ITT we ask the opposite gender anything excluding the following topics:- Politics (take that to /pol/).- Trolling of any kind (take that to /b/).- Racism (also take that to /b/).- Misogynistic and misandristic rants (take those to /r9k/).- Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and other queers (take those to /lgbt/).- Personal details or pictures of yourself - these are not allowed on /adv/ threads. (If you feel the need to post toonme images, there's a corresponding thread on /soc/ where those are allowed).- Blog posts. (Honestly, there's no good place for those!).- Any image that is not work-safe.Help to keep the thread nice by reporting off-topic, poor-quality, or inappropriate posts.Previously on /atoga/: >>32588140
Women, what is your opinion on 5 inch pps?
Women, if we're dating, can i touch your boob at least once per day?
State gender,How do we feel about junk food? Hate it? Love it?
>>32590786MI like it. I don't eat it very often though.
Size queens onlyAre big penises harder or softer than small ones?
>>32590786I generally enjoy it but avoid eating it because I know it's bad for me.
>>32590786MAfter a diet that helped me lose 50lbs, junk food genuinely tastes like garbage.
>>32590777Whats the code
>>32590786Mmakes me feel sick. I prefer extremely plain foods.
>>32590777Uh, blursed digits?
>>32590786MI really don't understand myself. It always sounds tasty before i eat it, but afterwards i always feel like it wasnt worth it
>>32590786MGood as a treat, my body self regulates and lets me know when I have eaten too much
>>32590786Define junk food
>>32590786>M>M>M>M>MYep, me too
>relationships fail over and over and over>last one resulted in the woman screaming at me to see a therapist>actually do go see a therapist, around 2 months>describe all of my relationship issues>session this morning>she concludes that I'm only entering into relationships with toxic people and I need to stop doing thathuh, I really expected to be the issue. what the fuck
>>32590816that is you being the issue
Femanon do you feel flattered when we can tell your gender without you using F?
Is there a way to flirt with your co-worker with plausble deniablity?She is a foot shorter than me, if that matters
>>32590822well, literally yes. but more of I thought I was the one with a rotten personality or something
>>32590830Just don't flirt or date at work, it's never worth it.
Women, is kissing men enjoyable?
>>32590786Hey, where are the F at?
>>32590832keep in mind that your therapist only knows the situations from your point of view, so naturally they will be biased since you are biased in remembering and recounting them
Women, do you want a baby?
Women, would you be willing to get a wolf cut for your bf? (He'll pay for it)
>>32590816People who enter relationships with toxic people tend to be toxic themselves though.
>>32590845Okay, but how would you know that?
>>32590816>need to stop doing thatFYI, women therapists love blaming men and will side with the female side at all costs. Don't let that 'toxic' adjective fool you.
>>32590842Yes ;_; so so bad
>>32590786MaleI range from like to love depending on the food
>>32590816Don't listen to the other anon, he's only trying to make you feel bad.
>>32590842No, I've hated babies and children since my own childhood
>>32590816You might still be the issue, toxic people never think they're wrong and when you only talk about how your partners react when they can't take your toxic behavior anymore, it's easy to make yourself out to be the victim to a therapist.
>>32590842yes>>32590843yeah, they are cute
I went outside today, I saw one attractive person.She was quite chubby, but she had large round sweater puppies, cute glasses and beautiful hair.
Can other women (FEMALE) tell me if pic related is true? I get the feeling this is mostly posted by trannies, roleplaying gooners or guys who want to boost their egos, but I've been told this IRL too.For context: I'm 29, kissless, handholdless virgin. I hate life and I have no interest in most normal activities. I don't want to travel, have children, have an instagram or really participate in life because this world is just dull and colorless to me. This is not a OMGS IM SO DIFFERENT THAN OTHERS thing, just to give context. Basically I am looking forward to die.The only real challenge I haven't done yet is have sex/physical intimacy.Now people in my life keep telling me that if I had sex that would magically make me happy. But I just don't see how getting fucked would change my whole outlook in life.A few minutes of humping in two sweaty bodies? And then post nut clarity? Even the idea of it doesn't really blow me away. I have tried drugs too and found them kind of boring.
>>32590848I just know.
>>32590860No, it‘s retarded. It‘s not the sex that helps with feeling suicidal but the getting your hopes up for a man you just met that makes you excited for tomorrow again. It‘s the rose tinted glasses, the honey moon syndrome. It doesn‘t work with hook ups or soulless fucking in a dead relationship. It only works in that small pocket where the man in question still seems too perfect to be true and reality has not had time to set in yet.
>>32590860M but answering anywaysA round of really good sex is a momentary dopamine hit and can occasionally give some clarity and resolve to your situation, but pretty much all of your problems are still going to be there after fucking.
>>32590857Okay guys, false alarm, we actually got ONE! woman ITT.>>32590845>>32590815
>>32590816You are the perpetrator and worse than the bear in the woods. Stop what you're doing now, for the sake of your future partner(s).
>>32590866anon pls
>>32590845Why are you kissing his eye? ouch!
>>32590866Holy shit... A woman?? o-on 4chan??? woaah...
>>32590860Post-sex was always the time I wanted to kill myself and my ex the most. It felt so bad and I saw him happy and pleased at the expense of hurting and using me. He was meant to love me but he didn't care about making me come or getting me going so I wouldn't tear.He pulled his pants up and went gaming with the boys and I stayed in bed and cried in shame, wondering how my parents would feel if they knew I let myself be treated like that.I'm sure it's amazing for guys though
>>32590866Wew, I was worried a bit
Women, how can i scare you?
Women, would you scare/creep out your boyfriend?
>>32590875Just be yourself.
>>32590864And in loving, monogamous relationships or situations?
>>32590878Well that would be rather easy.
>>32590879what did she do to her lips??
>>32590880I would not know. I suppose if you are in the perfect relationship with the perfect sex life then it night be amazing but then you likely would not be someone thats suicidal to begin with.
>>32590860It's not the sex that will help you. It's the ability to enjoy sex, and the intimacy and connection with another person. You have to be able to enjoy physical pleasure and emotional bonding. If you've cut yourself off from that, then sex alone won't do much
>>32590879her lips look like balls haha
>>32590882kiss tornado boys
WomenWhat muscles or body parts do you find hottest on a guy to be well developed?
>>32590881I was looking for a slasher answer but yes that would scare me desu
>>32590872Mhonestly I'm torn between feeling bad for you and a little amused that so many women end up with guys who make you feel like this after sex>wondering how my parents would react if they saw how I was treatedlook I've definitely done some stuff for women in bed that I wouldn't want my parents knowing about even in an abstract sense, but I'm not going to cry and have an existential crisis about it.
>>32590888Biceps & shoulders.
>>32590888latissimus dorsi
>>32590777How much of a red flag are women who love animals and are involved in things like animal shelters and NGOs, and why is it a REALLY big red flag?
>>32590872>>32590864>t. keeps fucking chad ad infinitum>>32590860 is about to start doing the same thing.
F my favorite letter in the atogan alphabet
>>32590888I admire thighs and calves the most, but when it comes to attraction I just like athletic and proportional. It's the whole that's important, not individual parts
>>32590896I'm not fucking Chad or anyone. I would only fuck a longterm boyfriend. Do you think I've been a virgin for 29 years to have random hook-ups? Giving away myself like that? Ridiculous.Regardless, I found their replies insightful.
>>32590898None od you people pay respects tho
>>32590903The turning point will be when you start ""dating"" as late as it might come
>>32590786FI like the taste of junk food, especially sweets, but I get kind of nauseous if I eat too much of it.
>>32590890What kind of guy do you think he was?>but I'm not going to cry and have an existential crisis about it.I would definitely grieve even if the roles were reversed and I knowingly hurt someone who loved me, for fleeting pleasure. Maybe men are just different in this regard.
>>32590906Why would dating make me want to fuck Chad? Why do I want to fuck a man whore who sees me as another body on a notch and doesn't deeply adore me? Fucking retarded.
>>32590842No. The good thing about being an auntie is the baby eventually leaves my house and I have peace and quiet. They're cute until unbearable.
Femanons thoughts on immigration?
>>32590909Because you won't find what the opinion leaders like to call good men. The definition of what good men are is a bit blurred, so you will come across the gamer and the jock and it will be up to you to decide if you want to try the personal trainer as well. Dating, basically.
As a woman who was forcibly diagnosed with Asperger’s as a toddler, I would just like to say that I hate self-diagnosers on TikTok so unbelievably much
Women, how do you want men to dress?
>>32590927Emo hair
>>32590921This has to be a false flag>>32590926Pick me
>>32590924I already met several good men in the course of my life. They exist, just rare. I would rather just hang myself than fuck some low quality coomer or Chad.
Took the gf to the beach yesterday and she loved it, gave me a blowjob on the sand and and watched the sunset shimmering over the water, fantastic day.
>>32590926Whats your autistic interest?
>>32590910NTA but British sweets are the best junk food there is
>>32590932I'm just saying that the fag named Chad could be any guy on your radar of physical attraction
>>32590896It's always Schrödinger's Chad in this thread. My first and only bf was awkward and chubby, a virgin living with his parents at 27 when we met in a MMO. But the fact that we dated and he became abusive makes him a Chad and me a Chadsexual.
>>32590935Boy, you don’t want to know.
>>32590942Do you sort barbies by year they came out or some shit?
>>32590939I instinctively looked for the BMI indicator in the square of your message but it's not there.
>>32590930>Haha i can remember ppl’s phone numbers I’m sooooo autistic xd
>>32590926>womanYou mean forcibly assigned female at birth?
>>32590939Post like these are what me grateful to have a found a gf naturally irl
>>32590946Not Barbies, but I do like to sort other things by year they came out. Photos etc
>>32590946nta but collecting vintage barbies is based
>>32590926>forciblylmao, whats that even supposed to mean? there is no forcibly diagnosing, wither you have the symptoms or not
>>32590946By the way OCD and autism aren’t the same thing
>>32590956Some child therapist saw I was too quirky for a toddler and was like “yup, autism”. Then I had to spend the next 25 years with that word attached to me. Grade school was the worst.
I think I might be the BPD one in my relationship...
>>32590957They aren’t real it’s called being born with shit tier genetics and a pinched face
>made out with my coworker on our lunch breakToday is a good day, /atoga/
Ladies I feel like my girlfriend might be faking her orgasms, or an interest in sex a lot of the time. And I’m not sure what to do. We have a very active sex life. I’ll initiate a lot but she’ll also do the same. Sometimes it’s a mutual spring of the moment passion. But she says she likes when I initiate and boss her around in bed. There are times when she definitely cums or has an orgasm. There are other times when I don’t think it’s the case. Which is fine but her pleasure is really important to me and I always try to take care of her first through oral and other means before I do much else. She’s always expressed that she loves everything we do and that she thinks our sex is really good and that she’s happy with everything. But she’s also expressed that she used to feel like sex was something she had to do to keep a guy happy. I don’t want her to feel that way in our relationship. Ever. I’m not sure what to do or if this is something I should even address. She’s also expressed some of her own security, basically saying she wants to make sure I’m happy with everything too and that she wonders if I am sometimes. Idk. I always check in on her and make sure she’s happy and that she has what she wants / needs but idk if she truly expresses herself.
>>32590793>Are big penises harder or softer than small ones?A little softer usually.
>>32590958Thats not how diagnosing autism works. Besides, if you knew anything about autism, you‘d know that aspergers is not even a diagnosis. Besides, i highly doubt that it was the diagnosis that made your life hard and not the autism.
>gf admits that she likes it when I bully her Women what’s your obsession with domestic violence?
>>32590793No idea, I never touched a small one.
>>32590777STOP APPROACHING WOMEN.STOP USING ONLINE APPS. STOP GIVING WOMEN ATTENTIONStop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year. importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
>>32590971They called it Asperger’s at the time. Honestly, it would be beneficial to consider it a real diagnosis again. Elon Musk and Etsubatsu are two entirely different beasts.
>>32590974This only applies to women that hate themselves and those you should stay far away from.
>>32590958Your autism must be severe if you were diagnosed as a toddler. No eye contact, no smiling or laughing, no non-verbal communication
>>32590971>Dr Chud. MD Go back retard >>>/pol/
>>32590978Knew that was you, lol. You seem to ride on a very high horse.
femanon, when was your last orgasm?
>>32590979Too late I already hit it regularly
>>32590980This. Toddlers only get diagnosed in the most extreme cases. Like the kind of cases where you end up going to special needs school.
>>32590985I have absolutely no idea. Must have been months.
>>32590958Why were you around a child therapist as a toddler? You do understand that toddler means 1-3 years of age, right?
>>32590989what the hell? why not?
>>32590977Unironically I’ve never been ghosted by a woman nor have I been failed a job interview must be kek
>>32590985>solo2 hours ago>partnered2014 (I have not been single since 2013)
>>32590993Not horny.
>>32590942>Boy, you don’t want to know.SpongeBob self-insert drawings? That's a classic.
>>32590826>Femanon do you feel flattered when we can tell your gender without you using F?Given that you get it right less than half the time, no.
