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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Autism Edition

Has there ever been a non-autism edition?
what should i do women
women my room is so hot, help me
>what should i do women
Kill yourself immediately.
Women when you lock your bfs up in chastity cages (always), is it just like a fetish during sex thing, or do you also control and emasculate him 24/7? Is the relationship otherwise normal?
>women my room is so hot, help me
Pour cold water all over yourself while still dressed, then stand in front of a fan.
give it to me straight, after months of talking, a few days ago:
>girl with diagnosed autism acts supper flirty
>wants to make yummy foods for me
>take care of me like I would take care of her
>acts cold and distant, doesn't want to talk to me or give me a reason why??
We didn't even fight or anything she just stopped. I didn't hit or abuse her, is this bpd? be real with me
Idk wtf is this. I'm rly confused, never had someone switch on me like that
The point of a chastity cage is that he no longer has any control over when sex happens - he has to wait to be unlocked - and he can't even masturbate unless he's permitted to. It has to be a 24/7 thing or it's pointless.
What did she say when you asked her about it?
Put your finger in your butthole
What should I do while I wait for my bf to return from another continent (months long wait)?
I'd only make it worse.
I mean obviously he's in the cage 24/7. I just mean like do you constantly hold it over him and tease him in daily life as part of the core relationship dynamic or do you only do that kind of stuff during times when you're having *sex*, big asterisk because obviously caged people aren't being unlocked for real sex ever. Crazy how common this is now.
in b4 cuckposter
Just realized how suspicious that sounded.
Anyway, no.
>What did she say when you asked her about it?
"I am just not in a talking mood today
its not my fault its tiring putting up with you
Probably should just give her space? still a bit out of nowhere, she was bubbly before this wanted to talk about stuff she was doing and so on
>I like food, travel and dogs!
why are they all the same
Women, if you were a man, what would you jerk off to?
>its not my fault its tiring putting up with you
what the fuck man, get out fast
Take that time to find yourself. Try some new hobbies, do things you'd normally not. Pick up a skill or a trade. Don't just put your life on hold because you'll regret it later.

Because those are universally loved things.

I wouldn't. I'd go out and fuck women.
Women, without resorting to whataboutism over the question or trying to turn the question around, why are your responses always so short and dull?
women what do you find attractive about men (if anything)?
Start a new exercise program and skin care regime, organize your wardrobe, redecorate your bedroom, send him lots of handwritten cards and care packages, video call as much as possible
Because every time I go out of my way to answer something honestly and thought out, it gets ignored.
Mostly pale skin and having a clean shaven face.
Personality wise I have a major soft spot for shy autistic guys, as a loud autistic girl.
I'm a boring person, okay?
Men don't have a reading comprehension above 2nd grade here.
so not short just dull?
I think women are more attractive than men. But I like that men can pick me up and manhandle me and toss me around. If there were sexy feminine women who could do that I'd be a lesbian. But Instead I'd be stuck with butch women which kind of defeats the point a little.
>its not my fault its tiring putting up with you
Is this a reasonable response?
Strength, intelligence, competence, leadership, generosity, humour
>Because those are universally loved things.
yeah so many fucking list something that distinguishes you, might as well write "I like breathing"
State gender

Has a long distance relationship ever succeeded for you? If so, how did you do it?

I’m in one right now, and, sometimes I get anxiety over it, idk if it’s worth the pain of continuing it and dedicating my effort to just one person. I say that, but I know I love them.
I'm very into facial hair. I like their forearms and hands. Their voices, too, I pretty much only listen to artists with deep voices (so, mostly male, with a few female exceptions).
Because men tend to ask the same repetitive questions with obvious answers they just willfully don't accept anyway. It gets tiresome. Not to mention most of the questions being thinly veiled "why are you so bad?" questions.
Immediate NO.
I'll be boring and you'll like it
>Has a long distance relationship ever succeeded for you?
No. I was in one, but he was stringing me along and definitely didn't see it as long term. I should've just seen it as a way to get free board, I suppose, but I was young, stupid, and in love.
>Has a long distance relationship ever succeeded for you?
The only long distance relationship I've been in is the one I'm in now, and I'm moving to close the distance after 2 months of dating. I couldn't do a LDR any longer than that desu, for the same anxiety you've expressed.
>ask the same repetitive questions
Sorry this counts as whataboutism over the question.
... haven't heard that one before.
>yeah! But only for 2 months…

Ahahaha it’s so over for me… I love the person I’m with, but it’s really hard to control my anxieties of wanting to be with them while they’re more reclusive
Is copying stuff from female oriented hentai a good idea as a guy?
You guys need different material.
Oh and I've been in like 2 relationships where it was 3-4 hour drives to meet. One where it was 10 hours (didn't last long), and a few more where we never met at all.
You can't fuck women all the time you're horny
If you've met irl and have concrete plans for the future with a set timeline you're both actively working towards, then you can make it work if you're committed to each other. Lots of people have done it
yeah its all about the repetitive questions
thats why you ignore my question about womens preferences to answer "what does having boobs feel like" for the 1000th time
just admit it, you want to have fun
you ignore any helpful questions and try to have fun
>... haven't heard that one before.
What have you not heard? That your response is being disregarded because you didn't follow the question? That is normal
How is this whataboutism? Of course it's going to be short and dull if I've seen the question a bunch of times.
they aren't always short. i've gone past the character limit many times itt. dull is subjective so you could make that argument, but i say what i think and feel. if you find it dull i guess you don't like me, which is alright, we aren't going to meet anyways. i have been told by some people that i gave good advice they appreciated so it's not all pointless at least.
Yeah. Saying it's only 2 months was my point. Without solid plans to close the distance, I don't think LDRs work. Have you guys talked about moving to be close to each other?
Reclusive as in they don't respond as much as you'd like, or visit?
>what the fuck man, get out fast
>Is this a reasonable response?
you guys are right. Fuck I really thought she was special, but I cant let someone treat me like that
Nta but maybe you can't, but I know I can. My genderbent version is my chad swimsuit model father.
I could single handedly steal all the pussy off of here and you would be helpless to stop me.
Im new here, do women even ask men questions in these threads?
nta but women have different preferences. All women have boobs. It's an easier question to answer.
yes i do. admittedly a lot of them are horny, and for that i apologize, but in my defense, it's hard to think sober thoughts when horny, and i am very often horny.

i have asked serious nonsexual questions before though.
Sometimes but it's pretty rare. We like to think we have you guys pretty figured out aside from the physical stuff.
No Chad can pull enough pussy to to satisfy him every time he wants
I forget women don't realize this but men experience horniness completely different than you
It's like an neverending curse
Because moaning about the questions is the cliché response and beside the issue when you don't have to reply at all. It's not a work email
Tell me how you want to be manhandled so I can internalize this information. Do you need to be lead into new positions by being pushed with hands or is telling you to assume one ok? Or is it just being carried and held down
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Never apologize for horny, anon. I love those questions as much as any other, if not more.
Don't apologize
It's the only time you girls feel relatable at all
>We like to think we have you guys pretty figured out
nta, this irrationally annoys me
Every question I've ever asked has been for both genders or other women. I can't think of anything specifically for men I'd need to ask
nta F but it really does sound awful. You guys give us shit for being controlled by emotions but it sounds terrible to be controlled by your libido.
>cant even admit fault
>just constant deflection to how bad men are
even newcomers see whats up
>It's not a work email
Honestly, coming here feels like it some times. Curious, why do you feel it shouldn't be like that?
>the string of replies when men get asked a question when it's just another guy saying "Stage Gender"
>they are talking into the void, nobody's reading that shit
I don’t know about moving, but seeing each other sometime would be nice. Soonest would be like 8 months though… we’re pretty far away so seeing each other irl is a tough task, but, eventually it’d be nice to maybe live together if we are ok with each other irl

Kind of? We both do wanna meet, but it’s not something that can be done soon. I wanna commit to it anon, but it feels really tough sometimes
Yeahhh, sorry about that one. I guess it comes with being able to bend you to our whims so easily. I mean, generally.
>We like to think we have you guys pretty figured out
I love when women say shit like this and then get surprised that we are really people with real feelings
M, I use every 'what does an erection feel like' question to meditate on what it truly means to be male. I try to feel every sensation as if I had never felt them before. I enhance my connection with the primal drive of all males that came before me
Man, you've never met and won't be able to for 8 months? Anon, I think you should find someone closer. That's a lot of time to invest in something with such a low probability of working out.
So why don't all women just get "fixer-upper" men and grow them into what they want them to be?
My dude, I was at his funeral. Completely packed with weird crying women that wanted to hug me. Like I'm pretty sure he was a sex worker kinds of packed.
Then make a goddamn FAQ if they get asked so fucking much
As opposed to men who don't even make the attempt? :)
My suggestion is to either find something you have in common when people and use that to meet people or find something new you enjoy.
>Curious, why do you feel it shouldn't be like that?
Responding to questions you don't even want to think about reminds me of those Amazon product Q&A's with "idk it was for my grandson". Just don't respond if you can't be fucked like a real human bean
You say I should find someone closer, but I don’t think I’ll find someone else I wanna be with. And you’re not wrong, I just don’t think I’d wanna even try irl for someone subpar, and maybe even end up with no one
I love them too, but in the end the pain of the distance won out. Depends on the person and whether they can do it I suppose. Be honest with yourselves
Start using retinol
Because women can't respect a man she has to shape.
We do. I can guarantee that a single guy's habits change a lot when he meets a girl. But it's honestly too much effort for a lot of them.
ATOGA has tried FAQs in the past. It never goes well. Mostly results in people ineffectually trying to be a hall monitor, while everyone else ignores them, and starts wars over FAQ-free threads. Policing questions goes against the spirit of "ask anything," so the two can never coexist.
I like being princess carried and thrown onto couches/beds in general, and then also like being restrained and posed during sex, but not like with bondage stuff, I just mean strong people holding my arms or pressing me down.
>and grow them into what they want them to be?
See, men don't want to grow up either though. They want their lives to be on their own plans and will physically hurt women if they think they can beat her into submission to their shitty life.

Preface: I have a mix of friends who have been in LDRs, but I have never been in one myself. Some of them worked, some of them failed.

All of the LDRs that succeeded had a clear endgame or plan for ending the long distance. A lot of the LDRs that succeeded had consistent visits, ranging from anywhere between meeting twice a week to once every 2 months. The ones that failed generally were ones where the couple would only meet max twice a year, people dating third-worlders that really just wanted money, and couples that had no fucking clue what they wanted out of their LDR and one party got cold feet about closing the distance. What I'm saying on the latter part is that some people get in LDRs just so they can feel 'not single.'

Worst scenarios are when these couples include virgins, they go visit, lose their virginity and then go back to being long distance and are now permahorny and will end up cheating. That one is pretty fucking consistent.
Why do women feel the need to flip the table when everything is fine?
>be honest with yourselves
I’ll try my best anon, I know my partner can do it, but I’m moreso the problem.
You expect too much altruism from people.
>Then make a goddamn FAQ
FAQgot acting like we don't know its him
>Oh, like guys aren't the same.
men respond to literally everything for the small chance of acknowledgement, it is the same principle as swiping everybody on dating apps
you will get pages from diaries from men pretty easily
The FAQ was fucking retarded, and only controlling autists think they're good ideas in any general thread. All it does is kill engagement. The sticky on /x/ literally ruined the whole board.
>men bad!
>women bad!

Maybe all of you SUCK
Women what's the most "pornbrained" thing that you find actually enjoyable in real sex?
as they should(n't)
is this a fortune cookie bot or something
The dried plums are already getting pushy...
Still fucking him when he's soft.
Pegging (because he enjoys it)
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girlfriend who has a weird thing for wearing hoof-shoes during sex; yay or nay? we could do a roleplay like i'm a satyr from the woods or a succubus you summoned or whatever. bonus points if we go camping in the middle of nowhere and i run off naked and you have to find me. or not, whatever. i just think it's hot.

1. yeah i wanna have fun. there's a whole song about it.
2. having boobs comes with a ton of obnoxious downsides and it's cathartic complaining about it. i relish the opportunity to bitch about them.
3. what question got ignored? somethin tells me there's a reason.
If it’s one sided it won’t be enough, I think. You have needs and if being in a long distance relationship isn’t meeting them, then that’s a fair reason to not torture yourself anymore
Nobody cares about men, everybody know this by now. Nothing will change because again nobody cares so highlighting it simply leads to restating this fact and people getting annoyed at you for bringing it up because again they don't care. All the best.
Yeah, I know you’re right… I wish I could “fix my needs” or do something about them, but I’ll always want to be with someone who I can talk with and do things with semi-regularly. It just sucks.
the majority of people who express vocal concern for female victims are doing it selfishly. they want to think of themselves as a good and sympathetic person, they want social brownie points, and they're scandalized at the idea of human mistreatment because their life is soft and easy. it's not real compassion, real investment in that grim reality. men don't get the same treatment because most people only get savior complexes over women. female abuse is also fetishized culturally which makes it a big social common ground.

it's more about social contracts than soul.
don't fall for the retinol meme it doesn't do anything but give you fine lines to get you to buy more
Squirting was quite hot, I have to admit. Forced squirting, especially.
Dammit, when I first penetrate her, I want to jam my dick all the way in and just pin her down with a kiss without moving for some time. Maybe I'll tease the entrance for a bit, maybe I'll just enter very slow, but I really want my first thrust to go all the way in. Do I really need to go partially in for the first couple of thrust even if I've spent time preparing her?
many such cases
State gender
Do you drive a finger into your butthole when you take a shower?
Try shoving a dildo all the way in your butt in one go anon, try it
No, I'm not a woman.
no, I'm not gay I do not shower
drive? fucking kek.
i wash my ass, yes.
No, I massage the soap into the wrinkles
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Is this true?
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>girlfriend who has a weird thing for wearing hoof-shoes during sex; yay or nay?
I am very on board with this.
Aren't most young people single now though?

So it's -not- easy to bend them to your whims?
M, no, but I spread my cheeks so the water can clean my asshole. A 4chan meme says girls laugh at you if you don't do that
anime is and always has been garbage
Grills: after I've fucked my wife and/or gone down on her and made her orgasm probably twice in the space of a few minutes, if she claims she's "too sensitive" should I ignore her and keep the fuck? And then she just has to deal with the hypersensitivity and then she'll be back to normal? Or that's it, show is over boys go home
Nah, you're good to go anon, my bf sometimes just rams it in and it's great
State gender
How much do you have saved for retirement? How much is your portfolio worth?

0$, I’m still in college and any time I work I just spend the money on video games hahaha
I get it man. It really sucks when it’s someone you’re connected to, but in the end there is the reality of developing a resentment you didn’t want to ever feel. Drawing it out can make it hurt more in the end. Just know that sometimes love isn’t enough, and that’s okay. It isn’t your fault that you’re human and that you have human needs
nothing except pension
most likely I'll just have a bad year and kill myself before retirement so it will be OK
Yeah that is fine, definitely the right amount of freaky.
just wipe but with water and your hand
going inside is just giving yourself anal fissures
do not do that
had that once
hurts like a bitch
of course you'd like it kek
No cause I'm not retarded
Like 3k :/
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I love finnish girls
Your supposed to use soap
How do you clean it then
>he who cleans his house, expects visitors
10k but I'm still a PhD student so I basically in "don't spend more than I take in" mode and I live pretty comfortably at the poverty line. Savings will come later.
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I am nothing if not honest about my proclivities.
I like having longer nails so I can scrape the earwax out…
>”just use a q tip anon”
No, shut the fuck up, I’m not putting a stick into my ear what if it hits my brain? What then???
I don't see how scraping your brain is any better. Why not just use something that won't destroy your eardrums, like a tissue?
Thanks anon, I’ll ruminate on this before making any brash decisions to end the relationship, but it’s worth considering if I’m only going to be more miserable as time goes on unless I can change the way I act/think or feel
your ear drum is between your ear and your brain.

You aren't supposed to use nails or q-tips to clean your ears though
that's great man, I don't like having longer nails myself
What if I put the tissue too far in and it leaves tissue paper in my ear???

What am I supposed to use then? I’ve never used q tips, and my ears are usually pretty unwaxy
I say neigh to hooves, unless it's for running in the woods naked. But if you ever say the words "hoof job" I will punch you in the face.
I'm pretty far behind but I think I'll catch up, didn't even have a real job until I was 26.
>girlfriend who has a weird thing for wearing hoof-shoes during sex
Hoof shoes, a fur skirt, a corset and long, long hair (we dye it red).
Hopefully the wildlife won't mind witnessing our prolonged sex rituals.
I don't clean the inside of my asshole cause there is 0 reason to.
I clean the outside with a soapy wash cloth.
state gender
state age

Do you own your age, or are you the type of person who clings to "I'm x but I look like y" and still gloats about getting ID'd?

I'm finally being pegged at my age and it's weird because people have projected me as 24 since I was fucking 13, and now I'm finally being recognized as older. I like it, but it's taking some adjustment getting used to being someone's elder when I was the baby in my family and always surrounded by my siblings' older friends more often than peers my own age. It's exciting though!
Because when someone says “food, travel, dogs” they’re trying to find someone with a similar baseline of likes and dislikes. They’re not trying to be clever or unique, and you judging them for not being so is missing the point.

Someone who says “food, travel, dogs” is an immediate no for me because I have ARFID and generally don’t like dogs. That’s not a bad thing. It’s just a sign that we wouldn’t be compatible.

That’s the whole fucking point. To filter out people who don’t meet that extremely broad, simple baseline of compatibility.
Why do we as a species become delusional after break ups?
Any gender, state it or no, but I encourage you to be candid and remember that we are anonymous here. Put your ego and fear of being judged aside for a moment, and don't attack others for their responses. Questions in good faith are fine.

What is it that you feel like you really want or need from a potential partner? It stands to reason that, in the beginning at least, there needs to be some physical point of attraction some features or actions that you observe in another person that draws you in, else there would be no reason for you to speak to one another. We need to concede this one point of superficiality in ourselves. It's okay and natural.
Further, supposing that you get past that initial point, what do you feel like you need physically, emotionally, and mentally from them?
M late 30s
I cureently have around 100k on my bank account and 18k in stocks, 5k in crypto and I have a retirement fund that is 32k strong rn, plus another one but I don't know how big that one is, maybe half?
Oh and a ca. 20k long term savings account from my parents that I have never touched.
>im finally being pegged at my age
Does your dick not get hypersensitive right after you cum?
I guess. I wouldn't know.
im between 30-40k, not including the family business property which is probably in the millions if we sold it
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women why are you plebs
There is nothing to own man, I just look old and tired now
oh no I shouldn't have said 'pegged' lmao
Breaking up with someone who has been a part of your life for so long is a loss of the self, your own identity, your routine. Ofc the brain is confused that the routine is broken and that a part of yourself is no longer there
>sitting at work
>suddenly feel weird
>like I've got a small xanax high
>stand up
>almost fall over
what is happening to me
I literally haven't had anything but coffee and water today
> Do you own your age, or are you the type of person who clings to "I'm x but I look like y" and still gloats about getting ID'd?

I don’t look my age and it’s frustrating because it makes dating harder.

I don’t drink so being ID’d has never been a thing for me. However, I was traveling alone at age 23, and a TSA officer asked me, “Are you traveling with someone? Where’s your mommy?” And I died a little inside.

I turn 30 this month. Thank god.
Should I hit them up? Baby we ain’t nothin but mammals
>Brokeback Mountain
lol no it's not, the point is they're just fucking boring and have nothing going on besides that lowest common denominator baseline
>What if I put the tissue too far in and it leaves tissue paper in my ear???
Then... don't put it too far in? I don't see how that's any worse than getting whatever's on your nails in your ears.

M, 36. I hate that 40 is in sight. When I look in the mirror I see a bit of weathering and a few gray hairs but I still see a kid.
>I literally haven't had anything but coffee and water today
Try having some food.
It's because as society women are always victims and men never are
Bro my nails are CLEAN, I licked them and scraped all the weird stuff they had on them off
early 30's
Retirement specifically? ~50k
I have about ~110k in index funds and 90k in cash (stupidly)
How do you feel about being sexually harassed by your man while you do housework?
No offense, but if you scrape your ears with them, I cannot imagine them as regularly clean.
>look in the mirror without my glasses
>feel young
Almost $200k in retirement, almost $100k in savings, and my portfolio is worth almost $300k last I checked.
Hey anon, just a q tip anon, buy a cheap syringe and remove the needle. Then when you bathe, fill it up with warm water and SLOWLY shoot it into your ears. Tilt your head to the side.
I omad 4 days out of the week, this ain't that
>I literally haven't had anything but coffee and water today
Their smell. Not like “haven’t showered in a week” smell but men’s bodies have a specific smell. It’s weird
>not recognizing the masterpiece of Pride & Prejudice
Moid L
>I omad 4 days out of the week
Then no wonder you're dizzy.
Fuck….. I finally understand why people become serial daters
Ok. My depression is cured and I can stream today.
This fucking question combined with the GG dad songs have slain my bad vibes.
No, not in. Also I don't shower, I bathe.
just broke up with her. I feel a little better, it needed to be done, if someone doesn't respect you. I dont think being in a relationship with them is wise
and home equity, how much is that? you do own property, don't you?
Ask, n̈ogger
this has never actually impeded dating for you at all, has it
A cute spooky girl just sent me a friend request wat do
Note I literally haven't gotten a friend request in 10 years
What if I never find someone who loves me ever again? It was easier never having been loved before than knowing that I had it and lost it
deny the request and block
No. Housing too expensive. Economy in shambles.
>I'm finally being pegged at my age
NTA but what do you stream?
meh, if one person will do that's proof enough somebody else can
Is it though?
very specific image. am i being made into someone else you have in mind?
One study found that girls could tell the difference between sweat from genetically similar people and people who weren't. One comment was literally 'it smells like my brother.' It was something about peptide or sugar sequences in the sweat or something
Nevermind her timeline is full of schizo posts she made within the past week
It was nice to think someone found me interesting though
How are you suppose to know what you like (sexually) when you've never had sex before?
You are a disgusting grifter
why don't you use all of your cash for a down payment on a cheap $750k starter home? it's the last shot to get on the property ladder before prices triple again
>How are you suppose to know what you like (sexually) when you've never had sex before?
You try stuff and see.
how am i suppose to answer the question "what do you like?" when asked
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where is my goverment issued brown gf
yes, people are pretty samey so it's likely there is a non-zero cohort with similar such attributes
Nah, it's over already.
Im 20 but people say i look 22-25
i dont fukken care how i look or how people think i look, i dont think about myself at all really. if i cant see it without a mirror or camera does it really matter?
No. I have adhd, I will forget what I am doing and have to break his dick with my pussy.
>how am i suppose to answer the question "what do you like?" when asked
"I haven't really had the chance to find out yet!"
I'm unmonetized because I don't care that much.
Just dead by daylight and helldivers 2
im 29 years old.
>you must have le fun and extraverted pictures showing what a well-rounded person you are for the shitty dating app
Doesn't this run counter to the fact that you wouldn't need a dating app if you were an attractive well-rounded person who people took pictures of?
>im 29 years old.
So? You planning to lie?
it all makes sense once you realize instagram is THE dating site
its not a social media website, its dating first
Why is there a gang of homosexuals grooming you to become part of their harem?
i don't know what to say. I have a text message sitting on my phone right now from a girl who asked me "What do you like?" and i don't know how to respond to it
I always see women making fun of guys who don't wash their ass 'because it's gay'. And I would agree, but women what about guys like me who just don't do it because it's really gross? I mean, ew. Why would I wanna put my hand in my buttcrack near the hole? I don't even like typing about it.
>fucking this girl
>made it clear from the start that we’re just friends
>so treat her like I treat my other female friends (more often than not we fuck/fucked also)
>she gets pissed when I talk to other girls
>she gets pissed if I talk to other men
>she always has to have all my attention
>she gets a boyfriend, we still hang out and fool around (but no penetration because reasons whatever)
>she still acts the same
>laughs when she says her boyfriend is intimidated by me
>gets pissed when I say I don’t want to hang out
>have a fucking seizure, crack my head, concussion, drive my own ass to the doctor the next day
>she’s like whatever
>two days later, she suddenly has a seizure also, gets an ambulance to come get her
Is this shit histrionic personality disorder? She has no girl friends her age and says that any girl who she does get a little friendly with is fucking crazy. She just feeds off attention and I can’t fucking escape.
it's gross because it's filled with unwashed poo you disgusting orangutan
mnice hair bro no homo
What is the picture supposed to be? What's wrong with the one on the right?
im gonna buy a fedora
No! It's gross because it's a butt!
Well, if you want to fib, I suppose you could talk about things you fantasise about. You don't have to admit you haven't actually tried them.
That wasn't a humblebrag, dip shit
Something is wrong with me and it's not my diet
Alright, I'll do my best to answer. Female.

I need someone who makes me feel safe. Someone who makes me feel like if I fail or mess up, it's not the end of the world, and as long as I do my best to fix it/get back up and try again, it'll be okay. Someone I can confide in, and who responds by remaining calm and thoughtful, rather than spiraling in paranoia and panic. The kind of person who is steady as a rock.

I need someone who is good with finances. Who thinks carefully about how to spend money and how to save and invest it. Someone whose spending won't stress me out and make me feel like I have to mother them.

I want someone who is intellectually curious. They don't have to be intense about it, it's not a competition. But someone who just has the willingness and interest to pick up a book or try something new.

I also really want someone physically strong. I also want them to be incredibly kind, especially to animals and small children. Someone who doesn't like animals or is too allergic to be around them is a dealbreaker for me, because they're a big part of my life. Be kind and considerate to my family.

They also have to be comfortable with themselves. To a certain degree, insecurity is a normal part of being human, and I experience that myself. But when you're never proud of anything you know or do, when you constantly put yourself down, when constantly claim you're not smart or talented or good-looking and let that be the way you define yourself-- that's not okay. In other words, they need to own the parts of themselves that are good and take pride in them.

