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Elegant Creature Edition
As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content
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Previous: >>4801167
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>report all potential fetish content
we’d probably be reporting half of the thread lmao
or mostly one person I guess
lol gonna report (You) for posting vo(ra)re
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do you have eggs
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do you have medkit
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Welcome to the pork bank,
we sell loin,
we sell chops.

We got pork on deck we got pork on the floor.


would holding a fox for a few minutes improve your life?
"What's wrong?"
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a few minutes every day
What do you mean I have to give her back?
I understood this
dani post ur floofiest fox
Insane how you can buy a fox on the web
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Here: >>4822016

Pic is a pawtential runner-up.
This is it, we've done it.

The single worst post this general can ever make has been achieved and it's all downhill from here.

Everyone can now and forever cease & desist with attempting to construct the most objectionable thing their blackened hearts can conjure for this will never be beaten ever in the ever.
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Post your sexiest foxes, /fox/.
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My sexiest foxes are too strong for /an/
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Drawn foxes do not count. Or do you mean?..
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Show 'em to us (in some non-/an/ way).
>creating shitbulls from wolves instead of working with catdogs that laugh
the cave people really did take a big L on this one
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Cute little gremlin.
>all potential fetish content
that didn’t take long
she looks like she has a villain song in a disney movie
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kitsune detected
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Got that Averi energy.
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Your question puts the lesser thing before the greater one.

But the indirect answer is, if your need for catharsis - not that schadenfreude shit, I'm talking a genuine release of emotions higher than anger or averice - if your own need can be fulfilled by putting another being's fulfillment before your own, if you can be happy to make someone else (or something else in this case) happy, then there you go.

If holding a fox for a few minutes would improve it's life, then it would improve your own in the process of that exchange.

Otherwise, you should maybe stop thinking so selfishly.
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it's time for your schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop
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I hope your day goes well foxes.
Take this smoop for good luck.
"MA! Get this bird offa me!"
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Piss, forgot the image
Does anyone have a picture of a fox smiling?
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Crossposting to this general. Foxes keep killing my free range chickens. I have bought a live capture trap. I’d appreciate the advice of Anons on how to best live trap it. If I’m successful I intend to relocate it, please help.
that's a coyote
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foxes really act like this and see no issue
Reverse searched it and it looks like it's an Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis).
Okay, I'm raising the bid to $150 (plus transportation), I can't afford to pay more.
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where can I acquire a foxbox
Me. I sell and make them
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If I go into the foxbox will I become a fox?
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So it seems my mum has been feeding wild foxes and now they wait patiently in the garden for her to put food out for them.
Gotta fall for the bait organically
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Foxes have big balls, not gonna lie.
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Great snap and a gorgeous fella.
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this is how people with boyfriends sleep
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are you gay
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My dog keeps rolling in fox piss and poo
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I think your dog has a crush
so stop him?? jackass
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Is your favorite fox as cool as this one?
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Damn, those are some really neat socks, I never knew they could come in that style.

Are there other patterns beside all black socks that foxes can have? I only ever see all black or it all matches their main fur color.
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I do but the damage is done by the time I can intervene
I've been doing recall and stop/leave it since he was 4 months old (8 months old now) and he's almost perfect but he's still a pup and he just loses all training the moment there's a non-desexed bitch or a stink of fox pee
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Begone imposters.
do fox people like dogs?
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I think she really, really likes foxes
cute nip writing
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>Awww, they are playing!
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>ywn get drunk with a naked big tit fox girl
End me
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Yeah. Playing.
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[*is being obvious*]
nice bod
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I like blue eyes.
>fox is favorite animal
And only now I realized I have the same exact eye color like the average fox even with that green/brown two tone in the iris. Coincidence but still, wtf
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Who do you think came out on top?
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>how do you do fellow Kitsunes
You were a fox in your previous life and are now being punished for something you did
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what if furries were animals in past lives, but the animals that compulsively hump people and the punishment for being an animal into people is getting turned into a people who is into animal
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You mean rewarded
>be human
>get a free pass to eat as much chicken and quail eggs as you want
>can visit foxes without the social baggage of territory and mating
that’s a big candy corn
it is going in his ass
she cute
>can visit foxes without the social baggage of territory and mating
How do you know its a male? Are you gay?
I think holding a fox and touching its tail would be better than losing my virginity
I dont think it would end up on just touching its tail
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They must've seen some of the recents pawsts here.
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>it's actually quite common for this to happen in fox society
Had to draw the one you linked.
This is an American fox.
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This fucking piece of shit is a youtuber fox and today on part 83 of it's minecraft letsplay he's making you read this in dunkey's voice as
*scritches this fox in particular behind the ear*
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This was one of Nina Kosaka's forms
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Fuck, those are so good.
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Did he find a watermelon shoreside too?

Gorgeous stuff.
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Me when someone posts beans
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Sometimes I wish Fox beans were prominent like on Dogs and Wolves, instead of hiding under fuzz.
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Don't get why the japanese drawing fox got removed since it wasn't porn
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All anthro is usually treated as NSFW regardless.
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An adult fox and its child.

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