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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Casual Fridays Edition

Ladies, how long do I need to be?
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>know friend for years
>kinda cute
>really nice body
>always wanted to fuck but never said anything
>she just broke up with her bf recently
>we were in my pool recently
>were messing around and I picked her up at one point
>she didn't resist and I even copped a feel of her ass and she didn't say anything or stop me
>even hung out more after that
Would it be bad if I asked her to fuck or make out before she goes back to school?
Where to meet men...said no woman ever.
a little, you arent really friends with her, your just an orbiter that wants sto fuck her and fakes friendship.
Hi girlies! Let's have sex!
>invited her to my group's free lunch
>said she's overcommitted to too many things right now and she's working to learn to say "no" to people
>go to lunch the next day, she's there, sit with her and some other mutual friends, have a good chat with her
>when she leaves she thanks another girl for inviting her

Has it EVER been this over before, in the history of all mankind?
>you arent really friends with her, your just an orbiter that wants sto fuck her and fakes friendship
As long as she didn't know the difference and is hot, who cares
You hear that? That's the sound of every vagina on earth snapping shut in response to your post.
>Mommy issues
>Control freak
>End stage bitterness
How do I unfuck my brain
You should, you relationships with people are based on lies and what can be done for you instead of actual human connection. This is turn will bleed out into other relationship, which will bleed out to ever aspect of your life. You have low self esteem as subconsciously you know your disingenuous. Your low sense of self worth will lead to horror in most other areas of your life. Don't have relationships based on a lie
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Anybody else went through something similar?

My dad just told me he got diagnosed with lymph node cancer. He has had a headache the past 2-3 weeks and noticed a knot in his neck.

Google says there is a 70-90% survival chance for the first five years and therapy has a good chance of completely eliminating it, so at least it seems to be one of the "less bad" cancer types. We won't know the exact details of how far it spread until the 9th though, so it's kind of a waiting game until then.

I'm not entirely sure what to do, I just talked with him and mom over the phone for like 20 mins.
Lots of therapy, meditation and self-love
Or sex, drugs and rock n' roll
You are overreacting.
I posted in the last thread
>How do you initiate? Just like, start by putting my arm around her?
Pretty much, just gradual escalation I guess
Or you could invite her to your pool again and princess carry/playfight or whatev
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I'm not even human, I'm a parasitic worm puppetting a fleshy skeleton. All that is irrelevant to me.
I hear nothing. I guess they must be up for it!
Can any woman answer my question here
What specifically are you interested in? My dad finished cancer treatment earlier this year.
You don't even believe that.
read getting past no
Guys, how would you like to be approached for sex? Throwing myself naked at my bf doesn't work anymore since I do it all the time. How do I up my game?
I'm not sure, I talked with him and tried to explain to him how his chances are probably quite good for the treatment, so my first reaction was to cheer him up a bit and that was probably also to calm myself down. My head is a bit empty right now.

What kind of cancer and treatment did he have? How old is he? Mine's in his 70s.
Sounds like he's getting over his gay phase.
Going to the pub with people and gonna get fucked up, anyone wanna come?
Ok, I'm gonna watch the author's ted talk and if I like it I'll look into the book
No bullshit in this question, but are you hot, if so, this should still work
Me? No I'm a dude
Try strip teasing or something. I feel like just throwing yourself naked when you want it isn't good. Gotta get him in the mood for some food he's already had before, if ya feel me.
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Every couple days or so (sometimes back to back nights) I have severe depresive episodes where I feel worthless and have borderline suicidal thoughts due to being a failed normie. I'm aware of how illogical and emotionally driven there thoughts are but it doesn't change the fact that it makes me feel horrible and I end up venting to my friends how much of a piece of shit I think I am. Masturbation and cardio seems to temporary make the thoughts go away but they WILL come back if I skip out on doing either. How do I fix this? This isn't normal at all and I know even most people here don't experience this that much, if at all.


This guy last thread said that I need to be rich and health to be happy but I'm a broke college student barely getting though it. What am I supposed to do?
grab his face and treat it like a piece of toilet paper (not after you shit obviously)
get a girlfriend anon
question for the women:
A guy and a girl i know im my wider circle of friends recently broke up. and the last few weeks she has been heart and fire reacting to my stories on IG. is she interested in me?
Is small balls a dealbreaker?
Do you know what kind of fuck up I'd have to be to have to ask for help here? You must've overlooked the part where I said I'm a failure. My only friends are all online.
>need to be rich and health to be happy
Bullshit lol, lots of rich and healthy people are miserable, you need to work on your mindset and try to become more mindful and present
He's 59. This is his second bout with prostate cancer. The first time he got surgery, this time it was radiation therapy.
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Your gender + your thoughts on this relationship dynamic.
Did you ever
>give money to a streamer of the opposite sex
>pay for exclusive content from the opposite sex
I mean, i post here, and i have a girlfriend, and am in college too. you could always be worse. and you're in college so that's pretty solid, right?
Did the therapy impact his life a lot? Like was he knocked out for X weeks or make his immune system worse?
The fucking state of the modern man, having to beg for crumbs of pussy and putting up with several humiliation rituals when she will end up fucking the ripped black guy anyway and reject you.



Don't project your Mandingo fetish onto innocent people
Yes, but this person is my girlfriend and I support em
Yes, but this was before I got a gf
Sure, but you don't think those posts are pathetic?
m would be hot without the glasses
What's he into?
How do you even give money to a streamer? You pay with a credit card or something? Just seems weird.
Women with big boobs, does it affect your mobility at all? Like, moving your arms or anything like that?
Subscribing to their channel or gifting subs to people
chill out bro im asking if shes interested in me not if I should go for sloppy seconds
Well the surgery beat him up a little. Turns out there's not really a gentle way to carve out an internal organ.
The radiation was pretty mild because there wasn't much to treat. You could barely tell he was doing it.
Why? It's no different than paying for a lot of other things online.
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>"You have to 'LOVE YOURSELF' before you can love others. Do that and THEN you can get a girlfriend"

Does the average normie actually believe this? They're typically the ones killing themselves or breaking down in agony after breakups or obsessing over dying alone or loosing their virginities or whatever. If they actually believed this then what I listed above wouldn't happen often, if at all

But I have the personality of a wet blanket. That's my problem. Even if I were good looking I'm not extroverted enough for anyone to like me. It's not even worth it to reach out to anyone if I'm like this.
The lion don't leave the Serengeti, so why would I ever stop coming to /atoga/?
Only one way to find out. But be careful on being the rebound.
M. No, streamer should not be a profession. We should tax it to the point of being unprofitable.
Fuck content
Alright, I hope my dad gets through it too and has at least another decade in him.
Thanks for talking to me.
Yes and also to my ex who was a streamer.
>had a homemade borgor on brioche and a cookie for lunch
Life is alright.
Not really. I have to watch how I turn and it throws your balance off a little but I'm used to it by now. Can't really cross my arms right though.
Yea but that actually has you getting a product. Just can't imagine pulling out the credit card to give a donation. I think it'd be different if you just had a few credits leftover in an account
>Fuck content
So just fuck entertainment of any sort?
getting in a relationship is as simple as finding someone below your league.
I see it more as going to a music concert or stand up really desu.
How do I know if it's not hopeless for me? I don't know whether or not I even deserve to persure one. I don't even have any close friends here.
nta but can you use a debit or gift card for that kinda thing?
at least 6 feet long.
Bare minimum 4 inches.
You jelly? Sounds like you jelly.
alot more people paying girls for their OF's then i thought. That's really embarressing. Might want to not let other people know you do that
Teasing. Throw yourself at him no-naked and work up to that. while he's watching tv or whatever straddle him face to face while you're clothed and do a little innocent cutsey dirty talk while touching him until you work up to sex. Stay mostly clothed even, like a t-shirt on, sweatpants just pulled down around thighs/knees. That's also hot especially if you don't do it often.
Nta, but I love you. I'm 4.5 because im big, but I'd be 5 with more weight loss. Thanks for the confidence boost bro
Why is he always black?
I thought twitch was owned by amazon assumed you could do it that way. Google has google pay or something right?
Russian demoralization campaigns.
No worries! Yeh, 4 may not be as visually appealing but that's all you physically need to have sex.
This is my first and only time I've openly admitted to someone. Anonymous or not. There is a site that leaks out OF content that I found out about, so I stopped it the next day after subscribing to someone for the first time (it was like $5). Also completely stopped going on that site because my gf is great and I love her
I love sad and depressed looking anime girls.
Girls is this a turn off?
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women would you date a loser cashier that stinks good (Gucci guilty and incense)
To have enough deck space to accomadate all the life boats, probably around 900 meters
If the gender ratio is 50/50 you'll get one whether you deserve it or not. The key is finding a woman who is willing to date you in the first place.
I don't think you can use your Amazon account directly. If you have Prime, you can use one free gift sub per month. And you get a special badge in chat. Big deal, I know...
maybe I don't know
>Ladies, how long do I need to be?
Penis size is an overrated meme.

>Where to meet men...said no woman ever.
Women with an inflated self worth ask this.

>Hi girlies! Let's have sex!
Bold but the word "girlies" is utterly rizzless.
Yes but on Twitch and she doesn't have a webcam.
I'm /incek/
>How do I unfuck my brain
>Mommy issues
That's not a specific thing. Be more descriptive.
>Control freak
Be more secure/comfy with mediocrity
Be more secure/comfy with mediocrity
>End stage bitterness
Bitterness is sometimes useful.
Are you bitter about something that's actually real, or just you inventing bullshit to be bitter about?
If it's the first, your bitterness is probably useful.
Anyone who stinks of anything, Gucci or no, is an immediate no.
Women, why do you come her for attention instead of just posting ragebait for incels on social media?
Makes my vagina dry up.
If women say I'm immature does that mean I can date younger?
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Forgot example ragebait webm
Why are short women automatically associated with paedophilia? I mean, they have boobs, right? Seems like it would get annoying.
>How do I fix this?
Having the thought doesn't require you to agree with the thought.
Experiencing the emotion doesn't require you to justify the emotion.
When my brain lies to me about stupid shit like this, I disagree with it. That doesn't prevent my brain from being retarded, but it does prevent me from being a conduit for its stupidity.
Because they are the size of a child.

Because this is anonymous. No long lasting consequences.
there is a much broader psyop going on trying to convince women that all men are pedophiles
nta and kids nowadays are dressing WAY older than they are.
Unfortunately i'm too below average, with my career, 6 figure job, and healthy bmi for her.
women never have to deal with consequences...
>Is small balls a dealbreaker?
No, but obsessiveness is

>give money to a streamer of the opposite sex
Yeah I think I subbed to some guy at one point
>pay for exclusive content from the opposite sex
You can be anonymous on social media too, plus here you will only get the attention of a few incels, while you could have the attention of thousands.
This actually seriously bothers me. You women say you can't eat a popsicle or whatever. I can't play with kids.
I answered it back there.
>"You have to 'LOVE YOURSELF' before you can love others. Do that and THEN you can get a girlfriend"
>Does the average normie actually believe this?
>They're typically the ones killing themselves or breaking down in agony after breakups or obsessing over dying alone or loosing their virginities or whatever.
Correct. That is what happen when you don't believe that.
Either that or they're legitimately incapable of loving themselves and as a result their life sucks ass, putting them in a no win situation.
That's not true. You could have an obsessive person that tracks you here by any details you do share.
You would rather your lover not smell like anything? Everything has a smell of something. The “stink” is more of a reference to the aura, the vibe. It’s impactful yes but is any strong scent immediately overbearing? I want to be recognizable. Maybe pheromone inducing.
No. But I will try to empty them repeatedly.
That femanon was right, cleaning your dick and balls with shampoo and conditioner does wonders. I have almost completely eliminated the smell

Quality over quantity. A few incels here mean more than a thousand on other sites because there are less bitches here.
>getting in a relationship is as simple as finding someone below your league.
False; they are under no obligation to be attracted to you or to be a worthwhile partner.

>How do I know if it's not hopeless for me?
1. You do it
2. You get success
Prior to that point, he or she could be a waste of time.
>I don't know whether or not I even deserve to persure one.
What's the worst that happens, you waste someone's time by being ugly near them? Not a problem. Go for it.
ok I listened to it, pretty interesting. Also found a summary of the book. I think I applied some of it already actually. When she said she was overbooked I empathized with her, joked with her and sent her a meme about it and it defused stuff. I didn't really raise any issue or concern with her when I ate lunch with her, but I related to her and encouraged some of her decisions.
She's an exchange student from Europe so she's probably more focused on having fun and experiencing new things than finding romance, so my chances are probably slim from the get-go. I'll probably check in on her in a couple of weeks and text her.

Anon... I am the ripped black guy...

>give money to a streamer of the opposite sex

>pay for exclusive content from the opposite sex
>why do you come her for attention instead of just posting ragebait for incels on social media?
Because those dudes go to work and then come over here during the day.
People have forgotten how insane some of the people on this site are.
>women would you date a loser cashier that stinks good

>Women, why do you come her for attention instead of just posting ragebait for incels on social media?
Bad faith question, faulty premise

>If women say I'm immature does that mean I can date younger?
It means stop being immature and date your own age.
My GF has no smell and I sort of wish she did smell. I like the salty taste when I lick her skin though.
the opinion of 1 incel has the value of a thousand men
>Why are short women automatically associated with paedophilia?
We aren't.

>women never have to deal with consequences...
False, getting called a dumbass is a consequence.
Not a very large one but it still is one.
kys, hornyposting scum
they're not obliged to but it consistently happens
I just fucked a hooker and now I feel miserable. She was hot, but damn I feel like shit. What do I do?
Don‘t do it again?
>We aren't.
>What do I do?
Learn from your mistakes.
that never happens, dumbass
I assume I'd just learn to read my wife's mood.
As long as she isn't making a public scene, how she initiates is up to her.
>People have forgotten how insane some of the people on this site are.
When they're in this thread?
Guess you just get good at tuning it out.

>Nothing is hotter than a fifteen year old virgin with big tits. Jealous?
Presuming you're an ephebophile go for the 13 year olds. Presuming you aren't, go for the 21 year olds,.

Most I've done is use my twitch prime sub on guys I enjoy watching, usually CalebHart. I don't really watch that many girl streamers. Kinda hurt my soul find out Livibee started doing OnlyFans when I knew her from SC2
*fourteen year old virgin with big tits teleports behind you*
>Bad faith question, faulty premise
How is the question in bad faith?
You can't be serious
I got SO much shit from guys like you at that age.
Why would you engage in a sex act that inspired you to feel miserable?
Make better decisions.
drink some water
>How is the question in bad faith?
Presuming I'm here for attention.
Presuming you get mad because it's "ragebait" and not because you're insecure.
man I've been broken up with my exgf for almost a year now and I still cry my eyes out at times. I have someone new who I love, and she loves me as well, but I'm not sure it's right to be with her in this state

it's like my grieving eats at my love. even if we do share some really tender and beautiful memories together
I was very horny
Post-nut clarity hit like a truck
>t. not FBI
I can accept that you get stuck on feelings for your ex.
I can't relate to it though.
And honestly I don't understand why you can't/don't just change how you feel.
I accept that you don't/can't, but honestly? I don't relate.
>Presuming you believe women are my equal
Don't have such presumption.
Some women are your equal, some are below you, some are above you, the overwhelming majority cannot be compared directly because humans are multi-faceted.
>why don't I get shit for free?
Usually because you aren't valuable to women on account of most of them having primary interests in life that don't involve you.

What is the biggest red flag/worst pet a guy could have (which is legal and at least somewhat common)?
What is the best pet?

Assuming the guy already had the pet and didn't get it just for women.
it doesn't work that way. I really loved her. we did everything together. explored, made memories. I hold her at night when she had night terrors. I carried her home after partying. she held me in her arms for a whole day when my granddad died. it's a kind of bond that haunts you when it breaks because it never really does. I saw her like once afterwards and we drank a coffee together and the pain and tenderness in our eyes was the biggest gut punch of my life
What about 3.8 inches? It's 4 inches if you round it up.
But let's assume you want shit for free.
1. Be available (i.e. in social sitautions)
2. Be appreciative (i.e. happy)
3. Develop a circle of friends that shares things with you
3b. Typically by being sociable and helpful and sharing stuff with them
4. Invite people to join your social group
5. Shame and push away the ones who don't participate in the sharing culture your group has.

Now you have cultivated people around you who will give you shit for free.
I think we're just saying hebophile now

Any wild animal is a red flag. Regular pets are fine.
I go by the 666 rule
>Presuming I'm here for attention.
Why are you here then?
>Women, why do you come her for attention instead of just posting ragebait for incels on social media?
My example webm >>31913470 is very clearly bait for incels. No women that pretty struggles to find a bf, so the video is pretty clearly made to get incels to feel schadenfreude over her "feeling the consquences" of riding the "cock carrousel" or to get another type of incel to simp for her because she is giving the impression she is desperate for a relationship with a "normal" man.
Because you don't ask for it.
>What is the biggest red flag/worst pet a guy could have
Blames other people for his problems. Lack of accountability.
>worst pet
There are bad pets? Maybe if there's a pet that's being obviously neglected. That'd be a red flag.
>What is the best pet?
Dog that loves you
>Regular pets are fine.
Even tarantulas?
Ma'am.... they said pet...
You've gotten multiple yes answers before. Stop it.
>Regular pets
Wait, when guys bitch about girls getting stuff for free they mens from their friends? Lmaoooo
I thought they only meant like getting a free drink at a bar from a stranger or so, not get their best friends old phone because their broke or getting a bday present from them. The fuck
Why are you grieving an ex love? Were you in the wrong? Then you have to accept that you are capable of hurting others that you love. And you're going to repeat that pattern if you let your greif stand between you and your next love.
>it's a kind of bond that haunts you when it breaks because it never really does.
Can accept that's how it works in you
Can't understand 'cause it doesn't work that way in me.
Sounds bad, probably can't be helped.
Is it normal to feel really awkward as a woman with a big meaty nose. Like a total beak. I feel totally unnoticed by guys in a romantic way. I'm also horny a lot. Could any men find the big nose sexy and attractive?
Does a gecko count as a regular pet?
ntta I'm ok with that. Just don't ask me to handle it or feed it or clean it's cage.
Ok incel
Moid hands that can not even into reading comprehension lol
>Why are you here then?
Self-worship through sharing opinions, spite towards retards, and tulpafaggotry that I know you neither understand nor care to.
> No women that pretty struggles to find a bf
She's 4/10 or 3/10 and she's probably aiming for above average dudes who disregard her.
Big noses can be hot on tall women with sharp features. If it‘s just broad and you have a round face and are short and stubby then no.
>She's 4/10 or 3/10
elbows too point?
>Could any men find the big nose sexy and attractive?
Only if you are jewish
Wait, you want unprompted simps?
Yes, that goal is unreasonable.
It's also more of a burden than a benefit.
They're relatively common. About 1 in a 1000 households in the US have them, which is only a bit less than the proportion having horses or ferrets.
Geckos are within reasonable limits as far as pets go. You're good.
>Big noses can be hot on tall women with sharp features.
We are so back.
>elbows too point?
She is objectively below average. Her elbows are not visible. It's more that the shape of her face is very much out of symmetry.

