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"mid girls <3" Edition

reply to this post or a non-chad will try to talk to you today
Thoughts on guys with sunglasses?
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Hey (You)!
Yes (You)!
What is your favorite video game that's older than you?
Women, could you pick out your bf's dick in a line up?
How do I get a gf into threesomes and spitroasts?
Why do I crave an abusive boyfriend? It's all I've wanted since I was a little girl. I fantasize about it all the time. I want him to be possessive and bully me.
Yet I also know it isn't good for me and I should resist the urge.
Why do sub 6'2 males try to talk to me when I'm with my girlies? So gross. Omg.
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How common are women like webm related?
Are you self aware of your autogynophilia?
I love Sonic 2!
I need a cute femanon to watch me play it and listen to me rattle off fun trivia and theories about it, while they nod and think about how hard they're going to drain my balls!
S e x.
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>Why do sub 6'2 males try to talk to me when I'm with my girlies? So gross. Omg.
How do you feel about ethnic Albanians living in Bosnia and Kosovo?
how important is money for women? like if you as a woman are financially independent, would you accept me if I had everything else together but I worked a lower paying job? Health, fitness, no addictions, clean, loving, interesting, etc.
Men how long do you want me to wait until I try to get back together with you?
No, you're a scrub. I bet you have a power bottom job like a nurse or a waiter lmao.
1-2 days
That ugly man with the exaggerated facial expression seems like an adequate representation of unhinged keyboard warrior behavior, yes
>how important is money for women?
Would you date a guy whos boring, but he doesnt drink, smoke or do drugs
I was gonna ask where you were two weeks ago when I was blogging about my Sonic 2 playthrough but then I realized you're an e-simp who was probably salty some other guy also enjoyed Sonic 2.
Mecha Sonic is my favorite part of the game.
Women should instead date me, a man who is capable of vaping and smoking cigarettes through his asshole. It's a classic party trick that I've shown numerous people at nightclubs and cookouts.
Femanons would you date guy who drinks Whiskey?
Do you get headrush like that?
oh so this is just a larp thread. cool. and no I'm not I'm just not a doctor or something.
lmao no
Groping femanon's bootycheeks while she's cooking
That is why you will be fired from the kitchen at Arby's without the ability to collect unemployment
I don't know what you're talking about! :) I replay Sonic 2 all the time and actively want more people to play it.
My favorite part is Mystic Cave Zone. Mecha Sonic and the Death Egg Robot still give me anxiety when I fight them.
>and no I'm not I'm just not a doctor or something.
Then you shouldn't pretend to have any medical knowledge.
I would. I am also boring, don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.
Probably Feds and spy's
They're pretty cool, I guess.
F. Hatris came out like a year before me, apparently.
Sure, assuming he's not an alcoholic.
Good way to make me stop cooking and demand sex instead.
What was the objectively funniest act of sexual violence you ever experienced? I got raped by a goth clown, one wearing full makeup
Probs being pressured into holding an old man with cancer's dick when he could've held it himself fine.
>I got raped by a goth clown, one wearing full makeup
God I wish that was me
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>went to get a sandwich at Arby’s
>dude working behind the counter was a demure but heavily pierced guy wearing a large Witcher medallion
I guess their campaign to recruit deadbeat gamers really worked.
Women do you assume that guys who like physical touch only like it for sex reasons?
I feel like I’m going insane in my dorm because I have very little art and things to help me relax when I’m home. What small things do you have in your room that improve your QOL and/or make you feel comfortable at home?
Pics or it didn’t happen.
There was this very colorful German movie from maybe the 1990s or 2000s, I think it was from the director of Run Lola Run, where the caretaker of an old dying man jacks him off under his bedsheets in his last days. Near the end of the movie it's revealed she's his daughter. Why the fuck do I still remember that.
I like it because I'm mentally autistic in the brain and touching or being touched by another person is a comforting form of stimming.
Why are people these days obsessed with the word demure like they've just heard it for the first fucking time? It's really not that obscure or unique of an adjective.
My Sega Dreamcast. It was the first console I ever bought with my own money, and it's never left me. I took it to my dorms, kept it on me while I was couch-surfing. It just brings me comfort even if I don't use it often.
Whoever reading this:
Your skin isn’t paper don’t cut it
Your body isn’t a book cover don’t judge it
Your heart isn’t a door don’t lock it
Your life isn’t a move don’t end it
Your soul is beautiful
Be you , stay safe ,stay hard
I started using it after seeing it get used in Carnage as a way to describe Kate Winslet’s character before she started to get drunk. Sounds like an apt way to describe a reserved guy who looks like a misanthrope but still acts politely behind a drive thru window.
>touching or being touched by another person is a comforting form of stimming
idk what stimming is, but i agree!
From WebMD:

>Stimming refers to repetitive behaviors or motions that you may use to help cope with emotions. Some examples of stimming include:

>Biting your nails when you feel anxious
>Twirling your hair when you feel bored
>Flapping your hands when something excites you
>Jiggling your foot when you are concentrating
>Banging your head
>Turning a light off and on
>Scratching your skin repeatedly

I have been hanging out with this girl I met at a rave and we have gone to 3 raves together and even roll together. We also hang out outside of that and have lots of sex. It seems like she realllly likes me almost overwhelmingly, like she wants to kiss and have sex 24/7. This has been going on for about a month. She is most likely expecting this to turn into a relationship but for me I do not want that. I just don't have that desire to be in a monogomous relationship at this point in my life even though she is a sweet girl.

So the question is, should I tell her this before we spend more time together? I would ideally want to be good friends with her and still go to shows and hang out sometimes, and would be okay if she found another guy to be boyfriends with eventually. Or should I not bring any serious talk like that and just hang out and have a good time like we are now? I mean she is gonna bring it up at some point soon right? I just feel bad I don't want to hurt her feelings.
I don't like people who use working forces as an excuse to burn crosses.
What are the slavery rituals in which you have participated? When and how will you liberate yourself from these chains of oppression?
Good evening /atoga/
I hate women.
Daggerfall or Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.
Women are indecisive men really that unattractive?
I see.

As a man, how can I sexualize my bare feet, emphasizing the flexibility of the balls of my feet and the dexterity of my toes?
Don’t bring it up until she brings it up. Or casually hint at it when you get the chance like “BOY DO I LIKE BEING SINGLE AND NOT BEING COMMITTED TO ANYONE LOL” but don’t bring it up explicitly unless you want to prematurely ruin this good thing you have going.
Do pest exterminators ever exterminate the alien midgets from Pluto who are staring at me every night from a car parked across the street? All these yellow eyed jaundiced alien fuckers do is masturbate their forked extraterrestrial penises while they watch my sleep. I want them to stop spying on me and masturbating to me. I've called the police multiple times but they said there's nothing they can do, they even gaslighted me into saying I needed mental treatment. Fuck no, I know these fuckers are there.

How do I stop the masturbating extraterrestrial midgets who keep stalking and spying on me? I don't think a pest exterminator will do anything against them but that might be my only hope.

Where do you keep your collection of the dried and shrunken genitals of the many men you've castrated?
Women can i start with 2 fingers? or do i start with 1 and add more?
I've been talking to a girl online. Let me make this clear first to avoid any misunderstandings: I am 100% sure I am NOT getting catfished. I know her name, where she lives, where she works, we did video calls multiple times etc so I'm not getting baited.

However, she sometimes just sends me pictures of someone who's clearly not her (the person is more attractive) pretending it's her just wearing a lot of make up. I mean the other person does look like her a bit but their nose is completely different, it's clear they're not the same person. She just says she's wearing a lot of make up and it makes her look like someone else but it's literally someone else.

What's the point in doing this, women? I'm genuinely confused.
Not for me.
Men typically do less housework though they often make up for it by out earning their female partners.
I'm personally fine with two, but I know everyone is different. You should probs start with one just to be safe.
Mortal Kombat 3

Not very. Uncircumcised is the norm around the world.

Like we should have killed every Serbian while we were in Kosovo.

Yes, I make enough to support a partner. I would much prefer them doing something they are passionate about or that makes them happy. Just have enough to buy your wants.

Depends on the whiskey. I won't date a guy that gets shitfaced on Jack and Fireball.

Prefer a healthy swat, but groping will do.

Indecisive people are unattractive.
Women, would you ever date a guy who preferred receiving feminine compliments and pet names? Like they'd rather be a pretty princess than a handsome prince
>Depends on the whiskey. I won't date a guy that gets shitfaced on Jack and Fireball.
I have really good taste and a nice collection
You are the ideal house husband for a high earning career woman.
Women is the areola more sensitive than the nipple itself?
Fuck no. Having my nips touched directly feels like being stabbed. But maybe that's because I have innies.
Just a reminder that tattoos are a permanent reminder of a temporary emotion.
State gender and age
What are your preferred alcoholic beverages?
Male, 30.
Women if you want to a costume party and a guy had inflatable dick in his costume, would you touch it?
M 27
Whiskey neat
>But maybe that's because I have innies
Hmm, i suppose that could be possible
>Having my nips touched directly feels like being stabbed
Touching the areola is fine?
I still don't regret mine.
F, 33. Anything with Baileys. Mudslides and grasshoppers are my favorites, but they're more like desserts.
Tangentially related, do Americans not drink cider? I've never seen one online ever refer to cider of any kind, either positively or negatively.
If it was a small party of at least all acquaintances, I'd probably make a joke about jerking it off. But otherwise no.
Yeh, but my areolas are pretty wide, I'd say. Touching too close to the nips still hurts.
I’m serious
Absolutely vapid statement. Any decision you ever make is the result of "temporary emotion", and if you're referring to what the tattoo represents rather than the decision to get it then you can just not pick something emotional. If you're that paranoid about it, anyway.
I've had hard ciders before. They're common enough.
I’ve never felt more confused and helpless in my life. Why did he do this?
State age
What is the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Is not-as-close to the nipple pleasurable at all? or its still too much?
Me too
Almost got crushed (or hit in the head) by a chunk of concrete from a pillar
Men state age

What do you regret?
because it gave me a giggle
Seems very short
I regret not asking out that extremely nerdy and weird girl in HS I was friends with and friends with her older brother.
I though I could do better since I was more popular, but I'd probably have a nice life with her.
when i was like 7, i told my cousin she had on too much makeup on her wedding day. I still feel bad about it
It can feel weird in a not-bad way, but that's only when I'm touching them like that. With partners, it feels like they're gouging my nips out even if they're being very careful.
Yeah that is kinda the point, if I want to be with you I don't want to be apart for long.
M 26
I cut up my chest a long time ago because I wanted some private marks that would scare away any girls I somehow managed to be intimate with, my self esteem was that low and I wanted a reason to permanently withdraw from trying to find love.
Some guy who seemed either on a substance or mentally ill approached me once and started talking about death out of the blue. I feigned speaking French to escape the situation but it turned out he was fluent. Still don't know what the fuck was going on there.
Not picking my own college, doing some perverted shit to friends who still don't know, not being more social generally.
Have you ever had an expectation of monogamy in a 1 on 1 with a friend and is all your social career path developed off this? We really need to raise kids meeting their older siblings in pairs at a time but the greater fear of emotional rivalry of big scary ape rents and their dysfunctional homomonogomous 1:1 social clutch will out rule you back to default state. It's best you become a quantum component state and do them separate but imagine one before the next and the other after the first but don't imagine both at the same time if you have any fallacy of self perpetuating isms.
State gender
Have you ever been in love?

Whatcha got?

No, but it still feels good

F 27 for a few more days
Tequila, rum, and really anything but vodka. I hate vodka. Love wine. Currently drinking wine. Sangria is wine.

The intrusive thoughts would probably win.
27, I “regret” doing coke for the first time last night because now I want more.
F. Idk anymore. After seven relationships, you'd think what I felt as love would've made one of them actually last.
>With partners, it feels like they're gouging my nips out even if they're being very careful.
oof, thats rough
My chest is uggo in general, so I'd rather not bring attention to it during sex at all. I have plenty of ass to keep hands occupied.
I often get deja vu and have had some odd supernatural experiences, like identifying my then deceased great grandfather's shoes without being told that they were his. Also have had a handful of near deaths that I barely avoided.
I've got a few I suppose, but I was only acting on the best judgements I could have made at the time. One might be letting someone who likely had untreated BPD take me for a ride for so long, but I live with it.

I regret not giving the girl who loved me in high school a chance. She literally offered herself to me in every way conceivable and tongue kissed me in front of the entire school on our last day of school. I never gave her a chance because... Honestly I have no idea, I was attracted to her and I did love her. I guess I was just afraid and I judged her for her past a bit.
I have never loved someone since then and she REALLY fucking hates me nowadays.
Is it better to be alone and lonely or be with someone you don’t like?
Maybe? The most intensely I've ever connected with someone was a friend I had when I was a teenager, but she moved away and I realise looking back that I made no effort to stay in touch whilst she made lots. Dunno if it was really being in love but if it's not it's still the nearest I've been. We're still in touch, but in a "every 2 years one of us says 'how are you' and the other says 'good' and that's it" sort of way.
>Watching Doom 2015 movie
>its good but I just ate dinner and I'm slowly falling asleep despite the action
>cat starts fucking SCREAMING for no reason
>wake up and look over
>she is sitting on the carpet all quietly like "What's up, did you hear something?"
I swear to god this cat...
>Whatcha got?
Russell's reserve single barrel and private select, laphroaig 10 year, a 22 yo Glenfiddich single barrel cask strength, Lagavulin 16 yo, Knob Creek 12 yo bourbon and Knob Creek 10 yo rye, Jack Daniel's single barrel barrel proof rye. Ron Izalco 18 yo rum.
Idk I have a lot more.
Women who enjoy giving handjobs, whats fun about it for you?
No. I don’t know
I can't keep alcohol in the house because its too tempting for me to glug-glug at the end of the day. I save all my drinking for between xmas and new years.
Many times, yes.
Yeah it's tempting so I try to keep it just to weekends and not every day during the weekend.
This wasn't in Sakurai's book
M 30
I like vodka. Never tried wine or sake, but I'd like to.

A lady on the bus last winter took a picture of me. She was sitting just a seat ahead, and accidentally had her flash on. I still don't know what to think. I just stared at her for the next 30 minutes iirc.

Caring for my ex for 12 years.

I thought so at the time. I loved an idealized version of her, really. I was too stupid to see it.
I've experienced both and I think loneliness is better.
Never experienced the latter but it sounds like it would eat away at you.
Yeah, I couldn't do it, I am dopamine deprived and if you put in alone with nothing but a bag of chips I'll eventually devour them even if I'm not hungry just to keep that dopamine up.
Weirdly enough though, leave me in a house full of junk food and I'll eat the junk food, but just eat enough of it to keep myself full. I've lost more weight with my parents gone than I have with them here, which might be because they stress me the fuck out lol.
I went on a date with a coworker a few years younger than me and she wanted to hold onto my hand while I was driving so I let her and she started sucking on my fingers.
I would appreciate if I didn'f have to talk to anyone in class thanks.
I went out I got dressed all pretty and didn’t talk to any guys :( everyone at the concert was there with their girlfriend
I hate the apps but I’m thinking they’re my only chance
Lonely, you can solve that with a pet somewhat. Being with someone you don't like can be absolutely abrasive, even if they aren't trying to be. I think that is why some women just fly off the handle at their husbands at anything and everything, they "conquered" him then lose respect because he has been tamed and then they grow to hate him for some reason, so any little thing he does, even if he is trying to not annoy her, annoys her so he can't win.
Probably some weird shit test to see if you had self-control
Guy I'm getting to know told me he doesn't think I'm super good looking but he likes who I am. I asked him if he thinks I'm ugly he said no. What do I make of this and what now?
Yeah I get it, I have the same problem with junk food.
But I am not very good at stopping eating it.
Only way I can stop is when there is none in the house but then I feel stressed like I have nothing to eat haha.
Either he's an autist who can't social properly or he's negging you. Not good either way.
>My chest is uggo in general
how would you feel if a guy disagreed with you?
I walked into my tattoos with zero theory to connect the idea to anything but the outlines is schematically assembles to I had little to no adjustment on the second one as it was a rendition of a catastrophe of conversation marking the urgency to never be direct and do everything for yourself with one mouth piece even if that means sucking a dick just to fit in
If you start sucking on people's fingers out of the blue there is exactly one person in the situation who lacks self control, and it isn't the suckee.
Nice quads booger sugar
Call you the quadfather

It's a bitter pill to swallow knowing it doesn't matter how much you love someone. You can't make them love you back.

Just because you're alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely.

>laphroaig 10 year
Good shit
>22 yo Glenfiddich single barrel cask strength
Good shit
>Lagavulin 16 yo
Too peaty
>Knob Creek 12 yo bourbon
Good shit

The control. It's low effort too.

>loved an idealized version of her, really.
We've all been there
Bulldog effect, ugly/not his type but cute and he can't put his finger on it. It's your aura, your expressiveness or your personality, something attracts him to you and he can't really put his finger on it, but he knows its not because of how you look. When your a dude you can tell the difference between being attracted to someone because their attractive vs. another reason, but you won't always know the reason.
I failed
Male, 25
I was helping one of my friends move down South, and an extremely inebriated black dude (at 10 AM) asked for 75 cents and the use of my phone.
I think he is being honest. I'm indeed not super good looking. I felt insulted though but maybe I shouldn't? I don't know how I should feel about this
>>laphroaig 10 year
>Good shit
>>22 yo Glenfiddich single barrel cask strength
>Good shit
>>Lagavulin 16 yo
>Too peaty
>>Knob Creek 12 yo bourbon
>Good shit
I find Lagavulin 16 yo to be less peaty than laphroaig 10.
I also have Calirosa extra anejo tequila I forgot about.
Best case is he's autistic and has no filter.
That's fine. I understand that everyone has their own tastes. I just personally feel like they're so far separated from the standard of nice tits that I'm only being fair by saying they're objectively bad.
You can be honest without being rude. There are some thoughts that are appropriate to share, and some which are not. Telling a date that they aren't very good looking is not an appropriate thing to say.
You should pick up running and find healthy food to gorge yourself on. I'm a runner so I'm going to be skinny no matter how much I eat, but my brother ate nothing but bacon and eggs because he liked the taste and he lost a shit ton of weight that way.
So that means he is not physically attracted to me?
Oh no he'll have sex with you, he wouldn't be dating you if he didn't, just your body isn't the major factor.
You're so lucky to be living the dream when it comes to love. Talked with my ex a lot yesterday and despite things going well, she still hasn't convinced me she wants more from me than to sit on her face.
>but maybe I shouldn't?
Gonna sound corny as shit for a moment, but there's no way you "should" feel in response to that. Whatever your earnest reaction is to hearing it is valid or whatever. If you found it insulting so be it, just recognise that you taking offence and the statement being intentionally offensive aren't necessarily the same thing.
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How can women be unhappy if they have unlimited options of men to date? If a relationship doesn’t work out she can easily find a different guy to date. Why do some of them say they have relationship problems if they have it so easy in the dating world?
It's really simple. Just look at all the charts of how men rate women vs how women rate men.

Men rate women objectively and their ratings follow a normal distribution from 1-10. Women rate men as a binary thing, either they are good looking or they're ugly.

He's saying you're not a 10 or a 9 on his scale, but you're a 7. However, because of how women rate men, you think that a 7 means he thinks you're ugly when he's really just trying to say he thinks you're good looking but not like an instagram model or anything.
Might work to your advantage, it means he is dating for a LTR and/or seriously and doesn't just want to pump and dump you after the 3rd or 4th date.
I understand the urgency to accomplish something overcompanied by the instant gratification generation however soldier processes don't work like that if you look at the whole unit preparation is pretty clairvoyant the information it protects and contains it's just no civilian has a user manual and when it boils down to decisiveness the most action you'll get is flight or fight response in which atypical is a response mechanism of an instant gratification mechanism bait and switching decisiveness to trigger the killjoy.
Men are the only ones for whom literally 100% of their happiness is derived from getting laid
Some of us are ugly and annoying
I'm catcalled sometimes and guys who are younger and better looking than him think I'm cute (they don't know my aura or personality) so am I ugly or does this guy has shitty taste?
What should I call her then? OjOj?
Oh then he probably means your face then?
>So am I ugly?
I don't know what you look like, if your catcalled I wouldn't worry about it
>does this guy have shitty taste?
Imagine if I said "Yes", that means I'm calling you shit lmfao.
I literally cannot remember a single weird/out of the ordinary thing. I don't think I've ever had something really weird happen to me. Am I that boring?
>everyone at the concert was there with their girlfriend
Think this is confirmation bias. Every time I go out somewhere it feels like every woman is with a boyfriend or in a large group. Sometimes both. Fairly sure not everyone is cuffed so it must be us just noticing it more
I think men have shitty taste. I don't think instagram models are 10
A lot of men like plastic these days, I never got the appeal. I'm male btw.
I’m so depressed lol
What's up?
Got pulled over in the middle of the day for doing 61 in a 55. Rolled my window down, hands on the wheel, waited for the officer to approach. My windows had no tint and I was the only one in the car, which was nothing special, a silver late-model Fusion with no exterior damage, nothing even remotely remarkable about it.
The cop approached from the passenger side, weapon drawn at low ready, keeping his head low. He poked his head up and checked the back seat, then moved to the front and checked the passenger seat, before coming around to my window, where he holstered his weapon. The stop went completely normally after that. No idea what the fuck that was about.
I regret not asking out more women in high school and college.
Both genders,
Should I eat celery or baby carrots while I game?
Carrots are tastier
F. Neither of those is my pussy, so why the fuck should I care? Just ignore my needs to play your stupid Dark Souls like my gamer ex did. Fucking useless.
Carrots with just a dollop of ranch on the side.
Celery is gross :(
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Because happiness can't be derived from other people. If you're unhappy with yourself, no partner is going to change that.

