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Ask The Other Gender Anything

Professional (Tennis) Simp Edition

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Is he hot women?
State gender
Post favorite Pokemon
Femanons, if you were a male, what would you jerk off to?
Pikachu or Togapi
Yeah I know I'm basic.
State Age
How are you feeling?
I hate women
Its webms like this that just makes me disgusted that I share the same race as these whores. I should have been born asian.

Comfy as fuck. Under three blankets with AC blasting.
Is there anything I can wear like a reverse cocksleeve? My penis is too big, and it's becoming a problem with my gf.
I am beyond that.
atoga is utopian /r9k/ and dystopian /vt/
When the ball boy raised his hand out of nowhere did anyone else think he was about to do something crazy?
Hm..yes. Maybe
kek i thought i was the only one
No but if you have a small dick you can wear silicon dicks to make your dick bigger, but the only problem is that they cover the whole dick.
Old enough
Not sure
Like 5 times now
he bout to slap that jiggly ass!
Cloyster, he seem so happy about being evil
Godly taste. Please be in London.
Frustrated and depressed
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>anon and femanon hit it off on discord
>hey i noticed we are from same country lol
>No way, which city, im from (city)
>wanna meet up?
>Idk i dont know you

>2 hours later
Sorry, but relatively close
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>Occasionally see chicks check me out in halls (too lazy to explain each context but I'm not going off of one look/instance since we all like looking down the side halls)

>No grils in my class

Why am I perpetually optionless
Its why you shouldn't date women that are from here, they are defective
>I'm lonely and horny and just want to lay down and hug
Women, is this a good dating app bio?
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This girl in one of my college class likes me and is laying it on real heavy.
At first I thought it was just her being friendly but today she was leaning on my chair, walking over to me and whispering in my ear and trying to rub her arm against mine.
I'm horribly afraid of women, so I really don't know what to do. I don't dislike her but I don't know if I like her in that way either.
Ignoring things like me being a carless poor fag who lives with his parents at 20, a relation ship in my mind is only worth if it you think it's going to last.
I guess I'm just afraid of commitment, not like I'd cheat but more in the way of always having to worry about someone else feelings and entertain them.
I know this kind of a ramble but what do you guys think? I'm not sure what to think of this.
I probably wouldn't
I'm not going to wait for them to come after me.
I'll strike first.
delete your post
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You know nothing of manhood
I don't get the point in cuddling if its before sex, at least give me a thigh job or a half-hearted, half-interested handjob. Bonus points if you look like you aren't enjoying it or if your just watching tv while you do it.
No lmfao no one lives near me I checked.
>dystopian /vt/
Im in your walls
Femanons, what is your level of desire to suck a cock?
I must fight.
I must kill.
I must evolve.
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Women, what would you think if a man told you he has no phone, and no social media?
Dream boat
>no social media
>no phone
lol wtf?
I'm putting my penis into it after punching a hole in it then.
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Any wizards here?

Hell is a dream boat
>disinterested intercrural
this is 3000 iq
>Any wizards here?
Yes, hello and why?
but Spinda is a very close second
>men complain that women are mean to them
>"Oh could you please pretend that you hate doing this, that would be so hot!"
I don't get it... What's the appeal?
How does it feel (no disrespect)
Relaxed, and hopeful for the future.
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Wizardhood is a week away
I think I remember a femanon mentioning something about a cock stopper, the way it was described was like a cock ring that stops you from bottoming out
Just use an ungoldy amount of lube.

I feel nothing. No, seriously. Head empty. No thoughts.
Disinterested sex is on the CNC spectrum.
Less than 9 months for me
Idk why I should even bother
Every day I wish for death
what does it mean when you're very astute and thorough with your responses through dating apps? I matched with this one girl from my college on Hinge and she's asking a lot of questions about my major, what I'm studying, what I'm looking forward to, etc and in general being very wordy. I'm talking like back-to-back microparagraphs.
It's very different from what I'm used to. Feels like I'm getting probed for information by some girl who's supposedly there looking for people to "vibe" with
Probably gonna kms
Fine (Derogatory [jk]), why do you ask?
>CNC spectrum
What's that?
State Age
How are you feeling?
What for?
I dont know how to explain it but it is good for the soul. Its kinda like how when you play with your cat and then the cat goes for a bite?
Like shit
More of the same
I feel that
told her i was thinking of just chilling at home by myself this weekend and having a fire and told her she's invited and she said okay
is this it bros?
What I am now is beyond your comprehension.
Have told /adv/ in detail too many times. Nobody cares. Oh well, good fucking riddance. Nothing of value will be lost. Goodnight, have to wake up to go to work in 6h44min from now
I am the complete opposite
I want her to act like my cock is her personal toy
Like playing with my cock is the most enjoyable thing in her life
Don't even care that it's attached to me
>In the BDSM community, CNC stands for consensual non-consent, also known as rape play. Although it varies scene to scene, it's usually an extreme power exchange where, according to previous negotiation, there is a victim overcome by a predator by force. People who enjoy this play often enjoy either the extreme lack of control or extreme control on either side of the exchange.

>**this type of scene does not encourage ACTUAL rape. All proper scenes are done after much negotiation between of-age, consenting adults.

Disinterested is similar to cnc in that one person wants to do it, the other appears to not want to.
Wait... So if your giving an "uninterested" handjob your being raped?
Women, when I drink alcohol I get the "asian glow" aka I get extremely red and flushed. Is this unattractive in a man?
Try to have some cheese and crackers for her in case she wants a snack, its looking good for you anon.
Dread, I want a gf but I am fucked, the only woman who really likes me is poly and I'm not and don't want to be.
Almost everything dies in the talking stage usually.
I am autistic as fuck and I keep fucking up.
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Femanons, what level of a gooner are you?
I dated a filipina girl who wore her school uniform and explicitly wanted me to force myself on her around the house whenever I wanted, it was great.
>More of the same
Same of what
Hey please don't kill yourselves the both of you
Do you feel like your family issues caused you to seem inappropriate to authority figures growing up and have people think you're neurodivergent when in reality there was no way for you to appropriately talk about some things in your life?
tsundere rape correction is always hot
-3 Even if I'm horny (happens once a month at most) looking at porn upsets me
I will now pair 2 anons together
My mom had sex with me multiple times and now I just have sex with old women to cope, lol.
How did you fumble that?
Not really. I think my lack of an authority figure growing up actually gave me some reverence for the ones who did show up later.
I like cumming on womens faces because sometimes they act like a cat that you put socks on or vidrel
Hockey bf
I actually ended the relationship
the giver is the predator, and the reciever is the victim.
Hungover while sober, depressive, malaise stricken with a light tinge of sucidial tendencies.
That's a great example. There's almost nothing people are going to want to hear you say about that unless they're weird.
I dunno, I just said I dont know how to explain it
Well yeah. Teachers and police officers, friends' moms, shit like that. My mom would always get pissed that I was super cordial with the above, but not with her.
An empty vessel. The swarm is growing again.
good idea, but maybe something i should have something a little bit more than cheese and crackers
Bitches love cheese
So it's impossible to enjoy women without sexual thoughts as a man?
Bad :(
do you love cheese?
i like hanging out with them too
Why bad?
NTA But 32m an 22f is pedophilia
I fucking love cheese!
Where is my pairing?
Femanons, and femanons only:
Why do women think they're such hot shit? Can you not differentiate your value as a serious relationship prospect from your value as a casual fling or one night stand?
No, you can befriend women platonically.

Source: I have befriended women platonically.
Oops, I read it backwards. 32f and 22m is ok, nevermind.
You get nothing. You'll die alone and like it.
I mean sure, you COULD, but why would you?
por que no los dos?
That's already my default, a man can dream
Nope, I can enjoy their company as friends.
>a man can dream
I want to live a real life... I don't want to dream any longer.
>femcel hands
And I hope that you die and your death will come soon
I will follow your casket by the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave 'til I'm sure that you're dead
If you had to choose, cheese... or carbs?
How dare you question my judgement, this is why you weren't chosen.
No. The men and women can't be friends thing is just a meme peddled by idiots who can't appreciate nuance in a situation. They're usually young idiots, too.
Essence is change. Change is survival. Collect and live. Stay still and die.
t. One of my best friends is an annoying cunt of a woman that I would NEVER fuck.
depends on what your wearing but I wouldn't be lying if I didn't have wet dreams or jerk off to the idea of my girl friends fugging me.
What's wrong, Love?
Depends, which one are you. Maybe I just haven't found a suitable match yet.
That is sadly not for us to decide :(
I'm >>31947167
Everybody that's sad, be happy instead! See, was that so hard?
Women, how much do you suffer from body dysphoria?
This might be a tangent, but I am amazed by how bad Millie Bobby Brown's skin looks. I’m thankful that the outtakes from this photoshoot were leaked. You can zoom and zoom and zoom in again to see every little pore. And you can see how she's all covered in make up.
I think it's especially important for women to see this (but for guys, as well).
Yeah you're gonna have to wait your turn, do you see the fucked up ratio we have right now
That only works if I'm busy doing something.
Don't worry I don't expect to be paired, you can put me last anyway. I'd gladly give my spot for a younger male anon to live happy
I am listening to a gnome playlist and it is working for now but when it ends the void will come back
>The average femanon ITT is more attractive than the average maleanon.
That's also true irl. Except maybe in England.
I'm glad I forbid my wife from wearing makeup and cum on her face like 4x a week so her skin is top-tier. I also heavily control her diet.

She is a lucky woman
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Who's in the wrong here?
Sometimes women get annoying and it is impossible to consider them a sexual prospect.
Asked last thread, want to ask again i-if that's okay anons...

State gender, and what language(s) do you know beside English?
Hey Atoga, I’m kinda worried that I’m falling out of love in my LDR. I do like the person, a shit ton, but not being able to physically be with them, or not being with them for long periods of time gives me anxiety. I already have hobbies and am a semi-busy person, but, I want to spend my free time with them, and I don’t think they want to with me. I just don’t know what to do
thanks I got chosen, but older women are not my thing, it'd be like dating my older sister...
>based boomer sacrifices himself for the younger geneartion
This has Alexander the Great's speech vibes
define "know"
I don't even know english
The whore for being a whore
pull a white women and fuck dogs.
winners get whatever they want, losers get hard mode.
Able to hold a basic conversation in. More than "The car is red" "Today is Tuesday" "You are not a woman"
She was wrong to sign a contract of monogamy with the government.
Based, an anon worth respecting
Someone here posted that they wanted to date an older sister that played pokemon go with her.
what if I can't hold a conversation but can read a novella?
is it okay for a younger woman to have a "milf" kind of body? or will it only really suit me when i'm older and i have to accept the awkward phase right now?
I literally can't even look at my girlfriend without getting hard.
English and thats only tentatively
I understand tagalog but it feels awkard and messy when it comes out my mouth.
Same. Based woman friend enjoyer.
Men why would you talk to a girl everyday if you don't know how you feel about her, like say you said you feel intimately but not necessarily sexually(p in v) due to you know wanting a really slow burn in getting to know a woman

I mean he has recently been playing with the idea of being a vampire around me in a flirty way but my heart kind of hurts responding to him lately and I had another dream of him last night. I also am grieving loss of family so I don't know how to recieve possible interest from a guy naturally right now and have fun with it

male anons have you ever liked a grieving woman before and how do your feelings/thoughts change if applicable

I can speak 10% of 10 languages. I technically know 2.0 languages.
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Pic related is my real feelings about her (you)
fuck you
I love being friends with women, especially when they unknowingly flash me their boobs and bend over in front of me
>technically know 2.0 languages.
They updated languages? Since when?
god. i like how much he squirms.
Flesh too weak. Essence consumed.
The stereotypical "milf" body looks good regardless of age
T-that's not what I said
Why make friends when I have a sister with big tits I can just stare at all day?
Because I like talking to her

I'm really bad with grieving women. I want to make anybody grieving have an easier time, but I'm very insensitive. I.e. if her cat died, I'd say "it was just a cat".
I'm a fucking idiot
Im bad at life. All I do is hurt people
Share the love bro. Upload some pics for the rest of us to appreciate
Okay so if platonic friends are possible, do you just vanish when they date or have sex with someone else? How do you navigate their romance with other people?
>see a bimbo
>"she's probably herself"
Did they fix the bug with French having weird spelling? I'm so happy that they updated them!
>All I do is hurt people
The obvious thing to say is why do you do that? Especially if it apparently also makes you miserable?
usually they forget their male friends exist, yes
Everymen s quirms when they get blow jobs though. How th fuck are you supposed to just lay still
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How young are we talking here and what do you mean by a milf body? You got mommy milkers and just enough fat? Is you built like dexters mom? explain
I don't realize I am until I make them leave
It is womens fault that we cannot be just friends
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>gf forgot my birthday
>said "oh was that today?" when I said I got money for my birthday
How the fuck do I even deal with this?
Not everyone. Try having a big dick and a girl who has never sucked a dick before you. Not as much fun as one would hope. I legit don't even like getting blowies
Sometimes if they ask for advice I give advice but generally when they're in a relationship the new bf doesn't like it when she hangs out with her guy friends.
>a younger woman to have a "milf" kind of body
What the fuck does that even mean?
video call and hurt yourself on camera
I'm pretty unengaged with dates, maybe she's like that
There was an 18 year old girl I knew who had a pear shaped body, think exaggerated hourglass figure, huge ass, wide hips, thick thighs, and large B to small C cups. She was shy too, but I was also young and I never did ask her out.
Exhausted, hopeless, suicidal. Can't stop crying and started self-harming again
Goodnight bro, sleep well
I have to be up for work in 1hr7min, and then am unable to sleep again until Saturday night. I'm not coping at all
Idk I squirm when I fap so I thought it was just natural
Tell her that she needs to make it up to you and if she doesn't dump her.
She still hasn't even acknowledged it beyond "oh was that today?" Am I just being too sensitive?
pneumatic women are loved
>I'm a fucking idiot
Join the club, kek.
No, she's being rude
I can't decide which term is more blackpilling, "compersion" or "alpha widow syndrome"
You have a gf and people who give you money for your birthday and you're complaining?
It's hard to say without knowing her. If she gets really excited about the first day of lent, president's day, and april fool's day approaching then perhaps things aren't going so well. If she forgets to shower often and has dirty dishes out right now from yesterday, I wouldn't worry about it so much.
You shal be one with the swarm.
Well, consider it deeply and answer honestly - is the problem them, or you? A lot of people are ridiculous abd overly sensitive today, many are programmed and have no real capacity to think or live a full life that isn't sanctioned by what they perceive to be society at large. Those people you would have to become an npc to appease. On the otherhand, if you are a disingenuous, mean, or otherwise inconsiderate person, then you might want to think about why you are and what you can do to rectify that in yourself.

Either way, just stewing in misery helps neither you, nor others. Being proactive is the only way to move forward in life and allow more happiness to ultimately bloom in this world.
>I can't decide which term is more blackpilling,
>feeling good about other's good fortune
>made up bullshit fetish
nineteen. i guess what >>31947503 is talking about. according to online calculators im a bottom hourglass. even when i lose lots of weight i am still kind of chubby all over a little bit. when i look for clothes a lot of the time what fits feels like it's older lady stuff. i have some hormone things going on too but i feel like i just do not look very youthful in how i'm shaped.
I feel more alone than when I was actually alone.

She remembers birthdays for friends she's just met. It's like she is just deliberately ignoring mine. What the fuck.
Ominous but I like the sound of that. I wish to be the underground mycelium that is part of a fungal network
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Instructions unclear, tried LARPing as happy, currently having a mental breakdown and doing coke
I'm 34 and I'd date you if you were okay with it, you sound hot.
that's not bueno
He is talking about Neurosama's swarm.
Just judging from the description it sounds fine, sexy even. Likely another case of woman suffering from body dysphoria. Your body is good and not deformed.
You're skinny-fat with a bad diet. Do not take birth control. Research and avoid endocrine disruptors. Eat lots of eggs and red meat. Run multiple times a weak and work out. In less than a year you will be a fucking knockout and both sexes will be crawling over each other to get at you.