To make a long story short, I want someone who I can hug tightly and feel like I'm home where they are. When I'm with them, all worries and fears are manageable. And when I show them love, do nice things for them, etc. they show appreciation in a low-key way and reciprocate (for example, if I packed his lunch, a kiss on the cheek would be lovely).
A little bit of chicken fried
Cold beer on a Friday night
Pair of jeans that fit just right…

If she finishes the verse then she might be fun to be around.
Make shit up. I just want validation form women.
This man probably has hemorrhoids under his butthole crust.
Completely unfuckable. Marry a woman that doesn't wash her butthole and then get pink eye if she asks you to go down on her.
How do you expect me to answer. "No, tee hee, it hasn't"? Of course it's impeded my dating life, why the fuck else would I state clearly that it has?
So you want the smart jock next door who graduated in the top ten percent and went off to college and never looked back. Hope you have a time machine, otherwise you’ll have to pray you bump into him while he’s in graduate school for fucking engineering or business or workforce development or whatever and you’re at the same big state school in the Big Ten or SEC.
you're so handsome.
You don't, but you can get a feel for what you like as you start doing other physical stuff. I thought I was a sub until I kissed my GF.
It probably won't come up during casual conversation
Why are you being an ass?
or shes missing a few teeth and has a really annoying accent
thats extremely gay
How do I live without female validation?
NAG, effort posts are meant to be *read*, not replied to. This has been prevalent across forums for decades.
>talk about things you fantasise about
What am I suppose to say, I fantasy about sex? Maybe i just wont respond to her. this is embarassing and I think anything i say will raise a red flag
I’m not. You better have a time machine because high school is the best time to land that guy. The second best time to land that guy is when he’s in graduate school and on the rebound because somehow that relationship fucked up and you better be in school, preferably the same or equivalent university he’s attending, otherwise he’s not going to give you the time of day. That’s the reality. Otherwise, you’ll wind up with some gym meathead who is insane and couldn’t survive on a football team due to terminal insanity and that guy probably tortures animals and thus does not meet your standards.
stop wanting it
Female tsundere-kun?
>t. never gets laid
what she described just sounds like a generic 40 year old upper middle class blue collar white man.
You sound very depressing to be around.
Nah you're just telling tall tales
nice cock
sorry i dont like 46 year old haggard looking southern women
Maybe a really tall femme could do it?
lol dumbass
There’s no “blue collar “upper middle class.” That’s the working class and that guy makes six figures because he works 80 hours a week at a chemical plant or refinery. That guy is not intellectually curious and most of them are not physically strong due to overeating and being “too tired” to go to the gym.
women why do you look down on us?
I need
>at least a 6th grade reading level
not even going to risk saying similar
>same political values
>religious values must be passive if not similar
No I will not be converting to shit. Fuck off.
>a moderate ability to take care of himself, including feeding himself things other than fast food
>Being an actual good citizen and helping others when they can
>engaging moderately socially with other people and especially with other women
>cares about animals
>cares to remember various details about me and use that to better our relationship
>or just wants to actually make my life easier
>wants to be an active dad that does want to hold and feed and clothe and bathe baby
And I think that summs it up pretty well.
You have never gone out. They even play that fucking song in clubs because of the Ukraine shit, I’ve seen black chicks line dancing and shaking their ass to that dumb song
>this webm
>yet when I bother white guys at work to flirt with them, they stop talking to me
I hate the internet. Nothing but bullshit.
That mf is not white
I don't. I rarely think about you guys at all.
I guess. I've seen that gif of the tol redheaded pornstar lifting the smol pornstar against the wall. That's kinda neat. But I fear I'm not smol enough. I'm 5'8"
I can't navel gaze that much man
You do when a tall motherfucker saunters in looking like he just witnessed/participated in a genocide yet is impeccably groomed.
women why are you so apathetic towards us?
I'm too autistic to get this reference.
Autistic women, have you even been in a romantic relationship?
Whiter than me, that's all that matters.
>portfolio is worth almost $300k
What sectors do you invest in?
I'm tired and have brain fog most days, so it's hard to care about much to begin with. I already have too much shit to care about that I struggle to care about.
Tall, dark, and handsome.
Im 20 now, should I stop shaving for 10 years so by the time im a wizard i look like a wizard
I used up all my empathy teaching children and treating patients. I'm in my "no fucks to give strangers" period now.
It's honestly hard for me to have much empathy for someone that is comparatively more privileged.
lol cringe
*too retarded
Yeah, twice. One lasted 8 months. The other was a sexless 2-year relationship.

I'd think "out of my league", stick him in that mental category, then treat him the way I treat pretty much everyone else.

If you do, at least take care of your beard. Oil it and keep it clean.
Are you the ophthalmologist?
You're a fat ass if you think 4 days of omad is anything special
Only if you can grow a beard. Give it three months then go to a barber to get it styled up, they’ll tell you your chances.
She invested in herself. She got a phd in mathematics. Any job she wants. 300k starting.
I've heard snowbunnies talk about how good men of colour smell. I guess white guys are kind of neutral smelling
No. I was studying radiation therapy.
oh I was referring to your "humblebrag" reply
I started to but I think I pushed him away. I am pretty weird to be fair. They think it's always gonna be magic pixie dream girl when in reality it's maybe like that 15% of the time.
Like Lauren Chen, Dave Ruben, and Tim Pool?
>Oil it and keep it clean.
Well whoch ome do you want? Clean or oiley?

Beard bros how do i stop it gettimg dandruff?
For cancer?
Girls, what is your occupation, or if you're in school/training, what are you studying?
oh its just jh
Chad is turned on, not annoyed, right?
Not really. There’s no one universal smell. My ex tasted slightly salty and smelled like trees after it rained.
...The same way we do with normal hair? We wash our hair, then put in a bit of oil to remove frizz and keep it shiny?

I don't like how they smell. Most white guys smell much nicer to me.
>Oil it and keep it clean.
why would I do that? i want to be as unkempt as possible. thats the point of beard, to show you dont care anymore
I dont put oil in my hair. Did you mean conditioner? Is oil something for curly hair?
You're bi and she's poly?
Yeh. And a few other very specific conditions.
Doing micro stuff right now. It's pretty interesting, might go back to school to learn more.
Fuck you. I'm allowed to post here.
Nursery school teacher.
You're not the glasses licking girl, are you?
Plenty of em
You forgot about Lauren Southern
Would you consider a "Wheyfu" a femme?
(Feminine face with a muscular body)
I am. So what? I'm not embarrassed by that anymore.
>women why are you so apathetic towards us?
You've never given us a reason not to be.
women, why don't you just be less bad and be good instead?
>What am I suppose to say, I fantasy about sex?
No, talk about things you fantasise about as if you had actually done them, dummy.
I'm afraid the FinKnight may be lurking here
Oil is often something used for curly hair, yes, and I do have some curls.

It all depends on your hair type. Mine is 2B, but I wash hair daily, condition once every two weeks only on the ends (not the scalp), and if I don't have enough naturally-occurring oil to distribute with a comb and boar-bristle brush, I use a bit of argon hair oil on just the ends to smooth it out.

But I've also seen guys with actually long beards (more than a couple inches) put the tiniest dab of oil on the beard so that it's shiny rather than dull. It makes their beards look quite splendid. They comb it out, put a dab of oil on their hands and work it into the ends of the beard, and it shines. It's not supposed to look greasy, just healthy.
>stopped playing video games
>still no gf
>How do I live without female validation?
You'll have plenty of time to find out.
Micro stuff?
wont it be pretty fucking clear i haven't done them?
Idk who I'm empathising with.
Why should I care.
(Except those I know who they are on here)
Blonde people hair.
Its the roots that get so dry for me so shouldnt i comb into there?

I see how it is
Lauren Southern was involved within the Tenet/RT scandal
If you have really dry roots, that's a sign of a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. That's outside my area of experience.
Have you tried biotin?
Why, because men are incapable of not being bad?
I'm working part-time as a lab assistant while I recover from grad school (I did graduate, yes). I spend my days measuring cell areas and checking other peoples' work, and it's honestly so peaceful.
I'm on pure passive income rn. Kinda wish I had a job even if it was a shit one.
That's an attractive job for a woman to have.
He's probably over washing and not conditioning at all like most men and their 47w8283 in ones.
I havent tried any type of tin, but I am willimg to give it a shot.
Passive income from what?
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I am very autistic about facial proportions in women. I want someone with a unique facial proportions, not anything specific, but something that makes her facially unique while still registering as attractive. I think most women are pretty already, but I think if someone has a slightly "funny" face they are higher quality than a person with a model kind of look, you know what I mean. If I had to make a list I think large teeth or an overbite or a big mouth is probably somewhere at the top of the list, prominent eyebrows, kind of manic "gaze" that suggests social attentiveness.

After the face, personality is a big deal. I don't have a personality preference I'd just want a girl that has a large amount of positive female role models in her life, whether it's influencers or family or friends (irl or internet) it doesn't matter to me as long as she is the type that places priority on female interaction to male interaction. That said, I don't want to be a trophy boyfriend that she's only dating to have something to talk about to her non-single friends all the time. I'd also like for our relationship to not be about the community, like I'd rather just have a girlfriend and not some chick from a close-knit community where I have to meet her uncles and aunts and godparents stuff like that.

Continuing with personality, attitude is a big deal. She should be smart, and attentive not only emotionally but like, socially, and mentally also. Knowing when to take a supporting role and when to lead. She doesn't have to be a hyper-rational autist but she should be willing to share with me her thought process or I guess have the ability to say "I Did X because of Y and I thought Z would come from X" This kind of reflective, honest, measured, self-awareness is easily the most attractive trait any woman could have.

Everything else is an added bonus.
Biotin is Vitamin B7 that you take as a supplement to help hair and nails.
Heh. Legit try that though. It's good for hair and nails and stuff.
Nope. I dooooon't qualify.
I condition every time. Redpill me on overwashing

Seriously though, why not?
About a third of that is just nvidia stock. I got lucky and put some money in them back in 2015. As much as I'd like to say I saw the AI boom coming, I didn't send thought I'd get marginal profits due to the popularity of their GPUs.
I take b12 and 6 daily because im low from bad habit but will add 7
>almost get into car wreck
>initial adrenaline and that's it
>didn't care

Am I depressed or wise?
What kinda bad habit causes deficiency in those?
I got into a car wreck on the way to high school and totaled my car and went to school like nothing happened. I mean nobody got hurt, so why stress yourself out about it
Depressed. I drove my car into a tree by accident while pulling into a driveway, sighed, reversed, pulled into the driveway, then went inside and went to bed.

Woke up the next morning to my mother screaming at me, asking what the hell happened. I didn't see the big deal at the time. I was fine. Car needed to go to the shop, so I got dressed and drove it there.

Depression just makes you not really react. I probably should've reacted more, and to top it off, probably shouldn't have drove the car because the brake line was so badly crushed it shouldn't have even been working.
Somewhat attractive to me. Doesn't have to be the most attractive girl alive or even in the running. Kinda cute. Physically, lots of sex. I have a high sex drive. Physical touch in general as well, like hugs, kissing, massages. I want to do that for her as well. Especially foreplay. Emotionally supportive. Mentally well enough that she's not too erratic.
With the frangibility of blonde hair, once a day in scaling hot water is actually too much washing.
But every other day is acceptable for only hot.
If you shower hot you must rinse conditioner cold/cool to close the moisture into the hair and seal it.
Probably doesn't eat enough meat, eggs or dairy, which would also explain a Biotin deficiency too.

I take fish oil pills because there are fatty acids I need that I don't get because I don't eat flaxseed or fish. Same deal.
I have a little less than the value of my house that I own outright in a portfolio.
F? Have you tried walnuts for the omega 3?
A fun puzzle like on House
I shower luke warm to cold since i am always warm
Do you make decent money?
F, yes. I also don't eat nuts either unfortunately.
Nope, i eat mostly meat eggs and dairy but good guess
It honestly really varies a lot. Some months are great and some months I eat a lot of ramen. I bet my tax guys love me.
So I guess edamame and seaweed are out then. :) Chia seeds?
If true, I would consider seeing your doctor to check if you have trouble absorbing or properly processing vitamins. If you eat that daily, those deficiencies seem a bit unusual.
>he fell for it
Never heard of chia seeds. I’d have to look up how they’re eaten and see if I can integrate them somehow!
>I'd just want a girl that has a large amount of positive female role models in her life, whether it's influencers or family or friends
>I'd also like for our relationship to not be about the community, like I'd rather just have a girlfriend and not some chick from a close-knit community where I have to meet her uncles and aunts and godparents stuff like that.
Veey strong autism there to not recognize that he just countered everything he just typed.
Consumption of another thing daily drastically lowers b vitamin absorbtion, alas try as i may I haven't been able to curb it
You've never... wow, ok, I'm honestly kind of excited here, ngl. They're really versatile. Can be used in smoothies, puddings, baking, just sprinkled on food. A lot of stuff.
I'd also google the product you use sometimes to see if there are any recalls or lawsuits ongoing because those do tend to pop up and not hit any public news beyond a piece of paper taped to where you would have bought it.
But also check diet as well.
Is it unethical to be into a girl because of the size of her boobs?
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Smart, no mental/personality disorders, not overweight.
When you add a filter for single this is like 1% or fewer
its not unethical to be attracted to her because of the size of her boobs. its unethical to want to date her and be in a longterm relationship only because of her boobs.
Its a six pack a day.
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It seems contradictory but it isn't. The point of role models is for the person to eventually become independent and autonomous and eventually come into their own as an individual. It's not like I'm trying to take her to a secluded barn in the middle of nowhere, I just personally don't like having to meet a bunch of randoms all the time. It's fine if it's her friends, but I really don't want to have to pretend to like people I've never met, just because my girlfriend knows and likes them.

I concede the autism part, though. For some reason I can only find brunette images, but it applies to blondes or other races too.
Looks are whatever. Have a lot of "types" running the genetic gamut. Don't need to be physically attracted to a woman to love her.

She would need to be monogamous, virgin or formerly virgin monogamous widow, in my approximate age range, opposes abortion and socialism, does not require of me a belief in any god, capable of separating desires from peer pressure from genuine information, prefers a semi-reclusive lifestyle, wants kids, has a fairly well-structured consciousness including well-considered morals, not a pedophile or furry etc or other "lifestyle kink" type thing, has a reasonable person's distaste for homosexuals and "gay culture", does not have a rape fetish, no tattoos/piercings/self-inflicted mutilations, no cutting, immune to suddenly shifting or discarding entire worldview and life goals due to hormonal change or childbirth or whimsy, disinterested in race and class politics or has some well-reasoned idea about them rather than the typical retard bot memes you see online/in media.
By all objective measures (read: my measures) I am good
no shit that's what my dad does kek

I'm in nuclear engineering but I think if I don't like working I'll look to transition to medical physics, but I don't wanna be in school forever...
nta but are you the one of German decent?
Wise, at a certain point in life things should stop fazing you. Eventually you just realize that having strong feelings doesn't help anything
So how thick of a pillow do you need for the pillow trick?
Hey IDIOTS, anon said
>don't attack others for their responses
You ever met somebody who you later on thought "Huh... I wonder how much of that was actually true?"

Lies, delusions, things that don't add up or are just very convenient...
>I just personally don't like having to meet a bunch of randoms all the time.
>her family is randoms
My dude, that's some balarina farms type shit. Take the girl away from the massive family and force her to breed until her back is giving out and she needs her family.
It's shallow, but not unethical. That's enough to get off to a girl, but to love her, that's another ball game.
Well that is ideal. A girl who has a good relationship with her family yet at the same time you don't have to give a shit about her family. What a dream.
I'm not attacking. It's questionable to say two different things at once.
Make up your damn mind.
Do women think Israel is a good American ally?
F with big boobs. I wouldn't say it's unethical but if that's you're sole reason for liking them it's gonna be a problem. We can usually tell who those guys are and it doesn't last very long.
yeah! I actually just got in a German I class for free last week.
you made me realize I generally don't reflect or really think about shit other people have told me, once I'm past the hurdle of talking to them I don't think about them until the next time I have to talk to them
is this bad?
Family girls should actually hate you anyway. So it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
>wow I'm attracted to that woman with big boobs, but it would be unethical to ask her out
how can i tell if a guy is falling out of love with me?
(state age and gender) how do you feel about viewing porno in a relationship?
am I supposed to cry foul if an american gets sent to prison or shot for protesting the Ukraine war in Russia?
Men can just see a cool looking pebble and keep it in their pocket the rest of their natural lives, you wouldn't get it...
>just learned about the A spot
>im about 8 inches long
>can hit my gf's cervix but never hit her A spot
wut do?
Yeah some of them. But they aren't really attainable in real life. And only the ones who aren't hulking roid monsters. Patty is cute for example.
>only because of her boobs.
Rarely, I usually realize in the moment, just a gut feeling based on their tone of voice and the manner in which they say it.

Bad is going too far and it is good to have the attitude that the interaction is over and there's no point in crying over spilt milk in that sense.

However, reflecting on these things (especially "huh I (dis)liked that person - let's analyze where that feeling comes from") does make you learn more from social interactions and helps you recognize patterns you don't want (and thus helps you consciously break them).
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Women, why are you so violent?
Just long enough to sleep with him a few times?

Good Idea: talking to an asking out a girl because of the size of her boobs

Bad Idea: continuing to talk and date a girl solely because of the size of her boobs

As it is written, "Man shall not live by boobs alone."
You knew from that first look that her ass was mid, Johnny, and you still asked the poor girl out. You're a cold one, Johnny boy.
I never said it was realistic but of course it's ideal. I know my sister's husband doesn't really want to talk to my family either if he can help it and just goes through the motions
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See, that what you just did there is mean.
play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Go on a trip to Pyongyang and make fun of Kim Jong Un and see how far you get while you're at it.
AFAIK hitting the A-spot is less about having a super long dick and more about fitting just right.

Either way, nothing you can do, just accept that having a good sex life is about having pleasure and fun together and not about ticking every single box. No doubt you would love some sensations your girlfriend cannot provide (whether physically, because of her boundaries/preferences...). Does that mean you don't love having sex with her? Probably not.
Not really. They're geopolitically useful to have as an ally, but Israel clearly takes it for granted and just uses partnership with the US to consider itself beyond reproach in any matter. Like the loudmouth scrawny kid yelling at even scrawnier kids, but he has his older jacked bro behind him.
Sounds like I could mix them with cream cheese for a bagel, should be similar to poppy seeds?
>how can i tell if a guy is falling out of love with me?
Does he go above and beyond for you? Do his eyes light up when he looks at you? Is he excited to be with you?

>(state age and gender) how do you feel about viewing porno in a relationship?
F, 31. I think it's bad to get off to people who are not your SO. Not cheating, but bad. Should be something to avoid.
Damn, I just spend most social interactions just trying to figure out the polite time and way to end it so I don't have to think about it
since anyone can be an american it doesnt mean anything to be an american. so why should I care if some person who happens to be a citizen of a nation that doesnt exist anymore gets killed or imprisoned
Damn, this a real certified "don't take dating advice from women"-ass moment.
>I think it's bad to get off to people who are not your SO
But you've done it
I support Israel, and think it’s the best ally the US can have in the Middle East.

Understandably, I do not have many friends in my peer group.
Should work. They do get kinda gloopy with liquid. I use them to thicken soups.
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That's a blatant mischaracterization, I'm not some piledriving sociopathic sex addict, I'm a stranger to her entire world. What if they hate me? What if they say "This one sucks, dump him." And my gf is like "I agree entirely". What if her family is scary? Just because everyone is kind to a girl, doesn't mean the same is guaranteed for men, certainly not men they've never met. I'd say I have a right to be on edge.
Do we give Russia billions of dollars in aid, jew?
yeah, I look handsome.
just did some test footage for the YouTube channel.

plenty of girls are going to be scream crying for me.
Anons who have been romantically entangled with people with siblings, was your partner the youngest/oldest/middle child and do you think it changed their personality and behaviors in the relationship?
No, I never felt the need. I've only ever wanted my husband after we met, other men kinda gross me out.
damn shes based.. maybe in 5 years ill date her based on the one-half plus seven rule
>how can i tell if a guy is falling out of love with me?
Stuff like that he no longer cares for stuff just because you care. Listens less (often or well). He doesn't light up anymore or visibly take you in when you look especially well. He brings up spending quality time together less often, or at all. Interest in sex can dwindle and/or the sex becomes much more routine, he doesn't like foreplay much anymore, no long kissing, it feels more routine and obligatory.

At the end of the day it's a gut feeling and you know best if he still gets giddy for you (sometimes) or not really.

31F. I think it is inevitable that almost all men (and many women) enjoy some of it in some capacity at times. That said I do think (watching a lot of) porn does not tend to make people feel more satisfied with their sex life or themselves. Porn is all about extremes - the youngest/hottest chick ever, the biggest hardest penis, the roughest sex... Long term intimacy in a relationship thrives on affection and the likes, not on newness or pushing limits. You run out of new or more extreme stuff fairly early on.
Ah, that’s a shame. I don’t actually eat soups or puddings either, really.
Youngest. He's a little baby and is spoiled rotten, but also very funny and goofy which I love.
Is it possible that I'm too thick to get in there? She has vaginismus if that matters

You are men.
Sorry, should I have asked, "Why do Americans protesting the Taliban (who we donated billions of dollars in military equipment to) in Afghanistan get shot?" to fit your narrative?
>how can i tell if a guy is falling out of love with me?
If you approach him with negative energy and he responds with indifference.
nta but are you autistic? You seem to have a very strict diet.
If she has vaginismus, it is possible to be too thick.

Depending on the severity, she should see a gynecologist to discuss management options.

Source: have vaginismus, first sexual encounter failed miserably because of it, have never successfully had penetrative sex, some gynecological exams cause me enough pain to black out. Sucks man.
Is it true men listen to Taylor Swift in secret?
My ex was the youngest of two boys, my boyfriend is kind of half youngest half middle (his younger sibling is eleven years younger so he spent his early childhood with only his younger sister).

I do not think the birth order in particularly matters that much. The general relationship with siblings can. Obviously it is anecdotal and based on little, but I do feel that my boyfriend has a much more positive and respectful outlook on women because he grew up adoring his older sister, who was both sweet to him and just spunky/sassy/bold. It is hard to say how much him being two years younger and her being his big sis rather than his little sister tied into that. I am inclined to say that I think the quality of their relationship itself matters more there than the specific age dynamic. I think doting on a slightly younger sister could have potentially achieved the same.
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Yes. I don't think vaginismus should be relevant because that either prevents penetration or it doesn't, if she's relaxed enough to allow for deep penetration then I don't think vaginismus could still prevent A-spot stuff.

That said yes you can definitely be too thick, it's like sliding into an inner pocket so yeah can't be too wide/big.
I could be, but I suspect what I actually have is ARFID— it’s a type of restrictive food disorder. Certain tastes, textures and smells can make food inedible to me, even if it’s very similar to stuff I do eat. And sometimes even if I eat it and it’s fine, my body will reject it later and give me nausea, headache, sometimes make me throw it back up.

So I tend to stick to what I know will work.
I listen to girly pop music openly, I don't prefer it to other music, and I switch to manly music so I don't get peer-bullied. girl pop music is catchier than other forms of music.
Autistic people, do you think you're at a disadvantage? An advantage?
>see Hinge profiles where the girl ask what your favorite Taylor Swift song is
women is this some kind of shit test, I don't even know what songs are hers
I lowkey want my mom to rape me
I don't see how it could be an advantage
Disadvantage. Being socially awkward makes many situations.. awkward.
I’m a qt so i get away with it most of the time though
Ok, maybe don't go for the chia seeds. They get kinda gelatinous. Hemp seeds maybe.
yes, what does that have to do with anything?
I'm a normie but maybe not being influenced by emotions?
Hurdle? What do you mean?

>Rarely, I usually realize in the moment, just a gut feeling based on their tone of voice and the manner in which they say it.
I always thought I was kinda like this too (but I think most people like to think of themselves as that).
But only recently I realized somebody I used to love might have been telling me some really weird lies. Or maybe it's their own delusions and they think it's real.
To be fair ny circumference is like 7 inches lol
It doesn't usually get in the way... just need lots of prep(working up to 2 fingers), let her slowly put my dick in, then just kinda stay inserted without moving for a minute or two until she acclimates. Might wanna give that a try next time you have a chance
But I'm pretty sure she looked into it and didn't find anything that helps. I'll ask her. Thanks :>
autists are pretty impressionable
yay the eagles
>7 inches
Larp larp.
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I asked women you dumb Mossad JIDF faggot fucking kill yourself.
>What do you mean?
having conversations is work
nta in a naive kinda way maybe. I can usually tell when I'm wanting make a decision based on being angy or something like that.
What is the most common male fetish? What can i safely assume any random guy i meet is into
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just to give you girls an idea of how I look. Look at pic rel. Basically a cross between these two men.

when my YouTube channel goes up, there will be tons of female fans for me, I know.
Guess I need to do more research on positions and stuff to try
I didn't see that. but women dont care about your annoying /pol/ topics though.
Not really. I can tell when people are lying point blank.
Boobs and butts.
>7 inches
That's... huge.

My ex was like ~5 inches circumference and we still couldn't get it in. Feels really bad.

Sounds like her case isn't as severe as mine. Or, it's possible she doesn't actually have vaginismus, and you're actually just huge, because 7 inches is well above average and having to sit and adjust is-- from what I've heard-- incredibly normal for that size.
Big boobs.
I agree with your sentiment entirely, Zionists are similarly evil to the Taliban, and we should never have funded either terrorist group, so we should definitely stop funding Israel since they continue to kill our citizens and attacked and sank our military's ship unprovoked as well.

>what do you feel like you need physically
Chemistry, attraction and good sex. I am not fussy about how the person looks, I just have to be into it. I do really like playing with softer bodies so particularly in men I like chub, but in the past that has not been necessary for me to really enjoy someone sexually and I don't think it would be in the future, either. I have a high libido but enjoy being with someone with a lower libido, as long as their interest in sex is still enthusiastic and sensual.

I need to like their scent, their smile, their voice, how they move and carry themselves physically. They need to have soft/kind eyes.

To feel safe around them, to feel accepted, like they understand who I feel like inside and like that person. Trust. I talk a lot and that needs to be okay. I want and need a partner who knows themselves and what they want well and can communicate about it at least reasonably well, too. I am very attracted to emotional intelligence.

A similar sense of humor to the point where there's enough overlap to regularly laugh together and make each other laugh. Someone who will help me structure my thoughts at least sometimes by letting me think out loud. I love language and wordplay and need a partner who relates and catches on.

This is what comes to mind for me. I do not have strong other preferences or demands that I can easily think of. Other than obviously needing to be compatible enough in terms of lifestyle preferences/desires for the future, like agreeing on wanting to have children...
>being this gulllible
Can't stand the bitch, every song she puts out is worse than the last. Get off the radio.
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I'm advantaged when it comes to stuff that makes the world a better place like discipline, rational thought, analysis, ethics, research, due diligence, weighing options, etc. The problem is that no one cares about any of that because of vibes and energy and democracy and chemistry and a firm handshake and rhetoric and emotional venting, so I'm disadvantaged ultimately in the long run.
How do I find a girlfriend who gaslights me and isolates me away from all my friends and family?
I mean, big dicks exist. If he's lying, then it's whatever. If he's telling the truth, then maybe I've given useful information.
Go on...
women peeing which is why all women must think it is normal and not bully me haha
Jesus christ can we have ONE fucking thread without you guys frothing at the mouth about Israel
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Streamers, have you ever talked someone out of suicide?
Nice hair
A threesome with two women. Not literally every man, some really are strictly monogamous even in fantasy, but I do think it fits your question still.
Why must you try to justify their misdeeds, Moshe?
>how do you feel about viewing porno in a relationship?
32 F
NBD unless he starts to memorize pornstars, tribute tax to them, and keep more than like a quarter of a T worth of shit stored.
Can we go ONE fucking year without giving countries who hate us our tax dollars?
>32 F
I read this as a bra size...
agreed beautiful luxurious hair is very sniffable
its not that big dicks don't exist, its that 7 inch circumference is 99.99th percentile. its like if someone said they have a 500 lb bench.
I wish women didn't find it weird for guys to play with their hair.
Strangely specific criteria, but not unreasonable.
We (typically) don't. This was already an accepted flirting move when I was in high school.
How would you like it if I just played with your dick? Wait, don't answer that...
why would it bother them, dont they work really hard on hair maintenance. as long as youre not getting drool on it i dont see how women would dislike it
Those posts weren’t attacking in the slightest. The smart jock thing is 100% accurate
Weird statement.
Are you avoidant or something?
I find it slightly uncomfortable in that a guy's fingers are usually dirty.
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Democracy is safe but ultimately gay because you can control the people outside of the democratic channels via socio-emotional indenture and rhetorical coercion and secure majority leanings on any particular social outcome via mass media.