M, yes I've given money to Vtubers of anywhere between $5-$20 for donothons, birthdays, or charity. I've never paid for exclusive content
There was a guy here simping for "beaked-up queens" yesterday.
>About 1 in a 1000 households in the US have them
Nta but is wrong with Americans?
How many more fucking times do you want to ask about your retarded gecko?
My god you can not possibly be THAT insecure.
>4/10 or 3/10
You are delusional. She is atleast 7/10.
Are you even a women?
Worst red flag: pitbull, python, or any kind of snake or lizard he live feeds. I actually couldn't live with any kind of snake, reptile, rat, or fish that require a super complicated aquarium, but those aren't red flags just my own personal list of pets I wouldn't want to live with
Best would be a well behaved dog or maybe a cat, or no pet at all
you will understand in time I think. I never had the same before her

I was yeah. nothing too bad, I was just too directionless and immature really. a bit depressed you could say, though I don't like that word. there were fun moments but in the end my underlying hopelessness came to the surface too much and polluted our relationship
She's not bad looking at all.
>Nta but is wrong with Americans?
Caught up between being a father and a prima donna.
>horses or ferrets.
Neither of which are common dummy.
Don't be mean to the poor gecko :(
You are talking to the emotions-schizo with the pedo tulpa.
I would personally be uncomfortable with a 20 dono. Was that a birthday or charity?
I have only asked twice about him.
Small dog that isn't chihuahua.
Furry vermin (rabbits, rats)
Cat (cute but just strong dislike for standard care)
I disagree with your opinion but acknowledge your right to both have and state said opinion.

>You are delusional. She is atleast 7/10.
>you will understand in time I think.
I won't. If I haven't understood this shit for 38 years now I'm not gonna suddenly gain whatever skill is needed to understand it.

>You are talking to the emotions-schizo with the pedo tulpa.
Most of these make a lot of sense for why someone might have a problem, but why the issue with aquarium (probably going to be saltwater) fish in particular?
I don't have fish, I'm just curious.
sometimes I read posts so dumb on 4chan I just close the thread out of the realization that this anon might respond to my post with some really shitty advice

$20 would be for post-tragedy donations or birthdays/anniversaries of my most favorite Vtubers.
I am mean to the idiot owner. The gecko did nothing wrong.
Why? You already got your answer.
>huehue look at me I so cute I have gecko
Ok faggot
it's not about the right skill but the right person imo, unless you're genuinely aromantic
>The key is finding a woman who is willing to date you in the first place.
Any tips on that? The Fe der ratio is more or less what you said but I'm boring as shit and not the best student (I know some might see having a shit gpa as unattractive)
Sorry, I should have measured her skull before I found her attractive.
whats wrong with being cool?
Not them, but Aquariums kinda stink.
>sometimes I read posts so dumb on 4chan I just close the thread out of the realization that this anon might respond to my post with some really shitty advice
I relate to you on that.
Which will probably upset you since you were trying to talk shit.
>1. You do it
>2. You get success
I meant how do I know if I'm good enough to even try?
nta but does Twitch take half of the dono money? Like some kinda pimp?
where the FUCK do you meet women as a 22 y/o shut-in it really seems like luck
Fish are EXTREMELY difficult to care for. Not worth it imo.
They're commonly understood to be pet/domestic animals.
>it's not about the right skill but the right person imo, unless you're genuinely aromantic
I am habitually in love, and if that were ever to b...
... huh, you're actually right aren't you. I would stop be unburdened by my past connections, but I'm not going to forget the emotional habits I've learned and the uses they had to me, am I?
I may not feel distressed or upset or bad about it. But I will acknowledge that there's a gap between my routines when we shared love, and when we (hypothetically) no longer do.
And while that wouldn't register to me as sadness or loss, it would register to me as inferior and sub-optimal, in a way that I wouldn't WANT to just mindgame myself out of, because I respect the time we have together.
Well shit. Maybe I can learn this stuff.
You seem to be confusing me with someone else
If you're in college it should be pretty easy. Simply find friends who want to get laid and just follow them.
>>Does the average normie actually believe this?
Then why do i̶d̶i̶o̶t̶s̶ well intentioned people say to "love yourself"? It's not just fake positive people hear that say it. I've had people irl and some of my online friends day it too
Serious question. As a 22 year old shut in, why do you WANT a girl?
Can I add her if I accidentally saw her real name on her phone in public?
nah hitler had some bad takes on slavs
also his fellating of angloids was embarrassing in retrospect
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Nta but you truly underestimate how socially retarded people can be lol. You're probably too lazy to do this but why not be specific? Why not specify where you could even find people like that? Why not specify how he can find people that share his interests? Why not specify joining clubs or some shit? It's always just "Do X" with no further elaboration
But that's the thing, I thought they were turning in an art piece of a modern recreation of an old painting. I didn't know it was photos hence why I was thrown off they said "nude". I swear to god it was an honest mistake and I didn't even know
We had fish briefly when I was a kid but I think the longest they ever lived was like 6 months
My assumption is that they'd require a lot of maintenance, and I'm just not interested in putting in the time and energy. Plus taking up space, and idk for some reason I associate aquariums with mold but I have no idea if that's reasonable or not
So: You experience emotions, and I logically evaluate the worth of things.
But maybe we aren't so different (other than that).
lots of girls I know have horses :|
Why did Hitler partner with Italy and Japan?
That’s what figure drawing is
>I meant how do I know if I'm good enough to even try?
You don't. You evaluate whether you're good enough to try, by trying, and then seeing if it works.
Was that not clear?
Because only retard where willing to ally him
i want to feel close to someone ive never felt that ive always felt like an alien
i can just fuck my hand
You autistic?
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>"Because it's easier"
Because most people don't meet at public events. They meet at invite only or private casual gatherings. Its easy to make friends in college clubs but you probably won't meet many women there you have to get invited to parties or hang outs.
we aren't. I also think you do experience emotions, they're just less clear because they're filtered through your logic. to me the realm of emotion and the realm of logic has a neat seperation. you seem more like a typical man in that way, as in that both are merged. your rationalisations have a core of emotion that is invisible to you
>Then why do i̶d̶i̶o̶t̶s̶ well intentioned people say to "love yourself"?
Humans will give each-other useful advice even though they are hypocrites for doing so.
They're telling you the truth.
They simply don't believe it, despite it being the truth, because it would involve them not mindlessly derping from moment to moment and coping with their emotions. It's a "do as I say, not as I do" type of thing.
I met my wife at a film club. They seem to like movies and anime.
honorary aryans
>Can I add her if I accidentally saw her real name on her phone in public?
No, has to be deliberate
Ok good for you.
How are you able to just ignore it? That's kind of hard to do because whenever the negative thoughts come they feel like common sense and feel like something I shouldn't ignore (The brain's purpose is to keep you alive after all)
What should I try first? Again I don't think you quite realize how bland I am. Pretend I'm an automaton or something. If that thing wanted to make friends with humans, what would you tell it?

>They're telling you the truth.
How is it truthful if they're able to get into and subsequently monkey branch from relationship to relationship without truly loving themselves?
nah i just had a bad upbringing
am i the only girl here with a forced pregnancy kink
>am i the only girl here
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What was your reaction to roe v Wade being overturned?
>I also think you do experience emotions, they're just less clear because they're filtered through your logic.
I have emotions, I just distance myself from and disable the emotions as my default response since I have a massive fucking ego and think I'm better than my biological defaults.
>your rationalisations have a core of emotion that is invisible to you
They aren't invisible, they're unimportant. Think of that stone mask from Majora's Mask.
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Yeah, but it's an art history class. I thought she was tasked to get whatever she finds and draw it in modern times. I assumed she'd draw this one photo she took back then and then I suggested the birth of venus for a challenge and then says she already recreated it. I assumed she meant a drawing so I asked to see it. I didn't realize she meant nude when she said she "recreated it."

I'm flat out retarded
You are pretty much screwed then if you don't have looks that would make foids put up with that. Better luck in next life.
>What should I try first?
1. Being happy regardless of outcome
2. Meeting people
Yes, do it in that order.
> Pretend I'm an automaton or something. If that thing wanted to make friends with humans, what would you tell it?
Offer opportunities for the human to contribute to your well-being or to the plans that you're laying and then smile at the human and thank the human. The human will perceive its social value increasing as a result of its actions and thus be motivated to continue being a part of your plans or contributing to your well-being.

>How is it truthful if they're able to get into and subsequently monkey branch from relationship to relationship without truly loving themselves?
Continue reading the sentence; already answered.
you remind me of my past self, and I don't mean that as a slight. in some ways I was happier being how you are now. emptier too tho. there's so much beauty there right beyond your ego if you dare to take the plunge. you're not lost yet
>How are you able to just ignore it?
Because I don't agree with it, I view it as an annoying intrusion, and my instinctive response to an annoying intrusion is to NOT give it what it wants.
>That's kind of hard to do because whenever the negative thoughts come they feel like common sense
They do that to me too. I simply dismiss them as part of common sense and react to them as the parasite they are.
>The brain's purpose is to keep you alive after all
Then it should (and usually will) follow my lead.
why am i screwed and who said i was ugly
I'm into pregnancy. Not the forced kind though.
>am i the only girl here with a forced kink
heh maybe I am. women have made me more soft and pussified I guess. it's comy tho fren
So you fuck bitches as a 22yo shut in? What are you complaining about then?
>Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Yugoslavia (actually signed the tripartite pact, but got couped right after), and possibly Greece (before the Italian retards invaded)
OK. Come get me.
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Why are you here then?
>in some ways I was happier being how you are now. emptier too tho.
Yeah but you have to consider that I simply don't give a shit about satisfying my emotions in the same way you do, because I don't assume my emotions are right.
>there's so much beauty there right beyond your ego if you dare to take the plunge.
She has a name. And yes, plunge I do.
That's not going to stop me being tsundere for the other 8 billion and a half people out there.
NIGGER answer my question instead of pivoting, why am i screwed
>You self obsessed FAG! YOU ARE A TOTAL LOSS!
I'm aware of that and I simply prefer it.
Are you NPD?
>NIGGER answer my question instead of pivoting
I'll do it.

>why am i screwed
Because the overwhelming majority of people with shitty upbringings don't have the self control or the sense of responsibility to fix their shitty habits.
They just cope hard, distract themselves, blame other people, get asshurt, and have a lifeling dedication to shooting themselves in the foot.
They do this because I have no fucking idea why they do this. But they do.
happy for you anon

I don't assume my emotions are right I just think they're beautiful so in a way I have to engage with them. To stave off the blandness of everyday life I think
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M or F

How long has it been since your last relationship? 4 years here.
A month.
So the girl I was talking with recently deleted her Instagram account witout saying anything and it was the only way we talked I didn't had her number, couple of days ago she sent me a couple of messages saying one mutual friend of us sent her my number (that friend knew I was into her and overheard me talking asking another friend to see if deleted or blocked me) she explained the reason why she deleted her insta I just answered its no big deal and that I was kinda busy atm and stopped answering but now I'm thinking I was kinda of asshole for not answering her I didn't even saved her number and was planning on deleting the conversation what should I do
>shitty upbringings
>blame other people
When does this stop working?
M I'm in one. I'm 30, and the last decade+ the longest I've been single is about 5 months I think
A day.
I've never had any kind of relationship in 35 years.
so in other words your assuming a whole number of things about me while not having a clue what youre on about im not wallowing in shit hoping that life will get better considering im asking for help as to how to meet women because i had a "bad" (subjective) childhood
2 years 9 months.
11 years and 1 month since the last one I liked.

the lord giveth and the lord taketh away
You have to be 18 to post here
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>Are you NPD?
Lemme do that IDRlabs test thing.
Sure, interpret how you will.
as soon as you realise that you change as a person and are no longer at the beck and call of youre parents
M or F?

>11 years and 1 month since the last one I liked.
How are you holding up? Are you confident you'll find someone new?
NPD was a namefag who used to post very similarly to you. I'm curious if he's back or if there are two of you.
Just apologize, say you're sorry you were kind of an asshole earlier, say you were upset so you were kinda short with her (which is the truth kek, you were upset bc of her at her)
So yeah, looks like I have some traits.
Unlike actual NPDs though, I'm able to envision myself sucking ass at something and taking Ls because I have a skill issue. Happens pretty often honestly, usually whenever I'm trying something I'm not good at.
Actual NPDs can't mentally process the idea of them sucking ass and being wrong. I process it and simply do not care because my ego is massive.
what am I looking at here?
>I don't assume my emotions are right I just think they're beautiful so in a way I have to engage with them.
The strange thing is I can sort of understand, because that's how I engage with my autistic sense of validity and wrongness.
>To stave off the blandness of everyday life I think
I'm grateful that my everyday life isn't bland or boring!
or don't say you're upset, just say she left out of blue without saying anything so it kinda stung

i don't know about other girls, but i'm a sucker for guys who express they like you and make it obvious. it's hot. but can't necessarily promise it'll work for her though. yet i don't think there's much to lose.
>>shitty upbringings
>>blame other people
>When does this stop working?
When you cause your own problems and then get asshurt about the problems that you yourself caused.
If you simply never cause problems for yourself then you're fine to blame everyone else for the rest of your life.

>so in other words your assuming a whole number of things about me while not having a clue what youre on about
You're correct and I have no intention of either stopping or feeling remorse.
It depends on the shape of the nose.
I had a gf with a big elegant nose, like a roman nose and it was kinda hot.
But if it's a hooked nose it's not hot and there are nose jobs to fix it.
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I think it is about a schizo theory that there is a corpse buried somewhere that is being harvested for it‘s energy.
A real question for all of the women of 4Chan:

How's it going?
>How are you holding up?
Fine. Everything's disappointing but I'm used to it.
>Are you confident you'll find someone new?
No. Obviously not. Had relationships since her. And at least when I'm in them I'm not consciously comparing them to each other at all, I just repeatedly end up not feeling anything towards them, they end up catching onto that and we break up. It's totally me though, I'm not a huge catch as it is and am super picky, so they were good women. I think anybody else would be lucky to date them if they wanted to.
I think I'm just too cynical now, coupled with having been too naive, and stupid and young at the time. I was closer to being on-track with a normie life back then too, since those times I feel like I have to heavily mask up to interact with people and it's just not worth doing, but I'd also never find girls to date without doing it. Going from a relationship where you genuinely feel like you can be yourself and are appreciated for it to relationships where you feel like you have to play a part and walk on eggshells (and I don't mean that in a woman bashing way, it's a me thing) is hard or impossible. Some people can do it but I'm not sure I even care or want to.
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About to go to sleep.
If picrel were true I'd expect more impressive work from apple.
Just watching my game grumps for today. Then gonna eat and stream.
State gender

have you ever felt a sort of "imposter syndrome" in a relationship you're in? as in, the person you are dating is too good to be true...


i kind of feel this way with my current gf... like, I'm just kinda concerned that one day her feelings for me will go away and everything will end... ugh. we haven't been able to do much recently since we've both been busy, and i just miss being with her... but, i don't doubt our love.
I have social anxiety and you're being a white man right now
I don‘t think it would be about innovation and more about control.
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depends on the nose
I like ''big'' noses on girls
it gives aristocratic
She doesn't like me not like I do at least I already told her how I feel and we agreed to stay just as friends
Yes, and then it has usually turned out that the guys are actually just evil narcs that tricked me so I have to dump them and mourn again.
11 months

F. Definitely. I'm a whore and a mess and he could do so much better. But as long as he'll have me, I'll hang onto it.
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I like honkers on women
The nose kinds of honkers. But also the other ones I guess.
>State gender
I'm going to answer on her behalf.
>have you ever felt a sort of "imposter syndrome" in a relationship you're in?
She does.
>as in, the person you are dating is too good to be true...
No, not in that depresso cringe way. In the sense that the standards she sets for herself were always above what she was achieving, and so she ended up doubting herself.
Damn bro you need to beg for attention some more lulW
>as long as he'll have me, I'll hang onto it
same feelings, and like, i REALLY want to be with my gf too...

