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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

>Pests and Diseases

>Thousands of Botanical Illustrations

>Cacti and Succulents

>Carnivorous plants

>Alpine plants


>How to Make a Terrarium

>Previously on /plant/ >>865813
>Previously on /plant/ * >>4865813
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wtf is wrong with my saliva divinorum? Its leaves die back from the tip despite me having it outside in half shadow. The plant arrived during March with some thrips but I got rid of those. First time caring for this type of plant so idk what to do
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Looks like a nutrient deficiency.
Because you planted in that tiny toilet-looking thing
That guy from terrariumtribe looks incredibly reddit but the girl is cute. I bet he posts in /r/cuckold, she has taken more BBCs than the terrariums they've built together
Thanks. Will fertilize.
The root ball is barely larger than the stem because this plant was propagated by branch rooting. It has plenty of room and a drainage at the bottom but I'll repot it if it might help.
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At first I didn't believe the "brainrot" meme, but there are people out there who legitimately think like this. Get off 4chan and talk to somebody outside.
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I don't know what most of these are but heres my collection.
I wish I knew what I was doing wrong with the elephant ear plant in the back right. Its the only one I actually paid any money for and it was doing good for the first few weeks but now is all shriveled up and dying.
Soak crushed lump charcoal in a liquid fertilizer like compost tea for a couple weeks and mix it into the soil when you report it. It will act as a slow release fertilizer.
Do multiple growlights stack when it comes to potency? If I have two lights the same distance from the plant instead of one, will it be stronger or does it just function as more area covered?
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Nice collection. That sucks about the sadboi in the back, but depending on what species that is it's definitely under watered. They're mostly marsh plants. They like it a bit moist. Everything else you got there can either tolerate dry spells or are outright built for them. From what I can see you got a ZZ plant, 2 snake plants, a Monstera, a pothos, and I think the big nigga on the floor is a schefflera, but idk. Ditto to the little noodle growing above it that's identical. You got some viners in the back but I can't see them good enough.

I just got my impulse-bought tillandsia in the mail, along with my Monstera Dubia. The Dubia I'm pretty sure I can just train up and down a mesh trellis, but tillandsia just weirds me out. Where do they go? Do people just put them in cups or something? If I just kinda set them in with my other plants without burying them will they be alright? Right now I'm just sticking em wherever they'll stay and look decorative where I won't forget they're there.
Thank you very much, anon. I appreciate your help.
Can someone of you plant nerds explain to me how the battlefields in Eastern Ukraine aren't completely overgrown fields of heath by now? Posting pic is pointless, they just look like regular agricultural fields off season.
They haven't been sown and harvested in 2.5 years.
They also aren't like mowed or anything, because they often are mined or targeted. In fact, it's a death trap to even move on them, which is why all advancing occurs along tree lines.
Yet despite no human setting foot on them since early 2022, they look freshly mowed.

Can get (harmless) algae, I like clear pots cos I can snoop on what's going on downstairs with moisture/root health.

Some plants will start growing under the soil if their roots get sunlight and some says it's bad for roots.

Best I reckon is clear pot inside a cache pot.
Ok so I'll get Algae and the worst that can happen is the pot will look gross and the nice roots won't show prominatly, I can live with that. I was expecting a disaster. Thanks for replying
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>you couldn't be talking about acacia podalyriifolia could you? that's literally endemic to southeast queensland
Yep, that's it. Don't blame me. I don't make the lists. I love it but I guess people hate it because it self-sows in their gardens or whatever.
>if I'm pulling invasive garden escapees I'm sure as fuck not planting them anywhere lmao
I'm not saying you should. Most of the things I mentioned aren't crazy invasive and are fine in suburban garden beds. The main reason they grow in parks and wasteland is because people dump them there.
Nothing wrong with grabbing some nice big bromeliads out of the park. Other stuff that can be more invasive (Sansevierias, Agaves, whatevs) you can just keep and grow in pots.
People on /plant/ are often short of money, so I think it makes sense for them to pull garden escapees out of parks or wasteland and grow them in pots. Why pay a lot of money for Sansevieria at a nursery when you can get as much as you want for free? You can take Monstera leaves and Bougainvillea cuttings to propagate while you're at it.

