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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content
Don’t feed the foxes, and keep your yard clean!
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or just post foxes and don't engage in retarded cult of personality flamewar shit
Previous: >>4786947
Is this what /fox/ will be from here on out? Well, if your goal is to kill it, good luck and fuck you.
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What's the most underrated fox?
why are its ears ourple
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The serious answer to this question is the pale fox.
They're adorable, but since they live in the middle of nowhere and are so good at hiding from humans there's not a lot of material of them out there compared to other foxes. It's hard to be popular when so few people know you exist.
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Just picked up this ridiculously photogenic fogger on /biz/ of all places and came here to bring him to you guys
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What's the spice on Arctic Foxes? I think they're pretty cute
doge fox
Are foxes tranimals
The summer coat of the arctic fox.
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why are you like this
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how can you be stinky in the cold? elaborate.
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But is he really that good at business?
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ayy lmao
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There's a madness in those eyes.
>dead for years, maybe even decades
>keeps providing humans laffs
not sure if blessed for making people laugh beyond your death or absolutely fucking cursed
I don't see it
>It's hard to be popular when so few people know you exist.
how do you know they exist? have YOU seen one??
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why are foxes always like this...
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Why do they look like this
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always stealing hearts...
I wouldn’t say underrated. It’s just obscure.
Thoughts on Moi Renart? French show with a fox who can do "any task". Hasn't been translated as far as I'm aware
Actually pretty cool to see different depictions of foxes over time
That’s clearly just an alien
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Would you download a fox?
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Only if it was warm, fluffy and had a special hole.
Why do they do this?
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Careful lads, last time I did mum took away me computer privileges.
you mean being ear-less?
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Vocalizations? It's communication.

both are ep*c, yeah
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Less than a week until Summer now, the end of Spring :|
look like goofballs? we’re still figuring it out
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Foxes are already evolving rapidly, and we need to start thinking about how to integrate them into our society and involve them in the economy. What professions do you think would be best suited for them?
As mentioned earlier, foxes are very vocal, and also they are agile. I think they would make excellent singers, dancers, and overall entertainers. Surely some foxes will work in pest control, as they are naturally adapted to finding and eating mice and insects.
They also possess natural wisdom, but I am not sure how they could utilize it.
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>[...] we need to start thinking about how to integrate *[Foxes]* into *our* society [...]
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We all know that *you* want to be integrated into the society of *foxes*, but let's be realistic at this point.
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Not executive.

Anything but Executive.
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give these foxes brushies NOW
foxes evolved specifically to be our pets
there is a world of universal fox petting waiting to happen
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post grabbable snoots
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To integrate into society, they will need to take on various forms of self-employment and individual entrepreneurship. I think cunning will help foxes in short-term planning. But I really wouldn’t trust them with great responsibilities and appoint them to some top management roles.

Some foxes may want to become pets, but some will want to remain self-sufficient members of society. In any case, they are getting smarter, and their independence from their owners will be inevitable.
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>biting sarcasm faec
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That's our word, butt you can say Fogga.
Damn, now I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry I offended you. You can always unite with foxes spiritually.
And if you happen to become a fox, I will let you roam around my garden and mb even devour my chinken.
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I was playing Skyrim and I got distracted by a fox, turned around to see I was being followed by a pack of wolves. Sly thing was trickin' me
Thoughts on the Skyrim fluffy mod? The vanilla foxes have a weird charm to 'em though
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It won't digest if you're looking, give some privacy
I don’t like that almost every animal, except perhaps deer, immediately rushes to kill the main character as soon as it notices them, even at the cost of its own life, without considering retreat. Only mods fix this issue; the developers themselves don’t seem to give a fuck. This annoyed me in Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind. It’s less noticeable in Morrowind because its wild nature is (supposedly, at least) all crazy and dangerous, making aggressive animal attacks seem more appropriate. For a game released in 2011, Skyrim simulates nature and animals very poorly. Shame on you, Bethesda.
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Waskn't dead serious, butt thanks I guess.
take your brushies
>For a game released in 2011, Skyrim simulates nature and animals very poorly. Shame on you, Bethesda.
Do you know of any games released at the same time that did it better?
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I can't name the games that came out at the same time as Skyrim, can just name the ones that simulate nature better.
For example, SimLife (1992), Deer Hunter (since 1997) and Hunting Unlimited (since 2001), Wildlife Park (since 2003) all do a great job of simulating nature. Closer to 2011, there's Endless Ocean (2007, 2009) and Cabela’s Big Game Hunter (2007-2010).
Overall, the developers had about a decade to study wildlife simulations and incorporate those elements into their games, creating more detailed, interesting, and immersive worlds, but they decided not to do so.
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The foxes in Ghost of Tsushima dive at the ground as if they are hunting in snow except there is no snow and they aren't hunting and this is unrealistic.
suspicious VulpesPerson twitter post
What game is this?
>says game name right at the start of the post
>"What game is this"
There's a fox that has been yelping outside our house in the evenings recently

I read that female foxes sometimes shout like this to attract a mate, but apparently the breeding season is in January (at least here in Europe). Could they still be mating now in May?

