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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)
(new suggestions with working links are welcome)

REMEMBER: It's good to read and prepare, but don't overdo it. Get off this site: go learn and build up your social skills by meeting actual women in the real world.

Previous: >>31985413
How much do they cost typically
Why are you even bothering to find a girlfriend if you're under 6'3? For real, I don't know whether I respect or pity you guys. I mean, maaaaaybe best chance you end up with some BPD whore who's been through every chad and will make your life a living hell.
R9k is two doors down buddy
The best advice for getting a girlfriend is either to make FU money and hope you can score a gold-digger or 6'3 and above. That's it. Anything else in these lousy threads is cope.
I still wonder how women can say they have relationship problems yet can find a man easily. If things don’t work out with a certain guy then a girl will have several other guys waiting in line for her
Explain the poor retards who are 5'6 and have GFs then?
>Why are you even bothering to find a girlfriend if you're under 6'3?
Love and sex
> For real, I don't know whether I respect or pity you guys.
Neither, it's pretty good.
>maaaaaybe best chance you end up with some BPD whore who's been through every chad and will make your life a living hell.
Aaaahahaha you fucked one of them didn't you, and now you're coping by pretending you aren't alone
Sorry your ex-gf's a whore bro but that's a you problem
>I still wonder how women can say they have relationship problems yet can find a man easily.
Those men are shitty and contribute to relationship problems.
Your question is dumb.
>If things don’t work out with a certain guy then a girl will have several other guys waiting in line for her
Bro that sounds like relationship problems

>Explain the poor retards who are 5'6 and have GFs then?
Anon is schizo
He has decided (or, rather, "The demons" have decided on his behalf) that he's gonna be demoralised, bitter, and upset
So he just believes whatever will encourage him to be demoralised, bitter, and upset.
And he (or, rather, "The demons") won't let reality get in the way. Morale cannot legally affect him without his consent, and he does not consent.
I don't need to explain shit. There are always anomalies in human behavior. I would also question how happy those men are in those relationships.
It is better to face facts and embrace despair than cling to false hope and blind faith.
To me its about Christ and accepting pain. The rest will come one day, or never. Blessed be you, frens.
>I would also question how happy those men are in those relationships.
Oh yeah, that's actually hard for most people isn't it.
Lmao happier than you apparently
Based, these threads can have little nuggets of wisdom but yeah. I’m recently sober and took up fitness and getting back in to my faith as a priority and I’ve never felt more clarity. Do I want a partner? Sure, but I’d rather be the best version of myself and knowing I have things to offer instead of falling in to codependency because I want a warm body next to me.
Are they? They don't look it or sound it. If a woman is settling for a manlet, then you know that shit doesn't end well.
yeah no man under 6'3 has ever married or had kids without getting cheatted on or divorce raped you're right
>a lucky few people win the lottery
>this means I too should expect to win the lottery
If I'm a manlet, framelet, balding, autistic, genetically socially anxious, socially stunted due to homeschooling and the lack of an actual father figure, still going to uni in his late 20s because of mental issues, and have no friends, should I just give up?
Probably. But I don't know what "giving up" even looks like? Sure, you can try to focus on other things, but you'll still be unfulfilled sexually and intimately. I only think it works for dudes who are low-test and autistic.
>comparing getting a girlfriend or a wife to winning the fucking lottery

Are you legitimately like 70 IQ or something?
>what is an analogy?
Too dumb to think abstractly, anon?
The point is a minority of people get lucky, so you shouldn't base your own expectations on outliers.
Tips on getting back out there after an abusive relationship?
Miss her bad right now but that's probably because I'm lonely
>girl I briefly met at a live drawing session.
>We exchanged IG's
>Exchanged a few Dm's months ago
>she keeps replying to me?

I mean I would? but I'm just lonely. I kind of don't want to sin and hook up with a girl I don't want to marry. I kind of would like to hang out with her again, but I'm afraid that she'll interpret it as a romantic thing, and if she does accept it I have to follow through.
If only she was white and christian tho...
I know what an analogy is but you don't seem to. You might as well compare the odds of a planet spontaneously exploding with the odds of getting a job. But I'm not sure your poo ass even meets the baseline of intelligence to process this thought.
Getting a girlfriend is akin to winning the lottery if you're under 6'3.
>poo ass
Cope. I'm whiter than Christmas.
How do I stand out when most women nowadays get compliments and gifts like nothing?
Question doesn't make sense. Are you trying to compete with these women or something?
Why would the number of compliments a woman gets have any bearing on you whatsoever? If you feel it does for some reason, maybe you could, I don't know, give them some more compliments yourself then? Since you seem to be implying you'll be lost in the shuffle against men who are giving her compliments, but also apparently not participating at the same time.
Very curious thought process.
It feels like I can't win, regardless of whether I try or not, so if failure is consistent, why put in effort?
Ok great, so you're lazy and defeatist. Why even bother coming in this thread then? Just forget about women and move on.
In the last 3 years I went from being a 125kg fatass neet, to a 80kg average looking worker (tall like 182cm)
I'm 28 now, haven't really had any friends since hs, and my hs was 99% male so I haven't really talked with a woman in a friendly (non-work-related) way since middle school
I never really craved for social interactions, and was content with my depressing isolated existence, but now I feel like I want something more

I realize my situation is pretty hopeless, I'm trying to lose more weight to get a flatter stomach and am about to join a gym; can I get some suggestions about how to start at least meeting women?
I have no social media, never tried alcohol or drugs, and while I'm "friendly" with everyone at work, I'm not really friends with anyone in a way that we'd talk outside of work or about private things

Any hope?
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just be all this
I'm 5'9. A year ago I was with my gf of 4 years now I'm with my gf of 6 months. It's possible to date if you are shorter then 6'3.
Try and make some friends first.
Wait some time, if you can go to therapist if can't find a homie. Get it all out, when you are ready go out there.
Keep texting and ask her to hang out. Specify it's not romantic and that you want to make friends.
Compliment things they actually care about. The things they work on (oufit, craft, job, something they tried to do). Ask her out on activity dates and not just coffee dates and stuff.
>It's possible to date if you are shorter then 6'3.
Only as a betabux cuck.
>try and make some friends first
How do I do this in my late 20s?
I want to fuck an older woman like this.

Good news, I'm too old for prime puss now anyway.
Your shitty thread got deleted, why don't you still get the hint? Nobody wants to read your lies. You're a piece of shit, and if you were 6'3", you would be a 6'3" virgin piece of shit.
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Does anyone remember the G Manifesto?
is there a dating app specifically for feet?
I started seeing this girl and she said she thought I wasn't serious about the relationship because text her. She says she likes when the guy texts her and checks in. I'm not a big texter unless I have something funny to say. Do I just text her asking about her day and shit? Is this what people usually do?
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Why do women play hard to get? And what's the best way to deal with this? Just stop messaging her? It is quite irritating.
They have a million options and it's survival of the fittest
where do you go from sending snaps of each other and talking irl to get to the next level
idk how to get women
how does one become confident and no longer be insecure or anxious? I feel this is my greatest weakness, I am 26 years old, not short or overly ugly, currently struggle socially because of this. My insecurity stems from lack of social life and experience with girls (only been on dates with girls who asked me out, never asked a girl out) and I get social anxiety sometimes from random encounters and it stifles my social encounters.
stop complaining and be more positive about yourself or you won't get anywhere. everyone gets social anxiety you won't get anywhere if you keep letting it hold you back. people don't realize anywhere near as much as you would think
There's this really cute girl at my church (presbyterian if you care), we're in a volunteer choir together. How can I start up a conversation and maybe get her thinking about being "with" me?
Found out this girl I've been talking to had a dream were she kissed a mutual friend, I also know this mutual friend finds her attractive, should I just give up, or ask her out before my friend gets a chance?
>how does one become confident and no longer be insecure or anxious?
You can't.
Learn to live with it
>divorce raped
What does this even mean? Like financially raped?
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How do I get good at flirting? I've been on a couple of dates and I feel like I'm ok at holding conversation and being moderately funny, but I can't seem to bridge the gap of it being more than just meeting with someone and discussing interests and into something potentially romantic. I'm also terrible at figuring out how / when to go in for a kiss at the end of the date.
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If you add a girl on IG, they follow back and start liking shit, is that an indicator of interest or just being friendly?
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>Download a dating app last week
>Like around 100 girls
>Only 14 look at my profile
>Only 2 like my profile
>Only one want to talk to me
>It's a 30 year old woman
So hagmaxxing time?
>only women who ever show a hint of attraction are white
how do i fix this? is it because white girls are teh most open minded
Stop being afraid of your own sexuality. And keep practicing.
Can you expand on this? Not the op but I have similar deal.
Well, what's to expand? That anon (and probably you) seem to be inherently afraid or ashamed to show, or even hint at, any signs of your own desires or even interest in a women. The interest and desire is obviously there, so why are you fighting it?
And if you guys are hoping the woman will just throw caution to the wind and start flirting with you, or go for the first kiss herself so you're off the hook, or anything like that, I have news for you:
For every one woman who will, there's about 10 more who will just give up or in the worst case, be actively turned off by your pussyfooting behavior.
Ahh that makes sense. To be honest I think it might be my strict catholic upbringing, social anxietyand just working with women in who always shit on men that always make those feeling of shame when looking at a girls ass or figure so dominant. Like it should never come out or be seen and that's why the instinct gets repressed and. Thanks anon I shouldn't be ashamed of finding women hot and need to have balls to do it
What's the best way to secure in person dates over dating apps?