>>32590830>Is there a way to flirt with your co-worker with plausble deniablity?No. Don't try.
>>32590977>no pussy no workLeast convincing psy op
>>32590992Yeah, I was diagnosed at three. I did go to special needs therapists when I was in preschool, but then for some reason they decided I was too high-functioning so they put me with the regular kids in kindergarten. And I went to class with regular kids ever since.
>>32590997>dating bubble basswhy would she do that to herself
>>32590995>2014does he/she not try?>>32590996huh, i wonder what thats like
>>32590987All whites are born autistic and retarded, mental illness is a by product of being a cursed race
>>32590975>No idea, I never touched a small one.moids hands
>>32590967If everything else is going well in your relationship, then I would trust her when she says she's happy. Sex can still be enjoyable and fulfilling even without having an orgasm every time, and if she's still able to orgasm some of the time that's not bad at all. You could always experiment and see if there's anything else that might help her get off more, but I wouldn't pressure her about it and it's probably best if you stopped keeping score. The more relaxed and confident you are, the more relaxed and safe she'll feel. You want to give her the safety to feel completely vulnerable with you, that's more important than focusing directly on orgasms
I would like to propose a new theorem. I call it, "Chudcel's Paradox."Chudcel's Paradox is defined as the assertion that if a white man can't get a girlfriend, it's because all women desire "the BBC," but if a nonwhite man can't get a girlfriend, it's because all women desire white men.
>>32591004If a pre k teacher thinks you need assessment then it had to be severe behavioral abnormalities. And yeah, integration in neurotypical environments is the standard procedure for kids that are not disabled to the point of needing special needs support. Idk why you are so mad, you did not get any botched treatment and nobody fucked you over, you are just autistic in a neurotypical world and that‘s no fun.
>>32591017Something something chad only
>>32590908>what kind of guy do you think he was?Sounds like a piece of shit I suppose?>if the roles were reversedGenerally every time a woman has made me feel like shit before or after sex it has pissed me off, so if you're looking for the emotional button it hits for me and I assume most men anger comes before sadness. Generally speaking whenever a woman has started seriously bruising my ego I've just kicked her out and acted like an asshole to her in the aftermath.>I would grieve if I knowingly hurt someone who loved meMost men would feel like shit too, but women don't like most men which is why yours is a common experience.
>>32590793>>32590969Big dicked moid but wouldn't it make more sense that a larger dick requires more blood to get a full erection? I'd say I'm only like 80% hard most of the time.
>>32591017White women are weird and cringey, I had no plenty of sex with them and still ended up marrying my own race
>>32590879moiré pattern lips
>>32591017Both are true. There is the 20% theory. Femanon explains: >>3258957720% of women, that you have chances with, reject you to date white men. Another 20% of women, that the white man has chances with, reject him in favour of bbc.
>>32591017"the bbc" is just creepy fetish posting, white women won't date white men because they try to hold out until 35 looking for something better, most of them would never even consider a black man as a prospect.
>>32591009>does he/she not try?I have to ask him 10 times and he does it with the skill and enthusiasm of a mopey teenager cleaning his room
>>32591016Everything else is going well, yeah. We have been dating about a year and we’re still figuring out small detail stuff about eachother but we communicate well and she’s always very vocal about how happy she is about our relationship and that she loves me very much.
This board is just r9k but everyones too scared to get banned because this is their only social interaction
>>32591033You first, trailblazer.
>>32591030lol, he thinks you are ugly
WomenWould you rather date a minotaur or a centaur?
>>32591005Ugly Bastard maxxing or Beauty and the Beast maxxingThe more dominant, tough, dirty, and rugged the man isThe more smol, cute, nice, and delicate the woman is by comparison
>>32590851I am a man though
I want a girl to play fantasy games with who likes to roleplay blowjobs.
>>32590777women, a few questions. do you think 9/11 was a hoax? bogos binted? are blacks inferior? are women evil and stupid? why do faggots have so much aids? can you post a selfie? also i'm feeling a little down because i was abused in my childhood. pic related
>>32591037I have a girlfriend and a social life outside of 4chan, you will never know what it’s like to be truly free
>>32591036Her thesis makes sense if you consider that for 80% of the women you aren't a candidate no matter what, and the rest of 20% at the end of the day reject you thanks to their standards. It is a very pragmatic way of looking at things, bwc and bbc aside
>>32591031Then it sounds like you shouldn't worry. Sex is often one of those paradoxical things where the more we worry about a potential issue, the further we drive ourselves away from the place we want to be
damn is this really what it's like to be a foid?
>>32591047Kek nice clitty cage faggot
GenderHas the west fallen?
>>32591033I have a gf tho
>>32591030ah, sorry to hear that :(
>>32591061>thoNo you don’t Rajesh
>>32591033Except we're a blue board and can post images without having to constantly come up with "original" phrases.
>>32591054oh, it‘s ENTJ ew
>>32591068I'm not ENTJ, I'm a different attention whore
>>32591060Ma while ago
>>32591071>he’s knows about /r9k because hes been banned from it multiple timesHello ENTJ
>>32591083Kek no, but I posted in their happenings general
>>32591057Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. I’ve never loved or cared about a woman this deeply so I just want to make sure she’s good
>>32591060MIf you're asking if the situation is unrecoverable the answer is yes, if you mean is this as bad as it will get, no. 2070
I hate that there are no euro femanons
>>32591049>fantasy games>infinite possibilities>you choose something that's ultra vanilla and physically possible
im 32 male and i've been having pre-marital relationships all my life. I ditched the love of my life in 2022 despite being her hot she was insane and had to be done. In summer of 2023 i met a mid virgin chick who was a lukewarm christian and she let me hit and i lost interest after that after seeing what's better out there in the street.In 2024 i changed mindset and started nofap and repented in the name of our lord a saviour Jesus Christ and i started attending church in christmas time like 3 weeks ago. There at the church i met a good looking 30 year old. It was a hard approach because she was praying all the time and being devoted but i managed to get her number after seeing her there for the 2nd time.I went on a date with her. She told me she wanted to see me in the afternoon so assumed she had other plans for the night (this happened 2 days ago)>We went for a coffee>Instantly likes me>We then get into my car>We go to a trail>Walk for 2 hours>Back to car>I drive around town with her for 2 hours>She is cool to be around>We talk a bit about chrstianity>She was about to receive communion Sunday morning>She fasted the whole night drinking only teaI mean that girl is 'different' from other girls in terms of virtues but deep in my mind i just know she is just another girl, i don't know what she did before me, i only know she is unvaxxed but that doesn't cut it. what if she got fucked when she was in uni in the UK? She is a laywer too. My religious friend told me that i should re-innovate my house and have her over and marry her and my dad says the same, but my chad looking friend told me that i should have at least gone for a kiss (he doesn't undestand religion).Anyway, i'm i a pussy cuck for not wanting to marry and not trusting women?
>>32591098They’re all busy trying to get US visas
>>32591100>the love of my lifeThe fact that you still refer to her like this is what makes you a cuck.
>>32591100>posting about your loss on 4chan for everyone to laughYep sounds about right loser
>>32591107I could offer them summers in a dacha on the adriatic coast and winters in the alpsbut they'd rather have wildfires in LA
Question for men. Would it be a deal breaker for you if a girl you were dating had difficulty orgasming? She can orgasm by herself fine, but can't with you.
>>32591110I fucked a blonde serbian girl once they are whores bro
>>32591100>what if she got fucked when she was in uni in the UK?Then it would make the relationship more fair and stable.Virgins for virgins. Sluts for sluts. Parents for parents.
>>32591112Yes, my girl has a tight sensitive pussy my dick absolutely destroys her she actually passes out momentarily after cumming and shaking violently, I always joke about putting her in hospital if she wants to act like a little brat and it makes her horny
>>32591114I agree, fuck serbians
>>32591112Why can't women orgasm from men?
>>32591100walking clichejesus you are 32, look in a mirrorwhat are you even doing on this site? (rhetorical, don't even reply to this post)
>>32591123Because your dick is too small incel gtfo you need at least 4 inches to post here
>>32591112MIf she can get off by herself then yeah I would assume she wasn't attracted to me and probably look to break things off.
>>32590777Happy New Year Anons!
>>32590927I don't mind. I quite like the "just came from the office" look - tucked in shirt and jeans - if we're going for an after-work date. Otherwise "standard male attire" works fine - straight leg trousers or jeans (I hate narrow/tapered leg or cuffed joggers), a clean t-shirt, jumper, boots. I'm not a big fan of streetwear but some women are. If you don't have personal style, don't force it.
>>32591130Happy thanksgiving to you too anon…
i want my boobs touched roughly today.
Whats for dinner tonight?
>gf tells a mutual friend of ours that she's meeting my parents tonight>friend asks her if she thinks that's moving too fast>meanwhile said friend is the same age as her with two different baby daddies Why are women like this
>>32590903> I would only fuck a longterm boyfriend.Not that guy, but you spelled "husband" wrong.Most women, contrary to what incels fantasize about, aren't getting drunk and having hookups every weekend. Dating and relationships in the current year are a shitshow regardless.That's in large part *because* people largely accepted the nonsense that noncommittal sex (the entire point of dating, of being bf/gf, is that you aren't committed, so that you aren't stuck with someone you don't want to marry) is "serious" just because they want it to be. That only benefits the players and the men who will happily string women along for years while they get easy sex and maybe split rent.
>>32590786FI used to like it, but now that I've abstained from it for months, I no longer crave it.
>>32591148She learned from experience and is trying to make sure her friends are not making avoidable mistakes.
>>32591060MaleYes, billions must die
>>32591100You're a degenerate.Not for anything you supposedly did, but for posting this shitty larp to /adv/.
>>32591132I'm not joking, it's Old New Year
>>32591060>>32591079The East has risen
>>32590888 (Czech'd)Abs, shoulders, and arms.
>>32591143Salad, roasted chicken breast, and roasted broccoli, plus roasted baby potatoes for bf
>>32591100Holy kek. (american?) Christbros are something else.
>>32591112Her knowledge of that is the dealbreaker, since I wouldn't be fooling around outside of marriage.
>>32591060FI'm afraid so.>>32591143Nothing. Intermittent fasting ftw.
>>32591141Like stressballs?
4chan was always meant to be an online lunatic asylum
>>32591112MIts not a deal breaker, but it would kind of hurt i guess
>>32591171It's a larp. Nobody talks like that.
>>32591179Ain't that the truth
>>32591179It is fully living up to its purpose.
>tfw i nearly got a qt irish e-gf back in like 2012>I was too retarded and never actually asked he outHow did i do it back then, bros?
>>32591189>he aint that right
Alphawidow anon posting again.He said we could study together tonight. My heart is fragile and my mind is malleable and I will be going to see him. I can’t resist being held. I’m still so anxious I feel like throwing up though
>>32591185NTA but wow, literally me
>>32591200Genuinely never heard of it either. lmao
>>32591200The guy that may or may not be playing me
>>32591195i meant her*But she was absolutely a girl. We exchanged facebooks and everything.
>>32591206Guess that was back when you weren’t so cynical yet.
>>32591143Loves my wifeslop especially when she slobbers all over my cock after dinner, yall will never live this good
I'm sorry atoga, I'm having a bad brain day. I don't have the energy to meaningfully engage with you today.You know it's bad when I'm too dumb even to 4chan.
>>32591108I saw the new girl once, what do you expect. Also I was the one breaking up with ex>>32591109Where was the loss? She wants to see me again. >>32591127You are here forever>>32591161>>32591171>>32591181Why the fuck do you think this is a larp? /fit/ was right about you faggots. I’m out
>>32591189>over a decade ago there was this girl I never asked outTruly fascinating. Thanks for sharing anon
>>32591179I used to be an irl lolcow I just come here to vent occasionally now
>>32591210Thats every day, yet you still do it.
>>32591197Good luck. You'll handle it however things turn out.
>>32591197Gonna be honest, I didn't have a clear head when I read your post the first time so I didn't respond. Reading it now, it doesn't sound that good for you. Do you know his friends? Have you ever been to dinner together?
>>32591208shut up you fat brownoid
>>32591210PMS again?
>good friends with two women>strike out with one of them>begin dating the other>happy together>other woman still hangs out with me but NEVER asks questions about my relationship>apparently asks a LOT of questions about our relationship to my gfwhat the fuck is her problem
Men what are signs you are getting uninterested in a woman? And what are common reasons? I’ve been seeing a guy for over a month now but he’s started taking hours to respond and I’m always the one planning meetups. I just don’t know what could’ve gone wrong it was all so good for so long.
>>32591178kneaded like a cat but with big big man hands
>>32591240did you not put out? of at least suck his dick? come on now, hoe
>>32591243And then you get into situations like these >>32590872
>>32591243??? That’s what gets me worried like we have had sex but on the rare occasion that he asks to see me we chat for like an hour then have sex and it’s worrying me that’s all I’m good for. I mean we’ve been seeing each other for around 45-50 days now and still haven’t had the exclusive / dating chat yet and I’m too scared to ask first because I don’t want to scare him away I really like him.
