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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything...*blush*

Architect Edition

First for the femanon reading this <3
Waiting for tsundere anon...
Explain the architecture of borgor.
Femanons, are you polyamorous?
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How do I reveal my weird fetish stuff to a girl? We've been seeing each other for a month and had regular sex, but I want to sniff her panties and do stuff with her feet and pervert stuff like this, but I dont want to scare her away.
Bottom bun, spread, pickles, beef patty, caramelized onions, American cheese, spread, top bun.>>31941635
Nah, best I can do is threesome
Top Bun
Caramelized Onion
Bottom Bun
I am a slider enthusiast
Ideal depends on your choice of toppings. But the "default" is patty, cheese, veg, condiments.
Would you be with someone who is?
How do you feel about the ratio of salt to pepper on your Frankish Fries? I'm a pepper guy myself.
>Frankish Fries
you're making me crave some...
It occurs to me that I don't think I've ever been to a restaurant that did peppered fries. That sounds good.
I just watched the movie The Witches of Eastwick, about three women who each have one on one sex with the devil when he comes to town in a human disguise and it strengthens their female bonding and friendship with each other

It made me wonder, do women usually bond in their female friend groups over having had the same male sexual partner? Especially if they've all had sex with him within a short timespan of each other?
>Femanons, are you polyamorous?
I'm anarchoamorous.
i want to get a text from a boy my age who likes me and get excited to know im going on a date and spend all day figuring out what i want to wear and doing my hair and worrying in a happy way.
>get off work at 5
>get home between 5:30 and 6
>work out/cook dinner until 8
>feel too tired to do anything
is this normal? I feel like my parents resent me for not seeing them every day like I used to
Eskimo brothers and Eskimo sisters are a thing people bond over
50 years ago fat and balding men would have lots of women going after them. This what they took from you.
sorry femanon but "boys" aren't 30+ years old
you missed out on being a hoe
>Eskimo brothers and Eskimo sisters
What's that?
do you think medical professionals judge you for being fat and sickly?
I want a girl to fall asleep in my arms.
Fried in duck fat, light salt, light pepper, served with mayonnaise
Can I have a big sister who pretends to listen to me GF?
For what it's worth I'm skinny with a full head of hair and I don't have lots of women going after me
>Eskimo Brothers
When two or more dudes share the same "igloo" or hole for warmth
>Eskimo Sisters
When two or more women share the same "eskimo"
It's hard out there for a pimp.
People who have the connection that they've both had sex with the same person. I once met a guy who'd had a rebound fling with the same female friend I'd had a rebound fling with after separate failed relationships on her part, and I thought, hey, we're Eskimo Brothers!

It's more of a thing among heteros, since in LGBT circles pretty much everyone has had sex with everyone.
yes they do
the one time I had surgery as an adult the guy made fun of me for being a fat ass then as I was coming out of it during the procedure I heard them talking about me having sleep apnea because I was fat
I'm still fat (though I've lost 60lbs since) but I don't have sleep apnea anymore at least
Eskimo sibling=person with whom you have a mutual prior sex partner. I know two guys who have both slept with the same girl. They are Eskimo brothers.
The stuff that gets to them is fluids/pus and strong smells. And I'm not talking about normal BO. I'm talking, woman put a food item up her snatch a few months ago and she has a pungent yeast infection from the rot.
Interesting, you learn something new every day!
How do you guys know when there's a new thread if it's never linked in the previous one?
>tfw Eskimo Brothers with your brother-in-law
I'm clean faced with a Dorito jaw and luscious hair, but I also have increasing folds of fat and a thick belly from crappy eating habits and antidepressants

It makes me feel like a grotesque monster who will never know love
Should your boy use textspeak or proper English? Can boys use emojis or should only girls use emojis?
Men, I have to get a suit, any recommendations? Is tailoring worth it?
but it was, retard >>31941629
In case it wasn't clear I should mention that it is different from a 3 some, the use of the eskimo or the igloo is supposed to be separate incidences
Where to find a gf with a brother complex?
>but I don't have sleep apnea anymore at least
Congratulations, and good luck with the rest of your journey.
It was here >>31941629
But generally if the thread gets slow and it's a page number close to falling off the board, I'll check to see if there's a new one.
Are you the guy I used to live in the same city as who raped his sister and she ruined a portion of her liver trying to commit suicide to escape her living situation with you? Because if so you're a piece of shit and you should be facing lethal injection for what you did. If that's you, fuck you.
I'm not sure how that would be good for you if you weren't her brother
But you're a woman. Those are for men.
nta but what the fuck?
I think it depends on the person. Some definitely do. Some have more of a "you know, it'd be easier to figure out what specifically was wrong with you if you were less fat/drunk/whatever, try to work with me here" attitude.
wear pencil skirt if female
of course you should have it tailored
nigga it was a joke, you can be eskimo brothers with your brother-in-law without being a sisterfucker
skill issue, also when the thread slows down and we're on page 9 I'll check out the catalog
Very angry children
Preferably a girl who doesn't have a brother but "always wanted one"
That was an actual family I knew maybe about 10 or more years ago. The single mother looking after both siblings was too anxious and depressed to keep her rapey son in check when he went after his sister. Ironically he was also a big 4chan troll and I'm sure I unknowingly spoke to him a few times back when I frequented /r9k/
Japan probably, but then you have to face the hurdle of not being japanese
I worked very hard on this OP, fuck you
i dont know, do you like emojis? use emojis then.
Hi certified medfag here
They do.
A nurse got in trouble for sending a patients mental health documentation to someone who posted it on social media
>tfw male with eating disorder
>all the office ladies (who are skinnier than me) are jealous of my self-control when management orders lunch for us
I am healthy aside from psychiatric anxiety and a mild legal drug habit but have also gained a lot of weight over the past two years. Doctors' checkups usually involve a lot of tests for diabetes and thyroid problems.
>Chad anon stealing all the women again
I already have my own opinions on emojis, I come to this thread to ask other people their opinions on things. It's over.
i got thyroid problems + something wrong with my liver myself
feels bad man
>someone mistook my friend for my son
>my friend is just 2 years younger than me
Am I fucked on dating for now? Will I have to only either go after older women or wait until I'm older to date?
well i'm a bad person to ask. ive never had a text friend.
I'm a guy who used to have an eating disorder, for some reason I got way more action when I was deathly skinny than I do now at a healthy weight. I don't miss starving myself but damn did the women like it
I have an eating disorder
I eat dis order
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Is this sound advice?

They are mean and get a ( Y o u ) but I try and give a thoughtful response just to be ignored? :(
I fucking hate women so much
at least you haven't had your girlfriend mistaken as your sister
Can confirm. Some of my relatives are medfags, and the worst story I heard was some morbidly obese black woman having the decayed remnants of a miscarriage buried in her flab.
The crash is now
Also M and have gone back and forth in BMI. To a lot of people "deathly skinny" IS a healthy weight. I've also had people judge the shit out of me and assume malicious intent (like that I'm a sexual predator, dangerous mental case, potentially violent etc.) when I'm overweight. Ironically people I meet usually assume I'm a good and decent person when I'm stick thin.
hating women is for fags
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You'll have the pick of the daddy issues. Does your friend have a baby face? How old are you?
not the same but there's this girl I like who always makes comments that we look alike and could be twins
I think she's just fucking with me but it makes me wonder, we're both kind of androgynous
Wrong, not hating women is extremely gay.
A man having gay anal sex with another man when he could be pleasuring a woman instead is an act of misogyny and anti-woman hatred
do more girls than you would think have to shave their face?
I swear this girl I work with sometimes has stubble. I don't think she's trans or anything because she looks feminine and talks about her period.
Rent is so bad that most people can’t afford saving for a house. If you can buy a house do it
brb downloading Grindr
Flab meaning in her vagina, in the folds of her vulva, or the folds of her stomach?
A lot of girls get a little bit of hair on their upper lip, the thing is most women shave/wax it
I wish I could casually buy a mansion on Koh Samui and spend every day drinking 4 x 100's on the beach
every gay dude I've met was really casual about being misogynistic
wonder why that is
You are too kind to me, I am crying, thank you
But that man is an ugly man, which would be either rape or at least not her preference if it were a woman, which is an act of misogyny and anti-woman hatred.
Girls with PCOS can get pretty thick hairs on their face
they truly treat women as equals
that reminds me that the novella that was adapted into Hellraiser (The Hellbound Heart) is really REALLY redpilled on the true nature of women and it was written by a fag
men, would you hate me if i didn't eat slow and dainty but ate in big big bites like a starving dog? i never learned manners. i probably should learn them and try to not humiliate myself publically but every time i get food i feel like i have to eat it fast or it will go away
But they're not equals though?
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You are a more valuable person than the world will ever recognise.
desirable quality
I eat like this too, but I'd still hate you because I hate women.
Yes if she's Italian, Greek, middle eastern, etc she may struggle with facial hair, body hair, with a unibrow, hair on toes, nose hair....
Stomach, I think.
doesn't affect how they treat them
I don't mind.
What bothers me is if that translates into poor impulse control and/or being fat.
Wow, horrific. I can't imagine how I'd feel.
I do get a moustache kinda. Bugs the shit out of me but it's fairly light.
That's me and that's two of my friends so there are at least 4 people in this world who could sit down at a table together and eat a whole meal like that and nobody would care.
You should read Imajica for a study in contrasts. It's a giant two volume epic fantasy with a feminist message about evil patriarchal men supplanting a peaceful society of goddess worship, and the villain who represents patriarchy is literally Xenomorph Jesus.
I am 26. But I am prematurely bald, so I guess I just have to wait until I get in an age group where that is less of an issue.
You can be as feral as you like. I can teach you if you decide you want to learn.
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Do women agree with this chart about the attractiveness of male hobbies? I think "Reading" being number one is total bullshit. Women are just saying that to give the impression that they read.
Girl moustaches are the absolute worst and I beg of you to get it permanently removed if possible or wax it otherwise
An 11/10 could be made into a -40/10 with a moustache or even stubble from shaving, god how horrifying
>download Happn
>make extremely basic profile and start swiping
>every woman is Asian, thin, and mid-30s
>two of them immediately match with me and message me first
This app is a scam, right?
this bitch I was hanging out with this weekend said she's read 100 books already this year or something crazy, not even audiobooks
I call bullshit
>attractiveness of hobbies
90% of that is irrelevant if the guy is physically attractive. 100% of it is irrelevant if he's also sociable.
I think this is more a reflection of 'someone who would consider x thing a hobby' rather than the action itself. Like, someone who watches porn when they're jerking off is in a different ballpark to someone who considers porn their 'hobby'
As a "true" reader, I can confirm that most people who claim to like reading either don't read at all or read the worst books imaginable. It's like how everyone on dating apps say they like hiking
None of it literally matters, you think a handsome as fuck guy is gonna walk up to her with his perfect jaw, bicep vein and say hi shes gonna think "WOW I BET THIS GUY READS A LOT"


No nigga, she sees a handsome confident guy, gets itch between her legs and thats all she wrote.
>tfw no 10/10 ethnic Palestinian woman with a deep natural tan and light facial hair on her upper lip
My girlfriend was thinking of coming over after time with her friend tonight and said she’d let me know.
She just texted me “Hi, try not to enjoy the extra space in your bed too much tn,”
This is clearly her saying shes not coming over but why does this feel cold lol
This is true, I mostly read speculative books by futurologists, you know, Alvin Toffler stuff
>~2.5 days per book
That's pretty reasonable assuming some are short books and she's a fast reader.
A 10/10 [insert shithole here] woman is a commodity that their family uses to gain the favour of the rich.
This isn't crazy if you read for a hobby.
Is it hard to get pants that fit women?
>why does this feel cold lol
Because it sounds cold.
Does this imply that those hobbies are unattractive or that the women are indifferent to them? There is a difference.
maybe I'm retarded but I only ever read that quickly if I'm really REALLY into a book and have literally nothing else to do
like last time I did that I was on vacation from work and it was a shitty Americanized wuxia novel
If someone primarily reads short novels I'm going to look down on them
Women, where do you like to be massaged most?
Regardless of the quality of the novel?
Whenever a woman has read that many books in a year it's always those booktok smut novels written at an 8th grade reading level.
For me it is. If it actually fits my fat fucking thighs it's usually too big for the rest of me.
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Yes. It shows a lack of endurance and dedication
She's trying to be tongue in cheek about it. She's trying to be blasé about it to make it feel like it isn't a big deal because she worries it is a big deal and she's disappointing you. Even though you said it's okay if she just wanted to chill at home.
That's kind of elitist.
I tried to read one of those once out of morbid curiosity... never again
Hey guys just wanted to let you know that life is hell adn everything is suffering and that I'm a bad person and that if you take chances you WILL fail and get hurt.

