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Burger Punk Edition

First for
State gender
Is it true that most woman don't like to be on top?
Happy for your loss then! What went so badly in the relationship that made you feel glad to leave? Were the tears for what could’ve been?
I don't know.
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Women, how do you compare?
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How nervous/confident would you consider yourself to be when it comes to exposing your private parts to a new partner?
Are you happy with the way your doodads appear?
I had a very fetish-y, vivid dream about my oneitis and it has made me straight again.
Thank you, based brain.
Never done it
Yeah, I'm probably considered "small" but that just means the relationship will end sooner cause she is a coomer.
My penis is long, thin, and crooked.
I'm worried I'd get laughed out of the room.
Alright, I'm off to be productive, just because its the weekend doesn't give you and excuse to slouch, have a slow morning if you like but chop, chop: your time on earth is limited, make the most of it.
Saying "chop chop" is an easy way to make somebody not want to do something
>new match
>she texted me first
>check it
>it's a fat bitch

Do I even bother?
Its ultimately your choice
exp is exp
maybe she'll suck your dick
I like my nudes and my past partner has loved seeing them, but I don’t particularly like sending them. Even if it’s sent to someone I love it makes me feel like a cheap whore. It’s also pretty dangerous content to have on your phone
No. Why did you swipe on her if it's even a question
I have never been insecure about my penis however I've never known how to arrange my pubic hair in a way that looks maintained yet natural. I do not want to shave either because I have hair on my chest and stomach and it just looks weird.
I don't know. I have no experience with exposing my private parts in a sexual context.

>Are you happy with the way your doodads appear?
It's okay.
>Men: women have too high standards and ask for 6 figures!
>Me: I would date a broke guy without a car
>Men: ew gross, you are a loser without a value
why are you like this?
swipe first, evaluate later
That's the best male strategy
What is productivity for you?
You’re gonna get blocked but you should be honest with her about why you aren’t interested. She can choose to change herself for future partners or huff copium.
I have walked around commando for most of my adult life. I am conpletely comfortable with beeing seen naked by anyone.
Tru. I'm meetin another girl on Monday.
She close to me.
F. I don't know. I do like it.
How fat are we talking here? Also if you swipe right a lot and don't get many matches the algorithm will show you mostly to girls who do the same thing.
Where am I supposed to meet new people when I have no friends or social life?
>go to le clubs or events or whatever
If you don't already have a posse with you, it's not possible to talk to anyone
You don't exist.
M here
Is anyone else really into the idea of fucking completely under covers? Like motherfuckin' The Sims Wohooing shit.
What do you mean by top?
Like cowgirl? Or pegging?
Honestly, I think we're fucked, brother.
Thoughts so far femanons?
Zero confidence to the point where I could make myself sick if I think too much about it, but I'm good at suppressing it enough that I just come across as a bit shy
Not happy at all and I keep going back and forth about labiaplasty
More than being bottom?
0%. I'm huge.
I'm very happy with how I appear. I used to be quite insecure about the very slight bend in my cock but literally nobody mentions it and one woman specifically said "you don't have a bendy dick like one of the previous guys I was with".

I'm actually insecure about how I feel during sex, though. Women keep getting hurt and it's just slowly grinding me down. Got to examine that sometime.
I literally do and I was told by a man that I am a loser for accepting broke guys 10 minutes ago
>More than being bottom?
Yeah. By far.

It's pretty fun but it gets sweaty. It's nice in winter.

School and/or work. Hobbies.
guys like that are just looking to shift the blame about why their life sucks.
on the other hand it is frustrating to feel like you're a loser if you can't afford to "spoil" a woman even if you've worked very hard to have your own car, your own apartment, not be a leech, etc
currently brushing my teeth:
>assemble a keyboard
>plant two bushes
>program next week's run
>various diy stuff around the house
btw I have brown eyes and hair and you shouldn't be talking to me.
At 25-50 yes swipes per day, you really have to choose carefully
Or are you a cuck who actually pays?
how long?
i have good length but about 45mm of it is covered in fat so you only really see the other 129mm.
i need to lose more weight.
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Male, question for the femanons. If you’ve experienced a sexual assault by a man, does that make you hate all men? I had a woman accuse me of some shit when I rejected her, and now I find it hard not to believe all the sexist opinions of women I hear now. I get it’s not sustainable, I’m not good at hiding my power level, but now I feel I can’t even reject a woman without her trying to character assassinate me. What do I even do? Has me very paranoid about life going forward.
When I started doing it with my first gf we were both virgins and we would go for about 5-10 minutes and then she would ask to stop. She kept wanting to do it tho and we had sex quite a lot but I never was able to finish.
Makes me fear you're from california.
How can anyone answer what's true for most other people?
19cm. I'm skinny so you see ALL of it.
Yeah desu, I know that feel. I get a lot of "no, I like the pain" which is nice but those women usually put their hands on your arm/chest and ask you to stop anyway and it's hard to ignore the pain that represents. Ironically I really like it when the woman is explicit that she's a masochist and she wants me to hurt her with my cock tho.
I don't think she responds to desperation very well. You should try asking for BWH.
I’m sorry if I was a whore I would, but I am never posting nudes online. Even without my face, someone would add it to my (file). Maybe without a tripfag but you’d never know if it was me
and girth?
Start with where you live, literally just start chatting to your neighbours or the people in your apartment building or whatever. You may or may not make any actual friends, but you'll make friendly acquaintances which is a start and you'll get to practice talking to people you don't know very well
>School and/or work.
If this was an option, I wouldn't be asking
I'm done with school and I work from home
Just because you have poo eyes doesn’t mean I don’t care about you!
Pick up a group sport.
I didn't ask for nudes, you can post it wearing literally anything.
>try asking for BWH
I don't know what that means
Question for the femanons
What assumptions do you make about a good looking guy who doesn't have a ton of interpersonal charisma?
Bust Waist Hips.
Prove that you exist. Write me a philosophical treatise on the matter.
That's plenty of swipes. Try bumble where you get less than 10 per two days.
Oh I didn't care about that autism unless it's an image
No one spends that much time thinking about and analyzing people they don't know. Any given woman will either be attracted to you or she won't. It's something she feels, not a checklist she runs through
>Try bumble where you get less than 10 per two days.
Wtf? Last time I used Bumble it was 25, each individual swipe resetting after 24 hours
Did they seriously fucking change it to that few?
I think my name answers this one by itself. Convenient!
I'm not talking about attraction, I'm talking about any personal assumptions that might be made.
Stop working and go back to university.
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I've been told that I should grow out my shoulders and back in order to look more attractive

Currebt body type is link rel:


1) what workouts should I do to accomplish this?

2) what body type do women generally find attractive an show can I achieve that? Pic rel is me
I’ve been invited to an “anything but clothes” party. What does that mean?
>Is it true that most woman don't like to be on top?
Guy here. FWIW, I once posted a question on here asking "How much of a problem would it be for you if the only sex position a man could manage was cowgirl?" and every single woman who answered said it was an absolute deal breaker and they wouldn't even consider dating someone like that.
A touch autistic.
>are you a cuck who actually pays?
what is wrong with paying if you have money doe? if its like 10$ or 20$ for a few days of entertainment then why not? ive seen people pay more for an early access game that they shelved and stopped playing a few days later. ive seen people pay more to go and see some new faggot star wars movie.
No, most women are just lazy in bed.

I'm very confident in my body, but I do have a bit of dysmorphia about how my vagina looks. I know it's nothing to actually be concerned about, but it bothers me being on me.

They don't want support, they want confirmation bias. They made their minds up a long time ago.

He's probably just introverted.

You should stop being Indian. I know it's a choice.
Secondly, traps, lats, delts, and biceps.
There are various videos and tier lists on what the best exercises for those are, but most important is hypertrophy and eating enough to stimulate muscle growth.
>what body type do women generally find attractive an show can I achieve that?
Should I break up with her?
>Relationship became long distance (she went to France as an Au Pair)
>I took some convincing but eventually was willing to try
>Told me her plan wasn't at all to go out clubbing or staying out late
>It's her second weekend and she's already going to a club
>Told me she was going with a skirt and high heels
I feel lied to and manipulated. A lot of things she told me she was going to do she isn't doing. I love her but I'm going crazy over this shit.
M. I don't think my genitals are very attractive, but having been brought up as a naturist, I don't have any sense of shame about them either. They're just there. My gf is very fond of my penis, though, so I guess it must be doing something right. I think she rather likes the fact that I'm a grower - gives her a sense of "Oh yeah! I did that!"
I say this as a woman, she's going to cheat if she hasn't already. Best to cut your losses while your dignity and self-respect are still intact.
>but I do have a bit of dysmorphia about how my vagina looks.
is it not symmetrical or is it something else?
my weiner is uncut so when its not fully hard it does kind of look a little cartoonish.
were you still doing the naturist thing as a teen? that mustve been awkward and kind of hot at the same time.
It'd be a dream come true for me.
ChatGPT can do this for you
Ask me what only a woman would know
>they want confirmation bias
extreme victim mentality
Ironically its what they blame women for
>If you’ve experienced a sexual assault by a man, does that make you hate all men?
No, but it does make her wary or even scared, especially in the short term.
My power bill is usually anywhere from $90-$150. I just got an email that this month it's going to be $240. What happened! I'm not aware of anything I'm doing different.
I always forget. I think it's 5 inches/13 cm.
>is it not symmetrical or is it something else?
One of my labia is slightly meatier than the other and the more I loon at it, the more upset I get.

>extreme victim mentality
It makes it easier for them to give up and gives them a sense of vindication.
"It's a good thing I never put any effort in because it would have always ended up like this."

Ask for an itemized bill.
>One of my labia is slightly meatier than the other and the more I loon at it, the more upset I get.
Thank you, ChatGPT
>were you still doing the naturist thing as a teen? that mustve been awkward and kind of hot at the same time.
Up to about 18 on family holidays. It was neither awkward nor hot.
You should talk to her, but if she's not willing to respect your boundaries then yeah, you should break up.
>Ask me what only a woman would know
This is a trick question.
I'm about to bite the bullet here, pls someone give me some input.
Thanks, asshole. I'm sure that grubworm you call a penis is quite a sight.
you are autistic, arent you?
Thats not how I meant that. I meant you should ask me something a real woman would know and not a mentally ill tranny or a bot lmfao
>Straight men are the only group that ranks physical attractiveness over kindness
Moids, why are you like this
How about you eat a bullet and stοp eating everyone's oxygen, faggotron
Why are texts from females so good? I’m addicted to it.
>something a real woman wοuld know
Such as...?
Guy here. This seems to me like a you problem rather than a her problem. The issue here is not that she broke her promise, it's that it was quite ridiculous for you to make her promise that in the first place. Women like going dancing - why shouldn't she? You can't expect her to put her entire life on hold and never do anything that is in any way fun for the entire time she's there.
Recommendations and thinga not to do for having sex the first time as a guy? Don't tell me which is which, I like to live dangerously
Are women even attracted to men? I know the answer is yes, but seeing so many straight women talk about how disgusting the male form is makes me feel horrible
Don't have a big goofy smile on your face.
>Women like going dancing - why shouldn't she?
Because it's a boundary they established in advance and she promised him to respect.

I was in a LDR for years, I had plenty of fun while respecting the boundaries of my relationship - I didn't go clubbing, I didn't get drunk, I didn't spend time alone with men other than my family members. It's not hard.
I'm not. Physical attractiveness is pretty low on my priority list.
Idk, I was just giving you a challenge, ffs
yes men are cute and I love them, dont worry
Thank you femanon
1) Remember porn isn't real. Don't try to mimic it.
2) Admit that you're a virgin and ask her to tell you what to do.
3) Communicate, communicate, communicate. Every woman likes different things from every other woman, and you have no way of knowing what her preferences are if you don't ask.
I'm sorry but how am I supposed to feel about the fact that she's going out clubbing in Paris dressed provocatively when she explicitly told me she wasn't there to do that? Happy for her? "Yay honey it's so great that your going out to be ogled by dudes and get hit on!!!!"
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I played into a fat girl's ego just so I can have sex again. I have now ghosted her after I had sex. Literally pic related.
It was a promise he should never have asked her to make.
I love the way men look, and when I'm in love with someone I can't keep my hands off of him. I think my husband is the hottest thing ever and can't keep my hands off him.
>just giving you a challenge, ffs
After I challenged yοu first, bitch
>Happy for her?
Unironically, yes. You should be happy that the woman you love is having fun.
I am extremely shy about women seeing me naked. Or anyone. Especially my penis

>Are you happy with the way your doodads appear?
No. It looks really small when flacid

I won't ever have to worry about someone seeing me naked, though
It is a perfectly reasonable boundary to have, I also wouldn't want my partner to go to clubs without me.
>my husband
kys hοle
calling women bitches really wont get you a girlfriend
Can't, husband too hot. Would be a shame.
I'm a broke loser without a car and i'm not like that. The guys who would say that are probably rich guys that feel like their efforts were in vain when you say that. They put all that effort into getting money and they loathe to see some loser like me be happy because I don't deserve it for being a loser autist
What they believe they are "looking for" does not necessarily coincide with what they end up choosing.

Women tend to underestimate how much looks matter to them. Men on the other hand tend to overestimate how much looks matter to them. Women tend to underestimate how much socioeconomic factors matter to them. Men tend to significantly underestimate how much socioeconomic factors matter to them. e.g. plenty of them claim they don't care what a woman's income is, but they do have a certain kind of class awareness in the sense that they are looking for a partner they can introduce to their parents, who won't embarrass them among their peers, etc.

These stated preferences aren't irrelevant but they only give you an idea of what people consciously believe they want, but not what they actually want and to which extent.
>calling women bitches
I wasn't calling anything a bitch since you dοn't exist, bitch
Enjoy it and have fun and don't take it too seriously. It's about pleasure and feeling close to your partner, not a performance or a competition
Nah, this isn't what I was looking for
NTA but there are millions of guys out there who call women bitches on a daily basis who have no trouble finding partners.
yeah it was some Arab whose parents are cousins I guess
he thinks if a woman is not a gold digger, she has no value lol
Intrasexual competition.

Broke guys shame you for being too picky in the economic domain and rich guys shame you for being too picky in the domain of looks (or whatever else made you consider the broke guy as a partner), trying to denigrate your mate choices in order to make it more likely you'll choose them next time.

At the end of the day some guys are always going to be mad, no matter who you date, because you're dating someone that isn't them.
>"Yay honey it's so great that your going out to be ogled by dudes and get hit on!!!!"
Also, actually, men hit on women ALL THE FUCKING TIME. It is retarded of you to imagine that you can prevent men from hitting on her just by banning her from going dancing. The only thing you can hope for is that WHEN men hit on her, she loves you enough to say no to them. She probably loves you less now than she did before you tried to ban her from going dancing for the next however many months it is. It really was an absolutely idiotic move on your part to try and make her promise that; if she does end up cheating, console yourself by thinking that she probably wouldn't have if you hadn't done that.
Why degrade her and yourself like that. Yuck
>yeah it was some Arab
That was a crucial detail
Arabs are fucking weird and obsessed with money when they get some. They then think they're just like the white man, they think they're God's gift and pride themselves so vainly for having money. Its the same with the Chinese. Weird bunch of cunts
How easy is it to inception a woman into losing weight after having sex with her?
>I think me and this friend of mine are going to plap
>she used to be slim but is a little chunky 10 years later
>guess my confidence from losing a little weight has gotten me this far plus her gaining some weight made her easier to catch her while she was still single
>wondering if she will start emulating my weight loss habits after we do it since i always notice that women like to emulate the last guy they had sex with.
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yeah thats what I realized too
I even made a meme about it
She's going out to find a new partner and there is nothing in the world you can do to prevent it. Better start looking for someone new as well.
>Nah, this isn't what I was looking for
Well, if your girlfriend having fun is not something you were looking for then okay; but again, that's a you problem.
How hot are you? I lost weight for a guy, but he's a literal 10/10 in every way. If you're just some dude, I don't think it's much of a motivation.
I never made her promise that, I never even brought the topic up, she was the one that told me. The issue here is that I feel lied to.
Should I try and look for a boyfriend on soc? Apparently a bunch of girls found nice men on there
She’s going to get complacent instead. I hate to say it but you really have to treat women like children; you need to encourage an active lifestyle and lead by example. If you don’t she is gonna keep going up. Relationship weight is real
Is he buff or skinny
He's slim with a moderate amount of muscle.
What’s he like
Never go into a relationship with the idea that you can change the things you don't like about the person to your satisfaction. If you can't accept her as she is right now then move on to someone else
I'm not. People who are attractive will only be so for a short time in their life. If i date an attractive woman who is also a BITCH, in the long run she will just be a BITCH. Where as if I date a woman that isn't particularly attractive, but nice, she will still be a nice person in years to come. Looks fade. I'm not going to pick a woman just for looks alone

But in saying that, i'm not going to pick a woman I find repulsive to look at, either
Nta but why do you think women go out? While I completely agree that it's bad taste to make things explicit like that, his fear that she will cheat on him or find someone new and break up is perfectly reasonable. Especially given the fact that she's in Paris, he can basically kiss his relationship good bye at this point.
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If I were in your exact situation, I would facetime her and tell her I'm picking up a temporary girlfriend until she's back. "Hey anonita I was thinking while you're away that I'm going to pick up a temporary girlfriend." While smirking. And give every dirty excuse in the book, "my dick can't wait that long", "it's just temporary", "why is it such a big deal". Not accusing her at all of anything, no anger, just explaining that I'm getting a practice girlfriend and explaining in various ways that I have to do it. And however that conversation goes, I'd keep up the "I have to do it" posture in any followup texts or calls.

I'd then phone a friend (or friends) to go to a bar to throw darts. I would tell them straight up that I intend to mess with my long-distance girlfriend and need their help. During darts play I would start conversations with random girls until I find one who sends any signals of interest. I'd tell her she's pretty and ask her questions about where she works and if she has dogs, then abruptly invite her over to play darts. I'd have my friend take a picture of me and the girl playing darts together, I'd probably get handsy for the picture like poking her tummy while she's throwing a dart to mess with her which invites her to mess with me back. And I'd continue escalating and flirting, like asking for a kiss on the cheek, hugging, etc trying to get as raunchy of a picture as possible. Then send the best pic to my girlfriend and say "here's my temporary girlfriend what do you think". And continue saying the dirty excuses from before if she objects, or being thankful if she's destructively tolerant. I'd get the girl's contact information then say I have to head out because I gotta wake up early the next day and that we should meet again sometime, not moving things forward at all that night.

This is enough information to sleep on and make a proper decision about my relationship. And I have the other girl as an exit plan.
as a bf who got a gf on soc, NO, do NOT do that anon. we are NOT mentally ok
Physically? Pretty classically handsome - tall, wide shoulder, tiny hips, slutty waist. Some abs.
Pale, dark thick hair, brown eyes. Great jaw. Wears glasses. Big cute smile.

Personality wise, he's goofy, witty, loving, smart, very curious, a little argumentative. Pinches me a lot when I'm trying to shitpost in peace.
It could be that she becomes motivated to lose weight as well, if she is afraid of losing you. But if you said that it was her weight gain which made it possible for you to get her, the chance for that is pretty slim.
Girls, why are some of you such whores?
Are you such a whore?
>Girls, why are some of you such whores?
Men like you, it's fun.