>>32591240>she says something that proves she's not wife material>notice something unattractive about her that cant be fixed or overlooked>learn something about her thats what comes to mind
>>32591224Jealous faggot cope and seethe you will never come home after a 12 hour shift to warm comfy house smelling of pot roast and homemade garlic bread and being so stuffed after dinner you actually fall asleep until she crawls under the table and gently starts to slowly suck you awake until you finally build up the sexual power to take it to the bedroom and send her to hell
>>32591229Why is the water bottle saying "blood"?Does mid luteal phase really make hands HUGE?
>>32591249>still haven’t had the exclusive / dating chat yetoh baby girlyou failed to lock that shit down earlyits over
>>32591240Sex, literally everything else is just foreplay and build up to sex, who the fuck actually enjoys going on dates
>>32591252Well I just must be fucking cooked then. I’ve been single for like 3 years now and every failed talking stage I pinpoint where I went wrong and fix it the next time just to repeatedly do that until this time I really really thought I had it down. And we are super compatible like similar majors and can Yap about anything. I must just be fucking ugly and unlovable or some shit.
>>32591249Has he confided anything in you? Does he tell you his problems?
>>32591263I dont know bud. Maybe you said something that triggered his ''well she's not the one'' response during your yap sessions.
>>32591263After i hit a few times i just lose interest.I think im broken
>>32591266I mean like relatively surface level ones yeah. Like one of his roommates sucks and he tells me about the stuff he does that sucks. Tells me about good stuff too like his family. Also his career plan and his favourite fields of work.
>>32591266You’re a cuck don’t ever confide in a woman unless it’s trivial day to day shit
>>32591240>what could’ve gone wrongMaybe everything went too well. Sounds almost like he's getting complacent in the relationship. Admittedly this might be colored by my own mindset right now.
>>32591258Everyone was telling me to wait for him to ask I don’t want to scare him away and I feel like it’s pretty obvious how interested I am in him given that I respond to his messages almost instantly majority of the time tell him good night good morning etc will make him food.
>>32591279imagine staying this while browsing /atoga/ 24/7 lmao
>>32591240NAG but it sounds like the typical thing of he's just not feeling it, but you've made it easy for him so he'll coast along with whatever dates you plan for the sex and company
>>32591283>I respond to his messages almost instantlyman I fucking hate this
>>32591240I have never lost interesteither I was interested from the beginning and still am, or I was truthfully never interested
>>32591289I mean that’s just me I don’t expect an instant response back just like when it’s 4-5 hours I’m like ah so I’m not any sort of priority here.
>>32591283you're getting some other hoe's sloppy secondssorry not sorrymy current gf had that conversation with me SUPER early and the only green flag I'd given her was calling her "my girl" a single time
>>32591169Very based meal.
>>32591291When I get an instant response I feel like im obliged to respond fast too or I'd come off as an asshole. The problem is that this feeds the cycle and I cant get anything done until the convo is over
women, i'll still love you when you get old and saggy <3
>>32591277It doesn't sound great, he's acting differently that a guy who wants you as his gf.
>>32591283>modern dating has become a constant game of cat and mouse and social gymnastics This is why I’m so glad I’m happily engaged and getting married, you guys will never understand what’s it’s like to feel safe and loved in a relationship >>32591284My wife only knows what she needs to know, we both know she can’t help me with my military PTSD so we both agreed to avoid that conversation all together
>>32591296>12 yo dating problems
women, i won't love you when you get old and saggy, i'll completely lose interest and chase after younger women <3
>>32591304overthinking is a bitch
>>32591211>/fit/ was right about you faggots.I'll bite. What did /fit/ say about us?
>>32591301No modern dating is actually so fucked. I haven’t had an actual relationship since highschool it’s just been failure after failure. Whoever created the concept of dating apps should burn in hell.
>>32591305I’m currently battling this struggle rn how do I avoid succumbing to the young fertile womb of another woman?
>>32591309I may have found a loophole in the current dating scape but I'm afraid to jinx it.
>>32591306It’s unironically all in your head just stop being a faggot>>32591309You are someone who was supposed to be married anon, force yourself into a marriage and you will probably find yourself working for that person and feeling more accomplished because you have a legitimate reason to
>>32591305>women, i won't love you when you get old and saggy, i'll completely lose interest and chase after younger women <3No problem. We'll divorce you and take all your money.
>>32591294Thanks anon, I hope you enjoy a good meal tonight too
>>32590786M. I hate it. I hate eating it, I hate walking through the grocery store filled with it, I hate seeing other people stuff their faces with it, I hate niggers using gibs to buy it, I hate the way junk food manufacturers are shitty employers, I hate the way junk food manufacturers have captured the regulations for profit, I hate the way junk food manufacturers put profit before service(ie. societal health), I hate the trashy videos of people cooking with it, I hate the fat boomers obsessed with it, I hate the malnourished bodies of young adults who have tried to live off it, I hate how it generates extra amounts of trash especially the single-use plastic.Oh, and I absolutely despise women who like to consume it.That "hot chip and lie" thing actually gets me angrier at the "hot chip" part than the "lie" part. I don't like it but of course women lie. But the "imma skip dinner after my starbucks and eat takis with chopsticks at 8 PM instead then complain about being miserable all the time" is absolutely despicable.
>>32591243kys degenerate sex pest
>>32591319nice try but i don't have any money <3
>>32591263You're just a slut. Sorry that you listened to the sabotaging retards who pretend you can buy commitment with sex.
>>32591307that you're a miserable den of dyels
>>32591309Humans were never meant to date, there is no survival benefit to being in short term engagements with another person, even caveman were smart to workout the concept of family as a unit for survival and a way of life, return to tradition Grug
>>32591329>chicken legs Holy roid abuse
>>32591329Were they specifically talking about /atoga/ or about /adv/ in general? In the latter case, I'd be inclined to agree. Outside of /atoga/. /adv/ is worthless.
women, why are you such a misandrist?
>>32591240It's a meme, but it is genuinely remarkable how many of the questions women ask about men can be answered with the words "He's just not that into you". He probably never was, to be honest. The pursuit was maybe fun, but once he had caught you, you just weren't interesting any more. You probably didn't do anything wrong, he was just never that into you to begin with.
>>32591240>>32591249you chased a middling fuckboy it's obvious that he doesn't care about you he just likes the easy sex and finds it convenient. it's clear that he has no intention of settling up with you.women need to get better fucking taste
>>32591233>what the fuck is her problemThere's no problem, she's just looking out for her friend (the other girl, not you).
>>32591336>tfw this is how I met my wife all just because I was horny but she turned out to be kinda fun to hang out with
Women will never understand the pain of trying to pee with a boner
>>32591141>i want my boobs touched roughly todayOkay, but I'm not getting out of my chair.
>>32591336>Implying you wouldn't humiliate yourself for a model
>>32591123>Why can't women orgasm from men?Men are incompetent at sex.
would you rather your partner be excited to meet your parents or deathly afraid?my gf is dreading meeting mine but I'm looking forward to meeting hers, I enjoy being interrogated
>>32591352Did you consider the fact that you're not worth the effort?
>>32591351Yeah I would be so jealous of a guy with legs I could literally snap like a cinnamon stick
>>32591112>Question for men. Would it be a deal breaker for you if a girl you were dating had difficulty orgasming? She can orgasm by herself fine, but can't with you.It wouldn't be a problem at all, so long as you were enjoying yourself. But if you can orgasm by yourself, why can't you bring yourself to orgasm when you're with me? Camp out on my penis for a bit and masturbate while you're there.
>>32591352Men today are shit and being replaced
>>32591346Because there's not much to understand. Peeing with a boner is just slightly more difficult than peeing without one.
>>32591346You will never understand the pain of trying to piss after getting friction burn on the tip of your foreskin from rough and vigorous sex
>>32591353if they are deathly afraid i'm worried their parents are awful to them. i'm never introducing anyone to my parents since they were abusive and we don't talk anymore, but that sort of makes me really hope i meet someone with loving parents who wouldn't mind being parental to me even though i'm an adult since i never really had that experience ever.
>>32590777>Why don't women just marry an ugly unattractive broke drug, gambling and gooning addicted misogynist that doesn't know how to cook or clean, deeply despises her and won't even make her cum?
>>32591346Some men can manage it just fine
>>32591368Loser mentally, your parents suffered raising such a disrespectful and negligent child all for them to get filtered by society, you will never have a stable relationship
The femanons are lame today
>>32591353My bf was very calm and positive about, which is the best way to be I think. I'm the one who was super anxious when he met mine and when I met his, but I kept it to myself and I didn't have any real reason to be anxious, it's just the way I am
>>32591346>Women will never understand the pain of trying to pee with a bonerAs a guy, all I can say to this is "Huh?"
am i a dickhead for not wanting to go to my sister's wedding? we havent been close in any way since i was like 10, but my mom thinks it's important to go.
>>32591374I’ve literally met a guy exactly how you’ve described irl and he got divorced for cheating on his ex wife, wowsers 4chan was actually right for once
>>32591333Probably the latter. >tfwnogf posting often leads to threads getting transplanted from /fit/ to /adv/, that’s how I ended up here
>>32591334>women, why are you such a misandrist?I've met men.
>>32591397You’re a fat fuck loser with no life that’s how you ended up here, I could easily wipe the floor with you
>>32591386Everyone is lame today.
>>32591386I'm here for my own brainrotted amusement, not yours
>>32591386They’re all trannies and AI bots if that makes you feel better
>>32591386I'm just waiting for mine to reply to my last mail.
I wish I could understand or find out what makes me so unlikable for women (romantically) but I just seem unable to. Does therapy actually do anything? I'm desperate.
>>32591404Are you amused though?
>>32590846Does this mean it's not over for me? I have a 16cm dick with regular girth, if I angled myself to hit there would you find that pleasurable?
>>32591393Yes, you are. Unless there is genuine bad blood between you and it would actually be a hit to your dignity or mental health to attend, show up and be there for her big day. It will mean a lot to her, and it will be good for you
>>32591400I’m actually skinny by your standards but I’d still crush your windpipe (no homo ;)
>>32590835>Women, is kissing men enjoyable?This depends very, very strongly on how good the guy is at kissing. I've been kinda spoiled, because my current bf is unbelievably at it - blew my mind the first time we made out. But this has made it clear just how terrible most of the guys I'd previously kissed actually were. After taking to friends, I've come to the conclusion that most guys have no idea how to do it.
>>32591411Yes. You need a certified normie to point out your flaws and errors since you're too far up your own ass to notice them.
>>32590842>Women, do you want a baby?Jesus Christ, no!
>>32591412Not really, but that's where the brainrot comes in. I can do other things, and then allow myself some adhd moments and check the thread
>>32591418>my current bf is unbelievably at it>most guys have no idea how to do itCan you pass on the knowledge?
>>32591424They never will. We're supposed to just be born with that knowledge apparently
Femanons/Male anons I have a consult hereIf you know that your crush doesn't like you, but other people still encourage you to try because they think you got a chance, should you give it a try or just not bother her at all?By the way, the people encouraging are close female friends of her
>>32591423Good luck with whatever else it is you're doing.
>>32591427It would be an amazing thing indeed if anyone actually managed to explain through text how to kiss well. But it's worth a try asking.
>>32591424>>32591427How would you even do that in text...?You'd have to be taught directly by trying.
>>32591431MWhat have you got to lose? How are you even so sure she doesn't like you?
>>32591431If she doesn't like me then I would definitely stay away and explain to the women encouraging me that the last thing I want is to come across like an obsessed creep. I'd also tell them that if they want to encourage someone, they should encourage her.
>>32591439>How would you even do that in text...?>>32591438>You'd have to be taught directly by trying.Could you teach IRL, now that you've experienced it yourself?
>>32591447This, it's insane to tell a guy to keep trying after getting rejected.
Why are women so boring?
>>32591439>You'd have to be taught directly by trying.Alright sis, let me borrow your boyfriend
>>32591449Somebody who is good at it, probably?>>32591453I'm not her.
>>32591442She's a close friend of mine that I really enjoy being friends with and I wouldn't want to spoil that if I really don't have a chance.Not completely sure but those same friends told me she said that>>32591447I gotch u. To be fair I still haven't made any move so I still have some space before I'm an obsessed creep but yeah, I wouldn't like to be encouraged if I'm going to shit up things
>>32591452there's no way to befriend women, like, even if I sever my dick right off, shave my beard and look as non threatening as possible, I still have no shot to even begin a conversation because women live in a different world.
>>32591458Sounds more like you live in your own world, buddy.
>>32591452Mi think they see men as inherently dangerous, so anything iffy is shut down and / or labeled. you end up having to censor yourself while walking on eggshells. it's more effort for a shittier bond in my experience
>>32591460and theirs is the real world, got it, I can live with that.
