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>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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>makes a reddit format thread for a reddit animal
>on a bird website
Imagine thinking this is anything but a feathered dinosaur website.
>feathered dinosaur
That name alone is pure reddit
you're a reddit
Takes one to know one, Mr. Reddit.
>makes a reddit format thread for a reddit animal
Why are you posting about the bird threads? It's easy to identify which threads are reddit because of all the yiffposting.
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>Purina pro plan complete essentials
>Tiki Cat Born Carnivore Indoor Health
Absolute unit recipe
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cat and gat
Furries and homosexuals are 4chan, right wing traditional christians are reddit.
>open fridge door
>cake falls down
Just gonna paste this from another thread with some revisions
>Could I get some help here? For over a week, one of my family’s six cats has been having trouble using the designated litter box area we have downstairs. We have a few litter boxes down there that our cats had no real issues using until recently. I initially thought it was separation anxiety since she’d have an accident after I went out, but today and yesterday I tried bringing one box upstairs and she used it just fine. So for whatever reason, she suddenly does not want to go downstairs to use the litter box. The box I brought up was already used by other cats, so I don’t think it’s a territorial thing. I did spray some enzyme cleaner around the area, but that was after she already had two accidents in a row
Here are some more details: As far as I can tell, her accidents were only pee-related, so she either still went downstairs to poo, or her poo is somewhere we haven’t found yet (but I doubt this is the case because of the smell). Considering she can still use the litter box normally, didn’t just pee on the floor, can jump to her usual places and other things, I strongly doubt this is health related. Right now I moved one of the boxes upstairs and she uses it fine, but I’m planning to procedurally move it back downstairs and she’ll hopefully follow it
Cats just do this sometimes man

But it's permanent. You will find surprise turds for the rest of your life.
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Do you like her?
There was a cat in my garden. He seemed like such a sweetheart. But they poop in our garden and I'm allergic to cats so I had to get him out. Tried guiding him out and he went out only to jump over the wall again. Then he sat under the rose bushes being all happy with his new hiding spot and I felt so bad for having to chase him out. I tried to grab him but he was down for a fight so instead I took a broom and scared him a little by softly pushing. That tripped him and he walked away, out the door and is now sitting outside my garden door uncontent with his new spot. I feel bad but he had to go. He was making such cute noises. He softly bit me and it's already becoming red because of my allergy. I love cats but they make me itchy.
Was I an asshole /kot/ters?
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>reddit animal
You quite clearly have no knowledge of this website whatsoever:
>Year: 2006
>Origin: 4chan
>redditor loves dead meme
whats next, demotivationals are 4chan?
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>old unfunny meme
Very r*ddit of you. Touhou website, newfag.
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>A cat "girl" named fucking MIKE
What the fuck was ZUN thinking
Stop posting anime shit.
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holy fucking newfag
>bitches about anime
>on an anime website
>but no one is posting anime
i name thee CUMRAG
my cat eats raw rabbit he captures himself which I supplement with canned food. He is 100% fit and the king of his domain
Try adding creatine
Fancy feast

Anyone feeding their cat anything else is a fucking retard who fell for snake oil and memes
Tranimetards will 41% themselves eventually. It's a self solving issue.
Anime website newfag
>newfag /pol/yp posting strategy: yell "tranny schizo glowie" until everyone leaves
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4chan started as an anime website. A Futaba/2ch clone started on Something Awful by moot in the hentai forums.
also remember that furries have been on 4chan for nearly as long as the site's existed
this is a furry website too
Kemono =/= Furry
Flurries were despised for at least a decade on this website before more annoying faggots evolved
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Furfags have been hated since way before 4chan. 4chan inherited that from something awful, which inherited that from usenet, which inherited that from anyone who ever saw a furfaggot in real life.

And then moot made /mlp/.
And then hiroshima nagasaki made /trash/.

And it's like everyone forgot that, and why, we hate furfags. Some people even like them. Some people even ARE them. It's almost a joke, the entire site is obsessed with jewish conspiracies while furfags are a real life nexus of child grooming, child rape, bug chasing, self-mutilating, animal abusing degeneracy - and of course, financial crimes - that you can actually walk up to and see exists. They are pure evil and nothing of value would be lost if you dropped a tactical nuke on your nearest furry con except for a few of their future victims, but knowing what furfags do behind hotel room doors nuclear fire would be a kind mercy.