I'm too drunk to understand this or you're not making any sense

>What should I call her then? OjOj?

Eat berries. They're high in fiber.
A man will marry any woman that shows him a speck of attention. They’ll do anything to get attention from women. Sex is the least of their worries.
Damn, you used to not like the idea of guys eating your pussy. Being direct like this is hot.
I've come around to it. And now that I'm single it's been on my mind a lot.
You sound really upset, maybe throw on Skyrim or something to relax.
Yes. Because 100% of their issues are "I can't get pussy!" They'll settle because pussy is pussy, it's the only thing that can make them happy.
Both genders. What's an example of somebody who is the least physically attractive that you would still consider dating?
Would you ever force a guy's face onto your pussy?
Consensually of course
I don’t like them with ranch
>What is your favorite video game that's older than you?
Bloody hell, there aren't many.
Colossal Cave Adventure's older than me, right?
How about you try to distract me while I play, and if I die to a boss or hazard, I have to bury my face in your slophole until you cum or I die?
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If I had a whole bunch of women to date and love me, I’d be the happiest man alive
I can't even get a woman to settle with me.
I've only ate pussy a couple times, but I'd love to do it again.
I wish one of the girls I'd done it to had leglocked my head, that would be hot.
>Men state age
>What do you regret?

I've made mistakes in the past but feeling bad about that is degenerate behaviour.
Ah okay I didn't realize actual demons used /atoga/
Vegetable dip?
I just wanted to hook up with this guy. At first at least. Initially I thought he was super physically attracted to me and we would have great sex. I'm kinda disappointed
>Is it better to be alone and lonely or be with someone you don’t like?
Being with someone you don't like.
Lonelyfags collect FOMO and regret like they're common pulls. It'll hurt more to be in a painful relationship, but it will teach you more, and you won't be an obsessive FOMO rat.
State gender
Do you play any games on your phone while you're out, or do you watch videos, or read?
I miss having a gacha game to play, fuck.
Occasionally I listen to a podcast, but otherwise, no. I don't even have any games installed on my phone.
Why is it all or nothing with you girls? Maybe it you pull out all the stops during sex he'll be physically attracted to you then?
Yes but I was incapable at receiving at the time. I was a vessel void of words on a scary rollercoaster every shift would contain a delusion as the image started deeply in the satire guest of deepest red in my dimly lit three bedroom apartment the door which frequented my only companion long awell my missions of neural submission oblivion and blackout terrors dampening the social life of a neck jacket weirdo panty sniffing thief high on crack cocaine I only remembered this I had no friends junkies were to smoke down the dummy baggies my neighbor accrossed who i met in fall detatch the scenery it was the rolling picture unique to my associate coupling fear of overwhelming paranoid anxiety that i had been fit. My close was in the train tracks watching the picture of me shadowing the coaster Everytime I would emote sense overwhelming response push her further away as the scene endlessly rolled on had I withdured. It was locked in my memory for longer than necessary to know exactly what I am talking about I prefer you don't read my research paper just know that is my experience with true love.
Giving femanon unlimited kisses and gropes
>games on phone
>watch videos
On phone? Yup, youtube
On my phone? Sounds miserable.
Women, are you open to a a guy eating you out to wake you up? What about piv?
Asking men would be pointless
I get my daily exercise by walking around the neighborhood and playing Pokemon Go on my phone. Taptaptaptaptaptaptap...
The only appearance related red flags I have are being extremely overweight (like walmart scooter fat) and having clear plastic surgery things. Also not a fan of plastic boobs but I can deal with it
That one was also one he played. All stupid sword shit. At least that new Zelda game has horses you can tame.
Of fucking course. Facesitting is amazing.
That'd make games actually fun for me, too, so sure. In my experience, trying to distract a guy from games with sex just gets me shot down and embarrassed, though.
Is trapping by closing thighs not enough? Because leglocking could be more painful for you.
Kek, what are you 5?
>What do I make of this
Your attractiveness is between 4/10 and 7/10
Your personality is above a 6/10
>Is trapping by closing thighs not enough?
None of them ever even did that. Hell, I'd have loved if they used their hands and played with my hair. At the very least they did moan my name, which was hot.
F. I play slots and Vampire Survivors on my phone sometimes.
Fuck no to both. If a guy wants to eat me out, I want to make sure I'm as fresh as possible. Also, as hot as being fucked in my sleep could be, I'm too paranoid that the guy would be tempted to ignore my demand that he always wear a condom and always pull out.
Hi girlies! Let's have hot, constant, never ending sex
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I play portable games on emulators. Pic related is my favorite.
Do not play gacha games. They’re the devil.
Either browse reddit or read ebooks
Megaman 4 and Megaman 8
Weird. Crushing a partner's head with my thighs is practically reflexive when I'm close.
A lady I work with jokingly said I was the bane of her existence the other day. She said this after I joked about how I would inconvenience her day by sheer coincidence. Is this still at the level of friendly banter?
Boyfriend left me
How do I cope with wanting and not wanting a relationship? I want one because I'm extremely insecure in not having had one before, but in truth I don't think I actually want someone I have to stay in constant contact with and change my life around. I also don't think my bouts of severe depression bode well for forming a stable relationship, it's a terrible idea for me in practice but I still can't get over
>tfw no gf
I want to get over being romantically and sexually attracted to women as a whole.
>Like we should have killed every Serbian while we were in Kosovo.
Any kind of sex first thing in the morning is great, it just takes me a while to wake up so I'm a bit dopey at first
I neeeed it...
>How can women be unhappy if they have unlimited options of men to date?
Health problems, Work problems, Money problems, Family problems, shitty living situation.
Also filtering through shitty men gets to be a chore.
>If a relationship doesn’t work out she can easily find a different guy to date.
Bruh that's like saying if one thing you cook tastes awful you can just cook something else. Yeah but it's still a pain in the ass to cook what amounts to a waste.
>Why do some of them say they have relationship problems if they have it so easy in the dating world?
How's it easy to sift through a bunch of chaff?
New meme, dont know what started it.
Kinda disappointing that it only just now hit a lot of peoples vocabulary
M. Super Metroid is just a few months older than me, and it's still the best game out there
>In my experience, trying to distract a guy from games with sex just gets me shot down and embarrassed, though.
That's dumb. They're dumb. Who just has their partner around and decides they want to play a singleplayer game with no interruption?
Hello! Sex?
I'm a dude...
>Should I eat celery or baby carrots while I game?
Celery if your mic is open because it'll troll your team
Carrots otherwise because healthier
Its the new submissive and breedable
Uhhhh, yes and no it really depends on the guy.
The post of someone who's never run through a sick dungeon
Ikr? One ex literally made me watch him die over snd over as our date nights. It was hellish. At least with my last ex I got to actually try the game a bit. And when I got bored we could still mess around with zero complaining.
I have a tapestry of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card and a bookshelf and thats all I really need to keep me comfy
>A man will marry any woman that shows him a speck of attention. They’ll do anything to get attention from women.
That's only the shitty men who aren't worth dating.
Actual men have goals, plans, and interests.
I have 100 hours in Vampire Survivors and I am unashamed. I know my phone could never handle it though.
No, I eat them because they’re low calorie. I like them on their own
How? I barely play it much and I think I unlocked everything already.
Gin and Tonic for cocktails
Red Wines at dinner
Stouts and Porters for beers, can and will fuck up a case of PBR though
No way there's no one else here that's experienced this
>Both genders.
>What's an example of somebody who is the least physically attractive that you would still consider dating?
My wife
She is also the most physically attractive person I would consider dating.
I can’t speak for every guy, but you’re wrong. Sexual attraction is based around validation.
Here in the states ciders are seen as a girly drink so its not as popular
NTA, but I agree with him, that's nuts. I could see if you guys got to hang out several times a week and once in a while they spent a few hours playing a game, particularly a multiplayer game that you could play too, but every time is stupid.
>trying to distract a guy from games with sex just gets me shot down and embarrassed, though.
If it's consensual then it's fun. Your problem is that you're doing it non-consensually.
When I was 20 I was living in an art gallery basement and scraping dmt off of pyrex glasses
>Am I wrong?
When men select women (or men) to masturbate to they select for looks
Also in the states the cider isn't real its just shitty malt liquor mixed with highly processed apple juice and not actual cider.
Need tall submissive gf that loves to suck me dick
lmao thats a crazy thing to say to a woman, i'd just assume hes autistic cause I can see myself saying something similar
>Hi girlies! Let's have hot, constant, never ending sex
You are almost a rizzler.
Just need to say "Sup bitches." instead of "Hi girlies!"
Hello girlies
May I lick you?
He had a lot of issues, honestly the gaming and neglect weren't close to the worst of it towards the end of our relationship.
I just wanted dick. It was right there. It wasn't fair to call me over his place and then refuse to mess around at all despite calling it a date night.
I'm surprised at how many women have no idea how men work, it seems no matter how many times you tell them "guys have a pump/dump and date/marry categorization" it always blows their mind for some reason. I guess older women aren't passing down the knowledge so its always a new "discovery" every generation?
> extremely insecure
Stop being
>severe depression
Have goals
>I want to get over being romantically and sexually attracted to women as a whole.
Try danbooru or pixiv, 2D is easy
>Who just has their partner around and decides they want to play a singleplayer game with no interruption?
Good question. Mine enjoys talking with me while she games. Maybe it's an introvert thing.
Let's have sex immediately!
That's important context. Choosing games over sex when you just happen to be hanging out is one thing, specifically calling your gf over for a date night just to ignore her is another matter entirely. One makes you a bit of a loser but whatever. The other makes you a cunt.
Its a shame too cause good cider is tasty
Men, I just vomited.
It boggles the mind. A ready and willing partner that you just ignore so you can play some bullshit.

That one ex sounds like a lunatic. I at least pick multiplayer games (usually puzzle games, NEVER FIGHTING) and make some sexy rules. Sounds like you lucked out in getting the fuck out of there.

I just find it fun and relaxing, the dopamine hasn't worn off. I want to try a run where I get every single weapon to see how bad my PC stutters.
>Who just has their partner around and decides they want to play a singleplayer game with no interruption?
When I play games if the girl is interested I'll talk to her, in fact, it'll make me excited that she is into it. It can be vice versa too, just don't be too upset if I pass the fuck out while your playing games.
NTA but a lot of girls are well aware of this
wash out your mouth with water and later brush your teeth.
Did you look in a mirror?
What caused it?
Just to clarify, he was the cunt, not me right? Idk if I should feel vindicated or mad at you.
>men are attracted to looks
>instagram models are men's idea of 10/10 women
>most women aren't instagram models
>men aren't very attracted to most women
>if men aren't very attracted to most women = most men are prone to cheat on their gfs/wives if they get the opportunity to with instagram models
>Hello girlies
>May I lick you?
This comment has been specifically engineered to generate the most rejection. Submissive, caring about approval, use of reddit lingo, and sexual.
Well done.
What's an example of a character who you think is high key sympathetic and vulnerable? Like the most "must protect" character you can think of?
Women just need to do better
No not at all; I'm insanely introverted and so I love getting to share something I care about with somebody I feel at ease with.

And if she's not interested, you won't talk to her?
Not enough if I'm always finding people who try to argue with me over it.
because i ate too much. my throat burns a lot now
>some bullshit.
Okay so actually Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is top tier dungeon design and revered in the roguelike community. If you ask for sex and I'm in the middle of choosing my god, you aren't getting shit at least until I clear Lair.
>>instagram models are men's idea of 10/10 women
you're logic falls apart here. This isn't true.
I actually hate multiplayer games where it's a competition. I'm a sore loser.
>I want to try a run where I get every single weapon
But you only have a limited number of slots?
>Health problems, Work problems, Money problems, Family problems, shitty living situation.
Also filtering through shitty men gets to be a chore.
Ok you got a point there but they could still find a quality guy to help them through these problems.
>Bruh that's like saying if one thing you cook tastes awful you can just cook something else. Yeah but it's still a pain in the ass to cook what amounts to a waste.
Pretty sure finding a man for a woman is much easier than cooking something different. It’s more like finding a better purse and throwing the old one away.

>How's it easy to sift through a bunch of chaff?
What does this mean?
Damn, trying to become a BBW?
He's talking about the guy. Choosing games in the moment is loser behavior, deliberately bringing you over to ignore you is cuntish.
If I was overfull and saw your face, I'd probably puke too
hell no, the exact opposite. Why would I vomit if im trying to gain weight
>And if she's not interested, you won't talk to her?
Like if she comes in and talks to me about her day or something, I'd stop playing the game to talk to her for a while. I've put down multiplayer games with the boys to talk to my girl for 30 mintues before saying "Hey, they are waiting for me, I gotta go back" or something.
Why would you stuff yourself if you're not trying to become fat?
>>he was the cunt, not me right
>be gaming
>know you want to be gaming
>invite girlfriend over for a date night
>ignore her and keep gaming
>don't even let her join
I spend the VAST majority of my time playing single player video games and even as an absolutely game obsessed loser I can call that cunt behaviour. Cunt kind of understates it actually.
>Pretty sure finding a man for a woman is much easier than cooking something different.
Cooking food takes like 40 minutes at most, the fuck are you talking about?
She has an eating disorder relax
You shouldn't induce purging, have you went to your doctor to get help with Bulimia? Have you made steps to start an exercise plan and diet?
Information is learned on the spot fight or flight is the target instant. Both perpetuate and appearance of decisiveness but no one has the logical awareness to teach in their own false image and keep up a facade in a cascade of compromises I wish I was born in a different generation.
>I actually hate multiplayer games where it's a competition. I'm a sore loser.
I chose fighting games with a girl only once. It was a very very bad idea. I choose puzzle games because I kinda suck at them.
>But you only have a limited number of slots?
An update came out last month with a Darkana that lets you get an additional 14, and with one character with random events turned on, you can potentially get every single one as a random drop. I had 14 weapons in this screenshot!!
Uruma from Juujika no Rokunin
You do realize all of us were born from pussy right? You, and every single human that’s ever existed, was born from a woman’s vagina. Not saying it’s the all-end-all but pussy is still important.
>in bed, texting on my phone, having my issues with my exes retroactively validated
It's like you guys really are my friends.
Lots of women have c-sections.
Utterly baffled by this statement. Do you think there is one meal that everyone cooks called "food" that only has 40 minutes of combined prep, cooking and clean up time?
Any ladies here that can offer insight?
I should play it more again.
nta but yes, now cook me some food plz :3
Like, do you think it takes less than 40 minutes to find a decent guy, or something?
Bruh finding a guy who likes you and and who has his life together and who isn't hiding any shitty personality traits takes months.
Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to have to filter out the people who look good on the surface, but when you look at them deeper they end up with insecurity or aggression or depression or impulsivity or any other number of issues that they happen to be good at masking?
That shit wastes days if not weeks. It's fucking annoying.
Genuinely, do you have autism? That's just banter.
Yeah, that’s my point. I said finding a man for a woman is easier than cooking.
I'm male and I just don't date, its just easier.
>Do you think there is one meal that everyone cooks called "food" that only has 40 minutes of combined prep, cooking and clean up time?
Yeah I like food, it's pretty good.
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Im finally gonna watch Evangelion, should I watch sub or dub
Yes you should! It's like crack - good for you and with only negligible downsides.
That seems weird, because I would assume most girls would know that most men aren't that discriminating when it comes to casual sex, especially one night stands. Although you're right in that there are girls who foolishly believe if a guy is willing to have sex with them, it actually means anything beyond just sex
>Genuinely, do you have autism
Probably. I mean, I'm here aren't I?
If you were more worthwhile, they'd be more honest. Work on your character.
Bmi because lack of detachment. And handicaps. Just never would open the conversation up and don't want to accidentally insult them by making a move I must be able to make a move before commitment to weeb out dweebie peenie I can't have someone that reminds me of this idea we are never going to be together because of things I curse myself with and I'm a man of my thought I try to follow it if the good lords listening.
>Why would I vomit if im trying to gain weight
"Ah fuck I accidentally ate NON CARB. Yeet! Now I can add CARB."
Sub, please
The dub's quality is atrocious

Rebuild's dub is a lot better, but... it's Rebuild
men, would you take estrogen if it wasn't permanent?
I dont know who this floozy is. Should I?
Most people here are disgustingly neurotypical.
>She needs some space for now
What the hell do I do in the meanwhile, bros (and hos)?
Sub it is then, thank you.
No, I need more testosterone in my opinion
>A woman who's better than you would have better outcomes than you
True but irrelevant to my point.
Back in my day we just called it x-change.
nta, but I'm not, yet at the same time all the autismbros I get along with end up transitioning and ADHD women can sometimes be too bubbly and unbearable. Is it so hard to find an autistic bro who isn't going to become a woman?
i didnt eat until i felt full or anything, like 6 biscuits is what i ate today. contemplating having a monster
ive brought it up a bit but i was told by my psychologist to tell my psychiatrist next time i have an appointment
find a new one
I need a woman to save me from a lonely life.
No thank you, I quite like this one.
Love and relationships are the most important part of life itself. We were all born from relationship. Most men will do anything for his girlfriend above all else.
This is when you recruit a side ho which you should've already been in the process of
My country doesn't want to just hand me estrogen 'cause I ask
the sub for sure.
ho here, need space has never ever worked out if by that you mean taking a break and not just space following an arguement
No, you need to step your game up. You're clearly not doing enough.
>ive brought it up a bit but i was told by my psychologist to tell my psychiatrist next time i have an appointment
Well that's your goal then, meanwhile try to focus on binging on healthy foods that fill you up but won't put on weight like fruit or maybe vegetables prepared in a way you enjoy? I just eat a shit ton of omlettes.
You've seen the /a/ suffering chart?
Why are fucking up their bodies with artificial hormones? When they are not taking estrogen they take testosterone instead. Can you just... be natural and normal? Yall trannies nowadays
Rebuild is overhated tbqh
It kinda makes me sad that imbeciles like that are getting dates, when I've been fumbling for years. But it's also kinda funny.
That takes significantly more effort than cooking.
You are now wrong.
I like to think I maintain the outward appearance of a normie, but I'm pretty sure I overthink things way too much due to a not-insignificant dose of the 'tism.
A couple of threads ago, I forgot about it though
I don't hate the dub, but imagine watching Eva and not hearing Asuka in jp vs the pigeons.
I almost always go Dub unless there is a voice that I can't deal with.
He’s moving away
I’m never having sex ever again
I really like 1 and 2. I like 4. 3 made me pause it and message a buddy, "WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS?"
Okay, I'm going to go back and try to watch the Doom movie again, hopefully my cat doesn't just scream for absolutely no reason again. Wish me luck!
Which Doom movie? The karl urban/rock one?
Guilty pleasure movie.
Is that the one with The Rock?
I almost always prefer dubs. I like being able to look away for a moment and not rewind. The Eva dubs are so fuckin sloppy for some reason that I just gave up and went subs.
Really not a side ho kind of guy, I don't have enough emotional throughput to balance multiple girls, and this one kinda grew into my oneitis very quickly.
Not really either, more like she's realized her coping mechanisms are harmful for her and she needs time to process it. No indication she wants to end things or take a break from it.
Landline service only working to reduce to home appointments and remove mail service with cyborg male sex toy. I order all grocery fresh to the door from satan.com because I do not know how to use a computer and am always asking for help to judge your fucking competency it takes to complete a task and find out which tasks are to difficult for you so I can torture you and play fuck fuck games with you to fight so I can go fuck my big dick black daddy. No my phone doesn't have connections cause none are real I'm the only person out and about getting a small list of groceries for a single person with very minimal in the cart but enough for only one person you dumb fucking cunttard it's not that hard to see I don't have those unnecessary distractions in my life and you are welcome to come spit your game. Other than that I can play cards online on discord but I will not play a real game with a real person without a full cognitive conversation about the rules of the game and before we get to that we have several other conversations to go and several long monents to ask appropriate questions in the snailing loop then the only boundry to set is so obvious that you dont even know the answer is dont fuck my boyfriend. Hi bye see you. Part of the life is the anticipation to have these fully intellectual conversations about downsizing from two mattresses to a single mattress not to save money but because that's where we will be. That's all that occupies my mind for a standard if you can't match the profile or have the attention span to think the girls on the Internet no shes at your local grocery between work 1out of 30-60 days a month getting all she needs but not too much. GOOD FUCKING LUCK THIS GENERATION IS DAMNED I JUST WON I snitched and ps you'll never time it out she'll think you're nobody
Yes the 2015 one with the Rock
Sure but I hope he doesn't think badly of me for an occasional weed gummy or shot. It's not anything regular.
Do you hold your dick while alone at the computer/on your mobile? Not jerking off.
>Rebuild's dub is a lot better, but... it's Rebuild
actually i liked 3+1. its wild because eva was a huge part of my teenage years, and then waiting forever for part 4 and i actually kinda liked the path it went
maybe vegetables are a good idea. ill buy some capsicums when im out today
When am I allowed to break no contact? Holidays?
My plan is to drink a bunch of pineapple juice, cranberry juice, and coconut water, save up for a week, and take a bunch of supplements in order to bust a fat load on a girls face.
Sometimes but usually I just cup my balls
I'm a woman, anon.
>Love and relationships are the most important part of life itself. We were all born from relationship. Most men will do anything for his girlfriend above all else.
Doesn't work that way for me, wonder why not.
It's really just 3 in particular I didn't like. I thought 2 was peak Eva.
Yeah, sometimes a small squeeze
State Age
How often do you masturbate?
To a point.
Like if I have to pick for us to do almost anything to the point where I don't know if you have any preferences, then yeah that's unattractive.
>He’s moving away
You're not going to follow him?
Are you guys going to uni or something?
4 or 5 times a day, once and a while I'll go up to 12.
Once a day, sometimes twice but rarely.
M 30
About 6 times a day on workdays. Less on weekends actually, because I can take my time and enjoy it.
>of a temporary emotion.
Mmm no.
I tattooed a permanent buff.
Femanons, would you rather be kissing boys or girls rn?
That's not a tattoo that's a rune.
Sometimes it's 2-3 times a day, other times I'll go weeks without it.
Varies. I'm my early-mid teens it was daily. Late teens it was once a week. Now it's a few times a week but I'm going cold turkey as of today because I think I've got porn brain rot and would like to be able to talk to women as regular people.
Once or twice a day
i put my hand on my cooch
Use my mouth instead
Sake, soju, moscato, riesling
21 btw
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Uncircumcised pps look like naked mole rats
Have you ever shaken someone's hand after that without washing?
so THIS is what they have taken from me >:(
Not unless I'm gonna jerk off.
What is DMT like?
M, 21
Your dick says otherwise

