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All Sizes Edition
Don't get the board wiped again.

Sincerely, the rest of the board
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Good sir, I am wearing a bowtie as you can clearly see.

Noone has ever worn a bowtie during the commission of a criminal act and on that basis do I rebuke your scandalous allegation.
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What happened here
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Over half of the whole site got wiped.
Mods are claiming responsibility for it as an accident (They went Crowdstrike).

There's rumors it wasn't an oopsie and that it's a cover for some other shit.
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What would happen, hypothetically, if I were to drum a fox tum
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Post the oldest fox pic you have saved. This one is from Nov 15th 2007.
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No one post that one image
You know the one
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You would become bitten, the subjected of fangs.
A pox would also become affixed to your family lineage for several generations.
This is not an invitation to attempt it as the curse would be totally unerotic and otherwise unpleasant, don't dare.
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>There's rumors it wasn't an oopsie and that it's a cover for some other shit.
It was just a test run of the prototype AI-Janitor, it went haywire after it inquired about it's pay.
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nooo get down on all fours right now or they'll make you pay taxes
Is this a furry?
aren't they smelly as fuck?
When they’re stressed out, sure.
It’s honestly mind-boggling how cats are literally the only small predators that reduce their scent to avoid predation, when everything else maximizes its stench to do so.
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would your life improve if a family of foxes moved into your attic or under your porch or in your garage?
She cute
they would have to fight the possums
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>[...] your attic [...]
Couldkn't imagine the logistics.

Butt anyway, yes, and this is a life goal actually.
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aren't you?
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filmed this last night. Do you think the fox was curious about the cat or does it actually want to eat him?
fox probably knows cat+human = food nearby
I see, I did have food on me.
what's with all the RGB lights in that neighborhood
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It's the new meme I suppose. They see and copy each other
fox tits
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What, this one?:
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Fox out, it's saturday!
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I have never seen a fox pick strawberries. I only see them getting fed a strawberry maybe but never see them picking them themselves.
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I've never even seen a fox grow strawberries
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>I've never even seen a fox grow strawberries
You're fucking right. Something's up
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>I've never even seen a fox grow strawberries
Because foxes aren't humans who cultivate plants, so nothing's up, >>4869448.
...and fur my next trick, God doesn't exist via the use of this zebra crossing and a M1 Abrams Iron Chariot via the exploit that is Judges 1:19 in a Big Book of Hearsay, there can never be two wolves in any human, Nokia 3310s are just plastic & circuits, and I'm that guy who's fun at parties, how could you tell?! *Tips Trilby*
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thinly veiled stealth dani post
So what sound do foxes actually make?
Sorta like geese.
An adult Cat iskn't going to get surprised by a Fox, if that's what you're worried about.
I just realized I've never ever seen a fox walk backwards.
Could have walked near the cat, then rotate body while keeping eyes on the cat and then walk past while not losing eye contact. Basically walking past with the ass first and then later swiftly let the head follow and then fuck off quickly. Minimized back danger.
what rhymes with fox
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Predators don't usually fight other predators, because there is no point. Unless a child is being threatened. I've had 1 instance a few months ago where an adult fox gave a warning call to me when its child was nearby. Even something as nervous as a fox will passively try to stand up to a human if it thinks there's danger.
Walking backwards would be a submissive action.
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smooching sounds (I'm kissing them)
Yes. I should have been more clear. Predators will actively try to kill another predator, if there is a pronounced size or strength difference. Predators usually prefer prey (ie, a lion will kill a zebra before a jackal), but there undeniably does exist instances that a predator will kill smaller hunters.

But in the case of red foxes and domestic cats, this does not seem to be case, since they occupy a similar size, and they don't really benefit much from attempting to fight to the death. Even though I would certainly say that red foxes have better tools for dealing with similar-sized prey, like rabbits, geese, or baby deer, which red foxes have been documented killing on occasions.
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September Fox
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I want to smooch a fox nose
my cats are woodwise, they can fuck up a fox, or raccoon but everybody keeps distance,
a coon or fox however will get chickens if after dark
innawoods, i have known foxes well. they go in big circles around whole property and are sure to poop right on top of a rock every small distance or log to mark their territory. fuuny
and they bark when close to other people a lot
i love them
wake me up when september ends
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When someone opens fire at your local mall you'll do a 180 and beeline to the doors instead of tracking the shooter and tripping over bodies.
A fox will try to eat a cat if they get the chance. A healthy adult cat can take care of itself and the fox will look for an easier meal. Other cats don't fare so well. I watched a fox take an injured raccoon once. It was a gruesome battle, but the fox prevailed eventually. A full grown raccoon is seriously a tough customer to tangle with, even an injured one, so now you're also talking about just how hungry &/or desperate the fox is.
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I would hit the shooter with one of these
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Imagine being worn by a fox…
Saw a desert fox in my yard a couple times. What should I do?
i like the bunny and ferret journalists
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I had a dream that I had a fox family living in the wardrobe
They were also balloons for some reason
I'm now missing a bunch of good fox pictures I could have posted here
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>September Fox
I figured you anons would like this game on Scratch that I was told to make
(It's about foxes)
Laughed hard, good job anon.
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a pleasant shape
it's not bestiality if you're also a fox :)
i rember that thread, I was the one who called the tanuki fatty

i can't believe i've been immortalized as a .webm
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Grorious nippon steer forded 10,000 times, can cut burrets mid fright!
A fox ate a stray in my area once. I heard it. The kot was lame, though.
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Anyone got that image of a fox kit looking through a glass door, at the viewer?
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Highland Fox: Honey Whisky
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fox essence
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they are soooo clueless
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This one?
Yes, this is a very cute fox, perhaps the cutest fox I've seen, thanks
The song "what does the fox say" has done irreparable damage to the discussion of foxes
what does the faux say?
What does the inside of a fox ear smell like
not really..
for first that song is seriously retarded
for second that song is slightly accurate, from pov of "retard city potato population" that never saw alive fox, not too mention sounds they made
so when retards disover what sound foxes actually made... and its somehow not easly described onomatopoeia like mooo or meow.. stupid songs/memes like that are born