Feels like I always do the thing where I talk and ask too much and then either get ghosted because I asked them something maybe kinda weird or creepy (like I asked a chick if her family was from around here which in retrospect was a mistake) or they get bored
Is having snapchat and instagram necessary in the current year? Yes I am an incel trying to fix that and I don't know these things.
Just your daily reminder that it's near impossible to attract a girlfriend if you're under 6'3
Daily reminder that you will never be white Rajeesh.
Lmao. I'm white, you dumbshit.
Sure you are poo.
I'm 6'0 and white, but even that isn't enough these days to attract women.
Whatever you say Rajeesh.
>Why do women play hard to get?
Women hate responsibility.
If a woman simply says what she wants and tries to get it, then she's responsible for what she gets. So that way if there's any downsides or if she changes her mind later, it's her fault.
But, if a woman gets someone else to "force" what she wants upon her, it's not her fault any more. Responsibility dodged. The intent of playing hard to get is that you get pushy, and therefore the woman getting what she's after is now you pushing it on her.
>what's the best way to deal with this?
Interact with them as though they should be functional adults, capable of communicating their desires, making plans, and adhering to those plans.
If the woman refuses to interact like an adult, do not acknowledge her bullshit or feed her attention. Do not soothe her feelings. Only do that if she's interacting like an adult.
>where do you go from sending snaps of each other and talking irl to get to the next level
Typically one of you says what you want and then the other one is like "ok"

>how does one become confident and no longer be insecure or anxious?
Try to be.

Obviously it's more complicated than that, but the main reason why you're not already confident is that you keep trying to be anxious, you keep trying to be insecure. You justify those feelings, you try to satisfy those feelings, you act like those feelings are real and important and relevant to you, and you make excuses for what you're doing.
If you want to be more secure and confident, what you do is: Instead of satisfying your anxieties and insecurities, don't. Instead of justifying your anxieties and insecurities, don't.
>My insecurity stems from lack of social life and experience with girls
Simply be comfortable with being incompetent. It won't make you competent, obviously. but it will make you confident.
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> rich woman, smig under a billy
> socialite
> 15 years older
> Different language
> Different country
> Teenage daughter
> Flirty
> Stats: maxxed out

Bruh what the fuck can i even bring to this other than a large youthful cock and getting along well with her daughter. Im nearly a millionaire but shes nearly a billionaire so cheap finance tricks will never work lol. I dont want her money but i do have to bring something to the table. I have no problem speaking to women romantically or generally but this is different because ive never tried to court an older woman before let alone someone of this calibre.

Tf do i do bros. What can a younger man do to get an edge in this dynamic. My competition is literally 50+ year old tycoons and politicians who are already rich, powerful and established... My dick is great but i dont think it can balance out my lack of establishment. I can see how her traits can complete me and will allow me to develop decades ahead of my age. Im not looking for just sex, i wanna marry this woman, care for her, bury her then look after her daughter till i kick the shitter.

Feels like im about to solo and endgame raid boss with a spoon. I dont give a fuck if its difficult and im not giving up on this. I dont care how far i have to take this, i want my fucking dragon queen. I'll keep pushing even if i get rejected a couple of times.
Ask out both.

>How do I get good at flirting?
1. Be shit at flirting
2. Flirt anyway
3. Repeat what works and change what doesn't

>If you add a girl on IG, they follow back and start liking shit, is that an indicator of interest or just being friendly?
Who cares, go show her what you want and see if she's interested.

>So hagmaxxing time?

>What's the best way to secure in person dates over dating apps?
"Hey, I'm looking to actually get {laid / a relationship}, not just yap. You wanna talk IRL?"
> get ghosted because I asked them something maybe kinda weird or creepy
Yeah, keep your conversation focused on sex and romance.
That said, if someone simply isn't attracted to you then that's neither your fault nor your problem. Rather than shitting your diaper in fomo and fear, if a girl isn't interested then just be like "k"
>Bruh what the fuck can i even bring to this other than a large youthful cock
Validation, distraction, and being a resource for them to compete with each-other over.
But yes, you're right in that your large youthful cock is your #1 resource.
> What can a younger man do to get an edge in this dynamic
>My dick is great but i dont think it can balance out my lack of establishment.
It can if she's horny. At other times no it won't, so your goal is to get this chick as sex driven or sexually focused as possible.
Which might not be possible, but worth a try.
>Im not looking for just sex, i wanna marry this woman, care for her,
Oh god, don't let her know that. It makes you a burden for her to satisfy rather than just a convenient dick.
>thinking that people will fall for that obvious copy and paste job

LMAO that's just sad poojeet.
If you're white and still talk like a typical brown incel then that's even more pathetic.
What part of my post sounds like a "typical brown incel?"
There’s a girl I am absolutely smitten by. As in I stopped when I saw her level beauty, then when we spoke we got on like a house on fire. Then she started working where I worked.
I had alot going on in my life (single father, just left work & lost house, family splitting apart), but 1 thing lead to another & she came onto me in a hotel. I rejected her & moved away (this kept me up at night for weeks).

I met her again 4 days ago, we sparked like I remember, she’s still the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, inside and out. I got her number. Unfortunately now the shoes on the other foot timing wise, she's leaving in a week but I asked her out non the less purely because it bothered me so much last time. She said it was a bad idea (which it is) due to her moving away at the end of the week. Though this might just be a polite rejection.

Is there a point saying anything? Do I just leave it and move on? If nothing else I've now calibrated how attracted to a girl i need to be.

Also on topic of the thread, from a manlet (170cm) with a healthy bodycount (32), my advice is simply:
- Avoid apps, do it in person
-Be yourself on a good day (As in speak & act in a manner that is as closely alligned with your internal thoughts feelings and desires as you possibly can, unapologetically, in the fashion you would when in a good mood)
-Be physically healthy
-The entire conversation is a game of red light. Be playful & if she plays back, push the envelope
- Humour lets you attract them, talk about sex stuff and also dodge shit tests
- Socially acceptable touch early
- Be direct when you finally make a move
- When you're getting on & in close intimate space, a quick glance at their lips is how you initiate a kiss. Go 80% of the way there
- When fucking, foreplay + stimulate g spot + lubricate the clit. Ticklish areas become erogenous zones. If they orgasm, make them kiss you/look you in the eyes. The more horny they are, the more aggressive you can/should be
>What part of my post sounds like a "typical brown incel?"
Ugh...the blackpill ranting about height?
What other components do your posts even have?
It's disingenuous to argue that women do not have a heavy selection bias towards a man's height.
Oh, so NOW that's the argument.
That's a little different from "it's impossible to get a gf if you're under 6'3", which was your premise before...
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if you're spending time complaining ITT instead of goofymaxxing then i can tell you why you don't get women
Nothing to do with him being 6'3 then?
Yeah it's sad how much you cope with being a poo by pretending to be white to a bunch of online strangers.
How the fuck did you meet all those girls. I'm 173, somewhat muscular and not ugly. I finished going to uni (that period i had a girlfriend) and i don't know how to make new female friends. Like i have many male friends (only two close), a social life but at this point i can't get to know anyone new let alone getting a sexual partner. Any advice?>>32012223
Also it seems that i got social anxiety and i can't FUCKING TALK TO STRANGERS anymore. So i see dating apps as the only way to get pussy.
Is it normal not to be turned on by handjobs?

My girlfriend and I have been going out a year and since we're religious we aren't going all the way but hand stuff was a happy medium for both of us. She absolutely loves it, she can get off just fine and is always looking forward to the next time.

I never look forward to it. It's kind of hot hearing her moan and stuff but I just never really get into it. It's kind of messing with me a little because now I don't really look forward to messing around with her at all.

Is it just because we're only doing hand stuff? Surely sex feels better than a handjob right?
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Thinking of making a dating app profile. I know they're bullshit but I need to at least try.
I need at least six photographs of myself, but I am terrible at taking them and don't go out so I only really have one photo I would consider using. Any advice on how yo get photos that aren't just shitty mirror selfies?
I am fat but have been losing weight consistently and people have started noticing.
If I do actually get to my target weight, do you think of the any women who previously spurned me might give me a second chance? Or is their impression of me set in stone?