>I was talking about hydrocotyle acutiloba and centella asiatica that are actually locally native
Huh. I didn't know those plants but they look familiar and it's crazy that people spazz out about them, especially if they're local natives.
>they get their knickers all in a knot when anything tries to grow in their glyphosate monoculture monstrosity of a lawn
It sounds like you listen to Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't and watch Kill Your Lawn. If not, you would love them!
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I'm growing a mango plant from a seed. Anything important I should know?
You will probably never get mangoes from it as it's grown from seed and not from a cutting from a producing mango tree.
This applies to most every commercial fruit tree.
And who is this? I've never got it.

Not anon
It will be stronger. Download an app called Photone and play with it.
No problem. Good luck, anon.
You will get a fruit if you wait long enough, it will probably not be very good though. Or you might win a lottery and get a decent one.
>retard calling nutrient deficiency on a tiny fresh potted plant
It's a stressed pant with barely any roots potted in a weird non-breathing container that might as well be a toilet. The soil probably stays wet for the longest time.
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Not the same guy but that reminded me of an idea I had
I have several nice candle jars that I wanted to use as pots, but now the question is what can I actually put in them?
Is there anything that can thrive in a glass jar with no drainage?
Is this just a terrible idea altogether?
I have an orchid.
Clay balls, a little water in the bottom, and it's on a heat matt, and the heat matt turns on when a thermometer drops below 17 degrees celsius, the thermometer is near the roots.
The heat matt turns off at 21 degrees.
It's a foxtail orchid, blue, native to Thailand and I'm in the UK.

But I grow a lot a plants just in pots with no drainage, just don't over water shit.
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What are the fuckin chances this comes out the right way up? 20%
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Cunting science
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So these are just coco, perlite, vermiculite straight into the pot, no secondary pot inside; and they seem to be doing ok.
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Last one.
As you can see, 90% of mine are grown straight into a pot.
Where did you get this? Also, I have some orchids I attached to my tree outside. One bit the dust already. How am I supposed to fertilize these things? And is there any way to propagate orchids? I want to cover this tree
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What are those two narrow leaved dudes? They remind me of roided up spider plants.
Just put an inch or two of crushed lump charcoal in the bottom and use a well draining soil.
Oh I don't really expect fruit, and it takes supposedly 8 years for seed-grown plants if it happens at all. But I just meant general tips on making it a healthy plant.
(By the way this webm from the webm thread is what inspired me to try.) Nevermind I can't find it. Maybe it wasn't on /an/, or I just didn't save it. It was a timelapse of someone growing a mango plant from a seed.
Well I hope your winter temperatures never go below 15 Celsius in the night.
I mixed literally 2 single drops of house plant liquid feed in 200ml of water in a spray bottle and spray it once a weed. Then I spray it every morning with water.
You need your humidity at least 50% all the time, preferably 70+
I'd say once they are established, maybe a year, they will look after themselves outside.
Where do you live?

Pride of Madeira; Echium candicans
I left one in my garden last year and it died, because I'm in the UK.
So this year I've grown them inside, come spring 2025 I will put them in the ground.
They only flower in the second year, then die.

Seems as there are two of the other plant as well, they are plumerias, from Hawaii.
The easiest way to propagate is by separation.
Orchids from seeds are grown on nutrient agar in petri dishes. I think.
I got it from eBay, it was already in the UK.
If I wanted there are plants from Thailand but the postage is £28 and the question is will it last 10 days in the dark being chucked around??
South Florida. It's hot and humid here. I'll try that liquid feed since I want them to bloom again.
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Aftermath of baby Parlour Palm falling in my turtle tank and swimming for half a day. Been about a week not too bad
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>move into aunt and uncle's old apartment since it's cheap and I don't have to pay a deposit since we know the landlord
>Aunt leaves behind two EXTREMELY neglected aloe plants
>Both grown indoors with a single 60w kitchen light bulb for sustenance, one in a vase of water and nothing else, another in a bucket with no drainage
>Both are essentially dead upon being "gifted" them (read: left behind)
>Set one outside (in late April where it still gets down into the 20s at night) and the other one on the counter top corner with intentions to toss both away
>Forget about both for months due to life
>Outside yesterday checking my boxwood and Barberry shrublets
>Pic related

I already have two aloe plants but I kinda feel obliged to take care of them at this point. Literal months of being treated like trash and their response is to just go "fuck you" and keep growing anyway.
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Like I was gonna toss it just cause I wanted the vase but this dude's DETERMINED. If I make a nice succ soil mix and stick em in pots with my other aloe plants you think they'll throw fits?
Nah give em a good drink, let dry, remove the dead leaves (twist down at the base) then add with others they'll be fine
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>I left one in my garden last year and it died, because I'm in the UK.
They grow really well here on the south coast (Sussex), and self seed as well.
That's what I want.
I live in the midlands in the middle of a housing estate, frost got to mine last year.
I sent two to my friend down in Tetbury.

