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Pushup Episode
Last Episode: >>31691566
Women, describe the day you lost your virginity with a movie or video game title
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
I couldn't do a single push up with a girl on my back. I could barely do two with no girl on my back.
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Somebody please tell me why Twitch is teasing me like this.
Journey To The Savage Planet
Actually weak.
t. Seeeeeething thread russkie
Doesn't reflect very well on Dutch chicks.
which one of you femanons is this?
Are they all Dutch?
I'm Austrian. lmao
Should women be elegant?
Women what's the earliest into dating have you sucked dick or if you never sucked dick have you ever had a husband or boyfriend?
>Doesn't reflect very well on Dutch chicks.
Those girls are the biggest traitors of their people
The silence of the lambs


(It was really high temps that day)
Maybe two weeks.
The women here are all 30+ hags.
Women should be Emma as portrayed by Anya Taylor-Joy
That's hot.
Man of steel
Deutsch means German, anon.
>i want a boifreind

Poor girl. 2.2K guys watching her and not a single one willing to date her.
The big short
Reminds me of that post weeks ago about anon talking on how influencers do in on themselves if they get stalkers and obsessed murderers
That's gross.
Now if they were 40+ that would be hot.
>decide to have a nice date with gf
>go to get a drink
>walking to pub
>group behind us
>gf accuses me of laughing at a comment a girl made behind us
>wasn't, was spacing out, dunno wtf shes on about
>starts giving me shit
>firmly say no I wasn't and I was spacing out
>accuses me of being defensive

women, can you please explain why you are so fucking annoying sometimes? why do you do this, why cant you just give me peace in my life, why do you work against this? No woman has ever been my peace, I might get a dog and just fuck her off and never bother again.
Listen to father complaining about a rotting fence for a couple of years, cant afford to fix it with his retirement funds
>bring this up to my BF
"I can get it fixed"
>Go to visit father
>I bring the topic up
>bf says he can hire professionals to take the old one down and erect a new one no problem
>father gets mad
>for what reason I cant understand

Is this a man thing?
I thought us kids are supposed to help with this kind of stuff when we become older. What did I do wrong?
What about people who got imported to the Netherlands?

As a non-viewer of said woman, I can understand her by periphery.
A star is born
Just a matter of time.
Home Alone
Personally, I just think this is peak feminine body.
Yeah, she don't want me, man, but at the moment I don't care.
Minority Report
State gender
Do you have swag?
Crimson Peak
Late millennial women will always be cringe nerds using early 00s pop culture as a replacement for their personality
Early millennial Stacies are where it's at, too bad they are out of eggs and out of time.
The Dark Knight Rises
Literally the most awkward thing I have ever gone trough, but its a dear memory.
First Blood
An American in Paris
Fun with Dick and Jane
...is your name Jane?
He might dislike the idea of having to rely on others financially and you putting him on the spot by making plans with your boyfriend to fix things for him without asking him beforehand.
I don't think there really is a good way to handle this. On one hand, he needs his fence fixed eventually, on the other hand, if you brought it up, he would have probably refused.
His shiny new fence will make him forget about the issue, as long as the craftsmen do a good job.
No he's the dick.
Should I date this girl with ADHD
all girls have adhd
It is.
You're my own personal Lydia now, girl
Sure, why not?
Streamlined body for maximum sexy efficiency
That is a nice name.
How do I clean a coffee maker without those tablet things?
>this 30 retard I work with said he bought a bunch of energy drinks so that he could get wasted as soon as he gets off work and not fall asleep halfway through the evening
Does this actually work? Alcohol always knocks me on my ass
Lydia and Jane are great names
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M or F
Thoughts on the opening ceremony for 2024 Olympics?
What kind of coffee maker
no idea though
What color is your hair, Jane?
yeah, why do you think jager bombs make it so easy to fuck with women
Didn't see it. Don't care. The Olympics is just a vanity project. Yet another dumb money hole for politicians to dump your taxes into.
I think Lydia is the goth. It just sounds like something a goth would have.
She did say she had dark hair
It nukes your liver for one thing
Meth would be a lot cheaper and much more effective. Caffeine burns off too quickly.
Girls? Were you fed today? Were you bred today?
alcohol does that anyways
I've heard it's a bad idea. Messes with your blood pressure in weird ways, which is hard on your heart, and could potentially give you a heart attack.
The Sacrifice
Cries and Whispers
My Life as Dog
The Squid and the Whale
Me and You and Everyone we know
Let the Right one in
The Rite
Sweet Sixteen
The Entertainer
A taste of honey
The servant
O Lucky Man!
The Lady Vanished
Brief Encounter
127 Hours
Steve Jobs
Dangerous Liaisons
Thank you Anon.
Do you think its wise to bring this up again? Like lets say after a month or two?
Like you said, he needs that fence. and I want to make Dad happy.
Should I dress it as I loan him the money to do it instead?
Vinegar works just as well.
She talks a lot
Guys, how do you like to beat your meat?
>she has a friend over for the night
It's over, should I just ghost her ass to save face?
M, no, I hope not
That's a lot of women, to be fair.
In a circular motion
beating the meat for a prolonged time help develop that bouncy texture in meatballs
if you don't do it enough, it just crumbles.
like Rocky
I do it sat on the toilet to make cleanup easy. More of a chore than anything for fun. I don't use lube or anything, just my hand and my phone
More importantly, I have money.
>I don't use lube or anything
This is why you think it's a chore.
are you the guy that practices the daily maintenance fap so that you don't creep on your female friends/coworkers
I don't need it to be an amazing pleasurable experience, if I'm going to put in effort I'd rather just wait til I have sex. Plus I have my foreskin which I feel like makes it plausible to jerk it without lube
I don't like to

I find stroking up and down works best

It's usually to porn but sometimes to my imagination. I do it daily and it's the highlight of my day. I eat my cum because that's less gross to me than a cum tissue
No, absolutely not. I jerk it often but it's more to blow off steam and make it easier to sleep
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im circumcised so the head is too sensitive to touch directly unless it's lubed up (which i never do cause it's too much work)
so i just rub my hand along my shaft, bringing the skin up with it and stimulating my head that way
as for material, i generate my own self insert smut stories with stolen claude keys on sillytavern
sometimes i use stablediffusion to generate pictures as well
Have I become a woman?
I don't want sex anymore, but I want to do all kind of activities with people
>I eat my cum because that's less gross to me than a cum tissue
I am going to throw up.

what, it's just cum
Start with knee push ups bro, everyone can get up to that level. I started with like 2 or 3 and now I can do 5-6 with my gf on my back.
Don't use all vinegar though. Use a mix of half vinegar/half water, brew half of it. Let it sit for like an hour, then brew the rest. Then do 2-3 cycles of water to rinse it.
what are your thoughts on this?
Yeah obviously anon will have to look up what parts vinegar to water to use.
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hows your friday going?

I just got done with gym and am cuddlying and spoiling my cat while my rice finishes cooking
Women, thoughts on oblivion? Thoughts on the infernal?
Men, describe your future with a movie title.
all is quiet on the western front
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Don't reply to JH posts.
Ignore JH posts.
Fun With Dick And Jane
I think you should stop crossposting shit from other websites
>Should I dress it as I loan him the money to do it instead?
Maybe that would be more palatable - but given the fact that you already brought up that you're going to do it as a gift, he might realise that you're trying to accommodate him that way and remain stubborn, or perhaps get mad because of the embarrassment of you having realised that it's an issue of pride for him. It's hard to tell whether that's a viable strategy - you know him better than me, so you'll have to make the call yourself.

It's a bit of a conundrum, really. I suppose confronting him with the reality that his fence needs replacement and appealing to his male sense of practicality could be a viable strategy.

I don't know what role your boyfriend plays. Do you think there could be some kind of implicit rivalry going on? Like your dad not wanting to look needy or weak next to him? If you suspect something like this might apply, you might want to discuss things with your dad alone, and maybe work as a proxy, where your boyfriend might summon the professionals to fix things and enter dialogue with them, but you showing them around in the place itself, having him keep a lower profile so your dad doesn't feel like he's no longer the boss in his own home or something like that.

But what I say here are just guesses based on vague information about people I don't know, so ultimately I suspect you know better how to deal with your family than I do. Good luck sorting things out, Anon.
Do men here have any shame larping as women itt?
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tits look great
but im not attracted to asians, especially SE asians
and never in my life will I eat street food in a third world country
Fellow men, let's discuss the how to's of getting a harem
There are no women in this thread since none of them replied to my fat and balding post.
What Women Want
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Pretty alright.
Played like 3h Rocket League with one of my best friends, am having some Desperados and cider.
Posted in a place with people I hadn't talked with in years. Just nostalgiabating myself
PUBG is being downloaded after so many months of not playing it.

Four Ps seems alright.

It seems pretty easy, just save them from bullies or creeps and be 'easy to talk to', like in anime
id rather be with a girl
M, still at work, got a couple meetings and a project I need to work a bit more on before I get home. Gonna try prepping some cold brew to have tomorrow
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>too sensitive
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Pretty great.
Today i woke up by a creek in a beautiful valley, bought cheese on a remote alp, saw a nudist hiker, made chili con carne for dinner, met a nice italian couple and had hazelnut cake and wine with them and now i am off to sleep.
Fake tits

Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
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I have been to plenty of Asian cities and I would not order at her place, but at the place next to her where some old granny made the exact same thing.
heyo soomer, still hiking?
Women, do you lose attraction in a man if he's below average in strength? He's not fat or anything, just weak.
Triumph of the Will
I would not call it hiking since it is mainly driving but yes.
Whats the name of the cheese
I unironcially want to get a harem again to get revenge on bitch who friendzoned me and prefered her bf over me. Is this healthy?
What is there to think about? It just is.
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>Ugh Anon, you are such a guy!!
Any other moids find this hot when a woman says it to you? Like she's affirming your masculinity even if it's over something dumb?
eh, call it hiking. you've got to give yourself some bragging rights cmon.
give those legs something to do
Men who use the word moid should have their dicks degloved.
I'm circumcised and I've never had this problem. Stop being a bitch and just touch yourself.
Uh good question, i will ask my mom tomorrow, she took a card with her.
It is not a well known one since it was just a family that lives on that alp during summer and makes some cheese and sells it to the weirdos that find their way up there. But it is very yummy.
No I prefer seeming feminine to women
I lost all my morning being horny and I forgot to prepare for today's class, I'll probably use chatgpt to make exercises.
I started to remove all of my pictures off my phone to make it run better but now it's crashing even more. Girls, help!
I did walk around in the creek for a good while to cool off so maybe that counts.
Yes. Are you mentally unhinged? You could always fuck her ex lmfao, you'll probably get stds ngl
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>I eat my cum because that's less gross to me than a cum tissue
But how does it taste?
you are actually so fucking annoying, it's actually insane.
like seeing you post makes me want to leave this thread, like again
since I already left earlier
I wish could too but I need my funny images
Redbull and vodka is good. So is Irish coffee.

But it doesn't help if you pistol whip yourself and you really need to generate your own energy.
A couple weeks ago at a concert I had a couple beers and no caffeine and danced more than anyone else there. Chemicals can only get you so far.
but doctor...
You just can not help it.
>my life is a Disney fairy tale
yeah, call it hiking.
how are you finding the trip, my vacation starts tomorrow, im going to the alps too
how do i get her to message me first
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Have you never been on vacation?
>fuck her ex
What? Her exes are men. I don't have an ex
What? The women are not gonna be prostitutes. How will they get stds provided they are loyal?
Yes I may be mentally unhinged, thanks for understanding
Bitch, you're on vacation. Why are you still here?
be attractive
I was out drinking recently and ran into a friend, he was with his girlfriend and a few other people. One of those people was an old friend of my sister and cousin. We had visted a couple other bars afterwards and I felt like her and I were vibing, but I wasn't really being flirty because I thought she was with one of the other dudes that was there. I asked my friend if they were together and he said no. He ended up leaving after the second bar so I should have taken that as a hint I suppose. Anyways, I ended up having a bit too much to drink and never ended up asking her for her number.
Should I message her on Facebook? If so what should I say?
I will call it camping.
It‘s great so far. Tomorrow we will do some more alpine passes, this time ones labeled red and black (the most advanced routes), so it should get fun.
Will you do oke day trips like you said or stay for a few days?
Ghost her. Replay very late. Text her her name or "I wanna tell you something" and then go to sleep
Women, ever been camping?
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White women why do you get mad at white men for dating Asian women instead?
It is empowering.
Why not? Unwinding in bed before falling asleep seems like a great end to the day.
>some kind of implicit rivalry going on?
Not that I know of, my both paternal aunts just say my BF is the spitting image of my father when he was young, just an inch taller.
>in before anons say I am attracted to my dad

>Good luck sorting things out, Anon.
Thank you anon. I appreciate your time responding to me. I hope all the best for you
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>Text her her name or "I wanna tell you something" and then go to sleep
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I kinda edge for like, an hour ...

My cock is a fat 7 incher, so it's a good time. I also mostly swing between fantasizing about ...

1. Aggressively dominating prim and proper women, making them come insanely hard from visceral, deep pounding


2. Dominant, evil women using me as a sex slave.

The duality of man.
Yes but I live in America so it'll never be as good as Europe
>They actually think that's more attractive than just a shirt
Why are women so bad at understanding what men like
An ACTUAL school uniform would be, not this parody of it
Or that shirt and just the garter belt
how the one on the right is ugly but she had a Lum shirt she took off for a slutty maid outfit, which means her taste is worse than her looks. big red flag.
qt MAP on his pedophile chad arc
You use this place to unwind? :/
Pretty sure there is great camping options in the US too. Or you could always go to europe yourself.
lel you don't travel
I was seriously considering going to the dolomites for a few days since I've been putting off going there for a couple of years now.
but honestly I'll probably stick to one day trips.
Im free for 3 weeks so you never know, I might pull a sneaky long trip in there
Let time heal your bruised ego.
Yep. What else would one use it for? What do you use it for?
Yes. It was nice but there was no easy way for me to go to the washroom. I didn't like that part.
Found the white women guys. You’re welcome.
>just an inch taller
oh no
Do Americans have to pay to camp?

Bruh what. The US has an abundance of natural beauty and much of it is wild instead of having been overrun by Europeans for thousands of years. Literally touch horse.
Ikr thouse outfits are way too extreme and look disgusting with how they are trying to fit into them. Not sexy at all.
Bi chad her
Nowhere fucking close to as bad as people say. Its just like fairly salty, viscous water.

I have to be careful not to crush my dick because my grip strength is so high, but beyond that, I am a creature of whimsy
Likely an alpine style cheese, pressed and cooked, what kind of milk was it?
In state and national parks yes. In backcountry regions no.
But why shouldn't I get a harem tho? I initially wanted to include her in the harem I was gonna make
>mfw the one with the nicer figure is in the back.
What >>31695303 said. What the US are lacking in terms of the remnants of past cultures they make up with their stunning countryside. Also, I would argue that Americana has a charm of its own - that is my perspective as a European at least.
Dolomites are amazing too. And rn now the temperature are ideal for camping, so you should consider that option for sure.
Because you could get culled by one of your harems, it happens many such cases
nta ever been to Canada?
Do I still have feelings for my 7th grade crush?
I would assume it depends on where you go and what kind of camping you do.
im only 21 and so it hasn't keratinized yet

did they remove your frenulum? i still have mine, maybe that's the reason
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I wish all women had no tits
They look so much sexier this way
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how do i have sex?
Yes, but, I'll still have to deal with Americans, the worst people in the world

I have to admit it would be nice to have kino roman ruins all over the place
Any B.C. people here? How's it going with that fire?
But that is hard to imagine. I can go wherever I please here in Finland, camp at private ground too, pick berries, shrooms and all that I can harvest without permission.
>cant start a campfire without the landowners permission
>if I know some good spot for blue or cloudberries, I always call ahead and ask for permission first if its privately owned
>I dont need to, its just manners and basic courtesy
Yeah it was a pretty standard cow milk cheese but they also had fresh cream cheese that we got and a variant with chili.
They do make a specialty cheese in autumn before leaving the alp when the whole area is blooming with violets and apparently that turns the milk yellowish which gives a distinct color and flavor to the cheese. But alas, it was not the season yet so we got the summer version.
maybe maybe. I dont camp though, I usually stay in alpine homes if I do go for more than one day.
You ever been?
Those are solid handfulls bro.
At least post a girl with no tits
No, I hate biases and cliches. It's like saying that's such a White/Black thing to say/do. Im not gonna say anything back, maybe a chuckle, but Im not gonna linger on it.
What's like being bi male?
Ok then I have to convince her to dumb her bf which is basically imposible
The beauty in going camping is that you leave humanity behind and find a secluded and remote place where you do not have to deal with anyone but untouched nature and optionally the people you brought with you.
Is it always pretty easy to find out who owns the land?
Yeah I have my frenulum and touching it is no problem
No, I haven't. My brother went two years ago or so though. He enjoyed it very much.
Those are great too, yes.
But why no camping? Sure it is not as comfortable but that makes it even more of an adventure.
small tits always look good, big tits only sometimes look good
small tits > big tits
>White women why do you get mad at white men for dating Asian women instead?
A fondness for Asian women is just sublimated paedophilia.
Bro, I don't know if this is bait or not but that's an insanely autistic thing to write.

Are you just projecting?
Anon, she's pretty healthy in the boob department. Her top is just really tight. Is this meant to demoralize us?
Its okay, mostly. Depends. Sometimes I'll catch feels for a guy, but most guys aren't gay. Sometimes people will tell me bi's don't exist. Sometimes women will try to use me like a safe gay guy and not understand I want to fuck them too. Or I'll get insistences of doing threesomes because I'm bi and must be into those, even though I'm strictly monogomous.
But mostly fine.
huh, i guess im just really sensitive
There's upsides and downsides to it. The park services here are extremely conscientious stewards and make a lot of improvements and you can learn a LOT about an unfamiliar area by chatting with the rangers. The actual cost to camp is usually minimal and gets lower the further you are away from what we jokingly call civilization.
Is that when there was a lot of Covid stuff going on?
>But why no camping?
I just never tried it I guess. this is how we've been doing it since we were kids and going into the mountains with our grandad.
I'd need someone to show me the ropes or something. I hike solo most of the time
Question for men from a woman who has never had sex before or even been seen naked by a guy, are men really picky about women being shaved down there? Like if I somehow get a guy in the bedroom will he stop the encounter because he's grossed out by a full bush? Every time I've tried shaving myself it's ended in disaster and I don't trust the places that do waxing around here
>Women, do you lose attraction in a man if he's below average in strength?
My bf is a bit disabled; he has long-term spinal damage. It's not a big deal.
Yeah. At least in our case its all in the internet. From there you get the primary name you should call in matters concerning their land.
Sometimes when I found a good spot and googled the land, its something like undivided land from a dead relative. That is when its hard to get permission, but as I said. I dont need it in the first place, and nobody has told me to go away yet
Covid was four years ago
Can you elaborate on how that affects your relationship, if at all?
Picky men are picky, but also like a pussy is a pussy, but also like, it's just a pussy.
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i asked her to come out with me
she says okay, when?
i give her two days im free
she picks the one she said shes free on
day comes
she says "family obligation ill let you know if i can come"

why even accept? weeks later she tells me shes shy but bitches lie so much it just turned me off.
Which is to say, depends.
Most probably don't care, one would hope that if you're banging people, you're already flirty and sexual enough that you'd reveal the fact that you have a full bush down there to them.
>Like if I somehow get a guy in the bedroom will he stop the encounter because he's grossed out by a full bush?
Probably not. you dont need to shave it to 0 btw, as long as you're grooming a bit its ok. I prefer hair over clean shaved
Hm right, it can be better to just tag along with someone that is already equipped and experienced at first.
Doing solo trips is great too, very relaxing. Trust me, it is not only easy to decide on a daily program and routine with multiple people involved, kek
Alright, i am getting very tired now. Good night!
Porn addicts might care, nobody sane or normal will, though they might have a preference. Nothing wrong with a great big shrubbery imo.
she didnt have the balls to tell you no to your face
Dead link, but I googled and its a BLACK QUEEN
I am going to marry her right now
See you, fags
Good night, have a good one
Men, what kind of woman would you want to date if you were a fully intact untraumatized Russian that survived WW2 and now found yourself in a generation with twice as many women as men?
I'm not quite sure, but it's possible that it fell into the Covid period - or rather, the end of it, when most of the restrictions fell. I don't remember the specifics though; I'd have to ask him.
Have you tried using a trimmer - the sort of thing men use to trim their beards? That's a good way to keep it tidy without actually getting rid of it altogether.
I just had one of those "1990 was 20 years ago" things.
i didnt even ask in person, i sent her a goddamn text. she didnt even have to open it and yet she responded immediately. like goddamn im tired.
she already knows i know shes a coward too so i dont know what the purpose of that was. maybe since i already know she figured id just understand.
I'd go on a date, trying to convince myself I'm normal.
Then when one finally fancies me, I'll have a flashback to all my fallen brothers and ask myself, what made me deserve to be happy over them? Why am I the one alive and not them? What did I do better?

and then I buy her flowers and I go back home and kill myself.
It was 35 years ago

My bf is similiar. It doesnt bother me.
>advanced Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, literally his joints/ligaments cant cope
Still much stronger than I am, he just... creaks... And he is very much aware he is weaker and less mobile than the avarage guy.
He makes me laugh
2015 was 20 years ago
block, move on.
>Like if I somehow get a guy in the bedroom will he stop the encounter because he's grossed out by a full bush?
No. Moids are way too horny, even if they actually dislike bushes, which not all men do.
A man typed this post.
Why is he ignoring me? Should I murder him?
>tfw I'm not him
oh my nephew has that, hes weak as fuck lol
at least TRIM your shit, bare minimum.
>Porn addicts might care, nobody sane or normal will
nobody sane or normal wants to floss their teeth with pubes when partying downtown
lel you don't travel
A coomer porn brained one too.
Same but for men. Would you not have as much attraction for a disabled woman?
That's why you should fuck 18 year olds. They were 14 when Covid happened
depends on how disabled
gaaaaaaaaay id date a highly educated outdoorsy woman who was way hotter than me who enjoyed strategic board games and cards
Are bis lustful perverts that just want to fuck? Whats with MMF being like the anal of bis? Like is it actually that common? What even makes a person bi really?
I don't know
I've never met a disable woman before.
Thought that's mostly because I literally don't talk to women in general.
Like so

Murder me instead
If I might ask, is sex ok?
Not particularly.
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How bad of an idea is it to reveal to my SO that I consume porn on a near daily basis?

We've been together for almost a decade and they have no idea. They've never looked at porn of any kind. I feel weird about it and can't keep hiding it.
As a male, I'm picky
You have bush? Its icky
Pubes in teeth, too sticky
Won't be firing my blicky

Most men don't mind some don't like it but even with me I'm not going to be like
>Ewwww hair ewww
I'll just maybe not want to go down on you until its shaved
I like pubic hair shaved. I hate it. I cut mine off too because I hate the feeling and the mess it makes.
Women born in 2006 vs women born in 2007
Depends on how disabled and if how much it affects her mental state
I want women born in 1987
This sounds really bad but kinda if they have some muscle atrophy.
>Can you elaborate on how that affects your relationship, if at all?
It has some practical implications - there are a number of housework-related things he physically can't do (cleaning the bath, say); and when we're out of doors I tie his laces so he doesn't have to bend - stuff like that. Sex is always in cowgirl position. But other than that it's really not that big a deal. He's still just as funny, just as kind, just as sensible - those are the things that matter.
No, that's an annoying stereotype
That's also an annoying stereotype, but also just a common female fantasy and easy enough to do because guys are really fucking easy to sleep with in general so you only really need the woman in the picture to make it work (and are likely doing it for her to begin with)
Looking into a crowd and finding almost everyone fuckable to some degree
>I tie his laces so he doesn't have to bend
This is legit relationship goals.
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>I tie his laces so he doesn't have to bend
I triple, quadruple, nay, quintuple recommend just getting a pair of ultra boosts, lol, I haven't tied my laces in almost a decade now, they just hang by the side
As a guy I had a bi phase but I realized that it's dumb, degenerate af and a perversion of love
>Guys, how do you like to beat your meat?
Repeatedly. Usually with a bit of petroleum jelly, a loose grip, and a head full of fantasies.
I dont
His feet are kind of a weird shape, there are very few shoes that fit him. So not much choice.
>bit of petroleum jelly
larping foid
>Are bis lustful perverts that just want to fuck?
no. i also love taking drugs, going on walks and tinkering around on my linux thinkpad.
>What even makes a person bi really?
what makes a person a country music fan, or a cat lover, or have red as a favorite color? it doesn't threaten you, stop caring about this.
You're just an asshole that didn't want to marry a guy despite claiming to be bi, so no, you were just pornbrained gooner pilled
>they just hang by the side
nta but that sounds like you could just trip easier.
So people actually expect you to be into that?

>Looking into a crowd and finding almost everyone fuckable to some degree
So basically bis are just lustful? Or do you have specific types?