I don't resent any of them for being "shallow"; at the same time I don't consider myself having been "unworthy" of them in the past and don't intend to apologize to anyone for being or for having been fat. It's more like "hey that obstacle to us dating is gone now, what do you think?"
It's not cope, I actually want to fuck a woman this age
Women complain that men no longer approach them when rejection is high, I don't get it
Do you eat out at all? Are there any local landmarks? Snap a picture of yourself while there if so.
Just got a like from a girl on tinder. She's honestly not very attractive, as in, she has potential, and is kinda cute but she's a little fat, and her face is a little fat. But she's young, has nice, glowing skin, luscious lips, overall, pretty cherubic features, like these renaissance cherubs or whatever, and that includes the fat
problem is, I'm looking for a quick fuck and short-term girl, but she's looking for long-term
I matched, anyway, already trying to slip in
How do I go about this, lads? Guess I can start slow.
Thinking about fucking her a couple times, befriending her, and dragging her to my gym I'm attending, then start dating in earnest when she's less fat
The bitch better not drop me on the spot, because I see an actual cutie beneath that fat
Two-three months of running should do it.
How do I ease her into it? I'm not good at convincing people, and she probably WILL get offended when she realizes I'm telling her she's fat
She's not THAT fat, you know, maybe 10-15 kilos over normal weight
Well, I'll get my fuck in first, regardless
No local landmarks, trying to eat out with friends more but it's expensive and opportunities are rare
Not sure how I would even take a good photo of myself while eating out, phone focal length reallt fucks up my face
shit, give me some good ice breakers on tinder, bros
also, I know girls love astrology shit
should I show that I'm a virgo on my profile, or hide it? Do women think it's a good sign, usually?
Not that I believe in that shit, it's just that girls are all over that crap
I'm an amateur musician, songwriter, a pretty scrawny guy, actually, will that fit my whole vibe?
Im not so much scared to talk but I have a problem with starting convos and continuing one can someone give me examples on whats worked or openers to segue onto other things
>be me, 38 years old introverted, reclusive male that (apparently) looks like chad
>never had much romantic interaction with women, even though many wanted me
>break up with my first and ever gf after 3 years of relationship
>use dating apps
>more than half the women in my target age range there have kids or are only looking for "friends"
>never get matches from youngers ones
>go into the streets
>most women my age have kds or are engaged or something
>most of the rest are ugly, look much older or have some other issue
I'm gonna end up killing myself
Never do any of these 3 things before a girl does, and then no more amount than she does.
1) ask personal question
2) give praise/show that you're impressed
3) laugh
Can't be bothered to explain in depth. Just how it is. 1) is explained somewhat in Day Bang by Roosh. 2) and 3) you're signaling that her value is higher than yours.
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>start doing the opposite of the typical advice i read online including itt
>Normies and women start to like me
Well i be darned
How do I deal with my horniness as single nonchad male, aka cannot get hookups either
I try to avoid fapping too much which anyways doesn’t help with the feeling

But when I am in the big city in summer and i see literally DOZENS of super hot women all the time, scantily dressed, I have to think about sex and not getting it all the time and it fucking kills me.

I am working on improving myself and manning up but fuck man, summer is hard. Hundreds of hot women right there but so far out of reach.
Like this bitch I approached today. I knew the first two rules already. She showed me her drawings on her phone. I remembered the second rule and tried not to praise or show that I was impressed but maybe I still showed a little that I was impressed, kind of caught myself in the act but then at least I didn't say "great" or similar but instead just "interesting". But maybe I should have said "interesting, you just need a little practice and it will look ok" because she was a cunt and rejected me. Also I learned rule 3 from this interaction because like many times before I laughed several times but the girl didn't laugh back and didn't laugh at all. It comes across as thinking you are lower value than her.
DON'T! Dating apps are nothing more but a Dating Tax. You'll need to PAY FOR the better features on the app to get access to more women. You'll do best by doing cold approaches or staking out at one spot until a girl signals you for a warm approach. Dating Apps are awful.
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Okay she actually responded to me lol how do I save this stale conversation and try and meet up
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32013158 Find a pragmatic friend & make a day of taking proper photos
32004904 Be taller than her, blackpill takes are low iq infohazards. It is a disease. fix yourself
32012709 Go out, friends of friends, proactively arrange shit, dancing & running classes. Be funny with everyone, if a girl bites, go all the way with her.
32012720 Social ability is a skill like any other, one that can be practiced. Just go talk to everyone, starting with some unfortunate cashier. Observe, ask, relatable statement/funni, ask again. Repeat parts of their shit back to them as a question.
32014010 if you want a girl who's into that, yes, if not, no. I've done cards on crystal girls more than once, we've all been there
get where she wants to go, ask for her number & say you'll go there for your date
Or put her/your bedroom/pants as a place to visit, except in a funnier less autistic manner than this sentence you're reading
I don't plan on paying for anything, if it turns out to be useless without laying then I'll just delete it. I don't think cold approaches are going to work for me. I think the kind of girl who might respond positively to a cold approach would find my personality and interests boring
almost like "dating advice" is 99% bullshit because it's all rationalizations for luck of the draw thought up after the fact eh?
>I have to think about sex and not getting it all the time and it fucking kills me
channel that horniness into athletics
>the other guy never replied to this

no one replied to this... i guess ill do it on my own. pray for me pls :)
listen to this woman, it will probably work but might make you feel dirty or something

6’3”, white, full head of hair, handsome, not fat (skinny), 25, 7” although that doesn’t matter because usually we never even get to sex
Never had a gf. Why not?
I won’t mention what I do or like, because regardless of if I was into anime or trains or woodworking, introverted or extroverted, etc, surely my stats would have drawn at least 1 girl toward me?
Am I doing something wrong? Are my assumptions wrong? Why and how?
>How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

Be tall
Be white
Be handsome
Be endowed
guaranteed success
ok this video just seems like "know when to pause in the conversation" but advertised as "WOMEN WILL IMMEDIATELY WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU IF YOU DO THIS!!!!!!"
>recently got a dog
>he is old enough to take on walks now
>notice a girl walks around neighborhood same time I walk him
>generally acknowledge each other with a nod
>this happens over the past couple weeks as it evolves from nod to hand wave
>usually she is on the opposite side of the street
>this time she was on my side of street
>stopped me to ask to pet dog
>somedays she would stop me and some days she wouldn't
>asked if I ever plan on taking him hiking
>I said yes
>she said to let her know when she wants to come to experience his first time hiking
is she just being friendly? I'm literally a 29 year-old NEET who moved back in with my parents recently.
Either way you should take your dog for a hike and invite her (soon, before she forgets)
Is bumble premium worth it? i have 3 matches but idk if its worth 30 dollars to find out two whales and a mtf liked me
that crazy lady is pretty legit though
no, not at all. You will get even less real matches if you pay them money. Also, most of the "matches" are just prostitutes / onlyfans advertisements.
is only dating even worth it? is tinder worth it?
Who knows man. But those apps are a fucking scam.
trying to sweat you like that is a test women give to see if you handle it.

man, I really should have dated that girl I sat next to at the DMV. I wish I had known.
nope, either the app is working for you for free or it's not going to work at all
No because bumble as dead as fucking POF.

The way they work with elo ratings and priority queues, you'd be stupid not to pay on Tinder/Hinge to see who liked you so you don't crater your elo. However, this requires a floor of looks that you need to meet.
I have had Hinge for a while but never used it or messaged any girls, just get occasional likes. Don't know what it is but I don't know how to respond to womens prompts and hesitate. I just redid my profile and am looking to message some broads now, how do I open conversations without appearing desperate?
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>started going to church again
>catch QT sneaking glances at me
>want to approach her
here's the problem:
>she is part of the deaf section of the church (she isn't deaf but will do sign language for the sermon occasionally)
>every time the sermon ends she's chatting with her group so I never have a chance to approach her
What do? I'm 6'4 and actually good looking btw if that matters :^)
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Just your daily reminder that if you're under 6'3 women will consider you subhuman and your only hope is to become a paypig.
come up to her privately and confess you're having shameful sinful urges to masturbate and she will offer to help you out
what's the best thing to ask (over text) to make the convo more interesting/lead into a subtle spice territory
pretty much
nvm she just double texted me, maybe for the first time
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>be a guy
>listen to chick singers
>shitloads of them are singing about guys who treated them like shit and left them scarred
>even if they pretend like they've now matured to a point where they don't like guys who treat them badly, it's still obvious that that's who they were going for
>some of them even go so far as singing about guys who have been horrible to them but they still love the guy and want him
>i've heard contemporary songs about it, shit from the 70s, 80s, etc
>it's almost universal
I'm thinking this really is the way forward. I've spent so much time telling myself there's some other, better way. But even when women bear their soul, it's only to show you that they love men who mistreat them.
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I've also noticed this. Male love songs are often wholesome and romantic, whereas female love songs are about some douche she can't get over. Women thrive on drama, and what better way to create drama than to date a dirtbag?
It seems like being the good boyfriend is just asking for trouble. You'll be the rock in her life slightly above friendzone status, while she does what she really wants behind your back.
What are some good insults to use on women? Nothing that would make them break down and cry. Just some stuff to take them down a peg or two without going overboard. Bonus points if they're funny.
i minus well ask on her i broke up with my gf like a week ago she said she wanted diffrent things and she wants to start dating again....now i dont want her back she was a hug burden financially...but we had a trip planned to tokyo everything paid for and 11k in the bank to spend and i planned to bang her pretty much every day since we it has been a while...do you think there is still a chance for me to get laid once or twice on this trip or should i just chalk it up sneak off when shes sleeping and try to get action that way.
>interesting, you just need a little practice and it will look ok