Is that yours? 12 foot? or more?
Also, I aint no orchid grower, I gave my last three away to my niece because I couldn't get along with them, I mean I've killed four ZZ plants.
But I guess I'm going something right with this orchid.
Wrong thread.
Also you're implying I'm not a gay black man
Don't assume my race or gender or sexuality kid. Now go back to >>>/b/ and /b/ a good little boy.
I won't buy your isopods Dan
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>Is that yours? 12 foot? or more?
No it's growing on the side of St Margaret's Church in Rottingdean, and from memory I would say it was more like 15ft tall.
They are fairly common all over the area as well, along with other tender plants like Aloe, Agave, Opuntia, Pelargonium, Antirrhinum, just off the top of my head.
Love living in Sussex by the Sea.
My parents have a big elephant ear and it does go through phases of doing extremely well to almost not being there anymore. Not sure if that is normal but it might be nothing.
My uncle lived near Hastings.
He died two years ago.
Lived in the same field since he was 17, no running water or electric.
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Moved into a new house. Any ideas what this is?
If the plant doesn't care about creating an entirely new fully formed plant from a seed, neither should you
It needs the proper conditions to grow either way, it's not any "easier" just because you can see it
who are you talking to and what are you even trying to say?
lel I agree with >>4880342
but I probably agree with you
A plant.
What does Google say?

I don't have kids, I had a vasectomy at 28
Based no kid haver
Looks like a Hippeastrum or Amaryllis maybe. Does it have a big bulb?

Also fuck Google and Plant ID apps. This shite is the death of human intelligence and knowledge.
Implying everyone should ask someone who might not know and does not know the names of plants.
Get a fuckin grip ya dick.
I've learnt more from Google ID and reading up on them and identifying them than from anywhere else.
Go slam ya dick in your books.

Fuck it, why don't you just answer every single question in every thread on every board of the net about plants
Not this anon >>4880672 but to you >>4880665

gave a better answer than you did.
So explain yourself.
Based boomer afraid of technology and civilization progressing
>I got my knowledge from knowing things
Sure thing dickhead.
You got it from a book and had to find the plant.
Now we don't have to get a book and look up the plant that we don't know what it is, also it might not even be in that book.
We just learn in faster ways and get to in information faster.
Thank you for guessing though and your one word answer. Sooooo helpful.

Can I suggest reading through and thinking through your posts before you click Post.
seethe is high
Bots seething about this post, human knowledge and adaptability will prevail
Clicking that ugly ass link comes up with at least a dozen different plants in the results, so guess what, you need some actual human interaction to figure out which one it is. AI can suck my anus.
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I've seen these eggs on one of my plants twice now.

Anyone know what laid them?
I live in San Antonio TX
>What's this plant?
Options, visuals, reading, learning.
A guess from some cunt on 4chan