Everything people want can be solved with benevolent dictatorship. They say the problem is that benevolent dictatorship ((always)) results in tyranny. They never address and prevent tyranny, they just attribute the problem specifically to benevolent authority, hence modern "love anything accept christian jesus" culture. That's what they're trying to achieve with Artificial Intelligence Totalitarianism.
I don't mean in a sexual way. Just sitting close to each other and having my fingers idly moving through her hair while we watch something or chat or travel in a train etc.
Bondage or anal
>secure majority leanings on any particular social outcome via mass media.
You say this as if you can't do that with any other political systems.
Only saw your reply now. To be totally complete, I should add that it has happened to me that I found my initial feeling about or impression of someone was off/skewed later on, sometimes. And I have never personally been close to someone who (I found out) had a habit of lying, I imagine it is different then, if you already really like someone for other reasons then your guard is wholly down.

I know that because my father did lie at times and I know looking back as a kid I was working hard to fill in the weird gaps in his story for him because you also really want to believe so much that it is true.

You can elaborate, if you wish. It will be hard to judge since I don't know her at all and wasn't there to hear her talk. But if it helps you to write it out, feel free and if you want I can still reply what comes to mind for me.
what if it's someone you know to be clean
Don't wake the sleeper.
Because it messes up my hair.

My brother likes to ruffle my hair. But it messes up my part and makes it a bit messy, and unless I have a hairbrush handy, it's hard to fix it.
nta but I would hate this because my hair is already really thin and prone to breakage due to thyroid issues.
It still messes it up. I worked hard to put that curl there or whatever. Hair is no touchy.
don't know what you mean, talking to people is just greasing social wheels but it is a chore
especially strangers because you don't know what stupid shit will upset them
What if only people with bad attributes love me
>because you don't know what stupid shit will upset them
Autistic then?
My parents have mastered the art of calling me at most inconvenient times
women do you ever notice yourselves doing that "filter through consensus" thing, I have noticed many times this deference to social authority
Dictators can just say "no". They will 100% be right because they are benevolent. So far, benevolent authoritarians are extremely racist and can't sit still. When they can sit still, they become Japan or Germany. When they aren't racist they become like United States.
I will never make the mistake of being nice to incels ever again
T.b.h. the most important thing is to be able to look at your hair, anything else is just a bonus.
unless you are extremely agreeable you're bound to meet people who get upset if you disagree with anything they say anon
I have, but not on stream chat.
I use to volunteer for 7cupsoftea.com
Quickly got bored of it when it would be the same people freaking out over small stuff.
adults don't really talk to their parents very much.
I'm their only 18 daughter so...
Good. Incels don't need you, they have vtubers now.

Also what happened.
I'm a woman and I think Socrates was right about democracy
I am confused. Cute coworker and I have been flirting the pst months and she always made it clear she was single and knew I am too. She recently started mentioning she got a boyfriend but continues flirting with me. For example, she recently did the classic “comparing hand sizes” saying how my hands are big, and even started complimenting me more and asking about my dating life. Feels strange that she somehow seems to have increased her flirting after she starting having a boyfriend ?
Sure, I think in everyone's life part of growing up and the whole "coming of age" thing is realizing as a teenager you were very much living through the lens of an invisible audience and at some point you have to decide if you're willing to live for yourself and be honest with yourself about how you feel about things.

Especially in teenagers you see it clearly because they are so sensitive to peer pressure and so insecure. It depends on the person, their upbringing and their temperament how well they outgrow that. I do think women are more harmony-focused and more likely to try to align or compromise their perspective to that of others, sometimes to the point of censoring themselves even in their interior monologue. I do not know if that's because we are less physically strong. Women are in general more relationship-focused and strong-minded women who do not bother to make their thoughts and opinions more appetizing to others, are less popular and regarded less positively than men that do this. So it could also be nurture, or a combination of both. Whatever the cause, ultimately we are all individuals and I have met both independent-minded women and mentally slavish, quick-to-agree men.
You can disagree with people in a nice way. You don't need to treat every irl interaction like a 4chan troll.
Yeah, I've done that before.

That being said, there are situations where I've had to go against the current and speak out, because I simply could not sit back and let it go.
Whatd he say? Something something tyrrany of the majority?
Every time I have tried to be understanding or empathetic towards them they've treated me horrible. They also refuse to hear any evidence that contradict their worldview. They are in love with their own misery.
>we still couldn't get it in
Even with lots of foreplay? Because I know that if I don't make her cum and don't get something 2 inches wide inside her, I'm not gonna be able to fit inside her at all.
>it's possible she doesn't actually have vaginismus
She definitely does, I've been with "normal" girls and usually just our first few times would be difficult, after that they acclimate. My gf needs proper foreplay every single time and even then we have some days where it just doesn't work or she's too sore. And even if we get it in, she's so tight that she leaves ME sore after. But yeah, I guess it might not be as bad as yours.
Only at lmao3pl8s :/
Probably she thinks that because you now know she has a boyfriend, she won't have to watch her behavior as carefully anymore as you won't read deeply into it anyway, knowing she's taken.

The comparing hand sizes is very often flirty but also a thing women just like to do, I am a tall woman with bigger hands and have also had tiny women compare their hands to mine in a way I am quite sure was not flirty. The asking about your dating life to me seems like an attempt to switch gears and wingwoman you, if anything.
This one guy once gave me a dono with a disturbing message. Talked him out of it and saw him the next day. He might have just been playing around but I'd rather err on the side of caution with something like that.
>Even with lots of foreplay?
We used a ton of foreplay, lube, and special dilators. Just could not do it. I couldn't get up to the last size of dilator, which was the size for an average girth, and he couldn't get it in.

Even if he had gotten it in, I don't think I would have been able to withstand him actually moving.
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>Every time I have tried to be understanding or empathetic towards them they've treated me horrible. They also refuse to hear any evidence that contradict their worldview. They are in love with their own misery.
That's literally any depressed person. Tell them depression is a big meme and they do pic related
How to find a guy who likes Taylor Swift?
USA moment
sorry anon not everybody responds the same way even when you're polite and in fact use this an excuse to try to dominate the conversation
Thats like most of fit, for me tho as i walk in the gym its always
>so here's my number, so call me maybe
Try any trans community or /b/
So... what are you doing about it? Or are you just giving up on sex?
At a Taylor Swift concert probably
I've been depressed myself and have come out on the other side so it really hurts to see so many people choosing to be blackpilled so to speak.
Yeah. And we're better than other places in the world.
I want Sukuna to rearrange my guts
>women hate bisexual men
>then ask for for homos who like taylor swift music
do women really
>>women hate bisexual men
understand that some people will never get better and will be in misery until their dying day.
How do you tell bi and gay men apart?
Great now i have to read about when athens had a disaster in sicily. I only knew about phyrres (sp?)
>So... what are you doing about it? Or are you just giving up on sex?
My ex and I broke up while I was investigating options with a gynecologist.

My life has been hectic ever since. I never had the time, energy, or headspace for a relationship. I also went on oral birth control to get rid of my periods and help my mood swings, which did amazing, but it also ruined my libido, so I lost any serious interest in trying sex after that.

I still hold onto hope of finding a guy to try again with. But it's hard me to justify pursuing someone when I know there's a chance we won't be able to have penetrative sex (though there's a lot else we could do), and the idea of dating someone, growing to trust them, then getting to the point of trying to have sex, and them being so discouraged by not being able to have it that they break up with me again is... depressing, honestly.

So I guess right now, the answer is that I'm really doing nothing.
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How much of a problem is this?
Yeah, definitely. Also congrats, I also pulled myself out of that and have been better for it. The harder part of not being depressed anymore is that all of your old depressed person friends become crabs in a barrel just constantly trying to pull you back down to depressed person land. It's really hard to be around or help anyone who is in that state. They're kind of stuck there until they use their free will to better themselves, most don't. They'd rather use 100% of their energy to be defeatist and non-constructive.

Yeah, but how often does that happen?
That's very rare, unless you also count in random /pol/tard screeching on 4chan, which I don't.

Sorry to hear about your dad being that way, do you think he was a pathological liar?
But you are correct. lol
I appreciate your offer to listen, but the whole thing would take way too long to explain. She is diagnosed with a type of personality disorder and that surely plays into it too. I think it's better for me to just keep moving on as I've been doing the past few months. But some days it just hits me a bit and my brain thinks about her.
>Yeah, but how often does that happen?
In my experience, a lot but I work with a lot of autists with phds
F. I found all of it in my husband.
My husband is pretty much my best friend, and he was since the day we met. There's no one else in my life I had such an easy time opening up to, sharing things with, and growing up with. But also nobody I have as much fun with, nobody I like talking to as much. Anything I do with him becomes instantly fun, no matter how mundane.
He makes me feel safe and relaxed in any situation. I never slept well until I slept in his arms. I always feel overwhelmed by stress when doing stuff I didn't plan largely in advance, but if he's with me then I feel okay doing dumb shit.
He's smart, intellectually curious, a little argumentative (which I love). He's witty but also has a childlike, goofy personality. We've got similar values, we both always wanted to be married and be parents, and he has a good head on his shoulders.
He loves me wholeheartedly, passionately, and as close to unconditionally as one could. He loved me at my best and at my worst, and treated me with the same kindness, affection and respect every day.
This thread has unlocked a new fear for me: having a tiny vagina.
I hate fat people.
>use this an excuse to try to dominate the conversation
Lol, what? I have never seen this. I guess it's something narcisists might do...
anyone who identifies themselves as a "buzzword—sexual" should perish
Hockey bf
Not really, she's just setting herself up to be unicorn hunted to death.
Wouldnt you know?
Upper class gf
It's not the size. It's just not elastic enough/I don't have enough control of the muscles around it to properly relax it. So the vagina is stretchy, but the muscles around it are holding tight and refusing to expand.

I also sometimes get pain/muscle cramping when I masturbate because the muscles close in too much and won't let go. So it's really just a different issue.
If I say I'm asexual, even though that's not technically true, you guys know what I mean, right?
I wouldn't call it a problem, just think it's kinda stupid to put the Palestine flag in your name.
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Jimmy bf
NAG, but I don't get it? Why not just put some icy hot on it
nta Is there surgery you can get for that?
>If I say I'm asexual, even though that's not technically true, you guys know what I mean, right?
Not a fucking clue, mate.
You need to talk to more people
Yes, you're too autistic to want to fuck people normally in a romantic relationship.
tiny vagine females belong to micrococked gentlemen of which i cannot identify, 7 inches
Sorry to hear that but I totally get where you're coming from. Just remember that any guy who breaks up with you over sex is a bullet dodged; you can and WILL find someone who will do his best for you even if sex doesn't work out.
Good luck fren
As the other anon pointed out, it's not that the vagina is tiny, it just squeezes involuntarily and it takes work(mental and physical) to get it relaxed.
yeah, nah m8 id just think youre an attention whore
tiny = tight

Ok, a person who experiences little to no sexual attraction to others. This means they might not feel the desire to engage in sexual activities or may not experience the same level of interest in sexual relationships as others do.
I think people who engage in non traditional arrangements are clowns
And are you saying this is not vaginismus? Because it sounds awfully like it. Vaginismus is an involuntary muscle spasm.
tiny vagina haver here
Men with angled dicks scare me
It is vaginismus
You need to talk to better people.
If your bf/gf tells you they're never going to leave you, how do you know they're telling the truth?
How do you know they're not just narcissistic and love-bombing you?
damn i wish i looked like him. but im to chunbky and blond. hes does loo like we have the same nose thoguh
Granted, but the genie is hard of heating so you get hokey bf
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State gender
Thoughts on this?
Love-bomb them harder to establish dominance
Forgive me if I misinterpret your question, but are you asking, "Why not just stick some icy hot in your vagina?"

Well, sticking icy hot on a mucous membrane is generally not a good idea.

That aside, you're not totally off-track, there are muscle relaxers I can try. Diazepam is a common one. I'd have to go back to my gynecologist and ask her to prescribe it.

Botox injections have also been reported to have some success in that area. It's a relatively recent development and wasn't around when I initially went in to consult for the issue.

Yes, you can get a hymenectomy (removal of the hymen) with a botox injection to the surrounding pelvic floor muscles. But uh, they can cause incontinence, constipation and rectal pain, so I'm not quite sold on trying that yet.
my gf tells me i do a good job when i eat her out. im convinced she is lying and is part of the gatekeeping conspiracy.
Men, how do you feel about women who dress in a very girly fashion (skirts and dresses, ribbons and bows, heels, lace, etc.)?
>literally lying about your penis size over and over for attention online
kinda weird mate
even better non-asshole people are pretty boring to talk to because deep down I don't really give a shit what they're on about
many such cases
women may be more horny than men, but they dont act on it, and actions are louder than words. so in practical terms they are asexual
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He's cute. He's not really my type, tho. Pic Rel is my most current hockey crush.
I'm saying that vaginismus is a muscle cramping/tightening issue, not a vagina size issue.
Hard of heating genie understands typo and brings in cold hockey bf
They seem unapproachable to somebody like me so I don't really give them much thought
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i like all of those things
cant remember the last time i saw a woman with anything decorating her hair
You've tried experimenting with toys? Pelvic floor stuff?
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into the trash he goes
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I like country Swift

I dislike most of her pop except a few songs (Trouble, Antihero)
Then I think this is a you problem honestly.
>Forgive me if I misinterpret your question, but are you asking, "Why not just stick some icy hot in your vagina?"

>That aside, you're not totally off-track, there are muscle relaxers I can try.
I'm literally the smartest male to exist.
well no shit sherlock
>Sorry to hear about your dad being that way, do you think he was a pathological liar?
Actually no, there was many stuff he never lied about, just when he thought he would get into real trouble potentially. He grew up in a household where honesty was not rewarded and you just had to put your energy into not getting caught, I don't think that helped.

Heh, I didn't even realize...

But yeah I get where you're coming from. I would say if this is the feeling that naturally comes up after a while and gaining some distance, take it seriously at least. It's coming from somewhere.
>It is vaginismus
Did you try Botox?
Yooo, I posted I think that same picture a while ago because somebody was talking about this and I said that I wear a bow like this because I saw a girlfriend who's a cute asian cosplay girl doing it casually once and was like "oh shit, that's cute as hell". So now I also do it sometimes.
There are still those that do, anon!
>alright for our first date we're watching marathon of Manabi Straight
how do you respond?

Have you tried CBT? I have that and my doc keeps suggesting that.
I will fucking scream I come here to avoid the bitch
Yep. That's what the dilators were. It's basically a matryoshka doll set of dildos, and you go up a size each time.

Also tried the pelvic floor stuff from what the gynecologist-recommended physical therapist assigned me. I've not been diligent with that since the breakup, which was years ago, so I'd likely have to start practicing that from scratch again, which is fine. That being said, for the half-year I was diligent, it didn't help that much.

No, and I'm concerned for the potential side effects reported. Urinary and fecal incontinence don't sound great.
>injecting botox into pussy
why would God make women do this? is it to punish us for our sinful ways?
Foisted on my own petard
>If your bf/gf tells you they're never going to leave you, how do you know they're telling the truth?
Realistically, they're not. They very likely truthfully mean they don't want to leave you and don't expect to want to; but feelings change and people grow apart. Everyone who gets married expects it to last forever, but half of marriages end in divorce.
You cannot tell the truth in this example. If it impossible to know for a fact that no matter what happens no matter how far down the line, you will never leave. Besides, you might die.

>How do you know they're not just narcissistic and love-bombing you?
In general when anyone tells you Really Big Promises/Words like this, it is best to see it as a them thing. Could be that they want to manipulate you. Could be that they just think this is what people say to each other in a relationship. Could be that they are trying to convince themselves. But it will be about them. Plenty of people worldwide fall in love and experience deep attachment and commitment without feeling the urge to do a show and dance about it like this. If someone does, it does not automatically mean their emotions are THAT intense. Just that for whatever reason they feel the need to do a show and dance.

Ask yourself less (often) why someone does what they do, and more often whether you like and feel comfortable with how they treat you.
I once saw a video of a guy eating a girl out... that men ate that like I eat ice cream...
>I'd say I have a right to be on edge.
No. Usually families are pretty welcoming to people that are not agressive or offwhite that just say hi and do the song and dance. You being on edge says that you don't want to belong or you have shit to hide.
I would be wary of what prompted such a statement
I got my period today
Well how do you eat ice crea?
why are skirts so much sexier than pants?
Thank you. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.
Girls with a bubble butt look great in black pants
I miss him
I don't care
Swipe my tongue up and down, left and right, clockwise and counterclockwise, lick and pop my lips and moan in ecstasy...
Your monthly reminder that men are superior
>I miss him
Well, he doesn't miss you. Time to move on.
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Brossoit is really hot, will concede.

All 3 Knights goalies during the cup run were real hot tho.
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I had a a cum from eating me without me touching him and i still think about it often
That's kinda weird bro, maybe you should try using a spoon?
Most of the things I find attractive about individual men, are just human things that are not exclusive to being male. Honesty/integrity, humor, warmth, sensuality, creativity, confidence, intelligence...

That said, what I like about men as a group
>deep voices, body hair, the happy trail is fantastic
>I love how seriously men as a whole take humor, how hard they will work just to make others laugh
>I also like male silliness/impulsiveness, where they get bad ideas and know they are bad ideas but they want to do it even more knowing how much of a bad idea it is - it can be dangerous or just super tiring, but it also exciting and disarming and just intriguing
>their physicality, the humming/whistling, tapping on things, full-body stretching and yawning - stuff like that
>the contrast between male bravado and the vulnerability of true intimacy - a man blushing, for example

And yes natural scent/sweat. Facial hair. Belts and the clinking when they are undone.
I assume you meant to say a man came in his pants from eating you out?

I wonder how someone learns such a power
Why do Mexicans always stare and/or look surprised at me when I wear my LA hat?
girls at my gym started wearing skirt + shorts and it's way hotter than the usual yoga pants meta
>just say hi and do the song and dance.
you can't make me.
>not exclusive to being male
>Honesty/integrity, humor, intelligence
um sweety
NTA but I doubt it's a specific power, just getting really really horny from the act and being prone to orgasming quickly (as many young and/or inexperienced guys are). The only real skill I can see being relevant is being able to lose yourself and let go without shame or self-consciousness about your own enjoyment.
he didn’t have pants on and was as surprised as I was
>Belts and the clinking when they are undone
Someone didn't get hit enough as a child, huh?
You're right, I definitely didn't get hit (with a belt or otherwise) as a kid and if I did I'm sure my associations would be very different.
He wasn’t inexperienced just submissive
seemsgood, thanks for the thoughtful answer
You're telling me chicks find me entertaining for just tapping on everything on the hall wall and stretching in class? Well technically you, you didnt claim most chicks but still call bullshit desu
Like the sort of tennis shorts+skirt combo?
That's based as fuck.
>find me
they find hot guys doing it entertaining anon, when you do it it simply adds to the bad "creepy" vibe
>body hair
They all say they like this till the back of your forearm looks like chewbacca and you have a patch between the shoulder blades
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If a guy sees a girl regularly, he should wait for her to give signals to ask her out
If a guy doesn't know how often he'll see a girl, he should ask her out right away.

State gender. Is this statement true or false? Why?
Just ask her out
Just ask her out you dumb faggot
You're welcome!

Entertaining isn't the word, but it is pleasant. It's a kind of behavior (like humming or whistling) you don't show when you are sullen and because of that the sound/sight itself kind of feels vibrant/alive.

I also just like it because I associate it with men specifically. Like how you might enjoy something arbitrary like a girl's pretty handwriting because it makes you think of feminine grace in general.
I think she's cute. But that's not what you mean, right?
I remember this movie
in general it makes sense to wait for signals, otherwise it's a waste of effort
Nah, I like all, full coverage included.
Potential for upskirt.
If she's giving approach me signals, ask her out immediately
>in general it makes sense to wait for signals
NTA but that hasn't happened in more than 30 years.
The riots.
And certainly a beard should be trimmed at least of those ones that go out further, you wouldnt like a guy who has been told he "looks like a mountain man"
just b urself
F. You are right that if you won't see her again or you're not sure, you should just shoot your shot if you want to.

However if you see her regularly, it is not about what strategy you think will work best as much as it is about what feels right to you. If you really really REALLY like a girl, don't sit around waiting for her to invite you over. You risk hearing she got a boyfriend in the meantime and feeling salty as fuck while it's nobody else's fault you didn't make a move.

The only good reason to wait is because you prefer it that way and it feels better to you. Then if your strategy doesn't work out, you at least won't have to ask yourself why you went this route. It also helps you not fall in love with girls you barely know from afar, to be more direct earlier. Playing the long con is also risky for that.
Post gender.
When you read a greentext, is it better if it's told from the 1st person or the 3rd person? Does that change if it's sexual and not just a random story?
Is it weird that I don't finger myself because I don't want to lose my virginity?
I was. That clearly didn't work.
Cope, seethe, and dilate your bleeding hole sweaty. Should help with the cramps :^)
Women, how easy is it to break a hymen?
hmm, you are either underplaying the b or you're urselfing too tightly
Then why do they even bother saying it? It's less reassuring to hear this said out loud, because it just makes you think "you will though" or "how do you know that?".
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I'll let you know if I ever decide to start using tampons.
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Men, is she attractive?
Not fussy about that either, as long as it does not actually look gross or unkempt at first glance. If my boyrfiend doesn't shave regularly, his beard covers the cheeks up to the cheek bones more or less, and we have definitely gone out in public together like that at times. To be fair I am generally not much of an appearances person and do not usually wear make up (for example) myself. But not everyone cares equally about their partner looking polished.
No, do as you like with your body.
This is a question with an obvious answer.
Yeah, obviously.
Kinda cult lookin' though.
>glasses licking girl
NTA, need the lore for brown girl thats not JH
Yes especially compared to >>31950684
I think 90% of the time I ask a girl out and expect her to say no based off "signals," she says no anyway. I don't think there's any harm in asking unless it's gonna cause drama in a group setting, at which point maybe you should be questioning your group's dynamics if simply asking someone out to gauge their interest in you is gonna be an issue.

But in general I ask girls out because it's better to hear rejection outright than take a nonverbal rejection that has a slim chance of being a misread
Hymens usually don't "break" the way you're thinking. It's more like they kind of degrade and wear away over time.
No. Assuming you do use tampons, it doesn't really make sense as a guy won't be doing more to you than you do to yousrelf. But it doesn't have to make sense. You can - and should! - just do (and not do) whatever feels right to you.
>Ask yourself less (often) why someone does what they do, and more often whether you like and feel comfortable with how they treat you.
Good advice. Thank you!
Horse riding can do it and nothing goes in soooo
Do you do buttstuff?
That's something troons do, not women.
I bet you're a disgusting MtF. Explains your misogyny. Now fuck off tranny and remember that YWNBARW
I like to shave at least the couple outliers up above that line every day or 2.
I think it looka more kempt or something
she's the type I'd than God everyday for letting such a beautiful creation walk the earth at the same time as me
F, boring answer but I never thought about this and even doing it now I don't think I have a preference at all. The only thing I can say is sometimes people posting a scenario in third person that is obviously relevant to their life, makes me feel like they are trying to sound more objective than they are (it being their own life).

My gf has been taking SSRIs ever since I met her. We’ve barely had sex throughout the relationship probably because of the medications. She never thinks about sex. She doesn’t even masturbate. Is this normal?
it's so unfair that women have nothing to be insecure about when it comes to their pussy and men have all these hangups over dick length, girth, shape...
No way you'd ever approach her, though.
She looks like she could either kill me or kill for me and I think thats hot as fuck
It can be surprisingly easy. Not all of them are the same thickness and stuff. I busted mine on a seesaw.
I'm a man. Thought y'all massage your insides for the cramps. And btw, real women with vaginismus do dilate :)
I don't use tampons, I only use pads.
No. And I haven't done anything sexual with another person.
Get the fuck over it buddy
We have boob sizes and hip sizes to worry about as well
im nowhere near even close to the league she's in
nta but i always imagined they snap like a rubber band so thank you for explaining a little
Just dont worry about it. Ezpz
Come on, you can do better than that...
And yes, thankfully I will NEVER BE A WOMAN HAHAHAHAHA
No, but I can make you feel bad about sticking out like a sore thumb because that's why they think you're weird and tell their daughters to not date you.
If you cooled your jets and mingled, you'd probably be successful already.
>Is this normal?
This is unfortunately very normal with anti-depressants and mood stabilizers. They can really kill your libido.

You have NO idea, lol. Girls are insecure about their labia, the size of their clitoris, the smell, and some have a lot of pain even getting anything inside.

Give the gender wars a break. Everyone's got problems.
>Men, is this literal model attractive?
>boob sizes
There are guys who like all kinds of boob sizes. There are NOT women who want men with micro penis
Fingering yourself doesn't do anything. Hard to hit the right spot from that position/angle. Get a vibrator or rub your clitoris.
SSRI can kill your sex drive, ye.
is that what they call chad cock these days
>insult me
>then sext me
What is your gameplan here? So you seriously think this will work?
I like bi men but they always dump me for a man
M but does that not feel icky?
There are guys who don’t want a woman without any curves as well. Your point, dipshit cunt?
If you're not trolling, women worry about lots of stuff. Labia size, color, tightness, level of natural lubrication... But I think scent and taste are way up there and there is no woman that doesn't know what it's like to be eaten out and suddenly worry about how you taste or smell.
False, he should strike while his iron is hot or he could lose at any moment to an app.
Personally, mine didn't fully break until the 3rd time I was having sex. It didn't even break when the gynaecologist used the speculum to insert my IUD in.
>This is unfortunately very normal with anti-depressants and mood stabilizers. They can really kill your libido.
I see. We’ve been together for 3 years. We’ve probably had sex less than 20 or 30 times. She never wants to do it. But since you said this is common. What do I do?
You should do more buttstuff
Don’t know. Don’t have one.
I don't like touching my clit.
And I don't want a vibrator, I don't want to lose my virginity
imagine having pussy so bad a man would rather get fucked/fuck manass
>It didn't even break when the gynaecologist used the speculum to insert my IUD in.
Did your doctor think you were still virgin when they put it in?
Have you tried being manlier?
Are you literally fucking braindead? I did not and will not sext you. God I fucking hate how stupid women are
I don't masterbate but I fuck men to death.
Maybe your gf just has the sucky type of depression.
Bi men should sex women only. Fuck your gay urges
Too bad. You're stuck memorizing stupid details about me instead.
>the smell
M but this kinda thing sounds like it can be prevented. I mean, it sounds like there's supposed to be a certain smell but a bad smell can be easily fixed.
That's what the supposed humblebrag was referring to. Still feeling dizzy btw even after I ate.
Because there is ALWAYS a man who wants whatever woman body type. Doesn’t matter if you have no ass, a man will at your flat butt. It doesn’t matter, you are still wanted by someone.

