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The First Edition

prev. >>4832168

Trivia: What is the only breed of dog that doesn’t bark?


Harnesses – Sleepypod (https://sleepypod.com/collections/car-harnesses)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)


Susan Garrett: https://youtube.com/@susangarrett?si=GuoJn3EJislRWRX4

McCann Dogs: https://www.youtube.com/@McCannDogs

Emily Larlham: https://youtube.com/@kikopup?si=Rc-MXWZEWBxB864m

Zak George: https://youtube.com/@zakgeorge?si=eY0l-0yoOzwF-KRj



The List – Truth about Pet Food (https://truthaboutpetfood.com/the-list/)
OP is a schizophrenic mexican teenager who thinks random posters on 4chan are his “bark buddies” lmao
What triggered him?
It's a shame that there are a handful of losers who treat the thread like a discord server but hey it's 4chan so they're not hard to ignore
Barkbuddies meet up when? We can all put bets on who heather will hump first.
my faggot dog hates it when i try to snuggle with him. but when it's time for bed, he has no problem lying on top of me.
Blue nose pitbulls are nice dogs. There I said it
My sister's labradoodle goes nuts when he wants to be pet rubbing up against me and licking the hell out of me but as soon as he wants to play he actively recoils away from me when I try to pet him. Some dogs are just bastards.
>4chan elitism
Incel website btw
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whds === bg
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My girl is like that, cuddles on the couch and bed, but independent the rest of the time. That being said though she's been getting jealous of the puppy and cuddling a lot more, this guy is way more cuddly than she is though.
Maybe she just wants you to go up and pet her instead. My dog comes off as autistic but he’s more loving than I initially thought. I pet him more often now and he’s calmed down more around my other dog, who’s a lot more in your face about pets and cuddling.
There are just sometimes she wants to cuddle more than others, if we are out and a about she is more interested in the environment and being active. Some dogs are "leaners" where they want to be right next to a person all the time, she's just not one of those. There really aren't many people she will let pet her at all, most of the time she will go up to "say hi" to people and that's it after one pet and sniff she is done with them.
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>not clingy
That's completely different, wherever I go she goes, and she hates being away from me, but if you have ever experienced a dog that is a leaner then you'd get the difference.
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>place your hands around your dog's head as if holding a melon
>vigorously forum your dog's head while going wub wub wub wub
>dog will now collapse onto floor
>procede to use as a drum
Anyone else do this?
Oh and don't forget to tell your dog that you're going to destroy its brain as you do this
I pretty much rub the base of her ears and after a while, she starts kicking her leg as if she's getting a good scratch. It feels very wrong. Did I turn my dog into a degenerate?
I think there's something wrong with your dog.
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Why are there so many women trainers for dog agility competitions while dog trainers for hire tend to be men?
one actually trains dogs
the other traumatizes rescue mutts into behaving in one week or your money back
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>zoophilic retards are fags
nothing new
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I'm not your barkbuddy, barkpal.
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I'll take that one on the chin
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No house collar gang.
She wears one when there are a lot of people entering and exiting
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Once a barkbuddy ALWAYS a barkbuddy.
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Incoming Transmission 2.99.838
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There is NOTHING wrong with the capital letter Y.

We will be broadcasting positive reinforcement training techniques everyday from 9am to 3pm central time.
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Shit thread beyond saving
2 bitches 1 post. Very efficient.
How come? Do you feel personally attacked?
One is teaching your dog petty tricks for attention
The other conditions your dog to have the highest possible quality of life
Don't talk about women like that.
why does my puppy keep eating her own shit wtf?
Puppies will do that. Pray to the doggods that they grow out of it.
>Find out about the Saluki and other cool sighthounds
>Read about them all day at work on wikipedia even infront of my boss
>No one says anything
>Snooze on the train thinking about cool sighthounds
I might get called up soon at this rate
He's a homosexual furry
Dogs eat poop. It's just a thing they do. Some dogs do it more than others.
Saluki are one of the best breeds. Very cool and they're ancient also. Do you have any thoughts on the silken windhound?
Just look at this goofy guy.
>silken windhound
Also very cool and they have very lovely coating. I just want to get two sighthounds and hang out with them all day. I'm a recluse and I can now have two reclusive buddies. I hope they can keep up with me on the mountain bike.
Their prey drive may make it a little risky for any sighthound to follow you off leash. Salukis are long distance runners so they should be able to easily keep up with you. The saluki races in the middle east are pretty amazing!
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>no slinky dogs to hang out with
i hate people so much.
one day i'll get my own slinky dogs
My 15 week old pup has started trying to mount and hump people's legs (including mine). Is this anything to be concerned about?
As far as I can tell it's just overtired/excitement, tends to happen after he's had a big play around in a field or something like that.
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Isolate her from all dogs so she starts to emulate higher life forms. She may never be a human but she sure can try.
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cute, how are bassets?
They are sociable, calm, stubborn, and playful. The heavier ones seem to be more likely to develop hip and joint issues, but I have her on green-lipped muscle powder which is a hip and joint supplement so she lasts longer anyways. They generally last 12-13 years, but their close cousin; the Beagles can go off into their late teens. The perfect ratio seems to be 1/6 Beagle, and 5/6 Basset for health reasons.
Reminder that this fella was voiced by Ernest
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When you started looking for a dog, how long did it take you to find The One™?
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Damb, I think I know that chick
I stumbled on my dog at a garage sale for $50
>post about how breeds like cane corsos are going to start having problems soon because they're becoming the new pitbull
>it's happening
>inherently dangerous breeds become a liability in the hands of amateur owners
Almost like shitbulls were always inherently dangerous