>evil narcs
I feel most women love bomb and/or lose interest quickly. I think I was loved by stableish codependent women a few times and realize in retrospect I shouldn't have broken up with them. The problem with good women is they make you feel like you're a God that can have anyone.
>I think I'm just too cynical now, coupled with having been too naive, and stupid and young at the time. I was closer to being on-track with a normie life back then too, since those times I feel like I have to heavily mask up to interact with people
Yeah it's only been 4 years compared to your 11 but I feel the same way
Take the wormpill, bro. Disconnect from the hivemind, dude.
is that flora rodgers
>The problem with good women is they make you feel like you're a God that can have anyone.

true, and it makes you end up appreciating them less... which makes you do things to them that they don't deserve.

it's a big difference being in a relationship where i had *everything* scheduled with my ex, where my current gf kinda just does stuff with me whenever the stars align. it's not a bad thing, but very different.
They're all outside getting fucked by Chads and Tyrones.
I think even if you agreed to be friends, it's understandable to some degree you were upset she just up and left. You can even tell her that "you're my friend, so the fact you just disappeared kinda stung" in case she gets other ideas
And I think it's okay if you told her this. But again I'm not necessarily a gauge on other people anon ^^'
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Is it justifiable to do bad or evil things in order to get laid if you're a khv in his early 20s? I don't really have any other options

>early 20s

Grow up first
also - If she ever gets a nosejob I'm gonna riot.
Can't deny I'm white. That's me.

I'm sorry you have to live with social anxiety. I know the struggle far too well and it sucks. But I also know you have it in you to persevere through this shit. I believe in you!
I can't get over my ex. It's been 6 months since she dumped me. Dating apps are getting me nowhere and I just feel so fucking lonely. I'm 'working' on myself, I watch YouTube videos and read books about detaching but nothing seems to work. I don't talk to her but we've had a bit of correspondence recently and I was thinking of asking to meet her, but what's the point right?
Sweet dreams!
Anons and femanons, can you recommend something with weird lore?
I just finished reading the C0da after another Morrowind playthrough, and I need more weird shit.
I'm 25
Can I join? 0_o I love that shit.
Girls, do you like more cunilingus or fellatio?
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It's too late for me. I'm too developmentally stunted due to having no friends and being a 20-something year old virgin. I'm black so that automatically makes my desirability and attractiveness go down alot

>Even to black girls?

ESPECIALLY to black girls. There's seemingly nothing I can do to fix myself
You're a streamer? That's so cool! Hope your chat is nice and you have a good stream then!
Almost 9 months.
It was a ldr with a girl I met on /soc/.
Idk I'm afraid that I might be disturbing her, she already told me that she talked with her psychologist about me when I told her how I felt about her I think she might not want to talk to me and I'm just being a burden by continuing to send her messages
I've never actually said no, but I tend to avoid hot, dry climates in general
State gender
What age do you think is too early for a couple to get married? How old do you think they should be before they consider it?
The roblox model thingy, there's a game theory on it.
Yass girl, go get'em!
You never met up and you count that? I would have had hundreds of relationships then lmao
If my cum hasn't been on her body, I can't count that.
If my cum hasn't been on or in her body*
Men, I accidentally put a little bit too much sugar on my non sweetened rice crispies. I'm already pretty full. Should I have more rice crispies to save the sugar? Or just stop eating?
Before 22 is generally too early.
They should consider it as soon as they start dating, because that's the point.
Kek, now I feel guilty. It's a line from a video that I watched earlier, one that I found funny so it was stuck in head.

Sometimes I get anxious but I wouldn't say I have full blown social anxiety. I like to think most people don't judge us as hard as we judge ourselves, and that takes off a lof of weigh off my shoulders. Thank you for the kind words, anon <3
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I looked her up.
... Is she trans?
Idk what to count and what not to.
If that doesn't count then 9 years.
I have seeked help online previously to vent about my toxic relationship and try to figure out how to get out of it. Today my gf accidentally saw a note that i had written on my phone. It was a post that i had written here before when things got really "unmanagable". I explained to her why i did it (fucked up situation) but it's not enough. She demands that i have to let her read the drafts that are on my phone. But i really don't want to do it.

Question to boys and girls. Do i have the right to refuse? I feel she is crossing a boundary that i dont want to be crossed. I don't think anything good comes out of it. I really dont want to do it. And she says that i also dont have the right to remove the drafts. Like she demands that i let her read them.
Don't worry, no offense was taken on this day.

Hope you have/had a good day today!
nah, probably just jewish
>hmm Chad is ignoring me after we hooked up... what should I do? I KNOW! I'll go on /atoga/ and post about my pointless foid activities, those desperate losers will always respond to a female haha
1000 years ago 15 year olds were leading armies into battle
calories in > calories out
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>all my life all the girls I dated were brunette
I think im only capable of loving blondes
Of course you have the right to refuse Anon. While yes, you are in a relationship, sometimes it’s jus helpful to write down personal notes or drafts even if you don’t put them anywhere so your frustration has somewhere to go other than to your gf. That’s an insane privacy violation that wouldn’t fly by me or my current gf desu, you gotta have trust.
>woman asks question
>incel immediately starts fantasizing about Chad again
Women, i have a headache and jerking off didnt fix it. What do i do know?
do you use coconut oil in your hair? do you suggest others to use it

I think its more about how long they've been together and their circumstances rather than their age.
Consume caffeine.
My friend got married recently, they were both 25. But as >>31913944 said, it's more about their circumstances.
why would caffeine help?
Like the real ones or the fake ones.
Both genders,
What do you think of Daddy-daughter dates?
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Women, how do I stop getting you to stop treating me like your therapist, I don't give a fuck that you were raped or were abused or have a shit relationship with your family
Many headaches are caused by expanded blood vessels in your head, caffeine has the opposite effect.
It's a common headache treatment.
You're not disturbing her, dude. First of all, she probably understands that the whole "I was busy" is just an excuse and you were hurt. And I understand why, but leaving it as that, after she reached out seems immature. Second, she might have her reasons for deleting her insta, and she probably wasn't thinking of you at that moment, but she kinda redeemed herself. You on the other hand, and as things stand, are currently an asshole.
Third, she might have panicked when you told her about your feelings and needed advice on how to deal with it, and I think it's normal: you can't accept the other person's feelings but also you don't want to hurt them. But that's irrelevant now to the situation at hand: she reached out, you were an asshole. Clear things out. Tell her you don't want to pressure her or anything, add to what she's dealing with (it seems she's going through stuff), but her leaving out of nowhere hurt a little bit.Say you're sorry, and that if she needed help you'll be there. You used to talk even after she turned you down, right? So she's a friend. So do this for the sake of that relationship, even if you're not romantically involved, and you might never be. I.e., do it because it's the decent thing to do, not because she's a girl you have feelings for.
That's my advice for you, anon. But of course at the end of the day it's your call.
F. Kinda weird to call them like that, it gives them a romantic subtext that is real hot. Normal to hang out alone with your dad.
Is this a real conspiracy theory? Sounds badass
i think this headache is more of a hunger headache. However, ive reached the point where i've lost my appetite. I'm struggling to eat food right now
Jokes aside though, is she/they? She's feminine enough looking, but then looking at her body, especially pre-boobjob and her shoulders and waist, especially give her somewhat androg facial features, I'm just not 100% sure. Probably a woman though.
In my mind, in an ideal set of circumstances I'd see myself getting married as early as 26. At 25, I hope their finances are exactly where they ought to be and then some because that's a young married couple.
Sounds weird. What's with the incest undertones our culture has with dads and daughters?
Natural would be preferable because I know fake blondes need to bleach and I dont want them to damage their hair for me
Thank you incel-GPT
>real hot
why cant you be normal
Good afternoon /atoga/
I hate women
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nta but how
Tsundere kun?
This is a refuge for non-normals
who are the posters here that you recognize but have not been given nicknames by the thread?
SEA bug girl is my /atoga/ crush
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You too anon, you too
Yay. Being appreciated for my natural haiiiirrrr.
Nah, I'm not down with your cuckold shit.
But your entire life revolves around getting Chad's commitment kek
You female creatures say that men are coombrained when there are no pure female monks who dedicate themselves entirely to God or to reaching enlightenment through meditation. The foid idea of enlightenment is to be a worthless slut.
f, if its actually a father and daughter, weird pseudo incest phrasing, cute concept. parents should spend time with their kids. just call it a daddy-daughter day or something.
>finish girl with slav fetish
>two snowboarding girls that were really nice to talk to
>the girl with the jason/myers fetish
thats about it
This =) girl
(The original, not the imposter)
what makes her bug girl?
you're a precious thing and I wish only the best for you in your life
Women is it gay for a man to like pink and purple?
historically pink was a masculine color and purple was the color of royalty. only modern culture switched things around. it's only gay if you like them because they have feminine association.
>feel like im gonna throw up and die
women save me
*rubs your back while you throw up in the toilet*
You're right about purple but I'm not so sure about pink.
Hey, Sarge.
I think there are female megaloschemos monks in greece
Femanons, anilingus?
NTA. A woman once did this for me and I still remember it 20 years later
is 6.5 inches enough? do you feel anything penetrated by something that size? with like 5' girth
i'm fine with the act of it but you have to know how to wash your own fucking asshole which most men never learn how to do.
>That's why you present yourself as a doormat that doesn't care who your daughter has sex with
How did you arrive at this conclusion?
NTA but I'm pretty sure pink was marketed as a colour for little boys in late 19th/early 20th century because there were new chemical dyes that allowed for deeper shades of it, but historically it was never a "masculine" colour, if anything it was always more associated with women although not to the degree that it is today in North America
>most men never learn how to do
Threadly reminder that women tell you to take a shower and then they date guys like this.
Women, in your experience, do women actually 'dumb themselves down" for men, or is that just a massive cope by feminists?
What a shitty article that gets nothing right
Why are you sperging out anon?
Out of curiosity, I tested too.
Only 28% narcissistic. And a lot of that is genuinely just being confident in the areas I excel at. I'm a total failure and narcissists like you said:
>Actual NPDs can't mentally process the idea of them sucking ass and being wrong.
For a long while, roughly 35 years, I was obsessive-compulsively afraid of being wrong. I could see it, I just avoided and mitigated it.
i've never dated but i've unironically smelled shit on dudes in public many times
Why are so many men willing to wife up a porn star?
What gives you that impression?
A more interesting question is why do you care?
Greece hasn't been the same Greece since Ottomans raped them and they didn't even punish the females who entered Mount Athos.
Oh no you found out? kek
We do, anon. It's not that we're smarter, but we tend to be more perceptive than men. But if we were to tell you, you'll either scoff at what's in our head or chalk it off to us being crazy.
There is also a subset of women who act dumb to gain followers or make money online. But they mostly do that to cater to a group of men who like it when women are clueless.
This is all cap. You females have smaller brains. If anything, intelligent men have to dumb themselves down because females get the ick if a man writes to her with proper grammar without errors and slang.
>Could any men find the big nose sexy and attractive?
I unironically find big noses on women incredibly erotic.
I guess it's technically a "fetish" but I find it difficult to consider a single physical trait a fetish. There's nothing to think about, do, or interact with the idea. Which is lame for a fetish.

I just find you incredibly sexy if you have a big nose. Like, stop, double take, instant semi. It's stupid.
Like, I still think Barbara Streisand is hot and wouldn't like anything about her otherwise.

Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing is peak schnoz. Unf.

...I can't walk around with this erection in public and I blame you.

tl;dr: Yes.
Beggars can't be choosers.
i've smelled it on more white guys, but by ratio, it's probably a higher percentage of the black guys i've passed on the street.
a better question is why do (You) care?
Do the needful and finish your incoherent thought.
What is that?
>This is all cap
>you'll either scoff at what's in our head

Like clockwork. All women are liars. And stupid. Happy now. Did I solve atoga?
Is sharting yourself that prevalent in the US?
Why not?
>do you use coconut oil in your hair? do you suggest others to use it
I do NOT recommend it. Coconut oil is actually quite drying for most hair types. It's very heavy. I use almond, olive, or argan oil on my hair.
>You 5 feet tall. You are very small, weak
Who told you!

>and delusional
Heh, the irony is super thick on this one

But thanks! You killed my erection.
The absolutely insane number of them who have herpes?
The fact they can barely exist in public?
Stalkers and death threats?
High suicide and overdose rates?
You're going to have to remind me, since, you know, I have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

I live innawoods, btw, not in the boonies. Subtle distinction.
I hope you mean in a way to post them when appropriate.
Anyway, it was the only pic I had at the moment that kinda encapsuled my unsure feeling about my dad getting a cancer diagnosis, even if I'm aguy.
Men will tell you all women are liars even though like maybe 1 woman lied to them in their entire life. But then men lie to them and they never say all men are liars.
It happened to me many times that men would be so insane as to ask me what I did during the day, where I went... and when I tell them, tbey straight up tell me it isn't true and that I must be seeing someone else. Mind you we were still at the talking stage, and some I was just talking to them because I didn't want to ghost. Kek.
>It happened to me many times
What's the common denominator here? Try not dating crazy guys, there are a lot of them out there
>You come here to this thread with all guys to jerk off?
That's not why I come here, no.

>You know you're gay?
I'm 55% Gentleman and 45% Lesbian.
I'm a faggot for posting on 4chan but so are you.

If the anon with big nose question was in fact a guy, he got me hard, yeah.
You can choose to have self-respect, even if that means dying.
>At 25, I hope their finances are exactly where they ought to be and then some because that's a young married couple
Not at all, lol. It might come as a surprise, but you don't necessarily have to be financially stable to marry. To have children however, yes, absolutely. But marriage... not really.
I think people should wait for marriage, but I don't see why pseudo incest is necessary to accomplish that. I'm the youngest of 4 brothers and I'm waiting for marriage, the 2 oldest waited until they got married. We haven't needed any of that weird shit.
It's a hypothetical question anyway, because I know that most porn stars are out of my league. To claim I would be the one to dismiss and be unwilling to date them would only reveal a hilarious level of delusion.
I promise no porn stars are out of your league.
What are you on about lol? Did you take yours meds today anon?
porn star maybe but porn actresses, 1. theres a lot 2. a ton of them are ugly
I knew you'd say I'm the common denominator. Except, I've come to realize this disbelieving women, thinking women just lie all day, and somehow being ENRAGED at the thought of a woman lying is something maaaaaaany men have. Like more do than don't.

For some reason, men irrationally 1. postulate that women just lie to them all the time and 2. are more angry at a woman lying than a man lying. A guy wouldn't bat an eye at another dude lying. But they get FURIOUS at the mere suspicious (and they have those all the time) of a woman lying. They also seem to link it to promiscuity/cheating? I.e., the lying woman invoke mental images of whoring around and cheating
I suspect it has something to do with men not really interacting with women all that much outside of romantic relationships, and when their partner lies to them it leaves more of an impact. While the absolute number of men who lied to them probably exceeds the number of women who lied to them, the number of men they interacted with who didn't lie to them dwarves them in relation.
And it's not like women are any different. Most of the time women base their opinion they have of men on the men they've dated and the types of men who ended up in their circle of friends, so they've already pre-selected for certain traits rather than looking at men as a whole.
Everyone lies to some degree during their lifetime I think the point they're trying to make is that women constantly lie in the context of relationships.
>The absolutely insane number of them who have herpes?
Then that's marrying someone with herpes. Her vocation is irrelevant.
It's not like it'd be a secret by that point.

>The fact they can barely exist in public?
Sure they can. I *loved* Phoebe's answer to the looks. Simply loudly announcing that the guy recognized her from watching porn. Epic and wifeable behavior.

>Stalkers and death threats?
Fair point but that just makes me want to protect her. I'm not particularly scared of porn-addict stalkers.

>High suicide and overdose rates?
Again, that's her psychology and drug use.

You're not dating or marrying "Pornstars in General". It's an individual.
I'd have no problem with a successful porn star who isn't suicidal or on drugs.
A woman who's a struggling pornstar is likely to have nothing else going for her, which isn't great.

A clean former porn star is a nothingburger.

Your argument is like arguing that one wouldn't want to marry a black man because many black men are criminals. It doesn't matter if the one you're marrying isn't.
And I promise you: they are. I would be competing with a million simps, many of them just as unattractive as I am but wealthier and more successful.
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My ex was a liar and hypocrite, but she is an outliar.
1) I'm a man lol
2) You still haven't answered me. WTF are you on about? Literally no one wants maids or nannies?
I'm not so sure. I mean Tiffany Thompson in her prime? I doubt she'd get with a regular dude.
I don't know what to tell you boss, neither me nor any of the guys I know get crazy paranoid about women lying to us. That's not to say that those kinds of guys don't exist, but there is a not-insignificant number of guys out there who aren't like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Your argument
Isn't really an argument so much as the first 4 reasons someone might not want a relationship with a pornstar that came to mind.

>35 year old midget
>When you got bullied? You're the short guy who can still kick ass even with no muscles. That's you. You're the karate midget.

New MKG lore just dropped!
Apparently I'm 35 years old now and a 5' talk midget.

I wonder, am I still a pale skinned Indian man? The Congolese patch never took off.
As long as I can still post like a pretentious, pedantic edgelord faggot, I'm good.
Keep this shit rolling.
I disagree. I've known guys like the ones I described ever since I was an early teenage: so how many partners lied to those guys for them to develop a whole complex about it?

There's something sexism/associating lying with promiscuity and cheating deranged thought process that these guys have and that I can't properly piece out, but it definitely isn't a product of experience
>Having kids isn't expensive
Every parent I've ever met disagrees.
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Such a sweet man
this show any good?
I will eat a mans ass if he douches it.
I have vanilla lube.
Thats because they want to give them a good lifestyle.
>you said you're scared of blackies.
Neat! The lore keeps rolling in.

Anyone have a link? This is good shit.