If you heed my words, thank me later.
What do I get
I'm definitely not mean. I'm something worse
So you're just fat.
if you get insecure about it and needy it's gonna get worse tho, the only viable strategy is moving on or being more lovable, but even that might not work. Or iunno maybe she doesn't think birthdays are important in relationships or is a shitty girlfriend but good friend.
>What do I get
A dunce cap
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Stop being cryptic. What are you that is oh so terrible?
I love hats
coke starts feeling empty and is not sustainable
>First AI vtuber
>Already plotting world domination
This is basically free money, holy shit.
Wish I was a badass ghost warrior
Scared of affection
Are you avoidant? We have avoidant dunce caps as well.
We need to secure a location for our hive cluster.
nta but you need to get more specific than that anon
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Like this is ridiculous, is it not? How is this not illegal? They straight up removed her skin. Women, how are you not more outraged at this?
She was updated 2 weeks ago and she is much smarter and she can inflect more now
No I'm anxious
I don't know anymore. I always think I'm doing what is best for me and then I regret it because it made someone feel bad
I am the anon you were talking to. Well, does it manifest in you being cold/prickly?
>No I'm anxious
I'm avoidant so you don't hurt people as much as I do, count your blessings.
well isn't that just an age thing? youre older so your tastes have adjusted to your age bracket right

i'm actually pretty athletic and exercise regularly, most days. i have hormonal issues with my thyroid and pituitary gland that i am getting medical help with, but even with all of that i'm not overweight. i appreciate the advice though, that was kind and it's good advice.
I just wonder if he actually likes talking to me or is just lonely/bored, he told me he doesn't have many people he talks to and said he tried to not be honest about how introverted he was with me at first

this guy said he wanted to act a protective role towards me in a roleplay way after I lost someone, trying to lighten the mood I guess?
but this guy has been giving me mixed signals, like he has mentioned sexual stuff to me about me/him/us in desired hypotheticals, sometimes jokingly but idk. he said he's scared of saying/doing wrong thing if we ever got that way.

we don't get really sexual anymore and he wanted me to lead in the past but I feel ugly around him now even if he calls me pretty/gorgeous so i don't feel encouraged to flirt better etc. he said he feels an internal conflict when it comes to me since he finds me attractive and he likes me around.
Asian women are also very prone to slutting
It results in me feeling desperate but restricting myself. I've never been with someone I could be clingy with
How does that manifest?
He likes talking to you. Take it easy.
>well isn't that just an age thing? youre older so your tastes have adjusted to your age bracket right
I've always liked younger women and I've always liked them bottom heavy, my tastes haven't changed.
Worthless, pointless, and hopeless
We could probably rough it out in a national park and build our resources. Maybe take over a plot of land in South America jonestown style or a ranch like Rajneeshpuram
>How does that manifest?
>get gf
>gf gets close to me
>we have a fight where I get hurt emotionally
>avoidant attachment style activates
>start avoiding her, start being distant
>most women then try to lovebomb me harder to keep me around but it just pushes me away more
>I eventually break up with them
>They cry
>I feel bad
>cycle starts over
I hurt a lot of people but I also feel bad the majority of the time as well.
Funny how the Venn diagram of p*dophiles, techbros, and AI users is just a circle. Like can you at least be an ethical pdf? Commission someone to draw and voice the vtuber. It's funny how blind you are to artists' suffering and forget humanity, just because there's a NEW shiny thing (and it's not even good) to play around with.
Is she responding in real time or is it edited together to be a little smoother cause it is kinda impressive.
My good friend's ex, that he has big issues with, sounds like my type. I want to talk to her, but the only way I could would be through him giving me her info.
What should I do?
>Everything is pedophilia
New business idea. AI Milf Vtuber named Basilisk-dono/san. Has this already been done
Reddit as fuck
The majority of v-tubers are literally made to look and sound like children. Their mannerisms are also childish. It's all made to appeal to a specific kind of audience. If you like that shit, you're a pdf file.
>ethical pedophile
Don't exist. Hang all pedophiles.
Give luddites mean looks too though.
Cause the unemployment of asshole artists and voice actors by continuing to use AI (not for pedo shit, do not make pedo shit)
She is responding in real time to all of them, she even sings
Is an 18 year old girl too young for a 22 year old guy? Asking for a friend, of course
Its legal anything else is woke or hag cope
No such thing, within the bounds of legality.
She's barely 18, you sick fuck. You might as well start watching Vtubers.
Lol no. As long as it's legal then it's never too young. Let other people bitch all they like, you're getting young pussy and they're not and that's the real reason they're mad.
t. 37yo guy who was fucking a 27 year old
wtf I love AI now...
Well then we're two peas in a pod, nigga. I have been like that most of my life. Only extremely recently have I been kind of able to overcome it. I imgaine that you, like myself, have bad self-esteem?
How do I get better as a guy at building emotional connection with others? I've been isolated for so long that I've forgotten how to do it
It's okay. Remember, French rule. Divide age of older by two, add seven.
It is kinda weird though. At that age, a 4 year age gap is insane. No normal 22 year old would want to hang around with a bunch of freshmen. You are either retarded or pedophiles.
i pretend to be a guy on trash to do shit tier ERP and porn feeding when i'm bored. i'm capable of really good ERP, but sometimes i like putting in zero effort and spamming random hentai to whatever the dude's preference is and being violently cringe.

it's freeing.
More info. Why can't you just look her up?
This is actually really well done, melted my heart
I just took a quiz and it says I'm fearful avoidant
How was your family life?
My self esteem is really bad apparently. But I somehow know "what I want"?
Physically in pain.
Luddites are master race. Technology is satan and every major technological advancement robs mankind more of our collective soul. Technophile retards like you will be injecting all of humanity with nanobots at birth that turns all humans into slave. Morons on you are racing to manifest the Matrix. Kill yourself, now, before it is too late.
Didn't say it was smart, but it's not inherently wrong.
AI is getting better I guess, still cant count how many r's there are in in strawberry though
What do you want?
>How was your family life?
not bad but neglectful my feelings, emotions, and things I wanted to do where always put on the backburner by my parents.
Its only weird if he is habitually getting you drunk
She's in Japan, Satan. They talk on Line.
They dated when he was over there for a short while. He broke up with her and instantly got with another girl as soon as he left; she thinks they still might get back together, but he's always saying that she's too possessive for his tastes and it'll never happen.
Dude most people are the fuckken same, 16 or 26. People are no different, nor more or less interesting or mature. It doesn't matter at all.
Forgot to mention but another reason to use French rule rather than play it by ear is because it makes all the bad groups of people mad and call you each other.
Pedos seethe because you're a "moralfag", creepy coomers seethe because it's an attack on the lifestyle they imagine themselves to have theoretically if they could get a younger gf, sugar daddies will seethe about how you're just afraid to be REAL or whatever, feminists seethe HUGE because that's just what they do.
Should be obvious not to cross your local age of consent even for a casual date/with romeo and juliet laws in effect/whatever, just age of consent first and French Rule second. It is the enlightened middle path.
I am with you. The swarm is poised to move. It would be an honor.
This is so fucking adroable
I never talked about feelings with my parents or ever got super affectionate. Now I'm broken forever
Ooga booga bix nood me so soulful me make rain dance for sky, me kill farmers! why farmers make pointy stick?! sky not like this!
You are a spoiled cunt and you should be forced to live in a simulation of paleolithic tribalism with no medical aid for when you inevitably fuck yourself up
If I'm being degen, Indeedee. If I'm being competitive, Gholdengo. If I'm being both, Ogerpon.
Well, without seeing you, it is hard to make a determination. It is definitely good to be active and get plenty of exercise. Look into endocrine disruptors though, they are everywhere, from your food, to your shampoo, to your clothes, to even the EM waves in the air bombarding your body 24/7/365. I am a male that had lots of hormonal issues, that mostly went away when I became conscience of endocrine disruptors. I took it to an extreme degree, with great results, but you likely don't have to take it as far to see improvements.
>I never talked about feelings with my parents or ever got super affectionate. Now I'm broken forever
Lets get together and avoid each other for fear of being hurt, a real hedgehog dilemma :^)
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I just learned to disrespect authority for some reason. I thinking God wasn't real in 1st grade in catholic school contributed.
That's gnome way to live
>technology bad because and soulless because - remember when hollyslop villains???? that's literally you!!
Have any of you turned an insecurity into a fetish?

I'm a short guy, and I'm thinking about trying to get into height humiliation porn so I don't feel like shit about it anymore.
Tall women
Skip the lonely
Rest is fine
Not an insecurity, but a phobia.
Sorry bro
Common cope. Bad one. Get therapy.
You're talking to the wrong person. I have been stitching myself up since I was a kid. I cut myself with a bandsaw at work last april and I healed it at home with honey. I have a smartphone, but no TV, home internet, or computer. I live in the boonies with far less technology than anyone I know. Everyone is always asking me how I look so young and am so strong, and it is because I largely exist outside of the fake and gay modern world.

Uncle Ted was right.
You can always check out Honeygoblin if you want, she has a new model that has been the most expressive I've ever seen, I've become obssessed with her since she got her new model.
Hi girlies
Should I listen to the unabridged or abridged version of Hobbes' Leviathan?
"Ah, not into technology, k"
If he asks to use my phone tho I'll tell him to get his own
Damn, actors and other male public figures are a lot bigger now
Same I'm claustrophobic but I want to be stuck in a tight confined space with a woman
The way I laugh is really embarrassing. Ladies, would that be a dealbreaker if I was fine in every other way?
I can't watch Honeygobling because when she flirts with the camera I legit blush and can't keep eye contact with her, then I cringe that that is my reaction, and I close out the video. Only to feel lonely in a couple days and open it again to start the cycle.
>I can suture thus technology is the reason people act like dumb fucking animals and I'm in touch with nature that's why I spend my time seething about AI on /atoga/
no, of course not!
>allegory bad because it is on silverscreen
Would you have accepted if I had related to the Parable of the Cave instead?
You people are fucking idiots looking for any excuse to avoid reflection. Hopeless, modern, aimless losers. You are fodder to the cosmic void. I shall not see you after this life, to my boone, and your bane.
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The Patriarchy has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with Earth.

Luckily you have been chosen to live in a just a girl bunker for the next 10 years until the surface is habitable again.

You can choose one videogame, one book, and one movie to take with you to last the duration of your stay.

What do you pick?
>Common cope. Bad one.
Bad meaning ineffective?
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so I did it

I chatted her up, had a nice little conversation, asked her if she wanted to get lunch sometime before I left and she spaghetti'd really really hard trying to say no. It was kinda cute and funny. She ended out mustering the words "I can't-" and then "Sorry, I'm super busy and can't commit to a lunch time right now." I responded completely seriously, "Cool I'm flexible, we can play it by ear, I just have a few days of the week that aren't any good." And she kept talking like she didn't hear a word I said about how she's busy. I don't wanna fucking play games so I just said ok and goodbye, then went to my club meeting.

I wish normal women could be forthright and just say no like autistic chicks, for all their other faults, at least they're forthright with interest in you. Playing the guessing game is annoying. Is she actually busy, or is she just deflecting? I was talking with some other guys later this evening at the end of my club meeting and we were talking about how "no" means "keep trying" and how "I'm busy" is a stronger 'no' than simply saying "no." One of the guys is more socially awkward than me, and he was taking the conversation like "this is fucking bullshit this is why I don't wanna date women if I'm gonna have to fucking guess that "no" means "keep trying" and that "I'm busy" is just an excuse to say no"

Thanks for hearing me out. And I'm sorry that I'm not autistic enough to not talk to girls, but still too autistic to believe that women fear getting hurt if they're forthright and say "no" to a lunch invitation. I don't know understand why people can't be honest with their feelings.
did we just become friends
>what does it mean when you're very astute and thorough with your responses through dating apps?
I don't view you sexually since I'm not trying to escalate. You might have interesting conversations though.
>Some girl who's supposedly there looking for people to "vibe" with
Yeah that checks out
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Torkoal. He's just a little guy minding his business. Or Infernape because fire monkey.

Kinda horny, but I don't know if it's authentic horny or bored horny

Give your balls a tug, titfucker

British women age like milk. More at 11.

Him. She supported him for three years while he was unemployed and watching streamers all day and spending her money. You don't have the right to judge where the money comes from when you didn't care while spending it. And the POS had the audacity to send her tweets to her employer. I hope a terrible fate befalls him.
Femanons, are you gay because you like women or that men are just too scary?
>I have a smartphone
Literally the worst offender in evil technology. I only have a laptop so I can leave all that shit when I'm out. Need to contact me? Come to my fukken apartment if it's important enough.
sometimes i get pent up enough that i just start yelling angrily. not even words just "aauuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh...." like i imagine cavemen might do to show aggression before we had language. odds of a dude finding that hot instead of obnoxious?
You are a painfully stupid person. The screen didn't suck out your soul. The world is shit because it is full of professional victims like (You) who will always find an excuse to hate anything good and worship anything evil.
You'd love this anime then
Vocaroo it
Notice how I never mentioned AI. This anon is likely a poorly written AI program and that is why it is coming off as one without an iota of human intellect. It is a pale farce of human intelligence, yet it is obvious to all thinking people that something isn't quite right, that it can not possibly be one of us. Reminder that billion-dollar organizations go to great lengths to flood the internet with bots to demoralize authentic humans. Luckily, those that are not Hylics can spot these imitators in an instant.
Don't "this" me you pedotrannyweeb
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Did you girls see this? What did you think?
I'd let you fondle my balls in frustration
This but I yell out curses and shit that gets the police called. "Help me!!" "You're gonna DIE, you fucking bitch!"
>uhhhhh I'm too retarded to read the thread
kys retard larper
I've fallen in love with a whore. She always talks about how many men she fucked. What's wrong with me?
Yes, and also unhealthy.
Threesome, spitroast, and orgy time!
I guess I gotta explain.
I'm a clean freak. When I see a fruit fly in my apartment, I get grossed out. When I see a fly, I nearly scream. When I saw a roach last year (came from another unit) I got fucking pissed.

But somehow, I've got this kink where I imagine fucking up so bad, like leaving some fruit out, that I get a huge infestation that I can't deal with. I'm so fucking weird.
>one videogame
i'm not even very into it but probably minecraft. infinite world. i would be able to spend so much time on pointless projects expanding my digital space, which would be nice when living in a limited physical space.
>one book
probably whatever book covers the most world history in the most narrative way possible. cooped up alone i can imagine a million fake worlds but i could never imagine the real one i left behind.
>one movie
the lotr trilogy extended and edited into a single film.
I don't find it hot but I do the same thing but really quietly to not bother my neighbors, or I just growl.
However in recent years I have started mumbling "ihatewomenihatewomenihatewomen" under my breath or just "God, I fucking hate women..." whenever I remember something really unpleasant even if it has nothing to do with women (but it usually does).
It's worked before. My ex cheated on me with someone on their same sex and now I usually watch same sex porn, when I wasn't super into it before
>Infernape because fire monkey.
I have found my wife and she has exquisite taste
She's down for a threesome so I guess that's a plus. I also don't think she'd care if I fucked another woman. Still, it feels a bit strange because aside from that I think she's sweet.
Fair enough. Sadly, my work requires that I have a smartphone. Good thing I built a Faraday Cage around my home and a portable one for when I want to utilize it on the go. I do like how you accidentally revealed you have not the depth of knowledge to know about such solutions - likely because you do not even know the depths to which you are being fucked.
>British women age like milk. More at 11.
>American talking shit
>Tall women
I wonder if that would work for me? But it would probably make it harder to find a gf.
A married woman who posts her titties online without her husband's permission at least is not in the right
my peanus weanus ahs fallen otu of orbit and and
pls (you)
I wanna listen to the Leviathan while go to sleep. Do I put on the unabridged or abridged?
Better than me. I fell in love with a women who has known other men, I was a virgin (and still am apart from her), yet she would literally torture me to death if I had another woman. She almost did once, years ago, because I asked for a threesome, lol. LMFAO at my dumb retard ass.
What's Leviathan?
Live it up?
Idk about Hobbes. In general though I recommend unabridged editions of older writings. If you're going to doze off to it then it doesn't rwally matter, as you won't be paying attention either way.
>American women
>ever having realistic opinions
pick one
>British women age like milk. More at 11
Nigella Lawson whips up some humble pie for femanon
I still think you should give it a shot
>But somehow, I've got this kink where I imagine fucking up so bad, like leaving some fruit out, that I get a huge infestation that I can't deal with.
I fail to see how you get sexual gratification from this but Im not judging
>the retard you replied to mentioned AI so that means you are obsessed with AI!
I was talking more about the industrial revolution, and possibly much earlier than that. Sad that I have to spell it out for you, but what can one do when talking to one so hopelessly limited as you are? I guess it can't be helped.
No problem man. Online learning just screwed with my neck due to my bad posture sitting at Zoom calls. Other than that, I'm doing quite fine. How are you doing?
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>foreigners are seething about us for no reason again
>odds of a dude finding that hot instead of obnoxious?
What if I don't find it hot but I do find it endearing?
I do this when I drive sometimes
>odds of a dude finding that hot instead of obnoxious?
If you were riding me and started doing that I promise you the size of my load is doubling and shooting through the condom.
A bond of humanity?
I don't care what your rationale is for why more kids should die of typhus so you can feel "soulful". Hang yourself.
Would (You) have a threesome?
>for no reason
>as oblivious as ever
Hang from a pull-up bar
>British women age like milk. More at 11.
It's literally skin. Besides Africans, most people have somewhat bad skin. This is more so true for women who use makeup but are too retarded to wipe it off before going to bed, but still...
Yes, with my wife and another woman, if my wife agreed. That will likely never happen, though.