Trust me on this. You'll:

>have better sex
>learn more about yourself
>experience more romance
>have better overall success

Limiting your dating pool strictly to your own nationality will stunt your growth and make things harder for you for NO FUCKING REASON. Don't do it.
You're cherrypicking hard.
Thanks for this story, it demonstrated that >>32014146 is full of shit. Imagine refusing to say anything positive about a girl's art just because she didn't call you sexy yet or something.
If being honest about what I actually tjink of the art is enough to put her off then she's a shallow controlling hoe. Carefully selecting your response based on a little flowchart from 4chan is not masculine. Saying what you actually think unapologetically is masculine.
She probably rejwcted you because you paused to run your little flowchart and then came up with the most empty meaningless comment possible: "interesting..."
What a load of shit
I do daygame and I've never tried negging, but I will start experimenting with it on girls who seem unattracted/uninterested but who are still staying and replying, out of courtesy or whatever. There is nothing to lose anyway with such bitches.
>start doing the opposite of the typical advice i read online including itt
such as?
Nah you're wrong faggot. Another girl told me she played saxophone and piano and drew and whatnot, and I was showing that I was impressed and praised her, then I told her I had just started learning piano and had just started playing happy birthday and whatnot. Go ahead and praise women and show you're impressed and admire them and let me know how it goes. Unlike you I actually approach a lot of girls and I'm speaking from experience, if a girl is clearly unimpressed by you/unattracted/uninterested or just luke warm but is still talking to you, if you praise/show you're impressed it signals that she's higher value than you, and she will believe it, conversely if you neg her tongue in cheek, not in a cunty way, she will think YOU are hot shit, rather than her. Same with laughing, same with personal questions, same with telling about yourself and showing that you're embarrassed as you're saying it, such as when answering her question what you do for a living, if you display that you are low value she will think you are low value, if you look her straight in the eyes and seem confident and comfortable with who you are she won't think you're a loser.
I think maybe she rejected me because it was daygame when it was dark. In my experience that has a very low success rate. Maybe she wouldn't have rejected me if it had been earlier in the day, before sunset.
>look her straight in the eyes and seem confident and comfortable with who you are
This and honesty are not mutually exclusive. In fact it's easier to do this when you aren't in your head trying to make every move exactly right. It's difficult to do this when you're being dishonest, and it should be. Honesty is confidence.
It's not about being dishonest. It's about playing your cards right. A beginner will bombard a girl with personal questions, which scares off most girls, and he can be 100% honest while doing it. Not showering a girl with ego boosting praise is not the same as lying. You can lie though as a neg, that's sort of a joke. >>32017687 Even if a girl isn't interested in going on a date with you she might use you for a few minutes to get an ego boost, you don't want to be one of those simps, it won't make her interest or attraction increase. As a general rule though, my philosophy in game is that it's not about gaming/persuading/winning over a girl into liking you, rather you should focus on playing the numbers game, some girls are attracted, some are not, just move on, next next next, forget the past, look forward, but also do a little bit of analysis and try to learn from mistakes, but the focus is not on doing the right thing, but rather just on playing the numbers game, finding the girl who is open to meeting you.
The girlfriend of my friend (I'm also friends with her) has been trying on her own initiative to set me up with a friend of her but she's clearly out my league by several different metrics.
What gives? I'm convinced she's in good faith.
Should I just try to bluff confidence all the way trough?
Who told you this woman is out of your league? Is it your own assessment or others? Because if this girl is being honest with her intentions she doesn't think you guys are that far apart
>Be tall
>Be white
>Be handsome
bald but yeah
>Be endowed
big enough, abovr average. I highly doubt a size queen would dump me over it.

No money but I know I can get pussy on this bitch of an earth once I do. Also I don't want kids so I can be less picky ("diverse" even)
>Who told you this woman is out of your league? Is it your own assessment or others?
Both. I'm not trying to put myself down like a retard here, she's way more attractive than me.
>Because if this girl is being honest with her intentions she doesn't think you guys are that far apart
I don't doubt her honesty but I also think she's 50% doing this out of pity. Not that I care, I intend to play this hand the best I can. She introduced us in a casual environment while there were a lot of other people so we couldn't talk much.
I'm thinking my next move will be waiting for the next time she brings her along because bringing up the subject with my friend seems like it would just be pathetic even if I really want to ask her if it's already over.
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Is cold-approaching girls worth it to land some dates? Seems better than dating apps since most guys don't do it
>How to Get Women
Just be tall, handsome, confident, emotionally intelligent, charming, funny, extroverted, well-endowed, financially independent, lean, muscular, smoke and have tattoos.
She actually seemed somewhat interested in talking. But then she rejected the offer to have a drink. She didn't really come across as attracted though. I don't know what happened, what she thought etc, I can't read her thoughts and I don't understand her. Fuck her. Onto the next on Saturday, if not earlier.
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a girl is ready to fuck, but i dont have any place to fuck her. both live with parents. im too broke to afford a hotel. i only have a car in a crowded city where its impossible to find a secluded place.

help me i want to bang her and lose my ginity but this thing is cucking me
What's the best way to open on chicks who are probably too hot for me wearing bikinis that for some reason match me on tinder
>inb4 bots
i gon kill u wit a roc
>10-15 kilos over
What's that in American? 20 pounds? A little sussy if its more. If its just chubby fuck it. Why not if she seems cool desu.
> 35 years old
> Never had gf
Is it over?
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How to get women?
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>I'm looking for a quick fuck
>she's looking for long-term

Evac now. a bitter broad is the worst kind of broad
what a good friend man wtf
I was at the grocery store checking out and the cashier was making small talk. I think I could have set up something with her but I noticed her male coworker behind us staring at us, I didnt like the look on his face. There was also a female customer next in line watching us talk. I tried to make eye contact with her while shopping but she ignored it. Then she gets next in line when there were other lanes open.

Anyway, I think I could have pulled the cashier but her coworker was making me uncomfortable, and honestly there were too many people around. All the checkout lanes are very close together, plus that customer watching me, everyone could hear our conversation and I work better with less people around. Is there a way over this? I'm too discreet to have everyone watching me set up dates.
It's only worth it if you're not getting any likes/matches on dating apps and don't have any friends/social circles to introduce you to women. And even then it's less "worth it" and more "you don't really have any other choice". Even if you've maxed out your stats as much as possible (fit, well-groomed, well-dressed, have good social skills), you're unlikely to get more than 1 number out of every 5 girls and from then on it gets lower and lower as you progress from dating to sleeping with girls. And if you're not maxing out your stats then the odds are even fucking worse. Unlike other anons here I think most girls will be quite nice even when they are rejecting you as long as you don't flip out at them and be cool about it but your chances aren't gonna be good.

For example I've known one guy who kept shilling cold approach yet when I asked him about his success rate he admitted it was 10 girls that he slept with out of more than 1000 that he approached. And they were pretty much all Asian/Indian girls which is nothing for a tall white guy plus 2 very meh-looking white girls who were honestly below than what I'd expect him to be pulling. So anyone who says to you that cold approach is better than dating apps is full of shit. The reason most guys don't do it is because it's not worth it when you have other avenues with higher chances of success.

It's not impossible but let's be honest, your chances are way worse than they were in your 20s. You can still max out your stats as much as you can and try hitting on girls in their 20s or even legal age teenage girls but, well, it's gonna be hard work. Way harder than as a younger guy.
>It's only worth it if you're not getting any likes/matches on dating apps
I get a lot of matches on these with meh looking white girls and some cute young roastie every blue moon, but I honestly hate swiping and the whole mentality of it all. It's like a humiliation ritual. The cuter girls especially make you go threw every hoop possible.