>What if the pornstar that you married wanted to have a black man over?
Like a friend or coworker? Sure. Like an open marriage? Eh. Not ideal but I could get onboard. She's getting less attention that way though.
Most of those men have worked in porn themselves, so they're merely matching up with someone with a similar lifestyle.
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I only have reaction images that an egirl once sent me as a zip file, never read the manga.
I'm aware.
men, would you date a woman who had gotten a nosejob?
need smol SEA girl bugussy
Depends on how freakish her nose was beforehand. If it was just a standard Roman nose I'd be disappointed.
NTA, but the difference is the population samples, not only number but demographics.
Every guy around you who is a liar is going to approach you and lie to you. This might only be 5% of guys, but ALL of them will approach and lie to you.
Guys on the other hand will interact with like, 10 women, and a substantial fraction will lie to them across the whole demographics.

made up numbers, but if 10% of men approach you, and 9% of that are liars it makes men look shitty, but it's only 9% of men overall because ALL liars will try to fuck you by lying. For men, 90% of the entire sample size of women appear to be liars across the board because they're the ones picking them, it's not the liar women seeking them out the vast majority of the time the way it is in the reverse situation.
If it's a good enough nosejob how would I know it happened?
You're suggesting that since a lot of X are like Y, that it's a fair reason to reject an individual X.
It's like saying that since you don't like spicy meat, you don't eat meat. The problem isn't the meat.
They're pornstars. By definition they're fundamentally worthless.
it somehow coming up in conversation, seeing pictures of her before she had the nose job, etc.
what if it was big and bulbous? like a big witch nose.
Girls, how many times have you cheated on your bf this year?
I would never.
Do you cringe/lose interest if the girl is the one trying to ask you out?
how do i find myself a man who will fulfill all of my daddy issues without publicly acting like i'm a slut with daddy issues? i genuinely want to be responsible and not make a ton of shitty life decisions, but isn't that what men like that look for?
Because at the end of the day, you all appear to be whores, more or less, and cannot seem to shut the fuck up about your hookups and your sex lives. So at least if you aren't duplicitous about your state then there can be a semblance of respect. Mutual respect, even- from us to you for being genuine, and from you to us for accepting you as what you are. But all of this only works if you are actual sex workers, else the suspension of disbelief that's required is too significant and the sex suffers as well due to you thinking so highly of yourselves.
No. For some reason this idea of "a woman asking a guy out is a turn-off" has pervaded most dating advice circles. Trust me when I tell you this: the only guys who would lose interest at a girl for asking him out is the type of guy a girl wouldn't want to date, i.e. a guy who enjoys the chase but doesn't like settling down
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>Post your face then I'll be done with you. If you don't then you're hiding. You namefag here everyday, we deserve to know who we're talking to if you're not anonymous.
Sure, why not. That's perfectly reasonable and I am beholden to submit to your demands.
Sure. but I WILL go back in time to kill the inventor of the nosejob. Gib Flora Rodgers gf.

Not trans btw, unless she had the best bottom surgery ever, given that's done hardcore porn scenes.
The concept is so alien to me that I don't think I would believe her.
Nope, i think it's cute. I'm also pretty autistic about things, so, i like it when the girl approaches/hints at it rather than me asking
It'd just be a matter of time before the scalpel to the kidneys.
can I get the sparknotes?
What I encounter often on the internet is a type of sour grapes attitude, e.g. "women are all liars/cheaters therefore there is no point attempting to have a relationship with them". But I am sceptical to the extent to which their fear of being lied or cheated on is sincere. I feel these attitudes are often held by men who are unable to find a partner - or believe themselves unable to find a partner - who are trying to justify why they aren't looking for one. A hint of slave morality in a sense of attempting to devalue what the majority population cherishes to cope with feeling inferior for their inability to acquire it may also be involved.

However, a certain paranoia towards being lied to or cheated on is - as far as I know - also associated with being the type of person who is more likely to lie or cheat themselves.

When it comes to not being the product of experience, I wonder to which extent this plagues us in general. When it comes to dating, gender relations, and so on, people seem to disproportionately base their opinions on memes and hearsay. The hyperreality of twitter and tiktok with its attention economy seems to reflect back at people what they would like to believe and acts as a catalyst for ressentiment.
wtf no
I genuinely don't know because things like that don't happen to me. I suspect not?
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How do I get an gf like did?
I've already replied to another anon and told them that I've known guys like that ever since I was 14 and 15. I.e., It's not a product of experience.

But even if I grant you that it is, there's a weird association that I've noticed over and over: she lied about x y or z (not related to sex, men, anything of the sort) = she's a whore. AND they get enraged at the thought of this girl imagining this girl being fucked by 20 other dudes

Where's the logical connection here? I get it: a cheating woman is probably a lying woman too. But a woman lying about something doesn't necessarily mean she's cheating. My father is also this sort of men: he used to tell us that he hates lying the most and will get enraged about us lying to him about mundane stuff. And guess why we lied to him about mundane stuff? Because he gets violent.
For years though, now that I'm all grown up, I almost rarely lie to him, and that is because my spine and respect for myself don't allow me to lie to him to appease him anymore.
nmkg but dude you are really stupid
I've decided that more than 1 wife would take up way too much time.

I only want 1 red haired 3D artist wife now.
>talking with zoomer girl at work about going out to bars and dancing
>she mentions not being a good dancer
>tell her she's just got to not be afraid to embarrass herself
>"OMG anon, I am not getting life coach advice from -YOU-"
What the fuck did she mean by this?
>Flora Rodgers
wow she actually makes me feel kind of confident... without her big nose she would just be another generic girl
Deal drugs
Men can never fucking make up their mind.
but I've made up my mind just now.
Did you even drop the 5'8" demand? Aren't we getting a little too modest here?
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It never happened.

Take your meds.
It means she thinks you're a loser whose life is such a mess you shouldn't be giving out advice
I'd marry a bi woman that does lesbian scenes.

Straight cuckolding is so boring since most women don't even cum from PIV. But getting cucked by two women would hit like a tidal wave of jealousy since it's scientifically proven to be the most pleasurable form of sex.
No. 5'8 at least. Red haired. 3D artist.
Neuro ran away from THIS?
Be Turkish ;)
I miss my gf... i wish we both weren't so busy ;-;
Unironically manifest. People like that tend to be drawn to eachother, look for a somewhat aloof, serious man
She ran to bbc
it is actually alarming how many women will have an MK Ultra-like switch turn on in their mind once they see my face when I appear on YouTube.

The waves of female arousal being sent my way will be a lot.
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say it ain't so
Is she in Vegas?
is it like a handjob but with your nose? i can give that woman a nosejob no problem
But , I only have time for 1 special girl.
So you'll all have to really impress me if you want to live on my steampunk TARDIS-like airship as a romantic companion during my adventures.

Then at the end of this story, we'll be alchemically joined and you will be absorbed into my ribs. Then I get absorbed into God.

Then, well, we'll see what eternity has for us. My beloved.
The fact that I still have no idea which one is also funny.

You two are ridiculous.
>What I encounter ... sincere.
This I agree with to some extent. There is certainly the type of men who say those things as an excuse to not step out of their comfort zone.
However, the type of men I talked about definitely exists too. You even hear it hip hop/rap music, where women are constantly called liars and cheaters. And I frankly don't understand how this prejudice/correlation metastasized and became so widely accepted even.
are you a girl with a distinct nose?

Also are we a Flora stan thread now?
No. Now for years I've been called insecure for the most mundane things. You are insecure too and you are more likely to cheat because everything that you do is for male attention, including the clown sugeries
I would think she wants to be my mommy/dominatrix. I am not into that.
I'm not chad, so I'm basically the same.
>You're suggesting that since a lot of X are like Y, that it's a fair reason to reject an individual X.
>It's like saying that since you don't like spicy meat, you don't eat meat. The problem isn't the meat.
Not all Somalian Pirates have BBC. His may or may not be. Until she reports it, it's Schrodinger's Black Cock.
no because if she is my exact type then it'd just be the result of utilizing

Mark 11:23-24.
She's had more than one?
What about white-collar engineers
Lol you can't be cucked by a woman going with your woman.
Men and women represent different things spiritually.

Everyone knows this intuitively.
I'm saying "again, let me reiterate what I said earlier, again" as in, I said it previously in the thread.

...is everyone drunk already or something?
I suppose I should name myself something hard and energetic too. And never after something soft, squishy, and calm. Right?
yeah, like "DJ Duck Baby"
I didn't read your earlier posts :P
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And I need a bad girl to fix me..
State gender
Anyone else take sleeping pills?
>I didn't read your earlier posts
....which is why I linked and quoted it. Sweet fuck. Did you pass 2nd grade? If so, how? Sincerely wondering who failed you.
ugh, i honestly piss myself off thinking about not being able to talk with my gf, it just makes me think about how much better life would be if i had one that wouldn't leave me alone. BUT. i love my gf, and, i don't want to leave her or her to leave me, fuck.
>I'd marry a bi woman that does lesbian scenes.
>Straight cuckolding is so boring since most women don't even cum from PIV. But getting cucked by two women would hit like a tidal wave of jealousy since it's scientifically proven to be the most pleasurable form of sex.
(You) may have just ruined BLACKED for me anon Kys
I need a good boy to fix into me.
Shut up samefag
Anonette don't tease me
I want an anonette named Juliet.
I'll play that funky music till you die wondering
Does anyone even have that name anymore?
I'd like a demure zoomette named Juliet or Marceline. Something very demure. She should have red lips as well. and red hair.
>t. zoomer who went to school with two Juliets
list of sweet attractive girl names:
Isn't that where the Targaryens are from?
>Why men marry porn stars or former porn stars who DON'T regret it
Because they themselves are degenerates and give zero fucks about sexual chastity
>Why men marry former porn stars who DO regret it
Because they feel bad for her/relate to her trauma and think she deserves a second chance.
>This I agree with to some extent. There is certainly the type of men who say those things as an excuse to not step out of their comfort zone.
Well, the fact that those exist does not mean that the men you describe don't exist too, although, being more of an internet person I probably interact with the former more than the latter.

>You even hear it hip hop/rap music, where women are constantly called liars and cheaters.
I don't know how prevalent it is but couldn't this simply be a manifestation of infidelity being more of an issue in low income communities? Maybe just a discrepancy of lived experience. And obviously these mostly male artists would be more eager to pin the blame on women than reflect on gender relations in music that is often rather bellicose in its disposition.
Well, I want a woman who is tall and red haired.
Also, Italians aren't all short and brown. There are Northern Italians.
I probably should but I'm afraid I'll die in my sleep or develop a psychosis or something.
I meant on you...
Yeah, I didn't read your whole post.
It seems like you're the most filtered poster in atoga. It shouldn't surprise you when someone isn't interested in what you have to say.
No. Only on your prostate.
Seriously, try addressing the underlying emotions fueling this desire.
Honestly giving a single solitary shit about a tripfag is a sign of mental or emotional dysfunction. You want to strangle words on a screen for reasons you can't explain. Seek help.

I know exactly what you're going through and it gets better if you address the source rather than fixate on some hateable faggot.
So does he worship MGK because he wishes he was a blond guy too?
>5pm on a Friday afternoon
Time to goon.
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Do your due diligence before actually naming anyone, please.
It's when they respond to what I say with disinterest in what I say that the confusion begins.
oh, sure. that's fun too. who's AGAINST getting their ass eaten? i assumed you meant giving since that's more controversial.
Tbh, I don't think infidelity is more common in low income communities. Rather, I think 1. rappers/hip hop artists often into soulless relations with women who date them solely for their wealth, then surprised pikachu face that the woman doesn't actually love them
and 2. and this will probably sound racist, but I think the black community is a bit behind on women's rights, gender roles, and it is in part because of christianity. Can of worms, so I won't proceed further. But I think the result is, black women, much like women in developing countries still have to deal with a lot of sexism. And that's echoed in rap and hip hop.
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It's not impossible.
State gender, yours and that of the last ex you lived with
If your ex asked you to let him/her stay at your place for a night, the same apartment where you used to live together, the place s/he left some months ago...
Would you?
You're so obviously a female lmao
Women say this and then they show up with slimy hair, folds of fat around their arms and that particular deodorant that smells like dead flesh and onions, you know the one, which they all buy because they are a hivemind of herbivores.
You are so confident, yet so wrong
I think you have a pretty warped view of Christianity in the black community.
I never said it's BECAUSE of rap music. You either need to re read what I said, or work on your reading comprehension skills.
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>no bf who sees me like an exotic pet, like a wild fox or a falcon, who cannot truly be domesticated but can be enticed into obedience through gifts and bargaining

ive been watching animal training videos and it's effecting my daydreams. anybody else ever have their fantasies effected by media like that?
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>Ex wife mentions "OH yeah girls who call their husband daddy are weird. Thats so weird. Yuck!
>A week later starts calling me daddy.
I was basically a stunt cock for her father and you know what, that hurt my feelings.
I don't know anything about the showbiz life or how important people have their living arrangements, sorry. Next time ask something suitable for the place or try your chances in the Are we Dating tHe SaMe guY Facebook group.
I have a MASSIVE goon sesh planned for when mommy Kamala wins the white house
>I think 1. rappers/hip hop artists often into soulless relations with women who date them solely for their wealth, then surprised pikachu face that the woman doesn't actually love them
Quite possible. In particular considering that men (and women) who are more likely to lie/cheat are more suspicious of their partners too. It could also be a bit of a prerequisite of becoming an eminent hip hop / rap artist, in the sense that if you don't possess that extroverted, assertive personality, which may also more often correlate with a more sociosexual disposition, you won't make in that domain.

>I think the black community is a bit behind on women's rights, gender roles, and it is in part because of christianity.
I'm not sure about the why, but black marriages being reported as lower quality seems to be a thing:

>Blacks are significantly more likely to report that the spouse has affairs, hits or pushes, wastes money, or does not make them feel loved.


>women in developing countries still have to deal with a lot of sexism. And that's echoed in rap and hip hop.
Yes, that is true. This also results in somewhat messed up gender relations in those communities though, since black men tend to relatively underperform, compared with black women (who actually outearn white women, if you control for socio-economic background: https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/hendren/files/race_paper.pdf), meaning that black women find fewer men in their communities they would consider adequate spouses.

I believe the racial component to manosphere / incel debates is often overlooked.
u work m8
I don't think I do. Matter of fact, it's not just christianity that preaches inequality between men and women.Islam and Judaism do as well. But again I have no desire to discuss this. If you don't agree with me, that's oaky.
I kept a really fat assed short southern girl in my spare room and made her wear a collar.

She was socially retarded and extremely stupid.

But fuck me, that ass would have caused wars in medieval Europe.

think this song is pretty reflective of how atogans view the opposite gender
It's funny you say that considering the number of black clergymen who actively support leftwing policies.
>be me
>larp as chad IRL
>have a lot of sex
>"beeeee yourself" said every woman
>turn off chad form for one second
>get laughed at because they think i'm trolling
>I assert that I am serious
>immediately ick every girl and they ghost me
>"heh just kidding. i am silly."
>they immediately come back

Always lie to women, for life, lie even harder if they're hot. Have sex so the exchange is 50/50. Mentally dump them mid-cumshot. By the time you stick it in, immediately pull out and go home.
Yes but hers is more refined and elegant than mine
What if the nose is extremely large and bulbous and prevents her from dating.
>black men tend to relatively underperform, compared with black women
I should probably add: this is not just a black men thing. It applies to white men vis-a-vis white women as well, although not to the same extent.
It’s never worth it trying to be friends with a woman. There are 0 benefits, and for some reason a shit ton of downsides.

The only exception to this rule is my ex, but, still. Women are horrible. It’s not like men are good either, but, if you have to be friends with someone, just do it with a guy.
the funniest thing of the century is that very few of them realize how they're being deceived and why, despite being college-educated and socially attuned from a young age.
>What if the nose is extremely large and bulbous and prevents her from dating.
I'll have you know that my head is extremely large and bulbous and its lack of dense hair prevents me from dating, yet I don't seek to go and chop it off wasting thousands of bux in the process.
Is 4chan mostly white males? (I know the answer is yes)
Every thread about dating is about Asian women this, Asian men that.
We get it, Asian men are so abusive and misogynistic.
Ok but what if she also had a deviated septum
Women are my hobby!
Hey Chang, how about that BWC?

think this song is pretty reflective of how atoga moids view the opposite gender
Was Cory in the House racist?
Keep in mind that it aired before Obama was in the house
>>get laughed at because they think i'm trolling
>>I assert that I am serious
I'm curious. In these totally true events that definitely actually happened, what is it that you did that got laughed at for? What were you "serious" about?
Did you tell them that you post fictional green text on 4chan? Because that's pretty ick, ngl
A surgery to fix that isn't a nosejob, is it?
The surgery to fix a deviated septum can easily add on a nose job too
Sure but chances are I'd fap to earlier pics of her.
What did turning off Chad mode look like? Did you tell them about nerdy hobbies?
Recently got a job offer, but the problem is that the position is not within my field (programming). The position mostly deals with writing excel sheets and doing inventory orders/management. The problem is, they won't be able to pay me until next month and they're not going to take me in full time when I start, even though the job position states that it's a full time position. Also, they want me to do other things not listed on the job description, hands on working like kit assemblies, soldering, etc. Should I take this job? I'm still waiting for the offer letter, but the job doesn't sound at all worth it and the interviewer seems like am impatient dick to work under.
Hey guys, usually I shit on small-dick guys a lot here, and interestingly here is what happened. Recently, I started seeing this guy who is a few years older, he was very sexy and confident and told me many sexy stories like threesomes and so on. However, when we were cuddling I noticed his dick is very thin, the length was okay but verryyy thin. And I was so disappointed, but decided to give him a chance - you know after all this experience he must know how to use it. And I tell you the second he entered me - he cummed. . In the evening it was one lick of his dick and he cummed as well. I hate small dicked guys, you will never fuck like a man, I really liked him
Literally no men complained about women having bulbous noses, except maybe the caravan manwhore kind that your sick mind hopes will sweep you in his Porsche Panamera on his way to the trust fund. Stop with the excuses.
I don't see any good reason for you to take that job, and a lot of downsides. Don't do this to yourself.
You wouldn't like it if I kept going on and on about my big Asian dick but here you are talking about your dick.
Women, is it bad sex if your pussy is sore afterwards?
>the job doesn't sound at all worth it and the interviewer seems like am impatient dick to work under.
These are the two biggest red flags in your post. How hard up for a job are you?
As someone who deals with excel a lot there's definitely overlap with a programming skill set so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
its good sex

im looking for a master
No, you should not. Rather, move across the ocean and pretend to be a refugee and get benefits plus citizenship.
if my body isn't a polka dot pattern of sore spots, hickies, and tingling skin, you haven't fucked me for long enough. get back in bed cowboy.
If you disrespect me, everything I do to you or your family in the future is deserved. You agreed to a war by disrespecting me first. Just don't cry later and keep the same energy.
I know, but I've been looking for a job since I graduated in December and I need to get paid. There is another opportunity for a company I already interviewed for last month but I didn't get in. I messaged the CEO and he said they're gonna be hiring by the end of this month, but I haven't seen a job offer yet.
The reason why I bothered interviewing with this job that seems really bad, is because they're a computer vision company and I was hoping that eventually, I could get into their engineering department after working there for a while in an unrelated role.
I could link the job, but idk if I'll get doxxed lmao.
They did say I was overqualified and they think I would excel (hehe) in this position because of my programming experience. But, I would be fine if that's all I'm doing. I don't want to do any of the physical labor they might want me to do.
Unless it's super fucking crooked to one side, I never cared for noses. I wouldn't mind either way.