There is not a woman on this earth that WANTS a man with a micro penis
Has anyone here engaged in puppy play? Do you have a dog? Has it affected the way you interact with actual dogs or are you able to compartmentalize that? State Gender.
she's cute
I lied and told him I wasn't a virgin. But him and his assistant both shared a glance once I was in the stirrups. It was awkward, I didn't need to lie really.
Bi men should submit to me so I can put them together.
Not normal in general, but SSRIs (as well as some other things like hormonal BC) are infamous for killing libido.

Also there are two kinds of normal, normal in the sense of "the way it should be/most often is" or normal in the sense of "not unheard of". In the second category, this definitely is normal for a woman with a lower sex drive. A lot of women (and more with a lower drive) have a responsive sex drive too, which means they might get horny when they are made to think of sex/they are seduced, but they have no spontaneous desire for sex or thoughts of sex.
Isn't that a child? Is everyone replying a pedophile?
not if I kill myself first!!
Chill hoe love is love, I’d leave men for a butch lesbian in a heartbeat
You mean pads?
No, I'm used to it.
Would you leave men for me?
>There is not a woman on this earth that WANTS a man with a micro penis
This is just false, man. There are dominant women who get off on penis humiliation and get off on it harder when the guy's actually small. There are women that physically/naturally have vaginas so shallow that even a kind of average sized dick is way too much for them to take.

Even apart from that, I guarantee you there are many more women still that would take a guy with a micropenis who is good with his mouth and fingers over a mediocre lover with a bigger penis every fucking day of the week.
why did you get an IUD put in while you were a virgin… that’s like broadcasting “I am going to get my pussy fucked soon”
Women with micro vaginas want that.
I'm just going to assume it's because I'm tall and that I'm not that weird.
the small dick cope is making me physically cringe
>why did you get an IUD put in while you were a virgin
Not her, but IUD was the only thing that helped me with my incredibly painful periods.
>This is just false, man. There are dominant women who get off on penis humiliation and get off on it harder when the guy's actually small
You watch too much porn. That doesn’t exist in real life
>He says while jerking his meat using his mom's used underwear.
>that’s like broadcasting “I am going to get my pussy fucked soon”
Why would a gynaecologist care?
>why did you get an IUD put in while you were a virgin
Because I don't want to get pregnant. It's the most effective form of birth control and non-hormonal too.
NTA but it's kind of pick your poison. Yes pads can feel icky (sometimes I can definitely smell my own blood when I'm wearing one) but it can also feel uncomfortable to put something up there, especially if your flow isn't that heavy anymore and you already wore some tampons earlier.

Besides pads are designed to feel as dry and fresh as possible even though absorbing blood, that's why all the commercials make such a big deal about it being invisibe and you not even feeling it's there and so on.
nta no more that pregnant woman advertises that she had sex.
>What do I do?
There isn't a whole lot you can do. Most of it has to come from her and what she's willing and able to give in the relationship.

To put it simply, she really needs to think hard about what she'd need from you in order to be able to get in the mood and be proactive about initiating and reciprocating sexual interest. She may not be willing to do that, and she may not be honest about that (and may not know herself).

If sex is important to you in a relationship, to feel loved and have your emotional needs met-- and it's totally understandable that it is-- then you may have to consider breaking up. Especially if she's fine with the status quo and doesn't actually want to take steps to change it.

The things you can do, aside from initiating this conversation, is figuring out what things sort of get her in the mood. SSRIs make it harder to get into the mood on your own, so you have to induce it artificially. The brain is the most powerful sex organ, and if the hormones aren't there to help you out, you have to find other ways to get the engine warmed up. Some of that will involve helping your partner relax and reduce overall stress. The other part will involve actively going out of your way to seduce her.
I did the same thing when the doctor asked if I was mentally healthy.
Nah, my gf milked my dick an hour or so ago so I'm all set for now. Nice try tho :^)
If you eat pussy like a starved woman and are handy with tools
I'm a woman.

I don't watch a lot of porn and definitely no BDSM, doesn't mean I don't know it exists. I'm not claiming it's common but OP literally claimed it does not exist.
It seems weird. I don’t see why the doctor should know you’re getting fucked unless there is actually a problem
I don't think so.I found that picture in a /thinspo/ thread, and I doubt people would use pictures of children as thinspo. She looks young, but not underaged, if you ask me.
>I mean, it sounds like there's supposed to be a certain smell but a bad smell can be easily fixed.
Yes, but the fact that it smells at all is kind of embarrassing. A lot of us internalize messages about being unclean down there from an early age, and it's hard to sometimes have a realistic and reasonable standard for yourself.
I like men. I'm not lesbian or bi. I can be butch for a guy. I like somewhat fem men
Maybe I'm just autistic then
Would you have a boyfriend with a micro penis?
Seems kinda important for a gynecologist to know. STDs and stuff.
>Women, how easy is it to break a hymen?
Varies a lot. Most women lose them riding a horse, or in gym class, or sitting on a fence, etc. But some retain them, despite having had sex many times, and don't lose then until and unless they give birth for the first time.
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state gender. what should do you guys think i should do for my next cosplay? brazilian miku or itsuzumi?
Is your "gf" your Troon alter ego?
How tf do you get along with men if they have zero romance in their minds?
>I don’t see why the doctor should know you’re getting fucked
STD, pregnancy, birth control... literally his job.
The thing is more that pussy has a natural scent (unless you literally come straight out of the shower) and because there are sooo many jokes about vaginas supposedly smelling like rotten fish and the likes, a lot of women are really insecure about not being totally scent-free in the first place.
Why are you so obsessed with trannies? Wish you were a man? I don't blame ya.
>frequenting /thinspo/ threads
>If sex is important to you in a relationship, to feel loved and have your emotional needs met
This is my first relationship, I don’t know anything different
Women and men with knowledge of textiles.
How can I remove wrinkles from the button section of my flannel shirts without using an iron? I don't have one, and I'm not buying an iron just for one part of a shirt. I'm not ironing flannels anyway, that'd be stupid.
what's the femcel equivalent of this kind of content. I'm binging these like candy.
>Then why do they even bother saying it?
To cheer you up when you're feeling anxious. But more generally, for the same reason people get married: they mean it now.
Hey, it motivates me to lose weight. I'm 15 pounds away from my goal weight.
Find a man who's not using you for your pussy. Romantic men do exist.
That’s why I said “unless there is a problem”….
>This is my first relationship, I don’t know anything different
Then here's something to ask yourself. Do you feel fulfilled in this relationship? Emotionally, psychologically, physically?

Some people don't actually need that much sex to feel fulfilled. But you have had sex before, and it sounds like you want more of it, which means you sound like you might not be entirely satisfied.
Spray it with water mixed with a bit of fabric conditioner, lightly stretch it. You should own an iron or at least a steamer.
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izutsumi please, shes my favorite character from dungeon meishi aside from mithrun
>I don’t see why the doctor should know you’re getting fucked unless there is actually a problem
Er... IUDs need to be put into the uterus by a doctor. How are they mean to insert it and also be unaware you're going to be having sex? It's a contraceptive device. You also speak to doctors to get other contraceptives - and yeah, they're going to guess you're having sex.
Why should he know if you’re not diseased and not pregnant?
My tongue gets sore after a minute or two of eating pussy and ai have to start moving my head instead of my tongue. How do I improve my embarrassing tongue stamina?
Ngl I have only had sex with one man and he has an average sized penis, so I cannot say from direct personal experience and I am assuming. But it would really surprise me if this was an issue. It is extremly easy from me to cum from non-penetrative sex acts and even during penetrative sex, I cum easiest from shallow penetration that rubs right into my g-spot, which is only like 1" in. Of course I also like the feeling of more length, and I would not feel that again. But there are also things my ex did I enjoyed that my current bf does not enjoy. That's the way it always is. And penetration is not so spectacular to me that I feel like I couldn't miss out on that like I could on another act I enjoy but is not for my new partner.
M right
My god… why do I like black women at all, looking at her(?).
>Wish you were a man?
Lol no. There's no worse fate than being a Gayden.
she's quite literally fat and balding.
It's literally his job to take care of my reproductive health, me being sexually active means he can suggest the correct tests and stuff for me.
First of all, skill issue
Second, Eat more pussy
>Do you feel fulfilled in this relationship? Emotionally, psychologically, physically?
You don’t understand. I do not know what those feelings feel like. This is my first relationship. All I know is how I felt before this relationship and now. I can’t compare this relationship to anything else because it is my only one. I can’t say “yeah I feel way better in this relationship than with my ex”
No, you aren't. You're just deluded and coping.
Hang it on a coat hanger, if possible you can attach some weights to the underside so it is lightly stretched and the wrinkles are kind of flattened. Then hang it in the shower while you take a hot shower, let the steam smooth it over.
The head is an inverted triangle lol
What do you think of homosexual transsexuals? eg Blaire White
If there's already a problem, it's usually too late for that knowledge to be useful.
> doesn’t suck the clit
> doesn’t do the vibrating thing
> doesn’t know how to pace

Skill issue
I'll consider a steamer.
holy fuck his spine has got to be FUCKED. look at the insane angle he's at???
anyway i want him dead
Kill it with fire.
There's no other way than to eat more pussy. If you want to avoid the pain, only eat right until you get sore, then repeat as soon after the soreness is gone until you get sore etc etc. You will stretch your limits relatively painlessly that way.
Okay. But you do also know if you feel more or less fulfilled in the moments around when you've had sex compared to when you haven't, yes?
He needs mental help. I feel bad for him.
>new troober rebbit sgreengap :DD
An infograph for gnomes?
Glad I’m not white. This doesn’t happen with my race.
>There is not a woman on this earth that WANTS a man with a micro penis
There was a woman on here a day or two ago who had Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome - she would probably jump at the chance to get with a guy that size.
Is enabling really treating his mental illness?
>But you have had sex before, and it sounds like you want more of it, which means you sound like you might not be entirely satisfied
For this part. I also don’t know. We have not had sex very much. And honestly I don’t think the sex was very enjoyable. It is kind of anxiety inducing. The only reason I brought up the little amount of sex we have in the OP is because my friends said that sex is never good at first, but if becomes fun after practice. We’ve had sex around 20 or 30 times over the past 3 years, and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting better
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fat people dont deserve human rights
kek the esl commentary makes it better
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Haloween plans?
What does that mean? Tiny vagina?
I would never tell my doctor that I’m having sex. It’s not their business. Unless it hurts when I pee, they don’t need to know. When they ask if I am sexually active i always say no
Take a break and use your finger to rub her clit until your tongue recovers? Hopefully you'll develop stamina over time.
Left is what I fear personally.
Right is the solution to excessive male genetic garbage.
Did your relationship with him change/better over time and he stopped doing that?

>take it seriously at least
I do.
I think she will try to crawl back into my life again at some point, but considering how the last two times went when we reconnected... NOPE. I'd rather die alone than give her a single microgram of trust ever again.
The intersex one?
My “haloween” plans are to make a dress like like Fran Bow’s and go somewhere with my kitty
Transbians should get bricks through their windows.
>correct tests
Why would you need STD tests if you’re not having casual sex
>tranposter enters the Toga
>bread immediately deteriorated towards putrefaction
Bob White is a disgusting troon and I'm pretty sure Alex Jones had sex with it. Bob's popularity goes to show the pathetic, lukewarm state of ""conservatism"" in the 21st century,
haloween reminds me of her so im staying away
>Blaire White
Kind of a retarded bimbo, but I like Contrapoints.

Nothing beats a tight waist.
Homosexual transsexuals are the lowest, most pathetic garbage of human beings. AGPs are at least high IQ
He was a tranny LARPing, you fool. Most troons are delusional and convince themselves they're actually intersex because the symptoms are still the same - external "female genitalia" but no actual female reproductive organs. He was XY.
>the vibrating thing
You know there's a bunch of ways to get an STD, right?
Because your partner can be having casual sex behind your back :)
Women, have you ever tried or worn mens underwear before? what did you think?
>want to ask gf to wear a pair of mine
>the vibrating thing
redpill me
Thanks fren, I'll do that next time
That's what I currently do
>How do I do this thing without buying the device that is purpose-built for making it happen?
Just buy a fucking iron, already.
>tfw no agp bf
How are you meant to hide that you'll be having sex if you're literally asking for a contraceptive device? Are you an idiot?
>The only reason I brought up the little amount of sex we have in the OP is because my friends said that sex is never good at first, but if becomes fun after practice.
In theory, this is usually true. First times are usually awkward and fumbling.

But if you're with someone who isn't really enjoying the sex, and who isn't really into exploring it deeply, it's going to be stiff and awkward. Sex is like anything else: it gets better with practice, but just the practice isn't enough, both participants have to actually be engaged in it.

It's the difference between practicing tennis with an enthusiastic partner, and practicing against the wall. The enthusiastic partner who improves with you is going to be better than the wall.

Now: If the only reason you're thinking about this is because your friend talked you into it, then it's possible that you just kinda don't actually enjoy sex that much. But one thing for sure is that it's not going to get better unless your partner also commits to doing more to initiate, reciprocate, be engaging, and make you feel sexy and wanted.
The relationship did both change and get better, but as for stopping, I have no doubt he would still lie to me if he saw it convenient. It is just rare for it to come up. You learn to accept your parents as they are and waste no energy on fighting that reality.

Good for you. Let it sink in, feelings like these will also protect you from unnecessary bitterness. Probably the next person you meet, you will be more alert that they might just be telling stories if it seems off. In that way you just live and learn.
Foids how do i stop being sexist?

I hate specific types of women mainly those young adults who fuck around and do jack shit. I have no problem with older women or mothers or some ugly cretin but second bitch my age is there my mood is ruined. Everything about them annoys me and worst part is my family keeps asking why don't i get a girlfriend
I used to like idea of having one when i was younger but i just wasn't interested in being committed to an relationship. It's simply that i am too lazy to care and go out and am more self centered and also don't wanna do sex but everyone keeps telling me that i have to which makes me more sexist and i have to interact with em
Wont cat run away?
>Women, have you ever tried or worn mens underwear before? what did you think?
No they're ugly as shit.
>Fran Bow
Underrated game.

If I'd have a date/gf, I'd ask her to go with me as Beetlejuice and L*dia to watch the movie in the cinema and then have some drinks.
after sex all that goes through my mind is that I want to shower right away. That’s literally the first thought
I have to buy boy sizes to fit them. I love them! As long as it’s not 100% polyester, and at least 70% cotton it’s fine.
Anon, I had internal testicles.
My gf wears my boxers sometimes. We find the bulge(from where my dick stretched them out) pretty amusing.
NAG but seeing women wear my boxers makes me want to go four round 4
I fuck around. I lovemen even though you hate me and I'll always love men
No, I have a leash with an harness and a carrier.

>like like

What porn star do you look like?
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Women, what lengths will you go to meet men?
How can you get an STD in a healthy committed relationship
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I work with kids and we have a no shoes on the mats policy. After a years of wearing my sneakers like slippers whenever I get out of my room, I decided to go back to wearing clogs to work.

Is this a reasonably cute outfit? I had to throw out the second pair of sneakers because I destroyed the heel, I can't do this anymore.
I do tongue exercises. Haven't done it yet so I don't know if it works, but my tongue seems a bit stronger. I do 5 sets of 20 reps of sticking my tongue out all the way and movint it up and down, another five sets side to side and swirling it around my lips. Then pushing it all the way straight out and back in. Then starting down rolling it back into my mouth. Rolling it up side ways.
I wore my bf's boxer briefs once but my hips stretched them out.
I wear it it’s comfy to sleep in
So you're a male.
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>eating pussy at all
She deserves to get herself set on fire. What a dumb cunt. Just go to a fire station; It’s free!
>dating twinks
yep, that'll happen
When i put my old roommate's cat on a leash he just went limp, like "I only go where I want bro"

Female here. I used to feel super contemptuous of both men and women my age who, as you describe, "fuck around and do jack shit".

I just chilled out a lot as I got older. Met people my age who were interesting and good people, built friendships with them. Stopped caring about the rest and stopped being so offended by their existence. They're not my cup of tea and I was tired of giving them free rent in my head.

You don't need a girlfriend and it sounds like you're not actually that interested in one. But you might be happier and overall more content in life if you just learn to chill and not be so personally offended by the presence of people you don't click with.
Sorry, but I can't help you, anon. 4chan has kind of turned me sexist against my own sex. Have a based quote instead.
I wear my husband's boxers as shorts around the house all the time. Those and a comfy bralette is pretty much my standard outfit at home.
>Now: If the only reason you're thinking about this is because your friend talked you into it, then it's possible that you just kinda don't actually enjoy sex that much. But one thing for sure is that it's not going to get better unless your partner also commits to doing more to initiate, reciprocate, be engaging, and make you feel sexy and wanted.
Maybe I have mental damage like someone else posted in here before. I was a virgin until we met. I met her when I was 30. She was 34 at the time. I saw a post in here before that if a man is a virgin too long, it can damage his brain and ability to enjoy sex. I wonder if it’s true because maybe that’s my issue
It's a decently standard fit but please don't go around holding standard plastic cups of coffee.
She wants to watch them work. So maybe she should bring some cardboard to the fire station and set it on fire there?
Boxers are fine, but any kind of brief is vaguely uncomfortable. They're baggy and snug in all the wrong places, it feels weird
i have a pair that have a single button in the front. want her to wear them while i stick my hand down the opening.
thinking bout it
i notice womens underwear always rides up against the undercarriage does the lack of any material there feel weird?
Straight and bi men who are disgusted by vaginas

Is it possible to make you like my vagina?
It is simple but it is cute, I like the sweater a lot
Oral, anal, skin to skin contact, blood transfusions, petting, sharing a towel... sharing needles...
God, I want to have enthusiastic sex with you and show you a good time so badly. Are you USA?
I’m wearing that outfit
>buttoned boxers
I used to do online dating and got fed up with it pretty quickly.

My dating prospects have shrunk a lot in the past year-- for a reason that's about to become clear-- so now I mostly go to synagogue to meet men.
Top cute
Jeans look mom jeans
Shoes no opinion

I have no fashion sense, take it as you will
>Is it possible to make you like my vagina?
as long as I dont have to put my face next to it we're gucci
I know for me, and this was a lot easier when I was younger, but I can tense up the muscles in the back of my neck in such a way that would cause my entire head to vibrate, you can be cheap and do humming but it’s better to practice.
How to get a girl to never want anyone else 101
I'll go to hell and back
>got fed up with it pretty quickly.
Same. What about it got you fed up?
Maybe they'll work harder and fight for her if she's the one on fire. Hot outcome for foid, water gangbang with hoses.
I dislike boxers because they have the pee hole that I don't need.
Nice fit

It's an intersex condition. They're born with a perfectly formed vulva (labia, clitoris, etc.) but the actual vagina only goes in about half an inch and then stops. It can be increased in size by dilating, but a small penis will be much more comfortable for someone like that.

See above.


People with CAIS *are* XY, anon. And they are born with a perfectly formed vulva.
None, I think he's traumatized enough already.
>the day I lost my virginity to a fire
You'll become an adult and figure it out eventually
I can do that but I feel like I'll pull a muscle if I do it for too long. Will give it a try, thanks fren
How can I make you put your lips there? I wear strawberry flavored gel down there. It doesn't smell or taste bad
Nayrt but pls b in MN if you like guys without much experience
Carving pumpkins, giving out candy, will make a special dinner for my bf and spend the evening at home with him probably. I carved pumpkins for the first time by myself last year and I was unreasonably proud of myself lol
I don't, it's just a pic from pinterest that looked reasonably like me. I have a mug I keep at work for my coffees and teas. I try to not use single use shit.

I have probably 8 white sweaters with braid, 2 that look exactly like that. I love them so much.

It looks human, right? Thanks, I'll pull the plug and buy the clogs.
>one batshit crazy woman does something insane
>"wHy ArE aLl wOmAn LiKe ThIs?!1!"
I like how it's only like one guy that seems to be vehemently opposed to the intersex girl.
I know you don’t mean that if you’re even the same poster at that
>multiple men kill and rape
>hey they are exceptions! real men dont do shit like that
>chad cheats on you
>"wHy ArE aLl MeN lIKe ThIS?!1!"
This but if 70% men do it
> nOt AlL mEn
Why do women hate men?
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easier to pull dick out since once the button is undone its pretty much there. the more supportive underwear with the 2 layer front (like briefs) are trickier to work with and some brands opening you can create by puling one side left and the other right is limited or tricky to thread your cock through it.
easy hand access for the guy
>pumped and dumped
State gender
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity." - Yeats
We just hate you specifically
its got nothing to do with the smell or taste. putting my mouth there is just unappealing to me.
I've never done it and I doubt I ever will.

To make a long story short, I just wasn't finding the right guy, and was expending a lot of time, energy, gas, and sanity wading through the pool. Meeting new people is pretty exhausting for me, and it felt like I was wasting time I'd rather be spending doing other stuff. At some point, you just get tired doing it. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity, so you admit it's not working and stop doing it.

I'm also pretty sure dating sites really do show you people who aren't your type after the first x number of matches or whatever to try and get you to pay money. Feeling like the sites themselves were working against me just made it worse.
Nah. I have the 2 layered front and it's easy to get my dick through it. My gf sticks her hand through all the time
Fuck that button shit
Was the correct spelling of yeets already taken as a gamertag?
is getting wet feel anything like salivating, but down there?
men who DON'T have foot fetishes; would you be okay if i wanted to give you a footjob just to see if i could? i'm curious about like the physical knack it takes.
>how do i stop being sexist?
By understanding that just because you legitimately dislike one specific individual, that doesn't mean that other individuals necessarily share the same traits.

You probably get really annoyed when women treat all men as potential rapists just because some men are. So, ask yourself why you are doing *exactly* the same thing.
Mine doesn't, I think your gf's panties don't fit very well or they're stretched out/old if they do.
I'm not the anon you've been replying to, of course not. He's being actually helpful. I just want you to enjoy sex with someone who's enthusiastic about that. So, USA or EU?
Males please please please I'm begging you to wear lip piercings. Men with lip piercings are so sexy
>You'll become an adult and figure it out eventually
there's nothing to figure out
Women, do panties give you a wedgie?
NTA but that quote is most likely fake. In the 1860's people didn't use "ego" in the Freudian sense, and "product on a social value scale" sounds suspiciously modern too. And when you search the google book it supposedly comes from the quote can't be found
Sure why not.
You better have a recent STD test before touching him, whore
Gay as fuck
depends on the brand, the ones i like are on the tight side so only really good for pulling it out to fap while laying in bed.
Fuck that dick piercings PLEASE
I cant, It would fuck up my teeth the first time I take a strong jab during sparring
I have a scar on my upper lip though, best I can do
Maybe I just have too much ego but I straight up don't like hanging around with somebody who rejected me so I basically won't ask unless it's obviously going to go somewhere
I'm just going through the "just chatting" streamers on twitch with 25 viewers and less.
It's such an interesting microcosm.
These people might have been watching that streamer for several years.
Only right after a shower where I watched you scrub your feet clean
Looks like getting hit in the head took its toll on you. Just don't leave piercings in when sparring.
The great thing about women is that despite infinite validation they still find reasons to be insecure. Male insecurity is nothing compared to women's insecurity
>Only right after a shower where I watched you scrub your feet clean
You are NOT beating the foot fetish allegations with this one bro
thats fair
glasses licking girl = JH
I used to do that with musicians. Some of them were actually really good. I wonder how long people like that toil away in obscurity.

Streamers, how long did it take for you to get well known?
This is kind of weird because I never watch porn, but Charlotte Stokely, only I'm taller and brunette. Similar face, extremely similar body
I'd love to kiss guys with lip piercings
I don't really care. I'm into way worse than feet, but I don't see the sexual appeal in feet.
>That's what the supposed humblebrag was referring to
nobody thought you were humblebragging that's why you got called a dumbass
Sometimes. Depends how I sit/how active I am.
That would be cheating, and you don’t even know what I look like anyways. This must be a larp
For the men in the thread wanting a dissenting opinion: please don't do this. It looks trashy.
I used to a follow a small-time streamer who also posted on 4chan.
Weird times with a very weird audience you get.
Fuck off bitch. You have lame taste
I can't imagine any guy in his right mind would see these posts and decide to get something as gay as a lip piercing. But then again, we are on 4chan.
tbf intersex is extremely rare, so it's pretty amazing how every couple of months a new anon shows up itt claiming to be intersex
Took me two years maybe to get a regular audience.
*eye roll* Yes, anon, she's a male who was *born* with no penis, no scrotum, perfectly formed labia and clitoris, and a vaginal opening. She went on to develop female breasts at puberty and not to develop any secondary male characteristics (e.g. body hair).

Do you really not see how retarded that sounds? Intersex is an actual thing. Some people cannot usefully be classified as "male" or "female". Stop being so fucking ignorant.
Men who are disgusted by vaginas are defective. Your purpose is literally to seek that out and stick your dick in it
I think transsexualism is just downright insanity
My taste is fine.