>Are you such a whore?
No, I don't really care for sex if I'm not in love with someone.
Why? Do you not want me to be happy?
Every time I check /soc/ it is full of disgusting degenerate coomer retards. I definitely wouldn't look for a gf there. And you should MOST definitely not look for a bf there

You might get lucky. But I wouldn't take my chances
F. Yeah, I'm a dirty little slut.
They want to have sex and boast about having fucked hot men.
Me personally I am a virgin
What? No, im just warning you that you shouldn't go on soc ever, for anything. literally go and do anything else with your life so you don't end up with someone as horrible as me
I would say 7.5 face
>5'9" height
>185 weight at like 21% body fat
>penis is above average when I push the ruler into my fat but said fat makes it look stumpy which is what motivated me to start losing
Hoping this ends up as an FWB/open sort of deal but not sure. Im afraid of one of us catching feelings so not sure what to do if things start getting affectionate when we hang.
well i already want to sex her the way she is but would be awesome if she was easier to carry.
yeah I think if she had her OG body she wouldnt be replying to messages at a respectable rate.
>Apparently a bunch of girls found nice men on there
Do you think nice men can be found in that cesspit of dick pics? Better be cautious. Next thing you know you're in Canada with a 40 year old Somali guy living with his parents.
NTA but this is hilarious because it's obvious you've never flirted with a girl or picked one up at a bar, let alone been in a relationship
Heh, I don't really think that an average-ish guy she casually sleeps with will have a huge impact in her life. Especially if there's zero incentive in terms of return.
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Man here. My ex was from the soc. She lived 2 hours away and we met up. Here's how it went:
>We stayed at a hotel for 3 days, which cost me around $500 out of my pocket for that.
>We went to the West Side Story remake, but she got bored and we walked out, even though I wanted to finish it.
>We went to the museum, but she didn't look at anything there and just asked me to buy her an expensive sandwich.
>We got back to the hotel and passed out. We woke up at 3am and she tried to instigate sex, but I couldn't get hard without foreplay and I'm a virgin, she was too. She got moody and went to bed all emotional, so I made a hot pocket and watched Disney channel on the hotel TV as she slept.
>This event traumatized me to the point where I didn't want to attempt any sex afterwards. We went to Target and she said we needed a bigger condom, which was not the problem. I went to the bathroom to text her out of embarrassment that I didn't think we could have sex for the rest of the visit.
>She was very low energy for the rest of the trip.
>I dropped her off at the bus and she told me this was the best experience of her life and that she loved me.
>2 weeks later she said she wanted to break up so she could focus on college.
>She got with some fat lesbian almost immediately after.
>Then months later she texted me on Snapchat that she wishes she had lost her virginity to me instead.
>yeah I think if she had her OG body she wouldnt be replying to messages at a respectable rate.
You should also note: losing that weight would raise her own mate value, so she might get the impression she could do better. In general, relationships are the most stable when the mate value of partners does not change significantly from the point they were entered. One partner gaining social status, e.g. through sudden fame, getting a substantial raise or promotion, usually disrupts the relationship since people become discontent with what they have.
aahahahahahaahHAAHAHAHAHA RETARD(s)
Is he a channer too? Where’d you meet?
I'm scrolling through it now and yea :/
Why are you horrible
Idk I'm being told happy stories
>Is he a channer too?
I asked him and he says "I still go on it 3-4 times a week, and while it has always been shit, 4chan is so bad now that I actually miss m00t"
He's now ranting about not being able to find a meme he wanted me to attach to this post.

>Where’d you meet?
Through friends.
i think shes wanted it the whole time weve known each other. always got this "should i?" vibe from her.
true but i still think it would take more than just some new extra attention from other guys for her to decide to stop hopping on my dick for another guys. would be a different story if she lost the weight before we bang.
Would you consider yourself to be his looksmatch?
>why are you horrible
>need frequent companionship
>asking to be in a relationship without fully knowing each others needs and wants

That’s about it desu, other than that we had a lot of fun doing stuff together… and like each other, but that alone isn’t enough to keep a relationship alive. I wish I knew before falling for her, and, i never had the intention
No, I look worse than him. I'm just autistic, have great tits and very nice to him.
You need to be more specific than that
Why? You slept with your uncle and cousin like some?
M: Nervous about dating.

I've had bad experiences with shitty partners in the past. I am autistic and got weird hobbies. Is it true that you should be yourself because I feel like I'll come off as really weird.

If you're curious what type of woman I'd like to meet...I would prefer something a bit more "bigger" than normal. I'm a fuckin' BBW warrior I guess. I'd like to try online dating but my life ain't so hot. I got a stable job at least and I have moneymaking hobbies on the side writing fetish smut. Do those websites really work or are they just full of bots and scammers?
Is he autistic?
I fucking hate women
>See cutie at gym
>She's blonde, fit, tight tummy, round booty, everything a guy could want.
>Strut to the treadmill next to her
>Turn it on high and jump on
>IMmediately trip and get thrown off, my pants getting pulled down and revealing my shit stained boxers
>Stare at her disgusted shocked face as I get up and try to be cool
>Let out one long wet fart in nervousness
>She doesn't stop looking at me, her mouth agape in shock and awe at the stink filling up the room
>Slink away, change, get into my dirty old toyota camry and drive home, where I drink a whiskey slowly and stare into space
I advise you to lurk. 99% of threads are just about sex and hookups, and at any given time there might be ~5 threads about romance or non-sexual socializing. Within those threads there are people who are genuinely nice, and there are people who put up a front and pretend to be nice. If you can find any good threads, then monitor them for a few rounds to see who shows up repeatedly and why. Some good people are just passing through temporarily, and some not-so-good people will be stuck there forever.
>Too ugly for apps
>Too normal for soc
Where am I supposed to find a husband
What’s there more to specify?

We just have different attachment styles, or whatever the gimmicky name for it is called. It’s just cursed
Ugly people are usually miserable and shitty.
Your health of body and mind directly effect how you look to others. Also, anyone who thinks makeup makes ugly women pretty is a bot.
If you're a virgin adult, you should get experience with escorts first. No bitch likes virgins, not even virgin females themselves. If you're a non-Chad, you should be fucking an escort every month to not get nervous when you get a real bitch.
Nah, he's just a little weird. Also has ADHD.
Sounds like a lot of work
What were your attachment styles?
I love fucking women
Sexist or feminist bf?
>Too normal for soc
I doubt that.
Gender? Is there any benefits or advantages that a guy with little to no experience that a guy who knows what hes doing might not have?
How honest should I be about my past? Should I stick to my BS story about me just being a normie this whole time or should I admit that I have only had one GF and that lasted 2 months and it was over 8 years ago?
>seems like women like experienced men but they also dislike them
>Sounds like a lot of work
It would be nice if we could find good people without putting in work for it, but that's not the world we live in.
Men, why does a character like Tom Bombadil exist in Lord of the Rings? I heard that he puts the ring on at one point and nothing really happens. Doesn't that really undercut the ring's danger?
Women, how do you use sex in conflict-resolution?
Reward/punishment kinda thing.
Young men don't go to church
Where should I extend my efforts is what I mean
>Too ugly for apps
>Too normal for soc
Literally me.
Should I take a nap or go run some errands
I don't. Sex is for fun and love.
I take my gfs out on pricey dates, write them letters, and try to be as gentlemanly as I can with them. But all my relationships crash and burn, am I a loser? Do I need to change deeply? I was raised by women so I’m a bit of a skinny effeminate weirdo.
Would it be weird if I kept my top on and asked her to keep her top on while we do it?
>I feel ready for sex but being completely naked with another completely naked person still feels kind of intimidating to me

Stop being a pussy anon, but, if you aren’t comfortable taking it off with her just let her know.
Just some dumb absurd bullshit, hurr hurr remember in life you are completely subject to random circumstances, all your kingdom and battles don't matter!
I would argue it emphasises his special nature.
I don't think being nice to your gfs is the reason why the relationships crash and burn. You got to sit down and think critically about why that's the case.

F. I don't see how being naked in front of someone is less intimidating than taking a shot at having a child with them.
What kinda errands?
>having a child with them
well I am hoping the condoms prevent that. I even bought run of the mill ones and not the fancy ultra thin kind in hopes that it prolongs the experience.
What kind of sexist?
The character is actually from a poem he wrote way earlier. He's kind of the personification of nature, which doesn't give a crap about power struggles and stuff like that.
Tolkien intentionally never really explains what Tom Bombadil is, but one of the most common theories is that he's one of the Valar, which would explain why he's unaffected by the Ring. He also hints that he's older than Middle-earth and older than Sauron, which would align with that theory.
Who are the Valar?
Are there men in your life that you want to spend time and have sex with but you dont want to be in a serious or committed relationship with them? How can I become like that?
No. It makes no sense to fuck random guys, it doesn't benefit me in any way.
That would seriously tarnish my reputation. Guys can get away with that sort of thing.
I like a woman I work with, but dating would be impractical for many reasons.

She's 11 years older than me, divorced with kids, has a guy she's currently dating, and we work together, and sit right next to eachother. Every time we talk I fall more in love with her. She's always had a thing for me, and used to ask me to hang out all the time, but I always said no, an told her straight up I didn't want to. Now, that we sit together, we talk all the time and I've developed feelings for her. I want to hang out, but her having a boyfriend will probably make things difficult. What am I supposed to do here? I've always been a loner by choice, but now that I have a crush on this girl, I suddenly feel self aware of how alone I am and it's killing me. I'm dying to spend time with this girl. This is bizarre. I don't understand where these feelings are coming from, but they're eating away at me from the inside out, rotting my bones, and corroding my soul. This is all very confusing.

Seems like an obvious solution would be fwb, but I've always been religious and having premarittal sex would kill me inside. I'd be filled with grief and remorse for the remainder of my existence. I want to so bad though.

I don't think there is any such thing as pleasure in this life. With every descision, there's a brutally painful option, and a mildly painful option, and you have to do your best to discern which is which, and hope you pick the right one.

Sorry, I'm just ranting as my mind fades into complete darkness. I think isolation, and boredom is driving me insane. Not sure why I'm even posting this, I should hide it away in my notes like the others, but I'm hoping someone out there can relate, and give me some kind of insight. something to ease the pain.
I asking about men in your life not random guys.
>co workers
>mutual friends
>friends of relatives or siblings
Yeah, random guys. I don't see why I would waste my time building a relationship and having sex with some dude who doesn't want to have a relationship with me.
Basically gods. There are the Maiar, the lesser spirits, of which Gandalf is one, as are the other wizards, and the Valar, the greater spirits whom the Maiar serve. Together the Maiar and the Valar are called the Ainur, and they were all created by Eru Iluvatar and directed to give order to creation.
No, there is no man in my life I would just want to have sex with and nothing else. Either a serious relationship or nothing
So the Maiar are like angels almost?
jerk off and move on
Sort of, yeah. And the Valar would be archangels and Eru Iluvatar would be God.
I had sex yesterday. How do I know if my gf was larping and I'm bad at it.
What do you like about her?
>You slept with your uncle and cousin like some?
I wish.
I've never had a real boyfriend. All my sex was done outside of standard relationships and in very casual ways. One example: a 62-year-old man picked me up off the street late at night and I gave him a hand job in his car. The USA made me into a major slut.
You don't.
Okay? Then what do I do, then. Do I dump her? I've never had a gf. I only tried it because of this thread.
F. I'd like to be a virgin's succubus. Just be honest with people. If you actually like a guy, things like that aren't a dealbreaker.
I think I have some issues with neediess / anxious attachment, which isn't good but idk how to address these to my partner
For example, I sent her a text earlier just telling her I loved her and wishing her a good day at work, something small, and she never responded but she's been active on social media since

It just makes me feel shitty like she clearly saw I texted her and she doesn't care to respond and clearly doesn't give a shit enough to. It just makes me feel like I'm not important to her and I'm beginning to wonder if I should just find someone who actually wants to communciate with me more or whatever
I talked about this before, but I’m about to look into sex therapy and want to see if there are any other opinions before I go all in on trying to find ways to fix this:

>My girlfriend and I have been together for two years, and we still haven’t had sex. I struggle with ADHD and OCD, which often leads to erectile dysfunction. My girlfriend experiences discomfort, and the closest we’ve come to intercourse was when I was fully erect and inserted my dick, but she started grunting and asking me to take it out because she was in pain.
>I’ve tried quitting pornography and masturbation multiple times to help, but nothing has improved. We’ve basically given up on trying to have penetrative sex. Now, I mostly dry-hump her, or she pressures my body with her legs while I masturbate. She doesn’t like to give handjobs or blowjobs, saying that submissive relationships feel creepy to her, and she prefers not to do anything that doesn’t provide her with equal pleasure. She often says she wishes we could fuck and it just makes me feel bad because a portion of it is my fault. I feel like a total loser.
>What should I do?
nta but if it was your first time, you probably were. No worries, if she's decent she's not going to dump you or anything just because of that. Wait, why are you talking about dumping her?
Girls, I'd like your opinion on:


>OnlyFans girls



>girls who do double penetration

>girls who do triple penetration

>girls who get gangbanged

>girls who participate in orgies

>girls who have sex with animals

>girls who don't know who is her kid's father

>girls with 100+ body count

>girls with 1000+ body count
Women, has a guy ever gone from "just friends" to "maybe" in your mind because of a transformation they underwent (like losing weight and dressing a little better)?
It's pretty much over bud. She needs therapy and dilation, you need medication. Best case scenario you wait for months and the sex is okay and her feeling good leads to her coming around to blowjobs, but don't hold your breath
No. I personally know whether I like a guy or not within the first 10 minutes of talking to him.
I suspect the problem with virginity is not virginity itself but the underlying traits which predict virginity. If you're a handsome, successful guy, you could be a virgin and still find plenty of women who are interested in you. The problem is that virgins typically aren't the handsome successful types.
>nta but if it was your first time, you probably were.
How can I tell? I had good stamina and she "came" twice over a few hours. I read that girls fake stuff like that so the dude doesn't kill himself after.

>Wait, why are you talking about dumping her?
I'm psychic and wanted to dump her before she can dump me.

>No worries, if she's decent she's not going to dump you or anything just because of that.
So based.
>Are there men in your life that you want to spend time and have sex with but you dont want to be in a serious or committed relationship with them?
>How can I become like that?
Not have insane chemistry with me. Have different views on whether to have children or not. Be too good; ie. be so chaste, sweet, and virtuous that I don't want to corrupt you and spoil your chance at future happiness.
Unironically you'd be better asking some reddit redpillers rather than women here
Honestly no. I was still happy for the guy. That's probably not the answer you're looking for.
I've always been this morbid introvert who hates people, but she has this great bubbly personality that somehow gets me to open up, speak my mind, and joke around. I feel like l'm going through life as a corpse, but being around her fills me with life. I knows it infatuation, and if I got to know her better, I would see sides of her that I'm not so fond of, but for now I can only see the side that I love. I've always thought she was hot too. She has long flowing blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a great figure. I'm not usually a glasses guy, but she has these elegant glasses that look perfect on her face, and give her this incredibly sexy reserved vibe, which actually contrasts with her outgoing personality, in a very endearing way.

We have good chemistry, and we have very honest, authentic conversations, which are just a refreshing change from the way I normally go through life. I really enjoy being around her.
A guy went from just friends to now my bf of a few years. No transformation on his side. The time was just right
Women know guys do everything in the book to start conversations and hit on them. So denying a general approach indicates you're either not a woman, or you're an upset woman throwing doodoo.
Guys who flirt with women know that all is fair game and that random self-inserts into conversations is a common starting point. So denying this approach indicates you're not a guy who typically flirts with women.
So you're either an upset woman or an inexperienced guy.
So I don't even have to address your claims (which are false) because you're not even capable of discussing this topic rationally. You're also NTA, this is an A to B conversation, so C you're way out of it.
I am very much a "hate the sin, not the sinner" on this. I think casual sex and selling your body is immoral and bad for you. I wouldn't want to be too close to them, I try to not associate with people with that kind of lifestyle, but I also don't think they're necessarily evil.
Cheating and fucking animals is evil, and I look down on people who do very much.
Raising a child without his father should be avoided, and I look down on parents (both men and women) who are having children with random people.
Ive caught the attention of a few women but I always chicken out cause reasons. My friends all think or atleast act like Im normal.
Shes always with thin guys and I am now a thin(ner) person. Would be cool if I crossed her mind that way though.
Any ideas for getting into soccer/football teams so I can wear clothes like this for fun? I love wearing sets.
t. American female but I can support other teams from other countries
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Forgot the damn image
Just watch sports? Is there any team local to you?

>not watching hockey
Gender? How do I ask her out or drop a hint if shes always with somebody?
>friends sister
>always seems to line up another guy before leaving the first one
>is rarely ever single long enough for me to notice
yes, many times, but for me it is after getting to know their personality. Men only reveal their true colors when you are friends with them. Those who were still nice to me instantly got a higher value in my eyes. Unfortunately not many men have approached me and out of them maybe only two were still nice to me. I really liked the first one but he is way too old for me. I was dating the other one but we broke up recently
She has a backlog and you are not on it, and won't be on it anytime soon.
My butt is bigger.
Let's say you like a girl buy you're convinced that you have absolutely no chance with her. Her boyfriend is a chill dude and he says you can watch them do it. Would you accept?
Well no shit “just watch sports”.
>should have asked for other people’s favorite soccer/football teams specifically
That entire group of people belongs in the trash.
Anyone here dated a narcissist before? Do you think it might have made you more prone to desiring toxic chemistry?
Absolutely not and I would probably view them as weird people from that point on.
Never done it so I would be very nervous

Smaller butt than her but we've got the same waist (i.e. no waist).

>Society (mostly)
There was a girl I would have accepted if she asked. I think in my head it was more okay because I never knew her when she was single so I never felt like I had a chance at all
I got approached by a couple who I could only imagine were swingers since the woman lured me to a table with her someone effeminate male friend/companion.
Nothing happened plus I am paranoid that its some sort of ploy for the dude to sneak in my back door while Im in her front door.
ever tried posting nudes (no face) somewhere on the internet for feedback?
How do I learn to fall in love with people again?
I had my heart broken by two girls I really liked pretty much back to back over a 4 month period, I don't miss them anymore and am living life good but I feel detached from my emotions and my desire
I've dated girls since but just feel like I'm going through the motions and don't really feel anything apart from mild horniness even though I 'know' that I'm attracted to them
>>always seems to line up another guy before leaving the first one
unless you're just there for a fun time don't bother, doesn't sound like someone worth investing in
>women like attention and validation even if it's from men they find unattractive

Is that actually true? If it is, why would they want it from someone they don't want?
Does this include boobs?
If I liked her, why would I willingly subject myself to the pain of seeing her with another guy?
I am the narcissist. I still have sex with all my exes because they validate me and message me when they're feeling lonely. Three of them told me they love me, even after I told them I can only love myself.
they cant get enough of that tight bussy
Confidence boosts are always nice. Hell, I get weirdly flattered if a gay woman comes on to me.
she was SA'ed at 14 so I think that plays into her personality and choice of men a bit. they are usually more simpy than I could imagine ever being and I consider them to be more beta than myself even though I have never had full on sex.
Because you love her
I'd say it's generally true, but it depends on the woman if they like it and how much they like it.
I am extremely horny male anons please give me attention
I think I'm only insecure about my stretch marks and mild celulite from how fat my ass is. But I feel like my size kind of speaks for itself that if you didn't expect those then they're treating me like a manic pixie dream girl.
Never had any complaints about it, I just want to fix them but that means lose it or apply creams everyday.
I want to get them tattooed.
>Three of them told me they love me, even after I told them I can only love myself.
How do you feel when they say things like that?
No. No (You) for you.
Why would I do that?
Sad, and often victims of human trafficking
You do you
>OnlyFans girls
You do you, depending on content
Usually victims from broken homes
>girls who do double penetration
You do you
>girls who do triple penetration
>girls who get gangbanged
You do you
>girls who participate in orgies
You do you
>girls who have sex with animals
Death sentence
>girls who don't know who is her kid's father
Oof for the kid
>girls with 100+ body count
You do you
>girls with 1000+ body count
You really need better things to do with your time.
I think there is a modicum of truth to this, but there are obviously different degrees of "unattractive". I do think women enjoy attention and validation from guys who seem harmless enough that they don't seem threatening, even though they might not classify them as dating material, because on some level of their stone age brain they probably register them as a source of support in case their Chad husband gets killed in war, but they probably don't enjoy attention by guys who are extremely off-putting, don't know boundaries, might turn into stalkers, etc.
>If you’ve experienced a sexual assault by a man, does that make you hate all men?
No it fuels my redirection to be attracted to smaller men.
Because I love her I don't want to see her with another guy. Is this some next level cuckoldry?
Won't you stop loving her if you see her with someone else?
Ever been in a secretive relationship?
Why did you guys keep it a secret?
Did it ever get outed?
Hot autism guy
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I can do that without watching them have sex...
No. I will stop loving her if I get away from her.
>ever tried posting nudes
No and I don't need to, I know that I'm unattractive.