It's not a real cooch
Question to females
Is 5 inches enough? Or I should just straightforward kill myself?
Autism doesn't make you overthink things.
Depends. Once or twice a day normally, maybe twice a week if I'm busy with other stuff.
I wish my uncircumcised penis had big fangs like that that I could use to grab onto the insides of women.
I didnt actually do it, just harvest it. I wasn't ready for something like that at the time.
5 inches is more than enough for a dog girl gf :^)
No you need more rope than 5 inches silly
I can't
He's moving for a job
>for a dog girl gf :^)
Is that you?
Well then I'm some other flavored of fucked up, because I'm almost incapable of just taking things at face value.
Oh how much does it sell for? How do you even grow that

Would you do it now?
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Ladies, would you find this kind of guy pretty mysterious and alluring? Would you be into this look?
What a shame that your relationship is being thrown away for that.
I wish I was kissing my (nonexistent) husband
I'm right here sugar pie
I never washed my hands after DJ'ing
It ran its course
Why do you just get a wife instead?
Uhhhhh is he fit under that at least?
I am indifferent to your hornyposting
Girls. But unfortunately I'm straight.
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He's the strong, silent type
>women think this is straight
Femanons, does height or face matter more?
Men, I think I'm just not going to go to this wedding.
My dresses I ordered never arrived and won't be here on time for it now. So I'll have to go buy one at a retail store and they're more expensive and probably not as cute.
Plus drive 11 hours all by my self.
And I really don't want to. I don't really care that much if my cousin gets married, we weren't that close.
There's no clue if there will be hot guys there and I don't really want to mingle.
Should I still try to go or just send her a nice gift?
What’s more important?
Abs or a big dick
NTA but yall fucking crossdressing males and rubbing dicks together and think of yourselves as nothing other than 100% straight. Chill
Don't care lole
Hell no. I blew off my brother's wedding totally.
Just send a gift. Or better yet, well-wishes.
I dont know the price for it the guy I was harvesting it for just gave it out as a gift. My landlord at the time had a friend he called the alchemist and he left his previous batch for him as well as his notes on how to make it. The process isn't even that difficult but I'm not gonna go into detail.
>Would you do it now?
Yeah, back then I hadn't even done mushrooms yet but now I've got a good number of trips under my belt so I feel more equipped to handle it.
Wait, it does if you're thinking about your hobbies or special interests. Like thinking about your minecraft base or whatever.
For everything else it's like "Is this my autistic interest -> no -> irrelevant"
Men when was the last time you called out another man for poor behavior towards women?
5 inches is enough.
30-1 is age
I don't do any of those things, because they're fucking gay as shit.
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As someone who fell for the wedding meme don't even bother going
>drive 11 hours
I wouldn't drive that much for my parents funeral
THe only guys that will be there will probably be related to you
Just send her a gift and card
Never. I actually encourage men to stand up to women though
Probably like 2 years ago, now I mostly just hangout with women.
What were shrooms like? Did you like them?
Last thread or the one before
Men acting like psychotic animals only makes it harder for the rest of us.
I think that anon meant irl.
>When am I allowed to break no contact?
You don't lmao
eat shit
Most men do
I'm gonna do it :)
Nta but I never have
It's everything. I don't really have any of those hyper fixations.
>Is 5 inches enough?
>Or I should just straightforward kill myself?
Yes because you'll be insecure and insecure men can't fuck properly, might as well just uninstall urself
Fair, I'm retard
Friday then. Coworker was talking total shit toward this elderly woman we work with, I told him to chill the fuck out.
Is long distance ever worth it?
Do you call out women?
Fujo brain
Shrooms are fun, I like building fires on them and looking at the stars. I'm not good with words so I don't really know how to describe what they were like but they put you in a different headspace, lets you think about things differently. Its a very sloppy comparison but its like a really nice alcohol buzz.
I'm thinking of some unmedicated schizophrenic dressing up in a variety of different costumes since he thinks "The Ladies" (who are all one faction with the same interests) will find it interesting.
When it inevitably doesn't work, he's too schizo to figure out what he's doing wrong (hint: being overly attached to women to the point of trying zany schemes), and he just gets schizo asshurt.
It amuses me.
When you’re fucking a woman she becomes your property, it’s your responsibility to make sure your property is maintained (made to orgasm a couple times and fucked hard)
Are there any other drugs you liked?
Women, favorite position to take cock?
Only if they are worth it
>Femanons, does height or face matter more?
Whichever one you're deficient in. Now you can whine about how it's over. <3
That's not it, I just think it would be fun
It hasn't worked for me, the women on 4chan are often liars, usually they are underage.
The ones who aren't are not serious about it and will drop you for anything because they don't care about your feelings.
Every day in /atoga/. :^)
ez. Back with hips elevated on a pillow or 2.
>What’s more important?
>Abs or a big dick
Abs. They look nice and feel nice.
I mean, he
What is it like losing your virginity to someone and then never seeing them again?
>Men when was the last time you called out another man for poor behavior towards women?
Called someone on /adv/ a faggot yesterday for respecting his girlfriend too much and not enforcing boundaries on her.
As long as you keep your expectations reasonable and clear.

Yes. I call out all bitches, male or female.
Ive got a buddy that'll give me some ritalin once in a while but I don't think I get the recreational high that others seem to get. I suspect I may have adhd.
Salvia was neat as a one time thing but its super intense.
Acid once in a while is fun too.
Why do you ask?
>I'm gonna do it :)
No ur not pussy
Thats just life anon. Im not gonna forget them but I dont think about them
>What is it like losing your virginity to someone and then never seeing them again?
Feels good man
laying on back legs in the air(on whoever's shoulders)
You should ask my ex gf who ghosted me after.
I've never done drugs and I'm curious about them
Whats the difference between shrooms and acid? Have you ever smoked weed too?
I'm in a long distance relationship and it's the best because she's the best
PLAP femanon until she's too exhausted to move
How many 4chan girls have you dated?
>Here's how we act around guys we like: *some shit that's basically identical to how they act around men they're not interested in*
why are women like this?
>Shrooms vs Acid
Its a rough comparison but I'd say acid is more energetic while shrooms are more laid back. Some people like to say acid is more extroverted while shrooms are more introverted. For me visuals on acid were stronger but your mileage may vary.
>Smoked weed?
Yeah, I used to be a heavy user but I've stopped.
F, No.
They never want to move in and help with anything.
Captcha: jktoy [lol]
What did you see on acid?

Why'd you stop using weed?
I want to date an /atoga/ femanon :(
Too many, probably less than 10 though.
It's hard to remember though, started in 2015 but I've tried to stop.
legs shaking afterwards is the best
Does it count if you saw them one time before he moved again, and then it was never again?
>What did you see on acid?
Nothing crazy, no hallucinations or faces or shit. Think about those optical illusions you see once in a while like picrel. Its like seeing that when you look at a wall or a painting.
>Why'd you stop using weed?
I used too much too often. I got lazy and slow.
I wouldn't know, I've never had sex.

Face, specifically shaven.
Idc about height.
Men, should I get cookout, 711, or make a small hamburger at home?
only if they're a cute japanese girl
cookout, socialize a little. if you're not up for that then just make a small hamburger at home
Small hamburger. Leave the treats for later in the week!
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nta but I saw so much shit on acid. It enhanced my connection to music and listening to it was the most beautiful experience I ever had.
I saw/felt several goodlike beings that were often summoned by music. This one was summoned by the Elvis Presley song, The Wonder of You. I felt that it was endlessly rotating, and its rotations caused the music to play, and it was in hearing the music that I could perceive this god. Hard to explain when sober, it makes sense when you're tripping.
I am here to take your virginity
Femanon, what if I am chubby and so I am too embarrassed to shave my face because it makes me look a lot fatter.
What do you think of reclusive women?
do you still find current harry styles to be attractive or has he hit the Wall
You get the same advice that chubby women get: Lose the weight, Chubby.
No opinion either way
I don't know, I can't find them.
>jaw god large
what in the hp lovecraft
I really want one, I feel like my soulmate is hiding n her house and if I can't find her I'll die alone.
My darlings! <3
>tfw no soft slightly chubby gf to cuddle
i hope shes smelly
>socialize a little
What? People socialize at cookouts?
I just wish they had fried pickles.
here is another one I saw, although I can;'t remember what music I was listening to at the time. My drawings do not do them justice at all. This was an endless fractal of faces, not just a couple of them.
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Even if the distance is reality itself
Women if you're my gf, how long can i stare at you without it being weird?
In the beginning, he gave me things. Perfect memories, perfect sleep. Talking until the break of dawn. But he took over my thoughts. He took over my conscience. He took over my freedom. Even now, he can still see me.
Can someone please tell me to stop being a lazy bum and get my work done?
Nah, he's definitely hit the wall by cutting off his iconic curly bed head.
>I used too much too often. I got lazy and slow.
How long did it take you to notice? Was it hard to quit?
That sounds scary!
Very long. Cause I'm gonna stare at you too.
women, are engineer boots cool or gay on a man? I grew up working class and greaser-core but never could afford them. now i can but part of me tells me its gay to care about fashion and just to wear cowboy boots instead
Giving "Be not afraid my child" vibes, pretty freaky
I never found him attractive
Have a snack and get back to work.
My problem is I want to exchange the emotional depression of kissing a corpse unexpectedly and my current opinion is of this format
Trust me, you do not.
>How long did it take you to notice?
Couple months I'd say. I noticed it hitting my social skills pretty hard, I just felt like I was too in my head all the time.
>Was it hard to quit?
It would flow like water so I always had access to it but after removing myself from my access to it it became very easy to quit.
Is he going to follow me around the grocery store to read my shopping data?
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>Cause I'm gonna stare at you too.
Sounds nice
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A Makima egg a day keeps the bad thoughts at bay
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No but he'll stop and face you for a while until you look away, then he'll be gone when you look back.
I think I’d like it if a woman swallowed my jizz after blowing me
But he used to have that James Dean daydream look in his eyes
How long had you been smoking for? Do you ever crave it or miss it? Would you ever do it again?

Was it always a good high?
nta but I didn't shower last night
I always swallow
I hope everyone who wants to have kids in this thread gets them
Henlo you STINKY EGG.
>I didn't shower last night
Hi bb
My thread crush is a good lady though
Tell me about her.
> I always swallow
This is why I have been uncomfortable every endless generation of every endless civilization people developed logic convinced logic of this then when logic gets so smart to curious peoples interests by reading into them like a vacuum cleaner on the porch they turn that people into a psychotic. I'm done.
My eggs are full of plastics its over
Game night? We raid the jackboxgamesparty twitch bot?
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I feel like i'm forgetting something i was supposed to do today, but I can't remember
Lets make some lego babies
Started at 17, smoked almost daily up until 23 with a handful of breaks in between.
>Crave or miss it
>Would you do it again?
Only on a hike or with friends
>Was it always a good high?
Yeah but after a certain point I dont even know if I was getting high anymore, it was just habitual
Not until you’re dead, if not biologically then adopt
My balls too :(
wtf the ending credits song for NGE is fucking fly me to the moon
She's sweet and gentle, and her mere entrance lights up my mood!
Very nice. Which one is it?
I guess he's conventionally attractive but I've never paid much attention to him so all I know is that he's from one direction. Not really my type. I prefer quirky clown men
I have no man anyway
Thats cooler
>I have no man anyway
I'm available
The one like a beautiful sunset!
You’ll find a man
Hmm. What if she’s taken?
I'd be unsurprised, and so envious.
Doubt it. Im a retard
Do you know her name?
> Doubt it. Im a retard
That’s not a dealbreaker
>be me
>guy, just turned 30
>never had a gf
What do? I went on a date with a nice lady from an app once, but we didn't click
Mmm, then how do you know when she’s here?
It is fore me
I'll know only if she deliberately shows herself.
reminds me of flynn rider . i like flynn rider
You’re 33, that’s not true
When was the last time you saw her?
i amnot 33
I love when bfs stare at me. I enjoy looking back in his eyes too.
NTA but in my experience, they differ in a number of ways. The visuals on acid are brighter and more fractal/geometric whereas shrooms are darker, still contain fractals, but you can also get quite vivid closed-eye visuals of natural imagery. Shroom trips are less controllable than acid; acid is happier and I can control any negative thoughts but shrooms take you on a ride. Shrooms have a stronger body load compared to acid. I think psilocybin is better for introspection and personal development whereas LSD is more recreational.
Yesterday. Less than a day ago.
Very cool. What did she post? I wanna see this romance blossom, so I can see her too.
Hi, what are your favorite things to do?
Then how old are you?
F. For me I think it was good to prevent the over-romanticisation of the encounter. He was a nice guy and I'm glad it was him and not someone else. I don't think about him unless prompted.
Why are tastefully chubby women so hot?
I wish! If only.
Go to any of the millions of preexisting threads about how to find a gf
Sigh, such a true heart. Oh well. Good luck.
Their body switches your monkey brain into breeding mode
Thanks anon.
I like laying down and sleepinng
Why does this girl keep giving me compliments? I don't think she has romantic interest in me, but she's been glazing me up lately
Are you going to make a move?
>I like laying down and sleepinng
Could I drag you along on hikes and take you out to eat after drinking some spicy water (sparkling water)?
Ma’am, I promise if you go outside and talk to boys, you will have a bf within 2 months
It's a bit early admittedly. I might!
I miss when Faith Hill did the Sunday Night Football intro
Height, for sure. But it's a bit of both, I suppose. I can feel attracted to a slightly shorter man if he has a pleasing face. And height can often negate an unattractive face. If you have both an unattractive face and are short, I'll unlikely feel attracted to you. I suppose it's like if a woman was ugly with a bad body vs being a butter face.
I like hikes but I hate sparkling water why would you make me drink that horrible stuff
I'm actually retarded so I can't and haven't
>I like hikes but I hate sparkling water why would you make me drink that horrible stuff
I kinda like it, especially after exhausting myself.
You don't have to though.
But why does a slightly protruding belly do that? Not small enough to not be noticeable, but not big enough to sag over the waistline
NTA, obviously. The visuals are very cartoon-like sort of like pop art, quite 60s. The trip is very short, if you take a breakthrough dose you'll be out for about 15 minutes. It's a very intense, short trip and you can't do anything during it. You're almost paralysed. Brings up very unusual thoughts and emotions.

DMT is very different to other psychedelics.
You hate me you hate me and want me to die
Need some advice on how to move on. I struggle to form connections and when I did meet a guy I had a connection with I got scared and didn't go on a second date. I'm unable to contact him now. It's been plaguing my mind that we were just *meant* to be...
I don't even want to attempt it because I'm scared of a miscarriage
face, I like short guys
You had one date that went well. You were not "meant to be." If I had a penny for every time I had a good first date I'd be rich, good first dates are a dime a dozen.
No I don't.
I want you to have the best life you can.
>I like short guys
Thanks babe
Nvm I broke the bot
Tried deleting this post too.
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>tastefully chubby
mmfghh... i lvoe women
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I want to do things to her
Women if we're out together and a guy slaps your ass, will you expect me to fight him?
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Can I please have this dynamic?
real shit
...You want to groom a child into being your son-husband...?
If you think about it, boners are kinda like a dog's tail wagging
>I prefer quirky clown men
>"How could someone have sex with do-...."
I get it now.
Women what do you think about a guy that doesn’t talk too much, if at all in social settings? A silent guy
Let’s say he has 90% of everything you want in a man but he doesn’t talk almost at all
>will you expect me to fight him?
No, I will fight him.
Ball jab
I can do this except that instead of the imperial army it's cancer.
They either think he's a pussy or they take no notice of him and spare not thought towards him whatsoever
>t. silent guy
I think he wants to be a groomed child defending a witch.
So when a sexy witch does it its all cool and above board but when hollywood elites do it suddenly its immoral and they have to kermit sewer slide in a jail cell?
I wouldn't mind, unless the social setting includes situations with just me and him. I'm terrible at making conversation, I need a bf who can carry that for me.
Im still figuring out how to make my dick wag left to right instead of just up and down. I think I've almost got it.
I want to be the shota boy being groomed into the son-husband by a pretty witch in the woods
But im supposed to protect you
Submissives into bondage
Do you prefer leather bondage, rope bondage, or metal bondage?
Women, how much comfortable silence is too much?
>Meanwhile what I'm doing
Love love love shibari. But I'd take leather if that's all that you have. I've not tried metal bondage before.

What's your preference?
I love the Shiba Inu too!!! :D
women can i borrow your pillow? i wont do anything weird, i'll just smell it
Rope is much more flexible in terms of everything it can do. Leather is very simple for beginners. I’ve never done metal but from what I’ve heard it’s the most intense because it’s physically impossible to escape and doesn’t move.

I prefer rope
Do the japanese porn thing where people mistake women for sex dolls or sex robots and have sex with them lol.
Well yeah, adult woman young boy pedophilia isn't even really abuse or bad in any way, especially if they're sexy.
I'm pretty silent myself so if he can't talk a lot when it's just the two of us its gonna suck
How do I get over a longtime crush I’ve had on a friend without cutting her out of my life completely? She’s still a good friend and we both share a lot of very close mutual friends, so that’s not an option
>sudden drop of temperature
>went from canvas shirts to full hoodie and scarf weather within a week
so fucking good, cozy season is in full effect, fuck summer.
soft rope or fake leather (I'm a freaky vegan)
Finally, I can wear sweaters again
65 degrees is still shorts and t-shirt weather.
>I've been wearing sweats and long sleeved shirts the whole summer
get good :3
Summer a shit, Fall/Winter is superior.