The “right owner” rules them with fear and keeps them muzzled on a chain. A pet lion is more trustworthy.
All dogs are inherently dangerous. An afraid dog is not a safe dog. Most people have no place owning a labrador let alone a cane corso.

Some breeds are dangerous. Some breeds are not.
All breeds are dangerous. Some dog breeds are more dangerous than others.
It depends on the owner almost entirely. People can have dangerous dogs somewhat safely. There's just no governance on owners.
The small exception is that some dogs can have legitimate mental illnesses and some breeds can be prone to that, or otherwise some dogs can be traumatized like the poor fella who posts in here sometimes about his dog that was attacked.
Otherwise it really does come down to the owner.


Its the breed. Not the owner. The owners only failure was thinking a subcanine attack dog mutant could ever be safe.
>its the owner bro
Shitbulls kill 3x more people than all other dogs combined. The owner? Their fault for not muzzling it? Do you think you can train a retard to be a nobel prize winning physicist? That would be easier than training a shitbull or shitbull like dog not to kill people and dogs.

Wake up you idiotic faggot. Heritable behavior is real. And your training isnt so speshul it magically disinherits it.

It is the breed. Not the owner. Not all dogs are good boys. Many of them should be killed on sight.
Well, that's true too. Did you know about that one syndrome that causes random aggression? Great Danes had it at one point and would devour their owners. Scary shit.

Shepherds can be aggressive too. I've been bitten on the hand by a GSD before. It felt like my nerves got pinched/overflooded and my hand went numb.
>shitbulls kill people constantly despite all efforts
>abused golden retriever injures someone once 10 years ago
Are pro shitbull “people” actually part of a plot to get large dogs banned? Could be environmentalists, vegans, or semitics.
>waaaah noooo! you can't just ignore my posts! the shitbulls! the jews! the liberal shelter karens! the retards!
Get well soon.
I don't know what compels someone to be so adamant about being objectively wrong.
>pitbulls attack more people therefore it is their fault and not the owner
It requires a near subhuman IQ to think at this level.
I used to know people who had a pack of rottweilers. The older gen were german line and the absolute sweetest dogs. Then they got a batch of American line puppies and one of the males was an absolute nightmare. Caught him stalking me one day, real terrifying shit. He ended up initiating the mauling of one of the the elderly dogs and tore the poor fucker apart.
I'm not pro shitbull. We're for the same thing which is people not owning pitbulls, the difference is I believe it because of the facts and you believe it because you're a zogged out redditor.
Not an argument. You lost before this started.

Heritable behavior is real. A shitbull can not be trained to be safe and trustworthy. Their owners are not a special kind of shit. They are shitty dogs that can’t be pets. Can’t. The risk to human life does not justify your dog worship/fetish. 30+ dead human beings a year is not worth your mindless beast looking a certain way.

The worst owners award goes to GSD and lab owners. Shitbulls and other aggressive breeds simply need exterminated. Human life is infinitely valuable. Dog life has 0 value. That’s a fact. We treat wolfdogs the same way. They can die now or die naturally in a cage away from civilization.
>zoosadist uses populism to camoflague their sick fetish
Many such cases, sad
>exterminating a dangerous animal is zoosadism
>pest control is zoosadism
We did the same thing to wolves because they hunt children and kill livestock and pets.
>look how he recoils, I've been found out
>quotes a nazi, while calling others zoosadists for wanting a dangerous unnatural animal eradicated
That more or less confirms that you are an evil creature that disregards human life. The jews should have been resettled in israel, not gassed.
>inb4 pitbull rapist denies the holocaust too
>try to talk about dogs
>schizo can't help but cream over abusing animals and constantly bring up nazis
I wish these discord trannies would go back to their server to be quite honest with you
>victim card
You lost
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>announcing you won the argument
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>seethe rant about he doesn't get to abuse dogs
Internet access should be judged on a case-by-case basis.
>no no no YOU lost wanting to exterminate a dangerous animal is the same as personally wrapping puppies in tape nooooo
Add bassets to the list. Neuter all bloodlines. TBD
Should happen to all deformed and disordered dogs ie: boxers, toadlines, showline gsd, corgi, shitzu, doberman
Cringe. Stop spouting off like some drug-fueled nihilist and maybe people will be apt to listen to you.
The retard really said human life is infinitely valuable and a dog's life has none. Nothing he could follow that up with could even close to being taken seriously.
>total basset death
>total bull type terrier death
>total bolshevik death
>total bl[user was censored for this post]
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My dog is sick and im extremely remote and will have to drive for a day and take a ferry or possibly a helicopter or float plane to get him to a vet
He was off his food this morning and had 1 normal poop, then a water poop later this morning, and just now early afternoon a dark bloody poop
In the morning his stomach was making crazy noises but it is settled down
Hes drinking and eating a little bit of treats and acting normal but im witholding another meal for now
Think he can ride this out or should i rally the troops to a vet
Apartmentfags won, how's your 20 acres now, farmboy!!! *heats up ramen* *smacks roach* *shakes hands with unemployed mice who need to pay rent*
We dont actually live here
But yeah its not ideal
Im trying to balance whether its worth the extra stress of a 20 hour transport while hes sharting blood diarrhea or just try to keep him hydrated and comfortable here
Idk what it is the other dogs are fine maybe he ate a mushroom?
If the blood is black it means there's intestinal bleeding. It could be really bad.
It wasnt black, it was dark red and jelly/slimy and smelled like blood, not shit
I think im gonna wait it out for now and maybe reconsider if he takes a turn for the worse but he seems better now than he did this morning so hopefully its a passing thing
Your dog probably has an obstruction or worse