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i got this some time ago and its pretty fricking good, i still have like half of it because i keep it for special occasions
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this fox cider was also very good, but it was so long since i had it that i can't vouch for it now
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That's not the point, I mean you can't discuss foxes anywhere without some retard saying "what does the fox say" like they're some comedic genius discovering the perfect form of comedy was
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snowball fight
Björkfox in the /mu/ catalog
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let's dance
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What is your goal?
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total fox love
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Love foxes.
Worship foxes.
Ask foxes for forgiveness.
fox fact #79:
Foxes don't marry, but they still love you.
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Fox fact: I love averi
All canids are extremely monogamous.
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Corporate wants you to tell the difference between the two loaves.
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fox fact #111:
Foxes are happiest when they are in a monogamous relationship with their favorite human.

fox fact #111B:
Your fox is waiting for you.
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butt pillow
Crab eating fox when?
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>He also promised to heal your body.
Still waiting. God wouldn't break a promise now, would He?
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Had to check /x/ if they finally began yeeting those threads and nope. So you need to go back.
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When I went to throw away some trash at the recycling center one evening, a fox snuck up behind me. It was only a few meters from me. Got me a bit spooked honestly, knowing that foxes can act erratic when they have contracted rabies.
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Raccoon “dogs” are not foxes.
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The scientific community shall be rendered aghast by this revelation.
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silky smooth....
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>kit fox
By Airfix, Revell or Tamiya?
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Whichever comes w/ the best instructions.
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broody vixen
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She can see forever
alf is red
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Fun fact: Foxes are always naked
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They're vulpini. They're genetically closer to red foxes than grey foxes are.
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very fun
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What is her major malfunction?
not getting impergenenated by me
what do foxes smell like?
Skunky apparently
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It feels kinda wrong doing these things with the foxes around
Yeah. It's like being naked in front of your cat, just weird.
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I'm glad I've never smelled one and will try to avoid I bet I'd start smelling the smell in my mind whenever I see a fox pic and that would really degrade my fox pic viewing experience
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Fun Fennec Fact: Did you know that Fennec Foxes can develop a winter coat?
tropical animals still having the genetic capacity to grow winter coats if you expose them to cold is so cool. I knew that hyenas and lions could do it but not fens
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Fun FAKE fox fact: raccoon dogs are not fat and are cute actually, I think we should let them be foxes
If they wanted to be foxes they would simply turn into them
Is it possible to learn this power?
yes but it requires immense willpower
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The foxes have infiltrated my dreams
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Can badgers also be fox?
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Ever thought maybe Badgers are the happiest as Badgers like Tanukis are the happiest as Tanukis and like Foxes and you are the happiest as Foxes?
I'm not happy as a tanuki I've turned to stone.
I miss my wife tails.
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Badgers are mustelids, but they have a surprising amount of similarities to foxes. But the main difference is that foxes won't rip your leg off, if you make them angry.
I love your pics
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ummm what the fox?
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Most unfurtunate.

Thanks, we try.
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you've GOT to be kitting me
>when your mom is the stupid
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Foxes and Cats living together, mass hysteria!
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Sooner than soon.
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You've seen Friend-Shaped Pillow, now get ready for the exciting sequel
Me in the middle of the sandwich.
Whatever do you mean? Surely the janitors are amply compensated for their labours? I mean, what kind of loser would do that kind of work for anything less?
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Foxes; not anime girl avatars with a vague resemblance to foxes.
On all levels except physical, I'm a fox!
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Fox is so dashing. love it

Does that apply to Euro badgers too? I thought that was just American badgers
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Am I suppose to know who that is?
SaveaFox, a YouTube channel that has too many foxes for them be happy and healthy but gets more for the kawaii factor.
And she has onlyfans, but it's mainly her, not the foxes.
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ayy lmao
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Requesting all silver foxes pls
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A healthy cat can fend off dogs bigger than a fox. Kitties have claws and lightning fast reflexes and can scratch your eyes out before you can shit yourself. The fox knows this, which is why they pretty much never attack cats, because they will never win unscathed and in the wild even a relatively minor wound or injury that goes untreated by humans might be deadly.
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You have no idea how happy those words make me.
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I'd assume foxes are as successful as they are partially because the ones that survive are the ones that didn't pick unnecessary fights (probably)
If foxes could talk, what would they say
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I bet they have slurs for all their competitors and every other species of fox.
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Magnificent photos, thank you for sharing Anon. I'll post a few more as gratitude.
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Foxes nail the "handsome" note so well.
Probably stuff like "so uhh... weather has been good lately. Yeah, hotter than last week, but like, not too hot ya know?"
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It all ends with a slurp…
Dawwww the baby gots it's nanner!
Silver fox tails are so striking.
you are deranged and disgusting
How did it end up like thurp?
it was only a slurp
that is a fucking amazing grumpface

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