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Are cheap Casio watches an ick?
i hate women so goddamn much
Im 5'10 and it's almost a daily occurrence to see a woman my height or taller, tf is going on?
No, but getting texts at all hours of the night is.
Women are worthless, I hope they suffer everyday
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Why do some guys look so damn uncomfortable walking by me?
Like I didn't even look at this dudes face and his head immediately went down and moved his arm with drink looking like he didn't know what to do. No gf with him so there would be no 'man' stress. Not some 'incel' either. Normal dude.

I'm not even big or brown just normal white guy I look like a harmless nerd uwu
You probably behave like a massive homosexual. If somebody stared at me with the homo stare I'd be uncomfortable, too.
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Why do women find it ok to wear compression shorts or yoga pants in public?
Can guys tell if you have makeup on when you do natural makeup?
I assume that a woman is wearing make up until proven otherwise.
Yes, it fools noone.
Guys don't know what "natural makeup" is.
What do they think it is?
I do. It's usually just light make up. A woman without make up will usually make an unwitting guy make a double take due to the former revealing their bad skin quality due to years of cosmetic product usage.
>t. knower
>well educated
How can these women become sexist?
Despite what women think, men know what makeup looks like.
Nothing, they don't think about it, most guys have never even heard the term "natural makeup". When's the last time you heard a guy say the term "natural makeup"? Surely you've heard guys say "I don't like women with makeup" or "I don't like women with too much makeup" but have you ever heard a guy say "I don't like women with natural makeup" or "I don't like women with too much makeup but natural makeup looks good"?

>I do.
Irrelevant. Exceptions are not a good tool to navigate life.
>Exceptions are not a good tool to navigate life
Can't help it when I'm exceptional
Why does every birth control method have retarded side effects? I just want to coom inside.
Women, why are your bodies so fucked up?
Actually you CAN help it, you can read a sentence with a generalization in it and think "This generalization does not apply to me but it's still generally true so there's no need to specify that it does not apply to me" but low IQ people tend to be incapable of doing this and must always specify "Not me, I'm different!" as if it meant anything.
I must point out to everyone how special and unique I am
give it to her in the butt. or copper iud.
Post essential traits from your dream bf
He does not visit /atoga/
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Question for women, need advice specifically. Lots of drama. Not larping, trust.

My ex of half a decade cheated on me with some European dude when studying abroad and left me 4 months back.

Recently we contacted each other. We made amends and reconciled each other, but she talked shit about him, simultaneously telling me she loves him but doesn’t have as good of a connection that we had. Apparently he wasn’t attractive to her in any of like a sexual/physical/personality way. Apparently he’s physically inferior to me in a lot of ways she didn’t consider like height and physique and you know. She said she only really liked me that way and never had an attraction to anyone in her life but me in those ways. She didn’t even have sex with the guy, she was just explaining she only gets emotional nourishment from him that I failed at.

The night got kind of frisky with laying on each other, and I saw her text him she loved him as if none was happening.
The night started evolving into just sort groping her. This clearly was about to evolve into sex. She let me touch wherever, we laid together, ass against my lap as I fondled her and she was just letting it happen clearly enjoying it, and when I showed doubt, she was like “no we can’t let this happen. Let’s go to bed”. We kissed one last time.

Why did this go so far? Why did she let me do all of that and did we escalate? She clearly wanted it, but stopped herself the moment I hesitated. All she did that night was shit talk him and double take herself talking about how he’s good and makes her feel nice in a lovely and financial sense but in no other way. Then would go back and talk about how there’s no one like me on this earth for her so perfect.

I know I failed to emotionally satiate her because I was neglectful.

We hung out today. She kept getting too close, letting me touch her in the ways an ex shouldn’t, wedging my arm between her chest. Wtfigo? WDID?
>cheated on me
she should've stayed dead to you, now you just let her hurt you all over again
they shit from there
>copper iud
apparently some women get really bad periods from it
>>copper iud
I finna steal the copper
>All she did that night was shit talk him and double take herself talking about how he’s good and makes her feel nice in a lovely and financial sense but in no other way. Then would go back and talk about how there’s no one like me on this earth for her so perfect.

If this has even a grain of truth to it, then get ready to be cheated on again. I don't know how she was your gf for 5 years, yet you still don't know no trust people who flip flop so easily then come shit talk their ex and do over and over
plus, she's not even over him. she just says that bc she's angry at him and bc that's what she thinks you want to hear. also, if she blames him, she's a victim and bears no responsibility

she will get back with him. you're just there as filler. and as a distraction from feeling shitty in the absence of the other guy.

question is, why are you letting this happen? ffs dude fuck her then tell you can't go back wiht her! it's shitty but she deserves it. grow a spine. plus she's gonna cheat again (she didn't have sex with him my ass), so dispose of ber before she shits on you TWICE
i think every guy i know plays stupid and asks if im wearing makeup cuz there is no way they dont know
>well educated
>become sexist?
What kind of bullshit do you think they get """taught"""" these days?
>lets his girlfriend "study abroad"
>still associates with her after she cheated
What the actual fuck are you doing?
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>matched with a cute girl
>got drunk and decided to message her
>she responds
>get excited and message her something back
>she stops responding
>proceed to bombard her with a flurry of drunken sperg texts about hoping she’s not gonna ghost me
>mfw I get a response the next day of basically her telling me to fuck off
Lol fugg

Femanons, what do you think of cute drunk guys who say bizarre things in a state of drunken mania? Does it make your pp hard?
>give it to her in the butt.
I need a girl that's into this because birth control sucks
This isn't something you need female advice for. This is just basic people skills. And the matter of fact is you're enabling her, trusting her that the relationship and faith you've built are the serious priorities, but the reality is that it's not. Move on.
and she didn't even admit to cheating
I've been talking to a girl for a long time and we got pretty close. So close that she decided to tell me how she acts in bed and how she can't contain herself and she moans extremely loudly when having sex, then proceeded to tell me an embarrassing episode she had with her ex where she was yelling so loud her neighbors came to her house to ask if she was okay.

It's over for me right? I mean why would she share that with someone she's interested in? She's treating me like her gay friend and I'm not even gay.
>My ex of half a decade cheated on me
>Recently we contacted each other
>We made amends and reconciled each other
>simultaneously telling me she loves him
>and I saw her text him she loved him as if none was happening.
and when I showed doubt, she was like “no we can’t let this happen. Let’s go to bed
How does a man end up this fucking spineless and lacking in self respect? It's like the modern male is taught to worship vaginas like walking idols.
>I know I failed to emotionally satiate her because I was neglectful.
The gall of you to take responsibility for her behavior.
You are a cuckold. You need to have some self respect beaten into your pathetic fucking head.
If you let a woman dodge accountability for even the most egregious behaviors, that's all you'll get and all you'll deserve from her.
To tell you she's a freak in the sheets?
I’ve been in this situation before and I managed to turn it into sex. You can do it, anon. I believe in you!
pic says this is a fetish post. KYS ntrfag
What if I like the general idea of a women more than any individual girl I know in particular
It’s been 2 years and my girlfriend still cries about how she looks when she looks perfectly fine and cute. I’m getting sick of it.
That’s literally me except I’m a guy. Lately I’ve been feeling a lot more secure about my good looks, though. Maybe the anti-depressants are starting to work a bit.
How would I initiate a meetup with a long time female friend who drops subtle hints and I get a confident feeing from that we should meet?
>said well meet when I start working cause (thats just the way I am with friends)
>1 month anniversary at my new job happens in 2 weeks
>Was thinking next week after mentioning that my 1 month is coming up I could tell her "we should get together to celebrate" on the weekend because she knows I was struggling to find a job for a while.
Would "to celebrate" as a choice of reason be good enough to sound innocent but also subtly hint that it could be more if she wants?
why was this thread created. we are only on page 6 on the previous thread..
I mean I think that was her intention, but why go into detail about a specific past experience when you could just say it in more general terms? I can't imagine myself talking about my past experiences with anyone I'm interested in dating, only with people I see as friends. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but ahhh well.

Guess Imma keep trying to see where this goes, just thought that was a very odd thing for her to talk about
I have some matchs on tinder. How do I start a conversation and what should I talk about?
The brutal truth is that it doesn't matter. Here's how it will go:

>80% of your matches will be SHIT conversation. Of those shit matches you could, with skill, convince maybe a third of them to go on a date with you. Every single one of those dates would be awful. Even if you had sex it'd be bad sex.
>20% of your matches will flow like butter. It will take zero effort on your part. She will actually pull her own damn weight in the conversation and you'll riff off each other. Every single one of these will lead to dates and the sex will be great
There is no rhyme or reason to which match leads to which kind of conversation.

Try to come up with something relevant and somewhat witty to each match if you can, but don't sweat it if you can't. Don't force a shitty joke or pun. If you don't get a good reaction don't get down about it; it just means she's got shit chemistry with you. The good conversations will flow even with a mid opener.
Don't have sex if you're not prepared to have kids with her.
>but don't sweat it if you can't.
To clarify, if you can't think of something relevant and/or witty, then just use a bog standard "hi, how's it going?". Shit opener? Yea. But if they're not giving you anything to work with then they'll just have to accept your mid opening.
>I don't want the solution to my problem!!! it's not good enough!
what answer were you hoping for buddy?
But how do I start the conversation? And what should I talk about?

I don't mind sex that much desu
Refer to >>31920226 for some tips on what *not* to do.
Steal quotes.
Stupid fuck
why do women consider french or italian to be the only acceptable 2nd language for an anglo man to learn? anything else is ick for them.
Before hip hop culture did white people pretend to be white trash instead of drill rap thugs?

t. Might white trash maxx for the aesthetic
>Try to come up with something relevant and somewhat witty to each match if you can, but don't sweat it if you can't. Don't force a shitty joke or pun.
>To clarify, if you can't think of something relevant and/or witty, then just use a bog standard "hi, how's it going?". Shit opener? Yea. But if they're not giving you anything to work with then they'll just have to accept your mid opening.

This might sound counter intuitive, but you should mind at least a little bit about sex. You don't have to be looking for a casual hook up, but you don't want to be looking for a friend, either. That actually frustrates women because they ARE looking for more than friends. Do not be pushy or act like a cave man, but do be flirty.
>but how do I do that?
Banter. Light hearted, friendly jokes. A kind of shared roleplay where you each build off what the other person said before. Lower your inhibitions around the topics of cuteness, hotness, and sex while you do this.
>but that's scary and hard!
Yea it is. Sorry. It's one of those "you have to practice it to get good at it" things. You will crash and burn quite a few times, but you'll learn that that's alright and of no consequence really.
They don't, they're just the safest options because the other most common 2nd languages taught at schools are Spanish (gross spics or otherwise boring underachievers who chose the easiest language) and Japanese (weebs). Nothing wrong with the languages themselves, just the people who learn them.
They pretended to be punk
You’re just jealous because I’m bad at tricking cute women into thinking I’m a high value male who isn’t severely mentally ill.
>Might white trash maxx
Good, louts are better in bed
Lurkers, how bad do you think the posters are?
it was like a skate board punk culture
>Do not be pushy or act like a cave man, but do be flirty.
I know this sounds weirds but I am literally diagnozed with level 1 autism, I have luterally no idea on how to flirt
All the femanons have disappeared from these threads. Where’m I supposed to go pretend that I interact with women now? Reddit?
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Anons what is your favorite season and why is it fall?
Makes sense
Hold on now what did you say Bubba I ain't no poon now ya hear me
Actually my favorite season is winter. Historically, I get extremely depressed in the fall.
im here :-)
>All the femanons have disappeared from these threads
I haven't
>Where’m I supposed to go pretend that I interact with women now? Reddit?
Sure, go there. And then put two pencils into your nose and hit your head against your desk. Fucking redditor
girls: in the past two months my girlfriend has emotionally cheated on me and left me, and my sister went behind my back to get my mom to will the family house to her by offering renovations that arent even 10% of the home value. Question is: are there any trustworthy women? Are you all pieces of shit? Seriously, I am wondering if I can trust any of you anymore.
Back to school trauma?
Why do women stop being bitches once they get married and have kids
Why are black women the only ones nice to me
Because they got married and have kids? What a retarded question
False, this is when they start being bitches
Why do men stop being faggots once they get married and have kids
Probably. Winter being a time of nonstop holidays has always been my favorite.
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Winter. Peak cozy
You tell him meananon
You are a man
You dont deserve anything and will die alone

Stop being priviledged and entitled :)
Is this what toxic shock syndrome smells like?
If anything they become faggots - shells of their former selves that their woman found attractive in the first place. Due to complacency, they just become docile and domesticated. This is not disparage marriage and having kids. That's what you're meant to do. The issue is them forgetting how to hold themselves and what their responsibilities are.
Why do women tell me "they arent currently looking for a relationship" but get a bf 2 weeks later
Moids hands. Ugly fat fucker.
I'm told that most guys can't, but it looks incredibly obvious to me. (And bad, for most types.)

Happens all the time on this thread.
...admittedly a lot of those times are me. But people outside of here are conditioned to not talk about their dislikes of people's appearances.
I know, wanna autograph?
>toxic shock syndrome
Literally what?
I would only like this if we were already dating
They tell you that because they're too nice to tell you the actual reason they turned you down
Cuz they're dumb enough to like you
Gotta 12 pm tee time with my gf tomorrow. Let’s gooo
Girls, how would you react if you were having sex and the guy asked you to say "I'm just a piece of teenage fuckmeat"?
because what they really mean is they dont want a relationship with YOU
Women, what hurts your feelings the most?
My girlfriend keeps gifting me strange injuries on my flesh. I'm covered in bruises. I don't like this at all.
Women with big boobs, do you have a deep voice?
How do I show women im not interested without using words? (Ie. Girl checking me out in public)
>with big boobs
So, I'm excluded again, great
sit on my face
IKTF, my gf bites and claws the shit out of me when we have sex. I let her do it but it’s starting to be a problem and I don’t know how to deal.
Say it
Based agreeable femanon
Go ask a titcow
I do sorta, yeh. I guess they're weighing on my lungs or diagram or something.
Cut myself, now I’m numbing
Oh no
let me listen to your heartbeat bb
It’s okay Cat Poster
Women, would you agree to be in an ffm relationship? if not, what could convince you?
Stop watching porn
>girl said hello and goodbye to me
Cya virgins
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Is anyone else constantly screaming on the inside but doesn't show it?
Not constant, not screaming, just crying
No, I'm not a slut
>anything I don't like is porn
FFM relationships are not normal
the holy trinity of femanon replies
>i only like this if chad does it
>i don't care
>you're autistic
That counts. I want to sleep and not wake up but much to my disappointment, I keep waking up. In fact, I look forward to sleeping every night precisely because I get a little bit of silence.
I'm honestly just wondering if boobs can have something to do with it. Sorry.
When femanons say
I come
I want to know why I hate myself so much that I’m attracted to girls with mental illnesses
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Mainly in my dreams, but they stay there in the void. Unless my family ain’t tell me if I do more than giggle in my sleep.
You think they'll be easier for you for some reason.
Boy I love being anonymous no one knows me I can be anything
for the right man you would do it. youve probably already shared a man, informally.
>Literally what?
It’s what happens when you leave a bloody tampon in your berjeyena for too long.
you have low self esteem or coomer-itis and hold out hope that alterniative women will give you a chance and/or freaky sex.
Fuck no I want to save them but they hate that shit
No one wants to share a man "informally" either, that's literally cheating
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>below mid bitch that's attached herself to my friend group starts talking about her "hoe phase"
Yet porn consumption is
Yeah I have low self esteem but I’ve never struggled with pulling girls because I’m hot and talk real good with the words
youve definitely already fucked a guy who was in a relationship or was having sex with other women simultaneously as fwb or hookups.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever done while drunk?
I haven't, stop projecting your cuck fantasies onto me
Hilarious how women speak in this way expecting a guy to find it attractive because they now think they also have a chance given she's a whore. Saddest part is that it actually works.
I dont think you know what projection means, but if you havent done that congrats. you are in 1% of women or are a sexless zommette.
Threatened to rape a guy (I’m a male)
Posted my nudes on soc
fuck my wife's hotter single friends hahaha i'm so wild and adventurous living my best life uwu finding myself
What's slutty about it?
did they make the right call by rejecting you, breaking up with you...?

how does the score board look
Laid in bed, stared at my ceiling and wondered when it'll finally be over.
me 2 anon
there's only 1 person who knows i'm here
Oh multiple people know me but I changed my typing
Probably not because the bimbo he dumped me for ended up cheating on him
Thats the joke
did he ever try to get back to you
Yes, many times
Believe it or not but left bodytype is extremely attractive to me
Called my roommates friend a bitch after she said I was a bitch (I'm male)
Haha I am invisible you can’t see me
Too many things. Way too many things. Just the other day I yelled at my best friend for not letting me drive home while I was drunk.

