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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
catboy edition
>no prev
newfag gtfo
prev >>31905758
Carboys are lame. Masculine subs are where it's at.
State gender and what have you done in order to improve your odds in finding a relationship?
Get a job.

I wouldn't say I did that specifically to improve my odds at finding a relationship though.
I back linked which is more important than prev, so fuck you
I didn't do a prev last time I made the op either
I love women's voices. I think I care more about her voice than her appearance.
Girls, does it bother you that when you're at a water park and you're waiting on the steps to go down the slide, and your butt is at eye level with the people behind you, I like to look at it?
I won't read stealthy masturbation threads.
Sometimes I wish I was as brazen as you anons. I always turn around or look at my feet when women are showing skin
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I just came back from having dinner with two friends.
It was in a very nice place outside and there were a ton of other couples around us.
During my drive home I couldn't think of anything else and started to feel really lonely. Remembered how my ex screwed it up and how I still don't feel good enough to date anybody new.
Maybe in autumn...
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Manifesting hockey bf
So be brazen. The only one stopping you is you.
Still wondering >>31908021
when i was a teen i was overly insecure about my body, i remember that even when standing in normal lines, i would stand in a weird way that minimized my butt so that people wouldn't look at me. even if i had just a normal small butt lol. but nowadays i wouldn't care about something like your example, i spent too many years doing that insecure stuff.
The fact that I will never find a gf or procreate is as deterministic and adamant as the law that entropy in the universe increases
Trying to "improve" myself in the hopes of female attention is like arguing with the laws of thermodynamics
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Something that activates your monkey brain. A "je ne sais qoui" from a guy that gets you all excited.

Whatever comes to min first.
Only schizoaffectives post the same pic more than once. Take your meds and STFU.
>very high libido, honest that he is attracted to many women

These are more important than being unemployed and short. If he really wanted to cheat he could - because whatever you saw in him, other women could see as well.
Vent somewhere else
>The only one stopping you is you.
That's true, but I grew up listening to my sisters complaining about guys looking at them, so I'd feel too guilty.
Can a het guy watch lesbian porn and still be an ally?
shaved head, pilot jacket, leather boots lel
I’m being lazy desu, and he looks good so he triggers you
Going back you must
Men, being completely honest, how would you feel if your long distance girlfriend was planning on hanging out just her and two male friends she made while studying abroad a couple of years back? She swears nothing has ever happened between them. I'm uncomfortable as fuck but I'm willing to concede because she has never given me any indication that she's not loyal.
Lol, Aryan brotherhood Leon Kenedy
You don't have a girlfriend.
neofolk fans often dress that way too lol, i have an excuse
I think I would probably trust her but I'd much prefer if there was another girl hanging out with them.
Ask if they have a chair beside the bed from where you can spectate
>he looks good

Just filter the generic spam.
I am a jealous type but her reasoning is solid. I'd say depends of what you mean by "hanging out" very much so though. Going to an event, having lunch, touristing around, sure, having drinks or staying at home, nah.
The reason why I want an ugly gf, because she is loyal
Femanons, how open to buttstuff are you?
i dont understand when people say things along the lines of "women used to just be able to be housewives and take care of the kids, we should go back to that, etc" because so many women did have to work if they were lower class in the past. and those were most women throughout history. ive brought up this question to people before and they never have an answer.
My ass is for taking shit, not for moid pleasure
Surely it's mostly idealized thinking but also women didn't have regular jobs and careers until the industrial revolution
Yes, but men worked even more and dangerous jobs. Where a woman might have worked 10h in the fields or in the stable the man worked 16h a day in a mine under unbearable conditions
It's just men being complete retards, as is their nature. Lower class women have always had to work.
Girls don't poop
It was likely the other way around. If your job was to take care of a house, stables, and the fields, the children etc. it was more work than a coal mining job, and more than 16h a day.

Feminine men really do hate women ngl.
Based. Anal sex is mental illness. No normal person would ever want to do it.
When is the plappening happening?
It's over.
>My ass is for taking shit
Not right now you don't.
>it was more work than a coal mining job
Jesus Christ foids are so fucking dumb and lame
Coal mining up until the 20th century was:
- 120 degrees F
- absolutely crushing physically
- mining gases caused many, many deaths
- coal dust toxic af
hardly any coal miner living past 40.
almost done with my summer project
Happy as happy could be
women are you impressed?
Is it over?
>rapidly b*lding
>single for years

I dress well, I'm not overweight, I'm well-liked at my job and by my friends, I'm just ugly
Can I still be an ally and jerk off to misogynistic fantasies involving my female friends?
Grow a beard
Shave your head
Get gym
The children yearn for the mines
>the creature really thinks lower class women didn't work during history
These troons mental illness knows no bounds, no idea why they feel so threatened by women kek.
see >>31908199
admittedly coal miners were always men and their work was literally horrible and one of the reasons the appalchians is an economic failure
Why do europeans have a resting bitch face? Latinos, americans and africans are much more smiley
Pick up a history book if you can't fathom that lower class women have always worked, hon.
I've had girlfriends consistently since 18 but have been on a very long dry spell in the last 2 years. I would tie it directly to the loss of my hair
No one is doing that maybe take your meds tranny
Euros have lived in cities longer than other groups of people, and living in a city does give many a rbf.
Girls, your job is to suck my big Daddy cock
Do take your meds, and then pick up the history book, troon.
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Is it weird if I like Abo's more than white girls? They are much kinder. They have bigger hearts.
Women leaving their 15 children alone in a cholera infested one room flat so they could go work in a factory for 12 hours to afford a loaf of bread was a good thing, chud
Sorry I already have a job.
Half euro half Latina reporting
Birch face is supreme because no one fucks with you I appreciate the social distancing
You're old and ugly. like the single moms, who are your only chance left
Erection against my arse first thing in the morning
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Post a cute one at least
Feminine men/trannies really believe this should've been the case lol
Why don't you suck on my BWC instead
If/when India becomes middle class with over 80% internet penetration Indian women are going to become such insane feminists in retaliation to their absolutely horrible men that they will make South Korean women look like the biggest pickmes in the world.
You're a mouth-breathing faggot, who has never been laid. Who the fuck are you to start insulting people like this, you anonymous faggot
JH, or another lesbian/bisexual woman, are you here? Any tips when texting a lesbian? I'm trying to secure a date.
the future is indian
Ya seriously go to a hockey game and try to get one of the pros or semi pros attention or STFU
That anon is not me, but I appreciate your sticking up for me
Watch, I’m gonna work in their marketing team or something
>tfw I’d have to move to Vegas
>Literally looks like a homo erectus
It's like looking back a million years in evolution.
You like guys with missing teeth?
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Women are bloating. They are increasing in size at a rapid rate. This isn't bad, per se. But it does mean that each passing day there are fewer and fewer skinny girls around. We need to urgently secure the existence of skinny girls.
>anti anal women
I bet you also don't give BJs
Pretty obvious fat woman fetishist. Most men in 2024 are into chubby women more than skinny women, anon.
>If/when India becomes middle class with over 80% internet penetration Indian women are going to become such insane feminists in retaliation to their absolutely horrible men that they will make South Korean women look like the biggest pickmes in the world.
Imagine that. Hundreds of millions of Indian incels will cry out in rage
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>oral sex is equivalent to crustbusting
>he's a faggot who doesn't give BJs
I'm the one fucking your mom on the side, little bald guy
The gym meme is a nice cope, as if tall attractive guys aren't already in the gym and getting better gains because of superior genetics.
To be honest I really hope you do and I hope you get the Hockey Chad of your dreams. Quit posting the same shit though. It comes off like you’re mentally unstable even if you’re not. But get off your ass and make it happen.
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Men are becoming uglier and more uneducated, this isn’t bad per se. Less women are putting up with them.
You know what I posted it to piss off everyone but you are right.
Thanks random anon
You ever still think of him/her?
What are your thoughts?
When do you think you it will be the last thought about him/her?
Stop posting ugly faggots, faggot
>more uneducated
Which is mostly women's fault
Sometimes, I do.
Past memories of him playing music
Probably a month ago
are you talking about exes?
Is this guy supposed to be ugly or not? He looks ugly to me but i have never understood what women like
Only weak men blame women for everything, tranny.
he seems to have a mild form of babyface, which doesn't work well with muscles, should be skinny instead.
>the femcel is still calling every anon a tranny 10 hours later
Girls, this is what happens when you don't have children before 30. Make the correct choice.
Its always the babyfaces who roidtroon out
>Only weak men
we should kill all feminists and leftists and prove our strength
I think 15 is a reasonable age of consent. Am I a monster?
Is a girl a coomer if all the books in her Kindle are erotica and her Telegram is full of sexy Harry Potter fanfiction? I don't know if it's the same as my 2TB hentai collection
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Looks have never been as important for men. Take a country like Russia, for example. The women are all beautiful, while the men are brutes. But it doesn’t really matter to the girls.
This has everything to do with women’s sexuality. Remember this, always:
>No woman finds a man attractive like a man finds a woman attractive.
Women find men attractive due to the opposite sexual polarity. It’s the difference that’s attractive, not their looks.
And stronger men would kill feminine men like you amirite, might makes right. Keep on complaining, troon.
How do you know? I often browse atoga while shitting. Toilet is a proper place to read your moid babble
This is very much a problem.
>Most men in 2024 are into chubby women
Why though? I do not get it. Have they not seen the plapjacks? Fat women are gross.
this guy is ugly but he's charming, idk I'd have a beer with him
t. dude
I think I would never date a 4chan man. Am I right or should I give one a chance?
I mean yeah, Harry Potter is literally a fucking child through the most iconic books. I really hope she isn't into shota
how does this help me getting back with my ex so i can use her body for masturbation purposes
I've spent so many hours masturbating that I got a rash on my dick one. Another time I sprained my hand. I've jerked off five times in one day.
Gym wear and is very popular. Most gym wear is very compressive. Makes skinny girls look meh or okay, but makes chubby women look great.
Hi you cannot compare to Russians
> opens the door everywhere
> refuses to let the girl pay
> flowers for no reason
> married early
They have value, and know how to court
Np, perfectly reasonable opinion
You wouldn't know. I never reveal my power level.
No. The vast majority of women can read the raunchiest erotica and still be unaffected. It doesn't impair their brains like it does for guys. They don't turn into coomers.
Would you rather be skinny/out of shape as well, baldie?
This, anon is just jealous of russian men since they are masculine.
I met a 4chan man a bit over a month ago and it's the best thing to have ever happened to me.
I am Russian. We are talking about physical attractiveness, you faggots. Objectively speaking, Russian men are not attractive.
my bf grew up on image boards, but it wasn't 4chan. somehow 4chan seems a lot worse, i wouldn't accept it.
No. I'm basking my cheeks so apollo can see my ass for once.
Yes it's just... I'm the one holding the gun, faggot
Exactly lmao as if the Russian women would put up with a broke stingy ugly man stevalana could never
>a moid likes loli hentai
Come on, it's just a drawing
>a woman likes harry potter fanfiction
Oh no, he's literally a child
Ewww are you the gross sub with the old grandpa?
They often are though, if you've ever been to America you'd understand true ugliness.
Yes but you guys make up for it.
You as a man can be ugly or stingy not both pick a struggle
At least not the ones you find on /soc/
Avoid the "men" there like the plague
Sure thing, untermensch faggot.
>foids get the ick at every socially awkward or anxious thing a guy does and block/ghost him immediately
>foids also complain about men cheating and men who beat them when they chose to date them
I cannot ew
John wick the CIA and the FBI couldn’t waterboard me into saying I’ve been here
>Women find men attractive due to the opposite sexual polarity. It’s the difference that’s attractive, not their looks.

>Alain Delon: "And it seems, my darling, that I was very, very, very, very handsome indeed. Look at Rocco [And His Brothers], look at Purple Noon! The women were all obsessed with me. From when I was 18 till when I was 50." He chooses to omit the fact that he was the object of desire for as many men as women. "I realised that everyone was looking at me. Women became my motivation. I owe them everything. They were the ones who inspired me to look better than anyone else, to stand stronger and taller than anyone else, and to see it in their eyes."

The men you're talking about are to women what butterface sluts are to men - They are not beautiful but they are sexy. This doesn't mean we don't love beauty, retard
What do you think about lesbian women doing pornographic content mainly for a male audience?

>It’s my birthday today, I’m 22! I have been creating content for 4 years since I turned 18! if you’d like to get me a gift check out my wishlists or keep reading on to know more about me…

>I usually write something for my birthday, this year I really don’t know what to say. It’s crazy to think I’ve been creating content for 4 years now since I started in 2020 when I had JUST turned 18.
>When I began, all I created was feet content, I didn’t have the confidence to do anything else with my body. The first year I had to record at the student accommodation at my uni, which was one room with a tiny attached toilet. The following year we were at my gf’s dad’s whilst I saved to rent my own place, I spent a year renting then my gf’s dad suddenly passed away, we moved back into his house which was a mess and still now we haven’t fully sorted it all out. The plan is to hopefully be in my own home next year. And for that, I’m very thankful to this job and you guys supporting me, I wouldn’t be able to get to where I am without you guys, I wouldn’t of been able to go to uni nor consider buying my own house. I never thought I would still be creating by now, not everything during this job has been joyous, it has been infact very hard and there are many times I’ve considered quitting. The good people I have met, the fans that became my friends, kept me going, you might not realise just how much you help and do for me by subscribing, supporting me and enjoying my content, it really does mean the world to me.

She mostly produces videos and pics deepthroating dildos, so it's not even like she does something that probably would appeal a lot to lesbians.
You are very very very very dumb.
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men, why
So you're just saying you're a socially anxious feminine man, and wonder why women aren't into creatures like you? For them dating you would be like dating another woman.

Keep crying, trooner.
both are trash you pedo
you just think it's ok because no one goes after women who abuse boys
>>31908425 see my post >>31908409
Russian men are not beautiful but they compensate with sexy voices, accent and gentleman behavior. This makes them sexy as long as they aren't HIDEOUS
I love his whole body so hard that the counting autism leaves his mind when we have sex and he loses track of time kissing and touching me.
Are you hinting at having Syphilis like Nietzsche? Fucked to many troons in the ass didn't you?
Female or male gaze porn sites
She was very pretty. I'm sorry that this happened to her.
I only peg (if desireable), not receive.
>be me
>on vacation in Germany with family
>at a waterpark
>waiting in line for a slide
>notice the girl in front of me has her ass out, wearing a very revealing bikini
>literally in my face
>i stare
>i stare
>she turns around
>i panic and start apologizing profusely
>she is utterly confused as to why i'm apologizing
>doesn't understand english well
>try to explain to her with gestures
>point at her butt
>she looks grossed out "wtf"
>i realize she was probably just turning her head around and didn't even notice/care that i was looking
Honestly, I can't blame him.
Typical moid behavior
>She was very pretty.
How irrelevant and distasteful to say.
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Yeah you sound like you got some deranged fetishes, makes sense for a tranny kek.
>>on vacation in Germany with family
Stopped reading there, because I can't think of a more horrific thing.
poor poor femcel
Never trust a man. Satanic creatures
>it's the tranny that's obsessed with femcels
>water park in Germany
why would you ever do that?
It's basically a war zone
That's just the first thing I thought when I saw her. I didn't know her personally but she was very beautiful and it made me sad to read what happened. It would still be sad if she wasn't, but those were my two thoughts.
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I just looked up the BMI of a girl I find beautiful and it seems BMI-wise she'd be considered close to the "don't you lose ANY more weight" area.
But to me she just looks yeah skinny, but not in any way close to becoming unhealthy?
She just has A cups, so it's not like there's tons of tittymeat weighting her done either.
She probably doesn't have periods if you are actually communicating to her.
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Girls, what do you think of my collection?
everyone carries fat differently.
personally i look quite underweight when naked since you can see my ribs so clearly. but when not naked, i don't look that underweight since i carry most of my fat in my legs, and the ribs aren't visible.
He didn't know she was dead. What if you saw a hot drunk girl passed out with nobody around?
BMI is almost thoroughly bullshit.
If she does any kind of actual fitness (sports, gym, heavy job) then it doesn't apply to her. It's a crappy measure and has been abandoned by anything even loosely scientific for a long time now.
I NEED to violate a shy innocent virgin guy
i've never watched wwe, but cute. or i assume that's wwe at least. retro looking figures are cool.
Violate with what? Your tranny pp?
>You ever still think of him/her?
Yes. Although it's gotten a lot less frequent since I've started having sex with other people.
>What are your thoughts?
Sometimes I feel nostalgic. Sometimes I laugh at how silly I was. Sometimes it's regret. Often, it's just neutral thoughts about what he did or what I would do.
>When do you think you it will be the last thought about him/her?
Not sure!
I would carry her to my place and tell her to eat all the eggs the next morning.
>t. tranny fetishist
Get after it. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.
The two guys I've dated in my life have both been 4chan guys. One was a /b/tard (big mistake). The other is an ATOGAN (MUCH better choice).
>doesn't have periods
Um, not something I have talked with her. lol
But I doubt it, she seems very healthy.

