word, maybe even give you some cash if I ever see you struggling lil guy
Both guys and girls of this board.
Lets say its your birthday now. What do you want as a gift? Lets keep it somewhat realistic, so about 400$ maximum price. Just to rule out new cars, houses and such, that most people couldnt as a gift.

I'll start
I genuinely wish to have Supernatural dvd or blueray set with directors commentary. Or if about 400$ is enough, a new set of car tyres that wouldnt be so slippery on a wet road.
Favourite is asshole, it’s the sweetest little puckered scent gland
Men, what type and/or style of clothes do you think that women look prettiest in?
Weenie—status report
You are projecting yes
Don't worry if you pay a whore enough she'll hug you to make it b-
LOL she won't hahah dumb pluggy
It is funny though, typical anime fag
>convince me not to do x
>okay dont do x because of y
>noooo dont call me y my feefees
My birthday is in 3 weeks. I'd love to get 400$ worth of Yugioh cards. Stuff like Super Poly, the Kashtira Cards, Psychic End Punisher, bunch of stuff.
I dont like getting gifts. I live getting a card from grandma, I save every single one.
I prefer to just invite some friends out for a drink and shoot the shit for a few hours
>Less than the amount of men who've been warped by porn and IG booty models.
This isn't what I'm worried about. Also, most men who are porn rained still want normal women
Lel you are absolutely going looking for this shit
Why do you even have a tiktok anyway?
whatever they feel pretty in :3
she made a mistake at a low point but you jumped on the opportunity and now she expects you to get the message without actually telling you. she probably also had you as a reserve, she was texting someone else and thought if they didn't work out, she had a safe net that she didn't want to fall back on but could

Just block and move on. Iet this be a lesson to not be the kind of person who's down for anything. You forgot her, moved on, but the moment she texted you you were like why don't i throw away a 3 year progress. You broke up, move on, for a reason.
i was thinking about the same. still, something fucks me up and wants to hear say the real reason or some made up bullshit for that. i know that i might not find out anything but i d still ask her why she decided to look me up just for another emotional ride, i don't deserve going throught that
This, its like how imagined a big titted woman would make a comfy head rest and smell nice but then when I got one her tits were just absurdly sweaty (still comfy though)
Nothing, since I don't do anything for birthdays and I can't think of anything I want gifted.

Is really cool.
I unironically think they'll just exterminate the non-elite once AI can do our jobs
Goth and biker clothes
Yes, I wanted to know what this guy that was uploaded to a gif porn thread had, saw he had a TikTok, made an account with a temporal mail and despaired
400 euro headphones. or possibly 400 just to buy clothes from a good place, like 2-3 expensive dresses or something.
what do you mean by pretty
>This isn’t what I’m worried about.
Obviously, because you’re not attracted to men and don’t worry about measuring up to their expectations. And no, most men who are porn rotted would rather goon and shove shit up their ass and smack their balls with a dildo than have sex. You shouldn’t have to worry mate. Women are like us, different and varied, not a monolith.
M, maybe a dehydrator or a little hydroponics thing to grow stuff indoors
It's not the chad or even lesbians. Turns out it's VOLUNTARY celibacy. They're taking themselves out of the mating and genetic pool.
As much as I like boyish clothes, I suppose a classy elegant dress would be the most "beautiful" for a beautiful woman
>Ain’t blacks making blacked hentai?
Lol, no. Trannies and cucks make that shit
The money
Or something I could easily sell for the money. I have 0 expensive interests, hobbies, tastes or habits
$400 worth of mtg cards.
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Bottom right 10/10
Top right 8-9/10
Top left not really, too normie
Bottom left good
These or some kind of vampire goth princess, or preppy, or upper class wife-core
You didn’t deserve to go through this, what she did was very selfish and frankly, evil. She purposefully used old feelings to remind herself that she’s still desirable and once she fed on you she abandoned you. Sorry mate, you deserved better than that.
Can you get a motorbike for $400? Then I'd just need a license
I need a new adrenaline rush and have been fantasising about biking
It wasn’t a question, that’s what I was saying.
good taste, i also thought bottom right was best instantly.
>Pornbrained men die alone in their gooncaves
>Pornbrained women fuck giant men and see average men as small

Not the same level of problem to me
Nothing super particular, just well fitted pants or clothes. I don't like super stylistic shit in the sense, for a normal day normal female clothes are best. If it's a concert or something then sure being more goth or metal or whatever could be fun or attractive but seeing a person dress like that on a normal day at a cafe or something makes me cringe a bit. Anything that shows off neck or collarbones is nice too
>>Pornbrained women fuck giant men and see average men as small
No they don't, they also rot in their caves, or have meaningless unsatisfying sex that doesn't actually fulfill them. They're broken for a reason, there's literally 4 billion women in the world, even 100,000 is a fraction of a fraction.
Dark Souls is still the best one, desu.
>solid move
I'm scared
>somewhat realistic
>400$ maximum price
Jeez you guys are rich. I get people $20-$30 gifts if they even get a gift.

Anyway, M, and I don't really need much. I can buy anything I want to buy. What I really need is permission (from myself) to spend money, so gift cards and money are acceptable. Specifically- Amazon, Ebay, Steam, Drivethrurpg, or Visa gift cards. I would also accept a ps4 if we're going up to the $400 dollar mark. Or clothes that actually look good on me but those are hard to find.
thank you anons, i won't text her anymore. i got used, i get that now.
Getting stranded in a snow storm with a strange woman, and we have to fuck so we won't freeze to death.
Nah mate Demon's Souls is the best one.
>I'm scared
Valid, but why? What do you have to lose? I feel that you so much more to gain.
I want to fuck my wife in her wedding dress again
The fact this giant guy is on TikTok in front of impressionable women will simply wake the urge in more and more women. This just will increase if internet keeps being used.
I understand what you're saying thought it's not falling onda deaf ears
Long skirts and t-shirts (or maybe blouses). And sometimes thin jackets.
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It's depressing to see how easy it is for women ITT to farm (you)s with the most basic questions ever thought of.
I'd hate thinking about how if you visualize this thread as a normal irl social function, there would be a total of maybe 2-3 women with a constant swarm of 20 guys minimum simping for them at all times. That sounds like the lamest party ever.
Hey men, should I send this link to my ex, with whom I am no longer in contact and whom I think of, at minimum, once per hour during business hours and once per second outside of business hours? Thoughts? I just think it would be really illuminating for him?
Why is he popular? His is on the lower end of dick size for porn.
>The fact this giant guy is on TikTok in front of impressionable women will simply wake the urge in more and more women. This just will increase if internet keeps being used.
Maybe framing it like this will help you:
Those women would've been "activated" regardless of whatever medium does it. They aren't creating anything new. It's always the same amount of women who will desire this fantasy, you can't really be brainwashed into something that you didn't already have. For example, one weekend after partying me and my buddy were walking down the street with coffee to nurse our hangovers when we saw a drunk driver get halfway onto an exit ramp, crash into a median and cause a car pileup. Did we stare? Yeah, but we moved on because A) one of the cars was leaking fuel and thought it'd explode and B) It was a fucked up site. I don't purposefully seek out car crash videos now.
The crown of her head
I just wore this today!
Delusional, women tend to ask men more interesting questions.

Being obsessively jealous of women is also a likely sign of a man with AGP, anon.
It would be cringe and pathetic if you did this. This woman has the most stereotypically annoying voice also
Are you surprised? This is 4chan after all, no one here is completely socially well-adjusted. Of course hypergamy is a natural function. Idk, I've had many 1on1 convos with girls (and dudes) here. The funniest part is when a dude will interject into the reply chain pretending to be me, always makes me laugh.
i want to tease an otherwise submissive girl so agonizingly that she ends up jumping my bones so she can get off
Eating dinner (tasting and smelling impossible burgers)
Sitting and typing at my computer (feeling the plastic keys, my hair on my arm, and my chair and foot pressing into my body, seeing words on the computer, hearing the whir of my computer and the soft clack of my keys)
Bitch just turn up at his house in a trench coat, waxed, dolled up and ready for anything
why are her hands so freakishly small?
Also who gives a shit? Having an avoidant personality type is comfy as fuck. You're always guaranteed to end up on top and never get hurt or betrayed.
nta, but I have a piece of advice I want to share: once I told my sister about someone, asked whether she thinks they were interested, and she said "let's say they are, does that mean you should? you are your own person, another individual liking you or not shouldn't be the deciding factor whether to date them or not" and that's what I want you to remember: another person missing you, being in love with you, etc shouldn't be the deciding factor whether you accord them your feelings, your time
I know her voice is annoying and I know that's exactly what he would think and probably write her off due to her appearance as well; however, she makes some very valid points
Bow ya shits
>Nah mate Demon's Souls is the best one
NTA, but DaS 1 is far superior in every single aspect to DeS. Especially DeS' AI was incredibly bad even back at release already.
Don't be so disingenuous. That is absolutely not true. And I'm a guy that can farm (You)s like a madman with good questions.
>Being obsessively jealous of women is also a likely sign of a man with AGP, anon.
Such bad faith.
How did they meet?
Who gives a shit woman, move on with your life. He's not gonna give a shit about whatever you send him, stop thinking about him and trying to get him to admit or understand he's wrong. You're not gonna convince someone to apologize to you or see the error of their ways, especially after you've already broken up. They gotta come to that conclusion themselves
>NTA, but DaS 1 is far superior in every single aspect to DeS.
Absolutely not. The music and atmosphere of DeS blow DaS1 out of the water. The world building is better. The inclusion of the puzzle bosses (Dragon God), albeit annoying, adds to it. There is nothing like Maiden Astraea, for example.
No, the opposite.
If someone's good-looking, that means they're friendly and enjoyable to be around and we probably have at least a little in common. That usually precludes them being too unintelligent.
Ugly people are unpleasant to be around, which doesn't necessarily imply that they're unintelligent (smart people can be unpleasant too) but many are.
I'm trying to retain a little bit of dignity and not be so pathetic but I do imagine doing something along these lines on a bi-daily basis and of course more frequently when I am ovulating, which happens to be today!
The candyman can :^)
i wager he's actually a cuck farming for fap material
>size doesn't matter
>yours is perfect, the big ones hurt teehee
M, no, you're projecting
The halo effect is welldocumented and applies with looks too
>He looks good, so he must be smart
Is the normal, subconcious thought process
I was chatting with a girl on a dating site recently so lately, her
But she hasn't responded in a couple days... I'm assuming she's just busy and will get to me soon but that doesn't make it less stressful
yfw you're not gay enough to make a mail to look at some guys dicktok?
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Should I go home at 6pm instead of 7pm today? I usually workout until 8 once I leave the office and I really don't even know what I'd do with the extra hour.
My gf will be in her home country for two weeks and I am already insanely horny. What do?
This no porn bullshit sure makes it hard to fap. But that's the point.
I know he has too much pride to apologize but I still think it would be nice for him to watch this video, for his own benefit and self awareness and growth as a human. If only we had a single mutual friend who could subtly relay the message, sigh. As for the
>stop thinking about him
suggestion, thank you that is such good advice that has never occurred to me before I will go ahead and do that now thanks so much thanks anon
Fuck it, I'm pulling the trigger and buying a penis pump.
I'm sick and tired of this shit. How do SO MANY women simp for this man? I was sceptical of that one anon that bought one here, but now I feel like I have nothing to lose anymore.
I'll make sure to check in every couple of months and report on the progress.
Chica I don't want to watch a nearly 4 minute video by some toxic woman, even on 2x speed it's too long to be worth it
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If she and I can't replicate this, I don't want her
He can what? What can he do?
Femanons must be ovulating rn
It kinda looks like he's showing off a fish he caught, not an attractive pose for the woman
kek you're delusional if you think hes gonna watch past the first 2 seconds if he opens the link at all. Why do you even assume that it's pride keeping you from apologizing, he probably sees no reason to apologize to you in the first place. And you aren't doing this for his "self awareness and growth as a human" you are doing this from yourself so just admit it, give up, and move on instead of thinking of sending your fuckin ex a tik tok of some woman rambling on about avoidant personalities. Detach from your circumstances and have a proper look at yourself and your situation, how would you answer your initial question if another girl or a guy asked you the same thing
Her hands measure from base of face to top of eyes
WHich is literally the norm
Better question is why its so people for people to comment on weird anatomy despite apparently not knowing anatomy
That's definitely all the same femanon
I feel like I'm ovulating and I'm a dude. Then again I made the mistake of looking at naked women butt and it's like I went from 0-100.
Henley shirt and slacks. I was running too low on time to find anything better this morning.
i'm one of them, but the rest might be the same one. i was just inspired.
Make the world taste good :~)
Hate to break it to you buddy but you're probably a narcissist.

I mean, you just called someone a fag for trying to give you advice you asked for. You're exactly the type of person who watches tranny porn and then immediately takes to 4chan after nutting to insult teenagers on lgbt about how gay they are.