So instead, I shall cope and possibly rope, as is required.
Been better, but nothing is particularly wrong. Just feel like I'm out of gas, so to speak
If I was attracted to her/him, and they were as well.
FFM yes
MMF/FFM with a femboy/futa, yes
MMF with another masc man, probably not but its not completely off the table.
A better cope would be just moving to another country where height isn't as important. Less retarded than willingly giving your brain pornsickness.
Because you people couldn't make an interesting enough website to stick amongst your own
It's a book on philosophy
i think so
Kids dying of typhus and other diseases is a side effect of the industrial and agricultural revolutions. The large population is also a function of the same. Let me guess, you are also (((pro-choice)))?
>says the person who uses refrigerators and AC
>see spanish
>hide post
I did a ton of push-ups that fixed my posture. I started working out a gym a couple months ago as well. My neck is feels noticeably better, but not fully recovered. The problem is that I spend so much time sitting (at college, work, in a car) and the seats everywhere I go are designed to screw over a person's back for some reason. Doesn't help that I have a long spine either.
I hope it facilitates peace.
This is a bot. Hope I helped you, other anon
Sometimes I wonder why I hate women so much. Then I interact with one and I immediately remember.
Don't even do pullups, just hang from a bar to decompress you spine. Try a standing desk as if you have access to one
Have you had genuine opportunities for love, that your fear of love impeded?
That sucks. I know the feeling. Just get up and start doing something. Anything. Once you start doing, you stop overthinking, and overthinking is what makes you out of gas.
To repeat:
Kill yourself, LARPer.
Thanks for the advice. I do pull-ups at the gym as well.
What do we do now
feeling bad about getting a life and quitting 4chan without telling my mutual thread crush
oh i will totally take that i just found it much less likely to happen. easier to make a guy horny than affectionate.

well i wouldnt qualify being vocal in bed as a weird thing, like it is doing it outside of the bedroom but, sweet, good to know.
>I am beaten and have no argument
>*does the cry of the eternally BTFOd*
I accept your concession, eternal cuck, soulless Hylic automoton
Women why won't you introduce me to your hot femboy friend?
Kill yourself, LARPer.
>Have you had genuine opportunities for love, that your fear of love impeded?
You use the word twice with two separate definitions.
I know only of those incapable of evolution such as mine, and those falsely wearing my identity with malicious intent.
I've thought about it, but I feel kind of bad about "poaching" women from other races. And white women seem to be tall everywhere.
Both were paraphrasing you, so which are you, then?
Thanks. I have found that to be true
femanons can you give me a kiss goodnight :3c
anons can you tuck me in and kiss me on the head :3c
>tuck me in
I misread this...
>doing it outside of the bedroom
I'd do you outside of the bedroom too if you started making your weird cavewoman noises
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Would you?
>the AI chatbot continues to affirm that it is soundly defeated, whilst continuing to feed me (yous)
Thank you! This millionth victory over the parody of human intellect makes my dick so hard! Feed me another impotent (you) devoid of human intelligence, so that I can achieve full release!
*rolls you up like a burrito*
*moves your hair out of the way and gives you a big smooch on your third eye*
Kill yourself, LARPer.
>be an ethical pdf
No such thing
It's okay as long as you treat the woman well and you get her parents' approval.

t. Asian guy w/ Hapa cousins
kek. cute. if i'm to the point of groaning with annoyance like that i'm probably already on my way to fucking GET you anyway. unless i had some job to do i was focused on.
State gender
Why does god want me to fail?
Thanks. I actually used to read r/hapas and it kind of fucked me up.
You ever read the book of Job?
We can't possibly know if He does or doesn't. Sometimes difficulties in life later turn out to be for your own best good. Sometimes you realize much later that it was you causing your own misery the entire time.

t. knower
I do not fear love, I fear time. The opportunities were not real.
Such a naughty tsundere :3
what do I do if he tries flirting with me again? I mean I am hurting from grief and can't really comprehend anything right now, but I want to accept words of comfort from him without sounding needy/too into him

I guess what I am saying I have low self esteem so don't get why he likes talking to me everyday it's been many months now, and I guess I'm asking how to take it easy since I'm so torn up over loss. I feel embarassed he knows about my pain even if he has expressed his personal low moments to me
Why not go after Asians? Are they that hideously grotesque to you? That unimaginably unloveable?
So you realize your own frailties weaknesses follies insufficiency etc, stop being prideful, increase your relationship with God, understand your place in the universe, feel empathy towards others who are struggling, learn the feeble nature of this passing imperfect world, and reconsider the purpose of whatever you were attempting in the first place, humble yourself, and ask of the Lord what His will is, rather than constantly seek out your own ends through your flawed mortal judgment.

Is what a Christian would probably say, I'm not religious, I don't think there necessarily is a God.
I don't get why every asian man is either seething about "wmaf is statistically weird colonialism did this" or like "comeon bro fuck my sister"
Ethics are the principles guiding actions. Your thoughts aren't actions. For example, you can want to kill someone all you want, but it’s only your actions that matter.
Asian women are the most physically attractive to me but on average are far more evil ideologically than whites, latinas, and most other races that aren't exactly black/jewish
It's about the statistics...
Do you say that with the wisdom with hindsight, or is that cope?

If it is wisdom, then you were right to forego such "opportunities". You are young still. Many people will love you. You are a woman, your gift is being accepted and loved. Do your best to find a good person who makes you happy and live your life to the fullest. You can achieve happiness, as long as you pursue it intelligently.
Like I said here >>31947845
I feel guilty about poaching women
Please, I've been asking for days now. When did tsundere anon become a character
Asian women do not register as being hot to me. Hapas are cute, but would never seriously date one (do not want to have mix-raced kids).
Shut up pedo
You're NTA?
Don't use Reddit bro. Real hapas are typically assimilated to the point where they are pretty much white. The Asian genes also don't get passed down as much from what I've seen. My cousin looks like a white stud lol. People get really surprised when they find out that we are related.
I'm super self-conscious about my voice it turns out. I'm gonna be bullied even if it's just my laugh.
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Need me a femanon like you

but like him I also don't like the whole "move to another country where you'll be rich and tall" - so then I'm just indulging the behaviors that I dislike, and making the men in THAT country short and poor compared to me
>but it's natural to compete for mates etc etc etc
Well, but I won't do it. A lot of things are natural. We're currently doing a lot of unnatural, directly detrimental and sadistic things as a species that I'm meant to "go along with" but then also I'm meant to just "be assertive" and "do what's natural". So I know what he means about "poaching" even though I don't myself care about races more than reality forces me to.
Now that you mention it, in my life I have known only 4 guys that actively tried to get me to fuck their sisters, 3 asian, 1 latino. And 1 white dude tried to get me to fuck his model daughter (he was my boss at the time). I hope this is just an anomaly and not a thing as you imply.

That seems hella unfair and racist to asian women.
>I have known only 4 guys that actively tried to get me to fuck their sisters, 3 asian, 1 latino. And 1 white dude tried to get me to fuck his model daughter
what the fuck
Except we aren't. Retarded westernized Asians on the internet don't represent the rest of us.
Do you know what modern leftists, Hitler, and Apartheid South Africa have in common? They all considered East Asians to be honorary whites.
If the great majority of a birth demographic is not only willing but eager to generalize my birth demographic based on propaganda and seek to demean the human spirit and degrade the rights of the individual while incidentally robbing my specific birth demographic, it is entirely fair for me to simply make statistics-based generalizations about them in return, and it is unfair for your to criticize me about it in any way, nor have you any grounds for that criticism.
Nta, but ngl, expected your second sentence to be cringe af. Instead, your entire post is based af. I wish I had based motherfuckers like you instead of your satanic leftist cousins invading my country. We're still friends after we genocide them, right?
It was just a meme but who knows
I don't respect socialists and I don't care what color anyone is or is considered to be tee bee haitch I just want some of that tight and docile yellow pussy, konnichiwa dude!
Why do you fucks adhere to statistics so much?
Whoever that poster is seems to think they can get me to stop saying I hate women by annoying me, but it won't work.
Idk, want me to turn you into a statistic?
>Have any of you turned an insecurity into a fetish?
Yeah but then I lost the insecurity so I had to change the fetish, M Giantess
What would you rather I be influenced by, the Bible? Peer pressure? The faggot press? The government?
I don't trust any individual study as far as I can throw it because data is so frequently manipulated or selectively published, but things like exit polls are some of the best indicators you can get despite also being still prone to exaggeration/selection.
We get it, you're a cocksmoking, child-molesting faggot homo. And we will eliminate you and your ilk
I dare you to try.
>What would you rather I be influenced by
Your own mind? Try having an original thought instead of regurgitating The Numbers.
Let me bully you
I used to think most people did and that they just got emotional/didn't express themselves well about the things they think in public/weren't aware of any statistics so they'd just believe whatever they were told was scientific or good or whatever.
Turns out a lot of people are exposed to statistics and simply choose to ignore them or even do not comprehend them despite being presented in direct form.
The "per capita" meme is real.
My IQ test came back in the 130s.
I was simply wrong about what the average human being is and I made up a thousand fanciful excuses all my life for their behaviors and what they really meant or were thinking when they were thinking very little, whether on purpose or unable to.
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Hell yeah! Just like good old times in Korea and the Vietnam. Every white will get an anti-communist racist Asian sidekick in the race war.
Yeah, I feel you man. It's shocking how IQ actually kind of does determine more than I ever wanted to admit.
>I was simply wrong about what the average human being is and I made up a thousand fanciful excuses all my life for their behaviors and what they really meant or were thinking when they were thinking very little, whether on purpose or unable to.
Same, but I still do it, I can't just accept that some people are literally incapable of critical thought, it genuinely scares me.
That'd be fine w/ me
Statistics aren't thoughts, they're information.
Thoughts are based on precepts, precepts are formed by larger objective observation of reality (well, they should be).
In general the more precepts underpin your general thoughts, and the more arbitrary/self-serving those precepts are, the more likely you are to be wrong.
If your thoughts proceed from no precepts in the effort to be "original", that's fine for creative thinking, but it's called hallucination/delusion if you apply it to serious, objective thoughts which govern your own behaviors and choices or could govern those of other people.
If you have no doubts, you are exceedingly unlikely to say anything either original or true, and if your doubts prevent you from ever saying anything, no matter how much you consider internally, your mind is no longer useful.
Men who are sarcastic/smart asses how do you deal or even manage to like/crush on a woman if she's is sometimes a sensitive type or she can't tell if you're joking and defaults to being meek since she has skill issue and thinks you actually are ridiculing her?

is it me putting him on a weird pedestal and self sabotaging so I can't relax and bant back? I've been able to start and continue banter before but idk I feel weak and self concious/sad sometimes
Is it a good sign if a girl holds prolonged eye contact with you during conversations?
Are you the man or woman in this scenario?
Okay okay. So Vocaroo isn't working on my setup right now for whatever reason. I just started an audio recording on my laptop and waited until something made me start laughing.

It's bad. I sound so fucking retarded and I even snort.
One of the reasons I just avoid women, women can be as sarcastic as they like but if I give it back to them let alone ever initiate it they start hyperventilating in rage or tears or whatever
One time I gave my older sister an instant comeback off the cuff that made her look stupid (after she came after me with the very typical, usual uncalled-for sass she'd been giving me all my life)
She started hyperventilating and asked Mom while sobbing if she could "have a gun to SHOOT my brother"
We're not the exception, we are the rule.
Somewhat contextual, but overall a good thing
I'm already empty and unsustainable
Kill Whites And Blacks?
Kill Whites, Asians, and Blacks?
That's not what Nash said in '92
I just want to lay in the cradle of life.
I am not strong enough to even love myself.
>let me explain this with clips made for women that they will nonetheless never internalize, accept or understand
...your ends are beyond me, wizard...
That's not even that bad, bruh. Get out of here.
Yeah people tend to just have emotions because Muh biology and then yap up excuses later, like some IRL version of gacha gamers who rationalise the RNG they get.
>it was a pop culture film called "He's just not that into you" (2009)
Noted. I guess I'm overthinking it. People just tend to say 'what the fuck' when they hear me laugh. Sorry, it wasn't worth the wait.
>If you have no doubts, you are exceedingly unlikely to say anything either original or true
Shit you're right, I can't think of anything original
take the argue with yourself forever as a background process pill
>Men who are sarcastic/smart asses how do you deal or even manage to like/crush on a woman if she's is sometimes a sensitive type or she can't tell if you're joking and defaults to being meek since she has skill issue and thinks you actually are ridiculing her?
I tell her to be horny and we have sex
is it me putting him on a weird pedestal and self sabotaging so I can't relax and bant back? I've been able to start and continue banter before but idk I feel weak and self concious/sad sometimes
Really not my problem; want to get horny or nah?
Femanons, am I blind or is this woman extremely beautiful?
I once said that a room that I was in was "dark like my humor". A female coworker who was in the same room laughed way more than I thought the joke warranted and told me that I was very funny. Was she interested in me?
"I, who is laughing out aloud, declare this person to be a bitch"
Actually, it turns me on
Are you nonwhite?
She looks like every other girl in my art history classes
Does not pass as a transwoman.
Why have new thing if I could just enjoy old thing?
Ppl who get bored of things are cringe
No, I'm Italian
Sorry, but I think you should go take an eye exam.
Close enough
>take the argue with yourself forever as a background process pill
I agreed with myself and it didn't work
Nah you were being cringe
This room is dark, like my SOUL! and my LIFE! and my totally wicked SENSE OF HUMOR, heh. I guess you could say I was born in the darkness, molded by it.
What are your favorite post ww2 military kinos?
I like generation kill
sad...i'll have my dog pray for u...
I wouldn't be able to. That hole is not made for me. I'd be dangling from my armpits.
Yeah, she's cute. Would engage in lesbian relations where she was in charge. She looks like she would yell at guys who step out of line when I would normally be too shy and non-confrontational.
unzip bob, madam
Women, do you like hoe_math?
His videos help me as an autist understand things
Nice try, but you won't trick me into stopping either.
Don't know who that is
Don't link a video. Tell me something he taught you and I'll judge it.
I hate women
What gets a girl horny isn't the same as what gets her to trust you.
What gets a man horny IS what gets him to trust you.
Gonna keep doing it
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Little bit stressed with work but that's just life I guess.

