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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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The Baron Vladimir Barkonnen, sworn enemy of house Aussietreides edition

/dog/ leash law compliance and sporting gear:
/dog/ car safety:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman, larry krohn

/dog/ breath freshening:

Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip

This thread is being persistently raided in an attempt to kill it. Barkbuddy operatives have confirmed a bad faith argument all created by just one person with a proxy. Remember to ignore them report ANY /dog/scussion of animal abuse, racism, dinosaurs, or litterboxes directly to the mods.
This thread has been approved by Pawdishah Emperor Sheddam Furrino IV
His royal howlness himself
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Based. Long live the emperor. Long live the baron.
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The cheese must flow!
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Poltard spaz killed the last thread all because of some statistics that hurt his fee fees
>>/pol/tard: white ppl bad
I never said that. I'm not from pol. And where are you getting this anti white narrative from? I never even mentioned white people, you spaz
He's admitted he's /pol/tard. It's all true. He's been samefagging a fake argument to rant about how he hates blacks. Of course.
>trying this again
go back to your ban fag
What a sad fuck
What ban, you schizophrenic bitch?
Look at how it shrinks back and lashes out like a cornered animal. It’s been found out.
What's been found out, you schizophrenic bitch?
Amazing how it acts just like its “opponent”. We know now. You can just… go. Seethe in private.
Ohh you're the spaz I told to seethe in private lol. I wish you took my advice, but it's nice to see your tard rage has quelled
>Amazing how it acts just like its “opponent”.
You think I'm talking to myself? That's funny. In a schizophrenic and sad sort of way
It’s trying to pretend it wasn’t samefagging now.

Look at how aimlessly mad it is. I wonder why these raids never happen to /kot/?
>Look at how aimlessly mad it is
I think you're projecting, mate. Did the "seethe in private" line really upset you that much?
Its funny how aggro and dedicated to killing /dog/ it is. Where are the jannies?

Is it a janny? After they let plont (bugguy) be a mod who knows.
I'm not dedicated to killing /dog/. All I did was post a stat and a bunch of presumably white guys got upset
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Why do /dog/ threads keep getting deleted?
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>[x] seething about muh white males
>[x] shits up /dog/ in particular
>[x] obsessed with his narrative that /an/ is full of "dog fuckers"
Oh god, they let him have his janny job didn't they?
Please not him. That would be the death of /an/. I thought it was the ugly blonde kid from /out/
What thread have I bumped? What post have I deleted? What the fuck are you even talking about, schizo?
I know people. I know things. I see patterns, but real ones because of all the archiving on nu4chan (down to the deletion timestamps), not actual schizo patterns like “posting styles”. I get screenshots I shouldn’t, on demand. And I am not schizophrenic. I’m just bored.

There are these two people on 4chan I know well. I even live with one! It makes for epic trolling opportunities.
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oh it's this schizo. are you by any chance a white male in the US with a dog
>I see patterns, but real ones
have you considered not being terminally online on 4chan of all things
Some people can’t help but see patterns. It only takes a short period of time. Real patterns, like stoplight timing and police patrol routes, not schizo patterns like jews. Those patterns are only jokes. The real pattern is all economics, zero ethnicities. The real patterns are useful for getting to work on time.

Also, please don’t ask about my two 4chan friends.
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Man this general blows. When it's not the cringe paw patrol discord in group felating each other and blogposting it is the zoosadist dog fucker and when it's not him it is some third world schizo obsessed with white people.
>Also, please don’t ask about my two 4chan friends
never even brought that up so I'm not sure why you're repeating it, unless you really want people to know
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Good dog
Back off, nosey.
Yeah, the other guy is right; you're a terminally online freak who needs a break to visit his local therapist
I'm not obsessed with white people, just sharing facts
>seething hard
The only therapist i ever went to referred me to mensa. Stay mad.

You should know you’re trying for no reason. :^)
The big argument could have ended succinctly

“325/125000000? lol rip entire population of rural wyoming”
What is up with this strawman? All I did was correctly point out that, disproportionately, the main offenders of bestiality are white males
Yeah I know I shouldn't try. You guys clearly hate facts lol
Jesus it’s 1am for you isn’t it? Give it a rest. No one cares about your precious 300 welshmen. Also, tell the mods you’re giving up your janny position.
Ah yes, bestiality is totally fine because only 300 people get caught. Amazing take from the dog general. No wonder you guys are ok with that dog fucker
You truly never change. Whats next, “im rich, check out my dads tax bill”?
Concession accepted
I dont know what to tell you. Cats are dumber than chihuahuas so its ok for dogs to eat them. No amount of unrelated seething about the welsh will change that.
It is almost 4am in Rhode island USA and my pup is running circles with a stick in her mouth
Going down the bestiality rabbit hole is nauseating. People really don't get caught unless a 3rd party sees the crime. Luckily, a lot of these sick fucks are retarded and record themselves doing it and post it online. Strangely enough, there are quite a few male-female, boyfriend-girlfriend, bonny and clide type situations where one person does the act and the other person records so they could get off to it. I want the local furfag to come on so I can ask him why he abuses his dog sexually
People also offer to sell their animals for other people to abuse, like a form of animal prostitution
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>paw patrol discord
Can I join?
Aussie Shepard? I don't like bright eyed dogs. Blue eyes in huskies and Aussies are a turn off for me (...not sexually.... Not to imply I am sexually attracted to dogs, I'm not saying I don't mean it's a turn off in a sexual sense because I'm not sexually attracted to dogs at all. I just mean it's a turn off from owning the dog)
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>turn off for me (...not sexual
Fucking stop it perv.
He does look cool though. Very colorful dog
How close to the quick do I have to cut to have it recede? I'm cutting way more often, but I'm a little worried to get too close. My dog and I had a bit of a scare once
You forgot to mention the bitch that only bitches. (You)
Eevee. One of the old dogs that the animal abusers/torturers were obsessed over. Looks like she still lives rent free in some people's head.
Stupid name for a dog. But I guess I named my dog after a Yu-Gi-Oh card, so I'm one to talk...
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>Cats are dumber than chihuahuas so its ok for dogs to eat them
with piss poor remarks like these I don't know why anyone takes you seriously
It’s true. Cats are lower than dogs on the food chain for a reason. No need
to be offended by facts. All across the world, dogs are chowing down on cats that climb into their yards and getting buried or just tossed in the garbage. No one ever finds their remains or hears it happen because most dogs are quick killers and owners would rather not tell and have an entitled cat person poison their pet over the death of an uncared for prey item like a cat or rabbit.
>uncared for prey item like a cat or rabbit
come to /an/ for animals, stay for the people who seem to detest anything but dogs being pets
i mean what do you expect man, this general is the worst on this board for a reason. it's a discord colony full of dog fuckers.
>Noooo you have to detest cats being pets because dogs eat them!
What kind of logic is this?