Go to the vet now. This shit kills within 48 hours. If you have a 20 hour transport they're dead for sure if you wait, vs dead maybe.
What has your dog eaten?
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I gotta wait anyway for a ferry so if hes not worse tonight when its time to leave to catch the next earliest one i probably wont go
Kibble that i know of
Maybe plants or mushrooms or something outside
Diarrhea had grass in it
AKA the things that are often poisonous

Could have also scavenged and swallowed a whole piece of cooked bone left over by some retard
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Feminine body language confirmed

All aussies must report to the nearest pride parade
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If the dog ate grass, it could mean the dog has an upset stomach. Do you know what kind of mushrooms the dog might have eaten? Some types of dog food have a high amount of vitamins which can be toxic. Upset stomach and mucus in stool are very common symptoms of many illnesses, from mild to severe. Please call a vet.
grrrrrrrrr ugggggghhhhhh nghh! why is this website so gay! i just wanna post dog!
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>Trivia: What is the only breed of dog that doesn’t bark?





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At the end of the day I give my pup a health check and wipe off any residual dirt and mud (horribly wet and boggy here recently).
Just now I found he has a scratch on the inside of one of his rear legs and there's a pimple next to it.
Anything to be concerned about here? Or just clean it up and let it heal? Don't want him getting staph
It's what the trainer has us do
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What kind of dog do you guys think this is? Hes 7 months old and about 55lb albeit very lean

Found him on the side of the road when he was a puppy. Someone suggested german shepard/pitbull but I guess he's just a mutt
clean it before that happens disgusting indian
Looks like a staffy cross
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It's fun watching my dog progress in terms of ball play
Originally he'd refuse to ever give a ball in his mouth but eventually I taught him the give command and he'd do it
Well the give command isn't great and it only works if he's desperate to play or if I have a toy in my hand
Next he noticed that if he dropped a ball whilst I was around I'd be more likely to react and so he'd often drop the ball when I turned my back and then quickly pick it up again if I approached
Now he's started flicking the ball to me, often rolling it at my feet
I've been teaching mine to find his toys and bring them to me.
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I fucked her
He seems to have pulled through
I fed him last night even though i said i wasnt going to, he still had a bit of less severe diarrhea but was howling for food so i gave him a bit
This morning i was a little worried because i still hadnt seen a normal poo but after a small breakfast and a walk around outside he had one so i think hes gonna be ok :)
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You need to understand that as a white man, your words have a lot of power and they hit deep. You need to stop putting brown people down, that's not correct. We have to constantly fight for our humanity as brown people to get you to understand that we are more than the color of our skin. We are people with emotions and personalities yet you reduce us to the color of our skin. Be a little more open-minded and empathetic when it comes to making racially insensitive comments.
Fuck off jeet
YTA, racism is a sign of psychological disturbance. I'm not op or Indian, but you are a weirdo.
nobody looks like that. take your meds immediately chud
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Luv me girl, luv me park, luv me summer days. Simple as.
Nice panther, do you have a timestamped pic?
Why is her tail between legs?
I think the pole is making her scared, probably isn't used to them or some favela inhabitant used to beat her with brooms.
:( darn faveloids.
>fearful body language
what suit did you want to wear at your funeral?
I need some help guys. I adopted a rescue dog 4 days ago. She’s very sweet but very nervous. A bit over a year old German shepherd mix. Day one she ate and drank normally and was easy on the leash. Day two she wouldn’t eat unless I was the only one in the room. Day three she wouldn’t eat unless I brought the food to her and would not budge if I leashed her. She’s not going from the kennel to the couch and back right now. I managed to get her to come off the couch to eat her breakfast but she jumped right back up. I can’t get her to go outside and she hasn’t peed yet today.

I understand that the first few days are for decompression and accidents can happen, but she’s regressing and I worry I’m doing it to her. How can I get her to come outside? Should I just put something under her for when she wets herself and be patient?
*shes ONLY going from the kennel to the couch and back
Baby steps, and follow the 3-3-3 rule, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months.