On that note, where do I go to meet women in comfy seasons?
should I get a watch or a roman pendant on my trip to Rome this week? like one of those with a roman coin
Femanons, I need a relationship where we fight and scream and get angry at each other and then make up.
I have never masturbated, is that why people are so horny?
>tfw no gf that wears ill suited clothing for the weather
i just want a sweaty gf, is that too much to ask for u_u
Would you still consume my animal products? (My cum)
Do women like to stimfap? Can women even stimfap or is that just a guy thing?
I'm a guy and I don't even know what you're talking about? Gooning?
No. I already might be developing heart problems due to anxiety.
yes cum is vegan
I am not enjoying the come down.
If you actually want to wear and carry it go for the watch.
If you just want to look at it for fond memories then go for the pendant.
hi I'm bpd let's do this
Is girth or length more important
Nice, sounds like a very good time
nta but think Gooning+
What kind of watch do you want to get?
As a coin collector I'd lean towards than rather than some jewelry with a Roman coin in it.
You can't tell me this then not tell me what that means lmfao.
I am avoidant. Seems like a perfect mix.
>hi I'm bpd let's do this
Hi, what do you think our first fight will be about?
The come down of what
girth obviously
Basically you take hard stimulants like adderall or meth and just keep fapping nonstop for hours on end. It's easy to start stimfapping at like 9 am and suddenly have it be 11pm and you develop that crazed look in your eyes.
Piss off
I just did though
Oh, I already do that.
Time to ghost you
F. I don't get the urge, no. But if I'm on a stimulate I do enjoy touching myself. It gets frustrating though and you end up wasting your high.
I vastly prefer masturbating on cannabis or psychedelics; things I can actually come on.
We are SO back
Nta but thank you. I’m normal/a little below normal length but quite girthy
Ah cool. Everyone always talks about inches and I got a pretty average length but it is pretty girthy so I never knew how to view that
NTA but nice humblebrag.
The funny thing is that I'm avoidant too, but its not that I get bored of a girl and I drop her, its that the girl always seems to try to rush the relationship along as fast as possible and then when I'm not okay with that she lashes out at me.
This causes me to feel unsafe in the relationship (emotionally) and then starts the slow and sure process of slowly pushing her out of my life. Its not that I get bored its that I just never really feel safe in these relationships I'm forming :(.
I like to wear my watches so probably nothing that I'd feel bad if it got scratched up and stuff. for the pendant I looked up at some of the jewlers in Rome and this kind of stuff looked cool.
I already have a genuine constantine the great roman coin at home though.
hmm it depends. maybe over me cutting or not eating or maybe because I become depressed and just say one word answers. or perhaps I don't perceive you as loving me enough
>The Byzantine Emperor
The coin in the picture is fake.
Idk man just stay away from these haha unless you wan to learn how to spot a fake.
yeah girth hits all the hotpoints
yeah skinny penises wont do shit.. i think ..
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*roman Emperor
maybe read up on your history
I dont care if the coin on the pendant is fake. I'd feel really stressed if I lost a genuine coin. its a memento.
the one coin I have at home is authenticated
Its kinda cool its kinda touristy. I hate to be a faggot (kek, no I don't) but if you were a dude and you bought that, I would think you wasted your money.
If you were a girl and you bought that I would go :O and gush to you about Roman History, kek.
Oh yeah those are some great options, I can imagine throwing the food on the ground that you refuse to eat and screaming that I tired of this same thing over and over and then slamming the door and going for a drive.
Just to return later with some snacks or something to try to make it up to you.
Go look up the first Emperor of Byzantium is... I'll wait...
>moved the capital to Constantinople
>died before the Roman Empire split in two
He was a Roman emperor.
Even before Constantinople fell the ''Byzantines'' refered to themselves as Roman anyways
I need to make petite milfs orgasm hard and swallow my jizz
might get a rosary from the Vatican. Kind of wanted something more related to ancient Rome though
>Rebuilt a city that was basically rubble
>Moved the Capitol of Rome there
>Renamed it Constantinople
>First Christian Emperor
Yeah... The First Byzantine Emperor that set up all the logistics for the schism....
Drive slower foid I don't have anywhere to be.
I'm not saying you shouldn't buy it, I'm just giving you my opinion since you asked. If there were roman coins or relicas of some cool roman stuff I'd buy it.
Maybe pick up some roman wine if they have any or maybe some garrum.
I think my girlfriend is fucking cheating on me. I have screenshots of her texting some faggot and it’s lewd. She played dumb about it and swears nothing ever happened. I love her and I don’t know what to do. My gut tells me she’s a liar
how do you have screenshots? And I'd follow your gut on this.
She has more to gain from lying to you, than you have from keeping her.
>I have screenshots of her texting some faggot and it’s lewd.
That itself is cheating so yeah she is.
>Nomenclature. The first use of the term “Byzantine” to label the later years of the Roman Empire was in 1557, when the German historian Hieronymus Wolf published his work
He was Roman. Moving the capital to Constantinople was a strategic mastermind move
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You gotta get the drop on her and cheat first.
No not really, also the move marks when most historians say the middle ages started.
Fair fair, I understand. I usually like my mementos to be something I can wear. will see whats there
roman sigil ring? It was common to kiss the ring of the emperor when you met him.
>the move marks when most historians say the middle ages started.
no it doesnt. the middle ages started with the collapse of the western empire. Constantinople was the capital before the empire split.
women will you hold and support my balls when it sags?
>middle ages
Of the Roman Empire...
this is basically how it plays out
No of the world, 1555 is when most historians say the Classical Antiquity era ended and the Middle Ages began.
NTA but if you like Roman coins you should visit the National Roman Museum at the Palazzo Massimo. It has a good gift shop, too
I got into her old phone and it’s connected to her photos. She’s text this guy goodnight or good morning with lovey dicey bullshit or those “steamy” gifs on iPhone. And I know this guy has feelings for her and she tells me there is nothing i have to worry about. I’ve always hated that guy and she knows it. I’m better in literally every aspect then he is.
then specify that you retard.
Kick her to the streets and show her the messages.
God I wish that was us.
Or me seeing new cuts on you and grabbing your arm and you start crying and I keep yelling at you telling you that you need to stop or I'll leave and you turn into a sobbing mess and I just pick you up and cuddle with you on the couch until you stop crying.
i could fix her...
Why am I not asleep?
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No get better underwear.
will look into it, I'd probably wear it like a necklace though, rings dont look good on me
I'll check it out im going to be there for like a week anyways
How do I bond without compromising my trust issues.
nta but i feel like these would be so comfy
Women will ruin your reputation no matter how hard they try not too. They always tell their friends embarrassing things about you, they go out of their way to cheat and demean you and its always your fault no matter what. This is why I don't date.
What would you think if you discovered your boyfriend owned a dildo
nta but that looks uncomfortable as fuck, whats up wit the fucking snake hole too?
I don't even wear underwear.
You already know what they'd think. You just want them to call you the slur, don't you.
I confronted her about it and she played dumb essentially, she doesn’t know I have access to the photos. I showed her some of it. I can basically ruin her life if I wanted, I want to make sure I know the whole story. She swears up and down I’m the only one she’s been with and sends intimate things too.
I'm not going to pretend to know anything about women
>I don't even wear underwear.
If you say so, I'd just torch the bitch, I don't trust women but that's also probably why I'm not in a relationship. I'm not even saying this in a misogynist or hateful way, I've just been burned too many times that the moment I see anything close to cheating I'm dosing the relationship on fire and burning it with gasoline before she can do that to me.
? Never thought of just not wearing underwear?
if my bf wants it in the butt that's ok by me
I might try it. Although it feels like that might get warm
You guys don't like a little elastic around the base of your cock?
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nta, that does not sound appealing
I want to put it in his buttttttt
If i had to fucking push my dick through a hole like the fucking play-doh masher as a kid, I'd rather just not wear underwear, that looks uncomfortable as fuck.
If I figure out something undeniable then she’s finished and I’ll make sure everyone knows it. I’m kind and understanding, once.
They can put whatever disclaimer they want, they were BEGGING for kids to eat play-doh with this
Kek, I mean its non-toxic so you can eat it anyway...
Thank you for the re ass urance
Obviously you can't say for all women, but do you think it's generally more common for women to agree with you or find it gross?
Then I'll also recommend the Torre Argentina cat sanctuary and the nearby Jewish quarter for places to eat and nighttime walks. Have a good trip!
>wake up at 5 am
>fuck my hand until it calls me daddy
>impregnate my hand
>go back to sleep and wake up at 8am
life is good, only thing that would make it better is if a robowaifu came and did it for me.
I would assume it was a leftover from his ex or some other girl. In my experience, guys love buying stuff like that to use on their gfs
Definitely more common to find it gross.
I have not met a single woman outside of myself that enjoys that play for their man.
>Torre Argentina cat sanctuary
sounds cute
>Jewish quarter
Men, are you asleep?
No, but I am about to, I am considering jerking off first though but that will take more of my sleep away.
Your loss
Dressing up slutty but it’s hidden by a layer, season of secrets
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Femanons, I want a pair of these.
need for breed
>the male high heel
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Cock competition?
I got a pair of similar shoes for like $10 secondhand hallelujah
Only if a foid agrees to train with me until I'm the very best.
I'm bi and verse so my views are def not the norm, but if my bf wants the strap he's getting it
they gamified sex now
No, but I’m in bed about to try to sleep.

I have to be at my lecture in the morning by 9:00 AM and then I have a doctor’s appointment at 2:30 PM (one that requires fasting for 8 hours beforehand). All I’m looking forward to tomorrow is ordering some poke with seared ahi tuna after the doc does God knows what. Been at least 7 years since the last time I had any labs done.
Do you think that aliens have devoured the feces of wizards?
>day 3593 of owning the i.Con
>still 0 in all stats
Top of the score board, babyyy

That’s actually a pretty neat trinket. Receiving one as a gift from my mate would be extremely based.
I gotta get in on release otherwise Im just playing catch up. If I dont get this day 1 I'm not gonna bother.
Cheatniggers would flood the leader boards day 1
I have "Welcome Aboard" tattooed on my penis
>inb4 it Bluetooth pairs with compatible female tech
>inb4 the tech can detect rape
>inb4 the cock ring has a secret ratchet mechanism to slice off your dick if it detects you're a raper
>inb4 it's very prone to false positives and large chunks of tech bro faggots lose their dick just from walking by a qt on the street
That's why we'll have a world record officiate bedside on our onlyfans stream.
They reset the ladder every 4 months to encourage fairness.
It gets old fast, not for me
>inb4 the cock ring has a secret ratchet mechanism to slice off your dick if it detects you're a raper
Just do more kegels, become stronger
Sort of like PTSD!
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I wish all girls looked like this.
Alright then maybe its worth it
And then a little crush turned into a like
He wanted to do things to her
It was making him crazy
>Its month 2 after the reset
>The homies are already on the board
>You have had a dry spell
>Get clowned on for not getting any
The bullying avenues are endless
I’m a dom into bondage
I prefer rope, why mess with the classic
she’s so beautiful
I'd be for bluetooth compatibility sex belts to catch rape.
>Imagine having an outdated device that can't find a connection

Rice wines, Belgian beers, and spirits with the Ouzo effect. Haven’t had enough mead to determine whether I like it very much or not.
My favorite place for breakfast hot dogs closed so now for my hot dog water fix I juice the sweat from my balls and mix it with water, then microwave it for that hot dog water feel.

Anyone else in a similar float boat here? Just me?
>Rice wines
Dont you just mean sake
f27, no alcohol
Is it immoral to want a gf that gets blackout drunk so I can molest her while shes passed out.
Isn’t Soju a rice wine? I guess what I mean is I’m a weeb and enjoy pretending I’m at an izakaya when I order sake.
The easiest way to identify and precrime a male rapist is any of the following:
>Posts on 4chan, especially the boards /r9k/, /d/, or /b/
>Posts on Reddit redpill communities
>Supports nationalist or far right politicians running for office in his country
>Owns books by JBP
>Listens to podcasts by Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate etc.
>Is a fan of any problematic artists, musicians, or authors, especially ones who've been canceled for sex misconduct
If she's your gf, you can't molest her.
It’s not immoral to want one, but it’s immoral to do it in real life.
Soju is a Kpop stan and Koreaboo beverage.
Nah, just find a woman into that. I'm ordering GHB so that my boyfriend can do this to me. I trust him inherently. I can't ever manage to drink enough to get blackout drunk.
Not always, sometimes its made from potatoes or other things
How on earth is JBP linked with being a sex pest?
Why don't you just boil and eat some hotdogs yourself if you're after the water? Shit, just be like that guy on YouTube who feeds the local raccoons with hot dogs if you don't want to eat them.
This is what I need
Pretty sure that whole post is either bait or a prediction on what criteria the company would use to judge you
Ironically enough, I’ve never had soju. I kinda wanna try shochu, though. Sounds exotic and like it’d make me into a real bad man.
>>Posts on 4chan, especially the boards /r9k/, /d/, or /b/
>>Posts on Reddit redpill communities
>>Supports nationalist or far right politicians running for office in his country
Yes because they can save the country, although I believe it's too late for change anyway because of what you females did and I can't vote in the first place.
>>Owns books by JBP
Nope. He's controlled opp.
>>Listens to podcasts by Joe Rogan, Andrew Tate etc.
Yes, sometimes.
>>Is a fan of any problematic artists, musicians, or authors, especially ones who've been canceled for sex misconduct
They still make great music, why should I care? A lot of it is a witch hunt for the artist's money.
JH is the cutest
that is all
F 21
i dont drink but i do like cnc. maybe i can just double dose on my sleeping meds and we can pretend
Anon, the guy is talking about “juicing his balls” for Christ’s sake. He’s not cooking hotdogs, he’s performing a ritual castration.
You are my wife now. No takesies backsies
Imagine connecting bluetooth and it datashares a profile revealing all that information. Unconnecting so fast.
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Did you notice how many male celebrities who say they have autistic tendencies act like sex preds? For example, Elon Musk's online sexual harassament against Taylor Swift, Neil Gaiman's cancelation for creeping on his kid's nanny and demanding noods in exchange for helping a woman stalk and rape the Doctor Who guy, etc.
M, 30. Preferred are light and sweet cocktails, but if not that I go for some fruity hard cider. I once bought a bottle of some mead that was good too. Beer is gross and I'd rather drink stuff I enjoy on the rare occasion I am drinking.
Is this like one of those Tajik spousal abduction rituals recreating ancient tribal raids to seize new baby momma's from another group's camp of yurts?
Long Island with Blue Curacao
Vodka and Red Bull
Screwdriver or Orange Crush
How can we not notice it happens all the time. We have a joke game where if we like an actor or something we see how long it takes for them being caught as perverts. It’s expected that men are monsters
>do something naughty
>get caught
>try to save face by pretending you’re retarded
It’s like a regular 4chan love story.
Bruh I don't even understand this generation's slang anymore. Of all things, I never would have thought hot dog water meant something weird
It seems more pronounced among men on the spectrum. Is there a correlation between spectrum traits and sexually problematical behaviours?
spoilertags I don't drink endspoilertags
To all men
Stop talking about your personal matters
Just stop.
Your friend betrayed you? Don’t talk about it
Your mom died? Don’t talk about
Your dog died? Boo hoo
You had a car crash and were in a coma for 3 months? Doesn’t matter
Just stop talking about personal matters. Don’t tell anyone how a friend betrayed you. Don’t even say you went through a bad period in your life.
You are a MAN, you need to understand that you don’t vent to anyone and you don’t tell anyone your business.
You talk about this sort of stuff? You’re WEAK and PATHETIC and people around you will avoid you because you are LESS of a man
This is not a plea, this is law and you should keep it. Don’t like? Don’t care
t. a MAN that keeps EVERYTHING to himself
That’s what it looks like to me. Looks like we’ve all been invited to a wedding.
fuck you

men complain about something that’s been annoying you, no matter how small
I haven't fapped for a week. Not for any reason, I've just been busy with hobbies, work, and vidya. Why are nofappers such faggots about it?
Are Gen-Xers, Millennials, or Zoomers a more genitally focused generation?

Which gen is most fixated on their own genitalia?
I will never forgive Neil GAY MAN for making the follow up to Good Omens all about faggots out of nowhere. What a fucking travesty. Completely apparent that Pratchett entirely carried that project.
Sounds more like a LARP if you ask me.
Your friends will loose respect for you
They will start talking about you with other people because you are WEAK and you DESERVE to not have anyone around you
You DESERVE to have your social life destroyed because you vent to people that shouldn’t know your business
It’s how it is
You’re a man and you should deal with it
I think if Terry Pratchett had lived like 30-40 years longer we'd probably be hearing some sketchy stuff about his inappropriate sexual behaviours as well.
I don't think Elon Musk is autistic. he's narcissistic and a sociopath
Because they’re teenagers who have never done drugs and are living in a world of fear and confusion.
>Do something naughty
Naughty boys need love too
he has Aspergers
>who have never done drugs and are living in a world of fear and confusion.
But anon, that's me at 30.
He went on SNL and said he was autistical. Of course he also took credit for being the "first" autisticumbrain to host SNL. Which is a lie and Dan Akroyd erasure.
sports cars sports sports beer women (hot) women (annoying) sports cars beer
my penis, ba-dum tish
If you’re gonna be naughty, just don’t get caught or be famous.
Delayed stage of development. You didn't do one of those Peyote ceremonies where you get high in the woods by yourselves for three days and then get back and suck the tribal elder's dick to sober up so you can become a man.

Because of this lack of ritual, you are forever stuck in a perpetual state of mental adolescence.
Should’ve done the drugs, anon. I got the fear and confusion thing out of the way as a young adult. Now I’m getting the drugs thing out of the way too. One step closer to achieving self-actualization.
You don't actually believe that
It depends on the kind of naughty. Being a male stripper showing off your penis while you dance at a gay bar for weekend cash is acceptable, putting women in sexually uncomfortable situations they don't have an out from is not.
You have to be HAPPY
You need someone to trust? Too bad, nobody gives a FUCK about your problems and they will hate you for even bringing it up
You want to give arguments to defend your self or you want to make people understand your side? Good luck faggot, nobody gives a shit and they’ve already decided what to think about you
You want to save face and regain respect? No chance sweaty, you blew your whole social life because you told someone about your business
Now everyone talks about you and think you’re a LOOSER
Yes, they are entitled to talk about your matters even when you shouldn’t have because you’re WEAK and had to vent
Be a man
I do, just like I believe that Mr. Rogers very likely either raped, tortured, molested, or killed someone but had too good of a publicity machine and too much charisma for it to ever get out.
Ehhhhhhhhh ok fine, you’re right. Not getting caught or being famous helps too.
>guy was a genuinely decent person attempting to leave something useful behind because he believed in the future
>people like this anon claim he only did it because he was a degenerate
Kill yourself
lose* loser*
DING DING DING motherfucker
You just told someone what happened to you
Reality check coming in - people around you will find about it because they can’t wait to gossip and hate on anyone
Be prepared to have people ignore what you say, be visibly upset when you are around them
Too bad you had to vent once
You’re less of a man now and you should move cities
No friends? Family doesn’t understand you? Boo hoo
Be a man, kill yourself
How well have you slept?

>slept less than 5h
I guess it will be one of those days...
There is something deeply wrong with you
My ‘o’ key is loose
You can also be cAnCelLeD. for certain political opinions or ethno-religious backgrounds. I'm already seeing Twitter nuts demand that a number of my favorite authors from a Jewish background be canceled for being zIoNiSts. Ironically their cancel shit list includes a favourite YA fantasy author who is an outspoken feminist who believes in a two-state solution, just because she is Jewish and grew up in Israel.
He also lies about a bunch of shit pathologically so I don't believe him
Finna boutta try to get at least 5 hours of sleep before having to sit through a lecture about Amortized Analysis.
I do wonder if he's using the claim that he's spectrummy to mask a more sinister truth of an ASPD/Sociopathy diagnosis. It would explains o much.
Woke up and thought I was gonna die (slept 6 hours), but waking up early and slowly coming to terms and now I am fine. Tomorrow I have early shift though that is gonna suck, will have to wake up at 4am
I haven't slept yet. Don't have to be up for about 7 hours.
Wait, now that I think of it I have smoked the weed a couple times and had one weed edible. Smoking was lame desu, but the edible did incapacitate me for a while. Still seems gay to me.
>gonna wake up at 4Aem
Edibles give me seizures. That's why when people tell me to touch grass I say, sorry, I don't touch the stuff, it gives me seizures.
>get 2 gfs from dating apps
>both let me creampie them first time we have seggs
>go on to have year + relationships
Neither were whores

Do I just give out "autistic therefore no STI" vibes?
>Why are nofappers such faggots about it?
When he oversleeps...
Who the fuck cares? It’s amazing to me that so many people of prominent status will listen to the opinions of retards on social media sites and consider them to be valuable “feedback” kek. I’m glad I have browsed enough 4chan to know that 99% of the time, listening to the outspoken opinions of militant, terminally online keyboard warriors is an even worse way to get constructive feedback than simply consulting a fucking LLM like GPT.
Definitely sounds like you’ve never done any of that.

This guy has probably actually done it before. Edible weed is a dangerous game.
Yes, clean autism vibes
How much brain damage have you experienced in your life? Did it impact your internet activity habits?

It’s not, they just hide it as well
in my psych undergraduate opinion (not worth much) it's pretty much what I think.
You just met two good girls.
Good girls let you creampie them.
>Definitely sounds like you’ve never done any of that
Had a degenerate pothead friend who would share his bong and the occasional blunt. He definitely handled my consumption with kid gloves
been wondering but forgetting to post. men, does lotion when masturbating make that much of a difference?
Masturbating dry is just a really bad idea. But I tend to use spit or precum because that's easier to clean up.
>how important is money for women? like if you as a woman are financially independent, would you accept me
From a woman who got engaged to a man who didn't even have a job, but was on veteran disability benefits: Yes.
Even job or health isn't necessary, he had PTSD and a few lingering whiplash issues despite his best attempts at physical therapy and training. Just be a bit fit (I like running), don't have addictions, bathe frequently, and be a loving person.
If you are uncut, you don't need lotion, unless you fuck a fleshlight.
Not enough for me to keep doing it. Feels different, sure, and might even give *slightly* better orgasms. But eh, it’s not significant enough of a difference to be worth the hassle.
Yeah, but desu it makes me rub a few spots a little raw as the lotion goes away.
Dry isn't that bad m8. Just be careful
I never used lotion in my life

It's night and day difference. It's like the difference between fucking a dry, rough pussy and a lovely, warm well lubricated one. Normally I don't masturbate with lube but I shoot ropes when I do.

You will never get the sensation of bottoming out in a wet, juicy pussy with the juices being compressed down and out if you are masturbating with a dry hand. The dick knows.
Did you live in a time when rock and roll was easy? Or when it was clean and heavy? Did you live in a time of ACID ROCK?
>You will never get the sensation of bottoming out in a wet, juicy pussy with the juices being compressed down and out if you are masturbating with a dry hand.
This is the most boner-killing thing I've read on here in a long time.
Absolute cringe.
Wrong link. I'm a little bit mentally special.
I have to be careful if I do it dry or I end up rubbing it raw.
What drugs are you addicted to? Have you ever tried to quit?
Where to find wife material women? Bars are full of drunks
No. I know some guys claim their "love language" is physical touch, which is just an excuse to say they want sex... But I also know that a lot of guys just genuinely need a good long hug every once in a while.
Caffeine. No
Never used any drugs besides percocet after surgery for a broken femur. They prescribed it for a month, but by the end of the second week I tapered down to half the dose and by the end of week three I stopped taking them.
>But I also know that a lot of guys just genuinely need a good long hug every once in a while
>tfw I've been overdue for one
Maybe I'll find a gf next year
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From 16 to 22/23. Never smoke anymore

Drank on and off since 16. Sometimes an alcoholic. Avoid it these days.