Too many things.
How do I stop being popular.
i'm glad you got your revenge
You love it or you wouldn’t be
It sucks being better looking clothed than au naturel
Just get a fucked up haircut
How does one enjoy popularity. I've been popular my whole life and would rather watch tv.
Most women look better clothed
Bullshit, you would watch tv if you wanted to
Ordered a dildo online that was far too large for me.
I'm male
I tried it, people just gave me compliments and I was still popular. People made fun but it was just banter.

I have literal thousands of notifications a day.
Men, did you peak in high school?
Nah I keep getting better and better.
Shame I don't have 900 or 8000 women constantly around anymore to see it though.
Fuck no
I peaked in my early 30s.
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No, I've only gotten better moniterally and physically. Mentally however there has been both a glow up and a decline
I probably peaked at like 7 years old

Tfw not that long ago i was messaging and meeting with multiple girls at same time
Now i cant even get one to text me
I think I would have peaked in university had I'd gone, but yes. I think I did averageish after high school but that felt really bad in contrast to thriving previously.
no i just dont keep a photo diary of myself everyday so the incremental improvement isnt noticeable until i pause to reflect.
Where can i find recordings of men moaning
cumshot compilations?
Break into exhibanon's apartment
What do women do when not on atoga.
isn't there a /soc/ thread for that kind of thing? or is that just men talking
Suck dicks
State gender
What are your thoughts on the Great Replacement?
>stuck looking 14 at 30
i should have smoked
Girls, how much would you not like to see a WWE action figure collection at a guy's house?
If you're a girl then this is nothing but a plus.
I want to take part in it. I love white moids
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Does Brett Cooper have a nice mouth?
I peaked in middle school
I don't mind but you couldn't force me to be into it either
Socially I peaked in highschool but everything else I'm at my max rn basically
Def more happy and less neurotic but I do miss the social goofiness and having so many people to talk to everyday with no need to spend money or find sth to do
Women, if you worked somewhere with the same customer base you see often, like at a gym, how would you react if one of the regulars asked you out? Like for drinks or to a movie or something.

Would you be more flattered, even if you weren't into the guy, as long as he didn't freak out at rejection?
Would still be a little weirded out if anything, I'd think he only kept coming back just to watch me
copypasting from gioyc
i did it
i finished the thing off, gave her the last of her stuff and talked about how we cant be friends because i wont stop loving her if we do
had to hear for myself how much she just didnt care about me, no shade on her, but she has been over this well before I was, i spent weeks coping that it wasnt true
to all the anons who have been replying to my schizophrenic posts the last weeks, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
if Ezmeray is lurking thank you for the encouragement today
Do women like a guy with a mustache, soul patch, and sideburns?
go back to where you came from
I came from Missisipi
Even if he responded to the rejection with something like "oh no worries, just wanted to shoot my shot, but totally understand."
Is Mississippi where I find my black waifu
Basically same
I think I did, technically speaking. I was famous at my school for writing online rants. My popularity has been downhill since then.
As long as he doesn't try anything after that, might be awkward for a bit if he continues to be a regular but I would probably get over it pretty quick.
Giving off big "he cute" vibes tonight boys
>head immediately went down and moved his arm with drink looking like he didn't know what to do
Maybe he's just shy
Bro you need the "I'm a sex god" manic energy not the "pls don't ghost me am I boring you uwu" manic energy
I was a scrawny nerd with shit skincare in high school. I was also shy.

I'm the opposite now, but I just don't have a lot of women around me like I did back then which sucks.
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Just ask her out for a drink bro it's not that deep
We call it autumn actually
Because they're forced to grow up and be responsible
Yes, I act like a happy normie IRL while having mental breakdowns on the internet
Done signing vocaroos in the field at 4am
by opening twitter
Honestly yeah I did, I was on sports teams, had good grades, had a trad gf for a few months who asked me out, went to house parties, had good friends I would go on fun trips with, etc.
Then I had a mental breakdown (like actual, I had to see various counsellors and and repeat a year) and never recovered
I haven't been on there in years and hate to recommend plebbit, but maybe gonewildaudio?
Bro I chainsmoke and some people think I'm a highschooler in late 20s
She is a cutie batootie
Good on you for ripping off the bandaid and being honest m8
I think it's more irrational to not be sexist. I don't know how any man or woman wouldn't be.
>I'm a sex god" manic energy not the "pls don't ghost me am I boring you uwu" manic energy
Please teach me, sensei. I know for certain that I have it in me. But oh lawd, how them self deprecating, neurotic thoughts like to come a-screamin’ and a-hollerin’!
How is being sexist rational? How can you discriminate against literally half of the population based on a single characteristic?
Tweedle dumb
How often do you lie in these threads?
real shit but people fill their heads with negativity
Now? Always, I have been corrupted
I used to a lot, initially just tweaking details here and there to not doxx myself but then I had fun LARPing
These days I try to be much more honest but still might white lie here and there, e.g. say I'm a year older or younger than I am just to make it less doxxable
Ironically I have more people accusing me of lying when I'm honest than when I was bullshitting
its fun to trick people sometimes
Often. What are you gonna do about it? Cry? Piss yourself? Shit yourself and coom maybe?
Rape you
Virtually never, even IRL I basically never lie and I have even less reason to here with no risk of social ostracism.
I’m an idiot for thinking I could make a relationship work. I should’ve just listened to the anons here from some weeks ago…

Practically never. The only reason I bother with these threads is to get advice on things I’m genuinely dealing with. I used to lie a lot about random shit when I was a teenager and it got me absolutely nowhere. If I lie, it’s with the intention of making a satirical joke, not because I hope to have any of you make me feel better about myself.
kys pedophile
>bf decided to extend his stay by several months in another continent to see his family that abused him so hard growing up he became very mentally ill
>reportedly treating him well this time
>they almost definitely shipped him over because they hate me and do not want us dating, as well as his own recent actions (being mentally ill, which they caused)
Is it worth staying?
>The only reason I bother with these threads is to get advice on things I’m genuinely dealing with
Have these threads been helpful?
I understand.
What's up anon? Why is it not working out?
Sounds like he may be prioritising them over you desu. It might be best to cut your losses
Can you lie IRL if you wanted to? Or would you struggle with keeping a story straight, get anxious thinking the other person blew up your cover, etc
How do I meet women who are low in neuroticism?
I can't be around someone who can't just relax.
what are the most edgy opinions your gf has?
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Why does every girl I know own a pink cowgirl hat?
Do you think they're just putting on a nice front to manipulate him?
she hates hijabs and indian men/women, she also rants about white women being too mean to white men but giving black misogynistic rappers a free pass
hmmm,milk your tits?
yeah, that
Unironically the Barbie movie
I would say basic but I also have a pink hat for white boy summer
Women, anytime I meet a woman I'm interested in, I try to clear her past four basic hurdles before shooting my shot:
>Does she have a boyfriend?
>Is she gay?
>Is she black guys only?
>Is she trans?
How do I find the answer to these without outright asking her?
So many things anon. But above it all, I want to spend time with her and she doesn’t with me
If any of those things were true then she wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) go out with you
Yeah, most definitely. There have been a few instances in which engaging in a discussion in these threads lead to a legitimate breakthrough for me. It’s not always useful, but the few times it is makes it worthwhile IMO, especially if you have nowhere else to turn to.

Some anons here may be cunts, but I think most of us strive to be helpful to our fellow Mongolian basket weavers.
Has she told you why she doesn't want to spend time with you? How much time do you spend together currently?
You shouldn't be afraid of making a pass at girls who have boyfriends
women what do you think of a guy who genuinely loves romcoms/romance movies?
my ex wouldnt watch the time travelers wife with me and i wonder if it icked her
Is it a red flag if she wants to fuck men (albeit only actors or characters) over twice her age?
Now I'm curious what topics has atoga helped you make a breakthrough with regards to
no its kind of a green flag it means shes probably not on hormonal BC and has normal taste in masculine men
just ask her what she did on the weekend and they will usually say i did x with my boyfriend if they have one
Only reason I come back. Paying it forward for them and her.
>wonder if it icked her
The only thing that icked her was my [d]ick. Get it? Ick; dick? Lol

No need to thank me, you can have that one for free. I’ve got a thousand others.
Is it really normal for a 30 year old woman to be attracted to a 60 year old man...?
Just stop being afraid is asking for things you want.
is that 60 year old man attractive?
picrel is brad pitt at like 55
do you think that is a red flag?
Bred Pitt hit the wall though. So did DiCaprio.
no need to be in each other's hair. you can do your stuff, i can do mine, and we can do the stuff we both like together
Yeah. It hurts because he said he’d even cut them out for me when we first started dating. He was in so much pain when we met.
I can excuse this if it truly helps him. Maybe. There are other reasons I’ve considered ending it so the “break” may help us, or not.
I think the chance is high.
Brad* muh typos
The first time (and most memorable) was femanons lecturing me about how stupid I was for adopting the philosophy of “you can cut down any tree as long as you just keep chopping” when it came to women. After much deliberation, it became painfully obvious that I was an idiot for believing that shit would actually work and I’d had enough failures to validate the rationale of the femanons (or who I assume were femanons). Can’t remember any other discussion in particular, but that one was pretty eye-opening. It’s educational to see some of the highly rational takes anons have when their brains are functioning properly.
I've never tried to tell that complicated of a lie so I don't know, but I don't usually get anxious or have much trouble lying if I want to (which I usually don't).
Lying just seems like a lot of work for no benefit.
Nonas I am thinking about going to school and getting my nursing license... (in the US for reference)
Would you be okay with a potential partner being in a traditionally female career? (Still like 9 to 1 ratio)
Would it make you uncomfortable that he spends so much time working with women even if he assures you he is faithful?
I want (You)
>social media or just hang out long enough as friends and ask about her daily life
>social media, lesbians are often vocal about it
>racial preferences are difficult to find out unless the topic of dating history comes up (speaking as a woman who excludes white people, clearly my dating history is all brown)
>difficult to impossible if she started estrogen early and is stealth,just wait for her to tell you
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Both of the hospitals I work at have some hot fucking nurses. Hot as fuck. I just wanna squeeze their asses through those form-fitting scrubs and then tear them off and take them right there in front of their patients. God bless healthcare. For all the shiftiness of it, there is no shortage of beautiful people with great people skills at every corner.

>mfw studying comp sci now, which is full of troglodytes
why exclude white people?
>I think the chance is high.
Try your best to snap him out of it, if he won't listen, yeah you should leave.
are you a poojeet
I approve of this as long as they were assless chaps with it
i give femanon bad advice because she gives me bad advice.
Why is it always white people who have horror stories of insufferable/psychotic extended family and especially in-laws?
Depends. Mental state, sure. Physically, monetarily, occupationally? Absolutely not
the brown ones dont know their family long enough to learn their mental illnesses
Nurses are babes but doctors are hotter
I don’t find white people attractive.
The other kind of Indian.
I do have a thing for South and West Asian guys though.
With the preference I just expressed I can confirm this is not a blanket fact.
My exes are all Asian or Mexican and only my current partner felt confident enough to tell his family without feeling in danger. And they still suck.
I agree. And it seems common sense, yet I guess movie logic (that tells you if you keep pursuing you'll eventually get the girl) can make us forget

In fact, a few months ago,I came across sth like this in a book about philosophy, and it talked about, in very simple terms, more or less the danger of internalizing movie narratives and unconsciously superimpose it on reality
Like when someone is going through a series of shitty events, but they think they'll turn a corner soon, because that's what movies teach us. the night is darkest before dawn type of shit
You really don't.
Women, do you think you should be allowed to vote?
You don’t get to decide that
F, what do I do if I hate going to weddings because I hate formal/semi-formal attire and being on camera. Besides not go or just wear whatever I want and stick out like a sore thumb
People tend to be inspired more by fiction than by reality.

Ironically, I’m pretty sure I got that quote from a work of fiction kek.
I have a dick.
I think they should be allowed to vote because if my mom didn’t drag me to polls during every election, I’d never vote.
M. Just make fun of the situation in your head. Someone's giving a speech, joke about it to yourself. Fixate on the hidden and unintentional hilarity of the night. I'm doing that when I go to this stupid wedding next weekend for a mismatched couple.
I mean it sounds like your best bed is to wear something you can blend in with well enough, and just try your best to relax and have fun there
It's not that deep and the main focus should be on the married couple
You just made subtle argument against democracy more broadly. Based.
>be me
>have gf
>she says i don't initiate contact with her enough when i call her often
>she's talking about being scared of being vulnerable because of her last relationship
>wants to meet in person because she doesn't want to talk over the phone about it
>tell her i'm looking for work atm but not to many places are hiring but she wants me to prove it because i've told her that before
>seems super serious
what should i be expecting when i see her next
t-thanks, I guess that is a no to both?
You a top or bottom?
Pin her against the wall and see what happens lol
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>be me
>have gf
>she says i don't initiate contact with her enough when i call her often
>she's talking about being scared of being vulnerable because of her last relationship
>wants to meet in person because she doesn't want to talk over the phone about it
>tell her i'm looking for work atm but not to many places are hiring but she wants me to prove it because i've told her that before
>show proof
>seems super serious
what should i be expecting when i see her next time? she was super happy around me but the mood has all of a sudden changed. i dunno why
Wow, I’m pathetic.
You don’t study comp sci because hot people are in it, you study it because it’s based. You study medicine because it’s based (albeit a blackpill like no other) and because it’s full of hot, healthy people.
That makes two of us. Hope to get off this ride soon enough
What makes you pathetic?
She sounds a bit clingy desu, how often do you call?
Do you have email confirmations at least or screenshots of job applications?
Women, do you like wearing skimpy or lewd outfits?
whoops accidentally double posted.
Wish that was an option for me.
I love her. She left.
>Wish that was an option for me.
I'm too scared of what's on the other side. It's a recurrent thought though
I have too many people that care about me. Also a promise.
Unless you count leggings as skimpy then no. Even then I only wear them because they're the comfiest pants I own.
you're not fooling me , scarlet wench. leggings are skimpy as hell. are you even a pure virgin?
Girls, how I could I repair your perception of me after I sperged out and talked way too much in a conversation?
Comfort is the opposite motivation for what I'm hoping for
Not a girl, but I think the answer is to come back 5 years later and try again but with longer hair and better manners this time.
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1)How do I force myself to hate running? It's the only hobby I have but it's lame and it doesn't benefit me like at all except temporary dopamine highs. It's kind of a waste of time now, I don't even enjoy doing it with anyone because o don't have any friends.

2) how do I make doing college course work fun? How do I LOVE doing it like successful people do?
we speak either daily or every second day. we take turns calling each other. it's probably maybe 60-40 since i don't want to hound her every day but we speak frequently through the week. sometimes she'll call me before i get a chance to call her though
>do you have screenshots etc of job applications
yeah i showed them to her but i had to explain that there isn't many in my area that are coming up so i'm trying everything i can and showed her the proof. i've been saying this for a while but maybe she just thought it was a lie or excuse until i proved it to her
Girls, how often should I spank you?
Femanons, ovulation status?
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Noisy fucker
Men, how does the way a woman dresses affect how you perceive her? Is there a way a girl can dress that you like/turns you on but you wouldn’t want to date someone who dresses like that? Is there a general way most men would agree that a “wife material” woman would dress?
Of course if she's dressed slutty that will be attractive to my eye, but I don't want to be with a slut. I personally don't care much besides that. I've known girls who like to wear cute clothes and try to look nice, and I've also known girls who just wear jeans and t-shirts everyday, and if they're good people who share my values and are nice, I'll like them.
Cute guy
>be me
>in a relationship with girl
>find out her mom told her to be in a relationship with me but to keep her options open
wtf? i'm in the right to be annoyed by this aren't i? i mean you're either in a relationship or you aren't. the girl put cold water on the idea straight away but how would she like it if my mom said to date her but to keep my options open for other women
forgot your "NTA" bro
Personality > Ability to make my dick hard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What kind of clothes she wears
I don't know how to answer because I genuinely like women with an exhibitionistic streak.
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>Men, how does the way a woman dresses affect how you perceive her?
>Is there a general way most men would agree that a “wife material” woman would dress?
Yeah, modestly. Long dresses, skirts past the knee etc. but still elegant and feminine. Picrel from /pol/ of all places gives a general overview of how dressing affects perception but don't get it twisted, I'm not saying she should dress like she's from centuries years ago.
What does top 1% Chad like is the real question
The girl I want to marry is great at dressing herself. Every outfit I’ve seen her wear makes me more attracted to her. How someone who appeals to me so directly can exist and I can’t get close to her is by far the cruelest joke God has ever played on me.
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Can women tell if a guy has a "crush" (hate that word but it carries the message) on them but tries to keep it hidden and doesn't act on it? I sincerely hope I didn't make my classmate uncomfortable.
>there a way a girl can dress that you like/turns you on but you wouldn’t want to date someone who dresses like that
No, I'm a simple man, I like sexy girls
vomit inducing
>I'm not saying she should dress like she's from centuries years ago
Stylistically that is. Then again, I would be intrigued if I woman did dress like that - more so why she's chosen that style
He likes things that are safe and effective. What he dislikes are things that are broken and dysfunctional.
Read everything that I wrote. The text in the pic is to give a general overview of how the way a woman dresses affects the way she's perceived
How does that translate to his taste in women though
It absolutely enhances womens appearances when they dress well and I'm a fan of women wearing jewelry.
An example of someone doing it dead wrong is Billie Eilish. She dresses like a 30 year old black hip hop head.
Don't care about your /pol/ post kek
Women, is it true that you only fuck and date the top 20% of men and everyone else is basically invisible to you in a sexual and romantic sense?