I've never heard this. Why would I want to know that someone (especially someone I don't like) is imagining having sex with me?
overweight or something else?
>Ever been in a secretive relationship?
>Why did you guys keep it a secret?
We were dating each other but were in the same friends group.
>Did it ever get outed?
It means boxes, lamp shade, toga, etc?
the european mind cannot comprehend the interstate offramp
neither nervous nor confident
thngs that used to matter to me no longer do
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I just laugh because I know they're women and can't change how they feel even if I'm toxic. Open phone, read message, reply with gross, close phone.
Where do I meet a clingy woman to make my gf thanks
This is why I prefer bisexual men.
I would laugh in his face and collapse the whole social circle onto them for making such a weird request like >>31956219 said, immediate texts to groupchat "Dave just said he wants me to watch him and Julia have sex, should I????", immediately bring strangers into the conversation if we were in public "bro are you hearing this shit, this guy just asked me to watch him and his gf have sex", I would make it absolutely as embarrassing as possible for them. I'd bring it up to my family "you know Dave? he asked me to watch him and his gf have sex", I'd bring it up at work "last weekend this guy asked me to watch him and his gf have sex!", I'd take it everywhere with me for the rest of my life as maybe the funniest thing that I've ever witnessed. And if somehow my friendship continued with them I'd keep bringing it up, like "do you wanna go downtown on Friday?" "sure i'll bring the camcorder!!", etc etc
I'm extremely nervous taking my bra off around a guy. They're pretty big and gravity is a thing.
>We were dating each other but were in the same friends group.
This sounds like the path Im going down. Did you find it weird trying to keep the ruse up while you were hanging with a bunch of people?
For one of them, she was cheating on her bf; for another, we just didn't want to weird out the other friends we'd made at the hostel. Idk if they figured it out. I think at least one of them did.
Nope. Cheater girlie told her besties tho.
Chad isn't texting you back?
No, just large boobs.
You sound like a little bitch so I doubt you have any social circle to collapse.
Went dancing last night

I'm supposed to get boners when dancing with girls, right?
State gender
Tits or ass?
>Ever been in a secretive relationship?
Yes. Although, it wasn't a serious relationship and I think he specifically targeted me because he never wanted it to be serious.
>Why did you guys keep it a secret?
My family are religious. And it wasn't a serious relationship, anyway, so who cares if people know or not?
>Did it ever get outed?
No. Except, I'm pretty sure my mother became vaguely aware of it at some point.
I don't believe kind women exist.
Also notice how the less kind and more manipulative a demographic is, the more they seek kindness in a partner to enable their manipulative behavior.
Fags and bisluts rely on the kindness of others to run their interpersonal grifts.
Also also women are simply lying on this, they hate intelligence in men more than ANYTHING.
Women, have you ever noticed a guy's boner? How do you react?
How did you get to dance with them? They approached you?
To those with a significant other
What's a song that reminds you of your relationship?
Feminist bf
And don't fake it.
>Also also women are simply lying on this, they hate intelligence in men more than ANYTHING.
This this.
If you're an intelligent man, you need to larp as a dumb fuck because that's what females love.
F, yes. I try to discreetly not look/stare, which has been easy after puberty. It also does not happen often.

I have once felt a friend's boner during a hug and we both just kind of jumped apart and talked over it ASAP.
so does turning a guy on too much make you nervous?
are travelling women easy to get with? ive thought about travelling somewhere warm to try and meet or sleep with women from my own country.
wouldnt be surprised your mom knows, women can smell secretive drama.
>make out with woman for first time ever
>all of a sudden it seems like they all want a piece of me
Nope. Infact, guys have only gone to the reverse for me.
>I am extremely horny male anons please give me attention
F, tits. Ass is cute and endearing, but almost all asses look that way to me and I do not care particularly in terms of attraction how conventionally aesthetic they look or don't look.

Maybe because obviously my own breasts have always been literally more on the foreground and more visible to me, but I have a much bigger appreciation of the specific looks of individual (pairs of) boobs.
Women never make a move first even if you like the guy?
*kissy assault*
I can feel the BPD torture in this track
>Is that actually true?
If she is grinding on you or otherwise dancing up against your crotch, then yes that's supposed to happen.

If it happened during dancing without touching, it's not necessarily supposed to and she might be weirded out if she knew, but it's a 100% common and natural thing and it's fine to enjoy it privately.
I danced with the girls I came with, as well as asked some random girls to dance. It was at a country bar so you just go up to girls and ask them to dance and 9/10 times they say yes. I only got one "no" and I didn't see the girl's bf behind her

My friend kept tightly pressing her breasts against me so I got a raging boner and I'm pretty sure she felt it against her thighs.
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Would you put this on for me if I were your boyfriend?
What's wrong with boners?
>we both just kind of jumped apart and talked over it ASAP
We? Why are you speaking for him, dumb bitch? If his dick got hard, he enjoyed your body and boobs pressed against him.
I mean I *would* punch the guy in the face for trying to make me his cuck, but it's far more effective (and funnier) to tell the whole world about his sexual fantasy. And I don't get assault charges!
Not true, but there are definitely women that never would regardless of how much they like the guy. Usually because they are convinced that the act of making a move will in itself make them look less attractive to him.
When it's text based only, I just pretend it's from attractive and nice men.
If you're ugly and mean and post here, you should say that.
Nothing, just not interested in stirring up feelings that are unwanted and only complicated in a long term friendship.

>Why are you speaking for him, dumb bitch?
Because I was there and that's what happened. We were both drunk and because of a depressing reason/talk it was the third time in short succession we hugged. Your body having a response because to people it just feels good to touch bodies, doesn't necessarily mean you are looking for everything that comes with trying to fuck. He had already rejected me romantically long before that moment happened.
>Would you accept?
I wouldn't judge them for it - YKINMKBYKIOK - but it's not something I would have any interest in doing.
Whenever I read that a fooid is extremely horny I remember that she's faking it and doesn't even lay in her own juices, filled with plastic, drunk/high and gooned out of her mind. Women rarely know how to be degenerate on their own
But I think one of my fwbs is lying to me and cheating on his girl for me. The sex is pretty good.
Haven't heard from him in a while.
Can't you "slide into her DMs" or whatever it is young people do these days?
NTA but I'm ugly and occasionally mean but I try my best to be kind. Next time you see me post you should moderate your excitement accordingly.
F, yes. We are cousins. Yes.
I did when I hugged a friend of mine. I didn't draw attention to it, I think that would have made the situation worse.
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Tits. The smaller the better.
>so does turning a guy on too much make you nervous?
Hell yes. I have to always wear stuff that is more modest than I would personally like to not look too slutty. And even then I get worried.

>Ever been in a relationship?
Very nervous. I'm fine with walking naked in front of a professional or a random stranger, but it's hard for me to get naked in front of someone I know, the first time at least.
What happened when it got outed? To who?
Only if we were in an extremely good relationship.
NTA but I'm very ugly and mean. Beware of my posts.
That would be reason enough to try my best.
I believe they do a "rizz", hoping not to get a "dab" on, and certainly not wearing a hat becaise they often say, "no cap"
Once in a while, I get co workers who flirt with me, say I have nice hands and face etc.

Then I learn they’re 16 when I’m 21 and it bums me out. The good thing is it stops any fantasies.
Disagree, I have made the first move on a number of occasions.
No, he gives a sense of a world not wholly comprehensible, nor yet ruled entire by darkness, a world still alive with wild magic. He is the "hero receives gift" portion of that cycle of the monomyth, delivering the hobbits safely in the end past the threshold guardian barrow-wights and back into the known world (Bree)
This same pattern repeats with Strider, then Elrond/Rivendell, then Lothlorien, and so on.
Tolkien uses stranger-heroes as the monomyth 'gifts' regularly and each time the main heroes are delivered back "above water", but not actually home, instead new "normal worlds" are revealed to defend as they travel and the hobbits learn of the new lands and new allies for the first time.
In The Hobbit, the ring is the gift Bilbo receives in the pit of despair, of course.
In the LOTS series, the ring is sort of the opposite of a "mathom" - it's a gift that EVERYONE wants but is regifted to Frodo all the same.
The first "hero-gift" who appears is Gandalf, and he recurs, and we know him from The Hobbit already, but both he and the Ring have new and serious qualities and powers not touched upon in the Hobbit. You could count Merry, Pippin, and Fatty Bolger as a "gift-hero" I suppose but the first "stranger-gift-hero" they meet is Bombadil who we don't know of, but who is also from Tolkien's earlier planning and writing, and he yields to Strider who is an important, almost central gift-hero who becomes part of the party itself.
As the books proceed the world becomes first full of vague horror, then full of fantastic peril, then splits between the ultimate fantasy horror journey of the Ringbearer (in a desolate and hopeless place where no TRUE hero-gifts exist) and the somewhat grounded military reality of Rohan and Gondor, with fantasy and magic elements becoming sideplots and incidentals, where the hero-gifts are often more nuanced, conditional, frail, of complex morality, mundane, corruptible.
Bombadil, as the first, is an uncorrupted myth.
He made it a big deal after I caught him cheating. It was his way to self destruct the relationship with as little culpability as possible. Nothing really happened.
It's their choice.
This is just a word men use to mean "women who behave with men the way I would behave with women if I had the chance". It's not a useful concept.
>OnlyFans girls
Making money from idiots. Go for it.
Their choice.
>girls who do double penetration
Their choice.
>girls who do triple penetration
Their choice.
>girls who get gangbanged
Their choice.
>girls who participate in orgies
Their choice.
>girls who have sex with animals
That's a problem. It's hard to argue that the animal has given informed consent.
>girls who don't know who is her kid's father
Depends on the specifics. If she doesn't know because some asshole spiked her drink, I'm not going to judge her for that.
>girls with 100+ body count
Their choice.
>girls with 1000+ body count
She's clearly a hooker or a porn star - we covered that.
And what about your uncle? Did he cheat too?
Twerking is the soiface of sexual dances
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Suppose that it's Friday night, and just invited, via text message, a (till now) platonic male friend to hook up at your place.
(if you cannot imagine ever doing this with anyone, suppose that someone took your phone and sent that message as a prank)

And he replies:
>sure, sounds great! but I'm already kind of busy with _________ tonight and tomorrow. could we do this on Sunday instead?
You are indeed free on Sunday. Assume that he is being honest, that his tone is as appropriate as it can be for this situation, and that the thing he's busy with is of moderate importance, i.e. you would totally accept it as an excuse if you were just inviting him to lunch, but would expect him to postpone it if you really needed his help with something.

Do you think it would hurt your feelings to learn that this guy wouldn't even clear his schedule to have casual sex with you ASAP? Or would you do the (arguably) mature thing and postpone the hookup, as you would with lunch?
Mostly just mine.
>unable to experience pleasure
>i would never give pleasure i am not also getting
best be baiting
>6 digit body count is okay
>cheating is wrong
All synonyms of "slut"
I'd probably be disappointed. But firstly, I wouldn't ask someone on the night of to come over - that's quite demanding. I must be quite horny or high. And once the moment of horniness is gone, especially, I'd probably retract my offer.
>all men will just fuck any woman
Cope + seethe + telling on the company you keep + L + ratio
Have you tried erection pills and/or lube?
Have you talked to a doctor about it?

tolerate them, wish they could all be independent
>OnlyFans girls
not valid
>girls who do double penetration
damn, girl
>girls who do triple penetration
damn, girl
>girls who get gangbanged
damn, girl
>girls who participate in orgies
damn, girl
>girls who have sex with animals
you are damned, girl
>girls who don't know who is her kid's father
sad but a big asterisk next to it
>girls with 100+ body count
damn, girl
>girls with 1000+ body count
holy shit, girl
Which part do you doubt
She may not want you on Sunday. Women become horny due to their ovulation schedules
OP here, I’m a little confused what you’re saying here.
>girls who don't know who is her kid's father
Why is this lumped in with prostitutes and porn stars?
>Do you think it would hurt your feelings to learn that this guy wouldn't even clear his schedule to have casual sex with you ASAP? Or would you do the (arguably) mature thing and postpone the hookup, as you would with lunch?
No, I would just stop approaching him as a hookup and go back to being friends.
Pretend to have accidentally high texted him, and take my desire elsewhere.
And it would be done in a more timely manner.
All worthless trash except for prostitutes. I can imagine a lot of them are really poor and don't have any other option, or were forced into it.
female perspective is that she was raped or something
male perspective is that she had sex with several guys in a row and lost track
I wouldn't like a woman who has a boyfriend and I wouldn't knowingly associate with a bisexual man.
Women are attentionsexual yes
They exist to build self-esteem it's never enoughj
They will kill you if you somehow threaten to topple their self-esteem
exhibit a (i have never been suicidal)
>consentual sex x times good
>unconsentual relationship bad
>men mad
The absolute state of men.
I can go watch porn at my fingertips.
Men, how would you feel if a woman told you she had spent a period of time living in another country? Would it change your opinion of her at all?
>unconsentual relationship bad
>unconsentual relationship
Are you medium shirt white male?
>Im 35 and never had sex before
>shes 32 and has probably been getting some since age 15
>weve know each other for about 12 years through mutual friend
>she knows that the farthest Ive ever gone is some making out and touching with a woman from my workplace and shes kept my secret for 10 years
>the hints in our chats are getting more frequent and I feel shes definitely down to make some sort of man out of me
What happens if this ends with her wanting more than an FWB thing? Ive been in love an rejected numerous times so I know I could probably get over it if she is just using me for sex but not sure what to do if she wants a commitment.
I would like to socialize and try meeting and dating women without the shame of being a virgin and having no clue about intercourse but not sure how it works. Most women my age are looking for someone to settle down with and here I am basically starting out.
Not those anons and I don't think a large body count is "okay" but do men really not think one is clearly worse than the other?
I tried washing and rinsing my hair in cool water instead of hot and it feels a lot better today. Thanks women!
Why would it?
I don't think the lad knowingly consented to being the 1,000th man in her life.
M but why do women's beauty standards change so much? I mean, what an attractive woman is supposed to be.
It would probably make her a little more interesting.
I tried to take a nap but I immediatley had an an anxiety attack about being alone and not having a boyfriend or friends or a job. I'm so tired of living, how can I continue? Why would anyone want a failure like me other than to take advantage of?
You're welcome, random citizen.
cheating is technically worse but the idea of a woman with over 100 sexual partners ever NOT cheating in a relationship is fucking hilarious
also there are moral reasons not to have random sex beyond just consent just like there are moral reasons not to fuck LITERAL ANIMALS beyond limp-wristed "w-well I would never judge an animal fucker except...what if le doggy cannot informed consent because it is a LITERAL ANIMAL".
essentially it just paints a bleak picture of dumb amoral whores signalling based on extremely token virtues who would never be in a serious relationship anyways and would simply use one of several dozen excuses for officially cheating or lining up a new sexual relationship before dumping their current boyfriend so it's not "technically" cheating

>saying that submissive relationships feel creepy to her

What are they teaching you girls these days!? Submission is fucking HOT. Non-reciprocating pleasure is BEAUTIFUL
cheating on a girl with a small or non existent body count is always wrong. I don't think a girl with a massive body count would tell the truth about it when finding a new partner because it is repulsive. There's nothing ethical about staying commited to someone who has had hundreds of exes. This isn't scott pilgrim, shit is foul.
She said she used to watch a lot of porn and is ashamed of it. So I assume it’s from that. It’s a bit of a shock since all my other ldr relationships were submissive, I sort of miss that.
Not any specific country, just another country in general?
How would I have any opinion without knowing which country?
see >>31956347

At first I thought I was getting mixed signals of interest but that might just be how she is when she dances. We were both sober so it wasn't alcohol or anything.
>furry trying to justify themselves detected
Do femanons pet their bfs in ur country???
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your gf/ bf forgets your 1 year anniversary despite the fact you made plans and have mentioned the date multiple times , how do you feel?
>would simply use one of several dozen excuses for officially cheating or lining up a new sexual relationship before dumping their current boyfriend so it's not "technically" cheating
Every female does this in 2024. King Andrew Tate was unironically right.
I don't understand how you could EVER have become as confused as you are right now, do you just not read?
>the idea of a woman with over 100 sexual partners ever NOT cheating in a relationship is fucking hilarious
I've known a woman like that. She enjoyed sex; while single she would go out and get laid once or twice a month; but once with a boyfriend she was absolutely loyal. If you'd asked her, she'd probably have said she was waiting for the right guy to come along, but there was no point in being horny the whole time she was waiting. Once the right guy did come along she had zero interest in anyone else.
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If you are temporarily horny enough to have sex with someone on Friday but feel confident that this desire will completely go away in a few days, isn't it a better idea to just resist the urge and masturbate instead? (I suppose that's exactly what many people do)