How bad would it be if I drank on an empty stomach after not eating for 16 hours?
Even if she immediately picks up the next one? 100 short novels seems pretty committed.
Do you look down on sprinters for not being marathon runners?
>it's always those booktok smut novels written at an 8th grade reading level.
I hate seeing women read this kind of thing because I don't want to be judgmental but I can't stop it
>How bad would it be if I drank on an empty stomach after not eating for 16 hours?
I do that every friday night lmao
Reading books is like popcorn to some people. On top of that you can use all your spare time to read. If I am really into a book I read it on the shitter, on my lunchbreak, read it in lieu of other hobbies or shitposting/browsing the internet
I disagree. Some physically short books can pack a lot of information. I spent more time on a 150 page book (about 1 month) than I did a 400 page book (a few days) for that reason.
Nobody likes an elitist. When you have this attitude, you're not hurting them, you're only hurting yourself in the long run.
I shouldn't need to feel that reading a book is something that requires endurance. You seem like the kind of person that belittles people for not reading stuff like Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
Women, what are your thoughts on David Goggins?
QT is that you?
I can't go to /lit/ anymore but I read Thus Spoke Zarathustra, enjoyed it, then realized I only understood like 10% of it at most :(
Making your reading about "quantity of books/words read" and "endurance" is ridiculous nonsense.
Wqhat does it do to you
I like him, he's a softie but with a good heart. Military dudes are scary though, feels like they might kill someone after a nightmare due to PTSD.
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It hurts being a midwit
I don’t care what she wants to chill at home but damn
It almost sounds intentional and like she’s trying to push me off or some shit

I honestly don’t know how to feel about that lol
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Goggins is a giant masochist. Following his advice won't improve your life or make you happy - it will only really be effective if the only thing you can think to do is run away from your problems and thoughts and feelings.
A general rule of thumb when it comes to reading difficult texts is that you're never going to fully understand it all on the first read, so get that notion out of your head and stop beating yourself up about it. If you can read something like that and come away with the basic ideas, you're good -- repeated readings will illuminate more and more but don't expect it all to happen the first time around
What if you gave your girlfriend the benefit of the doubt and figure that she's either doing fine or being insecure, instead of the option that she's on the verge of breaking up with you? Do you have self esteem issues?
Looks like a tranny
can feel the seethe radiating from the utter lack of effort placed in this image
Believe it or not but thats literally me
You've read Ulysses?
Hahahaha I don’t think she’s on the verge of breaking up with me I just wish she was more open and honest in telling me what she’s thinking and feeling instead of making funny remarks
But i look like that ogre
That's women for you lol
>Wqhat does it do to you
you get very drunk very fast
feels amazing
but don't let yourself drink too much
thats why my mattress still smells like puke
Kinda sorta me
I can see you're clutching at straws trying to find a 'gotcha' towards criticism of your surrogate father figure
Is there a guy version of this?
Okay, well go read Ulysses. Or at least Dubliners.
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I believe it because he is also literally me
>How do I repent?
No, because guys don't pretend to care about a woman's hobbies.
Based and true
I honestly feel like listening to a good youtube essay on a topic is probably a better use of time than reading a random novel.
Please be bait please be bait please be bait
It wont make me smarter
I lift metal
what if its not bait
what if its my legitimate dogshit opinion
what then
how do you accept yourself more?
Then I'm calling in a drone strike
Is manosphere really a hobby?...
If you value exercise then you should recognize that your mind needs to be exercised too.
I guess it is if you spends hours every week listening to all the podcasts.
>fault finding a namefag for having even a "crumb" of positive notoriety
You're post is ironic seeing as you're defending your MS paint artwork so insistently as profound.

>ugh heterosexual men who work out, ick
Nah bro, it's *me* who's coping
State gender
Favorite Pokemon type?
Does media consumption count as a hobby?
If reading does then I don't see why not.
Im a sucker for ghost types
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I like my Pokemon like I like my women: dark
M. Ground.
F Water
Alright, thats a valid argument.
I always pick the water starter, but I treat all types equally after that.
>No, because guys don't pretend to care about a woman's hobbies.
I do, that's why I asked.
This is the most autistic reply I have ever seen. No wonder a shitty paint meme made to make fun of you cut so deep
>bringing up "heterosexuality" for no reason
fucking what lmao
I'm sorry Game Freak hates you and thinks all your favorites should be jobbers.
It's okay, it gives me an excuse for when I get folded.
F Normal unironically.
Men, please rate out of 10 how much you like your dick, and if you'd prefer anything different and why.
Women, please rate out of 10 how much you like you boobs, and if you'd prefer anything different and why.
Sorry for the dup in the other thread, didnt realize there was a new one
You laugh because you're still too dumb to engage with reality using words. That shit stops working after middle school, but you didn't catch the memo.

no rematch
Tell me about your Miltank...
10/10. When I'm flaccid it's hilariously tiny, but then it grows to nearly 8 inches.
I really do feel sorry for aspies like you sometimes. They really can't help themselves because they'll always latch onto "self-help" methods that harm them in the long run.

> you're still too dumb to engage with reality using words.
Brevity is the soul of wit and you're hilariously mistaken if you think writing more words equals more right
9/10. I wish it didn't curve as much as it does but I've never gotten any complaints so I'm content with it I guess
>Men, please rate out of 10 how much you like your dick
6/10, it's fine. It's like an old beater than still gets you to work and back.
Women, is there anything a guy who's on your positive side could do to make you horny for him? Basic might be showing off muscle or doing your taxes?
Eating his own cum.
I guess 6 or 7/10.

I'm seven and a half inches, and it seems like I'm too big for normie women, but not big enough for the size queens.
It bothers the fuck out of me because even though it is objectively not small it still looks small on me.
It's pretty robust and can handle quite a bit of action. It makes a big impact and knows how to shake things up. It's quite the handful.
>changes his typing style after a single btfo
No one is shilling self-help, you're too neurotic. if it were just an image of a dude gaming and being depressed it would have been "so relatable", but it's a dude exercising, which is wrong because "it just is". You see men exercising and feel hurt jus tby seeing them, that's a skill issue.
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I know what I have do but I do not know if I have the strength to do it
Your rollout was super effective and Anon fainted.
The biggest problem with my dick is that its a virgin dick
old chinese stories are funny because they'll be like
>Hello friend pal guy brother, I have brought you a stick
>Thank you brother savior master, but that stick is too good for me! I can't accept your stick
>Please son blood bon sibling, accept my stick
>...You twisted my arm, I thank you for the stick
Because just saying "thanks" outright would be rude
Not as common in modern shit but you still see it sometimes, mostly "I won't be polite, I will take this thing you are giving me"
okay i did it

Does anyone want to play games today. I feel like shit and need a distraction
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>changes his typing style
There's no self-help for autism this severe.
>You see men exercising and feel hurt jus tby seeing them, that's a skill issue.
The image went right over your head. That doesn't matter, because it's there to mock you.
how much did you drink?
If you could choose one language for a guy you were interested in to have as a second language, which would it be?
Whichever one hates foids the most
if a girl were to ask for your number how attractive would she have to be 1-10 to get it
Milk Drink let's me keep things flowing smoothly and stay in the game.
Fighting probably.
Fighting type it is, all gymbros hate women.
Breasts 6-7/10, sometimes I wish they were bigger and that my areolas weren't so pale
Vagina 2/10, I wish it was an innie and that my inner labia weren't so dark
>I wish it was an innie and that my inner labia weren't so dark
Trust me, most people don't give a shit about that
Less than an 8.
Why is it always boobs and never ass?
Is this why I see flared pants on women EVERYWHERE now? It's like we're suddenly back in the 70s.
what kind
Sorry, I don't want to give any false hope to someone who I don't find terribly attractive
Probably three or four
I admire the initiative
You were caught, that's why it's funny.
>The image went right over your head. That doesn't matter
You won't explain it because you can't, you just kneejerk "posted a funny" also there's nothing to explain, it's a drawing. impulsive, lethargic, corn syrup behavior.
That's just women's fashion. These things go in cycles.
a few shots i think I didn't really measure it
a puzzle maybe
When did tsundere anon become a character here
feeding women baby carrots at 2AM
You know why
No, there's not even a girl version of this. From the actual site:
"Our sample was a convenience sample of 814 participants (48% female)."
They literally quizzed more men than women. This isn't a list of what women like, its a list of what men think women like, with some women involved.
o_0 im always giving socials if it's for a social setting. The only reason to not give soc/info is for like religious zealots or spammers or scammers. Even for work stuff, networking is important. Overall, making friends is important and there's little reason to not give.
NTA (also moid) but it seems like women with big asses are at least content if not glad that they have a booty. Where's women with large breasts seem to at best tolerate them.
Women hate gymbros not other way around.

T. Gymbro who loves.women but they get nauseous when they see him
You can grow your ass but you can't grow your boobs.
>I'm a bad person and that if you take chances you WILL fail and get hurt.
Do you want to talk about it anon?
>Women hate gymbros
Incorrect. Your face must be busted.
.... yes..
My face is in fact, busted.
You love women's bodies, but you resent women for their hearts and minds and souls. You specifically, I mean.
I mean, a more apt comparison would've been dick and vag, pecs and boobs, ass and ass, abs and waist, etc.
Like being kicked out of 109 countries, eventually women must be doing something to be this universally disliked
No no, anon is right. Women hate gymbros so in turn gymbros hate women. Its a viscous cycle
I don't think I'd pretend to listen, hun
You can't change boobs and penis. You can change ass or thighs or arms
How did you know...
Maybe if i disliked women personalities less they would love me more, or just a little at least
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State gender
is it easier to be a man or a woman?
What video game character would you want to spend a night with?
State gender
No I need to try and stop crying
M, man
We're doing comparable insecurities, not comparable functionalities.
>a viscous cycle
yes, thick and syrupy
>You can't change boobs
Anon, that's gottta be the most popular plastic surgery.
Its where the protein is stored
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You mean vicious

Being a woman is living life on tutorial mode.
Maybe except really really ugly woman
Dr. Eggman
As with everything else about me, its wholly average. 6 inches, straight, no weird curvitures, etc etc.
So 8/10. Not a microdick, not cut, no issues outside of that extremely common one that apparently > 50% of men get where the tubes in the balls get fucky

Ass is pretty easy to upgrade naturally via excersize, especially for women. I didn't even try to make mine bigger and I'm a guy who naturally stores less fat and its still the second fastest part of my body to grow when I started working out (after chest).
>How did you know...
Because you're a regular in this thread and all you do is lust over women's bodies while complaining about women's hearts and minds.
That entirely depends on what you mean by 'easier' and whether we're taking all examples into account.
Silicone parts were made for toys.
State gender, and be honest, how easy is it to get in bed with you/in your pants? How would the opp. gender do it in the best way?
hearty kek
I've actually been both and I'd say no side has it easier, they both have different issues.
Why do women unanimously agree to shoulder every negative criticism as a group, but then treat compliments as "totally personal".
>You mean vicious
No I didn't. I said what I said.
I have pcos and I have thick hairs I try to keep shaved. >>31941801 is true.
M, I'm currently going through a fakecel arc so it would be very difficult
Near impossible. I am a pussy and will kick a woman who comes onto me out of my home.
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>I've actually been both
Quite easy. The hard part is getting to my heart.
Maybe i should change my repertoire

In my mind im a giga manwhore

But when push comes to shove im literally afraid of romantic / Sexual interaction

T. Had occassion to fuck 3 times
>Why do women do this thing I say they do?
Can we at least try to ask good questions here guys?
the data's from 1953, but damn it must suck to be a woman.
Why do women make such unreasonable demands?
What is a question you would like to answer?
You can "change" boobs through pregnancy, but you can only build a muscle butt and can't change the fat distribution there.
So have you. Don't tell me this is your first incarnation.
Probably hard. I was nearly raped by a girl once but I was like 10 and didn't know what was happening, I think that fucked up my sexuality so I'm very indifferent on it
She just has to tell me, its not that difficult.
>How would the opp. gender do it in the best way?
"Come over"
No need for theatrics or anything
who cares, muscle butts are hot <3
Long story. Biological female that transitioned due to societal issues, realized she messed up, and detransitioned. I still have my tits and everything.
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my ranking as a female friendless schizoid from most to least attractive and also why

gardening - i like seeing men work with their hands and i like this too so we can garden together :)
swimming - i want my partner to be athletic and i freedive so again we can do it together
playing music - i like music!
cooking - cooking is sensual and erotic to me. i want to see my husband in an apron and i want to slow dance and hold onto him while he cooks
woodworking - i would like watching him use his hands but hate the machine sounds
hiking - i like hiking too. and camping.
astronomy - i love the moon and i love the stars. i want to lay on a hill and let him tell me a hundred things about the sky. i think someone who loves the sky like that would be veyr full of wonder. i want to share that.
cosplay - i dress up too so it would be fun to do together
photography - i like pretty pictures. maybe he would like taking pictures of me and i could try to see myself how he sees me. he would have to promise not to upload them anywhere though. just local digital copies.
comics - i like comics as well, it would be kind of relieving to have someone who knows more who can make it easier to get into
mtg - it's obviously very dorky but it's a game and it's a puzzle and i can appreciate those elements even if itself is hard to enjoy for me
blacksmithing - don't you dare go hollow
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archery - very cool but i feel like it would be like having an exotic pet who has to be taken out to be enriched properly
reading - i feel like i would be outclassed intellectually. reading is hard for me, i don't want him to treat me with disdain because i'm not as well read as him.
languages - cool but i feel like i would feel pressured to learn some along with him so we could share that and languages are hard to learn.
painting - i think i feel somewhat neutral about this. its not unattractive or attractive. you can paint, i will smile and say i like them
writing - it seems to me a hobbyist writer is mostly concerned with worrying about not writing enough more than enjoying writing.
traveling - i want to go on small trips only and then go home very soon. i don't like going around the world.
anime - i like anime too, but having it as a hobby implies a fanaticism i am concerned with. there's also a big divide between good shows and effectively just softcore porn.
makeup - i have too many questions
funko - proof that you are weak to propoganda
porn - as a fucking HOBBY?!??!? GROSS
drinking - addiction bad, dabbling fine
gambling - addiction bad, dabbling fine
marijuana - addiction bad, dabbling fine
crypto - gambling but without the fun
cigars - STINKY. FUCK THIS. ruins our kisses. you should taste good for me.
arguing online - faggot
debating - faggot and pseud
clubbing - whore
manosphere - the death of intelligent thought. "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!" the philosophy.
I forgot the followup
I have to really desire her, caring for her so much that it overrides my urge to avoid intimacy.
I hard agree with the image. But me personally, I wouldn't mind a cosplay/anime/crypto/makeup man.
I know, normie girls think that's cringe but that intrests me.
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>Multiple women have approached me and spontaneously started conversations in the past few days
>Utterly incapable of making casual conversation, come across as cold and uninterested
How do I stop being such a social retard?
State gender, you get to touch with you hands only any part of your hypothetical or real SO without zero repercussions: which part of their body do you choose?

In general, what part of them do you like best?
I know for most guys it's not a cause for rejection, but it's not something they find attractive either. I would love to feel like he actually finds it beautiful, rather than knowing it's just being tolerated
cool pic

trans (girl to guy) are hot, ive known 3 and they were all essentially just the tomboy ideal, except at the age when women stop doing that and become very samey

finger her're
I boop her snoot
>zero repercussions
>In general, what part of them do you like best?
armpits but thats not really a touch thing thats a smell thing.
if it has to be a touch thing then its the neck.
why are you friendless? Are you really schizophrenic?
I think we should get along pretty well
Thank you for your indepth analysis

Thoughts about gymrats, guys who train for strenght gains autistically?

I would grope her all day
>no guzma bf
M, honestly I really want to give a woman a massage again. I'm best at the upper back. I get a rush out of releasing all her tension, having her nearly melting in my hands.

Generally, I think I like hair the most.
>i want to see my husband in an apron and i want to slow dance and hold onto him while he cooks
*hot oil from the pan spatters onto you*
I wonder if everyone puts hiking on their profile simply because everyone else does, or is it because women put it because its a "get men to take me places somewhere cool" hobby and men put it because women put it? its fucking everywhere, on both genders.
t. bi
Your hot gf says this:
>hey could you please take pic of me rq
>Im going to post it on ig for my followers to see haha

>Men, please rate out of 10 how much you like your dick, and if you'd prefer anything different and why.