>so clearly.
I never noticed hers being visible, so I'd say not. Call me a creep or whatever, but I have found visible ribcages kinda hot before on one person.
What's your BMI?

Ah yeah, my impression has also turn into it just being a general indicator, but nothing else since it doesn't count for muscles% or fat%.

Call an ambulance!?
Hear me out.
A priest.
Women, would you date a cishet white male who works for BLM?
If you're using language like
>give a chance
Then yes, you're right and you wouldn't want a 4chan man
>if you're too attractive people are intimidated and will avoid you
this is just cope right? can you be so hot that you become an incel?
Sorry, I'm a popular Stacy
Tempting but too high chances of him being a faggot
It was fine lmao
Ew no
Big Ick
Major cope
If people are intimated, it's for other reasons.
They can avoid you for other reasons *while* you are attractive, but attractive people get attention and opportunities.
It happens to me but also I am autistique
moid hands
No problems with that I'm just telling you they'll be degenerates with attachment issues
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Girls, I read books that are THIS thick. Impressed?
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Do not believe the lie about skinny women not having periods. It's a fat thing to say. Fat women say it to cope with being fat.
>T woman that likes muscular men
Guy was a piece of shit. Idk what else you want me to say. I would not allow that behavior in my presence, but I can't be everywhere at once.
I got my amex gold card :3
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What's a good indicator that a woman won't cheat on you?

What would you consider a greenflag in women?
I lose my period at BMI 18.5 (not even underweight yet).
i'm not sure of my BMI since i haven't measured my weight in like 2-3 years lol. possibly gained a bit of weight from the last time when i measured as very slightly underweight. i still have the same stick arms and visible ribs, but my legs are not sticks anymore.
and nice to hear ngl, i tend to always assume that men are more into chubby than underweight
Based. I have nine credit cards myself, but my focus is on cash back rather than travel points. But that gold card will come in good handy at restaurants.
>on vacation in Germany
Why would you do that to yourself?
No harm, no foul.
She's already dead. Everyone crying about this is a virtue signalling moralfag.
yes, I'm a retard who hasn't even finished crime and punishment yet. lotr for example would be way too long for me. as a starting book reader i enjoy short stories or short books more.
now i need to see that hand more clearly.
>she rarely gives men attention
> she hates men in general
If you get a girl that is disgusted by 99% of men no guy can steal her, she also makes a good friend because she would never stab you because she wants a guys attention.
No I could and have out read you get good
guess it depends on the woman. i was always skinny and at some points underweight, never lost period.
the bad thing about being underweight especially as a teen btw is that you look older than your age thanks to lack of chubbiness in the face. that's my experience anyway.
Whatever, fatty. Most do not lose their periods at a healthy weight. Look at the data. And 18.5 BMI is objectively healthy.
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It's actually a comic book so it's not that extreme. Took pictures a night or two ago so I didn't happen to have my hand in this picture.
i also agree with the "rarely gives men attention" thing. this is hard to find out about, but also if she's the type that won't say things just to get attention. e.g she gets sometimes asked out by stranger men, but doesn't mention these situations to her bf because she doesn't feel a need to do it.
only incels / low value men / you get what i'm saying / weirdos in general get intimidated by hot women, you wouldn't want to have contact with those guys anyways
no one approaches guys, hot or not, so being hot just removes any resistance women may show when you hit up on them
>State gender and what have you done in order to improve your odds in finding a relationship?
I'm going to get height raising surgery
For everyone,
Ideally, should I befriend her before asking her out? How long of a period before I ask?
It's cope.
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Somewhat true but I know someone like this and it's excruciating to even get their attention in the first place. They are always paranoid.
> me with a Russian copy of Anna karerina
>This nigga with drawings
oh nice. makes me remember this one online comic i used to read a long time ago, i think it was called saga. this one you posted looks to have nice art too.
and i wonder if there's a female equivalent of getting blueballed, stop posting partial hand pics!
>no one approaches guys
Cold approaching is the vast minority of relationships anyway. Most relationships start from being acquaintances and friends. And there, attractive guys obviously have an advantage because people are more eager to befriend them.
You asked for loyal, I doubt she’d ever cheat.
Rare mentally sane male on /atoga/
Ideally, yes, but not everything is ideal. You just gotta go with the flow and show some level of presence/interest.

Not flirting per se but also don't just be a friend either. Treat her like you like her and are just taking it slower as things go. Do not wait for months before asking her out.
>What's a good indicator that a woman won't cheat on you?
Wrong question. A woman cheating on you has nothing to do with her, but with you. If you are a boring fuck, you can't be surprised if she cheats on you. If your woman just ignores all your inadequacies and does not push you to be better, she's not worth dating at that point. It's a huge red flag if she's okay with just passively existing in a bad relationship. I want my girlfriend to look out for her own best interest. I want her to be with me because I am the best, not because she decided to "settle".

TLDR: A threat of cheating isn't the worst thing.
So is it true that most cold approachers are typically ugly men?
> It's a huge red flag if she's okay with just passively existing in a bad relationship.
I don’t agree with the rest it’s stupid to cheat, but that line is gold
I'm gonna work out after I'm back from my hike
drink some water
work on my project and then read a book
what are you doing now to.improve your lives anons?
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I haven't read any of Saga but I've heard it's good. I've been meaning to check it out myself. It's still ongoing.
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I need women for pic rel
We shall call you Big Thumb
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F. Started earlier.
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You had a bad long relationship situationship that made you doubt love as a whole, most of your family hates your guts on one side and you have an addiction to nicotine or something dumb.
Your palm also tells me that you should stop reading cartoons and pick up a good book.
I don't really watch wwe, but I'd make them do naughty positions with each other.
>Cold approaching is the vast minority of relationships anyway.
>Most relationships start from being acquaintances and friends.
Oh femanon, how do you think acquaintances and friendships start?
It means a lot to me when you say that. People usually read my posts and say the opposite
Honestly calling men pussies isn’t my thing, the kneeling is hot tho.
>t. Domme
does it absolutely has to be on all 4s?
>how do you think acquaintances and friendships start?
Mutual friends, school, and so on.
I’m about to hop in a bath with my wife. Tomorrow I’m having wine, cheese and D&D with friends.
Being happy always improve our lives
>>31908576 has SOVL
>and nice to hear ngl, i tend to always assume that men are more into chubby than underweight
Well, I am glad my comment came across positively then, was kinda sweating not saying it. lol
I think there's something very attractive about a quite skinny woman, but that might also be something I just kinda have since my ex who used to be quite skinny too. She had an ED in her teenage years and even as an adult it was sometimes a struggle for her especially during hard times.
I don't know what her BMI was, but she unfortunately had some big issues with eating.

>my legs are not sticks anymore.
THICC thighs save lifes!
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>A woman cheating on you has nothing to do with her

Ah yes, its his fault.
Why are there so many pictures in that book. Are you 12?
These are just settings. Every A&F starts from cold approaching unless it was someone else introduced you two. But them that person had to cold approach. Someone has to initiate contact at some point, you get me?
Anon stop you're gonna make me blush
I love clowngirls so much. Fuck I wish I could find a clown gf so badly.
>I’m about to hop in a bath with my wife.
Such luxury
that's sad to hear, did those issues cause the relationship to end?
and i don't think i personally ever really had issues with food. when i was a teen doctors just said i was naturally skinny. actually for most of my life i've wanted to gain weight, but sometimes i just forget to eat when i'm on my pc almost the whole day lol.
what's your bmi then? curious what kind of guy is likely to be into skinny.
So correct and also hot, ideal anon.
According to wikipedia, some girls can feel the moment of ovulation. Some can even feel which ovary released the egg. Is this true?

That must be why people ignore me then (nah I’m kidding).
bath or wife?
Women, if you fantasize about men, what's the most captivating body part? For me, when I think of women, it's their eyes and legs.
i feel stuff in my body all the fucking time, especially my belly. i don't know. maybe? it's completely possible i have noticed that in the moment, but i am used to a rush of hormones or a belly pain or whatever so i wouldn't have gone

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>elitism preventing people from enjoying kino like this
Happy to see you are well. I fgured that was you.
>Someone has to initiate contact at some point, you get me?
No, I don't.

I have never ever met anyone who dated someone who just randomly approached them. Most people I know date people who they've long been friends from school with and their relationship slowly developed over time. It was not a guy approaching them out of nowhere, but being assigned to the same group, being friends with friends, and so on.
Girls, what makes a good hand pic? Does a guy need to be holding something?
maybe w pink hair
head/face in general, back, hands, stomach area
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my nigga
have a pic of my copy of war and peace
I think they are still rare. The men who cold approach regularly do so because they have been cold approached by females first, thus have the confidence to know that they're allowed to do that, compared to ugly anxious men who are stuttering through a cold approach because he's talking to a first female in years with sexual intent.
nostrils, unironically
holding something can work, but preferably not something very big, more like a can for example. if not holding anything, palm down. i await your picture now.
nice anon
wine and cheese (and quality sausages) is peak comfy
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I don’t know what’s wrong with me, bros.

I’ve always struggled with insecurities and anxiety, but these last two years, especially, have intensified everything. I can’t distinguish between my real thoughts about the world and myself and what aren’t. My OCD has become completely unmanageable; it’s made me afraid to make/talk to my friends because I fear the intrusive thoughts that would surround the idea of them. I can’t even get excited about movies anymore without being overwhelmed by disturbing thoughts trying to scare me away from my excitement. I’m not sure how much my OCD is related to my depression, but I’m also very upset in that avenue too.

I also think I’m getting sick of my girlfriend. It’s strange because there are times I value and cherish her and love being around her, but frequently, I’m bothered by how much she rants, how moody she is, how often she doesn’t seem to listen to me, and how easily she gets offended by small things, like me not wanting to watch 20 minutes of TikToks every week because they stress me out. I also find that spending so much money with her often stresses me out.

I just turned 21, yet I feel more tangled and confused than ever. College just started back up too and I’m scared that I’m gonna fall behind on it all over again like other years.
Based Tolstoy posting.
Jesus it’s been a while, good luck with whatever you are doing. That’s unexpected.
You can’t ask if you don’t like the answers
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What's your gender, and one of your favorite moments from a videogame?
A Monster can? ;)
>tfw retard who feels bored when reading long books
>like russian literature
>settle for reading gogol short stories
i feel insecure now
face, arms, back and butt
Step one, be a woman.
How do women desire to act on their hand fetish?
Bath with romance.
Eh, it's mostly very anxious non-attractive men who have gotten very desperate, that's the type who cold approaches commonly.
when I hover over the second link id in your post, it covers most of the text, and just says
>Jesus it's bee
and the post popup is a picture of a bee

How would you rate your gf out of 10? Is she a real gf or a practice gf? You should enjoy doing things with your gf if you actually like her.
Russian Novel shitposter here, there’s good short novels that are sci fi if that’s your thing.
Thick legs, forearms and the V if they are fit.
anything you want bb
Is there any way to actually impress a woman once you're already in a relationship? Or are you destined to be in the "whatever" zone forever?
We’ve been together 2 years, she’s my first irl. I love going to the movies with her and playing games with her but she doesn’t consider those “our” things, just “my” thing. She pouts when I don’t want to watch TikTok’s because she says it’s her only thing.
i've never really given sci-fi literature a try, so sure. any recs?
The Mosfilm version from Bondarchuk is in my possesion for 2 weeks now and I will watch it. All 431 minutes of it!
Play with my pussy with your pretty piano hands.
>very anxious non-attractive men who have gotten very desperate
This is my experience as well.

Guys who seem very desperate and spend way too much time on twitter.
It's the fact that they aren't fat, and still have a good head of hair that I fawn over generally.
Start simple and short
> I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
The ending is different to the movie
If you date to be with a partner for life - there is no "practice bf/gf"

Thats rediculous.
Prob why my partner never mentioned me on socials, made anything "official" or moved in.
Thanks for opening my eyes, chan.
I mean hot guys don't even think about cold approaches as 'cold approaches', life just happens to them where a cute female decided to ask him something and then wanted his number or bitches rubbing themselves against him at the clubs/festivals etc. Ugly anxious men may try 1-2 cold approaches out of desperation, but they definitely won't start doing it regularly if they see no success from it.
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I want to go balls deep into my slam piggy coworker so badly bros
Cold approaching doesn't necessarily mean stating the intent to have sex or a relationship straight away. Sometimes it does start with a friendship.
>Most people I know date people who they've long been friends from school with and their relationship slowly developed over time.
Yes anon, that is literally me. I've approached my girlfriend after a college party and we've been friends for two months, then it escalated naturally into dating. The process is more or less the same for everyone else.
>approach woman
>she doesn't show signs of interest
>she's now friend or acquaintance
>she shows signs of interest
>you win
and the only way to fuck up is if the guy decides to be a total weirdo and makes it too obvious he wants to fuck her

I think I'm too bad at explaining this idk why I'm typing so much
Tolstoy is like Skyrim
You get lost in the world completely and 3 weeks later you resurface wondering where you are and wtf happend
India will never be middle class, they are unproductive and incapable.
Nta but it sounds like a failed first love, sorry anon. You can only have that "still with my first" experience if you actually got lucky on first try and it's someone you genuinely get very well along with even as the years go by. Doesn't sound like your gf is like that.
Please don't force me to do that. I hate feeling the wetness and weird folds touching my fingertips, it's like washing dirty dishes and something you don't know touches your fingers. Don't force me to touch your pussy :(
Oh by cold approaches I meant literally approaching a stranger on the street. Not 'cold approaches'. Actual cold approaching is something that happens rarely, and I don't think attractive men ever do it.
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I have such a hate relationship with him.
His wife wrote half his novels and he was just a rich guy pretending to be poor.
India's issue has always been their godawful culture, they're a wealthy and powerful nation that makes itself poor and weak by choice.
>Hey Gupta, should we clean up this road?
>NO! This is an untouchables neighborhood, they need to live in shit because the grand elephant god ruled judgment against them in a past life
>okay, but what if we at least built a medical clinic here?
>REEEEE! Lower caste people MUST suffer! Burn the clinic down!
India was the first place where Islam was an improvement.
If I don't real much is that book worth checking out? I feel like I'm not enough of a reader to be able to properly appreciate it and I'll just end up disliking it.
NTA but what you describe is simply making friends. No need to invent a weird term for it. What people usually mean when they say cold approaching is approaching random women with the intention of dating them.
>I meant literally approaching a stranger on the street
That's very hard for anyone to pull off unless something out of the ordinary is happening outside where you can interact with each other without it being weird.
>did those issues cause the relationship to end?
Not the eating, but all the other issues she had. This might sound like a gag, but the list is quite long and also includes personality disorders. At one point she joked about how she must have been the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

>i was naturally skinny
I guess you are one of the lucky ones and I hope it stays that way that you

>i just forget to eat when i'm on my pc almost the whole day lol.
That's not good!
Do you have some outdoor hobbies like biking or hiking?

>what's your bmi then?
I'm currently at 28, started out at 31 like three months ago and my goal is at least down to 25 by the end of the year. I'm relatively tall, so I tell myself it doesn't look too bad and my ex didn't mind. Unfortunately, I sometimes like to have drinks with friends and then there might also be more food involved than I had planned for the day... and that sets me back. :(
It's like losing a week's progress in just one day. lol (though I shouldn't laugh at it I guess)

>curious what kind of guy is likely to be into skinny.
Sorry for not sounding very appealling... but if it's any conciliation, I am not *only* into skinny girls... which might sound weird too. lol
Original Sin: Divinity 2
Spoilers I guess; When Loshe gets rid of her demon and reclaim her instrument, if you use it she will sing.
Yep, and the only men who do that are unattractive/very undersocialized men.
>His wife wrote half his novels and he was just a rich guy pretending to be poor.
Funny take. Wrong, but still funny
Nta, don’t start with those books. Stick to genres you know you like and try to find books of it. Good way to get into reading
It’s thick and slow, if you want something modern lmk >>31908692
I will fight you.
He copied her diaries and she edited his books.
Why did men evolve to have sexy arms?
To make u wet and prepped for plapping
> skinny
he keeps sharing pics of his favorite female videogame character

what do I even do here
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Yeah been a while, not really in 4chan all that often anymore. I am good and thanks.


