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Welcome to /plant/, the happy green place on this blue board, where growers, gardeners and horticulturists share their love for things that grow.

Newbies and amateurs are very welcome, and we’ll always try to answer your questions.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

>Pests and Diseases

>Thousands of Botanical Illustrations

>Cacti and Succulents

>Carnivorous plants

>Alpine plants


>How to Make a Terrarium

>Previously on /plant/
Put my daylily seeds in the fridge today. Wish me luck anons. And rip to the old thread.
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POV: you tell the local plant club you don't own a Monstera
I buy Mint 4" from Freeman's Herbs at grocery stores, it starts out very lush with leaves the size of two quarters, but after I harvest from the top as I do with other herbs, it grows back smaller and smaller, dime sized, then eventually it's just mostly stem! This happened back when I have a west window with full sun, and even now when it's indoor lights (but basil and pelargonium is fine), watered enough, and repotted one after I got home.
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Can anyone help ID the mystery nigga growing with my telegraph plants? Should I keep it for shiggles or is it a weed? Also what happened to the old thread?
That looks like a mint though it also could be a balm, rub the leaves and smell it.

what happened to this site:

Anonymous 08/25/24(Sun)23:07:10 No.4865639
▶ Welp. Alone again

Anonymous ## Mod Mod Icon 08/25/24(Sun)23:16:17 No.145128460▶
Mods made a mistake. We're sorry.
cute seedlings
I hope
Anyone know where I can get Lilium canadense bulbs?

Also to 4865996 - my plant id app says it is swedish ivy - plectranthus verticillatus
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I bought a blue star fern a few hours ago. it was on sale for $4 at a local menards, isn't it beautiful.
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Monstera is the most basic bitch among basic bitches. I'd rather have spider plant or crassula.
Anyone know where I can get a silver vine plant or seeds?
Spider plants are actually awesome. I want to create a indoor lawn of them.
>Search "does [plant] x"
>literally every single time without fail, the top suggestion is "does [plant] like to be root bound"
No-one cares, and neither should you, are you the kinda fuckin idiot who clicks on adverts?
Are you looking for if your plant likes to be rootbound?
You do know what google is, right
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A search engine.
>implying I look at the adverts like a twat
I search for information I want to know and things I want to learn about.
wtf do you use it for?
>implying two million search results are all advertising
hey i got a bunch of little black aphids on my potted chives, what's a good way to get rid of them.
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Will a Golden Barrel Cactus regrow spines if they broke off? I think it happened when I was bringing it home.
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Got this syngonium a few months ago from a friend who works at a nursery.

I can't describe how happy it makes that it hasn't died somehow
Looks great
Dilute some milk to 10% and spray it over all of the chives. The milk should gum up their mouthparts and kill them. Chili sprays or soapy water should also kill them. You can also try spraying your chives with basil, rosemary, or mint to try to repel them.
thanks i'll try it
Aphids are easy - if there's only a few just rub them off with your finger. If there's a lot of them, spray with warm soapy water, or isopropyl or rubbing alcohol.
Is it normal for a tomatillo plant to start growing purple flowers in addition to yellow ones? Not that it matters, since all of the other plants got killed by spider mites, so it can't be pollinated anymore...
what the fuck is this mandala effect shit this did NOT exist before today
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my fern is growing stronger
I grew this fucker from spores so proud of my lil dude
How can I give my plants potassium without making the soil more acidic?
what about potassium chloride? you can find it in some grocery stores as "sodium-free salt" or "no-salt".
It's not the Mandela Effect; it's the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.

People are just lazy shits who want google to tell them that it's OK not to repot their rootbound plants.

What is so sensitive that it can't handle a bit of diluted potash or a diluted balanced organic fertiliser (ie, seaweed shit)?
based and Pteridomaniapilled
It seems to be the same as muriate of potash, I'll check it out.

Just my soil is very acidic, high in phosphate, high in magnesium, and lacking potassium (very low) so I will add lime and some source of potassium, I just didn't want to counteract the lime by using something that will make it more acidic, since I already need a lot of lime to raise pH by 2 points.
I thought potassium nitrate looks good but it's impossible to find locally, online it's rather expensive and mostly available in water soluble powder form.