I'm on the larger side at 7.5" x 6.5," which has gotten me kicked out of bed a few times.
I'd change to 6.5" x 6.0" if I could.

My dick is also an unusual magenta color that looks a bit odd when the rest of me is rather pale. I'd also like my anteater back, and heal my circumcision scar while you're at it!

Oh, and my cum glows in the dark. I might turn a woman into a mutant if I ever lose my virginity.
Six months ago all a woman would need to get me in bed is to not be obese and ask me. Now I hate women with all my heart and soul, so none of them really have a chance.
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You aren't witty enough to post a good reply. Just stop trying.
hair good

top 3 parts of body?
for me its mouth, hair, eyes, if those look good you could be a landwhale and i wouldnt care much
I wouldn't be dating a woman who posts stuff like that in the first place
I appreciate a gf who looks good, and idrc if she posts it online cuz everyone does.
So you've been a woman, but you've never been a man. Got it.
you are right
I think it's an easy "catch all" since it's essentially just going for a long walk.
take the pic
whip out my dick
move hand up and down
cum real quick
need to show the world she's mine by marking her first
I have to marry her first, and she'd have to say yes to the proposal.
I punch her in the belly
>I settled on my weird cope nearly an hour later
you won.
Hair, eyes, hands. It's not like I get a boner from them or anything, but I could sit there and study a girl's hair or eyes or hands for a while and enjoy it.
I'd wonder how I ended up dating such a worthless cunt, then go home and block her.
Need whore girlfriend to post on whatever the fuck IG is and parade in slutty outfits and have threesomes with
A walk that's far away from your normal hangouts, a walk that you have to drive to and pack drinks/snacks/supplies for. I like hiking in theory but in practice I never do it. For now, I just go on regular walks that aren't hikes.
I put two fingertips on his forehead.
I had this and then ended up cropped out on her onlyfans page
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>I don't like the artstyle of your ms paint meme
>um you changed your post format
>uhh there was too much of a delay between replies, yikes!
chat is this real?
Yikes, anon. Was it MFM?
god i need an exhibitionist gf who loves wearing skimpy bikinis
yeah it was mmf
I wanna wear skimpy bikinis and drive to the beach.
well firstly schizoid isn't the same as schizophrenic but also i may actually be schizophrenic as well. i tick all of the symptom categories except for delusions. it may be due to other things but i am at the very least experiencing the reality of schizophrenia even if it comes from something else. i am friendless because of many things i could name and many things i wonder about and am unsure about. i do try my best.
Dont get me wrong i think her ass, and her both look lovely

She herself cried in comments how she wants a family and a husband, little did she know a good guy wont put a ring on that even if shes a great girl, because she got memed by fitness industry into showing off her butthole online

At first when i found her profile I thought shes doing escorting
Me too
I'm trans btw
i havent seen naruto, what does this mean? Do they die or something like in Kill Bill?
Anyone else here literally can't imagine being liked by someone enough for them to want to be with you romantically?
>i do try my best
:( I feel ya. Gl to you
That's a mental/emotional wound that only heals with intimacy
I was like this for a while. Now I can't imagine liking a woman enough to want to be with her romantically. I hate women.
do you like being the big spoon during cuddling
it feels like an unhinged thing to do i am sorry to say. like eating disorders. body image problems. obsessive compulsive behavior. it would be difficult i think. its definitely concerning to be obsessed with pushing your body in this way without even being in a sport. obsessed with training for a challenge that will never come. the strength gained by power lifting isn't often translatable as practical strength.
thank you.
Sounds an awful lot like needing 10 years of experience to flip burgers
Touching without repercussion is kind of the whole point of having an SO in the first place and guess what? You don't have to choose just one part of their body, you can pretty much touch the entire thing
Is it fair to date guys if I have no self esteem?
Men, where is your pride?
No way around getting asskicked by life anon. After enough beatings shit mellows out.
No, you'll likely be a miserable partner
>t. guy who's dated girls with no self esteem
I think people use it as a shorthand to indicate they're reasonably active and go outside sometimes
No, you'll ruin your relationship and cause him mental and physical damage
Burned, smelted, and forged into a deep and abiding hatred for women.
But vicious cycles only get worse?
Learn to love yourself before asking someone else to love you. Otherwise you'll be too dependent on them for love.
I will now kill myself
Only if it can be cured with cock and affection. Incurable low self esteem is mental illness, you'll need to fix that or you'll just be a liability or preyed upon.

It's only vicious if you perpetuate the vicious part. If you're hurt reacting negatively will just multiply the hurt.
am guy. I have very very low self esteem. Trick is to not let it affect other peoples lives. Everyone is allowed to have problems, but if it affects other people, then it's an issue.

If you start dating a guy but you won't let him do nice things for you, then that's an issue. If he can't give compliments or hugs, that's an issue. If you cant undress in front of him or eat in front of him or the lights need to be off during sex, that's an issue.

Im not gonna say don't have yourself, cuz that'd be hypocritical of me, but just don't let it be a burden onto others.
The muscles that move my eyeballs hurt. Girls, what should I do to alleviate this?
Are you drunk enough to talk about it yet?
>how easy is it to get in bed with you/in your pants?
Fairly easy. I'm just abstaining from the hunt rn.
>How would the opp. gender do it in the best way?
Just love bomb the shit out of me.
I'll pay for it later. Die just a little bit more.
Love is my hard drug. I'll lose my life to it.
Trust is my blood. And I just want a family.
What pride
The moment i voice my opinions I get called an virgin, incel, ugly, bald, fat, broke etc

Its just easier to not interact with women at all
Femanons, how rough do you want your bf to be?
Eye drops, see a doctor asap
>love bomb
easy, got it
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He's literally me, and I want to do more to make the world a worse place, particularly for women. How can I achieve this?
How do women manage to cook when they all have terrible quality knives they don't sharpen ever?
R word, F word, P word and H word is the final straw
What does love bomb mean??
If the guy gives you compliments and physical affection and basically adores/worships you all the time, would that not help? Does it only work if you still have respect for him when he does this stuff?
You really think I need to go to the doctor? Isn't it just the result of stress and eyestrain?
knife always sharp enough when your ex is chad
>have no reason to believe intimacy is attainable
>have repeatedly received negative experiences
>expected to keep trying like nothing's wrong and actually all those experiences were aberrations
uh what
femanons do you even notice or care when a guy is nice to you?
Oh baby, don't feel bad for not knowing. It just means you're a pure soul who hasn't been hurt by the world yet. God, I'm so crazy about you. You really are the best, you know. You deserve the whole world. I can't get the world for you just yet, all I can give you right now is this kiss, mwah. And another, mwah. More still, mwah mwah mwah. You're so sweet, I can't get enough of you. I'm sorry about punching that hole in your wall, you just drive me crazy sometimes. mwah. I'm sorry you have to keep washing my dishes and doing my laundry and cleaning up after me, I just forget to wash my dishes or do my laundry or clean up after myself sometimes, ha ha, that's just the way I am, you know? And being the sweetest sweet sweetie in the world is just how you are, mwah. Don't worry, all that negativity is behind us now, because I'll never ever ever let you down again. And if I do let you down anyway then it'll still be okay, because I love you. Mwah.
Femanons, if I watch sports but don't watch the women's version of sports, is that sexist?
>expected to keep trying like nothing's wrong and actually all those experiences were aberrations
Yes actually.

Everything on earth is the lottery. Some of it is pay to play, some of it is free. some of it is predetermined. there's enough lotteries to get everything you want with what you have. Ignore doom hypotheticals, they don't count.
It's being sweetly condescending-as-shit?
Squeeze the air out of femanon's lungs and make her face wet with kisses
That's possible. But just in case
femanons do you think less of a guy who watches girly drama shows?
This basically means you are fucking stupid, lack better judgement and deserve all the bad things happening to you

Man or a woman, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
It's bombarding you with love as a distraction to make you stop thinking about all the bad parts of your relationship.
I really do. It makes my day but it got ruined today, it was still nice that he was kind
Bless your heart
What is some readily accessible information that you feel people are suffering unnecessarily, due to not knowing it exists?
Nah it means we I can ask him questions about the show and spoilers
Ah I see. Sort of like gaslighting.
>no, no, I love you, so everything is fine; if anything is wrong, it's on you
>Others' rights and needs take precedence over mine
They literally do though, there is no reason why I shouldn't come last.
No, I refuse to humiliate myself further by insisting on failing more.
Why does he love me if I have so many red flags?
You're a distraction while he makes moves on other girls.
Because his favorite Pokemon type is fire.
Same except tears instead of kisses
The value of women has been disastrously overinflated to the point where getting one to pay any attention at all to you is already a herculean feat
He doesn't have many options and has to settle with you
Nibbling on femanon's cheeks like how owls kiss
That's some Jack and Jill shit right there.
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You're correct, but you're also involuntarily harboring resentment for unmet needs.
I want men men men men men men men men men men men men
Dying of old age and being buried with beloved femanon (also dead of old age).
Women (and men guess too) would be happier if they were willing to step away from shitty men instead of ignoring obvious red flags because they get funny feeling between their legs.

Getting violent?
That's your ass GONE
Caught doing gambling or drugs? GONE.
Weird contacts with exes and whatever? GONE

but women are too terrified of being alone to ever step away without jumping on another dick first
Femanons are acting straight again
Are they ovulating?
Wait a minute, this is an advertisement.
*Plaps you*
If you look like a lower class person, yes. And fatness is correlated with lower class, so if you are fat and have other signs...
>involuntarily harboring resentment for unmet needs.
That's the most polite way to call someone an incel I've ever heard.
I got you
in Japanese "men" means "noodles"
>talking with a girl on ig
>she reached out to me first on dating app
>She keeps gushing about how handsome and MAJESTIC i am
>She has no pictures of herself
>Keeps saying that shes ugly
>Is super sweet, but i genuinely know nothing about her outside of that she really likes giving compliments
If I wasn't so tired, I'd make a joke about dropping spaghetti
Men are cute, hot and adorable but very dangerous
Kek I thought the same thing.
If he hits my cervix too hard, sex is over.
So either have an average-small dick and you can plap me silly, or if you're big it's going to take a while.
Id give her my noodle
I got a suit tailored when I was in Thailand.
I get compliments on it all the time when I wear it.
It cost $400 though, and that's probably a quarter of what it would cost here.
...I'm buying three more when I'm there next.

I probably wouldn't even notice.
how is it an ad. that's like saying ifunny memes are ads
Humping femanon while she's doing the dishes
Why dangerous?
Why don't you sharpen my knives? I sharpen yours~
smalldickKINGS our time is now
Yes, if he's attractive.
You know I'm born to lose
And gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like baby, I don't want to live forever
And don't forget the joker
I don't care.
I really need to go to bed so I can spend another 10 hours staring at physics equations. How about Friday?
Sometimes feeling the burn of a woman's is better than feeling nothing at all.
Women are cute, hot and adorable but very dangerous
Women are evil cunts.
Red makes a bull charge.
Men are evil dicks
...is it bad to say bug type? or normal type?
Psychic and dark types are good too, they're at least vaguely respectable.
evil sex
Assess femanons' asses with a bongo session
men how would you want a girl to ask for your number?
Idk like a 7
I'd make it a tiny bit thicker and straighter
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>seeing girl for a month, spent the night last weekend
>going out for dinner this Friday, offered to take her out for it and pick her up
>find out mid way through the week I have to take my cat to a vet in the morning, meaning I'll have to pick him up after dinner
>let her know I can't spend the night, but intended to at least watch a movie or something together afterwards back at her place before heading home
>now refuses to have me over, or let me pick her up, obviously pissed off
I don't see what the problem here is?

She obviously wants to fuck again and it just seems like she's shit testing my reaction which seems very childish. Asked her what the problem is, and apparently she's pissed ''plans changed'' even though they were outside of my control, obviously my pet's welfare is more important to me.

Basically went lolk, I'm not overly fussed. Can any women shed any light into this convoluted thinking or is she just a child?
Women, what sucks more, him hitting your cervix, or you not being able to feel him inside you?
Men, of these two options, which would you rather choose?

>>31942369 ?
With her mouth.
Plapping femanon.with my tiny 6.5 incher
The classic "piece of paper containing a short message and her number" would be cute.
Offer yours instead.
Idk I don't usually mind giving out my number if someone asks so maybe a 3.

Umm idk. Aerith?
Fuck off, cunt
Lots of compliments if she likes me. If she doesn't like me, she shouldn't be near me.
I have no problems hitting a cervix because it means that the woman is being a good girl and doing her job + taking it without complaint
Cannot compute.
Leave me alone
only one of those men have options.
What is the situation? It's all very situation dependent. Do we already know each other? How much do we know?

Random girl on the street would be a jarring experience cuz that only happens to a small % of men. In all cases, it's better to make some conversation beforehand, get the guy to know that you're a cool, likable girl, then ask. This is how guys are supposed to do it for girls, so it goes the same for girls to guys.

Make him feel like a million bucks, show that you like him, show that you're likable, this entire act of confidence is a huge +, and if you don't look disheveled you got a decent shot.
Women stare at me, but i think its because they are afraid
I'm single at the moment so it would be very easy
Literally be at least somewhat attractive and ask
Or if you can't ask for sex directly, ask to come over/for me to come over and then flirt heavily
If you can't flirt heavily, stare at me
I love you
Have you tried waving?
I honestly cannot imagine a scenario in which I would like it
I feel like shit because I'm so alone but i would absolute despise it if any strange woman, from the hot Stacys to the cute femcels, talked to me
Because I'm just a piece of shit stubborn introvert
I was never gonna make it
Actually I thought about it more, I would just assume it was a scam.
Men don't wave because they've never had anyone in their life to wave to.
I'm not sure what you're asking here. I only get to touch one part of her body ever? It's gotta be tits.

I like faces a little better but I like looking at faces and I can do that without touching them. I mean, I can look at tits too. But I'd want to touch them more than the face.
Warm approach only, after we've had at least 10 minutes of conversation.
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What would that accomplish
They stare at me because i look like a freak
Idk I hike occasionally

Seems like it could get annoying to do it a lot.
I'm all for her exploiting dumb men for their money though. OF would be better I feel like.
>oh he looks kinda weird but seems nice, I can stop staring now
>whoa what an alpha move, I can't wait to blow up his pants with the ol' sloppenheimer
Trying my hardest to make it happen. Good luck to you.
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Define ''put on there''

Anyone that says they like ''hiking'' their idea of it is walking for 20-30 minutes along a paved or gravel path to a destination full of other idiots.