Haha I did show you /atoga/ so I guess it was bound to happen someday. Anyways, good luck for you as well.
No they just had arms and then we evolved to find them sexy.
Feminist historians are desperate. I talked with one last year that wanted to write a book about how the historical pirate Black Bart Roberts was secretly a woman. Her evidence for this?
>he was educated
>he drank tea instead of rum
>he was more successful than other pirates
Her entire thesis is that because he wasn't a drunk thug he MUST have been a woman crossdressing.
Did you download anon's arm?
To better grope you.
How likely is it that girls I had random FWB/flings with a few years ago still think about me every now and then? Would be weird
Nah, all kinds of men do it.
How come women are allowed to walk around with inch think makeup but as a guy I'm not allowed to cover up my dermatitis without looking gay? I have to choose between being unfuckably gross looking or unfuckably gay looking.
I don't have veins like that. It's over for me.
Have you tried having a functional immune system?
so I can carry you with ease
to me simply being a bit overweight isn't bad if you've got the height/build for it basically lol. but i hope we both reach our goals. i'm personally trying to gain some weight (5-10kg) in hopes of getting bigger assets, and hoping i retain my waist while trying.
but yeah i used to bike a lot, nowadays i kinda prefer walking everywhere though. need to get back to working out, i've gotten lazy ngl.
but yeah that relationship sounds like it was pretty bad, hope it didn't affect you too negatively
>Her entire thesis is that because he wasn't a drunk thug he MUST have been a woman crossdressing.
Enjoy your (government funded) insanity
How are we supposed to have kids if you don't cum in me with your cock?
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Fight with hot anime men.
It’s okay when passing time you were right it’s just a large argument.
TIL ATOGA doesn't know what cold approaching is
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I wish to breed and plap
and let it all out
breed and plap
and let it out
the equivalent of annoying anime avatarfags. abort immediately.
Banishing garm in gauntlet dark legacy.
The mad key skills on the organ are so goood.
MPUAs (master pick up artists) can pull it off, but they always do it in big cities where they don't develop a reputation for repeated failures and they have more success since they literally dedicated their life to it and they would still lose to the tall attractive Chad in terms of ratio.
I've also seen anons here telling anxious boys to go the clubs or bars alone when it's the worst fucking advice ever. The anons would stick out like sore thumbs.
Girls, you gave me an eating disorder.
My immune system is fine, if anything it's too on point.
Girls, when you date guys, do you political views start to align more than his?
Yeah it’s cope. You heard different version of this all your life. Beautiful people are dumb. You can’t buy happiness. It’s better to be street smart and so on
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Femaons, do you feel inferior or jealous towards busty women?
You‘re welcome.
The thing is there are plenty of female pirates she could've written about, but no we've got to pick one of the big ones and claim he was a girl. The only reason she didn't pick Blackbeard himself was because there was an autopsy done on him which ended that hypothetical pretty quick.
No lmao
No, but I do to small boobs women because they are more elegant.
I am the busty woman, so no
Women are humans too anon
every reply before mine is fake
Stinky non-vascular moid hands with long nails
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Women all things being equal, would you prefer country life or city life?
saying someone looks "elegant" instead of sexy sounds like an insult
>one of your favorite moments from a videogame
I have lots of those.

- KOTOR when your real identity is revealed.
- Gothic 2 when you become a Fire Mage and meet the Paladin again who prevented you from entering the upper quarter.
- Fighting Yaga Shura's army on the bridge in Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal.
- Fighting Minagho in WOTR with the awakening of the player character's mythic powers as well as the moment when the Hand of the Inheritor arrives.
- The Ocean House in VTMB.
- The Shalebridge Cradle in Thief 3.
- Rescuing Nightsong in BG3.
- Returning to UNATCO in Deus Ex.

Just from the top of my head.
>these answers
Odd. I've definitely had my political views influenced by my girlfriends as a guy.
you got everything wrong except the nails
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do veins only count if they're on the inside of the forearm?
I dont have many veins on the inside except with a pump. but on the outside I got a lot of them
City life. Kinda over the country life.
Forgot my gender: M
Foundation doesnt make men look gay. Eyeliner looks sexy on some men. Blush does make men look gay
Republicans prefer HP? Amerifags is this true?
We all do sometimes, fluid anon
elegant can also be sexy
sexy cant also be elegant
>Waaah! I don't want to be stronger and healthier than I am!
Can't imagine why you have trouble finding a partner.
I would much rather be elegant than sexy. So vulgar.
Idk post pics
Girls, how do you like to be put in your place?
Explain your argument. For me "lady-like" it'd one of the highest praises I'll give to a woman.

There's a manner to talk, dress and even walk that can set a woman aside from the rest.
1. Lift down to Firelink Shrine.
2. Random Gods
>if you've got the height/build for it basically lol
*flexes his mediocre muscle way above your head*
All I can say is, my belly so far hasn't hindered me from having pretty good endurance and even climbing mountains on vacations. I'm only a slob at home when I don't force myself.

>getting bigger assets
You don't have to say if you don't want to, but the back or the front?
I always thought putting on weight in the butt area is kinda possible if you also work out properly, but not for breasts, since the fat usually just amasses around the tummy.

>hoping i retain my waist while trying.
A small, tight waist is maybe the sexiest aspect of a woman. A perfect midriff also makes me want to just pick you up by it!

>i've gotten lazy ngl
I'm sure you'll find some routine that works for you!
You sound like a motivated girl.

>hope it didn't affect you too negatively
Five years of my romantic life lost, even if I wasn't together for all of those, but it took me a lot to recover since I was convinced she was The One(TM) and she re-entered my life twice, which both times ended in disasters. It helped me a lot in finding out what a woman should NOT have... or at least not for one I want to have a healthy romantic relationship with.
Have your exes ever mentioned your body and that they are attracted to your thinness?
country life, i feel very anxious when i have to walk past strangers and never been able to get rid of it.
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looks like this
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A stern talking to, spanks.
Be real with me. Tell me your issues, tell me why you feel that way. Teach, dont just punish.
Maybe to someone whose brain has been rotted by hentai
>but no we've got to pick one of the big ones and claim he was a girl.
Yes, because you know, Indiana Jones is now a pathetic old white man, as is Captain Picard and Luke Skywalker. Ah and Batman is dead.
Killing heros is a demoralizing tactic for thousands of years. Funny how women do it too.
that one is fucking ancient
I now have to stop using my brother in Christ damn
>T female over 25
Sex scenes in Saya no Uta
Mine’s mostly on my scalp so it’ll look like I have dandruff and it’s really visible since I have black hair. Plus my hair is thick so it’s hard to manage.
My life is in the country and I prefer it. I’m in the city studying at the moment and I can’t wait to get back to my farm house
when I'm having a heated angry argument with anon and then anon suddenly starts flirting
Generally women and minorities prefer apple products as a rule. HP itself isn't liked by Republicans more than any other PC brand, but most Republicans will buy android because they're cheaper and you can do more with them.
>>T female over 25
don't you feel bad for coming here
it's kind of sad
Good because it is fucking cringe.
lmao AmeriKKKan politics is actually retarded. Its like the late Roman republic over there.
>1. Lift down to Firelink Shrine.
>elegant can also be sexy
>sexy cant also be elegant
That's silly. Of course sexy can also be elegant.
It's just that sexy can also conjure up inelegant mental imagery as well.
However, the percentage of sexy that isn't elegant is larger than the percentage of elegant that isn't sexy.
This is exactly why android users are so cringe lmao.
Gogol’s stories are great, no shame in that
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State gender

What's the highest praise you have given to the opposite gender?

Saying "I love you" isn't praise.
No one is going to care if you use concealer. Women are fine with it and men don’t notice.
>keep wearing that dress around me and you'll end up bent over the counter
she did
>I spent more for a worse product
>and you're cringe because of it!
I’m waiting for a plane and there’s a girl over 30 that I like talking to here she’s lovely
I respect your opinion about this and I wanted to ask you before I make a decision
I haven't had any situation where praising a woman seemed socially acceptable or appropriate.

>What's the highest praise you have given to the opposite gender?
Smart, insightful, interesting, gifted, beautiful, cute, ...
It's not like people say "I'm a Republican, gotta buy an Android," it's just the general split in cultural attitudes. An apple phone is mostly a fashion accessory, so if that's the kind of thing you care about you buy one, there are plenty of people who probably vote Republican who also want to appear fashionable, but it's usually less of a priority in that demographic.
Why couldn't women be more like pic? Elagent instead of aggressively sexy. Refined instead of rough. Quiet and composed and stern. Why do they always wear ugly revealing clothes? Why is their hygiene so bad? Even trad women are retarded larpers with disgusting habits and reactionary views. Traditional Japanese female aesthetics is so much better.
Firelink shortcut is nice, but finding Ash Lake was something else
I'm sympathetic, anon, but you need professional help with some of this. Random people on a Mongolian basket weaving forum are not qualified!
You're the one.
Not at all.
deleting my character and let him rest forever in Filianore's Rest
I had to sell my rig later so it felt like I was putting down my dog
Who told you this lol
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State gender

What country that isn't your own would you like to live at and why?
I told an escort that she had the most perfect ass I've ever seen and I meant it. Being with her was almost like a dream because of hot she was.
Feminist historians are...it's complicated.
I studied under one of the best historians in the country. She specialised in Northwestern Medieval culture. A lot of her study was, technically, women's studies. But the thing is, although her work had originally been confined to a ghetto of "Women's History", for a good couple of decades it had become completely mainstream. Like looking at Dhuoda or Waldrada doesn't pass for any comment nowadays; it doesn't get published in Women's History journals, it gets published in generic Medieval History journals. Apparently this has been a weird identity rollercoaster for historians as old as her.

Anyway, the point of all this rambling is that it takes a certain kind of person to still be called a feminist historian nowadays, and they have to be doing research which is REALLY obviously feminist. Otherwise they're just a historian.
She famously had big influence over his novels as an editor. Idk further details than that
somewhere cold, preferably still slavic
Told a girl she had made me realise friendship could be so much deeper than I thought, and she had been what I now consider my first real friend. I thought I'd had plenty of friends before I met her, but she made me realise there was a whole world of friendship I'd missed.
kinda both, it might be a bit delusional but i hope to gain some small amount of boob weight as well lol. but i'll see if it works out, not even sure if i'll be able to gain weight. and thanks, i do like my waist and legs
seems like you have a good physique then also, having some extra fat while also being strong is actually a good look on a guy imo.

and yeah i also had a similar thing, basically wasted 4 years of my life, thats my only ex. but it wasn't that bad that i needed to recover from it or anything, sounds like you had it rougher since it seems like you have a genuine case of "crazy ex", or am I wrong lol. but at least you seem to have recovered from it anon.

with my ex i felt like he liked different things about me than what i like about myself, like small boobs and also my arms for some reason, while i think my best looking body parts are basically waist and legs. that's what a boob guy is i guess.
I don't think I remember my praises, because every time I did they made me eat my words, violently.
What makes you go "shit, she's/he's the one"?
Georgia (men are hot)
> anything but America
NTA You are an academic?
>t. ugly man
Going outside my parents basement
btw it was scary
No, I just studied history at university
I want to die somewhere cold and the last thing I want to see is snow
>stable job
>not a coomer
>not heavily into porn
>not on 4chan or social media
>mechanical engineer
What the fuck created band kids and band kid humor?
is that sotek? loved the lizard factions in this game.
and i'd maybe like to live in east germany.
>t. f
I want to fuck men and become a strong sexy man
That they were "perfect".
Ive never told anyone that before.. and i generally dislike most people.
I know a guy like that. He's married though.
This is the first time in my life I have ever encountered someone who considered "mechanical engineer" to be something that makes you The One
Woman I'm talking to just realized I'm somehow remembering a lot about her.
Not really doing it on purpose, I just enjoy spending time with and talking with her, so I guess it's easy for me to remember small facts. To me she's special I suppose.
Not really sure how to say it without it sounding odd, or do I just ignore it?
>She famously had big influence over his novels as an editor. Idk further details than that
I always wondered why women's retarded behaviour was so accurately depicted in his novels...
Huh? I just got accepted to grad school for history and its making me feel uneasy. I might just quit on nerves alone. Kinda surprised people with brains still use this site.
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>not on 4chan or social media
fuck, I was this close
Gender? Which is worse?:

A: fapping to porno of complete strangers
B: fapping to thoughts of people I know based on the ones I find the most attractive regardless of level of romantic interest
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Lol I know the feeling. There was this girl that was so fucking hot and beautiful I couldnt think straight when we were alone, it was quite literally hypnotic, felt surreal how hyper focused I would get in the moment, barely able to talk.

Fuck you brought back memories.
Cringe and projection
I love Filianore so much it's unreal.
I said she was very special to me. I need to praise her more.
Man, I'm in a crisis. I really want to do a Masters in history, but I've spent so long at university that I just want to have my own life with my own source of money, frankly. But I can't help thinking it's a massive mistake. I'd love that life (well, as much as anyone can love getting a PhD...).
> He's married though
Figures lol
I have a type.
one time this girl gave me a blowjob in a public spot just because I was feeling down. completely unrequested. it wasn't because of the sex but it showed that she really cared about me. we've dated for a while but it didn't last unfortunately
Does hentai count as porn? And why mechanical engineer?

A is worse. Porn of complete strangers just makes your desensitization and social isolation worse and overstimulates your brain leading to high expectations. Fapping to people you know might seem disgusting, but at least its healthy and better for your mind than the crap they force feed people on porno tube sites.
When they are all I can think about.
When I would rather spend all my time with them, enjoying each others company.
Spending time with them is like spending time alone, except I'm feeling constant joy. Also, I want to rail them constantly.
>Masters in history
>own source of money
anon, they're mutually exclusive
for women
I'm a very inexperienced guy, in a new relationship. My girl and I talk too damn much, so we're gonna try to scale it back. She has a tendency to want to isolate herself for days at a time, but I kind of want to at least touch base every day or every other day (just a simple "hi how are you" sort of thing, perhaps at night).

I am EXTREMELY inexperienced, is that an overly clingy or unhinged request?
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Yes, that is what I said.
Which would you rather date?
>all of the above
Nta, from the people I met in grad school I'd guess 4chan's userbase is significantly more educated than the general population and probably a little above average in overall intelligence. That said it's also gay and retarded.
I don't know
Total strangers I can jerk to no issues. Maybe even exs. It's all pure lust and release.

With people I'm interested in? I've tried but I want something real with them, so I can't? This shit is weird for me.
Thankfully I got on a program that's mostly paid for. I had to turn down an offer from an Ivy because I couldn't afford it. I've had a chip on my shoulder ever since. I don't feel like I fit in academia, its full of asinine shitheads and rich kids, but I love history so much. I wish I could do history without this college shit.
I could answer you but I'm a guy
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It's peace.

When you can be with someone and just feel peace, like there is nothing to worry about in the world because you have who you want next to you and nothing else matters.
Definitely not, but please don't blame her for it too much if she does it sometimes.
I do the "isolate herself for days at a time" thing too, I think I just became like this bc I was a hermit when I was younger and also didn't have friends (still don't lol), so I felt that I had no reason to leave my room and have gotten used to it.
>Girls, how do you like to be put in your place?
Try that and I'll dump you before you get to the end of the sentence. You have a problem, talk to me like a grownup; resolve it sensibly.
Thanks, you too

I can handle them.

I haven't jerked off to people I knew irl since high school, just seems kind of awkward and disrespectful. People posting themselves on a porn site are deliberately trying to elicit that reaction.
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> why mechanical engineer?
-problem solving skills
-attention to detail
-career potential
-logical thinking
-good at building stuff
Mechanical engineers are like the firefighter equivalent of engineers to me I grew up around academics and I like how good they are with their hands.
Yes. It counts
>Does hentai count as porn?
nta but are you retarded
They're both completely fine. Unless you mean "if I was in a relationship with you", in which case I would absolutely prefer you did not masturbate to people you know.
Man, I grew up in (and live in) Oxford. You better believe I've got a chip on my shoulder about academia.
some kind of schizo guy as long as he isn't the type who would hurt others around him. like i've heard that some schizos only get mildly weird or even "friendly" hallucinations, and you could consider them very safe to be around because of this.
Unironically just being able to be friends with me and not taking me so seriously 24/7
Maybe Denmark or Finland. I want to live somewhere rural but have the necessary facilities relatively close, and decent healthcare, and low inflation and stability.

And I don't want any more fucking heat or corruption or working literally half a month for the state's monstrous tax system and not being able to get anything whatsoever in return (no infrastructure, no policies that are friendly to people like me, shitty healthcare that I have to take days off for to sit in a line for 5 hours only to be told that they can't help me, all in spite of me paying tens of thousands of euros in taxes and contributions each year). No more of those retarded mongoloid "men" that I have to deal with, and no more shitty entitled women that are financially illiterate and undateable, either.
>fapping to thoughts of people I know based on the ones I find the most attractive regardless of level of romantic interest
This is how they used to do it back in the day before the internet
Of course not, I want to encourage her to do whatever she needs to do to get herself to a good place or enjoy herself, I suppose I just get really antsy with no contact and would absolutely spend probably too much of that time wondering when she'd return, especially if there wasn't a specific return time. We haven't really discussed this at length yet, I'm trying to figure out what is or isn't a fair to expect but it's hard 'cuz I don't have much experience.
Stupid paris hilton. Set unrealistic blowjob expectations for me when I was young.
Absolutely nothing
M, let's go through them
No. If you start a meth habit you will get in less financial and legal trouble than you will dating BPD girls.
Hard pass, just too much extra work for little reward.
So the average woman? I guess it would have to be pretty bad for a woman to stand out as a narc in the first place. Either way probably no.
She's the only one who won't betray and sabotage you for reasons beyond your control, and most women are autistic about men's emotional states anyways so if anything she's got a big advantage over the average woman since she's aware she has trouble reading your emotions.
1. Hong Kong because I adore the culture and love the food and just want to bury myself in how there's everything all around me all the time. It's like London but way more convenient because it's so dense. And there's even a gorgeous countryside bit you can casually take a train to.
2. Taiwan because everyone is insanely friendly and, again, I love the culture. It's much less bustling than HK, but Taipei still has enough going on. The countryside is beyond gorgeous. I am not a countryside person and even I drooled daydreaming about living a comfy cottage life in the mountains.
Probably because 4chan is (used to be anyway) filled with autistic hobbyists who consume shit tons of data from the internet and aren't afraid to steal and pirate shit.