There's langbeinite, that seems like a good option, if I can find it locally at a decent price.
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fuck this rotation
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The Plant Hoarder Chad
For the past 6 years I've grown the American Seed heirloom petunias in big containers, and found the results both beautiful and fascinating. There's something ideal about their overall violet frostiness and subtle variation on the theme, Every year the result is like the finest possible art.
Get a brush and pollinate it by hand. Plants don't usually have two colors of flowers unless they've been grafted or there are multiple plants being treated as one plant. When you see color mixes for flowers or crops like chard that's exactly what they are. Several varieties of seeds all mixed together.
You now have the secret of invisibility
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Newb/tourist here
What are some nice aromatic plants I can reasonably keep in an aerogarden?
Something that can otherwise stay small with small flowers.
I have some mint and lavender in one of the smaller units, but I have a bigger unit coming.
Mix in some biochar and some ashes. Biochar is neutral pH, so it will slightly raise your soils pH but ash is basic and has a lot of potassium which ticks both your boxes. The biochar has a lot of other benefits as well as long as you make sure to charge it for about a week with a liquid fertilizer. Compost, manure or other forms of organic matter will also help buffer your soil pH, but it would be very difficult to change the pH using organic matter.
Most herbs should work. Look for scented cultivars like cinnamon basil or lemon catnip. You should look into building your own aeroponics units too. It should be cheaper and you can build them to any size.
>Get a brush and pollinate it by hand.
With what? I've read that tomatillo plants can't use their own pollen.
>Plants don't usually have two colors of flowers unless they've been grafted or there are multiple plants being treated as one plant.
It's one plant, grown from seed. I just went out to take a picture, but every purple flower that I saw yesterday has wilted. Perhaps it's some sort of disease; the plant is rather unhealthy due to the hot, arid summer and accompanying spider mites.
My hibiscus that always had yellow flowers has just done this. Should I be concerned?
I appreciate the suggestions
I am no stranger with hydroponics systems. I have alot invested in more "real" systems with somewhere around 1500w is lighting alone.
I've just grown fond of aerogardens because they are not super intrusive (very little footprint) and their design isn't bad. Wouldn't pay full price for them tho.
maybe it's a yellow variety of an originally pink hibiscus species that decided to show its true colors?
weird. I've had it for 5 years and never ever did it do this. This spring it was attacked by aphids, so I just hope it's not an illness
wtf is an aerogarden
>attacked by aphids
could just be a random mutation due to damge and not a serious illness, i've heard of that happening
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nta but the name made me think it was a little commercial aeroponics set up but checking the website it's just hydroponic.
looks like it's literally just a plastic tub you fill with water and nutrients + a small led light.
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As a fellow hoarder I'm mad jelly of all the natural light. Not sure how many more clamp lights + folding LEDs I can fit down here before it becomes an amperage draw issue.
there is a pump tho which suprised me
they really did engineer the world's tiniest water pump that creates a water fall to add O2 to the water, even shuts off when the water is too low.
Would end up being more reliable than an air stone or mister
I don't get it
I knew ash is basic but didn't know it has potassium, that's great. Now i wish to find someone selling wood ash.
It was an old English belief that the seeds of ferns were invisible, which technically they are because ferns use spores, and that if you could find a fern seed and get it to grow that you would learn the secret to invisibility.
All those plants but not a planted aquarium
Check online listings and local wood and soil companies. You're more likely to find wood or wood byproducts than wood ash. You can look for cordwood, pellets, or sawdust and then burn it yourself. If there's a sawmill nearby then you should be able to find those pretty cheap. If you live near a forest then you can get a permit to harvest wood. Check online listings for that too.
>With what? I've read that tomatillo plants can't use their own pollen.
Might be worth trying. You could try to take some cuttings and see if you can keep it alive until next year when you have another tomatillo to pollinate it
Fair enough. I also like to pay for convenience.
Wood is easy to find, even for free. I just don't have a good/safe way to burn it in any decent quantity. But lots of people have pellet stoves and wood burners so I bet after the winter there will be some listings for free/cheap ash.
That sucks
I was growing tomatillos last year and stupidly only grew 2 plants
One got eaten by a slug and I threw the other away
>Not sure how many more clamp lights + folding LEDs I can fit down here before it becomes an amperage draw issue
More than you think. Assuming that you are in burgerland, that your lights draw 40 watts from the wall, and that you have nothing else drawing power on the circuit, you could have 36 lights running together safely.
Of course that's a very basic example, and there is a bit more thought and consideration that goes into it, but it's really not hard to figure out your limits. I'm no electrician but I know exactly how much I can safely run in my plant room.
i love plants that could overcome modern architecture
she got them purty lil edges like a mint plant
omfg thats a great idea anon ^_^
sounds like a load of shit for people who don't actually like plants but want to pretend they do
good to know I've got a new superpower now (my previous superpower was killing grevilleas)
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>sounds like a load of shit for people who don't actually like plants but want to pretend they do
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I'm workin on that. I thought these anubias would be bigger. Not sure what to even put in here, honestly. Micro guppy grass as a "field" with some larger anubias varieties for the "leaves" in the shrub would be neat. I am NOT trying micranthemum again. That shit is AIDS. Maybe some swords on the left by the log. I kinda want something that floats, too. Red root floater, maybe. This'll probably mainly be a fancy guppy tank. I've also got a 5 gallon with plants in it, but it's ass looking at the moment.
Issue is besides the aquariums and the ceiling lamps those are all running off of one drop cord running upstairs into the kitchen. Can't be drawing that much though since the cord doesn't even get warm, even after being on all day. I guess I could just get another heavy 12/3 drop cord and run it to the living room since nothing's plugged in there besides a few lamps.
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5 gallon before it went to shit. I think 5s are just a bit too small, but I'm also not SUPER experienced with smaller aquariums.
That for four bucks? That’s a pretty good deal for a pretty good plant. Congrats.
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>guppy grass
I'm retarded, I meant dwarf hairgrass.

Also my Philo's doin a thing. These kept falling off before and I wasn't sure why.
>be me
>just acquired hardy kiwi
>bout to acquire trifoliate orange
any other exotic fruit plants I can grow in temperate climates?
>rare variegated hibiscus t20 strawberry-vanilla icecream
>500 bucks + shipping
*rubs hands vigorously*
time to head over to etsy
I think at this point we can't consider potato exotic any more.
ate an orange an hour ago tastes pretty good. Too bad we can't grow pretty citrus trees here in zone 7
Thanks for the interesting article. I'm contemplating digging a little hole and planting an orange inside. I just hope someone won't fall accidentally inside though.
I think you'd get better results with a heat retaining wall or training the tree into a bush habit. The first part of that article should have talked about those.
Hey /an/ I have a small tamarind tree (about 4ft tall) in a big planter.

I bought a house recently and want to plant it in my backyard.

How deep/wide of a hole do I need to dig and how do I transfer it to the ground without hurting it?
Yes. There are even specialized potato growing bags.


