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Catholic /v/irgins did you pray to Blessed Saint Carlo of Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox today?
wrong board but I did play some Minceraft earlier with my mates
you have to be 18 to post here
you don't pray "to" saints. anyone who does received poor religious instruction. i'm pretty sure god considers their intentions and forgives their ignorance.
Mainstream media is so weird man, he was made a saint because he supposudly healed people's chronic illnesses. But because he ever played video games he's described as 'Video-gaming teenager'.
catholics pray to have saints intercede on their behalf, like a middleman between them and god (which is beyond retarded and proves by itself that the whole religion was a jewish invention)
the idea is so similar to praying to saints that most of them don't know the difference or care, remember the vast majority of all catholics who ever lived weren't/aren't even white
Carlo Acutis ora pro nobis
Why is he being made a saint? Last I checked, surviving 100 days of hardcore with Herobrine isn't an act of God.
>he supposudly healed people's chronic illnesses
There are no Saints recognised by the Church that were canonised by Rome after the schism. They are literally heretics.
You have no idea what you're even talking about which isn't surprising.
What was incorrect about what he said?
Why don't you actually look up the things he did instead of saying dumb shit.
>On July 8, 2022, Liliana prayed at Blessed Carlo’s tomb in Assisi, leaving a letter describing her plea. Six days earlier, on July 2, her daughter Valeria had fallen from her bicycle in Florence, where she was attending university.

>She had suffered severe head trauma, and required craniotomy surgery and the removal of the right occipital bone to reduce pressure on her brain, with what her doctors said was a very low chance of survival.

>Liliana’s secretary began praying immediately to Blessed Carlo Acutis, and on July 8, Liliana made her pilgrimage to his tomb in Assisi.

>That same day, the hospital informed her that Valeria had begun to breath spontaneously. The next day, she began to move and partially regain her speech.

>On July 18, a CAT scan proved that her hemorrhage had disappeared, and on August 11, Valeria was moved to rehabilitation therapy. She made quick progress, and on September 2, Valeria and Liliana made another pilgrimage to Assisi to thank Blessed Carlo for his intercession.
>the idea is so similar to praying to saints that most of them don't know the difference or care

so who are they praying too when they pray for a saint to intercede on their behalf? are they praying to god to make a saint intercede on their behalf to god?
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two more weeks of shitposting and pope faggot will canonize all groyper kids as well
all you have to do is falsely accuse non christians of being jewish 10,000 times on 4chan and you will receive sainthood
he told some chronicaly ill people on the internet to kill themselves
protestantism is so fucking barren. it's no surprise that luther was a fucking german. i'm happy that there's at least some small sense of mystery left in catholicism.
>On October 12, 2013, seven years after Carlo's death, a child, affected by a congenital malformation (annular pancreas), when it was his turn to touch the picture of the future blessed, expressed a singular wish, like a prayer: 'I wish I could stop vomiting so much.' Healing began immediately, to the point that the physiology of the organ in question changed

These are the two miracles attributed to Carlo Acutis, which were investigated for the cause of his sainthood.
>God will love you more and maybe cure your cancer if instead of talking to him you first go through the ghost of a level 18 cleric and venerate his gilded metatarsal
The fact Catholics deny they're idolaters is the funniest shit
LOL that pic....
Not a Prot, dipshit. They are even worse than you RCs.
Why not just pray to God himself?
This word has been abused so much since the reformation it’s lost most of its meaning.
Catholics have always been the meme denomination
>video-gaming teenager