And for some reason 4chan now hosts two boards basically dedicated to them.
Don't forget moot also made /fur/
>Kemono =/= Furry
The cope levels are off the charts
and then permanently banned everyone on it

shoulda done the same with the other two furry boards
t. dogchad oldfag
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We didn't get this for her, but she can use it for now.
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I was walking down the street today and a black cat approached me and start snuggling against my legs. He let me pet him. I've been feeling exceptionally terrible for the past few weeks but that brightened my day, thank you cat.
>permanently banned
You really shouldn't larp as an oldfag.
That's your sign to take him home.
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Cope, furnigger. No matter how many times you rebrand your shitty fetish cult, your groomer gooner ways will never be welcome.

Based olddog. I knew there must be some dogfags left who weren't console warring redditor zoos.
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Based and fancy pilled
He also gets just a little indoor cat chow to help with the teeth
My cat is dying.
Blood levels are fine, so not thyroid.
Liver is good, got supplements just in case.
Low appetite.
Nothing but skin and bones now.
Just trying to give him any moment of joy I can.
It hurts so much, but it's a worthy price.
He got a life of love and comfort and had me as a constant presence for him.
Love your kitties, anons.
Best guess given so far is "non-local plastic GI cancer" or some such.
Plastic as in malleable.
Basically, some form of cancer that doesn't produce a lump or mass, since nothing showed up in the x-rays.

When he was young I would drive him around to parks and go camping. He would complain about the turns, but would fall asleep in the rear window once on the highway.
Most chill cat ever. I could play with his toes or nuzzle my face in his belly.
He would come when called, and loved getting under the covers to snuggle before bed.
Big cat. His vet-approved healthy weight in his prime was 20 lbs. Now he's barely 7 lbs.
He lost his hearing about a year ago as well, so now he can't hear me when I call for him.
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Spamming because it's late and the night shift work has stopped due to IT stuff.
Earliest pic I have of Polo in the cloud.
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Lost his brother Marco many years earlier to kidney failure.
Polo was more standoffish when they were both around. Marco always took the lap spot.
When he died, Polo became a lot more vocal and cuddly.
my cat drools when I pet her also she is cute
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15 yo cat Sheba throws up a lot now. I've done all the tricks (elevated bowl, plate, slow feeding), still no resolve. She'll hide, become lethargic, won't eat, and might even be losing weight now. If she throws up enough, eventually it will look clear and pink. I've taken her to the vet, they ran comprehensive blood work and found that her bloodwork is actually prestine. All of there other tests have found nothing (normal stool, urine, handling of the abdomin looking for pain responses), they have IV'd her and put on her on different appetite meds. Those worthless fucks don't recommend any further action after they've drained me of close to 1000 dollars of not finding anything. I'm totally at a loss of how to navigate forward.

could my cat have this issue?
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A chair suited for a queen
Sorry to hear your cat is beginning to pass anon. Give him lots of cuddles and his favorite snacks if he'll eat. Cats tend to struggle with their grooming as they die so he'd likely appreciate any help with that. All the best.
No xrays? Could be something stuck in the track somewhere.
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>Open cat thread
>Weebniggers and dogtards talking about furries
Man, what the fuck.
I just wanted to see anons' cats.
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>go to 4chan
>its a bunch of weeaboos and they hate furries
if you've found your people, you can stay
piss off to your containment boards
you probably don't even have a pet
My retard catto ate most of an elastic band during the two minutes I left the room. She hasn't pooped since then (8hrs or so)
I just moved so I have no vet here, no insurance and no car to drive her in.
She had better pass it soon or we're screwed.
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Anime website catredditor
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>15 week old kitten has had vomitting and diarrhea for the last week
>Vet fecal test came up with no parasites or answers
>Vet trying to get me to buy food that is $80/bag
>Tried changing her to several other brands myself with no success

Help. My fiancee went and got this fucking cat despite me telling her it was a bad idea and now because I'm the one that works from home I'm dealing with 90% of its issues.
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I love my cats and I don't care what anyone has to say about it.
They're my fuzzy friendly friends and I love to brush them and smooch them.
You kiss your cat on the mouth?
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Don't forget to charge your kot
>rapex predditors
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can someone please post that retarded drawing of the stickman taking a picture of the sad kitten?
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Good morning sirs.
stfu cat turd lover
I want a balinese cat because I live in the north and my fiance is allergic to cats.
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Hey, my first time on /an/