Are you only attracted to 2 out of 10 men you see?
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Sounds like you're doing the right things on your end, hopefully your next talk will shed more light
Sounds like you need more discipline and structure
Limit your running, e.g. go for an intense 30 minute run at the start of your day or after working
Treat your college work like a 9-5 job. It doesn't have to be fun but relax and treat yourself afterwards. If you're miserable though maybe it's not the right major for you
women who dress like sluts disintrest me. sure they might arouse my dick for a few seconds but i mostly feel grossed out by them
I didn't write that post. Everything that I wrote about how we can abstract from what was being said in that pic
Obviously there are always exceptions but top 1% chad typically likes top 1% stacy. Beautiful, healthy, successful, fun
i'll admit maybe i should speak to her more often but she calls me often enough after work that i can't beat her to the punch. she seemed super serious so i hope the next talk isn't a break up conversation or anything. i get the feeling her mother only tolerates me so i'm worried she's gotten into her ear
Be a Stacy. Be confident and sweet, but with a touch of sadness that only he gets to see. Know how to do things that are matronly, but also know how to turn him on.

Actually, screw all of that. Just learn how to turn him on.
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I don't appreciate women who dress too masculine, sloppy or low effort.
A woman showing lots of skin, but who puts in effort >>>>>> a woman who "covers up" by wearing baggy cheap clothes.
I will never consider a woman who dresses like pic rel.
Wish I had a Becky in my life
>autist still doesn't get it
>will never consider a woman who dresses like pic rel.
What the hell lol
You people are so judgemental
She looks approachable and pretty
Of course you do.
We all know what "approachable" actually means
>You people are so judgemental
Girls with short hair are CUTE!!
I am not a woman.
Here's the thing: she wants stuff from two guys that she isn't getting all of from either of them so she's trying to have both at the same time. However, she isn't respecting either of you. She's telling you both she cares about you, and maybe she does. But she's not going to be loyal to either of you. At this point, she knows that she can go between you two without repercussion so she's going to keep doing it. She has no reason to stop.

>Why did this go so far? Why did she let me do all of that and did we escalate?
Because she wanted it and probably more.

>She clearly wanted it, but stopped herself the moment I hesitated.
Exactly. She matched your enthusiasm. She didn't want to be the slut pressuring you. So she anticipated your resistance and acted to be the one who said to stop. The "good one".

>All she did that night was shit talk him and double take herself talking about how he’s good and makes her feel nice in a lovely and financial sense but in no other way. Then would go back and talk about how there’s no one like me on this earth for her so perfect.
Because she doesn't respect either of you. She's either self centered or manipulative by doing that.

>I know I failed to emotionally satiate her because I was neglectful.
Likely true. That doesn't make her behavior acceptable.
*Obliterates women from reality.*
What the fuck do you do now?
Not really, no. If it appeals to me, it appeals to me. And guys are not a monolith, but generally conservative is better for wife material for many guys.
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Can normies tell the difference between a burn scar and a cut scar?

Also how based is Savannah GA
The funniest thing about men with no standards is that they don't realize that women respect them less than men with standards.
It's a good place for normalfags
Call me a faggot, but alt-fashion is a massive attractiveness multiplier for me
Not constantly. Just effectively almost constantly. Like how there's not really fat people in Walmart *constantly*.
Mentally ill crazies are not wife material
Thoughts on Midwestern accent on a guy?
women, is it normal for some of you to have a hairy asscrack? i've been dating this girl for a while and although she maintains her vag a bit, her asscrack looks like an octopuss coming out of two rocks for air. is there any way for me to ask her to wax or at least maintain her asscrack and arm hair without being rude? hair grows quickly on her so i don't know if it's laziness or if it's too much upkeep for her
Stop dating brown women
I accept that
real wife material are women who don't put too much effort into looking good. Even better if she gets a bit fat!!!
Lamest accent
Women, if you were trapped in another woman's body would you feel guilty about seeing her naked to change clothes/take a shower/whatever?
Ghoulish gal
What can I say I like spooky ghost women
Contrary to porn all women have pubic hair extending to their asshole, some just wax it off regularly
tfw no ghost gf to haunt my weathered soul for eternity for funsies
I like girls that you can confuse for a boy
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Based taste. Androgynous women are beautiful
Women what if you possessed my body the moment I orgasm from masturbating and we can only switch back until you can figure out how to make me orgasm again
maybe slightly?

it varies genetically. i dont have much body hair at all because of my ethnicity, others have lots.
fuck off qturd
So tired of this faggot that just says his one or two word (always negative) opinion of my posts. What a tremendous faggot. I bet he hasn't contributed a singel question to this thread, just says a swear word and indicates his gay ass no good opinion for my post. good one. fuck you dullard. You're a moron.
How many friends do you guys have?

2? but haven't hung out with anyone since before april
There's a scene in The Vampire Lestat where, as a human, he is drinking with a friend and sort of...realizes the abstract darkness of existence. And he screamed. And he kept screaming without stop for somethingike 18 hours before passing out from exhaustion and sleep for over a day. Something like that.
I without hesitation or question instantly knew exactly what Ann Rice was writing about.
shit post
Low brow post
Jk bro I love you (platonically)
I have to say 3.
There's more that have drifted away that'd be very difficult to get back but we'd enjoy seeing each other.
yeah i know that but fuck it's really really hairy like extending out to the asscheek hairy. i know this is going to sound weird but she has a hairier butt than i do
True friends who I'd trust with my life? 6
0 friends since middle school
Misspelled "single"
guys, im so bored, what should i do today
Waxing your crotch hurts like a bitch though. If you aren't willing to wax your ass I doubt you could convince her to do the same.
Read a book
F, 3 including my gf, but i havent seen one of them since over a year i think
what should pussy actually smell like? my gf wants me to go down on her but it has a peculiar smell. kinda like pee but not exactly, she told me she's worried it smells yeasty but i dunno, it just smells weird
I wonder if there's any who would like being androgynous that aren't lesbians
Just learned that women are responsible for mens dick genes and this has given me an existential crisis.
Women... what is the right time to ask what your father or grand fathers penis size was?
women, do you consider watching porn, cheating in a relationship
What does this mean women have an intangible, spiritual penis size of their own? Does this mean women can metaphysically dick mog us?
i really dont like it that much but i dont think id call it cheating. but please dont watch porn, just ask for a handjob
>how does the way a woman dresses affect how you perceive her?
Tremendous amount of ways to answer that. The general answer is that that there's a sliding scale of how put together she is.
I saw a gorgeous asian girl at university once who literally looked like she was on a model shoot. Perfectly put together.
I do not want.
I ain't got time for that level of maintenance. I eat fried chicken off the bone.
On the flip side is women who wear pajamas and flip flops in public. Everyone gets a free pass once in a while but there's a self respect element there.
Huge middle range of hot.

>Is there a way a girl can dress that you like/turns you on but you wouldn’t want to date someone who dresses like that?
Closest is the hard edged hot CEO look. But I'd give her a chance.

>Is there a general way most men would agree that a “wife material” woman would dress? Loose flowing dress that flatters her figure.
Cock size genes are on the x chromosome which women give.
This means they determine their sons penis size.
This means I need to know your family penis history.
When is it a goos time to ask? Obviously after the first date but probably before marriage?
It means women control our sons cock sizes.
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>tfw my sister has a bigger dick than I do
This is why women go for big dicks. We're doing you all a favor, dicklets
>We all know what "approachable" actually means
What does it mean?
>You know whats interesting to think about? You got a cock... but you got half of your cock genes from you dad and half of your cock genes from your mom. Its not like your penis is entirely coded by the Y chromosome. All Im saying is that do you think your penis looks half like your dads penis and half like your moms clitoris if it was the size of a penis?
I have found the answer to my question
Ok fair but seriously though when can I ask for your family penis history, I don't want to invest in daughters just to be proud of grandsons while my real sons are sub 8 inches.
That's a good thing though. If dick genes came from the male then men would literally have giant 4 foot long boa constrictor dicks. I trust women with the penis genetics
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Thoughts on going out with lawyer? M
If you're vain enough to like the money, then sure. But you'll be bored to death having to hear about legal proceedings and she often won't have much free time, especially if she's younger.
I'm a guy who's a lawyer. I'd rather shoot myself than go out with a female lawyer. They're somehow more insufferable than the guys.
Just marry a girl and cum in her until she is pregnant, you stupid faggot
Men, what is the appeal of sports
retarded hypernatalist
I don't watch or play sports.
I started to type out a genuine, thoughtful response but then I deleted it. The fact of the matter is that if you have to ask about the appeal you simply won't understand it.
Please type it out anyway
Watching or playing sports?
Kill yourself then. Useless waste of space. Self-obsessed, hedonistic narcissist.
Pretty trite, but a sublimation of the urge to go to war and the intensity and camaraderie that comes with it. Also, it's a distraction from one's otherwise shitty life.
They're not my thing. Playing them at least releases endorphins, but watching them is even more boring and pointless than most tv and that's saying something.
Watching. Especially if you keep up with 5+ different types of team sports
>if I am x, you must be the direct opposite of x
>here's some hackneyed buzzwords to demonstrate that I'm double digit IQ btw
Do you really think thirdies living in poverty pumping out 8 children who have to pilfer through literal garbage do so out of altruism?
Okay, I'll try to concisely sum it up.
1: Unpredictability -- the suspense of not knowing what's going to happen next -- the excitement of unexpected outcomes, be they good or bad
2: The saga -- loyally watching a player or a team through their ups and downs -- the subsequent highs and lows
3: The analytics -- if you're into data crunching, analyzing statistics and drawing conclusions from the numbers can be extremely rewarding (especially when you're correct)
4: The camaraderie -- celebrating with other fans of the same team/player -- going to games in-person and enjoying the live atmosphere
5: It's a good way to kill time
6: It's a good icebreaker. Whenever I'm forced to chat with a guy I don't know very well, more often than not we're able to find some common grounds vis-a-vis sports and have a conversation about it
I f9rget I can look at all my dumb low effort posts on kuroba
>how do i do natural thing x without experiencing the natural consequence of x?
>all the unnatural methods we have of avoiding the natural consequent of doing x are highly deleterious
Uhh, just accept natural consequence?
>nooo! you are hypernatalist! >:(
Fucming retard. What I said was the equivalent of someone saying "how do i eat without ever then having to poop" and I say "just accept that you will poop" and you accuse me of being an Indian advocating for streetshitting.

I called you an antinatalist because your retarded leap of logic of calling me a hypernatalist reveals your subconscious psyche and political agenda. You are a dumb subhuman nigger. I am in favor of actual solutions to the fake problem you presented, but we are a long way off from achieving that in this world.
>sex without the purpose of procreation is literally impossible, ok!!
>just stop caring bro just pump out 500 babies bro
You are beyond retarded. You're line of reasoning is
>I have cancer but I don't trust allopathic medicine
>then die bro its the natural consequence of cancer
I’ve heard a lot of different things about this, but the bottom line is admiration of people who excel at a sport that you respect or enjoy playing yourself.

What are your hobbies, anon? Surely you have someone that you admire who is a master of a skill that you covet personally.
Only low iq people watch sports
Not really. I know fair few high IQ people who watch it. The difference is that their lives don't revolve around it
>totally skips step 1 of my advice
I said cum in 1 woman. 1 woman can not have 500 children. You are so fucking stupid that I now realize I'm stupid for arguing with what is obviously a bot devoid of even the slightest trace of human intellect

I work with this high-functioning autistic black guy (who is a pharmacist) who has memorized every single fucking factoid imaginable about sports. Seeing him debate sports with other less retarded black folk is a treat, especially since I don’t know shit about them. He’s undeniably high IQ but too clueless about at least 90% of social cues to tone it down. I’ve never seen someone show their power level so much without any shred of shame. It’s so endearing that I’ve become smitten with him.
What makes severely autistic control freaks like this decide they should give other people advice?
You don't deserve to eat her out.
This is something midwit losers who still resent the jocks they went to high school with tell themselves to make themselves feel better
Yes, it's like wading through a sea of "I do not want to look at you, nor touch you."
God forbid men have hobbies
Can any of you come to my home and end my life? How much would that cost?
Am I really considered a male pickme if I don't enjoy sports?
Bake me a quiche as payment
Lol what??

Where the fuck do you guys even come up with shit like this?
Only if you blather on about how only dumb people watch sports and how superior you are for not enjoying them
I've been called a pickme after simply saying "I don't enjoy sports" simple as that
You're a pickme if you think that belief puts you in a better standing than men who do like sports
other anon already said that
the fuck if i know, think it has something to do with primal urges of screaming at shit together
Policing other people's posts is pickme behavior
Yeah, and I’ve been called a “simp” for stating that I’ve dogged after women before. These phrases don’t mean shit, anon. If you don’t have the social confidence to shoot them down, then you need to find a way to gain it. Spineless men who fold in the face of an insult are doomed. Don’t allow yourself to become doomed over something as retarded as calling someone a “pickme” kek.

You fucking zoomers are hopeless. Show some fucking backbone, for Christ’s sake.
close friends, probably around 10, otherwise maybe 30 people i would enjoy hanging out with
Comradery, competition, rivalry, regional pride, athleticism

The only sport I watch now is UFC. Watching someone get knocked out is entertaining. I used to watch NFL but im pretty casual with it and dont really watch it anymore. Brady leaving was like my childhood. I might watch if the Giants ever become good.
I'm so fucked up.
I'm not offended at all by the term, I think it's quite funny.
I'm more baffled by the idea that women seem to dislike men's obsession with sports enough that it would be seen as catering to their interests, somehow.
Just wait til Tommy Cutlets gets his redemption, he's leading the G-men to the SUPER BOWL
Plenty of women where I’m from understand sports. They probably understand sports more than I do (or at least they claim to, based on data I’ve gathered from dating apps). I’m having a hard time understanding what your point here is, anon.
kek that would be kino ngl
I didn't claim "no women like sports" we're talking generally here
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>used to shitpost about women's feet
>met a woman who flaunts her feet
>it becomes an actual fetish
>shitpost about slam piggies
>met a woman who is hefty but cute
>afraid that I might be becoming an architect
How do I avoid this fate?
Define close friends.
I used to have like a good 10, but since most of them got married, i dont talk to them anymore.
how do people settle so easily?
i dont bother asking out girls because i know i can still self improve a lot and when i do, i can get better girls. i dont see the point in settling for less
I dunno if this is true for a lot of people but I find myself falling for mid girls despite being more attractive than them
I like being nice to women in general. They're like weird martian aliens that have weird opinions on everything.
>but I find myself falling for mid girls despite being more attractive than them
Right? My day is generally made better on the off chance I interact with one
mid girls are almost always a good on all fronts. hot chicks are obnoxiously self aware unless they're rich.
Mid girls typically have much better personalities than Stacies
proximity I guess
Basically I spend enough time around a woman to the point where I think "yeah, I'd could see myself being married to you"
obviously this only happens with girls that are at least mid; they are allowed to be fat too
what do you mean by better girl? better looks? better job?
is one 15oz can of chilli enough for 8 standard size hotdogs?
lol only loser men care about a woman's job.
yeah better looks, personality, character.

girls with good jobs marry garbage men because no one wants to marry a 37 year old lawyer woman except broke men with no other options but poor old hags.
>only ever had one real gf
>only been on a few dates
>live at home
>broke as fuck
>still in school
Should I even bother trying to date right now?
Womyn, are you capable of love? Asking in earnest, not an incel, not seething, not even single
straight up wrong
what else that's cheap that I can add this breakfast
no point in having a gf at your age if youre not financially stable. you cant raise a family on "potential".
Anon, I am talking “generally” as well. Why on earth would I bring up specific cases? My own mom acts excited about soccer because she knows it makes her brother happy.