>Pretend to have accidentally high texted him, and take my desire elsewhere.
>And it would be done in a more timely manner.
Damn, I cannot imagine being in such high demand as a sexual partner that I can't be bothered to wait a few days for sex because I can just find another person tonight.
More power to you, I guess, slay queen etc. etc. But this is like the One Ring temptation levels of power for me. It feels alienating.
Wie geht’s?
Looks like I don't have a partner anymore.
That woman's name? Albert Einstein
Would you date a welder that makes 150,000 a year but is addicted to percocet?
If u press "gut" do you get a beer belly?
that is a gay + muslim + justifies things like a woman + zesty + afraid of books + conman + muh emotions
just basic awareness of how women be does not justify eceleb status
I'd just take it as rejection and stop seeing him.
If we have plans then yes that's shitty, otherwise I don't really care.
>its not cheating if they break up with their BF 10 minutes before hopping on another cock
No you haven't.
I can’t talk to a doctor until Oct 30. And I don’t know what help pills would do. What if I can’t get an erection to begin with due to the pressure of feeling like I need to for the pill to work?
>military combatives training, co-ed
>learning takedowns
>instructor has everyone pair up
>pair up with my friend
>do the takedowns as instructed
>"okay now everyone on this side of the line, shift left"
>very attractive and curvy girl gets shifted to me
>immediately realize we're about to get very personal
>she taunts me "you're not ready to handle me"
>loins begin to stir and brain shuts off
>instructor gives signal, she's first to go
>she immediately squeezes herself against me and tries to lift me
>makes several noises, no dice, just tightly squeezing against me
>help her finish taking me down
>get back up, boner is raging
>my turn
>try my best to do the lift without pressing my member into her
>she shunts her hips forward and mashes my boner, 100% chance she felt it
>perform the takedown quickly
>she gets up with a look of shock on her face
>mutually immediately both petition for new partners
then later
>learning to flip ground holds
>different girl who I've known awhile gets assigned to me
>training move: one person on their back, other on their lap throwing punches, on-back person flips puncher onto their back
>sexual move: reverse cowgirl, then slam hips upward and track arm to force partner into their back
>instructor has everyone flip repeatedly between top and bottom without stopping
>reality: instructed to thrust my hips against this girl's bottom multiple times
>start to chub up, can't help it
>one time really poke her by accident
>she pauses for a moment looking into my eyes, giggles, but doesn't say anything
>repeat the flips a couple times
>she says "you're not gonna flip me this time" and presses herself down into the chub
>brain shuts off looking up at flirty reverse cowgirl
>she ditches the fake punching and puts her hands on my chest lightly
>brain awakes
>flip her way more forcefully
>she lets out a small "woah" in shock
>"oh sorry"
>"nah you're fine, i'm okay"
>stand up from the hold, early
>she just lays there for 30 seconds
I'd be very upset. Break up worthy to me.
Da habe ich leider keine Praxiserfahrung.
Depends on the girl but lets not pretend that there are older women and simps who are telling them to fight against their instincts because if they don't they'll be chained to the kitchen like a slave.
Women are taught a fake past that never existed. Poor women have always worked and had jobs, women couldn't hold property except in some very rare cases. Women were hit and beaten but only amongst the poorer classes, if you were a gentlemen and you hit your wife you'd have social reprecussions unless you were useful for something.
>foid: "it's not actually cheating"
>*already messaging the next guy before the relationship is over*
>*already brainstorming the excuse to leave the current guy*
>foid: "I hate the way you say applesauce"
>*breaks up for the billionth time to meet the next guy*
>*adds yet another tally-mark to her "times I never cheated" journal*
>foid: "promise you'll never cheat on me, boyfriend #1,001"

they're just scared of being treated how they treat men
Women prefer tool & die makers
Fmoids, ever become interested in a friends partner or ex because you learned some intimate details about him?
>nice penis
>good in bed
>stuff like that
bullshit, welding is king
Yeah I have! Her name was Lynn. We used to work together. Plump/curvy, bubbly kind of personality.
toki tosi a ike
They genuinely are often treated that way by the men they choose to date and poach from one another, and vice versa.
Remember the non-judgmental bohemian's mantra: "Sure I knew they were in a relationship, but that's not MY problem, I wasn't the one cheating"
Military has chicks?
>isn't it a better idea to just resist the urge and masturbate instead?
Sex is very different from masturbating. Sex isn't just about the orgasm. In fact, if I were horny and messaging a guy, I'd most likely be craving giving a blowjob or cuddles/kissing.
>But this is like the One Ring temptation levels of power for me. It feels alienating.
It sounds more like you have low libido as a male to me. Scheduling sex instead of addressing desires is something couples with dead bedrooms do.
No, I don't date people who have dated/slept with my friends. My best friend jokes that's why I'm dating an american, had to go to another continent to avoid her exes.
Lynn cheated on every boyfriend she had and just didn't implicitly tell you about it because she wanted you to think she was a "free spirit" while also still being a good person, even though she was just a cheap skank.
I use cutting fluid for cologne, women love dat shiz. All you get is holes in your retinas
Kings literally got bitches killed if they didn't like them. Peasants just had 1 virgin wife they sometimes hit a few times after coming home drunk.
for me, it's gojo
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to add to this, they couldn't do the plans because they were too hungover as well as forgetting.
How about takes the same (prescribed) dose every day and if they don't take it they get horrendously sick?
>hungover as well as forgetting.
instant breakup
Finally realized why women are toxic now:

They're larping as HR ladies
toki Tosi li ike a*
toki pi sona pona. toki wawa a a a
>they were too hungover
So I was dating an alcoholic. More dump fuel.
Forgetting an anniversary as such might be forgivable, but if you've actually discussed the date multiple times, then that really is a thoroughly dickish thing to do. I'd be furious.
In America yep.
If I made it up it would've gone differently. Maybe I would've had sex with both girls in a threesome that night on the excuse of practicing moves. Nope it ended awkwardly in both cases. Story is real
>they were too hungover
Would stab/10
Kings could get away with almost anything unless the masses hated them, a nobleman who struck his wife would likely be challenged to a duel to the death and lose his reputation and standing if he didn't accept.
Hitting a woman in almost any european-based culture ESPECIALLY the ones feminists most bitch about is/was basically the most perilous thing a man can/could do, sometimes even if she hit him first
Why did he leave me? He was the only one I ever had and he knew that and he still left
Ive only ever hung out with my friend while he was with his GF and her friends and those friends always seemed so smitten with him even though Im the single and more attractive one.
to a point yes
Weak genetics. I wouldn't want to date a diabetic or schizo either.
I like good men who make my friends happy, I wouldn't fuck them. My friends are all extremely nice to my bf.00
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Ich auch :c
>Dgw kein karamell-königin gf dass auffordert mich meine Gesicht zwischen sein Oberscheine legen.....
Fuck is this toki pona shit tf. Retard language Esperanto tier
Were you the only one he ever had?
me taso li toki wawa
what about an autist
No but he said he loved me more than anyone and anything
What is your MOS
>Fuck is this toki pona shit tf. Retard language Esperanto tier
Its fun because its easy as fuck to learn and then you can play around with it, its not some sort of replacement language that everyone should speak. Its a "language toy" relax.
how tall are you?
I fell for a lovebomber. Am I too stupid to have a relationship? I just wanted a boyfriend
I don't think drug withdrawal is affected by genetics all that much lmao
>Lynn cheated on every boyfriend she had
She didn't. We were good friends; she told me everything, in more detail than you can possibly imagine! You just don't understand women very well.
Yeah, I don't get the malding over it. If they were malding over the community they'd have a point, but the freak out over the language itself is really weird.
Ladies, if I'm always wrong about women, why should I care about being right?
What do I gain, from being right about a woman or her needs, behaviors, or interests.
What were the circumstances in which he left you?

How did he lovebomb you and what did he get out of it?
it's rough but her problems aren't yours anon, you gotta look out for yourself first. there will be others, trust me
Any sources to this? I always thought it was a better time and you could get a prime virgin wife who wouldn't talk back at you.
I was chair force aircrew, we were going through SERE training (which has a combatives section)
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another layer: Despite the fact you feel very disrespected, you still love her and know it will feel very bad when you break up, you also have no friends, how do you prepare for this?
Gender? What possible reasons would a female friend have for not helping me get a date?
Just want to accompany her when she meets her friends and then go my own way if I dont end up having any good convos.
>Why did he leave me?
I don't know, anon, but I'm sorry. Why did he say he left?
>German calling any language retarded
She would lose her source of attention if you got a gf.
>I fell for a lovebomber. Am I too stupid to have a relationship? I just wanted a boyfriend
Most people do that once. Most don't make the same mistake twice. I'm sure you won't either.
>Doesn’t list MOS
Yeah, your larp? it’s over
F. I don't like you that much and I don't want to spend time with you outside of what is necessary, the hang out is for me and my friends only, I don't think my friends would like you or you're not the type I want my friends to date.
She wants to hang out with her friends without you salivating over them.
Autism doesn't require medication to get by so sure.
>I don't think drug withdrawal is affected by genetics
Addictive personality is peak genetic failure. I do not want to date an addict ever. Don't @ me if you can't control yourself around substances, physical or non.
we warned you about unvirgins...
>How did he lovebomb you and what did he get out of it?
My affection. And we almost had sex
I'm so sick of making mistakes. Why was he the only man to show interest in me in years? What am I doing wrong that no one fucking really likes me? I try hard to be a good and well rounded person but it gets me no where
Why do I want to be sexually degraded by a man? Legitimate question
You dug your own grave, now lie in it.
How joyful does it make you knowing that the men you dislike (incels) are also the most likely to kill themselves?
How would you be his friend if that was true?
>Why was he the only man to show interest in me in years?
Have you shown interest in any men in that time?
toki pona seems cool even if not the best conlang, and I meant to learn it, but I can't motivate myself
maybe I'll learn wenja instead and just talk to myself
Ass is the working man's choice. Any woman can have an incredible ass simply with hard work. Tits are just a genetic lottery.
You know your place and your brain rewards being there.
Is this true? Do girls actually care about this?
Fearful attatchment
>Why do I want to be sexually degraded by a man? Legitimate question
Were you brought up religious?
>she COULDN'T have lied-by-omission to me because she overshared her sex life like a typical gossiping inconsiderate whore
>women are incapable of artifice with each other
Women are truly awful.
how do I actually do that, I dont know if I'm strong enough to cope
there are no MOS in the chair force retard. it's AFSC. maybe you're jealous that a chair forcer went through your precious SERE (easy) and you didn't?
Yes, I approached guys, I went out, I got on apps. All I got was ghosted or rejections. I know I could try harder but I get emotionally burnt out really fast. I form attachments and am bad at the "Date but be able to let go quickly and move on" thing that apps require
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You ever feel like you just want to re-experience a book, game, show or other type of media for the first time?
Depends but those things are not mutually exclusive.
Gender roles means lots of things are expected of both genders instead of nothing sane being expected of anyone.
Trash goes in the trashcan.
I don't like every person I'm friendly with that much, at least not to the point I'd want to invite them to hang out with my friends.
Maybe stop using sociopath normie apps and use something with longer term success rate like eharmony or whatever "serious people dating" sites they have.
>die makers
Can you make 20 siders?
Not even you cared about the reprocussions of your actions. Why expect that from others?
In fairness, romance languages are very autistic at expressing any actual real life action more complex than a single robotic movement compared to German/English
Does having small boobs make me a chestlet?
Isn’t there paperwork you should be doing
Can tell you weren't.
I didn't think she would do this, suppose I shouldn't trust others, my own fault for ever doing so, despite knowing her for so long.
Yes, when something is really really good. I got that for the video game Outer Wilds and the book series My Brilliant Friend.
Huh? Can you explain more or is this just a dumb label
Well, I'd love to help, but without knowing you better, it's hard to say what might be going wrong.... Men can be quite shallow, so if you're not conventionally attractive, that could be an issue. I don't know what you're like when you haven't just been dumped, but on the whole men like women who are fun and easy to hang out with. Maybe you come across as a bit intense or sad? Do you have platonic friends, or do you have trouble with that too?
since i can't make you like me i'd prefer if you hated me to at least provoke a reaction in you and feel less invisible. how can i make you hate me?
What's your relationship with your father like?
Question for men.

Why do you want kissless untouched virgins, but also want to have rough kinky porn sex?

This isn't some loaded question about forcing men to settle with blown out whores. I just genuinely don't get this and feel really insecure about getting into a relationship because it seems like guys who want tradwives would leave me for being frigid or prude for not wanting to get strangled, be verbally degraded or do anal.
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I am a voicecel. It’s over
I'm only 23 I don't think guys my age use those things
It's so satisfying when the muscle memory kicks in. It's like not knowing you can run a 3 minute mile.
>Can tell you weren't
A degradation fetish tends to come from sexual guilt. Just wondering why she might have felt guilty about wanting sex. Religion is a common explanation.
I don't have any advice for you, since I'm in the same situation. It's very frustrating.
>I form attachments
At least you can manage that. I struggle to feel any chemistry or attachment at all to men on dates.
i left the military years ago. "fool me once". i make more than double what i did in uniform and have the freedom to quit my job and go elsewhere! (to make more money!)
no woman will ever love you voicelet, time to become one
>Outer Wilds
A masterpiece.

Good relationship with my dad
Some kinks are fun
I sometimes want to experience something 'like' I've experienced before, but I typically yearn for fresh and new experiences.
When you were growing up, were you made to believe that there was something wrong wth wanting sex?
And you arrived at the dubious conclusion men looking for traditional relationships are MORE likely to want to choke and assfuck you than the pickup artist guys HOW exactly?
I'm out of touch with what the youth are doing
>being a boy and getting molested by a hot teacher seems like it would be cool
>everyone its happened to says it was traumatic
I don't get it honestly
People with triple digit IQs tend to take sex seriously, not really bound to religiosity.
already knew I was, weird because my father has an incredibly deep voice as well as my uncle, I dont remember any male family members being high pitched, 23 and I wonder if it will decrease with age
>how can i make you hate me?
Say something that makes it clear you are part of the incel belief system.
Kill yourself, pedophile.
A lot of musically inclined japanese people seem to like toki pona for w/e reason
The best way I learned was just using it and fucking it up constantly, its probably one of the few languages where you can just learn the basics and just "go".
There are even cheat sheets for it that are 2 pages or less like
>Why do you want kissless untouched virgins,
I don't.
no way you are above 5 foot tall
>wants to fuck older women when I was a teenage boy
not how it works
No, but my parents never talked about it with me. I also had unrestricted access to the internet at an early age
>male leaning into his pure horny dream with fantasy is blind
>people that most often didn't have idealistic experiences of the exact situation are traumatized
The state of men.
>wants to fuck
There is the divide between molestation and sex, you dumb fuck.
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Are there women out there with a thing for the unsexed or a fantasy about being a mans first?
Ive come to terms with the fast that I have never had sex despite my age and I figure I should try being more honest about it but only if the pros outweigh the cons.
I have platonic friends but not a lot. I am not very attractive which is a fair assumption but I try to make up for it with personality. I'm always kind and listen well, I try to be funny. But I'm not that smart or witty
I wouldn't really care. It might put me off just a tiny bit if I was into her though. Other than that, I don't really care, it's none of my business
That website is fucked. I have quite a deep voice, but it registered me as 238Hz.
Because they are kissless untouched virgins who like rough kinky porn sex. I disagree with those men but I don't really see why you'd think those are mutually exclusive. Virgins are usually kinkier than people with healthy sex lives
State gender. Should the people taxed be allowed to vote on how it is spent?
It’ll affect how that boy sees relationships for the rest of his life. Not a good thing
>I have quite a deep voice
It can tell that your natural voice is higher and you deepen it for the internet.
I had the same problem, where i didn't really form a crush on anyone. I figured Ijust couldn't force it. But clearly if someone manipulates me in just the right way I'll like them. I am ashamed of myself and disappointed and kind of disgusted. I thought I knew better
I have never seen a 6/10 woman date a 6/10 man unless they were in close-knit community
Cause usually the women are fat and ugly and smell bad. Nobody complains when it's a beautiful late 20s girl, but they do when is some 50 year old hag that smells like shit 24/7
Fuck no, wtf?
I am a youth and I'm out of touch with it
Your face when a female can sing deeper than you could ever talk
Kinks are degenerate and were originally pushed by literal queers
vocaroo or it doesn't count
>I thought I knew better
Yes. I felt the same way for years after staying with an abusive man who lovebombed me. I was with him for 4 years. Consider yourself lucky that you got out quickly.

But it's been 7 years since I saw him last and I still haven't found a boyfriend. I hope you have better luck than me.
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Got checked out by an African lady wearing African dress or whatever the other day.

Why did it feel better than normal?
The exotic Ness? Colonizer gene??
>49 hz
the autism voice
Definitely not a biological one
Are you saying this based on real life experience, or are you assuming based on smut you saw on the internet?
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Let's go.
woah rare cat
>t. I don't know shit about cats
>Why would anyone want a failure like me other than to take advantage of?
I'm a failure too. I'm a friendless khhv NEET diagnosed with aspergers and I would feel more comfortable with a failure gf because then I won't feel so much like a deadweight and i could somewhat relate to them

But even if I were not a loser, you don't get that men don't really look for any of that in women in general. That's more of what women look for in men. They care about if a man has a job and money and experience and social status. It's not so much a problem if you're a woman. So don't worry too much. men just want someone to hold at night because they get lonely. Unless they're fuckboys, then they just care about hedonistic pleasures
Have you considered that men are a heterogeneous group that contains some individuals who want untouched virgins, some individuals who want rough, kinky porn sex, some who want both, some who want none?

Also, you need to consider that a lot of this virgin talk is a form of collective bargaining for mate access. Men denigrate women for their sexual past in order to lower their self-esteem and thus their mate value on the market in order to make them accessible to them. Not consciously of course, but that is part of the reason why this is done. In that regard, you shouldn't take too seriously what men say on the internet (the same goes for women too, of course).
If lovebombing works, can i just do that to get a gf? (and not abuse her)
>Why do you want kissless untouched virgins,
I don't since I am neither insecure nor a manipulator.
I'm sorry he hurt you. 4 years is a long time and I hope you've found peace. It's hard to feel normal after something like this

It validates your subconscious belief that you are not good or respectable enough for men, but you still crave their affection even if it means intense vulnerability
lol she liked the 'abuse' if it was 4 years
I am ugly as fuck but god damn my skin looks nice
Men and women, what's your skincare routine?
Do your friends have any thoughts on why you can't find a boyfriend?

>I try to make up for it with personality. I'm always kind and listen well, I try to be funny. But I'm not that smart or witty.
Well, I certainly wouldn't end up dating you because I am absurdly much too old for you and you'd run a mile :o) but back when I was of more typical 4chan age I think I would have been happy to try dating someone like that.
>Why would anyone want a failure like me other than to take advantage of?
Because they can't get any better.
>But even if I were not a loser, you don't get that men don't really look for any of that in women in general.
Absolute rubbish. Men might not care about a woman being a loser for purely sexual relationships, but they're immensely picky when it comes to relationships.
the differentness/exoticness popped out in your head probably
Rub body and face with bar of soap, rinse.
Sometimes I'll wear sunscreen if I'm going to be in the sun for longer than a couple hours
>Men might not care about a woman being a loser for purely sexual relationships, but they're immensely picky when it comes to relationships.
The men women care about are - because they can afford it.
do females always get angry and violent a couple days after ovulating
Women can be trained to like anything. Once I have a virgin wife, her opinions are shaped by my own. If I get sloppy seconds then that means another man has trained her and she's not truly mine.
>The only foreplay she enjoys is kissing, and I've gotten sick of it. I don’t really get much out of kissing in general, and I'm losing the erection power it had over me because it's all we can really do. She doesn't like dirty talk, blowjobs, handjobs, etc. She only likes when cum is on her lower body area or hypothetically inside her. I try fingering her, but she can’t really cum on her own. She doesn’t know why, but it’s something she’s envious about; she's always jealous that I can cum. I have offered to eat her out several times, and she says maybe, but we never follow up on it. I suck on her boobs. I'm attracted to her enough to stay with her for two years despite the lack of real sex, though admittedly, I am growing tired of how cynical she can be about things.
>She is often wet because she's almost always "gooey”
Kiss me baby.
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Wew lad I'm an accentcel and a voicecel :D
too much text for my adhd brain
>Do your friends have any thoughts on why you can't find a boyfriend?
We don't really talk about it. I think they feel bad for me

I have one friend who says I'm pretty and that I'll find a good guy but I think she's just gassing me up
>are travelling women easy to get with?
Not really. Not any more than any other group of women, with the exception that they're a lot more amenable to short term things.
Definitely not worth travelling just to fuck.
What accent is that
She also keeps the DNA of the men she fucked, so your future children could have different genes combined with yours if you married a non-virgin.
>men just want someone to hold at night because they get lonely
They want a wife
I am shit
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>>31956766 (Me)
I just looked up 174 hz and apparently my voice is a good frequency for "pain relief", I don't know how true that is or not but that's my cope.
Mutt accent
>Men might not care about a woman being a loser for purely sexual relationships, but they're immensely picky when it comes to relationships
No, that's rubbish
Well, sort of

Men are picky when it comes to relationships, but those are not the traits they consider. Some might, but not in general. You are projecting your own sexual attraction onto men, when it doesn't apply. When men are choosing a partner, generally they look for women who are trustworthy, loyal, physically attractive and what ever personality they are attracted to. I'm telling you, they won't judge you on having no friends or a job or so and so. Don't worry about it
I just started growling
Omg uwu
>I am shit
Plenty of shitty guys out there. And even some not-so-shitty guys who are just desperate.
sometimes I use facial cleanser I bought but usually just hot water in the shower.

sometimes i squeeze out my nose pores and stuff comes out but i try to avoid that
upload a vocaroo of that :^)
can confirm, am shit
No wonder foids are upset they all sound like piccolo.
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cant even stand the sound of my own voice
>Men and women, what's your skincare routine?

In the morning, wash my face, apply hydrating/antiaging serum, apply sunscreen.
In the evening, wash my face, apply retinol and moisturizer.
The voice thing is the same as looks, if you actually have a good deep voice, people would tell you that often enough that it almost becomes annoying.
such as what? ummmm. i think all women after 35 are useless!
I asked ChatGPT what sounds in nature 174hz is close to and it said owls hooting and the buzz of bumblebees. Mine was finches/sparrows singing at 264hz
I use cera ve before i shower at night
I like soft medium range deep voices.
Through 4chan. A lot of guys who prefer traditional relationships believe women innately want to be degraded and hurt. It's not true but it seems like porn has brainwashed a lot of people.