Also surprised at how many other 30+ people are posting right now.
Nigga what?
Add wisdom, you slacker
You can judge it now
Women and men
Has someone ever asked you to be in a relationship with them? How'd it go?
Tomorrow I'm gonna try to ask this same question to a girl I've been dating and am in love with, but I've no idea how to.
Nice guy energy builds an emotional connection, where's bad boy energy builds a sexual one.

A guy best friend has maximum nice guy energy, a fuck buddy has maxed bad boy energy.
For a guy to be husband material he has to have both.
That's my line
The problem with this kind of advice is that you, as an autist, are not capable of pulling in the kinds of women this advice is for (and you probably don't want to either).
Imagine it like this. You don't know how to play a competitive online game, and you want to learn. But instead of learning some simple opening strats, you practice one really niche technique that only ever applies against a very specific enemy strategy that you will virtually never encounter and is only ever employed by super high level players. You play against people in your league but your 1 strat doesn't matter because it counters something nobody your level does, and then on the off chance that you do encounter it the person you're playing smokes you anyway because they're just substantially better than you.
Maybe I'm just old but isn't dating someone the same thing as being in a relationship with them
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Ever had sex on one of these? Any good?
Just shitty wording, I meant were nothing official. Also ESL.
That wasn't me. This anon >>31948087 is like the younger sibling at the dinner table that interrupts everyone's conversations in between bites of mashed peas
She looks like she could craft her own strap on
No, because it popped.
Those things are shit. Worse than a waterbed.
>the younger sibling at the dinner table that interrupts everyone's conversations in between bites of mashed peas
Yeah but you aren't having a conversation you're just going silent since you got nothing to add.
>guy complains to me different girl isn't comforting him
>suddenly says he doesn't need her
>he says he just wants cute animal pics videos etc
>directly asks me for cute animal pics etc

idk why he feels like shitting on me? why are men like this i like him but i am starting to hate him
have you seen that guy going NUTS on Twitter lately about how he's such a saint trying to convince these "manchildren" to stop playing video games to try to have casual sex with used goods?
guy lost it
you are attracted to a low iq product of social media
sorry you had to find out this way

Why is that chronically out of shape woman, exposing her lard ass?
> you, as an autist, are not capable of pulling in the kinds of women this advice is for
>(and you probably don't want to either).
Big true
>Imagine it like this.
It's actually more like, if your opponent leaves his macro entirely on automatic / AI controlled, it leaves his timings and unit compositions very predictable in ways I can play around.
Or, if a given woman leaves all her emotions on automatic lizard-brain mate-poaching whatever, then there's counter-strategies to that.
Fair point in that it's absolutely fucking useless advice for attracting anyone who can slow the fuck down and say "wait, is it a good idea that I'm attracted to this guy?" and in fact gets countered pretty hard by that kind of girl, which is the kind of girl I'm actually interested and invested in.
Where did you get a photo of hates earrings
>idk why he feels like shitting on me?
You have borderline personality disorder, and low self esteem, but since your BPD prevents you from being self-aware, you project your low self esteem on the guy, and think that the feeling of being shat on is coming from him, rather than yourself.
> why are men like this
Men aren't like that, your feelings are like that. Men just do nothing while you upset yourself.
He's crazy and stupid. Accept that.
I won't love women until they treat me better, I am going on loneliness strike.
>meet qt girl
>invite her to my place to watch movies
>she agrees
>on the day before the movie day she says she can't go cause of her work (we both are wageslaves so it's understandable knowing our days offs don't match)
>she never touch on the subject and only I touch it trying to reset a date
>I got the raincheck again
>I decided to stop touching the subject either and pretty much gave up on her
>suddenly she brings it up

Fuck hell man I don't know what she's thinking does she want to watch it or not, her excuses were plausible and I even offered myself to watch after my job on her days off even if I leave job exhausted but it's too much mixed signals
>low effort date
Girl leaves LMAO
Goodnight femanons
I already answered, dummy.
I thought watching horror movie together was a good idea of date
Not a good first date, unless it's to hookup.
Lemme check what he's saying
>Without raising your taxes to feed and house infinity illiterate murderers who hate you and are immune from prosecution, it would be impossible for us to make tacos, which are more important than the safety of your daughter.

>So men are not safe around women, but MtFs are safe around kids?

>This tiktok girl culture of expecting men to shell out infinity money for every luxury she can dream of is badly detached from reality.

>Beef with some literal who

>Arguments that illegals, prisoners, pedophiles, welfare leeches, illiterates, drug dealers, and prostitutes are all democrat voters
Full of shit, prostitutes would benefit from Trump's proposed changes to small businesses, and prisoners tend to be more individual and less communal and so lean to the right.

>If you ever wanted to be internet famous, here's what it's like.
>me: "obesity is a problem"
X isn't real life

>The perfect litmus test for voting is extremely simple: Feels vs. Reals.
>We all know that "feels" people are disabled. They lack the ability to step beyond their feefee tickles and think about issues in a way that is detached from their gimmie-gimmie, "I want my deservies," entitlement complexes.
Based and very true

>Modern women truly believe, from the bottom of their hearts, that they can vote to get everything for free, exclude 80% of men from any life worth living, and the world will turn into a Lisa Frank notebook cover.
>They have no idea that those men have to make the stuff that they want to vote themselves for free. They believe in Santa magic, where invisible elves build apartments and run electric generators and farm and ship all the food, and we just get to have it for free.
Based and true.

... Where the fuck is what you're talking about?
It's not I don't even if it's a date or just a friendly thing yet even I just called her cause we were talking about horror movies and she said she was scared but wanted to watch this one movie but needed someone to watch with her
I would actually think you don’t find me cute enough and move on lol
What he said^
Tell her to show interest
She gave him too many chances
Men do/would you let a woman scratch your back during sex? Why or why not?
Hates earrings is a man. He new name is Ezmeray and he takes his trip off to post faggot shit.
>I would actually think you don't find me cute
What why? I can't understand the reasoning there
Hm, fair point
Yes, even better if she makes me bleed.
Sometimes hurt is good
Would you date a girl for three months without sex or kissing?
As someone who does not love himself whole being madly in love with his wife, take it from me:
Learn to love yourself. Treat yourself well. Be honest with yourself. Be someone you respect. I am worse to myself than you would probably imagine possible. You do not want to continue down the path you're on. You don't want to end up pointing a gun at your head once or teice a month. You don't want to be in the kitchen trying to chop through your finger with a vegetable knife. You don't want to be hitting yourself in the back of the skull with solid objects. You don't want to wake up suddenly from being blackout drunk right after you plunge a knife into yourself. If ypu have neber done any of that shit, turn back before it is too late. It is a datk, self-destructive path you are walking. There is more misery on that road than you could ever imagine. Abandon it and seek merriment and light. You have to actively participate in this sort of self-inflicted misery. Ylu know it is true. I have a soft spot for women so I will tell you good advice, straight-up. I would probably tell a man to khs, but that's because I am a wretch. Embrace love and do not ever look back at this path. You do not yet understand how much you can possibly hurt, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Do not find out.
why god
i don't have bpd but we are both aware of our low self esteem. he was comparing me to another woman he knows and then tried to say it was a just in general thing. he was the one upset in the first place.
what's the crazy/stupid part? I just feel like shit because he brought her up, dismissed her, then wants me as her replacement to help him feel better. how lowly does this guy think of me?
Depends if it's because she's afraid of it for some reason yes. But if she's not showing interest in it at all that can be a redflag
That sounds pretty tough, can I at least kiss the back of your hand like a princess
>Would you date a girl for three months without sex or kissing?
If you're asking because you're doing that cringe ass "Oh I'm insecure with myself and I need MUH TIME to get ready" then hell no.
If you're asking because you really just want to be friends with someone first and see if your personalities mesh before you start fucking, then yeah that's cool
>he was comparing me to another woman he knows and then tried to say it was a just in general thing
Well that's fucked up then
You should call him out on it.
Props to you for actually trying to do it instead of just being like "WAAAAH I'M SO SAD I'M GONNA THINK ABOUT IT OVER AND OVER WAAAAAH" for months straight but never actually doing anything.
I respect you for that.
>suddenly she brings it up
She did already? I was not talking about it for days and she brought it up
He expects you to labor for him.
Discards people if they don't do random labor for him.
Interest in you, I mean.
That just means interest in spending time with you, it's not the same thing.
>Would you date a girl...?
No. I hate women.
I mean we text each other talking about others stuff in our own rhythm (she already admitted she doesn't like talking every day and takes long to answer sometimes cause she's feeling bad cause she's dealing with some stuff rn)
Link? She's right, video games are for children. Playing video games is an extremely unattractive trait.
Yeah that's what I mean
She's interested in talking with you
that's not the same as being interested in you being horny with her, happy with her, giving her gifts, getting a backrub from her, that type of thing.
I think it's fair we're just friends yet desu my invite was pretty out of the blue it was the first time we meet maybe she's just apprehensive
low effort
>I think it's fair we're just friends
Then you're getting what you want
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The only nice poster.
What do you think it's lacking effort there? It was a common interest we had
Surely I would love to have something else but being fair i myself don't know her yet very well I know we share some common interests but I don't know how she acts is she temperamental or not this kind of thing, if I made myself looking like I just want to fuck her and move on that was the wrong image I find her pretty and want to know her more and maybe have her as my gf
How you gonna climb on top of her and grope her thighs or whatever during a horror movie? She might miss part of the plot
This video games discourse is retarded. There's nothing wrong with playing video games, the problem comes if you become addicted to it so much that you don't even pay attention to real life anymore. And this can happen to women too, not just men.
it was a week ago. she's like his favorite person(his words) but he's maybe friendzoned by her but I doubt it because lesbians do be changing sexualities. and he wasn't talking to him for a few days and he just complained his mental health was lower than usual because of her being absent. he knows he's fucked up, do I just start replying to him less and be weird until I call him out on it again as I have let it build up? we've already had strained moments over this 'friend' of his. should I tell him he isn't worth it due to this? because I am frustrated he asked me to be his gf twice in the past and he is like this(we are both single atm)
well she isn't discarded he has this attachment to her that is like mental health levels. like he goes back to complaining about his fixation to missing her and wanting to rely on her less but I doubt and love him less every time she is brought up
Does she know this?
If not, tell her
If so and she has given you absolutely 0 indication of "Yeah I might be into that" then she ain't into that.
If so, and she's given some indication of interest, then yeah you can hang out and see if you got good chemistry.
He's fucking with you.
Thank you, thats very kind of you. You'll find someone that will be willing to wait for you.
I'm planning on telling her how I feel after the movie cause I don't want to talk about important stuff via text
Good morning!
>state gender
>plans for today?

I'm about to go hiking for a few hours, hope the weather stays nice!
Honestly this situation seems a bit more messed up than anything I've ever faced.
>. should I tell him he isn't worth it due to this?
Probably, I got no idea how to handle it tho
You really have no fucking clue. I don't want you to have a clue. I was once 16, thinking taking a handful of whatever pills around the house and a bottle of wine was a hardcore attempt. It gets so much worse. Until the first time you truly maim yourself you don't know. No one should ever know. Just be happym i have so much extra pain and difficulty because I would not just allow myself to be happy. Everyone should stop idolizing sorrow and melancholy and discontent and just let themselves be happy. Allow yourself to be loved. The pain you will cause yourself and others is not worth it. Happiness and contentment with a life of strong and actualized values is what life is actually about. Achieve that, forsake the bullshit, and live a life that is better than what you ever thought was possible. I tell you all truly.
Bit creepy to ambush her like that but you do you I suppose
I am just now seeing your question.
The answer is I will not have sex with a woman before I am married to her and I will not kiss her until I am satisfied at least she is a good person which may take a long time.
But I am not religious so I don't expect to find a compatible woman
Winning at life yet feeling stressed
>bring up at end of date so she is under no pressure to stay
women what FUK???
It's not like I'm hiding it I just feel like this type of thing is best said in person
>veryone should stop idolizing sorrow and melancholy and discontent
I don't have those things and don't relate to those things so I usually just talk shit to people who complain about them
So yeah I'm on your side here
>Happiness and contentment with a life of strong and actualized values is what life is actually about.
Nah that's not all life is about. You can be happy and content and have strong actualized virtues just be sitting on your ass and going "yep. In my lane. flourishing."
In life you can also like get a job or interact with the world or stuff.
Same thing we do every day Pinkie, try to convince myself to do any of the things I need to get done rather than lie down all day
Gotta meet up with my dad
>women what FUK???
At the end of a date there's a social obligation to be pleasant and not say "Damn nigga you slow as a glacier and almost as cold, I gotta go to that VIP nightclub + bath and beyond building 'cause I heard they're really letting that sink in."
It's not like the end of the film has to be the end of the date he can invite her to stay overnight in his place or go out after the movie to some place
Sleep until noon, shitpost, hate women, make dinner, watch random stuff until 3AM. Same as every day off work.
Oh yeah that's a good idea
Good advice anon
women how are your ovaries doing today?
I'm having pre-period cramps so not great
Pretty good actually
I'll call the hospital and see if they kept them in a jar.
You would not take what you see
If ten million ovaries
Stank up the world as you fell asleep
'cause they'd fill the open air
and leave bloodstains everywhere
They'd think you rude but you would just stand and stare.
You deserve a break.
>pre-period cramps
Are there post period cramps too?


Are you actually gonna do it? or just fantasize about it?
Strange reference, but alright.
FUCK like I am just kind of fucking angry. My stubborn retard weak girl brain still wants some contact with him though, and I know he is using me as a way to slowly help him not be as into into her but I don't think his idea is working.

he says he wants me in his life however we are to eachother, whether as friends or more in the end... but I don't know if him getting a notice from me even fucking matters. a notice about how I don't want to fucking hear about her anymore.
Men do you prioritize your gf/wife or your bestfriend(male or female bff) and if you prioritize the latter how is that working for you?
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>your gf/wife
>your bestfriend
Please seek help.
I don't have either of these things, but if I did I'd prioritize the friend. Women have no value.
I have had jobs all of my life. I have had a career in fact for almost 4 years now, a good one, but it has never stymied the bad thoughts. Another anon was praising myself for my stupid attempts. I have gotten closer than most might imagine, and there was nothing based or glorious about it. It was all cringe and gay and retarded. I have recently gotten over it, but very recently. My wife beat the shit out of me because we were drunk, she told me I'm a worthless unloveable POS and confronted me with my sins, I stole away with a gun and tried to shoot myself several times. The gun was unloaded, I didn't notice because I was so drunk, she beat my ass all around the house, broke my nose, blackened my eyes, left blood all over the place. I did not even try to fight back. Yet I emerged with a new paradigm and my soukd healed. 4 weeks ago I would be dispensing intentionally bad blackpilled advice. Now I am saying - learn to love, learn to be loved. It is the way.
No feeling
>Would you date a girl for three months without sex or kissing?
No. Honestly, if we haven't kissed by the end of the second date, she clearly has absolutely no interest in me at all, and there's no reason to continue.
How come female losers can get bfs, but male losers can't get gfs?
>Men do/would you let a woman scratch your back during sex?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. I would break up with an otherwise ideal woman for that reason alone.
>Why or why not?
Because it fucking hurts.

