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ITT we ask the opposite gender anything! Note that this is not a "general" thread, nor is it a chat room; please stay on topic.

Standard /adv rules apply: no NSFW images, no avatar posting, no personal details, etc. If you must doxx yourself or post toonme images, there's a corresponding thread over on /soc where those are allowed.

Black queen edition
Previously on ATOGA: >>3189832
I see a lot of woman these days have very fat butts where I live. Not sure if its a genetic thing or not but I'm curious what woman feel about fashion choices when it comes to something like that? I feel like most fashion is designed to show off how fat the butt is cause i usually see it bounce and jiggle a lot when they walk by in shorts or tights or whatever. I'm wondering if woman are happy with that or if they would prefer something fashion wise that doesn't show it off too much.
My friends girlfriend said I remind her of Geoffrey from GoT, but not in a negative way. Idk how you could say that in a non-negatove way. She also added me to close friends on insta so I guess she doesn't hate me? Ok.
I'm improving my pure love for women. Women please tell me one feminine thing you did today that will make me love you more
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If your significant other asked you to wear a sexy cosplay of a female character from a video game would you consider it cheating since he's attracted to pixels which are not you?
No, that's fine. I doubt I could cosplay any characters anybody likes, though. Not the right hair/body shape/skin color usually.
Would you be offended if he/she is attracted to a video game character whose body looks very different than yours?
It's just a character, that's fine. Fantasies are different than reality. As long as they aren't putting their favorite fictional characters on a pedestal at my expense, then I don't see the harm in enjoying them. I have weird fictional crushes, too.
idk, i usually wear tight and thick jeans that i imagine don't jiggle at all. am 105 lbs so i don't think i have a fat butt lol.
we're gonna have to take a look and decide for ourselves :)
>but not in a negative way
Probably meant just looks-wise, or that you're very prideful, which isn't always bad.
nta but why can't you just go look at a pic or video of a butt in jeans on YouTube or google
How small are you
that's not terrible, she just means you've got a princely air.

I had a girl tell me I look like one of the guys that fights Batman after the Joker says "get 'em!"
Women and shit are the same thing. There's no difference.
its not you
You can use shit to fertilize a field, I haven't seen a woman under 50 grow anything though.
5'5". you can see my ribs a bit but i also don't look extremely underweight since i have fat in my legs, it all goes to my legs.
They get off on being abused and insulted. If you want to disgust them, say you're into femdom and want to eat them out.
>financially support bf with agreement he would care for the house
>move him in
>he slowly starts playing video games all day and does few chores
>he requests I make him dinner after I work and do my workout and buy him things
>he initially tried getting sex on demand but seems to have realized that's fucking stupid to expect
Is this fixable or what?
>t. fags with abuse fetishes
Death to all feminine men and faggots
>That's actually not even very underweight
Damn that one guy was right, you legit could just pick up a full grown woman of fairly average height with 1 arm and throw her no issue at all
Speak for yourself, retard.
No, he's taking you for granted and sees you as his mommy figure. There's no coming back from that, once he sees you as his "mommy", he won't treat you romantically ever again.
yeah i think i am a bit above the "minimum normal weight". but seeing my ribs so clearly makes me feel like i am underweight lol. i was underweight for most of my life so maybe that has something to do with it.
but yeah i guess it depends on how strong you are since i'm not petite (short).
It's a faggot 100%
No, you're below weight by like 10 pounds. You ARE underweight.
But 105 pounds isn't even 50 kilograms. Its more than most men can comfortably throw around, but for me, its literally light weight.
Fuck. I enjoyed the idea of being his woman husband. What a shame.
I still see him romantically and almost brought him home some flowers yesterday, but thinking of this future makes me want to put his head through a wall and see terror on his face. I guess that's common enough for husbands to feel so maybe I am getting the husband experience.
I'd never so such a thing because it is morally incorrect. Of course.
I stopped getting the flu years ago, but instead of the flu, whenever I'm sick (rarely) nowadays, it's always this weird disease where I produce excess saliva and constantly randomly burp even if I haven't eaten anything. Is this covid? I get this sickness maybe once every 6 months, otherwise I'm never sick.
oh alright, I get a bit confused since I switch between using freedom units and metric.
also I think I am actually 110lbs, not 105lbs. I think that's either very slightly underweight or almost underweight. so perhaps I am "almost light weight".
See >>31902672
I did the house husband thing for a couple of years, during that time I'm proud to say my wife did not cook one meal, did not clean one dish, did not do one load of laundry, and never mopped or dusted. My wife came home to a clean home, a hot meal, and a kid that was bathed, fed, and asleep, never once did she have reason to ask "what am I getting out of this?" What exactly are you getting out of this? Is your bf in some kind of education or training program or are you as the other anons said just playing surrogate mommy?
>he might be depressed
so he's sad and lazy, same diff.
>Still not even 50 kg lol
I would tie you to my back and go hiking
I think there was one famous old woman who said once you start doing a man's laundry, he will start seeing you as a caretaker/mother, not a woman he loves and whom he wants to protect. I don't base my own opinion 100% on just this one person ofc, but personally if I ever get married, I will try to make sure I'm never put into a caretaker role, I would always prefer to be the one who is cared for, simply because the man will lose feelings if you start taking care of him too much.
>I would tie you to my back and go hiking
a true romantic i see.
>You find out your bf/gf has made youtube mukbangs
How do you feel about this?
>I enjoyed the idea of being his woman husband
A lot of men say they want to be house husbands because they imagine it as just gaming all day and maybe ordering dinner. If a man can't cook you a four course meal that tastes good and costs less than $10 per person he's not worth keeping in your home.
>I am getting the husband experience
Maybe the modern one where you get a woman who knows how to do fuck all around the house, sounds like you got the gender flipped version of the woman who thinks housework is degrading but also doesn't want to work.
Men and women, would you marry someone who has student debt? If so what’s the maximum you’re willing to work with?
Sounds like you two neglected to have a proper conversation about expectations. When he asks you to make dinner do you do it? Do you refuse? Have you told him that you expect him to take care of that? Does he argue back? Do you end up doing it anyway?
Are they fat? If not, I don't see an issue

No lol
My logic is that if you marry someone who has student debt then that’s just one more thing to worry about when it comes to paying for a wedding or just extra bills when it could be used otherwise. Am I going about this right?
Nta but you seem mildly autistic at the very least. Most young people have student debt when they get into their first serious relationship, but the debt is gone by the time they get married (if they get married) in 4-6 years if they have a job.
NTA but glad to hear this happens. We're considering doing this when we have kids since I work a more lucrative field. Can you tell me more about your experience? Would you be candid with me about how you two have addressed your internal conceptions of masculinity and femininity? I feel like some people go too far into "gender roles are dead, the modern marriage is 100% identical on both sides, there is no difference between a man and a woman" but imo that's a bit unrealistic.

But maybe I'm just too autistic to do it naturally. I tend to spend a lot of time breaking down the details of social dynamics in order to understand them and handle the situation effectively. Maybe you two didn't have to be so deliberate about it.

Really depends on their earning power and how much we're talking. I might be willing to just pay it off entirely for the right woman if it's $50k or less, but if it's like six figures of debt for a liberal arts degree then we're getting a prenup that says that shit is hers and hers alone. Being honest I have a hard time imagining myself getting to the "let's get married" stage with a woman who has crippling debt in the first place.
Hmm. He's going on a trip to see family soon, when he comes back I'll just have an open conversation of my expectations I guess.
I have a history of coldly dropping partners over far less so he should feel threatened enough. He's cute but being overworked will make me evil. It cannot save him.
I did address dinner recently because I ended up making it when I came home one night to him being on the phone. I needed to eat then sleep so I just made it for us both.
He then asked me to do it again so I addressed my problem. I thought the tasks associated with staying at home were clear but maybe not.
He is a great cook which is what pains me. It started off so well.
>sounds like you got the gender flipped version of the woman who thinks housework is degrading but also doesn't want to work
All my sympathies to men right now.
>He's cute but being overworked will make me evil. It cannot save him.
good attitude, 5/5
I’m not autistic but I have no debt and my girlfriend owes $27k. She has kind of pushed to get married and I have stated she should pay off her debt to free up cash.
>contest with my cousin when we were about 11
>drank coffee as hot as we can stand it
>stand outside for 30 minutes in 90+ degree weather
>whoever passed out first loses
>another contest
>drink as much water as we could with multiple cousins this time
>whoever holds the water in as long as possible without throwing up wins
Anyone else have a dumb and funny childhood?
So essentially we were married and had kids, I was out of work despite a fairly lucrative degree field, and she had a well paying and secure job. It just made sense that I'd stay home and do kids and housework for a couple of years. During this period I worked part time from home off and on, usually making like $20-40k a year so it's not like I wasn't contributing anything to household expenses. Still, we basically agreed that I'd do all of the housework, cooking, and majority of the childcare.
>conceptions of masculinity
I basically just tried to get as good as possible at "guy things" like home repairs and I also maintained a very good physique during those years, and still do. It's very hard for her coworkers to mog you when you have a six pack at 30 and can fix cars and washing machines, I also made sure to attend any work event of hers so her coworkers could see what the competition was.

I also got really skilled at cooking and cleaning, to the point where I still do most of it it's just like 80/20 now instead of 100% me like it used to be. It's also very hard for a woman to get resentful when she comes home to a well ordered home. It's not a 100% bulletproof plan, but basically a house husband must treat his role with the same seriousness and diligence as a job, and your "job" is to look good, make food, and keep the house operating.
okay that's way too much. in my country about 5k is very common, only doctor students might have 27k debt.
No, my childhood was pure hell and scary.
Many people are often willing to weather some hardships for the chance to live their life with someone they love.
There is a line, of course, but I couldn't give you an exact number for my personal limits. Here are some factors I'd consider:

>The monthly payment and length of loan
>Their knowledge about how loans work and how to pay it off effectively.
>Our respective incomes and bills
>Our respective spending habits
>How we each would want to spend our extra money and on what, how much we would have to restrict that, whether they are being realistic with the money they spend
>Our larger financial goals (home, kids, vacations, large purchases, etc)
>Our preferred timeline on those goals and how much they'd be delayed by the loan payments
>How their credit will impact these financial goals (eg mortgage)

Probably more
Wtf?? Did you play normal things like gta with sticks outside, musical chairs, hide and seek and tag, etc?
>I thought the tasks associated with staying at home were clear but maybe not
By clear do you mean assumed due to "common sense"? Or did you actually talk about it?
>Suuuuch a victim
did you guys get in trouble
a girl at work sometimes will casually/briefly touch my arm when she talks to me
she's also mentioned my "muscles" a couple of times
like, that's a sign, right? she wouldn't just do that for no reason?
How do I apologize to my girlfriend?

>girlfriend asks me to play the Megaman Maker level she created
>I tell her it's not very good
>she starts crying
This memory will haunt me.
Just how it was. Being an adult is way better, I don't have to be afraid of people anymore, I can scare people myself now.
Yeah ignore them, that person's a shithead.
Don’t get mad at me because you want to victimize yourself and cry about your childhood. No one cares. Suck a dick.
We are in America. I told her it’s smarter to destroy the debt. I was thinking about movin her in so she could just focus her cash towards the loans and destroy them. Opinions?
She wants to be married in a couple years but I don’t feel comfortable with the debt she has because if we want to get married having no debt is the best start possible. She owes $27k. I have a house so a plan I considered was move her in and the money she makes basically goes toward the loans.
Not the original anon but you're a really stupid person and don't even realize it. Less of an insult and more of an observation.
Thank you for your perspective! That makes sense. I hope it'll work out for us in the same way.
>thinking you’re smart and trying a backhanded insult
Whatever you say, cunt. It sounded like it was whining so I called it a victim. Don’t like it? Ignore it, projecting faggot.
>If we want to get married having no debt is the best start possible
If you don't plan on breaking up, what changes after you get married? You don't have to move forward with financial milestones like a home and kids until you're ready, even if you're married. It sounds more like you don't trust her yet and you don't want to have to go through divorce if she doesn't get her act together. Unless it's that one of you (or your families/culture) insist on an expensive wedding. That's more of a practical thing. "This is how much that wedding will cost. This is our budget. Either we have a cheaper wedding or we wait until our budget matches our vision."

>the money she makes basically goes toward the loans
Yeah this is more about how realistic your budget is and how responsible she is keeping it. Have you run the numbers? I'm not sure how much of this is your fear of debt as a concept and how much is an accurate assessment of reality.
>noooo never express a negative emotion
Braindead macho faggot.
There you go! There it is! I said no one cares about your negative emotions and you’re angwy about it like I thought you’d be. Mega LOL
I’m done with you now. Realize that no one cares about how you feel, bitch. <3
Nah, just don't like that you shit on the anon for nothing. A simple one sentence post. Do better and stop being a scumbag.
My dad beat the shit out of me
Girls, how would you feel if your bf payed for sex?

On a very drunk weekend bender Iv had sex with 3 hookers in 2 days and i'd never do it again. Gf asked if iv ever payed for sex but I danced around the question until another topic came up. I'm going to tell her but I just wanna know what generally women think about that sort of thing.
Do you not know how to spell "I've"
Appreciate the thought out response. Just FYI, I have a house. So that parts covered. I’ve just been in debt long enough and am finally out of it bar a mortgage. I just don’t want to get into debt again because marriage makes everyone’s debt…everyone’s debt. Plus if kids come into the picture and she stays with the kids for a bit, having no loans makes this much easier. You might have a point where I might be a little afraid because the future is unknown. But finances can stress me out.
>living together outside of marriage
>sex outside of marriage
>subsidizing a lazy coomer
Not fixable, but predictable
is it gay to put baby oil on your face
Going to do a few lines of ket and lay in bed. Suggested music? I'm thinking The Planets suite.
It aint straight
I think it's reasonable to not be thrilled about the situation and to want to put things off until finances are more stable. I think you'd feel better if you had the objective data laid out for you. Either it'll look doable or you'll have your concerns validated. It would also give you a talking point with her since it sounds like she's pushing back.

You should know things like, at the rate she's going now, how long until it's paid off? If she moved in with you, how much more would she be able to pay and how would that impact the timeline? If you're going to tell her "I won't get married until the debt is gone", you should both know exactly how long that will be.
When I was a young boy, my father, left me with some kids, to play around and stuff
I sat on a car, upside down, smile on my face, soon turned into a frown
I fell off and crack my head
In hindsight this was probably the first sign of how poor we were since they just took an entire chicken out of the freezer and put it on my head instead of seeing a doctor about my actual cracked open skull
26M. I'm about to go and try to find someone nice after 8 years of doing absolutely nothing relationship-wise. Had huge health issues, long story.

I'm perfectly fine now if not a little behind in life. Average looking, no huge expectations, but the part of my brain in charge of talking to people has...uh...degraded.

Tell me, what should I look out for when I start trying to date? I don't mind taking my time, I just don't want to end up making huge mistakes because I missed something.

Thanks in advance.
If using apps, to be 99% ignored because female standards are fucking absurd and 3/10 fat bitches want a 10/10 guy
If in person to be rejected a lot
How tall are you?
see >>31903054
Apps are not an option, they're stacked pretty badly against men in general, even if you're chad with six figures you can do way better with girls irl. Check out your social circle and ask if your friends and family know anyone who is single.
That makes me sad, hope you’re okay now
I don't want to try apps for reasons you've already stated - It seems to just be a gold mine.

>Check out your social circle.
No one stuck around after I became bedridden for years. My social circle is my online friends.

> ask if your family knows anyone who is single.
This can work, but my family is not very understanding and may humiliate me for a very long time for this. I'd rather not.

I'm more interested in how people date IRL if that's even a thing these days. I guess nothing stops me from just loitering in a bar but something tells me this is pointless today.

My failsafe is getting into some kind of group activity that isn't a sausage fest, but I want to actually test the waters first. (and also, finding something I actually like will take a bit)
I definitely have answers for the second part of your post. I think having the information available physically so it can be worked out would be great. It’s just she was verbal about a rough time line on what she would like but I need to be realistic with her about what’s possible and when, so neither of us gets screwed financially.
dodnt say hew tall he is
manlt conformed
How do I ask out a guy that I work with? What do I say to him, what do I do after if he says yes? Or no?