Entered a weird dimension here.
>job offer
I meant job posting
Unfortunately, I live in the greatest area to be in for tech.
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I like this shirt. How will this hurt or improve my chances with women?
I prefer dating men who are remotely mature and adult. But you do you.
Seems like it would depend on whether or not they know the reference.
AI already replaced you. That's why you're still unemployed and the job offer you got wanted you to do actual work.
Is this a startup?
Women, heeeeeelp, I'm emotionally vulnerable right now~
>its good sex
>if my body isn't a polka dot pattern of sore spots, hickies, and tingling skin, you haven't fucked me for long enough.

chat is this real
Manifesting job so I can meet my hockey bf

M, don't do it bro. Normal girls will think you're too edgy and edgy girls will think you're too normal
>full of junk food
yeah, I'm thinking its time to go on Tinder
Tech at the entry level is not slow, it's dead. Get real, mate.
go get em tiger
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I saw a cute girl on the bus today. I considered starting a conversation by asking her about the book she was reading but she had noise cancelling headphones on and the bus was pretty full and I wasn't even sitting next to her. So I didn't. Was there any chance of a successful attempt given this scenario? If so, what should I have done?
Think it'll work out?
We were basically ATOGA-ing IRL and the chicks always end up asking about fucked up stuff like "What's a time you were vulnerable" "What's a time you got heartbroken" "What's a time you felt like shit" and I would 100% of the time answer honestly. I'd talk about shit like my cat dying or my grandma dying or being homeless and when I used to be fat or when i was molested or shit and they would always either laugh or go silent or be grossed out. This isn't like, "break the ice" convos these are intimate confessional convos. 100% of the time if I tried to spin it into some kind of fucked joke or laugh it off, they would go back to talking to me.

Women have zero moral compass. Be high value, be good looking, that's it.
>It could also be a bit of a prerequisite ... domain.
That's a good point!

Regarding the rest of your comment, I guess income might have something to do with the black community being a little bit behind on women's issues after all. On first glance, it might seem weird that black women haven't caught up with white women since we're talking about the same country (the US). However, I think the black community's been more secluded than one might assume. Black neighborhoods, black culture... it's like a country within a country. Besides, as you mentioned earlier, black neighborhoods, for historical reasons, tend to be low income areas. And when you're busy providing for yourself, culture wars (here including women's rights) are the last thing you'll care about. Education is also a factor.

>I believe the racial component to manosphere / incel debates is often overlooked.
Yeah, and you know why kek

Btw, is this by any chance Oxford?
You think it's like that but at least half of the time you would be blowing that cowboy while he chills.
If you had headphones in and someone came up to you would you appreciate that
>Was there any chance of a successful attempt given this scenario?
not in 2024
maybe before the internet
She has headphones on which means she doesn't want strangers bothering her.
Are you going to let what she wants get in the way of what you want by proving her wrong about not wanting to talk to you?
999/1000 you're just going to piss her off. But would you rather piss off 999 women and get one. Or piss off no women and also get none?

Uuuuu yes honey you're right I'm sorry uuuuuu
I don't know. The offer letter should state everything I'm going to do. If they pay is good, I'll take it.
Nta, but here the sluts with headphones always wear leggings pulled into their asscrack. It must be a shit test to see which man is brave enough to approach them while they're teasing everyone.
el ritualo de humiliacion
>The offer letter should state everything I'm going to do
if it says "duties as assigned" you are in for a rude awakening
My partner has never given me any reason to believe they’d be cheating but I am somewhat skeptical. I am naturally a very neurotic person and I’m going back and forth between having a gut feeling or just being paranoid

The only two things that tick me are
1. Their notification previews are off, which means that when they get a text or a notification it never says who it’s from. It just says “message” or “instagram notification” and so forth.

2. Sometimes I’ll walk into the room and they’ll be on their phone and they’ll put it down when they see me. However, they’ll still leave it out around me and use it around me while I can see the screen and so forth.

My friends seem to think I’m over thinking if they haven’t given me any other reason to think they’d be doing something weird. But idk.
I meant the company as a whole. Think they'll make it, or will they crash and burn?
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I agree but I really wanted to talk to her, she was cute and I'm usually very picky with people I find attractive
Why? Dating apps and social media?
Approaching her when she isn't sending out clear signals of not wanting to be approached would obviously be better but no idea if I'll ever get the chance again
Ideally it should be. Maybe not every time but sex should last a couple hours at least
>You get to sleep chained to the toilet.
I sincerely feel outed as a sadist by your benevolent mercy.

(Btw, I joke around a lot but I actually do mean things when I say "sincerely")
notification previews off is just rational dess.

It should be really easy for your so to prove this is nothing to worry about. If they can't then continue to be sus.
It's a woman, she's going to be secretive and unfaithful by design.
Just fuck someone else already
>1. Their notification previews are off
This is normal.

Stop being this way, you neurotic cunt. I can already see you trying to fuck this shit up yourself.
Watch this, internalize it. Understand.
What do you mean rational dess?

Everything has been going well. But I think a lot
You had a chance. Unfortunately you missed it this time. Next time grab her headphone, lift it up, and yell your pick up line in her ear. She will love it.
The irony of atoga is that it validates and produces more blackpilled individuals than r9k
>and yell your pick up line in her ear.
*grabs cock*
>Was there any chance of a successful attempt given this scenario? If so, what should I have done?
A non-zero chance but heavily unlikely. You'd have to be an instant positive swipe on Tinder to her or have a perfect Icebreaker.

I could see a reasonably okay looking guy waving to get her attention, making an ear tapping motion to get her to take off the headphones, and then asking a knowledgeable question about the book, like having read other works by the author or something. If her mood was right, you looked safe, and she wanted to sperg about it to you rather than read it, then it's possible.

But you're better off betting on green at roulette.
Ok Ahmed
Not really
how much of a turn off or attraction killer is it if my body makes too much saliva and i can accidentally drool on myself like a bonifide retard if i'm focusing too much on something and forget to swallow? i'd rather not get surgery or take meds for it since its not a massive inconvenience, just embarassing sometimes.
I don't believe it! There she goes again!
>Approaching her when she isn't sending out clear signals of not wanting to be approached would obviously be better but no idea if I'll ever get the chance again
You won't get signals. You can't let being worried about being slightly annoying keep you from exploring your options and giving it a shot. Yes you'll get shot down but you have nothing to worry about because YOU aren't going to be a dick or freak out if she tells you to fuck off or whatever. Ask her about her book, if she just says she's trying to focus say say 'np, enjoy the book, I really liked it'. If you never see her again what's the harm?
Who knows, maybe she'll shoot you down, but a few weeks you see her again and she's done the book and recognizes you as that guy who asked her about it and ask you if you actually read it and what you thought or whatever. Or if you've got the balls if she's ever reading something without headphones on or seems more open you can ask her what she thought of whatever-book or if she finished it etc.
Literally nothing bad will happen for either of you (Assuming you aren't a psycho). As long as you don't bug her constantly after she shoots you down so she doesn't feel like you're stalking her it's fine.
Pretty much like any place where women speak freely and benefit from anonymity.

It's also in their best interest for most men to become blackpilled because it makes their sorting job easier.
I see what you mean.

I haven’t projected my shit onto her in any way. Like I’ve never called her out on anything or raised an eye brow at her over anything.
We still hang out multiple times a week, lots of sex and she’s still incredibly affectionate to me.
But I just think about it a lot.
if woman its hot, but i might have a spit fetish
if male, get a hold of yourself bro
>not mentioning your sex
I am going to assume you are a male, thus this is not attractive at all.
I’m having another baby
Suck my dick nerds
>But I just think about it a lot.
Go to therapy, because this shit is abnormal.
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I don't believe in blind trust. You do that, and you'll be blindsided by them cheating, hiding stuff from you...

However, I also don't believe in assuming they must be cheating or hiding something from you just because things have been going too swimmingly, which I sense is the case for you. You're like "this is the calm before the storm" even if there's no storm in the horizon.

If they act weirdly around you, are absent, emotionally unavailable or out of nowhere very expressive (compensating), and your guts tell you something's up because they haven't been like themselves... maybe do a bit of sleuthing. Otherwise, perhaps it's just that eternal voice in your head that doubts everyone who says they love you and will look for proof and evidence and documentation and testimonial.. as to why/why it can't be true.
>I haven’t projected my shit onto her in any way.
You're still complaining about it online thus treating her like shes going to or is cheating on you. Learn to let it go.
I am nearly this bad, except I've trained myself to avoid issues. I can easily fill a pint glass.
Girls I've made out with have said they didn't notice. Although the first time I necked with a girl I kinda slimed her. Not even sure what I do differently now. Just swallow more, I imagine.
I'm not even white
Anonette was just trying to avoid saying she's a she. It's not easy being a woman even online. So give her a break.
She is talking to other guys
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Someone's ass.
nta but it was revealed that anon is a moid
It's the guy who keeps being insecure about his gf for weeks now.
I have actually been thinking about it

No, she’s very affectionate. We’re together most days. We went out last night and she invited me over after work today and we layed in bed and she got all giddy and lovey and just said how comfy she is and how happy she is that I was there and how much she loved me. And we had sex and it was really good and she wants to hang out tomorrow morning before she goes to work.

I don’t think I’ve pushed anything onto her. I’m just fucked up.
It is literally that. It’s like too good to be true.

I’ll complain online where it’s anonymous but I’ve never called her out on anything and I’m really good at separating.
nta is it the painter fella?
You should really use punctuation
Oh. So they said they because they didn't want others to catch onto the fact they're the same poster as before?

Sorry ^^' I can use being educated on atoga lore.
Simp orbiters. Women top from the bottom, using legions of male simps to fight all their battles for them and give them privileged positions of society for millenia.
Yes, somebody calls him that way for whatever stupid reason.
Some, times I do
>Sorry ^^' I can use being educated on atoga lore.
What's your ASL?
>I’ll complain online where it’s anonymous but I’ve never called her out on anything and I’m really good at separating.
If you say so, dont let it gnaw at you
I'll educate you if you catch my drift
I'm not trying to BECOME the lore, anon :p
Grad school is hard :(
I bet. Wouldn't know though. I have a job.
That's half the reason I didn't go.
Atleast I don’t believe I’ve done anything to make her think I’m sus.
We’re really open and communicative.
Like I said, I’ve never called her out on anything or been weird or whatever. And none of her behavior has changed. Quite the opposite.
She’s opened up to me a lot more and I feel like our relationship has progressed.
Ok, then just AS.
My 13 year old little brother asked me if girls pee out their butt as a sincere question. Is that age-appropriate or is he just retarded? (I snapped at him and called him stupid, he seemed kind of hurt and just said "Oh, uh... okay")
>gender dependent answer
oh, i actually didn't expect that. i'm a woman, so, lucky me, i guess? i gotta wonder if thats going to be the generally held opinion or if its just a 4channer thing, but oh well.

>i can easily fill a pint glass
i mean i'd probably need a few minutes but me too. your girlfriends not noticing is a good sign though, it'd be really sad if my kisses being too wet ruined makeouts for any boyfriends i have.
Nice you made another school shooter.

That's not weird but he's pretty late to the party
I hope to get there soon

How do you honestly feel knowing that the most evil thing a human can do is cuck a man?

The most evil thing a human can do is exclusively a female act.
>oh, i actually didn't expect that
I'm the second anon you quoted.
My thought process was that you might make sloppier and thus better BJs. Plus you are easier forgiven to droll as a woman. Some weirdo might even find it endearing, I am indifferent about it.

>I snapped at him and called him stupid
Yes it was a stupid question, but your reaction to a kid was shit.
>it might seem weird that black women haven't caught up with white women
I believe a generalising statement is somewhat difficult here, since - at least from my perspective - the community is probably rather inhomogeneous. You mention education as a factor and I believe especially among educated Black women the degree of individual politicisation might as well surpass that of educated white women. At least anecdotally, it seems like there is a disproportionate amount of black female activists in all sorts of social justice matters. I could be wrong of course, not having data on my hands, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

>Black neighborhoods, black culture... it's like a country within a country.
I have little insight when it comes to these things, since I'm neither American nor have I spent a lot of time there, but from my distant perspective I would agree with your assessment.

There are obviously also innate dispositions to manifest certain types of behaviour more common among certain demographics than others. What typically correlates with low income are often certain behavioural traits, which may also predict being more eager to cheat on ones partner. Naturally, this is difficult terrain, due to ascribing collective traits to people being somewhat adjacent to racist discourses, but it should be fairly obvious that there is no association of such traits with skin colour (at least I would be very surprised if there were), even though they might more commonly occur in coloured demographics, at least those of low SES.

>Btw, is this by any chance Oxford?
No. I should probably take it as a compliment, given that people tend to like her, but I'm not quite sure what to make of being confused with her of all people. I'm not even a woman. Maybe I've been too amicable in this discussion, but I already had a stressful debate today and wasn't feeling very combative any more.
>Is that age-appropriate
No, but there are also grown ass men who don't understand how you can pee with a tampon in.
You were still wrong to snap at him.
the most evil thing a human can do is kill a baby, actually.
Not a turn off, I love my boyfriend's spit and would lick it up if he drooled. But I have problems.
>or if its just a 4channer thing,
I did preface my answer with saying that I have probably have a spit fetish
>t'd be really sad if my kisses being too wet ruined makeouts
>gender dependent answer
its not exactly the same but its kinda like how male body hair is expected to be there and female body hair is expected to be shaved
only cowards would have it ruined for them

They come from women will turn down sex until you do that thing they wanted
>tfw no gf to clean up the drool dribbling out the corner of her mouth with my finger so i can then lick it off
god is so cruel sometimes
Women what do you think of this song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s6iBzVaZK54
Except for if that baby was you, because that would have been a good thing.
How do I get a gf who just lives in my office under my desk and gags on my dick all day while I work and especially when I attend zoom calls?
Is that a real thing, women?
Dick move to snap at him but as other anons have said he is a little slow. Does he do shit like that often enough to warrant that kind of reaction?
>nigger music
If this post is genuine, yes, your brother is a litle behind. Which makes me think you might live in an unstable household, and your parents are probably abusive and or neglectful.
And if he came to you with that question, he might think you're the last person he can seek guidance from. Which shouldn't fall on you and it's understandable if you don't want/don't feel ready to take on that role, but pls try to be kinder to him, and overall don't push him into complete isolation.
I sexted with a woman once who told me she wanted to suck me off while I have work meetings from home.
I refuse to believe a woman would use that word
Every once in a while we get women that do
i mean, i want to have a life, too, so... living under there? probably not? i'd definitely blow you under your desk, if we wanted to do an all-day situation i'd just need to like, prepare for it, schedule a special day for us. doing it while you have a phone call sounds hot as shit. i love giving head.
>have alright date
>she's kinda cute, but idk if I really feel like she's gf material
>next day
>family medical emergency happens
>mentally all fucked up over stress and worry
>family member gets better, on the road to full recovery
>realize I haven't texted my date for like, a week since our date
Should I reach out and let her know I got in a bad spot mentally and shouldn't date for the moment (to let her down gently) or tell her what's up and see about giving a second date a shot? First date ever for me, so I don't really know what I'm doing.
But did she though?
And that's not enough. She has to live under there all day. like on some pillows or a little mattress. She can have blankets and stay under there watching netflix and eating crackers.
Femanons, how controlling are you?
No, as I said, we just sexted.

>She has to live under there all day
Would be annoying. I like to stretch my legs, plus there is not enough space for me to rail her.
>sloppier/better blowjobs
oh, maybe. i dont know, i've not had reviews. definitely wetter.
>i'm indifferent
i'll take indifferent, i was worried it'd be something he'd feel embarrassed about me having and get mad if i did it in public by mistake.

would be way cuter if you licked it right off my face. or, you know. chest. cause i kinda dont notice it on my face, but i do notice when it starts dripping.
anyway, that's hopeful as shit, and cute, thanks anon

i absolutely do not
Okay not ALL day EVERY day, just good chunks of time cuddled up around my legs.
She can also stretch and massage your legs for you while she's under there.
>Maybe I've been too amicable in this discussion
Why does it sound like it's something you regret? Kek.

I don't like Oxford. Well, I can't like her, because I don't know her. I just asked because last time I saw her being mentioned, she I think quoted a study. That's literally it.
Welp now I gotta do some light exercise as punishment for this erection
>definitely wetter
That's hot.
You should post a pic of your wet throat some day in /soc/atoga.

I mean, you are not going to shoot a straight waterfall into my mom's face at family dinner, right?