I know which I'd sooner have to use.
Do you guys name your plants?
Green lacewing. Their larva eat pests.
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Yeah. My favourites are Cuntface, Dicklick and Numbnuts.
What we've all learned from this exchange is that you are inept at human interaction, which is probably why you love using Google so much.
Stay seething.
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Why are some leaves on my hardy kiwi (actinidia arguta) deformed?
Use kido.
Next time I'll ask a random stranger to guess the plant or take a plant to a shop or try and find it in a book.
I could use Google lens and save my self time, money and talking to twats like you.
Looks like damage from roundup to me. One of your neighbors over sprayed.
Based schizo
Kek i thought he was a boomer because boomers cant use tech for shit but it is actually a genx guy because he refuses to use technology because he thinks he knows more than the internet. This is how we know gen x are retarded as well
I wish I had the space for running bamboo.
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Pic related is Virgar, my tree fern. I also have
>Sigmund, my drosera binata
>Tóra, my titanopsis
>Brestir, my heliamphora
>Tróndur, my darlingtonia
I choose names from Faroese kvæði.
That's beautiful, in which country do you live? My fern suffers because I live in the desert
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Austria. Which fern do you have and what soil have you been using?
I got told that a tree fern needs regular spraying and no direct sun but my premise is always that the plant has to survive the bare minimum I'm willing to do and in Virgar's case, that means no misting and partial full exposure to the afternoon sun. Pic related was a week after I got him, so you can see how this all worked out for him. However, I do have to keep the soil moist at all times because once it dries up his leaves will whither within a day and if it happens while the fern is rolling out a new one, it will be stunted. No amount of water afterward can change that.
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Example of what it looks like if the soil dries up while the fern is developing a leaf:
Left one has been fully rolled out before I went on vacation - however, someone forgot to water the fern and the soil dried out for a day, resulting in stunted growth. It still has the shine of all those compact cells that never got to expand.
In comparison, the right one is about a month old and still not done growing.
I hope you hike in those beautiful Austrian mountains.
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How hard are roses to root? Snagged this off the bush out front before my landlord shears them down to nubs like he does every few years. I took the flower and all but the top three or so sets of leaves off and dipped it in rooting hormone if that shit actually does anything. Stuck it in a plastic gallon(ish) pot. So far it hasn't wilted or faded, but it's also only been a day, so we'll see how it does.
I personally have never successfully rooted a rose cutting, but it's supposed to be really easy. My great grandma would just cut them off and stick them in the dirt and they would grow.
And yet I'm the only person ITT who actually responded with some suggestions of what it might be, all you've been able to come up with is
>What does Google say?
>You're a dick.
I know what kind of person I'd rather interact with.
How come I never ever see anyone with nice Plants in the Plant general? It's crazy
post ur nice plont
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You should remove the flower so it can use all its energy to root
ur nice plant
Were on 4chan mate, you're implying this is how we talk in reality.
I gave more options because you were wrong, I gave pictures and more suggestions or options.

You fuckin fascist.
You basically said:
>It might be this, if it's not it's not.
Great help.

Which way to this specific shop?
>Might be over there, might not be
Google do you know the way to this specific shop?
>Let me show you the may ways to get there
>I gave pictures and more suggestions or options.
What? You gave an ugly ass link with no actual input of your own.
>You fuckin fascist.
What? OK.
You're a pedophile. See how this is going now?
Everyone ITT now knows you're a pedophile with a severe personality disorder and zero horticultural knowledge.
Great job.
You are absolutely insane, and also a pedophile so I hear.
I gave reason to call you a fascist.
You gave one answer and you are bitching that we should listen to you rather than have options.

What is wrong with a link? You're talking like it should be pretty and we are using pen and paper. You do know how to copy and paste? We are using computers.

You have proven you're just prick who was wrong.
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I did. Pulled all but the top few sets of leaves so it can still photosynthesize. Hopefully it takes, but the plants also putting out big ass berries, so I can always grab seeds too.
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nice enough?
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Here's one, very dirty but I have a good excuse. I'm not a Botanist but at least try, otherwise it depressing looking through these Threads every day

Fuck off
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Oops forgot picture >>4881663
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Just put in 4 new creeping phlox. The small one is a pint pot, the only "apple blossom" color they had in stock.
It's mainly house plants.
There are some people who have things.
I send photos every week to my friend and she sends them back of flowers in our gardens.

I aint sitting here uploading 20 pictures in a row.
Well not today, especially when I have a 62 year old gilf I gota go n fuck
Oh shit, did you say Gilf? Post her nao!

