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use your imagination
When kstew makes you too gay let your little sister Syd make you straight again.
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I just want to see her naked
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Not a bad start.
She is insanely sexy
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Sex personified in fact
I can never get enough of those legs
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Work is boring today.

Not feelin good.

Hopefully there are some nice celebs when I get home.
juuuuust naked
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Everything about her is sexual. A feast for the senses
Perfect from head to toes, literally
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Kstew is just a twink with a pussy, and that's a good thing.
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I think there is something to this
>open wide, Kristen
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You wouldn't last 10 seconds in her mouth. I doubt any guy could
what's wrong anon? tummy ache?
But I'd be ready to go for Round2 in less than 5 more seconds
I'd jerk off first and make her start me off soft and numbed.
kristen's toes look like they'd have perfect mouthfeel
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Dumb blogposter
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I'd like to watch that ngl
You shouldn't deny her the pleasure of draining you completely
this girl has a thing with toilets
I'd do my best to put on a good show for some audience
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This is true fact.
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I wish.

Bored and tired.

I've been standing around for an hour.
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Make it a big performance
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Oh it's big
Don't worry, I'll cum on her feet.
please show nipple
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Is this the most gropeable her cute little tiddies ever looked?
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Good because you just know she is a massive size queen

You make a mess, it will need cleaning up
God I want her to measure my cock and tell me it's just barely too smol but give me a pass
It will most certainly be more than sufficient for her
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She should tell you you are just too small and make you clean up what >>920754423 did
I can't cuck myself anon, kstew doesn't make me that much of a switch.
But how could a lesbian be a size queen?
Men's cocks start at 8 inches for kstew, she'll still lick your clitty though.
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You should give in. It can be fun
Is she just posing for cock tribs?
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Legs for days
Dear lord
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Love those pink lips. Just imagine what that pretty mouth of hers can do.
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Can never have enough Vicky and Vanessa :3
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Cute 60sfu
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I like Munn
Smol jiggle
Cat got your tongue or something?
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my wife!!!!
Jessica is unbelievably hot.
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Please go on
Alright, you win this
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I wanna suck cock to this kstew titty
Yes literally
God she's so sexycute :3 love her melons shirt
Agreed. I think she's honestly underrated tbh.
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I love my wife's melons!
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Joey has elite tits
>Yes literally
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Wait, you're going backwards now. That's a dog, not a cat
Suck mine, please!
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Elle sexo
Ayo! That’s hot…
Umm Allison everyone can see your skinny cute pussy.
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Starting by sucking your balls
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cute feet
Careful, they are very sensitive
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Anyone want to watch trans porn together
hit the wall at 300 000 km/s
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Don't think she worries too much about that m8
You’d become the threads fucktoy for Kstew
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Imagine actually having scat pictures saved to your computer
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They're not huge, but they look so big on her tiny frame
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I must put on something a bit more appropriate
You be careful I use my tongue a lot
Wanna talk in private?
I need to see those nipples
>I must put on something a bit more appropriate
Dress to impress, like a good little slut
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Post yours
Anything perhaps Kristen has worn?
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Sounds good, post a pic of the outfit you’d love to be fucked in
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goddamn have you ever been so drunk eating makes your eyes hurt? weird as fuck
my parents showed up at my house to check on me because I was unresponsive. My fucking dildo was right on the table in the living room, not a word was said
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Best mommy daughter
Why is he posting new selfies?
Agreed. Both have great boobs
I just came to trans cock
It's worse than that, he modifies the pics so there are multiple copies with different hashes.
did it feel good? how big was the load? did you eat any of it?
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Maya wins for me. She's got the cute/comfy factor
This is also true. God bless genetics
there is nothing wrong with that
Felt good, it was a normal amount of cum(not too little) came into my hand then wiped it off with tissues
such a waste. i wish i'd been there to give you a warm, wet mouth to cum into.
What a grim existence he must lead.
fuck maya...
>the cute/comfy factor
the most important of factors
i applaud you, anon
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Don't mind if I do!
It's an important distinction to make. Being beautiful/hot/sexy (delete as applicable) is one thing, but it's nothing without having the personality and appeal to back it up
>it's nothing without having the personality and appeal to back it up
words of wisdom, mayanon
words of much wisdom
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>A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.

Snood is adorable. Best Emma - 8/10.

The show and all the characters are awful. 3/10
I love that she clearly knew they were hanging out and didn't give a fuck
She made the mistake of being white and playing the cutesy character on Wednesday. Everyone jokes about "get nude to show you're serious", but she seems at real risk for limiting typecasting
imagine how soft and squishy they must be
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Also fuck your BBC. I had to roll my VPN twice to get iPlayer to work.

