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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>31677176
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Has anyone here read this book? It helped me get two dates
bristollair.com has good material
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>I'm putting together a team
People be posting this shit and wondering why no one likes them
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>revolt or fucking rot

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!
I've only recently started putting out any effort. How long should I go before I lower my standards. So far rejected by two girls (one had a bf) and potentially slow burn with another. I am not going for model types, but regular girls I find pretty. I'm 38 and have everything in order (home, car, all that). I do like more petite girls and trying to stay 30 to my age. Not really interested in 40 plus and don't have expectations for hot 25 year olds. Don't mind if she has kids either as long as she can support them. I didn't want family when I was younger, but I've softened up since I've aged.
Sounds like guru nonsense.
now now, where's the lie bucko
It's the opposite, they're posting it because no one likes them. Had they've been liked they wouldn't be posting it now. The easiest way to prove incels wrong is to date and fuck them if you're a woman and shutting up if you have no solution if you're a man
I want to atract a woman with penis but nowadays most woman donĀ“t have penises anymore.
Where do I find women to be friends with? I work 9 to 5, workout, cook, and games for a few hours after cleaning up. I do not go to church anymore since my church is like 50 minutes away + the women there are either old or crackheads.
How do you guys cope with the fact that women just want to date psycho badboys?
The only available women near me are 15 and 16 year olds and I'm 27 Jesus Christ I have no clue what am I supposed to do in order to find a wife.
Stop playing video games. Go to bars, happy hours, and stuff like that. Find a volunteer club that you have some interest in and start attending that once a week. Join a dance or yoga class.

Wife? Go to church. Many churches have single groups. Not religious? Go to bars, clubs, bars in restaurants, and places like that. You must be 21 to drink alcohol. Or perhaps check out mail order brides online.
Women don't like bad boys. Bad boys just approach them and are aggressive with them. Thus they end up with the women. Be more aggressive and act like a man.
This doesn't apply to psycho women or drug addicts whose boyfriend is essentially their drug dealer. I'd assume you don't want those type of women though?
Just got back from the coffee shop
>Find a spot next to this girl I've seen time to time
>After plugging in my laptop, the lights begin flickering, she looks towards me, I say something about it
>We share a few words, nothing special
>Think I notice her preening, taking off her over shirt after this
>I take a break to read my book
>She does too shortly after
>Ok ... "So what are you reading?" Established good eye contact at the beginning, we talk for at least 20 minutes, she's talking a lot with little prompting, it seems good, she seemed interested, I excuse myself to piss
>We get back to work, I leave to get air and come back and I see she started to pack but was in the bathroom
>I start packing too, she comes out and we pick back up talking, head out together
>Nice to meet you anon
> nice to meet you too, hey, you're cute, wanna come back to my place to get my dog and check out the project I'm working on?
>Ah no thank you but I'll see you tomorrow

What did I do wrong? I may as well have said something like hey let's go back to my place and cuddle on my bed while touching her?
might've held back with the hey you're cute, my place part, even if it made sense at the time.
ngmi: the thread
You tried to invite her back to your place after first talking to her at a coffee shop. You should have just asked for her number so you could meet up again at coffee shop or bar for drinks.
definitely should have just asked for number.
>I do not go to church
Women that aren't heavily religious don't care. Why are men so caught up in the idea that being one with Him is important for a relationship?
>remember life rewards the bold
>rewire your brain to not give a fuck
>you instantly failed the second you overthunk something, bee yourself
>practice flirting with grandmas
>learn to love yourself
dont need more than this
A girl put a heart on a note she gave me. Does she want to fuck?
How would any of us know what she wants? You have to ask her without being so blunt about it.
where do i meet bisexual girls?
How do I accept feedback during sex without becoming unaroused?
My girlfriend and I both have very high sex drives and there is mutual attraction so when we aren't stressed or sick we have sex almost every day. I went into the relationship as a kissless virgin, but we are both in our early 20s, so I had to learn a lot before we both started enjoying sex.
Now things usually go smoothly, but we are both a little autistic and every now and again my girlfriend just completely stops and starts talking about how I should do X or Y and then expects me to just go back to fucking her like nothing happened. I try to force myself, but she senses that I'm not excited anymore and then she doesn't want to continue either, and the whole ordeal just ends up with us trying to reassure one another that everything is fine. I've tried explaining to her that being told that I should do something differently like I messed up a question on a pop quiz is a massive bonerkill for me when it happens in the middle of the process, but she says she just wants to make our sex even better, which I completely understand and also want to do, but she refuses to wait like 10 minutes until we're finished, instead she just starts talking in a completely not-sexy voice. The thing she says in and of itself usually isn't a problem, I make the correction and move on, but afterwards I start overthinking everything I do and it all becomes very artificial, I basically stop acting naturally.
>"Is this good I wonder? Should I move my hands? Maybe she doesn't like this either... hold on" etc. etc.
I will continue trying to get her to understand my position, but until then, what can I do to avoid overthinking everything I'm doing after the slightest feedback? I don't want to shut out what she's saying because that doesn't lead anywhere good.
>just bee confident
I'm working through a lot of childhood trauma related to only being loved when I do everything right, that isn't going to improve overnight.
The past 20 numbers I've gotten after the shorter, or the same or even better interactions have led nowhere. On top of that I'm leaving the area soon. Ive kissed 2 girls in one night, one I met in the lobby and she went to my room 3 minutes after meeting me. Unless the first meeting was absolutely spectacular or she's brown/not white, I highly doubt a number will get me anywhere
>browsing other people's social media on my day off
>just seeing how the top 10% are handling shit
>notice that literally every top-tier classy hot chick does shit offline including finding bfs, casual sex, whatever
>they literally never use online shit
>very rarely go to clubs, mostly bars or festivals