I'm 24F, diagnosed autist, never done this before and I don't want to put him off or make things awkward between us (he's more senior in the team than me). He's always super patient and kind to me and doesn't make fun of me like some of the other guys do here.
>teacher tells Student A to watch the class and bitch snitch on whoever talks
>my “friend” talks to me and I make sure my mouth stays closed so I don’t get told on
>teacher comes back and the bitch snitch tells on my friend and me
>friend lies and said she wasn’t talking
>I tell teacher “I didn’t open my mouth at all; it was her that said something, not me” when she asks “why were you talking”
>teacher then said “why are you snitching”
>I said “you fucking asked me you dumb nigger”
>I didn’t get in trouble with my parents; they just tell me not to call people that
>got two weeks in school suspension and don’t go to her class for that time
>I flat out ignore her until they take me out the class
>I was about 9
Don't do it
i don't like being ogled, so i try to wear things that are loose in general. never wear tights in public. i wish i could wear shorts without them huggin my ass so much because they're really comfy.
Enjoy your cancer
Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. If you have evidence to back up your reasoning, you'll be fine.
Why not?
Do not loiter in a bar. As a matter of fact, stay away from bars as humanly possible. Hit the gym, keep looking after your health. What kind of hobbies? Meeting people in real life is scary at first but more rewarding because you can cut out the bullshit
They call this "don't shit where you eat". There might even be policies (written or unspoken) that senior staff are not allowed to date juniors. This would only be okay if it was a large company, he worked in a department that basically never interacts with your department, and he will never have any authority over you.

The reason why not is that it can cause issues at work around favoritism and if you break up, the reverse. People view it as a ticking time bomb for drama.
need to pee
>no gf to drink my pee
why is life so cruel
If he is an older guy and your superior then you're putting him in a very awkward position. If he accepts then he might get in trouble with HR. If he denies, he might think you'll get mad and report him to HR anyways. All guys have heard the horror stories of office environments fucking over men
That doesn’t even make sense but sure
Already hitting gym, it's going well.

Why should I avoid bars?

Hobbies: Hiking, fishing, coding. None of these seems particularly viable for finding someone. So far I'm under the assumption that I'll have to find something new.
>Water drinking contests lead to water intoxication
>Standing in the sunlight causes skin cancer
>Driking very hot fluids causes throat cancer
Does it make more sense now?
bro literally every other woman lists
>traveling and hiking
as their hobby
its go-to npc "a man should pay to take me somewhere cool" hobby
He's only 4 years older than me, and he's technically only my superior in the sense he's been here longer. We work in separate teams with separate managers.
Oh yeah, I missed the last line here. I'm 6'0''.
Probably not, just because the kinds of women to get student debt are unlikely to be what I'm looking for in a wife.
Either she got a meme degree, and not only has poor money management skills but also probably a leftist; or she actually got a high-powered degree in something like STEM, law, or medicine, and presumably intends to use it (so she wouldn't want the same thing in a relationship as I would).
So what? It doesn’t mean I’ll definitely get cancer, you mong. Even without doing those things, I could get cancer.
>asking out a man who is your superior
If I were a man I would not only decline I'd seek to get you transferred or at least never interact with you again. Any halfway intelligent man doesn't date coworkers and especially not a junior report
I know what you mean, but I don't think it's going to do much for me? Sure, if I hit it off with someone I can take her to a nice place, maybe make some bbq...but I have to hit it off with someone first!
Yea don’t shit where you eat
Corner him in the break room and tell him to push you over a table and fuck you.
Ok you probably jump off a bridge then because even without jumping from a bridge you could die from head trauma
Thanks for the advice. Have a good day
It's pretty easy actually.
>Hey you want to have coffee some time?
Don't make the mistake of thinking that a guy saying yes to a date means he actually likes you, let alone is thinking long-term.
That is the mindset which puts you on the fast track to being used or taken for granted.
Bars are full of unsavory people and don’t have the best reputation. Not saying everyone there is a shit eater but if I was to roll the dice. Dude hiking and fishing are great. I’m gonna be honest, you’d be surprised the amount of girls that would love to have you eventually take them to the lake or stream. Don’t start with that, think small like coffee and tea. If you want more hobbies, do so because you want to. It’s genuine this way. I gotchu mang
Brian Atlas is the voice of a generation
Sadly it's probably a bad idea.
I wish it wasn't, people used to meet their spouse at work.
But we live in hell where nothing good happens.
>you probably jump off a bridge
>English 100
>”without jumping from a bridge you could die from head trauma” Yes…? I know this
Now you’re really not making any sense. I don’t know what drugs you’re taking, but need to lay off them and stop arguing over nothing.
Again, if a female report asked me out I'd politely decline and then probably shoot an email to HR documenting the situation and that I said no. Following up I'd distance myself from that employee to the extent possible. I've done this before, it's not that the women are doing anything wrong necessarily it's just that I don't want to deal with it. Most men won't go as far as I do, but most men in management positions have the same thought process to some degree.
I am 28 and around 38% BMI. Can I really lose the weight before 30? I am female and I’m also worried about loose skin. I also don’t really have any support circles IRL that advocate for dieting and exercise. Feels a little hopeless
Which thread should I post in?
Men who plan on getting married eventually, would you find it too taboo or weird if your girlfriend proposed to you instead of the other way around?
Diaper thread on /d/
Will science ever figure out why girls despise short men?
>When I was a young boy, my father
I thought this was about to be a meme post.
Did you suffer any long term complications?
>Letting corporations fuck with your life this much
God I'm glad I'm not living in Burgerland
Please don't because I will say no
just your Dark Empath powers to understand why she don't want you, man
It already has.
Short = less capable in a fight, slower runner, unable to carry as much weight; and signals lower testosterone, smaller caloric intake. And probably many other factors
I would be happy if a girl proposed to me but I'm ugly and old so my opinion is worthless
Sabrina Carpenter kinda looks like a garden gnome.
>Again, if a female report asked me out I'd politely decline and then probably shoot an email to HR documenting the situation and that I said no. Following up I'd distance myself from that employee to the extent possible. I've done this before, it's not that the women are doing anything wrong necessarily it's just that I don't want to deal with it. Most men won't go as far as I do, but most men in management positions have the same thought process to some degree.
>before 30
I was 38 BMI in September 2022 and I was 26 BMI by the same time 2023 and same weight now.
>diet and exercise
Just go to your doctor and ask about weight loss drugs, if you don't want ozempic just ask for a speed pill like phentermine, combine that with diet and exercise and you'll be looking awesome in a year or so.
>loose skin
Might be an issue, might not, kind of a dice roll depending on your age and stuff. I speak from experience that loose skin is very preferable to being fat. Worst case scenario you get plastic surgery for it at 35.
You know, I came here for advice, but your post was nothing short of encouragement. Thank you anon, perhaps I needed to hear that.
Could be better, could be worse.

Dunno. I'm autistic, maybe related, but my dad also dropped me on the head as a child so that could be it, or issues in the womb.
Ain't dead though so can't complain
she looks like your average CFA worker
Not taboo, but certainly unexpected. I'd honestly be worried that she would eventually resent me for not proposing first
She looks good as the epitome of a 'pretty English girl' but she needs to lose some weight.
This is kinda fucked up
Go get after you bastard
Men, entertain me. Now
momcest general
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I was listening to a video, and I guess my phone thought I was talking to it, and it said "Okay, I changed it."
I don't know what the fuck it did! How do I fix whatever just happened?
*starts tap dancing*
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I chose to take it as a positive, the joker's goons are usually in pretty good shape
*unzips dick*
Kiss my ass, JH.
I could show you my dick. It's very entertaining because it's so small
Ngl, that spot looks comfy
Fuck off, cunt.
AM gonna lie

these guys are all twinks
Tsundere kun!!1! :3
State gender
What do you think about the dihydrogen monoxide issue? I heard it is everywhere now and even in our water pipes. I think it should be banned
Leave me the fuck alone unless you want me to wear your ass like a boot.
*pees standing up*
Bro everyone else heard this joke from their high school chemistry teacher too.
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I need an ATOGA boyfriend
Go away
When I was young they said we were 90% dihydrogen monoxide, but now it's only 70%, so I guess environmental regulations are having an impact.
This one is single, ladies! >>31903291
How should a first date end? Is a goodbye kiss or hug obligatory, even though the date may be the first time actually seeing each other irl?
Kill yourself
How about a creampie?
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Do ladies actually like this?
Don't ask him out, just try to be his friend, but look pretty at the same time and learn some of the cheesy moves. If he doesn't ask you out, he wasn't interested. May take a while though so don't give up because he didn't ask you out instantly.
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Go to RuneScape fag
You will soon enter his domain. Earn your right to sit amongst your brothers and sisters.
How do I tell her that I like her tooth gap without offending her?
This is basically what my dad looked like when he was in his early 20s. Weird that it's become popular again.
she waved and said "you can text me" and I never heard from her ass again
That's a power move that basically says "Open your finances to me or you don't love me!".
No that shit’s disgusting. So is the broccoli cut. Bring back completely clean-shaven faces and the scene/emo fringe.
I believe that one day I will get an ATOGA gf
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Well, they liked it enough to put it in a game.
I like your tooth gap and the way it whistles when you laugh
>men actually like the tooth gap
Very nice
What’s your qualifications?
Way too early for that, though I did sense desire in her eyes.
>tfw we just sort of stood there awkwardly like, "well it was fun, bye"
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Hold your horses ellie, its not like that
I need to have a mid-day nap. I wish I had a gf to cuddle with for 45 minutes. It sounds like it'd be comfy.
Im just a dude and my red flag is that I am too clingy
Why would a woman do that though? They hate men.
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>though I did sense desire in her eyes.
No, it gives off "performative feminism" or whatever. In other words "ladies, i say the "right" words, will you give cootchie?" *pouts* *puppy eyes*
>The only 5 men on this planet allowed to wear Moustache
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Thoughts on mpreg?
I watched Leon the Professional, The Orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, Curfew, Show Me Love, Alice in the Cities, A Little Princess, Water Lillies, F-Report, The Blue Lagoon, Laurin(89), Sleepwalking, Matilda, You Were Never Really Here, Lawn Dogs, Take Me to the River, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, Stray Dogs, Spirit of the Beehive, Stephanie, The Taste of Tea, Hounddog, Bridge to Terabithia, The Beguiled, God Bless America, Somewhere, Alice(88), City of lost children, Cape Fear(62), Arcadia, Tomorrowland, Christiane F, Walkabout, The Florida Project, My Girl(91), Addams Family Value, Young Aphrodites, The Ice Palace, Swing vote, Tideland, Bad Seed, Cocoon, Annabele: Creation, the opening scene of Desire, Phoebe in Wonderland, Gifted, Spark, Caspe, Because of Winn-dixie, Zazie dans le metro, Amanda, Waterworld, What Maisie Knew, Paper Moon, Sundays and Cybele, Hideous Kinky, Svanurinn, Miss Violence, the Troop Zero, Ana, Tuck Everlasting, System Crasher, Angela 1995, Alice Sweet Alice, Romys Salon, The Trouble with Being Born, Midnight Sky, Jeanne d'Arc, News of the world, Ich liebe Victor, Eyes of an Angel, the Secret Garden 1993, Usagi Drop, The Tree of Knowledge, A Mother’s Heart, Luiz de Mana, Little Lips, Maladolescenza, The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, Push, The Gray Man, Arabella the Pirate's Daughter, Adventures of The Yellow Suitcase, The Quiet Girl, Logan, Aftersun, M3gan and Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
State gender
What's the best way to kill your horniness?
F. Hornyposting here.
That seems like it could exacerbate the problem...
M. Time and just letting it pass by
I want sane agp bf
A bit odd, but it depends on the circumstances. I'm probably going to hit the brakes if she proposed early, before around 18 months in, and I definitely will if it's within a year.

I'd prefer she do it privately, though. If it's too soon, I don't want to be put on the spot by saying yes to spare us embarrassment but then have to talk her out of it later (which would also be hard for her, getting her hopes up). I'd rather get straight to the point.

I plan to wait around 2 years before proposing, give or take a few months depending on how it goes, but I wouldn't wait that long to talk about our views on relationships and marriage.

I won't do that, but I can sell anons, including (You), ESO crafting materials at 80% market price.
>sane agp bf
pick 2
What do you look like
Based movie enjoyer
Why are there two atogas you stupid cunts?
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>What do you look like
I'm a seamonkey
*sniffs ass*
*licks finger*
i dunno lol
jerking off
Him being a redditor
What about being a redditor moderator?
I hate women so much
I think there’s a lot of beauty in peoples natural looks. Just got to amplify it by being fit and not being a sperg.
this isn't a porn board
I love men even tho they hate me bc of my sex. only men i dislike are the gay guys who want to be women. i like regular gays though
Says the porn actress
Lifting and/or focusing elsewhere. Like yard work, cleaning the house, enjoying an activity/hobby.
I don't believe you.
Because they hate men and treat us like shit.
We didn't expect you to show up and catch us in the act. Every time you're not here anon, it's "cat's away, the mice will play"

Forgive :(
>I like gays and incels
>walk 6 hours today
>raint starts to hurt
wh-what do I do?
State gender, how many dates do you go on with one person when trying to figure out if they're your person. Before moving on or being sold.
I love men
being flat is ok if you're short
If women sexualized men a bit more and men sexualized women a bit less the world would be ten times better.
Well I appreciate that you exist. Hope your day is treating you well. I’m finishing up work with a cup of green tea
it's time
'Cause I searched gender looking for the topic and the guy in other one said "genre" instead
>searching for "gender" instead of atoga
Being flat is ideal at any height.
Being flat is always okay
Being busty is always okay
Having a petite ass is fine
Having a fat ass is fine
Having thin lips is good
Having dsl is good
Being a man and below 6 foot is death, however
Human beings who produce sperm (aka 'Men') are merciless, psychopathic, sadistic creatures. They have zero empathy and no soul
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I got a date set up with a cute asian girl, but then I saw a picture of my cousin and his family and I started thinking about wanting to have a family that looks like me. My brother already married an Asian woman too.

Should I take this seriously, or is it my subconscious freaking out because I finally have a date lined up for the first time in like a year?
If my partner had a lot of crushes on characters that all had a look in common that it the opposite of me I might be concerned. For example all latina characters, or all mega big boobed. If he likes characters and bodies of all types I wouldn't be offended no. (but I'm personally not a fan of cosplaying, it's not something I myself have ever done or can see myself doing)
I haven't seen you post a monster girl in a while, is everything okay?
my cousins are basically phone addicts
I can force them to the playground
this has worked before with success but I want them to be social
my plan is to go to the other kids from the block and ask them along
would that be weird?
Men, what if you were about to have sex with a 4chan woman and upon seeing your dick she said "big dick for a 4channer"?
I think you can determine chemistry quite quickly. However, first dates are often flukes - they can go surprisingly well and then the second is horrible. It's not just about dates, though, I personally find ease of talking over text just as important. I'd say by date five or six you have a good indication.
I still don't believe you.
why you gotta be like that?
Only if you want me to be bb
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I'm sorely lacking in new pictures to post these days. I've already browsed all of the pics on my favorite art sites. Obviously I can just repost old ones, but that gets kinda stale, even if I do have hundreds.
You bleed for a week at a time and don't die, so shut up.
On how many dates do I need to take you in order to fuck you?
there was this 6'7" or so black chick at the olympics in polevaulting for the USA (she was close but didn't medal) and she was soooo tall and soooo perfectly flat. Her existence debunked your post.
stop dumb think
go on date
maybe make progress into future
dont throw it away on random whim
>but muh brother
why does he matter
>I'm sorely lacking in new pictures to post these days.
It would seem we are suffering from a terrible drought
>but only when short
It's a free score and I'm gonna take it
you know you deserved it
I like how vitiligo looks
Yeah we love you too JH
Gooning inside femanon
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Women, do you think the Renunciation and the French Revolution was a mistake?
name of the game is making women insecure
Tell her she's got a cute smile.
brush her teeth when she doesn't see it coming
I have a crush on my close friend, but I'm too scared to say how I really feel.
So my plan is to say I'm drunk at a party one day when they text me, and then start flirting with them, and if I win, I win, but if it goes bad I can just laugh it off.

If M, good plan
Yeah you're right I should be happy to be in a good relationship over being single because I turned a girl down because of some whim about the west falling

I'd respond "You like it?"
God I want a gf who wears leather skirts and leather pants
Men dressed super fucking gay in the 1700s
We're not human beings, we're widely above that
you'd do better to just ask them to have a coffee wit you or something, and if they say no, you just say 'oh okay' or something similar and live the rest of your life normally.

your plan CAN work, but there's a non-0 chance the person never talks to you again, and for things to escalate from there.
Nah, men dressed super cool in the 1700s
You should worry about your bias slipping up: "hello, Rice to meet you" "nihonjin desu ka?" "i "i too speak a bit of nihongo"

I'm planting these in our head so you'd spend the whole time fighting the urge to blurt sth racist and embarrassing :p
Ok thanks. You seem chill, I tend to be too impatient I think.
Did they really wear nipple rings in the victorian era?
May I ask what leads you to this conclusion?
your* not our* ^^'
You mean subhuman
Just go you idiot. Life’s to short and if you like her, what ends of the earth justification will you have then? Because I’m telling you boss, the justification you have now is SHIT
>verification not required
girls what is something today that made you feel cute?
>"nihonjin desu ka?"