>>32591424>Can you pass on the knowledge?Not really. :) My bf claims he used to be really bad at it when he was younger, and it took a long time to figure out. He might be being modest,vI dunno. I can give you some very very basic pointers, but I think it probably just takes practice! I think it's also a compatibility thing: like, you can be good at kissing one person, but not: another, kind of like dancing - two people can dance well together, but either one of them might not be so great with a different partner whose style doesn't match theirs. Anyway, basics. Start with your lips fairly relaxed, but not completely soft. Don't ever smush both of your lips against both of hers; always take one of her lips between both of yours. Don't go too fast, but always be slowly moving; it's not about pressing, it's about always gently stroking her lips with yours. Don't use too much tongue too soon; touch her lips with your tongue, don't try and lick her tonsils. And spent plenty of time with your eyes closed just concentrating on the feeling in your own lips, and doing what you need to do to make it feel good; if it's working for you, it's probably working for her. Oh, and it usually works best if one person "leads" and the other person roughly mirrors them; if you both do your own thing, that will go badly!!!
>>32591431If you *know* they don't like you, obviously leave them alone. If you merely *think* they don't, then give it a try.
>>32591455Why would they be encouraging someone they know she doesn't like to go for her anyway? Sounds kind of like shitty friends.
>>32591431Honestly it sounds really awkward if you share a friend group and they know this about you, and are all involved in it. It's like high school. You might be better off focusing your sights on someone else
>>32590777Why do some gym bros date fat chicks?
>>32591432Thanks anon, I hope some less lame femanons start posting soon
>>32591466Fug, that's hard to tell desu. I believe I am Iiked as a person but that's far from wanting something else.Guess I'll pluck some petals or something
>>32591471>Why do some gym bros date fat chicks?They're less shallow than you.
>>32591427Some people are good with cats and some are not. If you have no real interest in reading the kitty you can follow a tutorial and make it hate you less than it would if you were acting naturally, but you will never reach the skill level of someone who has the IQ or the intuition to figure it out as they go.This applies to all social skills. If you care about being perceived as a good kisser but have never thought "what would make a kiss good?" you probably simply don't care enough to get good.
>>32591471They are /architects/
Women do you ever prefer >(you)s over dick?
>>32591473You replied, so I don't think you're lame.
>>32591452Because we can be, I guess. Most men have a variety of male friends and they get something completely different from their romantic relationships with women. If you've never had friends then you end up expecting a woman to fill every gaping chasm in your soul, rather than just one or two
>>32591463I agree with the compatibility part.This was honestly a much better reply than I expected. Thank you!
>>32591484Most men don't have friends
>>32591418>>32591463How does it feel to live my dream?
femanonshow erotic is your back
>>32591469Not a group, just a person. Yeah, I'm not doing any other social suicide after high school. >>32591468>Why would they be encouraging someone they know she doesn't like to go for her anyway? Sounds kind of like shitty friends.That's my exact damn question! haha. I need some femanon here to explain this to me
Women, is effort and enthusiasm enough?
>>32591488I've got love handles, so not much
>>32591487>How does it feel to live my dream?What is your dream exactly?
>>32591492damn, that sucks
>>32591486That's the biggest problem.
I got sent home in the party cuz I am too fucked xPI need to apply to more jobs tomorrow cuz I really need to pay my dues in the household.....I'm just reallyy depressed, I'm never gong to have a girlfriend, everyone laughs at my artwork, we are all on our own desu.......>>32591471Because they are lovely and sweet and cute girls maybe???.... honestly who gives a flying fuck just )))): my highschool gf was such a sweetie baby and way too good for me, so I'm really glad she could find a chad at her level...
>>32591491>Women, is effort and enthusiasm enough?No, you need communication and listening skills too.
>>32591494To have a bf that kisses me often and well
>>32591484To the contrary, I have a lot of male friends and if anything it has made me more picky about women. If I'm going to be with somebody for a long time (hopefully forever) then they've gotta be really fun to talk to. I'd rather be alone than be like one of my boomer coworkers who's better friends with his """work wife""" than his actual wife.
>>32591480Honestly I really am pretty lame, but thank you
>>32591502>To have a bf that kisses me often and wellIt is pretty sweet, ngl. :) He says I'm "good at being kissed" too, which made me kinda proud. I asked what he meant, and he says I'm good at anticipating what he's about to do and reacting to it. I dunno, it feels instinctive. He also says I like everything he does so he doesn't have to think about it, lol.
>>32591486I'm not sure about most. A lot of men don't, and a lot of men do. Every guy I've dated has had quite a few male friends. I'm not disputing the loneliness issue though, and I know it's complex
>parents are meeting my gf tonight >said they would pay for dinner at a nice restaurant>little brother messages me and asks if he can come to>tell him "Not no but FUCK no">he madit would be awkward to invite him to something like that, right? he's also fucking notorious for intentionally making me look stupid when I'm trying to be serious
>>32591490When I was in middle school I got a random phone call from this girl I was vaguely acquainted with. She wanted to inform me that she didn't like me and that she had a boyfriend. I was very confused. Turns out that her friends had played a prank on her and told her that they had told me that she liked me. They hadn't.That anecdote probably isn't relevant to you. One would expect adults to be more mature than middle schoolers.
>>32591522>it would be awkward to invite him to something like that, right?You know him and I don't, but I don't really see why.
Women, can a guy give bad neck and forehead kisses?
KidsWhat do you mean when you say things like "Bedrot" and "Brainrot"?
>>32591522do you not like him? is he mean? if i my boyfriend told me he didn't let his brother come to dinner and i'd never met him i'd feel bad for him
>>32590777I hate twitter so much
>>32591539>Women, can a guy give bad neck and forehead kisses?Oh yeah. Easily.
Made to love womenForced to hate them
>>32591526One would expect that, yeah. But suddenly with these things people can be so immature that it catches you off guard
>>32591526Kids are so fucking mean, man.
>>32591548Maybe your mutual friend really does mean well but thinks she knows better than you or the girl in question.I would still trust your gut over hers.
>>32591556Wasn't a big deal as far as I was concerned. We got the misunderstanding straightened out quickly. I imagine she felt a bit embarrassed though.
Dating a woman seems stressful :(
>>32591570It was more stressful than dating a man, that's for sure.
Women would rather stay with their amerishart goodboys than let you incels touch them.
>>32591574Is that true for lesbians?
i am a very serious and stoic type of person, and i think the only thing that ever really makes me cheerful or expressive are men and babies. otherwise i function like a machine with occasional breakdowns. the only way for me to vent my emotions is to cry or to read a story or watch videos containing men or babies, and when i do that, it's like i end up going all out to try to get out as much emotion as possible in that window so i'm not all backed up.all i really want is a man who can be with me all day so i can feel things. and babies. who i'll be with all day and make them coo and giggle and grow up happy. that's all i want. i don't get the point of literally anything else.
>>32591557Thanks man. My gut tells me that I would like to try but it's really a coin flip if she would reciprocate. That's why I tried to see if a close friend could bring some light and I ended more confused haha
>>32591490If it's just one person then it isn't so bad. If your crush is a close friend, then it's difficult to say what's the the best thing to do. Maybe try to start doing stuff with her alone, and sort of changing the energy a bit when you're with her. If she responds positively, keep steering it up a notch until it's no longer weird to get tipsy together and make out
>>32591543he's already met her and I can only think of retarded stuff he would being up because he likes to fuck with me
>>32591578I'm bi.
>>32591580> watch videos containing men Like what?
>>32591581Then I say do it. Even if it doesn't go your way, which by the sound if it it probably won't if I'm honest, you'll have peace of mind that you tried. And I trust your friendship will survive.
>>32591508I don't think I said anything about not being picky or being with a girl you don't find fun to talk to. You just aren't going to get your need for masculine friendship met by your gf
>>32591586You're doing one or the other at a time
>>32591580I don't know how to help you so I tried to find a picture of a hug as a reply.
>be metalhead who hits the gym regularly>have a few tattoos>short beard>have serious resting bitch face>whenever I approach a girl in the club they seem genuinely terrified>though on tinder loads of girls say im handsome af and im very sweet I feel like my resting bitchface is scaring the hoesHow do I get rid of it?
>>32591597I guess so. Now that I'm single, I can retroactively say my experience dating one woman was more stressful at a base level than with any men, though more men made me spike with anxiety than she ever did.
>>32591603Don't rest your bitch face.
>>32591603You don't buzz your hair, right?
>>32591613Nah I have long hair
>>32591580Just out of curiosity, what about older kids?
>>32591616Maybe try wearing it up?Your goal here is to try to look as little like a violent meth head as possible. For me, that meant growing out the buzz cut. Hair is your best weapon against rbf.
Hair is his best weapon in any case, without it he's either rejected or rejected.
>>32591592I just assumed since you said women can afford to be "boring", since "boring" to me means "not fun to talk to".Tangentially, I've seen guys do the opposite, where the make one platonic male friend and then put all of their interpersonal needs onto that one person and expect the kind of time/energy investment from them that most people reserve for an SO.
Femanons if one of you fucked every guy itt in 12 minutes you could beat her record on speed (88 dudes an hour)Wanna try?
>>32591647that's not gonna work
u monke?
>>32591580me when i see u hurting
>>32591580>i think the only thing that ever really makes me cheerful or expressive are menWhy?
>>32591589i like to watch informational videos. i like videos where men explain statistics or demonstrate martial arts techniques.
>>32591647Hedonism is just another form of soft suicide
LADIES. 25yo incel neet here. I did loads of looksmaxxing and went into town. Still no attention from girls, but old women couldn't stop looking at me. What does that mean?
>>32591736Are you even approaching the girls you like or are you just standing there waiting for a woman to fall in your arms?
Women, would you date a guy who can’t afford a $100,000 antique Persian rug?
>>32591647>Wanna try?(looks around the thread) No thanks, I'm good.
>>32591754Yes :3 In fact I'm engaged to one
>>32591741I'm just seeing if I'm attractive. If people mire then it's proof I'm attractive. But for some reason I got mired by post menopausal women only. There is no girl I 'like'. I was heartbroken 6 years ago and don't know any girls these days. Anyway, cold approaching seems like a bad idea. If a girl is into you she gives enough of a hint that its no longer really a random approach.
>>32591768Old women have no shame. They're gonna mire openly.Women your age who actually have a stake in the game are gonna be cagier.
>be me at company dinner>I referred my fiance to the company and he got in, this is our first dinner together>"[fiance], once we get in the restaurant we're just colleagues ok? No touching and stuff, I don't want to make other people uncomfortable">we go in, he gets a bit tipsy>starts putting his arm around me and twirling my hair and I push him off me coldly, he's not even realizing he's touching me>my male colleague whom I work with a lot seems a bit suspicious>he finally asks "do you know her?">uh-oh.jpg>I explain that we've been dating for 9 years>"oh thank god, I was getting so scared that he was being handsy with you"I have great colleagues who care about me, but god what must've gone through his head
Women, what is the appeal of sucking cock?
>>32591600thanks.>>32591618we would play
>>32591791Making him feel good :3I love to make him moan with pleasure, and feeling his cock getting harder and harder in my mouth. Especially kinky when I can taste his precum
>>32591791>Women, what is the appeal of sucking cock?Do you not enjoy kissing or sucking on boobs? It's not that different.
>>32591722i don't know. nothing else makes me feel things that strongly.
>>32591796>Do you not enjoy kissing or sucking on boobs? It's not that different.How would I know? :(
>>32591791same as the appeal of all sex?
>>32591803Is your G spot in your throat?
>>32591736>casually uses the phrase ‘looksmaxxing’>wonders in despair why he can’t have sex
>>32591810nta but do you not think people like to pleasure their partners? part of sex is making your partner feel good.
>>32591810oh, sorry, i forgot men are all about cumming as quickly as possible and not just the sensual enrichment of being touched and filled and adored and consumed and absorbed until for a moment your partner can see, smell, feel, hear, and think of nothing but you.
>>32591799Well, the lips and tongue are very sensitive. That's why kissing feels good. All the different shapes and textures in a penis are very exciting to explore.
>>32591810and also i do get a little dizzy and lightheaded, and get chills down my spine, that give me goosebumps, which isn't an orgasm but feels very pleasant.
>>32591819>>32591823>appeal of ALL sex
>>32591831the appeal of all sex, is to me, the sensual enrichment of being touched and filled and adored and consumed and absorbed until for a moment my partner can see, smell, feel, hear, and think of nothing but me. if all i wanted was an orgasm, i would masturbate.
>>32591831For me it fucking is. I love to be an object of adoration of my partner and to know that he cum by using me. Hearing him moan, having him hold me tighter as he orgasms is pretty much most of the appeal for me
>>32591846>>32591836Alright that's what I wanted
>>32591815I'm using it because it's funny. Btw I have not spoken to a woman about incel stuff ever so no that's not the problem. I simply don't know how to meet women.
>>32591849you got it the first time, dumbass.
Girls, is it true that big breast are less sensitive to the nipples? I would feel bad if my big booba gf do not feel that good when I play with her there.
>>32591853i keep on hearing this, but i'm pretty large, and they're sensitive enough to annoy the shit out of me daily, so i don't really buy that rumor.
>>32591778So I'm actuslly hot then? I hope so. I used to be chadlite in school and had half a dozen girls show interest. Dated one, but my confidence and mental health went through the floor since and I needed up a hermit neet. I really have a burning desire to meet a cutie and start a family.
