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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything...supposedly.

Le Funneh Murder Man Edition

state gender
what's your favorite anime, manga, hentai, VN?
Didn't realize old thread was on page 9. Anyways -
Women, do you ever want to have children? At what age are you looking to have them?
When did you realize that bi and lesbian women are the real bulls intead of Chad and Tyrone?
At 28 I'm gonna have to aim to 33-35, assuming I find a partner this year still..
After that, I may seriously consider going no kids.
>Eeh?! what do you mean you make your own chips out of corn tortillas, anon??
how do I respond without sounding retarded?
>At 28 I'm gonna have to aim to 33-35, assuming I find a partner this year still..
>After that, I may seriously consider going no kids.
What about freezing your eggs?
You missed LIGHT NOVEL
Tutu princess
Jojo PART 2 maybe
Not really a fan
I have only read 2 of these; saya no uta and that one cripple heart bad game with the 10000+ vg threads, the first was better
GL Anon. 35m here. Most girls I've talked to are not looking to have children and it's driving me insane.
>Cowboy Bebop
>Secret Plot
>Katawa Shoujo
Ranma 1/2

Ghost in the Shell

Euphoria (wait does this include VNs?)

Chaos Head/Steins Gate series
>I mean what I FUCKING SAID! THis is what is WRONG with society. I say A, you say, what do you mean 'A'. What's wrong with A, you vapid cunt? Would you rather it be 'B'? Are you fucking racist? Racist to 'A'? What did 'A' do to you. Stupid bitch..
>>Katawa Shoujo
Mirai Nikki
Koukou No Hito
Mankitsu the Happening, i guess
N/A but by default I guess it goes to Danganronpa
Saya no uta
I guess a couple years ago when I was cheated on
It has been a few years since I watched and anime, read any manga or doujins
I consoomed a lot of them but can't remember what any of them were named now or most of what they were about
Aaaaaahhhh the 31yo amnesiac
Dragon Ball Z
i could kick her ass
She couldnt do the same
the ones from walmart don't crisp up quite right for chips, they're good for tostadas though
If women are so lonely they should just pay me to be their Steam friend and play videogames with them and tell them about my hobbies
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finna out myself as a normalfag
Saint Seiya or (Zeta) Gundam
JoJo or Devilman
RanSem or w/e the one was with the fat monk
Fate/Stay Night
I read the LN of Goblin Slayer when it was first getting big and didn't have an official translation yet, really liked it; I own a copy of Vol.1
>Vidya (Japanese)
Shin Megami Tensei
I really want to ask the gamer girl I work with for her Steam ID or Discord but I'm afraid she'll expect me to play vidya with her
If you could catch her.
Had a huge workout today, bench pressed a bunch and did rows for my back.

Cute blonde girl was staring at me again, but shes way too young for me

What do.
Anyone wants to see my bench
>Anyone wants to see my bench
>n-no I just wanted to groom you in Discord and have a girl on my friend list, not play video games...
I mean, she does come off as kinda naive and is almost 5 years younger than me...but I'm also almost 30 so its not THAT weird
to be honest I kinda just want to hang out and watch scary movies with her, that's what we talk about a lot at work, moreso than video games
sorry for blogging
26 rn. Hopefully before 30. Im predicting when i’m 28 (with birth at 29)
Sure why not
Also how do you eat enough to gain weight
Just chucked half a bowl of rice pudding because I couldn't eat the rest
i want five, as soon as possible, but not sooner than me and whoever i have them with have been living together for a year.
what are you going as for Halloween?
I'm thinking about going as Smash Mouth because I'm also a chubby alcoholic asshole that likes to wear sunglasses
I have the same plan as a guy.
Hopefully you succeed cause I doubt I will.
Women, have you been with black men in the past?
How it went?
How do I know if this guy likes me and wants to hang out with me because he likes me or if he genuinely just wants a classmate to study with?
In the show I noticed that my penis had some red markings all over it that felt tender to touch, is this jock itch, It's currently wrapped up in dressing but I don't know how long to keep it like this for, the fuck did this to my dick? I'm a virgin and I haven't masturbated in a while now
I hate women so much
Femanons, how much do you want dick?
Not any different than any other race
You eat fast
I'm with one now
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Femanons, how often do you fantasize about the death of moids?
Men, what's your excuse to not going through a transformation, like this
are you fat?
god i wish mikeila would dom me
F. Dragonball Z or Howl's Moving Castle if we're talking movies.
At this point I'm starting to stop caring. It's been years and I'm tired of wanting.
I did, I had short hair now I have longer curly hair that I get complemented on all the time.
I'm still fat though and have no gf.
at least you have hair.
I've thought about it, but I'm not at an optimal healthy point in my life. I'm under sleeping due to work and always stressed, so that's NOT a good future baby recipe on my part lol
Femanons, please help
>Be awkward KHHV with OCD
>Play Overwatch, get invited to a group
>There's only 1 other guy, rest are women
>Shy at first, but become friendly with everyone
>2 years later, one of the girls is organizing a meet up
>Not feeling shy at all since we're all friends
>Arrive, everyone hugs each other
>They're all busty. Some in revealing costumes
>The other guy is chill about it. But I'm fighting my eyes the entire time
>Get caught looking by each girl at least once
>Eventually return home and feel like shit
The way i see it, I have 3 options: say sorry, just stop talking to everyone, or pretend like nothing happened?
What should I do?
You too anon. Clearly there's still ppl with interest on both sides so it ain't over yet haha
Why is it always chicks with names like Mikayla?
What drives women to call women parasites specifically when the statistics demonstrating the opposite are public knowledge and anyone who has been around humans already knows women leech off of men as a normal thing?
maybe the longer hair needs a haircut too, anon.
don't get me wrong, idk what your hair currently looks like, but also many women have long hair but it looks dull. there's no reason it shouldn't be the case for men too. length alone doesnt make hair look interesting in my humble opinion
What a shame.
It isn't that long, over an inch above my shoulders.
It could be a couple inches shorter but not too short cause it won't be as curly.
As much as I want a wholesome fulfilling relationship with a cute, kind but assertive guy :c
Do you feel guilt when you have to ghost and reject massive amounts of men online?
I'll have children with a man, if he actually wants to be a parent.
I mean, if they're all in revealing outfits, it's bound you'd look one time or another? Even chicks can't help but stare at other chicks in revealing clothes.

I don't think you need to say sorry, unless they visibly show they're awkward with you since then (which I doubt), much less stop talking to them altogether. Just move on and keep talking and playing with them like you always did anon. You're fine, really.
>I want men to value me for something other than sex
>Hmmmmmm let me mindlessly repeat what I am told by other women, make sure I am only ever interested in what other women in my circle think are cool and acceptable, and always assume I'm right and avoid anything too "boring" so my mind never develops any unique features, competencies, or thinking skills
Women why did you do this?
waiting for her to let me know when she's free to go see the new alien movie
it's so over (she does actually work a lot and she doesn't have much free time and does actually like the alien movies)
I can't read her at all and it's pissing me off. Friday we had a great time, good conversation, got laughs, a bit flirty, etc. Today she was cold as fuck and I felt like a creep with how much of a brickwall attitude she had. It's so frustrating to see her laughing like a comedy show at the most mundane conversations with other people then with me it's a 50/50 whether I'm getting the cold responses or a fun conversation. Why do girls act like this? If she thinks I'm a creep or doesn't like me, I would prefer that response than this flip flop stuff. I'm so tempted to just giving her the cold shoulder for the rest of my time at this job, but my stupid personality won't let me be a dick. I just hate talking to people and getting this vibe that makes me feel like they think I'm some homeless guy asking for money.
what percentage of guys are okay with bush? my body hair isn't very thick to begin with.
>no one has responded to anyone in like four posts (now five)
truly ask the opposite gender anything
It's fine as long as it doesn't smell or intrude on performance. If a guy has to go down on you and comes out with a mouth full of hair, it's a problem.
100% of me specifically is
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I have never read any of those but Death Note is such a good animu
I was busy.

Idk but as a man I prefer your bush
>Do any men enjoy approaching women even when they get rejected?
I am genuinely interested in finding a relationship. But I also have a rejection kink...
Women with sisters, do they ever tease you because of the size of your boobs? Are you bigger or smaller?
>anime, manga,
Detetive conan
Uhhhhhh idk, just the flash games sometimes.
I don't remember the name, but it had a baby faced dwarf/elf with some demon race woman and they have a domme/sub relationship on accident, then have a kid.
Do/did you hope to smash any of them?
Idk, as I am a sample of one but I actually love it but most girls don't keep one.
It's so hot.
Only the extremely weird ones OR if they have friends egging them on.
Mostly its just depressing.
there's a reason so many women are whining about havign to approach now; because its not fun. Same goes when men do it.
Is she a Domme?
Girls' Last Tour
Idk. Don't really consume. I guess that one succubus one that's been on all the streaming sites forever
Haven't 'played' many (didn't play Steins;Gate, am poser). I've only 'played' DDLC, Zero Escape (if that counts), and Saya no Uta. Idk how I'd rank them really.
I'm an emotional man that tries to mask because I was raised to believe that expressing anything but anger or happiness was weird.

Sappy love shit makes me cry sometimes but I'm bad at identifying/expressing my emotions because I tried to ignore that shit. Femanon who understand what I'm getting at, why do you think I cry? Even during happy shit I'll start bawling.
Male responses welcome as well
F I don't really watch that stuff. I guess Death Note or DBZ are the only animes I have seen start to finish.
I scared all the women away, sry guys.
I'm much smaller, and she's never teased me about it. No girl has ever teased me about the size of my breasts, only guys
Which poster are you?
She No matter how much moid death she fantisizes about I guarantee I fantasize about my own death more.
I'm way bigger than my sisters. There's a joke with us that the boob fairy gave me all of their share as well but it's mostly harmless teasing.
(Accidentally made on old thread lol)
Guys: what hairdos do you like on girls??
I think it's the purity of happiness and love that is so precious and moving. Sometimes people are sensitive to that in a way that's overwhelming (in a good way, but make you cry lol). Nothing to worry about it, it just means you're sensitive to these stuff, and that's sweet!
It’s your solar plexus chakra. You are full of love and empathy and feel the full spectrum of emotions deeply. That’s a good thing and should be cherished. Try not to feel bad about it. I’m the same way and it can be embarrassing but crying is cathartic
As long as you're not doing one of those cuts where you wear it up and shave/buzz the back and sides I'm not picky.
Boob fairy?
I like some pubic hair on a woman, but if you want me to go down on you I'd prefer that you trim it so I don't get a bunch of hair in my mouth.
Pixie cut, wolfcut, Cleopatra, emo, side shave, some bobs.

Yeah, I end up dating a lit of closeted lesbians :/
fancy braids are beautiful
Personally I love bob cuts
Yes the boob fairy.
Anything with bangs
Said no guy ever..
I wish we lived in the world of bob love , alas..

It's hard to say what my absolute favorite is. Currently, probably Mushi-Shi.
Tossup between Battle Royale and Lone Wolf and Cub
Don't really watch hentai. Whatever I've seen I mostly watched in my youth out of curiosity. I still find it to mostly be gross and weird.
Does 999 count?
You've never heard that expression? It's a joke with some girls that it's a fairy that gives out breast size when you enter puberty. Sort of like the tooth fairy but for boobs.
The obvious answer is to get those lesbian to help you pick out the straight chicks with those haircuts.
I think it's this >>31936451
I'm sensitive and cry even at happy stuff too, always have,
Unironically ponytails
I know that's the lazy hairstyle for women but it looks cute to me
You and I against the world brother
Women, what is the most fun thing you've done in your life?
Imagine if girls started out with boobs, then puberty hits and the originals fall off and new ones grow in...
Afros, spiky pixie cuts, shoulder length curly hair, long hair with bangs, french braid, pony tails.
Femanons would you prefer men or futa?
Snorkel and see big fish
I will give a little context before the question but it's basically should I try to establish a friends with benefits situation with an ex? She basically said multiple times she doesn't want to get back together, but whenever I went to her we hugged, cuddled and the last time we even kissed a bit. She suggested once but then I kept pursuing something more and she shut that constantly. Now I finally conceded and stop trying to get back together and began joking about that right away (retarded I know). Honestly I miss the cuddling, talking and the rest and if she's fine with it and I separate my wish for something more could it work?
New fetish unlocked
I don't want to go to prison, do I? while does this place feel empty - or "he's" gone. i let myself get to greedy.
An actual woman
Would my ma want to keep those too?
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Same cadence
You don't think it would be too awkward to ask that of an ex?
brother I am male and I would prefer futa
pussies are so ugly
Seems like a mom thing to do.
cause i have straight hair and dont feel like styling it
ill just have short boring crew cuts for the rest of my life
Gratz, ya gay
>Anything with bangs
Honestly this. Almost any haircut can be attractive to me if she has good bangs
No, it's too emotionally messy and it will prevent you from moving on and meeting someone new
No bc eventually she’s going to find someone new and that will be very painful if youre still involved physically or emotionally
prison or death?
idk i just like long hair
Lol at this faggot
Depends on the prison.
Swiss prison or usa shithole?
>Do/did you hope to smash any of them?
No, not at all.
b-but I'm not attracted to men!!
Haha, ok, I see your point. It's not really like that at all.
Go to Disneyland throughout my childhood with my family
What does ketamine feel like
>should I ever get back with my ex?
The answer to this is always, and will always be, NO!
This. Yurop prisons sound pretty comfy.
green and brown is such a good combo
need a woodland princess gf
Milky coins and salty bags
need barely sapient giant ant gf who thinks im her property
State gender
Fellas, what's a seemingly innocent/harmless thing a woman might do that secretly drives you nuts?