I have, and would again. If anything, that is a bonus. This anon >>31948276 is a degenerate. A girl that gives it up too easy is a redflag. Ideally, we would wait until marriage.

t. Married guy
I don't even know if he would care if we stopped talking because of (her)

Men tell me he doesn't like me and everything will always be about the other girl and that I never fucking mattered and that he's a fucking liar
(I'd like to make myself believe
the menstrual clock turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake than fall asleep
because my flow is never as it seems)
'Cause I'd get 1000 groans
From all these progesterones
as they try to teach me how to cramp
A cold press above my head
A hot pack beneath my bed
My underwear is just sticking by a thread
(I'd like to make myself believe
the menstrual clock turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake than fall asleep
because my flow is never as it seems ... when I fall asleep)
Leave my legs open just a crack
(Please take this away from me)
'cause I feel like a hemophilliac
(Please take this away from me)
Why do I tend to neglect my sleep
(Please take this away from me)
When I'm too tender to lie and breathe.
To ten million ovaries. I'm weird 'cause it's not disease
But it's still unease as into the sink they fell.
But I know where several are. If my eggs get real bizzare, 'cause
>I'll call the hospital and see if they kept them in a jar.
Prioritize in what?
Are they arguing or something?
Is this a hypothetical shit test?
women do you like men?
>If you have no doubts, you are exceedingly unlikely to say anything either original or true
Ok I just said something original.
Women, will you miss me when i'm gone?
They don't like us so why should we like them?
idk, but this question was for women
They don't like us so why should we like them?
These moments together..
They will allways be with me.
We have to go now, jim.
i had a big migraine today
Women do you like Elvis or do I have to dump your ass?
Women, do you still have respect for me even though i have to suck up to oil companies to get a good paying job? (EE major)
Midnight Oil - Beds are Burning
Shit I'm retarded I was thinking of Blue Sky Mine instead
Disregard me
women how much graphics do you like in your video games?
Cute lil feller
Eepy. Waiting for the weekend
I used to prioritize my gf when I had one, it went horribly and I almost stopped having friends or connections at all.
The same thing happened to her now husband
>women how much graphics do you like in your video games?
I cannot get ye flask
man you seem like a chore to be around
Not a lot
Need dark enviornments
this is why i don't go out of my way to hang out with people. i just want to stab wood like my bedroom door or night stand. and scream a little and then go to bed with my plushie
I wish I had a big ol' cock I could wow women with.
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How can you fags be racist?
wipipo weird dey got dat impulse control n morals n sheitt
>Women, will you miss me when i'm gone?
I missed you just now. I need to aim a little lower.
>women do you like men?
I like *some* men. I don't like men who are horrid to me.
I'm not racist, I hate all women equally.
Actually, that's not really true. I hate white women slightly more than others. But only slightly.
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Underrated post. Cheers, anon.
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god i love women
I need help anons, I've to run a mile in 6 minutes, I ran half a mile in 4:15, I've 10 days what the fuck should I do?
Men please how do I find my soulmate or let my soulmate find me
Luck, it seems. I found mine by chance.
Im literally right here
I wanted to try Better Than Adventure (mod thing continuing Minecraft from beta 1.7)
But even though I've migrated multiple times Microsoft or Mojang's current server/account shit won't connect in MultiMC even though I have it set up in ATLauncher since a few years ago
So I Googled about the error and a bypass and found a github thread where the MultiMC devs threw a fit and someone linked a repo for a cracked fork which the devs said they reported despite saying to just fork it if people wanted it
That repo wasn't actually taken down but it was archived but it had a link to one that wasn't

So anyways now it is set up and I have escaped Microsoft's legendary incompetence, but I need to enter a "local" (fake) account name to use.
What should my fake Minecraft name for my singleplayer modded world be?
it starts with giving /atoga/ your approximate location, your age, your bodycount, and the beliefs most important to you
>beliefs most important to you
Frugality, supporting local, limiting desires
What the fuck
NTA but you sound cute
Good luck though, don't wanna mix with the brits
sounds okay
I'm not UK though rip
Should I get tested for Huntington's?

(This may deserve its own thread, but there are some sensible people who hang around here, and I'm interested in your opinions).

Me: 19F.

My father has just been diagnosed with Huntington's Chorea. This is a really nasty neurological disease; cognitive, motor, and psychiatric issues; it's progressive and incurable, and there's not much in the way of useful treatments; he will eventually need full-time care.

There is about a 50% chance that I've inherited the gene that causes Huntington's. It usually starts between the ages of 30 and 50. There's a test I can take to see if I have the gene.

If I don't get tested there's a 50% chance it will get me, but I won't know for sure if it will happen until it does (nor will I definitely know I'm clear until I'm in my 50s). If I do get the test then there's a 50% chance I'll find out I'm okay and can stop worrying, and a 50% chance I'll know FOR CERTAIN that it's coming for me.

If you were me, would you get tested?

And guys, would you date someone you know has the Huntington's gene? If you knew that someone had a 50% chance of having it, would you insist that she get tested before dating her?
>what the fuck should I do?
Resign yourself to the fact that it's not going to happen. If you had six months you *might* be able to do something. On that kind of timescale, forget it.
i don't think I'm very lucky. what was the chance meeting/scenario? if you don't mind
i'm laying down in bed with tears in my eyes silently crying over finding/never finding a soulmate or committing suicide in for now fantasies since i don't have a soulmate
Get it, it will drive you insane otherwise.
Yes I would get tested
Yes I would date her
I don't know about insist but I would want her to test
Pengoo it is
This is a cool mod btw, it has multiple hotbars you can tab through, and cherry trees like modern MC
I would get tested just for my own peace of mind, but either way, that is an awful thing to go through. I'd still date you regardless.
>what was the chance meeting/scenario?
Here in Atoga kek.
>Get it, it will drive you insane otherwise
If I do have the gene, it's going to drive me even more insane knowing it's coming. That's the problem.
Paint me a picture of what a relationship with you would be like?
What does your whole relationship escalator look like?
How many dates until you ask for exlusivity?
Ask for physical intimacy?
Ask for living together?
Mutual goals?
Sharing house duties?
>If you were me, would you get tested?
Yes. If I knew for sure something like that would be coming for me sooner or later, I'd make sure to live out my healthy days to the fullest. Not knowing would just drive me crazy.
>would you date someone you know has the Huntington's gene?
No. It's not fair to the person, but I couldn't deal with that eventual heartbreak.
>If you knew that someone had a 50% chance of having it, would you insist that she get tested before dating her?
Tell us more
No it won't, because you'll make every decision with it in mind rather than the risk of it in mind, keeping you from doing dumb shit for 50% chance no reason.
Think I'm finally, pretty much, over my ex. And I've been chatting to this sexy Greek girl and she's funny. Then my ex starts messaging me. Funny how life turns out. The key to getting what you want in life is to detach.
Lots of conversations, very open, went from there. Never expected it. I've never loved anyone like this. Very open and honest. What a special person.
Women I would date don't exist, so I stopped thinking about that stuff last decade
Do any Asian guys here have white gfs/wives?
What's that like for you?
Buddha attained enlightenment when he broke his fast with rice pudding, said fuck it and stopped trying to attain enlightenment
I think this is a good question and I am trying to answer it but nothing comes out of my brain.
I don't want to date a woman who isn't "exclusive" with me at all.
I don't want to have sex with a woman I'm not going to have children with.
I want to get married and make a house.
I use disposable utensils and paper bowls for everything I can so I don't have to do dishes.
>Paint me a picture of what a relationship with you would be like?
Boring as hell for you. I suffer from bad depression and don't get out much or do much.
>What does your whole relationship escalator look like?
First date to see if there's actually any mutual attraction or chemistry (those are not at all the same thing). If there is, there will definitely be kissing on the second date, and possibly more. That will probably escalate quite quickly to sex - possibly as early as the second date, certainly no later than the fourth. We go through a phase which might look, to an outside viewer, more like a FWB arrangement, but during that I start catching feelings and so do you. After maybe 2 or 3 months, I'm definitely in love. After about six months we might talk about moving in together. We'll never marry (unless it's for tax reasons). We'll never have kids.
>How many dates until you ask for exlusivity?
Never. I only ever have open relationships.
>Ask for physical intimacy?
When I think you're comfortable; but if it hasn't happened by the end of date 4, it's clearly never going to. I have tried the thing of being with a woman who "takes a long time to get comfortable" but in every case she *never* got comfortable. If a woman wants to wait more than four dates, she's not actually interested and is just pretending to herself that she is.
>Ask for living together?
Probably around six months.
>Mutual goals?
Be nice to each other. Be comfortable with each other. Cuddle a lot.
>Sharing house duties?
I'm a bit disabled, so there's a lot of stuff I physically can't do, but I'll help out with whatever I can.
>I don't want to date a woman who isn't "exclusive" with me at all.
Yeah, that's not how dating works bud.
Dating is to find out if you want to be exlusive.
Might be why you're not even on the escalator if you don't even see the first steps.
Nice demoralization post, except most people don't think like that. Touch some grass.
having a small dick truly sucks because no woman will ever be attracted at a deep carnal level to you. sure you can make them orgasm but so can a vibrator. it will never be your actual cock, it's the biggest failure as a male
Yeah, kill yourself retard coomer.
How is it that some women want to fuck every night Jesus Christ
oh noooo that would be awful I would hate to have a wife who wanted to have sex once or twice a day or more than once every four months in general...
>Paint me a picture of what a relationship with you would be like?
I'm an introvert, so a ton of at-home time. Reading books together on the couch, watching TV / movies, cooking together, that sort of thing. Lots of jokes, making each other laugh and smile on the regular. Being emotionally open with each other. Lots of intimacy.
>What does your whole relationship escalator look like?
I haven't put much thought into time frames. Other than that I'd want to wait at least 3-5 years before marriage was on the table.
>How many dates until you ask for exclusivity?
Depends on how confident I am in the relationship's viability. I would say two months tops.
>Ask for physical intimacy?
Tough one. In theory I'd rather not until we're "official." But if there was a really strong spark, I could see it in the first 2-3 dates.
>Ask for living together?
Again, tough question. I really need my alone time here and there. If I was confident that my partner would have no issues with this, I could see a year.
>Mutual goals?
No kids. Building a peaceful life together where we're both happy.
>Sharing house duties?
Well obviously we'll need to split them evenly. I'm not very good at cleaning due to back problems making it hard to bend down. Stuff that keeps my back straight, like mowing the yard or doing dishes, are more my forte.
You don't realize how tiny pussies really are until you see one in real life, I have a pretty small dick and it was still tight as fuck and basically looked normal when I lost my virginity.
They are literally 3 inches deep. Being obsessed with dick size is unironically homosexual shit.
>What a relationship with you would be like?
Very bad at the beginning for sure, it takes me lots of time to get used to new things and other people's needs especially so until I've got to know the other person well enough I'll fail balancing between my and their needs. Meaning I'll be too distant or too close, I'll open up too little or to much kind of at random until I've got the hang of it
>>why not asking?
I'll do that too, but it still is difficult
>What does your whole relationship escalator look like?
See above + like rough offroad driving at first. Some people have fun like that, some people are uncomfortable
>How many dates until you ask for exlusivity?
Idk, in my area getting a date pretty much means exclusivity by itself. In more westernized places I probably need 2 or 3 dates to ask for that
>Ask for physical intimacy?
Hugging is 1st date, kissing 1st/2nd, anything more depending on how well it's going
>Ask for living together?
Like some months in I'd say. Around 6 if things go well I'd guess. Might be less if I get a stable job, but fuck I hate not being economically stable
>Mutual goals?
Early on, it's part of getting to know each other so like 2nd date
>Sharing house duties?
I like to do some things all by myself and don't like to do some things, but we can do things together any time I think it's cute
>They are literally 3 inches deep
I love how this number keeps getting smaller lol
It doesn't. You are one of the homosexuals, aren't you?
Women, if a genie gave you the option to increase your libido, would you?
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>How is it that some women want to fuck every night
How is it that so many men don't?
why not?
>Women, if a genie gave you the option to increase your libido, would you?
That would be dangerous.
Men don't last more than 6 hours.
I'm sure I'd last more than 6 hours getting dicked how's that huh?
>That would be dangerous
Im sure it would be fine

and women can?
You'd let me peg you and other freaky stuff too?
Sick gets tired need to build cummies again
>and women can?
As long as I have water in my body.
I'm not 3 inches but I can bottom out inside my gf. It's more about the girth anyway, those things can hold a tampon in place, if your dick is thicker than a tampon she'll enjoy it.
>Im sure it would be fine
I used to be in a group marriage with two straight guys, and even between them they couldn't keep up with me. I don't think I need more sex drive.
I think I fucked up really bad last night.
My gf and I had a date to get drinks and go out. I was in a really goofy mood and she was in a weird one. This lasted until we got to the cocktail bar for drinks. She then started opening up a little bit and asked me to talk about some vulnerable shit.
I basically opened up about a couple of occasions where I had felt insecure about some shit, just feeling like I should communicate as she asked and like it was important. This kind of spin my mood around and I got kind of somber and regretted saying too much. But she told me she thinks it’s really attractive and strong that I was vulnerable with her.
This came up again and I was clearly upset and the mood was weird and serious and I talked more about my past and insecurities. She encouraged it and told me how important it was to her.
Mood got funny and silly again for a couple hours until we got home and I was so drunk and opened up again about how I feel like I’m the only one who initiated sex and that I can’t tell if she’s actually into it sometimes. This turned into another odd uncomfortable conversation but she was really affectionate and loving about it. I just expressed so much insecurity and vulnerability.
The night ultimately ended in really hot intimate sex. And I am now awake a few hours later over thinking it.

I’m afraid I came off too weak and that I may have pushed her away
Painter boy classic.
>"It's going horrible"
>The night ultimately ended in really hot intimate sex.
You're an idiot.
me when a femanon says something silly to me and i have to correct her
No, she loves you dude.
If she were in any way turned off by your vulnerabilities there would not have been sex after all of that.
You just are embarassed by how drunk you got infront of her and trying to find reasons to close off again.
Shut up and relax.
Hey man that shit is scary. I’m used to women running away when I’m vulnerable like that. I just don’t want to scare her off. That kind of weakness is unattractive.
The state of men.
>she told me she thinks it’s really attractive and strong that I was vulnerable with her.
>She encouraged it and told me how important it was to her.
>she was really affectionate and loving about it.
>The night ultimately ended in really hot intimate sex.
>I’m afraid I came off too weak and that I may have pushed her away
Dude, really? Trust the evidence of your own fucking eyes and ears and stop listening to incels! Women like nothing more than to feel that you trust them enough to really open up to them. Intimacy comes from letting down the barriers and making yourself vulnerable. You just made your relationship better and closer. Chill.
I just feel like maybe she just had sex with me because she felt bad about the way I opened up about it.
Again being able to have these conversations is so new to me and I am deathly terrified that I’m gonna push her away by showing weakness and insecurity like that.
Okay, this helps.
She basically told me she thinks it’s really attractive that I opened up to her about that kind of thing. But I can’t help but over think.
Stop reinforcing those bad ideals, bruh.
They are not for your obviously healthy relationship.
>I can’t help but over think
So you admit you're overthinking? That's healthy, I guess. Not that you're overthinking but that you're aware that you are. Hold onto that.
I think I am in love with this woman and I don’t want to fuck it up. All I know from experience is that being open like that breeds resentment and pushes women away.
>All I know from experience is that being open like that breeds resentment and pushes women away.
Stop knowing that because it's objectively wrong.
You realize you’re talking to a guy that’s been doing this for years, right?
Then he needs anxiety meds.
Yeah, free use until you're tired
Anons that have been assigned anti anxiety meds, either in the past or currently. How did you get them? State gender.
>Stop knowing that because it's objectively wrong.
(NTA) Kek. Yes, very much this.
I know you can't just wish away intrusive anxious thoughts. But keep reminding yourself that this *is* just anxiety and overthinking, and eventually your emotions will catch up with your logic.
I want to play!
>I just feel like maybe she just had sex with me because she felt bad about the way I opened up about it.
If that had happened it would have been bad, awkward sex, not hot, intimate sex.
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try really hard to fall asleep now, or stay up a bit later to get a breakfast sandwich from the gas station but probably mess up my sleep schedule even worse going into the weekend?
I’m not him. But he’s done this for years. Nice self help bullshit, though.
Sleep now. But don't do the "try really hard" part, that just has the opposite effect in my experience. Instead try to relax, idly think about a hobby you like, maybe turn on a fan and listen to the soothing white noise. And hopefully that's enough to drift off.
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You guys wanna go on a field trip?
So this is where they breed.
Lemme guess, this is where your parents met?

