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hot girls dont even look at me because im so fat and ugly

a hot girl walked past me she was wearing tight clothes i could see her body jiggle lustily in all the right places i nodded my head at her she didnt even look at me bros. i hate this feeling so much i just am so horny and want to look at her and be acknolwedged as a person just because i am not a handsome lantern jawed professional does not mean i dont want to have sex with hot women and put my seed in their bellies. I am a virgin at 32 I have only had cyber sex before I just want a young woman to bounce on my cock bros why is it so hard. it seems like women that im attracted to dont even see me, they are offended by me talking or looking at them. I feel terrible. I'm so horny.
>hot girls dont even look at me because im so fat and ugly

No, hot girls don't even look at you because you're insecure and because you do stupid shite like nodding to random people on the street, instead of acting like a normal human being and actually meeting people and talking to them
Nodding at someone is not stupid it's a normal thing to do lmao.
It's just that most people are in their own world, and you don't really should expect them to acknowledge you if they have no idea who you are.
But yeah meeting people and being confident does go a long way.at80
>Nodding at someone is not stupid it's a normal thing to do lmao.
no is not. even with close friends, its fuckin weird.
No one ever does that

t. normal guy who has sex
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Fat 40 oldfag here.
I'm not GQ handsome. Just have traditionally strong male features.
Got me a baritone voice
Shaved head
Viking beard
Got a nice petite lil gal who is a firecracker.
I fucked like a man whore in my 20s.
Did the bdsm scene in my 30s.
It's all about how you carry yourself OP

Yeah I could say "stop being fat, fatty" but honestly how you think of yourself is the first step. That being said....get off the damn couch and take better care of yourself
fuck off weirdo
>nodding at people that walk past you is insecure and weird
what the fuck are you talking about? explain how in any way that indicates insecurity or stupidity
you are nodding cuz you are too timid or afraid to say hi basically
and stupidity cuz, why are you doing that? why?

Like if a stranger on the streets nods me i would probably go there be like: what the fuck you want?
great , so instead of it being something thats fixable with effort, its my personality which is fixed. awesomesauce
is not your personality.
Just stop nodding to strangers for no reason.
You can fix personality, you dingus, and you can fix the way you respond to things.
you sound like you were shaking and crying while writing this.
so in your world saying "hi" to a stranger is okay but nodding is weird and insecure? okay. if a stranger nodded to me on the street i'd probably nod back cause I'm not insane like you are.
Stop fucking wallowing. You CAN change. Quit being afraid to put in the work.
Here we start to see the glympse of OP's mental problems.

>i can't stop nodding to people cuz its my personality, and perosnality is a FIXED things.

no is not.
>if a stranger nodded to me on the street i'd probably nod back
i don't know where you from or if your country is weird but, has anyone ever nodded you?
I have never see a stranger nods to another. Never.
Whatever keep believing this shits, given how your life went lol.

Nodding to strangers in the streets for no reason...
Lower your standards, guys always have to date down so you've got to either raise your station in life as much as you can or lower your threshold for what you can fuck. If you don't want to fuck a blob why would someone want to touch your flabby body? Lose weight and ditch the defeatist attitude and you will get laid, probably not with someone "hot" but you take what you get in this life. At least you're laid up in a hospital bed dying of cancer.
What a bunch of horseshit. If you have a deep voice and can pull off the shaved look then you have qualities that can "make it work". There's more to it than just being fat/"ugly". You may as well have just told him to "b urself :^)" to save on having to type all of that drivel out.
>anon be yourself
>anon be someone else
I'm 32, I lived life as a skinny teenager and I never got any sex. I've tried to change my personality, it's been years for what? I have never had sex

there are outgoing latino 14 year old boys having sex with girls they meet and I've tried for years to no avail.

at least you could look at me and acknowledge im a person despite being not as good looking as you
Found another fatty.
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you sound fat from the way you type
kind of right in my opinion, the only acceptable nod is if you see someone you kind of know, and even then it's usually someone older, and you don't really talk that much

if you nod at a hot girl, she instantly knows that you are trying to be cool, but that you actually really like her, it's kind of hard to hide anything
stopping to say hi would get you more respect even if you didn't look good, i mean, maybe it wouldn't get you a date, but it's a good move
istead of nodding practice hot eye contacts
>i don't know where you from or if your country is weird but, has anyone ever nodded you?
yep, happens from time to time
>Lower your standards, guys always have to date down so you've got to either raise your station in life as much as you can or lower your threshold for what you can fuck. If you don't want to fuck a blob why would someone want to touch your flabby body?
this makes a lot of sense, thanks. honestly I got a girl number the other day, but she wasnt nearly as hot as this one i saw today, who just treated me like I was invisible. she looked really good, I could see her tummy.
>im so fat
Here you go