Women will genuinely like, or pretend to genuinely like, or genuinely love, or pretend to genuinely love sports, to appease their loved ones. They want to make those they love happy that they can appreciate their interests.
"dating" for you is welcoming yourself as a burden to others
Yes, men are typically not.
not actually true, I know a Stacy who is way more interesting and good humored than most mid girls I know just by virtue of not making her entire personality revolve around Harry Potter or some other millennial brainrot
Cheese, coffee, hot sauce
have all those, except the sauce but I might try that.
Thanks for the response. What makes you think men are not capable of love?
>Heh, that's factually incorrect. You see, I know of ONE instance....
women whats stopping you from selling fetish pics that dont include face. like if i were a girl id be leaning into the feet stuff
This is cope
I guess, idk
okay but if there are a million anons like me, then that's a million instances
kys you fat fuck.
this makes me feel a bit depressed but also glad that i dont date men
im not attractive enough and it would feel like im betraying my gf
There's no need to be a dick, man

I see people in my position date all the time
and if my aunt had a penis she'd be my uncle
Do women really value having jobs and careers or is it just income is part of being an adult kind of deal?
Every book, movie, song from man's perspective shows he is incapable of monogamy.
Almost every dad checks out girls his daughter's age after she's in high school or college. You don't see the same behavior with moms. Lot of dads/married men go to strip clubs and hooters with their work friends.
>durr I'm so clever for trolling
>I see people in my position date all the time
nta but its pointless. it wont end well if you arent financially stable. most marriages fall apart because of financial reasons.
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>Uh oh! Someone has some daddy issues!
I see. Well, that is one way of interpreting things. Thank you for your input
do you not interact with a lot of women? I don't mean this as a dig or a humblebrag.
>You don't see the same behavior with moms
what is Magic Mike?
lmao you're talking like real life is some 70s comedy
I'm literally so mad you replied to me. Delete your post. If you knew how literally unhelpful your post was. The worst post.
wait, I'm the worst poster in this general?
i value more that youre at least doing something with your life. im working towards my career as well (slowly) but as long as we generally have the same lifestyle in mind i think its ok
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Literally every male i know sees income as a means to an end. careerfags are literal spergs.
Will women care once I'm established at least?
Can confirm. Am male professional who hates his career. Work in a well-paying job to eventually by a place and support a family. Anyone who cares to climb the ladder is a genuine loser
This is pretty much the only real reason I want a high-paying job, kek

That and respect from people I guess
No I have a great dad, but he is an exception. I've been to friend's houses and seen their fathers check me and other friends out when we were teens.
get there first. once you're there, youre competing. if youre not there you cant compete.
Remember when Twilight movies came out and all the moms and older women were constantly telling everyone about how they wanted to fuck the 16 year old actor playing Jacob?

Also, I was at my friend's parent's NYE party when I was 15 and 2 women over 35 loudly talked about how they wanted to fuck me. Yes, they were drunk, but both of their husbands were present. One even told her husband she wanted to "ride [me] like a horse."
Also male and feel this way. BUT i think its because i just hate corporate politics.
If climbing the ladder was based on merit and value you bring to the company and not nepotism and office politics, id be more inclined to climb
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i got his pic for you bro
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i know that feel
>BUT i think its because i just hate corporate politics.
Yeah the prospect of needing to brown-nose, even in subtle aways, is disgusting. Have some dignity, seriously
>all the moms and older women were constantly telling everyone about how they wanted to fuck the 16 year old actor playing Jacob?
No. That never was common.
Twilight fanbase was mostly underage girls.
Women are generally attracted to guys older than them. Your exceptions don't make the rule. Most men hope to cheat on their wives of 40 years with a younger girl if they can get away with it. The reverse is far less common.
Women give me one piece of advice to make me better or worse
>no that's a generalization, here's a generalization
literally take some psilocybin
i have a armpit fetish for sure. im gonna get my pits hair removed soon so that way therye always silky smooth
Go jim
what, why are you the one getting your hair removed. i am under the impression you are man
Yeah, because hags can't get good sidedick. In older couples men are more likely to cheat. In young married couples women are more likely to cheat. AKA women will be less fidelitous when they have opportunity, but become more faithful from lack of options because nobody wants to bang the average 50 year old woman. Also, the women openly talking about their lust for Taylor Lautner was super common. I was in high school at the time and my teachers even talked about it to us in class. Newscasters talked about it on air. Women posted it on their myspace/facebook. Women wore "Team Jacob" shirts with a shirtless Lautner on it. I'm talking about women aged 35 and up.
I think gyms ought to be replaced by hand-crank generators
gymcels are picking up and putting down weights when there are entire delivery trucks full of material that needs picking up and putting down
Make it make sense
Yap yap yap
im not the original person you replied to, im a woman. i still have an armpit fetish though. why are armpits so freaking hot??
Sorry the truth is inconvenient to your narrative. May you recover from your delusions
you must be fucking with me.
on the off chance you are not, i have found my other half
why are more women opting for plastic surgery when we all see rich celebrities do it and it looks worse everytime. the celebs that dont do it, age more gracefully.

The only celebrities that had successful plastic surgery are the kardashians and theyre billionaires that go under the knife weekly to adjust things
Pressure to look young forever. Pretty much all celebrities got something done.
most celebs have plastic surgery. its just the ones that get multiple revisions that end up looking bogged.
I see value in what I do for a living, but it's mostly the fact that I appreciate having an income.
I am not a whore.

Why do women try to attack my nipples. Is it me or is it them. Whos fault is it
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>Every single night
>Like clock work
>I get a huge wave of depression
>The "I'm worthless I should kill myself" kind of depression
>I don't feel this way at all throughout the day, starts to kick in towards the evening
>Get horny and masterbate
>Depression gone
>Lather rince and repeat

State gender. Does anyone else experience this? I feel like a defective horn dog monkey with mental illness because it seems as if exercise and nutting are the only things keeping me from going nuts. Why am I like this?
What a shit OP
Also fuck women, I hate them so much
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i was looking and madonna and cyndi lauper
its crazy that cyndi is 5 years older.
madonna was so pretty. if only she just accepted aging instead of doing this.
based webm
I love men too much. They never like me back in kind.
I should just be alone so I can stop hurting myself on purpose.
Atoga is dark tonight
A little bit weaker than you used to be
Atoga is dark tonight
See the young man sitting in the old man's bar
Waiting for his turn to die
A two table spoon portion would yeild 15 hotdogs topped.
so women just go through life thinking men want to rape them 24/7? seems narcissistic.
i dont feel worthless in a "im such a loser fuck up" kind of way.
I feel worthless in a more nihilistic way. I am happy to be alive but okay to die tomorrow if it's my time. when I die, the birds will continue chirping, the world keeps spinning, kids are being born. Maybe my family and some friends will feel sad, but it will pass and eventually all memory of me in this universe will cease.
if there were no laws, most men would be raping. most animals in the wild rape the females
that "kill yourself" feeling is caused by dopaimine withdrawal. Notice how it vanishes the exact nanosecond you cum and not a moment later.
i need jiggly jelly ass on my face
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Male animals do not rape in the wild it looks like that because of cultural connotations. Male and female animals go through lengthy courting processes that result in sex. Usually involving male on male violence for the female's affection. Sound familiar.

Also Birds sing and dance like retards with women and build nesthouses, your neuroticism is centered on misandrist propaganda or personal/anecdotal issues.
nta, just find someone into cnc
I would really rather not pump and dump anymore.
Lawyers are never loyal.
No, but resorting to porn first before a girlfriend is emotional cheating.
I want jimmy boyfriend.
Shutup, retarded tripfag nigger
Guilty. (And late, apparently.)
Thanks for your reply. Do you think loving someone inherently involves self-sacrofoce? Or do you think having to make sacrifices for love makes it not worth it?
I agree, people should be as strong for their labor, not just for show.
It's dumb af.
Try to sleep and dream about manifesting a boyfriend that won't harm them. But then waking up because the boyfriends they trusted all intentionally harmed them anyway.
i need an atoga girl to give me some sloppy head asap ngl!
Okay. Send location. I'm trans, if that matters
As a married man, that is terrible advice. Asking for what I want literally almost cost me my marriage, which would have cost me basically my entire life.
The absolute state of modern marriages
>Male animals do not rape in the wild
Many species do. Mallard ducks are a famous example; the males gang rape females.
maybe not ignoring the millions of sub-8 men telling you chad is a psychopath would help
Just realistic. Here in the UK one woman in twelve was a victim of male violence in the past year alone. It's an everyday reality.

>inb4 /poltards hallucinate that it's all the fault of immigrants

Just don't. You're more likely to be raped by a white police officer these days.
>why are more women opting for plastic surgery when we all see rich celebrities do it and it looks worse everytime. the celebs that dont do it, age more gracefully.
The celebs who age gracefully are the ones who get *good* plastic surgery.
woe is me, I intentionally competed for guys that women compete for and lost.
>You're more likely to be raped by a white police officer these days
Someone post the various images of niggers, spics, pajeets, and chingchongs being listed as "white" in FBI and other crime databases
survivor ship bias
>95% of women are fine
Tsundere-kun :3
The sub 8 men are worse psychopaths because they too suckle chad's teat for chances to look at better women.
Men are just brain rot material.
Wrong on both counts
Also fuck off
I mostly come here when I am horny and want male attention
No. I have one myself, it’s pink
I mean, whites get arrested for writing mean comments online while the muslim grooming gangs of Rotherham got away with abusing 1400 children. It's brazy you're still defending them while from the UK lmao
for me its when im depressed
Have you adjusted your sleep schedule to maximize daylight?
You could also supplement vitamin D, and get lightbulbs that emit some ultraviolet
It's not just immigrants but also gypsies and turboretard jocks that have been living there for two generations. But if you exclude each instance where the man was her bf or husband then it's a safe country, shit only goes sideways when your dating options are involved and in a few isolated incidents of being publicly assaulted by strangers.
>if there were no laws, most men would be raping
But men wrote those laws and enforce them?
That’s the reality we live in. It is extra scary when we’re pre-teens and being hit on by pedos
Yes I would like to be fucked by a guy in an SS uniform thank you for asking
You're still a tsundere ;)
Sub-8s literally do not hang out with chad, holy shit.
Chad hangs out with 9/10 Brad and 10/10 Chad only.

8/10 - 6/10 men hang out with eachother
5/10 - 4/10 men hang out with eachother
below 4/10 hang out with eachother

Everything below 5/10 have a containment forum away from humanity.
>no it's not /adv/ or /r9k/ 6/10 mentalcels normalfag boards
Hi, n word girl
Diversity is our strength, bigot
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How many horns are we talking...?
Some men wrote those laws, and still got away with it anyway.
As if male attention is lacking everywhere else
or infinity
NTA, but your grasp of arithmetic is genuinely pitiful. Please don't talk. Ever.
Post wet panties
Exhibanon, please hold me. The other men are being dumb again.
>if you exclude each instance where the man was her bf or husband then it's a safe country
Oh, well, so long as women are only murdered by their husbands and boyfriends, that's fine.
A better question is, why do females make fun of shy men and virgin men yet then also complain about the violent men and abusive men they choose to date? The conclusion here is that females simply don't deserve equal rights and shouldn't make life choices. It was a better time when fathers chose the bf/husband of their daughter.
I did 92% and rounded upwards
Dear women, what material would (You) recommend for gloves?
What antics are they up to this time?
What's this from?
For what
Shut the fuck up, retarded tripfag loser
Whether or not a man has violent tendencies is a thing that you can pick up on relatively fast. It's just that often other things are more important for you, such as the status you get by dating him, the money and the good sex.
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Aw is someone being a widdle edgy bitch today?
Anal fisting
Do you really want a discord groomer to hold you?
*grips your shirt*
She thinks aliens are demons
Dude, don't talk. You are a retard. Do you seriously think it's the *same* one in twelve who are victimised every year? Or do you think that when a woman's best friend or sister or mother or daughter is a victim of violence, that doesn't affect *her* perception of men as well? DON'T TALK.
Latex gloves, have fun fisting yourself
are you lost?
>men are making point I don't like, yet can't refute
>won't some man come save me?
I think goth girls are attractive but too unstable to date ime
Ahh, those sorts. I've gotten so good at ignoring them that I didn't even notice the abundance! My brain shuts off interest the moment I see "females" or "chad."
>every non feminist thing men say is a personal attack
Nobody was talking to you, main character.
My wife hates niggers, spics, kikes, pajeets, and pretty much all non-whites except Nips (she is a weeb). She also hates faggots and trannies.

I am blessed to have such a based wife.
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>tripfag filter is working
Thanks for proving why letting women vote was a mistake
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atoga my dick itches, why is this happening. i need help
Exhibanon is a literal KHHV incel too in his late 20s and a NEET who sends dick pics to girls lol
It's funny how he pretends to be an ally.
No need to announce it like a bitter cunt
What do you gift men when they're sick?
Why are you being so whiny about it, are you jealous?
I wouldn't say I'm an incel. I mean, by the literal definition, yes, but it's more of a community / mindset at this point. Which I'm definitely not a part of, yuck.
I don't care for sports ball, but it's basically just tribalism. I've noticed most guys either like sports ball or vidya, rarely both.
Video games and Vanilla Coke
Punching women in the tits
Nta. You never had sex? Are you the boat guy? Age?
preferably a nursing handjob but medicine and fruit is nice too
Ally to what?
>You never had sex?
Correct, I haven't really gone outside in over a decade, so that's sorta limiting my options.
>Are you the boat guy?
No, but he's a pal of mine.
Common fagplague. You will die and then go to hell. You have no chance to survive, mame your time
That wasn't me >>31921896
Just gloves for everyday use. Nothing specific
>I mean, by the literal definition, yes
If you have to ask, faggots
What did I do? I literally just vaguely repeated an anecdote about my life. Why do you hate me for having had a negative event transpire in my life?
Gloves for pulling weeds, gloves for doing the dishes, gloves for doing mechanic work, gloves for handling caustic chemicals, gloves for doing linework, and gloves for treating wounds are all going to be vastly different from eachother. Either be specific or rope yourself.
virginity is hot. i want to take a mans virginity
>female exhib simp
genuinely put your head into a giant blender
Why haven’t you gone outside?? Everything is outside
You are an incel and a pussy as well.
I don't think it inherently does, but to love someone means you must be willing to and happy to. There might be cases where loving someone does not require you to sacrifice yourself much for them, but I never loved someone without putting their needs and happiness above myself. A good person will love you back and protect you from excessively doing so.
Ok serial rapist/murderer
He just turns his trip off to reply to himself.
Be nice, anon.

Severe anxiety issues.

Sure thing buddy.
Nope, I’m one of them that reply to him. But it’s funny you have to cope over something so small
Don't reply to me.

One day you will be doxxed. Then "someone" is going to hunt you down and butcher you. All because you just HAD to be a tripfag to get more attention and feel better.