Otherwise just used drugs recreationally. Consumed a lot of Ketamine.
I'm not addicted but I would love some benzos and I do like opioids.
All I want is a gf to cuddle up with every night.
Oh and used a lot of benzodiazapam when depressed past few years. Haven't had any in months

Are you an incel though. Do you what that feels like ?
We should sleep together, anime girl.
Nothing too heavy, but caffeine a little bit.
Is monthly usage of otc pain meds for periods addiction?
I'm intact because jews don't own my country
Imagine being a cutckold
Don't worry, God will perform a miracle in your sleep and cut your foreskin so that you may know Him.
I'm not virgin and have never been an incel.
only the last one, and so far so good
I don't want to be wife material.
You're headed somewhere lower than heaven, rabbi
I can help with your pron addiction
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I love tits so much it's unreal
Thank god for women
How do I learn to flirt? Sex was taboo when growing up and I'm afraid to show desire, so making innuendo and whatever with strangers is completely unthinkable to me.
I love tits, but I hate women.
>tfw I can't have breasts and be pretty
Men got the short end of the stick
I agree with the first part but damn it's a shame that women's bodies are controlled by women.
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if you don't dare approach any girl you don't deserve a gf even if you're 10/10
femboys for you then
I'm not an expert but being true with your feelings is a good idea. there's no need to memorise shitty pick up lines because finding someone you're compatible with means being true to yourself.
I don't approach women because they told me not to.
Femboys are even worse.
struggled with alcoholism/weed in hs, quit fairly easily once i put my mind to it. internet is the only addiction ive never been able to stop/have a desire to stop.
>treat others how I want to be treated
>hate strangers
>last thing I want is for a stranger to interrupt my day with a conversation
>mfw never talk to strangers
People always talk about getting over a fear of rejection or "approach anxiety". Nobody ever talks about this kind of shit

Adderall and booze. Quit drinking while I was on adderall, but quit adderall a few months ago and now I’m back on the hooch. Trying to quit drinking now.

I miss adderall. Life was so much simpler back when I was able to be high 24/7.
I have the exact same thing but normalfags are extremely egotistical and do not. They're so egotistical, they'll think what you just said is actually just weasel words for egotism ("I'm too good for random people") and accuse you of being stuck up or equivalent. It's unwinnable.
They did the same thing with the American Gods television adaption. The final season was entirely trannies and gay storylines.
how is Adderall? are you taking it for ADHD or just as a drug. I find out on thursday if I have ADHD and I was thinking of asking to go on vyvanse because my friend said it works well
ok, then you can't complain about having no gf
I'm in my 30s and want a kinky, cosplaying zoomette gf.
>I'm too good for random people
Yeah I don't think this at all.
I don't complain, but I do engage in the occasional "how 2 get gf" posting.
Kevin Spacey tried to wiggle out of it by saying he was gay and it didnt work.
I guess Neil Gaiman tried to do the same with autism if Im understanding correctly.
The only one that successfully managed to wiggle out of controversy by blaming mental illness was Caitlyn Jenner.
I believe PR companies are trying to see what they can get away with and have struck out every time except for one so far.
Fine, point taken. I'll try talking to women more.
It is that time again where I drink herbal tea and shitpost on 4chan whilst at work ah yes truly the peak of contemporary masculinity
I am literally pic rel and even I have a gf
>tfw it's the time I shitpost despite needing to wake up in less than 6 hours for work
You had better not pronounce that "'erbal" like some faux Rastafarian
Coffee, cigarettes and red meat, tried so many times I lost count I can’t imagine life without the holy trinity
>red meat is a drug
Don’t ever fun without getting get paid for it
I fully pronounce my H’s I’m not some norf britbong swamp dweller
>how is Adderall?
It’s amazing, especially when you take a perfect dose. Makes everything better (as long as it’s not something that makes you anxious).
>are you taking it for ADHD or just as a drug.
Both, kind of. I would take it to study at first, but then I started taking it for pleasure and eventually it got so bad that I’d take it anytime I had to do anything remotely unpleasant. It has taken me months to get back any sense of normalcy, and that’s even while taking anti-depressants.
>I find out on thursday if I have ADHD and I was thinking of asking to go on vyvanse because my friend said it works well
Vyvanse works pretty well as well, but personally I prefer adderall because the effects are very familiar to me and I know how to dose myself on it very effectively. Vyvanse on the other hand feels a little “weirder” I guess, and since it’s an extended release drug, it’s harder to self-medicate. If you have legit ADHD, though, then they should help you a lot.
The student faculty tried to ban red meat as part of an experiment until the coffee shop threatened to shut down permanently and that shit got uno reversed so fast lol
Turns out that ENTJ is a moron. Who could’ve seen that coming?
Ameriburgers don't pronounce the h in herb for some reason
And think an "entree" is the main course
Lol yeah I just read the words I want
Most restaurants I’ve been to lately serve the main course before the entree and their so nonchalant about it too it’s like everyone’s basically given up on customer service
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americans use legal meth (addy) to get shit done while europeans just drink a coffee or take snus or cigarette like rational people
How can I get rid of sore arm muscles?
I did dumbells on Saturday and my arms still fucking hurt nearly 48h later. I took some magnesium, but apparently that wasn't enough.
I want them to be well again until tomorrow because I want to go hiking.
Yeah, no.
>The word entrée entered the French culinary lexicon by way of music. An entrée is a term used to speak of an opening act in a musical or opera. So, it follows, an entrée was a beginning course for a traditional, French multi-course meal. By 1759, entrée is widely accepted as a culinary term in France.
You idiots just didn't understand the word you stole from the smelly francs.
Water to help it get around in your blood.
>house salad
No.1 menu item you should NEVER order there should a disclaimer on the front door before you walk in
If you knew what adderall felt like you’d eat those words, smelly Yurop. Your states police every single thing that enters into your mouth so much that it’s no wonder you guys would think tobacco or caffeine is a sufficient alternative kek.
I've never smoked, drunk alcohol or done any drugs. So it's just caffeine (1 cup per day), interwebz and porn (1-3 times per week but sometimes I don't masturbate to it).
>muh word origin
Did you also know that gay and faggot weren’t always words that described you personally, anon?
I dont approach women because I learned my lesson
I accept your concession.
You need to keep blood pumping around the muscles so do some light cardio to keep your body running warm but not hot, or simply take a cold shower/ ice bath to permanently reduce swelling if you’ve got plans that same day or the next
Big sister girlfriend who calls you kiddo. Based or Cringe?
I can’t believe people here have never smoked or drank alcohol man no wonder you guys are so fucked up lol
I'd expect her to be a tomboy.
Not phiysically though.
been talking to this man for awhile now. he confided in me personal traumas, that I recently talked about without mentioning his name, to others. how I felt about us/him, how other guys also tried after me who are in better position than him but I still chose him but still not feeling confident due to my own issues too as well as his. he has blocked me on almost everything. I wasn't aware he found out until after my conversation.

how over is it for me and how long should I try to wait to contact him about this? I feel like he forgot to block me on a social app or two but I am wary of reaching out to him on the ones he didn't because he might have meant to. and i feel terrible about everything how do I forgive myself
I think you should graduate out of highschool before you come back to 4chan.
>this guy walks into a restaurant and demands an entree then throws a fit because the people serving him don’t know the way the term was used before the 18th century
Based retard educating plebeians one entree at a time.
Coffee, I have two cups every day. The only time I didn’t has been if I’m really sick or something, like covid
>vine boom sound effect
It even sounds like "enter". You're also the only 'tards who get it wrong, go to any other English speaking country and look at the entrees. They'll be starters.
Wow resting heart rate must be fucked, that must be adding years onto your lifespan
Does drinking a small amount from time to time count? Because whenever Americans talk about drinking it's implied that they they've drunk so much that they fell under the table at least once
>guy tells you personal stuff that he keeps hidden away
>talk about that shit to others
I would've blocked you ass too
I hate myself more than ever
thank you for the review. I'm hoping they don't start me on methylphenidate because I'm a bit scared of it for some reason, I'd much rather amphetamines
In the US, we take that faggy language known as French and make it better by making our own rendition of it. Not only does it make you seethe, but it gives us an amusing way to mock French pretension by calling the final course the first one and then reading about them having a meltdown over it in Paris.
It’s not. Perfectly fine.
A standard drink a day is not going to kill you call down in fact the alcohol can wash bacteria and parasites out of your gut and keep your liver clean
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I just want what they have.
Is this too much?
But the frogs won your revolutionary war for you
would it be permanent?
it was shitty but I didn't say who he was but I do feel bad about it now after actually thinking more.
Not even close to true.
>addict tries to rationalize taking meth
I tried it once (30 mg instant release so I could sleep later)
started to think in algorithms instead of internal monologue
went from typing 70 wpm to 180 wpm
felt like Neo
worked 15h with no breaks
that shit is overkill
Methylphenidate really sucks, but it *sort of* gets the job done. I hated Ritalin, not even worth bothering with that shit unless you’re truly desperate.

I’d strongly advise following what the psychiatrist recommends, though. Just be honest with them if you don’t like the drug. A lot of psychiatry (and western medicine in general) is trial and error.
>would it be permanent?
yeah no shit
You’re talking to someone who’s dating a nurse lol hypertensionfags everywhere
You’re talking to a nurse
You have literally never done adderall in your life you jackass lmao.

>expected to fall asleep after taking 30mg IR
What, did you just read a few random forum posts and come back here trying to act like you’re experienced? Why do you teenaged dumbfucks insist on trying to win arguments you know nothing about?
he's blocking me forever isn't he?
is there ANY WAY he would take me back into his life
Larp. Nurses don’t have time to browse 4chan due to working insane hours
If he has any sense left in him, he won't.
why does it feel like damaged women adore me?
Goodnight /atoga/
I fucking hate women.
Dating a nurse doesn’t mean you know anything about medicine you idiot. It’s like my friend who used to try to tell me he knew dentistry because his mom is a dentist kek. That jackass didn’t know his asshole from his ear hole but would still insist that he knew what he was talking about.
You know how gay guys are, they’ll ignore you until they get horny enough
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How do i reconcile wanting proximity of women but not liking them on an existential level
>men can't fuck properly
In roder to be able to fuck properly, man need to have an 8 inches cock, you dumb whore
Install gentoo
Impossible in modern society.
I’m not a nurse in a third world country. I got stable hours. You should stop talking, you seem to know less and less as the posts go on
>muh dick measuring contest
I actually know things she doesn’t know which pisses her off because she treats me like an antivaxxer, nobody likes talking to someone smarter than them
You can't.
Stress is such an ick lol
I highly doubt that. I doubt you’re even dating a nurse. Like >>32005818 said, your insistence on continuing to type ridiculously stupid nonsense isn’t really helping your case here, anon.
thank you, much appreciated. I know the trial and error fing sucks. finally on an antidepressant that works and I'm getting side effects from it
Good thing I don’t have any, sorry for your struggles.
I'm very sad about this and I know I fucked up and this is awful. I really want him back and to express my regret and make him realize I do care but I just worry about him not getting help professionally sometimes. I don't want to to kill himself, he was feeling bad before all this
he isn't gay, and while he finds me very attractive I broke his trust but I needed to vent since it bothered me too with my own issues which are relatable but it was still wrong
essentially me in a nutshell
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There’s someone out there that wouldn’t hurt you
I don’t want to have children under a bridge with someone that makes poor financial decisions and could ruin my life

So very

Men are more likely to use sex as a coping strategy for loneliness
Very much so
Depends of the woman
That’s a kink I’m sure someone is into that
The nipple itself has more nerve endings
Because there’s a thousand things more important than dick
Yep and yep
Yes, if you know they are the one.
Never found the 1d guys hot
Depends of the stare
>insecure men can't fuck properly
Eventually you'll run out of "not insecure" men to fuck.
Eh. Are you pretending to be a woman?
>you must convince the board that your gf is real
Didn’t ask and don’t care I actually hate nurses because they behave like know-it-alls with a superiority complex because you are in their care which is exactly why I am dating a nurse because mommy
>Men are more likely to use sex as a coping strategy for loneliness
With... who?
>just woke up from a sex dream
>in it, the guy didn't put a condom on or pull out
>it felt good in my dream
>I've never actually had sex like that so my brain wouldn't know if it actually feels good
What does this mean?
It probably has something to do with wanting to be pregnant.
Burying your face in tits is much superior to having them. If you were a woman you'd most likely like men so you wouldn't enjoy women's bodies.
Casual sex
Oh, so you admit that everything you type is like a turd falling into a person’s drink? Good for you, anon. Admitting it is the first step to recovery.
nta but I guess us bi women just keep winning (I love my gf's boobs)
Well that's for sure, but the fact my brain assumed something about an act I've never tried is what's weird to me.
I will most likely out live you and be in healthier shape due my lifestyle being infinitely more relaxed environment than yours, who on earth drinks two cups of coffee a day and pretends that they’re fine /atoga/ will come up with the most deranged copes instead of simply taking the L
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Women, how would you feel if you worked in a office with mostly male coworkers and an office chearleader was hired?
A work friend who's a woman in a male-dominated setting might be nice.
Maybe your brain is trying to encourage you to give it a shot without a condom next time you get a bf?
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Equality requires male office cheerleaders, I demand himbos
>i must win every argument on 4chan otherwise I am a loser
You are a loser irl too you’re just too dumb to realize it lmao
Sorry a himbo is outside our budget.
>I've never actually had sex like that
I don't understand you people. If you have a bf and he tested himself, as he and you should, then you can just buy a pill and try unprotected sex once to see what it's like. Unless you've never had a bf and you preferred hookups, but then you're a slut on hormonal birth control or with copper devices in yourself anyway.
Throughout history they’ve been given many names, secretary, HR rep but we all know them as the office slut
>Russian bot poster wants so badly to pretend that his life is ok that he has to shit up a social questionnaire thread
Many such cases.
Meds now
Why do you keep pooping in my drinks, anon?
nta but the pill can fail and IUDs are painful
How’s the war, Ivan? You earned any medals yet?
Because I think you’re vaguely starting to enjoy it t. himbo supremacy
He's Indian
Dreams aren't supposed to have agendas to push? I guess it's working, though.
It's the fact unprotected sex offputs me for reasons beyond safety that made me never try it with an ex.
I'd rather not
First I’m a pajeet then I’m a nigger now I’m a Russian bot, holy shit I own this board by the balls lol
She hates cum. That's why.
no I mean, I hurt him unintentionally
see here >>32005776
no i am a biological woman and very serious about this. the traumas are heavy and I mentioned it being a lot for me to take on he overheard but I still like him I just really fucked up as others ganged up on his life circumstances/character over stuff which wasn't his fault. I was unsure if he was really for me and he heard that but that's because he said he needed to work himself and i'm grieving right now from family death etc. we've been talking for so long it would suck to lose this connection
Your subconscious is almost always trying to tell you things, and dreams are one of the ways it can speak to you.
>I'm very sad about this and I know I fucked up and this is awful
you should be telling that to him, not me. but yeah, the trust is broken at this point
He doesn't necessarily have to cum in her. It goes in without a condom for a little bit and then if she's scared he can wrap it.
Unprotected sex is sex using any form of contraceptives is fake and gay
Maybe. I don't usually take my sex dreams this seriously, though. I thought it was more venting than trying to tell me something.
Assuming others are less healthy after being called out is bad cope.
She's so neurotic about it that she can't even enjoy sex if there's a possibility that he might cum outside of a condom. Even cumming near her, even if none of it gets on her, is revolting to her. That's why she has the name JH, for Jizz Hater.
I’m a lesbian I would be into this
I am infinitely better physically, morally and spiritually than anyone on this board
Are you feeling like you might actually be willing to try it without a condom now?
No you are not, larp better
>It goes in without a condom for a little bit
Too scary. What if it really does feel better for both of us? Then there'd be no coping with the fact that having a condom on every time is actually a fine compromise for my aversion.
Then I love fake and gay sex and I've had it for like more than a decade.
Hey, I can put up with it near me for a little while. I've finished off exes into the trash with my hands before.
Evidently not, can’t even have a conversation without being weirdly aggressive and defensive
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Like 2 hours maybe. I've been on 0-4 hours for a while now.
I'm officially a wizard today and the shame is killing me.
Now? Maybe. In the months/year it'll take for me to find a guy and get to the point we have a physical relationship? I'll have forgotten this for sure.
I’m so glad to be fucking a latina good lord incels were right about women
If you consider arguing a conversation then maybe that’s why you’re so fucked up lol eggless women everytime
Any female women want to have bareback sex with a below average man right now? I'm available
>What if it really does feel better for both of us?
Then you simply continue until he's finished and the letter H is swapped for L.
You may have forgotten specifically that dream, but I bet it'll leave an impression on you.
Yeah, but if he laid on the bed next to you and jerked himself off and came and it went all over his body, you'd probably be upset by that, right?
nevermind lmao, he is a neckless fatass
>JH finally gets a bf again
>things are great, they're perfect for each other
>she finally lets a guy fuck without a condom
>gets lost in it and they climax together, balls deep
>the orgasm and the situation overwhelm her senses enough that she doesn't freak out
>she discovers she loves it, wants it every single day
>becomes JL
You know what? I'm actually rooting for this. I bet she won't like it, but I think it would be a great outcome for both of them, whoever the guy ends up being.
Poor punctuation. If you can't finish a sentence right, you can't finish during sex right.
Not gonna happen.
>but if he laid on the bed next to you and(...)
Yes, that'd be unsanitary as fuck. Just like a guy wouldn't want me just lying in bed after sex without tossing my towels somewhere.
I said body, not your carpet
I did send him a few messages but it might not have sent/been sent to a request inbox. he blocked me on a few of the social apps we use even my phone number I think, but there is one or two apps he might have forgotten to block me on or I could email him potentially. thing is I just don't know if he didn't block me on the one app or two for a reason or not, or just forgot.

can you clarify "at this point"? as in it could change at a later point in time or you mean the point of no return? I know it may never be the same again if he decides to talk to me again but I wish I could restart everything so it was so.
not everything is a larp.
The quote retard
Daily visit to call JH cute
That's because.... uhhh... because our sex is never going to finish because something something all night long or whatever
If I post any more skin I get banned
Too idyllic. Things never go that conveniently for me. My neuroticisms always end up totally validated eventually.
>you mean the point of no return?
this one
You can give him some time but personally if it were me, I wouldnt come back after a girl betrays my trust like that
Actually, I'd love for us both to just collapse together on the bed after sex and lay there, cuddling until we passed out.
It's a nice dream though. I'm still gonna hope that happens for you.
Pic rel.
Nice recovery. Not.
I always have to go pee after sex.
Yeah, guys do too, or at least I do.
OK, we get up to go pee and quickly wipe ourselves down, then collapse into bed together.
If it ends with me being happy and nobody is worse off, then I can't say I don't wish it'd happen too.
I made chicken quesadillas today and they were fucking fantastic.
No question, just wanted to say that.
You’re a faggot get her to clean you up and go for round two
HEEY you got the ai to draw dildos this time
what prompts did you use?
This is the weirdest cope I have read in quite some time.
How the fuck can you be proud of your country living through a new drug epidemic ever decade?
That's fine. But you left out the part where we put the trash and used towels outside of the bedroom so they don't stink up the small space.
Better than happy, that'd be an ideal scenario. You'd be able to get pregnant much more easily, you'd have the perfect guy to do it with, and presumably sex would become much less stressful for both of you.
>Yeah, guys do too, or at least I do.
Weird, that's not normal.
I go pee BEFORE.
>AI made her tits small
Should I just piss in her mouth, then?
I do both.
Mexican food is based my gf can cook like a pro
Literally just said "phalluses". They didn't block that for some reason.
It's too depressing to think that the only thing stopping me from an "ideal scenario" is my own selfish aversion.
It knows.
If you have to pee then you’re not sweating enough you should be thristy and begging for water you probably can’t even last 10 minutes without getting tired
That's not the only thing, but at least to me it certainly seems like one of the major blockers.
I'd laugh really hard at how pathetic the managers/hire ups thought of their male peers.
Double confirmation to never date inside the company.
What are the others?
Every time I've done it it's been at least an hour, with at least 15-20 minutes of actual fucking.
Well, you'd have to get a bf too. And I'm assuming there's some financial preparation that you'd want to make before having a kid together.
>Neon green nails for her
Ew he's brown.
yeah I don't want to smother him but my friend unrelated to all this said if I didn't reach out in a day or two it could seem like I'm okay with the no contact. but when I looked online aichat basically said wait a week, which my friend also suggested if he doesn't reply to me in a day or two from now whenever I try to reach out.

