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/a/ told me today was World Penguin Day. I didn't bother to look it up to see if it was true but let's just post pengers anyway.
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It is true. Or was, I guess. It was yesterday. Late thread.
this kinda puts them in a new light…
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Noot noot
Happy feet 3
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Why can't these dumbasses just adapt to the thawing ice and lay their eggs and raise the chicks on the exposed ground?
They're a species that highly values tradition.
because they need thousands of years for that, and the ice is melting off in a few decades
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Rock star
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>ywn go to Antarctica
>ywn see a penguin
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What happened to him?
he’s still trekking the icy dunes to this day…
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I reckon penguins do this after they can't find a mate and decide they're better off going it alone
That will be me very soon
Go to a zoo
They don't have zoos in Antarctica.
You won’t survive anon… don’t do it…
when you hop onto a new distro and it's immediately shit
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>it is a good life we lead, brother.
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>bottom left
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>posted 12 days ago
>still not taken down
is it safe to assume this board is unmoderated?
Janitor clears the report queue, and/or protects posts he likes.
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its just a screenshot from a nature documentary why would it be deleted
See >>4818646
Most of them are outside of antarctica, just go to south america on holiday.
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I saw pengins yesterday
Very cute. Thanks for sharing your penguins.
Incredible. Where was this?
You are most welcome.
Kelly Tarltons, little fishy place in Auckland, New Zealand.
Webm was of Gentoo pengins, they had King pengins around the corner too but there were too many people. Children. Noisy children.
Damn. Was hoping somewhere in the US. Still cool though
They have a near identical Penguin habitat at Sea World, San Diego.
And a separate Alcid habitat just to the left.
And a first-rate African Penguin exhibit at the San Diego Zoo.
Well that’s good to know lol
I’ll probably be hitting up Central Park/Bronx but I’ll keep those in mind
Thanks a lot
He was told there are more than 2 genders and he was responsible for every bad thing on Earth and mocked for not having sex and then his nest he made for a mate was stolen and given to non-native penguins.
that’s awful…
Same thing happened to me. I hope to see him when I get there.
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Posting my own OC as well.
This fucker triggers my autistic rage to no bounds, along with the fact that Thomas the Tank Engine was narrated by some retard named "Ringo Star", as if any mongoloid could ever have a name that stupid.
I literally spazzed out whenever Pingu and Thomas came on the TV.
Call it copium, but after the eclipse, I completely had a new leash on life. Before I felt like I was some fuckup, unable to do what comes easy to pretty much anyone - work's hard, making friends is hard, finding a partner is hard. The eclipse literally flipped a switch and made me finally internalize what I always told myself - other people aren't really worth spending the time on. I'm happy with the few people in my life, I don't want to make an effort to please anyone else.
I started coasting work, all my hobbies I still do alone except when I visit my friends or vice versa, and jerking off is just fine for me. It's just not worth it to bend over backwards for anyone else.
Good for you man. Do what you need to do
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I was like that with Barney the dinosaur because even as a kid I could tell it was patronising and shit, but -if true- the reasons you give for hating pingkino or Thomas make me think you've been mentally unstable from the start
Penguins are easily my favourite animal and have been since I was a kid. What other animal that isn't smaller than a crab does kino like this. I hope I was good enough in this life to be reincarnated as a penguin bro living a peaceful life on a beautiful island in the middle of nowhere getting shit on by 500 other penguins. I'd love to visit these uninhabited rocks where time doesn't seem to pass.
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