I already did this with 3 japanese exchange students kek. I even told one I liked shingeki no kyojin and he just does the salute and screams "SHINZO SASAGEYO!" Shit was the funniest things ever. They're pretty fun. It actually pays off to bee urself
Total moid death
Total foid death first
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Asking women: What is like the male equivalent to like women wearing yoga pants or tight clothing? As a man, I really don't ever feel sexy. It seems like women have all these gizmos and gadgets and clothes they can use to enhance their feeling of feeling sexy. What do we as men have? Is my option really just to wear a T-Shirt one size too small which feels uncomfortable? What are my options? It doesn't help either that I really hate suits and dress up clothes. My entire wardrobe is basically jeans and T-Shirts.
It depends what your intentions are, too. I think you can tell quite quickly if someone is "boyfriend" potential, someone you're looking to have a serious relationship with, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're not going to be good to hang out with and maybe have sex with without getting too emotionally invested. If you're only looking for relationships with emotional investment, then I can see why you'd be quick about making decisions.
I find other things cute and sometimes I see myself in the mirror and realize that I look pretty cute.
Feeling cute is a foreign concept.
Expensive car.
>As a man, I really don't ever feel sexy.
You're not meant to, you fucking faggot. This is pure submissive AGP bullshit you are typing out.
>What do we as men have?
Fit, healthy body. Clean and nice smelling.
>I see myself in the mirror and realize that I look pretty cute.
Based. That sounds like feeling cute.
I was walking home today and felt confident and cute in what I was wearing.

Did you feel strong and masculine today?
Yes, take this seriously. You think you feel uneasy? Imagine how rootless kids will feel.
>What is like the male equivalent to like women wearing yoga pants or tight clothing


I just wanted to chime in because my uni has been getting more and more trannies lately and the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life is AGPs at my uni gym wearing yoga pants and just having their dicks be practically exposed through tight clothing where you can make out everything. Fuck, it's awful.
I like a tight little manbutt in tight boxers. But you need to have it to flaunt it. Do you?
>DSM psychobabble
>generally gay and boring questions
Yeeap, it's a slurper. Maybe tomorrow, chaps.
You can't be sexy as men in the way women are, just accept it
Please give me a handsome rich bf
I'm handsome, but I'm poor and lazy and a drunk and smelly.
does that mean muscled or can I be skinnyfat but healthy bmi and able to hike for hours and climb on the playground
Do girls even find guys attractive? I had this run in with a girl two years ago. She hated hugging and kissing me and didn't allow me to give her oral, only she sucked me off, so when we ended things she said it was because the only thing attractive about the male body is the penis when it's hard. And a few months later I had a hookup, and the only compliment I received from this other girl was that my cock looked handsome and it felt good. Nothing else
Not her but I still would
there's nothing that you can really add to an average or unattractive guy to suddenly make him sexy. there is no easy equivalent for men. get money, lose body fat, build muscle.
I agree that it will pay off. When she laughs, tell her "but i thought nihonjin onna covered your mouth when you laugh"? if you see a vending machine, point to it and yell "sugooooi, ne? i guess it reminds you of home" when you order, don't say "coke" say "coku"
take her to a sushi restaurant and teach her about its history

she'll fall in love she'll lick your face right then and there. she'll never get enough of you. mochiron (the r is rolled).
handsome and I earn above average wage
easily able to eat at a fancy restaurant every week and travel 2/3 times a year.
clothes dont matter. a fat guy with a 6 inch dick in gray sweatpants and a tanktop is gross. a muscular guy in the same outfit is sexy. understand?
We hang out alone all the time. I've just never made any serious moves or anything, other than casually calling her pretty/got a few times.
I'm afraid if I randomly now suddenly started getting too intimate it might be weird.
We've both dated other people while we knew each other but are both single now, though idk if I have a chance
Not bodybuilder - that's actively repulsive. But have some sort of physical hobby which sustains a healthy amount of muscle mass. A little fat on a climber is nice.
If no means no why dont i no where my keys are?
it's so over
I mean I can chase my cousins at the playground for hours climbing up and down
But I guess I need more muscles to be even better :(
Best I can do is fat and balding
invest in two adjustable dumbbells and follow a dumbbell routine online. learn about nutrition so you can guesstimate shit without it being tedious.
I have a friend who's 300 lbs and has a pretty attractive wife and she's always saying how she thinks he's a stud. It makes me think personality/character is more important for women

But yeah I do think women like cock, I don't think that's an outrageous thing to say. I knew a girl whose only interest in me at all was my ass, but she fried her brain on gay porn and yaoi more than a decade before I had ever met her.
>a muscular guy in the same outfit is sexy.
Wait wait wait, gymbros, we are back?
wedding is literally a humiliation ritual
The actual answer is
If the girl likes it
To the exact length she likes
Which varies by girl
(but its mostly clean shaven)
Show off arms (if you have arms worth showing (if not lol))
Hair cut (if its the kind of hair cut she likes, just do whatever is popular right now, most people just follow group mentality)
Clothes that show you're the same kind of person she is (ie a goth guy is more likely to get a goth chick than a regular guy)
That's it
And all of these fail if you are ugly.
Women make themselves pretty by spending cash and effort on makeup daily and are just inherently more attractive to most men than most men are to women
Women make themselves more handsome by spending time and money on excersizing
It actually takes very little effort to get about as muscular as most women like, once you go beyond that you give most women the ick.
I have dumbbells
I just need to put more effort into actually using them
Did either of these women have an emotional connection with you? Probably not, right? And I'm guessing you're not above-average in body or face?
I'm attracted to parts of men beside their penis. Hands, forearms, butt (if they're fit), facial hair and face too. Even if at the start I don't find a guy very attractive, once I fall in love I find everything about them attractive.
we are talking about legal adults here
and yet you deserved the snide remark :)
only the elites
If you're young, that's not impressive. Most people can do that. Raise your standards for yourself.
Asking her out might not be the huge leap in intimacy that you think it is, judging by what you say. If you already spent a lot of time alone, then consider actually asking to go to some romantic place with her or similar.

As long as you can be graceful if rejected, you have nothing to lose.Also, if she plays it off as just hanging out, try one more time, and if it happens again, quit - it means no.
does not compute
It’s beautiful can’t wait to make my trans bf carry my kid
women appropriated our high heels and thighs
vengeance will be had
we're out of rich and handsome guys. only the poor and ugly ones are left.
imma lift right now salivating about a stronger me
The high school cross country team runs all around downtown every day after school, and I drive past them every day when I get off work. Well, today is such a hot day, and a lot of the girls had taken their shirts off. Sweaty high school girls running around in sports bras and shorts. I must admit I slowed my car down a bit.

Girls, what do you think of where my mind is at?
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depends where you look
western? super gay
eastern? cool as shit
look at these coats, and boots
That's what I'm saying
I want to test the waters over text, then when we hang out next time, I'll know if I'll be able to get more intimate
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>official ceremony of becoming a moid's slave, possibly for life
>It's your holiday, you're supposed to be happy and joyful and invite all your fucking aunts and uncles and spend shit tone of money
I don't want to live in this world
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For hunger and thirst
You're not going to unskinnyfat yourself with dumbells lmao. A single cookie is nearly 500 calories. Dumbell excersizes would struggle to clear that in an hour. A leaisurely swim is comparable to a high intensity excersize in calories burnt and a high-effort swim stomps it while being much better for your joints.
But the fact is you should just eat less sweets, drink less, etc and work out to gain muscle, trying to fight the bodies ability to retain energy is fairly pointless, we're very efficient.
just go lesbo already then
Why the fuck are there two threads? Retards.
Have you considered that this might be a consequence of not having found an adequate moid yet and having developed ressentiment towards something many people look forward to in order to cope with an inferiority complex?
Post-modernists are insufferable
pure kino
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dont listen to everyone else anon, theyre just not as good at loving men as i am. i'm the fucking queen of enjoying men. i partake of men like a sommelier tasting fine wines, if instead of tasting them i just creepily looked at them from across the street or on tv.

things i find slutty and sexy on men:
-tank tops/wifebeaters. utterly whorish. i am going to bite your collarbone
-patterned buttoned tops. bonus points for flashy/long collars. loud patterns and colors, leave the top buttons undone grrrr woof woof woof
(solid example from a good show: https://files.catbox.moe/6yxzge.jpg)
-if you want to pull off the same look but be less of a whore you can wear hawaiian shirts. less snazzy than the example shirts, but still nice. bonus points if you wear a tank top under it
-jewelry!! not tons, dont try to dress like a pimp or a mafia guy, but a tasteful necklace with a leather string and a dark token (like a coin or a metal thing) is a nice way to frame your pecs. i like one or two rings as well. thumb rings are stupid though. for me it's either your middle finger or your index and ring finger.
-jeans that hug your ass nicely. pants that hug your ass in general.
-if you wear pants, wear a nice belt. belts can be jewelry too
-a good hat can make a man if it suits you. love a cowboy hat but you gotta live it, yknow? straw hats for beach bums work too.
-hanging sungasses from your shirt collar can be hot, same concept at the necklaces
-big jackets. leather bomber jackets, winter coats, just a big silhouette can be nice, especially if you're a big guy.

thats what i got for now but i could probably come up with more later if i tried.

please never wear polos. ugly as sin.
>pick me
T. Man
>But the fact is you should just eat less sweets, drink less, etc and work out to gain muscle, trying to fight the bodies ability to retain energy is fairly pointless, we're very efficient.
I actually don't eat sweets and basically only eat one large meal day
my only issues are soda and the fact I don't work out
Just using those dumbbells will give me some muscles
my shoulders are small af
Men, please don't go for pickmes. Don't believe in their lies
Post age and whether you agree or disagree with each of the following.
>men must become, women just are
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
>men are the prize not women
>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk (they only have their youth and beauty)
>never marry
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
>build it and they will come
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
I interviewed somebody and didn't give them the job because they did badly. If that counts.
All women lie
I hate all your outfit suggestions
Got 3 lines in and its just
Didn't read the rest
>men are the prize not women
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
>build it and they will come
only these the rest is garbage
I only go for man hating femcels who spend all day on twitter.
what job and what did they do wrong, Satan? You might be the devil but surely you can help your fellow 4channers out
then don't date me
Stop trying to make marriage sound good for men
t. moid
I WILL date you and you WILL like my white T-shirt and gray short combo and we WILL have cute children together
>man hating femcels who spend all day on twitter
Almost me but for me it's 4chan too, not just twitter
>men must become, women just are
no, some men just are as well
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
kinda, more yes than no
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
from my experience yeah
>men are the prize not women
>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk (they only have their youth and beauty)
no, most people age like shit no matter what
>never marry
my naive ass still clings to the religious ritual, bringing the state into it is cringe
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
probably the safe move yes
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
no idea what that means
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
safe to assume this
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
the focus of my life includes her so she's required
>build it and they will come
absolutely wrong
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
she'll eventually start disliking you
>Post age and whether you agree or disagree with each of the following.
>men must become, women just are
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
>men are the prize not women
>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk (they only have their youth and beauty)
>never marry
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
If you have children by her your new family should be your priority
>build it and they will come
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
Forgetting the image is a sign that it’s not worth it after all.
I hope I get to watch a video of you sobbing on camera when you're in your 40s and you're a single, childless cat lady with nothing meaningful in your life.
>it's 4chan too
Even better.
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How do I break up with my long distance gf without hurting her too much? We were together for 4 months before she left and it's been a week and a half of I can't take this shit no more.
Remember Anita Sarkeesian's birthday themed wedding?
You mean wedding themed birthday? Yeah, that was funny.
MaleGAWD here
Can't WAIT to spend 15 bazilion bazingas on a rock so some chick can feel special for like a few days while also paying 20 minecraft diamonds and 100 million moneys on the dress she will wear 1 time and the venue we will visit once
jk jk I have no intention to get married
>Needing a certificate to prove your love
sad lol
No, whoever feels like it can say it. I also like men who wear their heart on their sleeve. And in my opinions, relations where men initiate last longer, simply because men prefer to do the chasing. But I also believe in reciprocating and if you walk a mile for me, I'll walk a mile for you too.
Kek, absolutely not
I don't believe in centering your life around any person, man or woman. They're your partner, your equal. They can function on their own, and so do you. But when the day is over, and you're done dealing with the world, you have someone to go back to.
It might be true, but not always. Some women will build with you.
Don't treat her like a star. Don't be a simp. Have boundaries.
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Never mind.
>financially support bf with agreement he would care for the house
reverse gender roles won't work. i don't want to sound like a dick, but your relationship is destined to fail. i mean, humans are not designed to work this way. there are even studies supporting that.
Women are literally prizes and that is the way they want it, that's not an insult or anything that is just how they prefer it, they want to be won, competed for and claimed, worked for.
Still better than washing some moid's dirty underwear, sucking his dick, cooking his favorite greasy shit, bearing his children and getting beaten up for breathing too loudly from time to time
Hut, two, three, four
thats a heavy handicap you're starting with. i'll be impressed it you pull it off.
>>men must become, women just are
>>she is not yours, it's just your turn
>>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
Depends on the woman
>>men are the prize not women
Neither are a prize
>>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk (they only have their youth and beauty)
>>never marry
Disagree - it's necessary for tax reasons
>>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
>>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
Men don't feel love.
>>she always has plan b and c on her mind
>>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
>>build it and they will come
>>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
You don't deserve to call yourself a man if you don't think people can act above their basest animal instincts.
>black socks and white t-shirt
I'll be in touch.
if you have dark hair you're a walking oreo.
(Pardon my dyslexia) Yes!
Your parents are supposed to pay for the wedding. Sorry they have failed you so badly.
>men must become, women just are
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
>men are the prize not women
Disagree (you want it to be lol)
>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk (they only have their youth and beauty)
>never marry
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
Disagree (don’t get into a relationship, then, nutsack).
>build it and they will come
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
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manifesting gym gf
I actually do
Bet you like oreos though
Open one up and lick the inside and then eat the yummy cookie on the outside
use a hacksaw not a chain saw, don't make it too messy
I picked my ab roller back up after buying it like 6 months ago and finding it too hard to use and now its too easy
Not a gym goer though
One of the hottest chicks regularly posted here


>men must become, women just are
no, unless you see a woman as a fucktoy.
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
e: you can't own people. marriage means nothing today. she has to actually like you long term. no guarantee even if you try your best. roll the dice.
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
neither. it depends on if she actually likes you or is just leeching. figure it out.
>men are the prize not women
no one is a prize, unless you are stupid. see 1.
>men age like wine, women like milk
no, unless you see a woman as a fucktoy, see 1.
>never marry
yes. marriage is pointless today.
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
e: just be honest, if you put this much effort into manipulating women you're probably boned anyway.
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
no. unless you are looking for gold diggers.
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
varies. no answer.
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
yes. good one.
>build it and they will come
no. unless you are looking for gold diggers.
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
e: as much as I disagree with the general ideas in this post, power corrupts and you shouldn't impose that on someone. psycologically proven. just treat her as a person.
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>Not a gym goer though
we will fix this, homegym helps
i can't tell if there's no innuendo here or you're implying i like to eat ass
This is why I'm not a gym goer
There's no need to be upset
State gender and any exercises you do.
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>just gave birth on July 9
>pic taken on July 20
I only want a gf if she doesn’t gain weight and during pregnancy
Deep Squats
Pull Ups
Ab Roller
Leg Raises
That... I own my own gear
I don't go to gyms, I'm in one
the innuendo is that I'm a delicious cookie and you're going to love me and our future children
well you go to the gym then, you just dont go to a public one
the way you worded your replies I assumed you didnt workout at all
>I only want a gf if she doesn’t gain weight and during pregnancy
Best to get a girlfriend who has already given birth before then. Just to be sure.
shoddy craftsmanship on that innuendo. not many layers to it. unlike an actual oreo.
>3 times boxing gym
>hikes on weekends
How do I kill one fruit fly? It's been bothering me for weeks. There is no rotting fruit.
senior developer.
They flubbed the technical portions of the interview. Both the generic sort of coding question and the higher level systems design one. They weren't really able to drill down into deeper concepts on anything other than the stuff you'd read on the getting started pages of what they were talking about. To be fair they did reason well about the concerns and caveats with the choices they made but for senior positions I'm expecting a little more real experience given that the high level technical interview is very analogous to real working problems and not just some weird hypothetical. It's like "How would you implement <thing literally every professional developer interacts with>".
Not everyone likes technical interviews, but for coding ones some people are a bit more lenient for seniors than I am, because right out of school you still remember a lot of data structures/algorithms type stuff (though that's not even really what our questions are like), and actual working people with experience might not remember that stuff without prepping a bunch, which people don't like to do as adults. But imo if code question prepping takes more than like a couple of hours spread across a few days, that's a red flag. You aren't *learning* the stuff, you're just supposed to be doing a refresher. Do like 5 leetcode mediums in the language you wanna interview in without looking at docs and you should be mostly fine. I consider it kind of rude to do badly in coding interviews as a senior, regardless of whether you think they're applicable to real life work.
And then there's the argument that those sorts of questions aren't analogous to real world work, and that's kind of true but I don't like working with developers who don't understand basic CS concepts because all they've done is write some expressjs CRUD apis. Not that you need a CS degree, but if you don't have one then if anything you should be overcompensating.
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Fucking nasty!