I'll start:
Guys showing up well groomed and smelling GOOD. I melt.
How heavy are the average pair of boobs?
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>oh thats a nice question you have for the opposite gender you have there- heh-, now watch me omaplata your face and steal your girl!
why ask questions to the opposite gender when this guy could kick your ass and just take your thread gf?
what's the point?
I just noticed I forgot to change woman and fellas for neutral terms after making the question for both M and F. My bad!
Very few young guys
Showing me her bobs
i could kick his ass
a girl a work has waist length hair and sometimes she turns around really fast and hits me with it
Thank you for the hair replies guys, it's really interesting <3
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>Brain compells me to want to have sex with women for procreative purposes
>I don't want kids
>I don't think I have the patience (for nonsense) to deal with a girl's shit (I might get lucky with the "perfect girl" or roll bad RNG and get a narcissist bitch that gets fat), let alone get one in the first place
>I prefer solitude

How do I patch this bug?
Is he transgender? Kawaii
Open dick first
i like jewess hairstyles for some reason. natalie portman hair in v for vendetta before she went bald was really nice imo
Maybe 2-3 pounds.
He's a professional fighter
Bending over
Yup thought as much. Especially since I know myself enough to know I would get very attached to her since I already have feelings and that those gestures of love (sitting in someone's arms and such) mean very much to me. Shame really, I really liked those nights
Is that always the case? I always think of that saying "a man never steps in the same river twice for it's not the same river and he isn't the same man". Couldn't two people that both acknowledge their mistakes, forgive and move on from the past try again? Of course both of them would need to do it and it's rare but it does happen.
using a straw to drink and pouting your lips to do it. hnngg
I also like bob cuts but I'm not super picky about it.
Woman in pajamas. Not even sexy one's like even some really loose Muppets one's do it for me.
He's not trans he's just in a light weight class! He is kawaii tho :v0
Imagine somehow playing skyrim in both first and third person view simultaneously, but it's just your normal life.
And then you piss yourself.
And you love it.
>*unzips benchod*
whats your points
birds are professional flyers but i could outfly a bird if its not flying
cars are very fast until theyre not moving
hes tough until i paid someone bigger than me to beat him up
I like it when her hair smells pretty.
Did some tandem bioluminescent kayaking with my bestie and had a guided explanation of the clear milky way above us and it was genuinely magical.
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>match with a girl on hinge
>we hit it off pretty well and she gives me her number
>text back and forth and talk a few times and its all good
>she pretty quickly starts jokingly talking about sexting and dick pics
>she finally says bluntly that she wants to see my dick
>we start sexting and it gets pretty intense
>one day she begs me over and over for more and more dick pics and confesses that she masturbated to me three times that day
>we finally meet up for a date
>she basically cold shoulders me, doesnt respond or really engage, and it just kind of ends
Can someone tell me what happened? I thought maybe I looked bad or something irl, but all my pics she saw are recent. Could it be she just got cold feet around sex for real?
depends on boots.
Luteal phase
that might work but there wouldnt be much honor in that fren..
Only a couple were in revealing clothes. The rest were dressed I guess kind of form fitting, but probably mostly normal for their body type.

But I am relieved that you don't seem to think it's a big deal. Thanks for your answer.
Women, can you feel your ribs?
I had this guy once in a packed bar accidentally getting a whiff off the top of my head and he just blurted out "your hair smells so nice!" with such flabbergastment I never forgot about it hehe
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>oh thats a ni
damn, really cool
a nice feminine womanly/not girly(childish) voice
Girls, thoughts on sexy pirates who rape you?
Thoughts on sexy vampires who rape you?
Thoughts on sexy policemen who rape you?
Thoughts on sexy athletes who rape you?
Thoughts on other sexy professionals / mystical beings who rape you?
If he had attempted a conversation afterwards do you think he could have gotten your number?
Hair and milkers are two things the Jews do very right
Any of these.
I'm a big fan of hair > eyes. Especially covering both.
Sadako is my waifu
can you post the image from the other day i gorgot so dave it
the girl that looks like sadako in the elevatpr
I carry a gun
For the autists reading this, don't say this unless she's your girlfriend, or you're a Chad.
Skip all this foreplay question about rape and just rape. I bet someone who's into rape will love you more for it.
Yes from the side, not through boob if that is what you are asking.
Good posture
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This is the only sadako image I've posted here, I'm not whoever posted whatever that was
I know what you're doing here buddy, making sure you explain to a T how they were and weren't dressed to make sure you're in the clear.
You're still fine and that's final. If your brain keeps poking you with ideas and excuses you say "it's already settled." and think about something else okay?

T. former massive ocd femanon
Having the football team run a train on me
How tall is he?
I don't fantasize about killing usually.
is this facial hair cool looking? thinking about getting it
Not really, the amount is more like brushing off ants.
It says 6'1 online but ufc fighters constantly lie about that stuff.
where was this? florida?
Without reading your context, no
>Sorry Anon, I've gotta pee again before we go do xyz
would be better without the mustache, especially since his hair is so thin on it it looks like pubes on his face
Oh he kept sending me signals until I realized what was going on (over the course of a few months). When I decided to make a move on him he totally cowarded out and refused my advances. To this day I've no clue what just happened. Maybe he just liked being a tease?
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I think he's talking about this one
Wow so there's a chance imyturning guy friends on every time I tell them I need to pee when we're out drinking?!
He looks to be under half my bodyweight, a lot of that weight is useless fat but he will still lose at grappling if I can hoist and throw him
Glad he asked so I could see that, thanks
Added to the "my perfect wife sadako" folder
It is cool looking if you can pull it off. U have taste to notice that this is stylish in the first place, which means probably yes it will look good on you. i think other anons wont agree but they maybe dont have style..
I kinda think the thin look looks cool for some reason, maybe because not many guys have it.
>I know what you're doing here buddy, making sure you explain to a T how they were and weren't dressed to make sure you're in the clear.
>You're still fine and that's final. If your brain keeps poking you with ideas and excuses you say "it's already settled." and think about something else okay?
>T. former massive ocd femanon
So you're saying I should wash my hands of this? :P
Jokes aside, I appreciate it. Thank you.
I have much nicer hair than that
That's cool
And Sadako is cool, one of the best spooky characters
thanks, yeah ill try it out
Did you assume there wasn't?
Let me guess you pee on the street and have them "shield" you too and think they are just thinking "haha wacky and icky we are such good friends"?
I would just give my gf a hall pass if that's accurate
How do I shave my face without breaking out?
You know they get measured independently right?
From the side and between my cleavage, yes.
Only the psycho ones
What are good examples for you?
Personally I just don't have women friends let alone ever go out drinking with them because of this
Not that I really want friends anyways
>loving her
Eww no. I wouldn't even pee in the streets with girl friends, let alone men. They're still wolves underneat the sheep skin.
yw. but don't forget that we're weirdos. normal guys may have completely different ideas.
I think they just ask the fighters their height
>a girl a work has waist length hair and sometimes she turns around really fast and hits me with it
more to the point don't do public indecency
Nope, Maine. Acadia in general is great and I highly suggest visiting as at least a bucket list type deal.
Pic related looks a lot like a recurring dream I have.
Real man and woman. Not both, nor an abomination.
Shave lotion, cool water, ice facial roller after, then vasaline/mineral oil after
it might be kind of creepy but i stay close to her on purpose so her hair can brush against my knuckles
No. Facial hair is gay.
>go to restaurant
>he orders the ______
>instantly get the ick
what is it ladies?
>ribs visible
Best man shape
This reminds me not long ago at a party when I was sitting down and my crush was standing right next to me and I kept staring at his hand ughhhh
I wanted to hold it so bad it was silly. I'm almost 30.
Long Island Ice Tea.
>looks in mirror
>raises arms
;_; i cant see them
I thought you wanted me to be fat

You are giving me an eating disorder, femanons
I'm 29 and every time my piano teacher gets near me to change the page I want to give her a biiig hug
Anything that's just glorified mozzarella sticks an appetizer that costs more than ten bucks.
The uhhhh... the ummmm. the I'lll have what shes having....
It shouldnt be hard to just fucking pick something

Why do you say "femanons", ie plural, while acting like all are the same perso saying different shit
Tendies / bonless wings plain, some plate without a veggie in sight, burger [no lettuce, tomato, onion](pickle is excusable), or alcohol before 5pm.
A salad. Just a salad.
>go to restaurant
>he/she orders the ______
>instantly get the unick
What did they're order?
What food do you find attractive?
Skinnyfat is not actually fat. It's a normie mode.
Should I buy a 3 year 4chan pass for $45?
Can we all not be touch and love deprived anymore ;___;
Why can't you be skinny enough so I can harp your chest cavity?
where did qt go?
Are you blind? Can you not do the captcha yourself? No, seriously.
emma stone and scarlett johansen come to mind
elizabeth olsen maybe
Um, no. That's the hottest thing a man could ever order.
Please give me your veggie eating men. I'm exhausted from manchildren that break their dick injecting mountain dews.
im not lean enough
>some plate without a veggie in sight
whats wrong with this?!
bananas hehe
Last bastion of free expression online. I'd do it if I weren't a poorfag.
Leave the meat eater dude for me then please!
I need my shipment of aerodynamic men.
i dont fucking know. Shrimp cocktail? and she shares it with me?
This atoga threadnisnreal cozy tonight hehe
lock me in your basement/attic and put me on a diet
You may now kiss.
I don't think I really judge women on what they eat? I guess if it's healthy I'd respect that, but that's not exclusive to a date.
Don't women prefer it?
I'm not saying a man having a salad isn't attractive but if that's the only thing, if there's no meat or anything else, it strikes me as a bit weird. I mean, is he watching his figure?
I'm fat and even two of my ribs are visible lol.
I hear it's good but I don't know what it is, pill me on it
>women seek to deny men their most basic human right, eating chicken
WHEN does the oppression end???
What's next, "no balding"???
save me
rebel against the other women and free us
>alcohol before 5pm
You got a problem with brunch? I thought the ladies loved brunch?
Apparently women who drink beer are more promiscuous than women who drink other alcoholic beverages. So I guess anything but beer.
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>I mean, is he watching his figure?
He's watching his sperm taste for me so it's not absolutely disgusting. So later I'll pin him down and suck his soul out for dessert.
I ate nachos for dinner and by nachos I mean I ate a bunch of tortilla chips with store-bought salsa and cheese dip
no meat :(
I don't really read anime or watch manga, so I only have a few to choose from.
Love Is Like a Cocktail
Wizard's Soul ~Holy War of Love~
Dungeon Meshi
Kumo desu ga, nani ka?
My Stepmother's Daughter is My Ex
N/A, it's always so gross.
Eternum, Once in a Lifetime, or Crimson High are all pretty good.
4chan isn't remotely free expression, it's random enforcement of vague draconian schizo rules at literal troon mod discretion
try this for $0
Hopefully somewhere without internet
get some of those boneless chicken breasts that come in the big bag at walmart, and freeze them, then cook some (a little longer than it says to), then shred or chop them and put in fridge and use for anything from sandwiches to nachos to tacos
I don't have a problem with it as long as you don't want me to go down on you.
It's a drink with vodka, rum, tequila, and gin. It gets you fucked up fast. No one drinks it for the taste.
It bothers the fuck out of me that due to circumstance and my own bad decisions I spent my life unable to fuck and cum inside many different womens pussys. I'm not being ironic or trolling, this kind of thing makes me so sad. couple of inches of height and some stronger jaw bones and I could have been in ecstacy every night enjoying young womens bodies and intimacy and love. Can anyone whos been there and had lots of casual sex tell me that its not worth it? that its not as good as it sounds?
if it's not for taste then why are there four different liquors, wouldn't rum and coke be more efficient?
I meant to reply to this >>31936693
(You) are still (You) no matter what other people think of (You) or how many experiences of any kind you have alone or with other people, (You) are just what (You) personally make of (You)rself and (You) can't escape that
>Why do you say "femanons", ie plural, while acting like all are the same perso saying different shit
He's being passive aggressive
That's too diluted for people who wanna get fucked up fast. It's also known as the Adios, Motherfucker.
I like hair being long, straight or wavy, and down best.

I can appreciate braids too, especially if they're a more complicated braid like a fishtail braid or a dutch braid or something even more complicated, or like a waterfall braid you get the benefits of both.
(and if we're in a sexual relationship having a double braid is good for other reasons...)

For curlier hair I like ponytails sometimes too. But generally ponytails and other "up" hairstyles emphasize foreheads which aren't my favorite feature.
Nah, I don't need brunch. I can do breakfast tho. Drinking too early will give me a uti and make me have to pee very often. That's just not hospitable for a wholesome daylight date.
I will third the hair thing. I'm sure there are others but I can't think of them right now.
Wait, what?
You've got it all wrong. You drink it because it tastes good despite having 4 different liquors in it. If all you cared about was speed you'd be doing double shots with a vodka soda back.
Dear women, do (You) breast boobily as you go about your day?
Dick hard on the butt
Tiddy in my hand
Kiss ya neck
Hell yea
The dilution factor is based by the percent alcohol by volume x the proof, not "how many alcohols go in"
how am I supposed to NOT be gay when putting a vibrator in my ass feels so amazing?
Anything vegan.
Bonus points if it's at a restaurant that does varying spice levels and she orders the spiciest option there is.
Also bonus points if she knows how and when to use chopsticks.
Why drink something that has a "despite" at all? People drink shitty beer to get drunk. Same idea.
All that matters is how he eats ie his table manners, and to a lesser extent his taste in restaurants. What he orders is irrelevant to me, I just hope he enjoys his meal
I'm proud of atoga for not replying to this bait
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women what is your favorite gun
I've never understood how people can get drunk, I struggle to finish a single alcohol because it tastes so bad, and the only reason even that happens is because I'm easy to peer pressure and because alcohol is addictive.
I know, but I missed out on a metric fuckton of penile pleasure. Guess I just have to get over it.
what would you do if a really ugly girl asked for your number..? like a 3/10
You just haven't found an alcohol you like. That's probably a good thing really.
i'd probably get an erection
When they order what I order because they don’t have confidence. Such a weird male thing too, why you guys do that?
just buy a penis milker 9000 and make up for lost time if that's what you're broken up about
based polite femoid
What about a regular woman but born with a dick instead of a fake woman with a man's body?
Are there any good (F4M) or (F4A) ASMRs where they subtlety acknowledge that the listener is masturbating?
>t. ASMR noob.
>his taste in restaurants.
Can you give some examples of good and bad?
External male genitalia on an intersex person is kind of an ick, ngl.
Got a good spread.
Easy to load, doesn't have a lota work in parts, gat'a good spreaad.
pretend i didnt hear her and shuffle away
I'm not sure, I've never been approached by a woman before.
how am I supposed to NOT be gay when putting a vibrator in my ass feels so amazing?
getting drunk is retarded and very bad for your health
try a vodkaless midori sour:
1 measure (ounce) midori
1 measure lemon, lime, or mixed lemonlime juice
a club soda or a sprite if you like drinks sweet, 5 or 6 oz or whatever
a maraschino cherry
midori is less alcoholic than most spirits so you could have a few before starting to get drunk, but just stick to one anyways
A really ugly girl wouldn't do that. She'd just shoot her shot right there.
People wouldn't mind fags if they didn't make it other people's business.
>girl i'm dating says i need to find work for us to have a future
>prove to her i'm looking for work and will have work soon
>she's been quiet the last week when normally she'd be talking to me the whole time, only messaging me occasionally
what are the chances she's thinking of breaking up with me compared to just being busy? i don't want to overthink this but she's been funny recently like a 180 personality change
Give her my number
Get nervous about how to bring up that I am only interested in dating people with certain morals she probably won't have
Feel sick about it because I've never been on a date and wish my first date could be a positive experience but know it probably won't be once I get into the talk
Wait for her to call
3/10s can sometimes be cute and I have no issues with dragging the conversation to the graveyard. But if I really didn't want to give her my number for some reason-
>867 5309
M (25) single, i decided to start going to the church starting this sunday; now to explain the reason behind this and why I never went to one, the 2nd is pretty simple I was raised in a family who doesn't go to the church but I as a grown man living alone can make my own decisions, im not and never considered myself an atheist by any means I belive in God just was never religious, now to why I decided to start going is simply cause I have no outdoors hobbies and no social circle and I don't mind learning about religion so this can solve both my problems potentially. Should I be aware of something beforehand? I have a earring with a cross in it is that a redflag and will people judge me for it?
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women, what do you think of the patrick swayze mullet?
A question like this is a lot harder to get an answer to if you don't say where you live.
I'm pretty sure it's the alcohol, not the type of alcohol.