Or keep your cat on your property and it won't et eaten, toxo. Animals and nature - the food chain is nature. Your pet "outdoor mouse" got eaten by a cat? Your stray cat got eaten by a dog? Your stray dog got eaten by a tiger? Wow. Who cares?

There is only one dog fucker on /an/, and it's a /horse/ tourist. 4chan has always been a horse fucker website. Dog fuckers are reddit tourists who went to /trash/ and /b/. It happened before reddits IPO when they deleted their several hundred bestiality boards and every achmed and sanchez flocked here.
you are a tourist. you refer to each other as "[dog name]'s owner". anonymous 4chan users do not do that. you are putrid zoophiles whose home is somewhere else. nothing you say will change these facts.

again: you are a tourist here. you do not belong here and you never will. go back to your discord.
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>Your stray cat got eaten by a dog? Your stray dog got eaten by a tiger? Wow. Who cares?
stray animals don't have owners. also have to wonder just where you're at if you have tigers eating stray dogs
ok fine you win, /dog/ is dead. never mind we had the only oldfags left. this is just how oldfags act after getting tired of the internet hate machine game. but maybe we can go back to it?

all of us are now ruining /kot/ as our new hobby. /an/ is now /cat hate/. personal army requests will be bombed with reports and "yeah fuck cats". and we will make constant dog threads. even more than before. /an/ will be 75% dog threads, 25% "keep your cat indoors" "good fuck cats". this was your choice, you ugly bastard. your gay reddit general will itself die.

if only you would have dropped the "cat website" revisionism in the same year it started (2020).

jk /dog/ will live when you get bored of your current /dog/ raiding and veganism kick and we start getting dinosaur threads again
but we will still be making /an/ inhospitable to catredditor tourists
That very well could be stalkerfag. One of the most mentally ill and obsessive individuals on the whole website. Pay him no mind. His obsession is so extreme I wouldn't be suprised if he at least has fantasies of animal abuse.
Thoughts of brachycephalic breeds?
poor pugs
Dogs are good.
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I missed the last dog thread. Sorry anon if it looked like I didn't respond.
I really fucking miss when we used to talk about dogs. I always thought it was weird this general moved like 5x faster than cat gen, when more people own cats and you'd think dog owners would have less time to shitpost because they have dogs to walk.

It's not so much how close you cut, but more keeping it short. It takes a lot of time for the quick to recede. Like several months of keeping the nails at one length. Sometimes if the nails are so long it's actually fucking up the dog pad, they'll sedate at cut back as much as they need, but I wouldn't suggest that unless medically necessary, because it is quite painful and becomes painful to walk.

There's a lot of breeds that are brachycephalic that people don't realize, like Newfoundlands and Rottweilers. I don't have much of an issue with them. It is when they take it to the extremes that it becomes a problem. Pugs, Shih Tzus, French Bulldogs, etc. Most of these extreme breeds have a handful of breeders trying to breed them to be healthy, though.
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Get on my level.bShitpost on walks.
My black lab keeps having seizures since she was 2 years old (now 4), is this normal? I toom her to vet and he said "it's ok unless it's 2 seizures in 24 hours" but i never had any experience with this.
So basically once in a while (can be anywhere from once a week to once a few months) my dog just starts salivating, breathing heavily, she runs to me and gets my attention before she starts to twitch uncontrollably while shitting/pissing herself. I have no fucking idea what's the trigger for this is because it can happen at any time of the day or night. Can i prevent or stop it? What's the cause for this?
>is this normal?
No, though there may not be anything to do about it...
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No get a new vet

There's medications for it so it happens less frequently which may or may not work for this particular case. The problem is, owners see the dog stops having seizures, so they discontinue the meds that are stopping the dog from having fucking seizures, then dog has seizures off meds so then they think the meds don't fucking work because it still has seizures..
TL;DR - it can't be cured but it can potentially be mitigated
Here's some statistics for you that'll blow your minds.
FACT: 90% of dogs love cheese, 10% only like it
FACT: 100% of respondents indicated a desire to give belly rubs
FACT: 13% of dogs are responsible for 50% of chew toys being destroyed
FACT: 100% of squirrels should be barked at
FACT: Basset hounds wag their tails 360 degrees because 180 is not enough to display the full range of their affection
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nigga we can all use desuarchive, you're talking out of your ass
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Use the one that's like a dremel tool.
I don't have to trim my dog's claws because she wears them down on out hiking walks.
You sexually abuse Anya, right? Why? Are you attracted to dogs? Do you find them physically attractive? Why not use a Fleshlight, your hand and lotion, or meet a woman?
he's admitted many times to being a zoophile so I think the answer is kinda obvious
I'm just curious what goes on in his head. When do you ever get the chance to pick a freak's mind?
Most likely molested a dog when he was going through puberty just to get off but then programmed his brain to think that's his sexuality
He’s a castizo hispanic (hence laredo) and was molested by a catholic priest

Have you seem his picture? Peak “white” (60% spanish, 20% indio, 20% zambo)
You don't know that
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What type of crates do you anons recommend? the solid plastic "travel" ones or the wire ones with blankets over? something else?