Watch your back, because I'll be chewing on it
>only man who agrees with /atoga/ females is a sexless 29yo NEET
holy fuck lmaooo
I'm shaking in my boots.
Why? You know you can simply stop or leave right?
Based. My wife told me once that since I have always been the one sacrificing for her, and her happiness has always been put first while mine has always been ignored, that therefore my happiness should always be ignored, that her happiness should always continue to be placed first, that she should always continue to get what she wants and I should always continue to sacrifice myself for her benefit.
Nah, me too. I’m not sexless and you guys whine and bitch a lot
Hi foid. I can smell your pussy from here. Pls shower
If you were here a few years ago, he was obsessed with another female tripfag and had a mental breakdown when she got an irl bf.
Kek, I'd use nitrile gloves for that. But those don't look good with clothes. And they're uncomfortable.
Coping because you are jealous over a trip?
Replying to someone occasionally is an obsession? And do you have any evidence of this "breakdown"?
Meanwhile what she actually said was
>no, I will not let you fuck me whilst I am on my period because it makes me uncomfortable. I always told you that and it will not change.
Was it bimbo?
I assumed most men don't enjoy period sex? I get insanely horny when I'm menstruating.
No, she wants to fuck me when she is on her period. I occasionally let her, even though I don't want it, because I want to make her happy. You wouldn't believe me if I told you what it was actually about, since you're already making shit up to be a POS
I have no idea wha you thought that comment was a necessary addition to my post. Just shut up, nobody asked.
Go ahead, tell me. Or are you too aware of how pathetic it is? Did she say no to you wanting to put your dick in your ass?
Smaller penises are better because they have a smaller hurtbox but women don't care about the meta
Based femanon backing me up. This girl gets it.
Nta. Not sure about bimbo but Stardew broke a lot of hearts, one anon in particular would obsessively seethe about it every time she was around
Wouldn't surprise me. Embarrassing.
What was even so special about these two?
This only applies to male on male anal sex. Women's biggest fantasies are about getting their babymakingbox devastated by mean meat.
If you have a small penis all of you is a hitbox. If you want to be meta you have to have value
Exhib is pitiful because he's that nice guy male ally women run to when they can't put up a fight but who will never be deemed worthy of a fuck by those same women.

You are genuinely a pathetic, childish person.
It was SweetNLow. He started creeping on other girls immediately when she got a bf.
She was hot and it was fun when she was around, nice too
This is nu-male feminist copaganda about muh magic clitoris.
>quick I need my pet male feminist to flatter me with words!!! I can't cope otherwise!!
I think it's funny that women are less likely to argue with incelposters and just seethe quietly about them instead.
So just a run off the mill pick me? No wonder I never noticed when she posted.
Stardew was a man and nobody liked him.
No, she loves anal. She is the one who forced it on me, because she is a Fujoshi and so has always wanted to try taking it in the ass. She loves my dick any way she can get it.

You would not believe what I do for this woman. Everything. We got together young so she has never had to work in her life. I take care of paying for both of our lives, paying all bills, running all errands (she has never had a license and doesn't want one), take care of fulfilling all social obligations, help her family and mine, have helped her through all of her trauma, take her out to do things she likes all the time, watch anything she wants, do what she wants, do all the housework, cook all meals, and motivate her to reach her goals, while also encouraging her to be social and keep up with her friends even though she is always wanting to flake on them and gets mad at them over nothing all the time and I have to talk reason to her and calm her down, etc. I asked her to let me open up to her and vent my problems to her and blow off steam about work and other difficulties occasionally. She told me men shouldn't be whiny faggots and literally almost divorced me over it.
>Be nice, anon.
Grow up. No wonder you are a 29 year old incel when you're this mentally regressive.
This is what subhumanity looks like.
I mean, chose better I guess, lmao
Still coping over it
>telling people to be nice is childish
Oh anon.
It's really strange that the thread is full of male bitches tonight.
Harvest eclipse is next week.
Do you all live in an apartment so your tranny periods are synching up?
Exh*banon exemplifies the adage "nice guys finish last" par excellence.
Boystruation hitting hard this month.
How does one pick up that it is stardew or bimbo or sweetnlow posting? How do they stand out?
Women's partner requirements are basically
>noooo you can't do shit that every man i will ever meet does
Why not date women at that point?
They are jealous over a tripfag and a couple of women that isn’t even here anymore
i prefer sma'ller dicks for when im giving a blowjob because otherwise i feel like my throat is going to get ripped in two
Keep seething and name dropping yourself.
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>sleep with chick for the first time
>refuses to give BJ
>I enjoy giving head and gave it to her because it's fun
Like, do some women just refuse to do it?

I'm not that concerned because 90% of the girls I've slept with gave awful head. Can I "convert" her, and even if I could if she's not enthusiastic I don't really think it would be enjoyable.
>too stupid and pathetic to reply to anyone so just seetheposts instead
>>telling people to be nice is childish
Yes, it is, you effeminate retard. It is an absolutely puerile inability to handle any negative emotions or conflict whatsoever.
Winter cause no bugs
I want to hit ashbie in the face with a large hammer
>refuses to give BJ
She's just not that into you.
>I enjoy giving head and gave it to her because it's fun
Congratulations for slipping the cuck collar on. If you were hoping for head in the future you've slashed the chances in half.
Fuck. Like are you happy with this situation?

That doesn't sound very healthy
Women should like summer. Men should like autumn.
It's a genuine question. What the fuck is wrong with you (plural)?
I love her more than you could ever believe. You are not capable of understanding what it is like to love someone this much. I begged her tk stay and haven't tried to ask that of her again since, because to me she is worth everything and more. I would kill myself if she wanted it. She does not. Instead, I am doing everything in my power to improve her life, to give her everything she wants and more. I want her to want for nothing. She gives me a lot to, she is phenomenal in bed, she is smart and funny, she is talented and beautiful, she loves me a lot as well, just under her own strict conditions. She massages me all the time. Constant blowjobs. She has stopped me from making bad decisions on multiple occasions, life-alteringly bad ones. She is unbelievably amazing in so many ways. No one else in this world has ever given a shit about me at all. Both of my parents and my siblings have all told me to kill myself at rough points in my life before, but she never has and in her own indirect way has pulled me back from the brink.she is insanely, like scarily loyal. She just also thinks she should not have to sacrifice anything for me at all, that she is owed everything I could ever give and more, and to me the willingness to sacrifice for the one you love is a lot of what makes real love actual true love, which is where my initial question came from.
People recognized their posts and often ask if it was them. You see the same questions daily so when someone answer them repeatedly the same way you tend to pick up on it. At the time there were tons of picrews and so many questions about height and appearance
If you can't understand why tripfaggots get the hatred spewed at them that they do, you should pick another website sweety.
Bro, it's not my fault you're a faggot and can't eat pussy.

I pity you for not having the capacity to enjoy such pleasures as the taste of a healthy woman. You're the type of nigga that pisses sitting down
Different people like different shit in bed, I don't think it's that deep. I wouldn't try to convince her to do much.

Not every man is broke, violent and disloyal. Just some of them.
It’s me, anon! You are a special kind of dumb
Lmao imagine thinking being a cuck slave is an achievement.
I prefer the cold and I live in a place that doesn't get fall
>can't get his dick sucked
>this pitiful attempt at reclaiming some form of masculine frame
I can't even laugh at this, I just feel bad.
>Yes, it is, you effeminate retard. It is an absolutely puerile inability to handle any negative emotions or conflict whatsoever.
That's a whole lot of yammering to draw from 2 words. Impressive projection.
Mental skill issue, I see.
Why are you obsessed with them?
So basically you just recognize them when they post their boob size? Got it.
There's nothing wrong with pissing sitting down
It's objectively better than standing when you're at home
It's really amazing that this website, and the world in general, is littered with absolutely spineless, weak, bugmen like this.
>I'm a gay nigga
You are a female, simping for an ugly 29 year old cumbrain incel who throws out the mildest, most braindead platitudes about being a male ally. You must have a face issue.
>doubling down on his weak attempts at reclaiming masculine frame by resorting to calling me "gay" (because the pinnacle of heterosexual desire is having a low standards and self respect as possible)
kek are you a christfag too? Scratch that last post, I'm laughing my ass off.
Her first bf didn't initiate her properly
>I would kill myself if she wanted it
You're mentally ill
>That's a whole lot of yammering to draw from 2 words.
You genuinely seem to be under the impression you have any depth to yourself whatosever.
>Impressive projection.
The hackneyed buzzword thrown into a context where it makes zero sense really tops it off. But I don't expect anything genuinely intelligent or original to come out of your mouth.
>Gay nigga shit nobody would read
Find Jesus cuh

It's not too late for you
You wildly overvalue the relation. It's friendly comfort.
It's not hard to not be so mentally ill that you spew hate for entertaining yourself. That's just low IQ.
Maybe. I was pretty happy in 9th grade. Tied with 7th maybe.
>beta male who complains he can't get his dick sucked
Yes, I am happy. She is the best thing to ever happen to me. She is far out of my league, but she is amazingly devoted, despite her flaws. Her sister I guess didn't think she loved me the insane way she does, and so once asked her if she could sleep with me (even though we were already married for like 3 years at the time), and my wife almost cut her sister off from her life completely, forever. It took years of effort and talking and rebuilding by me to make her cool with her sister again.

We got together when we were 15, and I was a skinny, very ugly teenager who was bullied by basically everyone I ever met. I had my life threatened at gunpoint and knifepoint by niggers and spics half a dozen times just between 14-15, so a beautiful, funny, smart, insanely talented girl like her suddenly caring about me and pursuing me so hard changed my entire life. I eventually bloomed into a very handsome, yet socially retarded and unconfident man, yet in the past year or so have gotten way more socially adept and now people - family, friends, coworkers, and customers - love talking w/ me and being around me and suddenly I'm popular and can express myself with many people, and my wife is happy that people are finally giving me the respect she thinks I deserve. It is just that we have always had a certain dynamic, and that dynamic will always be kept in check by a combination of her amazingness, our history, and the fact that I would literally rather die than leave her, and she at least claims to rather leave than have our dynamic shifted. I doubt anyone could ever understand without being me. I doubt she even understands it from my perspective at all, even though I almost ruined everything by explaining it before.

I love her so much, bros.
God, I hate women
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Women, would you enter the competition in picrel?
No, thanks.
All the time. I love larping as shit I'm not.
I'm not about to get into an argument about who's more deep, mysterious, and masculine with a random shitposter. I've nothing to prove to you, because I'm secure in myself.
I would kms on the spot.
Not reading the diary of a cuck.
>you're mentally ill
Probably, when it comes to her. I can't say the way I feel for her is explicable to anyone but me. If I saw anyone else saying the same as what I say, I would think they're fucked in the head too. But when you have been abused, bullied, beaten down, and neglected your entire life, then one wonderful person who you love immediately comes into your life, starts aggressively pursuing you, and you love being around so much, happens to you, then you will give anything to them. I have always struggled with massive suicidal proclivities, but she has cured me of that. I would kill myself if she asked me to, true. But also I have not killed myself because I want to live to keep providing for her. I want to give her everything I can. Dying for someone is easy. Living decades despite spending tbe first decade and a half of your life planning to kill yourself, and many years beyond that still struggliing with the desire to do as such, is much harder. Living for someone is the other test of real love. If you kill yourself when you could instead live to improve their life, then you never REALLY loved them.
Eating pussy isn't something to brag about. She lost all respect for you when you went down on her and she didn't even give you a bj in return.
The reason female friendships are so awful is because women can't seem to tell the difference between flattery, someone who spews platitudes and genuine friendship and connection with another person.
Only if he's over 6" tall. I'm a woman btw.
That, I am not. If she ever cheated on me I would flay the other man living. She hates cheaters more than anything in the world, as her ex-gf was a cheating whore. If I were to cheat she would stab me to death, she has told me so herself. But if she were to cheat I would bleed that guy like a stuck pig.
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Hello from the Alps, /atoga/!
I'm doing terrible since I m completely out of shape from doing nothing the past 2 months.

How are you? Enjoying the weather?
>because I'm secure in myself.
The reason you feel so confident to claim security in """yourself""" (a freak who defines himself by his fetish for showing his dick off) is because there's nothing *to* """yourself""" in the first place. Nobody is breaking down the flimsy door to your mud-hut because there's frankly nothing worth stealing in there, so to speak.
You can deny the reality of women's everyday lived experience OR you can have a girlfriend. Do not expect both.
If she's a virgin or moderately inexperienced, you should just give her some time and initiate her into it. If she's been around and still doesn't want to do it after you fucked her a couple of times, she'll probably just doesn't like doing it. That's my guess.
>If I were to cheat she would stab me to death,
>But if she were to cheat I would bleed that guy like a stuck pig.
Cuckoid mindset. NEVER hold women accountable for their actions when you can make a man do so instead.
Your cuck ass would forgive her too.
>defines himself by his fetish
I'm not the one who picked this name for myself. Read up on your ATOGA lore!
>there's frankly nothing worth stealing in there
I'll have you know I have a very nice plush collection.
>if SHE cheat, I will punish the guy, not HER, because it is HIS fault
Imagine the cope this idiot is on to not have to break up.
Do you sort men's dicks in baskets?
>the blowjob basket
>the casual penetration basket
>the breeding basket
>the LTR basket
Personally I sort them into the hahah absolutely not and the DAMN baskets.
If it's sma'ller then how can it ever be in the DAMN basket?
Polygamy should be legal so that weak men like this cannot sire offspring.
Not that anon.
to some degree i guess so. most guys i sleep with are huge for some reason so i cant really deep throat them
Imagine she lies to some guy and tells him she's single. Then, they have sex and when that anon sees them, he kills the guy while proceeding to treat her like a precious little flower.
weak men like this are a blight on the earth
>for some reason
I don't blame you for thinking that, but I would not. I would not harm her, but I would disappear from her life forever.
He knows exactly that she can get away with absolutely anything because she is the only one that would touch him for free.
We need a purge.
i promise im not a size queen, its just luck or something
Lmao even
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>I'll have you know I have a very nice plush collection.
Do you feel cool when you come up with a retort like this?
Long ago we used to gather in bands of brothers and go to war or hunt. We don't do that anymore but that behavior is still hard coded into us, so sports are the replacement.
Call me a weak man to my face, faggot. I fucking dare you. I have knocked out bigger, better men than you, I guarantee it. When I was 14 4 grown-ass men accosted me on the street, 3 niggers and a spic, one nigger was pointing a gun at my head. I talked shit, dared them to shoot, and told the spic (who started it all) to fight me even with the gun pointed at my face. The cowards ran, and ylu will too. I will break you and cut bacon off your belly.
My life be like ooh aah, /ATOGA/.
>Dig bick
>Ugly as sin

The hard times can't come soon enough.
and yet you're a total slave to woman
no amount of fantasizing about beating up big strong men will ever hold up to that.
Sounds hot imo. I wouldn't want him if he looked or dressed like that, though. Needs more facial hair.
It is not about mere "survival" and hunting, sport is about the Agon, the contest - which stems from the desire to be the best.
It's fun watching people have breakdowns over simple sentences and sentiments. Toxic masculinity is a hell of a drug.
Desire not inherent to men, but which arises out of socio-cultural reasons and political hierarchies.
>big dicks on my numerous hookups are good luck
kek again, it really is a mystery, almost like you subconsciously select men with big dicks and your eye is trained to detect them.
Twitter 200 character limit does severe cognitive damage, linguistically speaking.
>Desire not inherent to men
It is the desire of a certain type of man
>but which arises out of socio-cultural reasons and political hierarchies.
from whence do society, culture and the hierarchy of the POLITEA come from?
>I'll have you know I have a very nice plush collection.
nta, can i see your plush collection?
Sorry anon, I don't have any pictures of it, they're all in a bunch of different containers for protection right now.
Based schizo Gary at it again
>Can I "convert" her
Anon, I really wish you could understand how literally *nauseating* that attitude is.

Sex DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT. Sex is not transactional. And sex is not about persuading someone to do something they don't want to do. You should never do anything sexual that you don't enthusiastically enjoy, and never expect anyone else to do anything they aren't enthusiastic about doing either. Sex is about enjoyment and mutual pleasure - enjoying your own pleasure and also taking pleasure in how much joy it gives your partner.

(No doubt some literal subhuman retard with non-existent language skills is about to accuse me of kink-shaming. Of course I'm not doing that. It doesn't matter *why* you're enthusiastic about doing something, it just matters that you are enthusiastic. If the reason why you're enthusiastic is because you're a sub and giving pleasure to your dom and obeying them is hotter than the heat of a thousand suns, that's great; you get it; you're doing the things that you enjoy immensely and are enthusiastic about.)