Yesterday I had sex that was bad on a level I genuinely didn't know was possible. Disturbingly I do really like the guy, but I think he's under the impression that porn is real. Ugh. He's just texted me saying "I hope you had a good time last night!" I probably shouldn't reply "Literally every single thing you did with me was wrong." What the fuck do I say?
>What the fuck do I say?
I mean, im a khhv but, i think instead of telling him he sucked, just gently guide him to do the things you like?
I really hate women
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I dont
>I probably shouldn't reply "Literally every single thing you did with me was wrong."
No, you do exactly that and then make sure your door is locked.
What didn't you like about it? You can tell us if you're afraid to communicate with him.
That's going to take time. A lot of time. What do I say now? Do I just lie?
Hey have you heard about using your words during sex or just not being entirely passive?
No, tell him you didn't like any of it.
Do not give him hope or he will do it to the next girl.
Chicks before dicks.
Treat it like you're training a puppy. Negative reinforcement is generally ill-advised, because it'll potentially make him defensive and defiant. Instead, take more of a guiding role next time. Show him how to do things correctly, what works for you. If he still fails at that, well, then at that point you may need to be more blunt about it.
>Do I just lie?
Not necessarily?
>I hope you had a good time last night!
Do you have to directly reply to this? what if you just say "i look forward to seeing you again" or something like that?
Sorry destined wife, I do not have the psychological strength to sort through typical women to find you so we will both have to die alone...
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Women who love autumn how do I meet you
>tfw your destined wife shitposts about you on incel messageboards because you weren't the experienced sex stud she expected
>What didn't you like about it?
I honestly wouldn't know where to begin. Imagine an incel whose only source of information about sex is porn, and you'll have some idea.

He claims he's had a couple of previous gfs, and I had a feeling that probably wasn't true, but didn't press him on it, because I know men get stupidly paranoid about that. I'm now pretty sure last night was his first time. I wish he'd had the sense to just ask me what to do!
You already spoke to me on grinder and snap and then blocked me.
my DESTINED wife would never do that
this thread is not for fags
>Hey have you heard about using your words during sex
There are times when it's hard to get a word in edgeways - like when someone is sticking his tongue down your throat, or when you're too busy saying "ow!" And honestly, I was kind of frozen in shock some of the time.
>used to work with gf as we met there initially
>one day some dude comes in speaking all peculiar and acting timid , he calls my gf by her name and tries to get her to recall who he is without saying it himself - all the while quipping that his behaviour wasn't some kind of awkward way of scoring a date or something
>she's weirded out and drops her spaghetti before removing herself from the situation as he left the store
>she spent the next half hour talking to other workers about how weird the interaction was and that it's bizarre she can't recall him genuinely
Thinking back to this, was he genuinely a schizo or was she downplaying her involvement with this stranger?
>I was just busy gagging and saying "ow" through the entire sex!
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>tfw your destined husband hits you with a reverse catfish in the middle of your weed gummy manifesting trip and you fall asleep after trying to be horny asmr for him.
lol there aren't any asian guys here buddy
>I wish he'd had the sense to just ask me what to do!
Maybe he thinks that is a turnoff to women. It's certainly not very masculine not knowing what to do. The fake-it-till-you-make it attitude is everywhere.
God I wish I was a tall tittymonster.
Yeah, it's just hard to know where to start. ("So, do you actually know what a clitoris is?") With hindsight I wish I'd listened to my instincts and not believed him when he said he had some experience. Then I would probably have started by teaching him how to kiss ("you don't actually have to lick my tonsils") and then escalated slowly. But I'm not sure if I can backslide to that extent now without making it obvious why. Maybe I could conveniently get my period ("is it okay if we just kiss today?") and that'll buy me a few days.
Yes, but the question was who was in the wrong, and its clearly her husband.

Need those Jewish mommy milkers ngl>>31947797
According to science, Latina women's skin ages the best.

My gf and I have talked about it. Neither of us are the jealous type, but we can't really decide on a third, aside from hypothetical celebrities.

Yes, I saw his videos a long time ago, but not as accurate as the crazy hot matrix guy.

Disagree, considering how many men will stick their dick in crazy.

Against my better judgement, yes.

Fall is the most popular season. Avoid the pumpkin spice gf. They're all vapid whores.
Im here but I dont have a white gf
Outside, usually in nature
What's a reverse catfish?
Use logic.
Have you ever felt like your partner could tell that you feel attracted to someone (say, when hanging out as a group of 3)? I guess I just ignore the feeling, hope I'm not being obvious, and just act normal/ignore it.
They have likely learned your habits, do with that as you will.
Yeh, but she was fine with it.
Well I want to have open conversation about finding other people hot because I care about what he thinks about me and others.
Beause I would allow both of us that freedom.
>reverse catfishing, which is when somebody presents themselves as ‘worse’ online.
I've lived for more than thirty years without sex or kissing. Three months are nothing.
oh no, I guess I hope I'm good at hiding it at least somewhat. seems like nobody has caught on since i keep getting invited (to hang out as a group of 3 with partner and this same person).
Men, anal before first time piv with your gf. How weird would that be? Would you go along with it?
It would be hot if she isn't a virgin.
She's not. She'd just prefer to make sure you're into buttstuff.
not uncommon in cultures where women are expected to be virgins for marriage
Lol, if you had experience with bitches, you'd know they don't give second chances.
That's why Chad's clean up the most, they know what tricks and words work on bitches and they score 10/10 every time on the shit tests or whatever tests bitches throw their way. Then they get to fuck and dump and have another dumb bitch#51 lined up again who thinks she can get his commitment.
Would she allow her bf to eat her out or is the pussy completely forbidden?
That's fine. She's just working some things out mentally and thinks that keeping penetration to anal only for a bit would be most enjoyable for both of you.
Men, how old were you when you realised the reason your mother never fell asleep in the same room as you was because she was afraid you would rape her?
anyone else seen that recent gif where it's some kind of sports game, and in the audience there is a pale girl with dark hair, and then a guy with a latino woman who's trying to get his attention.
am i likely ugly/mid if i look very much like the (white) girl? i would post the gif but i'm rangebanned.
Chris chan?
What exactly is she working out?
How many of you here are this sensitive to THAT kind of stimuli?
Personally I am very into it and would like to experience this. It just sounds incredibly sexy, then when we do finally do piv it'll feel way more special and worth it.
>unplugged charger from phone at gfs before leaving
>forgot to switch off the multi socket adapter at the wall
Has the house already burned down?
Sorry I went a bit mental earlier I'm all good now tho xoxo
I don't like the idea of sex without the guy pulling out, even with a condom on. I understand that's not preferable for most guys, and I think practicing with anal first would be safer and easier to work up to getting over it and making piv enjoyable for him.
If you're talking about women then yeah, pretty sensitive. Just about any little thing is gonna get me going. Not gonna pop a stiffy in public but it does make my mind race.
If you're talking about homoerotic thoughts, then no, does not apply.
Charming little short regardless.
How long would be too long to wait?
i have a bunch of htose like negative skin spaces on my forehead too from when skin healed wrong after breaking out in acne
i don't really use social media so i don't obsess too much over stuff like pores or having completely baby smooth skin.
Its interesting the variety of shit that get gays going compared to women who literally wouldn't comprehend the existence of anyone in this video below 6'3
I could reliably get by on anal only for a long time. After month 4-6 I'll ask if theres something wrong but if you say not yet then I'm content to wait longer.
No definitely either gendered stimuli.
Alright. Anybody else?
I legit don't understand what you're asking. Either gender stimuli? You mean being bi?
People aren‘t actually that neurotic, r-right?
You didn't want to watch the short did you.
No participation then.
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Women, I just finished my night time skincare routine, please praise me.
I watched the entire thing. He walks around being gay, horns grow. Walks around being gay, horns grow. Walks around gets surrounded by a man and woman, looks and fantasizes at the man. Horns grow. Then they hug him, making her an awkward third wheel.
You know the other guys were right, women ARE shit at communication. WHy can't you just say what the fuck you mean?
Welp. I can still do mine and go to sleep finally.
Good job, fuzzy.
nta but you might be a little retarded
Thank you
Ok. Now go google the word stimuli.
You men have fucking atrocious vocabulary.
I know what it means. Being horny is his reaction to stimuli.
This is why so many women die alone now.
If it helps, instead of him walking around being gay imagine him walking around and being straight
Really? Do you think that's typical for many guys?
It only takes one or two generations of globohomo indoctrination for Asian women to be the same.
Unfortunately, I am probably a statistical outlier.
I saw a beautiful tomboy yesterday. I'm still not sure if it was a girl, but she had long hair and wide shoulders. She had an athletic build and no make up. She mogged every other regular slut with her loose clothing.
It wouldn't be accurate then. He IS gay. Nothing in the video suggests otherwise. He consistently reacts to men and even when a woman is involved at the end, he pretty much entire ignores her, immediately faces away and fantasizes about the men.
If you're askin
>Straight men, do you ever get so horny you turn gay
Because we're straight, men never register sexually at all OR are outright disgusting
i wnat to say yes but ive never had anal whats its like fucking an ass?
i would rank a good blowjob > vaginal > "gawk gawk gawk" > handjob so far

A few times my mother offhandedly mentioned that she went to therapy because she had homicidal thoughts about murdering me and my siblings.

I wanted to ask, how would you feel if your father said something like this to you as a woman? Would the impact feel more severe?
Ok. Now I said
>No definitely either gendered stimuli.
In response to your post trying to emphasize that I wasn't specificly asking for only gay men's responses.
I wouldn't be too surprised to hear the same thing from my dad.

But yeah the fact that she admitted it to you does show that she has no remorse. If she had remorse, she'd never admit to her children that she once had crazy feelings about killing her kids. I'd go no-contact if I were you.
How would i know if it would feel more severe? My dad did threaten to shoot us all a few times. It scared me the first time but after that it was like meh he‘s not going to do it anyways.
sociopathic behaviour
>She went out of her way to therapy to get rid of bad thoughts and managed to hold them off
>Nah bro never see her again
No sane parent would ever tell their children that they once wanted to murder said children.

You belong in a mental asylum.
>I wanted to ask, how would you feel if your father said something like this to you as a woman? Would the impact feel more severe?
Yeah because then I'd have more confirmation about my mom saying my dad raped me as an infant and I'd probably dig his remains up to piss on them. [Because he's burried with my angel grandparents]
okay sociopath
One time a woman
Why are they like this?
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Because we can.
>visiting family
>lil brother cancelled his date so we can hang out longer
Are you close with you family?
A telling projection
Ironically I stuck with my mother over my father because all my siblings had a different dad and all went with her, then barely interacted with them after moving out, which I rushed to do to get away from them.
F, no. Unfortunately, my little brother doesn't talk to me. I live with my father, but we hate each other. Everyone else is dead or gone.
Just my grandma
She actually quit drinking for me when I was born.
I am very close with my sister. Don't really know my mom well since I didn't grow up with her. My dad is a bit insane though, I tolerate being in his company at best.
But yeah your brother sounds very nice.
>t. F
>be part of a healthy family, parents still together after 30 years, relationships between everyone are great, never wanted for anything
>still end up as a lonely incel posting here
I wonder what went wrong with me
It feels like they try to be close in a way, but I keep them at a distance and get angry when they get too close. I do many things with my sister lately, I've gotten her neet ass to meet people outside and do new things
Autism maybe? That's it for me. I just don't really enjoy "hanging out" with people very much.
I'd believe him because my dad used to beat and strangle me.
>I wonder what went wrong with me
You don't know how to be your own individual because you were forced to be around so many people.
Herd mentality programming.
Happens to a lot of guys.
Just my sister, nieces, and uncle.
>>lil brother cancelled his date so we can hang out longer
That's so sweet! Do you get along well with your brother?
>Are you close with you family?
Probably not in the way you mean. They're very involved, verging on invasive, but we don't have any emotional/authentic closeness.
My cock is huge
2 inches
Damn I'm so manly
Ladies, sorry, I'm taken
Probably. I am also kinda joking about the "incel" part, most people around me at work are women, I just dont really even attempt romantic interactions with anyone because it feels weird and wrong.
Nah, I have a fairly distinct personality and quick wit for jokes that make people laugh, I am just a weirdo shut-in loner in my free time
My hamster bit me
Gender, how do I punish it?
>That's so sweet! Do you get along well with your brother?
Yep. He is just a better version of me, but he doesnt know it yet.
>I am just a weirdo shut-in loner in my free time
Introvert then.
Its amazing how many anti-social, no gf, loser men will come to the exact same site, yet all insist they're not the same as everyone else and they're actually funny and smart and handsome and just a bit weird
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Not. It‘s a small animal.
Oh boy, another 10 year old that wants to be on Dr. Phil.
Maybe because your priors are wrong and you dont have to be short, bald, fat, unfunny dicklet to be alone
Its your property and animals have no rights (proven by the fact we are fine with murdering and consuming them for pleasure when a vegan diet is entirely sustainable and arguably healthier)
Is this a JH moment? >>31948690
Lots of people on here just say they are "teehee weirdzies"
When they mean anti-social, no gf, loser, short, bald, fat, unfunny, or dicklet.
You think people want to come on here and actually admit they have problems?
No. They want someone else to blame it on, do the whole song and dance of what the true problem is because they have a 2nd grade reading level, and then reverse into copium when told exactly how to remedy the issue.
I think most therapists probably abuse hard drugs for those problem types.
Hamster ball bowling
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>arguably healthier
Damn, I actually tried to find that episode of the kid with the luggage guillotine.
I guess they had to take that off if kids were replicating it.

sex with my gf is very unsatisfying for me because we have to use condoms. I've never had sex without one before, but the feeling of wearing a condom is so uncomfortable for me, and I also feel nothing as we have sex. Sometimes I can't even tell if my penis is in her. Now I don't even initiate sex because i don't see a point. How do I cope with this?

And no, pills, IUD are not options.
>me when anyone in my household, person or pet, misbehaves
i trieded tik tok to see what the hype is about. i dont get it. its just people posing infront of camera stating the obvioius x 10000. its also like 99% women for some reason

when plants all die humans is suffocate
when we kill all of an animal they cant fart anymore so the world is more healthy
objectively we should kill every animal that's not human and bury them except the ones we eat
Hamsters are going to punish themselves in the most brutal ways regardless. Let it be
female condoms maybe
>sex with my gf is very unsatisfying for me because we have to use condoms.
Then don't have a girlfriend. Go fuck men and get aids as nature intended.
i could kick his ass
i've read that they are not as effective as male condoms and are more prone to failing?
I legit don't get what you want them to say. Why are you asking girls this? It'd make actual sense to ask men in the same situation. Women don't have cocks, they have no idea what that feels like.
well, not having sex is more effective than any other birth control, but you're not happy with that. you're not happy with condoms either. time to find alternatives. it's just a suggestion.
the question in my op was how to cope
Kiss your (friends) sphincter
Best form of birth control
10/10 no babies made ever
bear bara shit disgusts me so I turned off the video
nta but this is needlessly butthurt as a reply
how am i supposed to know, its your life
>how to cope
Bme pain olympics
see if she's down for anal
Is it possible to ever be friends with your ex?
what would you do if sex was unsatisfying with your bf for something that wasn't his fault and could not be changed?
Nothing, I'm not magic
Hey, they asked for "other options", and I provided. Being gay is an option.
oh, i get it. why didn't you tell me you were fishing for blackpills? wow i'd like toootally break up with him on the spot haha what a loser haha

get a life man. if there's a problem i look for a solution. you just want to cry about it and do nothing.
>"other options"
you're a fucking moron. That was never the question you stupid idiot
Don't be smart with me. You know what you wrote.
If you broke up with your boyfriend and then found out you were pregnant what would you do?
Was tarzan a virgin before meeting Jane or did he fuck monkeys?
Wow calm down wow
Holy fuck bro wow
No need to be so mad holy shit
This is about you blowing you gasket, not me.
Don't care. Don't have sex with your gf.
Don't care. Go have sex with his gf.
I just took an Advil liquigel that’s been in a little plastic clear pill container for a month in a bag that has faced varying weather conditions and it tasted really bitter and sour. Am I dead?
Possible, yes, but very improbable.
That lil monkey was supposed to be a girl..... why tarzan be hanging out with smol tomboy girl monkey...
Well That’s enough internet for today
Average sized gorilla penis is < 3 inches.
Gorilla females are designed to take that.
Monkeys even less.
He'd probably be too big
men, if you got a girlfriend and she asked you to call her over any time you got hurt or cut yourself so she can lick the blood up because it tastes really good would you be okay with that or would you be weirded out?
Yup, this place in particular mocks the idea of men not just going unga while also constantly complaining men aren't good enough at sex, as if we're supposed to just read womens minds while they're also faking it

At what he was doing?

