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Is it even humanely possible for an unattractive woman in her 30s to find a boyfriend that loves her?

Basically like the photo except with an uglier face…

I’m a woman but when I look at women beyond a certain age I usually find them physically repulsive..

I’m not sure if I have intrusive thoughts or something but I actually think they are repulsive and worthless and disgusting, is this common?

It disgusts me because I can see myself aging too and I wonder, is it even possible for a man to love or want to date someone who looks old or chubby?

Especially if they don’t have something special to offer like being wealthy etc.

Even when I was young I didn’t get much attention from guys because I wasn’t pretty enough for them, (even though I don’t think I was ugly or anything). seeing myself aging so quickly is really freaking me out and making me wonder if I should just completely give up on love.

The time is flying way faster than I can gather myself, and I’m just not where I want to be in life and it seems like time keeps flying faster and faster. I can’t help but remember that the only times someone gave me compliments on my appearance were when I was about 16-18.
30yo mids and >40yo women are essentially invisible to guys, sorry to say.
Yes, you WILL get attention both online and in group settings, or in clhbs, BUT, it will mostly always be from either turbo betas or 20-early 30yo desperatw single children who are aching to fuck anything.
Are you obese? If no then you should be able to find a partner.
The aging process will probably be cured in the next few decades. Until then, just work on yourself: wealthmaxx, healthmaxx, intelllectmaxx, friendsmaxx, spiritualitymaxx.
Lots of faith you're putting on your monke brethren. We're still trying really hard to find against the flu, let alone fixing aging.
I just watched 90 day fiancée and I also tried going on dating apps.

On the show, all of the women over 27 are treated like absolute dirt, heck even most of the pretty and younger ones. It’s also super depressing because the only older women who look normal (aren’t completely surgeried) can only find someone who wants them for their green card.

On the dating apps, the only men available are like, 25-30, and they all have “don’t know what I want” or “looking for short term relationship” on their profiles

It’s literally SO depressing out there, idk what to do but i just want to crawl into a hole

I’m also frustrated because all my life people told me that men don’t care about what job you have, but in my dating life I’ve found the complete opposite. They really do care about your status and wealth, and they want to be able to brag to their friends that they got a girl with a great job. I feel now that I studied the wrong thing and am super behind in life.
Yeah its pretty much over for you. At this point you either get betas who you don't want or guys will fuck you and nothing else. Welcome to being a man, enjoy your stay.
Is there any reason a man should love you? Most women rely entirely on their looks and never develop themselves in any meaningful way. Kind of funny when trying to think of a reason a man would still love you despite being old you immediately default to wealth.

Looks are a woman's best weapon, but there are other ways to make yourself appealing.
How many bad boys did you fuck before you turned 30? How many "good men" did you reject?
Men literally don’t gaf unless you have the looks
Not the men you are interested in maybe. But lots of men are looking for a stable, loving partner that will enhance their lives. This doesn't mean you should completely give up on your looks, do what you can to maximize what you have. But offer other things to men, get involved in their lives, love them, care for them, genuinely, support them.

Your issue is you are probably looking for men who can get a hot woman who does all of the above as well. Those men are out of your league and you need to accept that.
I see all the good guys being taken by hot girls who are total cunts and pieces of shit
You are avoiding my question >>32025085
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Lower your standards. Ask men out. Stop waiting for men to come up to you and ask you out.
It's like 10x more likely you'll find a guy than that your male looksmatch would find a giri. Get the house, take the airpods out your ears, be social
Zero to both

>your issue is you are probably looking for a guy who can get a hot woman who does all of the above as well

Yeah literally the most vile, obese, abusive, unhygenic piece of shit man can get a hot girl who is caring and loves him

Not sure what that leaves me with
>Zero to both
Bullshit. How many times were you asked out?
Agreed. Your traditional role as a naive girl is over.

When I think about older women, I think about uptight karens with insufferable inflexible mindsets who are fed up with everything. Maybe you could try to become the opposite of that. Curious, open-minded, fun-loving, with energy. High energy can be faked though, so if you develop a hobby or interest and really work of it, it serves as a proof of your enthusiasm. But prefer a hobby that's non-obstructive to potential relationship, like maybe don't go on a month long hiking trips or something. Pets are bad.