No one wants to marry you or have your children anyways
How do I indicate to my moid that I want him to fuck me but without seeming slutty or desperate?
Bench press
Barbell curl
Reverse barbell curl
Romanian deadlift
Ab roller
Hanging leg raises
Pull up
Tricep pushdown
Extended tricep pushdown
Liu Raises
Weighted leg extensions
Thick grip wrist curls
Rice bucket
Muay Thai
Dumbell shoulder press
Hammer curl
Wrist roller

PPL is a split, its not an excersize. They were asking for specific excersizes, not when you do them
Have you ever been fat or obese in your life? Why do you hate fatties so much? What about fat men? Obesity: what would you do about this crisis?
That's actually kind of disgusting and a good example of why something that may look hot in anime form doesn't work at all irl.
Somewhat agree, in the sense that men have to prove themselves more.
Somewhat agree. After taking into account her standards, then it's about her character, not what I invested.
Disagree, men don't age well, just that we have a little more leeway on age.
Disagree, I have no patience for mind games.
Somewhat agree. Either gender has the capacity for both, but those are real tendencies.
Disagree. Only true of sluts.
Somewhat agree. It's important to have a reason for life other than one's hopes for a relationship, but that's not a reason to neglect her or the relationship.
Somewhat disagree. Effort helps but is not a guarantee.
No idea what this means.
nigga answered this like a personality test
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>PPL is a split, its not an excersize. They were asking for specific excersizes, not when you do them
listing every single exercise I do would take ages though because I swap them out constantly
Who is she?
>how do I indicate that I'm slutty without seeming slutty?
Is it already that point in the thread where we ask ridiculous questions?
Women will i be judged by you for having an anime figure in my pc case
>found the image somewhere
>no one will have my kids
>good for you?
Am I supposed to feel sad or scared or something? I’m young; I still have time to find a girl, angry nigger.
I’ve never been fat. That’s the reason why I don’t understand why they just can’t get a fucking grip and exercise, eat well, and lose the damn weight.
Touch his penis once *accidentally* and then once on purpose
She's a stick to begin with, it's a wonder she was even able to go through with the pregnancy.
How else would I answer it, faggot?
>>how do I indicate that I'm slutty without seeming slutty?
This is not my question
You're gonna need a lot of semen to fill that up
You're only supposed to gain about 20lbs during pregnancy. Most women just use it as an excuse to blow up.
I know it sounds like it but I'm not even actually complaining, they should do it if they want and it makes them feel better. Obviously pregnancy is rough. But it is going to make the postpartum time harder and probably more ripe for depression and low energy if you add
>having to diet off another 30lbs I gained unnecessarily
to the fact that you now also have to look after a child.
Again. Eat if it makes you feel better during pregnancy. Just don't buy into the idea that you were supposed to gain 50lbs.
Fucking your bf isn't slutty
IN? Isn't that bad for both?
my text skills are weak but my fun having skills are strong
I'm got layers like an onion
like everyone else retard
There you being over dramatic. What, Just because you’re heavy or big, anyone who is smaller than you is unhealthy? Already know the answer to that.
>nta btw
thats why you marry a girl that worked out and took care of her figure before getting pregnant
most girls just ride on the fast metabolysm of youth to stay skinny then they balloon up

get yourself a gym girl who knows how to gain weight and how to lose it
>not husband
That's slutty, but people psyopped themselves into believing otherwise so they could act on impulses without feeling bad.
You mean with less detail?
No, fuck you.
29, male.
>men must become, women just are
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
>men are the prize not women
>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk
>(they only have their youth and beauty)
>never marry
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
Too black and white. But I don't think women love us with the same intensity
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
I really want to say no, but that has been my experience
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
>build it and they will come
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
I was talking about hips, mostly.
Fucking typos
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she has her pants pulled down on her thighs. thats what happens when you have a big ass and trying to squish it into tight pants
you dummy
How would you feel if you knew someone has fantasized about you despite never showing any signs of interest?
I'd find it weird and distance myself from that person
She has her brain severely damaged from the looks of it
Just go ahead and say she’s fat as shit, retarded nigger. That’s what it is: fat.
You found a pic, obscured the face so it would like a regular person and not a wealthy e-celeb, and then made up story about the pic being taken a couple of weeks after she gave birth to bait the thread. Maybe you should find a better way to spend you time
Are they hot? Are they related? Do I like them?
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if this is fat im afraid what skinny means to you
>Maybe you should find a better way to spend you time
Take your own advice, little cunt. Look at you, wannabe tough guy.
Apathetic unless I liked her.
I start teasing them
There's this thing called a metabolism... it varies from person to person.
I kill my self
Female, how would I even find out in the first place and why would I care either way?
>then made up story about the pic being taken a couple of weeks after she gave birth to bait the thread
I just read this part. You’re retarded as shit to look up an image and then not even look on her damn instagram account to see if it were real. You’re the epitome of retardation. Google is free, nigger, but then again, niggers don’t know how to use the internet incorrectly.
So it wasn't an accident! I knew it!
I'm>>31903850 why don't we all just kill our self?
Look at you, mad because mom made you clean your room before grade 9 starts next week
That doesn’t make sense but sure, I guess
how do men feel about eating ass? assuming it's been douched.
Conspicuously... ?
Absolutely disgusting
I am completely indifferent.
I would do it if I liked the girl for her.
Nta, what advice can you give to someone trying to self teach programming and struggling to find docs for certain topics? Google only seems to find stackexchange and medium posts, which are sometimes helpful but only with minor issues, and official docs (where available) all seem to assume you already know how to program.
You follow e-celebs on instagram and believe their photos are unaltered candid snapshots? Oh boy, you're even more retarded than you first appeared
Eat a dick
F. I'd consider the possibility of fucking them.
Any porn recs? (I'm in a bubble butt mood)
34 M
>men must become, women just are
>she is not yours, it's just your turn
Somewhat agree? The goal is to make my turn last forever though if I want it to
>if she finds something better, it doesn't matter how much you invested in her
Disagree. Women stay with shitty guys who aren't even chad all the time because they feel invested. Anyone who knows women irl knows this.
>men are the prize not women
>men age like wine (if they put sweat in it), women like milk (they only have their youth and beauty)
Mostly disagree. Cherry picking older men who age well vs. women who age badly.
>never marry
Ambivalent. Make your own decisions. I would get married under the right circumstances.
>never say I love you first, she will do that when she thinks you are her best option
Disagree. Say you love them when you love them and no sooner.
>men love idealistically, women love opportunistically
Disagree. Differs by individual.
>she always has plan b and c on her mind
Disagree. Maybe sometimes true but definitely not always.
>never make her the focus of your life, instead have a purpose that she follows along with
Agree up to a point and then past a point of mutual investment disagree.
>build it and they will come
Mostly agree.
>treat her like a star and she will treat you like a fan
Disagree because I wouldn't stay be in a relationship like that. Treat her like a star and if she treats you like a fan in return then leave. Maybe star is too strong a word though. I wouldn't suggest just constantly doting on and pedestalizing your gf, but you should both want to be each other's #1 supporter.

Genuine question. Why did you type all those questions out instead of just writing
> post age and if you agree: women bad.
It occurs to me I never actually read the physical descriptions in smut I read unless it comes up during the sex.
Why the effort? Meaningless
If I love her and she asks for it, maybe
Jenna who? Jenna Moreci? That was the first writer I saw on youtube if you were referring to a youtuber.
Ignore it, this happens all the time.
i think it's hot if it's like a domination thing
if it's just out of the blue i don't get it, the pussy is right there
I’ll do it, women buttholes are cute
I would fantasize-back, firing all my cannons.
i would rather eat ass than pussy if the ass is clean
its a more asethetic hole on a woman
That's pretty gay, anon
Thai read like incel manifesto
Who’s gonna tell him
>I said I loved her first
It’s over
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Manifesting literal gender war in which men are cripped as a whole within the first week after a biological agent spreads through the air and specifically only harms men, making them weak, unable to defend themselves, ending the war as men now need to be protected and fed by women, yet they keep fighting, until they're picked off one by one, collared and leashed and I claim my own handsome husband as a spoil of war
Did she say it back?
Woof woof
Are you the same femanon that wants to nurse a man back to health Annie Wilkes style?
Honestly it's hard for me to answer when it comes to really fundamental stuff like that. I *think* I know what you mean, regarding the basic syntax of languages? Because those docs can be kind of opaque if you don't already know what you're looking for. For that early I'd probably just recommend finding a beginner course on youtube (or a book) for whatever (mainstream) language you want. One that's going to walk you through all the basics of the file structure, compilation tools (if applicable), input/output, types of loops, scopes and maybe some common design patterns used for the language. Then try and make something simple on your own without referencing the tutorials or docs too much. Something like a simple little a small little choose your own adventure text game.
You can use tutorials to get started, just don't rely on them if all you're ever doing is following along with tutorials and copying them line by line.
If you can be more specific I might be able to give you a better answer though.
*throws tennis ball*
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Manifesting hockey bf
Woof! *grabs the tennis ball and brings it back* Woof.
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You know what, fuck it. Sure.
Nah they are great. Always want to prove themselves worthy and 100% loyal
No, I don't want to nurse anyone. Why would I want to fix him? He's mine now.
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Same vibe
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part 1 just cause
>I try to play it casual and basically don't go after the women I want
>I get no rapport
>I try to play it a little bit less casual and more direct when trying to connect with women
>I get no rapport either

what could be the problem?

please note that Im not trying to get in a gender war or trying to be inflamatory or anything like that. Im genuinely asking. Also, Im not doing extremes of both cases I described, it's just simplified
Piggy bagging off >>31903662 which answer do you think is most accurate to what you have in mind besides yours
Hot… need me a freak like you
I hate 4chan for making me like dominant women
>what could be the problem?
You aren't appealing
Women, if I broke both hands in a freak accident would you hold my dick and help me pee?
Am I retarded?

As a man I wish I was a gangbanger in Brazil because you literally can't suffer in a favela, girls are pretty, you don't know any better, every day is like a party until you die (which doesn't matter because you believe in 77 virgins)... You'll probably do coke and knock some pretty slut up, leaving your mark on the world while enjoying life

Instead I'm a firstoid, suffering from whitemans burden. I have to go to the university to get educated, I have to work my ass off... I wish I was born any shade of brown instead of Nordic white. I might get gibs but I'm heavily taxed, I probably won't have children and because of my atheistic beliefs I feel depressed and aware of my mortality. Despite that my life will drag on till I die in a hospital bed, meanwhile a thirdie can go out in a blaze of glory during his prime and die happy

Like I should know better but brown favela chicks are so insanely hot I'd die for the chance of boning one
maybe, what would make a man, in general, more appealing?
>which doesn't matter because you believe in 77 virgins

I can do it even without you breaking your hands
Hate it
In the context of Dante's inferno, which circle of hell would you be sent to?
To be honest being you does sound like suffering, though maybe not for the reasons you are posting about.

You know you could probably go to a favela and just take a poverty qt home with you right? You don't HAVE to be a gangbanger.
All of them, cyclically.
Pretty cool of you to assume that any of the mongoloids posting here have read the divine comedy
Quick fixes: Haircut is the male makeup, get one that makes your face taller or wider, whichever you need. Workout so you have that masculine edge and don't look like shit in clothes. Dress better (general tips on /fa/ but ignore the niche/gay stuff).

Long term: Have a better character, more skilled and interesting, learn what women want etc. You won't do any of this so I'm not going to go into detail, if you want to try, you will.
Why are people allowed to post shit and piss?
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just get on n app or sth and meet your own larissa
Maybe women are good after all
I didn't realize JH was Argentinean
State gender
Give me a positive thought you had to today or would like to have!
It's just a visual representation of the thread in general
Should men with white collar jobs lift to purge the onions and wokeness from the body that comes from excess exposure to corporations and uni?
Would you let me watch you pee in exchange?
Limbo. Good thing it was shut down
Why would I when I could cut it off?
Most men aren't choosing, they simply get their chance with an specific woman at a certain point in their lives

considering this, this idea of guys wanting to be with this specific woman and falling only in love with her feels like a weird fantasy to have to me.

I mean, do women really expect us to put all of our effort and emotions into one woman even before knowing her?
>be male
>at a bar
>get into an argument with a girl
>she sputters spit in my face

I just did nothing about it and walked away. I won't be an edgelord and pretend that I totally would have beat her ass if I could get away with it, but even so, how was I supposed to react?
I’ve read it, I guess that makes you the mongoloid.
I guess anon thinks Brazilians are muslims that get an extra +5 virgins?
>people posting piss and shit is a visual representation
OP, you know what to do. If it didn’t get deleted on here, it won’t if it’s the OP most likely. Idfk.
I don't get it
She probably put more effort into her outfit and it'll be more embarrassing for her to be wet so throw a drink on her too
you don't know a lot

remember: when you go to brazil, wear a condom so fish don't swim up your penis
I've read it too. So that makes us even I guess.
I just worked out
ladies am I big enough to ride you yet?
Don't get into arguments at bars in the first place? It shouldn't be that difficult
Will you start sounding like a faggot if you spend too much time around gays
>white man's burden
Lol, that's an anglo/germanic thing only buddy, your kind were savages
Ride me?????????
Who have you killed to get sent to the 7th circle?
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The new thing is bridling and saddling up your femanon before you PLAP PLAP her.
Lust. Then again I only remember the 9th.
Same except the biological agent makes women infertile and causes them to become insatiable sex fiends who can never actually experience pleasure or orgasm, and all women become literal sex dolls to be passed around and used by men.
who is the biological agent?
can I hire him to spy on campy russians?
I would’ve gotten hard
take you on a romantic date and maybe lovingly hug obviously
those other guys are weird right
Kek. I assume it's well known enough for the the purposes of my question. Like everyone knows that Lucifer is an archangel in paradise lost even if they haven't read it.
Noted. But my urethra is quite small
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Should women be tossed across rooms like dwarfs?
Little people
i'm so horny i feel like i have a fucking fever. i'm sweating.
Lust is actually #2, which is probably where I'd end up.
Where is my black wife?
In an ideal world I would wear an armor of women. One on my back holding my backpack, one supported entirely by mock and 2, one in each arm, held by their legs, extending my rach
Just masterbate you cunt. Insane
Tfw no poophole loophole olive oil
Yeah I forgot which is which besides Betrayal being the 9th.
Sorry, we're almost finished.
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Femanons, I'm aware this is probably the most narcissistic thing posted in this thread, but a quality I want in a partner is that their sense of a good time in bed is linked to how much they managed to satisfy me. I've had a few girls mention this when talking to them about kinks and what not and I was curious how common this is and how realistic it is to expect this in a partner.
We must form a party. Atoga's finest. Prowling the night for ebony queens. Me, 4 foot tall, with a 3 inch dick. And you
Tfw no power armor made of femanons :(
Implying you'd ever be chosen over me.
Who cares who she hooks up with, you're her husband, she CHOSE YOU!
We are monogamous.
What a dumbass ahahha
that doesnt make the horniness leave though.

how much they managed to satisfy you PLUS how much they enjoyed themselves? common.
disregarding their own pleasure and ONLY pleasuring you? rare but exists.
Girl I know going through a hard time who I told to let me know if they needed anything texted me just now asking for a distraction or memes. What should I send her?
House. Gregory House. Do the dinosaur.
Why does it hurt so much to get ghosted in the talking stage.
You can't get ghosted in the talking stage, only the stage where you've created an in-person connection.
What are your goals with this woman?
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queen posting
Don’t let it bother you. The sooner you have control over not giving a fuck, the better and more attractive you’ll be.
For her to break up with her bf and after a time go on and date somebody who isn't me but also isn't a piece of shit.
>a lot of the girls had taken their shirts off
And they should be suspended every time.
A dollar slice is now $5.
I dont think thats 4chans fault bro
Someone that goes into the bedroom with with their general thought process centered around my pleasure over theirs, so probably a mixture of the two with a heavy focus on the latter.
>rare but exists
Guess my odds aren't horrible then
what happened to us
Ok, it's definitely not this chick; there's no fucking way MKG would like her. So which Jenna are you talking about???
Club penguin died:(
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Women why aren't you hot like this?
>my supervisor literally said "I love you" to me 3 times in the span of 30 minutes
She can't keep getting away with this. My heart cannot take it.
Its joever
in the words of some anon: you need to work on your kegels

alternatively i can fuck you in the dichhole :*
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Manifesting Hockey husband
I'm sorry, I'm busy thinking about how to respond to this girl so I haven't been responding to the femtogans...