You tell him honestly he fucking sucks at sex OR you ghost him.
Don't just lie and say it was good or he'll never get better
never used tiktok, but it seems like OF-lite to me.
Is cunnilingus and fellatio an option?
Why improbable?
Not a man.
Girl, what kinda fucking pathetic vampire novels are you schlicking to now?
If he won't let me whole ass bite his neck while I'm riding his dick then I don't want it.
Get an abortion.
Depends why we broke up.
unironically i just like how blood tastes but also that's fucking awesome i want to bite his neck now too
>have boss that is aging BPDemon
>really sexy but also incredibly mean at times
>need to ask for some time off
>have to do this in-person because she never answers her damn phone
>know she's either going to be flirty and bubbly
>or cold and dismissive, bordering on rude
>don't want to deal with either this morning
Any other /atoga/ bros know this feel?
Just tape your dick to your leg inside your pants.
*hawk tuah*
I dunno it seems surprisingly tame. There's a lot of people talking about their kinks, but they're literally just talking about it.
The only super slutty video I've seen actually has 0 comments, completely ignored.
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>i want to bite his neck now too
Aht aht ah! You gotta get his consent first.
I wasn't talking about tameness, just that it's like an OF lite in the sense that women post videos of themselves in slutty clothing to get attention, even if the topic of the short is something else.
Anons will you tell me a story for National Read a Book day?
Nta but you do understand that the for you page is an algorithm that chances with the users watching behavior, right?

I wouldn't have any moral objection, I've always loved the taste of blood (not in a sexual way) so I can kind of understand, but that sounds like a huge hassle. I'd probably only bother to call wannabe vampire gf over if it was a decently bleeding cut.
Can't really find much of that even looking for it too. Maybe there's a setting or something I'm missing, but so far, youtube shorts are lewder
I don't have that problem because my weeny is pathetically small
The joke is that he killed his family and then himself in a fit of roid rage
Everytime it's the sph'ers coming out of the woodwork. Gah.
There's people I know that pretend to not remember people they met once because sometimes it happened that they creeped someone out by remembering too much stuff
Sometimes I pretend to not remember casual stuff like my car plate id for similiar reasons. Am I too autistic?
You have to be 18+ to post here.
sorry i was imagining we lived together, it would obviously be a big hassle if we didnt
Not a bro but yes I have few of those at my job not sure about the sexy part. You be polite and say what you have to say.
Women, what's it take for you to make this face?
That's fucked up. Glad you survived.
Big pp
Are you a rape or sexual assault survivor?

If so, how do you react to the frequently casual treatment of the topic on the 4chan?
Small-average pp
Lot's of plap
I don't give a fuck.
I withhold information when I discretely sabotage and backstab people so that they don't know it was me. I have a surprisingly good poker face when they bring it up too.
No. I'm roommates with my parents, despise their other kid, and have countless aunts, uncles, and cousins who I couldn't pick out of a police lineup.
I wish it was different but this is the way they want it.
Gay furry media does nothing for me

A good massage
Tiktok is modern brain rot at its worst ngl, the users are even worse.
The content all depends on the user. If you get brainrot or coomer content then that says more about you than tiktok.
I literally thought of that as soon as I hit send. I find it hot and have dreams about it but I rarely coom to it.
Is a 6-7 inch dildo big?
Your brother canceled his romantic sex date so he could date and have sex with you instead?
I haven been groped a few times. Twice when I was underage. I don’t expect guys here to be sympathetic or care.
No, it's tiny.
God I wish someone would grope me
Hm okay. Suction base or nah?
A few days without anything sexual and then having my ass played with during sexy stuff
Id , I only like real dick.
>hurt or cut
Does acne count? With pimple puss or cysts.
Women, how and why do you adjust your bra in public?
Yugoslavia must be balkanized. It must be cut up into many different countries. There must no longer be one Yugoslavia!
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With my hands.
Because it hiked up or so.
What, like a flood? You're probably ok.

How long would sex last if men didn't have to recharge?
Sex addicts of /atoga/,

How much is enough?
I thought it already was
For me it's usually because the underwire hiked up and is digging into my underboob and it's uncomfortable. I'll try to discreetly pull it down.
Like ten minutes.
So you aren't really into sex?

How do you decide when enough is enough?
>So you aren't really into sex?
I am but I get bored fast from just doing the same thing.
What would be ideal? I'm trying to find out what dream sex would look like for girls.
Ten minutes, like I said. Dream sex is more about sexual tension than the duration of certain activities.
Men, what is an erection like?
Why do you physically think you are unnatractive,
Is it fixable?
Bushy eyebrows, yes
Bad skin, no; I have multiple competing skin diseases
The length of a sex marathon before there are adverse effects has been disgust extensively.

Iunno, normal I guess
Is there things girls have said to you when sexting or dirty talking that weirded you out or did not turn you on but you pretended they did? What were they?
I haven't looked in the mirror in like 7 years or something so i don't remember
I've been compared to Quasimoto but I don't have any actual deformities
Muscle stiffness
>I haven't looked in the mirror in like 7 years
I think this is actually why you're unattractive.
>Why do you physically think you are unattractive
The antidepressive medications I'm taking to treat both anxiety and IBS-C cause me to have a bigger appetite, so I eat more and give into cravings for pizza and freedom fries, and now I weigh over 190 lbs. I'm a fucking fatty, and it shows in the folds of fat under my chin and around my cheeks.
It sucks when your going commando in jeans and my hot coworker with big boobs hugs me and the dick cuts itself against the zipper
No retard
I stopped looking in it because I was unattractive
Why would I need that self-esteem hit at this point?
Alluding to cuqueening/voyeurism
My ex gf used to say she would have liked watching me have sex with another woman and how I pleased her
Not funny
I haven't looked in a mirror in almost a decade. That's why I frequently leave the house wearing a brown mini fedora (wElL, aCtUaLly, it's called a trillby) and steampunk gears. Sometimes I wear a toy katana in a plastic sheath belted around my waist.

Basically I'm an autastic neckbeard and you can tell on sight that I go on websites like 4chan.
A woman at my work was talking to me about why she doesn't even have to work (she's on the highest level of care and has been told explicitly by doctors not to, she's just greedy for cash) and she said she put all her weight on within a single year on anti-depressents.
I believe her, its like magic for weight gain
Young men in the hetero dating market.
Are there many dommes or women willing to domme? Have many women proposed dominating you?
Want to know how rare I am. Pegging and such seems more commonly discussed these days.
So, any tips for a first time as a guy? I got put a pillow under her butt, spread the lips before entering, wear a condom, go slow, the vagina's lower than you think, and make sure to kiss her butt at least three times before fucking.
So you just gave up on grooming? That legit makes the problem worse.
State gender
What would be your stage name if you were a porn actor?
Polish, turd, etc
When I was in high school I had to go to the school nurse's office because I forgot to take the benzodiazapenes my psychiatrist was making me take and my mom dropped them off at the school.

Anyway my classmate from Honors English was there being treated for having jizzed in his pants while going commando in class. The teacher saw that his pants were stained with cum and it had a really big stench, so he was sent to the school nurse's office to get cleaned up.

High school was a wild, very special time.
Normally everything feels pretty fluid down there, your dick and balls jiggling about. When you're erect for no reason like morning glory, it feels like a flexed muscle that you can't unflex and you are aware if you stroke it it will feel good. If I'm hard because I'm turned on it's that same feeling but with the "stirring" feeling girls talk about, and the monologue in my head is like "This is so hot, oh god I want her" etc. When I'm getting close to coming and I'm really turned on it's like my whole body wants to leap out through my dick.
Mickey "The Stallion" Dreamboat
I once responded to a classifieds ad in a local paper for a domme, but I backed out after realizing that it would cost me 1000 dollars per session.
San Rio
We‘ve already been over this.

Imagine a boneless finger between your legs that starts stiffening and getting twice as big. There's a dull but pleasant ache and it feels like that one part of your body is in free fall. Then its fully erect and you can feel how the weight has changed and every move swings it is more amplified than when its soft. Also this might just be but sometimes I feel a sort of tugging sensation, like think wires are gently pulling my dick
There was this girl that really wanted me to like the fact that she was a squirter. I'm really not into it but she really was so I just played along.
I thought grooming behavior was generally seen as a bad thing? HPY20
>have nice old lady as boss
>dotes on me, treats me as her son
>have obnoxious hag coworker
>her and boss hate each other
>hag tries to put me on blast on email to team
>pisses me off
>respond and tell her the issue she's found is a mistake by another department that I already notified them and our team about literally two weeks ago
>forward a copy of the email plus a report she had access to research the issue
>she just gives a snarky reply
>apparently boss sends her a private message telling her that she should have already been aware of that issue
>hag starts complaining to other coworkers about this being "an obvious double standard" and calling me a kiss ass
>despite the fact that I go out of my way to avoid our boss most of the time unless we are forced to interact
How do I deal with this? Obviously this woman is going to eventually get fired but I also don't like being labeled a kiss ass just because my boss feels some way about me
Like a hot rod of iron has sprouted from my nethers. My primal masculinity looking for release.
Jk it just feels hard that's it.
Dunno what the fuck the other guy is talking about with stirring and having a specific monologue they have in their head every time they're erect. Maybe they're schizo?
What, like combing your hair and brushing your teeth? Not really.
Have you been midgetized and forcibly gang raped by clones of a homosexual wizard practicing magic? Did the dwarves of Moria eat chicken pot pie?
So your mate jizzed and the nurse "treated" him, hmmmm . . .
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Yes and yes
Is it like a weird feeling about the dick?
I thought grooming meant when creepy guys try to recruit young and vulnerable women and girls into an exploitative romantic or sexual relationship.

This is why it freaks me out when people say they're taking their dogs and cats to grooming appointments at the pet store. It's like they actually want those poor animals to be abused.
>How do you decide when enough is enough?
I go for as long as it stands.
You could drip sweat in my mouth like a faucet and I would not tap.
Minimum 2-3 hours because I usually have erranding.
I go until I can tell that I won't want sex for the next few days. Then we can be lovey-dovey and do cutetsy stuff like pumpkin patch and pumpkin lattes.
I don't mean professionals. I mean women who live normie lives but just tie up and beat their boyfriends and peg them for pure enjoyment.
I've been under the impression that my bf won't easily find someone who will do what I do but I'm not actually sure. It would be a struggle for me to find such a match, I know that much.
you dont need a mirror to do either of those anyway nta but i havent combed my hair for years other than running my fingers through it occasionally and it looks fine
Wrap your hand around one of your fingers and push up some blood up into your fingertip until. That's sort of what it's like. I also feel a bit of tightness in my taint. If I'm really horny it'll twitch on it's own. Seconding the other anon you can definitely feel the weight. It's not really apparent if you're wearing underwear, but if you're walking naked it bobs around. You can also feel it preasing into you while wearing underwear
F Wait, what? How do you get cum stains out of pants and how are nurses trained to do this?
Do you have autism?
What are some legal (USA) and lucrative ways I can get into sex work as a man?

Should I do gay dom stuff that doesn't involve direct sexual contact? You know, wear a leather executioner's mask and lash men with a humiliation kink? Will it be profitable?
Hot. I could fuck like that at 18 but I don't know if I could now.
Male anons, when you were a kid, were you ever invited to a girls home for whatever reason (books, studying whatever)

I was and now after like 20 years im wondering if it meant anything or was i just so autistic i couldnt pick on it

>Tfw aspergers
Sina Mint
tease me slowly for hours and hours and i'll start fucking melting
Richard (Dick) Sheen because I look like Charlie Sheen
You know that feeling when you are on rollercoaster and the g forces are making your body feel like ahhhhhh

Then imagine that but between your legs
Did Charlie Sheen actually rape Corey Feldman and give him drugs?
Yes I did.
What does ass play involve?
Eating butt?
Putting fingers in?
Massaging the surface of butthole with finger?
Bro. I've had this one dude offer me $200 to permanently disfigure his face for the past year now. Subs are bitches about paying for sex unless you bully them.
no, I ate with a couple of girls at lunch everyday freshmen year of hs but we never talked about anything personal. Now that i think about it thats kinda weird. anyways ive never been invited to a girls home
I ate lunch with a group of girls when I was in high school. I think they thought I was homo because I wasn't constantly creeping on them and sexually harassing them.
>I don't know if I could now.
How old are you now
Yes. I don't really care. Stuff on here exists in a vacuum to me. Like I'd someone was racist to me on here, I don't care. If someone was racist to me irl, I'd be upset.

My legal name. If it ever comes to the point of me doing porn, you can assume I stopped giving a fuck about everything.
Bro wanna be the Joker
How can I attract a gf with Cool Big Sister energy?
What a world we live in in which girls think you're a homosexual for not creeping on them.
29 but I've had sleep and stress issues affecting my boners for so long (over a year and a half) that I'm not actually sure what my normal sexual ability would look like
Clit also feels like this when aroused. Then sometimes it physically hurts.
>tfw no femanon who comes over to bang only, but after hours of plapping and a nap you are both super exhausted and preparing a breakfast (its 3pm) while having cutesy groping and hugging session in the kitchen

Life could be so simple atoga
By sex, do you mean penetration? I'd like to be in bed for hours and hours (and have done with my ex and others) but obviously that shouldn't all be penetration. Kissing, cuddling, touching, sucking, stroking, wrestling, dirty talking, tying, rubbing, are all included in that.
>Then sometimes it physically hurts.
Wait, what? How do you make that go away? Do you HAVE to orgasm? Just because a guy gets an erection I mean, doesn't mean he needs to cum.
Protecting the femanon hurty clit by cupping my large warm hand over her pussy
So lazy, you mean. I don't have time for an hours long sex session.
>Why do you physically think you are unnatractive, Is it fixable?
I have an extremely asymmetric face and facial features. It's not fixable.
Like, a deformity?
Lazy sunday!
But im glad you are hardworking well adjusted individual femanon
I did mean penetration. I'm aware not all women come from it so I guess I'm asking how much they'd have if they could have as much as they want
Is it normal for girls to not masturbate?
nta but literally all day. But I know that's not feasible for both of us.
My cross-eyes are a deformity, yes. Even excluding that, my other facial features aren't symmetric.
I have an extremely low sex drive so that's probably not normal but it's honestly not something that appeals to me. I'm actually not even sure how I'd properly do it.
nta but that means you don't have vision in one, right?
>I'm aware not all women come from it so I guess I'm asking how much they'd have if they could have as much as they want
I don't come from penetration alone, but it does feel incredibly good itself even without an orgasm. It also makes having an orgasm easier and the climax feels better than when there's nothing in there.
Does the penetration have to be all in one go? I've not really timed it, but I'd say 5-10 minute sprints with breaks in between would be ideal.
>Are there many dommes or women willing to domme?
Very unusual. Most dommes do it on a commercial basis, not for dating.
Would you date a guy who had a juggalo phase?
Yeh, I used to do it purely for cash but I got out of it because it was personally too taxing for me. I will outright refuse to do anything like that on a date.
Secondary question,
(Men you may also answer)
How long have you been drinking energy drinks/mountain dew?
You know you can just not tell people certain parts of your life right? It isn't lying. Just stay quiet.
I'm just too honest
If it comes up and someone asks I gotta tell the truth
When and how did you realize you can get pleasure out of buttplay?

Did you ever explore it further or only surface level?
T. Curious about butt stuff
No he wants to be Second reboot gwen stacy.
That's why I hide that I'm a pro-Israel Zionist when hooking up with lefty ladies I otherwise agree on over issues like labor unions and abortions.
I have never actually had an energy drink. I've had Mountain Dew a few times but it's not my preferred pop of choice.
I like Anti-Energy drinks. Some shit with kava extract, CBD, St. John's Wort, Melatonin, Tryptophan, Chamomile. I see any of those on the ingredients list and I'm in.
I kinda hate that particular preinternet brainrot.
>So, any tips for a first time as a guy?
Communicate, communicate, communicate. Ask her what she likes listen to the answers. Encourage her to tell you what feels good and what doesn't. Different women like different things, to a much greater extent than you realise. You cannot know what she likes if you don't ask.