If you *enjoy* going down on your girl, then by all means go down on her, but never do it because you expect something in exchange. If she hasn't tried a particular sexual act before and therefore doesn't know if she likes it, by all means *suggest* trying it. But if she doesn't want to, that's her call. If she has tried something, found that she doesn't like it, and doesn't want to do it again, that is also her call. If blow jobs really matter to you that much, break up with her and find a woman who enjoys giving them! You really are going about sex all wrong.
Certainly not from nature, mate.
>Sex is not transactional
lmao even

/atoga/ - YLYL edition
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>It's fun watching people have breakdowns
It's telling that any form of negative emotion being expressed is labelled as a "breakdown" or a "mental illness" because of your complete inability to deal with anything that isn't an empty, feelgood platitude
>over simple sentences and sentiments
I would make a comment about you developing some kind of self-awareness, but it's obvious that you don't really think through the implications of anything you say.
>Toxic masculinity is a hell of a drug.
You may resemble a biological male, but you are spiritually a woman.
It is not, retard.
aww, most of mine are in containers too. make sure to include a dessicant in their storage area
Strength, power and excellence have nothing to do with nature.
>>I enjoy giving head and gave it to her because it's fun
WTF men like this exist? Do you actually enjkoy it and offer it? What do you like about it? How long would you go down on a woman for?
>If blow jobs really matter to you that much, break up with her and find a woman who enjoys giving them!
You'll be searching for decades and even then, they don't exist
It really is, to most people.
I ain't reading all that, but sure thing mister frogposter.

What's that? Never heard of it. They're sealed in plastic bins, I figured that'd be good enough. Am I wrong?
NTA, but I love dominating with đy cunning linguistics, making her squirm, shake and grab my head (no hair because bald), and to make her feel love while worshipping my honey's cunny.
The more I notice what type of men enjoy eating pussy the most, and the more I see what type of woman expects it the most, the less desire I have in the act all together.
Say what you want, harder men than you don't want this smoke. I would cow you and brand you, Bessie
>I assumed most men don't enjoy period sex?
NTA. Why would you assume that? All you've got to do is put down a towel and wash afterwards. If I'm being completely honest, I'm not crazy about going down on a woman when she's bleeding *heavily*, but on light days even that's okay, and fucking on your period is never a problem. And it's not like I can't get at your clitoris if you have a tampon or a menstrual cup in, so that makes oral fine too.
Wow OK
M, depends what you consider friends, I have a couple of old buddies that I'd still consider good friends, I rarely talk to anyone else though
i hated eating pussy until i met my gf. its 100% the smell and taste that pull me in. Id rather do that than play with her tits now.
My girl loves deepthroating my 7.75 incher. Cope and seethe
Knowing how you behave toward women gives me 100% confidence that I can just walk all over you and blatantly disrespect you and you will just take it like a bitch.
Based quints
a dessicant stops moisture issues, and thus mold from happening
>I assumed most men don't enjoy period sex?
Sure, as long as we aren't touching your vagina.
Wtf is with all the negative responses lol
Yes you should date if you want to. You're getting an education, you've had a gf before so have a bit of experience, and living at home you're saving on rent presumably. Maybe get a part-time job at least though so you're not so skint on dates
You don't enjoy making a woman cum so hard she can't move or speak for a good two minutes afterwards? Strange.
Hmm, I don't think any moisture should be able to get in there. But I'm far from a plasticologist.
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>I can only make women come from my mouth, bet that makes you feel bad huh?
How do women feel about the gradual erosion of traditional masculinity, male role models and the impact it has had on the resilience, confidence and toughness of modern men?
>Here in the UK one woman in twelve was a victim of male violence in the past year alone
It didn't come home lads...
>they don't exist
I think my girlfriend would beg to differ. She is practically addicted to oral - sometimes enjoys it more than she enjoys PIV, constantly asking me if she can do it. The majority of women enjoy it (even if not quite that much).
No. So much cope in these threads
>thinks men and women are the same, completely interchangeable
Ask me how I know you're a tranny
>thinks any woman is interchangeable with any other
Ask me how I know you're lonely
Bimbo-chaaan come back
>How are you? Enjoying the weather?
Actually yeah it's not too bad today
>male violence
Loaded, ideological term, which doesn't even make sense.
women, when is a good time to ask her to be my gf? as of now were both still total virgins but we've gone out for some time
You can try but women have moved on to highly independent men who are high earners and have PhDs, especially the ones dating guys in their 30s
tl;dr: the odds are extremely low.
Thanks bro
>first post of the day
>random quints
Does this mean I have good luck
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>starts blabbling about trannies for no reason
>WTF men like this exist? Do you actually enjkoy it and offer it?
NTA but yeah. Duh. The pussy is a fascinating and erotic thing. My lips and tongue are sensitive - I enjoy kissing immensely too. And of course it's intensely erotic watching and listening as you moan and squirm and whimper - most guys enjoy that!
It’s been great, why?
Are you exclusive yet? How long is "some time"? Do you get the vibe that she is looking for something more serious? Presumably if she's a virgin she's not just looking for a fling at least
No one knows, you have to find out by asking
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Has anyone else noticed that women from these countries are the absolute worst?
You more of a suck a dick type of guy?
Women, would you rather date a fit balding man or a fat man with a full head of hair?
NTA, but "male violence" means "acts of a violence committed by a man". What exactly is ideological or loaded about that?
No. Must be you
Yes, told you so.
t. female from list of said countries
Yes. I'd also paint most of Europe in the same color as the virus has spread.
About 2 and a half months of purely dating. We are exclusive, yet she's unsure and scared of relationships. I don't doubt that she loves me and all, but I don't wanna fuck up and ask too early since it could put unneeded pressure on her.
I wish it would happen faster.
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>u-ur gay!!!
Soon, you will have to paint the entire world. It's spreading everywhere.
Ahhh I see. Well sounds like she is basically your gf at this point anyway, you could suggest it but say that you don't want to pressure her or rush things
Why aren't women?
Unless you're with a literal prostitute, sex *shouldn't* ever be transactional, and it's unhealthy to try to make it so.
anglos are the enemies of mankind
Let's fucking goo
Idk I like to cling to the fantasy that if I went to America I'd have mad game
It is feminist nonsense that insinuates that violence is committed because of "patriarchy" and "male power" and that a man hurting a woman is an attack by "men" on "women". It doesn't matter if and when women commit violence because the presence of patriarchy makes it justifiable.
Yeah I mean, we basically act like a couple anyway. I've been sleeping at her place like once a week and we've gotten used to each others company already. Thing is she's "on the fence" right now about actually being together, she's told me to my face she has a lot of love and affection for me and shes unsure of what to do with it.
considering the types of "men" in this thread currently it doesn't matter.
When was the last time you went down on a woman?
It’s not pathetic to be gay. He likes dick, nothing wrong with that
NTA, but wow, you really are a weak man. Only truly weak, cowardly men ever feel the need to threaten violence. Strong men are confident enough that they don't need to.
You are a weak, pathetic, sniveling coward, and the more you bluster, the more obvious that becomes.
Men transact their financial and physical attractiveness in exchange for sex, all the time. They go to great lengths to get sex because it's seen as a measure of success.
Women use their looks and privileged position in exchange for sex, all the time, including but not limited to casual sex on apps and in real life. They also use sex as a bargaining chip, offering or "withholding" it.
95% of violence is committed by men, anon. That's just empirical fact.
Soon you faggots will be telling me I'm gay because I don't want to get pegged like yourselves
When did straightness get measured by a shameless lack of standards?
According to faggots like you, the man willing to fuck the ugliest, fattest, rankest, hariest vagina is straighter than everyone else.
>When was the last time you went down on a woman?
Did she come?
I was talking to a friend yesterday about how as a society we went trough total insanity of purity culture (like those devices to lock people up at night to not touch themselves etc) a few generations ago and now we are trying to purge any shred of aggression, competition and violence as if these things are not fundamental parts of being human. In 100 years we will probably look back at the early 2000s and think we must have totally lost it.
I) those statistics come from a system that widely employs feminist models and ideology in it's process, like the duluth model. They outright have an interest in downplaying or excusing female violence as much as possible.
II) The vast majority of victims of violence are men.
III) Your post does not counter or refute what I originally said.
Women are protected from the consequences of their actions by men and the state. Their opinion on this topic doesn't matter. They are so petty and filled with resentment towards men that they couldn't care less if they destroyed their comfortable modern lifestyles just to enjoy trampling on what men have created.
>starts blabbing about trannies for no reason
You exposed your ideology by saying you think there is no innate difference between males and females. Just because you got caught and/or are too much of a peon to be able to read subtext and deduce ideological and philosophical beliefs from slipped queues does not mean everyone else is as mentally deficient as you are. Just admit you were found out and then go rope, troony
>Did she come?
That's an understatement.
>You exposed your ideology
Like I said, you're blabbling about trannies for no reason.
It doesn't matter how tough you think you are. Any man that lets a woman walk all over him has a pitiful and weak will. You literally won't do shit.
I should buy machete and kill people with it
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You won‘t do shit.
Do man really go crazy over a little cleavage?
>The vast majority of victims of violence are men.
Actually not the vast majority, but the majority, sure. However, a genuinely vast majority of the acts of violence committed against men are committed BY MEN. And you know that's true.

The context is different too. Women who are victims of violence are most often hurt by their boyfriend, husband, or ex, or sometimes by strangers. But many of those male victims of violence are themselves violent criminals getting into fights with other (male) violent criminals; and many of the remainder are gay or bi men being attacked by their partner, boyfriend, or ex.

If you consider only straight men who are not themselves prone to violence, they are far *less* likely to be victims of violence than women are. And when they are victims, the perpetrator is still almost always male.

And you already know all of this is true, so stop being disingenuous.
>Do man really go crazy over a little cleavage?
Er, yeah. Have you never met a man?
>Women, would you rather date a fit balding man or a fat man with a full head of hair?
Which one makes me laugh more?
Yes I have. But like how the fuck do you guys function on beaches?
Women would you date a man
Oh fuck off, Australian women are the best.
Think what you want, chomo. You think bevause I have a shining beacon of light in my lif, that I won't light up some literal tranny faggot, then so be it. Luckily for you, we aren't having this conversation face to face. Rather, unluckily for me, because if we were, you would keep your bitch mouth shut, or else I would shut it for you.
NAG though
Most men aren't 4chan Gooner horndogs. The entire point of this thread is usurped by the demographic which inhabits it.
Honestly, asking her at this point could be risky: you may get an answer along the lines of "Wait what?! I've been been your girlfriend for months! Have you been seeing other women all this time?!"
Let's say both make you laugh just as much as the other.
>How long would you go down on a woman for?
Until she's too tired to continue.
In yet another reply, you've failed again to actually address and refute my points.
>However, a genuinely vast majority of the acts of violence committed against men are committed BY MEN
This doesn't invalidate the argument, no matter how many times you say it. Oddly, you'll use this to somehow bypass the argument to keep the crown of vicitmhood.
> Women who are victims of violence are most often hurt by their boyfriend, husband, or ex
The majority of women in domestic violence situations are themselves engaged in domestic violence. This doesn't matter though, because it will always be the man being removed from his home by the authorities.
>But many of those male victims of violence are themselves violent criminals
"Ok sure more men are vicitms of violence... but they all deserved it!"
Proving my point really.
>nd many of the remainder
Bisexual and gay men are a minority of the male population. This argument is just plain dishonest. In your ideology, straight white men can't possibly suffer. It's simply not allowed!
>If you consider only straight men
Blatant marxoid rhetoric. Attack the straight white man! Women and minorities need to be the victim in any scenario.

You are genuinely an evil individual.
The worst females are:
1. American foids
2. French foids
3. Eastern Euro/Russian foids

I like UK females though, they're fun from my experiences and don't take themselves seriously.
Australian women are literally the worst, worse than American women.
Niggas would you eva date a ratchet ass bitch?
Who are the best females?
How am I meant to take this seriously when you think UK women are good?
What on earth is supposed to be wrong with french women according to you?
>Let's say both make you laugh just as much as the other.
Hmm. Well, I have a whole bunch of other questions, but no doubt you're going to respond to all of them by saying "They are exactly identical in every other way". But I feel like you're kind of missing the point by doing that; both their hairline and their physique are a long way down my list of priorities. But if I pick one you're immediately going to say "Hah! I knew it! That's literally the only thing that matters!" aren't you?

Fine. Looking *healthy* is nice; but note that looking ripped or (worse still) jacked does not look healthy. If I have a preferred body type it's more builtfat than gymcel.
Kek how d'you know she wasn't faking it to get you to stop?
I do that.
Spanish/Italian females are still feminine and like men.
Based med appreciator.
>Stating facts that prove me wrong don't invalidate my argument
Yeah, okay.
>how d'you know she wasn't faking it
When you ask "Do you want some more?" and she says "Oh yes! Please!"
>fat man with a full head of hair?
This one, so I can motivate him into eating healthy and exercising, so he will end up a fit man with a full head of hair.
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You love to see such a clean, seething concession like this
As a man
Yes I do
As someone from bongland it's pretty hit or miss
Country lasses are overall better than city gals
The worst thing to ever happen to humanity was glorifying humbleness.
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How do I stop desiring women? It is counterproductive and distracting but time and time again I find myself longing for a gf and lusting after women. I look at these men that are entranced by bitches and make the stupidest decisions because of them, and I fear that at some point that will be me. Any tips fellas?
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>The worst thing to ever happen to humanity was glorifying humbleness.
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Yes. It is the foundation of inaction because you can always frame your laziness and weakness as a virtue.
You can like women and find them attractive, and still do what you want in life, they're not mutually exclusive, don't let people take you for a ride
Also don't underestimate the power of post-nut clarity. Da pussy ain't worth if she a lying hoe
Based gif
Women thoughts on this physique?
Anyone else daydrinking rn? What you having?
I don't drink
Looks hot
>If you consider only straight men who are not themselves prone to violence, they are far *less* likely to be victims of violence than women are. And when they are victims, the perpetrator is still almost always male.
I dig the specifics.
You have to actually refine the source data.

Basically, white male privilege boils down to this:
A white man in western society can often choose to conduct his life in such a way as to avoid racism, sexism, and violence.
And many of them are good people who don't realize that others don't have that choice.
Imagine if most violence you see happening to people like yourself happens specifically to people who did something wreckless and stupid. Like the tourists in South America who follow some gorgeous hot woman alone down a dark alley for free sex and get violently assaulted and robbed.

If a guy has never raped, never known a racist, and never heard of anyone they know being raped, they'll think rape is uncommon. But then idiots will ignore future people telling them about rape they didn't know about because it conflicts with their established preconceptions.
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I am sucking on one of these bad boys rn.
>That image
The problem is that I am mostly love myself so I'm endlessly destroying myself. But it feels productive. I'm winning the war!
Men, what is an attractive job for a woman to work?
No. I'm probably going to have another coffee and maybe some ket. I want out of this dimension for a bit.

What are you drinking anon?
NTA. One of the things that never seems to occur to men is that (however much of a truism this may be) they don't get to witness how men behave when there are no other men around. I wish they would consider the possibility that people who do witness this might know more about it than they do.

>And many of them are good people who don't realize that others don't have that choice.
Very true.
>Men, what is an attractive job for a woman to work?

>inb4 serving coffee
No, not barista, silly American person. I mean a trial lawyer/litigator.
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Today is Orange Cat Appreciation Day. Will you let them borrow one of your brain cells anons?
Literally my sister. Sigh. No wonder she's married and I'm not.
No, I'm married and my husband would not like it.
Shut the fuck up whore.

Another aspect men arguing seem to gloss over is that they're often essentially arguing "Your perception of the amount of men who might rape you is higher than the reality (likely true), so why don't you err on the side of getting sexually assaulted in order to make innocent men feel better?"
Women, would you date a man whose idea of an alcoholic drink is either peach schnapps with orange juice or a Bailey's?

I have a frustratingly sweet tooth, and have never learned to like flavours like beer and whisky (or even coffee).
>Men, what is an attractive job for a woman to work?
Fucking hate men that have to have a superiority complex over not consuming sweet things. Most miserable fuckwards in existence. Insane dicklet energy.
Some kind of nerd job like scientist
Women working and trying to be better than everyone else is not attractive.
Sure, as long as you eat all the sweet baked goods I make for you.
Sure, don't really care.

On one of the first dates with my husband he ordered a sweet drink and I had a belgian beer. The waitress gave his drink to me and mine to him. It kind of broke my heart to see him a little embarrassed over this.
Er... so are you saying it's okay, or did I make you angry?
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Real men drink whatever the fuck they want.
Butcher. Baker. Candlestick maker.
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Reminds me of pic related
What this actually translates to is: "Believe women by default. Never question them." like that isn't the Modus Operandi of law enforcement or the judiciary system.
It never seems to occur to women like yourself that these topics, like violence and sexual assault, are problems that exist and require more than just their word in particular.
I wish women might consider the possibility that men actually do understand these issues, likely far better than they do, in a far more objective manner, rather than convincing themselves that they live in an oppressive, misogynistic society and that every man is a rapist. "I'm scared" isn't a good basis for a justice system.