(this is Wilbur, the miniature poodle)
Depends on what it's being used for. in the house I just get a wire crate and build a sort of large end table over it. for the car though they make crash tested dog crates that have a lot less air flow but it is a lot safer.
this dog has aryan features
this dog is an A10 eyes hyperborean
the dog on the right is blonde and therefore an aryan
this dog is from agartha
You arent embarrassed by posting like this?
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dude that cat is aryan
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you want dogs huh
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>Implying I'm false flagging for making fun of people who unironically talk like >>4876017
>It's not so much how close you cut, but more keeping it short.
Ok, I've been cutting my dog's nails more consistently. Thanks
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anyone have dog webm's they really like? I really like this one.
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The Iberian DNA explains the red hair and beard.
Can anyone explain why he's doing this?
hey im brown!
He getting funky
I like to keep working dogs or other athleticism webms. Pic related are dogs pushing back beef cattle
my puppy doesn't like to cuddle instead he likes to bite and bite some more. I do play with him so maybe he hasn't processed that I'm not trying to play with him but instead relax and pet him. Any good videos on how to teach this? It is saddening when all I want to do is pet the pupper but all he wants to do is bite.
Bite him back.
I'm not going to pull a Cuba Gooding Jr.
aww…he’s herding!
Pretty sure you're supposed to grab him by the back of the neck like his mother would.

two days ago I notice what looked like a tiny contact lens on my dogs right eye. It’s below and off to the side from her pupil. It’s the size of the head of a pin. It looks exactly like a contact lens. It is not milky or cloudy. Just like a circular plastic film on top of the eyeball. Shes otherwise normal i behavior appetite and stool. My is not in the office today. Just wait or do I need to go to an emergency vet? Dog is an 18 month old shepherd mix. Most recent bloodwork was normal.
18 months? They can get cataracts that early? I have a Shepard mix too. What should I be looking out for, health wise?
My dog is very hyperactive. When I give him treats, he gets shaky and struggles to listen to me. When we go outside, he barely listens to me. Is this a case of me not playing with him or taking him outside enough? I have a feeling it is, but I just want an experts (or someone more knowledgeable than me) opinion. He's a German-austrialian shepard
3 years old btw
about to start giving my puppy CBD cause he doesn't want to sleep and is getting less than 12 hours a day.
you dont need to drug a dog into sleeping. they naturally sleep exactly as much as they need to unless the lights in your house are on until past midnight. you dont need drugs then thats bad for you too. it provably tanks your test levels. boys who grow up as night owls end up with weaker jaws and more androgynous builds.

drugging is for cats because no one can be assed to deal with a stupid cat
>but also retarded, so it can't do anything productive or interesting, only swat at string
>AND wants to do it in the middle of the night
yeah drug cats all you want.

but leave the dogs alone.
Woke up and found out my dog left some very runny, fatty poop in the hallway. Usually when he poops on my carpet, he does it in a very specific spot, but this is a new spot. Am I allowed to post his poop? I want some opinions since the vet is closed
that's a lotta bait for one post
My partner just fed our dog breakfast and immediately took her in the car to the groomer afterwards

Dog is a lab mix who gets stressed at groomers and around other dogs

I’ve just read that you shouldn’t feed your dog right before putting them in a stressful situation. Will she be ok?
Why is your business partner having your dog groomed, weirdo

Stop using faggoty zoom zoom language
Fine, my husband. Happy? It’s already been a couple of hours so it’s probably a moot point now, but I was just curious if there was any danger in taking a dog to get groomed immediately after eating
Howl practice with the puppy!
He'll drop a big log on the groomer's table.
I didn’t think dogs poop that quickly after eating
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Eye issues don't warrant emergency vet, but you should get a vet appt. Emergency vets are for life-threatening issues; if you go with a dog that may have cataracts, you are going to wait as they deal with toxicities, HBCs, seizures, FBOs, heat strokes, etc until they are out of all emergency surgeries and can see you. Animals that are awake, alert, and not in immediate danger of death are put at the back of the line.

I would say some physical and mental stimulation might help. Feed all his meals in puzzle type feeders, play frisbee, go for a run, do some scent work with food - stuff that gets him stimulated without much need to train. He might need hours before he can settle to train.

Might vomit, otherwise should be OK

There's actually 2 dogs, a red collie type and a brindle pit bull type. You don't get to see mush of pushing back - usually you see pushing forward, that's what most people think of when they think of herding dogs. But they actually have a plethora of different commands to follow, it's actually quite complicated.
dog literally hates leashes. could be playing with his favorite toy with his harness on, but the moment I attach his leash he attacks the leash
I love them. Breeds?
Could be an itch or general excitement but he's still trying to obey.
Referring to your significant other as "partner" was started by millennials, but you're obviously too much of a fucking retard to realize it. Drop dead, faggot
Does anyone else have family that’s unsupportive of your dog?