She said her schedule is messy and she doesn't think she's gonna make it to my group's lunch and now I wanna just say "Ah bummer, I wanted to see you again. Would you like to get lunch together next week?"

I was gonna ask a bro if it was cringe to tell her I wanted to see her again, but I know he'd just say "It's only cringe if she doesn't want to see you again"
That can't be natty. Where do I find this? Must I make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Atlanta?
Sexting you right now *sips my strawberry juice*
i meant dickhole*

your schwanz
your schnuffler

but close enough
I do this too but I'm a male supervisor to a shy new female coworker
I'm going to take her out on a work dinner next and subsequently a laying down meeting in my bed to improve coworker relations and teambuilding
You'd have gotten him but I just changed the fabric of the universe a tiny bit so you don't get him anymore
Worse than 9/11
say it You only live once
You know, I heard about a study that putting your supervisor's dick in your mouth builds trust. Swallowing his cum also builds the relationship further. You should tell her that!
uhh umm uhh... never mind
It's like hello but shorter.
I'm drowning in you.
I love my gf :D
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Manifesting goalie bf
Don't die.
>say it You only live once

I did. life's too short to just be friends with girls. You gotta just fucking ask. Now back to the femtogans
I know the feeling. I'm like a real man, but shorter.
Don't tell me what to do baby.
>be me
>never been called a whiny, feminine male, tranny incel by that one femanon ITT
Women, would you date me?
If I were ever to fall into a coma, the first thing that I would do is check if /atoga/ is still a thing then post my schlong
you haven't lived
WHEELCHAIR RACE!!!! *wheelchairs aggressively across the room*

Can you even satisfy a girl like that without a 8x6er brehs?
if pee is stored in the balls where do girls store their pee
the cloaca
If you were a rich woman and I were your pool boy would you cheat on your husband with me?
fiddler on the roof ass question
>creeped out my pretty therapist
its over
If I were a pool boy yaba daba duuuuuu
You'll always be mine
Watching "house md series 5 out of context" Haha so funnyxD
If genitals never see the sun why are they so much darker?
If you had the ability to be the best at something, what skill would you choose?
state gender
how come when you drive fast people say you'll crash and die but when you want to crash and kill yourself there's a high chance you'll survive?
>If you can be more specific I might be able to give you a better answer though.
For context, I'm using python and have no plans to really use it professionally but may occasionally do simple scripts at work.
Recently I started trying to implement some basic GUI elements using the tkinter module, namely a file picker. I have a working version, but can't find any info on the options for tk to do things like not showing hidden directories in the picker, or presenting the files as a list instead of as a grid.
The official docs for the pathlib module demonstrate the syntax, but not in full, and don't explain things like the fact that some functions return list generators as opposed to actual lists.
The official docs for the pywin32 library literally don't exist.
Stuff like that.
three questions in a row hahaxD
Whats a piece of music or media or anything that you really like but everyone you know hates?
state gender
Base jumping
Are you a skateboarder already or you just like it?
>If you had the ability to be the best at something, what skill would you choose?
>state gender
Everything. I'd be rich and my family would be better off and I could be a part time neet.
I unironically like cringy anime/vocaloid music
Bro stole my question from 2 days ago
Legit Red headed men are handsome. Good taste
Already and I like it a lot
some parts of that song slap though but i cant say i would listen to the whole thing oever and over
Why are women the most powerful and important entities on Gods green earth?
must be a rush. do you go in those skate park bowls, or on the street?
Women, what’s with this weird trend I am seeing of women wanting nerdy men? No you don’t, history has proven you don’t. It’s so weird and cringe, kind of like the people who are like “need me an autistic bf/gf”… ugh
fundamental analysis of stocks and businesses, then i could become the next buffett.
Vaginal magic.
Vagic, if you will.
They only them for their money unironically
WAR (huh)
I do both, but prefer street. I like to find simple obstacles to do complex things. I say like, but I mean obsessed
I can understand that. there are some parts of it that I'm not a fan of.
Again (same artist) also good. Unironically like some of the sections of Me! Me! Me! outside of just the meme dance. some other gumi songs, and also All the Things She Said by T.A.T.U. which is also an anime song as far as I'm concerned.
Plaping femanons.
Sorry you’re not one of the handsome and mentally healthy nerds. Stay bitter
*Uses x-ray to see through your shirt* Meh.
Best lead climber.
thats cool you like it so much.
the closest thing i've done to it is snowboarding and skiing which I thought was really fun. its less punsihing when you fall though.
have you gotten any injuries from skating so far?
I report skaters to the police. I hate you
Damn nigga not everyone lives in /atoga/
It’s 2024, chud, being gay and communist isn’t a crime anymore!
I already have a gf ahahaha, but I don’t believe for a second that all of a sudden a good amount of women want a “nerdy bf”. It’s so fake, like, obviously yes there’s some with preferences for that, but who the fuck are we kidding man
Is there even a difference between a good base jumper and a bad one? they just fall through the air.
the best at astrophysics. i want to solve the universe. if not, neurology? specifically, how an idea originates in the mind or maybe what caused consciousness
The good ones survive, the bad ones splat onto the ground
Broken arm, foot, and concussion. I wear a helmet at least. Lots of bruises though but I don’t care.
Aren’t skiing like super fast? Wouldn’t think snow would help that much
M, probably the piano. I play the piano, organ, keyboards, etc, and I'm pretty good at it, but it's a little annoying watching someone like Oscar Peterson or Rick Wakeman play and know that I'll never be anywhere near as good as them.
Sounds like you are kidding yourself
The child version of you thinks you are lame
There is no place for a single error in base jumping and even when you do everything perfectly there is still a pretty big chance of you dying. But this anon said it better>>31904282
Is it? I never liked those contraptions that serve no place in a civil society. You've got parks go there.
I'm turning him into a dish and eating him. Sorry.
Just let me be spiteful at Twitter users, anon
Sees through your pants, meh
As long as it's not above 100k and she meets my other expectations, probably.

I'd find it weird, but acceptable.
HOWEVER she has to follow the normal guidelines for that sort of thing. Like we should be on the same wavelength when it comes to the topic i.e. we both want to get married to each other and without reservations. i.e. discuss it or whatever, don't just pop the question on someone who doesn't actually want to marry you.

I made a petition in school to ban DHMO to see how many people would fall for it. Got like 20 or 30 people to sign it.

M, pretty good but apathetic.

It's gross but if it's clean you *might* convince me to do it. You might need to accede to one of *my* fetishes though.

First or Second probably.
well at least you got the helmet. that sounds rough tho
skiing is really fast but thick and soft snow will act as a sort of cushion when you fall like you wont scrape as hard as skating on streets. people get hurt from jumps a lot still. I saw some guy try to do a jump and bumped his head and started seizuring, even in a helmet.
>you may need to accede to one of my fetishes though
it's not something i'm fixated on really, it just feels nice. not a dealbreaker.
yeah i can both see the appeal and the cringe here, a mixed bag for me. i dont hate it though.
you didn't use the * so it's like you said that out loud, and you didn't use x-ray so how did you see through my pants? still, not bad I like it.
Go to twitter and shake your fist at women and non stereotypical nerds
>being physically strong as a woman is sexy
true or false, atoga?
I read through every OP in the catalog and there was not a single thread worth responding to.
Do better.
Ouch, I don’t like seeing people get hurt but somehow we can’t stop
*gags on your pubes*
He said without asking a question. Do better, dummy
you ask a qeustion then you lazy fuck
If I get to age 30 and don't naturally find a partner through my hobbies, is it a bad idea to simply turn a lazy girl I know into a kept woman?
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how's your nose, femanon?
I just want to say I have better eyebrows and a nicer nose than any woman here STOP
i have a flat asian nose
Is it true that asian parents tell young kids to pinch their noses as much as they can so their noses become more pointed and less flat
I unironically love big noses on girls. They still have to be otherwise pretty for it to work, but it's a nice distinct feature.
what is your favorite euphenism for masturbation
>tfw about to tug the nug
I'm a simple "beat off" kinda guy
The word is 'euphemism', stupid.
Crankin my HOG
Distributing free literature.
I answered your question, why do I have to ask one myself?
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Love a good Roman nose on a woman.
no clue. my dad beat me.
Did everyone die? Where is everybody?
Sorry, I'm distracted by the Twins/Braves game
I'm sharpening some knives for my mom.
For... her to cut food with....
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i'm trying not to excessively hornypost out of respect for people who have legit questions but nobody is asking them. i'll answer anything. i'm lonely and a little drunk. reading a book otherwise.
My penis doesn't get as hard and long anymore

how do i make my erection better, and more sensitive? what do I need to do healthwise
Okay, what book are you reading?
What mom does with her knives is her business.
Same. I think it's due to low levels of activity and too much jerking off. God I hope that's all it is.
you wouldnt last ten minutes as my therapist. you'd cum in your pants so fast. fucking freak.
i now like eating vegetables and watching animal shows... anyone else? ^^'
nice quads. mistborn, the final empire.
How old are you and how fat are you?
260 lb 6'2 in my 30s
It's joever
As long as you didn't mean you were planning to kill your mom with your sharpened knives.
Yeah you probably need to work on cardiovascular health in general.
>But I'm Tall! I carry it well!
Just thinking about how much I detest f*ids.
I like roasted carrots and green beans covered in oil, salt, and pepper with some lemon zest, good stuff. Broccoli is good too when prepared that way.
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You would not believe how many images posted here are invocation spells. The pixels on screen may not be real but when you view it you create energy that powers Them. Your small belief while reading the thread manifests into reality. They do this a lot with posts about sex and masturbation. On screen it's fake but your belief if only slight can help summon Them. It's basically energy harvesting.
Are the anons here sexual degenerates? What is your most fucked up kink?
Femanons, are you soft and cuddly submissive or fucked hard and bruises submissive?
Decline to answer
Okay, I believe I can manifest a femanon NOW
>fucking freak
A loving relationship
Hand holding
>What is your most fucked up kink?
I don't know if I could answer this question. Too many to choose from.
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not a woman but i am asian and i can confirm that this was common practice.
it did not help.
I want to watch a femanon piss her pants
sounds delish, anon, and easy to prepare. maybe i should start seeking cooking advice on /adv/ <3
Both. It would be very weird and limiting to have sex the same way every time
When was the last time you trimmed/shaved your pubes?
Nta but generally speaking any flavor profile that works with one brassica works with the others in my experience.
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>I seem to attract exclusively Asian women, is this reverse fetishism
I'm tall, blue eyes.

More than half of my girlfriends have been Asian. Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Filipino, I don't know what it is. My friends think I have a fetish for them but I don't, or I didn't beforehand.

What is the logic behind this?
I miss boys. Boys really fell off recently
F. Last week. I'm due tomorrow.
I'm in a similar boat to you. Tall, blonde hair and blue eyes, white, slightly above average looks but still pretty plain. I think we're not handsome enough for a good amount of white girls, but asian girls are more than happy to have a tall white bf so that's who we attract.
Probs horse dicks.
Yeah I'm definitely not overly attractive. But better than average but that's all.

Oh well. I'll take it, it sounds like weeby but I just find them so much easier to deal with than white girls. They're more traditional.
Fucked hard and bruises
roger that
thnx anon :)
Yeah, I've accepted it at this point. Besides, their parents always like me and treat me well because apparently your daughter dating a white guy is like a status symbol for a lot of asians
why is interracial relationships so much more popular these days than 40 years ago?
it seems to be more popular with women of all races imo
it's because you're pulling data right out of your ass
Cause nowadays you dont get publicly shamed for it
More social acceptance and more brown people in traditionally white countries
State gender
How often do you cry?
M, I can't remember the last time I cried, it's been years
I think you guys just like asian girls
There's a music video that can trigger it pretty much instantly. But I don't watch it very often. A few other things too, mostly to do with death and life and aging, mostly songs.
I do the shaking-but-not-actually-crying thing somewhat often.
I don't
I try to cry only at designated times. I will watch something sad when I feel it is time.

Probably a handful of times each year. Depends how sad I am. Generally I block it out
Eh, I like pretty much all girls regardless of race. Asian girls are simply the only ones I ever have any success with
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I just like girls that are willing to have sex with me and 90% of them are Asian
why the fuck every single woman wants me to tie her up
State gender and cringiest thing you’ve ever done.
being a self-sufficient woman who can do shit on her own is sexy. guess being physically strong goes in that direction
for that exact reason. you would get burns immediately and then cancer if the skin of these super delicate areas wasn't already pre-filled with melatonin
Men would you date a girl who stands to wipe?
How is that even possible?
hell no , disgusting subhuman behavior. next you'll tell me you don't fold the tp into a square before you wipe
I genuinely don't understand how people wipe while sitting.
You two could've died
uh, i don't really want to date a girl who makes me learn how she does stuff she should be hiding from everyone
No. I can understand roleplay.
Being jelous of fictional characters is weird.
Nta but thinking back on some of the things I did as a kid I'm grateful I made it through middle school.
I do fold
Me neither!
I don't have to tell anyone
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>renewing passport
>(?): If you are not employed, state so in the occupation field. If you are self-employed, the type of work you perform should be completed in occupation and “self-employed” in employer.
I'm neet, is there any potential backlash if I type in self-employed and give a vague "its on and off" kind of "job" to myself? I don't want my passport to just say "unemployed" when that might not be the case in the near future
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2-4 times a month, usually in the car or in the shower.
I also do this sometimes. If I don't get it out of my system regularly I feel like I start becoming emotional over little things too easily.

One time when I was maybe 14 I went with my dad (electrician) to do a quick housecall for an older lady who was really friendly. When we were about to leave I guess my brain got the wires crossed and categorized her as "grandma" and so without thinking I went in for a hug. She just kind of went along with it and said "haha I'm a hugger too". My dad was completely silent in the car afterward and we never talked about it.
I think it depends on the woman, her body type, face shape, proportions, even personality.
how poor are you, anons?
I'm so poor I can't afford weight plates for two dumbbells so I have to lift with just one
nigga, your passport won't state anything about your occupation, otherwise they would need to issue you a new one each time you change a job.
that's for the state to spy on you and maybe decide if you're worth a passport
this isn't really an /atoga/ question, anon
Just say self employed and freelancer
Where do you live that your passport lists your occupation?
I have to live with my parents and still eat like a peasant
Kek, I like foids with strong noses, as long as they aren't downfacing like a... Cosmopolitan's
Yeah i do too
People who sit wiping have filthy assholes
bro, i'm so poor i can't afford a gf
Your passport doesn't list your occupation, that's just part of the application process
No they don't. You and that anon are disgusting dishygyienic
men; what's the hottest thing you can imagine a girl wearing around the house if she lived with you, that you also imagine is comfortable for her? no underwear is awkward and can leave messes, no bra can be uncomfy if you have big boobs, kinkwear is usually uncomfortable on purpose... etc. avoiding stuff like that, what would be ideal for turning you on as much as possible?
Have your mom hand you a dollar
You are now an entrepreneur
Idk, I haven't seen my first passport in probably 18 years.
Not often but it also doesn't take much to make me cry I just have kind of a boring life
cropped tee and panties
Wrangling the purple headed yogurt slinger.
I guess that only works for whites
I want to make a crude joke but I feel like it would be strange to come off as hitting on or making lewd jokes about a child.
My ass is perfectly clean. My huge dick prevents me from wiping while sitting so not only is it a worse way to wipe its impossible for me.
I'm not a child if that's your problem
>no underwear is awkward and can leave messes
2)if you don't want to turn me on, just don't
My windows are single pane and my roof is falling in, electrical is tedious needing desperate upating, no hvac, my windshield has a crack, my gear shift has some problem, the paint on it is scraped in odd places. Moderately poor.
I thought women normally didn't wear bras at home? In any case, simple cotton panties and a t-shirt is hot enough and seems pretty comfy.
>State gender
>cringiest thing you’ve ever done.
When I was a child I was a loser, and I thought the best way for me to climb the social ladder was to climb over the bodies of others, so I did my best to bully my fellow losers.
I think it's the same wiping effectivness I just hate risking touching the toilet
Assuming "nothing" is off the table, stuff like robes or baggy sweats is ideal.
Some nice lingerie under a sheer nightgown
weird answer, but there's two halves to crying, i think. there's the biological side when my body recognizes sadness and physically responds, tears come from my eyes, i feel the pangs, but mentally i could be fine. then there's when my heart and mind cries, which is usually when i begin to wail and make ugly faces even if my eyes are dry. i fully cry like that rarely, but i will silently get watery eyes and feel the pangs several times a day, i just wipe them up and keep going on with my life.
>no bra can be uncomfy if you have big boobs
Couldn't be further from the truth.
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My clothes. Wear my clothes. Be mine.
>I'm not a child
not even at heart?
the fuck do you mean "untrue"?
I'm so poor I have to actually go to work instead of jet-setting around the world going to festivals
Feels bad man
I'm not this poor anymore but about three years ago now I lived in a trailer with a front door that couldnt open and had to be duck taped shut.
My window had a hole in it from being shattered but I put clear tape over the hole and it held surprisingly well. The walls were warped and there were cracks and brown stains in the ceiling from a water leak. The last tenant has fallen asleep while smoking a cigarette because she was quote "off her meds" so one of the walls just had a giant hole burned through it and smelled like death.
Naturally there was a roach infestation.
I couldn't afford to use heat in the winter and it froze my thermostat so I had to blowdry it to get it to work again
I think I was making like $900 a month working full time.
Maybe a little? I like toys
it is for me if i'm going about my daily life. i move around a lot, i need that support and containment.
Asuka vibes
by that i mean that even if you drooll so fucking excessively much to stain anything, it's super hot and produces no issue whatsoever
I wanna wear 6'2 guy's large shirt that probably won't cover my booty, with a thong.
it's an issue to me dude, i have to clean that up. im not gonna go "WAHH THE FURNITURE" if we're fucking on the couch but i dont want to smear on every surface i sit on. gross.
and by toys you mean the industrial jackhammer you take to your clit every night?
hot. good taste, good delivery. god i need a guy.
Poor but all my bills are payed and things are looking up for the future
You'll have to settle for someone shorter. Oh, who am I kidding, no you won't.
You don't just use your arms? I do laundry naked sometimes.
No I mean like doll houses and stuff
A long, flowy skirt and a tight shirt.
Or panties and one of my hoodies and nothing else.
Or nothing.