>don't have any friends/social circles to introduce you to women
Sadly all my friends are in the same boat. Either they date no girls or their social circle only has ugly/sjw chicks.
Honestly thinking of just going MGTOW at this point. I'm a decent looking tall white guy, but losing the drive to date in these modern times.
You will never get genuine, honest advice from this general
Life is too short. Just ignore the random dudes glaring at you.
I’ve been lurking here for a while, and I find that being attractive to women really boils down to social life. If you have an active social life with different friend groups and women are in those friend groups, you’ll learn how to talk to women and not be afraid of them. And if you’re an enjoyable person to be around, and you know how to make a group of people laugh, at least one will be attracted to you eventually.
I’m saying this because I’m 5 foot 8 and not at my peak looks because I haven’t been to the gym in years and I’m borderline underweight after some brutal weight loss from stress, but despite that I fucked 2 girls last week after a several year long dry spell. The main thing that changed was that I was around way more women than usual and I got comfortable talking to them by just saying what was on my mind and not stressing out about what they would think of me. I know several guys shorter than me who fuck the most of anyone I know as well, and the thing they have in common is that people leave conversations with them feeling better than before the conversation.
Looksmaxxing and moneymaxxing definitely help but if you’re awkward and unconfident, those will only take you so far. The abundance of ripped dudes with no friends who work themselves to death asking for advice on how to get a gf on this board is proof of that. Also dating apps are shit, but if you have an active social life, you won’t be spending much time on them anyway.
There is truth to the blackpill, but I know guys who are way better looking than me who are virgins because they consistently creep girls out due to social unawareness. I think the main thing is that guys who are tall and handsome (chads) develop their social skills quickly because they get a lot of attention from a young age. Clearly women flock to them for their looks but if they suck to be around, they’ll end up single every time. This is rare though because chads are usually cool guys.
>I get a lot of matches on these with meh looking white girls and some cute young roastie every blue moon, but I honestly hate swiping and the whole mentality of it all. It's like a humiliation ritual. The cuter girls especially make you go threw every hoop possible.

Then I don't understand you. You're getting a decent amount of matches including with hotter girls. What are you bitching about and why are you even considering the sheer cope that is MGTOW? I can understand if you were a guy who was getting fuck-all otherwise and cold approach was your last hope in which case I was simply cautioning you that things weren't gonna be much better but it seems like you're doing fine.
Idk, I just feel none of the girls are marriage quality, so it feels like a waste of time through dating apps. It feels really empty, like passive prostitution.
>just be open about your paedophilic incestuous desires
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Reasonable post
It's funny how media pushed for years that men were the sex-crazed cheaters who only think with their genitals and women were the wise loyal bedrock when all actual study shows the opposite.
I keep getting told that I'm intimadating to women, it's not like I'm ugly either since I've had sex multiple times before and have had girls flirt with me, I don't get it. One girl even told me that I'm scary because "unpredictable" but wouldn't elaborate.
Well yeah, that's the secret to all of this.
>men are actually quite mentally gentle but are forced to constantly keep it inside and will attach themselves to any girl who is remotely sweet, kind, feminine and loyal to them
>women are horny degenerates who just want to get fucked but are pigeon-holed into the notion of being gentle, pure creatures and will fall for any sex-crazed guy who just wants to blow her back out with zero care in the world and isn't ashamed to show it
Once you figure this out, it's a cakewalk.
I hate women so much it's unreal
I have recently been reacquainted with a old jogging friend who lives nearby and after catching up we go jogging a few days later.I've been to her place before so I left my
Wallet and keys behind. After our jog I get my stuff and she can't find her cat and says it disappeared into her bedroom. I go inside and start looking around but dont find it, i then immediately left her bedroom and chatted a bit to do it again and left after we had a long hug.
Did i just fuck up a chance to get have sex? She was never inside her room. Was i supposed to sit on her bed or tell her to come in? I don't have that much experience with sex, only prostitutes and a fat friend and they weren't good. What I do next time?
It's not as black and white as that. If men weren't horny degenerates then prostitution wouldn't exist, porn wouldn't exist, OF wouldn't exist. Men cheat on their wives all the time, and often upgrade their wives once they get a modicum of wealth or status. I choose to see that every person, man or woman, has a yin and yang inside of them. Hell, in women's case it's almost literally true if you compare it to their menstrual system. When they've ovulating they want the hypermasculine, rugged dude to plow her into next Tueadsy, but the rest of the time they want the sweet, more effeminate lover.
wah shut the fuck up I'm the victim
>What are some good insults to use on women?
"Your mom should've listened to your dad."
>Just be tall
Not me
Not me
>emotionally intelligent
Not me
Not me at the time
Not me at the time
Not me at the time
Not me
>financially independent
Not me at the time
Not me
Not me
>have tattoos.
Not me

Can confirm the confidence is good. Try being confident, that's how I got laid.
>i dont have any place to fuck her. both live with parents
How's that a problem?
Your parents will hear you fuck. So?
As far as I can tell everything went well enough, have you communicated to this person in any way that you want / expect sexual interest?
Unreliable narrator.
that doesn't make sense, did you see that guys picture of the couple he creepshotted? the guy is tall, therefore you will never have sex.
hey lads
I did maybe 600 matches over 2 days, got three back, started off pretty good talking to them, but one stopped talking, other didn't respond, I'm speaking to the third one
shit, I look pretty good, man, you know, got the chin and shit, but goddamn, the bitches are actually just sleeping on me, feels kinda bad man, wasn't the ratio 1 per 10 matches or some shit? fuck
is it really like this if you're a guy? Is it because I have glasses on? They're good glasses, man, one of these k pop glasses, not square nerd glasses
come to think of it, I didn't see a single bitch with glasses, maybe like 2 on tinder
maybe they think it's a weakness, maybe I should get some pics without glasses
also, not to be an ass, but goddamn, all of three are not just mid, but on the lower side of mid
One I'm talking to is pretty cute, but goddamn, the bitch has horse face, and I mean her head is like a melon, a long one
shiiiit how the fuck, it was so much easier in college, goddamn
maybe it's my photos, just two photos I took on a walk outside
they showcase my powerful chin, man, wtf, where's the bitches
Prostitution exists because incels exist. Men cast aside by the village, deemed unworthy of love by his tribe's women. So he becomes so desperate for any form of affection that he'll pay for it. The overwhelming majority of men who peruse prostitutes are single and have been for a long time. Same with OF and twitch thots and Vtubers; parasociality wrought by love starvation. Women's fault, as usual.
>Prostitution exists because incels exist. Men cast aside by the village, deemed unworthy of love by his tribe's women.

That's not even remotely true, prostitution has for centuries been the domain of men who want to get some on the side. Married men especially whose wives let themselves go and/or don't want to have sex anymore. What you are claiming is pure imagination.
No. It has always been the domain of men who can't get a woman. Married women ACCUSED their husbands of cheating, usually as a deflection from the fact they themselves are cheating (far more common). What you are claiming is pure media historical revisionism.
>No. It has always been the domain of men who can't get a woman.
>Married women ACCUSED their husbands of cheating, usually as a deflection from the fact they themselves are cheating (far more common).
>What you are claiming is pure media historical revisionism.
what you are claiming is literal nonsense by someone who has clearly never studied history
I have studied history. All you've studied is pop culture. The majority of brothels popped up in places with a massively imbalanced male:female ratio, like frontier boom towns, warfronts, and ghettos. Brothels were extremely rare in places where the gender balance was more equal and would essentially become nonexistent for decades after any major war due to the gender balance swinging towards more women than men. If men have access to stable relationships they don't waste their time with ladies of the night. Prostitutes are a desperation play, and their widespread proliferation is a strong indicator of deep social sickness. The idea that men in any appreciable numbers would walk away from their wives for cheap casual sex is anti-male agitprop of the highest order. It's a lie that exists to propagandise women into being misandrists, into distrusting their husbands, and into cheating themselves to "get before they get got". It's essentially cultural terrorism from the people who push that belief, because they are intentionally trying to destroy gender relations and reduce marriage rates/birth rates in the process.
>I have studied history.
>The majority of brothels popped up in places with a massively imbalanced male:female ratio, like frontier boom towns, warfronts, and ghettos.
They were not exclusive to those places and LOL at claiming any of those had massively imbalanced male to female ratios. If anything it was the other way especially for frontier towns where men would make a pit stop along the way.
>Brothels were extremely rare in places where the gender balance was more equal and would essentially become nonexistent for decades after any major war due to the gender balance swinging towards more women than men.
Where are you pulling this crap from? Major cities are where the vast majorities of brothels and prostitution were centered, to the extent that exclusive "pleasure districts" arose because of this.
>If men have access to stable relationships they don't waste their time with ladies of the night.
As evidenced by the plethora of married men that get caught going to escorts. Or perhaps we should look into the past where it was not only generally accepted but even expected that a man would be getting some on the side from unattached women.
>The idea that men in any appreciable numbers would walk away from their wives for cheap casual sex is anti-male agitprop of the highest order.
How is it remotely misandrist to point out that men can and do get action on the side from prostitutes and the like even when they have girlfriends and wives and prostitutes, contrary to your assertion, don't just exist because of incels (a modern phenomenon)?
Hello, former incel here. How do I get out of the need to proove myself worthy by getting lots of women (not like I really get lots of women, but I would want to preserve myself for the right one and I recently succombed to the charm of a single mother. Maybe I am needy, didn't really develop the "abundance-mindset"). How to find the right wife ? But still proove your worth and have lots of options ?
Thanks anon
>It's essentially cultural terrorism from the people who push that belief, because they are intentionally trying to destroy gender relations and reduce marriage rates/birth rates in the process.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
No I don't know how. We bumped into each other a lot during our jog and I did wrap my arm around her a few times without realizing it, I also held her hand but nothing verbal. How can I do it without coming off ass creepy or needy?
>trying to argue more women lived in places like North Platte and Anchorage than men
>brothels were in cities
Spoiler: more men used to live in cities than women
>but look at all the men who get caught
Look at all the porn addicts on fetish sites who wear diapers. Does that mean the majority of people wear diapers? Confirmation bias.
>how is it misandrist
Because it is extremely rare and almost always the result of the man being desperate for affection. So when you say it is men's fault prostitution exists, you are engaging in that "victim blaming" thing.
>incels are a modern phenomenon
Genetically speaking the human race is far more diverse from the female ancestry side than the male ancestry side. Meaning that historically, the norm was for most men to go sexless whilst a small group of men maintained harems of women. The idea of widespread monogamous marriage is fairly modern, maybe in the last 1500 years or so. The result of religious influence, increased prosperity, and more destructive warfare consistently suppressing male population numbers and disincentive sing female hypergamy. It's telling that marriage and birthrates peaked immediately following WW2, the single most decimating event for the male population. And prostitution rates plummeted as well for a solid 20 years.
I am 32 going on 33, possibly about to start a somewhat decent job. I am currently living with my parents and out of shape. I share a car. Is there hope for me to have a girlfriend who isn't a fat single mother? I've never had a relationship in my life but I will not settle for a woman I am not physically attracted to because settling means giving up.
I did 44 approaches this year. All were daygame, indirect game, on Asian tourists. I think I'll stick with daygame, fed up with nightgame, but I think I want to switch it up a little, try something different, partly because there are way less Asian tourists now than in the summer. I think next time I'm out approaching I'll try with non-Asian girls and I'll try some direct game.
Yes, I got my first somewhat decent job at that age. Start working out, save to buy a car and to move out. Self improve. Also start saving for retirement right now, don't postpone it until you're 40 like I did. Cold approach. Delete dating apps, waste of time, I wasted decades on them, don't do that. I never had a gf but I got many dates from cold approach, and 5 lays from cold approach.
Thanks, anon.
How do you initiate or lead into sex? I get too nervous in my stomach.
My standard routine
>see girl outdoors during daytime
>standing still or sitting
>preferably sitting
>stand next to her/sit near her
>start talking
>don't ask personal questions before she does and no more amount than she does
>talk about nonpersonal stuff
>possibly mix in talking about myself after 2-3 minutes
>if she asks personal questions I ask her personal questions, otherwise not
>after 3-15 minutes, ask if she wants a drink/coffee/ice cream/food
>if she doesn't, move on
>if she does, go do that
>half a drink to one drink into it, start trying to sit close and touch a little
>possibly do a second venue too
>when outdoors after one drink start holding her hand
>find bench to sit on
>sit close
>touch thigh
>if she's receptive to escalation, make out
>after makeout ask if she wants to go to your home
>if yes she wants to fuck, if no walk away and forget she ever existed