I feel like with young girls, men take the role of giving the girl experiences and money in exchange for sex, but when people get older I this can reverse in some ways, where it's the women with good mentality who can emotionally support and light up the lives of bored wageslave men.

For some reason, many carnivore girls I've seen on youtube feel strangely attractive despite showing age, and in my experience with Saladino's animal-based diet I basically feel 5+ years younger in mental energy, my view could be biased by having the similar diet though. These diets can really transform your body too, depending on how unhealthy you are (most SAD eaters are) and give back some of your youth.
I mean, the only times I rejected someone was if they had red flags. Had nothing to do with their appearance.

I mean, it’s a bit hard to be fun loving and excited when you know you’re undesirable and ugly..

Also back then I had hope I could have a good life and end up with a fairytale, which also made me more open minded and excited. Now I am seeing I’m ugly and it’s never gonna happen if it couldn’t happen when I actually looked half decent

>pets are bad

How old are you?

>with young girls, men take the role of giving the girl experiences and money in exchange for sex

That’s only for hot girls with Instagram accounts
Women who complain about not being able to find a partner who loves them absolutely have some sort of personality issue where they are either too intense or too emotionally volatile.

Pick the right man, find what stimulates him and what pleases him, and if it's not something fucking gross, then by all means do it. Don't complain, gossip only about funny things and be always up for an adventure.
>just don’t have feelings or needs ever and expect literally nothing from your man while doing everything for him
Meanwhile, me in my 30s have been getting a lot more attention from girls in their early 20s.
Feels good to have worked on myself in my 20s as a man, who got rejects by girls my age. Threads like this always make me smile.
lol, youve probably always been a horrible person, but now that you have money the women who are also horrible people are suddenly paying you attention
cope roastie toastie
>It disgusts me because I can see myself aging too and I wonder, is it even possible for a man to love or want to date someone who looks old or chubby

Older women have already been used up, PLUS they don't even have looks then. That is straight up insulting to a man. Now that she used up her youth, men are supposed to self delude themselves to compensate for her delusions?
>They really do care about your status and wealth,

No they don't. I have never heard one man ever say he wanted a wealthy woman. Not even a homeless, destitute man
>all the good guys

Are they good guys because they're good guys or are they goods guys because they're the ones taken by other girls?

If you haven't checked yourself for the ole "every woman wants a man because he's wanted by other women" mentality, then you don't get to say what you're saying, because you only want them because they're taken.

Don't bullshit me. I dated a girl for 2 years and every single girl she was friends with or that came around wanted to fuck me. I counted about 200 girls....
>I mean, the only times I rejected someone was if they had red flags
Is this some Israeli paid thread? Trying to gaslight the opposite of everything known to reality?
Not true. A person's job/career shows a lot about them.

I don't care specifically what job or field a woman's in, but if I'm university-educated with a promising career I don't want to date some 35-year-old depressed woman flipping burgers at McDonald's. There's a disconnect in terms of ambition and goals.
But then I would date the same girl if she was working in a book shop for minimum wage but loving what they do.

So it's not about money as such, more that you have to be compatible in what you want in life and what stage you're both in.
Actually my ex was embarrassed of my job title because it wasn’t good enough to impress his friends and family with , and that was the best job I’ve had and wasn’t that bad at all
No, this doesn’t apply to me. Also wtf, why did you talk to her friends so much that you’d know they want to sleep with you? That’s why men and women shouldn’t be friends
Honestly I’ve spoken to many women and I think I am genuinely a rare exception, that’s why I kind of can’t relate to anyone

