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Horse General

Drinking with the fellers edition

>>4804296 - thread that lay down for even a second
>[smug beer sipping noises]
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The foals know nothing about peace, very few will make it to adulthood
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no fucking way
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Is alcohol actually safe for them to consume?
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>drinks like a fish
>GOAT female athlete
>fabulously wealthy
>has millions of adoring fans
Teetotalers are such babies desu
Horses are long-gut fermenters, alcohol is a normal byproduct of their digestive processes. It takes a prodigious amount of liquor to get one drunk, and not just by the standards of "this animals weighs a thousand pounds". I use malty full bodied lagers hide the taste of medicine for horses pretty regularly (stuff like Coors Banquet or Lienenkugels Original), but not all horses like the flavor, so make sure yours likes the taste before trying this,

I had an Arab, years ago, that would steal and chug any beers left unattended on fence rails, It was good for a laugh now and again.
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I got another horse :)
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Horse friendship is different
i thought you were joking but horses can really be injured for laying down for too long
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Guys, post your mares. I'll paint them if they are pretty :^)
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Anything longer than a second. This foal couldn't be revived.
>I had an Arab, years ago, that would steal and chug any beers left unattended on fence rails
And what did the horses think about his behavior?
I’m not sure I want horse clones…
absolutely kino webm
Horse mouths scare me
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What is it about them?
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get lip wiggled, nerd
We don't usually take alcohol very well.
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a real flopper can hold his alcohol
what function does the lip wiggle have? I know horses do that thing where they tilt heir head high and pull up their upper lip (flemming I think it's called?) because it helps them smell better, but that lip wiggle has me intrigued.
Horses have lots of muscles in their lips because it's basically how they interact with things. Wiggling behaviour specifically doesn't really do anything other than look cute and make your human give you a treat or something.
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ari says fthpfthpfthpfthpfthpfthpfthpfthp btw
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It's saying
>come here so I can groom you
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Why is Ari so cute?
Too bad, nobody asked you anyway