What if a guy is mostly into women but has a specific type of male he's into? What if he doesn't want a guy to fuck him but wants to fuck other guys? What do you call such people?
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Men state age

What have you been fantasizing about? Or thinking about?
any SO that goes by "they" will understand
a girl that probably wont kiss me
>His feet are kind of a weird shape, there are very few shoes that fit him
Same, which is why I like ultraboosts
the fabric is stretchy so I don't have to go up sizes just to get one oversized shoe that fit, that shit just conforms to my feet shape
like right now? the one that got away
nta but there are bottoms and tops. Catchers and pitchers, etc.
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And what if they go by "she"?
Another shaving question from a new femanon:

When my pubic hair starts growing back, the stubble hurts my bf. If I start shaving it again too soon, it doesn't shave down all the way smooth and I get a bunch of nicks. I've been trying to use coconut oil to soften the area which I think helps a bit. Any advice?
As long as you pick one to be monogmas with, you will be good. Dont be switchin up while you committed.
Does he require braces?
nta but PJ is the best lube, especially for stimfapping
Fantasizing about having a gf and spending the weekend just doing foreplay
I wax desu.
31, dating someone that I'm surprised even likes me again, being rich one day, being admired for the works, skills, lifestyle, and self I'm developing (even if it's maybe too late lol), being happier and calmer, and what good things the future might bring.
I mean... you expected me to be into that. Or us.
No. You are straight, yes? You see a crowd of opposite gender. They're not ugly as fuck. If you were to be asked, you'd probably say they're fuckable. You may not want to fuck them right now, but they're what you are attracted to, generally.
Now double that crowd.
That's the bi experience.

And most bis are into one gender more than the other. Or like the relationship with 1 gender a lot, but the sex more with the other.
Ie I don't like dating women because they tend to have a very
>I have an issue
>I will not tell you what it is
>Its your job to develop psychic powers or I will be mad
Kind of attitude very often, but sex with them is better because they're smaller and easier to manhandle
Fucking a geisha. Just hiring one like of those Japanese businessmen for a private service. Talking to her, seducing her, then sex. Also, face fucking this 20 something year old femme looking dude who's my college classmate. Then I fuck his girlfriend afterwards and send him the pictures and threaten to expose him if he talks. Picking up a shy virgin girl and introducing her to sex and mild pain (biting, whips, ropes), bringing her to her first orgasm and telling her I love her. Later get a female friend (gf of the dude I fucked, I'm also blackmailing her) to introduce the shy sweet girl to lesbian sex.
Get electrolysis. Maybe use an electric trimmer and or mini electrolysis
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nasty ass old shoe photo incoming, but nah, it's real short
doesn't slip off when I sprint too.
How to get Pussy:
>reference SpongeBob memes
>acquire pussy
Take notes, nerds
I'm not a sex haver so I have no tips for you. Maybe get it lasered off. I would if I could afford it
In my experience and observation, guys tend to be most comfortable with what they're familiar with. Like women are with circumcision. Nowadays, most porn has waxed. But if they've seen or been with a girl with pubes before, they're not going to be bothered.
In my experience, I saw an acquaintance in a life drawing class and it was the first time I saw pubes extend like boy shorts onto her thighs. I didn't know that could happen and it surprised me. Had it been an intimate occasion, my reaction might've made her feel bad.
>/atoga/ moids are anti-masculinity
>Or like the relationship with 1 gender a lot, but the sex more with the other.
Seems a bit entitled desu.
M, 32, the dao
Waxing works for me
Fantasizing about groupsex with four girls.
Thinking about rotisserie chicken for dinner.
"feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are"
Not even remotely close to the definition of entitled.
Having actual standards in relationships is important and how you avoid being a miserable fuck stuck in a marriage with someone you stopped liking over 5 years ago like so many do.
What makes you think so?
Seriously an odd take.
Femanons, is it a bad thing for me being a virgin at 24?
Should I just lie about it at this stage?
>she's pretty healthy in the boob department
It's mostly bra
>I mean... you expected me to be into that. Or us.
Idk really when I go online onto normalfag sites its the one thing they talk about. Doing MMF, wanting to do MMF, getting ready for MMF. Unless they are female because then its like FFM. Its almost as if you are fed this expectation.

>You are straight, yes? You see a crowd of opposite gender. They're not ugly as fuck. If you were to be asked, you'd probably say they're fuckable
Never really thought about my sexual orientation. I'm a hikineet I barely go outside but I see where you are coming from. Its just regular sexual attraction except with more people.

I like being around women more emotionally. Nicer to talk to less stressful/intimidating than guys. But I have predatory lusts for guys. Torture fantasies. Hentai induced sickness.
Nah it's all good
I'm okay with masculinity, it's just not for me.
What if he was 27?
nta but say you don't like the relationship or the sex. Wouldn't you just work with them to improve that rather than finding someone else to fulfill that role?
Its not a big deal. Don't make getting laid an objective. Sex is best as part of a relationship. Even if you are with a hooker, your going to develop a good hooker-client relationship that will make sex enjoyable. Sex is only great when there's some kind of reciprocity and social bonding between partners. People who go out of their way to get laid are looking for immediate satisfaction and will end up chasing highs until it makes them miserable.
masturbate with lube, its the best
You're good
I'm aggressively masculine fight me behind the McDonalds at 3:00 pm or you're gay.
My dick makes it's own lube
Wait... guys, you don't masturbate with lube? :/
Are these just elastic laces? I put elastic into one of my boots and I do love it.

>His feet are kind of a weird shape, there are very few shoes that fit him. So not much choice.
How about those barefoot type shoes? Or other foot-shaped shoes like crocs and birkenstocks
Nah, I just pull them loose so it's short on the end, since I don't want to trip myself.
>But I have predatory lusts for guys. Torture fantasies. Hentai induced sickness.

I did not say "I or most bis cheat".
I prefer sex with women, I still mostly date men anyways.
Women will say it's fine to your face but they won't sleep with you.

Men will way it's fine to your face but they don't respect you.

I'll tell you like it is, son: Lie if you're an autistic retard, and don't fall in love with the first girl you fuck if she's also an autistic retard. God speed, you autistic retard.
Do femanons like love poetry written for them?
I'm trying to write one for this turkish girl I met online but I'm not sure what I should include, any tips femanons?
im the platform shoes anon
I still dont get how I am superficial for going out with stilts while listing my height as the one with lifts.
So you just turn down guys for sex or what? What if your dating and he wants to fuck? You say no? Also, I'm tired of dating women. Is it possible to defect to the otherside and date guys and still fuck girls? How do you manage this?
femanons don't know shit about poetry, bro
go to /lit/
Not a pedophile sorry glowfren
At this point, if by some cosmic coincidence you ended in bed with me.
I would like to know that. Not because I want to brag about taking your virginity, but to just tell you its ok, and how to please me.
Other than that, its not a big deal, its kinda hot in my opinion tho.
No, I hate that. But she's Turkish so she may like that. Use nature themes.
Excuse me I'm literally an award winning poet
I PREFER sex with women
I don't dislike sex with men

>Is it possible to defect to the otherside and date guys and still fuck girls? How do you manage this?
I mean probably but I have no experience on this.
I'm 5'10 barefoot, so when I wear shoes I'm closer to 6' in person, not like girls can tell, plus they like it when they realize you seem taller than they expected.

Just as he said
Most men won't eat you out if you're hairy
i have noticed women get very mad when you don't acknowledge them
what award not to dox
The thing you won in grade school doesn't count.
About 6 weeks of dating, but we knew each other prior to it.
I don't believe it. In my experience, /atoga/ foids are uncultured rubes.
Men, how do you perceive your dick?
Does it look smaller or larger, or about right for it's size?
As in, does it look like it's 3 inches to you if it's really 5 inches, or 7 inches if it's really 5 inches, or 5 inches?
Man no options that involve keeping my razor? Dang.
Waxers, do you do it at home or at a salon? How often? What areas? Is there a learning curve with the type you use?
So how do you get laid with girls whilst dating guys or are you strictly monogamous? Also, whats it like dating a guy as a guy? What should I know?
So you want to go glamping. Fuck off. Go to any major attraction it’s all Chinese and indians.
Create a seminal limerick with a 4/4 ABCAD.
>Man no options that involve keeping my razor?
Hey, no, sorry. That's a terrible way to do it.
Why do you hate love poetry nona? I thought girls liked that lovey dovey stuff
I can barely see it under the folds of fat so small but I'm told its big.
What makes them different than laces in any sneaker then?
no matter what it looks small from my perspective. thought its apparently not
i'm 5'7 but used to slouch and felt like girls got turned on by me when i first started standing up straight, people are going to say it was better posture i really feel like it was the effect of suddenly looking up at me, because we would be close and they really could not see my whole frame
armpit stubble on women are hot.

I think it's not wrong to just post my lifted height on dating apps. If the people in question get to know me as a human being they'll see something other than my height

also, its just a cosmetic decision.
i thought my dick was 4 inches long for most of high school. measured with a ruler during senior year because of how a friend reacted to it and i was around 9.2 inches. still feel like my dick's small and ugly so i haven't had sex since then.
>Hey, no, sorry. That's a terrible way to do it
I've been lied to
Nothing? as far as I'm aware that is.
it's the fact that shoes are stretchy themselves that allow me to not tie my laces.
Women how do you perceive dick?
Does it look smaller, larger, or about accurate for it's size?
Oh gotcha. The stretch is elsewhere.
I don't really care, you do you. It's not very nice if you belittle me to compliment asian women, but I think that's the extent of it.
Anon, you don't even know yourself beyond your heights if you're doing that shit, how do you expect them to, LOOLOOOOOLOLOLLKOLOTLOTLOELOETLET
I dunno, it just seems tryhard to me. That's always the big joke in movies, the guy with the acoustic guitar. I'm a little jaded.
I’ll fuck once but decline anything else until you shave. No eating out.
They're like stretchy slippers that you can sprint in, love them
Where my 25-40 year olds @?
Post some fucking shit pls.
>If the people in question get to know me as a human being they'll see something other than my height
What are they supposed to see besides an extremely insecure liar?
On the reverse, my boobs look huge from my perspective when they are actually not.
Women: have you ever been interested in a man 5'5 or shorter?
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Also pic.
I care about the MAN its attached to.
It can be small or medium or huge, as long as it belongs to the Anon I want. Couldnt give a damn.
Its the man that makes it worthwhile, not the size of the dick
Mine is real small, like 5.5" by 4.5". Would you still love me UwU
What sushi roll should I order? Am going to an actual restaurant, not a grocery kiosk
Most women probably never even met a guy 5'5 or shorter.
Don't get rolls
thats because they're closer to you than to others
Why would I tell you this lol
It was college actually
I'm still an uncultured rube, don't worry
I write only in free verse although I've accidentally written in iambic pentameter before
I only ever met two guys that short and they were both dating friends of mine, so no.
My dick is aesthetically amazing.

A shower and thick 7 inches+ as well.

It's just large enough to make girls scream but not so large as to make them genuinely intimidated. I have a lot of problems, but the dick ain't one.

Get sashimi, better value.
Yea I dated one for three years until he e-cheated on me
Bitch I didn't fucking ask you that
I asked how you perceive it's size
>iambic pentameter
Kek. This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded.
Free verse is quite fun but also not particularly hard, you know? Where’s the shimmy when there’s no structure?
>It was college actually
I lol. Good on ya, anon.
I think pretty accurate for its size.
>I'm still an uncultured rube, don't worry
Befittingly servile. I approve of people who are aware of their station.
Same but I'm a grower not a shower
I'm 5.5 in girth, is that fine?
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Why don’t my friends give a shit that I am always alone
>Or I'll get insistences of doing threesomes because I'm bi and must be into those, even though I'm strictly monogomous.
Generally men are a lot more clear on their intentions than women, but they're also a lot more prone to hiding their feelings, which can make them feel kind of bi-polar when they explode at some point.
You want to try and find guys who don't do this.
You'll attract a lot of gay guys rather than bi guys and gay guys are often fairly nice people, but the more camp ones can be very clingy.
If you date a bi guy there's always the chance they're just settling on you and prefer the other gender.
Probably because you're not single.
I don't write for fun, I write out of necessity
because the world doesnt revolve around you
everyone has their own problems
To be brutally honest. No. I am 6ft. So 5'10 is where I would call it.
I went out with a 5'7 guy, and he started to call me mommy during the first date. Kinda ruined short kings for me.
Serious question. How do you feel about AI?
I just lost 200€ in less than 3 minutes in an online casino... but then I remember my early income and know that is less than 0,1%. lmao
Can I call you my queen?
Women would (You) ever use a Clone-A-Willy?
State gender and favourite artist (visual medium)
>he started to call me mommy during the first date
What a loser.
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>Why don’t my friends give a shit that I am always alone
Betray them, that'll show em
Ah, pigeonholed. I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like my personal nightmare.
Don't know if I should get my girlfriend flowers for her birthday or not.

I dunno if she's even into that type of thing. We're both really affectionate toward each other and she can be really sweet but we both make jokes about how its corny and stuff, granted we both enjoy it.
However, she's just a huge shit talker and she's really funny and idk if she'd think getting flowers was like gross or corny.
I'm cooking her a special meal, taking her out on her actual birthday, and I wanted to get her flowers and a couple cards.
The first one I'd give to her without her knowing there was a second one.
She'd open and and it will just say "Haha bitch you thought," (this is very much our sense of humor and I know it'll make her laugh,)
then the second one will actually have some nice stuff in it.
But idk if I should do the flowers or not. I want to I just don't want her to think its gay and corny.
my ex wanted me to do it as a ''parting gift'' when she broke up with me
1. They have problems of their own.
2. Being a guy who is always alone you're probably not in-your-face with your problems, so they might think you're not having an issue.
3. There is a stigma involved with loneliness and they might not want to hurt your feelings by getting involved.
4. They might realise that you're a lost cause and there is no point trying to ruin their other relationships by trying to hook you up with someone.
my sister went all her life to dates wearing highheels because they maker her look more aesthetic in general. She's confident.

Wearing platforms is just a cosmetic decision, same way women use makeup or do their hair to meet a man.
I love it. I welcome our robot overlords!
I've never seen good poetry written by an AI but Claude may come close, idk. I don't feel threatened in any way by them. If anything it's kinda cool to witness the birth of a new sentient species. That being said, I don't write for a living so
The trick is to get something that'll let you do stuff on the side for funsies.
28 days later
Bruh my ex asked me for this one time.

My dick really is amazing. I should sell dildos of it.
I would take that on second or third date and hold you on to that for the rest of your life.
nta but you don't think AI is only as good as the instructions it's given?
Ladies, if you ever want to let a guy off easy...
You're not asking for permission when it comes to the question of wearing platform shoes, you're asking for permission when it comes to lying about your height.

Think of it like this: you probably want to filter women for whom height is very important. You want those who are okay with your height.
Oh god. making my heart flutter.
Too bad tall girls intimidate me, lol.
The only thing they'll see is my bald spot.
Joaquin Sorolla
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If you know, you know
That's kinda dumb, imo. Is stuffing my bra all the time a cosmetic decision?
Hi, sorry, you were constantly obsessing over sex so we removed you, sorry, we added a dog in your place, sorry, he's called Scooby, sorry, he'll have to doo
Doom (2016)
>The only thing they'll see is my bald spot.
I would make you shave your head, and be happy with that. I think shaved looks infinitely better than balding or any sort of combover
>which can make them feel kind of bi-polar when they explode at some point
So they are as bad as women?

>gay guys are often fairly nice people
I met a bunch in college and they were all mean and rude to me. Tried to get me kicked out for homophobia. Assholes.
Anon, if a girl is wearing heels, it's extremely obvious. They are not the same.
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>mfw everyone I’ve tried to get in touch with on social media is ignoring me

God I fucking hate my life. A lifetime of failed relationships and drunken shenanigans has left me a broken, angry man.
Nah men are better sorry.
A guy will typically say
>My back is bad
A woman will say
>I feel bad
And then expect you to guess why
oh no, my queen is making me choose between love and spotty...
I've grown quite fond of him, he's been through a lot with me...
>Think of it like this: you probably want to filter women for whom height is very important
in a vacuum that makes sense

in reality, when a woman makes her dating app profile, she follows the directions the app gives to her. at a certain moment it asks her for a height filter. Even if the woman doesn't really care that much about it, she will put a certain height in it, and it could be very tempting to just "see" what kind of taller men are there.

also, if Im all the time with my lifts, why would I be "lying" exactly?

IRL no one asks for a measure tape to see if they want to keep talking. They just flow

The "you have to be this tall to ride" thing is something only a true/false dichotomy like a dating app would enforce.

See it this way: why do we accept this abnormal way of relating to others where we have binary factors that dont really matter until we started using dating apps?

well, many women wear shoes with platforms.
No. Either I am in a relationship with a guy and I can get his cock whenever I want, or we aren't together and I don't want to think about it anymore.
I use dildos as a substitute for sex when I'm single, not to reminisce about someone using a subpar copy.
What about sex? Which is better sex wise?
This entire conversation was based on me saying women are better for sex
Men are not designed to be penetrated, they're bigger, they ironically have less to hold
>if Im all the time with my lifts
You're going to wear them in bed or at the beach as well?
wait how many guys here are bi?
Women, have you ever stuffed your bra or anything like that?
See how a person treat themselves is kind of like seeing how they hangout with a friend, and if they don't like themselves when they know the most about themselves, it's kind of telling
>if Im all the time with my lifts,
NTA but you aren't. I see my bf barefoot more than in his shoes.
>Wait... guys, you don't masturbate with lube? :/
No, I have a foreskin and pre-cum.
precum is my lube, but I don't need it most of the time since I have foreskin.
Yes. I used to do it a bit in middleschool and highschool, now I just do it to formal functions in order to fill out dresses better.
I have a few push up bras.
What's the feeling like of penetrating a guy compared to a girl? Also if guys aren't meant to be penetrated then why do we allow gay guys to exist outside of psyche wards?
>Do femanons like love poetry written for them?
Only if it's *good* poetry. And it generally isn't. Most people who think they can write poetry actually can't.
With lube better imo but I like anal so
Second question is polshit, don't care
>still has to stuff her bra
Man... :(
aren't there dresses that fit slim forms?
Has any of your relationship partners ever went wtf they look smaller! when you don't wear them?
Why is it better? The male and female anus are basically anatomically the same right?
I dunno, it just is
No. If I was rich I'd go to a male escort just to cuddle
if the person Im with vibes with me enough to share those times with me, by that point, does it matter? Isn't it like a woman that stops wearing makeup or doing her hair or using corsets after she gets confortable with his new partner?
Why, does it feel better when you pay for it?
Why not just cuddle with me
No, not as tasty
with her partner**
Nigiri is the way to go
I'd honestly be pretty bummed if a guy lied about his height to me.
Because we're probably not even in the same country or region. You want a young Stacy, Becky etc
>Women: have you ever been interested in a man 5'5 or shorter?
Oh, for sure. One of my exes was 5'3". We were great together in most ways, but he wanted kids way more than I did, and he eventually decided he didn't want to compromise on that.

>Because we're probably not even in the same country or region.
>You want a young Stacy, Becky etc
can't you go past a few inches and try to meet the person ??? Is that so much to ask? im not saying be my wife no matter what, Im just saying, is it so important if Im still wearing that height on public?

Im genuinely a good hearted person and get along easily and love talking with people.

Why is it so wrong for me to use cosmetics for my height but not for women to wear makeup or do their hair, etc?
You know the first rule to selling a product?
You gotta believe in the product yourself first. :^)

If you can't even see yourself past those few inches, how do you expect others to do it too?
why do we have to talk in platitudes? why isnt the woman more interested in getting to know the other one?

im not a product, im a fucking human being
im a product
you can buy me for 1
i wont tell you what that 1 is
but thats my price
Why do you only care about the women that care about height then, HMMM???
gf called me a minute ago. we were on the phone for awhile just BSing
but she wanted to run some plans by me for tomorrow as her mom is taking her out for her bday and I'm supposed to be there
while we were on the phone she got a text and she was talking under her breath and she said something like "hold on let me check this.. ty..." and cut out
and then she's like "ok sorry I just got a notification from work, wasn't sure what part of the bar I was working but they just confirmed,"
she had already mentioned a couple times that she'd be working a certain part of the bar and there wasn't any uncertainty before

i am anxious because she has a co worker named tyler that has a thing for her and im wondering if he texted her and she just made some shit up on the spot and caught herself saying his name or something
does this sound stupid?
>can't you go past a few inches and try to meet the person ?
Sure. But if the person I meet is a liar, I will not be interested in pursuing a relationship.

>Why is it so wrong for me to use cosmetics for my height but not for women to wear makeup or do their hair, etc?
I don't pretend I naturally have eyeliner and mascara. If you were sincere about wearing platform shoes and being short, it'd be fine. Lying isn't okay.
Bro this is ... cmon
But I dont only care for those women, regarding this I will copy what I said earlier

>in reality, when a woman makes her dating app profile, she follows the directions the app gives to her. at a certain moment it asks her for a height filter. Even if the woman doesn't really care that much about it, she will put a certain height in it, and it could be very tempting to just "see" what kind of taller men are there.

and also, why do we accept the way dating apps installed on us? we aren't robots measuring heights when we meet each other, but since the last few years you even have women going around with tapes to measure if the guy is telling the truth.

We got along perfectly fine before and suddenly its all about a few numbers on a dating app
But the man who is his own hypeman is more interesting than someone who despises themself.
One is visible, other is something I have to dig at the dirt for to find
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Should socks stay on during sex? I’ve never not worn socks while having sex, but a girl friend of mine said it was a major turn off when guys do that. I know my feet aren’t exactly nice to look at or even smell the best despite making efforts to thoroughly clean them while showering. In general, is it best to take socks off or keep them on?
Sorry man, I can't lay a log right now, buildings out of water for some reason, I wouldn't be able to flush my toilet if I did now.
Dude, you're a product.

Get over it. Hit the gym. Stack paper. Crush pussy.

Or don't, less competition for me.

God, you betas are sad.
Your gf is cheating on you anon. Please just break up.
>But I dont only care for those women
Nah, you do, you're literally tweaking out in this thread, lying to people for their attention
No, but I probably should. I’m cut but I’m so used to my dry hand that I feel like having sex would make it difficult for me to stay hard.

I briefly dated a fat girl a couple of years ago that I couldn’t stay hard to fuck to save my life. She very graciously and eagerly gave me head but I was unable to stay hard even for that lmao.
incel legs
this could easily be an incel red piller talking shit
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>His girlfriend has never had sex with a loving man in a cold vacationhome while both stylishly wear their woolen socks and shirts.
>mfw she is missing out
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How hype are you guys?
I don't understand
>if the person I meet is a liar
everyone has little lies, from cosmetic ones to others that are bigger.
my height being barely shorter than with lifts isn't some dark lie like as if I murdered someone or some shit

>I don't pretend I naturally have eyeliner and mascara. If you were sincere about wearing platform shoes and being short, it'd be fine. Lying isn't okay.

the reason I have to lie is because dating apps don't ask men to filter women's eye length (which would force women to lie about wearing certain makeup) or even about weight (which would force lots of women to lie too) or even hair/ bust size (pushups are lying too)

If Im sincere aboI don't pretend I naturally have eyeliner and mascara. If you were sincere about wearing platform shoes and being short, it'd be fine. Lying isn't okay.

Ive been sincere about wearing platform shoes in dating apps for 5 years, and got 7 matches total, 3 of them scammers.

are you a woman that has bad luck regarding dating? I feel you're lashing out against me with some personal stuff right now that has nothing to do with me. You have the prejudice that I only go for women who care about height and ignored some other or some stuff, idk really its hard to understand you
you are right, but things will never change. you have the oblivious ones who directly benefit from the confusion and downfall of dating (women and naturally attractive men), and then the ones who know and exploit it (redpillers, improovers, manipulators, sexworkers, etc). then there are people like us who see what's wrong and get gaslit when we call it out. understand that the people who complain the loudest about the state of dating despite participating, are the same ones who are actively ruining everything. give it a decade and things will be scary
I'm not an incel. It's the truth you normalfag
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I guess they're going to serve things other than hotdogs?
she hasn't given me any legit reason to think she'd cheat and I am 100% the type to freak out over stupid shit
This is the correct mindset. At the end of the day all women are whores and you pay them one way or another.
>my height being barely shorter than with lifts isn't some dark lie like as if I murdered someone or some shit
Just because you're not the worst, it doesn't mean it's acceptable to lie.

You do you. I don't think it's justifiable.
The food sucks but its probably better than whatever Amerifags eat
Who is the gayest moid here?
>The food sucks
I live off of 7-11 riceballs when I was a student, super tasty.
>my height being barely shorter than with lifts
Why is it such a big deal to you then?
you realize I have to "lie" because a dating app created by a private company decided a height filter that works on a binary is something that their app had to have, right?
Oh, no, no, those are just for cosplay usually.
my bf has hobbit feet and never wears socks when inside, i don't mind it. i sometimes leave them on personally if i forget.
Makes sense.
You don't have to lie, you just choose to. You don't have to use dating apps if you don't like them, either.
>Why is it such a big deal to you then?
2 reasons,
1) cosmetic choice where I feel confortable (is that a crime? do you go around asking women about their actual facial structure?)
2) because I was honest about using lifts on dating apps for 5 years and got 7 matches, 3 of them scammers.
I guess I am.
I have had 2 boyfriends and 4 girlfriends. Girls were first, these days I prefer men. So I am kinda gay?
I don't know what I did, but I feel absolutely shit.