KGB didn't like that
If plants can grow from cuttings in nothing but water, can they just survive without soil as long as they get good light and their roots are kept wet?
You can get away rooting cuttings in water but at some point the roots oxygen demand will outstrip the natural diffusion of O2 into water, at that point you need agitation or the water level needs to drop to allow some roots to be exposed to air.

People have kept certain plants in water indefinitely without much of anything. I forget what species it was but I had an uncle keep a cutting alive in a bottle on the window sill for a stupid long time, only refilling it occasionally. Never did grow much from what I remember him telling me.
I ask cause I bought a pothos (aware of its reputation for being invincible) for a vivarium I have, but don't really have well established soil in the area it would do best in. I figured since it's a climbing vine with aerial roots that grows really well without any soil at all, it might be fine if I just placed it down without the pot, in the dirt it came from, thinking aerials would be able to keep it alive with the high humidity, or that it would eventually creep its roots over to the better soil without having to displace all the other plants already there.
Sounds like it would be fine, as long as it doesn't dry out.
Roots will tend to explore, and they will eventually get into any suitable soil
that's one less thing to worry about then, ty
drying out shouldn't be an issue, I dunno if it was just cause I sprayed it down super hard after putting it in but having this thing in there alone seems to make the humidity drop WAY slower, the waxy leaves just keep water on them forever
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absolute units
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I bought a fancy grow tent with an led lamp and a ventilation system that I'm currently using to grow weed.
Pic related is my setup. The ducted fan has a carbon filter too, but that's mostly to mask weed smell and i assume it won't be useful for growing anything else.

I'd like to grow some vegetables in there after I harvest the plants in a few weeks.
What kind of vegetables would make sense in that environment?
I'm mostly concerned about the electricity cost versus the final yield (about 150 Watts on max power for the light).

I currently have my eyes on beef heart tomatoes, since they're rather expensive at the store, and I'm sure a grow lamp could get me better yields than a balcony grow could.
Eggplants or some kind of chili pepper also seem nice, especially since stores near me don't carry a large variety of fresh peppers.
does anyone have experience with growing any of those plants under a lamp?
I could use some recommendations for cultivars, and possibly some techniques to improve yields per watt, similar to training cannabis plants perhaps.
POTato hehe
>I bought a pothos (aware of its reputation for being invincible)
A chicken snuck into my house and ate my pothos. They are definitely not invincible.
I think you should try growing some leafy greens on a cut and come again basis. Weigh your harvest and compare the cost of electricity to the cost per ounce of your leafy greens at the store. Spinach is like $0.40/oz where I live which might be cheaper than your light. $0.40 in electricity should be about enough to run your setup for 22 hours.
Rip in pieces pitch pines ; _ ;
For the very vast majority of non-weed plants it's very difficult to break even on electricity.
I'm sure there are some people with uber optimized setups to make their plants the most productive given the light and space constraint but you definitely have to set an expectation your not going to save money. You mostly do it from the fun of it and you feel better knowing the produce you do have is completely pesticide free and clean enough to be eaten straight off the vine
Come to think of it, the yield for one weed harvest would be worth about 300euros, and a good harvest on a beef heart tomato plant would likely not surpass 30€, so expecting to hit a break-even point does seem pretty unrealistic.
I'm having fun obsessing over my current indoor setup and trying to optimize the plant growth, and I'm sure it'll be fun for indoor vegetable growing as well.
I think I'll be looking for some nice heirloom tomatoes or eggplants that I can't get in the supermarket.
I might move them out of the tent and onto the balcony once winter is over.
The only other thing that makes sense to use your indoor grow op for would be to get a head start before spring, and start growing plants before your last frost date indoors and then transplant them after your frost date. You can have many trays germinate and ready to go with a small indoor set up compared to trying to grow the whole plant inside, that way you'll have a head start on the growing season
I've heard microgreens can be profitable under lights
I usually lick them off
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spider plant growing too fast
I need to decided between pitch pine, american red pine, or korean pine.
what are you building
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>sounds like a load of shit for people who don't actually like plants but want to pretend they do
sounds more like a bunch of shit for people who want to pretend that they are super-experts in growing plants in ridiculously overcomplicated ways.
Sounds perfect for the average /plant/poster.

>I think at this point we can't consider potato exotic any more
It comes from the New World, which whitey only stumbled across a few hundred years ago. As such, it is a very recent addition to white culture and therefore way more exotic than any old "exotic" garbage from Asia or Africa.

Make the whole twice as wide as the pot and half-again as deep as the pot.
Check that the hole will drain OK. Fill it up with water and if the water drains away in say, less than half an hour that's good.
The mistake people always make with fruit trees is planting them too close to fences and buildings. Work out how many metres wide you want the tree to be at its widest before you prune it, and then give it another metre or so so it can get some sunlight and air.

>can they just survive without soil as long as they get good light and their roots are kept wet?
No, because they need nutrients too. Nitrogen, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, manganese, iron, etc, etc, etc. But you can just put some hydroponic fertiliser in the water. Then you're basically doing hydroponics.
I'm planting a pine tree
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>to pretend that they are super-experts in growing plants in ridiculously overcomplicated ways.
Hydroponics is simple
Easier to play by numbers than rituals with bat shit
>He likes vegetables that taste like water
How easy is it to dig up baby flytraps and transplant them? I have some in that were propgated off of flower stalks in their mother's pot, an the mother plant is starting to grow over top of them and it looks like its going to be a pain to dig them out. So they have small enough root systems that I can just lift them out safely with a spoon or something?
My grow light burnt out and it smelled like burning plastic and the thing was all smokey. I am now paranoid but I know the plants need the light. Fuck this sucks
What's wrong with my banana tree?
What light?
Some FEIT cheap shit that I got a home depot. I am lying to myself and saying it was the light fixture
mean to respond to you
They need a lot, and more water, and a bigger pot
fuck growing plants under grow light almost burned your house down
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prank idea

>buy grape plant
>name it gilbert
>infest it with bugs
>take it to the plant dr
>dr whats eating gilbers grapes

How long have you kept it in that tiny pot for?
Giant hole, bigger the better. Make it an archaeology project and find cool stuff underground.