You're a loser. A beta. Such a beta that women literally tell you they're using you and your only form of recourse is to be a bitch about it here. You're a gay beta faggot.
Post sex to prove me right
>ill admit if I was wrong
to be honest. I have never had larger than 5.5 inches in me, artificial or natural, and I am ok with that. I am fairly certain that porn cocks are prosthesis for the most part.
retarded take honestly. Women are always going on about how it's all about the girth and based on this guy's name, he delivers on that.
Also I checked out his dick pics out of curiosity for what women are gushing about and yeah, it's literally just a normal length but with massive girth. From the sounds of it he has the ideal cock for like 90% of women.
I just fucked a crackhead I did know she was a crackhead but the pussy good ngl.
https://jiggie dot fun/hw_wqh
Men, is this going to be you?
Women, any thoughts?
Sometimes I wish I was built like this guy, but I am also afraid of getting fat. I think I would rather be skinnyfit
I disagree, he's exalting them both
>and of course more frequently when I am ovulating
Huh? KEK, this has to be a larp!
I hate children

Hating children

Sweat pants and a very sweaty shirt

Replying to this post
looking at screen
feeling the keyboard
tasting my post-workout drink
smelling my hand to properly reply to this
hearing my breath

its weird how people will stick with people they dont like and try to "fix" them instead of just moving on
its like going to a car shop, then asking for a bike, buying a car anyways, then spending years trying to cut it in half and make it work with no roof on
>retarded take because in my headcanon I'm right
Whatever man, I'm a girthy and lengthy dude and I'm not insecure. I really couldn't care less if a woman fantasizes about huge cocks because A) I have one and B) way more to sex than just the cock.
Just a shitty taste then.
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Tired and lonely on a weary Wednesday night?
Come and do puzzle and have your spirits invigorated (also there are hot girls) https://jiggie.fun/hw_wqh
No, I'm in a happy relationship. I also don't mind dancing even if I'm not particularly good at it if it's in a group setting. Might take lessons at some point though
Occasionally I'll see a hot girl out with her kid and I'll be like "yeah, I'd have put babies into you too"
Also having good genes. There's this girl who's probably one of the smartest people I've met (we're actually probably pretty close in intelligence, which is more than I can say for most people), and she's also really attractive, and I gotta say she makes me want to put babies into her a little bit.
I reckon you could achieve that build at 5'10 or taller without counting calories or really dieting at all
The hot girls line is a lie. False advertising.
I contend that my 7.2x5.6 is the ideal size.
>That might be a you issue
I hope you're right, but >Divorce is positively correlated with body count for example
Thanks for checking bro
I don't understand why men don't just breakup with the girls when she goes to Uni. She's gonna have a Bachelors, Masters and a PhD in dicks bro... if you're lucky you might get throwback pussy when she goes home..
wait, I said it as a joke, why are women ACTUALLY ovulating at the end of each month?
Are you telling me I can skip coming here for the rest of the like 25 days and enjoy monthly female hornyposting?
M or F?
Huh, that's basically the exact same as mine.
I didn't, I can't draw + I'm shy.
First of all, there's a less than 1% chance of me sending this to him. I come here to scratch such itches and do nothing with them in the real world. Second of all, even if I were to send it, it would be humiliating and pathetic of me so it certainly wouldn't be "for me", unless he were to say "wow thank you, this is really helpful, I'm sorry I treated you like shit" but the odds of that happening are probably only a little higher than the odds of Jesus returning to earth tonight at 8:11 pm EDT. Hopefully that answers your question but if not, the direct answer is that I would probably say something similar to what you've said to me, perhaps with a little more tenderness, as I am, of course, suffering here (!) behind this light humor you're apparently not getting :^)
i hornyposted yesterday too. if there hasn't been angry incelposting for a while then i feel ok to hornypost
> I'm not insecure
>hasn't seen the disappointment on women's faces when you take your pants off
yeah, I wonder why you're not insecure, beats me
Couldn't you just date a guy that grew up in the 2000s? Or are you like 19?
>>hasn't seen the disappointment on women's faces when you take your pants off
Too fucking funny. Sucks to be you, bro.
kek its tough love anon. Fuck this guy, fuck sending him shit, fuck even bringing him up in these threads if you don't have a good reason to, fuck even watching tik toks like this. The less you actively engage with the thought of him the better. Realistically the less you use tik tok/twitter the better too but that's a different discussion
>I'm rich, why should I be insecure about money?
>There is more to life than just having money
>I could care less if women fetishize me for my wealth
I’m 6’5 185, I don’t know if I’m too lanky or what. Been working out consistently for 3 years, pretty much just recomped with more muscles but maintained weight. I still make strength gains and progressive overload, I just don’t look jacked like that and probably never will.
This is called a false equivalence.
Yeah that will be me, but at the same time I won't have any memories of humiliating myself trying to be a normie
I don't have tik tok, I don't even watch "things like this", but it just came up on my Twitter timeline. Sorry for bringing him up all the time. He's literally possessing my soul and I need an exorcism :)
what was the point of your post then, just to brag?
Very insightful
This is me but about trying to make friends
>girl female non-male boobs haver asks me to carry her on way home, she's tired
>do so
>uncarry her 20 mins later
>gets actually confused on why
>say im tired
>she gets mad asking if she's heavy
do women genuinely think they weigh nothing? i carried 20kg cement for like an hour and it was less tiring than carrying her for 20 mins, she's at least 60kg
Well Mr. Midwit, I'm glad you asked! The point was to draw a distinction between fantasy and reality. Just because I fantasize about being cut up by a pale goth woman in all black while she sits all the down on my cock doesn't mean I'd even enjoy it irl, nor does it mean I'll be disappointed if she isn't pale or goth.
6'5 185 is skelly mode, eat more and do hypertrophy
Not a man but the thought of anyone dying without experiencing love breaks my heart. I would literally kiss that old man if he's never been kissed before
>microdick is so easily offended that he can't recognize when someone is just bragging
>takes it seriously and starts arguing
>music and atmosphere of DeS
Agreed. Ths DeS remake is extremely high fidelity yet still falls short of the original because of how greatly they changed the tone.
yeah, and my point was that you wouldn't be spouting any of your bullshit if you had a small dick, retard.
I actually really like the remasted DeS soundtrack, but definitely lacks that soul that the original has. But the remaster has better songs, like The Old One.
You're just wrong though, they're unequivocal truths. The only reason you feel so insecure is because its a reflection of yourself and your self loathing of your microdick, which I'd wager is probably normal sized and you're just porn rotted.
It's ok anon, time heals all wounds. Your default thought should be "why would I engage with or reach out to this piece of shit," I want you to be disgusted by the thought of even interacting with him. You'll get there, when was the breakup?
whatever you big dick faggot, why don't you go have sex and let us complain about women in peace.
Just fuck a giant dude, that's probably what's keeping women from getting on with their problems.
I'm sure my ex fucked a giant dude after me
r9k might be a better place for that, microdick anon.
>pls be black
He is Australian. Get fucking owned race baiter.
>Small titties
>Small dickies
life is so fucking cruel micropal I got your back
/r9k/ already has at least one resident microdick poster.
>The only reason you feel so insecure is because its a reflection of yourself
nah, I'm insecure because I've had a woman literally walk out on me like 5 min after seeing it.
Also I'm tall, and guess what, I don't give a shit about men's height issues either, because I'm good in that regard. Your entire point becomes invalid as soon as you say you're packing.
>Your entire point becomes invalid as soon as you say you're packing.
Not invalid, but it is definitely what people will fixate on. I can say the sun is yellow but if I'm blind then it's invalid, I guess.
Be born with
A: A tiny dick
B: A height below 5'3
C: A mental condition such as autism, ADHD
Which one?
You'd think scientists would've figured out a way to make penises bigger by now, but no they're focused on giving men vaginas and women dicks
I don't believe you lmao.

Women don't do that shit bro. What are you legit packing?
Last time I hornyposted. I wanted to get dp'd and got called a tranny for wanting something up my butt. Internet is a wonderful place.
My bad
I'm none of those, I'm alright.
Truly an image board moment
She was pretty aggressive with sexual innuendo. But after I walked in on her watching gay porn she went full mask off and one night during dinner she just asked to fuck me with a strap on, which I declined.

Idk my sample size is pretty small, so I couldn't tell you if there were any other signs besides heavy-handed innuendo given confidently. I had suspicions of another friend who was a little similar, but I didn't really feel like asking her if she pegs her husband.

If I can ask back, what vibes/signs did you see in the super submissive women?

Overwatch kek

Apparently high elo OW on the Oceania server is so small that basically everyone knows and dates each other. Apparently she found out he was a sub because she asked him to play Mercy lol
Which would you pick
what are the odds that she's in this very thread with us?
yeah they do, you just don't hear about it, because they would probably never admit it. But it happens believe me.
>What are you legit packing?
4,2 inches and fairly thin too, which is arguably worse
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Men of /atoga/, why don't you have this?

Women of /atoga/, why don't you look like this?
my oneitis is a single mother
>getting dp'd
yeah, probably better to keep it to yourself. I'd break up with my gf if she told me she fantasized about that.
I'm embarrassed to say it was almost a year ago
I'm not having sex with another man unless I'm dating him and I don't want to date someone while hung up on someone else so the only solution is not to "fuck a giant dude" but to murder my ex, thereby releasing myself from whatever curse he placed on me :)
Is this Lana Rhoads from an alternate timeline where she never did porn and became a housewife instead?
I'm younger, but also more mid features, dark hair
>why dont you have children
uhhh maybe ebcause i dont huuhuhuh hate myself?
sorry let me repeat that
uuu -waaaaaah- ma -waaah- i -waaaah- waaah- waaah
god i hate children
Oh damn, dude.

Yeah that's rough.

I ain't gonna lie, that's straight up a bad deal.
I have some things I have to sort out, whenever I meet the woman that I want to spend my life with, I want her to be able to be a stay at home mom if she so chooses.
stop it with the para social obsession you fucking creep
I'll probably be ready to be a dad in like 3 or 4 years

I started talking to my gym crush, but I've been meeting our mutual friends and it sounds like she's the town bicycle...
Sarah Gadon?
Eh, pretty low.
yeah, that's what I've been trying to say, reddit spacing.
Tiny dick maybe or height.
Probably height.
Definitely not the mental issues, thus I also would not turn into a manlet.

I would have fucked up really bad if I had some shitty child running around.
Fuck that noise.
I'm not that pretty
what are some examples of women false flagging and pretending to be men ITT?
What do they usually say?
Nice attempt, fembot.
If you're a femanon I'd like to marry you right here right now. Fuck having children.
Maleanons don't get as intensely angry when they think they're just arguing with another maleanon, I do it sometimes ngl
What the fuck, she woke up as soon as I posted this. Which one of you is it?
Why would a maleanon post here if he even willingly admits that he doesn't care for femanons in the slightest?
Sounds like you a problem desu
New room! https://jiggie.fun/fHgbAl
they're just tsunderes
Idk but I've successfully pretended to be a woman to the point where femanons thought I was.
To ask questions.
I come here occasionally to ask why singular people I saw do a single weird thing did it, while phrasing it as if the entire gender does it. It amuses me.
>woke up
It's 7pm here so not me
Who is this nebulous le she?
>It amuses me.
Everybody else finds your grating.
But I am sure you feed on negativity.
>>Everybody else finds your grating.
She's a figment of his imagination
This isn't a letter thread.
Fuck you.
That's a shame.
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State gender

Do you consume cannabis?
No, it really isn't.
Go to /r9k/ if that's how you wanna be.
I'm not an antisocial psychopath
Sarah Gadon is very real my friend :)
I used to. For 10 years straight, actually, every day. I quit though, never again, not even one hoot. It took too much of my life and time away.
f, never tried.
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You literally call everyone a narcissist, they live rent free in your head, stop being such a woman
He is a fag, his advice is useless, he's literally on here to grind his axe
My form of recourse was to drop her in the ghetto and make her uber home or rip her off but I decided against to against my better nature, instead I just decided I'm just not going to buy her shit again
Oh and I just got flirted with by a cashier at a store I'm a regular at and got yet another match online, and I'm feeling less pathetic after curving my withdrawl and getting some sleep after a 12 hour shift, anyone would be irritable and hopeless after that, am I wrong? He was right about one thing, this is a useless place to get some advice
Fuck that's right, she played the wife who had sex with the beta version of Jake Gyllenhaals character in Enemy. She's a good actress.
It's weird how people say she's mid when she's quite gorgeous.
No it sucks, it's mainly used by bums and it stinks. Mushrooms are where it's at
How's the psychosis?
>How's the psychosis?
It's a nice change of place, life is pretty boring at the moment. I talked to Satan, see angels, and do creative stuff sometimes, and watch a lot of movies
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Yes. That was Sarah Gadon in her award winning performance in Denis Villeneuve's film Enemy.
Fair enough, don't get too lost. The entity you're communing with ain't one that wants to be friends.
You must've looked cute
I'm actually hideous so I did not
They have wall outlet to usb adapters but do they have usb to wall outlet?
But we get along so well :(
Stay strong, lad.
Yeah...that's because he wants your devotion and belief to fuel his existence. Careful careful.
I went into an /s/ thread for butts and wew. But I didn't fap and I clicked off it fast. We good.
She played the part of a neurotic wife really well.
The way she lies in bed with professor Jake in one of the last scenes and seeing her pregnant definitely spiked neurons in my brain.
Who, Satan? I called him a double nigger when I saw him. fucked off after that
USB doesn't provide enough power for that to work well.
Any of them. They all want the same thing.
>double nigger
Haven’t heard that one in a while.
Did you know Sarah Gadon has played a pregnant woman in 7 different roles, and even kept her prosthetic belly from Enemy to use in other roles?
>7.2x5.6 is the ideal size.
what the fuck kind of cartridge is that? is it proprietary?
I can do no wrong for I do not know what it is.
That's actually a little bizarre. Maybe she has a fetish?
39 centimetres long weighing 16 kilograms with 13 millimetre armour piercing rounds.
Honestly, I'm not surprised. If there was a woman I'd like seeing pregnant it'd be her.
You know how people always say to women how they look beautiful when they're pregnant to make them feel better? She would be one of the rare exceptions where I would actually mean it.
Me, her and hollywood casting directors seem to be on the same wavelength.
Must be nice being beautiful
>You know how people always say to women how they look beautiful when they're pregnant to make them feel better?
Wait... you guys don't actually mean it?
Wholesome femanon
>she found out he was a sub because she asked him to play Mercy
Is that a thing?
I'm a switch, and i play Mercy and Widow 0_0
NTA but I do but that’s because I have a pregnancy fetish.
men if i am a kinda ugly autistic femanon with avpd is it worth bothering to try and dress up & get a bf & get friends even if i get jealous of them or do i accept my shitty baka loner life
Heck no. Most pregnant women think that gives them an excuse to turn into cows.
No? You look like a blob most of the time. We just don't want to suffer the hormonal rage of pregnant chicks, so we tell them what they want to hear.
Yeah, I'd say so. I have a ugly female friend who stopped giving a shit about her looks and she's doing fine.
Oh my god imagine the smell.
Honestly I was expecting longer than a year ago. You'll be ok anon, fuck him
Why do you expose your bare feet so often? That's really not a good look.
I wish I had an fwb to bang on mushrooms
>You know how people always say to women how they look beautiful when they're pregnant to make them feel better?
I'm pretty desensitized from mens comments on here but sometimes you guys say really hurtful things
I didn't die from the Woke Mind Virus. I actually found a pill to treat it, at the expense of me feeling a little woozy and high. Would you like to know my secret?
In terms of difficulty an autistic ugly woman has it better than a decently tall and above average looking schizoid (me).
Nah, I've used it a few times but it's been a while. I enjoyed edibles maybe like once a year in college

We'll be settled enough to have kids in a year or two
it's morphine, isn't it?
Did you ever notice how it's the most stuffy and uptight people you wouldn't expect who do a lot of drugs and have regular gay sex orgies?
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This, right here, is certified player jewelry. It tells you everything you need to know, you could practically see how your relationship with a guy who wears this stuff before it even began
>I went into an /s/ thread for butts and wew. But I didn't fap and I clicked off it fast. We good.

You got to be careful, anon. The more you feed it the hungrier it becomes.