My idea of hiking is wearing the same clothes for 3 days in a row and camping on top of a mountain in a storm and watching ghibli movies on my phone. We are not the same.

"I wish we could meet up again somewhere else, if ONLY there was some way to reach you..."
>yeah, if only...
Any way is fine.
"Hey, you're cute, can I get your number?" is good.
Giving me a folded up piece of paper with your number while blushing and then immediately running off is cute.
Literally there is no wrong answer. Worst thing that can happen is that he's not interested.
Who cares?
he's in my cs class i don't think he's a normie and he's talked to me once to ask for help on something.. he's rlly beautiful i haven't stopped thinking about him for a week.. i try to dress nicely on days that i see him. i try not to look at him because he's so intimidating so i don't know if he looks at me
What does lovebombing look like?
See >>31942304
I'm so fucking stupid. I though he really liked me
You're only human, you're only falling for tricks that every other human falls for too.
Every guys hits my cervix at least sometimes. It moves around depending on hormones etc. and position and angles can do it too. It can be uncomfortable or even a little painful, but it's not intolerable. It's easy enough to change positions or slow down if it really gets that bad
Okay - how do you tell it apart from real affection though?
I still want to kill myself
Americans are just fundamentally worse people than the rest of the developed world.
That's letting him win. Defeat that loser by being happy without him.
I'd rather you didn't. :)
There's a cute girl who works at my local movie theater on Wednesday nights which is the night I sometimes go see movies (by myself). When I went to see Coraline we chatted about the movie for a few minutes. She was really cute and I saw her working there again tonight. Would it be a bad idea to try and chat her up some more?
Are there any snowbunnies on atoga?
Your bussy is mine, Tsundere-kun! >:)
I don't think I can. He's all I ever got
I don't have a choice
That booty :0
You'll find better. A guy who will treat you as gently an appropriately-priced glass figurine.
Define snowbunny?
I may be but it depends on exactly what you mean.
Hello atoga
Goodnight atoga
I been spending every Saturday night drinking alone while watching movies or browsing 4chins past year. Is it really worse than drinking with friends? My social battery is drained after a week of meetings and calls so I don't see much people during free time.
Hey is this like your dark pigmentation you're ( >>>31940563 ) talking about?
I was just clicking random porns and saw this.https://www.vikiporn.com/videos/3515473/hot-cougar-seduces-dude-with-her-huge-tits-and-sexy-cunt-p2/
This is acceptable. This dude is tan-ish. Still white. With a slightly darker dick.
Three months ago
>my cum glows in the dark
Chat is this real?
I've never liked that "learn to love yourself" quote. I prefer helping my partner, it makes me proud if I can make them feel better. I got my last girl to stop cutting and it made me feel much less self conscious about myself than anything else could. The instant I lost that relationship I went back to hating myself on the dime. So it depends on the person at the end of the day.
Caucasian woman attracted to darker men
I'm gonna shove my boot so far up your ass I'll be kicking out your teeth from the inside.
I won't. The only people who ever like me are the ones who make up imaginary "me"s in their head
I'm a guy and I date girls despite having no self esteem. Suppose all negative things like rejection feel more harsh this way but I don't know any better.
I like you, anon
All classes work differently. If you can, sit next to him, try to make conversation before, during, and after class.

You can start out slow, asking about him and his life/major, talk about your self a little, but you need to steer you conversations to a fun sort of vibe. You can't be in job interview mode else it's very awkward. Show you're interested in the things he has to say. Like, if he works at a bar or ice cream shop, you can say stuff like, oh maybe I can get a round for us/maybe you can get me a discount. A big thing you can do is try to relate to him, find common interests or things you might be interested in. If the conversation was very good, when you part from each other, give a, 'wait hold on', and with a pen that you've proactively kept in your pocket, you write your number on his notebook or his hand or arm and playfully tell him 'we should study together'. You know, in the way that makes a guy wanna immediately give their life for a girl.

If this is a class where you can barely interact with each other, write on a small piece of paper your number and name, and at the end of class go to him, look at him straight in the face and say confidently 'hey, thought you looked cute. I'm looking for a study buddy." Then you smile and give him the piece of paper.

If you wanna take the "im a shy girl, i hope you like me, please like me but it's okay if you don't" route (guys cannot take this route for the most part, but girls can get away with it), write out on that piece of paper, "thought you looked cute, i'm looking for a study buddy" and your number and name below.

Most likely, you need to keep looking at him. You need to pretend you're not intimidated. I don't love the shy girl route for the same reason as the shy guy route. But idk, you can do what you want.

Who cares whether or not he looks at you. He WILL after you make the contact and keep dressing nicely on days he sees you. Don't overdo the looks tho, dont sell ur soul
>she hasn't heard of seminal luminescence
what stuff did he do?
See but you don't you don't know how annoying and horrible I am
girls, do you enjoy twink mode skinny men or someone muscular and masculine?
How can someone into porn still be so ignorant about genital coloration?
I'd still rather have you posting "I'm over that fag now, fuck him" in a few weeks than never posting again.
M if she’s attractive enough then yeah but no random woman is gonna want to sleep with me.
Yes yes, chat her up some more. Try to make her laugh if you can. Try to learn when she's free to watch a movie with you (a movie that you know she'd like cuz u guys have been talking). Give her an out tho - since you go there all the time, you want to let her know that if she rejects, you're cool about it, and all further interactions will still be good. Say something like "[but] if you're not [free], that's cool". If she rejects you take it with a damn smile and an "all good!"

If all interactions now and in the future continue to be good, she might even change her mind and be like "hey, actually im free ___". Or she might not. But who cares, you took your shot and you should be proud.
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I'm not really into porn and have never seen it in my life. I can show you my browser history.
Last time I got tricked by a guy I wasn't over him for years. i can't do it anymore im too stupid to be alive
Nope. I'm the top! Bite the pillow, sissy boi
You're weak, maybe too trusting, but that doesn't make you stupid.
I legitimately can't tell if this is a troll
Twink mode-skinnyfat is better than anything over ottermode.
I recognoze the origonal but not the edit or why she blu
No one will ever find your body.
Is a girl passing a guy a folded up piece of paper with a note and her phone number a common anime trope?
You won't be able to stand after i clap your little cheeks
Muscular and masculine by far
Oh, under a blacklight? I knew about that. I thought the anon was talking about actual bioluminescence
I'll break all your limbs and let wild animals eat you alive.
Nice dubs state age

My theory is that only boometts like bear mode
Good luck with my 3rd leg! Especially when it's in your ass :)
Scale of 1-10, how fucked up is it to copy a bunch of messages from somebody into an AI service and create an AI them to talk to? And possibly sexually interact with.
People be like "I know WWE is staged"
No shit dude it looks like they're performing a gymnastics routine except it's two muscular men dressing fruity
Doesn't it?
Nope. You're still learning.
I've heard some bears like the taste of faggot, they're going to love you.
Where can I find a girl I can lovebomb with bear hugs, drown in kisses, give frequent compliments, give bathes to, cook for, support, and simp over her needs and make her feel like the perfect woman who I'll never abandon because all I want is for her to care about me?
think it happens more in cheesy romcoms than anime tbqh. i cant think of many anime where they actually exchange phone numbers.
I still haven't totally gotten over my ex. She tricked me too, and masterfully, years ago.

We don't have to get over them anyways I think. Just learn from it.
A pet shop.
isnt boney kinda annoying to hug though?
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Its characters from valve new game, deadlock
I'm on the east coast for medium shirt, white, skinnyfat, nonbulk male.
Not true
I can tell by amount of 18yos at gym who keep staring at me and saying hi as they walk past

And im a 32 yo looking tall muscular ogre
Femanons, doing some erp right now
Does the following appeal to you at all? Having the man chain the woman up, then cutting off her clothes with a knife and setting them on fire in front of her.
No. I have built in cushion for pushing.
I've had hip bones destroy my theighs with bruises.
i want a man with a beard and a big chest i can lay on. i dont really see the appeal of twinks the way other people describe them but there are some boyish or i guess prince-looking guys i like, but not as much as a lumberjack type of man
Not really. Keep the clothes around, maybe in a box. If I can just get free, I can get to them... or something like that.
I'd do the inverse irl. But women's clothes are usually unique.
So you need the possibility of escape? I thought being completely and hopelessly trapped was more arousing?
Trapping femanon with love and compassion
Do people like this???
I can only get angry at compliments and when people ask for them
Then yeah, my bf is a black guy.
I might just be a total freak, but I'd find it hotter if I screamed for help and nobody came and the guy mocked me over it, than if he just held my mouth shut.
Trapping femanon with a carrot the the prospect of more food
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I find girls like that incredibly fricking arousing

She would ruin my life but i would ruin that chubby ass
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I'm gonna swallow all your spit while we make outttttttt
To clarify, it's not a real chance of escape. It's illusory hope. It amplifies the feeling of shame 100x and honestly it's hot as shit.
NTA but there's a whole spectrum between twink and bear, and I think most women prefer a guy to fall somewhere in between. Twink and bear are gay vernacular anyways, that's not how most girls view men irl
That feels like a different thing
Only if you sit on my lap and we can do it for an hour straight
You better not!
You find chaining men arousing?
Ah yes the "28 year old 16 year old"
Yes. ^_^
You're just threatening them with what they want
Like punishing a kid who failed a test with ice cream
It's funny to see how many anons recommended it
I don't find just being a prisoner that appealing. It sounds boring. Oh, I guess I'm your prisoner now... I'll just hang around.
its morbid but i find the idea of a super socially awkward kidnapper/rapist using the internet for advice on how to intimidate his victims really funny

"its for a roleplay guys but uhhh"
Enjoy choking to death in a cloud of toxic polyester fumes
This doesnt fit so well into my tism black and white thinking but i like lifting heavy and hate running so ill cope you said bear is best
So what do you want?
My fat ass is going to make your legs go numb, anon. Lay next to me.
I can and I will!
Do you find any trans people attractive? If so who, and what is your gender.
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Women gain way more value than men from being fit / in good shape:

>Looks are incredibly important as we all know
>An average girl with really good body will still be a prime material to marry for a good man, even if she isnt objectively as beautiful as some other girls
>Being in shape helps them stabilize mood, libido, and other hormonal issues
>Bone density gains reduces risk of osteoporosis in older age
>You can keep your youthful looking body for way longer, a woman in shape can be sexually arousing for her man way into 40's
>Sexual activity in couples is a high predictor of marriage stability

Compared to men, women have everything to gain, and nothing to lose by staying in shape.
It's a very quick over-and-done option for someone too shy to actually say anything.
>Enjoy choking to death in a cloud of toxic polyester fumes
It's not supposed to be realistic goddamn

Do you prefer a shredder or something?
I'm too old to still not know basic things.
I'm sorry
Why do men need to be punished? I just want to milk them.
That is obviously bot someone i was talking about earlier
This girl is like mid 20s for sure
f, not so far, but even if i did, i still wouldnt date them
To be restricted, with a limited and ultimately fruitless way of fighting back. I'm just not strong enough to keep you from doing what you want.
I need to aggressively grope both asscheeks, so you stay on the lap.
Oh so just regular rape
I would argue most of those apply to men as well unless you're a mind broken incel who thinks that a guy being fit is irrelevant unless his nose is the right shape or whatever. I'll give you the osteoporosis point though.
You loose skin sag by being fit
Only if fat
Don't sweat it so much. That they felt the need to fuck with you like that shows that you have value, anon.
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Gymcels are absolutely a thing
I don't give you permission to drink my spit! It's mine!
They're gymcels because they're retarded gymcels, not because they're fit. They're still more likely to get a gf as compared to somebody exactly the same as them in every way but less fit.
You gave me permission when we made out and I sucked on your tongue~
Yeah, agreed

That discrepancy is way more pronounced between average fit girl and just an average girl out of shape

Being fit opens up way more doors for a woman than it does for a man.
gymcels have been debunked, they never have good fashion sense.
Hnnn~ you're gonna make me hump youuu
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I know, im one of them
Been back and forth between here n /fit/ and thought i was still there
m, a picture of a girl is just a picture and isn't a real person, but it doesn't mean im attracted to pictures or cardboard or a screen. Things that look like attractive girls are attractive. If a trans girl is attractive, it's cause she looks like an attractive girl, and it didnt really matter that shes trans. You could say the same thing about a femboy or a $20K realistic girl look-alike mannequin/robot.