I've tried vodka, wine, tequila, rum, coconut rum, champagne, cider, perry, and I've smelled beer/ale and tried non-alcoholic beer. None of them tasted "good". I could tolerate the rum, perry, and champagne, and if there's enough stuff covering them up I can deal with it like in a mimosa or a fruity girl drink.

But my enjoyment of the drink is inversely correlated with the alcoholic drink content, so I might as well just have juice or a non-alcoholic mixed drink and drink something I enjoy.
>woman remarks to me about an animal she saw while Im walking in a nature reserve
>talk to her for a while
>ask for her number
>she actually gives me her number
>too intimidated to text her
>its been 3 months
would this bother you if you were the woman? should I even bother trying at this point?
Countryside of brazil
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If I ever buy that bartending set I keep telling myself to buy maybe I'll try it, but even then I think I'd prefer it with the alcohol not present.
Not particularly into it but I think It can be pulled off, so long the guy is just as clean shaven and neat like patrick here is.
no set needed, just a shot glass and something to stir with kek
and maybe some crushed ice to pour it into
why did you post this twice?
wife? baby?
no wife? no baby?
where is my wife?
where is my family?
wife? where are you?
It's the mixed drinks. I have never met a girl that doesn't like a mojito or a gin and tonic.
I wish i wasnt an ugly freak.
you're not ugly you're just a freak
I am genuinely 3 /10
Mate I don't even have a shot glass or any way to crush ice besides like a blender or something.

But again why would I not just have mint limeade, instead of adding an ingredient I don't like that makes it taste worse?
post face so we can make you feel betta
Earring. Maybe don’t wear the same as famous gay men. If you want to learn something fun, Jesus was against organized religion and said god is not in a house. There were more than 10 commandments but they changed over the years to fit current times. Limbo no longer exists, it got shut down because it got weird explaining how unbaptized babies deserved going to hell. Enjoy your new hobby
Meh, some people like getting drunk or buzzed.
you can also eyeball it or just put a splash in, like i said there isn't that much alcohol in it for a spirit
and use uncrushed ice or hit it against the counter in a bag
there really isn't much to "mixology"
mainly just try midori in some mixed drinks if you want a light alcoholic beverage, it has a peppy melon flavor and goes good with lots of tropical juices and drink ingredients
~~Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground~~
I haven't been to church in almost 15 years, so take my words with some salt. But when I went to a small church, the pastor acknowledged every newcomer and told everyone to come and introduce themselves to us. A small church like that is probably going to have a more community feel. When I went to a larger one (200+ people) No one really talked to each other unless you were apart of a smaller study group that would meet on weekdays.
As for the earring, I think that's just a zoomer thing? Maybe an old, silent gen baptist could see that as kind of fruity, but fuck them if they do. They're not supposed to judge anyway.
plz reply to this post if you lurk this thread and dont ever post
Im here
what a hodgepodge of tumblr "facts" lol
We're on a road to nowhere.
Saying this in church would be blasphemy

Gee i wonder who benefits from people coming to (((church)))
Wife? Wife? Where wife?
>becomes agitated and strains against straitjacket

I can't wait for the Sex 2.0 Rule Set to drop and men can enjoy anal stimulation without it being labeled gay
nahh angling the camera to show off your bulge silhouette is devious work
>Gee i wonder who benefits from people coming to (((church)))
The synagogue of satan?
*haldol's you*
Sleepytime now.
I'm a massive weeb, absolutely massive (moving to Japan in about a year) but I barely consume any of this. I guess:
Anime - Gundam SEED
Manga - Death Note
Hentai - OG Bible Black
VN - 999
Are you gonna use a real cock or not?
State gender
What is your goal when you write posts here?
Hot, please do.
I want to support her and let her know that I appreciate her.
Bold of you to assume I have one.
>Gundam SEED
Oh, wow, bold choice.
Fellow Men,
Is the post-nut loss of interest in women and sex more or less profound during real sex when compared to masturbation?
To make just one person's day a little better if I can, even if it's by laughing at me being retarded
Do you have a thread gf or something?
Stop just repeating things. I'm not even religious at all and I know this is bullshit.

Jesus was against worshipping congregation and ritual instead of God, not against the existence of churches. In fact he was so protective of the synagogue as a house of God that he braided a whip to chase the money-changers and dove-sellers out of it because their presence disrespected its sacredness.

Moses taught the people 613 commandments total as the full law of the prophet, but the first two were spoken by God and the first ten were engraved on the tablets of Mount Sinai. It's not about modernization at all, you're delusional.

Limbo is a Greek concept in origin which got grafted in later, along with the idea of purgatory in general.

There are lots of contradictions with modern doctrines and Revelations you could have drawn from but you didn't because you're retarded and just hate Christianity because you were told to while having zero knowledge of it and zero critical thinking skills.
Pass time, talk about myself, convince women not to do gross things, and occasional targeted posts.
When you let me use the vibrator on you, honey~
To leave remnants
To find remnants
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I've been wanting a dog
My girlfriend kept telling me to get a dog because I want one
So I finally decided to get a dog
Now she's constantly telling me what a bad idea it is to get a dog and how I can't commit to it

Is this some type of fucked up abuse tactic or something?
I just want a fucking dog. I know I'm not the best owner for it or anything but like, I don't need someone constantly negging me over it.
I'd think he lost my number. Oh well, next.
you should EAT the dog
This would imply I secretly love women. I don't. I hate them with all my heart and soul.
A couple of guys being anal sluts doesn't mean the rest of us should, fucking fujo
Relax with some easy entertainment. I like doing picrews and bingo too
>Earring. Maybe don’t wear the same as famous gay men
Mainline protestants are pretty much SJW's at this point
>If you want to learn something fun, Jesus was against organized religion
He organized a religion though?
>and said god is not in a house
Didn't he say the temple was his father's house?
>There were more than 10 commandments but they changed over the years to fit current times.
Wasn't it Jesus who changed them?
>Limbo no longer exists, it got shut down because it got weird explaining how unbaptized babies deserved going to hell
Only the roman catholic church ever supported that idea.
>Enjoy your new hobby
This seems personal. What happened, anon?
Just do it. You stand to lose nothing by just saying "Hey I was thinking back on this time I met somebody awesome at a nature reserve who talked to me about an animal, who gave me her number. And I realized I somehow never texted her??"
I'm ready for Sex 3.0 where women are physically unable to have it except with their husbands
If possible also, show that you remember what she told you about that animal or whatever.
I can get bolder. I love SEED Destiny too.
My wife has a gf though?
She barely knows that I exist, and that's okay.
[clutches pearls]
Saying this is worse than killing 50m people by holodomor
He didn’t. He said to spread the word of god, not to establish a church with an organization.
Why do women only date men with broad, fat faces and thick, unwashed facial hair?
How common is it for guys to go on dates/outings with multiple girls in one day?
The only time I did something like that was years ago right before the quarantine was announced.
I went out on a date with this girl I really didn't want something long-term with, but she wouldn't let me hit it so I matched with another girl on Tinder the same night and was balls deep in her within an hour of messaging her after driving back from my date.
how bad is it that my hair is going white at 19? i have a visible streak now. i know guys can do the whole salt and pepper look but this is probably bad for me right? i'll look 50 when i'm 30 and women's fashion is very youth-focused...
If a guy is handsome, probably common

Im a literal orc, so it wont ever happen
I hope he's okay
>only date men with broad, fat faces and thick, unwashed facial hair?
I could NEVER.
I need kisses from soft, clean shaven boys, with remarkable dimples and sweet eyes.
No Diamond, Eternal Hymen!
I wish I could be honest on dating apps or that there’s a filter
No balds
No fats
No single dads
No one without a degree
No unemployed men
No one that lives with their mom
No 50/50
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How does one get more comfortable sexually? How does one get their gf to get more comfortable sexually?

We've been together 8 years almost and it feels like we've regressed. We do the same shit every time, extremely rarely talk about it, and then just repeat until my horniness overpowers my annoyance with this. She's so timid and we both were inexperienced before each other. Difference is I am/was a cooming, mass porn-consuming degenerate for my entire youth and she never even so much as read an erotic story.
He’s fine.
I dont know if its good or bad that young barely 18yo girls wear tiny sports bras to gym, who could easily pass as bikini tops
that describes me and ive never had a gf so.......
I have never been on a date; I have never been on a date. I have never - been on a date.
You can be honest on dating apps retard.
You can be honest in dating apps
T. Fat chick who lives with parents >>31936969
Getting a date isnt THAT hard
If i had them, surely you can too anon
Idk man how do you know
> T. Fat chick who lives with parents
I’m BMI 20 with muscle and I currently live on my own flat, try again.
>refers to bras as "her"
cute. you're cute, anon. to answer though, it's not a moral issue, it doesn't matter. if she has some character trait that you dislike, she'd have it no matter what she wore, and if she doesn't have that trait, she still won't have it while wearing it.
Because I talk to him daily.
>How common is it for guys to go on dates/outings with multiple girls in one day
Life doesn't have to be carefully planned.
Deal. And like there's some ultra-surveillance that verifies everything somehow and is detached and neutral and you agree to the surveillance when you sign up.
You don't have to fill out your profile the company just fills it out and you pick importants and dealbreakers and it tells you your matches, what criteria you matched based on, and so on.
But no one else fucking is
So you could just filter her out based on that then
And on my end I will filter out non-virgins and socialists and abortion supporters.
>I went out on a date with this girl I really didn't want something long-term with, but she wouldn't let me hit it so I matched with another girl on Tinder the same night and was balls deep in her within an hour of messaging her after driving back from my date.
Other people are honest too. Are you okay?
You should probabky check with your doctor to make sure you don't have a stress disorder/illness.
No manlets
I am just not interested in most women and the few I ever asked out who turned me down ended up turning into or revealing themselves as total psychos at later dates so now I don't even trust my own extensive irl behavioral filters
I don't meet new people unless I go to new jobs and I wouldn't date coworkers even if any of them were single
> Deal. And like there's some ultra-surveillance that verifies everything somehow and is detached and neutral and you agree to the surveillance when you sign up.
You don't have to fill out your profile the company just fills it out and you pick importants and dealbreakers and it tells you your matches, what criteria you matched based on, and so on

Agreed, anything to make dating less tedious.
No one actually is tho
>And on my end I will filter out non-virgins and socialists and abortion supporters.
I've never met a woman that wasn't at least one of these
You can easily filter for all that yourself
Are YOU, saying that shit with chest?
Women, could you please suggest something to fap to?
It takes effort and meeting people in person just to see that they are cheap or whatever is painful enough.
Yes, especially mustaches. I rarely find a guy without a mustache attractive
>No one is honest doe
Then fucking quiz them idiots, literally just ask questions, ask for their height, force them to verify with id or a photo next to a marked wall, ask them to prove it isn't a wig, ask them to show degree and employment.
Fucking bunch of brainless troglodytes on here I swear.
Me neither, curious you can filter apparently 100% of the gender with three extremely basic, effective, reasonable, human trash filters.
But if like everyone used this OrwellDate app, maybe I would find a few, so I could just get turned down by them and not have to wonder if it would ever be worth trying to find someone
Would give me a measure of peace for sure
Your mother
A lot are. Not everyone is a coward like you
Has anyone here used dating apps for people with autism/adhd/other stuff? I'm thinking about trying one
Damn the goldduggery came up fast kek
That would be another thing the OrwellDate could filter based off of past behaviors and relationships and stuff, all manner of mooches or passenger princess types
Not fat not living with my parents :* and none of the things I listed lol
That’s a thing?
>n-no people are totally honest!
>the defining trait of the average human is honesty in fact!
Aggressive delusional retard.
Yeah I tried Duolicious all of the women on it were like normal women or tedious memebait
Yes, dating takes effort. You could also just date people you meet irl, although it still takes effort
Your dad dumping into your moms ruined moist hole
> passenger princess
Yes and? You say that as if it’s a bad thing
N-no everyone is a liar because I am waah
It's a bad thing.
>hate spiders?
>YOU must BE the spider!
Rare variant of fag brainrot spotted!
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Personally my standards for women are as high as womens standards for men (so insanely high) as such I support women and their high standards. If you don't get what you want just die alone, never settle. If you want to be a golddigger or Chad only go for it. Don't let anyone stop you.
> You could also just date people you meet irl
I’m not on a dating app, I went on a casual date with someone I know in real life. He was great company, but I didn’t feel a connection. It would probably be easier to date if I didn’t limit myself to dating within my friend group or local spots. It’s less awkward when things don’t work out.
It is a thing, There's one called Hiki I was considering and I am wondering how the atmosphere and women are on it
Wym her?