I have a 50 pound lab/aussie mix. Naturally this makes her an active dog. Because she’s active, my in-laws find her to be a nuisance whenever they visit, or if we stop by with her. She’s known my in-laws as a puppy so she just gets very excited when she sees family that she hasn’t seen in forever. My mother-in-law won’t say it out loud, but I know she doesn’t like the dog because she’s “too much” for her. My sister-in-law also thinks my dog is “too hyper”. Meanwhile she has a boring shih-tzu that literally does nothing but sit like a bump on a log and still shit’s in my mother-in-law’s house despite being almost 8 years old. Our dog never shat in anyone’s house.
I have a German Aussie. Dad's scared of him since he's big and loud, but he's a curious dog who's probably a little bitch incapable of protecting me
The black one is a German shepherd, the other is half Aussie, half pyrenees
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>You sexually abuse Anya, right?
define "abuse".
>Are you attracted to dogs?
>Do you find them physically attractive?
>Why not use a Fleshlight, your hand and lotion, or meet a woman?
None of them would love me. I don't feel like leaving my country for love when I can easily get it from a dog.
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fuck, dog rapist is back
Thanks. Leaning toward a wire crate then. I live in Florida and it's quite hot a lot of the time, or at least humid.
A woman would love you in a way your dog never could. For starters, it wouldnt be platonic. What do you find physically attractive in dogs?
A woman could not love him lmao

Its never about any of that bullshit anyways. You can spout romantic bullshit about idealized marriages all you want, you can link sex and honor and dignity all day, and it won’t affect that guy, and you’ll probably get people on his sidr because its all bullshit. Even consent shit false apart fast. Fucking dogs is wrong first because its disgusting, second because it kills them.
>Significantly elevated risk of UTIs, vaginitis, pyometra, and kidney and bladder infections. So significantly that zoophiles victims typically live less than 5 years.
Third because it tortures them mentally
>almost 100% false pregnancy rate for infertile matings
Fourth because for some reason it corrupts zoophiles morally
>70% of zoophiles molest children or are caught with CP. Even if they arent arrested for it, they admit to interest or acting later.
Maybe its because of the conditioning… animals are “bare” and lack secondary characteristics associated with sexually mature adults and are normally small, so viewing or touching them while orgasming probably gradually makes the zoophile more attracted to the bland bodies and small size of children. Either that or basically every zoophile is already a pedophile - or both!
the pedo part just shone a spotlight on some red flags
he dresses anya in childrens clothes
>says he’s have to leave the country for a human woman
For the record, I think he's a faggot. I'm not saying he's homosexual, I'm saying I would like to cut off ever appendage he has and use them as fuel for my fire. I didn't need a list of reasons why fucking dogs is horrible, and he doesn't want the list either. Considering he doesn't think what he's doing is abuse, that means he's either a repulsive troll pretending to be a dog fucker or a delusional faggot too pitiful to realize what he's doing is abhorrent, and I don't know which is worse
He has to hear it every now and then. That he’s killing his dog.

For the record i’d be down for knocking him out, tying him to a rock in the desert, banding and cutting off his cock and balls, and force feeding them to him with a gun aimed right where it would sever part of his spine but give him a chance of survival. He fucks animals. People have done worse to faggots like that.
I partially hope his dog does die because of his actions and it hurts him deeply, but I doubt he cares it
>A woman would love you in a way your dog never could.
lmao, not in America. if it was 20 years ago maybe.
>For starters, it wouldnt be platonic.
I have romantic love already with Anya.
>What do you find physically attractive in dogs?
I love the shape of their body, to the feel of it, and especially the personality. I do however wish they had better butts.
>the pedo part just shone a spotlight on some red flags
I'm not one.
look up the passport bros.
You are definitely capable of finding love in America. I doubt you have romantic love with your dog, but im sure your dog doesn't have romantic feelings for you.
>and especially the personality
What personality?
>You are definitely capable of finding love in America.
LMAO have you noticed the datingi market at all or the divorce rates?
>What personality?
Her love for freedom and nature, her loving playful nature, her need to constantly get complements.
The divorce rate is a symptom of poor choices. Don't marry someone who is clearly a jackass, and you won't get divorced
>Her personality
I don't even know the dog and I can tell that's not her personality. That's how every dog acts. That's like being attracted to a woman because she loves food and water and breathing
>he's either a repulsive troll pretending to be a dog fucker or a delusional faggot
I think delusional is more likely, given the fact he's posted animal abuse and has been banned several times, picking up burner phones in different states on his trucking route so he can keep posting.
is it possible for trolls to pretend to be him? sure but they'd be as disgusting as he is to do so
>The divorce rate is a symptom of poor choices. Don't marry someone who is clearly a jackass, and you won't get divorced
the percentage of jackass women is really high in America then.
>I don't even know the dog and I can tell that's not her personality. That's how every dog acts. That's like being attracted to a woman because she loves food and water and breathing
Not every dog. A rare few don't like nature or freedom, mostly chihuahuas tho. Not all dogs are loving and playful. And Anya lives and breathes attention. I however don't care for how she used to go up to strangers.
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Tell me about the ones you remember, /an/ons. I lost my little girl to cancer (hemangiosarcoma) on monday night. My only regret is how scared she seemed to be at the end even as I was holding her.
I came into this thread to memorialize my little one and didn't even realize this shit was at the bottom. Fuck, man.
>the percentage of jackass women is really high in America then.
You're either looking in the wrong direction or you're looking online too much
>Not every dog
Any other breeds besides Chihuahuas? Is it safe to assume 90% of all dogs love freedom, play, and attention?
Fortunately, my friend isn't dead. Still, I can imagine how much it hurt. You did the right thing letting her go like that
I give my dog kisses now. Be honest: does he know what I'm doing is a sign of affection?
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have some bleach and forget about him for a bit
Sorry, bud. Both for your dog and for the mess you walked into.