I hope your biscuits break and fall into your tea.
Soft probably applies lots of places for her
like soft, creamy thighs to kiss and a soft, warm tummy to finish on if you can make yourself pull out
All amazing ideas, though i might finish just a little higher
pulling out and barely having time to slide between her warm, milky breasts as she squeezes them together and you spatter all over her chin and neck?
Yes, that precisely. It's as if you were in my head. And bonus points for spatter.
I just farted
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>It's the 2nd of July and according to these records you have not shot semen out of your penis in Jenna Ortega's honour this month, care to explain?
i'm on no-fap
It was an official act. I have immunity. But that is a nice collage.
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built for sloppy, vomit throat fuck
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What do you think is the most taboo kink Bella's into?
Piss, both holding it is for pervs and drinking it
She likes to handcuff her bfs hands behind his back naked and make him watch her suck BBC at a glory hole.
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Her titts
Who's this bridge troll?
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Lovely necklace. Lovely Liz
>bella 2 pitchers of beer deep trying to hold it in for pervy executives betting on how long it'll take before she pisses herself
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>shut up anon, you're all talk
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I want to use my penis as an applicator to rub lotion all over her until I cum so much that I die.
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the fuck up nigger
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Based and RodrigoPilled.
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Whos this weird looking qt
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Peyton List
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Only a few more hours until I'm back at my flop house.
Whats it going to be tonight? Drink and spam? Drink and watch a movie and spam? Eat snacks and drink and spam? Jack off and spam?
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Mite jack my shit depending on the celebs NGL. Definitely gonna snack and watch moobie (still finishing Furiosa five days later).
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You'll come home and spam. Let's be real, lil bro.
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Too tired tonight. I got 20 minutes left on the movie I think I can pull it off if I turn my brain off and drink three cans of Coca-Cola Spiced.
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My m-mistress V-Victoria J-Justice i-is a very b-b-b-beautiful w-w-woman... I-I k-know I-I shouldn't h-have her...
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How do we save her from the jews?
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Drinking that much coca cola surely cannot be good for you.
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>He still thinks I have even a single hand on the wheel of my life.
lol. lmao, even.

I let Satan take the wheel years ago.

Gonna power thru the rest of this shit shift.
Bi bi.
They've already made her air-tight as part of the initiation. She's had pig DNA from jews blasted into every hole.
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>I let Satan take the wheel years ago.
Luther would not approve.
Have fun at work. Maybe this cute Charli will help you out.
youre now just describing every single hollywood actor/actress now
I love Meika.
Why did my dick get hard
Precisely. Sadly, it probably happened long before she was of age. Hollywood is a child abuse cult.
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Oh no!
is it a child abuse cult cause its hollywood or is it like that because of the jews?
Hollywood is jewish
Jews established hollywood for the sole purpose of being able to make movies quick and cheap while making money hand over fist and fucking children. When they run out of florida, they set up in california.
would hollywood be hollywood if it werent for the jews?
the rat face needs to be driven out wherever they set up shop. give them a country, they still ruin everything. wheres the fourth reich when you need them?
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It's funny to me that the oscars, hollywood's biggest night, started out as an attempt by the jew studio execs to stop the laborers they were exploiting and basically treating like slaves from unionizing. I'm not kidding. Look it up. Some of the biggest advances in worker rights were made in defiance of jews trying to get away with not paying people they wanted to work to death (with notable non-jew exceptions like Henry Ford, who might as well have been a jew.)
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sometimes sydney is wholesome
she needs to be raped and then raise the rape babies i put into her
oh Kenny
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she needs to be made love to and we'll adopt a couple of cool foster kids and live in the country
Requesting thick white ass
look at her
i just wish i couldve gotten close enough in an alley to rape her. so many wishes. so many missed opportunities. so many regrets.
rape >>>>>>> love; when you grow up, youll figure that out
no one likes white girl butts
no northy
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>gentle, passionate lovemaking
>hours of devouring her like a ripe peach
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Literally every single man on the planet with balls does
Lily has no shame
We'll know Kenny lost her virgin card when she stops making virgin jokes
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True fact.
you sound like youre overdosing on estrogen
man up and rape the woman you love so much
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>making her feel cherished and loved in and out of bed
>endeavoring to make her smile like this every day
was this how your mom and dad raised you? sound like a faggot anon. you shouldve been burned like the tranny you are.
once you rape, youll never go back
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>kissing all her ticklish spots after lovemaking until she can barely breathe from laughing, then watching a comfy movie with her
sounding more like a woman every day. guess youre gonna be posting in the trap thread soon
>seeing her smile and remembering how insanely fortunate i am to be with her
Allison anon is a cute femboy in Marfa TX
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Im making fries and a burger and a hotdog
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>marfa tx lol
they know hwat theyre doing. the creepy part though is mommy probably told them to.

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