I don't care if they're house plants or not, what ever they are I just like to see flourishing stuff. If you say nice Plants are posted ill take your word for it
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What are the care needed for the Thevetia peruviana (false oleander)?
I have seen they grow in places with too much heat.
I have handled a couple of seeds to my place, a couple of them are totally dry and black but other are greens, I can get more but the girl says all are green.
How deep should I bury in a big plantpot? do I need to cut them open?(Im guessing the seeds are inside the blister) how much water is needed?
I want to make they grow fast and make a small wall like on the roof and in the street.
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>62 year old gilf
I'm from where these are from. I actually see them growing in direct sun quite often, and the sun here can be very unforgiving (up to and over 40 degrees, 16 UV index). I think the most important thing is humidity and precipitation. In the first picture it looks a little etiolated but in the second picture it looks a lot healthier, so I'd say whoever told you to keep it out of direct sun was probably just giving you generic advice that works for most ferns but what you're doing is right for these
they do like a lot of water but surprisingly once established (might take a few years and a bigger pot) they can be pretty drought tolerant
Take a look, but this aint where I met mine.
The one I'm banging is my best friends mother.
banksia spinulosa var collina, from wild collected seed
it's gonna be real nice in another year or two
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goodenia rotundifolia, also wild/local
there's a couple varieties of this around but I like this one cause it's tiny and fuzzy
where do i get this funny looking bastard?
you might be able to find it in a native nursery in southeast queensland but if you're not from around there you're probably out of luck as it's pretty obscure
Thirdies, trannies, zoomies and neets almost exclusively view the world through highly curated videos that completely warp them, these people will watch so much pornography it genuinely rots their brains. It's no wonder it's used as a weapon.
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just went to check on it and it's flowering
the flower isn't supposed to look this stupid but it's trying its best
Truly being raised on the Internet since birth has created a generation of perverted imbeciles.
love this fuzzy little bastard
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Thanks. very useful and really apprecate it.
Enjoy the plants!!
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Eh. Give it a little water. She'll be fine.

Anon I'm probably the biggest coombrain ITT but I still have a grasp on reality. It's not just the porn, although I agree it IS used as a weapon. It's a combination of things causing some weird behavioral sink in people because otherwise normal people Ive known fall victim to this mindrot daily.
Worth it for the pot and saucer. And have a go at propagating those last living bits too.
Buying shitty plants at garage sales is a good way of getting nice pots.
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What is the longest you all have had a cutting live without rooting? I have a few pieces of a now long dead Cupressus macrocarpa ("Gold Crest" Monterey cypress) survive in my tortured nerve plant pickle-jar terrarium. They haven't dried out, haven't rooted, and haven't rotted. They've even started to show signs of new growth at the tips. It's been at least 7 months inside the jar. Here's my shitty phone picture, I'll try to get a better macro photo later.
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Slightly different but I put this snapped Zanzibar in water about 8 months ago for shits and gigs and it's put out about 2mm of roots and still survivin
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woops that was much older pic
Based techinept boomer/tech illiterate gen x
Bro you are projecting now...
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Can I get some help? I wanted to propagate my monstera and made a cutting like two months ago. After a month it eventually sprouted one meager root from the node above water level (water was like halfway between aerial root stems) that dipped into water as it grew. Now the single root looks unhealthy. I'm no expert but I guess shit's just rotting.

What do?
Looks fine, water roots look different than soil roots. Just keep the water oxygenated.
Looks leggy, need more light
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For 2 months, that root doesn't look good at all. Does it smell rotten?
I found a monstera cutting in a garbage can, rootless, and after ~10 weeks in water, it looked like this.
I used a large water jug in bright, mostly indirect sunlight and added a teaspoon of rooting hormone powder (although i have rooted other plants without powder before). Changed the water only twice in that period, but topped it off when it got too low. Same as with yours, the second node was above water and that was the one that grew the strongest.

The stem and leaves on your cutting look fine. If the root doesn't smell bad or feel like it's decaying, i'd say just keep waiting
Thanks for the replies.
I see. I changed the water 3 times total since I found conflicting info on whether to do that frequently or not at all.
Right, makes sense.
Damn that's impressive, especially for a rescue literally salvaged from trash. The difference is striking. No, it doesn't smell rotten, but it definitely looked different before. Bit more white, bit more solid. The part near the aerial root's stem seems particularly dark and feeble. Good to know it's just not my cutting that grows roots from the second node, I thought it was an outlier case.