My 11yo basic race kot doesn't look very well (picrel). He's a big and muscular guy and he doesn't look like that usually. Area under his mouth is swollen and it stinks bad. Could it be a tooth thing? Or maybe a wasp stung him? Need some advice since vet is closed tomorrow and I'm worried about my big guy
He has rabies. Time to execute him.
This is why all the neighborhood kots keep disappearing. Bird defense force, TCD.
is there an emergency vet?
My neighbour has two adult male cats around the same age. One of them tries to play a lot, but the other thinks he's actually being attacked and either bolts off and hides, or hisses.
Everyone lets their cats out here because it's a European town and there isn't much traffic. They're smart cats and stay away from moving cars, but all it'd take is one accident.
They're wonderful cats and I don't want them to get hurt - what do I do?
Start spreading rumors that you saw someone throwing cat poison around and you found 3 dead cats that looked like they were poisoned on your morning walk.
Bring them into your home and don't let them leave
To head off any suspicion, go to the neighbor and tell them you haven't seen their cats recently, ask if anything bad might have happened to them
I'll bet dollars to donuts it's a tooth abscess.
I want to adopt a cat but I'm vegan bros. I don't want to be a retard that kills my cat with a vegan diet but I don't know if I'm comfortable buying meat for a cat. Should I just give up on my dreams?
you can practice with buying meat for yourself first bro it's okay
you can regain your path to sanity by buying a carton of free range eggs

start with just half of one and remember the chicken is perfectly happy and glad to alive
Choose local and ethically raised meat from farmers you can shake hands with. Ask them questions, gain a connection to the food you're consuming.
I just want to put it out there that grocery outlet has really good prices on some pretty decent quality wet cat food brands. I found wellness brand wet food packs for 1 dollar each last time I went. They usually have an assortment of cans, packs, and toppers for like a dollar.
If you get a cat and try to feed it a vegan diet I will literally come to your house and skullfuck you through your eyehole.
>cat lying on my chest getting really comfy
>scratching her chin like she likes
>she's purring and is half asleep
>all of a sudden stands up looks at me and starts hissing and doing a low growl
>i push her off and she runs away
No fucking clue why she started doing this. Wish I could understand cats better sometimes, seemed like she was very happy and comfortable and then all of a sudden she was frightened and/or pissed off
I wish I had the wonderfully carefree life my cat has
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Forgot pic like a retard
you can balance things out by making your cat work
Literally open the door and let it live outside
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Sometimes they just get overstimulated and their little brains short out. When the tail gets twitchy its usually a good sign to stop.
My last cat had a deformed little crooked tail that bent up like a question mark, and was really prone to over stimulation, and it was like playing with fire petting him because he didn't have the normal tell a cat has. The compromise was not petting him, but kind of squishing him down into the couch or mattress and letting it spring him back up, and sort of bouncing him gently.
Cats get sick too, make sure its not getting into something toxic in your house.
I love how cats just randomly decide to start shit
Seeing another cat's carelessness, and seeing his back turns them on
you rangebanned from posting webms or something?
nooo >>4843903 so just please stop we discussed this before
what? it's just weird, just upload the files instead of making people hop boards
I'll hop on your boards, cunt.
why ? it's not that bad
Not him but it's just weird, when I see board hops I usually just ignore or report them.
ok whatever, not for you
Update on the situation: No new accidents have happened since moving her box upstairs, so it will remain upstairs until she’s comfortable going downstairs again. Unfortunately, she WAS pooping outside the box at the time, my mom and sister found a bunch of old poop hidden away :/
Open it yourself
You should generally have a litterbox both up and downstairs anyway
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there is a car that comes to our shop at night and sits staring through the window at us,,she was there this morning so fed her a yoghurt treat

she meows a lot!!
Weird looking car
>Cat had to get her eye removed in January
>She suffered constant infections and the wound never fully healed so they had to do the operation again in April
>the area still continued to swell up to the point of bursting the remaining stitches but luckily the wound healed up completely this time
>still continues to swell up with a clear liquid that needs to be extracted every 10-15 days
>vet says they've never seen anything like this before and need to operate again but cut out even more from the inside this time around, possibly a tear duct that was left behind
Any vet anons that can offer advice here? They didn't charge me for the second operation but they are for this one. I can't help but feel that they fucked up the first time around and are just trying to skirt the responsibility.
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>be me
>see a stray cat with a broken leg limping along outside a store
>day ruined
Anyway here is my sweet orange cat. He likes to lick people.
are those meme wheels worth it at all? I have two high-energy cats that barrel around already.
Cats meow when they want something from humans