I think I took some magnesium with an empty stomach, god this shit sucks.
me (am not actually gay but all my friends are girls)
>I was honest about using lifts on dating apps
Telling people that you're using lifts is the equivalent of telling them that you're insecure about your height, which is an ick.
She was saving herself from saying Tyler to instead saying she got notification.
You unironically sound like not a nice person.
could be the zinc, or the calcium
Exhibition anon and QT
>don't know what I did
> I took some magnesium with an empty stomach
Find your problem chief
>You don't have to lie, you just choose to.
why are you taking this private company's way of making their app as some firm reality that we have all to abide by? I've dated before in teh past as a young 20s guy and had no problems because in reality the women DON'T care as long as you vibe.

>You don't have to use dating apps if you don't like them, either.

In my context I have no third spaces to go to and develop relationships.

ok, according to you it's an "ick" if Im honest, according to >>31695790 "If you were sincere about wearing platform shoes and being short, it'd be fine"

so which one is it? you people are making me go mad tbqh
Eat a Graham cracker and drink more water. Stop overreacting dopehead. I did this and I had diarrhea.
>hit the gym
I really should commit more to this. If I could lose 30lbs I’d be sexy as fuck again.
Opinions on tall women wearing high heels anyways
I think its hot
>masturbate with lube, its the best
That's prohibitively expensive with how often I fap.
what? Im not saying others made me lie, Im criticizing the system this private company decided for their app and that everyone considers "natural" now.
Don't lie about your height. Don't bring it up.
You're welcome?
And all men are children desperate for the delusional embrace of a mother's unconditional love, what's your point, little boy?
>why are you taking this private company's way of making their app as some firm reality that we have all to abide by?
I don't, but it's their app. If you don't like it, use something else or nothing at all.

>so which one is it?
Just put your real height and don't comment about the shoes, it's not that hard.
nah I'm just /druk/
oh, My bad. I take that back. I am a "gay" femoid. misread the post
I hope they twist their ankles
t. shortlet
why I can't bring it up? isn't confidence a booster and something that's the negative of an ick actually?

why should i be ashamed of my "real" height now? you give confusing directions, at least acknowledge that
Fucking drunkard
I mean it wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting some incel to be all "that's deceitful!"
Losing weight is mostly down to just not eating as much. Excersizing to burn off calories is mostly a meme, it takes a very long time doing even high intensity excersizes to burn even fairly small amounts and most people aren't even doing those right (ie, did you know skipping burns more calories than running in the same time frame?)
>I don't,
But you are, since you're taking their "are you 1cm higher or shorter" approach to dating as a genuine "lie" that would be comparable to cheating on a partner or something.

>Just put your real height and don't comment about the shoes, it's not that hard.

so when I show up with the shoes, the women will dislike that Im actually using lifts and get an ick.
Hey man you give really good advice. Can I ask for your insight on this?

This is a guy she worked with for months before we met.
They were together with another one of her co workers the night we met and she followed me up to the bar to approach me and flirt with me.
We ended up making out in front of all of our co workers and we went home together that night. We gave him a ride back to his car as well before we went back to my place.
But he did make a move on her before we left the bar despite having a girlfriend.
They're still cool and I think she wants to keep shit cool at work but I'm kind of anxious about it again.
Oh, I'm an incel, but I'm lazy.
Plus like, if you still don't realize the tricks women use to make themselves more attractive in this day and age, you really only have yourself to blame.
Doesn't that just work for men?
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What are your drug xperiences?
This can be from daily coffee, way above weekend drinking to complete meth + fentanyl exodus.
nta but I would hope most people would know cosplay chicks are a dead end.
I'm Jager Bombing rn
That there is no such thing as unconditional love. Don't get attached.
>Opinions on tall women wearing high heels anyways
This doesn't exist.
I once took a cold medicine that made me super emotional and angry, and I flipped the fuck out and broke down my door and cried myself to sleep.
Doesn't what just work for men? Dieting? The reason to go to the gym for both genders is for the routine, to build muscle and accenuate specific parts of your body in doing so.
Its not good for losing weight for men or women
I'm taking you lying about your height as you lying about your height. You're trying to justify a bad action by saying "but it's not terrible!!! but I'm forced to lie" which is bullshit.

>so when I show up with the shoes, the women will dislike that Im actually using lifts
Unlikely. Just stop making a big deal about it.
Got drunk. friend offered me weed.
It tripled the level of inebriation. I passed out after crawling to bed.
One and only time I tried "drugs"
Why does everyone over 30 always tell me I 'NEED' a gf. Tired of boomer culture permeating
That was my experience when using lifts.

>You're trying to justify a bad action

how is that a bad action? who am I hurting being 2 or 4 cms shorter barefoot?

During the rest of the time meeting the person Im completely honest, why is lying about 2cm or 4cm of my body this "big bad action"??
Not me, but I may as well be.

>good-looking face
>hit on by many, many women over the years
>always managed to fuck it up
Wearing platform shoes reveals insecurity. It's the opposite of confidence.
Not for faggots like you, no
I hate phone scammers so much. I would kill them all if I could
Because they're kind of right. When you get they're age, you'll have a difficult time.
Ask your future husband what he thinks.
>but I don't have one
Then you shouldn't be having sex, so there's nothing to worry about.
i hate being tall
even a tallqueen like this is just a tiny little thing
i will never find my tallwife
>That was my experience when using lifts.
Women immediately noticed a 2 cm difference and got mad at you about it?

>>how is that a bad action?
Lying is bad.
It was you who called the desire for unconditional love childish and delusional.

I am just agreeing with you. Or did you not actually mean it?
Go to Switzerland
Has anyone here ever been cheated on and as a result picks apart very small details in a new relationship and feels insecure about them and makes shit up in their head that could be entirely unreasonable?
How do you get over this?
Don't google Swissanon Incident.
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I'm just having Desperados and cider, but I AM thinking of increasing it.
1AM rn.

Sounds stupid!

Didn't have any ganja in around a decade when me and my friends were still students. But it meant there was always grinding something.
>Has anyone here ever been cheated on

>as a result picks apart very small details in a new relationship and feels insecure about them and makes shit up in their head that could be entirely unreasonable?
No, I went to therapy.
Women, do bras really have to be that tight? It looks painful.
recreational drugs are for stupid people after all.
How?? I like the cosmetic side of it. In society everyone "fakes" it a bit everywhere. Hell, "fake it till you make it " is something thats constantly pushed.

I dont believe I have to "fake" it, but why do you think you know me just for using 2cm-4cm lifts?

and another: why can't I be a little bit insecure about my height? its been the butt of jokes time and time again . Why arent I allowed to try and hide a bit something that society constantly tells me isn't good? In this very same thread I had people telling me Im genetic waste and shit like that.

Everyone lies a little when meeting someone new. The woman that makes her hair in a perfect saloon to get the best pictures, and show up looking perfect to the date, the guy that wears cologne and has his mother clean his clothes, everyone.

Why is this one little lie so important? oh I know, its because a dating app executive decided "hey what if we put a height filter".
Just how tall are you looking for?
I thought I am in the 0.5% tallest girls without gigantism.
>kinda the trait that defined my entire life
>oi, am I not tall enough, lol
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too small

i'm 6'5
i want a girl who is at least 6'7
it will never happen
shortkings whine they cant get x, but x at least exists
I don’t care what height a woman is
Funny how when someone gets cancelled it's either "they said an offensive joke in 2016" or "they diddled kids" with no in between.
>he did make a move on her before we left the bar despite having a girlfriend.
He's likely going to keep sniffing around her, trying to get what he can.

>They're still cool and I think she wants to keep shit cool at work but I'm kind of anxious about it again.
The best path is to trust her and make sure she can trust you to tell you if he's still trying to hit on her.
If she thinks you're going to be insecure or paranoid if she brings it up, she'll keep anything sketchy she does from you. It's better to have the kind of relationship where she can tell you if he tries something and the two of you can laugh about it.

Because trusting her is the only real choice. If she consistently behaves sketchy, then trust but verify.
>Everyone lies a little when meeting someone new.
I don't.

>The woman that makes her hair in a perfect saloon to get the best pictures, and show up looking perfect to the date, he guy that wears cologne and has his mother clean his clothes, everyone.
Again, those are not lies. Saying you're 170 when you're 165 is a lie. Wearing cologne isn't, unless you pretend you actually just naturally smell like sandalwood.
>there are female staff even in jail

It's ogre
Why do I keep liking fictional men who are the opposite of my type?
>Again, those are not lies
you still miss the point that no one had to lie about height almost ever until a dating app executive decided that filtering by height was the most important thing ever.
>How?? I like the cosmetic side of it.
If it's just the cosmetic side of it, then there is no need for you to lie about the quantitative side of your height. Problem solved.

And if you feel that the aesthetics of wearing platform shoes are so definitive for your as a person that you have to bring it up in your profile, then be my guest and do so - you probably want to filter women then who consider it the mark of insecurity and a major ick. You're only doing yourself a favour.
Bother genders,
What do you think the age of consent should be?
>you still miss the point that no one had to lie about height almost ever until a dating app executive decided that filtering by height was the most important thing ever.
You still don't have to lie. You just choose to.
Why would you think they're not your type if you like them? Isn't your type defined by what you like?
>You're only doing yourself a favour.

It seems literally no woman thinks using lifts is aceptable at all since Ive gone 5 years celibate because of this now.
Well she did openly talk about the fact that he made a move on her. Which I think is a really good sign. I doubt she'd do that if she was trying to hide anything.
And she told me she told him we're dating and that they're just work buddies and she doesn't think anything of it.
She's also made jokes about how she can't take him seriously or anything. But they get along really well.

The whole "ty.." thing freaked me out though. I can't decide if I'm over thinking or not.
Joking about diddling kids is completely fine, though, as long as you're on the right political team.
What excuses do I use for not having a gf as an unemployed guy (ie not sick or busy)
>You still don't have to lie. You just choose to.

Why are you such a taliban regarding this little thing, honest question?
I don't talk to them enough.
I don't like liars.
At least 1 year after legal drinking age
Anyone else here feel like an alien?
that is very, very tall anon.
I know there are some, I watched a documentary about a 7ft woman who didnt have gigantism, but goddamn. It exists for you, but I think you have some competition. It exists, but its almost rarer than you spontaneously shitting out a raw diamond the size of a chicken egg.
You might be the first man ever in my life to call me too short tho. I will mark this in my diary
Being unemployed and girls not wanting to date you because of that?
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To hug those nails, to envelope those nails... he wants to make love to those nails.
No but sometimes I feel like a divine being.
I think there should be an age of legitimate marriage at 21. There shouldn't be an age of consent per se, as if age is all that's necessary. But there should be more severe penalties for sex with minors.
It’s 16 where I’m at, I think it’s a bit young. I wish we had just one age for everything tho, in my country you can enter the military before you’re able to smoke a cigarette. I’d say just make everything 18 or 20 or whatever we agree is the age of adulthood
alright Im the short lifts poster

Im actually 176cm tall which isn't that short (albeit still short) and I dont use lifts. I just think height as a hard limit is a shit thing to exist and I totally support lying about your height a couple centimeters to get those bitches into dating you. Most dont realize in my experience.

Anyway, Im off my meds and was just procastinating my project due to this night 12pm doing things that harm my psych.
Yeah, I'm from the fat and balding planet.
F. I think 15-21 with terms and conditions (for example no age gap, no imbalance of power, no pornographic material), and above 21 with no restrictions.
State gender and favorite kind of ice cream.
Yeah sounds good
I know a lot of dudes who aren't financially stable or even nice to their girls and they still get ass. It really is all social circle / social skills
Does it have a name?
ugly hand tbqh.
its not like your short, just not tall enough
girls who are tall enough tend to be rich supermodels
The number of average height and tall women willing to date men shorter than them is probably as limited as the number of 6'7" women.
Do they also report yοu for sexual harassment if you say good morning while being ugly?
Crazy how culture wars have devolved into "my pedophiles are better than your pedophiles!"
What's your question?
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1.) watch any YT video you really like.
2.) take a picture of the next recc'd videos.
Can you beat this?

You shut your fucking whore mouth!
Yeah, you're overthinking.
It could be that she was certain what part of the bar she was going to be working, the Tyler might have affected it butt it turned out that it didn't change. Or a thousand other innocuous things.
No, but I think something named after Bacchus would be pretty fitting
How do we stop them?
would you go out with a 5'9" guy? we aren't that different. you're simply my brother's height
Meant for >>31695962
It's not bad if you're wearing the right band size, really. A lot of chubby girls don't.
>You shut your fucking whore mouth!
im sorry it just looks like some old mexican cleaning lady's hands.
How do I find a gf?
If you were really secure you dgaf about being short. THAT is what's sexy.
16. I became a sexual being when I was 14 at an all girls summercamp, but Even when I wanted that stuff, I didnt understand it. And wish I had learned more in school about sex and sexuality by the age I was 14. Mom and dad sure didnt tell me shit.
What did you have for lunch today? I had baked potatoes with cheese and mint
I am probably over thinking.
Note: Tyler is one of her co workers at the company we both work at.
The job she's working at tonight is a different bar where he does not work.

I don't think she's done anything and I want to trust her. But it sounded like she got a text from him and stopped herself from saying his name and then brought up some other work shit.
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Her hand is fucking SPECTACULAR and I'd let her scratch open my back!
Tell us embarassing things you did in the name of love
I define my type as in what I like irl. For example I prefer dark haired men over blonds and I usually get repulsed by the slightest hint of femininity in a male but these past few weeks I can't stop thinking about a fictional blond twink.
I’ve experimented with a shit ton of different drugs. Mostly avoided painkillers and opiates. Stopped taking adderall back at the end of May because it was causing more problems than it was helping, but I’ve been fucking miserable ever since. Been coping with booze instead.

Wish I had a prescription for adderall again. It makes coping with my shitty life a lot easier, but unfortunately it also makes me completely despondent.
the joke's over, Im tired of the bit. >>31695988
Nothing but lush vineyards as far as the eye can see, fountains of wine and endless festivities.
How many people do you think you're arguing with? Just an estimate.
>3 periods of 4 months each where i took high doses of dxm everyday. got kicked out of many drug stores towards the end because the old lady cashiers would recognize me from earlier in the day
>pothead since i was 17 or so
>heavy alcoholic for 2-3 years after turning 21. had to go to rehab. relapsed for another year 2 weeks after getting out
>random nootropics like phenibut, racetams
>kratom, cigarettes, benadryl, gabapentin, coffee
despite all of my usage, i've never gotten high with anyone. i think i caused brain damage though because it is physically hard to talk and think now at 24. or maybe its just being hazy from weed.
taco! taco! me likey taco!
I remember when I was in 3rd grade, I tried to tell a girl I was interested I love, and I did the haha wouldn't it be weird if we were a couple and said ilu to each other?
That's kinda van- wait, were you just waiting for someone to say that?
Would give a guy that height a chance at least. A lunchdate or something
personally I don't mind, in fact I would prefer plenty of bush.
The only guy I've ever heard complaining about it was this really promiscuous guy that fucked around all the time.
Just to be safe just keep it trimmed, no need to wax it.
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brethren she said "LMAO" in big letter
am i in?
>stupid people
They’re for literally everyone. As long as you have a functional nervous system, then recreational drugs are for you.
Tanning salons stocked to the brim with the finest baby oil known throughout the galaxy.
When I was 15 I had a crush on my dad's friend's son. I didn't know how to express it so I just stared into his eyes like a crazy person. He got weirded out and stopped being friends with me.
Why am I so FUCKING lonely tonight.

This but unironically, I think?

true I bet it was at most 2.
>t. retard
Call Block?
the big bulbous nails layered on top of the natural nail look stupid
if she has to have long nails they should be natural and strong from a diet rich in keratin promoting substance
We're barely that different, get off your high horse.
Not a fan of the nail polish desu. Too granny. Is she English?
>old mexican cleaning lady
you sound like an expert on old mexican cleaning ladies, bc how tf do you know what their hands look like
Is military worth going just to make some bros
you shouldn't be allowed use social media before 25
raping a woman but making her orgasm so good that she gets hooked up.
Uncle gave me some cider when I was like 5 or so, didn't care for it
Got told to smoke to be cool; told them to fuck off
Had some wine at a new years day once, didn't care for it
Had some alcopop one day, didn' care for it
Someone spiked my drink with alcohol once, knocked him out
That's it.
Alcohol tastes like shit lol
In my experience the biggest pussies are people who think drugs will make them stupid. I’m sure you’re not any smarter than I am.
Oh, ok, sure thing. Same time tomorrow?
WTF is a rope bunny?
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Been thinking about trying to hook up with my friend’s sister, but I know it’s a bad idea (assuming she’d even go for it). Dating apps are making me frustrated as fuck and I have no other romantic prospects these days.
It is perfectly OK to lie about your height on dating apps by an inch or two because those women are idiots anyway
the older you are the harder is to find someone to date.
All the time you have you spend working and when you are not working you have no energy to socialize.
16 sounds about right.
Women, how did you learn to walk in heels?
Fuck you, they are 13.5/10 sexy.

>Not a fan of the nail polish desu
Didn't ask gays, now did I?

How is that close to 2M views??
But I appreciate your pic.
I mean I guess Key % Peele and whatever is Mizuwari could make us be ok friends.
That's actually mad TV
>be 5’8
>say I’m 5’10
>end up on a date with a chick who is 5’10
>she’s taller and it gives her the “ick”

yeah, the height filter is just retarded all around.

if you get to fuck women lying to them it even feels better sometimes.
All the time by I have learned to play human rather well
If you're not big-chested you really don't have to wear hard, wired bras. Ljghtly lined bras and bralettes are comfy
>Didn't ask gays, now did I?
Hey, you're the one chain replying.
That's how I feel rn tho. School work workout chores sleep. Don't even have friends anymore I think
you had your first sexual experience with another girl?
You flew too close to the sun. Next time go for 5'9".
She was one of the camp councilors in her late teens.

honest question tho, why is the woman expecting a guy to be 5 cms taller not an ick? why cant we as guys turn around the situation and start getting the ICK from women? we need to sindicialize.
Are you familiar with the concept of the "sexual illusion"? It was coined by the neuroscientist Ogi Ogas. The idea basically describes a fictional being, a simulacrum - if you will - that combines traits that are both sexually appealing but typically contradictory in real life.
To give an example: one of the most common sexual illusions is the vampire. The vampire combines old age and wisdom with youthful look. He also combines superhuman strength with a somewhat feminine physique. He also combines a very strong desire for his beloved (to drink her blood), with the necessary self-control to not actually do it, and so on.
Sexual illusions are a thing in fiction only, but they can be very appealing to people and make them like things they might not like in real life, because they typically occur with downsides. e.g. a youthful man is typically not established, a wise, old man is not as handsome, a feminine man is weak and so on.
Anime is similar in that regard, since it can, due to the narrative, the chosen voice actor, and so on, make fictional men with feminine traits appear dominant or manly (by handing them super powers, social status, etc.) who would not be dominant or manly if they existed in real life.

Maybe you do have a thing for some of the traits but it is mostly latent because it comes with too many downsides in the real world. Or maybe you have a thing for the other traits they embody and the things you tend to dislike about them don't matter as much in comparison.

Also, at the end of the day, people can have multiple types. I'm not sure how common it is for women, but for men it's not uncommon at all.
also the older you are the less and less attracted you will be to women your age, so you better find someone when you actually like them and they aren't ruined that much.
>are men really picky
whatever the rest of the post is asking, it doesn't matter
men are not picky
men will have sex with you anyway
disgusting pig monster women who won't wipe their asses can get laid by mid-attractive men, men as a population are not picky
individuals are picky, but population wise, no, whatever retarded insecurity you have does not matter
was it consensual?
Taller men give off more of a protector vibe. You like that, right?
Vanilla its the finest of the flavors - Barenaked Ladies
>only time I managed to get a date was when I set my height to 7’0
>responded to every prompt with something about “poop socks”
It’s actually kind of depressing to think about. Now that I’ve been trying to do it with more effort and more honesty, my prospects have fallen to literally 0.
>chain replying
Funny you, I have a nail fetish of sorts and I am the OG poster.
Fucking you if I wasn't restrained by 4chan posting limits..
Ick is that you lied
I haven't spoken to my ex in about 3 months and now she goes to my gym. I'm not nervous or feel weird about it but do I need to break the ice with her? I feel bad she's not part of our friend group anymore now she broke up with me.
F No.
Obviously it won't work on women who are your height but it's still a date with your foot in the door versus no date because you didn't meet the magic number
Ok I refurbished and recoded the video just to post it here.
The femanon who posted this is a wonderful being and I only wish her well.
Most men aren't picky but the men women are interested in and willing to have sex with can afford to be picky since most other women are interested in them too.

When women are asking questions like "Do men like ...?", "Will men get the ick from ...?" they're not asking about the average guy, let alone /atoga/ moids. They're asking about Chad.
The funny part is if your a fat women with a less fat picture or an ugly woman with filters and when the guy gets an ick from her being fat or ugly, all of a sudden its a crime against humanity.
Don’t do it nigga
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Oh and to the latex femanon from yesterday, I hope you found some Kraftwerk stuff you like.
Stupid ahh tattoos.
At the end of the day there's a reason people lie instead of being honest and it's because lying gets results and excessive honesty is just rigging the game against yourself. Not only are you competing against taller guys, you're competing against guys who are the same as you but exaggerate.
If women really care about honesty then they should reward it more lol
I think those are real stiches, anon.
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Yeah go for it, tell her you miss what you had
The kitty face isn't a stitch.
>"it wouldnt be a bad thing if there were other girls"
What did she mean by this?
I fucking hate shitters like you.
People who can't just let others be themselves.
But also braindead fucknuggets who don't understand that it's not a tattoo.
im a guy
what is with women and cringe arm tattoos
Would you accept that I wear cargo shorts if I gave you a very rare rock?
>since most other women are interested in them too.
I think it's more accurate that for both sexes there's dating material and fucking material. Men are a lot pickier when it's a relationship and not just one night stand, and women can fuck men they wouldn't think about dating or marrying too
The kitty tattoo you simp.
For me it's been 5-6 weeks.
She is going apeshit from what I can tell.

Nobody cares.
they should probably not ask 4chan what Chad actually thinks, all they need to know is that no Chad doesn't love you enough to be faithful sorry
Kind of sort of. I have always talked to average men, and to be honest, most of them were just as picky, if not more, than chad types.. my last boyfriend was chubby and 5'1, and it seemed like he was the pickiest of all (only after we got together. he started out lovely, but eventually became a mess of endless demands so bad I had to leave.) But I think that might have had to do with insecurity?
Cargo shorts arent bad
Wtf is with the pen drawings and... stitches?
Simpology is a curse...
Holy shit that is a deep cut.
Men are pickier about social lifestyle attributes when it comes to relationships not whether she shaves her pussy.
>most of them were just as picky, if not more, than chad types
I always laugh when women come out with stuff like this all the time

"actually, the nicest dudes are the chads, and coincidentally the worst guys are the average and ugly guys I gave a chance once! Halo effect doesnt exist btw :)"
It's ok because she is hot and I can fix her.
>Cargo shorts arent bad
Exactly, they are great for carrying around cool rocks I've found.
My husband wears cargo shorts, I think they look bad but it's fine because he buys me chicken nuggets and flowers when I'm sad.
OK factory reset. Let's see if it'll stop crashing.
state gender
how many tabs of porn do you currently have open?
you will never get to know her, and she's going to fuck some random good looking dude this weeknd.
she even did the "well my ex was short" meme
0 because I'm 1 week no porn.
No, I mean, if she was a cutter you'd expect her to have other scars and not just start with something that deep.
about 30
Well in this case you'd get a rock and if I had the time or the humor, I'd find chicken nugget shaped rocks and give them to you.

I tend to not keep porn tabs open. I jerk off and close them.
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That is ok, because fantasies are not reality.
why would you keep porn tabs open if not actively masturbating
0, believe it or not.
I would say yes it was. I was eager for it too.
She seemed so grown up at the time, and I was a horny mess of hormones.
I hold no ill will towards her in any case. The only downside of that experience was that I struggled with thinking I was a lesbian when In reality I was bisexual.
I'm currently thinking about food while I watch Tyler play league.
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M I use my imagination.
I’m a male and I’m pretty picky. I’ve been with enough undesirable women to know that my penis doesn’t like women I’m not excited to be around.
Red Dead Redemption Two
Depends on the occasion, and the rock
F. 0.
That's not what I said, please don't hurt your own feelings like that. It's really weird to see. I'm saying the difference personality-wise between a "chad" and an average man is usually very very slim. Average men arent typically any kinder. The ones who have been the cruelest have always been the ugly ones. I think it stems from self hatred. Even if you give him a chance, his self hatred ruins everything anyway. Its like he ends up hating you too because he doesnt understand why you love him. I don't really understand it, but I just know for sure that I have learned there is next to no difference. Average man is just as picky as Chad, but it will be in different ways.
This is not to say that Chads are better. It's to say that it's a same gamble, basically. But I guess really, it all comes down to "does this average man have depression/self hatred issues". If he is a HAPPY average man, then it's a completely different experience. You don't meet those on 4chan though.
F depends on what you count as porn
Men should I unironically take up fishing as a way to meet guys? I saw so many men fishing today.
Cool Spot
Fishers don't usually want to be disturbed.
No, lol.
take up fishing if you want to get into fishing.