Also for me someone’s personality I literally affects my visual processing, it doesn’t matter how “attractive” a guy is, I will not even register him if he is a bad guy or player, I will view him as unattractive
If ur a biological woman and not some disgusting troon, yes. You'll have to settle for someone as ugly as you, but you can do it. If youre a troon... in ur 30s.... its over for you nigga. Ur probably the ugly, smelly, obnoxious, and autistic kind of troon people usually avoid. Ull never find love, even amongst ur own disgusting kins
>>I rejected someone was if they had red flags
This is your sign to start ignoring red flags
Yea.... I can see why you're single now
True 10 years ago but these days a lot of men are out of work and looking for a place to stay and a gf with a job
30's are still fine, not prime but still a solid 8/10 at least.
40's are much worse and 50's are basically unfuckable unless he's some kind of weird pervert.
If you want to find love you better hurry it up, it ain't getting better from here.
>especially if they don’t have something special to offer like being wealthy etc.
lmao women keep believing this huh. Trust me looks are 100% what guys are going for, no one gives a shit about your job or income.
But fortunately for you guys aren't too picky when it comes to looks, just try not to be too ugly and definitely don't be fat. That really should not be too much to ask.
There's always a chance OP.
My girlfriend's not traditionally attractive at all. Many people have said I'm dating down or I can do better or why did I settle for her.

And it's true, I've had better looking girlfriends before. But I'd rather have someone I love spending all my time with, someone I can be my complete 100% self with, someone who's got my back at all times etc. Beauty is so fucking unimportant compared to that shit.

So keep searching OP.
What do you want to see written on their profiles, exactly?
So would my man be willing to do any of that for me? I would like to please a man, but not if he doesn't do shit for me in return. If a guy did all of that shit just for a girl he would be called a simp.
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>I’m also frustrated because all my life people told me that men don’t care about what job you have, but in my dating life I’ve found the complete opposite.
The Redpilled® alpha male types always talked about how a woman's job doesn't matter but the truth is their status does to some extent. I have a master's degree from a top tier state school and make six figures, not even 30 years old yet, and think I'm decently attractive but would never date a bartender or someone I consider significantly lower class than me regardless of how good they look.
Why? I genuinely don't care. I have a PhD in a STEM field and make 6 figures ( which is A LOT for my age in eurostan) and my gf works in retail. She's intelligent and feminine tho. Just never had the same chances I did. I can talk with her for hours. This is way more important to me than dating some neurotic stuck up bossgirl from my work
Yea. Don't listen to permavirgins neurotic anons from here.

-Work on your appereance. Find a good fitness coach and start working out mainly legs and butt with weight and cardio.
-Start a diet. No processed shit. Low carb. Meat and fat is fine.High in vegetables.
-Get a good skin care routine. A quality dermaroller (i like gin and amber ones), they help with colagen production and help minimize scars and wrinlkes. Get a good retinol cream, after a while, introduce tretinoin after a while. They also renew your skin, but you need to do it gradually since they are a lil bit irritant to your skin at first.
-Get a good haircut. A good makeup routine if you don't have. Renew your wardrove if you need.
-Go to a quality terapist that helps you with any childhood trauma you might have. Nobody wants to be with a depressed, neurotic, unhappy person.
-Find hobbies. It's never too late to start anything you ever wanted. You will be more happy and you will meet more people. Find friends. Some of them will help you meet potential partners. I honestly hate dating apps.

I know a lot of high quality men that aren't married with what you could consider a "pretty woman", but they do have a great chemistly with one and another. Nowdays is the best time in history to find a good person well into your 30s and 40s since there are a lot of single people on those age brackets.
they always ignore the only relevant posts lmao
Yeah you should have just posted a link to the top 5 search result listcle you ripped that bullshit advice from
Cope you old hag.
Because I make a lot of money and if she doesn't make shit and had no credentials I'd feel like I could always do better. I dated people in the past and I'm always worried that I'm the sucker that's being used because I pull good salary. If she has means, I know she's with me because she wants to be rather than what she feels like she can extract from me.

>I have a PhD in a STEM field and make 6 figures ( which is A LOT for my age in eurostan)
Sure is and congrats on that! PhD in STEM is a quite a feat to get too so I'm glad you're able to have such a good salary.

>She's intelligent and feminine tho.
That's mostly what I'm interested in but it seems to me that most of the best women these days have a four year degree in the USA.