Whats cute about it

I just find it kinda weird because you see older girls who want to dress sexy to look good and to get attention, and then young chicks who are barely legal come in with their oversized tshirts, and take them off to end up being in bikini top only

Except the top has gymshark logo.
Im not specifically complaining, i love eye candy too but uhhh, yeah.
Its kind of intimidating and im a grown man twice the size of those chicks.

Where am i supposed to look at, the ceiling.
Especially when they lift in front of me, or are fixing their tight shorts infront of me
I might get extremely high and join.
Delude myself towards what I really want.
Here, lil quiet shy femanon bangs you while her parents are asleep. (Porn titles can be garbage)[femanon approved]
Hey guys can we play a game today or something
Yeah, sure
>NEET only app
god imagine the stench
You had a meltdown because someone said you can be honest on dating apps? What mental illness is this
Nta but nice
I could go for a spin too
>wym "her?"
i meant "who"; the point was you personified it.
who cares
id ogle her in a shawl
No I clearly asserted, multiple times, that people in general ARE NOT honest on dating apps. People COULD just stop murdering and waging war on each other too, feel free to hold your breath for that, retard.
You didn’t kek
I would kill myself before living with relatives for extended periods of time t b h
How will they meet if they can’t even pay for a coffee
Written conversations are available to reread you FUCKING retard, so it's not a matter of debate.
Okay, then why are you complaining about dating apps in your OP?
Im english third language apologies
I mean, theres this young blonde chick at my gym whos INCREDIBLY cute, and i think 17 at most.
Very often she would smile to me and say hi, or stay in front of me fixing her hair in mirror, or fixing her leggins not running enough in her butt.

Im pretty sure she LOVES the attention shes getting. But yeah, shes also way too young, and last thing i want is to get booted out of the gym for being a creep
I ain't dating no deadbeat woman who can't even give me tendies and videogames to show her appreciation, like girl just say you a broke bitch, you don't deserve me...
Id still take her to pound town tbqh
Because I wish I was able to find a commodified way to have dates, men have it easier. Just find someone who’s not fat and leave.
Im a big fan of this performer
(Freya Meyer)

Shes just too cute for porn
Would knock up in an instant
Women, are high school dress codes really that bad?
> T private school
Speaking of hot young chicks
Idk what i have, but this happens way more than it should to me, maybe they just like a big tall beefy guy whos kinda chonky.

Some of them were really, really, pretty.
A girl ive been talking to for a bit invited me over to her place this weekend for homemade dinner and watching a movie, but whenver i make flirty comments about it, she either doesnt engage it or just ignores my comments completely.
am i reading this situation wrong? no way a girl would invite a guy over if she wasnt into him right?
no as long as you dont try to dress like a slut
Did you ease up after this one when you realized you were wrong?
How to hit on the hoes on campus?
Maybe she's shy
Is being a woman a sin?
>quote me and someone who is quoting me in the same post
You're such an embarrassing retard.
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The gay in me loves chestlets so much.
Forget the food they won’t even give respect or decency
Lmao I’m not even in that argument wtf is he on about
only if you're not hot
Nah, not really. I talk shit about them but I can understand that there's a time and a place for that.
>Gold digger hour is instantly replaced by lesbian hour
*Sigh.* All women are like that.
Im straight and i love smaller chests and round plappable butts

Pear shaped bodies wakes something primal in my loins
Spiraling over your own post now too
Just agreed with my girlfriend that it’s best for both of us to go our separate ways. We fought really hard at the end to make it work, but it was taking away from other parts of our lives. That was the best relationship I’ve ever had. Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be. I already cried my eyes out. Idk, any words of wisdom?
Money is to men what beauty is to women
the women are pelting me with mechanical pencil replacement lead whenever I try to go to the well for water
someone please end the injustice
Women do that too.
your taste is wholly influenced by trends
Why do lesbians bother coming here?
This is supposed to be a heterosexual space
Curl up with a blanket. You be loved another day. Darling
Idk he flipped out when it was pointed out that he can be honest on dating apps
Femanons, are you interested in a gangbang?
Even in just a hypothetical sense?
They are women.
It’s not.
This was never a heterosexual space it’s just men wanking with eachother
Idk, man. I went through the same thing. It fucking sucks but it gets so much better. Take it easy but don't forget the people around you and the things that make you happy
Imagining femanon panty smell as a gay girl.
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I figure since I'm a boring nobody with no friends, I might as well pick up a boring hobby while I'm in college. My uni has a chess club that meets once a week but my issue is that I'm a complete novice. Should I go there and say I to pass the time? I'm not interesting enough to make any friends but at least I can tell myself I tried to make some if I go to this club right? How easy or hard it it to learn and get good at?
Sorry to hear that. Drink some water, maybe watch something funny, let it move through you
Women are only good as incubators and if you tell them this they will threaten to deny incubator access (they won’t)
truthnuke + guaranteed replies, gj king
I too am listening to light sad music while being a horny lesbian.
Fake news
I had butt obsession for as long as i can remember
English should be renamed to American officially because the Brits have raped their own language this hard.
Can’t hear you over guns, corn syrup and lack of healthcare
Nta but we men find pretty much all body types sexy
Cute little petite girls
Tall muscular ones
Big tits
Big ass
Even flatties
We're just too perverted for you to escape
Why is all advice for meeting new people designed with both city folk and extroverts in mind?
>bro go to the gym, concerts, coffee shops, whatever
It's not like I'm suddenly going to want to talk to people if I go places like that. I'm perfectly content just doing shit on my own.
>bro, just talk to women you pass by on the street on your way to/from work/errands
Kind of hard to strike up conversation when you and everyone else is driving.
>dude just hang out at the park and hit on every woman you see
This might work if a park is popular, but hitting on women when the two of you are the only people at the park is peak creep behavior. Also, who has the time or inclination to just sit around for hours doing literally nothing before/after working while waiting for people to just show up?

Am I just completely out of touch with how the world of normies works?
Exposed collarbones
Faint smell of perfume
Prolonged eye contact with a shy flirty smile

State gender and what you’re currently reading
>Death in Venice and other novellas by Thomas Mann (dude was a reprehensible pedo but writes enamoring scenery)
chokers just elevate women into super hotness
I didn't bring up your continuing self-hatred or penchant for child rape though? I was just talking about how you fucked the language.
It's ask the opposite gender
The topics should be heterosexual in nature
Im a moid and im just reading your fricking post nigga
Meeting new people requires (a) people around to meet, (b) places to meet them, and (c) that you actually go to these places and meet them, yes.
More news at 11.
M. Currently reading this thread, haven't touched a book in years.
I haven't read a book in years
Who the fuck has time?
when they move their arms up and you can see their abs it’s just sooooo
F I'm rereading my Nancy Drew collection for nostalgia.
Child rape?
You an American, in America the capital of the world for backwards child marriage in red states
When they expose their armpits .-.
I know they dont mean anything by it but they're just flaunting them a lot of the time
No anon you don't get it lesbians need to know how men wipe their ass compared to women or something.
Or they need to give unsolicited dating advice that in theory might as well be given by a man, given that MRI CT scans prove they share brains with one.
Though depending on your views on where you should get dating advice from (I.E "Never listen to women only men, women will lie subconsciously, men will be practical.") that might be a good thing.
When I was going to a therapist, the only advice she gave me was "just go talk to people in the grocery store"
What the fuck? I'm wasting an hour of my time just for this?
What’s the point of relationships with women when you get to fuck them using apps?
I don’t want to look after some faggot
I who have never known men by J S
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Whats up with all the childless women in their 30s having dogs? I like dogs but they are always such a constant interruption and romance killer compared to cats.

An exploration of the political propaganda in Donald Duck comics, written in pre-coup d'etat Chile.
It’s not a difficult habit to get into anons, plus you stand out for the better if you partake, especially if you’re zoomers.
Exposed yourself as a braindead Twitter kike.
But this is stuff coming from "self help" channels and shit. The answers are obvious, but nobody ever seems to talk about how to improve/fix the core issues that prevent one or more of these approaches from being practical. Like I said, I can go to a very social place/environment, but I'm still just going to sit there on my own just existing instead of talking to people.
I try my best to live by the golden rule, treating others how I want to be treated. The absolute last thing I want is a stranger interrupting my errands with conversation, I am busy doing stuff, stay the fuck away. I leave people alone at the store because that's exactly what I would want them to do when I'm busy.
Lmao, lol even good try to argue
I dont know but it always feels extra whack when the pet cockblocks you
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I want skinnyfat nerd man to get lost in the woods with, so we can make out like we're starving.
Oh and bath and bodyworks ocean cologne. Clean shaven so we really feel our skin. Maybe lock eyes under moonlight by the water.
As a fantasy, there's something really hot about the idea of being completely overwhelmed and overpowered by faceless male strength x multiple numbers, but then you realize that reality could never live up the fantasy. It would be way more disgusting in a bad way irl, plus all the emotional and psychological consequences, plus what kind of man would want to marry a girl like that? So it was more of a fantasy when I was younger, but never something I would consider irl in a million years
If it didn't work, then she wasn't the one. You'll find someone better mate
I'm in the middle of The Fourth Turning. I'm also reading a Changeling: the Lost module.
>It’s not a difficult habit to get into anons
How do I make reading not feel like wasted time that could be spent actually doing something? It feels like passive consumption on the same level of watching TV, but I can't multitask and do something else while reading.
>especially if you’re zoomers
>tfw just turned 30
It's been like six years since I read textbooks in college.
>I scared all the women away, sry guys.
It's hump day; they've got other priorities ;)
POV getting brain mogged
Here's the "self-help":
Stop doing that and start going places and talking to people.
It doesn't have to be the grocery store- meetups or events or work conferences can work too, and probably better as people are actually there to meet people.
the constant walking and misbehaving and crawling into bed,
always gotta go home by x o'clock cause the dog needs a med or food or a walk. making out gets interrupted cause the dog got into something it shouldve or starts barking cause it herd something.
doing any sort of clothes off sexual thing feels weird around the dog. the list goes on man dogs are just kids with no baby daddy.
women get dogs and then wonder why its so hard to lock down a man.
You sound hot
I see eyes like these in my dreams
If you’re in a situation where you have to occupy your time (e.g. riding the bus for a commute), it’s a decent way to pass the time that otherwise would be wasted staring into space or being on the phone. If you have a modicum of interest in anything, you’re not wasting time reading to learn more about whatever topics keep you curious.
The issue is you have to have the energy to keep up any kind of connection
Which isn't hard for extroverts who need that type of interaction
But for extroverts like us, any interaction with a stranger is an unwelcome one

I feel weird even posting on this general because people will talk about gfs and bfs and looking for a partner
And in the 29 years I have been alive on this planet, I have never encountered a situation where I thought it would be appropriate to ask a girl out
Like I don't even know how the fuck I'm supposed to do about that
I can't meet girls through friends because I don't have friends and haven't really had a friend since like 5th grade
>lil quiet shy femanon bangs you while her parents are asleep.
Why the fuck are we having sex at her parents house, I thought you niggers are all like 27 or 35 and bitch about peoples income all the time.
That's quite easy to say for someone who doesn't actively hate people
>when you're laying mad pipe and the dog starts scratching at the door wondering what you're doing to their owner
nothing ruins my rhythm more than this
Women, what's the ideal bodyfat% on a guy?
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could be worse
I've had sex in my grandparents' house. People visit their families you know.
I mean I would be angry if some human moid cucked me too.
>meetups or events or work conferences can work too,
This is my issue with any advice. I can go to any of these places and be perfectly content staying quiet. Unless it's some kind of AA meeting where someone is forcing me to interact, I will sit there focused on whatever is happening and not discuss it with anyone.

Not sure how good of an example this is, but I used to go to conventions every year. I would attend the panels, browse the shops, get (consensual) pictures of people cosplaying, etc. In all of those years, I never once had an interaction with a person that wasn't transactional in some way (I'd like to buy this, cool outfit, can I get a pic, where is X around here). I wasn't anxious or scared to talk to people, I simply didn't want to.
At least someone else gets it. desu I lurked 4chan for like 3 years before I actually embraced shitposting and started posting. I still cannot join online communities like discords because of the implied social connections that persist over time and the expectation of actually interacting with other members. It all just feels so exhausting when it comes to strangers, but interacting with my close circle of friends feels good.
I miss middle school
Men’s obsession with women getting pets is so so weird, if you want someone to mommy you just go back home
I just think it would be nice to watch a movie with femanon, where she sits between my legs, her head somewhere on my chest, my left hand on her belly and my Chin on top of her silly head
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Fair enough
>work conference
I remember going to like this workshop run by my college at this hotel
And there was a networking event
I remember walking into the room, walking around for like 5 minutes, and then going back up to my hotel room to cry because I was never gonna be able to talk to those people willingly
Women have maternal instincts, but also the instinct to pursue social status. And In a capitalist system, that means climbing the corporate ladder. Which is much more difficult if your attention is divided by children. Pets allow them to express their maternal side without the enormous commitment of motherhood.
Do you have anyone you can talk to about it?
when i want to hornypost nobodys horny and im tired and want to go to bed
LMAO. Dogs have Roman sensibilities
Im convinced we will soon reach some sort of hellscape where instead of flirting with each other on dating apps, which is already rare enough as is, we will be training 2 ai's to flirt with each other on our behalf's.
Gender, thoughts? Are my fears legitimate or are they schizophrenic fears.
I have not once been “mommy’d” by a woman and have every single time been their substitute father (dad left)
>where you have to occupy your time
This doesn't happen in my life. I'm either busy or relaxing. Either way I am doing something, even if it is just interacting with pointless vidya problem solving.
>If you have a modicum of interest in anything, you’re not wasting time reading to learn more about whatever topics keep you curious.
My interests are more hands on and require practice, reading books on doing XYZ would be time wasted that could be spent actually practicing XYZ.
alright, i'll play. whats your game
It's always the white girls
Especially the blondes, anyone noticed that?
I believe in you anon.
cat would be better they are good at not stealing attention and hanging out solo
I dont mind pets but dogs just get in the way. get a cat or canary or even a hamster or bunny but dogs are huge cockblocks.
nah its too late , im not good anyway
Sorry, I just orgasmed a few minutes ago :\
>People visit their families you know
I would expect that most people have a modicum of self control and don't fuck around their family members
>dogs are huge cockblocks.
Its because they hear their master whimpering and think that something must be wrong
Goodnight sweet heart
Hockey bf
I'm American
I'm either driving or working
There is no passive time for me
You can get a powerlifter bf instead
Having sex in the same building is not having sex "around" someone.
Watches hockey or plays hockey? Because of it's the latter then just say Chad
I said what I said
I played hockey when I was 7. Wanna make out?
No dick.
I've accepted that I am not cut out for the professional world. I am physically incapable of gaining or maintaining a network because I don't want to know the random yahoos I see at events, and once I leave a job all of the people I saw everyday might as well have never existed.
I've had several Gf's want to do this, but I've always found it disrespectful.
I suppose they like the thrill of defying an authority figure
Surely you have a few hours of free time at home after the work day is done. You could be reading at this very moment.
She wants a hockey Chad, not a generic Chad.
State gender,
where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If sound could feasibly be heard, even just bed creaking, it is "around".
Yeah, it seems really disrespectful.
Unironically, yeah.
Dogs are always fighting to top the other one. Even 2 female dogs will try to hump each other to display dominance and the one that tops is the dom.
I think it would be pretty hot to get invited over to a girls place, fuck her in her room and then share dinner with her family while she still has my cum inside of her

But im probably too old for that.