What changed between her first day at your home and today?
was gonna say, defo a pit breed. i've got a staffy with a slightly darker fur coat
I don’t know. She’s much more comfortable with me but seems less comfortable with the house. We’re cuddling on the couch right now. It might be because I introduced her to the car yesterday. I drove slow around the neighborhood for ten minutes.

Update: she came off the couch for water. I used a trail of training treats to get her to come to me. Still haven’t been able to get her outside
>I used a trail of training treats to get her to come to me.
Here is your cheat sheet. Keep motivating her with reinforcers and make sure she's willfully choosing to move around the house. Clipping a leash on and dragging her anywhere (not saying that you're doing this) will just make her more uncomfortable and regress.

>rescue dog, shepherd
Mind posting a timestamped image of the dog so we know you're an authentic user?
You're stressing about nothing and that's probably making things worse. Treat her as normal and make her comfortable. It'll take a while before she gets used to it all. It is possible that the car ride might have made her worried that she was getting taken back. Just keep in mind that dogs are very social and therefore need time to figure out where their place is in new situations and that your feelings will be infectious to her.
I just got off the phone with the foster who worked with her before adoption. Basically she told me to just don’t do anything other than feed her, love on her, give her space, and open the door to the yard when she’s ready to go out. Not going to use the leash or use treats to encourage behaviors yet. Taking her in the car was a mistake.

I’ve doxxed myself before so I no longer post images, but I can give you some details. She was rescued from a neglect situation in Texas. Their shelters are high kill so the shelters in my state have an agreement to transfer dogs up here and place them. When they found her she had a litter that didn’t survive and her hind paw was gone. She’s mixed with something smaller than a shepherd but no idea what, she’s only a mid sized dog around 55 lbs. she was with the foster for almost a month before I adopted her.
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>last 2
She's just a big coward, she's scared of her own shadow.
Not a pibbul(at least not fully).
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>finally moved somewhere I can have a dog at
I’m getting a German Shepherd.
Ooh! You should have an American show line. They're better versions of Collies/Lassie dogs.
You should get an australian shepherd. They’re an improved version of dogs in general.
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Nice! :D
Don't spend less than 3,000 USD or else you'll end up with something like pic related
Or you can just use your eyes.
I'm just saying go to a reputable breeder, if not, you can easily end up with a mentally unstable dog.
nta but I just paid 3500 for a retired show dog from a confirmation breeder. he's 1 years old, she didn't feel he could make it big so he's becoming a pet. i'm picking him up this weekend and kinda nervous about how he'll adjust to life as a pet. I hope he likes me :/
That's a great idea lol! Please keep us updated. I hate when we get new dogs and we barely see them.
thanks I will! I spent a bunch of time with him before saying yes and he seems like a very friendly guy. I hope to give him a good life. he'll get to go to work with me too :) he's crate trained and I plan to keep him crate trained, so, debating where to put his crates. I think one in the office for at home when he sleeps and then one near me at the work office.

at my home office there is one position that is close to my desk and also near a window. the advantage of that location is if he wanted to chill in there he'd be next to me. the disadvantage is if the landscapers came or something there is more noise. the other location is on the far side of the office which may be quieter, and he can still see me if I was in there, but he'd also be able to see out the window which maybe would be not good for the crate. thoughts? or rather is it okay for a dog to be able to see out a window in his crate or is it better to have it face into the house for a more secure feeling?
Are you going to lock him in there? Also, some dogs prefer the enclosed den style while other don't.
at night I will, that's what he is used to. I work about 30min from home, but it's my own office so he can do whatever he wants while I work. I do want to use the crate fairly regularly to keep him crate trained, also when he's in the car I will likely use a crate. for the car I'm also considering one of those harness systems where they go into the seatbelt, but I haven't really found something I like yet. The breeder says he likes to look out the window so was trying to find something safe that would allow that.
..but I guess to directly answer your question I probably will lock him at night but not during the day in the office. the breeder currently feeds the dogs in there, so I think I'll continue that. I don't want to change too much while he is getting used to new surroundings.
If he is used to being crated at night, why do you want to lock him inside? Surely, he will go in there by his own volition, right?
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Long hair? I hope you post a pic or two when you get him!!

It took me a while to build trust with my dog and not locking him in a crate. I let him free roam the house when I'm out now. Started seeing if it would be okay around 1 year old. He will chew on stuff occasionally, but he's never been truly destructive, and he isn't a retard that tries to swallow socks or the likes.
I almost never leash him when we go on walks around my property also. GSD can have superb recall if you train it well, and maintain the training.
>sock eating r*tards
Sock eaters are just as bright as Germ- other dogs!
he's actually a miniature poodle lol, sorry for the confusion. he currently has a top knot but is otherwise shaved fairly close because it's so hot here in Florida. my yard is all fenced so he can play back there, but I'll still supervise.