>This is way more important to me than dating some neurotic stuck up bossgirl from my work
I'm not saying I want to date a stuck up neurotic boss girl, that would be insufferable. I just want there to be someone that is a match for me status-wise, has similar views about money (I'm generally very frugal) and those traits seem to significantly more likely in educated women. I had dated people that did not before and was not happy with the results.
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>woman in her 30s to find a boyfriend that loves her?
It's over, girlie.
Try being in your early 20s again

Cry me a river faggots
If you've ever even been friends with someone black then I'll have to pass. You've never been physically touched by any man with dark skin, have you?
Seethe roastie
It's a bot
I'm not even a girl you dicklet twat. It's the same advice i offer other men when they want to find someone.

Doomer low test internet culture makes you believe older women have no opportunity in the dating market, but if you are a quality man/woman, you'll find someone.
>Even when I was young I didn’t get much attention from guys

that's bullshit. you could have married early. there were men in your life you ignored.
Ugh. Either this is b8 or you're retarded. This board is loaded with men under the age of 25 and underages who think that if they work WEALLY WEALLY HAWD at sticking to some retarded self-help regimen (that doesn't even apply to the context of their life at all) they'll be granted a better life magically.
Stay off image boards for fucks sake, you're in your thirties. If you get thinner and focus on your appearance more then you're guaranteed a level of male attention if you want that so bad. It's never "over" lmfao you're a woman and pretty much any age of yours is going to be fantasized about by men whether they like it or not. But, for fucks sake, get a spine and get off of here and find a better meaning in life than dick. Men will fuck infants, corpses, animals.... their sexual attention is really not that important.
>inb4 boyanon crying festival
Maybe if you're average. Coming from an actually ugly non-fat, I've never been approached romantically. The only time was in middle school as a joke. I *wished* there was an average/ugly guy who orbited me.
>a top tier state school
lol. you sound absolutely insufferable
Look around you. Old people find love. Fat people find love. Ugly people find love. Mentally ill people find love. Shy and nerdy people find love.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and let me tell you, there are TONS of men looking to date 30y.o. + women. Scared about your weight? Look how popular BBW porn is. Tons of dude love a higher weight.

In the end, my point is, it's easy to denigrate yourself because you feel like lack qualities. But it won't matter, and some of the qualities you describe as negative will be neutral or even positive to someone else. As with everything, the secret is just meeting people and expressing interest. The rest will happen on its own.

Don't get discouraged. You got this.
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This post is a larp.

Reminder that there are no women on 4chan. You cunts give them the ick, so they aren't actively choosing to then hang out with you. Let alone seek your advice.
lift and diet u will be 7-8/10 minimum in 6 months.
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if you were an ugly man like pic related it would have never began for u. As a girl you cant be ugly if you are fit, unironically they dont exist.
your list is funny. you didn't suggest exercise, and most of the shit you suggested will be noticed by a guy as soon as she takes her clothes off, start dating or she drops the diets and therapy.
You should forget it and focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent for the kingdom of God is near you.

Good things come after finding God and I advise you to read the New Testament.
If you need a husband, the Lord will give you one.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

John 3:16-17
You sound insecure and class is a poor foundation for a relationship. Honesty, virginity, femininity (or masculinity), honour, faith in Jesus Christ... Infinitely more valuable. Then again, you could consider the children of God a royal line. Still, the modern class system is vain in comparison.

I recommend that, when you court women, simply don't make your wealth apparent. Moreso, if you haven't already, find Jesus Christ. Repent, the kingdom of God is near.
He died in your place for your sins, so you might be reconciled to God and, as He conquered death, come into everlasting life. Believe in God's gift; in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and you will be saved from your sins.
Eh, that guy isn't so bad. Potential.
>I just watched 90 day fiancée and I also tried going on dating apps.
Both of these are low-brow garbage made by and for superficial degenerates.
Dating apps are comprised of 75% or more promiscuous men, along with a maximum of 25% of narcissistic and promiscuous women who enjoy the validation. There are very few decent people who use them, and they won't stay decent if they use them regularly, because the entire premise of the dating app is to be a meat market.