I guess i could theoretically still pull it off at a restaurant
When I'm bathing or cooking?
It takes too long to get into a book
Nta but desu between odd sounds and odd smells I'm not surprised that dogs get weird around humans who are having sex.
she's also ugly and hockey chad wouldnt even look at her just like she ignores nerdy incel
I wonder why that is
>be ugly as shit
>still have high standards
Anyone else
I'm >>31937258. I need to be doing something, whether with my hands or engaging in some kind of problem solving. I can't just not be doing something.
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Maybe in a casket, maybe doing well. Who knows
Yes, and for some reason the women who are bombshells will agree to go on a date with me and then not text me back.
I think it fucks with me, like I feel like I can have them but obviously not cause they ghost me.
Do girls make mental notes of all the guys in their company that are the same age?

There are bunch of girls my age that all sit together (we have open seating). I see them look over at me and my coworker of similar age occasionally. I'm not interested in dating them but i wonder what they are thinking. they seem very closed to everyone else in the office.
I'm not ugly but I am the same
it goes both ways though, I have high standards for myself too.
I’m not going to shit talk you anon, but I think you’re not giving yourself enough credit in your capability and time allowance to grab a book, even if for a tiny portion of the day. I think you can do it.
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Is the "beauty and the beast" trope real?
Do some girls want the big ugly bodyguard bf?

I dont think i can understand why a girl would be attracted to me otherwise
>be average with great potential
>have mid standards that are still too high because of squandered potential
Hopefully, married. Realistically, single but making more money. It's hard to find women who are at all decent quality.

M, in 5 years if I'm still not one step above where I am now, I will kermit
nothing different except more aged
You find out you have stage 4 cancer and a few weeks left to live, can be extended to a few months if you decide to do chemo.
what do you do?

I think I would refuse chemo and try to do some cool things before offing myself. I dont want to die bald and skelly
> Is the "beauty and the beast" trope real?
>Do some girls want the big ugly bodyguard bf?

That’s my type

>furry pic
That’s an ick
Having honeymoon sex in a nice hotel.
Missionary position with her legs wrapped around me. Her hands on my ass, pulling me deeper as I thrust.
Me whispering in her ear, my voice trembling as i approach orgasm.
>Tfw single
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Ivy doesnt have fur
>It's hard to find women who are at all decent quality.

I hear guys say this all the time. As a guy I also think this. But I also see girls saying the same thing, and i feel like I agree with them too. If i had a sister i would have a hard time finding a guy i could recommend to her to date.
>even if for a tiny portion of the day
NTA, but that shit about reading one page a day in short bursts of time seems absolutely worthless. There is no way I'm going to remember what the fuck is happening or has happened in the book if I'm only engaging one page at a time.
>just like she ignores nerdy incel
Is this (You)?
Its pretty simple
Girls want a handsome rich chad who will be loyal (lol)
Guys want a girl who isnt a total slut and is bearable to be around long term (also lol)

Its just mismatch of expectations
As I said, even if I try to just read, it takes too long to get immersed
I barely watch TV shows or movies for the same reason
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The funny thing is I’m not ugly, I might be a bitch most of the time and stupid to be here but I drag my ass to the gym eat well and keep myself manicured.
Good try tho
That’s fair. The only recommendation I have would be trying out something like mystery novels where you pick your brain a bit in solving whatever problem or case is presented in the story.
In a similar vein I ended up switching to trades work from my white collar background because sitting in an office all day was not stimulating and being able to work and create or fix things with discernible physical results was far more satisfying.
Either mildly successful in a STEM job related to my previous education that I probably hate or permanently stuck in the dead end job I currently have and also hate. Probably still single and alone regardless
Yeah, most people kinda suck ngl.
Why Finland?
I'd do chemo so i have enough time to sell the house and the rest of my shit. Then start giving stuff away. Try and help a few people
Goofy ahh "If I just take care of my body Chad will be mine" redpilled "high value according to herself" ahh foid.
If you are not good looking and well endowed you do not deserve Chad, end of discussion.
I don’t disagree, but you have to start somewhere if you want to make it a habit.
im just the observer and narrator of the characters i see in life. The girls who obsess over some sports player chad are usually the ones they arent into at all.
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I need a thick as bowl of oatmeal gf.
None of that "toned" fit girl
BIG ass gf.
I don't want to think about it
I said I was gonna kill myself if I was still a loser when I turned 30 and it's 10 months away
Hope not anon
I'm 31 and still a loser. I'm making progress though, slowly.
I didn’t say I did it specifically to date someone, just that I’m not ugly.
Dated a gymnast and a gym guy before, chads are just people that decide to better themselves or a passion that allows them to be outgoing.
How’s that for a red pill?
that doesnt fix your face and the fact no hockey chad will ever think about your ditzy self.
Hockey Chad wants singer/actress gf not gym gf. You know this
No. I want a gentle giant.
A sweetheart, tender and whimsical.
>mystery novels where you pick your brain a bit in solving whatever problem or case is presented in the story.
I couldn't affect the outcome in any way, so I'd accidentally logic my way into not bothering and simply observe how the protagonist figures shit out.
>I ended up switching to trades work from my white collar background
I was a programmer at a small company working on a new product and I absolutely loved it. The ability to figure out and solve the problems with ideal solutions was absolutely amazing. Then I got transferred to a client who just needed a codemonkey to maintain/upgrade some old shit. It was so mind-numbingly boring that I slacked off and got fired.
>im just the observer and narrator of the characters i see in life.
Do you do a girly voice when you narrate female creatures?
chemo is expensive though. migh the easier to just write it on a will have have them figure out the selling
My face may be pretty, but I want to die that way, not wigged and weak.
You say this, and then get bored when you get to know one
>chemo is expensive though
For Americans unfortunately
It’s nice, they have a good language program I want to study
No. Do you know what a narrator is? Think of Nick from Great Gatsby
I play hockey. I'd rather a gym girl than a actress or singer
It's never the prized medium shirt white boys.
>t. hates earrings the tranny faggot
I make the rules
Nope. I want to play every day. Do special stuff. And snuggle.
>Dated a gymnast and a gym guy before, chads are just people that decide to better themselves or a passion that allows them to be outgoing.
Then you never dated a Chad. You dated HTNs or Brads whom are not Chad.
You failed and confirmed you did not make it and never will.
>hows that for a redpill
Redpilled means delusional coping so yeah.
Yeah it sure is.
Play what.
You want a jester
Big butt girls only date big masculine men
Obviously you can't make any kind of voice if you're not speaking.
HTNs or Brads
Ok anon I’ll settle with a Brad, maybe a Stephen or a Peter.
Any more names lol?
I want you to live
but youre an ugly hockey simp faggot
shes not talking about you. she's talking about hockey chad
I don't want to live anymore
My skinny ass was tapping a beautiful Latinx booty in college
Video games with ya.
And with your penis.
State gender,
have you ever tried therapy?

I dont have depression or anything but my company offers 12 free therapy sessions. is it a waste of time?
I don't like those.
I want medium shirt white boys.
Brad to clarify just means a secondary man who might be 6'2, semi good looking, and is exactly "just people that decide to better themselves or a passion that allows them to be outgoing."
But they're always second place.
They're never the most good looking, never the tallest, or strongest, or smartest they just exist. They have moments where Chad mogs them and gives them second place syndrome which they take out on beta men normie men and incels.
They are not and never will be Chad. They are the losers who are not aware they are losers. The idiots who worked for a 5'6 fit blonde Stacy Lite wife. Stacy Lite being the woman version of this which you sound like you are.
You are born Chad. Or Stacy.
You cannot work for it.
You will always be mediocre and never know it.
Nta prove you got a big butt what is your ass circumference.
>but youre an ugly
Nope, 6'2, chiseled jaw, blue eyes, 6 pack.
Nope, I like submissive women
Nope, i like women
>shes not talking about you. she's talking about hockey chad
I'm hockey Chad, nice to meet you. Are you Sergeant?
We could make pills that guarantee women's boobs are bigger.
We could make boob-resting tables so the women could sit comfortably despite their massive boobs.
We could style and care for the women luxuriously.
But we don't. Why?
NTA but imagine being this mindbroken by a meme
What kind of treatment have you tried?
No, that’s not me. I love hockey. Learn my lore faggot.
Lmao nta but I called it here exact height and everything.
You are the Brads and Stacy Lites of the world.
2nd place bitter losers who think they won.
You will never be Chad or Stacy LOL.
The two of you sound perfect for each other though.
I hope you two are happy in being the 2nd place lord class couple of society. Not serfs but never kings.
Not a meme literal reality.
A poem to that special atoga femanon

“She got that Gumby wumby

She got that tiggly biggly

She got that nahfa wahfa

She got that Chinga binga

She got that bumba wumba”

~ Tybalt Leopold, playwright of the 9th realm.

I've lost 10 pounds recently and am down to 52"
That said the moment you realize this thread is basically just Brad and Stacy Lite central here to flirt and bully incels and beckies to heal their broken rgos everything makes sense.
I did a bit in college because it was free, in order to give psychology grad students experience.
I don't know that it fixed anything but it was nice to talk to someone who just listened.
Kind of cute when she geeked out over meditation.
M. Was depressed and had deep rooted issues regarding a lack of control in my life and body. After years of burying and avoidance, it started to crop up as thoughts about being a woman. I walked in to an LGBT-focused practice wanting help in figuring out the "why" behind the feelings. All they did was provide "affirming care" and didn't push back on anything I said. Almost fucking trans'd me, but the shock and emotions associated with coming out to my parents hit me hard enough to realize it wasn't my real feelings.

Go for it anon, just be explicit in what you're trying to do and do not let them influence you in directions that don't feel right.
Waist circumference? Damn. Why did it have to be only medium shirts...
Give a you if thou a femanon who got that bumba wumba, and tell me if I can get some of that honey?
Huh, literally me. Begone succubus.
I knew you were from Alberta, but I didn't want to assume you were a CA-NPC
>Lmao nta but I called it here exact height and everything.
Congrats I guess? Would you like to guess my penis size next?
I’m literally right here.
I look like Timothee Chalamet crossed with Eric Barone.

Timothee Chalamet is basically who they’d cast if they needed to cast someone for a movie about my life.

And you know what? Willy Wonka and Dune have parallels to my life.
Whoa, legend!
We can play deadlock
Playing with mycock would require you to move to netherlands
Gimme a you if thou a femanon who got that gumby wumby?
Using my awesome incel phd in eugenics I am guessing a range of under 7.5 but over 6, around 6.5 inches to 7.3 in length to be exact.
Was I right?
>inb4 gay
I can guess her boob and butt size too but she didn't ask yet.
i wear a medium but theyre kinda tight so i only wear them as undershirts
Anyone noticed 12am eastern is when incel hours start? I wonder what they're up to during the day that they can't post?
On the ducking grind
Best I can do is large shirt white boy with extra white.
you're obese
Imagine being a grown man and wearing medium

You like showing off belly button or are you just a skinny manlet

T. XL wearer and its hugging
The thought of professional networking makes me want to an hero. I just can't stomach pretending to be interested in other people who happen to share a profession with me in the hope that they might help me later on. Is there any hope for me in this world?
Oh shot you didn’t realize I was on that grind?

Ok, ok, nah I’ll forgive you.

Now what’s happening?
Slightly longer, circumference is close
Sounds like that's your problem faggot get away from my wife.
Did i just hear someone unsheath his katana
Nothing. I just try to be healthy
Incels are usually neets
They're nocturnal huh?
I choose you, Mr. Beast
No, sorry that was me having gas.
Can I get that Gyaaat if I'm between a small and medium and often wear small?
Why would you give up without trying any treatments?
Heh, you made one mistake, kid.

To assume a neet can’t be on the grind of his personal journey.

Think again.
I'm all good bro <3 just working a job, back on the healthcare grind. I'm up at 6 everyday and don't get home til like 8 so just don't really have time to post here anymore. Which I'm sure is good news to many of you lol. Take care Xx
Atoga girls sitting on my lap because I’m handsome and wearing an atoga t shirt so they trust me because they know I’m probably a thread regular.

This may actually work.
Madam, that is a dumptruck if ever there was one.
Let me let you in on a secret: business networking is about networking, not business. Meet people, have a cursory conversation about what you do, then change gears to just talking generally.
>nobody to compliment my balls
Why even go on
Honestly why approach at this point.
Just wear an atoga shirt and go to Halloween Horror Nights.

What? They are going to trust me over any other guy.
Fair enough
Must have been the wind
Full Sit on my face
>caring about things = NPC
Any atoga girls want to meet me in Halloween Horror Nights in 2025?

I’ll be the dapper guy with a twirly moustache.
But anon, I don't like people.
>Sounds like that's your problem faggot get away from my wife.
You'll have to duel me for her bu...i mean her hand in marriage!
I've read that swords don't really make that ssshing sound, bit don't know if it's true.
I would fight a room full of 30 men my size to the death for her. You would not survive that.
I don’t want a girl who has a FAT wumba bumba.

