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/adv/ - Advice

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Cozy edition

Previous: >>32004212
First for dying alone
Second for why am i not enough?
Women die alone because most womens' male spouses die way before them.
I hate women
third for listening to songs that we used to listen together
Yep. It's the pain you guys thankfully aren't as likely to experience. Been through some stuff, but nothing feels as hollow as this.
there are no genders, there is only sexes and incels
Women can you truly love a male human?
Male humans can't love women
Eighth for long haired white men
women arent capable of love
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will watching asmr fill the void?
Thats not true. I love women. And i have a Y chromosome. I even have a penis
Why do women view themselves as the more "emotionally intelligent" gender when they're the ones driving men to suicide
I also wear a medium :)
Anyone dated someone before they went on psych meds? How did it change your partner/relationship?
BF is bipolar and I'm afraid his healthy self will either be wildly different or dislike me. But I do care about his health above it all.
they totally are, until a better man comes along, then they just switch
Because we don't let words drive us to suicide
>i have a Y chromosome. I even have a penis
rare, in this day and age
Tarot anon frmo the other thread.

Same deal as before - reply to this with your age and gender and the first three people will get a Tarot card reading.
>when they're the ones driving men to suicide
They really aren't. If you look at a lot of organizations that are made to help men, there are always a shit ton of women involved
What can be done about the problem of men fetishizing sapphic relationships?
thats not love
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Men drive themselves to suicide. Most male suicides are trannies roping.
girl, that shit must be majorly 4D because it ain't all that impressive in the visible dimensions
I’m growing my hair out for
Idk I ignore men so don’t care
27 M
Thanks anon
Dont act like fujos dont shclick to men fucking each other
Femanons, how did you get over vaginismus(painful intercourse)?
Nothing really. Even if it was somehow made socially taboo for us to do so, that would just make it more appealing, because brains are weird like that.
>girl, that shit must be majorly 4D because it ain't all that impressive in the visible dimensions
You thought I was a femanon? Is that why you kept talking about your dick?
I am the only real involuntary celibate in the world.
27, M. Tell me if my pecs are actually fucked.
Seems like you answers your own question. Too bad you are too dumb to see to
Damn it
I missed it AGAIN
>Dont act like fujos dont shclick to men fucking each other
They do, obviously, but gay men aren't bothered by it as far as I know.
How old are you anon? are you M?
How did you lose your dick?
>but gay men aren't bothered by it
So then lesbians are just being uptight?
Never had that.
I just kick long pencil dicks out of my bed.
State age
Give me some advice, whether it was the best you ever received or something you wanted to hear
>I just kick long pencil dicks out of my bed.
College is killing me with stress...
I wouldn't say I am over it, as I have no partner currently. But when using a dildo, I take it slow, slowly working it in until I'm relaxed, and I learned not to get frustrated if it takes a long time. Frustration causes anxiety which makes it work.
If I ever have sex with a man again, I think I will probably loosen myself up with a toy before I ask him to put his dick in.
i fucked up and got a jock itch rash on my penis what can I do to get rid of it? I don't want people thinking I have an STD when they see it
I was just saying "girl" in general because that's how I talk to my friends (who are all girls)
I'm gay in all respects except liking cock, ya feel me?
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>Femanons are being mean today...
Maybe this isnt the cozy edition
Men, you got erections when you were very young, right? Did you ever wonder why your pp got hard? Did you ever ask someone why and have it explained?
When I was very young, I remember complaining that it felt like there was a pencil in my penis at my grandmother's house and my mom told me to shut up
State gender
Does anyone else use Valerian?
This is all I want...
>Men, you got erections when you were very young, right?
>Did you ever wonder why your pp got hard? Did you ever ask someone why and have it explained?
I honestly have no idea. As far back as i can remember (4yo) i always new what it was. I remember being in kindergarten and fantasizing about tiddies. (And no, i was not exposed to porn at that time. At least not to my knowledge)
>kill yourself
Should've listened in hindsight
I have two related things I need help with: I just started seeing this girl and all four times we've had sex so far, both sober and drunk, I haven't been able to cum. I'm attracted to her in every way and enjoy being intimate with her but I still can't cum. It's happened before both with other girls and when masturbating, but it's never really been this big of an issue. I have ADHD and autism so I dunno if it's related to that? I do find it hard to stay in the moment when having sex (and sometimes when wanking too). I've also just started taking medication for the ADHD so I dunno if this is just a side effect. I stopped masturbating and watching porn last week, but there was no improvement last night. I'm gonna try doing mindfulness exercises to see if that helps. Does anyone else have any other advice?

Second thing: she likes dirty talk and being verbally degraded during sex. Things like being called a slut, whore, stuff like that. Do any other women in here like that (or men with experience) and if so what else can I say to her, or how do I get better at it? It really doesn't come naturally to me
shut the fuck up, simp
A master's degree opens doors, a PhD closes doors. Carefully consider if your doctorate is truly worth it before starting. - one of my professors
Women can i be your simp?
Only if you’re a woman
1 - The Magician: You willl be able to express your potential and create your own opportunities, especially in the realm of love.

11 - Justice: Your actions have effects on others, and the consequences of which will become relevant to you in the future, positively but especially negatively.

5 - The Hierophant: You will find comfort in traditionality and your personal beliefs, and will not experience particular challenge to them.


17 - The Star: You will soon experience a great change in your life that will challenge you, but you will be able to hold onto hope and weather the storm.

14 - Temperance: Alongside hope, you will have to remain patient to fully see the consequences of that change.

1 - The Magician: After having gone through change, holding onto hope and remaining patient, in the long-term future that will be rewarded with the opportunity to realize yourself and the potential you hold within.


2 - The High Priestess: You will have to 'trust your guy' and follow your instincts, as something that might seem irrational at first will turn out to have positive effects.

16 - The Tower: However, you will also experience pushback for following that instinctive choice, creating great instability and upheaval in your life.

21 - The World: However, in spite of this, you will ultimately be triumphant, and achieve a completeness in all things - you will be in harmony with yourself as your goals and aspiration become fulfilled.
I'm happy for you bro
or sorry that happened to you
I once told my doctor about it when my mom stepped out of the office. I was afraid it was a real medical issue.
the middle here
haha i dont even believe in this bullshit, i'm just happy for taking this chance away from a dumb woman who would believe this
Sorry, your reading is off. Are you new to this?
Nope. I'm a man. With a Y chromosome. And a Penios
I'm a woman dummy
>get drunk
>time seems to accelerate 2-fold
what is this sorcery
Yeah that's how it's going to go as usual.
Nothing new.
Thanks bro
F. Yes, I drink valerian root tea.
Men commit suicide because they're abused, not because of words.
That's because women have the privilege of having free time, male-dominated support groups are often left unfunded and shut down. Other types of "support" aren't considered charity but are dominated by men.
Most men dont have the luxury of running these organizations because they're forced to spend more and more time working as women replace them in their jobs due to DEI and subsidies for tuition and other benefits for women, something men never receive. Men are also forced to pay for an unexpected pregnancy, when this is optional for women.
shut the fuck up, hoe
I look like Lana del Rey before all her cosmetic procedures. Like sweater catalogue lana
To spite you, I will do an extra reading.


5 - The Hierophant Reversed: In the near future, you will start to doubt on beliefs you normally held deeply.

9 - The Hermit: You will embark on a journey of self-discovery as a result of this change in belief - which will have a negative effect of harming your social life for a period.

19 - The Sun: At the end of the journey of self-discovery, you will reach contentedness with yourself, and will ultimately result in a positive change.
bro alliance against the evil /atoga/ scum
pics? of Lana ofc ;)
I don't think it's that simple.

For example, I've heard black women complain about being fetishized, but black guys don't seem to care in the slightest.
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How do I handle this rage burning inside of me? It's rage that has no target, no enemies, no outlet yet it burns ever brightly threatening to consume my being!! I gotta let it out, gotta get it out!
I'm also a virgin
I have seen black men express disappointment in the way they are characterized as being like animals. "Blacked" porn is almost on the same level of girls being fucked by horses. The appeal is that he has a big monstrous penis and an animalistic lust.
assasinate trump
when I'm on coke, that's the real me
>and if so what else can I say to her, or how do I get better at it?
F here with a degradation fetish. It's quite individual to each woman, really. Very minute differences in phrasing can go from "hot and turning me on" to "I really didn't like that" so just be careful and have a safe word. You might think it silly, but it's good to have just in case. It might give you the reassurance to try riskier phrases out.

Verbal degradation doesn't have to be very hurtful. I quite like it when a guy says "you're *my* filthy slut" but I don't tend to like "you're *a* slut". Other phrases like
>this is all you're good for
>you're my cocksucker
Or maybe insulting me for doing a bad job (not deepthroating him long enough, say). I quite like being pissed on, facials, and being slapped for not doing a good job too.
What's something you find irresistible in a person/crush/partner?
>shut the fuck up, hoe
Do not curse a Lady, knave!
So its just a woman thing then?
Eh, most black guys want to have their cake and eat it too on that, like they want to be regarded as human beings with opinions that matter (lmao) but they also expect everyone to pretend that porn is real life and that they're hardcore by virtue of being black
He should whack both candidates, that'll be more fun.
Talking to me
innie or outie?
The thing about that is that you only get one chance
Pretty eyes.
for women:

Would you consider yourself ambitious/someone with perseverance or are you complacent
80% complacent 20% ambition
he blocked me everywhere last night except on 2 social apps. I assume he just forgot, and I feel uncomfortable reaching out as it's all still very fresh. i want to give him time. I unintentionally hurt him, but i'm confused as to why he didn't go all the way?

one he just unfriended me on, which was a concious decision because after, i checked if I can block people there and one can. the other app we are still connected on, with no changes.

why would a guy do that?
Empathy, playfulness, bedroom eyes, bangs.
If someone did shoot the other one would anyone actually notice? Her campaign doesn't do a lot except post on the internet with some millennial era celebrities
I've been successful with women when I don't give them too much attention. Everytime I've chased someone and given them too much attention they have never wanted me. Is this a good technique?
I do tend to be more ambitious. I think I'm just burned out in my enviornment.
I've been told I'm good at being a support.
Gonna screenshot this comment and spam it when she wins
Can't you say that about pretty much any assassination attempt?
yeah thats the point I am making.
When she is adorable.
I could see 1.
My social life is already terrible, can't go much worse.
Right now I don't see any possible positive change. But I guess I'll refrain from killing myself if my social life somehow gets even worse, just on the off chance that this is true. Taking any excuse to prolong my misery
>I've been successful with women when I don't give them too much attention. Everytime I've chased someone and given them too much attention they have never wanted me. Is this a good technique?
I've had the same experience, so I think so.
Perhaps Chad could be more direct; but for most guys I think we ought to think of women like cats.
I used to be very perseverant until I reached a point where I didn't know what I wanted. Or possibly, I just became satisfied with what I had.

I wouldn't say perseverance is equivalent to ambition, though. I'm not an ambitious person. At around 19 I realised contentment feels best.
What's everyone been fapping/schlicking to?
just set up my camera for today's recording and development session and I just gotta say, I am very handsome. Wow.

The scream crying will be immense from my horde of female fans once I put my videos up.

I vaguely remember asking my mom, at age 4 or 5, why my pp gets hard when I play with it, and she said "Because it likes it" and I said "OK"
Bro, I just have sex until exhaustion and then I don't need it.
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do you agree
Obviously the ones that want you are of lower status
incel logic

Cute laugh
nothing, I just listen to asmr and cry myself to sleep these days
Props chad
if the girl has red hair, is at least 5ft 8 and knows 3D art.
No, incel
No I’ve fallen for guys who I didn’t like just because they were nice to m
Obviously not
I want a good boy
>Obviously not
>I want a good boy
What if I'm only bad sometimes?
if this were true then you'd go with a guy who refuses to have sex with you before marriage.
"No, I wont' have sex with you because I don't know if this is going to last, and I don't want to disrespect you or your future husband."

Very simple line of thought but people want to act like animals.
whats with the agression bud
Who the fuck eats like that
It’s everyone else not me! Good one anon
For the femanons in the thread

I've had experience with girls that really liked me but also seemed like they wanted me to go at their pace all the time. I get indulging and giving up my own wants to show I care about theirs, but when it comes to a relationship, they really seemed to want me to commit way more and way quicker than I think would have been okay. A few months is plenty of time to get to know someone but I didn't really *know* the person, nor was I in a position to really say okay to dating her based off that alone. But she acted super offended that I didn't agree to our unspoken advance towards being a couple. Granted to be fair in her case I will say I can see how my excessive friendliness gave the wrong impression.

Dating coaches also often seem to say I need to always follow the woman's pace which seems disastrous to me. If anything that level of impulsiveness and impatience feels like trying to oblige someone's expectations way quicker than is fair, and I don't feel like we're actually getting to know each other before then. This sounds reasonable but everyone around me acts like it's not. Call it old fashioned but am I being too methodical about this or is there something I just don't get?
While you were busy being celibate I fucked her in all holes and nutted in them too.
I know I'm late, but I think she is very cute.
The short hair is a bit meh, but it makes sense since she is a cosplayer and wears wigs often.
I think she is very much a 10/10.
If you are ever feeling down bad
Remeber, Chad is fucking your crush right now and giving her violent orgasms
Repeat after me: Thank you Chad!
woah calm down there pal, it was just a question
>chadsexual incel trashing up the thread already
I am unprepared to the first day of a required class I do not want to be in.
I thought I would have missed my train but didn't.
I am pushing forward despite expecting the worst.
My mentality has simply become that it is not my problem.
Based or cringe?
my crush made up in my mind
I’ll help you out, there was no aggression
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Women, what prevents you from dressing like this?
>But she acted super offended that I didn't agree to our unspoken advance towards being a couple.
What does being a couple mean to you?
Please complete the sentence: THICK and LONG are words that make me feel ________!
I like black
I have no crush, no adult does past high school, so good for Chad I guess.
I was brought up Muslim so I genuinely can't imagine showing my lower legs, let alone *that*...
Common sense
either gender
I really love my gf and want to help her, but she has a lot of trauma and self-destructive behaviors and i find myself often unsure of what to do. I'm optimistic we'll get through everything and end up better people, but here in the meanwhile it makes me sad :(
Sounds like a skill issue.
the only one Chadsexual here is (You), hoe
>A few months is plenty of time to get to know someone but I didn't really *know* the person, nor was I in a position to really say okay to dating her based off that alone.
That is not normal.
An ounce of dignity
>start growing attached to backup girl
owari da...
look I'll leave you be, I dont see why you're so angry towards me, I never even express my opinion at all.
look inwards and maybe fix the anger issues alright bud?

Yes and no. Being a good guy is the bare minimum. But if that's all you bring is that you don't beat women and don't steal and don't commit crime, that's not attractive. I've heard a friend complain to her sister about a guy in her class asking her out, but not wanting to go out with him because he was "too nice" and her sister told me "What she means is he's too wholesome" and that he was emotionally opening up to her way too quickly.

You can call someone a nice guy and it be a genuine compliment. You can also call someone a nice guy because it's the only positive thing you can say about him.
there's no dignity in having sex before marriage.
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seriously what went through your head when typing this out
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Women, how does this image make you feel?
shitposting skills
staying the fuck away from me
not possible because I am not going to accept anything other than a virgin.

See how easy that is to solve?
makes me feel safe
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Is it true that if a woman cancels a date due to some excuse and doesn't try to set up another time it means she lost interest?
Even if the excuse is real, and she was the one who originally approached me?
Trying to determine if I should try to set up another time or just delete her number
I have been ignoring your posts for ages now but this one pushed me over the edge.
I need to verbally tell you that I hate you and find your art repulsive. You are the worst new poster on this thread.
this but ironically

Good bantz gives anyone bonus points. Most people can NOT meme. My berniebro classmate used to make memes for our club and he was the living embodiment of "the left cannot meme" all the way down to WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS

I started making memes for his presentations and shit instantly got better
the blooming effect, the dogs, their genuine smiles..
I have 20/16 vision and neither long hair nor acne.
if she doesnt set it up its over
How old is she? She'll likely settle down by being more self-aware after 25.
>but here in the meanwhile it makes me sad
What about her behaviour makes you sad?
M, older, married for 10+ years now

I used that kind of line on girls I was dating for years and it played hell with my life. With the woman I'm married to now I literally just said "fuck it." She's the only woman I've ever been with, and I don't really have a desire to be with anyone else, but I really don't think the "abstinence until marriage!" stuff was good for me, or frankly any of the other guys I knew who bought into it. I certainly wouldn't be married if I'd stuck to my guns on it.
>before marriage
Don't want that.
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thank you for expressing however i dont care and ill still be annoying
State gender
Why does everything from 30-40 years ago feel so much more manly than the slop today?
How did you know I look like that and say that wtf
Still fuck you though
Anon are you cute
(and single)
((and ready to mingle))
A most enticing voice, pretty hands and laughing at my jokes.
cute is subjective
and i have a bf
Her showing interest in me / the things I'm interested in. Hooks me easily.
>and i have a bf
Is he imaginary?
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Women, would you rule out a man for having a job in tech even if:
>they make a point to never talk about their job, and put a lot of effort into improving their social skills
>they have physical hobbies and go outside
>they live well below their means
no but even if hw was hes the best thing ive come up with
I’m not angry at you hehe. Ironic that you tell others to look inward
I like how they used part of the Salesforce logo for their gag
>woke up 5 hours ago
>work for 2 hours
>wake up gf and creampie her twice
>work for an hour
>Fap again
>browse atoga
There's no such thing as enough sex
An obese Asian is the best thing you could come up with?
You're waiting for marriage?
this nigga balding lmao
if picturing him as obese makes you feel better then sure anon
Mhm, check out aerobic championship. All clothes in the 80s, all the artists
We are both just under 30. To very much her credit, she has good awareness of her problems, she just has bad habits as a stand in for coping with them in a healthy manner.
>What about her behaviour makes you sad?
Good question, just tough seeing her be so troubled while also kind of not addressing it well.
My literal reaction to that gif was "OH! I remember eating cookies like that! Fun!"

It's done for fun. It's called"nibbling".
That doesn't happen, real life lesbians are generally repulsive to straight men
Do all women actually get the ick when a man shows vulnerability/is weak?
see >>32007858
most irl lesbians are not particularly attractive
yes, even if they won't admit it
Sex Ed at least warned me about that
First time I coomed during a dream was a real shock though, I threw the underwear away and pretended it never happened
Your words not mine
I don't like wearing colored bras.
I didn't get the ick but I got scared that I couldn't comfort him
i find it to be the best when anyone shows vulnerability, that means they trust me and are comfortable around me. i love being able to help others

>do you agree
There's "Being a good guy" which is really just being less of an asshole than other assholes.
And then there's being a good guy and a woman leaving you because she doesn't want you but does want a guy that isn't good. That just means that bad guy was more appealing to her than you.

Women generally like genuinely good guys.
my woman gets off to tying me up and pegging me until my legs turn into jelly. you tell me, anon
For 90% of women it's either a turn off or an attempt to get inside your defenses and learn things they can use to emotionally manipulate you. Overall it's just not a good idea to show much vulnerability around women in gneral
I like it when a girl can that my somewhat cold demeaner is just a facade and teases me to bring the warmth underneath out
state gender
law or chaos?
>Women generally like genuinely good guys
until a more charismatic bad guy comes along, that is. since your morality really doesn't matter compared to your charisma
Please state gender:

What makes a man a Good Man?
What makes a woman a Good Woman?
Is it different from what makes a person a Good Person?

What makes a person a Bad Person?
Because women didn't get the entirety of their rights until about 1990.
bad people dont have any
How did you "escape" so to speak? Living alone? How did you even find 4chan?
No. I like white tech man.
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There's few things more appealing than as man being *her* man.
If he's really her man, charismatic Chads don't matter.