Why mechanical engineers specifically? Don't naval engineers, physicists, astronomers etc all have those skills?

>Man, I grew up in (and live in) Oxford.
What's the whole town vs gown thing like? I've heard there used to be lots of conflict between Oxford natives and the college students and they still don't like each other. I knew a guy who studied at Oxford (Chinese) and he told me most of the other students there weren't that special and the rich boys used to shit on him for being Chinese.
I talk to women?
I guess that's it.
Though I hate dating apps so fucking much it's unreal.
Narc > Antisocial > BPD > either schizo it doesn't matter
The one relative I have who's an actual schizo seemed fairly normal for years then knifed a guy out of nowhere in a delusion
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manifesting blonde gf
>Set unrealistic blowjob expectations
nta explain
>having some extra fat while also being strong is actually a good look on a guy imo.
Are you trying to hit on me? But thanks for the ego push. hehe
I've been knocked out the past few weeks, partially due to the extreme heat we had here, but I want to go hiking again this weekend. So if you see some European mountain view pic posted here in the coming days, It's a me!

>thats my only ex
Ah I am past 30 already, so for me there is also the fear I might not find anybody fitting anymore. But eh, whatever happens happens.

>a genuine case of "crazy ex", or am I wrong lol
I am past the stage where I just hate her and how she did certain things to me. She is a very broken person and I'm sure at some point she will try to come crawling back to me, but I have blocked here everywhere I can think of, so I hope she won't be able to. At some point earlier this year I wished she would though, because I wanted to tell her just how much she hurt me. But I also hated myself for feeling that way. Anyway, that's over now.
My plan is actually to set up some dating profiles and try to start finding somebody in autumn.

>my ex i felt like he liked different things about me than what i like about myself
If you truly love somebody, their entire body becomes perfect. Boobies and butt being big or small doesn't matter, because they become inherently perfect by being part of the person you love so much.
I live in Hong Kong. Its great but the rent is killer. Worst city to rent in. But life is so conveniant and everything is easy. People are either stoic or polite and there's always stuff to do. It makes America look like a 3rd world country.
Good girl
>naval engineers
Spend too much time away from home
Too academic
Call me jaded but I dated a 6’9” astronomer TA and that just didn’t go well
It's okay anon, what you feel here is very reasonable imo. So it seems that more than wanting to "fix" her you just want to understand this thing she does. So why not ask her? Tell her you get antsy sometimes when she's away with no contact, and try to have a good/fun conversation with her about it, aiming to understand her. And her job in that convo should be to reassure you basically, telling you what her own experience is. Gl anon.
Would you date a drug dealer if
>they were hot
>they don't abuse you or your kids
What about mathamaticians? Nuclear engineers? Chemical?
I like weird boy.
Yeah, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love manipulative women
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They're not special, no. I used to hang out with the students when I was a student too (of a different university) and they were just...normal intelligent people. Like imagine any intelligent person you know. They're like that. It's undeniably true that a lot of what gets you into Oxford is just private tutoring on top of already being smart. I know this because, well, something like a third of my school went to Oxbridge and it was for that reason. (I myself was cheerily undiagnosed with ADHD so I didn't even apply, and I've still got a bit of a chip on my shoulder)
I actually asked this thread about a Chinese student at Oxford I'd met at a rave a few years ago. Not really related, just thought I'd say.
Nowadays I know a few ex-students and they were so traumatised by the uni they've sworn they're never going to let a child of theirs apply.
Same but burnette with freckles please
Girl with 10/10 ass but not its or abbs, girl with 10/10 abbs but no tits or ass, girl with 10/10 tits but no abbs or tits?
I've been to most of the ones I really want to see.

But a big one I still haven't seen is the general area of the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs.
>I grew up around academics and I like how good they are with their hands.
lol the only things academics can do with their hands is use the word processor and fap. They might as well not have hands.
We're planning to talk about it, I was asking here to try and get opinions and touch a little grass, because it's very likely if I asked her to make an unreasonable compromise that she'd do it, and I really don't want to put her in that situation
>Its great but the rent is killer
Yeah, well, I'm assuming in this hypothetical scenario that's somehow taken care of. If it's not then yeah, I'm not choosing Hong Kong. I don't want to spend 80% of my income on rent.
My dream is to get rich as hell literally just so I can move there. It's funny, in Hong Kong I met a girl whose dream was identical but reversed; she wanted to get rich so she could move to London...
Think you messed up that last one buddy but the answer is always gonna be 10/10 ass no tits no abs
10/10 ass
A hank hill ass repulses me, and I'm saying that as someone attracted to every inch of the female body
I would read a book about it, watch a movie about it and then continue my cushy happy life without shootings.
No building skill
Again too academic
Maybe, Chems are either hot asf or cunts so depends
10/10 abbs/tummy > 10/10 ass > 10/10 tits
If she's tall, thin and waify? 10/10 abs. That works.
If she's not? Fat butt I guess.
Men have good taste.
If you're dropped back in time at your exact location 300 years how good you think you could do?

Also you can't die but feel pain and hunger
Don't want 10/10 anything, just a perky ass, boobs size is whatever, abs aren't necessary. If she's underweight that's a big plus.
hey honey ;-) wow r u blond what a coincidence im stupid we can be a pair ;;;;;;;))))) im very fat i have 5 chins

get diseases that should kill me but dont and live in eternal agony
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hey goldielocks
hows your evening
> Also you can't die
Killed in a witch trial
No thanks
I think about this a lot.
I'm in the country's centre of learning, and my country is about to become a global power so it's somewhat primed for big changes anyway. We've luckily discovered coffee by this point so I'll be able to somewhat quell my ADHD by drinking multiple pints of coffee every day. I know a decent amount about the period and it's mores, and I think I can help change things for the better.
The worst part is, despite early 18th century Britain being chock full to the gills with sex and alcohol I'm not going to be able to do any of it because I simply do not want to die of syphilis. I don't know how to invent a modern condom, either.
>1700s center europe
I think I could figure something out
You’re correct, anon. But I don’t have an appointment until October 30th.
>die of syphilis
Well, not DIE of syphilis, but an eternity with syphilis doesn't sound great either
Im probably fucked unless the injuns or spanish look kindly on me and my type.
I've heard the teaching at Oxford is pretty standard. My buddy told me they learned more from YouTube lectures and asking for help on /sci/ than actual classes. Its a sad irony that students are turning to Anonymous or fucking Reddit because of shit teaching at what's supposed to be an elite college. I got rejected from Oxford but I got a place at Colombia which I had to turn down because I'm too poor. So I ended up wasting an entire year working just to save up cash. I'm really mad about it still. I mean, they wanted like $50,000 for one year not including rent. So now I only apply to middle tier grad schools and I've got places but I just feel cheated by the whole system. The whole prestiege university thing is a scam. They are all just big financial cliques that make their money on real estate and sports. They throw some cash into doctoral research but that's it. I want to say fuck it I quit but my career goal requires a graduate degree so I'm stuck.
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Proclaimed femcels, do you believe your celibacy to be involuntary?
Iceland is spectacular. I'd suggest a 7-10 day long roadtrip driving the golden cirvle plus North-East.
Monaco you can see in a weekend, but you can also do a day trip to Nice right next to it.

I was in your shoes once and on the (non)receiving end of this.
I would highly suggest you think what is genuinely doable for you. How much not hearing from her you can actually handle.
If she keeps this up and you can't deal with it on your own (she is essentially leaving you to yourself), you will be hurt immensly. Depending on what is actually going on, she will convince herself that she is a bad person for not communicating with you... which in turn makes her more afraid of getting in contact again...
I'm painting the most extreme picture here, because that's what happened with me and no trying to convincing her have helped. Some people are unable to have a healthy relationship, or want something that is very different. You two might be fundamentally incompatible, just be prepared for that.
Question for women:

if a woman you were interested in, but has soft rejected you, is denying talking to another guy intimately (despite mountains of proof and mutuals also corroborating this) what exactly does this mean? Even months later, long after getting over her, she pretends like she is just friends with some other guy when it's obvious they're dating. who is the lie meant to benefit? She even gets angry when it's brought up in the nicest of ways.
She had a 'leaked' sex tape. It's not particularly good but the highlight is that she fishes the guy off with a blowjob and then rubbing his dick all over her small perky tits while he's cumming.
I agree with top one.
i just have weird types in men, i like both very skinny, and also the "tall with some extra fat" type, not so much average body type lmao. and you seem to fit the 2nd type. and i'll look out for mountain pics, i've been spamming these threads while i've been sick and will probably be sick for some time more, it's covid probably.

idk why but i have this weird insecurity. a guy i used to like and still am kinda into had a very similar sounding ex. but i get very insecure if a guy i like has a ""crazy ex"" because i feel that i'm a bit boring, and not exciting enough as a person compared to an exciting crazy woman lmao. so i get insecure if someone has had an ex who is the opposite, presumably very exciting with "issues". seems like many men are into that type of woman.

but yeah gl with the search anon. i wouldn't say past 30 is too late to find love, for example there are many women who get out of their first long relationship at like age 27 and then they also start looking for relationships. but you seem to have a good attitude, it's good to be obsessed with finding a relationship, but also to keep out on the look if you do find someone.
Better than directly asking her to change herself to start doing something right away, try to talk until you find an agreement of course. And if you do end up asking her if she can do this less, try to show your appreciation if she does make a decision to change herself to some degree for you
it probably means it's none of your business.
It sounds like possibly they had something, but it's over now, or they're still sorta together, but she doesn't like him anymore and wants to end it in the near future.
state gender
If you were homosexual, what would be your type? What kinds of members of the same sex would you be attracted to?
we're still friends and i just was kind of hurt that she'd hide it is all, but i think you're right anyway, i don't press it or bring it up anymore. thanks for your input
they still seem to be together, i'm rooting for them and all that gay shit. thanks for your input
if I was a lesbo I guess my type would be friendly girl next door girls. I find it easier to get along with girls like this so if I was gay maybe I'd be into them in that way as well.
i unironically can't even humor this thought experiment without physical disgust and so i choose not to. i think it's normal to be this way and abnormal for people to daydream about being gay or for gay people to dream about being straight
I'd have working computers in 10 years or your money back.
>>can't die, but feel pain and hunger
Which means if things go bad, you could just get really really high.
yeah usually when a woman doesn't like talking about her relationship or bringing it up, it will end soon enough. women who love and respect a guy won't avoid bringing him up.
gay people are a moral cancer

I guess really feminine dudes who dress like women?
Did starting to have sex make your preferences or interest in performing certain acts change or are so still mostly into the same stuff you used to fantasize about before you started having sex?
Never had sex (but I want to) and have no real interest in some of the acts I see people performing on the internet (BJs, greek, facial, rimshot, feet stuff, choking, etc). A worry of mine is that I will start liking some of that stuff.
>immediately starts angrily ranting
Repressed faggot kek
Princesses will be plapped.
A clone of myself.
Girls, why do you love abortion so much?
cutie twinks
I'm bi so this isn't even that hard
I want that delicious cute twink bussy
I'd never marry btw just get rich and permanently fuck femboy bussy
That's what they're made for. Gotta keep the royal bloodline going
What's it like being bi? Does being into femboys make me a fag?
who the fuck calls anal greek
Women like to keep their teeth, that's something you can lose during a pregnancy.
i don't. i hate it. probably more than you do. i would rather be gutted with a dull knife than kill my own child. i hate it. i fucking hate it. it's evil.
I feel like its natural for men to be attracted to femininity. So naturally feminine boys are attractive even if you don't realize it. I can't understand how actual homos can be attracted to muscular full grown dudes with beards and shit. That alone convinces me they are mentally ill.
I would cry if you were my boyfriend.
escorts and I personally think its funny that they named a sex act after a certain group of people
french is a tittyfuck
I think I am going to Hell when I die
>and you seem to fit the 2nd type.
Don't be too enticing now or I'll say something wrong. :x

>i've been spamming these threads while i've been sick and will probably be sick for some time more, it's covid probably.
Sorry to hear that. Covid hit me so bad the first time back in 2021 I had to get to the hospital. I also blame it on my belly since overweight people have a higher chance for complications REEEE

>had a very similar sounding ex
Poor fella...

>i feel that i'm a bit boring, and not exciting enough as a person
You don't even know that you just made yourself sound a lot more appealling. I always assume most men and women on 4chan are kinda unhinged lol, but I definitely have had my fair share of "crazy gf". I want nothing more than somebody I can just live my Life with, go do some travelling with, cook for and come home to.
I didn't know about how unstable my ex was when I met her. I don't want to go into the details, but initially I just knew she had a bad family, but since I am the more protective and caring guy, I think that was something she had never felt before and thus was attracted to me because of it.

The irony of you mentioning that age...

>you seem to have a good attitude
It was smithed in the depths of Mount Doom. lol
so which country represents pussyfuck?
Never had sex, but after doing some relatively sexy things with my GF I lost interest in several fetishes, but picked up some new ones. I don't really find anime girls all that attractive any more, but now really, really like kissing and some features my GF has. I also thought I was submissive, but realized I like being in charge
Yeah, men have never treated me correctly. But I allways left them.
probably femboys
about the same, Ive done some foreplay stuff and lots of making out.
i remember as an early teen i would only ever think about boob stuff and feeling up classmates and by my 18th birthday i was interested in kissing and full on intercourse and ive just remained at that level ever since.
hoping I dont get anymore freaky than that after sex. all my "had sex" friends seem to like some pretty unappetizing sounding stuff (like getting their asses licked) and I dont want to be one of those people.
question for women:

do you like romance or romanticism? I am dreadfully entrenched in activities like stopping to look up at the stars and the lunar halos, i will drop everything to follow the sound of faint live music playing in the city until i find the source, and i unironically love flowers and the idea of sharing your life with your soulmate and finding the truest of love. i often dream of living in some small town with the woman i love and playing music for her or with her, or plein air painting the landscapes with her, or even cooking silly little meals with her. i have had 2 girlfriends in the past who thought it was a nice sentiment, but they hated all of that stuff. they eventually just call me a faggot or something which is kind of funny i guess but it is depressing sometimes. i am not perfect but their reactions tend to lead me into shutting them out and slowly drifting from them until we break up. i think i am realizing i have been chasing something that doesn't exist.
wife material
>Female or male gaze porn sites
Is that a question?
Girls, do you like it when a guy licks your ear? I've always wanted to blindfold a girl and then grope her body from behind while also licking her ear and stuff. Definitely something I want to try with my future girlfriend.
it makes you bi if you want femboy bussy yes
but honestly it's just straight+
pussy is still better than dick though
although sometimes I'm caught with that feeling, that deep down feeling where I just want a dick to suck on
but pussy is just so much more fun
more holes, they're cute as fuck with high pitched sounds that even femboys can't reach, and dominating a cute girl is just by far the most manliest you can ever feel.