This is assuming she looks like the kind of girl I normally go for (petite with medium or small assets). If not idk how fashion would even work for her (probably not well).
i dont if i'm just lounging in bed but if i'm cleaning my house, cooking, exercising, etc etc, i do. support needed. i'm imagining an outfit i could wear all the time, all day, that isn't annoying and looks hot. in case i get hitched soon.
well i'm only home alone sometimes, maybe my habit has formed around that, but i feel like dedicating an entire arm to titty holding would be more annoying than wearing a bra. though i do hate the feeling. maybe i'll try it sometime. perhaps i have more to learn in the art of breast possession.
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>Asuka vibes
just like i said, if you don't want to turn me on, just don't. why even come asking questions, jeez
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On a scale of /10 how wrong would it be of me to sniff an attractive friends panties? 1 is teenaged curiosity and 10 is worse than hitler.
>29 and kissless
>go to her new apartment to put together IKEA furniture for her
>I'm in her room and she's doing stuff in the living room and kitchen
>notice her laundry hamper has a pair of panties at the top of the pile
>oh shit I cant remember the last time I encountered a pair of these!!!
>am tempted to sniff because she has a great body and I have never done such a thing before
>didnt go through despite being really curious out of fear of being caught or her noticing that the panties moved
should i kill myself
Who's this shorter person and what are they offering for my hand?
Probably but don't do it bro
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What are the pros and cons of your current partner? (use last relationship if single)
Idk about a rating out of 10. Obviously not hitler, but it's basically the worst thing you can do in the context of the situation you're talking about.
No, I was wrong. Go for 6'2". Go for 6'4" or even more. Always remember, you deserve nothing but the best, and you're gonna get it.
They're the comfiest fidgets I own. Like having water balloons you can just jiggle.
Sometimes when I'm infront of my mirror I just cup them and wiggle.
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Should i say ive been single a while and laying pipe (i havent) if a girl asks about my relationship history?
Would it make it any better if my motivation was just to experience something like that before I hit 30?
The hot guy posting doesn't really work on men. We can admire aesthetics without getting jealous like you females do when hot females are posted. It's prolly why female executives no longer hire cute actresses and there are some wide nosed baboons on screen since Big Harv got thrown to the wolves.
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Oh, so like... 6'5? But that's soooo taaaall. I want to kiss you without having to lay down or stand on stuff.
Not really.
>They're the comfiest fidgets I own
God I want a girl who lets me use her boobs as fidget toys so badly.
if you knew who i was you'd probably say something different. I come here because I have nowhere to go. I am a freak. I've even said some nasty stuff to you neuro, which I regret now. just such a freak
> seemed to genuinely like me
> extroverted
> could be completely myself around her
> no icks
> generally pretty supportive
> decently intelligent when not clouded by mental illness

> took up ALL of my free time
> constantly fighting about everything
> manipulative
> severe lack of drive
> not very attractive
> significantly older than me
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She streams on twitch btw. She's not quite as goth as that picture anymore though.
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What was the most traumatic experience of your childhood (before 20)?
shit, sorry, i forgot. i have some hormonal problems, mine are permanently sore. so it always hurts just a little bit when they bounce or shift. cannot wait to be over that shit, god, going braless must feel amazing when it doesnt literally hut
>use last relationship if single
uhh yeah

>10/10 face
>10/10 body
>a lot in common
>from the same town
>kinda okay with me being with other girls as well
>very attractive personality
>slightly younger than me

>made it a competition for her attention with her best friend
>doesn't stand up for herself, except against me
>wanted to watch television
>hates even the idea of giving oral
>lied about a lot of things
>cheated on me emotionally
>probably autistic
>didn't really want me taking part in major parts of her life in any way
>autistic genes so our kids would probably have been autistic
>unaware of how to love someone
>not as intelligent as I'd prefer
>had an oppositional reaction anytime I made a request of her
if i respond to this, half the thread would feel sick and the other half would jerk off. there's no positive outcome.
probably our house getting broken into while we where home, all huddled together in my parents bedroom hearing them move around downstairs was truly one of the most terrifying experiences of my life
i always sniff any panties i can without getting caught.
especially if i consider her as a romantic partner, since that gives me a good idea of genetical compatibility
My dad died when I was 4 or 5.
Manifesting autistic bf that likes to randomly jiggle my boobs gently.
Nah, you're good bro.
I'm a freak too and I don't take this shit super personally.
I dunno what to say because I haven't fully convinced myself that life is worth living either but I think coming out of the other side of a struggle is one of the most beautiful things you can do.
However, this post is going on too long now and I am sounding cringe, preachy, and gay so I just say farewell.
You probably are not as bad as you think you are.
>no bf who can't keep his hands off me but actually listens to how i want to be touched
Hi Neuro. Sorry I didn't notice your other recent posts.
Footfags ruin everything i hate them
Oh yeah. It does hurt if they are like, full or engorged. I almost forgot about that being a thing. Man, breastfeeding is also tasking. I fed for 2 years.
Well? I'm listening.
it didn't really consciously fuck me up but I almost died whenever I was 18 due to a allergic reaction and developed debilitating GAD as a result
I want to thank all of you little people inside my computer, you all make my days better
I would blame the dry spell on covid and self improvement if you got a little more /fit/ or picked up some lucrative career skill/trade/job.
If you felt like you needed some sort of history with women you could say you went on a handful of dates over the past couple of years and had a great time but nothing major came of it. (up to you to decide what is major)
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nothing, really
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She's just pandering to coomers in general.
Is there anything I can do to be manifested faster?
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You're welcome ;3
Nobody would jerk off to texts on a screen. Get over yourself.
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who would be your ideal partner ATOGA?
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This achieves several objectives
>She is wearing something she would likely only ever wear if she was with me and no one else
>It is immediately obvious she is mine and not just "a woman trying to woo the opposite gender"
>She is warm and comfy and that makes me happy to know and to see that.

Basically my tail wags fast when I see this.
are you hot
>Nobody would jerk off to texts on a screen
Haha, yeah.... who in their right mind would do that..?
Women almost exclusively masturbate to text.
You know damn well that's not true.
are you asking "describe your ideal" or "pick an anon or anonette from the thread who you think is closest to your ideal partner"
My ex gf but she actually loves me back now.
speak for yourself
Are you also goth? If yes do you exclusively date other goths?
This might complicate my last reply (or make it easier) >>31904837
Ive known a few goths and they always seem to date in circles like small town folks with limited options.
A clone of myself
describe your ideal
what made her so special?
You could go to The Masquerade Ball of Richmond.
me but with a pussy
thanks you, very appreciated.
>look it up
>could easily attend
Please don't tempt me like this...
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Would you date him? state gender
Some qt sheltered white girl with yellow fever.
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I like unrevealing frumpy yet easy to pull down or reach under type clothing. Makes me feel like she only wants me to enjoy looking at her body and the rest of the world get fucked so its like a western burqa.
Oh, but I should~
Are you asking if its a good idea for you to date him or just in general? (I dont know if you are another M or an F)
yeah, i've got prolactinoma, so they're constantly in that state and it's infuriating. i'm taking meds for it so hopefully in a year or two they won't be!
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How do I get a wife who loves me with the least possible effort?
that's incredibly funny and autistic, but cute. i'd do it.
Mail order bride from third world country
>what made her so special?
Desu I'm not a good enough writer to properly answer. She was simply wonderful. Made me feel like I could do anything, so long as it was for her.
just in general, want to get an idea of womens standards with dating.
Women do you secretly stick food in your vag before you serve it to your man?
No, he looks fat and broke
Why not?
Be handsome?
Looks like the sort of dude who likes going to Miami or Dubai and then talking about how amazing it was.
i don't know. there's a lot of variety in the kind of man who i'd be happy with, so it's hard to pick one and say it's "ideal". the ideal is that he adores me without question. if we have that we have everything.
I had a pretty good first date with a guy tonight but I don't feel like we had the right connection that I'm looking for in a long term partner, BUT we did have good conversations and I wouldn't mind continuing to talk with him. Is there any way I can do the whole "let's just be friends if that's ok" thing without it sounding like an old hat cliche that just means "i did not like you, goodbye"? Guys, would you ever continue being friends with a girl after the first date due to shared interests, even if she didn't want to keep dating?
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Would you date this guy? state gender

My clothes
She would ideally be ambitious, bookish, compassionate, dedicated, enthusiastic, funny, genuine, hardworking, inquisitive, joyful, kindhearted, loyal, mid-20s to mid-30s, not fat, and that's about half of it.
Is it weird that i judge women's looks on how hot/cute i think they'll still look when they're old?
We've been over this, women lack the ability to take initiative and hold themselves accountable.
If he did, would you adore him back?
One of us would have to move.
I used to wear a rainbow dash backpack to high school. If i think about it too hard nowadays I want to blow my brains out
Im so poor I cant afford to pay attention
ba dum tss
I mean, I've dated uglier
Vegan, doesn't watch tv, wants kids, wants to homeschool, doesn't do drugs or smoke, 5'0" to 5'4", skinny, long hair, attractive face, doesn't wear makeup or nail polish, doesn't have piercings or tattoos, at least a little extraverted, kind, enthusiastic, a dancer, and a cuckquean.
Athletic clothing/athleisure or no pants and one of my shirts/hoodies
i can take initiative all right, i just don't want to play a retarded game of 'rape me but only the way i want it', because i will instead rape her the way *i* want it and she'll take it to the court.
like it's fucking teamwork, just hold me when i fuck you
Or we could travel.
Looks like what would happen if I combined a few familiar Youtube hosts into one person.
Not saying its bad looking.
probably a solid 9
>i always sniff any panties i can without getting caught.
psychopath behavior
>especially if i consider her as a romantic partner,
I dont like the implication of this but I know what you were trying to say
what happened
Theres that one femanon that I NEED
.... Probably dated uglier.
Not really, Just men.
Atleast Im at Hitler level and not worse than him level I suppose.
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ATOGA, do you perform the ..... natural obligations?
based, hell that guy is 5/10, thats where im at.
Probably weird but it makes sense if you're planning on being with them long term and want to keep attraction
She cares about and talks about what I care about and want to talk about and not womanslop.
that's been debunked
Femanons that like skinny men, where are you.
He seems like he would look 10x better if not fat, not from an unflattering angle, dressed nice etc etc etc
I live 7.5 hours from Richmond by car.
How did Indo and European drift so far apart?
I always forget how good peanut butter is
women whats the oldest man you'd date?
I haven't had sex in 10 years ....
Geez anon. It’s not that bad. lol
Ah, I'm only 2.5hours.
Thank you Aztec bros, sorry bout the cholera
I'm not sexually active right now
By choice, by choice
double (my age minus 7)
>psychopath behavior
you know, the problem with this thread is that instead of using this fantastic possibility of asking anonymous questions and be capable of perfect honesty and thus just exchanging information people come here to judge others and call them names.
not that i disagree with you but suck my figurative dick, dull bitch
He wants to be with multiple women simultaneously, but he wants his women to only be with him and no other man, and eventually she wised up to how dumb that was.
I still cringe about stuff I said when I was 8
You've got your pemdas fucked up but its okay
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doesn't that make you geh?
more than you could dream in a thousand years
definitely, he has potential.
entirely depends on the guy. there's probably a 60 year old who could sweep me off my feet the same way there's a 20 year old i wouldn't touch in a million years.
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would you date her? state gender
typical retarded moid, the rule is half your age plus 7, so:

2*(22-7) = 30 (for him)

(30/2)+7 = 22 (me)
So close, and yet so far.
I have gotten better
This is one of many reasons I actively try to block out any memories of my childhood
What do you mean doesn’t that make me gay
I am male and attracted to a female
...I suppose I wasn't being subtle there, no. My ideal is basically my ex without the bad parts.

Let's just say the entire relationship was a trainwreck in slow motion. We were both way too immature for a relationship, it was semi-LDR and only via text which makes empathy really hard, and we were butting heads constantly which was mostly my fault because I couldn't let things go, but not entirely because of the "oppositional reflex against requests I made" thing, and also because we were both passionate about certain things in different ways. And also the guy she was emotionally cheating on me with, who she obviously had a crush on but was lying to herself and me about (I could tell but was forcing myself- mostly unsuccessfully- to believe that when she said he was just a friend she was telling the truth), convinced her to break up with me.
M. Yes.
why should i follow some dumb rule that isnt even a law
Sure, she's cute. I like summer dresses, too
She got a kissable forehead
No, as douchy as it sounds I know I can pull someone better looking than her
Women would it be funny if i put my dick in a hotdog bun and put ketchup on it?
Assume 30 and 22.

Man's lower limit: (Half his age) plus 7 = (30 / 2) + 7 = 22.

Her upper limit: Double (her age minus 7) = 2 * (22 - 7) = 30.