Genuine question, but which is more important, confidence or financial stability and status to get and attract women? I understand that ideally you should have both, but I've put dating entirely on hold because I live at home and don't have a career.
>Am 30 years old
>Living at home with parents
>In university (went back 4 years ago studying part time)
>No career
>Work a retail job part time
>Just today I noticed my childhood friends big brother bring a girl home
>He also lives at home with his parents
>But no higher education
>Works a restaurant job full time
>He's in his 40s
What the fuck? I'm insecure as shit about my money and living situation to date. Meanwhile this guy has like 12 years on me and arguably less to his name, and has a girlfriend?
So I have had 2 gfs and one short hook up with a friends friend. one was older 24 I 21 one younger 17 , and my last gf was 24 I am currently 25.
However I have noticed that most girls I've dated I always fall short when it comes to expectations and by that I mean ,spending time with them,
meeting their family . (No I dea why I cringe a lot.) or posting stuff on social media (Which I absolutely hate) Now that I have Identified these shortcomings.

How the fuck I get a new girl , 2 former gf I found socializing, one at a park one at a friends party. and the other one online. The issue is I want to cuddle with someone
embrace them argue, discuss stuff. and basically have a romantic relationship. However I am still a little attached to my ex. (emotionally atleast) is it a good idea to go and approach them at their work or anything like that? I just don't want to force stuff. I would love to meet girls organically. and not force stuff :( I also feel super sad.
More blue pill garbage

Women want Chad. You are not Chad. Stop selling people false hope.
It's because he has actual confidence and isn't posting on a Persian archery forum. Start lifting, idk
They're all straight. They claim "bisexual" because it's safe and it includes them in shit like Pride. Women love groups
Only one way to find out
Public parks, bookstores. You do read, right?
>Start lifting, idk
Been lifting since 2018. I have a six pack. Now I feel like a loser with a six pack.
LOL, thank you.
I believe we live in a time were more woman than ever have a penis. This is your time to shine bright like a diamond.
i also wonder this. what the fuck do i do if i don't have a place of my own? (halfway through college)
Oh yeah, nigger? Then how do you explain examples such as this
What's with the fucking wall of text?
Though you find it unarousing try doing what she says while sheā€™s talking, ā€œlike this?ā€ use it as foreplay see how her body reacts to it. alternatively, if you dont want to do what shes telling you to do because it makes you feel insecure, try gagging her
Lower your standards? You are tolerating single moms lol. Up them. Date younger or at least childless.
It is pretty good, he is also the writer of NMMNG (see OP) which is even better but focuses more on inner game. He is definitely not the guru kind of type, he embraces authenticity
Why do you feel like a loser? If you have a six pack you should at least be proud of your self imposed discipline. Do you go out to talk to women or stay home in the weekends?
>The only available women near me are
Expand your pool.
If you go to the stores near you and they're all out of food, do you shrug and starve to death?
>How do you guys cope with the fact that women just want to date X?
By not imagining fictional scenarios where all women want one type of guy who isn't me.
At absolutely worst, it's like saying all men want to fuck porn stars: Many do, some would, few will.
It's pointless to obsess over sex between adults you don't know.
>What did I do wrong?
Not necessarily "wrong" but this:
>You tried to invite her back to your place after first talking to her at a coffee shop.
It was too fast of escalation. Fine for a bar or club hookup but not casual coffee shop conversation.
That wasn't "leave me alone" though. She might be receptive to talking more.

>The past 20 numbers I've gotten after the shorter, or the same or even better interactions have led nowhere.
Also sounds like an escalation pace issue, but that's just my guy instinct. I could be way off.
What are you learning from these attempts?

>On top of that I'm leaving the area soon
This makes relationships difficult to impossible

>Ive kissed 2 girls in one night

>one I met in the lobby and she went to my room 3 minutes after meeting me
And how did that go?

>Unless the first meeting was absolutely spectacular or she's brown/not white, I highly doubt a number will get me anywhere
Just because you haven't gotten something to work, that doesn't mean it can't work. Open yourself up to the possibility that if you change how you're doing it, it might work just fine.

>or she's brown/not white
Not to get into /pol/ but I'm curious what specific ignorant belief you think applies here. White girls don't date guys with phone numbers?
I posted this in a different thread but can't find it now.
I think i took too long to initiate talking to this girl. Conversation happens but it goes bad. Please let me know if I read the situation right.
>be me
>can do some impressive lifts
>i see girl watching me
>then see her friends watching me lift/staring me in the eyes some times
>don't do anything a month in
>notice she's no longer staring at me as much/ when i'm near i don't catch her staring
>go talk to mutual friend of ours and he says go for it
>as in I ask him if they were dating and he said no and that I should go for it.
>conversation happens and I'm carrying
>then I leave it a lone cuz I can take a hint.