I’d rather have a girl who has a demure meat crease
Then you have greater worries than company meet n greats.
turns out her waist is also 52"
>at the concert
>In front of me some girl with jet black hair
>Has kinda goth kinda artsy outfit on
>Can still make out from under her dark skirt that she has a big butt
>This, obviously, has made me instantly interested
>She turns around, glances at me and smiles a bit
>Shes super pale
>But shes talking with some dude
>Turns around and glances at me curiously again

Sometimes I wish i wasnt as much of a faggot and said HI
Yes I do, but I still require employment.
Caring about the same things as everyone else
Love you
Meanwhile I’m over here, never will fight for a Chick unless she already mine.

Plenty of meat creases beef curtains in the meat deli market.
Relax she was with her boyfriend
Guns also don't make a bunch of clickity clack noises when you move them around either.
Doesn't matter that ass is worth it, I don't give a fuck, keep my wifes name out of your mouth faggot.
I woulda been like “yo that ass a gothic horror ass. That ass could fit a whole cast of ghouls and horror monsters. I’d get lost in that ravenloft ass. “
Anyone else finding it kinda hot when girls talk nonchalantly about details of sex?
Other day I was chatting with female online friend, and she was like "yeah butt sex is nice, you can cum inside worry free, i love it"

That made me hard as fuck
Women thoughts on this webm?
Then yeah, your choices are faking it and deciding to change your outlook on people.
I would simply teleport behind you and plunge my katata into your back. The 30 men you speak of will become my eunuch guards for my fair maiden
I would activate RCT and heal that small wound, before you know it you'd be within range and you'd explode and die before you could react.
I thought about saying this, but im not sure it's survivable? D:
>be me, M
>get job in my field shortly after college
>get laid off after several years with the company
>can't find related employment, get stuck with dead end unskilled labor job
>parents and extended family hopeful that I'll bounce back
>they try and offer advice to help me out
>anon, why don't you go back to school and get a business degree?
>you should try getting some certifications!
>anon watch out, don't get stuck in your dead end job like I did
>anon, you should update your skills from time to time
>tfw I can't bring myself to action
I think after years of seeing the best in me, my family has finally started to notice the complete absence of motivation or drive I have dealt with my entire life. I've always just been existing to exist, no dreams or goals beyond what others have put in front of me. Is there any hope of changing myself before it's too late?
Sure, meeting a beautiful woman changed my life. Try doing that.
>deciding to change your outlook on people
Impossible. How can I avoid becoming dead inside when faking my interest?
I have a strong thick neck, ill be fine
Anons, have you ever even heard of an ass this big before? Not even BBL instathots are built like this
7 am im still not asleep
And im still horny lonely
I don't see that happening anytime soon lol
Yes. Its just genetics/being fat.
Lol at this fatass
>he's never seen one of those fetish vids where a black chick who weighs as much as a mid size sedan bootyslams some random guy
Most likely you can't. But the alternative is homelessness.
Stop making me horny to rape guys and manhandle them across my mattress.
Dis is da police, stick em up!
I don't know what that means, therefore it cannot effect me
More like stick em in you slut
Love u 2 babes x
d-don't shot, Mistress!
>Dis is da police, stick em up!
I feel something else sticking up bb
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>mid size sedan
I'm crying and laughing so hard.
Maybe don’t look at surgically enhanced bimbos like Chyna Chase, yeah?
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Women what do you hypothetically offer aside from your stinky cooch
Please don’t say companionship because semantically speaking a tapeworm is also a companion
There's no coming back from that for any of them. One got sexually assaulted, one stuck his fingers in another guy's ass, and one was fighting naked but still lost.

On a side note: why do men with only the tiniest penises fight naked?
NAG but I can't think if a context where this isn't fucking weird
I don't want to ruin our friendship.
No idea.
Is that what's going on there?
What does a normal woman look like
Then go get a tapeworm
Put it waaaaay inside your butthole.
Is he well endowed?
Is it? You can't directly interact with a tapeworm like you would most people or pets.
Chyna Chase.
Yes, that is what’s going on. She is famous for having huge proportions.
>What does a normal woman look like
Come and claim it!
So you’re admitting that you are ostensibly a lesser being than a tapeworm
I hate women so much.
Yes, the first therapist was atrocious and why I will never see another male therapist. My current therapist is a real one, tho.
I've seen what JH posted to red atoga that one time
Thread is shit right now.
Was he creepy?
I wanna ruin our friendship
We should be lovers instead
I don't know how to say this
'Cause you're really my dearest friend
You can interact with a cactus
I’ll change the example from tapeworm to cactus for you
God dammit stop replying to me
This sounds like something Riza Hawkeye would say with a complete deadpan expression
Do women ever feel horny to the point of anger?
I'm scared
Was Sena half-white like Kodaka?

Thoughtful conversation, emotional support, financial security, good food, kids, good conflict resolution, expert itinerary planning, and I'm subjectively funny.
You should be. >:)
I'd drive over there right now if I knew exactly where like some stalker.
That was my first time i saw another anon do it last thread
People will think I'm "easy"
>Was he creepy?
No, nkt to my knowledge, but he was not respectful of boundaries and I always felt worse after sessions with him.
You would not, don't tease me!
Well you are easy
I want to be loved, not make love
I’d settle for itinerary planning at this point
Okay kid you made the cut
You're less than 2 hours away. That's no problem. Only don't know an address, so too bad. I'll tease you anyway~
No. :)
Women, literally just don’t be fucking useless.
We can get hot sex from any number of your peers. Stop focusing on sex. If you want to outdo the competition, all you have to do is have a modicum of competency and general life skills (tip: ahegao is not a life skill)
I hope you get ass cancer
I'll have my tumors preserved so that they can stay with you always.
>ahegao is not a life skill
Hard disagree here lad.
You are the root of the problem
>ahegao is not a life skill
a good ahegao vs a bad ahegao is definitely a worthwhile skill
You are the root of the problem
he's big, my ex was 8 inches, he's about the same size but much girthier.
Women, I am cute but I do not have much more going for me. How do I parlay this into a relationship. Or at least a fling.
You should cry about it some more.
Reread my name
I'd want to fuck you silly anyway.
Responding to complaints/criticism with complaints/criticism is cunty unless you are actually addressing the content
How would I make the process easier for you
I’m not from some shithole communist country where cunty people silence critique

Women please do something
Is it bad that ships involving a shy/introverted/sensitive guy and a confident/low inhib/less emotional girl kinda piss me off

They’re so common for people to enjoy even though that shit never happens irl
Damn! You're a trooper for taking that.
Not that it matters
Kinda, why are you letting it affect you so much
This nofap is killing me
Because I feel like it gives this sense of false hope
Like “yeah bro you’d totally find someone in your life” is what it says to me and I know that’s not true at all
Essentially boils down to “why are you attached to the material”, go suck an egg
>We can get hot sex from any number of your peers
Look at Chad over here
NTA what did he do?
Because I have a working penis and I’m not fucking retarded…?
Dates? Idk how...?
I'm already doxxed so, you could mail me.
You tease me by being like right there, but I can't catch you.
>They’re so common for people to enjoy even though that shit never happens irl
That's why it's a fantasy. I know I'll never catch the eye of a woman like that irl, so i indulge in a bit of escapism
Assume I am a full on retard, what kind of date would you recommend?
>I'm already doxxed so, you could mail me.
West coast?....
I kinda like the feeling of it bumping my cervix, it's like being shocked but it's kinda good
Gurren Lagann
I don't know
Katawa Shoujo
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Being in ATOGA is like being haunted by horny, incorporeal ghosts, if you think about it.
I guess I'll just have to stroke my dick for you.
>i'll get back to nofap tomorrow,I promise!
Yeah but it’ll be beloved by everyone, it makes no sense, why would women like a ship that’s essentially “a type of guy they don’t like being loved”
That really hot. What's your favourite position?
A park date sounds discreet enough.
>west coast
Nope other one
This kind of lewd, but there's one where you lay on your side but with one leg up in the air, and the guy has one arm around the vertical leg i can probably find a picture of it
I don't think I've seen/heard of it
>A park date sounds discreet enough.
What am I even supposed to do on a park date ._.
>Nope other one
>What am I even supposed to do on a park date
Nta but you just enjoy the park and each other. Park dates are great.
File deleted.
I don't think there's a name for it but people call it different things
I hate

nta but the picture was vital to this, I had initially assumed you were both laying on your side
Goodnight femanons, you can touch me in my sleep, but pls don't wake me up as I have work in the morning.
Aaaaaah stroke your dick with my wet ass pussyyyyyy
I'll let you know when I get close :)
I bought the 3 year pass
Women, am I a high value man now?
I've definitely never seen that, looks interesting.
>tfw can't even escape interracial porn on blue boards
Its nice that you're supporting the website we all reluctantly love but this arguably lowered your value
>inb4 Moot shows up on your doorstep to suck your dick
moid cum
I mean, I was planning to.
I really hate women.
Moid cumming
Yes, as a kid. It was really traumatic, but that isn't the experience for most people.
If you're not being forced into it and not paying, it's worth a visit though.
Fuck, I'm ready!
How much of an ick is it that I want to be a teacher and will probably end up working with kids?
Ladies, is it required to show teeth when I smile to appear friendly? It's not that my teeth are bad, but I can't seem to maneuver my lips to bear my teeth without looking like a psycho with a Joker smile. This has been a problem since as far back as I can remember.
>inb4 it's body dismorphia or some shit
Bruh even my mom commented on this when she would tell me to smile for photos.
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Yesssss cum for meeeeee
Nag but I'm pretty sure the shitty hours and pay are the bigger issues with wanting to be a teacher.
On god that guy is insane lol
I think you're generally better off not showing teeth anyways. It often gives off a psycho vibe if you're full-on smiling like that all the time - it's not just you.
Do what's comfortable for you. A comfy, maybe slightly nervous grin is better than a forced smile.
I'm extremely frugal and I don't mind the work. I just wanted to be sure I wouldn't necessarily come off as a weirdo.
Damn, that was a huge mess ;)
eat it.
I meant that those are bigger turn offs.
This reminds me

Femanons, thoughts on a guy eating their own cum?
Where do I find a femchud gf, who hates men?
I want to eat it. ;)
Yeah, as long as the issue is that I'm broke and busy, I'll take it.
I wish you could! Thanks for the... encouragement
ironically discord
You're quite welcome hun~
All the "women" I've met on discord are all trans.
See if you can find anxiety support groups on there. From my experience they're loaded with sluts.
Do you just not vc? femcels don't like male spaces for obvious reasons.
I don't want a slut.
>Do you just not vc?
I don't like the sound of my voice and my accent.
'Slut' in the incel sense, meaning girls in general.
>aunt on my dad’s side sends me birthday cards
>barely know my dad’s side
>afraid of interacting with her in a way that she may deem to be offensive
Wat do?
>how dare you respond to me after i was nice to you
severe autism
>thoughts on a guy eating their own cum?
It should be compulsory. Never expect a girl to swallow your cum if you're not willing to swallow it yourself.
Hell yes. Very hot.
Why are women so terrible? And why do men put up with them?
you love us ^^
I don't.
Only one word but it says so much
I thought women would find it fucking gross. Like if a guy faps into his hands and licks it all up before washing up.
I want to keep goingggg
nag but a good chef should never be afraid to taste his own sauce
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>ovulation hours again
Nope, It'd drive me wild. I'd want to make out after.
I've always done it, in truth. I just didn't realize it was something I could maybe leverage.
Women are disgusting.
Fair warning, the women on 4chan are FREAKS so your mileage may vary irl
You'll never get me to cum and then eat it, succubus
I had an ex who was into it and one who was very turned off by it. Figured I'd just ask to see if it was more of a thing than I realized.
I'll make you cum with my entire toolbox and lick it off my floor.
"Now it's time to clean me up, you dirty little boy."
the women are being evil again...
Sick bitches. I'm pure and unsullied.
>Sick bitches. I'm pure and unsullied.
*sneezes in your face, then licks it*
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they're always evil, sometimes they just get horny and it seems like they're not. Reality is, even during the horny, they'd rip your dick off
You dork.
>they'd rip your dick off
Those women still have boyfriends
It’s the men with anxiety that are all single
Speaking from experience, any anxiety support group, the women could have the most downright ridiculous anxiety and still have a loving patient bf to help them through it, but the men could just be a little awkward and they’re just single forever
I don’t recommend this shit
I may not have a partner rn, but at least I have thread boyfriends.
Yeah and the male anons with anxiety got zero
And you’ve probably had some before
I just wanna love you through the computer.
Go love your other boyfriends I’m not a concubine
NTA but fuck off
Can I put nair on my nuts or is that not advisable
I could not possibly put into words the depth and intensity of my hatred for women.
Before using any Nair product, it's recommended to test it on a small area of skin and wait 24 hours to ensure it doesn't cause an allergic reaction or irritation.
Warning on the bottle you should read
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I feel nothing, the more time I spend here the less I want to date I no longer look forward to dates like I used to.
It’s like I’m dead inside, men don’t seem Appealing anymore.
Like a 7, I think Im gonna jerk off
8 going on 9, fucking loaded,
I just woke up and then kind of snoozed for another hour, but I am about to get out my fleshlight and jerk it to the thought of a pale hottie with dark hair.
Should I pick up my cousins from school and play with them for basically 5 hours at the playground or work on my personal project that I've been spending way too much time on
Pick up your cousinsssss
Kids deserve a break too.
Hang out with the cousins if you aren't weird
Still not giving you my resources
> resources
Your moms microwave tendies
Havent cum in months
that can't be good for your prostate
she is dead
Serious question, what do modern women offer men that they can't get from a cheap whore?
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The "Oh"s are strong in this post! lol

>bake pastries like apple strudel
Nope, I don't bake if I can prevent it so I don't have a lot of intuition for it and need to strictly adhere to a recipe, is what I mean. That's how annoyed I have been with baking dough in the past.

>I'd like to show
That's fine, as long as you have fun with it and it's relaxing to you, that's what counts. Do you have a specific type that you enjoy doing like landscapes, characters, NSFW, action scenes or entire panel strips?