The breeder told me he isn't a chewer but she recommended continuing with the crate as much as I can, her feeling is it's just good practice and the dogs seem to do well with it. She said if I want to reconsider try to wait until he's 2, like if I want him to sleep in my bed or something. I think for me because I sometimes travel and I'd like to take him along, it would be nice to keep him crate trained even just for that.
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I guess any dog could have pica... That was a little insensitive of me. I'm sorry.
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Still cool! Idk what I would do if there was another showline GSD that was cuter than mine, so maybe it's a good thing. Pic would probably be mfw.
your dog is very cute :)
The sheep finally finished eating all the foxtails, and were moved today!!

:( that was funny.
We just had a magical moment. After everyone went to bed I could hear her running around so I went and opened the door to the yard for her and she went out and did her business. And then I just laid down on the grass and she came and curled up on me and laid her chin on my chin. And we just stayed there for half an hour. I was totally unprepared for a rescue but im convinced it was the best decision I’ve ever made.
Rescue is good because it highlights all of the good things
Cute. If I do that with my pup he'll start trying to nibble on my face. Can't wait until he's finished with teething
She’s 14 months old. When she was found she had lost a paw on her hind leg and had a litter of dead puppies. I’m just so happy she’s starting to unwind.
then just sit on the porch till the bitch pisses lol youre talking about putting diapers on it kek shouldve gitten s poodle
meanwhile commander shepard my gsd is getting a pair of rex specs in the mail today we walk everywhere allday everyday i have blisters from all the walkies she will bark and get aggressive with me if she doesnt get her daily step count in and she wont let me smoke in the house
Do dogs care about their owners or is it just a transactional food relationship?
Dogs care a lot about their owners. Dogs are deeply social animals and assuming a dog respects you it will draw much of its emotional stabiity from you. Basic proof of this is how dogs react when they're reunited with owners even after years. It is also pretty common practice for dying people to have a visit with their dogs so that the dogs know what is going on as they understand death and if they don't know that that person is dead they will always be waiting for them. Dogs are completely incapable of something like a transactional relationship.
This question has never made sense to me. Anyone who's been around multiple dogs and multiple people (families, share houses, friends etc) can see that dogs still love people who've never fed them.
Ironically in my experience it is usually the woman who feeds the dog and yet they always seem to be way more attached to the man.
is there anything other than dog food you can feed a dog for a week or two? i can't get access to dog food atm and im pretty much looking after somebody's 2 dogs for the next 2 weeks, they are these small deformed pikanese? looking dogs. i have heard people give dogs eggs mixed with some other home food items, do you recommend any meats or rices to go with it? i got some frozen minced meat and chicken breasts and some rice.
Most meat is fine, I'd recommend cooking it first (but rarer than you'd cook it for humans). The leaner the better. Eggs are good, pretty much any lean protein is good. Offal like lambs tongues and ox hearts are great. Vegetables are also good and they can eat pretty much anything besides onion. You can just steam some chicken breast with some vegetables for example. If it is only for two weeks you don't have to be overly concered about nutrition.
thank you. was actually difficult finding a direct answer like this. the mince here is lean luckily. ill do a mix of meat, eggs, rice, veg for them.
Start them with small amounts of anything that might be new to them just in case.
Boiled chicken breast and rice is the go-to plain food diet for dogs who have been having issues. You won't go wrong throwing in a couple non-toxic things alongside that as a base.
Just avoid using a lot of oil or seasonings like you would when cooking human food. Too much oil/fats can give them diarrhoea and they don't taste as well as humans so there's no point giving them things that could harm them (too much salt) for flavours they won't care about.
Both of my dogs go absolutely ballistic when my cousin comes over, they love her voice, her smell, her attention, and her affection. No feed necessary. If she was smarter, and understood introductory psychology, she would be an elite master class dog trainer. It is like she is a primary reinforcer. The dogs see her as a biological necessity.
when did your puppy stop nipping?
A long time ago. But I still get mouthed to this day, it's a way to play.
I also let my dog mouth me since he has a soft mouth
dog is a year old. he's soft mouthed, i don't feel teeth or anything, but sometimes if guests come over i think it freaks them out.
He only mouths me because other people stopped him from mouthing them
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>guests coming over
Guests are gay, you can never detail your training to them.
mine does it to play and say hi.

i'm getting to be more of a hobbit these days but not completely there yet.
Same I meant that he doesn't mouth anyone else because he was taught not to
cat and dog owners are more similar than dissimilar
i never understood the cat vs dog banter. i can understand why one person/personality might like one or the other, but, anyone who says "i hate cats" or "i hate dogs" is a fucking weirdo.
Console wars fags.
I cant stand cats
The litterbox just seems incompatible with enjoying life, I dont understand how people live like that
Cats are more eccentric, I had a kitten for a few months and he was a quirky little guy. His spine would perk up when I pet him, he would bite my hand if I overpet him, he scratched my couch a little, he had these weird cardboard toys with balls in them, and he didn't respond at all to a collar and leash. I think he was cute, but I already have two dogs and he would scratch them for sniffing him so I got rid of him.
Conservatism, ingroup preference, and physical attractiveness are high correlated with preferring dogs and disliking cats and also correlate with a wider IQ distribution with a lower mean