Did i read into the stares right? I'm sure i did the right thing conferring with friend first. is there any recovery for this or is talking with this girl dead in the water?
>confidence or financial stability and status to get and attract women?
Confidence to attract, security to land.

But the most important thing is proximity and trying. I took three years off trying because I was broke. I regret it because some women literally don't care. Most care some. Many care a lot. But a few women will date a guy with a mediocre job who lives with his parents just because he's compatible.

Women aren't all checking resumes. Some are lonely and looking for a decent compatible guy. If they feel like he clicks, that's that.

But you have to meet them to click with them.
>>don't do anything a month in
>>notice she's no longer staring at me as much
There's a window of time where a girl notices a guy, tries to catch his eye, becomes convinced he's seen her, and then she decides that he's chosen not to approach.
This is "passive rejection".

When guys are holding back because they're nervous, what the girl is feeling/thinking is often "If he *really* thought I was attractive, he'd ask me out by now."

Asking her out a month later is the equivalent of talking to girls, her ghosting for weeks and then she comes back interested in you.
She feels like a second choice. She feels like she wasn't good enough to prompt you to act. And she's right.
You chose hesitation over her.

That's all understandable.

The super frustrating part is the amount of time that window closes varies per woman.
what percentage of woman above 25 are virgins, tall , high iq but not facially attractive, say 4/10 face?
Maybe 5-10% of women above 25 are virgins.
What's "tall" to you?
High intelligence and good looks are correlated, so it will be very hard for you to find a woman who's both intelligent and not good-looking.
>how to get laid / married
simple, accept your role as the safety net for 30+ year old hags and have a IT job
if you need to ask "how to get laid" online from a bunch of fedora tippers you're already proving you're not the kind of guy who can get casual bootie, at that point you should play to your strengths and have some IT job that pays well so the woman can just use you as a safety net after she's done with cock carousel
>but anon that sucks i want a pure virgin
good luck with waiting for that unicorn that already lost her virginity at age 15 in high school by some todd from the sports team
you won't marry a virgin
your wife will have a mile of dick ran through her before she settled for you
she will be a nagging piece of shit
the best you'll get out of her is sad pity sex and maybe a child if she didn't come prepackaged with one
that's your lot in life when you marry a western woman in 2024
come to terms with reality or marry a foreigner
>what percentage of woman above 25 are virgins, tall , high iq but not facially attractive, say 4/10 face?
Being generous...
Virgins? 5%
Tall? 36%
High IQ? 14.6%
4/10? 37%

My early morning math puts the combination at roughly 0.097%

But the reality is probably different because of factors like unattractive women more likely to be virgins.
So between 0.097-5%

But statistics are descriptive, not prescriptive.
>By not imagining fictional scenarios
Just because a couple of sick imbeciles think a killer is hot doesn't mean every women in world is desperately seeking crimanl's cock.
anon would you like to ponder for a moment on why women love "dangerous" men?
it's instinctual for them to find a man who can protect her, the funny part is when they go for the people who are most likely to kill them for that because "top of the food chain"
they got fucked up by their survival instincts, it's the same shit as guys who stay in dead end jobs working for pittance because they're so survival mode they can't see anything better in their future
>a couple
Do you actually know any woman like that?
Ups, sorry for assuming you know any actual real woman at all.
do you know any actual killers?
ups, sorry for assuming that your argument would hold better than a wet napkin
>Do you actually know any woman like that?
I've encountered my fair share of women who were going out with thugs and lowlifes. Not that it matters, as stories like >>31692984
speak for themselves and aren't a one-off.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded? What does that have to do with anything I said? How does that work as a counter argument? Do you need an adult?
>you have to know people for them to exist
>don't know a single murderer
>murderers still exist
>too retarded to draw the comparison to his original example with having to know thug fucker women
anon your IQ is showing
ill take that as you finally realizing how stupid your original example is and being too salty to have a comeback
Not knowing them isn't a prove that they don't exist, it is a prove that they are not many, you fucking retard.

Let's do the math:
>According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics of the Department of Justice, in 2020 there were a total of 157.000 people charged with murder in the usa.
>There are 330 million people on the usa.
>That means that killers represent a 0,05 percent of the population.
>There are 168.8 million of women in the country.
>Even if each killer had 10 individual fans, there would still be 167.230.000 women (just on the usa) that don't get thirsty for killers.