And of course a TV show marketed to the lowest common denominator will promote a terrible view of people. It's a gimmick, one which only very extroverted/narcissistic types, or the very desperate, would even want to participate in.
not op but my christian fiancee broke up with me because I cheated on her and now it's hard for me to even connect to god because I feel plagued with guilt about my actions. I didn't really even admit the details and now she's past the point of caring. I go to mass and confession but it doesn't always help and leaves me feeling profoundly sad and remorseful. I know I'm doing the right thing but sometimes it feels like god is punishing me, which I guess is just. Should I keep praying? it feels bad that I'm not properly able to make amends to the person I hurt because she doesn't want to talk to me, but I figured after some time has passed I'll write her a letter.
> in my dating life I’ve found the complete opposite. They really do care about your status and wealth
Strongly depends on the kind of guy.
If you're looking for a guy who strongly values commitment, who is a stable and comforting presence, then these types of men tend not to care. Sometimes, it's even a negative, since they assume women who chase wealth and status don't share their relationship/life goals.

If you're looking for type A personalities (the kinds of men who tend to dominate conversation and always feel the need to be doing something), then yes, lots of them will gravitate towards "power couple" dynamics. But they're not necessarily going to put you front and center in their life; many of these men are also very promiscuous.

If you're just looking for "modern" men, as in, left-leaning urban professionals, they tend to fall somewhere in between, not having any particular focus. As in, they don't go out of their way to look for a nurturing, feminine presence, they don't consciously think wealth and status are that important, and they're not particularly into the 'go-getter' lifestyle. But they will often implicitly expect a little of each. They generally wouldn't want to provide for a wife (thus, they expect she contribute financially). They might not have such a coldly instrumental view of women as the type-A, but they'd still tend to prioritize sex over commitment (promiscuous behavior, like expecting sex as a matter of course while dating). They might not go out of their way to find a woman who has X status or Y income, but they'd still brag about it if it happened.

Considering that you've been on dating apps, you will have disproportionately found the latter two groups of men, and the types of THOSE men on dating apps will skew more promiscuous and superficial. All of which is to say: you have a very warped perception of what "men", in general, want.
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Thanks but I can't see myself being a part of a religion that's just a vassal to another. Work that kink out and I'll consider it.
Not that anon but the kink is in your ignorance. Christ doesn't need to work anything to appeal to you. He's standing there and saying "Follow me". You can either accept or reject. The whole vassal talk is just childish banter
you know muslim countries ban jewish things and christian things and christians also have had a history of treating jews poorly and round and round it goes. people are flawed, god is not.
>A girl can't be ugly if she's fit

Butterfaces exist. Most men would just fuck her doggy style and dump her
The branches are rotten and will severed when it can no longer bear fruit, yet the tree remains pure.

The tree is the church of God and the branches are it's many churches.

A church is a gathering of Christians. Christians are they who believe in the lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

This is an opportunity. A notice. A sign. A warning. A gift. Will you hear this watcher's trumpet and save your soul? Or will you stay where you are and have your soul be destroyed as you die in your sin?
no they dont unless deformed lmao like 80%+ of women i see on a daily basis are attractive or just fat with immense potential unless theyre older than 40 or something.. I cant even remember the last time i saw a butterface like genuine one that wasnt just fat as fuck.
>Is it even humanely possible for an unattractive woman in her 30s to find a boyfriend that loves her?
No, love like that requires physical attraction.
>I know I'm doing the right thing
Behold, nothing that you, nor any man does, is good without God. If you do not know God, you do your works in vain.

Do you know God?

You have committed adultery; fornication. You realise your sin, and seem repentant of it. Yet what of the rest of your wickedness?

Forget about your wife for a moment. Do you know that every sinners place is the lake of fire for all have sinned? Do you know that the Lord Jesus nailed your sins to the cross with Him, so you might live? He shed His sinless blood, suffered and died for every sin you'll ever do. He took the punishment and death you deserved. He was buried and rose the third day, claiming dominion over death so those that believe in Him may love everlasting.