Here's proof that horses look up. I love how all the adults stop eating to stare at the offending change to their environment.
Anon… please listen to me… this will go very, very wrong…
He's literally fine, he breeds polo ponies
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Come give grandma horsey a kiss little anon
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Paint this one horse that's enjoying the moment.
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>telling the painter to leave
You can fuck right off and never come back, you unironic faggot.
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why would one be so mean to painteranon?...
because they have a bad soul
Bitchanon that had their "supervillain stage" or whatever the fuck. Painter anon is a king among men.
What happens if you get angryb
Marefags did not like that one bit! By the way, I know you guys are used to calling each other they/them as to respect each other's mysterious gender identities, but I'm not a marefag so no need to do that with me.
The horse gets sad
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Too much of a good thing...
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Laptops can get pretty hot therefore laptops are technically STOVES
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I knew it!
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I miss working at a stable. I quit it to go back and finish school and have studied at uni since then. It still feels like a huge mistake.
This reminds me of those Turkish ice cream vendors who will give you the ice cream and then take it back etc.
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If you majored in horse science you could study and be around horses at the same time.
>This reminds me of those Turkish ice cream vendors who will give you the ice cream and then take it back etc
… huh???
Anon, do you have a couple more photos of her? Either full figure or with more focus on her face?
Or do you actually want this particular photo?
I just graduated. Means a whole lot more horse in my future than if I just stayed at the horse factory. Just push through and get at least Bs.
yes it's actually very good for them if you ever hang out with horses you should bring us a six pack or better yet a twelve packer and make sure they're tall boys okay none of those 12 ounces of BULL SHIT
some diseases rootkit themselves into dna
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It's the only decent picture I have of her. I can get a better one on Monday
Ok but why?
most normal marefag
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This is what 70% of horses will look like by 2030 because of pollution.
>cloven hoof
the worst kind of change..
Me on the left
(You) on the right
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At least they can hold a pen now.
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>can smells like horse breath now
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I really want a miniature horse, they are so cute.
But, I only have a small/medium backgarden.
There is a huge park nearby though, that I could take the horse regularly to run in.
Am I crazy, or is this feasible?
I really want one, can afford one, and having a hard time convincing otherwise.
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You need to get a friend for the horse or they get sad forever. I mean tinkers kept horses and while people will say it's a bad idea, it's not impossible to keep two miniature horses healthy. It's a lot of work and money though.
I was thinking that, darn, I probably don't have enough space and attention to get two, their happiness is more important after all... I'll have to put my dreams on a hold.
Look into livery. You don't have to keep them at home. Depends where you live.
ughhh teach me how to have even one!! im so fucking broke.
>tilt their head and pull up their upper lip
it's actually called the flehmen response & even dogs and cats have one. you know when a cat makes that silly open mouth face when they smell something? that's a flehmen's response!
lip wiggle means they want to groom and pet you! they think you are cute and want to snuggle you! am retard tho.
> you know when a cat makes that silly open mouth face when they smell something?
Holy shit, had no idea there was a term for it kek, thanks for informing me
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>tfw I missed a section on my lower back when applying my equine appeasement gel and got brutally eaten by unappeased horses
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I have a mini shetland, they get really fat really easily but their care is about equal to other horsies. Get yourself into a livery yard or get at least 2 acres of land to graze first :)
Adorable, I'm so jealous anon.
why is it made out of corduroy
that coat coloring seems kinda rare! like an inverted color. super cute pony
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kek im not the only one who thought about that
bayzed dio horsey!!!!!!
How do you even shave horses like this? I imagine they'd piss their fur pants with a buzzing machine especially between their eyes.
Do they get trained for this early on?
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Apple here is actually weirdly into it
hes just wearing corduroy
I had a black shetland years ago. She was extremely angry but loved scratches.
The council has been summoned.
What’s the occasion?
you're welcome!! :D
LOL thats exactly what the pony looks like... what a strange clip
me and the gang pulling up to the function
They'd turn up anyway, thoroughbreds are inbred to hell and back
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Barn Witches vs' Witch Horses. Whoever wins, we lose.
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Guys I think one of those horse witches cast a spell on me. All I did was look at them and all of a sudden my wiener got really hard and now it won't go down. I've got to find a whey to break this spell or in 24 hours I'll have to go to a doctor who'll probably amputate it. What do?
Anon, have you made the photos?
You must bang a mare it's the only solution unfortunately
A dire situation
The cutouts for the ears are so cute.
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that particular wiggle is captivity autism, horses get very neurotic when they regularly spend any amount of time cooped up. you'll see all different sorts of shit theyll do repetitively with no real goal or endpoint
These are called stereotypical behaviors.
Anyone got experience with miniature horses? Are they the kind you can keep in a reasonably large fenced garden?
someone already gave advice
Haha I was wondering the same thing, I wonder if there is something going around in the air.
they'd eat the veggies
Is this cropped porn?
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That used to be a punishment for misbehaving horses in medieval times, pic related
Nah the general guidelines for Horse Care is at least 1 acre per horse, and considering you should always have at least two equines (donkeys and horses mix fine, just don't mix up their food) then 2 acres is the minimum, 1.5 if you're willing to supplement their feed more, restrict grazing (to save the pasture), and take them out for walks.
Where do you think that material comes from, anon?
Corduroy.... harmless...?
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Another thing that is important, and should 100% be done if possible, is pasture rotation.
Will he pass the bar?
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He never passes a bar
Would a giant horse-sized rabbit get on with a horse‽
Mare butts crushing my pelvis into fine dust particles
Be mareful what ewe wish for.
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horse simulation ritual
What a strange thing people do
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my fucking side, i need this
Horsebros you have any good wallpapers? Need more horse on the desktop
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just go for a walk and find your friendly neigh borhood horses
You're a good man. You notice the flow of a horse.
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I still have this on my work computer. Have been asked what the hell it means a few times.
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The wetter the better
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>find cute horse youtube short on channel with indonesian name
>rest of the channel is mating/pooping videos
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The elites don't want you to know this but a horse covered in grease will be faster than an ungreased horse since the grease lets them slide through the air easier.
post more horses with cute girls
I've noticed that horses' big nostrils look like a shotgun's barrel and I can't stop thinking about reloading a horse shotgun with slugs. lol
and the slugs could be carrots.
>colt living the good life
Whichever you prefer
because you've watched one of those literally millions of automated bot channels that scrape whatever is popular and copy it into their channel. what you've watched wasn't original to that channel hence those are usually always shit or a unnaturally shitty mixed bag. avoid.
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the mare has arrived
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There's a reason they call them face cannons
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It's like she walked into a room and forgot what she came in for.
Why are there so many ghost orbs in that video?
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They are born coated in ectoplasm. Horses are very supernatural creatures. Why do you think they spook so easily?
Cute ear scanning
Ari short for arrive
>does literally nothing in that moment
>maybe even is being silly