Girl? I don't tell girls I'm bi. They get mad jelly. If you're a guy, don't worry, we'd have a lot of fun until you died twink death and then I'd break off amicably. Since you're a guy you should understand and not be a fag about it.
This is a really good way of putting it.
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>see this woman at work
>from another department
>fat and mid af
>her outfits are super feminine and sporty
>be really turned on by her for some reason
>one day out of the blue she emails me
>needs help with something that's not even really my job
>help her anyways but tell her she might wanna try my colleague who specializes in what she's needing
>still persists in emailing me specifically
>today she calls me at my desk
>is super chill and funny
>before she hangs up, tells me I'm "an angel"
>decide to e-stalk her
>she's surprisingly a few years younger than me
>also she got a boyfriend
Still though, I got that angel status
any other angelbros here?
In men I am less interested in "feminine romanticism" like this and more interested in masculine romance acts, like buying things for her (even just a coffee in a coffee shop), or trying to impress her in dumb ways, hope you know what I'm trying to explain
Isn't that 0.1 off from being underweight?
I rather die than being tied to a man that could potentially ruin me and the child’s life
i think so.
thanks for your honest reply
Would you be a clown too?
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whimsy and romanticism and spontaneous exploration can be a frustrating interruption in whatever more grounded activity was planned. i think on some level, there would be times i would feel frustrated when we are sitting down at a meal, talking, and you faintly hear live music elsewhere in the city and off you go, and it would be easier to feel frustrated when you forget to do important tasks when you are actively doing something so meandering and void of consequence.

the sentiment is nice, and it can be beautiful in practice as well. i lay in my yard for hours listening to the crickets and frogs, looking at clouds. i like to try to communicate with fish and bugs and birds, i listen to music alone and dance alone because it's nice to do that stuff sometimes. it's about choosing when to embrace that and let it lead you, and being able to shut it off when you have to face a colder reality, get down to business, handle your responsibilities.

i do like romanticism, but not at the cost of maturity and competence. pic unrelated i just saw it on pinterest and thought it was cute
why the fuck is she so thick?
If you want to break up, say it irl.
If not, I will love and cheish you forever.
its a doll, i dunno. maybe alien girls keep organs in their hips.
this is just me ofc, maybe you just need to find a very romantic woman? the kind who wants to read poems to her bf. maybe this type would appreciate those acts very much.
>Tfw no thicc bi alien gf
If a girl will dress up like a clown (and preferably even work as one) and suck my dick, fuck, and cuddle me I will do whatever the fuck she wants.
Yeah I've never had the feeling of wanting to take dick but dicking a femboy yes. Taking dick is peak homosexual behavior. That being said, pussy beats boy anus everytime.
>tfw no alien gf i could cause internal damage to via intense plapping
you know you can cause human women internal damage via intense plapping too, right?
Holy shit this is great news
Girls, are you shapely, angel face, and no tattoos?
Yep, I've also been a mid girl's plan B
Just curious because i like goth girls despite not being at all goth myself
well i have no tattoos. 10/10 rite
does it bother you knowing some are in this thread but you'll probably never meet, or is it cool knowing you can talk to some of them at least?
I like that stuff. I feel like women don't appreciate it much anymore because they grow acustomed to abusive straightforward types of relationships and it makes them low IQ so they think it's a good thing.
1/3 ≠ 10/10
How would you define feminine romanticism?
you must mean 10/10/10, thank you kind soul
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How do I find a renaissance fair, I want nothing more than to be a plague doctor walking around. Also women, thoughts on plague doctor bf?
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thank you so much
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literally me
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When was the last time you bullied or got bullied by other women?
>thinks he's too cool to wear leather boots with the outfit
My booty is fat and I have one very small tattoo.
liking goth girls is correct.

It's always a little disappointing to know I'll never have it. But I'm used to it in general outside of this thread as well. I just live a life where I already know I won't ever be able to have anything I want.
i think she was being too kind/nice and she meant faggy gesture or something. something a real man wouldnt do. makes sense
never really been "bullied" by other women. or does it count that once this woman coworker basically blew up at me/started shouting at me when i pointed out a mistake? hard to see it as bullying though because it happened only once, seems like she was just mostly stressed out. and i think bullying is something that happens for extended periods of time, not just one outburst.
You are the ideal woman. Not killing babies is a low standard, but my bar is very low.
Probably used up all his money on the top and mask
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Who would you want to look like in your next life?
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>he doesn't own any leather boots already
>doesn't own pants that are not jeans already
>t. M
so many maleanons here are trannies in the closet kek.
11 foot tall futa with a 22 inch dick that's completely useless for anything other than mocking
Goth girl

Not tranny. Trans are delusional extreme body modders. They want what they cannot have in this life. I'm perfectly content with being a male but if in another life I could be reborn into an entirely different body and become something else. I could be another species entirely, although that would be a downgrade from human. It would be fun to get genderswapped or raceswapped and see life from another perspective. I just hope I'm not inanimte object.
A whites woman’s dog.
You conveniently forgot the "in the closet". A troon in the closet describes you perfectly, fag.
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>Who would you want to look like in your next life?
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that's a depressing outlook on life
Can you hear our eggs cracking? UWU
the one time i thought i finally made a female friend, she was pretending to be my friend and never cared about me at all. she thought i acted stupid and mockable so she took me on friend-dates and secretly recorded me to post online. the people in the comments made fun of me too. i've never had a friend in real life before or since.
Would carry around incense and hold hands for disrobing and having sweaty sex later in a tent.
100% troon lol
same bruv

I actually wanted to be a clown but its just not really a thing in my country so there's like 1 teacher who charges absolutely absurd prices hundreds of miles away
damn, so I'm the backup boy?
at least I'm in consideration
dreadfully sad, sorry you went through that. was it random or do you have an odd quirk? some people with speech issues or who talk funny get treated that way and I kind of despise it
What are your labor day weekend plans?
>finding out it's a special day, from 4chan
truly a loser
If someone blocks you on IG, I know they absolutely vanish for you, but can they still see your comments and posts?
In the US, Labor Day is a holiday that always falls on the first Monday in September. Schools are out and most people get the day off. It’s often considered “the end of summer”.
M. Dunno yet. Waiting to hear back from people.
A haircut can change your face shape, your vibe, your confidence... have you ever come across one such example?

I saw one of this guy's shorts and I want to hear your thoughts:
Link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/@klukcuts
You NEET, penniless hipsters are a drain on society.
We would both hold a variety of fragrances…
>tfw no gf to carry around a censer to ward off the plague alongside me
I have to work Labor Day but my bros roommates birthday is Saturday so we're gonna get fucked up and play Mario Kart
>Female or male gaze porn sites?
On the professional side my favorite is GirlfriendsFilms. I also sometimes watch Girl'sWay.
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a society that rejected me
I'm just not an Amerilard.
Would you cosplay as a nun and let him call you sister while you both have passionate God fearing sex
I am such an example.
f, gonna try to go to the festival in our town and ride every roller coaster and eat a bunch of yummy food.
i have damaged vocal cords, i make weird facial expressions, i have an odd way of talking. rough childhood, weird mannerisms, mental problems. i just come across as all kinds of odd i think.
Who did you say looked submissive and breedable, anon?
M football game Saturday, church Sunday and that’s it.
hopefully to the better?
Seeing my LDR girlfriend
i'm not american either, is labor day a very big thing there? that insult was unexpected lol
What are you on about, I got blocked by someone so while I can't see them at all, I'm wondering if they can still see my comments on mutual follows
Anon gon' bang
What do you think the purpose of blocking someone is lmao
me but with a gigachad skull and brow ridge/jaw and a huge dick
>tfw no massageable plague warding bf to anoint with oils and bodyworship.
>meet girl through mutual acquaintance
>find her instagram and text her
>we've been texting for about a week now and she shows genuine interest in me
>I'm an autist and can't interpret my own feelings well so I frankly don't know what my endgame is
The biggest problem here is, that I'm 90% sure she has a bf, judging by some of her pictures, but it's not certain and what baffles me more is that she never mentioned him. Obviously if we're talking about mutual hobbies and she suddenly goes "I have a bf btw" that would be weird, but wouldn't she want to at least bring it up where appropriate once, so we're both on the same page?
Or am I a retard it's not her responsibility to establish where the boundaries are?
I don't really want to ask her outright because that would make things super awkward no matter the answer and I can't ask our mutual acquaintance either, because I don't know them well and I'm not sure how well they know each other.
Anyways, what are your thoughts on this? At the end of the day I guess I wouldn't mind just being friends or losing contact once we run out of topics to talk about, but I'd kinda want to set my expectations accordingly.
you're not alone. try to keep forging on
I'm asking cause discord blocking is fucking stupid and some kinda half block, and IG in general is fairly incompetent in a multitude of ways. I think it's a fair question
Both are male gaze, instant paywall without content and the latter even goes as far as to appeal to male brain with their emotionally dead website description.
Immediately cancel both and discontinue.
Same as now but taller, wavier hair and better jawline would be fine to be honest. Maybe a more interesting eye-color than brown would be cool, though allegedly some girls dig that
Men do you have a hunter forehead? Are you Chad?

straight forehead, not rounded.
Also it can be so you can no longer interact with them, which I can't, basically sealed off. And while I can't see them, it doesn't answer whether they can see me
My forehead is rounded so I’m more aerodynamic in water
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Can someone tell me this is fake please
Men? You would never do this, it's staged right
Crying and probably spending time with my almost-boyfriend
I would do that
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I think there are essentially four types of /atoga/ males
>the gooner: replies to ALL female posters and lives for hornyposting
>the simp: cowardly sadboi who ONLY responds to female posters
>the incel: posts redpills, hates female posters and simps alike
>the normalfag: blogposts about his gf/wife/coworkers/oneitis, never responds to female posters because he views them as wasted goods
Which one are you, maleanon?
No you wouldn't
Why are you lying?
It's just a run to the shop, not a great hardship
Close to what this anon said >>31909291

I have a decent face, (I get told I'm cute) and I have broad shoulders and a deep voice, but I'm too short and "boyish" looking to be bf material.

If I were 6" taller and had a chiseled jaw I'd pretty much be a Chad.
>the incel: posts redpills
Found out which one you are, tranny-incel anon.
after a long day of poking and prodding patients with my cane, I come home to a loving gf to poke and prod with my cane
>woman is crying in my vicinity
time to goon
You forgot Chad who pretends to be an incel
You're not a retard, dude. You want to know whether she's taken because you want to know where both of you are standing (though even if she's not taken, that won't tell you what she wants to get out of this)

Anyway, you need to insert/shift the convo towards dating. Relate it somehow to what you're talking "this girl i was dating ..." and then "btw are you seeing someone?"

>it's weird
no, it isn't. she's not stupid. she knows it probably crossed your mind your current relationship (whatever it is) might evolve to something more. it's literally normal to make sure she doesn't have someone to know whether you're gonna stay friends or could potentially be something more
If I was a plague doctor instead of stuffing the beak with lavender I’d stuff it with my hypothetical girlfriends panties
ok do normies actually date/bone multiple people in the early stages or is this just manosphere drivel?
I'm kinda dating this girl right now and we've cuddled/snogged briefly but I'm also talking to another girl who I think might like me and met another girl at a thing the other night who was really cute
idk what to do because girl 1 doesn't seem that interested and is pretty avoidant but I'm the first person she's ever dated, I don't want to traumatise her by being a degen
He was sleeping and literally leaped out of bed and got dressed.... with only 4 minutes... and ran to the store....
An actual male creature in real life, unstaged, would just roll over and say "you'll be fine just try to get some sleep"
Is that normal to have audio on a security camera? And do people really live their lives being recorded like that?

That makes me sceptical.
My ethnic background likely necessitated good swimmers so we could eat, we are not fishpilled like the west we just ate fish
Why not be honest. seems like you prefer the other 2 more as well, slut anon.
Chad doesn't post here, that would be a normalfag
I didn't mean redpill in the positive sense at all
Exactly, it can't be real
If it's real I'm killing myself
>Both are male gaze, instant paywall without content and the latter even goes as far as to appeal to male brain with their emotionally dead website description.
Immediately cancel both and discontinue
Any recommended alternatives?
It's pretty straight except for where my eyebrows are
2/3 are chad, thus I conclude that 66% of the maleanons here are chads.
The second generally except I don’t have a wife or a gf
Nah bitch I’d wouldn’t do that, I’d make you homemade chicken soup the next day. The fuck, who’s buying that canned shit for the one they love. I’d still get the medicine though
And now there's no response, cool
the simp?
>2/3 are chad
Where did you get that number?

>66% of the maleanons here are chads
And why would you assume - even if that number were true - that the distribution among the general population would also apply to niche communities?
Where do i find free-speech wife that lets me say anything for the lulz
deep in the jungle of the congo
found the sperg, you belong to the 33%
I guess strictly using your archetypes I’d fall under the simp category but I don’t exclusively reply to women. I think your definitions could use some refining and the addition of a couple more categories.
Now do one for women.
Somewhere between simp and incel, depending on my mood. Except, I think I'm mostly talking to men here.
State gender and:

What do you want to see in the Sex 2.0 update?
That might as well be true but doesn't answer my question.
Is there room for autistic virgin that asks too many questions? Or am I a subtype of one of the others?
wait, am I a normalfag by /atoga/ standards because I actually speak to women IRL (even if it's almost always related to work)?
I would like to try 1.0 first before upgrading.
Nta but you might just have bad taste in guys anon…
More orgasms for men in a session
Piv orgasms for every woman.
I don't think so. I have female friends and co-workers but I've never had a girlfriend and don't see that changing any time soon.
A new organ for each gender. Not sure what they’d do yet but it’d be nice to see. Maybe vibrating dick.
It is what it is. It's just the reality for lots of people, myself included.
You know how some people are like
>People with that outlook just need to get out and experience more, then they can gain some perspective and realize that things do work out some of the time
I'm like the opposite, the trailing end of the bell curve. The more I do the more I learn that failure and disappointment is the only outcome. For me at least. Obviously other people are better on average, but some people have to be the losers who just by chance never succeed at anything.
Futa being real
you are an angle dear anon
The ability to wag my dick side to side like a dogs tail in excitement
I hope he is acute angle
option to turn off boner notifications
Men; what do you think about "needy" girls? And I don't mean girls who act in a needy way when they're your gf or wife or whatever.. I mean girls who constantly need and or rely on your help to get things done?
Women, I am currently learning how to isolate the shivering mechanism to different parts of my body so I can gain a vibrating phallus. Thoughts?
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picrel and i mean it
you're assuming the girl is cute or pretty, etc
what if she's just average looking
Why aren't girls nice anymore. They stopped being nice around 2009 and became mean in 2013 onward.
I really should get around to finally playing this game.

Maybe tomorrow... maybe... nah...
I do so i can hear the aliens abducting me
It's proven in general that
>ugly = bad
>average = good
>hot = good

>ugly = bad
>average = bad
>hot = good
They're responding to how misogyny is increasing more and more. If you get disrespected all the time eventually you'll stand up and stop taking shit.
Women, I have a friend who is so close to me that he is like a second brother and I live with him on a giant compound I bought with him. He has a family of 5 kids with is wife and I live in the same house as them all as a non-blood related uncle. Its pretty sweet but I'm curious how weird you guys find it? I never bothered dating in my teens and 20s, I'm 34 and a virgin.
We live in the middle of no where and farm for a living, I'm aware of how cult-like it looks from the outside looking in, but I'm genuinely happy living this way. My question to you guys is how repulsive you find do you find my lifestyle?
You got it all wrong, go watch any teen movie from the 2000s to see what girls aspired to be back then, openly bitchy and cliquey, now they are the same, but veiled in toxic positivity
>t. average-ugly man who hates women because he can't get the hotties
Every time
But honestly I was thinking more of how hot it would be
Do I have to repeat myself? If she’s just average looking that’s good too.
The fact that "average-ugly" is a thing or "cute-ugly" is just proving his point even more.
social media. Girls got online and started talking about things. They talked about how disappointing men where.
Similarly men got together and talked about how much women were depriving them of sex.
This caused a feedback mechanism that really ramped up around 2008.
More women being one pump chumps
I don't hate women, this is just a fact. Lots of guys think average women are attractive. No girl thinks average guys are attractive.
Don't you think misogyny was decreasing up until Trump?
4/10 is exactly that. And you think you're "cute-ugly"? What a delusional fattie.
>farmer who owns his own land
Its a shame that farmers get shit on so much, I work in a car dealership and everytime someone comes in covered in dirt we treat them like royalty because farmers are the only customers we have who will buy 5 brand new pick-up trucks pay for two with cash and pay the rest in full via check.
Looks like you only notice above average women and blame average women for their behavior. Pretty average bottom of the barrel male behavior.
In other words, it's only tolerable if she's cute. Otherwise, she should be a feminist and pull her weight

kek. men are truly dumb. i say that as someone who can very well rely on looks to get shit done.
bunny patch
>women gain premature ejaculation
>men gain zero refractory period
i would do this for anyone not just a gf. the problem is they treat you like a slave afterward though.
I'm nta, I'm just pointing out you over value yourself and under value others.
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Women, why should a man marry (You)?
I can't jerk off to any mass effect porn because of you
>>men gain zero refractory period
I already have that because of my adhd medication, what do I get?
Let me say this: if ugly/average women see men treat hot women favorably/in a special way, a way they'll never treat them, why shouldn't THEY hate men?
>I'm just pointing out you over value yourself and under value others.
Looks like my post personally offended you
>men gain zero refractory period
It didn't offend me, its just the truth. If I wanted to date women I'd leave the country.
I know you're lying because car salesmen push financing and don't want people to 'pay in cash' because they get kickbacks from financing companies to the point of collusion with the finance companies to flub pricing and build interest into the prices so that they can sell """0%""" financing.
It's okay to be gay
>Let me say this: if ugly/average men see women treat hot men favorably/in a special way, a way they'll never treat them, why shouldn't THEY hate women?
Thank you for saying incels are justified.
Thank you for saying femcels are justified
I also love ugly women, you chose the wrong target anon
If you are doing that, I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't doing to well, number of cars you can move out of your inventory that are paid in full or near full is actually way better than financing because there is no defaulting and you are getting almost all the money up front.
No one complains about femcels outside of using it as an insult in this general to annoy femanons...
Nope, the logical conclusion here is if you believe it's okay to treat people better/worse based on their looks, then you should pipe down and be okay with being treated like dirt based off your looks too
The difference being that femcels will beg for scraps at the table, and have the grissle thrown down to them. Incels will be kicked and shooed to go sleep outside in the rain.
They should hate men. They should hate their parents more, being truly ugly as a woman is the game's hard mode. You can't even "le focus on yourself" and hope a hot guy will come along, he won't. Maaaaybe if you were born upper class, speak 3 languages, play piano at a pro level and are wealthy and a good homemaker
uniroincally I tell western women this so they can leave me alone, I'm the property of feminine, asian women.
That is a good thing THOUGH
How so?
Which is why I'm saying she just justified incels like an idiot, because she is an idiot.
No, you don't complain about femcels. You complain about feminists, call them dykes, ugly, you say they're mad because men would never choose them