Where is your love? Where is your faith? Where is your heart? Do you know God?
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Idk, OP, but men are desperate nowadays. I'm so fucking alone, i don't know if i would care much if my next girlfriends turns out to be a little bit ugly, or fat. But then again, not super ugly, and precisely not super fat.
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>inb4 boyanon crying festival
I frequently find men on here and other sites saying how oh so hard it is to find a pretty GF, saying that an 8/10 with personality is better than a 10/10 with no personality. Meanwhile I'm scared to walk up to any guy at my college and ask him out because I think I'm out of most irl men's league
I'm going to sleep soon, God willing. The best thing you can do is approach the word of God and His gospel with a humble and sorrowful heart.

Go, and read the New Testament. Read the word of God. Reconcile yourself with Him through faith in His finished work. You will bear the fruits of repentance. You will love the Lord. You will know you are saved. All things will fall into place and, the Lord willing, you and your wife will reunite and at the least, as you say she is Christian, she will forgive you.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

Matthew 6:33
John 3:16-17

Farewell, brother. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
wait so your hot (like confirmed real life hot not self proclaimed) and your afraid of talking to men because you are afraid you are out of their league. Dude what the fuck does that even mean do you think you are better than them? what is there to be afraid of if you have a good personality and are a 10/10 you can get literally any guy on the planet afraid of what wtf??? afraid of your shit personality? being out of someone's league means you are more attractive - how is that scary?
thanks god bless
people here, and guys online in general, completely overestimate the "easiness" in dating for women. i know tons of girls who are lonely, don't get approached, etc. i've had dads come up to me to try to introduce me to their daughters who get no attention even
were they like grotesquely ugly. How is that even possible cant they just open up a dating app and pick from the catalogue or instagram dms. Of course guys probably approach less in person but they can still find something online easy no? I dont get it
Don't try to understand, its the same old "weeee suffffer like yooooou" thing.
maybe they have embarrassing smelling vaginas
dress like this and you'll get many guys >>32030962
>Is it even humanely possible for an unattractive woman in her 30s to find a boyfriend that loves her?
>find a boyfriend that loves her
>find a boyfriend that loves her and is rich
>find a boyfriend that loves her, and is handsome
possible if you're rich
>find a boyfriend that loves her, is handsome and rich
sorry you're out of luck
What is your opinion on single men with children?
Omg you know that potent dad nut WORKS. He needs to do it to me...... u///u
This is femcel cope.
OP if you're really as successful as you claim you can find a bf easily, no one is turning down wealthy women. It's the women shooting themselves in the foot because they only wanna date the ever shrinking tiny population of rich men, times are hard these days and guys are desperate
Ok, thanks for your opinion.

>You sound insecure and class is a poor foundation for a relationship.
I disagree, infact I'd argue dating/marrying within class is probably among the most common characteristics across human history and especially now with the stratification of it due to the industrial revolution paired with being in the information age allowing for hyper specialized skills.

>Honesty, virginity, femininity (or masculinity), honour, faith in Jesus Christ
Maybe valuable to you although I agree with honesty and honour (of course we agree on "honour" being good but there is no meat to that, it's like saying good thing is good since what is considered honourable differs) and I'm okay with that and agreeing to disagree. I don't think that the others are crucial to a successful relationship.

>Still, the modern class system is vain in comparison.
How so?

>recommend that, when you court women, simply don't make your wealth apparent.
I don't but there are obvious social cues you give when your wealthy.

>Moreso, if you haven't already, find Jesus Christ. Repent, the kingdom of God is near.
>He died in your place for your sins, so you might be reconciled to God and, as He conquered death, come into everlasting life. Believe in God's gift; in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and you will be saved from your sins.
I'm glad you can find your own sense of community and faith.
>I mean, it’s a bit hard to be fun loving and excited when you know you’re undesirable and ugly
That's the challenge you have to face then. For most guys I'd rank importance on

>looks (more like a cutoff than having to be the best though, you can definitely meet the cutoff in your 30's if you don't let yourself go)
>being pleasant to talk to and be around
>everything else

Men don't care if you have money, in fact this might hurt you since you'll inevitably lose attraction to guys who have less than you. Status does matter to some extent for example if you act low class in a way that'll embarrass him. But even if your career can carry some status, it's the least important thing. Work first on doing the best with what you have looks-wise, then just be pleasant and fun.