Now a guy with a single pierced earlobe and a small stud of some sort-- that's sexy. That can be done very classy.
That's not true.
>stick your dick in it
>put your mouth on it
different things
>That would be cheating
Fair enough. That put an end to that. I'm sure you're not hideous. If you're ever visiting Europe and single, hit me up. I can share my Discord on /soc/toga if you're interested.
Maybe it's just the same one?
>Streamers, how long did it take for you to get well known?
I'm not. I don't want monetization.
The only things worse than getring a piercing for women, are not getting one for women, and lifting for women
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If I found out your ex had this gimmiick I will resign my self to hentai.
Is there a Y chromosome?
It's not exactly the same, but that's not a bad comparison actually, if you substitute sexual excitement for hunger
You both have shitty taste. Men shouldn't be wearing jewelry.
Same, I never want to see them, touch them, or pass them in public. Ruins the aesthetic.
How do you survive? Youtube or Twitch?
>brown girl that's not JH
i'm here all the time but every time anyone talks to me they just say "hi JH" and i just roll with it. you're polluting your own data with bad assumptions
Wow! You really believe all the LARPers on here, huh? This general is a cesspit of tranny LARPers and troons love larping as intersex because they think with their neovaginas and fake tits they're the same as intersex people. I know you're autistic, but don't take everything at face value. It's very sweet that you want to make people feel more body positive though. Well done you very nice guy.
>t. JH
are you even a woman? I have a hard time believing a woman would so freely offer sex to a man she’s never met, but not even see before
>How do you survive?
Survive what? New plague when?
I'm a twitcher.
>thinking men shouldn't wear jewelry at all

Imagine not understanding the supreme appeal of men with lip piercings
My girlfriend has gotten addicted to hitting on people in front of me.
Ok, so, scientifically male. Why are you fighting this so hard? Do you unironically have autism?
only newfags couldnt tell from this one reply that you arent JH
she's easy to pick out, and you missed something
haha, hongry for cok? lool
There’s nothing supreme about it, kissing guys with lip piercings just chaos your lips and messes with teeth.
You know what’s fucking good?
Tongue piercings when a guy goes down on you or a Jacobs ladder
Im not the other poster you spoke with, just looking for clarification
So that's more of a side thing then if you don't monetize it? What, do you actually dissuade people from subbing to you?
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this shit is just gross and low quality,
>Jacobs ladder
>I'm also pretty sure dating sites really do show you people who aren't your type after the first x number of matches
Dating apps front load with generally hotter people. Those are profiles that a large number of women liked + a mix of new guys who get a newbie boost and sad bastards who paid for boosts because otherwise their profile gets 0 views let alone likes. The first people you get shown are almost everybody's "type", but there's only so "Chads" to go around so you do eventually run out and start seeing less attractive men.

They don't really care if women pay because they usually won't, but the front loading of more attractive men means women get the impression that there are good looking guys available and they're more abundant than they are. This keeps them on the app enough so that men will use it and pay money to get their profile seen for 30 measly minutes.
Why should i ever open up to women if most of them are just apathetic towards us anyways?
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i have a facial deformity and one time a few years ago, I was walking in the park at night and a cute asian woman was jogging towards me and looking at her phone
so I just made some room and was sure she already knew I was there, but at the last second before passing, she noticed me, looked up from her phone, screamed, and zagged to my side of the path for no reason
maybe when I flinched from her screen she thought I was going to move to block her so I could eat her or something?
anyways she rammed straight into me before i could react, again for no reason or through any action of her own, blubbered unintelligibly, peed her pants, and ran away without any apology or anything
felt bad, man
don't text and jog
This kind of peacocking seems so pointless. If you're good looking enough to get away with this gay shit you're good looking enough not to bother getting it.
It's already over. You lost when girls first started talking about the tall Chads they like in middle school and they did it in front of you because you were already a non-sexual entity in their eyes.
If there's one thing I've realized it's that the women on here are not representative of the general population of women AT ALL. They're all broken in one way or another. Same with the guys probably.
Thoughts on guys with eyeshadow or black eyeliner? Me: I think it's sexy
Like a social thing kinda.
Nah I just make advertisement bots waste their time.
Usually I stream for game strats and opening my conversations to the public.
Absolutely not a single man that is in a position to see your pussy is going to give a fuck about how it looks, which cannot be said about dicks.
That's my impression, yeah. But most of those "chads" are just guys traveling around and seeing the world, not people who actually want to date.

I don't drink, smoke, do recreational drugs, etc. so I'm also just not looking for the normal demographic that tends to pop high on dating sites, which makes it even trickier.
it's not 2004 who even does this now
(NTA) Honestly, I'd be more likely to want to kiss you there if you got rid of the flavouring. That sounds weird.
Sigh. Yes, I'm a woman. Although someone here has said my hand looks like a teenage boys before, so no doubt you'll question this evidence.
Why? If you don't like to kiss pussy what can be done to make you like it?
>Why do women hate men?
Have you *seen* men? Why wouldn't we?
You penalize people for subbing to you? :) I can't decide if that's based or not.
Maybe it's because I'm a straight woman, but I cannot ever imagine looking down at a woman with her legs spread and thinking it's in any way sexy. Like, wanting to put my face anywhere near that. So it's strange to me that guys seem to want to.
Haha lmao XDDDD ::cryinglaughter::
lol, unfortunately most of the guys who don't do that stuff and don't carry a broad appeal aesthetically have their profiles buried pretty quickly. That's why received wisdom for a guy on those apps is to restart often, even if a girl would like you she is never going to see your profile outside the first week
Mike pence used to do this thing with electricity...
You have long fingers. Do you play a musical instrument?
>the correct spelling of yeets
It's pronounced "Yates".
What should I eat for dinner if all I have is a microwave (oven/stove is broken)
I want to see (manifesting) him gothed up so bad.
[Not the pic]
If your feet are pretty enough sure
I'd love to get a BJ by a girl with a big tongue piercing.
>no groomer euro milf gf
Haha I know who you are.
Yeah, sure. I've had my partner do that once or twice, just as a fun, silly thing. It feels quite good - firmer than a hand.
I honestly wonder where I'd go to meet guys in an organic setting that doesn't involve alcohol or loud noise. Because... I actually don't know.
hates earrings is a man
I would honestly be slight off put by that.
I fucking hate bots. They take my corner visage away with their paragraph spiels.
No I'm not buying your art, sheesh.
"Add me on discord"
No fuck off, E-arthoe.
based. one less person who will steal my organs.
Yogourt, cheese, salad, cold meat, fruit, nuts, nut butter on crackers or toast, bowl of cereal with fruit and nuts, protein smoothie
>my hand looks like a teenage boys before
It would look like one of an Asian teenage boy, if anything.
Or you are just Mediterranean.
Rich Homie Quan died at 34. It's so fucking over. What a shitty year. I've been crying all day. I fucked with him heavy during his Rich Gang era.
He told me he misses me and I miss him but we can’t do anything about it. Any good reason to not blow my brains out?
Potato button
Order something.
Unironically the best situation are social gatherings with alcohol where they're just not drinking. You'd probably find more healthy inclined people in fitness groups too but they can go the total opposite with the biggest degenerates too.
Well however its pronounces its one of them new zoomer words like dabbing.
Back in my day we didnt yeat or dab eachother, I guess Ill never understand them, Im happy with my riding lawn mower and a six pack anyway.
If men didn't reject me I'd love to approach them and conquer them
No, just get another one.
There's like millions out there. One will fall into your pussy eventually.
Are you a 3/10 or fat?
He was my one and only I don’t think men other than him like me
>Is there a Y chromosome?
Yes. No biologist in the world defines sex in terms of chromosomes, so what's your point?
Choose for me too
NTA. I think gametes determine sex?
idk, i get the feeling most women irl dont give a fuck about us either
I think this is an autist thing. It doesn't fit neatly into their box of rules.
NTA but lots of light drinkers still go to bars, pubs, parties, social gatherings, etc. You can meet a lot of guys just by going out with friends, doesn't have to loud noisy type places
Men, how many of you can I just walk up to as a 7 and jerk you off through your pockets in your pants?
Yeah, there are no bitches who like straight edge men lol the tiny female brain thinks no alcohol and no drugs=boring
How can you settle down when men are so sexy and you crave them and like them all?
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I like men a lot but they break my heart
I'd do it but then I'd look more ridiculous
>He was my one and only I don’t think men other than him like me
Are you some sort of ugly alien?
Boxers too course, ow
Generally I do like to kiss it. But it tasting of something artificial would put me off.
Femanons, is it an ick for a moid to like sci-fi and fantasy? I won't try and talk your ear off about it or anything.
I haven’t hit two weeks yet give me grace. But you give me hope. Why did you break up with him?
I'm cut and need lube for jerking off. That would burn like hell without it
>Y chromosome?
And for that reason, im out
can i write you secret messages on your body that you promise not to look at until you're at work
>I won't try and talk your ear off about it or anything.
I would like that.
neither of you deserve future boyfriends. you love your ex too much and will emotionally abuse your new partner by feeding him inferiority subliminals 24/7
nta but maybe that's because you let them.
Yea I look pretty ghoulish according to my family. But he th
Like... in what kind of liking?
Tons of merch? Cosplay?
I don't have friends here-- literally just moved. So I'm kind of starting from scratch, and the idea of going to a bar or pub on my own just to order water doesn't sound great.

I do wonder if I could join a fitness group around here, that's probably a start.

The fuck you on about, I am literally looking for a guy who doesn't drink or do recreational drugs. Or if he does drink, he drinks in moderation and doesn't expect me to.
Nah I like guys with eyeliner or eyeshadow. They look sexy af
Women what is it like not being the ugly undesirable gender?
speaking of chromosomes!
>males have a higher variance in traits than females
>women's preference for mates has a lower variance than male's preferences for mates (read: women only want le dhad)
I'm waiting for marriage, but I'd let my wife touch me pretty much whenever she wanted to
why are break ups so hard. Why do we say mean things like "i don't care" but deep down we do still care.
Fuck I hate this
So you do not find vaginas disgusting?
well yes good looking men look good but that's not what I was talking about
>Like... in what kind of liking?
>Tons of merch? Cosplay?
No, mostly novels, short stories, and movies.
Most men look fine
I want a surfer boyfriend but I’m scared of surfing. Hmmmm
deep down I don't really care about anything except not getting my dick wet anymore
dummy he doesn't expect you to surf.
I would assume you were mentally ill or diseased
Wouldn’t know I was born looking like a fucking ugly cunt
Broski hit me up with 3 good novels from both genres if you would be so kind.
I want to branch out from history books
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> emotional unavailability
> “somewhat right person” wrong time
> too much baggage on both sides
Take your pick.
If I had a hobby I would like it if my gf tried it out at least one.
Why are men so harsh and cruel to ugly women? We are not bad people. We're human beings like you
But how do I meet him other than surfing?
A lot of that depends on the personality type you're looking for. Bookstores are usually a good place and give you an excuse to introduce yourself (e.g. "Hey what books/authors would you recommend?"), but you're probably not going to find the most assertive or outgoing types of guys there since bookish people are more reserved.
Charlie dont surf
I want to pen “mine” a hundred times under his button up shirt
Women, suggest some books.
[citation needed]
Yeah yeah you bitches all love short guys with small dicks who are virgins on 4chan. Men know how all of you whores act in real life. Fuck off.
Second one
The test period came in the 00s, a lot of guys dipped into it and then retreated because they simply weren't good looking enough to pull it off. This is a key aspect of men's fashion and appearance, you can do more gaudy or weird shit and if you're hot it accentuates it. If you're not it makes you look worse and people think you're cringe. Such is life.
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What do you usually read?
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.
Fitness group is a great idea, really anything that gets you out there just meeting people in general. You never know where things could lead
Why isn’t the fucking bus coming
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Some relationships are not meant to be, unfortunately.
It hurts being forced to move on, but that's just how it is.
That's just how it is.
because ugly women skip ugly men for men that are not their equal, and ugly men watch their soulmate link up (unsuccessfully) with men who do not value them due to the toxic dynamic, and thus conclude their soulmate was a spook all along, and he dies alone and she dies alone. unrequited love.
I mean, thats how women treat the bottom 80% of men
INCREDIBLE puke-core.
I don’t want it to be how it is
The Hormone Jungle by Robert Reed
Protein is protein, the bulimia allegations can wait until I’m a size 2 thx
I can only fail up
Ok, that's more based.
It's unironically too easy.

Nobody does.
I know it takes time to move on.
Might even take a 2nd and 3rd attempt like it did for me.
But you will look back and feel those years wasted, unfortunately.
You will still look back every now and then.
I treat ugly women exactly how i treat other men.
Usually they take this as a sign to shoot their shot.
>I think gametes determine sex?
It's not quite as simple as that. You can, for example, have an individual that is definitely either male or female but infertile. It's defined in terms of structures in the body. A male human, for example, has testes, but also a scrotum and a penis; a female human has ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva. So if you have someone who has testes, but no scrotum or penis, they can't be considered male; and if they have a vulva but no uterus or ovaries, they can't be considered female.

>I think this is an autist thing. It doesn't fit neatly into their box of rules.
It's a (false) definition of sex that is chosen to justify transphobia.
Trigger Warning
>Protein is protein
I bet I can get you to disagree.

>a size 2
I don't know what that is in European. :^)
The ethical slut
>The fuck you on about, I am literally looking for a guy who doesn't drink or do recreational drugs. Or if he does drink, he drinks in moderation and doesn't expect me to.
Not him but on the dating apps that's how it goes. If you don't appeal to the lowest common denominator you're buried quickly. Guy who doesn't drink? Boring or weird, if he's not super good looking his profile is going nowhere because the majority of women on dating apps don't like non drinkers.
You’re just making me cry
And grapes is pure sugar
I like short guys, tall guys, guys of all races, I even like some fat guys and some old guys. I'm even attracted to this old man https://youtu.be/FRZTA_6wET4?si=-fiMNWatLiSN8e4R

Is there something wrong with me?
I took them hoes outta Soho, then I put them in Manolo
I told the bitch you do not fuck with bozos
But now you fuck with boss on the low low
I had a bitch on the side
Then I gave that bitch some pride
I told her come through tonight
Then I took her on a flight
I took you out of apartments, then I put you in the condo
I had you off in the trap room, you was the one in the bando
You didn't abandon a nigga, you stayed down for the kid
Now I gave you where to live, now you pull up in the lear
I went from two door to four door
Went from a two door to four door
From four door to two door
I'm back in the coupe
Nigga I ball like I'm hoopin', shit...
go to the beach and talk to him. you don't need to surf to go to the beach.
>she's asking about my friends
it's over
Unironically Wuthering Heights. Yeh, it's a chick book but I think guys would even like it.
Yeah, you're blind. Or very depressed and desperate.
Oh but I don’t want to bother him
I like skinny guys and fit guys also
>So you do not find vaginas disgusting?
No, of course not. They're cute.
>Actual factual genes are false...
nta but grapes have a small amount of fiber.
What happened?
That old man is very attractive. Great facial symmetry and nice beard. You have good taste.
:^) I’m assuming you only do freedom units because amerifag hours
UK 6 / 37 - 39 EU
> I bet I can get you to disagree
I'm just not going to sugarcoat that men are the more visual gender and if you are ugly you need to compensate. I'm a manlet so I'm well used to compensating myself.
>Why isn’t the fucking bus coming
It needs more foreplay.
I'm not a surfer but I don't feel annoyed when happy nervous women talk to me, even if my day sucks, it's the day's fault not some random girl.
Something wrong? Not necessarily.
In a very tiny minority? Yes.
The protein in the cheese avoids the sugar spike, you will have to take my fruit out of my cold dead fingers
Do young guys go to bookstores in your area? In mine, they're kind of... just not there.


Pulling from my library:

1. Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky
2. The Captured by Scott Zesch
3. The Poison King by Adrienne Mayor
4. Iditarod Alaska by Burt Bomhoff
5. Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman
6. A History of the Breast by Marilyn Yalom
7. Abe by David S. Reynolds
It's alright, just annoying to have to put so much effort into looking cute.
Hot guys get approached by bitches all the time. Bitches will never approach some manlet or a bald guy.
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reply to me with songs that have you like this at 2am
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Why are men like this?

Crying is a part of it.
The first time hurts the most.
It will hit you at random times. Wanting them to sit next to you in the car, have them hike with you, tell them about the new thing you want to cook together.
The only thing that you really can do is wait and distract yourself. Sorry, but that's the best you can do. You can't hurry it up.

A tragedy in 3 acts spanning five years ending with me being thrown away like a used tissue.

I like the sass, but...
...not in the mood for lewding tonight, sorry bae.
I like it too, no worries
Men can’t be trusted not even with a dead body
>A History of the Breast
This actually sounds kinda interesting, ngl.
Men, should I even still try manifesting that guy I like?
I know he wouldn't like me back.
I'm a mess.
What should I really manifest?
thats statistically false
I'm not hot but I'm approached by pretty women all the time. Though to be fair I'm not balding or manlet.
Reverse the genders, and no one would care.
I’m manifesting a hockey boyfriend for me and some healthy coping skills for you
So why is it that this "intersex" (actually just a troon) anon, who HAS testes but also not a single female reproductive organ (vulva doesn't count, it's external and aesthetic only), you refer to as a she and would be willing to fuck? I hate you covert misogynistic bisexual men - we get you don't want people to feel ashamed of their bodies, but just accept that he's an XY he.
I had to stop watching stuff like this because it was actually starting to make me feel suicidal
Just seduce him ffs
You unironically need to fix your shit up.
You literally encourage this behaviour by sending love letters to criminals/serial killers and by making fun of virgin guys or shy guys. You bitches want men to be violent, you reap what you sow.
Not many, but if there are they're usually in the manga section.
It's probably better as a guy since younger women usually tend to frequent bookstores more (I briefly dated two who I approached at book places).
Then again reading as well as literacy rates have been on the decline so it's becoming a more difficult endeavor to find anyone under 40 that reads for recreation.
What the fuck are you on about now? Chromosomes exist, but they do not define sex. You can choose to invent an entirely new concept that is defined by chromosomes if you like, but you can't call it "sex" and you can't use the words "male" and "female" to define its possible states, because those words are already in use and mean something else.
It actually is! Here's a snippet.
>The protein in the cheese avoids the sugar spike
(NTA) More likely the fat than the protein.
Less than a year, I already had a following from insta and TikTok
How do you stop, it's been years for me. Not even memeing, I'm so lost.
That's disgusting. Jesus fuck. I would unironically divorce my girlfriend if I ever caught her eating shit like this.
You can make all sorts of shit with only a toaster oven, microwave, and air fryer bro
Why do I miss something we never even really had?
just went cold turkey, realized it was starting to become a serious problem
>What should I really manifest?
Yeah but what I can't. Decide
>biological sex isn't real because a genetic mutational deformity that occurs in a minuscule percentage of the population exists
Good for her
Leave manifesting to me, I'm more schizo than you'll ever be.
>but you can't call it "sex" and you can't use the words "male" and "female" to define its possible states, because those words are already in use and mean something else.
Tell that to the trannies and the trans rights activists, bro.
nta but you clearly didn't even go to the wikipedia paged that was linked that outlines what the condition is. Also, you're getting kinda riled up with the improper grammar and stuff. Kinda funny.
Testosterone is a hell of a drug. The area of the thighs - pubic - lower belly is extremely arousing for us, and when you're horny pussy is insanely hot.
If you want to ask that question in intelligible English, I'll answer it.
>4chan poster
Not someone I’d date anyway
Fine the fat and the protein
I think my ex killed himself, what do I do?
>Honey, I really need you to paint this 8000 point army of tyranids, you'll love it!
>improper grammar and stuff.
Look at your own post, mate.
I have unironically been wondering myself that about mine.
This is the first time I’ve posted about him
Anon, that's mean. I would get her a Disney mini or something.
99.9997% of men arent men arent
That pic just shows you lack good taste. I would not want to be with someone who has bad taste. I believe that bad taste is a fundamental flaw and reflects poorly on a person.
NTA but if that's true, why are outies and darker coloration always reviled?
Aren't you happy?
You can't answer it. The LARPer has testes. He doesn't have ovaries. He doesn't have a uterus. Yet you call him a she. Why not call him a he? You're a misogynist.
sad friday hours
Contact his family and talk to them
It shows the opposite. Way to out yourself haha
NTA, but hit the fucking nail on the head.
Gonna watch some YT and then hopefully sleep soon.
Sleep tight, everybody.
Mimicking "good taste" != good taste
nta but she looks like a she. What defines a guy to you?
Those individual parts are all good.
But mixing them together like that is the true crime.
Go eat your sugary cereal
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women, do you shave your armpits?
what's your opinion on women that don't?

men, what's your opinion on women's armpit hair?
They were malformed and internal and probably didn't even do anything due to the androgen allergy.
>she looks like a she.
You think traps are women, then?
That honestly looks like a transsexual.
>And the data led us to some very strange places. Here are some of our findings: heterosexual men like shemale porn, large-penis porn, and fantasies of their wives sleeping with other men. Gay male sexuality is almost identical to straight male sexuality. Women prefer stories to visuals, though women who do prefer visuals tend to have a higher sex drive, exhibit greater social aggression, and are more comfortable taking risks. Men prefer overweight women to underweight women. Heterosexual women like stories about two masculine men sharing their tender side and having sex. Porn featuring women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s is popular among men both young and old. For women, online erotica is often a social enterprise, while for men it’s almost always a solitary one. Most men are wired to be aroused by sexual dominance and most women are wired to be aroused by sexual submission, though a large minority of straight men (and a majority of gay men) prefer the sexually submissive role, and a small minority of women prefer the sexually dominant role.
Nta but I realize that that anon is a biological male technically but I still would imo. Physically she is a girl, I don't care about whats in the guts
Dear God, you are so ignorant, it is physically painful.

No, anon. Biological sex is absolutely real. Don't be an utter fucking retard. Sex also cannot possibly be defined by chromosomes, because sex is a concept that applies to a great many species other than humans. There are such things as male and female crocodiles; there are male and female clown fish; there are male and female duck-billed platypuses. Your definition of the words "male" and "female" must be one that applies to all of those species, and millions more. And in all those species and millions more, sex is completely unrelated to the presence or absence of a Y chromosome.

You are objectively, factually wrong. Suck it up, and move on.
>Men prefer overweight women to underweight women.
Women, why dont you care about men's well being?
I would never date a woman who doesn't at least shave her legs and her armpits.
>Heterosexual women like stories about two masculine men sharing their tender side and having sex
you should improve yourself
Yes, I shave and I'm going to get them lasered this winter
We do, so what did you do wrong
Of course not. They have prostates, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens. The intersex woman is far more of a woman socially anyways compared to a tranny because they were raised as a woman.
Those really don't matter, but armpits and pussy are both a must.
>fantasies of their wives sleeping with other men.
This has to be bullshit, I do not believe that more than 5% of men are cucks.
Also any so called "straight" male who watches anything other than solo female porn is a homo
Women, why do you blame everything on depression?
normalfags be like
>I had a relationship I should kill myself
also sorry for your loss and that's actually pretty sad
>heterosexual men like shemale porn, large-penis porn, and fantasies of their wives sleeping with other men.
>fantasies of their wives sleeping with other men.
Why do men act so jealous then?
He has testes, ones that don't work. He doesn't have ovaries at all. He doesn't have a uterus at all. He even has the Y chromosome. He's a man, yet you insist on calling him a woman.
you answered your own question anon, just because something is a fantasy doesn't mean they want it to happen in reality.
I think cuck fetish stuff is probably some weird homo-by-proxy shit honestly, this and the dick-liking is homo spectrum stuff
But he is a girl physiogimally, gdaf about (((DNA))) that no one has ever seen.
I think you should settle for a fat and balding man from atoga.
>We found very consistent results in men’s anatomical preferences across cultures, specifically: chests, butts, feet, and penises. Across cultures, men prefer larger than average breasts to smaller than average ones, overweight women to underweight women, smaller than average feet (women prefer average size feet), and larger than average penises.
Ok but it's heterosexual men who like that
Manifesting isn't real and doesn't do anything
They really aren't. Nobody cares honestly, like yeah, there's a "perfect" pussy which is usually an innie but every single pussy will be appreciated when push comes to shove. You will never hear a dude talking to other dude about how a girl's pussy wasn't good, but you will hear women gossiping about a guy's cock being too small or weird or whatever.
Since when was he 'experimenting' on them? I don't think it is even true, it's not on the wiki page.
Or did she get captured again by somebody else?
Stop listening to incels.
So just because you don't have something makes you the other thing?
Is this one those things were they take porn addicts and men who self identify as women and then extrapolate their porn consumption to the sexual preferences of the general population?
Heterosexual presenting? sure, why do you care anon? What changes if the guy is "bi" or "het"? Literally nothing.
Attentionwhore about it online, clearly.
I can't get hard, like at all, wtf is happening. I'm literally on /s/ looking at big boobies and I can't get an erecrion.
I care because if men like to watch their wives sleep with other men that makes them massive hypocrites for slut shaming women and acting jealous
This. Everyone arguing about this intersex thing (is the intersex person even here anymore?) is forgetting about this. Gender identity encompasses more than just physical or chromosomal characteristics. It includes social, psychological, and emotional stuff.
>But he is a girl physiogimally
He doesn't have any female reproductive organs.

Trannies who get genital plastic surgery have vulva-looking things created from their flayed penis. And a shallow vaginal canal they have to dilate. That doesn't make them women.
>going to /s/ instead of /gif/
ah yes, because all men are just one person. you're so smart anon!
Do you even understand what CAIS is? Do you realise that typically, for several years after someone with CAIS is born, no one even realises they aren't a normal girl? It makes far more sense to call her "she" than "he". The testes are internal and non-functional, and are usually removed as soon as the person is diagnosed, because otherwise they have a tendency to turn cancerous. But if they're left intact the person undergoes a normal *female* puberty, including developing breasts.

Retards like you are fond of asking sarcastically "Can a woman have a penis?" Apply the same logic: can someone born with no penis and no scrotum, and born with labia, clitoris and vaginal opening be a man?
No meme answers. There's a pair of cute Korean freshman twins at my uni. How do I date them both?
Yeah but they still look like dudes tho
The data says heterosexual men (ie most men) like to watch their wives sleep with other men
>men, what's your opinion on women's armpit hair?
Love it. That's where the pheromones come from.
I don’t have depression
>a large minority of straight men prefer the sexually submissive role, and a small minority of women prefer the sexually dominant role
lol, it's funny because we see this played out a lot on this site
Do the "all Asians look the same" thing
nta but I would argue that that is a strawman and actually hurts your argument. The intersex person didn't have to have surgery to get a vulva.
as a totally unaware guy, what are the advantages of lasering over just shaving?
>never hear a dude talking to other dude about how a girl's pussy wasn't good
Are you r-slurred? There's some objectively awful pussy. The only reason you don't hear guys talk about it is because they gossip less than women. But awful pussy is discussed.
You have sex to get the deed done, but it can actually feel worse than getting catfished.
NTA, I find that very hard to believe.
>For women, online erotica is often a social enterprise, while for men it’s almost always a solitary one

wow did someone crack open A Court of Thorns and Roses/4th Wing and notice that all these female book clubs are actually just reading smut?
ok, WOMAN.