Have you tried really being her man? Did you buy her chairs?
why did he forget to block me on one app ;_;
>What's everyone been fapping/schlicking to?
That ass though
>So I matched with this cute girl on tinder. We talked for a couple of days and she gave me her snapchat.
>She saw me at my favourite bar and sent me a message asking if i wanted to go over with her friends. She was really friendly with me. Told her I was gonna go back to my friend and asked if she wanted to go out sometime next week and she said yeah and said shes usually almost at my favourite bar anyways before taking my hand and letting it go of it longingly.
>I asked her out to drinks and she said that she was not drinking and is gonna stay home for the next while (her housemate got covid). I asked her in that case to let me know if she wants to meet for a tea or coffee sometime.
Are things over before they began? Should I wait for her reply?
I keep beating myself up for not having sex with this guy but I keep forgetting that I didn't because in the moment I wasn't ready. Why do I have such selective memory with these things? Why do I feel like I lost my chance to lose my virginty?
I don't get people can jerk it to terrible camera angles like that.
You are getting matches on tinder and she gave you her snapchat. Over? You don't even know what over means.

>What makes a man a Good Man?
basic moral behavior + hanging in there and not committing suicide no matter how much things suck for you
>What makes a woman a Good Woman?
not being superficial, manipulative and cruel despite the fact that you'll never be punished for it and people will value you anyway
>Is it different from what makes a person a Good Person?
not really, but generally women can have much looser morals and people will still like them
>can't view becuase I live in the great state of Texas
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Law in the streets
Chaos in the sheets
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I'm Lawful Good hard shifting into Chaotic Neutral. Not sure where I land but if had been able to be a paladin class, I couldn't now.
I mean are things over with this girl?
28 male
I don't play DnD but people who do have told me I'm neutral good aligned
It works for me in incognito
>t. Virginian
Dangerously based
there is only Law or Chaos
There’s this girl I was talking with for several months and being cute with, other people even thought we were a couple, but we’re both too retarded to say we like each other. We texted a lot and even got together a few times during the summer, but still nothing ever official. Now due to factors out of our control we’re at different colleges, but we still text occasionally.
Should I just be direct and see if she wants to make an official relationship, or is that a bad idea? I feel like we had a pseudo-relationship before but without some stronger link it’s just going to dissolve.
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someone posted this a few days ago and someone said it was bait, but i'm curious as to how it's bait?
If we're gonna system war, I'd go with SURPS
You're overreacting. Just wait and see what she says. Keep chatting with her
Law, sexually and in DnD
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1. Define "success".

2. The image states that all women being themselves are successful dating, sex, romance, and love.
Stating such obviously false things is clearly designed to bait a response.
When you have a problem, ask it of yourself, like it’s coming from another person.

If you’re lonely, ask yourself what you would say to an anon just saying “I’m lonely.”
If a guy never asked me to be my boyfriend does that mean we were never official?
calm down buddy alright
Im not looking for a fight tonight
duh? dumb hoe
keeping that shit to yourself will work 100% of the time
opening up to a girl will cause issues 99% of the time and that 1% isnt worth it
How do I get over been disgusted at the thought of asking a girl out?
Have you ever been to a strip club?
I don't get it.. I don't see why any woman would go there. But it is so weird going there with other men. Like you all just sit at a table with boners and unable to do anything about it and order overpriced beer to look at some female that is worse than porn?
No, for basically exactly the reason you describe.
If you got a private room and were allowed to jerk off and it was a reasonable price maybe it would be fun.
no, whats even the point? wow I get to have blue balls and pay for it too
fuck that
So does she need to get a small dildo or something?
Did you ask him?
How good are websites like data annotation and ones similar to it for making money? I'm a sophomore in uni and I wanna make some money on the side without sacrificing my academics. I've heard some news that these websites take long to accept people, sometimes the actual work to do is lacking, and that they can randomly fire you at anytime so it's not stable?
Because it's untrue incel drivel dummy
Never really cared about money before, but now I'm considering working harder so I can comfortably afford to use prostitutes.
its to get drunk with your bros and hit on women without being thrown out
geezus its like you guys were born with zero testosterone
Women, how do I into better conversations? I’m a social autist
Last time I approached a woman, cold approach I realized that after a minute I didn’t knew what to say anymore and there was just some awkward silence, and even after I got past that I realized idk how to flirt
I spend about 500-600 monthly on whores. About one every week.
Should I get a male prostitute?
Honest question to women:
Do you enjoy knowing that someone jerked off thinking about you? Does it turn you on?

[spoiler]I'm asking this because I'm in a long distance relationship and we only get to see each other once every 1 and a half to 2 months. She keeps asking me if I jerked off to the pics she sent me and how it was, and says it turns her on. I've never been with anyone who had this kink before so I'm wondering if this is common or rare.[/spoiler]
It makes me feel good about myself
Hot on the strippers? That sounds pointless.
I personally know women that are grossed out about the thought some rando jerked off to their pics
why not just hire me?
as opposed to hitting on any other female?
A different one each time, or doing to keep going back to the same ones?
>why not just hire me?
How much?
More like a confidence boost at best.
>women that are grossed out about the thought some rando jerked off to their pics
well that just makes it even hotter
how many boxes of Coco Pebbles you got?
1: You have zero chance of success hitting on a stripper.
2: I have zero romantic interest in dancing whores.
I've not really escaped. My father is always complaining to my mother that I don't pray. During Ramadan I still fast out of respect. I used to live alone, but I'm currently living with family.
>How did you even find 4chan?
I mean, most non-muslims don't frequent 4chan. I've been on forums since I was a teenager.
I can go get one
>Do you enjoy knowing that someone jerked off thinking about you? Does it turn you on?
Yes and yes. I love it.
its not about the success, autist
just one?
>just one?
You're gonna eat a whole box ?
Any autistic British girls here?
Yes if it’s my significant other
>she just has bad habits as a stand in for coping with them in a healthy manner.
Has she tried cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)? It's tough getting out of patterns that comfort you. Being aware is the first step.
>just tough seeing her be so troubled while also kind of not addressing it well.
Would you say you're more frustrated with her?
Not autistic. But I'm British and socially awkward. Why?
Being kinjd, people who are truly kind not that fake virtue signaling and ego pleasing bullshit most people do.

I used to like this girl who didn't eat meat because she didn't like the thought of killing animals, it was so stupid but I liked that about her and I wished more people were like that.
>um you're not entitled to a relationship. You need to be happy being single
>NOOOO my bf is so abusive give me pity points I HAVE to be with him I can't be single
Women, which is it?
What are some of her behaviors?
Autistic girls seem like they'd be my best chance at getting a girlfriend. Was curious if there were any here I could ask for advice.
>Meet girl who seemed like a perfect match for me
>She is unattractive
Actually glad she already has a boyfriend or else I would have had a difficult decision to make.
Why specifically British?
I know for a fact that I'm looking ugly. Especially when I'm giving blowjobs. I just hope he's got his eyes shut and enjoying it.
dis you, bitch?
>Especially when I'm giving blowjobs.
Uh what, how?
Yes, I'm half gay. And my (now dead) ex wanted to celebrate his birthday.
Obviously he is a bong?!
Are you sure you aren't autistic?
Hey guys I miss you
So that they are nearby.
I wish you'd stayed gone.
When I'm getting a blowjob, I can't even think about what the girl looks like. I don't care either
Seconding this.
Do you look like the guy she drew?
If this was 2004 I would agree with you. But it seems like they've been getting hotter over time, it's weird.
>Do all women actually get the ick when a man shows vulnerability/is weak?
Have there been any studies on this?
Are you the college student that plays beach volleyball?
no I am fat and balding
Where abouts are you? South East by any chance?
Please tell me you still play volleyball.
No. I love guys.
What's the weirdest food you've ever tried?
M, chicken feet
Ladies of 4chan, can you tell me if my ex is for real a psycho bitch, or if she is just trying to hurt my feelings. She's a hello kitty BPD nurse succubus, 2 weeks ago she was telling me things like that I am the main reason why she hasn't killed herself yet, and would constantly compliment me on my features. We had one big fight on her birthday and now she's telling me that she never actually liked me in a romantic way, and that she was just using me for attention. I'm completely split down the middle but I'm leaning more towards that she is just trying to hurt my feelings. What do you guys think?
I dated a guy from northern finland for a while.
I tried reindeer bonemarrow. The consistency was horrible, I would unironically describe it like snot, but the taste was delicious, buttery, savory. Its hard to describe.
Honestly? I had a croque monsieur made with American cheese once. That was just bizarre. It predictably tasted like shit. The weirdest part was this was in a French cafe.
I've fried up lamb's heart, I love chicken's feet, I adore century egg, I've eaten snake and bumble bee, I've had this one strange dish made out of stir fried bone marrow and rice but that croque monsieur is the weirdest thing I've eaten.
Is it bad if I don't want to live life without a boyfriend anymore? I don't want to go to concerts and bars and parties alone anymore. I don't want to watch movies alone, I don't want to go on trips alone. I fell for the solo travelling meme and hated it. I don't want to live alone
Oh M btw
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Natto. Incredibly sticky and gooey. Tastes sorta like a really strong cheese.
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Where can a pale slav find a brown gf
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Caviar and gnocchi with squid ink are tied for something I will never understand how people can spend money on
that shit is fucking disgusting
You're the reason why our birthrates our down
>We had one big fight on her birthday
Why would you fight her on her birthday?
Are you retarded?
Idk, snake or ants
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not my fault the girls here hate me. The one time I had a great connection with a girl was on a business trip to america where I matched with a cute lightskin girl
Well dude, first of all it wasn't an actual physical fight, it was an argument over the phone. Second of all, she lied to me about doing her college work and went to go hang out with her male friends instead. I had already wanted to talk with her about her weird ass male orbiters, but having her lie to my face about it just drove me fucking crazy. I wanted to wait until after her birthday to talk about it, but she chose to lie that night of all nights
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>not my fault the girls here hate me
Pretty sure it is.
Kek. People fap to some ridiculous things
How are ants served?
>dates a BPD bitch
serves you right
>my woman gets off to tying me up and pegging me until my legs turn into jelly. you tell me, anon
How'd you meet her?
look man it wasnt for a lack of trying. Im just not compatible with the eastern euro chicks, they're demons
>they're demons
>Male friends
She's cheating on you
they fit into one of these two categories
>wannabe western junkie drughead who spends all day getting high and doing nothing
>wannabe western kim kardashian materaliastic instadiva that gets her approval from instagram and tiktok by constantly following EVERY FUCKING TREND and will demand you fund it for her
I fucking hate it here. I have exes from both of these categories, and both made me want to dig myself a hole and die in it.
More like LMAOSMR.
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Which ones do you hit?
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A, B, C, E, H, L, M, O maybe, T, U
What? No wholesome orthodox tradwifes?
Where tf do you live

Since your first time. What is the longest you’ve gone without sex?
O, V
orthodox is south balkan
Which accent?
7 months. It was difficult, I don’t know how incels do it
American accents are only annoying on men
>Babysitting nephew, he's 13
>Keeps groping me "confused how its an issue" or "as a joke"
>Set up some hidden cameras
Now do I ruin his life before its started or no?
Isn't this type of guy a red flag? If he seems "sensitive and sweet", doesn't usually that mean there's something psychologically wrong with him that he is going out of his way to mask?
>I don’t know how incels do it
A little over 6 years.
You need to have a talk with his parents so they can sit him down about how and why this is inappropriate and where this leads for adults who engage in these types of violations of boundaries and consent.
4 years, almost to a day and ongoing.
>Partially because of the one who got away
>have this idea of staying pure until he forgives me
>I know it wont happen, might need a therapist
I'm the opposite, I like flabbergasting my friends with the super common foods I've never had
>I don’t know how incels do it
They don't, they are so obsessed with the idea of sexually possessing a woman that they shoot up malls and schools when they can't sexually subjugate one
The 7 months I was celibate I would masturbate 3-4 times a day and I thought I was going insane from horniness. That was not enough. I don’t know how incels can go for so long just on porn
C, H, I, L, S
>Now do I ruin his life before its started or no?
You won't ruin his life at 13, but doing nothing might result in him ruining his (and someone else's) life when he's 18
How do I stop sounding incoherent when I speak? I'm autistic, Ass-Burgers with a side of ADHD fries, so every time I try to communicate it comes out as fast-fire disorganized babble.
>I don’t know how incels can go for so long just on porn
because there is no other option
Where is he getting this from? It sounds like the kind of thing he might have picked up from watching anime or certain comedy movies. He needs to understand the massive difference in context.
he's just in for some serious character development
Pause to organize your thoughts instead of saying uh, um, or like.
Guys we got a chil gril here.
I would say just like force yourself to talk slower (like.... very... slow... if need... be) but as an autist who did that for this reason, I'd actually say just stay as you are, I regret changing myself in that way to fit in
I do not say any of those things. It actually makes me violently angry when people do.
They could just have sex. There are around 4 billion women on the planet. There is someone for everyone
Besides your own da', do you have a father figure?
here's your you
Is something wrong with me?
I've never pursued a relationship let alone a romantic one in my life.
I'm 35 years old now and only recently have started getting looks and questions from coworkers and family about not dating, having girlfriends or anything like that, they even thought I was gay at first.

I know I'm not asexual as I find women attractive physically and some personality wise too, yet the thought of me pursuing a romance let alone actually having sex feels so alien to me, like I cannot comprehend myself ever doing it.
This only applies in countries like Amsterdam or Austria where it is legal to pay for a sexual experience from a professional. This is also why it's baffling that these frustrated men are not pushing for legalized sex work in America and Canada.
>countries like Amsterdam
Maybe 2 years tops
Isn't the global male population higher?
I’m being serious. I don’t understand. It’s 2024, almost 2025. People can meet very easily online. If you’re a white young man, you have no excuse why you can’t get a gf. There are so many ways you can chat with girls from everywhere, SEA is full of nice girls who prefer western boys. Why can’t an incel get a nice SEA gf?
I had my dad, who I was close to until around 7 when he split with my mom and I made the mistake of going with her
My step-dad, who I was the only one who ever called dad
And my siblings dad (they're half siblings), who considered me "his favorite child" despite not being related to him and him having something like 9 kids, who I was very close to and miss a lot
>The 7 months I was celibate I would masturbate 3-4 times a day and I thought I was going insane from horniness. That was not enough. I don’t know how incels can go for so long just on porn
Distraction and thought stopping. That's about all one can do. Nofap can also help in the long run, but it makes things way more difficult in the short term.
Then men can make up for their lack of heterosexual sex by doing gay things with each other
Would need to know more about you to respond
You have to tell his parents that he's doing this before it gets out of hand.
Good. You can still try to be more deliberate in what you say.
A, H
I do, but it backfires and comes across as incoherent. This is often because I pack too many ideas into a single thought. I am even worse about this in writing.
I'm pretty high libido and its really not that hard, there are plenty of things to do that aren't sex
>35 virgin
>yet the thought of me pursuing a romance let alone actually having sex feels so alien to me, like I cannot comprehend myself ever doing it.
There was a post in /fit/ just a few days ago of an anon who was 44 and just had sex for the first time. He said it was a horrible experience and felt disgusted by it. He said he felt extremely uncomfortable being touched and the intimacy was unnatural. Others replied and said it’s because if you miss out on these experiences in your youth when you’re brain is craving intimacy, if stunts your emotional development. So he can’t enjoy it now
In my opinion AGHLO
But I'm sure other people might add some combination of BDEPQRT depending on their definitions and tolerance.
Yes. And the female LGBTQIA+ population is higher
Nta but you don't seem to be doing it now.
>I don’t understand
thats right, you dont
state age

What was your favorite age, or what age are you looking forward to?
My biological father was never really a father to me; he behaved much like a sibling; fighting for my mother's affection. He doesn't do fatherly things and is quite selfish. I didn't look up to him and I still don't. He comes to his children for advice.
My grandfather was somewhat of a father figure. Does that count? And now my boyfriend.
You're probably just aromantic bro, I am. There is absolutely 0 appeal to the concept of sharing my time, money and energy with someone. Never has been. It just looks kind of annoying.
He’s 35, he has emotional damage.
M 29
I felt like 26 was the best age, if my life had been in a better shape I think I could have thrived, I peaked in terms of attractiveness, I felt like a man but still the right amount of boyish, etc.
Based projector
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>Is something wrong with me?
>yet the thought of me pursuing a romance let alone actually having sex feels so alien to me, like I cannot comprehend myself ever doing it.
Bro. This is not normal to be that anxious over it. It's because you have psyched yourself out.
My father figure was my first gay male lover when I was 18, who invited me into his trailer by the lake and taught me hands on how to take cock in the ass like a champ.
I think 19 was the best but it should have been 22 or 23.
>SEA is full of nice girls who prefer western boys. Why can’t an incel get a nice SEA gf?
I thought about it, but ultimately concluded that it's unfair to SEA guys
You have emotional damage from your mom dropping you on the head too many times as a child. That is why you now shitpost on this website.
You can make up for that by having sex with both the women and men in those countries.
>And now my boyfriend.
How much older is he?
>body self destructs if you dont have sex eventually
if ever was a case to off myself at 30 I sure as shit have one now
I thought I posted but I did not.
I'm hetero
Are you mentally special?
My big sisters ex husband.
When I was 8 years old, my dad was diagnosed with liver cancer. And the chemo just tired him out. My 16 year old big sister dated a nice guy of 17 years of age. He patiently helped me with homework and played with dolls with me, and he stayed in my life for a very long time.
When my father died as I was 12 years old. He was kinda like a surrogate big brother. And he stayed around the house so much I kinda started to treat him like he was my dad. I started to tell him about my crushes and boy troubles in my teens. And he listened to me with a smile. I was the maid of honor in my sisters and his wedding. My mother had a way to always bring me and my sister down, and I remember my dad didnt do anything about it, like her style of parenting was to bring us to our lowest. Big sisters hubby had a way to bring a smile to my face.

I was decastated when my sister cheated on him and they divorced. And it was ugly. I am still in frequent contact with mom and sister. But I can never even mention him out loud. He was like a father to me until I was 18. so longer than my bio dad.
I can fix that
Being a virgin for too long is terrible for the brain. It’s really important for a man to have sex and intimacy during age 20-25

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>Being a virgin for too long is terrible for the brain. It’s really important for a man to have sex and intimacy during age 20-25
Has this actually been empirically demonstrated?
I miss being 13; even though it was horrible at the time, I realize now that I will probably never have better friends than I did then, and I had so many opportunities to put myself on the right track that I just couldn't see at the time.
That's a sad story. What do you think about him now? Do you still talk?
About a year and a half
How do you faggots forget to reply to someone?
Should I hook up with my ex?
This was clearly written by a bitter, angry man gradually sliding off the deep end and LARPing as what he thinks a woman sounds like
I mean it broadly. Like going out and being a thing.

What's abnormal about it? If you're saying it's not normal for someone to think it's not enough to really know someone before being okay dating them, that's not what I meant. I flubbed the typing a little since I was on mobile but what I meant was that I didn't feel the best dating someone I didn't really know that well. Not that I can't. I've done it before. I just don't like it for obvious reasons.
Hey, JH. Yes, you absolutely should!
>If he seems "sensitive and sweet", doesn't usually that mean there's something psychologically wrong with him that he is going out of his way to mask?
Not necessarily.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

"Seeming sensitive and sweet" pales in comparison to treating others with kindness. How a man treats those he has no reason to treat well is a better mark of his nature.

L if we're counting purely 2D. I don't bring that shit to irl and don't even like that irl

That's a lot less than I thought I'd get
>hook up with a girl
>she falls in love and plans future with me
What do?

looking forward to 40
They don't click the numbers of the post they reply to.
So if it does happen for me I won't even be able to enjoy it? I kind of doubt that.

I've never heard of that before, after looking it up it does seem like I am since I'm not very social, I don't go out of my way to interact with people either.
What kind of emotional damage?

I admit, I had a lot of self doubt, hatred and fears growing up that I never really sought help or advice for and kept hidden to myself but I feel like there might be something more than that. Side note, I get what your pic is saying but maybe consuming human flesh isn't exactly the right subject matter for it? I mean, not only is that gross, eating human would kill you.
I occasionally pause and hold my finger up while I gather my thoughts, more to focus myself than halt others.
She's meat, it's her fault for not realizing she's just meat.
Don't have sex with your ex.... it will make your life complex.
I am an exceptional individual, yes
That first video was weird

But this one is too real. aaWhat a weird coincidence
I prefer the term defective
I dont know what to think.
I placed alot of value on to him and pressure and responsibilities he didnt have to take, but still did.
I kinda feel like he abandoned me after the divorce, but it was as ugly of a divorce as you can imagine it, my mother started to spread rumours about him so my sister would still seem like a respectable person. My phone, paid for my mother had his number blocked trough some parental control.