I'm one of the few closest people he has in his life he told me, and I feel I really hurt him but this was all unintentional. he also was used to telling me when he didn't feel like living, so our no contact gas me anxious if he ends up hurting himself or worse. he has issues trying to find the right therapist and I just want him to be happy after all these burdens and now I've become one and I don't mean to. I'm worried sick I'm about to cry. he was already feeling like he didn't want to "be here" and I don't want him to kill himself.
>Literally just said "phalluses"
damn outsmarted
what are the rest of the prompts
True. The money issue could be figured out, though.
Seafoam green, actually.
I don't have the rest written down anywhere. I just generically described myself in a dark room yelling at a computer with those in the back.
Bro is at the whore house
Funny because my gf is actually whiter than me despite barley speaking english
Also gave her a plain gold wedding ring too. Did she marry her girlfriend?
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just make albania this and send them all here
Weirdly, the only accessories I mentioned were gold hoop earrings. It added the ring all on its own.
No, just never been able to cum from fucking. Also I usually am thirsty afterward, but I also have to pee.
State gender
Would you rather be rich or find true love with your ideal partner? I know it's a cliched question, but it's interesting to know anyway.

Being rich would solve most problems, but if I knew I'd get my ideal partner at the ideal age with ideal looks, I'd probably choose her because being rich wouldn't guarantee I'd find someone like her and plenty of rich people are still miserable and die from overdoses.
>I don't have the rest written down anywhere. I just generically described myself in a dark room yelling at a computer with those in the back.
iirc on the bottom where it shows your history of generated videos it should save the prompts used
>dark room yelling at a computer
this shit is so hilarious for some reason
They were some of the best I've ever had.

I cut up an Anaheim pepper into strips and cooked it for a few minutes, then added diced chicken, salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, and cumin and cooked until the chicken was done. Then I made a sauce that was mostly sour cream and cream cheese with a little bit of hot sauce mixed in and coated the inside of the tortillas with it. Laid the chicken mixture on top, then covered in cheddar and Monterrey Jack cheeses. Folded them in half and fried them in butter, then used the same sauce for dipping.
This board has the weirdest takes when it comes to sex I don’t know whether to be concerned or to chuckle
I can figure out money, so I'd take the ideal partner.
>Me: So... Do you want to do another date, or?
>Him: Absolutely. Anything you want to do?
>Me: I'd be fine with just a walk through the forest if you're up for that.
>Him: If you'd like. I'm not much of a forest person, but I'd meet just to get another hug to be completely honest.
>Me: That's vague! I picked a place for the first date, your turn!
>Him: I mean, if I could pick anything... Would you be up for a date at my place to play some video games? Silly suggestion, I know, but I like gaming. And you could meet my cat
>Me: I don't mind playing some video games if you had something in mind. Could do that online too if you're interested.
>Him: Ah. Really? Okay, let me get back to you later, busy for a few hours, I'll text you back when I'm free.
Just had this exchange with a guy I was on a date with this weekend.

This is going well, right? I'm not sending some "Let's have sex" signals, right? I know it's probably a bit sketchy to do the early "at your place" dates, I'm not down for things so quickly, but I do think it sounds cozy to sit and play games together.
I am rich and I found love it’s not impossible
This sounds delicious well done anon I would love to try some!
F. True love. I've lived my whole life frugally, I can keep doing so.
I made it days ago, though.
Also being angry at my screen in a dark room is how I usually post ITT. Just usually on my phone.
I'd rather be rich so that I could be comfortable after they die before me.
There is no perfect one person for me. I've accepted that I will never be monogamous and that men don't want to actually build families or empires.
They just want to fuck around and play video games, or other autistic hobbies in obsessive maners.
>State gender
>Would you rather be rich or find true love with your ideal partner? I know it's a cliched question, but it's interesting to know anyway.
F, I've had both. I could retire for life with my money, and I had a guy I even proposed to because we were so perfect together. Ironically, couldn't have had that if I had been poor, because then we'd have financially struggled since he was poor.
F true love easy
is it ever possible for him to believe I was talking about him because I care about him
Female, money comes and goes. All that really matters are the people you love
It kinda seems like you put him on the spot to come up with a date idea and then shot him down. I get not wanting to do a date at his place for a second date, but it might have been better just to tell him that. Suggesting to do it online kind of defeats the purpose of a date, especially after he straight up said he was hoping for a hug. Idk, hopefully he comes back with an idea that works for both of you, but to me this exchange seems a little rocky.
Gm saar.
Women hate men, so probably not.
if it were me i wouldn't believe it
This has to be bait
People come and go too just as easily as money.
nigga you broke his trust. the intent doesnt matter, he told you personal shit that he kept bottled up inside for a reason and you spoke about it to other people
>Silly suggestion, I know, but I like gaming.
Poser. Extremely successful and good looking guys like him who genuinely like gaming are rare. Not everyone can be Henry Cavil.
I don't hate him :(
why? :( he used to send me songs about being in love and even though we didn't say "I love you" I've been wondering and catching myself thinking it, which makes this harder for me. I wish forgiveness was real.
Men, is it a red flag if I don't have any friends because all of them used me for money?
Sure, but OP said true love. Wealth is nothing compared to having a family with my true love
It‘s a red flag but not really a dealbreaker imo. Would believe you though and if you got nothing that makes me believe otherwise not care
would it matter if I'm not okay either with stuff? like lately I haven't been okay with recent death and other terrible stuff so I wonder if my state of mind is at all okay to bring up. no one knows it's him, but I get the idea..
I larped that my gf was indian for a days on /int/ and completely shut down the board it was hilarious lmao
this does not bode well for my gigolo ways. or maybe it does...
True loves come and go as well.
True loves can be sociopathic murderers.
True loves can be born without reproductive ability.
True loves can accuse you of rape just because they want to.
I'm choosing the real over the delusion.
Resi 4 desu
It's a massive dealbreaker. The common knowledge is that friendless people are undateable, and that's a good thing!
>and to your place
Not my place, his.
>which no female usually does
Huh, really? Did that with my first boyfriend too, and we still took it slow. Difference is that my first boyfriend was pretty clear about taking it slow with sex, but I can't quite read this guy.
>It kinda seems like you put him on the spot to come up with a date idea and then shot him down.
Wait, really? I am translating to the best of my ability, so it could be lost in translation, but I didn't see it as shooting him down. I agreed! I just added that we could ALSO do it online. I don't mind going to his place as long as it doesn't turn towards sex.

I'll just fire off a message to make sure I didn't come off as dismissive to his idea. Crap, that would be terrible.

>Poser. Extremely successful and good looking guys like him who genuinely like gaming are rare. Not everyone can be Henry Cavil.
Well, he certainly isn't extremely successful, I know that much. We didn't talk about gaming before at all, so I figured he must be genuine, or he wouldn't have suggested it. Can't imagine suggesting that as a second date is normally a good tactic for guys lol

Not sure why you'd say that?
You're not cool at all. At least He who must not be named made entertaining posts, but your Andrew Tate larp is just cringe, especially since you're a pajeet. Fuck off from my thread.
>why? :( he used to send me songs about being in love and
I haven't even done this with a woman before
Impossible. Women hate men.
It's a red flag because it shows you have some kind of personal pattern of making abhorrent friends. That's probably due to low self esteem and lack of asserting your boundaries, both of which are red flags. It's not a deal breaker at all though, just something I'd keep in mind.
>would it matter if I'm not okay either with stuff?
how would that help? he isnt letting you open up about it and then go on to share it with other people
You might not have told others his name, but if the eventual plan was to date, how long do you figure it would take for other people to see you with a guy and connect the dots.
What you did was basically told everyone he's a crybaby bitch, and even if you didnt, he can safely assume because he wasnt around while you were talking behind his back
guys get judged hard for being bothered by mental stuff, thats why we keep it inside. thats why the general rule is DONT OPEN UP EMOTIONAL SHIT TO YOUR GIRL. it never ends well, and thats his fault to be fair.
No, it's a green flag that you were able to cut off garbage friends even if it meant being alone.
It's possible there is a translation issue here, but at least to me, the suggestion to game online comes off as "I'm not OK with going to your place yet".
>I'm not down for things so quickly
Let me guess, you let other guys smash on the first date before?

Also, just dump him already you dumb bitch, you already know you hate this faggot gaymer, or you'd have been itching to jump on his dick the second you got to his place.
>Can't imagine suggesting that as a second date is normally a good tactic for guys lol
Eh, the very attractive ones can get away with everything. Case in point.
I've never understood this mentality of yours. I'm a guy and there are times when I want to fuck without actually caring about the person I'm fucking and there are times when I want to fuck with genuine emotional attachment.
You're sending "let's have sex signals". That's the main meaning of going over to a guy's place for a date.
Is an overly independent woman a sign of promiscuity?
Not at all. In my experience it's the other way around, if there's any correlation to begin with. The overly independent women are more likely to subsist on a diet of fanfiction and vibrators, while the overly dependent ones are more likely to live in other men's beds to get that emotional validation and they'll never have enough of it.
I hate all men if I like you I only like you
Indirectly yes. It's a sign that she has one night stands but doesn't need or want committed relationships.
Why would I want you to like me, bleh
Are you a millennial?
If my male coworkers (who are gay or taken) are curious about my dating life but my female coworkers are not then what does that mean?
I just deflect questions by making jokes about it since I’m too socially awkward to date.
>tfw no gf that calls me "one of the good ones"
that should inspire hatred and disgust in you, but simps will go rabid over anything i suppose
I sent a picture of some snacks and asked if he thinks his cat might like those, because then I'll bring it over for the date. Hope that makes it clear it wasn't a rejection of his suggestion. Thanks for catching that, I do not want this to be a stupid misunderstanding.
>Let me guess, you let other guys smash on the first date before?
Never. First guy I lost my virginity to took over half a year.
>just dump him already you dumb bitch, you already know you hate this faggot gaymer
No, I am asking here because I hope to understand if things are fine or not, because he is nice. And I do love his bodytype. He's the "Bear" type, big and chunky with a mix of soft fat and hard muscles. It's great for hugging. I want to see where this goes.
>Case in point.
I am not the right person to make this case for lol, I do like video games myself. Got the whole array of consoles and a few platinum trophies.
>You're sending "let's have sex signals". That's the main meaning of going over to a guy's place for a date.
Okay, crap, but thank you. I will try to bring up my reservations when he texts back and hope he doesn't take it poorly. I am just not someone who can jump to sex this quickly, but I do find it better to not be out in public. I'll have to think of how to say this.
Figured. In my generation (zoomers) an overly independent woman is much more likely to be swearing off sex than she is to be going on one night stands.
Yeah, I'm not sure how I'd phrase it desu. I think whatever you do you have to make it abundantly clear you're enthusiastic about him and want to meet him, you just don't want to meet at his place.
I don't study, work, cook, do laundry, read, go out, play or clean my house. AlI do is buy groceries, browse my phone and sleep. I'm 27 and my family is pressuring me to get a degree on something and get a job. I feel worthless and I fear I don't have capacity to achieve my goals. I feel lost, anxious, confused and panicked. I hate myself for being worthless but I can't bring myself to do anything. I'm past my time and I fear I will be homeless or something
>overly independent women are more likely to subsist on a diet of fanfiction and vibrators, while the overly dependent ones are more likely to live in other men's beds to get that emotional validation and they'll never have enough of it.
>tfw I force men into my bedroom and then go back to streaming multiplayer vidya in an endless cycle.
We should meet up and get addicted to heroin together
has anyone ever taken someone back when their person betrayed their trust not meaning to?

it's really nice, hope you can share that with someone. made me nervous and excited.
stop memeing
I mean, I wouldn't know if he did. he did tell me he got into an argument with his friend once about me, and he was pretty mad at the person. but I also mean since I'm also going through stuff maybe I just wasn't thinking clearly at the time about boundaries. it doesn't make it right but i feel it's a factor in my behavior.

I think calling him a "crybaby bitch" is mean and not at all what I was trying to say. i was sticking up for him in context and another woman said she liked those kinds of guys as well, it was other insecure men who had a problem with it. it wasn't the place for me to reach out for helpful discussion..

yes the plan was to date eventually, the place I said it I and he have no personal ties to, even the people. I genuinely still like him and care about him, and I guess I was talking about it because i was scared he'd off himself one day due to exactly all the pain and keeping it in.

I'm scared he'll never speak to me aagain. both from suicidal ideation and because I broke his trust, and I wish I could repair all of it. I know the "I can fix him" meme applies here but I acknowledge he has to work his own stuff out too.
If you have the money then therapy is by far the quickest and easiest solution. Make sure you get a good therapist. They'll help you get a solid personal foundation to start doing something with your life. If you go into it right now you'll probably flounder like I did.
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It means that they are leading the probe for information to see if they can steal youe gf.
Are you a female?
you have an energy problem
read ray peat
I’m female.
I've always been tomboy though.
>Not sure why you'd say that?
I don't mean to sound harsh, but to me what you described is a guy who is not really interested in you. At most he's willing to let you go hang out at his place, as long as you initiate it
Oh, it just means they're degenerates, girlfriend.
the 'tomboy' is only superficially unfeminine
Lmao poo in it saar dalit black shit
>I don't mean to sound harsh, but to me what you described is a guy who is not really interested in you. At most he's willing to let you go hang out at his place, as long as you initiate it
That's... Extremely disappointing if true. I don't see it, but that's obviously why I'm asking here. Too much of the 'tism.

I suppose I have to temper my expectations a bit...
Yes avoid smart independent women
Need a feminist, assertive girl who adores me however
Imagine living with your parents after 25
That's the type of woman least likely to love and adore you forever.
>i was sticking up for him in context and another woman said she liked those kinds of guys as well, it was other insecure men who had a problem with it.
that would be different if he was there. but he wasnt present and all he can do is assume what you were talking about behind his back. Women tend not to be nice about people they're gossiping about, especially guys who open up.
Probably. But it would be better since it’d be from someone smart
What you do is not initiate contact after the next date. You wait for him to do it. If he doesn't initiate, he doesn't give a shit.

Having sex doesn't increase your chances of him texting back. Maybe only in a few months for a booty call, but not a relationship.
if you let a woman BRAINMOG you, you might as well hand your PICKLED TESTICLES to the DEPARTMENT OF KEK MANAGEMENT
Thanks for the warning.
Oh I want to be smarter, but her to be very smart too
Good morning Atoga
What’s cracking
What's the career path for a casino dealer?
fuck off
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what are the chances I take you home for plapping if I pull off these moves infront of you
I mean, he was there. I'm not sure how much he was there for, but he heard me and others talk. there was another woman telling me to never date due to my traumas and attracting broken men but honestly fuck her. we all go through stuff. sorry I'm being vague but he was sort of present, I just wasn't aware til later. let's say it was something on discord and I'm ignorant on how these places work.

we want men to open up to us. at least the guy i like. we feel feelings too and want to share that with a guy, and even if he has trauma I think he is still a good guy and I still want him around. I mean, it can be a lot for me to process but he has also said the same about my issues and personal particular stuff too.

idk if he got to read my apology to him I sent, but it's possible.
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State gender
thoughts on this?
Can men tell if a woman is a chronic masturbator?
What in the AI fuck
Again I really don't want to sound harsh and obviously I don't have all the context, but
>he did not ask you out on a second date, you asked him
>you suggested a free, easy date and he turned it down without offering an alternative
>you pushed him to suggest something else
>best thing he could come up with was hanging out at his place
>you vaguely agree
>instead of clarifying and making a plan, he blows you off