Changed the water, put it by the brightest window. Once I'm by a gardening store, I'll pick up something for rooting. I'll wait and see. If it does go bad, do I cut it off and start over or is the node
I’ve been collecting seeds from plants in my yard since April of this year. Ask me anything.
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I have 2 questions, why does every single plant on the planet require partial sunlight and not do well in full sun according to labels and websites, and also, where are american pet/terrarium youtubers going to just buy 20 different varieties of every kind of plant and moss you could imagine, while I only have flower shops or ordering them online for 20 more dollars than they should cost?
Impressively autistic, is the Indian tobacco Lobelia inflata?
This is the type of shit I'd be doing if I were addicted to Adderall instead of weed. Nice work.
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Yes, in fact, it is. The seeds are tiny as fuck. It’s pretty easy to collect them, just tap the seed pods and the seeds will sprinkle into the packet.
You’re probably looking at the wrong websites. Many plants thrive in full sun and others thrive in shade.
They’re YouTubers, they obviously have a lot of money so they can just buy a fuck ton of plants. Or they have them randomly lying around, which I wouldn’t doubt.
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Native selection just arrived
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Maybe you can tell me if it's a good idea then to plant my tree fern outside at some point then. He's the only one of my plants allowed to grow as tall and as broad as he likes but because I can only give him limited space inside, both pot and room wise, I sort of tend to lean towards planting him in my garden once his stem emerges and reaches a certain hight. Winter can get quite harsh here with temperatures reaching into the -20°C but those are rare and we usually get -10°C and occasionally 40°C in summer as well as ~80km windstorms in late spring [talking about my area specifically]. I am not above constructing a shed for him but I rather get him used to the weather overall so perhaps you can give me a little insight into what these plants can tolerate.
>why does every single plant on the planet require partial sunlight and not do well in full sun according to labels and websites
"Full sun" means many different things in different parts of the world.
Many plants are understorey plants that get smashed in full sun. Especially plants from tropical rainforests that never get full sun in their natural environment.
Even many tougher plants that can survive OK in full sun will have been grown in shadehouses and therefore need to be acclimatised to sun gradually, starting with maybe an hour of early morning sunlight and slowly moving it up from there over the course of several weeks.
Also, plants in pots feel the cold and the heat way more than plants in the soil. Soil is a great insulator and the temperature of the soil fluctuates much less over the course of a day or year than the air temperature does.
Plants in pots also can't get roots down into underground water sources, which exacerbates the dehydrating effect of full sun, and sun damage to the plant.
If you want to know what does really well in full sun in your area, look at public and commercial landscaping in your area, the things that are planted in supermarket car parks (parking lots), public parks, roundabouts and traffic islands, the grounds of factories and office buildings and shit.

>where are american pet/terrarium youtubers going to just buy 20 different varieties of every kind of plant
Wholesale/commercial suppliers maybe? You can get plants much cheaper and in bigger quantities if you go straight to the grower or wholesaler and cut out the retailer middleman. Some commercial suppliers will require you to buy a certain minimum amount and/or pretend to have a real business yourself.
is that a banksia grandis? and an adenanthos sericeus? you have some good taste in plants anon. I've always been a bit jealous of the proteaceae diversity on the west coast

where I live it's extremely rare for the temperature to go below freezing, but there are some tree fern species from places like tasmania and southern new zealand where it can snow and even get to -10 or so some years, so you'd have to check what particular species it is and if it's one of the more southern ones there's a chance it could survive in your climate, but there's also a good chance the frost might be a bit too much for it. You might be able to help it through the winter by wrapping it up but it's not deciduous so it wouldn't cope with the leaves dying over the winter. I'd say your best chance would be to have it in a big pot and bring it inside whenever it gets cold enough that it starts to look unhealthy
Banksia blechnifolia and yeah. Have never really watched natives grow, only had established so looking forward to these.
Nice! I've got a few of them I'm planning on starting in a milk jug, but they seem like they're going to be difficult to transplant. Are you planning on growing any or are you saving all these seeds long term?
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Rotate it in Gimp, ya dingus
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wtf is gimp?
I've tried three different ways
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Gimp is a free art program kind of like photoshop
I used paint, I'm not a tech git anymore
I'm saving them until I decide to plant them. I'm mainly doing this just to collect them but if I have a reason to plant them then I will.
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Hey guys, I’m new to plants (and the board) and want to do a really good job with this one. My family has traditionally sucked at gardening, and I always hated seeing nice plants enter our house, and dead ones exit a month later.

I know very little about this plant as I got it at a seminar nearly a month ago as a sort of prize, all I know is that it’s a succulent and that it may be an agave. If anyone could help identifying it, that would be awesome.