Forget your regret. Life is never perfect. She will never again know suffering and that's enough.
Dude America has the highest divorce rates in the world.
>Is it safe to assume 90% of all dogs love freedom, play, and attention?
fair enough. But I've always been a dog person.
So if it's "fair enough", what are you attracted to? It seems to me you're only sexually attracted to dogs or you're a troll and have no idea what you're talking about. Makes no sense why you wouldn't buy a fleshlight
I just told you, I'm a dog person. a fleshlight can't share a cheeseburger with you.
Then get a woman. You complain about the divorce rate, but how about you pick a woman based on her personality and not her looks like so many men do today so you don't end up separating (and dogs can't even have cheeseburgers).

Seems like you're desperate for a friend and perhaps you were sexually abused as a child which led you to abuse your dog. I think you're mixing those two problems together which is making you think you love your dog romantically, when in reality that's impossible
>Then get a woman. You complain about the divorce rate, but how about you pick a woman based on her personality and not her looks like so many men do today so you don't end up separating (and dogs can't even have cheeseburgers).
LMAO I tried. A average childhood friend neet girl with no career rejected and a bad voice me.
>Seems like you're desperate for a friend and perhaps you were sexually abused as a child which led you to abuse your dog. I think you're mixing those two problems together which is making you think you love your dog romantically, when in reality that's impossible
lol no I had no sex as a child. my first encounter was at the age of 19.
>no career rejected and a bad voice me.
no career and she had a bad voice rejected me. it was when I left the army and came home.
Obviously you're the problem why you can find any women. I don't need to know what you look like to know this. I can tell your personality is horrible because you choose to have sex with animals. That right there tells me enough
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>Obviously you're the problem
LMAO the only thing you're right about is I have a horrible personality that is akin to Dan at times.
what tricks should i teach my dog? she knows most of the standard ones and shes smart because shes half border collie
>compares himself to a cartoon character
>got dumped for being a pedo
>started plotting to rape a small dog to death to cope
Laredo police do your fucking job
Shake hands, high five, speak, pick up, and put down is what I taught my dog. Can't roll over without looking like a retard though
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oh i never taught her roll over
Ourodogoros pup nibbling her own tail.
Anya's abuser is not a zoophile. He is a zoosadist that keeps getting banned from online zoophile communities when discovered because zoophiles abhor him.
Stop trying to justify your abusive deviancy.
Divorce rates have gradually gotten lower over the years because people are dating longer before they get married. A lot of boomers got divorced because they got married young and only after a year max of dating. You don’t get to truly know someone for at least 3 years.
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"Leave it" has been super useful to me. If I drop food or something and my dog starts going for it, I can just say "leave it" and he won't touch it. "Wait" is also very helpful.
What are the downsides of owning a dachshund? I think they're adorable and it would be extremely funny to get one as I'm a fat 6'2 redneck.

Also animalfuckers should kill themselves
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They are stubborn, and will pretend like they can't hear you if they don't feel like obeying. They can be aggressive (the girls especially), but a lot of that is also conditioning, and I wouldn't brand the whole breed as overly aggressive. Borking. So much borking. Health issues - Back problems, allergies, knee problems. Over-breeding has fucked these guys. Get pet insurance. The ASPCA has really good policies for only about $30 a month.

Dachshunds are adorable, funny, and full of personality, but they are a lot of work if you want a healthy well-mannered dog.
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Sound familiar?
Dachshunds really are funny lil dogs