Alternatively I read that males can sometimes shout to mark their territory. So maybe that's why this fox is shouting?
Foxes have a number of vocalizations, which can mean a few different things. In terms of loud noises, typically, it can be a means of communicating with each other, to say "I'm here", etc. Either as a way of relay, or for territorial reasons. Secondly, foxes will bark at perceived danger or fear, and this can obviously be especially pronounced at this time of the year by parents looking after their children.
It's a lone fox though, it doesn't seem to have children. I just heard it again now although it must have wandered up the road because the sound is faint now.

But a couple of times it has stood in the street just outside our house and I can see it through the window. It just stands in the street, letting out a shout every few seconds.

Animals are perplexing.
>Don’t feed the foxes
But this website says otherwise:
>Should I feed my foxes?
>If you want to, yes; lots of people feed foxes, either regularly or occasionally, and get a great deal of enjoyment from doing so
Anon, she's calling for you.
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They have infiltrated a bbc affiliated website.

This is unprecedented.
Sorry I'm retarded ): thought it was unrelated
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BBC stands for Big Beautiful Corsac-fox
Why do some foxes get so slim in the summer?
Are they actually slimmer, or it is just that their coats are shorter?
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I think it's just the coat, I had ferrets and in the summer they would slim down a ton.
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Moult and the fact that Foxes are actually 60% fur.
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they HATE eating veggies
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Demonstrably untrue.
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he's absolutely red with anger
This guy again: >>4808222

I can hear the fox shouting this evening too although it sounds like it's at least 100 metres down the road this time.

Maybe the fox is just trying to mark its territory since it's currently not the mating season. Or maybe the fox really wants a shag, despite it not being the mating season.
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A healthy red as a result of his healthy diet.

I've heard a Fox call in the middle of a July night. Likely a territorial thing, afaik Foxes dokn't've multiple litters a year.
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Or maybe he's just out there telling everybody he exists.
Making a soup
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I think we should breed foxes for maximum snootage
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Fair points. I assume it's a territorial thing.
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True in that if Foxes were snootier, you could do this in a way more comfurtable to the Fox.
Can I have some sauce on that kotdog?
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They're basically just dogs that look a bit different, aren't they
fox eat sandwich
t. tanuki
Then we took those wolves and bred them until they were SMASHED and SLAMMED
I really want one.
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couldn't find the rest
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Nature of Nature's Art, and the current arc (Rotary).

And uh... Be prepared to really, really not like this guy.

The Human executive is worse, but this guy is pretty much if mark zuckerberg drove one of his scientists into detonating a nuke and if he had a daughter that he had to regain custody for but not because he loved her, but because she's a perfect test subject to run experiments on and also everything he makes can be turned into a weapon.

Like the thing he had someone working on that caused a nuclear explosion.
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An impeccable example of the vulpine urge to shove as many things into the snout as possible. >>4809171 is quite exemplary as well.
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Insane animal
Borzoi Foxes? Kikesune?
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Whoever is pawsting on /x/ needs to go outside and take in some fresh air.
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Why are foxes so graceful compared to other canines
y'knowwhat FUCK YOU,
foxes have evolved to being cute and funny to humans over the past 4000 years to prevent going extinct from hunting/protecting livestock
I've got something to shove in its snout
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1) It waskn't an explicit Fox thread, you would've had to see the OP image.
>2) *trying to find a thread hours later on a more active board*
'Fraid this one falls on you, chief.

>foxes have evolved to be cute and funny
What did he mean by that?
that seems unlikely
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I can fix him
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Poor lads and lasses prolly just going stir-crazy tbqh.
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lewd image
every mammal does this to some extend, which is why most humans have some mild hair loss in the spring and less during fall
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We could do one better.
fox smell
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June Fox
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juniper fox
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Juniper turned 9 in April...
What does the Fox say, anyway?
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do you have quail eggs in your pocket
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Gunnerkrigg Court, huh?
Comic finally got interesting again btw.
>hiking along a wooded creek bordering a relative's property looking for cool rocks a couple hours ago
>have to take emergency squat
>duck behind some brush and proceed about business
>suddenly hear crashing in the brush to my immediate right whilst in a position of maximum vulnerability
>fox jumps out of the brush probably not more than 12 feet from me and runs off.
Cute girl
Worth reading?
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Look at this fox
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If you like weird webcomics then yeah, if you've never really read a webcomic before then you might be disappointed.