This cat probably has a neglectful owner. Let them in. Don't let them back out. Give them a couple of litterboxes and cat trees. Play with them when you're bored. Enjoy your new cat.
>cat trees
Is that REALLY that crucial?
t. living in an apartment and about to get a cat, bought a standalone scratching post with a ball toy on a rope and a compact two-story fabric cathouse with a carpet and another scratching board on one of its sides in preparation (besides the obvious litterbox and food/water bowls)
Cats like to perch, the higher up the better, and it should be near a window that the cat can look out from. It doesn't even need to be fancy with toys and tubes and boxes, just just raised platforms for the cat to climb all over.
>apartment pets
you dont have a yard you live in the yard
It's especially important for an apartment cat because they're very limited in physical activities and ability to wear out their claws.
Oh and they like being in high places to watch their surroundings.
Damn, the apartment's packed so there's nowhere to put it. Guess I'll try moving the cathouse on top of the unused upright piano and bolting it down with some double-sided duct tape (currently it's under the piano), thanks.
sounds like you live in a hoarder shithole and need to up your hygiene and mental health before your cat gets trapped in some junk or your apartment smells like 500 undiscovered hairballs and “litterboxes of necessity”
The place is tidy because I don't live alone, it's just small and packed with furniture.
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I've had my cat for around three months now, and today I noticed some weird behavior - she's being oddly affectionate. I know I shouldn't complain, but it's out of nowhere. All day today (when she would usually be sleeping), she's been playing in my office and rubbing up against my legs. Any thoughts on why this might be happening other than her breaking out of her shell more?
Do male cats kill kittens that are not their own?
I've been checking on this stray for some time, had kittens but one day I found them dead with a bite mark on it's neck.
Couldn't be a Coyote or a Fox since it wasn't eaten
Yes. Females also kill sick kittens or kill the entire litter if something spooks them.

Most animals do shit like this.
if this isn't bait you should probably kill yourself before the diet of oreos and chips do
Just sounds like getting used to you. Yes it can take that long to warm up. Also cute white tuft.
What did he do?
Cats is cat's, no reason is necessary for anything they do.
I know my cat is really bipolar, where he'll be grumpy as shit and kind of a dick for a few days, and then for a week or two he's the clingiest most affectionate little guy, then he acts like a jerk for a few days, off and on. I really do regret not adopting another cat from his litter so he would have a friend around to keep him in line.
Also could be that the neighbors mowed the lawn and there's something in the air that's stimulating the cat, or when you walked home you brushed against a mint plant or something else.
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Bruh, cat's are specifically adapted to eating an all meat diet. You're buying an incredibly effective predator as a pet, if you're not okay with that then get a dog or a chinchilla or something else.
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It is really important to get a GOOD scratching post. It needs to have a really sturdy base that the post is firmly attached to, and it needs to be at least half as tall as the cat. A lot of shitty pet store scratching posts are all wobbly, and if the cat doesn't feel confident it can really dig its claws in, it will use something like a couch or a bed.
The good thing about a cat tree is it gives them some vertical space to inhabit, and cat's like to be up high where they can keep watch on everything.
If you don't want to buy a cat tree you can make your own with some scrap lumber, some carpet squares, and sissal twine with a glue gun and a power drill.
I've also seen little shelves that you can strap to a closet door that are big enough for the cat to climb up.
Dogs are also obligate carnivores. Meat reduction reduces their health in term. They just don’t instantly die, although in the wild, they’d be so weak they would.

“Omnivore” is pet food industry propaganda like “all breeds are the same species” is propaganda, or else it would make abominable breeding practices creating animals that cant interbreed without a syringe look like what it is. These animals sicken, weaken, and die without meat. I have seen dogs fed low and no meat diets. They are withered and weak. Scrawny. Slow. Dim. Lethargic. In nature they would be killed.

The obligate carnivore line is not drawn with a lack of taurine synthesis. We can keep a lion alive on soilent - a housecat too. But it’s not right and so far from ideal it is abusive.