Now you tell me, fucker.
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>they're not that many
how many murderers do you know anon?
you fell for the same fucking example twice because you're too stupid and stubborn to admit that your example is retarded
Killer exist.
Stupid women that find them hot exist.
And both are rare and not the average.
>there aren't many of them unless they're the average
interesting point of view and you're welcome to it, sounds like coping to me murder is rampant in western world too and saying "murder doesn't happen That much" is kind of a copium inhalation chamber tier take
murder happens, women date thugs all the time, murderers make their panties moist because muh strong man
you can either accept reality or you can cope, it's your choice
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Should socks stay on during sex? Iā€™ve never not worn socks while having sex, but a girl friend of mine said it was a major turn off when guys do that. I know my feet arenā€™t exactly nice to look at or even smell the best despite making efforts to thoroughly clean them while showering. In general, is it best to take socks off or keep them on?
take socks off, women are anal about it
>murderers make their panties moist because muh strong man
It's not even about strength. You don't see women getting wet over a MMA fighter like they do when it comes to some psycho who bludgeoned an old lady.
Well, murder doesn't happen that much, at least on the usa.
21.000 a year with a population of 330.000.000 is a very good average, honestly.
they do get wet for even WWE wrestler guys when they do interviews etc, MMA and all the other fighting stuff does get them off
women love a guy who is ripped and looks dangerous, it's their mating / survival instincts going haywire because unga bunga protect house
a death is a tragedy, a epidemic is statistics
Good point
Why though? Like how is it that two pieces of fabric covering my feet is more unattractive than my barely cared for feet?
Killing will continue to happen. I too wish it didn't. But assuming it will, because people just find reasons for it, I think 0,006% is a good average, assuming it will never be 0%
0 tinder matches. I think, that's undeserved. I definitely deserve a shot at her hairy pussy too. What do you do in that situation?
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After reading twenty books about women, dating and attraction, I've concluded that they all have something in common: you have to worry about focusing on your life purpose first, then you throw crumbs of your non-sexual attention to the woman who sends signals of interest, then always make her seek your validation so her attraction only tends to increase.

Basically this is the core and pillar.
Socks during sex is fine. THOSE socks should be lit on fire and never see the light of day again
Whatā€™s wrong with those socks? I really like them
>girl saw me struggle to open something
Is it over?
it's all ogre anon, you have to wear the cage now
hope you like size 20 horse dong strap on anon, she will never respect you as a man again and will make you wear maid outfits and cage while she pegs you
It's becoming more evident that I'm not "tall enough to ride" to be in the dating scene right now.
Like, I don't have local friends, have any social (or really even solitary) hobbies, crooked teeth and no doctor visits, and any number of other problems.
Hard to connect with other people without a good foundation of those things to build on.
Like, I get plenty of matches and first dates, they just completely lose interest because my life is pretty shallow. Been helping my family with health stuff for the last year and a half so I just keep my schedule eternally open in case they need help. Makes it hard to have long term plans when i only plan a few weeks in advance.
I'm not trying to just mope or complain, just be self reflective on my dating failures.
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What are safe IG accounts to follow?
Because I'm 27 years old and live at home working retail. I don't care what dumbfuck incels believe. Six pack isn't a gateway to being "Chad" or whatever the bumblefuck pussy slayer caricature they conjure in their heads.
>I don't get weekends. That's when I work.
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So basically, my issue right now seems that i am not "entertaining" enough or that a woman will get quickly bored of me.
I am attractive. Hell, i had girls openly say i'm hot or handsome to my face.
I was able to make out with girls at parties, take the girl to her apartment on a 2nd date and make out with her for an hour.

However, i never had gf or sex. For some it feels like the moment i showed any interest, shit got fucked.

I talked to my therapist, and he told me (during one of my minor rants) that if i tried to be more like that near women then more would want to be and stay with me. Some would get turned off obviously, but many will be attracted. Basically he says i'm too reserved and not in touch with my emotions enough and not expressive enough to keep a girl.

Is he right? How do i fix that? I do recall something similar i read in Models where he talked that you should be emotional in a way but i still do not understand it (i might have mild autism/ptsd/adhd etc.).

Any tips?
So much of life's woes fade into nothing once you nut inside a 20 y/o pussy
can confirm, i've heard it
why are you overthinking after she tells you what she wants? if she'll want to change something else, she'll just tell you, you don't have to think about it, leave the thinking to her. have the confidence to know that she trusts you enough to let you take her where you want during sex, she's just going to voice what she prefers here and there, but basically she wants you to take charge
the reason that ur neighbor can pull girls and you can't is because he doesn't see himself as a loser and you do. i don't think it's true that women seek status, they seek confidence. if a women can be confident in you, she'll develop feelings for you. if you're fully confident in yourself, you'll radiate it when talking to women, and when they feel it, they'll also develop confidence in you. confidence comes from status a lot of the time, if a man has abundant wealth, is physically and mentally fit, and has good rapport among his peers, he will see that he has a elavated status, and will develop confidence from that. but staus isn't necessary for confidence. a large portion of women will develop feelings for you even if you still live with your parents in you 30's, if you just have confidence in yourself
If you're super neurotic and have developed habits for a quarter century and have become an enemy to yourself, can you even reverse that?
depends what kind of intelligence. i've seen that most of the women who study physical sciences aren't very attrative
Think of them as lessons learned, not failures. Before you walked you started to crawl and likely fell down several times. Everyone falls down, those who get up are rewarded.
those socks are cool fuck anyone telling u not to wear them
Anyone have problems dating girls with same names as family members. Within last two weeks I met one with my mom's name and another with one of my nieces name. Is it just me or does it seem like it would be weird.
who cares man, its just a name if a girl was your ideal type would you just throw it away cause she had the same name as your relative? I really wouldn't care desu
i think it's weird
> be chad
> do not be not chad

that's it
I'm Brad, nice to meet you, Chad.
>talking to girl on phone
>she mentions she has a lower back tattoo
>tell her to send me a picture
>she takes a photo of her nude back and sends it without protest
>tell her what to send me pictures of outfits for when we meet up
>she does
>tell her which one to wear and what color underwear to have on
>she does
>mind blown at how easy all this was