I wouldn't want to be with someone who's that controlling, I'm just talking about normal, average men. Women are capable of independent thought and I would never agree to pain or nearly dying just to sexually please a guy.
My voice sounds smooth and masculine in the morning but by the evening it's weird and nasally
you should become a vtuber
Do females gossip about rejecting guys?
>just want to tell her Ive always had a thing for her and make lots of effort to avoid anyone clueing in to this
>fear of her telling other people is what keeps me
What were the results of your psychological evaluation?
Should do metal
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I'm a guy, I'm dating is a girl; so maybe would be really nice if one or more girls could give me some advice?
We had a good thing going for a few months, but 2 days ago she started acting more cold and stand offish, she has diagnosed autism, and I know some times it can be too much for her to handle a new job and stuff, last we spoke was yesterday and she basically just replied "ok" all the times I tried to get her to open up.
My question is:
should I just move on and take as a hint she doesn't want to date me anymore?(even if she never said those words, i think actions speak louder)
should I give her more space? if so how much would it be appropriate, its been 24h+-
I literally have not seen any medical professional since I was 15
Hell yeah
I love my androgynous-ish voice
same as me, mid ranged.
You will
I know I need to. I wonder if I have any vitamin deficiencies.
Why do birds suddenly appear every time you're near
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
just like me they want to be vocaroo
In the first world that isnt a thing
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>>31956766 (Me)
Kek, I sang and it just went up higher to the "improved creativity" wavelength. KEK
caution cringe and bad singing below, plz no bulli
I like bees so that fits my autism perfectly
You have vitamin A poisoning from eating undercooked polar bear meat.
Is it possible for extremely introverted and poorly socialised people to form connections with people?
Yes. I adopted one. He's sleeping holding my ankle.
What a faggot, no wonder you are here
It is very common in the America.
Gender? How much of a turn off would it be if she is ready to get plowed but I want to take things at a more gradual pace cause I dont know what the hell Im doing.
What's the website
I cri ebri tiem
Why have you abandoned the worship of your creator, and instead chosen to worship creatures?
I wanna know how to do this too, I have no friends, no family and soon no gf, I am also autistic.
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Fmoids, which one are you?
you are a faggot, you always just blindly put people down in these threads. he sounds fine
NB, I would try to negotiate with my partner in this situation about what she wants and if we can come to an agreement about pacing that works for both of us.
F. This is why you need to be upfront about your sexual history. I'd find it cute being with an inexperienced guy. But if you're implying you're experienced, it would be quite jarring thinking I'm going to get railed and turns out you didn't know what you were doing. Off-putting.
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Real answer: she will think you think she's ugly because every other man is trying to fuck her. Females create their own problems in dating, they say how men are only after sex, but have 0 patience if a man actually wants to get to know them. They are dumb bitches in most cases. If you're an adult man and didn't find a good gf in high school at the latest, you never will.
post your voice so I can judge you too
Wouldn't it be better if we slept together?
I have a shower every 3 days. It seems to work for me
Between 3 and 4.
If you cut them horizontally at the rib.
I'm a 3 top with a 6 bottom.
M, I want to shower with you so we can gently pet each other's penises while gazing admiringly into each other's eyes
I don't look like any of those. 2 or 3 I guess?
6 or 7
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Are you saying that if you did have a solo orgasm anyway, would you still be just as horny after?

I think you misunderstand.
I was once in this exact situation. I was in the middle of a tabletop game session with my friends when I got a text from a girl inviting me over. I abandoned the game immediately and went to see her.
I didn't feel comfortable inconveniencing my friends (we had made plans to do a specific activity after all); I also was a bit shocked by the request, perhaps I would have preferred a bit more time to prepare emotionally.
Still, I set off to her place immediately because I felt like asking her for a raincheck would make her feel insufficiently desired and so no longer interested.

If the situation was reversed and I was the one inviting her, and she asked me to postpone for a few days for the exact same reasons, I would have totally agreed to. I like to think I have nonzero self-respect and would not jump through arbitrarily many hoops for a crumb of pussy, but waiting a few days would not be a big deal even if I was ultra horny.

The idea that I wouldn't have to wait those few days because I could just text the next woman in line and get laid tonight is unimaginable, and that's what I call alienating about that femanon's experience.
Which craft is being used against you.....
Lmao, it's over men.
Lesbians win.
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Ok, that's... good to know... I think
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Just tell her how you're feeling. I sometimes don't respond to people for a couple days but it's not because I don't love them.
Why do you think so?
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Mating call for femanon
I might like you better if we slept together
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Did someone step on your balls or something? Are you gonna be ok?
sounds very worshippable
Yup not a biological woman
Our statements do not contrast
Hey you're the feminine guy.
You will be masturbated.
>Are you saying that if you did have a solo orgasm anyway, would you still be just as horny after?
Yes. I wouldn't be satisfying the urge at all.

How did it go with her that night, in the end? Was it fun? Did she continue asking you around?
4, I need to lose weight
No I can just reach high octaves because I use to make a lot of high pitched noises as a kid and just never grew out of it.
the fuck... you sound more effeminate than me and I had 114hz.
How does it make you feel that I am going to masturbate you?
Yes I will plap African tribal queens
This is not news to me.
he doesn't sound effeminate whatsoever.
Are you saying you would interpret it as an intentional polite rejection on his part? Or that you wouldn't be interested anymore even if he was being honest about the postponing?

You've waited this long.
I've never used viagra so I'm not sure, but my impression that helping men with psychologically induced ED is a typical use case for the drug. So it's reasonably likely that it will work.
What if all 3 of us take a bath together? The guy with the smallest dick sits in the middle.
Your voice is very soft but nice! I’d listen to an audiobook narrated by you
Aesthetic voice bro, I sound like Jordan Peterson fucked Kermit the Frog and had me.
>Are you saying you would interpret it as an intentional polite rejection on his part?
Yeah. Unless his mother is on her death bed or something, I'd take it as a "no, thanks".
KEK, can we all just make wolf noises now?
>many hoops for a crumb of pussy
You're treating sex both too casually and too uncasually.
Like that line is usually meant for casual relationships, not serious ones.
But the scheduling sex thing is way too uncasual and very unromantic/robotic feeling.
The real reaction you should have getting a text for sex while in the middle of a long activity is to finish the activity and then go get the pussy.
It's ok to say "let me finish up this task that'll take like X time and I'll be right with you." But it's really unattractive if you have such a relationship where you go "Hey, I hear you, but I will not get back to you in 3-5 buisness days."
Sure, we can all jack each other off and kiss. I can go for that.
Rate Dutch accent pls
wrong link Verstappen
Fuck kanker handy
Also where is this quote from?
You actually got kinda close
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it's over
I thought that was only if you ate the liver
i imagined you saying this in a cartoonishly high voice lolol
If I explicitly ask a long term friend for a real date will she say yes/no or will she ask for some sort of explanation?
>Aussie detected
What does it signify about her posture toward you if a woman openly talks about using her sex toys around you?

I've identified the following as possibilities:
>She thinks you're gay so it's safe to mention to you so you won't get off on it
>She trusts you as a friend and sees you as a safe guy to talk about intimate things around
>She's opening the floor for you to flirt or mention that you like the thought in hopes that it leads to something
>She has no social skills or sense of appropriate behavior, so she's casually mentioning using a sex toy without thinking about how it might be interpreted
How can we know this without knowing the woman

What do you think of this

I'm not dutch but you should flemish :^)
as in you have a lot of flem in your throat.
it's over


it's goethe
The quality is shit
I think both men and women focus way too much on the whole "Im So FuCkEd Up, I nEvEr HaD sEx!" Everyone needs to chill out and just improve themselves.
I have a prophesy about your phuture. Tomorrow, after noon, you shall feast upon canned soup! It is a prophesy. It is ur destiny.
Look, i'm not interested in sitting in a bath in the middle of two fellahs trying to pet my penis. I'm sorry, but I have to decline
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Fuck how did you know
Not a Belgian barbarian tho
Yeah I've never practiced desu
Improving yourself won't lead to sex though. That's just some bullshit people say to distract you and take your mind off the important task of getting laid.
I meant sound flemish, not "should flemish".
I'm not going to listen to twenty minutes of her rambling but I'm fairly certain she'll have plenty of suitors in her comments - none of whom will be good enough for her.
You can't improve yourself without having sex though
I didn't know my soulmate was real. too bad she's probably being fucked by chad now that she made this video
You don't self-improve to have sex, you self-improve to feel better and have a more positive outlook to life and in turn attracts friends, opportunities, and maybe a gf/bf to you.
Only thing having sex improves is being better at sex.
I'm saving all of your vocaroos because I can't listen to them tight now
>already deleted
Jeez you're such a fucking pussy.
>cute in selfies and videos
>disgustingly ugly in the mirror (especially at work)
how to fix
You and her hypothetical partner could be DP'ing her, and then later you and "Chad" could jack each other off while she takes turns pegging each of you in the anus with a vibrating strap on.
Maybe it's what anglos gravitate towards naturally, flemish accent. I know it's easier to do a southern bavarian/Austrian accent on accident than standard german.

Will look up Dutch accents
So you're responding to a different question than the one being asked. The question wasn't about how to self-improve, it was how to end up in a situation where you're likely to have sex. Your response is classic deflection because you want to act like you're being helpful but you're actually just choosing not to answer the actual question.

I want you to fucking sit on that for a moment.
I can't watch this video in my country
I mean flemish is basically just more germanic english.
Lol, you're still in the coping stages.
It's censored due to having Nazi themes
Look dude I find having your goal in life being "having sex" as pathetic, so it really isn't deflection. I think people put way too much importance on it and I'm saying that as a virgin myself.
Doesn't matter because its cope that is pushing me forward and not having me wallow in emotion.
do you not realize how many ripped body posters on /fit/ are still virgins?
I'd imagine you'd be a little more hesitant to throw out accusations after being annihilated by the chair forcer but maybe you are lacking in self awareness.
Yeah, I'm one of them kek.
So you're owning the fact that when someone asks a question, you don't answer it and instead spout a bunch of bullshit. Great, thanks for wasting digital ink and hot air saying a bunch of nothing.
>Doesn't matter because its cope that is pushing me forward and not having me wallow in emotion.
I was just like you a few years ago.
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I don't like standing out.

If you’re older than 30 and haven’t had sex, you are fucked up tho lol. 98% of the world population has had sex by 30
What are you like now? Masturbating in your own feces in your mom's basement while shitposting on incel forums?
>you didn't answer the way I liked and now I'm having a tantrum
Sorry you didn't like the answer bruh.
How's it going for you? Hopefully not wallowing right?
Female here.
That is what I want.
I want that type of femcel.
You suck dick for coke?
Painfully boring woman
It's too late. The immersion has been broken

it is kinda good though btw. Do your best girl laugh
>you self-improve to feel better and have a more positive outlook to life
A positive outlook to life is much more subject to heritable traits than objective measurements of success.

At the end of the day, this idea that people need to "improve" to a certain level in order to be deserving of relationships is simply a falsehood. There are plenty of people out there - in particular among the lower strata of society whose lives are by any realistic metric complete messes and who are not on track to make them better, who are dating, marrying, having children, and so on - and often more successfully than the ever worrying bourgeois types who are mentally trapped in self-improvement spirals and paralysing FOMO preventing them from even trying.
I'm mid-30s and I don't care, I chose my path and I knew what I was in for.
I had my first sex at 32, I'd had people, mostly women, around me who wanted to have sex with me or dreamed of having sex with me before but they didn't tell me until years later after they were already married with kids lol
Why is Frankfurt so ghetto
>You suck dick for coke?
Not recently.
Saw my boyfriend and now I'm having the worst break outs of my life. What?
You sound like you are a mid 40s DND DM.
Because it's not the answer to the question that anon asked. It's a complete redirect. What's wrong with you?
Do the berserk intro please
It's like riding a bike.
>A positive outlook to life is much more subject to heritable traits than objective measurements of success.
Not in my experience, like default outlook sure, but there are things you can do in your life to improve your outlook.
>You need to improve to be in a relationship
I never said that, I just said that it will improve how you feel about yourself and your life and you'll be more likely to attract what you want.
>You sound like you are a mid 40s DND DM
Not a million miles away!
Something will happen where reality hits you in the face and you drop that "POSITIVE THINKING, MUST SELF-IMPROVE" act. It's a fucking cult at this point.
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You sound like if I made bbno$ as a sim.
It's an STD
Can any swissanons here give an honest view of their country. Mostly the bad since every rides dick on the safety and richness of swizterland
Nothing wrong with a redirect unless your autistic, bro.
Doubt it I'm in my mid-30s, just accept that I've transcended your level of thinking :^)
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Mid 30s and you never had sex? No wife and no kids?
Yeah that anon is a windbag and a cunt.
Did Sisyphus have sex?
You already missed your prime years. Enjoy your cope
If you had to take a short answer exam that asked you a question, would you respond to it by writing the answer to a different question? No, you would not.
>It's like riding a bike.
It's... really not.
Great voice, you honestly might consider the stage
Nope, I don't regret it either, like I said I knew what I was in for when I choose this life in my early 20s.
An exam is way different than a casual question, friendo.
Boring, everyone is obsessed with their image. It does not make sense.
ffs I'm thirsty.
Even in a "casual" question, you don't respond to that question with the answer to a different question unless you are intentionally being an asshole and trying to stir shit.
I thought this too.
"I just can't be bothered" seems to be her entire attitude to anything. Virginity is probably the least of her problems?

This was 5 years ago:
At apparently 21 years old, she had the same attitude already, maybe even worse back then.
Not him. I’m a 34 year old virgin tho. I will die a virgin. I think religion is stupid, but I’ve thought about practicing Islam in the hope that if this religion is real, that I will gain 72 virgin gfs when I die
Like I said, sorry you didn't like the answer.
It wasn't an answer to the question being asked, and you know that. Take ownership of your faults and admit that what you did was wrong, or fuck off.
>your an asshole or trying to stir shit if you answer the question in an unexpected way
holy autism...
If your christian and die a virgin you go to heaven instantly.
>Great voice, you honestly might consider the stage
Thank you! In my distant youth I used to do quite a lot of amateur acting, but not for many years now. My gf likes it when I read her poems, though.
Why are you taking this so personally anon? Did I hit a nerve somewhere? Is this some sort of roundabout way to not improve yourself? Is this some sort of elaborate cope?
>huge family gathering for a birthday tomorrow
>sister of my sisters husband I have a huge crush on will be there too
how do I not sperg out. I was thinking of just avoiding any interaction by either going out of my way to be busy helping around or just pretending to be busy
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>femanon is the breadwinner in our relationship
So Suburbs: the country?

What do you think of Austria? I've heard they're chiller and friendlier than germans

Pretty sure the 72 virgins are like 72 virtues of the higher mind (I think Freud called it superego)
So she is your sister-in-law? That's incest anon...
>there are things you can do in your life to improve your outlook
The question is to which extent. Some people will be discontent no matter what, some people will be content with very little.

>you'll be more likely to attract what you want
That is my point. If you have this mindset that you need to reach a certain level in order to be able to attract a certain level, you are thinking in terms of optimising numbers rather than meeting people and seeing whether you are compatible with them at a personal level - which will take time and effort. By the time you consider yourself good enough (and if you have low self-esteem you might as well never reach that point) years might pass; even more years might pass until you meet someone you are compatible. Women are well capable of telling whether you are on a good trajectory. They don't require you to be fully established in order to consider you worthwhile. More than often this self-improvement talk is just an excuse for avoidant behaviour and procrastination.
cor, imagine having a family, sounds like a nice time

> Captcha: GAY HG
Just popped a bunch of pimples because I'm having a meltdown period and a relapse and got invited out. Lol I'm going to have four thousand scabs on my face
The only reason you'd want attention with a personality like that is hoping someone is going to slap you into shape somehow. What's your interest in her anyway? M or F?
State your sex and answer this
Would you fuck any of your first, second or third cousins?

I certainly wouldn't. I'm not some fucking creep. But I mean... if they weren't my cousins... some of them yeah probably
she's the sister of the guy my sister married
>The question is to which extent. Some people will be discontent no matter what, some people will be content with very little.
True and being discontent isn't guaranteed to motivate you, but neither is being content guaranteed to demotivate you.
>That is my point. If you have this mindset that you need to reach a certain level in order to be able to attract a certain level, you are thinking in terms of optimising numbers rather than meeting people and seeing whether you are compatible with them at a personal level - which will take time and effort.
I never said that, but improving yourself will make you happier overall and the likelihood of you getting what you want will improve. I'm not saying that by improving yourself there is a 100% chance you'll get laid at a certain point, but if your obviously unhappy with your life or an aspect of it you can always just start with yourself.
>hoping someone is going to slap you into shape somehow
I don't see how somebody else could do that for her.

>What's your interest in her anyway?
I would say "none", since I just watched 2 minutes of the video the OP posted and then did a quick look at the oldest video on her channel.
Yeah, Sister-in-law, its incest-by-marriage/law, that's a thing in some places.
What's your interest in her?
She seems to have very negative self-talk and it comes out by how she talks about herself and how she is constantly finding nitpicks, faults, or things to complain about.
nigger girl can you make a vocaro sayign nigger in a cute way
I have a first cousin once removed who used to be very hot. Haven't seen her in a long time, though.
But why? Wouldn't it make more sense for us to live in a world where we treated sex like we do other activities (not necessarily as something totally meaningless and unimportant, but not as something worth abandoning all other plans over)?
If you asked him out on a coffee date instead on similarly short notice, and he asked to reschedule for convenience reasons, you wouldn't assume he had no interest, right?

>How did it go with her that night, in the end? Was it fun? Did she continue asking you around?
Long story!
It was weird. I was very nervous, also she was pretty noticeably drunk (I myself had a beer or two) and I had doubts about whether I might be taking advantage of her. I decided she seemed lucid enough (in case you're wondering: much later I raised this issue with her and she said she totally knew what she was doing, didn't regret it and that I made the right judgment call here).
I might have preferred to take it slow but she went for my pants pretty much immediately. I got a bj and we went to bed.
The strangeness of it all didn't make it all that fun on a physical level but it was good to feel desired.

We did continue to be FWB for a while and then transitioned into normal dating. She was always very eager to do sex stuff, once she even called me an Uber because she was so impatient to go down on me.
But then she had an unexpected family tragedy, wanted space to grieve, and later revealed to me that she realized she was a lesbian after all (she mostly dated women before and after me), and was only temporarily attracted to men due to the influence of alcohol and strong psychiatric drugs. This still seems unbelievable but I don't see why she would be lying about it.
We are on good terms. She insists (more than would be necessary for pure politeness) that I was the best boyfriend EVER and that she would totally have stayed with me if she was straight. I haven't had sex with anyone since.
>improving yourself will make you happier overall
As I said: I don't see a lot of evidence for that. Typically, people revert to their base-level of happiness pretty soon. Very few things in life permanently improve ones happiness.