She wrote it correctly.
I wouldn't *not* date her, but she's not really my type.

chad plz
So weird talking to someone who views sex as such a tiny portion of their existence, as an incel. I feel like candy corn talking to a candy shop about candy corn.
Based Chad
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Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say goodnight, till it be morrow.
I failed to recognize that you're post was written as a formula and not as a fucked up comma.
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Would you date someone slightly autistic if they loved you more than life itself?
M. When I was 8 I asked out a 23 year old woman I played halo with, and cried when she rejected me.
>When I was 8 I asked out a 23 year old woman I played halo with
>cried when she rejected me.
He was kinda cute...
Because other people follow it. Moids dont understand that social pressure is infinitely more powerful and important than any law
This is sad, sweet, and hilarious all at the same time
Not cringe. Move along.
>No (You)'s
Femanon's poise captivates me, but I'm aware of new relationship fragility, so I keep a respectful distance and don't express my feelings openly. We communicate through silent glances, and I'm happy to just observe her. The appeal is in our unspoken exchanges and her mysterious inner world. For now, the elegance of our nonverbal dance and the subtle beauty of our undiscovered connection suffice.
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Would you date this guy? State gender and why or why not.
Ill stick to RPN from now on
without a doubt. assuming we were compatible, obviously. if he's autistic and also happens to LOATHE something about me or something i do, in an autistic way, that's a problem.
No, does not spark joy.
Only if he had a way with words.
How do you connect or bond with someone who is autistic and doesn't really say much
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Yes, because I would take a chomp of it.
Just like the real thing, baka. Now sit still.
NTA but no, most people don't follow an arbitrary math formula when deciding who to date
smell and touch
NTA but I've heard that formula A LOT
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State gender
Do you think our notions of what is ugly are right or wrong?
People are dick riding Michael Hoskins for dating his childhood friend even after she got into an accident.
But she was still a athletic Stacy who gave him two beautiful kids with her genetics.
In my opinion this man is far more selfish because he did not date an ugly woman who has no disability.
For example a Chad with his face burned off will always be hotter to women because humans can detect genetics through smell and thus understand he is still going to give Chad babies, while a born incel is going to always lose.
This is not something to be celebrated, he still just ended up marrying Stacy Thundercock. There is no "deep love" here, just biological attraction.
Most of you don't date at all.
Like a dog or cat
Oh I definitely still cringe whenever I think about it
Would you rather date a fat person who drinks a 2 liter of soda every day or an alcoholic who drinks a 6 pack
Cant say neither and the alcoholic isnt abusive or anything
What makes someone compatible with you?
>Cant say neither
You stupid fucking retard, neither.
>humans can detect genetics through smell
Ehhhhhhhh, that's still contested
> 6 pack a day is alcoholism
hoo boy
Women who drink are sexy and fun, but sex with drunk women is considered rape, so I'll settle for the future diabetic ADHD sodawife.
i dunno every single thing, there's some baselines. generally valuing physical health, enjoying the outdoors, having a high sex drive, not being a narcissist? don't know if i could handle a hardcore religious guy either but it depends on how he expresses it.
I was just offered a threesome on Tinder, she asks to bring "a friend". but I have no one, I've never done a threesome, and I doubt I'd get hard having another dude in front of me
iirc 3 a day is considered alcoholism
alcoholic. we can drink together. i've been drinking more recently. i've noticed it makes me way more socially adept. it's absolutely fucked up.
It's the objective truth. A crippled burn victim Stacy in a wheel chair would still get more simps than the average woman would.
Depends on what you mean by "doesn't say much". A lot of autistics can be coaxed out of their shells with varying degrees of effort depending on how functional they are.
Women when you wear a bikini, does the shape of your nipple imprint on it?
>It's the objective truth. A crippled burn victim Stacy in a wheel chair would still get more simps than the average woman would.
I didn't disagree with that, just that smelling genes isn't a proven thing
No it's padded.
What is the longest amount of time that you and somebody else have gone with a feeling unaddressed sexual tension between you before one of you took action and reached some sort of outcome weather good or spectacular fail?
>6 beers is alcoholism
I don't think you ever touched a drop of alcohol in your life.
Yeah, you hear about it a lot online but most people aren't that autistic irl. Either you feel someone is too young or old for you and you don't want to date them, or you don't mind the age difference and you go ahead
i've got incredibly stubborn cone nipples. i've had the imprint of them push through a bra, tshirt, and sweater. a bikini might as well be body paint. which is why i bought a swimsuit that has loose fabric over my chest.
This not very pretty grad student from another department seems to like me and invited me to come by her office down the hall anytime. Talk me out of it
so if he was incredibly funny, kind, courageous, a leader of men, would you date him then?
If i'm cold yes
The alcoholic, I want a drunk gf that I can molest while she's passed out
Speak for yourself
do you want kids?
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This makes me wonder about how people have viewed those with disfiguring injuries historically.
you're just gonna break her heart and deal with woman bs for a few months for nothing. The deeper you go the harder it will be to extricate yourself
would rather have the fit partner who is also easy over the sober fatty
guess I hit the post button too early
this is while traveling from another country...
I told her that I find her pretty and want sex with her but she said to talk to her only if I'm able to bring a friend OR that she could bring someone else from Tinder (sounds weird af to me but whatever)
should I push her to meet me? how the fuck do I convince her? she's really fucking pretty and I'd love to make her mine
or should I just forget it?
She's going to rob you. Don't go.
Why do women have two boobs? whats the point?
2 weeks, but that was just one time. others happened within 24hours
Seething about other people's loving relationships is the most unattractive trait possible
well you sound wonderful anonette, I wish I could find a girl like you .... any idea where I could look?
So I can suck on one and fondle the other, duh
Bilateral symmetry
Alcoholic gf, I like drinking.
Also hopefully she can quit during a pregnancy.
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I am her favorite anon but she doesn't really know that yet and even if she knew, she would not admit that because that's the way she is and that's based. Currently hinding from her.
is that why men have 2 balls too?
yeah, I think there is a possibility it might be a scam. either that or she's legit crazy I guess lmao
also, something in her replies looks bot-like.
oh well, I'm dumb.
One is for me, and the other is for the baby.
Wait, I'm not an alcoholic? Yay!
>Currently hinding from her
No you aren't. Go swallow some glass.
I do what I can for my favorite Anon despite the fact that I will never be her favorite. The act of doing what I can is its own reward.
Men, whats stopping you from going to a bar/party this weekend , finding a nice girl and bringing her back to your place?
thanks man! i go to the farmer market every sunday. i go on people watching trips which really means i go to some public place and stalk people for a whole day and try to listen in on their conversations. usually couples. i like waterparks and rollercoaster parks and arcades too. i think thats most of the places i go in civilization. also like camping. good luck!
>I'm not an alcoholic?
>t. the vast majority of alcoholics.
She lurks atoga threads, seeking empathy alongside the lonely retard anon. Anticipating their virtual meetings, she craves validation, but alas, doubt whispers if she's worthy. She endures her internal struggle. She longs for acceptance from this enigmatic figure, anon, even while in a seemingly perfect relationship with Chad. Anon is her side hoe, and she is his friendzone.
1: I don't like loud and crowded places
2: I'm afraid of women
3: I don't like talking to strangers
4: I have no interest in hookups
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Women, have you ever liked a guy and you tried to grab his attention but he never really made a move on you so you lost interest completely?
if there a way for that guy to get your attention back?
Housing prices in this godawful state.
Platonic chivalrous monogamous loyalty to femanon.
>Go to 4-5 parties a year
>I don't to bars every weekend because I'm not 18 anymore, alcohol is poison and the types of women that sleep with dudes at bars are the not the type of women I resonate with
Also I have poor social skills
It's actually kinda hard
>legit just shitpost and have never tracked or crushed on any woman here
am i missing out? should I start obsessively trying to track femanons
I am not here, so I win.
Actually seething about other people's seething over other people's loving relationships is the most unattractive trait possible
1 and 4 are based, don't ever change those. Good luck working on 2 and 3 though.
Let's all gangbang femanon!
Does it matter? Everyone here is special in their own way.
>Anon is her side hoe, and she is his friendzone.
I don't drink
I'm not interested in partying skanks
She says who! Sometimes...
i dont have any environments where i get to hang around guys my age over a long time, so if i like a guy, i desperately try to make a connection in our first meeting. usually blows up in my face.
Um. 10 years.
The upside to tracking posters is tailor-made shitposts. There was a time where I could make JH leave the thread in anger with a single sentence.
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oh boy
>living in a town where there was a cafe but it went bankrupt
>bars are 12km away in the city but there are no night buses
>could still go for an all-nighter, but the drinks are criminally expensive
>dislike alcohol in general
>have no problem talking about actual stuff with women but i tried to bullshit a girl once and i just simply couldn't form a fucking sentence
>living with two older friends in the house
guess that's mostly it
>leader of men
Is this ongoing or did something finally happen?
What makes you feel that he has also been contemplating?
Come on I want to gossip
Stop it
Men have you ever had a woman assume you want to fuck them when you really didn't?
I feel like fucked myself in the ass by waiting to improve my life before getting a gf/wife and to have kids, and by dumping my last and only gf I've had.
I'm a male of almost 40 and, while I've always been depressive and shit, now I'm seriously considering killing myself because I don't know how to treat women, I don't understand them, women my age are ugly af and/or have kids and younger women don't seem to care about me anymore, at least I don't get as many looks as I used to...
I got my dream job, a good position in life but little romantic/sexual/relationship experience. FML.
I'm going to a dance festival this weekend, so that part's kinda handled... although it's nowhere near my place so getting a girl back would be a pain. Spending the night with her in the hotel is possible though if she has a room.

But I don't really know how to hit on a girl in a way that says I'm not looking for anything further, particularly because I am actually looking for something further but not with most women.

Also I'm expecting 40-80 % of the women there to be black, and 20-60 % of the women there to be coalburners. So not really a good mix for my tastes.
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This was supposed to be us but you only like blonde aryan men.
multiple times, even at early age
don't you have tasks to perform?
yeah but i fucked her anyway
You're giving us a lot of credit by suggesting we know what women assume about us.
Yes. Because >>31905159 turned into 13 years so far.
We still send each other LOZ porn.
There's something distinctly off with his proportions. It's like his nose to jaw is several sizes larger than his eyes and his ears are even smaller. It's like it's either a medical condition or bad art.
Sometimes you can't just stop it, sometimes you have to just let your feelings run wild.
I'm going to sleep.
Tasks can wait for another day.

Hey, I didn't waste hours on 4chan today at least.
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life sucks and then you die, what's the whole point?
small towns sound really tough socially. idk how people function
Okay, kill yourself right now. Go on, do it. What's that? You're not doing it? Interesting.
good boy
the point is to do good. thats why we have free will. to do good.
uhhh isn't that just life sucks and then you die on a smaller timescale? are you stupid?
i should include that said town is right next to the country's capitol. still no night bus
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Women please show in my dreams tonight, save me from having nightmares again!
If life sucks so much then you'd have no qualms about ending it prematurely to spare yourself unnecessary suffering.
nta but hot
So what is keeping you? Are you afraid the other person might want something more or less than what you were expecting so you avoid the topic?
you just gonna ignore this guy femanon? he has a huge crush on you...
Are you aware how pathetic you are? All that just to end up like this...
Why do no anons have a crush on me
I'm gonna die anyways so who cares, also you never answered my second question: are you stupid?
Ill have a crush on you just long enough to drain your bank account, deal?
Why do some anons have a crush on me even though they don't even know me?
You failed at being noteworthy..
I can almost guarantee that I'm smarter than you, seeing as you seem unable to comprehend the basic tenets of philosophical pessimism.
Of all the people in the world... don't you feel a little embarrassed of yourself?
Yeah, because he keeps avoiding meeting up it makes me think he doesn't want to.
But I know he probably just has terminal adhd or trauma that he can't get over to want to be with me. So I wait, and send memes.
still haven't answered that damn question though
I have no money
They've mentioned noticing me but not for positive reasons. I have no femalerizz
Plapping femanons cervix until shes cured of femcellism
L e m a o
I want to use your image to self insert you into my fantasy.
>no money
>no rizz
hard times for femanon.
what did you get noticed for?
If you're not Rule Breaker or Decades Schizo then you're not notable for negative reasons.
Any femanons getting your period now?
Do we sync up by being here?
Not her but pretty sure it is decades schizo.
Women don't need to be rich or have "rizz"
>anons are still assmad about Rule Breaker
not when they have a level 9000 gyatt like femanon
I live with my mom.
It's a small home with paper thin walls.
not really, most of the time I'd fuck them but when they show interest on fucking before being in a committed relationship I lose interest because I just imagine them fucking random guys without a care in the world.
how old are you?
Because I want to.
what did she even do besides the white woman's favorite passtimes?
Fuck dogs
be fat
look down on beta males
hate brown people
What are the excuses?
Have you ever tried touching him or leaning on him affectionately? If hes into LOZ porn there is a good chance hes never touched a non related woman before.
let's have some fun, take a guess!
Because you are evil.
Women, do you prefer funny guys or serious guys?
she fucked dogs?
Family guys
How lucky for you.
would you at least tell me how close I was?
older or younger?
Do hate me too because I am brown?
apparently she forgot to take off her trip and posted some dog fucking story on the animals board
I prefer guys that know how to have fun. Not the same as being a clown.
I don't know because I barely remember her.
Femanons, am I making a mistake by embracing my love of anime again at 27?
Like buying anime stuff.
None of it is girly or weird pedophilic stuff, just stuff that appeals to guys like Berserk and Chainsaw man.
You can post that on the animals board
100% yes, especially if you're ugly, are overweight or have long hair
It‘s much more of a mistake to care so much about what others think.
He lives an hour from me.
>Have you ever tried touching him or leaning on him affectionately?
Yeah that's what happened 3 years ago. We made out, he let me try some of his cologne, and that was it.
Her career ended when her photo was revealed
I don't mind. Anime is fun.
Nag, but you should consider the value of filling your house with crap. And I don't say that because it's anime, but because they're just trinkets.
younger again

if you dont let yourself enjoy the things you care about when you are alone, you arent going to find someone who loves you. only someone who loves the way you are willing to cannibalize yourself to please them.
You describe me 3xcept M3 hut
My way of speaking
I am not them but no one has a crush on me regardless
So you made out with the guy after 5+ years and didnt take a moment to discuss the next steps?
cause you're racist
what do you look like? are you a femcel?
It was a fragile moment, and that was when his mom was still alive.
How do I know if a guy is the type to do a revenge porn on me?
Well you guys seemed to have taken the cat out of the bag again ever ask directly if he felt like making out?
>Guys, would you ever continue being friends with a girl after the first date due to shared interests, even if she didn't want to keep dating?
No, I don't really see the point.
How many "friends" am I going to end up with before finding a girlfriend, 10, 15?

And when I finally do find a girlfriend, I'm now surrounded by women she knows I'm attracted to, and she'll probably be suspicious of.
Yeah.. and it's still met with plans never made to make it real.
okay enough guessing, i'm nineteen. why did you ask in the first place?
Nope. I have no interest in being friends with women, sorry
Not good, and yes
Can women really smell when we cum?
I was curious on what kind of places you frequent that you don't interact with people your age.
What's the oldest you'd date?
She says sh3 is not interested because she 14 and lesbians =Г what do I do?
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Be honest: are you overweight?
Desu you really don't.
cum itself has a strong odor, yeah.
Women are the same
>freaky slut behavior for chad and dog-like loyalty forever and ever
>disapproval of every aspect of incel existence
can someone help me here? I know there is no question, but it's implied: what the fuck am I supposed to do?
Yes, in my tits and ass.
maybe if you leave it in your underwear for a few hours.
That is one of the most common fantasies for women
i would say it's more of a deserved thing. i keep all the private porn safe but that's partly because my ex partners are still my friends or at least they never did any serious terrible shit against me.
that being said if the guy is unstable and hasty and a drama queen, he may flip his shit blaming you for everything and feel you do deserve the revenge
I bet you're cuter than you think
>>disapproval of every aspect of incel existence
This is not female specific.
well i talked about places i frequent already: >>31905133
i dont know the oldest id date. there's probably some really old dude who could sweep me off my feet and change everything i thought i knew about myself, just like there's people exactly my age who i couldnt ever be with in a thousand years. its really more about the individual than the age they are.
I don't actually want to get married I just want a gf to live my life with
Women just pretend to be horny because feminism told them they have to be like men right?
>be neet
>getting along with another neet girl on discord I added back in december and readded earlier this month
>suddenly conversation dried up out of nowhere
>we already heavily flirted and sent pics and both find each other cute
should I mention that its suddenly dry? she's quite autistic/mentally ill and so am I
date a disaffected 19 year old with no future prospects. Stop wanting to kill yourself over every fuckup. I spilled chili on my favorite pants. It looks like I shit myself. I'm still here, so can you.
Why tf would you think she is not able to notice that herself?
been 43 days since I rebooted my fitness routine without deviating from it or flaking off which is a personal record. hope this one sticks with me from now on and also gets me laid.
Nah chad likes incel shit like anime and videogames, he's just chad so women say it's okay when he does it.
no. i'm a disgusting little beast and i'm hungry for ten thousand foul delights you would balk at
what do you do for a living?
sometimes i mind a shop for a relative. otherwise just cook, clean and freeload.
No. I have testosterone too. A lot of it actually, and the most when I'm on my period.... men are just constantly having their period. So I need to fuck them.
yes according to my metric
no according to any objective scale
Men, am I the only one that find women that are dirty minded all the time unappealing?
at first I like them because I think they are being flirty, but after a while I realize they act like that with every single guys that cross their sight and I start thinking they are just massive whores?
Women, do you understand that modesty is really appealing to guys? at least to the ones that are actually looking for committed relationships...
nope. i'm gaining weight after diving to my lightest possible weight as a personal challenge.
are you going to school or something?
what are your plans for the future?
Yay. I'll pretend to float face down so you can save me.
>i'm hungry for ten thousand foul delights you would balk at
Name seven.
Handsome devil, though likely one of actuaranon's conquests; so I'll pass.
yeah, I guess I should stop the self-pity