Even /atoga/ can be risky.. Just 2 days ago A femanon wiped out months worth of progress for me.
wearing that shit is retarded
i feel unattracted to this image.
>you could practically see how your relationship with a guy who wears this stuff before it even began
have good sex on demand with no strings attached?
Is this really what women are complaining about?
To be fair, I’m doing no porn, not no fap. I’m just trying to get off the porn and fap to my imagination or hornyposting. The fact I haven’t fapped yet is moreso a symptom of how visual I was.
I mean it! Pregnancy glow is huge
When I was in my teens the boys who worke puka shell necklaces were all whoring themselves out to decrepit old ladies who lived in retirement homes and elderly gated communities. They would get paid big bucks to have sex with grannies. An American Eagle or Hollister shirt, khaki shorts or distressed jeans, designer flip flops, bleached hair, and of course, the puka shell necklace. That was the gigolo uniform. The grannnyfucker uniform. Though the guys who really wanted to make bank went to the trailer parks and did gay for pay stuff with your lite beer-drinking Jethros in their single wides.
femanon pretending to be a guy doing damage control
That's fair. GL
Because saying I had a pregnancy fetish wasn't enough. I see how it is.
How mentally ill do you have to be, to be a woman who frequents 4chan?
Is that a quote from a movie or something? Or did you just cook that up from your deep creative genius mind?
Lol. You just mean the bigger boobs, right?
I'm actually clinically retarded. I have an IQ of 70. Thanks, Autism!
Women, hypothetically say you were pregnant. What would you think about a guy having a pregnancy fetish?
Thanks mate. It's frustrating but it's also nice.
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I really want to shoot my shot with this similarly introverted girl in my class even if I get rejected because I'm finally /fit/, still it seems like an aspie thing to do but there's no alternative is there if I want to talk to this specific person? Should I wait for an indication of any kind before I introduce myself? Btw I'm 6'1 and a bit above average in terms of looks if that matters.
I swear you could get Ray Liota to read that in his Goodfellas narrating voice and I wouldn't question it.
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen :^)
Why would a femanon do damage control for men?
I mean her actual skin, especially in the face, it's like there's a subtle glow to it.
Idk, depends on your cock size
My pronouns are he/she. Bitch.
Why would I save a girl I no longer have any interest in?
>Why would a femanon do damage control for men?
the feminine urge to make everyone feel comfy.
I really don't care
I wouldn't have a problem with that if it was my bf/husband.

Anon, that is sweat.
I wish there were other tells besides this
Because I can not save you
I can't even save myself
So just save yourself
Say "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE!" until part of you believes it to bring out your confidence
Stop making my fetish a meme, please.
It kind of reminds me of the sweat on my ball sack. The sweat on her face, I mean. The sweat on my ball sack becomes more pronounced after I shave my scrote. Because there's less hair to catch it. But that also means my pube hair itches less when the shaved underside of my nut sack is all sticky from sweat!
just go for it bro
Do you ever get depressive it's not the late 1900s any more?
I don't understand this question
Is she asking you to?
Thank you for that mental image, anon.
I'm actually not trying to be! I'm surprised more don't agree.
>Women, hypothetically say you were pregnant. What would you think about a guy having a pregnancy fetish?
I'd get the ick, poison his food, sabotage his internet connection, and leave
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6.5 in. now give me an actual answer before I sperg out.
like 1907-1909? yeah sometimes
>your relationship
>no strings attached
You made a choice to imagine the relationship as strictly no strings attached

Also, more like probably lives in the club, does illegal shit for a living, financially irresponsible, probably has an ex he can't help but fuck every two months, and 3 side pieces at all times, you'll probably catch him in bed with another girl and that's how your relationship ends
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>thick 7 incher
>Balls are average sized
It's over
Lotta unusually big dicked men here!
No, I mean like 1970-1999. The late 1900s. It's amazing there are still people here old enough to remember those days.
aaaand another one for good luck jiggie.fun/J7Al5Q
Hey, we can't let you women have all the larping fun.
wtf 6.5 isn't big at all unless we're talking about east asia or something.
My countrymen call me Biggus Dickus.
I wish I was alive in 1666, so I could help form the Synagogue of Satan.
and you think you deserve better, why exactly?
you should've said late 20th century for clarity. is late 2000s 2070-2099?
No, cocaine is much better
Do you ever fear the zoomers might be plotting a generational genocide against boomers?
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>Often wear a rainbow colored sigil cast in steel and glass depicting the symbol of the enochian angel Jebemiah, guardian and guide of scientists
Women what does this mean
My dick is 7" long and 6.5" in circumference, but you won't believe me because I'm just saying that on the internet. Any guy with a large dick will volunteer the information if asked, whereas most people with small dicks won't respond to a post asking about dick length
Nice larp.
Sure. What you should do is approach her sneakily, so you don't spook her. Wait until she's near a wall. Slam your hand on both sides of the wall around her. Now she can't escape. Smile at her. Broad smile.Get really close so she can see it better. introduce yourself
>I am Dave
For example
She will answer in kind
>anything that seems remotely competent must be from a movie or something
fuck everything

That was already formed in the first century Common Era by the false prophet, fraudster and cult leader named Yeshua.
Yeah I mean statistically speaking there's no way that any of you are telling the truth and you probably just measured to add length and girth or you're just lying.
Nice self report, if I wanted to larp I would say 7 or 8 inches, 6.5 inches isn't too rare in the west.
it's 3.20am, don't make me thing
I want to bang an alt college girl from the 90's in her bedroom covered in band posters, before playing Mario party 2 with her while her pussy is still full of cum.
I honestly thing they're too riddled with ADHD to do something like that.
No, my penis was actually 4.5" for a while but I started tugging my foreskin in public to build confidence and as an extension exercise. It was because my mom 's boyfriend, when I was a kid, used to angrily jack me off in front of her and would then scream at me for my dick being too small. Ever since then I've made efforts to expand it so no one will ever scream at me for having a teeny weenie again.
I'm bigger than 6.5 inches. Just tired of the lies.
I don't know whether to be disturbed or impressed.
are you telling me you wouldn't watch a movie about male prostitutes working at senior homes? And potentially fucking grannies to death? You must be fun at parties.
6.5 dead on seems a bit weird.
Thats because women unironically prefer smaller/medium size dicks, so us cockmonsters are incels.
I've been on 4chan since 2010 and for the life of me I'll never understand the trolling done in this style.

It's just not funny. It's really, really boring.
I would if i was alive then
>t. 2003
guess i missed the peak of humanity
my bad it's actually 8.96160551e-5 nautical miles
I would've made so much fuckin money back then
Your genitals need to be masturbated, don't they?
Alright let me just give you the accurate scientific measurement, like no shit I rounded it up if it's like 6.44767 inches or something.
Mommy? ...Daddy?
nice cope, dicklet.
I've never heard a woman gushing about a small dick.
I've never seen a small dick in female targeted hentai or smut.
I've never heard a small dick being praised in any way except to make dicklets feel better.
same, my penis is actually 1.91x10^-17 lightyears long
Why would I lie about my bra size?
>Just 2 days ago A femanon wiped out months worth of progress for me.
Never ask a woman her age, or an anon which femanon spoiled his no fap
>nice cope, dicklet
You're sick and twisted
>Just tired of the lies
Oh shit man I'm sorry let me take a razor blade and cut parts of my cock off so that I can fit the average since there's no possible way that above average people might respond more to a question about dick size.
Depends. What does he find hot about it?
Autism is your superpower.
I don't like small dicks. But I would unironically take a medium dick over a big dick, pun not intended.
Why would I argue to you that I deserve more? I deserve more, and whether you believe it or not, it's insignificant. Besides you can't make me settle for less, so I have no reason to defend myself to you
You're seriously asking? Say the bigger boobs and belly.
>I've never heard a small dick being praised in any way except to make dicklets feel better.
You'll use that last clause to hand wave any counter examples.
Boutta piss on the "Welcome to California" sign at the Oregon border
Girls? Were you fed today? Were you bred today?
The belly, the sensitivity...the belly.
They're forcing it out of me and I don't like it. I am ashamed of it.
the only time small dicks are praised are on trannies
That's hot. I have the same thing for it. Just curious as to what other people like about it
> I have no reason to defend myself to you
and yet you responded with an entire paragraph
I wish for femanon to meet a very nice guy with a large dick
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Having a girl throw up on your dick when trying to deepthroat you really changes your opinion about having a big dick
I feel like a fucking pyscho for saying this but I like the almost helplessness of a pregnant woman.
Bahahahahahahahahahahaha bahahahahahahahahahahaha
Is this the retard on r9k who is obsessed with dick and balls?
if they're retarded then yeah, I'll dismiss any attempt to bend the truth in dicklet favor.
Uh oh I’m getting another crush again. I just dreamed about her last night.
Do bi/les chicks think pregnant women are attractive too? Or is this a just a moid obsession?
I DID actually but we broke up because we were physically very incompatible. :(

That's just her own damn fault to be honest.
tell us about her

do you think you have a chance at wooing her?
PLEASE stop talking about it!!!!!!!!!
at least you get laid man. Women won't even touch a small dick.
it's always a bad sign when you dream about the crush
I think it's just a moid thing. Like, I don't think girls get foot fetishes.
Oregon is already too Californicated!
In that case, I hope you find another.
May i ask how you were incompatible?
No she’s engaged.
Helpless? Elaborate.

I'm waiting for the 90's to become the new 50's, ie a time of peace and prosperity and a healthier culture than we have today
And? Your superpower is passive sodomy.
should I make a mug cake or hot chocolate tonight?
JH, or anti natalist?
But at least I won't actually be in California anymore
His penis was too large for my vagina. Or, to phrase it better, he was not good at using it in such a situation.
Neither, I'm the guy that originally brought up having a pregnancy fetish. Of course it fucking catches fire, everything I do does.
I hope your mommy and daddy masturbate you properly.
>That's just her own damn fault to be honest
Whoa, Mega based femanon!
it's just a resident schizo, probably a scorned tripfag
Yeah, I did respond. Telling you I'm not gonna justify why I deserve more and I didn't, because I know how this would've played out: I agree to defend myself, basically implicitly giving you power to judge whether I do deserve more or not, and you would then proceed to act like all those reasons are not good enough reasons. Like I said I deserve more, and even if I don't according to you, I will continue to get more
We all have pregnancy fetishes here, brother.
Like, having difficultly picking something up or something. And then I can do it myself and feel all manly.
>hanging out with my church friend group
>somehow end up invited to a movie night with 5 girls (we watched Monsters Inc.)
>one girl just randomly goes off about how amazing it'd be if all of them were pregnant at the same time

Gotta be one of the most awkward boners
>femanons refuse to believe that there exists a single heterosexual maleanon that wouldn't go balls deep in them, no questions asked
That's gross. If you fuck a pregnant woman you're technically jizzing on the fetus in her womb. Which means you're committing paedophiliac acts against a fetus that isn't even born yet. Not cool.
Do you think it could've worked if he paced himself more, and stuck to specific positions?
Difference being you probably embrace it whereas I am in the pregnancy fetish closet.
How are the two atomic bombs during WW2 taught in Japanese schools?
RIP that's the worst
I feel like I've got another crush too ffs
I wouldn't fuck Marjorie Taylor Greene even if she were flirting with me hardcore.
mhm sure thing. Keep telling yourself your gay little positive affirmations.
I mean, not to be all pickme, but if you think you're going to vomit, maybe you shouldn't do that.
That's a good point.
How do play?
I always dream about Sarah Gadon
Teacher played a video in HS and I laughed. He got mad. Talk about a bleeding heart liberal soiboy
Doesn't sound psycho. That's just helping your woman. It's sweet.
Formerly socially awkward/schizoid men how did YOU get a gf? I've lost my virginity but I still struggle with literally everything else.
she's got a mid face desu
My crush said if I dated him I had to go to his church. When I went to the church I was very uncomfortable. The priest was leading all the men there in a group masturbation ritual, where they spoke in tongues while "handling their snakes". Should I feel as uncomfortable about this as I am?
Maybe? He would always jackhammer me even after I repeatedly asked him to be careful. It was like he couldn't avoid it.
This has to be a LARP wtf
I will be having pregnancy sex with my future wife. Sorry not sorry.
you're a fucking loser with an obsession. drop it
typically churches don't allow gays, do you pass?
mid is like 5/10. she's 2/10. i'm mid, don't confuse me with ugly.
I got an entire class mad at me when I made fun of how sobby and weepy a video about 9/11 the teacher showed us was.
I'm hitting a new level of horny that is just...zen. I am a biological sack of meat and chemicals. And that is okay.
Men of /atoga/

Why don't you have a cute pregnant Sarah Gadon waifu?
not just a larp, but a gay fantasy
must be catholics or something
So you're admitting to being a fetus rapist.
Why is it important to you who I fuck anyway? Are you jealous over me or the guys I'm fucking, in which case you'd be the gay one here since you'd be jealous over other men
I got extremely lucky with genetics and women keep talking to me and giving me compliments.
Schizophrenia kinda cancels it out, but still, if I wasn't considered at least somewhat good looking I think women wouldn't even look at me.
yeah but you're fatter than she is which brings you way down
Because Sarah Gadon is a famous filmstar actress and I'm a broke guy beating cereal at 2am and watching cartoons
>I am in the pregnancy fetish closet.
F but I personally don't think you need to. Just don't be creepy about it.
sarah gaydon can go pound sand
That's definitely a man thing
Lol I've done that
i'm 110lbs, not THAT fat.
I have a small dick, so women don't really want to have it anywhere near them.
need Miss Piggy gf
Umm dude, that's kind of obese.
Look, now is not the time for trolling. My penis is throbbing. I know enough about biology to know that I can plap her while pregnant with a clear conscience and karmic absolution.
>Just don't be creepy about it.
Fair enough. It just seems that the fact I have it is creepy in itself, no?
Either gender
Do you leave the oven light on when you're baking something?
Sure, he would jackhammer, but would he SLEDGE HAMMER you?
State gender
I know it wouldn't be moral to fuck a student being a teacher, but does the same apply if I'm a private tutor?
my investment in this discussion is minimal. honestly I thought you'd stop responding after the first time. You keep getting riled up tough, so I'll keep saying whatever to get you to respond to me. Retarded cunt.
I live in a car. But the woman I love lives in a castle. Never shall the two worlds meet.
>Why is it important to you who I fuck anyway?
Because I'm entitled to watch, and it's worth nothing to me if I can't jack off thinking about it.
i've never lived in a place where there's an option with the oven to not have the light on when the oven is on. life of a pore.
When you look at it solely from the point of them being a symbol of fertility and bigger boobs and stuff like that, not really imo.
The dream was kinda funny. We have a C++ class together this coming semester but the class in the dream was in my grandfather next door’s bathroom. She was also in what I assume supposed to be the Data Structures and Algorithms class and that was in the garage.
It’s not even the bigger boobs. It’s the idea of the changing body growing a new life that we made. Plus the belly, yes. I haven’t explored it much due to repression.
>but if you think you're going to vomit, maybe you shouldn't do that.
That's a fair point.
>I mean, not to be all pick me
I think you're allowed a pass on that one.