>I'm not saying that by improving yourself there is a 100% chance you'll get laid at a certain point
My point is: improving yourself is unrelated to getting laid. Trying to get laid is related to getting laid. You have already made up your mind that you're not going to get laid if you don't first do this or that - but that is already a wrong premise.
You sound like this girl at my work
There's a way better one out there than that one, I don't know why youtube keeps putting that one up when there is a better one out there
I don't work in a company.
>As I said: I don't see a lot of evidence for that. Typically, people revert to their base-level of happiness pretty soon. Very few things in life permanently improve ones happiness.
Never happened to me I only got happier over time and more motivation to fix other things in my life.
Not believable though. But still pretty good
not sure how the law is over here, I just have the biggest crush on her and im trying to get over it
3rd cousin, yeah i would, we're removed enough that genetically it doesn't matter. But women are generally more nitpicky about shit like this
That's fine. In any case, if your ultimate goal is trying to get laid, finding a partner, or something like that, you should be working towards that goal. Whatever self-improvement you're doing is unrelated to that and can be done while in a relationship or attempting to find one.
how do you have the attention span for paragraphs of coherent sequences of events
There needs to be more toki pona vocaloid songs
Any sisters?
>if your ultimate goal is trying to get laid, finding a partner
It isn't
It's very simple, just don't be a zoomer with the adhd mental illness.
Calm down, I'm just bisexual.
I would never want my vagina to be a penis.
I would, however, peg you.
thank you for the idea, but I think its best to do it tomorrow, maybe giving her some time might be good too
If it is your goal at all then. If at some point you would like to attain that sort of thing. Then you should consider specifically working towards that goal.
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>But it's really unattractive if you have such a relationship where you go "Hey, I hear you, but I will not get back to you in 3-5 buisness days."
I figured as much, that's why I would behave as you recommend and clear my schedule.
It does, however, hurt my pride a little that, when it comes to sex, what would be a totally reasonable accommodation for me (i.e. letting her postpone a bit) would be a total dealbreaker for her. That makes it feel like the sex is a concession from her to me. That's not a turn on!
I can't do any of that.
Say something horny
Nah pegging is where I draw the line. But you can stigya fingers up my butt though
Probably not, I'm a genetic dead end but sometimes when a door is closed to you, you go through another door only to find there is a window that allows you to bypass that door you can climb through, life isn't this autistic straight line people like to make it out to be.
My brother fucked our 3rd cousin and when he found out about it he felt sick about it but she was obsessed with him and was really cool with it. He dumped her and she had a fit about it and lied that he hit her and then dropped the lie

So, I don't know if women care that much
your voice is sexy in general, I can just tell.
Silly JH.
My second cousin wanted to fugg but I said no
M. What does it matter?
Why do you think it would make you a creep? If we go far back, all of you are family. Whether they're your first, second, third, fourth, etc., degree cousin is pretty much irrelevant.
Genetics wise fugging 1st cousins is pretty safe, we are built that way for a reason. Anything closer is dangerous but if it happens once or twice it doesn't really damage the individuals or the gene pool that badly. Especially a modern one.
How do I find out If I am ugly? I'm 19.
That's a sad life. But you already missed out on sex in your prime years.
>I would, however, peg you
I don't know what to say. Why is everyone trying to rape and sexually assault me ITT?
I don't see it as sad, its just the way life is for some people. Like I said, I chose this life and I have no regrets so don't feel bad for me.
>Babe, I love you!
>Sorry, whore, but fucking my 32th degree cousin would make a creep. Yikes!
Cuz ur so submissive and breedable
jk no homo
Women would you rather have your man have a cock that runs perpendicular to his body or parallel. Why?
NTA. It matters because 12.5% of your genes are identical to a first cousin, but only 0.78% identical to a third cousin. If you have a child with a first cousin there's a significant risk of damaging recessive genes coming together.
Because it's the thread where you ask men and women and blah
>Why do you think it would make you a creep?
Cus lusting after your cousins is kinda creepy
But yeah, it doesn't do much harm genetically unless it is generation after generation. But 3rd - 4th cousins is genetically the most healthiest, but it's still kinda weird. But I do have some good looking and nice cousins and if they were not related to me I would probably ask them out
>Why is everyone trying to rape and sexually assault me ITT?
It's all you're good for.
12.5% isn't that bad
And I am telling you: there are millions people who are probably worse off than you - if only due to a lack of cognitive ability - who didn't know they were genetic dead ends who were required to self-improve and become respectable citizens to gain the right to find a partner, have sex, etc. - who in absence of that knowledge did it anyway.
You seem to think that your lack of romantic success is tied to low social status, and by raising your social status opportunities will magically open up to you, but that is not the case. The only thing that can get you laid, the only thing that can help you find a partner is trying to get laid and looking for a partner.
And there is no self-improvement hurdle you need to take in order to be allowed to do that.

As I said earlier: what is really holding you back is your insecurity. You use your self-improvement as an excuse to justify why you're not even trying, since it vindicates you in the eyes of hapless normies.
If isn't exactly good either.
Why are you making all these insane assumptions about my argument when its literally
>work out
>feel better
>do better in life over time because people want to be around you
This is you: >>31957246
Do some women actually like to be the dominant one in a relationship? I’m a male but I don’t like having to take charge all the time and I think I like the idea of getting pegged and kissing a girl down there more than fucking her.
I'm not though. I'm shy but I'm NOT submissive
Probably true, honestly, if even that
How the fuck is that considered a voicecel?
No, look, I'd go with my 3rd cousin if I wasn't so familiar with her. Maybe. I think that's fine. But nothing closer. I mean, when you consider them family, it does sort of give you the ick thinking about it
You're only regurgitating what I said in different words.

The problem is your idea that people won't want to be around you if you don't work out first.
There is nothing wrong with 3rd and 4th cousins imo. The ancestors I would share with them will have been born 100-200 years ago, and been dead for at least as long as my parents or even grandparents have been alive, that's removed enough for me. I'm not gonna let some guy who was born in 1835 cuck me out of a gf
How do people find women like that? Im kind of tired and just want someone to comfort and support me. Not that I wouldn’t pay bills, do house work or be unemployed.
>How the fuck is that considered a voicecel?
Obviously I'm not a neutral observer, but I'm a little dubious about that analysis! I have occasionally had compliments on my voice; also some people don't like it, but I don't think it's because it's too high pitched.
If you insist
No idea, I got lucky.
I mean I think a girl I know may be into that but shes never expressed feelings for me. So uhh I guess I gotta get lucky too
Why don't dominant women and dominant men link up? Why don't submissive women and submissive men link up?
No. But I also don’t have any, it’s just me sis and mom
I'm irish so we tend to keep close to our extended family. I know many of them well and I consider them family. Maybe you don't know them well or at all?
Dunno what to tell you. I wasn't seeking it, it was just how our relationship has played out.
Yes because your going on these weird tangents where you assume the next step in my argument like "rising in social class" when there isn't one.
If a girl offers you her pussy and you tell her you'd rather hang out with your friend Jim to watch star wars, you're not that into it and it's fair for her to assume so.
For what purpose?
That's a really small family. Kinda sad, really. Did they all die in a massacre or something?
Humping? They could also play board games if they want.
>That makes it feel like the sex is a concession from her to me. That's not a turn on!
Ok, now you either have an extreme misundertanding of emotional fluidity and rareness for female arousal or you just have autism.
Women typically do not just snap themselves into arousal. It is an ebb and flow through the day, week, month and it usually depends on their cycle.
It is also natural for relationships to balance the gives and the takes within them.
If you feel like it is too much to ask for a bit of urgency on a desire to share the intimacy of sex then why should she want to masterbate at all? Even to you?
I know all my aunts and uncles, grand parents and a few great grandparents, many great aunts and great uncles, many first and a few second cousins. But the only person you share with a 4th cousin is a great great great grandparent, most of mine which died prior to 1900. That would not bother me at all.
Is it not really awkward now when you see her?
Anon, my point is that a given race or ethnicity as a whole is a family.
If you are a White man or woman, all other White men and women are your Nth degree cousins once you go back the family tree and follow the genealogy. Same with Africans, Chinese, Indians, etc.
There's nothing wrong with them being your family. Don't you like your family? Don't you consider them good people? If you do, then you should be GLAD that you can fuck your family members.
My point is: there is no requirement for any of that. You can keep doing whatever you believe necessary but you should keep in mind that in the romantic domain what is most of all holding you back is your own insecurity - not a lack of achievement, status, looks, etc.
No aunts or uncles, grandparents dead. dad is out of the picture. We’re happy just being us, it’s cozy
wet pussy wet pussy wet pussy wet pussy
>Do some women actually like to be the dominant one in a relationship?
Yes, but I'm here...
>I’m a male but I don’t like having to take charge all the time and I think I like the idea of getting pegged and kissing a girl down there
>more than fucking her.
Pegging is mostly about your pleasure to me. I typically can't cum from pure oral and I need penetration.
I want to have passionate sex while making out for long periods of time.
I'm in love with broken girls.
How does pussy self lubricant work? Does it just start dropping when you get turned on? Kind of like an erection?
state gender and state the way you read 4chan threads usually. for example, you could talk about which direction you go in, where do you start reading, which posts catch your eye first? which posts do you skip reading?
For who?
I have been told such.
Nope, not black either.
Hot. I wanna finger and succcc that medium shirt white male.
Seems fair. With my family, We know our fourth cousins. We don't have any great grand uncles left to unite us obviously, but we know them. Not that close, but close enough. I could probably fuck my fourth cousins, but third is a maybe depending on how well I know them and see them as family. But theoretically, there is not any thing wrong genetically with fucking third cousins

Yes I know what point you were making, but that point is a retarded strawman so...
Atogays we have a situation

>Went for breaktime
>See this qt i spoke with a bunch sit alone
>Ask if i can sit by
>Sure go ahead
>Were chatting a lot, convo flies time goes fast
>At one point she says "you know i live in this country for a long time now and i never seen any cool places or anything"
>I jump on occassion and say "well we could go togheter you know"
>She looks at me with big eyes and says "YES WE COULD" with a tone that was mix of being frustrated and relieved (but maybe im imagining things)
>Im back home after work
>She messages me first and sends me a meme

Good signs?
Yes good job :)
Are compound exercises better than isolation exercises for beginners?
Nope, she hates you.
No I haven't seen her in years
>If you asked him out on a coffee date instead on similarly short notice, and he asked to reschedule for convenience reasons, you wouldn't assume he had no interest, right?
Most people would, anon. Rejectively sensitive people would go as far to assume you hate them.
Yeah im American, and my great grandfather moved from Ohio to Georgia around the time of WW2, and all of the family I know are his descendants. So anyone further back from that is far away most likely
>that point is a retarded strawman
It's not.
>I know what point you were making
So you're just playing the fool like a faggot, then.
Cool, but now i need to come up with game plan

Idk if we are compatible much, but shes hot and im horny so yeah...
Its over
women please respond
What happened to your father? And what of your paternal side of your family?
It sounds depressing. I grew up with my cousins and a larger family. I can't even imagine growing up with just a mother and sister. It sounds depressing
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>this nigga got head from a lesbian and it turned her off men even further.
Clown world.
Is that a study of Japanese men?
So women don't really derive much pleasure from being eaten out and pegging?
>I want to have passionate sex while making out for long periods of time.
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I go to newest, scroll back until I see a question for F’s, don’t answer most of them, when I do I get the long ass countdown and that’s usually where switch tab and forget about this place for hours. Repeat.
Why don't women have the Madonna whore complex for men?
Do you know why so many people in a given country or ethnicity have the same names?
It's not so much that they can't think of new names, but that they're all related at one degree or another.
That's also why in some countries strangers refer to each other by familial names: e.g., they call each other cousins or uncles, etc.
I start at the bottom.
There's a lot less stigma around male sexuality.
They do
All women want a sexually successful badboy
The more pussy man gets the more desirable he is.
Some women here will tell you they hate manwhores, but have situationships wjth said manwhores
chad-incel complex
Yeah so you probably never met them. I see

I'm from county Fermanagh and all my family can be traced back from here for as far as you can. My father and mother would remember their grand uncles, and grand aunts, and so I know of them and I know their descendants. That's how it works. My sister dated our fifth cousin unknowingly and my aunt was doing some ancestory tree and he pointed to it and said "Hey! why's my mother's name on this!"
I had to slag the fuck out of them. I just had to. But everyone in my local county are probably all related. lol. Kinda fucked when you think about it
Because women are cuckqueans by nature and like manwhore Chads but hate virgins.
Dad cheated so he’s dead to us.
We’re not depressed, we love our lil family unit. I grew up friends too so don’t feel like I missed anything
>So women don't really derive much pleasure from being eaten out and pegging?
Don't generalize my personal perspective.
I personally enjoy being able to pleasure my man when I peg him.[If I had one] And I do enjoy being eaten. It's just not comparable to piv for me. It's the highest form of trust and connection. I want that the most.
>imagining this is real
>its not
I welcome death
No shit

What's your point?
Did I ever argue that it's weird to fuck your 32d cousin? No. Stop being a strawmanning retard
> when I do I get the long ass countdown and that’s usually where switch tab and forget about this place for hours
many such cases
You argued that fucking your cousins is le creepy. I'm telling you that anyone who isn't a filthy racemixer like you whore fucks their cousins.
There's no strawman here. Only your retardation and my counterpoint.
I can't listen to this
>Dad cheated so he’s dead to us
Wait so you cut off your whole entire family over your father? That's kinda fucked. They are still your flesh and blood. Your mother cutting off your father makes sense, but you have cousins and/had grandparents and uncles, aunts, grand uncles and grand aunties who would had loved you and you would have grown up with many fond memories. Your mother didn't deprive you of this out of grief and spite, I hope, because that would be most selfish and terrible
Now you're here.
Nta but an Anglo is probably about 50th cousins with an Australian Aboriginal
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Please... no... why did you have to do this?
I do, maybe because I like a specific type of guy but once he gets sexual I lose interest
Of course. His criminal ancestors got sent there as punishment.
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Nah no thanks I'm saving myself for God's kingdom. If you love me, then you should go to church on sundays, and honor God's commandments. Also stop watching porn it's not indicative of reality.
>because they cannot separate their romantic emotions for their partner and their loving feelings for their mother.
Because we don't want to fuck our moms.
We want you to take care of us like a partner and not like our moms.
Simple ability to distinguish romantic from familial relationships.
50,000 years ago? It's possible
>You argued that fucking your cousins is le creepy
I specifically said third, second and first cousins and you extended that out to your entire race like some strawmanning autismo retard
> racemixer like you whore
You are lit in the head lol. Making shit up to justify your bullshit
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Why would you do this
which vtuber is this
For them it's the bad boy nice guy complex
Yes, unless you have physical limitations. Isolated exercises will help build a better mind-muscle connection, especially if you've built up compensatory muscles. Even after all these years, I've still got some issues activating some of the muscles in back.

Men [specify if you are autistic or not],
Have you had a girl, that you were attracted towards, do maybe half of these to you and you still didn't initeate anything further?
What was that like?
Nope. Just dad. Why are you adding family members i don’t have?
>I specifically said third, second and first cousins
And I said in my first post that the degree is irrelevant. The autismo here is you going yikes ick le creeeeeeepy!!!! like a faggot.
>You are lit in the head lol. Making shit up to justify your bullshit.
It's the natural conclusion to your retardation.
I hate you
The accent reminds me of an old friend from Brazil.
You don't have any family on that side either?
What sort of country do you live in? Does anyone have family there at all?
No, I go out of my way to avoid any interaction with women that arent family
m (light autism)
yeah this mixed girl would always give me signs she liked me and I didn't make a move so she didn't say anything to me but started ignoring me and hating me. it sucked.
Why do you have to be so incredibly fucking weird?
State gender and try to answer these...
1. Would you feel the same, worse, or better if you found out the person your partner cheated on was the same sex as them?
>your girl cheats on you with another girl or your guy cheats on you with another guy
2. If you caught your partner cheating would you be more angry at the partner or the person they are with?
>just curious cause in reality tv and internet videos the cheated person usually blames the partners other partner rather than the partner.
>>31955739 (Me)
>assemble a keyboard
pushed to monday
>plant two bushes
>program next week's run
>various diy stuff around the house
Prepped all the stumps on my property to apply stump decay sometimes during the week probably monday or tuesday.

How productive was your day today anons?
Don't lie to me.
Not enough femdom shitposting
cheating is cheating and thats an immediate end of rs, block on everything
im never dating someone who cheated in the past again either, once a cheater always a cheater
>Would you feel the same, worse, or better if you found out the person your partner cheated on was the same sex as them?
The same.
>If you caught your partner cheating would you be more angry at the partner or the person they are with?
I'm 90% sure I'm autistic.
>0:32 1. They're constantly closeby.
Couldn't be me.
>0:57 2. They get physical with you.
Couldn't be me.
>1:29 3. They listen.
Couldn't be me.
>2:10 4. They include you.
Couldn't be me.
>2:40 5. They remember.
Couldn't be me.
>3:15 6. They bring up shared interests
Couldn't be me.
Nope. US. Yes. This is weird, small families exists everywhere
M, non -autistic
I watched the video and I honestly can't think of any girl I've been acquainted with doing any of those things. I guess I just don't stick in womens minds enough for them to care about me at all
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I feel for the e-girl love bombing to end up pulling away meme
1. Same
2. Partner
what if it was early on in the relationship? wouldn't the blow feel less sever if you found out your partner was just gay/bi? at that point it seems like a them problem rather than a you one.
good. i think its the macho men wannabees with small penises and pickup trucks that go after the other partner.
>And I said in my first post that the degree is irrelevant
It doesn't mater what you said because you're a genuine retard. lol
The "degree" does matter. Firstly, if you can't tell the difference between first and 50th cousins then you're intellectually impaired. Secondly, It's an instinct for a good reason. If you don't possess that instinct then you're an inbred mutant or some pervert

>It's the natural conclusion to your retardation
No, that's just your retardation. You can only deal in absolutes. Do you wear armbands when eating cereal with milk incase you drown, too? Kek. You fucking patatoe
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In an ideal world where I make these plans on my own terms I would rather
>hang out with Jim on Friday
>hook up with her on Saturday
>hook up with her on Friday
>don't hang out with Jim at all

Not because I prefer Jim to her, but because two good things are better than one. Does that make sense?

Also I have no idea whether this is super common, super rare or something in between, but while it is SUPER flattering for me to receive a hookup invitation, it's also kind of... a lot of pressure, I guess? I'll still do it but I'd rather have a few nights when we just make out or cuddle before we actually get naked.

>you either have an extreme misundertanding of emotional fluidity and rareness for female arousal
Could be!
But even with this understanding I think I would still feel desperate and anxious on an emotional level.
is not an arousing mindset to have.

Are you really telling me that most people who invite you on a coffee date on that SAME DAY (!) expect that you either make time or are disinterested? That's crazy.
If not then I think you are misreading my post.

Fun fact: she is now dating a woman who belongs to the same minority ethnic group as me (don't want to specify because I'm paranoid about privacy, but in case you're wondering: all three of us are white non-Jewish Europeans)
So she might have sworn off men but she keeps coming back to [our people]
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Shut up, anon.
She does sound like Shiori, mhmmm
>what if it was early on in the relationship?
doesnt matter, if we're official, we're official. if you cheat its over on the spot, you no longer exist for me
>wouldn't the blow feel less sever if you found out your partner was just gay/bi?
she was bi
>she was bi
but arent you slightly relieved that she didnt trade you for another man?
Hungarians . . . .
What's weird about me? I've never seen anyone with such a small family and i'm curious about it
I guess if you don't know any different it's fine. Growing up must had been very different to my childhood. I've like, 15 first cousins and we'd all be close and grew up together. When I think about missing out on that it makes me feel sad
It's an instinct to fuck your cousins, retard. Humans have been doing it since forever.
Keep seething and coping that I called out your faggotry.
Literal faggot going ick!! creeeeeeeepyyy!
cheating is cheating dude, how many times do I need to say it. If you let that kind of shit slide go head. but for me its a cut off on the spot
I dont care who she cheated with
Stop being so horny, Shiorin.
If you can't, go ask a novellite for help.
I am autistic and I've noticed such behaviour from girls towards other guys. Typically they started dating some time later. I've never experienced anything like that towards myself though.
You're giving me the ick rightnow, honestly. You're trying way too hard and grasping to far, it makes you look really desperate and dumb just so you can justify to yourself for fancying one of your cousins
How the fuck do I crosspost?
This might be the perfect female form
>faggot gets called out
>can't deny it, proceeds to double down
That's a boy.
How do I become a vtuber and get free money from stupid moids without ever showing my face? Do I have to be asian?
Doesn't look that amazing to me tbqh even if it is photoshopped
You have to be cute and nice to non-Chads as well as funny, impossible for a mediocre roastie like you.
No, just pretend to like us.
>if it is photoshopped
It isn't.
I'm nice to you fucks sometimes, same thing right? Also you say my voice is cute even when I adamantly try to claim otherwise.
she's fat anon
>Also you say my voice is cute even when I adamantly try to claim otherwise.
Prove it, have you posted ITT?
I can do that.
I consider angle fraud photoshop
Would you not first try to open up the relationship or at least keep in touch with them for occasional sex?
I have no idea what being cheated on feels like since Ive never been in the position but in my own imagination it feels like less of a confidence blow if it happened to me and the other one was not even the same gender as me.
>got rejected by a woman
>3 months later shes posting pics with a woman
>suddenly that rejection feels less personal
I've been posting vocas ITT for years. Not in this current thread, though.
JH as a vtuber would be neat I think
Link one.
You hurt me, Shiori. Do you think this is funny?
Dun dun dundun dududuuuuuu
Is this yourself you are talking about?