read Day Bang by Roosh

> I get too nervous in my stomach.
you're just a noob, just approach a lot
Weird or specific question maybe, but i gotta ask.

What about phone papes? What is acceptable, what is not? Obviously a coomer pape with hentai girl is out of the question but do girls pay attention to that shit?
Is there a trick to using Hinge? Often times I will like a profile with a comment or an open ended question like "be honest how many times have you said this to someone?" if her profile mentions some weird quirk for example,

but then she will match me but not respond to my initial question. Am I supposed to ask again? Why bother matching if you wont interact?
I know im such a noob and im in my late 30s it sucks.thanks anon ill give that a read.
Ur fornicating that’s a sin mate
Just wait till marriage
just make a joke about something in their profile or like something.
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>visit Halloween store briefly on lunch break
>guy is showing me where to find something
>eyes subconsciously drawn to qt in background because she's dressed as Elvira
>immediately avert eyes, but not before she catches me and meets my gaze
>walk out 5 minutes later
>catch her looking at me
So is it because she thinks I'm a creeper or something more innocuous? I swear I glanced at her for like a millisecond, and I'm wearing office casual so I don't look like a bum right now.
>read Day Bang by Roosh
Roosh heel turned on being a PUA.
Why would I read advice that was refuted by its own author?
Is there a particular reason why women just ghost instead of explaining why they're leaving? It's exhausting to just be left on read forever or get blocked after a week of ignoring with no feedback.
I tried to be honest with the woman in question, who just ignored me on the dating site. We even went on a date (that she showed up late to). I got the impression she was scared off by my brutal honesty when it came to a lot of subjects, and she was really cagey, probably because she was dealing with hookup culture.
She wasn't that attractive, honestly, either physically or personally, and I figured nothing would come of it, but it always just grinds my gears that I have no idea what I'm supposed to improve.
>Oh I want men to be honest
>I want male friends that I don't need to go on dates with
>But I'm going to ignore you and not tell you why
Because girls are averse to conflict, ghosting gives them a peace of mind (most of the time). But it eventually builds up leading to them thinking that men are bad. Honestly, don't worry about it too much.
So? He went into monk mode and disappeared from the internet altogether. Who cares what he says now?
You weren’t worth an explanation, it’s not that deep
Still wondering why she wanted to talk. Told me about herself. Asked me personal questions, which is supposed to be an indication of interest. And yet after a few minutes of talking when I asked if she wanted to have a drink she didn't.
I matched with this cute girl who asked me about a green and red flag I have about myself. I feel like I'm about to spiral into a panic attack because I can't articulate something good about myself, and that I have a pile of red flags.
How do you get over seeing women with guys way uglier than you (sometimes of a different background)?

It doesnt make me feel insecure but it does makeme feel unnattracted to women when I go out at night and see that type of matching.It's almost like the disgust I feel cancels out any motivation as I generalize that feeling unto all women. I'm not trolling here, legit seeing help.
>Last year of college
>Spend most of my 20s constantly insulted by foids, get back in college, make moves on seemingly receptive women only for them to pull back and only want my attention
>I had to deal with mockery, other guys already dating those girls (I was just a side option) or those girls simply playing games with me
>Notice some piece of shit at the corner of my eye who looks way worse than me hanging out with a 10/10 making her giggle while I have had to deal with women giving me a cold shoulder, having an excuse and insulting me for trying to go together with them somewhere
>Gymmaxxing now so no girl would dare mess with me but even if I get more stares than usual and more women want me to talk to them it is too late, I am still bitter inside even with any attention I get, mostly in part due to the toxicity I've had to deal with, and the fact that I didn't get any while others who mocked me got so much more, so the damage is already done
>I habitually treated every single foid that came across me like shit, gave one of them depression from not talking to them, and I'm not talking to anyone again, even though I was so excited last year, rinse repeat.
It's just the worse when you constantly have to see other guys scoring as you commute to your courses or rest to eat lunch while you remember how much these bitches have betrayed and played games with you. They stare at me now, they clearly want me to talk to them, but how can I? They're pieces of shit who have abandoned me.
That's what you think. Until you actually try to date women. And there's no one who can create an asshole better than women themselves. I know because I was made an asshole by a woman who treated me like shit after I was nice to her.
Is there a single dating up that doesn't ask for money up front to talk to the girls you match with or are all you guys seriously playing $20+ a month for promises?
>Sign up and do the thing
>"Hey someone liked you and sent you a message!"
>"Sign up to our premium plan to view their profile and message!"
You really pay for this shit?
Since when is this how this shit works? I thought it worked like this:
>You are presented with some profiles which you can like or dismiss
>If two people like each other's profiles, they are put in contact with each other
Is it just impossible to use these things without paying? Never used one
Real men don't use dating apps. You'll have better luck at a grocery store.
In other words, yes, you are getting scammed, and no, there's not a single dating app which doesn't ask for money upfront or require a ton of money before you are visible on their respective apps. The only exception at one short point in time were apps like Tinder, but unless you look like a model it wouldn't work at all.
No idea hence why I'm asking.

