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/an/ webm thread
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downright ghoulish
>alright, if none of you are going to take this seriously, I'll just go
What the fuck happened here?
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Brings a whole new meaning to sucking face
>tfw no cute tan monkey minder tomboy gf
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Previous thread: >>4883939
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what's their fucking problem?
forced to eat nothing but cereal their entire lives. i had a cat that would grab a giant mouthful of kibble, take it into another room, drop it and eat it off the floor, then repeat until she was full.
Woman moment, animal edition.
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Corvid GODS

The Dassault Rafale of the animal kingdom
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Is he ok?
Yeah, he's just tired.
Safe and effective.
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>Didn't you know? BUMBLES BOUNCE!
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>caterpillars if they weren't such tremendous faggots about everything

literally this: >>4897697
sometimes when I'm hiking and some twigs fall on me I consider there could be a 300lb bear perched precariously above my head
Based wisdom of the forest man
Fucking love this cat like you would not believe
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>Woman moment
Came here to post this
>It should have been me not him .webm
>When you nut and she keeps sucking
wtf have trees always had nerve gas?
I'm sad for the bear everytime I see this. : (
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So elegant, so majestic.
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>horse lies down for even a second
>doesn't explode
I've been lied to
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lovecraft was right about italians...
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We get those here in australia, might have heard of them.
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Only American horses explode.
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>How it feels to chew 5 gum.
cats are braindead
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What do you mean? It clearly exploded upon landing.
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what's the context? Did they shoot the bear? did it faint? Did they hit it with tranquilizers a few minutes before?
I think it was shot and ran up a tree. Then fainted before dying and falling
he got his fauci ouchie
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anyone got the mantis vs plasma cutter webm?
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thanks m8
aardvarks are so weird, they don't look real, like, what are they even?
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you could say the same about platypuses. like, was god on mushies when he came up with those fuckers?
that dog's name better be Falcor
that dog's name better not be Falcor
I won't care too much either way if that dog's name is Falcor
I simulatiously want and do not want that dog's name to be Falcor.
Alas, poor Falcor! I knew him, Horatio...
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This is why we need to completely drain out the oceans
That's crazy
Two more weeks trumpsister
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How can anyone say lizards have no emotions?
Just look how expressive this good boy is.
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Sensory pleasure vs emotion is something a lot of people struggle with since it's often difficult for us to experience one without the other.
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that lizard is just thinking "this feels nice, give me more", not emotions necesarily
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I won't call it cute.
But that sure is neat.
That's great and I love it.
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Some kind of pige, I think.
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Leaning jowlers
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Is the piglet gay? Or just cleaning his ass?
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just itchy probably
>Giving food aid to starving african countries.
doesn't this just mean it has worms
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Not the second one. That spot is just magical for many mammals.
I always thought that was a mating response for cats. since they only ever rape they're hardwired to lift their asses when they feel pressure there
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I don't know, man, many animals have similar reactions to that particular spot.
I mean, it could still be mating-related, but I don't think it's cat-specific.
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Turtles do the same. Seems like almost every animal likes their butt scratched.
its because its one of the few spots they cant reach normally, the fact that humans can touch every part of their body is pretty abnormal
What are emotions then?

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