My ex gave me a few claw marks during some intense moments, and I didn't tap out. If that makes me a pick me, then so be it.
women who can't handle big dicks are unfathomably cringe
>ow, please go slow
imagine being this lame
I'm also a poor and my ovens have always had an oven light button/switch desu, at least as far as I can remember
I'm a burger, it could be a geographic thing too desu
Why is it normal and openly talked about for women to goon in groups of other women, but weird for men to goon in groups of other men?
Nta but I would be understanding of it if he fetishized his own girlfriend/wife that he impregnated it's only weird when the kid isn't yours.
Not on purpose, unless I'm doing cookies because I would need to turn it on every 7 minutes anyway.
But in this show Liam Hemsworth is $220,000 dollars in debt and he still has a cute pregnant Sarah Gadon waifu...
Sounds like he wasn't that nice of a guy tbf
>you keep getting riled up though
>retarded cunt

I have not used one insult, not explicit, nor implied. And had your investment been minimal you wouldn't have been throwing insults kek But what happened is I basically said I don't want a loser and you took that on the chin because you're a loser too I would say get fucked but we both know that's not gonna happen
> if he fetishized his own girlfriend/wife that he impregnated it's only weird when the kid isn't yours.
Yes, it's purely if I knock up my love.
Who taught you to have anal butt sex up the rectum? Who introduced you to such practises?
oh, then yeah maybe a geographical thing.
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Let's get some specifics on female preferences;

You bury your head in your man's chest/arms and are near his armpit. How much smell do you want to smell?
Do you want to be enamored with a guy when you meet him for reasons, or do you want to be won over?
Are there any occupations that you'd prefer your man to have?
Life still feels like high school to me. Except now I'm comfortable in my own skin.
Nope, just 5 days without fapping. I am a dude.
same cereal bf?

Depends on who's paying for it. If you're an LSAT tutor and your student is an adult and paying for it and interested in you, it's probably fine. If you're a PSAT tutor, it's not.
Hey, serious question. If you impregnate someone up the ass and fertilize them up the rectum, will your kid end up being a total piece of shit?
ok, whatever you say sweetheart. How about you write another paragraph of meta commentary of this conversation?
The baby machine process in itself? Nah, that's totally fine imo. I mean, that's technically what we're meant to do. Peak example of femininity. I don't personally understand the belly thing but it's a symbol of that baby machine fertility so that makes sense. And then I guess a guy would find it hot to see the fruits of his labor progress.
I (m) had a female friend I'd "goon" with in college. We never fucked either
Penis, Sex, and Anal Test?
that's how femanons are born
I'll save some cereal for you bb
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>inb4 b&
I like huffing my boyfriends pits after he gets all sweaty from working out at the gym ... good LORD. I smell his sweaty clothes too...
>My ex gave me a few claw marks during some intense moments, and I didn't tap out. If that makes me a pick me, then so be it.
That's kinda hot, ngl.
This is my 3rd one since starting university and I honestly can’t recall dreaming about the other 2.
What acts of sexual harassment have been enacted against you?
never change
>weird for men to goon in groups of other men
Men have this weird hangup about that being seen as gay.
> I don't personally understand the belly thing
Neither do I, but it activates my neurons. Thanks anon, a very positive way of framing it.
I'm lucky
like how someone is lucky to get lung cancer even though they've never smoked
Then I don't think that's weird at all.
Something that requires skill where he makes something. I never have anything to talk about with office workers.
Do you prefer tugging on a winky or sucking on a winky?
really? I've only gotten two crushes during my adult life, and I think I only 1-2 dreams of both ones. seems like that crush is really intense for you then.
my mom used to stroke my penis when I was in the bath when I was little.
Suffice to say I repressed it and developed a MILF/momcest fetish from it.
>please let me have the last word

I don't want to.
state gender

which would be harder for you- 5 days without junk food or 5 days without masturbating?
How did it make you feel when your brother would creep into your room at night, pull up your nightgown, and start playing with your pussy?
If a woman likes me, she could make me lunch as a gift and I would
1. start falling for her almost immediately
2. understand the meaning and work to impress her and ask her out

As a man, if I like a woman, what can I do other than approach first like a predator?
F junk food easily.
>Did you ever notice how it's the most stuffy and uptight people you wouldn't expect who do a lot of drugs and have regular gay sex orgies?
Not really? For example: most of the lesbians I've met look like they're in a band, not a church choir..
Why do I inspire so many fucking questions?
M, Junk Food
Forcibly kissed(childhood friend)
Some weird shit with a step brother I don't want to get into
Ex got me drunk and tried to put it in my ass
Forcibly kissed(old man)
masturbating, I already abstain from junk food during the week if I can
Though ever since I got hung up on this lass, I haven't coomed. That was several days ago
Junk food would be WAY harder
>Then I don't think that's weird at all.
Thanks anon.
i could do both easily, and often do sometimes. a week of just coffee, sardines, the occasional fruit i steal from the grocery. fapping is a chore at this point and i put it off for as long as possible. im a procrastimasturbator.
>Something that requires skill where he makes something.
ok so say he's a wizard programmer.
or he's a brilliant industrial engineer who has a record of developing outstanding solutions
I'm an only child and before you move on to talking about my dad, my parents are divorced
Kek, maybe you should get to know me before you try to aim, then you wouldn't have to make a shot in the dark
Probably do the same ngl
Industrial engineer does it for me but not programmer.
M. masturbating. The only time junk food gets me is when I'm near vending machines and have too much time.
Go out of your way to talk to her occasionally. Try not to show much attraction and be chill. If she finds you attractive, at this point she will start to get slowly more and more interested in you. Once you feel like you can be pretty sure she likes you, ask her out.
Do you like Chopin?

Junk food
nta but if I was your pregnant gf I would actually LIKE that you think I'm sexy.
If you were transported into the Star Wars universe in Jabba the Hut's palace, would you try to fiddle with his genitalia and maybe even masturbate him?
This sounds like it puts too much power in women's hands.
>He's just supposed to, like, be able to tell that I'm attracted to him.
Probably auction him off
That's sweet, because I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you.
that's pretty lame
Normal men can tell, and they are more brave to approach. If you're an autist like you seem to be, that's a different case altogether.
I am so autistic that I used to rub the sweat off my balls and then cover the physical possessions of the women I fancied with it, because I thought it was musk and that the scent of my musk would attract mates.
Unless I’m forgetting. There was this one occasion where she gave me her phone and let me look through her DegreeWorks (we have the same major).
Why? I don't have any power over my students and because I don't grade them they're not specially interested in getting on my good side.
What's a PSAT?
My favorite crush was a woman I met at a college party during undergrad who came out of the toilet with her poop in a cup and asked me to huff it and then drink it with her. We put a straw into her liquid, diarrhea poo after snorting it, and then started slurping up her poo together before we kissed our shitty lips together.

I didn't see her much after then because I was a freshman at the time and she was a senior, but it felt like we were made for each other.
Yeah exactly. I think that the hatred of ""hints"" is mostly coming from autistic men.

Normal men can often tell when a woman is attracted to them.
PSAT is the Pre-SAT test assigned to American high school students to test how ready they are for college admissions exams.
Nah, that sets the bar far too far low for women. In the proposed scenario, the woman makes no effort and just wants guys to pick up on non-codified signaling. And the penalty for the guy getting it wrong it to be labelled a creep. Total BS set of standards. Those woman can rot into their 30s, single. If women like a guy and want him to know they should make more overt gestures of it.
hope both of you get in a car accident and become vegetables
that anon wasn't even me. But I don't mind a little tag team femanon bullying session.
Read >>31684852
I was playing halo 2 with my friend at his house back around 04-06. At some point I was sniping and had only one bullet left, and my friend was mad that I wasn't taking the shot on a guy whose head was obscured by an obstacle. I told him " I'm waiting for head!" His mom overheard and said "me too, you offering?"
I mean you picked the buzzword job
By tag teaming do you mean you fuck her up the asshole while I boink her vagina or insert my cock between her lips? I mean, only if she's down for it and consents obviously. But that would be hot.
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nta at least they'll be well fertilized vegetables
I certainly agree :)
reread >>31684868
They'd both be pretty easy.
It's okay to be an autist. Now seethe.
actually it isn't.
relationships are for non-autists only
sure whatever. I figured out she's autistic and hates not getting the last word in, so we could probably get away with anything.
Fuck you
Thank you <3 (though I will probably have to change in the next few days when I get a real job again but plz carry on my cereal legacy, I don't want to be a cereal killer)
>that anon wasn't even me
I didn't say it's you or not. I just answered the comment.
>I don't mind a little tag team
And I can clap 2 cheeks, 4 cheeks, no problem
Men would you become a meth addict for the next 5 years if your dick grew to 10 inches?
>Are you jealous over me or the guys I'm fucking,
NTA but was that intentionally plural and present tense?
Fuck me.
M, both would be pretty easy but I'd be more of a horny bastard if I didn't fap for 5 days, so that
Plenty of autists here are in relationships. But I imagine autistic men are hard to date for most wome because women are used to being "chased", and autistic men want princess treatment and to be chased instead.

The issue is autistic men being incredibly feminine.
Girls is it normal for you to have a suspicion that your boy might be commiting infidelity on you? Inversely boys how often do you think about it?
Who, me?
It's perfectly reasonable for women to give clear signals without actually being the ones asking the men out. If they can't handle that, they deserve to be spinsters. Cry over it.

marginal gains but marginal downside
ehh, I can walk away
Why would I want to shrink my penis?
see >>31684901
I told you, she keeps responding, we can say whatever and she will continue stuggling to not let us get the last laugh.
If the meth isn't cut with anything and it's free, sure. It used to be used medicinally, I'll just avoid using too much through sheer willpower.
>autistic men want princess treatment and to be chased instead.
Wait, really? I'm an autistic woman and I've never noticed this.
What works for healthy normal men might not work for you. Keep on crying, troon.
I always assume my gf is cheating on me, because it's very easy for women, and I would have no real way of knowing. I've learned to emotionally detach myself and just use the relationship for sex.
haha good luck getting me to date a drug addict in my field of work
This is how a cheater thinks
M She's actually very hot with large boobs so I worry about it a lot.
>haha good luck getting me to date a drug addict in my field of work

whatever field of work you are in, I can promise you it is filled with drug addicts.
What's a fun group activity that allows opportunity for you to spend time with a single person in group
What are some non cringe ice breakers to use on women you know nothing about?
wow you couldn't be more off. Really sour about this topic aren't you? Flinging insults left and right. Stinks, bad.
you keeo responding like you made a discovery. i told you i'm not gonna let you get the last word and it's because we talked before and I know how much you hate not getting the last word.
Any team-based game, group up into pairs
Point a gun at them, take their wallets, and look at their names and addresses. Ice = broken.
Board or card games.
I've been wondering this myself.
I would never cheat, I know how much it hurts and I don't want to impart that pain onto others. But I can't account for other people, especially when it's offered to them on a silver platter on a regular basis. Trust only gets you so far.
You mean something where you pair up but theres a larger group?
How do triple F threesomes even work irl? Do the women form a triangle?
Can you handle 3 cocks?
Beach trip. Swimming. It's the best.
you're playing my game here. I haven't talked to a woman in forever, I can literally keep going all night and well into the next day.
How do you know if a white girl has burned coal before?
Ask her what she grilled for the 4th
Coal burners will always post it to their social media because they're desperate to make the world accept it
I have a tendency to worry, but I don't let it impact things unless I have concrete evidence, I just sort myself out when anxious thoughts arise. The issue is that there always ends up being something, I consistently get cheated on. So I guess I should stop being nonchalant and start being clingy, but that's a turn-off too.
F. I'd find it kinda creepy if a guy trails me while swimming ngl. And I wouldn't be down for volleyball because that's kind of obvious.
If a guy is clingy that makes me want to cheat on him more.
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Has anybody ever met anybody decent off of /soc/ I'm honestly kind of wary of that place but it's harder to meet people with my interests irl.
M.. I will tell this because I actually reported her. With a few friends of mine one of which was a girl that fancied me went to the club in my 2nd Year of Uni. Fresh off a breakup so I was back into the game. The song Smack That by Akon plays and anytime the word Smack That was mentioned the girl who fancied me slapped me in the butt, I told her to stop and she still proceeded ending with her wolverine nails pressed up my butt.. I didn't do anything then until my friend told her to stop she so agitated (possibily too many drinks) she got kicked of the club
I'm just pointing out what works for normal men won't work for a freak like you. Sit down kek.
Yup, my ex was a lovely lady.
>Your emotions confuse me and ick me out
Based honest woman.
Seriously life would be far simpler if women admitted that they want generic "rock" men.
>And I wouldn't be down for volleyball because that's kind of obvious.
How is that obvious?
If I found out you cheated on me I'd blow my load in you raw and then ghost you.
Two words buddy: boing boing
I don't detach myself like you, but I also generally assume going into a relationship that she won't be 100% faithful for the entire duration of it. As long as she has the decency to hide it well, I'm not going to twist myself into a pretzel of paranoia.
Asks you to help put sunscreen on his back.
Throwing frisbee in the surf. Volleyball partners.
Find the opportunity to bask in the sun (or rest in the shade) together while everyone else is distracted. Riding on their shoulders in the water. Any countless number of things.
If you can't get along with any of this then it makes a lot of sense why you ended up a bitter femcel.
Nah. Cheaters are often obsessed with cheating in the first place, and they seek excuses exactly like this for it. It's often this mindset: "my partner is desirable, so they'll probably cheat on me anyway! I can do whatever I want!".

