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Obligate carnivore edition
Previous thread >>4877841
he can't even chew it ;_;
the thing about cat and dog food is it's somehow completely devoid of nutrition and has nothing they need in it and yet there's no observable trend of animals fed better food living any longer.
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i love his haircut
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ai slop
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>can't easily tell real from AI-slop
>scared of an archive link
the only non-sentient being here is (You)
It got deleted for good reason anon.
I deleted it because I felt like it.
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I bet vegans hate this cute video.
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I love when torties have a little white patch on their chests, same with black cats
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I went to the shelter last week and this big fluffy fella kept staring right up at me
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She's got a big one on her belly :)
I love torties so much....
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I love my cat, bros
cute cats
Do you prefer to get cat treats that have consistent size or ones with big and tiny pieces.
My cat likes both obviously.
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What are the odds of a calico cat having a child that is also a calico with a nearly identical color spread?
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>cat keeps jumping up and down from a high window in the basement
>worried he'll hurt himself jumping down, so I put a chair in front of it for him to hop onto
>idiot acts like the chair is blocking the window and now he jumps farther trying to go around it
I've been giving my cats some wet food with charcoal and hot water mixed in and as much dry food as they want for tooth and gum health. So far they love it and their litter box hardly smells at all.
What's the odds that you gets shiny one with the same Pattern?
okay, thanks for the suggestion weird charcoal guy

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