I’m at work, so 0. Only time I have porn tabs open is when I feel like wanking.
What's a reference you make that makes you feel old?
Wait do people not like cargo shorts now? I like them on men
what kind of stuff you have opened?
Guys who are into fishing don't like jokes, noted.
how old are you?
Im an average man that's relatively happy and I wont go with a fat bastard woman that smells, but I wont have trouble with a bit of hair. Most men wont

want to know why?

a man who finds a pussy disgusting because of the hair will be called an "asshole", a "fag" and shit like that. HE will be the pariah and not considered a man.

>I'm saying the difference personality-wise between a "chad" and an average man is usually very very slim.

And Im saying that most women always end up justifying why they mainly go for chad even if he will just fuck them because they prefer to be treated like a cumsock at least with a pretty guy instead of insisting with an average/ugly guy because one or two guys were assholes

Zero lascivious content open.

I've made a deal with myself that I can only look up thirst traps if I see that particular thirst trapper posted on a blue board in an on-topic thread.
Holy shit... no.
You didn't use sarcastic font.
M, 0
I’m trying to cut back
No, you try to get on a fishing trip with a guy you already like.
I dont like fishing, I think its horrible for the fish, lots of fishers destroy the fish and many leave them to die a horrible death by pressure change (where the fish's bladder inflates x5 times their size) and it's all horrible torture for creatures we dont even understand how they process the horrible stuff we do to them

if you fish for food that's ok, as long as you make sure you hurt the less you can the anmal.}

but im sure a woman on 4chan will find my type "fags" and shit so yeah byuew
>female friend immediately notices that I have a new phone
Why would she hone in this?
>Even if you give him a chance, his self hatred ruins everything anyway.
Isn't it convenient how nature gave all ugly people bad character? It would be really problematic if personality and looks were only weakly correlated, and we'd end up having to face accusations of superficiality, but given the fact that ugly people are also bad in terms of character it is completely fine to not consider them.
Early 30s
Greentext isn't inherently sarcastic though, would it have translated had I done it?
exactly THIS.
Using the word “dab”.
>a horrible death by pressure change
To be fair, they become food for larger fish or birds. Circle of Life, etc.
My brother is a fisherman.
He is not a patient man, but get him excited about his hobby and he is the happiest person you could ever meet to pass his knowledge on to someone. I have seen him teach the children of our cousins how to do it. When I saw it I literally thought
>He would make a great dad
0 because as others stated I too would only have that open if i'm actually looking at it. i'm not a coomer who listens to porn in the background at all times kek
My youtube home page looks nothing like this
No. You have to use ascii emojis. ˜åd×¼ÃgAí…õØÖ6
There are no more birds, our cats killed them all.
Because phones also function as accessories that determine social class.
I prefer them to become food in a less torturing way. Worst of all is that most people who make fish go through that are pulling fast and hard because they want a trophy most of the times, not food.
This is stupid. Not all ugly people are single and unloved, just because you happen to be.In fact, even "ugly" people don't all fall in the same basket, some being truly an eyesore and others being .. meh
>Depends on the occasion
Like what?
>and the rock
Shungite, a very rare rock because it doesn't occur naturally on earth, it comes from meteors.
I've been bullied a couple times for wearing them, yeah.
Yes or no? Just answer the question.
fish more like dish lmao
more like dead lmao
more like om nom nom in my tummy lmao
What? No experienced fisher does that, that's a good way to snap the line and have the fish get away from you.
where the fishers around your age? or are you going for older dudes?

I use ai interactive narratives to get off.

I am very fembrained help me.
Women want taller men more than men want shorter women

>Physical characteristics, such as height, play an important role in human mate preferences. Satisfaction with one’s own height and one’s partner height seem likely to be related to these preferences. Using a student sample (N = 650), we show that women are not only more selective, but also more consistent, than men, in their partner height preferences. Women prefer, on average, a larger height difference between themselves and their partner (i.e. males being much taller than themselves) than men do. This effect is even more pronounced when examining satisfaction with actual partner height: women are most satisfied when their partner was 21 cm taller, whereas men are most satisfied when they were 8 cm taller than their partner. Next, using data from our sample and that of a previously published study (N = 52,677), we show that for men, height is more important to the expression of satisfaction with one’s own height than it is for women. Furthermore, slightly above average height women and tall men are most satisfied with their heights. We conclude that satisfaction with one’s own height is at least partly a consequence of the height preference of the opposite sex and satisfaction with one’s partner height.

Retarded ass
alright, the point is that many leave them all bloated like that to die on the surfcae. Im simply against stuff like that.
No shit?
I'm going to be honest, I don't know what you're talking about, I literally just got here. Why are you talking to me about smelly vaginas.

Second part is dumb, because usually when men are complaining about women who go for chads, they're specifically talking about stacys. If you cant get a gf, then that's literally just a you problem because you're being picky, yes you, the average man. Go to any local supermarket and look at couples. Look at your parents, aunts and uncles. All the men you see are all chads and thats how they got a wife? or are they just normal people who got together? your proof awaits you every time you walk out your door that it's possible. You just likely arent seeking it and are aiming too high, which is making you come here and write manifestos about how all women only want chads.
They're not all like that though. I do think that a big part of it has to do with how they were treated growing up, since that effects how they see themselves. but they shouldnt use that as a crutch forever. Being called ugly in grade school shouldnt make you so destructive that you're cruel and verbally abusive to even those who love you. I dont know, thats all complicated.
>I use ai interactive narratives to get off.

eli5 how to
Has quitting porn ever made a change in your guys lives? Which benefits? Starting ti get tired of it honestly
>If you cant get a gf
never complained about that, i have a gf.
I switched from normal porn to hentai and it unironically helped my art since I would start looking at how they draw and pirating their techniques
I showed this to my big brother, who is a fisherman and a hunter. He acknowledges that amateurs in the craft will cause unnecessary pain, but the experienced and skilled will pride themselves on a quick and clean harvest. And the amateurs have teachers to ensure it ideally never happens.
>"A hunter doesnt pride himself on the quantity, but on the quality of his kills."
nta but I've never seen a fish just float there after you put it in the water. It either swims off or if it does do that, you just move it back and forth a bit to get water moving through the gills and it swims off. Makes sense that you wouldn't want the fish to die so you can catch more next year.
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How do I get this retarded highlight crap off? I have an iPhone 12.
Kind of. Like I said, my absolute worst relationship was with the guy who was 5'1. Now my current boyfriend is 6'0, and he's like the brightest ray of sunshine to be around. He's just so full of love, passion, and excitement for life. The short guy wanted to be like that, but he just couldnt. and he kept complaining that other women dont like tall men, which I didnt understand why he's talking about that when I liked him just fine?? Short men can't stop thinking about how short they are and cant stop victimizing themselves and assuming the worst, and that's what makes them unattractive. It's not their height, its how they act.
Then what are you talking about, I'm confused. You're not a victim either, why are you complaining omg
>many leave them to die a horrible death by pressure change (where the fish's bladder inflates x5 times their size)

>For every 10 meters (33 feet) you go down, the pressure increases by one atmosphere


people here are talking about fishing for like trout and sunfish and most fished bodies of water are stocked with fish that wouldn't even exist if people didn't want to fish them.

I don't fish and I'm not excited about the prospect of subjecting a living creature to having a sharp metal object pierce it's cheek but I don't think the conversation is simple or reductive and I don't think most sportsmen are irresponsible with the animals.
that's good but a bit beside the point
This so much.
Incels are way too obsessed with looks, genderwars etc. A guy like that could never be happy about the fact he got a gf and he'd be the first one to leave her for a 10/10 or any woman who ranks higher than his gf if he had the chance to, as it somehow makes his low self worth grow. No man who's secure in himself would actually give that many shits about his partner's looks because he's able to recognize true love and companionship. A real man doesn't have to rely on a pretty partner to boost his confidence in the game against other man as he has enough going on for himself and is way less superficial when it comes to love.
But sometimes I still pity incels. It only makes sense for them to be more obsessed with beauty in women, seen that it is rare for them to get attention from beautiful women. Any man who's used to it will value your character and what's beneath the surface 1000x more. An incel will always go after the "best" he can get, which in his twisted mindset isn't the person he feels real love towards but the best looking woman he can get his hands on. Even if he looks worse than his partner, he will still seek the very best he can get.
At this point I'd rather just die alone than date an incel. Not to say that other moids don't care about looks (I'm not that delusional), but I used to try and give incels a chance and they were the shallowest people ever. I've had way more pleasant experiences talking to normal guys or just by staying on my own really. Which is kind of a pity because younger me really thought she would get herself a cute nerdy non-bitter incel type bf until she realized non-bitter incels don't exist.
>fishing thread that has nothing to do with
Luckily people aren’t talking about therapy.
What a convenient thing for you to believe
My point is that it's a convenient excuse to justify a preference that could be regarded superficial. But instead of owning that superficiality, you add insult to injury and assert that your preferences are justified for the fact that ugly people are more likely to have bad character.

I'm not even opposed to the preference - at the end of the day I believe it is a preference everyone has and it is more of a question of the extent to which we can get away with it. I am much more opposed to the mental gymnastics of its justification.
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Women, be honest, would you fuck him?

Men, be honest, do you wish you had his game?
No. He’s fat and looks like he has Down syndrome.
I find it to be bizarre that so many men are willing to hook up with disgusting women. I guess it’s because I’m pretty good-looking so I’ve never really felt like I have to settle for someone I’m not immediately attracted to.

Of course, this has made finding a decent mate incredibly difficult.
>A real man

Opinion disregarded. You have no right to decide what manhood entails, you don't even deserve body autonomy.
horny old people is fucking hilarious. get an ex-cokehead from the 80s to talk about women and you'll have entertainment for hours.
>why are you complaining omg

Look, you have a great boyfriend who happens to be a chad.

Your ex was horrible to you and thus you think short men will always act in a bad manner.

If your chad boyfriend mistreats you and you break up, will you start saying "chads are assholes" or will you still pin for them?

you're just trying to justify your idea that chads are naturall better. one experience with a bad dude doenst mean all short guys are a certain way.
Come oooon, where are the livid or genuinely inquisitive people? This thread is dead also.
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state gender,
opinions on this image
I'm on a date.
You're mad because you know what I'm saying is true.

the olympics are on and it is friday night.
It's just evolutionary programming. In a natural scenario sex for males is way less of a risk than for females so for many men any convenient opportunity to drop a load is good enough.
>A guy like that could never be happy about the fact he got a gf and he'd be the first one to leave her for a 10/10 or any woman who ranks higher than his gf if he had the chance to

im not an incel, but when you dont get access to 10/10 of the opposite gender 24/7 like women do, you kinda get very curious about taking the opportunity.

>An incel will always go after the "best" he can get, which in his twisted mindset isn't the person he feels real love towards but the best looking woman he can get his hands on.

are women incels? i know many like this lol

>. I've had way more pleasant experiences talking to normal guys or just by staying on my own really

Im a normal guy with a gf. I still come here and think youre wrong.
What other things do goth people like besides the music and the fashion?

Tell me male anons.
When was the last time you shed a tear and what was it for?
Saw a youtube video today where a dog wouldnt leave his dead owner, still sad about it

I didn't even read your post, just pre-scanned for dogwhistles and the like.
>it is friday night
That only explains where the women are.
If the one in a suit was suit was carrying more original flowers, I’d allow him to date me. Otherwise, I’ll pass.
I don't really remember. Maybe when my old cat passed away early last year
pretty accraute

I've been crying on and off since the burning piano on the Seine in the opening ceremony. Far and away the most poignant thing I've ever seen.

Since when is being as vulgar as humanly possible considered game?
I've lost the energy to be mean to femanons. I've just given up on everything at this point and become an observer, both in /atoga/ and in life.
The last time I can recall crying was about 20 years ago, give or take a couple years. I was around ten years old and I was upset at my mom for something, but I don't remember what it was.
>When was the last time you shed a tear and what was it for?

a couple hours ago, watching the "im not an animal" scene of the elephant man, and then listening to a video about the real man's life
>when you dont get access to 10/10 of the opposite gender 24/7 like women do, you kinda get very curious about taking the opportunity
While being in a relationship with a girl you supposedly love?
My meditation sessions are much more potent now, I can levitate 2-3 inches off the ground.
M I shed a tear yesterday when I saw a youtube video of a girl with autism getting along with a horse. Animals and disabled kids, man...

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>They're not all like that though. I do think that a big part of it has to do with how they were treated growing up, since that effects how they see themselves.
It is interesting that you would mention that. Just a few days ago I encountered a study which looked into the phenotypic and genotypic associations of adult virginity and it turns out having been 'belittled' (which I would assume is what they call bullying) is negatively correlated with virginity - even more so for women, but also for men.

I have no doubt that bullying has an impact for some, but it doesn't seem to generally predict sexlessness.

The study had lots of participants and revealed some really interesting associations which seem to contradict some mainstream opinions (as well as some fringe opinions) on that subject matter.
I can’t watch those videos anymore
Too depressing
>While being in a relationship with a girl you supposedly love?
temptations always exist.

I think its much more valuable for an ugly guy with a gf to not take a tempting 10/10 (which is subjective really) opportunity than a CHAD not giving in.

The chad can have the 10/10 any time he wants, if the ugly guy is tempted but doesnt give in he's really giving up a probably once in a life chance.
>drop a load
Treating it so casually is also something that I don’t really understand. Having sex with someone is, for me, no joke. I end up getting way too attached to people, especially if I had to put in some effort to court them.
Not all women are like this

nana osaki breaking her strawberry glass

i am literally nana osaki if she was an ugly black man
Chat gpt and sillly tavern, nerd.
M I cried at a friggen' crow funeral.
>Since when is being as vulgar as humanly possible considered game?
Since rappers got mad pussy
true, some start with the tuxedo + flower guy only to realize that they "need to find themselves" so they leave and get fucked by random men and women.
>more time
>clearer thinking
>better sleep
>more discipline
>better focus
>more willpower
Nearly accurate, but forget the German Shepherd
No, wait, it was magpies.

It fills me with dread. I hate how intensely insecure I am about women.
The last time I genuinely cried was at age 12, when my grandpa was dying from cancer. Up to this day I can get teary eyed and somewhat emotional from poetry or music though, but I don't typically cry.
>It only makes sense for them to be more obsessed with beauty in women, seen that it is rare for them to get attention from beautiful women.
Ok this stands out to me a lot, because I noticed it too. There's a guy I know who used to be fat and acne-ridden (I had a huuge crush on him back then cus idk he was just nice to me lol) but he's since slimmed down completely. I'll be honest, he looks amazing. He's a good 9/10 now. He has girls throwing themselves at him, but he doesnt want them. He only wants the hottest girls. The 10/10's. I met him at 24 and now he's 34 still chasing the hottest who are likely ignoring him because well, he's Asian without a stable career. Nothing seems to matter to him more than getting a super hot gf, for years now. and he tells me how lonely he is and all I can do is laugh at him because I'm like? You could have been married with 3 kids by now if you werent being retarded for all this time. but for some of them it's really like that. They want the most beautiful because they've always felt like they couldnt have that, and maybe they wont feel validated in living until they can reach that? idk.
No, too old
I don't think all short men are like that, but I did notice quite a few of them also have that sadness in them even before giving that guy a chance. I just hoped he'd be different was all. Unfortunately he wasnt. My bf isnt a chad though, we met in online gaming lol. He's tall, but just a regular IT nerd. Comfy though so I'm nerd too!
While married? Cope.

After divorce? Laughter. Fuck you, Rachel. You fuckin whore, lmao.

Miss those titties though, God damn.
For my one and only gf in my life I did pushups with her on my back even though I thought I couldn't.
It's like being near a girl gives men extra strength. Women are the ultimate support class.
I cry every night or most nights because my wife died of leukemia, along with our unborn son.
>but I did notice quite a few of them also have that sadness in them even before giving that guy a chance
This seems like youre just trying to force your conclusions about short men tbqh.
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The only thing that matters:
I don't cry but I lay awake sometimes wishing I had a friend that was a girl and enjoyed talking to me as much as I enjoy talking to her. Most of the girls I've met who fit that category almost always try to make it into a relationship and I just don't want one.
Women, what was the last thing you cried about?
Taking a good look at this. Yeah, I was actually severely bullied myself, growing up in the 90s-00's was not a fun time at all. Was a lot of relentless physical and verbal abuse from other students, all because I liked uncool things-which nowdays, everythings cool. Nowdays being a nerd is fine, but back then, it was like a social death sentence. So I can say for myself that it does leave a lasting impact. I don't see myself as sexual at all, and I've never tried to kiss or touch anyone. Its really hard to be in a romantic situation when you're so used to people calling you ugly and worthless, but that said! Even though I've been through the worst, I would never take that out on a partner and start calling them names, or bossing them around, or trying to make them feel as insecure as I felt. That's the part that loses me. Because if you've endured that yourself, why would you inflict it upon another? Especially one who wants to be with you and take care of you? That kind of stuff is complicated
Anybody watch any vtubers here?
>try hard
>attention seeker
You have to be really fucked in the head to make fun of someone for that. You’ve a hell of a lot of growing up to do.
you gotta look at it from the point of view of a dumb ape which many people have a tendency to regress to, especially in the context of sexual liberation and lifestyles/cultures where sex is seen more flippantly
for the average (or worse) male in that scenario sex is hard to come by and there's every incentive to be driven to take whatever you can get from a genetics point of view
>Because if you've endured that yourself, why would you inflict it upon another?
Because you think it's normal.
The implication is that the man is a fool for trying to woo a "whore" because she's just a whore.

But the fact remains that if a man wants to treat a woman with kindness, affection, respect, and treat her with respect, it doesn't matter if she's been a whore in the past or will be a whore in the future.
A man doesn't treat a woman a certain way because of who he thinks she is or the history of her genitals.
A man treats a woman how he wants to treat her. If he gives her flowers, it's because that's what he wants to do. If he fucks her hard, it's because that's what he wants to do.
All the other men in the world don't fucking matter worth a loose squirt.

A man thinking about naked men when he's with a beautiful woman is pretty gay.
I'm watching my favorite vtuber right now.
I have a bridge to sell you

You have to be incredibly naive to misidentify the shitpost I responded to as real.
The washing machine broke today and I just spent money fixing the air unit. This house is falling apart and I can't keep up physically, financially, or emotionally.
Who is it?
>Should socks stay on during sex?
NO. Take them off. You're treading on floor gunk with your socks. Don't bring that shit into bed, it's unsanitary. People sleep and fuck in bed.
I need sexual release and companionship. Which one of you will give that to me?
I love a good neurosama, I mainly watch clips though.
Not sharing, he's' my secret club.
please understand this is a criticism and you lack objectivity, focusing on qualitatively extreme scenarios that are remarkable without any real analysis
I think last night. Sort of a combination of missing the feeling of having a purpose while being reminded that most of my family is dead.
Are you a single mother?
I will but I'm a male and you'll put on this wig and bend over :^)
theyre literally telling you they dont think tis normal, retard.
It doesn’t matter. You’re still deserving of a brutal death.
No. But I take care of my dad alone.
Yeh, but only the youtube highlights.
I mostly stick to clips since I'm too ADHD to watch entire streams.
>A man thinking about naked men when he's with a beautiful woman is pretty gay.
Yes, unless I am attacking her feet in which case no. I keep my socks on because I get cold.

As it turns out I was born male, so there's a very good chance you'll get your wish.
>A man thinking about naked men when he's with a beautiful woman is pretty gay.

why is it always a man having to act "stoiclly" about his wife having a big past? why cant he have preferences? Women hate it when a man even looks at another woman.
I'll bet you do. ;)
I'm bigger than you so it's not gonna work out for you
She is. It's common for people to ascribe intangible badness as a weird rationalization for their gut feeling
That's rough. Are you the one that doesn't get along with him and hopes that he'll leave the house to you?
The fat will help with the impact of my thrusting :^)
This is cute
Most of them seemed my age or younger I was surprised.
What the fuck Terry
It was dumb I saw a tiktok of this girl, her mom, and her grandma all trying on the same dress together and I got angry/sad that not only is my grandmother recently dead but she would never have wanted to do that with us.
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They don't, they just hate it when betas they're using for resources out of convenience do it.

When I do it, they get wet and horny to try and keep me interested in them.
>for the average (or worse) male in that scenario sex is hard to come by and there's every incentive to be driven to take whatever you can get from a genetics point of view
Yeah, I guess. There are times that I regret not trying harder with the fat chick I briefly dated even though we were sexually incompatible. I guess rational thought goes out the window in the face of biological imperative.
>I think its much more valuable for an ugly guy with a gf to not take a tempting 10/10 (which is subjective really) opportunity than a CHAD not giving in.
So you're basically proving my point. It's more likely for the incel to give in as it's special for them, therefore non-incels are more likely to be loyal having the opportunity to cheat. So why would I go for an incel? They place higher value on looks and as I said it makes sense considering their circumstances. But honestly them being incels isn't my problem.
Why do they get mad at women for going for better options then, when they themselves wouldn't think twice about doing the same thing? Not even if they were already in a relationship? It's just hypocritical. And the loyalty being 'more valuable' is so dumb too. Should I thank a guy for not cheating on me or leaving me for a more attractive woman now?
>didn't state gender
hmmmm interesting
I said they're not all bad, so at this point its you who keeps generalizing all of them. Bully chad stop picking on the short kings.
Ok that's fair. Painful, but fair.
Not interested in you, sorry.
I'll be honest, the whole conversation around this stuff to me is silly because literally just don't date people you wouldnt like. If you dont like women who've had a past, then date a virgin. Is it hard or something? You guys orbit around types you claim to hate like flys buzzing around a pile of shit to endlessly complain instead of just literally going out and intentionally seek the types that you do like. "they're hard to find" only if you spend all your time at home on your computer!
>why is it always a man having to act "stoiclly" about his wife having a big past?
Are you suggesting that women don't have to tolerate their men having been with other women in the past?

>why cant he have preferences?
As in preferring only virgins like a volcano god? He can. Good luck with that.

>Women hate it when a man even looks at another woman.
That's the present, not the past.
These are basic concepts, anon.
Why would he
I'm 55% gentleman and 45% lesbian
Look, for the love of God you young kids.

For a man, you have to have a whore slut to break in. That'll teach you what women are like if you ever forget to collar them. Like dogs, they require and thrive in an environment with structure and rules. They need to know you're the dominant one, you have the money, and you have options. You make the decisions.

Then find a virgin.

Women, don't fuck degenerate violent retards.

That's it. That's all there is.

Dick size matters. Your body count matters if you're a woman.

Shut the fuck up, my God, I've watched this shit play out for a decade.
I miss him I
"tolerate" as if it hasn't been proven that women are more attracted to men that other women are interested in BECAUSE other women are interested in him. please just shut the fuck up with this gaslighting shit.
You're 100% faggot.
Good, I’m a sir as well tho
Let me elaborate-
1.No fag shit.
2. Preferrably we could listen to shitty dance music at my place, cuddle and have sex and I can also drive you around with my car.
3. Just enjoy each others company like teenagers in love for the first time, not thinking about the futue, just let it happen.
>none of them black or tanned
I'm not agreeing with them anon, I'm disagreeing with the fact that women only fuck chads. 4chan is a place where lonely, self-described ugly men come to vent? Okay, I can understand that to a certain extent: you want to commiserate, talk to people with the same experience... Okay, but what 4chan does is think their experience or sometimes conviction without prior experience is the absolute truth.
I won't deny that there are probably ugly men who get rejected on sight and it's based first and foremost on what they look like. And these are the 'eyesore' ones that I told you about. But to say that women only fuck 20% of men who are Chad, so that means what? 80% of men are an eyesore? Let's cut the shit: the majority of men aren't hideous and aren't model material. They're average looking. And they fuck. And they date. And they get married. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just a quitter who wants to spend their moaning and bitching and blaming luck and their genes and Chads and who wants you to quit trying because they don't want to see others succeed while they remain in the same spot.
You can't seriously believe an extraordinary high body count makes a man more attractive to women.
Some might say,
you get what you've been given.
If you don't get yours, I won't get mine, as well.

Then you are in for a MUCH rougher ride than myself and I wish you all of the grace that there is.
It's like that for both genders though. Men and women both tend to become much more interested in someone that they perceive to be of higher value. The times I've been hit on the absolute most have always been when I'm in a relationship. I've even had a guys best friend beg me to leave the guy for him instead. It's the weirdest shit ever, because you know inside that if you were single, there's 0 chance they would actually be interested in you right now. They just like that you're currently desirable and want that 'spotlight' themselves
who do you miss?
I hate my ex so much and tonight is just one of those nights.

Hope you have a great night.
I just watched a war film.
I just wonder if all that dying for your brothers in arms (and in the arms of your brothers) is just a movie thing, or do men really have that bond. Are you really brothers or is it something that is romanticized by hollywood, or is it an actual thing that is deeper than in the movies.