You know you're wrong but you can't reconcile with it and now you keep doubling down and you even adopted the position that fucking your first cousin is ok just so you don't have to admit you're an actual retard. So you're depicting yourself as this little grotesque inbred goblin creature shouting from the gutter about how your degenerate family tradition is ok

It's a strange cope, but ok. I will do you a favour and recognise that you cannot concede defeat and so I will give you an out and stop replying to you. You can gloat in your delusion. Enjoy
TLDR. Keep seething.
I don't know if I fit the market mold for them, though. I'm not a convincing big titty anime girl.
Like me singing or being a cunt or what? You have to be more specific. And easy to search the archive for.
I hate women so much
The icicle one
>Like me singing or being a cunt or what?
Exactly what I replied to... hearing your voice.
I don't know whar I should search for in the in the archive.

The body means very little when you are vtuber, which is kinda the point.
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give me sex.
>I don't know if I fit the market mold for them, though.
You don't. You're a disgusting roastie far below my Hololive goddesses.
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Sorry, shop's closed
That one's easy to find.
Wow a makeup slathered photoshopped gook. The epitome of beauty. Lol
This is JH's voice?
>Would you feel the same, worse, or better if you found out the person your partner cheated on was the same sex as them?
The betrayal is the same.
>2. If you caught your partner cheating would you be more angry at the partner or the person they are with?
I'd be angry at the partner.
Being angry at the other person is othello syndrome delusion. Like being mad at other people for having eyes.
Don't be mean.
1. I think I would be very slightly less angry if it was with a woman.
2. My now-ex, of course?!
That's a cosplayer.
The actual one is 2D > 3D.
It always gives me such whiplash that she sounds like a valley girl
I am not?
It was a genuine question.
I miss him even though everyone is telling me he was bad for me
>I think I would be very slightly less angry if it was with a woman.
how come? is it because of the mere fact that another woman could never fully enjoy your partner the same way another man could?
>i think lesbian sex is a joke cause a man could do most of the same shit and then some
I’m not supposed to drink on my period but I’m really depressed can I just do it just this once. I never do
Wow a crappy drawing with balloon tits. The epitome of beauty
State gender. Do you know any autistic people irl?
It's just the fry from smoking. I'm from the opposite coast.
Oh, then yes.
I know a Space Force veteran who's now a community college professor and a cop. So yes.
>I'm from the opposite coast.
That’s why it throws me off so much
>east coast
Where u att bb. Weel meet up fosho
>t. Hotlanta
Seethe kek
Why do minions eat the flesh of wizards? Where does God go when he masturbates to Satan? Why does a plane flight feel like a flight of bourbon on the rocks? Will I ever eat a pussy while the haver of the pussy eats a cookie? Where am I and why?
Granted, but if you feel bad you better remember for next time. You don’t get to blame me for it.
Yeah. YOU!
F. Yes, a friend of mine has mild autism. He talks my ear off about DBZ but he's generally harmless.
Maybe because she found something I could not give her as a man and the sex with a woman she enjoys it more.
Whereas if she cheats on me with another man, that is essentially the same that I *should* be able to give her.
I am not sure if this is a good naswer or it makes any sense, sorry.

>Oh, then yes.
It's funny how all these lewd thoughts come from somebody with such a "harmless" voice. Now I'm wondering what a sexy audio from you must sound like.
Uber share is such a scam I order one for $10 and it said if anyone joins it’ll be $8 and two more people are getting in this car and it went up to $11 telling me I saved $6.
Will you post Booba on soc while your drunk?
I don't know where his boyfriend is, but yours is at a hostel in Dubai masturbating two female Indian midgets while feasting on lamb makloubeh and drooling from his lips. His eyes are crusted over from the desert heat. And you are crying at a skating rink in Jacksonville.
Would you ever fuck him or someone like him?
>inb4 yikes no! ah but someone else definitely will, ok? not me though neither any of my girlfriends
No they’re not impressive anyway
What kind of fucking riddle is this
Autism must be eliminated. It must be cured.
I think when I talk plainly, more of my actual voice comes through. I can't help but drawl when I record a voca, though.
East coast is as specific as I'll get.
>"harmless" voice
I swear a ton, how do I sound "harmless"?
>I'm not supposed to drink my period but
Mild autism wouldn't turn me away from a relationship, no.
There should be a new version of Uber Share called the Jack Wagon where you and the other passengers all power the car by jacking each other off and the more vigorously you masturbate each other the faster the ride goes
>not impressive
Then no, you can’t get drink
Okay thanks
Why are you yelling
I mean this respectfully but it's like a little kid trying to put up a front.
Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground
>how do I sound "harmless"
Nta but it’s the cadence and pitch
>Why are you yelling
It's ABA therapy. If I teach you to associate your autistic traits with pain you'll stop acting so autistic.
Because you want to drink your period, woman. I'm discombobulated.
What's the woman equivalent of a cigar + bourbon?
not a woman but period blood and shit eating?
>I mean this respectfully
Did you ever notice how people always say this shit when they're about to be really fucking insulting and disrespectful and tear you down?
Wine and cheese?
How about I respectfully beat you with a bat?
I can go deeper and slower when it's called for.
And why are you friends with an autist to begin with?
Let me guess, he's the ultimate simp at your beck and call due to his autism?
Lol. Don't talk this the wrong way or anything but...
>I swear a ton, how do I sound "harmless"?
You just sound friendly, fun and happy to me in that audio.
All the more reason I wanna hear you say lewd stuff.
>I can go deeper and slower when it's called for.
So can I bb ;)
What made you depressed today specifically?
No, you idiot. He's a friend from school. We... we were in an anime club.
>Mild autism
My standards for a relationship are taken from the physical and mental fitness requirements for my country's army. If the person I date wouldn't be able to survive on a battlefield with proper training due to mental or physical issues, they have no place in a relationship, much less in the human gene pool.

Anyone who is unfit for combat should have their genetic stock eradicated so that humanity can properly evolve to become a proud race of warriors.
A demon raped me during a sleep paralysis episode and is now possessing and controlling me with its semen. My actions are not my own and sometimes I can hear the demon seed whispering to me from inside my anal cavity.
nta but I was depressed that I couldn't control myself and jerked off but I guess I feel a bit better knowing I wasn't demon raped.
nigger what the fuck did I just read. what do you mean
One of my first vocas was a swearing ASMR thing, it must be in the archive somewhere. That was about as lewd as I think I'll ever go sober.
I should've used different words. Fuck.
So you're an autist yourself LMAO
No, I have ADHD. Men took advantage of me and raped me because of my ADHD traits when I was younger so I grew up to become a feminist activist.
This isn't the 10th century with swords and spears, bitch. Nowadays you get blown up by a drone out of nowhere no matter your level of fitness.
Can you stop doing that?
I didn't ask you for your rape fantasies, femanon...
Let's talk about your bare feet, and how I would like to masturbate to them.
>Maybe because she found something I could not give her as a man and the sex with a woman she enjoys it more.
besides giving advice on how to change tampons, there isnt anything she can do that a man cant besides rubbing clams together.
But why though?
drunk horny gf dragging you to the bed to fuck is quite literally the best feeling in this world
Because the sight of your wiggling toes in your sandals gives me a penile erection.
I can't deal with drunks too often.
We defining combat at just infantry? Or do pilots and artillerymen count too?
How do you know?
You got raped, didn't you? How does that make you feel?
I'm a dude and I haven't clipped my nails and I've been working in the garden the whole day, but thanks for the ego boost :^)
How do I get Hoejabis and or Indian bitches and or African milfs
They're alright I guess. Hairy on the top, sort of a reddish brown color. Fairly calloused on the bottom, I can walk barefoot easy. Pinky toe is a little sideways but that's because of modern shoe design. Big toenail on left foot is fucked up because it go run over and broke off, I grew back weird and thick and yellow. I would say they are decently proportioned however, nails otherwise are good in shape in size, I would rate them 7.75 out of 10. For a man's foot anyway
>I'm a dude
That won't stop me from masturbating my penis to the sight of your feet when they are exposed.
I postulate that the femcel NEET ITT have the cutest feet, since they don't walk a lot and don't wear the types of shoes that would ruin them.

I propose we conduct a study on this subject in the near future.
If she would cheat on me with a woman, it's clear she is attracted to women, something I will never be.

>That was about as lewd as I think I'll ever go sober.
It's more like the things you wrote here and your fantasies. Mixing that with your voice is interesting.
I don't have the picture any more but its funny that you say that because I did post my foot on here before.
The Unshodden Females
Kek, seething.
Squeal like a pig, boy!
Why did you lie to me? What made you think that was okay?
I would but it would scare the shit out of my cat
The fuck is wrong with you?
When I lubricate your ass and sodomize you after chasing you around the room and catching you like a greased pig at the county fair? Oh, then I'm definitely hoping for a loud squeal from you. I want to make you squawk in shock as I plow your ass.
You are the most autistic motherfucker here
Uhh, the /letter/ club is two blocks down, jabroni.
And now you're gaslighting me and acting like you did nothing wrong and like it's all on me. Unbelievable.
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>text someone
>if someone new and don't really feel excited about after a long time procrastinating I'll just delete the chat

I'll never have online frens to practice langs with desu
kek gay
Do I get a medal?
Vengaboys are back in town.
I need to find a good Italian deli that serves one of those. I haven't had a nice jabroni dish in a minute. The salami and tomato sauce really make the condiments.
It's 2:30AM and there is a party going on somewhere. Like across the fucking trees and shit behind my appartment building.
No I'm just not into schizo retards who can't talk to the person they actually have a problem with and instead babble incoherently in a thread that has nothing to do with it when there is a thread made specifically for it.
>text gf earlier
>she calls me instead
>goes to work
>texts me “hi hunny, it’s very cold and nobody’s coming in. And I’m bored. So I guess now I’ll text u,”

This felt weird. Idk why. She also sent me a shit ton of heart emojis. Which she never does. And she also never calls me hunny.
This could be as innocent as her being bored at work and thinking about me but why am I over thinking it
Yes, President Joe Biden will show up in your living room momentarily with his Secret Service detail to award you the Presidential Medal of Autism and a Letter of Recognition.
just let it ride and see if it stays or goes away.
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Yeah here you go, why don't you suck on it, it'll probably cure you
Oh great, it's the "did she cheat on me?" retard again...
Boom Boom Boom, I want you in my room
I sure hope not. I haven't vaccumed.
Real boomer hours.
Why can't guys who are worried about this just ask if they can have sex with the other man in the relationship, or incorporate the guy the chick is seeing into a threesome in some way?
As long as I limit my fucked up fetishes to anonymous text, I have plausible deniability if I'm ever otherwise doxxed or noticed by someone I know IRL.
I was more inspired by this version:
Your ilk is insufferable.
Boom Boom Boom
Let's go back to my room
And we can do it all night
And I can make you feel right
I live vitamins :^)
You don't get, I was imagining what your voice would sound like while I'm fucking you.

He may be insufferable, but people force to suffer themselves through your presence, so what does that tell you
Oh. I get it now. Just imagine Dory talking to the whales in Finding Nemo.
How awful, sounds dismal
My life outside of school and errandsis just reading chores and working out in my room.

Am I based and jail pilled?
Grow up.
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state gender, who is the wrong here?
You are.
I am not going to ruin my idea by looking up that acene...
I'm off to sleep instead.
Iunno, if she was seeing him while they were dating and she was cheating its her fault; if she just kept in contact with him and was saying goodbye, its a weird time to do it, but he is overreacting.
If you're brainwashed into compulsory monogamy by church and Disney movies, you are a child. Once you are old enough, you realize you can pretty much bang whoever as long as there is mutual respect and consent and agreement between committed partners about having sex with whoever they please.
She is. I don't talk to any of my exes
oh the autism lmao
Finding Nemo was a bad and shitty movie.
holy 5head
My penis has been known to have mystical healing powers that cure women's autism when they put it inside their mouths or vaginas.

How do I advertise this fact?
not very drunk, more like tipsy
i had a gf.... once.......
M The guy overracted but what kinda behavoir is that really?
He exists because he was part of another series thar Tolkien wrote for his children, a toy of Tom that he made was their favorite toy.
Sleep well. You'll watch it again someday and think of me.
Fuck you.
Bro married an ayy lmao
This implies she has been talking to the ex for the ENTIRETY of the relationship. So, for many years. Also, she's saying goodbye on the HONEYMOON, not the wedding, not the months of being engaged and wedding planning, not the months and years of dating. So she was keeping her options open for basically the entire relationship.

Of course femanon will defend this chick because femanon thinks sleeping with a thousand men is okay as long as you don't cheat, also talkling to your favorite ex throughout each and every relationship all the way up until the honeymoon is also not cheating by femanon logic.

The fact that anons are unsure about who is wrong (assuming there's not some weird missing info because people (not naming names) love to omit details to make themselves out to be the victim) is really telling. I ain't never getting married no sir.
The behavior of a cheating whore
Amen, fellow antimono-gamer.
Those rules don't actually exist.
Garbage psyop.
>not very drunk, more like tipsy
Eh, still can't handle it.
Glad I could make you laugh!
Is anyone else here besides me wearing a butt plug in their anus while posting on /atoga/?
Horny teenagers and low-IQ impulsive subhumans are literally the ones who can't into monogamy, yet you want to call monogamists childish and brainwashed? The irony.
Just you... I doubt there are femboys here.
Not good, if I'm being honest.
I don't talk about when I'm wearing a plug ITT, since you fucks will make jokes about it.
A chocolate bar with a coupon in it?
If a man gave me a box of chocolates that spelled out "Pretty please suck me off" I feel like I would be obligated. That's a lot of chocolate.
>um actually it was the morning of the wedding, not the honeymoon
Like that's better. She wanted to send her ex that one iast final "go fuck yourself" and it blew up in her face. That ex is gonna be really happy to see her back at his doorstep, now that she threw away her marriage
Is it weird I keep on bumping into traps/femboys/trannies w/e you want to call them that are actually hot? They don't look like men, or sound like men. Was the femboy formula perfected recently or something?
Why do you wear a buttplug, anon...?
They are going to bend you over and bugger you
Women would you date a man with a quicksand fetish
If they are femboys I doubt it, its just something I've noticed.
My two elderly gay neighbors invited me over in a few days to have a threesome with them when they get back from vacation and I accepted, I'm trying to train my anus for taking cock action.
why are you like this
I got bit by a radioactive gay spider on a school field trip and it turned me queer and bisexual
Brb buying quality chocolate by the pound.
Oh makes sense.
Besides penises, fingers, tongues, or sex toys, what's the most interesting thing you've ever put inside your vagina?
is it true some women prefer smaller c*cks?
is this a fad?
i've noticed some women going on and on about it and i dont know if its a fad or a shit test.

when i've asked them they've said if its too big it feels like "your finger being bent in the opposite direction, but in your gronail region"
You just reminded me of that webm I watched of doctors pulling out a whole fucking toothbrush out of a man's penis hole.
Cukes I grow.
Anyone else listening to yandere gf asmr?
This hits too close to home.
You forgot to take your dose of Haldol today, didn't you?
My honest question for you is this:

Who the hell cares? At which point does you having an uninteresting cock factor into your ability to make out with and finger a woman?
And then people wonder why men cannot and should not be friends with these harpies.
Yes I’ll do it when I get home
Speaking of this.

Any good ways to figure out what fetishes certain people might have based on their personalities and interests
My mother got sick. She might die soon.
It seems it's finally time to kill myself.
Their parents and childhood experiences.
>imagining anon making a white chocolate mould of his soft pp for me to lick
i've had women turn me down for this reason and it worries me. you know what women are like. once they get something in thier heads thats it.
How do they even know what your pee pee looks like before they turn you down? Were you in a sauna together or something?
Someone gib index pls
>Posting on 4chan, specifically atoga, outside of home
I hope you wash those.
Ps2 controller hump
they asked me how big i was, i told them. " no thats too big i like smaller guys" and so the conversation began.
Who's gonna handle tying up all her shit if you're gone?
Wii remote.
I do.
I have a very sensitive cervix.
I want you to be able to plap me so hard my theighs are bruised for days after without hitting my cervix it at all.
I know you might not know this from your personal experience, but people DO infact leave the house
No one.
How do you initiate sex with your partner?
I feel like I've completely forgotten how to over the 2 years we've been together. Now it just feels like I say and do sexual things and she goes teehee and then nothing happens until it's been a few days and then randomly she'll be horny and we'll do stuff.
Everytime I say or do something sexual I feel like a creepy weirdo loser and every time she wants to fuck I feel pitied. Sometimes she'll be like "oh we're having sex tonight!" and that's great but do we really have to plan it out? And then most of the time we don't end up doing anything anyways. It's like having sex with me is an obligation.
I'm just venting now I just don't really want to bring this up to her again because every time I do I feel more like an unwanted horny creep and I think it makes it even harder to initiate sex when I feel that way. I just feel like I've lost my confidence and my mojo. I used to drive her crazy and when I was on SSRIs things were completely flipped, with me often rejecting her advances.
I'm not blaming her I'm just sad I guess
She reassures me every time that it's not my fault, it's hers, and gives me reasons why or tells me what I can do to initiate. But, even when those reasons are no more and even when I think I'm doing the things she's asking, nothing happens. Her horniness either just strikes at random or is spurred on by me expressing that I feel unwanted, and that just feels like pity.
I try my best not to put pressure on her to have sex. I never do it directly, but when I feel unwanted enough it starts to affect my mood and my unhappiness shows through. I wish I could just get over it
Yeh. Then cooked them afterwards.
What's a food combination that sounds weird but you really like?
Ketchup on green beans

Maple syrup on rice porridge

Hot sauce on pancakes
this is probably going to be a stupid question but its better i learn this now.

is there any "giveaways" in body language or gait or vibe that shows that?
also are you Asian?
Deep fried chicken feet in sweet cake batter and sugar powder.
You punch her in the liver and tell her loud and clear that she's your woman so she must satisfy you, and that you'll beat her up if she doesn't.
There must be a day of reckoning, when an army of angels sweep down from Heaven to anally sodomize all the men in America while those men's sobbing families are forced to watch their violation in the butts by the forces of the almighty.
>Maple syrup on rice porridge
That's not weird.
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>anon taking me in the bathroom there and slapping me in the face with three white chocolate ones for my onlyfans debut
You sick people worship death, don't you?
>this is probably going to be a stupid question but its better i learn this now.
>is there any "giveaways" in body language or gait or vibe that shows that?
>also are you Asian?
Also no.
As citizens of the liberal west, we all worship Mammon.
Here is my campaign platform if I ever run for office - today we sound the drums of freedom and we say.... Masturbation today. Masturbation tomorrow. Masturbation FOREVER.
Are you on drugs/drunk?
I have bare, wiggly toes.
burnt sausage and cantaloupe
If you want to be my gf but not my MOMMY gf, then I should be allowed to hire escorts who will satisfy my needs.
Nope. Not a drop or dust of em.
Just horny from all the sex talk.
Yeah I can't remember which came first, me playing in the dried up pond behind my grandparents house or discovering quicksand shit on deviantart. It's kind of stupid but I will get an erection if my foot sinks in mud lol.
Not just escorts, you're allowed to have mommy gf and regular gf.
Just one? That seems awfully modest.
You really need to stop being autistic.
A meatball marinara sub with ranch dressing. Fucking divine.
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>Any good ways to figure out what fetishes certain people might have based on their personalities and interests
NTA but that's a really good question.

