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Summer Fun Edition
As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content

Previous: >>4823086
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*yawn* Anyone else feeling sleepy? Let's get some rest.
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do fox eat pizza
Their narrow snouts are made for hot dog
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Yes, this guy has two videos of his fox eating pizza.


Do you guys think foxes would be food tourists if they had the intelligence to travel the world?
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Let's get back on topic: kissing foxes
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It is important to kiss foxes.
how do I kiss foxes though? they're skittish and won't let me near them
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<--- start doing this
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Thread's off to a strong start.
Step 1. Be a fox.
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Somebody wanted smiling foxes?
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Is this a fetish?
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If you're a faggot or zoophile you should kill yourself now.
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>/p*l/ seething
It must be [insert day ending w/ 'y']
What if I'm a faggot AND a zoophile?
Instructions unclear, penis stuck in noose.
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What type of fox is Alisa from Tiny Bunny?
Looks like a weird mixture of foxes
I want to kiss a fox and you can't kinkshame me.
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All zoophiles* must fucking hang

*all furfags are zoophiles but not all zoophiles are furfags
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total fox love
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rare footage
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Defend traditional vulpine values
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Not interested in looking at ERPing losers. Kill yourself NOW.
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I can't find the site :(
It's fox-info.net, friend.
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Nice 1 anon
Would life be better as an animal?

Back to my wagie cage I guess
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>people talking
shut up
>foxes screaming at each other at the top of their lungs
music to my ears
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>foxes screaming at each other at the top of their lungs
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They really give their all, don’t they?
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Could someone spot me a quarter?
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>doeskn't walk up and ask "Can I get a free sample?" while wearing a cheeky smile
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do fox come from can
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No they grow on trees. >>4838323
no they don't foxes grow under the ground and you dig them out
>southeast louisiana
>hot humid shithole
>no foxes
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I would put my hand under its chin, look it in the eyes and kiss it right on the lips
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Love it when they do that.
Averi is such a cutie
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This one fell out of the nest, hope mum still feeds them.
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Would you give a fox power of attorney
are you the fox? are you trying to steal my inheritance?
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I went foxwatching just now and saw at least three. When light levels are low the foxes really do turn into dark spots on the grass because there isn't enough red light to see them by.
eardog bigears
peculiar creature
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So that's proof then. I am but another drone in the 4chan hive mind.
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foxed to meet you
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I really like their cheeky laughs
Being swallowed by a giant fox or if I was made mouse sized or something that's not the worst way to go
is there a legal and safe way to pet and cuddle a fox?
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The last thing you see
It all depends on the laws of your country. But there is hardly a legal system that actually prohibits foxes from biting you.
I think we need to civilize foxes.
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>has a dedicated foxspotting spot
Jelly 3:
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Canines share a common energy:
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I wish I could figure out if the animal I saw was a fox or coyote in northeast USA. I'm not sure how much fox appearance vary but it had a fairly skinny tail, and long legs that I didn't notice black fur on them. It appeared to skip as it fled. It wasn't that big, maybe as big as a maine coon. But it also wasn't a vivid orange as many of these pictures show.
America has a lot of Fox species
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sniff sniff sniff
That fox is a reaction image machine
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Mange (a mite disease that makes the Fox scratch themselves and lose most of their fur as a result) will very dramatically change a Fox's appearance. They will appear extremely skinny down to the tail and the eyes are usually puffy from skin inflammation. Overall the Fox will appear brownish grey to grey as all you can see is the remaining patchy fuzzy undercoat.

The perpetrator caught fleeing the scene.
chengren and foxinfo general
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We need to apply all the advances in breeding and genetics to make foxes more intelligent and less stinky and destructive. If they gain human-level intelligence, it may even allow them to consent.
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Consent to what
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Regular bathtimes.
To becoming full-fledged members of society with all the ensuing consequences.
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Cute white sox.
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But it disturbs me how attractive this creature is.
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he's on the move
It's a fox.
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Disney fox
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>hear dirt being kicked behind you
>turn around
>see this
What do you do in your last few moments of being alive?
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"I'm glad it's You..."
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>those lips aren't edited
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>TFW YWN be delicately kissed on the lips by a fox
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horrible little goblin creature
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>check /fox/ and it has zoophiles as usual
understandable though
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I'm feeling weird bros
All I want to do in life is touch a tsundere fox's tail
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i came here to see cute foxes. i didnt expect to see zoophiles here :( this is so gross
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Do what the OP says then?
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Can anything defeat their alliance
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he brings us the grass
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True. Foxes should be bigger.
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I support this initiative.
Imagine a world where direfoxes evolved instead of big cats.
I think they would have been domesticated by now and either completely replaced dogs, or coexisted with them as our friends and helpers. Well, it would depend on their size variation, ofc.
It's about time to take next step at canid evolution by proceeding with TOTAL fox domestication program. It's a final solution thats going to make foxes the new best pet for your average american household. Characteristics of the NEW better fox needs to emphasize the best of domestication, their muzzles short and ears floppy all that on a body as SMASHED and SLAMMED as God allows us.
Hey, don't troll. We're just here to fantasize about fucking a foxx.
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No sex only kisses.
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And hugs and pets.
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Nice camera focus on those whiskers.
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The eye spaghett (supraorbital whiskers) stands out too. You bearly ever notice them.
Picture: an enslaved fox.
What work does a fox slave do?
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Last autumn, just nearby local police station. Sadly the only pic-taking device is my cellphone, therefore quality is bad.
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And another day, same place, she was a bit closer, like 5 m. This year, I have seen her with a kit around 01:00 AM crossing the road. Cute girl :3
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gift from very schizophrenic girl
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I give it five bell peppers
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Green is my pepper?
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tfw ywn be a pet fox
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PC Wilde on maternity leave.

>GITP (Green is Their Pepper)
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butt fur spiral
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foxes are magical
>there's somehow peanut butter on my cock and balls and a fox near me sniffs it followed by cleaning me with her tongue or maybe bites it
damn that would suck
How do you entice a fox into eating a cat? Asking for a bird.
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>it nicks you and gives you rabies from which you die
oh no how sad what a loss
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Quit loafing around /fox/, we got foxes to post!
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>ponder the forb
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Does anyone else remember when 4chan was a fox website?

(newfags don't)
I don't even know where I am, I just searched "The fox website" and ended up here
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To be fair, 4chan was a fox website before it was even called 4chan.org. Only true oldfags actually remember our fox loving roots.
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>silver foxes create fog
>red foxes create morning dew
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we call this plant fox bread here
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Does he have any Foxlike qualities /Fox/?
Other than also being a canine, no not in particular
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He feels foxy which is strange, must be his attitude
Cute dog, but no, not really.
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Love him nonetheless.
Must be the eyes.
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His face when he realises he's been caught, that's priceless.
least aryan fog
What do the other foxes do?
i dislike it too i dont know if id call it actual zoophilia but even passing them as edgy jokes its weird as fuck. these animals can form nice bonds with humans doing anything zoophilic to them would ruin hurt them badly and i think joking about it while its up to a persons taste is in poor taste and actually meaning those jokes even a little bit means you should go .... id say seek help but i rather you just kys
foxes dont want to come near you even with food on your tiny package, kys.
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Why are you guys so cruel. Don't bully pls.
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fox summer
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What’s it up to?
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Taking pictures
pro tip: never mix up Russian domesticated foxes (smell but generally won't bite) and wild foxes (smell and are rabid)
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>new thread
>same drama

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