Then fill it in with better soil than you dug out and put the plant in while the soil is loose, add compost on top as it compacts, then mulch.

The plant will stress from transplanting. They always do... no way to really help it, there's various things you can try but it's hard to mess up so bad you actually kill it, just wait a while and it will recover. I planted persimmon in April and it did NOTHING all year until August, it didn't change, didn't drop leaves, it just went into shock. It finally started growing some new leaf buds a few weeks ago, too late in the season but it's a good sign that it's alive and will start establishing next year.
Naming plants is hella gay though
Literally just got it a week ago.
Got it, thank you.
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>spring's started
>native solitary bees everywhere
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Australian detected
Lads, I repotted a plant 3 weeks ago and just yesterday I noticed small brown mushrooms growing out of the soil. I watered the fuck out of it when I repotted it and the soil is even now still slightly damp so I know that's why the mushrooms are there
My question is are they harmful in any way? Could they somehow harm my plant? Should I prick them out or can I leave them? I rather like them honestly so I hope they're ok
Another to the side
Some small brown caps can be seen on the surface ready to push up
Don't worry about it
Mushrooms are just a sign there is something living in the soil other than the plant.
They only consume dead things and are only help most of the time.
wtf kind of soil is that looks nasty as all hell
That's just pure shit. I understand the mushroom being happy in there but can't imagine any plant that would grow well in it.
>My question is are they harmful in any way?
They should be harmless, so long as you don't put them in your mouth.. If anything, it's a good sign that you've got microbial life in your soil.
>Could they somehow harm my plant?
It grows in the ground and not on the plant, so it's fine.
>Should I prick them out or can I leave them? I rather like them honestly so I hope they're ok
The mushroom is only the fruiting body, with the "real" fungus just being a mass of mycelium in the soil, so I don't expect it would make much difference even if you did.
mushrooms only eat dead things, this is why mold is bad while mushrooms are good
It might outcompete your plants roots though
I don't know about GBCs in particular, but I've accidentally knocked spines out of my cacti and none of them have grown back.
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Why Monstera do dis? It's in a humid(ish) basement with plenty of light, and I'm not seeing any pest damage. It's also only this leaf deciding it wants to fold itself like laundry for some reason.
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Whole plant. All I can think of is maybe it's stressing out since I built a trellis for it a week ago and had to flex it around a little so it would fit. Ive been watering it normally.
bro just wanted to show off his beautiful healthy monstera
Pothosbros... it's over
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I just wanted to post this, it's obviously not mine, but oh boy it will be.
For those interested, it's called Olioluki, the scientific name is Ipomoea corymbosa.
Thinking of starting a small garden on my balcony. I live in a pretty moderate climate that can accommodate a few plants into/over the winter but I've never gardened before. Anyone know a good guide or video series to get set up with an urban garden on a balcony? I have a very decent size space 12 ft by 7 ft. I can expand up to 20 ft if needed.
SE facing with full sun on most of the growing area btw
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I mean one of the leaves is folding itself in half, but otherwise I'm happy with how far it's come. Here it was as a baby.
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And on the topic of Monsteras, what's the difference between the "Thai Constellation" and "Aurea" cultivars? Why is one $40 and the other $100+? I know "Albo" is white and "Mint" is light green. From what I read Thai Constellation is supposedly more "speckled" but mine's pretty splotchy.
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I just wanted to share my new planter with you guys because i think its funny
Just get a bunch of pots and a shelf for starts. Buy seeds for container varieties of vegetables like cash machine zucchini and look up crops that stay small like leafy greens, herbs, strawberries, ect. Or plants that trellis well like beans or peas and grow them on the balcony rail or a section of trellis or fence bought for the purpose. Find a new things you eat often and start growing them. You should buy or build a stacking worm bin to keep under your sink for composting. Maybe look into biochar for your soil too.
I gave a few cuttings to a friend of mine because I knew something like this would happen so I'll have it back soon. I just wish they'd go after the weeds instead of anything in a pot.
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Will it ever even out?
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I just planted some sunflowers a few weeks ago, look who came out to say hi : )
Why no fungi thread?
Or we can simply ignore the fact that this is plant related and post fungus?
On 4chan feel free to go ahead and
make whatever threads you want
I for one have no objections to fungiposting, but there's nothing stopping you from making another thread if you want.
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I just bought this areca and I'm about to wash the roots and repot it. The stem is covered with tiny black dots. I searched a bit online, and a few people claimed that this is completely normal, as long as the spots can't be scratched off. Well, they can. What in God's name is is?
Separate question: How often do people generally fertilize this sort of thing? Do I even need to do that? I'm relatively new to this. Thank you anons.
Just did, and fucked it up
There's some on other boards. Here's one:

Someone started writing an faq for a general on installgentoo. It's not very good and it was never completed. Installgentoo is going down, but you can find a cached copy by googling cache:https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki//myco/_-_FAQ
What was the problem
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>Glance at Condalia hookeri I planted 4 years ago
>See that it has a lot of black spots
>Get really excited because I think I'll finally get to see birds eating berries
>Get a closer look
>They're flies
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what come out my plant?
more of a plunt
Looks like McBane
casual reminder that aloe vera has no medicinal properties
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Casual reminder that; punctuation and grammar is just common curtesy.
anyone grow Night Blooming Cereus here?
Which is the most reddit home plant?
Of course it does
I want to build an aquatic terrarium
what does this mean? is it bad?
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Weed requires effort. Also I don't think cannabis really falls into the "Houseplant" category since it needs a shitton of light and nutrients to be healthy.
i think so
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Sup /plant/ been quite a while (years) since I last visited. I hope your plants are all healthy and thriving.

