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Horse General

Pony Horse Edition

>4817028 thread that lay down for even a second
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>applying for a lot of horse jobs recently
>check cover letter for one I really wanted but got a rejection for
>realize it says "i was a horse"
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I strongly believe horses should fucking get the omnivore title already. Enough is enough.
Lol. My great grandad used to deliver milk by horse and cart back in the 60s and 70s when the pits dried up. They used to own a coal haulage business but when the pits closed they transitioned to milk delivery. My dad used to help him on his rounds. I wish I had pictures.
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Breaking the rules by posting dog in horse thread
Pretty donk
Why don't donkeys have coat variations like horses do?
I wish I could be like that man and turn horses into bread horses.
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They do, I've seen a piebald donkey that loved to suck down cucumbers
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donks are man's best equine
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I'm back. :)
I didn't know that, cool
>tail wag
so cute
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They're mostly Vegan
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curious. What country?
btw, some states in the US still have horseback police
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Pony sized Quarter Horses count, right?
Quarter horses often have really really strange rear ends. I know it's not the horse's fault but the human's who enable that stuff should go climb a wall of dicks. Same with deformed Aramemes.
if a pony is 1/2 a horse that's a 1/8 horse
Know your place b*ches
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It has a lot to do with breeding as well. For example Halter bred quarter horses look like they shit their pants
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It's called being post-legged and it fucks them up. It's only seen in halter-bred AQH lines, roping and event lines won't have this because it interferes with their ability to do. Anything. It's why halter-bred AQH's can't, or shouldn't, be ridden.
English midlands pre-thatcher era.
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lol anon we posted the same exact image

Have some Stevie Rey Von as an example of a nice cutting horse.
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The Notorious Big a roping stud
Great minds think alike fellow horse-anon. Thank you. He looks healthy =]
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Why did he do it
it is for the best
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I love the way he’s built. Short, compact and doesn’t have those cursed sickle hocks that a lot of cutting horses have. Don’t like his head though because it looks like a suit case.

I like petite, almost babydoll heads on my horses.

Pic related. It’s Metallic Malice’s head up close. He somehow managed to not inherit Metallic Cat’s suitcase head.

He had to.
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DO NOT get me started on Hancock heads. Hideous.
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What are some songs you sing to your horse?
>Holland Oates - Maneater
I kinda like brickheads on horses.
For me it's draft horses with long, flowing manes and feather.
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You are hideous
every neighooty is a beauty
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The foals are meeting
How do I learn this power?
Who will do the weird foal champing first? Whoever does loses forever.
Are they having a sleepover? They look like they're about to pass out
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Yeah it's all fun and games until some ass mom appears and the magic is over
I think they have pills for that.
Ok but why's the mom such a bitch?
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the horse
so beautiful!!! how expensive are these types of horses?
No clue, but I imagine whatever you paid for the horse itself will seem like pocket change compared to what you'll need to spend on mane/tail products to maintain all that hair.
Little did he know
It was actually Golshi >>4842442
I love Big horses. Gentle giants are my jam.

[spoiler]Violent ones, well, that's a fetish for another board...[/spoiler]
Goldship sinks vessels and consumes souls
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Well bred ones with all the feather cost a few thousand as a weanling. Good luck getting one older as you can imagine when people have them they're unlikely to get rid of them.
my honsy loves to get picked in he's nose
Does anyone have any equestrian youtube channels to recommend? So far the only ones I've been marginally entertained/educated by are Free Spirit Equestrian and Homestead Horsemanship, but both come with truckloads of cringe (FSE is le quirky disney adult, HH are christfags who unironically think Bigfoot is real).
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The best horse channels come from red blooded God-fearing Americans. Atheists deny the God given responsibility of being stewards of the earth and as such, they're too busy entertaining themselves rather than having a farm or ranch caring for plants and animals.
Regardless, I find these channels entertaining:

^ This channel became fear-based grifting, but I still like this video
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I've been watching a lot of horse plus humane society videos lately, I recommend them if you're into horse rescues.
me during the week
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Me at the wheekend
The horses are blooming this time of year
The horse pollen is heavy in the air.
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What are the symptoms of horse pollen inhalation?
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Mare madness, for one
Hay fever.
Have you ever been angry-eating?
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Horse eyes look too clever. They're up to something.
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Neigh-sal congestion.
what is this?
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>damn this foal is ugly
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Drop the face cannon or I will open fire!
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Try me, copper
can someone post the distorted horse face, please?
First time Ive been envious of a horse, ngl that must be nice
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Why do the horses make me happy?
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Milestone Equestrian
Homestead Horsemanship
Monty Roberts
Josie Matthews
Freespirit Equestrian
Barry Hook but mainly for driving horses.