Why didnā€™t any of you tell me that women will just do what you say if they like you?
I don't know if I've ever gotten a woman to like me.
There has 100% been a woman at some point that liked you and would have had sex with you. You either missed the signs, missed your shot, or you didnā€™t look twice at her (werenā€™t attracted to her).
Wait until you nut raw in an 18 y/o
Literally nothing can bother you for the next 24-48 hours
Itā€™s over

Anyways you ever notice how the most emotional men have the most women around them? Theyā€™re loud, angry, violent even. Short temper, intense, etc. turns out women constantly lie about what they actually want. They want excitement whatever the cost.
Being emotional is feminine yes, but stoicism is reddit, and thatā€™s a million times worse.
I'm very extremely emotional but I get zero pussy
>Go to church
When will this fucking Reddit meme end. Women under 200 lbs donā€™t go to church.
Then your problem is youā€™re not around women enough
Spread out your exposure
So why did my uncle marry a woman with the same name as his mother?
I guess that's my point.
Ive been spending the last decade just trying to walk without getting through the other "relationship" milestones.
I'm generically good looking and funny, my life is just overall not very attractive. Like, I don't blame them for not being interested after thinking about myself as a prospective partner. Trying to find the one person that will fit into my current life isn't feasible.
If I stop trying to date now, and just focus on fixing up my life, how long before it's at an approachable point? Thats a hard pill to swallow.
Call her by a pet name like Babe, Baby, or Sugartits. Problem solved.
The food becomes mine when I pay for it and there's not a very limited supply of it. Besides I've eaten food before and it doesn't jump out of a plate if I do something wrong
Be responsive and human. Be engaged and engaging.

Ever tell a story to someone and they have no response whatsoever? Be an interactive experience with her.
>What are safe IG accounts to follow?




If you don't have available women near you, look for women elsewhere.
I don't know what to fucking tell you.
of course, i was able to reverse most of my neurotic behaviour
>they just completely lose interest because my life is pretty shallow.
What makes you believe that is what is happening? Question your assumptions.
Pretty much

>who sends signals of interest
Don't get too hung up on this as a number of anons expect and wait for ahegao or something as a sign of attraction.
Seems like it would be weird to call my mom or niece by one of those names.
Is there a way to recover? I do remember her saying she likes to go out and eat and I didn't think of it to ask if she would like to go some where.
Lastly she did seem nervous but open about I formation about herself. And when I departed to talk to my friend she did do a happy like wave. Should I assume she was just nervous to talk to me?
>women just want
"women" implies all women.
Some women fucking care more about scrapbooking than sex or bad boys.

Stop obsessing over discouraging examples, you whiny little bitches.

>Not every food is candy and I want candy!
Fucking shut the fuck up you literal children.
>not calling your niece "Pumpkin Tits"
"don't go to bars to find women" "churches don't have women under 40"
what do I do? I have been to bars and they are all hags, I have been to church and they are all nice old ladies.
>"Don't play games"
I play games because they're free and fun. It costs money to go out and buy drinks for older women at bars and clubs. Women at clubs are a no-go for me. I have been there and they grind on 20 guys. Restaurants? and what? interrupt some lady eating. This has to be a joke, and I realize you are giving somewhat decent advice, but this is the reality.
+ I have been volunteering for 1 year, there are no women my age lol. Sorry, but young women do not volunteer. Especially at orphanages.
>decide to break the rule of waiting for girls text first on Tinder
>text a few of them yesterday
>unmatched or ghosted today

I did get some dates while texting first too but the girls who texted me first were always down to fuck. I'll just wait now again and not put effort into these bitches.
>Is there a way to recover?
It's possible. The how of it is very situational and I don't really have universal advice.

It's probably best to assume she's interested and slowly proceed forward rather wait for her to encourage you.
Why are you even complaining you fag
If youā€™ve successfully matched with someone on tinder and actually had sex with them youā€™re in like the 99.9th percentile for men on dating apps
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because she was <
I was out drinking recently and ran into a friend, he was with his girlfriend and a few other people. One of those people was an old friend of my sister and cousin. We had visted a couple other bars afterwards and I felt like her and I were vibing, but I wasn't really being flirty because I thought she was with one of the other dudes that was there. I asked my friend if they were together and he said no. He ended up leaving after the second bar so I should have taken that as a hint I suppose. Anyways, I ended up having a bit too much to drink and never ended up asking her for her number.
Should I message her on Facebook? If so what should I say?
Yeah, this >>31695155
I don't think hot girls use Tinder for dating and just use it for a confidence boost/validation. They can date men they meet irl easily.
MKG, I'm >>31682136

So, I was planning on going to see the girl last night, but she posted a story on her insta saying goodbye to a dog which was the 51 year olds dog who she's "friends" with. I thought it probably wouldn't be the right time to have a deepish kinda convo so I came up with a plan for Saturday

>tell her I'm going to pick her and her colleague up from work as I'm going for food which is in their direction if I take them home
>offer the girl to join me if she's up for it
>if she says no, I can still have a little chat with her. If she does accept the food, win win.