>most men
they would be but only if they're cuck fetishists
why even complain about slut shaming anyway, just don't slut about if the judgement bothers you
I love submissive men
Why can’t I be friends with my ex? We don’t do this all or nothing stuff with other relationships
>Women, why dont you care about men's well being?
When did you ever give us a single reason to?
When did men ever give a fuck about women's well being? Fuck off
>So just because you don't have something makes you the other thing?
The anon I replied to insists on defining sex as:
>It's defined in terms of structures in the body. A male human, for example, has testes, but also a scrotum and a penis; a female human has ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva. So if you have someone who has testes, but no scrotum or penis, they can't be considered male; and if they have a vulva but no uterus or ovaries, they can't be considered female.
I just find it curious that this "intersex" anon is considered a woman. Why is it that even though he has testes and XY chromosomes, he's a woman? He lacks the full set of female and male body structures, so why is anon so set on calling him a woman? It stems from misogyny. But he doesn't like hearing that.
I’ve been dating twins for a while. Are they close? Do you know them at all? Give them equal attention, don’t ask out one of them hoping to get both
>women: "omg, don't be racist he is a nice guy, she should marry who she wants. Love is blind."
Make it make sense.
All that data came from porn sites, it can tell you I've never actually used a formal "pornography website" in my life, unless you count 4chan.
I swear I've seen variations of this question like three times now ITT.
>yet you insist on calling him a woman
Literally no one is calling her a woman. She is intersex. You don't even know what it is you're arguing against, do you?
damn if only I cared
Alpha Widow.
>Some teen girls come up to me and ask me if I know how to "throw it back"
>Say no
>They're children, so they're retarded, so they just ask again like they can't comprehend the word no
>Say no again
>One says she'll show me, then does so before I can say shit
>Its a whore dance
>She must have been like 12
Truly this generation is fucked
they have near identical names and share the same major

>I’ve been dating twins for a while.

Easy, when they weren't whores. Chivalry is dead because there is no such thing as a lady anymore.
Never did, I only care when there's something to receive in return for caring:
>physical comfort
>emotional comfort
And to be honest anon, your well being is not anyone's responsibility, this goes both ways for men and women. But, when you are in a relationship, it is the bare minimum to care. Outside of that? And in relationships that are one-sided? Idgaf
Shouldve assaulted her
I think all women should be lowered into wells. And we could use buckets to lift them up once in a while to let them see the world and walk around. Maybe then they would be more grateful.
Its hag cope, that's basically it.
once a teen girl asked me to buy her alcohol and then she refused when I asked for her mom's number what a bitch
>She is intersex
I think a big difference here is that they didn't have to do something unnatural, like a tranny, to get their external characteristics. Also, how is it misogyny?
Atoga I'm getting the itch to end things with my current partner, again. So many red flags and incompatibilities, but I love them. I wish someone would just shoot me bc I know I won't feel this way when I'm talking with them
>become over 30
>women your age are now campaigning to make it taboo and "creepy" to date women in their 20s
why are they so mean?
Two boys being bitter about women, now kiss
How the hell? Are you a man?
>Why can’t I be friends with my ex?
Most grown-ups are.
You can love someone and still know that you deserve better
>need to go to DMV for new ID
>fill out pre-application online
>everything gets pre-approved
>check appointments
>only ones are a month out
so how likely am I to get this done if I just walk in next week, are DMVs as busy as I hear they are (in the early morning)
That is factually incorrect.
isn't mans identity practically centered around taking care of and saving women? you know, women and children first? programs for women.. never hitting a woman
>more hag cope
like clockwork, can't let a sleeping dog lie can you?
No one is calling her a woman. "She" just to be concise. Do "they" if you prefer.
>I just find it curious that this "intersex" anon is considered a woman.
She isn't. She's considered intersex. Are you just arguing with yourself now?
Girls tend to chat more about personal things with their friends in general, whereas guys don't. That doesn't mean men don't find certain physical traits less desirable

I know it's not a dealbreaker or anything for most guys, but I'm pretty sure it's a disappointment or at the very least just something they're willing to feel neutral about
Thank you admitting that he isn't a woman. He is a he. Not a they, now that's just rude!
I'm not sure if it's about deserving better, but, being in emotional pain 80% of the time sucks. I kind of miss when i wasn't in a relationship because at least i didn't care then
I think its a power thing, the moment I learn a women is over 25 I refuse to give my number up and/or tell them I'm dating someone.
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>I’ve been dating twins for a while
woah you can't be posting that without telling us how that happened
The OP literally referred to him as her and she. Those are pronouns used for females. He's a male.
I'm so glad you finally agree.
damn those cats are really throwing it back.
But they aren't a he either. No male reproductive organs, prostate, etc. Hence intersex.
What sort of red flags and incompatibilities?
OP should've called the girl a kitten
I wish I was a girl... Life would be so much better and enjoyable. I don't want to be a tranny, I want to be a real biological girl who can get periods and get pregnant. I want to feel desired and loved and wear pretty dresses...
>uses gender neutral "partner" word
They deserve better, I agree.
No, really. Remaining on good terms with your ex is common for adult normies. It's only teenagers and people who read 4chan who have a problem with it.
>best fed post so far
They are learning...
See, I don't mind a trimmed bush, but hairy legs are a complete turn-off for me.
Calling a 12 year old a kitten would be creeepy as fuck

Anyways, my underwear is gone. Like all of it. WHat the fuck? I hung it up, I come back, its gone. Everything else is untouched. I'm so fucking confused
You'll actually lose your boner from hairy thighs?
>Remaining on good terms with your ex is common for adult normies.
Thank god I'm none of those things then...
>Calling a 12 year old a kitten would be creeepy as fuck
It's really not. Kitten is a cute thing to call someone.
Convenience of not having to shave, plus both shaving and waxing can darken the skin over time. I'm probably going to get my legs done too, I did a Brazilian last year and I'm pretty happy with the results
Well, I guess your first step is getting to know them.
Idk if it’s a good story, I sat next to this absolutely hottie in class, we got along with small talk and assignments. I ran into her again at my gym and when I started to talk to her she gave me this weird look so I left her alone bit puzzled and hurt. Day after my classmate explained the twin thing. I met them both after class one day and I asked if they wanted to grab something to eat. Now we live together as “roommates” and we don’t know how to break it to our family
Complete nonsense.

Most of my normie friends absolutely hate their exes. The only people I know who are still on good terms with their exes are those who are still having sex with them and secretly wish to get back together.
There's a piece of cheese on a fork from a plate of cheese and grapes and meat and crackers. Femanon is holding the fork. She wants to watch the cheese on the fork go into my mouth and so is staring at the cheese on the fork as it slowly but surely inches nearer toward my mouth. I'm weirded out, but her enthusiasm makes me also watch the cheese as it enters my mouth.

We fuck later
>I did a Brazilian last year and I'm pretty happy with the results
How painful was it? I've tried waxing my pubes at home and it was excruciating. Worst pain in my life.
Wait, why is still being friends with your ex a bad thing?
>Remaining on good terms with your ex is common for adult normies
Someone who is intersex is, by definition, neither a man nor a woman. You are arguing against your own hallucinations.
I saw some bugs on my arm. Small, black, lice like. I google. Seems to be lice. When did I get them? Don't know. Spend 12 americano dollarinos to remove lice, because head is now itchy. Done. They don't go. Spend 12 more to remove lice and eggs, even though I see no eggs (and can't find any lice in my head).
24 dollarinos.
I get knock on door and open and a man says to me, hey, there's a flea outbreak, I'm cleaning it up, you got any in there?
It was a placebo. There were no lice.

Times you were a fool?
Can do, friend >>31951589
NTA but good terms is very different than maintaining an active friendship
Yeah. Mostly /gif/ /s/ , and various Instagram women. I shy away from /hc/ pornhub type stuff. I don't think I've ever mastrubated to an actual video of sexual intercourse between two people
Where do I meet a clingy woman to make my gf
If she is intersex, then by definition, she is not male. Please learn what words mean before you try to use them.
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I'm incek
Then don't use pronouns reserved for females when talking about XY intersex people.
Yes, especially if the hairs are dark.
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Is it icky to eat ice cream? Because this looks so freaking good. I really want one now. Nothing like it exists here in Europe.
Maybe 70 years ago. Now its fuckkeng mad max (comparatively)
nobody really wants their partner to hang around with somebody for which there was mutual attraction and a sexual relationship in case that interest is reignited so it is a redflag to potential mates
seems straightforward
Because women prefer to fuck psychopathic murderapists over human beings
Anon... just because they aren't a woman, doesn't mean they're a man. That's kinda what intersex is. The prefix "inter-" in "intersex" comes from Latin, meaning "between" or "among." In the context of intersex, it refers to individuals whose physical sex characteristics don’t fit typical definitions of male or female. So, "intersex" essentially means "between sexes".

Were you the same anon having a fit over someone using asexual?
Yeah okay I'm into it
>She's clingy
>She's distant
>She has friends outside of me
>She's a loner
>She showers twice a day
>she barely showers
>she hates women
>she loves women
so many icky women around now
Lie. Whether it was more women or more men depended on the country.
Because your current partner is jealous.
If he has neither female not male reproductive organs, but XY chromosomes, why insist on using feminine pronouns?

If "body structures", as the OP referred to it, defines sex, but these are unreliable in the case of intersex people, why not use chromosomes? He's got testes. He has vulva. But he has a Y chromosome.
>Nothing like it exists here in Europe.
What? They're super common in Europe.

It's just weird and inappropriate to have a close, loving relationship with someone you used to bang, especially when you have a new partner.
Would "whore" be better? Maybe bitch? Maybe cunt??

just differences in the way we do things. i like the reassurance of having plans and set times to guarantee seeing each other again, but she just does as she does. I'm flexible too, extremely, but i really enjoy the mental reassurance of date nights etc...
nta but I'm guessing an intersex person doesn't want to be referred to as intersex ALL the time because there's a lot of stigma that comes with it, as evidenced by you.
I have a racoon ear hairband. Is that icky?
look femanon, its you!
On the side of a mountain.
You can't be alone so you invite strange men to watch you eyefuck your ex for double the validation.
>women, do you shave your armpits?
I lasered all my hair under my eyes.

>what's your opinion on women that don't?
Good for them, whatever they like.
Bold of you to assume I have a current partner.
>What? They're super common in Europe.
Not from where I am from. All the sweets here are incredibly boring. Lidl is my only savior, since it sells German candies.
If you saw me still talking to my ex you would be upset.
Luckily genuinely intersex people are rare. The trannies who LARP as intersex aren't though!
M honestly I'd be on yellow alert but not super upset.
Weird, this kind of ice cream is really common all around Europe. Have seen them at a small local grocery store in middle of nowhere, croatia just a couple hours ago.

Sucks for you tho.
You're not making any sense. Stop sneeding and start re-writing your post.
its not, but i think it depends on how long you dated them for too. like, an ex of 2 months total of dating wont have as much baggage as an ex of 5 years of dating... if that makes sense
yellow alert is a bad thing anon
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>Madonna and the whore in 2024
And what do you suggest as an alternative? Intersex people are, by definition, neither male nor female, so BY YOUR OWN LOGIC you cannot call them "he" either. So what would you prefer?

The reality, of course, is that you're wrong, and that the use of any pronoun other than "he" or "she" is objectifying and dehumanising; you can't call a person "it". Since an intersex person is neither male nor female, you cannot use their sex to determine the appropriate pronoun; and so you have to use some other criterion; and it might just as well be their gender identity as anything else. She was raised as a girl; she looks completely female; she feels like a "she"; she did not require any surgery to become what she is; so why not call what she prefers to be called?
Intersex traits are more common than many people realize. If we're talking about something visible, sure it's something like 1 in 1,500 to 2,000 but if you include those with less visible intersex variations or who might not be diagnosed at birth, the prevalence might be closer to 1 in 100.
>hey remember all the nasty sex we had, shame we're toxic together hehe
>who the fuck is this, babe, or should i say, ex-babe hehehe *slaps her ass*
Please see >>31951662
It's a caution. Red alert is the bad thing.
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Such an attractive young man.
Citation sneeded
>If he has neither female not male reproductive organs, but XY chromosomes, why insist on using feminine pronouns?
Because they socially identify as a female. This is where you mention that trannies do this too and where I say that intersex people have been doing it a lot longer.
I saw a tall skinny Asian chick today, I understand the term "string bean" now lol. She literally looked like a foot wide rectangle
>have to use some other criterion
Y chromosome, its in the genes
I am not mean enough to say yes
who was it that got rid of gender roles again?
Fellow girlis. I'm trying to start wearing make up again on occasion. I haven't worn any in 10 years because I found it uncomfortable, but I'm trying to look more put together.

I want some eye make up - I like wearing black eyeliner for a night out, but I wanted a softer brown one for when I just want an easy, light look. Also maybe a softer mascara compared to the one I use?
Also a lip tint.

Do you have any stuff you really love?
>no periods
>no menopause
>no pregnancy
>no condoms
What's the downside?
None in particular bro
I'll take that as a no then! ^_^
*looks behind to see the man in question*
This. Incels complain about pussy because they're never going to see one IRL so it's just sour grapes.
The powers that be.
It’s better if you use YouTube
Very clearly moid hands lmao
You'll be sorely dissapointed it tastes like metal and chemicals.
Intersex Conditions: Diagnosis, Management, and Long-Term Follow-Up" by T. C. B. B. Lee, published in Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (2006)

A Critical Review of the Intersex Prevalence Estimates" by D. A. M. Meyer-Bahlburg, which appears in Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010).

Meyer-Bahlburg, D. A. M. (2010). A Critical Review of the Intersex Prevalence Estimates. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(2), 447-457. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9540-8
I don't like it but it wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me. For me
Pubic hair: yes please
Armpit hair: prefer not, but it's fine unless hyper hairy
Leg hair: hell no
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Because women are insecure about them and it's fun to bully them.
>Would "whore" be better? Maybe bitch? Maybe cunt??
Girlfriend would suffice, mysoginist.
I'm a woman lol

I've watched some youtube but honestly influencers just sell you shit.
Heh. I used to fit pretty easily in a school locker.
No man is going to complain about a pussy being slightly brown or the lips being a bit bigger, it's just not a big deal whatsoever. Idk how it feels on the female side but pussy is basically the best feeling you can put on your dick.
It's the titties that we might complain about, because there are some actually sad tits out there. But pussy? Nah.
Shotgun. Easier for under 21's to get (U.S. at least) and much more effective. And if you change your mind you can go shoot clay pigeons for fun.
I'm not the one doing this weird "partner" shit.
>I'm a woman lol
You're not. And you're disgusting
Oh shit neverminf I though you were talking about killing yourself
Oh yeah? It's your lucky day, NERD!
*shoves you in locker*
Yes, I am. I've been a woman my whole life. I don't know why you have decided I'm trans for asking about brown eyeliner.
Don't bother, or at least find a crackhouse
That autist going on about intersex people is getting paranoid.
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It's all going to be okay, anon. And btw please don't be racist.
Are you jealous anon? Why is the word partner triggering you so hard kek
Yeah, you’re a guy. Good luck
Different anon.
You write as if you're trying to imitate the writing style of a woman. A woman will not be asking questions about eyeliner on /atoga/. Not engaging with you any further, faggot.
>please dont be racist
Congratulations, anon! You just won the racism war! Racism is no more!!!! You won!!!
Being called a girlie gives me the ick. I just wanted to put that out there.
Everyone knows except him.
>You write as if you're trying to imitate the writing style of a woman.
I'm a woman?

>A woman will not be asking questions about eyeliner on /atoga/.
Why not? There's girls here, my friends don't like the same type of make up I like.
Racism is just jealousy and insecurity. While those two might be somewhat fixable, the underlying sexual aspect of racism is a lot harder to address. Hence, why there are still so many racists out there.
Ow i just sneezed and bit my tongue ouchie
>my friends don't like the same type of make up I like.
Unironically, why not? I thought women were kind of a hivemind with stuff like that.
It's fear more than anything.
Because that person is not a woman. "my friends don't like the same type of make up I like" is the most retarded excuse. Like that is something a man would come up with.
The fear is latent sexuality.
tell me you don't really want to do that, please.
lmao rekt nerd haha are you okay bro lol i hope it didn't hurt too much fucking nerd
I'm in class with femanon and I write a note and tell my best friend to pass it to femanon discretely, so the teacher doesn't notice. Best friend passes the note to his gf and she passes it along down the row of students between like 12 people before it reaches its destination, femanon's desk. I like that desk not because it's a desk, everyone in class has a desk, even the teacher, who has a teacher's desk. No, I like that specific desk because it belongs to femanon, it's femanon's desk.

Anyway she opens the note and it's quite apt:
>Do you like me?
>Y/ N
>- Anon

Femanon aces the toughest exam of the semester with flying colors, a resounding red circle on the 25th letter of the alphabet. She refolds the unfolded letter and hands her bestie who sits behind her. Luckily femanon's bestie is sitting right next to me, so I don't have to wait.

I open the letter excited to see what femanon has written, but before i can read it I notice the teacher approaching my desk and so I decde to immediately rip up the letter before I can read it, and before the teacher can read it.

Femanon sees me rip up the paper and gets the wrong idea.

We never fuck later
>Unironically, why not?
They tend to wear heavier make up, especially an heavier base - foundation, a lot of powder products, powder brush and bronzer. I used to do my make up like that and it felt uncomfortable, which is why I stopped wearing it completely. In terms of eye make up, they typically wear mascara with eyeshadows or mascara and black eyeliner, which I like but I was looking for something different and softer.
I started wearing make up again but I'm really struggling to find products I love because the people in my life don't really do their make up in a way I like, and I don't really love buying products I see advertised online.
>Gving the attention whore attention
Heyyyyyyyy girlies- I mean, fair maidens.
>I don't really love buying products I see advertised online.
Respect: earned
I honestly don't wear stuff like that. Just concealer really.
It really is a slut or a madonna with you guys, isn't it?
it feels better now :3 faggot
Sometimes it's not that you deserve a better person, but a better situation. It's okay, hugs, hope you can work it out. I know how you feel
You think girlie's sounds slutty? That's on you bro. It just sounds gay to me
I miss him so much I'm going to throw up.
I came across this IG page of this “dating coach” who basically says you can never tell a woman you like her or ever show it; you can never express your emotions in any way and you can never open up to her or talk to her about anything cause she’ll leave you or think you’re weak.

What the fuck is all this shit?
At the moment I either wear nothing or a tinted moisturizer with cream blush plus mascara and eyeliner. But it doesn't look quite right, the eyes feel too heavy compared to the softness of the rest.

I don't know, working on it.

It's easier with face products 'cause I can just put them on my hand and get an idea, but finding a good mascara or eye liner is tricky.
just a bunch of grifters trying to make money from low status men
I got drunk with my workbros and called one of the women that work with me "foxy" and they all laughed at me
Why do you avoid white clothing during your period?
Its the sanitation of the norm in society, which is man and woman.
I love tall flat sticc girls so much its unreal. I love love the sight of their flat chests in t shirts
It legit sounds like a English pedo coming to rape me.
Racism is the default in humanity and 2/3rd of the world disagrees with you, but since you guys live are the 1% of the global elite that live in echo chambers your ideology will be responsible for the destruction of thousands of ethnic groups and culture because in the end anti-racists are the most racist and hateful people in the world.
I fell in love with a guy I didn't even like just because he liked me and was super sappy about it.
I wish men would stop being mean to me irl
Oh yeah I guess that lol. I was thinking of jimmy hendrixes song
This, destruction of boundaries is the destruction of the thing they claim to care about the most, which is race. Its the snake eating its own tail.
Omgh lol. Why am I letting this ugly guy treat me like shit
What are they doing?
I'll reprimand them at the next men meeting.
ok girly chill
Daily reminder the most racist group in America is Urban White Woman, they make everyone in society the most miserable.
I took 3 attachment quizzes, one told me I am fearful avoidant, two told me I have secure attachment. Who do I believe
Stop talking to them then
Believe in yourself
I can't really, I work with them.

They're just like, rude and bully me. Like they've literally done the thing where they'll steal part of my lunch and then toss it around over me. I ignore it because I don't want to give them a reaction but obviously it bothers me.
I have never seen a woman generalize white men as anything in this thread but ive seen a bunch of demeaning jokes about white women and saying they're bad in general, seems like you are being racist in this case.
I can't because all I do is fail
>toss it around over me.
How tall are you?
omg it's not about how tall I am.
Guys I'm horny. Where is impaler?
Are you sure? It... it kinda sounds like it is.
You know, I'm something of an impaler myself.
Thanks anon, that means a lot. I'll just keep trying until I'm given a big reason not to, and even then id try my best to work things out
Huh. That's what my ex said to me when she asked me to take her virginity. "I want to impale myself on you".
That's not nice, it being work is so difficult because it isn't legal for them to bully you, it's against osha rules, but some people are extremely vindictive if they don't get their way.
He was arrested last month for disembowling his girlfriend with his penis
Where do you work that hires manchildren like this?
>He smiles. A perfect smile. He was late, yes. He didn't even apologize. And now he makes me pay. Its fine. I'm happy to pay for someone so perfect. I watch him leave as I reach for my purse, smiling, content
>its him
>He's asking if I need help to pay for my meal
>Fucking simp
>Do I look poor?
>He's so.... mid
>Why isn't he taller?
She probably works with literal children, i.e. 16-19 year olds
State gender
Do you like police officers? What has your experience been like with them so far?
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people in my country are tall enough on average im a manlet, never see anyone this small
Have you tried telling HR about it?
State gender
Do you think trans rights are valid?
No, this is the equivalent of validating schizophrenic people's paranoia and persecution complex.
I wish he hated me
Trans rights implies that they aren't women, because if they were then they already have rights.
I don't even think there is an HR I can talk to

I work in a support center (call center type place) for a small insurance company.

What does osha have to do with it? Also I'm not in the US but we have an osha-like thing.
Are you suggesting that I be vindictive and try and get back at them?

I'm not 4'9"!
I'll get on board once they fight for my right to blast test insurance pays for.
not really a thing here but i dont get it. what rights? far as i can see what they want isnt right,s but validation, which is subjective
Just eated some baby potatoes, oven cooked, with cheese and mint. Quite the nice.
What did you eaterated today?
A lot of sweets
>What does osha have to do with it?
Bullying is an osha violation here because of workplace violence.
And I'm not suggesting you be vindictive, I'm saying these people could be if they get in trouble.
I like the hot policewomen on bicycles I see on my college campus.
>Not 4'9
shame shame
>no womanet gf to carry under my arm when I go out and throw at threats to deter them
A friend of mine came from a family of police people. Her dad was one of the higher ups and when I attended her house parties, there usually were plenty of police cadets and younger officers present. They're a peculiar type of people. Conscientious types, somewhat laconic. The cleverer ones not without wit. In general one can get along with them, but I can see why certain types of people might find themselves at odds with them, not just due to legal issues, but due to an incompatibility at a personal level.
Currently in the middle of getting ID to apply to police at one of the lower positions
Would you rather your gf have an ugly or hot ex
Don't care.
Ugly because that means she likes dudes for their personality/forearms or something(I'm 8/10 though appearance wise)
It was painful. I found it just as painful as waxing from a salon. For me waxing never got any less painful over time, so lasering didn't feel any worse at least. A lot of people say they feel lasering is less painful than waxing, so I guess it depends on the individual. Maybe it has to do with the machine they use, or your pain tolerance, or even skin or hair type
I could see both being positive.

If she has an uglier ex it means that she probably appreciates being with me more. If she has a hotter ex, it means that there is something about me which puts me at a similar level as that guy, so I can take it as a compliment.

Maybe I'm an optimist after all.
>According to science, Latina women's skin ages the best.
I wonder what admixtures that applies to? Or if it's just linear more Indio = better skin?
AKA ask the same 4 femcels who actually come here anything
I guess it's better than nothing.
either gender that is married (or perhaps engaged)
What is it about your spouse/fiance (or the relationship) that separates then from past partners, and when did you realize that you should get married?
I trust the judgemental of the Council.
:( I knew you guys didn't like me
>I'm 4'9"!
Cute :3
I like you
We know you don't like us either. It's mutual.
Women, how was life on tutorial mode today?
I like you too
I like you guys
That's just one guy out of... who knows, they deleted IP counts. I wonder how many unique posters the average ATOGA thread gets these days?
What colour are your eyes? If they're brown, you might want to try dark navy eyeliner or mascara. I like Clinique gel eyeliner in Deep Denim. The Honey Black is nice too, it's a dark brown colour

So mean
Did I not like him or was I just afraid of committing? I've liked guys before that I was desperate to commit to but they left me.
At least three.
Probably at least 200. I make about 15-20 posts per thread
Pretty good. Went on a hike with my husband this morning, took him out for dinner, he bought me earrings and a bracelet. We had a drink while dipping our feet in the sea.
Now he's a little snorey and keeping me awake.
They might not complain but that doesn't mean they like it, or that they won't tease you about it. And yeah, I've been teased about my small breasts too

get out
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Oh yeah? Prove you're not all just me replying to myself!

You think? Threads do go by pretty quick these days.
No :^)
So what do you think? less posters? 30? 50?
Not sure! I can't even remember how many we'd get before the IP vanishing. I thought it was around 130 or so.
I suspect only a fraction of those are regulars though. Most of the posts are probably made by a handful of guys. Although I think there are definitely significantly more guys than women. It tends to be not as easy to ID most of the people posting.
The one time I've needed to call 911 the police were really nice. I know someone who's a police officer and he's a good guy. That's about all I know
Most of the men that is. For women it is more noticeable that there aren't that many.
its really not worth posting right now is it because there are no women
NTA but if it's serious you should talk to your boss. It might just be typical guy stuff though, guys are just pretty much like that although they should be more professional at work
Some leftover steak for breakfast, and a bowl of Fruity Pebbles for tea
Do women even see men as real people?
It isn't racist if its true.
Yeah, of course.
>I like you guys
No you don't. Men are just tools to you
>bf lost shoes that I bought him
>somewhat costly, we chose them together near the beginning of our relationship and there's a whole story attached to them
Am I right to be a bit upset at this?
Can't tell because I also get upset at nonsense, probably a disorder.
>I have never seen a woman generalize white men
1) So your new, nice to know...
2) This is scientifically backed by a study, Urban White Women have the most demeaning opinions about other races.
3) I can't be racist against whites because I am white
4) I would rather be dead than marry a white woman
N.A.G. but women don't seem real to me. They are truly an difference species
>I can't really, I work with them.
Just don't talk to them unless you need to for work.
No, its why no one is dating them now and everyone is flooding into Asia to snatch up the woman there.
Women don't like men. At best they ignore us.
No, definitely not.
Yeah, I'd be upset too.
Is it weird that all the passport bros make me feel bad/creepy for being attracted to asian women?
It means you're a homosexual.
i dont think so. I'm not attracted to men at all.
>Trust me womyn, I'm one of the good ones.
uh huh
You are right, how tf does someone lose their shoes.
Yes because you view them the same way that they do.
I see everyone as roughly the same.
I can relate to both male and female experiences because we are all human. I understand murderers, molesters, saints, and activists. I understand those who cannot or do not understand others. I extend my empathy to those without it.
It upsets me that so many others don't view the world this way, but I acknowledge their personal limitations and understand them.
Passport bros that go to actually date women are fine, but the ones that go to fugg hookers are kinda ruining it for everyone, yeah.
Do you see us as real people?
How do i find my place in the diary of jane?
We are just slave labor to them
No, the Quran says that you only 1/3rd of a person, next question.
Okay, I sent him a message about it but I then felt afraid that I was just being nuts.
He travelled to see his parents. He also lost a book.
Being attracted to isn’t the same as fetishizing.
I'm only just informally engaged, in the process of getting a ring etc. so I feel I should knock on wood before posting this or else I'll jinx myself, but basically I'm just completely in love with him in a way that I've never experienced before and it's difficult to put into words. I still get flutters in my stomach just thinking about him. It just feels right when we're together, like we fit together, and I couldn't imagine being without him. I've never felt this way before with anyone
Any attraction to a race outside of your own is fetishiziation.
Then why should I see you as one, with such ridiculous opinions?
It was rhetorical, I wasn’t looking for an actual answer. He’s retarded.
Idk, i font think so. I just find asian features are hot. I don't particularly think they are "better wives" than western women or anything

hmm maybe
>i cant be racist because we're the same race
that's not how it works.
You won't reproduce and you'll die out, so why should I care to convince you?
> Any attraction to a race outside of your own is fetishiziation.
What a silly opinion. You sound like a leftist.
>You can be racist against your own race
That is actually how it works, idiot.
That's funny because that is actually the Nazi position, so leftists are fascists? I'd say you are correct.
> so leftists are fascists
Horseshoe theory. It comes around eventually.
Should I text him if I still miss him after 6 weeks?
Kek, I've seen so many people shit on/be sarcastic about horseshoe theory that I have no idea if you are being honest or not.
Femanons, would you rather be playing with a pp rn?
Who ended it?
you are retarded lol
I may be retarded but at least I'm not stupid :^)
Women if you hate us so much, why dont you just date other women huh?
6 Weeks might be jumping the gun. But if you're comfortable and ready and have moved on, you could wish him a happy birthday or just a hello, how are you, and check up on him.