I havent seen him in such a long time, and this is what brings me to genuine tears, this lone thought
"Does he remember me?"
>but I feel like there might be something more than that.
Won't know until you make an effort.
>Side note, I get what your pic is saying but maybe consuming human flesh isn't exactly the right subject matter for it? I mean, not only is that gross, eating human would kill you.
It was the most semirelevant pic I had towards the top of the folder, bud.
No need to psychoanalyze it.
>the thought of me pursuing a romance feels so alien to me, like I cannot comprehend myself ever doing it.
What do you mean?
When you think about it how do you feel?
Is it unthinkable because it's unfamiliar, because you can't see how to get there from here, or because everything about it doesn't make sense to you?
Or something else?
Have you ever had sex with the elderly people who live in The Villages?
What are some big clues that a man is a likely sex creep towards women?
I am such a slut for tunes like these.
You underestimate men, we don't forget the women who are special in our lives, ever. He probably wishes he could talk to you
>since I'm not very social, I don't go out of my way to interact with people either.
...neither of these have anything to do with being aromantic.
it just means you see no appeal in romance
>Does he remember me?
he def does. if you put girls in a lineup I could point out the cashier that smiled at me once 5 years ago
Do women forget men who were once special to them? Do we become lost and repressed memories?
I, J, O, U, V
there unfortunately haven’t been direct studies on virgins into later life because it’s really just uncommon. But it is proven that it is significant for brain development for men to have experiences with women in their early 20s. The brain in men continues to grow until about age 25, and during that time, the parts of the brain that process emotional connection are firing actively. The brain needs to have those experiences in order to help develop who you are during this stage of growth.

It’s like if a child is never told “no” by a parent when they are really young, when they become an adult they feel self entitled and can’t handle being told “no”. For men who don’t have sexual experiences during that specific stage of brain development, it can lead to a lot of problems with sex and intimacy later in life. Again studies on this don’t exist, but there are therapists who’ve reported that clients that are 30+ year old and get into their first relationships and have lots of problems (ED, fear of touch, ext)
>Do we become lost and repressed memories?
you're wiped out from the memory storage almost immediatly, it hurts but its just how it is
Well I look at it like this
A relationship is a partnership between two people who offer something to each other, thus what do I have to offer the other person and what do they have to offer me?
Then I look at myself, what I have, who I am and come to the conclusion that I have nothing to offer anyone and thus never try, through to be honest, I don't think I've ever looked at the few people I've interacted with let alone women and thought about them in romantic lights and apparently I never noticed when women were hitting on me or trying to pick me up either.

Another way I look at it is if I'm even in a position to maintain a relationship and most of the time it's a no, I don't have transportation, my own house or even an idea of where to go for dates and stuff let alone mutual interests as my own interests are pretty small and almost non-existent, I don't have a passion either.

The Villages has gotta be one of the scariest places to be as a young man surrounded by a bunch of widowers
unattractive, weird hair or facial hair, dresses like an autist
indian or black
painfully awkward with women, or the opposite, commits major faux pas', labelled as a creep by normal people after a few conversations
My one friend who is a woman nostalgically reminisced on male friends she had sex with, but I think that is because she is autistic and has superhuman recall from her autism superpowers.
What was even the context for the 44 year old? Did he just pay some whore thinking she would bother acting like his gf for the duration? Sex can definitely suck when you can tell the other person doesn't give a shit about you and is just going through the motions.
Kino hearts
Once a woman has decided you aren't it, they gaslight themselves that you were never shit and they never should have cared about you at all, then once a new man is in her life unless you were soulmates, you are nothing to her anymore
Our relationship is over now, but yeah she was haha, she was fucking her ex still like half the time I knew her
I’m 32 years old and just got into my first relationship earlier this year. It’s been difficult for me. I have a hard time with sex and intimacy. I feel extremely uncomfortable with PDA. If we are in public and if my gf tries to kiss me is really really causes me stress and I feel embarrassed. I don’t even feel comfortable when we have sex, it is never as good as I expect it to be, it always leaves me feeling disappointed. And sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep when we share a bed. It doesn’t feel natural to have someone in my bed. I think there is truth to what that one guy said above, because this all feels so unnatural for me.
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I like hip dips and not afraid to say so
oh damn bro you like female anatomy too you're so brave
Oh, is that what they're called? I love them! Thanks for putting a name to them.
I love PDA, I just wish it were more acceptable to offer to sloppily makeout with someone in a public place while horrified onlookers watch.

To this day my fondest memory is sitting on an outside patio at maybe 2 a.m. or so making out with a friend my old classmate had introduced me to only ten minutes prior. We were dancing around a small firepit, I gently grab her hand, and the next thing you know we're sucking each others' tongues and putting on a show for all the other people there while they just stare at us awkwardly. Fun times.
I think he said he paid a hooker or something
>sex sucks if you don’t do it with someone you love
That’s such bs lmao. Sex is fucking fun, I’ve had some of the best sex of my life with my past friend with benefit. If sex sucked so much, nobody would be having hook ups and fuck buddies. Everyone would be waiting for marriage
I like big butts. And I can not lie.
>I just wish it were more acceptable to offer to sloppily makeout with someone in a public place while horrified onlookers watch.
That is so foul and disgusting
>painfully awkward with women, or the opposite
Not awkward at all?
If you had any balls you would have fucked her ex as well. Or at least offered to make it a threesome.
The girl I crushed on the most, finally got with? Wouldn't let me piss on her
Random girl from the bar?
Would let me piss on her
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Ngl, I'm gonna cry so hard when qt anon finally overdoses. I don't want to make a "RIP qt anon 1998-2024" thread.
>But it is proven that it is significant for brain development for men to have experiences with women in their early 20s. The brain in men continues to grow until about age 25, and during that time, the parts of the brain that process emotional connection are firing actively. The brain needs to have those experiences in order to help develop who you are during this stage of growth.
I'd be interested in reading about this if you have any sources on hand
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Asking in a dying thread so may repost in the next one but can women become "convinced" of their attractiveness by their SO? I have a gf who's on the chubbier side and often feels bad about her size. I really wouldn't call her fat/obese, and she carries it incredibly well. She's gained maybe 10-15 pounds since we've been together (~2 years) and it's gone primarily to her hips/boobs and I couldn't be happier. She does have slightly softer/chubbier facial features (she's Southeast Asian btw and was originally ~100lbs at 5'3) but I don't see too much difference. Anyway she semi-frequently complains about being "fat" and doesn't like things like how her thighs are thicker. It's honestly kind of an improvement to me, though. She's always been an easy 9/10 for me physically but is even better. I try to let her know frequently, too, with physical cues and looks. She says I'm being nice or something similar.

Anyway I'm genuine about liking how she looks now and am just worried that her self-esteem might go to shit if she keeps convincing herself I'm just playing nice and not being sincere. If anyone (ladies especially) have similar experiences or can help that would be much appreciated.
I didn't say anything about love. Let me rephrase then, sex sucks if you can tell the other person isn't have fun or isn't into it.
mate its not an age thing. I was sexually active for my early 20s, and sex was and remains to be the most stressful experiences I've had. The only reason why I actually did have it is because I was in a relationship and it seemed unfair to deprive her of it.
I honestly feel more comfortable getting my face pummeled in MMA than sex

but the desire for intimacy is still there somehow
You don't know the joys of asking to aggressively kiss your date and grab her bum cheeks in a crowded restaurant. And then doing so while the bartenders hope they're getting tipped well for this explosive display of carnal lust they never asked for, and the other customers desperately try to hold in their food and liquor without puking at the sight. It's breathtaking. I'd suggest you try it.
this isnt a woman thing, its a low-self-esteem thing
never date self-esteemlets, its not worth it and as time goes on and they age and get uglier they'll only get worse
holy shit 5'3 and 115 is not fat, i hope she gers the help she needs to realize that
Yes exactly. Sex with a FwB is better than in a relationship because there is no shame and you can explore anything. With a gf, you don’t want to go to far and fuck it all up. But with a FwB, who cares?

I told my FwB I wanted to try cum play, and she agreed and it was so fucking fun and hilarious. Once she sucked my cock in my car right when I was about to bring her to work, I came on her face and I didn’t have napkins, so I told her to run it in like facial lotion and she did, and then went to work like that lmao. I would NEVER ever suggest cum play with an actual gf
I had it with pineapple.
I have had them used to season beef (water buffalo) intestines on white rice.
On some real shit I would have LOL. She never told me about it until like a few nights ago. We actually broke up for a different reason but deep down I was hoping I could get her back, but now honestly I think I'm good lol
My dad made some spicy gravy once, the secret ingredient was pepsi
You’re looking for the limbic system and prefrontal cortex. Which matures at age 25, basically that is your personality and emotional skill set.

Idk what you mean with F
When I went with my church group to Romania, for some church youth group activities, we visited a coffee shop.
Why I remember it?
When I went to the counter to order my cup of coffee, the cashier asked if I want it done in water or in Pepsi. Ordinary cup of coffee. It was so weird I still remember it like it was yesterday
Would you take part in a threesome in which the gender balance is 2 of your own gender, one of the other?
Pizza with jellybeans. It was a recipe from /g/
>i was sexually active in early 20s
That discredits everything you just said
No, women only
That’s sounds deranged
I like the idea of fulfilling one of the major fantasies that girls have, but I'm not sure I could actually go through with it.
Where can I get more art like this?
their @ is right there
Is he a man?
Have you ever done a FFF?
M. No
2 of my friends did that once in high school though
A lot of women are insecure about it
Yes, it may be my favorite.
Have you?
It is, I've done it, and my date and I both greatly enjoyed it.
>AC is still broke
>tired of fastfood
>don't want to cook because it will heat up the entire house
got damn it
Why am I growing man titties that suddenly look sharp and perky, like the breasts of the woman who took my virginity when I was a young man?
I think he means aggresively direct
>No, female human, you DO like it when I touch you
I only eat cereal as a dessert, little girl
Witches curse, your penis will start to shrink soon too.

Why does it feel like I sometimes have two assholes, or an extra hole in my asshole towards my taint? I've tried to deep clean when wiping backwards and forwards after a huge shit and ended up finding a secondary compartment in my butthole that feels kind of funny, silly and tickly when I touch it if I go from front to back?
When my ex turned 30, I was desperate to get him a gift, but I was unemployed. I cried because I couldnt afford anything, so I started to arrange for a threesome, and I knew a girl who had a crush on him. I dreaded the whole thing, but I wanted to make his 30s special. I was fully committed to it.
The day before I asked him if he was ok with it.
He said no. Because he felt like if he touched another woman than me, he would be cheating.

So I guess I am ok with FFM.

I would guess you dont exercise much and might be suffering from a diet that is filled with hormones screwing up your testosterone?
>its a surprisingly common condition
>studying to become a nurse and just had a course about this
I could never do that. I don’t even feel comfortable holding my gf’s hand in public after an extended period of time
I'm afraid not. How did it come about for you?
what did girl 2 think when youy told her its not happeneing
Did being anally sodomized change your personality?
I regularly fantasize about FMM, but I would NEVER have a FFM threesome and I think it would damage the relationship if my partner even asked.
What about women? I'm 23 and don't have these experiences
I’m a dominatrix, I have good subs.
M, I have already taken part in numerous threesomes, foursomes, and fivesomes in various gender combinations.
Post your gear right now.
Whoa, based. Are you a professional one as well?
Very disappointed, but understood the situation. She came anyway to visit us and brought cupcakes for his birthday.
>I regularly fantasize about FMM, but I would NEVER have a FFM threesome
If your bf was willing to do a FMM would you do it?
The weight gain and man titties started after I began taking antidepressants for chronic anxiety
Hehe, no. You would have to be a woman and under my whip to see my toys
Did he know it was going to be with her?
State age

Whats your favorite song(s) right now?
I need a wife/gf.
What do I need to do to get one?
Not full time, but yes.
Invisible - Duran Duran
Venom Snake is LITERALLY ME
It depends on the situation. My fantasy is the perfect scenario: My imaginary boyfriend is bi, and obviously he enjoys it. IRL its probably not something I would ever suggest unless I knew the guy would likely be into it.
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estrogen levels rising, may be gynecomastia but consult a medical professional if the problem persists
picrel is how i read that sentence
You can read here>>32008645
But the difference between you and a male is testosterone. That makes a big difference on brain growth. Testosterone screams at men in their early 20s to have sex. That can have a damaging effect over time if that need is not met, especially during the growth years of the brain.
Yes he did.
Idk about favorite but I've really been listening to old Goo Goo Dolls a lot the last few days. Specifically Black Balloon and Broadway hit different as an adult
that's a pretty accurate depiction of me, 30 yo boomer retard and all
To be honest I meant as proof because I'm sure it would get discussed more if we had an actual dominatrix here.
Women. How does it make you feel that at family reunions, your uncles, male nephews, and male cousins are having deranged sexual thoughts about you and some of them may even be at risk of acting on them?
What does being NB entail for you?
youre welcome anon i tried to make you as cool as you sound
it means I wish I were a robot
Soak a tshirt in salted ice water and wear that while you cook.
Hypothetically, if your bf was 100% on board with doing a FMM with you, you wouldn’t have concern about that messing up the relationship but you would think that way about a FFM? Why?

I mean, even if your bf was 100% ok with it. How do you know that it wouldn’t have an affect on you? Such as what if the other guy fucks you so much better than your boyfriend does, makes you cum harder, and you develop feelings for him?
Not seeing myself as having an exclusively male or female energy, kind of going back and forth between feelings of masculine and feminine energy, I guess bigender if you want to choose a subcategory of enby
We’re anons, you’ll have to take my word for it.
How much money do you make from it?
depressing mental image
cake cuck arrives, cake in hand, wearing her sluttiest lingerie, never to be seen
I see. I was kinda curious how you dress/present.
NTA but I identify very much with the Replicants in both Blade Runner movies so that's not far off
Nta, but the difference is that it was your choice to be that way, men don't want to be sexless and loveless. If a man has been rejected for 23 years by females, that is as traumatizing as rape. There is no recovery.
lots of aluminum foil

Wouldnt believe it for a second.
>that is as traumatizing as rape
way to say a sensitive loser
I am not attracted to women, that's the reason I would not want to do FFM. It simply wouldn't be enjoyable to me, and someone who loves me should not suggest doing something he knows would be a turn off to me.
>what if the other guy fucks you so much better than your boyfriend does
lmao, it's cute that you think I'd be the one getting fucked.
I like loose flowy clothes that aren't specifically masculine or feminine coded.
Do you have any suggestions for men who have been struggling with this kind of thing?
can you post an example of what you mean. I dont think gender neutral clothes like that exist. Tshirts are it.
If you’re not getting fucked then what would you even be doing? Makes no sense
I will plap plap plap that latina ass and get you pregnant
Start making those quesadillas for me
>new coworker
>moved 5 hours to different state for this job
>we are engineers making 6 figures
>his gf was a waitress in previous state and moved with him
>she hoping to go back to school and seems very loyal from how he describe
>he starts laughing about how he ready to break up and find some new girls that are making more money so he can be a Stay at home husband

Why do girls choose guys like this? Most girls i know are dating bums that need to be driven places.
My fantasy is that my boyfriend is strapped to a bdsm horse eating my pussy while another man fucks him
>exclusively male or female energy, kind of going back and forth between feelings of masculine and feminine energy
What is energy in this context?
>he starts laughing about how he ready to break up and find some new girls that are making more money so he can be a Stay at home husband
Are you sure that's not a joke?
based. I eat it as a sweet as well.
30. Don't really have one.
>Nta, but the difference is that it was your choice to be that way, men don't want to be sexless and loveless. If a man has been rejected for 23 years by females, that is as traumatizing as rape. There is no recovery.
Kek! I was a virgin until 26 and I wasn't having flashbacks or dissociative episodes.
Oh so I have a little more time?
I don't think I chose to be lonely on purpose
MFM is still gay sex with a witness
There should be only one dick present

The idea of MFF is hot but it would be unfair I think
What's interesting is pornhub statistics consistently show men watch more MMF and women watch more FFM
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>need to shave
>need to shower
>need to take out the trash
>need to finish doing the laundry
>need to eat dinner
>absolutely no motivation to do any of this
is this depression? I'm not sad but I certainly don't feel like leaving my bed.
You may not like the answer desu. As I said in my OP, there are not any actual studies on late in life virgins because it’s just very uncommon. The only data out there is just that from therapists who talk about their clients who are in this situation. Most of them basically just tell their clients to cope with it and “find a gf”.

This is a relationship therapist who did an article on “late bloomer” male clients.

Total Fujo Death
I went to get a tattoo that says "Welcome Aboard" on my penis in military-style stencil font, but I'm worried that I'll ruin the ink by masturbating too soon after I get the tat. Any advice for not fapping so I can let my future Welcome Aboard tattoo heal?
>t. skinjob
About $500 an hour
Who actually has a pornhub account? I don't believe those stats.
Everyone's a little bit homo

You do know what pegging is, I hope
Turn that frown upside down!
You'll be pregnant and I'll treat you right
Do you have those statistics or did you make them up?
Women don’t experience the same negative effects that men do. The girl in this video below is a 37 year old virgin and a successful millionaire.