How the fuck are they doing it
what's that type of coat called? brindle?
The maremones have gotten to you
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That's not a horse, THIS is a horse
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guys would it be rude to suggest to a friend of mine whose gelding is pushing 30 that I'd be willing to take the carcass when the old boy's time comes?
mare nares
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I asked my friend for his kidney when he was getting one put in but apparently they don't take the old one out and they're just floating around in there.
It depends on how you answer the question, ‘why?’
what for?
his meat probably is worthless, not only because of how old he is, but because all the medication he's taken over his life. most horse meds have a giant "do not give this to a horse you plan to eat" label on them.
do you just want him as a rug? or his skull for that Russian halloween thingie?
for eating
>most horse meds have a giant "do not give this to a horse you plan to eat" label on them
yeah that's what I suspect
>do you just want him as a rug? or his skull for that Russian halloween thingie?
I get the feeling they would heavily disapprove of such use
don't ask, it's rude
grind him up, mix in some onions, corn, beans, and rice, boom half ton of dog food
the neighbor does this with leftovers from the local hunting teams. also feesh
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>dog food
Filter or dumbass?
>muh pupper needs pure meat, billions of cows must die
Just something not directly toxic to them, r-tard.
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>not feeding your dog a steady diet of chocolate and onions
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I got snoof'd!
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Kinda cute but seems like a good way to piss a horse off
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I always save videos like this, dangerous shenanigans people do with their horse that only work because of how close they are. For example, this webm: its cute, but she's also millimeters away from getting her face absolutely chomped off.
horses are ridiculously huge and yet cute. i really don't get it
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guess I have another one for your collection
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Or how about this one
Girls who do stunts like this are the coolest. All others are boring
Is there any serious change of them hurting the horse through this stuff? Seems like they’re way too light to even meaningfully impede them
If they know what they're doing it's fine but of course there is always a chance something could go catastrophically wrong
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This is normally an absolutely classic hoof to the face type of situation
>shapely horse ass and human ass is unf teir me grug brain sorry for faggotry. me like ass.
>70KG human jumps on horse
>horse doesn't budge 1 millimeter

Giant HEAVY draft horses are so based it's fucking unreal.
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>Giant HEAVY draft horses

Time to post a real neckbear
Holy fuck. A kick from one of these things would probably kill you and put a dent in whatever material it sent you flying in. How much for one?
They could absolutely obliterate your face. PULVERIZE it. With just one hoof and wouldn't even feel any resistance.
if you guys like draft horses, look into "logging". they use ridiculously strong horses to pull dead wood and such out of forests and do all sorts of forest stuff with them.
in some places they actually stopped using heavy machinery and WENT BACK to using horses instead for this since they don't damage forests with their hooves while heavy machinery that could do a similar job absolutely does
That would be a dream job for me but I'm fucking scared of ticks. Around here basically every second tick has that type of shit in them that can get you into a wheelchair with still no meds against it.
>Around here basically every second tick has that type of shit in them that can get you into a wheelchair with still no meds against it.
Damn. You’re right. I was watching a show and it had a woman that was nearly killed by a disease she caught from a tick bite. Fuck ticks.
Makes sense, animal could easily go between trees that would stop a machine.
If you want a selective removal and there is no vehicle-passable road within 10-20m, a horse got you covered.
How did they manage to crossbreed a horse with a silverback gorilla?
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Can't unsee now kek
I wish I could have a horse like this and just walk like a dog every day. I don't even need to ride it. just walking it like this would be awesome for me for some reason.
I'm speculating this may become more of a thing in Sweden precisely for the reasons you cite, and also because horses are clever and limber compared to a machine. it makes sense if you're doing selective logging, less so when clearcutting
There's a possibility animal activists get involved since they're already screeching about horses doing "work". So then you'll have animal activists screaming at you and if you go with the machines you have eco fanatics screaming at you.
animal activists don't ever leave the city so that's fine, least of all to some forest with no witnesses^Wpeople around
>tfw hooman brings you a juicy apple
>those eyes
The demon is about to break containment.
The faces on that guy
Here's his entire run if you're interested
>don't look at me with those eyes
I've never seen more massive hooves.
>dummy doesn’t know how to hold the food