Let's say there's a hint of truth in that. You don't treat all women the same, yet you are surprised when the ones you don't treat equally well lash out
It's not me. I work for the finance companies. It's every car dealership. I can see fleet purchases being discounted for volume in any case, and not charging that extra and even discounting it further. But no dealerships are "happy that so-and-so paid cash" It literally doesn't matter to them, they get the money right away either way. The fucking dealerships don't deal with defaults, the finance company owns the loan.
NTA are you a domme?
The problem is that you don't treat men equally its that women as ugly/hot as the man asking them out treat men like trash.
based illiterate retard
He is right, women treat men on their own level like garbage and only want to date up, then cry on social media when they are alone in the 50s. The game is you either manage to tie chad down, or you settle, the third option is being bitter and lonely.
Does Moshe get a discount?
If you work for some dealership that offers financing out of the owner or businesses' pocket in-house then yeah, maybe. You'd also be giga-retarded, though potentially more ethical than the other options. Dealerships also have the option to just be honest about financing and interest rates, but guess what? scammy 0% financing dealerships make more money so guess what option everybody chooses even though it's worse for average consumers.
With all due respect, who doesn't want to date up? I know I do.
Women treat men solely on their looks, this is the pot calling the kettle black.
nah idek what I want anymore nothing feels real
Men care about looks more than women ever will. I've known many ugly men who pull and women are attracted to them like moths to light

The problem is that you're ugly, illiterate, have the mind of troglodyte, sexist, inconsiderate, say the dumbest shit without thinking twice, think of women as objects of sexual gratification etc etc etc... AND then turn around and act surprised when you're rejected. Where exactly is the upside here? Besides, she already has other men waiting in line, so she's gonna pass you on.
Aren't you a woman?
Nothing wrong with dating up, the problem arises when women get fucked my multiple chads, never see the pattern that they are being used, and continue to be used until they are in their 40s or 50s to become crazy cat ladies who hate everything.
Porn is le bad for you... but unironically.
Dua Lipa is obsessed with me.
No, retard. Welcome to 4chan
Why is that a problem. It only happens to some people and they do it to themselves. Also, they all know they're being used; I've met them and they're not stupid, they're just really insecure.
>Men care about looks more than women ever will.
Women in the west are more like men than ever in the history so this doesn't mean anything. The rest of your argument is emotional tripe because you were btfo'd and you lack the emotional maturity to deal with it so you lash out like the child you mentally are.
>It only happens to some people and they do it to themselves
50% of women in America will be unmarried and childless by 2030, the Age of Karen is on the rise.
In truth, I agree. But at least cgi porn doesn't harm women as well
America? Land of the "idiots getting married at 23"?
No women will ever compare to Honeygoblin
Globally the same trend is happening like it or not but America at the time is the cultural zeitgeist of the world. Even women in china have the same problem as western women do now.
>Women in the west are more like men than ever in the history so this doesn't mean anything.
I don't know what that is

The rest is you refusing to even entertain something just because it's uncomfortable. My ex was average or less. He wasn't that tall either. Yet being with him felt like every other woman could hardly wait for him to be on the market again, and some women even to make it happen. The reason being he was emotionally intelligent. You refuse to understand/underestimate how important this is to women. Call us liars when we tell you. And overall think emotions are dumb.
Good luck not being single for the rest of your days.
my exgf became a goblin vtuber. I shouldn't have broken up with her. She was even hot, it's not like she was vtubing because she was ugly or anything.
even tried to make it happen*
>I don't know what that is
Then don't worry about it, you continue to date people here and I'll go marry an actual woman overseas and we'll both be happy, except I won't be divorced in 5 years.
do normies date multiple people or not?
Kek, I ... I don't know how to tell you, but I am a "woman overseas"
post her or is that too weird? I'm not much a fan of her lore, but just how expressive she made her model with the facial expressions its just so endearing.
Keep in mind that I don't consider anywhere in the "west" overseas, except for eastern europe (not including ukraine)
Nowadays you should just ask if they are dating other people
Do you know what's happening to women in China? They're facing what happens when you take a conservative culture and shove it through modernisation at lightning speed. There's now been multiple generations of girls who've grown up knowing they deserve more than to be beaten by a drunk factory worker who makes them cook for them after their own blisteringly long factory day and then cheats on them. They want to be able to be independent and they want a man who is their equal.
You'd think that would be easy. It's not. Chinese cultural expectations haven't caught up to these other, newer Chinese cultural expectations, so men believe they can pick their noses and a woman will come along and fall onto their dick, you know, like the olden days (note: This was not true in the olden days. There was a deficit in women because of rich men practicing polygamy. There was widespread wife-sharing among the lowest classes. I am not making this up). Women are simultaneously expected to have a career and not be embarrassingly broke but also magically get married to some guy before the age of 25. The average age of marriage in China is like 30, so basically every woman goes through this baffling wringer of being told they're a hag. In other words, being a woman in China means going through a mess of contradictory stresses.

At least it's not South Korea.

Anyway, what tf does this have to do with the US.
Its considered weird or maybe "privileged" to be dating nowadays
Goblin vtubers might be the thing that gets me into them but I'm staying strong
The majority of the women in China are unmarried 80% of the marriages in the last five years divorced this Chinese new year, so I'm not interesting in your weird fanfiction about China.
Will jacking off to traps and getting attracted to feminine penis and unattracted to vagina help me stop being a premature ejaculator?
Nah I wouldn't do that. But it's not anything as fancy as the model you're posing anyway. It is very well done.
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Is picrel ugly or cute.
Bitch boy, I studied Chinese in university, lived there for a year, and I have personally taken the virginities of two Chinese women. Where did you get your fanfiction from?
yeah I definitely be upfront and honest
incel bubble brainrot
Ugly but its the hair and glasses
She would be cute with contacts and long brown hair
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I’m gonna keep beating this horse until I stop thinking it’s funny but it doesn’t work that way
She's alright. The hair isn't helping.
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pretty cute imo.
Let me go next:
Is picrel ugly or cute?
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What about this one
>incel bubble brainrot
I'm volcel the dating market is fucked and the majority of women aren't even worth entertaining. The eastern market is prime though. Majoirty of the women over in asia are well educated, virginal, and can actually cook and clean.
Solid mid, agree with other anon that her natural hair was probably nicer
Both a little bit ugly.
I love ugly women...
>At least it's not South Korea.
Nta, but why did you say that?
Because she is racist, most western white whores are.
Below average
Pretty much the same dynamics are at play but even worse. As a result, the country's split into this weird gender-culture war, which obviously makes things worse.
>things women would NEVER say about men
This, even in Africa the most ignorant and evil opinions about other women from other countries come from white women.
Women do love ugly men though... when those ugly men are celebrities.
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Here is one that I think is a little less flattering
She looks like a male historical figure but I can't think of who. It's not Goebbels but I think it's another nazi.
>the most ignorant and evil opinions about other women from other countries come from white women.
It pervades literally everything they do and think about, its why white men are fleeing in droves, majority of the western communities in Asia are single men escaping their women because they can't stand to be around such hate. Almost all of them say their main reason for leaving was that America wasn't a place to raise a family and that the women there are the most hateful people in their society.
in cdda i was running in a forest from 2 survivors fleeing something & they kept getting closer out of vision cuz I was turning behind bushes then I just got ripped by a creature that was imitating their voices
She's attractive. What is the issue?
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and another that frames her better
I think she looks pretty good here.
Women do those grindset motivational meme videos work on you?
wtf are you both on about? how is that person racist? they're specifically racist towards koreans, but not the chinese?

besides, none of what they said is controversial or unknown. as someone who is familiar with south korean and to a lesser extent, chinese culture, yes, both are very sexist countries. i just wanted to know why they deemed sk worse than china.
No. I'm not weakbrained like men are.
Alright, data has been input. Thank you for your opinions anons.
I think her big nose is kinda cute, curly hair is nice too. She's pretty average
How about you learn to not be such a pain in the ass that your men are fleeing your country like its the apocalypse you racist bitch? Actually don't, they are improve multiple countries and treat us much better than our men do.
She is clearly very cute but shes going for a kitschy look, which to be clear, I am into. Calling her ugly is just a poor use of words.
Wait, did I post this? I wrote something very similar a second ago, but thought I closed the prompt.
Poster are you somebody else? I guess this post will tell me if it's a (you)
so by worse you meant one country's cultural wars are more out there in the open than the other?
yeah, i can agree with that.
>your culture is sexist
I don't really care what you think, just keep being racist so we can profit off your misery.
this isn't reddit. no one cares about racism here. so quit using tactics used by libs and ass licking poc who turn everything into discourse on identity, because even if i were actually racist, no one gives a fuck. get it, vietnamese ass wipe?
Don’t worry I’m still alive.
>no one cares about racism here
Your men do, which is why they can't stand you.
>just keep being racist so we can profit off your misery.
Okay, now shut up and let me continue being racist so you can profit, ching chong ling long
i can say the same about asian women dumbass. in fact, YOU come here to cry about asian women picking the ugliest white guy over you

so again you might want to shut the fuck up
A world without white women is a world worth fighting for! Just keep on being awful!
I really admire french culture
what about you anons?
I'm an asian female in Cambodia, all the western men have nothing but ill will towards white women, which they should because everything I've seen and heard about you is awful.
I hate Paris so much it's unreal.
Whats your deal anon, why have you been obsessing over the french recently. Are you talking to a french girl or something. What happened
I love how triggered your people get. short people syndrome
I will continue doing whatever tf I want, while your women keep getting the lowest of the low of white men: ugly, fat, socially inept, balding passport bros. Men like no neck ed kek

AND you brag about it and to you it's an achievement lololo
Why's that anon?
Now this is pickme.
Yet I bare no ill will towards you :( I even hope you find your very own noneck ed very soon kek
Women how corny is it saying you have an interesting brain
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>used to inviting girls back to my place to fuck
>currently seeing girl, we live quite some distance apart
>all signs show she wants to fuck, spending the whole day together Saturday
So, when I drop her home should I just be like "Aren't you gonna invite me in?" or something?

I mean we've been talking about strapping her to a bed so I can tell she wants to fuck. My gut tells me nothing will happen unless I press her.
It's not corny, it's weird.
The sentiment might be corny if you said it in a less weird way though.
That's mean.
Help me rephrase it in a way thats less off putting
what's wrong
>Are you talking to a french girl
No I don't talk to women
Well white women were mean first.
I just feel theres been in upsurge in french admiration here.
>while your women keep getting the lowest of the low of white men
This is cope
It's new York with worse food and worse transit.
I will concede however that the national military museum is pretty cool.
all me
I like french food and women with bobs are cute
Their stupid tower is cool i guess
State gender and your most favorite European country based on their food.
you're the only one coping here. when that anon said china/korea are sexist countries, you got so offended even though you're not even from there. i guess all asians ARE the same afterall. meanwhile, you'll hop on the dick of any white guy and think white women are living in bliss. why? because your men suck. but you're too stupid to channel your anger towards the right people (i.e., men in your country) so you shit on white women instead.

besides, no, it's not cope. passport bros are losers who were never picked. you're getting hand-me-downs.
I dont know how people shit on english food when english breakfast exists
>doubling down on cope
Am*r*c*n women as a group genuinely just suck. It's that simple. Whining about "sexism" is part of the same cancer that makes them bad.
I've never actually travelled and can only think about culture as a whole.
I'm kind of a contrarian so I'm more interested in the smaller cities though.
If things start getting hot between you and a long term friend (10+ years) and things lead to us taking off our clothes is it better to try and talk about the relationship before the sex or let the sex happen then talk about it?
Yeah I know thats why Im asking what happened
Pure racism you can just feel the hate emanate off this comment. You deserve to never reproduce.
So, 'their brain', is *them*.
So just ditch the word 'brain'. It's the same as just saying they're interesting. If that's not quirky or unique enough for you you could say something like
>There's something curious about you
Or something to that effect. Just definitely ditch the word 'brain'. It's too weirdly clinical. It's like telling a woman she's physically hot by saying the low subcutaneous fat around her collarbones is appealing.
this nigga loves eating beans for breakfast lmao
I think she is right, white women are the most hat filled women on the planet.
>short people syndrome
This is why you are awful and men would rather leave than deal with your shit. Policing 'sexist microaggressions" in the workplace while engaging whole heartedly in the only acceptable form of discrimination and prejudice without remorse.
I guess its italy for their variety of cured meats but I dont really care for their pasta.
>much sexist while being racist
You actively hate humanity, you'd rather kill babies than have them, you'd rather be raped than be con
but using the race card, as a poc, is based and red pilled

also, i'm not american. i've just been toying with you, because you're too easy to dunk on.
do you guys think i can find a boyfriend who would think its fun for us to flirt at home together but like we don't know each other? like we're trying to romance each other for the first time as strangers even though we know each other? i think that sounds cute and cozy
M. Only been to a few but so far Italy. Dutch bitterballen are also really good.
>doesn't like italian pasta dishes
wut in the ravioli?? mama mia..
I don't care if you are a 10/10 your repulsive inside and I wish nothing but the worst for you.
>I'm not american
Let me guess you're C*nadian
>There's something curious about you
Feels cringe but I understand. I will try this out and see if it yields results
>It's too weirdly clinical
Maybe I am autistic after all...
Probably. My ex and I did something similar.
>but using the race card, as a poc, is based and red pilled
Just face it, white women had it all and threw it away and now no one wants you. You thought because of your beauty that you were untouchable, but that is all you have, you're all ugly on the inside.
When tf did i talk about sexist microaggressions? Do you make up shit to get angry about?

Truly short people syndrome kek
to be honest i'm not sure how to explain
Nothing has happened to me IRL (nothing does)
>picking people to reply too
Racist bitch is feeling the pressure, do the world a favor and jump off a roof. I'm genuinely happy that women like you are more likely to not reproduce.
>have admittedly unattractive female friend. Great person, we're really close
>constantly frustrated by people bailing on her, not showing up and doing the bare minimum of any friendship
>another female friend, very attractive
>men and women alike falling over themselves to do everything for her and provide social support in every scenario imaginable
As man I've accepted growing up that generally, people just don't give a shit. I don't care anymore what people think or me, or if they like me.

How do women feel when they see other women being treated differently, especially other women, simply because they are more attractive than them?

I think it's quite sad but just goes to show attractive women especially live life on EZ mode.
>When tf did i talk about
I was talking generally, which isn't a hard concept to get around, you were doing the same thing about brown women and white men who date them.

>Truly short people syndrome kek
I'm not short, but proving my point, never an opportunity to attack short men. (You're a cunt)
You can cover it up and say its bad all you want but the ancient greeks were right that being pretty is better than being ugly.
>now no one wants you
imagine having this low of self esteem that you're waiting on what you think is the downfall of other women just so you can get noticed and get scraps

besides, many asians come here and cry about white women not noticing them even in the wake of kpop kek

you're pathetic. i hope you get picked soon.
Its just that pasta is kinda overrated. I like fresh handmade pestos and carbonara with guanciale, pasta but in general pasta is kinda meh. Im not saying it isnt good but I get more enjoyment out of rice than I do pasta, probably for obvious reasons.
>I was talking generally

Show me where did i talk about microagressions in the workplace, dumb fuck
>imagine having this low of self esteem that you're waiting on what you think is the downfall of other women just so you can get noticed and get scraps
You mean white women? I don't have to imagine I have you.
>besides, many asians come here and cry about white women not noticing them even in the wake of kpop kek
You can't even speak your own langauge, your like an animal.
>you're pathetic. i hope you get picked soon.
I'm married with kids, something you'll never have.
>I'm kind of a contrarian so I'm more interested in the smaller cities though.
Frankly this seems like a better way to approach experiencing a new culture. The big cities do tend to have the flashiest stuff though.
Women do you hate when men jerk our ding dongs?
>pasta is kinda overrated
Fuck you.
I think your mom is UNDER rated. 1.5 stars with 8 million reviews, but she's at least a 2.
>What is reading comprehension
And of course I know that. That's why I'm getting jacked
>white women cope as based asian woman lays down the law
Its over for you, the fact your so devensive about this and crazily racist shows you know its the end of the line for you and your blood line.
>>I was talking generally
>Show me where did i talk about microagressions in the workplace, dumb fuck
This has to be a bit, nobody can be this retarded.
Greek, I guess.
That's fair. Personally I really like even simple italian pasta dishes. Anything with creamy sauces gets me going. but you know, everyone has their own tastes.
>reading comprehension
I was obviously talking about society and not you.
Happy, well-adjusted people don't do what you are doing, its clear your losing but your too stubborn to make changes and you'll end up alone, like most women.
Cringe, man.
Vulnerable and needy girls trigger my protective urges. Thog want help girl then mate.
Average age to get married in Asia is 23, average age to get married in America is 30, do the math.
not a woman but i have asked this question before (probably during their ovulation week) and was pleasantly surprised at the positive reaction. only caveat is that they would like to watch
>tfw no ultimate surrender cage match between aasian and pawg
ohh man
>anything cat boy edition
What about cat girl edition? Sorry anons I just got back from practice.
Omg, you're married to a white woman and you're posting here like the beta cuck that you are? If you don't like your wife, get a divorce, faggot. Or maybe grow a pair and say it to her face.