>date a disaffected 19 year old with no future prospects
I wouln't even know how to find one or, more importantly, how to approach her.
false equivalency buckaroo
Why is okay for prophet Muhammad to marry a 9 year old but I cant date an 14 year old
Women would you sell your husband for 100 trillion dollars?
What was you sexual education?
I'm merely a Brad, so I hide all of my nerdy hobbies
No shit. We do not care.
One man for the entire Rothschild fortune?
was this meant to be targeted at me specifically or is it just a funny coincidence?

not at the moment. my personal circumstances are complicated, i don't know what i'm going to do with myself yet.
I'd make both of you squeal like pigs if I could
here you go >>31905377

now kiss
No, he's a rental boyfriend. And I have to protect my investment.
I eat too much food
Why is this okay but cheating is not okay.
But I don't have him yet, I just have to meet him at that ball.
he girl, >>31905173 here. wanna talk?
Because I eat when I am bored and I am bored all the time.
We can dirty minded and modest at the same time. The former is thoughts and feeling, the latter behaviour
state gender
are you well known in your neighborhood? are you friends with your neighbors?
That is scary. I don't know him that well and he could easily dox me if he wanted
I never said cheating is not ok.
Anons, femanons.
What are your thoughts on the protocols (you know which), are they legit, a forgery, or something in between?
would you really be interested or date a guy that is flirty with every girl he interacts with, event when you are present?
Actually yes. I've worked at a few public places and people love me for the most part.
My town is very small so while I am well-known among the other locals, most people who live here are. I don't particularly like my neighbors but they like me.
Would the Rothschilds be sacrificing him?
Scotch is a lot more fun than the gym.
No idea what you're asking.
Should I pretend to give you mouth-to-mouth as well?
I am severely underweight
>are you well known in your neighborhood?
Probably, I've lived here all my life.
>are you friends with your neighbors?
Not really, I'm friendly with some of them though.
All of the kids that I was friends with moved away when I was still a kid.
let me prove it to you by having sex with you
well, don't give nudes t people you can't trust.
but also, your nudes are a drop in the ocean and who gives a fuck, really

i actually don't know which, no
playing matchmaker i see

whatcha wanna talk about?

who tf said anything about that??

you know i love me some protocols. whatever the fuck youre talking about.
M. Not really. I'm on friendly terms with the neighbors on either side (despite disliking the ones on one side) and don't meet many people in the neighborhood aside from that.
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Hi, should I be calling women kittens? Even though I hate cats. I just like calling women that.
Dunno, just am. Probably dont eat enough due to bad mental.
How come in shows and movies there’s sometimes instances where some girl who’s a risk taker and outspoken and stuff is somehow into a soft spoken and sensitive guy when that has never happened ever in the history of anything (switch their roles it’s like every 3rd couple though lol)
My mind inevitably wanders to femanon. Her online persona and identity is elusive, yet she captivates me with her diverse interests. I often speculate about her passions, hobbies, and the narratives that color her days. Her cryptic nature fuels my curiosity, making me want to unravel what motivates her, what brings her joy or challenges her. Her digital enigma leaves me pondering the artful blend of her life's threads in our shared conversations. Her interests, possibly spanning art, science, literature, or beyond, are an alluring unknown. Each goodbye to our digital realm only intensifies my fascination with the woman behind the name, like a moth to a flame, eager to explore her intricate reality.
I want a gf who I can call my bunny desu
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The fuck
NAG but I'm giggling like a retard knowing how badly 100% of women are going to be filtered by this.
I used to call my ex gf "cat" or "my cat"
fuck you for reminding me
I want to call a women princess but that term has been poisoned by ddlg
You see this a lot in slice-of-life anime -- the bold, confident girl suddenly befriends/develops a crush on the quiet guy. Want to know why this happens so often in fiction? Because the quiet men LOVE watching it! If you were a meek, shy guy, wouldn't you love it if a cute and confident girl suddenly started talking to you? These guys live out their dreams vicariously through the protagonist of the show.
Try whole milk if you can tolerate lactose. Chocolate milk could also work.
no boyfriend who refers to me as whatever animal i remind him of... sigh...
Is that a Molotov?
>If you were a meek, shy guy, wouldn't you love it if a cute and confident girl suddenly started talking to you?
No, I’d think she had ulterior motives
stop being retarded
>if you can tolerate lactose
and if i cant?...
for context i am the 5'11" 125lb lich lord
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Yes because I have thyroid autoimmune and undiagnosed liver problems
i just want to be healthy again.
No, but overtly flirting with everyone, even in front of your partner, is a behaviour and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with dirty mindedness. Some people just like the attention and have a poor sense of boundaries
The loud brave girl wants handsome extroverted chad

The shy girl also wants the extrovert chad
I will be stealing this methodology
I love you, hippo
well, that's exactly what I'm asking. I find that really unattractive.
Do you act like that?
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You know what to do then.
what does the introvert guy gets?
i think extroverted men are easier to interact with and date, but some women do like shy guys.
Well the protagonist is often skeptical about the girl's motives and blows her off for the first few episodes. Then they have to share a hotel room with only one bed, you know the rest of the story. The point is that these predictable stories appeal to the NEETs who never talk to women and wish a woman would take the lead in the relationship
I'm taking a shit.
That’s fine though I don’t blame the monkey for liking the bananas
I never liked it, it feels like it’s selling false hope
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Why are American men so unaffectionate?
I'd probably go for fatty cuts of meat like sausages, burger patties, bacon, etc. Maybe eggs as well. If that's too involved even some wheat toast with peanut butter can give you some decent calories.
psychological scarring from circumcision
its our tapwater
Because so are American women
y-yes please
Its cause you haven't met me yet bb :^)
Overtly flirting with everyone? No
do u think I can call a woman a cow without it being insulting?
Sodium fluoride
fat girl supremacy
Legitimately just spending all my time lifting weights and playing videogames

My life is literal worthless dogshit
Yes ~
I was gonna say "whatever she's most comfortable in" but actually I gotta concur with >>31904714 that shit is spiritual
Have you tried... not being a loser?
women would run to social media to ridicule any man that gives them the ick. As a man is not worth it to risk your reputation for the rest of your life by giving the wrong woman a shot.
Could be worse. You could be spending it fapping and eating.
I eat 6 eggs every other day. It seems to me my solution is to eat moar.
Gym shorts and sports bra
Its the fetishwear
I'm sorry, this is unnecessarily mean. You don't deserve it anon
not without talking about it first. i'm currently going through a whole thing trying to stop letting myself get so wounded over tiny things but like four months ago i was tearing up with anons called me a titcow.
Do other stuff?
Its actually the fault of women that we are this way
good, your answer is boring and his is delicious.
I do fappings aswell
I genuinely cant
Hot. Give me introvert shy white guy to peg. Height not required. Ride at your own risk.
Can someone post something on /wsr/ for me? 4chan refuses to let me do so.
I occassionaly go for a music concert
Will you also pretend to be a nymph luring me to the watery embrace of death? (and your lips)
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Fat girls are nice because they keep me warm
Highly plappable bodytype
What is your wsr for /wsr/?
Also Yes~
Would it help change the connotations of the word 'titcow' if I chugged obscene amount of milk in your presence every day?
I want to tummyfuck a chubby girl but I worry about her feeling insecure about it
I have this feeling like you guys want to peg them not because it turns you on but because you want to humiliate them
We have complex ptsd from having our dicks mutilated after birth without any anesthetic.
no but like i said, i'm trying to get over being so sensitive to that kind of stuff. whatever. i have big boobs. moo moo.

that sounds hot. i'd have to gain some weight for it but i could.
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I need to talk to some girls and get laid because it fucks with my brain
Nope. I want to give them secret pleasure.
I could also milk machine them instead.
I'm actually a dude I just think pegging is funny.
"I'm trying to fix my mothers laptop which is pretty much inaccessible.
It gives an error after entering the pin and being unable to log in, it says the profile is missing or something like it when trying to go to the "forgot pin" part, and basically no one can log in.
How do I fix this?"
Use any pic you want
Not me but I agree with her.
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I think I am getting addicted to lollis, I used to chat here but they are more energetic and fuller of life, I don't think I can't go back to what it was before. They are just much fun and playful I am sorry.
>that sounds hot. i'd have to gain some weight for it but i could.
Its always nice when femanons say they'd be willing to indulge in my weird fetishes and unconventional places to stick my dick
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Just a chance ~
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>not rich enough to attract late twenties girls
>Not handsome/interesting enough to bang 20yo's

Worst middleground
Sexually humiliate chad leave the shy introverts the fuck alone
You have a cock you don’t need to peg them
>rich enough to theoretically attract hot girls
>never flex wealth so no one knows I have money
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>that image
Is this JL?
Since when is there a blonde version of the JH pic? Damn
i like pushing my body to it's limits to begin with. i just lost a ton of weight as a personal challenge, i could gain some for awhile to try something new.

the hope would be my boyfriend would be equally open to trying new weird things at my request. and that we both be understanding when something just isn't good for one of us. but yeah it's pretty hot imagining that i'd change my entire lifestyle and transform my body just so you could put your dick in a new squishy place, isn't it?
I want my dick to get lost in a fat ass
Anything? Find a nice park to walk around in. Rent a canoe for the day. Learn some knots. Read a book.
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My sleeping schedule is completely ass backwards, any tips?
Do i just stay awake until evening so ill be mega tired by 8pm?
That's what I'm doing right now bro, same situation.
I want to motorboat a big butt girl butt cheeks as shes laying prone
Hahahaa these anons are new?
I will post it for you if you want but you should try /g/'s /sat/ first. Can you post on /g/?
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Gender, post ideal opposite gender bodytype
Take Benadryl or some kind of medicine that makes you drowsy an hour before the time you WANT to go to sleep. Do this for a few nights in a row. Do not nap during the day. It's what I do whenever I find myself going to bed at 9AM and sleeping until 5 PM
I'm scared to mention how much I want to eat a woman's fat booty. suffering
Women, I cum within a minute from penetration, even in my second or third attempt.. how bad is it? would you consider a long term relationship with someone like this?
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No, I was just wondering where it came from. Never saw it before.
already did
>the hope would be my boyfriend would be equally open to trying new weird things at my request
In my ideal relationship I'd basically be a dress up flash game or a customizable character for her
>yeah it's pretty hot imagining that i'd change my entire lifestyle and transform my body just so you could put your dick in a new squishy place, isn't it?
I had no intention of being hard while posting tonight and yet here we are
No, but I don't see /sat/ up on /g/ either.
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I only like men that cum on sight.
I have a better idea
Grow super thick thighs so i can fuck them instead
I too am on vampire time
Would you let me continue fucking your limp cock?
Gimme a girl with that Renaissance body-type, just the right amount of pudge
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whats wrong with her eyes
I try to do that but it just gives me one night of really good sleep and then I'm back on my bullshit
Do women enjoy this? I always wonder if either of us are having fun at this point
>she cut out the open toilet
>any tips?
Black out your bedroom as best you can.
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Small boobs
Tiny waist
Big ass

Guess my gender
I have another picture of her somewhere. we probably got it from /s/
Fuuuuck offfffffffffffff god damn, get off of my fantasy dick.
Nta but if she doesnt want to fall asleep with it inside still, she aint the one
gee idk anon maybe the giant fucking tuft of hair blocking the sight of one eye
>also the face
kek, cute way to describe being down for anything. anyways, i'm sorry i got you worked up, or you're welcome for the mental image, depending on your preference.

those come with the default package. part of me fucking hates them. when i run they sometimes just barely smack each other, not enough to bruise but enough to make them numb and sore.
I do. It goes in, I feel good.
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Sorry. Phoneposting. /sqt/. There's a fresh one up.
My man.
Id apply lotion on your sore inner thighs femanon
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so hard to choose so i shall second your motion
It said body typeeeeee shushshshshshshsh!
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This belly is sexooo
Needs my baby batter inside pronto
god that'd feel nice right now.
I hope you have a good night/day femanon.
Oh I see.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to try first.
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Do me a favor: don't ever call it "baby batter" again
where are her eyebrows
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she left them on her home planet
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She's got the body of a houseki no kuni character with slightly larger boobs..
State gender
Low Waisted Jeans or High Waisted Jeans
Nah, it's just the direct opposite of JH
high waisted
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i like low waisted fashion wise but they look way too slutty on me. i can't wear them.
No jeans
>Is this JL?
I think it would be more appropriate to call it GL (Grool Lover)
I have never been so jealous of another human
What, do we have another bisexual/lesbian nudist in /atoga/?
Sometimes I wish I could be a white womans phone, the things that they see must be insane
I don't consider myself a woman-hating incel or anything like that but it does make me slightly sad to know that there are people out there (like her) who likely will have much easier lives than the average person based solely on their looks
>pierced nipples
very nice
I'm attracted to a russian guy bc of his accent but I'm scared of him. I think I won't date him. Is this subconscious russophobia?
Eastern Europeans and Russians aren't really people, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it
Its better that way, your instincts are trying to protect you
I knew we had some normies here, but damn.
>Eastern Europeans and Russians aren't really people, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it
How did the koreans get kimchi so right and the germans get sauerkraut so wrong. Explain
The explanation is that you have shit taste.
if you're scared of him because hes russian, then yes.
what does this mean anon...?
you mongrel
Don't worry Dmitri, I wasn't talking about (you), you're one of the good ones!
Fake. Jews are nice people
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>brownwife who stares at me like this
asia had more complimentary ingredients to use with fermented vegetables, like ginger
>the germans get sauerkraut so wrong.
You are wrong. Vinegar is best spice.
Kimchi is just black race sauerkraut.
Ya'll over there just playing with your unallergic to peppers so we put hot sauce on everything.
Brand new ragebait /ck/ gonna enjoy this one
>sauerkraut so wrong
nigga I'll stab you, sauerkraut is fucking great
Anri Okita
would you say you are a whore
or a bitch?
I didnt realize anons felt so strongly about sauerkraut
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Both and much more
better check yourself next time
That is way too complicated for me
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A real dummy wummy of you
I need to spend more time on that board
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Same goes for all women, also they shouldn't vote.
A character named peppermint?
they are named after teas.
Is your butt really that big?
NTA. Hitler didn't like Slavic people
Men, make a salad for the potluck bbq for me? I am taking the kids to the park again.
I want a divorse
anon don't leave me hanging
is this an "oh sweet summer child" laugh or an insane laugh or what?
Nta but that‘s cute
I want to be named after tea
I want to be
Or thyme
Sure thing, buying a premade salad from the store and playing videogames while you're gone.
Hey /atoga/, my bitch wife told me to make a salad for the neighborhood potluck but I really don't want to. What should I do?
can i put apples in the coleslaw or do you not like that
Think it'z new thread thyme.
Men, thread?
Women, quickly!!!

How do you feel if your boyfriend calls you “hottie”? Is it creepy or ok…?
If I ate all this I would suffocate on my own methane if I didnt open the window
>mmmm lactic acid wowie!!
name a bigger meme than probiotics
Not creepy, but it's not my preference either.
Are you making a sweet slaw from scratch? With miracle whip?
I see, I have a good go-to already but I like using new words here and then for mine, just not sure what to use
Cucumber or spinach?
I am going to fuck
Women favorite booktok erotic novel?
I think it's a cute thing to say.
*ruffles his hair*
Microbiome issues
Everyday I'm just trying to live through it authentically and single so I can live to fuck again
Can I ask femanon what she likes/dislikes instead of guessing
>have a good go-to already
What is it?
Uhhh… babe? I only wanted to use hottie to tease her, not as my go-to, that would be stupid. but yeah
If you don't already know then that means you're autistic.
i mean, maybe, but i worry more about the front. my pubic mound is really prominent so the lines that come up from below the waistline are REALLY visible. even when they sit where they're supposed to, it's like an optical illusion to make it look like they're barely higher than my clit.
sex with a different girl >>>> sex with the same girl
Sex with a different girl and the same girl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
sex with a multiple personality girl so you're fucking both the same and a different girl at the same time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Damn, that sounds aggravating to deal with
As you wish, so it shall be.
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>my pubic mound is really prominent so the lines that come up from below the waistline are REALLY visible.
Would it hurt if someone used it as a pillow?
Girls fucking each other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
New thread

I didnt know they use miracle whip and I was horrified for a second but sure, if thats the face you're making
I hate sex, how am I supposed to bond with a girl.
I mean you could use yogurt but that mutes the fruit so much you have to add extra sugar.
Fuck yeah sweet slaw
Shredded frozen apples, grapes, strawberries, banana, blueberries, zucchini, oranges.
It's Arm Day.
it is. i dont wear tight pants much because... like... constant pressure on my crotch isn't something i can ignore that easily kek

probably not?
That's fair, I'm a boring person but I still hope to connect with someone eventually

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