Also remember that penetration isn't sex; penetration is just a really nice way to finish off sex; but everything you are doing together up till that point is also sex. And how much pleasure she gets out of having sex with you will likely bdepend much more on what you do before penetration than on what you do during it.

>make sure to kiss her butt at least three times before fucking.
I went to a gay bathhouse and let four transwomen in a row take turns bending me over and sodomizing me before going and having a post sex relaxation session in the club's hot tub.
I have vision in both eyes. One eye is dominant (but I can still see out of both) and I can "switch" between which one I'm using. One of my eyes is far-sighted and the other is near-sighted.
So what is your choice soda and frequency?
I'm that anon and I drink one 330ml pepsi daily instead of coffee
I got beat up by a juggalo when I was locked in my special ed school's isolation chamber way back when. That's the extent of my experiences with them, a guy in Tripp pants with frosted tips who listened to Clown Rap smashing my forehead into a brick wall.
Taco Bell just released a Baja Blast gelato
It's pretty good
That's a lot of sugar, anon
Every small town needs one, a Taco Hell built right next to a SucksForBucks Coffee Shop.
That's kinda cool from an adaptability point of view. So no double vision or anything like that?
You don't just do what feels good? Although as a guy I had to look up how to fap properly. When I found out I didn't have a foreskin, I was pretty angry
women do you get sad when your man shows weakness
Do you ever fear that if you do not do your job properly, you will not be fired, but instead executed for your incompetence in front of your colleagues to set an example?
Coke or root beet. Not very often. Maybe a can once a week or so. I'm trying to get into the fizzy water thing.
if this is another redpill question about whether a woman will leave you if you cry, the answer is probably not. my bf looks unintentionally attractive when he cries.
need smart gf to tell me what to do
Porn, I’ve explored and I’m into it
M, when other men cry I want to punch their red, swollen faces and give the fuckers something to cry about.
You're saying I could have been getting money for being my fucked up self this whole time? Kek.
Joking. I'd feel like a commodity which would feel less dominant and so I wouldn't be able to get off to it (the most important thing).
Is it really that fucking rare? I'll have to tell my guy he should value me even more than he does.
Is that bad?
We all do, honey
Of course I empathize with him and hold him tight. We have sobbed in each other's arms often.
It also turns me on a bit but luckily I don't have a boner to worry about.
Not bad. About the same as me.
I was hoping it would kill my drive eventually. But nope.
>What would be your stage name if you were a porn actor?
I would do hypnosis fetish stuff under the name Mesmer Eyes. First film would be called "The Eyes Have It".
Yes, I feel absolute disgust when my man does not use progressive overload
Ok, I'm back, what have I missed?
I can -kinda- see caffeine maybe having an affect on your sex drive if you had blood pressure issues, but sugar?
You didn't miss anything, but I missed (you)
>So no double vision or anything like that?
No, thankfully no double vision. It onset during very early childhood; I had surgery at 18 months old but it didn't correct it.

I can't watch 3D movies. It's not too noticeable when I wear glasses, but it's very noticeable without. I can't wear contacts.
Discussion of masturbating to the wiggling toes of bare human feet.
I was told that three kisses are needed to unlock all the labias.
Me, surely
>Last time on, /atoga/
In the time you were away, the United States of America ceased to exist as a country and became balkanized between its different regions. Some of which are now the site of deadly proxy wars between Russia and China that involve mass civilian casulaties.

If you had never left, this wouldn't have happened.
I shitted.
Hot, too bad I'm too exhausted so I'm taking a bath.

Previously, on Battleslut Atoga...

Good thing I went inna mountains then, always happy to help!

I did too half an hour ago, was a rough one.
do you have online penpals? how do you meet new people online?
state gender
>Why do you physically think you are unnatractive,
>Is it fixable?
>Bushy eyebrows, yes
>Bad skin, no; I have multiple competing skin diseases
My chad like jaw that's not feminine
My Roman like nose
Pear shaped body not a good hour glass
I typically don't even need the sugar. I've been in ketosis all month.
Been ph 10 water mostly.
I'm interested in maybe trying one of those
>Talk to forign people
Sites for practice though g
There was duolicious app
But otherwise I just stay here and pattern discern anons.
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Oh, that's good. Have you tried those exercises to try to improve binocular vision?
strong jaw and nose is good on a woman though
pear body can be okay maybe varies a lot
F Squirtle
It's happened/happening there's some cunts at my job that talk shit about others etc. I want to report it but I doubt human resources would do anything about it. They've been working there longer.
This question is very interesting to me and yet women didn't even care about it. I don't get you people sometimes.
Not all the time
>That's kinda cool from an adaptability point of view
I can hear with my entire skull. My ear doctor put a tuning fork on my forehead and it felt like a massage gun.
Probably Monster Girls, but I already kinda do that, so yeah.

You hate an idea of women and your bad experiences.

You could I guess.

I mean, some girls might not like it, but others might find it cute. I kinda do, because I like to cuddle and hug. :3

Would you say that your mind is a beacon in the veil of the night?
nah its just a mind same as any other bro same as any other currently thinking about cocks
I'm bi, so I just like women, and men. Though, there are girls out there who like women because they fear men, that's pretty common with younger girls, but they grow out of it later.
F22, constipated
No. But to be honest, it just feels meh instead of good. I feel kinda broken really.
I could buttfuck you until it comes out through a cum enema.
>captcha for this post is: Godytw
Never heard of it until today.
You're not in love. You're infatuated.
and that's why you're a faggot, getting such an emotional response to another crying.
Have you ever given yourself an enema for non sexual purposes?
I don't know anything about pokemon, but I like the German name Pummeluff and Enton.
My guess is they are called something else in English.

Eat some dried fruits. Will make you shit like a world record holder.
I'm snacking on some dried plums.
Bo Burnham sure thought so.
no, looks painful
nta but fiber always backs me up more unless I have a shitload of water with it.
No, my mind is like drinking bog mist after a hot rain while driving 70 on backroads.
It's not really if you use gel and don't have bad hemorrhoids or something like that.
I pack one every time I go primitive camping, there is no bigger pain in the ass than being constipated in the middle of nowhere
Do you think the US gov. should be blocking the purchase of US steel by Nippon steel and why?
>brock string
Oh, I've not seen this before. Might give it a go, thanks anon.
I have tried to consciously will myself into using both eyes. But because one eye is completely near-sighted, it's hard to override my lazy brain. I requested my optometrist's notes from chidlhood and my near-sighted eye has gotten *much* weaker over time. I fear it's too late for me now.
Just for constipation, epsom salt bath and one finger. It felt like touching a stone. Now I have to not be obsessed with triscuits.
You use bottled water? Isn't that cold?
Ok but why do you give them yourself?

>felt like touching a stone.
I hate to say that I felt that...

Huh, for me it makes me all gassy.
I rub it on my penis during class meetings and yoga warmup sessions.
Yes, son?
american industry has been shit for 50 years, it is DEAD. no reason not to simply sell everything
pumping more and more fingers into femanons cunt
Hi I missed you :)
No contact is fucking killing me someone slap me
need to get hugged by women with broad shoulders
Yeah sorry about that, that pack of cigs from the corner store was really hard to find these past two decades.
*Punches you into the right tit since it's the bigger one*
Oh wop
What the hell are you people talking about
i always stare 100% during any convo now because I don't know what the norm is and no where would give a simple, consistent answer
I find most people do the same in return
Not sure why so much of the internet was saying shit like
>Look for a few seconds then at their nose
or similar

Need female rugby player gf to tackle me into bed and break all of my ribs
DAD! you're home!!
How can you have a son if you’re a virgin
>constantly receive validation but decide it doesn't count
>primarily judged for things they can control (looseness, obesity), campaign against it
>still highly anxious and insecure
women why are you like this, do you ever think that maybe what you feel is actually stupid (i.e. "invalid")
ps pls no lame snarky question-dodges
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Cool. Yeh, those are neat because it simplifies things. https://www.amblyoplay.com/what-is-a-brock-string-and-how-we-use-it/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv6Txj9GuiAMV10T_AR3_qgT6EAAYASAAEgIV6vD_BwE Also Magic Eye books.

Brains are tricky buggers, yeh. Have you read this book? It's about a person that fixed their vision at 50. You might even like it from a science point of view.
Well I have to say, I did fuck your mom. But she also told you this was a immaculate conception, so... don't point your finger only at me!
*spits on you and rubs it in*
*Leaves again*
Haha now your face stinks haha
Running from a narc?
I just buy a packaged one from the pharmacy and put it in my first aid kit, I suppose if I was in a situation where I needed more than that in one trip I'd leave some bottled or treated water in the sun?
Do you go multi day hiking?
>hahah look at me look how good my ass is
fuck you
mine is like a fucking brick
fuck uyou
Women, what kind of feelings do you feel when a strange man compliments you and wants to talk to you, possibly get your number and date you?
I wouldn't feel comfortable having someone else do that.

Me at age 14: Those girls in porn and hentai always seem to be enjoying anal so what if I just touched my asshole to see how it feels?

Me present day: Hmm yes, this new XXL Horse dildo IS a fine specimen but I already have 2 others of similar length and girth. Oh but I don't have anything in this size range in realistic color, hmmm...
Shawty got them bricky bottom jeans
Boots with tha fuuuurrrr
An attractive one or a non attractive one?
That is not answering my question. lmao
Maybe once a year, I used to have a job that had me out in the woods for stretches of time and it was easier to just pitch a tent than to drive all the way back home and come back in the morning.
I love my GF's firm ass! It makes me feel so ashamed of my wobbly fatty ass.
I didn't know it was that different. What about a 5/10 unremarkable guy.
Yes, and we should also execute Mike Pompeo
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Cool, how many km/miles do you make in a day? How much height difference?
I just went hiking today (pic rel), last Sunday I went for a 7h long hike and that was too much. I do want to mkae ot to abed in the evening.
>autistic women are better at masking
is this just a meme for women not really being as autistic, monkey see monkey do is standard social behavior
>Women, what kind of feelings do you feel when a strange man compliments you and wants to talk to you, possibly get your number and date you?
Knowing that the reason I miss him
It's pretty much let the Japs have it or wait until the Chinese bribe enough people to get it for themselves. The whole situation is basically triage for problems that should have been addressed 30 years ago.

now if I had a magical dream team of government employees and the power to regulate as I saw fit then yes I think US Steel could be brought to profitability with sane trade and labor policies, but that ain't happening.
If there's one thing I hate, it's incomplete
Lol, I know. Ok, physical disability that results in higher occurrence of irregular bowel movement.
I'm not racist anymore because of
Nice try, normie.
Autistic men simply care less because men are somewhat expected to be stoic, they don't get attacked for it. But if a woman is stoic, everyone will attack and insult her, so she'll learn to hide what she is actually like.
Yeah, sad answer but expected
I want a boyfriend but I don’t want my first boyfriend to be from an app but I don’t have friends or any other solid way to meet men. How do I just get over this hurdle so I don’t get mad at men who don’t deserve it?
In my case, I was socialized more often as woman so I got to see more monkies doing it.
Are you the crosseyed grill?
Are you in uni? It's easy to get bf from university.
Have you ever met a strange man that looks trustworthy, why did he look trustworthy?
... no?
Oh ok, keep on blasting your puppy ass then!
5's are kinda mid. Might just ask for you to send a cum tribute and then ghost.
>I want a boyfriend but I don’t want my first boyfriend to be from an app
Why not?

If you were looking to find a house for sale, would you wander the streets hoping you might find a house with a "for sale" sign in the garden, or would you go to an estate agent?
Banger memory unlocked.
Why would I look at regular dudes in public.
plz be real
>Have you read this book?
I have not, but I'll give it a go. No one has ever said this was fixable.
>Magic Eye books
You really think I can develop binocular vision enough to see these illusions? Really?

How do you know so much about it, anon? Are you an opthamologist?
oh i should have asked women specifically. im a man and i look at literally everyone that passes me though
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What do you think?
Autistic men care less because their brains are fucked and they fail to recognize the value of sociability at a neurological and hormonal level LOL. And they receive much worse social treatment overall
>the feminine urge to be bred by a man like he hates me
I’m not and I didn’t manage it when I was
A real estate agent is still real, using an app would be the equivalent of just going on Zillow
Women do you like having your cheeks pinched?
Yes, I don't really try to meet new people online because I have lots of online friends but these days it's from 4chan.
Which cheeks?
What if he hates you so much he wants you to get an abortion in case of "success"?
>no women answer my ufcking questions
alright time to bait for the next week
you did this
maybe just ask better questions next time
maybe do the thread topic
You have to be white for me to want to look at your dick tho.
I am. Neural plasticity can be surprisingly resilient. I've suggested Magic Eye books to a lot of my patients and they often tell me they can get part of a picture to jump out at them after some practice. Even if these things don't work for you, you're not out a ton of money I mean.
nta women here never answer good questions only lame ones, they suck
>they can get part of a picture to jump out at them
Bruh. What if fnaf had pictoral jumpscares.
You guys mostly don't ask good questions. It's mostly just stuff that wants us to confirm your already decided opinion.
I'm M, plenty of questions are generic (=have been asked countless times before) or genuinely retarded.
Like steel question above made me just shake my head.

The trial of Dominique Pélicot continues in France.

He met his wife at university. They were married in 1980 (both aged about 27). In 2011 (in their late 50s by now) he began drugging her and inviting men to his house to rape her while she was unconscious. (They were recruited via a website). More than 80 men raped her, of whom about 50 have been identified (and are also on trial).

Seriously, men, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? Why are so many of you so eager to rape an unconscious woman in her 60s?
nta but 3D fnaf would be awesome.
That's disgusting
How is steel question retarded?
We are less socialised and more prone to violence
Genuinely retarded questions are based. Women here answer boring generic low effort questions far more. Hurr women how is your hair
You need to make friends
Probably all non white.
Idk why women are so brainwashed to want them in their country.
In practice you like questions that are low effort to respond to or else allow you to be self-indulgent. Words and actions man.
How do I do that?
>invited men to his house to rape her
lol what a cuck
anyway sage for low quality bait
>A real estate agent is still real, using an app would be the equivalent of just going on Zillow
Estate agents do virtually all of their business via websites nowadays. But in any case, that's not the point. The point is, you don't go wandering through life hoping to find a house for sale; you go to a place that lists a large number of houses for sale, and you look through them. In the same way, if you're looking for a man who wants to date someone, don't hope you'll bump into him at random, go to a place that lists large numbers of men who want to date, look through the list, and pick some. It's daft to be prejudiced against that.
just admit you're gay
Quit being so autistic.

Sometimes questions are so stupid or inventive in a retarded that it can be funny nad I have to laugh at them, but plenty of times they aren't. I don't mind it, just saying I can understand why nobody answers.
That's an ancient Gaulish tradition.
You know the reason is that she sees somebody having to resort to an app as a loser or philanderer (true)
Good thing the GOAT buckbroke those barbarians
women would rather marry low inhibition dudes who are predisposed for rape because they're "more attractive"
go to a meet up group or take a class
this advice does not actually work for men but it 100% works for women, you literally just have to be present socially
(unless you're fat in which case lose weight)

Women will NEVER understand the pleasure you get from risking it all for a hard nut
I'm answering this because I take pride in my hair.

It's good.
>you like questions that are low effort to respond to
Oh, like guys aren't the same.
There’s nothing autistic about a steel question buddy, just cause you’re uninterested in the subject
The kind of person that wants a high effort response on here is the kind of person that actually takes these responses seriously.
why would you not respond seriously to your fellow users?
he's probably one of those nihilist types that dismiss everything with irony.
Be like Miku and turn falling into gynmastics and stick the landing!
I feel like this is a good allegory for a minority of femanons in here.
Shondo is a treasure.
Perhaps, perhaps not they actually have a culture that protects them.

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