>>32591858That does put peace in my mind. Sorry about your daily hassle tho.
>>32591852You said "all" sex like it's the same for men and women
>>32591867 why the fuck would i be speaking for all of humanity? why would you expect me to?
>>32591853I have no idea. I'm C cup and I've never gotten hot over my nips being touched. Feels like nothing, annoying if he keeps rubbing. Luckily men seem to skip to ass and pussy immediately. Men barely acknowledge boobs when they're having sex.
Hello I woke up and my ass still hurts.
>>32591880>Men barely acknowledge boobs when they're having sex.That's only because (you) don't react. I used to love making my girlfriend make the :O face she always did when I squeezed her nipples.
>>32591890from getting fucked?
>>32591893No, I bent down yesterday and it shot pain through my left ass muscle and leg.
Women, imagine a man being absolutely crushed when you're gone.(ie. a grandpa after 45+ years of marriage)Girl, what in the hell are you doing with your life?
>>32591891She was sensitive? How did she like it?
>>32591899Please rephrase.
M or FWhy do girls in work always like to playfully tease me? I'm an aspie, so I don't get the mind games.
>>32591900The nipples particularly. I'm not sure the rest of her boobs were that sensitive compared to some others I've experienced, but her nipples made her flush. I would squeeze them, she'd try to almost stop herself from making the :O face I loved so much, but then she'd give in as the pressure increased. She liked me to squeeze them hard, just below being too much to handle. It seemed to electrify her. I could also lean down and squeeze one during a blowjob to make her go deeper or be more enthusiastic. I'm getting hot just thinking about it
Fellow women, I find it hotter when a guy is covered in blood and bruises, carrying a hunk of meat over his shoulder than seeing a guy with a thick wallet and a sports car. Am I alone in this?
>>32591913NO THAT IS INCREDIBLY REAL. i do not care about money or cars (i do think cars are cool but it's not remotely horny). i do think men should be ceremonially bathed in blood through their labor regularly. we all should touch blood. it's important.
>>32590786MDespise it, I only ever feel awful eating it.
Women, which chain of fast food being franchised by a man would be a green flag vs a red flag, like would women really be grossed out if they found out I owned an Arbys?
>>32591916Men should always be covered in blood. A man stroking himself all bloody...
Women love when men are assertive. Assertiveness doesn't mean being an asshole.
One too many late nights, femanon. I could have cooked healthy meals for you and helped you cure your alcohol addiction. But no, you chose Chad from the Diddy parties. And now, years later, you ask yourself if it was worth it. And my voice in the back of your head whispers no.
Women, would you date a Locked In Alien?
>>32591913>>32591916>>32591929Women scare me.
>>32591932You know what, men love when women are assertive too.
>>32591913>>32591916>>32591929absolutely demonic, women are
>>32591929>my man comes home from his outing injured because the world is dangerous>filled with adrenaline and panting, cuts all across his torso>grabs me, says "i made it home to you" and kisses me so hard i can't breathe>when he pushes me down on the beg his blood spills on me, running down my chest>>>>>HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>32591946boo!
Girls can i sit with you?
>>32591913They're both stupid.
Women remember when (((they))) gaslit you into believing Adam Driver was THE sex symbol of your time then they dropped this scene on you?
State gender Do you think JH made her uncle cum with her mouth, pussy or ass?
>>32591966i like his face but i do not like when guys shave their chest hair at all
Femanon looking at the trickles of blood dripping from my hand, forming crimson fractal patterns down my bare forearm.
>>32591973That's a lovely description but are you implying you cut yourself? Please don't.
>>32591973again, that is a pretty way to write it, but please don't self harm. i don't want you to bleed for that reason.
>>32591966he's quite hot actually. And I love his face
Femanon getting aroused after I brutally murder my political opponents
>>32591990Brutally murdering political opponents is pretty good, but selfish. Murdering lobbyists is hotter, because they pose a threat to the entire world. Heroes are very attractive. Nothing new.
Why do women view virgin or inexperienced men so poorly, even if that same man is very successful and overall has a high quality life?
Men, what if I came up with a perfect plan for a sexual intercourse and asked you not to deviate from it?
>>32592000I’m good at following orders.
>>32591994What about someone who lobbies for more brutal murderings ?
>call her>rings a few times but gets manually forwarded to voicemailI guess I'm not blocked. But she still doesn't want to talk to me.
>>32592000Am man, of course I'm going to deviate from it, femanon 2000.
Femanons :I'm watching otome games isekai animes. Do you think they reflect something about you ?Also in romance (and in some western series I remember, not only in these animes for women), it seems like there is always a phase when the woman distance herself from the man, trying to proove herself, or having a different with him, kind of betraying the whole romance (often when you think it found a resolution). How come ? Do you not like the idea of completely loyalty ? Do you really not to construct a conflict between your self, and the relationship ?
>>32591990If you're not shooting health insurance CEOs then I'm not interested.
>>32592004good>>32592014NOWe're NOT deviating from the plan
would it probably bother a guy if i had shorts and sports bra tanlines instead of bikini tanlines? i never wear bikinis.
>>32592000That sounds just like... oh, y'know... female dominance...
>>32592016>Do you really notDo you really need to*
>>32592016i can't understand what you're saying.
Women, would you dump a boyfriend for having problems getting erections?
>>32592021lol no
>>32590777I saw a girl I had a crush on in high school post her in gym clothes on her instagram story and immediately felt like I need to get back to lifting seriously. I gotta start looking better
>>32592022It's not about dominance, just about planning
>>32591998I'm not sure I understand. I don't think they'd view him poorly. I like to think of Elon Musk, for example. Despite having all the money in the world, I still don't find him very attractive, and would rather be with a poorer and more primally attractive man -- like the blood fetish thing, not out of a desire to see the man harmed, but rather in a heroic position.No doubt there would be people including women who would still find something to be condescending about regarding this successful man's life, but overall, I would say they don't view him poorly. Virginity itself is taboo and something of low hanging fruit for "comedy" or mockery.
>>32592021Let me search my list of things that bother me.Hmm.Hmmm.I gotta be honest with you, I'm having trouble finding this on my list of things that bother me.Let me consult with my fellow men.Hmmmm.Hmmmmm.You know, it's strange, I checked with all the men I know, and we can't find a single man who has this on his list of things that bother him.We think you're safe.
>>32592005Murder should be legal in certain circumstances.
>>32592028What causes them?
>>32592000Sounds fun! I like when women put a lot of thought into intimacy.
>>32592020Plans aren't sexy.
>>32592027Ah okay, thanks for letting me know I'm not clear for people apparently.I just feel that medias for women showcase mostly individuality and a lack of loyalty for the man in the romance. As if it was a natural need for woman to not be really loyal but kind of betray a man (distance herself from him, betray him a bit,...) and exist as individual, also for dram and to affirm oneself through unstability in her loyalty.
>>32592045the third act crisis happens in nearly every story that follows a three act structure, which is most stories. if it's a love story, it will be a relationship crisis. to give you a more detailed answer i'd need an example.
Men, I remind you that you owe me sex
>>32592056When are you coming to collect?
>>32592056It's in the mail.
>>32591954>not kissing him so hard he can't breathe and fretting over how hurt he isRED FLAG
>>32592068You are coming to me
>>32592034I’m not talking about attraction. Women look at inexperienced with disgust. Regardless of their other life qualities. I’m very fit, i have a high quality of life. Much much better than most people my age. But I also don’t have sex, don’t date, and have virtually 0 experience. That alone makes people view me differently. I’ve seen this happen many times in my life
>>32592072i have like, maybe over a dozen times, detailed my "nursing him back to health" fantasies. in this moment he's not letting me though, he's too flooded with adrenaline and passion and he was scared he was going to die, so he had to come home and make sure i was still here physically, touching me all over.... and i stopped before i started writing pure smut on a blue board. but the point is AFTER the passionate sex i kiss him all over and make him take a bath where i wash his hair and treat his injuries and he looks up at me with big puppy dog eyes and i kiss him on the forehead and his face gets pressed into my boobs and he starts licking me and licking my neck and we do it a second time but more gently in the bath and i keep tuttling and controlling his hands so he doesn't get to rowdy and pull his stitches. okay? happy?
>>32592074Hold on, I need to find a cardboard box that will fit one (1) sexy man.
>>32592037You can't make murder legal without it being infected by malicious abuse.It's better to just have people who know when to cross the law.
>>32592037>>32592094not either of you, but i have always felt like the law should exist to show what CAN be punished, but that punishing anyone for anything should be under the discretion of the justice system, or even local sheriffs. if a man murders his child's killers, i think there should be a world where nobody cares to charge him with a crime. it's illegal, but nobody gives a shit about making him pay for that... but there's no written exception. it's a personal call.
Everytime I think I've convinced myself to hate women and remove them from my life forever some woman will smile and look so beautiful my heart moronically instantly forgives them for everything and the cycle repeats.
Brought a girl home and she seemed surprised at my bedroom. She said most guys don't even have pillowcases or a normal sized mattress, is this true? I'm poor so I only have a queen sized mattress and 10 queen size pillows.
>>32592098that's actually the thing with the whole "jury of your peers" thing we just don't see it exercised aggressively because they won't even bother with prosecutions if they think a jury wouldn't convict. although there are forces that try to undermine that.
>>32592101>convinced myself to hate womenYou're going about things all wrong.Remove passion from your heart, young grasshopper.
>>32592056Any specific requests?
How do I find a BPDemon that texts me like this after 1 date?
>>32592098Yes but also no. That's how we get shit like prosecutors declining to prosecute when a lynch mob hangs a black guy from a tree for being black, or a gang beats a gay kid to death for being gay and nobody gets arrested. Discretion is good when the person wielding it is good, but it often leads to injustice too.
>>32592116In this very thread.
>>32592115Big dick
>>32592111I should have phrased it better"I think I'm convinced I hate women..."
WomenWould you date a man who does not eat starchy foods?
>>32590780Fine>>32590786I do enjoy it. I used to eat fast food more than I should have.
>>32592117that issue lies with an unjust world. an unjust world will commit injustice even if the system is designed to prevent them from doing so; there's no point designing a system to prevent them from doing that at the cost of making good people suffer at the hands of other good people.
>>32592116stop it, get some help. BPD is not a good thing. Men need to start instantly blocking BPDs out.
>>32592117>these were bad thingsI hate stupid
>>32592127It's a dumb meme, they think they want it until the arguing and finding out she fucked your brother or got your friend fired from their job
i want to meet a skinny or athletic boy and for some reason he likes me a lot and takes care of me and then we get married and i make him the best food all the time and he gets chubby and i blow raspberries in his belly and he laughs like santa
>>32590927White/grey tank tops, single long sleeve shirts, henleys, hoodies, flannel, skinny-ish jeans, tracksuit pants, plain black belt, white/black converse shoes. Beanies. Maybe a watch/wristband if he's gayer than usual for a guy. Either doesn't carry a bag because he stuffs everything in his pockets or has one of those sling/bum bags (messenger bags are TOO gay even for me). Idk how to attract one of these guys though and this is pretty rare where I live too. Most guys dress smart/preppy and wear leather dress shoes and w/e, I'm not into it at all.
>>32591982>>32591983Your concern is touching, but I was only inspired by the blood play you started. Good night.
>>32592139That's cute. If you meet him while he's young then you could also fix his diet and give him the nutrition to grow taller.
>>32592139It's funny how one can fit years worth of dreams in one sentence.
>>32592139sorry I was that guy once and we were on the "get married" track and then she decided she'd rather see the titanic happen and then make sure the floatsam was small enough so she could watch me be Jack in the water while she was Rose to survive to be rescued and then get married to someone else and become a grandma that then throws priceless jewels into the ocean.jack can't be nice to you, he died
>>32592148i don't think i understand your reference but i'm sorry for whatever happened
State genderPost a song that makes you cry.
>>32592151watch the Titanic, you're a girl you'll love it
>>32592153MCan't. She took it down.
>>32592144It's not problem. I don't even care about size.
>>32592000It depends on what the plan is but I'm very open to being told what to do
>>32592000I think i'll take the girl who tells me to shut up and just use her instead, thanks
>>32592000I wuld
Men nowadays think they want a BPD bitch but what all men really want is someone who worships them
>>32591880Does he squeeze them in missionary?
>>32592171It's even simpler than that, they just want a woman who is horny as fuck and wants to fuck their brains out regularly
>>32592174Sex is boring and you will get tired of it after a week
>>32592171I want a witty, interesting woman
>>32592177Now I know I can dismiss anything you say and have said from here on out without regret.
>>32592171>>32592174I want a woman who talks to me. She answers my questions and she asks me questions and we have conversations about all sorts of stuff.You can tell that women don't really like you when they answer your questions but they don't ask you questions of their own.
>>32592171Can I just get a girl I can cuddle?Please?I'm so lonely
>>32592180>>32592182i want a woman who wants me to fuck her ass
>>32592181You put your dick in and move it around a little, big whoop.
>>32592186you can say everything is boring if you use reductive language like thatIt's not witty or intelligent of you to do so
I just want a woman who loves me like I love her.