Yes this is hard and a catch 22 because when you feel pretty and get male attention you'll be happier. But every depressed incel has to contend with this problem. People can sense misery and will avoid you. Either you learn to enjoy yourself being single well enough to avoid this filter, or you're gonna have a hard time. Life isn't fair.
he's white and could orcmaxx. no excuses really
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
Not sure if OP is still around, but I'm 28 and I was always attracted to women considerably older than me, even when they're in their forties. I never understood the obsession with youth in women and I don't think I'm much of na outlier here, given how popular is MILF porn. If you look something like in the OP pic, then I struggle to believe you never had some dude orbiting you. You're totally fine lookswise. Much uglier ogres and landewhales are reproducing on a daily basis and living in trailers, so you must have some other issue going on, but hard to tell what it is without knowing you.
Go to india like girl in your op youll find a man within 24h
B4 replying remember that men == chad and it will all make sense
>I’m also frustrated because all my life people told me that men don’t care about what job you have, but in my dating life I’ve found the complete opposite. They really do care about your status and wealth, and they want to be able to brag to their friends that they got a girl with a great job. I feel now that I studied the wrong thing and am super behind in life
Fake and gay unless talking about the political elites or the 1%
>why did you talk to her friends so much that you’d know they want to sleep with you
I didn't. They'd just come around and act overly friendly, give me extra attention, do dances when my gf was out of the room bouncing their huge tits,

I think the reason some of these girls would do this is because my gf couldn't stop telling other girls about how much she liked me in bed. And she's never had better to this day, even though I dumped her for cheating on me. Which is hilarious because she misses me so much, and I saw her out in public once and she clearly wanted me to talk to her. Nope. Denied. I also dated her for 2 years and never told her I loved her because she is a dumb slut
Oh, now i see. So yes, OP, it is impossible.
Maybe in this extreme scenario but this is why people are being less retarded and going back to live with their family
>Is it even humanely possible for an unattractive woman in her 30s to find a boyfriend that loves her?
But he will be the sort of man that is unmarried/divorced at that age and is willing to date you.
The love can be real, however.
>hey really do care about your status and wealth, and they want to be able to brag to their friends that they got a girl with a great job
As a man I have never, ever heard anything like this outside of a Marvel movie once
Incel alert
I have a friend like this. She is, and there is no way around it, quite, quite ugly and has a very "plain" body despite being thin and healthy.
So she focused on being feminine. She is an excellent cook, can sing well, dances well, plays piano quite well.She knits, crochets, and makes lace (I can't remember what she called that). She is a top-notch seamstress and makes nice clothes.
She keeps her hair long and wears minimal makeup. She is always impeccably dressed with her hair up and elaborate. And she is the kindest, sweetest, most polite woman you ever met. If someone is sick she brings by homemade chicken soup; if a family just had a baby she bring over 3 meals they can toss in the oven so no one has to cook dinner for a few days. Thank you notes, all of that stuff.
When she was 33 she met a just-retired Navy man who thought being married while in the navy would be cruel. He was 38-39, in good shape, well-read, but also ugly in the face.
They are a lovely couple, obviously very happy with each other, and have two wonderful kids now. My dad quietly jokes that their appearances canceled each other out and their kids are cute as heck.
that is some crazy-ass fantasy writing
you've got some internalized misogyny to work on too
>They really do care about your status and wealth, and they want to be able to brag to their friends that they got a girl with a great job.
sorry you fell for the meme that they don't care. only low status dudes truly don't care because they're retards who want to trap their wife to a life of poverty barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. my husband loves to brag about how I earned 2 engineering degrees.
good luck out there. my advice is to get comfortable with being single. focus on your friendships and family. the grand majority of men will be a net drain on your life.
True if you have a family to go back to but do you know how many men have bad relationships with their families or are simply thrown out?
>>taken in high school
True 10 years ago but fewer and fewer people date in hs these days
if being with moid is this much important to you, you're just as pathetic as them. literally imagine caring what MOIDS XY think of you. you're mentally disabled. im sorry. i hope you get fixed soon.
t. 19
> they're retards who want to trap their wife to a life of poverty barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
For someone with degrees in engineering, this is shockingly ignorant nonsense. Look at the actual data. You typically see the opposite: that men who expect a woman to have a job do it because they don't want to (or simply can't) provide for her. And the men who NEED a woman to have a high-powered career or always be doing something prestigious tend to be type A overachievers or just narcissists.