Also, it's not my "langauge". But I'll take it as a compliment you think English is my L1 kek

>I'm married with kids, something you'll never have.
You're married with kids, yet you're miserable it seems kek. Your life sounds enviable, but I don't want it. Also, I can marry and have kids any time I want, because there was never a shortage of men.
I know, its very cringe to see hateful, lonely people thrash around blaming everyone else but themselves for why they are lonely. Its not our fault she is a racist that no one wants to date.
yes and no.
I don't care if men masturbate or watch porn. But I don't like it when a guy does it while we're dating. Which is annoying, it's not some fake-nympho "I want him to have sex with ME! not jerk off!" thing. I get that guys probably want to jerk off more than I'm willing to have sex with them in a relationship, but it does make me a bit jealous and self conscious if he's doing it much. Like once or twice a week if we aren't having sex that week is fine, but more than that, or if he's doing it and we are also having sex once or twice a week makes me feel bad. It's not really rational, but I don't want to be doing it much more than that, and it makes me feel like I'm failing at the relationship even though I know intellectually that isn't true and he probably doesn't see it that way.
I honestly don't know how to answer this, I don't really enjoy the act of eating much.
Desserts, on the other hand.
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Even more cringe. Your simpery is gross.
lets be honest this chick has no ass
but she deserves the strap doggystyle
This diagram is doing things to my brain..
>Omg, you're married to a white woman and you're posting here like the beta cuck that you are?
I'm from Cambodia and I'm female, its clear you can't read either, sad...
>Also, it's not my "langauge". But I'll take it as a compliment you think English is my L1 kek
So you are an animal, i can speak it better than you and I don't have any formal teaching. Ugly, low IQ, and ugly on the inside.
>You're married with kids, yet you're miserable it seems kek. Your life sounds enviable, but I don't want it. Also, I can marry and have kids any time I want, because there was never a shortage of men.
I married a German who is the love of my life and we are very happy, not that you know what happiness is.
i bet you are canadian
men rape women on the street in asia. and you get told to marry our rapist. maybe that's why. kek.
>Its simping to side with the non-racist women telling the truth
Damn, your racist and sexist too? Tell me about how the Jews run everything anon.
>Cat Poster is in heat
Look alive lads.
give cat girl, right meow
>Asia is the continent with the lowest average crime in the world
You mispelt Europe. The reason asians go to Europe in tour groups is that the rape and crime rate are 5 times the average of the country they are coming from.
Top 10 countries who have the lowest rape stats are all Asian... I've been to Tokyo before and got so drunk I passed out on the streets and no one stole anything from me, in fact, its quite common for natives to do that too the crime rate is so low.
kek you're sarah the discord creep
the agp is making you spiral, huh?
Kek, first of all, I've bee replying to men as well, not just you. I knoooow, the world doesn't revolve around you.

Second, imagine thinking speaking english is the standard for whether someone's a human or an animal. Did you forget many of your people speak 0 / broken english? I guess they're all animals too. kek. But it's obvious how little regard you have for people of the same skin as you. That's why you try to beach your genes by marrying a german.

Third, imagine being this bitter, even after you suposedly achieved the goal of your life by marrying a white men. You still hate white women, I guess because you'll never be white, and the closest you can get is getting fucked by one. Probably an uggo too.

Finally, I'm not white. Womp womp.

Sorry, I though you spoke english, and no I don't have a discord.
Nta but how much of that is lack of reporting?
Either gender. Have any of you ever had a bearded dragon or known someone that has? I'm thinking of getting one but I've never had a pet. I just want a nice connection a pet can bring. I don't like the company of people so that's not an option. I'm afraid of dogs though and I don't like the smell of kitty litter.
>Kek, first of all, I've bee replying to men as well, not just you. I knoooow, the world doesn't revolve around you.
I know its easy for white women to get confused considering many of you make the same mistakes over and over again. I didn't bother reading the rest of your post, I'm sure it was very racist and I'm sure you're very happy fucking 30 black men and dogs.
One of the girls I know has a bearded dragon. I forget his name but hes pretty chill. Shes a little weird and keeps a small roach farm for feeding him.
>lack of report
I love how the western narrative always falls back on a made up news story 20 years ago.
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bunnygirls are better
You mispelt the videos are on fucking youtube, bitch. We can see men harassing women on the street. Besides, if there's rape in europe, stay in your backward countries
That's an odd viewpoint, anon. It's no failing on your part, some guys are simply so horny that they need to get off more than they can reasonably expect you to help with. Personally I start getting uncomfortable after a mere 24 hours without it.
>my made up social media videos are real
White women really are stupid...
>source? i made it up.
Yeah my best friend has had several lizards including three beardeds. They're kinda cool but aren't really as companion-y as dogs or cats can be.
Where's the source with the top 10 rapes, you'll notice England is second, Sweden is 5th or 6th and Germany is 8th.
Nta that poster is a schizo misogynist creep who used to try to get femanons itt to add him on discord
Ok cool. They seem to be a popular pet for women so that's good. I have no problem with a roach collection I love all bugs.

Do you know how sturdy they are? If I accidently killed one I don't think I'd want to go on. I'm terrible at being gentle, and I have a hard time keeping plants alive.
Kys. you'll never be white
It's a genuine question, I'm not involved in whatever spat you're having.
rape only gets you 2 to 4 years in the EU, in many asian countries rape carries the death penalty
I like something that won't be as needy as a dog. Sometime I can watch kill and eat live creatures.
kek. nope. you do it in day light and no one interferes. the videos are there, and the accounts by indian women (for eg) are also there.
coomer mindset, lost soul, thats me.
This, there was a Sri Lankan immigrant that raped 4 Japanese women and they tried to deport him but NGOs blocked it saying that it was "inhumane" to deport him back to Sri Lankan, so they just gave him the death penalty instead.
>but NGOs blocked it saying that it was "inhumane" to deport him back to Sri Lankan, so they just gave him the death penalty instead.
India doesn't have women to rape, there are like 30 men for every 1 woman and India also has the death penalty for rape and its usually gangrape so they all get killed.
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Give pats to indicated areas
Not yet anons. The other femanons and I sync our periods remember?
She’s seepy atm.
Yeah beardeds are a decent choice then. If you want you can put their lights on a timer and just dump a bag of crickets in their enclosure once a week and they're pretty much set.
From my understanding theyre pretty low maintenance.
Im gonna need you to explain what you mean by sturdy though. They're pretty tough but they're still relatively small, if they fall weird they could get hurt. Usually not an issue though.
Indians just rape lizards and dogs though
> also has the death penalty
Doesn't matter when the cop the crime is reported to is also a rapist
Japan doesn't have death penalty for rape.
*pats ur indicated areas*
>Sometime I can watch kill and eat live creatures.
need me a freak like this
desu, anon, i don't care whether they were genuine or not. like i said in a previous comment, i just liked getting on their nerves, because it's obvious this topic is triggering to them.

i say things online, some of it i mean, some of it i don't. they will never know which is which, but i know, and it's fun watching them spiral.
I guess just if I following all the guides, it doesn't still have a high chance of dropping dead randomly. That would just be the last straw on my already miserable life.
There are low laws in india against having sex with animals, but there is for raping people.
>rape lizards
kek, you saw it too? i remember opening reddit a few weeks ago, and it was the first thing on my home page
Can please press the sleep button too?
I haven't replied to any of your questions in this thread.
What are you going to do now? Cry about it? Piss yourself? Or maybe shit yourself and coom?
Yeah you'll probably be fine, they are sturdy in that way
Uhh yes it does... for 14 captial crimes, one of them being rape.
You know what, fine. This next nut is for you
I was probably going to do all of those anyway.
My favorite thing about the Japanese penal code is that rape is considered the "murder of dignity" so it technically, under the law in Japan, counts a a murder trial.
guy in my class is cute. This is a nightmare
You are fat and ugly. i dont care if slampigs respond to me or not
Best I can do is cuddles. They're good cuddles.
>I haven't replied to any of your questions in this thread.
I'm a man and I haven't responded to any women this thread.
>What are you doing now?
Drinking wishing it didn't rain so I can run :/
I got to 31 this year and had my first. Is it really this until I die? My pursuits haven't materialized into anything I'm really proud of or will be remembered for and any other job I've had I just naturally fall into the "take orders" from coworkers years younger than me. What have I been missing?
I'm not sure it's possible to kill a bearded dragon through simple neglect.
blah blah blah bullshit bullshit. men in india justify their rape with having to wait until marriage. also, if you're a man and you wintess rape, unless you're a relative of the girl (like her brother or husband) then you're kind of not allowed to stop it. it's the bro code there lol

second, are we gonna start pretending that there's rule of law in india? or that the cops are competent? or that policeMEN care about rape of women (as if they wouldn't do it)? or that they even catch the perpetrators? or that they wouldn't get a slap on the wrist unless the story turns into national news?

You're full of shit. You're probably the same pos who said there hasn't been a case of dometic violence in South Korea in 7 years a month or so ago.
I don't read people who post reddit-style, sorry. Take your feminist cope somewhere that people care.
Imagine being bent over on the lectern and getting plapped hard by him.
Oh, she'll remain here. Women love to make other people miserable, especially men who are happy. Which is why no one will date her and her men are leaving the country.
>you won; i lost

I'm glad that we can agree that I won, its good to recognize when you are wrong, which you have been about everything in this thread so far.
I almost failed a class once because I was to busy staring at an absolutely gorgeous girl who sat across from me.
Post a source.
>men who are happy.
in this thread? i'd loooove to get my hands on the shit you're smoking. or is your delulu a mental health issue? kek
See, she is so desperate for attention she'll go out of her way to respond to anyone who talks to her.
yes kek
your mother was wrong when she kept you
What songs make you sad?
What a boring thing to read...
iPhone user.
Okay, that's actually funny. But not funny enough for me to date white women.
Good thing I’m a man. Your autism is really boring. I just wanted you to shut up.
Why did I end up becoming a failure?
I have more of other genres but I'll stop for now.
That's in conjunction with a death or robbery.

>Good thing I’m a man
You won't be after I bend you over and fuck you so hard you'll reconsider.
>What have I been missing?
>3 days n daze songs
based, i like you anon. misanthropic drunken loser especially.
nta, but did you miss the "causing death" part? in other words, it's not the rape part, it's the causing death part, dumbass. which pretty obviously is in line with the other punishments listed.
also,if it weren't bc of the death/murder, they would just say "rape" with no other words after
most rapes are classed as murder or theft crimes as "theft or murder of human dignity" is something you can argue in Japan due to president.
>a death or robbery
Look at it again. You have to be guilty of all three.
Men, I'm drunk and I deserve to be put in my place
Are you a goblin?
I miss my gf. How do you all deal with boredom and loneliness? I know you've all got experience.
*tucks you in*
What you need is to be punished for flaunting yourself like this. Go grab the paddle.
Severe alcoholism.
Are you being retarded on purpose.
You're right.
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Its sad because of pic related, I really do love her, she is such a gentle girl.
Substance abuse
Have sex with other women.
no clue how could that be done but i'm fine with trying
>Are you being retarded on purpose.
I wish I was making it up
" For example, three quarters of all defendants in rape cases were sentenced to prison terms of 2 to 3 years and about one half were granted suspension"

Source: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/sentencing-standards-japan-unafei-united-nations-asia-and-far-east

This was only a few clicks away btw.
>study was done between the 1960s to 1970s
You do know laws change right?
you knew that person for a decade, yet you believe a bunch of anonymous jaded strangers can provide you with a better idea than you can come up with on your own.
I'll wait on you to provide a source for your "most" claim. But I bet I'll wait forever.
I'm just like your father in that way
poland, greece, estonia, czech republic, basically all balkan countries and hungary
spanking time
So no source then huh.
shlicking to old voice messages from my ex bf
>bring nintendo switch over to bros apartment to eat soup and play Sonic
>its dead
That would be rape.
I dont think thats healthy femanon....
those guys are completely ignorant to any other culture around them. No thanks, it's just a bunch of assholes who impose boring standards onrestaurants so wecan't have diverse cuisines
Do I need a source that the sky is blue as well?
I know, I cry whenever I do it
browse 4chan and facebook until i finally find another partner. from time to time i visit the hippies in the forest
perfect, i was just getting hungry
Don't worry, I'll lick them off of your checks then call you a gay faggot for letting me do that even though I'm a dude.
>I missed Sarge arguing with an asian woman
My day is ruined
>it's just a bunch of assholes who impose boring standards onrestaurants so wecan't have diverse cuisines
"Ethnic" slop is still slop.
Pro tip: all the pioneers of "diverse" modern cuisine learnt from the french - they simply looked to common ingredients in their own culture afterwards.
actually the sky isn't blue
I want an american bf so bad
My sister just turned 21 two months ago and she keeps on getting wasted and flashing me her tits and squeezing my dick if I'm sleeping on the couch. How do I get her to stop? I tell her what she does when she is sober in the morning and she thinks I'm making it up and has no memory of it.
Where are you from?
No green card for you, sorry.
Do they have to be white
I'll trade you my xbox for her.
who is your favorite Sonic the Hedgehog character
>all the pioneers of "diverse" modern cuisine learnt from the french
and do you know why?
because of motherfucking michelin, kardashians and other bullshit. They had to, to earn fucking living. it's smothering actual culture, not helping it in any way
Hey uhhh is she single?
Why do some girls like being beaten up?
>No. I'm not weakbrained like men are.
How can I find a gf that believes men are inferior?
Big fan of Silver and Manic
more like sexbox hue hue hue
so, that thought crossed my mind...
as much as it's disturbing
wouldn't you virgins and losers be having more sex in your life if you just periodically raped somebody and did your sentences?
Find one with an OEM vagina.
That's easy
I like the siblings
Thats crazy bro but for some anons here I think you'd be right
I liked Tails because I played on an emulator after school and I could cheese early levels by flying.
I'm a virgin by choice and I'm not ashamed about it.
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Women would you wear this in the gym?
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i was just asking myself this question. its giving in to submission. they like seeing power and let it happen. enjoying feeling so helpless to the point of violence
Rouge the bat because of those FAT TITS AND ASS, even though her official artwork shows that she is basically built like hitomi tanaka but with a bigger ass.
basically 99% of success is dictated by your genes and your upbringing
>Find one with an OEM vagina.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine?
>That's easy
Any /adv/ice?
Just curious, is it a religious issue or something else?
>women want to be beaten an tyrannized over
>men just want to come home to a loving wife who dotes on them
Yet men are the problem...
>Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Original Equipment Manufacturer.
I'm ugly and can only pull fat chicks, so I just don't bother.
Yes and No, I'm religious but I don't go to church and I'm not really practicing if that makes sense. I was raised by a family who was non-religious but still had me baptized and I was fed the same disney crap of finding a woman, falling in love, getting married, then having terrible sex for the first time like everyone else it just brainwashed me better I guess.
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>wildflowers grow on the property I live on
>have been on a few dates with girl
>going well
>considering picking some to give to her on Saturday
Is this cringe?
is wear and tear permitted?
Only Emus Masturbate
Depends on the girl, but I wouldn't waste flowers on women who are temporary.
>michelin, kardashians
Are you kidding me dude hahahah
> it's smothering actual culture, not helping it in any way
You really don't know what you are talking about
if you believe "actual kulchur" is really the noise of teeming masses of favelites dancing and screaming to bongo drums as spicy slop is prepared in dirty water on the ground I don't know what to tell you.
>have been on a few dates with girl
Maybe wait until she's your gf?
One last post for tonight: how important to you that your partner has conviction? do you equate that with being principled, or do you think conviction could lead to dogma?
where do I find women who would be okay with dating a neet with no social status
I meant to tag >>31910109 as well
take her to the property and enjoy living flowers instead
conviction is more important for a man than a woman in my opinion.
Why's that?