And where does the courage come from? To do the unthinkable
>I just wonder if all that dying for your brothers in arms (and in the arms of your brothers) is just a movie thing, or do men really have that bond.
Yeah it's real. Built through shared experiences.
>And where does the courage come from? To do the unthinkable
Knowing you have no other choice.
>I'll be honest, the whole conversation around this stuff to me is silly because literally just don't date people you wouldnt like. If you dont like women who've had a past, then date a virgin. Is it hard or something? You guys orbit around types you claim to hate like flys buzzing around a pile of shit to endlessly complain instead of just literally going out and intentionally seek the types that you do like. "they're hard to find" only if you spend all your time at home on your computer!
girl you have to stop quoting me as if I were an incel, Im the same you quoted here >>31696362

>That's the present, not the past.
there are constant posts on every space of the internet (boards, twitter, reddit, etc) where women get jealous of their partner having had a hotter gf in the past, hating it if another woman looks at him, hating the idea of their ex being happy with other women, etc
who said anything about extraordinarily high? women like men that other women like. it is proven.
for the very top of men, sure. is that the majority of men? nope. majority of men don't even approach women, let alone talk to them. and guess what? there majority of men aren't having sex multiple times in a week, so there's loads of men for insecure women to pick from? but whats that? they consistently choose the men who play on their insecurities? men don't have the luxury of picking because it's all women past once they get past their early 20s. dont speak on shit you dont understand.
>do men really have that bond
That only happens in a life or death situation.
Had breakfast, and now I feel like dying.
Did you have carbs?
Really girls?
You're gonna say no to pure love?
Whatever dude
>just a movie thing

the movies don't even come close to the reality.

>where does the courage come from

feelings aren't a real thing. they go away when it matters. you make microdecisions.
Why u so mad, anon?
no, two hard boils eggs with a soup
Guess what? Maybe women don't want to pick men who just want them because they're the best they can get.
There's a joke that when you marry a man in the infantry, you aren't marrying into his family, you are marrying into his unit.
>they go away when it matters. you make microdecisions.
F but I literally don't understand this. I get overwhelmed with decisions. And I don't even have ADHD or anything.
>women like men that other women like. it is proven.
Then you can present the proof, can’t you? No one should have to be bothered by retard logic though.
Were the eggs expired? :/
Nah, my stomach is just tiny since I started fasting
They are right though, its the "dog only cares about the toy when you have it" psychological trick.
you are projecting. you are going after the men that are the best you can get. it is why dating culture is polygamous and noncommital now, because man oh man what if you commit to mr 6 and mr 8 comes along shortly after? so again, please shut the fuck up speaking on things you don't understand.
>Your body count matters if you're a man as well
He doesn’t want me
nta but it's pretty common human nature. You want something more if someone else has it.
>tfw I'm not him
>F but I literally don't understand this.

It is not well understood by anyone. My reading recs on the subject are The Talent Code and Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making.
Women like men who are already taken because its acts like a filter, it shows to other women that the man has some sort of redeemable quality.
Then you can speak for yourselves on that one. That’s absolutely retarded.
are you a woman?
Yeh, men can shove aside emotions to get stuff done.
Yeah I'm gonna pass
>Guess what? Maybe women don't want to pick men who just want them because they're the best they can get
If you were consistent on that retarded demand, then you would have to be OK with being a girl (who is a 10/10 and a young teenager) in the chads harem, because that's what every man would do, given a chance.

If you're not a 10/10 teenage girl and and aren't willing to share your man, then no men for you lol.
He wants more than I can give him. What do I do?
Yeah why
It’s probably something that civilians don’t really understand since they’re not typically put in scenarios that require life or death decisions on the fly.

I’ve been in stressful situations that required quick action and quick thinking at my job before, so I can kinda understand what he’s getting at.
Why would you pay attention to something no one wants? This goes for literally everything, including people.
Dump him. Don’t waste each other’s time.
Haven't you ever been in love for the first time?
Don't you want it back?

I sure have and sure do.
If he wants to put it in your butt its not really that big of a deal.
If he wants your money or a commitment to back a loan, get the fuck out of there
figured. was just amazed at the lack of thought and effort being put into your self-awareness but realized you might be a man. but yeah i was right. don't speak on deeper relationship dynamics and ask all of your woman friends not to either. they will never understand what dating really is.
3way? :^)
It's called reactance. It’s a psychological response where people have a strong desire to regain or protect their freedom when they perceive it’s being threatened or restricted. When someone else has something you want, it can make you desire it more, because it feels like your ability to choose or have that thing is being restricted. Guys do this too.
>please just shut the fuck up with this gaslighting shit.
You first, peniswrinkle
Women, would you date a spiteful guy?
>a strong desire to regain or protect their freedom when they perceive it’s being threatened or restricted.
We saw this with people not wanting to wear masks or have shots during Covid.
Because it’s about me and not what other people want, bro. It’s really not hard to understand. My mom tried telling me the same thing with leather jackets. “No one wears leather jackets anymore, they’re not in style”. So what? That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get it or like it.

>first sentence
There you go, bud. Let your anger for every single woman out onto me. I really don’t care about you being unloved.
The thing is, don't you want to experience it again?
Welcome to 4chan
Actually I'm hoping to someday meet someone who's top priority is not looks, someone who loves me for me. That's what I was trying to say. But maybe I'm just being naive.
>inb4 b-but I bet you're only going for chad
Does that mean you want me?
the pendulum will swing eventually. all i ask for is self-awareness and even that is too much. you would be angry and spiteful too if you were a man. but you have never confronted that idea deeply (you can't) so it doesn't matter. it will only matter when things get worse
Just spiteful, like holding a grudge on his school bully, its not like vengeful where he has planned how to ruin that guys life or wrathful where he takes his vengeance on the bullys child to maim and cripple instead of kill?

Spite is normal
The man that will want to be with you will want to be with you, because he thinks you're the best he can get, that's my thing.
Nah, I don't want women who don't want me.
>Because it’s about me and not what other people want, bro. It’s really not hard to understand. My mom tried telling me the same thing with leather jackets. “No one wears leather jackets anymore, they’re not in style”. So what? That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get it or like it.
You're allowed to wear leather jackets? I have one actually and I'm a dude. But it is an actual psychological thing, and sure if you want something no one wants, that's fine too, but generally being human we don't tend to do that much.
I wouldn't want a harem. Just one can be hard to deal with at the best of times.
Anyone else have issues with imagining scenarios in which you “practice” what to say or what you should have said in an heated argument or anger-filled conversation? How do you distract these dumbass thoughts?
Who said I don’t want you
>I'm disagreeing with the fact that women only fuck chads.
I am not in disagreement with that at all.

>Let's cut the shit: the majority of men aren't hideous and aren't model material. They're average looking. And they fuck. And they date. And they get married.
I am not in disagreement with that either (although marriage is not nearly as common as it used to be).

What I as having issues with was your self-serving argument - and that is the only aspect I remarked on - you were previously debating someone else.

>Anyone who tells you otherwise is just a quitter who wants to spend their moaning and bitching and blaming luck and their genes and Chads and who wants you to quit trying because they don't want to see others succeed while they remain in the same spot.
Genes have something to do with it, but probably differently from how you think. Take a look at the data in >>31696333: sexlessness is not random. It afflicts people who carry and manifest certain traits more or less likely. This idea that it was just a matter of being Chad doesn't appear to be true. Height (or a lack thereof) for example is not significantly correlated with sexlessness. However, what it does seem to correlate with is typically nerdy traits. High childhood IQ, weak arms, wearing glasses, autism, anorexia, a lack of extraversion, being straight edge, etc. - it doesn't seem to be correlated with nasty personalities either, given the negative association with neuroticism and most types of mental disorders.
>I wouldn't want a harem. Just one can be hard to deal with at the best of times.
You do realize you won't get laid with any women in this thread, right?
So no point in telling lies dude.
My guardian angel. UwU
Well, I’m an adult and buy my own clothes. I don’t need their permission.
>My mom tried telling me the same thing with leather jackets. “No one wears leather jackets anymore, they’re not in style”.
Are you a girl? Girls really don't like going against the herd.
>been in love for the first time?
I've thought so a couple times but ultimately no I don't think I have.

That sounds like a bad time to me and I'm too old to be hanging out with guys who say fag.
Men is it a red flag if I get annoyed at people who go into stupid situations and then have to beg for help? I always live my life without risks to avoid ever asking for help
>Just one can be hard to deal with at the best of times.
Anon, this implies that I have a gf, doesn't it?
Huh? I don't get what you said, you're kind of being too mad to make sense lol. You keep projecting your feelings onto others lived experiences. I've only ever talked to men I met on 4chan or some other nerdy hobby source. Not dating apps, nothing like that. They've typically been a bit chubby to fat, usually a bit on the shorter side-current is the tallest I've met and given a chance. I believe almost all were virgins? Other than one who was sexually assaulted as a child. None were good at dressing, always had to help with that. Always had to help ease into better skincare habits. You keep wanting to force this idea about 'chads chads chads' like what are you even talking about lol. I'm normal, I talk to normal men. I've never gone above my league.
I'd like a harem of 3 girls
>young girl (18 to 25)
>mature mommy type
>bbw or ssbbw with a fuck off huge ass or tits
Marry the young girl to make kids with
Mommy for fugging and taking care of me
Fat bitch to fugg when the other two don't wan to fugg.
Fuck those girls. Someone tried to bullshit me because of wanting to dress more traditional and hating modern women’s fashion. That girlpower thing is bullshit if you have a mind of your own.
Nta but there are women who make going against the herd their entire personality.
A little.

>I always live my life without risks to avoid ever asking for help
This is legitimately sad.
Then why complain about it? I'm confused...
>I've thought so a couple times but ultimately no I don't think I have.
You should really give a chance to me then, I can make you feel it.

>That sounds like a bad time to me and I'm too old to be hanging out with guys who say fag.
That's just an excuse to deny yourself the risk you would have to take.
I just wanna blast my ear drums so I can never hear her serenading voice ever again so she can't hurt me again.
Only if you don't help/enable them
>My brother gambled away his kid's college money, we HAVE to give them money!
Yeah you're not making this sound any more appealing dude
Fair enough, I should've clarified that when I initially used "the best he can get" I meant looks-wise. Obviously I'd want to be with the person who views me as the best partner for them and who I think is the best partner for me too. And I know that attraction is part of it but sometimes it's just so frustrating as it seems like the most important thing for most guys.
Women, if you were vaguely friendly with a male coworker and single, would it feel flirty if he asked you to go shopping with him so he can get a second opinion on how to dress himself?
>Anon, this implies that I have a gf, doesn't it?
Yet you come here to seduce other girls with your bullshit, while you neglect your own girlfirend and her needs.
Shame on you.
A harem would be nice if the women were obedient. In 2024 the only Western harems that exist are in pornography.
Lampshading isn't really going against the herd. It's like "feminists" who still want a big strong man.

Age of consent should be replaced with a graduated licensing system. When puberty begins, you may apply for your learners permit, which lets you have sex only with other learners while 100% sober. In one year's time, you can apply for your general sex license, which lets you fuck anyone else with the same license class or higher whether you're sober or not, and covers 80-90% of what 80-90% of people see as normal. After that, you can optionally apply for specialist licenses if you want to get kinky.
Would seem a bit gay desu
Of course we can't actually do it, but I want to find someone I could do it with.
It's fun to fantasize.
Yes it would.
In that scenario might still go and see if clothes make the man or man makes the clothes.
Women, compared to 10 years ago, how safe do you feel?
Based bureaucrat
>Being so cucked that you can't even have an harem in your fantasy.
Lol and lmao @ u
Complaining about what? You’re fucking slow, aren’t you.
We were talking about this >>31696518 and I was saying that women having a man wouldn’t make me want that man. I related that to wearing a leather jacket because *I* like it, regardless of what other people like. Ask and answer yourself about what you don’t get.
I’m don’t arguing with retards.
>it's fun to fantasize
For you maybe. I don't like window shopping at expensive stores because it just bums me out that I can't have any of it.
Women, have you seen the last two Mad Max movies?
She lied I want you and badly
former military
movies rarely do it justice
lot of people don't understand how it works.
Flirty, no. I would hesitantly agree.
For me, it’s separate fantasies with the women who have spurned me, none of which involve harems.

You keep on acting Tsundere to me like that you're gonna turn me on.
Are they any good?
> And I know that attraction is part of it but sometimes it's just so frustrating as it seems like the most important thing for most guys.
Are you like really fat or something? Just out of curiosity.
And yeah, guys care about looks, but you also have to get along with the woman. The women I actually had a relationship and not just a one night stand I did get along with and built a bond with before I slept with them and I didn't ironically build the bond with the more beautiful girls I slept with.
Nah, you want him, I'm not him. :^0
I've always lived in a very safe neighborhood with 0 break-ins or rapes or anything, the worst crime we have here is like, neighbors yelling at each other over parking spots so. I've always felt safe. Not sure how safe I'd feel elsewhere though. I don't think I belong anywhere else though, I like it here too much.
Aw that sounds fun to me
>For you maybe. I don't like window shopping at expensive stores because it just bums me out that I can't have any of it.
You can have love, especially if you never had it before.
No only the old ones
you just become like a machine and operate. it's addictive. I came back and I couldn't figure out how to get to dentist appointments and just wanted to go back and operate like a machine. things make so much more sense
Mmm... if you like post apocalyptic stuff. I haven't seen the prequel, seems to have a lot more CGI but, like, Chris Hemsworth, right? Furiosa seems like a decent female protagonist.
They're fun action movies, plot of Furiosa felt a bit cleaner. I can't shake the feeling Furry Road had too much cut.
How many of you like being talked too like a pet? Not all the time but when you're alone with who your dating? How many women do you think like that kind of thing on average?
Ok, you know how if you do a crafty thing or something or anything repetitive that you like you "get in the groove"? It's a little like that. You just do something without thinking.
Is that the "Witness me!" movie? With cars in the desert?
>bf screamed witness me when he fell from the bed when we "wrestled"
I didnt understand, just laughed with him, pretending I knew

Only if he's joking and not very frequently. No idea.
Did you not like it?
Watch Furiosa (the new one) then watch Fury Road.
Do it. it should enthrall you
if you're a movie buff you can watch the original three mel gibson mad max movies afterwards
>plot of Furiosa felt a bit cleaner
I want to like this one but the CGI I've seen looks really tacky and takes me out of it.
That's hilarious. Pop culture jokes are always better when no one understands them.
No, I actually consider myself good looking. I just believe in real love and I hate the thought of how my potential partner wouldn't love me if I was me but ugly. It seems so fragile and meaningless. I could get into a car accident and look really bad after that and it'd all be gone. I don't want something shallow like that. (Obviously goes both ways.) But I'm getting more and more blackpilled idk maybe true love is out there, maybe I should stop using 4chan
Or you really think that no one could ever love you?
I didn't even know it's possible for women to think that.
Its not the pet talk that gets me off
He is a large man with a deep voice. But the way when he does "pet-talk" calling me sweetie and honey, clearly raising his voice to not be so goddamn deep, and trying (and failing) to sound cute.
He tries to charm me, show me a side that isnt his optimus prime voice. He tries his best, and fails, and I love it.

It was ok, I just remember the guys who inhaled spraypaint and kamikazed stuff, the plot itself didnt really captivate me.
Will try the Furiosa movie and give it a chance.
How do you know
>I didn't even know it's possible for women to think that.
Anon... help me down from this pedestal.
Because I'm not him. :^)
Hemsworth is really good in it.
>double texting
>What I as having issues with was your self-serving argument - and that is the only aspect I remarked on - you were previously debating someone else.
I literally started my comment by saying I didn't agree with the other person who claimed that ugly = evil or not nasty personality. If anything, not long ago, I made a post about handsome men who treat women like dirt, yet some women are unable to see it or admit it and try to perpetuate the idea, much like the femanon you responded to, that handsome men are these kind, cool, God's gift to women

The rest, I'm sure genes have something to do with it. How can I deny this? I literally told you yes there are men who often get rejected solely because of their looks and these are the ugliest of the ugly (aka, their genes). But my problem with 4chan is that it takes that small group and tries to make their experience universal, hell, to even hijack that group's experience just to justify quitting to themselves. Are there ugly lonely men on 4chan? Most definitely. I mean this is the hub of ugly lonely men. Is every man here is this hopeles uggo? No. There are many average looking men on here who buy into this "if you're not in the upper fifth of men might as well give up women won't fuck you ngm etc" load of crap. To my point, you could probably think of a few anons on here who when posted their pics or pics of their bodies.. they weren't bad at all.
But you are
lol, nah.
Yea I can see how it can be hard for a woman to trust a man to love her, while we would and will fuck absolutely everything and could and will say absolutely anything to do it, kind of like it's hard for me to trust a woman to love me, when they all are basically wired to be attracted to best man around and I sure as fuck aint one.
> partner wouldn't love me if I was me but ugly.
Yea, but you wouldn't love the guy for same reason and if acted differently.

>It seems so fragile and meaningless.
It's fragile, but unfortunately no meaningless.

>I could get into a car accident and look really bad after that and it'd all be gone.
Cheer up, it's more likely that you would die from that.
And after long enough time in love, no one gives a shit if you are ugly - that's how people stay together into their old age.

>But I'm getting more and more blackpilled idk maybe true love is out there, maybe I should stop using 4chan
Yea, I want true love too.
It's a shame it took me wasting my 20s on one night stands and retarded stuff like that to realize, that actual love in someone can't be replaced with validation you get as a man from a one night stand.
Lol you mean that it's common for women to think that?
Is it because women are afraid they might get played or why would they think that?
You can't deny the quads of truth and reconciliation.
Anon... we're not so different, you and I. Feelings of insecurity and stuff. Feeling "not good enough" to even BE played.

Would you date a guy from out of town who moved to your city to be with you?
Different femanon, but main reason I always felt unlovable is just from being called ugly and a loser for so long. It makes me feel like I'm just not what any man would actually ever want. I like myself just fine and I think that I'm fun to be around and stuff, but I've never imagined getting married or anything. I just think to myself that men prefer prettier women, and proceed through life as just a good friend to everyone.
I'm not him, lmao.
I don't eve know who he is.
He's me, bro.
Yeah, I'm not you.
Jumping in here. Original anon. That's not the issue, most people are worthy of love.
No one could be me, but that's okay. You're still valid.
That's a little cynical, ngl.
I don't want to be you, lol.
I like being me.
Why not? I'm imbued with divine intellect and can warp people to my whims. I'm also a chad.
Yeh, but do most people think they ar- oh, 4chan, right.
Is he stalking me? I'm confused about the premise. Also
no thank you
I actually disagree with you a lot less than you may think. I don't think the most sexless men are the most ugly ones. I have yet to see data to the contrary. I have however seen that a lack of risk taking, a lack of extraversion or autism (for men), strongly predict struggling with relationships. You are not wrong in your assessment: the men we're talking about possibly think of themselves as too ugly, or are too afraid to find out, grasping at outlandish scenarios and cherry picked data to justify their lack of mating effort. But what I'm saying is: the personality traits which predict this kind of behaviour are also heritable - just like bad looks are heritable. And when it comes to bad looks you might be able to do something about it, getting a nice hair cut, well fitting clothes, maybe plastic surgery. When it comes to mental inhibitions it is much harder, since you may not even recognise what your actual issue is. The incel who is too afraid to ask girls out because he read that at 5'7" men are dismissed by 50% of the female population, is entirely focussed on his lack of height and identifies it as the reason for his inceldom, when actually it is the type of personality which reaches for the first piece of information that enables avoidant behaviour, which is the source of his troubles. But challenging this mindset is far from easy, since usually, there is some truth to black pill beliefs - it just isn't the entire truth. Modern environments may additionally facilitate alienation and enable people in their reclusion.

What we are probably mostly in disagreement about is to which extent people are able to exert agency and to which extent their behaviour is pre-determined by heritable traits.
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Women, what was your reaction when seeing an erect penis for the first time in person? what went through your mind?
Premise is you and the guy discuss it and he says he wants to move to your location.

I heard once that it’s supposed to be the woman who moves to be with someone, not the other way around.
>Yea, but you wouldn't love the guy for same reason and if acted differently.
I wish I could say that isn't true but I know that looks will always influence ones perception of people. And as I said, I know that attraction is important for a relationship to work out too.

>Cheer up, it's more likely that you would die from that.
It's not really that I'm actually scared of that happening but it says something about the relationship. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where I would get broken up with over something like that.

>It's a shame it took me wasting my 20s on one night stands and retarded stuff like that to realize, that actual love in someone can't be replaced with validation you get as a man from a one night stand.
Hey I mean at least you did realize eventually.
Is the girl already set up with a cushy job? Makes sense.
Uh oh, stinky!
My friend moved countries to live with his fiancee so it's not unheard of.
>I heard once that it’s supposed to be the woman who moves to be with someone, not the other way around.
That's fucking stupid it should depend on which location is better and who's job pays better/is harder to replace/is an actual career.
>it’s supposed to be the woman who moves to be with someone
Where'd you hear this drivel from? I'm not going to uproot her life if she doesn't want that.
M, Monet
I mean every girl can have someone that wants to play her but yeah...
about the insecurities, we might not be that different after all.
So that's why it's so hard for you to believe that something good might come out of it?
I don't think I had much of a reaction? I had felt it in the dark before.
I mean... for me, personally. Women can feel like that, yes, some times.
I think even most people on here think they "deserve" love they're just pretty sure it's not going to happen.
F Monet
Now kiss.
If I didnt invite the guy to live closer to me for romantical reasons I would literally think he is going to capture and violate me at the first possible opportunity.

I was 16, I was with my first boyfriend, I literally tried to rip his pants off to see an erect penis. It was about 5 inches long. When I saw it I was confused because I had placed my face so close to his crotch anyway. So I just started to suckle on it.
My own enthusiasm kinda forced me into a corner.
I gave my first blowjob that day, and it didnt take long, just about a minute.
>when he came I put my bra back on
>some titty play proceeded this
>adjusted my clothes and left
>guy was at a loss for words and didnt know why I left
>I quite much spooked myself with that BJ
>Went home, masturbated to that memory and mentally whipped myself for not going all the way

Such a confusing time, being a teenager
José Clemente Orozco
I don't think I "deserve" love in a romantic sense. I mean, I'd like it, sure.
>I mean... for me, personally. Women can feel like that, yes, some times.
What specifically are you referring to?
Can this involve directors and video games?
where did he finished?
did you break up with him after that?
also how old was him if you don't mind me asking?
>Such a confusing time, being a teenager
Haha yeah, just like women guys have totally had teenage sexual experiences
I mean "deserve" in the same way that you deserve to live. We have value as human beings simply by virtue of being them.
Insecurities. Women aren't somehow magically above that.
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Females explain
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What kind of bug is this
Cat caught it and gave it to me
Why did you have to say suckle ugh
I swallowed it, He was 16 as well. We didnt break up, had piv later. And it was sweet, We were watching 90's berserk anime and it quite much spontaneously happened during the Guts & Caska sex scene.
So we had a really good soundtrack
The material of a swimsuit is about 3x thicker than regular underwear. At least.
That's good to know to be honest...
But sometimes it's good to be vulnerable, because only then good things can happen.
nta but I think value should be based on the contributions individuals make to society and the consequences of actions rather than inherent traits. If a person’s actions lead to negative outcomes or harm, their worth should be seen as lower. Value is a human made construct rather than an inherent attribute of being human.
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The insect in the picture is a dobsonfly. Dobsonflies belong to the family Corydalidae, within the order Megaloptera. They are characterized by their large size, elongated bodies, and notably long mandibles, especially prominent in males. The wings are veined and can be quite long, extending well past the abdomen when folded. These insects are usually found near water sources, as their larvae (known as hellgrammites) are aquatic.
AOC here is 16 but most of clssmates got deflowered at 13-14 which means no one cares about it.
I guess 13 sonI could say my classmates were following local laws... but it makes no sense unless BOTH parties are equally punished
I do agree with you there, anon.
when women turn my brain inside out I want to turn them inside out
But it still covers the same amount of skin though
This isn't important to the conversation. Obviously a meth addict isn't going to be able to date a CEO.
>(known as hellgrammites)
>covers the same amount of skin
Do I actually need to explain cameltoe to you or
The thicker material matters.
25 or father's approval as long as father's approval is never younger than 16
where you disappointed about his size?
So you always have cameltoe or something? I've definitely seen women in underwear that didn't have cameltoe...
>say you agree with me without saying you agree with me :)
Too bad we can't take the risk irl... It's something I really want this time of my life.
looks like a jew to me
But the part that is covered is the most important part. Women'd underwear is pretty see-through
Anon... you do know that nipples are often visible in a bra, right?
Functional people from botj sexes trim and shave it
Never expect to be eaten/sucked unless you properly tookl care of it
Well good for them
Ffs anon imagine covering something with a thin handkerchief vs a fleece blanket, which allows you to see more detail?
Why can't you? Are you afraid of rejection that much? We do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
Men, how do you get over the fact that your gf/wife isn't a virgin?
That she submitted to another man and let him did whatever he wanted to her?
>I would literally think he is going to capture and violate me at the first possible opportunity.
Made me lol for some reason.
It was the first erect penis I had ever seen at 5 inches long. I had nothing to compare it to.
And I still think 5 inches is good. So I would think I was and still am pleased
They are? I knew some bras were like that bit I didn't realize it was the majority.
>Women'd underwear is pretty see-through
I know some is, but I thought women usually wore comfy stuff that wasn't see-through...
stopped dating women so I won't have to go through that.
I just try not to think about it desu.
>We were watching 90's berserk anime
old hag
>value should be based on the contributions individuals make to society and the consequences of actions rather than inherent traits
NTA but the two tend to be correlated though.