I think you may be right on her feeling embarrassed about what happened when she came to mine and not remembering what happened. I was listening to the dashcam footage (I'm not a creep, honest) of me telling her and that she didn't wanna know, but she wanted to know and found it scary that I was sober and she was drunk.

I'm gonna do what you said and just express that I don't think anything different about ehr and say something like that "If I knew this what would happen between us after that night, I'd rather have taken you home instead cause I don't want to ruin this friendship we have"

Just praying she doesn't fob me off like she has been.
Dude, the female attraction to violent psychopaths and men with dark triad personality traits is far too prevalent to dismiss as some fringe minority. The worst thing is that often the quiet, respectable, nerdy girls are the worst examples because they are sexually repressed.
>just express that I don't think anything different about ehr
Well, again. It's best to *behave* like you don't think anything different about her.
Explicitly saying that you don't suggests that you could've which might make her feel judged despite you explicitly stating otherwise. It's like someone saying "I'm not judging you." There's an unspoken "... even though I could."

>and say something like that "If I knew this what would happen between us after that night, I'd rather have taken you home instead cause I don't want to ruin this friendship we have"
Phrased like that will likely put you in a cheesy friend zone. I don't mind that myself, but you likely want more.

My feel of it is that she'd likely be most receptive of something closer to "I just want to make sure we're still cool."

She doesn't seem serious. So serious talks about ensuring the integrity of your friendship might seem excessive. But she knows you and you know her. So I could be off.
>Dude, the female attraction to violent psychopaths is far too prevalent to dismiss as some fringe minority.
It's literally some fringe minority.

>and men with dark triad personality traits
Correlation is not causation.
People who floss their teeth live ten years longer but it's not the flossing that does it.
Women are often attracted to dark triad traits but not because of the traits.

I was in a discord community with a pathetic narcissist liar who constantly contradicted everything he ever said, if you actually paid attention and remembered which I can't help but do automatically.
One day after he had left the community, a conversation popped up about what everyone thought of him and why the women had initially all liked him. Do you know what they all found most attractive about him? His "honesty". He was obviously narcissistically brash but offset it with false regrets and flaws that weren't flaws and gave an impression of vulnerability despite never actually really being honest with himself or anyone. He seemed like he was revealing the sensitive truth behind the aggressive facade. When it was really just turtles all the way down.

Bold vulnerability. Sensitive strength. Flawed brilliance. A diamond in the rough. That's the appeal of the dark triad.
It's the illusion of a man cast by a frightened child incapable of growing up.
Some children are best left behind.

tl;dr: You have no idea what women are attracted to.
Because my life is shallow, I've never had a third date.
>Phrased like that will likely put you in a cheesy friend zone. I don't mind that myself, but you likely want more.

I'm just thinking that she obviously kept saying that we're just friends and I'm assuming after what happened, she deffo wants to remain as friends. I'll just drop the part about ruining the friendship and just stick with taking her home instead.

Yeah, you're probably right about just making sure we're both cool.

I'll just try and see if she can tell me what's on her mind and maybe work from that if all else fails.
>Women are often attracted to dark triad traits but not because of the traits.
No, of course not. It's just one big coincidence that women are attracted to thugs with low impulse-control.
The rest of your post is a bunch of baloney. Most dudes refuse to accept the true nature of women because they are afraid of the implications, which is why they eventually wind up in loveless, sexless marriages.
Even if it is true that you're life is shallow, that might not be why you're not getting a third date.
>It's just one big coincidence that women are attracted to thugs with low impulse-control
It's correlation.

You're an idiot. Good luck with that.
it depends on the demographics, as a man that grew up poor in an uneducated ghetto most women were at least somewhat into the type, but when i was in the suburbs they were seen by many as dopey corny losers even if they were super tough, they may have dated a little if they were chadlike but were made into a joke a lot too
so you're a black?
white as hell but mixed neighborhood growing up
and the white women were into george floyd type niggers? damn
no they generally dated retarded white or hispanic guys with belligerent confidence that lived in the moment because they didn't want to think about their future, and who later often became the saddest worse off people we knew unironically
gf called me a minute ago. we were on the phone for awhile just BSing
but she wanted to run some plans by me for tomorrow as her mom is taking her out for her bday and I'm supposed to be there
while we were on the phone she got a text and she was talking under her breath and she said something like "hold on let me check this.. ty..." and cut out
and then she's like "ok sorry I just got a notification from work, wasn't sure what part of the bar I was working but they just confirmed,"
she had already mentioned a couple times that she'd be working a certain part of the bar and there wasn't any uncertainty before

i am anxious because she has a co worker named tyler that has a thing for her and im wondering if he texted her and she just made some shit up on the spot and caught herself saying his name or something
does this sound stupid?

i've brought this kind of up to my friends and they all seem to think I'm just being delusional and paranoid as I have a past of being cheated on
I mean that does sound sus to me man. Normally I'd say that it's in your head but that would weird me out too, if things happened exactly as you described them

It can mean anything. She could've been sucking him off right there, or she could just be having a harmless conversation but still hiding it because she knows you're jealous. But in the end, she's hiding something, whatever it may be
Wait I misread, she just got a text from the guy. My point is still the same tho. It sounds like she lied. Trust your instincts
Idk what to think.
She was very open and honest about the fact that he had made a move on her. She didn't try to hide it or anything. She brought it up the first night we were together after we had sex basically saying "Yeah he was getting a little friendly with me and I was weird about it because I know he has a gf,"
and then she mentioned it again when we were joking around about that night.