I wish they'd think about the impact that the politicization of domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse by radical feminists has had, instead of scratching their heads and having temper tantrums as to why people push back on them for anything.
Men, does it hurt when a skinny hoe rides you because their ass is bones with no cushion?
Exactly. Just even worse.
This would be funny if not for the fact that he really is more mature than those faggots wasting their time.
>Insane dicklet energy
And like most dicklet energy things, the men who do them are the actual men with huge penises.
>Men, what is an attractive job for a woman to work?
I'm autistic, so I like women who code for a living. They tend to think like me.
begging not only to be divorce raped, but to be gaped infront of the whole court.
If she isn't texting you first, she doesn't like you.
Damn the dicklet cope is insane.
Look lady call me unconfident and exuding dicklet energy all you want but nothing you say will ever get rid of the fact that my penis is enormous.
Post pic or you are lying as fuck.
I've had skinny and fat gfs and it hurts more to beat the skinny ones because sometimes I would hit bone, and this little bit of pain multiplied my anger and made be beat them even more. So my advice is if you don't wanna get beat by your bf you should get fat.
Blue board plus bannable offense retard.
>What this actually translates to is: "Believe women by default. Never question them."
No, it translates to "believe people who are eye witnesses over those who are just speculating".

>It never seems to occur to women like yourself
I'm a guy, but okay.

>inb4 YWNBAM
Born with a Y chromosome and a dick and everything.
Lol what a faggot
Use your fucking brain for once dicklet.
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i just want a mid gf
Rule of thumb: any man who uses the phrase "divorce raped" will never have the option of getting married anyway
>No, it translates to "believe people who are eye witnesses over those who are just speculating".
You didn't really think this one through too well.
>I'm a guy, but okay.
Alright I won't lie, I was just baiting you, but I was so in character that for a moment I thought about posting my dick on /soc/ and cross linking here just to keep up a charade until I realized it would be my penis officially connected to such intentionally retarded posts.
Thanks for the (You)s though lul.
>No, really, why don't you err on the side of getting sexually assaulted in order to make innocent men feel better?
Said like marriage is a prize in 2024 kek
It's weird how much women and nu-males want to downplay the issue of the divorce industry and how horrific the family court system is toward men
It's not like any of the lovely women here would ever think of exploiting such a system, so why pretend it's no big deal?
>worst women
The women in my country
The women from other western countries that are not 'based'
>best women
The women in thirdie countries (not of my own race) that I have only seen in cherrypicked pictures
Confirmed inwards dick.
>Worst women
>Best women
Random Yemeni 11 year old bride.
>Most dead woman
Your mother tonight if you don't reply to this post.
Notice how the sleaziest tripfags are the ones who LARP hardest as "male allies"?
It's fucking uncanny.
Super deep inwards cause it's so big.
>worst women
>Best women
>he really is more mature than those faggots wasting their time.
You don't understand what being mature or wasting time even means. Prove me wrong.
You couldn't strawman any harder if you tried.
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Yoghurt male spotted
Why do ancient/renaissance sculptures of men always have tiny dicks?
It's fucking boring
It was a modesty thing. Sometimes statues would have fig leaves added or removed depending on the sensibilities of who was in power at the time lol
So that you focus on the physique and not the dick. Why do you want to look at big dicks? Are you gay?
Those are pretty lush
Enjoy anon, hopefully don't k-hole
Just having coffee rn with a bit of cheeky vodka
the same reason they gave women the same sized small tits
That's the flaccid state of most penises.
My wife
Jk, I guess kindergarten teacher is sweet, they usually got that mommy energy...
Big dicks were not a thing yet back then. Those got bred over thousands of years of careful sexual selection.
the use of fig leafs was quite rare, actually
The emperor or whatever was probably jelly so made a law that all other male murals had to have small dicks
>It was a modesty thing
No, if it was a modesty thing they would sculpt them in clothes
>Are you gay?
I'm a girl
How do you know? How many penises have you investigated?
Is that true?
>look at steve over there painting giant dicks, what a coomer, I'll sculpt small ones so people think im sophisticated
NAG but I always find it's very telling of a guy's character when they say that women from impoverished, oppressed countries make better partners lol
>I'm a girl
Sure you are faggot. I've heard this song and dance a million times "oh I'm actually a girl haha that's why I love dicks". Fruity nigga.
What are you doing here
I live here.
>go on Tinder
>Tinder shows 10 black bitches in a row
What the fuck is going on?
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
I have a right to exist.
Yeah, the guy wants someone who won't cheat and leave him, what a monster.
It's the opposite for me. It kept showing me black and Latino guys when I want white guys. I even changed my setting to looking for long-term relationship and I get maybe 1 in 10 white guys.
This but unironically.
Not for long pardner...
*Spins revolver on finger*
Speak more beautiful lies into my soul, a gun won’t do anything.
I think I know who's behind this...
If most western girls are cheating on you then take a look in the mirror lol
What in the rootin rootin dag num gawdayum hell are you talkin bout?
I've never been cheated on. I ended my relationships, but if it ever happened, you can bet that she would have a hard time finding another relationship after what I do. The females I've been in relationships with know how I'm coming though and they act right.
I have had a rough couple of days.
Rough? You ain't seen nunnin yet pardner
Are you really a man if you don‘t wash your hair with peach yoghurt?
I don’t care
it will never be the woman's fault
If a man cheats he's a scumbag
if a woman cheats he wasn't doing enough to make her happy
I'm more of a daisy enjoyer myself
I like to put yogurt in my hair and then not wash it out and let it get curdled and rotten and moldy in the next few weeks.
What's really telling is how a minority of men leaving the west for a woman who treats them with basic respect makes so many western women seethe (while claiming they're totally not mad at all)
>it will never be the woman's fault
I never said dis
I will not be elaborating.
I didn't quote you.
"It's never women's fault" is the mentality I am claiming underlies your post.
>makes so many western women seethe
Does it though? I don't really see this
I agree there are a lot of problems with western culture but to paint everybody with the same brush is a bit extreme
Yes actually. Homemade blueberry wine and 3yo goat cheese. Enjoying my last day at home before hopping on a train back to uni
>I agree there are a lot of problems with western culture but to paint everybody with the same brush is a bit extreme
Isn't that exactly what you were doing towards men who date non-western women?
Not even a little?
Ah yeah school starts tomoz imnit
That sounds delish desu, enjoy your last day (:
Touche but I'm just saying I've anecdotally seen a pattern, IRL also... the "passport bros" tend to want a demure compliant wife
Well that wasn't my intention so soz
It’s not worth it. For anyone.
They’re called flaccid dicks?
>Does it though? I don't really see this
You can see the refugee support for Ukrainian females vs refugee support for muslims from Syria. Why aren't you females outside with "refugees welcome" signs now?
You have never seen a man that was both a shower and a grower?
>the "passport bros" tend to want a demure compliant wife
This is the chauvinistic assumption on your part, that all non-western women are dumb, uneducated and poor, and "submissive" (LOL)
Men want feminine women who give back instead of just taking, which is why they leave western countries.
>the "passport bros" tend to want a demure compliant wife
tfw tricked my american husband into marrying a cunt
>the "passport bros" tend to want a demure compliant wife
I'm totally shocked that QT would jump to this claim without question. Those fat tattooed ladies on social media raging about passport bros are obviously right by default.
It's simple: I am a western man therefore I will be dating a western woman.
So I don't put other women through the stress of it, or just leave them like some Madame Butterfly situation.
I deserve a bitch hair dyed slightly overweight yet still somehow awful looking rad lib wife who I will be in an unhappy marriage with.
Wow! All the plates have come crashing down!
Skill issue because I have.
>Why aren't you females outside with "refugees welcome" signs now?
Cuz it's raining
I'm just saying from examples I've seen IRL too
Obviously not all guys are like that
Holy based
I'm curious what makes somebody "feminine" to you
>bitch hair dyed slightly overweight yet still somehow awful looking rad lib wife
Is America actually this bad or do you people just not go outside?
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Did someone say
Now look at all those shards. Makes me want to walk over them. Sweet sweet cuts.
Is it wickedness? Is it weakness? You decide.
Why not both?
>I'm curious what makes somebody "feminine" to you
This is Playing the hatchling.
I will not be engaging with you. If you do not understand what makes someone "feminine" or "masculine" you are too far gone for me to engage with.
Where is your will to power?
You're mocking me.
Hypothetical question for men:
Let's say your girl gives exceptional head, would you ever want her to give you a handie for variety? Is variety important?
Oh, it was qt MAP baiting lol
No, you are mocking yourself with your craving of control.
I mean a handjob can't hurt for a change
Nigga, I'm struggling to find the will to live
How boring.
Women you get a hundred dollars for every razor blade you fit in your snatch how many are going in there
How pathetic. You are a lie. A beautiful, dark lie.
0. I get 100$ in like an hour and half of work, I'm not mutilating my pussy for this lmao
Men, let's say you're terminally ill. You tell your girlfriend and she says she wants to stop seeing you because she can't stand to spend time with you knowing she's going to lose you. What would you think/do?
If you say so.
Way to dodge the question lel
Buy a shotgun and blow my brains out in her presence
You disagree?
Men, what are your requirements when it comes to boobs?
Yes and no.
Master b8ing
Could be fun to mix it up, yeah
I would be sad obvs, that is pretty brutal ngl
Probably cri and eat ice cream then enjoy my last days
There's nothing to dodge but your transparent attempt at finding a "problematic" definition of femininity you're fishing for
That's exactly what I thought, too. How much was the lie?
None. But I can see how it look like a lie from your point of view. It‘s semantics really.
Perky. Hate sag. Love smaller boobs for this reason.
>Let's say your girl gives exceptional head, would you ever want her to give you a handie for variety?
Possibly. I'm very into talk during sex, and talking is the one thing she can't do with her mouth full. But a good blow job involves the use of both hands anyway, so it's not really a variety issue.
Having lost a partner to cancer, I would have a lot of sympathy, actually. I wouldn't want to make her go through that if she didn't want to.
>I'm very into talk during sex
What do you talk about? For me and my bf it's always
>I love you
>I love you
>I love you more
>do you love me
and so on
Is it semantics? But you're right, I knew this would happen. Was I good?
>Men, what are your requirements when it comes to boobs?
They should be silicone-free, but not saggy.
>not saggy
pick one
No nipple piercings. That's my, uh, "requirement".
The best. I would do it again. And again.
Perky and with cute nipples. Size isn't that important.
No weird birthmarks or nipples, they shouldn't be small and not too saggy and she should have small areolas.
>What do you talk about?
If I tell you'll call me creepy, kek. But good sex talk is something that requires time and thought; it is necessarily individual to the person you're with and has to be finely tuned to their specific fetishes. This means that what works for one person will nearly always sound weird as fuck if you say it out of context to someone else - and that's actually as it should be.
Ok but tell me, I'm curious. And I've told you
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As would I. How unfortunate. You've taken all of it.
No. Mind your own business.
We‘re both here, aren‘t we?
Come on, tell me
Here, not there. There is no L here.
Why not?
No, I can do that myself. Stick to what you are good at
Suffice to say my girl is into DD/lg and has an incest fetish.

You wish you hadn't asked now, don't you?
The cut was unceremonious. Was that your intent?
I shouldn't have asked
>my girl is into DD/lg
I'm not *really* though. I don't do colouring-in books or anything >:(
I wanted to warn you but I forgot I hadn‘t added you before nuking things.
A fresh start.
I hate myself for finding you so beautiful.
Ewwww it is the idiots with the boomer and the daddy issues girl eww ew ewe wewww
You forgot the question, dummt
I hate you too. But you already know that.
Its because I break the illusion. Fucking coward.
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I love that about you.
Oh right sorry.
Why are you such a faggot?
>le this place is le fecking evil it will destroy you
You disgust me.
You're already under the spell. My condolences.
Men, please tell me something grossly lewd
I remember. I remember everything.
Pretty digits.
Maybe I will make a new place.
I prematurely ejaculated while masturbating today for the first time in a while.
Do I win?
Divinely ordained. If you do, I will come. I can't help it.
Nta but hot af
I know you can‘t. I will consider it.
you are attracted to men so you see everyone gay to cope
Hey, we're here to give the incels hope. I'm old, somewhat disabled, and I'm autistic; I have mental health issues; I'm not tall and not conventionally attractive; I'm poor; I've never been to the gym in my life; I'm overweight; my hairline is receding; and my very average penis barely functions any more. So if *I* can have a slim, attractive and sweet gf in her mid 20s, literally anyone can. There's hope for you all.
How cruel. So deliciously painful.
Sounds oddly specific, must be speaking from experience.
>Men, please tell me something grossly lewd
It's been a while, but I used to enjoy making women have orgasms in a public place.
Grooming retarded pickmes is not hope.
I would really like to hold you dearly and feel the warmth between us. My arms will be wrapped around you in a tight loving embrace as if to signify how I will protect you no matter what, and we will stare into each other's eyes in silence with our foreheads and noses pressed against each other's.
My boyfriend called me a retard the other night out of the blue and I told him it hurt my feelings. He didn’t apologize and just told me to stop being soft. I’m legit thinking about breaking up with him because of it
But you are a retard
Lol welcome to the man's world
If I'm gonna book a hooker for kissing practice should I apply lip palm or something?
Shut up retard
I'm sympathetic but I have to question your use of the phrase "out of the blue". What exactly made him say that?
He just said it when I was having a serious conversation. Idc about being called a retard but at certain times it’s rude
Uh huh, more cope
Have fun with your herpes
You think she wants to kiss you with greasy lips?