Do you have anyone in mind?
Nothing will be funnier than the dumb shit women come up with
>The attacker stuck a knife in the bed and told her to ride the handle
I hope you can ride
Need a girl who rides
I've found two pretrans' attractive and lost them to the illness.
The ftm one even offered to show me her cock and I denied that point blank.
Went on with life and had a threeway at the hotel further into the night.
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Girls, is it a bad thing that women dressed like this turns me on like nothing else?
Discount shirt backwards and cant even spell jurassic and do you even dyel? lmao
You really are a dork!
Does he ever get to tie you up and milk your pussy back? It doesn't seem fair
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>scrolling through camera roll
>See a selfie i made
>Immediately reminded of my freak incel face

Day ruined
Here have a pic from camera roll I actually like
Yes. When a woman wears something designed to excite and you get excited, that's bad.
That's a lot of words to just say yes you're attracted to trans girls.
What'cha gonna do about it? Hehe
I'll give you pets and politely ask you not to do lewd things!
Dubs decide what do i wank to
Frog girl porn
I am a bear, twinkboi
Good! Just behave!
A-at least in full view of all our friends.
But liking bbc?
Hehe, okay king~

ᴵ ᶜᵃn ᵇᵉ ᵛᵉʷʷʸ ᵠᵘᶦᵉᵗ *ˢᵐᵒᵒᶜʰᵉˢ*
How do you relate to other people if no one you come across likes any of the things you like and vice versa
As a girl who's fairly shy, it's the exact opposite. Passing a note like that is extremely forward, potentially makes the guy feel awkward and put on the spot, and I'd imagine if he contacts her he'd probably expect her to take the lead because that's the tone that's been set. It's generally very easy to get a guy's attention without having to talk all that much, so why not do it the easy way instead of the weird, awkward, middle school way?
Just talk about daily life. Annoying neighbors and shit.
I've noticed a trend among young men where they're all wearing a crucifix earring or some sort of earring that is long so it dangles around when they move, usually it's the "broccoli" haired zoomer boys with these earrings. Do you women find this attractive?
I can get behind that. :)
It's aight I guess.
I really like this one.
Isn't that kind of depressingly surface level
Does that mean he's a jesus straight boy if it's on his right?
Jia Lissa blacked
Find some self esteem first, it's really hard to date someone who think's she is ugly, there is so much emotional labor and every single day it starts from 0 again like it never happened.
And? Not everything has to be deep, cerebral, meaningful.
ᴼʰ ʸᵉᵃʰˀ
ᴮᵉᶦn ᵠᵘᶦᵉᵗ ᵃnᵈ ˢᵐᵒᵒᶜʰᶦnᵍˀ
You've already destroyed her clothes by cutting them off, so what's the thought process behind wanting to annihilate them completely? Are these holy grail items she found for a great deal on poshmark?
Are the rumors about size true in your experience?
Reining in your succubus nature because I asked is sweet!
But SOME things might be sometimes
ᴼᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ, ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᵇᵒʸ.
ᴵ ᶜᵃn ᶜʰᵃnᵍᵉ ᵃnᵈ ˢʰᶦᶠᵗ ᵐʸ ᵗᵒnᵉ. ᴸᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵏnᵒʷ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃnᵗ~
My sample size isn't large enough to say with any usefulness. In my experience yes, but not if you're expecting like blacked meme tier dicks. my bf's is on the larger side of nice and comfy sized.
I see you like Ns
it's over
I want to pat your head while you get increasingly more lusty and desperate, barely holding it together! I praise you and call you sweet and cute when you're really on the verge of pouncing on me!
Not reading this shit again
After we meet just say do you want to exchange phone numbers/ insta to keep in contact and hangout again?
BBW porn
ᴵ'ᵐ ᵍᵒnnᵃ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗ ᵇᶦᵗᶦnᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉᵛᵉnᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸᵎ
It's over!
Just be gentle.
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Did I do it, anons? Did I stabilize the server? I keep anxiously awaiting every tick for this to drop down again but I want to go to sleep! I bet as soon as I post this it's gonna go down and I'll cry.

What is your gender and what are you doing up?
Have you ever seen one close to 8 inches?
I don't think so.
I'm playing Pokemon, catching a bunch of Larvestas. Hoping a femanon here replies to me again.
Should I dump my gf over her small boobs? We have been together 2 months. Everything is going well but sometimes I just really want a woman with big boobs to hold. Am I crazy for wanting to dump her?
My value is being a sucker
It happens. You seem sweet though. That's valuable.
>Should I dump my gf over her small boobs?
No, because then she'll end up here, like you.
<We have been together 2 months. Everything is going well but sometimes I just really want a woman with big boobs to hold.
Stop fetishizing boobs or you shouldn't have started dating without knowing what you want. Would you date an obese woman for just her boobs?
>Am I crazy for wanting to dump her?
>what are you doing up
M. I'm always up at this hour. Apparently I hate sleep.
m, reading about diff. geom. Didn't do real analysis so im reading the appendix on basic terms like open and closed sets and related.

Can you not set up something where if it drops a huge alarm turns on? Or is your only access to that info on that graph?
If you don't like her for who she is, yea, stop wasting each others time.
Idk why you dislike small boobs, im fucken enamoured by em. But we all got preferences
I just watched both twisters and they were great. Now it's quiet youtube hours.
Kinda tempted to snack.
All I had today was some alfredo with like 5 medium shrimps.
Did you see the original one when you were younger? It's one of my family's main movies. I was pleasantly surprised by Twisters, I though it was going to suck.
My gf broke up with me for being too short. It hurt, but the longer you wait the worse it feels
nta i am enjoying deadlock
I fumbled the bag guys
Mhm. I saw the original twister on tv.
Whore. Deserved.

No but my last gf was thin with big boobs.

She fits all my criteria basically she just has small boobs
get her pregnant and they'll grow

I like everything else about her


How long were you together? How did she break the news to you?
How humongously ginormous is your bf?
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>cuckposting in full swing today

Why did you choose to date a black guy?

Do you ever get negative or positive reactions or do most people not care?
Just scrolled through instagram every one I know is traveling and has amazing partners and friends and I have nothing
Where is nigger girl when you need her?
She'd had run this coal burner out hours ago.
People only post the highlights of their lives. Behind all the glamour is misery and pain all the same.
At least they have highlights. I have nothing nada
being a positive influence on the world to balance out the coalburners
No, we need a thread coal burner.
I'm tired of having to wade through the coal to get to the medium shirt, nonfat men.
at what point in a period of time does a guy get tired of messaging a woman everyday? also what makes a guy actually ask for a woman to make him a playlist, i can't remember a guy ever asking me to until now

i thought people just made them at random for another
>at what point in a period of time does a guy get tired of messaging a woman everyday?
I don't know on behalf of males. But I think past like that initial dating phase of awkwardness and getting to know each other. Around like a 3 month mark, maybe. Where it's just easier to keep the lines open for communicating when to see each other. And then on another app you guys can keep your background conversations going.
>also what makes a guy actually ask for a woman to make him a playlist, i can't remember a guy ever asking me to until now
>i thought people just made them at random for another
I have never been asked to make a playlist for a dude? Do guys really ask this?
Like a little bigger than average.

Idk. He's a normal guy and we get on well. It's not really anything about him being black, but no, I don't experience weird racism from grandparents or whatever about it. Everybody loves him.
Maybe they're not red flags for him.
Maybe he just has low self esteem.

Are you British?
Are you worried about having potential mixed race kids?
Lottery is not so bad when you win every now and then. It's a way to pass time, for sure.
are we allowed to talk about interracial on this thread or is it taboo like everywhere else on the website i love my bf
No, I just use phrases like 'get on well'
I'm not too worried about kids right now in any case but if they were to be mixed race I'm fine with that.
I give you permission to talk about your coal burning. I'll bully the white boys if they make a peep.
put a trip on so you can be filtered

Are you attractive?
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No, don't make her trip. You have to listen to it.

Did you have a black guy fetish before? Or did it just naturally happen that he happened to be black?
Eh, mid. Maybe high side of mid. But I'm not like a knockout. Maybe nerdy or dorky hot.
I will not
Boys. I want you to know, that I, a female(!) have finally accomplished doing 20 real (men!) pushups in 1 set!!!
Congrats, self care and exercise is important
proud of you
now progress to diamond pushups

What state?
Should I settle if he treats me right?
>treats you right
define ''settling''
Nice to me
Did you have any bfs before? Were they also POCs?
Thanks! I feel like I could fight the world!

I don't have much interest in pushup variations. So I guess I could fight the world other than people who can do diamond pushups.
Okay so we've been together for 4 years :O all of his friends and all of my friends get along but no one is married in our group I'm always happy when I'm with him I love his smile and he's really funny and cute and nice to me I never had a racial preference but he became my favorite person so i gush about him when he's not around

there that's not so bad right
Normally settling means someone who isnt everything but distance is only temporary. If you like him and are willing to wait, then yea stay with the guy
>I don't have much interest in pushup variations
if you dont progress to tougher versions you'll stagnate as your body gets used to what you're doing
>So I guess I could fight the world other than people who can do diamond pushups.
good fucking luck, I'd destroy your standard pushup ass
Yeah, I've had white and Indian bfs before. I don't have like a fetish for black guys, I'm just also attracted to the ones I'm attracted to.
>Thanks! I feel like I could fight the world!
Mhmm! Be proud. Also remember that consistency and basic selfcare is also a big thing. Keep it up
And theres NO way you could visit before 4 years?
Aw, that's great you have a good relationship, fellow femanon.
I'm happy you're happy with him.
I'll still fight my best!
I just want to put more effort into getting 5 full proper slow pull ups first now that I hit my pushup goal I can slow down a little on.

I will sensei. I swear.
Thank you!
Not for more than a bit every few months
I'm just some random anonymous retard on the internet but my 2 cents you didn't ask for is:
that's all


You live in Canada?
you shouldnt stop doing the pushups even if you're working on the pullups
>I'll still fight my best!
>mfw am now forced to knockout a cute femanon
why have you done this to yourself
Also please stop being an autist and deleting your posts for no reason, it makes you seem insane
Kek, obviously
I know! I won't stop, I'm just going to slow down progression on them to ramp up progression on pull ups.
what do you mean by another app for background conversations? we're entering the 5th month of chatting everyday minus maybe 5 days where I ghosted for a few/asked to be left alone due to personal reasons
>I have never been asked to make a playlist for a dude? Do guys really ask this?
this one did, I still haven't made it and feel kinda bad since i just remembered. he mentioned role-playing a role/lyric in one of the songs I sent him by coincidence recently so I wonder if subconsciously he remembers the song since he said he liked it (pic rel)

also have you ever made one for someone you liked or someone make you one? like have you found any time similarities before a person feels comfy doing that
can you rephrase this I don't understand. is this budding into the friendzone because that last part got me
>this ambiguous question
>the unreasonably deleted LDR ones
You're not going to make it, you are too weak.

That's cool me too
Mississauga? I'm in etobicoke
>I'm not too worried about kids right now in any case but if they were to be mixed race I'm fine with that.

Do you not want kids?
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you have done a deal you cant undo
I start the journey today femanon
the fight has been set in stone
So you already visited him?
I'm sorry to hear that (I kid) I was born at credit valley, but I don't live there anymore. Go to bed anon it's late. How old are you? Do you remember the square one carousel?

Why didn't it work with your Indian bf's?
Are you like old or something if you've had so many boyfriend?
Sorry I'm a redneck I only speak in parables. I love the seasons changing.
Can you tell me more? Please

Is this still the girl talking?

I'm only 25 though so I barely remember any of that. My parents didn't take me there too much

That's a weird area are you like a white immigrant or something.

Why not just settle down with a white guy?
Quit making up words.
Alright so make it a priority to visit him sooner than later. Save up for it
>wants to be in a LDR with a dude
>hasnt seen him yet
>will see him in 4 years
move on, you're wasting time
Having a rather strict plan when md how to meet up is very important when trying a LDR.
However, you both are probably poor and can't afford it, so it's going to make it a lot more difficult, probably even impossible.
Femanon, can you please tell me to cum for you?
F I’m playing Elden Ring waiting for my sister to come home
Communications technology has advanced well beyond human physiology. Relationships are hugely based on dumb retard chemicals being produced by proximity to your partner, and beyond that a huge part of relationships is also the dumb everyday minutiae of existing in a shared space, not all the time (until you're really serious) but a lot of it. These things are vitally important even if they don't seem it.
And on communications technology, a ton of it is text based; this shit is entirely in your head. You begin to fall in love with the idea of someone rather than the reality of them. They're just words on a screen, they're not the person. There's sentiment behind them, but there isn't reality. You haven't evolved beyond the human need for physical, in-person interaction, and trying to subvert that results in all kinds of fucked up interpretations of reality that just don't work out. And then, even speaking and even seeing each other, you're still separated by a clinical barrier of technology that, again, doesn't give your dumb monkey brain the experience it's craving and doesn't give you the entire picture of what it's like to really be with them.

Ultimately it can all work out and you can get past this and blah blah blah but it can go so catastrophically wrong without you even realising til you've wasted years on an idea that I just don't think it's something anyone should do for any significant amount of time, especially as the START of a relationship.
Whats your build
Think about your moms vagina
Are you twins?
>what do you mean by another app for background conversations?
I mean like texting for meeting up, discord for gaming together, snap for sexy conversation, spam him memes on insta/fb/tiktok.
>5 months
That seems like serious relating times.
>this one did, I still haven't made it and feel kinda bad since i just remembered. he mentioned role-playing a role/lyric in one of the songs I sent him by coincidence recently so I wonder if subconsciously he remembers the song since he said he liked it (pic rel)
Maybe it was an embarassed affinity for the song and he said make a playlist hoping you'd include it so he can slip it into his ears in secret.
>also have you ever made one for someone you liked or someone make you one? like have you found any time similarities before a person feels comfy doing that
I did a few times way back when burning cd's was a thing. That was a 2 year relationship and we used to travel in his car a lot before I got mine. Mostly out of desire to not listen to the radio, as a luxury. Now I have a massive playlist for songs I find acceptable to drive to and just bluetooth em.
Smol pp.
Jk (not really). No, mostly family drama and shit on their part. Indian families are annoying and very... Present.

Yessir. Is okay.mp. I don't remember when it was anyway.

No! Reeeee, I was born here to 2nd and 3rd gen.

Idk, I could also just not do that. And until further notice I like the guy I'm with now. I'm too old for incels anyway. I've hit the wall and all that.
Medium shirt white guy?
I’m trying magma spells, I just reached Volcano Manor
what are YOU doing up so late
Yes, actually.
I always felt sad that fire/magma in elden ring was not as big as pyromancy was in DS
Ew, no that was me. Why do you think I'd write that based on my posts the other day?
Assuming you know the guy well and trust him, how much of a deal breaker would it be if he had a parent sleeping in the room next door while doing sex stuff?
>the walls and doors are fairly solid so not a lot of travel and door has lock
>parent is usually a deep sleeper and used to me having people hanging with me in my room

2nd or 3rd gen from eastern Europe ?

How far post-wall are you? Like 30? Or more like 40. Either way that explains why you aren't sure abt kids
There's only 1 white guy that wears a medium in atoga?
>medium sized clothing
Honestly it's not an unrealistic assumption.
Oh no...
Why is this a dealbreaker, just keep it down
Any plans for later?
Women could you love a man that wears a small sized t shirt
Uh oh
I am always up late.
I'd be okay with it in principle, I suppose. How old are you? Personally, I've fucked a guy with his housemate still in the house and he had to be so quite and careful that it felt awkward. Like he was slowly thrusting into me and I didn't hear him come and I felt awkward asking for things/to do things. Plus, washing afterwards isn't possible.
I thought that was a category, not an individual
Fuck, I woke up sooo damn horny.
I wanna jerk it to something really nasty and hot. Like a slut taking a 15 years older cock.
I hate euros
Its 9AM
welcome back
Yeah, but I like the variety of schools of magic. Like a small volcano lizard tribe doing magma magic.
If he trusts it, then I will.. like a little.
I can save my moan volume for if parents leave during the day, or my place.
Hello, it’s 3am here
Any other hobbies besides gaming?
Masturbate and go to bed.
Maybe record your cute moans.
She’ll be home late so just cuddle up, watch an episode of Battlestar Galactica and fall asleep
It is.
But do I do it or not?
>she's stuck in the past
brown hair wins again
Skateboarding and ride my motorcycle. I’ve been trying hiking/camping but not sure it’s for me.
If you'd like to. No pressure
ukraine(3rd), UK(2nd)
Yes, if he's white.
I like battlestar, but twins cuddling is kinda weird
I wouldn't hate you, but do you maybe have Binge Eating Disorder?
>blue eyes
>light brown hair
>half of family is blonde
we've been over this you doofus
I'd still fuck the nasty words out of you.
You clearly need to be taught better.
Why do you guys just hornypost now? Its all you do anymore.
I like cooking and mountain biking. What kind of motorcycle do yiu have?
I've been criticised on every other topic I brought up in the past
I want to horny post until I manifest him into my life.
Delulu is the solulu
I can't sleep with blue balls :/
Y’all are so boring without me, good god.
Morning wood and natural horniness.