You're mentally ill.
I'm pretty sure you'd just want to ogle bouncing boobs.
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I have zero desire to make friends or keep up with the ones I already have, the only and common way to get a gf is through mutuals. What the fuck do I do in this situation bros?
Why? Why twist the knife? :(
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why did my libido/horniness just vanish when I started really liking this girl beyond just a superficial want-to-fug feeling?
that would be sexual assault and I'd report you to the police and press rape charges
Men who have no friends trying to get a gf are neurotic chuds. It won't work.
Two words: choking you
Did you post your discord or did she post hers? I'm curious about /soc/.
>I haven't talked to a woman in forever,
And NSA reads your texts. Anything else you want to annouce, captain obvious?
However, you have no way of verifying whether I am who I claim to be. You think I'm playing your game, but you think wrong.
>I'm pretty sure you'd just want to ogle bouncing boobs.
They know, bros!
>Asks you to help put sunscreen on his back.
M but I am not doing that. Shows weakness.
>Riding on their shoulders in the water.
A girl is not going to do that with you unless she's extremely comfortable with you.
Oh well. Worth it to ruin your life, if you want to ruin mine in retaliation that just means you love me more than I ever thought.
She joined a discord server that I was modding through /soc/.
>clings to you harder

With... with your boobs?
I have friends but I just don't like hanging out with them or keeping up with them, I've tried leaving them in the past. I was awkward in the past but now it's moreso my schizoid personality limiting me.
My dick is aching.
I know, this is why I said
>but that's a turn-off too
I literally said I would never cheat, are you illiterate? Why would I get into a relationship with a girl if I'm going to cheat anyway?
All I'm saying is that regardless of whether she does or not, I won't care. I just don't want to build up hope only for it to be shattered by her going out one night and drunkenly hook up with someone else.
Say the word in front of her and see how she reacts
interesting. when i have a crush on a guy and the crush starts to get more intense and deeper for me, way beyond just physical attraction, i instead start to feel more sexual basically.
I hate to compare this.. but doesn't it bother you fellas that your girl has had another boy's dick bounced up and down her throat?
No its all men and pay whores
yeah, send it to him.
whatever, I'll gladly talk to a 40 year old trucker larping as a woman, that's good enough for me
Try to dap her up
No because the one woman I’ve slept with was a virgin.
Just hope to find an equally weird and schizoid gf. Perhaps try mental wards.
Maybe you're in prince mode, when there's enough sexual your libido will skyrocket. That's how it goes for me at least
yeah, I try my best to disassociate during sex and just see her as a slut, that way love and jealousy won't get in the way.
You're too far gone I see. I feel bad for that gf that she has such a cuck bf.
p-prince mode??
>your girl
Unless she's a virgin I know we're just having fun and that it's just my turn with her
Then, since all the masks came down, should we talk about what I would do with your hole
One of my male friends came to my house in tears. He was overthinking about his relationship from 5 years ago she moved to University so he broke things off because he knew she'd have a PhD in sucking dick... I really couldn't console him and I feel bad. Boys have you ever regretted breaking up with someone before and why?
I don’t like incel hours very much.
Interact with the thread. Give information.
Anyone else feel like they're just too poor to date? Like it wouldn't be fair on the gal cause you can't afford to go on exciting trips and buy her nice stuff etc.?
>bunch of people at work bully this one woman who is a single mother
>been hanging out with her more in down time
>today she told me that her ex-husband and her had known each other since middle school and were basically high school sweethearts, that she was already out of high school and married before they had their kid, and that he cheated on her and left her for some other woman
made me feel really bad for her
and also activated my savior complex a little bit
I mean there's really nothing he can do right? If he knew she'll cheat on him she's actually smart but he's a bit of a whinny for bringing back a relationship from 5 years ago. And no I have not regretted a breakup
I just pissed cum and my balls ache. How’s that? I do mean literally peed it out.
Women do you want to see my big dick and tell me how you would make me cum?
Idk how else to call it, starting a relationship I feel extremely romantic, naive and capable of pretty much anything.
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>nooo they wouldn't do that
meanwhile pic related is where I always end up
femcel hours are just as bad
Noo not really I make a good amount.. but i pity my cousin. Little spill about him: he's quite controlling of his girl matter of fact he made her quit her job cuz there's too many boys there and he's a NEET. When we go on double dates she's always complaining to my girl (OMG you're so lucky he spoils you). I will spoil my girl regardless
how does that make me a cuck? I'll still break up with her if I find out she does it. I just won't care emotionally.
RIP, that's not nice ): at least you sympathise
Iktf, at a prev job this bubbly, hot secretary was a single mom because her highschool sweetheart husband had cheated on her with some younger woman. I saw pics of the woman and she was ugly lol, I was baffled desu
I'd rather talk about yours
It's incel hours 80% of the time
>made her quit her job cuz there's too many boys there and he's a NEET
What the hell lol, he sounds like a loser
I've worked full-time most of my life (when I've not been in school full-time), just low-paying jobs, I guess that makes me kind of a loser too, but whatever
Ew where do you live? And secondly I'd just break up with him that point
The price of everything has gotten so shit there's no way I can spend on dates like I want to. It wouldn't even be fun, stressing out over the prices of everything. Doesn't matter if I can technically afford it, it just feels so irresponsible.

There's no such thing as romance in a dying country.
>buzzword job
What does this even mean, and you provided the choices. I dated a programmer I'm not doing THAT again.
>you ever regretted breaking up with someone before and why
I feel like it was the right thing to do, because frankly she was too good for me and I was going nowhere in life spiralling into depression while she succeeded, but I sometimes regret breaking it off with my highschool gf after a few months. We were a pretty good match (everyone shipped us lol) and she was an amazing person. Maybe in another universe where I wasn't such a basketcase, it would've worked out...
Mcdoubles are so expensive now
True, and I wish the incels would realize they can incel post anywhere so they have no reason to bring it here. But I'm not letting the femcels getting away without an extra note about their behavior, too.
I wouldn't consider myself weird at all, I'm just isolated and fine with it, not neurotic beyond maybe mild anxiety and overthinking sometimes.
What is femcel posting?
>She's actually very hot with large boobs so I worry about it a lot.
Same. I even try to be as predictable as possible in my routine so I won't stumble onto something
Yo I'm at the point where I want to run over Godai's neighbors with a tractor. They put him through way too much grief.
Okay, I don't get fucked in the ass because I'm not a sub. Back to your lower back now, I would go ham on your hole, you'll end up getting your first period ever and call you my bitch
Lmao they're just having a laugh brotha
I just wanted to use that comparison anon to make you feel less bad because he lives off his sister's allowance of $10 a week.

Well I'm in Ireland rn but my cursed mutt genetics makes me travel back to Asia where my maternal family is from. Also they can't because both have blackmails.

He complains that his girlfriend has a job but then leeches off his sisters weekly allowance of $10 thats a lot of money back in Indonesia too.
I think femcel posting is cute :3
The female equivalent of incel posting.
How do i make a date to mcdonalds romantic?
Women will you suck my dick in the mcdicks bathroom?
Women, when do you first discover you liked boys? When did you first discover you like girls?
What point are you at? I feel like they're particularly bad towards the middle of the show lol
>he lives off his sister's allowance of $10 a week.
Bro is a grown adult getting pocket money
it's cute how you try and act all tough. I'll humor you though, because you're adorable.
Never seen femanons posting like incels here
When i hit puberty and figured out girls dont actually have cooties
Since when do you pretend to larp as a woman?
I "liked" boys when I was probably 9 or 10 but didn't want anything physical from them until I was like 15 and figured out I sort of also liked girls shortly after that.
Only you don't actually get mad.
Sis kept evolving
Humor me then, say something that makes me feel tough
Can you explain
honestly i cant remember. sometimes i feel like puberty never made me sexually attracted to the opposite sex. but that doesn't make sense since i masturbate
>He complains that his girlfriend has a job but then leeches off his sisters weekly allowance of $10 thats a lot of money back in Indonesia too.

Like I get cultural divisions from us and Indonesia so I don't wanna speak out of turn about the blackmail but getting pocket money from his sister is just crazy. He's just insecure to be honest
Must I? You do you, I'm just watching. As always.
believe in yourself. I think it's brave and stunning how you have the autism to talk to online strangers on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
I'm sure there's a guy somewhere that would be very lucky to have you <3
after I'm done with you that is
Sorry anon this is for (You) >>31685101
n.a.g. but I read a book about gay vampires and realized that I wanted to be a gay vampire
however, I am not gay
You asked a question, so naturally you want an answer. But if you want an answer, I want a clearer question
>lives off his sisters weekly allowance of $10
This still has me lol'ing
What is bro buying for $10
Is that not normal? Idk since liking boys was the "default" I assumed I did and went with it, I actually had to figure out I liked girls and it didn't occur to me that I liked girls "like that" until I was interested in sex lol.
Pokemon card packs.
Not the same but I used to meet my (ex) gf in the parking lot after she finished her shift at 9:30 PM, the only thing that would be open was Taco Bell so we'd go there and sit in a booth and talk while she ate her taco bell comfort foods. I said she should drop her car off and I'd drive her one night because she gets sleepy and it let me logistic up a trip out to stargaze through the sunroof and bring her homemade food that was significantly better than taco bell. So it was like a night-time stargaze picnic after her long hours at work.
>Idk since liking boys was the "default" I assumed I did and went with it
An answer? What I want is irrelevant. I am simply an observer. Don't worry, I blinded myself a long time ago. I'm only talking to myself now. Do you understand?
Oh I'll never forget when I went back home this March to take care of my sick grandmother. I gave him $20 as a thank you, $20 to spend on our double date, an essentials shirt, cologne and a hotel room but still complains that his girl makes money at the call center. I might have to go on Judge Judy and ask for my money back

You can get alot in Indonesia for $10.. Its one of those shithole countries where a prostitute cost less than $1
>you have the autism to talk to online strangers on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Why does everything you say to me applies to you as well? Then I guess
>I'm sure there's a guy somewhere that would be very lucky to have you <3
Was meant for yourself
>after I'm done with you that is
Look who's trying to sound tough now. But it's unconvincing. You lack assertiveness, just like all subs.
I be up missing lil Michael. RIP GOAT.
Women, how easy (0-10) is it for you to get a bf?
What about a good bf/one you like?
If you weren't gonna say anything, why speak at all? You're mistaken though, what you know about me is what I want you to know about me.
hard to say, I got my first relationship/first love at 19. he's a good one.
Why speak at all, good question. Maybe a longing for familiarity. Maybe a loneliness in my own reflection. What do I know about myself? Do you enjoy the trifling games with the small souls? I’m afraid you don’t understand. That’s a shame. What I have made, I love.
2, i'm really past the stage of trying to go on Tinder dates because of my new job. At this point I prefer hiring and firing people than boys
Its a hard question because while I can think of activities, if you're doing them in a group, the assumption would be
A: You're actually trying and not talking
B: You're not in full control of who hangs out with who
C: There's likely a coach or similar dictating the pacing of the event
A group activity is just inherently not a good way to talk to an individual
Chris Brown is better than pedo Michael in every way.
I've always enjoyed any duo games like treasure hunts, capture the flags, escape rooms etc. that way i can interact with someone who's most likely single
>prefer hiring and firing people than boys
Based HR ice queen
I wouldn't want to be too rough with you, you sound so fragile and innocent.
But I guess if you want me to rearrange your guts, I can piledrive you into the cheapest and dirtiest piece of mattress I can find and pound you until there's no way you won't be pregnant and can't form coherent sentences anymore.
I don't even care about starting a family anymore.
I'm just going to fuck drunk alt-girls and MILFS and live out my days not giving a shit and blow my brains out at 30. Fuck all of you.
Based. Everything he said is literally just directed at himself. Calling out people like that is funny.
Even his reply is just trying to self-insert as an anime character lmao
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Well I needed to hear that. Explains what happened with my ex right down to the specific details. I no longer feel so confused, frustrated, and dejected about it.

I hope... she lives a happy life.
nta but my favorite is when people ask me if I wanna fuck. Like, how are we going to do that?
Ghosting people is based.
Stop feeling guilty for being based.
If someone is annoying enough for you to want to ghost them, its their fault for being annoying. They should have been more engaging.
literally everything I said is a shitpost because i know femanon is guaranteed to respond to me and fuel my (you) dopamine cycle.
I guess you can join in on the fun and give me more (you)s while you're at it.
Dance class
Deep. My advice is you'd be less lonely if you didn't speak cryptically
Fellas do you have a criteria about good blowjobs? Coworker was telling me if the girl fits one of these criterias or both 1. Good twist and jerk motion and not going straight down 2. Uses teeth then she's a keeper.
this. Women will seethe and start virtue signaling, but they know they are to blame when a guy has had enough of them and moves on.
Women will go to crazy lengths to keep their attentionwhoring going
I'm not really sure. I guess it hasn't been that hard for me to get "a" boyfriend but one I actually want to date is rare and one I want to keep dating so far doesn't seem to exist.
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I'm . . . based
You've missed it then. Femcels, not femanons. There are femcels, femanons, and then those weird slutanons. There are quite a few femanons who are just weird enough to be on 4chan. Those are the ones that make atoga worth coming to.
omg dis tune is tooooo phatttt i absolutely love listenin 2 this when im stressed out or sutin... jus get a few carlings down me maybe some e'z and im buzzin again!!!! sometimes i even listen 2 it when im jus about 2 go for 1 of ma many job interviews ive been havin lately, it makes tings easier for me
either gender:

what’s a random / weird thing you’ve always wondered about how the opposite gender’s bodies work?

you got bigtime crab bucketed
>Be me, bi chad
>Get annoyed with women not saying what the fuck they mean
>Go back to men
>They don't say what the fuck they mean in a different way, with them being "okay" about everything, even things they don't like
this fucking sucks
Why is humanity like this?
Who says I’m lonely? I’d be less lonely if I went outside. The cryptic nature it’s important, the contract stipulated as much. So I love what I’ve created.
Hot man hands mmmm
pick one
How do i get less autistic music tastes?
Ie not
>anime, video game sound tracks, nazi marches
I am unrelatable to anyone without terminal autism
>Pick one
Not how it works

You could start by talking like a normal person and not using autism for a buzzword when what you actually mean is "nerdy"
The expected one is that I wish I could feel the female-locked pain experiences: period cramps, childbirth, the infamous cunt punt, etc.
I also wonder if lactating feels like anything, as in, can you feel the milk flow through you?
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>Am I being optimistic as a man in his 30s with one of the few ''requirements'' I have for a partner is them being childless?
I am in no sense of word, a ''high value man'' and I appreciate that.

Really I don't consider myself as a picky individual but I strongly dislike children. I am confident that having to interact with them frequently or even having a small role in their care or upbringing would be a horrible experience for me personally. I'm aware the older I get, the more I am proverbially scraping the bottom of the barrel, considering I am by all definitions part of the same population of people.

What has been the experience of other people in similar situations? The one saving grace I think is left is that less and less women are having children in my generational group, so hopefully there will be more women in my age group that feel the same way.
King Crimson.
why not graduate to rac and nsbm.
wonder how running with big boobs feels like
>Not how it works
you can't be a chad if you get your back blown out
How does it feel to put a tampon in? More psychologically than anything else really.
how does everything shift, how does it feel, how much does it shift inside when I get balls deep with my 9"x7"? In the moment I'm always like, yes, I needed this, but I look back and think "did I hurt her?"
nazi marches are underrated. In high school I was assigned to do a presentation of how nazis wrote their propaganda music. And from a music theory standpoint it's pretty fucking good. Not bach level simplicity type genius, but good in it's own way.
Teufelslied is a banger frfr
I don’t know
Just where I’m going
But I’m
Gonna try
For the kingdom
If I can
Cuz it makes me feel like I’m a man
Just give younger women drugs.

Also, just lie. Honestly, the economy is rigged against you and women have all the money.

If you ever wondered why women were subjugated throughout history you're currently living through the reason. They're monsters to 80% of men the second they get collective political power.

Just lie. Say you have money.
>women are the monsters
>lie and cheat aka be a monster yourself
I love you lovable midwits, thanks for making my McDonald’s and driving trucks and whatever else you do.
Words of an ugly male.
>thanks for making my McDonald’s and driving trucks and whatever else you do.
Lot more than you do.
Eating a woman's fat ass and making her cum
The fact you hate children makes you repulsive to women on a level so deep that even if their propaganda fueled ego's think they like you, their pussies just won't get wet.

I remember teaching a little girl how to read at work one day and like 3 women immediately took interest in me.