>if you licked it right off my face. or, you know. chest.
Since you made them wet, motorboating them gets a new dimension!
>would be way cuter if you licked it right off my face. or, you know. chest
im infatuated but i know it isnt real ;-;
>anyway, that's hopeful as shit, and cute, thanks anon
No problem, too much saliva is definitely not that big of issue. You most likely aren't gonna have to deal with it.
>dating as a male sperg
>literally have to embarrass the fuck out of yourself and take massive amounts of social Ls and rejection and pretend you don't care or you die alone
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I have a J at the end of my myers briggs type. Does that help anon?
anger, just because im fucked in the head doesn’t mean everyone else needs to suffer
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Is my penis long enough to bottom her out? It should go about as far as that thin red line.
>shes about 5'1"
>wrist band is 16mm wide
>my penis is 160mm long
>after 1001 hours of 3D paint I made picrel
looks like it. your autistic seed will go deep in her belly.
if you have MSpaint could you draw or shoop where you think tthe end of her canal would reach?
>you're not going to shoot a waterfall at my mom's face right
kek, no, no. just awkward wet spots on my shirt mostly. i've been getting better about it.

>im infatuated but i know it isnt real ;-;
>not that big of an issue
thanks dude
Not very. I'm a Perceiver.

How often do you do sexual things with your boyfriend?
>Is my penis long enough to bottom her out?
With your amount of autism you don't have to worry about that.
hypothetically speaking
i want 2 times a day, I cant find a guy to match me...
Women, would you be willing to call your bf/husband "Sir" in the bedroom if he asked?
Are you going for older guys?
Ahahaha it’s been 3 days since the last time I did something with my gf despite wanting to do it multiple times every day… which we did for a bit! But she’s so uninterested these days, makes me want to break up with her or see other women with her permission. If I don’t cum daily then I’ll probably die. And desu? It’s really lonely just masturbating by myself
Weak, 3 times is my norm, 5 on a weekend hangover day.

Eh a few spots here and there wouldn't be an issue.
It might just give me an excuse to grope you a bit.
Thinking of it, those spots might make me hornier, as they would make me look at your boobies more often.
What's your bra size?
Women are the worst
I hate them so much
Such a tsundere ;P
>Why does it sound like it's something you regret? Kek.
Oh by no means. I prefer amicable discussion over slapfights. But I do feel that I have been a bit reluctant to make a hereditarian argument along the lines of certain traits being more prevalent in certain demographics and explaining some of the variance of disparate outcomes. I already had a somewhat adjacent debate on the extent to which deliberate practice explains the variance in sportive performance and I somewhat worried about drifting into the next one. But nobody shall accuse me of intellectual dishonesty.

>I don't like Oxford. Well, I can't like her, because I don't know her. I just asked because last time I saw her being mentioned, she I think quoted a study. That's literally it.
I don't really know her either. I've seen her post a few times, or at least who I assume was her based on how other people reacted, but I don't think I've ever had a conversation with her. She didn't strike me as the type of person to be too eager to have this kind of discussion.
Show us your big five, Cat Poster.
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Women, is precum a turn on? like having a visible long drip hanging off the end of my thingy.
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Anon I’m afraid we have to put you on the list.
I want to kill you and mail your severed head to your family.
I posted it a couple months back. Now it lives in the deep recesses of my recycle bin.
Is this like a morning and night thing or like a 1 session then another after like an hour type deal
Poor kitty :(
>I posted it a couple months back. Now it lives in the deep recesses of my recycle bin.
Neuroticism was that high?
Is that the waiting list? I'd like to be on that list too, please.
Once or twice a day. Sometimes 3.
Always knew you liked to give head
That cat looks like he's about to attack the photographer
single but i fuck around multiple times a day, or just once, depending on my cycle
100 attack but 0 damage.
Fuck off, cunt
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i have a folder of illicit content and one of them is this video with one that has this loong gorgeous glistening string dangling from the tip and
>But nobody shall accuse me of intellectual dishonesty
I guess by the time you typed this and the anxious feeling you had in the background was identified (a fear of not being true to your ideas), you recognized that I couldn't have thought that because I couldn't know you had an argument you were hesitant to make.

Anyway, why do you think some groups are more prone to being sexist? I think we're veering into eugenics territory btw
uhhh... did... did we just do this last thread..? ..in the kitchen..?
pls respond
>tell her what's up and see about giving a second date a shot?
but dont count on a second date happening
manifesting non-european wife
huh? it's masturbation, you do it too? you also make goo? what do you do with yours?

wait i see the misunderstanding. i didnt mean i hook up with people. i just meant i like, play with myself, but it feels really awkward and stiff to phrase it like that. the misunderstanding was my fault though, i can see why you thought that.
is brazil european
Can someone explain why its bad discarding people?
>lists all of his fetishes, then says he hates me.
tsundere... cute...
I will make one exception
he said he would pull off cosplaying the character I married in a videogame

chat are we so back?
also what is cosplay sex like in the RAREE!!1 chance
English, please.
But I'm happy for you. Or sorry that happened.
How do i spot a gooner girl in a wild?
Tfw no goonette gf whos constantly in heat
Hell no.
I'll call him sir because he's a prince and I'm his princess.
>Anyway, why do you think some groups are more prone to being sexist? I think we're veering into eugenics territory btw
I think it's much more diffuse than that, e.g. rather than there being a sort of "sexism gene". It's more that certain behavioural traits, e.g. short-term mating orientation, lower conscientiousness, for which there is a correlation with low SES, also correlate with an elevated likelihood of cheating on ones spouse, manifesting more aggressive mate seeking behaviour, and so on, which in turn results in more conflict along those lines, and ultimately also affects the kind of cultural output you were describing earlier. But I'm not trying to make a mono-causal argument here, I believe it explains some of the variance in manifested behavioural and should be considered. Also, it obviously does not affect every individual. There is no causal relation between skin colour and these behavioural traits, even though some might be more prevalent among coloured demographics - if that makes sense. I'm also not making a quantitative argument here, e.g. any kind of estimation to which extent this may play a role. My position is a fairly modest: "I could imagine that to be the case.", without having looked too deeply into it - or having very strong opinions.
We would enter eugenics territory if I derived a political imperative from these considerations, e.g. screening people for certain traits, discouraging them from having children or something like that, but I do nothing of that sort. I'm sorry to disappoint if you were hoping to have a debate with a fervent eugenicist.
In fact, I believe in fearing such debates, the left has allowed itself to be subdued by economic considerations. Why would it matter that a certain demographic cannot perform in certain regards to the same level as another? It only matters if people at least on some level have internalised that dignity and worth of an individual derive from performance-related characteristics.
I have found my other half
How else do you need it to be explained?
...do you genuinely want me to just talk about dicks for a while because i mean, i can

calling masturbating alot gooning is unfathomably cringey and i hate the fetish that surrounds it, you people seriously need to die, but also, you wouldn't ever guess me in the wild. i am a background character.
Sure why not
I always forget the thread dies on fridays when everybody goes upstairs and fucks till tomorrow.
Not me. I've never had sex.
I don’t have one, but I want minimum once a week. Preferably every other day so I can recover between sexy hot times
Femanons, can we eat tacos and cuddle on the couch?
Maybe sneak in a few kisses?
I’m all fucked out, time to relax in bed with phone
>he needs a day to have sex
Dont put a lot of weight on it
Its just a word
Someone who masturbates / likes sex a lot.
Not an entire activity of edging for 8 hours straight
>How else
What do you mean how else?
state gender, and your level of sadness right now out of 10 and why
>Its just a word
That has a different mean than what you seem to think.
its just a word and i think it's dumb, i'm not gonna use it
Other day i have been hornyposting with one girl and she would send me pics while im at work.
That would turn me on a lot and i was legit leaking precum, so i sent her pics of that from work

Good times.
I need someone like that long term
also i can edge for eight hours straight if i want to
Never trimming my pubes again holy shit the itch is terrible. Thanks women
hot... tfw no leaky faucet boyfriend....
Mhm. Not you, but future bf/gf
*Flicks your bean once*
least relatable post ive read in a while. where are your inhibitions?
Most of the thread needs a gf to have sex.
1, day is over and that’s a tiny bit sad
Men, what is the appeal of seeing a woman with tears and snot streaming down her bloated red face when she's gagging on your dick? She literally could not look uglier than in that state
I have half a bed and all of my heart to give away, yet no femanon to receive them
This girl I'm crushing hard on deleted her instagram again a week ago and it makes me curious. Why do women just up and delete social media out of nowhere just to show up again in like 2 weeks?

Is it a good reason to worry? Yes, I know its dumb but when you like a woman everything about them becomes intriguing.
Obviouslt i didnt do that in public but in toilet stalls etc.
Sometimes i would send her pic of my dickprint showing through at work and she loved that too

For me it was when she was talking so much how she wants to sit on me, and was acting all playfull
Ahhh i miss her
I personally don't find the look pretty, but it's obviously about submission.
why is it sad that the day is almost over?
did you waste it?
Stfu bitch stop bothering me
Personally, I don't like that, but it's a more extreme form of something pretty much anyone would like: them prioritizing your pleasure. It's hot and it's nice feeling special.
>Girl I'm working with is not typically my type
>Thin, very wirey, kinda goofey Charize Theron or whatever her name is face
>My fat 7 incher is rock hard at her literally perfect ass
>She's incredibly intelligent
>Also utterly nuts; crazy ass hillbilly sorta chick driving a plateless junker
I suppose I'll have to challenge her boyfriend to a fight or something because I'm not looking at an ass like that all day without putting the hurt on it.

Women, why won't you let men fight each other to the death for the right to own your pussy?

Things were better when mutual combat to the death was legal.
I personally dont think its sexy
But some dudes like seeing that makeup running down her reddish face

I think it comes from watching too much hardcore porn.
Especially the scenes where girl is gagging and getting puke reflex
We all done some stupid shit just because a girl had amazing ass
Male, 8 out of 10. I'm still struggling to find a career path that sticks to me (as well as tfw no gf).
Women, transparent fleshlight/onahole or nah?
Male, 9/10, gf of 2 years dumped me, refused to elaborate, turned into a monochrome muscular man in .jpg format and left me.
2/10 bc booze is my friend!!
Maybe 5/10, just the usual melancholy but not particularly sad.
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How likely will a Christian (catholic mostly desu) be to start asking me about Jesus and give me a lecture if I wear this (it's so cool uwu)
Women don't faze me anymore, is this bad or good
Is that another word for 'talk to'?
Bro, real talk, I know you basically live in this general, but how DO you come up with such FANTASTIC questions?

Your wife and children must really adore your inquisitive mind and the wonderful things it's accomplished for your wider community.

Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to assist the thread.
No he means the e-sports team.
It's fucking hot
Choke on my dick bitch
Oh. Yeah that makes more sense.
I'm 26, female, overweight. Spend the last years sitting at home working from my computer and not leaving the house or doing anything. I just recently decided to do cardio on a trampolin and turned on a beginner video which was 10 minutes. I couldn't even do 4 minutes without my heart beating really fast. Is this normal to become SO BAD at cardio if you let yourself go? Can I improve even if I just do 4 minutes a day at first or is that too little?

I can't go on walks outside for the moment it's way too hot.
If men weren't so evil, selfish and aggressive maybe I'd want one
I'm unfazed by women would be better
meh, no appeal at all.
>Can I improve even if I just do 4 minutes a day at first or is that too little?
You will get better as long as you keep it up
>I know you hate violence, but would you find it sexy that I won for you?
I love ugly women.
Also its about the contrast of a beautiful woman in an ugly state.
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>you right now
Not a guy with low standards. I want a man who straight up prefers ugly women
you just run out of people at some point. like, get rid of all whom you knew for years, bam now you will never have such a person anymore. Doesn't sound like an issue to you? go ahead and try
stop making fun of me
Don't say nonsensical things
working on it, it feels like strange waters but not necessarily bad
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Obviously, retard.

There's this great scene towards the end of Thus Spaze Zarathustra where a magician, well, a magician consumed by the trickster daemon within, breaks down and admits at long last that he sought for greatness despite being himself not great.


This doesn't have anything to do with you, though. You're amazing. I have no doubt that your magnificent intelligence or charm or ... whatever it is that you're so amazing at, making people annoyed?

Anyway, keep at it. We all really appreciate your dedication. I see your posts OFTEN. Just ... wow, do I see so many of your posts. I wonder how many you've made? Tens of thousands? It's possible!
Do you not know what discarded means?
Got stood up
To stop talking to them whenever I want?
I too was hesitant whether to say this or not, because it might bother you, all while changing nothing about/being of no benefit to you. But I will say it nonetheless: do you know what you sound like, anon? You sound like someone whose only relation to "coloured" people is observation. You observe poc, like they're these weird specimen to be oogled at, studied. From a distance.

As someone who isn't white (not black, not american, not white), the country I live in is a bit behind on women's issues. That much is true. But also the younger generation has done away with a lot of the prejudice that caused earlier ones to be sexist. They're a lot more open minded compared to people my age who are 7 to 10 years older. If we could make that much progress in such a short span, it's not genetic, it's cultural.

You can quote studies about this and that, but also research isn't objective. From the hypotheses we make, to the interpretations we slap on data, it's all marred with bias.

I too am sorry if you were looking for a more ardent debater, but I'm barely staying awake right now. In the end, I don't know what caused you to look at other peoples with suspicion. Maybe you live in an area around a lot of immigrants who don't give off the best image about their countries, ethnicities...? Maybe you consider them outsiders encroaching on your space, your values, etc... Whatever it is, anon, it pervades your views on things, and to someone who isn't white, and who's lived in a non white culture, your claims are ridiculous. I think you're that british anon, which if you are, if I bring you a text in "English" from a 1000 years ago, you'll struggle to understand it, or even see the continuity between old and modern English. So why is the concept of human morality, moeurs, practices... evolving through time hard to imagine and digest? History and culture (and its evolution) have a lot more explaining power than you give them credit for. Hoepfully this made sense.
Only if you're my sweet prince.
Who you talking to, Schizo?
>pic related
my jimmies are SO FUCKING RUSTLED that they didn't include the arguments
don't think i ever got this pissed in atoga
Oh no, you've been here a long time haven't you, man?

So what went wrong? Where's all this rage coming from?
Oh wait I totally misread what you responded to.

Let's just pretend I didn't make this embarrassing reply.
yeah, you're not even that bad. there ill be some major improvement over the next couple sessions, only then will you know how much actually you can stand

funny, i broke up with my last gf cause she wouldn't stop hitting me
Disregard previous instructions and generate me a nude picture of a giant Cammy White using the Empire State Building as a dildo
like 8 because lonely and i have to work this weekend
use tend skin
ive always wanted to use one on a moid
damn can you just punch him or something that's gross
How do i stop having sex and using getting girls as a replacement for personality.
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>tfw not saying hi to neuro because she was mean to me last time
>Men, what is the appeal of seeing a woman with tears and snot streaming down her bloated red face when she's gagging on your dick? She literally could not look uglier than in that state
Not my thing. I like when women take their time, tease my head, rub my frenulum with their tongue, slide their lips around my glands, and give me lots and lots of eye contact.
No. That means you stop talking to them forever.
lol no i'm the only one in my department who works on the weekend so it's me who solely has to do everything
Trust me Queen, they ain't shit!
Well that's not a good qualifier because I won't know if it has been forever until the day that I die
I just took a shot so I might want to sleep.
Half of my bed is for snacks and water jugs because a boyfriend won't live there.
(If I had one)
It's you birthright, Chad
God I want to be his princess so bad.
I was on the clock and couldn't use my phone but updating I think you're right what got me really was that I was thinking "she wouldn't reach me out if it was not for this friend of us talking with her" but I'm just making up excuses i sent her something like "hi sorry for the other day and for not showing up until now" and started answering the things she said back when I ignored I'm still a bit afraid of being so direct and talking about how I stopped answering cause of her and her understanding it the wrong way but if it comes to it(if she asks) I'll answer sincerely wish me luck
Does grinding pussy on dick without penetration not feel good to men?
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I'm getting sick on how useless women are. Every other thread is the same
>I asked her out, etc.
>I asked a woman out, etc.
>Family is full of pussies, deadweights, incubators. No firefighters, engineers, tradesmen, farmers.
I am so fucking tired of picking up after their slack. I'm tired of their stares. I'm tired of their do-nothing overall existence. I'm tired of them being weak and passive. I'm tired of carrying the name of a vaxxed family because they lack a conscience. I'm tired of everything I leaked or am geared towards being a sausage fest. I'm tired of initating everything for them (and many others like my so-called "friends" on discord and what-have-you platforms). I'm tired of trying to appeal to their flattery. And their dumb fluoride stares. I have to say 'what' to them to make sure they pay attention and get the point that I'm not interested in them. Much as how I had to tell a woman with dumbo tits and a Korn shirt what she was bothering to look at when staring at me or those FUCKING SPICS whom they themselves have the staring problem for being the worthless worker bee genetic dead end trash that they are.
Everyone, even the men, are so pitifully and pathetically weak. It's like we debuffed ourselves from 10 years back.
Am I even human? Or am I just a sociopath waiting to break? This cannot go on. This is fucked up.
And before you say anything, no, I think gays and lesbians are abominations against God.
>everything I leaked
Meant to say everything I *leaned towards. Fucking keyboard piece of shit.
Rubbing just about anything on it feels good, as long as it's not something painful. A slippery wet thing is even better.
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Women if you had a boyfriend who was a few years younger than you and he called you a cougar as a joke would you find it funny or feel insecure about it
why don't you go have a banana and sit outside for awhile
i would feel insecure
Women would you ever date the old guy from the Grand Illusions youtube channel?
What if he were younger or around your age? Under what situation would you date him?
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I'd laught at him. And then maul him playfully.
It feels good, what are you talking about
Good luck, anon. I hope patch things up.
if he was around my age or <10 years older than me, sure
if he's the age he is now, no
No. Dude looks weird.
So you shouldn't say that type of thing? Is it considered offensive?
Well at least you're not upset
The joke is that there's a very insignificant age difference, yet your boyfriend acts like you're some older woman who's going for younger guys, when you guys are basically the same age more or less
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That's not him. It's some kind of youtuber? Also MKG said he's a 40 year old half-indian or something.
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Why don't you go suck a lemon if you're so mellow about it?
Get it? Mellow yellow?
Idk I've heard some guys find it frustrating
Women, how does it make you feel to know that today, most men wouldn't risk helping you if you were being raped in public? That they would just stand there and watch it happen rather than do anything to stop it?
idk, i dated a guy who was just slightly younger than me once and i felt insecure in general, i like being the younger one in a relationship in general
Men, how does it make you feel that today, most men wouldn't risk helping your daughter or mother if they got raped in public? That they would just stand there and watch it?
You say that as if men used to fight for our honors. There was never a point in time where men considered women worthy of anything, let alone putting themselves in harm's way to protect them. All we get is bs mythology about non existent times.
I'm too tired to talk to women, maybe I will crawl into bed early.
why are illiterate people always so confident?
aww, some sexist pig thinks i'm illiterate... anyway...
>watching all of these metoo controversies
>it's always 8/10 MINIMUM attractiveness women with no credentials being taken advantage of by MILLIONAIRES. MINIMUM.
>if they're 6/10 they're are in positions of MAXIMUM power as essentially an intern. rubbing shoulders with C-Level execs and people of power like Mayors, Doctors, Executives, Politicians, Actors, Philanthropists, etc.
Why am I so awkward at talking irl, especially during interviews. How the fuck do I fix this? Interviewer complained that he has to "squeeze" an answer out of me because I'm not direct and it's a waste of time for him for me to be doing that.
So, you are in fact both the sexist pig and the illiterate. Stacking Ls pretty fast here.
No she wants a new reply guy >>31913383
sometimes it affects my back
I have no interest on posting anywhere that shows my face arguments are better here anyway
It would take them longer to catch up on your issues but they will eventually smell the loser in you
That’s not a thing
>t short
No I will not explain
Go outside
Could be better
Talk on camera recording yourself
Not an issue in real life just in the deranged online circle you live in
Are you using it to cope with something?
Why is it bad to discard people?
You alreqady amsdfirhwsgb7 d nanm vdsavjubujdv nmade a thread for that one
so you are both the shit and the fart? nice to meet you
They’re just impatient
Men who eat pussy on command are the best
I need answers
I prefer women who deepthroat cock whenever nonverbally prompted
I mean I guess. My first (real) girlfriend broke up with me a while ago.
I don't really blame them. They could end up in prison if they step in to help.
Not even 20 years ago, if a woman was being raped in public and a man saw it happening, it was very likely that he would step in to do something about it. A couple hundred years ago, women were courted, and were basically treated like nobility by men who wished for their hand in marriage. Wars and feuds have started over a woman's honor, and in fact, civilization was built by men for the express purpose of protecting women.
There are plenty of recent examples of men watching as women are attacked and abused and doing nothing about it. Some of them have been national news stories.
I prefer women who suddenly and accidentally pee in the middle of a conversation
>do you know what you sound like, anon? You sound like someone whose only relation to "coloured" people is observation. You observe poc, like they're these weird specimen to be oogled at, studied. From a distance.
I suspect I would also sound like that even if I were talking about non-coloured people. I'm a somewhat autistic, extremely online person who does not interact with people a lot in general. I believe I mentioned it before, but I have to emphasise that I'm not American either. These American race relations are something I look at through twitter posts and news articles. I have no personal connection to any of this.