Yes, this does mean a great number of dog owners are abusing their pets out of ignorance. They probably think their weakened state equals better obedience.
>its summer
>hot out
>you turn the AC on
>cool inside
>cat is cold
>tries to find a nice comfy spot on the big stupid smelly hot water bottle that feeds them
i always look forward to winter because cats become cuddle sluts.
Yes, please don't get a dog if you're retarded enough to be vegan. There's the fact that dogs can be vegan about as well as cats and people can ("bro, if you throw enough supplements at it..."), and then there's the fact you are a moral idiot. There is no moral difference between keeping a dog/cat and having a laying hen or dairy cow. Just eat a fucking egg retard.
He deserved the death penalty, I'm glad he's gone
How old is your baby? Sounds like he was very loved and lived a good life. You can try boiling a chicken for him maybe he can drink some of the broth with tiny bits of meat. Sorry bout your boy.
Have they tried steroids? Maybe some prednisone?
Hopefully an infection/abcess, but possible cancer. Indoor/outdoor cat? Has he been eating?
Is she fixed? If not might be in heat.
all cats are beautiful
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Should I do anything if I found a cat who might be in the process of being dumped? It was not here earlier today. Neither were the cat food cans thrown about. It's extremely friendly so I'm worried it could get hurt. Far different from a feral cat.

Someone did just come by and claim it was their cat but they acted extremely nonchalant about it. I should've asked its name to test him. It's still sketchy they would let their cat out all of a sudden with these cans and boxes around.
The scratching post and twine on the cat tree has become shit, and now they are clawing a bit on the furniture.
Am I a dummy for overthinking the work involved in stripping the twine and just adding new twine? Any specific kind of twine? Adhesive?

Also unrelated, any of you brush your cats' teeth? I think if I were to, I wish I would have started when they were kittens. I don't think they'd put up with that now. But it's not like their teeth and mouth situation is very different than mine right? I mean, plaque and shit still builds up?
I'm also ashamed to say that I don't clip their nails myself, and bring them to a person who does it. I'm scared of cutting too close, and also my nervous energy makes them concerned too. I also worry about the clippers (I bought a pair to try it) being too dull or something.
I worry a lot, help.
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Lads, how is this called? Will he be able to use it to walk later, is there some procedure to help him?
I got a 6 year old tabby.
What toys do you recommend to keep her more entertained during the day? I can't be dangling the feathers all the time.
oh no, the cow genes are activating early
>some """""people""""" actually just take care of 1 cat and leave for the majority of the day
fuck, I hope you experience solitary confinement. In your next life, get 2 cats.
Use sisal rope. Any size you can actually work with is fine, smaller is better but more work.

The entire process though is very labor intensive and probably will cost you like $30 in materials anyway. Yes it saves money, but if you value your time to any degree I'd recommend just buying a new one. How much money is several hours of labor worth to you?
why won't my piece of shit fucking cunt worthless bitch cat stop pissing all over my fucking rugs. she has a perfectly good fucking litterbox

if this happens again she goes back on the fucking street. i dont give a fuck
i hope shes not neglected :( if i could take her home i would,, maybe she will climb in my bag
It would make me so happy if my cat would just SHUT THE FUCK UP. The only entertainment she likes is Cat TV but she broke my last TV trying to chase imaginary animals so she's banned from it. Now I have to listen to her screaming for 3-4 hours every night as if I'm not trying to play with her, despite her hating every toy I try to use with her. I don't think I can take it much longer. I've started dreading coming home in case she's in a restless mood rather than a lapcat mood. People who said indoor cats are fine are the biggest fucking liars on the planet. I had 8 cats allowed outside growing up and none of them ever made me tremble from rage due to their chronic restlessness. Cats need to be able to hunt, simple as. I hate to see her have to change homes again after being abandoned by her last family but given she's beginning to make me hate coming home she needs to learn to shut the fuck up and enjoy the myriad of toys she owns instead of just wanting to watch TV for cats. I feel like I'm about to have a mental break, my hands are shaking after 3.5 hours of screaming tonight.
I'd piss on your rugs too, you sound like a ding dong