I like this guy, it's just a shame he isnt wearing a proper mic and/or the audio isnt that well balanced because more often than not it's difficult to hear what he's saying. :(
Warwick Schiller
>Homestad Horsemanship mentioned
>tfw you finally get home after a long week and immediately lay down and stare at nothing
Because they could kill you but they don't wanna.
And that's special.
I had a mare who loved human sweat when I was younger. I was bringing the horses up from pasture when it was ~40C and I didn’t even need a lead rope for her, she stuck her muzzle in the neck of my tank top and just tongue bathed my upper back for the whole trip (our pasture is on the other side of a 30 hectare hay field). It definitely gave me some thoughts.
ehhhh... anon?
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A broodmare and her two foals, beautiful :)
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Crazy that you have to do that every day or they die of neglect
look at his little nose, the whole thing fits in your hand
how long does a horse need to be in that horse oven before it's ready to eat?
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They're always ready to eat!
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A lot of horse news coming out of Nodnol recently...
There are now several Youtube channels that have cameras aimed at this exact position in hope the horse bites someone again. I'm not joking
What if one day the horse actually bites someone in the NECK and they fucking DIE?
Why are still tourists allowed in that spot? How is this not a lawsuit heaven?
The horse knows what he's doing.
The question is: Why do their horses bite? There are millions of horses who'd never ever bite. Behavior based on their upbringing, training and genetics. So why pick horses that bite for this job? I guess it really is intentional.
getting your back farted on for a whole day does this to a motherfucker
Some horses are just assholes and I guess the trainers don't give a shit if the horses bite the tourists as long as they're trainable in other ways.
It is interesting though considering police horses have to be temperamentally sound but these guys can just bite people.
The horses are changed out every hour. Standing still while having to carry weight for any longer than that can fuck up their backs.
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They are battle horses, they need to be violent.
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Those horse's job consist of standing there all day.
They're bored, and humans react funny when you bite them.
gimme some breeds with excellent roman noses as part of the standard please i am obsessed with a nice roman nose
Animals can get frustrated, too. Most horses don't have to deal with people coming up to them constantly and getting in their faces on top of being asked to stand still for an hour. Even the most patient horse would get annoyed and lash out at times.
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If they die, they die
It's one hundred percent the behavior of a bored horse
i just wanna have sex with horses guys, is that so wrong?
I like mules
hell yeah! no condoms needed, i feel u /)
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Is this racist?
No. It's tasty.

Besides we should encourage zebras more. Did you know that if you pull out fast enough you can turn your zebra white?

If we want to save the white race we need to love more zebras.
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Why do horses look so happy when they try to use human tools?
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They're imagining building their own equestrian world free of fluttery things
There are times that if a horse would walk up to me and give me a horsy neck hug, I would fell apart like soft bread. A silgular crumb of kindness would be enough to unmake me. I try to steel my resolve and keep going as if nothing is wrong, but deep inside I already know its too late for me.
In the end, its is for the best.
its the same as your cat or dog getting up in your business, they just want to do whatever you're doing, and it makes them happy
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The foals tell secrets
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I like that they'll come up and investigate you if you lie down for too long. They must have fell for the pasta.
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>he doesn't have horses
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not a heckin whipping from a 90 lb girl
Poor Ari needs a bath and a sauna
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goldship killed millions
Goldship is no horse. There is a security camera running on him 24/7 and no horse scientist can agree what he is.
a force of nature
Golshi probably was a secret Japanes science project that went horribly wrong
i feel as if i am being issued a challenge
How long can you go without being angered and disgusted with how shit skins treat animals.
These japs and the censorship laws are getting ridiculous. That's a big censor bar.
i meant i feel as if he is challenging me to a race
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Argentina's Vicepresident
floppy ship
damehood gone
>damehood privileges revoked
now that the olympics have kicked off let's settle this once and for all: is an horse a athlete?

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