I could be over thinking, I could not be. I don't know if my insticts are reasonable or not because I got shit on really bad in my last relationship and I think my judgement is kinda clouded.
But at the end of the day, I imagine this guy was putting in a lot of time in the long game before we started talking and when I came into the picture I bypassed him in a matter of hours. She approached me at the bar to make a move and sat next to me after, not him. And we went home together, not the two of them.
We drove him back to his car and he made a joke like "wait aren't you bringing anon back to his car?" and neither of us said anything.
So he clearly knows. and she says shes told him we're dating. Its fairly obvious at work as well.
She's given me loads of reasons to trust her and there are tons of green flags. All things considered how its going between she and I, I don't think she'd cheat. But that insecure part of me always wonders.
You guys got any advice on dating in your thirties? I'm actually not sure where to meet people now. Inb4 hiking club suggestion.
>Inb4 hiking club suggestion.
that would unironically work but if women feel that you're there for dating they will think you're a loser and it wont work. so you need to be very patient. none of that "straight to the point" redpill shit

i think the best dating tip is to looksmaxxx. like this idiot i saw the other day, trying to look funny in front of a stacy in the office (who just looked at him with pity and disgust), even though he was fat and balding. like do your homework and then try that if you want. what a negative IQ clown.

when you're looksmaxxed just be patient about it. dont get nervous if some time goes by before you get a date. like i said, trying to get to the point fast is redpill shit, and only works in their "field reports", not in real life. same for every way
nta but i am in great shape but balding, should i shave my head or you think it's best to go monk mode?
its better to shave than to go monk mode but it's even better to get a hair transplant
I barely know her. We have spoken once and it was a good conversation. I do not think she is dating anyone so I want to ask her.
How would I phrase it? Something something something, are you free on X day? Would you like to go grab a drink or lunch on x day?
Does this seem good or passable?
How would you get in contact with her if you barely know her and only spoke once
At the gym. In the past we have greeted one another.
>catch sight of her in the gym
>write number on piece of paper with first name
>hey, I've got to get going but I enjoyed our conversation last time
>we should catch up some time
>hand over number on piece of paper
>wait to see if she texts you

The quick exit removes almost all forms of awkwardness. Simple as.
Don't ask until you know her, she'll stop going to the gym if you ask and it's a no
also say she's cute or something. I wrote that entirely platonically because I'm a eunuch today
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Today, I noticed that my highschool crush became active on Facebook after...God knows how many years. I sent her a text, and I more or less expected no replies whatsoever so I went on with my life. BUT, SHE REPLIED BACK! We've been chatting for the last week or so, and from what little she's told me:

>Still quiet and shy
>Still relatively humble about her job
>She went on a date, but the dude left her waiting
>She even cooked a meal for the guy and everything
>She saw him again one more time but that was it
>Likes cocktails and drinks
>She's just as sweet as she was when I met her in highschool
>She wants to meet me again, in person, and hang out
>''Just don't leave me hanging :c''

Boys, this is it. I've waited a lifetime for this exact scenario to happen. I've dated and fucked and kissed so many bitches before, I'm no longer in a relationship, I'M SO READY FOR THIS!!!!!!
If she says no, then so be it. It will be her choice whether she still goes, I will not be affected one way or another. I will not be bothered if she says no and still shows up. I will just greet her and keep conversations low to a strict "how are you?
Where do I insert that?
bad boys are better than normal people

they don't bore you

they are fun and interesting

they have confidence, charisma

they are romantic and flirty

they don't date women for self-pleasure
You were right up until the end.
Is trying to go for international (let's say Filipino) women on dating apps worth it? I'm good looking, white and tall, but a jobless NEET and live with my mom. Do I have a shot anyway? The thought hasn't gone out of my head, and no I'm not interested in women from my country, and even if I were it'd be a hard sale considering my work and living situation.
>I will not be affected one way or another. I will not be bothered if she says no

You don't care about her response what want to craft the perfect approach? What? Are you retarded?
How do I meet antinatalist women?
I dislike life despite having a normal upbringing due to circumstances and bad luck. I'd rather die a violent death than force someone else to exist here but I still have at least 30 or 40 years to be here unless I get sick and die prematurely or get killed.
I still wanna avoid being alone and have the will to make someone's life better
I cannot control her actions but I can control my actions. I want to say I my best instead of half assing it.
>women sending 1000s of loveletters to violent serial killers is correlation because.... BECAUSE IT JUST IS OKAY!?
Most antinatalists are women anon.