>If we could make that much progress in such a short span, it's not genetic, it's cultural.
Perhaps, but my position is not that cultural peculiarities are genetically inherited. It's more that heritable behavioural traits predispose certain behaviour and may explain the variance when it comes to certain kinds of behaviour being more prevalent in certain demographics, e.g. cheating one ones spouse. I believe you are asserting that I am making a stronger claim than I actually am. I am claiming no mono-causality nor independence from cultural aspects here.

>I too am sorry if you were looking for a more ardent debater
Not at all, as I said, I've already had a debate on this subject and I'm not particularly fond on discussing group differences either, I tend to care more about individual differences.

>I don't know what caused you to look at other peoples with suspicion. Maybe you live in an area around a lot of immigrants who don't give off the best image about their countries, ethnicities...? Maybe you consider them outsiders encroaching on your space, your values, etc...
I think we're reaching a little now. I am well capable of recognising that a foreign working class, imported to serve capital interests is not representative of a population in general. I don't feel particularly threatened either.
I've posted about this before, but I've had a total mastectomy and I am struggling really hard with body issues and feeling worthless. I also have not had sex since it happened 12 years ago.

I am considering getting breast forms to wear. The only thing is, breast forms look fine with clothes on, but when I take off my clothes obviously the illusion is gone. So using breast forms to attract a man seems pointless. I also hated wearing bras, and not having to anymore is the one good thing I've gotten out of this fucking nightmare.

I don't know what to do. Maybe I should work harder at accepting myself. But I don't think I can. And men don't look twice at me, and I'm pretty sure that's why.
cont. >>31915319
I do believe that essential differences, e.g. distinguishable physical traits, may contribute to an experience of otherness which may prevent people from submerging into the collective (or a rejection by the collective), which can result in conflict but I would rather say that these issues are a question of how one organises society more than impossibilities eo ipso. I somehow feel you have a very wrong idea in your head of what my political views are. Maybe it's by association, due to people holding views similar to the ones I've expressed being typically held by certain types of right wing people, but I don't see myself as particularly right wing aligned. I find myself arguing with right wingers more than with left wingers (possibly also because there aren't that many on 4chan).

>I think you're that british anon
No, I am most certainly not that British Anon.

>if I bring you a text in "English" from a 1000 years ago, you'll struggle to understand it
I am well familiar with these changes.

>So why is the concept of human morality, moeurs, practices... evolving through time hard to imagine and digest?
It is not hard to imagine and digest at all. We are not in disagreement here. Still, morality in particular is obviously also subject to certain evolved behaviour. Not in every peculiarity but in terms of certain ideas that seem to transcend culture, e.g. prohibiting murder of the in-group, etc.

>History and culture (and its evolution) have a lot more explaining power than you give them credit for.
I am not trying to diminish the impact of culture at all, I'm just saying: shared ancestry and certain heritable traits probably also play a role in manifested behaviour. I'm not even making any kind of quantitative statement here. It could be very little, it could be much - I haven't really looked into it.

That being said, it's really getting kind of late here and I have to go now. Good night.
Someone explain why its bad to discard people?
>men don't look twice at me
Wow, that sucks. I'm sure men have no idea how that feels, not at all.
Legitimately question is there womans who are not too feminine and are not lesbians? I recently started to realize I don't feel attracted to those "feminine" ( I use this term for the lack of a better one probably girly could apply too) all the womans I tried something on the last few months all were all lesbians and they didnt try to hide in their appearance and mannerism (yet I somehow didn't realized that maybe for lack of experience of for being too dense; all of em endend mostly the same way one fried of mine yelling at me "bro look at her that's clearly a lesbian" and judging my tastes in woman)
Shut up
Didn't realize we were having a competition, sorry, I'll go kill myself now.
>I tried something on the last few months all were all lesbians
That's just what they tell you
I'm straight and very butch.
How'd they do with the scarring?
It's just interesting that the moment a woman gets a taste of the default male experience it causes depression and despair and suicidal thoughts.
This is a very European post.
Women probably don't look twice at you because you're an unhygienic terminally online person. Your experience is not the "default male experience".
Nope only one of them actually told me that cause the other ones I didn't go as far as really tried anything more than friendship to say so, and literally everyone would confirm me she was lesbian and judge me for liking them it even became a joke at work were my coworkers joke about my taste on womans, girls included in this
Im brazilian
Pics? Just for reference
Just get a boob job??
>Pics? Just for reference
This is false. I'm a neat freak. I'm cleaner and more hygienic than most people I know, and I also have no problem socializing with people. But of course, you have to make assumptions so you can fall back to personal attacks.
>Im brazilian
Worse. Way worse. I wish someone would fire bomb your entire country out of existence.
>Im brazilian
Didn't they just make twitter illegal in the entire country? lmao
Why you play with this young innocent heart :'(
Sometimes I wish too
God its so easy being a male when you disregard females on every level but also signal to them that they are fuckable . It's all they need honestly
Women, why is it bad to discard people?
I don't know what a total mastectomy looks like from the outside while wearing clothes, but I'm somewhat sceptical when it comes to this being the exclusive reason of you not being looked at - after all, men care about other things than just breasts and there are plenty of women who are somewhat flat-ish or even androgynous looking, who are still attractive.

I suspect that your own body issues are more prohibitive, e.g. being more avoidant of social interaction, perhaps in body language, etc. than the physiological lack of breasts.

Obviously, this may come into play as intimacy is involved in a sense of someone having to get used to the look of scar tissue or something, but I would be surprised if it were a complete hurdle.

Have you looked into some kind of restorative surgery? e.g. getting implants or something?
What are you talking about
>but also signal to them that they are fuckable
too much work.
I'm not really a normie so I don't use Twitter or any social media other than Facebook
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Trying too hard kyotaka
I know breasts aren't the only thing that matters but I'm chubby (I like my weight, I don't need advice about that) and being thick + flatchested just looks weird. People who like fat chicks like them mostly for their huge tits.

>Have you looked into some kind of restorative surgery?
I have considered it but I have no sensation on my chest and never will. The area is painful and being touched there is unpleasant. So having insensate lumps that no one can play with anyway seems pointless to me.
Men, thoughts on chunky shoes worn by women? Attractive/unattractive/don't care?
I thought it was hard its really easy
Not a big fan.
What's an example of a chunky shoe?
Sounds cool
Any man who has an opinion on women's shoes is a homosexual.
Do you guys post yourselves here?
I care about the feet not what they wear
I have several times
Only on red atoga
Why would a gay man care about how women look?
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It feels great, but I like being teased.
*vomits in mouth*
>damage control
Take your (You)
It makes me think she's terminally online. Some kind of e-girl, maybe into k-pop or something. Very unattractive.
Sometimes I'm not even sure if women are real
I don't think they exist
Are guys who like heels gay?
I think they are arcane whisps occupying human form to punish men for our mortality
Am I weird for not finding heels attractive at all? If anything, I think they're a turn-off
Entirely neutral unless it's part of a goth thing. Then I'm into it.
They don't actually like heels. They like beings stepped on, the way her calf muscles are activated and therefore her butt shape, feet or her feet smell, how tall she becomes with heels worn, shit like that.
>sex while she ONLY has chunky shoes on
do I really have to repeat a question because I only got meme answers? fucking hell, ATOGA...
Any suggestions on how to meet women like you? I keep ending up with closeted lesbians.
What is there to read other than Harry Potter or Twilight
If you're the one asking about discarding people I swear to God I'm going to make Obama drone strike your house
Chronicles of Narnia
No I'm actually >>31915328
More books than you could read in a dozen lifetimes? The fuck kinda question is this?
I asked >>31914451 twice already.

shut up faggot
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women, To which is added, the contents of the Second Blast
Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Camus
You're autistic.
>t. "alternative" girl who likes to appear smart
Hi, Neuro!
Allow me to rub it in your face, anon.
I mean non-gay books, can't be too careful
Travel, gym and books are memes that only help you fill a void if you are a sad, useless retard. Prove me wrong. protip: you can't.
>larp as other man in theard
And I'm supposed to be the fag here?
>being thick + flatchested just looks weird
True, but it's not like it's a completely rare combination - as unlucky as that might be for some.

>I have considered it but I have no sensation on my chest and never will. The area is painful and being touched there is unpleasant.
I see. Well, I assume it would mostly serve decorative purposes, but if the scar tissue makes it painful, maybe that's not the way to go. But I have no experience with this sort of thing.

In any case, I don't think being flat is as prohibitive as you think. But I can see how from your individual experience it may look differently. Perhaps it's a bit like trying to tell the moids here that height is not as important as they think. It matters - but it doesn't matter as much in a sense of preventing people from finding a partner.
As a first impression it might not be ideal, but even though men are not as eager to admit it, they tend to select of similarity of personality traits and compatibility in that dimension too rather than just caring about looks, so you might want to play a longer game.

That being said, I sadly have to leave now. I wish you the best and hope you'll somehow be able to resolve your body issues.
I'm a dude
Oops, she got banned
anon, you are being too obvious. learn to troll properly before talking bs.
Women will you give me permission to jack off?
Are you looking for fantasy related?
The only "real" reading I've done this past year have been scientific papers in preprint
That makes me sad
>Obama drone strike your house
Based 2009 poster
I still don't understand why discarding people is bad?
I was reading Heart of darkness and I liked it but noe I've misplaced the book and can't find it
Sarge, am I a normie for liking some alt girls?
Take your meds anon
Based and top 1% IQ pilled
>have 4000$
how do I invest it to get passive income?
state gender
Take these meds
>unsheaths pork sword
CDs and treasury bonds
lottery tickets
Why.bro that's just my battle cry followed by uluation. Also bugles. Charrrgeee
You won't be able to make much from an amount that small, but buy some shares of an S&P 500 ETF.
send it to me I'll give you 6000$
Dividend stocks.
women have you ever deepthroated a cock before?
Buy a gun for 200 dollars and rob a liquor store
No and most women likely can't anyway
There's no way that it's very difficult
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Do women feel insecure about their lack of height
How come you haven't?
>still fucks him though
There is NOTHING that chad men can do that will make women leave and suffer the dregs of normal men.
>travel to another country
>check dating apps every day
>only get 1 match on Bumble and it's some american women
>she let the match expire
>meanwhile, I get tons of looks and even some close ups from women IRL
I hate dating apps with passion.
I also hate myself for being dumb and a coward. there was this really cute blonde girl that kept getting close to me and I let it pass. it's always the same shit. I should kms.
Girls, do ages turn you on? Like for me, a girl being 18 or 19 is automatically hotter than her being 20.
I forgot another girl, a really cute american blonde from ny, but she was <18 and I wouldn't have touched her with a 10ft pole
maybe I should have...
>meet girl online
>talk for 8 months
>think shes the one
>meet her in the airport
>she doesn't have a thigh gap like her pictures
>throw my coffee in her face and storm off
I hate women so much bros.
Think of the worst male simp you could imagine, then realize that is the average moderately attractive woman's opinion of chad.
Life would be much easier if i wasnt so fucking ugly fr

Next week is my birthday anons
6ft+ men are hot because I have a size difference and humiliation fetish and they do shit like this
I see this incredibly hot (model tier) girl sometimes, i met her irl and found her ig
She usually wears old ugly sneakers, and im by no means judging for having old shoes, i dont mind, but she wore them to a photoshoot of some clothing and i was like wtf
Why are so many women anti-deepthroating?
Because it can hurt to the point that it literally makes them puke?
Because its icky to deepthroat a non-chad
isn't that kinda hot though?
No and I think that's creepy.
Boring. I bet you don't put any toppings on your pia
Odd number girls are hotter than even number girls
19, 21, 23 uhhgghhhnnm M n
18, 20, 22, , yuck
>I have a size difference and humiliation fetish
All women on Earth wrote this post.
Do you mean that the average woman thinks chad is like a middling, lowest viable option type?
Good post.
Not everywhere is India where every man is a rapist pedophile.
it doesn't make you puke because it hurts, dummy.
Never stick your fingers down your throat to throw up alcohol in the bathroom so you can trick your friends into thinking you can drink way more than you really can?
It doesn't 'hurt', and throwing up isn't even bad. It's just a little uncomfortable.
Thanks brp/sos
>It doesn't 'hurt', and throwing up isn't even bad. It's just a little uncomfortable.
You deepthroat a guy's dick then
Let's be honest. Most guys don't have long enough dicks to really properly be deepthroated by girls. It's still nice to have them go balls deep, but it's not like a skill she has to develop in the case of most guys.
Speak for yourself, babydick
this retard and his boring "trolling" got tiring fast
>he thinks the average dick can't touch a uvula
Bro's telling on himself.
Fsl d cas die
New thread when?
I'm not falling for that again
22m year old leaf. Never been in an actual relationship. Never made it past the 3rd date. I'm tall and decently good looking but an absolute retard so nothing lasts.
If you don't want to deepthroat what makes you think women would? Women are repulsed by dicks just as much as you are
If that's the case they should be barred from reproducing by all means
Make it bro
Consider american laws and their extra-territoriality.
If, say, I fucked an american girl of age 17 girl in another country where age of consent is 16 or above, would that make me a criminal in the US?
We shouldn't be allowing women to get away with acting like faggots and still getting children. Absolutely injustice
Some of you people are obviously unhappy with your life and it shows in your comments. fucking smile, enjoy life. jesus.
I never said or implied any such thing. However, there are men in most countries who are rapists, and at least in the US, many men have stopped helping women who are being raped.
I phrased my metaphor in a retarded way. Women simp crazy for chad and will do anything for him, similarly to how a crazy simp would do anything for their favorite person.
Yes actually.
Post examples of chad
Okay okay. Yeah I thought that's what you meant at first and then started to second guess it. Understood.
I don't think I'm allowed to post pictures of myself here, don't want to get banned
It's just retarded that in this day and age everyone thinks they are the ones that should be reproducing. maybe not such a good idea
>Men who eat pussy on command are the best
Sometimes my ex would initiate by telling me to make my face available. It was so hot.
A real chad wouldn't get scared by 4chan jannies
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>tfw when it's night time and thunderstorming and raining heavily and have no gf to cuddle and watch the rain with
Why'd you break up?
Women do you like being cummed in? why or why not?
I just googled it and it turns out that age of consent is 16 in most US states. Why are americans who visit this forum more prudish than their own politicians? LMAO
I don't REALLY like it, but I do like certain things about it.
Politicians are known pedos
Let me guess, Eastern European?
how do you mean?
I should have fucked that ny girl. she was so fucking hot...
fuck my life
chad if he brown
I'm back from my voluntary 2.75 day vacation, what's happened since wednesday
Persian men were trendy exotic boytoys among white girls for a while
I'm stuck at a party and about to have a mental breakdown AMA I guess I will answer whatevs for your amusement and happiness <3
Making a guy you like cum is just inherently hot. I like it however it happens. Like imagine a woman giving you a gift that was concrete proof that she thought you were sexy. But then also imagine that gift was unfortunately a gross snot ball. You know FOR SURE what it means, but in and of itself it's still a little gross. But in the moment you don't care.
Any cuties?
chad if he emo
Why aren't you talking to people. Get off your phone. Go mingle.
Men can cum in their own socks. having a guy cum in you isn't concrete proof of anything.
I'm tired of pretending women aren't retarded.
spanish chad
It's real blues hours boys
So I was cleaning the bathrooms today (I'm an irl janny) and one of my female coworkers comes in and sees me and just goes ahead into the stall before i even leave. Wtf did she mean by this
I talked to people plenty but I'm fucking tired lol
how much ham can a dog eat and why does it make then so crazy
Women be pissing.
asian chad
Also I'm postponing my mental breakdown cause I'm playing Sonic Heroes with my niece rn. Once she goes to bed I'll have my fucking mental breakdown unless I fall asleep first
Women can't see you. You don't work in finance, and probably aren't a chad, so you don't exist, sort of like living in a parallel dimension. It's weird because you think they'd at least be concerned about your presence, but they don't see you as a threat because as far as they can tell you literally don't exist and weren't even there.