Men how do you flirt (with women)
>>32592191I don'tWomen are scary
Friendship ended with womenNow femboys are my best friend
>>32592190Do you love women like how we love cats?
>>32592171It's funny but I'm a huge simp for men and every time they like it but also it makes them paranoid like crazy and it eventually turns them off and they break things off first. They always suspect I'm just secretly insane/a manipulative psychopath serial killer and I'm about to pull the rug from under them one day. Ugh
>>32592202No. It's not the same. I love cats. I love dogs too. I also love birbs. They're all more than pets to me. But it's different, the depth and breadth of love I want to give and receive from a woman.
>>32592202Probably not, no. It's impossible for a human to love another human as much as we love cats, sorry.
>>32592191I say, "Hey there do you like roblox? Haha you're very mature for your age what's your discord haha?"
>>32592211If they get paranoid because you have nothing to hide so they keep searching but finding nothing, then maybe you should start hiding something mild so they'll be satisfied that their search was successful and stop searching for something worse.
>>32592211It may be very real that a lot of good men get burned by bad women and a lot of good women get burned by bad men. And the bad men and woman are still out there destroying trust and the good men and women are too scarred to even try or maybe even think to look for each other.
>>32592211u need to be careful with men's hearts, anonyou're overdosing them
State genderYou show up to a date with a 10/10 and notice they're talking to themselves. Suddenly while talking they say, "Thanks for the ten gifted subs cheetohitler857.". You say, "What the fuck" and they say, "Oh, I stream all my dates haha. I'm wearing a camera. Thanks for the five gifted subs zoomercoomgoonplatoon839! Ws in the chat!"How do you respond?
>>32592202Do you want us to baby you?
>>32591853I read that that's true, yeah. However I have big-ish(?) breasts and I can cum from my nipples alone and my whole titty meat is super sensitive too, I think this is kinda rare actually because I've never seen any other woman talk about this. The whole breast also perks up when aroused. Not sure what that's all about
>>32592202i hate cat people so much
>>32590777Women, If a guy is otherwise in shape do you mind if he has a large neck?
>>32592230moid handsalso I remember typing moid hands at the last time you attempted to post this
>>32592230do your nipples get really erect when horny?
>>32592227No I’m a big girl.>>32592232>>32592233
>>32592233As you leave you hear, "Ls in the chat, what a loser haha."
>>32592237NTA but my ex was like this too. It's real.
That guy who hates white women has a point. White women are the most inundated with choice and male attention and develop weird personalities to filter it all out.Like who would you rather talk to, someone who is slightly lonely and happy to talk to most people? Or a prett white woman who auto-judges you because you're not a 6'3 chad with 300k/year job and legit wants to call the police on you because you're male and she thinks you want to fuck her.
>>32592239...for me.
>>32591791Personally I just really love cock. I'd spend hours doing it even if the guy didn't care for it at all. If I could detach it and take it with me to suck in private in another room I would. I wish guys understood that it's not always about you
>>32592248stop larping as a horny woman
The world was a better place when we threw women in the nuthouse for acting up and called it "hysteria".
>>32592237I do remember talking about this last time I was on here lol>>32592238Yes, always.
Atoga virgins, which position would you like to lose your virginity in?State gender.
>>32592259Do you have inverted nipples?
>>32592259>Yes, always.that's so perfect
Is women asking for shit actually how they flirt? Had a girl ask me where something was at work and I told her where it was (cuz its my job). It was only after she left a friend told me she was flirting and I’m like wtf??
>>32592268M.I lost my virginity in missionary.
>>32592268MaleWith her on top holding me down
>>32592268Idk that's very nerve wrecking to think aboutI'll be lucky to get an erection my first time
>>32592268nav, I'm not 100% sure which position I lost it in. I think it was a prone bone...
>>32592286Getting an erection is easy. Keeping it is the hard part.
>>32592305Both are a problem for me
Women, what would your ideal masturbation set up be like?Imagine you have a blank check to get anything you want that's related to it.
>>32591787You could have just not be autistic abd actually introduced him, like any somewhat sane person would have.
>>32592220I mean I did go through a lot of stuff in life but when I reveal it to people they always tell me it wasn't my fault and since I'm still a good person despite the life I've had it just makes me seem even more suspicious. I've been accused of making up things to make myself seem better/more sympathetic lots of times before. It seems to be a recurring theme in my life, to be rejected because of other people's (untrue) projections onto me. >>32592221Yeah if the guy is traumatized he accepts me more easily and relates deeper but that just makes them more scared. I get it. They have trust issues/paranoia that was there before me. But if the guy has no trauma/a healthy view of other people I'm like crazy unusual for him and it induces paranoia because he just doesn't understand.>>32592222I am suuuuper gentle with them and always give them space if they need it. Even when they accuse of me of things I never react with my ego because I get how things seem from their perspective, I just try to talk them through it and tell them it's okay if they don't trust me yet but I want to prove it to them that they can. But it's stuff like this that makes it worse LOL
>>32592318>blank checki buy manslaves. duh.
>>32592338>e, I just try to talk them through it and tell them it's okay if they don't trust me yet but I want to prove it to them that they can. But it's stuff like this that makes it worse LOLIs there something else that has happened to these guys that makes them feel this way? did they all get their hearts crushed by another woman before you?
>>32592271No. It hurts if you push them in and they can't stay like that on their own >>32592273Thanks babe
>>32592293How did you forget? Was there drinking involved?
>>32592230is it quite easy to come from your nipples? how/when did you realize you could?
>>32592318A sterile room with a padded floor and controllable shower heads. All my favorite toys, fully charged. A waterproof tablet, a stocked mini fridge, and a one way mirror for one of the walls pointed at a busy street so I can see people but they can't see me.
>>32592341That isn't masturbation though
>>32592356Men don't have souls, so having sex with a man is still considered solo masturbation.
>>32592355>A waterproof tabletWould you be on /atoga/?
>>32590977I honestly just ignore women most of the time, men are the prize now.
>>32592360Depends on the time of day and what I felt like schlicking to.
>>32592359I guess you don't have to feel guilty about overworking your manservants then
>>32590977america is an insane asylum
Men, what can I do to infect your mind and steal your sexual energy?
>>32592362Whoa, that's pretty gay. Bro
>>32592369Exercise me to exhaustion and then fall asleep cuddling.
>>32592369Post boobies.
>>32592369Honestly you can just ask
>start using Hinge again because I have no other way of meeting women>use it for ~6 months>less than 10 likes in that time, only one match who never responded>every like besides her is some combination of beached whale, Quasimodo, or tranny>this is my third time doing this routine with basically the same results over the last five yearsI'm gonna fucking kill myself.
>>32592211It probably looks a lot like lovebombing
>>32592376>falls for the dating app meme>shocked by the results
>>32592378Yeah, well, the alternative is giving up completely.
>>32592369Me, specifically? honestly cant think of anything. there aren't any women i think of sexually anymore
>>32592369infect his mind by spamming random nudes when he doesn't expect itat work? nude of you on his phoneat the beach? pic of your assholereading a book? tit picdrain his sexual energy by literally draining and eating his cum dailyyou can feed him food and drug him with substances that will continually make him produce even more cum for you to devour
>>32592376>because I have no other way of meeting womenTry and change this part. Dating apps are for the groups you mentioned, ego fluffers, e-girls, and Chad chasers.
>>32592380if that's true you are in no position to be dating
>>32592230What's your bra size?
>>32592369>infect your mindBe so comfortable and pleasant and essential that it would rip a hole in me if you left>steal your sexual energyMilk me and consume me
>>32592369Step 1: Create hyper runes for yourself.Step 2: Watermark them on image to help anchor spiritual energy to you.Step 3: Post nudes.
>read hentai manga>suddenly there's paizuriWhy do they have to remind me that I'm a chestlet all the time?
>>32592341How many?
>>32590866This is still less than femanons deserve
>>32592392Anime is full of fake tittymonsters, that's why it's retarded.
>>32592392Hey there chestlet, I'm dicklet. Wanna live a life that's unlike hentai?
>>32592356it is masturbation if they are objects to me and get no gratification other than exactly what i instruct them to do, like a toy.>>32592393six. not for concurrent use. one will always be on drinks and towels duty, sometimes i'll want one to hold me up while the other actually does me, and so on. men have limits, so they can rotate. none of them are permitted to speak at any time.
>>32592386K. Guess I'll go play in traffic then.>>32592385>Try and change this partHow, exactly? I don't want to date someone who is outgoing and has tons of friends, so bars, clubs, social events, etc. are out. I tried a few different churches, not only could I not get into any of it, I didn't meet any women who seemed interested there either. I guess I could go hang out in a library like a creep or something, but I'm not sure I hate myself enough for that yet.
>>32592139My girlfriend is doing this with me. Why are women such gains goblins?
>>32590975>No idea, I never touched a small oneHave you simply been lucky? Or do you screen guys before?
>>32592402domesticating tawny street cat to chubby fluffy house cat.
>>32592400>K. Guess I'll go play in traffic then.What other answer are you expecting? Are you hoping someone here will change the hinge algorithm so you can meet your perfect trad waifu on there?
>>32592405Why do you think I would expect anything from anyone on 4chan? I may be a dumb loser, but I'm not actually mentally retarded.
Men, do you think you didn't practice enough when you were young and that's why you're not the guy in the bottom half of the pic?
>>32592364Do you mostly like written porn?
>>32592409Yeh, for sure. Written > audio > memories > videos > pics.
>Post sexFor those with FWBs, How often do you meet up? Who usually reaches out?
>>32592369You already did. How much more can you take from me?
>>32592399Would they basically just be tongues who follow orders?
Both gendersI'm a khv (man) and I'll be 28 in a few days.If I ever get the opportunity to kiss a girl/ make out/ have sex, is it a good idea to research and find out how to first or is it just instinctive, common sence stuff that will come to me naturally in the moment?Obviously researching stuff like this sounds autistic, but I figure I need whatever edge I can get to compete with other guys my age.I pretty much just put my lips on hers for a while, stick my tounge in her mouth, grope the fun parts, stick my thing in her thing, and hump till it's over, right?
>>32592392maybe read loli stuff if you want representation lol.
Women are emotional and prone to hysteria. Men are strong and rational.You may not like this, but it's the way it is. Women must submit to and obey men.Foids prove your rational faculties by debating me.
>>32592416i would use every part of their body i wished to use. but yeah pretty much
>>32592420>strong and rational>3/4 of suicides>3 times more likely to be drug addicts>refuse to get therapy
>>32592392notice how women never complain about big butts and hotdogging like this?
Is it on purpose?
>>32592421That sounds awful for the guy. There must be zero escape attempts because they're so broken.
>>32592417I always thought it was just common sense. But apparently it's not common sense to most men. At all. Don't you guys imagine/act out what you'll do when you're masturbating?
>>32592423When we kill ourselves it is decisive. We know we dont want to be here anymore. Women do it for attention.We need to be hard bodied so we can party and fuck many women.Therapy shows vulnerability and opens the possibility of blackmail.
>>32592423We should let women be in charge.
>>32592428i mean imagine you were a millionaire and that was your only job. not too shabby.
>>32592434This is slavery though
>>32592436anon gave me a blank check. i bought their lives. they will do whatever i ask, i pay for anything they want. i would treat my slaves very well, i'm not a monster.
>>32592423suicide is rationaldrug addiction is at least quasi-rationalrefusing to talk to """therapists""" is just common sense
>>32592412>Post sexM>For those with FWBs, How often do you meet up? Only like once a month. I wish it were more frequent>Who usually reaches out?Me
>>32592268Fpronebone, in a tight hug
>>32592438How many would you get?
>>32592446MThat's how I lost mine. I even dropped the L bomb without realizing it.
How do you feel about Neil Gaiman?Before he got canceled for all the rapings, his fanbase mostly seemed to be the kind of geeky femcel women who post on 4chan.
Women, describe him.
>>32592408Something like that, why?
>>32592459i liked his gay angel/demon show.
>>32592462He looks like a hairless, circumcised horse with short, round toes instead of hooves.
>>32592459I hated him before any of this.His works are trash.
>>32592268f, i feel like the position i would choose would change completely depending on the type of guy i fell in love with and how i learned he loved me too
>>32592268Cowgirl squat riding while kissing him/leaning forward so my face is on top of his looking in his eyes. I'll hold his face with my hands while I talk him through it and he has his out at the sides, starfishing I guess. I'd like him to basically just lie back the entire time and let me do what I want. I'm guessing it would have to be on a bed, sofa, or in a car. Maybe a carpeted floor but I dunno if that will hurt him
>>32592459not greatNeverwhere was fine, Stardust was excellent, and the rest of his work was schizoramble-tier. if he got canceled I guess that speaks well of him because his fanbase have always been completely unhinged.
>>32592268MCowgirl please
>>32592459coraline is good.
>>32592459MCoraline was Corakino, the rest I could never get into.
>>32592472>and the rest of his work was schizoramble-tierIf you mean the sex scenes in American Gods, then yes.
>>32592459There goes my hero, watch him as he goes.