If I were a 'real man' I wouldn't be looking for advice on 4chan.
If you both like each other then messaging each other tends to be free, otherwise you have to pay for premium to see who liked you before their algo shows you who it was. Sometimes you never see who because it was a bot or a plant by the app devs themselves in order to lure you to pay for premium. Or in most cases if it is a scammer or someone who is thousands of miles away from you in the Philippines (not that there is an issue with this, but if you wanted to date in the Philippines you'd probably just travel there).
what apps are you using, tinder bumble and hinge are all free to use. connections are free and messaging is free
Never let them know you have ASD. If they figure it out, or find out, leave them.
>Spoiler: more men used to live in cities than women
Another piece of nonsense you pulled out of your ass.
>Does that mean the majority of people wear diapers? Confirmation bias.
Backpedaling from "it's all because of incels that prostitutes exist" already? Didn't take you long.
>Because it is extremely rare and almost always the result of the man being desperate for affection.
Yes, sexual affection from an attractive woman. Which happens to both single and attached men. And you can state the same about women cheating - "she was desperate for sexual affection she wasn't getting". See how dumb your claim sounds now?
>Genetically speaking the human race is far more diverse from the female ancestry side than the male ancestry side.
Which is because most men would die. And ancient times were far less forgiving.
>Meaning that historically, the norm was for most men to go sexless whilst a small group of men maintained harems of women.
Harems were pretty much reserved for the upper class or nobility in civilizations. And no, it was not the norm assuming that a man was not dead early on when you consider the average age that most people lived to was about 30.
>The idea of widespread monogamous marriage is fairly modern, maybe in the last 1500 years or so.
Yes 1500-2000 years is so modern. You are also blatantly incorrect, widespread monogamous relationships existed as far back as Sumer.
>It's telling that marriage and birthrates peaked immediately following WW2, the single most decimating event for the male population.
Which was pretty much exclusively in the US and mainly due to the massive economic boom that followed. Other countries that suffered even more did not.
>And prostitution rates plummeted
Because a shitload of nations enacted harsh anti-prostitution acts in the years following. And the rise corresponded with the relaxation in laws.
From your experiences, Where would I find Asian woman at anons? Anyone with stories or actionable insights would help.
Women at work are treating me like shit ever since I grew my hair out, in their defence it doesn't look good, but at the same time, do they have to be so mean? Like I get it, I look bad, but do you have to go from being nice and sweet to wanting me dead on the spot? Women are fucking evil..
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Just your daily reminder that if you're under 6'3 women consider you subhuman and won't date you. They'll pretend it's muh personality or muh attitude as for why you're single and not natural selection.
You will have my time, son and you are absolutely correct

Women operate on emotions and feelings, not on apathy. The one who got away, the one who made her feel used a little bit, the one who spiked her emotions is the one she remembers forever

The secret here is spiking their emotions and giving them pain by being detached and busy with your life, by limiting your compliments in quantity, but making each compliment an unparalleled experience, and so on. Cold collected, but rewarding, James Bond on a date, and an absent ghost between the dates

Pay close attention to these two songs, that is what they crave

Cara Emerald - My 2 Cents
Dusty Springfield - Spooky
Imagine the degree perpetually online someone would have to be to believe that only men 6'3 and over date women.
Then imagine a fully grown man posting about this belief daily and with a picture from some gay teenager netflix slop.
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The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.
No homo, but he is extremely well built. It's not even just the height.
"The truth" is readily apparent to anyone who goes outside and witnesses the opposite of what you're claiming.
it is only the height. put that goofy smile balding head on a short person and he drops to a 5/10 instantly
He's also balding. But again, none of that matters if you're 6'3 or over.
>some women settle for betabux
Oh no you totally got me there, anon.
You said that women don't date men under 6'3.
Two posts later and you're already adjusting your goalpost to an unfalsifiable hypothesis. Cringe and cope.
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>How do you get over seeing women with guys way uglier than you
You can't really get over it. Believe me, I tried.
The best you can do is believe that the personality aspects that make you unattractive aren't set in stone, that some way, somehow you can change it, building yourself into the better person that you were always meant to be.
I really have no other choice, because I don't want to continue living if I can't have a lasting relationship or conquer this demon.

Also I jerk off to myself doing homoerotic things in the mirror, and go on grindr for compliments. If no woman can appreciate my beauty, horny men can.
I'm pretty fucked up.
>How do you get over seeing women with guys way uglier than you (sometimes of a different background)?
I do not need to because it does not bother me.
>it does make me feel unnattracted to women
Problem solved
It's called a generalisation. In a generalisation there are always exceptions, that's why it's called a generalisation, stupid. Most men in these threads need to be realistic and accept that their height is going to deny them a gf.
Be spiteful effectively.
If you're going to be bitter, get in women's way. Help them be uncomfortable. Right now, you're asshurt for no reason. If you're gonna be asshurt, use your asshurt to create problems.
Schizophrenia is a thing
Yeah but a woman who isn't attracted to you is a shit gf so you aren't losing anything
Being 6'3 or above is easy mode. You can be balding, goofy, awkward, out of shape, and you'll still get bitches. Then you get shorter dudes who work their assess off to look at their best and be the best person they can be and they're still invisible. It's funny how it works.
I'm 6'5.
No, it's all a crap shoot.
You probably have some fatal character flaw or you're a shut-in. There is no other excuse for being that tall and involuntarily single.
It's not a generalization. You said that all men under 6'3 can't get girlfriends, full stop.
The opposite is true, since most men are under 6'3 and get girlfriends. This is not a situation where we're looking for exceptions to the rule, since men under 6'3 are part of the rule.

>Most men in these threads need to be realistic and accept that their height is going to deny them a gf.
That's not realistic, though.
And if you were to replace being under 6'3" with some physical trait that might reasonably keep them from getting a girlfriend (ie. a deformity) it wouldn't help them to be realistic anyways, since life is not worth living alone.
>since most men are under 6'3 and get girlfriends
Cope. A majority of women date a minority of men.
you're a crack baby and should smash your parents router so I never have to see you're autistic brain rot ever again
I know a guy who's 6'3" at work and none of the girls hit on him at all, according to your theory he should be drowning in pussy. And before you talk about character flaws, he's a cool dude and he's in good shape.
That's not my theory.
yep. Roissy, RepStyles, VK, Roosh... I used to wonder what those guys are doing now. some are still online writing blogs but seem to think they are too cool for updated social media so no one knows they exist anymore. Only Rollo made the jump from old social to new social but he's such a weirdo lol
Women don't even find the vast majority of men attractive. They are all competing for the same group of height chads they feel entitled to, since most women no longer need to seek a provider we are back to natural selection.
>A majority of women date a minority of men
I think you should try leaving 4chinz and going outside, anon.
Maybe he's gay? Sorry, what is this meant to prove? It's embarrassing that people feel the need to pettifog on individual cases when we are talking in a wider sense.
I have. See
Funny how "touching grass" just reaffirms everything I've said.
you can't possibly be this retarded and autistic it has to be a troll
>no argument
Concession accepted.
you're a piece of shit and should fuck off
I'm 6 foot and that's basically the bare minimum of what women expect a man's height to be, but she still won't breed with you, because she's a special princess who feels entitled to only the best. Maybe one woman might look past your height, but as this anon said
>>32027191 why would you want a gf who isn't attracted to you and feels she's settling for second best? That's how men end up in toxic, sexless relationships.
>Funny how "touching grass" just reaffirms everything I've said.
... because you took a single creepshot of a couple at a bar?
Honest question: does your brain work?

>but as this anon said why would you want a gf who isn't attracted to you and feels she's settling for second best? That's how men end up in toxic, sexless relationships.
That's not what anon said. You're adding the false premise that women are only attracted to men 6'3 and taller again.
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Imagine how many perfectly normal people or even abnormal people like us go through their days blissfully unaware of weird motherfuckers like this taking candid photos of them as "proof" of his bizarrely sexual worldview.
You claim that leaving the site and going outside will refute my claims. I've shown you that it's quite the contrary, it completely reinforces my argument.
Not an argument. Just shifting the goalposts now because I've proven my point.
>I've shown you that it's quite the contrary
Uhhh no, because you posted one picture of one couple with a tall guy.
Your brain doesn't work, right?
>A majority of women date a minority of men.
I see more monogamous couples than polycules.
That wasn't the point, dumbshit.
Yes yes your point is that you're mentally ill and unable to process reality, and that makes you really frustrated. You cope with this frustration by spamming delusional garbage on a random thread on a random board on a random website because obsession doesn't follow any logical principles.
And, meanwhile, back in reality, I'm 5'6" and I fuck, because I'm A. Horny, B. Confident, and C. In places where I have opportunities to talk with girls.
Am I their first choice? Eh probably not but I honestly don't care, I'm her most convenient choice and that works for me.
You, on the other hand, get your dick in a knot about that because you cannot possibly consider a person simply taking what's available without getting obsessively colon rattled by all the men who aren't even in the same building as you.
The point is that roughly 80% of women date 20% men. But anon, how can that make sense? Well, if the dude isn't seeing multiple girls behind their backs, the other girls are just single and seething about the lack of good men. The majority of women are just cycling through a miniority of dudes.There's a reason why most men don't reproduce.
Cool story bro. Did everyone applaud afterwards?
You've demonstrated many, many times that you do not engage with any idea that opposes your delusions.
You do not meet the requirements for human to human interaction.
>Maybe he's gay?
He's not, he has an ex-girlfriend who he dated for around 7 years.
>Sorry, what is this meant to prove?
That height isn't everything. Sorry, are you retarded?
>It's embarrassing that people feel the need to pettifog on individual cases when we are talking in a wider sense.
It's even more embarrassing spending your free time online attempting to demoralize random dudes on the internet, you're on this board 24/7 spamming the same bullshit ad nauseum and you have the gall to claim anything is embarrassing? Talk about a complete lack of self awareness.
Ah, I'm sorry for assuming that you know how basic sampling works.
Won't happen again.