Liberalism, a lack of bias, and homosexuality are correlated with preferring cats and having a strong dislike and even hatred for dogs, as well as a much narrower IQ distribution with a higher mean
yeah I mean I'm a "dog person" and wouldn't want to have cats, but I don't hate them. On one hand I agree with >>4838877 that litter boxes are gross, but I don't hate cats just because I don't want one in my house.
i wonder what the average IQ is a of a goldendoodle owner
We don’t hate cats here. We hate people who let their cats outside, and we refuse to accommodate them. The cats themselves are neutral because they had no choice but also no value.
>inb4 thats hating cats
It’s indifference. Something women can’t understand. Ostriches are dumb and have no value but I do not hate ostriches.
i'm not talking about indifferent people, i'm talking about the people who say shit like "i hate dogs" or "i hate cats". it's just a weird perspective imo.
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what about a pitbull owner?
Literally autism.
Racism isn’t hate. It’s acknowledging that people are different and everyone benefits if they stay home and work to improve where they live, and if they do not it creates conflict and social decay.

70 +/- 30pts
since dogs are native to europe and america and cats are african immigrants i think we know what we have to do

remove kot
tame native felines instead
That’s what happens if they don’t stay home and it’s enacted to prevent rapes, murders, and the permanent and extremely damaging loss of genetic quality that ensues. Please understand.
>professional shitposter
go bqck to leftypol
>failed switch
What is it about this image that makes pudgy Irish kids and 5th Generation Nordic immigrants seethe uncontrollably?
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What is it, a fat guy with an ugly dog? Is this a politician, an instagram user, or just a fat guy with an ugly dog?
The answer is somebody’s back on the road with new SIM cards.
Does anyone have experience with whitening shampoo?
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Cats can be trained to toilet outside just like dogs.
Dogs can also be trained to use potties.
I've owned both in houses and apartments and the biggest difference for me is how much more interactive/active dogs are. Cats will play with you for a while then be done and want to do their own thing. The dogs I've had would be happy to keep playing until they collapsed.
I'd get a cat again if I weren't allergic.
Are you
Replying to yourself?
You haven't owned any real dogs then (ie: hound, spitz, spitzhound, houndspitz)
Kek, no I haven't. Only had Australian Cattle Dog, Kelpie and Labrador.
Where did you get a Kelpie? Aren’t they rare? Also was the Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler/Red Heeler/Queensland Heeler aggressive?
I'm Australian, so they're as common as they come. You can find kelpies and mixes up for adoption all the time from farms and rural properties who didn't keep a close enough eye on their females in heat.
The ACD wasn't friendly with strangers, he tried to nip an electricity meter reader or someone (forget exactly who the guy was) while my uncle was talking to him.
Aggression confirmed.
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what makes your dog(s) howl? for mine, it's police sirens and bagpipes. my last dog howled at sleigh bells (even in music) so he would howl a lot during christmas time.
Being alone.
I play this weird noise off YouTube and it gets him to howl. He also howled when I was squeaking a new and weird sounding toy I got him.
My husky doesn't even howl, she has a loud bark when motorcycles go by though.
Also a low growl like a damn grizzly bear or something, and it's to greet people and dogs that she LIKES.
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>defective Husky
MFW I howled at a siren once wooooo!
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Why would he do that?
Update on my rescue dog. She had a sort of emotional breakthrough today. Big love bug, worming her head under my hand when i stopped petting and pushing my hand back up to keep petting her. I could see her working herself up to do something brave and when she got up off the couch and start following me in the house i couldn't believe it. She let me take her to the yard and laid a major log, and then pissed all over the place. She marked like 7 spots in the yard and was so happy and comfortable and affectionate.

However, i couldn't get her booty on her leg nub so she split it again. I used the last of salve the rescue gave me and am reaching out to the vet in the morning, but i dont' think its serious she isn't bothered with it other than to lick it occasionally. She let me handle and inspect it with no objections or flinching.

Anyways, day 5 of rescue dog adoption has been a success.
Get some high value treats, cubes of steamed chicken breast for example, and slowly feed them to her to keep her in place. She should let you put her booty on. Glad to hear things are going well.
she doesn't take it off actually. It just slips off because she has so much of her leg left that she uses the nub for some movement still. We're getting her a prosthetic so this is just interim stuff, but i need to maintain the health of her leg. The vet we're calling to establish her with is associated with the rescue so they may just let me buy more of the salve she was prescribed.
Nice job barkpal.
Without paperwork how do you know if your dog is a purebreed? I got my dog off somebody who got it off somebody else and they originally claimed it was a purebreed but I have no contact with them.
Hrrrngh grhhhh rawr uhgngngn
there are blood tests, like 23andme but for dogs.
Surely it would be saliva like other DNA tests?
My pup ran full speed into a glass screen door and started sneezing hard and frequently after. He still acts fine but every couple min he has another sneezing fit
Brain damage
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>see cute dog available at local shelter
>wagies/old fucks adopt it before i have a chance to visit after work

working banker's hours isnt all sunshine and rainbows
You'll get yours rabbi
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Good morning /dog/.

I got a good grade on my Psychology Exam. I learned about operant and classical conditioning which is useful for dog ownership and eventual parenthood.