I have a question regarding one of my carnivorous plants, specifically the purpurea on the left.
I've had if tor about 3 years now yet it barely increased in size. I repotted it last February to no effect. It remains the same small size.
As far as I know, the traps should be able to grow to at least double the size so what's up with that?
Im convinced they receive enough sunlight (take the psittacina on the right, bought it a couple weeks ago and it was completely green and now it's fully red) so I don't know what the issue is
Neither do bandages, stitches, or staples.
neither does anything else I grow afaik. ain't stopping me.
I bought some nutrients for plants, it says it has nitrogen 11 % p/p, phosphorus 8, potassium 7.5. Is this good? I'm afraid to damage my plants
Would you look at that, it's putrid wet dog smell season already!
Should be fine. Put it around your plants with about 6" between the fertilizer and the base of the plant or dilute it to prevent nutrient burn.
You can't wash the smell off plants that smell like a decaying wet dog though.
fuck wish I had a real purpurea instead of some hybrid
what plant smell like girl feet
Rafflesia arnoldii
Why there is not a fixed plant board on 4chan?
Thanks, i will do that today. What if I want to put it in a sansevieria that's in fiber and not soil? Or for smaller plants in tiny pots? What do you suggest?
If it's an organic fertilizer then make a tea out of it, if it's synthetic then dilute it. You can look up instructions for making manure tea and there should be dilution instructions on the packaging if it's synthetic. Either way water your plants with the result. You can also make a slow release fertilizer from synthetic fertilizer and crushed lump charcoal. Just put both in a bucket with water for a couple weeks and then filter it out and spread it over the soil. You won't have to worry about nutrient burn with it.
You seem intelligent. Any idea what the black spots are? >>4872149
No idea. To me it looks like minor damage that's healed, but if you can rub off the black spots then that's not what it is. I would just take a warm towel to it and gently wash them off.
i have a stupid question. i planted some lettuce today for the first time ever and ive never grown plants before so i dont know what the fuck i am doing. the woman at the store told me they should be fine planted like this (two lettuce plants per pot, pots are about 6" in diameter each) but i probably shouldve sought a second opinion before doing it. are my plants fucked or am I thinking about it too much?
the front row is iceberg lettuce and the back row are cos if that changes anything.
They'll be fine. You can sow them denser than that for cut-and-come-again harvesting. You could potentially add more plants too. Look into intercropping.
Should I get:
>a peace lily
>another monstera
>another pothos
>a calathea

I dont have much space left so i can't get everything
Peace lilies are sensitive pricks if you have hard water, same with calathea (leaves will burn). If you don't have issues with that, then calathea.
>doesn't have much space
>considers getting YET ANOTHER monstera
Anon do you have brain damage?
Not all Monsteras get xboxhueg. M. Siltepecana and M. Standleyana both stay fairly small. M. Dubia is another oddball choice, since it shingles. Pic related.
>bottom water plant
>forget about it for 8 hours
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It's stretching like crazy trying to reach sunlight. We think of Philodendrons as understorey plants that like shade, but "Xanadu" really likes sun. It's used as a landscaping plant in tiny little dirt islands in asphalt carparks in very hot and fairly dry parts of Australia.

>I'm about to wash the roots and repot it
Why on Earth would you wash the roots? Just leave the bloody thing alone. If it's rootbound, repot it, but if you just bought it it's probably not rootbound.
Just think of those black spots as freckles. Your plants, plural, are fine. You realise that that is multi-planted, and that you have several trees there in the one pot, right? Lots of small palms look shithouse on their own, so nurseries plant a whole bunch of them in one pot.

>a calathea
Pic related
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I had entirely eaten this celery and tossed it in my compost bin but a few days later i found it had grown enough to pop the lid off.
In respect of its strength i decided to plant it and it is progressing well.
Just, why... it's rancid shit
Like, taste? I like it, it's crunchy and fresh tasting.
Are you aware some people like vegetables?
I'm also a big fan of broccoli and bell peppers.
I figured, so I turned it around so the other side could get Sun, it's pretty close to a window so should be a decent spot. I don't have a problem with it doing that, it's growing, I just hate how even it is. Others I've seen are perfect a more aesthetically pleasing
Have you ever cooked with Celery?
Why not some herbs?
why are you growing iceberg lettuce
the most useless plant of all time
plants are just fucking life incarnate man, all they fucking do is grow
nobody talks about how wild it its that you're supposed to cut them apart every once in a while because they take it as a challenge and grow harder to spite you
This is why hating celery is the most childish thing
Shit goes so hard when you cook it with other stuff, takes on this strong savory flavor for no reason at all, and can add crunch or no texture at all based on your preference
its good on burgers.
Yeah, broccoli, peppers anything but coriander and celery. Does it not make you feel like you can not breath?
Chewing it and breathing in makes me choke, surely most of the population do not differ so much in how they taste things.