My dog died earlier today. I hope you enjoy your time with your pooch, /dog/.
>>got dumped for being a pedo
less got dumped, and more got rejected. >>4877391
teach her cross, and wait/stay. with these you can walk her off leash in a city like I do.
>He is a zoosadist that keeps getting banned from online zoophile communities when discovered because zoophiles abhor him.
I literally talked to a zoocadia mod last night who was fine with me staying. I'm not a zoosadist.
Stop reading my replies then.
It's literally a coin flip in America dude. I'm not gambling half of everything I own.
>I'm not a zoosadist
what would you call yourself then, after wrapping anya in tape and sticking shit up her ass
>what would you call yourself then, after wrapping anya in tape and sticking shit up her ass
How many times do I have to repeat it? I didn't stick anything in her.
D'aaww look at the buddy.
>doesn't deny wrapping her in tape
That's sad to hear, but also makes me want one more. Perhaps when I have more money and time.
Sorry bro
Full sized dachshunds probably have less problems. Maybe avoid a mini or the inbetweeners. Like yeah, they were bred to hunt badgers, but they weren't the little sausages we are used to seeing now. Full sized are like corgi sized. Little more support on that frame.
Leo just got hit by a fucking car
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Damn bro. I'm sorry. :,(
Friendly reminder, if your dog doesn't wait for you before crossing the road, give him a beating.
I'm sorry, dude.
Wow, the guy who has spent over a year bragging about about fucking his dog to people who hate dogfuckers has an unpleasant personality? Holy fucking shit what a revelation. I'm glad we dedicated the thread to this discussion or no one ever would have known.
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What kinda dog is that
-_- no he didnt.
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How accurate is this?
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We picked up this little man yesterday and are struggling with a name.
Oh ok, cool. Guess I'm not in on the joke.
Retard Jr.
I would say pretty accurate. Good rule of thumb
He reminds me of Boris Johnson
now I can't unsee it, thanks
Hellen Keller
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It's just a really silly guy who wants me to post a picture of my sweet dogson.
I had a dream that I was walking my small dog and there were pit bulls off leash running around
I felt so fucking angry, I woke up angry and I'm still angry
Adolf Hitler III
Dickhead Rick
Puppy trying to flirt with a bitch on heat, but she ain't having it.
how long does it actually take to get results using kikopup training method for things like loose clothing, shoes, etc?
also how to stop puppy from wanting to roughhouse on bed
My parents own 2, they bark.... a lot and they are very loud. They also do not like to listen very difficult to train. Lastly these are their 3rd their 1st slipped on a patch of ice and damaged a part of their back leading to the dog being euthanized they have lots of back related health problems. They are also really lazy I try to walk one of them and we will barely start walking before she stops moving and demands we go back.
Extremely loving dogs though just not my type of dog.
Love that mods keep literal /bant/ tier discussion on here but threads discussing animal care get a ban. What a fucking shit board and an even shittier thread.
>how scared she seemed to be at the end
Ouch this hit right in the feels. Had a dog that on his (unknowingly) last day, he went to sit outside in the sun. I had scheduled an emergency appt for later that day due to how he was acting. I let him sit in the sun outside for maybe 20 minutes then I picked him up and brought him inside, worried in his odd condition he'd let himself overheat and die. He never got to sit in the sun again.
We bear this pain so others don't.
They can learn it's positive, but innately no. In fact it's kind ofa spooky thing to do in dog body language.
Simple one to make your dog look like a genius; follow, to follow a hand. This is often the building block for freestyle frisbee routines. Do this after the safety ones though like sit, stay, focus, and leave it.
IVDD. I So many of them get IVDD, and it often causes the end of their life. One poor woman bought 2 that both got IVDD before either were 7y/o. IVDD basically causes partial or complete paralysis generally to the lumbar section of the spine, so affecting back legs. Sometimes an expensive surgery can help the animal walk, or life long electro acupuncture and a course of steroids, but mobility will never be the same. At worst, they can never walk again and you're looking at wheelchairs or euthanasia.
Make sure your breeder is doing appropriate health tests including screening for IVDD - it's similar to OFA hip/elbow screening, where they radiograph the spine and it is an estimate on whether the dog will develop IVDD based on the spinal column integrity, calcification, early evidence of disc prolapse, etc.
Piggy backing off other anon - make sure pet insurance covers breed specific issues, many will not cover shit that is common in that breed, like breathing complications in a pug for example.
One of my neighbor's had one and his fifth leg would drag on the ground when it was hot out or he was, uhh, excited.
It depends on the dog, and there are no better methods than positive ones. Training that sensationalizes itself by promising quick results ends in animal abuse.
If I had to guess, malamute.
Sorry to hear that anon. I'll give my pup extra attention today
Fairly accurate although a lot of this, like wagging more to the right, is going to be almost impossible to decipher IRL and is usually seen in video recordings. Also this is just one part of the picture - alert and excited might be ready to play or ready to fight depending on the context for example.
Dubs gets it. also nicely fitting since this looks like a double merle aussie.
Never move to the rural south. Free roaming dogs are the norm here. Can't walk my dog without a pack swarming us. It is infuriating
With a puppy? A while, because they are a puppy. The best analogy I can think of is having to get on a little kid about washing their hands; you have to do it their entire young childhood after they shit, before they eat, after they play in dirt, etc, for years. But when they get older, that sets the building bocks for automatically washing their hands after using the bathroom. It's similar for puppy behavior training, you aren't going to see a change overnight but when they get older it will hopefully shine through.
This is why I always preferred adult dogs to puppies lol
Your puppy is also going to go through multiple fear periods and periods of testing boundaries, where they seem to forget things that you taught them that they previously had down well. So be prepared for that.
>how to stop puppy from wanting to roughhouse on bed
Don't play with him on the bed. If he wants to play on the bed, ignore. Still wants to play, put him somewhere appropriate for playing and play with him there. Make sure the pup is getting both mental and physical stimulation if you notice he's wanting to play when it should be bed time
How many more of these images have you saved on your computer and why?
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God I wish that were me
>you will never be a femboy aussie twink with a tall cheetah bf
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>collie twinks facial expression
>that dress
>that arched back
…would. do you dogbros have any more

t. catfriend
What are the signs my dog is choking? Twice now, he stops eating and comes to me with his mouth partially open. He makes no noise and food eventually comes of of his mouth. The first time he helped himself, but this time I did that thing when you have them lay down and press on their ribs and now he's better. Was he choking? How can I make sure he stops choking?
This asshole set my blood to boil
Dogpile this imposter cunt
Let's keep it basset-related and basset positive.
I thought you faggots said aussies were good dogs.
We don't shit up the genny over here faggot
We need to give basset hounds a chance.
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No one ever said this. This is the breed I see the most for behavioral euth. The worst part is I don't even think they're that common around here.
They are the prettiest dog, which people often conflate with good.
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I worked at a dog daycare when I was a teenager and these dogs were always the ones that bit the others

One day a few formed a pack and one of the males ripped an ear off a shepherd mix while trying to bully as many dogs into the middle of the play area as it could. It was gruesome. I saw it happen. The shepherd was standing its ground and barking, then the collie bit its leg, it started snarling, and the collie went for the poor guys ears.
Skill issue.
Fucking kek
theyre not even australian. get a kelpie
Kelpies are rare in the US. What are they like? Similar to ACDs?
Boston Terriers are neat.
One of my favorite things about my dog is that when she shakes I can hear her ears flapping
That's actually her balls slapping against her inner thighs.
Oh lol, my balls do that
>her balls
Your balls slap against her inner thighs!?
I literally just said that. Can't you read?
What are the signs my dog is choking?
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9/10 times when I check in here, wanting to post some pics and write some words, something weird is going on. And not the good kind of weird.
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good is a matter of prospective.
IM SORRY. It was a joke. The other ones made it worse.
There's no point trying to talk about dogs in this thread because your post will be ignored because everyone would rather respond to zoophile bait than discuss or post dogs. Just create your own thread instead fuck generals.
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I have the most beautiful dog in the world (beautiful in a non homosexual, purely platonic way)
Something weird on 4chan!?
not really. theyre independant but will listen to commands. theyre funny dogs and good companions but need a lot of walks (my cross needs 2 walks a day + play time)
Woah someones prone to multi post meltdowns
>dresses his dog in the only clothes that fit
And you guys say we're mentally unwell.
You know how murderers and rapists in prison all band together to stomp the child abuser to death? It's kinda like that
>Dude America has the highest divorce rates in the world.
The statistic is skewed by assholes with six ex wives.
Heelers are funny if you enjoy assholery (I do). One nipped me on the ass, and another on the helmet, both for daring to use the computer instead of paying attention to them. The female I used to watch was super cuddly too. I miss her.
Median vs Average.