Exes can still be friends after all.
Serious fucking question for you.
Because trans women are treated better, why do you think so many rapists suddenly become trannies after bail?
If it was his......
Sounds awesome, but I have a super realistic dildo, so I guess I am playing with one.

If you like Lesbians, go watch them. That's high quality stuff right there.
It's understandable to feel upset, but I wouldn't tell him off or criticize him about it. It won't get the shoes back, and do try to remember that they are just a replaceable material item. Don't attach too much emotional significance to them or his losing them. I have adhd and I've lost so much stuff over the years, he probably already feels badly about it especially if he has a neural difference where this is an issue for him. So imo, vent here but don't nag him
I think you're a rapist. And you're trying to deflect blame on to a marginalized group that's weaker than you to draw attention away from your own crimes of sexually harming and abusing other people.
Its either trannies are treated better by the courts or trannies are just more likely to be rapists, now lets think, which one is narratively "better"?
>If you like Lesbians
i dont
>go watch them
yuri is lame
Do you worship false idols?
>I think you're a rapist
Because women make terrible boyfriends.
Where is your heart?
You are spouting off bullshit in bad faith to support an agenda of looking for a scapegoat.
Both of us mostly me
Women, what do you think about MtF people? FtM?
Well, in my friendship group, we’re more a fan of donut theory, but horseshoe theory is just easier to toss out on an Indonesian Crane-Fishing Forum.

Go to the weird extremes of either the left or the right, and you start getting Nazis on one and Tankies on the other, and they dine at the same table while pretending not to know each other.
Do we want to talk about the concerning amount of transgender people who are pedophiles as well or will you break down over that?
and men do?
It turned out I had a heart of glass.

bears make the best boyfriends to them apparently but they are hiding in the woods and women don't really know why they are hiding yet :/
Gross and sad. They need actual help, instead of having their delusions encouraged.
You're concerned about men wearing dresses and abusing kids? So, you mean the Catholic Church?
only big tiddies and ass

The ones I know personally are weirdly normal people. Married, have a kid or two, work a normal job. They’re not super politically active and don’t advertise what they are, they don’t make hanging out with them weird, their identity isn’t the core of their existence.

Then I meet the politically active ones and they’re like bizarro aliens and I hate everything about them.
Well they are both socialist movements is just that fascism is national based and communism is international with a middle ground being nazbol.
Some do, yes.
Speak for yourself, I'm an awesome boyfriend.
>gdaf about (((DNA))) that no one has ever seen.
The jews did DNA?
I'm not Catholic and I've been against organized Christianity for a while and the fact that they all now support transgenderism is also very interesting...
Ch*ds of course
They are hiding from the women, kek
Still waiting for my fat, big titty, big ass black gf who likes anime ;~;
We did not. The discoverer of DNA, Friedrich Miescher, was a gentile. There is nothing online about him being one of us. Also, shabbat shalom.
>There exists men who never had to think about getting a gf and just naturally had sex with them before highschool was over
I sleep
How does this woman look more handsome than me?

>Male coworker gets the "you're too good looking to work here" comment from a 20 something woman.
And she said it when he was right next to me ignoring me. Why are women so cruel. I'm not that bad looking imo but he definitely moggs me.
Most visible MtF in my community are very pleasant people until they start fantasizing about an anarchist utopia and falling for the bullshit protest narrative about gEn0c1dE iN gAzA.
It's honestly really sad how the medical system is so predatory towards them.
Men who had sex with gfs? Other people's gfs? Or are you saying that the men that never thinking about getting gfs are having sex with each other?
I got laid in high school because I tried very hard with women.
Most guys I knew didn't even try.
Men look good with masculine and feminine faces. I have a masculine face so I'm ugly
Oh yay, another day where my avoidant gf does nothing with me…

Should I just end it anons? I’m so tired of this
black weeb women really have a special place in my heart
Nah I love women with masculine faces, androgynous women are the hottest thing ever.
A little of both. I've had sex with women who are in relationships who have talked about it with their partners and have got the go ahead to experiment with other men. I've also had sex with men, both single and in relationships. Most of my closest friends and I casually sext each other when we're mutually horny and we'll sometimes have sex when hanging out at each other's houses. Sometimes one on one, sometimes in groups.
By denying them gender affirming treatments or otherwise billing them an arm and a leg for it, absolutely.
Sounds hellish and I'm a virgin.
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How can we ever compete, bros?
Someone insult me for wanting to call my ex, please make it as fucking mean as possible thank you
Aside from a male penis or a sex toy designed explicitly for that purpose, what is the most interesting object you have ever been anally buggered or sodomized with?
With flesh which is superior to plastic.
Vibrating dildos don't have veiny forearms
Who posted this?
I thought the title was a joke until I realized how soothing the song was, then I went to other 420 hz for "autism healing" and it actually focused me and calmed down my emotions.
Now I'm having a crisis and I have an appointment booked to make sure I don't have autism.
nta but do they NEED gender affirming treatment? Can't they just be like, "aw, that sucks, I'll get over it".
Friendly reminder that Caitlyn Jenner committed manslaughter and killed a woman with their car about a month before coming out
>a month later
>USPS finds my package and sends it to me finally
You know that movie Terrifier about the evil clown? Like that, except you can be a different kind of evil clown called the Satisfier.
If your woman uses those things, I'm sorry bro but she is a blown out coomer and should be dumped.
you stink!
but vibrations are better than penetration anyway

neither do i

>You know that movie Terrifier about the evil clown?
Try it some time; you’ll change your mind.
That can more easily be explained by Caitlyn Jenner having the deranged and sociopathic mind of a MAGA Republican.
What do you want to tell them though
>Take a coomer's advice
No thanks, I don't have brain rot.
Vibrators are soulless and so are the orgasms they produce
I don’t even Know I think I’d just cry, I don’t want them back I want the person that they used to be back
>but vibrations are better than penetration anyway
Vibrations was unironically the best movie of the 1990s
nta, but when I saw this opinion I legit laughed so hard I started crying, thanks for the laugh. Real life people's opinions are so much funnier than The Onion or other political satire these days.
When moids say "I love nerdy women"
What they really mean is "I love hot nerdy women"
>brain rot
You are just retarded though so there’s no real difference.
I love ugly women
Better to have a vibrator than to have to listen to a man's self involved bullshit
That's not true, if your nerdy and you have huge tits and ass I'll over look everything else if we gel personality wise.
>she's taking our talking points and switching the genders
hey! >:(
I'm not a foid
Men can't compete with vibrators orgasm-potential wise but men can give women affection which vibrators can't
The difference being I never had a fall to grace like you did, yes. I was born this way, you fell into depravity. I'm not covered in mud despite being born in it... You on the other hand...
A man is not going to destroy a woman's vagina.
>men can give women affection which vibrators can't
Being controlling and trying to show off with toxic posturing is not affection
I think women prefer affection from other women more that men tho
State gender

How important is it for you to do things(other than sex and just chatting) with your bf/gf? And how frequently?
You'll feel like one after I plap you :^)
It's completely understandable that you want to call them. You were attached to them, and it's not like you can just rip them off like a bandaid and never have any feelings. You're longing for comfort and all that means is you're human. Do something nice for yourself tonight and be gentle with yourself. It hurts not to call them, but you can get through it. And you'll feel better for not having called them in the morning
I'm not sure about that, I've seen multiple episodes of TV police and crime dramas where they talk about a woman's vagina being severely injured by penile rape
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Do you really think I'll ever meet someone knew? He is all I ever knew
And split a woman in half?
Sounds like you're a lesbian.
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Thank you, it’s super easy to forget what you just said.
>wear literally any leather shoe
>wear literally any shirt with buttons
>wow anon why are you dressed so nicely?
Is it this easy to impress normalfags
It's easy to forget because it's therapy speak that reads like it was written with ChatGPT
Quality time is one of her biggest love languages, so we do it very often. Mine is physical touch, so they coincide. I'm okay not doing anything some days, though. I'm starting to enjoy peace and quiet.
>Sounds like you're a lesbian
can men be lesbians?
Yes because the standard is t-shirt and shorts/jeans.
I've tried to do that but my shirts are all wrinkly no matter how much I iron them so I just look like an insane autistic homeless man.
The real fun begins when you try to impress fashion fags on the internet.
You're missing out.
I'm not a jew. I'm confused why >>31951457
did the echo around DNA
>so I just look like an insane autistic homeless man.
That's the best because people then leave you alone.
I think everyone would be happier if we segregated the genders! Vote for me
Lesbians like girls. Do you like girls?
Strong disagree. A vibrator might be better than nothing, but nothing can replace snuggling up to the man you love and listening to him talk
Men would you want a girl to leave you alone if she knew her family disapproved of your ethnicity or religion
Calm down bro. Vibrators and dildos provide a pleasurable experience to women, but it will always be different from actual sex.
So you want to turn your country into a social system and culture like that of Saudi Arabia?
I actually agree with you, women have destroyed society enough to the point where when I go a whole day without seeing 1 my day is more than 50% improved.
>but it will always be different from actual sex
Yeah, better
>Men would you want a girl to leave you alone
Yes. I hate women.
I don't speak for all men, but personally I just want women to leave me alone, period.
Have you ever seen the movie The Love Witch? It misleads you into thinking the witch is the villain for magically disappearing the men she has sex with. But the real horror of the movie is that she has to listen to selfish men talk about their own insecure fantasies while having sex with her.
I would be hesitant to be involved with an ethnic Palestinian woman due to her having negative opinions about my Israeli citizenship.
Have you seen how low the crime is in Saudi Arabia? Have you seen how happy their people are and how family friendly it is?
I'm happy just doing household stuff together and relaxing together at home, but it's nice to get out at least once a week. Sometimes we go out much more than that, but we also have weeks where were don't go out at all
It's one of the most depressing places I've ever been.
I want my relationships to be like the trip to the "autism zoo", like a day or two together then she "goes home" and I get like 3 or 4 days alone.
I suppose some argue this, and there's a strong natural argument for this.

Though, some people find that relationships are too complicated and hard to navigate and prefer to play with toys and watch porn. There's no shame in that, especially if you have a strong group of friends around who care and love you. Some friends may even be willing to have a little fun with you too, but at the end of the day, you prefer the dependable and reliable practice of self-care.
State gender and your hobbies.
I didit for teh lulz
You sound like a hedonist so it makes sense that peaceful areas are "depressing" for you, I had a blast there.
If you say so. If you’re trying so hard to make me jealous over nothingness…
>though women who do prefer visuals tend to have a higher sex drive, exhibit greater social aggression, and are more comfortable taking risks
Tomboy coomer gf, please.,
Feeling sorry for myself
I have way too many to list if I'm being honest so I'll just list my top 10
>building keyboards
>Video Games
>Learning Languages
>Tool Making
>Board games
>Roleplaying games like DnD
>Image editing and graphic desgin.
Every black dude or chick I've ever spoken any real length of time with was into anime. They're always specifically into anime starring asian/white characters too.
>I didit for teh lulz
I see. DNA has been photographed tho
Being suicidal and wishing I’d never be born
I'm not trying to make you jealous I'm calling you a degenerate the difference between us is that I haven't degenerated, but you have.
If you can't beat them join them. Become a cyborg with a 1 MEGAWATT TURBOCOCK! Make all women cum in a 50 meter radius by shaking the ground!
I once overheard a very intense conversation between black weeaboos about how Sasuke is relatable to black guys who grew up in the ghetto, and Naruto is like his out of touch white friend from the suburbs.
t. Not reading any replies knowing what they’ll be, despite me posting the shit
Tbh I wish I could just peace out for 3-4 days/be more casual about it too, I think of my gf as my friend and I like doing friend-stuff with her, but I probably shouldn’t
>They're always specifically into anime starring asian/white characters to
Bro theres like 3 anime with black/brown main characters. What do you want them to do? Retard lol
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Are there any ways I can identify the background music used in a YouTube video?


For some reason he never takes it upon himself to put the song names in the video. Only the intro and outro music but never anything else in the video. I tried scouring Google searches for an online service that could do it and even asked ChatGPT What got no usable results.
Scale modeling
Silly Animal Memes
Looking at hot babes online
Video Games(mostly RPGs with character customization or Minecraft/Roblox)
Watching Cartoons(especially older cartoons)
Getting Lost in Imagination
Being in the Present Moment/Happy
Going to the Arcade
Spending time with Friends
Collecting Stuffed Animals
Going on Walks
Occasionally Stargazing
Writing Fanfiction
DIY projects
Listening to Music
Hope you feel better
You mean like the pirate dude in Space Truckers?
Fixing my shitty car and fixing mine and my relatives shitty guns. I enjoy it though
You’re sounding more and more retarded by the second, but okay, sure thing. Moving on….
I forgot running and lifting
I'm not saying they are rare or hard to find, I'm just trying to find one that won't lecture me about being black or how bad white people are.
Yeah, being mean to yourself will only make it worse. You already know it's going to be difficult, so no need to pile on yourself like that. Take care, anon

Well I've had some painful break ups and I know how it feels, and I know first hand that beating yourself up usually just ends up driving you towards doing the very things that hurt you the most
>Girl talks to me
>Say "yo"
>She asks me why I said yo
What's wrong with yo?

Pornhub releases statistics yearly, its pretty consistent that
is more a male fantasy than female
Is more female than male
And as an extension of this and more men viewing that form of porn than women in general in the vast majority of countries, cuckoldry ranks very high for men
All guns are shitty, because their only purpose is to kill.
I don't blame them, women mark their territory by being constantly around you to make sure you aren't cheating and if/when you ask for time by yourself they instantly jump to "OMG HE IS CHEATING", which is understandable considering the dating market is trash, its why I don't date.
>What's wrong with yo?
thats wigger speak
>The Love Witch?
I've been thinking about hosting a misandry movie marathon. Do you have any other recommendations?
>The bar for hobby is so low that "literally not doing shit" and "literally not doing shit with headphones in" are "hobbies" now

- video games
- anime / manga
- shitposting
People also shoot for sport, and you could buy a prop gun that shoots blanks so that you're only pretending to shoot stuff for fun.

Also, hunting deer/squirrel/rabbit, and eating meat, stew, and water/milk(from cow) is a solid practice that would be extremely useful if you wanted to live off grid.
I don't think you are as smart as you think you are if you are surprised that the "retard" is being retarded, you've probably degenerated to the point where you are actually dumber than me now.
autism zoo is a crazy way to describe your gf bro
Bro calm down.
Holy fuck its just an observation.
No I'm the autism zoo because I have autism, lmfao. I'm high-functioning but I feel like people just stare at me like I'm an animal, so...
F sewing and cosplay
What are the most important lessons you've learned from the patriarch in your family, your Father?
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Cute hobbies though.
yes, that is absolutely what I meant. VROOM, VROOM!
M, drinking kava and putting sex toys in my anus
Don't trust religious institutions to provide you with the truth when they hide and obfuscate it.
Hey atoga i turned 32 today :)
Still a virgin tho
Doing nothing is only a hobby people have when their lives are so well put together that they end up with nothing to do and they are smart/aware enough to realize that its a gift and just relax.
This but green

This is an actual red flag, though
Women would rather stay alone than do this with average looking men
What does your ideal pet look like? Pic related, I wish this sweetie were my cat.
>This is an actual red flag, though
Isn't that what we are doing right now?

Also thank you.
happy birthday feller
I wouldn't want to be compressed to pixels either anon
>This but green
You really want your gf to crave the attention of other people, specifically dudes?
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Me but female
I've never felt the need for a father figure

Not even vaguely true and also kind of pathetic to try to gatekeep literally fucking doing nothing.
People who do nothing
>People who are too hungry or tired to do shit
>Depression fags
Etc etc.
Plenty of people aren't succesful and do absolutely nothing but sit around all day doing nothing to make it better
He resembles a khajit.
I mean I wouldn't date you, but they are cute hobbies and I appreciate the eye candy.
There's a politician in my country that says "Sisters and brothers". Does she hate men?
I would have given her a red flag if she didn't also say sewing. That means she doesn't just get whatever piece of crap on Amazon to look hot.
A 200 pound man with thick beard stubble (me) can homosexually suck your pee pee so that you are no longer a virgin.
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Sure. I'd also like to learn more sewing as my massive man hands aren't good at it. Maybe cosplay with a girl, I could do any particularly buff tall guy, like Nappa.
Going to sleep good nighties :))))))))))
>Only negative examples
You're really stuck in that hustle culture aren't you? Constantly doing shit keeps you poor, especially if it isn't making you money.
What about the automatic aquarium and museum of natural history?
Government psyop for marriages.
Plenty of nice girls want this pal, you're just looking in the wrong places for 'em. Meet friends of friends. Networking with new friends is how you meet girls like that, try not to overthink it, and just try to be nice to some people you know, and see if you can come with them to events they go to, and meet friends there, you can do this online too, especially through discord. Just strike up a conversation in one of those 18+ or 25+ servers, and get to know people. It's not hard to make friends, you just have to apply yourself.

And don't worry about the level of friendship to begin with, real friends will stick by you, and the rest will be acquaintances that will either come and go, or leave entirely. You'll make it. Peace out bro.
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Autism I can’t English tonight
The Natural History museum has gorgeous architecture but I usually get bored and want to fall asleep after a short walk through it. The coffee in their lobby cafe is also not great.
You have obviously never shot sporting clays, you'd change your mind, super fun.
fair enough, but the sewing isn't what I had an issue with.
That just sounds like work to me but you do you.
Brainlet, those were examples that disprove your claim that only "rich, succesful people" can do nothing. I don't need to list those examples because you already covered them.
Is thinking before you post eally so hard?

Nice bro keep it up wanna see how old you get wanna see those wrinkles.
Happy birthday
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This is just because that behavior strokes your ego
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As far as normal house pets go it would be picrel but without the black pigmentation. I think they look freaky and I love hairless cats.
If its my true ideal I'd get some sort of small monkey like a marmoset. Maybe even an orangutan but that gets borderline unethical.
No, the only shooting I need is to shoot cum from my love gun.
What does it mean if when I'm with him I don't like him but when I'm away from him I'm obsessed? Which mental illness is this
wth is an automatic aquarium?
Why would I give unhealthy examples of people doing nothing?
I am fatherless
I may need to get off atoga early just to erase that from my mind. Just maybe.
This is like the boomers who keep telling gen Z and young millennials that they should be buying houses and spending more money on random shit, but they're lazy so they don't make enough money.
No, haven't seen it but the 60s/70s aesthetics look interesting so thanks for mentioning it
What was your Boy Dinner or Girl Dinner today?

Mine consisted of half a bag of stale potato crisps and two chocolate cookies.
I have an imaginary Vaporeon.

>Greetings Traveler, Come see my wares. Freshest Skooma and Moon Sugar west of Cyrodil, the finest sifted sand~
costco chickenbake and a coffee
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Female. No thoughts, head empty.
F Shepherd's pie
You dont actually like him, just the idea of him
Please describe your last pee pee touching session.
>Two chicken sandwich melts
>Muscle Milk Protien Shake (Chocolate)
>Orgain Chocolate Milk Collagen Protien Powder with 24 oz of whole Milk
>2 Organic Juice Freezer Pops
>48 oz of water
I'm thinking about Yakitori or Tamago Kake Gohan because I'm still hungry after my run :/
Cold, leftover publix chicken nuggets
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Where does she live now that the pool is closed?
I usually use my left hand, but i tried my right hand again after a long time
I don't have a pee pee.
This is basically my relationship rn, a few days together and then a few a part. I will never get "autism zoo" out of my mind now, and when I move in with him I'll think of it as trapping him in a permanent zoo enclosure
>Laid down on the floor
>take pee pee out
>stroke it
>coom in sock
If I could finally suck some breasts I think that would give me some major stress relief
women do you like having your breasts sucked?
I didn't have a dinner, as I had a late lunch of a Turkey, roast beef, and cheddar sandwich with a little mayo, alongside a bowl of refried beans with cheese and beef, eaten with chips, I also had a Oreo-Lemon Cookie milkshake, alongside a glass of water to let it all go down.
Do you believe infidelity is inherited? My father, grandfather and great-grandfather all cheated on their wives.
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Okay good. I feel fucking insane
You have exercise too though.
How's the American south these days? Protip, it's well hidden but most Publix locations in FL or GA have alligator meat in the fridge in their seafood section. I usually buy their entire stock of it and then use it as the meat in homemade Southwest Salads. I've also done alligator buffalo sauce omelettes before, really good stuff, nice mix of textures and flavors.
I fried up a piece of chicken. Ate it with salsa. It was really good.

I played a few porn games but they didn't get me to nut, so I talked to AI for a while. I made a bot that's a sultry belly dancer who really knows how to work her hips.
Reading our old messages. Do any men here have a gun they could shoot me with?
KEK, you're welcome :p
Honey, it's always pool season in my imagination. :3
I remember the Habbo Hotel days. Some of those folks back then thought they'd invented the myth about catching AIDS in swimming pools, even though that urban legend actually dated back to the 80s when AIDS was a huge big deal.
Share some anon. Let's cringe together.
I don't just believe, I know. There is a substantial heritable component to infidelity.

>It is estimated that between 40-60 percent of the variation in infidelity can be explained by genetic factors.
What if men had vaginas instead of penises? Would women like us better?
Its why spitting is considered a felony assault, because they didn't know if it was transferred via spit or not.
there is a genetic predisposition but not determination
Can confirm, I've had some gator. It's really good guys, come try it if you're down here in dixie.
Tried out erotic audio for the first time. It was of a Goth chick turning full bimbo. Lasted 25 minutes, nutted harder than I have in a few months.
Where can I find a community of unrepentant sex addicts to belong to, a group of friends who all casually express affection by having sex with each other?
She was my fave of the original 3 evolutions, until purple psychic cat came.
You’re right.
I pulled down my shorts and got out my thick cock.
Started jerking. It felt like heaven pulsing from my dick up into my brain. Imagining getting sucked and fucked, I groaned a lot and jerked off harder until I couldn't hold it in anymore, and burst (into a sock). Then I fell into a deep slumber.
>"Honey, quick the Autism Zoo is opening soon!"
>"Yes Dear....
>If all humanity were women, would the world be a better place?
An interesting idea, not very applicable in practice, but fascinating nonetheless. Imagine all of the lesbian lovemaking.
He died before I could learn any lessons.
I guess inadvertently he taught me that spending time with your family is more important than work.
My dad's dad was a workaholic and he never spent time at home and my dad wanted to be different but he wasn't.
Isn't that just a campus tour of MIT?
Autism Zoo is my new band name.
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Where did you get this image from?
It's normal to think of her as your friend and enjoy doing friend stuff together, if you don't have that your relationship won't last long. But if you don't live together, it's perfectly reasonable to have days where you don't see each other
You like doing martial arts too!
I fapped to a cute Japanese couple who went around and fondled each other in various hotels and onsen. I ate my cum too.

Holy shit, sauce on that?
Trying to decide between chicken penne or honey BBQ pork chops.
Female world leaders do not have a track record of being much better than their male counterparts when it comes to enacting state violence and war.
>purple psychic cat.
The lesser of the Johto options.
So what are you gonna do about it
oh no...
Damn, I see. I think it was a good thing that I stayed close to my mother's side of the family after it was revealed that my father cheated on her. My dad never showed any remorse for what he did, and my grandfather sure as hell didn't care about it either. I think they could have normalised cheating to me.
That family means nothing.
i think having my boobs sucked would give me some major stress relief
That is why it's a fantasy.
Doesn't mean you don't have the same predisposition and you were just lacking opportunities.
Women, can you suck your boobs?
>What was your Boy Dinner or Girl Dinner today?
I ate 3 tacos that I bought on Tuesday for $1 each, I bought 20 of them.
When you have sex that is when the Autism Zoo becomes the Autism Petting Zoo :^)
It's probably from a website that provides public domain/royalty free music specifically for yt videos
What's up with you? Don't like Vaporeon?
Here you go
You could try a google audio search.
Yes, my breasts are big enough, and it's always satisfying.