Join a pro-choice organization or something.
>women would rather date a scumbag with confidence than a great dude who doubts himself
This should tell you all you need to know about female dating preferences.
Ok, bro. Date men if women are so terrible.
Are you coming onto me?
How do i text girls? Im decent at talking to them irl but when texting i think i might seen as needy and not interesting. Often i reply them too fast, is it bad? How does someone really text a girl properly without coming off as needy?
So I'm supposed to not care about getting women in order to get women and at the same time I'm supposed to be meeting them (duh)
What's the reasoning behind this?
I do what? Meet them and ignore them?
Look I'll stop having an issue with this situation as soon as I stop getting shamed for not knowing how the fuck to do what others managed to do in their 20s
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Went on a date w/ a CN girl. Said she was in a 1y situationship and she now wants to wait at least a month before having sex with someone. Next date we go out for boba, watch the sunset and then go to my place to have sex... She went on a work trip due to coworker getting sick but that got extended to 6 weeks because she went to visit senpai in China. She sent me a few nudes.

I picked her up from the airport and took her to buy a bed for her new apartment at a nice condo. Said she wanted to take a nap and she suggested for us to nap together. She got in the shower and came out it only a long tee. We ended up having sex. She mentioned that I should come over and use the pool. She took me out for dinner, then I went home.

A week later we went out for dinner but my allergies went crazy. Took my allergy med but it makes me tired AF. Went to her place as she said she had work she needed to do. I passed out for an hour and felt like shit. She got ready for bed and laid down but I was ready to go home. She was disappointed because she assumed I was spending the night. Walked me to the elevator and once again said I should use the pool.

Didn't see each other for 2 weeks because I got sick and was busy.

Went out for dinner (she paid) but said she had work to finish up, so I couldn't come over that night. She also was just finishing her period. Once again said I should come over and swim.

We were planning to hangout last weekend. She suggested dinner by the beach. I offered just chilling and swimming at her pool. She hits me with a-

"I feel it's too casual to hangout at home instead of going on real dates. If that's not what you want to do, it's fine. I had a good time w/ you but honestly I'm bit emotionally unavailable to start a relationship, I shouldn't waste your time. Being at home feels too bf/gf for me. Also, I don't want casual sex."

This woman contradicted herself like 4 times in 1 paragraph.

>finally decide to go swim at her pool
Sounds like she just wanted to go on some dates and feel each other out but ended up putting out too soon and things were getting too comfortable. Also you kinda sound like a bum, letting her pay for meals and not wanting to go out.
I don't mind paying for dates and going out and doing things. I paid for the first date which she said she'd cover the next, which was the boba. I later picked her up at the airport and helped her shop for some stuff for her new, empty studio. She thanked me by taking me out to dinner. I paid the next time we went out for dinner when I had my allergies with her saying she'd cover the next. We then went out for that one last dinner which she paid for.

This woman isn't broke. She moved into a $2,700/m luxury studio, not including utilities. So, realistically about $3,100.

I will say that she did ask if I wanted to go hiking or go to the beach. Both things not being something I'm super interested in doing, but will do if I feel like it. We are surrounded by beaches and trails.

I just thought it was weird because it's usually the opposite. If a guy wants to just hang at your place or invite you to his, he's probably just looking to smash, not turn this into a relationship.
My guess is you spooked her with that two weeks of no contact. You had sex and then didn't talk to her and could be seen as a red flag. So now she's trying to walk it back and save face in case you run off again.

Just seems like a miscommunication more than anything. You were sending mixed signals but for legit reasons, and now she's a little worried is all.
It's because desperation is easy to detect. Women avoid it as soon as they sense it, and men exude it whenever they're low on confidence. It's not really about ignoring anyone it's about projecting confidence and playing to your strengths.

The way most guys start out is with bravado and some drinks. Some of us just have to spend a few years making blunder after blunder until we either find a girl who doesn't mind or we develop skills of seduction. I can honestly say that both are good strategies in their own right. I've managed to make an absolute fool of myself and still talk a girl into sneaking off with me, so there's hope for you yet.
Well, she wanted to hang out for 4th of July but I had already made plans with friends. Then we were supposed to hang out the following week but I ended up coming down w/ Covid the day we were supposed to meet and got sick for a week. We did communicate during that time but during the later half of me being sick she started to reply w/ 1 text a day, usually between 10pm to 1am...

It does sound like miscommunication and we did send a few texts back and fourth but ultimately ended with a text from her, "I like you but I'm not like super attracted to you." Which contradicts literally everything prior to that. I just replied with "ok" and that was it.

>constantly called me handsome / attractive
>let me do whatever to her in bed (I love giving big facials)
>sent me nudes
>literally had to suffocate me with her thighs to stop eating her out cause she came so hard and her clit became too sensitive
>bought me thoughtful gifts from China
>bought me boba before our last date
So how to I get this to work? I'm not even a young guy anymore and will be 28 in a month
I'm supposed to meet them and then what?
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I mean if you want
There's this one chick that's done everything but ask me out. She's repeatedly asked me if I have a gf, made it crystal clear that she isn't seeing anyone, asked me for my number... but I don't see the point asking her out. She only knows what I've allowed her to know about me. When she finds out that I'm a total loser, she'll soon regret ever meeting me. And I don't just want to bang her. If I want casual sex, I can pay for a hooker.

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