I could be wrong, but I wouldn't put all your hope in this guy. Keep dating others, you deserve someone who makes an effort and wants to take you out and treat you well
who cares
Women literally do not use their face to broadcast any honest emotions ever. They make autistic men look like william shatner.
How does instagram organize someone’s following list?
Will it appear different to every person who views it?
Women, what’s a good way to make a woman cheat on her bf.
Let’s say I already know her, she likes me and finds me physically attractive, something that she stated
>anon, since when do you look so good
We can smell it on you. Much like ovulation week.
Its easy, just be better than her bf.
The algorithm puts the people you message or get messages from the most at the top. If you talk to women on Instagram it's moderately useful to see who you're up against.
Technically I already am
>better looking
>better earning
>physically stronger
>doing better financially overall
I just told her I want something serious and she ‘got scared’
This guy gave her something not serious at all initially and now they’re together
I’m talking about revenge
How do I learn to rely less on failed women, women who have failed man and thus mankind and humanity as a whole.
>ovulation week
I don’t believe you can smell this. Are you a dog?
Woof :)
I want to start dating a girl and have her sheepishly confess her love of butt stuff to me
I can't remember the last time a woman complimented me.
This seems like it was tailor crafted specially for one of our anons here
I'm so tired of AI jumpscares.
Can I become a stripper profitably if I am racist?
How would your racism manifest?
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you can only pick one
I really really don't want to touch brown men.
yeah 6
tell me you're white without telling me you're white
It's not just that. Her expression and outfit (just a big oversized shirt) makes her seem like the kind of girl I'd vibe with and I love her hair and makeup.
Wrong, I am a sea monkey
none of them look like JH
I see you haven't watched this anime then, context - she's a swimmer. That's her swimsuit underneath so you chose the athletic one.
Well I only watch good anime so yea
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here's another
I could see how you think this but it isn't
yet he doesn't recognize the most based of all
how ironic
1 or 3
I have yet to watch a Japanese comedy that made me laugh once
Thats just disrespectful
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jump this
NTA but that's what the movie Furiosa looked like
Depends on geography, but black men are overrepresented in strip clubs. Especially in big cities, where you'll be making the most money. There are also plenty of older Asian and Indian men that frequent strip clubs. Black and Indian men will get handsy.
I mean if you want to be a whore why not just OF
do you have any idea how hard it is to be successful on OF
How the fuck do I cope with having to work everyday for the rest of my life?
Man. I hate these kinds of games.
Well... Thanks for the honesty at least. I am not really dating anybody else, I don't really like doing that, but it sounds like I shouldn't hope too much from this.
It's not like you have to fuck them.
Invest your money smartly and retire early.
It’s easy if you have people who care about you waiting for you at home
Emphasis and punctuation can really change a sentence huh
NTA but these eventually disappear.
I just woke up
I've been entirely convinced that every woman I've ever met has been effectively asexual.
That is what your free time is for after work, coping.
I am talking about friends, a partner and children
What about a cute robot girl?
Love is love
my instincts are garbage and untrustworthy, nearly always wrong
Anyone else feel that way?
What if its a roomba?
No, in my experience, when people say that they actually mean two things:
1) They have trouble tapping into their instincts/intuition
2) They listen to their instincts/intuition and then modify or rationalize that feeling with their own feelings which then turns out to be wrong.
No, my instincts are sharp and always right but I don’t listen to them
I am tired of being so squishy
Yeah I figured.
Around blacks never relax.
>nope, still not settling!
>chad will be stable and not treat me poorly!
How many cats do you own?
It kinda blows my mind that there are women in their 50s and 60s who are "looking for the one" when they have 1 foot in the grave, the lack of self-awareness is horrifying, they are children or 20 year olds stuck in an old person's body.
Better single than be some shiteater dating the shit men out there
>Just appease them and feed them and touch their weiner!
>you can get a husband that doesn't kill you for accidentally making his broccoli touch his mac today!
>dating the shit men out there
the reason there is only shit men is that most of them aren't dating anymore or left the country to date foreign women.
The funny thing is that more than half these dudes would be dating 7 to 8 asian women if they had the money.
too white to be JH
me in the back
Get married, distance themselves, or lack the time to continue your friendship.
Moves on or divorces you.
Can be taken away during the divorce. If not, they eventually grow up and lead their own lives.
LMFAOOO now that's hilarious asf
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Ok bud.
>Ok bud.
Someone isn't keeping up with the times at all.
Stereotype of the average Singaporean Bachelor is:
>Arrived in the last 5 to 10 years
>Highly Educated
>Works in Tech, Business, Finance, Medical
>and wants to racemix
Discarded genes
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Seems like there's nothing to do.
I'm supposed to have a day off, but I've already done everything.
Nah, trust me, a lot of the shit men ARE dating, unfortunately.
It's too early for this blackpill shit, got damn
read a book
do a hobby
clean up
do yoga
Hina doesn't look like that
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>less than ~4 hours of sleep
>woke up restless and drenched in sweat
Day 3 of no booze begins.
No not everything, you haven't deleted that image and made a public apology for posting it
At this point, I'm convinced that a lot of milky white women do interracial shit just to trigger you sensitive and fragile men lol
Women....Girl I met at drawing classes is very chatty on my DM's. Does she want me to ask her out?
kind of just want to be friends with her, so she introduces me to her friends. What do?
you got this, i believe you have the willpower to get through this
White women are no longer considered the most attractive race to men anymore, its asian women.
Headphones in, slayer max volume, bad posture and 4chan. doesn't get better than this
That's my point, the good ones left or aren't dating so all that's left are the bad ones.
They do interracial shit because white men's preferences have changed to asian women. They have to date outside their race because of how unbearable they've become.
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White women have been C-tier ever since latina cosplayers started filming themselves slutting out on social media.
Well, wtf else are they gonna do. Just decide to die alone? That's still thirty or forty more years to go, you know.
Besides, it can happen. My mate's mum was 50 when she found an autistic virgin to marry.
trash taste
Things like this didn't happen until the internet. I hate smartphones
>wtf else are they gonna do.
Cry and have meltdowns on social media about it, it seems.
Does that seem like a more valuable use of their time than looking for someone to fall in love with?
What do you think?
Love is dead and equality and women murdered it in its sleep like chivalry, then they get on the internet and bitch about it. Free rides are over, gotta start holding up society or maybe find a nice bear to date.
>You go back to school for a master degree in mechanical ingeneering
>learn that your professor is most renownd in entire country
>he's also back from a full year in prison and has to wear ancle bracelet, for ordering 5 years old cheese pizza with his computer
>he is not allowed to answer question after class
>Some students are oganising a strike to get a new assigned professor.
I fuck my hot 18 yo classmates
What I did when I was in college, keep my head down, learn what I needed to learn, and gtfo that god damn leftist hellhole.
What does this have to do with the professor?
I think it's obviously a dogshit use of their time and far worse than looking for someone to fall in love with.
I don't understand why enjoying aged pizza is a crime
>I think it's obviously a dogshit use of their time and far worse than looking for someone to fall in love with.
Yet they don't, but to be fair, they aren't thinking straight if they are scream-crying into a phone for social media likes. But literally no one wants to date that.
No, I'm pretty sure its not the divorce rate shows as much, in the end its all about money, the feelings might come first but those feelings never endure and transform into that longer lasting version of love. Why? Money...
flatty moment
>Yet they don't,
Then why claim that they do?
I'm not saying you're the same anon as >>32006267, but that's what I'm responding to here.
It's bullshit and you're stupid.
>>Yet they don't,
No, as in they don't look for someone to fall in love with, they instead scream into their phones. Keep up, lol.
Absolutely nothing, now fuck off.
Reread my post please because you must have misread something
Blow a gasket about something that doesn't concern me and get brownie points from horny leftist "women" (girls). That's the college spirit.
Am I missing something? I don't understand what you're trying to communicate here.
You have remarkably low standards for who you associate with. It's right and proper to judge a man by the company he keeps.
Accidentally run him over in the parkinglot
Only aged anchovy pizza is allowed in my country.
But you also need to get the anchovies to agree before getting them on the pizza
I was replying to a post which expressed astonishment towards women who are 50 or 60 but keep looking for "the one". If you don't actually believe that there are 50 and 60 year old women that are looking for "the one" then that's a whole different conversation.
hugging femanon hope everything's okay
I was talking about women in general, but yes there are 50 and 60 year olds out there posting on tiktok looking for the "one" like they are still in their 20s.
don't ever touch me
Nta, It wasn't to you seek help
nta, but can I touch you? I have 5 bucks :3
>go to bathroom at night
>roommate has left a dirty bucket in the middle of the bathroom floor with a wig in it, submerged in dirty almost black water
I hate living with roommates
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They made jh in charge of managing the spies.
Men, do you like her?
piss and shit in it.
If JH is in charge of the Spies she is going to end up with a lot of sexual assault allegations, have to step down, get a golden parachute, and the spies will get a huge payment out of court and NDAs.
f, strike. as someone whose experienced csa and likely has csam out there on the internet i have no tolerance to this
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Not saying you shouldn't do it, but what's the point if the university knows about it and still let him come back? If anything transfer out.
I should've. I've been forced to live with 2 black roommates and this has made me racist.
I had a project where I was the only white guy in the group and they made me do all the work and kept on teaming up on me calling me racist and trying to police my language and it pissed me off that I told the professor and they all got failed. lol.
>gf casually brings up in conversation that lionesses will bite the balls of their male counterpart to initiate sex and will demand sex upto 5-7 times a day
>says that her spirit animal is now a lion
>tfw my gf became a furry
>Call animal control on her
anons, have you completed your daily gender affirmations yet?
Why not just kick them out? Why the fuck would you have two ghetto [bleep] as your roommates. Find a new place to live or get new roommates
Strike and help in any way to get him fired. Tired of men being pervy sexual predators
It's a student living situation, they just assign you roommates without telling you who the roommate is. I don't have any friends here, otherwise I'd get a friend as a roommate ofc.
because a few things
it creates noise about the issue meaning its more likely future students will know
theres potential (although unlikely) that he will be replaced
>mechinal engineering
No women and especially no hot ones.
This guy have no tolerance for people against pedos etc, that’s a leftie thing. It’s nice to see you guys being so open about it
good for you. my roommates haven't ever accused me of being racist but they are otherwise annoying, it feels like they just don't know how to live as normal people. like being obsessed with keeping the kitchen window fully opened at all times, even when it gets cold at night.
Don’t know what that is. Are you trans?
>anything to do with gender automatically triggers trans thoughts
Why transfer all the students that are against it when we can transfer one guy that did something wrong
Tell her male lions get to lay around all day while the women bring him food.
>oneitis tells me celebrity crush
>she has absolutely basic bitch taste
That's awful, hope it all works out anon
Nope. But this one did. Sorry you won’t be able to generalize your way out of this one
You got issues, bro. Anything that makes you feel masculine (such as lifting) could be gender affirming for you.
No issues here, don’t know why you are being so defensive about this. Sorry you got triggered, maybe this place isn’t for you
My what now?
>This guy have no tolerance for people against pedos
Exactly why I stay out of this shit, "hurr durr if you aren't with us, you're against us" bullshit, its not worth engaging in any of this shit at all.
All women are like the ones I see on Instagram.
I literally told her this and she’s like okay I even said I want my coffee every morning brought out to me naked and she’s like okay deal
thanks, I wish I can endure this until I move out next year. even this morning my roommate was screaming in the kitchen, presumably didn't notice I was home, at how the kitchen window was "locked". like wym locked, I had just shut it.
>I got triggered
>when you were the one who immediately yelled TRANNY instead of trying to understand the post
put your trip back on
You have basic bitch taste, anon.
>5 years old cheese pizza
esl here
what this mean?
>t. leftist
>wonder why /r9k/ is so full of normalfags now
>they're all coming from /adv/
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Femanons is this you?
No one is surprised conservatives turn a blind eye to pedos
Almost all universities will try to get away with anything until it starts affecting how much money they are making, if students transfer out that's only when they'll take actual action.
why is hollywood trying to make femcels a thing, they don't exist. the only girls in our nerdy friend group fucked every guy (except me) and then moved on.
Isn't it the opposite, incels coming here and whining at everyone kek.
>Want to get a sheet, curtain or similar to cover window because people keep looking through it an I walk around naked a lot
>They're all expensive, even second hand
this suck
Don't they hate fags and hollywood?
I never said I was conservative, I'm just staying out of politics and I'm here to learn. That's it. Again, this "If you don't agree with me your the problem" thing is toxic as fuck and exactly why I don't give a shit about any of it.
n-no! *angry cries*
You'll make it anon. Just one more year.
If you need to politically coarse people to your cause, even if its a morally good cause, you're going to find out that people will refuse to stand with you and will do nothing.
Ever had one, enjoy your cope. If you are so sensitive to this you can simply leave, no one is forcing you to read questions
Yea, it's not so bad as films make it out to be or other wimmin/girls complain. I have my escapisms, it helps
>anon gets unhelpful femanon reply on atoga
>anon makes an adv thread
>femanon says some really unhelpful or blackpilling shit
>fucks off to r9k
>if you don't care about my specific thing I care about it, then your the problem
>*holding his iphone/android phone made from slave/child labor of a people being genocided
I appreciate it anon, just roughly 4 more months. And never again will I live in a place where I can't choose my own roommate, not even for the cheapest rent lol.
Would defo rather she had basic bitch taste than the alternative
Good fuck off back in your hole
You mean like preferring black guys or something?
Sure sure, you came from r9k to whine here because nobody paid attention to you there. An attention whore male, crying about femanons 24/7 lol.
being a white knight retard doesn't make you ENTJ
There were tons of lefties saying they would buy the iphone 16, even though the Republic of Congo told them not to buy it because the Cobalt mind that the iphone 16 sourced is being ran by a terrorist group that is using child labor.
These people care all the way up until they can't waste their money on a shiny new gadget.
Or pressure from a strike and public attention.
Depends on their flavor of leftism if I'm being honest.
Esl? lol
I meant more like kpop, androgynous guys, tattooed male edgethots etc.
Yeah never do that again. Try not be too relaxed and don't engage in any type of bullshit they start. Be safe.
oh no, I'm racist...
I’m not a leftie and I don’t want pedos in schools, you feel like that’s too much politics and blame.. leftists for trying to get rid of them?
Do you want to start over? Maybe try to make it clear that you are against pedos, or..
Terrorizes minorities
There is no pussy for you here bro we’re all married or in relationships
so then by your logic everyone who isn't in the local area who doesn't go is a pedo, this is how the communist genocides started.
I see no problem standing with people against pedophilia, you guys are getting weirdly defensive about this. Why are you trying to move away from that part of it
>grills with flat chests
Yes or no?

I've always preferred a breast I can cup but I am currently seeing a lady who is as flat as a pancake and I cannot help but admire an aesthetic beauty in the shape of her body.

Or maybe I'm just a closeted faggot. I dunno.
(Because it goes without saying if she's into black guys she gets dropped)
>I'm not a leftist
>spews leftist garbage
>completely unaware that the university is most likely filled with leftists who rehired him
>"No, you're the problem for caring about yourself! Its not the admin's fault for rehiring him!"
What the actual fuck...
I wish I suddenly grew a foot like that.
Breast implants and a gym membership would solve all of femanons problems.
Prove me wrong.
No skinny women may aswell just be guys
Anything to defend pedos! Good job on the whataboutism
Pedos usually hunt other pedos, so the fact your so performative about this is very suspect.
I wouldn't drop her as a friend but if I'm being honest, a redflag like that would help break my attraction to her.
Then again, my bar is super low so maybe it wouldn't.
>Just living your life is defending pedos
Exactly how you get people to just ignore you kek
You going to Turkey for that hair transplant soon, little bud?
women would you be ok if a guy was really shy during his first time
Can someone catch me up here.
Why are these guys defending pedophilia?
>Being shy
>Being confident
How does one remove the evil little creep inside their brain that makes them fap to shameful and unhealthy things?
Being confident is not an ick haha
You don't. You just deal with it in private without hurting anyone.
For real. There was this new guy at work that was trying really hard to be a team player and confident and all the zoomer women HATE him. Meanwhile I was the loser who didn't talk to anyone for like the first 6 months and they flirt with me (just to stave off boredom but w/e)
It’s baked into japanese culture somewhat so that it goes dangerously unoticed
No one here is defending it, its just some anons are upset that they wouldn't join the protest because they'd rather study.
A leftist was against it. That was enough for them to be pro pedophilia
How do I capitalize off of personality-mogging all of my friends' boyfriends?
From a pedo? Wow, talk about lack of morals
Be more entertaining
this is the most boring, lazy display of trolling I've yet seen. Get a life.
I'm happy with my boob size
So what does that make the person who runs the university? What does that make the people who rubber stamped his rehiring? Yet anon who hasn't done anything is to blame?
M here, yesterday I had a dream where I met a cute girl, hit off well with her, brought her back to my home, where we started making out and I kised her neck, and maybe other things I forgot about. I woke up with the horniest longing I've felt in months, if not years, and immediately masturbated just trying to remember the specifics of the dream.

Women: What does that say about me?
>first day at work
>try to be all social
>older male employees seem to like me
>meet cutie female employee
>she immediately presents me with a resting bitch face
Why is it that otome games always begin with the FEMC joining an organization that was previously a sausage fest?
Like, are we sure these men are in love with her or is it just the fact that they haven't seen a female before?
I literally workout and sunbath naked in my backyard and my whole neighbourhood knows it don’t be a bitch it’s your house
first day at work btw
I think I stepped in shit and smelled badly
if i fix it now will they not gossip about me?
I already am.
you are romantically/sexually frustrated, not good or bad in itself.
i'm kinda jealous though. whenever i have "sexy" dreams, it's always pretty ambiguous and never goes anywhere.
>Breast implants and a gym membership would solve all of femanons problems.
Yea about the membership and if I could drive and had a decent car. Breast implants cause heart problems, booby cancer and there are other complications afterwards
I will reply to you because everyone else is arguing it means you’re touch starved
Just ignore their petty gossiping. Clean your shoes when you get home
I sexted with a girl from here recently, she called me "daddy" and really wanted to lean into being essentially a submissive fuckdoll.
She is mid 20s and I'm in my 30s so there is a noticable age gap, but to me she is a woman and not a girl. The age difference is hot of course, but I'm not exactly sure what to think about her kink.

Does anybody here have any experience with this?
I am amused by your disappointment in your dream-bf for not plapping you.
I meant more than them
Real men are nothing like men in my dreams
She thinks you’re here to replace her women should be banned from the workplace
it's a lot of fun to dominate a girl
I did it with a bpdemon so she accused me of sa afterwards but while it happened it was fun
Last time this happened I went around the building looking for a tree, broke a small branch and removed most of the shit from my shoe. Then I went back in and locked myself in a bathroom to clean the rest. There was a bathroom air freshener thing on the wall, thankfully.
I feel like my subconcious is trying to tell me something. Like 'take more chances' or somethingl ike that

Should I trust it? Or should I not listen?
it is frustrating lol. i've had several dreams about my secret crush, but again it never goes anywhere.
once i had a dream where i was swimming at a beach, and when i came to the surface, i had accidentally surfaced right in front of my crushes crotch where he was standing with the water to his knees. he was looking at me, i felt embarrassed and then the dream ended.
Pedo, I had a 40 yo project manager call me daddy because I was still in uniform
Again with the whataboutism so you don’t have to take a stand against pedophilia. Gross
What’s the issue? It sounds like you’re both into it.
Yeah I dated an 18-year-old coworker when I was 29. She liked the age gap and we teased each other about it.
Your endocrine system is dying have sex immediately
Just go outside and see what happens dummy
I wouldn't say a dream can mean something that "profound", just that you feel that you are lacking sex and/or romance in your life. If we have dreams about specific things, usually it means that it's just something we've been thinking about subconsciously (even if you've been thinking about it consciously as well), and dreaming is a way for our brain to process the things we dream about.
Men who date much younger women are losers
Well, mainly my "fear" is she will start acting like a brat or maybe even do diapershit (literally).
My ex was 9 years younger and she never made much of a fuss about it.
Women who date much older men are braindead sluts
My gf roughly the same age as me but no where near as mentally developed, this is problem not the physical age gap
then no need to ask the question.
30 year old hag seething
Nta but that's a guy.
He’s asking how to CAPITALIZE on that already being the case, anon. How to leverage it for his own gain.
Goddamn I am ESLmaxxing today
need braindead slut gf
Tell her. Say that you’re into it but not to that extent.
Do you have any idea how pathetic of a human being you are?
still less pathetic than a caveman pajeet
Wym, he wants to steal those gfs? Seems like a stupid goal to me.
I did the same with a branch
I thought it wasn't me until I went and checked and saw something weird on my shoe
feeling lowkey embarrassed because I kept thinking that someone else must have been smelling badly
fucking hell
hope they don't think any less of me
they probably won't if it doesn't happen again in a short space of time
Maybe angle himself as the rebound?
Nah, I ain't looking to steal. Obviously I wouldn't turn down anything if offered.
I mean trying to get attention from them and charming them seems like a lot of effort when you could just find single women no? But you do you.
Not really, they are runners up, guys picking up the scraps in their mid 30s are the losers
You are literally a troll that lives in a gooncave my gf could beat the shit out of your atrophied dyel body please kill yourself Mr pedophile
Foids, my ex just told me that I gave her the best sex of her life. She's a turbo bpd whore who gave me ptsd. Is she lying?
On the topic of age gaps, I sometimes specifically watch old guys fucking young women, because it makes me think they must be even bigger sluts for taking some old farts viagra cock.
>has the gaul to call out others
I don't know I've never had an ex. But I could assume that's true if you're not dating anyone
There is probably some incel here that is picking up my sloppy second egirls, I can’t imagine how horrible that must feel lol
>studying to get good grades to transfer out of is pedophilia
Okay, I get it now, good troll.
i'm so jealous...i wish i had my own celtic warrior to call out others for me...
I'm not dating but she rebounded after our breakup with some guy and she keeps telling me how she misses having sex with me.
>he's great but sex is underwhelming

why is she messaging me about her sex life we stopped dating months ago.
File deleted.
Iunno but nice tits.
Weird response, are you a bot or a pedo
Idk, sounds manipulative. I wouldn't reply to it.
No,however she is still a shitty person
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Blacks, Whites, Jews, Hispanics, Arabs, Asians
Scattered all troughout the nations
All these different populations
All because of immigration

Got so much money need to start doing calculations
the attacks on 9/11 were brazen
Shawty building 7
Went down on me with no explanation
>starving a university of money as a protest is weird
Hmmm.... Also a weird response... So its okay to protest but you still have to give them money?
Do what you want
No one said that, why are you guys into this pedo thing?
How do I get men to date me if I'm a loser?
>No one said that
Anon what kind of question is this?
>she wants me to ask her out
>I want to be just friends
Then.... don't ask her out??
Make a profile on any dating app, text anyone on discord. Just put yourself out there slightly. Bad larp my guy
be nice and pretty, done.
"get adopted by an extrovert" kinda does work for loser women in terms of relationships, that's the main reason why male incels say women can't be incels also.
Be a cute loser.
Dating men at this point is shooting fish in a barrel, if you can't manage it this might be nature saying "not this one"
impossible to fail
If a guy asks for no contact, how evil is it if I break it?
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Men, if you can drive across THIS without using GPS I'm yours
It's his own fault, not evil. Men who want princess treatment shall be left alone.
How do I bullshit my way out of the annoying final year of a bachelors degree, no fun classes are allowed, and the required ones sound like shit, so I just want to move past it and get my worthless degree.
you've been stressing over this for the entire day dude come on
I fucking hate roundabouts but I'm autistic as fuck so I can remember it as a number
3 2 1 3 2 2
whats difficult about that?
What's your best case scenario here? A man asks for no contact if he is a drama queen or if you've sufficiently pissed him off, neither of those are men you should continue to speak with.
don't do what I did, technically dropping out. force yourself to do those final classes.
Basic traffic?
Are you Polish?
I could drift that whole thing in my Miata
Considering I have been on roadtrips in Iceland, Norway and New Zealand, I'm sure I'll manage.
Its only 6 rotatories, anyone should be able to drive thru that with the picture alone
It's not too clear what is supposed to be between the last two, but I guess just a blind turn with no other roads
>femanon with a miata
damn, roadtrips with matching NAs seems like a dream. but mine is a lonely girl
That's my one and only talent on this earth
He gave a good reason for the no contact. I don't even know what I want to say to him. I just miss him
Go to the gym:
Work out
Get your license:
Drive a decent car
Be a decent lady
Just don't get led on and used by fuckbois, fake Chad's, chadlites, chad manlets etc. Good luck
>He gave a good reason for the no contact
The only good reason is if you broke up.
>just drives through the first roundabout and the 2nd closed for construction roundabout
I hate women so much.
>when you could just find single women
That's the problem, chief
Hey KP
Learn English.
Looks like you're just ugly then.
He's not ugly. He's not trying
Harassing randos in public with intense staring
I've got an ND. I always liked the form factor of the NA and wanted the turbo on the NB. So I bought an ND and turbocharged it.
Sounds like both actually, uggo anon.
That's not novel, blacks and indians and other immigrants do it already
roadtrip still sounds good
I was thinking of getting rid of mine a while back but its my first car I've ever bought and I dont have the heart to see it drive away
I won't but god it's such needless annoying bullshit I won't even submit a yearbook photo because I have never looked worse and the deadline is literally my birthday in a month.
It's all so gay. So so so fucking gay.
You're an ugly anon, dang, I doubt it. You probably have body dysmorphia
What time do you go to bed?
I do that but it's not on purpose or intentionally. It's my default stare. Normalfags like you are horrible
2 AM.
I don't need bigger boobs, I have D's already.
I need some way to escort to only non ugly white dudes that won't make me a target for angry black men.
Sorry to hear about your body dysmorphia, hon.
Between 4-11am.
We did break up. I don't even have a solution to our problems but I've been thinking about him a lot. But I also don't want to interfere with his moving on process, I fear it would be cruel
F 10pm. I'm up at 6am and the day is great.
Oh if you broke up, then yeah stay away, especially if he is the one who iniated the breakup.
What is a fake Chad?
Who let you loose bpd dog anon. You need to get put down frfr
>Normalfags like you
Drop the allegations
My boobs are already huge and if you get big ones they're more likely to look bad. You also don't need a gym membership, you can just work out at home.
When should I call it quits and pack it up? Do you think I can fix what is making me undatable?
Touch grass, trooner.
>Twice a week you put on your makeup and damn bracelets
>And head to the club half-naked with your ass shakin'
>Pullin' a lowlife nigga who claim he cash-makin'
>'Til you let him hit and find out he work at the gas station
34H not talk about her tits challenge: impossible.
Men, what is the most pleasing breast shape? Least?
I feel that. My first car was a civic that I poured so much time and money into. I loved that car.

Whenever I feel tired. If that's 6 pm, it's 6 pm.

>quoting Hopsin
This a nigga that was in tears when he found out his underage gf was smoking weed.
Touch grass mentally unstable feces
I don’t know. I like boobs.
I'm not KP
>most pleasing
>least pleasing
no hers
Sorry... seriously, though, I was answering a direct question about boobs. I have boobs. Why do guys get pissy about someone answering a question they're qualified to?
Teardrop, perky
Empty tube sock
I’m razzing you, kid. It’s funny how easy you are to spot.
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Zoomettes are so fucking well endowed.
I don't know about most attractive but personally dislike when they're really wide set on a torso and there's like an inch between them making them look fake.
estrogen in water supply
also to make JH mad
>it's a tranny with a shit fetish
So angry too kek.
I did three chores.
Will you praise me?
You're projecting. Keep malding anon. Get help at betterhelp and keep taking your meds.
I have actually talked about stuff other than my boobs too.
All the hormones in food are making kids hit puberty earlier. It's why the average dick size is going up too.
Maybe, what chores?
The seething troon is dysfunctioning again
I got groceries, laundered my bedset, and took my lawnmower to get fixed at a shop.
Mixed signals help?