I agree with women that you are disgusting. Where we disagree is they want to give up on you, where I want to give up on the old you and see the new one.
>im so fat and ugly
problem detected
If that's true then your options are limited, although you probably still have something to work with there unless it's horribly bad. But fair enough.
That is definitely something you can control, though.
Crying and playing the victim will get you nowhere in the long run.
>stopping and saying hi would get you more respect
lol wtf, so nodding to you is weird but stopping and saying "hi" to a stranger is somehow a good move. alright thats pretty odd. and somehow "hot eye contact" is better? what in the world
You could try not being fat
I'm just tired of being ignored by hot women, don't they realize I want to have sex with them?
They know. That's why they're ignoring you. If they felt secure that you didn't want to fuck them they would occasionally make eye contact.
they cant read my mind, they are just being rude. I say hello to people regardless if they are hot or not.
This person speaks like someone from a country with arranged marriages, therefore their input on women is invalid.

Lying, nigger trol.
Nods are normal.

Your door on attractive women is closing. Lose weight, cuz your hideousness & aging will only be exacerbated by obesity. Some women like big dudes. Dunno how tall you are, but wide is sometimes loved. Lift. Turn that fat into muscle. Some women just want a strong dude & don't care how ugly you definitely are. They think that means you can protect them.
Your window is also closing on getting prime, naive women. If they don't know they can do better, get that foot in the door. This gets harder daily, with dating apps. Meeting a woman organically will help you bypass internet suitors, who likely look better. Be willing to talk to ugly women. Sometimes they have hot friends. Sometimes a less-attractive woman makes for fine training wheels. Practice on an uggo to build confidence & skill, so any babes you manage to land won't immediately regret giving you a chance.

Remember, they are not like us. They generally aren't as visual as men, therefore applying your own perspective is usually flawed. You need to be well-groomed (unless trying to land a punk-rock girl/show slut), not always manpretty. Consider what your appearance represents, rather than standards of beauty: Big muscles = can protect woman & MY BABIES! Well-groomed = conscientious/self-sufficient. Nice car/clothes = wealthy (some love the security that money brings...some are gold diggers).
Con't cuz "too long for your fucking autistic ass to rant like you want to"

That whole "women know if they are gonna sleep w/ you within the 1st 15 seconds of meeting you" thing is bogus. Those women might think they have their minds made up; but their minds change, especially with a display of boss behavior. If you calm/delegate a problematic situation, organize events, lift a pickup off a child, or perform some other Chadly action, they may be convinced.
Get your own place. Hard to seal the deal at mommy's.
Be in charge of something. Sometimes this is as easy as hosting events (you run things at your place); sometimes it is being the best at your job (I'm sure I missed out on work-related sex).

Get a hobby that gets you out. DnD has gotten me laid. People have fucked for less than a common interest.

Don't use the term "cyber sex". You are the 1st person younger than me who I have seen use that phrase.
Don't wear basketball shorts.

This is the gayest thing I have ever read. Men rarely have to "date down". Women will be better-looking than you. You may think she's ugly; but she's likely not as bad as the man in the mirror. That mindset will not help you break your virgin shackles.
OP, ignore this person from a packed, likely-stinky nation.
People from crowded shit-holes don't nod. Nodding is for those with breathing room.
nope and i said that before
read the thread faggot

hot eye contact yes it is
>Lying, nigger trol.
lmao, is funny cuz im not trolling at all.
keep nodding at strangers in the streets lmao then
im a white european loser

You are a 32 virgin loser who cant talk to women. You are in no position to judge anyone.
Maybe you should start listening to other's advices, given that listening to yourself didnt work lmao.

Fuckin loser i hope you remain virgin until your pathetic useless death.
just lower your standards and get attracted to fat girls similar to you. some should theoretically like you back and BAM! you get fat girl's fat ass on your fat cock!
You're working off porn logic: "nod, nod, sex". You need to talk to people. Women aren't gonna fall to their knees and come after you, nor will they have sex with you for a few pleasantries. Sexual frustration fucking sucks but you need to start building actual relationships with people. Maybe Chad Thundercock can get sex with a glance, but he can only do that in the right circumstances because there's a time and a place for that, and the middle of the street ain't it.
Your personality isn't fixed, that's what we call "character progression". You can learn to be more social. You're an introvert who can't go out partying every night? That's fine, that's at the core of who you are. But you can become a person people like having around. That's well within the realm of possibility.

>look down while walking
>nods at strangers in the streets
>never say hi, never say anything
>make up whole romantic stories in his head about a girl he nodded to
>just nods
Lose weight fat ass, she could see your body jiggling too and that's not a good thing.
> does not mean i dont want to have sex with hot women and put my seed in their bellies
So? No one cares what you want. You're fat, ugly, and posting frogs. You don't deserve sex with hot women.
hes right op, dont be fat go outside and exercise for once in your life

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