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You're on your weekly walk in the forest and you see pictured in a ditch nearby.
What's the right course of action here?
Do not make eye contact or talk to it and leave as quickly as possible. Do not look back no matter what you hear.
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>forest spirit

Oh well ...
>weekly walk in the forest
replace that with daily diarrhea in my gaming chair

>right course of action
cum I guess. Idk. Im MGTOW now so these bitches better apologize.
i can save her
Now I’m confused
Wave and say "Well hello there!"
No wonder you never get laid.
shoot it
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Ignore it, say I have a right to walk here, keep moving.
Unzip pants
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- memeflag
- off-topic, time wasting thread
- '1 post by this ID'
I can fix her
Accept the gift of Excalibur it bestows on me and go on to fulfill my destiny
Immediately become a land developer and turn that place into a fucking car park.
I will ravage her pussy and ass. She is HELLBOUND.
fuck her or at least attempt to, get killed regardless
Do not conflate the Lady of the Lake with the Elf of the Swamp.
Water nymph, may try to drown me unless I can get my dick inside her first.
This guy is a fucking pussy and will never get to fuck a fey.

How difficult could that be, she is already pretty wet.
>You're on your weekly walk in the forest and you see pictured in a ditch nearby.
>What's the right course of action here?
Remind myself of that quote by the Romans when they encountered the British
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>no 360 and walk away
Rape rape rape rape rape
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>"watcha lookin at cunt wanna have a go?"
Reminds me of the greentext of /fit/bro vs spirts/haunted house.

Realistically I wouldn't even react, I dont believe in the paranormal or anything fantastic, I would assume its either a prank or a crazy person and not really react to it. If she rushed me I would stand my ground and beat the crap out of her when she got in range.

Also my ears are pointy and my eyes are brighter, if anything I'd be happy to meet family.
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Cant you have fun for once?
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put hair in a broom and whack he grave in absentia
i save rasulkas i dont die like a simp
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Throw bits of bread in the water then turn 360 to walk out of Walmart
Not politically incorrect, fuck off.
Do your fucking job mod glownigger.
I would literally not do anything. Women have turned me off on every level I'm no longer heterosexual.
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>What's the right course of action here?
helo my basterd bitch redeem the bobs
she has to eat all the eggs

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