hopefully muslims don’t stab them
why would they do that? Islam has very strict laws about not causing harm to animals
>By Azura! It's the Grand Champion!
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Karmare police, arrest this horse. She neighs in the night
Got bitten by a horse a few weeks ago and now I've started to feel an immersive desire for salt cubes
the transformation has begun…
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>anon was bitten by a radioactive horse and now he goes out at night and whacks off criminals
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Oh no...
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>damn dis negro tastin zesty
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>this isn't what I had in mind when you said you'd give me crazy head
why do they need so many minerals
be happy horses don't also require vespene gas
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Big hearts
I’ve got a paint that bites like that. It’s not at all like getting bit by an angry horse or by accident by a horse trying to eat something. There’s nearly no pressure to it, it’s more startling than anything.
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Do you think korean horses would be better at starcraft than other horses?
imagine losing to a starcraft player operating their computer with hooves
mmmm chicken oil
Is that Chains?
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Her “vitamins”? What exactly is that stuff?
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minerals sourced naturally and painfully from other horses, mare particles to maintain her youth and fertility, anhydrous salts to aid in the production of horse spores, anti-laying down psychotics for behavioral augmentation, and ground-energy absorption inhibitors to delay death in the event of an unexpected grounding, retrograde amnesiac nanoparticles targeting memories regarding the state of various appliances including but not limited to dryers, stoves, and microwaves 2% or less of the following: silicon dioxide for anti-caking, yellow number 5, onions lecithin.
Onions lecithin?
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I forgot about the word filter. You know what I meant.
is s o i filtered on /ck/?
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I had a horse dream last night. I was busy and forgot I had a horse in a barn and it must have been months and I go to visit thinking she must be dead but she was fine and I take her out a ride and went back with apples every day in the dream. I felt something.
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Just horse balancing vitamins and minerals. Foal-ic acid, vitamin neigh. It tastes exactly like you'd imagine.
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Horses are exceptionally good at arising again
they’re even feeding goy oil to horses now
>some oil that has been part of our diet for thousands of years is bad because some youtuber told me so
>yeah people totally crushed up linseed oil and drank it down

You’re retarded anon, severely fucking retarded.

The only natural oil that’s been consumed by humans for thousands of years is olive oil, and coincidentally that shits gotten very expensive after covid because they don’t want people fucking using it
Linseed oil is a byproduct of the oil-type of flax, a crop cultivated in the middle east and west asia since ugg times. This is from one Google search by the way. You might be mentally deficient and should probably get that checked out.
It oxidises too quickly.
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Donkey morning
nice ass
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>I get up!
They don't want anyone rediscovering the ancient technique and making foals with one. It would challenge their three millennia plan of having a marginally larger boat.
A boat for what?
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Bad things
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The flood.
I suggest you upgrade to at least a Class Twelve combat skin, to prepare for it.
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VITAL, donkeys are the key, without donkeys all equines fall
They ate flax, boiled, cracked or ground or sprouted. They didn't have the hydraulic presses, ethylene washes, and steam equipment necessary to process the oil from it. Just like sugars, seed oils are dangerous because of how processing them removes them from the context of the whole food. 100 grams of fructose and sucrose in 355 ml of fizzy water is way more dangerous than the same 100 grams of simple sugars would be trapped in the kilo of strawberry fiber, water, and protein you have to consume to make 100g of sugar (fructose, glucose, and sucrose combined).
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and if they fall for even a second, they die.
Check these out
looks like a muppet
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Please, my horse, she's very sick
thanks for this
Eat some fucking fiber then you mong
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Anon, that's a Bantha.
holy fetlocks
>completely unshorn
a pile of wood and nails isn't a house, eating fiber alongside processed foods isn't the same as eating whole foods.
>actually shaving the fetlocks
literal sin.
The egyptians used linseed oils in their mummification process. The romans used it too. You don't need hydraulic presses or all of that other shit to get oil from grains dickweed. Just need some fucking elbow grease and a can-do attitude.
>eat the embalming fluid, goy
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>noooo i wont eat the natural product that's been used for lots of things throughout time because....BECAUSE I JUST WONT OKAY???
More healthy seed oils for me and my hors I guess. Enjoy your diabetes fatass.
This is so cute! I don't think I have ever seen a horse whose feather were NOT black or white. In fact it seems seems hairy hooves come almost exclusively in those colours, why is that?
god's covenant demands all colts and stallions have shorn fetlocks
Very strange horse
It literally is though lol you're not building a fucking house you're consuming nutrients. Why are people so susceptible to dietary witch doctor bullshit
You digestive tract does extensive chemical work on what you eat before you absorb it. Why do you think that you can pretend that this isn't important and just eat predigested food without consequence? This is not witch doctor bullshit, this is an extensively studied ongoing health crisis.
Are you saying if I take a calcium tablet I won't get any calcium because I'm not eating the real bones of small animals? Is that what you're saying?
As it happens, the people who make calcium tables don't just sell 1000mg CaCO3 tablets any longer because it's been medically proven that they don't work worth a shit. But we're actually talking about the opposite problem, the problems with refined sugars and refined oils is that they hit you like a fucking freight train instead of spending time in your digestive system like real food.