are you the same anon who said stuff like this earliter
>straight woman has the same standards for threesomes the straight men in these threads have
>you hate her for it
Come on now
Everything on the internet is made up. Even your life story.
fuckj yhue
come on
welcome abord
fucking retarded
welcome A BROAD
we'll cum
>The girl in this video below is a 37 year old virgin
Ha, haha, hahahahaha
Yeah. Current state has hcol.
He was telling us he's looking for a girl who is making money and its been 1.5 years and he's tired of her. He's only still with her because she is paying the rent despite him making 4 times more.
I have always thought of myself as straight. but when I watch porn my tags are quite much "Sensual" - "lesbian" and "Cosplay"
Something about the guys in porn turns me off when I find them exciting irl.
I might just be outlier or something. I dont talk about watching porn with my friends enough to know if I am weird or not
No, last time we spoke was last month
Do you only see female clients?
How old is too old to be out of the game? I never confessed or asked a girl out until few days ago and I'm 25, she rejected me but that goes without saying
yes thats what i meant by earlier, but it was probably another anon who says the same things
Yeah, I’m lesbian I do this for my own please too. I can’t stand sub men
Mid 40s
girls go for guys as old as their grandparents. youre fine
I need a man so fucking bad what the fuck. I need him everyday I want one of those boyfriends where we're just together all the time sitting at home doing nothing I would slit four kids throats for this
Pornhub does them yearly, they're pretty interesting
I wish I was pretty enough to be a sex worker
You are very young baby boy
I'm not as insecure about my age as I am of 25 years of no experience whatsoever thats the biggest issue I think
>I would slit four kids throats for this
no man would date a whore like this
I'm 23 and have no experience. You're fine, the right person will help you figure it out
I meant in an average month.
Do you have a daytime job?
First of all, that's not true
Most of the guys here are saying they'd have sex with two women and just not care what happens between the other two
But quite frankly that description is disgusting
That doesn't make me a whore it makes me a psycho. Get your shit right retard
>I am of 25 years of no experience whatsoever
I wonder what anons mean when they say this. No fingering girls, no kissing, no groping, no bjs etc?
>man not attracted men finds gay sex gross
Wow who would've thought
We're on 4chan. It's very easy to imagine someone who has never touched a person of the opposite sex.
She really is tho. She has been very public about it. She’s said many times publicly that she’s waiting for marriage
I am 25 years old and the last time I hugged a woman was 8 year ago
Besides that I've never touched a woman
How is everyone in the fucking world not single except me.
How do you meet the opposite gender? A lot of peple here lie and say "met through friends"...do all of you have these weird coed friend groups? I dont know ANYONE irl that has these except fucking LGBTQ queer weirdos. Every hetero group friendships are Girls and gays, and all guys. There aint no fucking coed friendships that dont have everyone fucking each other.
It sounds unreal to me.
What the fuck? You must be trolling.
I want attention all the time and I'm constantly scheming for ways to get it. I hate being this way.
Don't do that. You're not in middle school anymore, you're a full grown adult. Keep flirting and asking girls out, it will happen eventually
>37 year old virgin
she's an open mormon and has to say this.
she really prob had a lot of sex
The most far I went was hugging a girl. I never as much kissed, hold hands or even talked romantically (barely even talked with too) with any girl
I was 24 the first time I touched the opposite sex
>What the fuck? You must be trolling.
In fact, I've never initiated a conversation with a woman
I've never asked a woman out
I feel this severely
Such a waste of time.
How else should I show interest in a girl? I just told her I liked her romantically and stated the positive points I saw in her I think that's pretty normal if you want to make a move
It varies, 1500-2500 a month. I’m studying to become a veterinarian
Being a tall girl fucking sucks I wish I was 5'2 like everyone else
What about the girls who asked you out? You can't have experiences if you reject everyone.
What is?
>Yeah, I’m lesbian I do this for my own please too. I can’t stand sub men
Based. Are sub men worse than normie men?
About same but I asked that one out
If you are 5'10 or taller, my condolences
that happens to me when I haven't drank myself into a stupor in a few days
something something brain chemicals, addictive behavior, etc
>In fact, I've never initiated a conversation with a woman
This one I have done but it never works
Go to Africa.
I think your height is lovely
My sister is so short
It feels awkward interacting with her
Everyone i know that is in a relationship IRL met in college or hs.
They are all very long term now. like 3 years+. Hell one of my friends is in a 10 year relationship with his high school sweetheart. It seems like they are just together to avoid being single. Fucking crazy. Idk anyone irl thats openly dating my age (mid 20s).
Honestly, I don’t have to deal with either in any intimate ways so it doesn’t really matter. But I hate seeing it in porn etc
Normie men is better
How tall are you?
To guys.
How common is stuff like. Lets say someone bullied a guy in highschool, and you are the bullied guys friend and defended them. And would never forgive the bully?
Like being vindictive for life?
I think I will discuss my gaming hobby with likeminded invididuals
>Coomers fucking everywhere
I think I will discuss my reading hobby with likeminded invididuals
>Female coomers fucking everywhere
Thoughts on the coomer menace?
Same same same. They all look at me with pity when I tell them how shitty dating is. I don't want to seem desperate but I've asked if they know any guys and they always say no
>What about the girls who asked you out?
Far and few between
And even if I did take them up on it, what would we even do?
I've never been on a date, so I don't know where to take them out
how to act on the date
What to do on the date
It's like playing a game and you start at the last boss and you never even played the tutorial
What games and books do you like?
Depriving yourself of that great joy for so many years.
Would you date someone outside of your religion?
People are horny and want to fuck
Lol lmao even NTA but I'm on the same boat as him and girls don't start talking with me either
What's your body shape, more milf-ish or nah? Do female clients want you to wear stereotypical dominatrix outfits or just look sexy? Boots?
I don't think about high school ever
Are you the femanon from a few days ago who called herself lanky?
If you have a problem with your boyfriend being sweet and sensitive, just drop him and go back to a toxic ex or whatever. Someone else more deserving of him will come along.
Not particularly. Most people will only be like with people who wrong them personally because humans are selfish, or extreme acts that go beyond bullying
Ie my cousins berated, beat, etc their own mom until she killed herself, then one day my sister just invites herself and one of my cousins in, who I immediately kicked out
Not true. There’s a hot 6 foot woman on my school’s women’s basketball team. Her dorm was right next to mine last year.
Is there a female equivalent of sexual insecurity? By that I mean men value sex inherently for a lot of reasons, whether grimy and self-centered (for the most part), or in rare cases, surprisingly deep. And I don't think women are prone to this nearly as much (not to say they can't be) but that more common forms of insecurity in them have to exist somewhere that don't in men.
What are you asking. I don't think bullying is as real anymore as it used to be in high school movies. There isnt any "gimme your lunch money" type of kids. The "bullying" i saw in my school is people just not hanging out with some kid because he was quiet or strange to them. I would just hang out with those kids and bring them into the group.
The idea of a class bully for men isnt really a thing anymore. It prob is more common in girl groups.
I'm playing BG3 (all discussion is just on the sex and romance) and reading project nemesis
What religion and why?
Its genunely impressive how stupid and outright insulting some questions are
I just started to read Michael Chrictons Jurassic Park books. Because I am that special kind of autist who plays the Isle and Path of Titans. And thinks its a good time.
Who doesnt love dinosaurs?
I didn't say she can't be attractive, but at that height you heightmogg most men which gives most women the ick
Baldur's Gate 3 is a story based game that has romance and sex options. It's basically a visual novel. Go play Divinity Original Sin 2 if you want the same game without that stuff.
As someone who studies literature, I'm sorry to say this, but there are no female coomers. They don't exist.
>I've asked if they know any guys and they always say no
Lol all my friends are like this too.
"im so lucky to find my gf, otherwise idk anyone else!".
"how did you meet"
"Oh we were childhood friends"

almost every time. I also hate the pity thing because I am better off single than most of them in their "convenience relationships". I know most of them are not with their "soulmates" and are just terrified of being single again.
I was still reeling from the bullying I suffered through primary school when I was in my early twenties. I got social anxiety from what they did to me, and my bullying was never physical.
This only happened to me once. She was fat but I wasn’t very confident on rejecting her so we were technically dating. The most we ever did was sit together occasionally. She moved away the next year.
I cant figure out what you're asking
atheist and because religious people are annoying, and I wouldn't want to be married to someone if I can't respect their intelligence
you have basic bitch taste in both games and books I am sorry to say
Femanons, how many dates before you'd ask someone to be exclusive with you?
are you a girl or guy
what kind of bullying did you have.
As a guy I dont think ive ever been bullied nor seen it. kids got in fights but not really bullying
I already did and Div 2 is just... BG3 but the combat is worse lol. Same physics, same exploration, same quest system, same elemental interactions, same "choose your avatar" system, same casual sex (you can fuck the skeleton in your very first interaction), etc etc

Hope they're better than the movies post 1

>As someone who studied being punched in the face, I've never been punched in the face, so fists don't exist
Look at Ao3, Booktok, etc, its nothing but thirst
yes but I am very strange in that I YEARN to befriend/date women of different religions because I am fascinated with theology
I'm glad tall bitches are suffering. The female ego makes them believe that they are entitled to taller guys just because they are tall also. They lack any self-awareness. It's the same with career bitches: "so what if I'm 35, childless and wrinkly? I deserve a millionaire man wahhhh"
6/7 I guess? I don't know
What's your advanced taste lol? Some meme /v/ shit like >My knee is okay and some typical /int/ shit like Atlas Grugged? Ie first results on google for "books that make me look le smart"?
Why is this even a question?
If we go on a first date and some other girl is in your DMs afterwards, and I find out about it later, I am ending it. I am not talking to anyone when I agree to a date.
so you're antitheist, not atheist.

no one talked about the sex or romance options when the game came out, so I didn't know they had any. I think the internet wasn't as coomer friendly back then though. Twitch was still a gaming website back then for instance
>Look at Ao3, Booktok, etc, its nothing but thirst
Online, maybe. But I've yet to meet them in my classes. Nearly everyone is already in a relationship.
Hourglass, not stereotypical milf dom. I’m goth so it’s a lot of dresses and skirts, imagined a big tiddy mommy gf in black. Not so much leather or latex. I don’t take requests for clothing except boots, stockings and underwear. It’s mostly about how they want to be treated and toys. Their no-no’s and limits
WTF blackpilled again.
It's a question because not everyone dates one person at a time. Some date multiple until someone clicks, and then they secure it by "becoming official".
The coomer menace is an online thing, irl people aren't so openly pervy or are but don't leave their room.
The weird thing is when people point a phone and record at themselves, they instantly forget shame is a thing
Perhaps abstinence allowed her to become a multi millionaire who followed her passion. Maybe if she jumped on the cock carousel when she was in uni, maybe she would have never made it to where she is today
LITERALLY EVERYTIME. So they have zero good advice for me either. They all still fight like children too.
But what pisses me off the most is when they act like they're better than me because they have an SO. When all they had was luck

I sometimes try to make myself feel better because I had to actually develop a personality outside of a relationship and aren't settling but they honestly seem so much happier. I'm willing to settle at this point
It's not like there's a better way to ask it. Or anyplace better to ask it. I'm obviously not going to know anything about the female experience, and I've never seen sexual insecurity control or affect women's characters majorly. Which only stands to reason. But there must be a sort of inverse that don't affect men nearly as much either.

>I cant figure out what you're asking
Anon from earlier was bringing up how men who bloom late into sexuality have changes to brain patterns and behaviors that affect them for the rest of their lives. Testosterone making all that difference by force makes a lot of sense, since the issue doesn't affect women as pervasively. But I was wondering if estrogen had similar effects on women that don't really exist in men.
Yeah that's fair. People are pretty uninhibited online.
Hosting DND groups, male fave races tend to be

Female fave races tend to be
>Tiefling (but only the pretty ones)
Thoughts on this?
>Not so much leather or latex
Thought so, it's men that like that stuff, I don't think women really get it.
Do you mentally write a script for each client or just do what comes to you? I'm not saying this to be offensive but because I grew up impoverished, how did you grow into the mentality of being able to charge hundreds of dollars for an hour of work?

I'll take a warlock tortle for that retarded AC, ty
>Some date multiple until someone clicks
NTA but what? I never heard of this. So you fuck bitch 1 then go on a date with bitch 2 and fuck her then go on second date with bitch 1 etc... Is that what people are doing in dating today.
Explains why all women are "taken" and most guys are single. Chad is just dating mutiple girls at once all along...
>But there must be a sort of inverse that don't affect men nearly as much either.
why? do you think evolution tries to balance things like that? there's a race of fish where the males drag the females to a rape cave, beat them to near death, rape them closer to death and then their children eat their way out. nature doesn't give a fuck
who gives a fuck
Guy. People would constantly remind me that they didn't like me and that I had no friends. Like once we were sat at lunch and someone said "raise your hand if you're not Anon's friend" and they went around the table raising their hands one by one. That kind of thing.
In dnd I played a human fighter (champion I think was the specialty?) who was a sword and board tank and I loved it
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No, it really isn't. If you're interested in a girl, flirt with her. If she's receptive, ask her out. You show interest by your actions
>I'm willing to settle at this point
I am not.
I rather be alone than be in some of the relationships they are in.
I mean BF/GF of 10 years sounds horrendous
NTA nobody was talking about sex.
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>sci fi geek throws a bitch fit over young adult fiction reader
I'm only assuming it because the fact women tend to care more about certain things in certain ways that men don't probably comes from somewhere and amounts to something.
Sci-fi, kek.
I'm just lonely and wish I had a book friend
If she loses her virginity tomorrow and starts having a ton of sex would it even matter? What would the difference be between that and if she had started having sex younger? If she becomes sexually active tomorrow why would her past of no sex matter? It’s the past
Thats so true... like get married at that point. I don't know why they are waiting so long but I guess it's exactly what you said, which is that they're comfortable or maybe they feel too invested
Well, some people have sex sooner or later than others while dating (normally it's like date 2-3-4), but essentially yeah, it works like that. Shit, I'm doing it right now.
oh. ok.
if true, fucked up.

The story in question is weird. Centered around 3 guys in a small town. One huge and strong. One Small, fashionable and kind, and one middle sized, a cunt trough and trough, my cousin.
All sons of cops, and ostracized in a small community. Big one always defended the small one. middle sized one tried to bully both of them to get popular with the rest of the kids, but got beaten up several times by the big one.
Which then became a crisis in the police community here, the cop kids werent an unified front, and the middle ones dad was the chief. So the big one got into huge fucking trouble. Like being grounded for months so his dad could keep his job.

The big guy now owns all three mechanic shops within 100 miles. (rural area) and they wont serve the middle ones, the bully guys dad, so he cant get his car insured, and cant drive beyond 60 miles due to medical issues.

And the big guy. he is gleeful about it. Because legally nothing can be done about it.
So my cousin had to fly himself all the way from Austria back to our home country to drive the 65 miles required to get the car insured. The big guy said in facebook
"That is about 2000$ for getting me grounded when I was 17, see you next year to keep the insurance stamp"
>we need annual stamp from a mechanic to keep the vehicle road legal

So. My family is now getting bullied.
I'm a non fiction reader, so I will never be your friend.
I read some nonfiction
I wasn't talking about sex specifically, but it's part of dating, so...
Name 3 nonfiction books you read this year or last.
I'm reading How to Win Friends and Influence People right now :)
I never ask. Either it happens intuitively, or he makes it clear we're exclusive. Usually after about a month or two of dating

I read anything not tagged romance personally
Do you count philsophy as non-fiction? If so, we'll be good friends.
>I wasn't talking about sex specifically
Yes you did by saying "fucking".
Yea why
State your gender:
What's your fetish?
Journal of Nicholas Cresswell: 1774-1777

The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story

I guess that's it for the last 2 years...
Yeah, I think that's the best course of action. It's better if it happens organically.
No script, but sometimes roleplay. They don’t come to me with a lot of demands you know. They want to be taken care of, turn off their brain and enjoy the pleasure.
I grew into it because I was really fascinated and drawn to it sexually. I did
It for free at first and turns out I’m really good at it, so now I charge for it
I asked her out to watch a movie at my home we watched it and when we're done I said all that stuff to her, what the hell was I supposed to do? Jump on her like an animal during the movie? Besides she is my friend and I care and respect her
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Sorry bro I can't hear your crying over how fucked I am on biftas and coke in the sesh rn, come join I'll give you a bump and eccies and you can select the choons
>don't want to make a "RIP qt anon 1998-2024" thread.
That would be fucking mint g, make it now, manifest this shit
Me (>>32009060) I'm >>32009006.
damn wtf
what did you even do? just different?
Was just curious, always interesting to so recurring characters!
Fuck off.
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Bitch boy you better be baiting.
Wish I had your confidence lol. Thoughts on Nina Hartley?
Wah, why mean?
I'm the guy who said your height wouldn't be a problem for me since I'm rather tall too. :(
The last girl I liked was almost the double of my size (I'm 170cm and she was 190cm)
I don't get it
I have superb taste
What is biftas

and what is coke like
Real talk though I want to get sober and stop partying I'm just really fucking depressed. I don't see a way out of my situation that's why I do this shit. Please live better than I have anon. Xxx
Ignore the penguin classic pseuds, I bet you are great in a conversation
step sisters
that's nowhere near double you retard
How tall are you?
It's called figure of speech retard
>double of my size (I'm 170cm and she was 190cm)
You mean weight...?
I like classic general lit too I just like classic scifi more
Bifta is just a cannabis cigarette
Coke is fantastic lel though I am ADHD so after the initial buzz I just really want a nap lel
That story is just weird. Big guy is also a bully it seems. whatever you said is not common or a male thing. its just a personal character thing.
I remember i told some guys i was friends with to cut it out when they made jokes that werent appropriate.
I am not really vindicative of people who havent wronged me.
Coincidentally, 190cm like this >>32009094 guy.
Why didn't it work out?
Yes, but I only read Chinese philosophy at the moment. I'm familiar with Western, but anything past the 1600s is just worthless yapping by idiots trying to reinvent the wheel to prove how smart they were.

What stood out to you from the journal?
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Can these be used for sex in couch mode?
>living room always has roommates bumming
>have space for couch in my bedroom but not a permanent spot
That too I guess she was muscular and I'm skinny turns out she was lesbian
Nta but you are the retarded one, nobody says that.
Just realized I've been drinking out of a dirty glass I'm going to throw up men why would you do this
Nothing, basically. I transferred in the middle of Year 1 and I had undiagnosed ADHD I guess. It's sad remembering it now, because I actively asked my mum not to follow me into school because I was brave enough to do it by myself, damn it. And then ofc after going through that primary school I was terrified every time I went to the counter of WHSmiths to buy something.
Your taste is bad and you should feel bad
MY taste is superb
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I'm a man with a smaller waist, bigger ass and legs and longer, curlier and prettier hair than almost all women I know and bigger shoulders and arms and a better hairline than almost all men I know. Kneel to me for I have defeated both sexes in their physical strengths.
Lmao why it would I'm a worthless loser (she was lesbian)
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wow thanks
you said tall woman and now i have an erection
thans wow
need t obeat my meat now
thanks wow
You didn't ask her out, you asked her to hang out at your place. And flirting doesn't mean jumping on her like an animal. If this is how you think you should approach relationships then you are doomed to failure
no wonder no one's relationship works out today. youre all cheating from the beginning.
You are very rare
No thoughts she’s like 40 years older than me or something
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Everyone else in the sesh is going to sleep and there are drugs on the table and I actually want to fucking overdose lol anyone else want to join me rn <3
i hate no one else in this thread has advised us on this matter...
>Nina Hartley?
Lily Cade is superior
I mog, 193cm here
What are your filtering questions?
>Dogs or cats?
You get a lot of info from how they answer that
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>What stood out to you from the journal?
It was amazing in every way. This guy was the son of a british farmer who came to the US to see if he wanted to settle here, and he was kind of like Holden Caulfield - naive, a little stuck up, and thought everyone around him was a problem, consistently made retarded decisions that he blamed other people for. He made lots of observations about things that are wild to me, like seeing a slave killed and quartered and seeing a corpse floating in the water. He is later taken prisoner by the rebel army but escapes. These are some of the more hilarious excerpts I sent to my friend while I was reading it.
>what color is your child?
Bad! Bad QT!
*uses spray bottle*
I want to lay on a beach and let the tide take me away
>Seen any good movies in the last couple of years?
Would I be tall enough so you don't feel to tall?
whats the correct answer
Do you want kids?
It's not cheating, because nobody expressed a desire to be exclusive.
I guess a lot of people here are single too
I don't like shitting on my friends with high school sweethearts because if I had one I don't think i'd let him go either but no one fucking liked me in high school so. Whatever
i mean one bitch said 6-7 dates to be exclusive.
Holy fucking shit
that means shes riding the cock carousel while youre thinking she's only thinking about you. is this really how modern dating is? I rather you be exclusive day one and date someone new every week than fuck 5 guys at once for 6-7 dates.
Do you use social media
You're assuming a lot about someone who answered a question on 4chan.
do normies really not a hard time socializing? how the fuck is ANY of this convoluted fucking shit worth the effort?
wats the cowwect answer
Oh well i dated in college and let her go because I realized it wasnt going to end in marriage long term. The funniest thing is all my friends who are in long term relationships havent even thought about proposing. im sure their gf's were thinking about it from day 1
Alright then, time to go to sleep and get up in 5 hours for another long shift in my pathetic, empty, lonely life
I'm sorry anon I'm just so done. It's been 26 years of this shit and it's all just complete despair.
>that means shes riding the cock carousel while youre thinking she's only thinking about you
That is just your delusional incel assumption.
All of it is entirely learned. It takes efforts from everyone.
And yes, it's worth it: new connections, friendships, relationships, better interactions with colleges and fellow students. You gain a lot of positivity in your life.
"no" or if yes you better have a good reason
wait why
I've nevr had sex or dated bro i don't know. I'm just assuming that by date 6 we know if we like each other right?
I am not riding any carousels of any sort
Being good hearted. Can never really tell when you first meet someone, but with enough interaction, it aint hard to notice.
Having something you care about (and me knowing about it obv) is often a forest green flag.
Girls have the best smiles and laughs. It makes me want to be the reason for them smiling and laughing even more. But forced smiles are -_-. And never smiling at all is a bummer.
An outfit/look/scent that took effort/care to put on is pretty irresistible, sometimes horny-wise.
A sense of humour is also pretty attractive.
Banter/being playful is fun and attractive.
Being open.
Having confidence (in yourself) is huuuuge.
>im sure their gf's were thinking about it from day Women aren't as marriage obsessed as men think
Idk anything about dating. Ive never been on a date. I do know most people have sex within the 3rd date.

this nigga >>32009053 confirmed people are just fucking around before settling with one of the many people they are dating. like bro imagine you end up getting married to this girl and between the first date and the wedding you fucked 5 different chicks and she fucked 6 other guys. that shit cant be good for people.
I'm not letting you cheat on the test baby
idk, you tell us?
I don't use any
>That too I guess she was muscular and I'm skinny
Must've been fun while it lasted
It's funny because both are me.
>Banter/being playful is fun and attractive.
>Being open.
>Having confidence (in yourself) is huuuuge
NAG but I almost puked just reading this. I don't mind this too much in girls but guys like this fucking irritate me and are usually insufferable to talk to. Like just fuck off mate you're not as cool as you think you are.
One of the couples I know saw her (future) boyfriend on the street when they were in ike 4th grade and said "Im gonna marry that boy
And now they've been dating for 8 years and no ring
Second couple I know has been dating for 7 years and only mention marriage because their parents are pushing them for it
Both of these couples started dating in junior year of high school
>I am not riding any carousels of any sort
Date 6 to be exclusive?! almost all women are sucking cock by date 2 if not 1. and sex on date 3
How about natali demore?
Sorry you're getting this treatment just for answering my question -_-'
M. Mutual free use
You passed <3
well nigga u just said youre fucking multiple bitches at once rn lmao!
I know a guy, 194cm who would be all over you. He doesnt date girls under 180. Says he has a type.
I just said I don't date or have sex... I don't know how this stuff works. But i am defintley not sucking cock by date 2 thats insane
I think I was being too naive when I answered it so thats my bad
stopped reading
Why do you assume a woman having multiple sexual partners is a bad thing?
Don't you take my Tiktok away for animal videos and cooking & traveling ideas....
I am of course a man.
You can have your tiktok but I won't be around for it
I am! What about it?
"Mutual" free use? How does that work?
Because it is. Actually sluts of both sexes are trash
In response to >>32007809, I simp <3 for you >>32007793. Feel like you only dislike her cuz she stands out with the name/pictures, which is an ass reason imo unless u can give a good one (yes i realize this is a very late response)

That being said, I thought >>32007762 was a little funny and gave a small chuckle *shrug
Oh, sorry. I saw some girl say they were tall and clicked down the responses.
My bad Anon.
And what's your reasoning? Why is that bad? Because if everyone is STD-free and respectful, I have LITERALLY zero reasons to give a fuck about someone's past.
I could fuck her whenever I wanted, and she could do the same.
Am m, but yeah, they do in many cases. You're only allowed to show "controlled" vulnerability. Never let it "all" out
Anyone else feel like things would be easier if they were truly ugly? Unfortunately being average/mid means that you're expected to put in effort :/
No problem!