Never had it in my house because of memories of how it makes me feel.
I actually brought some a few weeks ago because I was trying to eat healthier, had one bite, threw the rest in the bin, not even worthy of composting.
I remember it in soups my mother made, I did eat that. I think.
Try a red lettuce next time. They have a lot of vitamin a and some cultivars turn completely red.
>celery and coriander are too spicy
That's not what I said fucknutt
I have a jar of chilis in my fridge
>Does it not make you feel like you can not breath?
Thanks anon, I think I'll do that then.

>Why on Earth would you wash the roots?
I thought those black things could've been caused by pests and such, who may reside in the roots, and hate water, hence the washing.
I like the idea of your philosophy of "leaving it alone", but is there a thought process behind it? Could washing the roots harm the plant? I'm curious. Plants are endlessly fascinating.
Fuck, wrong thread again!
>Does it not make you feel like you can not breath?
No? Not in the slightest.
It sounds like you're allergic to celery.
Well fuck. I've never considered that before.
Thank you anon.
Lmao reminds me to when I discovered I was allergic to nuts.
>'yea I love nuts but the itchiness on the throat is kinda annoying'
>'anon.... You're allergic'
>'Well shit'
>I like the idea of your philosophy of "leaving it alone", but is there a thought process behind it? Could washing the roots harm the plant?
There's an old saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Plants are pretty tough. Unless they have an obvious pest or disease fucking them up, just give them a suitable amount of sunlight and a suitable amount of water and they'll be fine. Feed and repot as required, and be aware that broad-leaved tropical plants will get brown and crispy leaf tips and edges in cold weather and cold/dry airconditioning. That's about it for beginners.
Those black marks on those palms are natural, like freckles. They're not scale insects, which also look like small black marks, and which you would actually have to do something about.
Unnecessarily fucking with the roots or any other part of the plant creates a risk of disease. As with your own skin, any wound is an opening for a potential infection. If you accidentally cut yourself you might be perfectly fine, but if you're unlucky you could get a dangerous infection. Same with your plants. Don't love them to death!
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It's been too long since I post on /an/ due to the huge amount of garden chores which I've finally finished. Now I can share at last.
starting of with my specimen orchid exploding in bloom at the moment.
bees keep killing my flowers so i installed 2 of those automated aersol fly spray dispensers around them
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They really are. Forgot about this nigga behind/under my big Philodendron and it was basically dry thatch except this ONE little green shoot still on a dried out tip. I watered it once and now it's putting out air roots. The shoot itself greened back up too.
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My squamiferum is growing an erection.
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.
Beautiful orchid fren
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41, ya little bitch
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Just picked it up from the street a while ago. Does anyone know the name of this plant?
Some kind of fern. No idea what kind.
That's beautiful, great work.
Went to a flower show today and was pleasantly surprised by a guy selling yuzu seedlings. He had trifoliate oranges as well but I think a true citrus is a bit cooler. Had looked for them online in the past with no luck
Looking forward to growing it - anyone else who has it have any tips?
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Requiring effort doesn't mean it can't be reddit.
Weed only requires effort because the companies selling weed specific fertilizers purposely make them shit to sell you other things to fix it.
How it usually goes
>go to hydro store
>get sold on general hydroponics or fox farm shit
>use as directed
>get multiple nutrient deficiencies
>companies conveniently sell additives with the specific nutrients your deficient in
>plant green again
>plants start to burn after a few weeks
>company sells "flushing" additive
>you use it with a shit load of water to flush out all the nutrients you already overpaid for
>learn to use half strength to stop burning
>still end up mixing 5 different fertilizers just to get the bare minimum in nutrition.
It becomes actually piss easy when you get nutrients formulated to grow shit or put together a decent potting mix

The shit people put their houseplants in is actually way too strong for weed. A pot of miracle grow or some other chem infused soil that has never been allowed to drain would be the dead sea for weed.
Nephrolepis something?
Are there any plants I can put in my office thar could spit out more oxygen than a run of the mill one or would they all be about the same?
Whatever grows fastest. Make an algae tank and toss out half the algae when it gets full.
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I didn't know there were "weed specific" fertilizers. I imagine it's the same kinda bullshit as "cactus mix" where they charge you extra for something worse than if you just did it yourself.

Fair point, bit I still distinguish between the plant and "weed culture". I hate weed culture and the brain dead retards it attracts. It's just the best form of anger management I've found yet. Now when my 3 day old canister filter shits out and fucks my whole tank with algae I just chill and smoke a bowl instead of letting the dopamine demon take hold and start breaking shit.

Also do NOT buy Sunsun filters. Fucking Chinese trash. Problem is EVERYTHING in the aquarium trade is made in fucking China now.
For me, it's Fluval
Why do you do it?
Why in the basement?
Do you sit down there?
>I didn't know there were "weed specific" fertilizers.
They don't call themselves weed specific, they are just marketed as hydroponic fertilizers for any crop (to dodge any paraphernalia accusations) but 90% of liquid hydroponic fertilizers sold in a small bottle are going to be used for weed and the manufacturers know it.
>its legal af fr
>i can fr
>i float no cap
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>Why do you do it?
What, grow houseplants?
>Why in the basement?
Convenience. There's a floor drain right by the washer/dryer and I can control the humidity since it's naturally dry where I live anyway. I'm actually a bit worried about my staghorn in the corner but it seems to be doin alright so far. Guess I need to mount it to something eventually but epiphytic plants are just odd to me.
>Do you sit down there?
Of course I do. Again, why not?
Can you mount it over the drain?
A few more ferns around there, raise the humidity using the plants.