>Delulu is the solulu
the floor is yours
Hm okay. We like it
And who are you?
Nah, I save it for the woman I love.
Take a guess.
The fuck's with you freaks deleting your posts and shit? This is the only place on the entire fucking site with that schizoid behaviour.
Sarge? Are you going to argue with NG?
all the FAQs are known. Nothing to talk about, but still lonely, still horny.

>The water's fine.
I get b@nned if I preach white nationalism
Hello. Your radar is working for once.
Kawasaki ER6N, I want to try mountain biking too

>Eastern European
>Post wall but mid
>Narcissistic, attention seeking behaviours

I KNEW it. You are all the same.
I just baited you to see if you fit the profile. And you 100% did. Every, single, time.

You are disgusting . And you are being shunned by Canadians even though we are too polite to say anything to your face. Pay attention.
You started using punctuation and it confused me
Is your family tall?
If you aren’t blond with blue eyes I am NOT interested Mr.German-speaking man!
It’s like one anon and it triggered you
>Fuck, I woke up sooo damn horny.
>I wanna jerk it to something really nasty and hot. Like a slut taking a 15 years older cock.
A girl I know will, I know for a fact, be taking a cock 26 years older than her later today. If you're good, maybe she'll come on here and tell you about it
Yeah, I’ve always used punctuation lol.
>Is your family tall?
only my sis is 5'8ish, the rest of us is above 6 feet
I'd really hate to hear about you two fucked up cunts.
>I am NOT interested
Who said anything about you being into it?
Tfw blond with grey eyes
Grey eyes are blue eyes don’t be silly
it's getting cooler here, i love it. really though, asking real advice/experiences.
ohh, we have eachother's number and snap. I made one for him but i rarely engage with him there, we aren't super sexually charged or at least i wasn'tthe best at sexting and he wasn't either. he got really self concious. we mostly talk on one of those other social medias 99.95% of the time but i should probablysend him more memes.. we can't game or watch movies on discord because I'm poor :/ we tried it once(me watvhing him game) but my phone is cheap.
>That seems like serious relating times.
does it? and I know I'll be judged but we haven't met yet, so idk if you disregard that now. he is real though. I'm also just wondering if this is heading anywhere.
>Maybe it was an embarassed affinity for the song and he said make a playlist hoping you'd include it so he can slip it into his ears in secret.
it totally took me off guard lol, because it embarasses me too. I sent song to him, months later he asks for a playlist and then some time later like a week ago he mentioned role-playing that roke in the song without mentioning the song in a specific way to make me feel better. unrelated but he said he'd dress up as the guy i married in a videogame as well lol

it's been years since i've flirted with anyone so i forgot everything desu
Do you believe in an afterlife?
>I'd really hate to hear about you two fucked up cunts.
Well, then, she'll DEFINITELY come on here and tell you about it.
>Late 20's
You're gonna miss out on having kids because of your Nazi shit.
I see reverse psychology still works on you low IQs.
Why not?
Mine are grey as a cloudy sky even when I wear blue
f yes absolutely
maybe death is just an evolution we don't 100% understand until we get there
I’d rather have no kids and kms than have kids that do NOT look like me and their father
>Do you believe in an afterlife?
There is no good reason to.
I think the way consciousness works leaves questions as to the nature of what consciousness even is, but I don't believe in any religious or "spiritual" answers to it. The interaction of systems creating perspectives is a really weird phenomenon but I don't think there's any reasonable way to actually conduct any testing on it or reach any conclusions.
I definitely don't believe in anything outside of the physical universe though
>state gender
>Thoughts about paying rent with sex?
That's the correct spelling burger bro
Hot fantasy but there better be a lot of it and it's gotta be good
No. As with everything living we enter oblivion.
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I think women are given way too much inherent value by simps
Thats just a housewife
They'll look like their brown haired father :)
Well that was rude.
I wish women were openly lewd, but like always it's man's fault.
Sarge is an acquired taste
You're really in your late 20's behaving like this?
blond* !
You wouldn't have kids with Hitler?
Yes I would; However, I would prefer to find a blond German man.
>unrelated but he said he'd dress up as the guy i married in a videogame as well lol
Oh that was youuu. Ok lol
>it's been years since i've flirted with anyone so i forgot everything desu
Um so yeah usually people in ldrs video masterbate to each other or something. Or like, spend time doing something online to keep the connection.
It's probably best to ask how to engage with him? Or if he feels like your relationship can progress? If you're feeling a lack of connection it's ok to bring that up so you can try to remedy it.
and where did you try to find one
I dont think you'll find one on atoga
THIS is what n-girl does in her free time??
my penis has pavlovian response to URLs
I did that when I was poor, my land lady was 2 years younger than me and her “job” was inheriting several houses she put out to rent. She had the no one wants to work anymore mentality too, just the worst scum of the earth human being. Anyways we met at a party and we hooked up. She made the arrangement after that, gave great head, but boring in bed. 2 years free rent though, enough to save up for my own place
Blonde is for feminine objects, blond is for masculine objects
I might
Stop being a porn addict
No. I earn money.
I work in an place that has an attached bar, and there's this super cute bartender there.
>we exchange nice smiling eye contact, even if it's halfway across the room with people between us
>she's super friendly
>we have nice workplace banter
>she has asked me to help her out in little ways from time to time
Should I ask her out for coffee one of these days? These have to be positive signs, right?
>She didnt deny it
you're american right? when are you coming to Germany then
>he has to be german
yeah now im officially out of the race entirely
Now that she has colored boyfriend she won't settle
>I wish women were openly lewd
Some of the femanons on here have been known to hornypost in a way that will make your hair stand on end. (Possibly other things too).
>feminine objects
Like you are one?
this is honestly a major reason why I dont date slavic women as a slav
That one anime avatarfagging tranny is ultra cringe though.
I am American. By German I mean Germanic/Bavarian/Nordic genes, sorry for the confusion.
I wanna be openly lewd on the boyfriend I'm manifesting.
yeah im only german from one side of the family, the other is slavic
They are lewd to Chads. Nigga go outside and you'll see them lust after them
Should I date a short woman? I'm pretty sure I'm at least a foot taller than her, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.
I fucking hate women
I am chad. Even openly they're not as lewd as when they're your woman. women hide that side until they bed their mans
>go on first date ever
>kinda mid, didn't think we were going to go anywhere
>next morning my father almost fucking dies
Is the universe telling me to stay single, or else?
Go to christ.
For anyone who knows they won't have children:
Why not (eg have you chosen not to? Was it just over for you before it ever even began?)?
How will you cope with old age?

[nospoilertagsonadv]Male, of course. I never wanted to but couldn't even if I did want to. I've been having all these inescapable intrusive thoughts of when my very ageing family are all dead and what the FUCK it'll even be that I'm alive for. I don't have any friends, my brother's a more worthless lost cause than I am. I barely see any reason to go on now at 32, but when I'm 50+ - which is fucking RAPIDLY approaching - I just can't imagine how I'll not throw myself onto some railway tracks.
NTA but to be honest that part about sniffing men's musk was really hot and novel.
Is he threatening to smite the people in my life if I try to find love?
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I learned japanese and a late 40s japanese bbw literally flew all the way to europe to take my virginity when i was 21

Why dont you just do the same?
I'm not Moses lady I just shitpost online

And hug your dad
Your bussy is still my cum pit
Buddy, I'm a guy.
>hug your dad
Will definitely do
Hope he's alright femanon
>Why not
I've never had any desire to. Moreover, I've raised 4+ shelter dogs over my life. That's already more than enough raising for me, and they're not even half as complicated as a kid is.
>How will you cope with old age?
Idk. I mean, I kinda don't want to date a guy I have to strain to kiss on my tippy toes. But w/e you like I guess.
Yeah he's good now, this was a little while ago
Again, am dude.
oh yeah I'm desperate for obese ugly women, really worth doing all that shit for
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Snowed in. What are some ways to pass time

I am male.
Make a snow pussy and piss in it.
I dare you.
I kind of have the same thought as well. I don't exactly want to be leaning over to kiss, hug, etc. But at the same time she cute and might like me too
Wtf are you talking about homo?
Make snowman in your yard and fuk it's cold bussy
I grew up in a large family with a lot of kids, I saw how much work it was and what it does to your life.
Life isn’t worth having kids.
I’m in my 40s now, still no desire. You don’t cope not having children as you get older, you cope with being old.
Life now; every day is a vacation, I got money and freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want. I have a lot less friends, some of it is because that’s what happens when you get older and my friends are busy living for someone else and got bitter of my lifestyle.
you have to do something to get women
>implying weebs are even human
I am sleepy bros
I'd rather play video games than fuck a fat old smelly busubaba.
Then sleep, chica.
Hi sleepy bros, I'm dad.
>Oh that was youuu. Ok lol
yah I'm cringe and geeked out

idk what to do about the online sex thing, he has some issues with sex in general so if he ever gives me an opening to be that way I either ignore or try/fail due to overthinking due to his weirdness over it, like I get stumped and not as a smooth talker since I'm aware of his hang up so don't feel sexy/attractive to him even tho he finds me appealing. I mean I told him once I used his regular pics to get off but idk if he realizes I do this like every night now lol, and idk how he would respond to that

he said he didn't know where "us" was going but says he's scared to lose me(asked me to be gf twice) we aren't in the best areas of our lives to date ideally, and it's true I am feeling a lack of connection, but I wonder if I can chalk that up to me recently going through loss/grief and other life stuff.

he's mentioned playing easier accessible games on messenger or maybe word/doodle games etc but I feel kind of depressed and don't know how to bring it up to him that my grieving is affecting my feelings and so feel embarassed bringing it up to him since he already knows about my loss

I also feel less connected to him since we don't really videocall or talk on the phone, he is bigger on typing up replies and has this autism thing about phone speakers so we have to make it a whole thing with the earbuds and/or him using his computer which I just feel overbearing asking for more due to set up
I need to be tucked in
No blondes to do it
My experience with people tells me that most women are retarded in and most men are also retarded, each of them in their own way.
I'm a Boss, Hugo
Rich nigga since birth, you know
You my bitch don't get mad, Cujo
Nigga like me, I'm that nigga, nigga
Gettin' money since a little nigga
i got hard while talking to a woman today and realized that it hardly happens anymore. maybe once a year. am i gay?
>tfw no lady friend to be retarded together
>I mean I told him once I used his regular pics to get off but idk if he realizes I do this like every night now lol, and idk how he would respond to that
Saaaayyyyy thatttttt. Tellll himmmmmmm. It's ok to casually talk about sex and what you want with your bf. He'd probably whip his cock out in a bathroom for you if you asked for a pic.
>he said he didn't know where "us" was going but says he's scared to lose me(asked me to be gf twice)
That seems like enough to keep it going.
>we aren't in the best areas of our lives to date ideally, and it's true I am feeling a lack of connection, but I wonder if I can chalk that up to me recently going through loss/grief and other life stuff.
If you are then yeah that's kind of emotionally heavy. You can grieve how you are comfortable.
>he's mentioned playing easier accessible games on messenger or maybe word/doodle games etc but I feel kind of depressed and don't know how to bring it up to him that my grieving is affecting my feelings and so feel embarassed bringing it up to him since he already knows about my loss
It's also ok to want to be comforted by your partner. Especially after a loss that is affecting you deeply. Take your time.
>I also feel less connected to him since we don't really videocall or talk on the phone, he is bigger on typing up replies and has this autism thing about phone speakers so we have to make it a whole thing with the earbuds and/or him using his computer which I just feel overbearing asking for more due to set up
That's also fair to want to hear more of his voice as a comfort. I'm sure he'd want to know how to help you feel better if he is a good boyfriend.
Good luck, ok hun?
No, you're just awake to the reality of the situation now
Hold on I have to find the video.
one time i dreamed the guy who has been talking to me and I were retarded and happy and running around in nature together

like cartoon characters level of retarded
>be me
>go on first date in my life
>meet her irl for the first time
>cute but not really my type I guess
>no boner or sexual urge over the hours we sent together
>date ends
>awkwardly standing around our vehicles
>intense eye contact
>know she's expecting a hug or kiss or something
>know it's probably not gonna work out between us so I don't go for it
>butterflies all over inside my dick regardless
Might not have been gf material imo, but that inviting eye contact was something crazy I had never experienced before.
Bare with me
>the video
You're gonna rickroll me, aren't you?
do you jerk off to porn
All women are. Monogamy is the first and greatest contrivance of patriarchy
ease into it
smelling panties is not even that bad
just ask her
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shes got that doctor seuss flow down pat, shit was magical
Your bussy
>tfw on mobile and I refuse to download tiktok to watch this
Sure our paychecks are signed by the same people, but are we even coworkers if the extent of our professional relations is ordering food/drink?
I had to share that magical piece. It is lyrical advicedump.
Been said a gajillion times, but never like that.
Small steps, start with a foot rub. Then you could try asking about the other feet stuff, or just go for it.
Sniff her neck. Go down on her. Kiss her pussy from outside her panties.
Foot in the door/ladder sale.
Its what worked for me in the past
>Sure our paychecks are signed by the same people, but are we even coworkers if the extent of our professional relations is ordering food/drink?
Measure your own risk.
Fuck around and find out.
I think it's sad that we've been so industrialised as a populace that making shekels for Mr Bergenstein takes precedence over anything vaguely resembling an attempt at possibly invoking the horror that is a love life
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That's an impressive level of self sabotage, anon.
>I think it's sad
It is, but until it stops, we should have this etiquette to keep us safe.
It's been said and done and completely disasterous for a great deal of people. I'm pretty sure there's probably a ribbit for it at this point, being such a common occurance that people in proximity tend to gain familiarity.
I mean putting the whole ''man has to fuck anything'' narrative aside, I understand the feeling. if it doesnt feel right it probably isnt
a ribbit?
>Measure your own risk
Professionally I see next to no risk in my situation. Real talk, my work is pretty solitary so I probably wouldn't even know if she started telling people I tried to shoot my shot and how she rejected me.
desu this is kind of a shit job I didn't want that I'm tolerating while looking for something better. I doubt I'd get fired, but it's not like I'd be throwing away years spent climbing the ranks.
I won't boost that site over this one. That one is for casuals.
Yeah, it was a fun time but I just didn't think we clicked in the right way
Ok, then do it.
Goodnight /atoga/.
I hate women.
Was she into you from the beginning?
I'm nervous and self doubting still. I've never actually asked out a girl irl before.
>I've never actually asked out a girl irl before.
So ask out strangers instead.
Beginning of the date? Yeah I think so. Hard to say when it came to our conversations on the app, which were basically talking a little about our interests. There were a few times where I think she might have been subtle and tried to drop a few suggestive word choices or phrases that could have feasibly been innuendo.
>Yeah, it was a fun time but I just didn't think we clicked in the right way
yeah, cut the losses, save both parties the time
>tfw I don't really meet strangers in my day to day life
Guys, I think I have sleeping anxiety.
I can feel my heart pounding away.
Ugh, I can't stop crushing on him.
Do you believe in the Japanese legend that states that if you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream?
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manifesting gymbunny gf
I see. What was she like, did it seem like she put a lot of effort into her appearance for the date?
I'm mainly fixating on the "not my type I GUESS", "PROBABLY not going to work" and "MIGHT not have been gf material".
It sounds like you torpedoed it because you're uncertain about an unfamiliar situation.
I think its cute and that would be nice but if I put too much weight into it I will spiral
Two questions
1.) What musical artists are a red flag if an opposite gender likes them?