I wonder what types of personality traits correlate with certain fetishes. There are some memes and folk wisdoms, e.g. successful guys are secretly masochists because they can't let go otherwise, etc. but I wonder whether there is some kind of truth to this.

I'll look into it.
where are my fat ass black girls who are into white guys tonight?
I don't need to try. It just happens naturally. I don't think it's something you need to force.
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>I will get an erection if my foot sinks in mud lol.
>me sinking your feet (plastic wrapped) into cement, playing with your boner while it dries, and then placing you in a tank filled just enough water that you have to look straight up to breathe, while I play mermaid :)
Damn, that's a very specific thing to desire. Is this a recurring thing or is it just a whim you want to fulfill?
Its what I like?
They're all having sex. It's Saturday.
I don't know if you want torture gf too or like anything else.
Up to you.
You know how rare a combination that is, right?
Which combination?
NTA but it's not.
Hockey bf
Anyone else listening to yandere mommy asmr?
no, you're a homosexual.
Listening to it proves the opposite.
M, didn't watch the whole thing

Her inexperience and low self-esteem make me feel empathy, and therefore also attraction, towards her (I have a fantasy in which I comfort somebody like her and encourage her to have a better opinion of herself, and her gratitude causes her to fall in love with me forever; unfortunately I know from experience that it's not that easy)

Also, I feel bad saying this but I'm probably right: the fact that she has no tertiary education, but has been able to, despite mental illness, hold down a waitress job, and also doesn't seem to mostly only have very normie interests, suggests that she probably is right to describe herself as having below-average intelligence
The type of woman you want, the type of guy you are.
What percentage would you guess?
That's scary, more of a torture method than anything else
>The type of woman you want, the type of guy you are.
So its my race, that is what your saying?
That doesn't prove you're straight, I listen to gay porn and I am stragiht
Men, how are you doing? How has your day been? Do you need to talk to anyone, do you have something on your mind you need to get off your chest? How can I, or anyone else for that matter, help you?
Hmmmmm....... mouth depth looking foreward and deal
I've been okay, how have you been?

Tell me that working and living independently is not going to be 10/10 European-Extreme All-Skulls-Activated Ultra-Nightmare difficulty like I think it's going to be
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Women, want some bread? I know wimmins be loving some bread
Pretty good. Got pizza, played Vampire Survivors, now in bed and I'm about to play Pokemon until I pass out.
I'm hurting about some shit, but it's okay. I don't think anyone can really help me. I typically come to /adv/ to give advice, not take it.
I don't think there is anything you can help me with but thank you for asking. Things are fine. What about you?
nta, but which pokemon?
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How should your partner tell you that your vagina smells bad? Like, when I'm fucking my girl, I can smell it a bit and it kinda takes me out of it.
Brown sugar and cream cheese in tomato sauce, along with the normal oregano, basil, salt, and pepper. Heat it all up and mix it together well. The cream cheese thickens the sauce a little bit and the sweet flavor of the brown sugar surprisingly highlights the other flavors and makes them stand out more. Best spaghetti sauce I've ever had.
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I've been having bouts of depression whenever I break away from my distractions and reality hits me that I'm 35 years old, still live with aunt, can't drive, never actually learned, work as a wageslave in a texas warehouse where i semi like but it doesn't pay nearly enough to live on, only 17.62 an hour, I have no formal education, no friends, have never pursued romance and probably have a few non diagnosed mental problems.

Is there any hope for me to get better or should I just accept my fate or kill myself now and spare everyone the trouble? pic unreleated, I love my family and I know they love me but I just cannot shake the possibility that if I were not around they'd all be better off without me.
>do you have something on your mind
Watching that Vengaboys video posted earlier sent me into a rabbit hole of nineties content.

I just watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZclaXQWVRCg

I'm amazed by how every guy in this video looks naturally skinny but also DYEL at the same time. It's like nowadays, guys are either fat or let themselves go completely, or they're working out and are decently muscular, with nothing in-between.
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I had been working on Japanese Gold, but I'm thinking PokeMMO sounds like a cozy way to spend the night.
What? How the fuck should I know? People just aren't actually mega racists.
Can't handle a stinky pussy?
Are you even heterosexual?
You should definitely break up with her, cause you're not man enough to have a girlfriend.
>Can't handle a stinky pussy?
Genital hygiene is important
No I want to drink alcohol and I did
Great way to get a yeast infection lol
Why the fuck do people (men) feel such a need to have opinions about things they know nothing about?
That shit doesn’t exactly smell good most of the time
>Vampire Survivors
You should try Holocure.
Nice, I owned silver.
Wait why?
>bait maleanons with kind and caring questions
>completely ghost them after they reply
There truly is no solace in this world
Nta so you want to be like a mermaid I the old stories who tempt and drown men? Kinda hotngl
>Genital hygiene is important
Then stop cumming in her and having sex so often. She needs to let the water in her body do the work. Feed her cranberry juice if you want to help.
Playing BG3

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Except for Hololive
I like a lot of them. VS got an update a while back that I missed though. Wanted to see how busted it could get now.
Very. You can get every passive weapon and up to 7 extra basic weapons just through regular play.

I want to play Stadium 2 again, but for a bit of a new experience, I want to play through in Japanese. It's fun, almost sorta like playing them for the first time again.
Why do all these VAs sound fat?
Lmao this femanon is salty
Bet she smells
I smell like roses, ask your mom.
No it was fine. Slept on a gym floor last night. Today’s also my birthday.
Isn't USA's obesity rate something like 80%?
>Why the fuck do people (men)
Go back to tumblr
40%, hugely based on location, race, and age.
apparently im in a position where i 'could' be a 'leader' whatever the fuck that means, but i really dont have any interest in it. it seems ive angered and disappointed some by choosing not to. why are they like this?
My nephew turned seven the other day. My sister did the YouTube prank thing where she got him a bad present. In this case she gave him a box that had a huge spider in it, maybe half the size of a tarantula. He screamed and jumped up and ran away. Everyone laughed and shit, but to me that just seemed kind of bratty and I thought that he should have gotten in trouble for it. For all he knew it was a sincere present and he was being rude anyway. Does anyone else agree with me and think that he should have been grounded for a few days?
You just need to be honest, it might hurt her feelings but she might not even know it smells
I always thought tv shows where old guys stutter or do double takes/drop their mouths open when they see hot women were fucking retarded.
But now I kind of do do that when I see hot women
>Then stop cumming in her and having sex so often
I don't coom in her, just have raw sex. Also, it's not super often.
I understand your perspective and think any adult would have done as you say, but we're talking about a 7yo here. The kid's reaction is fine for his age.
Hot, I would eat your stinky pussy.
I think it would be so hot.
You should have both your hands cut off for being an autistic retard
>just bread
>not cake
>Playing BG3
How's BG3? Have you played 1 & 2?
Cute bakery girl was guarding the cake so I didn't want to take a pic there
>I want to play Stadium 2 again, but for a bit of a new experience, I want to play through in Japanese. It's fun, almost sorta like playing them for the first time again.
I've never played stadium 1 or 2.
And you don't even realize it lol
>have you played 1 and 2
>implying a black woman would ever play old RPGs and would play bg3 if it wasnt super popular
>just have raw sex. Also, it's not super often.
It's too often for her flora, retard.
Stop putting your stinky dick in her.
Darn shame. Emulate if you can. Imo, gen 1 or 2 don't feel complete without them.
Everything European is restrained. You've got this
I asked because I was interested not because you were a black woman and you still didn't answer my question. I'm not that desperate, sheesh.
Can you get pokemon out of them?
Pretty sure that was an incel you replied to, not actuaranon
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Why do guys say that girls who choose the bear in the man vs. bear debate are retarded

You don't know our experiences - the decision is made based off trauma with men going back to our childhoods
State gender
What did you wear today
There are reward Pokemon to obtain in them. You can't take rentals out.
Femanons, I want my kids to look like they're mine which is why I won't race mix.
Black turtleneck, black skirt, pink yoga pants, red high heels
Because the majority of women on social media chose the bear, which is fine, cause we chose the brick wall. Now we are all happy.
I have blue and will it fill my pokedex?
University T-shirt
I dont think you know how kids work my guy
That's fine, your allowed to have a preference.
Anyway the only thing that came of that whole man bear thing was that men and women will never be good for each other, so I think the human race should go extinct.
Because girls who choose the bear in the man vs. bear debate are retarded. One will rip you to pieces and eat you alive for walking too close, the other will give you the ick.

>the decision is made based off trauma with men going back to our childhoods
Hahaha fuck you
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Girls sometimes stare at me, and when i catch them they either smile or quickly look away embarrassed

What does it mean?
Often very cute girls too
Sounds visually jarring
Why do you say fuck you? Did I make you mad
Nope. You need Red still.
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Femanons, help
>dating someone for over a month, never mentioned about being exclusive
>she flew out of country last week, I ask her if it was cool I DM her once in awhile just to check up on her
>she said no, she has zero plans on being on her phone
>fast forward today
>see she's going online/offline without DMing me at all
>its past midnight there
What do I make out of this... She went with HS friends so why would she be up at night?
I'll probably pass then, anon.
It means you are attractive. I wish women would stare at me but they ignore me instead
Sorry libtard
I fucking hate when people try to use sexual assault as this suit of armor that permits them to be pieces of shit.
>send a dm to girl i fancy
>Not even left on seen
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Has this ever happened to you? if you did how did you react? If it ever did what would you do?
nta, but I don't think that is true, I think either there needs to be a return to tradition, economic improvements, or a new social contract that is written up where men and women have clearly defined, but not mandated, roles in society and for each other.
Not even a lib, retard
Fair enough. Think of Stadium as gen 1's Battle Frontier, and Stadium 2 as gen 2's. Totally not necessary.
I have huge forehead and face like Quentin tarantino i dont think its that
You coudl be bulldog cute, like your ugly but in a cute way
I didn't like it. I asked her to leave my apartment.
This is how direct femanon needs to be for me to get a clue
But will that make her want to date me tho

Usually i have easy time getting to know people and they are friendly to me but it never ends up being romantic, just friendly :(
Her pussy smelled the first time we had sex. But she usually makes dude use condoms. Just not me
You and I both know that will never happen
But hopefully the male-female relationship breaks down further and birth rates get even worse so the world population starts going down
Well girls are so timid that they think looking at you from across the room and holding eye contact for 3 seconds is the same as flirting/saying your interested in them.
Me too.
I only want white guys.
I would reject her
I don't know.
World population going down will be weird either things will get cheaper or they'll get more expensive.
Dumb people reproduce no matter the external pressure. I mean look at animals and how they fuck in the desert and in the tundras and shit.
Prices will go down for a time as companies stop producing as much to widdle down surplus, but once surplus prices of both expired and non-expired goods starts to run out prices and shortages for everything will spike.
>How's BG3? Have you played 1 & 2?
I played 1 and 2 back in the day, along with Neverwinter Nights. BG3 took some liberties with the lore and some of the characters (namely Viconia), but it's more than a worthy successor. There's so much detail and replayability. It's going to be hard to let go of, seeing as they won't be adding anymore content as of patch 7.

I actually did play both games almost 20 years ago. I've also played Warcraft, AoE 1 and 2, all.of the X-COM games, all of the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, and a bunch more. But keep on trying to gatekeep games older than you are.

They call me actuaranon because I'm an actuary.

Understandable. The brown genes are dominant.

An Olympic athlete was just recently murdered by her bf who set her on fire. I choose the bear.

lounge clothes
>"Yeah, but no one would want to with me."
and then I just stare wistfully out the window until the pills kick in and she disappears again
Its all fun and games until either there aren't enough people to get the food where it needs to go or there aren't enough people growing the food.
M no
>I played 1 and 2 back in the day, along with Neverwinter Nights. BG3 took some liberties with the lore and some of the characters (namely Viconia), but it's more than a worthy successor. There's so much detail and replayability. It's going to be hard to let go of, seeing as they won't be adding anymore content as of patch 7.
I actually own NWN as a kid but never bothered playing it. Is it good? Maybe I'll give it a whirl sometime.
>They call me actuaranon because I'm an actuary.
How do they know that you were playing BG3 though?
Good. Then more will die and there'll be even less people
>An Olympic athlete was just recently murdered by her bf who set her on fire. I choose the bear.
Was that the guy that found a 40 year old man in her bed? I thought he shot and burnt him, not the girl.
I would feel bad telling that to a cute girl though.
But you may be one of them.
Actuaryanon seems dumb. They don't make smart female regs like Sweet N Low anymore.
Stop denigrating my waifu in that way.
Wtf even is an actuary? There the people at the school who will stamp govt documents right?
>omg men are so scary, I'd rather be ripped to pieces than be alone with a man
>omg is that a black guy with a criminal record? wanna come back to my place and choke and hit me while we fuck?
They are basically people that make sure certain paperwork is filled out correctly and then stamped to tell whoever that you are submitting the paper too that you did w/e the regulations tell you to do, so yes, but they work all over the place, just not in schools.
thats a notary, retard
>actuaryanon plays bg3 and has even played bg1 and 2

>BG3 took some liberties with the lore and some of the characters (namely Viconia)
I've read they didn't have that much choice in the matter since the canon lore was written by the IP owner, WotC.

Have you played the Owlcat games? Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous?
I have a big forehead and big ears and I've had some women make fun of me for it and others tell me that I'm apparently very handsome. If they are looking at you it's because they think you're cute. Women do not stare at guys who they want to avoid.
Excuse me sir this is my black gamer girl, get your own :^)
Isn't she a lesbian?
>How do they know that you were playing BG3 though?
She said in a dif thread. Besides we don't have many pabgs here, so it's basically her or JH
I wouldn't be surprised, I have terrible luck.
I actually chocked my fucking herbal tea when I read that LMFAO
should I heat up tomato soup in my electric kettle even though I know it will be a pain to clean?
Why not in a sauce pan?
can't get to the kitchen for several hours
You don't have a hot plate? Or an electric stove, or w/e they are called.
>I wouldn't be surprised, I have terrible luck.
I'm fairly certain she has a girlfriend.
Tyrone's there again, huh?
Not surprised, lmfao.
You can almost put a blue ribbon on it
>I actually own NWN as a kid but never bothered playing it
The first was made by Bioware, and it was great, but Obsidian knocked the second game out of the park, just like with KOTOR. Though I didn't really like the switch to 3.5 because BG1 and 2 and NWN were based on 2nd edition.
>How do they know that you were playing BG3 though?
Not many mass replying, black women in these threads.

No, they got into an argument and his course of thought on conflict resolution said to said set her in fire.

You're dumb and poor.

We're overpaid risk analysts. I work maybe 10 - 12 hours a week and make more in a week than most of you make in a month.

>Have you played the Owlcat games? Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous?
No, I've wanted to get in to Pathfinder, though. Someone here recommended it.
Sweet N Low is the most attractive girl ATOGA has ever had personality-wise. Not even close.
qrd? I like hot babes.
you really thought that was a banger to post
Why. There's no shame in not wanting to, that's your personal preference.
Big-tittied INFJ girl. Around 50 ATOGA guys developed feelings for her, all were friendzoned.
prize winning ass, huh?
What the actual fuck...
>Not many mass replying, black women in these threads.
Oh if you were mass replying before or after my original post then I didn't notice, kek.
>The first was made by Bioware, and it was great, but Obsidian knocked the second game out of the park, just like with KOTOR. Though I didn't really like the switch to 3.5 because BG1 and 2 and NWN were based on 2nd edition.
Huh... I'll check it out then. I usually just play solo journaling adventures, I can't even remember the last CRPG I've played.
>Someone here recommended it.
Probably me. I didn't know I was talking to you at the time though. Rogue Trader is pretty good too.
I also recommend the Shadowrun games. Give Dragonfall a try first and then play Hong Kong. Don't bother with Returns / Dead Man's Switch, it's more of a proof of concept that is lacking in RPG meat.
If you have the stomach for something slightly frustrating, I also recommend the Age of Decadence. It's a bit of an acquired taste, but it features a branching narrative that is rarely seen in games.

Given that your day job gives you enough free time, there is no excuse to not play them.
They also did New Vegas. I wonder how they're able to consistently make better versions of other people's games?
Weirdly enough somthing very similar happened in America today as well, they were all also black as well.
Maybe they came from Kenya or Uganda? :^)
>Obsidian knocked the second game out of the park, just like with KOTOR
NTA but I hope you have also played the addon, Mask of the Betrayer.
Their writer teams *were* one of the best writing teams in video games, tons of those guys wrote amazing games including fallout 1 & 2 as long as NVN, and BG. So a lot of the team were familiar with the lore of those games when they were making the games.
I slept with multiple women whos pussies and even assholes smelled and tasted fine, therefore yours should too.
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Feeling in a pretty uwu mood rn.
Normally doesn't happen at nights just in naps and before waking up (if no alarm)

Thoughts femanons?
I really hate women

Do you actually test men to see if they’re strong and capable? Like you won’t message them to see if they txt you and are needy or you’ll poke at them and make a comment to see if you react?
Or is this some red pill internet garbage??
There's a cut or something inside my nostril and it hurts fuuuknc
Hey, tsundere.
Goth girls taking over the roman empire? Oh, Visagoths, I got it.
Damn relatable. Reminds me of my platonic friend I had dated a few years back. One of the hottest girls I ever met personality wise, triple threat, smart, funny, cool. A lot of people wanted to get with her.

What ever happened to that chick does she still post here?
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>Given that your day job gives you enough free time, there is no excuse to not play them.
I already have a long list. I just started my last playthrough of BG3 yesterday since Patch 7 went live the other day. It will be my last one for a while. I'll probably squeeze another game in before committing to Dragon Age on Halloween.

Better management, mostly. It's not like Bioware was lacking in creativity. They just managed it better. Look at CP2077. CDPR went public and this amazing game got rushed and critically panned.

>NTA but I hope you have also played the addon, Mask of the Betrayer
What kind of woman do you think I am? I always play the add-ons and DLC.

The bear girl won't accuse you of rape but she might maul you.
It means you're a clown or freak in their eyes. They smile to dissimulate.
>prize winning ass, huh?
You know, like the beer? Ah, nevermind.
Lmao literally me
Why'd she leave?
Why do you people keep pretending I'm secretly in love with women? Fuck off.
>I already have a long list.
So no reason to not add to it at this point. The backlog is long for everyone.

I need to play SKALD next and I still haven't beaten Suzerain and Jagged Alliance 3.
The bear
Oh pabst, kek
I get it, I get it.
Woman so I can annoy her without repercussion while inebriated and then run away leaving her scared and alone
Why do girls say that guys who choose the bear in the woman vs beargirl debate are retarded?
You don't know our experiences - the decision is based off trauma with women going back to our childhoods.
A beargirl won't falsely accuse you of rape, slander you, and ruin your reputation. She might even let you fuck her.
The fact women even wonder is all the more proof that they're bad people.
>Makes a loaded gun choice
>"See I was right"
The bear girl in this case wouldn't be avoiding us in the woods either :^)
Think she got a partner and started focusing on life stuff. Or at least that's what I've heard from other anons.
Thank you, ChatGPT.
Would you rather your significant other have a terabyte of real porn or a terabyte of hentai?
Whatever gets him off more. Why not both?

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