>>32592481I had managed to forget about that
>>32592452can't blame youpronebone is incredibly intimate :3
men, if you really liked a girl, but her sleep issues were so terrible you couldn't ever share a bed and you would probably want separate rooms for the rest of your life, would that be a big enough issue that you might want to break up with her and find somebody you can cuddle?
>>32592486Honestly? It depends how much I love her. I could get behind that, but at the same time, she'd have to be something special.
Women would you date a guy who is so hot everyone thinks he has to be with you for your money or he has low self esteem or gang related debt to you/is just settling for you one way or another somehow?
>>32592351no. my memory is just not that good. it was only a few years ago.
>>32592488does he love me and treat me well? then yes.
>>32592486We can cuddle before bed. What exactly are your sleep issues?
>>32592487okay. that is fair. if she was just averagely nice to be with it wouldn't really be worth it.
>>32592486IME men are more than willing to accommodate you wanting to sleep by yourself. Even if it's just a preference thing. It's never been a problem for me
not being able to sleep with my husband would be a deal breaker ;_;
>>32592500>if she was just averagely nice to be with it wouldn't really be worth it.Not for me, no. I enjoy intimacy and snuggling and sleeping together. But there are men out there that would love that arrangement.
>>32592472desu from a creative standpoint I didn't care for his weak plot structure in most of his novels, but back in the day he was still a role model of mine as well as a crush of most of the women I hung around with. Huge disappointment finding out about his history of coercing and raping women.
>>32592497i don't want to say why it's happening, at least for a while, because i want an answer purely based on the inconvenience of the situation and not any emotions associated.
>>32592486give me non-sleepy cuddle time and I will be happy to sleep separate.
Hello best friends I miss youwhat is the best / or your favorite sleep aid? I need to stop going to sleep at 3 am
>>32592516>what is the best / or your favorite sleep aid?A reliable dose of heavy kava. Does wonders.
>>32592508that i can do, i love cuddling, i think. you just have to make sure i don't fall asleep by mistake.
>>32592507PTSD nightmares?
Why do so many people choose to oppose this basic natural truth?
>>32592459When he praised Gene Wolfe I was annoyed that praise had to come from (imo) such a garbage writer when Gene Wolfe was so amazing.
>>32592504Is your husband kind of like a teddy bear with a penis?
>>32592486I'm not gonna lie, it would suck not being able to sleep together at least sometimes. At this point though, if that's the worst thing I'd have to put up with, I'd take it.
>>32592516>favoriteSomeone who loves you in your bed>bestJust melatonin.
>>32592486I already have a married couple in my family with separate bedrooms. We would not be the first. It wouldn't be an issue for us to have separate bedrooms... except IN THIS ECONOMY???
My ass still hurts a lot. I'm too young to feel this old.
>>32592506>he was still a role model of mine as well as a crush of most of the women I hung around with.grim
>>32592526Book of the New Sun had great cover art with the painted torturer masks and robes. The actual story itself was kind of rambling nonsense but I liked the fifth book where they met the immortal dude that had been to space.
>>32592529well i am far from perfect or really even 'a catch' so i don't know if it would be worth it. at best i can say i never do anything malicious.
Anyone have the link to the secret discord where we regularly screenshot the most cringe posts on here trying to flirt with us females and laugh at them together on voice chat for hours at a time every day?
>>32592519What is kava?>>32592530Wish someone loved me
>>32592486Does my presence make it worse for her? If my presence could make it better then I would endure her troubles with her.
>>32592534Not really. If there's a popular celebrity author who captures the moody sensitive poet vibe there's gonna be women who are into that and men who want to be that. It's just a shame he turned out to be so rapey.
>>32592542>Wish someone loved meYeah...
>>32592524modern young person has less agency and actual wealth than ever before. rent(not own) a shitty box apartment to drive an irreparable valueless mandatory vehicle that costs them a year of their life in work every 8 years 30 minutes to earn money to get taxed and given to everyone else. Productivity goes up, but the burger is smaller and has more chemicals every year, everyone is sickly, family is impossible, etc.medieval peasants would have instantly revolted in such conditions fyi
>>32592542>What is kava?
>>32592543your presence would make things better but you would live in a permanently sleep deprived state as long as you share a bed. as in, it's dangerous to drive a car levels. at a certain point you start experiencing paranoia and anger as purely biological symptoms.
>>32592547Well I love you>>32592552And is this legal
>>32592544trolling should be subtle
>>32592558>And is this legalDepends on what country you are in.
>>32592516silence and darkness is all i need hahahamaybe a couple of blankets and a heater when its cold
How to get rid of brain fog?
I love you guys :(
>>32592564outdoor exercise
>>32592535I think you kinda missed the point if that was your opinion, and Book of the New Sun has a ton of just incredible energy in its writing (like when he gets lost in the cave and gets swarmed by the man-apes) but it wasn't even his best work in terms of plot, Soldier of the Mist was.
>>32592469He will be incredibly lucky
>>32592564when I eat real healthy I never get brain fog
>>32592564a dehumidifer hahahaha
>>32592569We love you too. Everything okay?
>>32592557What if we had separate bedrooms 5 nights a week so I could go to work the next day fully rested, but the nights before a weekend morning I would stay with you no matter what? No matter how bad it gets, I would always be there fore you. On weekends I can always take naps during the day to recover my strength, and what's the point of having strength in the first place if I can't use it to help you?
>>32592469this would be hot if I could believe it wasn't written by a man. I'm so disgusted by trannies I'm worried that this is always the work of man hands
>>32592572I've read Lovecraft's Dream Cycle stories, BOTNS is more of the same shit just by a different author. Rambling pulp fantasy where nothing meaningful happens and the fans read too much into it and try to convince themselves and others it's 2deep4u.
>>32592528he is pretty cuddly... And has a penis... So pretty much :3 He's also my personal heater! Who's gonna warm up my freezing feet???
>>32592580think about that for a moment. don't you think "you get a tolerable girlfriend at the cost of ruining every weekend for the rest of your life" is a pretty bad deal? why would you do that? she's not the love of your life, she's just some girl you're starting to like a little bit, you can still get out without it being a huge deal, and you learn about the sleep problems. i'm not asking for you to romanticize stuff in your head. are you seriously sticking around at that point?
>>32592588Does he ever warm up your feet with his penis?
>>32592591LMAO I don't think he'd like that. But I could do that to tease him :P I'd probably suffer consequences after though
>>32592593Suffer consequences? Does he beat you?
>>32592582Wolfe wrote at least 30 books bro, you're trying to be contrarian about a Mozart while shining to a Bach of the fictional literature world.
>>32592594No, but I do.
>>32592594fun consequences! he'll probably hold me down and tickle me until I scream
>>32592591>>32592594Proof that Footfags are autisimo
>>32592600Tickle Rape!
>>32592590Your timeline is all wrong. If we're living in the same home then we've already advanced pretty far in the relationship. At this point this isn't just some random girl, this is the girl I want to commit to for the rest of my life, in daytime and nighttime alike. I'm not sacrificing my weekends be being with her the night before, I'm sacrificing my weekdays by being without her just so we'll have stable income from my job.This is a difficult issue to overcome when we're in the "just getting to know each other" phase at the beginning of a relationship, but once I know you then I also know you're worth it.
>>32592608The best kind~
>>32592540Shhhhhh! You're not supposed to talk about it in front of us moids!
>>32592609maybe i am being naive about how dating works, but i would like to think it would be okay to snuggle in a bed or on a couch before we start having sex. if we were in a "watching tv on the couch" date, i would have to warn you to wake me up if i fall asleep, so it would be there that you know about it. not waiting all the way until we move in together. i would feel super shitty not explaining it until it unreasonable to cuddle a lot during visits before the relationship gets sexual?
Why am I only just now learning about your genitalia?
Women have you even compared a circumcised penis to a veiny uncircumcised penis and seen how superior the natural one was?Won't you realize that it's literally genital mutilation at birth for the purposes of oppression and torture of males?
Femanons, what's your favorite type of porn?
>>32592619I never dated guys that were circumcised because I don't live in the US
>>32592619How about I give your mouth a good penising so that you'll shut the fuck up?
>>32592540>us femalesLARP advice, women usually use men/women not male/female
>>32592620Amateur girl-on-girl
>>32592539Seems like as far as women are concerned I'm a "catch", as in a moldy old boot dredged from the bottom of a stagnant pond.
>>32592624nta but im pretty sure that was the joke
>>32592564Roughly a quarter ounce of lead at about 1200 ft/s ought to do it
>>32592516M, idk I sleep like 2 hours a night>>32592486>might want to break up with her and find somebody you can cuddleNo, I'm not a whore nigger>>32592459Coraline is an incredible movie>>32592423Bipolar gangHoly shit I embarrassed myself so badly last night and this girl who invited me to the movies last week has now blocked me. Can I recover or is it truly joever >>32592268Raped and beaten to death
What is your favorite poem?
Women, I'm NTA, but I'm curious what you think about this? >>32591607
>>32592641I think that there are few more miserable experiences in life than trying to be in a relationship with an insecure person.
>>32592639I enjoyed Paradise Lost a lot.
>wear clothes with factory made holes for gay ass fashion purposes>yep all good>wear clothes with holes made because you like them enough to keep them for years>sorry son we cant film you with that sweater onfukken gay as double standards
>>32592646Whats that? >>32592648What about it did you like?
>>32592056You can't molest me>>32592000I would have to comply ig>>32591932Good for you>>32591647I hate this fucking world
>>32592641i replied to that when he posted it on r9k yesterday, and it's very similar to a post i made here about a week ago.
>>32592649Nobody with any self respect wears clothes with holes in them, factory made or not.
MI'm going to get on Adderall and stop procrastinating everything and I think I'm going to start dating again.Should I contact the woman who said she needed to work on herself before dating again but she was open to dating in the future.
>>32592615Not unreasonable, I would also want to wait for sex. I'm a prude and other men might feel differently, but I like progressing a relationship over time in discrete steps.>The Progression of Movie Nights:Sitting on the couch together but not cuddling ->Sitting on the couch together and cuddling ->Cuddling in bed together but leaving before sleep ->Cuddling in bed together and then sleeping in the same bed but without having sex ->Hey, I'm ready, are you ready? Let's have sex.At any point in steps 1-3 you can warn me about your troubles and we can discuss my willingness to overcome them with you. During steps 2-3 if we fall asleep it's just a short quick nap and I wasn't expecting restful sleep anyway. For step 4 it's probably the weekend anyway, I probably wouldn't sleep at your place if I had work the next, and it's safe to TRY sleeping in the same bed because I will be able to make up for lost time with naps the next day. You won't be ruining my weekend if I'm not fully rested the first few times we try step 4. And who knows? Maybe I'll be better at coping with crazy nights and nappy days than you realize.
>>32592648That's a big poem...
>>32592655No. If she was ready, she would come back herself.
>>32592639If you were coming in the Fall,I'd brush the Summer byWith half a smile, and half a spurn,As Housewives do, a Fly.If I could see you in a year,I'd wind the months in balls---And put them each in separate Drawers,For fear the numbers fuse---If only Centuries, delayed,I'd count them on my Hand,Subtracting, til my fingers droppedInto Van Dieman's Land,If certain, when this life was out---That yours and mine, should beI'd toss it yonder, like a Rind,And take Eternity---But, now, uncertain of the lengthOf this, that is between,It goads me, like the Goblin Bee---That will not state--- its sting.
>>32592651The prose that Milton used to describe Satan as not someone who enjoys evil, but recognizes his own folly and becoming hardened with his lot in life. The resignation to his fate resonated with me.
>>32592657Yeah, I also have Chaucer and Voltaire on my bookshelf. I like epics.
>>32592644I'm secure in the knowledge that I'm a terrible person
State genderhow would you feel if your ex killed themselves?
>>32591570It is hehe>>32591541What it says on the tin...Bro is BRAINROTTED and BEDROTTED>>32592516I just remembered my housemates made me take an antipsychotic!! (Seroquel) when I saw UFOs, and go to bed cause I was going a bit mentalThat shit will knock you on your addaliens are invading us and nobody seems to care>>32592153Techno gang... I can't stop crying rn... reality is broken, we need to forge a new reality... don't want to go to hospital again bros. I just want to live a few peaceful months of my fucking life without having to be a zombie. The aliens have mystifying serums>>32592662Epic gamer moment
>>32592665I understand that insecure people have good reasons for not liking themselves. The issue is them not working on those things to become someone they enjoy being.
>>32592656okay. well that's nice to imagine i guess. i would be really mad if you let me even take a nap at your place though, even naps can be dangerous. i don't think there's any way for you to tolerate how it is with me at night no matter how cool or tough you are though. it would be bad, especially on your bed. i never take naps because it's really just inviting the problems into my days too.
>>32592658But what if she was waiting for me to contact her?
>>32592675Sure, reach out but chances are that it would just push her further away. If you are willing to take that risk, go ahead.
>>32592669idk, i havent seen or heard from her in like 6-8-10 years, entirely possible she did alreadyi wouldnt bother to find out now
>>32592644What about the idea that guys near the bottom of attractiveness shouldn't date even if they can? Like it's wrong in some way?