There's this woman I think she's in her early to mid 20s, and I am 30.

The thing is, she seemed to smile and keep eye contact with me a bunch before and I noticed her taking glances but I've noticed recently she's not keeping eye contact and I thought that maybe she's not interested.

But when I go and talk to her, she seems to smile a lot, and really seems to perk up when I ask her what books she reads and its like her eyes light up and she sounds more cutesy when talking to me, or sound more innocent asking for help and stuff.

But other times when I take glances at her, she seems to notice me, but avoid eye contact

Any ideas what it could mean?
Is she just being friendly and she doesnt want to make me feel bad for liking her.
Imagine being this hot and fucking it up with the two worst piercings.
>washed your sheets
Nice, good job
>got groceries
Hopefully you got lots of fresh ingredients to make things and not lots of junk food
do men find her face hot? i assumed anons would call her mid since she has a long face
This. I started puberty at 8.
Please get help
Her face is kinda mid, but her body is hot.
besides her hair she is very cute
i see it's mostly the bod lol
Why though? Why should I stay away?
Something about this face seems tranny to me.
>Zoomettes are so fucking well endowed.
was just thinking about this.
I live in Southern Europe, near a University. All these zoomettes are super hot. I'm talking 8's and 9's mostly. I'm honestly shocked at how hot they are.
Their facial symmetry is getting better too. I barely saw an unattractive zoomer.
I saw a skinny girl with tits just like picrel. She was 18 or 19.
shit is literally fucking me up, I can't go out like this. It' very hot as well, so they are wearing barelly nothing. A lot of crop tops and visible thongs.
I honestly wish it were as easy as "I'm ugly so I shouldn't bother" but unfortunately I am mid.
I'm not sure how I could further "try", I do get out of the house and go for walks in the park and stuff. I even occasionally go to weddings and parties and dance, etc.
>Why do guys get pissy about someone answering a question
You keep taunting us with your tits and not letting us see them.
No one likes a tease.
I'm triggered.
there are ugly zoomer women, they are just eternally inside in their rooms, like me.
>only non ugly white dudes
You deserve angry black men
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Ladies, this could be us
>It's why the average dick size is going up too.
average dick size is going down, average male height is going down, men are getting uglier and women are telling taller, more top heavy, and prettier. I have no idea why.
Why did you post a picture of 3 monsters and a pair of tits
Am I? I thought I wasn't being really flirty about it. Not even being really specific, just mention the size some times.
I'm gonna make a cucumber and tomato salad to nibble on through the week.
I have no idea what this means.
Do anal or be a throatgoat
You're fine. Porn addicts just hear the word boobs and get randy. It doesn't take much for those types.
>just mention the size some times
That's enough to want to see them.
It's literally the opposite
Those tomatoes are gonna be gross by like day three.
Don't store the tomato IN the salad. Good way to get a fucked up, soggy salad.
We wanna see boobs and you keep mentioning that you have big ones.
Yea, it could, but chances are, you're
A: A gamer
B: Anime fan
C: Have a cat
D: Tribalistic
E: /pol/tarded
F: By ladies you actually mean "10/10 20 year olds" and nothing else
G: Want kids, the pic suggests it
H: Have some kind of mental issue; BPD, anti-social disorder, whatever
I: Have 0 actually interesting hobbies that aren't just media consumption
J: A brainlet
K: A guy who brings out a book written by some other guy, dead for years, maybe decade, maybe centuries, then cite reading that as why you are smart (ie you can't think for yourself)
L: Into weird kinkshit I'm not into
M: Destitute
O: A kissless, friendless virgin putting relationships on a pedastal, who will be disappointed when everything doesn't neatly fall into place all th time
P: A slut, but "its okay because I'm a man"
Q: Smoke
R: Drink
S: Do any other hard drugs, yes, drinking is a hard drug, if you disagree you are degenerate
T: Bad with money
U: Unhealthy in some other way
V: HAve an annoying accent
If you’re reading this, I love you. :3 yes, you, silly.
When I'm answering a boob related question. Chestlets make it known that they're a chestlet but no one goes off on them about that.
That is the point.
It is a wet salad preserved in citrus juice.
I will be adding extra citric acid powder too.
Everyone loves goth mommy
no you dont
stop lying to me
Men all have a similar taste to each other, life can be unfair.
Your love means nothing to me because you give it so freely.
If you're reading this, I don't love you. I don't even know you. I will not validate you.
They're usually embarrassed about it, and why would they post something they're embarrassed about? Plus, most of the chestlet whining is JH and she doesn't post pics of herself.
Do you want everything to turn to mush, like baby food?
I'm A, B, G eventually, H socally askward, I maybe, V (italian)
How bad is it
If you're reading this, I hate you. Yes, all of you.
You should make this a gender question to see how many letters people got
You are awfully picky for a 4chan user.
Chestlet here but whenever I mention that someone always assumes that bothers me and I must be consoled. That unironically bugs the shit out of me.
Let's see those mosquito bites.
I don't need your validation.
Tiny titties usually have better shape, and ass is king anyway.
Who said anything about validation?
>someone always assumes that bothers me and I must be consoled.
>Tiny titties usually have better shape

Fucking stop it! :)
Haha, fair point. I assumed you would be complimenting me.
See this is actually genuine
>skips the part about ass is king
Why so serious? Its true, shape is best.
A T and V here
I think I have a chance
What is a healthy breakfast I can make
I probably would, it's not every day we get femanon tiddies.
nta but are you brown?
M here

We're not allowed to have cats now? What if I just feed one who come by and hangs out on my back deck?
Is vaping a dealbreaker? Is it still a dealbreaker if you got with your partner first before they started vaping?
Men, would you describe the Australian accent as sexy?
No, you are just brain rotted.
how is that different from an e-cigarette, or is it the same thing?
Are eggs good for you or not again?
Yes, I like it a lot.
Not really. But I associate it with hot sporty blondes
I'm too autistic to like most accents.
I think this really depends on the girl. Some people really like vocal fry and husky voice, some people don't.
nta but how does autism affect that? Serious question.
Decent if you don't eat them every day, but if you want to be truly healthy just go vegetarian
Yes, I want the salad to pickle.
good girl
I love when women wear daisy dukes and a bikini (and chokers)
They sound "wrong" and it throws off my ability to perceive intonation.
Holy fucking based.
Rare women w.
This slut just singlehandedly BTFO every single 4cuckcel, myself included.
I kneel
A,B, L, T
Oh... well ok then. Have you tried pickled daikon?
I have tomatoes can I put those in there and do I cook them before I put the eggs in
and I love when yοu wear a noose around your neck and kick the stool
>U: Unhealthy in some other way
this is an attraction factor for me
State gender
Thoughts on good girl/bad boy romance?
Yeah, please don't chemically gas me while we make out.
I only take small dab rips occasionally by myself.
>and I love when yοu
This implies I've done it not only multiple times, but that it's a regular occurrence, which doesn't really make sense, because that would kill me.
I love tomatoes in an omelet. You don't have to cook them beforehand.
I saw a UFO when I was a kid
Limerence for sure, but I'm not certain I've experienced real deal Holyfield love
you could fail in your suicide attempt, just like you fail at everything else in your life
idk, i don't consume a lot of romance stories. last romance movie i watched is groundhog day and that was like 2 years ago.
I know what you were going for but that was really clumsy.
I haven't, but I would if I weren't in a veggie doldrum.
Help me out girls

>doesnt make eye contact or avoids looking
>acts cutesy when you talk to them
>acts innocent and almost childlike when they ask for help with something

Does it mean they're just friendly or shy?
>Have you ever been in love?
Of course
this means they fear you and are afraid you're going to corner and rape them
could just be shy, and the cutesy is her personality behind the shyness.
but for shy women avoiding eye contact can be a sign of attraction, *if* she also discreetly glances at you sometimes.
I saw a study where 1 group of people were asked to choose between 3 types of jam, and other group was asked to choose between (I think?) 15 types of jam. And the group with fewer options was more satisfied with their choice.

>I saw a UFO when I was a kid
Whta did it look like
That’s fair. I might
Ok thank you

What about arugula

M, love it, he teaches her how to loosen up, she teaches him it's OK to be civil and wholesome
I am an idiot and obsess over tarot card readings. My relationship is going really well and she’s really happy and loving toward me. However I’ll get a tarot reading that says she’s cheating or planning on leaving soon or already lining up another guy to replace me and I’ll obsess over it. I hate it and I’m having a difficult time letting go
Cholesterol balances itself out for most people if you're healthy. So they've always been good.
Do you agree with >>32005552?
You've been whining about this for weeks if not months, just kill yourself.
It’s okay but I prefer it the other way around. Especially when there’s that tearful moment where she’s like, “why are you even with me?! You could get a respectable girl, I’m just-“ and he cuts her off with cheesy shit like “the woman I love”
Personally I haven't tried arugula in an omelet, but spinach works fine so I'd assume arugula is probably fine too.
I'm sorry that happened to you
No. Humans need to support each other through tough times.
Much prefer good boy/bad girl romances

No, it's retarded. No woman wants to be with a robot or a self-flagellating man that complains about how hard the world is for men when he's the one voluntarily making his life harder.
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no. I don't find it bad or unattractive when my bf talks about bad past memories. sometimes I even feel proud because some of that shit is so weird that I am sure I'm the only one who knows some of those things.
you should be happy for me, bro
>good boy/bad girl romances
What's a good example of that?
YEs yes chud will take you just wait
femanons, how do you make a girl who uses men for ego boosting by showing her censored titties and whatnot while also having problem by being seen as a sex object actually cares about a man beyond being a tissue to clean her feelings on, like what kinda approach should i focus on? i dont need to make her fall for me i just want to be seen as a real friend
It was saucer shaped, and pretty small looking. It was silver/light gray, except for a red blaze on one side and a few green squares on top.
>making a moid a tissue to clean my feelings on
How do I do it?
sounds like my weeny
>good boy/bad girl romances
Especially when he's all stoic, but she wears him down overtime.
NHI detected
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Any anons here good with wordplay or stringing clever pop culture references/memes together? I'm trying to complete a pickup line to imply a girl has a big butt and it goes something like this:

"Are you (a) ______"
"Cause girl's got the whole bakery."

Sometimes I wish I lived in a household where I wasn't the only one who consistently speaks English so stuff like this would come naturally to me....
be hot and find a friend like me uwu
I dunno what that means
Possible autism unironically.
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I find women like these extremely sexy.

Women, judge me.
Hercules and Meg
Bobby and Vicky from Waterboy
Deeds and Babe from Mr. Deeds
Forrest and Jenny
And a lot of the fanfics I read
Black, curvaceous, or sluttily dressed?
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are you a baker bc them buns got me pulling dosh outta my pocket idk man
You find women sitting attractive?
Going through my first break up ever as an adult was not the move. How do I even keep living my life? This feels like the worst failure of my entire life and I have fucked a lot of things up
I hope you know that she has a scat fetish
Down syndrome
>Hercules and Meg
Kino, she was great
I would tell you to abort this entire endeavor but I like see thirdies get assblasted over rejection
Accept that you will feel like shit for a while, but also accept that someday you will move on and feel okay again. I watched a lot of tv after my breakup to take my mind off it.
Women: Do you think the 'trad wives' on Tiktok geniuenly believe what they're doing, or are they just grifters fulfiling fantasies?
Not sure anything has "the whole bakery," I don't think there's a word for a portion of town that's filled with bakeries and even if there were it'll be a very obscure word. I get what you're trying to do but it doesn't really work for this one.
t. ESL
Eh, it's a bad joke.

That supposed whistleblower that testified to Congress about "UFO's" coined the term NHI: meaning Non Human Intelligence, as an alternative to alien.
They're grifters. All of them.
I don't think there's any hope for this kind of person desu
Did you ever get past the feeling that no one else could possibly love you
>However I’ll get a tarot reading that says she’s cheating or planning on leaving soon
You need to find a better tarot reader, I think its the person you go to who is toxic not the tarot itself.
oh, in that case I appreciate it, my penis is out of this world after :)
A woman stacked like Estee Williams should be allowed to grift all she wants
i don't know really, never used tiktok. but probably the latter.
I feel worthless and unlovable but it isn't because of my breakup, which is almost 12 years in the past now. That experience did give me trust issues that I would say I've gotten over now.
Some maybe. I enjoy the ones where they teach you homemaking skills. Most are grifters if all they do is talk about how trad they are
This is the equivalent of someone asking the same question on here daily in hopes that they get a different answer.
How old is too old? I confessed to a girl for the first time few days ago and I'm 25 ofc she turned me down cause why else would I still be there
the fuck are you talking about
F but this is a really poisonous mindset.
I confessed to a 43 yo earlier this year and I'm not even 30 quite yet.
Heart wants what the heart wants.
I go to /x/

I feel stupid even saying this
Did you date afterward?
NTA but yes
stop, you know i can fix her anon :(
We're all subject to the halo effect, I'm just honest about it ;)
Idk I fucked up
I meant as in the 25 years of my life she was the first girl I confessed to
Tarot readings are not meant to be so specific. I think you need to interact with someone in the real world not on /x/. I mean I think Tarot is retarded to begin with but if you're going to do it, at least do it right and not get tarot readings by actual schizos.
I dated one other person since then, and I broke up with him not the other way around, so it didn't hurt me as much. I felt freed by that breakup, not rejected.
But I've been single since about 2014
Why do you feel worthless and unlovable?
State gender and age, and I will do a quick Tarot card reading. First three people only.
My friend has a crush on a guy that’s 14 years older than her and she’s 22. I heard sperm quality really isn’t great as you get older, so I hope she can get pregnant with no issues
Not into it
I'm the mastectomy anon, but also mental illness stuff
tarot has a cool aesthetic. I wish I could believe in all that new age shit but I just don't
>tarot reading offer
>only men reply
Men are the meme gender
No that’s dumb
Exactly, show me how memey the results would be
nta but why'd you get that? Health issue or gender stuff?
Anons will you please give me some music recs?
I like high energy music, like showtunes/musicals, symphonic metal, dad rock. I like classical music if its energetic and emotional, but not if its chill.
Men would you date a girl with an underwear drawer organized by color
Milk toast
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This is high energy
Grifters and evil women
Jesus Christ
Steely Dan
Sounds hot
Russian Circles.
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0-10 how insane are you
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This is a game about making your own tarot deck and doing readings. I played the demo but wasn't really feeling it, cool aesthetic though.
The Book of Mormon OST.
No, I want to connect with men and their hardships.
Why? :(
That makes more sense than a girl organizing her books by color.
I think they have to believe it otherwise they have to question their lives. Easier to say everyone else is living wrong
I love Book of Mormon
No. Dealbreaker
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I'd prefer if she was organizing people by color
Idk how to quantify other than 10 being bpd.
So I don't have that, but I'm still pretty crazy, maybe a 7.
I like bad girl/bad girl, or good girl/good girl
Are you certain it isn't extradimensional?
Oh :( too late.

27F if you change your mind.
Fair enough
Good if the good girl actually has the backbone to step up to the bad boy.
Bad if the good girl is a pathetic mess that's just there to be a doormat.
I rather love a man 26 years my senior.

How old was the woman, anon?
0 - The Fool. You will experience a new beginning, a new arc of your life.

12 - The Hanged Man. You will be faced with an important decision related to your new beginning, and you will hesitate.

16 - The Tower: Disaster is waiting for you, likely influenced by your decisions - or lack thereof.


6 - The Lovers: You will encounter someone important in your life - or have already encountered them, and just haven't realized yet.

1 - The Magician: You will get a chance to express your potential soon enough, to great effect.

20 - Judgement: After expressing your potential, you will reach a revelation about yourself that will radically change your life.


16 - The Tower: You will reach an upheaval soon in your life that will radically change your perspective and opportunities.

14 - Temperance: You will learn to be more patient, both with yourself and others, after said great upheaval.

19 - The Sun: Despite the upheaval, you will be able to find success that will and happiness in spite of - or perhaps because - of it.
exceedingly based
but I would be inclined to one day mess up all the colors and laugh maniacally when you realise what I've done
I wouldn't even make pure chaos
if your panties go
red blue white
I'd stack them as
red blue white
blue white red
white red blue
and so on
just to mess with you <3
How many good girls actually do that though?
How'd he win you back after you decided to see a therapist and break up?
>Fool, Hanged Man, Tower
New arc, decisions and potential disaster. Sounds about right. I'm restarting my degree program that I nearly got kicked out of
nta but couldn't you just base each statement off the preceding?
1/10, the most "insane" thing about me is that i have social anxiety.
Love you anon
Moids with glasses
Do you take off your glasses before sex?
I have way too much free time and can't decide what to do with it, hobby-wise.
So this is telling you something you already know and you're just filling in the blanks to fit the narrative.
I wear contacts
>16 - The Tower: You will reach an upheaval soon in your life that will radically change your perspective and opportunities.
>14 - Temperance: You will learn to be more patient, both with yourself and others, after said great upheaval.
>19 - The Sun: Despite the upheaval, you will be able to find success that will and happiness in spite of - or perhaps because - of it.

FUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is past present future? Because if it is it's too real andI'm going to puke
>Magician, Judgement
Would be great if these came true not gonna lie, thanks anon
The best part of the show imo is the parents dragging their kids out when they realize what kind of play it is.
Then the question wasn't for you, beta.
The Atronach is the best due to the 150 magicka buff and 50% spell absorption.
Stunted magicka isn't much of a downside with mage potions and welkyned stones being so plentiful
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I want to love women so much
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I wish I could see it irl but unfortunately I live in an uncultured redneck shithole so I just listen to OSTs on youtube
I didn't say I was breaking up with him. Just that I'd see a therapist generally. I don't even think he was offended by the post you were referring to; he mentioned it briefly the other day.
>You will reach an upheaval soon
How could that be past?
I mostly only put them in during sex
Install templeOS on bare metal and shitpost with it on /g/.
They are all the future, in order of how near they are to the present (closest to farthest), apologies for not being clear.
Hmm, I have been shitposting more lately. Perhaps I should shitpost in this thread, though.
I'm a stemcel and view this stuff with detached novelty.
Yes and my GF takes off hers too. They get in the way when you're kissing. I can't see anything, but I can still feel things!
What if I already experienced an upheaval does that mean another one is going to happen to me
Stop being brown, ugly, fat, and balding.
F with glasses here, having to take them off for sex/cuddling was always so annoying. Its the worst part of having glasses.
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am not brown
am not fat
am not ugly (I hope)
It's possible it means that the upheaval will continue, or evolve and shift, into the near future.
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>didn't say not balding
Would you keep them on if asked?
I’m done for. Thank you Anon
shaved head > hair to shoulders > normal short hair > mullet >>>>>>>>>>>>> balding
I guess, but when human skin touches glasses it leaves oil behind, which has to be washed off or my vision is cloudy. You can't kiss or have sex with glasses without them getting accidentally touched.
balding is ick, i agree
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dont remind me
I shave every single day and im still suicidal about it
I even fell for the lifting meme. its actually over
either I'm going for a hike or I'm going to smoke weed
evens for hiking
It’s called being retarxed, ever heard of it?
Extreme nearsightedness actually helps me when I'm working on her pussy because I can see everything in almost microscopic detail
Hair down back >> hair to shoulders > mullet >> normal short hair > >>>shaved head>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> balding
take care dude, don't forget to stock up
Post pic of it when its not shaved
Also horseshoe balding anon from yesterday feel free to post pic of your head
>Post pic of it when its not shaved
I dont know how it looks like, I've been shaving daily for years now and I started before my balding was very visible. I didnt wait till I was visibly bald to cut it all off
Nearsighted guys are just better at sex, I swear. The glasses is just the obvious hint.
Pretty girl with ugly pussy or ugly girl with pretty pussy?
Foids ranking moids?
pretty girl
its not like im staring at her pussy all day, the only thing going down there are my hands and dick anyways
I don't think I've ever seen a pussy that I'd consider ugly
moid hairstyles to be exact
You haven't seen mine
I'm F, yes.
No one actually cares what pussy looks like.
Then why do men ask for pictures of it all the time?
So beautiful
So serene
So thoughtful
So silly
So caring
So strong
So honourable
So her
During intercourse, yes. I keep them on for cunnilingus
We do?
Some of you do.
I'm pleasantly surprised to see long hair rated highly
i didn't rate long hair highly, unless you have shoulder length hair.
I'm sure it's fine. Cut yourself some slack
I loooove long hair on men.
>i didn't rate long hair highly, unless you have shoulder length hair.
I consider it long for a guy
its fine, I know men don't really care about vagina appearances. However it is objectively ugly as fuck
i guess long for me is always past shoulders. when it's at the shoulders, that's a kinda specific length and not the same as all long hair imo.
New thread,
Do it?
I am a devout vagina enjoyer and agree that it's very rare to see an "ugly" one. They need to be downright filthy or diseased. I'm sure yours is lovely.
no, fuck you
will you be nice to me if i do it?
I recommend smoking after you set up camp
Is your eyesight so bad that you can't hit the clitoris without glasses
Mine also looks so bad :(
>Is your eyesight so bad that you can't hit the clitoris without glasses
I want to see her eyes.

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