Median is a better gauge when the possibility of extreme values is present.
my puppy loves to bite me
will have him close to 2 months now
when does he begin to bite less?
also his bites haven't decreased in strength
usually drawing blood with his bites
he'll be getting his final DAPP vaccine soon, and I'll be taking him everywhere. I'm mainly worried he'll bite someone and I'll have to put him down.

I've tried getting up and walking away, ouch, yelp, no. But genereally he continues on and sometimes even gets my calf which pisses me off. The only time no works is when I sound really angry but he become fearful, ears back, eyes wide, begins to bark at me. Putting him in hia crate or pen isn't a solution as I don't want him to associate that with punishment. Feeling defeated just wanted a dog friend but this is like one of those friends who get you into trouble.
Bite back or isolate for 2 minutes. Be consistent.
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A dog that is truly choking won't be able to make any noise; sound is caused by air passing. That doesn't mean a dog that is coughing or whining might not still need help with something caught in it's throat though.
Losing oxygen, difficulty or unable to breath, gums and tongue are blue - truly choking and dying.
Something caught in throat and it needs out - Whining, coughing, retching, drooling, pawing at head or rubbing head against objects.
Of course it's all relative to the situation, a dog that is drooling and pawing at it's mouth for example may also have a broken tooth or something. And vice versa, if you suspect your dog is choking but it isn't displaying these symptoms, just go check. Pic related.
I do try to respond to everyone anon, sorry if I missed a post of yours previously. Sometimes these threads move too fast and they die on me or I just miss a genuine question.
>when does he begin to bite less?
With consistent training, hopefully around 6-8m they begin to tone down, and by a year I'd hope they stop inappropriate biting all-together, otherwise that looks really bad on a full-grown adult dog
>getting up and walking away,
I tend to use this as a last line of defense, not first
>ouch, yelp, no.
I know this works for some, but this has never worked for me.
>he become fearful
This is the last thing you want to do
>I don't want him to associate that with punishment.
good thinking, thats what makes dogs despise crating
Look into kikopup or zak george on puppy biting. I rec redirection and praising when the redirection works. It will take a while to see results. When out and about, just tell people he's in training and not to pet (if worried about bites) but they can drop him treats, maybe after making him sit or something. You still want positive stranger interaction.
Thanks bro
Lmao nevermind. there's a small chance. I found a 19 year old crazy zoo girl artist vet tech and I'll see how things go.
I hope you get your heart broken lol
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Hey /dog/! I finally walked my dog for the first time. I was the anon who posted last month about wanting to do it. I did it with my dad but I picked up his poop and walked the whole way with him on my leash hand.

Two things. He pooped twice so my dad had to do a weird trick with the bag to get the second one (so I think I'll carry 2 bags), and I now realize I'll have to wash my hand every day.
I hope it goes well for you lol
Get doggie bags. They fit in your pocket and you're carrying a lot more than two. Or bring a few grocery store bags. Bring 3 if you think you need 2
At least your dad picked up his own shit once!
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>and I now realize I'll have to wash my hand every day
what, you weren't washing em before?
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>search online through local animal shelter looking for a puppy for the first time
>there's nothing but square headed pitbull mystery meat that are covered in scars and shit
>not a single (non vicious mauling breed) little mutt puppy to be found

le sigh
Look on the bright side, if there's only pitbulls in your local shelters, it means that every non vicious mauling breed dog has a happy home!
My Labrador died recently and I'm still bitter I didn't get to say goodbye. It happened so suddenly, from being a happy healthy (albeit old) dog to being unable to coordinate any movement.
look on like craigslist or facebook for anyone who needs rehome their puppy in your local area
>local animal shelter
>puppy for the first time
You dodged a couple of bullets there. First, as you found out, even mediocre puppies are worth money. No one is giving them away for free when they could make a buck instead. Second, shelter animals are usually desexed, and early desexing is especially bad for health.
Google fucking sucks, what would happen if a dog bite on a battery? Just a bite.
There's acid in batteries, right? If it didn't pierce the battery, then I imagine he'll be fine. My fucking dog destroyed my da charger when he was a puppy. I will never forgive him
My dog started licking his paws at around 10 PM and continued to do it intermittently throughout the night and into the morning
The paw he's licking is very pink, he doesn't flinch when I touch it and he can walk fine on it
Any ideas?
I'm not sure, I think she just gave it a munch, my wireless mouse is gone but I'm worried about her... I'll take her to the vet but tomorrow.
Did you inspect the battery?
My dog does this too. He also licks his butt after pooping (and his penis after pissing) and I want to know if this is normal. His butthole fur is also a little pink
I'm sorry you didn't get any closure anon. Is there a grave or something you can visit?
Bit on a battery, not eat the whole thing? Keep an eye on her, don't make her vomit though; acid coming up can damage the esophagus.
Is it also allergies that my dogs licks his butt after pooping?
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Probably not. Paw licking is one of the first and most common signs of allergies though.
If the dog is excessively licking the butt I'd be worried about anal glands, but usually that's accompanied by a lot of scooting.
Alkaline batteries contain potassium hydroxide, which is similar to lye. If her mouth isn't melted and she's not acting weird, she's probably fine. Make sure she has access to water, but you're probably doing that anyway.
My dog doesn't scoot, but he does lick his butt. Thanks bro
Ye, I think there's a bite mark but I'm not even sure if it is from her.
Just a munch I think, she seems fine so far.
Lol who else is nibbling batteries? Check and see if she punctured it. If not, then she should be good. I used to lick batteries and put them in my mouth when I was younger so she should be fine
I shouldn't have got a puppy with a naturally docked tail especially as a first time dog owner. Trying to read his mood is hard without the extra tail-indicator.
You'll learn the more time you spend with him
Well I learned he doesn't like being touched too much. Or else he'll chomp down. But, I find this funny because every morning his head is on mine or he is tucked up next to me, beginning his symbiosis.
I think that's just a puppy thing. Actually, my dog didn't mind being touched. He's a little clingy. I wish I could sleep with my dog, but he has too much smegma. Might try something while I sleep, IDK
I really hope my boy doesn't get this, I already wipe crusted poopoo from his butt with a wet wipe.
That is gross. I think I pulled a string of eaten toy from his butthole once. I memory holed that until just now....