>>32592669F. Incredulous I guess. Can't imagine someone that full of themselves going beyond threatening suicide and actually doing it.
>>32592674Are you actually at risk of injuring me or is the risk just that you're going to wake me unpleasantly? If I'm not physically injured then I can recover with solo naps, I promise.
>>32592669>your exMy what now
>>32592653Curious, I assumed the OP was you
>>32592665Wait, are you the OP of the thread I linked?
>>32592669Disappointed, however much I've been hurt by ex, I would be heartbroken
>>32592681You can make up for a lot of physical flaws with a beautiful character. But if you would truly just pass on deformed genetics then maybe abstain. You can still date ofc, but it would need a confidence forged in white fire to make that an enjoyable experience.
>>32592669M.Very sad, and also very out of character.
>>32591897Would massaging it help? I remember you from yesterday>>32592225I would be stunned. Probably spin on my heels and walk the other way. I don’t want to be filmed in any capacity.>>32592276That’s not how I imagined it was supposed to work either. I don’t blame you at all.
>>32592669M, I would kill myself too and transfer my soul to SYSTEM_SPACE. This reality is not viable to live in any longer. Aliens are already controlling and poisoning her mind. I would drink her blood for vitality for the transfer and shoot myself in the temple to hopefully ascend to the next greater plane of consciousness. Death is upon us all, how we cope with the shift is the pivotal moment. People call me crazy but all my prophecies come true. Idk why I am even spamming to a psyop kek.
>>32592669I'd be confused how someone that narcissistic could go though with it
>>32592488>Women would you date a guy who is so hot everyone thinks he has to be with you for your money or he has low self esteem or gang related debt to you/is just settling for you one way or another somehow?But I'm not rich, lol. I wouldn't care what anyone thought. I unironically wish I had a bf to cuddle with, sigh
Women do you get in a bus full of niggas and think baah I might get punched
>>32592691No I'm just an insecure person who feels similarly>>32592673I just wish I knew how to do anythingI'm so lostI can't see shore so I have no idea where to paddle
>>32592707Well there's at least 4 of us then
Women I just wanna say I think you're wonderful
>>32592684i have nightmares. when i wake up from the nightmares i am terrified and i am frozen. i get claustrophobic and start panicking. i strain until i 'break it' and end up violently thrashing in a way i can't control, sometimes i end up on the floor. sometimes i also pee myself at some point during all of this, and sometimes i throw up but it's less common. this happens multiple times a night, at least four times every night. it's also a very loud process, which is why i think separate rooms are needed.i guess if you got very unlucky i could break your nose or kick you very hard. i'm more concerned about the messes. i also sweat a lot in my sleep. when i wake up there's a wet imprint of my body. i own like ten sets of sheets and i wash them every day.
>>32592715nah man I'm not a schizo
>>32592712I'm seconding this!Thank you for enriching our lives.
>>32590926Eh, some people can't easily access treatment so I think there is some merit to self-diagnosisHonestly though I think most "conditions" are just arbitrary sets of symptoms that normalfags use to oppress usI got "diagnosed" with bipolar but I don't think it's an illness, normalfags just want to brainwash us with drugs>>32591017>all women desire "the BBC,Have you got a loicense for that m8?>>32591143I haven't eaten a meal in 2 days >>32591240I never lose interest in a girl, they always lose interest in me
State genderWhat are your thoughts on military recruiters preying on the zeal of young men and tricking them into thinking they're signing up to fight for a righteous cause when in reality they will die a horrible death in an ultimately pointless war?
I think my gf might be retarded. She says she's not ready for me to see her panties yet but she literally let me rub her pussy until ecstasy through her spats
>>32592728Do you need a license for a slangin dong in bongland?
>>32592712She comes back in the middle of a Monday,like she never left.She brushes past you,her hands already busy picking upthe empty cups scattered across the room.“You’ve been living like this?” she says,not unkindly, but with the weight of someonewho’s seen it before.She doesn’t wait for an answer.She never does.Instead, she opens the windows—all of them—and lets the cold air rush in,sharp and electric.You think to protest,but she’s already moving,her fingers tugging the curtains down,shaking out the dustlike it’s something you can live without.She doesn’t ask why you haven’t cleaned.She doesn’t ask why you haven’t called.She doesn’t ask anything at all.Instead, she hums.It’s low and soft, but it’s enough to make the silencefeel less heavy In the kitchen,she finds the bread has gone stale.She throws it out without ceremonyand rummages through the cabinetsuntil she finds a can of soup.She heats it on the stove,her hands moving with the kind of careyou’d forgotten existed.When she places the bowl in front of you,you don’t look up.But she doesn’t seem to mind.She just sits across from you,legs crossed under her chair.“You don’t have to eat it all,” she says,like she knows you won’t.You find her crouched in the corner,re-potting the dying fern you haven’t watered.She handles its brittle leaveswith the kind of gentlenessyou didn’t think a plant deserved.But when she’s done,it looks less like a failureand more like somethingstill trying.She picks up a book from your shelf,the one you’ve been meaning to finish,and places it on your tableas if to say, Now’s as good a time as any.
>>32592736When she leaves,she doesn’t say goodbye.She never does.But there’s something about the wayshe pulls the door closed,slow and careful,like she’s promising to return.And she always does.You notice the smallest things after she’s gone.The bed feels less like a cage.The mirror doesn’t feel so cruel.There’s a cup of tea she left behind,still warm.And for the first time in a long time,you let yourself take a sip.
>>32592475>>32592555you two should bang
>>32592564you ate something you can't digest very wellremove it from your diet and see if it still persists
>>32592714I'm not going to lie, it would be a very hard barrier to overcome during the "just getting to know each other" phase that we couldn't fall asleep in the same bed. But if we can get past that phase to where we do know each other, then it's worth it to have a relationship even without falling asleep side-by-side. And if we reach the "love" phase then there are other things worth trying, like separate beds in the same room, so that I could rush to the side of the woman I love and reassure her that she's safe. Same bedroom on weekend nights, I mean, not on weekday nights. Weekend nights I could do soon in the relationship, weekday nights would take me longer.I also wouldn't want to wait until you're "cured" before joining you in bed. If your condition improves to the point where you're not hitting me or vomiting on me, then I'm willing to risk a little urine and a lot of sweat. Actually the sweat might be funny. I would never joke or say anything negative about the panic attacks and thrashing and falling and peeing and puking, but how do you feel about a man who thinks sweating up a storm is amusingly cute?
>>3259272999% of the US military never sees combat
>>32592733A what now lol?You need a license for fucking everything here lol. We live in a police state. Eventually the Muslims will rape all our women and children and slit our throats. I got called a racist at the pub and kicked out for speaking the truth. The UK has become incredibly niggerlicious. I will become homeless again if I have to in order to warn people about the truth
>>32592705I don't use public transportation because I'm not poor.
>>32592744Ok let's assume it's not the us military but a fictitious country that does send its soldiers to combat
>>32592745our blonf haired blue eyed aryan chad being discriminated against, unironically
>>32592733Just thinking back to last night, I hate my housemates. I hate my so-called "friends". I hate this girl I'm going out with. Everyone is so judgemental and selfish and nasty and I fucking hate them all. From now on I'm only going to talk to cats and accelerate my crazy cat uncle arc >>32592752Eh I have black hair and grey eyes desu
State gender and nationality Do you call it snakes and ladders or chutes and ladders
>>32592743i think you're being very generous in your allowances here, and it's nice to read even if i don't necessarily believe it would be the same in practice. thanks either way. i have to go have nightmares now, ive been putting it off by telling myself it would be rude to leave a conversation open.i sweat a lot in general, not just when i have nightmares, so i dont know. i never know how to reply to teasing questions. ive never been teased by somebody who was kind and cared about me and i have no idea what emotions i would feel.
>>32592756AustralianSnakes and ladders
>>32592755>>32592745Lol my nigga having an episode
>>32592756M Auswho the fuck calls it chutes and ladders
>>32592755oh yeah this guy
>>32592758>>32592760Speaking of snakes and Aussies do you guys see a lot of em
>>32592757I appreciate you staying up late to talk with me. Good luck tonight, I hope someday all your symptoms improve and you meet a man who enjoys being soaked by your sweat both day and night.
>>32592756MAmericanHonestly cant remember, never played the game but both names sound familiar.
>>32592762saw a brown snake at the beach once
>>32592765I saw a few garter snakes when I was out of the city but that was years ago and I live in shartnada, was hoping you'd say something cool like an anaconda or a basilisk.
>>32592761Kek Nah my hair curly>>32592759FrMy housemates forced me to take my antipsychotics and go to bed lol. I literally don't remember anything that happened yesterday. I really hope I didn't say anything too crazy and have to go to hospital again. I hope 2025 is the psych ward-free year lmao
>>32592769this is a hello kitty
>>32592762My uncles and father owned property in rural Australia where we used to visit on occasion as children. They made it into a farm.I was walking in the bush with my uncle once when we saw a tiger snake in front of us. I remember my heart dropping and stepping away while he hastened to get a shovel. He ended up flattening its head since we didn’t want any family getting hurt.
>>32592729>>32592744I'm amused that the U.S.A. is running low on zogbots
couldnt find my fooking lighter so i had to use matches to start the pilot on the heaterbut i wanted to use strike anywhere-s for the lolz, no wonder they use them for movies, gr8 plot device, had to use like 6 of them before i could light one lol
>>32592745QT has divine intellect
>>32592745no nation can endure injustice against its own populace forever
>>32592769>No mom I will NOT take my meds
>>32592773I bet you enjoyed seeing that
>>32592777it can last long enough to either destroy the nation or the populace. which isnt forever but is about as terrible
>>32592773Mable, id let you flatten MY HEAD (of the penis)
>>32592403NTA but the smallest I've been with was 6 inches, just that one guy who was also my first bf. I've had a few who were all a little bit over 8 and they all brag and tell me it's rare and I always thought it's just part of the whole cock worship thing like omg hnnng big tits are so rare (but they're not rare). I'm pretty sure I just attract a certain type who just happens to have a big dick because they all had a lot of things in common, maybe a phenotype thing
>>32592787stop the whacking at once
>>32592789*whacking intensifies*
>>32592403I just only go for men with big dick energy. No screening needed. Iykyk basis.
White female anons of /atoga/, what would it take for you to date an Indian man?Why does the world find Indian men repulsive even if we're not from India?
>>32592791*grabs your wrists and twists them behind your back to make you bend over then knees you in the ass*
>>32592788They probably have sex with a lot of women and you're another hoe to them.
Should I kill myself if I'm not a woman?
>>32592793It would take me knowing, appreciating and respecting you as a person.
Next Thread>>32592800
>>32592789I whacked it last night (to fat bitches)
>>32592809as you tend to do
>>32592793Because you're ugly as shit
>>32592812Not quite but I made an extra effort for you my blubbery princess
>>32592783there's only so long a system of government that actively antagonizes its populace can last, especially when its headed by actual idiots.if the bourbons can reap the french revolution, the british government can and will absolutely reap what is coming.
>>32592788Did they have African ancestry?
>>32592782I was too scared in the moment, I was terrified of my uncle getting bit. It was my father’s older brother I was with, so the both of them have virtually no fear when it comes to these things.But yeah, once my uncle assured me that was dead, I marvelled at it.>>32592784You did not just say that
>>32592813So are Latinxs and Asians. Why the targeted discrimination of Indians? Is it out of jealousy because Indians occupy high-paying and ranking jobs?
>>32592792I'm pretty hung though, and I'm a virgin.
>>32592838Sweep da floor sar
>>32592839There is some men that never found out how to make something out of the gifts life gave them.
Why do women complain about anime being full of guys dating highschool girls or fan service of highschool girls when the most popular American media franchise among women is Twilight, where a dude who is hundreds of years old pretends to be a highschooler gaslights a 17yo girl and then has her get fucked by a werewolf while jacking off in the closet?
>>32592855Because girls imagine themselves being high school girls too in their fantasies but men tend to want to be adults toying with underage girls in theirs.
>>32592796They were all good and loyal guys, I mean, they don't come in limited quantities so I'm not trying to say oh I took all the good ones or that big dick guys are only attracted to me. Sorry if it sounded like I was humble bragging. I meet a lot of guys who have big dicks and are into the same kinks as me, they're virgins but actually open to sex and enjoy it, so I have full confidence you can meet one too. I think your problem like most people here is that you're simply not in situations where you can meet these guys, not that these guys are rejecting you or wouldn't adore you anon. >>32592834No they were usually fully Russian but sometimes mixed with something like Hungarian or whatever. The 6 inch guy was British
>>32592863Wtf you're describing me
>>32592872Hi handsome
>>32592879Free sometime? ;)
>>32592883Yeah, you want some sex with me i'm indian chad 5'2" of pure man
>>32592773why do you sound like a poojeet
>>32592863>they're virginsYou took all their virginities?
I think someone's getting murdered on the floor above meI called the emergency number for my dorm idk if it did anything but they stopped
>>32593054Hope that nigga end up on liveleak
>>32592855it's racism, really. This need for americans to shit on what the japanese do, even if americans do the same.