Gist: teach your dogs what you want them to do instead of punishing them for an act that they may not associate the punishment with because when you teach them what you expect of them you are setting the parameters for their behavior. Physical punishments also have detrimental outcomes which outweigh the potential benefits.
Don't tell me what to do
The point of balance training is literally to teach them what you want them to do. If you're using your tools to punish the dog you are doing it wrong.
Name some balanced trainers.
>name people you personally know
No thank you
balanced training is a dogwhistle for training that incorporates punishment akA
>i kicked my mailinois in the ribs for being reactive and he instantly knew to submit to his rightful master. maybe you should do that to your malamute? t. manlet ex-orca abuser (fired)
Uhm…Caesar!!?? Is that you??
The only trainers I know of, I know. I don't follow the dog whisperer or whatever.
Quality Pet Food Reviews (https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip)
this is women fucking dogs isnt it
No, it’s leaks from carrot’s onlyfans
is a dogs socialization pretty much set at 1 years old? like if you move from the country to the city is that a huge issue?
No. New experiences shape their personality. Traumatic experiences can accelerate this process.
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Your dog may become overwhelmed by new experiences, such as being around crowds, noises, and unfamiliar events. The best way to handle this is by addressing the root cause. You can help your dog get used to these situations by using positive reinforcement and gradual exposure (habituation). Allow your dog to set the pace and decide how often they experience these new surroundings.

Create a quiet space where your dog can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed. Slowly introduce them to new places and situations. You can also play the name game by saying your dog's name and rewarding them when they pay attention to you, or another method is to place their favorite treat on the ground and let them enjoy it while people or noises are present but at a distance.
I adopted a mutt who was born in a shelter outside of a small city in a woodsy area. She spent the first 10 years of her life chained to a doghouse in the middle of nowhere, just surrounded by other dogs in the same situation.

I live in a big city.

At first she was scared of everything. It took time to show her that a bouncing basketball or a bike passing by aren't dangerous. This dog didn't know how to run because she had never been let loose before.

And she adapted. She never grew to be friendly to strangers, or want contact with other dogs, and she remained a bit flinchy around new things. But after a year she was better behaved and calmer than most purebred dogs I have met, presumably raised from a puppy by their retarded owners. Breed traits aside, it is all in how you raise them.
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What larger dogs have temperaments similar to pugs and Golden retrievers (overly friendly)?

I grew up with a really big 165 lb dog but he kind of hated people who weren't family and friends
Bernese Mountain Dogs, Newfoundlands, and Labrador Retrievers.
The Lancashire heeler is the newest AKC breed : https://www.npr.org/2024/01/03/1222730911/newest-dog-breed-akc-lancashire-heeler
Oh boy, time for a once healthy working breed with a stable, adaptable temperament to turn into a neurotic trials-ready "dog that NEEDS a job" that dies 5 years earlier from 10 different cancers because inbreeding is totally worth consistent ear spacing
A mid-year Foundation Stock Service (FSS) entry from last year.

>These dogs probably descended from the now extinct English White Terrier, and among the breeds that are certainly related to the Brazilian Terrier are the Ratonero Andaluz, Ratonero Valenciano, Japanese Terrier, and Chilean Terrier, among others.
It's the Brazilian Terrier btw.

The FSS is like an agreement between the AKC and the Breed’s Parent Club that at some point in the future, the dog will become an official breed. It also serves as a way to document breedings.
There are 15-20 new dogs in the FSS. This little guy is cute though. There
I have the same question but for medium (15-25kg) dogs. Love my lab but I'd like a smaller breed next time
Basset Hounds and Beagles.
Is dog insurance pretty much mandatory in the US? Some of the vet bills I've seen are insane
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Bassets won that battle btw.
One works in hospitals.
The other works in airports sniffing the subway sandwiches in my suitcases.
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Smaller husky
Vet bills are a meme.
Just have money saved up and don't do anything dumb (go rock climbing).
Insurance companies and credit card companies are inherently evil and predatory and should be fucking exterminated by force.
Most of the customers have healthy dogs and are getting charged money they could just have put away in a safe or something.
When it's time to bill insurance you're magically not covered because of some clause you glossed over in the contract.
I want to sleep on your carpet too. It looks like an orthopedic mattress topper. Am I invited?
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Basset hounds won that battle too btw.
Psychology is nonsense pseudoscience.
You know you read like an unhinged lunatic right?
Silence, woman.

AKC recognition is the single worst thing that can happen to a dog.
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When will the Australian Cobberdog make it?
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You're full of shit. I'm not adopting a shitbull from a shelter. I got another White German Shepherd just to spite people like you.
Pfft. How about the Sicilian Gabagool? That's the real OG.
White shepherds were a lot more common before the AKC got to the breed and decided that a good dog can be too bad of a color to be shown
>a good dog can be too bad of a color to be shown
this post doesn't even make sense. Are you retarded?
>The AKC ... decided that...
yes, the AKC's decision makes no sense. Are you able to read above a 3rd grade level?