was he even big on gaming
No shit. Your asking the saint to speak to God for you because God lives them especially much and may help you if they ask for an indulgence in the saints name for you. Same thing applies for Mary. Yoy don't pray to them. That's WRONG. Lots of Catholics get this wrong.
Pray to God The Father...YES.
Pray to God The Son...YES.
Pray to God The Holy Spirit...YES.
>Mattia Pastorelli, 28, was a childhood friend of Acutis, who first met him when they were both around the age of five. He remembers playing video games, including Halo, with Carlo. (Acutis' mother also told CNA that Super Mario and Pokémon were Carlo's favorites.)
>protestantism is so fucking barren.
This saint is in a class coffin and people come to worship in some tasteless Indian fashion.
Damn that is some shit taste desu senpai not trying to be rude
if god is all knowing and all powerful, why does any argument at all work on him? seems like an exceptionally jewish line of reasoning - what's your opinion on jews getting into heaven?
Dont reply to shills, retards or trolls. Catholics have been proven to be a false church teaching heresy, which is no surprise, given their track record.
Heres a common catholic prayer to mary.
"Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen."
a common catholic prayer to saint Joseph
To thee, O blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our affliction, and having implored the help of thy thrice holy Spouse, we now, with hearts filled with confidence, earnestly beg thee also to take us under thy protection. By that charity wherewith thou wert united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly love with which thou didst cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray that thou wilt look down with gracious eye upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and wilt succor us in our need by thy power and strength...(continued)
They are always praying to humans. They need help from their priest to be forgiven for their sins. so on and so forth.
Why were they praying to this guy in the first place though?
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Ridiculous papist nonsense.
Why is this guy being made a saint instead of the actual surgeons who performed the medical procedures which are being falsely attributed as miracles
That covenant was broken. There is a new covenant and it's still going strong between Christians and God The Savior and Son. Most Jews are going straight to hell. Mark these words. They'll be gnashing their teeth and beating their breasts claiminf they were good Jews and God won't give one S***!
because catholic are gonna catholic
Do you know what gives you away as 60+ years old? Do you even know what dispensationalism is?
Actually 42 but whose counting.
This reminds me of when the veins in my dads eyes exploded (cov jab) and I got emotional for him so i prayed for his well being and he kept being diagnosed for "hysteria" even though he was literally fucking blind because the veins in his eyes exploded from a clot. Docs thought we were lying. Faith can be strong
>Why is this guy being made a saint instead
search for Carlo Acutis, and look it up. I would have been very embarrassed if I were catholic.
if you're 42 i'm sorry man, it's over.
Funny how there aren't any more saints being made. It's almost like miracles are bullshit.
Do you pray to statues of dead saints displayed in class coffins?
catholic do this with Carlo Acutis and many others.
This is borderline Pajeet tier if you ask me.
I've searched it up it just seems like people getting better and attributing the success of medical practitioners to some religious larper
The Catholic church still make new saints.
I think its a nice thing
It's still pajeet tier in all it's tastelessness.
Where were yoy in 2005. KEK!
I think u replied wrong. I just pray to god for other people. When you're emotional, it seems to have a bigger impact. Which relates to manifesting and shit but that's a different topic. It's kinda like... you ever had a period in your life when things started being a bit well? And you ask yourself "is somebody praying for me or something?" Sometimes that is the case. Those people who pray for us in closed doors are the ones we dont think about being them :))
St. Cody
>tasteless Indian fashion.
Pretty much sums it up. Still very funny to see all of the Anal Pope Cope.
Do *not* read Luke 1:28 and 1:42, Protbro
By faking evidence of their "confirmed miracles." Mother Teresa "healing" people was a fucking joke.
>nooooooo!!!!! Only my version of christardianity is correct!!!!!
Why are christians so fucking retarded and petty?
>15 year old
What a bunch of retards
Died in 2006, the only retard here is you. Maybe the pope too.
Born 1991, died at 15
pretty sure he was a primarily a programmer, so all the tech related prayers are delegated to him, gaming included ig
Are you retarded or you don't know what objectivity is?
He died in 2006 when he was 15, you retard
So it's just some medical miracles stuff. Catholics actually stew in pseudoscience and make it an official part of their religion?
His cylindrical religious candle stays litty
>Acutis' body was lifted from the crypt in Assisi and exhumed back in 2019. Immediately afterwards, it was claimed on social media that Acutis' body was "intact."[28][29] Carlo's mother and the postulator of the beatification process, Nicola Gori, had also spread this information[20].
>The Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, later stated correctly that Acutis' body had not been found intact, but had undergone "the normal process of decomposition"[30] and had been "reassembled with art and love".
>The heart was removed from the body and placed in a precious reliquary, initially in the Basilica of St Francis,[3] and in October 2022 it was buried in a new side altar dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis, financed by American donors, in the Cathedral of San Rufino, the historic episcopal church of Assisi,[32] for permanent reburial.
>From 1 to 19 October 2020, a recess in the front panel of the high coffin made it possible to look inside the burial chamber. There, the reconstructed body of Carlo Acutis could be seen dressed in everyday clothes from his estate, his hair prepared and his face and hands modelled in silicone[3][6][30][33][34].

the mother is liar
and then they butchered the corpse
catholicism is a joke

/pol/ mods are the worst and most incompetent retards to ever grace 4chan
No it's more nuanced then that.
But your an ass. So I won't bother.

You'll never be cool enough to have your body paraded around on your feast day.
Ahh OP thanks you re-posted my thread from last night

I haven't made a thread since /bants/ founding circa 2017, I started to make a Facebook or Twitter post but posted on /pol/ instead >>>/pol/472826051

I checked to see what threads were getting bumped with my new topic and saw my toenail was like wtf /x/ kek

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