>my typical school crushes
Now I have to say "Oh!"... don't you make me regret not posting a burner, woman!

>I sure loved it!
Math is like a different language to me that I have never heard. Which nobody ever believes me when I say I work as a programmer.

>lack of self confidence and pessimism at the time
Glad you said "at the time" and that you have put some points into your stat for self confidence. Let's you repell those moids better!

>literature and english
I was not interested a lot in the books we got to read, but since I know how to talk (and thus write), I never had an issue writing essays about stuff we read.
In English I easily got the best grades without ever pracitsing much. I was already reading & writing in English online as a teen, had watched English cartoons since I was a kid and I usually play video games with their native audio.

>any sweet drink sounds appeay
I see you can barely hold yourself back at the thought of it ("appeay"). lol
I'd love to mix you one of my sweet cocktails.

>blueberry daiquiri
Sounds dangerously delicious.
Have you ever had a white russian? It's another creamy/milky drink that is really damn good. And it's always a good excuse to rewatch The Big Lebowski.

>what brings you here
Been coming here for around 15 years now and it's just a casual place where you can shoot some messages with random people. Sometimes you meet a nice person, sometimes you get to shit on a real idiot, pic rel.
What about you?
isnt that what wet dreams are for
0 even though I haven't jerked off in days
I just feel so thoroughly defeated
8 or 9, my sexual fantasies are becoming more extreme
0/10. An old back injury flared up and I'm basically crippled until the steroid pills start kicking in.
Not even remotely true
Fair, but I meant things they'd actually want
You're far less likely to catch anything from a steady partner, and you're allowed to not use condoms... possibly. They would also do kissing. A lot cheaper if you want them to spend the night, too.
'Fucking insufferable' is an awful tradeoff for these things though
You need to be really rich for an escort to replace the gf experience. You pay the escort for 1 time and 1 hour in most cases, but you can fuck a gf several times a week even if you include the prices for dates. A gf is a lot cheaper, but the quality in looks can be worse in a gf than in an escort if you're talking about what most men can get as gfs in 2024.
Sorry you will never find out
I want kissing all the time just not from bad people
They’re not, they are nice to be with
>catch anything
This is why you use condoms
>allowed to not use condoms
You shouldn't do this anyway unless you're ready to have kids with her, unless you want her to lock you into child support
Some whores will do this, but even if you don't want to do that it's not worth it
Paying for an hour or two a week will probably be cheaper than having a gf or a wife.
I've already had some experience, there's really not much there.
Not really
>decent whore is $400+ per hour
I dunno, anon... that's a lot of money per week
It’s never a competition
When you add up dates, trips, gifts, random expenses, etc. it won't be far off. And that's if she's not living with you.
Also I said a cheap whore
Guess they stay away from you
Other way around
>Paying for an hour or two a week will probably be cheaper than having a gf or a wife.
It won't be. If you get a gf, you get her time the entire day. The escort is for an hour and if you want just 12h already, it will be 4 figures alone.
What a long post for saying you are incel
A cheap whore is a fat ugly crackwhore bitch, or worse yet, Asian (who will treat you with all the care of a production line). Completely not worthwhile. Better one good whore every couple of months than one piece of trash every week. Though even if they're an ugly fat cunt they rarely cost less than $150 - $200, bitches have no idea of their value.
3, just like the last time you asked this. I need something to titilate me to get me horny I think.
Yeah, this.
Look, I hate females as much as any straight man and hope they get all their rights revoked, but an escort, even a cheap one who would be ugly, is more expensive than a gf.
Aw only the lowest pf people flock to you
Any smile is better than no smile. Teeth smiles, if you're not also smiling with your eyes, can appear psychotic. Learn to smile with your eyes if you like.
>see girl I had a massive crush in the past
>feel barely anything now
Is this how love works?
nah they love me
I'm the cool uncle who plays with them on the playground and makes new friends for them because they're too shy on their own
and buys them cookies
More or less, you change over time.
I got together with my crush years later and was so excited until I realized I only liked her for her looks.. what bummer it is to grow up sometimes
I love a different woman, but even when I thought I loved in the past I still had eyes for other women. This is new for me.
No, I stay away from them
You get one or two hours of good sex a week and the rest of the time is yours, vs. getting maybe a little more sex, probably not as good, and having to put up with her the rest of the week. Which seems like the better option?
I'm not. I've had sex recently and I could have it again tomorrow if I wanted.
Depends where you are. Some places you can get whores really cheap. Worst case scenario, you go with the cheap whore but ever couple of months you book a session with a good one instead.
Are you on a 200k salary in Romania or some shit? These numbers you're indicating are wild.
You shouldn't get crushes if you're an adult. I stopped having crushes at 12, but I've always been more mature than everyone else.
You promote prostitution as a guy that doesn’t know anything about prostitution
>vs. getting maybe a little more sex, probably not as good, and having to put up with her the rest of the week.
Man, you need to make better girlfriends. I spend hours, sometimes entire days, in bed doing all sorts with my girl. She does anything I want and the emotional intimacy is insane.
That’s not how maturity works. I think mean jaded
That's part of being mature, yes.
Being mature is not letting yourself get jaded
The existence of rare exceptions does not disprove the rule.
Get a remote job and moved to SEA. You could bang a 19 year old Thai girl every night and still spend less than the cost of living in some places.
Right, and how many days until you had an incurable disease
I wish i wasnt constantly horny
Again, this is why you use a condom.
im sowwy dat ur jadeeedheyyyee
>The existence of rare exceptions does not disprove the rule.
Sure. But it does indicate you need to pick better.
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I will never afford a gf, how should I cope?

Hobbies? If so then which one?
Putting all your faith in condoms is an excellent way to get completely fucked over
Yeah, let me just spend half my free time for the next 5-10 years trying to meet women, going on dates with women, chatting with women, etc. so that maybe, just maybe I can find one who might be worth the effort. And even then she'll probably either have no interest in me or find better options.
Condoms may not be the most effective means of birth control, but they're pretty effective at preventing transmission of diseases.
I hate dating more than most. But feeling in love is the best thing in the world.
It’s worth it if you aren’t such a pathetic self loathing fuck like yourself.
Literally this
Men. Whats your favourite thing about your penis and what about it do you dislike the most?
>favourite thing
Gotta go with the size. It's a dream for an exhibitionist, really.
>most disliked
The way that said size can be a problem in sex. I fear hurting a girl with it, I've even had nightmares about that.
>It's a dream for an exhibitionist, really.
Can you describe some of your exhibitionist experiences?
He's a 29yo virgin who doesn't leave his room lol
I guess it's fairly well shaped.
Hard to pick just one thing. Guess I'll go with it's not big enough, it's a solid meh/10. Never had complaints but it's really unremarkable.
That doesn't mean he can't be an exhibitionist. Maybe he's flashing people from his bedroom window?
>favorite thing
Slightly above average, and relatively normal looking aside from being two toned. Busts out good loads.
I wish he was a little longer
My personal flavor of exhibitionism isn't the "flashing people" or "doing risky stuff in public" you probably have in mind. I just enjoy being seen and appreciated, so I'll often share pics with women online who are interested in seeing them.
How do you know the people you're sharing them with are women? Do you expect pictures in return? Do you take requests?
its pretty big
its unused
>How do you know the people you're sharing them with are women?
Sometimes I just know them so well, due to knowing them for so long, that there's no way they could be lying. Other times they've posted pics in the past. In the case of strangers, I tend to just trust their word, because it doesn't really bother me if I'm sending them to a guy, even if it does nothing for me personally.
>Do you expect pictures in return?
>Do you take requests?
Depends on what they are and who they're from. I'm not as comfortable with strangers / publicly available pics, and won't often do much beyond close-ups in them. With people I know well, I'm more open to their requests.

I gotta get to bed, but nice chatting with you! You can ask any further questions by hitting up my name at gmail, I'll check when I wake up.
this nigga sends dick pics and acts like hes mr rogers, what is he hiding? what is this chap playing at fr fr guys
all foids who do not directly mention their SO are presumed to be single and are therefore, automatically, by default, my wife.
learning to draw is great because i get to have an excuse to look at naked women a lot
Women, whats hotter?
>musician (pianist)
>writer (novelist)
writer is hottest. musician is just like drug addict tier, artist is cringe unless you're good at it
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Is Romance exclusively a male oriented genre? It seems to me like women are mostly obsessed with sex, reading about high value men in erotic situations while men focus on the more wholesome aspects of relationships.
A fine jest, anon.
well everything is cringe if you suck at it lol.
I'm serious though
All professions which make me think he's a cheater. Writer is probably the best because he might write good smut for me.
Do women like man ass in the same way men like women's asses?
Is it weird to get aroused from being an ignored girl. Like from not getting male attention. It feels oddly erotic to me but I think it's some weird coping mechanism. My wires are so crossed though I don't see myself ever changing
>im a writer
Lets go.
>Do women like man ass in the same way men like women's asses?
>is the guy hot
>is the guy not hot
Well developed glutes look really good, yeah. I'd say men are overall more visually stimulated though, in a very different way.
Here, let me give you some attention to ruin that
Internet attention on an anonymous image board doesn't feel the same
What matters is that men ignore me irl, on dating apps, etc.
How do you get ignored?
I will be spending 250 euros on an escort today.
Women, how do you feel that I could be spending this money on dating you, but you wont date me
Why are you an ignored girl?
>Women, how do you feel that I could be spending this money on dating you, but you wont date me
Have fun, anon!
I am not ignored as a human being I think, most men I meet in my everyday life are polite to me. But they are never interested in me. Idk why it's become so arousing but it started in middle school
Do you mean at work/uni?
How old are you?
Would you say its weird to talk about racial dynamics in public?

My grandpa keeps talking to me about race in public, like: the definition of whiteness over the years (italians not being white, etc.), native americans vs white behavior in the colonial times. I can tell other people can hear him and it's embarrassing. when I told him to stop talking about it he called me immature. Would you be embarrassed if your grandpa kept on talking about race in a weird way in public?
>Would you be embarrassed if your grandpa kept on talking about race in a weird way in public?
If somebody talks about something "in a weird way", I would probably want talk less to them.
I'm 21. Yes at school and work I am ignored by men. I even went to a bar last night for the first time and was ignored. The only exception is that older men, maybe 40+ will occasionally try chatting with me but it's never in a flirtatious way. I guess the arousal also comes from being ignored by guys my age.
Women where do your tits rest exactly? I need a good reference when drawing
They seem to rest around where the sternum ends? Roughly in the middle of the ribcage?
>I even went to a bar last night for the first time and was ignored.
Just going to a bar is normally not enough to get chatted up, unless you want the piss drunk 60 year old geezers to talk to you.
Did you just sit there alone on your phone? They everybody probably assumed that on a workday night you are waiting for a date.
Anon, I'm gonna be real with you, are you fat? What's your BMI?
Guys, is this true?
Could also be severely underweight.

I got completely ignored as a 15bmi during uni
>Is this how love works?
Basically, yes. Even mutually infatuated people who get together don't stay mutually infatuated: it wears off after about 18 months, maybe two years. Of course, many couples stay together because they succeed in building something else during that two year window - something that is longer lasting. But it's not anywhere near as intense and exciting and full of fireworks as the initial crush was.
Jesus Christ 250? For what? An hour? It better be an hour+anal or eating out+raw at that fucking prince.
I kind of knew this going into it. I just went cause I was curious. I didn't have my phone with me, I just observed what everyone else was doing. I didn't expect men to talk to me at all of course. Everyone was in their little groups.
My BMI is 20.6. I work out sometimes too just to help blow off some steam.

Off to find some cool ancient clothes to be weird in IRL
all used up
Neither of those guys.
I believe you bars suck nowadays because everyone is in premade groups. What race are you? Really dating apps too? Are you sure you haven't turned down hook ups or anything? How often do you swipe right?
Hour of vaginal intercourse + kissing and cuddling
Name your sexual/dating style in two words, ill start