And at the end of the day, when it comes to romantic attraction, people are going to do what their gut tells them. They're not going to let rational, eugenic considerations dictate who they're going to have sex with.
i guess the relationship eventually ended, correct?
why did you break up? are you currently dating someone?
I don’t think about it, because I get to do the same thing.
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>90's berserk
Should've fucked during this scene
>Why can't you? Are you afraid of rejection that much? We do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
I meant with you. You seem to get me and want the same things...
But then again, meeting someone from 4chan... yeah...
Damn even womens underwear is trash. I've never worried about my boxers being translucent. Can't catch a break lol
It doesn't matter though? Even "lower value" people deserve love, just from their equals. What you're saying doesn't have anything to do with the conversation?
I don't know, I've never had a gf/wife.
Wait, were we talking about value from a relationship perspective?
I dont have a gf now so I dont have to cope with that at the moment
>We have value as human beings simply by virtue of being them.
90% of humanity is disgusting and should be treated as tools to use and abuse
We should talk about underwear more often in /atoga/ threads. It seems like there's a lot anons don't know about the opposite gender's delicates.
Boxers aren't thick enough to be worn as a bathing suit either man. Come on nobody likes that weird guy who's swimming in the river in his boxer briefs.
The discussion was about whether people are deserving of (romantic) love.
My swim trunks are thinner than my boxer briefs, they're just not as tight.
I think it was about banana sized
Tone down the edge psycho
So it's either deal with a woman who has been a slut for another man, or be alone?
nta but if someone repeatedly does stuff to dig themselves into a hole, I mean the kind of person that hits rock bottom and starts drilling, do they deserve love?
Right, but nobody was talking about getting in the water, though.
I can't swim in the river near me, its so toxic that legit someone swam through a cloud of rat pee and fucking died.
And they're also made of a fabric that doesn't cling to every part of you when wet. Bathing suits are made of different fabric for a reason man. Otherwise everyone would just wear their underwear.
We ended up in colleges that were on the opposite sides of the country. I wanted to go as far away from my mother as possible, he was a homebody. and stayed close to our birthplace.
>desu its been almost 18 years since we dated
>Still think about him
>I stalk his instagram
>handsome, gray temples
>wonder if I should have stayed near home too, would I still be with him

My current situation is that I am dating, but not in a relationship
Are they darker?
oh go for younger women that haven't been ruined yet.
That's why women push to raise the age of consent to astronomical levels, they know they can't compete with younger women.
Some yes, some no
I think this has more to do with the design than the material. Also, women's bathing suits usually do stick to them pretty closely.
>there are constant posts on every space of the internet (boards, twitter, reddit, etc) where women get jealous of their partner having had a hotter gf in the past, hating it if another woman looks at him, hating the idea of their ex being happy with other women, etc
Same with men being insecure twats.
It's not an attractive quality in either gender.

Just because you feel like you have to overlook it because you are desperate, that doesn't mean that men are required to put up with their women being filled with irrational hatred.
Anon, one man's slut is another's prude.
why not reach out to him?
also who initiated the break up?
Yeah. From an equal. Not saying they're gonna find it or it's gonna be a good time. What is your point here can you just get to it?
>Discussion about bathing suits
>nobody was talking about getting in the water
>I think this has more to do with the design than the material
Then you would be incorrect.
>I think this has more to do with the design than the material.
You would be pretty wrong.
I appreciate that you didn't dispute "weird guy" because it's clearly accurate lmao
Wtf I'm not gay I've literally spent all night doing coke with a sexy milf and her buds
>Men is it a red flag if I get annoyed at people who go into stupid situations and then have to beg for help?
Genuinely an attractive trait.

>I always live my life without risks to avoid ever asking for help
I avoid *most* risks like the plague.
Not *always*.
Its legal to swim naked where I live so I wouldn't even bring boxers.
>oh go for younger women that haven't been ruined yet.
Most highschool women have fucked at least 3 guys by the time they graduated
free balling in a hazmat dive suit
NTA but "deserve" is a word with religious connotations. The universe does not care about such things. The most horrible people you can imagine are capable of finding partners - maybe they did not know they were undeserving?
>Doing coke with a bunch of horny milfs
>Didn't even get a blow job
Yeah you're gay
>majority of men don't talk to women
Holy shit.
Please be trolling. Nobody can be this fucking retarded and still solve captcha
I do not believe that romantic love is a fundamental right or entitlement. One could argue that deserving romantic love is contingent upon an individual’s behavior, character, or actions. If someone does not exhibit qualities that are typically valued in romantic relationship, respect, kindness, or commitment, they might not "deserve" love in the same way someone who demonstrates these qualities does. Romantic love, from this perspective, is not a universal entitlement but something that must be earned through merit. Romantic relationships are inherently conditional and reciprocal. They often require mutual attraction, shared values, and compatibility. From this view, the notion of "deserving" romantic love is problematic because relationships are based on personal connection and mutual fulfillment rather than an inherent right. Not everyone will find a romantic partner who matches their needs or desires, and this lack of a partner does not necessarily reflect on one's worthiness. Romantic love requires emotional maturity, readiness, and personal growth. Individuals who are not psychologically or emotionally prepared for a relationship might not be in a position to fully engage in or deserve romantic love.

Also, who gets to decide who is an equal?
>"deserve" is a word with religious connotations
It is?

How are you going to decide who is deserving and who isn't without dogma?
Oh hey, they fixed my building's water
I'm gonna go jack off now.
>I do not believe that romantic love is a fundamental right or entitlement.
I don't think anyone is entitled to any specific person's love but they're entitled to the concept.

Like they're not entitled to my french fries but in the current society humanity built no one deserves to starve.

You're thinking about too many variables that just don't matter for the purposes of the discussion.
Okay good luck.
Do you think tarot can actually tell you how people think / feel / predict the future and give you insight into things about people and circumstances that you don't know about?
or is it just some bull shit and can be used to pick up on what your subconscious might be telling you?
The concept of deservingness is not exclusively tied to religious contexts. It is used in a bunch of secular, philosophical, cultural, and practical contexts that do not involve religious connotations.
Ffs forget the word deserve then. It has nothing to do with religion, or judgment. Just the inherent value of being a sentient being.
Tarot is basic hypnotism magick.
I mean she is married kek so I'm not gonna be a cunt
Rn we are just doing karaoke and drinking l mean... free coke buddy
Nta but I don't believe in inherent value.
The second thing
You need to see a therapist dude this is getting out of hand. Some people choose to get stressed out over the news but you're making up your own stories that haven't even happened yet to be anxious and depressed about you're on a whole other level.
Even if you built it upon secular ideas, you still have to start with some kind of axiom. And at the end of the day I can guarantee you: no matter what you consider to be prerequisite of deserving romantic love, there will be some people who don't exhibit it yet still achieve it and there will be some who do, who don't. Nature does not care about your value hierarchies.
Okay? What does this add to the conversation lol.
If you believe that literally everyone is technically deserving of love that doesn't happen tho.
>is married
>does coke with random men
Yeah anon i doubt her marriage is monogamous anymore.
>women like deep, scruffy voices
>my voice is neither one of those
The notion of deserving romantic love as a concept even assumes that everyone should experience it, right? But not everyone will find a compatible partner or be in a position to form a romantic relationship.
If it makes you feel better I'd fuck Phillip J Fry if he was a real dude.
Now she’s your slut. If you can’t deal with that then idk what to tell you, anon.
Nta but anon just said that love foes not care about deserving or not no matter what abstract set of rules anyone sets up to measure who is deserving and who is not. You must be a bit slow.
MKG I know you're a boomer but most young guys don't talk to women
Nta but being deserving does not mean you get it. You could be deserving of water but there still is none available so you starve.
She's a London slag, she's not monogamous
Oh yeah she is cheating and her husband knows lmao but I still feel bad about doing anything, she is a gal pal to me. She made me pizza and chicken nuggets lol. We're just having a fun time rn but my actual milf crush (who my sis says likes me but idk), I hope to see in the pub again next week.....
Anyway people are lovely women are lovely I love all you guys a lot <3 <3 <3
He's a real dude, Anon.
Someone had to voice him.
>assumes that everyone should experience it, right?
I think we need to nail down exactly what we both mean by "should" before I can answer this.

No one should starve to death but people still do. I don't deserve to be run over by a bus but it might still happen.
Ok, but it doesn't mean anything if she was for other's in the past
It's not special, it's not real, just a fantasy
What I find problematic about this view is that it somewhat establishes a value hierarchy in the sense of people who are having romantic success having greater merit than people who don't, when in reality, there are millions of the most horrible people you can imagine who have no trouble finding partners.

You are painting a picture of an ideal, but this is not what reality looks like.

>Romantic love requires emotional maturity, readiness, and personal growth. Individuals who are not psychologically or emotionally prepared for a relationship might not be in a position to fully engage in or deserve romantic love.
Yet there are countless immature people in codependent messes of relationships, filled with the vilest kind abuse. Did they just not know they were undeserving of romantic love?

Certainly this does not mean that you won't find plenty of people for whom those positive traits you listed apply - and who will have loving, lasting, happy relationships - but not exclusively.

At the end of the day, it's not a question of any of these things. They positively predict relationship quality, but not acquiring relationships. And on the flip-side, not every guy who is struggling finding a partner is an abuser in waiting who merely got sniffed out before he could do damage.
You're a shitposter, uh oh attention whorey!
>Nta but
Why do all of these randos keep jumping in? Why did this topic upset you all so much? It feels like every other response is a nta.
Nta but I talk to to women but I can't be flirty or romantic with them
NTA, Because you are an idiot.
Maybe I'm not sure. Is he stalking?
Yeah but I want the himbo redhead not Billy West.
>Because you guys are literally incapable of understanding the concept I'm putting forth
No, you're just dumb.
AGP tranny is mad that women dont want him in the womens locker room
I'm always cautious, no one's gonna hurt me, I dress ugly.
You deserve water? Shouldn't it be based on availability, need, and priority? If individuals or communities do not engage in sustainable practices or fail to contribute to the maintenance of water systems, do they deserve water?
>If you believe that literally everyone is technically deserving of love that doesn't happen tho.
But that it becomes a somewhat meaningless statement. What good is 'deserving' something if there is no court for you to claim it? Is the universe going to make up for its failure to deliver?
Fry isn't a himbo. He's a goofy loser.
I dont think he'll ever want to talk to me again
We had ldr during the start of our college years
>He came to visit me
>one of the best times of my life
>we had parties
>I was so proud of how he conducted himself
>He had taken all of my v-cards by that point in time
>I asked him to transfer colleges to come to live with me
>he insisted I come to him
>I wanted to be as far away from my mother as I could
>He knew of my maternal relationship
>I got upset, unreasonably so
>I punched him in the eye
Thats when we broke up. he left, and just looked at me with sad eyes. I had a fucking brilliant idea to make him jealous of other guys, it didnt work out for me.
I still think he is the one that got away, and I think he has a legit reason for never wanting to interact with me again. I have never forgiven myself.
After that punch though. I cannot remember which one tried to end the relationship first. I try to think it all was because I was young and hotheaded...
I deserve no sympathy for this, even if its been 18 years. I have never punched anyone after it.
She's not lmao but she is a really lovely person, she just has issues
I love her as a friend
It can be based on availability, need, and priority and everyone can still deserve it. Scarcity doesn't mean anyone is less deserving it just means they're not gonna get it.
Selling forearm pics here here ye here ye
Are those trannies in this room anon?
A couple of my older and experienced guy friends were telling me that if a woman actually feels like she wants to cheat on you, she'll most likely distance herself in some way shape or form or won't be as close or affectionate with you. And that if a woman is in love with you, or like head over heels for you, she's not gonna feel like she wants to cheat.

Do you think what they're saying is true?
>But that it becomes a somewhat meaningless statement
Okay now you're getting it. We all deserve love, but it doesn't fucking matter whether we deserve it or not what matters is if we find it.
>isn't a himbo
He's one of the stupidest people to ever live anon. Himbos can be losers.
Any neets who were neet straight* out of high school for +5 years? did you find your way out of it
>people who are having romantic success having greater merit than people who don't
nta but is this not how it is

>Did they just not know they were undeserving of romantic love?
Unironically, I think so. You can do a lot of crazy shit if you have no boundaries.
1) Two piece bikinis are considered incredibly erotic in Japan, more so than being nude even. Anime girls in bikinis are just horny Japanese dudes wishing that wearing bikinis was more socially acceptable in japan.
2) Like I said before, in Japan wearing certain outfits is considered more sexual than being nude and it comes in here again. The difference being that in Japan underwear as a very weird personal sacredness to it. You know how people talk about the "sanctity of one's own mind" and how its a personal violation if you intrude on it? Well the Japanese feel the same way about their underwear, there is also this weird modern folklore where underwear is suppose to express who the person is more honestly. She is wearing a frilly and lacy bra and panties, which means she is likely a pervert that is hiding that aspect of herself when she is out and about.
Just get a facking job mate
I’ll have to look into him

WOMEN: Are you okay with a guy who has a soft voice? I still sound obviously male but gentle.
>"Sorry I've been taking up so much of Fry's time. He's just so interesting. Have you seen how much cotton candy he can eat?"
>―Colleen O'Hallahan

Even the show makes it out as a joke whenever woman fall for him. He's quite the loser. I know, because he's a lot like me.
You're honestly wondering why a bunch of people wouldn't argue about the nature of relationships?
Kek you so out of it.
Pls you have a crush on an old bar slut? Dear lord.
I sound like fucking kermit the frog and I found women who found that sexy, I wouldn't worry about it.
qt is an evil man and the women that like him are evil too
I graduated in ‘20, didn’t walk on stage… :( and still haven’t found one either. I found a fedex job but they were in a warehouse and I had to quit after four days because of my back
>about the nature of relationships
Clearly there's a fundamental difference in how we interpreted the original question and my original statement.
I don’t mind either. If you sound like a man, I don’t care :)

hahaha yup

I 100% need to see a therapist man I'm gonna ruin a really good thing because of how fucked up and insecure I am. Lol.
And? Himbos can be losers. If he's really that stupid you can't expect much of him. As long as he tries his best and doesn't kill anybody.
QT = Quentin Tarantino
Sort of but I went to college
Just get a part time job and or do fast track careers.
Imagine being this incapable both mentally and physically.
>texting gf
>she says something flirty and sexual
>tell her she should bring her toy over next time because I want to try stuff
>more horny talk
>"whatever you want i'm alllll yours"

what should I say to this
Eww is he a foot fag too?
Tell her to go find her dignity then block her.
Nah I slowly descended into it. I took a year off after high school, got a boyfriend, then went to community college, got a job.
Dropped out of school, dumped the boyfriend, quit the job. Got another boyfriend and another gig (under the table). That job naturally ended and I have been doing fuck all since. And I broke up with that guy too. It's been like 7 years I really should just kill myself.
>qt is an evil man
Wat? What have I done wrong lol?
Anyway this lady's husband just got home and basically told me to gtfo lmao, so I'm walking home
>crush on an old bar slut
She's not a slut, she's just a woman who frequents the bar and happens to be older. I've overheard some convos with her, she's very intelligent and self-assured which I really like
We gotta make a movie buddy...
I don't like feet, just long legs
>girl I've been talking to for a while messages me "wyd (flirty pet name)?"
What do what do what do?
How tf do you pay your bills?
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Why do you get turned on by turning men down? Why do you have a fetish for being the object of unrequited love for as many guys as possible? Why do you masturbate to knowing that guys have been deeply in love with you for 3, 5, 7, 10 years, will never fall out of love, and are slowly going insane from never being able to have you?
>We all deserve love
The idea of deserving a loving relationship assumes that they are conditional and reciprocal, requiring mutual attraction, compatibility, and effort from both parties, doesn't it? Wouldn't the fact that people often wind up in one sided relationships make this statement unreasonable?
Just be a stocker and or work at hospital
one, sounds like you need a career and not just a job.
second, you need a stable relationship but you can't really get that without first acquiring the stable life 'routine'
Why do you have a crush on someone you have not even really talked to? Damn son
damn hope he is happy now. You clearly make a lot of stupid decisions.
Did you have any other serious relationships after that?
I get money here and there from pet sitting stuff or doing work for elderly family members, and like online surveys and stuff. I have to pay for my phone and whatever I smoke. Got food stamps.
I was a NEET after high school for roughly five years exactly, May 2006 to June 2011.
I do not get aroused by it or masturbate to it but it is one hell of an ego boost.
No he’s not. The women I can’t speak for.
And who pays for your place? Your health insurance? Damn get your shit together.
and then what happened
>Wouldn't the fact that people often wind up in one sided relationships make this statement unreasonable?
No? Shitty things happen. Doesn't mean people deserved to have the shitty thing happen to them. T b h I'm not really following your logic here. If it helps you use a word other than deserve. You seem to be hung up on the semantics of it and that's not the point here.
He ended up here...
>online surveys
Does that actually pay you well? I tried that and the money was too shit to be worth lol. Have you looked into any other remote jobs?
Maybe if you didn't spend so much money on smoking stuff...
>nta but is this not how it is
It depends on what your criteria of merit are. Visit any prison on the planet and you'll find plenty of men who are fathers, often to different women. What about serial abusers? Men who force their girlfriends into prostitution? Are these better people than the lonely nerd in his mom's basement? Keep in mind that I'm not making a case along the lines of women preferring bad boys, my point is: there are men who by any realistic metric of success and decency are bad news who have no trouble finding partners. And you'll find women who are complete failures yet have multiple kids.

Keep in mind: I am not attempting to establish a value hierarchy here; I don't think being a failure by bourgeois considerations necessarily makes one a bad person, I'm just saying, there is no implication here towards romantic success. It is not a prerequisite to be mature, established, successful, etc. to find romantic love.

>Unironically, I think so. You can do a lot of crazy shit if you have no boundaries.
Yes, but as I said earlier, the word 'deserve' kind of loses its meaning when it is not binding.
No, the ending is even sadder: I got employed and have been working for the past 13 years. Being a NEET was nice.
Thoughts on anti-plap policies at the Olympics?
Pay worth it?
>No he’s not
Thanks for the kind words anon lmao
I mean it's a surface level crush sure, but I'd like to get to know her better. I've overheard her enough in conversation (I'm usually the quiet one in the group) to get a basic idea of what she's like at least on the surface. Also she's very sexy lol. Am I not allowed to have a crush or something?
I would literally rather kill myself
I live with my mother.
>health insurance
The state duh
God no
And no I don't have a computer, or any computer skills
Well then I'd definitely kill myself. An ounce of weed a month isn't rent.
They can't stop me
I take issue with the term deserve, since it is not binding.

If I deserve something it typically means that I can go complain to someone in order to get it - or I will be compensated somehow. Those deserving of a good life will find themselves rewarded in the afterlife, should they not find it.
>the word 'deserve' kind of loses its meaning when it is not binding
So why argue about it so objectively?
Imagine being this person.
How are you using 4chan
I went to university for some time but I practically was NEET for almost my entire twenties.
>Those deserving of a good life will find themselves rewarded in the afterlife, should they not find it.
Lmao even
what do you do for a living?
Did you forget about cellphones
Yeah kinda sucks right?
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Is the circus in town? Has he set up tent?
I think you are misunderstanding my point. My point is that there is a religious connotations to the word. Deserving something grants you a claim.
"Entitled" is closer to what you're interpreting the word deserve to mean (entitled is a horribly abused word nowadays which basically means "anyone who ever experiences a negative emotion," but anyway).
Gaytheists can you go back to the 90s but this time cut down the road instead of across? Thanks.
That's not really the point. The inability to pay rent while spending money on non essential items like weed indicates poor prioritization of needs. Short term gratification is prioritized over long term stability.
Do you have a Mohawk?
>monstrously hung
>date coworker
>she is nice
>we have fun
>go back to my place for "fun"
>"holy shit its happening"
>take pants off
>she sees my erect pp
>laughs at me and says its small
>lose my erection because feelings get hurt
>she laughs harder
>I start crying
>she said she can't take me seriously and leaves
>mfw alone in my house
>go to work on monday
>some coworkers don't make eye contact with me or laugh at me
>"Fuck, she told people didn't she?"
>Boomer boss comes in my office
>"Word on the street is that you never grew up past 15. Don't worry, I'll pretend like this never happened."
>laughs and walks out
Why are women so mean?
No it does not. You just made that up to think you deserve something in the afterlife to make up for not getting pussy in this life.
I'm entitled to my opinion that that is an oversimplification.
I made my point perfectly clear.

- If deserving love is the default and it applies to anyone, regardless of their qualities it becomes a meaningless attribute.
- I take issue with the word deserve, since it is not binding. What good is being deserving of something if there is no court where you can complain and no institution that will compensate you?
>poor prioritization of needs
You mean
>different priorities than mine

Listen dude I did the DARE program if your only point is "stop doing drugs" save your fingers.
Havent had an erection for a few days. Last time I was talking to a new girl at work lol. I'm pathetic
I hope the state stops helping you
do more drugs then stop doing drugs?
Which part of don‘t shit where you eat have you not understood?
Also, this never happened. Is this some humiliation fetish thing of you to post such crap?
Did you read what I linked ffs. Then don't use the word deserve if that's you issue. It doesn't matter.
They won't but ok
Chad shit
Which part.

Why does the word "deserving" require being actionable somehow? It's just a subjective feeling which means "That person has earned that thing and I like them and want them to get what they want."
As I said: you completely missed my point. I exemplified the religious connotation of the term. I am not even a religious person.
she asked me out and I didn't really think it would escalate that quick. Also I'm quitting to drink heavily for at least 2 weeks before finding a new job.
Boss is honestly a cool guy, but I can't forgive him for that. This whole week has been fucking awful.
I'm not going there. What's going to get you evicted quicker, not paying your rent or smoking weed? Smoke weed if you can afford to do so. You clearly can not.
women have you ever sniffed balls?
You don't have a computer? So you're a phoneposter? are you able to get an irl job?
Anyway you seem sweet and I wish you all the best anon
Snitch on both your boss and coworker for sexual harassment.
just watched Deadpool and Wolverine
From my mother's garage?
It’s just a prank, bro
Entitled means anyone who ever experiences a negative emotion. :)
Do you pay rent to your mom?
If her deala is sound he'll let her put a couple of orders on the tab
I should go watch that too.
Lmao were we in the same theater? It kinda sucked NGL. Fun movie, not a good movie.
What does "earned" mean? Isn't that very subjective?
women what colour is your bedsheet?
Sorry anon I had to attend to something.
I'm not so sure about the heritability of personality traits (or at least, to what extent, since more and more studies seem to suggest that bdp, schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD are largely heritable, and these entail an array of character traits)
However, I do believe in determinism. Our behaviors are largely determined by factors beyond our comprehension or awareness alone means that freedom of choice is at best largely bullshit. It's just that it isn't a fun idea to contemplate that your actions have long been decided before even the universe came to existence. I don't think anyone can eat, work, go out, function ... while being conscious of this idea and not blow their brains out
Just heard the word “Trumpian” used in a non-ironic context.
You're a pile of shit bro, uh oh!
I haven't had a computer since like 2017. I've owned 4 smartphones in the past 15 years. I take good care of the stuff I do have.

Every time I've gotten a real job or made an earnest attempt to I end up on a psychiatric hold in inpatient :/ Thank you though.
I don't pay her but I do things for her that she would have to pay someone else for if she doesn't want to/can't do it herself. Yardwork, personal chef, putting together the lastest piece of garbage she order from Amazon type shit.
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Do you think this dress is cute?
>Then don't use the word deserve if that's you issue.
I believe I motivated well enough why I dislike the term in that context, but we'll leave it at that. My other critique however was that if it applies to everyone unconditionally it kind of loses its meaning.

Keep in mind: I'm not saying the opposite, i.e. that I believe people are undeserving of love, or some people are undeserving of love, my point is that what ultimately decides whether a person will find love are Darwinian fitness criteria (which do not necessarily correlate with eugenic considerations) as well as random chance.

My original case was that I reject this self-aggrandising hierarchy where romantically successful people (or previously successful people) can elevate themselves over the romantically unsuccessful people, since there are obviously plenty of people who by any realistic metric are complete failures and horrible people who have no trouble finding partners. Furthermore, I don't mind that some people are failures - I'm far from perfect myself - I reject the value hierarchy in entirety.
I mean, a lot of people do misuse and abuse the word to basically mean that. It goes well beyond incel gender war bullshit; I've seen people be accused of being entitled for not liking a plot twist in a story and saying it should have gone differently. That's a ridiculous level of emotion policing.
I can't decide pull it up a lot :^)
Bro, you don't even have an apartment? You're living in your mom's garage?
Nah it's kinda boring
Mostly shades of light green, blue, red and cream.
I used to have black sheets, but discharge is VERY visible in those and not sexy.
White isnt that good either
Right now it's burgundy cause period lol.
>My other critique however was that if it applies to everyone unconditionally it kind of loses its meaning.
So you do understand. It has no meaning. Being deserving of something doesn't mean you are going to get it.