2.) What does it mean if I went to the dentist for a regular checkup, and when it was over they didn’t say anything or make any comments, they just said “see you again next year”?
To be honest I wish I believed in stupid stories like this to any extent
I feel like life would be so much easier as a somewhat dumb person
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Yeah that would be weird. I don't want to spiral into too crazy. I gotta be cool. Calm down, self.
I think it might be too late for you anon
how long do I need to keep doing nofap till my fetishes disappear
I need to find a bf soon. Found a spider in my shower this morning and couldn't work up the nerve to kill it for like ten minutes. Men, what sorts of animals would you be willing to kill for your gf?
>What musical artists are a red flag if an opposite gender likes them?
Mostly if it's too much rap/punk/blues/weird then I'll admit to myself we're probably not gonna work out. I'm just a cultured pop goth girl.
>What does it mean if I went to the dentist for a regular checkup, and when it was over they didn’t say anything or make any comments, they just said “see you again next year”?
I think it just means they think you aren't stupid anymore.
I dont kill spiders, I gently grab them and place them on a pretty leaf outside
I go full SS on flies and mosquitos tho
The way I see it, spiders are gross and they're in my house so they need to die. I have destroyed so many webs while cleaning that they're going to starve in my house anyways.
>What was she like
She was friendly with a dry, kind of a matter of fact, personality and way of speaking that reminded me too much of something I'd see from the autists on Big Bang Theory.
>did it seem like she put a lot of effort into her appearance for the date?
It was a casual setting, but it seemed like she put on a nice shirt. iirc at least one of her nails weren't painted while the rest were, her hair wasn't anything I'd call fancy or done up, and she had a hairy lip that was very noticeable at conversational distances.
I just wasn't very physically attracted to her and I didn't think our personalities meshed well. I did my best and started the date on a positive and hopeful foot, but as time went on I just didn't see any longevity in us
I never killed them due to cultural supersitions. What made me forgive these little fellas for everything is seeing how many spiders and flying tribesmen one particular spider in my house caught.
spiderbros are bros
If I needed to I think I could kill a mountain lion for my hypothetical gf
>Men, what sorts of animals would you be willing to kill for your gf
Casually? Any insect within our domain. Defensively? I'd probably attempt to wrestle anything cougar-size or smaller if I didn't have a gun on me
>tfw Australian and being scared of spiders or killing them is weird to me
No. I can do it. I can sober up, emotionally. I just gotta focous.
*deep breath*
But now my brain wants to cry about it.
A spider typed this
Very quickly, I might add
If they were doing their job right, they'd be in corners of the house I can't see or reach.
Do men really think about wrestling big cats this often?
Of course a kangaroofucker wouldn't understand normal human behavior.
The only creatures I gladly kill are ants, roaches, other infesting pests, and maybe wasps. Everything else gets treated with love for the most part.
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Cause it's one'a these boys.
I like how he has a big bushy moustache
>Do men really think about wrestling big cats this often?
Thinking about what animals you could beat in a fight is up there with thinking about the Romans in classic male thoughts. A cougar sits at about the theoretical limit for an average man.
>this often
No, but a while back some anon asked what the biggest animal I could 1v1 would be. A cougar was my answer. Anything bigger and I know I most likely won't have a chance at winning.
>Do men really think about wrestling big cats this often?
Yes, I'd also catch the biggest bison or boar for you bb <3
Wouldn't it just easily kill you? Or am I retarded and they're actually small?
I prefer fish.
>Men, what sorts of animals would you be willing to kill for your gf?
I'd bring a pet that likes eating insects.
> If they were doing their job right, they'd be in corners of the house I can't see or reach
They usually are
I'm not going to have a lizard running around my house shitting and scratching my floors up.
Women during the 1940s to 80s were peak attractiveness
>I'm not going to have a lizard running around my house shitting and scratching my floors up.
Femanon here that will accept all lizards.
I love em. I had snakes when I was young.
You can keep it in a terrarium. When you find insects, instead of killing them, you feed them to the reptile.
>Do men really think about wrestling big cats this often?
only those who never saw what a mountain lion can do to a person
do any femanons like birds, parrots specifically
>Males generally weigh 53 to 72 kg (117 to 159 lb). Females typically weigh between 34 and 48 kg (75 and 106 lb).
Smaller than people. I'd also emphasize it's theoretical and that they may be overestimating their ability to wrestle wild animals with their bare hands.
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>tfw that kinda looks like me...
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thats a female you dummy
>Smaller than people
but MUCH MUCH stronger. chimps are also smaller than people, but are like 5 times stronger than a man
sure it does
I like parrots too. I taught my cockatiel like three phrases.
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peak animals
I love conures
>Smaller than people
Smaller than Americans
Sassy bords. They're neat lil buggers.
Goodnight Tsundere-kun
>I prefer fish.
I cant swim but for you I'd learn
Dedicated executioner...
That's a cool myth. It beats the "can't sleep because enemies are nearby" meme
It took about 2 years for me
This is a song by Adele, it has been downloaded over 2 billion times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0

If you listen to it it's about having that one rich guy get away and about her saying she will find a new one.

Women will never beat least romantic gender allegations after this one
Fr? You a hottie
>le minecraft
Wait. Kids believe that as a myth?
NTA isn't it elder scrolls?
bush included? LONDON
Every female love song is about Chad not wanting her.
And also fallout.
I wish women actually cared about us :(
Top bun
Secret sauce (don't ask cause I'm not telling)
Processed cheese
Patty 1
Processed cheese
Patty 2
More secret sauce
Bottom bun
Then I'm in a LOT of people's dreams for some reason
Wishful thinking, what do you imagine you do in other people's dreams?
There's no snow dude, I'm looking outside right now
None. I don't kill spiders, I don't have flies because I don't kill spiders. Spiders are bros.
I will relocate it instead, as I do to my spiders when I have people over.
Probably villainous shit or I make them cringe until they wake up
good night women hate u later ok....
Don't agree
Really attractive girls didn't start being born until like the 80s
I've been considering trying something beyond duo lingo to learn a language, maybe classes, maybe online classes, dunno. Not to get a woman though. I just want to be able to speak at least 2 languages. Its a bucket list thing
Not spiders, I put them and most other bugs outside.
I'll kill any non-bug animals that snuck in for her, and I'll massacre any larder beetles whether she wants me to or not
Just read the lyrics since her voice is fucking garbage
At no point does she ever say or even imply the guy is rich. In fact, she does the opposite. That he got what he wants AFTER getting with another, more succesful WOMAN.
Its a song about being outclassed by a woman, with absolutely no details given about the man.
I just got home
Also, it's morning for me
Recording yourself in public spaces is like the ultimate
>Modern person
That's just like the romance in twister.
(And then they genderbent it in twisters perfectly)
Yeah I don't do that. That's weird.
Cept maybe some makeup selfies.
nah it's real
how to stop getting dreams about a guy I like/used to like? (I haven't met or seen him in like a year now, we were just briefly a part of the same group). I had a veery intense crush on him and I guess it never really went away, maybe that's why I keep having the dreams.
i 'member arguing with my brother about this when i was like 5-6 and i could already tell
>guy literally from fucking hell
cant be real if no one in my family is religious because they'd all be religious if you could just see that on tv
ironically he later trained to be a wrestler and got kicked out for being too real (unwilling or unable to pull his punches)
I still get occasional dreams about my very first and only crush. Nothing happened between us, but I think she was the first girl to show me kindness.
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Your brother was meant to walk the King's Road
I you have to focous your crush energy to manifest someone else.
I know people say "Don't be obsessive". This is just a passive focous so you like, gain abilities to forget other traumas and stop negative influences.
To help.
someone to appreciate progress and appreciate progress of would be nice
>Just put on medium shirt
>hugging super tight to body over muscles
>No one to see it
>I make them cringe until they wake up
Sounds exactly like something you'd do.
>I you
I'm glitching out. It must be my turn to get into the dream servers now.
Good sleep, atoga.
>gf and I have plans for tonight
>last night she said she might want to come over after she was done seeing a friend
>ended up staying home, sounded like she needed space to herself which is okay
>she texts me when she got home, I text her back, she doesn’t respond

I feel like I need to give her space and that I shouldn’t reach out to her unless she calls or texts me first. Does this sound reasonable?
Its wild to me someone could read this and be like
>Oh yea, farts
that sounds like it could be incredibly depressing, getting reminded of what never happened when you have the dreams.
How to focus on "manifesting" someone else? I just feel like this old crush is the person I was most into during my whole life so far, it's hard to get over it fully.
This is very important.
Are you M or F.
can u not just like contact him and get closure
maybe he remembers u
maybe he likes u
maybe hes banging ur sister
Sounds like she wanted to come over, but wants alone/destress time now instead. Considering you're bf/gf she'd likely be happy and in a more talkative mood if you contact her tomorrow, but if you feel doubtful, it's 100% alright to wait for her to contact you first.
If this isn't a play on current age, there's a chance you're just attracted to a certain brand of hyperreal female beauty that doesn't really exist outside Instagram pics.
Idk where he lives or anything like that, he doesn't use social media as far as I know. My last "chance" was like a year ago lol. I secretly like to believe that he likes me back though, but realistically I'm probably just a loser who's obsessed and he never thinks about me ngl.
shame, do you not know anyone who knows him?
i really dont think you can just "get over" crushes like this without closure
Nah, I'm only particularly attracted to girls I've known in real life and none of them would be considered conventionally attractive
I just find that there's a sort of "look" that different eras have and I associate the way women looked back then with moms
>Does this sound reasonable?
If you want her to talk more, tell her.
If you are ok with it, wait.
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I’m probably just gonna wait for her to reach out. It sounded like she needed alone time so I’m not gonna push.

Do you think it’s insecure to tell your partner you wish they talked to you more?
What happens if you fart during kinky time?
>how easy is it to get in bed with you
Honestly pretty easy I usually just followed along with girls like a puppy dog to their bedroom
>can u not just like contact him and get closure
In my instance, I can't. They have a gf and probably wouldn't actually choose me.
Idk about her long time crush. She could go find out.
WTF Why do you even think this?
You're not asking her to report in every hour, right?
You ignore it or laugh about it, depending on the mood and the fart.
i've tried, but the last year has shown me that you're probably right, can't get over it without any closure.
the only person who i'm familiar with and who also knows the crush is sadly my ex haha. and I'm not going that low, randomly contacting an ex to give me the contact info for a crush I now have.
How do you feel about the memes and info circulating on the internet about how women are all cheating and stuff?
I saw these videos about how if a girl stops texting you after anywhere between 8-10 and says she fell asleep, she was probably cheating and that she didn’t actually fall asleep
This shit makes me think and feel insecure
Because I don’t want to be pushy or needy and women don’t like that
How would I even word that
It's a psyop by redpill men, the type of man who cheats and blames it on women.