And "not caring" about her status and wealth (i.e. a guy not really caring, in itself, whether his gf is a florist or a dentist) isn't the same as thinking she *shouldn't* have any sort of education or employment. If you think that the only options are "dual six-figure salaries" or "low status loser who wants to enslave women", you're either insane or didn't give any thought to your post.
No shit, your husband recognizes your abilities and praises them. I'd expect to see that in any loving relationship. But I would bet my left nut that your engineering degrees aren't what drew him to you. At most, they are downstream of what he truly finds attractive in you (intelligence, mindset, etc.).
lol this
under 30s women got the power
after 30 it's beyond over for women
it's as over as an incel complaining on an anime imageboard over
so over they need new words for it
>I’m a woman but when I look at women beyond a certain age I usually find them physically repulsive.
Lame and wrong. Being actively physically repulsed by other women as a woman is also dumb as fuck. Work on becoming neutral, old men are the hideous ones anyway.
You would be saved if you were bi. Young lesbians looooove older women. Am late twenties and if it doesn't work with my current younger subby boy I'd be sad as fuck but also excited to get back in the gay market.
Oh yeah, related note to that. Submissive men tend to like older. Also men with mommy issues...sometimes. It's a gamble.
If you aren't a pervert you will likely be struggling though, sad to say.
It's not impossible. But before I tell you how difficult it could be for you, tell me how unrealistic your standards for men are. What are you looking for? What does a man need to have?
You could get a lesbian girlfriend if you learn how to eat that pussy right. Are you opposed to learning how to please a woman?
redpill cope. 30 y/o roasties can still settle down with providers. for men it's genuinely over since your face/height are more important than your assets nowadays ( unless you want to attract gold diggers) and those get worse with age. if you're a handsome man you can slay will into your 40s tho
incel cope. hot women can stay hot well into their 40s and land a decent dude. Especially if they stay fit. Sorry chud women just dont lose in 2024.
u wot m8

read it again
Not OP but if you're really fat, does losing weight really help much with getting men? Like even if you lose weight, you'll still have stretch marks and your skin will be all loose and saggy from where the fat once was. Even if you lose weight, the proof that you were once fat will always be there so men will still just go for women that have always been thin instead. It feels better to just lean into the BBW demographic, if anything.
>inb4 "you can get surgery to remove saggy skin"
I'm terrified of surgery and refuse to go under the knife for anything short of life or death.
If you lose weight slowly the skin will recover. Extreme cases you see are due to very fast cuts which are very difficult and stressful on the body anyway. Not sure if that stops being true beyond a certain level, or if it just takes too long. I have no idea how people get that big in the first place.
desu if you're gigafat even reaching normal fat levels will be a big upgrade
I had a meeting with my whole highschool group yesterday. Everyone around 45yo. Of the ladies, some gained a lot of weight, others stayed slim. And these, let me be clear, were the attractive ones. Three of them even really hot.
What to learn: DONT GET FAT.
That‘s all, basically.
I'm borderline obsessively in love with a 31yo woman who is not "attractive" by normal standards. I've been in love with her for the past 4 or so years. She's not wealthy or anything, in fact she was barely scraping by when I met her, with no superior education or a career to speak of.
So yes, it's perfectly possible to find a boyfriend who loves you. If you find him don't be a dick tho, if you don't like him just tell him, don't live off his infatuation for yeras cause that's gonna fuck him up real bad, I'm talking from experience lol.
Good luck, don't give up.
Yea, let's be real it's 100% over. Even if you had all the wealth in the world and high status, no man would give a shit about those things. Western women are washed after 27. Your only chance finding love is with a incel beta man.
Shut up, whore.

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