also you seem really unhinged, I don't think you should be allowed to have a cat or probably participate in society in general
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this cat is spooky, he always stares at me when I take my dog out
And to be clear I work from home, she has me all week aside from two pinball evenings and two trivia evenings so she's not lonely and her previous owners said she doesn't get along with other animals anyway. A 2nd cat wouldn't necessarily fix things (not that I could stomach dealing with twice as much litter, I can barely even handle litter for one). She just fucking ignores every toy I get her. She only wants to watch Cat TV or chase her laser pointer, but her laser pointer tires her out after 10 minutes and she just wants to lie down and watch it move around. Turning it off will result in her screaming. Turning it back on will shut her up but then I have to sit there creating a light show for a cat who isn't even interacting with it for god knows how long. Cats are not supposed to be confined indoors. I wish I never fell for the meme. Maybe when we have robotic toys that can adequately fulfill hunting needs indoor cats will become a more viable option.
>also you seem really unhinged
How is getting angry that my cat screams for hours every evening but won't engage with any of the entertainment I provide in a non-destructive manner unhinged behavior? People literally kill themselves over tinnitus. A constantly high pitched whining is genuinely infuriating.
Cats are essentially exotic pets like foxes. Until the past couple centuries they weren't actually pets unless you were a stinky nutjob that everyone thought was a witch. They were livestock and street pests. They lived in barns and garbage cans.

So if you care about your cat and the environment, you need to keep them indoors, which brings new challenges:
You need two cats
2 cat trees per cat
1.5 litterboxes per cat
1.5 hours of in person play time per cat
>he really thinks that cats will just want to play with toys by themselves
moron. Gee I wonder why the laser pointer is popular, maybe it's the interaction aspect?
Also, laser pointers are awful toys because it stimulates the "going to catch something and feel proud" chems but there is no way to ever actually win.
Just use a shoelace, that's all there is to it. And don't act like the playing time is some kind of chore for you, you really just shouldn't be a cat owner and I feel bad for the cat that's subjected to your shitty presence.

Basically true but a bit exaggerated, for instance two cat trees per cat, no, that's ridiculous. You should have at minimum two cats though.

Remember it's not like they can just spend their free time and decide to go check the cat-internet or something. They're intelligent, emotional creatures, and need appropriate mental/emotional stimulation.
I'd be screaming all day too if I had to live my life with that miserable fuck
I'll show you a dingdong you faggot
there’s a reason you’re single
start here
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>two cat trees per cat is ridiculous
You must have some bored cats.
>I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar.
ya go ahead keep talkin shit and I will fuckin eat your ass, fag
>never researched what “free range” actually means
>N-no t-technically mm-m-m-m-m-megacorporation found a loophole and...
Anyways, yes, free range actually means free range. Buy local or raise it yourself. Wala, free range.
You’re wrong and you know it retard. No more yous because I can see where this is going.
Just because a lawyer can twist a definition in some cases doesn't mean all applications of that definition are twisted. You fail basic logic.

Typical of a vegan.
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How handy are you? If you feel confident patching small defects in walls I would highly recommend making carpeted and padded shelves.
>It’s probably gonna post sideways
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>my fellow vegan is being retarded on the internet
my brother it's neither the time nor the place
cute cat! mind if I save this?
How's she hanging to the ceiling so effortlessly
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Sure thing.
Biscuit is a he. He’s devastatingly handsome. He says “don’t be jelly (but be a little jelly)”
how is he clinging to the wall so easily, his claws must be incredibly strong
He was upgraded with gravboots a while back.
I wrote my phone number and home address on my cat's color using a liquid chrome pen because I thought it would look cool and it does but I can't show it off to anyone online because I don't want to get doxxed :(
ima come to your house and pet the fuck out of your cat, ya dun goofed
Just take the collar off for cat pics, give some scritches where that collar was.

Also, my cats' favorite toys are their old collars. I attached one to a shoestring and it's the BEST!
What do you all think about tightness of collar? My gf doesn't want it to be too tight but imo too loose is just as bad as too tight, moving around all the time and stuff?
I recently got a dog and it's made me wonder
It's not really what our pets do for us but rather it's permitting us to pour out our love on them which gives them value
Do you feel this way about your cats?
I have one cat right now trying to sleep curled up between my knees while the other is draped over my elbow.
I am a sissy petslut and personal litter slave for my kots UwU
i dont give them value, they give me (their property) value
Cats shower ME with love. A cat chooses, a dog obeys. We call ourselves the dog’s master, but only a cat hating indoor living, pet brainwashing (training) tranny would call himself the master of a cat.
Lower IQ post than your typical catfag's. Well done.

Seething dog buttsniffer
Cat WORSHIP website, dogfurry. Humans evolved to revere cats. If you don’t acknowledge cats are higher animals and dogs are bio-tools, you don’t belong here.
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Toxo concentrations reaching potentially fatal levels itt
>What do you all think about tightness of collar?