I'd just accept you're gonna have to bite the bullet and raise another man's sperm.
Right, because the ethical boundaries of personhood are only decided by their productiveness. What else you got?
I'm not having kids but
>dislike children
is at least an ick if not a red flag. Best to phrase that differently with prospective girlfriends.
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You talk big when you haven't even talked to a woman since forever. I wouldn't waste mattres on you, I'd tie you in a crawl space, deprive you of food and water for days, the only "water" you'll be allowed to sip on would be my piss. I would fuck you while you go in and out of consciousness with pic related
There's no way you're leaving that crawl space alive
Nothing. I know everything about women, physiologically speaking.
>be 21
>be on hinge for months with nothing to show
>get match with 19yo
>we chat and I get her number
>we chat some more
>”don’t hate me but I’m 17”
Fucking why???!!!!
I'm a solid 9/10 lmao.

I look like Solid Snake and Ashton Kutcher had a baby.

Bro I have money, I make great money, but unfortunately that's literally not enough.


You can do the math, it's not hard. I would need to earn 160k a year before a typical woman would feel comfortable having a child with me. Every woman my age (30) already has a kid or is mentally impaired. Zoomer girls are actually insane. Half of them sell pictures of their assholes to their classmates.

Sick sad world, I'm afraid.
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>because the ethical boundaries of personhood are only decided by their productiveness

nta but uhhhhhhh that is exactly how the ethical boundaries of personhood are decided
Men, have you ever reminisced about a good time with a girl that was non sex related? I'm reminiscing about this Arab chick I met in college fuck me I'll never forget that date
Why does Picard have such slutty eyes, anons
>immediately invokes money
Maybe if you had more substance besides your career you’d find a woman that isn’t just a shallow, pale copy of a human soul.
Sure is. :D You stay in your bubble and I’ll keep hanging out up here, ty~
I have no such times to speak of.
Every male on 4chan kek
femcel vs. incel overdrive hour
Yeah, Oceanside date with my ex with the whales coming out of the water and the setting sun over the waves.
Bro I've been here since like 2009.

Cmon, man. You think I'm gonna fall for time wasting retard questions? I'm not Snacks, dog.

You feel me, chief?
A bunch of guys arguing*
yes, a lot
hi I came back. this is what blackpilled me
Starting to see why you can’t find a good woman. But if makes you feel better, I’ll give you the number of the girl I fucked last Thursday.
M25, I also don't want kids (have many personal reasons for that), but honestly I agree with other anon that "strongly disliking children" is a red flag. It's fine not to be the biggest fan and preferring them in small doses, but definitely don't say to a girl that you straight up just don't like kids lol. It's good to try and find a way to discuss it soon into dating so you don't waste each other's time. Also in your 30s you could easily just date a woman a few years older who is set on not having kids
And what is it that you created? An excel sheet to keep tabs on everyone here? If that were the case, then you'd know I post contradictory things all the time. Is any of it true ?
Dishonesty, selfishness, lack of empathy, entitledness, overly critical, manipulative, jealous, narcissism, passive-aggressive, irresponsible, intolerant, insecure, impulsive, indecisive, pessimism, stubborn, gossipy, judgmental, arrogant, unreliable, lazy, disrespectful.
you say that as if you'd be able to even hurt me if you tried.
I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously, you're probably some short 5'10 femanon that would have to look up while talking to me. How can I even be mad at you like that?
I'll rape correct you later, ok?
mwah <3
Buy an ad.
>Anon's getting blackpilled by porn ads on his FYP
I mean I've never had sex but I've had good female friends and dates so sure
Now this is my type of man
Yea of course, wonderful memories traveling with my girl, good times spent with female friends
Every young woman thinks they’re mature for their age. They aren’t, they never are
The spreadsheet is in my head and only has a few entries. I’ve created a zeitgeist of a person who I’ve spoken to before. Remember me? It sleeps deep in my soul and is occluded from me, I don’t look, as per the contract.
Is this supposed to be about me?
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I already got your mom's number.
>You stay in your bubble and I’ll keep hanging out up here

Always curious to learn a new perspective, but pretty confident that you're in the Fraud camp in the Hobbesian sense.
Obviously I don't advertise I dislike children, but honestly your reactions are pretty much why the best approach with women is to tell them what they want to hear, not the truth.
imagine believing women when they say "size doesn't matter"
What kind of retard do you have to be?
I am a mirror. Nothing more. I refract down upon you whatever you send to me.
Do you want normies or do you want sensible? Normies is pop hits. Sensible is an actual genre of music that isn't related to anime or video games or fucking Nazis. Listen to some rock or electronic shit
why are you so sure they're ads? Even if the video itself is an ad, the comments are real

I believe some of them tbhqh.
You said you'd talk to me for days
Boys i hate to ask this question... but when was the last time you thought of the Roman Empire?
Well, the truth is that society is collapsing because it's run by narcissistic psychopathic communist retards who enjoy your suffering and want to create a slave caste of literal monkey humans who at the end of each month have spent every cent they own so that the amount of tax collected is maximized and the government can continue to grow into the new God.

Explaining that to women is difficult. Don't bother.

Just say something like "I'm a lower tier male who hates children because I view them as competition for my mother's affection, of which you will become because I'm still a child myself."
this man is literally getting paid by women to sleep with him solely for the size of his cock
Uh yesterday, I watched a video about how to make seasoned sauteed mushrooms from the empire and about the various poisonings and assassinations attempts of the period

For your sake, I hope not.
The last time this question was posted desu
Bro you didn't respond to my funny shit on your gay response?
starved for attention already? Don't worry, my dick will do the talking for me, not like you'd be able to talk back though, lol
>"I'm a lower tier male who hates children because I view them as competition for my mother's affection, of which you will become because I'm still a child myself."
Thanks, sounds good.
Self loathing is so blaise. Don’t be like that. Clearly you’re imbued with something if you can invoke Hobbes.
Fridays payday, I love payday
If she flakes once, don't ask her to do anything else?
Would you say you made the biggest impact, you don't need a big speech, that I can check the blueprint, I mean the pinkprint? And that kissy face?
>this man is literally getting paid by women to sleep with him solely for the size of his cock

imagine getting paid to fuck hot women
and women being horny for you

Based, what you gonna buy?
How did you know I love Nicki? We Stan a queen.
I have a golden rule that serves me well.

If she doesn't ask you questions she's not interested. This goes for literally any woman. If she doesn't spontaneously ask you questions about yourself, she has already decided it's a no. This can change if she sees you showing off that you have status, power, or money, or you get fitter, but that's about it. She will start asking you questions about these four things if she's interested and will stop asking the second someone better starts peacocking in front of her.
Okay there Mandingo
Nothin, just gonna save it up. Once I've got a nice comfy emergency fund I'll probably just invest some and set some aside for other long term purchases goals. Maybe I'll buy some nice tinned fish or somethin
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I'm nervous to go out with people on Friday in case this woman I like is there, should I just say I'm not feeling very well and stay home?
No don't be a bitch go and socialize
How do you get rid of crush while having a relationship if you're someone who normally only loses a crush if you make your attraction known and then either get rejected or accepted
>inb4 shouldn't have a crush on someone else in the first place
I know, Idk why I have this crush, and no I'm not planning to cheat or do anything like that, I like this relationship
Every interaction i have with women is sex related
I cant stop thinking about what her vagina looks like. I do mental phrenology on her skull shape and correlate it with vaginas ive seen attached to that skull
>why are you so sure they're ads?
Normal people do not usually post so overtly about their sex lives. Genuinely. And when certain types /do/ post about it, there's usually a certain sort of trashy air. This is literally [Term that gets your attention] [Product!]
>Even if the video itself is an ad, the comments are real
Plenty of accounts buy likes and comments. That's probably going to increase with the rise of AI. Unironically, you need to be really mindful of what you see online; if you didn't intentionally search for it, ask yourself why it'd be showing up, who would benefit from it? And remember, even angry engagement is engagement.

Anecdotally, I did some testing once with my algorithm on Instagram. Turns out that if you're being served scantily clad women (particularly ones that cosplay and/or try to fit the e-girl or nerdy aesthetics) there's a fair chance you'll get rage-bait about women being whores (mine tended to give me "street interviews"), and vice versa. It's likely because it's geared towards giving you a specific worldview within which you can be advertised towards more efficiently.
Put distance between you and your crush
I kinda hate socialising though
It's not someone I see everyday, but the crush goes to all the same gigs we do. And we usually go to concerts every 4 or so months maybe.
If your dick did any talking for you, it would be shooting blanks. That would be on brand for you, since all you do is give empty promises
like when you said you could talk for days

let's just say that I have a slightly different understanding of reflection and refraction than you do.
earlier today. the way they transformed the Greek's Ares into Mars, and just how remarkable Mars is as a ideological figure, might have been the heart of the success of the Romans.
>more porn bs
It’s all the same, this time a guy with a thicker cock.
Been here since 2009 dog.

Not gonna work.

Are you the mod? Hey, is this some sort of discord tranny? Should I ... I mean, do you want me to take a screenshot of the secret discord members and start posting it here? Or do you wanna just go back to your autistic shitposting?
Well now you’ve piqued my interest. Care to explain?
probably when i was learing about in in high school tbqhwymf
2008 here what does that have to do with it? Go back to /pol/ Jesus. I was genuinely confused as to how anyone could think the US government was communist.
What should I do though, how should I act, what should I wear, how do I act cool and not freak out
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I'm sure a lot of things confuse you.
I'm still talking aren't I?
Blanks or not, the result is going to be the same. Your hands pinned to the mattress, your mind in a sex induced coma, and my cum deep inside of you.
I exclusively watch porn of women taking dragon dildos. I don't see what the big issue is here.
Post the secret atoga discord member list.
Only things that don't make sense
so, is girthmaster the official cannon /atoga/refutation for when women say they don't like big dicks?
not all women are the same
There isn’t an issue, just a pornstar guy on the internet doing the whole “I’m so big, look how small the girls I fuck are” that’s been done a million times
You should be executed by means of a cannon
and normie women are universally loving him and shamelessly gushing over him. I'd say that's pretty unprecedented
Which, again, I'm sure, for you, is a lot of things.

Nah, they'll spaz out and figure out it's me lmao.

Just pretend to be a woman and the tranny who runs it will let you in. He still organizes mlp steam groups to groom children. I've got like, 3 years worth of discord chat screencaps I'm gonna send to his fucking mother soon lmao.
his comment section begs to differ

the fact women will write all that shit. Im sorry I cant believe women dont prefer bigger when I see x1000 women saying the opposite.
What, so it’s full of women? Not the same as the women’s only discord?
Some women absolutely prefer bigger dicks, most likely more than the amount of women that prefer small dicks. It trends because the goal is to makes people insecure so they click. A lot of women don’t care that much and those who do typically care about a lot more than that
not every woman has posted in his comment section you dumb internet idiot
not all women are the same, but for some reason there are no average dicked guys getting dozens of thousands of women views, comments, and getting paid to fuck women.
>atoga discord
Please tell me this is a fucking meme and not real lads
No it isn’t, women are celebrity obcessed. Look at Owen grey and see that they do this to everyone
His audience is majority male, but not gay, so, cucks.
Schrödinger’s atoga discord.
>not every woman has posted in his comment section you dumb internet idiot

>probably goes on to quote some n200 survey as ultimate proof that men do X.
Literally an hour ago.
My crush broke up with his gf today. I need to do something quick before they get back together
>surprised to find that discord trannies are real
yes hellow
>I'm still talking aren't I?
Because I rubbed the fact you wanted to leave in your face. I could've not, but I did, so that you'd stay even though you want to leave and sit through the pain
>Blanks or not, the result is going to be the same.
You said I'd pregnant
Everything you say is a bunch of hooey :(
Make him a lunch with a heart on it
Make sure he can obtain your phone number
I haven't seen any woman ever do the same for a dude who has a small one. Who are we kidding here?
>the way they transformed the Greek's Ares into Mars
He was syncretized with Ares, not taken and transformed from him.
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Listen, small dick bros.

I get it.

I'm only 5'10". I get almost making it. I really do. I mean, sure, I'm remarkably handsome and my cock is over 7 inches. Sure. But ... i get it.

If I were only an inch or two taller I'd have made it.

But you don't see me running around asking women if height matters. Yes. It matters. But I'm not 5'7". If I were, I'd just accept the reality that it was over. If your dick is below 6, it's just over. I'm sorry. Women prefer bigger socks. If they say they don't it's because they're inexperienced, lying to you, or they prefer clit stimulation and have ruined their ability to feel pleasure from sex.
to imagine that there isn't a shared root in the creation of both is really foolish.
I would never leave you, I couldn't do that to my favorite femanon.
Also I never said I shot blanks, you just assumed that, probably to hurt my ego. But I guess there's only one way for you to find out.
I don’t understand the pairing of big guys and small girls in porn. Fuck people your own size, it’s hotter
She asks me questions but I doubt that means anything. I don't have money, power, or fame, but she at least acknowledges that I'm smart.
Lads and girls would this be dickhead behavior from me and my friend part? We're off to confront my friends gf for kissing another boy at the club. The boy at the club responded to my messages and he's coming over too just so he can understand that he wont play her little game anymore then we're gonna go out for drinks at the nightclub later when my friend breaks up with her. Is this dickhead behavior?
I know it matters, I'm just trying to get women to admit to it.
Yes, they both have common origins in an indo-european deity. The implication that he was taken from, or stole from the greeks is silly and oft-repeated.
Women talk about not needing a big dick all the time. That redhead with a tape measure went viral for a reason
I swear men have the easiest way to find new friends.. and no its not dickhead behavior I think its logical to confront the gf.
and you're an anal retard to bring that up right now
I think the whole confrontation thing is a bit weird desu, tipping off your friend and him breaking up with his girl should be enough (you can always go for drinks/clubbing with him after tho to help take his mind off it)
buttblasted reply
>I couldn't do that to my favorite femanon.
I go with any assumption I want to go along with, and you act like you've caught me red handed
>Also I never said I shot blanks,
>>Blanks or not, the result is going to be the same.
You could've said I don't shoot blanks but you didn't. That's an admission. And you'd still be mistaken because blanks or not, the result wouldn't be the same
>I swear men have the easiest way to find new friends
its' because we have actual empathy. Camaraderie from our depth of understanding of our shared experience as like human beings.
If only women had actual empathy
They admit to it by not sleeping with you, you fucking beta.

Jesus Christ, do you know I've completely given up on male friendship? I consider most men, like you, too pathetic and useless to keep as friends. All of my friends are women. Most of them are dating other people. Most of them fuck me routinely.

And you know what, I don't even want them to. I want them to be happy with men who love them ... but they can't ... because you're all so pathetic that you harass them day in and out wherever you find them over and against demanding that they soothe your wounded egos.

You deserve to marry a woman who's had my cum basting her face. A woman who I literally will never think about again the second she ghosts me for feeling guilty that I'm making her come so hard at the same time she's developing feelings for you.