But if I wanted to send you new videos of Mishmish or yetigorl??
What do you mean by this? I have never had this experience
Promiscuity increases future divorce risk
Oh my bad, I was thinking of public use instead of free use
So? Lay out your reasoning properly. Don't be lazy
I'm trying to cold water torture myself but this shit ain't working >:(
Are you asking why I think divorce is bad?
WTF stop ERPing abu ghuraib without me.
Seen as the only sources on the matter are from The Institute of Family Studies (a right-wing think-tank with a pretty clear agenda) with no academic study to back it up, I call bullshit.
chappell is pretty great, but the novelty's worn off so nothing else rn until i find something else
So that means my assumption is correct....
i just said i rather a girl fuck a new guy every week than fuck 5 guys while she's going on dates with me because she doesnt think we're exclusive yet till the 6th date
>i am defintley not sucking cock by date 2 thats insane
thats what every girl says, then they go full sex on first date because hormones

every girl prob dreamed of marrying this perfect guy, but then gets fucked by a bum who's fingers smell like wendys and doesnt know how to wipe properly yet.
I know this because i am friends with those bums
My nuts itch and by nuts I mean my pussy
Yes, I wish I was ugly. Being good looking is honestly a curse. People treat me great IRL but they also expect me to have a gf or at least experience. It's like I'm living a lie. When I tried to get an autism diagnosis from a therapist and psych they literally told me that I looked too normal. All my friendships and dates are really superficial, really I just hate everyone and wish I was rich so I could fuck off somewhere chilled.
>I have LITERALLY zero reasons to give a fuck about someone's past.
this is cope for having a bad past yourself
With such a beautiful mental image of women, you must be pretty popular with them, right little man?
>Because if everyone is STD-free and respectful
Most people lie and are not respectful or decent human beings.
Go on some normienet like reddit and search their fucking dating subreddits. its disaster after disaster.
Yea I feel like I would have more clarity
4 partners total at 24. Not in the higher-tier.
I get some women trying to cozy up to me but i push them away immediately because I know my friends/coworkers tapped that already.
State age
How was your day?
4 partners and 4 bodycount? (eitherway its yikes because it means you dont know how to choose a good partner)
More clarity?
24. Woke up early, did some laundry, went to classes (always read in the bus), came back, finished a skirmish in AOE2 and now I'm here. So pretty chill in retrospect.
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>I'll let you suck one of my toes for 30% of your company
How many of you moids would take the deal?
horrible. i didnt get good sleep and now i didnt get an extension on my assignment for graduate school so not gonna get good sleep tonight either...
Every other study is from the Journal of Marriage and Family. Come on, at least try a bit. It's a circlejerk in there.
shes objectively ugly af but whenever i watch this show i have a primal urge to fuck her brains out
tf did sub men ever do to deserve the hate
>inb4 complain about being hated
Both. The first three I dated for about 3-4 months each before ending it (for various reasons). The fourth one is the woman I'm seeing right now. I'm absolutely head over heels and I'm wifing her up garantee.
I have no clue what her company is and if I can immediately sell those 30% for cash money.
>Because it is. Actually sluts of both sexes are trash
Let me clarify that I'm not referring to people that've pursued promiscuity as a coping mechanism for CSA or other trauma
i filter people by just conversing with em. How they respond overall is what gives me info. There's no one specific question ill always ask.
I was ugly. Puberty made me mid/above average.
It's so much better than being ugly because when youre ugly people hate you for no reason.
less people glazing her up
I wouldn't be constantly wondering if people like me
>never will have real kids with you and your partner
So you're saying it's not promiscuity that is inherently bad, it's the reasons why it's pursued? Why excuse promiscuity in one case and not in another?
It's a peer reviewed scientific journal?
I don't understand you zoomers...

Why are you wondering that now?
just stop caring if they like you or not.
Some people will hate you for literally no reason at all.
Be a good person, do your best in your work, listen even if you dislike someone, etc. even if people dislike you, more people will respect you if you do these things
I wouldn't even take that deal with a girl I deem a 10, let alone a hag like that
>not as cool as you think you are
lool, you def got issues dont you
Sub men probably like being hated unironically
nta but who cares. its obvious.
you dont need a peer reviewed journal to learn cock carousel leads to unhappy marriages.
Yes. Why? Does that stump you? Have you never thought about your own opinions before?

I am also asking why being part of a group which is, on average, more likely to divorce makes you trash.
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Actual day was great on paper, mentally it was shit though and I want to die, so sm up at 2am doing drugs
Not really that’s like saying sub women like being hated
I feel like all the people nervious about sex need to read people's actual experiences with it to loosen up.

Pearl of wisdom the first, completely ignore everything you've seen, heard and thought about in porn, sex doesn't work that way
Women, what does it feel like to have your boobs just dangling off your chest if you're not wearing a bra?
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I didn't do anything except masturbate to incredibly niche Chinese roleplay porn and argue with people on Reddit and talk to my mate who I talk to every day (that part was good).
Women what do you hate about penises?
Liberating. The first possible second I get home from work, the bra comes off and I let the breasts jiggle as they please. Most of my bras are uncomfy.
>just need to loosen up
Holy fuck this actually irritates me so much when people say this. Genuinely just fuck off
I stayed inside out of shame because while on a walk yesterday I was shouting about how I wanted to kill myself because of how much I hate myself and a cop approached me about noise complaint and wrote my name and date of birth
I keep delaying dating because I feel I am not good enough despite prob being better than most guys.
I am strong and fit, but there are so many guys in the gym much bigger than me
I make good money but so many guys are richer than me
I am kind and a good person, but so many guys i meet are like this too.
I am only 5'10 so not tall enough for prob 50% of girls
Ive had some girls show interest but i often feel its pointless because they will just realize there are better options.
Are you sort of small? I've never heard this from titcows.
>I let the breasts jiggle as they please
>Ive had some girls show interest but i often feel its pointless because they will just realize there are better options
This just means you would do this.
It's the typical mentality of insecure people.
any red haired 3D artists who are at least 5ft 8 online?
Yes, and my fantasy is to part of a harem. Is that okay?
You sound like a whiny bitch but I'm literally in the same boat, a girl expressed direct interest in me but I didn't pursue her because I felt like she would realize I kinda suck.
Yes. But I‘m not sure whether just one partner is enough for me.
I only want one now.
>Why are you wondering that now?
Because no one likes me
Yes, actually. That was really specific. You need free work done, right? I'll get "exposure", right?
Can we have no hornyposts for once for a change? This is boring. Every question is sexual.
i wouldnt do it. I dont really have much standards for girls other than don't be overweight desu.
i admit i am somewhat insecure because i was always kind of a floater and discarded.
Good, dangling sounds weird though. More like soft and bouncy
Computer geek, you're back or never left?
That more women doesn’t have them, they are wasted on guys
No, this thread just becomes /GIOYC/ without it.
>nta but who cares. its obvious.
you dont need a peer reviewed journal to learn cock carousel leads to unhappy marriages.
I did.
I'm not really a "trust my gut" type of person.
>Yes. Why? Does that stump you? Have you never thought about your own opinions before?
Children raised in broken homes are more likely to suffer from poor mental health, and engage in a variety of delinquent or even antisocial behaviors.
>I am also asking why being part of a group which is, on average, more likely to divorce makes you trash.
It isn't simply existing as a part of a group, promiscuity is a choice in this case.
>Why excuse promiscuity in one case and not in another?
Because in this case it's a symptom of a medical problem that someone else inflicted upon them, not a free choice.
Yes, but I‘m not a girl. Did you forget to specify that or have you widened your search radius?
I'm honestly kinda interested. It's only a little sexual.
Do women rate guy coworkers of their age or discuss them amongst each other like we do about them?
men bad amirite fellow femanons
>More like soft and bouncy
Well, you'd end up being my wife and we'd indulge together in a creative project. Think of it as rev share.

I'm making an RPG and will be putting devlogs on YouTube
>That more women doesn’t have them
Are we counting autogynephilic transsexuals?
darnit, I forgot to specify.
I am looking for a female who has red hair, is atleast 5ft 8, and is a 3D artist.

I pop in from time to time.
What type of game is it? What sets it apart in a crowded market?
Just because it's a question about boobs doesn't mean it's a hornypost, that's about the same as asking guys how their balls feel in their pants
Rarely ever are we so good friends to ever discuss that stuff in a coworker setting.
I have had one friend in a job, ever, who I could jokingly discuss that with. And none of of our male coworkers were single. But we did a tier list of a sorts, wondered if the guys ever thought of us that way. And then promptly decided that discussing pizza toppings was more fun
>I pop in from time to time.
So is your work just stalled while you look for an artist? Is your youtube channel up?
pre good

>incredibly niche Chinese roleplay porn
what porn sounds hot

"See that Dungeon?
NPCs actually lived there before."

"See that Mace?
It was made by an NPC 2000 years ago."
Amen xister
You're a boring creep.
That's a boring question. Ask something more interesting.
Men, how do your dick and balls feel between your legs?
i just know i wasnt even remembered to be included in the tier list...
its so joever
Women, if you had clits on your boobs, and a nipple on your vagina, would it be any different?
No, there's plenty of code to work on.
My YouTube channel is up, and I'm prepping what the first week of content is going to be.
No, only transwomen
>I'm prepping what the first week of content is going to be
LMAO this nigga been sayin this the last time i was on these threads and i feel like htat was fucking 2 years ago
What, for asking a question about the female anatomy? As a man? Ok, then...
Right now, they're pretty comfy and relaxed
also my videos will be high production. I have the wall behind me entirely painted green. I want this vibe from my videos:

Putting a shirt on would be more agony than it already is.
Women which fingers are better: The index and middle? or the middle and ring finger?
Dude, you can't even put together a youtube channel properly. What the fuck makes you think you'll get a video game off the ground?
Why does it feel like nothing when a guy touches my vulva or clit even when I'm really horny
The dick isn't really a problem, most of the time you don't notice it. It's the balls that are more of an issue. They move around a lot depending on the kind of underwear you wear and it's really easy to sit on them or pinch them.
you don't know what I've been through.
I've been in the desert and I'm emerging right now.
Woman are female adult humans. Males cannot be women by definition.
Our discussion was
"So us and our coworkers are the last people on earth, who would you have? - *nudge- nudge - wink - wink*"
If you hear a conversation from that premise never take it seriously. We're kidding. Its like the guys "mindgame" of where to put sniper nests when you look around your neighbourhood in case of a zombie apocalypse
Hags deserve love too </3
i believe in you anon. Fuck the naysayers.
Oh... I really should have thought of that. Thanks, anon.
I've been swimming in shadows and walking in the desert.
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When will men stop playing video games? How are you not utterly embarrassed to sit there in your room, alone, with your little RGB lights, playing video games all day. It's probably the most childish hobby there is. You look stupid doing it and it is an incredibly unattractive trait in a partner.
thank you.
God Bless.

But also God bless the naysayers. Because Jesus said to love your enemies.
I've also lived in an affluent part of the Middle East. You're not special.
I only play when I'm single since I know it's an ick
I wouldn't want to imagine breastfeeding
No I don't think so
ac is broken, so it's more sweaty that usual
What the hell? I play video games with my girlfriend and we both enjoy it. Not every guy that plays video games is the stereotypical throw controller at the screen Halo dudebro.
Is the reason men try to pit female stereotypes against each other as a colonialist divide and conquer thing? So that women don't form a united front against male oppressiveness?
women would you hate your bf if he wanted cowgirl and lotus 90% of the time?
what happens if a girl/you touches it?
no woman is going to 'ick' on me because of my love for simulations.

I'm simply too handsome for that to occur.
and your hobbies are?
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How are your first crushes/gf/bfs doing now?

Just looked up my first gf from kindergarten i remember thinking i was gonna marry her and that she was the prettiest girl ever. (i changed schools in 1st grade). she got bogged really hard and is not attractive at all anymore.
Shes also an RN
Eating mozzarella cheese sticks I've thrown in my air fryer, then eating the melty cheese goo with chopsticks while I draw faces on each of my toes and give them all names.
Ask your surgeon
Girls don't touch it
It also find of feels like nothing
Do women find it more erotic for their nipples to be sucked or for their neck to be kissed?
She wants nothing to do with me and she and her friends went no contact with me.
I agree but every girl i go on a date with only plays videogames and watches anime.
Those are the hobbies of everyone under 30 now.

I hate it. I hope to catch a late millennial gf that isnt this "gamer girl" and is actually an adult
He's gay. Even in elementary school people made fun of me and him saying he was gay
tf u do lmao
I feel so empty for something but I don't know what it is or how to fill this need
Have you figured out how to get yourself in other ways then? If so then it doesn't really matter
Why do you assume that an interest in video games is childish? Honest question.
I was delulu and thought she and I were in a long distance relationship. I had to learn the hard way that we weren't and I had an emotional breakdown over social media.

She's now an illustrator who does a lot of work that's published in the books of a major fantasy author I was into as a teenager. Learning that rubbed salt in the wound a little but it was my fault for being on some erotomania shit.
tfw I'm a female game enjoyer but can't meet a guy who likes games like I do because I live in redneck land and the only game these people play is Madden
I used to only use my clit but now it's all penetration. Granted I have not been penetrated by a man yet but I hope I'll like it
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That's even worse. Honestly, the grossest thing I've seen are the His & Hers couple's gaming setups. The funniest thing is that the guy will always have the better gear lmao. Abhorrent
You should tell drawanon make a portrait of this divine scene
I will never have this. It hurts. I want to die.
Lol was it Viria?
Have you been rubbing it so hard that it became unsensitive? Sorta happens with dick ala grip-dick
Sex tip

Guys, when she's close don't stop thrusting
Girls, when he's cumming, don't stop grinding
What types of games do you play?
idk who that is
I'll buy my red haired wife an amazing gaming set up. With 3D art equipment as well. I love her a lot.
It’s because it’s hot when two women are at odds with each other. Makes me want them to kiss.
I don't think so? I only masturbate like once a month
I like how you assumed it was PC. Another stereotype.
I don't remember her name
NAG but unless you’re a power bottom you are making her do too much of the work
>every girl i go on a date with only plays videogames and watches anime
I have confronted some about it. They do it to fit in. They rarely enjoy anime, for example. Or at least not to the extent they make it seem. The only game I can believe girls genuinely enjoy is The Sims. But that's basically just virtual dolls, so it makes sense.
Wasnt raise with vid games so I couldnt get much into it other than minecraft. If I get a girl who games, man I'd love to do have this with her.

Issue is most people dont like playing with noobs, rip (man, i havent heard that word in years)
Afaik he had a divorce and moved back to the small town where we're from. Literally lost everything.
A cruel fate for a nice guy
Women, I have a League of Legends account that's silver 1 with an 85% win rate and plat mmr. I can also bench press 250 lbs for reps and am 6'4". Which is more impressive?
I hope my coworker dies in a horrible train crash
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indie games on PC
man, how long did it take you to get off with just clit stimulation? And how long with "piv" now?
I didn't grow up with any video games at home but I did always play the Gauntlet: Dark Legacy arcade cabinet at a fast food restaurant in my town when I was a kid and loved it so much that many years later I went and bought a PS2 and a PS2 version of the game so I could nostalgically play it and reminisce.
Will you eat her out while she's playing Beat Saber?
nta F but I like Zelda action adventure type stuff. And The Sims.
But it‘s fun.
Women do you hate seeing men have fun?
I have a co-worker who's legally registered as a pedophile, another male co-worker who abuses his privileges as a senior member of our employee union to demand sexual favors from female new hires, an old woman co-worker who makes loud, gross comments on young men's bodies, and a woman in middle management who outright said around the water cooler that she thinks people with ADHD should be sent to forced labor camps.

Whenever someone quits, they'll always give the name of at least one of these four people as a reason for saying a'ight, I'ma head out.
heh, i was always a little envious of the kid who'd come over and play pokemon on his gameboy. Bought a 3ds in college, but it's not as fun, especially w/o other people. Was fun to hack it though with online instructions.
I guess it depends on how horny. If it doesn't happen after 5-10 minutes I usually give up and the dildo takes a little longer but it feels better
whats your school top stacy and chad doing now?
My top stacy chick dating a bunch of black guys and now is a lesbian
My top chad guy was working at dunkin donuts last i saw him. I felt bad for him and he couldnt look me in the eye
I'm not going to answer such a lewd question
I hope your coworkers die in a horrible train crash
Neat. Have you played Dicey Dungeon?
Out of these I‘ve only played Pentiment. Even though it may look like it, I don‘t think it fully classifies as Indie though, given that it was made by Obsidian who were - at the time it was made - already owned by Microsoft. It was fun though.
They're all traveling europe or something
I don't even know who the Top Stacies and Top Chads from my school were.
Stacy is a single mom
Chad is dead
Last I ran into her, she and a female friend of hers I also went to school with were openly talking in detail about how they would stalk, abduct, and rape a male TV star from a show they were both really into if they ever got the chance
You say that, but you’d love to hang out with me. You would be endlessly entertained.
Stacy died in a car accident. Chad is meth head.
No. I take it you recommend?
I'm not a huge stickler, I just don't like big budget AAA games usually
Chad is probably working a regular job. He wasn‘t particularly clever, so he struggled in school, but he wasn‘t a complete failure either. His family was very wealthy though, so I‘m sure he‘s doing fine. Stacy never dated Chad though (and actually rejected him), she was dating even Chadder guys she met outside of school. She is divorced and has two sons. I still see her from time to time.
>I live in redneck land and the only game these people play is Madden
Even the zoomers?
clowns are entertaining
We didn't have the jock and fashion girl prepster archetypes like you're talking about. At my school, which was kind of an arts and performance magnet school, the biggest bullies were the out of shape anime geeks and the sports kids were outcasts and outliers who wouldn't have fit in among the jocks at a regular school because of their severe ADHD.

