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Cross Species Edition
Is there an anon that has the webm of a buff smashed and slammed ginger kitten crawling out of a box and chasing the camera man?
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Bless you anon
she has maybe 3 months left to live
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They’re doing this to Sphinx cats now?
Can we please kill these people?
The skeem will come for all animal species
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>grey eyes
The dog is better looking than the spic holding him
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These "micro bullies" are just abhorrently inbred pitbulls. Boston Terriers ad French Bulldogs came to be the same exact way. What is even the point of doing it again?

So I guess vitiligo looks disgusting on animals too. I was convinced they could pull it off.

>Why do subhumans who can't even imagine how they themselves would feel if they hadn't eaten breakfast that morning not feel bad about making other living creatures suffer?

It's like a pyramid skeem
So I get that the best toadlines have their skeemseed (fresh and frozen) collected from their bodies and stored indefinitely to refresh/further inbreed the lineage as needed, but who are the biggest providers? Who are the primarchs of the toadline chapters?
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>pit bulls
there is no way these guys are coming out of APBT and AmStaff stock with ears straight out of a frenchie. I remember some anon here found the earliest exotic bully, and it already had the frenchie ears and muzzle. There's no way they didn't outcross more. Pic rel
My money is on Frenchies and Eng Bulldogs for the wide set chest.
The cattery making the bully cats is called Bullbinos. A sphinx cat mixed with a munchkin to produce a munchkin sphinx is called a Bambino. I think the cat in those pictures is named King Racks.
I know a lot of kennel clubs that want to recognize smaller American Bullies but distance themselves from Exotic Bullies will simply have an outright ban against Mr. Miagi bloodlines. The dogs were so inbred, I guess most of them can be traced back to Mr. Miagi
??? nigga that is one of the most hideous toadlines i've ever seen. it looks diseased. where's its hair? it looks like it all fell out.
>(fresh and frozen)
This invocation gave me a thought
>plane carrying toadsicles crashes over the north pole
>cargo miraculously remains intact buried in ice
>recovered by a science team thousands of years from now
>they send it off to experts who figure out it's dog cum
>inseminate a bitch with it to see what comes out
>"SHOCKING: You Won't Believe What Ancient Dogs Looked Like!"
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>tfw humanity in the future will have the means to keep a BRICKLINE alive
And CEMENTING BRICKLINE's place in nature
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Why is he black when the guy is clearly white? White people don't like to pretend trailer trash meth heads are real?
It's part of the skeem, you wouldn't get it
>1 year old
So at the end of her life, got it.
Made for this thread
Literal smashed collision?
Particle accelerator?
Ugly motherfucker mad at the world
thats air btw, not muscle
two stillborn toadlines, one literally FUSED with the other anon
these could go really hard if it wasn’t for the health issues caused by inbreeding
Didn't even try to make the toadie look intimidating like most
he looks particularly retarded
probably too dumb to feel the joint pain
You mean the health issues caused by inbreeding and their morphology? No such thing as a healthy toad.
Why he's holding him like that? He won't escape far
Probably it's permanently oxygen deprived so badly it's high all the time.
They tip over if they're not supported, that's why the owners always hold them up when presenting them.
double digit IQ NAPA
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Yeah, if they restored the skeletons to natural form, made the ears upright, lengthened the fur, added back the undercoat, fixed the mental retardation, and undid all the other miscellaneous crimes against nature, they'd be pretty good dogs. Here's an artist's rendition of what such a hypothetical "unsmashed toad" might look like.
Good to know they can't even walk straight, guess the single thing they can do well is die at young age.
Someone post the family tree
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You forgot the "reduced their polygons" step
so...just a vague pomeranian?
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Trauma is back
I drew him as black because I found it funnier that way.
That's a side effect of the skeletal restoration process.