The AKC decided that an otherwise flawless german shepherd in perfect health can not be shown if its fur is white. Simple English elaboration for ye, tard.
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Remove your filthy mutts from Muslim areas or they will be removed, Kafirs
An angel cannot enter a house that has a dog in it and they are disgusting animals lower than rats or yahood
dogs are widely considered to ward off evil spirits

the only culture to strongly disagree with this also admitted that their leader sometimes took suggestions from satan by mistake
You're a faggot.
Lie of Shaytan bastard!
You are probably a Jew
Concession accepted. You have thus accepted that the consequence of arbitrary coat color restrictions is more extreme inbreeding to ensure conforming coat colors, and the exclusion of healthy dogs from show lines on the basis of fur color alone.

Thank you for admitting that AKC recognition is the single worst thing that can happen to a dog
The AKC doesn't ultimately decide what happens to any breed.
I didn't accept that at all and your post is full of grammatical errors. You suck at trying to sound smart.
>single worst
That's an opinion, not a fact, shut up woman.
This post is generating a lot of seethe. Must have hit the nail on the head.
SJWs are insufferable, yes. They keep trying to be my handler as if I'm some sort of canine to be trained. I hate them.
Pro-AKC turds confirmed unhinged schizophrenic nutjobs
Because if it's white that means there was some interference of another breed somewhere in its line and it is, therefore, not a purebred GSD.
I agree that this is retarded and that dog showing should work like chicken showing. But the logic is consistent, even if it's stupid.
German Shepherd Dog + Transmontano Mastiff = White Swiss Shepherd

t. Knower
White Swiss shepherds which are now a recognised breed, meaning it must now come from parents registered in the studbook to be show eligible. No more outcrossing.
Did you misclick the reply button?
It is crazy how there are just these two desert dwelling cults that flatly refuse to assimilate into other societies and people give them a pass.
>no more outcrossing = more inbreeding
Kennel clubs are awful and should be dismantled with violence
those are fucking beetles dude
Okie! You're a cutie btw.
Rescue update day 6

I figured out why she wouldn't get off the couch. While the couch was a safe place its boxed in by lazy boys and she doesn't want to walk between them to get out. She came to the yard easier than yesterday and because the couch is stopping her from exploring the house i led her to her kennel in the living room instead and shes very happy and comfortable there. I across the room from her reading a book and she came to me on her own for the first time. She left safety (kennel) to come visit me. The wound on her nub is looking much better, i think she just split it when she scrambled to get out two days ago and pee everywhere. Tried to establish with the vet the rescue reccommended but i guess they were closed or just don't pick up the phones. Driving over there tomorrow if they don't pick up again.
AKC maintains a standard. When my dog inevitably dies I can just get another one where she'll look and act exactly the same as if she never died at all.
the akc is 100% marketing for parent clubs. they don't do anything but host a website and annual exposés. it's an all-bottom-up organization.

everything is set forth by the parent club. the standards. if there is some disagreement between the two, parent clubs will simply reject the akc’s distribution/marketing deal (this is what the jrt club of America did).
>dogs don't have unique personalities

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Too many posts without dog.

Please enjoy this hand crafted webm.
Although it's known that your chubby beagle likes being around kids, there are lots of dogs that are good with children in neighborhoods all over the United States.
I was surprised by how lively the dogs were, especially since I thought they were usually calm. I wonder what's making them so energetic.
They still have the same temperament where they're wary of strangers, have a high ball drive, and exceedingly intelligent because I raise them that way. Females are far more cuddly than males, though. She'd rather to sleep with me in my bed than off to the side like my male used to do.

If it's exclusively about marketing then why do they screen for health defects? Maintaining a standard has more to do with it.
the akc doesn't screen for health issues, that would be the breeders through laboratories.
I've never seen a breeder not do that so I assume it's in the contract they signed to be able to sell.
the akc doesn't contract breeders, you don't even need to register with the AKC as a breeder in order to breed AKC registered dogs and register the progeny.

shut up already
They're pumped to be outside for their evening play time! Leo gets extremely excited when the other dogs come out for a playdate. It's a true joy to see them having so much fun. :D
I believe the big brown police dog is going too far. It seems like the larger dog told it to stay back after they passed the shed. That's why the police dog is now chasing from far away instead of being close like it was at the start. Do they end up fighting?
Nah they're just having fun. They've never actually fought. Police dog will annoy them to instigate chase/play.

The white dogs are kinda mean but they don't mind the police dog anymore.
>All German Shepherds are police now. Can't have breed standards because that's racist.
Libtards need to leave
Do you think walking a basset 2 miles daily might cause joint/hip issues?
Exercise reveals issues it doesn't cause them
Oh ok. I figured she'd be fine anyway since we aren't jogging or climbing much.
Are husky-GSD mixes usually well tempered dogs?
t. looks like that
Are there any high paying dog jobs besides being a vet?
Protection trainers make bank but it'd be tought to work yourself into the already established market.
Breeders can make a lot of money but you need connections if you're really going to do it right.
I just want to get out of the tech industry and be around dogs 24x7. Maybe in my 40s or 50s I can switch over
Until you get bit
thanks! i'm so excited to get my dog this sunday :)
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