Can back this up. I've even nursed some of my friends in private. It is therapy for them.
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The internet
Child me is too easily swayed by purple.
>The internet
I ask because google came back with nothing.
Theoretically but the idea kinda weirds me out, ngl.
My penis enjoyed that image.
>decided to look up the sauce for this image
>they're an armpit artist
You're right, I never had a girlfriend so I haven't had the opportunity to know whether I am predisposed to cheating or not.
nta but why, you can suck mine
Nah, Imaginary Friends and Tulpas completely different, even if similar in some regards. You don't need some strange occultic ritual to have an imaginary friend, you just need an imagination, which we all have free of charge or strange foreign customs.
>insert vaporeon copy pasta

I dunno, it's just... I dunno...
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That’s it I’m out of here
>I've even nursed some of my friends in private. It is therapy for them.
What are the requirements?
Have you ever done this for a guy friend?
>You don't need some strange occultic ritual to have an imaginary friend
Correct you just need your brain to make a tulpa, female pop spiritualism is just an excuse to buy shit.
That just being physically present, quietly doing something together, can be incredibly bonding and meaningful, and that it's comforting to be around a man who knows a lot about stuff, and how to do stuff, and will be patient with you and teach you things
til next time cat poster, sleep well~
Happy to uplift your spirit. While I would love to see breastfeeding in the future as an institution that is equal to therapy, perhaps it is possible to share this with someone you love in a relationship. I might be a bit of a cow, but I know lots of girls love being suckled.
I have one big nipple between my legs that you can suck, its a lot like a cow udder if you don't like the idea of sucking my nipples :^)
Happy Birthday, anon!
Why is it that when I sleep with women they always try to do something with my nipples. Is it my fault or is it theirs?
Happy bday!
>t. 34 year old virgin
Congratulations on surviving 11,688 days on this planet. It is tough but you have powered through regardless.
i wish i had literally any friends. i wish people didn't get so weird about affection and physical closeness. part of me just wants to love everybody and cuddle constantly and kiss and just be affectionate towards everyone in my life but i know that can only end badly because of how the world is and i dont have friends at all, but if i did i probably wouldnt want to be that way with some of them and it wouldnt be how i imagine
Unrelated but I was scratching my nipple at work and a girl saw me then looked away really fast. Wonder what she thought lol
probably thought you were getting yourself off
mhm. it feels slightly gross to think about but when i'm horny it becomes the best fucking idea i ever had
Again, There's more to tulpas than just imagination, it's a ritual that brings in a spirit that resembles an imaginary friend, and it's an ancient practice that should be avoided due to its dangers of leading to insanity, since tulpas are not so easily undone.
I was excited but immediately dissapointed at the quality
But it was just itchy, I was just scratching it absentmindedly staring off in the distance
NTA but some people have stressful jobs, and after working out, socializing with friends and clients, and chores are done, they just want to relax at home and eat and have sex with their gf
As a dude I would've thought you were just scratching an itch, I get it. Women are freaks though so who knows what was going through her head.
I dont think i have what it takes to get to 12k milestone
I hope you'll get an opportunity to find out some day.
>t's a ritual that brings in a spirit that resembles an imaginary friend, and it's an ancient practice that should be avoided due to its dangers of leading to insanity, since tulpas are not so easily undone.
Your coming from it from the weird occultism side, not the actual historical buddhist side, you don't need the rituals and candles.
Lucky you... if my nipple is itchy I have to go to the women's bathroom to take care of that.
>scratching it absentmindedly staring off in the distance
Yeah, you probably looked like you were getting yourself off lmfao.
man women never let us see the fun...
You dont even have to make it a full year to hit 12k, you'll make it. Whats a couple hundred days compared to 10,000
You make it seem like I was moaning and drooling lol. Maybe you're getting off to my post??? Hmmmmm????????
Fucked up my reply
>So what are you gonna do about it
Move on
I'm not and I'm a dude, I doubt you'd want me getting off to your nipple scratching escapades.
women would you rather suck dick or eat pussy?
So how would you know what a woman would think? My mouth wasn't agape or anything
Went to fwbs house over an hour away. Run my hands all over his extremely soft skin, over his chest and work down to his hip bones and theighs. I didn't even bother wearing panties under my dress, so he slips right to my clit and feverishly strokes it with his index and middle finger. I stroke his cock slowly with both hands till he raises up off the bed, fully errect and ready to penetrate me.
Sex for a few hours, slowly changing positions, lastly we're both flat on the bed, until he is fully soft and still trying to keep himself inside my silkiness, but failing.We stop and he jerks his soft dick till he cums in my mouth and I eat it. Go home, plapped and happy.
My friend, it's okay to feel this way, and the key to sharing those affections is to love yourself with them first, giving to yourself whatever you want in your imagination. Imagination Creates reality, and Fantasy is real, even if imaginal, so when you experience it in its fullness while dreaming or daydreaming more consciously about worlds you create to house these fantasies and ideals, you can fully accept your feelings and heal knowing that one day, you'll be ready for someone while you share that love with others in a way that's approachable. I have found that Most people really want what you're talking about, so you just need to be ready when you meet someone who will open their heart to you in this way so you can embrace them.

But in the meantime, you could have grandeur fantasies that fulfill all of these desires in full. You're more than capable of doing that, it's a matter of accepting that you can do anything with your mind and make it feel real, even if it's purely imaginal. And you can even bleed those experiences into the reality you live everyday, by changing your outlook, beliefs and attitudes about the world, seeing it as a child would, with bright opportunities and possiblities, always looking for the good and well-being of the world, and being a light for others to see it that way with you.

May you create the most beautiful experience of reality for yourself, and fulfill ALL of your desires so that you may be balanced and ready for a relationship in the physical world, but just remember, the imaginal relationships you experience are equally as real, even if they're apart from the current shared reality we live in.

Namaste brother.
I should really go out and talk to girls, but I actually just want to stay home, watch a movie, and go to sleep. What do?
You've never seen dudes twist or touch their nipples as they are getting off? It's not like its a rare thing that happens.
Based effortposter.
F but why do you think you need to talk to girls?
You probably just have more social standards than I do lol. Scratching ones nipples is very ungentlemanly and unladylike.
movie and sleep!

I have literally never heard of that. Other than irritation from hair around the edge they feel pretty "inert"
Women, how often do you get itchy nipples?
My point is that imaginary friends are not the same as tulpas. I'll leave it there.
I have a long neck, but not that long
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I feel like I have more in common with people in late 20s and early 30s than my own age (21)

Are you guys like this? Like I feel my age people are having fun and drama and older people become more apathetic (in a good way) and have less socializing.
Any anons have any input?
Fuck off Jeet
Because I spent the whole week in lectures and hanging around the same 24 other (75% male) graduate students in my cohort
Thank you, its been a while since I've heard that classic lol
I'd agree, Tulpas are more complex.
I'm 34 and I have more in common with the elderly and people in their 40s and 50s than I do my age group too.
I do both, so yeah.
You just make me want to try it. To try to create the most unhinged and evil tulpa and try to out-crazy it.
Apology accepted?
oh that didn't have the nipple rubbing in it, oh well.
It was this one I think
Gotta keep it real.

Lol, I'm not even Indian, so whatever buddy.
Happy birthday
See >>31952540
You speak Hindi, you're an honorary Indian.
My niqqa Rich Homie Quan is dead bros...RIP big slime. I know u be boolin up there in heaven wit the realest ON GOD
Surprisingly often. Mine are pretty big and sensitive and my bras always irritate them.
Lol ive never seen that episode. I haven't watched south park since my parents stopped paying for satellite
Moids of atoga, if you had a daughter, and she wanted to marry a moid, how much would you care about the guy's looks?
What? You're already pondering gay thoughts?Let me explain: what I meant is to what extent would you correlate good looks to luck, health, competence... and overall being a catch to your daughter
Sounds healthy, Good luck anon
It was a good episode.
Here's one more.
Not at all.
Post 3 songs of his I should listen to in memory of him, only ever heard him on that one lil dicky song
A lot, I believe in physiognomy to a certain extent.
I want to jerk off but I'm trying not too, what do?
Don't do that. if you dig around on /x/ archives, you'll find plenty of true tulpa horror stories you don't want happening to you.
I don't think my nipples have ever been itchy
Use OP's mom
>going to music fest tomorrow with my little brother and his girlfriend
>paid for his ticket on the condition that he actually spends time with me at the fest, which he agreed to
>tells me tonight that he’s thinking about driving separate with his gf
That little bastard is gonna try and ditch me to run off with his girlfriend isn’t he? This will be the last time I drop a Benjamin on a ticket of any sort for him if so. He just drove like 2 hours home from college to go to this thing with me tomorrow and it’s an additional hour away from here, there is zero reason for him to waste the gasoline when I told him already that I could just drive all of us down
happy birthday, anon.
I don't know OP's mom...
If hes not attractive hes gotta be at least put together, I can't have my bloodline ending
If you get a good woman, keep hold of her
I will be fecundity-maxxing my daughters, undoubtedly. She needs to be like Helen of Troy, toppling kingdoms and driving men mad over her.
What games does Garfield have?
It wouldn't have mattered because I took my daughter's virginity before she met him :^)
Garfield Kart
6ft tall and blue eyes is the minimum
Only solution is to go hands free and start humping things like a dog
Humping femanon
Who are you
That's like saying Allen Watts or Jesus going to India makes them Indian. It's silly, but fine, I like curry and the sitar anyway.
Kek, okay give me you foot/leg :^)
*spritz you with a water bottle*
I get along better with older guys and feel more comfortable with them. I'm not sure why, maybe it's my own insecurities, plus I grew up fast and was around a lot of adults at a young age, idk. I've often felt like normal people my own age are really immature, and it still can feel that way even though I'm not exactly young anymore
Oh yeah, I forgot about Garfield Kart.
Curry, whether it is Indian, Thai, Japanese, or English, is trash
Sorry anon, I will not be engaging in homosexual behavior with you. Im a dude.
Oh no, this doesn't work like that :^)
I'll put some selfies on /soc/ for you to print out and put on your visionboard
>Here's the official hierarchy:
Mixed women > non-white women > white women > vibrators > white men > clit suckers > the shower head > dildos > asian men > various vegetables > the washing machine > those water jets in pools > pillows > non-white men (NOS) > pinecones > Indian males.
>What games does Garfield have?
Final Fantasy VI

Anons, errrrrbody marrying and i'm coping to myself "hehehe, you spend all that $$$$$ on ceremony we'll see how long marriage lasts"

i'm sad :(
*smacks your nose with a rolled up newspaper*
I wonder how good it actually is
This is modern art
Welp, I suppose anything's a dildo if you're brave enough.
Y-You'd really do that to me...?
>10,958 days
thats 30 years...
I've played it, it's kind of like Mario Kart, but less polished and somewhat clunky and more resembling nick toons racing.

Overall, it's a decent game. Kinda Middle of the road.
Same I’m 26 and freshly single, have a wedding to attend at the end of this month. It’s over.
Kek, Anon Reviews
Really? Fascinating.
The guy I have been dating has recently loved using a dildo in me for a bit before we have sex. And I really don't understand the appeal? Why would this be fun for him instead of just getting right to it?
It's fine and fun for me but he is always the one who brings it up
I don't even know how to make myself available for marriage lole
Could a couple get tested for this before getting married?
Female pleasure is hot
yeah but which is more fun?
Any daddy issues?
Similar psychology to a woman giving a blowjob
What happened?
Is it bigger than him? It could be a cuck thing if so.
Hello again women
I think we got off on the wrong foot
Maybe you'll meet someone new at the wedding
Noooo, not Tsundere-kun! Go back to being mean >:(
you're missing out on indian men rizz
here's a video where you can check it out:

NAG but in my experience men always go through this phase near the beginning of the relationship where they love using toys on you and basically treating your body like a science experiment. It's cute
If a women ever calls me "daddy" we're done. I will pack my shit and be gone within the hour and never contact her again
The appeal is that he can make you cum more that way.

Here's what you ought to try as a couple together to get multiple climaxes in your sex sessions as something you often do.

Step 1: French Kiss without ceasing. If you kiss a lot, holding your breath, or like taking a second to breathe, you can actually build up a climax just from french kissing.
Step 2: Breast Suckling/Nursing, Let him suckle you from both breasts, and let yourself go off the edge. I did this with my girlfriend a lot. She blissed out from that, try it, seriously.
Step 3: Cunilingus, let him eat you out until you cum.
Step 4: Cum from the toys, kind of what you're doing now I guess.
Step 5: Blowjob/Oral, or Full-intercourse, and cum together.

There you go, You could potentially have 5 orgasms in a single session, just from technique. That's what the appeal is sweetheart, take it from me, I've been around the block.
Not right now, no. In the future, polygenic scoring might be a way to somewhat reliably test for genetic infidelity. However, it should be noted that even thought the genetic component is substantial, explaining between 40 - 60 percent of the variance, at an individual level, it is by no means a guarantee that someone afflicted will become a cheater. Especially if we consider that there might be other, moderating traits and ecological circumstances, where the predisposition won't manifest.
Do they probe Uranus?
I think they're equal, but I think most guys would say eating pussy is more fun, and most girls would say sucking dick is more fun, but that's just a hunch.
I think that would be the same as him going down on me
It is cute actually when you word it like that
Thanks orgasm guru
You're welcome, and remember, don't be afraid to take it slow. Sex is more fun and sensual when you're not rushing to the climax.
You better be medium shirt white man
NTA but I am.
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Thank you for everyone who wished me happy birthday
Im working today.

Ill bring some sweets i guess
women why did you all decide to collectively stop being fun
I am medium white shirt man
My girlfriend's ex is a woman and she's pretty hot if you like the wheyfu look.

The thought that they've fucked is both hot and intimidating.
No, I'm close to my dad, he's always treated me well, and he's always been present in my life. But I do like older men, I call my bf Daddy, and I like all that kind of cringy gross stuff so idk. It's all from me though, not because I was mistreated by anyone
>Can back this up. I've even nursed some of my friends in private. It is therapy for them.
oh god i need this ahhh
Hand her over!
Well yeah, no one should ever use that kind of pet name without talking about it first because it's gross to a lot of people. You're not unusual to have that kind of reaction
I like younger women, but I'm often concerned I'll be someone's coping mechanism for something heinous.
State age
What kind of gifts do you like to receive?
Cedar shoe trees
Your hot friends
art is cool
I like to receive cool graphic t-shirts(especially from Red Bubble) Hawaiian shirts, games, books, gift cards, Toys, Bubbles, and the gift of surprise sex.
They do, and I'm always careful to reassure them they are boldly going where no man has gone before
Well the thought of anyone banging your gf is a little disquieting unless you're a cuck. But specifically in this case because apparently women eat pussy better. I'm also annoyed that she's taller than me.
I don't like anything
Everything reminds me of the inadequacy of being
We need to go to higher planes before we can talk gift giving without causing massive resentment
>gift cards
Worst thing on the list
You lie about being a virgin to all the guys?
If you get to know a girl enough, she'll happily nurse you. You just gotta make her feel sexy so she'll wanna do it. If you don't, she'll think it's some weird kink, like as if you're pretending to be a baby.

But if you get her involved and she wants to make you happy, she'll let you go to town.

It ultimately comes down to being assertive and avoiding themes of infantile behavior and making the focus on an adult level of intimacy.
lrn2use pubic bone
NTA but i imagine we want to avoid the cuddling position? Is it better if we lay on our back?
If you ever got a $50 gift card to Steam, Cheesecake Factory, Fandango(movies), Olive Garden, or Bruster's/Cold Stone or any of your favorite places to shop/eat, you would disagree. A gift card can be a great gift, it's not always a cheap Cop-Out, especially if you give a gift card and a gift.
men, should i drink a monster?
Some size medium t shirts
And large too cuz they're comfy
I think you just have to look out for red flags the same as you would for women of any age. I personally don't think girls who like older men are any more or less messed up than any other women, but I guess I'm bias. I think you have to take people as individuals
No but I’m not your dad so do what you want
No you'll get chest hair
No it is too late. Go to bed soon, I will too.
You totally could. There's a lot of good positions for suckling, I would recommend cuddling on your sides for that, and having your face at the level of her breasts so you can bury your face in them. I love it when guys do that to me.
No anon, I was joking
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>$50 gift card to Steam, Cheesecake Factory, Fandango(movies), Olive Garden, or Bruster's/Cold Stone
cringe overdose
Don't drink monsters/redbulls/energy drinks in general. They put shark blood and bull semen in there. Don't do it, if you want a drink that wakes you up, stick to coffee, iced or hot, or maybe just really cold ice water. If you're buying it bottled, Fiji water is pretty good.
Women is it bad that I was jacking off to random videos of people at the beach in Spain again?
Just say hi and that you thought of me.
i mean ive never got those or literally anything as a gift but i would rather someone make me a letter about why they care about me than money or something
>They put shark blood and bull semen in there.
That's erotic to the witches of atoga
>They put shark blood and bull semen in there
wait wtf, im vegetarian so this si not good if true
>shark blood and bull semen
Nta but as a man is there any reason I shouldn’t drink this, it sounds like the single most test boosting drink possible
>Buying from your favorite stores
I guess we see things very differently. Cringe wouldn't be the word I would use to describe gift cards or the places you use gift cards at.
Wft I love monster drinks now. I can feel my vril growing already
They don't actually. But taurine still probably gives you holes in your heart or something
Do you actually eat at Cheesecake Factory and Olive Garden?
No wonder my goth ex drank that stuff.
Yeah, it's called Taurine. Look it up.
It's not healthy for you for starters. It's like a soda, but the drink is bigger and you have more of a jolt after you drink it. I would also say stay away from 5 hour energy. Just stick with the basics, and carefully read labels.

I recommend drinking milk or water instead, and eating healthy meals and drink plenty of water. Mostly teenagers drink energy drinks.
Well, I haven't been to the Cheesecake Factory in awhile because the nearest one is three hours away, but yes, I do love eating at both the Cheescake Factory, and Olive Garden.
Is it weird to just jack it to videos of people walking around in public?
Bro, >>31952805 is correct, Taurine is very unhealthy.
state gender what game made you do this?
I like to pretend my boyfriend is a little shota when we fuck.
I suspect he knows this.
Am I evil for it? As bad as the legal loli guys? He's 22 after all.
No, but It's definitely different. What do you jerk off to exactly in these videos?
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Please don't laugh, but Destiny. I was obsessed with the lore and I probably had 2000 hours into it
I find a nice looking butt and then just repeat the clip there for a while maybe bust maybe move on after a few times
He's probably talking about either Skyrim or Minecraft, open world games have a way of having an effect on players that encourages endless exploration and adventure.
You're not evil
What is it with atoga hoes and shota?
Fuck no I was talking about Pokemon Crystal there's nothing to see in those games you mentioned
Femanons how many times into sex until you want to get freaky and explore your kinks?
Bro chill, jack off again or something
Psychonauts and New Vegas for the world, league of legends for skill expression
It’s weird that you don’t tell him
22 year old moid hands wrote this post
Shadow of the Colossus. Which is funny for a game with a grand total of 16 enemies.
Idk. I've tried waiting a long time to slowly
introduce my fetishes and it just never happened. And then another time I tried bringing them up immediately with a new bf and our first time was ruined because of me wanting to do a ton of stuff. I wish I knew the sweet spot.
Bro ;_;
There's plenty to see, no need to be a dingus bud.
But yeah, Pokémon Crystal was ahead of its time.
NTA, but why do you have to bully us for one kink?
Sounds like you would love watching surveillance camera footage websites.
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i dont fucking know. ive never had a boyfriend and im terrified i'm going to try to move literally as slow as possible and still freak him out by moving too fast. there's WEEEIIIRDD SHIT in there. i feel like i might honestly only get one shot at life so i really dont want to fuck up
Maybe like 3 or 4.
I need to establish that your are poundable for my ass.
Tons of games did this for me. Now, the only way I get that same thrill is if I have access to amphetamines. That works like a charm, though. I can still get deeply, deeply immersed into vidya when I’m high on amps (unless it’s a ridiculously boring game).
Fuck I change my answer from New Vegas to shadow of the colossus. Amazing game. Thanks for reminding me
>If you get to know a girl enough, she'll happily nurse you.
What, even if it's not a sexual relationship?
I get bullied for my kink
I appreciate this.
Exposure to yaoi at a young age as a budding domme, personally.
Should I tell him?
I suspect he knows as he's joked about me "molesting" him. He's also suggested ageplay but I feigned resistance because I'm fucking ashamed.
No, 27-year-old foid hands.
My stacy friend gets approached by handsome men all the time. I'm like a much uglier version of her and no man approaches me. I feel envious of her. How do I cope with this?
Start with the more normal weird shit and slowly work your way down into amputee guro or whatever the fuck your weirdo fetishes are
Surprisingly I don’t get bullied here for my kink I realized.
I choked him the first time we did anything.
Yeah you should tell him, at least as a joke or something
Well don't take it out on us. I'll get defensive and spam it to spite you.
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Femanons, which potato boyfriend do you love?
Turn it into a group hangout and some of the guys will split off to give their attention to you
I'm male but I'm a Leo so I'm a French Fry :3
The creep videos? Definitely fucked up
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I'm so tired of writing like a spaz online. IRL I can kinda manage it well enough and my looks carry me a bit, but when I want to talk to a woman online I keep getting nervous that I sound like a retard and that Im not saying the correct shit.

also did not take my meds so
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Happy to help! It's a shame it never got a sequel.
NAG but I know this is accurate because I love scalloped potatoes
>tfw I am Irish and Jewish and born in January
Mario 64 and Zelda OOT
I think it's best to establish a baseline without all that stuff first, but how long that takes depends on the circumstances of the relationship. And sometimes things can just pop out of your mouth during sex before you can stop yourself, even when you had every intention of keeping that stuff suppressed
I don't either because I'm not open about it.
What's your weirdest kink?
I’m a Leo and I hate French fries. Why has God done this to me?
New thread
This is a shit list because breakfast potatoes are not structured enough time be Virgo.
I'm thinking about it before the first time even. But usually after the first or second time
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The Sprint missile
Taurus moid but I like all of those EXCEPT the potato salad lol
>yfw your dad came in your mom around the green month and now you are tasty with apple sauce.
>even normal food questions have to include tards bringing up cumming
i dunno man i usually just make up my own weird freaky ideas. i don't know if they have common names or not. asking "what are your kinks" is like asking "what are your phobias"

i don't know the damn terms i just know when i get scared or horny thinking about stuff
If he's suggesting it then it shouldn't be a problem as far as he's concerned, but if you really truly don't feel comfortable opening engaging in it then don't. There's nothing wrong with keeping a lid on kinks especially if you're happy with the sex without it
I talk about mine often enough here but it always garners curiosity instead of judgment
Not a femanon but I'm a gemini and I've never heard of twice baked potatoes. A lot of these are good though.
My grandma makes a mean potato salad unlike store bought with dukes.
I could eat you all day.
Nta but I’ll answer for you
Covering your bf in olive oil then licking his entire body
What do you think about?
Do you want men to approach you? Study your friend's clothing, hair, make up, behaviour, and body language. It might be less about pure looks than you think
In some cases. Some girls might see nursing as not sexual at all, and that would also be a valid way of seeing it. But most girls will see it as sat least somewhat sexual in its implications, due to the private nature of showing someone love through this act. Also, a woman's breasts are to be handled very carefully, when a woman lets you touch her in that way, she is opening herself up to you, and trusts you, and that trust is not so easily given, so proceed with caution and consent.
>I've never heard of twice baked potatoes
It's basically mashed potatoes with toppings put back into the halved skins and baked until the skin crisps and you melt cheese ontop.
A heftier potato skin
I would like all of these, except for potato salad, which is strange since I am a taurus...
do you really think that is the freakiest out of everything ive ever said? i feel like that's pretty tame overall if not maybe a hassle

everything, i guess. i go through phases of ruminating on a particular idea. sometimes i can explain the idea pretty well but sometimes i am in a weird phase that's hard to explain like right now i have unironically been stuck on the idea of being treated like produce at a grocery store. like put me in a little net like i'm a bunch of clementine oranges, then come by and squeeze me and be like this one is ripe i'll take it.

i think part of the problem is being sexually freaky and also insanely retarded and also needlessly creative. so it makes these things that are so hard to remotely pitch to a sane human being in any context ever. but i can't help but have these ideas and feel drawn to them. i need a mad scientist bf who loves me and treats me as his lab assistant and test subject and lets me give him ideas for things to do but he takes the idea and runs with it even if it's wacky.
My bf is scalloped and this has inspired me to try making him potatoes au gratin next week
>In some cases. Some girls might see nursing as not sexual at all,
That seems crazy to me, like how would that even be brought up?
NTA but you're being trolled
nta, i don't know, but i dont necessarily see it as sexual. it can be, they're sensitive, but if i'm not also turned on downstairs, it doesn't feel arousing, somehow. it's very intimate though. kind of have a hard time imagining someone being able to convince me they unironically want to suck on my nipples... platonically? i'd feel like you're lying to me and treating me like i'm retarded.
I’m currently drawing a blank on the rest of the things you’ve said but this one has stuck with me for a while now.
If you have any counter examples feel free to shoot them out
That's interesting, and I honestly wouldn't mind trying that one. Are you an artist?
The woman at work that is cute hasn't been there all week and I'm a little worried I won't see her again.
I am very conflicted about her because on one hand she is a cop and on the other hand she is very sweet to me and I feel like we have some type of connection when she looks into my eyes.
uh i dont memorize them, i kinda just drop them randomly. i remember one where i wanted to be held for an entire day and never set down, holding onto each other, my legs wrapped around him literally for 24 hours. sex mixed into it. he can sit down but with me on top of him. think i also mentioned something about getting a guy to agree to a command word to make him spit in my mouth. also think i talked about buying scuba gear and having sex underwater.

no, i dont make anything. this is just how my mind works.
NTA for me it wouldn't exactly be platonic, but I'd be still be thrilled even if nothing else ever happened
>I cpuld.eat you all day.
What does this mean
right. so like. i think my point is... in a hypothetical scenario where all intentions and emotions were transparent, and a close male friend who i'd confided vulnerable emotions in and he had done the same and we are close and trust each other, if he would find it comforting to do that, i think i would be okay with that platonically, but i also dont think that situation could ever actually occur in real life so it doesnt matter.
Are you the femanon that wanted to lay on top of a guy while you're both sweating heavily?
oh yeah that too. that's me too.
>getting a guy to agree to a command word to make him spit in my mouth
Thats some good shit right there, might be a bit too freaky for some guys though
>be held for an entire day and never set down, holding onto each other, my legs wrapped around him literally for 24 hours
Did this particular fantasy also involve both of you wearing one massively oversized shirt. Not weird but a little impractical, would definitely give it a try though.
>scuba gear and having sex underwater.
relatively normal
>being treated like produce at a grocery store. like put me in a little net like i'm a bunch of clementine oranges
Very very cute but also weird. Im imagining tying you up with intricate shibari ropework and carrying you around
>Covering bf in olive oil and licking his entire body
This one still seems the weirdest to me, probably just because of the olive oil clause but you've already explained why its necessary
nta but your ass is not safe
oh right!! that was the best part. i want him to wear big clothes over both of us so i'm like a part of him for the whole day. it makes it so much better.

anyway right the olive oil is for lubrication so my tongue doesnt get dry. i would like to be carried around like a grocery bag. thats fun.
Platonic physical intimacy with a platonic male friend doesn't work. Even if he completely 100% respects boundaries and doesn't ever try to go beyond platonic, everything still changes once you start dating your future boyfriend. That future boyfriend isn't going to be comfortable with you maintaining a friendship with someone who was physically intimate with you, so... so much for that friendship.

Save your dreams of platonic physical intimacy for your future platonic female friends instead.
1. i just said its impossible anyway
2. if i ever get a boyfriend, the two of us will discuss what he's okay with or not. you have no clue anything about him, you can't make a claim like that.
>that was the best part.
That was my favorite part too, we'd both get all sweaty and our scents would mix throughout the day.
It's not impossible but it is improbable. Your future boyfriend might be okay with you maintaining friendships with female friends who had experimented with you intimately. Not a guarantee, but he MIGHT be okay with that. But realistically he will not be okay with maintaining friendships with male friends who had intimate experiences with you. Realistically, that's just how it is.
I have a cuckquean fetish. I'd never admit to it.
I’m into omorashi and I admit it in these thread regularly. I don’t know if I’ll ever admit it irl though.
Women do you want your majora licked as well during oral?
I get bullied way too much for liking anal
It’s just way too easy to dunk on and there’s already the widespread taboo against it.

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