>My original case was that I reject this self-aggrandising hierarchy where romantically successful people (or previously successful people) can elevate themselves over the romantically unsuccessful people, since there are obviously plenty of people who by any realistic metric are complete failures and horrible people who have no trouble finding partners. Furthermore, I don't mind that some people are failures - I'm far from perfect myself - I reject the value hierarchy in entirety.
So you were complaining about something I was never talking about. Cool.
I had one for a little while when I was on disability but I need to be consistently seeing therapists and not refuse to take meds to get back on it. No more lithium thank you. I'm not even fucking bipolar they were wrong. Plus it wouldn't even be enough unless I got section 8
>4 smartphones in the past 15 years
That's quite a lot lol but I suppose tech was progressing pretty rapidly
It's good that you take good care of your belongings <3 why no computer though? Do you have a tablet or TV or anything at least for watching stuff?
>end up on a psychiatric hold in inpatient
I'm so sorry ): what is it for, psychosis or something? Is it triggered/made worse by the stress of working or something?
>Yardwork, personal chef, putting together the lastest piece of garbage
Haha, sounds like you do a lot for her which is very sweet
Yeah, it's nice
Gonna copy you for teh lulz when I get sheets
I never considered that women decide on the color of their bedsheets based on what comes out of their vagina.
>White isnt that good either
Is that also discharge related or just white gets dirtier faster in general?

I thought you guys stop getting period blood on your sheets at like 13?
Bro... you were on LITHIUM?!
It’s a no from me, dawg
Even as a bipolar, lithium is fucking shit lol, nobody should have to take it
Careful not to get bedbugs
No stalking. I was mostly curious about whether or not it was a social faux pas for a guy to move instead of a girl, but I guess most anons agree that such binary posturing is completely retarded and what’s important is assessing each other’s situation.
I am weirdly proud of that.
Why would I get bedbugs
>So you do understand. It has no meaning. Being deserving of something doesn't mean you are going to get it.
And I would argue: being deserving of something that I may or may not get - based on criteria that are completely independent from your value judgement which deems people deserving or undeserving - is a rather meaningless property.

>So you were complaining about something I was never talking about. Cool.
I think I expressed myself clear enough, but if you're not in disagreement with that, there is no reason to keep arguing.
It's not retarded. Just have to be careful
I don't know how to reply to that without sounding really gross so I'll just say no.
are there any women here that aren't catty, wildly judgmental and irrational retards with invariably shit takes
Obviously not me
Just a girl I'm obsessed with
Bedbugs are attracted to those type of colours
Yes, I think her butt is cute.
Women do you do paintings with your period blood?
Ok, that's enough 4chan for me to today. G'night, guys.
>quite a lot
Considering the average person was replacing them every time the 2 year contract was up it's not very many. My brother beats me but my sister's had twice as many.
>why no computer
I just don't need one. Any computer shit I do I can do on this thing. And there are plenty of TVs in the house, even got one out here.

Frankly my diagnosis is outdated and incorrect and I'm not really sure any more. It's not psychosis though.

Eh. I think she would rather I not be here. We get along decently like we're good vacation partners but we're shit roommates.
They thought I had bipolar 2. Fucked me up worse than my brain did on it's own
Agree, shit's fucked.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. I'm saying I never cared.
A serial killer used his own blood and his victims blood to paint a portrait of himself. No that's blasphemous
Put the dress on and then do it for me, k thanks!
How would you even do that? Dries too quickly.
I've considered doing it just for the lulz but the logistics of collecting it and storing it until I have it all hold me back
>I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. I'm saying I never cared.
How boring. But I admittedly tire of this debate, so we might as well end it here.
>shit's fucked
Yeah, I'm very sorry you had to go through that ):
Every 2 years?! I've been using the same phone for almost a decade lol
>plenty of TVs in the house, even got one out here.
Comfy, what do you like to watch?
Idk if girls are in this thread but ill ask anyway.
I am 27 and a kissless hugless virgin. None of my current coworkers know this but they also know I have been single for 2 years. I am pretty social so I've lied and said ive been relationships before and just focusing on myself and they all buy it because im good looking, financially stable, friendly, funny etc.
But i know if i ever get a GF or go on a date they will know immediately and be repulsed by it. I know its a big red flag. it's not because of religious reasons or being fat/ugly. I just never dated in school because never was into anyone. I found girls attractive maybe, but I was never into even making friends with them because i dont relate to girls.
I also dont really have "social hobbies". I work, go to gym, cook at home, watch masculine sports like mma/football.

I refuse to use dating apps or go to a bar and try pick up lines.
My friends are all male and the ones that did get married or have a long term gf all met their girl at a young age (met in high school or college) and just stuck with them. (i dont have friends that do casual hookups).

What do I do. I feel like there must be girls similar to me wondering the same thing but maybe im just deluded.
Thoughts on texting a girl "gotta shower"?
Women do you get irritated when men smile?
>Every 2 years?! I've been using the same phone for almost a decade lol
Anon, are you not able to upgrade every 2 years?
Go for it. My ex did that
It's fine? I tell boys I need to shower.
No, it's nice, it means they're in a good mood but sometimes I can't tell if they're smirking or smiling
It serves no purpose to upgrade a phone that often. I don't care about normalfag cred
Updates? Stuff just stops working on old OS.
many such cases
I'm a special case but it confuses me because I have autism.
Women if you were in an rpg, what would be your weapon of choice?
Fuck that, I've had stuff locked on old versions of Android.
I don't use anything except 4chan and phonecalls/sms. I would still be using a fucking dynatac if I was able
>messaging girl on disc
>randomly sends me voice message
>now I feel like I have to
Fuck fuck fuck I hate this.
I can't listen to my voice without cringing, and I can't record without using indoor voices.
Mage stick but realistically sais.
Bitch put some cassia cinnamon in there
Thanks anon
Mostly I watch other people engage in my hobbies and history documentaries on YouTube.
My brother has tons of issues because shits no longer supported on his Pixel 1
grim, have you tried using a dumb phone?
send her you making funny noises completely unprompted.
>My brother has tons of issues because shits no longer supported on his Pixel 1
My phone is literally 12 years old and I've only had 1 app not work on it and that was the filter meter for the house.
Worst: "okay ttyl"
Mid: "without me!?"
Best: "show me when you're done ;)"
Nothing to lose.
Oh cool, what hobbies do you have?
"I haven't showered in a month because I was too lazy to do it."
It's not that it's "repulsive", it's actually the safest thing there is since that means you'll have no STDs, but what makes it a red flag is that it means without a doubt, you are likely going to be a womans first relationship ever, and 99% of men are horrificly awful during first relationships. They're usually just going off of imagination, and get very angry once they realize women arent like how they imagine them to be, once they realize that we're actually just normal people just like he is. It's the pressure of knowing he's going to have many unrealistic expectations of you, and not understand what you're feeling or why. Plus, if he's 30 without dating even once, usually that's for an alarming reason too (freaks people out, might be hateful or homicidal/suicidal).

Having said all that, I was the exact same as you. I didnt even think of dating until my mid 20s, and irl I dont date either. I'm in a LDR right now, but that's it. I have kissed or hugged or anything irl either which I'm hoping will change soon. I met my bf through hobbies, so all I can really suggest is that. If possible, try to meet someone who's already doing something that you naturally love to do, that way you two will have a shared interest to bond over and it'll be less awkward.
No, they should do that more. Every time they take a picture, they're frowning and looking like serial killers and then crying on the internet about no one liking their dating profiles. Try smiling and looking approachable.
Casting weapon
Well good for you. He complains about it weekly.
He'd probably complain less if you just gave him a disinterested handjob.
Go jerk off somewhere else
Girls, you're good at emotions and things, and I think I have autism so I'm not very good at dealing with things. Basically I'm wanting to close the pull list I have at my comic shop. If you don't know what that is, it's the list of titles you'll buy every issue so the store will hold them for you. I'm leaving the store because this particular store did a bad job of actually getting me all the issues I want, just because the guy running it makes lots of mistakes. It's also far away from my house and I'm tired of driving there, and it turns out that there's sites where you can preorder comics online for far cheaper than you can get in a store.

So for all those reasons, I'm leaving the shop. But I have to give notice because it wouldn't be right to let them pile up a stack of books for me if I'm not going to come buy them. Next week is the last week before the comics I've preordered start showing up. I really do not want to have this conversation face to face, so I'm thinking that I'll pick up my last books from the shop on Wednesday, and then send him an email. Something like this:
>Hello, this is [my name]. I'm cutting back on some things and so unfortunately I'd like to close my pull list at the [name of city] location. Thank you very much.

Is that okay? Is there anything you'd add? Even though I wasn't very happy with the service, the guy who ran the store was a nice dude.
>more and more studies seem to suggest that bdp, schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD are largely heritable, and these entail an array of character traits)
They do. You can also find them being referenced in >>31696333 in the genotypic data on the right. They looked at genotypic traits which correlate with these mental illnesses and looked for associations with sexlessness. As you can see, Tourette's, OCD, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder is insignificant when it comes to sexlessness, while there is a negative association with Anxiety, MDD, PTSD and ADHD. Autism and Anorexia positively predict sexlessness in men.

>However, I do believe in determinism. Our behaviors are largely determined by factors beyond our comprehension or awareness alone means that freedom of choice is at best largely bullshit. It's just that it isn't a fun idea to contemplate that your actions have long been decided before even the universe came to existence. I don't think anyone can eat, work, go out, function ... while being conscious of this idea and not blow their brains out
I agree. We can take solace in the fact that we have a qualitative experience of free will at least and while it is questionable to which extent we can induce change from within (even if it is pre-determined change), we most certainly are affected by our environment, the other agents we encounter, etc. - so our view points may change and we may exhibit different behaviour, which is again informed by our largely immutable and largely heritable personality, but may still differ in one way or another. In that regard, people afflicted with "genotypic virginity", may not completely lose hope.
A d- no, I need my smartphone. It's my calendar, note taker, alarm clock, web browsing, vidya, video player, camera, gps, music player, fitness tracker, banking, personal assistant, and masturbation aid.

I have a dumb phone in my go bag.
All I think think about is fucking her prone bone and watch that ass bounce
Just because I suggest something sexual doesn't mean I'm jerking off or even horny...
>negative association with Anxiety, MDD, PTSD and ADHD
Wait wtf why am I still a virgin then
Women, do you have a go bag?
Women are you scared of thunder/lightening?
Uh oh, abandon thread!
No I'm not THAT kind of mentally ill
>99% of men are horrificly awful during first relationships
NTA but isn't that more likely an issue with immaturity and the impulsiveness of youth than a question of experience? Most men tend to have their first relationships while young. I am highly sceptical whether an adult, mature guy - with the type of personality that typically predicts a lack of relationship experience (i.e. risk avoidant, agreeable, etc.) - would exhibit the same type of behaviour a 17 years old guy shows who has the personality of someone who is likely to have early relationship experiences.
I do, you just reminded me that I need to swap the food.

I take some offence at this. I live in an area where tornadoes and evacuations are common.
>I live in an area where tornadoes and evacuations are common.
Oh right. Weather. When the only kind of big weather we get hits I'm not going fucking anywhere lol.
What a ride, 4chin is better than any netflix show
Heh. Snow?
These are genotypic associations. While there is a strong genotypic component to the development of mental illness, the environment also plays a role. The fact that there is a negative association does not mean that there is a very strong association or that you won't find people who despite manifesting and carrying traits which negatively predict sexlessness still remain sexless - they are just less likely to remain sexless, but there is no guarantee.
Yup. Snow is such a cunt sometimes but it beats tornadoes. Sorry anon.
The jig is up, we all know that you are just three (sometimes 2) Cappybaras stacked on top of each other.
>they are just less likely to remain sexless
Anons, there is hope...
Why u so mad?
Yes! but the problem is, it doesnt matter how old they are. Even if you're 30, your first relationship you still won't be that good for her. There will be a learning curve, and in my experience, that makes a lot of men upset. Eventually they figure everything out after dating another woman and realizing how stupid they were being, but being his first means that you will usually be fantasy popper and he will resent you for that. In his mind, relationships are supposed to go one way, but when she acts out of the character that he imagines her as in his head, he gets angry with her, because why isnt she following the script?? Women are supposed to be like this, so why is she acting like that? He always loves a version of you that he's imagining, not you as an actual person. He struggles to understand you, because he's not thinking about what you're thinking, he's thinking about "how can i make her act how I thought she's supposed to?". It never mattered his age. The last one who was like this toward me was 31 years old. I adored him, but that was too much. He couldnt understand why I felt anything other than happy 100% of the time. He thought women were naturally bright bubbly balls of un-ending sunshine. He couldnt fathom that sometimes I stress or feel hurt just like him. At 31 years old, his first time getting close to a woman. So. I dont know, could just be an autistic 4channer thing.
Women, helicopters or planes?
>They're usually just going off of imagination, and get very angry once they realize women arent like how they imagine them to be
i dont think this is how adult act. I understand many people under 30 act like manchildren but I am certain I have realistic expectations and not some big imagination. I have a sister a year younger than me.

>I'm in a LDR right now, but that's it. I have kissed or hugged or anything irl either which I'm hoping will change soon.
So youre still a khv? what do you mean irl? youve edated? Which hobbies did you meet him through? All my hobbies are pretty solo. I dont really like many social hobbies because i dont like depending on others. I want to get into fishing but again, this is a male dominated solo hobby
I struggled with viewing my ex like this a lot, but I've learned better. There is some hope out there.
Nta so basically he (me too) should just quit while we're behind
Life Is Strange

I hope you are doing well. Apologies for my late response; I was not feeling well for the past few days due to the recent storm.

I have decided to withdraw my application due to some personal commitments I have made with my family. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards,

What do you guys and gals think? Is it too much? It feels like I'm breaking up with someone kek
No worries! Do you have weather proofing for windows and doors?
Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening.
Helic- dammit, this is a sex joke, isn't it?
Women why cant you pass a mirror without posing in front of it?
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Once I called a girl to profess my love to her
She just wanted to be friends
I'm curious about the hypotheses behind the different traits chosen in the pic you referenced. For eg, skin tanning or smoking? etc
Because it's the truth, uh oh!
I've never felt love
At least I saved myself from embarrassment
Aren't...everyone's? Wait do people in mild climates just have single pane windows?
no its an autism thing, sorry
Femanon, why aren't you sitting on my back and trying to antagonize me during my work out?
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There are plenty of men who married their high school girlfriend without having to try their luck anew and plenty of men with a lot of practical relationship experiences who never learn to behave. I am fairly certain personality traits are much more predictive of how men behave themselves than experience. The risk avoidant, timid type, who is very agreeable, nerdy, etc. is unlikely to explode in your face about something. Admittedly, it may depend on his level of autism, but in terms of general tendencies I'm sceptical here. Especially considering that when it comes to criminal behaviour there is also a clear association with age.
Gotta check my hair
Having a sister is a great sign imo. If you havent dated before, then at least you've grown up with women and so you're expectations are usually a lot more down to earth.
I've only ever e-dated yes. Met through gaming. But as a woman I will be very very honest with you, it is hard to meet women through gaming. But it is possible, clearly! but some of them are kind of weird. and also, I feel like a lot of guys online..it's kind of like dating apps. People think, "oh..let me keep sorting through people and see how good I can get". and then they waste years talking to all these different people and never settling down with one because they constantly think they can pull better. Its like that with both men and women in online gaming. I grew very used to that. Meeting a guy, but noticing that he was kind of holding out to see if he could nab any better, and then I'd just block him. So if you do meet one, act with intention. Something like that.
Yeah, that's the thing. Eventually you DO learn it, and you DO become a great man. Which makes it hurt even more lol. Because you see that he can be great, but he just can't with you yet. and you cant teach him, because with you, he won't want to learn. He just thinks somethings wrong with only you. but once he figures out 'oh wait, theyre just all people too' then he's loving, kind, supportive, all these great things. So, to be a mans first, is to be his compass for his next girlfriend. That's about it. You will be his stepping stone and nothing more, which makes it never worth the risk.
Make female friends and just try to learn a lot from them. Quiet shy types. or even just watch fucking nerdy girl vlogs. Unlearn your fantasy habits, and you will usually be much more prepared and won't just end up a heartbreaker.
Yeah, high school learning curves are normal, everyone's learning at that time. Not so much in 30s. By 30s, youre too tired to teach someone how to not be a shitter to you.
Aesthetic hand
I always want the girl I can't have. It wounds me.
>every man is a literal autist in his first relationship
do you genuinely believe this is the case?
>By 30s, youre too tired to teach someone how to not be a shitter to you.
My point is: most men mellow out over time on their own - and some men never mellow out. Whether there is an association between men being likely to treat you badly and men having had no relationship success (or never having even tried), is something I'm highly sceptical of, due to the fact that the traits which predict not having had relationships typically point in the very opposite direction. Picking a random man on tinder (for whom there is data indicating that they score high in dark triad traits) and a random 30 year old dude who has never had a girlfriend, I suspect the latter is less likely to treat you badly than the former.
Prime handjob hand
>I'd let her scratch open my back!
kill yourself
>So, to be a mans first, is to be his compass for his next girlfriend. That's about it. You will be his stepping stone and nothing more, which makes it never worth the risk.
Sounds like you've suffered a lot in your life. I'm sorry for your pain.
>If he wants to put it in your butt its not really that big of a deal
Increasing your risk of getting cancer is a very big deal
Girls, would you ever fuck someone with down syndrome?
A man in a non-fag relationship shouldn't be acting a faggot
Women would you let me cover your butt in icing and sprinkles for my birthday?
Sadness about relationships? Or a more generalized sadness?
Gave flowers in public. She did take it. Still a bit embarrassing though with everyone staring.
At least he's straight
>But as a woman I will be very very honest with you, it is hard to meet women through gaming
i dont think so. every girl seems to only have videogames and anime as hobbies.

I dont do either because i outgrew them as a teenager. I get anxious playing videogames now because it feels like a big waste of my life. I cant multitask. If youre dating guys who play videogames, they will probably be more like manchildren with unrealistic imaginations. Not hating on people who play videogames but I do think normal people with real responsibilities and ambitions grow out of it naturally during the college years. Most of our parents don't play videogames nor have a desire to.

I think I do act with intention with everyone I meet. This is what a man should be. Playing games and looking for better is just weird and honestly feels like girl behavior to me..Not to be sexist but ive had a few girls try monkey branching to me and it repulsed me.
Do girls find it cringe and beta when guys use emojis?
No, they find it amusing and perplexing and or annoying
Why does my gf brush her hair before a blowjob?
>t. First gf
>We investigated phenotypic and genetic correlates of never having had sex in ~400,000 UK residents aged 39 to 73 and ~13,500 Australian residents aged 18 to 89. The strongest associations revealed that sexless individuals were more educated, less likely to use alcohol and smoke, more nervous, lonelier, and unhappier. Sexlessness was more strongly associated with physical characteristics (e.g. upper body strength) in men than in women. Sexless men tended to live in regions with fewer women, and sexlessness was more prevalent in regions with more income inequality. Common genetic variants explained 17% and 14% of variation in sexlessness in men and women, with a genetic correlation between sexes of 0.56. Polygenic scores predicted a range of related outcomes in the Australian dataset. Our findings uncover multifaceted correlates of human intimacy of evolutionary significance.

>To examine phenotypic correlates of sexlessness, we selected 253 phenotypes (Table S1) that had an effective sample size larger than 10,000 and were related to domains of mental health, sleep, exercise, substance use, risk taking behavior, cognition, health, and occupation. Sexlessness was significantly associated with 149 of these traits (Table S2), of which 35 explained 1% or more of the variance (presented in Figure 1).

>I dont know, could just be an autistic 4channer thing.
Not even...I suspect you're dating discorders.
You don't have a gf.
Otherwise you would've asked her, fucking gooner cunt
Brittany Venti says yes
It's just been my personal experience. Which to be fair, 4chan and gaming is full of autists, so. Probably a normie might be fine.
They get calmer for sure, yes. But they still in my experience were just as lost. Being mellowed out didn't save any of them from still not understanding anything. I don't like dating apps so I cant speak for those, but the latter has usually been awful. I wish I could tell you otherwise but I cant lol. Again, could just be normie virgins that are better instead of nerdy ones.
It happens. I got my feelings hurt a lot yes, but all but one eventually came back and apologized, so it's alright. The last one I believe realized he was flatout gay, but wont come to terms with it because of his religion, so I expect he'll struggle forever and never apologize but that's alright too lol. Lot going on there anyway. I'm not sorry or regretful of pouring love into others, I just wish sometimes that it was more common that some would pour it back into me too. It's getting there lately!
Yeah, they generally are. It has to be a balance where they do stuff irl too, not just gaming. As long as you're honest and upfront, then you should be fine.
I'm too hag to be a discord kitten lol
If I find the male equivalent of this girl...yeah
every man is a literal autist in his first relationship
>do you genuinely believe this is the case

nah, he's gay
>I just wish sometimes that it was more common that some would pour it back into me too. It's getting there lately!
Ah I'm sure you'll find someone, it does take a lot of picking through the trash heap to find it. But also maybe I'm lucky. I've had made wonderful people in my life.
That guy is just larping though, so that doesn't count
>Pointing to another literal autist to make your case
>I'm too hag to be a discord kitten lol
How do you meet them then? /v/? You have to get in contact somehow. Surely it wasn't dropping a phone number in a 4chan thread...
Wait, did you co-author this study?
Shut yo punk white ass up, I will kill you. Quit using gendered language.
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I'm on the coke comedown rn and holy shit lmao, the despair is harrowing
Gonna try and nap it off and just distract myself, hope that you have a fantastic weekend yourself anon
I'm not trying to invalidate your experience, I'm just saying that if we look at the traits that tend to actually correlate with late male virginity, they are pretty much the opposite of what is conventionally regarded as assertive, masculine, etc. so I suspect the risk of some random man of the same age behaving badly is actually much higher - especially if we consider that a guy of a certain age who has had past relationships is probably in part responsible for messing these up and whether he's going to learn from the experience rather than repeat the behavioural patterns is also highly questionable. In most personality traits, people tend to be rather static.