There's a massive body of research on this, and I'll admit that a lot of it is trash paid for by Nestle and Coca Cola, so you need to sort through it with a skeptical eye, but to be completely ignorant in this era is to have either taken the shilling of a super processed food producer or to have buried your head in the sand.
most supplements get peed out and do nothing flop flop flop flop flop
It's not.
Do horses have the biggest cocks relative to their body? Because holy shit that’s like having a foot long dick for a human and trying to fuck someone
I trust you. I’ll keep an eye out for this stuff in the future
Very related post thank you
No, that would probably be elephants, who’s dicks can literally drag on the ground when they’re in musth
>who’s dicks can literally drag on the ground
Sounds very uncomfortable
You guys are sleeping on tapirs
which are basically horses
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>mare is marely walking out of the horse stable
>gets 14 million views
How are horses doing this
LOL #6
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Great website
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I wish. I sleep on a mattress like a jerk
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C-Can you feel it?!
Can you touch it?!
Get ready 'cause here we go!
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M-more horses with drip anons?
Why do pigs use horses in riots and then get pissed off when the horses are hurt in riots? Just don't use horses in riots, stupid pigs.
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who are drip anons
Do i need to tell you how many views have farting sleeping horses on youtube?
Chinese programming prease undastand gweiro
Is that a fucking beekeeping suit
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Here, anon
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Yes, apparently he's actually a Donkey named Boneco from Brazil.

>beekeeper donkey
good luck with that
What is the ballistic rating of this armor and how does one acquire a set?

>inb4 just buy the dlc
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Ah, here we can see a young mare in her newly constructed horse nest, or horsey hole as some people call it. Here she'll lay in wait and ambush any small animals, insects, or human children that are unfortunate enough to wander by. In a few weeks she'll have gained enough calories to finally lay her first clutch of horse eggs, then hibernate in the winter.
I love posts like this
>just BEE yourself
>pigs are happy spending thousands on horse armour that proves ineffective so they can use living animals as living weapons when they brutalize 'rioters' (peaceful protestors)
Fucking retarded.
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>(peaceful protestors)
please think of the peaceful protestorinos
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>implying horses don't enjoy the bloodshed and chaos
>peaceful protestors
If they have to whip these things out they aren’t quite peaceful
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horses are peaceful animals. using them to trample people is an affront to horsekind
it's the actually opposite. most protests are peaceful until the pigs arrive, or until their agent provocateurs start shit
that seems unlikely for more reasons than one
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You wouldn’t put a poor mare in horse jail would you? Look at the look on her face :(
cops are scum but so is the leftist mob
>horses are peaceful animals.
blatantly incorrect
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Horses are no less violent than humans. You just don't see it because you're obviously not one of the horses posting here.
that video is the first and only time I've seen a horse go full pittbull on anything. those movements are 100% atypical to any horse I've seen, even compared to stallions fighting with each other. looks absolutely fucking unreal and that horse was 10000% out for the sure kill.
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Would you feed your horses fish?
Apparently horses like meat and can adapt to eating it! Some cultures even feed their equines fish and wild horses might be spotted grabbing fish!
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The hunger for fish is just some of their ancient instincts coming out
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I was camping on the banks of Loch Ness last night. I'm kinda salty a wet horse didn't murder me.
I would stick to their traditional diet unless advised by your vet.

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