They're free brother. At least three or four types of flowers grow all around the paddocks near my house. I pick them and put them in bottles in my room.
>I don't know what to tell you.
of course you don't you're french
and don't forget to dig her a grave first, one deep enough that when you push her in, she can't climb out
Nag but if you did a little research on arranging and put together a nice bouquet she'd probably love it.
They hate men
I don't want to have sex with a corpse though. Got sick last time.
dogma is a good thing because it creates boundaries that are suppose to protect you. I get it that sometimes people can be so dogmatic that it becomes a prison cell, but it also seems that any or all boundaries are now seen as "toxic" these days. So its kind of a loaded question.
if it's a well-meditated one based on solid arguments i admire it and i want my partner to have some of these. I have quite a few.
it's also fine if you don't have any. the only thing that's not fine is if you believe in some random bullshit without ever actually having thought about it
I'm not even remotely French you actual Tard. I suspect you are a westerner who idolizes the life of a favela dweller as something "breathtaking" and "humbling" or even "spiritual". Or a resentful thirdie who needs to make excuses as to why others have outdone him.
nono, you have sex prior to corpsefying
nah, you act very french. you either that or american, basically the same thing, really
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My main issue in life is that i give myself the ick constantly.
Why do you love me so much?
I'm neither French or American, and the charge of arrogance is just nothing more than ressentiment and envy, the immediate reflex that springs from every psyche addled with feelings of insecurity, self-hatred and inferiority.
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Does this give you the ick?
>do you think conviction could lead to dogma?
To me they're very close to being the same thing but at different magnitudes. Conviction is good assuming the cause is good and well reasoned, and one is willing to consider other positions even if they don't agree with them.
Good evening, I fucking hate women
How do I research bouquets?

Do you mean get an arrangement of flowers or something and cut the stems at varying heights
My fetish is turning a gay man straight
M It's cliché, but France.
even the word cliché is loaned from french, keque
you mean Queque
Girls tell me I'm mean but I think I'm so nice...
Is this why I don't have a wife?
naturally adjustable breast size.
Fucking whore cunts and simp faggots. Fuck you!
Just google basic flower arranging or something similar and don't overthink it too much. The point is to be thoughtful but also make something decent.
this one is already installed, it's just the American servers where this is a problem.
>Fuck you
You can, but it's cash up front and you're catching.
what fetish is this?
awful fetish
Killed by natives.
I'd hide cum jars through out the ages all over the place hoping that people find multiple copies of them then put together that there was literally 1 dude who shouldn't have been alive or in the area at the time cumming into jars all over the planet.
Let me guess, you can fix her, right?
suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!! suck my NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! SUCK MY HAIRY NUTS FAGGOT!!!!!!
>Also you can't die but feel pain and hunger
I turn into a local cryptid or ghost story
build a raft as fast as I can and sail away, I couldn't bring myself to have sex with a native.
no apps
no hobby groups
no activities
no "going out"
i work from home
i moved to a small town
love won't find me but hopefully nothing else will either, I'm SO fucking tired
>that thumbnail
nobody wants to fix that
>Why's that?
Women seem to prefer emotionally unavailable men.
I've never tried the odds. I haven't tried dating because my health is shit and I hate what I see in the mirror.
The only way I can bother dating is curing myself.
I fucking KNOW that coochie is soul snatching premium
>They hate men
I know. I want a misandrist gf
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Try going to a feminist march but theres a 50/50 chance you get a woman that wants CNC and to feel inferior instead of one that genuinely hates you
These types. This is the healthy stuff women like and goon too.
I want to fuck the bat
need a straight gf who gets off to lesbian porn
>theres a 50/50 chance you get a woman that wants CNC and to feel inferior instead
Literally the story of my life. And sadly it's way more than a 50% chance.
Remember when Christians were the moral authoritarians and LGBTs were the rebels?
How can I tell if my gf's gay?

No, I'm not a woman, hence why this is a big deal.
>next life
oh no there's another one?
you write like a 14yo
I have self-respect, even if she was the last women on earth I'd rather just jump off the roof than be with her.
>need a straight gf who gets off to lesbian porn
Kek. My gf is always watching those "lesbain seduces straight girl" videos.
Impossible to tell
Watch dyke movies and see if shes horny after
If that's how you justify yourself and you don't touch those kids, not even in the future, then that makes you a nice puritan candidate. Except we modern women don't value you, high risk of weird, low potential for family because you waited so long into wizardom.
are you >>31910274 ?
I don't want a legal marriage, I want a family man to love and adventure with, have kids, do good things together.
Unfortunately that's human nature. When America released a bunch of black slaves in Liberia the former slaves ended up enslaving the locals.
I suffer so much discrimination from men bc im ugly I'm depressed
It is what it is but its nice being so far from society that literally almost nothing matters.
If that's the case I don't mind never getting married either. Anyone who jumps to the worst possible situation like you did are people I don't want in my life.
If you become a gamer and you are kind im sure you can bag a 4/10 incel man
exactly how ugly?
being depressed just makes you more ugly though
Funny coincidence, but no, I'm not.
Is this a man you keep showing.
Could be worse, you wouldn't survive a day as an average guy.
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You are? :)
What makes you ugly? Your face or your weight? Cause a lot of dudes can work with weight if you have fat tits, thighs, or ass.
Discrimination, or equal treatment but other more attractive women are worshipped?
No. I hate when hot men don't let me do it for them.
Don't get in your head about it, anon. You probably have less reason to be concerned than I >>31910286 do. But I'm not worried. Either they want a guy or they don't. Worrying won't change anything.
>aren't having sex that week
what the fuck
relationshipbros is this real?
Snakes are cool. The non venomous ones are so nice. Like corn snakes.
Kek, I didn't even know about it.
>The Americo-Liberian minority, many of whom were mixed-race African Americans, viewed the native majority as "racially" inferior to themselves and treated them much the same as white Americans had treated them.
But the first slaves were sold by other Africans to Americans in the first place.
I'm an athletic average dude and my fetish is specifically having sex with ugly women (which I know you'll just consider it an insult now that I've told you) but the most common thing I find with ugly women is that they don't just want sex they want a relationship, which is fine, but you guys also don't do much to try to help yourselves, you can't just not play the dating game and expect it to work if you don't play by the rules.
There is no worst fate than be an ugly woman. I have no reason to live as a ugly woman all I want is to kill myself
>how that could be done
playing pretend?
Googling factoids and pictures of cute celebs that I probably will never meet.
Really develop that delusion that you know them. They look so nice.
Why haven't you done it yet?
Doesn't the government still give you free money at the drop of a hat for simply being female especially if you can be diagnosed with depression or ADHD or some other meme?
And don't ugly men still want to marry you simply for being a woman?
Literally what is the problem
There are, if you were a short man, ugly man or an average guy, those are all worse. You still have value because of your vagina.
>There is no worst fate than be an ugly woman. I have no reason to live as a ugly woman all I want is to kill myself
There's more to life than dick. Dedicate yourself to something meaningful.
you seem to be missing the point
>There's more to life than dick
No, there isn't
how do I ensure that my oneitis doesn't end up hatefucking my roommate?
she tells me she hates his guts but she's always cordial towards him and he's a good looking guy...
How bad is it?
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>Nobody likes shadow's deep lore and drama
Normies, all of you.
I want to be loved by men but I'm not bc Im ugly and I don't blame them I hate myself too
Illness or death, take your pick.
>I know you've all got experience.
Hey retard, if i’m not getting my shit stroked daily by you, then someone’s gotta do it - me.
>won't answer
>won't date ugly men
>doesn't want to be happy
>creates own misery not by being ugly, but by being dishonest
If you aren't severely overweight you'll be fine
>teleports behind you :3
nothing personnel, kid
Fuck, I like that one too.
I want him to touch my pussy and go "oh this is way better" and dive right in.
I was unironically prison gay and disgusted by pussy until I started dating my gf a couple months ago… and now I yap to her about how much I want to fuck her daily haha
Oh wait, wrong link.
Disfigurement is a pretty solid option but it’s not a sure fire option
Hot. Did you like pussy?
I'm an incel, I've dedicated my life to my field of study. I hope a woman comes along who I can build a family, and share a life with. But if that doesn't happen, I'll still have lived a meaningful life.
This is kinda funny actually
>Anyone who jumps to the worst possible situation like you did are people I don't want in my life.
You won't have anyone else in your life, so appreciate being alive.
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I can help
Love it now… I’m super obsessed with my gf’s… and everything about her. She was also my first time…
damn and I thought the constant cuck/cheating/rape/"cnc"/pedo/autopedo stuff women are always into was enough already
why MUST you be so edgy and gay womeme?
>You won't have anyone else in your life, so appreciate being alive.
Sounds like you speak from exeprience
Ladies, what are some things you wish men understood about women?
>I was unironically prison gay and disgusted by pussy until I started dating my gf a couple months ago… and now I yap to her about how much I want to fuck her daily haha
Your gf is effective conversion therapy?
Save some of her DNA for analysis.
>google naked girl
>does your dick get hard?
>congrats you aren't gay.
Sorry what is that
It's...every dealership YOU work with by definition. See how this is direct confirmation bias?
That's /our/ fetish, not women's
>not women’s
Nobody tell anon…
who's WE nigga?
women and fags are OBSESSED with cheating/affairs/drama
I don't. I live with a variety of individuals. But I know what normies think, and they will think ill of you regardless of whatever truth you have.
You guys actually think it's women watching blacked and similar shit?
Just saying instead of texting a women you know something embarrassing like that you could just google porn and see if your dick gets hard.
You can be immodest and modest at the same time.
What’s google
I cannot combat this level of ignorance.
Hey did you know that the "im" means "not"? So "immodest" means "not modest". Just letting you know.
win some, lose some
Considering I know/have dated multiple who do, yes.
>how do I ensure that my oneitis doesn't end up hatefucking my roommate?
>she tells me she hates his guts but she's always cordial towards him and he's a good looking guy...
Is there anything he's sentimental about? Crying is the the most powerful ick
You may just have a type.
Or perhaps you just hang out with a type of man who, like yourself, is obsessed with BBC cuck porn?
You're autistic.
Maybe? I mean, the only girls I’ve dated have all been super sweet, including my current gf.
Women is it true that cuckolding is one of your biggest kinks?
You lack a basic grasp of reality.
>Or perhaps you just hang out with a type of man who, like yourself, is obsessed with BBC cuck porn?
Did you respond to the wrong anon?
Damn I should've read the whole post. Find my way back to the East Coast and try to save relics that would otherwise get destroyed.
>Considering I know/have dated multiple who do, yes.
You've been cucked by multiple girlfriends?
Nope, I haven’t been cheated on once. Doesn’t mean we don’t jerk each other off to the thought, she enjoys the idea of getting cucked too.
Do you know you can be a faggot without being a faggot?
It's truly deranged that dumb creatures who cannot think or express themselves and just go
>uh the vibes
>uh my direct contradiction it's like SO DEEP AND THE TRUE NATURE OF THINGS
>uhhh the stars...tell me who to talk to....
Get the same amount of vote as I do.
You really are helpless insane creatures.
Blacked is most popular with white males
Sarge, you don't actually watch blacked, do you?
Men that are afraid to go outside,
How do I meet you safely?
>Doesn’t mean we don’t jerk each other off to the thought
Would you let her try a real BBC?
Sorry I would answer but I'm not afraid to go outside, I just dislike being there.
You're probably better off not meeting us.
Please don't.
No lol. And we don’t really do raceplay stuff… moreso just general cucking. It’s really cute because the whole time i know that right after she will let me fuck her like there’s no tommorow :)
honestly i don't know, i don't think i can allow myself to be liked or desired in my current NEET situation
>can't die
I would become the pirate king with my immortality
What's her favourite blacked scene? (blacked raw also counts)
On discord during the rare times that I work up the nerve to go on /soc/
The average black man consumes twice the amount of porn in america than any other demographic does.
would you grow funny facial hair if your girlfriend liked it? like big sideburns or a big mustache or something really wacky and funky?
just swipe me yes on that gooddamn dating app already for fucks sake
Its why everything is about blacks now, whites have moved to hentai or japanese porn, western porn now caters to blacks because its their biggest base.
Interesting, ty
If you met me you would look at my face and get an ick / gag reflex
You just dislike being outside?
Is it like literal agoraphobia?
That's sweet of you, femanon, but don't sell yourself short.
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If i ever get a gf, how do trust her to not cheat on me?
Realistically you areonly going to meet me at gym, store, workplace and my bed.

So good luck femanon
What are you babbling about, little bro?
Um... I don't know. You would have to engage with me personally, and even then I would just assume you want my organs.
The only times I've met people is through online groups. Eventually I'll post a picture of myself in like a selfie channel or something and then all the girls think I'm hot and give me attention, but I still don't trust them, If they keep at it for long enough eventually I trust them and will be willing to be meet them and be irl bg/gf with them but it takes a long time.
Its interesting that the two least mentally healthy groups (white women and black men) have the highest rates of porn usage, I wonder if that's a cause or an effect.
...no, see "phobia" means fear...forget it.
I don't like going outside because I am tired and don't enjoy being around other people.
Thank you.
Come to my basement, we'll be safe from everything there
damn you have clearly never met a black woman
Source on black men having bad mental health?
Oh yeah, social anxiety. I get that. Have it too. So like... do I just post some coordinates, send a smoke signal, have my detective contact "you" or... how..
because i can simply grow hair wherever i desire
...what? the 'because' is throwing me off. was that a yes, because... no because... are you asking me? i'm so lost
Oh, no.
See, anxiety is a form of...well, never mind.
I don't think we'd get along, but you could post your state or other approximate location if other anons are near you.
They apparently have better mental health
He's saying his test is too low to grow facial hair wherever he wants it
because he can grow hair whenever he desires
Than white women?
That I do not fucking believe.
Than black men, sure, possibly.
i can not grow hair at will. sorry, you need to keep looking for somebody better
probably a retard who read the questions as "why"
She can't get enough of Jason Luv's scenes!
oh. that's sad. is that common? i think i subconsciously assumed any guy with no beard just shaved it.

my condolences to your face
Believe it or not being loud and expressive doesn't mean you're a retard. Its actually somewhat healthier to express extreme emotions instead of bottling them up. The best thing to do is to master yourself and your emotions but that might not be something people could perhaps do or maybe its just such hard work that they just won't do it. I don't know, but I do know having extreme emotions and suppressing them is the worst possible thing to do.
Oh so you just actually hate people, like aspd.
Yeah I'm fine without willingly walking into that.
>oh. that's sad. is that common? i think i subconsciously assumed any guy with no beard just shaved it.
Nowadays yes. Test has dropped by > 50% in the past few decades
He has Schizoid Personality Disorder
>black women scream incoherently which, trust me, makes them neither crazy nor retarded
I uh didn't bring that up but uhhh
no, doesn't work for my face
I go outside for walks. I go back inside to avoid people. It's over.
Yeah this whole thing where you need me to be terrified, hateful, mentally ill to prefer not to go outside and interact with other people, and like have to rationalize it as some sort of complex or whatever, is sort of a good example of why I don't interact with people irl when I can help it actually.
Do you even realize what annoying, ideologically aggressive pseuds you're being?
I think I'm getting old anons. It rained yesterday and the weather changed from being dry heat to very mild. My left ankle started killing me and I just assumed I'd slipped and twisted it but didn't remember. Then today it rained again and both my ankles were killing me.
I think I'm literally getting that boomer-tier "muh joints can tell when the weather is changing" thing. That and/or I've got arthritis in my ankle joints.
I exercise 3-4 times a week but never do anything that would cause me to roll an ankle.
So he's a specimin.
We're Hylics
what does this mean
Do you have the courage to realize she is mentally healthy and it's YOU who needs fixing?
>He doesn't know
You implied it.
Playback disabled
Sorry I know nothing about /x/
>3-4 times a week
Plap plap plap the femanon
Technically against her will but secretly shes enjoying it
This happens in britian all the time.
that's okay, if you click the link it opens the video
Only black women can be loud and expressive? Have you talked to any woman at all in the last couple of years?
Get preggies get preggies
Sometimes life feels procedurally generated and I have no control.
is that bad?
I'm just curious how you'd progress through life all by yourself. Most regular people would be existentially panicking or severely depressed.
Like reading that book "Flowers for Algernon", except I could go and look at you. What is it like to live as you?
Yes many times but as little as I can get away with, also, as I said in that exact post you quoted, I didn't bring that up, so ask the post I responded to.
And maybe actually read the reply chain too since you seem to be confused about the conversation.
That's okay! You're probably a Pneumatic
I hate this nigga
If you don't talk to women why do you think you have any opinion that is important?
Maybe it's effecting your joints?
I don't lift with my ankles. If anything, I mostly ignore my legs and focus on arms, back, shoulders, and chest.
Your ankles are bearing some of the weight. Double check your form
But I do talk to women, did you even read? Also why wouldn't my opinion matter? Women are such narcissists...
Women don't exist anon...
Foid hands posted this

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