Sounds like you have internet/social media brain rot, anon. I'd take a break from "memes" if I were you kek.
make me a sammich
im not even hungry i wont eat it i jut want to bother you
Nta but read your own words. You're extremely neurotic and insecure, both very feminine traits. I guess your gf likes having a feminine boyfriend though or else she wouldnt be with you though, what an interesting relationship.
People who don't use social media at all are completely different
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That wasn't me, this is my most recent post: >>31937498 I'm actually doing quite well at the mo (:
Gotta dash but love you nutters!
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Ah that's totally fair. I just meant that while those old pics were obviously posed and stuff, what you see in them is a lot more likely to be something that exists mostly unchanged in real life compared to now, where the beauty standard is directly unreal because people tend to have pores in their skin and need to drink water among other things.
I am very different with her than what I post here. This is anonymous so I have no issues expressing insecurities and so forth.
It just shows your true self, a neurotic feminine creature that can't stop thinking about what others think about it.
need finnish gf thats going to whisper with their sexy accent into my ears
when the fuck will women learn how deeply unattractive their (((cosmetic))) self mutilations are
My girlfriend and I have really good sex but sometimes I cum really fast.
It happens a couple times frequently recently and I basically approached her calmly and mentioned I’m aware of it and asked her if she’s good with everything and if there’s anything she needs or wants anything and she told me she hasn’t thought twice about it and was really cool about it. She said she’s always been satisfied and so forth. She’s expressed this to me randomly before hand as well.
The next morning we had sex and I came really fast and I mentioned I felt bad about it and that I was having trouble getting past it. She just said it wasn’t a big deal and she didn’t want me to think about it. Her behavior hasn’t changed at all and she’s still lovey and shit but I’m worried I may have come off as too insecure or needy and that I might push her away. I’m not gonna bring it up again but I am over thinking it
I think I have some feminine traits and also some masculine ones. My girlfriend seems to be really happy with me and she’s super expressive about our relationship and I think she values both sides of me. But I don’t think I show the feminine side too often
They don't do it for you, they do it because they're subconsciously lesbian and retarded.
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>Finnish girls
To be fair men do the same becoming massively muscular.
Does your gf actually cum?
Agree, they look like silly balloon decorations past a certain point.
No, go2sweden girls and guys are cuter there
I dont want to, I like finnish girls
Have you actually met any?
More than swedish girls
And there are a couple fins in these threads that Ive had great interactions with
She says she does and it seems like she does but I feel like she might be faking it sometimes.
She’ll get really wet and loose. She doesn’t really squirt but she’ll cream almost all the time we go to fuck and she has had open conversations about how much she likes the sex and how much she likes it when I go down on her. But I’m not really sure.
She’ll quiver and shake a lot and get really wet like I said but I can’t tell for sure. If she isn’t cumming she’s really good at faking it and extremely convincing about how much she likes the sex
Personally I don't mind if my bf cums fast since I can't help but take it as a confidence boost haha. Maybe your gf sees it this way as well. So yeah if she tells you not to worry about it, it's probably best if you just try to get over this insecurity you have about it.
If a woman doesn't like my biceps being half the size of my head, she's just not for me. You can keep her.
Only blacks go to Sweden.
I'd rather have a black Swedish gf than a white Finnish one tbqhfam
Just half?
I am working on it
It's the lips for me. They should sue their surgeons those lips are SO FUCKING UGLY
She says she feels the same way and that she just likes making me feel good and that it’s flattering

Do you think it’s likely I may have pushed her away at all by being insecure? I feel like it’s important to be vulnerable and have those convos and I just wanted to make sure she was satisfied but I don’t want to come off as weak and give her second thoughts.

She didn’t seem to mind and she still seems really lovey and affectionate but I’ve been thinking about it
I doubt it. Like if right now you would just keep on bringing it up constantly, then it's possible it might start annoying her since she's made her stance clear already.
But right now I doubt there's anything wrong, dw anon.
How about you just fucking trust her?

>’m worried I may have come off as too insecure or needy and that I might push her away
You only do that if you keep thinking this way.

>likely I may have pushed her away at all by being insecure? I
>I don’t want to come off as weak
Quit reading blackpill shit ffs.
>she has had open conversations about how much she likes the sex and how much she likes it when I go down on her
Which is how much?
Femanon life partner.
Gary, not you too.
girl at work cried today
i giveded her a hug
thats my one good deed done
going to yell at people online to restore karmic balance
I love her
She is my best friend
I want a man who is comfortable wearing makeup so I can make him cry and watch it mess up his face and rub it in
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Do you want your gf to be a girly girl?
>so I can make him cry
It doesn't matter what I want
Gosh why do you have to be so insufferable...
She tells me she’s never had anyone who cared so much about making her feel good, or who gets her off as much orally and she’s expressed that sometimes it makes her insecure because she’s really vanilla and I’m more experienced than she is and she just wants to make me feel as good as I make her.

I do need to get off social media. I have never felt this way about a woman before and I have been hurt really bad in the past. Everything has been really good and we are both really happy. I just have a lot of insecurity. But she does too and she’s expressed it. We’ve been pretty open about communicating and she’s really expressive about how she values me and how confident / assuring / communicative I am
>I just have a lot of insecurity.
That's one thing, but don't let that influence your trust in her is what I'm saying.
You doubting her seem to be utterly baseless assumptions.
>She tells me she’s never had anyone who cared so much about making her feel good, or who gets her off as much orally and she’s expressed that sometimes it makes her insecure because she’s really vanilla and I’m more experienced than she is and she just wants to make me feel as good as I make her.
Yeah maybe she's not faking it then, dude.
You’re right. I feel fine most of the time but I over think at times.
A lot of this comes from an ex who used to slander me for being bad in bed and who outright once told me that if I couldn’t start satisfying me she’d just go and fuck someone else. Lol.
Ironically she’s dealt with similar shit but I’ve never brought that up to her.

Generally speaking I don’t think I’ve ever pushed any of my insecurities onto her. I’ve opened up lightly about some of the shit I’ve been through in the past and she’s mentioned to me it surprises her how mature I am and how confident I am in myself in what I need / want considering everything I’ve been through. She has been really great and I’m not used to having such a loving person and it feels too good to be true almost.

Probably not. She initiates sex just as much as I do. Everything has been going fine. I’m just an idiot and need to figure my shit out
A girly girl born without Adam's apple.
How do you find love if you're aware of being a socially anxious loser who consistently only likes the type of person who is confident and cool with good social skills? I think it's just me admiring those traits and this admiration turning into intense attraction for people who do have those traits.
If you're M then you hope it finds you. If you're F then you've already had plenty of relationships despite being a socially anxious loser and it's just a matter of rerolling the dice enough times.
I've had one (really long) relationship, but it's now over. also F. so you're wrong about the "plenty of relationships" thing already, anon.
So that's the mindset of the incel posters here, I understand now kek.
Ever been mistaken for younger or older? For some reason I got mistaken for older when I was a teen, but now in my 20's I get mistaken for younger.

What causes this ?
It's because you're French, Mr "spaces before question marks"
Not being able to cycle through men at a rapid pace is on you. Social anxiety barely plays a role because all of the tools and all the places where you can find men are women centric and designed to accommodate you in such a way that you just have to be passive.
Do you care about how a vagina looks?
If so what's your preference?
Sounds just like you want to "cycle through" people at a rapid pace, and assume that everyone else is also like you, anon. Your assumptions are consistently wrong, but you still have 0 self-awareness.
Sounds like you have AGP or something, just neurotically resentful of women.
>zoomer kids telling me things aren't cool and aren't sigma
>yelling what the sigma
>tell me gyatt means ass
how fucking over is it bros
Not French, dear tranny.
It's literally one of the most frequent pieces of advice from women to other women: to enjoy youth and try multiple relationships or situationships until you find the "right" one.
It's so incredibly over there isn't even a word for how over it is
>middle fapping
>about to cum
>change position and fantasy
>cock suddenly goes a bit limp
>stays somewhat limp until I stop
Uh oh...
yes and no
same with women
if you're already that deep you're not going to care if she her genitals aren't picture perfect
no 8" dick doesn't mean she's not going down on it
and no perfect smooth pussy with smaller inner lips than outer lips doesn't mean I'm not going down on it
I guess best would be small lips, less coloration, and outer lips not hanging
but in the end I could care less
do some squats so you can make your pussy tighter
The same thing happened to me. When I was in my 20s people always thought I looked like I was in my 30s and now that I turn 35 Saturday, people think I’m in my 20s.
>male creature imagines what women tell other women
Tranny advice
they even talk about harambe
they weren't even born when harambe was a thing
how the fuck did alternative internet culture became literally mainstream
are newspapers now alternative news? fucking hell this world is all upside down
it's so beyond over we're going to need new words to describe it because "unironically incredibly over" simply does not cut it anymore
Yeah it's interesting because usually when people talk about looking older or younger, it's usually them consistently looking younger their whole life for example. I just wonder what causes this, a specific face type maybe? Or how we act, maybe.
I like there to be enough labia that I can flick it with my tongue. I don't like tiny microscopic clits. I know a lot of guys like "coin slots" but I don't really, they are like an unbloomed flower to me, nothing to really appreciate compared to a fuller vulva. I've only seen a handful I didn't like. Dangling, flappy labia like an old woman can be unappealing.
It's funny how Serial Experiments Lain predicted all of this in 1998
Honestly, what advice do you expect from here with regards to finding love? Sitting next to a fat and/or balding guy and letting him talk to you? Or esoteric tips and tricks on how to seduce whoever you have a crush on and convince him to dump his gf, while being a less forward woman who's anxious around men?
nta but you really sound like the most average woman alive
they're all socially anxious and all attracted to socially successful chads
the whole lean back and enjoy it and just look cute advice has worked for women everywhere always for the last 10000 years.
Why aren't you found by other men? Have you tried going outside and making yourself available? Have you tried improving your looks? Working out? You have no idea how much effort men have to put in to obtain a crumb of pussy so really if you want male advice you're going to encounter some resentment.
Looks like I was right, don't worry about it. Just accept yourself, hon.
Nta but being this jealous and resentful of women is a tranny trait, anon. Let's see you rope in 5 years like the average tranner, good luck with it.
Yes, I'm 35 and witnesses described me to the police as "mid twenties" for some stuff that happened earlier this year. I have to admit it was a pretty nice ego boost. Nothing happened btw but I still never talked to those cops.
>what causes this
I use skin creams daily, exercise, take collagen supps, and I've never been a big fan of the outdoors so very little sun over my life.

Yeah do you have any idea why, as a Slav, why are they all like this?

I know like 6 Eastern European girls who have non white boyfriends. It's like they are pre programmed to take as much brown, black, and yellow cock as humanly possibly.

I can't tell if it's because they are less immune to woke programming in media being new(er) immigrants. Or if they have weaker social networks, and live in more immigrant heavy areas, being new(er) immigrants so they are more likely to race mix. Or maybe they are just that fucked in the head to start with.
how do I escape being a neurotic narcissist?
Wasn't it "bud"?
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I’ve been waiting for this one.
Should I add this to the watch list anon?
maybe the no sun thing is relevant, I also don't go outside that much, I even actively avoid it during the summer if I can (not going outside at all during the harsher sunlight hours). I don't use any face creams tho, maybe I should start. It's just that my face is already oily, I feel like using any creams gives me an even more unpleasant oily feel lol
Imagine being this desperate - you pretend to be a lonely and socially stunted woman and ask for advice from other men on how to find love, knowing very well that none of it can possibly apply to you. Why are anons like this?
To be honest I didn't really like Lain much, it's extremely slow and so goddamn pretentious, but it was 100% spot on with the internet taking over and becoming impossible to separate from reality.
"Bud" is more used for straight men, not you, hon.
>troon is having a meltdown about a femanon
The rope is coming for you kek.
Now that’s what I call bait.
oh and actually, the OP (Duvet by Boa) is top 10 ever, and that band's entire (unfortunately small) body of work is excellent. My favourite of theirs is "Elephant".
Dude harambe only got killed like 7 years ago only literal toddlers weren't around when harambee got killed
I gave you better advice than anyone and you still insult me
kill yourself femcel whore
I'm happy
you aren't and with your attitude you'll never be
>still crying about nonexistent femcels
The eternal tranny must always seethe.
Do you like to call the men you try to get on with trannies as well? That might be one of the reasons why you're single.
beats me honestly. thought I have to say, I've only seen max 3 girls with a non white bf irl in my country and I've yet to interact with a local girl who wasnt racist to some degree.
The city girls however, they are absolute trash and do that sort of disgusting shit mainly to spite parents and ''fight against tradition''. We've seen a huge push of ''modernist'' bullshit by foreign media. Our '''''philosophy'''' college got a faggot and lesbo studies program this year too
its all decay
>I’ve been waiting for this one.
I mean I know the lingo
I just expected it to die out with our generation
instead it's become prevalent among the young
I'd be more out of touch if they read newspapers
but it still doesn't make sense to me
10 years ago this was unknown meme bullshit from 4chan that everyone tried to ignore
now memes are more real than the impact of the new york times
how the fuck will civilization cope with that kind of loss of truth and reality
because for me I just went outside and rejected civilizational and internet realities
I'm hoping to God our little ones will know to do the same
my cousins are 7 and they know about harambe

I live in Canada so there's lots of Slavic immigrants here as well as every other kind of immigrants.

The Slavic women here heavily seem to be attracted towards colored men (like that whore I was talking to previously is from Canada).

It seems to be a phenomena that shows itself when Slavic women are exposed to more diversity. It's your future when your government open your borders.
East European women have the same problem black women have, although not to the same degree. They're socialized to expect men to be dumb, drunk, and violent, so they don't expect much more, they're also considered low status so very few of them are going to get to date the kind of men who aren't club trash.
>How do you find love if you're aware of being a socially anxious loser who consistently only likes the type of person who is confident and cool with good social skills?
fucking lmao you're a femcel be real
>still seething
It's okay to be a feminine male, don't cry.
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where can I get this kind of gf?
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Just become the gf, I'm sure that has worked out well for the trannies here kek.
>it's okay to be a feminine male!
nta, but it's a lot harder these days, you're constantly harassed by trannies if you've got even a slightly feminine set of interests
>oh anon you like making scented candles and soaps?
>you must be an egg teehee!
I'm not even that feminine of a guy, like I lift weights, fix stuff, blah blah blah, I can't imagine what it's like for zoomers growing up with this shit, I can see why they're probably more defensive around their masculinity.
If you're so hell bent on attacking others' masculinity, are we allowed to take issue with your (lack 0f) femininity?

Middle class ones date out just as much

There's also plenty of lower class white trash (aka Anglo/Irish) and the women don't date out nearly as much
>so they don't expect much more
That was 20 years ago.
Dude everybody was saying "dicks out for harambe" even on normie parts of the internet lioe facebook when it happened. Why zoomers care about it idk. Probably because everything in society went to shit around the same time
What are some ways I can make sex with my girlfriend more exciting and enjoyable? I want to spice things up and add an exciting / special spontaneous factor.
She tells me she’ll try anything I want to try and just wants me to lead her. What are some toys or new things I can try??
If you take psych meds and had a high libido without them, did you completely lose it on meds?
My bf is taking mood stabilizers and I'm going to miss it if he stops being a horny bastard as sex is important to me in a relationship. But his wellbeing is nore crucial.
I spent 26 years doing nothing and it would suck to be back on the forced asexual train.
Just finished coming twice on my Daddy's cock (26-years my senior).

What are you doing today ATOGA?
>white trash Irish and Anglos
the thing with most white trash is that the expectations on men in those communities are to be a protector/provider, and men who aren't tend to be socially shunned, along with women who fuck them. There are plenty of losers and shitheads in those communities, but even the worst trailer trash in places like the UK or West Virginia is held by the women (and men) around them to a higher standard of behavior than you'll find in Eastern Europe or in black communities. Black women in particular treat black men like overgrown toddlers and act like they've won the lottery if they get a date with a man who carries his own car insurance.
Having my cock came on twice by my little girl (26-years my junior)
Me and sis are gonna play Borderlands 2. I just cleaned the house and I’m baking cinnamon buns.
new thread just dropped
Well give us the deets

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