No, actually she just has better face bones than you since birth and she doesn't eat big macs or drink coca cola.
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Not today anon
Nigga are you seriously simping for some random european hooker right now?
Ah I see makes sense. Why the extra $50? Usually they include kissing with the hour rate. Are you gonna cuddle for a while longer over an hour too?
Nta but I've simped for hookers, guys need love even if it's fake
How much is an actual average American girl worth if she were a hooker? Maybe 15 or 25 for an hour considering how fat and gross they are and how they always say stupid annoying things to kill boners?
But why a random European one?
In person whatever sure, but we are online nigga.
I'm white. Yes dating apps didn't work. I went on one date but the guy just seemed to want to be friends? I did get a handful of hookup offers but that wasn't what I wanted. I haven't used dating apps in foreve because they were so useless, I probably swiped right about 1/4 of the time. But even if I get hook up offers (that I don't accept obviously) that's kind of arousing too. Like a man would never see me as a romantic option and I shouldn't even try. Like I should give up on dating forever. Idk why it makes me so aroused to think that.
I also have fun stealing a glance at cute boys when they are not looking in my direction.
Oh ok so you're just choosing to stay alone voluntarily for your own standards and have developed a fetish to cope with it.
That makes sense.
Can't help you if you can't help yourself, so enjoy orgasming upon death still single I guess.
If I can sink half my finger into your fat stomach and on top of that you're not pretty and white you're a 15 dollar hooker. That's a real value estimate from an expert.
Women, how is your relationship with your boyfriends/husbands mom
you should fight that, sounds like a slippery slope into spinsterhood.
Who cares where I simp? I must because it's in my nature
if you count old people and fatties probably -100$
Can you make yourself a virgin again and lose 30 pounds and some extra skin? You're cooked.
Whats hotter
I have fought it multiple times, but it always wins. It's been this way since I got rejected by two boys in middle school. There is a part of me that would like a real relationship but I don't even have friends.
Is playing video games a sissy hobby?
>gets rejected by two chads
>goes insane and cuts every meaningful connect off forever
>dies alone
Same honestly.
Yes real men play board games.
does that get lonely?
I have had a few boyfriends actually but they were literally gay and didn't want to have sex with me. So I just was a beard for them and would emotionally support them. And of course there were no dates or any sort of gifts (I realize this is shallow to expect). I figure even if I get into a relationship again, there's no way the man would want to have sex with me or do any cute romantic things.
You must look really really ugly. Sorry that nature said you deserve this. Should've been born more pretty you piece of shit.
I am literally spending 250euros on a whore because you didnt want to date me
Ill date you do you live in the us
That's has nothing to do with my previous point.
A bunch of gay Chads you fell for used you as a beard. That means you aren't as pretty as you thought. Then you are
A. Voluntarily dying alone because you are aware that
B. You can date any number of men who are ugly, fat, or poor the people you deserve but choose not to.
Everyone every woman and every man has had this struggle.
You either voluntarily die alone or settle for someone lesser.
Up to you.
>there's no way the man would want to have sex with me or do any cute romantic things.
Replace man with women and you have the average (in looks and income) experience of a man globally, welcome to the club!
America is an awful place to live right now unless your illegal and/or hispanic. Most people are leaving the country, not coming into it.
>America is an awful place to live right now unless your illegal and/or hispanic
why do you say that?
>And of course there were no dates or any sort of gifts (I realize this is shallow to expect)
It's not shallow because those things show he cares about you. Expecting expensive gifts and dates is shallow.
I will date you but i have standards. Is your vagina circumcised?
I'd wife a fag-hag, but beards seem like they have numb vaginas due to years of masturbating alone, I just want a wife that cums from PIV. I am 6-inches.
With the makeup, the hair and the jewellery, she looks unattainable. We all want a gf like that but we know a girl looking like that is expecting a top tier man
this is accurate. I don't approach women who look like that because theres no point. an exercise in futility.
Because it's full of niggers and you have to pay a heavy tax burden for the military and nigger worshipping government that literally raises communist monuments to niggers while tearing down ones to white people.
I dare anyone to look at that comment section and not realize that most women are lesbian.
>How to end up dead in a ditch due to attracting megalomaniacal sadist chad
Kamala "Havana weapon" Harris is my half Indian half nigger president. This is who I work for and pay taxes to. I am a literaral slave to a subhuman retarded nigger. Only symbolically.
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Why not both?
Someone get this man a black or Indian wife ASAP, we cannot allow him to simp this retardedly on some random nog who will destroy America, but maybe if he gets a nonwhite wife he can simp in a efficient way at least that won't cause the USA to become 60% brown before 2030.
I get no pussy and I pay 20 percent income tax so that women who make more money than me while being fat and sitting down can afford to feed their half nigger fatherless children peanut butter so that child services doesn't take them.
Thanks that's sweet. I'm realizing now how stupid it was that I made these posts. I just felt sort of mentally ill. I can meet cute guys online sometimes but irl and on dating apps it's so hard and I feel so awkward and don't want to look at anyone and bother them. And cute guys online have offered me gifts and stuff but I turn them down because I feel uncomfortable accepting it .
>20 percent
god I wish that was me
Do you actually WANT sexual attention?
Not your fault. modern media has turned every unknown male into a potential stalker retard ape rape hunter organ harvester
I need to stop shipping anonymous posters together
I should start doing this
Scaring off men by being extremly beautiful only works if you're already beautiful. If an average girl tried this, she would get more attention because most men would still think she's attainable.
>"yeah just cosplay like a faggy lesbian oil painting, average woman!"
>"TOTALLY not attention seeking behavior viral internet community!"
>"I just HATE male attention which is why I do this!"
>"This is how you get men to leave you alone!"
Please tell me women aren't retarded enough to be baited by shit like this 24/7.
It makes the girl look like a hooker who charges money for dates.
That content is made for male audience
Yeah your story is bullshit. Someone post that picture of the female loneliness aka holding the door shut on 5+ suitors while crying about how hard she has it. You complaining about that is offensive to actual incels who are actually ignored. Bullshit story
It is true. She says men think that she looks like a witch but she actually is a witch. She looks an expensive slut that would ruin your life or your finances.
The comment section makes it clear that was very appealing to the women too
Show us your lists
We've been over this before.
It'll repel white guys who have internalised how much women hate men, yeah. It won't repel the browns, who are far more likely to harass and rape you.
The comments section is full of women sucking her clit so deep in their throats that you'd think she was hung like a horse.
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Why do women lie about how desperate their love life is for (you)s?
The black guys who already know what you want: drugs, money and to be fucked like a wild animal. You are a nigger pig.
for (You)s
I ship that one anon with that one femanon
I hope I made the list but I doubt it
They need to be sexually aroused by an image or else their vaginas don't work. Especially with all of the exogenous estrogen pills they pop daily
He's right if your illegal you get everything given to you off the back of tax payers, its why the white demographic is shrinking so fast, they are just leaving
Black guys already know: white women are neurotic and also believe in medicine and quick capitalist fix it solutions for everything because they're shallow and soulless. Give you security with money up front, treat neuroticism with illegal drugs, and treat angst with rape and beating. Women are pigs.
>5 Reasons You Should Keep Your Legs Open To Your Husband


Don't ask me how I came across it...
>its why the white demographic is shrinking so fast, they are just leaving
Dominican Republic's biggest immigrant group right now is black americans, everyone with any sort of money is leaving.
Sorry women you lost, I'm her property now
context for women wondering with this poor girl is getting flamed by men
>most men on this website are sub-8 attractiveness
>in theory they should looksmatch with sub-8 women (makeup off) or sub-5 women (makeup on)
>literally the exact second a woman puts makeup on she ignores every man who isn't chad, for life
>most men here have either met, know, or are good friends with a chad, which is why they shitpost 24/7 about him
>chad, who is 8+ attractiveness, has clearly obviously been with 8+ attractiveness women, and knows a sub-8 woman is *absolutely not* an 8+ attractiveness woman
>if chad decides to date sub-8, for any reason, this literally means the woman is a pump and dump, or he wants someone that is indebted to him, or disposable
>this hoeflation woman is dating way beyond her bracket, this means several things to men
>she does not mind being pumped and dumped by chad, and is perhaps doing it for "bragging rights" to her hoeflation friends, e.g. "i can get chad = i'm high-value"
>she is entirely undeservedly ignoring men of her "true" dating bracket due to looksmaxxing. Men of her attractiveness level don't register as men to her, at all.
>she has been employing an unsuccessful dating strategy, i.e. pumped and dumped multiple times by men who don't value her, and is starting to feel the effects of "alpha widow syndrome" (google that term, blackpilling)
>she might have had "alpha widow syndrome" for a long time and will likely sabotage her future relationships with non-chad, due to them being permanently inferior to her past hookups

basically: "give me chad or give me death" - anonymous incel forums poster
There is not a single woman wondering that. They know that's true because they are willfully dying alone too.
Non-white Americans don't like hearing that white Americans are leaving because they know that the country their family immigrated too will become 3rd world and they'll have to migrate again.
Not watching that, but one of the reasons are that sex is awesome if the man isn't a faggot, in which case you shouldn't even be with him in the first place.
Didn't read all that, but did she actually get flammed for it? I don't think so.
Flaming is a harsh word as much as pointing things out is.
my hair stylist started asked for a hug after my haircut last time i went in. is she interested or am i friendzoned?
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>"alpha widow syndrome" (google that term, blackpilling)
ruined my night
I feel you sister. I read "Alpha widow syndrome" and my brain short circuited. I almost felt responsibility for my actions there. Good thing I can just ignore everything that makes me feel guilty and just call a man to take care of it once it's a problem.
cute future beef patty :^)
Really great. I love her very much.
We're literally building a house to move in together lol
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holy shit.


>Here’s where a lot of men go wrong. It’s true that your alpha widow is pining over someone who seems to be the epitome of perfection. She can’t stop talking about him, comparing the two of you, and always coming to the same conclusion – he’s so much better than you.

>Most men would fall into this trap. They’d continue competing with this projection of a Greek god, trying their best to learn all his tips and tricks, and failing miserably every single time. Try comparing an original Gucci bag with its cheap copy – the original always wins!

>You shouldn’t try to change yourself to become more like your alpha widow’s ex. You can never be like him, but you can certainly be better in your own way.

>There’s a whole new world of possibilities. Take her to places she’s never seen, arrange activities she’s never done, and show her a completely different side of dating someone who isn’t an alpha man. She’ll be in your arms before you know it!

>3. (the final part of the article) Know when to give up

>In fact, the term alpha widow is quite an insensitive way of describing a woman trying to deal with the pain of losing someone she really loved. This is one of those annoying situations where women are blatantly blamed and ridiculed for something they have no power over.
Weird but inconclusive
It's funny to see a feminist answer to the alpha widow phenomena, but that all just sounds incredibly humiliating and it really shows a sociopathic nature to even suggest this course of action, it's like a neckbeard giving women a list of things they can do to compete with Tifa from Final Fantasy, utterly delusional and degrading.
You become like my dad. Wait until an 8 turns 35 and becomes attainable, love bomb, get pregnant, steal her life savings and retirement, cheat and leave.
>women cheats on man: "He deserved it!"
>man cheats on women: "She didn't deserve it!"
Its all so tiresome, but thanks for reminding me that it isn't worth getting into a relationship.
If she really tried to alpha widow him then it's hard to feel a ton of sympathy, like he's a scumbag and all but she deserved him.
I know. She acted like she was doing him a favor by marrying him and always wanted him to make more money but she stepped on his balls in front of me constantly. Her ex boyfriend who she keeps pictures of is seven feet tall and wears his yacht club outfit in every photo.
I love my backup girl <3
The irony of women pointing to anime women who do the same thing and say "look men do actually want this" is lost on them when the woman actually sees the guy she is dominating sacrifice a lot to the point where she starts to fall in love with him and starts treating him nicer over time. That part is 100% always lost on them.
>she kept photos of her ex boyfriend
holy shit that's so pathetic for everyone involved, dad for putting up with that, mom for wanting it, and the ex for hooking up with that woman in the first place.
women treating men like shit is nothing new under the sun, the only thing that has changed are the excuses around it. If people actually believed men and women were equal under the law and in thought, they would be lambasted as much as men are.
The thing with the Yandere archetype is that while the girl is being a bitch to the guy her whole life pretty much revolves around him and whatever he happens to be doing.
The sad part is that women literally cannot help doing this awful degrading shit on a neurochemical level. The house, the husband, the children, are basically an elaborate coping strategy. An entire life she doesn't want, to cope with the life she never got.
I know. The circumstances that even lead to all pretty women going away and getting plied with booze and bedded immediately after leaving the cradle is what women want. They get to choose.
She wanted to procreate she just didn't want subchads lifestyle or beta male children.
I was thinking more Tsunderes than Yanderes. Yanderes are based because they are so clingy and obsessive about their love interest that they treat paper their obsession while slowly isolating him and removing any woman she feels threatened by.
A lot of men would kill for that kind of psychotic loyalty these days.
A lot of it sounded reasonable until I realized it wasn't about a literal widow.
>>3. (the final part of the article) Know when to give up
>In fact, the term alpha widow is quite an insensitive way of describing a woman trying to deal with the pain of losing someone she really loved. This is one of those annoying situations where women are blatantly blamed and ridiculed for something they have no power over.
This is an insane way to talk about being dumped. And it's even more ridiculous to tie this to the term "widow". I've talked to a lot of widows over the past two years, and it's pretty much universal that the standards drop, because we know "The One" is gone forever, and it's not about replicating that feeling anymore. It's about creating a new and different one, that doesn't just prod at the injury of what was lost.

These people are more delusional than I am, and that's coming from someone who still talks to the walls when they creak because I think my house is haunted.
If you don't respect yourself she won't either, I'd have made ditching the Ex's photos a condition for any kind of serious commitment, you also need to cut off princess treatment if there isn't any reciprocity. I see too much of this shit where these former nerds think that the high school social ladder is still intact in their 30s and they put up with all of this shit when they could have a better woman in ten minutes if they ditched the baggage.
>that they treat paper their obsession
kek, I have no idea where that came from just ignore it.
>psychotic loyalty
it's all fun and games until you find the art she drew of you as Hitler and her manifesto.
Blackpilled again by atoga
>wanted to ask advice about what shoes to buy
>you guys are being retarded again
I don't know what is better being Hitler in her manifesto or dominating her with kindness until she submits to you, I'm leaning towards Tsundere just because they don't murder people.
>buying shoes
get scammed.
Wrap it up. Atoga is canceled. All simping has been moved to /b/. If you want attention for having tits then post them or get out. Heil Hitler total nigger death
I sadly am forced to leave the house and can't go barefoot.
>I dig up all of my ex's stuff when I'm in a non-serious relationship
Holy fuck, Is it really that much of a herculean task to throw out your ex's stuff? Chad really is incredible, isn't he? God of women. Chad is Talos and Women are Skyrim.
women are culturally and ideologically indoctrinated into believing that treating men like shit is a right and it's how you make them do what you want.
Women are on their nigger arc. They're enslaving and whipping you because a Jewish guy told them that it's their turn to do it back to you for years of oppression in the past.
I mean just by the marriage statistics right now the most unmarriageable women all live in America.
I don't deserve love.
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>heartbroken men: guts from berserk
>heartbroken women:
I actually feel bad. Like, really bad. This is just sad, not even funny. I want to give women a hug, but then I'll just give them 50 types of ick since I'm not their ex.
Countries who take high volumes of immigration, regardless of where the person comes from, don't reproduce. So I'm not surprised that western men are moving to Asia or the Middle East to marry and have kids.
>Middle East to marry and have kids.
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are very western (for a middle eastern city) in terms of what they allow and don't allow. Low crime and very family friendly/focused with a big international immigrant community, its a great place to visit and grow up in.
I don't deserve love. My penis is only 5.9 inches instead of 6, and I'm 5'11", not 6'0".
This is hardly a constructive response. It barely even makes sense.
An extended lifespan.
Better quality of life.
I guess it really depends on the works.
I like man booty. Idk about normie women.
That's probably how much my sex toys all cost.
Yeah I would want to keep my white pride dinner conversations at home.
There's a reason I'm the favorite. I hide that shit the best.
Despite me thinking they're sagging, mine actually stay maybe one rib above where my sternum ends.
Not really. You can also look too good to be approached just with your face and some confidence. I practice model walk in grocery stores and most are very submissive to flee from my path.
Ew cringe
I'm more of a Passionate Lover.
Idk, I kinda want to read her book she copublished.
Oh I'll put my pussy on you for free if you're my medium shirt white non balding sweetheart.
She wants your cologne. (Maybe, hypothesized)

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