Those are shiba inus (puppies, from nintendogs!). But yeah, pretty much any spitz.
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>they're juicing up the toads to cum even more
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>Numbers don't lie
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It should be a tatted up 3rd generation Mexican. I honest to god do not see many blacks into the skeem; I think the breeding requires too much planning.

This appears to be an exaggerated stance used in pit bull types that is highly looked down on and considered a BYB stack, pic related. Basically they are exaggerating the forward lean by pulling back on the leash to make them appear more top/front heavy. I can't really tell from this angle and even from a side angle IDK if it would be easy to tell due to the form of the dog.
>for those that don't know what that means
Holy shit
Breeding creatures to be like this physically is absolutely depraved and evil. These people are genuine monsters. I want a dog to be as physically healthy and strong as possible, these fuckers don't deserve to be alive.
imagine 4chan if the /r9k/ unique message requirement applied to all boards
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New thread lore
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>every masterpiece has its cheap copy
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r9k is somehow more miserable than lives of toadlines
I like this one
I feel like there's a spark of intelligence in him
He looks like he's pondering about his life
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He's still not oxygen deprived
It seems toads without breathing problems are more aware of their situations thanks to them getting the needed oxygen to their brains
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this will never not be the saddest toad
nigga trying SO hard just to keep his shit together but you can tell he knows about the hand that life dealt him
the self aware toads would be justified in mauling toddlers, if their bodies were capable of it
>mfw i sit on a box of my own coom
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Vitiligo can look good, it's just cause it's on an inherently ugly animal.
Why so serious?
I mean... they aren't wrong
>a challenger appears!
RIP Cum Rag, we hardly milked ye

It's more like
>multicolored skin = foul diseased creature
>multicolored hair = most beautiful thing in existence
they have their charm, i mean they look like some truly evil motherfuckers.
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The resemblance to frenchies is uncanny when they don't crop their ears
You wasted 3 dubs on a midwit take.
Hope you die a horrible death.
that's because a lot of them have genestock from both french and english bulldogs.
Nigga can't even move
The skeem cave...
Disgusting, they really chose the most unflattering photo of this creature
Wasted dubs, you haven't seen the webm's
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then post them, most of what I see are mexicans and some whites.
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Most of the breeders are black
>White people don't like to pretend trailer trash meth heads are real?
pretty much. you can post 5 pictures of white trash handling toadies and get no comments, but post 1 picture of a minority handling them you'll get them saying "why are minorities so obsessed with the skeem???" you have to remember these incels don't live in reality. anything that conflicts with their headcanons they just ignore.

to anyone with an IQ with more than 2 digits, it's obvious that toadlines are mostly handled by poor/working class people of all skin colors.
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Sorry but I keep my niggas in on the skeem
The dimetrodon will walk the Earth again.
then you need to actually post more black handlers because it looks like you're cherry picking, when this thread has like 70 images of smashed dogs and only like 5 black owners.
Jesus fucking Christ.
nigga, these lil niggas already cant breathe, dont cover their face if you want them to live more than 6 months.
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dindu ruffins: smashed and slammed edition
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Yeah I’m not posting videos of niggas jelking dogs and most of my niggas don’t post pictures of themselves. Shit nigga I doubt you even met the photographer nigga he a real g and understands to tell them dumbasses we only need to see the merchandise
Would you take the class?
What actually is the point of this though? Did they think this through?
I assume toadline breeders don't have assured coverages like horse studs (I.E that you can keep breeding a stallion to a mare for one charge until she is in foal), so surely having a lower sperm count would result in failed takings of the sperm, resulting in more people buying semen until it takes, right? Yeah it's unethical business practice but I think we're way past that here.
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You cant make this shit up
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Looks like ghoul
Some things matter more than money. The breeders are getting carpal tunnel from jacking off the toads too often.
oh wow that could actually kill the dog
Christ in staples. This smashed and slamed trend is a abomination. Ok I didnt give much of a damn about pit bulls but cats thats a line thats going to far .

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