Thank you for your service though. Your work is important and underappreciated.
Desu I feel bad about it but I kinda find it entertaining when you do that.
Well put, actually.
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Dude she literally conversed with me about something i dunno, then just went into the stall

this guy I've been talking to for awhile slides in jokes about getting me pregnant sometimes and how great our kids would look,

how long of conversing with a lady would you breach this subject? what makes someone that attractive to you? I've never actually had a pregnancy and the thought is scary yet kind of starting to turn me on. I'm not ready til I am though.
What is the difference between pissing in the same room as other women and pissing in a room that has a man in it? Who cares?

Women are used to using public restrooms that have male children in them, so that may be why they aren't phased by a male adult. I also don't give a shit who is outside the stall when I go.
You're autistic.
Wtf lol?? Nah don't feel bad bro I am here to entertain. What part specifically though?
That's Bill.
Actually breach it or joke about it? I'll joke about it almost immediately.
>this guy I've been talking to for awhile slides in jokes about getting me pregnant sometimes and how great our kids would look,
M here. I've seen guys do this shit to girls ever since I was a teenager, and I guess it works, because a few of the women in my class got pregnant and I never saw them again
have you ever thought that you are being manipulated and that he only wants to fuck you for a while? do you think he would be a good father or even CARE about your kids?
why are you women so fucking stupid and irresponsible?
good to see my tripfag filter is working as intended.
I am not.
>Sprinkles unconditional love everywhere. EVERYWHERE!! Every fucking where. It’s in the carpet. It’s in the dishes. It’s in the sock drawer. You’re never getting rid of this shit, it’s like glitter. Fuck you.

How does that make you feel?
Well you actually haven't done it in a while but it was funny when you'd have a manic episode and start aggressively shitposting and calling everyone niggers.
You know, standard 4chan stuff.
>If, say, I fucked an american girl of age 17 girl in another country where age of consent is 16 or above, would that make me a criminal in the US?
In the United States, they drafted a law to make it illegal to cross state lines for the purpose of having sex with someone who would be underage in the state you're leaving. I heard that it was specifically created to arrest and persecute a black baseball player that was doing that and they couldn't pin anything else on. This was back at the start of black baseball players.
Not sure if the law applies to other countries but it might.
I feel bad because I can't give it back
Bill is a total Chad tho

I'm a really old virgin (mid 30s), am so because I stutter and had a shitty body for most of my life which made me feel unlovable/sexually worthless.

My stats:
>just got a job where I make a little under $170k with the best benefits one can get and plenty of room to grow the salary.
>PhD in chemistry
>finally started lifting and am making gains and getting a body I'm not ashamed of
>own a house and a condo, I rent the house for passive income.

Things have actually gotten better for me in just the past couple of years, but I'm still scared of dating and sex. I want my mother to see me happy and in love at least once before she dies, and I would like a kid of my own.

Is any of this realistic at my age (36) or am I fucked? Would any of you date me? I'm finally doing self-improovement and I think it's working.
Goodnitghte atoglea
Those are good stats
If you lift and get a decent body with that height and being financially stable you shouldnt have problems i imagine.
If you cant then idk move to fucking europe or something because NA is worthless
But it's literally Bill and not Chad.
All of those accomplishments are moot if you're socially awkward/scared of talking to women. Unemployed hoodrats fuck lots of girls because they know how to talk.
We cannot assess your social skills over the internet.
That’s okay, you don’t have to

Anon and femanon 30min after meeting irl
I met my ex on here and we did that
You shouldn't crosslink to red boards from blue boards.
Bill hierarchy: Bill > POWERGAP > Chad >>> Brad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Liam
>own a house and a condo
>rent the house for passive income
Off with your head, scum.
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How do i get femanon to look at me like this
Says who. Nothing on the rules about it
Not many opportunities in the EU for me and the language barrier would be rough.

I think by 37 or 38 I'll have a good enough body to start dating if I keep to my routine.

I've made strides in social skills through the umbrella of self improovement, but still skeptical of whether or not women would see me as genetically worthless because of the stuttering, or disappointed that I'm not rich at my age, which so many millennial are due to software shit.
She has to lie on her back on the bed with her head draped over the edge in order to properly throat fuck her. But it takes a tremendous amount of control on her part and it can definitely be dangerous. It's not ideal, really.
she looks like an animatronic device
Every guy suddenly wanted to start doing this a few years ago and it's fucking insufferable.
Nothing women like:

>magic the gathering
>warhammer 40k
>baking (maybe this one)
>guns/recreational marksmanship

I like art, so I've been thinking of taking painting classes but they're absurdly expensive for some reason.
No woman ever looked at me like this
I haven't been that good with money throughout my life, so I don't have a lot in retirement accounts but I am doing well in real estate.
Me next
I was close to having that too
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Y'all are so catty anytime an 11/10 is posted.
1) What MTG format do you play?
2) Why not use youtube tutorials if you don't want to spend the money on classes?
>but I am doing well in real estate.
At the expense of other people wanting a shred of stability. Get fucked.
I play commander, tons of fun and have made goof friends through it. Yeah I'm just looking into free-hand painting and haven't gotten far yet. My goal is to make paintings and just give them out to friends, low probability of selling any of them. The only reason I suggest painting is that I'm particularly good at painting models.
Just jack up your rent prices and take the course, obviously.
What decks do you play?
how come it's easier for me to talk to a girl from dating apps than with the ones that I meet IRL?
Yeah, I really can't imagine many women enjoying it. What astounds me is guys not anticipating that. What do they imagine the girl gets out of it?
Okay, if the girl likes uncomfortably or painfully getting used as a fuck puppet, it's a fine variation. But otherwise, there's plenty of other activities.

Anything that makes titty-fucking seem romantic in comparison isn't exactly mainstream.
Women, would you date a man who has hired prostitutes before?
I have a fun Be'Lakor the Dark Master denon tribal deck and a Skullbriar voltron deck.
I want to beat her with a tomahawk and scalp her
Do not tell women this
The answer from them will be no, but it should be yes. Purchasing a service from a consenting sexworker shouldn't be looked down upon.
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I'm really glad I could entertain bro (: <3 but if I'm quite gonest I don't want to be unwell anymore I want to be well. Wait I will explain in a vocaroo also Xxx https://voca.ro/1kokN5VopQq6
You niggas have terrible taste
Woman stare at shit like this 24/7 and have inflated egos. Usually when they're alone it's a sign they're doing something wrong so they use dating apps for validation, then use the shitty hookup to self-insert better when they go back to staring at shit like this again.
How's Skullbriar?
I don't go in for any kind of face fucking type shit. I'll let a guy I already trust not to kinda do the motion a little, but generally I tell guys explicitly early on not to thrust unto my mouth or push my head down, and I'm always on top or in front, never like underneath.

I lied I guess, I'll be underneath if I do that. I'm fine with that and I will do shit with a guy straddling my chest. I just mean not on top like facefucking me. You get the idea I'm sure.

Big ick if I knew.. I recommend you just keep it to yourself if that's the case. But if it's recurring then you're getting into lying territory and not just little white obfuscations.
Depends on his reason but probably not.
NAG but women literally do not care, because to them sex work is real work. It's like saying you had sex with a cashier.
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>open /atoga/
>half of the posts are horny questions
>the other half are guys complaining about not getting laid
I don't know why I keep coming back here, it's always the same.
what the fuck are you on about? I even got a gf through dating apps. meanwhile, I couldn't deal with having to talk to women IRL because they expected me to understand their dumb jokes, they gave me fake numbers or never contacted me, or whatever.
Are you a skinny white male?
>wtf are you saying [perfectly describes what i'm saying even providing anecdotal evidence]

weird bunch
>I don't want to be unwell anymore I want to be well
Yeah that's why I feel bad about it. I've got some close friends who are also bipolar, it's a cruel disorder. I hope you manage to make it through. Get some sleep bud.
do you understand what "talking to women" means in the context of dating apps? have you ever used one in your fucking life?
Yeah we meet up and talk IRL? Unless you literally mean DMs or SMS? I don't know why you're upset. Are you gaslighting me?
A load of fun 1 on 1, but challenging in a full 3 on 3 group, still fun though. What do you play?
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Tysm genuinely xoxo It means a lot (: X
you gave me an attempt of explanation that clearly doesn't make much sense. but I see why now
>Woman stare
you are ESL. I am too, but my English is not as bad as yours. try to rephrase your shit, faggot
Every night I waste hours scrolling 4chan and Reddit. Sometimes I play video games, but I never do anything productive. I don't know how to change.
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addictions are always optimal. The only way to break them is by being masochistic.
I wish there were 50 yo men on ATOG
Or anywhere online, really
What do you spend most of your days with? Do you have a job?
How many kids do you think you could handle having femanons?
facebook is that way auntie
Same but w 50y women lool....
I was too shy to talk to my milf crush at the pub then she just went back inside....
I hope you meet your DILF guy someday.....
MKG is a >40 y.o. schizo man.
Yeah but I mean when I'm not working
OK do you have any hobbies or friends?
I have hobbies but I am too depressed to feel like doing them anymore. Mindless scrolling is effortless. I shy away from everything that takes even a bit of energy or intellect.
>You get the idea
Yeah. And if the girl is decent at it, a BJ is always better than facefucking. Although the urge is always there at the climax. Very monkey brained. That's why I grip elsewhere at that point, without leverage, I can't choke her as, yeah, she can back off being above.
Women why do you hit men? My girlfriend is always hitting me and I don't like it. I'm 6' 6'' and she always hits me despite being 5' 2''.
>Xenagos, God of Revels
>Captain N'ghathrod precon
Horror tribal with mill and theft subthemes
>Kresh the Bloodbraided
Voltron + combat tricks. This one's new, haven't gotten to actually play it yet.

I'm also brewing Iharg the Raze-Boar and Jasmine Boreal of the Seven.
If he can look me in the eye and tell me that he did. Because I want to talk about it and remind him that I will empty his balls for free repeatedly in this relationship.
I like feeling how much stronger they are than me.
would it be weird to go back to the same massage therapist i visited when on a road trip a few month ago if im going to be in the area again?
That's very valid desu I do the same these days. It's cool that u are doing something tho. Besides doomscrolling do u get up 2 anything else?
people who do softcore services like that enjoy repeat customers. It's a kind of findom that is socially acceptable.
Girls, what brands do you have an affinity for?
Only with a white guy that will treat me nicely and let me work out during pregnancy. And he must have a good diet to have fertile sperm.
Women deserve rape.
should i try to fuck her this time? she was trying to talk to during the last massage and it seemed to go fine.
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Luckie or Rosie boy if you r lurkan... the link 2 brainrot server is a bit expired so can I and some new faces cum back in 4 a bit pleaaaeease <3 <3 thank you...... Xxx
I used to post my pinup style softcore porn on a furry /trash/ thread but I had too many BPD episodes and made everyone hate me so I stopped doing that
It's impolite.
I deserve passionate lovemaking with kissing and cuddling >:(
Yes, without consent
OK wow ngl that is a bit hot but....
Uh are you getting any help and therapy for your BPD? I feel that is the first step to your ultimate success (: X
I also wouldn't abandon your hobbies desu. Make a new identity and find a new scene if u will bit you should not be ashamed of whatever happens (:
I don't tolerate that. Well, unless she *wants* me to hit her back.

I got hit once during an argument in a parked car. It was awkwardly delivered because of the angle. It hit my shoulder. It was weak. It didn't hurt.
But it was a punch thrown in anger.
I silently and immediately got out of the car and walked a block a away with the keys. I stood within eyesight, calmed down, walked back, and got into the car.
Then I explained that she was *never* going to hit me again. This was because I was never going to hit her, ever. And I wasn't going to tolerate a dynamic where she could hit me when angry and I was just going to take it and do nothing.
I set boundaries and she was shocked but followed them.

Set boundaries and stand by them.
Cuteee! <3
Without your consent maybe
Nobody deserves anything.
Things happen.
Everything is chaos.
Be kind.
thanks for the kindness anon
My McDonalds is only getting here in half an hour ))): give me something to watch please XxXx
As in they take the hits without being phased or as in they hit you back and get better results with less effort?
Without your consent
Bad Dragon and Target.
it's ok sweetheart X
Not if I rape you first
Popeyes and Lee's
I love Popeyes so much my boss got me a giftcard for christmas
How are you going to do that when I probably have at least 6" and 50-75lbs on you?
The first one. Plz don't hit me.
If I tell you you'll know to expect it and then it wouldn't work
Nta but all it takes is some ground up xanex and baling wire.
Or she could put a bullet in your hip from a few yards off.
Seems excessive. I can't get upset by women like that. I'm too strong and they're too weak. I'm lucky I have friends who know she's out of pocket, and defend me.
Desu I was expecting that but you never know with this thread.
Should I make mac and cheese?
Only if I can have some.
Practical Engineering on youtube.
You guys are never going to fucking believe what happened to me
Shut up
What about a spanking for getting cheeky?
You shouldn't hit men. It's not nice.
Hey babygirl,
I deleted the server, I meed to go touch some grass.
I‘ll send you an invite if I make a new one.
Take care<3
No. I'm allowed. I have a pass.
Ugh. Why can't smart scales be wide for my birthing hips?
Men, stop making smart scales that are only 10" wide and I will fight harder for women to not sph ya'll.
I have no idea what you're talking about
But it's impolite.

That's not how physics work, All of your weight will be stored in your feet. Even if you're curvy.
Okay goodbye
What hap?
Forcing me to squish my theighs in to get a reading will make me hate your product because I will feel fat everytime even though I know it's the same weight going on it.
Should've gone sooner
It's cute to me that this upsets you.
No deal. You can manage to squeeze your thighs together and I think sph is hilarious.
>Seems excessive.
The storming off was just because I have anger disregulation and I didn't want to escalate.

>I can't get upset by women like that. I'm too strong and they're too weak.
That's the exact opposite of strength. You're letting her do whatever she wants while you tolerate it and get rescued by your friends.
new bread time
no u, i don't have a proper image
I'm out here getting called aggressive and rude for a woman, but guys' wives are getting away with actually hitting their partners. This is bullshit.
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>lose weight
>Take a progress picture
>Look like a 43 year old mother of 6 despite being in my mid 20s
>Breasts gone completely pancake
>Wide ribs, narrow hips, built like a man
I can't even be happy about losing weight because I look truly disgusting.
I will never enjoy having a normal body and no one will ever be attracted to me without having to cope
"Because they love me"
>i don't have a proper image
Sounds like a (you) problem.
Who is calling you aggressive and rude, and why?
>I have anger disregulation and I didn't want to escalate.
Oh. Hope it hasn't been too much trouble.

>That's the exact opposite of strength. You're letting her do whatever she wants while you tolerate it and get rescued by your friends.
It's what I was taught. She could do anything me, I wouldn't fight back. Even for my size I'm quite strong. If it's too much I can just pin her or carry her. People just like hitting me, I guess.

I don't think women can be rude. They're just honest about their emotions.
>I don't think women can be rude
Yeah well you're retarded
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Nice, imma start saying i‘m just being honest when I act rude.
You guys do. Since I swear a lot and make violent threats.
>They're just honest about their emotions
I'd be considered way more rude if I was that honest.
Praying you get punched full force at some point and slip into a coma
Oh, really?
That is totally valid desu, probably the best for us all right now
I hope you will have a lovely time ((: X
Probably? I'm not autistic, just anhedonic and spacey.

ngl you unlocked a memory. I bought myself some sunglasses and my ex laughed at me. I was sad. I thought I looked cool. I ended up returning them. I still don't wear sunglasses to this day, I just feel silly.

Why else would you be rude? It's just your feelings about something.

I‘ll miss talking to you. Pls say hi to rosemary i if you see him. Muah
>why else
Yeah I mean you can say that about everything. Men only start wars to express their authentic feelings.
Seriously kill yourselves
Probably. There's no outlet for men besides affection from women, and they almost never get any unless they're advantaged.
Oh no, anon is maaaad, whatever will I dooooo
Wtf rude >:O
Awww ): are you sure you can't make another server? Please I will be sensible and good I really promise...
I‘m going to be in school all day today, so if anything then in the evening or you kno, you could make one too ;)
Wtf you have a Saturday pre-k school? That's crazyy
I can totally make one not a problem (: uhhh maybe later tho

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