I asked the questions above because I'm lost in life myself, asking myself these questions.
I feel on the verge of giving up, selling everything and fuckin off to Bali, Thailand, 6 feet under.
Plants are the only reason to wake up it seems
I'm even going to the Eden Project (UK) today because I have nothing else to do in life
Plants brutally mog dogs and cats. Two of my sansevieria died and I was furious, my neck was extremely stressed and tense for days. I love plants.
nephrolepis (maybe biserrata) up the front with an adiantum (aethiopicum?) and something in the pteridaceae behind it
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Why is this leaf growing out of two stems? Is it retarded?
Put my baby rubber plant in a new spot and it's shedded some leaves. Will it fertilize the soil or something if I put the leaves back in the pot?
I moved my orchid to a larger pot because it was toppling over and accidentally roughed it a bit too much because it's my first orchid. It dropped a few leaves and some roots rotted as well, I've been holding my breath for two weeks waiting to see if it recovers and I just noticed this today. Hooray.
Help, I moved into a pretty dark apartment a few months ago and one of my plants is getting pale + droopy from too little sunlight (I think) but I bought a grow lamp, how long will it take for it to perk up again?
2 weeks
I prefer plants that are grown well over rare plants that are barely surviving/growing poorly because I can't give them the right conditions
I bought a ton of cacti seed mixes in the past and I've had so much pleasure with them versus the ariocarpus and turbinicarpus seeds I bought which are kind of struggling along
Seeing them flower is a great feeling
Yeah they don't look as interesting or as beautiful as a properly grown ariocarpus or turbinicarpus but they definitely are more rewarding when you have a good looking and happy specimen
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new frond unfurled. I'm beginning to seriously wonder whether this is actually a cyathea (or one of the genera it got split into) instead of a calochlaena. The original fronds looked a lot more calochlaena like but I'm beginning to suspect that calochlaenas might just carry more neotenous traits into maturity since they're one of the only members of the cyathea/tree fern family that isn't a tree at all
idk maybe I'm full of shit but basically I collected a lot of fern spores and didn't label shit cause I didn't realise they'd take so long that I'd forget which is which so this is pretty much pot luck
by the way don't ask me what the fuck the medium is. I just dropped the ferns into my forget-about-it tray since I didn't think they'd grow so I think it was originally peat (probably like 2/3-3/4) with a bit of perlite and sand but now it's pretty much 90% dead bugs and slime since it's been in there for forever
Well I just got my trifoliate orange bros. And I already have hardy kiwi. What are some other unusual fruits I could grow here? I was thinking about pawpaw?
Keep us up to date with how it looks.
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lucky bamboo, how do I keep it from turning yellow and killing itself on me?
>>487593two or three drops of some house plant liquid feed every month. I mean 2 drops. Change the water at the same time.
Jelous of that euphorbia trigona
>tfw have to give plants away because they are getting to big

2 foot leaves, 6 feet fight overall
Can't even have it in my kitchen any more let alone my plant room because wherever I put it it blocks the TV
Can you please post your fern collection here, anon?
Take cuttings and start again
I can't there's only three leaves and their all over 2 foot

Alocasia Portodora
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Cold weather is coming.
Soon there will be no more plants to admire.
Go live in India or some tropical shithole
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If I could spend every winter in the tropics I certainly would.
>woke to a monstera leaf turning yellow
It's one of tiny new ones but im stressed, help me /plant/
More feed, more light, get a grip, it's just a plant.
Also; post picture, or post a story of how you got abused by a teacher and now your only soulmates are plants.
Where are you?
That's what I plan to do, I'm in the fuckin UK
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You have it way worse than me then, I'm in Italy.
Winters are usually pretty mild here but everything goes dormant anyway, so hikes becomes a lot less fun.
Indoor greenhouse with leds or terrarium
There now you got year round plants
Nice projection bro, care to tell us more about yourself?
bro your evergreens?
No mortgage, no wife or kids, piss easy job, rich parents.
I just have a stupid imagination.
Wona go Thailand for the plants, culture, animals.
I don't drink and never had a hooker.
I have been fuckin my friends mother for two years.
Once this weed grow is done I might go
It's been so fucking dry that my Forsythia is wilting.
Have you heard of water?
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>Wona go Thailand for the plants, culture, animals.
Based but you seem like a dick
It's just a plant? Where do you think you are?
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>Plants brutally mog dogs and cats.

Semi-related note, Wikipedia is ass for actually IDing plants. According to Wikipedia "Rojo Congo" and "Pink Princess" are both cultivars of P. Erubescens, which is kinda wrong; Rojo Congo is a P. Tatei hybrid, which is why it self heads and is generally unbothered by environmental changes whereas my pink princess is a floppy finicky asshole that clearly has a vining/climbing habit.
Totally, but I 100% need no-one else in my life, so fuck yall
But, I'll help anyone who asks or looks like they need help.