The most popular kid at school was a gay goth. So that gives you an idea of what the social scene at the school was like.
Clowns are also noble and respectable. Like me. :)
>Last I ran into her, she and a female friend of hers I also went to school with were openly talking in detail about how they would stalk, abduct, and rape a male TV star from a show they were both really into if they ever got the chance
So... What was their plan?
I'm in my late 30s so I'm not trying to date zoomers. I probably would have more in common with them though!
I do. It's roguelike Yahtzee.
Yeah, least you got that. Maybe remember to tell a guy who wants to go down on you that you prob won't cum to it and say he can eat you out for a few minutes to warm you up but you'll prefer his dick soon.
I‘m not a big fan of most AAA titles either. Not on principle but they don‘t tend to appeal to me in terms of gameplay.
nta but the zoomers are all into WWE games around me.
it is nearing halloween time.
I want a sweet tasty candycorn goth girl on my lap for the Autumn season.
Why do parents teach their sons to be good men and not to rape or sex harass other people, but almost no parents make a point to teach their daughters not to behave like sex pests and sex preds?
She got married, lived off the guy for a while, divorced him, tried and failed at being a lesbian, now she’s living with some guy in the woods.
What does that even mean?
When you came into this thread, did you notice an OP at the top that said "Dead Incel Storage"?
Women, what game are you playing while he's fucking you with his mouth?
Yeah, that's how I feel. Most of them try to copy whatever flavor of the month formula that worked before. I love novelty, so I'm always looking for something that's not like anything I ever played before.
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Opinions on this?
a goth girl who perhaps smells like candycorn
Lol should I give my lesbian tumblr mutual my address so she can send me a postcard... wtf
I got a job to support my ex who had agoraphobia, because I knew he would never have a job or money of his own
Former is true for me. Wouldn't know about the latter cuz nag
Yeah. All men care about is getting pussy.
I need a boyfriend by winter. What do I do
Hierarchy of Love.

We don't Love God as much as he loves us.
Women don't love us as much as we love them.

Just gotta accept it until all things are restored.
Pick an /atoga/ anon
Is that so you will have a beard to prove to your parents that you're not a lesbian?
Im right here waiting for you bb
Who wants me
I am not a lesbian I jsut want to lose my virginity and go sledding with a boy
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Women, do you grow any facial hair?
wya wya
save yourself till marriage, sweetheart.
Tell us about you.
How do we evolve women into having the ability to love and provide for a man
do men know how gross it is when they use endearments for strangers
Right here </3
She cheated on me, and is now a multi-millionaire with a badass job
Snow land
No one is going to marry me
I like to sled
Be pacific
Apparently not. Gives me the same vibes as calling her a dame or toots.
State gender, dirty sex or vanilla sex, which is better?
anon I don't even call strangers by their name
but you let a stranger plump and dump you.

Yes, even a 2 year relationship is a pump and dump.

No amount of food eat dates will make that any different.

If there is not a contract signed ( marriage ), then it is a plump and dump.
It's equally gross when diner waitresses and female nurses do it to be "affectionate", but they're allowed to get away with it even though it's just as uncomfortable and creepy to any normal person.
Do you want to build a snowman?
Anon, you are just being silly here
Dirty Vanilla
>I knew he would never have a job or money of his own
why would you date someone like this
it just reeks of ick and im not even a girl
a guy with no job or something to do to provide isnt a man
When does the end of Me become the start of (You)?
I see. When it comes to video games, I‘m actually a bit boring in terms of my interests. In the past I used to play flight simulators a lot but setting up all the periphery can be a bit of a pain in the ass, so I haven‘t done that in a while. My other - and probably main - passion are CRPGs. A reasonable share of that market tends to be indie or indie adjacent, with mid-size budgets. I mostly got into Pentiment due to being made by Obsidian and of course the setting, since games that strive towards a modicum of historical accuracy tend to be a bit of a rarity and I quite like that Renaissance / Early Modern period aesthetically.
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Moles in my atoga?
I've never experienced either
I'm dead fucking serious. I can be a good girlfriend
Imo you're only allowed to do this if you're from the South.
>i define my masculinity by my pride in my slavery
>No one is going to marry me
Don't be a downer
M 25
just actually listened to the entirety Teenage Dirtbag for the first time today and it ruined my entire day.
Then tell us something other than you like to sled and you live in a Mario world. Do you like reading? What animals do you like?
Just like plantation owners in the antebellum American south. They defined their masculinity by owning Afro-American slaves. So much that they went to war to defend this peculiar institution.
Why is that idiot's nose so big??
>Be pacific
I am
... I'm so old...
You know for sure they're not a guy?
He's Jewish.
I'm being realistic
Are any of you actually going to come here and date me
>inspecting the cat posters moles
For health reasons.
Do you have twinkle toes?
It wasn’t his turn with the brain cell, so he got stung by a bee.
>I'm not trying to date zoomers
Please? I'm turning 28 in a few weeks!
Lol it's a good song
Yea shes a major radfem lesbo unless its a guy larping really hard for 4 years but I doubt anyone is that committed to this character
Yes, I feel like Im being played with
Why do women like shitty men. i get you dont want an ugly nice guy but its so much better to just be single than date a shitty guy.
>I'm being realistic
nta but that's pessimism, not realism.
>My top stacy chick dating a bunch of black guys and now is a lesbian
I've noticed this pipeline
Are autistic people cursed and bewitched children born under a blood moon, causing them to behave as raging demons might if unleashed from Hell upon Earth?
Do black guy's violent tendencies turn girls into lesbians?
You mean bedazzled Skechers google mentioned or am I missing something?
I'm just really smart. Sorry you are far
plbbbrrrtttttt thats me farting
In the times of the romans and greeks they would've called us "touched by the gods"
I always wondered why so few lesbiennes were converted by being forcibly held down and raped by Sapphic women, the way that most male homosexualists are a product of having received bloody, violent forcible buggery from school bullies, sports teammates, teachers, and priests.
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>I'm just really smart. Sorry you are far
Its okay
A lot of women are single over lengthy periods of time and often never marry because the guys that are available to them are considered not good enough. While women occasionally date shitty guys for some time (if they appear not-shitty upon meeting them), those relationships rarely last.
women how often do you need sex to be happy?
Did you ever see that movie with the chick that plays Arya Stark, where she's a troublemaker at school because she is a bastard child born of rape and it's loosely implied that the tramp who raped her mother and produced her is literally Satan?
Nice try anon but I’m not posting mine.
>Yea shes a major radfem lesbo unless its a guy larping really hard for 4 years but I doubt anyone is that committed to this character
Protip, never underestimate the lengths a guy will go for a fetish.
>why would you date someone like this
because I loved him and I am indifferent to gender norms. also what >>32009681 said
I like historically accurate settings also. Same reason I loved Kingdom Come Deliverance. I wish there were more games as immersive as that.
I would be content dating an asexual person if every other aspect of the relationship was good and there was physical intimacy in the form of cuddling
East coast?
Will this work against vampires the same way that a crucifix will?
Those aren't as common. A woman isn't going to try to dominate another woman because they fight dirty.
Found it. I felt like it was a great gothic-thriller metaphor for the demonic way in which neurotypical normies see autism.

>A lot of women are single over lengthy periods of time
maybe after 30.
dont know a single girl under 30 that is single ever. maybe for a day. usually its like a baton pass for one bf to the other.
Women, how can I make a woman cheat on her bf with me?
I’m better than her bf in pretty much any way. I wanted to be with her a while ago and she ‘got scared’ when I told her I’m looking for something serious.
Now she’s in a serious relationship with a guy that is no longer my friend.
I want to take revenge
I was thinking it's more about black men being more feminine.
Didn't lasted long
Is it silver? The shape doesn't really matter.
It makes them twice as powerful
M 25,
I held hands with a girl once in middle school and I've hugged female friends but I didn't have feelings for them. That's literally it.
You know what this is a decent pitch. I might give it a watch later this week.
Women, how close do you have to be to a guy to let him feel your boobs?
Don't do that
A little further than thant
INB4 34H femanon doesn't answer because you guys were rude to her last thread
Closer than arm’s length
if i watch enough lesbian pussy eating videos, will i get good at it?
>Don't do that
>Kingdom Come Deliverance
Yes; I‘m looking forward to the second part.
Depends on my mood.
>Yea shes a major radfem lesbo
You should rizz her, she sounds neat
I fucked up, Im a clowne
i suppose it can help a little yes
Wait, what happened?
Women's sapphicity is inborn
Theres an anon that recommended a pretty decent pussy eating instructional video. I forget who the pornstar was but I hope that anon is itt so he can help you out.
Why do you have no experience? No interest or motivation to pursue a relationship? Or are you just scared?
Well played...
I think we’re in basically the same area.
Sonic (one of the most popular porn searches for women btw), the Sims/second life type shit (dressup/life sim), Zelda (pretty boy), mmorpgs (social, dressup) and rpgs (pretty boys again) are all known to be popular with women.

You could say the same for watching tv
Posting online like you were doing when you posted this
Any hobby in excess unless you somehow turn it into a paid activity

Younger people in general are desperate for validation which is both why they're so quick to agree with things and also why they're so quick to put people down, but that doesn't mean there aren't women who just like games, even outside of the more typical fair (just like how many men like games but don't play CoD and Fifa).
Other guys issue is expecting people under late 20's to be sufficently beat down by life to be too apathetic to put that much effort into fitting in and also retardedly saying people "aren't an adult" if they like hobbies he doesn't.
treat others how you would like to be treated.
Its not though. You could touch boobs specifically at arms length. Or use your feet. If a woman is on a couch at the bottom while you rest your head at the top, you could easily reach her with your legs and not hands.
Someone tell me why I thought that was a JAV actress and not Britney Spears. Am I cooked?
I think Actuaranon recommended Nina Hartley's video
wtf even is dirty sex. Like pissing?
Britney Spears is not a real person
>Zelda (pretty boy)
He's only really been that with the Switch stuff.
So I have been in my position for 2 years. My coworkers all know I am single. I never told them i went on a date because i havent. I suspect they know I am a virgin.
I get the pity "you got to do xyz if you want a gf" talks from guys all the time. I just say I am not looking rn and they look at me like im gay or some shit.

Should I just start lying and say "i went on a date" when they ask me what i did this past weekend. One on my coworkers mentioned this once and they never asked for proof or anything. im thinking i should say this just so they stop thinking im gay
M. Ballbusting. I've never actually been hit particularly hard there and I don't think I would actually enjoy participating, but the idea is really hot.
yea I'd pee on my wife.
>JAV actress
I wish they had white moids in JAV, then it'd be perfect.
Hell no, it possibly peaked with Twilight Princess.
Thats the right video but the wrong anon. The one that recommended it initially was a moid but its good to know it has Actuaranon's seal of approval.
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He's a pretty boy twink or shota in every game except TP (the one game where he's super humanly strong with minimum gear)
Roleplaying and dominating
>I loved Kingdom Come Deliverance
I couldn't get past the lack of PoC :/
how old are you anon.
im wondering if this is a genz thing
State Gender
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Forgotted pic
Armpits and Omorashi
women be like "body count doesnt matter" but also embarrassed by how high their number is

why do women think we dont see through their bullshit.
It's okay
Come over
>Zelda (pretty boy)
Are you implying this is the only reason women play Zelda games? Why do guys play them?
I like seeing women in distress
Mostly scared. But i do go on dates! they just don't work out
He has nice hands
Is that the remaster? Ewww...
very true
male hair and beards
Because most women aren't self aware enough to realize it's bullshit
Where should i go to court a woman in 2024-2025 that isnt online dating or a bar/club.
I do think these people will get married eventually
my fetish is having a red haired woman who is at least 5ft 8, is a 3D artist, and loves me so much that she is also very into my mission in life. A real partner in life.
Whoops I just shaved, sorry.
Who would figures a ultra virgin 25 yo is doomed to failure, tell me something new nextime I tried my best shot inventing her over to my place and it didn't worked I'm pathetic and can't get over it I'll probably never ask someone else out again
When Koizumi first designed link, he gave him a huge Mario nose. His wife asked him why Nintendo always makes ugly characters. So Koizumi literally redesigned link to appeal to women
No, its just one of the bigger reasons. Link isn't a sex icon in the way Sonic is
t. orgy fetishist
I really hate women. They're awful.
Sex is by nature conquest. A man with a high body count has conquered a lot. A woman with a high body count has been sacked a lot.
State age
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
M 28
have not lost it.
25 and I didn't
You're late tsunderkun
>You're fine, the right person will help you figure it out
dont listen to this. I was 25 3 years ago thinking this. guess what. the right person never comes along. You have to be aggressive and demand phone numbers. you will get rejected but you will get them too. you might never meet the "right" person, but jesus the mistakes i was making when i started dating were laughable. get experience.
23 and 19
25, 3 if non-con counts
*a real slave in life. You always talk about her devoting herself to fulfilling your dreams, you never talk about you helping her fulfill her own dreams.
Do handjobs count?
>Link isn't a sex icon in the way Sonic is
You mean Knuckles or Shadow. Possibly Tails for some.
m, eating pussy, bondage in some capacity, cuddle fucking (vanilla i guess), carrying her in some capacity, girl-smell, smaller boobs
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Like these?
Not mine jannies pls no warn/ban, just an example
You need to drink more water.
shaving and otherwise grooming yourself is fine. Its not like I like men to look unkempt
we'll have enough resources to help her with her dreams as well. I love her.
I got into a depression spiral and was useless and unproductive all day sitting at my desk trying not to let others notice that I was crying.
I hope everyone enjoys this

(you) >>32009848
Do you want to hurt us?
going to be 28 soon. havent lost it. never been on a date. I just cant talk to people one on one. its much harder wth women because I have almost nothing in common with women. With guys i have causal guy knowledge to bs about like football, gym, boxing, world events, stocks, etc.
Women get super dry on any most topics i can talk about and it starts getting awkward
>all this board can constitute is sex
First for having a real life with friends and hobbies
>mostly hairless genes (not head)
Read >>32009847 I'm too pathetic to talk with womans I only even invited her cause she was the one who started talking with me out of the blue i would never approached her by myself but we talked about movies we liked I showed one horror movie I like and she said she wanted to watch but was afraid to watch alone I thought it was my big chance but didn't worked out
The end of that video gave me fucking whiplash. It was a screen recording of another youtube video the whole time?
Awful video quality, how dare you link this.
Gaychad here, these are the acitivites I partake in with a surplus of single women who probably don't actually want anyone creepy enough to join them just to try to come on to people
>Needlwork club
>Running club
>Book club
I’m on vacation living temporarily with my parents
Distracted myself with yt, went to the gym, got a debt back and I’m awake at 4AM after I had a dream with her
IRL she’s with someone else and we don’t talk anymore, she was with someone else in my dream too. I didn’t need this, feels like shit
how can i do the "knee thing" while kissing while sitting?
>Gaychad here, these are the acitivites I partake in with a surplus of single women who probably don't actually want anyone creepy enough to join them just to try to come on to people
Why are you betraying the secrets of your fag hags?
u just got to keep doing it. also dont ask for sex on a first date...
Men, have you ever pretended to be gay to get closer to a woman?
If you’re joining clubs just to meet women you’re gonna get kicked out in no time, life is not an Adam Sandler movie unfortunately
No, the second most popular is actually Silver when it comes to existence as an object of lust, because he's kind of gay, a twink, submissive, but also super powerful with psychic powers that may aswell be magic; he's an ideal self-insert for fujos.
Shadow being given canonical tentacles and a form that looks like a giant black sperm barely made a dent in the gap between him, Silver and Sonic.
No, that's retarded
I didn't asked for sex, we just watched the movie and I told her how I felt about her AFTER the movie
none of those are interesting to me except book club but women are reading smut, not books i read
State age
are you still with the person you lost your virginity to?
>You could say the same for watching tv
This is the same as playing games. Equally gross. Someone being a cinephile is different thought. It can be autistically cringe, but it can also be just the right amount of snobby. The same cannot be said about video games. Playing video games will always be seen as childish, and women will look down on you.
I guess if you're reading girl smut or booktok recommendations? Even then, it's hard to imagine someone being turned off by reading. The only place where people complain about booktok is on /lit/ and other niche book forums. Generally, reading is considered a good thing. Normies will absolutely never get the ick from you for reading.
>Posting online like you were doing when you posted this
I have no idea whose hobby is posting online, but I agree?
>Any hobby in excess unless you somehow turn it into a paid activity
You're misrepresenting what video games are. Playing games is fundamentally different from, say, painting. These two hobbies are not comparable. Painting is creative. Video games are not. It's a passive form of entertainment to pass the time. It offers no lasting value. It's slop. You get nothing at the end of it. And many books are slop too, but they still require you to sit there and read them. The average person is too distracted to even do this. So, to the average normie, reading any kind of book is a good thing and an achievement of some sorts. (This is sad btw.) Again, the only real comparison for video games is watching TV.
Running and climbing aren't interesting to you? That's whack.
I haven't played a Sonic game for years. Who is Silver?
No, but I've pretended to be gay so girls would stop bothering me
No, only ever had fwbs and they never lasted long.
She used to look wasian a bit
>how I felt about her AFTER the movie
what did u say
what did she say
women, have you ever pretended to be lesbian to get closer to a man?
Men, how would you want a girl to convey that she wants to have sex while in bed besides stating as much?
Bf is not taking my hints and I am lost
Actually we're currently reading the animorphs series

Why not? Also in my experience that's not really true, but the girls can clearly tell who's doing that and just give them the silent treatment until they get bored and leave
Less so with the climbing/running girls who are usually more outgoing
Still 30, hasn't changed
No, she ditched me a few months later, but also didn't let me move on. She would randomly text me that she missed me, or send pics of her in lingerie and asked if it looked nice.
Women, would you ever send only one response a day to a guy (and even miss a day) if you were actually interested in him? Also consider that her responses are all at least a paragraph. I don’t know of anyone who texts this slowly so it’s making me wonder if she actually gives a shit.
You ask your imaginary or real bf for a video or pic cause you're horny for him, what should he send?
touch pp
ugh I'm imagining that right now.
so she comes over and tries to be a 'bro' she lets farts loose, she brups as well. Ugh.
>Men, have you ever pretended to be gay to get closer to a woman?
Heyy, fabulous femanons!! I gotta ask, are your boobs as jiggly as they look, gurl?
yeah, running is for prey
I’m so glad that I am the youngest and least mentally deranged person on this board
No, I've pretended to be one to get away from men.
Nut video with the sound on and moans/whimpering
This didn’t apply to my ‘friend’
I suffered and felt like shit for weeks because of him
Why should he be happy with someone I loved?
you would never do this if you knew how handsome I am.
>we're currently reading the animorphs series
"we are reading a childrens series as adults"
like i said, women and i dont read the same things...
I like reading but I feel like women who like to read do not want a guy who also reads
They sure are! Give 'em a smack!!
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Sonic autist here
Silver debuted in Sonic 2006, serving as a deliberate reference to future Trunks. He's a hedgehog from the future that always is coming back to avert some catastrophe. He has telekinesis powers and similar chaos powers to Sonic and Shadow. He's often paired with Blaze the Cat, but has also worked with Espio and Vector of Team Chaotix.
Men don’t partake in feminine hobbies because that’s already a red flag and the women know it lol
nibble and kisses at his neck/ear, get yourself a little wet first then take his hand and put it down your underwear, could put your hand down his pants instead (but it means you have to do him first)
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>Actually we're currently reading the animorphs series

Wake me when the REAL book club starts.
let me just add, I easily talk with gays no problem. gays have personalities. most women do not.
Grab his cock and look him in the eyes while you rub it through his pants.
well thats not what i asked
Bitch, you're on 4chan. You must have some sort of deficiency.
Pride is a sin.
>has also worked with Espio and Vector
wait what
You get a 10 second vid of him giggling while playing with his semi-erect penis.
Why do so many autists like Sonic? DBZ I can sort of understand, power scaling and ranking and all that, but I don't get the Sonic thing at all.
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Silver worked together with Espio in Sonic Rivals 2, and with Vector in Team Sonic Racing.
Would it be bad if in the vid he's watching a video of you in his video? Would the recursiveness be a funny thing you guys do or dumb?
Have you been with anyone else since?
How many?
25, haven't
>reading is considered a good thing
??? when did this go from what you dislike to what 'normies' 'generally' dislike? Are you an NPC who only likes what society approves of and hates wht it does not? Why does it matter if /lit/ likes or dislikes booktok? Are you /lit/?