>could just be normie virgins that are better instead of nerdy ones
It could be that 4chan moids are a special kind of bad - I'm just talking about the general case.
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your bath routines women. please.
let's hear it. tell all.
men will do the same in return
No, I was just quoting from it.
I'm a moid, and one lacking any artistic talent. So I don't really have the vocabulary to explain why, but something seems kind of "off" about it.
interfering here.
i have a lot of muslim and orthodox jewish friends. they all wait till marriage. some mid-late 20s. ben shapiro is one of them. regardless of what you personally think of him, he nail'd his first relationship with his wife. i dont like hearing him talk on most subjects but when it comes to his marriage and kids, he's always spitting wisdom. my muzzie/jew friends are similar. They generally wait till marriage and get introduced by friends/community and then marry and are prob the happiest couples ever. they understand their gender roles well and have realistic expectations of each other. there is no fantasy of women being angels or never farting etc. this alone tells me men can handle first relationships fine without being full autismo
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My life is cringe lol, what about it?
Good point, anon.
I want to bury my face in her ass
women, do you know how to ride a horse?
Most of their dogs know how to ride them
I hate when guys like this ruin it for the rest of us
>tried to watch one of my favourite films
>end up getting bored 20 minutes in and turning it off
Is anyone else just unable to enjoy anything anymore
what does this mean? Can you canter?
I am a male learning to ride. It seems to come more naturally for girls. I am wondering how common it is. All riding shops have mostly women gear
>No. I am 6ft.
he asked women
>all women are white
Should I buy a house now, or should I wait till I get a GF and get married?
living for free at my aunts place for now
Women, how long did it take for you to get use to riding dick?
Don't call me or my wife's son ever again.
>Thinks its only white women
That's not that bad. We had a 6'3 one im the past
I had one lesson and found out I was allergic so. No lol.
About 2 weeks of very intensive exposure therapy.
Pile of shit shitposter
Both Genders
I'm 34 fucking years old, I thought I would have overcome my social anxiety at this point but I haven't. What do? I don't really want to talk to people, not so much because I was afraid of them, but its just so exhausting and annoying to deal with.
Kind of rude. Just don't call me handyman ok?
nta, but should he call you a manhandy?
Talk to people.
It continues to be exhausting and often annoying but it's no longer scary.
Shouldn't call me anything, except maybe Real Nigga.
>mommy during the first date.
Tall girls and tiddy monsters have the worst fans.
(No offense to women either demographic)
I'll call you faggola
No I'm a woman but also that anon who posted his hand was hot as all fuck
Sure you are.
Sorry but I'm married.
You're a beta
is vascularity really that big of a deal to women? It seems gross to me 2bh
If you're over 5'8, you're not a woman.
If you're under 5'8, you're not a man
Gays have been in straight marriages for years as a cover. How does this change anything?
>Kate Upton is a man
depends, but that guy has been spamming himself the entire thread
I haven’t posted a single picture this thread.
>guy has been spamming himself
the tranny pipeline really is real, lmao
Is not just vascularity
It's the length and girth of the fingers
It's the skin tone, pale or tanned
It's whether or not there is hair on the knuckles and hand
It's the particularity of the nails
It's the quality of "roughness" which denotes a hard worker and grounded strong man vs the quality of "softness" which denotes a gentle healing supportive touch that's a different kind of strength that's still sexy and everything in between
It's also the attitude behind the hand which can make the hand even hotter
Do you understand hope that helps thank u
Holy shit I haven't heard this song in such a long time.
women do you know how to ride a dick?
She's a sex trafficked victim
Thank you! I believe there are still many good people as well!
MMO. I know some couples who met from MMO's and have been happily married for years and go to conventions and stuff together and are so so adorable. I even know two MMO couples who have children together now! I know it can work out, it just takes weeding. I dont intentionally online date anyway. Usually I get asked a lot to give someone a chance and then eventually I give in lol.
Ah. Yeah some of them werent that masculine at all. The 31 year old though was, which is why I gave him a shot in the first place. Military trained and everything. All that and he still was so weird. Unfortunate. Looked amazing in uniform, sigh.
It's funny that you say that, because the one who realized he was gay was actually orthodox jew or whatever it was lmao. He follows those kind of people on social media. He was 1000% into traditional roles. The problem was, he had an addiction to looking at dick pics, I discovered. He was clearly gay. But he didnt want to be. He wanted to be with a woman. So I was his first attempt at being a holy man with a woman (he took my virginity as a sign from god). but it didnt work, he couldnt stand anything about it. He had his dream and still jerked off to men so from that I learned to just ignore religious men. If theyre not married that late, they're probably closet homos.
>tfw I have one rough hand and one soft
I should probably wear both of my gloves when working
They’re right.
Okay, I read some of the study you gave me the link to, and I still didn't find the rationale behind the traits chosen (eg, snoring?)
However, I can agree the conclusion the study came to makes sense (more likely to exhibit risk taking tendencies = more likely to also have had sex) But I read your comment to this anon (this one: >>31697368) and I thought the men on tinder who might score higher on dark triad traits, well, how likely are they to be in a committed relationship
I think there might be a sweet spot between 0 risk taking and contant risk taking
this is so real...
early millenial girls were the last generation of wife material women. i meet some but the fact they cant have kids anymore is depressing. they even age better than late millenial and zoomer women.

picrel is 38. compare this to every zoomer actress that is aging like bananas
Are knuckle hairs good or bad?
I should've married one when I had the chance...
Would a girl rather have an army of simps financing her neet life or a bf who isnt rich so she would have to work.
>The 31 year old though was, which is why I gave him a shot in the first place.
That's probably also which makes him an outlier in terms of adult virginity. With the conventionally masculine traits came conventionally masculine behaviour.
as an early zoomer...i never had the chance. I dated a 38 year old when i was 23 but the fact we wouldnt get married for at least 2 years meant we likely wouldnt have healthy kids caused me to end it.
>be 34
>no job (I'm looking)
>still living with parents
>dreading about working a job
>not because I don't want to work but it means I have to interact with society and with women again
Don't hate women, but I was really loving being invisible to women and society at large, its peaceful as fuck.
>they're probably closet homos.
anon...i think you just have bad luck.
gays are a small percent of the human population.
>I get asked a lot to give someone a chance and then eventually I give in lol.
by mutual friends? or does the guy keep asking, because if latter thats cringe/creepy
They simply analysed a huge data sample from the UK where people were asked all kinds of random things. They did not specifically ask people for that with any kind of rationale, they simply looked at what data they had and searched for correlations with regard to the question of whether they have had sex.

I suspect the snoring thing might be related to the fact that a lonely adult guy who has never had sex probably has no idea whether he snores or not. The guys who can give a specific answer have probably been in a relationship.
That sucks, anon. It seems like it's hopeless now that everyone has been poisoned by social media
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Should I stop playing mercy as a guy?
I come from a WoW background, so I had the mindset of noobs should play healers
This is first time in on this thread and every "woman" answer is just very wrong to what a normal non autistic woman irl would think.

It feels like the girls here have dated r9k guys and think thats all men.
I use to lay bricks without gloves and my hands would get crazy calluses so much that they actually lost range of motion, I had to go into the doctors to get them to peel off the calluses so I could actually get that range of motions back.
Why don't you play Ana? Or Kiriko? Or Lifeweaver?
Could be!
So I'm told!
Sometimes it was friends, sometimes it was 'we just met and I think we could be something'. All I know was, the most consistent thing out of all of them was not having been in a relationship before. So after years of being someones first, I finally decided to never see men who havent dated before as anything more than friends, ever. It's just been way too many messes. Maybe someone else will have better luck with that, but for me personally, the moment I hear 'ive never been in a relationship' I disregard anything further they have to say in terms of someday being more. It's just not going to happen. I think for me, I would like if he's had at least 1-2 long term relationships before. I don't care about virginity, I just dont want to be anyones relationship mommy anymore teaching them anything. I'm happy right now, at least.
If you mean me, I've disclaimed several times now that I don't mean all men. If you're still applying my words to all men, then that's you generalizing, not me. Stop bullying other men, jeez.
over 1000 hours of your life you will never get back...really don't understand videogame people.
i suppose im wasting time on 4chan..
Would the former still have a sex life?
Almost like time having fun isn't a waste.
>sits and watches tv and movies
>sits and read pop fiction and romance books
>If you mean me
Not particularly. Just in general. I scrolled through. Idk who is a real girl or larp. I think I can tell well but never know.

The men arent much better, but I expect autistic incel talk from males on 4chan.
I've started playing ana some
Stick with Ana. Mercy is only really good if you have a duo to pocket. What's your rank?
>I thought the men on tinder who might score higher on dark triad traits, well, how likely are they to be in a committed relationship I think there might be a sweet spot between 0 risk taking and contant risk taking
You are right, of course. Being risk completely risk avoidant is obviously not great. I was just stressing that this Anon's fears, that these lonely men would completely misbehave in a relationship due to their lack of experience are probably unfounded. I wouldn't be surprised if relationships with them were actually more stable than those of the average man of the same age (who obviously has a history of failed relationships at that point - which in part may also have something to do with his own behaviour). If there is a problem it would be more likely that they simply wouldn't be regarded attractive by their partners because of their lack of masculine behaviour resulting in low relationship satisfaction rather than these guys turning into abusers.
I am not having fun. I have no friends and 4chan is my only way of talking to people outside of work.
I only play Lucio
What's autistic about answering questions that are asked on adv?
Nta but that is because here people say it how they mean it. Irl you just always have to give the socially accepted and expected answer. I too can larp as a edgeless normie girl and i do because it makes life much easier.
Vidya with friends is kino. By yourself can get depressing
Mercy is for healsluts who get off on being yelled at and degraded. You should play someone else.
That's a good point, one that I've actually happened to come across somewhere else but forgot about

Anyway, thank you for everything anon: for talking to me, for the study, for being patient with my late responses ^^' (I swear I have good reasons), and for over all being nice :)
>anyones relationship mommy anymore teaching them anything
I dont understand this.
Are you dating literal autistic people on the spectrum? People should be socially aware enough to understand other people's perspectives as adults.
have you thought about trying to get into board gaming instead? I'm the opposite of you, I had friends that I dropped because I wanted to be alone more.
Nta but this is such a cope. Relationships are a skill and people that never dated only think they will be hood at it in theory. In practice they will suck ass at it. They are the same as those giys that shout snd scream at football players on the tv about „i would have scored/i would have held it“. Yeah sure. Then go on the field and show it because knowing how to play and actually putting it in practice consistently under pressure and in real time are two vastly different things.
Nah, this is a pretty astute observation. I fucked up my first relationship so badly. Neither of us knew what we were doing but I was far more clueless than she was and things progressively got worse and worse as time went on and I resented her more and more for not leaving me.

I still try to hit her up once in a while but evidently that just pisses her off to no end. That’s part of the reason I abandoned social media. All it ever does is drive me to drink and try to hit up old or failed romantic interests.
I just said I don't have real friends anymore.
Maybe I am a pessimist, but I think most friends drift away when you get older. The people I like seeing and being social with now are my coworkers. We dont really hang outside of work though. They're older and married. If i had a gf/wife id prob get invited over but i dont have that.
I slightly disagree anon. Engaging in relationships is important, because it helps us understand what we want from a partner as well as ourselves.

Also, to clarify: when I said "nice" I don't mean sexless, ugly.. :p
>Relationships are a skill
To some extent this may be true, but it is a fact that some people are naturals at it and some people never learn. I believe you are underestimating the hereditary component of having stable relationships. I maintain my position: past a certain age, most people on the dating market are leftovers of various kinds and there is a reason why their previous relationships failed. Whether you're better off betting on the people who have already proven to be bad at relationships than on the people who have never tried is something I'm sceptical of. It could be that these men would be horrible at relationships, but it could also be that due to them being mostly agreeable, nerdy kinds of guys (not even scoring high in neuroticism), it's by no means a given.
There is no pain, you are receding.
all ships sink in the end, some are sabotaged, some are accidents, some are insurance fraud.
Who cares? I use them all the time because they add a lot of flavor to text. If a chick seriously judges someone for something like that then she’s a fucking idiot.
Nta but no. My favorite bf’s were ones who had no sisters and had never been in relationships before. They were adorable and sweet and never made me feel like I was spoiling their fantasy. That being said, they were all exceptionally intelligent and kind people with healthy self esteems from intense involvement in some hobby or other
Sometimes they find it boring if you don’t. There’s no winning
>I'm the opposite of you, I had friends that I dropped because I wanted to be alone more.

Thats not the opposite of me. I had lots of friends in college. you just get older and people just become flakey and many of them got married and families and use that as an excuse for why they cant hang. i dont blame them. if i were married and had kids id prob never hang out with people other than like family and maybe like dinner.
> That being said, they were all exceptionally intelligent and kind people with healthy self esteems from intense involvement in some hobby or other
so what you're saying is, I will still make it
>downloading OW2 so I can check my stats
You really did that cuz I asked for your rank?
The quickest path to being a man is to literally ignore women and what they think. Gain skills, get money, make friends and do stuff, consume non-trash media that adds perspective and gets you to think deeply (even if its about silly things), work out and take care of yourself. Over time you'll just develop a magnetism that will attract women almost effortlessly, then that is when it gets hard. Not getting love drunk on women who want to use and abuse you and filtering them out.
nah, I'm not that anon, I don't play ranked.
Why not? Comp is fun.
Nta, but the study you gave me showed reclusion, less friends and family visits etc meant also likely less sex
So how could we talk about stable relationships here?
it's not
it's what takes out the fun
Different strokes I guess. Tryharding is what's fun to me.
Oh, thank YOU Anon, for humouring me. These topics can be a bit gloomy and fatalist, questioning some of the priors that modern, liberal societies are built upon, such as the primacy of individual agency or free will in general. Normally, they typically result in heated debates. Your polite response is fairly unusual.
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lol, I don't play this game at all.
Yes and no.
You need to learn to be empathetic towards others. A person who has friends and is kind to others will do fine in their first relationship. A guy who had many gfs but never learned empathy will still be bad at it.

Relationships aren't hard at all. Be direct, make your intentions clear. Girls regardless if its their first or 100th relationship don't know how to steer the ship.
>tryharding is fun
xQc ass take
It's not a take it's my life.
aight, bed time.
I have pretty vascular arms and chicks seem to dig it. It’s pretty aesthetic, ngl.
I would argue that being withdrawn alone would indicate a deterioration of such relationships. I don't think it's necessarily due to bad or abusive behaviour - which would not be in-line with the general personality profile.
I agree, that is how they should be.
Aww. I'm sorry to hear that. It's difficult to go through. Maybe some day she will grow past that pain too. People don't mean to hurt each other usually, in situations like this. It's just literally that you don't yet know any better. It's why I always forgave past relationship mistakes. None of it was ever cheating or anything violent or life ruining. Was just first timers being lost. Someday (ideally) its no big deal anymore. Hell, I even went to a concert with one not too long ago. Sure he once ripped my heart out a little bit, but I dont know. I dont really get being mad about it forever. It's whatever. I hope someday the bond between you two can heal properly too. or maybe just the next one you meet, things go a lot better and that never happens again.
Why bother living if you aren't going to at least try? You're just a coward trying to cover up through humor and irony that you're just afraid to fail and afraid to live.
didnt say that. just not a woman
kate upton has really disappointing tits too. not interested
>kate upton has really disappointing tits too.

1/10 elbows too pointy
I'm afraid I have to go now, anon. I hope you have a great day/night!
Xqc still sucks at all games when he tries hard.
But he is a legend for inventing "it is what it is". People who don't know him use it all the time now.
State gender,
what are your hobbies?
Thank you, Anon. You too!
Hard disagree, you can grow during a relationship, as long as you express your concerns and the other side is mature enough both of you can grow together.
I'm with my first and hopefully last gf and I honestly believe I'm a pretty decent boyfriend, not perfect by any means, but I'm trying.
If anything my worst trait is being naive and loving her without holding back.
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>Comp is fun.
NTA but I don't want people yelling in my ear how bad I am all the time and threatening to leave the game when I don't join vc.
Just ignore them. Who cares? I never joined the vc I just play.
>I don't want people yelling in my ear how bad I am all the time
This literally never happens to me (unless I pick Widow).
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>unless I pick Widow
Unless it's xbox live during the late 00's to early 10's I don't want to talk in VC
If I can't scream THE word at the top of my lungs to shit players then it's trash
what do i do with all the money i saved for a wife/kids now that i realize i will never have a gf/wife because im a virgin in my mid 20s?
i saved like half a million...
My only hobby is playing video games and I'm not even good at them.
i go swimming. listen to music. play with bugs. think about things.
Holy shit bro lmao. I don't even think I have 335 hours period. The other 4 are based though.
Absolutely! Someone is going to feel very lucky to have met you
Based take and true.
>I don’t really get being mad about it forever.
This is something that I’ll never fucking understand. It’s been over 15 years. The last time she spoke to me she told me that I “scare her” (which makes sense, when we were dating I was also beginning to experiment with drugs and said a lot of crazy unhinged shit to her) and I tried to tell her plainly that I had no idea what the fuck I was doing of how to treat a lady properly back then.

Seems like she has nothing left for me but utter disdain kek. I seem to have bad luck with women in that all the ones I become attracted to are thin-skinned princesses who can’t handle any insults or criticism. Then again, I tend to cut deep when I want to. I can be a mean son of a bitch.

I wish I was better, anon. For all the good traits I have, I can be pretty ugly to other people.
Women, have you been to the beach this summer?
>didnt say that. just not a woman
What kind of bugs?
I haven't played comp yet. I'm a noob
I have adhd so I have way too many hobbies and I'm too lazy to write them down, basically if you can think it, I probably have at least dabbled in it.
beetles. centipedes. roll bugs. ants. bees. dragonflies. whatever i can get to hang around me mostly. theyre very curious usually and like walking all over me.
I need to get off this site and go out and meet women. I need to figure out where to meet and talk to women and date some of them. I know I won't, though. I'll be back here tomorrow, and the next day, and next week, and next year. I wish I wasn't like this.
No I'm too shy. I drove past one though! There were lots of people on it. This was like 2 days ago.
Ah..hmmm. Stop being mean. I'm trying to think of something else to say, but I can't. There are billions of people on earth. The problem for you is that mean people arent common. If someone is mean to you, you can just block them and go talk to someone who is nice. So what is the benefit to having someone around you who just hurts you a lot? What is the point of it? Why suffer when you dont have to? You know that you're mean, so you're not too far gone. I hope someday you can lose that trait, and then you will see your life and love flourish more
I had a little shithead ant bit me today, it hurt like a mother fucker.
You may hate it, but you have a shit ton of agency as the healer. Ana is really hard to play properly but she's my main, super fun.
think of it like a skill check in a game. your situational awareness didn't protect you. look out for anthills, antlines, be more in tune with your skin and nerves. you can prevent it if you get better at living.
no, no, no this ant was on a mission. I was sitting at my computer when he bit me.
Not yet : (
Chess, boxing, calisthenics and origami (I've neglected that recently tho)
this reads like nerd who started the latter 2 in his 20s.
middle 2*
Are there really shy femanons? Where do I meet them?
>inb4 in their rooms
I'm doing a degree in math, I can't tell you I'm not a nerd. But boxing is the only recent one, chess since middle school and the other two since highschool
I'm only shy if I like you
>No I'm too shy. I drove past one though!

I wore a hoodie to the beach because I'm too shy to remove my shirt, or wear something thin.
>t. Moid
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Does this look skinny fat?
Not me, just wondering.
No, it doesn't.
>open /atoga/ because have a question
>start typing question
>realize I can easily simulate all the answers I'll get in my brain
>post this instead
>close /atoga/
Anything less looks borderline sick
>So what is the benefit to having someone around you who just hurts you a lot?
I think this is my problem. I end up hurting everyone, even people I love. I don’t know how to not do it. I’m afraid of hurting others and then them fucking off. I’ve gone overboard with this so many times. Everyone I know is so sensitive. Even when I think I’m helping, all I end up doing is alienating myself.

I don’t know if there’s anything I can do about it. It’s been my problem forever. I’m going to die as a lonely, miserable old fart if I don’t figure out how to quit hurting others.
I'm not shy or insecure I just don't fucking like how other people think or act.
Wha? Lmao

Man, the body dysmorphia must run deep in zoomer femanons.
To be honest there really isn't any need to ask the other gender anything for the most part. Just frivolous questions or maybe relationship advice, other than that there really isn't much I think that either genders can learn from each other.
all coincidentally attention seeking mental diseases do
I wonder why
Which comedians do girls find funny?
I can make guys laugh very easily. Girls never seem to get my jokes and i have to always explain it. The ones that laugh at my jokes laugh when im not making jokes either so i suppose they are just into me.

Do girls comprehend humor? I notice all big comedians that are universally respected as "funny" are male. Every female comedian just talks about their vagina and says very vulgar things about sex.
whichever one is currently popular with socially progressive people but still seems a little "edgy"
Women, why are you not pregnant right now?
This :(
Based schizoid
>selective mute
>go mute randomly at work
>even the nice coworkers are starting to hate me
it's over.
Maybe stop being retarded?
i can only be social in places with heavy consequences when i'm on opioids but i'm sober now. it's over.
What the fuck lmao

If you ignore people willfully they’re going to think you’re rude, you imbecile.
i dont get it. literal neet losers collecting bugs in a jar get laid and i never even had a first date.
girls would you stretch or do yoga with your partner?
It’s the fat on the love handles/waist area which is concerning
I KNOW, but that's the problem! i cannot control it. i get social anxiety often but i can push through it with effort. this shit is a different animal. i can see myself doing it in real time and i see all the potential consequences play out simultaneously but it keeps going. my body makes sure my eyes don't even make contact with any part of them. i only snap out of it when i get home. KILL ME
Don't think so but sometimes I do wonder if half the random people who are called "schizotypal" or "schizoaffective" have just noticed some of the bullshit everyone around them is on all day every day
99% of gamblers stop tunneling just before they strike oil
You would be meeting them by default if you were a Chad. Females don't want to meet non-Chads.
Anyone working as an HR? Do they even accept graduates who did not major in anything related to it? How's the career progression like?
be an attractive female with 100+ body count if 4chan is to believed
Well shit. I'm only an attractive male...
I thought about it!! but I was wearing a complicated outfit so maybe next time
If everyone is sensitive, then no one is sensitive and they are all just actually normal. I think umm if you try to reflect on what exactly you do that is hurting people, maybe you can figure out something to stop yourself from doing it again. For example! If it's insults. Maybe just-oh this is so useless to say but I'll say it anyway. Just dont say insults. Or if its snapping at people, maybe if you feel the snap coming, hold it in. I don't know , thats really hard because I dont do it so I dont know how to solve it. But there has to be a way I feel like!
My personal favorites are; Sebastian Maniscalco and USED to be Bill Burr but he got kinda weird so idk anymore, I havent seen his standup in long time. Katt Williams also used to be really good.
She does not look white, what is wrong with her?
The other anon is right. They only hire females for comfortable jobs and their salaries are paid for by the men doing actual labour. HR solely exists for companies to say "look, we have females too!". If you're still working as a man and not doing scams or other things to get by, you're doing it wrong. The system hates men and we need it to collapse for it to be fair again, instead of supporting it with our taxes and work.
Women are meant to have fat there r tard.
If a girl doesn't abuse me, isn't mean to me or does acts of kindness to me I automatically assume she's low value because she's desperate or can't get someone better. This kills my attraction towards her

Why am I like this, it happens at every stage of dating
Andrew Santino, Rick Glassman, Sebastian manisculco, Lucas Zelnick,
And Nikki glasser was pretty funny on the Tom Brady roast
Okay. It is just unfortunate being built like an iPhone
For the sake of self preservation, you need to snap out of it and respond to people when they address you. I have social anxiety as well, but not to such a miserable degree lmao. Get it together, anon.
Anon, it's hag and dyke city in there.
iPhone shaped women are the hottest faggot I wish I had an iphone shaped gf.
You have redflag issues
>But there has to be a way I feel like!
I’m lucky that I’m handsome, anon. People are nice to me on principle because they like the way I look at them. I reflect in them a beauty that they wish to see in themselves.

It’s only when I start expressing myself on the inside that the ugliness comes out. I’m starting to think that the only way to stay sane is just to embrace it. I’m a bad person; simple as.
I don't think I have any problems spotting redflags
You sound like an insufferable narcissist twat.
meh ive dealt with two hr roasties at companies in completely different industries and they were both attractive. too bad im a sperg and didnt get the job at one place and completely blew off the other at where i work now. and oddly enough, they both had the same name.
bro it's so bad. only thing that helps is opioids but i'm scared of seeming high or off. my coworkers are kind and interesting. my brain is so shit man
funny how asian men get left out of this conversation entirely
Yeah, that was a pretty cringeworthy thing I wrote. Probably could have edited it a bit more to fit the sensibilities of the average /adv/ poster.

I don’t think I’m a narcissist, though. I’ve considered it before, but my experience says otherwise. I’m quite lucid, anon. People are nice to me because I’m attractive. It’s only once I start to let them in that they realize how immature and selfish I am, and things start to fall apart. God forbid I should ever criticize them for being hypocrites. The last thing anyone wants is to have someone beautiful chastise them.
> People are nice to me because I’m attractive
Same, except I'm also not immature nor selfish and I'm quite poignant and empathetic and caring. My fatal flaw is my arrogance. Dunno why you can't just self improoooove.
Just fucking respond to them, anon. Even a simple grunt is better than nothing. Being rude all the time is literally the WORST look a person can have.
Your looks will fade and all you will have left is a mean attitude and no one who loves you, so I hope you decide you want to change that someday. I know someone like you. He is a body builder and very handsome, but can't seem to stop being mean to people. I wish things could get better for him too, but I dont know how. You want to be loved, right? Just treat people how you want to be treated. To attract a dove, you must first learn to be still enough for one to feel safe being held gently in your hands. If you're a rough person, then all you ever get is rough people back. You know? A lot of guys want a quiet shy type of girl, but they meet her and berate her until she's scared away. If you met your dream woman right now, she would be frightened of you. You have to think of what you want, and match what it takes to have that. If you care enough anyway, which you might not.
>Just treat people how you want to be treated.
Within reason. Doing this with expectations of getting a piece of pussy? Bad. Doing this because you want to make the world brighter? Good.
well it's weird. i can respond and converse like nothing if they start it. but i cannot initiate it or start up a new topic at work. there's a new girl that i've ran into at least 20 times and i havent even looked at her face. just today we were standing in a room together for 2 minutes in silence. maybe it's self-esteem + anxiety.
My spiteful arrogance is hard to contend with. Part of me would rather I die as a miserable angry fart than comprise my disgust at hypocrites.

I just need to learn how to tone it down. I’m so fucking tired of being disappointed.
You hate them because they wear nakedly what you hate the most about yourself.
You might be schizoid
I don't think in terms of that at all so
I have always wondered. What are types like you so angry about, anyway??
Next Thread
i like sebastian but i like italians.

do you guys think norm mcdonald is funny or was he sexist to you? what about the show seinfeld? larry david style comedy? chapelle show?
>What are types like you so angry about, anyway??
When others lack the self-awareness that I have spent so many years trying to cultivate. I see myself for the piece of shit that I am. I know it all too well. And others— they refuse to acknowledge it in themselves. Outwardly, publicly. So few people have the balls to try to look at themselves from an objective standpoint. They’re all afraid of what they’ll see. I can appreciate that. It’s a logical thing to be afraid of. But I expect them to do it all the same.

Their ignorance of their own selves is so disgusting to me. What excuse could they possibly have? Willful ignorance is the greatest sin of all.
>I gave my first blowjob that day, and it didnt take long, just about a minute.
Fuck, that's impressive. This question may sound unrelated, but it's not: Do you play wind instruments?
With passion and fury
>the logistics of collecting it and storing it until I have it all hold me back
diva cup and a mason jar with a lid
(i'm going to regret giving this advice, aren't i...)
You do understand that blood is not very storable?

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