I am planning on substituting live tall unruly plants for fake ones.
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Ok anons what now?
Looking good, but keep them cooking a bit longer, you want to see new top growth before pricking out. A little drink wouldn't hurt either.
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hey guys I found a used condom on the sidewalk, should I try to get pregnant?
Keep the family tradition going
why won't me venus plant attract insects? they just hover over it. i'm thinking of feeding it a morsel of meat. also my housemates play with the mouths and make them bite a bottlecap, cute
>also my housemates play with the mouths and make them bite a bottlecap, cute
That's why
I just maim ants and stinkbugs and then feed them to my venus flytrap with big tweezers while they writhe in agony. If you can feed them bottlecaps you can feed them half dead insects, lazy-ass.
>wake up
>baby palm pot resting on my turtle tank got blown in water by wind
>looks to have landed perfectly upside down and due to physics only lost a tiny bit of soil
How come all those Hindu ladies on YouTube grow flowers in literal mud and yet they end up looking better than all the plants I have, do they know something I don't?
thats not mud
>Hindu ladies
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I think you might have me confused with another anon cause I don't actually have that many ferns I've grown myself
but anyway here's an extremely interesting silver adiantum (hispidulum?) I found in a rock wall at a friend's place
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here's my own much more normal (less interesting) adiantum hispidulum
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here's a neat little stand of nephrolepis cordifolia that I've seen in habitat it's pretty much garden goals for me
>nephrolepis cordifolia
Where's the habitat? It's native to north Queensland. Anywhere else (including southern Queensland) it's basically a weed/invasive species and you can take as much of it as you want with a clear conscience.
It will regrow from tubers and shit, but it usually looks pretty ratty.
southeast queensland
>Anywhere else (including southern Queensland) it's basically a weed/invasive species
source on this? everything I can find says it's native all the way down to northern NSW
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>tfw want to grow carnivorous plants
>Water quality is horrible, scale buildup on everything and TDS likely through the roof

Is there a small RO system I can just connect to a garden hose or something? Are those under-sink ones worth a fuck? Some of my thinner leaved plants would likely appreciate the cleaner water as would my aquariums.
ok but what about Sicily
Retvrn to collecting rainwater
I'd love to but it doesn't rain here often enough or hard enough to be a reliable enough source. Also, winters are fairly harsh here (zone 4b), so that's out for half the year anyway. Maybe I'll just say fuck it and try anyway. I hear D. Capensis is fairly forgiving provided you give it a good bog mix.
>winters are fairly harsh here (zone 4b), so that's out for half the year anyway
Snow melts, genius. I have a single 55 gallon drum as a rain barrel and it's more than enough for all my bog plants year round. I just go fill up 4 or 5 empty jugs on a warm afternoon in the winter.
Persianshieldbros how are we doing today?
Mine dried up but i replaced it with something else but i gotta say not many plants get that nice purple on them
I'm partial to Tradescantia pallida
I love growing plants but I'm a stubborn idiot who only grows plants from seeds. Buying a plant or even a cutting feels like cheating. As a result I only have a few plants
Why am I like this?
do you buy the seeds or collect them?
>it's native all the way down to northern NSW
Huh. You might be right, according to the NSW Primary Industries Department and other sources.
Weird, because most local councils in SE Qld list it as a weed.
In any case, there's certainly no shortage of it, so you can take as much of it as you want and grow it at home.
>As a result I only have a few plants
Does not compute. Are you a masochist? Are you hunting for phenotypes? Are you growing annual vegetables? I grow most of my plants from seed too and I have thousands.
weird. brisbane council has a bunch of native plants on their weeds list but logan and GC seem to just have a particular hate boner for nephrolepis for some reason
no idea why though cause it's really not that aggressive
Well except for tomatoes and peppers.
What causes this stare
Does he have chlorophyll in his veins
That's just your average lowest americel
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I touched it a few days ago and it seperated from the other stem, the little half moon near the tip is where it was.
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So so. Getting bit reachy but might leave her where is while spring ramps up see how she reacts before moving.
I'm kinda like that too. It does feel like cheating but it also saves a lot of time. I tried growing giant sequoia from seed but the seedling died at an early stage. Decided to just order a tree and skip the first 3 years which are also realistically the ones where they require the most care.
There are a bunch of natives from other parts of Queensland that are considered invasive in south-east Queensland, including that big Schefflera that's everywhere (and which the lorikeets love), the Queensland silver wattle (Acacia whateverthefuck) and that Nephrolepis.
There are much worse weeds in SEQ, especially groundcovers like Singapore daisy (Sphagneticola trilobata, from Mexico), shrubs like Easter cassia (Senna pendula, from South America), and trees like the African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata, which is toxic to native bees) and the fucking cunt of a Cocos palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana), which kills vulnerable native flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) in numerous different ways.
It's all a fucking dumpster fire.
But yeah, pull out as much Nephrolepis cordifolia as you want from your local park or vacant lot or bit of wasteland or your neighbour's gardens (or their green bins after they've pulled it out of their own gardens). Hell, come around to my place and pull it out of my garden beds. It just keeps growing back constantly.
You can get heaps of decent ornamentals just by looking for weeds and garden escapees in your local parks and wasteland -- Agaves, bromeliads, cactuses, Philodendrons, Monsteras, Kalanchoes, Tradescantias, Syngoniums, etc, etc, etc. Cunts are always dumping their garden rubbish in parks and vacant land and it just takes off.
you couldn't be talking about acacia podalyriifolia could you? that's literally endemic to southeast queensland
and yeah if I'm pulling invasive garden escapees I'm sure as fuck not planting them anywhere lmao
and anyway I wasn't talking about things like schefflera actinophylla or corymbia torelliana that are introduced from other parts of queensland I was talking about hydrocotyle acutiloba and centella asiatica that are actually locally native
the only reason anyone could have such a hate boner for such innocuous unintrusive groundcover plants is cause they get their knickers all in a knot when anything tries to grow in their glyphosate monoculture monstrosity of a lawn
even shit like lobelia purpurascens half the shit on the internet is about getting rid of it like there's no way these people have souls
>makes new thread
>doesn't bother to link it
Bizarre behaviour.

I'll do it then.

OK let's try one more time...

I've put my philodendron imperial red in a clear pot yesterday. It this a big mistake? Have I fucked it up?

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