>The point is that roughly 80% of women date 20% men.
I think that, uh... point(?) would go over better on /r/incels than a board where people are at least attempting to exist in meatspace.
Please stop trying to convert people here to your insane religion.
I'm the one living in the real world. The reality of dating is fucking brutal for anyone under 6'3. Maybe there was a time when a man's other qualities could shine, but those days are over.
>height isn't everything
>dude had a gf for seven years
Fuck me you people are dumb.
>The reality of dating is fucking brutal for anyone under 6'3
Meanwhile here's me at 5'6" having a good time, skill issue on your part.
And what kind of point are you trying to make exactly? I know a couple that's still dating after 10 years of being together and the guy is 5'6 and she's around the same height, you're completely lacking in real world experience here.
>I'm the one living in the real world.
You're not if you actually believe that only people 6'3 and above date.

>The reality of dating is fucking brutal for anyone under 6'3.
Dating is brutal.
People who are taller have an easier time.
You've taken these two facts that we all agree on and extrapolated them into willful misinformation that's maliciously wielded to demoralize vulnerable people.
Sure you are. That's why you're lurking around the 'How to Get Women' thread.
Good for them. Like I said, these cherrypicked cases mean nothing and won't help anyone. I know people who won the lottery, does that mean I should expect to win?
I admitted that some women settle for betabux, but at that point you're resigned to being a glorified ATM. If that's what you want anons to aspire towards, that's on you.
STOP ENGAGING THE RETARD. He's either a troll trying to shit up this thread or he's a total fucking moron who is actively eliminating himself from the dating pool in which case you shouldn't be paying him any attention and let him rot. Alternatively he's just a demoralizing shill trying to sabotage other anons in which case, again, ignore his stupid ass. At most post a "kek" at his idiotic comments and move on. This entire board desperately needs mods to clean up the useless threads and ban a shitload of IPs who are only here to troll.
I'm (20M) tryna hookup with this 35F I found on Tinder, I'm pretty sure she wants a hookup she said she's looking for something short term and she knows I live a couple hours away.
We've agreed to meet but she asks, What do you want to do, what do I answer? What do we do, for real, I'm a virgin, do I just rock up at her house lmao.
A woman that age shouldn't be sleeping with a guy that young. I don't know what she's thinking.
It's a hook up, I thought hags love young dick
Yeah, but older women almost always wants something more out of it, whereas the dude just wants to get his dick wet.
that‘s vile
I know a 38F who slept with a 21M then wondered why he ghosted her afterwards. Hurr durrrrr. Are women really this dumb?
I wanna fuck her, idc if she wants smth more I'm gonna ghost her anyways or turn this to a frequent hookup, she's single and looks hungry for dick and attention, she's only a 6/10.

What should I reply to "What do you want to do"
I hope she's at least hot
She's a 6-7/10
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>you're completely lacking in real world experience here
Uh, oh!
Does anyone here do daygame? Do you do direct game or indirect game?
indirect game would only mean subtlely hitting on women
Since girls are usually super passive if a girl keeps approaching and saying hi is that a good sign she wants dick?
what did you think of him and these other guys? I'm going through them out of curiosity and it seems most of the stuff is heavily outdated. I mean, Rollo may be on the money with human psychology, but I wouldn't want to be some tryhard e-celeb like him.
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Hobbies to meet women? I am an autistic (not literally like some of you) cryptotard in his early 30's who quit his job and has started to care about finding a relationship. I'm not using a dating app and I'm not approaching random women on the street like a psycho.

I was unironically thinking of trying to find some part time job just to talk to women. I used to work at a Walmart and I remember it was literally just unmarried 20-30 y/o women and old ladies. The other option is just going to bars to pick up women, but I'm a bit of an introvert and not sure of the kind of girl there I'd really like.

Do you guys have any interests that involve meeting groups of people or women? I think girls like book clubs but I'm not sure if it's just going to be full of 50 year old women.
Also, has anyone ever volunteered somewhere? I'm thinking girls are really into animals and shit so volunteering at an animal shelter seems like a good idea.
I remember this chick that used to get on the same train as me to work. I always tried to catch her eye but it never worked. Then one day I caught her checking out this dude, but he wasn't even goodlooking or special. I'm not even being bitter about, he was nothing special to look at. He looked too young for her too. I wondered wtf she was eyeballing this dude but I was invisible. I guess you can't really account for other people's tastes, esp women's.
it's tough, man. I work from home and I work a lot. I don't have the opportunity of meeting women. I have no social life but even so, meeting an available woman is hard.

Anyone has any idea what to do? I've read that going back to school is the only way as it will help builging a new social circle. Language lessons? dancing lessons? I'm out of ideas. I've heard that these activities wind up indian saussage parties because they repelled all the women
Daygame? the changes are too low...
>but older women almost always wants something more out of it

Not all the time. Especially if they're already in a relationship.
Nah you don't know shit. Direct game means you say you're hot want a drink. Indirect means you talk about random shit for 5 minutes then ask about having a drink.
I did it a lot in NYC but it was a fucking grind. It started to feel like a part time job. I barely got laid compared to all the work I felt like I was doing. Productive doesn't mean effective. Your mileage will vary.
I don't feel like writing an essay on each one. You really had to be there. Just start with following modern people like Todd V and Madison and GameGlobal. There is a collection of Roissy's best posts on Amazon now.
Let me guess you now use apps faggot
Nope. Didn't feel the need to and I get way too sucked into them. I always hated how I felt after sitting in my room on my phone for hours swiping on girls. I'd rather walk outside and get immediate feedback than wait 5-7 business days for a fucking text.

And always remember that though times and technology may change a lot, humans don't change very much. Read some older books and you'll see that men and women still behaved in very similar ways and complain about the same things.

"Men and women will always find ways to get closer to each other" - Neil Strauss.
So you're a club degenerate then if you don't do daygame. There's apps nightgame and daygame.
Stop with the black and white assumptions man. It's not attractive.
You haven't explained what you do. All you've done is being vague. Fuck off retard.
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If you're this pissed off by a few "vague" sentences, you'll be ten times more disappointed when you finally hit on real women lol. Good luck
I've approached hundreds, maybe over a thousand. Way more than you for sure faggot.
Any 101 tips on Instagram account? I don't have any pictures and have like 60 followers.
>what stories should i post
>should i add some pictures even if i believe them to be bad? if so, what kind?
>is posting a story of just a song from Spotify cringe?
>is posting a story of a place you've been to days/weeks later cringe/an ick?
>should i have a public or private account?
>how to have a more aesthetic account?
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>*head pat*
I need social media but making a new one with no friends or pics then giving it out to girls would be embarassing. What do i do?
Living in what should be a blue state, I get hit on by queers way to often. To the point where women act like they in on it. Everyone is trying to be a queer pimp.

The retarded kids are walking around with their arseholes smelling like fresh shit. Guess who gets hit on for just showering now.

Very large women now tell me that they’re doing me a favor. I don’t know what happened to planet earth.

It’s weird the better shape I get in the harder it is to find quality women of age. I just want to move back to a state where things make sense again.
Just be honest. Make it fun. "Guess what, you're my first friend!" Use it as a filter. You don't want to be around the girls that care that much anyway.
My two most recent dates wanted to make out but didn't want to come to my home/have sex. The date before that we made out and she came to my home but I made a mistake, otherwise I would have fucked her. Both these two last ones were tourists. I think both were leaving the day after. Advice? I seem to be getting better though because of 5 dates this year the first two I didn't even make out with but the 3 after that I did make out with. Also my success rate in terms of approaches per date seems to have gone up.
>I do not need to because it does not bother me.
How do you not let it bother you though?
>The best you can do is believe that the personality aspects that make you unattractive aren't set in stone, that some way, somehow you can change it, building yourself into the better person that you were always meant to be.

There is no other choice huh. I guess the stoics were right, I shouldn't be worried about something outside of my control. The only problem is getting over the disgust I have of female behavior.
If you're gf-watching then you're not talking to enough girls. Happens to me, too. For a while I was incel obsessed with WM-AF couples. I'm fucking black.

Fill your life with things and people you care about to the point where you don't have room for anything else.
Social media dating is a mysterious science I don't understand. Is it true it's common to meet people this way?

Where do you approach them?
Stoicism is the truth
You can but even girls you meet irl will sooner ask for an insta than an phone number
And if you exude an ultra high masculine energy?
Then you don't need to browse these threads.
I'm trying to learn how to exude that masculine energy
>yet can find a man easily.
High quality men are scarce
>accepting pain.
I unironically think that this is what masculinity is all about. To accept the pain and still move ahead. And that attitude must (logically) attract women. Let me put it to the test and come back with results
Aren't we all, brother.
just kee talking to her and flirt and see if she really wants it. Just take it easy and don't give her the D immediately or she will think you see her as a slut and that will hurt her ego
new thread


>Where do you approach them?
Street, parks and similar
>Fill your life with things and people you care about to the point where you don't have room for anything else.
I'm missing the second part. Thanks for the tip.

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