Smegma only appears if they're intact, I think. Especially if there's a female dog in heat around
I plan to keep him intact until he is 2. Just in case I want to stud him out.
My boy is 3 and he's still intact. Should I get rid of his little friends? I really don't want to, but I'm ignorant on the topic
Why remove a healthy organ? You haven't mentioned any behavioral issues so it probably isn't a big deal. Neutering only alters how aggression is displayed. It doesn't fix it.

The only major annoyance with my intact male dog is that I also have an intact bitch on my property, so when she is in heat he constantly begs me to go outside. He may also be a little more aloof/independent than a fixed dog, but he still listens well enough.
Mom used to have an intact girl too. She was much smaller, so he never really bothered her, but she would bother him lol. I hope my dog doesn't go crazy if he smells or notices an intact girl who is big enough for him. I don't want to wrestle with him since he's already a bit of an asshole when we go outside
He will. Once he associates the smell you will notice it from a mile away, literally.
>I wish I could sleep with my dog, but he has too much smegma
Please explain how a dog can be too smeggy to sleep with. I genuinely don't understand.
I can see the smegma. That's enough smegma for me
I thought he was leaving a snail trail everywhere he went or something. You're really making bro sleep alone because he's got a few dick boogers? That's mean.
Ew lol
He also sheds a lot. That's a lot worse than green dog nut. Also the little bitches shit in my bed when i let him chill in my bed once. Also he's big as fuck and can't sit still to save his fucking life. Also he's a fucking who doesn't deserve a comfortable bed because he destroyed the first bed I bought him. It was such an amazing bed and he fucking destroyed it. He tried to fuck it, then he destroyed it. I have yet to forgive him
If I got a friend for my dog, would he stop hanging out with me?
>he's a fucking who
I don't even know what I was trying to say here
Dogs are willing to tolerate my autism, so in turn I tolerate their disgusting nature

Those are more reasonable reasons
Not sure, but it turns outdoor time/walks into easy mode. Just let them play with each other for like 30 mins a couple times a day and they're happy.

It doesn't replace a good fetch/training session, but it's really nice when you're feeling lazy.
Did I make a post here about living with a pitbull and wanting to know how to defend myself should it comes to that? Well, the pitbull just attacked the owner. The owner apparently just has a scratch, but this was the 2nd time this has happened. The owner just left him outside and went to sleep (I shit you not). Just thought I should provide an update
>just attacked the owner.
*My neighbor, not the owner. It's 1 am
you should call animal control so they can come take the owner away
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>oh no, I bought this giant bag of xylitol to try to reduce my sugar intake and your vicious animal somehow ate a bunch of it while you were sleeping, what a shame
Lol unfortunately if the dog dies of any type of poisoning, I'll be the primary suspect. I can only hope it runs away or gets it's cumuppence via a bullet
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If you can playfight with it, you might be able to get a feel for its weaknesses. If you're black (or possibly even mulatto), your primal combat skills will probably be activated by an attack, in which case you'll do fine. Also, consider if there will actually be any consequences to getting caught. Does the owner have the balls to retaliate? If he reports you to the police, will they care enough to investigate, or be able to prove you did it?
The owner and I don't get along at all. If I get caught, I'll have to do to him exactly what I did to the dog, and I promise the police will investigate that. As much as I would love to get them out of my hair, the cons outway the pros, sadly
wash that cock
It really depends on a few factors.
Outdoor dogs should be snipped, as it keeps them from wandering off and also reduces their likelihood of attacking.
Dogs that are cryptorchid really should be fixed, as they have a much higher rate of cancer.
If you plan on bringing your dog to off-leash dog events, dog parks, doggy day care etc you'll want to get your dog fixed. In a lot of cases, you will need to if you want to participate.
If your dog already has had penile issues, sheath issues, etc, you'll want to minimize that as much as possible by ensuring there's no mating.
If you live in close proximity to an intact female dog, for obvious reasons.
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A major victory against the Smurfs was had today. Thousands lay dead at the paws of the three defenders of the chicken empire.
about to put a prong collar and have a leash on my puppy if he keeps eating shit off the ground causing him to throw up and get diarrhea.
You really gotta watch him. My dog tries to each shit, but I watch his ass like a hawk
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Dog just got admitted to emergency vet with haemorrhagic gastroenteritis
Prognosis is good, low chance of death with treatment and he's only a young lad so he'll recover well they believe, unless there's complications. They're doing scans right now to figure out if there's an obstruction causing it or something worse.
Gunna be like AU$6000-10000 depending on how long he has to be in there. They said at least a day after his initial 12 hours of intensive care, so 36 hours total, but they've said expect more like 72hours all in which is where the cost is coming from

Rolled the dice on no insurance and lost, but luckily I can cover it without going into debt. Wish him luck lads.
New breed
Scary. Hope the young lad makes a full recovery.

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