A confusing character. He's a hedgehog who is simutaniously from the future and another dimension depending on what retcon they decide to follow at a given time, who was playable and got a super form in 06
He's a wussy little bitch who gets pushed around by everyone with a really weak voice and a personality that's half depression and half happy go lucky retard
He can move entire skyscrapers with his mind (and his mind is faster than Sonic running), fly and carry the entire Sonic cast doing so faster than Tails, teleport and travel through time. Originally this was 'balanced' by him being slower on foot, but then they just... forgot that, so he's just Sonic ++++++
He's literally only popular with fujos, with one in particular, Evan Stanley I think, currently working on the nominally canon IDW comics, in which Silver is even more retardedly broken because of favoritism
So I’ve tried jerking him off and all but he will sit there and scroll on his phone or play whatever game he’s playing. Once in a blue moon he gets the memo but usually just ignores his hard cock in my hand and I get bored with the lack of response. Gotta try the shove his hand down my panties but I’m also too much of a pussy to do that. Thank you for the advice tho
>Have you been with anyone else since?
I know I am not handsome.
I am not ugly but I am mid.
Without a beard im prob ugly. I am in good shape and have a good body but my face is just not handsome

I dont want a golddigger girl. should i just give up? any other non-handsome men here have advice?
sounds like cable
Sonic has the exact same thing going on regarding power scaling, and autists exist in all fandoms. However, while insane fags in other fandoms like Pokemon or FNAF or whatever are taken as the exception, Sonicfags are already perceived as autists to begin with.

Fuck you I like him
>entire board went from arguing about leftists to becoming /r9k tier overnight
Why can’t incels just stay on their hobby boards fuck off its so embarrassing having to read this shit
>but he will sit there and scroll on his phone or play whatever game he’s playing
he's already bored of you.
how do I ask a girl to date me and be my girlfriend?
yeah id only recommend doing him first if you knew he was the type of guy who knows how to give, or idk isn't dumb?

I wonder how gay guys do it
you just go ask.
no amount of jester maxxing is going to change the answer. So just ask.
You’re a namefag so you’re the worst one here
M or F
How do you tell whether a bubbly coworker likes you or not?
You don’t they’re supposed to come upto you
Well, furries, y'know?
this place was always like r9k. more worse actually. I think this is because the women here purposely lie despite it being an anon board because they get off on incels calling them based.
>"I just wanted you to know I really like you and not just as friend I think you're a amazing person very smart and cool you don't need to answer me right away I just wanted to let your know"
>"sorry but I can't respond to your feelings cause I don't like boys, I had a guess for your feelings about me but we can stay as friend if you want I also think you're a amazing person and I want to be friends with you"
he doesn't love you...
Animorphs is good though.
What's the chance this guy plays videogames, literal toys for children?
>Nooo don't spend your time having fun with friends
>Only read edgy things for ADULTS like me, I need to show you how smart I am by aping the opinions of others
Do straights really
He is not going to get better than me. He has no intentions of leaving me, I just think he’s gotten too comfortable in the relationship and sex is no longer a priority.
What do you mean by doing him? I just want him to fuck me and he’s not going to do that if I jerk him to completion before
You can’t even go outside without being ridiculed watch your tounge incel you are beneath me
No, but I do sometimes wish that I had been gay so that I could have been closer to my female friends.
if youre a guy and the coworker is female, shes just being nice

if youre a girl and the coworker is male, he has imagined fucking you in 100 different ways and stares at your tits and ass often

ah, and don't ask her to be your gf. Just ask for the date. She will bring up wanting to be gf. Just have fun on dates and don't worry about putting a label.

Here's what happens if you push the 'be my gf' thing on her;

she will feel like she is between a rock and a hard place because she is still getting to know you and she may like you but she is not sure of being serious with you.

you cannot fail if you just let her bring it up. And it won't be blatant, since women are subtle.
And you can’t go outside or online without getting mocked
I’d ask her out if I get a chance to talk with her more than 5min and the conversation is good
Odds is she doesn't. If you like her, you try your best to get a good rapport with her, some fun singular experiences like making her laugh or you both do some 1-1 bonding. Point is to make yourself stand out in her memory, since she's bubbly with everyone. Make her feel special. Go to a party/bar/out for drinks and after a warm up, go for the kiss
bro...this isnt a rejection...shes a lesbian...
See you’d think that but he says how much he loves me all the time and wants to spend all his time with me and never sees his friends because of how much time we spend together. As I said to another user I think he’s just too comfortable in the relationship and sex isn’t a priority in his eyes
Hating men isn't a substitute for a personality
As a bubbly guy this isn't true at all, I'm quieter around the girls I'm attractive to, I'm bubbly around everyone else because I don't really care
>Are you /lit/?
Yes? Reading is my hobby. In society at large, reading is considered a good thing. Most people don't care what exactly it is that you read. Motivational self-help books, vampire-werewolf porn, or philosophy. Outside of a few snobs, it doesn't matter, and it will always be seen as a positive trait in a partner.
Also, you seem unhinged. It’s a fact that women don’t find playing video games an attractive hobby. There are studies.
What difference does it make its still a rejection I didn't know about her sexuality until then
That’s what’s make it better than /r9k if you can handle it fuck off back where you came from lol
No you don’t have a girlfriend you are not literally me
There were honestly no signs?
>all that matters in life is pussy!
Maybe men and women are more similar in mentality than I realized.
>Reading is your hobby
>Can't comprehend from reading that it was "are you /lit/ (as in, are you the combined conciousness of /lit/, and not an indidual with your own thoughts)"
Sad bro gonna go to sleep this made me sad man
hope you get over your npc behavior in the future bro and learn to think for yourself
sad man :(
I don’t men I just incels which are the farthest from men one could imagine I wish there was a virus that could wipe out all leftover men in one fell swoop
well you messed up. Best way to salvage this is to say this:

"Well, I'm not interested in being your friend, you're too cute for that. Message me when you change your mind. Goodbye."

and for next time, here is how you 'admit your feelings' for a girl:

-Take her on a date. Not a movie date. There's no talking when going to a movie. It is a waste. Only go to movies with a gf and you actually want to see the movie.
-Have fun and have chemistry.
-Go for the kiss. That's how you admit your feelings.
Yeah exactly, that's why I don't recommend it. It only works for people who know about balancing giving and taking. You know how many people out there would just let their mom do all their chores and not do anything back? A lot, both genders.
I dont play videogames. i played compettive smash melee from 16-17. and nintendo DS games from 9-12.
You’re a namefag which means you need attention from anonymous retards on 4chan which makes you more pathetic than anyone in the thread
I’m lost I’m sorry
because if you ask out a straight girl she prob wouldve said yes...
its ok, just ignore then
Weak men will never get pussy they should be castrated and made to dance in public humiliation rituals before sacrifice
Make out a little then wrap your leg around him.
I've always felt disgusted by this. I absolutely cannot stand how desperate so many people are. Men and women. They lie and manipulate. And join clubs and start hobbies they're not interested in. And they make "friends".
I find it disturbing that people are okay with this. But it happens all the time.
I've been invited to groups, only to later find out it was because someone had a crush on me. It felt gross.
nta Lesbian but I will not go out with a guy who doesn't know I like girls because I don't want to lead him on.
You wouldn’t dare say that with a trip on trips are a sign of strength and courage you are a hive brain bug incel like everyone else a few hundred years ago you would’ve been hunted and killed for sport
Oh how I have tried. We will kiss for a bit but then he goes back to what he’s doing.
if this is real I'm going to kill myself
I assume she doesn't because I assume nobody likes me. Also I don't really care because talking to women in the workplace is too dangerous. The most likely outcome are rejection and/or HR complaint so why bother.
>you wouldn't dare be a hypocrite
Lol, lmao
>are you the combined conciousness of /lit/, and not an indidual with your own thoughts
I speak for all of /lit/ when I say that booktok is slop.
I hope you get over your vidya addiction, man. Women don't find it hot.
Did you have fun in the group though?
Wait until you find out that ‘friends’ try to manipulate and control you while they talk about you behind your back
The moids dont want to hear it but confessions only work in your anime's. IRL they're just off putting
None that I know but I might be dense as a rock since one mutual friends of ours (who knews she was lesbian) told me after that she dress up as one and looks like one but idk I think she's just pretty.
The thing is I would never as much as approached her if she didn't started talking with me the talk was about movies and I saw one opportunity but I would never start talking with a girl by myself or ask one on a date.
Curse my tastes in woman I guess since everyone says she's a tomboy and "looks like a lesbian" even thought I just see her as a pretty girl
It was my fault for misunderstanding the situation she explicitly said "if its a friendly invite with no malice sure" when I asked her on the movie but I thought she just wanted us to know each other better at the time
How tall are you? How much money do you make?
I'm a male , and I posted the post you're responding to.

I'm saying this to let women here know that you are in the presence of a guy who knows how to obtain you.
Can confirm.
nta in my experience, only women do this. Men are straight shooters.
>I'm saying this to let women here know that you are in the presence of a guy who knows how to obtain you.
How many people? Were they better or worse than the first time?
I gave you the advice.

you messed up by

1. taking her to a movie. No room to play or talk.
2. Sending a confession.

Take my advice exactly as I typed it in this post and you will do well in this realm of romance:
Why are you so interested in my sex life
>"if its a friendly invite with no malice sure"
Who says something like this? Like, she was expecting malice on a movie date? Sounds like you dodged a bullet anyway.
for some girls the word "likeable" might be better than "cute", as it, it's too easy to fall for you (in a crush way, not love)
rn barely over 100k...but ill prob make much more when I job hop next year. Im only staying because they paid for my degree and its very close to where I live. once my year is up im sure ill be around 150k-200k.
Women are obsessed with me.
>Did you have fun in the group though?
In terms of fun, I have neutral feelings. I didn't find it particularly fun. I am comfortable with being alone. This isn't normal, I know.
People are nasty. I don't know why. Maybe they're insecure.
Men will literally sit in the friendzone for years, hoping for a crumb of pussy. Both genders are equally bad.
>men are straight shooters
the ‘men’ today will chose a hard on over a friendship
I had it happen, I got pissed, wanted to talk in person but he never wanted to
they’re pussies, most of them
t. man
Okay andrew
23 and yes still with her
It was a pretty out of the blue invite on my part since we didn't ever talked before that, we knew each other cause of our jobs but I never approached her
Low T response because your mentally stunted cannot come up with vastly superior arguments like mine can it’s like arguing with children kill yourself if you’re older than 25 and don’t have a job or gf
Because it's interesting, I like to hear about peoples experiences
What is it like to have a girl love you back?
what is it like when a girl actually says yes?
Whats it like when a girl wants to be with you, by your side? whats it like when a girl wants to touch you and be near you and lay down with you? whats it like when a girl wants to be in your embrace?
Post IQ right now
Women, how long are your nipples when hard?
>Go for the kiss
I'm NEVER initiating anything ever again, the worst she can say is NOT no
this is true for genz men but the genz girls are also the problem here
"yeah i fucked my brothers girl, cuz ima savage" - logan paul.
this is what genz "men" look up to
Either he's gay or he doesn't give a shit about you. Have you confronted him about this? Because that's not normal, and it's not really acceptable in a relationship. In any case, it's probably time to break up unless you can get him to acknowledge it's a problem and do something about it.

Side note, how the fuck do losers like that get a gf but I get jack shit?
>Men will literally sit in the friendzone for years, hoping for a crumb of pussy
Lmao wtf do people actually do this
I'm not Tsundere-kun btw just thought it'd be funny
Idk bro, but I want to know as well
I can't be in a room with a woman for extended period of time or else she will be attracted.
Unironically wish I had some plate armor
I have an IQ of 141 but I don’t have to use my brain for this fucking board especially not on you people haha
>How many?
good luck anon
>Men will literally sit in the friendzone for years, hoping for a crumb of pussy.
Wtf, life is not an anime.
Post it then.
Hope you feel better anon
Because you are a low T failed male and your sole purpose is to reinforce my world views
Cause I have low self esteem and that particular girl is actually nice to me, even if she just sees me as a friend and that’s it
Wait, do you truly think this doesn't happen? Is it your first day on Earth?
It's over.
>What's your fetish?
Lesbians cuckolding guys
He isn’t gay and he voices and shows how much he cares and loves me other than sex on the daily. Ive brought up the lack of sex before, it can be a couple weeks between sex, and he says he doesn’t really notice and it doesn’t bother him and things change for a week and it’s pretty frequent then it goes back to the once every couple weeks. I think he just doesn’t care about sex a lot. There’s nothing hinting at the fact that he’d want to leave me. And we met 4 years ago on here and he won me over with his humor. Gotta be funny to get pussy
>tfw smarter than ENTJ
Let's go.
I ain't bothering with that shit, gonna find something easier.
Fuck you
I just did can you not read? Oh wait it’s retard hours my mistake
You’re a fucking fag dude lol
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There, that's better.
I’m also technically genz cutoff
Idk anyone irl that looks up to logan paul
But I do know guys that think they’re very masculine if they dictate what you should’ve done in certain situations, they have to tell you what’s manly and what’s not because
>this is not what a man does
in regards to asking for other friend’s opinion on a shitfest of a situation in your life
All the while, they talk about your problems with other people and shift the blame on you for certain situations so they can feel ‘better’ for ‘seeing it how it is’ or trying to be ‘impartials’ when the other person is clearly in the wrong
THEN if you get pissed at this they are passive-aggressive and sent you a reel ‘as a joke’ saying you have the ‘maturity of a doorknob’ in these exact words
You’re supposed to be friends with these people? My ass
Post the results of that test. I don't care what you 'say'. Prove it. :)

Again, when you think about it how do you feel?
Girls with short hair, glasses, pegging and playful exhibitionism
Thoughts on this video?

Is there any good way to meet dominant women who want a serious relationship? I’m not looking for getting stepped on and whipped kind of dominant though. I just want a woman who will take the reigns if we get intimate and for her to be the primary moneymaker while I do the house chores.
There is nobody smarter than me on this board I know every bait, subversion entrapment tactic there is to use on 4chan
Nah, I got lucky, you have to too.
Except I'm 143 IQ tested so.
If he actually cared he wouldn't immediately let it slip back into no sex if he knows that's a problem for you. You can call it being "secure in the relationship" or whatever, but what it is is he's stopped putting in any real effort.

In any case, it really seems like this relationship has no future unless you're basically willing to give up on having sex more than a couple times a month.
Well It's over then I guess I already agreed when she asked us to stay as friends cause I didn't want to sound like an asshole that was only after her body (I really wasn't) and now I'm also reading some book about love and solitude she reccomend me
I've noticed that
I think that video is ancient and things are even worse now
>bad people dont have any
This was a good answer, btw
I’m not doing the entire test again to win an argument with you room temp IQ lol I don’t have to save the results to remind myself I’m smart because I’m not an actual loser like you lmao
At the end of the day I can do without sex frequently. Just ideally would like to have it a lot more consistently.
Were they better or worse?
>every life decision is defined by a three digit number
Bet you can’t even ask a girl for her number dumbass
How have you not realized how much of a timesink and ultimately useless this place is?
These are kino
You're an imbecile. You can't even type right, you meager roach.
You people use 4chan because you’re all depressed and lonely, I use 4chan to study human psychology we are not the samefag
>>this is not what a man does
I do this. ill do it right now
>they talk about your problems with other people
This isnt what a man does.this is snake behavior that you expect from women.

Im also a late genz cutoff/millenial. All my genz friends i respect lean millenial because they are youngest child and had older siblings.

Yeah i know a lot of people dont "look up to logan paul" but the dude was the biggest thing on youtube for for a like 2 years and he was a 20 something. he didnt invent this culture he was just a part of it.
"bro's a menace nahhhh!" like this shit isnt what a man does. A man is someone that tries to be a good person.

I think sean strickland as retarded as he is, is actually a good example of a masculine man.
Thanks, glad my tastes are good
How can you even accurately judge that when we're all anon and playing roles most likely?
I'm heartbroken by a lesbian aka >>32010003 me
I am not restricted to the boundaries of grammar and punctuation if you can’t read that’s a you problem ESL lol
Better or worse than what? I've only had the two partners, I lost my virginity to a fwb.
Honestly none of the experiences were amazing. The first one was fat and not very good at anything. The second one was more attractive and knew how to give a decent blowjob, but it was still kind of a mediocre experience overall. Honestly I sometimes wish I hadn't done any of it.
Why don't you want to tell me
>it only counts as a definition when I'm winning, as soon as I'm not it doesn't
You are boring.
Yes that’s right I’ve heard enough and will retiring to shower and get ready for my comfy desk job
Have you tried being a little more assertive?
>retreats when cornered
Oh shit, I promise that was a coincidence. Kek.
You come off as kind of weird and offputting
I’m just not a very dominant person when it comes to the bedroom
>muh…muh word salad
Enough of your low T coping
You call that word salad? Come on dude, that's not very 141 IQ of you.
elite taste
I won nobody has a valid argument against me it’s really that simple to understand but apparently you cannot
You taste elite :3
Ahhh I get what you mean
Yeah, he is a product of the culture in the end, you’re right
I agree, men should be striving for being better
But the genz ‘men’ ha e the impression they’re masculine and better, idk how to even describe them as a ehole
Regardless of the image, the underlying thought pattern is the same, it’s applied over a different framework.
Gaslighting, shifting blame, not taking responsibility, hiding manipulation as ‘good’ intentions, being controlling just to feel better, always hoping the person next to them is doing a bit worse than them
Women what should i do?
its just feminization of men.
Women threw out masculinity with toxic masculinity and now men behave like women.
Wait for the thread to go back to normal.
Would you be ok drinking in a cup at your friend house, with the knowledge that he/she once washed his/her genitals in that cup, if it went back to the dishwasher?
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How's that 141 feeling?
I forgot my favourite
Making fun of someone, belittling someone in front of other people when they’re not around just to become good friends or date the person they made fun of
>chef’s kiss
Got to love this ‘masculinity’
Talking in sweeping generalizations is a sign of lower IQ. This is a paradox. Being unable to understand paradoxes is a sign of low IQ.
i just showed up actually. Whats the mood right not?
You are not the first man to say that to me, lol. I'm sorry though I am just genuinely curious and a bit autistic
kill him
No cap frfr this shit is the sort of behavior you expect from low women
>kill him
those who know know
Should I listen to the Death of Ivan Ilyich?
I miss him a lot it's freaking me out
>thread crush is nowhere to be found
Guess I can't blame him
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im basically retarded
What have you tried?
sure, tolstoy is based
>That spatial
go to him/call him/msg him
what the fuck does that mean.
Humble anon. That's above average.
Most people are between 85-115. You're just below 'gifted'.
Oh myy
Penis? or vagina?
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Men with good music taste
my cock
>tfw that will never be me
he doesn't want me to
striving to be better*
I’m fucking tired
Why are there quite a few high IQ people in atoga?
agreed <3
Asians apparently have high spatial IQs
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I'm not listening to any taylor swift song besides "you belong with me"
Do you like Shostakovich?
Cocky want vajayjay
>Got to love this ‘masculinity’
masculinity is brotherhood and bros before hoes.
what youre describing is femininity.
A masculine man is like Ned Stark from game of thrones.
I think 4chan itself tends to skew higher. Unbelievable though it might sometimes seem.
Penis, specifically mine
Really ?
women bring the IQ down
Cocky want boing boing!
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I guess thats not too bad
Oh okay. You have no idea of the psychic damage you caused guessing my race off of that though.
This virile man has an IQ of 186.
Yes, I like weird girls
Why you gotta be so
I haven't eaten anything in over a day but I've been getting a little chunky, should I have a small meal or keep fasting?
Give me a sample of your taste and I will judge it
They're always the ones that make me the most suicidal
Yea sure
What do you consider good taste?
most men here would still fuck her if she let them.
true or false?
High IQs are correlated with mental issues.
Also come to think of it people with high IQs might be more likely to be tested in the first place.
Let me make out with your neck
No because she looks like my cousin, I never found Lana attractive personally.
Personally I would not.
>Pic related
Why do women do this? Like deep down i want to buy a girl all that stuff. I want to do things for her. I want to be useful to her. But when they start doing the "As you should" shtick, it makes me not want to do it anymore...
>They're always the ones that make me the most suicidal
For me, suicidal thoughts directly correlate with the beauty of beautiful women.