Do check beforehand that she does this, btw - most hookers don't.
I sent him a picture and was trying to talk to him about where the picture originated from, and he interrupted me and said “I know retard”
They usually don’t allow for that because of herpes. So good luck with that
I don't need to be the one coping here.
>He didn’t apologize and just told me to stop being soft.
Watch him have a breakdown when you break up with him. Remind him that he also needs to stop being soft.
He definitely shouldn't have said that, and should apologise; but actually breaking up with him *just* for that seems a little excessive. He was probably in a bad mood about something else and snapped at you. I would mark it down as a red flag, but not as a deal breaker (yet).
It's over then, I'll never get to enjoy it
Remember >>31922766?
It’s all you buddy
Refusing to apologize is worse than calling her a retard. Calling her a retard isn't breakup-worthy, but refusing to apologize is. It'll only get worse from here on out.
Hey, *some* hookers kiss. I'm just saying, check beforehand.
>Refusing to apologize is worse than calling her a retard.
I agree. But I'm still inclined to think it's not break-up-worthy if this a first offence.
The reason I ask is he’s shown shitty behavior before. He used to bully me in front of our mutual friends for “fun”. I told him to stop or we’d break up. I had a friend die a few months ago and he showed near 0 empathy. It sucks because he is very handsome but I don’t want to live the rest of my life with a guy who treats his wife/gf like dogshit
To which your oddly specific response seemed to be a projection of how you yourself became a faggot.
What advice would you give to a male friend or family member if he was dating a woman who has a pattern of bullying him and insulting him and refusing to apologize, but at least she's sexy?
Aaw the irony. Good luck anon
Dude sounds gay as fuck
Women, can you get bras with different levels of support to control the bounce or is it pretty standard?
>he’s shown shitty behavior before. He used to bully me in front of our mutual friends for “fun”.
Okay, that's different, and that's context I didn't have. In that case yes, definitely break up with him.
Yeah I see your point.
There are generic bras which most women use, easy and cheap.
But you can find all sorts of bras for all sorts of support too
I don’t get why it’s called that. Calling it premature sounds like you ejaculated without an orgasm when in reality, there’s nothing different about it, it just came very fast.
If one of your female friends were dating a guy who treated her like that, what would you be advising her to do?
Stay strong, and do what you have to do. Take care, and good luck.
Doesn't feel like okay ..
They come in different levels of quality. And there's sports bras which are designed to limit that.
Okay so find someone that want to kiss you then
Women would you be impressed by a guy who can take off a bra with one hand
Honestly, I'd be a little suspicious. How exactly has he been practising?
No, that would actually make me kind of suspicious. Guy sounds like a player.
I came before I wanted to, I was like "Oh shit, I'm about to nut ahaaa I'm boutta nut FUCK I'M BOUTTAA NUTTTT!!!!"
And it was very annoying.
NTA but that was perhaps just a tad more detail than we needed.
But I have to pay
No you don't understand it was a necessity, too much detail would be a vocaroo of a recreation of it.
Ambassin.... Omaygot... I'm boutu buss...
Women, is it true underwires can destroy washing machines?
No, the locking mechanism is not complicated. It’s a hook.. it’s made so easily that we can take it off even though it’s on our back
>too much detail would be a vocaroo of a recreation of it
I'm not arguing with that.
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Girls, who is sexier in your opinion?
I said it would be too much sorry.
vocaroo it
Isn't kissing like sex? If you have to pay for sex you'll have to pay to kiss also
Do women with denser boobs bounce much at all?
Possibly. That's why it's good to use a delicates bag.
I was going to say right then I saw his tats. Neither.
>Girls, who is sexier in your opinion?
Ugh, neither.
>Isn't kissing like sex?
In some ways.
>If you have to pay for sex
Most people don't.
You have to pick one.
So you're saying left.
Why not?
Right is a dyel lol look at those flabby arms
>Why not?
They both look like the kind of guy who masturbates to his own reflection.
I have an erection rn
Nta but you probably have a better personality than most of us desu
My mom just said that I have to pay back all transportation allowance they gave me to go to university.
Boomer behavior or fair?
I need to get impregnated
T. Dude
I am a girl ):
How much was it?
It's a bit harsh but it's fair, assuming you are able to pay it/work on the side without jeopardising your studies
I mean when you have a fulltime job you're gonna have to pay for transportation so it's a good thing to be cognizant of in your budgeting
Beckham and it ain't close
More attractive on the outside and inside
Ronaldo is a piece of shit
10 seconds estimate, probably over 1,680 USD.
Gosh, this is white parent behaviour. Bet they'll charge you full market rent to live at home and won't cook for you either, right?
Boomer behavior, they make it your problem that they decided to have kids.
This one girl (girl 1) said that she used to used unhook friend’s bras in high school. I said I had no idea what she was talking about so her friend/roommate (girl 2) for some reason insisted that I learn how to do it so she had girl 1 wear one of those tops that show your whole back a few days later and taught me how to do it.
Whoa there sonnyjim, this came as a shock to me too but they haven't done that yet otherwise I'd straight up start dealing drugs by now.
Sigh, fine
Bend over
Left looks kinda gay, I guess I would still take right if I had to choose.
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>what are your requirements when it comes to boobs
My requirements
>I can play with them
>I can bury my face in them
>I can suck on them
>I can cum on them
Are you unemployed? They're probably trying to nudge you into getting a job. There's no point asking for rent from someone with no money - but they'll tell you to start paying once you work.
Where could I meet single women age 20-25? For dating.
>inb4 apps
>inb4 university
>inb4 clubs
>inb4 shops/cafes
Does dating ever change tides and becomes something were women have to actually put in effort and men can lie back and choose if they like them or not? I know there's a lot of cope about how it's like that after women go past 25 but it's completely bullshit.
Maybe in your late 30s if unmarried?
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>I can bury my face in them
Do you have any friends too? Most couples meet through friend circles
Damn that's a lot but payable if you save from a part-time job. Do you work at all or not at the mo? Have they given you a timeframe to repay it?
>I can bury my face in them
Some women can't fulfill this requirement.
Nta but my mom was charging me significantly more than market rent price, while I was doing most of the housework lol
It did make me appreciate the small things more though
They mean in the future, I assume when I have they and I have to pay back all my other uni debts.
oof i guess. I'm just traumatized because my first love was through mutual friends. But friends circle has changed a bit since then, so maybe I could try asking them again.
Woman, do you store anything in your bra/cleavage?
Okay, putting my face on them and licking is good enuff
I dated a girl with small boobs and they were still comfy to lie on
Dating is just as hard for ugly, boring, depressed women as it is for men. Sure, I can easily get sex with handsy, pushy men who I don't have - and will never have - any connection or chemistry with. That seems to be what most men here crave, at least.
No but I've seen other women do that. Ngl that's gross asf
nta but that gets uncomfortable for me quick. There's not really any cushioning.
Yeah, I'm a straight man and I agree. Ronaldo is too obsessed with always winning and it wouldn't be chill to sleep with him because I feel like he would call me fat for not having abs and ruin the whole mood. Beckham is down to earth and we could eat cheesecake together after a romantic walk on the beach.
A good handjob with lube can be fucking amazing. Look at lilu's handjobs
You can at least have sex tho, and your role is the same, you sit back, put no effort and wait to see if somebody you like comes, then you thums up or down as you please. Everything else will be done by the guy, and if at any moment he does something you dislike you can just ghost him and continue as usual.
Americans, do you learn about Canada at all in school?
ultimate cope
Not very saggy, if they are small the nipple has to be small too and sensitive
Only short term if I need a third hand or a cup holder or something like that. It gets kinda sweaty in there.
>something were women have to actually put in effort
I hate to say it anon but if she's not putting in effort either she just doesn't like you that much or she's not worth it
>in the future
Oh that's reasonable then, once you start earning properly pay back your momma
>pay back all my other uni debts
What is the loan system there like? I know here in the UK you only have to pay like 9% of what you earn over £27k (I make £22k so no repaying lol) til it gets written off
Sex with a man you don't like sucks. I'd 100% rather take my vibrator and dildo than that. That's not what "dating" is about - it's not about having sexual intercourse. It's about finding a person who you genuinely connect with. And for me that's been insanely hard. In my lifetime, I've only had chemistry with two men.
I guess I don't really have any. Just not totally flat, like AAA or something like that.
We don't learn about America at all so I don't see why they would
You’re not trying any of those? I’m not saying you should but is that what that implies?
And how many dates where you ghosted the man after 1-2 dates?
That's totally fair, obvs I wouldn't want to hurt her
Tbh it was more like little spooning so I wasn't putting my full body weight on her
>like AAA or something like that
She's a Duracel bunny
We will have our revenge for 1812 one day.
>I hate to say it anon but if she's not putting in effort either she just doesn't like you that much or she's not worth it
my current gf of 2 years put absolutely 0 effort in at the beginning and it was basically my wall to climb. she started putting in effort after we started dating seriously and now she's lovely, but yea at the beginning all girls are just looking to be wowed and have 30 guys waiting to show them
It's the same for men, sex with women that do nothing but lie is pretty shitty as well, there's just a bit more romanticism about how you're such a stud around it. But rubbing one out is unironically a better choice most of the time.
You probably just have your standards placed too high. Not a woman issue, it's a everyone issue. Everyone wants a model to sweep them off their feet while being uggos themselves and get sad when it doesn't happen.
I've had one man ask me to touch his penis beneath the table. I amicably told him I didn't want another date after that.
One man I went on a few dates with, who then slept with me, arranged another date and then told me he was sick and never messaged me again.
A guy I went out with for a number of dates, slept with him a few times, but we both agreed we didn't have any chemistry.
One guy I went on several dates with and turned out his relationship wasn't as "open" as he thought.
A guy I'm still seeing after 6 dates to see if any chemistry will happen. I don't think so.
Pretty much just 1812.
What does that mean? Is that bigger than just a one A? Is it equivalent to a certain number number size?
I am implying that they are either not places where to meet women like clubs (sluts) or apps (only fans ads) or they are not appropriate places (like shops, people go shopping and dont want to be bothered)
No, that seems uncomfortable.

Ronaldo is also autistic as fuck, a serial cheater, and an overall self-absorbed piece of shit. And worst of all, he's Portuguese.

Yes. We learned it's a miserable hellscape of snow and atrocious accents.
That is actually a real bra size. I can keep going and going and going... Oh, wait, that's Energizer. I think they both have pink bunny mascots.

AAA is the smallest cup size.
>You probably just have your standards placed too high. Not a woman issue, it's a everyone issue. Everyone wants a model to sweep them off their feet while being uggos themselves and get sad when it doesn't happen.
You couldn't be further from the truth. My taste in men would be considered unconventional. There's a difference between connection/chemistry and attraction - I've gone on dates with many men who wouldn't be considered conventionally attractive.
>short term
NTA but money seems to fit the bill - men give it to you and you hold it short-term
tfw no AAA gf
>In some ways
But if you regularly can kiss someone you're obvs boning
>Most people don't
I'm just a shy nerd I don't have options, last time I kissed was years ago. I don't even know how it works anymore
Dating is way worse for men. Sorry but I can't feel bad for you when your gender treats guys who want a connection like trash.
NTA but it sounds like a personal failing on your part that you can't (or willfully decide that you will not) separate individuals from groups. Oh well.
I don't want you to feel bad for me. I don't even blame men for my problems - I know I'm unattractive and socially deficient. I see everyone around me making genuine connections with one another easily and wonder why it's never been easy like that for me.
>wonder why it's never been easy like that for me
This is unironically why it's not easy for you.
Congrats bro that's a wholesome story, maybe she took time to warm up or you won her over lol, maybe I'm too cutthroat, but if I don't feel like a girl is making an effort I don't see the point
Maybe I just got lucky but most of the girls I went out with in the past made a lot of effort
Nta but what are you on about?
And you're dumping them because they have something you dislike about them, or maybe they aren't that good looking, or maybe they seem a bit too needy, or whatever cope you tell yourself to disguise the fact you want a mode looking dude that innately knows every single thing you enjoy and can say the perfect thing at the perfect moment every time.
Again this is not a "women are so delusional" thing. The exact same thing is happening to men as well when they realize the girl they went on a date off Tinder doesn't look as good wearing every day clothes than on her heavily posed filters applied Instagram pic of her vacations in Naples.
If you're going on dates consistently and you're depressed because "dating is so hard :((((" your standards are too high and you don't want a regular person, you want a perfect mirage that doesn't exist and you console yourself telling you that you just "did not have a connection".
I can't imagine dealing with that too. I value my energy too much to put up with a girl not being interested.
effort in what way? because i mean, it's not like she didn't respond or hold conversations with me, but it was clear i was moving everything along and if i had stopped she'd probably have just moved onto the next guy
What, wondering why I've never had meaningful relationships and struggled to connect with people? You seem to think that chemistry/connection is something you can force - it's really not.
If you think something isn't easy, it's going to be hard for you. Positive thinking and all that.
I think you do. You shouldn't view it as a struggle unless you're legit autistic.
Women: All men are about to be genocided (why and by whom is not relevant) - you can save three men (doesn't matter if you know them personally or not), who do you choose?
>you're dumping them
I've never dumped a man in my life.
>you want a mode looking dude that innately knows every single thing you enjoy and can say the perfect thing at the perfect moment every time.
I really don't, but go off. These >>31923082 are the dates and the outcomes of them. I don't decline second dates if I don't feel chemistry immediately. But I'm not going to force hanging out with a man - and none of the men I've dated have wanted to force chemistry when there wasn't any, either. It's not about looks or perfection; you can't connect with *anyone* just given enough time. I do think for some people making connections with others is harder, more elusive. It's depressing; I've settled for people I probably shouldn't have because I crave that connection. And no, they weren't model-attractive either.
>Maybe in your late 30s if unmarried?

At that time, most people who are capable of having healthy relationships are in stable, long-term relationships.
One man's struggle is another man's challenge.
Women, has a man ever hit you?
What happened?
it gets about the same about of use as pinning something under my arm or between my thighs or my mouth. like a "hold on i have to reshuffle" situation.
My dad and brother
I could never fight back against my dad but I did against my brother. I once got one of his teeth stuck in my elbow.

Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, and Chris Evans
Fuck you, Chris Pine
I did actually have a bf that slapped me once when he was drunk and we got into an argument. I got out of their quick.
Which one are you more likely to use first?
Really? After one slap?
Chris Pine is kino tho
Yeah. My dad disciplined me as a child, nothing too serious; smacks and choked once. My ex-boyfriend would hit me a lot over minor things when he was angry/irritated. In a sexual setting, he flogged, chokefucked, and slapped me. Currently get spanked/caned a fair bit in a consensual way.
Slapping leads to hitting, which leads to choking, which leads to murder. If you let them get away with it, they'll think it's okay and will escalate. Same with cheating.
Yes... My dad was really abusive and I got flashbacks to bad stuff. I didn't want a cycle starting again.
>Chris Pine
I unironically liked the D&D movie.
depends on the situation. my bag usually goes under my arm, if i'm using my card i'll pinch it between my lips, i'd pin a water bottle between my legs, that kind of thing. i've put my phone in my bra before but not for more than like 30 seconds. i probably do it at home more than in public.
My dad hit my brother and I growing up. My dad still rarely hits me now, too.
Disturbing trend.
I really don't get what you're complaining about
>I'm dating all these guys
>I have sex with them but it kinda falls off after a time
>oh woe is me
Like this is just the regular experience for all people? You aren't struggling with anything other than maybe the fact nobody seems to be good enough for you. Maybe you don't really want to date and push everyone off after a while, I can't know your scenario. But you aren't "struggling" with dating. You're don't seem to even have dry spells.
>My dad still rarely hits me now, too.
And you allow this why?
Yes, my bf hits me sometimes when we argue. I hit him too. Nothing really dangerous though
There's no pleasing you guys. You shit on us if we stay and you shit on us if we go.
State gender

Is smoking, vaping, or drugs a dealbreaker?
bleak. conveniently the effort gap is the one thing feminists do not seem to complain about, odd
He looks like a twink version of Eric Dane
Why would a woman put up with a non-man like that?
Guys, will it really turn you on if I adjust my bra in public?
Yes, to all three.
You WILL appreciate D&D ad you WILL be happy.
Never in my life
You can turn me on by adjusting it in private too.
A tiny bit, If im doing my own shit I will still notice for a split second and go back to my shit
Next Thread
Yes. Sorry.
Because it can happen if she was getting on his nerves on purpose and he was drunk. He didn't even punch her with a closed fist.
I knew the Age of the Twink was over as soon as Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce. Timothy Chalamet could only hold the line for so long
>on his nerves on purpose
This is unironically a huge red flag. Do you think that when someone gets on someone's nerves it's always on purpose?
>Like this is just the regular experience for all people?
Not really? Most people I know are in long-term relationships with men who love them, care about them, who do fun things together. I don't have that.
>You're don't seem to even have dry spells.
Nothing in my post stated the time frame. I haven't had a date in 4 months because I got fed-up. Prior to this year, I was celibate for 6 years.
>You aren't struggling with anything other than maybe the fact nobody seems to be good enough for you.
What don't you understand about this. I've liked all of these men. I would *love it* if I were still seeing them. But men don't want to hang out with girls they don't like, don't have a connection with. Men fuck anything. Maybe they were attracted to me, who knows. But attraction or being "good enough" isn't the same as having that elusive chemistry, connection - love - which makes hanging out with a person easy.
Alcohol just reveals who you really are
Well, I'm a guy, so I don't really care about his looks that much. I just liked the movie. However, I think Hugh Grant had the best performance overall, although he might have gotten a bit old now.
Also, you're justifying by saying "it could have been worse". Less bad is still bad.
I really, really dislike the smell. Possibly.
Unless it's opiates, benzos, or stimulants (coke or smoked meth, snorted is fine) - no.
Honestly if you get to the situationship state and manage to fuck it up your personality must be terrible. Men also love convenience and if you're nice and listen to him it's usually more than enough to keep him.
>dry spell because I stopped wanting to
There it is lol

And no most people aren't in a relationship with the love of their lives, they're either in a relationship with someone who was good enough at the correct point or single. I do not believe for a moment every single guy dumped you.
I wouldn't be able to afford to live anywhere else.
>effort in what way
Like suggesting date ideas, being present and making comvo on the date, offering to pay for stuff etc.
I'm biased maybe cause I'm quite a passive person so just went along with what girls wanted to do usually
No, I've dated girls who did all sorts
If I already like you then yeah
I try not to look tho
>>dry spell because I stopped wanting to
>There it is lol
What don't you get about the fact I was 6 years celibate even though I was open to possibilities then?
>I do not believe for a moment every single guy dumped you.
Well then, there's really no point talking to you. That's been my experience. None of the men I've been on dates with have wanted a relationship with me - we've not had a connection like that. Most people I know are in relationships with people they have a connection with. They're not living with people they've been seeing "just because".
>Honestly if you get to the situationship state and manage to fuck it up your personality must be terrible.
Yes, like I said, I've come to that conclusion myself! There's something wrong with me that men don't want to be with me. I've accepted that fact.
>something wrong with me that men don't want to be with me. I've accepted that fact
Nta but not necessarily, maybe you just haven't met the one yet...
Neither, I dislike large men altogether.
>severely lighter than me
That is a tough one. Needs to be some social event that’s popular with young people that’s not a bar or club and has no loud music but I don’t know what that would be.
Yay orange floofs.
I saw one on the chao garden yt channel.
You couldn't pay me to take your dick.
I save mr beast, and daft punk.

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