The rule of thumb seems to always be that it should be loose enough to fit 2-3 fingers under the collar. A cat won't be able to get a collar off even if it's fairly loose, putting it on too tight will just bother the cat to no advantage.
i love my cat so much bros
Just massage his paws daily
my cat turned into a real woman and now she wants to get married???
>who's that cat!
>Oh I know you
>Oh I've seen you around!

what dumb shit do you say to your cats
I sing him covers of various songs involving his name.
I just make inhuman kissy kissy duck sounds toward my cat
>female cat owners fantasize about their magic catgirl wife
>male cat owners enjoy having the best bro a man could have
Stupid retard gorilla nigger
I call her my little honey bunny, puddlin, or scrunchball(her name is scrunchie)
I don't know how it started but now when it's food time, I make really low gutteral "ohhhh OHHHHHH" sounds, like that one "ohhh banana" sound in DK64 but even more drawn out.

It's the only thing they reliably react to
Anyone have any experience with Profender for deworming? So many horror stories online.
My cat really aggressively marks her scent on my monitor. Does she know i worship it?
lol where did you get the pic of a guy fellating a banana
I'm worried that I'm overfeeding my cat and causing him to vomit from feeling bloated, so I've been trying to feed him slightly less and now he's going insane
>asking for a friend’s research
Cats don’t abide by the laws of nature.
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I miss him bros. I've been gone for a month now.
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I fall into the cat owner category it seems
I definitely didn't pick up a cat because I wanted to, I saved her and took her in.
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my cat gets crickets as treats

zey eat ze bugs
zey live in ze pod
zey own nothink
and zey ARE happy
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>bought cat tree
>she actually uses it
i'm so happy bros....
haha but what if he turned into a cute catgirl, wouldn't that be weird haha
my cat is the most chadly and masculine cat in existence, I couldn't imagine it
this cat is 500% asshole until he touches a bed and turns into an angel
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He is 15/16. I've done my best to give him a nice life. The vitamin supplements for his liver seemed to have helped his appetite, moreso than the appetite stimulant or the "special" food.
He's back to demanding his usual even after downing half cans at a time.
Not really putting on weight, but I dont mind. Food is his main joy right now so he gets as much as I can deal with cleaning up after him.
Dark eye has developed a cataract as well.
He's going to be SO annoying if he goes blind before passing. Good thing I love him.
I've resolved to draw the line at whether he ever fails to get up to try for the litter box, or if he loses appetite again.
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The worst part is I am a bit mores coail now, and so there's a bunch more people that know him, but they all only know him as a toothless, scrawny grump of an old man.
Wish I had more video of him as a spry youth or as a big chad of a panther.
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I think my cat is a little bit obsessed with me. She has barely left my side at all in the past week, rubbing up against me and pawing at my legs. It's ironic because she hates cuddles, other than the occasional head scratches.
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>bought a big ass cat tree
>never plays on it, however he exclusively sleeps on the top most perch every day

Honestly this is almost worse than him not using it because now it's just a glorified cat bed I can't justify getting rid of.
>never plays on it
I get the feeling from this and also things other people say, that some people imagine that cats find toys and equipment fun in the way we humans can sit down with video games.
In my experience it really is nothing like that at all. My cats don't "play" with the cat tree either, but I hold a cloth stuffed fish behind one of the pillars and have it peek out, then they will go investigate and bat at it. Then I have it peek out from some other location, like the tube-thing in that person's pic above, and they have a blast.
Or in chasing string, I'll have that dastardly string end up on the top of the cat tree so they have to jump up to get it, then over to the top of the couch, etc. Letting them catch it sometimes and giving some scritches and praise helps a lot too (also this is why laser pointers completely suck as cat toys.)

I just can't imagine people being like "Look I have a basket of these toys, why isn't my cat playing with them" when I've found pretty much all play for them is interactive.
Didn't mean to wall of text you specifically, just rambling on that topic.
I get what you mean, though even if I try to lure him onto the tree with feather toys and strings he just ignores me until I play with them on the carpet nearby instead. My little man doesn't like playing on his bed I guess.
What do you think this is, 2007?
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NTA but I wish it was. Things were at their best during the Dubya years and before the recession.
9/11 was the first domino to fall that would buck break the American reality but we were at our peak in the 7ish years afterwards culturally. Race relations were at their best under Dubya.

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