Lmao, lol
Thoughts on wrestlers pinning and contorting your body in positions and fucking you?
She did that to be le heckin good samaritan and get views and endorsements from dicklets.
Plus iirc she said if you're above 5 inches you're barely passing, meaning anything below and you're shit out of luck.
And even with good faith on her side it would still be far off from actually lusting over a small dick as opposed to "tolerating it"
you did an "uh acshkually" and I suspect you're used to this routine. Go away now.
Heads up she might be afraid you're going to hurt her because it's 3 vs 1 might be better if you and the guy she kissed wait outside.
6 inches is perfectly average for anyone that is not asian, like seriously I thought this was common knowledge. I compared my cock with other people in the locker room multiple times with a ruler not to sound gay and this has been my observation.
>this schizo femcel again
is this your passive way of saying you want to get bred?
Then be upset I guess, idk what to tell you but women like different things
Seriously though do you have any tips on being less neurotic
Maybe I should just pretend that she's not there unless she starts talking to me
Hm you are definitely mentally stable.
I think you ought to settle down there bud
Vibes are terrible ITT
What the heck did I just read...
is "dickcel" an actual thing? like a guy basically can't get laid because he's obsessed with his (lack of) dick?
Quite. Lotta anger.
>not to sound gay
Ok buddy
> it would still be far off from actually lusting over a small dick as opposed to "tolerating it"

this is it, simply put

the only way for average/small dicks to be lusted after is if the woman loves the man
Slice your neck with a rusty butterknife retarded faggot/haggot.
cool it with the projection homie
This thread needs more Sarah Gadon
>says he will breed you
>my dick might shoot blanks
>why do you care anyway
>LeT le DiCk Do Le TaLkInG
i find the idea hot. especially if there's actual struggle.

by the way, what is "down"? >>31685340
Thumbs up
>asks for me to elaborate
Ah ah.
How is group dick measuring gay? It's not talked about but it tends to happen pretty often.
isnt there any woman out there who doesnt need the guy to be an athletic giant that will manhandle them?
>"Penis inspecting is normal!" claimed the gay penis inspector.
Dangerously based post for making all these faggot virgins cry.
No, AWALT, never forget women are literal animals.
I thought I knew how the world worked. But then I found out about this girl. I never should have gotten involved.
If I were I wouldn't be getting any pussy.

Son, do you think I don't read the genuine vitriol and autistic hatred directed at women in general day in and out? There's no sidestepping the reality of how pathetic 99.9% of the men here are. There's no millennial era Netflix animated comedy tier quipping your way out of accepting the very harsh reality that men like me laugh about men like you with the girls you think you have a chance with and you deserve it. You were born to deserve it.

Your mother loves you unconditionally, none of the other women here can be bullied by your toddler mentality into considering you anything other than something to be lied to for their own secret amusement at your failure to comprehend their psychology.

We can't have any fun if you won't define any terms. Take a position.
Women desire the O’Connor roll
whoever said anything about giants? you are a faggot.
Girls, what's the best romantic evening a boyfriend has ever given you?
Teach us how to be a good boyfriends
>tfw it's angry incel hours
> tends to happen pretty often
Anon I…
The average untrained man can bench press me and a small Boston terrier at the same time. If you can't manhandle me you should see a doctor.
Well I can take this apart easily.
> There's no sidestepping the reality of how pathetic 99.9% of the men here are.
Correct, 100% dead on. Unlike you, I see them with pity, not anger.
>men like you
Ah, no, I am not an incel nor do I hate women. Whoever hurt you, I’m sorry you’re in pain still from it, that you feel the urge to dominate these girls in a violent way and manipulate them, and that you view yourself as simply an object.
> Your mother loves you unconditionally
God I wish. But no, she doesn’t. She is a very broken woman.
> none of the other women here can be bullied by your toddler mentality into considering you anything other than something to be lied to for their own secret amusement at your failure to comprehend their psychology.
Kinda gives me trans energy.
Im not an incel, I dont hate women at all. I'm just obsessed with women liking bigger men and I feel useless as a man. Doesnt help that there's an anon baiting with hutful comments

alright thanks
If done properly a 5’5 man can turn a 6’4 slut into a submissive bitch with attitude and positioning
>Is this supposed to be about me?
Just women in general. Most of them have some of those qualities.

>mfw I said narcissism
You give, I will give.
>what is “down”
In a spiritual level. A level of soul, not exactly measurable or quantifiable. I call it radiance. So what is your view on refraction?
I’m not a woman, but sure.
are you always this bratty? You were the one who introduced shooting blanks into the conversation, I was just playing along and now you're upset about a fact you made up?
You definitely need to be rape corrected asap.
Moot point though, because you'll be passed out from fucking long before I cum.
Want me to cook you some food when you wake up again?
>Ah, no, I am not an incel nor do I hate women. Whoever hurt you, I’m sorry you’re in pain still from it, that you feel the urge to dominate these girls in a violent way and manipulate them, and that you view yourself as simply an object
Show of hands how many pussies are getting wet at this guys incredibly autistic post.

I mean, look at this autistic shit.

No, he can't. You're basing this off porn where the dude is a midget throwing a massive 8 inch cock around for the purpose of creating a distorted lens effect.

You're short, bro. Accept it.
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I saw a 6'2" woman with a 5'6" baldlet today at the grocery store. I'm 6'4" so I get a pretty good sense of relative heights like that.
She really ran things like she was in charge. The baldlet seemed miserable. I cut him off with my grocery cart just to see his reaction. He just meekly waited his turn and she looked even more annoyed with him.

Really curious.
What do anons and femanons think about Sarah Gadon and her husband.
I don't want a woman I can manhandle for one, even if I could pick you up or press you, or wrestle you.
Once did it with a 4'4 90 pound girl maybe less, she could not hold up her body properly during sex and left my dick injured. This is not a hot fantasy and women are retarded for being into it.
Anyone notice between all that talk she said something really weird and out of left field like "biggest I've ever seen irl is nine inches"?

Reacting with anger and vitriol really just proves my point. Here’s a revelation for you: breeding isn’t the end all and be all. I get that it’s your entire leverage to keep your ego from falling apart, but you should seek healthier outlets. It’s embarrassing.
Your post did more to fuel bald manlet freaks hope of getting a tall gf than it did to make them realize how pathetic they are.
If a girl really likes a guy, is she going to turn him down because of a meh dick?
lmao even

Grimposting is so lazy.
I mean it was the truth of what happened. I don't have an agenda. They can take it however they want.
That was clearly a skill issue on her part

what makes you think there is more than one grimposter
Wasn't this video a bit to promote her onlyfans?
Did I say that? Just said it’s lazy.
Anon, if you aren't a woman, why would you assume it was about you? Or have you been white knighting?
How old are you?
Because he replied to my post.
So do you mean bigger in terms of body or dick size ?
very likely not.
Reading my girlfriend Percy Jackson before bed is not going well. Well, it is, but there are hiccups. She falls asleep so quick, within fifteen minutes, and it's hard for me to tell the difference between awake and asleep. I don't want to interrupt her as she's drifting off so I don't ask "hey are you awake?". And so I end up rereading the same chapter three nights in a row because she doesn't remember any of it because she was asleep!
Probably but I hated it and I hated how small she was, had a (relatively) flat ass, and ultimately wasn't one of the more enjoyable sexual encounters I've ever had.
Sorry but I prefer more equal in size and strength women in bed or ones who even grab the ropes and lead it a bit, it enables me to actually get off my ass and put in 100, where as without any resistance I just have to do it all, get her into position, and put in a shabby job.
No thanks.
I’m talking about fucking. My mistake for thinking you’d understand what that is
>tfw subby puppy
>Reading my girlfriend Percy Jackson
Bro isn't that book for children
Based, agree with this. I like women who aren't far off from my size (thank god i'm 5'10)
Okay we're allowed to like different things. My point was that if you are a healthy relatively young man you should be able to bench 135 pounds.
gnite atoga, be in a better mood tommorow hopefully
He probably helps his girlfriend with her math homework, too
are you a M or F
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what the fuck
literal midget fucker
That's fair.
This might cause seethe but you’re right. I’ve never gymmed and I can bench 140 easily.

That's not true, now, is it
1 rep max? yeah easy
Look at how beta you are. You're subconsciously envious of my intellectual superiority to the point you're involuntarily aping my pragmatic style and even re-using my vocabulary and positions.

You're essentially saying "no you."

>Here’s a revelation for you: breeding isn’t the end all and be all. I get that it’s your entire leverage to keep your ego from falling apart, but you should seek healthier outlets. It’s embarrassing
I am an independent scholar who spends his days reading tarot to hot girls and letting them suck my balls. I'm a musician. I'm fit. I'm hot.

You're the loser, here, my friend. I've contributed to these threads for years and this is the first time I've decided to shit on you faggot betas and you know what, I'm really enjoying it.

Women are 100% right to regard you as disgusting and unworthy of reproductive success. I think I've come around to simply accepting that their sexual passion for me and their admiration of my masculine capabilities and competence is simply the natural order of things.
i'm leaving the thread now if you start posting incel bait at me as a response.
same size couple masterrace
ok, ok you got me, it's 23,5. I figured I might as well round it up
Worse, you're probably envisioning some short stack or at least semi thick but mal-proportioned girl, but she was petite and almost as thin as some of the petite porn gals, some guys find that hot, but God it felt like pushing air and was not erotic at all.
Yeah, but that depletes energy for fucking
Now I'm gonna love you
Till the heavens stop the rain
I'm gonna love you
Till the stars fall from the sky
For you and I
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Gnite. May you see Sarah Gadon in your dreams.
I want a woman who can kiss me without having to jump. Is that so much to ask?
It is for children, but it's going to be impossible for her to comprehend something like Lord of the Rings before she falls asleep. It's too heavy. You need something extremely easy like YA fantasy.
nta but did people think you were a pedo?
> You're subconsciously envious of my intellectual superiority
Okay I’ll read the rest but like, lmao, you are so far off it’s insane. It’s actually funny, never once in my life has anyone ever accused me of being jealous of someone else’s intelligence, do I gotta drop my IQ for you?
Explains everything, you’re the bald loser with the tattoos, I remember you now.
> I've contributed to these threads for years and this is the first time I've decided to shit on you faggot betas and you know what, I'm really enjoying it.
I know for a fact this isn’t the first time. Your egoism is pathetic and you’re also lost in the wasteland.
> Women are 100% right to regard you as disgusting and unworthy of reproductive success. I think I've come around to simply accepting that their sexual passion for me and their admiration of my masculine capabilities and competence is simply the natural order of things.
Yawn. You’re not the only one ITT who can sleep with girls.
Anyway, enjoy playing with your cards and manipulating low souls. You’re still a 2 and I’m a 5.
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i've become jaded..
no, no I was just checking. I wasn't even the person asking the original question
What's 9+10
G'nite anon
>be in a better mood tommorow
I wouldn't bank on it
We weren't dating. She had an adult body and face, b-c cups.
Which is funny because I dated even flatter women almost a foot taller.
You idiot. You pick her up.
Foid hands
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Oh god you're not white are you?

Fuck, I hate new-internet. You never know when you're talking to a primitive monkey.
this is a larp, yep. he might've fucked a sex doll at best
>woman at work always talks about how her very young son is "on the spectrum"
>mention her that my brother has Asperger's
>"Uhh what's that??"
No wonder this girl's kid is retarded
What advice was I seeking again?
Would you call a fellow 23 year old a girl or a woman?
I was reading LotR at like 9. Kids are smarter than you think.
Glad I’m not you. Fucking weak. And yeah, I’m white. Blonde and blue eyed. Do you miss your hair? No wonder women like you, you’re so feminine.
so if I post incel bait at you, you'll finally stop shitting up this thread and leave for good?
Can you promise that, or are you secretly going to stay anyway?
>So do you mean bigger in terms of body or dick size ?
bigger men in general. My gf once told me I have small hands (they're bigger than hers) and another time I put my soles against hers and she asked me my shoe number, when I told her she didn't say anything. My feet are bigger than hers but this was probably like with my hand

so yeah, I dont feel comfortable regarding all sizes.
Feel free to cope with that excuse but no, she was under 5 feet and skinny like a rail, it was not a good experience.
Or just date a taller woman. I’m fine if you’re on your tiptoes or if I bend a little but I’m 5’7. I don’t want to date a woman under 4’8 to be honest.
will 176cm tall women even look at 176cm tall dudes though?
I believe you. It floors me how much stronger men are without even trying. Testosterone's a hell of a drug even if all you're doing is making it naturally.
Yeah I'd say 1 rep is the minimum requirement.
I don't mind him being the same height and general size but he needs to feel "solid" if he's going to be my size not like a willow branch.
Do more cardio?
Asperger's hasn't been an official diagnosis in over a decade. It's just mild autism now.
Tbf Asperger's is an antiquated term now
Post hand.
As a manlet, I don't think you can afford to be picky.
>I don't mind him being the same height and general size but he needs to feel "solid" if he's going to be my size not like a willow branch.
skinny x thicc bros...
>willow branch.
whats a willow branch to you?
I would if I wasn’t phone posting. Surely you’ve seen the photo of the white hand with the AirPods in it. Anyway, stay copey.
depends, in your case I'd probably lean more towards girl, even if just for the sole purpose of teasing you. But to be fair, a woman in my eyes will always be more something along the lines of a 50's noir femme fatale with a deep smokey voice and deadly cold yet intimate gaze dressed in her best evening wear with one of those furry scarfs smoking the long ass aubrey hepburne cigarettes.
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>ask the opposite gender anything thread
>wahh why are there women here
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My gf used to come over just to take naps in my bed, but she was sleeping all the time so we never really did anything together. I thought she was gorgeous while she was sleeping like that, but was this actually healthy? I wonder if having some better boundaries on her visits might have actually strengthened the relationship. Women, what are your thoughts on this?
Need me a chubby gf.
Adding on to this, people don't like that term because of the Nazi thing.
Weeping willows are notoriously flimsy trees prone to breaking under their own weight.
I'm not saying kids can't read Lord of The Rings. But when the goal is to read somebody to sleep, their mind will drift off. We're not sitting there actively reading it, so it needs to be something that you don't have to put 100% focus on to understand the story. Lord of the Rings is heavy descriptive writing and needs that attention to the detail.
Funny enough she graduated university last year and I've just started, so she helps me with my math homework
I’m attractive and successful enough that I don’t have to settle for someone who’ll make my children even smaller
All the best questions have already been asked and answered, there is nothing left to do but bicker and fight, women might as well leave and go to crystal cafe or some shit.
I mean that's obviously a very exagerated concept for a human being. Im sure you aren't talking about men who break under their own weight, so what do u mean by that? in real terms i mean.
>We're not sitting there actively reading it
Sounds like you do shitty story times. I bet you don't even do voices...
oh, yeah i can imagine how that feels miserable. I hate how my bf does a slightly similar thing sometimes. I said that I probably talk too much, and he didnt say anything. but her saying you have small hands is definitely more on the straight up mean side of things.
What the hell, of course I do voices. I spoke very monotone at first but I learned how to vary the way I speak the sentences for action or for atmosphere. I learned how trannies do their voices so I could do the girls better. I put the sweat in, you've offended me.
why are you here then ? personally i sometimes just use this thread to essentially practice flirting with men. or just bantz.
should i ask her about it. she seems to like me deeply and wants to be with me a lot, but I still have that on the back of my head tbqh
I used a metaphor because I couldn't figure out how to describe it in "real terms"
Yeah if you want to stick with her then definitely talk about it, don't let it fester in your mind
alright, I just wanted to know. Im 176cm and I wish women my height would see me as an individual (ie same height as them) and not in general terms (ie shorter compared to taller men)
How would an atoga meetup go?
Everyone disappointed in the way everyone else looks?
Long awkward silence and some forced interaction, then everyone leaves?
I wonder I wonder
Well the first thing I’m doing is linking up with Qt and doing coke.
The women would be mean to the fat and balding guys.
I sincerely apologize, anon. I see now that you've gone above and beyond what is required.
I compare their height to my own. And this isn't even about height it's about being flimsy. Ffs dude this wasn't about you you made it about you I don't know how strong or weak you are.
It would be like that stereotypical school dance where the genders stay on opposite sides of the gym.
Like 5 guys would show up
that would be justified i think
Not it wouldn't, rude af.
I’m taking all the girls out speeding.
More like 5 girls.
would one of the 5 guys be gay penis inspector and his ruler? we could have accurate penis reports!
nta but 170-180cm male height is the ideal range to me.
Women would be shy and flustered by how tall and good looking I am and act all bashful around me. Men would either cower or try to put on a macho act around me because I mogg them.
I would probably lead the group and take us to get shitfaced at a karaoke bar and make femanons sing dumb love songs with me.
No thank you
No way. None of us are going are you insane.
Okay, but you’ll have to stay behind with guys like >>31685702
I'm gonna go get a burger at the pub with the cool ones.
I come here to satisfy the part of my brain that yearns for social interaction.
Also to numb my sense of empathy, because women have the remarkable ability to drop nuclear tier blackpills without even trying.
Everyone even the women would be short fat and balding.
But I wouldn't leave the house in the first place lol
You fellas have fun
Of course I would.
State gender