It seems to like about an ounce or two of water a week (which I heard is better delivered as an ice cube; as to not drench the agave). it seems the “leaves” (probably not the right term) will droop a little when it needs a refresher. I keep it in the windowsill all day and take it down periodically, although I read that it might be better to only give it six hours of sunlight at a time, so I’m not sure about that.

I am a little concerned about some aspects of its health; the underside of the lower two leaves are getting pruney, and I’m not sure if that’s to be expected or from too much sunlight or bad soil or something. I found several brown bumps (in a straight row) on top of one of the leaves that where about the diameter of the tip of a pencil when I first got it, and out of fear I ended up slightly digging them up with a small pocket knife, which may not have been the best idea. I recently found a fresh hole about the size of the tip of a sharpened pencil just today in one of the newer leaves, and I’m worried if it’s a sign of anything, or if it’s possible something just made a small puncture.

I’ve heard about weevils, but I live on the 5th story of my residence and can’t imagine one crawling all the way up here to mess with it, especially because they’re supposed to be the size of a fingernail. For safety’s sake, I took the plant out of the soil to inspect it, but found nothing out of the ordinary before putting it back. (Same soil)

Any advice at all would help!
At a guess it's NOT an Agave spp., more likely something in the Crassulaceae family. I think it's a Graptopetalum paraguayense. Personally I'd suggest slowly watering it until water runs out the bottom of the pot then letting the soil dry out before the next watering. They like lots of sun, so don't worry about that.

These are fairly easy to propagate from broken pieces and leaves. On that note, the leaves will detach kinda easily from the stem so be careful handling it in the future. Your biggest worry is probably going to be mealy bugs, but those are easy to notice. Most physical damage will scab/callus/scar over as long as it isn't too moist/humid. On that note, the greatest threat is you over watering it.
Whatever works. Gimp takes like an hour to load anyways. I wouldn't use it just to rotate a picture.
If you have a sunny window in your bathroom then it can benefit from the humidity of your shower
How often should I water my
>Persian shield
>Peace lily
what is this and how can I keep it alive? The roots look heavy and thick, does it need to be cut?
Looks good.
How did you come about owning it?

Change the water once a week at least, a little, I mean tiny bit of liquid feed each time, like 5, 6 drops.
Maybe put an aerator plant in there?

BUT: When you change the water make sure it's room temperature. So get a jug the same size, fill it and let it sit next to the plant for 24 hours. This will also help get rid of and gasses in the water like chlorine.
Then change the water the next day.
As for what it is, fuck knows, I can't name any of my plants.
I'm doing one right now and what i did is cut the flower and leaves and thorns and out it in a glass of water with a bit of sugar. Now i just wait. They supposedly take a while.

Damn maybe your grandma is right. Did she leave the flowers and everything? I'll poke one in the dirt and keep the rest in water and see which one works better
She'd definitely trim off the flower, but I think she would leave a set of leaves. I know you have to make sure you don't put it in upside down. Good luck, anon.
One of my chickens got in and ate my pothos down to the roots. I thought it was done for, but one of the roots survived and sent up a new leaf.
That happened aaaages ago, I remember you writing it here.
It should come back better than ever.

I've just repotted my fuckin peace lily into coco perlite n vermiculite. If it's not happy now then fuck it, it's going in the garden next spring and it can take its chances there.
I hope so. I bought it so I could use cuttings to help root other plants, but between my cats, chickens, and the winters around here it seems like it grows in reverse.
Cuttings to help root other plants?
What does one mean by this?
Pothos produces auxin which is basically what's in rooting hormone powder. You can stick a cutting in the same cup of water as cuttings from other plants and they will root better.
That’s good to hear. Thank you very much for the advice.
Interesting, thank you.
Rooting powder is £2.99

Also someone posted this a few months ago;
Its yellowjacket season. You are letting your carnivorous plants get their fill, right?
Fun fact: Roses don't naturally have that many petals, in the wild they have only five. They have a genetic mutation that gives them a fuckton of petals, so much in fact that they can't be pollinated well if at all.
was my sisters and she left it to sit in a thick layer of dust in the corner of her room rotting away. It was looking pretty pale when I got it a week ago but it already looks much greener.
you can also use bramble tips, cause I have no idea what pothos is
Willow is used for making rooting water also

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