>Give me a sample of your taste and I will judge it
1. Sewer Cock by Prolaps
2. Various Types Of Ads by Rory in early 20's
3. Tsundere by KFC Murder Chicks
4. 302? ionwan2go by Yabujin
5. Pretty Cvnt by Sewerslvt
6. team edward by meat computer
7. DRUGS IN HER ROOM by Yabujin
8. Rage by KFC Murder Chicks
9.Tokyo Drift by Exodia
10. A Lot of Boys Like Me Though by Girl Pusher
State age
Favorite brand of box mac n cheese
EL mucho cringeo del muerte
Is your cousin single?
NTA but this all seems like garbage.
>A masculine man is like Ned Stark from game of thrones
Dead almost immediately?
>as you should
Ungreatful people deserve less
NTA but you gave me music recs before and they were based
I still listen to 10
Oh :) Does that mean you will answer my questions lol
She's had plastic surgery right? I'd rather die a virgin.
Don't think so, sorry.
Kraft Deluxe
I like the frozen Devour mac & cheese dinners a lot though. Buffalo chicken w/ blue cheese is great.
wtf why does she look so much better now?
Yes I am aware.
that made me smile
This, it’s so good
If she's just letting it happen like a dead fish I'd probably think twice about it, but if she's actively sucking me off and riding me then hell yeah
bro that face is pure plastic
why only men?
30. I liked annie's.
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Nice. Put me in touch.
I buy these lil single serve cups of Kraft mac and cheese and as long as you add a bit more cheese to 'em, they taste just as good as if you made the box mix
Theres dozens of other pronstars id fuck before i would choose lana rhoades

I am personally not a fan of her
Higher IQ is linked to manic schizophrenia and depression why do you think hes so happy all the time because he’s actually an idiot
I love the ultra processed slop that is Velveeta shells
What are some nice things about the opposite gender?
I will not sort them into better or worse but I will say that each of them brought something different to sex that made them unique and enjoyable in their own way.
Some of them are nice and caring and sweet
They make me smile and feel nice inside when they smile
They make my dick hard just by existing
I like how they smell and the noises that they make.
post workout smell
What do you mean by different? Just different personality types?
Say your gender, what makes you weird?
All women should be sexually harassed while doing housework
My music taste:

The Ocean Collective
After The Burial

>Totally not edgemaster music
Hey lol. Lmao. Lol I feel like a teenager again this is miserable
Both physically and personality wise.
I love the specific way men get excited or thrilled about their favorite things
A lot. Be more specific.
I usually seem to have very specific post workout dick smell
And i shower before gym always so its not like im just dirty
My obsession with armpits :/
>post workout smell
Speaking of, can anyone explain why my BO smells different after i've done some physical activity, compared to when im just in a hot room? Thats something i definitely noticed
Playing with his penis, jerking him off, kissing on his neck/arm/chest, light grinding on him while doin so, making out a bit and touching his penis while doin so. I feel like I’m being plenty dominant for someone who doesn’t want to be.
Why's it so binary?
I might have unironic aspergers

Im also pretty ugly
Visually pleasing, smell nice, sometimes have cute personalities
I want to watch women piss themselves
never had mac n cheese in my life
looks nasty
Because I ain't transcribing it into hex
the smart or the stupid one
Feral Foursome From Florida by ChainSoWet
I HateLoveAndWokeUp I by The Meal Ticket
Please (If I Won't) by Jackson Strimblo
Unlimited Radiance by Hosanna
Jettison by Mollycoddleforth
Turn Inward, Turn Upward by Cream Clan
My Pocket Pussy is Named Blue but I call her Asa by XSTRANGELOVEX
Plates Make The Best Knives by 777Poolside
Umbra by Kate Hugin
Pool My Stomach by Empirical
everything and nothing
I draw naked girls in my free time
In my experience, they make good friends, if (while) you can keep them as a friend. They put a lot of effort into their appearance and I think that's admirable.
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Women will you let me drive a hot wheels over your tits?
I'm a fucking mess
I'm totally shameless when it comes to my interests
I'm great at getting close to potential partners, but I never seal the deal
I am also 100% oblivious to flirting
It's all the same.
I wouldnt say im completely dumb person but i wouldnt call myself a genius either
Above average id guess
Different bodies or did they just have different energy levels? Did you find anything better suited to you?
Why does everyone here have the worst fucking taste in music
based approved
The root cause is probably the autism.
just more fun to draw curves than cock
Please fuck my bitch.
Those are my main stuff, i dont diverge a lot, but i have been dabbling in rap too
Stop your obvious data collection.
All I'm saying is that my top 10 are all wildly different.
First girl would let me put her in a RNC during pronebone.
Men what if You used to hold my soul Oh, you held my soul You used to have control Oh, you loved me so We used to roam around You used to kiss my mouth Now you never come around Oh, you never come around 'Cause I can't change Anything about me But I won't Blame anything on you
f, autism and probably because i carry plushies around with me everywhere.
i like deftones too. white pony and around the fur are my favs
>doing a thing
>Stop doing a thing
>The qt blonde stares at me and smiles
>Do it again
>Stares again
If you don't like any of Shostakovich's work, you don't like music.
M. I like traffic engineering. I'm sad that I can't use vivaldi. I find asparagus annoying. I once showed up to a party wearing a horse mask. I've set on fire four times.
Music is a subjective field leading to a wide range of tastes that are prone to not matching yours.
But what about when the cock curves?
Hey anon :3
Drawn any more anime girls with swirly lollipops lately?
What is RNC?
u seem like a gem
I’ll get to the hot girls after I shower, taking off my makeup rn which takes AGES cuz of this mascara
>rear naked choke
>look inside
Trump Rally
>Music is a subjective field leading to a wide range of tastes that are prone to not matching yours.
ChatGPT answer
Around the fur is just such a banger central

You should like this if you like deftones
How can i ask my wife if she would be into having an MFF threesome without potentially hurting her?
does it bother you that you may know about something with your head which the other person in you is far from knowing, and you may in fact live as though you did not know it?
Radionuclide chromography
why cant i find any of these songs
My ex put makeup on me once for fun and it really was a pain to get off, I don't envy you girls.
Sounds like you don't have a choice but to actually talk to him.
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>Tfw femanon doesnt want to draw my cock vein
>i carry plushies around with me everywhere.
thats sweet but how old are you and do you dress like a sanrio girl
You can't!
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Will we ever return to appreciating male beauty?
On an island in the sun? We'll be playing and having fun?
yeah but for me it’s a time to relax and sit in silence, just me and my makeup remover ..
not for free
After ww3 so in a decade or so
Rear Naked Choke
Unfortunately I fear you are correct
All people suffer similarly and thus it is not something I need to worry about because it is merely the human condition.
Furfag genocide best day of my life
If you bump into one asshole then they are probably an asshole. If you bump into assholes all day then maybe you are the asshole.
No, fuck off fag
Is that a kink you have? Do you generally like rougher sex?
Which ones interest you? A lot of them are on bandcamp and YouTube. I can try to get the links, they might’ve been delisted.
The only kinks I have are in my garden hose
ᵂʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᵘᵖ ᵃᵗᵒᵍᵃ
ᶜᵃn ᴵ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᶦn
im 27 and i mainly dress in all black
this is not too bad
I am mostly interested in
>My Pocket Pussy is Named Blue but I call her Asa
But I want to listen to all of them.
Would you draw my dick vein if i was your bf... For free?
I want him back but it wouldn't even solve anything. Fuck my stupid white girl life
>im 27 and i mainly dress in all black
cute i want to hold hands with your plush while we walk in a park
you are an embarrassing faggot of a poster
I don’t even draw my bfs dick
extremely based
Yes it is.
Yes I do.
Send a picture of your tits with the caption you need his cock rn
Its over
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>Not too bad
I sure hope so becauze its one of my fav songs recently...
I've seen you post this character a few times and I still havent figured out what the fuck they are or what they're from. Please fill in the blanks for me.
Need English Rose to oppress me and call me a dancing potato munching papist drunkard
drawn a dick once and it wasn’t enjoyable. was a few months ago tho
Do you have any other kinks? How often do you have rough sex?
sure thing, buddy
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I dont think there are problems that a fat ass blonde gf with flat chest wouldnt solve for me.
sorry only i get to hold him.
*chops off your penis*
That…is my song, it’s unreleased lmao. Super flattered though.
Was gonna say something but

>captcha OD ASS
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The character is Ivy from upcoming valve game Deadlock

Her ingame model is VERY ugly but theres lots of fanart that makes her look goofy and cute, and in not a furfag way
will you at least show him to us
Well that's a problem
Even if I did it wouldn't solve anything
It's not funny.
Would you be inconsolable if some asshole snatched him away
Pits and Omorashi :/
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Tfw no damsel in distress to save
The fanart of her is very cute.
>In game model
Looked it up and thats very disappointing. Hopefully when they release skins for her they lean into making her cuter. I want to see her as an idol.
he goes everywhere with me
i would be devastated. i would never let something bad happen to Nanook
>i would be devastated.
Adorable. You're too good for /atoga/
Damn, its a crazy title. No problem.
Well, the game models for ~all heroes are very undercooked placeholders currently

It seems they are leaning more into the goofy rat art considering her new minimap icon
did you go to an indoor high school?
did you have home ec as an elective
I know u_u
Pits are very interesting to me. Is it that you like her pits or you want her to touch yours?

Same with the pee, is it that you want to pee on her or other way around?
deadlock will be shit and you're an embarrassment for avatarfagging with a dead-on-arrival-lock furry character
As opposed to an outdoor one?
Maybe. We took college classes, I don't know if anything like home ec was an option.
you sure u arent repressing your gay?
>It's not funny.
well it made me giggle. you are the penguin.
>he goes everywhere with me
he is very handsome. thank you for sharing
i take it thats his name? howd that name come about?
Thanks anon
It's good to fit in
good question but I don’t need to think about it in this 3 year relationship
>i take it thats his name? howd that name come about?
its the name on his tag! i tried to figure out a different name when i got him but couldnt come up with one. nanook is a nice name though so its ok
don't know what you mean by that
Yes but I didn't take it. home ec is for guuurrrlz. I took woodshop instead
better to think about it now than when you're 40 and regretful
I fucked up my reply
I like her pits. I do not really care for mine being touched or played with but it is nice if she likes my scent.
>is it that you want to pee on her or other way around?
Neither, I just like watching girls pee themselves
what makes the flag green, I was thinking it’s something dismissive
when I’m 40 I’d be in a happy long term marriage with a man who makes me a lot of money
Lol hope your bf doesn't find out you're a homo
So there's still hope they could get better
I love her.
Do you have a girlfriend now?
Anon please... I have an overwhelming weakness for girls who love their plushies, stuffies, etc.
As opposed to an open-air high school? Yes, of course.
No. We had culinary science but that was for people who wanted to become professional chef or nutritionists, and life science, which did the baby-doll project but otherwise was more about biology and psychology as far as I know.
Well too bad becauze the game is already very good and rising in popularity like crazy

And ivy isnt even my fav character in that game

Upset lolbaby :)
No not at the moment
Cute, what brand is he?
Women, is post workout sex too tiring or relaxing enough for you if he's doing the work?
he knows I’m bisexual anon I’ve been out as bisexual since middle school
Favorite Bond movie?
>what makes the flag green, I was thinking it’s something dismissive
I think it's good that you prefer to draw women. Women are the beautiful sex.
I'm not sure why this """"man"""" is so upset you don't obsess over random men's cocks.
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u wont be when he finds out ur only with him for money and that u actually have been repressing the whole time and he wasted his life
Do it. Wear her out. She'll love you.
Lol every bisexual girl I know is in a relationship with an ugly man and has never dated a woman
Austin Powers
The population of effeminate men like this in /atoga/ is far too high. Intolerable.
LOL yeah I think it’d be weird to draw hot veiny cock as opposed to hot women. in my head, I draw women in appreciation to their beauty. on the occasion I draw men, it’s just as practice to not forget how to draw them
>with a man who makes me a lot of money
>No not at the moment
Did you do that stuff with your last gf? Or was your last gf the girl you lost your virginity to?
Whatever helps you sleep babe
ty brand. i found him when i was looking for a small plushie because i was told when i carry a bigger plushie its a bit much
Please god send me a bi gf when the time is right
>was the last gf the girl you lost your virginity to?
>Did you do that stuff with your last gf
I did pit stuff but I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna bring up omorashi.
weak hackneyed attempt at sass
it's obvious you have a deficiency of having had your ass kicked growing up
and in it for the sex #hellyeah
I’ve dated a woman briefly in middle school. broke up then a year later I found my now bf to crush over
said it to show I’m proud of my bf and his career path, it’s the life he wants too
Do you want a bi gf because you want it in the butt?
Do you ever masturbate using your plushies like a pillow
Anthropomorphising and caring for them is just so sweet and wholesome, it kinda makes me tear up.
Do you have a bunch at home too?
No, not sure what the connexion is
what a weird fucking question to ask a girl innocently showcasing her favorite plush
Nigger im 6'3 235lbs
>and in it for the sex
Nta you are so annoying. this isnt twitter
was a joke anon, cool people don’t havesex
Why not be a sex pest on literally any red board instead
>I’ve dated a woman briefly in middle school
nigga got groomed
What about you. Do you masturbate using your plushies like a pillow?
>middle school
So edgy of you!
sorry I got defensive because I too have a favorite plush and not everything needs to be sexual
no we were the same age idky I said woman LOL
I’d fuck a girl now if I was single
Which is an even bigger indictment of your behavior. Act like a man you oversized fucking sissy, you're spiritually the equivalent to hairy fat bald men with autogynephilia.
>i was looking for a small plushie because i was told when i carry a bigger plushie its a bit much
Whoever told you that has no heart. At least you found something worth loving.
once again females invading male spaces and trying to dictate how we act
>I got defensive
Your first mistake was not minding your own business
didn’t know I had to sign up to reply to someone here
ew no
yes! i have my childhood plushies who are a little too delicate to go on outings now, and some new friends too. some that are also a bit rare
its maybe a bit true though, i can put Nanook in my bag so he's a little bit more practical. the other ones still come out on some occasions though
Did she like the pit stuff?
>yes! i have my childhood plushies who are a little too delicate to go on outings now, and some new friends too. some that are also a bit rare
Ffffffuuuuuuck that's awesome!! I have so many questions.
You have no fucking clue how much I want to do this pose
how do none of you know what an indoor school is? they're literally indoors, often times more than one story with stairs. Everything (majority) is inside
>I have so many questions
i will answer if you like
Every single school in the western world is indoors. Lol
She wasn't particularly into it but she let me indulge.
Can some me send me dick pics pls? Women, if you want to send pics of your breasts, pls do it if you want. No puss.
tell me you live in a flyover state without telling me
Do you live in florida or something? Thats the only place I've seen with outdoor schools
what if I drew them
Pretty sure exhibanon has dickpics on soctoga
I live somewhere else coastal, here there are several separate buildings for classes and you walk inbetween them rather than walking through halls in a confined building.
That's just every school here. Unless the area is growing very quickly, in which case they add temporary buildings while they build new permanent extensions, but even those are air tight and climate controlled.
You can send them or upload them somewhere and link it
anon :3 do you have a favorite fictional female character to draw?
Guilty as charged.
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>chance falls in my lap
>blow it without even knowing how
>probably won't get another ever again
me --> 8=======D (~): <-- ur mom
Do you ever help them out by sewing and fixing them up?
If so, did you learn to do so for that purpose?
Do you ever do stuff with them or talk to them?
Has anyone come over and criticized you for them? How did that turn out?
why do i keep having aching behind my eyeballs
Because you looked in a mirror
Have you checked your blood pressure while it was happening?
>Can some me send me dick pics pls?
How do you think you blew it?
Flap your arms really hard and jump around like you're a baby bird trying to fly
Trust me it works
>retarded bitch, kys
That's called a campus anon, you should have asked
>was your school in one building or spread across a campus?
hell yeah, after I shower I’ll pump out hot girls
I don’t really have a favorite, I usually just make them up on the spot LOL
I’m not fictional but it’s so fun drawing me
wtf, have you been here this whole time or did you just pop in at the right time
Why would checking my blood pressure cause my eyes to ache? Grow a brain, moran.
I want something to orgasm to tonight
I’m already wet for it, especially if they pee
who would assume I meant several buildings?
Having no charisma
I've got it set to notify me if my name is mentioned! Optimal attention whoring.
>especially if they pee
what the fuck
I guess mine is both. There were parts with hallways and parts with just roofed pathways outside. although the school I went to was old and had be renovated and added on to a bunch over the 50 or so years it has been in use. It was all one story except a building for freshmen which had two. God it was like a maze, kind of miss walking around it though. I actually have never heard the term "indoor/outdoor school" before lol.
Idek what you meant by this
Apparently nobody assumed that.
I only ever saw this on TV and assumed they were made up Hollywood bullshit.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
In what way?
Are there dicks that don't pee? I guess people who need catheters.
I respect it
why not just google penises? You can find a lot
Shinobu Kocho from Demon Slayer
She’s also my waifu and I want to learn to draw so I can draw me and her cuddling and stuff
Pee fetish
>Do you ever help them out by sewing and fixing them up?
i think im careful with them so they never really got damaged, but one of my childhood ones ears are a bit damaged. i was thinking of doing a repair but i actually cant figure out how to allign the ear because its curled up
>If so, did you learn to do so for that purpose?
i can sew but i mainly just make clothing. i have been thinking about giving plushie making a go
>Do you ever do stuff with them or talk to them?
yes we go everywhere together and i talk to them a lot.
>Has anyone come over and criticized you for them? How did that turn out?
people actually really seem to like nanook in particular. people i know always seem to say hi to him and get really happy when he waves to them.
My enjoyment primarily comes from sniffing them but she'd let me rub my dick on it too.
Same reason why you men ask for tit pics when you can just watch videos
They film those at real schools you know. Unrelated but in my experience all the stuff you think is hollywood bullshit is usually real, or used to be.
I've never asked for a nude in my life...
>i have been thinking about giving plushie making a go
nta but please make a cactus
Why do you fags do this? I’m not saying (you) specifically, nigger, I’m talking in general.
For the latter two, I particularly meant in the home. Like, taking one to the kitchen with you and asking for snack ideas, stuff like that.
I guess I'm curious as to how it factors into daily life!

Have there been points where you've felt temporarily like it was time to give them up, for whatever reason?
Should I buy a San Pedro cactus?
Does this include the hot nerdy girl who falls for the loser at the end of the movie despite him having very minimal character development?
nta but anon this is so cute and makes me happy
I know right? How long until zoomers think stuff like payphones or using maps for road trips are just "made up hollywood bullshit"
>Same reason why you men
How am i supposed to relate when i've never done it??
new breath
You can do that? Is that a 4chanX thing?
Right? My fucking heart melts, anon
>tfw the qt server I'm acquainted with follows me to the outdoor bar area to take her vape break right when I leave to get a drink
>tfw we both engage in a group conversation with others outside before she has to go back
She's into me, right?
Yep, 4chan X can both filter words and set them to notify you.
do you like cacti? the thing thats sort of stopping me making plushies is that i havent got an embroidery machine so id either need to hand embroid the eyes or do a different style
oh yeah i see. i sometimes ask them questions but im a fairly quiet person so maybe its more telepathic.
ive never felt that way! plushies forever!
i think you should, do you do much gardening?
I really do not care about whether you can relate to it or not, bitch. You seem autistic….
>do you like cacti?
I love them
Damn, didn't know 4chanX had that. Heard it was advanced but not that advanced
One last thing anon. You don't have to answer this one if you don't want.

If you had a guy over, and things started getting heavy, what would you do? Would you feel shy about them seeing what you get up to?
kill yourself
>If you had a guy over, and things started getting heavy, what would you do? Would you feel shy about them seeing what you get up to?
i would probably have to move them into another room. i dont think its nice for them to see
They'd understand that you need your private time. They'd get plenty of hugs later, I'm sure.
Thank you for answering my questions anon!! You're awesome.
Thanks for proving you’re retarded and attention seeking, dumb bitch.

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