How much would you care if you met someone you liked but they had Celiac Disease?
like that one post where the femanon told a story about how was on a family vacation when she was like 17 she snuck off to get her pussy destroyed by an older guy with a huge cock and it was the hottest thing she ever did she'll never cum that hard again in her life? paraphrased
I don't have celiac but I hate eating wheat and gluten
I will show them the beauty of Masa and we can use that instead.
>Celiac Disease
probably just deal with it
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be extremely annoyed if I had to prepare food for them.
ok, yeah i thought about it because of the same height stuff
ok, im in the median of that lol
I don't think it's that big of a deal esp if they don't mind cooking their own separate meal when I'm craving something they can't have.
M honestly wouldn't care that much. I mean, what's that, no wheat, barley or rye, right? That doesn't seem too bad. They probably sneak wheat in stuff to thicken it but other than that I think it'd be pretty easy to avoid.
>nuclear tier blackpills
This just sounds like someone who has severe social media brainrot. But you do you.
ok last size obsessed post in this thread. i just wanted to show you what this guy was
this would not effect me at all as long as he didn't mind me eating the stuff he can't in front of him. making sure there's no grains in our food is not too hard.
I thought about leaving and letting you wait for me to respond, how does that make you feel?
this is just gross
This picture makes me angry but for the opposite reason as this guy >>31685730
>he didn't mind me eating the stuff he can't in front of him.
Do people honestly mind stuff like this?
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Now you're speaking my language
Let's convene and tear up the floor
Who needs gluten anyway
They must get sore necks
You’re the only one ITT I’d party with bro.
>They must get sore necks
this dude fucks dozens of dozens of women, they're not a couple. hes a porn actor.

he's thirsted by thousands of pornbrained women
this post is cringe but I will admit she is very pretty. guy is ugly
>be 6’6 next to a 4’11 woman
>still feel the need to anglefag
Holy shit I’m tired of the internet
That means a lot but we'd be more powerful in numbers
>this dude fucks dozens of dozens of women
Everyone needs a hobby
It baffles me how attached people are to shit like bread
honestly? Cute that you even think about me that much to the point where you consider playing mind games with me, considering the fact I might as well be a figment of your imagination that manifests itself as text on a screen. Means I'm in your head. Reading that put a big smile on my face.
I get it if you're sleepy and wanna leave though, I won't hold it against you. Seems like you couldn't keep up with me after all...
>guy is ugly
He's so tall it doesn't matter. Just like being short doesn't matter if you're handsome enough.
F but I find a guy that tall to be kinda freakish.
True, you’ll bring the ladies and I’ll pick out the cool dudes.
bread is very delicious. I bake my own bread. I like it very much

also gluten moment:
> thirsted by thousands of pornbrained women
This is not uncommon, wait 3 months
Foids will look at this and say "ideal height difference I deserve this."
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I'm also very tall and you're wrong.
see >>31685751
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We have ourselves an amicable arrangement...
The pursuit of bread drove us to create the very concept of civilization anon. It's good shit.
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weirdest thing to me is his stuff gets on teenager's feeds.

imagine the body dismorphia this is going to create in future generations.
>shes actually 4’9
Holy fuck man, this shit is weird
It also came with an increase in diseases, weak bones, rotten teeth
>you're wrong
Those were my personal opinions regarding choosing men to have sex with but if you say so
Refined carbs. This causes a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to a rapid release of insulin and drops in blood sugar. This cycle can create cravings for more carbs.
the internet has been corrupt since like, 2001 bro
tiktok scrolling just made it accessible to women
Maybe the smart ones will realize that there is no ideal height
I am the same height as him and FUCK YOU.
I've never personally understood the desire to be tall. Why would I want a girl to need a step ladder to kiss me?
Not eating a varied diet because you're poor isn't bread's fault.
You gotta calm down brotha
I guess you could say bro is stretched to his limit lol
This is the first post you’ve ever made that doesn’t cause intense anger in me. Congrats.
>Maybe the smart ones will realize that there is no ideal height

I dont think eating disorder women are dumb, same way i dont think short men with body dismorphia are dumb
Based trips of pun defusal.
>same height
you're 6'10"? no you're a larp
>imagine the body dismorphia this is going to create in future generations
like it hasn't already?
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That's odd. I don't post anything that should even be causing mild indigestion, much less intense anger.
Yeh, the world in general is not made for a tall person. Just try to work in an average kitchen.
Your existence angers me. But lets not spoil the moment, eh?
Call it unwise or whatever you want. Point is that there will always be something you hate about yourself if you hate yourself
ofc, im not body dismorphic or whatever its called but Im the anon that feels inadequate about being average sized (gf told me i have small hands) and this stuff is frying my brain.-

i should have gone to sleep 2 hours ago and im still here poting
Girthmaster said he is 6'6 on Tiktok the 6'10 in >>31685762 is not Girthmaster.
I understand that but I think its wrong for a website to make innocent teenagers jump straight into suicidal paths.
That's not actually how it works, ketolard
Gluten and bread suck because they wreak havoc on digestion, but people like you are too simple to explain anything beyond SUGAR BAD INSULIN BAD AND ADDICTIVE
"just eat a more balanced diet bro" is a massive cop out
>bread is solely responsible for heckin' civilization
>ok ok u need a varied diet though
which one?
That is body dysmorphia.
He’s doing the same thing those tall bitch onlyfans creators do. I don’t see the need to make yourself taller when you’re 6’6 already. It’s only a thing because of retarded children
Bro... I think you're not getting enough oxygen up there.
>bread is solely responsible for heckin' civilization
>ok ok u need a varied diet though
>which one?
Both things are true at the same time dummy
nta so explain it.
Yes, there’s no stopping people trying to get rich quick and lie to do it
I watch league of legend streams, and find them entertaining.
Unfortunately for you, "just eating nothing but bread" was never stated to be the cause of tooth decay and other diseases that increased rapidly with the onset of agriculture
I'm not sleepy. Have you ever seen an explosion and thought it beautiful?
Who’s your favorite? I’ve been watching the esport since 2014.
i think im just highly obsessive to the point of it being harmful for my health.

a couple years ago i was obseseed posting during the night around these threads about how i got no matches on dating apps

so yeah still kinda "ill" but not that. i just fall into obsessive train of throughts easilyl,.
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Y page ?
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I want to make fun of you but I'm watch picrel
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I want to be lovey dovey handsome lover man to a good women but I believe that gives them the ick
very tragic
Yeah, existing in general seems like it'd be harder if you're tall. Things like counters and cars and doors are made for average heights. You'd need to bend down or get squished so many times a day. Plus you'd naturally weigh more, which I imagine comes with problems of its own.
>nta so explain it.
Which part?
Yeah he’s pretty funny. I watch Drututt sometimes.
Yeah exactly. Wtf else do you think body dysmorphia is?
nta, but his gf literally told him he has small features. It's not body dysmorphia if you literally don't measure up lol.
Also the whole concept around "body dysmorphia" is a meme man. If you think something is wrong with your body, you're probably right. We developed pattern recognition over millions of years to select for mating partners, I think we should be able to trust our gut on that one and not buy into the whole body positivity bullshit.
Why are you so anti bread did a baker kill your family or did you lose half of your small intestine because of celiac disease?

Unfortunately for you that doesn't make my previous statement untrue.
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>le internet face
Pic rel
I think it is more your retardation that gives them the ick.
Is he actually going to bed or is he just dismissing me for downtime or lowkey(highkey) finds me annoying but still cute? Men I like him and my sleeping schedule is whenever but he used to stay up later but we both know he can't always be doing that.

Also what's it mean if he jokes about being my delusions, he wants to take me as a wedding date overseas if we work out

retard posting hours(me)
The wreaking havoc on digestion.
that's this exchange
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Why does the girl look like this?
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how can one tell when one is retarded?
i mean i dont believe i have small features. i know they're average.
You sound exhausting. I would need a break from you too.
>Have you ever seen an explosion and thought it beautiful?
I did actually
What kind of Voight-Kampff question is this?
based goblin noticer
We're arguing about bread in the Internet for shits and giggles are you going to say some more shit about bread or are you giving up?
When one actually seriously for real believes dumb incel narrative.
Certain men love goblinoid foids.
Real men know orc and dwarven women are where it's at.
Oh I get what you're saying now.
I've seen women say those kinds of things on the tiktok though
>anon does not understand how much of a serious business not to ever be joked about or taken lightly this is for orthorexic people
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I'm addicted to Dark Elves, myself.
Because she has „baddie makeup“ on.
3 Gods, One true faith.
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you sound like a hot mess. Exactly my type of crazy. I'd say he's a lucky guy
>is able to move
>can comprehend and react to stimuli
>can absorb nutrients and excrete waste
>can produce rational thoughts
>can form emotional bonds
>can adequately transport nutrients throughout the body
>can breathe
>can excrete hormones that are optimized for your direct benefit
>can move and interact with objects around you

Humans still
>”im so short, there’s something wrong with me”
There’s nothing wrong with not being your version of ideal because reality doesn’t care about your perception
>very thick eyebrows, dark eyeliner, and lips
Oh so you're like, actually mentally ill.
>What kind of Voight-Kampff question is this?

Wouldn't someone who told me earlier " considering the fact I might as well be a figment of your imagination that manifests itself as text on a screen" appreciate that kind of question?
What's a normal question you'd like to be asked
should I message him less
how do i find a guy who likes me
It’s obvious
She looks like she’s stupid
Is the point to make you unattractive?
It's difficult to digest. When you're overall healthy, you likely won't notice problems. If anything is off, hard to digest foods can feed bacteria in the small intestine, leading to overgrowth, leading to further impairment of digestion and reuptake of toxins into the liver and body.
Do you trust minorities to prepare your food without getting shit and pubes all over it
>lists basic functions of being a living organism
>what have you got to complain about!!!
holy fucking AUTISM
Did your hero ever turn out to be a bad guy
I can't stand kid cartoons, I tried watching MLP once, the lessons at the end just took me out since I felt absolutely retarded watching it.
No that is not me, i am just explaining to you why anon is so triggered over bread.
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A question only women could answer

What does it mean when my ex returns the gifts I gave her over the years? They were gifts. One of them, a jacket, had a pair of her panties in the pocket.
Yeah, my dad.
Basic functions that you do well. There’s biologically nothing wrong with you
A true hero is beyond 'good' and 'evil'
I trust them a fuckload more than I trust white teenage boys.
Idk, be likeable?
You sound a bit obsessive and pretty insecure. Not a good combo.
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all of the above applies to picrel.
I want you to confidently tell me that there's nothing wrong with this man. Go ahead.
The guy has a huge dick also. lol
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opinions on this woman?
>There’s biologically nothing wrong
According to what standard?
Not Sarah Gadon.
Who hurt you?
I trust nobody other than myself to prepare my food.
There is nothing wrong with him. His body is working exactly as planned
She's upset and is either purging anything and everything that is yours, from you, or reminds her of you from her life. Or she was trying to hurt your feelings.
This is why clingy is bad, its not out of love but insecurity.
Needs a better haircut
average appearance with a wtf style going on. might mean she's interesting and a potential mate if you're okay with average looks
She does not want any piece of you in her life anymore and she sure as hell never ever wants you to feel like she owes you anything.
Survival, you are living unaided by yourself
Local Taco Bell related PTSD.
I think we're way past normal questions.
I wasn't trying to change the subject, you just piqued my interest is all.
I like poetic questions like that sometimes. Did you have a follow up?
Look up the origin of the word 'Hero'
Is it a chinese person trying to say hello?
lol he wants to be my delusions r-right? :33 what kind of hot mess/crazy am i for him to delude himself into thinking he's my delusions

does it imply a flingyness to us or he really wants something more like he says? (muh delushions but he saus he wants us to work out.. wuhevs that meams)
It has really hurt my feelings. It's been rough over this last week. She ghosted me for 4 days first, and it's been downhill from there. Just so out of left field. idk what to do with myself
I will (:
I would have sex with her - and or date her.
idk he said he was the clingy one
I mean I find him attractive but I have other suitors but I like him best I guess
just kinda hyerish tonight I drank a beer

just kinda posting to post tonight
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Women, how would you feel if you had a partner for 4-5 years, broached the topic of buying a home together and your partner responded with

>''I would like to buy and own my own home. I have not had a stable place to live my entire life and would feel much more comfortable knowing I owned it and it was mine. You're welcome to live there with me, but I want my own place''
I was in that exact situation and my response was that either we create a home for both of us or i am gone because i will not live my life just being tolerated in someone elses quarters. I need a place i feel at home and where i belong too.

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