The worst part about webcomics is finally catching up to the latest page and now having to wait every few days for an update.
Is his name Jez?
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Just how rancid, if even a Fox takes right off.

That's what being a Fox feels like.
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Let's continue the fox hunt and post foxes you found on other boards.
Just found this cool fogger on /g/ in a tesla thread with a true message
I’m familiar with them. Looks cute and whacky. I’ll check it out thanks
I remember catching up a decade on Sabrina Online and thought that was tough. Anyone who'd try doing the same now would have to catch up almost 30 years.
I love old furry stuff but never read Sabrina. Is it any good?
It's just comfy but I wouldn't call it thrilling. If you're into comfy webcomics to look at every now and then it's fine. It's just slice of life stuff.
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they're having a mewing competition
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big fan of this fox
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Striking peepers.
Huh, gotcha.
I saw 3 foxes and gave them food. I hope they are happy.
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Quality over quantity, anon. More foxes means mangy foxes.
All foxes are beautiful.
I have literally never seen a fox with my own eyes. I hope to one day see one and maybe hold it and brush its fur.
for 2700yen you can do that at the fox village in Zao
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What do the foxes want with all of my money
I would move to Japan and go there as often as possible if I had money
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>tf2 players
All interconnected
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Pics you can hear.
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Fox was just shouting outside our house, I could see it out of the window

It shouts around this area probably every night
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Lad's got a weight on his chest.

wth is that filename
what? just fly there and go, then fly home.
ive done it the last coup;e years. i have only gone in winter tho i kinda want to go in summer and see their different coat
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>just fly to japan
I'll check between the couch cushions for change
get a job
are you offering
I am *unzips dick*
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Look at this dude! He’s got a pink nose!
une fox, im late
>fox's obsession with flower pots turned him into a pot
une renarde
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this is me when pepsi
I would eat green eggs and ham with this lil nigga
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good post
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You had me at 'eggs'.
huff fox fluff
Poor foxer
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I want to wipe those gunky eyes.
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Is there a version of this with sound haha
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There is now:

Clipped from:
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lol foxes are so tiny!
best regards from the wolf thread
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Foxes are graceful and photogenic
Wolves just trip over themselves and show off their sexy maws
It really is that easy
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>fox goes into standby mode
Does this really work?
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Pressing and holding it fur a few seconds will put them in pairing mode.
Sucks that wolves went extinct in the UK some 400 years ago. Coulda had both
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the cute and funny ones survive human encounters and pass their genes ahead, the unfunny and ugly ones get turned into coats
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Aren't wolves found there again recently?
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I thought he was facing the camera but apparently the little dude was staring into the light
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Whoever made that has not seen a Fox in their Winter coat.

I checked the same just b4 pawsting.
You wouldn't download a fox
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You will upload a Fox.
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I don't think so, maybe? There's ideas floating around of bringing them back
help they are posting poofy vulpas
That is the most interesting looking fox I've ever seen. Those eyes.
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There's intelligence in those eyes
I love this. Wish they were all this friendly
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>live foc reaction

Let's poofmaxx.
I can't believe it
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What would the perfect fox look like?
The fox that perfectly captures the essence of foxuality.
I thought this general was anti-furry?
that is knot the case
Zoophiles piss me off. Cartoon animals simply existing in entertainment and people enjoying that is non-offensive.
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The evidence is overwhelming.

You pawsted a strong candidate.

We do get the occasional /pol/ tourist butt no one listens to that nonsense.
Platina spotted on /mu/ once again
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>implying you totally didkn't make the thread and all the other ones over the years too
What's your endgame?
>Zoophiles piss me off.
You’re in the wrong general then lol
>foxfucker crying about pol
Of course there is. These freaks love congregating over there
New fox sounds just dropped
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cute lisa roll at 0:20
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Doesn't Telegram need you to put a phone number in? Lol
I never understood how folk do that stuff on there with their number attached. I guess burner ones?
I’m not entirely sure, I would assume something like that would be optional, but maybe not
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I wanna be a fops.

Someone transform me into one and I'll let you pet me for 30 minutes.
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but why?
you can appreciate foxes way better as human
>tfw want to pet fox
>tfw want to be fox and get petted
>tfw we aren't all foxes with human arms
[drawing of a fox with human arms standing on two legs and wearing cloths and saying something fetish related].jpeg
I have a Telegram, they made me link a number. If I could unlink it I'd like that
Dang, image limit.
New /fox/.
We should have one that doesn't talk about trips or the report button.

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